#astrology news
kjnger · 2 years
Astrology Observations 6
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🩸Having 9° , 21° degrees makes you love to gather information.
 🩸 3°,5°,15°,17°,27°,29° degrees 4th house and (or Gemini, Leo) can be your house near the park. 
 🩸 Whatever your Jupiter degree/sign is, you can work on that subject and increase your abundance.
🩸 8. the house shows the subject you are proficient in. For example, 8th house Aquarius is good in technology or astrology.
🩸 in general, Sagittarius can be lazy.Those who are lazy and get good grades overnight.
🩸 Coffee/chocolate addicts have a Scorpio in their chart.
🩸Taurus rules the coffee cups.
🩸Virgos can be as ambitious and angry as Aries.
🩸Doctors and health professionals come out of Scorpio a lot.
🩸The most famous stylists are those with Venus influence and those with the influence of Leo and Aquarius.
🩸when it comes to intelligence, usually Gemini and Aquarius come, but Scorpio is just as smart.
🩸moon hasta nakshatra hands beautiful people in vedic astrology
🩸Ashwinis often have a history of weight problems.
🩸 bhrani nakshatras is fond of food.
🩸The pushya nakshatra may have been weaned late.
🩸swatis don't like flattery.
🩸When important fixed stars in astrology come to the fore, work on matters related to the house in whichever house it is in your chart. (My sirius is active in my 12th house and usually sends messages about dreams when it is active on July 5-6.)
🩸chiron opposite or square saturn may be hindering your mathematical intelligence but also indicates ancestral karma help someone every month so chiron will be active.
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starshapedjello · 9 months
I would guess…
The hardest part about having a strong MARS in your chart is not being able to control how other people fit into your life. You can get anything you want, but you can’t control the people playing their parts in your reality.
With a weak mars sign, I feel like I just go with the flow most of the time, because it is *easier* to do nothing than to do something and be disappointed.
A strong mars will have the courage to see any setback as surmountable. But a weak Mars just avoids it all together.
At least, that’s how it is with me (a taurus mars). 🧀🐁 squeak
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thedreamgemini · 2 years
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I don’t know who the creator of the picture of the power puff girls where blossom has a purple bow is. But the picture above that one the creator is “princefoca” on Instagram. And the picture of Bliss is made by “isabelle_staub” on Instagram!
❤️ Moon in the 8th house people are very secretive when it comes to their family. Like, they're the type of people who tell their family almost NOTHING about themselves even thoughts it's their family. They also probably don't like telling people about their family ESPECIALLY their family problems.
❤️ Moon in the 8th house people could've struggled with not getting enough privacy or respect from their family. Like, they could've had family that didn't knock before coming in their room they could've had parents who went through their phones, or they could've had family who called them out their name. And just in case y'all don't know calling someone out their name means to refer to someone in a degrading or disrespectful way. An example of this would be to call someone a bitch instead of referring to them as their actual name.
❤️ Aquarius moons and Aquarius Venuses like to eat some weird or out of the ordinary stuff.🥘
❤️ Having a 7th house stellium makes
someone feel like they don't know how to
do anything or at least anything on
their own.
❤️ I've noticed that Scorpio Mercury's at some point of their lives liked or still like bands or Harry Potter ESPECIALLY the women.📕🦂😂
❤️ The synastry between a Scorpio and a Gemini is them arguing or debating over literally anything.🤣🌬🦂
❤️ Having Gemini and Pisces both in your big three ESPECIALLY moon and sun can make someone go through a lot very powerful emotions at a very fast pace. Like, these are the type of people that can go through at least 10 different emotions within a minute.
