#animals normally despise janus
jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
modern au where virgil is janus's roommate and co-parent a cat that was abandoned and randomly showed up on their doorstep, they take care of it because the cat just likes them the most 
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lexcat-11 · 4 years
@rondoel ‘s King AU is probably my favorite thing that has ever come from the Sanders Sides fandom and you should 100% check it out. I decided to join the party of writing something that sort of goes along with it. Hopefully this isn’t too far from the intended canon, but here’s something from Logan’s POV relatively early in the story c: 
Context: Logan’s in his room working to solve this “problem”. Having his voice taken away has made his thoughts louder than normal. 
(About 1,100 words)
Logan’s wrists had begun to ache from the sentences spilling at his fingertips. Keys were forcefully struck down time and time again with frustration, passion, anger, all of the words he couldn’t speak. Numerous pencil tips snapped as he slammed them down onto the paper. His hands were smudged in graphite, causing his skin to be perceived with somewhat of a metallic appearance.
Logan forced a sigh from his lungs, blissfully grateful that his air could at least make a sound. He blinked a few times to fight the tears that were determined to blur his vision. Stress weighed his shoulders and trembled in his hands. His brows were seemingly stuck in a furrowed position. Of course, he hadn’t shown it around the others, that would have been an ignorant mistake, but his head had been figuratively overloading with thoughts.
The silence was deafening and no matter how persistently he attempted to drown it out with music or the noises of keystrokes and pens, he longed to hear his own voice. To perhaps even sing once more alongside Thomas and… Roman. He’d failed to recognize how pleasant singing truly was. 
He longed to stand in front of the others, a contained smile just barely showing at his lips, adjust his glasses ever so slightly, and speak. Speak a thesis, speak an argument, speak the logical answer, and draw the conclusion to the dilemma they’d been arguing over for a near day. He yearned so desperately to quote a philosopher, to regain control, and to convince Thomas (and maybe even himself) that things were in fact okay. 
It felt as though these bottled words were going to explode from his chest. They refused to be suppressed any longer. But each time they’d become too much, each time he swore the sheer frustration that built up would be enough to break this impractical, this highly ineffective, this stupid curse of his, nothing but a wispy breath escaped his throat. He was left drained and powerlessly silent. And he despised being so helpless.
But now was not the time to dwell on self-pity. He had the others to help-- they relied on him. These changes would be temporary, he was absolutely certain of that, and he was determined to reverse them. Fixing problems is what Logan did, not worrying.
His cognitive abilities remained and they would be put to use, no matter how much he overworked himself. Janus had stressed the importance of self-care in this time but Logan insisted (in the form of a notecard) that he was in fact “good, fam.” Though he couldn’t say with any more than a calculated stare and a nod, he had a reason for his actions. 
Thomas wouldn’t have dubbed him the voice of reason if he didn’t.
That didn’t make his eyelids weigh any less, however. Logan heaved another defeated sigh. He tore off his glasses and permitted his head to sink onto his forearms. Perhaps it would be wise to take Janus’ advice, at least for a few minutes or so. Unfortunately, he was in no position to engage in leisure time so at most a quick break to hydrate or stretch would be optimal to maintain productivity.
Logan rose to his feet and twirled his wrists. He turned his head from side to side, closing his weary eyes for a long moment, before stretching his legs and back. He couldn’t help but continue to think of his unfinished work. What was it Thomas often did to clear his mind? There were distractions but ah, right. He would daydream.
Logan’s lips pressed into a straight line. Daydreaming did not appeal to him, for several reasons that most certainly did not involve any emotional responses to the absences of Roman and Remus. But perhaps reflecting…
The development years were subjective, ranging from birth to three, to Thomas’ entire life. However, if he recalled correctly, yes that was right. Twelve years old. Logan, or rather Logic at the time, was approximately twelve years old when he had dethroned the King.
Logic stared down at the King’s fallen form with a lifeless stare. Light reflected against his glasses and his tie hung perfectly straight from his neck. His hands were curled into tight fists at his sides
So much power resonated in twenty-eight well-formed sentences. Logic couldn’t help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. King’s fantasies were utterly preposterous, clashing with reality at every turn. What kind of irrational nonsense was this talk of magic, of unrealistic dreams? Logic had knocked him down swiftly with the support of Deceit, a side once close with King, and now the monarch lay on his stomach, forcing a laugh with disbelief shining in his pained eyes. 
A pitiful sight, Logic had determined, and foolishly so. There were so many variables he’d overlooked: the formation of hatred, the distrust burning in that sharp glare, the betrayal stemming from the metaphorical sword lodged in his back.
Logic hadn’t been kind in his mutiny. Logan almost felt, no certainly not. He could not feel sympathy for someone so corrupt. Creativity could simply not be let loose like a dog without a leash. The King was impractical. He had not a clue of how things worked, or of what was truly of importance. He was stuck in an illusion of the past bringing nothing but irrelevance and setbacks to the table. He brought destruction, stripped them all of their lives’ constants, and blinded Thomas to what was real! It was Creativity that caused this pain!
And yet...
Logan’s eyes drifted to a jar of Crofters in the far corner of his room, and then to the narrative Roman had written him for Christmas. He gazed at the large fish tank housing a small octopus, the colorful ties he’d been gifted, and to his Sherlock costume tucked away. He studied the paintings of stars and the realistic drawings of animal anatomy the twins had shared with him. He stopped on the “family” portraits he’d secretly hung on the walls.
No matter how cold he appeared on the outside, Logan had a heart. One that pumped blood and adrenaline through his veins and another that held more love than anyone could ever imagine. Logan loved more than the King could ever imagine. He was capable of forgiveness and of seeing things from multiple angles but when that fragile heart was broken Logan was certain of one thing. There would be no justification for hurting his family.
The King could silence his voice, rip every word from his chest but he could never stifle Logan’s desire for greater knowledge. He’d brought down the tyrant once before and he would do it again. 
After all, a great deal of stealth came with silence.
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waokevale · 4 years
Reverse AU
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-Role: Logic
-Eye Color: Navy Blue
-Age of Existance: 26
-Personality: Reserved, Insider, Distansed
-Benefits: Logical, Thinker, Self-Preserving, Kind
-Flaws: Unpredictable, Cold, Strict
-Animal Counterpart: New Caledonian Crow
Power: Possesses the power of glitches and errors, can stop time in the mindscape at any moment, only for himseft to be able to move around, can teleport through the glitches, can infodump people with his knowledge, depending on the situation, if he's feeling calm and confident it's to benefit the other people, if he feels frustrated or angry it can be simply too much and cause a severe headache to other people/sides. He also can summon giant hands made out of glitches and lags to pick up simply anything that is mostly too heavy for him to handle.
