#aro/caius/marcus x male!reader
magmagicstyle · 10 months
⚠️WARNING⚠️: Edward is an asshole… BUT THAT’S NOTHING NEW AT THIS POINT… Some insults, and violence but nothing too exaggerated... Also! We kinda hate Bella but not really, because let’s be honest… Edward is kinda a manipulative bitch. Unhealthy relationships (Bella and Edward).
Pairings: male!reader x The Volturi kings.
“Very well, my dear, we shall do as you want.” Aro finished the exchange by getting closer to you and caressing your face, smiling when he noticed how you were thinking of him and his brother in unholy positions, just to avoid giving the plan away. Then he leaned towards you and kissed your lips with passion before pulling away and looking at you with a devilish but comforting smirk. “We trust you, darling.”
Every time that you say you're gonna leave
That's when you get the very best of me
You know we need it like the air we breathe, air we breathe, yeah
I love you so much that I hate you right now
it's so hard to blame you cause you're so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful
After your kings decided to trust you with the task of managing the whole newborn situation, they decided that it was time for you to have a guard on your own. In their words, it was like a special guard, formed by only the best of the best. Vampires that wouldn’t doubt at the moment of killing anything that could pose a treat to you, and that wouldn’t think twice before dying for you -even if you didn’t like that idea as much as the killing one-.
That took you to the exact moment where you stood in the middle of the grand hall of the Volturi castle, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, you were flanked by Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the three reigning kings of the Volturi and your fated mates. In front of you, a bit closer to the main door of the grand hall, the loyal and esteemed members of the Volturi guard stood. They were the vampires that your mates had designated to protect and defend you. You already knew Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix and Nikolas. There was a face that you didn’t have the pleasure of meeting before. His name was Raine from what you heard before in the hallways and between whispers, hopefully, you weren’t mistaken. All the vampire’s eyes were filled with a mixture of respect and affection. Something a bit surprising since you hadn’t interacted with the last two mentioned.
Raine, seemed to have a commanding presence and unwavering loyalty, you didn’t need to look at him too long to feel that. He stepped forward, and his gaze met yours, and, just like that, as easy as breathing (even if you didn’t have to) a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. It was comforting, like a silent reassurance of the bond you shared. At that exact moment, you understood that Raine was going to be more than a member of the guard; he would become your protector, your confidant, and maybe with time, he would be like a brother to you.
"I know you haven’t interacted as much or well… never, so… Allow me to introduce Raine," Aro declared, his smooth voice reverberating through the hall, accompanied with a deep and amused chuckle. "A formidable warrior, devoted companion, and beloved mate to our esteemed guard, Nikolas. His unwavering dedication to the Volturi and to your safety knows no bounds. So, we are sure that you will be safe with him…"
The weight of Aro's words hung in the air, affirming the significance of Raine's role not only as a member of the guard but as your protector. Raine inclined his head with pride, his eyes never leaving yours, silently reaffirming his commitment to your well-being.
Jane, the petite yet powerful force within the guard, stepped forward next. Her gaze, filled with respect and admiration, swept across the room, acknowledging the honour bestowed upon her to protect you. Her loyalty to the Volturi and her unwavering dedication to your safety was unmatched.
"You already know Jane," Marcus announced, his voice laced with reverence. "So, we hope that you know that her unwavering loyalty and exceptional abilities make her an invaluable asset to our cause. So, as your protector, she will ensure your safety with her unique gift and unyielding determination."
“Of course, my love… Jane is always welcome with me… She’s aware of that, and she knows that I’m always grateful for her presence and company…” You said softly while looking at the young girls with a warm smile.
Jane's eyes met yours, reflecting a profound understanding and shared experiences. She knew the depth of your bond with the kings and the magnitude of the responsibility entrusted to her. Not only that, but she personally appreciated you. You were like a comforting parental figure and mentor. You calmed her down when her emotions got the better of her and you encouraged her to practice with her powers. Meanwhile, you, in her gaze, found reassurance that your safety was in capable hands.
Alec and Demetri followed suit, they didn’t need any introduction at all, their presence commanding and their commitment unwavering. They had proven themselves time and again, earning their place within the guard and their role as your protectors. Besides, they were also your friends, always willing to talk with you in your free time or just spend with you the few minutes your mates were busy with they royal duties. The loyalty and shared experiences of the two vampires cemented the unbreakable bond that tied them to you. With his unwavering strength and fierce determination, Felix stood tall beside his comrades. His role as a guardian extended beyond physical protection; he was a steadfast companion, ready to shield you from any threat. The trust you had built with Felix over the time you were in the castle made him an integral part of your journey. From the moment you met, he acted like a caring and annoying older brother, always ready to mess with you and protect you when necessary.
And then there was Nikolas, a seasoned member of the guard, his wisdom and experience enriching the group dynamics. Nikolas had been by your side for countless moments, and his loyalty was never tested, because it was so obvious that he believed in the king’s rules and laws that he never need to be put in trial for anything. He was one of the oldest members of the Volturi, so obviously, his guidance and presence carried weight within the guard.
"These are your protectors," Aro proclaimed, his voice filled with pride and reverence. If you could compare your amazing mate to something else, you would think of a child in Christmas morning, when he knows he was able to get the perfect gift for someone. "They have been chosen not only for their exceptional skills and unwavering loyalty but for the love and devotion they hold for you. Together, they form a formidable force, bound by their duty to safeguard your well-being."
Of course, as Aro's words echoed through the hall, a sense of gratitude and warmth enveloped you. This guard was not merely a group of protectors; they were going to be your family, bound by love and a shared purpose. Each member was starting to play a unique role in your life, and you only hoped that with time their presence would turn into a testament to the strength of the bond you were feeling between you and them.
Stepping forward, Aro extended his hand toward you, a gesture of camaraderie and trust. You took his hand, feeling the weight of his words resonate within you. With your new guard by your side, you were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that their love, loyalty, and shared experiences would guide you through the darkness.
You approached a bit, your steps were measured and confident, a regal grace imbued in every movement. It was only when you were directly in front of your new guard that you stopped walking. "Thank you for joining me," you spoke, your voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and warmth. "It is an honour to have you by my side, to know that I am protected and cherished."
Nikolas met your gaze, his voice steady yet filled with sincerity. "I am privileged to serve you, to stand as your shield and your confidant. My loyalty is unwavering, as is my commitment to your well-being." The members of the guard, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix, and Raine, stood alongside you, their expressions a mix of respect and camaraderie.
You smiled, a true and kind smile that was rare but obviously genuine, it was an expression that lit up your features and that was mostly reserved for your adored mates. "Together, we are stronger," you said, your voice carrying a note of conviction. "In each of you, I see unwavering dedication and unwavering loyalty. I trust in my kings' choices and I believe that we will navigate the path ahead with grace and determination."
Felix stepped forward, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering intensity. "We will protect you with our lives," he affirmed, his voice filled with resolve. "Our duty extends beyond duty itself. It is a commitment to your happiness and well-being, to safeguarding the love and connection that binds you with our kings and with us all as your subjects and companions."
Your eyes softened, a flicker of emotion passing through your features. "I am grateful to all of you, for your presence, and your unwavering support," you replied, your voice tinged with genuine gratitude. "To have such loyal companions by my side gives me strength and reassurance."
A few days later, in the dimly lit chamber of the Volturi castle, you stood before a large table where Raine, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix, and Nikolas were gathered. The air crackled with anticipation as you prepared to give them their assignment. The kings weren’t there, trying to avoid any type of involvement with the planning in case Alice was trying to see their choices and plans. The last thing they needed was the little vampire acting like some type of prophet and trying to blame the Volturi for the newborn’s attack on the Cullens.
"Raine, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix," you began, your voice carrying a commanding tone. You hated when you had to act like a boss in front of your guard. You didn’t want the coven to be like that, like an enterprise, without feelings or any type of warmth, but sadly, considering how stupid the Cullens were acting and how they were about to go to war against lots of newborns that would destroy them without a second thought, you had to be serious and bark orders while thinking of a strong strategy that would help the smaller coven.
"I have a task of utmost importance for you.” You started your explanation while looking at the vampires in front of you. “The existence of our kind is at stake, and it is your duty as representatives of the Volturi clan to handle this matter with precision and efficiency."
Raine, with his piercing gaze and an air of quiet strength, nodded, his expression serious in the usually laid-back face. Jane, with her captivating aura of power and authority, even for her young appearance, stood by Raine's side, ready for any challenge. Alec, exuding calmness and a commanding presence, prepared himself for the mission. Demetri, with his unparalleled tracking abilities, exuded confidence and determination, and Felix, radiating sheer physical strength, stood tall and resolute. You knew they were all ready for whatever plan your mind had created. They would follow you without a doubt, ready to end with the threat towards your kind.
"Jane, you will take charge of the operation. Your keen intellect and combat prowess will be invaluable in this endeavour. Besides, we all know how extraordinary is your gift… Raine, the newborns probably won’t have any idea of who you are, so… I’ll need you to use your power to disorient and incapacitate them, stop their abilities, make them feel weak. Alec, reinforce their illusions and provide cover when needed. Demetri and Felix, you two will be in charge of tracking and subduing them… ensure their compliance." You paused for a moment, allowing the weight of the the task to settle upon them.
"And Nikolas," you continued, your voice filled with warmth and gratitude, "I will need you to stay by my side. You know that I consider you a loyal protector and confidant, besides… The kings would feel better if you stayed behind to protect me… You, surely know, that your presence is essential to my safety."
Nikolas, who had been standing silently in the background, nodded understandingly. He knew his duty was to safeguard you, and he accepted the responsibility with unwavering dedication. That was his main task from the moment you arrived in Volterra, to protect you, to defend you against anyone who tried to hurt you.
"While you won't be joining the others on this mission, your role here is just as crucial," you reassured him. "I trust in your abilities to protect me, and I know that I am in capable hands."
Nikolas met your gaze with a determined expression. "You can count on me, my prince…" he affirmed, his voice filled with loyalty.
After making sure that Nikolas understood why it was so important for him to stay with you while the others went to fight, you turned your attention back to the rest of the guard.
"I have every confidence in your abilities. Show the newborns the might of the Volturi, but exercise restraint and judgment. Our goal is to restore order and ensure the safety of our kind, not to needlessly destroy. If there’s someone salvageable, anyone, that would be a good addition to the clan, or if someone shows true regret and is willing to learn the rules and follow the law, let’s give them a chance. The Vulturi don’t give second chances, but let’s consider that those newborns, never had a chance to begging with."
As the team prepared to depart, you stepped forward, your gaze filled with unwavering trust and gratitude.
"Remember, you are not alone. Together, we will face the challenges that lie ahead. Your bond as a team is as essential as your individual talents. Protect one another, trust one another, and return to me victorious. The kings and I trust in your abilities and your good thinking…"
With those words, the group of Volturi representatives turned to leave, their resolve unwavering. The weight of their duty pressed upon their shoulders, but they carried it with honour and determination.
As you sat in the quiet meeting room of the Volturi castle, your gaze fixed on the regal figure of Jane as she prepared to leave. Everyone else had already left. The meeting is long over. And you couldn’t help but think that the room exuded an air of solemnity, the walls adorned with ancient tapestries depicting scenes of the Volturi's immortal reign. Maybe it was the words that were exchanged just a few seconds ago, maybe it was just how the sunlight filtered through the tall windows, casting gently rays that danced upon the polished marble floor, creating a serene ambience. You weren’t sure. Still, you had a second mission, the planning was over, and now… the second part of the plan needed to start.
Seizing the moment, you rose from his seat, your expression calm yet resolute. This was going to be quite difficult for you, but still, you knew this was necessary. Your eyes met Jane's, locking onto her crimson gaze with a steadiness that bespoke your unwavering resolve.
"Jane," You called out, your voice carrying a quiet intensity that cut through the stillness of the room.
Jane paused, her graceful movements halted as she turned to face you. Her porcelain features held a trace of curiosity, her piercing eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and expectation. She was ever an enigma, capable of both unspeakable power and surprising depths of empathy. Still, when you looked directly at her, she felt so young, so inexperienced in life, like a child wanting comfort and protection. Sometimes, in secret, when nobody could see your thoughts or feel your emotions, you let yourself think of her and Alec as your children. Still, you weren’t sure that it would be welcomed so you kept those feelings to yourself.
With a composed demeanour, you continued talking, your words were measured yet purposeful. "Before you depart on this mission, I have something important to convey," You stated, voice projecting a confidence borne from the knowledge that every word had been carefully considered.
Jane's brows arched ever so slightly, her attention fully captured. She remained silent, awaiting the revelation that would shape their course of action.
"In the event that you and the others discover information that could alter our plans, that could change everything," You explained, words deliberate and laden with significance, tone of voice soft but serious. You weren’t joking about this, and it was clear that you truly believed that something would change your guard’s course of action. "I ask that you exercise your judgment and take the necessary actions to ensure our success. But please, do not inform me of any such developments."
Your request hung in the air, the weight of its implications palpable. You understood the reason behind it—the need to shield the choices of the kings and your own decisions from the penetrating gaze of Alice. After all, knowing her, it was obvious that she would also see your choices related to the newborn threat. She always thought that her gift was almost perfect, and she would make sure to try to use it against any plan that the Volturi could create. The unspoken tension that had surrounded them all since the meeting's inception now found its voice in this solemn exchange.
Jane's gaze softened, her features betraying a glimmer of understanding. She nodded in acknowledgement, a silent agreement forged between you and her. Though you knew that Jane changing the plans depending on the situation would leave you in the dark, you understood that it was necessary and accepted the essential part of this arrangement, knowing it would safeguard their endeavours from the prying eyes of those who might manipulate fate.
With that, Jane resumed her departure, her figure gracefully gliding through the doorway. Meanwhile, you remained behind, contemplating the gravity of your shared secret. In this moment of quiet reflection, you took an unnecessary deep breath and prepared yourself for the unknown, ready to face the consequences of a future shaped by the choices of others. Right now, you quite loathed Alice and her stupidly useful gift.
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know that you're always gonna stay the same
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know you don't want it any other way
As the moon reached its highest point, casting a luminous glow upon the enchanting and mysterious gardens of Volterra, the Volturi kings prepared for a momentous occasion. You weren’t aware of this, but it was there, surrounded by the whimsical beauty of nature that helped them hide from the chaotic world and stay in that small piece of heaven and safeness, that they had meticulously arranged a scene that would forever mark their love and devotion into your heart.
The gardens came alive with the soft glow of innumerable fairy lights, delicately twinkling like stars suspended from the branches of ancient trees. Their ethereal radiance bathed the surroundings in a warm, romantic ambience, enveloping the space in a magical embrace.
They knew it wasn’t the best time for this type of surprise, but they couldn’t help it. They were tired of hiding you, of acting like they didn’t consider you their equal. They wanted for you to be able to stand proudly by their side when they had to judge a rebellious clan, they wanted for the rest of the vampires outside their coven to respect you and fear you like they respected and feared them. They desired to be able to listen to your ideas and plans without having to hide because of your lack of a royal title. It wasn’t fair, you were one of the smartest people they’d ever met, and they didn’t want to keep insulting you by ignoring that fact. You were their mate, the only being that was solely made to be by their side, you weren’t made to be hidden and to stay put like a trophy, you were born to rule, to protect and defend what you and they considered important. Unlike them, you showed the compassion that they had lost many years ago, and they felt that it was time that the vampires of their world had a ruler they could turn to, not only to accuse another coven but to seek help and comfort.
They looked at the garden, a cosy seating area nestled beneath the sprawling canopy of a centuries-old oak tree, adorned with cushions and blankets in hues of velvety midnight blue and rich crimson. Soft, plush pillows were carefully arranged, inviting you to sink into their comforting embrace. The idea was to show the comfort and kindness that you usually showed to them and to your friends inside the Volturi guard.
A table, draped in elegant silk, stood nearby, adorned with crystal glasses that glimmered as they caught the moon's tender light. The lack of silverware, plates and food was quite obvious, but they couldn’t do anything about that. It wasn’t like you could eat, so the idea of sharing a meal would be ridiculous and wasteful. Still, they had mixed some blood with your favourite wines from when you were alive, wanting to show you that they cared not only for the current you, but also for the things that had made you into the being they loved so much. This careful mixture of alcohol and blood was a token of the kings' unwavering commitment and affection. Just like that, from the carefully opened bottles that rested in the middle of the tastefully decorated table, a tantalizing fragrance permeated the air. It was a delicate blend of freshly picked roses, intertwined with the aroma of rich, aged blood. A symphony of scents of sorts, a harmonious combination that reflected both the beauty and the primal essence of their immortal existence. An existence that they hoped to share with you by their side.
As you entered the gardens, your footsteps were muffled by the lush grass. It wasn’t possible, not at all, but the kings could almost feel how their hearts quickened with anticipation. The Volturi guard, standing sentinel around the designated area, exuded an aura of reverence and support, they had decided to take a moment to maintain this moment untouched by the responsibilities of everyone outside. Their tasks were simple, make sure that you four wouldn’t be interrupted. Each member of the guard, adorned in their regal attire, wore a gentle smile, their eyes conveying unwavering love and acceptance.
Aro, your charismatic and visionary king, the spokesman of the three kings, stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous sparkle. "Ah, my love, we have orchestrated this moment with utmost care and affection, for we have longed to profess our love for you in a setting as extraordinary as the bond we share."
Then, Caius, your strong king, let his stoic facade softened by the warmth of his emotions and spoke with a resolute tenderness. "In your presence, we have found solace and completeness. The depths of our hearts are forever entwined with yours. Tonight, we offer you the promise of a love that transcends time and fate."
Finally, your quiet but caring king… Marcus, the always introspective, with his gaze full of profound intensity, whispered words that carried the weight of centuries. "The course of our immortal existence has been irrevocably altered since the moment we met you. Your presence fills our lives with purpose, and your love has breathed new life into our souls."