❤️ Moon in the 8th house can represent
having a mother who hid or even stole money from you or your family.💰💴💵
❤️ Aquarius Venuses tend to struggle with making friends. And I've noticed that these people tend to be in interracial relationships.👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽
❤️ I've noticed that water signs really
like watching pimple popping videos and popping pimples.🦀🦂🐠🐠🌊
❤️ I've noticed people with a heavy Pisces influence REALLY liked or still like Pomeranians.🐶
If you enjoyed my astrology observations and notes then don't don't forget to like, reblog, comment, and follow so you can see more of my content and I'll get more support.✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨🧚🏽‍♀️✨💕💕💕💕
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astropsychickid · 2 years
12 House is often misunderstood
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I rarely see astrologers giving a good explanation for the 12 house. It seems like most people focus on the dark and scary side of this house, and completely bypass the good traits. But let's be clear: ALL houses have good and bad traits. ALL signs have good and bad traits.
Most people think of 12 house as evil. It is hidden, dark, mysteries, secrets. So, of course, it is easy to relate it to all "bad" things in life. Isolation, drugs, addiction, mental health problems, prison, secret enemies, struggles, etc. And yes, in some aspects, these things can be true. The 12 house is what is occult, behind your "face" which is the ascendant.
HOWEVER, people seems to forget that houses are related to signs. And the 12 house is the house of Pisces. Have you ever met a pisces? Yeah, they are not scary at all, i'm sorry love but you are a softy.
12 house is ALSO being creative, hidden talents, strong compassion and empathy, but also strong intuition and connection to the other side. This is the land where the spiritual and the material world merge together, where inspiration comes from, where oneness resides.
So, what does this mean if you have placements in the 12 house?
I often see people scared of their 12 house placements, because there are a lot of astrologers out there saying that you will go to prison one day or that you will go insane with that crazy head of yours. So, let me be clear with this:
12 house placements are not necessarily bad. As all signs, houses and placements, it can be both, good and bad. Let's put some examples:
Sun in the 12 house? This can show off as a shy personality, you probably like to isolate, and you don't love to bring attention on you. It can also manifest as a person that is involve in spiritual or creative subjects. Meditation retreats? You probably love that. Some alone time to relax? That's your jam.
Mars in 12 house? This could mean that a lot of your focus and motivation is a bit hidden, but it can also means that you have a hidden passion, strenght or talent that as soon as you identify it, it will fired you up. Mars 12 house can show up as a person that loves working at home, and loves working on the shadow. You are the person that helps people thrive, and you love having success without putting your name out there. It can also show that you are heavily invested on 12 house subjects, like spirituality, creative activies, mental health topics, etc.
Moon in the 12 house? You are extremely connected to the other side and you are very intuitive.
Stellium on 12 house? This is just an intensification of these energies, so you probably have a lot of passion or focus for 12 house subjects.
So, my point is: if you have 12 house placements, don't be afraid of those. These placements won't always manifest as problems in life as astrologers say. Instead, they tend to manifest as people that are interested on those subjects, people that help/work with other people on those subjects, activism, healers, spiritual people, artists, entertainers, dreamers, and more. This is the actual 12 house.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 months
Mercury-Saturn-Sun Conjunction. Whats Next On Your To Do List? March 1st, 2024
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With this conjunction, we must take into note that what is unsettling us at the moment is just needing our approval to shift its mindset. What is taking you so long? Don't you remember who you are?
While we are currently in a stellium in pisces between these three planets, we are still undergoing the incredible impact between venus and mars.
There is a sudden drive to push thru whatever arrogant, stubborn anxiety that seems to hold too much weight in your life. There's also a sudden realization that you can do whatever it is you want, you just have to shape the way you feel about that thing.
I know it hurts, but must you keep going? It's all you got in the end.
Your heart is bursting with this new found feeling of endurance, pushing barriers and making your way into a newness that you felt all awhile before. You just didn't think you could get there could you?
Saturn challenges your mind into moving past certain frequencies you've been living under.
You don't have to live this way. You just think you do.
Another full circle moment comes to close because you realize how much time you spent mopping instead of doing, and now you must plant those seeds and watch them blossom into something better.
Saturn comes in and he shows us all the resentment, all the guilt, the rage, the anger thats built inside of us and the sun illuminates it x1000. With mercury trailing along this will show in the mind being uneased and unwilling to be still and in control.