-Flower: Iris
-"The Glitch-ey Guy"
[Other Information]
-The leader of the Dark Sides
-The strongest and most responsible in his group
-Patton was supposed to be the Leader but he grew too unstable to handle the role
-Is on neutral terms with Patton
-Doesn't hate Roman but doesn't like him either
-Doesn't really despise or hate any side but when someone makes him angry he can senslessly hurt them. (cough, cough, Roman..)
-His glitched form doesn't need to be permanent, he can have a normal side form as well
-Roman once said he hated crofters in front of him, in result he got his ass kicked very hard by the other.
-Logan doesn't understand jokes very much^
-Respects Remus for at least trying to be-friend him and the others
-Might seem unsympathetic at first, but he has his reasons to act this way
-Isn't actually Unsympathetic
-Thomas finds him creepy but cool-looking, so does Remus, Virgil doesn't know him yet, but he'd thought the same as the other two if he actually met him.
-Janus tried a few times to get on good terms with him but it never worked out as planned though (they both felt kind of bad)
-Isn't on the best terms with Janus, but doesn't hold any grudge or anything towards the other for being rejected as a light side himself.
-Accepts being a dark side, doesn't plead or whine to be a light side if not asked to be one.
-On neutral terms with Thomas yet
-Seems very reserved emotionally at first but actually has emotions.
-NEVER tell him he's stupid, the least he would do to you is break your spine for that.
[Unless he actually likes the side, then he'll just get offended and sad and/or punch them.]
-Isn't as robotic as it seems, hates when people insult him or his work
-He does accept dedicated apologies though
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sinistershepherd · 4 years
London Bridge Is Falling Down
At times, I despised Roman’s vast imagination. It could be a good and bad thing, as his creativity often differed from moment to moment. Even worse, Roman not only loved Disney, but absurd nursery rhymes as well.
Janus leans on the railing of the bridge, looking down into the water not far below. His reflection stares back at him, a blank expression and mismatched eyes scoring through his already fragile mental state. The lights were frustrated with him again, as usual. Janus couldn’t seem to get a break around the constant bickering and snark that both Virgil and Roman threw at him. His only direction to lean was Patton, and rarely Logan, if he was really feeling desperate.
A familiar sadness sits like a stone in the pit of his stomach, a feeling he’d never admit to. Every time he tried to talk during a debate, he would often get shot down. It wasn’t the fact that his ideas were so easily disposed of that hurt him, specifically, it was more the person who often shot him down. Virgil. Every time Virgil and his sharp tongue, a stark contrast to Janus’ own silver tongue, decided to ridicule his ideas, Janus always thought back to their earlier years. He wanted to mend those bridges, but admitting that to Virgil was practically impossible. Janus deflates like a sad balloon. He just couldn’t seem to win.
“Deceit! What are you doing out here, sharp scaled sneaker?” Roman’s booming voice startles the serpentine side, but Janus doesn’t have the will to snark back.
“Standing, waiting. You?” Janus asks back, voice calm. Roman hesitates at his neutral tone.
“Walking. What are you waiting for?” Roman inquires. Janus fights back a scoff. What was he waiting for? He didn’t quite know himself.
“Rafiki and his chorus of animals to start singing about the circle of life. Quite intriguing,” Janus drawls. Roman huffs.
“I’m surprised you know anything at all about Disney, let alone the Lion King. You seem more of a Jungle Book jokester to me, but I won’t judge your weird style,” Roman drones. Or at least, that’s what Janus hears, since in all honesty, he doesn’t care. Why should he? Disney was never his cup of tea. He only dealt with it because Virgil enjoyed pointing out the flaws, yet still seemed to enjoy the strange bits of humor and adventure some of the movies provided. He dealt with a lot of things on Virgil’s behalf, like his attitude.
“Are you even listening?” Roman snaps, dragging Janus out of his thoughts. The deceitful side blinks, glancing over at the fanciful side.
“No,” Janus deadpans, leaving it up to Roman to justify weather he’s lying or not. Roman scoffs, turning away.
“I can’t say I’m surprised, snakes like you always seem to be too preoccupied making some plan or another....are you going to try and drag one of us lights over to your side, like some Star-Wars knock-off?” Roman rolls his eyes at his own statement. Janus thinks that maybe he’s finally realizing his own stupidity, but that would be a bit much to ask.
“Go annoy Patton. I’m sure he’d love to travel along with your trivial tangents,” Janus suggests, flicking a small pebble off of the railing and into the water below. He watches it make a small splash, then looks away in disdain.
Roman didn’t need any more convincing. Instead, he turns away and walks off, muttering something isn’t this breath that Janus can’t bring himself to pry for. Normally, he would. But right now, he felt drab, and drab never led to good prying.
The bridge shifts beneath Janus. He raises an eyebrow. Odd, he thinks. Why would the bridge shift? Nothing here can be affected by anything except-
“ROMAN!!” Janus shrieks as the bridge buckles, sending the deceitful side plunging into the icy waters. Roman glances over his shoulder, watching for a moment as Janus is swept along, then his eyes widen as it registers. He scrambles to the edge, reaching out for Janus, but it’s already too late. Janus is mercilously pulled under the vicious torrent, gasping and frantically flailing around as he is swept further away. He lets out a scream, muffled by the water, as a loose rock slices into his side, blood spilling out into the water around him. His heartrate races in his ears, fingers scrabbling at the river bed to try and get a hold. What did Roman do to cause all of this? How did it get so bad so fast??
Janus doesn’t have any more time to think about that as the river bed falls out from under him. He starts plummeting down, down, down, another muffled scream leaving him as he realizes what’s happening. The damn waterfall. How did he get here so fast?
Blood drips off into the still air from the wound in his side, time seeming to slow down.
His body connects with the water below, and Janus can tell that bones splinter on impact. He starts to sink, the air already pushed out of him from the collision. He tries to get towards the top, but his legs and arms are sluggish, dragging him further down. Exhaustion tugs him down, darkness starting to engulf his sightline. The previous panic that had seized him eases.
A blurred shape splashes into the water above him, eyes wide and frantic, but Janus can’t make out much else. He reaches weakly up to them, but unconsciousness claims him before he can make contact.
