#at least my little kitten is so berry sweet
theloveinc · 2 years
today was just. not good vibes
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waddingham · 4 days
rebecca wants a pet
this is just a silly little ditty but here <3
Amongst all these things and more, he has learned that she does not do subtlety. Her opinions, thoughts, wants are shared unflinchingly, in a way he admires as someone who tends towards pleasing others over himself. She doesn't demand and criticize but simply shares herself with him – her opinion is always a prompt to hear his, her thoughts are little hands reaching out to know and be known by him, her wants passed along in hopes of him wanting too. And she makes it easy to respond in kind.
There's probably half a million things he's learned about Rebecca Welton in the first year of living with her. Big things and small things – she can destroy a bowl of berries and nuts in a matter of seconds. She has an almost frightening ability to hold her alcohol. She does a tiny bit of yoga everyday and those minutes of solitude are important to her. She loves him voraciously, would do just about anything for anyone in her club, and doesn't believe she will ever uncomplicate her relationship with her mother.
And because she so rarely employs subtlety, he doesn't think it's anything notable at all when she finds a new minor interest. 
"Look at this."
He turns his eyes from the TV to her, stretching an arm along the cushion as she scoots closer along the couch. She angles her phone so he can see – it's a video of a tabby cat with a mouthful of leaves, chirping as it crosses someone's yard. He grins at it, chuckling as it drops them and sits with satisfaction next to its contribution.
"She brings them a little pile of leaves everyday," Rebecca chuckles.
"Look at her go. Doin' her part."
"She's a good girl."
"Lot better than a mouthful of mice," he remarks.
She gives him a horrified look. 
"What?" he chuckles. "You never had a cat?"
"No," she says, shaking her head. "Have you?"
"There was an outdoor cat when I was growing up that hung around our house. My mom hated it 'cause she's scared to death of mice and loves the birds and he would come around with either one or the other dead in his mouth and leave it. Tryin' to get on her good side, I guess." 
She stares at him. "That's disgusting."
He laughs a little bit, tilting his head. "Yeah. He brought a bird up on the stoop once, still movin', and Mama was so mad, she smacked the back of his head for him to drop it. And he did. And then another little bird came flutterin' out of his mouth and flew off."
She shakes her head, a smile pulling at her mouth. "You're full of shit."
"I am not," he laughs. "Saw it with my own eyes. He was a big fella."
She snorts, looking back down at her phone. She stays close, leaning against his side as she scrolls on. 
It takes him a while to take notice of the running theme. They send all kinds of silly stuff back and forth – videos and pictures and jokes. She sends him screenshots of funny tweets she sees, sometimes about him or the team, sometimes just random things she thinks will amuse him.
But suddenly there's a very large uptick in cat videos. 
She blames Keeley. It's Keeley's fault entirely.
She doesn't know what possessed her friends, if it was the influence of Phoebe or what, but they've adopted a cat – a beautiful, lithe, sleek one that could nearly be taken for a tiny leopard for its coloring. She's a lively little thing, playful and talkative, but she seems to adore Rebecca. When she goes over, she spends the length of her visit circling her feet or pacing her lap on the couch, purring like a fiend, pushing her head into Rebecca's palm.
And, goddammit, Rebecca likes it. She likes watching her prance around, flopping around on the floor for attention, just in general being entertaining and sweet. 
She sees them everywhere now – or at least is really noticing them as she scrolls through social media, seeing Leslie's sons posting videos of their new kitten and Keeley and Roy's little minx chasing her tail and random strangers with unnaturally gorgeous felines. 
She hasn't any idea how Ted feels about getting a pet. And normally she'd just tell him, have all her arguments outlined, or just recklessly show up with one one day, but they have quite literally just settled into living together. She doesn't want him to say yes just because she wants it and then hate it and hate taking care of it – she wants him to want it too. So she's going a little more insidious. Or trying to, sending out feelers by sending him cats and seeing what he says. 
She's not having much luck. He will aww and ooh, but doesn't express any disdain or desire to get one. Which isn't helping her.
"Who's idea was the cat?" she asks Keeley. 
"I wanted a dog and Roy wanted a cat," she says, stroking Camilla's back as she arches on the couch next to her. "But we settled on her 'cause she's so cool and active and spirited, she's like a low maintenance dog."
Keeley gives her a little grin. "You want one, don't you?"
"I do," Rebecca admits, scratching Camilla's neck as she crosses to her. 
"You guys should get one then," Keeley says. "They're so easy."
"I haven't asked Ted what he thinks yet," she says. 
"Well, I don't think he would refuse you anything, first of all," she says, sipping her wine. "And also how cute would he be with kittens all over him?"
"Stop," she says, tilting her head. "Or I'll show up at home with a box of them tomorrow."
Keeley giggles. "I think he would like a cat. Or a dog, but I would guess you–"
"I do not want a dog," Rebecca says. That's a lot more mess, care, and maintenance to jump right into when she's never even had a pet.
She hopes he wouldn't rather have a dog.
She supposes she's going to just have to bring it up outright – he's not catching on and she's already tired of trying to be slick about it.
"Hey," he calls out when he hears the front door open. He gets one in response as she comes in, kicking her shoes off. She's earlier than he expected – she usually lingers late into the evening when she goes over to Keeley and Roy's.
He looks up at her from his sprawl on the couch as she rounds the sofa and immediately plants a knee between him and the cushions, crawling up and laying over him.
"You weren't gone long," he remarks as she settles herself against him, his arm landing on her back, her head on his middle.
"No," she sighs. "I left when Roy got back from his sister's. Keeley seemed…eager to be alone with him."
He chuckles, pushing his hand through her hair. "Well, cheers to them."
She giggles a little bit, rubbing a hand along his side over his t-shirt. She relaxes against him – the loveliest blanket he's ever had the pleasure to be covered with.
"I like their kitty," she remarks and he smiles.
"She's a lil' firecracker," he says. "Cracks me up."
She rolls her head until her chin is planted on his chest to look up at him. Her eyes are a little wide, eyebrows tipped up. 
"Can we get one?"
His smile grows as he tilts his head. He never would've taken her for a pet person.
"Sure," he says. He likes cats.
She almost scoffs, closing her eyes. 
"Of course you're going to be that easy about it."
He chuckles. "Do you want me to argue with you about it?"
"No, but I thought it would take at least a little convincing," she says and he squints at her a little bit. 
"Is that why you keep sending me cat stuff?"
She does scoff then, rolling her eyes. "Yes."
"Why?" he laughs. "What do you think I have against cats?"
"I don't know," she says, laying her head back down in exasperation. 
And since when does she do sneaky?
He chuckles again, smoothing a hand over her hair. 
"We'd have to go get some stuff," he muses. "But I remember Higgins saying he can't go to the pet store on Saturdays 'cause the shelter sets up with a bunch of kitties and he knows he'll go home with one. We could go then. Get the stuff and peek at the cats." 
"I already have everything saved to order online," she mumbles and he laughs.
"You could've just said something, Rebecca."
"I was trying to sniff you out first," she says. "But you gave me nothing."
"I'm sorry," he chuckles. "What kinda kitty do you want?"
"A soft one. Sweet one. Not so crazy as Camilla."
"Alright," he says. "Kitten?"
"I would like a kitten, I think," she says, lifting her head again to look at him. "Start from scratch."
"Okay, then," he smiles. "Sounds like fun."
He didn't know what he expected when she said she had stuff saved, but he really shouldn't be surprised. The things that arrive over the next couple days look like something straight out of a housecat's dreams. A water drinking fountain and several very soft beds, toys, dishes, food that now has a shelf in the fridge, and, good lord, the litter box.
He just laughs when she sets it on the kitchen island. 
"It's automatic," she says, then lifts her hands, defending herself. "Do you want to do it? Because I don't."
He reads the side of the box, still grinning. "It connects to the WiFi?!”
"Oh, stop," she says. "Like I was going to skimp out on this."
"How much did this cost you?" he asks, looking up with a grin. 
"What does that matter?" she says innocently.
"C’mon, tell me," he says. 
He looks in the shipping box, spying an invoice and snatching it before she can stop him. 
"Give me that–"
"Seven hundred pounds?!" he says, laughing. "Oh my God, Rebecca."
"Stop," she says, swiping the paper from him, smiling at his teasing. 
"You know it's gonna poop in it right?" 
"Exactly. And then neither of us has to touch it."
"Now I feel like we're not adopting a cat but selecting one lucky winner to come live a life of luxury and refinement."
She laughs, wrapping her arms around the box, giving him a haughty look. 
"If you'll excuse me. I have a cat shitter to set up."
He chuckles, watching her go, but following after a few minutes to help her. 
"I was excited, but now I'm just sad," she remarks as they walk through the narrow room. 
"Yeah," he laments. "Now I feel like adopting a nice round dozen or two."
"I think we'll have to start with one," she says, taking another step, giving the next cat its due attention. "Hello. Aren't you lovely?"
They wander through at a slow pace, having been told the kittens they have are at the far end of the room, but she stops at every cage, offering her fingers and compliments to each kitty. 
They don't make it to the far end – he didn't really expect them to. 
"Oh," Rebecca says, coming to a complete stop at a cage. "Oh, look at you."
The cat inside is a pale gray that fades into white at its paws and nose with long fur – not the longest they've seen, but longer than the shorthairs – curled up in the little bed in the corner.
"Oh, he's pretty," Ted says, stepping closer.
"How do you know it's a he?" she remarks, sticking her fingers into the cage, greeting the kitty. "Hello."
It lifts its head, peering at them with lovely gray blue eyes. He sticks his own fingers in, watching the cat take an interest, standing and stretching.
"Oh," Rebecca says sadly, and he turns to her, finding her reading the information card hooked on the cage. 
"'My loving owner died and I had nowhere to go'," she reads aloud. "'I'm an affectionate, easygoing kitty that enjoys lots of lap time.'"
She turns to him with a frown, then to the cat as they both feel him rub himself along their fingers. Ted curls his fingers into his soft fur, turning back to Rebecca, finding her watching the kitty with a little heartbreak in her eyes. 
"I like him," she says.
"I thought you wanted a kitten," he reminds her softly.
She doesn't respond, watching the little guy push his head against her knuckles. He steps around her, trading spots to read the rest of the card for himself.
"He's already ten years old," he says, sliding a hand over her back. He doesn't have a problem with it – he wouldn't mind an older cat, but she seemed set on a baby.
"I know," she says slowly, like she's realizing she's pretty much made up her mind. "But I think he deserves a nice retirement."
He smiles at her, watching the kitty sit close enough for Rebecca to brush her finger over the soft fur at his chest, primly adjusting his big white paws in front of him before curling his tail around. He peers at them, then lets out a soft little mow that has both of them chuckling.
"See, you agree, don't you?" she says. "You're a little sweetheart, huh? I didn't even look to see what your name is."
Ted looks, having skimmed over it too, smiling at what he finds. "Arthur."
"Arthur?" Rebecca chuckles. 
"What a name, huh? Who picked up this little guy as a sweet little puffball of a kitten, looked at him on the most exciting day of his life and then gave him the most old man name possible? I'm so sorry, buddy."
"Oh, stop," she says, scratching at Arthur's chin as she reassures him. "I think it's a great name. And I don't think Theodore has any room to talk."
He laughs fully at that, hearing Rebecca chuckle with him. "Well, that's me told," he says, squeezing her side, pulling her attention as she turns. "Should we see if somebody will open his cage up so we can meet him?"
She nods, giving him a bright smile.
Of course they brought old Art home. And it doesn't even take two days before they're both absolutely smitten. 
He's taken to following them around curiously, as well as flopping and rolling against the shag rug in the living room. He'd been absolutely riveted by the dining room, chirping and chattering at the birds through the windows – to their endless amusement – and surveying the backyard as if it were new domain he's claimed. 
He's just adorable. And quickly growing very comfortable here. 
"Well, he didn't take long to settle in, did he?" he remarks.
Rebecca's laid out on the couch with Arthur stretched along her front, his head nestled against her chest, paws stretched toward her chin. He can hear the little guy purring from where he stands at the end of the couch as she strokes his fur from ears to tail, grinning with pure delight.
"And he found the best spot already."
She chuckles, bending her knees to make room for him to sit. Arthur lifts his head, eyes opening at being jostled. 
"Oh, relax," she mutters. "We share with Ted, alright?"
She lays her legs over his thighs as he chuckles. 
"I see you're having no trouble bonding with our new resident," he says as his arms stretches along the back of the sofa.
"Of course not," she almost coos, rubbing at Arthur's cheek. "And don't think I didn't see you carrying him around like a baby yesterday."
"Oh, c'mon. He was lookin' up at me and making the saddest little noise. And you know what, I ain't even gonna pretend I wouldn't die for him already."
She chuckles, holding Arthur's little face as he just purrs and purrs. "You hear that? You have Ted's eternal devotion."
"Christ, he looks more in love with you than I am," he muses.
She laughs at that, glancing up at him. "I'm pretty sure he's very happy to not be in that cage anymore."
Arthur stands at the disturbance, stretching his back before he traverses Rebecca's body to see what Ted has going on. 
"I think you made a good choice, darlin'," he says to Rebecca as Arthur just stands on Ted's thighs, pressing up into his hand as he strokes him. 
"I love him," she mutters.
He smiles as Arthur throws himself against Ted's abdomen, rolling in his lap.
"Me too."
When she steps into the bedroom, she just has to grin.
Ted's lounging on the bed, scrolling his phone with Arthur cradled in his arm against his chest, dead asleep.
It's almost hilarious to think about now – that she was uncertain if he'd enjoy having a cat. More than half the times she comes upon him in the house, he's either holding or talking to Arthur. He carries him around like a little prince and he just purrs like a madman.
Maybe they didn't end up with a box of kittens, but it's still unbelievably cute. And she hates to disturb it, but, right now, she's going to.
She crawls up onto the bed, leaning on an elbow next to him.
"What's going on here?" she asks, scratching the top of Arthur's head, startling him if his little mrrp is anything to go by.
"He needed snuggled apparently," Ted says as he drops his phone next to him. "And I think I make a pretty good bed if I do say so myself."
"I can confirm," she nods. "But he might have to go."