Its a perfect time to analyze our thinking and see what works, and what doesn't.
With the venus mars conjunction, it's showing you what your capable of and why you must use those lower energies to create something special. It's all we can do in the end.
So with that being said, take some time to do something you keep putting off. Try reading a book, playing that instrument, or even working on that new project. Don't worry. The truth is, some things we want for ourselves can be fun, it can make us sweat, and it could be pretty challenging. All in all, it's worth doing because the sweet reward is the feeling that you get from completing the task.
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shadowlove-tarot · 1 year
✨Astro Weekly Talk ✨
This week is going to be huge
“Astrologically speaking”
Below is a snip-it of some upcoming events.
I will be making some post to dive further with information on this. ✨
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siddhiktimes · 4 months
आजकल के बदलते परिवेश में लोग अपनी भावनाओं को नियंत्रण में नहीं रख पाते हैं। छोटी-छोटी बातों पर वे दूसरों को गालियां देते हैं उनका अपमान करते हैं। जो की ये एक बहुत ही बुरी आदत है। ज्योतिष के अनुसार, किसी का अपमान करना और उन्हे अपशब्द बोलना अशुभ फल देता है।
ज्योतिषीय दृष्टिकोण:
ज्योतिष के अनुसार, पिता, माता, भाई, बहन, गुरु, स्त्री, गरीब, श्रमिक, ससुराल वाले और वृद्धजन सभी किसी न किसी ग्रह से संबंधित होते हैं। जब हम किसी को अपशब्द बोलते है या उसका अपमान करते हैं, तो उस समय हम उनसे संबंधित ग्रहों का भी  अपमान कर रहे होते हैं। जिससे उस ग्रह के अशुभ प्रभाव हमारे जीवन में नेगटिव परिणाम देना शुरू कर देते हैं।
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banglakhobor · 9 months
শ্রাবণ সোমবারে কীভাবে করবেন শিবের উপবাস-পুজো,সঠিক নিয়মেই মিলবে মহাদেবের আশীর্বাদ
শিব পুজোই বিল্বপত্রের পাশাপাশি অবশ্যই রাখুন বেল ফুল ও বেল। এছাড়া শমী, তিসি, জুই, ধুতুরা ও কাঠকরবী ফুল দিয়ে পুজো করুন। তাতে মহাদেব সন্তুষ্ট হবেন ও কৃপা করবেন। Source link
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breelandwalker · 4 months
2024 Witches' Calendar
For all my witches out there, here's a handy list of the 2024 dates for the solstices, quarter days, full and new moons, and special events. I've listed my sources at the bottom.
Dates and times for all events are calculated for Eastern Standard Time, USA, Northern Hemisphere. Adjust for your location as needed and check the DarkSky Placefinder to see what special events will be visible in your area. Enjoy!
Solstices, Harvests, and Quarter Days
February 1-2 - Imbolc / Candlemas
March 19 - Spring Equinox / Ostara
April 30-May 1 - Beltane / May Day
June 20 - Summer Solstice / Midsummer / Litha
August 1 - Lughnasadh / Lammas / Summer Harvest
September 22 - Autumn Equinox / Mabon / Fall Harvest
October 31 - Samhain / Halloween / Final Harvest
December 21 - Winter Solstice / Yule
Full Moons
January 25 - Wolf Moon ♌
February 24 - Snow Moon ♍
March 25 - Worm Moon ♎
April 23 - Pink Moon ♏
May 23 - Flower Moon ♐
June 21 - Strawberry Moon ♑
July 21 - Thunder Moon (aka Buck Moon) ♑
August 19 - Sturgeon Moon* ♒
September 17 - Harvest Moon* ♓
October 17 - Hunter's Moon (aka Blood Moon)* ♈
November 15 - Frost Moon (or Beaver Moon)* ♉
December 15 - Cold Moon ♊
*- Supermoon
Fun Fact: The title of Harvest Moon is given to either the September or October full moon, whichever falls closest to the autumn equinox. Once again this year, that month will be September.