If death is peaceful, then maybe he’ll finally be at peace.
If you would like a part 2 PLEASE let me know, this was incredibly fun to write!!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
Hi! Would it be awful of me to ask for some happy wheelchair/cane using Janus? Like maybe after the others find out about his disability Janus expects them to not change things much but they all work so hard to accommodate him and show him love/support?
(It’s absolutely not awful at all! I love wheelchair/cane user Janus! Italics are thoughts.)
Janus hated today. He’d woken up woozy, yet another day this week his stupid heart was acting like it despised its single function, which it probably did, if he was honest. Heh, honest.
Janus slowly, ever so slowly, made himself resist the urge to continue sleeping and to slowly sit up, taking a few deep breaths to avoid his body just deciding to pass out on him. Big breath, summon the wheelchair.
He felt a bit more okay by the time he summoned his wheelchair but he knew this device would be his legs today because his body was sure as hell putting up a fight functioning.
He did his normal morning routine, bathroom, brush his teeth, get dressed in a nice fluffy sweater and jeans and, boots Remus had gotten him he’d nearly broken his ankle in when he got them. Since he didn’t need to walk around, he could wear them now without fear of falling on his face again.
And he just went about his day like that, alone in his room with his dogs and cats and snakes. Janus was quite happy with the arrangement, albeit lonely a bit as his animals couldn’t hold a good conversation despite how cute and lovable they were.
Plus, neither Aracely, Mina, Esther, nor Ursa made fun of his name constantly so that was a definite plus. And, speaking of that doofus that laughed at his name, he felt a tug and Esther, his service dog immediately put her head on his legs.
“I know, Es. You want me here. But Thomas needs me badly if that prince is calling me.” Esther whined at him. “Esther, you have to let me go, okay? I can stand for what, ten minutes tops?”
Esther complained and helped him slowly stand up from his wheelchair, defiantly stubborn as she refused to let him get up to quickly. He felt the annoying lightheadedness creep up on him but he powered through it and popped up, Esther apparently getting summoned with him as he was petting her head.
“Oh, hi, Janus.” Logan greeted the two.
“Heya there, snakey bear!” Remus exclaimed. Esther nipped at his hand.
“Es, please. I’m fine. Why are you so overaffectionate today?” Janus asked her. She tried to hit his legs with her body and he got the hint a bit too late as she circled him like a shark to get him to sit down.
His chest got a stabbing pain and he was struggling to breathe before falling. He came to with Esther laying on him, growling and snapping at Logan trying to get him up.
“Hey, Es. Stand down.” She stopped growling and he pet her a bit when he could find the strength to move.
“Janus, are you okay?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, but I can’t get up unless she lets me.” He told them.
“What, you want to film an episode laying down? Because I’m not opposed to summoning Angel and just taking a nap.” Virgil told him.
“Entertaining idea, but no. Esther doesn’t let me get up until I’m not as at risk to pass out again.” Esther licked his face. “Oh, I’m magically safe with your kisses. Thanks, girl.”
He pushed himself up, Logan helping and Janus sighed a bit, summoning his wheelchair, making Logan jump back a bit before realizing what it was.
“Ah, do you need any help?” Logan asked.
“Make sure I don’t fall. Esther helps me up.” And so Janus let the samoyed help him up again and Logan helped him sit down.
“You good now, drama queen? You done with whatever made up shit you’ve come up with for pity now?” Roman huffed.
“If you can’t tell, pillow princess, I passed out because my brain wasn’t getting enough blood.” The deceitful side told him, Roman just huffing but didn’t make a comment on it. Patton hugged Janus softly and Logan drank more black coffee to deal with life and its odds and ends. He envied him since he’d already had his one cup today.
“Jan, you okay?” Remus asked, eyes red like he’d been near tears.
“I’m fine, Remus. I promise. Just hypotension. I promise, I’m alright. Swear on Ursa.” Janus promised the intrusive side.
“That fucking cat still exists?” Virgil cackled.
“She’s my baby, are you kidding? It’s not like I can’t have more than one chaotic entity in my life at once, Virgil.” Janus started laughing.
“I made her like ten years ago!” Virgil devolved into giggles.
“And she’s still a baby and a little demon.” Virgil laughed even more until he had to sit down on the stairs nearly wheezing.
“What’s so funny about a cat?” Thomas asked.
“Wheezer over there made me a kitten because he wanted to see if I was allergic and the first thing she did was run straight into a door and make a hole in it and he thought I got rid of her but no, she’s been spreading chaos ever since with Remus as her henchman.” Janus explained as Remus came to sit on the couch to be close to him.
And so the day went normal, though Virgil eventually summoned Angel to play with Esther. And they spent the time after the discussion decompressing together as a family instead of running off to their own rooms. Janus kinda liked how today turned out.
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shortnfantastic · 4 years
I was wondering who your inspirations are when it comes to art style. I think yours is really soft and cute and I can't stop looking at it lol
Hi!! Wow I didn’t know how to answer this question at first because I draw art style inspiration from a lot of places. I don’t have a who, as to a which movies... It’s no secret I love Disney style so a lot of my inspiration draws from Disney movies.
I love the art in 101 Dalmatians especially. This is my absolute favourite background style.. it’s like sketchy but looks so professional and though through. Just beautiful. I despise drawing bgs but if I ever do them I’d like to reach a similar sketchy style.
I also love the weight they have in that middle picture, this is exaggerated because they’re wet, but pulling details of your characters down like clothes makes everything look super cute. You’re telling your viewer that this character is so tiny and Smol that something that normally doesn’t weight a lot like clothes is pulling them down. It makes them look smaller and younger. I used this for Patton’s sweater paws. Also The blanket on top of Janus’ head. Using props to make things look cuter is very helpful.
I love adding tiny things to my style from other art styles... like the way the puppy’s lower jaw is drawn, note how there’s a line that separates it from the main head shape. It’s friggin adorable... Now go and take a look at that snake plushie on my comic. 🙃 I didn’t make that up, I’m grabbing things I like from the masters and adapting them to my own style.
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Cats don’t dance has a wonderful fluidity to their style that I wish to achieve in all my poses no matter how insignificant or unimportant to panel they might be, i try to make them fun like cats don’t dance, that way I kind of trick myself into having fun with them too. Just ahhh.. Their expressions follow their face structure and are fun and dynamic, I sometimes try to exagerate the eye sizes and distort them a bit to match the direction they’re looking to get a more cartoony look. I usually have a reference open too, just for good measure. Also look at her sleeves, they’re so puffy and look cozy and comfy. Go check out Virgil’s hoodie and you’ll probably find something similar.