Ted frowns at her, stroking Arthur's side almost protectively. "He's fine here." 
"Okay, but what if I'm trying to have sex with you?" she asks, watching Ted's brows lift again. 
"Ah, well, I think you're a little late," he says, gesturing to the cat. "I think I'm otherwise engaged for the evening."
She gives him a flat look, getting a little grin back. 
"Arthur, buddy, I think you're in danger," he whispers to the cat, who has no reaction whatsoever. Ted shifts him to get him up and he just lifts his head and glares at him, dead weight against his chest.
"Oh, c'mon man, don't do this to me," Ted chuckles as Rebecca pantomimes looking at a watch. "Look at her. Be a little wingman here, huh?"
He's unenthused as Ted lifts him up and leans to put him on the floor. 
"There," he says, immediately rolling into her until she's on her back, grinning up at him. 
"I'm all yours," he mutters against her neck, his hands immediately bunching her shirt to get to her skin. "Though you might have to work out a schedule with the little man."
She snickers, pulling him down hard against her with a leg, sliding her hands against his back as she catches his lips with hers. She hums as he grinds against her, the little fever in her core telling her this probably isn't going to be especially leisurely–
They both freeze at the sound of the sheets rustling. They look towards the end of the bed, where Arthur's jumped back up, ears pinned back, feet braced against the duvet. Before either of them can say anything, he dives forward, chasing nothing, then does a fast loop before freezing again. 
She can't help but snort when he looks back at them, eyes wild before he does another circle, then gets distracted with licking his leg.
"What is he doing?" Ted chuckles, then startles when Arthur spins and leaps at his toes.
"Oh, Jesus, man!"
She barks out a laugh as he jerks his foot away and she's in stitches as Arthur chases after it before finally doing another loop, leaping off the bed and sprinting out the door. 
"What the hell–" Ted laughs, turning back to her as she catches her breath, pulling him against her again.
"He's not the forgiving kind apparently."
"Who wanted a cat again?" he asks, his grinning mouth falling to her jaw.
"I did," she laughs. "And it was so worth it."
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teamcuriosity · 11 months
YOU have been CORDIALLY INVITED to the VIC IS DEAD BASH! I am writing with YOUR TYPING QUIRK so YOU can fully understand that YOU can only come on ONE CONDITION: DO NOT POWERBOMB YOUR BEST FRIEND MARNY THROUGH A TABLE. Save that energy for the BEAST PINATA.
See you there BESTIE,
MARNY (💰🍸)
32.6461630, 130.5808300
I am doxxing myself in advance, free of charge, so you'll know exactly where to be for our totally not morally reprehensible “Victoria Gonzap Is Dead Party!” —
Put your callout post down, we'll have plenty of little corners for you to hide and be goth in! Also, I invited your bestie, Thrashew, so by the Team Curiosity Rules and Regulations, you are required to come.
Them's the bricks, sweet cheeks!
— Your “Purring Kitten” Marny (wink!) (💰🍸)
I would honestly invite all of you but the other members probably turn in to bed at 4pm and also include Ryan so I won’t — but these two have to come because I… said so?
Yeah, because I said so!
marnette anaïs mador you overripe sitrus berry lookin ass I am going to reorganize your vertebrae with two soup ladles and a whisk /srs
what the fuck is wrong with you. genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you. in one week you have managed to abandon your pokemon, start a cult, cause a cave-in at Mt. Chimney, become an accessory to murder, and trigger several people by celebrating someone's murder and rubbing your lack of kindness in their faces. you make me physically sick like I am actually getting nauseous reading your posts I hate you I hate you why would you use that private name in public on my work account I hate youhuuu
she could have been spared she had people who cared for her she had pokemon who cared for her I don't care what she did to your leg it wasn't worth MURDERING. HER.
it's a good thing Thrash has the sense not to go. why would we go to your shitty party for shittier people when we have a book fair to set up in two days. I hope your party is as sad and miserable and lonely as the rest of your life has been.
—Prof. Violite Schist (it/they/fae)
HO-OH'S FEATHERS YOU have no idea how PUMPED I am for this. THAT CUNT has given me so many PROBLEMS. I'm still trying to CAPTURE all of the FUCKED UP CASTFORM she made. They keep showing up around THE WEATHER INSTITUTE and hurting TRAINERS and STAFF. This shit is worse than the AQUA/MAGMA invasions.
Disregard VIOLITE'S message. I don't know why it's so MOODY over this. I call first swing on the BEAST PIÑATA, LOSERS.
Also YOU mentioned nothing about suplexing you through a table so no take backs on that
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I had fun yesterday. Genuinely. It was lonely going alone but it was nice going out and being around people and talking to them.
I went back to the tea shop in that little downtown district and had their seasonal tea flight. It was fine. I actually had had one of them before. The sleepytime one was good but I had a sleep tea I already prefer, and the third one was bizarre and I did not finish it.
When I finished that, I went directly across the street to the juice bar/cafe I pointed out to the kiddo last time we were here and they rolled their eyes and got huffy when I proposed we get a "super juice shot" since I thought it would be funny to see them cringe at how bad they probably taste. I got a gluten-free vegan lunch of a walnut chorizo quesadilla, and a "Melody" juice which was much, much spicier than I anticipated. The quesadilla was good. Extremely good for vegan gluten free. But the price was not worth it if I'm being serious and I probably won't be back.
Then I walked about a quarter mile to the ice cream shop kiddo had wanted to go to before this all happened. They had a lot of weird flavors and I'm glad I went in the winter when its comfy for me (Weather was about an Alaskan spring day) but everyone else is treating it like winter. I got a Taster's Flight which was 4 kid scoops of ice cream, which is perfect because they had 4 "weird" flavors I wanted to try and didn't really want to get a whole entire scoop of each.
Olive oil was fine. It literally tasted like Vanilla ice cream with "something" on the end.
Honey Lavender was good but not great. I couldn't taste the honey, but at least the lavender flavor was muted. I was anticipating it was going to be EXTREMELY lavender. Instead it was mostly just muted lavender and sweet.
Blue Cheese and Pear was fine. I could taste both parts. They weren't bad together. They also weren't great. It was just fine.
The Marionberry Coconut Sherbet was the best but I also love berries and fruit so it wasn't a surprise. I finished all of the berry sherbet and had maybe half of the other 3 and was all ice creamed out.
Then I came home and alternated playing games with cleaning. Got the whole house clean and played with the kitten until my friend got home and we did some game stuff like we usually do. I feel like the day was good, and low key. And probably what I needed.
Mood: 5/10
Day: 7/10
Overall thoughts: Truthfully it was pretty expensive I'm not sure I can do this every week, but it was still fun and I enjoyed it a lot.
0 notes
minshookie · 3 years
Invasion of Privacy.
Pairing | mafia!yandere!Joon x Reader
Genre | smut, angst, gore, yandere.
Summary | “while Joon is at work unwanted company comes to visit, opening your eyes to unwanted secrets.”
!warnings! | 18+ mature language , mentioned sexual acts, smut (just a little bit), violence, background character death, naive reader insert, dumbification, caretaker Joon.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
Requested [closed for request] words: 2k.
A/N | I struggled LOL But it’s finally here! I hope you enjoy. Forgive my mistakes please 💜
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“Ready for breakfast hm?” Joon Spoke softly head resting in the crook of your neck, blanketing you with his warm damp body. “Yeah I guess.” Butterflies still fluttering in your tummy from the activities you both just enjoyed. “Mm well I’m not trying for waffles today kitten I have to go to work, so think of something quick.” He yawned before taking the tender skin of your neck between his supple lips again, sucking you in nibbling playfully. “Joonie when will Mary be back, I like her breakfast.” Almost whining. He chucked against you, “I told you Mary will be back after she’s had her baby.”
Feeling pouty you huff no motivation to eat knowing he’ll be leaving you soon. yawing you simply shrugged away the idea of this mornings breakfast. “Cereal again hm? If you insist.” He groaned pulling his self up on his forearms, gazing down at your connected bodies, he glided out with ease sighing in pleasure. Leaving you feeling empty yet warmly stuffed full. “I’ll be back, you stay put.” He began to walk towards the closet, watching silently in admiration. “Wait!” Stopping he turned. “Panties?” You request, fully knowing he’d get them for you. “Panties...of course.” He swiftly turned pulling some from the drawer. You reached for them, softly swatting your hand he went to your legs. “Up.” Complying, you let him dress your bottom half. “Being needy this morning i see,need a shirt too?” You nodded, letting him dress you again. “Alright cereal coming right up babybug.” He gave you a sweet Eskimo kiss before leaving.
His heavy steps thumped the hardwood stars, getting softer and softer before they disappeared. Never could you have imagined a simple round of dates would land you here, wrapped in Eucalyptus sheets, in the middle of a giant bed, upstairs of a Manson. Getting loved daily by a man with millions to his name. Your face began to grow warmer of subtle humiliation as you felt your heat drip of him. This whole situation felt like a long, long fairytale dream and you were loving every minute of it. Your reminiscing was cut short by the thudding of Joon’s feet coming up the stairs, finally he renters a smile on his face dimples prominent. Obviously proud of his limited culinary skills.
“A sugary cereal for the sweetest person I know, and a fruit cup too.” He walked slowly with he bed table careful not to spill. “c’mon get up and eat.” You sat up wide eyed ready for the meal he set before you. “What do you say greedy girl?” He held you back from the simple breakfast. “Thank you Joonie.” He nodded in approval letting go. “Remember, drink your milk, clean up your mess...eat all your fruit.”
He walked to the bathroom letting you eat in peace. You obliged his orders enjoying your modest breakfast quickly. Soon though, you started swaying the rose gold spoon around in the matching bowl watching the bland cereal chase each other. You’d finished all the marshmallows, you knew Joon would protest. Finishing the milk you began to pluck your favorites from the small fruit bowl, growing bored rather quickly.
“Joonie!” You beckoned, cheek full of berries. “yeah!” He yelled over the heavy patter of the shower. “Can I watch TV?” Tightly you closed your eyes in wishful thinking. “No Princess, it’s too early you know that, don’t you?!” You huffed, swallowing your fruit. “Yes!” He didn’t respond expecting you to eat the rest if your breakfast, in your true fashion you ignored the kiwi and bland cereals uneaten in protest of no early morning TV.
Annoyingly you shifted uncomfortably along the plush mattress once again. The once comforting fullness you felt now just starting to make an unpleasant mess...“Joonie!” “Y/n!” He yelled back while exiting the bathroom, his body glistening the scent of his masculine body wash and cologne engulfing the room. “I need to shower, I’m making a mess.” You stated shyly, making him smile in laughter.
“A mess huh, why don’t you take care of it?” He asked knowingly making you pout, he walked closer picking up the clear bowl, kiwi left behind. “Ah, eat this.” He held the green fruit between his fingers. “Eat one at least.” He rubbed it along your parted lips, you obliged his glare making you feel small. “Do I have to start giving you my cereal seems your tummy is getting full on sweets before you make it to the real breakfast?” Teasing he took it upon himself to finish the cereals.
“What do you say?” “Sorry for not finishing.” no way could you disobey him. “Good,Tell me about this mess though.” He inquired placing a kiwi slice in his mouth, walking to his suit closet letting his towel fall, he was already clad in his briefs. “You know!” He chuckled “I do? Oh is it my cum baby?” He stated lewdly while pulling out a dark suit. “Joon c’mon!” You whined, moving the the table. “Well Y/n if you wanted my help you should’ve joined me in the shower, you spoiled little brat.” He began to get dressed, “go wipe, go shower, and I’ll have someone clean the sheets yeah?” You rolled from the warm bed, a breeze catching your wet spot. “Yeah.” He smoothed the suit out over him , choosing a belt. “C’mon, I’m going to work big girl panties y/n go clean up please.” You took your time to walk past him , secretly wanting him to stay. You hoped he’d feel bad if you played hurt, or incapable of washing up maybe he’d stay late to help.
With a sigh of disapproval he turned from watching you walk begrudgingly in the mirror, giving your bottom a firm tap. “Now please so I can see you before I go okay?” Nodding you did as told, your scheme unsuccessful you resorted to complying. Striping and folding your clothes before throwing them in the hamper. Pulling the body wash, hand picked by Joon you lathered and showered as throughly and quickly as you could. Examining the dark areas he’d left behind, your neck,legs, and stomach, even scattering some along your pelvic area. Namjoon was extremely through when putting his claim over you, not like he had any competition. “All day kitten?” He knocked lightly on the door. The time spent Wandering in your thoughts taking a little longer than Joon’s liking you followed routine rinsing and turning off the water, drying you left with the plush towel around you.
He sat on the edge of the bed, an outfit laid over his thigh. “All dry?” You nodded catching a slight shiver, “you sure?” He called you over with a finger, tenderly he unwrapped you taking it upon himself to make sure you were dried, helping dress you as well. “When do you have to go Joon?” “Now.” Sighing you fell into his chest for a hug. “Yeah yeah, c’mon I gotta go love.” He kissed your cheek. “Kiss me before I go.” You pulled out of the crook of his neck latching onto his lips. Grabbing your neck he took the lead invading your mouth lustfully with his own. “Still taste sweet hm, remember to brush your teeth, lunch at twelve,have a snack around four, I’ll be home for dinner...and do not open the door.” You nodded your hands still in his. “I have a friend downstairs okay anything you can’t take care of...and I don’t mean the little things...ask him okay?” “Okay.” You crawled into bed avoiding the soiled area.
He got up smoothing his suit over again. “Uhm Joonie-” “I know I know.” He threw the remote to you before leaving. “See you later my pretty girl, remember I’ll know if you’re naughty. ” You smile turning on the TV. “See you later.”
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After tedious hours of watching, and flipping through channels you enviably you became extremely bored with the flashing pictures playing before you. The nap you’d gifted yourself earlier began to wear off, you were sure it’s already been two hours, nobody’s came for the sheets. Strange of the morning staff to forget that. Rolling your eyes, you brushed off their neglect sitting up from the bed striping the stained sheets.