New Moons
January 11 ♑
February 9 ♒
March 10 ♓
April 8 ♈
May 7 ♉
June 6 ♊
July 5 ♋
August 4 ♌
September 2 ♍
October 2 ♎
November 1 ♏
December 1 ♐
December 30 (black moon) ♑
Special Celestial Events
January 3-4 - Quadrantids meteor shower peak
March 25 - Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
April 8 - Total solar eclipse
April 22-23 - Lyrids meteor shower peak
May 6-7 - Eta Aquarids meteor shower peak
August 11-13 - Perseids meteor shower peak
August 19 - Sturgeon Supermoon / Seasonal Blue Moon
September 17 - Harvest Supermoon / Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
October 2 - "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse
October 17 - Hunter's Supermoon
October 21-22 - Orionids meteor shower peak
November 15 - Frost Supermoon
November 16-17 - Leonids meteor shower peak
December 13-14 - Geminids meteor shower peak
December 30 - Black Moon
(Check the DarkSky Placefinder to see what will be visible in your area!)
Mercury Retrogrades (in case you need them)
April 1 - April 24
August 4 - August 27
November 25 - December 15
Happy Witching!
Bree's Lunar Calendar Series
Bree's Secular Celebrations Series
Moon Info - Full Moon Dates for 2024
Calendar-12 - 2024 Moon Phases
Full Moonology - 2024 Full Moon Calendar
AstroStyle - All the 2024 Full Moons
Your Zodiac Sign - Astrology Calendar 2024
Old Farmer's Almanac - Mercury Retrograde Dates 2023-2024
Lonely Planet - Best Star-gazing Events of 2024
Sea and Sky - Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events 2024
DarkSky International - Dark Sky Placefinder for Stargazing
Pagan Grimoire - Wheel of the Year: The 8 Festivals in the Wiccan Calendar (2024 Edition)
If you're enjoying my content, please feel free to drop a little something in the tip jar or check out my published works on Amazon or in the Willow Wings Witch Shop. 😊
EDIT: Mercury is stationed direct on Jan 1st, 2024. The source I used which stated it was in retrograde until the 18th had a typo.
EDIT: Fixed the zodiac signs for the full moons using a new source.
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usalateslynews · 1 year
Today’s Horoscope 06 February 2023: 4 zodiac signs benefit today, know how your day will be
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Today’s Horoscope 06 February 2023: Today, Monday 6 February, the Moon transits Cancer then Leo. Due to this conjunction of the Moon, today will be a confusing day for Leos as the mind will be somewhat distracted.
Let’s know how today will be for all zodiac signs including Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces with the grace of Bholenath.
Aries natives will want to work in religious and social activities today. Your abilities in the job field will improve, leading to success in some new opportunities. Relations with in-laws will improve and land-property related problems may end with their support. (Read More: Today’s Horoscope 06 February 2023: 4 zodiac signs benefit today, know how your day will be)
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ghostlyferrettarot · 2 months
🖤✨️Venus in the houses✨️🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings)Open.
🖤🖤If you like my work you can support me through Ko-fi. Thank you!🖤🖤
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♥︎Venus 1st house: charming people with a flirtatious aura. They know how to get people attached to them ; love to compliment others but expect double the praise in return, they know they are a catch. This individuals are usually the life of the party, the one who unites the relationship/friendship group.
♥︎Venus 2nd house: This is the house of finances, so these people prefer to be pampered by their loved one. People with strong values and respect, they expect the same from their partners. They don't play, they want stability and seriousness in a relationship; most loyal and supporting persons ever.
♥︎Venus 3rd house: really flirtatious and persuasive. They value new experiences, they are attracted to other's personality and interests. You have to keep them entertained, they have an adventurous nature and can get bored easily when it comes to a routine.
♥︎Venus 4th house: These individuals have a really harmonious and protective nature, a fairy-like aura to them. They value comfort and openness in a relationship, they want to feel the love of their partners and create a special bond with them. These people tend to attract people with mommy and daddy issues, with an "I can fix them" vibe.