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I don’t need to mention sword in the stone or the iron giant cuz you all have picked onto that, but yes I draw inspiration from their styles as well, sword in the stone has wonderful child proportions that I love and Arthur’s profile is great for learning purposes. Notice how his eyes are placed in the middle of the head, no towards the top? The lower you place the eyeline the younger they will look. Just careful not to push it too hard unless you want a super cartoony look. Also if you put them in situations and places where you empathize how short they are, maybe by giving them a huge piece of clothing... they will also look cuter. If you make them look like they can’t reach somewhere, to the point where only their eyes visible because they can’t reach... that’s going to make them look even smaller. Increasing the cuteness factor. If you squish them they will look soft and round and plushie like.
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Draw refence from sources you like, they don’t have to be animated, use real life for ref, or paintings or maybe 3D or stop motion. Don’t be afraid to look at what other artists are doing. See the way they’re simplifying features, or the type of lines they use, maybe they’re all round, or maybe more geometrical. I’m not saying copy 100 percent of what they’re doing. That’s honestly no fun. But the combination of little things from different sources will make your art unique to you. Eventually every feature you borrow from somewhere else will slowly evolve into your own adaptation, that is inevitable. None of us is ever going to have a 100 percent original style, it’s the combination of things you like, your interpretation that’s gonna make your art unique.
And I got carried away again... so sorry about this super long post. I uh, draw inspiration from a lot of places when it comes to art style, anon. ☺️
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hydra-collector · 4 years
Ripped Apart
Pairings: Intrulogical
Characters: Logan Sanders, Remus Sanders (all other sides mentioned)
TW: self-harm, suicidal thoughts, ocean creatures, gore/body horror (referenced, doesn’t actually happen), cursing
Words: 1,844
Summary: Remus gets much-needed comfort.
Note: Takes place roughly after POF.
Bite your tongue.
He felt the muscle conform to his teeth.
Bite it off.
Do it.
He bit until it bled, but not hard enough.
Please bite it off.
He would just cut. He wouldn’t have to think about this anymore. He’d forget. Healthy- healthier distractions.
He knew what he was. He knew he was self-destructive, unhealthy, depressed, even dying if you were to count where his thoughts had been going lately.
Just cut and it’ll go away.
What will? There’s the chance cutting would make him want to-
Cut your arms off.
No. He wasn’t going to do that.
You should.
He would bleed out and die, probably.
Then do that.
Just fucking cut.
That voice was constantly pestering him. Remus didn’t mind the intrusive thoughts, sexual jokes, murder, other people’s gore… none of it bothered him. But a while ago the thoughts of killing and hurting and dismemberment had begun being directed at himself. He hated it. He hated himself. What a disgusting being he was. The only way to make them stop was to give in. At least a little.
The blood that came was comforting. It felt humanizing, and reminded him his veins were still pumping. He was still alive.
It was grounding, but also saddening to some extent. He felt like this giant piece of shit that hurt anyone he touched. Part of him was so glad to be in this exhilarating whirlwind called life, no matter how hated he was, but the other part wanted it to end. He never knew if it was selfish or not. Sometimes he wanted so badly to fuck up his relationships with all his friends, if they even considered him a friend, and just erase himself from Thomas’s mind. Sometimes he felt trapped. Thomas never let his ideas free into the world. What was the point of Remus existing at all if he wasn’t going to be used to better Thomas’s content?
Was that his problem? Did he think Thomas was the problem and it was really him?
He sighed and set the razor aside for a moment.
Tell someone if you’re not going to rip out your internal organs.
Who could he tell?
Remus was still scared that Janus despised him, and he was never good with emotions anyway. He supposed he could talk to Virgil. But he’d left the dark sides. Why would he want to talk to either of them? Especially about sensitive topics. Patton was empathetic and theoretically would be good to talk to, but he’d hurt him. He hated intrusive thoughts, why would he want to talk to the embodiment of it? And there was no way he was going to talk to Roman.
Logan, he was pretty sure, didn’t hate him. Rather, they’d talked before Remus’s first appearance and now could probably consider themselves friends. He knew Logan (even though he did shove teeth up his nose) and Logan talked to him. By choice.
He kind of liked Logan.
A lot.
Maybe too much.
He was the only side that Remus could give something the others thought disgusting, weird or creepy, and care about it. Talk about it. He’d even invited Remus to join in some chemistry once, (it did not go well; that did not happen again) and dissected all the dead animals he found. They talked about things the other sides wouldn’t dream of thinking about. And Remus loved science, especially about living things, because there were new, weird things always being discovered. The deep sea is full of wonders like squids and octopi, huge whales, tiny things, so many different species.
Just cut a little more. Then you can see Logan. He’ll help.
Will he?
“Logie! Teach me how to feel like a human again!”
He bounced his steps into the hall, Logan seemingly off to do work.
“You’re not a human, Remus.”
“I felt like one before, though.”
“Why not ask Patton for assistance? He’s much more well-versed in emotions than I am.”
“You’re the only one that likes me.”
“I doubt that’s true. Sure, the other sides may dislike your rather random thoughts, but why would that give them reason to dislike you? You’re a wonderful side.”
“That’s probably not true. No offense to you. I was hoping to find someone to stop me, but you don’t have to. I might cut off my arms and bite out my tongue. Ooh! Or blow up my legs! How long would it take for all of that to kill me?” He smiled a twisted, tortured smile, digging his long fingernails deep into his palms.
“Remus, are you alright? Would you like to sit down? I can get you anything you need, you seem like you could use it. Anything, I can help.”
“Logan, I haven’t been okay for months. Years? Probably my entire life.”
“Please, come sit down.”
Logan led him, hand on his back, to his room, walls blue and books stacked neatly in rows. He pushed aside his laptop from his bed to sit Remus down.
“Ooh, does the nerd wanna fuck?”
“Remus, I need you to be at least semi-serious right now. Did anything specific happen to make you feel like this? Are there any other notable emotions I should be aware of? And what can I do to help?”
“I’ve been depressed for,” he counted on his fingers, “I don’t know how long, but a while!” He said this far too cheerily.
“Okay, that does not sound good. Why did you tell me now?”
