#anyway *sobs* back to my 3ds
impostorsshow · 1 year
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i found this funny image anyway im gonna fucking cry
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2 notes · View notes
petit-etoile · 7 months
Astarion is a taco bell worker who has not had a single day off in 2 years because his manager can't be assed to teach anyone else how to close. He longs to one day see the sun again and be free of these twisted and evil taco nights
in  motion,  in 3D
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pairing: astarion/tav wordcount: 7,156 content warnings: please do not have sex in parking lots !! but anyway, all characters are in university & tacobellstarion works to pay for his law books, i use a lot of pet names from both spawn & ascended astarion, but he's not a vampire in this universe so his morality is mostly in tact,  nearly 7k of pure smut other tags: alternate universe - college/university, porn what plot/porn without plot, pwp, established relationship, semi-public s.ex, b.lowjobs, riding, c.reampie, shameless smut, taco bell, gender neutral tav archiveofourown: here.
tag list: @azrielshadows1nger, @pandimoostuff, @faevi, @microskies, @foreverthemaraudersera, @queenofthespacesquids, @claryvoyantfray, @6doodlaang14, @anne-isnotokay, @itshimbotime, @yeeteth-the-raven, @sessils,@8-opossums, @worryknotdear, @abirdaboxandachippedcup, @ghosts-and-ink, @b4um3pfl4um3, @gunslingerorchid, @hypopxia,  @m0ssytrees, @erysione, @odette-attackattack, @catching-fire-in-the-wind, @ashrio20, @wills-mental-illness be added to the taglist here
summary:  Fast food jobs may as well be from Avernus itself, yet Astarion clocks in every day for a night-shift at Taco Bell in his silly little purple hat and his silly little purple uniform.
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College is already hard enough. Add in a job on the side that requires you to stay up long before even the partiest of party kids have gone to sleep, and life might start to seem even bleaker. Astarion may not have gone out of state for his college adventures, but it was still hard. The expense of the university, the expense of staying on campus, and the expense of wanting to afford textbooks unfortunately resulted in this.
He takes a long, exhausted look around the cluttered Taco Bell and considers sobbing on the floor. Despite all the work put in to make the building seem pristine, the shop always seems as though it’s been through some soft of galactic turbulence by the time the night has ended. The last thing Astarion wants to see is a catty text from the day shift saying things were still dirty. He might snap his phone if he sees Enver Gortash (saved in his phone as DO NOT ANSWER!!!) texting him at a bright and early seven in the morning.
Fast food jobs may as well be from Avernus itself, yet Astarion clocks in every day for a night-shift at Taco Bell in his silly little purple hat and his silly little purple uniform. He hates it  —  He loathes it more than anything else, but it’s the only thing that keeps him from sinking further into nearing-graduation depression. This is the only way he stays sane.
He slips his phone out of his pocket and taps in his password, a cute little anniversary date, and checks his text messages before anyone can rat him out to the team manager in the back. There’s a Snapchat that he can’t check and a few text messages, and he presses on them so desperately he thinks he might be going a little insane. It’s only been a few hours and yet…
LOML: i'm coming to get u!!
Astarion smiles so wide he thinks his face might crack. It makes him giggle, swing his feet, twirl his hair around his finger. He feels very baby girl, as Karlach liked to put it. He types a quick ‘MY HERO’ before sliding his phone back in his pocket. That one text is all he needed to hold on for the last thirty minutes of work.
‘Alright!’ Wyll calls from the back. He looks up from his new shiny Apple watch. ‘Last customer is out, so you know what that means. Closing time. Let’s get this show on the road!’
Closing time is somehow the best part of Astarion’s day and the worst. The best, because he knows who will be waiting for him outside to pick him up as soon as everything is neat and tidied inside. The worst, because someone has to clean the bathrooms and he refuses to do it. There’s a bleakness, a despair to the Taco Bell bathrooms. It truly takes the world’s strongest to venture forth and clean them, and Astarion’s recently had a manicure. He scours the room critically before his sight lands on his second favorite co-worker ever!
‘Jenevelle,’ he purrs, turning to look at his younger co-worker. ‘It’s your turn to clean the bathrooms.’
‘It isn’t,’ she says snootily, pushing an Airpod into her ear to drown him out. ‘I did it yesterday. The men’s room is a crime against humanity.’
Astarion frowns. ‘I’m older. You do it. I refuse.’
'Just because you're like, seventy-something and still working at Taco Bell doesn't mean that's what the rest of us want to do,' Jenevelle says, blowing an obnoxiously large bubble with her gum. She slides off the counter and rolls her eyes. 'You're cringe.'
'Bold,' Astarion says, scandalized at only a young twenty-four years of age, 'considering that's coming from someone who put down the name Shadowheart on her application form and dresses like Olivia Rodrigo. Now, go clean the ladies' bathrooms before I feel inclined to point out you have nasolabial folds at eighteen.'
Shadowheart gasps in mock horror, putting a hand to her mouth. She rushes to get the cleaning supplies and does as she was told, but it doesn’t feel like a victory. Astarion is almost certain he’s going to wake up to a text from Gale laughing about how the story is being shared on a small indie podcast. It’s enough to send shivers down Astarion’s spine, but not enough to offer to swap places with Shadowheart. He goes back to petulantly sorting the hot sauce packets.
He pockets one mocking saying ‘I’m Your Main Squeeze!’ and shoves the containers back from where they came from. It’s easy closing, he tells himself. If closing were any easier, the morning shift wouldn’t complain so much. It’s what he has to tell himself as he wipes down the counter.
It’s hard to hold onto hope during these tough taco hours. Astarion just checked his phone, but if he were to check it again, he’s almost certain not even a minute would have passed. No matter how hard he scrubs the counter, everything smells like refried beans. His hair smells like refried beans. His shirt smells like refried beans. His skin must smell like refried beans. It’s a nightmare.
‘Dude, I cannot wait to get out of here,’ Wyll complains, coming to lean on the counter. He begins pretending to sort packets too. ‘Do you have any plans, Astarion?’
‘Ravengard,’ Astarion says patiently, ‘it is three in the morning. My plan is to sleep.’
‘Serious about that beauty sleep?’
‘Dead serious.’
Wyll hums. ‘The rest of us were going to go out for a drink. We wanted to know if you wanted to come with us. You know, to let off steam.’
Astarion considers it the same way one considers eating leftovers. He thinks about it then thinks about the sage old rule: There is nothing open after three in the morning besides jail cells and iHop. He decides against it. Doesn’t want to risk the price of bail after a night of drinking.
Besides, there’s someone coming to pick him up anyway. The thought of you crosses his mind and he can’t help but feel somewhat giddy about it. Between all the work from school and the stress of trying to make Burrito Supremes, you make going through the hardship of closing every single night worth it.
He’s supposed to be doing something, but Astarion can’t remember what it was that Wyll told him needed extra attention at the beginning of his shift or what closing a store entails anymore. He takes out his phone one more time and looks at his screen so he can memorize his screensaver which is a cute photo of you asleep in his shirt and drooling.
‘Ugh, you’re so happy it’s gross,’ Wyll says, wrinkling his nose.
‘Oh please,’ Astarion snorts. ‘As if you and Lae’zel aren’t sickening.’
If Astarion is being completely honest, almost all couples are. Somehow, the two of you don’t get to avoid that connotation. He remembers when you first started dating. You celebrated one week of dating, then two, then every month, then every other month just because it delighted you to do so. Astarion’s reputation is that he’s a prickly, unkind asshole which isn’t entirely too far from the truth, but the difference is that you are you, and you deserve all the nice things he can give.
But before anyone can complain about Astarion being sappy again, he slides his phone into his pocket and goes about his closing to-do list. He fusses over Karlach’s dishes. After working at a fast food restaurant, he’s pretty sure he’ll never eat at one again  —  but what the public doesn’t know what hurt them. They’re clean enough to anyone terribly concerned about it.
Isobel is hastily cleaning the floors. She and Aylin will never beat the grossest couple allegations, but Astarion thinks she’s the cutest thing in the world with her big eyes and fluffy eyelashes and perfectly smudged eyeliner. Once, he found Isobel and Shadowheart in the bathroom comparing shopping bags at Ulta instead of working the drive through. Astarion never told, but they owed him favors for two weeks in a row. Those were the best two weeks of his life.
Astarion does, however, fuss over the cleanliness of the lobby. The store itself feels permanently smudged in grease and smells about as nice as a locker room, but he refuses to be in the kind of establishment that refuses to clean the soda dispenser nozzles. He watches Wyll clean them then cleans them again himself.
And lastly, very lastly, Astarion gathers all the mops and brooms and rags and towels and puts them back from whence they came. Isobel finishes checking the filters to make sure they’re spotless about the same time Shadowheart comes miserably from the bathrooms with a look of utter despair on her features. He should probably feel bad, but he’s just thankful he didn’t have to do it himself. He wonders if he can somehow convince Wyll to do them tomorrow… but that’s a thought for another day, and Astarion only has one thing on his mind now that the store is closed.
Thank the gods, it’s you. You’re a blessing in disguise if you’ll ever admit it. You willingly wake up in the middle of the night to come pick up Astarion, and you’ve never complained about it despite it being well beyond your bedtime. It’s embarrassing to admit that it’s something the both of you look forward to. A little private time away from dorm roommates and their friends who all like to crowd into impossibly tiny rooms because they haven’t spent enough time with each other throughout the day somehow.
The thought of you puts a pep in Astarion’s step. He checks his phone one last time to read your latest text message and feels like his heart is about to soar out of his throat. He bounces from foot to foot impatiently while waiting at the door for Wyll to come see everyone out, but as soon as that door opens, he’s darting across the parking lot to your familiar car. He never gets in a hurry for anything, but it’s different tonight.
You watch the other couples scurry to their own vehicles for their own safety. Shadowheart rides with Karlach and they’ll hang out at Rolan and Lia’s until Viconia DeVir spam texts her enough that she comes home. Wyll races to Lae’zel’s slick sports car, and seeing them make it across the parking lot is all you really care about. You turn your devout attention back to Astarion.
One might be wondering what you’ve been up to tonight, but it’s an easy answer. You were studying for your many quizzes and tests which infuriate you to no end, because college is hard and Astarion can’t help you study. Not that he would be that helpful. Luckily, Gale and Halsin are astute professors who actually don’t mind helping students  —  and they both have a you shaped soft spot that makes it impeccably easy for you to convince them to tutor you. They helped you go over your coursework and somehow managed to play footsie with one another under the table at the same time, although Gale kept bumping into you by accident and Halsin kept laughing. Either way, you made it through two hours of intense studying in just enough time to pick up Astarion from work.
You almost wish he had helped you study instead, but… He’s smart, coy, a future lawmaker in the making, but Astarion is gorgeous. His talents are wasted on learning laws and balancing books. To say that you wouldn’t get anything done if Astarion helped you study is an understatement. One might think you innocent enough with a cute picture of you and Astarion as your lock screen, but opening up your phone shows one of your most recent endeavors. A risque photograph of Astarion’s cum on your stomach in black-and–white to make it less scandalous, of course.