As bored as you were, you didn’t mind the walk down to the wash room. Once you gained balance of the heavy load, the trek began, only able to peak over the large bundle the stairs were a challenge. Once conquered you repositioned the bundle in your arms beginning to weigh on you. “Hey I brought the sheets for you!” Too lazy to complete the mission at hand, you tossed the sheets on the nearest couch, throwing yourself in the seat next to them. “Hello?!” Nobody seemed to call back as you voice deflected off of the walls. No way would they leave you all alone.
You stood from your seat, leaving the laundry behind as curiosity got the best of you. Where had everyone gone? You could’ve sworn you heard Joon conversing with them before he left. Roaming past the kitchen, Joon’s left his cutting board and knife out fruit juice displayed across the marble surface. Nobodies been on their job, and to think of it you haven’t seen or heard Joon’s friend he’d left for you yet.
You hated being alone, and Joon knew that. He wouldn’t leave you that way. Meandering down the elongated hall, which located staff bedrooms leaving a firm knock on the door....nothing. Fear draped over you the silence becoming too loud, taking panicked strides leaving the hall. Wandering the house looking for any other life form. Until you met face to face with a forbidden room. Joon’s office. Throwing rules away you griped the stubborn knob. Locked damn. “Help.” Whimpering like a kicked puppy you kept searching. “Joonie.” Wandering around, like you were lost in your own house, you skipped down the small flight of stairs, the washroom maybe they’re in there ...a dumb thought but this is the only room you haven’t rampaged.
Swinging the fragile door, a pungent rusting scent crashed into you. “And who the fuck are you?” Frozen in the door frame your brain fell blank. A group of men you’d never met covered in drying blood. The staff and who seemed to be Jungkook, sat lifelessly bound by their legs and arms in chairs in a perfect line. “Where’d come from?” Unable to speak you stared into the glossed eyes of people you once called friends. “Where’d you fucking come from!” Your mouth dried nervously, unsure what to answer...“Bed-bedroom ups-stairs.” They shared a look with each other, the only visible feature being their eyes. “Well you see these dunces doll...they lied...you won’t do that huh?” You shook your head, “Jungkook...he doesn’t lie.” They all laughed in frenzy. “No but he sure does fight back, don’t do that either...c’mon over here princess.”
“Don’t call me that.” You stepped only one step closer, in fear of getting near the corpses. “Alright, heard...who are you?” Fiddling with your shirt you looked to your toes. “C’mon baby answer honestly or I’ll have to...sit you down.” You looked up, hot tears piercing your eyes begging to fall. “I’m y/n...Joon’s girlfriend.” Nodding in approval, someone in the back butted in. “He fuck you good?”You sniffled, looking back and forth between the few of them. “Don’t answer that, we don’t give a fuck about that....here’s the real test, where’s Namjoon hiding hmm?”
Oh, that’s easy, “Joon...he’s at work.” Scoffing in disbelief he reached behind him into his back pocket. “One more time cutie, where’s your little boyfriend.” Wide eyed your mouth quivered with no words. “I told you he’s at work.” He turned to his darkly dressed men “get a fucking chair, you y/n go sit in it.” You turned to run, a gun shot landed above you dry wall crumbling. “Sit your tight ass in that chair, or the next bullet will be buried in your chest.” Frozen in your tracks, you knew siting would land you right where Jungkook was. “Kim Namjoon is at work you won’t find him here!” Shaken you peered over your shoulder.
“Okay...okay, where does he work huh?” You turned back towards the stairs. “Uhm...I-I I’m not sure...big business I think, he has suits and a home office and people p-people follow him-” your rambling in cold sweat was cut short by the sound of bullets ricocheting along the cement walls. “Get out of the fucking way you dense bitch!” Unable to see your hero you rushed past him bolting away as quick as you could, blinded by tears. Eventually you fumbled into someone. “Hey hey y/n you hurt?” “JOONIE!” You climbed him his voice mesmerizing you. “Joonie it was disgusting, joonie please help.” The commotion still echoing in the wash room, Joon took his large hands over your ears guiding you upstairs into your shared room.
Finally silence to comfort you a wave of anger rushed over you as you processed your situation. Your ears pulsating. “Y/n...I’m so sorry princess.” All you could do was fall back onto the bare mattress. “Please do- who are they?” He sighed rubbing the back of his neck. “Business rivals.” He leans a leg on the maters caressing your thigh. “Joon don’t fucking lie I almost died.” He swatted your exposed tummy. “Hey don’t talk to me like that y/n.” Tears of anger replacing fear, “is this a game to you am I a damn toy to you...Joon I know you’re not telling me the truth and it hurts.”
He sat on the bed with an aggravated groan, you laid back staring at the smooth ceiling. “Y/n it’s best if you don’t know.” “Joon I’ll leave. Tonight i almost got my brai-” he darkly chuckled cutting you off “and to where, c’mon where?” You breathed deeply with anger. “I’ll- uhm...” “I’m the best thing that ever happened to you, face it you’d be fucked over without me.” You rolled over, you could scream your figure shook in frustration. “I’ve pulled you in and treated you like a queen and you want to leave because you had to dodge a bullet?” “Please stop, Joon I’m leaving.” You sat up only to be pushed down, “you’ll die without me bitch, there are eyes on you, you take one step out of my house your just as good bounty as me.” What bullshit has this motherfucker pulled you into.
“Plus I’ve had you here, dumbed you down so much you can’t even shower right, let alone live alone, I feed your ass, wipe your ass, clean your disgusting ass, dress you, protect you, service waiting on you every damn hour of the day...fuck you how you please never how I please and yet you wanna go?!” Tears spilled from you, he straddled you peering maliciously, never has Joon spoken to you this way.
In surprise the door swung open, making your stomach drop, Yoongi’s face speckled red. “Joon it’s Guk he’s dead.” “Get out.” His voice flat no emotion present Yoongi obliged slamming the door on his way. “You even got one of my men-” “no.” You earned a slap like no other for cutting him off “I’ve trained you so much better, so much better than to cut me off and to snitch on me...I was at work huh...they wouldn’t find me here huh?” You couldn’t respond, the left side of your face throbbing from the assault. “Once I caught word of the invasion I check the cameras for you and low and behold your mouth never fucking shut...saving yourself? Fucking cunt.” You looked away from his accusing gaze.
“No words? Just how I like you...now be a good girl, apologize.” “I love-e you joo-nie I’m sorry.” You recite from memory. “I love you too, don’t ever disobey me again, and don’t you dare try to leave if you do, I’ll blow the little brains you have let by myself.” Tears pooled your face causing him to smirk. “Remember I own you, everything you are, everything you want, everything you believe, is mine to keep.”
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Not my image
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 years
Little Bird
Chapter 10
Warnings: swearing, mostly fluff and filler.
Notes: I started reading X-Men shortly after Phoenix died. The mutants in my story mostly look like their characters in the First Class movies. Except Storm- Ororo Munroe is from the comics of the 80's because I don't think any of the movies have done her justice. I think former Super model Iman would have been better than Halle Berry. Storm and Nightcrawler-Kurt Wagner (Rika's brother) were always my favorites. And Gambit- Remy LeBeau from the first Wolverine. Wade Wilson- Deadpool is obviously Ryan Reynolds.
Chere is Cajun term of affection. I'm dating myself again but Dennis Quaid as Remy McSwain in The Big Easy used it and it melted me. He was seriously sexy in that. You know, Jack Quaids dad.
I think that's it. I'm always open for questions and comments.
Rika looked in the mirror to check her hair. She was blonde and tan again with a pale blue vintage 50's style pencil sheath dress with matching blue kitten heels, her hair styled in a low chignon bun. She was pacing her room, waiting to be called down to the press room.
Tony was announcing her officially becoming an Avenger. It had been 2 weeks since the party and most of that had been spent putting together her backstory and creating it online, to ensure the world only had the details they wanted. She was using one of her aliases that was the most generic to blend in. She would officially be Rika Holmes aka Masquerade, 29, California girl, UCLA grad, hacker, expert in hand to hand and mistress of disguise. Plus Clint was teaching her firearms and archery. Fury and the team knew the whole truth but they didn't want Ross or Senator Kelly to find out.
Rika spoke to Remy almost every day on the phone and he had come to visit and take her on a couple of dates. Remy was fun and very sweet, he made her feel so desired but she knew it wasn't anything serious. That's just not Remys way.
Rika had also spent time getting to know Kurt since he was the only family she had if you didn't count Logan, which she didn't.
The Avengers were starting to feel like something. Not family but friends at least. She felt safe and like she could trust them. Mostly.
Rika was still wary of Bucky but was willing to be cordial for the sake of the team.
As she pondered over events of the last few weeks and paced, she heard Friday call her
"Miss Rika, Mr Stark is ready for you" "Thank you, Friday. Please let him know I'm on my way."
Rika took the elevator down, put her shoulders back and walked into the press room to a million flashes.
Tony was speaking "There she is, our new team member. Miss Rika Holmes, aka Masquerade. She is a hacker, skilled in multiple forms of hand to hand combat and Mistress of Disguise. We are very excited to welcome her to the team." He offered a hand to help her up to the podium. Rika smiled and waved. Questions were shouted at her so fast she couldn't keep up. All members of the press were given a folder with the bio that Rika and Nat had created and Tony thanked them all for coming. Next was a reception, giving select reporters the chance to have one on one time with Rika.
While one reporter was grilling her about her personal life and asking if she was sleeping with any of the Avengers, Rika was relieved to see Remy enter the room. Rika looked at the reporter, told him that her personal life was none of his business and excused herself to greet Remy.
Remy gave her a big hug and kissed both of her cheeks "Hello, chere, you look stunning. How's the press treating you?"
"Oh Remy, I'm so happy to see you. Most are ok but the last one was trying to find out who I'm sleeping with." Rika frowned "I don't see what that has to do with my ability to be an Avenger."
Remy chuckled "I'm sorry, chere, but you're a celebrity now and people will want to know. Or he wanted to know if he had any 'super' competition"
Rika fluttered her lashes at him "I don't know, does he have any competition?"
"Aawww, chere, I wish I could whisk you away someplace beautiful and romantic and show you. Unfortunately I'm leaving with your brother and Hank tomorrow, to see if we can find out what Erik Lensher is up to in South Africa. I don't know when I'll be back and contact will be sporadic." He looked at her sadly. Touching her cheek "I'll miss you"
"I'll miss you too, Remy. I've really enjoyed the time we've been spending together." She replied softly
Remy grinned "I don't have to leave till morning" and winked. Rika blushed "I'll get us some champagne, chere"
Loki and Thor made an entrance, like always, and Loki headed straight for Rika. He gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek "Hello, love. How are you? How is your debut?"
Rika smiled at him, "Except for some intrusive reporters, fine. I don't feel any different now that I'm official." She shrugged.
Someone hollared "RIKA!" And she turned to look at the source "Wade! I'm so glad you could make it." She grunted as he swept her up in a hug.
"Wade Wilson, this is Loki and Thor of Asgard. Loki, Thor my friend, assassin Wade Wilson."
Wade grabbed Loki's hand shaking it exaggeratedly, "Not THEE Loki from the battle of New York? That was so hot, I'm such a huge fan of your work."
Loki looked at him "Of course" and pulled his hand back.
Thor gave Wade a crushing hug "The pleasure is ours masked man"
Wade grunted in pain and looked at Rika, wheezing "He seems nice"
Rika scolded him "Wade, Where have you been? I tried to call you about the party celebrating my first mission. Saved a number of mutants that Hydra kidnapped" Rika smiled "Weasel said you were out of the country"
Wade replied "Sorry, there were these gangsters in Spain that couldn't wait. I heard about you being totally BadAss and making the Winter Soldier look like a pussy. I'm so fucking proud. I couldn't have come to the party though, Xavier was there and the last time we met it ended badly. He read my mind and it was just too much for him. It's better for us to stay away from each other"
Rika looked confused "I never heard about you and Charles but I know both of you can be pretty intense."
Wade looked at her "No, you wouldn't have heard. It was like another reality or universe even. But enough about me. Things must be going well if you decided to stay here. Did showing the Soldat up get him off your back? Or did you two fuck it out?"
"Wade!" Rika slapped his shoulder "That isn't going to happen. You sound like Nat."
Wade gasped "Are you saying I sound like THE Natasha Romanoff? The one and only Black Widow? How do you think she feels about men with avocado skin? Can you introduce me to her?"
"Didn't you meet her when you were here with Hank before?"
"I saw her but never met or spoke."
Rika looks for Nat and waves when she finds her "I'm sure she will be thrilled to meet you."
Nat came over and hugged Rika "Welcome to the team, girl. Who's your masked friend?"
"Nat, this is Wade Wilson, another badass assassin and good friend of mine. He wanted to meet you, he's a bit of a fanboy" Rika winked.
"The infamous Deadpool? I'm a bit of a fan myself" Nat flirted
Wade kissed her hand "I can tell you are trouble. Rika, I like her. So, Nat. You must show me some of your moves." Nat and Wade wander off chatting.
Bucky was being a creep, pretending to be involved in a conversation Sam, Steve and Rhodey were having about some mission before he joined the team but he was really watching and listening to Rika and her friends. He watched Nat and Wade stroll past and Wade waved at him flirtatiously, Bucky shook his head.
Remy came back with 2 glasses of champagne and gave one to Rika. "So how long do you have to stick around, chere? When can I steal you away to your room?"
Rika shrugged and looked at her watch "Since I'm the subject of this presser I need to stay until Tony calls it. He said around 4 so maybe another hour."
Remy smiled "You get to just stand around and look beautiful? Have you already had one on one time with all the reporters here? Maybe we should do a lap and make sure you don't miss anyone. Yes?" He offered his arm and they wandered around, stopping here and there to chat until 4:30 when Tony thanked everyone for coming and wished them a good night.
Rika said goodbye to Wade and both made promises to get together soon. He gave her a crushing hug and whispered in her ear "Make sure you bite off a piece of that canjun for me, chere." And kissed her cheek. Rika blushed and laughed.
As everyone headed upstairs a group of delivery drivers showed up with pizza for everyone. Rika and Remy grabbed a couple of pieces and some sodas then went to her room to watch a movie. They decided to have a John Wick Marathon after they ate and Rika showered and changed into some shorts and a tank top. They ate and laughed and cuddled and made out until they fell asleep tangled up together on the couch.
