#and then seed has no choice BUT to carry them because that would make their foot worse and they don’t want that 😭
robinlmaoo · 10 months
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stealthy and seed!! they met when seed found stealthy in the wasteland with a hurt leg, and healed them :)
stealthy annoys the seed a lot with their reckless and loud personality (and apparent obliviousness to imminent danger), but the seed cant leave them because they have a moral obligation as a healer to stay with and take care of their patient! though theyre secretly amused by, and admire the survivor’s daringness and boldness :)
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soberscientistlife · 1 month
I'm pro-choice & pro-life.
I'm pro-Barbara who found out at her 20 week anatomy scan that the infant she had been so excited to bring into this world had developed without life sustaining organs. I'm pro-Susan who was sexually assaulted on her way home from work, only to come to the horrific realization that her assailant planted his seed in her when she got a positive pregnancy test result a month later. I'm pro-Theresa who hemorrhaged due to a placental abruption, causing her parents, spouse, and children to have to make the impossible decision on whether to save her or her unborn child. I'm pro-little Cathy who had her innocence ripped away from her by someone she should have been able to trust and her 11 year old body isn't mature enough to bear the consequence of that betrayal. I'm pro-Melissa who's working two jobs just to make ends meet and has to choose between bringing another child into poverty or feeding the children she already has because her spouse walked out on her. (Maybe one of those is a minimum wage job at Hobby Lobby, and she can't afford birth control because her employer went to the Supreme Court to make sure her insurance plan doesn't cover it.) I'm pro-Brittany who realizes that she is in no way financially, emotionally, or physically able to raise a child. I'm pro-Emily who went through IVF, ending up with SIX viable implanted eggs requiring selective reduction in order to ensure the safety of her and a SAFE amount of fetuses. I'm pro-Jessica who is FINALLY getting the strength to get away from her physically abusive spouse only to find out that she is carrying the monster's child. I'm pro-Vanessa who went into her confirmation appointment after YEARS of trying to conceive only to hear silence where there should be a heartbeat. I'm pro-Lindsay who lost her virginity in her sophomore year with a broken condom and now has to choose whether to be a teenage mom or just a teenager. I'm pro-Courtney who just found out she's already 13 weeks along, but the egg never made it out of her fallopian tube so either she terminates the pregnancy or risks dying from internal bleeding and horrific pain. I’m pro-Renee who developed eclampsia and in her third trimester and had to terminate her pregnancy or else she and her much loved baby would die. Also pro-Lorraine who found out two weeks before her due date that her baby’s heart wasn’t beating anymore, and had to be induced so she wouldn’t develop a life threatening infection. You can argue and say that I'm pro-choice all you want, but the truth is: I'm pro-life. Their lives. Women's lives. You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios should be accepted. It's not about which stories you don't agree with. It's about fighting for the women in the stories and the CHOICE that was made for them, by them. Women's rights are meant to protect ALL women, regardless of their situation - or how big their bank account is. Because, let's face it, rich people's daughters and mistresses (yes, even the ones who voted for anti-abortion bills) will always be able to find safe abortions. They did before Roe v Wade. Most poor women will still get abortions too, whether from centuries old, unsafe home methods or from opportunistic untrained, unsafe people. Roe v. Wade didn't create abortion. It ended poor, desperate women and girls dying from them and making decisions about their lives.
Author Unknown
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y0ur-loca1-lyr3 · 3 months
Hey anon here! Could we see an update on your previous post about Shane? How he is as a partner?
A/N; of course I can make an update! Here you are, anon! The first part to this was super fun to make, and so was this <3
Shane x reader dating headcanons
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Dating Shane is nice to say the least
He’ll often swipe something from his job to give to the farmer
They’re the only person he trusts to care for his chickens when he can’t
He’s doing his best to recover from drinking
Despite that there will probably still be days where he comes home drunk, and crying
He really is doing his best though, and will celebrate being sober for long periods of time (as he should)
He thanks the farmer for being so damn patient with him
Like he can’t wrap his head around how kind the farmer has been with him
He likes cuddling with the farmer while watching TV
I feel like he’d be a movie enthusiast, and would most definitely love to show the farmer his favorite movies
Would totally help out with the farm
Like if they asked for some help he’d totally be up for it
They need your crops watered, but are too busy that day? He’ll do it
Need some hay for the animals? It’s on the house
Even if they just need a bit of help with seed choice
He does his best to learn how to cook
Don’t get me wrong sometimes farmer will come home to the smell of burnt food, and the smoke alarm blaring while he tried to put out a fire with sugar
But other days they’ll come home to a delicious smelling meal after a hard day at work
He likes to kiss their cheek a lot
When he’s leaving, when their leaving, just because
He just likes how soft they are
Definitely hugs them from behind when their cooking, and would absolutely melt if they did the same
Sometimes he’ll take them stargazing by the dock
He also likes movie dates a lot
Would carry them to bed if you fell asleep while cuddling him
Overall he’s a good partner to be with even with his flaws <3
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svcredveins · 27 days
Here’s what will get us to win: never giving up.
That’s another issue with this community is that we are allowing those who are sexualizing women by just leaving and not doing any such action against it to end it. To end it entirely would be near impossible as that’s because it’s just how the world is unfortunately, but to at least rise above? Yes. That is possible. And what do they all want? A reaction. That’s literally the main reason - a reaction and to pleasure their own ego. It’s not worth giving them a reaction to them at all!
But to a point for your mental health, it is completely understandable by leaving or taking a break; I totally get that and I certainly don’t blame anyone for leaving at all because it is genuinely disgusting what they’re doing. They have every right to leave, but look at it this way:
We have a passion for the human heart and how it functions. That’s why this community exists right? If you are so passionate and don’t want to leave, then why leave? Love is always stronger than hate. Do what makes you happy! Everyone has a choice, but remember why you started.
We have met many amazing and kind people on here who do good too. Not everyone is a bad seed, so always remember about the good people you’ve met along the way. Talk to them more often if you are able to do so. They matter more!
Previously stated, there are good people here; we as humans always default to the negatives and think that they are everywhere on this app. Sure it may look like that, but what about the good people we’ve met along the way? The memories?
Bad things don’t last forever; remember that. There is a season for storms, there is a season for sunshine. Not everything is going to be okay, and that’s okay. It may be hard, but that is life and without tough circumstances, how can we grow as a human being?
I have met quite the bit of amazing people on here who are supportive and are kind. I’ve come across a couple of weirdos here and there but what do I do? I just ignore them; I don’t shift my focus entirely on them and just carry on with what I love doing. Sure I’ve answered twice to two weirdos, but my reaction is bold and to the point. If I need to say something, I will say it, and because I never mentioned my boundaries (I have subtly with what I am passionate about, but not literally speaking about it). I know it was just a couple, I know in comparison others have gotten so much sickening comments from thirsty men who want nothing but sex and see women only as a sex object and nothing else more, but the fact of the matter is, if you really want to stay, then stay. You do not have to because your mental health matters, but in order to rise above the haters, you must take action against these men who think nothing but only themselves and their dicks. Tumblr shouldn’t allow them to harass any women on this app.
We are strong women. We don’t owe men shit at all, and if they wanna be inappropriate, then let them watch porn if they want, but do not allow them to dictate your mind; block them. Do not show them anything. It’s their loss they have that low mindset; they will struggle in life because of their poor choices and very poor behaviour towards women. They will get their karma.
Even the new people who have joined, we gotta be there for them as well, we gotta be there for each other even more; that’s how deeper relationships grow. The world is a cold place and we gotta just spread more positivity than negativity. We just cannot allow the creeps to dictate how we feel about cardiophelia, or how we look, because again, they are driven by sexual pleasure, not by common sense and respect, and that’s entirely on them.
So ladies, we’ve got this. My DMs are open if anyone would like to vent about this, because I am entirely willing to help out and listen. We cannot let this community fall apart, because who else can we talk to about cardiophilia? Nobody else in person because they would think we’re creepy. But ultimately, it’s amazing how a community can build great relationships by just a simple app. Don’t let the buggers ruin it for us. They’re insecure and have huge egos.
That’s my piece of the cake. Thought I’d really vent about it as well. We gotta stand up everyone! That’s how this community won’t be dry like a desert. We gotta hype the new comers up and rise above the creeps. We’ve all got this! Nobody is ever alone. 🫀🙂
My apologies for copying this, Tumblr collapsed the reblog so it covered what I said haha, at least on my end and it’s like triple long haha. Anyway, that’s my little piece. Much love everyone 🖤
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ocean-cloud · 10 months
Aziraphale: an idealist, a problem solver, a denier and a protector
A meta analysis on his growth, his choices and his actions of season 2 (with a little bit of season 1 context and possible future)
so basically I'm back on my bullshit and need to consolidate my ever growing thought on these character.
Aziraphale's core traits are highly oppositional to Crowley, this could either cause great miscommunication or provide a well needed balance to the two of them. At his core he's an idealist, he assumed the best in everyone and everything, when issues arise he tries to make the best of it and solve the problem in his own way and protect everyone (regardless of the outcome the key take away is that he tries) but this no longer applies when he's afraid. Another key trait, Aziraphale throughout his life is always plagued by the fear of losing Crowley and losing his 'angel ness' and when the root of the problem comes from one of his fears, then his final trait comes around: pure denial.
The first time they met:
The first time Aziraphale meets Crowley we see a couple things, he's already absolutely smitten, he already fears questioning the plans of god and warns Crowley because he wants to protect him, and finally he sees Crowley be unequivocally happy when he gets to build the nebula.