He should be a model styled in the latest Gucci and coveted by all, but you’re also increasingly biased. You’re wearing a baggy band sweater and sweatpants when he comes around the corner of the restaurant, and he’s so incredibly cute in his stupid Taco Bell uniform that you can’t help but wiggle in your seat. You unlock the door as he comes bolting to the passenger side, and he climbs in and meets you halfway for a kiss.
‘You smell like tomatoes,’ you laugh.
‘Oh, I suppose I’ll walk home then,’ he snorts.
Astarion always comes home smelling of Crunchwrap Supremes and Baja Blasts. Underneath the smell of grated cheese and refried beans and offensive-to-the-nose lemon, he smells like his personalized cologne too. You sniff him unapologetically and try to not feel giddy as he giggle-snorts his way back into the passenger seat.
You watch as he flings his hat into your backseat and begins ruffling his hair back into the usual coiled, curly hairstyle he’s usually sporting. You watch, with a quiet smile, and fight the yawn that’s been plaguing you since you set out to study anatomy around midnight.
It would be downright cringe to admit you want to study his anatomy since he smells like Taco Bell, but the uniform looks so damn good on him. It’s dorky in a way that makes your heart race. When he stretches, his shirt untucks a little and a peek of his belly shines through. That makes what you’re feeling ten times worse.
Maybe it says more about you than it does Astarion, but he would be attractive even if he was wearing a paper bag. You’ve heard the way the other students gossip about him. They like his long legs or his lean neck, or his loud personality. He’s a self-proclaimed short king with a wicked smile and a dangerous sense of humor. That’s why, no matter what he’s wearing or what he’s been doing, the sight of him makes your heart seize into your throat. You want him. You want him bad enough that you glance around the parking lot to make sure everyone is gone.
‘Was work difficult tonight?’ you ask.
‘The customers,’ Astarion groans, rubbing at his eyes with the heels of his hands. ‘Why do thirty seven high schoolers come into Taco Bell before close to order everything off the menu? It takes forever! And they’re so weird, shoving paper from their straws into their Baja Blasts and filling it with salt and pepper and hot sauce then daring their friends to drink it. Weird! Weirdos!’
‘What if I said I was hungry?’ you ask slyly.
‘Don’t even play,’ he growls. ‘I’m tired and  —  Oh my gods, you’ll never guess the drama from today.’
Astarion sets off on a long tangent about work related drama. His boss got into an argument with their boss and now everyone else is in trouble because someone who works the morning shift lost a set of keys. It’s nothing you’re particularly interested in, but it’s nice to hear Astarion talk to you. You adjust the radio to be quieter and turn the air up to be warmer. You’re so terrifyingly cozy you’re bound to fall asleep, but that’s okay. You lean back against your seat and close your eyes too.
‘That sounds like a mess.’
‘Aren’t you glad you don’t work?’
‘Beyond glad,’ you say.
Astarion hums. ‘How did studying go? Did you memorize anything interesting today?’
‘No,’ you say. ‘But, well, there was something I wanted your help with…’
You look across the console to watch him. He doesn’t seem as sleepy as you are. He offers you his hand and you take it just to hold it, fighting a shy smile as you do so. You give him a few more minutes to unwind after his shift before reaching for your keys in the ignition.
Astarion reaches for your hand. His fingertips slide across your upper arm to your fingers, wrapping around you to prevent you from starting the car. You swallow thickly. It’s almost like he read your  —
‘You look absolutely wrecked, my dear,’ Astarion says. ‘Switch sides with me. I’ll drive us home while you doze.’
It’s a tempting offer. Being driven home. It’s the sleep deprivation that’s driving you somewhat crazy, you think, because Astarion has never looked more handsome than he does now in the passenger seat, hair tousled and uniform lopsided, and a smile on his face. Your cheeks heat up.
Oh, it’s definitely the sleep deprivation. Part of you wants to simply wait until you’ve made it home to do anything wild. But Astarion keeps looking at you, appraising you with gentle curiosity. He is unbelievably proud of you and how hard you’re working, and that appreciation is doing wonders to the thoughts inside your head. Your palms start to sweat.
You do a quick look around the parking lot one more time. It’s entirely empty now, not a single car in sight. No Lae’zel or Karlach or Wyll or anyone who would interrupt. The lone overhead light keeps blinking on and off. If you were truly concerned about your situation, you would think that it’s something out of a horror movie. Those aren’t the thoughts going on in your head. What you’re really thinking is so gross it should be humiliating. Astarion’s hand is warm on your hand, and his belly is still showing underneath his shirt that’s ridden up, and he’s tilting his chin because he’s noticed you’ve gone unusually still.
‘I don’t want to go home,’ you say in a small voice. ‘And  —  I’m not hungry either, not really.’
‘Oh?’ he hums. ‘What do you want to do instead?’ 
Ah. There it is. Your chance.
You pull your hand from his and place it on his knee, thumb pressing against the side of his thigh. Astarion’s eyes glimmer dangerously. He’s caught onto your mood. He knows exactly what you want without you even saying it.
He reclines your seat and stretches even more in your chair, his legs splayed out in front of him lazily. He’s lithe and taut, hands gripping the headrest for no other reason than he knows it makes him look gorgeous. He raises his chin like a challenge. You slide your hand up his leg and squeeze his muscle. Your mouth has gone dry, but that’ll be changed soon. You nibble the inside of your lip and pray to the gods to give you bravery.
‘You’re insatiable,’ Astarion accuses.
‘It was the textbook,’ you say defensively. ‘I studied for so long, and now my mind has wandered.’
He tsks at you in disappointment. ‘The Taco Bell parking lot of all places.’
‘Shut up.’
He laughs, nice and low and dangerous, and presses his hand flush against his belly. He pulls his shirt up a little higher and you fight desperately to keep your eyes on his face.
‘Shut up?’ he mocks. ‘Is that the best you can do?’
‘I’ll show you,’ you say brazenly, ‘what I can do.’
It’s abysmal, the lust that overtakes you. You lean over the console and watch as he raises his shirt so that you can see the smooth plane of his abdomen. He’s lithe, sleek, refined. Even in his silly little uniform, you can’t help but think about how amazing Astarion looks  —  and he knows that’s what is racing through your mind, because he indulges in the attention that you’re granting him. You lean forward, one hand bracing yourself against the console while the other falls against his thigh for support, and kiss gently across his belly. From one side of his waist to the other, one hip bone to the other, until you fuss enough that Astarion helps slide his work pants down his hips to his thighs.
The ridiculousness of the setting is forgotten. You lavish Astarion’s cock with attention, the tip of your tongue tracing over the svelte shape, until he’s gently lacing his fingers in your hair to help guide you along. But you know his body almost as well as you know your own. You take the tip of Astarion’s cock into your mouth and kiss it. You graze your teeth carefully over the skin and feel his leg tense in anticipation, and slowly, you swallow it inch by inch.
His cock jerks in your mouth, growing and hardening beneath your careful ministrations. After being together for so long, you know what he likes. He likes slow and languid strokes. He likes when you hum and sometimes when you try to suck him as far down as you can, but you also know that he likes the occasional graze of your teeth, and you’ve barely touched him when he moans softly under his breath as if it’s humiliating to him how needy he is for you as well.
It isn’t the most comfortable position to be in. The gear shift is rigging uncomfortably into your ribs, and the sound of your leather seats sliding against your skin is an unwanted addition, but you’re mesmerized by the way Astarion tastes on your tongue.
Even after a long shift, he still smells immaculate. Your laundry soap overpowers almost everything else, and his satiny tip is salty with precum, but you’ve always enjoyed that taste more than anything else. You mouth gently against the length of him, kissing and sucking and tracing patterns against his cock with your tongue. The touch causes his hand to tighten in your hair, not enough that it hurts, but enough that you’re reminded of him.
It’s comforting, the feeling of his hand in your hair as he guides you up and down his length. It reminds you of less busy days when there’s no studying and no work shifts to be had. In the summer, you often spend your days stretched out across Astarion’s bed while he reads or writes, and you have more than enough sex to pass the times.
It’s far less organized here, but you take your time swallowing around his cock, sliding him as far down as you can into the back of your throat until Astarion is making little, wild noises. He’s trying to keep quiet, and you do your best to peek at him from the angle you’re at. He might as well be a work of art with how he looks. His eyebrows are taut, and he’s biting his bottom lip so ferociously you think you ought to be concerned. Astarion’s eyes soften when he notices you’re watching, and that’s more than what you need to sit up and slide your sweatshirt off over your head. It’s peak romanticism to fuck nasty in the empty Taco Bell parking lot.
You lean forward and take Astarion’s cock into your mouth again with intent. It’s not the most comfortable angle to suck him off at, but you’re determined to keep his eyes on you even if it means you’ll have the world's sorest neck in the morning. Because you’re watching, Astarion makes an effort to watch you as well. He fights against the fluttering of his eyelashes, determined to see you until the very end.
His skin is soft and hot against your tongue, and you focus on breathing through your nose and fight against your own budding arousal. You want to feast on him, to give him something to enjoy since it was your idea to do something like this in your car. You pay close attention to the soft tip of his cock as you suckle it, pressing little licks against the underside of his head, moaning softly even though your elbows are beginning to ache from the angle. You would bring him to completion like this if he would let you, but you can tell by the way his eyes seem to burn that he has other plans.
‘You’re insatiable,’ Astarion repeats, laughing low in the back of his throat.
He lifts you by the chin and kisses you, unfazed by the spit and the drool and the slightly salty taste that sits on the tip of your tongue. If Astarion wasn’t into it, he would let you know. But if you’re insatiable, then he’s equally as deranged. He guides you over the console and into his lap, pulling and tugging at your sweatpants and underwear until they’re around your ankles.
You do try to keep some sense of decency. You push your sweatshirt in a bundle against the front window like that’ll do anything to hide the scene, and he leans his seat as far back as he possibly can without straining too much. Now is not the time for romance, you decide. You’re used to begging Astarion to fuck you, to batting your eyelashes and playing up how shy you are about your wants and needs, but there’s no time for that now at three in the morning. You rut against him, holding his hands against your hips.
It goes without saying that the lewdness of the situation does cause your cheeks to flush. You hide your face into Astarion’s neck and try to pray away the shame. But you aren’t ashamed of your lust, you aren’t ashamed of your desire  —  Your only concern is the embarrassment of how close to Astarion you want to be, never mind the faint perfume of the Fiesta Veggie Burrito that clings to his skin. 