Bucky went to bed after they left the room, grateful that his room wasn't near Rika's so he wouldn't have to listen to whatever they were doing. He took a shower and lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He tried listening to music, then reading, then watching tv. Bucky couldn't concentrate on anything and every time he let his mind wander it ended up in the same place.
Remy woke early and tried but failed to get up without waking Rika. "I'm sorry chere, I have to get going before Hank comes looking for me. I promise I'll get in touch with you whenever I can and I'll see you when I get back."
Rika hugged him sadly "It's been really great. You helped me feel normal again, after all that time with Hydra. Well, normal for us. Be careful and keep an eye on Kurt and Hank for me."
Remy kissed her softly on the lips "I will. Try not to break too many hearts before I get back."
Rika giggled softly "Bye, Remy"
After the Remy left, Rika went back into her room and changed into some workout clothes, sports bra and bike shorts, she needed to stretch and move. It was wonderful cuddling with Remy all night but she was sore from the stress of the press reception and slept so that her neck was aching.
She went to the gym and started her yoga routine on the mat near Nats ballet barre. Relaxing music coming through her ear buds and she stretched and moved.
Bucky was also stressed by the press conference. He wouldn't have even gone but Tony insisted that the entire team be there to show the press they were united in welcoming the new teammate. The reception was even worse because a couple of reporters came at him pretty aggressively, and one was really trying to get in his pants. He hardly slept and decided hitting the gym was the best course of action.
As he walked the hallway he heard footsteps ahead of him and When he saw who it was, wished he had tried to go back to sleep or showered or something. It was Remy, heading to the elevator after leaving Rika's room. Remy greeted him with a grin and a wink "Sergeant".
Bucky gritted out "LeBeau" clenching his left fist. He stopped in the kitchen for a banana to calm the ache in his gut even though he wasn't sure it was hunger. Seems he has already lost but he thought he heard Remy say he was leaving for awhile, at the reception yesterday. Not that he was eavesdropping, couldn't help what his enhanced hearing picked up. He shook his head, trying to clear her from his mind.
When he opened the door to the gym he could smell her, vanilla body spray and a hint of her own musk and sweat. He was salivating, she smelled so delicious. He saw her stretching and going thru the different poses completely fluid, like water.
Bucky just stopped and stared for a moment. Enjoying the beauty of her movement before he realized what a creep he was being, again she seemed to bring that out in him, and went to the punching bag to start working out his stress.
Rika smelled something or more accurately someone while she was finishing her yoga routine. She was already wondering if joining the team was a good idea. Seemed like she couldn't go anywhere without running into him which made it much harder to ignore him. He always had an eager look in his eyes, like he was a puppy hoping for a scrap of her attention. It was a strange change from the animosity he aimed at her in the beginning.
Rika nodded at him "Barnes"
Bucky looked up at her "Rika. How do you feel about your big press conference? I hate those things in general, too many people asking too personal questions. Anyhow, welcome to the team."
Rika smiled softly "It was alright. One reporter asking if I was sleeping with anyone on the team but the rest weren't too bad."
Bucky nodded "Yeah, I saw you with your boyfriend. Or are there two or is it three?"
Rika laughed and shook her head "You're awfully interested in my personal life Barnes. You're not working with that reporter are you?"
Bucky scoffed "Just making small talk. You seem to have a number of suitors considering you haven't been here long."
"You jealous, Barnes? Maybe there's something special about me that they get and you are missing out on. 'Once you go blue, no others will do.' Meh, I'll have to work on that." Rika laughed as she left the gym
Bucky rolled his eyes and watched her go.
@vicmc624 @nash-dara
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anthonyed · 4 years
stevetony + no. 99 (“I fell in love with you, not them.”)? only if you want to, of course. no pressure! :)
ive said this before: i LOVED writing this. hopefully you like cats ♡
Tony says it started like this: 
One afternoon, Tony barged into Pepper’s office because he conveniently forgot how to knock and caught her rolling a miniature lint roller up her suit sleeve. 
She startled with her high pitched, “Oh my god, Tony!” But, Tony was too fascinated by the lint roller that he kept advancing with a singular focus.
“What is that?”
Pepper bristled, “It’s a lint roller. Why are you here? I told you I don’t want to see you for at least four hours.”
Oh. Right. She was still upset about something Tony did during the board meeting. Menial stuff, unimportant, anyway -
“I know what it is, what I meant is, why are you using that in here?”
At this point, he’s close enough to catch the very fine blonde hair stuck on the roller. “Are you trying to bury the evidence of your boyfriend, Miss Potts? Because while that is very thoughtful, I have a feeling he’d be -,”
“It’s not a boyfriend,” Pepper rolled her eyes. “With you as my boss I don’t have such time -,”
Tony on the other hand, while Pepper was talking, snagged the roller from her hand, “This is - This is not - Ah CHO!”
Pepper winced. 
Tony’s jaw dropped. 
“Miss Potts,” he asked, deadly calm. “I thought you read and signed all the clauses when you agreed to be my personal assistant.”
“I did, Mr Stark.” Pepper's lips thinned.
Tony dropped the roller on her table; the miniature thing completing two circles before stopping in front of her.
“Then why are there cat hair all over you?”
Despite what Tony likes to think, according to Pepper it started like this:
"Who is that?" Tony asked, low whisper, eyes like hawk fixed on the blonde man with a pink cap - 
"Oh!" Pepper exclaimed, leaning sideways and waving to catch the guy's attention. "That would be my lunch."
From the cat cafe, Pepper didn't say. Instead, she hurried out of the room to meet the delivery staff before he could enter; didn't want to risk putting the man responsible for her paycheck in close contact with the one thing he's allergic to: cats' fur. 
Now, Pepper doesn't know exactly what Tony thought that day, but when she reentered the room after shoving a 20 dollars bill into the guy's hand, she found Tony to be in some kind of… stupor. 
She stopped where she stepped in. The door closed behind her and she asked, "Tony?"
Tony startled. "Is that your boyfriend?"
"What? No!"
"Is he single?"
"Tony -,"
"Who is he?"
Pepper paused. Then she promptly decided to play hard - because secretly she is a menace and Tony is right. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Fast forward the next day; she saw Happy exiting her beloved cat cafe and entering the limo he drives to drop Tony off at work.
She didn't even hesitate; she pulled open the passenger door and slid into the empty seat.
"Fancy seeing you here," she cocked her head, smiling syrupy sweet. 
Tony Stark stared wide eyed, like he'd been caught red-handed with a cookie jar.  
"Ah HAH!" Pepper pointed at him. 
No matter how much Tony denied: "It is not what you think it is!", don't believe him. 
It was exactly what it was. In fact, that was how it started.
But Steve never talked to Pepper as much as he talked to Tony. So he obviously thought what Tony claims is right.
That the reason the wildly famous Tony Stark started frequenting Bucky's cat cafe is because he loves cats, and the moment he learned his PA had been hiding this cafe’s existence from him, he bribed her with fancy shoes to get the address. 
Happy would say, bullshit. 
But as it is, Happy works for Tony and Tony bribes him with a free sandwich of the day every time they visit the cafe to keep his trap shut. 
(What can Happy do in the face of excellent sandwiches and delicious Caramel Macchiato? They do say it’s hard to get the caramel swirls on top of the whipped cream right, and whoever makes his drink does it perfectly each time. So at least for the love of that talent, Happy keeps his mouth shut.)
So, when Bucky taps the caramel bottle on the counter and grumbles, “Are you gonna ever ask him out?” - Steve blushes the deepest shade of pink and pries his eyes away from Tony.
“Why would I ever do that?” He busies himself with… nothing.
“Uh, I don’t know Stevie, maybe the fact that he keeps coming back here asking for this vile shit," he pauses to press the cap delicately over the large Caramel Macchiato. "Or that he’s giving you pathetic googly eyes all the time?” 
Bucky glares at Steve then he directs that glare at the drink he loathes making the most with all the venom in the world. 
“Wherever he’s putting this cursed thing into," he shoves it at Steve. “Here. Go call for your knight in… whatever the fuck he’s wearing.”
Steve turns to look at where Tony’s sitting; in the far left corner in the back of the cafe; in his pinstripe suit and daisy dotted tie paired with white, also daisy dotted, sneakers and a pair of orange-tinted glasses. 
Alpine - Bucky's white Turkish Angora - sits pristinely on the table in front of Tony looking like she’s giving him a lecture on something - like father, like daughter - while Tony stares right back at her challengingly. 
Liho, who’s Natasha’s favourite kitten (no matter how fervently Natasha denies having a favourite at all) is lounging next to Tony, tail draped lazily over his lap. Mrs Berry in all her tortoiseshell glory, is licking her butt on Tony’s left. Grey Mr Goose is sniffing Tony’s shoes and rubbing up his shin. 
Behind the cash-counter, Steve sighs like the hopeless man he is. Bucky’s bemused gaze bores into him steadily.
Steve bristles, “I don’t see what’s wrong with what he’s wearing.” Because as much as Bucky’s wrong about Tony being interested in Steve in any way, he is right in assuming that Steve is. 
As a matter of fact, he’s balancing precariously between sanity and lovesick insanity and with every visit from Tony, he’s tipping dangerously towards the latter. Fantastic.
“Idiot,” Bucky snorts, turning to the kitchen. "At least ask him to change the fucking order. For fucks’ sake.”
Which leaves Steve alone with Tony, since it’s 8.30pm on a Tuesday and the cafe would never see a slower business hour than that.
Heaving out a heavy sigh, Steve puts the drink on a tray and checks his reflection on the microwave’s shiny surface - courtesy of Phil, their clean-freak coworker - before he moves.
It’s both scary and amazing how each time he makes his way to Tony, his heart would pitter patter and trip in its running behind his ribcage. So is the way he’d inhale sharply, lashes fluttering when they lock eyes and Tony smiles and -
Steve could just die right then and there. 
The first time Steve talked to Tony; he vividly remembers it being a horrible day. 
Everything had gone wrong from when the alarm went off that morning - A series of misfortunate events, and he’d just bribed Clint with a promise of dinner from his wallet in exchange for his extra shirt because an idiot on the freeway had driven through a puddle of rainwater soaking Steve dirty and wet. 
Then, he’d stepped behind the cash counter for his turn at taking orders when a rich-looking asshole in a gaudy get up started yanking on Steve’s already frayed nerves. The man, with his stupid beard and flashy glasses rattled off what he’d probably thought an impossible order.
But Bucky was the barista for that hour and Steve had never come across an order Buck couldn’t whip up till this day. Right then though, he was calmly speckling cocoa dust on a mocha, letting Steve face their new customer who had evidently walked in to test their capability. 
Unfortunately for all parties involved, it was just not Steve’s day.
“Do you want anything else?” He’d asked, after dotting pointedly on the cup. 
Tony had leered at him, saying: “Maybe a little smile for the service,” and Steve fucking snapped.
“I’m sorry. But we don’t serve that for assholes.”
He could see Bucky freeze next to him. Tony, on the other hand, looked fully offended. “Excuse me?” he started, peering above his purple glasses, gearing up for a fight and Steve wasn’t going to back down either - putting the empty cup aside as he inhaled and squared up his shoulders. 
But Bucky broke it off before it could even begin.
“Rogers, go make sure Barton is not ruining my sourdough,” he spoke up, flat toned, and he squeezed Steve’s arm warningly before offering his best smile to Tony. “I’m sorry, sir. We just ran out of cardamom so if you don’t mind excluding that from your order, I could whip it up for you just fine.”
The sudden professionalism was so jarring for both men that they each stuttered out an affirmative response and that was that.
Steve went into the kitchen, finished his shift, put an end to his awful day and he forgot all about the asshole customer. Until a week after when he returned.
“One caramel macchiato with perfected caramel swirl for Happy Hogan,” Steve places the tray in front of Tony. 
Alpine hops down and leaves, bringing her gang with. Tony’s eyes trail after the number of swishing tails, as well as Steve’s. 
“They really do like you,” Steve tells him, turning back to Tony with a teasing glint in his eyes; cheeks straining hard to keep a happy smile inside. "Nobody gets that much attention all at once."
Tony snorts, leaning forward in his seat, and he looks up from the rim of his glasses. "Pretty sure it's an intimidation tactic," he squints his eyes at Steve.
"Whatever for," Steve chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck and he looks down at his feet before looking up at Tony. “Are you gonna stay here longer? I was wondering if I should make yours to go or to have here.”
“Oh,” Tony glances at the tray, “So that’s why my drink is not here then,” he grins at Steve.
“You didn’t even notice.”
“Too busy noticing you.”
Steve blinks, “What’s that?”
“To have here,” Tony declares loudly, his eyes flicker as if they’re hiding something, and his next words come out softer, “If you don’t mind having me here for long, that is.”
Steve’s pretty sure he’s blushing; at least his ears must be the shade of tomatoes in the Spring. At least. “No. I - Of course not.” Could have said, stay forever please but luckily for Steve even his self-deprecating tendency has mercy on him. “Shall we?” He signals.
Tony’s eyes go wide as a saucer. “You’re letting me watch you make it?” And there’s excitement in there, Steve could taste it, even if Tony is trying so hard to keep it contained.
“I mean, we’re not busy now,” he shrugs and the doorbell dings, seeing the only couple who was there out. “And we’re closing in fifteen minutes so…” Steve turns back to Tony, mouth stretching slowly into a smile, eyes twinkling and he could see Tony’s face wearing his reflection as he stands up. 
“Lead the way, fine Sir.” 
Changing opinions is not an easy thing to do; especially those cemented so strongly from first impressions.
Seeing Tony the second time immediately made Steve’s spine tense up. But he’s been on this job for a very long time and he knows how to keep feelings away from his profession. He looks Tony straight in the eyes and beamed at him like sunshine.
“Hello! Welcome to Purricano, what would you like to have today?”
Steve distinctly remembers Tony’s eyes going saucer shape wide that day; two rapid blinks and a slack jaw which required Steve’s arched eyebrows to work. (If you ask Tony, of course he’s going to deny that.)