And then.. the angels fall, millions of angels fall, including Crowley, now demons, 'unforgivable, evil, cruel' and barred from the love of god. And oh Aziraphale must feel awful, he thinks about how he planted the seeds of doubt into Crowley, if he hadn't said anything, Crowley would never have fallen, he should have stopped him. (this likely fuels another reason why he wants to restore Crowley to angel status, he blames himself for Crowley's sadness)
When he finally meets him again in the garden of Eden, and this as now is the first time he does something 'out of line' and disobeys god. And he's already afraid, oh he's gone to far, he question Almighty's plan, what is going to happen. He carries that with him, doesn't question the flood, just continues, because he is afraid. He learns one thing: god is unpredictable, he is not safe. So what does he do? he goes into denial, he pretend that god has a plan, and it is actually good, he becomes idealistic, even in such a moment, he uses it to protect himself.
2500 BC:
This flashback gives us an interesting insight into why Aziraphale chooses to make the choices he does. After years of being afraid of not question he develops a 1 dimensional viewpoint. But when he learns of the plan he can't hold back anymore, he knows this is wrong, but its heaven, heaven is good right? This time he has to question heaven and thankfully, his demon Crowley is there to protect it all, to solve the problem for him, so he is still free (as he can) but the question still lingers, and then.. then he finally tried food. Which makes him scares him even more, he wonders if he's sinned too much (questioning, sinned for eating food etc) and finally it all comes crashing down:
"I'm ready to go."
"Go where?"
"To Hell."
His fears reaching a boiling point and then he lies, and demons lie. But he goes forward, afraid but still an angel. He doesn't realize he's in this constant peril not because he deserves to fall, but because heaven and god's rules are arbitrary, contradictory and often use the most miniscule things to hurt.
His fears over the centuries of falling, losing Crowley, and openly loving him have now manifested as this idealism to life, that if humans make the perfect choices they would be okay, he carries one dimensional thinking because otherwise, he would have to face the fact god is unfair, god is ruthless.
We get quite a lot of insight into both of their philosophies in this episode. For one, Aziraphale realizes that 'bad' deeds aren't necessarily bad when you look at it from a different perspective. And that as of now he believes in that the more your suffer/lower you start in the hierarchy of life the more 'opportunities' you have to prove yourself, but at the same time he believes in 'divine punishment'
In the context of season 2 this makes sense, he has been taught that at any moment, for any miniscule reason, god can punish them (Job, Crowley, Elspeth etc) and the way he can deal with the unpredictability of god is he chooses to be one dimensional, an action is always either black and white, stealing that body is a bad choice and to validate this opinion he uses the idea that its more 'opportunities' but Crowley attacks that thought, he shows him, do you really think that's true? and of course he values Crowley's opinion and considers it, and it breaks him a little, so he goes back and finally reconsiders his initial thought, he concludes that its actually just a plain good deed, no nuance, no greyness just good.
Even though he reconsiders he doesn't reach the root of the problem, for all his problem solving skills, he is still in denial and he still believes that heaven is good, he is still after all that an idealist, he does not want to realize that god is not always right, god sometimes hurts and attacks the weak, that its unfair, that heaven might just not be good. he at this point is well and truly in denial.
Even after Armageddon, he still views heaven as 'good, the light, the truth' after all they went through, after he watched them try and tear apart humanity he still thinks heaven is the good side. Yes he questions them more now, and wants to fix them (problem solver) but he cannot shake of the idea that carried him all his life that heaven is good. His idealism makes him believe that he could fix it, he believes that there is good in all and he can bring it out. This results in less change in his relationship with Crowley then what they both desired, his fear of losing everything because he doesn't know what could happen if they finally verbalized their feelings (fear of the unknown)
So when Metatron treats him with kindness (and also a heavy dash of manipulation) and even validates his love for Crowley, he allows himself to dream. Dream of a new era of heaven, one where he no longer has to fear, one where he can be with Crowley, where he gets to see the unbridled joy that Crowley had pre-fall when he build the nebula. But this doesn't take into consideration how Crowley would feel, to go back into a place that was traumatic, it wouldn't make him happy, it would hurt him.
While this could be dismissiveness, it's likely its actually tied to his idealism and need to protect their lives. In his head he believes he could change heaven (its also important to factor in that he at this point does not know that they are trying for Armageddon 2.0) and he believes he can protect Crowley there. So he sees this as a chance to 'solve the problem', finally escape his fear, but instead falls right back into the his denial of heavens issues, that heaven and god is not 'the light, the truth, the good' but just another side fighting for power.
Growth and the way forward
In terms of growth its clear he has in fact changed though he still has far to go, he becomes less afraid of loving Crowley openly, though he still leaves things unsaid. He uses 'our' 'we' 'us' and initiates physical contact often, and attempts to reassure Crowley. His fear always makes him be subtle, his love is quiet and unseen. When he wants to tempt Crowley, its always so very subtle, he's so afraid to make an obvious move, he dances around it, leaving a clear impression, but never anything too obvious. But in season 2, he begins initiating that vulnerability, more often than not, physical contact, to show his reassurance, his feelings and heart. While Crowley grows to show more emotional vulnerability.
But in the end he cannot grow until he sees the true reality of heaven for himself, and realizes he cannot push this idealism onto Crowley, that he is wonderful, kind and humane because he is Crowley, he loves humanity in a way heaven and hell never could, he is kind and good not because he is actually an angel, but because he is Crowley
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istumpysk · 9 months
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Theon's bastard
People's Choice! I'm going to need a little more consensus on this one.
Under Consideration: These theories haven't garnered strong or extensive evidence, but they're worthy of discussion.
50/50: These theories are complete toss-ups.
Low Probability: While not impossible, these theories are unlikely based on the current evidence.
[Tier list overview]
Another theory involving Theon having a secret child?
You bet!
What's the theory?
Theon impregnated the daughter of the captain of the Myraham.
The Myraham is a trading cog from Oldtown captained by a large man.
At the beginning of A Clash of Kings, Theon Greyjoy hires the Myraham to transport him from Seagard to Lordsport to meet with his father, Balon Greyjoy.
The Myraham was a fat-bellied southron merchanter up from Oldtown, carrying wine and cloth and seed to trade for iron ore. Her captain was a fat-bellied southron merchanter as well, and the stony sea that foamed at the feet of the castle made his plump lips quiver, so he stayed well out, farther than Theon would have liked. An ironborn captain in a longship would have taken them along the cliffs and under the high bridge that spanned the gap between the gatehouse and the Great Keep, but this plump Oldtowner had neither the craft, the crew, nor the courage to attempt such a thing. - Theon I, ACOK
The journey took longer than Theon anticipated, giving him extra time for other activities.
A longship would have made the crossing in half the time as well. The Myraham was a wallowing tub, if truth be told, and he would not care to be aboard her in a storm. - Theon I, ACOK
What other activities, you might wonder? Taking the captain's daughter to bed.
Still, Theon could not be too unhappy. He was here, undrowned, and the voyage had offered certain other amusements. He put an arm around the captain's daughter. "Summon me when we make Lordsport," he told her father. "We'll be below, in my cabin." He led the girl away aft, while her father watched them go in sullen silence. - Theon I, ACOK
The cabin was the captain's, in truth, but it had been turned over to Theon's use when they sailed from Seagard. The captain's daughter had not been turned over to his use, but she had come to his bed willingly enough all the same. A cup of wine, a few whispers, and there she was. - Theon I, ACOK
We don't know much about the captain's daughter, but we do know she was an older maiden.
Late teens, perhaps? Early twenties? Not sure.
The girl was a shade plump for his taste, with skin as splotchy as oatmeal, but her breasts filled his hands nicely and she had been a maiden the first time he took her. That was surprising at her age, but Theon found it diverting. - Theon I, ACOK
The captain's daughter becomes enamored with Theon and wishes to accompany him ashore as his salt wife, but Theon isn't interested.
"I'd work in your castle, milord. I can clean fish and bake bread and churn butter. Father says my peppercrab stew is the best he's ever tasted. You could find me a place in your kitchens and I could make you peppercrab stew." "Once I might have carried you home as a prize, and kept you to wife whether you willed it or no. The ironmen of old did such things. A man had his rock wife, his true bride, ironborn like himself, but he had his salt wives too, women captured on raids." The girl's eyes grew wide, and not because he had bared her breasts. "I would be your salt wife, milord." "I fear those days are gone." - Theon I, ACOK
The girl begs Theon to take her with him, fearing her father will punish her once he departs.
~Foreshadowing alert~
Theon remains indifferent and suggests that her father should be grateful, as she's probably pregnant, and not everyone has the privilege of raising Reek's a king's bastard.
"My father," she told him. "Once you're gone, he'll punish me, milord. He'll call me names and hit me." Theon swept his cloak off its peg and over his shoulders. "Fathers are like that," he admitted as he pinned the folds with a silver clasp. "Tell him he should be pleased. As many times as I've fucked you, you're likely with child. It's not every man who has the honor of raising a king's bastard." She looked at him stupidly, so he left her there. - Theon I, ACOK
In the following Theon chapter, we learn that Balon is not allowing the Myraham or any other ships to depart the Iron Islands.
Theon quickened his stride as they neared the Myraham, rocking high and empty by the quay. Her captain had tried to sail a fortnight past, but Lord Balon would not permit it. None of the merchantmen that called at Lordsport had been allowed to depart again; his father wanted no word of the hosting to reach the mainland before he was ready to strike. "Milord," a plaintive voice called down from the forecastle of the merchanter. The captain's daughter leaned over the rail, gazing after him. Her father had forbidden her to come ashore, but whenever Theon came to Lordsport he spied her wandering forlornly about the deck. "Milord, a moment," she called after him. "As it please milord . . ." - Theon II, ACOK
Midway through the next book, A Storm of Swords, we learn that the Myraham was detained by Balon for more than six months. Amid the chaos of Balon's death and Euron's return, the captain fled.
Robb waited for Ser Raynald to close the tent flap. "The gods have heard our prayers, my lords. Lord Jason has brought us the captain of the Myraham, a merchanter out of Oldtown. Captain, tell them what you told me." "Aye, Your Grace." He licked his thick lips nervously. "My last port of call afore Seagard, that was Lordsport on Pyke. The ironmen kept me there more'n half a year, they did. King Balon's command. Only, well, the long and the short of it is, he's dead." - Catelyn V, ASOS
And that's the last we hear of the Myraham.