You worm your way into his lap fully, feeling how hard his cock is between your legs, and grind against the thickness of it. He guides your movement ever so carefully, murmuring sweet things into your hair that he wouldn’t be caught dead saying to anyone else. You’re amazing, don’t hide yourself from me, let us enjoy this together, and all other lyrics that Astarion is proud of. Finally, you reach between your thighs and take his cock into your hands, guiding it inside of you. You don’t have time to tease him, to take your time lowering yourself against his hips until he’s gripping your hips so hard you might bruise. You sink down onto him as quickly as you can, and gasp once you’re fully seated.
Gods, you’ll never get used to the feeling of him inside. He’s so thick and long that you feel impossibly full, that any movement you make will make you cum right then and there. Your hands always shake when you’ve taken him all the way to the hilt, and you bite your bottom lip to focus on the task at hand. This isn’t just about you and how easy it is to make your core burst with pleasure. This is about Astarion too. You want to thank him for all his hard work, to praise him even though he hates it, and you smile. Astarion smiles too. His eyes always get so soft when he looks at you… He’s never looked happier than he has when he looks at you.
Astarion’s hands rub soothingly up and down your spine. The touch is encouraging, is relaxing, and distracting. But no matter how hard he tries, he can't distract you from the way he looks up at you adoringly, almost as if he’s ever seen anything like it before. You relish in the heavy weight of his gaze, tilting your chin so that he can admire everything, and he does. Astarion watches you like someone would admire art at a gallery. He follows every line of your body that he can see, the curve of your neck, the fragility of your cheekbones, and runs his hands against your skin as though it’s the first time he’s ever felt it. It makes you feel special.
And of course, you are special. You were Astarion’s first after a string of countless conquests.
Astarion rubs his hands up against your sides, clasping his fingers taut around your waist so that he can guide you along the length of his cock. It’s all so simple. Astarion likes touching you in whatever way he can manage, especially after hours apart. You spend most of your time familiarizing yourself with the warmth of his hands as he traces his fingers against your spine, or pets through your hair, or massages any tense muscles that might be frustrating you.
He’s even more handsy during sex. You haven’t even moved yet, and he’s tugging at you, biting his lip as if that’ll keep him from trembling. Astarion has always been sensitive, but the recklessness of the situation seems to have riled him up. He paws at your hips. He’s desperate, intent, for some sort of sensation and you’re equally as needy, an overwhelming fullness causing you to shift your weight one more time so that you can balance on either side of his thighs without too much discomfort in a cramped space. You swallow, and slowly, pull yourself off his cock until you’re painfully empty again.
Astarion pushes his hands up beneath your undershirt. You stole it from his side of the bed before you came, somewhat desperate to be wrapped up in his scent. He presses his cheek against yours, and you kiss him  —  biting the swell of his lower lip and lapping at his tongue when he hums in response. He parts his lips for you and you kiss him messily, turned on by the way he arches at your intuitiveness.
It’s only then that you start really grinding against his lap, pushing his cock back against your core and rising off of it again, bouncing in his lap as he encourages you to do so. Astarion smiles against your teeth and digs his fingers into the curve of your ass. He pulls against his chest and further into his lap, filling you so full of his cock and encouraging you to rut against his hips so that the feel of it is the only thing you can think of.
Astarion is everywhere.
In your thoughts, in your mouth, in your body and mind.
‘Impatient,’ you whisper to him, trying to still your hips but even the thought of him sitting there while you take your pleasure is enough to send tingles down to your toes.
‘As if I’ll ever have enough of you,’ he murmurs in response. He tilts his chin back and offers you his throat. You bite the tender space beneath his jaw and suckle the skin, tasting a bruise blossom beneath your tongue. ‘O  —  Oh, that’s it.’
Astarion practically purrs as you leave your mark against his skin. You focus on that, claiming his neck right above the collar of his work shirt so that everyone will know the truth. Astarion Ancunín is yours.
‘Like that,’ he whispers soothingly.
Astarion shows his neediness like this, moaning faintly as you turn your attention to making another hickey. While you do that, he helps you grind and ride his cock, his fingers tucked neatly in the junction where your ass meets your thighs. He pulls you up and down his length without any strain, and it thrills you so much that your toes curl and you try to squeeze your thighs together. You whine against his throat.
‘You’re not the only one who doesn’t play fair,’ Astarion warns you.
He uses all of the strength you forget he has to bounce you in his lap. The pleasure is so intense it distracts you from your artwork, and you cry against his collarbone and cling to him. His cock causes you to feel empty and full  —  like you’ll never get enough of what he has to offer you.
And, well, any thoughts of playing fair after that have gone out the window along with your shame. The front seat of your car is cramped and tight, but you’re not really thinking about comfort as you chase that heat between your legs for something greater. Astarion does most of the work for you between the way he talks nasty and fucks even nastier, unable to keep his hands to himself for even a few seconds.
If his hands aren’t cradling your ass, then they’re beneath your thighs and if they aren’t there, it’s because he wants to torment you further by fucking into you hard by holding onto your hips as hard as his trembling hands will allow him.
Everything feels way too tight. The walls of your car seem to be caving in, and your clothes are suddenly clinging to you in a way that’s bothersome. You want to be closer to Astarion, to have fully melded your bodies together  —  and you curse the setting because if you had just been patient, you’d be halfway home to a comfortable bed.
‘You’re naughty,’ Astarion whispers, and it does something for you. ‘Did you miss me  —  Oh fuck, that’s good.’
You bite his neck to keep him from talking. If Astarion talks, you’re going to lose whatever decorum you have left. You wrap your arms around his neck and whine softly in his ear, nuzzling against his warm skin.
‘I missed you,’ you whisper against his neck.
‘I know you did,’ he murmurs, stroking your hip. ‘I can  —  Mm, I can tell how badly you missed me. Look at how well you’re riding my cock.’
‘Astarion  —  ’
‘I love the way you say my name,’ Astarion whispers fiercely. ‘I could listen to it all night and day. Say it again for me, pet. I’ll make you say my name.’
Heat causes your cheeks to flush. You’ll never get used to the casual way he says the raunchiest things, and yet, you can’t help but shiver against his chest at the observation. You wouldn’t have said that you were doing well at it. The roof is short, your legs are cramping, but somehow, that makes the feeling even better. There isn’t much room for you to go, and for that you’re grateful. It means Astarion can’t tease you endlessly with the length of his cock. Every move you make has to be short, frantic, calculated, and the tip of Astarion’s cock is pressed so deeply against your core that you can barely stand it.
‘Oh, it’s so much,’ you gasp.
‘Yeah?’ he muses. ‘You were made for me. You were made to take my cock. You’ll take it for me, you’ll cum for me.’
He uses his knowledge of all your favorite tricks against you. You cannot escape his grasp, one arm wound tight around your waist while the other now presses lightly against the nape of your neck. Astarion kisses the side of your mouth passionately and keeps you even closer than the limits of your surroundings. That riles you up even more.
‘I want to  —  I want to, Astarion, oh  —  ’
You drag your hips up carelessly, unburdened by shame or nervousness. You’ve known Astarion since your first day in the city, and you’ve been through enough and had each other enough to no longer feel embarrassed by your needs, not that Astarion had ever let you feel insecure about anything. You whine against his neck, and he kisses you fully then, a pouty mouth against your needy tongue, and then you maneuver yourself in his lap so perfectly that it catches Astarion off-guard and he moans fully against your chin.
You lose yourself in the feeling and the sound. Astarion’s moans sound even better in a tight, enclosed space. His voice is soft, low, dangerous when it needs to be, and he only becomes this unraveled with you.
It’s an intoxicating feeling. You cry softly, nose bumping against his, and fall apart at the sound of his arousal, the feeling of his fingers dancing across the back of your neck, the sharp ecstasy that burns like a wildfire in the center of your stomach. You want to chase your release now. To find it in his lap, against his throat, softly and hoarsely in his ear. But you aren’t ready, not yet, and it takes all of your nerves to pull away.
It’s humid inside the car now. You take a quick look at the sight. You reach for stability, your palm sliding against the fogged window, smearing a glance into the darkness outside. You rest your other hand against the center console and arched your back, height leveraged against Astarion so that he can see you fully. He’s quick to respond to your change in position, no longer kneeling forward, but high above him like you’re sitting on a throne.
Astarion’s hands slide beneath the shirt you have left, palms trailing smoothly up the arc of your belly, warming the skin of your chest. He sighs handsomely and stares at you, leaning back so that he might enjoy the sight of you fully. And now that you’re able to, you’re able to pull fully all the way off the length of him, leaving him without the feel of you clenched tight around his cock. You’re only able to wait a few seconds for your own sake before you’re wiggling all the way back down until you are right back to where the gods want you to be.
‘You look delicious,’ Astarion says proudly, wearing a familiar half-smile.
‘For you,’ you confess. And it’s true.
‘You always look so beautiful to me,’ Astarion says in a tone that reminds you of when a cat has had its fair share of milk. He’s preening, cocksure. ‘Go on,’ he adds. ‘Fuck yourself for me.’
You swallow hard and do as ordered with a different rhythm. No longer do you seek out slow assured strokes. These are quick movements, careless, unpracticed and unmeasured, and Astarion helps you with two thumbs pressed against your stomach. It’s his turn to lean as far back as he can to give you all the room you need, and while it isn’t perfect, it’s probably the second hottest thing the two of you have done together. Fucking in a car in an empty parking lot. Your fingers slip against the window and Astarion catches you by the elbow, sliding his hand up your forearm so that he can wrap his fingers around yours.
‘Like that, beautiful,’ he says encouragingly, helping you. ‘You’re close, aren’t you? Don’t you want to?’
You nod, unable to trust how your words would sound. One way or another, he always gets what he wants, and you know that with enough time and focus on your pleasure, Astarion will have you mewling.
‘Come on, baby,’ Astarion encourages you, and you can’t help but follow his every command. ‘I love the way you ride me  —  I was made to fill you up, you take my cock so well.’
His words only make you even more frenzied, riding him to the best of your abilities just so he’ll say something sweet about you again. He babbles nonsensical things about you, and if you were in a clearer headspace, you’d be able to make out his words but all you understand now is the nerves building up in the very bottom of your stomach as you chase satisfaction, so determined to see his face once it’s all over.
He coos at you, chin tilting all the way back so you’re able to stare at his pale throat. A gorgeous throat, sleek and elegant, wearing proof of your existence in little bruises and bites that are both new and almost healed. You want to bite him again, to let your teeth graze his Adam’s apple while he talks about politics that you barely understand, and with that, you reach for the back of his neck so that you can slam your mouths together in a clumsy kiss. Astarion hisses, and then he’s biting your lower lip until it swells, and you kiss him so sweetly your head spins.
And from there, you don’t last long. Your legs are shaking harder than they’ve ever shook before, and your chest feels so tight and your cheeks feel so hot that you’re almost incapable of thinking. All you see and know is Astarion. Astarion, lounging against your passenger seat, his own cheeks ruddy and his expression twisted in pleasure. You cry out and collapse forward, burrowing into his chest as tightly as you can. He wraps his arms around you, kisses your temple.