With their words hanging in the air, the Volturi kings stepped closer, their eyes locked on your own, their hands extended in a gesture of unwavering commitment. Aro, his voice both commanding and gentle, continued, "In this enchanted garden, beneath the moon's tender gaze, we ask for the honour of your hand in a union that surpasses mortal bounds. Will you become our beloved, our partner in eternity?"
This is it… They were finally asking you the biggest question of your inmortal life…
Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of love and devotion before them, your heart swelled with emotion. Tears of joy danced in your eyes as you gazed at the kings and the extraordinary scene they had meticulously crafted. The tears would never fall, unable to find release thanks to your unnatural anatomy, but still, the emotion was there, your face and whole body were showing off the multiple feelings that were going through your heart and mind at the moment. It was a moment that surpassed your wildest dreams. You knew they wanted to marry you, you were aware of the fact that this would eventually happen but… Now? Like this? This was better than any dream, better than any imagined scenario that you had created in your mind. This was a thousand times better because this came directly from them.
You knew this wasn’t the time to be shy, you needed to convey all your feelings and you were planning to do it. Your kings had created such a beautiful proposal for you, there was no way you wouldn’t correspond to their feelings in the best way you could. So… with a voice filled with love and unwavering conviction, you replied.
"I spent most of my life until now… chasing a love that would never come true… But it’s in your arms, that I have found solace, passion, and unwavering support. To be chosen by you, to be cherished and loved by all three of you, is a gift beyond measure. With all my heart, I accept your proposal, knowing that our love will continue for the rest of our lives and that, it’s only your love, the thing that I was truly craving when I was lost….”
And the hardest part of all is that we're only built to fall
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know that you're always gonna stay the same
On the other side of the world, a similar, but quite different picture was starting to appear as the sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a soft golden glow across the meadow of the forest of Forks.
There, Bella stood on the delicate precipice between love and doubt. With the warmth of the evening air wrapped around her, mingling with the scent of grass and wildflowers, she asked herself if this whole situation was what she actually wanted. Still, she stood there, waiting faithfully doing her best to stay immobile as she waited for Edward to arrive.
Bella’s heart was heavy with conflicting emotions, doubts creeping into her mind like shadows, whispering their insidious words. She couldn’t help it, the problems, the fights, Edward's own actions in front of you and in front of the kings of the vampires, all of those little things were starting to pile up and they threaten to pour out of her heart, filling her head and soul with doubt and questions that nobody seemed to want to answer. Also, a part of her questioned if Edward truly loved her as deeply as he professed. After all, the way he reacted to meeting his ex-partner, even after he told him that it was you that was hanging onto a relationship long over, it was confusing. You had already moved on, so… Why was Edward so upset about it? Why did the brunette make such a scene accusing his ex-lover of horrible things and trying to attack them? And then… his actions towards her during their trip back to Forks, his reluctance to turn her into a vampire, to make her inmortal so they could be together forever… Did he really love her and cherish her as much as he said to do? Or were his words merely empty promises, masking a more self-serving desire to keep her in his world for a while? Like a little pet, a little thing you want to love, knowing that they wouldn’t live as long as you do… Did Edward see her as just a fleeting love? Maybe he saw her as something he could play with and pretend to love with the reassuring thought that she would grow old and die while he would stay young forever…
Bella gazed at the shimmering light filtering through the trees, the same light that had once illuminated their undying love. She still remembers the hidden encounters, the kisses in the forest and laying in the same meadow as Edward while talking sweet nothings to each other. She remember how he explained about you, about his disturbed ex-lover that dreamed of a wedding that would never happen and that fantasied about a relationship that was long dead. At the time, she was so worried for Edward, so saddened by the fact that he was tied to you, and so resentful for the fact that she had to hide her love under those threes and little bits of lights… But now, the same lights and soft shadows cast doubts upon her heart, casting darkness upon the very foundation of their relationship.
At this point, she couldn’t help but ask herself if anything of what Edward told her was even true. When she met you, you attacked her and yes, acted crazy but… were your actions really the act of someone delusional and trapped in the past? Or were those the doings of someone that was betrayed and lied to by the man they loved? Edward and herself -even if now she was ashamed of it- had made fun of you behind your back, joking about your mind being trapped in a delusion where your ex-boyfriend was still in love with you… and yet, now, she was the one who felt trapped.
She was entangled in a web of her own dreams and desires, her own personal simulated world. She felt weak, stupid… She let herself be moved by the allure of immortality, the idea of being the only one in the life of a creature that was designed to be perfect, the idea of forever being with Edward, of being loved for all eternity, the idea of being so important for someone that he was willing to ignore his own nature just to love her… that lies, that illusion held her captive. So, still with all those doubts and worries plaguing and poisoning her mind and heart, she stayed there, standing motionless, waiting for her boyfriend.
And just a few seconds later, there he appeared, a figure emerging from the depths of the forest, it was just the blink of an eye for Bella, but suddenly, he was in front of her, looking directly at her expression while his eyes glowed with an intensity that had once mesmerized her. Now, she wasn’t sure what she felt looking at that unnatural gleam in his eyes, she was just glad that he couldn’t hear her thoughts, thankful for the shield nature had given her. Edward had approached her with a confidence that both comforted and unnerved her. His voice, so sweet and melodic, echoed through the meadow, blending with the whispering breeze. She felt like he was trying to touch her with his words, cover her and hide her from the world… She used to be grateful for that feeling…
"Bella," he said, his voice laced with tenderness… but was it real? "I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Every beat of my heart, every fibre of my being, longs for you. There is no doubt in my mind that you are my destiny, my forever."
His words reached her ears, but her heart yearned for more than mere declarations. Besides, his promises and sweet nothings seemed to stay there, unclear and almost impossible to be true. Did he yearn for her because of his love? Or was it because of some weird instinct that he couldn’t control? The doubts that plagued her thoughts begged for reassurance, a tangible proof of his unwavering commitment, a way to show that he truly loved her and wasn’t only following what he thought he had to do...
Was this proposal an act of genuine love, or a desperate attempt to keep her bound to him?
As Edward dropped to one knee, a small velvet box in his hand, Bella's heart fluttered with a mixture of hope and trepidation. What? She wasn’t confused, she understood what his words and actions meant but… She wasn’t even eighteen just yet… She was barely finishing high school… Did she want to tie herself to Edward without a chance of experimenting with other things in life? She wasn’t legally allowed to drink, she hadn’t thought of universities or if she wanted to work in something in particular… Hell, she was still a virgin!
But there it was… The delicate ring nestled within the box glimmered in the waning sunlight, a symbol of an eternity she had once craved. The commitment and future she once asked for… She even pushed Edward to take her back after he tried to leave her when the first vampire attacked her… Then she saved his life and almost pushed him to commit to her forever…
Did she genuinely want this? Weren’t all teenagers allowed to do a couple of stupid things before becoming real adults? Still, how could she say “no”?
At that moment, looking at that gorgeous ring in that delicate velvet box and looking at Edward that was waiting for an answer with a small and charming smile, she felt the weight of his expectations pressing upon her, and she wondered if she could truly deny him.
Her mind raced, questioning the very essence of their love. Was it pure and selfless, or did it stem from a possessive need to control her destiny? Did Edward want her because of her? Or did he want her just to avoid losing something else that he considered his? Doubts clouded her mind and she knew that if she didn’t control herself, she would start shaking… Still, she found herself hesitating, unable to voice her doubts. The fear of losing him and the dreams she had woven around their future kept her silent. She spent so much time thinking of being with him. She risked her life, ruined other relationships, and forgot about the other possibilities of her future just to stay by his side, so… If she decided to say “no”, what would be of her? What would she do? At this point, she wasn’t sure if she could be Bella without Edward by her side…
At that moment, the conflict within Bella reached its climax. She couldn't deny the love she felt for Edward, nor could she ignore the doubts that now consumed her thoughts. Still, there was no more time, Edward was there, in one knee, waiting for her answer and she was about to get all that she thought she wanted… She just needed to ignore the questions. It wouldn’t be so hard, and maybe with time, she would get used to it…
And so, with a mixture of reluctance and resignation, she whispered, "Yes, Edward. I will marry you."
As he slid the ring onto her finger, sealing their fate, Bella couldn't shake the lingering doubts that were whispered in the recesses of her mind. But for now, she would bury them beneath a facade of acceptance, hoping that time would reveal the truth behind Edward's words and intentions. In any case, she at least knew that Edward loved her or cared for her to the point of wanting to marry her and that would be enough… That needed to be enough.
-It won’t be…- Her mind whispered, almost like answering to her silent promise. Weirdly enough, the voice sounded so much like yours that she couldn’t help but feel like she was making a mistake. Still, it felt like it was too late to change her mind now. She was going to marry Edward, and with that, she would turn into a vampire, like she was always meant to be. She was sure that with time, everything would fall into place. The doubt was, where would she fit in the whole picture once that happened?
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know you don't want it any other way
I love you so much that I hate you right now
It's so hard to blame you cause you're so damn beautiful
A/N: Hey guys, sorry for taking so long. Here's the update, hope you like it.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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》 You are the soul mate of the Volturi Kings. Yandere each for you. 《
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americancowgirl19 · 2 years
Twilight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Queen - Part Two - Volturi Kings x Female Swan Reader
Nobody to Somebody - Volturi Guard x Female Reader
Prince of Hell - Demetri Volturi x Male Reader
So Much More - Part Two - Part Three -  Riley Biers x Plus Sized Female Reader - Message me if you want me to write male reader rewrites.
Puppet Master - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
To The End Of Days - Caius Volturi x Human Gender Neutral Reader
Victory - Riley Biers x Vampire Female Reader
Proud - Riley Biers x Human Plus Sized Female Reader
Husband of Mine - Carlisle x male vampire reader
Who You Were, Are, and Will Be - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Attempts - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Vengeance - Demetri x Female Reader x Felix
Polar Opposites - Jasper x Gender Neutral Reader
Kidnapped - Riley Biers x Female Reader
Friends - Platonic Edward Cullen x Gender Neutral Reader
The Paranoia of a Nomad - Emmett Cullen x Male Reader
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Love Song for A Vampire Pt. 19
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan
Warnings: irina being bitchy, tanya attempting to swoop in on Edward
Words: 3k
Summary: Edward makes a trip to the Denali Coven 
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
Summer in Alaska made the state break out into lush beauty, illuminated by a sun that is finally strong enough to break through the bog of clouds and snow. Wild flowers curled against the trunks of trees; tall grass sways gently against the breeze that rolls through. Beautiful, a land so full of colorful life and vibrancy.
This time around though, Edward pays no attention to such trivial things as nature. He's on a mission. Having driven for three straight days to make it to the Denali coven territory, Edward kept his mind focused on the task at hand. Running over what he planned to say to them, Edward is still lost in his thoughts by the time his car turns into the long driveway that led up to their mountainside home made of dark wood, stone and large panel windows. Already in one window he spied a blonde head that quickly disappeared.
Parking in front of their stone garage, the front door opens and Carmen smiles at him. "It's good to see you, Ed." Her dark hair separated her from the three vampire ladies who crowded behind her. The only male in the coven, Carmen’s mate Eleazor has his arms crossed with a patient grin on his face. Really, it was Eleazor who might offer the Cullens the biggest help if the Volturi brought a fight to them. Such a long time ago, Eleazor had been an actual member of the Volturi guard. He had the best insight of what Aro, Caius and Marcus’ mind.
When Bella first moved to Forks, confused with how he felt for her, Edward went to the Denali Coven to clear his mind. Once again he was seeking some sort of support from them. A bit embarrassing he had to admit.
They parted to let him inside. Tanya, he noticed, was attempting to keep a polite distance but her gold eyes couldn’t hide the emotions she was feelings. Her thoughts conveyed those of longing. Difficult to hold her gaze for much longer, Edward turned back to Carmen and the others. Their smiles didn’t dim.
Kate smiled patting the cushion of their sofa, indicating for Edward to sit down. “It’s good to see that you’re alive.”
Carmen winced a bit, the reminder of how they had refused to help the Cullens with Victoria. In the end they backed up Irina whose lover Laurent, former acquaintance of Victoria’s, was killed by the wolf pack.
Everyone felt the heavy cape of dread that filled the living room. Would they refuse him if he were to mention that any fight the Cullens had, the wolves would fight alongside them? The Treaty was revised, allowing more freedom between the Cullen-La Push border.
“It was an easy fight with the wolves on our side.” Edward admitted. His mind brought up an image of (y/n) in her wolf form. Her jaws snapping and ripping into various newborns. He had felt nearly unstoppable as (y/n) protected his back. “But there arises another potential issue.”
His family had discussed for hours on the potential moves of the Denali clan, asked Alice what she could see in the near future. Many times her visions didn’t come on demand. Many agreed that they were likely to side with Irina again and attempt to stay out of the conflict. it didn’t help that it involved the Volturi, the very force that had executed Sasha and the vampire child Vasili. They wanted to keep a good distance away from anything that had to do with the vampire council.
Edward still held out hope though. Hope that they would choose to do the right thing. Bella didn’t want to be a vampire anymore, she would remain a human who was unable to protect themselves from the supernatural forces that plagued her life now thanks to Edward. Aro would not be happy about that. When they find out, they will most likely ask for Bella’s head to be delivered to them. Humans were absolutely not allowed to know the existence of such creatures like them and potentially punish the Cullens. Neither of the vampire trio that lead the council gave second chances.
“Now there’s no guarantee if the Volturi will find out. Knowing them though. . . It’s possible they might discover it sooner rather than later. We just want to cover our bases and be prepared.”
“What about the wolves?”
Carmen closed her eyes with a scowl as everyone turned to look at irina who sat across from him. Arms crossed against her chest and Amber honey eyes holding Edward down. Despite her pale, strawberry blonde hair, her eyelashes were dark. They accentuated the paleness of her skin.
He figured she would mention the large furry elephants in the room. His long fingers weave together as he sighed. “They are our allies now. They will be aiding us as well. But even they might not be enough if the Volturi bring the bulk of their army.”
“Let the Volturi have her.” irina’s thoughts slammed into Edward’s mind. The words bit, finding their target easily.
Sensing Irina’s foul mood that would soon take over the whole room, Kate puts a hand on her shoulder and steered her toward the kitchen. They spoke in near whisper voices but Edward could hear their conversation through their thoughts. Consoling, anger, so much anger, Kate trying too smother it before it truly ignited Irina to say something she couldn’t take back.
They were enough to make Edward feel like he was on a lost cause. He glanced at Tanya to gauge what she was feeling.
“Give her some time. You know how much she liked Laurant. Despite what he may have done.” Tanya mentally replied to his imploring eyes.
He did understand how Irina was feeling. The same emotion was probably running through her like it did Edward when James abducted Bella. Hunted her for sport. It’s what drove Victoria to commit the atrocities she did.
To love someone so much was a terrifying thing that led to unimaginable consequences.
“You know we want to help you, Ed.” Carmen’s tone was soft.
Eleazor nodded. “The Volturi have become nothing but thugs. Their egos are bloated after so many centuries in power. I wouldn’t mind taking them down a few notches.” He rubbed his chin in thought. “Alice. . . ?”
He shook his head. “If the wolves are part of the equation, then she’ll be unable to see anything. It gives her a migraine and disables her for a good time.”
A moment passes before Carmen suggests “Eleazor, don’t you still have a few contacts in the Volturi? Disgruntled employees like you were?”
Her mate pressed his lips into a firm line that held no promises. “I do. But if Aro catches them, you know what he’ll do. Then we’ll all be in big trouble.”
“What about the Romanian coven?” Tanya piped in. “they still haven’t forgiven the Volturi for what they did to their coven.”
Carmen’s face lights up and even Eleazor appeared to consider it. “We could try getting into contact with them. . .”
That was the crumb of hope Edward required to not lose himself completely to despair. If the whole of the Denali coven couldn’t agree to help, then the Romanians would be another good start. True that the Romanian coven only had two actual members, the lone survivors of the Volturi’s wrath. They held no special abilities like Edward and Eleazor did, but they had many connections in the vampire world. How easy it was to forget that at one point in history, the Romanian coven had been the strongest one in the known worlds.
Finally, Irina and Kate return. irina’s face still held a scowl when she looked over at Edward, but most of her steam had evaporated. Her face though. . . It was sad and tired. “Do you swear that Bella will no longer become a vampire? That she will be out of our lives and be none of our concerns after this?”
Because in the end, Edward couldn't deny that Bella had been the trigger to Laurant's death. She had been confronted by the rogue vampire on Quileute territory and thus the wolves took it upon themselves to protect her and exterminate the threat of the red eyed devil.
Stiffly, Edward inclined his head to show that he agreed. “Bella. . . She is determined on her stance now. Both her and her father want all of us to stay away from her now.”
“After all the chaos this girl has caused. . .” Irina’s mind bared its fangs in a spitting hiss. “So easily she could just rid herself of the pain she has caused.”
If his skin were capable of flushing with rage, his face would have been red. Now he only felt the white hot anger flare in his stomach.
Irina didn’t speak anymore after that, gaze finally dropping to her hands as Kate sat down on the couch alongside Tanya. All three of Sasha’s girls could appear to be biologically related. Edward knew their history and knew that despite Tanya being Sasha’s biological great-niece, Kate and Irina had no blood relation.
Carmen’s shoulders slowly relaxed at the sight of a despondent but quiet Irina. At the moment, it was better compared to her hostility. She did want to mention her own concern about the wolves. “Are you sure about their treaty? From what you told us it does nothing to protect our kind.”
“I can talk to them. I promise.” And if the rest of the pack was wary at first, then. . . Then he could count on (y/n) to slap some sense into them. Be the voice of reason. They deemed her judgement trustworthy.
He had half the mind to tell them about her. The wolf girl who had imprinted on him. Whatever god of fate pairing them up in some twisted joke.
No, it was too soon for that. First he needed to get them to agree to be on their side of the battle when it came around. Once a level of trust was acquired, then he could tell them. Maybe when the Denali coven met the wolves, they would change their mind about them. Maybe things could mend with Irina.