“I decided I either give in and destroy myself and wait to die or tell someone. I figured I can do it anyway after I’ve told someone, so I might as well. Ooh, should I write a note?” He grinned at Logan, beginning to scratch at his hands and arms.
“Remus,” he took the creative side’s hands in his own to prevent further scratching, “don’t write a note, don’t kill yourself. It is illogical to take away a part of Thomas’s personality, no matter how inessential you may think you are.”
“I don’t want to, but I have to. Everyone will stop being miserable because of me, I’ll stop being miserable because of me, I’m sure as hell not gonna be missed-”
Logan pulled their hands up to his face, making the impulsive decision and kissing the dark side’s knuckles lightly.
“I’d miss you.”
Remus gazed upwards, surprised. Logan retracted his hands from Remus’s.
“I apologize,” he still didn’t let go of his friend’s hands, “that was unnecessarily intimate.”
Logan could swear Remus’s eyes sparkled.
“No, it was okay. I don’t think anyone’s… ever done something like that.”
“Would more physical affection help with your mental state? If so, I shall provide it.”
Both were desperate for it.
Remus nodded and Logan sat next to him, at first giving an awkward hug, but soon the two moved to lean against the wall and grew more comfortable, supporting each other’s weight.
“I’m bleeding.”
“Remus, did you-”
Before he could even finish his question, Remus’s sleeves were pulled up, smearing the blood still oozing out of the fresh wounds.
“I love them. They’re so pretty. They’re dark and warm and satisfying and I don’t have to chop off my limbs-”
He had a visible reaction to thinking about it again, hitting his head with his now bloody hands.
“Why do I remind myself-”
Logan took Remus’s hands again, keeping them away from his head, as well as each other, in case he started scratching himself again. It hurt him to see him like this. He waited a moment until he was fairly sure Remus could sit for a bit without hurting himself, left to wet a washcloth from the bathroom and brought in the First Aid kit.
“I wanna see them though.”
“Remus, let me. They’ll get infected.”
“Even more fun!”
“Remus, no.”
“Remus yes.”
“Didn’t expect you to understand that.”
“Are you going to let me clean those?”
“Can I make more after?”
“No, this is incredibly unhealthy. On quite a few levels. Not only does self-harm directly impair your physical health, but additionally indirectly affects physical health by worsening your mental health, which is probably the worst effect.”
“They make me feel better though. And stop me from dying. Even if cutting technically hurts me, it’s probably keeping me alive.”
“It’s not a healthy coping mechanism. At some point it won’t be enough.”
“It’s enough now.”
“Like Janus said, don’t wait until you’re having a mental breakdown- or in your case, once you’re about to die- to take care of yourself. It only ends in misery, Remus.”
Logan only just realized how close the two of them were. He’d leaned forward, hands on Remus’s upper arms, holding the two of them too close for normal comfort. But right now it was oddly okay. He could feel Remus’s breathing on his face, irregular and nearing sobs. He should give him room to cry, but he’d grabbed onto Logan as well, so apparently didn’t want to.
“I already hurt so bad, why do I want more of it?”
Remus sniffed before burying his face into Logan’s shoulder and letting his tears flow into the black polo.
“Please hug me. Or clean them. It doesn’t matter. Just touch me. And in a non-sexual way, for once.”
Logan took his chance to gently wash the cuts with his rag. Remus continued crying while he applied the antibiotics and wrapped gauze firmly around his arms. Remus cried when he was done, falling on his chest with enough force that he ended up on his back, surprised. He adjusted this position so it was comfortable for the two of them, leaning against pillows he moved next to the wall.
He rubbed Remus’s back and upper arms, shoulders, held his hands, squeezed his torso, hoping it was helping. Remus turned his head and opened his eyes, which had at last stopped crying. He stared at Logan, maybe a bit too long.
“Am I doing something wrong?”
Remus contemplated for a moment, then decided to say it, grinning widely.
“Can I kiss you?”
“W-what?” His cheeks turned red.
“Can I kiss you? I don’t have to.”
Logan thought for a moment, looking at Remus’s face, then slowly nodded.
He held Logan’s face with his hands and kissed him softly, causing him to get even redder.
“I did not expect that.”
“It was remarkably… unlike you.”
“Want another more like me, Lo?”
“I hesitate to ask what that would be like.”
Remus grinned. Less pronounced than the previous ones of the day, but it was more real and meant so much more than those had. It lifted Logan’s heart a little.
“Are you feeling a little better now, Remus?”
“I don’t really wanna die anymore, so probably.”
It was a massive relief to Logan to hear that. He started smiling, which Remus smiled back to.
Logan, after some silence, kissed him on the forehead. He held him as long as he could.
Remus needed every second.
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Moceit #2 / Day 1
I’m back! And I’m gonna try my best to do @tsshipmonth2020‘s Soulmate September (might be a few days late but whatever, I’ll stretch this into October if I need to sldfjslkdj)
Prompt:  Your Soulmate’s name is written on your wrist or palm.
Taglist: @dramaticsnakes
Patton’s soulmark is on his wrist. Janus’ soulmark is on his hand
When Patton was younger, he was super proud to wear his soulmark
In one of Patton’s classes, there was a girl named Janice and he was super excited. His soulmate was in his class! He was thrilled! But also somewhat disappointed? It didn’t feel right to him but he just assumed that it was because they didn’t know each other yet.
He looked up the misspelling of her name and no articles really came up on it. The most he could find was an online forum that didn’t get any responses. Patton tried to shrug it off but he never forgot.
He tried to have conversations with her before the bell rang but she didn’t really seem that social. And after a few days of failed attempts, he decided to just show her the soulmark.
The girl was also thrilled! She didn’t show him her soulmark but Patton didn’t really care.
So they dated for a month or two. They didn’t have too many similar interests and their personalities didn’t click perfectly but they functioned just fine. 
That was until the girl invited Patton to her house. Everything was going smoothly. They talked, played some video games, and ate some lunch. But at one point Patton saw her wrist and how it didn’t have his name on it
He felt really heartbroken about it and he tried to hide how upset he was but the girl picked up on it.
They had a long talk, but in the end, they were better off as friends.
Patton pretty much covers up his wrists all the time because it just felt awkward after that first encounter.
Janus’ parents were against showing the world who your soulmate was, so he always ended up wearing gloves. He got some teasing for it at school, but he always shrugged it off.
One year, Patton decides to join debate club. He wanted to chat with some new people and he was down to try something new. 