‘Astarion, Astarion, please!’
‘Just like that, my love  —  ’ he gasps against your crown, grunting as his release hits him hard. ‘Like that, my pet, you’re perfect, my dear, my dear heart  —  ’
Your core tightens at his sweet words, and then it’s your churn to choke out a hoarse cry as pleasure races through your spine so sharply that it must hurt. You bite down on his shoulder for comfort, moaning as you try to come to your senses.
It’s somehow both hot and cold inside your little car. Everything is sticky with sweat, and the moisture in the air has started to cause Astarion’s hair to frizz up. You’re boneless. It’s only fair that he takes it upon himself to pull you up from his cock, tucking you back into your baggy sweatpants. You hover awkwardly, his cum on your thighs, while he drags his work pants up his slender thighs. You aren’t sure who is groggier, but when you glance at the clock on the dashboard, mild horror thickens in your stomach. You feel faint.
It might have been nearly three in the morning when Astarion was released from his duties, but it’s now four in the morning, give or take a few minutes. You start to make your way over to the driver’s side again, about to inelegantly climb across the center console when Astarion grabs you by the waist and kisses the side of your head gently.
‘You stay put,’ he mumbles. He sounds positively fucked thorough.
‘I made you stay up late,’ you say guiltily, but he shrugs.
‘Honestly, you did all the hard work,’ he says with a snort. ‘Lay back and close your eyes, darling. I’ll drive. Thank the gods it's the weekend.’
He opens the passenger door, and the cool air of the morning smells so refreshing to the smell of sex that permeates everything else. He stretches for a minute before coming back. He kisses your forehead tenderly, nudging your nose with his.
‘Love you,’ you murmur.
‘Love you,’ he says.
It all happens so quickly. You’re faintly aware of the sound of Astarion snapping his seatbelt in, your car humming to life, an Alfira ballad playing so quietly in the background it might as well not even be on. You’re so warm and toasty that you can’t keep yourself from leaning your head against the window. If you fall asleep before the first redlight, Astarion doesn’t say anything. All you can recall once you get home is a strong pair of arms holding you tightly, and the pillow you stole from his side of the bed, and his back against your chest.
As it should be.
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mjolnirswriststrap · 2 months
Silver Bullet
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Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,670 Masterlist
Summary: The best night of the year, Halloween, turns into a night you just want to forget. PART 1/4.
Warnings: werewolves, cheating, backstabbing best friend, Zemo is a whore, truly.
Red cloaks filled the crowd. This years Halloween parade theme being Dracula. Rob Zombie blared through speakers anchored to lampposts. You and your friends all wore matching costumes, collectively going as the wives of Dracula. It was a good excuse to wear the hottest outfits you could find. Most people paled their skin with white face paint, and molded little pieces of wax to their teeth.
Not you, you wore basically nothing for your costume. Each friend had a different color of fabric, that was loosely draped and cinched around your body. The best way to describe it would be a Greek toga, instead of linen it’s sheer silk, leaving nothing to the imagination. You all wore the same gold collar, a dragon etched on the front; curtesy of the blue bride, Miranda’s, 3D printer.
You didn’t plan on staying, you all agreed to be a part of the parade, once that was over, you were all headed to Zemo’s annual Halloween masquerade. You don’t think he particularly liked having hundreds of people flooding his property every year. But having the biggest house in town was a blessing and a curse. He hosted most festivities for your rather large population of teens and young adults.
You had a fascination with the bachelor. He inherited the mansion, land and money from his grandfather, skipping over his father completely. His family was prominent in the community, both of his parents having a chair at city hall. They volunteered at the food bank and donated to every shelter. Any sane person would think they deserved the money in a way. So why Zemo?
You made it to the party late, everyone leaving the house for the back yard. Zemo had the trees lighted and a dance floor built, always prepared for a celebration. Your friends ditched you as soon as you all got drinks, saying they were going to find their boyfriends. Leaving you to explore the surrounding woods alone.
You nearly drop your red solo cup when you see Zemo pressing Miranda against a tree, practically swallowing each others faces. Tears of betrayal sting your cheeks. She knew you had a crush on him, and she has a boyfriend anyways. You stalk away in anger, losing the trail but not caring. You found a tree far enough from the party that no one would hear your sobs.
You downed the cup filled halfway with vodka, a drop of orange juice for flavor. It dried your tears quickly, leaving your whole body warm. “Stupid.” You say, standing up and brushing the leaves off your dress. “Stupid for liking Zemo.”. You agreed whole heartedly with that. “Stupid for thinking Miranda was my friend.” That’s what hurt the most.
In the midst of your self hate you failed to notice a looming figure. “You’re not stupid.” You jolt, throwing the plastic cup in the direction of the stranger. “Sorry, you scared me.” You giggle, when you see it’s just a guy from the party wearing a phantom of the opera mask.
“It’s okay.” He reaches down and picks up the liter. “Gotta keep our forests clean.” He waves the red in the air. You give him a dry laugh. Men are scary and being alone in the woods with a stranger was causing every alarm in your brain to siren. But the vodka numbed your sense of fear.
“I should get going.” You say, turning and trying to step around the tree. Before you could, the stranger steps closer. “Should you?” He says deeply. He’s close enough now that you can see his piercing blue eyes behind the mask. They render you speechless, the way the moonlight shone off them, put you in a trance. You shake your head, too focused to verbally answer him.
“See, you’re not so stupid after all.” He teases. You have no reaction. His words didn’t fill you with pride or embarrassment. Your veins filled with the distinct warmth of feeling safe. You don’t know where it came from, your body was irrationally reacting to him. You should be shaking with fear and trying to get back to the party, not calmly standing here waiting for something to happen.
It felt like you were locked inside a body that wasn’t yours. It was being controlled by some outside force. You let him reach for you, never flinching away. Your body produced goosebumps where his fingertips grazed your skin. “You’re so beautiful. I’d hate to ruin that.” You nod your head, not even thinking of a single way he could ruin your beauty. Your mind was blank, you couldn’t even say thank you.
“Promise me you won’t resist, once it happens.” You knew nothing of what he spoke, but again you feel your neck bow to him, nodding in agreement. The masked man looks up at the moon, reveling in its fullness. “Are you prepared for no return?” You agree with a nod, now you know you were fully possessed by something. His words should send you running, but a small voice in the back of your head says you would never.
He steps closer again, grabbing fistfuls of your gown, cinched at your waist. “You have to say it. Say I have permission.” His voice was desperate and darker than before. You try to find the words but the influence he had on you was slowly fading, the way he started pressing you against the tree brought you back to your senses. He holds your hips in place as he nuzzles his face into your neck, taking a long deep breath.
The stubble on his chin tickled you and you had to remind yourself yet again that this is a masked stranger in the woods. Even though your senses were coming back, the way his hands lit a fire inside of you was enough to make you not care. That fire pooled lower and lower the closer he got to you. He smelled like a mix of musk and pine. You couldn’t tell if it was him or the trees surrounding you. But it made your mouth water, filling you with a want to taste his skin, just to be sure.
He raises his hand to cradle your cheek, “Please.”. He caught your eyes again, boring into them with an assured look. He focuses on your lips “Just say the words.”.
“I give you permission.” You say them without thinking of the consequences. He sealed your fate by closing the gap between your faces. Pressing his lips to yours. You moved your lips in sync with his, using your free will to wrap your arms around his neck. Before it could go any further the man disappeared. You felt him pull away, when your eyes opened to see why, he was already gone. You searched the surrounding woods with your eyes, there was no sign of him.
You grab your head, wondering if you drunkenly hallucinated. The moisture on your mouth and in your underwear was foolproof evidence that it really just happened. But you still began to question its validity.
You hear a twig snap somewhere near you, in hopes that it was the magnetic stranger you followed it, rounding an old fallen tree you spot a black dog. It was rather large in stature, must be a purebred if it’s that big. You knew an expensive dog wouldn’t be wandering the woods collarless. And you couldn’t remember if Zemo ever mentioned having any pets.
You stepped closer, never fearing animals. You loved dogs, you had a few of your own at your parents house. “Here boy.” You kneel down, reaching out your hand. It finally gives you its attention. Immediately showing his sharp canines, snarling loudly. “Oop.” You stand up and slowly back away, knowing the signs of an agitated dog.
When your view of it is blocked by the tree you turn around and sprint away. Not wanting to receive a rabies shot on Halloween night. You see the lighted trees nearing. That’s when you heard it, rhythmic thumbing coming from behind you. When you turn around you let out a scream, the dog is already pouncing on you, knocking you to the ground. You tray to scramble away. You see people’s feet running towards your screams.
The dog latches its mouth onto your leg, when you try to rip it away it only sinks its teeth deeper. You see Zemo come to your aid with a pool cleaner net, swinging it at the dog. “Get away.” He shouts, he ends up cracking the dog on top of his head with the plastic pole. It yelped, causing your leg to fall out of his mouth. He ran for cover, disappearing into the woods. Zemo drops to his knees beside you, shedding his jacket to wrap it around your bleeding leg.
“Are you okay?” Your eyes full with tears, embarrassment was an understatement. You didn’t want to face Zemo or Miranda. You didn’t want to see all the party goers pity filled faces either. You stood up, sucking a breath between your teeth at the pain. You limped past everyone giving eachother confused glances. Ignoring Zemo and Miranda’s fake concern.
You called your dad, sitting on the curb infront of the house. He rushed you to urgent care, spending the rest of the night with you in the waiting room. You were fine in the morning, a shot and a round of antibiotics set you on your way to recovering. You took ibuprofen for the pain. You called off of work for the rest of the week, needing to stay off your feet.
When you returned the next Monday, your boss told you there was a new bus boy. You waited tables all day before you finally saw him. Clocking in and disappearing to wash dishes. He was cute, dark brown hair and light stubble. He didn’t introduce himself to you or Mary, the other waitress, odd. But you had a feeling the little diner would grow on him eventually.
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jess-the-vampire · 1 year
I loved the finale but kinda wished hunter got to stomp belos too then sobs from happiness knowing it’s finally over or belos stuck in the between realm forever or reliving his worse nightmare as a fate worse than death
Honestly the finale felt so odd to me because we felt like were were getting setups that just were not given resolution in the finale.
And these are setups post cut, so these are things the writers had to have planned while knowing their time, which makes it more odd to me.
like at that point the focus should be to only set up things you are going to touch on and that come back into play, not add things you don't.
I personally don't think hunter needed to watch belos die, but when the show gave him new powers last episode i kinda expected them to like....come back in the finale?
like hunter's dash has no role in the finale at all, it was useful for the one scene he got regarding willow and gus and figuring out flapjack is with him and everything.....but it's one episode before the finale and it is completely forgotten after the fact outside of a couple dashes in the archive that are relatively minor.
and he ends up getting a new palsiman anyway so it just feels....off to me. I mean i was expecting him to get a new palisman but it now almost makes his dash a bit more irrelevant to even have.
kinda like how they kill glyphs, but we get glyphs at the end anyway so why the loss at all if it's not really going to stick?
honestly, let's ignore the fact the way belos died really should not have killed him for a second, Eda, Raine, and King are the characters with some of the least interactions with belos at all in the show.