“Are you hungry?” Eleazor asked. “We have some freshly harvested caribou blood. Quite rich.”
Now that he mentioned it,Edward couldn’t remember the last time he had consumed blood. The fatigue in his body now made itself present. He felt sluggish and dare he admit even tired. Tired was a feeling that vampires experienced often. Not unless they were starved of any kind of nutrients.
Caribou blood was sounding fantastic.
Carmen and Eleazor showed him into the garage where they stored their stock. Explaining how they had just hunted the night before. Carmen leaned against the stainless steel fridge, turning her face away to give him a bit of privacy. Though she possessed no supernatural gift like Edward and Alice, she was an expert in reading body language and expressions hidden in the eyes. She had to be one of the most empathetic vampires Edward had ever met. Her naturally kind and strong heart persevered the vampire venom.
Taking a moment to make sure they weren’t followed, Eleazor whispered “There’s something you’re keeping away from the others. . . Isn’t there?”
It felt good to tell them about (y/n). Tell someone and not worry about their critics and judgement like his family must have felt. Only Alice and Jasper, Edward was sure, were compassionate toward him about it and held no ounce of disgust. As wonderful as Carlisle and Esme normally were, their senses and thoughts cringed at the idea of Edward being with a werewolf. Something with flesh and pumping blood yet could be immortal if they so chose.
The pair patiently listened to him, Carmen finally smiling when he was finished. “Your taste in mates are certainly. . . Unconventional.” She was smiling, eyes crinkling with mischief. Enough to make Edward actually laugh.
First a human, now a wolf. What else was this life of his going to throw at him?
“I would very much like to meet them. Both of them.” Carmen said.
“Me too.” Her mate was smiling softly.
Edward decided to grasp whatever chance he got. “Would the two of you like to come back with me to Forks? I can give you until tomorrow to think it over-”
“We would love to go to Forks with you, Edward.” Carmen’s smile beamed with excitement. Due to the old treaty with the wolves, the Denali coven had never had the opportunity to visit the Cullens. This would be a first for them. From how Esme lovingly described the home she fixed up herself, they knew how gorgeous the Cullen home must her in real life.
They would scope out the wolves themselves and relay what they learn to Tanya, Irina and Kate. The trio trusted the words of Carmen and Eleazor over Edward’s. They had been living together for hundreds of years.
“Give us tonight to tell the others. We’ll need to reassure them that we will be safe” Eleazor informed Edward. They would be reluctant to see Eleazor and Carmen off, but the two could handle themselves. Eleazor’s ability might not be of the combative nature, but he had brute strength as well. His fighting skills were known in the Volturi as well.
Agreeing that the three of them would leave tomorrow, the next walked Edward back to the house and to a guest room they had upstairs for him to relax or make whatever phone calls necessary until morning came.
Alone in the room, Edward put a barrier in his mind to block out the sometimes intrusive thoughts of others. Holding his phone up, Edward had the urge to talk to Bella. Of course he wouldn’t. He would keep to his promise this time of staying away from her. He would deal with the damages. Edward just wanted her to live out the rest of her life knowing nothing but happiness if that is what she so chooses.
Tossing it onto the nightstand, it was best that he avoid his phone for a while. He also wanted to call (y/n). Well, needed to call her to give her the heads up that two new vampires would be entering their territory. That they wanted to meet her first. He hadn’t spoken to her since the day in the woods. The same day he had stopped communication with Bella.
With so much time on his hands, a knot of worry twisted in his gut. Would Irina be bitter enough to turn to the Volturi and rat him out? Not just him but the wolves and Bella as well? It would be her perfect act of revenge. Those who had allowed harm to be dealt to a man she had a budding romance with would feel the death claws of the Volturi.
The timid presence of Tanya entered his conscious. Edward gets up to open the door. He was apprehensive, looking at her and replaying the times she had flirted and shot him longing gazes. There was nothing wrong with her looks and personality. Edward could admit how pleasing she was to the eye. She was not who his heart yearned for. Never. His life would be easier if he had. A mate that was already like him, who understood what it was like to live far longer than any human should. The horrors they had experienced in their lifetime was enough for them to bond over.
“You’re leaving so soon?” Her striking strawberry blonde hair falls to her shoulders, nearly blending into the soft, cream wool sweater she wore.
“You’re welcome to come with us too, but yes. I just want to be prepared for whatever may come. The sooner the better.” Edward doesn’t move to let her inside the room he temporarily resided in. When the two of them were alone there was a heaviness in the air. Her evident wanting of him. A thick cloud just seemed to fill in whatever room the just so happened to be trapped in.
Not used to be turned down, Tanya reigns herself in despite wanting to try and charm her way in. New sense of seriousness actually made Edward relax. A serious Tanya he could handle. “You will make sure they aren’t harmed. Right?”
“Of course.”
Tanya sighed. “Look, Kate and I want to help. We really do. But we can’t unless Irina supports it too.”
“I understand. Hey, you don’t think she’ll say anything to the Volturi. I know she bares the most resentment toward them. I’m just worried she’ll do something like that.”
”Don’t worry. We won’t let that happen. Despite what they are, the wolves have proven to be your greatest allies. Far more than we have been. But do you really want to start a fight with the Volturi?You’ll need more than us to really make a stance. If you do this, they’ll always have a grudge against your family and Ms. Swan.”
No he didn’t want to start any fights with the largest vampire coven in the world. Didn’t want to antagonize them so they unleash the swarm of their power. Any kind of disobedience displayed toward the Volturi was considered suicide.
Edward wouldn’t let them though. Even if he admitted to himself that the idea of fighting such a strong coven made him a bit nervous. “Than I’ll scour the world for others who are willing to stand up to them.”
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @daryldixonstorm , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd, @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven  , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter , @mutandis-extremis993 , @hxgemxscles , @nightly-polaris , @corrodedcoffins-slut , @ellesalazar , @itgetzweird08 , @crybabyatthediscooffandoms , @sassyandclassyx , @scarlet2007 , @theroyalbrownbarbie , @jennyamanda8 , @stevenandmarcslove , @biancaindaeyo , @loversjoy , @turningtoclown , @vixorell , @xxthackerybinxxx , @daredevilonmyheels
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wendigo-volturi · 2 months
Rules + characters
requests are open
When you request please specify if you want a story or headcanons, this is important for me. Also please specify what gender.
I will write for twilight, Harry Potter, MHA, Hannibal (series), rise of the guardians, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, and any horror movies
Any character you ask for from the list I will write, I just got to lazy to write all of them.
If you request something I'm not comfortable with I won't write it but most of the time I will write it, but if you break ANY of my rules I will block you.
What I write:
Character x male reader
Character x female reader
Sad shit
Self harm
Sibling reader
What I will NOT write:
Character x character
Smut (I'm just terrible at it)
Incest (it's gross)
Any shit with umbridge or Lockhart
Volturi kings: Aro, Caius, Marcus (separate or poly)
Volturi guards: Jane, Alec, Felix, demetri
Side characters: Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Alice, Rose (don't know her full name) , bella
Harry potter: anyone from Harry potter
MHA: Anyone from MHA
Hannibal: anyone from Hannibal
Rotg: anyone from rotg
hazbin hotel: anyone from hazbin hotel
helluva boss: anyone from helluva boss
Horror: any slasher
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tatisbooks · 2 years
ִֶָ𓏲࣪ 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆 ִֶָ🍓༉‧₊
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account rules ( not yet made )
masterlist ( not yet made )
none of my works are proof read so please dont bully me if the writing is a shitty 😭
real quick about me:
im tati, ive been writing on wattpad for a while! you can find more in my about me and account ( not yet made )
first of all, i will NOT write the original leena klammer. if you request please only request a general one or a plot that takes place in orphan; first kill or else i will not write it!
i will not write for eddie munson or steve harrington. i am so sorry but i just do not find any attraction to them, and will only write what i like.
i will not write steddie, byler, wolfstar, etc etc. as you can all tell, they are all gay ships. the only reason i will not write them is because i dont know how to present or properly write mlm so please do not request male reader.
ִֶָ𓏲࣪ 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒ִֶָ 🍉༉‧₊
i do not write for the mcu, teen wolf, or any other fandom that is not the following;
harry potter
the vampire diaries
game of thrones (will only majorly write for daenerys)
orphan first kill
stranger things
i will not write daddy kinks. nor will i include spanking in any of my smuts. i can briefly sprinkle in a mommy kink but i will not write any more.
i also will not write certain kinks like; foot kink, pee kink, and/or any other disturbing kinks. i may dabble a bit into blood but will never fully go into detail.
my account is mainly fem reader so please do specify if you want gn reader or fem!
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫; 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐞𝐫𝐚
harry potter
hermione granger
ron weasley
fred weasley
george weasley
( request more ! )
𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐫𝐚
poly marauders ( with or without peter )
peter pettigrew
james potter
remus lupin
sirius black
bellatrix black
narcissa malfoy
lily evans
extra note!! i will write tom riddle
bella swan
edward cullen
alice cullen
jasper hale
rosalie hale
emmett cullen
carlisle cullen
esme cullen
caius volturi
marcus volturi
aro volturi
poly!volturi kings
sulpicia volturi
athenodora volturi
didyme volturi
poly!the volturi wives
poly!the volturi wives + the kings
demetri volturi
evie zamora
tracy freeland
( request more!! )
𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧; 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥
tricia albright
gunnar albright
leena klammer < pls request her!! >
( request more!! )
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬;
katherine pierce < PLEASE REQUEST HER OMG >
damon salvatore
stefan salvatore
elena gilbert
poly!elena x damon
bonnie bennett
caroline forbes
( havent finished tvd so request more!! )
𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬;
daenerys targaryen < PLEASE PLS PLS REQUEST HER >
jon snow
sansa stark
( request more!! )
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬;
will byers
jonathan byers
mike wheeler
nancy wheeler
chrissy cunningham
jim hopper
joyce byers
quick note; i will write for jamie campbell bower just request !!
thank you for stopping by and enjoy my blog !
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volturi-prince · 1 day
Characters + rules
To make a request, please specify if you would like a story or headcanons, as well as the gender you prefer.
I am currently accepting requests for Twilight, Harry Potter, My Hero Academia, Hannibal (series), Rise of the Guardians, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and any horror movies. I am open to writing for all characters within the listed fandoms, but if the request involves content I am not comfortable with, I will have to decline. Breaking any of my rules will result in being blocked.
What I can write:
- Character x male reader
- Character x female reader
- Emotional stories
- Themes such as self-harm and sibling relationships
- Original Characters
What I will NOT write:
- Character x character pairings
- Explicit content
- Abuse
- Assault
- Incestuous relationships
- Scenarios involving Umbridge or Lockhart
Featured Characters:
Volturi Kings: Aro, Caius, Marcus (individually or in a polyamorous relationship)
Volturi Guards: Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri
Side Characters: Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Esme, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, Bella
Harry Potter: Any character from the series
My Hero Academia: Any character from the show
Hannibal: All characters from the series
Rise of the Guardians: All characters from the movie
Hazbin Hotel: All characters from the show
Helluva Boss: All characters from the series
Horror Movies: Any slasher film characters
Feel free to make specific requests within these guidelines!
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darkestdesired · 3 years
Taste Of Purity
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Part 1
Volturikings x PlusSized!Male!Reader
Guards x PlusSized!Male!Reader
Warning:Pure filthy smut,Polyamory,18+,Shower sex,Cussing,handjob(reader receiving),Cum eating.
Filing my paperwork was a common occurrence for me,something to pass the odd hours I worked when working for literal vampire royalty.
“(Y/n),Did you change your cologne?” Felix asked as he appeared in front of my desk and leaned on it.Holding in a laugh I nodded,”I felt the need for a change and Heidi offered to help,the scent was her idea,Said it made me more alluring.Not entirely sure if that’s a good thing or not yet.” He chuckled,”That sounds like her.”
Setting down my papers I gave him my full attention,”So did you need anything or did you just come here to avoid working again?”
He had the curtesy to fake offense,placing a hand on his chest. “I’ll have you know that master Caius wants the Cullens files to go over ,apparently they may have an immortal child.”
My eyes widened in shock,”It’s been centuries since one has been reported,who would be stupid enough to create one?” Felix shrugged,”Your guess is as good as mine my friend. He’s waiting in his bedroom,Good luck.” With that he shot me a wink before running off to god knows where.
Taking a deep breath I collected the necessary files and walked off to master Caiuss bedroom,Fixing my appearance I hesitated for a moment before knocking.
“Who is it?” A harsh voice questioned from within,the anger and annoyance clear. “It’s (Y/n),sir. Felix told me you wanted the cullens files?”
It wasn’t even a second before the door opened and I was yanked inside.
Before I even realized what had happened the door slammed shut and Caius stormed past me to his desk covered in papers. “Is that all the files we have?” I nodded,”Well?Bring them over already,I don’t have all day!” I flinched and quickly brought them over,placing them gently on the desk.
As I went to pull my hand away an ice cold one grabbed my wrist,not enough to hurt but enough to keep me in place.
“You smell different,Why?” I was surprised he even cared,”Oh..uh..I felt like trying something knew so Heidi-“ he cut me off with a face of disgust,”I liked the way you smelled before,Do not change anything without asking me first.” I shivered at his commanding tone. “Y-Yes Sir.”
Content,he released my wrist allowing me to stand straight. “I want you to wash that disgusting scent off of you at once.” I gulped and nodded,bowing i quickly turned to leave.
“I didn’t say you could leave.”
Freezing just before the door I glanced over my shoulder. “But you said..” he didn’t bother to look up from what he was reading,”You will use my shower,I will have someone bring you a change of clothes.”
My eyes widened,”B-But sir!” He looked over to glare at me,”Did I stutter? Now go before I decide to punish you for going against me.” I gasped and quickly hurried to his private bathroom,Which was much nicer than mine. Though he was a king so I wouldn’t expect anything less.
Undressing myself I folded my clothes neatly on the sinks counter before padding over to the shower.
Caius set his pen done once he heard the water run,covering his mouth with his hand he bit into his knuckle.
His eyes were pitch black with hunger,having me so close...so vulnerable.
It made him feel as if he would snap at any moment,he had waited for the past month since I had started working for the volturi for a moment like this.
I would listen to his every command like a good little boy,or he would be quite happy to punish me. Oh how he would love to see me cry and moan his name,Loud enough so that his brothers could hear.
He had seen the way they looked at me with the same hunger and interest,he felt pride swell in his chest knowing he would get to taste every inch of my delicious body first.
He took his sweet time pulling off his robes and shoes until he was as naked as the day he was born,Licking his lips as he entered the bathroom,it was heavy with my scent.
But a bit of distaste was left when he caught whiff of the cologne,he would have to reprimand Heidi later,Now however he was going to enjoy his dessert.
I screamed when the fogged up glass door was suddenly yanked open,fumbling I covered my crotch to keep the last bit of dignity I had left.
“M-Master Caius what are you doing?!” I exclaimed,blushing in embarrassment when my voice cracked.
He smirked,letting his black eyes roam up and down my form.My soft fragile (S/c) skin glistened with the droplets of the oncoming sprinkling,My perfect (H/l) (H/c) hair stuck to my forehead.
He stepped forward and I stepped back until I hit the wall,”What am I doing?I do believe I am taking a shower,my silly little human.” My eyes widened,”B-But I’m using the shower...” my face felt like it would catch on fire the longer he stared at me.Which seemed to amuse him greatly.
“There is room enough for us to share,unless you have a problem with that?” He asked raising a perfect brow,I gulped and shrunk back.”No sire.” He smirked down at me cockily,”Good boy.Now turn around.”
Looking at him in shock I gawked at him,”what?why?” He stepped closer,”I will help you wash,I can still smell that disgusting stench that Heidi dared to bathe you in.”
I had no room to argue as he shot me a glare,quickly I did as I was told and turned so that I was facing the marble wall.Baring my plump rump to the starving man,Caius felt a growl rumble from his chest as he eyes my curves.
Every scar dimple and freckle was a feast for his eyes,he licked his lips and reached for the shampoo.
Pouring some in his hand he made sure to be gentle as he reached up and began scrubbing it into my wet locks,my eyes shut at the feeling. It had been a year since someone had done this for me,my ex wasn’t nearly as gentle as Caius and it usually ended in me telling him to stop.
But the feeling of My own masters fingers brushing around my skull felt strangely pleasurable,a part of me cursed at myself for feeling this way.
Especially toward my boss who happened to be a blood drinking vampire,one who ate the human secretary’s before me for breakfast.
But something about the way he hummed as he washed out conditioner made me relax my tense posture a bit,”now for the body.” He stated reaching for the body wash and a loofa. I gasped,”Erm,Master I can wash my body my-“ he cut me off with a stern,”Silence.”
Snapping my mouth shut I heard him open the lavender scented soap bottle and pour a generous amount onto a red loofa.
Shutting my eyes tight I tried not to flinch as I felt the loofa press against my right shoulder. Silence besides the sound of the shower and my own heartbeat filled the room as Caius focused on lathering my upper body.
I bit my lip as He rubbed down both my arms and shoulder blades before moving to my chest,he knew exactly what he was doing to the fragile human man below him.
He could smell the forming arousal the closer her got to my southern parts,he teasingly inched his way down the curve of my tummy.
He relished in my shivers as he used his free hand to lightly grope the tender flesh.
“You have a lot of nerve little one,Walking around here with this delicious body of yours without consequence. Do you not see how my brothers and I hunger for you,fantasize about the moment one of us will take pleasure in tasting every inch of your tender flesh.” My breath hitched as I felt his cold nose press against my freshly washed hair.
“M-Master..Please don’t kill me..” I begged pitifully.
He tutted,”Kill you,heavens no.Why ever do you think we’ve kept you around for so long?Why the guard treats you with such respect?” He cooed trailing his Icey fingers down my side,tickling my skin before gripping it tightly.But not enough to hurt,no this was just to keep me in place as he pressed me to the marble tiled wall.