“You’re smiling today,” he squinted. “Why are you smiling? Do I have something on my face?” His eyes flashed towards the nearest reflective surface and Steve swallowed a bubbling laugh. 
“Except for your fashionable pink sunglasses, I assure you, there is nothing on your face, Mister,” (and your stupid goatee), Steve kept smiling creepily. 
Tony’s eyes grew narrower, and he glanced over his shoulder once - making sure no one else was waiting in line - before leaning close to the counter. He beckoned at Steve with one elegant finger, and he hushed, “Do you really think it’s fashionable?”
And the first bubble of laughter escaped out of Steve’s chest that day.
Never stopped ever since.
Tony makes him happy. There’s no denying in that. 
It’s probably why Bucky keeps pestering Steve to ask him out; because it’s been years since Steve last laughed. Genuinely, and this loud.
“Oh god,” he clutches his stomach, wiping tears from his eyes. 
The horrible latte art Tony attempted stares back with ugly googly eyes when he looks down and he bursts into another fit of laughter. 
He could feel one of the felines’ tail curling around his ankle curiously, and a pair of large green eyes peer up at him longingly with an accompanying pitiful meow.
“Not,” Steve tells her. 
None of the cats are allowed on the counter; even Alpine doesn’t get the pass. But she likes to try the most out of them all. The rest are already settled for bedtime, and Steve briefly thanks his quick wit to flip the sign close on the front door before he starts showing Tony around.
He turns to him with aching cheeks, tingling skin but the remnant of his grin dies when he sees Tony’s face. Something else takes residence in his belly instead; wings flapping neurotically, lifting to fly away.
“What?” he asks, lashes fluttering, breath sticking like glue on the lining of his throat. Because Tony looks dazed, like he’d just witnessed something divine but got no vocabulary enough to describe what was that.
He shakes his head, inhale sounding sharp, and he tries to bury his words under a chuckle but Steve hears him this time. “You’re beautiful.”
Loud like a Church’s bell, echoing even after and Steve’s heart stutters in his chest. Hope, blossoms like Queen of the Night; rapid and shy. Would die with a single ‘no’ from Tony, would probably never bloom again after this, but the hope is heavy as well as pretty; pushes Steve to ask Tony, “Did you mean that?”
Tony’s eyes snap up and Steve could see the same hope growing in them. “Are you kidding me?” he asks, voice high with a nervous tremor and it comes out like a breathy bark. His shoulders come loose, all limbs as well, and he reaches out for Steve before he stops himself. 
Can I? His eyes ask, and Steve takes a step forward. Of course; his gesture screams. Of course, you can.
Tony's hand touches his cheek and Steve thinks maybe this Queen of the night would live to see daylights. 
He shudders, full body. Closes his eyes tight and wills those butterflies in his belly to calm down. He smells Tony before he hears him; spice and a spilled can of cinnamon from just now. "Shh," Tony tells him. "Shh," and Steve sighs into his palm. 
His thumb drags a stripe under his eye, and Tony says, "God, Steve… Can't you see how bad I want you?"
The truth is no. Steve didn't see it. He shakes his head.
"Why'd you think I keep coming back," Tony asks, so close now that Steve swears he could hear the rumble in his chest even if their bodies are not touching. Yet. 
Feeling somewhat more grounded, he guesses, "For the cats?"
And Tony laughs. 
Not just a little but a full hearty laugh that makes him wheeze. 
"Oh no," he splutters, trying to gather himself apiece while Steve's surprise slowly shifts into a scowl. 
"No, no, no," he chants, reaching for Steve again, catching his face with two hands, cupping and Tony's so bright with joy when he presses their foreheads together. 
"Steve, Steve, Steven," he breathes. "Honey, I can’t go near a cat without popping twenty antihistamines."
"I'm allergic to them."
"What?" Steve pulls back. More shocked than surprise now. "But -,"
"It's you," Tony cuts him off, pulling him back by his hips, and he butts his head into Steve’s breastbone. Buries his next words in there; "I fell in love with you, Rogers. Not them.”
And he sounds almost whiny but Steve can see now, why; can’t believe Tony’s been inhaling allergy medications to see Steve - 
“Jesus Christ.” A little frustration seeps into Steve’s own voice as he buries his fingers into Tony’s hair. “I can’t believe you’re allergic to cats.”
A betrayed meow sounded from below and both of them look down to find Liho, gazing expectantly at Tony. “Meow,” she says again. 
“Think you got some explaining to do,” Steve smirks, looking at Tony. As if on cue, Tony sneezes so hard that Liho jumps a foot in the air before scrambling away in fear. 
“Oh uh,” he cups his mouth and nose, blinking at Steve, lost.
And Steve knows it’s bad to laugh, but he couldn’t help it. At least he saves himself with a smooth invite when he’d calmed down. “Wanna wait outside? Let me close the shop and we’ll…”
“Great!” Tony grins at him so prettily and Steve, with his heart fluttering in its cage, leans in and kisses him sweet. 
118 notes · View notes
Saw you were taking a break from this blog so no rush! Just a thought I keep having, since jealous possessive Sooga is amazing. Suppose the boys had Link and Mipha over for dinner and Link is all goo-goo-eyed over Kohga because his cooking is so good? And Kohga of course just keeps making Sooga jealous by feeding Link until Sooga is just "will you two excuse us a moment" while he drags Kohga to the kitchen for the roughest, most possessive quickie of his life XD
Oh this is SUCH a good idea. We love a jealous Sooga here, folks!
“Linkie! Mipha! There’s the little couple!”
Kohga welcomed Kohga with a hug, and graced Link with a nod. Mipha chuckled, ever the bubbly babe as she was.
“Kohga! We’re SO glad you invited us for dinner! I wasn’t feeling like cooking tonight, actually, and Link...always makes too much.”
She gave him a side eye (best she could anyway, looked as scary as a kitten), and he rubbed the back of his head, a bit bashful. Kohga shook his head.
“Oh It’s my pleasure! I’ve been testing out some new recipes lately, I wanted you guys to be the first to try it. Not to mention It’s been SO long since you came to visit! Everyone misses seeing your little fishy face!”
He pinched at her cheek, making her blush something fierce. Ugh, precious little pearl, this girl. He motioned for them to come on in, just in time to catch Sooga setting up the table. He nodded at them, just as he was placing the glasses.
“Lady Mipha. Link.”
That was the best one could do in terms of greeting, at least when it came to a busy Sooga. Kohga had done all the cooking, it’d make sense that Sooga could pick up the slack. Kohga sat down, and Sooga was about to place his glass of wine next to him, when Link sat down right next to him. It was most likely just the fresh bread and butter being on that side of the table, but it didn’t halt Sooga’s jealousy. He huffed. No sense in being rude to a guest, even though the boy lacked manners. He was forced to put his glass next to Mipha’s seat, which he didn’t like. Nothing against Mipha personally, he just...didn’t like small, sweet women. Reminded him of too many things he wished he could forget. Kohga chuckled as he had Sooga pour him a glass of wine.
“Mipha! Are you feeding this boy? He’s already almost done with the damn basket!”
Link had helped himself to all the bread there, essentially licking the butter right off the cloth. Link was a good, brave boy, but his eating habits were just as bad as his gluttony. Not that Kohga minded. Mipha tried to excuse him, but he waved her off.
“Oh don’t say sorry, we love a boy with an appetite! I’ll feed him enough to get him right through winter! Sooga, soup first, please! And uh, another round of bread. Make that two.”
Sooga obeyed, bringing over bowls of soup, and fresh baskets of bread. Sooga insisted he wasn’t hungry, so he more or less came in and out, occasionally sipping his own wine. It was fine with Kohga, given what they had planned for after dinner. Link dug into his pumpkin soup, and he was clearly in love with it, given how he slurped at his bowl. Mipha chuckled, dainty as she ate her own portion. Kohga saw how hungry Link was, and felt almost pity for him. Boy wasn’t just hungry for food, he was hungry for GOOD food.
“Here, give this a shot, it’ll put a dent in your gut.”
Kohga made his own portion of creamy heart soup, and if he must say, it’s the best soup one could ever eat. He scooped a spoonful, before shoving it into Link’s mouth. Link sat there for a moment, before his face nearly exploded. Surprise surprise, Link loved HIS cooking. He more or less abandoned his empty bowl, in favor of facing Kohga, clearly eager for more. Link was full of courage, not table manners. Kohga chuckled, continuing to sit there and feed Link like a misbehaving mutt. Sooga came in with the next course, only to stop for a moment. Kohga was sitting here, spoon feeding Link soup, all while Mipha just sat there, chuckling. How inappropriate of her, not keeping a leash on her man. He cleared his throat as he walked in, setting more food down onto the table.
“Master Kohga, you are reinforcing improper behavior.”
“Oh hush Sooga, the poor thing is so thin! I can’t help it! Look at how he likes my food!”
Link was finished with his bowl of veggie curry in a hot second (as well as Mipha’s leftover portion of soup), and was currently looking at Kohga, clearly eager for more. Kohga chuckled as Link was more or less in his lap at this point, eagerly awaiting more food. To which, Kohga was more than happy to indulge. Mipha somehow didn’t look embarrassed, and Sooga couldn’t understand just why.
“I apologize for his appetite, I swear he had something to eat before we came over. If it’s so much of a trouble, I can-”
“Oh it’s fine, it’s fine! You guys are my guests! Let me feed you!”
Kohga had no hesitation to send Sooga back into the kitchen, continuing to feed Link from his own bowl of poultry curry. Sooga grumbled as he nearly slammed the plates into the sink. Link was always a thorn in his side, and Kohga’s obvious attraction to him only made him want to kick his ass more.
“Stupid. Pest. Nuisance.”
“Sooga! Go get the honeyed fruit, will you? It should still be warm!”
Sooga took it out of the fridge. He stared at the fruits in front of him. Kohga sat there, cooking and peeling these fruits with the freshest of honey, made his own ice cream on the side, and even gathered the honey all by himself. Link didn’t deserve something made with so much love and effort. He contemplated eating the whole plate in petty vengeance, but that would be going against Kohga’s orders. He sighed, and added the cooked fruit onto the plate, with a scoop of ice cream, topped off with even more of that thick, sweet honey sauce. He brought it to the table, and Link’s eyes shone in excitement. Of course he wanted this.
“Here you go, Master Kohga.”
Kohga nodded in thanks, then he picked a wildberry. It was sticky, given how the honey sauce dripped down his hand. Then he gave it to Link. Link accepted it, but the juiciness of the berry made the purple juices run down Kohga’s hand, alongside the honey sauce. Sooga was about to offer him a napkin, when Link had the gall. The NERVE, to hold Kohga’s hand, trail his tongue alongside his wrist, and shove his thumb right into his mouth. He kept it there for a moment, clearly licking up all he could, before he slowly pulled away, drool connecting his hand to Link’s mouth. It took EVERYTHING in Sooga not to slap him across his stupid, slutty face. Instead, he put his hand on Kohga’s chair, nearly cracking the wood.
“Master Kohga. There’s a problem in the kitchen. Please, come with me.”
“Sooga, you can totally handle it, can’t you?”
Master Kohga was LIKING this. Liking the notion of Link’s mouth cleaning him free of that sticky, sweet sauce. Sooga cleared his throat loudly.
“I cannot. Please, Master Kohga. Come. Into. The. Kitchen.”
“Finnnne. Mipha, Link, you guys keep eating, I’ll be right back.”
Kohga pushed himself out of the chair, following Sooga into the kitchen. Sooga slammed the door shut, leaning down to glare at Kohga.
“Don’t think I don’t see what you are up to, Master Kohga.”
“What? Little ol’ me? I’m just having dinner, Sooga!”
Kohga grinned, ducking past Sooga in order to get himself a fresh banana. Once he started eating it, he sat up on the counter. Sooga took the chance to pin Kohga between himself and the countertop.
“You don’t think I don’t see that? The way you’re letting him lick over you like some street dog. You don’t feed ME like that, why is HE so special?”
“First of all, you barely eat. Second of all, I’m feeding my guests. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really matter, does it? If little Linky gets hungry for some meat, why wouldn’t I put it right into his mouth?”
“He does NOT deserve to touch you.”
“I love how you’re SO mad, and SO jealous of me. It’s cute, because you can’t do jack shit, big boy. You can sit there and stew like soup, and you can’t do shit. My big, strong boy, gonna let his man get RAILED by a blonde twunk. Funny, honestly.”
Sooga watched as Kohga polished off his banana, giving him such a cocky, almost stuck up look. Sooga shortened whatever distance they had between them, putting his face RIGHT in front of Kohga’s.
“You really think I can’t do anything? You find me so inept?”
“Sooga, I know you are. Link can kick your ass, and rail mine in less than a few minutes. And you’d just sit there, and watch. Let’s face it, you don’t stand a chance.”
Kohga went so far as to flick the peel at him, teeth shining through his cocky grin. Sooga thought about keeping his cool. Then he thought about the way Link licked at his hand. And he lost. His. Mind. With a growl akin to a wild wolf, he put his hand over his mouth, and SLAMMED him backwards into the counter.
“You are MY Master. No one else’s. If I have to FUCKING show you, I absolutely will.”
Sooga held no hesitation, no mercy as he tore off his clothes, and shoved his cock right into his ass. Sooga was horny as HELL when he was viciously jealous, and Kohga’s ass was just where that anger wanted to go. He kept his hand over his mouth, despite the fact that Kohga grabbed at his hands, trying (rather weakly) to pry them off. It pissed Sooga off, seeing how much Kohga was enjoying his angry, violent thrusts.
“You use your hands, your WORDS to bewitch men. It is a talent that should only be for me. Only I should be for you. Not any other blademaster, not any PEASANT like him. I give you everything. Protection, my love, my COCK,”
He shoved himself extra hard into him, and he heard Kohga cry against his palm. He LIKED this. Of course he did, it was HIM, not Link, not any other man. HIM, and HIM alone.
“Everything you could want. From ME. I won’t let him touch you. Every time you even THINK of pulling THAT shit again, I want you to remember how I’m FUCKING you in this kitchen, with them right in the other room. You don’t do that stupid hand shit with him, you do it with ME.”