Like his rule had affects on these characters and their loved ones and he did try to have eda killed, but when you think of belos' victims.....these three tend not to not be the first 3 you think of.
i kinda think the death would of been a little better if none of them jumped in and the rain just did it.
There was some minor set up for camilia or the other kids to help finish him off so i almost think it would've been more fitting if they were the ones to do it if we HAD to have that.
i dunno man, i've heard all the arguments for why belos's death works, and a lot of it seems to be rooted in the fact that "Belos is not complicated, he's evil, he doesn't need a big death and yada yada"
but it's like, it's not that belos isn't complicated, it's that the show seemed too afraid of making him complicated. I mentioned this in my last belos post but there's lots of evidence to suggest he's a more 3d character, because of how his story ties into the stories of other characters, because he symbolically represents what people who grow up in these oppressive systems can turn into. There's a lot of real potential for belos to stand out as a villian that comes from sympathetic origins but can't be forgiven or redeemed.
Which is a good lesson for kids, that people can come from bad spots but that doesn't mean you can forgive their actions.
Something that would be far more revolutionary and interesting and tie into the themes of this show much better.....then implying his depth, not committing to it and making him generic, and everyone praising this as if generic big bads who get killed aren't extremely common in most shows.
Su was a rare exception of redeeming a big bad, not the norm, and everyone seems to be under the weird vast impression it's the other way around. Unless you're a lacky, you die as a villain in pretty much every show.
But instead that gets replaced with "Well he did it cause he's inherently a bad person", even tho the show directly told us the audience that he was in indoctrinated child when it came to witch hunting, that this wasn't something he got into because he wanted to but because he NEEDED to survive in the town.
The show has plenty of set up and evidence that he does have something deeper to him but backed out of it for one reason or another.
And remember here, they were cut at ER, so they added this whole caleb backstory AFTER the cut, so even if were were to say they wanted belos to be deeper and changed their mind.....they added all the bits that implied depth AFTER the cut.
like frankly, in retrospect, if you want belos to just be an ozai metaphor esq character and not have any depth to his villainy at all, caleb should of been entirely cut.
Do something different with hunter, because having this half finished thing with caleb that is not relevant to belos's end at all feels like baiting the audience with complexity they never get.
You could of easily just reduced philip's backstory as just being this witch hunter who went missing years ago and that would be more fitting of making belos one note as they want him to be during the finale.
having all this drama with his brother leaving him for a witch and philip acting out in response feels strange to even implement if it's not even going to be touched on that much.
the show draws so much attention to it too, which makes it extra odd.
'They wanted to tell a story in the bg for the audience to figure out", ok, so that implied they want us to care about belos's origin....right??? So why not pay that off and reward those you got invested?
Having a little story to figure out is neat but not when its the basis for the plot and not when it's existence is gonna be boiled down to "Well none of this is relevant to why he became evil. He was just like that".
like having his backstory told like this could of been great, but the show ends saying belos is not complex and that none of this matters to why he's evil despite caleb clearly being important in why belos hates witches to begin with.
i might be less bothered if i knew the crew wanted to showcase the brother's story someday but they don't even seem to be high on the list of toh spinoff ideas.
it all feels like teasing a really compelling story that tied into the themes and then dropping it last minute. And now people are rewarding that because apparently now making villains just evil is revolutionary despite the fact this has been done to hell and back since the dawn of time.
Belos went from potentially being one of the most standout modern day antagonists, to being just like everyone else, and i'm not sure why everyone thinks that's supposed to be a good thing when we had the potential to look back at toh and reward them for diving into what can make people into a belos and the cautionary tale behind it.
and now instead of being memorable in that category for doing something interesting, he's just gonna be looped in with every other generic modern day big bad who represents this specific kind of evil.
If belos is not going to actually be allowed to be complex, don't bait the audience into thinking he is.
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rain1n · 1 month
Ink's New Plushie!
• - - - - • _ _ _ _ • - - - - •
Ink ask error to make
A Among us Plushie but they refuse the offer
And say it better be something of error choice too
They agree to make a rainbow dash plushie which was
Bigger than expected but ink still love it anyways
• - - - - • _ _ _ _ • - - - - •
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• - - - - • ` ` ` ` • - - - - •
It was an peacefull day .. error vacation at home was just started but it was amazi-
I : " ERROR!!! CAN U DO ME SOMETHINGGG? " *he said while Jumping off his portal*
E : " WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAN- ... " *error hold see inks shirt, an red 3D among us shirt with shoes*
I : " ah Ye do you like my shirt?? " *he say while looking at him with an troll face*
E : " its um... "
I : " SUS-SY! XD " *he jumps one time and then jumps into error to hugs him*
E : " UGH JUST SAY WHAT YOU WANT ALREADY! " *he said after tied up ink while ink jumped on him not touching him*
I : " Someone told me that you make plushies and - "
E : " IM NOT MAKING AN AMONG US PLUSHIE.. AND WHO TOLD YOU THAT??? " *he shout pretty louds and glitchs embarrassed*
I : " hmm... "
E : " OK!.. Forget it! If you want ME to make a plushie we have to both agree in what plushie will be!. "
I : " mky! What you like? "
E : " how about an creeper plushie? "
I : " no.. its scary! And i dont even like minecraft! " *he said while moving his hand up and down with an sad face*
E : " YOU DONT?? how do you find a creeper scary its like an amongus with face and extra limbs.. "
I : " but amongus have floating hands!! " *he said like a damn child almost sobbing*
E : " shut up.. We both have to agree im something fast. "
I : " why.. "
E : " my novela mf "
I : " OK OK!! i uh.. ponys do you like ponys??? " *he said agitatedly*
E : " . . . " *He's standing there trying not to react*
I : " YOU DONT? :'( " *said sobbing*
E : " i-i do.. like uh.. mlp " *said embarrased glitching*
I : " Noice, which pony tho.. " *he Comes back to normal like and blink*
E : " whats your mane six favorite? "
I : " AHBXBAJSN RAINBOW DASH!!! " *he moves so agitated that he breaks the lines and falls to the ground *
I : " ouchie! "
E : " gosh.. ok!! Uh.. i will give your plushie at the end of the day "
I : " OK.. and hey!! " *he was walking and stop to look back at error*
E : " ?.. "
I : " you should open a store "
E : " .. shut up!!. " *said embarrased and glitching*
At the end of the day ink Comes to take his plushie
I : " ERROR :)) IS MY PLUSHIEHZ DONE?? " *said while jumping and walking*
E : " uh yes but.. " *hed grab the flutershy plushie of the inks size from his lines*
E : " i think i got too excited.. " *he said while putting it on the ground*
I : *GAASP* " OMGGB!!!? " *vomits*
E : " uh.. Just try to not vomit in it i dont want to wash it everyday. "
I : " mkay!! "
I : " wait how do i gonna grab this? Its too big! "
E : *grabs ink and put it on the pony* " well ur riding it now "
I : " IM RIDING RAIMBOWN DA- " *almost vomits on the pony*
E : " HEY " *grabs ink and put ink alway from the plushie&
E : " ugh.. did you even listen what i said? "
I : " yeh " *says while noding*
E : " OK nvm Just take this with you " *grabs ink and the plushie and trowns both on a portal*
Ink would play with rainbow dash since then.
The end ?..
Me : ya can ask for part 2!!
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volaenii · 11 months
| Trigun Stampede Episode 6 Ramble
Before writing this whole thing I’m about to go on, I just want to say that i will be talking about major trimax spoilers, specifically for volume 10 as well as spoilers for tristamp (obviously)! so if you haven’t read trimax, maybe skip this post! Anyways, onto the ramble!
I’ve had this thought for a while now — since I’ve first watch stampede — but I’m dumb and don’t know how to out my thoughts into words. Along with this, I’m sure there are others who have made posts talking about this exact thing but I don’t care, I just want to brainrot and cry over this.
So, episode 6 of tristamp — “Once Upon a Time in Hopeland” — is the episode in which we as the audience are finally given a glimpse into Wolfwood and Livio’s childhood at the orphanage. And immediately, something stands out about this entire scene — the artstyle changes.
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Instead of the typical CG/3D models that we the audience are used to, we are given this sketchy, simplistic, 2D animation style instead — almost similar to that of which you’d find in a children’s book. This of course, is completely different in comparison to what Tristamp had shown us previously. All the other flashbacks we had been shown thus far had still been rendered in CG. But this. This scene in particular is the only one with this art style. With that being said, it’s safe to assume that Studio Orange did this with the specific purpose of making this scene feel special and distinct. To make it stand out and to signal it’s importance.
Now, with that being said, why would studio orange go out of there way to make a distinct artistic style just for this moment? Not to mention, why make it only geared towards Wolfwood and Livio? Well… I think studio orange is going to use it in relation to Wolfwoods death.
Like, okay hear me out, I’ve seen some people say that there worried wolfwood won’t die next season (for whatever reason) but like THE DEATH FLAGS ARE ALREADY THERE!
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But anyways, back on topic. I think they’ll use this 2D artstyle in a way to make wolfwoods death hit like a fucking train. Like… after rewatching tristamp for the second time, I couldn’t help but feeling like this whole artstyle choice is going to bite us in the ass later.
Like…y’all… I can see the fucking confetti falling in this artstyle…
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Now, this last segment of this ramble is just gonna be me speaking in “what if’s” and just spewing out made up scenes based on this idea since obviously we have no clue what studio orange plans on doing. But anyways, here it goes.
So like…imagine studio orange finally adapting the couch scene, with Vash and Wolfwood having their last drink. Now obviously, the scene would prolly go similarly to the manga, with Wolfwood saying that he’s sorry for saying his smiles were empty and vash telling him to not say stupid things. Cue in the confetti beginning to fall, and in Wolfwoods perspective it shifts art style. And to make it even more fucked up, they could do the thing were it flashes between this and then back to the normal CG models; between Wolfwoods contentment of his death and being at peace with it — depicted like a children book — versus the CG — the true reality of it… the one vash is experiencing as he begs god for just one thing.
On a side note, I’m so so so fucking scared and excited for what Orange has in store, considering the fact that they’ve already paralleled the one fucking confetti frame from the manga (which I will not show cuz I cant look at those panels but if you know, you know) and like, I don’t know, I think I’m just gonna be a mess when that arc gets adapted.
Take these screenshots as a gift! 💕
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Thanks for reading my dumb thoughts!