Janus had already been in the debate club a year before Patton. 
The teacher ends up assigning them as debate partners for a certain topic.
Upon learning each other’s names, they had a first gut reaction but blamed it on how common the names were. They never tell each other about their soulmarks.
They chat in class and they quickly find that they don’t like each other.
Patton honestly despised Janus’ bitterness. Sure, he could understand sarcasm- but the guy was just rude sometimes! And Janus could easily talk Patton around in circles for their debates, throwing subtle compliments that completely threw him off his game.
Janus didn’t understand Patton. His morals, the way he talked, even how he debated. All of it was absurd yet intriguing. 
So they keep on debating with each other. Sometimes for pride, but most were filled with utter spite.
One day after an altruism debate, they have to cut it short due to the club only being able to run for so long. Janus invites Patton for a coffee and he agrees.
That’s how it continued from there. Long debates followed with a coffee and a closer. The two boys found out a lot about each other. Most were surface-level- favorite animal, general interests, friends, but they eventually learned that both of them had a disinterest in the romanization of soulmates.
Patton’s previous experience painted soulmates in a bad light. Janus was raised around people who thought soulmates were inherently bad and subconsciously held the same opinion. 
A few months go by and they know each other pretty well. They would be hesitant towards saying best friends but both would welcome the term. 
One day they’re back in their coffee shop and someone bumps into Janus spilling some hot coffee on his glove. 
Janus is a cursing mess and Patton gets some paper towels and cold water for him. 
It ends up with Janus taking off his glove for the cold relief instead.While he does this Patton sees his soulmark.
He’s in shock- Janus- he couldn’t be his soulmate? Right? I mean they did drift together pretty often, but they were so different?
Most of the day at the coffee shop goes pretty normally after that.
Patton really wants to tell Janus what he saw but he is still processing it himself. They walk home together, start to say their goodbyes and Patton just blurts out “You might be my soulmate.” 
Janus laughs it off as some kind of joke, but seeing Patton with his ears up to his shoulders, playing with his sleeves told him otherwise.
J: “Pff, sure Pat- wait- are you serious?”
Patton told Janus about how he saw his soulmark earlier that day but he didn’t want to bring it up right at that moment and shortly after he rolled up his own sleeve to show Janus what he meant. 
Janus really doesn’t know what to say. He’s speechless. 
Patton thinks Janus is trying to figure out how to reject him. How to make it painless. How to get out of being Patton’s boyfriend- did he even want to be friends anymore?
Patton’s voice cracked “I..” 
Janus was trapped in his fortress of thoughts but he knew Patton was waiting for an answer.
J: “Yes…”
P: “Yes? Like- do you want to be together- as in dating together? It’s fine if you don’t want to- I mean I wouldn’t exactly date me either.”
Patton’s cut off by Janus kissing him.
J: “Absolutely.”
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harcourtholmesii · 3 years
Kiss The Cook
Tumblr Request by: Oky Verlo
Request: Characters of your choice: Person A is making food they have never attempted before, and is very worried over how it's turning out (they think it's good, but are they projecting? Have they made it too much to their preference? Are they lying to themself?) And ask Person B to taste test. Person B does and assures them it's great. Affection!!
Notes: I love these two, so I really couldn’t help myself. I tend to have the idea in my head that Remus has greater mood swings than any of the other Sides, just because of how volatile he is as a function. Do let me know what you think!
Pairing: Janus Sanders (Deceit) X Remus Sanders (Dark Creativity)
Words: 1299
-          Sexual References and Implications
-          Hurt / Comfort
-          Only Slight Gore
-          Referenced Violence
-          Referenced Illness and Vomiting
-          Anxiety
Janus awoke to a clatter of pots and pans, muted only by the bedroom door and walls of his room. He despised how it was his room that was the closest to the kitchen, as he had always been a light sleeper. Due to the noise from outside, he could only presume it was Remus getting into the kitchen cabinets again. Such action must be supervised, lest Janus end up nursing both his own queasy stomach, and Virgil’s head over the rim of the toilet bowl.
 He switched off his heat lamp, feeling the chill of the Dark Side work its way under his skin. Dressing himself appropriately, in nothing short of his full suit and bowler hat, he exited his bedroom and crossed the threshold of the lounge room.
 The broken television in the corner sparked around the head of a morningstar lodge through the glass. It must have broken again whilst Remus was watching his horror movie selection. The last time that happened, they had to go speak to Roman to have it replaced… That conversation was more embarrassing than Janus cared to admit.
 A cacophony of sound and the sudden smell hit him all at once as he entered into their small kitchen. Half torn to pieces already, he could see how Remus was stirring a strange concoction in an enormously, over-sized bowl. The chef’s hat he wore had been all but burnt to ash, and as Remus turned to grin his wild smile at Janus, the deceitful side could see how his apron, titled with ‘F*CK THE COOK!’ remained perfectly intact.
 ‘Remus… What are you doing?’
 ‘What does it look like, Dee-Dee?’ Remus shot back, almost giddy with excitement. Through the brownish batter, Janus could make out the bony fingers and a couple of rats’ tails in the bowl. As part snake, he wasn’t sure if he should be offended or not by the assumption that he ate rodents, but if there were anyone who was going to succeed at offending him, it would be Remus.
 ‘You don’t look like you are tearing up half the kitchen.’ He hissed, starting to collect the stained and broken bowls that littered the floor. Remus watched him, and from where Janus was, he could see how the man looked almost embarrassed. If he had animal-like ears, he could almost imagine Remus’ drooping down.
 ‘Sorry Janus… I was trying to make a cake.’
 ‘You never make cake…’ He threw back, furrowing his brows.
 ‘Only because I’m not allowed in the kitchen.’ Remus huffed, but the manic grin had faltered in that moment. Janus was always good on picking up those signs of discomfort or dishonesty.
 ‘You know why you’re not allowed in the kitchen. Any time you haven’t made something, Virgil and I end up half dead from the flavour. How can you put chicken beaks and human gallbladder into a dish and expect us to like it?’
 Janus watched as Remus turned away from him. His shoulders sagged slightly, his head tilting to the right side. When it did that, Janus knew he or someone else had said something that had displeased the Side. The almost exuberant whips of the wooden spoon had become languid and unenthused.
 Janus clicked his jaw in frustration.
 ‘I just wanted to make something for you and Virge. I thought you might like it?’