♥︎Venus 5th House: These are my luxurious people, they have high standards and don't care what anyone has to say about it. They are in love with love, their cheerful nature attracts them towards creative people and people who are in a position of fame or success. They are the muses of artists.
♥︎Venus 6th house: These individuals tend to manage many things at once, they thrive on self-improvement. Their love language tends to be acts of service, they are also attracted to truly selfless people. They can spot a lie from miles away, value trust, and expect the same from their romantic partners. They forgive but they never forget.
♥︎Venus 7th house: They have an attractive and persuasive personality, they are tolerant and charismatic. The 7th house is the house of agreement and partnership, so your luck will probably change after your marriage, your significant other may play an important role in your life. These people crave love and genuine connections.
♥︎Venus 8th house: They are very sensual and intimidating; tend to have stalkers and admirers. They value deep connections, people who truly understand and accept them. People with some type of trauma are attracted to them. You may be interested in occult sciences and have healing powers.
♥︎Venus 9th house: They have a happy aura and an adventurous character. These individuals are attracted to optimistic and adventurous people, those who value their beliefs and want to take risks with them. Venus in the 9th house attracts many foreigners as it may indicate a lot of travelling, you significant other may be from another country.
♥︎Venus 10th House: The 10th House governs public image, career aspirations, and career achievements which makes these individuals attracted to status. They are goal-oriented, always looking to improve, and expect the same from their partners. You will want to live a high-profile life and connect with influential people.
♥︎Venus 11th house: They have a calming and jovial personality. Easily attract many friends who would want to work and connect with you to grow your business. These are my "friends to lovers" trope, they value friendship over romance, which attracts them to those closer to them.
♥︎Venus 12th house: These are my artistic people, they have a lot of passion and compassion. They tend to be attracted to spiritual or helpful people. They value connections and are naturally drawn to others; They find much comfort in helping those around them. They are looking for a partner with good character and empathy.
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deltawebsistem · 7 months
NASA has released new images of Jupiter's moon Europa captured by the Juno spacecraft.
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starshapedjello · 9 months
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Venus Retrograde in Leo 2023
I definitely have felt the V-Rx even in the shadow period. For me, personally, I have felt somewhat uninspired. Since Leo is a sign about creativity, I do feel like my creativity is being somewhat stifled at this time. Not completely stifled, though, because I did randomly feel inspired to start this astro blog and doing so has made me feel quite proud. 🥹
Never the less, something about my usual creative projects have gotten stale or it feels like a loss of direction in them. It’s not that I’m frustrated by it, but as if I am taking a short break to reformulate the formula. 🤔
Maybe this Venus Rx is about stopping our bigger projects just to work on the smaller ones in which we constantly think about, yet never start. It’s time to write that novel you have been thinking about for the last decade! 😉
Don’t let your creative passions pass you by, just bc you don’t think there is enough time for them or enough importance to them. Anything that feels right for you, is right for you. Follow your dreams ☁️💫and don’t look back💖
Sending you the power to start working on your deepest passion projects 😘
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thedreamgemini · 2 years
This is my third account on this app I stopped posting on the others due to technical difficulties. My other accounts were “thebestgemini” and “thebestgemini27”. So all the posts on my page from “thebestgemini27” is still my original content. And if you don’t believe me then go to “thebestgemini27” account and look at the last two posts where I talk about my second account “thebestgemini” and my third account “thegloriousgemini” and how I’m now only going to be posting on this account which is my third account now due to technical difficulties with my last two accounts. BUT, if you enjoy what’s on this page and wanna see more of my astrology content. Then I HIGHLY suggest going to my first account “thebestgemini27” and looking at my astrology content on their and I bet you won’t be disappointed. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ And btw I’m aware the link doesn’t really work well so you might just have to copy and paste the link and put it in to google and go to my page from there. Because for some reason when you put the link onto the tumbler search bar it doesn’t work. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Here’s a link to the account 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Astrology placements that could indicate psychic abilities Pt.2
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House Placements in Astrology that could indicate Psychic Abilities:
12 House placements: this is the house where our world and the spiritual world connect and merge. Is the house of Pisces, and Pisces placements are very intuitive, spiritual, and tend to have water sign abilities, like clair feeling or clair knowing. 