“It’s no matter,you’ll know soon enough. Until then I am gonna to make you scream my name.” His voice darkened as he pressed closer,I could feel something cold and hard against my bare cheeks making me flinch.
“Master..?” He chuckled,”Not master,It’s Just Caius from now on my pet.” He leaned down and peppered kisses on my neck.
I gasped at the cold feeling of his lips on my skin,only to jump when there was a knock on the door in the bedroom.
“Ignore it my love,Focus on my touch.” Caius said turning me around to face him,He pressed my back against the wall and got a good look at my flustered (S/c) cheeks.
He slid his hand down and I let out a choked sob when his hand wrapped around my hardening member,I covered my mouth with one hand and grasped his shoulder with the other.
“Don’t hide your delicious moans from me my love,let me hear you cry for me.” He purred,removing my hand and pinning it to the wall beside my head.
“Fuck you smell so good.” He growled into my ear,leaning his head down and gently nibbled on my throat.
”Ahh...Hah..Caius..!” I moaned at the sensation. “More..please..” I mewled making him grin ferociously.
“That’s it baby,Louder.” He roared.
Finding the perfect spot on my shoulder he bit down,not hard enough to pierce through my skin but enough that would leave a Mark for the next week.
He pumped faster and faster,”M-Master..Mnn..Caius I’m-I’m close!” I whimpered as he pumped faster, feeling that burning flame boil under my gut as pre-cum leaked from my tip.
”Come for me (Y/n).” He growled directly into my soul.
“Caius!” I screamed,White hot strings of cum shot onto both of our stomachs and pooling in his hand.
The knocking was replaced by someone kicking in the door,Caius rolled his eyes and pressed a kiss to my forehead.
”We shall continue this later,cara Mia.” He said with a devilish smirk before disappearing from the shower.
Air flooded my lungues again as I leaned my head back.
What just happened?
Turning off the water I quickly got out and grabbed a towel that was hanging nearby,along with a robe.
Caius finished tying his robe and glared at his intruders,his annoying brothers glared right back.
“I thought we agreed to wait until after we told him!” Aro growled.
Caius merely smirked with clear amusement,”I grew tired of waiting.” Marcus went to pounce but Aro held out a hand,”How far did you get?”
“Just a little shampoo and conditioning,along with some lavender scented body wash. His body is so soft and tender I couldn’t resist a little taste.”
The blonde tormented them,lifting his still cum covered hand to his mouth and licking it clean. Purring at the addicting taste before looking over when he saw me peek out of the bathroom door.
Aro shot Caius one last murderous glare before turning to me with a forced smile,”Sorry to..interrupt Darling,But I needed your assistance on some research in the library if you don’t mind?”
Nervously I shook my head,”I don’t mind at all master,Please allow me to run to my room for some clothes f-“
Aro held up a hand,”No need you can stay like that,it won’t take long I promise.” My eyes widened but I knew better than to argue with the handsome vampire.
“Of course sire.” I muttered and glanced at Caius and Marcus with a small goodbye before hurrying past,Aro smirked at them as he placed a hand on the small of my back.
”Don’t wait up.” He said too low for me to hear.
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raindancer2004 · 2 years
Three broken hearts?
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Word Count: 7,515 Demetri x Cullen reader x Alec Oneshot Warnings: Angst, Fluff. 
hi would you like to make a request from Demetri volturi x reader x Alec volturi where they found their mate in the daughter of Bella Swan and edward cullen but they despise her and reject her but in the end they realize the mistake but too late the reader had managed to get out of the castle with the help of Heidi but in the end they meet and the reader can forgive them after 15 years.
Note: reader is 17 so she would be 32 more looking young, she is a shield like her mother and so demetri couldn't track her.
Angst numbers:3,16,28,32,44
I'm sorry for bothering you more I love your writing it's perfect, maybe I'll ask for more orders ahead ✌😘 For @amelia-morgana​
Author note: Hybrids stop aging 7 years after they were born so reader will look 18 forever.
Thanks to @alecvolturiswifeforever​ for her help brainstorming the issues/conflict in this story.
Edward and Bella had twin daughters Ness and Y/N and after the ‘Immortal Child’ confrontation it was discovered that Y/N was mated to Demetri and Alec, although neither vampire were interested in Y/N because she was a child. “Things will change and fall into place once Y/N has matured I’m sure” Marcus said to Edward, Bella, his brothers Aro and Caius and Alec and Demetri. Alec scoffed “Not likely.” Demetri shrugged indifferent and avoided looking at Y/N.
Over the next seven years the Volturi made regular visits to check up on the girls, Alec and Demetri were always there at Marcus and Aro’s insistence. Y/N knew she was mated to the tracker and male witch twin and that neither seemed to like her…or the idea of being mated to her. She hoped this would change once she was grown-up and the three of them got to know each other better. She envied her sister because her mate Jake not only wanted her but actually spent time with her as friends.
Y/N and Ness were fully matured after seven years just as Nahuel had said they would be, both physically looking as though they were eighteen years old. This meant that Y/N would have to move into Castillo Volterra to be with her mates within the next month as agreed between her parents and Aro a few years before.
Y/N was anxious about moving to Italy to be with Demetri and Alec as she knew they were not fond of her but wasn’t completely sure why. None of the Cullens would tell her why either when she asked, they would just repeat Marcus’ words “Things will change and fall into place once you have matured.” She hated hearing those words. “If they don’t want me, why do I need to go to Italy mom?” Y/N asked “Because Fate chose you to be their mate and the three of you belong together” Bella answered her daughter’s question “Well maybe someone should remind them of that” Y/N mumbled but Bella heard her.
Y/N arrived at the castle and was greeted by Marcus and Heidi, Alec and Demetri were nowhere to be seen. “Welcome Y/N, hope your flight was a pleasant one” Marcus greeted her with a smile “Hello Marcus, the flight was ok thanks” She replied with a smile of her own “This is Heidi and she will show you to your room and help you settle in” Marcus said as he pointed to Heidi still smiling. “Hello Y/N” “Hello Heidi” Both females smiling at one another.
Y/N noticed that her ‘mates’ were not around to greet her ‘figures they wouldn’t bother to greet me’ she thought to herself as she walked alongside Heidi. “Your room is on the same floor as mine, the floor below the elite guard floor” Heidi informed Y/N and she nodded.
Demetri and Alec were aware that Y/N had moved into the castle but were not interested in seeing her or spending time with her despite the encouragement from the Kings, Jane and Heidi.  
“Demetri I’d like you to teach Y/N about our history, for example, how we came to rule etc” Caius asks the tracker who sighs lightly “Of course master.” Demetri left Caius’ study and started to think of ways he could get out of teaching Y/N anything when an idea came to mind and he made his way back to his room to put the plan into action.
“Have you carried out Caius’ request?” Alec asked Demetri “No and I don’t intend to. Y/N seems to get along with Heidi and Corin so I’m pretty sure one of them will tell her, if not Marcus or Caius will. Anyway how can I ‘teach’ her anything if we are never ��available’ at the same time?” Demetri replied and Alec smiled nodding, clearly agreeing with his friend’s plan “Genius.”
It was family movie night and Aro made a point of choosing films that Y/N would like as he wanted her to feel a part of the family. The Kings hoped Alec and Demetri would sit near Y/N during the movie but they walked into the family room and chose to sit as far away from her as possible, leaving Y/N to sit on her own or so she thought. “Hi hun, mind if we sit with you?” Heidi asked with a smile and pointed between herself and Corin “Not all” Y/N replied with a small smile. Marcus smiled to himself pleased that Y/N wasn’t left sitting on her own although he was disappointed with Alec and Demetri and their behaviour towards Y/N.
Y/N noticed that her mates avoided her as much as they possible could, even going as far as leaving a room if she walked into it. If they passed her in the castle hallways they tended to ignore her, not even bothering to return her greetings. Their behaviour towards her hurt her and was clear to for all to see.
“Demetri I’m leaving the castle to explore some of the city’s nightlife and I wondered if you wanted to come with me?” Y/N asked, hopeful that he’d say yes this time. “Sorry can’t got stuff to do” He replied with no emotion and he turned and walked away, leaving her standing there alone. She felt tears pricking at the corner of her eyes at his rejection but refused to let them fall whilst she was in the castle.
“Why did you not accompany her on her trip?” Heidi asked Demetri “Because I didn’t want to” “But she’s going out alone at night, anything could happen to her” Heidi tried to reason with him “She’s all grown up, I’m sure she’ll be fine” He replied coldly and Heidi shook her head at him before returning to her room.
Corin passed Y/N on her way out the castle “Where are you off to?” Corin’s soft voice sounded beside Y/N causing her to jump a little “Sorry” Corin apologised “It’s ok. I’m off to explore the city’s nightlife…” “On your own?” She asked cutting Y/N off, concern shone in her eyes “Yes, Demetri had other things to do” She replied fighting to keep the emotion out of her voice but Corin knew she was upset that yet again her mates wanted nothing to do with her “I’ll come with you, can’t go exploring on your own” Corin said with a smile and looped her arm through Y/N’s and they made their way out of the castle “Thank you Corin” “No need to thank me, it’ll be good to get out for the night.”
Alec and Demetri continued to ignore Y/N and she stopped asking them to spend time with her figuring that it would be better this way. ‘hopefully if I stay out of their way maybe they’ll come to care for me, maybe even miss seeing me around’ She shook her at the thought ‘don’t be silly Y/N.’
“Why aren’t you both spending time with Y/N?” Jane asked frustrated, looking between her brother and the tracker “Because I don’t want to” Alec replied and Demetri nodded in agreement “Nor do I” “Why not? She’s your mate” “I despise the fact I have been given Y/N as a mate” Alec replied coldly “Why brother?” “Because she’s a hybrid…” “What does that matter?” Jane asked cutting Alec off “It’s inconvenient considering hybrids still have human tendencies. Also, she’ll never be a full vampire so she’ll always need protecting seeing as she has no gift…the useless little half-breed” Alec replied, his tone cold and cruel and Jane shook her head in disbelief at what she was hearing. “Not to mention she’s a Cullen, a stupid veggie Cullen which means we’re now stuck being linked to them forever. The only good thing about being mated to her is that Aro has eternal access to Alice and Bella’s gifts” Demetri adds, his tone cold and uncaring too.
Jane caught a glimpse of Y/N and guessed she had overheard them and nodded in her direction. Demetri and Alec turned to look at her, Alec turned straight back around ignoring the hurt look in her eyes. Demetri however, felt a little guilty knowing he had hurt her with his words and stood up to speak to her “Y/N…I…Stop” “NO!” She shouted and stormed off but he was too quick and grabbed her arm stopping her before she got very far. “I’m sorry, I…” “I wish I’d never met you” Y/N said cutting him off “No, you don’t mean that” Demetri felt a pain in his chest upon hearing her words “YES I DO! NOW.LEAVE.ME.ALONE!” She growled at him and pulled her arm free of his hand and ran off, leaving him standing there calling after her once more before sighing and giving up “I’ll try later” He mumbled to himself, unaware that he wouldn’t get the chance to apologise again.
Y/N went straight to Heidi’s room letting the tears fall freely. “I wish I never came here” Y/N said as she entered Heidi’s room, not bothering to knock on the open door. “What’s happened?” Heidi asked as she got up to close her door, wanting some privacy for their conversation. “I knew Demetri and Alec didn’t like me very much and were not happy about being mated to me but I had no idea they actually despised me. You should have heard the things they said about me” Y/N replied as tears continued to fall down her cheeks “Oh sweetie” Heidi wrapped an arm around her and listened as Y/N told her what they had said about her between sobs. “It’s not like I asked to be mated to them…fate decided that for us.” Heidi sympathised with the heartbroken girl and made a decision to help her despite the consequences she may face from the Kings. “Later tonight I’ll help you escape the castle…” “What? How?” Y/N asked cutting her off “Well, I have to leave the castle to finalise plans for this week’s tour and you’ll come with me…you just won’t return with me” Heidi whispered “Won’t you get into trouble?” Concern clearly shown on Y/N’s face “Oh don’t worry about me sweetie. I can’t keep watching you being rejected by the two people who are supposed to love you forever. Marcus will sympathise and understand why I helped you escape this hell considering he has been alone for many centuries now. And from what I’ve heard he is not best pleased with Demetri and Alec and their treatment of you” Heidi replied, keeping her voice low. Y/N nodded and hugged her “Thank you for this, I really appreciate your help.”
Heidi helped Y/N escape from the castle a few hours later “Grab your passport and a few essentials and I’ll sort the rest once we’re outside the castle” Heidi said low as they entered Y/N’s closet “Got it. Ready when you are” She replied with a smile. Heidi and Y/N made their way to the castle’s entrance passing a few guards along the way, not that any of them took any notice of them. Heidi gave Y/N money and dropped her at the airport “Be safe and more importantly be happy” Heidi hugged her “Thank you Heidi, it means a lot” Y/N replied and hugged her back. Heidi never asked where Y/N was going to go because she knew it would be safer for both of them that way.
Heidi returns to the castle alone after finalising plans for the tour and goes straight to her room and sees her mate Corin sitting on the sofa. “Hey babe, how was your day?” Heidi asked “It was good hunny, how was yours?” Corin asked “Everything is in order for the tour and I’m looking forward to spending some time with you” Heidi leant down and kissed Corin, who pulled her down onto her lap and deepened the kiss.
Meanwhile, Demetri spoke to Alec about their behaviour towards Y/N “I think we really hurt her tonight Alec” “So what? Now she knows why we hate her and don’t want her as our mate” Alec replied “She didn’t ask to be mated to us either Alec and you never hear her talking about us that way” “SHE WOULDN’T DARE” Alec growled at him “This is what Demetri means brother, you are being cruel to her for no reason” Jane adds “Don’t tell me you like the little half-breed?” Alec asks as he glares at his sister. “Our mate is not a half-breed, she is a hybrid” “What’s the difference Demetri?” “The difference Alec, is the word you use to describe Y/N. One is cruel the other is not” He replied and Alec scoffed “Whatever. If you want to apologise to her, then go ahead but don’t expect me to.” Alec walked out of the room, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone.
The following morning Demetri went to Y/N’s room to try and apologise for his actions only to discover she wasn’t in her room. He felt something was off, something wasn’t right with this picture and entered her closet. Upon opening some of the wardrobes and drawers he noticed a few things were missing including her passport. “Cazzo.” He mumbled under his breath before closing his eyes and concentrating on the tenors he had stored in his mind, trying to find hers. He couldn’t find a tenor that belonged Y/N and that’s when he realised, he never took the time to find and store her tenor.
“Y/N’s gone, she’s not in the castle” Demetri says as he enters Alec’s room, not bothering to knock “What?” Alec asks “She’s gone Alec. Her passport is missing along with some of her stuff” Demetri replies “Oh calm down, I’m sure she’s fine. You’re a tracker, track her. She’s probably in the city” Alec replied “I can’t track her. I’ve tried” Demetri responded. “What do you mean you can’t track her? It’s your job” Alec asked sounding annoyed “I mean I.can’t.track.her” He growled back “Why?” “I don’t know Alec, I have never tried tracking her before. I’ve had no reason to” “Maybe she has a shield like her mother” Jane mused aloud, smiling as she leant against the doorframe. Alec and Demetri turned to face her looking surprised “I never thought of that” Demetri mumbled but Jane heard him “Well, why would you? Seeing as neither one of you took the time to get to know her” She replied.
Alec, Demetri and Jane go to the throne room to let the Kings know that Y/N is missing. “Y/N is missing and I cannot track her, I’ve tried. I don’t have her tenor” Demetri explained “It might be because she is a shield. Can you check with the Cullens to see if they have heard from her?” Alec asked “Why?” Marcus asked leaning forward in his chair and noticed the shocked expressions on Alec and Demetri’s faces “You and Demetri have showed no interest in her. You have pushed her away ever since you discovered she was your mate…” “She was a child then” Alec said cutting Marcus off “I’M WELL AWARE OF THAT FACT BUT WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR REJECTING HER NOW THAT SHE IS ALL GROWN UP?” Marcus replied, his voice raised “She-she’s…” “A Cullen? A hybrid? What is your issue with her?” Aro asked this time, curiosity getting the better of him but neither Alec or Demetri said nothing. “I WANT AN ANSWER NOW!” Caius demanded loudly “I never expected to have a mate let alone a half-…a hybrid and I didn’t think I wanted one…” “But now she’s left you, you want her back, is that it?” Marcus asked cutting Alec off and he nodded once.
“What’s your reason for rejecting Y/N?” Marcus turned his attention to Demetri “I have waited for many centuries to find my mate and when I finally do, it turns out she is a Cullen and on top of that I have to share her with another” Demetri replied “I’m ashamed of you both. Those reasons are not acceptable and neither of you deserve a mate, let alone the special one fate gave you” Marcus said looking between them.
Aro got up from his throne and walked down the steps towards the two male vampires. “I’d like to know why she decided to leave us now” Aro held out his hand to Demetri and Alec and saw every thought they ever had about Y/N, including what was said the night before. “This is very disappointing. I cannot believe you would speak about your mate in such a derogatory way. I also find it shocking that only Demetri feels some guilt upon learning she had heard your cruel and hurtful comments.” “WHAT DID THEY SAY ABOUT HER?” Marcus demanded and Aro told his brothers exactly what was said and how Jane had defended Y/N. “Well, it’s clear now why she ran away. How she did so without anyone noticing is a mystery. We will have to let the Cullens know about this” Aro added and his brothers nodded. “We promised Carlisle and her parents that Y/N would be safe here with us and that you and Demetri would come to accept her but instead you have behaved appallingly towards her. You have rejected her one too many times and she finally had enough and left. I do not blame her and nor will she be punished should she ever choose to return” Caius told them and they nodded, their heads bowed.