 ‘Like it?! Remus, I-…!’ Remus eyes turned up to Janus’, revealing those mossy green eyes, with flecks of grey all throughout. If those eyes had been any wider, Janus would have thought they would pop out of the Side’s skull. It was pathetic, if only slightly adorable.
 He huffed, crossing his arms. His fingers tapped over his arm, attempting to determine how he might proceed. He didn’t want to poison himself, but he also didn’t want to hurt Remus. Dark Creativity was his closest friend, and rarely did they have gripes or arguments.
 ‘Fine…’ Remus was immediately in his face, and the Side had spilled about half of his brew over Janus’ shoulders when he hugged him. Deceit shuddered at the feeling of the rats squirming about, still alive, as they followed the flow of the batter down the back of his suit.
 ‘Under one condition.’ Remus pulled back, cocking his head to one side. His grin had returned full force, and the man was childishly bobbing up and down on his feet. ‘You can cook, but I will be helping you.’
 ‘Deal!’ Remus smacked him across the back, pulling back the now empty bowl and tossing it over his shoulder. Janus couldn’t be certain if he just heard a cat shriek and take off as the projectile landed. Remus, however, almost oblivious to the mess he had created, started on finding a new, clean bowl.
 Together, the two of them had managed to clean up portions of the kitchen (for only a short time as Remus’ idea of mixing included spattering half the batter onto the walls and cupboards) and start cooking something less damning. The further through they went, the batter thickening and devoid of offal and living specimens, Janus started to notice that the excitement on Remus’ face was weakening.
 By the time the cake had been removed from the oven, smelling heavenly of chocolate and coffee, Remus looked almost scared. Janus raised his hand to rest it on Remus’ shoulder, offering him a softer look.
 ‘Is there something not wrong, Remus?’
 ‘I… I don’t know.’
 ‘It looks and smells fantastic.’ He hummed, taking a moment to pick a piece off the cake. It looked perfectly normal and smelled divine. But Remus was watching him like he was about to eat cyanide. As Janus raised it to his lips, Remus stopped him, wrestling the piece away and tossing it across the room, much to Janus’ disappointment.
 ‘What’s wrong, Remus? It looks perfect!’
 ‘But it was I that made it!’ Janus furrowed his brows in some confusion.
 ‘I don’t understand.’ He said.
 ‘You always have a problem with what I make. What if I made it worse?’ Remus questioned, glaring at the cake as if it was an intruder. ‘What if I kill you with it?! What if you die?!’
 ‘I don’t think I am going to die from this… Remus, I love your work, but your creativity with food is what concerns me. I think you can make perfect food if you just follow the recipe. Maybe even not the whole recipe, but just use it as guidelines. Then, maybe you could still make something of your own, but it won’t be so… deadly.’
 ‘Really?’ He asked, watching as Janus picked up another bite-sized piece of the cake. His eyes worriedly watched his fingers, and Janus could see him twitching with discomfort.
 ‘Well, I made this with you, so I don’t think it is likely to kill me.’ With that, he tossed it into his mouth and bit down. Rich chocolate exploded in a plethora of flavours, still gooey but not so wet, and with a warmth to it from how it had only recently been released from the oven.
 ‘Do you like it?’ Remus asked, eyes wide with hope and worry.
 He paused, raising his hands so they could both rest on Remus’ shoulders. He brought him closer.
 ‘I love it.’
 Remus smiled.
 ‘Perhaps, you ought to try it…?’ Janus leaned in, their lips crashing together for only a few moments. It was rarely he that initiated, but it seemed Remus was not displeased by the surprise. In fact, he seemed far more excited than Janus was expecting, even from those short moments.
 ‘What do you think, Remus?’ He hummed, licking his lips. ‘You’re the chef, after all.’
 ‘Hm…’ Remus raised one hand to his face, stroking his moustache almost cheekily. ‘Perhaps another free sample?’
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tsmallau · 4 years
Ages ago I pitched this idea to a friend about the sides working in a mall, which was inspired by my mall, where a Spencer’s is right next to a Build-A-Bear and a Hot Topic next to a Claire’s. I told her that Patton, Remus, Roman, and Virgil would work there. And then I was like “Logan works at a GameStop and Janus has a job at a bubble tea place that he absolutely despises because he only got it to get some extra money, but now he can’t just quit because it’s well paying.
(It’s sad that I haven’t edited this for this long, normally I’m constantly revising. What’s sadder is that this blog has existed for longer. In case your wondering it’s April when I’m posting this)
Tumblr media
Anyway.... NOTES!! (Some of them anyway, this is kind of plotless and just for fun.)
Virgil works for a hot topic.
Remus works for a Spencer’s
Patton works for a Build A Bear
Roman works for a Claire’s
Deceit works for a Bubble Tea shop.
Logan works for a GameStop
Why do they work where they do?
Well, Virgil is the embodiment of Hot Topic. He’s worked there since he was sixteen, literally on his birthday.
Same with Remus and Spencer’s. Has been there since he was almost nineteen, but not on his birthday.
Patton works at a build a bear because he loves kids and loves the stuffed animals, and during the heart ceremony thing, you can make a child do whatever the heck you want them to do and they HAVE to do it. He’s been working there since he was nineteen.
Roman works at a Claire’s because of all the sparkly stuff. He loves the sparkly stuff. And all the pink. Besides, he needed a job. He has been working there since he was nineteen
Janus works at a bubble tea shop. He isn’t sure how to feel about it, but he’s been working there forever and hardly ever missed a day (he has been working there since he was eighteen.)
Logan works at a GameStop because like Janus, he had worked there for a very long time, and he took the job because it’s easy to search for games, and stuff (he really just has to manage stock and catalogs and angry gamer boys) so he had that down and hey, at least that means discounts on strategy games. He’s worked there since he was seventeen, almost eighteen
Age wise, at the start of the AU:
Virgil is 20, a young boy (almost 21 tho)
Logan is 22, an oldER boy
Patton is 23, eldest boy.
Deceit is also 23, a slightly younger boy.
Remus and Roman are only slightly older than Logan, also at age 22
That means:
Patton has been working there for four years
Virgil has been working there for almost five years.
Deceit has been working there for five years
Logan has been working there for four years
Roman and Remus has been working there for about three years. Remus longer than Roman.
Remus started working there bc he went into Hot Topic one day, and like... he was looking around and bought disney Merch for Roman bc their bday was soon. And then he talked to Virgil and stuff and they were having fun talking because there were surprisingly not a lot of people in the store.