Are you sure?
In A Feast for Crows, after Samwell arrives in Oldtown, he notices a young mother with a baby just a bit older than Mance's boarding a ship.
At the Weeping Dock, he watched two acolytes help an old man into a boat for the short voyage to the Bloody Isle. A young mother climbed in after him, a babe not much older than Gilly's squalling in her arms. - Samwell V, AFFC
To clarify:
The ship is anchored in Oldtown.
The Myraham is a trading cog from Oldtown.
The girl boarding the ship is described as a young mother.
The Myraham's captain's daughter was an older maiden.
Samwell observes that the baby is slightly older than Mance's child, who was born towards the end of A Storm of Swords.
In Catelyn V, ASOS, we learn that the Myraham was detained at the Iron Islands for just over six months.
The timing aligns perfectly.
And that's it.
There's no counter-evidence to consider; it's just a matter of whether you find a single sentence in a Samwell chapter enough to be credible.
I suppose you could argue that it's completely inconsequential.
I find it a bit odd the author gives us a timeline for the Myraham and the age of the baby in Oldtown.
Clearly, Asha will rule the Iron Islands, Theon will die, and none of this matters. Nonetheless, I lean towards it being a clever little easter egg that George included for shits and giggles.
I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective—I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner, or if it's competitive, a second poll will be conducted to determine the proper location.
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redwolf17 · 1 year
Some Jaime Lannister Moments I Wish Fandom Remembered
Look, Jaime’s POVs are some of GRRM’s best. He has some great moments of bravery and kindness, and the reveal of why he killed Aerys tilts the reader’s and in-universe characters’ assumptions on their head.
However, there’s a bad habit of making fanon!Jaime a lot better person than canon!Jaime, ignoring his faults and dialing up his virtues, sometimes blaming all his sins on Cersei, as if he never makes choices of his own. Which… loses a lot of the nuance and contradictions that make Jaime such a fascinating character.
So, I’d like to lay out a few key canon quotes
AGOT, Tyrion I
Jaime Lannister regarded his brother thoughtfully with those cool green eyes. "Stark will never consent to leave Winterfell with his son lingering in the shadow of death."
"He will if Robert commands it," Tyrion said. "And Robert will command it. There is nothing Lord Eddard can do for the boy in any case."
"He could end his torment," Jaime said. "I would, if it were my son. It would be a mercy."
ASOS, Jaime I
"A man who would violate his own sister, murder his king, and fling an innocent child to his death deserves no other name."
Innocent? The wretched boy was spying on us.
He was curiously calm. Men were supposed to go mad with grief when their children died, he knew. They were supposed to tear their hair out by the roots, to curse the gods and swear red vengeance. So why was it that he felt so little? The boy lived and died believing Robert Baratheon his sire.
Jaime had seen him born, that was true, though more for Cersei than the child. But he had never held him. "How would it look?" his sister warned him when the women finally left them. "Bad enough Joff looks like you without you mooning over him." Jaime yielded with hardly a fight. The boy had been a squalling pink thing who demanded too much of Cersei's time, Cersei's love, and Cersei's breasts. Robert was welcome to him.
And now he's dead. He pictured Joff lying still and cold with a face black from poison, and still felt nothing. Perhaps he was the monster they claimed. If the Father Above came down to offer him back his son or his hand, Jaime knew which he would choose. He had a second son, after all, and seed enough for many more.
ASOS, Jaime IX
"You say Sansa killed him. Why protect her?"
Because Joff was no more to me than a squirt of seed in Cersei's cunt. And because he deserved to die. "I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance for honor." Jaime smiled thinly. "Besides, kingslayers should band together. Are you ever going to go?"
AFFC, Jaime IV
"Do you see that window, ser?" Jaime used a sword to point. "That was Raymun Darry's bedchamber. Where King Robert slept, on our return from Winterfell. Ned Stark's daughter had run off after her wolf savaged Joff, you'll recall. My sister wanted the girl to lose a hand. The old penalty, for striking one of the blood royal. Robert told her she was cruel and mad. They fought for half the night . . . well, Cersei fought, and Robert drank. Past midnight, the queen summoned me inside. The king was passed out snoring on the Myrish carpet. I asked my sister if she wanted me to carry him to bed. She told me I should carry her to bed, and shrugged out of her robe. I took her on Raymun Darry's bed after stepping over Robert. If His Grace had woken I would have killed him there and then. He would not have been the first king to die upon my sword . . . but you know that story, don't you?" He slashed at a tree branch, shearing it in half. "As I was fucking her, Cersei cried, 'I want.' I thought that she meant me, but it was the Stark girl that she wanted, maimed or dead." The things I do for love. "It was only by chance that Stark's own men found the girl before me. If I had come on her first . . ."
AFFC, Jaime V
Genna Lannister had been a shapely woman in her youth, always threatening to overflow her bodice. Now the only shape she had was square. Her face was broad and smooth, her neck a thick pink pillar, her bosom enormous. She carried enough flesh to make two of her husband. Jaime hugged her dutifully and waited for her to pinch his ear. She had been pinching his ear for as long as he could remember, but today she forbore. Instead, she planted soft and sloppy kisses on his cheeks. "I am sorry for your loss."
"I had a new hand made, of gold." He showed her.
"Very nice. Will they make you a gold father too?" Lady Genna's voice was sharp. "Tywin was the loss I meant."
AFFC, Jaime VI
Must you make me say the words? Pia was standing by the flap of the tent with her arms full of clothes. His squires were listening as well, and the singer. Let them hear, Jaime thought. Let the world hear. It makes no matter. He forced himself to smile, "You've seen our numbers, Edmure. You've seen the ladders, the towers, the trebuchets, the rams. If I speak the command, my coz will bridge your moat and break your gate. Hundreds will die, most of them your own. Your former bannermen will make up the first wave of attackers, so you'll start your day by killing the fathers and brothers of men who died for you at the Twins. The second wave will be Freys, I have no lack of those. My westermen will follow when your archers are short of arrows and your knights so weary they can hardly lift their blades. When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I'm done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here." Jaime got to his feet. "Your wife may whelp before that. You'll want your child, I expect. I'll send him to you when he's born. With a trebuchet."
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riddles-n-games · 5 months
Wandering Soul, Forever Free
I know where all roads lead
And none of them lead to you.
I have to leave
Though my heart may weep;
You’re no good for me
So to the north I flee.
You’ve ruined me for others
But I’ll still get the last laugh, you’ll see
Because whenever you go to sleep
I will haunt you in your dreams.
And when the rebellion stands
Against your command
You’ll see me in the face of the front
Knowing that I was also one.
They’ll sing my songs 
Until your ears bleed.
And maybe you didn’t know
But I was just planting their seeds.
I’m sorry, I guess I could’ve warned you
But you should have seen the signs,
After all, you’re a remnant from the start of those times. 
Despite your name, you’re not white as snow.
Your soul? The blackest coal.
And your heart is certainly not made of gold.
A rose’s thorns too long that pierces hope’s buds
A pile of snow drenched in the reddest blood.
Maybe you were once, pure as the driven snow
But now you’re just the snake who poisoned the songbird
And the poison is your word
For you were never true
But I guess that’s a fault we both carry; I know I do.
We are alike, you and I
I knew you had secrets, you saw through my lies.
Yet we circled each other in this twisted dance
Waiting for one to break the trance.
We both had our ways of being vile
But did our love have to be just a trial?
Why did we have an end
After all the rules we had to bend?
You gave me a guitar so I could pluck its strings
While you pulled mine to make ends meet.
Yet, once I sang, you broke my chains 
And sent me back home on a train.
Then, you came to me by day
But by night you showed me your true ways.
I knew I had to make my choice. I told you there was a line and you chose to cross
But you wouldn’t come back 
And all I had left was my voice.
So I sang you one final song and it rang in the distance
Following you to the Capitol to never let you forget what you witnessed.
So even if snow falls and lands on top
I’ll be the bird that makes the first prints 
Because when you topple, you’ll go silently
But I’ll signal my triumph all throughout. 
We met at a hanging tree
At dawn, not midnight
You didn’t call out for me to flee
But I had to since your destruction you could not see
And yes, I do still remember those three men
They may have been your beginning
But I was always going to be your end.
There’s a reason you made me victor
We’re kindred spirits and we both have fangs in our mouths.
But one has talons and a beak,
The other, a long body and no feet.
I flew though you were never stranded
It’s just, you never knew how to be mended.
I wished for you to follow 
But your pride you couldn’t swallow
So I went from this place 
Because we would have never won that race
Even though you gave chase.
I made my peace 
You were never meant for me
But your betrayal, I could never release.
You had chances but never chose wisely
So why should I let you be 
When you created more civil unrest
And for 65 years, let children become murderers 
Just for one of them to be the best.
There’s a reason why first is the worst 
Especially when you sit with the weight of 23 on your chest.
You put a worth on others because you’ve never known yours
And gave the districts their lores 
To finally put you out of your rosy misery.
I warned you,
I’ll find my way through history
In much the same way I carry on as a mystery
For you know what I am,
I told you many times before,
A wandering soul, forever free
Like a mockingjay singing in the trees.
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jovialmoonprincess · 29 days
AU: Journey to Redemption (Part 9)
During the Storm
First Part. / The Winter Ball / Champagne Problems / Frost and Thorns / The Storm Within / In Silence, We Crumble / Loving him was Red / Paired Again / During the Storm
Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader
Summary: Y/N fights with Clemensia and meets Coryo in the rain.
Warning(s): None, enemy to lovers, back in time, destiny, Snow being in love, Snow being Snow, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
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Y/N was searching for her pen while thinking about her previous moment with Coriolanus. Had she left it in the classroom? She decided to go back and look for it.