“I saw Y/N leave the castle with Heidi last night, maybe she knows where Y/N is” A lower guard named Matt spoke up from the side of the room. “Excuse me?” Demetri glared at the guard “If Heidi helped Y/N leave I do not blame her and she will not be punished…” “But master she…” “Maybe helped her friend escape a lonely future all because her mates wouldn’t accept her?” Caius interrupted Alec. “Well it’s not like either of you want her so I don’t really see what the issue is” Marcus added and watched Demetri and Alec for a reaction, only Demetri seemed bothered by Y/N’s absence. “I went to apologise master, I wanted to make things right” Demetri replied “It may be too little too late” Jane added and the Kings nodded.
Heidi entered the throne room with Santiago “Ah, Heidi my dear lovely to see you. Please come forward there is something I would like to discuss with you” Aro said smiling. Heidi noticed that the only guards in the room were the twins, Demetri and Santiago, the others having been dismissed. “It appears that our dear Y/N is missing along with some of her stuff. Do you know anything about it?” Marcus asked softly, Heidi quickly glanced at Demetri and Alec. “Don’t worry about them. They are aware that there will be no punishment for you if you did help her escape” Caius adds and she nods. “She came to me in tears, distraught over what she had heard them say about her, what Alec had called her. They had finally broken the last piece of her heart. She’s my friend and I hated seeing her suffer because those two don’t know a good thing when they see it. I don’t know where she went, she didn’t tell me where she was going and I didn’t ask. I figured it was safer for both of us that way” Heidi answered honestly and held her hand out to Aro. “I can confirm Heidi doesn’t know where Y/N has gone” Aro said and Alec growled at Heidi. “YOU CAN STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!” Caius roared “You don’t have a right to react this way considering your actions are the reason your mate left you both” He added, both vampires looked to the floor not wanting to see the look on Caius’ face.  
Demetri returned to his room and locked the door, wanting to be alone. He laid on his bed and wondered where Y/N was. ‘I hope she’s ok. If only I wasn’t so cruel to her, she may not have run away’ he thought to himself as he felt a part of his heart break, silent sobs racking through him.
Alec returned to his room, Jane accompanying him “Let’s play chess” “Your mate is missing and you want to play chess?” Jane asked, not bothering to hide her surprise in her voice. “She’s gone and she’s not coming back” Alec sounded indifferent and his attitude left Jane feeling exhausted “You have clearly learnt nothing brother” Jane said and left the room, choosing to go to her own room to get away from him.
Demetri decided he wanted to find Y/N, wanted to apologise to her for he had come to miss her not being around. He wanted a second chance with her, a fresh start even though he knew he didn’t deserve one. He hated himself for hurting someone as kind as Y/N and wished he had handled the situation better.
The Kings granted his request to look for her as Marcus could see the sorrow in Demetri’s eyes and knew that his guilt was eating away at him. Aro had read his thoughts and knew he was genuinely sorry for his actions. “You may go and look for her but you may not force her to come back with you. It must be her choice” Marcus informed him “I understand and thank you master” Demetri replied.
The first place on Demetri’s list was the Cullens, Alec and Aro coming too as Aro wanted to see if his old friend would help his granddaughter hide from her cruel, unloving mates. “Hello Carlisle, sorry we have to meet again under these circumstances” Aro said when Carlisle opened the door. “Hello Aro, I agree. Thank you for letting me know about Y/N running away but if you’ve come here looking for her, you should know she hasn’t been here nor has she called us” Carlisle replied and Aro nodded as they shook hands. “Likely story” Alec mumbled. Aro turned to face him, a glare fixed on his face “He is telling the truth. You should remember we are in this mess because of the two of you” Alec said nothing but nodded in response. Demetri kept quiet as he knew all to well the part he had played in Y/N’s disappearance, the only thing concerning him now was to find her and apologise.
“Do you have any ideas where she could have gone?” Aro asked Carlisle “I thought she may have gone to Eleazar’s but I have checked and they haven’t seen or spoken to her either” Carlisle replied. “I take it Demetri cannot track her” Esme mused “That’s correct. He was too busy rejecting her to ever bother to find and store her tenor with the others in his head” Aro answered and Esme nodded. “I do not think she would have gone to any of our friends that bared witness for us, for fear of being betrayed and being sent or dragged back to the castle…to be ignored and rejected all over again” Carlisle said not bothering to hide the distain in his voice and Aro smirked “My thoughts exactly my friend. Although I want you to know should Y/N be found or should she return on her own, she will not be in any trouble because she ran away as my brothers and I completely understand why she did it” Aro replied, Carlisle and Esme nodded “That is good to hear Aro” Esme said with a small smile. 
Y/N had been away from Castillo Volterra for five years when she met a vampire while hunting in the Scottish Highlands. Y/N didn’t seem to notice that she was being watched by a vampire. The female vampire approached Y/N slowly “Hello child, my name is Sarah. Are you ok?” “Hello Sarah, I’m Y/N. Am I trespassing on your territory?” Fear briefly flashed through Y/N’s eyes “Oh no Y/N, not at all. I simply wanted to know if you were ok, you look a little…dishevelled. Not to mention you have a heartbeat. How?” “I haven’t had a home in five years and I’m a hybrid…half human, half vampire” Y/N replied “You are the first hybrid I have ever met and I’m pleased to meet you. But why do you have no home?” Sarah asked concerned “I met my mates when I was just a child but they rejected me from the beginning. Despite this, once I was grown up I had to move in with them as per the agreement made with my parents and things didn’t get any better once I did. And then five years ago I heard them being rude about me, talking about why they rejected me and I had had enough of being treated so badly by them so I left with the help of a friend. I’ve been on the run ever since.” Sarah’s eyes had filled with venom at hearing how this girl had been treated by her mates. “How come you didn’t return home to your family?” “I couldn’t. It would have been the first place they would look for me and I didn’t want to put my family in any danger or force them to lie for me, despite missing them terribly. More than anything I didn’t want to be forced to return to my cruel, unloving mates” Y/N sounded upset as she spoke “You’re coming home with me and I’m not taking for an answer” Sarah wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulders and guided her towards her home.
Once they arrived at Sarah’s home she introduced Y/N to her coven. “Girls, I have someone I want you all to meet so please come to the family room” Sarah said loud enough for the other vampires in the house to hear. Y/N watched as the room filled with five female vampires. “These are the members of my coven Vi, she can be a bit of a troublemaker but she’s a sweet girl with the power to freeze people, Eva here loves to have fun and the Loch Ness Monster is literally her pet…” Y/N looks at Sarah confused and the female vampires chuckle at her reaction “…It’s in the massive lake outback…” Y/N nods but is a little unsure whether to believe them. “…Taylor’s the creative one, she made me this brooch and each of the girls a pendant with our coven crest on them. Our crest is the Scottish Gold Thistle…” Again Y/N nods trying to take everything in “…This is Natalie and she can Orb places…” Y/N orbs so she is now beside Vi and waves at Y/N smiling “…Lastly, this is Nix, she’s the quiet one, which sometimes means she comes across as a little anti-social but she’s friendly really.” Nix was beside the fireplace and gave Y/N a small smile and that was when Y/N noticed the large picture of a unicorn hanging over the fireplace in the family room “Our coven animal is a Unicorn” Nix says with a smile.  
“Do you have a gift Sarah?” Y/N asked, curious. “Yes, I do. My gift Y/N is mind manipulation but please do not worry, the girls are here because they want to be. I only use my gift on them if I need to ‘calm’ situations down after shenanigans have taken place that have gotten a little rowdy” Sarah chuckled, the others joining in and Y/N smiled at her.
Two weeks after Y/N arrived Sarah sat Y/N down and asked her who her mates are as she was curious to find out more. “Y/N can I ask who your mates are? I’m curious why your parents made an agreement for you to live with your mates if they rejected you from the beginning.” Y/N sighed before replying “I am mated to Demetri and Alec Volturi. My parents and Aro decided once I was fully grown I would have to move into Castillo Volterra to be with them. They hoped that once I was grown up my mates would accept me but they didn’t.” Sarah’s face held a look to total surprise “Wow! You’re mated to two Volturi guards?...” Y/N nodded “…You left them after hearing why they rejected you? How have they not found you? I thought Demetri was the world’s best tracker” Sarah asked “Yes, one of my friends at the castle helped me escape and I owe her everything. I have the same ability as my mother…a shield which means Demetri cannot track me. He doesn’t have my tenor nor does anyone else so I’m safe in that regards” “Lucky girl” Sarah smiles at her “And anyway Demetri and Alec do not want me, they have never wanted me so I doubt they bothered looking much after I left” Y/N added and Sarah nodded “You have a home here with us for as long as you want it” Sarah said and gave her hug, feeling sad for the girl.
A month after moving in with Sarah’s coven Y/N was given a pendant of her own to match her new coven mates. The Gold thistle sitting on a tartan background. “Thank you for accepting me as part of your family and for the pendant” Y/N smiles at Sarah and the other vampires “You’re very welcome hunny” Sarah replies smiling. “There’s no getting away from us now” Vi chuckled and Y/N nodded at her.
Over the next ten years Y/N tried to move on and forget about Demetri and Alec but it was hard to do as each time she met a guy and they shared a kiss it didn’t feel right. Something inside her telling her it was wrong, that the guy was not for her. Y/N kissed the six-foot dark-haired human as he pressed her up against his bedroom wall, both of their hands exploring their bodies ‘he’s not meant for you’ She shook her head a little trying to ignore the voice in her head as she left kisses along his shoulder as he kissed along her neck. She felt his hand moving up her thigh towards her ass and tried to get lost in the moment but the voice inside her head spoke up again ‘he’s not Demetri…or Alec. He won’t be able to please you like they could’ That was it, the flame of her arousal went out “I need to leave” She didn’t wait for his reply, just ran out of his place and ran home. She envied her coven mates for being able to enjoy themselves with the men they met without feeling any guilt.
Natalie orbed into Y/N’s room one night at 02.00am “What you still doing up?” “Can’t sleep and I sooo need to find a way of moving on without my mind going to those two pricks” Y/N replied “Ahh that issue again. I’m sorry hun, fingers crossed you meet someone soon and that your head and your heart let you finally get some action” Natalie winked at her with a smile and Y/N chuckled “I’m gonna buy her a vibrator” Taylor calls out through the wall her room shares with Y/N. Natalie laughed at how Y/N’s cheeks flushed at the thought. “Just make sure it’s a sparkly one” Vi calls out laughing from her room “Vi! Oh my god” Y/N calls out feeling embarrassed “Just don’t buy her a unicorn one” Sarah added as she walked back to her room “I won’t have our beloved animal used that way” The girls noted the humour in Sarah’s voice and Y/N cheeks continued to heat as she blushed further. 
Y/N much preferred the days and nights out when it was just her and her coven mates as they weren’t just her friends, they had become her family…her sisters and she loved them all dearly. She loved the nights in where they would watch girly films and paint each other’ nails or play board and / or card games. Although Sarah banned them from playing Articulate for a month after they got too competitive and things got broken as a result.
Demetri and Alec spent years trying to find her but were unsuccessful in their attempts. Demetri never gave hope of finding Y/N, never gave up hope that she may return to him one day despite everything that had happened between them in the past. He prayed to his gods daily that he would find her, that he would be given the opportunity to apologise for what he said that day, apologise for the way he had treated her and that she would forgive him. Although he knew deep down he didn’t deserve her or her forgiveness and neither did Alec. They both accepted that their broken hearts may never heal and let the depression slowly seep into their bodies, hoping that Y/N was faring better than them.
As time went on Y/N slowly slipped into a depression, becoming melancholy whenever she was alone with her thoughts. She was able to ‘fake’ a smile around Sarah and the others although Sarah was able to see through it, the longer Y/N was around her. Eventually, it got so bad Y/N felt like she was bringing her family down with her depression and heartbreak and so she decided to leave them. “It’s not goodbye, it’s I’ll see you later but for now I need a little time on my own” Y/N said as she looked at her coven mates. The girls all looked sad hearing that Y/N was to leave them to be on her own. “Remember you will always have a home here with us Y/N” Sarah replied “We’ll miss you and take care of yourself” Nix said and the others nodded in response. After they exchanged their goodbyes and hugs, she left the place she called home for the last ten years with no idea of where she was going to go. If only she knew that she wouldn’t be alone for long.
It had been fifteen years since Y/N left Volterra when she happened to cross paths with Demetri and Alec by chance. “Y/N?” A male voice called and Y/N froze for she recognised that voice. She shook her head and took off running not wanting to talk to him let alone see him. Demetri ran after her determined not to lose her again. “Y/N, please stop. I just want to talk to you. I mean you no harm” He was behind her quicker than she thought possible, not knowing that Demetri was the fastest guard at the castle. He overtook her and stopped, forcing her to stop too otherwise she would have run straight into him.
“What do you want?” Her tone cold, uncaring and it stung him “You. I want you” He replied “You’re out of luck because I don’t want you” She replied “I know that and that is my fault but I would like the opportunity to talk to you, to apologise for my behaviour towards you and for what I said that day” “Not interested Demetri” She turned ready to walk away “Y/N please…” “It’s been fifteen years since I left and I bet you never once bothered to look for me…” “I searched for you, I never gave up hope that I would find you or that you would return to the castle…return to me” He cut her off but kept his voice low and soft as he slowly approached her.
Before Y/N can say anything Alec appears beside Demetri and looks surprised to see her “You-you found her…how?” “By accident” Demetri replied never taking his eyes off Y/N. He holds his hand up to Alec as he goes to speak again. Demetri wanting Y/N to know she had his full attention before he spoke, he wanted her to see the sincerity of his apology. “I’m so sorry Y/N for the way I have treated you since I found out you were my mate. I am even more sorry for what I said all those years ago, it was cruel and uncalled for” “Yes, it was but I’m not interested in your apologies Demetri” She turns and walks away but Demetri speeds to her and places his hands on her waist stopping her from going any further. “Please listen” “NO” She pushes his hands off her and turns to face him, stepping back a little to put some distance between them. Alec stayed where he was, not wanting her to feel intimated by them being so close to her after all these years.
“We can start over. I’ll do anything, everything can be perfect. Just please don’t leave me…not again” Demetri pleaded and Y/N shook her head “You rejected me, you both rejected me from day one. I was a child and I understand that would have been weird for you but we could have at least been friends…like Jake and Ness” Y/N replied and Demetri felt even more guilty knowing that she was aware of their rejection when she was just a child. “I’m truly sorry for hurting you and for what I said about you. I was an idiot and didn’t see what I had until I lost you. If you give me the chance, I will spend forever making it up to you, I promise” Demetri replied, sincerity clearly shown in his ruby eyes. Y/N didn’t answer, she just shook her head.
Alec took a step closer before he spoke. “Y/N I also want to apologise for my behaviour towards you and for what I said that day as it was totally out of order. You are not some useless half-breed, you are a very special hybrid…a special girl…woman even. More than that you’re my mate and I should have treasured you and instead I rejected you and for that I’m truly sorry. I too would like a second chance with you…to make it up to you. I…we have been miserable without you these past fifteen years. You may not know this but we have looked for you, we never gave up on finding you” Alec’s ruby eyes were full of emotion, much like Demetri’s and Y/N’s. 
Y/N sighed and thought about their apologies, how sincere they sounded and how sincere both vampires looked as they spoke to her and sighed again. “I can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending they’re you!” Y/N admits to them “I know, I tried being with others whilst you were a child and it felt wrong” Demetri replied and she nodded “I’ve tried dating other men over the last fifteen years but it didn’t feel right…it doesn’t feel right, despite the fact that I have never kissed either of you or been intimate with either of you” “That’s because you were born to with us and only us just as we were created to be with you and only you” Alec answered this time. “Exactly, once we met you Y/N the mate bond took hold and made it impossible for us to be with anyone but each other despite you being a child at the time. I guess I resented that fact at the time and I apologise for that too” Demetri added.
Alec stepped forward, coming to stand beside Demetri again. “Please, just come home. We can work things out together and we can take things as slowly as you want, especially as we have a lot to make up for” Alec said softly and pointed between himself and Demetri, who nodded. “I just wanted you both to accept me for who I am, the way I accepted you both for who you are, despite the two of you being so mean to me” Y/N replied, a mix of emotions swirling in her brown eyes “I just wanted to be loved by the two men who were supposed to love and protect me forever…especially as I felt myself falling for you both despite being rejected over and over” Tears slipped down her cheeks as she spoke and the sight broke both her mate’s hearts.
“Oh darling” Demetri rushed forward and took her into his arms, holding her close “I really am sorry for everything and I do accept you, my beautiful little hybrid. I love you even though I have never shown you that” He kissed her hair before gently resting his head atop hers. “I know you have no reason to believe me either but I do love Y/N” Alec’s voice low as he stands behind her, his hand rubbing her back gently.
Demetri continued to hold her as she sobbed “I-I love you too” Her voice low and soft but they heard her and smiled. “Will you come home with us? Let us care for you, protect you and more importantly love you forever” Demetri asked and felt her nod against his chest “Yes…but you get once chance each. You mess up again and I’m gone forever” “We understand sweetheart and thank you for giving us another chance. I promise we won’t screw up” Alec replied this time and placed a kiss to her hair.
Demetri took her small warm hand in his larger cold one and the three of them made their way back to the castle. Alec walked beside Y/N but didn’t take her hand in his “He’s not great at physical affection due to his past” Demetri whispered to Y/N but Alec heard him “I understand” Y/N replied softly and Alec smiled at her response.
The Kings welcomed Y/N back with open arms “Welcome home my dear” Aro smiled and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. “I’ve missed you Y/N” Marcus smiled and hugged her too. Caius stepped forward and hugged her to him “I’m glad you’ve come home too” Y/N hugged them back “I’ve missed you all too and I’m sorry for any trouble my leaving caused.” “There was no trouble as we understood why you left. We just hope now you’re home that you’ll stay for good” Aro assured her “They each have one chance to make amends for their actions, if they mess up again I’m gone…forever” Y/N replied and they all nodded “We understand my dear” Marcus replied.