Sooga would NOT calm down. He removed his hand from his mouth, and shoved in two of his fingers right into his open, drooling, horny mouth. And Kohga loved it. Kohga was groaning and drooling over them, it only made him angrier. To think, Link wanted to touch this. Link wanted to have what was rightfully his. Moron. Idiot. Thinking he can touch HIS Master Kohga. His cock could NEVER slam into him like this, his cock could NEVER make Kohga as hard as he was right now. One might think Sooga was being too much, abusive even, but they both knew better. Kohga LOVED angry, greedy Sooga. He hated how he didn’t want to share, didn’t want a chance of anyone taking him away.
“No other man can stuff you so full of cum like I can. You want me to prove it? You want me to fucking SHOW you what I can do?!”
Sooga used his free hand to SMACK against Kohga’s ass, digging his nails into his ass, just shy of making Kogha bleed underneath his fingernails. Then he came, dick nestled deep into his ass, and held Kohga down so he could take it all. He stayed put, pinning Kohga down against the counter, making him take every last drop of cum. And when he finished cumming, he ever so slowly peeled his hand away, watching as his fingers dripped with his drool. Kohga’s lips were open, panting, and his whole frame was damn near shaking. Sooga was about to speak, when Kohga sat up, wrapping his arms around his neck and pressing their lips together. It was a wanting, firm kiss, and it damn near made Sooga swoon. He parted after a moment, a smirk at his lips.
“You, are one jealous, jealous boy, Sooga~. I like that about you. You should get jealous a lot more.”
Sooga looked down at the mess he had made. Both of their cum’s littered the floor, and Sooga couldn’t believe just how much he contributed to the mess. Sooga sighed.
“Don’t fool my love making for joy. I will NOT have you touch him. Do you understand me?”
Kohga could swoon. Jealous Sooga had such a deep, sexy voice, it made his legs turn to jelly.
“I’ll behave, I’ll behave~...”
He poked at his chin, leaning up to kiss his nose.
“Especially if daddy is gonna keep being SO mean to me.”
“Sweet words only get you so far, Master.”
He knelt down to graze his teeth against Kohga’s neck, and his weak little giggle only made Sooga FAR more angry towards Link.
“Kohga, Sooga! Is everything alright there?”
“Just fine, Mipha! Be out in a sec!”
Kohga took a hold of his hand, kissing the wet fingers oh so tenderly.
“Teach me another lesson, really quick. MAKE me behave.”
“With Pleasure, Master Kohga. Whatever rids that pest from your mind.”
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
“First Lines” | Tag Game
Hey Y’all I have gotten tagged in this a few times— thank you so so much @auroracalisto @mikaelson-emma and, of course, @hellotvshowtrash— I haven’t had much time to read them and form coherant thoughts but expect some soon. 
So the rules are you post the opening lines to 20 of your most recent fics— or all the ones you have if you don’t have 20— and it kinda just shows who you are as a writer and it’s just fun!
I decided to include some WIP’s— and expose to everyone who is not @activist-af the sheer amount of fics that I start and then set aside. Please enjoy y’all I got a kick out of compiling this list!
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
“Barnes, you’re on protection detail.”
He must be dreaming— he must have fallen asleep with the tv on again. That’s been happening a lot lately; he’s trying to catch up on normal life. On all the shows and movies and music he’s missed throughout the years. He’s trying to catch up. Or maybe he’s just trying to drown out the silence. It doesn’t matter why, to be honest, all that matters is that he is asleep and what he is hearing and seeing are the workings of a bad dream. There was a marathon last night. Yeah, there was. Movies, a few of them. Something about bodyguards. He’s just dreaming about the movies. Right?
(WIP | Persephone’s Symphony | Bucky Barnes)
“Did you pack my dress!” A shrill voice assaults her eardrums as she scurries towards the door.
It comes from a tall, thin, young woman. Her face and fingers are boney, her blonde hair falling in perfect waves down her back. The faintest aroma of honeysuckles and violets wafts off her creamy skin. She is beautiful, her step sister Anna. At least in theory. The sneer on her cherry lips and the hatred in her cerulean eyes, unclouded and accusatory, can’t be hidden by any length of silky dress or ruby lipstick, though. She is ugly, even if just on the inside.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter One | Loki)
The ride to the capitol takes three gruelling days. Each night is spent at a different tavern. It is the same story each time; Estrid and Anna spend the night in a lavish bed and Y/n is left with the horses, curled under her thankfully baggy cloak. It is neither warm nor comfortable, sleeping on the bench seat of the carriage. She never really falls asleep, she only dozes in and out of consciousness. It is almost always interrupted by footsteps or the murmurs of animals or her own mostly empty stomach growling into the night. That one is twofold- usually her stomach is in so much nauseating pain that she cannot sleep but, on the off occasion she can, she is then awoken by the loud roars it makes.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Two | Loki)
“Please Surtr.”
Her voice rings through his ears on a loop, the most beautiful and agonizing melody that he has surely ever heard. She must be magic- something strong and powerful and like nothing he has ever seen before. There is no other explanation. It had been magic when she appeared to him, literally falling into his lap as if out of thin air. He is the god of tricks but even he cannot do that- he cannot make women that smell like flower petals land in his arms at will. He wishes he could- more than anything he wishes he could pluck her out of his dreams and bring her back to him. But he cannot because that was not a trick. That was something else entirely.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Three | Loki)
Y/n’s heart thunders as she gazes up at the glittering golden gates of the castle. If she was not so bogged down with bags she would throw a hand over her brow— a futile attempt to keep her eyes from burning out of their sockets. Do they really have to be this glittery? She thinks they are marvellous, that is not the problem. The problem is that she is not marvelous. Not in the slightest. Not worthy of such magnificent, splendid, rich architecture. She glances down at her simple dress— the loose green threads hanging from the side of the garment— she had meant to fix those— is this really where she must stay? Surely there must be a stable somewhere. A barn for animals like her.
(Posted | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Four | Loki)
“On the balcony,” Frigga calls back, brushing her blonde hair over her shoulders. “We have company!” She adds, seemingly as an after thought— she is too busy pouring wine from a glass feeder into a beautifully ornate cup.
At least, Y/n thinks it is wine. She can smell the fermented berries— sweet and tangy and warming her nose as all wines she has encountered before have— only this wine is a pale violet shade. It is not an opaque rouge, not a barely there chartreuse. Nothing like what she has ever been able to get her hands on by way of bartering or shared celebration. Weddings and births. She takes a seat in one of the golden chairs, trying not to think about how out of her element she truly is. The little details are starting to show though. Not just extravagant pools and marble hallways. Even the food here is luxurious.
(WIP | The Servant and The Prince / Chapter Five | Loki)
She would have never thought it possible. Never. She’s the type to sit at home and crack open a good book. Maybe make a nice cup of tea. Lately she has been finding hibiscus tea to be a nice way to end the night. That’s besides the point, though. The point is that she is nothing like her older sister Jane. She is a dreamer, not a doer. Not a traveller.
Especially not a traveller of space— of foreign planets.
(WIP | Untitled | Loki)
“Are you heading home this weekend?” Lily twirls a strand of blonde hair between her fingers, “Mama told me there’s an event.”
Your best friend lays on your bed as opposed to her own, her legs dangling over the edge. Her eyes are closed, probably halfway to being asleep. It’s been this way since the two of you left for college three years ago, always more in your space than her own. You’re lucky that way, you have a best friend who would follow you across the country if you wanted her to. Honestly, you would do the same. Luckily, though, you decided on only two hours away away from home. Just far enough to find your footing. At least, that’s what you tell yourself.
(Posted | Everything, Everywhere | The Mikaelson Boys)
“Get away from me, Kai!” Y/n snarls, pushing her way through the grill with a huffing witch on her heels.
She had been eating her meal- staring at her meal more like— and trying to ignore the constant buzz of her phone. He was incessant, texting her non— stop as if it would make it all better. After the thirtieth text she had turned her phone off, preferring to look at her food in silence. No text can erase his voice in her head. She means nothing to me.
“Not going to happen, kitten,” Kai purrs, his hand wrapping around her arm and tugging her to his chest, “you’re not going to ignore me.”
(WIP | Untitled | Kai Parker)
New Orleans isn’t all that it was cracked up to be she muses to herself as she winds her way through the tombs. They tower over her, shadowing her with the sins of so many people before her. They’re lonely. That’s all she can think, over and over again. They must be so lonely. There can’t possibly be enough people to visit each of them. There aren’t even any people to visit her, let alone thousands of lost souls. She laughs to herself, a cruel sound breaking through the crashing silence. She is a lost soul.
(WIP | Do You Have A Moment? | Kol Mikaelson)
A little bit outside the city lines of New Orleans, tucked precariously off highway 109, there stands a roadside market. It isn’t too far, nor is it too close; it’s just right, like the porridge in some half assed, uninspired fairytale. It’s nestled perfectly on the edge of the bayou, drawing in just enough business to keep the two girls running it in business. The jam is sweet, the ham is honeyed, and the women have smiles that look a little bit like rain in a drought: necessary for life but too much water on dry soil is a recipe for disaster. It’s all a little bit too perfect. Too clean cut and wholesome. But this isn’t a fairytale, after all. It’s the story of the girl who got away with it and the girl who helped her do it.
(WIP | Hey Tommy | The Mikaelsons)
The Salvatore house has always smelled the same; like oranges and rum. A lot of rum. It is a welcome scent, one that smells almost like home. It will never truly be home, those scents are already reserved in your very essence, but it’s close. You’ll always be happy to walk through their door. Today is no different.
(WIP | Forever and Always | The Mikaelsons)
Kol drags a hand through his hair, his eyes locked on the book in front of him. His eyes wander the page, the corner of his mouth lifting when he skims something particularly interesting. You, too, have a book in your hands but, unlike him, your focus is elsewhere. To be exact, your focus is four feet away, basking in the sun on the lap of one shirtless vamp.
(WIP | Best Friend Things / Part Two | Kol Mikaelson)
“So, love,” a pair of arms snake around your waist, pulling you into a warm chest, “these are the famous pumpkins?”
A familiar blonde head, the one you woke up to this morning, settles against your shoulder. He must be leaning significantly given the fact that he’s at least a good head taller than you. You break the rain spell you had been working on, laying your wand next to your pumpkin starts. That’s the beauty of magic, you can grow in any season. You turn to face Klaus, a soft smile on your face.
(WIP | Pumpkin / Harry Potter Universe AU | Klaus Mikaelson)
The salt clings to her sticky skin, her hair grainy and matted from the surf. Thunder rolls overhead, chasing her through The Cut like. It’s only half past noon but shadows layer the street, casting everything in a dusky gloom. The pavement smells sharp; the rain is coming and fast. She hikes her tote higher on her shoulder and wishes for a moment that she hadn’t dove for as many shells today. She feels like a beached whale with all the dead weight. Business is business, though, and the tourists go crazy for a handmade necklace.
(WIP | Thunderstorm Afternoons | Jj Maybank and John B. Routledge)
She shoves her key into the lock of the Smith’s beach house, turning it with an audible click and smiling when she pushes the door open to the smell of warm pizza and oranges. Try as the boys may, Mrs. Smith’s affinity for essential oils will always prevail over the mass amount of cheap pizza they consume on what is— unfortunately— the daily. She hauls her bag higher on her shoulder, closing the door behind her and thanking the heavens she remembered to pack some of the chicken her mother made for dinner on her way out the door. No Domino's tonight, thank you very much.
(WIP | Sleepovers | The Kook Boys)
“Y/n, darling, come here,” her mother’s sweet voice trickled over her from the front hall, “I have some people I want you to meet.”
She stepped into the hallway, coloured lights pouring over her. It was Christmas time, her favourite time, and everything was extravagantly decorated. Garland lined the grand staircase, there was a tree in almost every room, and, her favourite, holly strung in every doorway. Her house radiated magic, more so than usual, that is.
(WIP | Hufflepuff Princess | Draco Malfoy)
Her feet hit the pavement with careful clicks, her heels— while undeniably killer— a little loud for her taste: a product of her day spent in practice with the other debutante girls. She has to force herself to make her steps light. This isn’t New York, it’s Mystic Falls. Being a southern woman is not a choice; it’s an obligation. A prior commitment she agreed to before she was old enough to truly fathom what it meant. For the most part she loves it— the elegance and refinery, the teatime giggles and flouncing skirts— but the heels? That’s a hard no.
(WIP | Untitled | Kai Parker)
She sighs, her toes burying themselves in the carpet as her arms reach well past her head in a much needed stretch. Her room is dark, the only light coming from her cheap desk lamp. The pounding in her head, for once, isn’t enough to drown out anything that’s happened in the last twenty-four hours. None of this was supposed to happen, it wasn’t supposed to get this far. It was always just a game, wasn’t it? She runs a shaky hand through her hair, her knees wobbling slightly at the thought. Get it together, y/n.
(Posted | The Bet | Rafe Cameron)
Her bubblegum lip gloss attacks him from all the way across the café, cutting cleanly through the aroma of coffee and donuts and sending his heart racing at the obscenely sweet scent. He should hate it. No, scratch that, he shouldn’t think anything of it at all. It’s not in his nature to enjoy things- or to feel things at all, to be frank- but he can’t help it. The drugstore brand, wildly over-scented balm makes his head fuzzy like nothing else.
(Posted | Bubblegum Princess, Cherry Angel | Kai Parker)
I don’t really know who to tag because I haven’t been active these last few days so I am tagging people I have not seen do this yet and if you have just ignore me : @elijahs-wife @draconisxcaput @imaginearyparties @dumble-daddy 
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Professor single dad Harry part 3
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After dinner the twins were back in the Livingroom playing with the kitten as Harry helped his mom to clean up. They could hear the kids laughing and squealing, Anne wishes for a moment Harry could move to her house with the kids, she feels lonely sometimes and she knows he does too, specially when the kids are with Nala.
Harry walks into the livingroom grabbing the kids’ bags, they still have to do their homework, then shower then get ready for bed, by that time they will want a snack before bed for sure. “Alright, lets go” he announces with a heavy sigh.
Jared and Jensen whine “Please daddy, can we stay a bit longer?” they ask in unison with a thick British accent.