When she entered the room, she looked around where she had previously sat and found the pen. She bent down to reach it and heard the classroom door opening. She turned and saw Clemensia with a neutral expression.
"You're so dull," she said with an impatient tone.
"Clemensia," Y/N greeted, raising an eyebrow. "What do you want?"
Clemensia approached slowly, sporting a fake smile. "I was just thinking, Y/N. You know, about why Coriolanus has gotten so close to you these last few days."
"If you came here to discuss my friendship with Coryo, save your time," Y/N retorted, standing up.
Clemensia's forced laughter echoed. "Friendship? Please, Y/N. Everyone knows you're eyeing the Snow surname. Now the question is: why would he want to get involved with you?"
"You're hurting because he wants nothing to do with YOU," Y/N mocked, laughing.
"Get real, girl. Look at me and look at you. You may have money and your father's memory may be respected, but you'll never stop being of district origin," the girl spat the words as if Y/N had never heard them before.
Y/N didn't care what Clemensia thought of her. But she didn't like to come out on the bottom in any fight.
"And yet he prefers to be with me," Y/N simply said.
"Is he sleeping with you?" Clemensia asked as if trying to embarrass Y/N in some way.
"You're delusional," Y/N replied, rolling her eyes. "He and I are just friends, nothing more."
Clemensia's annoying laughter echoed. "Friends? Why would he be your friend if he has me?"
Y/N frowned. "You're overestimating yourself, Clemensia. Coryo isn't as superficial as you."
Clemensia came closer, whispering venomously. "You think you know everything about him? I've known him for years, Y/N. And what do you have? A dubious reputation and a suspicious interest in the Snow name."
Y/N's irritation grew. "You're making things up, Clemensia. None of what you're saying is true."
Clemensia let out a fake laugh. "Let's see how long it takes for him to find out the truth about you, Y/N. And when he pulls away, don't say I didn't warn you."
The classroom door closed, leaving Y/N with a whirlwind of thoughts. She knew Clemensia was trying to plant seeds of doubt in her mind and undermine her relationship with Coriolanus. But on the other hand, she understood Clemensia's confusion, since they had been fighting like cat and dog for some time. Even she didn't understand the relationship between the two; he was handsome, intelligent, and with her, he was kind. She felt that there really could be something between them. But she was afraid that the boy was just manipulating her as he did with everyone around him.
She left the room and it was already night, she heard a familiar noise coming from the entrance. It sounded like… rain. Heavy rain. The girl panicked, the rain seemed much stronger than her umbrella that she always carried in her backpack. She seriously considered the choice of having to face the heavy rain or wait for it to pass. Her conversation with Clemensia had stolen her chances of going home dry. She thought about her notebooks and whether she could save them when she took her umbrella. She took a few steps with confidence, but obviously, her life was not so easy. When she was almost halfway to the school exit, the rain decided to increase in intensity and joined the wind.
Y/N walked briskly down the busy street, trying to shelter from the torrential rain falling from the sky. Her now useless umbrella had turned inside out with the strong wind. The cold drops hit her face, mixing with the tears that stubbornly escaped from her eyes.
Suddenly, she felt a hand grab hers, stopping her walk. Y/N looked up and saw Coriolanus standing in front of her, with wet hair and a drenched face. His blue eyes met hers, conveying a mix of concern and determination.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N asked, her voice muffled by the sound of the rain.
"I saw you passing by and thought you needed help," Coriolanus replied, his voice soft and comforting.
Y/N tried to release his hand, but he held on firmly.
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
Y/N looked at him, capturing the intensity of his gaze. She could feel the warmth radiating from him, even under the cold rain. Suddenly, all her worries seemed to disappear, replaced by a comforting feeling of being exactly where she should be. Without thinking, Y/N moved closer to him, seeking shelter in his arms. Coriolanus wrapped her tenderly, holding her firmly against his chest. The beats of their hearts merged into a soft melody, while the rain continued to fall around them.
"Thank you," Y/N whispered, feeling safe in his arms.
"I'll always be here for you," Coriolanus replied, holding the girl's face in his hands, his voice soft and comforting. "No matter what happens, I'll be by your side."
Y/N was still crying and wanted the boy not to notice. That month she had often tried to comfort the boy but also in moments like this, she felt more vulnerable than him. He guided her to a shelter under one of the school's blocks. It was an empty place, lit up and had a wooden bench. On which she sat down quickly.
"Why are you crying?" Damn, he noticed. It must have been the red eyes.
"I'm just tired," she would now be forced to confide in the boy who was supposed to help her. She was embarrassed, above all. She diverted her gaze away from Coryo's blue eyes. She was at her limit, it was as if everything was accumulating in the form of water in her eyes. "This last month has been too much for me. I'm exhausted. I wanted a moment of peace. To see my family happy without me, to have frequent nightmares, to fight with Clemensia, now this rain. It seems like everything is conspiring to go wrong," and the feelings that arise every time I see you, Y/N wanted to say.
Coryo was silent for a moment, watching the girl lost in her thoughts. He didn't know what to do but to comfort her. For a moment his concerns were not about him, but about the girl in front of him. This had been happening a lot lately. Sometimes he wished it would stop.
"I'm sorry," Coryo simply said. The girl was always surprised by his attitudes. It was as if she could never predict what the boy would do next.
"For what?" She asked and heard her voice get lost with the sound of the rain. One thing she envied about Coriolanus, he always managed to impose his voice firmly and confidently.
"For what I said when we were… you know. I said you were mine but I didn't mean to sound possessive or anything like that. I realized that after you left," Y/N wished someone would pinch her. Was it possible that Coryo was embarrassed by what he had said? He was always so firm. And at the time, it seemed very sincere.
"When they say Lucy Gray is my girl. I feel powerful over her. At first, I liked it, it was as if she was a piece in a chess game. One that I wanted to win." Coriolanus had an indecipherable expression. Y/N tried to imagine what was going through his head. "But now I feel responsible for her and for whatever happens to her."
"It must be hard to know that someone you like could die at any moment," Y/N sympathized with the boy. Even though she knew he wouldn't die, she feared he would become the man from the visions. It was worse than death for her.
"Y/N, I don't know what you've seen or heard. But this whole couple of the year, kisses, looks, it's all lies," the boy ran his fingers nervously through his curly hair. He knelt in front of Y/N to face her. He was so tall that really, being supported on one knee made him the height of her sitting down. He put his hand on her face and felt the girl's cold skin. "How could I fall in love with someone in a month? This is just a plot, a strategy for the audience," he said, looking into her eyes.
When she got lost in that blue gaze, it was as if nothing else existed in the world. That's when she came to an important realization. She was in love. Not for a month, nor a year. But since she saw the blond boy at the dance near her 15th birthday when she had just returned from one of the districts where her father worked at the time. Right after the war. She remembered how welcomed and accepted she felt by him. And the reason she was here was to save him. She wished she could go back in time and have saved him much earlier. She wished she had never distanced herself and never fought with him. Maybe everything could be different.
The girl let a tear fall. The heaviest and most honest tear. It was as if she felt physical pain. Reality hit her like never before. She didn't want to lose him. She seriously thought about telling him the whole truth. But something told her she couldn't. She didn't want to ruin everything and end up in an asylum.
"Even Tigris believed in the romance between you two,"
"Tigris is just sentimental," he laughed, not removing his hand from Y/N's face. She felt the warmth of his hand touching her skin until he suddenly withdrew it. Coryo took off his red uniform jacket and placed it over Y/N's shoulders. That was when she felt most grateful, as she was shivering from the cold. Now he was just in that white shirt. He looked more handsome than ever, even with his hair dripping from the rain.
"Thank you," Y/N thanked him, still smiling. "She said she saw your first kiss on TV and was shocked."
"My first kiss was with you," the boy completed, sitting down next to her again. He was thinking about why Tigris thought it would have been his first kiss, but then he remembered that he didn't talk about those things with his cousin. In fact, it had only happened once. Naturally, with the drenched girl in front of him. This thought made him feel butterflies in his stomach.
"You were my first too," Y/N replied, laughing at herself for feeling silly. Coryo did the same. "I'm glad we've grown up. Now we have control over our own lives."
"You do," Coryo said automatically.
"I know. I wish I could help you," Y/N was being sincere. Her father had left the family a good amount of money after his death. But she still didn't know what she wanted to do with it. She could help him, but she knew the boy. He would never accept it; it would wound his huge masculine ego. Pfff.
"Y/N," he gave her a reproachful look, "look, I didn't want you to think that I can't survive after high school," the boy was feeling incapable, and it really hurt him.
"You are completely capable. I believe in that. You've fought all this time. You've always had the best grades, an impeccable record. You just can't lose yourself. You will succeed, Coryo. But success is pointless without happiness and purpose."
"Actually, I got a warning from the dean the last time I met him. Because of Sejanus. One more and I might lose my scholarship," was that all he heard?
"You won't get another warning, Coryo," she tried to make him more optimistic. But he seemed hopeless.
"I sabotaged the games, Y/N," he whispered. She wasn't expecting this information. The gears in her mind began to turn. So that was the reason he had been sent to District 12 as a peacekeeper. "I might lose my spot, be kicked out to District 12, and starve to death," she realized he could be sent away from her without prior notice. She wanted him to remember her there if something happened. She thought about giving him the bracelet she wore, which had a small rose. She had received it from her mother, who had gotten it from someone in some district. It was delicate but feminine. She didn't know if he would accept it.
"Y/N…" he mimicked her, smiling.
"If you're sent anywhere else, I want you to have this," the girl asked sincerely, opening her bracelet. The boy looked at her confused as she closed the clasp on his wrist. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"You were supposed to get angry. To say that everything would be fine. You're the optimist here. You were supposed to give me a solution. But now I think I'm really going to die," Coryo made a face of dissatisfaction.
"I think everything will turn out okay. But, I'm not optimistic about the Capital. Anything can happen," Coryo looked at the delicate bracelet on his arm. "Give it back to me after the games, okay?"