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webslingingslasher · 15 days
Hey J! I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to ask you if you’ve been to see or plan to see any of the Spider-Man movies since they’re going back in theaters? I had the privilege of seeing TASM & TASM2 in theaters for the first time (Andrew is my favorite Spider-Man and those movies have always held a special place in my heart). I’m seeing Spider-Man HoCo tomorrow and No Way Home in 2 weeks (skipping FFH because I’m camping and also fuck Jake Gyllenhal or G-Spot or Girrafe or whatever). But anyways I was just curious as to whether or not you planned on seeing Peter on a big screen?
P.S. TASM2 made me sob hysterically and I will never get over witnessing Gwen’s death on a big screen. 😭
!!! i saw spider-man (the first one w tobey) in theaters- in 3D and it forever altered my life. it's the first movie i actually remember as a kid (other than the bee movie and over the hedge.)
i might have to check them out!! my nearest movie theater is a 40 min drive tho :/
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blatantescapism · 11 months
Cw: teeth, dental malpractice, vent post, don’t worry I have a competent team now
I’ve been going in to the dental school almost every week for more than a year now, getting major work done on about two-thirds of my teeth.
Thanks to the fun combo of weird recessive genes and literal malpractice, my teeth are messed up in interesting and expensive ways.
On the outside, they look fairly normal.
My hobby is watching the students quietly freak out when they see the X-rays.
There’s a committee of professors arguing about the situation with my lateral incisors. Still no agreement, because all options are bad. I was given incredibly botched dental implants when I was too young, and now there’s no obvious way to salvage the upper jaw without a risk of breaching through to the nasal cavity.
While they argue that over, we’ve been slowly working across my lower jaw.
Today was a consultation regarding the botched molar root canal. Because I’ve had dental malpractice on four completely separate occasions.
The endodontist started the visit by being like “Best practice is usually to save the tooth rather than extraction. We will take images and make a plan.”
and I was like, okay, so, FYI, Lidocaine doesn’t work normally on me, when the Third Malpractice Dude originally did this root canal he hit the maximum safe dose only halfway through and then tried to get through the next forty minutes of literally shredding my nerve ends with zero painkiller, and then he gave up and had me come back for a second session, and the same thing happened again, so please don’t do that to me a third time?
She was like ooookay, noted.
I was like so the other thing that happened was a tool broke off inside one of the roots, and the guy couldn’t figure out how to remove it, so he left it in there as packing material? I guess he was getting frustrated with my uncontrollable sobbing and just wanted to be done with that root. That must be how the infection got pushed down to where it’s currently eating at the bone, haha. Anyway that bit of metal is still stuck in there, plus he used another metal rod in the packing?
She was like that’s a complication, but I am an esteemed specialist in repairing root canals, and in the standard xray it looks reasonable.
I was like okay and also I’ve been told that my roots are in a really weird shape, and very close to the major nerve?
She was like well, the 3D images have almost finished compiling, we shall assess all of these factors together and decide.
The 3D images loaded.
We looked at the coronal view.
I was like “Wow. Obviously, NO.”
She was like “Let me help you schedule with Extraction. I have GOT to show this to the attending physician. It was lovely meeting you!”
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udon-udon · 3 months
anyway, a big recap of my victoria bc trip
got up at 6:50 am ish and then headed out at 7:20 took the train and bus to the ferry terminal and then headed to victoria yay, lined up for a a breakfast meal for the ~experience~ and that pretty much took up most of the time. Arrived and took the bus to the royal bc museum, almost missed my bus due to it being full but someone pointed to the huge line to go take the other bus, got lucky there.
The Royal BC Museum was cool, though there wasn't much to it cause there were no feature exhibit at that time and one part of the museum was under reno, but it was still fun nonetheless!! I didn't realize how dark it was so honestly I was a lil spooked at times esp cause I was alone haha. Since it was a very nice day I went down to the Fisherman's Wharf cause I wouldn't have time on saturday and i heard the weather wasn't gonna be good on sunday. Most of the shops were closed for the season LMAOO so there wasn't much to see, but thankfully there was 1 fish n chips shop open and i bought some yum yum, it was very filling. Walked back to downtown and went through the Miniature World museum and it was super cute!!! It was also a lil spoopy for parts of it cause there were portions of it where it was dark and there weren't many people going through it.
Headed to the airbnb around 5 ish, and then chilled for a bit. Was wanting to order dinner but the place I wanted to order to was too busy at that time to take in takeout orders so i had to schedule it at 8 sobs but thats okay cause i was still full from the fish n chips, so i just chilled and tried to nap. The dinner was kinda mid ngl, wish i got the lasagna but i was like "but i can get lasagna anywhere else" it was okay but still LOL. also splurged and bought a cheesecake as well, that was pretty good though. couldn't finish it so i saved half of it for tomorrow's dinner.
The next day was con day!! I was supposed to go to a brunch place but i slept in a little and then when i got there, the line was pretty long and i didnt want to wait so im like eh okay nvm ima just go back home and eat the breadsticks i didn't eat yesterday LOL as well as the creme brulee given by the airbnb host they're so nice. And then I made my way to the con and omg it was a lot of walking lol. Got in and hung around mainly in the artist alley!! I was supposed to go watch the cosplay contest but i lost track of time and missed it LMAO OOPS. I spent waaay more than I thought I would, but very happy with my purchases and wish i bought more haha but my backpack literally would have no room for it. I spent the remaining time at my friends table til like 6:30 and made a new friend that was tabling with her, she was super kind and fun
Got home and picked up dinner on the way, ordered a mixed kebab meal set and it was so good and the portion was huge, very worth it and very delicious. Spent the rest of the night eating and showering and watching youtube and packed a little bit before leaving tomorrow.
Woke up the next day, final day, it was damn pouring in the morning sadly, so I just stayed in the airbnb until 10:50 and then made my way to explore the Chinatown (which I found out is the second oldest Chinatown in North America???? damn). Went to the little Chinatown museum and saw some cool stuff and then walked around the area and the shops nearby. Went to Boardwalk Burgers and chilled until it was time to catch the bus to the ferry.
I arrived hella early cause if I didn't take the bus I took, i would have been late to my ferry;;; BUT MY FERRY GOT DELAYED. So I just spent a lot of time sitting at the waiting area playing my 3DS LOL Made some progress in AA5 again finally, i haven't played it in sooo long ( i really should finish it, as well as spirit of justice, and i still have the great chronicles to play;;) Got on the ferry and played some more AA5 and holy cow the line for the cafeteria was so long im glad i didn't decide to eat dinner there cause I was originally gonna but thank god i didnt. Napped a lil before arriving at the bay aaaand then went home :)
Overall, very nice trip!! Even though I was alone, I had a blast exploring and seeing things and got to take my time to explore shops and whatever I wanted. I had no budget planned going into this and I probably should have cause I spent... quite a lot, but oop.
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sillykiu · 3 months
kiu's introduction post !! ★
Basic things !!
• hhHHELLOO please call me kiu, it is my online alias yesyes
• he/him pronouns cuz im no longer transfem (':
• intp-t
• history and geography are the lomls 🫶🫶🫶🫶‼️‼️
• i have 8 original characters (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) i created them in 2023!!
• i am in 14 deadly sins (fandoms) !! they go by the names hetalia, ensemble stars, fragaria memories, twisted wonderland, vocaloid, project sekai, tian guan ci fu, azumanga daioh, sasaki to miyano, prince series, dramatical murder, lucky star, sanrio danshi and ouran high school host club (i hate them all[i am mad in love with all of them i hate to admit it])
• out of the 14, i joined hetalia the earliest! it was around late 2019 to early 2020 i forgot the exact date urmm
• the latest fandom i joined is ohshc in may 2024 oh my god happy mental health awareness month (also the fact that may is my birth month LSJSK)
• i know no one asked BUT here is the approximate times i joined each of them
Hetalia: december 2019 - january 2020
Vocaloid: in 2020 i forgor the date
Prince series: i found out about them in 2019, but i joined in 2020-2021!!! and lost interest for a while but now im back💯
Project sekai: i found out it existed around 2022, joined/started playing in june 2023 (EN/JP, and if u want to know how it went: i went from EN -> JP -> both -> EN -> both )
Enstars: i first downloaded it on december 2022 because of the melty kitchen mv... then i uninstalled it cuz i thought it was too difficult BUT GUESS WHAT fate dragged me into enstars in october 2023 AGAIN UGDHFHX (it was because there was hatsune miku + ppl said the 3d models are very cute so.)
Fragmem: you guys know the introduction to fragmem characters video?? Yeah i found out abt fragmem through it and it was 1 day after that video uploaded ehehehehe,, fragmem is the fandom i joined the fastest 😭😭 like literally a few days after it's released omagah...
Twst: november 2023, i saw someone who uploads enstars play it and yeah,,
Tgcf: december 2023, i kept seeing edits of them in my instagram reels and got too curious.....
Azumanga daioh: march 2024, watched cuz i thought it was very silly, and turns out i was right (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)(⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
Sasaki to miyano: april 2024, same reason as tgcf 😭😭😭
Dramatical murder: aoba was irritating me because i saw him COUNTLESS OF TIMES ON PINTEREST and i got too curious..... also april 2024 i think
Lucky star: one fine day during may 2024 i suddenly remembered this show existed and decided to watch it.... yeah
Sanrio danshi: may 2024.... pinterest shall take the blame once again
Ohshc: may 2024, i remembered it existed and was also wondering why it was so popular,, sobs
and you can see i joined 13/14 of them very late smh amirite
here are also some other minor fandoms that im somewhat active in! : planetary moe (same timing as hetalia), worldflags samurai, satw, lullindo (2020)
rip to all of them/hj
Anyways wanna know my dni list!?
It's honestly just the basic dni which is:
- disrespectful ppl (racism homophobia ableism etc etc)
Then again the internet just connects everybody so yeah we'll have to meet ppl we dislike anyways ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I think that's it......?? Thank you for reading ???
also follow my insta i post there as well ((; (daily14atrocities)
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So this is a fanfic I made on Wattpad but I got signed out for some reason so I’m reposting here this a fanfic we’re Ophelia Jackson is the daughter of Poseidon of course precys sister it’s a fluff fanfic but there will be darker themes I’m planning to have her in a heroes of Olympus fanfic to so I hope you like her xx
Ophelia was definite even by dimi god standards she had a remarkable relationship with the mist as young as 6 years old she could see though it. She was always told the same thing monsters aren't real.
She thought she was crazy seeing monsters everywhere but the straw that broke the camels back was  wen she was 8 .
The other kids at school had been bullying her as usual but this time was different Emily.
A girl In her class had taken a pair of paper scissors and had her hair so short it belly went past her ears .
Wen she got home she ran straight into her room and looked the door and led in bed the only person she let in was Percy.
He came in with a big painted on smile that was hiding anger and frustration.
( she'd know those emotions well ) she was always good at reeding people you had to live with Gabe .
Hay little miss Universe how are you feeling.
She looked at him not amused I'm ugly Percy don't lie to me.