“I promise we’ll come back tomorrow, come on” Harry promises looking at his mom while helping Jared to get his little coat on. Anne helps Jensen and kisses his head when she is done.
“and we can make cookies in Dino shapes, what you say?” Anne kisses Jared’s pink cheek.
“Oh wow!!” The twins look at each other excited and Harry can’t help but chuckle. “Thanks mom, now they will not sleep”.
Back at home Harry sits at the table with Jared and Jensen, explaining how to do the activity, they have to cut out some words/images that start with letter “E”, they have glue, scissors and magazines around. Harry stands up to grab a glass of water but after hearing “Jared no!” he turns around and sees he is about to cut a string of his own hair. Jensen little hands are over his mouth. Harry runs to grab the scissors from Jared “You are not supposed to do that. Why were you doing that”
“It’s poking my eye” he explains blinking.
“We’ll get you a haircut, but don’t do it yourself, you could poke your eyes” Harry smiling,  tries to comb his son’s hair with his fingers out of his forehead sitting down with them again, he gets to live the double of adventures, sometimes is fun.
When they finish Harry gives a bath to the boys, they all pretend to be pirates as Harry washes their heads, they make voices and talk about pirates life, he even sings “A pirates life for me”, he wishes he could only be a music teacher, he loves to sing and he is really good at it.
Before bed Harry applies some aloe gel to Jared’s arm, his mom said it helps with almost everything. “Ew..it stinks” Jensen complains scrunching up his nose. “I don’t want to be smelly daddy!” Jared whines worried. Harry promises the smell will go away soon.
They all cuddle in Harry’s big bed watching cartoons, the purple sheets smell fresh and nicely, the pillows are fluffy and comfortable, everything is perfect... perhaps he wouldn’t mind having a beautiful lady with him right there. Both kids are getting very sleepy but they don’t want to leave his side, so he waits until they have fallen asleep and take them both to their bedroom. Back in his room he slides once more in bed but his phone buzzes with a message. For a second he thinks it could be Nala asking for her boys but it’s just a message from the teachers’ group chat on whatsapp. It’s Y/N.
Hi everyone! I’m sorry, I know it’s late but, does someone happen to know which is the email address for sending my lesson plan? I tried the one I was given at school but it’s not working.
Harry smiles reading it, poor girl she might had forgotten to add a letter to the email address and that’s why it isn’t working. No one has replied yet, he decides he should be a nice coworker and send a private message.
Hi Y/N, It’s Harry. The email address is [email protected]
Y/N is biting heir nails as she stares at her computer re reading her lesson plan for next week, she is always anxious when it comes to deliver documents and the fact that the email isn’t working is stressing her. She is sitting right in the middle of her bed and she feels a bit lonely if she is honest, she is a independent , strong woman or at least she wants to believe she is, but she whishes she had someone she could share his day with, don’t get her wrong, her parents were always on the phone ready to hear about her day but she wanted to walk barefoot around the kitchen laughing with her lover as they talk about their day, a buzz from her phone brings her back to reality.
It’s Harry! Her heart skips a beat, he is so good looking, and he texted her, she can’t feel like a teenager, she is the teacher. She reads the message; she had been using the email address.
“Hi Harry, I’ve tried that email but it’s not working”
“Are you sure you didn’t eat any letter, love?”
Love?? How sweet, she can be his love. Not drooling, focus, she reminds herself. She checks the address again [email protected]. It looked good to her until it hit her.. O. “. cOm..”
“Okay…I might have forgotten one letter. Thank you Professor Harry” she facepalms her forehead
“No problem.  And call me Harry”
She didn’t want to stop talking to him, but what if she came off as a creepy weirdo? “Alright. How’s Jared?! Is his arm better? “
His heart feels warm, she is asking for his boy. “He is doing bette, I rubbed some Aloe on his arm. He’ll be fine”
“Great! I’ll see you tomorrow! Night.”
The next morning while the twins get ready Harry makes banana milkshakes for them and some hotcakes with honey and blue berries on top, in contrast he had a coffee and a banana hotcake. Jensen takes a sip of his milkshake before speaking “What are you drinking Daddy?”
“Some Coffee, mate. Why?” he asks confused before taking a bite of his hotcake.
“Can we take some to Miss YN?” Harry chokes lightly, he wasn’t expecting that. “You really like her, huh?. Well, I’ll tell you what, we can leave early and buy her a nice drink from Starbucks.”  He can’t just hand YN a normal coffee mug from his counter with a normal coffee, she can get that at school. They will impress her.
Jensen smiles nodding his head happy, he will get his favorite teacher a Starbucks drink.
The thing is, Harry didn’t know what Y/N like, how was he supposed to order a coffee for her. He ended up asking the lady from Starbucks which drink she would recommend for his lady friend. And that’s how he ended up holding a “Love bean Frappuccino” as he leans in the door frame in his blue suit, checking his watch, it’s quite late and she hasn’t arrived, Jared and Jensen are in the classroom just talking with their classmates as they wait for their teacher.  He really needs to get going to his class. “Alright, boys stay here, I have to go. I don’t want to see you running around. I love you both”
Y/N alarm didn’t go off, why? She doesn’t know and she didn’t care right now, she was late. She puts her hair in a messy bun and adorns it with a nice ribbon, she does her makeup really quick, and gets dress as quick as she can, button up pink shirt with some cleavage,  a nice cardigan and pencil black skirt and some black heels. She arrived at school 5 minutes before the bell ranged, she was walking fast down the hall as she searched for her phone in her purse. Harry is checking his watch again as he walks, neither of them paying attention. Y/N smashes her forehead against something hard, her hands come up immediately and she feels an arm wrapping around her waist tightly. “WOW!” Harry doesn’t know how but he stretches his arm holding the Frapuchino away whilst his other arm came to hold on tightly whatever hit him to prevent the fall. Her hands resting on his strong chest, she can feel his heart beating fast, she looks up shyly and their eyes meet. She is like a doe lost in the green forest of his eyes. She can even notice a ray of sunshine in them, he is so beautiful…his eyes are so hypnotizing.
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Kopi luwak
Word Count: 1115                (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety
Characters: Remus, Virgil, Roman
Rating: T
Warnings: Food mention, violence mention, swearing, remus-grossness
Dukexiety Week: Day 4 - Coffee (shop) Virgil is a tired barista, but sometimes interesting people come in. Like the wily snack who came in with a regular and friend, Roman.
Virgil was used to strange requests at work. The occasional mocha latte without the espresso drove him up a wall—that's just chocolate milk! Of course nine times out of ten it was just a parent trying to appease their kid, which was something he could understand. There were people who wanted ungodly amounts of espresso in their drinks. There was one time an old man wanted 'just coffee' which would be fine except there were some simple options he could have been a little nicer about—"dark roast or medium roast?—dark roast tastes stronger, that's all—do you want regular, half, or decaf?—Sir, I would rather be sure that I don't give you anything that could cause heart problems—it's a precaution I take with most everyone—Would you like milk?—no sir, if you want I can offer you a pitcher so you can add what you want." 
Difficult people loved the cafe during his shift and he had no idea why. It was quiet for the first time in forever, and he was busy wiping down the equipment when two people came in. One was a regular, and a pain in the ass, Roman, but at least he was patient. The other person looked like him, but with a mustache and a less preppy style. He wasn't half bad. 
"Virgil, my darling storm cloud!" Roman sang as he approached the counter. Virgil forced a smile at the dramatic dork in his stupid Hawaiian shirt and loafers. At least the other guy cringed for the both of them. 
"Hey, Princey, the usual?" Virgil asked hopefully. Roman shook his head, nearly sending Virgil into cardiac arrest. A medium coffee, ⅔ regular, ⅙ half, and two shots of espresso with almond milk and three strong pumps–not two, not four–of caramel, topped with whip, chocolate syrup and caramel sauce. If that specific wasn't what he wanted, it was usually worse!
"I would like it on ice this time. No need to fret," Roman said apologetically. He knew he was needy. 
"Will that be all?" 
"Do you have any cat poop coffee?" the other guy asked loudly. Roman cringed and inched aside. The other guy, who was in a studded vest, neon green Tripp pants, and a spiked collar, moseyed up to the counter and leaned on it, showing off the tentacle tattoo on his arm and his studded bracelet. He was really cute.
"Does this hole in the wall cafe look like it could afford to sell kopi luwak to you?" Virgil asked far too sweetly. 
"No, not really, but they've gotta have some funds to hire a snack like you!" 
"Remus!" Roman yelped, "No flirting with my exhausted friends! Virgil doesn't need your brand of indecency!"
"So that's what this version is called," Virgil grumbled, letting his smile fall. 
"Yup! I'm the sexy version of this loser!" 
"I'm the version Mom loves." 
"Ouch," Virgil winced. 
"She sure does! Who doesn't like having a dog instead of a kid!?" 
"She certainly prefers having a kid to an  edgy little bitch!" Roman retorted. Remus flipped him off and turned his attention to Virgil. 
"Since you don't have any kopi luwak, and I doubt you're on the menu, what would you recommend for a trash disaster who needs low caffeine?" he purred and fluttered his lashes. 
"Some kind of herbal tea, iced and sweetened." 
"Sweetened? But you're the kind of eye candy that could rot my teeth! You can have them if you want." 
"Just what I need for my collection," Virgil droned sarcastically, completely dropping his customer service schtick. Roman winced, well aware that the customer service voice was the only thing keeping them safe. 
"You have a collection?! You should definitely show me before dinner!" 
"Are you asking me out?" 
"Yeah! Glad you caught on!" Remus beamed. Roman's face fell. Remus was pushing it and he knew that if his idiot brother kept this up, Virgil would spit in their drinks or worse, mess them up. 
"I'm working, try ordering something instead," Virgil responded with a teasing lilt to his voice that was so slight Roman missed it. 
"Okay, a medium iced tea—your favorite!" 
"So one iced caramel staircase and a medium iced Scary Berry tea with lemonade, sweetened. Anything else?" 
"Your number." 
"Not on the menu." 
"That will be all, Virgil," Roman said hurriedly and paid with a card. Virgil shrugged and motioned to the end of the counter. 
"When you said you wanted coffee, you never told me there'd be a snack behind the counter!" Remus giggled while they waited. 
"I swear if you pissed him off with that stunt and he messed up my coffee because of it, I will kill you." 
"You don't want to go to jail for murder," Remus cooed and batted his lashes. Roman growled and grabbed him by the vest. 
"If you get me kicked out of the only coffee shop in town that manages to get my order right every time, you'll wish it were a simple murder." 
"Iced staircase for the murderous princey," Virgil said and slid him his drink. Roman cautiously took a sip and relaxed. Remus didn't ruin him.
"And an iced Scary Berry for the skunk," Virgil said and slid Remus his drink. It was blood red and bubbling slightly. Remus took it with a bright grin and took a sip. Okay now that was good! 
"Ooh now I know I have to come back! Thanks Scare Bear!" Remus cheered. Virgil leaned over the counter on his forearms and stared at Roman, waiting for something. 
"Oh, right! Thank you Virgil! How could I forget to say that! No matter, farewell!" Roman rambled and dragged his brother out of the shop. Remus could have sworn Virgil winked at him as they left. 
"Mom doesn't want us home before dusk. I was thinking about maybe visiting that one store—" 
"Where to next?" Remus asked between long sips. Roman shrugged and walked along the main street without much thought. 
"With the lingerie and the—?"
"Yes, that store. Patton has a birthday coming up and I thought it would be a good place to find a gift for my sweet kitten." 
"Gross!" Remus laughed and shoved him lightly. He held up his cup and stumbled when Roman shoved him back. 
"Holy shit!" Remus shrieked, causing Roman to spin in a panic. He didn't push him that hard! But Remus wasn't hurt, far from it. He was cradling his cup with glee. 
"What is it?" 
"I got his number! And he drew a scary bear on it!" Remus squealed, "He actually gave me his number!" 
"There's a first time for everything," Roman shrugged, secretly thrilled for his trashy little brother.
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typhlosion-teeth · 5 years
sweet beginnings [raihan x reader]
This is some straight up fluff with our favorite dragon boy. ;) Based in the same timeline as my other scenario, Sunday Morning, although this one takes place earlier! I hope you enjoy. 🐉🧡💕 If you have any comments or think I should start a tag list, always feel free to drop me a message! I love hearing from you.
Another yawn escaped your mouth as you pulled open the top drawer of your dresser and rummaged for some socks. You began tossing your selected pairs into the open suitcase beside you, hoping that they all mostly matched. You didn’t mean to leave packing until the last minute, really you didn’t, but sometimes your warm blankets just didn’t want to let you go. Your Skitty was doing his best to help your endeavor by sitting on top of your laundry pile and meowing every so often in encouragement.
At least, that’s what you assumed he was doing.
Once your clothes were mostly selected, you dragged the suitcase to the living room and headed to the bathroom to pack your toiletries as well. You didn’t get very far before your doorbell rang. Your doorbell? At this hour?
You opened the door to your apartment and came face to face with Raihan. He grinned at you in greeting. The two of you had become fast friends when you moved to the central city a few months ago, but for some reason it surprised you to see him at your doorstep. Surprised, and yet thrilled you all the same.
“Morning!” He said, his bright blue eyes meeting your gaze. “I hope I’m not intruding too early?”
“Oh, no not at all!” You replied, finding it easy to return his grin. “Good morning to you, too. Did you want to come in?”
“Actually, I came to see if you wanted to grab breakfast with me. I’m in the mood for a big, decadent pastry down at the cafe, and it’s always better with company.”
“You know, that sounds amazing!” You replied, but at that moment your Skitty tugged on the leg of your pants, pointing with his tail and meowing at the mess of a suitcase on the living room floor behind you. Frowning slightly, you crouched down to scratch behind his ears. “We can finish packing when I get back, okay? It won’t take too long. I’ll even bring you home a treat!”
That seemed to satisfy the pink kitten, who squeaked and ran in a quick circle around you. The guest at your door gave you a curious glance as you stood up again.
“Packing?” Raihan questioned. “Are you going away somewhere?”
“Yeah, for a little bit.” You said, sliding your shoes on and grabbing your bag from the table. “I can fill you in over a big, tasty pastry.”