"Is it expensive?" he asked, examining the small rose.
"It's probably made of brass, so don't try to sell it because it would only hurt me," the girl made a fake angry face.
"I wanted to give you something too, but I didn't bring anything," he took his backpack and searched for something he might have kept at some point. He pulled out a paper clip. Y/N laughed as she watched the boy try to bend the clip. When he finished, satisfied, Y/N saw the final result: something that looked like a ring, slightly crooked, and had a leg that looked like half a heart.
Coriolanus placed the "ring" on Y/N's finger.
"Do you like it?" he asked with a presumptuous look.
"I would like it even if it were made of paper," she laughed.
"But then it would melt in the rain," a detail that even Y/N had forgotten. She looked up at the sky, and the rain was even lighter.
"I better go because I won't push my luck again," she said, standing up. The boy pulled her into a farewell hug, which she returned. She gave him back his jacket and went on her way to her apartment.
And at that moment, under the cold and relentless rain, Y/N knew that with Coriolanus by her side, she could face any storm that life threw her way.
From a distance, from her office, Dr. Gaul watched the two young people, teeth clenched. She wondered, "Now would I have to deal with this too?"
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mysteroads · 2 months
Indomitable Will
Summary: Following the events of Chapter 419, Tomura finds he still has some choices to make, and nothing is going to stop him.
Chapter 1: The Broken and The Stolen
He was pain. Just anguish wrapped in silent screams. He wanted to be less than that. He wanted to be nothing. If he stopped existing, then he wouldn't hurt so much. It was agony to know everything he had been was a lie! 
Everything?  What about them? 
Faces swim into view. He can’t take them all in, but details and impressions stand out.
Staples, amethyst scars, and blazing blue eyes. 
Eyes like honey and a wide, sharp smile. 
Green scales, violet hair, bravado to hide the shyness. 
A slashing scar above spaniel brown eyes, a smile so honest only the truly heartless would turn away.
Clever brown eyes, wild hair, a finger in front of his lips to hold in a secret.
Yellow tinted sunglasses, ruddy lipstick, and auburn hair.
Were they a lie? Was the promise you made them a lie?
His denial is a jolt. A shock to a faltering heart. The pain doesn’t ease, but he becomes more than just pain.
Another jolt, this time of panic, comes when he feels hands touch him, panic that eases when he realizes that these hands aren't room temperature dead flesh. They're warm. Alive. So alive they burn, but it’s the sting of frozen fingers thawing in front of a campfire, not the emotional and spiritual agony he can still feel tearing away at him.
“There you are, sugar. Thought we lost you for a second.”
“Jeez, boss man. Way to give us a scare!”
He knew those voices. He knew these hands— big, rough, gentle— He knew them! But he couldn’t put a name to them!
“How about you put a name to yourself first, pumpkin?”
“Yeah, pull yourself together! Scatterbrain!”
Scattered? Yes, he supposed he was. Shattered might be a better word. Shattered after learning he was a lie. Everything had been a manipulation from his birth to this moment. None of his choices were his own. He was nothing but an empty vessel, a suit prepared for a monster to slip into. Nothing nothing nothing—
The warm hands tightened on him, dragging him back from the brink. “You’re not nothing! You chose us, didn’t you? And we chose you! You chose to care about us! That wasn’t All For One, that was you!”
Right. Sens— All For One didn’t have friends. He had pawns.
Focus. Who am I?  
Two Names presented themselves, and he could feel the capital letter in the word Name.  
Tenko Shimura.
Tomura Shigaraki.
Both Names carried so much. So much it was nearly unbearable, but he’d borne it all before, and he could do it again. Tenko was his core, his foundation, the seed from which he’d grown. Tomura was who he’d grown into. He hadn’t chosen either name, and he wasn’t particularly fond of the men who’d given them to him, but right now… he had a choice.
“‘Tomura’ comes from the verb, ‘tomurau,’ which means to mourn and express sorrow over death and farewell,” he remembered All For One telling him. 
Tomura decided that the name fit him. He’d mourned and grieved his whole life, and caused others to mourn and grieve. It was the name he’d had the longest, and the one his friends called him by. He’d keep Shigaraki too, but only because he secretly liked the nicknames his League came up with. Shig. Shigs. Shiggy. Even Shiggy-kun. He'd only let Toga call him that one, though. 
As soon as he’d decided what to call himself, he felt himself… come back together. He was a person again, not a ball of misery.
“I’m Tomura Shigaraki,” he told the hands, and felt them pat him approvingly. One even ruffled his hair.
“Good going, Shig! Knew you could do it! You’re the strongest guy in the world!”
“We’re rooting for you, Shiggy babe. Even if you can’t see us, we’re here. Keep fighting!”
His eyes widened. He knew them now. “Big Sis? Jin?” No answer came, except in the sensation of being pushed gently, until he fell into his body… or something close enough to his own skin that he felt relatively comfortable in it. 
There was a breeze here, smelling like stardust and tasting like ozone. The ground beneath him was gritty. Was he where the Vestiges had been? It felt kind of like that, where he’d fought All For One for control of himself. No… No, he wasn’t there. Deeper than his inner self too, deeper than where Midoriya had punched through to talk to him. Somewhere adjacent to both, though. Well, nothing for it but to look around.
With an effort, he opened his eyes.
It took all his self control not to scream. He was not alone. There were... things? beings? people? all around him. Some looked human or at least human-shaped; others looked like they'd started out human, but had been broken apart and the pieces reassembled with new parts like Frankenstein's monster on crack; and a few were nothing but smears of color and light.
Rivet Stab and Air Cannon! he realized, seeing one with wings made of jagged red and black spears, and another with little tornadoes for hands. These were quirks! All the quirks All For One has stolen. There were more here than he’d realized. It kinda made sense he’d be here with them. Quirks were a piece of a person, after all, and right now Tomura was a fragment of himself.
The more he thought, the more he pulled more of himself together and the more solid he felt. As he became more present, his vision sharpened and something else came into focus: All the quirks were wrapped in chains the ugly, red brown color of dried blood. His eyes lingered on those chains, following the links up as they stretched into an infinity of roiling dark, then back down to the mass of stolen quirks.
Stolen and broken, he thought. Just like me.  
A smile began to grow on what he assumed was his face. 
These are my kind of people.
"Hey!” The quirks turned toward him, and his smile turned into a grin. “You guys interested in a co-op?"
They stared at him. Or, he assumed they were staring. Not all of them had eyes. He could feel the weight of their attention, and not all of it was friendly. That was fine. He, Dabi, and Toga had tried to kill each other right out of the gate, after all. What was a little murderous intent between allies? He tried to push himself up off the ground and that terrible pain lanced through him again. This time, at least, his screams weren’t silent. 
Shaking, he looked at himself. Ghostly barbed wire wrapped him from head to toe. It even pierced through him in places, digging into his body, the thorns dripping poison that smelled like honey and ate away him like his mentor’s words. How fitting. With every drop of venom, he listened again to All For One.
“Poor Tenko Shimura… Benefitting from my guidance every step of the way but amounting to nothing!”  “Not a single one of your choices have been your own.”  “The tragedies. The ordeals. The rejection. The validation. All granted by me.” “I sought a seedbed fertile for hatred to grow.”
This time, Tomura didn’t let the pain overwhelm him. He let it fuel him. Gritting his teeth in a rictus smile, he fought one arm free of the barbed wire, seized the sickly metal, and began to tear it from his flesh. Panting, he pulled and pulled, yanking when he had to, tears mixing with blood until he laughed from the pain. “You want hatred, Sensei? Oh, I’ll give you hatred! I’m such a good little student! I always listen to what you teach me!” 
With a final wrench, he pulled the last length free and tossed it away. He was so tired. So very tired. But he wasn’t going to lay here and stop existing. He’d tried that. It hadn’t helped. 
“Don’t give up,” he giggled, and forced himself upright. “Stand up and begin again! Ain’t that right, Sensei? Good lesson. Liked that one. And I did it plenty of times without you! Got lost once or twice, but I found my way again. So what if I needed help? You needed plenty of help when All Might turned your face into a potato and ruined your lungs. I wasn’t the one sucking on life support. At least the people with me actually liked me, you ballsack looking motherfucker!”
Looking up again, Tomura found a quirk standing in front of him. It looked like a cat themed magic girl. It took his muddled brain a second, but then he remembered. “Hey, Search. Nice kitty.”
It? She? Looked at him, hands on her hips, then tapped the chains wrapping around her body. 
She tugged the chains until they rattled, then gave him what felt like a pointed look. Ah. Okay, he understood now. They’d passed murderous intent and were now in cooperation mode. Reaching out, he grabbed the chain with both hands. One link was as long as his middle finger and thick around as his thumb! How was he supposed to get this off without hurting the quirk? He didn’t have Decay here. He had to try though.
As he ran his hands over it, he realized that the chain felt… brittle? Like it was rusty. Carefully, he began to twist and flex it, link by link, until one began to crack. Eagerly, he worked faster, bending it harder, even trying to pull it apart. Then, unexpectedly, it snapped in half! That single broken link was a catalyst, the others breaking apart in a chain reaction until Search was free! 
She jumped up and down, clapping her paws as her form became clearer and clearer, until she really did look like that cat themed hero. When she’d finished celebrating, she got up on her tiptoes and kissed his forehead— which was gross because he was all bloody and sweaty, and also because it made him blush. Then she took his hand and her body shifted, twisting and growing thinner until it became— a red thread? 
It was possibly the most beautiful thing he’d seen in a long damn time. A single thread of a glorious red stretching up into infinity, dark as garnets and blood, glowing like a sunset’s reflection on the sea. 
His favorite color.
Wrapping the thread around his wrist so he wouldn’t lose it, he turned to the next quirk. It was exhausting, and seemed to take forever to find each weakened link, but he wasn’t about to quit. With every quirk he freed, a thread was added to the one around his wrist. The thread became a string, then a cord, then a braid, and then a rope. He could feel tension building up between him and whatever was at the other end. Tomura could guess what— or rather, who was at the other end.