Hey your not any uglier than usual, that made her smile a little
Peres I .... I look out the window not wanting him to see that I was choking back tears
He come to the bed next to me and raped an arm around me I bury my face in the Crook of he's neck
And hug him back sobbing quietly
Percy broke the silence first it's okay you don't want those kids as friends anyway
That's easy for you to say you have friends not a lot of friends but..
Hey I have plenty of friends.. he looked down at me with a sad almost gully look as he sighs a little okay maybe not plenty But you know what who cares I heve you and you have me that's all we need .
I look at him my small smile returning at he's sweet words what about mom .
Umm I guess she's okay he look down at me with a smirk I guess we can have her too.
Why thank you Percy I don't know what I'd do if you didn't I look to my door to see my mother with her signature smirk that me and precy inherited I let out a little laugh wen I see Percy's face that was very embarrassed .
He nudges my arm as he as says hay I kiss him on the cheek and run to mom and rap my arms around her .
Ophelia woke up from her dream wen she heard her 2 best friends travis and Connor laughing over her sleeping bag trying and falling not to wake her up.
You really don't want her to wake up with all that pen on her face a 3d rather annoyed voice said form the other side of her bed. She immediately recanted the voice as Luke
Well be fine she loves us we she loves me I'm a afraid she'll never feel the same way you do Connor that was obviously travis he then tried to put the pen to my face. but before he could I sit up knocking the 2 of them down to the floor before throwing myself on top of them.
Awwwa they both say Unison that really hurts fee. Well good morning to both too. That was quit the wake up call but I need to get ready.
Your going already I thought we had more time Connor says with a sad look. Aww poor Connor has to go a hole 2 weeks without he's girlfriend your gonna go insane travis says with a mischievous grin . Connor did nothing but blush for a son of Hermes he was always so easily embarrassed .
Hey you know I'm nobody girlfriend unless Ethan asks in that case I am he's . Think for a second well him or Christian McClain I would sell you both for a hug.
thanks both boys say in unison again some times it was crazy how inSync they were some times it was like she was talking to the same person. not that she minded she love them both other than will the two of them had been her very first friends and at this point they were more like her family .
I just give them a smile and turn  to Luke who Had Watch the entire exchange . I hold out both my arm signalling I wanted a hug. Luke gave a look that scared travis and Connor despite being Half bothers  they  were terrified of him .
But I didn't give in until he gave in walking over and Hugging me tightly . Do we have to do this every morning fee. Yep I say enthusiastically hugging him tighter.
After they left She got ready to leave it was always nerve racking going home it had two of the people she wanted to see most In the wold and the person she wanted to see lest in the wold . But it wasn't the only reason she was nervous to leave it was always dangerous to go home and even more to stay home.
She had been only 8 wen she came to camp after Percy had cheered her up he said she should try and stick up for yourself. And that would have been great advice if I wasn't for the fact that the new girl she had thought was just gonna bully her turned out to be a monster trying to kill her .
She obviously got away but ever since it was too dangerous to be home for too long sense Percy had no idea he was a Half blood .
Monsters have a higher chance of wanting to kill you if you know about them which I have for two years now.
This all I have so far I will have part 2 out soon hope you in joyed xx
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zblackiez · 2 years
Episode 18: For The Future
The fox girl only stared, her world seemingly flipped on its head as the reality before her shook her senses.
Is she talking about me?
She approached, pushing her hand forward to lend my torso a soft poke.
urging her to shuffle back.
"Y-You're . . . real?" the girl asked.
"I . . . I think so?"
Pretty sure I'm not a ghost. Not yet, anyways. Another tussle with some duckies and that answer might change.
The girl, however, had no funny bone in her body, her question genuine. In fact, as she grabbed my hand to caress it, she bit her lip, her tears trickling down to my fingers.
"I . . . I thought I'd never see you again," she whispered. "I always wanted to talk with you one more time." The girl dropped to one knee, rubbing my hand against her cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If only . . . If only I was stronger."
Of course, I couldn't comprehend the context, nor could I even begin to understand what led her to carry a century's worth of woes. However, if my time as a caretaker had taught me anything, it was this: My favorite Agatha was the one who smiled brightly.
So, with my lips curved warmly, I crouched to lay my other hand atop the fox girl's head, stroking her hair as she continued to sob.
"Nobody's perfect," I said softly. "We're all bound to make mistakes, and that's okay, so long as you use that opportunity to learn, to grow. Have you grown, Agatha?"
"Yes," she whispered, "though I still have much learning to do."
"As long as there's a start, then I couldn't be more proud. So, hold your head high, because you deserve the confidence."
The fox girl met my gaze, a small smile spreading from cheek to cheek.
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random-lil-illing · 1 year
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They’re girlfriends your honour
Some backstory about this post haha:
Okay so these two are my original characters that I made based off of a dream and I might make a story about them?? Idrk but anyways here's the rundown of the plot basically:
Okay so basically these two (Milly and Paige) had this show/series called 'A Dance of Fabrics' in 1980-1990 and it's basically about the adventures of two teen gfs, with Milly being a dancer/ballerina and Paige being a costume/outfit designer. Now basically when the screen is turned off the characters have their own lives, what we see on screen is just the interesting parts of it being recorded and the characters know this and don't mind (hence the 4th wall breaks).
So basically, one day off screen Milly and Paige go to get their photos taken in one of those photo booths, but after the light goes off they are somehow transported to the real/our world, and in 2022 no less!! So obviously as soon as they gt out of the booth they notice something is wrong and they look down at themselves and are like 'omg we're 3D!!' and then they see the date on like a screen or ad somewhere and are like 'omg we're in thr FUTURE!!!' (also they come out of the booth in like a mall it isnt important but just for reference)
Anyway so they're super lost so they try and start by trying to get out of the mall but every queer person who was alive in 1980-1990 keeps stopping them and is like 'omg you two look just like Milly and Paige from 'A Dance of the Fabrics'!' and Milly and Paige are like 'ahaha thats crazy' and they decide to for now change their names to Maisie/M and Palesa/P so it isn't suspicious that they look and are named AND have the same dynamic as a queer show from the 1980's. So they get out of there and see a dance studio while walking along the streets and decide to go in at M's request, where the teacher introduces the studio as a very serious and competitive studio and asks M and P if they would like to join. M says yes for the both of them even tho P doesn't and never has done ballet/dance, and the teacher asks for id and parental approval and such. P is about to leave but M makes up a sob story about how they escaped from a toxic and abusive family (which isn't exactly wrong, they're families back at home are lowkey kinda toxic/not supportive at best) that they can't report due to them being rich and powerful, and that they lost their ids and didn't have time to take things such as birth certificates or passports, and that they just need somewhere to stay. The teacher takes sympathy on them and basically adopts them and gives them a place to stay and education etc, all while training them for an upcoming competition, with M having a main role and P being her dance partner/the one not doing much but being crucial to M's dance routine. I wont bore you with the rest but this is the basic gist of it
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ria-the-camel · 1 year
Negative thoughts on tlovm under the read more, i just wanted to get them out where i know where to find them later, pls don't yell at me
I guess i feel the same as season 1, it's a bit better but the same problems persist
Mostly, the dialogue feels stunted and forced (whenever the twins call each other sister/brother i just cringe, i admit i can't remember if they did it in the broadcast but it doesn't matter that much, it's just one example anyway)
Most of the jokes don't land at all with me (pedobear? Seriously? You dont have to bring that stuff in, leave it in 2015 lol) I think the only legit chuckle i let out was when percy absolutely read zahra about being jealous Osysa told vm instead of them, her reaction had good timing for me lol
I think the biggest issue tho is it really doesn't feel like the team like each other. And it's inevitable with condensing such a large amount of content, but it's really missing the bonds between them, the only ones i really see working are pike and grog, who are adorable. The twins feels forced to me. "Look at them being traumatized together" I see it, but i don't feel it.
Kash and Zahra feel so aggro the whole time and it's a shame this is the path they chose to go on, I'd rather have maybe kash gets friendly faster and drag zahra along, just so they're not assholes the whole time. I guess from the ending it is the path they're choosing but we'll see next ep. Also wonder if pike will do the rez 🤔
And also am not a fan of dropping the back story ON the episode shit goes down, like where's my build up? It's really not as impactful, i really didn't feel anything as vax held his dead sister in his arms (when i watched liam O'Brien describe doing that exact same thing i couldn't stop crying instead)
Aaaand since im being nit picky, the sobbing sounded bad. Sorry, dry sobbing really ain't doing much for me. Would have had way more impactful if the ep ended with him just staring horrified and maybe the classic single tear down his cheek.
The flights were alright, pretty fun, didn't love vex and zahra bitching and everyone getting a chance at almost drowning, it lost meaning sorta. But ep 1 had some pretty neat devastation not gonna lie. Probably my fave ep in the show so far.
The animation issss... Not the best, but it feels a bit better that season 1. I really dont like how they make the dragons. Okay they're 3d i get it. But they mesh so bad with the other characters, they should have animated them with a lower frame rate at least imo, if doing cell shading really didn't work for them (which i can understand). Same with osysa of course.
This is the least of the problems, but i still have trouble with some gods remembering who the fuck they are lmao Do get distinct from wotc im just gonna take some time to remember who the lawbearer fuckin is lmao
Anyway it still feels surreal to see this show brought to animation though, and ill continue watching and hoping it gets so much better! Especially cos id love to see both mighty nein and bells hells get animated, and i want the team to have way more solid ground and writing skills under their feet/belt lol
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This turned out to be a mini rant. 😭
But there's just a lot of xyz fem lead from xyz anime hentai. But ZERO MEN
Who's feeding the women, the gays, and literally anyone but the hetero men?!?
Aizawa's pretty, pretty arms holding up his partner (me) as fuck against the teacher's table? ( Ah, ahhhhh)
Aizawa's pretty exposed chest gleaming with sweat? 🥵
His pretty thighs? Thigh riding Aizawa???? Oh man, thigh riding Aizawa over his hero suit and leaving stains? (Or maybe riding him over his formal suit is better as he'd have to see the press like that and what if someone nitpicks his outfit like "wtf is that on his leg???")
His legs must be firm right?? Kinda wanna kiss his legs all the way to his inner thighs before sucking his dry.
(xoxo, an anon too ashamed to say it with my whole chest)
Babe, you are so right, like where is my hentai with a big buff guy fucking a chubby cutie and ACTUALLY fucking her right like jesus christ touch her clit at least a little, not everybody gets off from penetration alone 🙄😒
ANYWAYS I wrote a lil somethin for ya but it turned out way more romantic than I planned so I'm sorry if that wasn't what you were looking for sksksk but I hope you still enjoy it :)
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Aizawa x gender neutral reader
Word Count: 674
CW: smut, a smidge of angst, romance
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“Still with me, kitten?”
You weren’t sure. You could still hear him, and you could feel your fourth orgasm fizzling away, but your legs were starting to go numb from being held up for so long. You swallowed hard, gasping for air as you met his gaze. His sharp eyes were dilated, peering down at you between the few strands of hair that fell out of his ponytail.
