#and welcome to the fandom!
tennessoui · 1 month
Okay, I'm still new in fandom and I don't have any tumblr blog, but I found THIS and I had to show it to someone. Because who of us would ever assume that serious male youtubers might be obikin fans deeply in heart. I wouldn't. And yet I was wrong.
(youtube video titled "what if obi-wan and anakin fell in love" from Fantasy Folklore)
love this love all the comments being shocked and horrified like this is a new idea sorry sucker this is an old idea and it has merit
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jula483 · 3 days
Hi. I'm new to the fandom. Do you have any advice on making friends here?
first of all, hiiii! I love seeing new fans here epecially since tumblr is kinda like a forgotten corner of the mythical fandom (but one of my favorites tbh). And when it comes to making friends... I'm not the best person to ask that because I'm so bad at interacting with other people lol But I would say just start following different people, start reblogging posts from them? Say something nice in the tags or shoot them a DM if they're comfortable with that.
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jedi-grandmaster · 2 years
Hello! I've been following you for a little while now and I'm curious about something I see pop up in your feed every so often: is there a serious conflict online about the jedi order being good or evil? I just watched the prequels for the first time recently and I never considered them as bad, just human. I always viewed the conflict, especially in ROTS, as multiple "shades" of good (ex: the Jedi council are wary of Anakin because he has the potential to be dangerous while Padme wants to save him because she loves him, but neither are inherently evil), and that it just added to the whole tragedy. Do you know a little more about this? (Btw, no pressure to answer, opinions on social media are scary! I'm just very new to the fandom and you seem pretty level headed and more seasoned than me :))
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Hi anon! Opinions on social media can absolutely be scary, but this blog isn’t scary, so don’t worry!
Ah, I guess you could say I’ve got some seasoning here lol. Welcome to the Star Wars fandom, watch for the landmines.
To be 100% clear and upfront, there is no conflict in canon at all about their morality: they are good guys working and giving everything they have for goodness. They are shown to be heroes time and time again and are only ever shown to be “iffy” by narrators who are known to be untrustworthy, “gray,” or straight up evil in the first place. Fandom is different. There is absolutely conflict, it’s a spectrum from what I’ve seen, and some of the “hot takes” are rancid.
Yeah, I’ve been here for a while, and unfortunately many people believe the Jedi are oppressive child stealers (literally been refuted in canon about a million times; literally the main argument used against them). @monjustmon and @gffa have spoken about this in great length in the past. Personally, I think it comes from people stanning groups of people who have historically rivaled the Jedi and looking for excuses to call their favs “good” and their antagonists “flawed”. (Problematic favs are great, just please accept that doesn’t make them good).
To start, I wouldn’t call the Jedi council acting the way they did with Anakin as shades of good, but just them acting as they should have in an unprecedented and potentially dangerous situation. Anakin was sus, 100%, no ifs, ands, or buts. Them being cautious about what they let him do in a galactic war makes sense (especially considering that when he was out of Obi-Wan’s direct line of sight he murdered an entire village, including the children and got married to a senator. He also had a major hand in the genocide of his people not too long after).
The conflict itself was initiated, fueled, and ended by the sith. The skirmishes? The sith. The battles and slaughterings? The slavery rings? The sith. The stolen children? The sith! The genocide of a peaceful culture? The sith! Every slanderous campaign and the growing, cultivated attitude of the Jedi in the period leading up to and during the war was because of palpatine and his little followers.
I don’t want to get too into it in case this isn’t what you were expecting (come back to my inbox if you want any clarifications or anything, anon!), I just think it’s important that the fandom remembers to take a step back and look at it from an objective point of view.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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palestinalibre · 2 years
Hey you 💕 I'm fairly new here (just a couple of months) and fully convinced that it was and is real, as in logically it doesn't add up for me on any level if it weren't ~ but apparently my brain won't accept it as the state of the art, you know? Like I haven't fully integrated it like "oh yes obviously it is", maybe cause it's all soooo muuuuch you know? Like I'll go through some tags again or see some reblogs or some shit those two idiots pull off again and im like "oh shit so it really iS real" So anyway, I was wondering if this ever happened to you and if it improved shdhajdjs mabye this is also just me having adhd tendencies and forgetting about everything that ever happens 😭 thank you ahahah
Hi love! I totally get you! I think that coming across all this information after all these years is a lot and it feels completely surreal. It's almost too much! I definitely had those moments where although I was absolutely sure of what my eyes had seen and the logic behind it all, felt in disbelief and then found myself like holy shit!! it really is so fucking real.
I think the more you experience the madness and "events" in real time, the more you'll get used to it. At some point you learn so much information from the past and have seen the same interviews, gifsets and little important moments so many times, that you get used to them, the way they act individually and with each other. It doesn't seem surreal anymore. In fact it's very very real, you've seen it all. So moving forward to the present, whatever bullshit or nice thing is happening now, you just realise everything is still the exact same. The lies, the stunts, their body language, their way of communicating, the way their eyes light up for each other. The consistency is so blatantly there, that you also start living with it. It's not hard to believe anymore because you have seen it and still see it all happening, you just live with it, it's very much part of your life and truth.
That doesn't mean that when they pull off some crazy shit we aren't all like what the fuck they're so in love it's so fucking real jajajaj but I think it's more because we love to celebrate their fight, their love and yes it is a little crazy, but it's not like we aren't aware of it every day.
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blinkaftermidnight · 2 years
idk if it’s me being new to the fandom or a personal preference but like i’ve read a lot of your leatin fics (which are amazing btw!) and i’ve noticed that fatin consistently mentions how pretty leah’s eyes are and im just wondering if i’m missing something lmao??
That’s just me being a whore for Sarah Pidgeon’s eyes and projecting it onto Fatin lmao. So I do it on purpose, and now it’s kind of a running joke for me when I write Fatin’s POV
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theriverbeyond · 10 months
companies underestimate how much locking their content behind needing an account will just make me go do something else. oh your website wants me to make an account to view this content? oh your website doesn't show media to logged-out users? okay. i didn't actually want to see it that bad. yeah. bye ✌️
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sulkybender · 7 months
What's the fic you would write if you had the energy for it? Ambitious, complex, novel-length—the fanfic you'd make if you could.
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cinnabon0 · 1 month
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Eddie no longer went for walks with them
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king-r4t · 1 year
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Silly little guy
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totallyottie99 · 2 months
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The Leak
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lilbitsheepish · 1 year
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Wally Darling
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mandasarts · 1 year
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Wally is such a pretty boy oh my god-
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candycassowary · 2 months
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It has come to my attention that people have been using my mspaint doodle as a reaction image- and I'm flattered however I realized I didn't sign it so I made a signed version. Use this one instead please and thank you!!
Drawn while listening to Malevolent, but can apply to a wide variety of horror podcasts or listening experiences. I'll tag a few for safe measure
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doodlesgalore · 1 year
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the silly
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thelegitcasper · 1 month
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regulus to james
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eddieentertainment · 9 months
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I couldn’t stop thinking of these two interacting!! So I had to draw them doodling together C:
Hope you all enjoy it!
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