So Remus and Virgil were talking and then as business started picking up, Remus was like, “Well, I wish there was a way for me to stay and talk longer.” And Virgil was jokingly like, “Well there’s a job opening at Spencer’s.” And Remus is just like, “I take that as a challenge.” So lo and behold about a month later, Remus gets the job.
Deceit was working there because he needed a job and didn’t expect it to be long term, but it ended up that way, he encounters many basic bitches.
Patton needed a job originally just so he could remain financially stable, and now he’s actually doing pretty good. So he’s fine there, and he likes his job.
Roman got a job at Claire’s because it’s easier to carpool with his brother (who he lives with, begrudgingly) and he’s the perfect amount of sassy gay to love it there.
Logan just started working there because, “if I want to buy science things and pay for college, we’re doing this.”
Virgil had always wanted to work for hot topic, and as soon as he was old enough? Fuck yeah.
Deceit and Virgil have an unspoken rivalry that only Remus knows of because he always stuck around the mall and observed it before he got a job. (He hung out in the food court, babeyyyy)
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preachbvne · 4 years
POPUP- RECAP...Striving that Leads to Subversion of the Hearers (The Unprofitable) Warning and Woe to the Body of Christ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYUWeVZOzxo Notice How MANY WILL Argue The Gospel... Yet Few Will TRULY PREACH IT! BELOVED, You can't Just Eat A SOUND MEAL Once!!  Recap and Be Nourished, thereby...."A Wise Person Speaks Because They have something to say, But a FOOL Speaks because He just has to Say Something!(Ponder it)2 Timothy 2:14-18 (KJV) 14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.  15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.17 And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;  18 Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.2 Timothy 2:14-18  (MSG) 14-18 Repeat these basic essentials over and over to God’s people. Warn them before God against pious nitpicking, which chips away at the faith. It just wears everyone out. Concentrate on doing your best for God, work you won’t be ashamed of, laying out the truth plain and simple. 16. Stay clear of pious talk that is only talk. Words are not mere words, you know. If they’re not backed by a godly life, 17 they accumulate as poison in the soul. Hymenaeus and Philetus are examples, 18. throwing believers off stride and missing the truth by a mile by saying the resurrection is over and done with.Grace Nugget: •To State the Words is One thing to Strive is Another •Again a Froward Mouth vs A Bold MouthDefinitions of subvert: •destroy completely •corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality •destroy property or hinder normal operations •destabilize, unsettle, overthrow, overturn; bring down, bring about the downfall of, •topple, depose, oust, supplant, unseat, dethrone, disestablish, dissolve; disrupt, •wreak havoc on, sabotage, ruin, upset, destroy, annihilate, demolish, wreck, undo, undermine, undercut, weaken, impair, damage corrupt, pervert, warp, deprave, defile, debase, •distort, contaminate, poison, embitter;Definitions of strive: •to exert much effort or energy •attempt by employing effort======THESE TYPE CHARACTERISTICS RIGHT HERE====== 2 Timothy 3:1-5  (KJV) 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,  3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,  4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;  5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.2 Timothy 3:1-5 (MSG)     Difficult Times Ahead 3 1-5 Don’t be naive. There are difficult times ahead. As the end approaches, people are going to be self-absorbed, money-hungry, self-promoting, stuck-up, profane, contemptuous of parents, crude, coarse, dog-eat-dog, unbending, slanderers, impulsively wild, savage, cynical, treacherous, ruthless, bloated windbags, addicted to lust, and allergic to God. They’ll make a show of religion, but behind the scenes they’re animals. Stay clear of these people.Treacherous Definition • apostate; renegade; Subversive; seditious • guilty of or involving betrayal or deception. • traitorous; disloyal; perfidious; faithless • unfaithful; duplicitous; false-hearted • deceitful; false; untrue • backstabbing; double-crossing; double-dealing • two-faced; Janus-faced • untrustworthy; unreliable • undependable; fickle; rebellious • mutinous' breakaway; treasonable • treasonous; two-timing=======You will Not Inherit The Kingdom======= 1 Corinthians 6:9-11  (KJV) 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither Fornicators, Nor Idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,  10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.===========PREACH THE WORD=========== BE STEADFAST Because THE TIME IS COMING WHEN: 2 Timothy 4:1-7  (KJV) 4 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine.  3 For the time will come when they will not ENDURE SOUND DOCTRINE; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. ============But You Stay Watchful========== 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.  7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:Definitions of endure: •  undergo or be subjected to •  persist or be long; in time •  last and be usable •  face or endure with courage •  put up with something or somebody unpleasant •  continue to exist •  continue to live; endure or last=====THE PORTAL OF HELL- MOVES TO MEET YOU===== Isaiah 14:9n (KJV) 9 Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations.BE ENCOURAGED BYComfort Yourselves with these Word—According to the Word 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11(KJV) 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.Grace: Note: Before a Nation Declares war on another Nation.. It calls the Ambassadors home!!2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV) 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God."I Prophesy to the Perplexities and Give the Practicalities!"The "GOD-With" Ministry"Not Inspirational Speaking, But Word-Based Preaching!"TRUTHALITY! Facts are Temporal Truth is Eternal! What is real? The TRUTH that, Nothing is too hard for God! Preach Be a Voice Not an Echo www.preachbvne.webs.com www.preachbvne.blogspot.com Twitter@Preach_BA_Voice Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/preach_bvne/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEcho Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/PreachBVNE/ Youtube Channel:www.youtube.com/c/PREACHbeaVoicenotanEchoMinistryTo Sow into this Ministry Mail to: Shawntrell or Thomas Davis               P.O. BOX 606               Goodlettsville, TN 37070 CashApp: $KingdomStewardDavis PayPal:  www.paypal.me/SHAWNTRELLDAVIS or Email:[email protected] Emmanuel Davis III Shawntrell Davis Ambassadors of the Word of Reconciliation Followers of "The Way"Distributors of the Revelation! Distributors of the Truth! Distributors of the Release!S.H.I.F.T Suddenly Heaven Invades Forcing Transformation!!#YesLordIWill #CryLoudAndSpareNot #TheLordMyGodIsWithMe #PartakersofHisGlory #FortifiedBrazenWall #Repent #TheKingdomOfGodIsAtHandLet the Lord be Magnified! Announcing the Coming of the Glorious Kingdom of God!2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV) 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.Matthew 24:14 (KJV) 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come..
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