“Did you hear me, Y/N?” he asked, squeezing your thigh. You inhaled sharply, blinking a few times before you nodded. He hummed, smoothing his hand over your leg, pressing a kiss to the side of your knee. “Mind if I keep going?”
You took a deep breath, eyes skimming over your boyfriend’s frame. His sculpted chest covered in dark hairs, strong arms that had hooked your legs over his sturdy shoulders. He was rock solid underneath that baggy hero uniform, muscular and hardened over years of training. You clenched around him unconsciously as you admired him, making him grunt softly, eyes closing. He licked his lips as he opened his eyes again, giving you that familiar hungry stare.
“Is that a ‘yes’?”
You thought back on the prior events of this evening: Aizawa coming home late, apologizing for not letting you know that he would be working an extra four hours, holding you close as you sobbed against his chest and cried about worrying that he had been killed. Your fluids pooled out of you as you remembered what followed, how you had smashed your lips into Shouta’s, clawing at his form, trying to ground yourself against him and realize that he hadn’t died and that he was here, holding you, kissing you back, pulling you to sit on his lap on the couch. That’s when you actually ground yourself into him, your sex rubbing incessantly against his firm leg, his thick thigh pushing up into you, giving you the friction you needed. It wasn’t long before he pushed you onto your back, pulling down your shorts and engulfing your sex with his mouth, swirling his tongue and sucking harshly. He didn’t let you go until you were crying, begging for him to be inside you.
Aizawa had always been mysterious, so surprises came and went constantly. Seeing him naked for the first time left you especially shocked, and, even after all this time, you still hadn’t gotten used to it. Each defined muscle that flexed as he lifted your hips, pushing your legs back, holding you up just to drop you back down onto his cock over and over. You could see large arteries pulsing at the edge of his skin, one of the many evidences of his arousal, of his love for you.
“I’m sorry,” he had repeated for the umpteenth time, hips smacking into yours. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry—”
You were only able to moan in response, accepting his apologies every time you came, his name gracing your lips and leaving him aching for more. He was like an animal at times like these, his body acting on its own accord, any rationality he had fading out of existence as he lost himself in the feeling of you. He was wild, like an untamed beast. Feral. Yours.
“Y/N,” he almost pleaded, gulping audibly as he hung his head towards you. “Don’t make me wait… I want to cum in you… please…”
Even now, on the edge of falling apart, he still waited for your confirmation, your reassurance. It was never just about him; you were always there, always deserving more.
You loved him so much.
“Shou,” you whispered, a weak hand rising to touch his cheek. He looked up at you, turning his head to kiss your palm, waiting for your answer. “Please cum in me. Wanna make you feel good.”
Those words were all he needed to resort back to his primal ways, practically snarling as he began pumping himself into you again. It was hard and fast and overwhelming, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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4ragon · 3 years
I'm not the original anonymous but I would extremely want to see that essay about Apollo's trust issues.
Also since I just finished Spirit of Justice, do you think Lamiroir ever told Trucy/Apollo about her and if so what would be their reactions?
Let’s see if I can write this up without crying again like I did on twitter.
So a while ago a friend of mine asked me why I liked Apollo, and I really couldn’t put my finger on it. I knew he was my favorite, but unlike Simon Blackquill, I hadn’t done that deep dive into figuring out why. I’d always just sort of loved him, and was never able to pinpoint the part that made me care about him so much. It drove me crazy, too, I love rambling about characters that I love, and I love writing from Apollo’s perspective more than anything. So why did I love him? Why did I care about him?
Well. I figured it out. I figured out my answer.
I think there are two things that characterize Apollo more than anything. One: He has trust issues. He genuinely believes that the people around him don’t give a shit about him. Especially after being betrayed multiple times in that first trial, he truly and deeply believes that the people around him are only trying to hurt him and is too scared to really believe that they care about him.
And two: He cares so much about the people around him that he constantly helps them anyway.
So like. And I won’t tag her because I don’t think she’d appreciate it, but I was watching the laquilasse AA4 stream last night, and the entire opening of Turnabout Corner is so striking to me, especially right after the end of Turnabout Trump. At the end of Turnabout Trump, Apollo’s trust and belief in Phoenix is finally and thoroughly shattered, and Apollo lashes out, punching Phoenix in the face. And for good reason! That was a huge breach of trust! Apollo literally did the exact thing that got Phoenix disbarred, namely present evidence that wasn’t real. Sure, they never exactly claimed it was the real deal, but Apollo didn’t even know it was faked, he just trusted Phoenix and this new piece of evidence and it almost fucked him over. It did sort of fuck him over, he did lose his job and his Mentor.
And then, Phoenix calls him and says that they’re in trouble, and Apollo doesn’t even question it, of course he shows up to help.
Like. You can feel how much he mistrusts Trucy on their first meeting, in everything he does and says. Especially when Trucy and Phoenix are in the same room, he’s actively thinking about how he doesn’t ‘buy their act’ when Phoenix is calling Trucy daughter-ly nicknames. And then, in a way, he’s kind of right? They guilt him into essentially being their errand boy, and I feel like they’re constantly and loudly using him throughout so much of the game.
And Apollo was there anyway. Apollo doesn’t even trust them and he’s still there the first instant Phoenix says he needs his help.
Like you can loudly do and say whatever you want and crush his dreams and betray his trust, and despite everything, there’s always that part of Apollo that desperately needs to help anyone who asks him. He can’t even bring himself to trust them, and he’s still crawling back the moment someone needs him, ready to let them disappoint him over again.
Like this struck me about Apollo from the moment I played AA4, but he’s so lonely? And desperate for connection? He cares so much about a world that has always and consistently never cared about him, and he just keeps caring and keeps caring even as that starry-eyed naivete is ripped away. And I feel like he just wants someone to care about him back, but never really able to believe that they do, because they never really seem to, because every time he allows himself to trust it’s just thrown back in his face so horribly.
Here’s an interesting thing I noticed: in Turnabout Trump, there’s a really interesting line. Phoenix has accused Kristoph of being the murderer, the extra person in the room. Kristoph takes the stand and claims to have witnessed the moment Phoenix committed the murder. And this exchange happens:
Apollo: There must have been someone else there at the moment of the crime!
Kristoph: Justice... I just said I saw no one. Not a soul.
Apollo: B-But, that goes against what Mr. Wright said!
Kristoph: Ah yes, this mysterious "fourth person"... ...who would conveniently be the "real killer", I suppose.
And this is well past the point where Phoenix has accused Kristoph of being that person. There’s no possibility at this point that they’re both innocent, it’s either one or the other. And Apollo is still so desperately trying to find a way for them both to be innocent, basically saying, “Just give me a fourth person and I’ll believe you.” And then Kristoph turned out to be a monster, and then Phoenix turned out to have betrayed Apollo from the start, and as far as Apollo is ever aware, none of the care from either of these men was ever real. He trusted, and he suffered the consequences.
But again. He’s still there. Someone pointed out a while ago, but Apollo stays. Apollo shows up to the Wright Talent Agency under false pretenses, and he complains and hems and haws, and he still stays. Why?
Phoenix and Trucy loudly manipulate him into working their case. They’re perfectly happy to flaunt that they’re basically tricking him. And he stays. Why?
Because Apollo can’t trust them, but he wants to so fucking bad. He doesn’t even seem to like Phoenix that much, but he wants that connection so fucking bad. He cares about them so much and he doesn’t believe for a second that they extend that feeling back at him, and he’s compelled to stay anyway.
He knows Trucy is practically using him, and he’s a sobbing mess when he thinks she was kidnapped for a few minutes. He’s cynical and mean and it’s all just to cover up the fact that he loves all these people around him with all his heart and they never once pay it back. And he comes back anyway. He’s like a fucking loyal dog that is never given enough affection and so he’s constantly trying harder and harder to earn that love while never believing he’ll ever really get it.
(Shit nope crying again)
It’s just so sad. And this is all without adding anything from the 3D games. The 3D games do build on this theme in one way or another, but from the get go, this is who Apollo is. A caring young man who is constantly punished for caring and yet can’t stop caring anyway.
We see it again in the 3D games. And I think part of why I don’t enjoy DD as much as SoJ is that DD doesn’t capture this mistrust the same way. It’s so surface level, that sense of betrayal and mistrust and anger he gets consumed by in that final case. And the worst part is it doesn’t have to be! There’s already that foundation! Apollo has been hurt already a million times. The only person he’s ever been able to trust, the only lifeline that’s kept him above water since he was a child, was Clay Terran, and now that was taken from him because he DARED to trust someone new. That’s so fucking compelling! But we never get that! We never get to see how Apollo is feeling. We get that he’s convinced Athena did the murder, but never really get into the Why, into the What This Means for Apollo.
It’s a bit better in SoJ. We see how far he’s come in terms of trusting people when he trusts in Trucy wholly and immediately in case two. And then, conversely, we see his mistrust and hurt when they introduce Dhurke into the mix. Apollo refuses point blank to believe that Dhurke had come to visit him, that Dhurke cared about him. Apollo demands to know why Dhurke was there, what Dhurke wanted, how Dhurke was going to use him. He’s been able to slowly start building that trust with people like Trucy, but he still cannot let himself trust again when Dhurke had already betrayed that trust.
I said it before, but as much as I hate the slapdash ways in which Capcom keeps throwing backstory at this boy, I love what the backstories are, because they build on this angry, cynical, lonely young man I care about so much. He’s been hurt and abandoned and used and betrayed since he was young, and being good never truly paid off for so long, but he kept doing it, he kept being good, he kept caring about people because he couldn’t help it, and kept hoping that maybe they could care back. And eventually I think it does start paying off for him. People do start caring about him. And I feel like it takes until around SoJ for him to start really believing that the people around him might care about him too.
Also congrats on finishing SoJ! Since there’s a very good chance that they might be announcing AA7 soon, I...hope? fear? expect? that they’ll touch on this then. However, I also worry that they’re going to botch it up so hard.
I know what I want to happen. I want Trucy to be angry. I want her to be angry at Lamiroir and Phoenix. She is constantly putting on a mask to try to make the people she loves happy, and I feel like this is a reasonable breaking point. After all, this is kind of the one thing that Phoenix hasn’t been honest with her about. She had a brother right there, and knew the whole time?! She had a mother there the whole time?! And no one bothered to tell her?! I think she’d be heartbroken, and I think she deserves to be angry. She’s been through so much, and they never give her time to really grieve or be upset.
I think Apollo would be ecstatic and angry at the same time. All he’s ever wanted was family, and now he does! He already loved Trucy, and thought Lamiroir was amazing, so I think he would be so happy to have that family back in his life. On the flip side, I do think he’d be angry at Phoenix, particularly for keeping it to himself before Lamiroir came into the picture, but I think if they talked it out, Apollo would come around to it and be able to forgive Phoenix.
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