8 House placements: this house is all about esoteric, mystic, hidden and the occult. It is the house of Scorpio, and these Scorpio Placements are often related to death. Mediumship is common here. 
9 House placements: the 9 house is about higher knowledge, finding the truth, and connection with the spiritual side. People with Sagittarius placements or 9 house placements have strong intuition and wisdom to lead people and teach. 
Birth Chart Placements in Astrology that could indicate Psychic Abilities:
Moon placement: 
The moon is the most psychic element in our birth chart.
If you have it in the 8 house or 12 house, you are definitely psychic. 
Scorpio Moon, Pisces Moon, Cancer Moon are very intuitive and can feel your vibes by just hearing your name. 
If you have Moon + Uranus, you can have sudden downloads of information and intuition.
If you have Moon + Neptune you can definitely have visions or hear, easily connected to the other side, downloads of information, strong clair feelings, and more!
Mercury placement:
Mercury can indicate if you have abilities to channel, communicate downloads, and clair knowing. 
Mercury in the 9 house can have prophetic visions. In the 12 house it can download information easily from the other side and will find the truth without actually knowing how. 
Pisces Mercury is basically telepathic, Aquarius Mercury is extremely intuitive, and Cancer Mercury might be shy in communicating but will download information in a heartbeat. 
Mercury + Uranus will get sudden downloads and information, you will know the truth without researching. 
Mercury + Neptune will give you a lot of intuition to read people’s vibes. 
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harmoonix · 2 months
🌻Spring's Dawn🌻
Astrology Observations (Natal and Sidereal chart)
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🌻 Sun in the 1st/7th/10th/12th house natives can be really exposed to the world, is like they can never hide themselves from the world
🌻 Sun aspecting Venus natives can be really talented into arts/music, they can be the most positive people in the room, easily liked by people
🌻 Sun in the 5th/9th/11th houses like to share their talents with others, they can inspire people with their creativity
🌻 Mars aspecting the ascendant, the native can be easily liked for their confidence or leadership behavior/personality! People feel so safe around them
🌻 Mars aspecting the Moon natives have an attachment dynamic nature, they can passionately get attach to things and hard let them go
🌻 Mars in the 9H/11H or in Sagittarius/Aquarius can manifest things easily
🌻 Saturn in the 11H sometimes make you to desire something and to achieve it in time, like not on the moment, but for sure is coming even if is a bit slower
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🌻 Midheaven aspecting Sun/Neptune/Venus can make someone very creative/talented/blessed with artistic talents
🌻 Sun having less to no aspects in a chart can indicate a native who can easily change their personality/mood
🌻 7H empty sitting in a chart has no negative impact on the native, they rather have it more easy in relationships since no planet influence that house
🌻 Jupiter aspecting Sun can be so lucky because of their personality and charm, the native can aslo have an selfish aura if is too spoiled
🌻 Lilith (h12) aspecting the Sun can make the native to isolate themselves to protect their energy, but is more about their self - expression and wildness who needs to be explored
🌻 Venus square/opposite/conjunct Ascendant gives native a flair of romance/stylish personality/maybe too flirty sometimes
🌻 Venus in in fire signs will love to be chased in a love relationship!! Like they will wait for you to make the first step into the relationship and then to fall for you
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🌻 Taurus Suns/Risings/Moons/Venus natives can truly be the kindest people ever, they love to share good vibes with everyone without having a conflict, they're so grounded which makes sense because of their earth element and I love this!
🌻 Ascendant aspecting Neptune can easily create an dependency/obsession over things/people and sometimes situations in their lives
🌻 Venus/Mercury in the 11H natives are really likable/loved by people, people can be so easy in sympathy with them
🌻 Sun in the 11H or in Aquarius can prioritize their friendships over anything, because their friendships can be everything for such natives
🌻 Pluto aspecting Lilith Asteroid (1181) can have an energy of a "bad person" but they're truly not!