Y/N stopped by Heidi’s room to say hello as she had missed her friend whilst she had been away. “Hello Heidi” Y/N said smiling as she knocked on the open door “Oh my god you’re home!” Heidi rushed to her and wrapped her up in a hug “I’ve missed you so much” Y/N’s voice was muffled a little “I’ve missed you too hunny.” “Y/N agreed to come home and give Alec and I another chance after we apologised for everything we have done and said to her in the past” Demetri said looking at Heidi, answering her unasked question. “I hope Demetri and Alec didn’t give you hard time for helping me leave” “They didn’t don’t worry, the Kings made it clear that they understood why you left Demetri and Alec and why I helped you to do so” Heidi replied and Y/N nodded before looking over at Demetri “Heidi and I are still friends don’t worry” Demetri said with a smile.
Later that night Y/N sat beside Demetri on the sofa opposite the fireplace in his room as they caught up on the last fifteen years. “I’m glad you found a family to look after you in our absence” “Me too as I wasn’t too good at being a nomad” She replied with a chuckle “Well luckily for you, you don’t have to worry about ever becoming a nomad again” He pressed a kiss to her forehead “I hope you mean that Demetri because I don’t think I could survive another fifteen years without you” She replied and he pulled her closer to him, sitting her on his lap as he held her in his arms “Nor could I and that’s why I’m never letting you go darling” “Nor am I sweetheart” Alec added as he stood in the doorway.
Y/N got off Demetri’s lap and held out her hand to him. He placed his hand in hers and let her lead him to the bed. She climbed on the bed and pulled Demetri down to lay beside her “Joining us Alec?” She asked and watched as he quickly locked the door and sped over to the bed to join them. Y/N rolled onto her side to face Demetri and he rolled over to look at her, taking her into his arms.
Alec climbed on the bed and cuddled up to Y/N, his chest against her back and gently placed an arm over her. The three of them stayed cuddled up against each other even after Y/N fell asleep in their arms. “Goodnight darling” Demetri whispered and kissed her hair. Alec pressed a kiss to the back of her head “Sweet dreams sweetheart.”
Demetri and Alec had a lot to do to truly make amends with Y/N but were happy that she had given them the opportunity to do so. “She really is the best of us” Alec said low “Yes she is and I intend to treasure her forever” Demetri replied “Me too” Alec added.
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So, I'm gonna cancel the yandere series, I really like this one (The Pharaoh x male reader). And because I have never seen one that involves Pharaoh x male reader.
Same rules:
PICK ONE CHARACTER! (Don't say [Character 1] or [Character 2] you must pick or I'll choose for you
You MUST put it in the comments. If you can't type in the comments or you want to stay anonymous, send me an ask with your vote and I'll add it in the comments.
Edward Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Jasper Hale
Emmett Cullen
Jacob Black
Sam Uley
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Bumping up his age)
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Scott Lang
Bruce Banner
Dr. Strange
Helmut Zemo
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugou
Mirio Togata
Tenya Lida
All Might
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor
Eijiro Kirishima
Shoto Todoriki
Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans
Robert Downey Jr.
Shawn Mendes
Tom Holland
Jeremy Renner
Sebastian Stan
Henry Cavill
Zac Efron
Colby Brock
Brennen Taylor
Sebastian Stan
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Anthony Mackey
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Misha Collins
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Matt Cohen
Bryan Dechart
Joe Manganiello
Pedro Pascal
Kim Nam-Joon/RM
Kim Seok-JIn
Min Yoongi
Jung Ho-Seok
Park Ji-Min
Kim Tae-Hyung
Jeon Jung-Kook.
James McAvoy
Ryan Reynolds
Robert Pattinson
Hugh Jackman
Johnny Depp
Scott Eastwood
Jared Leto
Ben Affleck
Ewan McGregor
Channing Tatum
Luke Evans
Tom Hiddleston
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Jack Kline
Young John (Michael)
Dean (Michael)
Adam (Micheal)
Archie Andrews
Jughead Jones
Reggie Mantle
Kevin Keller
Hiram Lodge
F. P. Jones
Fangs Fogarty
Eren Jaeger
Levi Ackerman
Erwin Smith
Jean Kirstein
Reiner Braun
Kenny Ackerman
Bertolt Hoover
Clark Kent/Superman
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Arthur Curry/Aquaman
Billy Batson/Shazam (Bumping up his age)
Hal Jordan/Green Lantern
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Damian Wayne
Tim Drake
Barry Allen/The Flash
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Captain Cold
Captain Atom
Chris Redfield
Leon S. Kennedy
Albert Wesker
Carlos Oliveira
Ethan Winters
Karl Heisenberg
Piers Nivans
Mr. X
Cole Young
Johnny Cage
Kui Liang
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Matt Donovan
Tobio Kageyama
Kei Tuskishima
Toru Oikawa
Tetsuro Kuroo
Asahi Azumane
Daichi Sawamura
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Hajime Iwaizumi
Kotaro Bokuto
Satoru Gojo
Kento Nanami
Aoi Todo
Toji Fushiguro
Ryomen Sukuna
Brahms Heelshire
Jason Voorhees
Michael Myers
Stu Matcher
Billy Loomis
Hannibal Lector
Will Graham
Norman Bates
Pyramid head
Sweeney Todd.
Bobby Drake
Scott Summers
Logan Howlett
Erik Lehnsherr
Young Professor X
Scott Mccall
Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Chris Argent
Andy Barber
Ransom Drysdale
Geralt of Rivia
Collin Shea
Johnny Storm
Jake Jensen
Ari Levinson
Tanner Grayton
RK900 (NINES?)
Gavin Reed
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fandomsmusicandmore · 2 years
I will be taking requests here is who I write for
Criminal minds-
I will do a Rossi and Hotch x oc or reader if requested
Tony Stark
Dr strange
Captain America
Grey's anatomy
Dr Facilier
Flynn Rider
Lord of the rings
Thor in
Aro Marcus Caius x oc
Harry Potter
Tom riddle
Once upon a time
Any male character
Good omens
Vampire Diaries
Any male character
Pirates of the Carribean
Jack Sparrow
Willy Wonka any one
So request a person and I'll do it
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magmagicstyle · 11 months
⚠️WARNING⚠️: I mean… not really, maybe some violence because vampires need to eat and that… I guess sadness and long-ass descriptions also count… maybe
A/N: Hi there, it's been a while, haha.... So... Please remember that English isn't my first language, that I haven't been active for months and that I'm a tired college graduate. Thank you. ♥️ Hope you enjoy this crazy thing. That you forgive my spelling and grammatical mistakes, and that you can leave a heart or comment on your way out.
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, hoo
Mm, too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers
And held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours
When I had the chance
Take you to every party 'cause all you wanted to do was dance
If you had to explain the meeting with the kings in just a couple of words, those would be: unexpected and confusing. Of course, this would be simplifying the meeting in a way that is almost insulting, but what could you do about it? It wasn’t like you could put all your feelings in words and expect everybody to understand what you were trying to express. Still, unexpected and confusing could be the best choice of words, even if they were quite poor.
First of all, the kings were quite charming. 
That wasn't surprising, after all, they needed to have a certain charm in themselves to be able to rule over all the vampires in the world. Since, it didn't matter how strong they were, if all the vampires decided that the Volturi didn’t deserve their power, they would be able to dethrone them. So, they were charming in a way that made you want to follow them. 
Their words seemed to be carefully united in sentences meant for you to want to be with them while fearing the idea of disappointing them. Even Caius, the most ruthless and rude of the three had a certain charm to him that you couldn’t help but want to see more. Marcus was sad, that was quite obvious, apathy was a horrible and depressing sickness of which the king seemed to be a victim. Still, he was like a calm force that made you feel like you were alone in the middle of a forest far away from all human life, without the weight of the expectations that are tied to your mere existence. 
King Aro was another thing completely. 
First of all, he was gorgeous. His black hair was bright and framed a perfect angular and gorgeous face, his height and body were so symmetrical that they made you want to cry. His eyes shone with the playfulness and mischief of a man that has a kid’s soul… All of those traits should make you fall for him, should make you want to bend over your back to please him and to make his wishes come true but… Those beautifully perfect traits only made you want to hide and avoid being in his sight. 
He was so breathtaking that you knew that he could use and would use this as a weapon to get what he wanted no matter what. He was dangerous in a way that was pulling. It was like seeing a lion or a tiger, grand beasts, alluring and charming in a way that made you want to walk towards them and caress their magnificent coat, but dangerous in a way that you knew that as soon as you were close enough to them, you would be killed in a horrendous way. 
Of course, Aro knew your thoughts and at some point even your feelings, but luckily for you, he was mostly flattered by them. After all, he knew that you respected them and their way of ruling. Also, the fact that you were Carlisle’s mate was a plus for them, Carlisle was your friend and if you were his mate -even when being too good for him- then they would treat you with the same care as they treated their old friend. 
The weight of the moment was not lost on you as you stood before the Volturi, their powerful presence enveloping the grand throne room. Aro's warm and soothing tone resonated in your ears as he acknowledged your loyalty and the significance of your connection with Carlisle.
The mention of being Carlisle's mate had its own impact. It was both a validation and a reminder of the complexities of relationships, even among immortals. The Volturi, with their keen insight into the minds and hearts of others, understood the depth of your feelings and the conflict you had experienced. But rather than judgment, they responded with an unexpected and welcoming acceptance.
"Oh, you lost lamb," Aro's voice resonated through the grand throne room, laced with a mixture of sympathy and disappointment. His words carried a weighty truth, causing you to pause and reflect on the nature of your relationship with Carlisle. "A mate is a gift for our lonely existences. It's quite disappointing to see our dear friend acting like a foolish human, moved by sentiment and doubts when the world gifted you to him to accompany his days and nights."
As Aro spoke, his warm tone enveloped you, offering a semblance of comfort. His hand gently caressed your cold skin, the touch reminiscent of a father soothing a distraught child. For a brief moment, you closed your eyes, feeling the venom gathering within your eyes, a testament to the intense emotions stirring within. However, despite the overwhelming surge of emotions, you refused to succumb to tears. You had grown weary of being relegated to second place, undeserving of the love and recognition you craved.
In that moment, you resolved to forge your own path, to find happiness on your own terms. The words spoken by Aro reverberated in your mind, causing a newfound strength to surge within. You knew you deserved more than being treated as a secondary choice. The realization dawned upon you, illuminating a path toward self-discovery and embracing the love that awaited you.
With a renewed determination, you opened your eyes, meeting Aro's gaze squarely. The red hue of his irises pierced through your soul, acknowledging the fire that burned within you. You had come to Volterra seeking solace and answers, and now you found yourself entangled in the intricate web of vampire politics and profound connections.
In this grand throne room, where the fate of many was determined, you were offered a glimpse of a different future—one that held promises of love, power, and belonging. Aro's words, though steeped in disappointment, held a glimmer of opportunity. They resonated deep within you, stirring an unwavering resolve to embrace the life you truly deserved.
“Aro…” Marcus said in a whisper, breaking your train of thoughts and bringing you back to the current moment. Still, his voice was quite strong and deep in the middle of the silent throne room. Aro pulled away from you and in a blink of an eye, he was by his brother’s side. His hands were touching Marcus’ offered limb with the eagerness of a child that was in on a secret that nobody else could know. As soon as he finish watching what the other king was trying to show, he let out an elated giggle, looking at you and at Nikolas with bright and playful eyes. The red in Marcus’ and Aro’s orbs went directly through your soul.
“My kings?” Nikolas asked, looking at the three vampires sitting on their thrones. Caius, unlike other times, looked quite interested in your presence. It was clear that he was curious, but… why? 
“My dear brother has seen something quite interesting between you two…” Aro said while walking back towards where you were standing. “It’s almost impossible to find your mate, but to find your true mate, the one that is made for you no matter what, after being rejected by one of the possible mates in this world? That is priceless, never been heard of and now… now we are able to see it happening right in front of our eyes… That’s truly marvellous…” The long-haired king let out with an elated and mischievous tone of voice.
You looked directly and Nikolas, unable to explain how you felt over this development but also knowing that in the middle of the storm of emotions, part of it was pure happiness. After all, you weren’t alone. You wouldn’t be a second choice, not for this gorgeous creature in front of you. Nikolas put his hands over your cheeks and showed a charming and caring smile that only confirmed your thoughts. You really were the only one for him. 
“Child… What’s your gift?” Caius asked in a cold and a bit rude tone of voice, looking at the interaction without any care for the lovely dovely feeling that surrounded you and your just-found mate. 
“Oh, brother… must you interrupt this moment? Dear (y/n) over here, is a mirror, a magnificent mirror capable of coping, whipping back, or stopping another vampire’s gifts… Surely, he can become a fabulous addition to our guard… a powerful vampire willing to do anything to maintain the peace we are so used to and willing to eliminate or neutralize any threat against his beloved…” Aro said with a smirk while looking at you. 
You wouldn’t doubt it, not for a second. Your eyes shone with the possibility of staying in Volterra, with the idea of being part of one of the most powerful clans in the world, with the idea of helping and being appreciated while also being able to stay with your mate, to get to know the gorgeous creature that life sent for you. 
“Of course, my kings… I would be honoured to serve and protect…” You said while vowing in front of them, before lifting your head and looking at the three governors. While doing so, your eyes managed to catch three powerful and charismatic smiles. 
Now my baby's dancing
But she's dancing with another man
After your initial introduction to the Volturi kings and your acceptance of the prestigious position within their guard, it didn't take long for you to integrate yourself into the group of vampires that lived in the fortress. The grand halls of Volterra became your new home, and the enigmatic Volturi guard became your family.
The first encounters were with Demetri and Felix, the two, even if they acted like dorks most of the time, were actually quite formidable vampires who possessed both strength and skill that matched their intimidating presence. Of course, you knew that their appareance was just a mask, since as you spent more time with them, their rough exteriors and stoic expressions gave way to camaraderie, mutual respect and playful and caring bond that made you think of two older brothers that would prank you and protect you when necessary. You found common ground in your shared duties and the pursuit of safeguarding the Volturi's reign. Demetri's astute tracking abilities and Felix's unwavering loyalty became traits you admired and found solace in, knowing they would have your back no matter what.
Alec, a cold, stoic but loyal member of the guard, caught your attention with his unwavering devotion to the Volturi kings. There was an air of innocence about him, reminiscent of a young child in awe of their parents. His admiration for Aro and the others was palpable, and it painted a picture of pure loyalty and dedication to his duty and his masters. The more time you spend with him, the more you noticed how underneath his seemingly stoic exterior, there was a young vampire who yearned for guidance and approval, and you found yourself drawn to his endearing nature, wanting to comfort him.
Jane, the other youngest member of the guard -with her brother-, presented a unique challenge. Her rough edges and seemingly unyielding demeanour were a result of a past that had not offered her the kindness she deserved. As you observed her, same as with her brother, you sensed a need for guidance and compassion, the need for someone who could teach her the beauty of empathy and gentleness. With patience and understanding, you slowly broke through her defences, earning her trust and acceptance. It was a testament to your character and the genuine connections you forged within the guard.
The rest of the Volturi guard, comprising various vampires with their own unique gifts and histories, embraced your presence without hesitation. Their acceptance was solidified by the kings themselves, who had extended their open arms and entrusted you with the responsibility of protecting their dynasty. Your own gift, like Aro had explained in your first meeting, was quite unique and interesting, and it also made you an invaluable asset to the guard's arsenal.
But perhaps what solidified your place among the Volturi guard was the bond that had formed between you and Nikolas. The strength of your connection as mates was evident to all, and something that had not gone unnoticed by the guard. Nikolas, the captivating and powerful vampire with a charming smile and a fierce devotion to those he cared about, had taken a liking to you. His fondness for you only further cemented your acceptance within the guard, as nobody would dare provoke his wrath. After all, Nikolas was one of the strongest vampires in the whole guard, being considered an unbreakble shield for so long.
With each passing day, your role within the Volturi guard became more entrenched. You found solace in the shared purpose and the unspoken bond that tied you to these vampires. The tasks, training and work that they gave you helped you forget about your past life. Nikolas also helped. Your gorgeous mate, with his pale skin, strong physique, and dark hair that framed his unnaturally perfect face, possessed an irresistible charm that left a lasting impression. His captivating smile and alluring italian accent only added to his appeal, making him a figure of intrigue and magnetism within the Volturi guard. Sure, all the vampires were perfect, but meanwhile some didn’t look like they were meant to be considered in the group of unnatural beauty and magnetism, Nikolas was different. He had such an appearance that it made you think that even as a human, he would be considered superior among his peers. 
When you and Nikolas first crossed paths, the connection was immediate and undeniable. Of course that as mates, you wanted to be together. But while your instincts screamed for you to claim the other vampire as yours, your heart and mind was still healing from the pain that your relationship with Carlisle had left you. Nikolas was really kind and understood perfectly your doubts and fears. He, recognizing that you were still healing from your previous relationship with Carlisle, decided to proporse that you began your relationship as friends, taking the time to explore and nurture the blossoming bond between you.
During this time, the gardens of Volterra became your sanctuary, a tranquil haven where you two had found solace in each other's company. Nikolas and you would often spend hours in the middle of the vibrant flora, basking in the warm sunlight that filtered through the leaves that hid your shinning bodies. You would read together or to one another, your voices intertwining with the rustling of pages, as you delved into literature that sparked your curiosity and ignited your imaginations.
Long conversations became the foundation of your friendship. Those were the moments that helped you understand that Nikolas wasn’t only following his instincts. No, unlike Carlisle, he truly seemed to want to be around you. This allowed you to share your hopes, dreams, and even your fears with Nikolas. In return, he did the same, confessing his different thoughts and feelings in those afternoons hidden between the flowers of the garden. As the both of you opened up to one another, your connection deepened, each revelation strengthening the trust that you had cultivated with each other. You would speak of your gift, talking about the advantages and problems that it created for you, while Nikolas would tell you the tales of his immense strength and extraordinary tracking ability. 