He was looking forward to finding out for sure.
There was a tense moment near the end when he reached the quirks that had belonged to One For All. “Well?” he demanded, looking at them, counting silently. There was one missing, and he didn’t know if he was disappointed by that or not. Tomura wasn’t sure if he could handle seeing his grandmother right now. 
The quirks looked at each other, then nodded, and let him put his hands on their chains. These ones, at least, were thin and flaking already. Newly forged, if he had to guess the reason. They broke easily, and five more threads were added to his rope.
Then there was only one.
This quirk looked so broken. Hunched shoulders, too skinny with a jutting collarbone and visible ribs, hair all clumpy and unkempt, knobby fingers covering its face like a weeping angel, and its edges were in a constant state of fraying. 
Or Decaying.
“You caused me a lot of problems, you know,” he told it quietly. The quirk huddled in on itself even more, trembling from top to bottom. “My family, my dog, my favorite controller… all of them dust. But it’s not like you had a choice either. You didn’t pick me. You weren’t even whole. But… looking back, I think you at least tried your best to keep me safe.” The trembling didn’t stop, but the covered face turned toward him. “Half of the problem was me. I was always fighting you, subconsciously rejecting you. I mean, kinda obvious why, but it didn’t really help me. You know what, though?” And now Tomura smiled again, the memory of Deika City still a shining moment for him. “We were pretty badass once we got in sync.”
The quirk stood up straight, lowering its fingers enough to peer at him with dull eyes the same color as his. 
Tomura held out his free hand. “This time, let’s choose each other. I want you. No one fits me better than you. We’re two pieces broken by the same hand, two things reshaped to become weapons and not allowed to become more. No one understands us better than we do. Please, be my partner again?”
Decay skipped shaking his hand and instead threw itself at him, wrapping twiggy arms around his neck and pressing its face against his chest. Tomura bit his lip so he didn’t make any more pathetic noises and hugged his quirk as tightly as he could. “I missed you,” he admitted. “Thank you.” 
A breath, then Decay slipped back inside him, settling under his skin like a contented cat. And it didn’t itch at all.
Tomura felt whole for the first time in months. 
Looking up, he tugged on the rope, pulling it taut until it twanged and vibrated, and visualized the roiling clouds parting. They did, and with them went the empty, windy darkness around him. 
Once again, he was in that weird half-world of vestiges and the subconscious, and before him was the broad back of his former teacher. It was made of broken things, as always. 
“Broken things and stolen things and really ugly faces, that’s what little AFOs are made out of!” he sang to himself. The shining red rope led straight up. Well, he was already exhausted, bleeding, emotionally drained to the point of near delirium, and running on fumes.
So, nothing new.
Tying the rope around his waist so he could have both hands free, Tomura began to climb. It wasn't easy, but what in his life had been? Still, it sucked. His bare feet and hands were soon torn to ribbons, the blood making his grip slippery. Legs and arms shook like branches in the wind, so much he was sure they would snap. His lungs burned, each breath a torment rattling through a bone dry throat. The rope was his saving grace. He soon found it acted like a belaying rope at a climbing wall, taking just that little bit of effort from him, keeping the tension when he paused to rest. And, when he accidentally rested his forehead against it, he thought he could hear voices whispering encouragement.
Wishful thinking or not, he would take what he could get. And he climbed.
Then, at last, he was there. “Heh… my turn to get in his head,” he chuckled, then shouted, “HEY! TRY TO ALT-F4 ME FROM MY OWN BODY, WILL YOU?! TOO BAD! I LIVED, BITCH!”
He felt All For One’s shock, his outrage, his fury… and his fear.
God that fear was sweet. 
“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST DIE, YOU PERNICIOUS VERMIN?” His teacher’s voice was a rumble of thunder across that weird world. Tomura could tell that his distraction was not a welcome one. Seemed like the heroes were still putting up a fight! He dug his bloody fingers into the false skin, hoping it hurt All For One as much as it hurt him.
“Blah blah, something something, Indomitable Will, remember?”
There was a split second of startled hesitation from All For One, and Tomura took advantage, rushing on, voice mocking and syrup sweet, “Why are you so upset, Sensei? I was always an obedient student, wasn't I? I'm just being what you made me, Sensei!” The monster's pseudo skin shattered, and not just beneath him. As Tomura’s rage swelled, every bloody hand and footprint he'd left on his climb became a conduit for Decay, and it spread with the same ferocity he'd unleashed upon awaking in the doctor's lab.
The sound of destruction was still so~ much~ fun~ to hear.
No  hesitation from All For One this time, only fear. As he'd expected, the world around Tomura shook and jerked, a giant hand reaching for him, trying to swat him off or crush him. A casual touch from him and Decay turned it to dust.
Smiling grimly at the sound of All For One’s agonized screams, Tomura concentrated Decay around his hand until he felt like it might come apart. He might not walk away from this, but neither would the thing who killed his family and ruined his life. There wouldn’t even be a sliver of an echo of a memory left behind. He wouldn’t allow it. 
“I am a weapon forged from pain and hate. I destroy what I hate, and I hate you more than anything, Sensei.”
Rearing back, Tomura Shigaraki put the full force of his non-corporeal body into the strike, plunging his hand into All For One’s skull, unleashing Decay and with it every ounce of hatred, rage, despair, and hope he had.
“Now, give me my body back already. I have people I need to see.” 
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thosewildcharms · 3 months
I’m rewatching s3 episode 12 and it just blows my mind all over again the immediate mutual empathy between Rick and Michonne; a silent understanding to carry their weight to protect each other just as much as they yearn to be protected. Somehow in their deepest selves, they felt an immediate safety with each other and learn from each other. Like Michonne taking on the emotional toil of making the hard choice to pass the helpless hitchhiker. Rick gets to look past him and have a brief reprieve of being the one forced to make painful choices. Carl didn’t really understand what a grown adult alone in a dark world must go through because he still had the innocence of a child to wonder why his father or Michonne would make an immoral choice. Rick and Michonne just immediately establish this reciprocity of being each other’s ride or die, if love is all we have at the end of the world how beautiful is it that they both instinctively put each other’s faith and heart in the other’s hands. The just want to live for real unconditional love worthy of dying for. And Rick in his silent acknowledgment of what Michonne has done for him defends her ruining their ‘run’ with “it was an honest mistake” and reasserts her morally gray choice by definitively leaving the hitchhiker. Like he was so ready to intensely match her energy as soon as she showed him an act of compassion and strength, it’s actually disgustingly romantic 😭 It’s just interesting to see long before they ever kissed, it seems that they actually made it relatively easy to fall in love with each other.
hey anon! first of all i just want to say that this really beautifully worded. i especially love that last sentence. you're right - in retrospect, it really seems inevitable that they fell in love with each other.
i will say that i read that car scene in 3x12 a bit differently.
i always saw the car ride out as a test, and the car ride back was established trust. in the previous episode rick tells daryl that he's bringing michonne on a run and that he'll "find out" if it's a good idea or not depending on how it goes. and while they connect during that trip, it's really carl's "she's one of us" that solidified the trust. i did see them both silently deciding to leave the hitchhiker behind as an early sign of their unspoken shared instincts, although i read it as them both being in a particularly nihilistic mindset at that point (tbf, i read the show as a whole as pretty nihilistic but that's just my personal opinion). by that i mean that i don't think either of them had any qualms about it lol. i do love how it's completely wordless, but i also attributed that to the inherent tension of the car ride - rick knows he's testing michonne, and michonne knows she's being tested, and they both know that there's no chance they're letting that guy in the car. as for the moment with carl when rick tells him it was an honest mistake: maybe i'm an idiot but i always thought that was rick reminding carl to have good manners lol but your take is way more interesting, so i like it :)
all of that being said, i love your interpretation of how this, intentionally or not, was an early sign of their eventual dynamic. like, it's kind of blowing my mind a little, to be honest. i think most people consider this episode as the one that planted the seed for what they would eventually become, and i agree, but i love that after reading this ask i can look at it and see it as a reflection of everything they eventually build between them. that's so insightful. i especially love this: "Somehow in their deepest selves, they felt an immediate safety with each other and learn from each other." because yeah! rick told michonne that maybe it was "something else" that made him take her in instead of just taking the baby formula. on some level, they knew!
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huntinglove · 19 days
8, 11, 12 for a F/O of your choice for the Summer selfship questions?
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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8. 🥾 What's your F/Os favorite summer activity?
Charlie isn't a big fan of summer in general, he doesn't usually like to show off his body, let alone be shirtless, so swimming is usually off limits, unless we can be 100% sure that it'll just be the two of us!
However, he loves going on picnic dates and going out for ice cream together! One of his favorite things to do is collect flowers while we walk together, then we give each other the little bouquet we ended up with!
Alma doesn't necessarily feel hot or cold, so the season doesn't exactly matter. They do really enjoy being able to go somewhere other than the campus building now, summer break made things very lonely for them.
Their favorite summer activity is a bit specific but they really enjoy taking walks in the forest, just enjoying the cool shade from the trees!
Mychael loves picnics and going on nature walks, especially during summer!
His harvests are very plentiful and delicious, so everything we pack up to eat while hanging out at the forest's meadows is grown and prepared by both of us!
He also enjoys just sitting by the river while I swim to cool off!
🎻 has a hard time with summer because of how fluffy he is, his fur makes him overheat very easily so he tries to stay as cool as he can most of the time.
He's learned to really enjoy flying to cool off, both by himself and while carrying me! The wind helps him through the heat and the freedom of his wings makes him very happy!
11.🧜If your F/O was a merperson, what fish would be their lower half?
Charlie would have a moray eel tail, long and gracious!
Alma would have the lower body of a nudibranch, squishy and colorful!