🌻 Asteroid Lilith (1181) aspecting Asteroid Aphrodite (1388). The native can have the energy of a badass person yet very charming and romantic
🌻 Aphrodite (1388) aspecting Juno (3) can be easily by liked at first by people, because of their personality, their relationship can be known by people as well
🌻 Uranus aspecting Juno natives can be so unexpectedly in love/in relationships, they can marry someone they never thought to marry with
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🌻 Aries Suns/Moon/Risings and Lilith/Venus/Mars can feel like a forbidden fruit, like they can be so untouchable and yet so magnetic
🌻 Aries Saturn natives need to have better standards and to know their self worth, especially learning to have confidence
🌻 Saturn in Libra can sometimes give you karmic relationships. The same for Saturn in the 7H, take care at people who don't want to stay for long in your life
🌻 Neptune/Pisces in the 2H/4H/6H/8H can easily be drained by other people's energy, they're so sensbile to such things
🌻 Venus/Pluto or Aphrodite (1388) in the 8H can make you to ignore the toxic traits of a potential partner and see them as an attractive thing instead (Don't do it)
🌻 Venus in the 6th/10H/11th house axis can make you to engage in relationships with people from the same work field as you
🌻 Venus in the 1st house natives, people can appreciate their beauty but not always their talents. Like this placement can represent "I am more than beauty", they're aslo extremely artistic
🌻 Moon in the 8th/12th house axis are always in the middle of some sort of drama/fight purely for the thing that people can see them as "too" soft, which is not true
🌻 Saturn in the 5H or Saturn in Leo may not want to have kids early in life (some of them don't wanna have kids at all in other cases)
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🌻 Sagittarius in the 2H/4H/8H can have a large number of relatives in family. You know like that person who has 6-7 cousins??
🌻 Having Capricorn Sun/Rising/Venus can make people to appreciate your body silhouette. Especially the legs
🌻 It can be so hard for people with Capricorn or Pisces Moon to be understood by others, which in the end can make them sad, you have to find better people in your circle if such things happen
🌻 Sagittarius Mercury and in general Mercury in fire signs natives talk so fast that people need to ask "Can you repeat? I can't understand what you're saying" more times a day 🤣😭
🌻 Sagittarius Saturn/9H can make you have people who want to restrict your freedom and free will, and one thing with this placement is that you always have to keep your mind open to everything
🌻 Jupiter aspecting Venus natives share a love about discovering things, they love to research and dive into interesting topics
🌻 Jupiter aspecting the Midheaven can be like a shooting star for you especially if is in good aspects because it helps you to find your path in job/career
🌻Sun/Moon and sometimes Saturn in the 6H can possess allergies, they can be different types of allergy of course
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🌻 I think is very likely for Virgo/Pisces/Scorpio and sometimes Libra or Aquarius placements to study medicine because they get so well within this field
🌻 Saturn at 29° or 0° degrees can be very powerful for this planet, Saturn ends a cycle at 29° and starts a new one at 0° especially a karmic cycle!!
🌻 The time you'll have your Saturn Return. Which happens when Saturn returns back into the same sign it was when you were born. Lots of things can happen during that period. Things that will change your mentally/emotionally/physically/rationally forever
🌻 The fact that for Aquarius Risings, the next years can be very changing since Pluto is entering permanently in Aquarius this year... is so scary yet fascinating in the same time 🥲🥲
🌻 Saturn in Pisces/12H or Pisces Degrees 12°, 24° can receive lots of dreams, have lots of spiritual or subconscious awakenings as well and even new karmic paths
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🌻 Hey y'all, 2nd of March of today brings the start of the spring already. Winter finally is ended and we will all slay this whole season 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼
I wish y'all a very good spring season 🌻🌻🌻🧚🏼‍♀️
Harmoonix ✨🌻
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