Thanks to this interactions and moments together your friendship began to evolve, as stolen glances turned into lingering touches, and laughter filled the air whenever you were together. The chemistry between you was palpable, an undercurrent of desire simmering beneath the growing affection that bathed your exchanges. Yet, considering the time together and the need for reassurance, you two cherished the foundation you had built, unwilling to rush into something more before both of you were ready for a romantic connection.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as your friendship continued to flourish, to grow and get stronger. During this times, you found solace in each other's presence, a sense of belonging that you both had searched for so many years. Through shared adventures and quiet moments of vulnerability, you discovered a love that was both gentle and fierce, nurturing the deepest corners of your souls. It was like that, between conversations and soft touches that you confessed and accepted Nikolas’ proposal to continue your time together as lovers. 
Although it hurts
I'll be the first to say that I was wrong
Oh, I know I'm probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
As the moon cast its gentle glow upon the room, you found yourself lying in bed with Nikolas, this was the first time sharing a bed with your mate. The first time you decided to open yourself to him and to let the other vampire touch you in ways that only Carlisle had done before. Still, you weren’t scared and you didn’t have any doubts, your bodies close and your hearts filled with the fluttering excitement of newfound love. The coolness of your skin against each other only heightened the sensations, soft touches with such strong bodies, as you explored the depths of intimacy and romance.
Nikolas's eyes, filled with adoration and tenderness, met yours, and a soft smile played upon his lips. It was a look that spoke volumes, conveying the depth of his feelings without uttering a single word or even making a noise. You didn’t need it, the way he was looking at you, the way his fingers and lips touched your skin, his actions spoke more than any word in the world could say. At that moment, you knew that you were both embarking on a journey of love and connection, unlike anything you had experienced before… and even if you didn’t have any doubts, to begin with, this sensation only reassured you even more that you were making the right decision by letting him embrace you in his bed.
Drawing you into his embrace, Nikolas's touch was gentle and almost reverent, his fingers tracing delicate patterns along your cheek, going down your neck and chest. Every caress, every brush of his lips against your skin, ignited a warmth within you that surpassed the absence of mortal warmth. You knew that if you were humans, your skin would feel as hot as an open fire. His love and his actions were something that transcended physicality. This was a bond worthy of being considered a soulmate, a bond that didn’t stay in the instinct part of things, that didn’t support itself in empty words and promises. No, this was a type of love that was delving into the realms of the soul.
Leaning in, his lips met yours in a tender kiss, filled with a sweet longing and a desire to convey all the emotions that words couldn't express. It was a moment of vulnerability and trust, where the barriers between you crumbled, and you were left basking in the pure connection that blossomed between your hearts. As your bodies moved in sync, exploring the contours of each other with a tenderness that defied the coolness of your vampire nature, a symphony of whispered endearments and soft sighs filled the air. Every touch, every caress, was an affirmation of the love that was blooming between you, like a delicate flower unfurling its petals. 
Wrapped in each other's arms, time seemed to stand still, it was as if someone had frozen you in a picture, away from the rest of the world, allowing you to savour the sweetness of this deep and caring love. There were no worries or doubts, only the purity of the present moment, where you both discovered the beauty of intimacy and affection that surpassed mortal understanding. You couldn’t think of anything else, only his touches on your skin, his words being whispered in your ears, and his body so close to yours. 
You could feel his arms around your waist, the way his fingers caressed the exposed skin and the way he breathed your scent. You knew this was on purpose, you knew he didn’t need to breathe at all, he only wanted to feel your scent close to him. He wanted to know that you trusted so much that you were willing to bare your neck and your body to him. That was the thing that made it so special. 
With every breath, you could sense the mingling of your scents—his uniquely masculine aroma blending with the delicate hints of your own fragrance. It was a primal and intoxicating combination, a fusion of identities that marked the merging of two souls deeply entwined in love and desire. The subtle nuances of his scent enveloped you, filling your senses and creating an indelible imprint of his presence within you.
He was also smelling you, taking your scent in and staying close to your skin as if he was trying to imprint it in his memory. Carlisle never did that for too long. His moments with you were brief and just to fill his necessity of being close to his mate, unlike the moments spent with Nikolas. Your gorgeous mate made sure to show you how much he wanted to be with you, how much he trusted you and needed you in his life. 
Of course, the fact that you two felt so strongly for each other, and the fact that you were mates didn’t make any sense. After all, how could you have Nikolas as your mate while also having Carlisle as another mate? That didn’t make sense, even the kings were confused by this… but you didn’t care, nobody cared about it. It was almost like a miracle in your awfully lonely lives. So you decided to not pay attention to it. 
Even if you knew that since you had a second mate, this meant that Nikolas probably also had a second mate… so this could be a risk, this could mean that the other vampire would eventually find his second mate and would have to make the choice to stay or leave you. Still, the idea of being loved -even with the uncertainty of the future- was so amazing that you wanted to ignore the real world at least for a little bit. You wanted to ignore the fact that Carlisle was out there, with his wife and children, not caring for one bit that you ran away, you wanted to ignore the possibility of Nikolas’ other mate running around wanting to find him, you wanted to ignore all the duty and responsibilities that the two of you had with your guard and your kings. You just wanted to stay in this blessed moment of warmth and silence while being in the arms of this creature that loved you with all his being. 
The weight of your vampire nature, with its coolness and lack of heartbeat, seemed inconsequential in this moment of shared vulnerability and intimacy. In Nikolas's arms, you found a haven where the frigid reality of your existence melted away, replaced by the warmth of his touch and the intensity of your emotional connection. It was a testament to the power of love, transcending the limitations of your immortal forms and allowing you to experience a depth of intimacy that surpassed anything you had known before. 
In this space, where only you and he were in each other embrace, time seemed to stand still. The concerns and obligations that burdened your minds were eclipsed by the all-consuming passion and affection that flowed between you. Each stolen kiss, every whispered word, was an affirmation of the profound connection you shared—an unspoken promise to explore the depths of love and desire that awaited you. As your bodies melded together, the limits between you blurred until they disappeared completely, and you became lost in the intoxicating dance of passion, letting yourself go and relish in your time together as mates. The flow of your movements mirrored the cadence of your souls, entwined in a rhythm that defied mortal comprehension. It was a symphony of sensations, impossible to be explained by simple words, an intimate conversation between two hearts discovering the boundless depths of what could be considered true love for the first time in their inmortal lives.
I hope he buys you flowers
I hope he holds your hand
Give you all his hours
When he has the chance
Take you to every party
'Cause I remember how much you loved to dance
Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man
Do all the things I should have done
When I was your man
In the forest near the Cullen house, the air was thick with tension as you, now standing as one of the vampires representing the Volturi, came face to face with Carlisle. Years had passed since you last had any contact with him, and many other things, you were able to love someone else, have new friends, you learned and gained years of experience that made you wiser than before. Gone was the little vampire that only believed in instinct and that believed that everything could be perfect with someone by your side. You were stronger, smarter and even if you were in love with your gorgeous Nikolas, you weren’t naive enough to think that nobody would try to break you apart. You trusted your partner, but you weren’t going to let someone try to come between you. Still, seeing him in front of you, looking exactly like the last time you saw each other, made the wounds from the past open a bit. 
As you and Carlisle locked eyes, a mixture of emotions swirled within you. Anger, hurt, and a lingering sense of betrayal coursed through your veins. You were over him, you didn’t want him back and you wouldn’t leave Nikolas for that poor excuse of a vampire that couldn’t follow the most basic of all rules. Still, the memories of how Carlisle had treated you, the way he had disregarded your feelings and mistreated you, still haunted your thoughts from time to time, and seeing him again, only opened a wound. 
For a moment you cursed the time you accepted to follow Orion’s orders and come to Forks. The moment you decided to act like his representative and come to deal with the newborn problem. Still, how could you deny him? Your heart ached with the similarities between your stories and with the fact that your pasts had the same villains in them. 
You could still remember the way that in the grand halls of the Volturi fortress, amidst the opulent architecture, the whispers of immortal beings could be heard. All of the members of the guard that were able to be present talked about the fated reunion between the kings and their mates. You could say that, as the enigmatic and captivating mate of the Volturi kings, Orion's arrival in the castle marked a moment of significance and anticipation. 
You weren’t surprised by the guards' reaction. After all, as soon as you saw Orion, you understood why the kings were so fond of the vampire that ran away from the Cullen clan. Orion, with his ethereal beauty and regal presence, commanded attention and respect from all who laid eyes upon him. It almost felt like beauty was his gift, but no. His gift was a more dangerous one, a power that you couldn’t begin to understand. His arrival in the Volturi stronghold was met with a mixture of curiosity and reverence. After all, his presence in the castle signified a union of power and love, an unbreakable bond that transcended the bounds of immortality. 
When the kings introduced you to Orion, you couldn’t help but smile, it was like a silent reassurance of a forming bond between you happening at the exact moment your eyes met. As Orion's gaze met yours for the first time, a connection sparked between you, forged by shared purpose and unspoken understanding and friendship. At that moment, you saw the weight of responsibility he carried, the sacrifices he had made for the sake of love and loyalty. There was a vulnerability in his eyes, a silent plea for acceptance and support, which you pledged to provide without hesitation. You looked at him and couldn’t help but be sympathetic to his life and history. It was at that moment that you decided to be not only his guard and protector but also be a friend, a confidant when he needed and maybe even some kind of brother. 
Aro introduced you to Orion and you could feel how the weight of his words hung in the air. You knew that you were important in Volterra, but to be considered as strong as necessary to be part of the personal guard of your king’s mate? That was reassuring. Your king has affirmed the significance of your role in the castle and you couldn’t help but answer with your actions, body moving on his own and making you vow your head with pride, your eyes never leaving Orion’s. It was a promise, a silent commitment to protect and help the future governor of your coven. 
As a member of the guard, you stood at the forefront, ready to protect and serve Orion with unwavering loyalty. Your role as his guardian was not merely a duty; it was a testament to the trust and affection that had been bestowed upon you. Your purpose was to ensure his safety and well-being, standing as a shield against any threat that dared to challenge the sanctity of his presence.
Carlisle took a hesitant step forward, pulling you away from your memories. He looked directly at you with a pained expression on his face and his voice filled with regret. "(y/n), I cannot express how deeply sorry I am for the way I made you feel… You must believe me… I realize now the mistakes I made, and I understand the pain I caused you… But you don’t know how long I searched for you… Please, come back… let me make it right. Stay with us, with my family. I want to make amends… I want to prove that I can be the mate you deserve… Esme and I aren’t together anymore, after you left… nothing was the same."
You listened, your guard still up, your heart burdened by the weight of past wounds. Carlisle's words stirred a mix of emotions within you, and for a moment, you contemplated the possibility of forgiveness… You would never go back to him, not in a million years. You had Nikolas and you would never leave the gorgeous mate that the world had gifted you, but still… You considered the idea of having a friendship with him, an understanding of sorts… Of course, these thoughts disappeared the moment you remember the feelings of abandonment and the sensations of being always considered second place in the blonde’s heart… it was then that the raw pain resurfaced, and you found the strength to voice your distress.
"Carlisle, it's too late," you replied, your voice tinged with sorrow and bitterness. "You had countless opportunities to treat me with respect and kindness, to be the partner I deserved… the mate you were supposed to be… But instead, you turned your back on me, treating me as though I was insignificant…”
Regret and anguish etched themselves onto Carlisle's face as he realized the gravity of his actions. He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as if hoping to bridge the emotional chasm that had formed between you. “(y/n)... please… I can be better, come back to me… you know I can be better…” He said, almost in a whisper with a shaky tone of voice. Still, in the silence of the forest, his voice sounded so loud.
You let out a sigh, looking at him with a tired and bitter expression on your face. “I always came last, I was always the one left alone… You only care right now because you don’t have me by your side but… You don’t want me back because of love, but because of a weird sense of duty…"
 "I understand that I failed you, and I can't change the past. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make amends, to prove to you that I've learned from my mistakes… Give me a chance…" Carlisle said, eyes shining and you knew… you were absolutely sure that if he could, he would cry. 
A bitter chuckle escaped your lips, laced with a mix of sadness and disbelief. "Carlisle, you don't understand… do you? You had your chance, in fact… you had multiple chances of proving to me that you wanted me in your life, that you wanted to try to have a real relationship with me and not the lie that we were living for so many months… and you threw it away. You decided to spit on the universe's face by treating your mate poorly, and now, I have found someone else… and he… He loves me like there's nothing else in the world, and I know that he would never betray me."
Carlisle's expression turned crestfallen as your words sank in. It was obvious that he didn’t expect you to love someone else, but… what did he think was going to happen? Even when heartbroken, you were gorgeous, an unreal beauty that even vampires could see as unique…  
The weight of your words hung heavy in the air, each syllable a testament to the pain you had endured. Carlisle's gaze met yours, filled with remorse and regret. "I can't change what I've done, but I want to make things right. Please, give me the chance to prove that I have changed, that I am capable of being the partner you deserve."
This insistence, his useless intents to make you go back to him were starting to be annoying for you, something quite obvious thanks to the mixture of irritation and resignation coloured your voice as you responded, "God, understand that it's too late. You had your chance, and you lost it, in fact, you threw it away like it was nothing… I have moved on, and I have found someone who values me and cherishes me without reservation. I deserve that love, and I won't settle for less."
A profound silence descended upon the forest, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. You took a step back, your voice softening with a hint of sadness. "I wish you well, Carlisle, but my place is no longer by your side. We weren’t the right ones for each other… I don’t know who is for you but… I was able to find my soulmate and I have chosen my own happiness… Move on, Carlisle, because I will never look back…"
With those words, you turned and began to walk away, each step a testament to your strength and self-preservation. Carlisle stood there, his heart heavy with the knowledge of his mistakes and the pain he had caused. As he watched you disappear into the distance, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loss, knowing that he had let go of something precious. He had everything and because of his stupid old ways and his lack of consideration, he lost the most wonderful thing the world had given him in his miserable life.
PERMANENT TAG LIST: @rexburn12 @kettnerjanea @pandalover19
TAG LIST FOR THIS SERIES: (I can't believe I have one of these!) @idksleep-y @catspector @simpingfortoomanypeople @akiraackerman19 @y2k-whor3 @blackenedflowers @untitled74745 @cruxiohp @fanficaddictmwah @finchisloney @sen-nn-a @mrsxyz480 @deepblueseasworld @blackenedflowers @maiasvidan28 @linoriii @lucianideals @erensbbg @theanimalover22128 @its-ares @thewhitewolfmarvel @chrisevansxmalereader @sammy-stark @sad-eyes-6k4 @datenshousan @creezoldyck @1800cokewitch @l4l4j0p433 @carlislecullensgirl @qu3nt1nb00m @stevensimpp @chubbichubb @fariylixie0915 @rhyanna6012 @haocovr @spilltheyeasis @elena-anu @charliesystem
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cushionydeer4 · 2 years
This is a place of all my work <3
PSA: I will write for more people than listed, don’t be afraid to ask for anyone
Poly Kings
Star Wars
Kylo Ren
Knights of Ren
General Hux
Lieutenant Mitaka
Bob Fett
Black Window
Captain America
Winter Soilder
Iron Man
Genderbent Cruella Devil
Real People
Mathew Gray Gubler
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callmeshakespurr · 3 years
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Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Steve Rogers
coming soon
Bucky Barnes
coming soon
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Pietro Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
Charles Francis Xavier
Erik Lansherr
Logan Howlett
Scott Summers
Kurt Wagner
Wade Wilson
Negasonic Teenage Warhead
Eddie Brock/Venom
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Chato Santana
Rick Flag
I Don’t Know Either (Male!Reader)
Maze Runner
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Remus Lupin
Severus Snape
Sirius Black
Edward Cullen
Emmett Cullen
Alice Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Esme Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Jasper Hale
Sam Uley
Jacob Black
Headcanon: Jacob Black with a boyfriend (Male!Reader)
Jared Cameron
Paul Lahote
Seth Clearwater
Shadow Hunters
Alec Lightwood
Jace Herondale
Isabelle Lightwood
Magnus Bane
Sebastian Verlac
Simon Lewis
65 notes · View notes
Request: Birthdays (Demetri Volturi x Reader)
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Alice’s instructions were simple. Pack a bag. Come to the Cullen’s house. You did and the chaos began. 
The whole coven were leaving to a location they wouldn’t tell you and you were going with them. You thought maybe you’d get a hint at the airport. However, headphones were put on your head...and Alice covered your eyes every time the location came up. 
By the time you landed, you were certain of one thing. You didn’t trust what was happening anymore. Your suspicions were confirmed. There were more voices you couldn’t quite place and then you were pushed and landed on what definitely had to be a talking rock. After that, you were sure you were going to die.
"Just trust me!" Alice sang, you could practically hear her grin. Her hands blocking your ability to see. "I do but-" you were cut off as you kicked something hard, a sharp pain erupting in your foot. "Ow!" You yelled out creating a rather loud echo. You slapped a hand over your mouth before gasping. "That's loud!" You whispered hurriedly. "Where the hell are we!?" "Trust me, (Y/N)!" Alice repeated with a grin you could almost hear it was so prominent. "I just went down a hole, there's a really big echo and now I've kicked something!" You cried in exasperation. "I'm sure you'll live." A male voice said. You halted immediately. "Who's that?" You asked. "I've heard that voice before." "Just be patient!" Alice whined, sending a pointing look to Alec. Although you didn't know that. 
You held your hands out in front of you. "What are you doing now!?" Alice asked as you heard a booming laugh. "I can't see and you're making me walk into things!" You shot back. Your hands hit what you originally thought was a wall...until the wall had fabric...and arms. "What the-?' You patted at the fabric, which seemed to be a coat of sorts. You moved your hands to find shoulders. "That's a person!" You gasped, your hands rising to meet hair. "That person also looks like they may break your fingers if you keep touching them." Alice said uneasily and you yelped pulling your hands back. "Sorry!" You couldn't see Alec's glare as he brushed himself off. 