Mychael would have a brook trout tail, adapt for surviving, colorful and full of spots!
🎻 would have a beta fish lower body, gorgeous and elegant!
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12. 🍉 How much watermelon could your F/O eat in one sitting?
Charlie gets very messy whenever he eats watermelons, but he can eat two or three slices with no problem! He's a hearty eater with a fast metabolism
Alma wouldn't be able to eat it by themselves, but if I let them take over my body they could probably eat a whole watermelon and a half, if I didn't stop them
For them it feels like they've spent years without eating each time they get to experience being corporeal again, so I have to step in so they don't get me to pop!
Mychael could eat four or five slices easily, he'd either keep the seeds in his pockets to plant later or he'd start a watermelon seed war, just for fun!
🎻 would have a hard time eating anything more than a whole slice, he loves food but he can't get himself to eat a lot in one sitting
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prettybreedinggirl · 1 year
I decided to start sleeping naked recently. I didn’t mean for anyone to see me walking to the bathroom when I had to pee in the middle of the night. But when Daddy saw me I think it woke something inside him that had been dormant for a long time. He took his baby girl’s virginity that night, right on the bathroom floor.
Since then he offered to be my teacher and teach me everything I need to know about sex so I could impress the boys at school. Lessons take up most of my time though, so I haven’t been able to hang out with many guys. It’s okay tho. As Daddy always says, they’ll never make me feel a fraction of what he can. Sometimes I wish it could stay like this forever because the thought of being without Daddy is incomprehensible.
That’s why I let him fuck me bare, so I could wrap my legs around him when he was on the edge. He had no choice but to cum deep inside and drench my fertile womb with his godly seed. After he finished he just smiled mischievously at me. “I guess our family is about to get bigger. You’re going to be so pretty pregnant with your brother or sister.” I grinned up at him, excited that my plans were working and that Daddy seemed to actually want to impregnate me. I might be kinda weird for my baby to also be my sibling, but Daddy’s always wanted a big family. When Mom took off ten years ago, Daddy’s dreams were kind of crushed. I feel so honored to be able to give Daddy the thing my heartless mother couldn’t.
“If we’re going to do this right a few things are going to have to change around here, baby.” Daddy said as he began slowly thrusting his newly errect cock into me. “First, I’m not your teacher anymore, I’m your fiancé. That means you’ll begin regularly sleeping in my bed every night, making me food, and taking care of the household chores. In return you won’t have to attend school anymore and I will take care of the finances and other important things so you don’t have to worry about them anymore. You’ll listen to me and do what I say and I will provide a loving and comfortable life. You will raise and nurture our children and I will work to put food on the table. If you’re up for that I will be more than happy to impregnate you.”
His proposition sounded like heaven on Earth. I’ve always been terrible at managing adult responsibilities and I grew up with a great respect for my Father because he was always there for me and always knew what to do. I could completely submit to His leadership because I would be trying to follow him anyway. Now that he’ll be holding my hand through it all I’ll finally be able to live the life I’ve always wanted. I can’t believe how lucky I am…
“Good girl, I knew my dirty little daughter couldn’t resist her Daddy’s potent seed. I’m going to keep you as a pregnant housewife for as long as my beautiful baby’s cunt can carry my children. How does that sound darling?”
I smiled up at him. His words and the deep thrusts of his thick veiny cock blissed me out so much I could only moan in reply.
“That’s my girl. I can’t wait for us to be lovers and parents. You’ve always been the love of my life. I couldn’t see it until now, but after you were born there was no room in my heart to love anyone other than you. I’m so glad our relationship has become even deeper and that you’ll soon get to parent my children just like I did for you. I love you baby. More than you’ll ever know.”
Daddy kissed me deeply, his tongue tasting every inch of his little girl when he suddenly tensed up and exploded rope after rope of potent, powerful seed into my vulnerable womb.
9 months from now I’ll be screaming Daddy’s second child and first grandchild out of me in the exact same spot.
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mllebabushkat · 2 years
☀️ Warrior Nun S2E8 🌙
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oh?? reya hello there
protective!bea is so hot ugh
not at her Instantly going for vincent's throat
EUROTRASH JESUS— michael u legend bahahah
ava rising from her crown!coma in the back like she’s been possessed ahahhahahshs
the softness!! in avatrice's little exchange "are you alright?" "fine"
i have a pit in my stomach did you see/hear ava THIS GIRL has just accepted the inevitability and necessity of her self-sacrifice HASN'T SHE 😡😭
nooooo ava + michael my noble selfless babies :(((
hehe bea and superion ava protection squad <3
awwwweee my feels are soft and easily hurt all those goodbye moments :(((((((((((
“sometimes the simple truth of being alive just…moves me” she has grown up So Much i'm so proud oh ava dearest 🥺
and superion :(( she doesn't really know but she Knows and she accepts what must happen much as it tears her apart
grumpy bea hahah i still don’t like that look on her
“you’re still a nun aren’t you? forgiveness is part of your job” -> ava sowing more seeds in bea's crisis of faith :")
michael to jillian: “i’ll see you again” um. ru sure sir
first that talking heads quote (she only learns from cam the best), and now “don’t fuck it up” YES QUEENNNNNNN SUPERION
legit my fave
oh lemme take a moment to say i LOVE the brutalist concrete set design this season !!!!!!! *kisses for the crew again*
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA michael cocking his eyebrow at the fbc guard when vincent calls them adriel's virgins 💀
yasmine <333333
"that is not in any way how that works" lmaoooo
also the LITTLE SMILE on her face as she says it bea is SO. WHIPPED adsghakldfk
they’re so stupiddddddddd ocs girlies why would u have ur reunion in the open whyyyyyyy
"sister warriors don’t run" have i mentioned i love yasmine
“wow she’s incredible” “yes she is” THE SMILE ON HER FACE DID I MENTION BEA'S WHIPPED
YES cam reunited with her crossbow <3
yessss avatrice combo attack fave move!
no i don’t like the distrust between them :(((((((((((
the cross reflecting in avas eyes :((( oh no :(((
wait i can't help but to imagine yasmine might've had that one moment of doubt of what if ava turned on them
OK before we get to
That Scene
let it be known that this was actually such a beautiful moment, like much as the gifsets are gorgeous they do not do the magic of this scene any justice,, my heart is so full l;khsl;js;lhjssfd
alright, ✨AVATRICE✨
"Because things change when you realise not everything's about you" bea's words laid down right back at her feet ow my heart hurts
did my eyes start watering when the music started? obvs.
"They die so everyone else can live"
"I’m doing this so you can live your life. So live it, okay?"
"I won’t. I can’t." (what is my life without you?)
and you can see the infinite fondness in ava's eyes, you can see that she plans to kiss bea already when she steps forward
and she disarms her! (because of course bea had to make a last ditch effort to save ava from herself, and of course ava's grown enough to match her in combat)
and she kisses her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and of course it’s oh so tender
[Hymn for Her] has me in a CHOKEHOLD
the way the camera spins and the chorus swells like a revelation, like they've finally found home in each other 💖
bea's hand reaches out first and of course it's the Patented Avatrice ✨Face Caress✨
ava's teary smile, and bea returning it with a hint of a smile and a nod
this music im cryign again 😭😭
we all agree we aren't normal about this scene right?????
bea is shell shocked, and ava’s heartbroken, but they both dutifully carry on in that deathly silence (*kisses for the sound designer*)
“we have no choice.” “we have a million choices…we’re both living on second chances anyway” 😭😭😭😭😭😭
there’s that parallel between ava and michael again (i love the two of them),
and there’s that great inevitable tragedy of all our heroes carrying a sacrifice they don’t deserve to be burdened with
i’m waxing poetic this episode and nobody can stop me
but the plot chugs ever onward so-
“semantics, huh? That’s what we’re betting our lives on?” “we’re betting our lives on faith.” “huh, even worse.” SPITTING FACTS atheist agenda ftw
ADRIEL A-POSING HAHAHA he looks so fucking awkward standing with his legs apart like that ajhahdhdjaha
ooooh an uneven cross window this setpiece is fantastic
that’s goddamn brutal
holyyyyyyyy shittttttttttttttttt
grudging respect to the writers for having the balls to put in such a cruel end
i still can’t tear my thoughts away buT
OH the waver in her voice 🥺 when
“you all stand between me and ava.” NO MORE PRETENCE this is HER girl in DANGER she’s gotta save her !!!!
“stay… and you’ll never walk again.” BRUTAL. LOVING this look on bea
wow wow wow ave maria melting into that 2WEI arrangement is gorgeoussssssssssssssss
that deep resonant bass hits SO good
btw i’m so proud of myself for instantly recognising a signature 2wei song without checking they really are the kings of epic soundtracks
“that’s your femoral artery” i LOve a nerdy badass <33
wanna take a moment to acknowledge bea’s compassion when she tells yas keep safe, you’ve done enough.
yasmine my bby going “maybe I’ll just sit here and wait for a while” hahahahA BEST GIRLIE ILY
update up top: camilla my beloved still kicking ass <3
sigh alright back to the slaughter chamber
hmmmmmmmm backstory
what is adriel’s gripe with reya ? is it possible it’s actually valid??? i need to know M O R E
alright adriel’s distracted thx for the mindfuck cam mwah x
yes stab his little bitch ass,, love that sword toss + phasing move gO STYLE ON HIM
fuck lilith uP
adriel is an airbender ?????
oh but the shot of michael’s lifeless heart :(((( i didn’t need to see him like this again :(( i’m really gonna miss him rest in peace my boy :(((((
divinium shrapnel-
“wait just let me rest for a little bit okay” WAIT NO SHE’S DYING
(side note love the shot of adriel limping then walking as his foot horrifyingly twists back to normal)
“i cannot be killed in this realm” fucking semantics didn’t pull through in the end :(((
OH AND ava’s been fighting without the halo this whole time???? what a BAMF
TARASKSSSSSSSSSSS WOW never did i think they’d save the day no i lie. semantics saved the day
ok but did they actually kill him this time (if so DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD)
reya to the rescue..! that *nod*
ah, birdsong. they’ll be alright up top :)
ava’s still dying
and they’re cradling again
and surely these are their final moments together
“Why are you always trying to save me?” (she loves you)
“Let me go”
“Be free” (remember this exchange from last time?)
“I love you” (you knew that)
“I love you” (you didn’t hear)
see you, ava
lilith, still “i really hope we end up on the same side”, and then she’s gone too
and there’s nothing left except for the music to ramp up, and the arc to power down, and her to sit at its base,
and it finally hits her, she’s lost, it’s over
bea 🥺 darling
but post credits????!!!
post-ocs!bea is Yet Another Vibe
ugh when i have the energy i’ll make another rant about the significance of her looks this season
sister dora arms! cute hair~
of course, the montage and the cast sendoffs as bea walks out but she looks happy, free
a final farewell, but only for now <3
and the sword glow????
extra shoutout to [Always Forever] the lofi credits, istg the ost this season SLAPS
but yeah, holy shit, it really is over. that’s it, that’s all of season 2 huh (i’m hoping so hard for a season 3 and more). damn this was a good ride. so many new memories to treasure. so many more thoughts yet to be articulated. but all that for later,
in the next x
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A Clash of Kings - 63 DAENERYS V (pages 786-799)
Dany loses one ally, but gains two more while out boat shopping.
-when Irri brought her a Qartheen gown, an airy confection of ivory samite patterned with seed pearls. "Take it away," Dany said.
... I have a comment on ivory dresses, but I'm too lazy to track down the other mention I think I remember, but if I am remembering correctly, that's an interesting connection between who gave it, who received it, what happened to the two dresses, and how that reflects on symbolism in her and Dany's story arcs.
Her small breasts moved freely beneath a painted Dothraki vest, -
… I hope she has something for the chafing. But also good for her, embracing the identity of those who first embraced her instead of trying to fit in with people who will never think of her as at least an equal.
Jhiqui had braided her hair in the Dothraki fashion, and fastened a silver bell to the end of her braid. “I have won no victories,” she tried tried telling her handmaiden when the bell tinkled softly. Jhiqui disagreed. “You burned the maegi in their house of dust and sent their souls to hell.” … She chimed as she mounted her silver mare, and again with every stride, but neither Ser Jorah nor her bloodriders made mention of it.
She deserves that bell. But also, it's interesting that that's something D&D chose to exclude from the show, given their Girl Boss!Dany narrative intentions, because it's like... the Dothraki already accepted Dany as Khaleesi, as mother of dragons, as pretty much their god, but giving her a bell feels like a different form of acceptance, something more of worn in trust than just married in power or authority earned by amazing and impossible feats. She's not just a mother who leads them, but a leader who can defend them, a warrior in her own right (even if her weapons of choice are dragons, it still counts), it feels very much like a point of culmination for the journey through the wastes.
“And so it was, then. But now? I am less certain. It is said that the glass candles are burning in the house of Urrathon Night-Walker, that have not burned in a hundred years. Ghost grass grows in the Garden of Gehane, phantom tortoises have been seen carrying messages between windowless houses on Warlocks Way, and all the rats in the city have been chewing off their own tails. -”
Phantom tortoises!? I need six hundred. Also iirc, ghost grass features pretty heavily in the apocalypse story of the Dothraki. !! an omen!
“- Sail with me around the Jade Sea, and we can yet make it so! It is not to late. Give me a son, my sweet song of joy!” Give you a dragon, you mean. “I will not wed you, Xaro.” His face had grown cold at that. “Then go.”
Pft, Dany knows what's up. Also? Xaro? Totally that charming, charismatic guy at the bar who calls a woman a slut the second she denies his advances and thinks women owe him for being a decent human being. (Not that he really is.)
"I am trying to set a price on one of the three living dragons in the world." Dany smiled at him sweetly. "It seems to me that one-third of all the ships in the world would be fair." Xaro's tears ran down his cheeks on either side of his jewel-encrusted nose. "Did I not warn you not to enter the Palace of Dust? This is the very thing I feared. the whispers of the warlocks have made you as mad as Mallarawan's wife. A third of all the ships in the world? Pah. Pah, I say. Pah."
tch. Yeah, goodness forbid a young woman reject your advances and demand "fair" things you can't afford for things she doesn't want to give up, absolute madness there. (angry sarcasm.)
Every word from his mouth brings me closer and closer to smacking him with the steel chair.
The warlocks whispered of three treasons... once for blood and once for gold and once for love. the first traitor was surely Mirri Maz Duur, who had murdered Khal Drogo and their unborn son to avenge her people.
mmm. Pressing F to doubt.
Partly because Mirri didn't kill Drogo. His complete rejection of medical care killed him, and I'm still not convinced Rhaego's death was intentional.
But also because of some of their other wordings during the prophecy bit, made it sound like it was a thing yet to come, not something that might have already happened.
... boat shopping is not going well.
"A most excellent brass, great lady," the merchant excaimed. "bright as the sun! And for the Mother of Dragons, only thirty honors." The platter was worth no more than three. "Where are my guards?" Dany declared, " this man is trying to rob me!"
Ha! I'd almost say Dany and Jorah had fun with this little bit of espionage if it weren't so serious.
... Wait. Hold on. old white-haired guy? Not... It's not Barristan Selmy already, is it? I almost forgot he existed, it's been ages.
... no. "Arstan." or is he? ... I'm probably just going to assume that's Barristan in disguise until evidence otherwise. Just saying, Arstan sound's a little like Barristan.
Also, can we talk about the fact manitcores come in freaking pocket sized? I need some. just a dozen or so, I'd get them a terrarium and everything.
... Dany was not kidding about the repeating threes in her plot at the moment. Even three ships to carry her ho- wait a minute. That's not the plot! Ooohhhh, something's going to go terribly wrong with the boats, isn't it?
"- But the ships that bring me home must bear different names." "As you wish," said Arstan. "What names would you prefer?" "Vhagar," Daenerys told him. "Meraxes. And Balerion. Paint the names on their hulls in golden letters three feet high, Arstan. I want every man who sees them to know the dragons are returned."
I do like the symbolism in the name choices, but speaking of name choices, I notice GRRM switched from "Dany" to "Daenerys" for this line.
I remember in a previous chapter, GoT, I think, I mentioned Dany's narrative voice changed her name to Daenerys when she was intentionally trying mental shuffle herself into a more cold hearted persona, so it's just interesting to see that name change crop up again when she's channeling her "conquering Khaleesi" persona.
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sweetface1 · 1 year
The rules in Chucky
In this post I’ll be listing the different rules about possession through the Chucky series and writing my thoughts down about them. Hopefully I was able to catch them all. If there are any I’ve missed please let me know. I’d also love to hear anyone else’s take on this. I’m so sorry about any typos.
- Only being able to possess the body of the first person you reveal your true nature too
This rule was only essential to the first three movies. After those movies this rule never came up again (or at least I don’t think it was as prevalent. I should also note that in the third movie that this rule would reset when he’s brought back from the dead). However the movies released later do follow a similar format (Jesse, Jade, Jennifer, and Alice). I could see this rule possibly being brought back to focus.
- The longer you stay in a doll body the more human it becomes
This has stayed pretty consistent throughout the whole series. The dolls do have bodily functions (there may be a few scenes that might contradict this but I think thats mostly for stylistic choices. Like Chucky being beheaded in seed vs curse).
- If the body becomes too human you're trapped in the doll.
So this is really just a continuation of the last rule but I didn’t want to make that section too long. This rule again is only prevalent in the first three movies. The later movies and series seem to contradict this. Specifically GG they were a doll for like six years and were able to possess the twins bodies ( more on this later) but Chucky was a doll for like two days (in child’s play 2) and got trapped. I’m going to assume this rule isn’t in play anymore because it restricted Don with what he could do with Chucky (and the other dolls).
- Destroying the heart is the only way to kill chucky.
This rule is only ever mentioned or important in the first movie. However through the movies and series when Chucky dies it’s usually in a way where his heart gets hit (I could not think of a better way to say that). I can only think of three times where this didn’t happen (Child's play 2 and both seasons of the series). I kinda just assumed that when he’s shot, axed to death, or thrown into a giant fan his heart was destroyed. I’m not really sure if this rule will ever become as important as it was in the first movie but it does seem to float around in the background.
- Needing the amulet to transfer souls
We saw the amulet twice and then never again. It was just a retcon for bride and then it later carried on to seed but I honestly thought we’d see it again considering the amulet itself is pretty memorable (that might just be me though cause I grew up associating Chucky with seed and bride. I miss his scarred look 😔. They do also sell merchandise of the amulet though). Honestly it’s a roll of the dice if we ever see it again as it’s not important to the plot as of right now.
- Being able to possess anything.
Okay so this isn’t really a rule it’s more of a throw away line Chucky said in cult. That he could theoretically possess anyone or anything as long as they had a hand/arm for him to stab people. This line was just inserted for Don to be able to explain why Chucky was possessing multiple dolls. I wouldn't take this “rule” seriously. The next rule I’m about to get into contradicts everything about this.
- Only being able to possess the same type of doll.
This is our current rule (I honestly have so many questions about this one). Chucky can only possess good guy dolls and Tiffany can only possess belle dolls (I’m kinda unclear where this rule stands with GG. GG weirdly enough seems to never fully fit the rules. I’m sure that the implication is that they can only possess their doll. Their situation is different from their parents though. I could make a whole separate post on this ).This rule as a whole is very restrictive especially since it’s implied that there aren’t many good guys or belle dolls left. I personally only think this rule exists for two reasons. One being that Chucky and Tiffany (and GG) have such well known appearances that all of a sudden changing the dolls would be weird. The second reason was to raise the stakes especially with the dolls being hard to find. I don’t hate this rule or anything but I can see it being retcon in the future.
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