"Why don't you lead the way...out of reach?" Alice offered to Alec who rolled his eyes and nodded to follow him. "We're almost there!" Alice sang quietly in your ear. "Id hope so, you nearly tackled me like four times at the airport so that I didn't know where we were going!" You huffed. "Not to mention bring shoved down a hole!" "You were taking too long! " Alice said simply, turning to look at Felix who grinned, satisfied that he was the one who had pushed you. 
“So much walking- where are we going!?” You groaned.  “Almost there.” Alice responded. Finally you were told to stop and turned.  “Alright, we’re going to take our leave.” Alice smiled and you felt a rush of air behind you. “I want you to count to five and then open your eyes and go through the door in front of you.” Alice’s cold hands finally left your eyes and you counted to five. 
When you opened your eyes, you were in a corridor, a long one. Everything looked expensive and unfamiliar. You stared at the brown door in front of you remembering you were to go through it.  “I swear if this is bad...” You mumbled under your breath before opening the door. The sight made you drop your grip of the door. 
You gasped. "Demetri." Demetri smiled at you, candle light reflecting upon his face. "I thought..." Demetri slowly nodded. "I know. I couldn't come to you but I didn't want to miss your birthday, especially your last. So if I couldn’t come to you, we figured why not bring you to me?" You couldn't help but laugh and he smiled, gesturing for you to come closer. "I'm terrified I'm about to mess something up." You admitted, looking at the candles places around the room. You couldn't lie, it made for a very romantic setting. "You won't." Demetri chuckled. "They're not even on the floor, darling." 
Slowly you moved forward. "So I'm willing to bet that you’re exhausted." Demetri smiled knowingly. "A little bit, I want to spend time with you." Demetri wrapped his arms around you. "Oh you will, darling." He replied. "However, I do insist you get some rest." Slowly he unwrap an arm around you to unzip your jacket. "What's the plan here?" You breathed, very much receiving mixed signals. "Darling, I haven't seen you in four months, you're tired and I won't get you to myself tomorrow." Demetri began, his hands moving to cradle your face. "I want to hold you in my arms tonight and I can't promise I'll let go in the morning." You giggled and Demetri continued. "I don't care when you fall asleep, you're here and that's good enough for me." He pulled you into a soft kiss. As he pulled away you wrapped your arms around him, breathing him in whilst hold him tightly. Demetri seemed to approve as he was more than compliant, following suit. "I've missed you so much." You said into his neck. "I promise you, not as much as I missed you. Vampire and all." Demetri smirked. "Now, go and get ready for bed." 
Demetri was already in the bed when you finished getting ready, his jacket removed as well as his shoes. Two buttons of his shirt unbuttoned. He smiled at you softly, reaching out for you as you climbed into the bed. Almost instantly, you cuddled into him. Your head rested on his shoulder so you could look up at him. The covers brought up to your waist. “Wait, what’s happening tomorrow?” You asked. “Tomorrow night is a sort of ‘get together’ if you will. All of the Volturi, the guard, The Cullen’s and the receptionists will be attending. I suppose it’s also convenient it’s on the day of your birthday.” Demetri chuckled. “Could be a birthday party in some ways.”  “Just to be clear, you didn’t throw me a birthday party right?”  “No, I didn’t.” Demetri couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s why I couldn't come and see you but Aro, Marcus and Caius gave it some thought and suggested that you came here with the Cullen’s. It made sense considering your birthday was on the same day.”  “I’ll need to thank them. That was very generous of them.” You said, your fingers interlocking with his. Demetri nodded before kissing you. “I look forward to a dance with you, my love.” He smirked and you sighed in mock defeat. “Oh but i already promised Alec all my dances.” You squealed when Demetri lightly tickled you. “Very funny.”  “I suppose you can have one.”  “Don’t test me, my love.” Demetri warned with a playful smile and you giggled. 
Demetri was right, you couldn’t get a moment alone with him for even second. People wanted to know what you were wearing, when it was time to go eat. You only got a shower in peace that whole morning and afternoon. Even then Alice was poking her head through the bathroom door with anything that popped up into her mind. She wanted everything to be perfect but you felt she had to be reminded that it wasn’t her party. She was attending. Alice would simply smile are you, making you raise an eyebrow in question. She never explained, simply hurrying away to do something else. 
That evening you caught sight of Jane in a beautiful black dress, you gasped audibly. You couldn’t stop yourself. Yourself and Jane hadn’t spoken much and the same went for her twin brother. The two kept to themselves mostly and it was difficult to endure a conversations over their piercing stares and short responses. Jane looked over at you, pausing from digging into a drawer on the opposite side of the room to you. “Jane! You look beautiful!” You said in awe.  “Thank you.” She responded. Her tone quiet and innocent, a very misleading fact about Jane, there was nothing innocent about the blonde despite the tone of voice she had. Jane continued riffling through the drawer and Alec appeared. “Are you ready, sister?”  “Alec, you look very handsome!” You smiled at him and he smirked slightly. “Thank you, little human. You’re looking very wonderful indeed.” You couldn’t help but blush. “Nothing compared to you lot.” You responded and his smirk widened.  “Nonsense!” Alice said, entering the room. “I approved of your outfit myself.”  “Alice i picked this myself.” You reminded her in confusion.  “Yes and I approved of it!” She called back, going into the bathroom seemingly looking for a mirror. You sent Alec a helpless look who simply rolled his eyes at Alice, his smirk never faltering.  “Okay, i’m ready.” Jane said finally, turning before you could see what it was she had retrieved.  “Good.” Alec responded. “Aro is waiting on us.” 
When you first entered the ballroom, you were actually rather intimidated. Some of the most beautiful people in the world were in the one room...with you. Edward was the first to elbow you lightly. You sent him a questioning look.  “No more of that talk.” He replied pointedly. “You look beautiful.” You sighed. “You’re saying that out of pity.”  “I’m not.” He said sharply. It wasn’t long before Demetri made his way towards you and the next hour had gone by quickly. 
"Cara mia." Demetri smiled charmingly handing you the small glass of champagne. "Is the plan to get me drunk?" You smirked taking the drink from him. "Of course not." Demetri said amused. Alec smirked, rolling his eyes. "Don't drink it in the one gulp. Please." "I'm not drinking like that. Delicate sips and all that." You giggled in response before raising the glass to your lips. 
You froze when a reflection glinted in your eyes briefly. Your eyes narrowed on your glass, pulling back to have a look. There, in the champagne, at the very bottom was a ring. It was silver, small diamonds outlining one big diamond in a rectangular shape. You looked over at Demetri, you heart beginning to race, barely able to acknowledge everyone stopping to watch the scene. "So perhaps I wasn't entirely clear." Demetri smiled. "Whilst birthdays become less important in the vampire world, I want this day to remain special forever. For a reason you could never forget." Your jaw dropped when Demetri got down on one knee, taking your free hand. "I know we can't technically get married but that isn't enough to stop me. We can still wear the rings and it'll be important to us. Everything else be damned. I'm still going to ask you. No matter your answer, I'll always love you. Someone as perfect as you needs to be cherished and I have adored every moment I could have with you. I hope we have an eternity more of those moments. I don't want to be away from you any longer and this is the best way I know how to show you how much I love you. So marry me, (Y/N). Let it be my honour and greatest wish to be your husband. Your mate. Let us never have to be apart again." Your eyes were full of tears threatening to fall. Shock still wracked you body but you cling to every word. Slowly you nodded your head. Demetri's eyes, widen slightly, challenging your response. You nodded even more frantically. "Yes." You managed out with a smile. The room burst into applause and cheers. He was standing in a heartbeat as you pulled him towards you, leaning your forehead against his before kissing him. 
"That was a really subtle warning not to just chug the whole thing." You laughed through tears, turning to Alec. He smirked, raising his eyebrows with a nod. "I'd rather you wore the ring, not swallow it." Demetri chuckled, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Do I look a mess now?" You said through tears. "Never, my darling." Demetri kissed your forehead. You sniffled slightly, a smile still planted on your face. You fished out the ring. "It's beautiful." You said quietly in awe. "I couldn't imagine anything else for you, my love." Demetri pulled you close. 
After a minute, you were approached by Aro, Marcus, Caius, Sulpicia and Athenodora. The wives clutching their husbands arms. Athenodora was the first to break away with a smile, her arms opening to wrap you in a hug. "Congratulations!" She smiled, giving you a light squeeze. "Thank you." You felt another wave of tears emerge but fought them back. "Congratulations, dear." Sulpicia said, much more composed but also stepping away from Aro to hug you much more briefly than Athenodora had. "Thank you." You responded. "Such joy!" Aro grinned. "A momentous occasion indeed." Caius agreed, a smile nowhere to be found but his tone of voice was smooth. "We look forward to seeing more of you in these walls." Marcus, clasped his hands. "We offer our congratulations, Demetri." Caius nodded, their attention turning to him. "Thank you, master." Demetri nodded. "Did everyone know you were going to do that?" You asked and Demetri chuckled nodding. "We did indeed." Caius nodded a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. "We may have provided some assistance." Aro smirked. "Thank you so much." You couldn't help but smile. "No need to thank us." Marcus responded. 
 Athenodora looked to Caius expectantly who sighed. "Might my wife see the ring? She has been quite eager to see it." Caius said flatly and she tutted at him. "I've been desperate to see it!" "They don't even have it on yet, dear." Caius sighed again. "Oh hush!" Athenodora hurried towards you excitedly. "That's a good point, I should probably put this on." You laughed. "Oh Demetri, help the poor thing! They're shaking like a leaf!" Athenodora held sympathy in her eyes. "This has been such a exciting trip." You laughed as Demetri gently took the ring from you and sliding into your ring finger with ease. "Well would you look at that. A perfect fit." Demetri smirked, seemingly pleased with himself. "Let me see!" Athenodora said excitedly and you held out your hand to her. 
She took it and stared in awe. "Oh, it's beautiful! Caius told me it was lovely but he didn't do it justice!" "My dear, I told you it was lovely because that's all that needed to be said." Caius responded. "Well, we'll leave you be." Aro smiled and Athenodora took her place back at Caius' side. "Enjoy the celebrations and congratulations again." "Thank you master." Demetri smiled with a nod. 
It wasn't long before you were approached by a couple who you didn't recognise. A woman with copper curled hair was arm in arm with a blonde man. He was more blonde than Demetri, resembling Caius' hair colour although his was styled. "Congratulations, Demetri." The woman said as the blonde shook Demetri's hand. "Thank you. (Y/N), allow me to introduce you to Afton and Chelsea. I don't believe you've met them." "We've heard so much about you. May I?" Chelsea eyed your hand. "Simply breath-taking." Afton nodded, looking over Chelsea's shoulder and offering you a small smile. He seemed almost shy in comparison to the Chelsea. "Isn't it just? Absolutely beautiful." Chelsea looked at the ring adoringly. "I might just be jealous. Afton never got me a ring like this." "Don't be fooled, (Y/N)." Afton leaned in slightly. "If she wanted one she'd have it with a snap of the fingers. She knows that." You chuckled. The couple were clearly very much in love but gave off the impression that they had been together for a very long time. "Well right now, I'd love a dance." Chelsea batted her eyelashes at him and he smiled almost knowingly. "Come along then, my dear." She sent you a quick smile. "Enjoy your night!" 
Finally, you were approached by Felix and the twins. "Well, my friend, you finally did it." Felix clapped Demetri in the back. "Bet your on top of the world right now." "Words cannot describe." Demetri replied, looking down at you lovingly. "We're very happy for you." Jane said, neither she or her brother showing any expression. "Thank you. I didn't see this coming." You said, eyes drifting to your ring. You still couldn't believe it was there. "Well it seems your lonely nights are coming to an end." Felix winked at you both and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks. "Felix." Demetri warned. "I'm only joking friend. I'm excited to finally have my little human friend with us more permanently." "They won't be human for much longer but...I understand the sentiment." Jane said. "Regardless, I'm sure it'll be a pleasure having you with us." Alec said flatly. You caught on quickly that the twins were really trying to be nice. You appreciated their efforts and welcomed them with kindness. 
Once they had left you were immediately pulled into a hug by Alice who squealed in your ear. "Congrats! I'm so happy for you!" "Alice, you've really outdone yourself." You squeezed her tightly. "I always rise to the challenge." She grinned. "That was beautiful, Demetri." Esme smiled, her arms linked with Carlisle's. "I meant every word. I must thank you. Your family helped make this a very special day." "Do I get to plan the wedding!?" Alice asked excitedly. "Alice, you've shown a tremendous amount of progress seeing that you actually asked this time but I've barely had the ring on for an hour." You smiled. "It was wonderful. You're both a wonderful couple and we couldn't be happier for you." Carlisle smiled. 
After more talking, Demetri decided to pull you in for a dance. Each of his arms wrapped around your waist as your looped around his neck, the two of you swaying slowly. "You really surprised me." You smiled. "In a good way or a bad way?" Demetri asked. "Good. I was confused when you said vampires don't really care about birthdays and you all decided to celebrate mine -sort of- but..." You trailed off, your smile widening. "Perhaps you've realised why this came to be now?" Demetri raised an eyebrow. "You didn't have to go through all this bother for me." "I do and it wasn't a bother. The Volturi had an excuse to bond with one another and I got to be traditional as I could. I gathered my coven, the Cullen's and proposed. If anything, I'd wish I would have done more. Although I know you like small and simple." "I never thought I'd be getting engaged on my birthday." You cracked a small smile. "Well, I didn't want this day to stop being important. Vampires have so many birthdays that it gets tedious and boring. Most of us lose count of how many birthdays we've had but I figured there was a way to over come that. If it were to ever no longer be your birthday then it would be-" You gasped. "Our anniversary."  Demetri nodded with a warm smile. "Although I really don’t know if a wedding could happen, cara mia. Not in a way that humans would." You shook your head. "It doesn't matter. You said it yourself, we can wear rings and we'll know- that's what matters. I don't need the wedding because I'll instead have an eternity with you." "I'm so lucky to have you." Demetri said quietly. "Not as lucky as I am to have you." You responded. "Not possible, my love." Demetri said before moving in for a kiss.
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lacontroller1991 · 6 years
Edward Cullen x Reader
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You were found in the streets of Volterra draining the life of a male that you passed earlier that day. They, as you came to know them, Demetri and Felix took you into the castle where you worked for them, meaning the three kings. You didn’t carry any significant powers but you were friends with everyone, even the witch twins, which is what drew Carlisle in.
After a while, still in your newborn stage, you grew close to Carlisle and became well aware of his views on the nature of vampires and how he was opposed to it. You agreed, for the most part, still drinking from humans which annoyed Carlisle to no end. 
You were sitting in your room when a knock echoed through the vast room.
“Come in,” you stated, lifting your eyes from a book you where reading.
“I need to talk to you,” Carlisle’s familiar voice called out softly, filled with compassion. Nodding, you gestured to a seat for him to sit it, “Thank you. So, I was thinking about leaving the Volturi.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, and I want you to come with me. Come with me to North America. We can build a small house in the middle of the woods and live off of animals and not humans!” His compassion shone through as you laughed, causing him to frown.
“You expect Aro to let you go? To let me go?” You asked as he grasped your hands in his.
“(Y/N), listen, we don’t have anything he wants, I am sure he wouldn’t even miss us when we are gone. Please, I don’t want to leave you here.” He looked at you with pity as you looked away, contemplating whether you should go with him or not.
“Fine, but I am not doing the talking.”
Carlisle and you stood before Aro, Marcus, and Caius, with multiple pairs of eyes on you.
“Leave you say? And why would you want to do such a thing, dear Carlisle?”
“I want to live a different life,” he explained calmly as you remained frozen in your place, feeling Jane’s eyes on you.
“And you want to take (Y/N) with you?” Caius asked in speculation as Carlisle nodded, patting your back.
“I’ll watch her, she’ll help me in my medicine practices.”
“Ah, I see. Well, my dear friend, you may leave and may take sweet (Y/N) with you,” Aro responded with much thought as Carlisle bowed his head.
“Thank you,” Carlisle looked at you before gently pulling your arm and leading you out the doors.
The year was 1918 and you and Carlisle were in Chicago helping combat the Spanish Influenza. You took care of patients with Carlisle while living outside the city to hunt animals, a new diet that he and you had adopted to get away from human blood. 
Walking into the room you sat in, Carlisle looked at you guiltily. 
“What did you do?”
“Two of my patients, Elizabeth and Edward Masen, both with the disease. Elizabeth asked me to do everything in my power to save her son. So I did.” He said, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
“You didn’t?” You asked in shock, eyes widened as you ran through the hospital looking for ‘Edward Masen’
“(Y/N)! Wait!” Carlisle shouted after you as you came across the locked room.
“Unlock it.” You ordered, grabbing a thing of pain reliever from your coat. He moved to unlock the door letting you in. Walking into the room, you saw a boy about your age laying in pain. Walking over to him you moved to give him a shot, but his scent caught you off guard.
“Carlisle, what is happening?” You asked as Carlisle walked over to you looking for a problem but finding none.
“What’s going on?”
“His scent. I’m attracted to it. Like strongly attracted to it.”
“Maybe he’s your mate?” He asked calmly as you shook your head in disbelief.
“No, there is no way. I’m not supposed to have a mate.” Panicking, you sat next to the boy, feeling a surge of protectiveness over him.
“I’ll leave you here. You’ll know where to find me.”
After three days of sitting by his bedside, you heard a sharp gasp of air, followed by a rustling of sheets. Turning around, you saw Edward sit up, clutching his throat.
“Here, you’ll need this,” you offered a bag of blood as he guzzled it down, looking at the bag in horror after he drank it.
“What did you do to me?” He asked, shaking his head in disbelief, not feeling sick anymore.
“My friend cured you in a way,” you responded sitting next to him.
“And who are you?”
“My name is (Y/N), I’m your mate.”
“Well, I’m Edward.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“You too.”
Three years later, you and Edward were close. Two peas in a pod. You two did everything together and always sought comfort in each other. Sooner or later, you two became lovers and eventually accepted each other as mates. All it took was a couple hundred years to find the right one for you and you couldn’t have been happier.
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