“Deal.” The gym leader nodded, stepping back so you could close your apartment door.
The walk to the cafe was easy, peaceful and comfortable with Raihan by your side. The sun was still working its way up in the sky, and many inhabitants of Hammerlocke were still in bed. Pidove cooed and chattered from the rooftops, and a few older townsfolk were taking their Yamper for a walk by the railway station. As you approached the building, the scent of coffee and sweets reached your senses and you realized how hungry you really were. Raihan opened the door for you with a slight bow and a wink, and you giggled as you stepped in.
There were a couple other patrons with their morning coffee, talking softly while piano music wafted through the air. The Milcery at the counter chirped excitedly as you approached, alerting the cafe owner to your presence.
“Good morning! Hey there, Raihan. The usual for you?”
“Yeah, please.” He said with a nod. When he turned to you, you were already looking through all the treats in the glass case. Raihan laughed. “Our real goal today is one of these beauties.”
“They’re all fresh from the oven this morning.” The owner said proudly.
Raihan crouched down to look in the case with you. “Which one are you feeling?”
“I think I might have to go with the strawberry danish.” You pointed at the pastry in question, glistening with fresh red berries and white drizzled glaze. “And a green tea.”
“Got it. One strawberry, and one cinnamon apple danish. And a nice hot tea.” Raihan told the man behind the counter. You straightened up and went to reach for your wallet, but your companion took your wrist gently. Looking up at him, you saw his face light up in a smile. “Ah-ah. My treat.”
You attempted to disregard the blush on your cheeks as his touch lingered on your skin.
“Thanks, Raihan.”
“No problem.” He only let go of you to pay for breakfast, and the place on your wrist that he came in contact with tingled slightly.
You selected a cozy table in the corner of the shop, settling down with a comfortable sigh. It wasn’t long before another staff member delivered your drinks and pastries to you, which the two of you accepted with thanks.
“So, tell me about this trip of yours.” Raihan said, looking at you over the rim of his coffee cup. “Vacation?”
“Nothing like that.” You answered, lifting your fork to take a bite of your danish. It was incredible. “I have to head back to my hometown for a little bit. The professor that I used to work with there has research for me to pick up. It’s not really anything that pertains to me, but I need to deliver it to Magnolia so she can begin reviewing it. More of a favor to an old friend than actual work, but it will be nice to see those old friends again for a little while.”
Your companion nodded, finishing his own bite of pastry.
“Makes sense to me. At least you’ll have a nice time while you’re getting it done. Do you miss your hometown a lot?”
“I miss it, yeah. I mean, I love it here in Galar, but nothing’s quite like seeing the place where you got your start, you know?”
“I’m sure your Pokémon will be happy to adventure with you too.” Raihan grinned.
“Oh, you bet. Especially Skitty, he will run through the grass any chance he gets.”
“Say...” The gym leader suddenly looked very shy. “While you’re off doing that errand, would you mind doing one for me at the same time?”
You were surprised at his inquiry, but you supposed he didn’t have quite as much time to get things done in his daily life. You were happy to help out a friend, after all.
“Yeah, sure. What do you need?”
“Well, I have a Pokémon egg that I found, and I want it to hatch. I know I could just incubate it with a fire type Pokémon for a while at home, but I think it would be better for it to spend time with you on your trip while it grows. Make it strong with the energy of the world and other Pokémon, yeah?”
“Oh that’s easy!” You clapped your hands together. “I can keep your egg with me while I’m away. Whatever’s inside will grow up to be an adventurer.”
“Awesome.” Raihan said, looking relieved.
The two of you continued to chat for the better part of an hour, taking your time with your breakfast on this easy, comfy morning. You learned a bit more about your gym leader friend, and in turn shared more about yourself. Before you left the cafe, you were sure to pick up a biscuit for Skitty, which Raihan also insisted he buy for you. Afterwards, he walked you back to your place, and before going inside, you turned to him.
“Thank you again for breakfast! We will have to do that again when I get back next week.”
“Sounds good to me.” Raihan beamed. “When are you leaving? I can bring the egg to you before you go.”
“About 5 this evening. I’ll be taking the train out at 5:15.”
“Perfect. I’ll meet you at the station tonight. Don’t forget!”
“I won’t.” You laughed and waved to him, letting yourself in your front door. Skitty was at your feet in seconds, meowing excitedly. You made your way into the living room and handed him his biscuit, which he nibbled on immediately.
You felt your smile linger all day, even as you finished packing your suitcases.
Once 5 o’clock approached, you gave your room one last glance around, making sure you didn’t forget anything. Skitty perched himself on your shoulder as you locked up and made the train station your next destination.
As promised, Raihan was waiting outside the station for you. Although you noticed that he was wearing a different outfit than his usual hoodie and shorts, probably to deflect attention from the townspeople and fans. His expression brightened as he saw you approach.
“Time to head out, huh?” He said as you stood beside him. You nodded. He reached into his bag and gingerly handed you a green Pokémon egg. It was warm in your hands, and you held it close protectively. “I can’t wait to see how this turns out.”
“Me too!” You agreed, nodding. “Surprises like this are so exciting.”
The announcement system chimed and declared that the train would be departing in 10 minutes.
“Guess that’s your cue.” Raihan nodded towards the clock. “I also have this for you.”
He reached into his pocket and produced a cleanly folded up note. You reached to take it for him, but before he let go, he gave you a sly smirk.
“On one condition. You can only read this after the egg hatches. Okay?”
While it was a strange request, you agreed all the same. It added to the mystery of the egg hatching!
“Okay. No peeking until this baby comes out of its egg.” You giggled and tucked the letter into the front pocket of your bag. “It’s a deal.”
“All right. Now go on, we don’t want you to miss your train!” The gym leader pulled you in for a hug, being careful not to crush the egg you were holding gently. You shifted your grip so you could at least wrap an arm around his neck. He was warm, and he smelled so good - like juniper and bergamot. You willed yourself to let go and bid him farewell.
“Safe travels!”
“See you in a week!”
You noticed that he saw you off until the train safely rolled out of the station. You wondered if he saw you watching him through the window as well.
Being back in your hometown was just as great as you expected it to be. You visited your family, caught up with some old friends who wanted to hear anything and everything about the Galar region, and of course stopped by the professor’s lab to retrieve the research you needed.
All with Raihan’s egg nestled safely in your bag.
Those you met with all speculated what they thought it could be. He is a dragon tamer, so maybe a Dratini? No no, that’s too obvious, maybe something unusual like an Alolan Meowth? If you want unusual, what if it’s a Girafarig?
The amount of possibilities just about made your head spin. Your friends had fun guessing what they thought it would be, but you were more than happy to wait to see it with your own eyes.
Which happened much sooner than you expected.
You were walking on a sunny afternoon only a couple days after you arrived home. Skitty was cheerfully at your heels when he wasn’t chasing the Butterfree or rolling in the soft green grass of the route you were traversing. You smiled as you watched him, greeting the other trainers along the way and engaging in a few friendly battles.
It was then you started hearing a crackling sound coming from your bag. You stopped in your tracks, joining Skitty in the grass as you sat down cross legged and held your bag in your lap. The egg was shaking, cracks beginning to web across the surface of the spotted shell.
“It’s time!” You said excitedly as your pink kitten sat attentively beside you, just as eager to watch. Taking the egg from your pack, you set it gently in the grass and watched it rock back and forth with more energy. More cracks formed, and a piece of the shell fell to the ground. From the hole you could hear little squeaks as the Pokémon did its best to enter the world. You cooed words of encouragement, and finally the shell split down the middle and two halves fell to the side.
Before you sat a small, glistening red Applin. Its eyes gazed up at you innocently, and you felt the widest smile spread on your face.
“Hello, little one.” You said softly, holding out your hand. The Applin nudged your fingers happily with another joyous chirp. You could tell by the light mottled color that it was a female, and her nature already seemed to be quite curious. She hopped over to Skitty, who booped the apple gently with his paw. You took this moment to take Raihan’s letter from the pocket of your bag, unfolding it and noting that it was handwritten, beginning with your name.
Surprise! I bet you weren’t expecting it to be this little guy. (Or girl. You’ll have to tell me which it is.)
Truth is, I knew what was inside this egg all along. I have a pair of Flapple down at the Daycare and this egg came from them. Believe it or not, despite how open and outgoing I can be on a daily basis, I can be a little... nervous. When it comes to certain things. Which is why I hatched this amazing plan. (Hatched!! I know, I know, I’m hilarious. ;)
You know about the tradition in Galar, right? That presenting someone with an Applin is a token of romantic affection, and if they accept the offering then your relationship has been blessed with good luck and longevity? Well. I wasn’t entirely sure I could give you Applin in person without my heart giving out in nervousness, and I knew you would be traveling with your team, so. Ta-da! Pretty good for something put together in a day.
I like you. A lot. And I’m really hoping I’ve been reading the signs right that you might like me too. The Applin is yours no matter what, but it is my wish that the old tradition worked for this lonely little gym leader, and you’ll honor me with an official date when you get back home to Hammerlocke.
You set the letter down in the grass and turned to the tiny apple Pokemon beside you. She cheeped curiously, coming up to nudge against your leg. You picked her up with a smile, warmth blooming in your chest in a way you had never felt before. The dragon tamer was absolutely right - you had feelings for him that were growing stronger every day.
“He really is something.” You said to the Applin with a smile. Her tail wiggled happily as you set her on your shoulder and reached for your Rotom phone, tapping on Raihan’s number and letting the device hover in front of you for a video call. It rang a few times before the gym leader answered, his bright blue eyes and iconic smile nearly glowing as he saw your face on his screen.
“Hey, you!” Raihan greeted. “How’s your trip been? Are you still-”
You saw the very moment his brain registered the Applin sitting on your shoulder, and the rest of his sentence went forgotten. There was a brief pause as he swallowed thickly, scratching the back of his head with a nervous, yet giddy, smile.
“Looks to me like that egg of yours hatched.” Raihan said, testing the waters.
“It sure did,” You confirmed. “Isn’t she precious?”
“Ah, so it’s a little girl after all! What a cutie.”
“And, as promised, I read your note only after she hatched.” You shifted a bit, feeling your fingertips tingle with sheer delight. Raihan was nearly pressed against his phone, trying to rein in his anticipation. Feeling your cheeks grow warm, you glanced away for a moment while you continued. “I had heard about the Applin tradition in passing when I moved to Galar, but I wasn’t sure if it was something that people still did, or a thing of the past. But now I can see it’s still very much alive.”
“Yeah,” Raihan breathed out. “It’s not terribly common, but I’ve always thought it was sweet.”
“It is.” You looked back at your phone, meeting his blue eyes through the connection. Taking the Applin into your arms and holding her safely against your chest, you let your true grin show through. “And I accept. I would love to go on a date with you.”
The gym leader let out a sound of pure relief, a hand going to the side of his face as he mirrored your smile.
“I was getting worried there for a sec. I wasn’t sure you were going to say yes!”
“Oh, I knew I was going to say yes as soon as I finished the letter.” You laughed. “But maybe I wanted to see you sweat a little bit first.”
Raihan wrinkled his nose playfully. He asked you about how your traveling was going, and you told him all about the encounters you found among the different routes and cities. By the time you got to the end of your tale, the sun was beginning to set behind you. You desperately wanted to continue chatting with Raihan, but you knew you needed to make it to the next town before nightfall. Your conversation wound down to a quiet moment, and the two of you said your farewells. Reaching down to tap your Rotom’s phone screen, the gym leader spoke again.
“Hey,” Raihan said quickly, before you hit the end call button. You hummed, tilting your head. “Thanks. I mean, just.. You make me really happy. And I’m thankful for that.”
“You make me happy too, Raihan.”
He let out a little laugh, as if hearing you say his name was the best thing in the world.
“G’night, sleep well.”
You ended the call and your Rotom phone flipped back to the home screen. You nodded towards your bag and it nestled itself into the side pocket as you stood up. The Applin chirped again, blinking up at you.
“I’m going to have to think of a great name for you.” You told her as you picked up your things. Scooping the apple Pokémon into your embrace again, you headed towards the inn on the outskirts of town. There, you could settle down for the evening and start brainstorming the best date locations around Hammerlocke.
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Modern day Aveline de Grandpre is a big ol lesbian that either drives a Jeep or a truck and has no self control and her jock bff Connor is at least 90% of her impulse control
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Y’all can fight me on this
 “Are you two going to kiss, or what?”
Aveline almost slams the front end of her beautiful Jeep-sophine into the rear end of a truck in front of them, almost choking on air. She pulls over, on to the side of the road, dark eyes glaring over at her taller best friend who stares down at her with the most innocent of eyes he could ever muster.
Bastard. “Do you not know how to keep out of my business, Connor?”
“Maybe.” the taller man shrugs his broad shoulders, a sort of quizzical yet neutral look upon his face; but the woman knows that her best friend is snickering underneath that facade of his. He’s just super good at hiding it. 
Damn him. “I am only asking because we have known one another for many years and you are obviously in love with Y/N to the point it drives me insane, and if you are not going to kiss her then I wil- ow!” the man lets out a small hiss at the rough punch the woman dealt to his elbow, before falling silent as she drives her way back on to the Boston roads, both of them ready to scream at anything and everything that moves. “What?” Connor hisses out. “You know that I am right.” “Fuck off.”
“Legally I cannot, seeing as we’re going at least sixty miles an hour in your car and if I jump out of the car, I will certainly die-” 
“If you do not shut the fuck up, Connor, I will kick you out of my jeep and run you over myself.”
“But then I will not be able to bake for you anymore.” 
Aveline opens her mouth for a moment, then closes it, grumbling as her eyes were kept trained on the road ahead. Connor was right though, and while she knew that he was kidding with his threat of himself kissing the tiny woman, she knew that he would just do about anything to get them together. A kind man, and her best friend no doubt, but curse his persistence. “Where is this bakery you mentioned?” she questions him after a moment of silence between them, the taller man glancing down at his phone for the GPS. “A few more minutes. I promise you that they are good, Aveline. Do not be so worried.”
She only answers him with a hum as they turn left, according to the directions murmured by the device parking at the lot in front of the store. The woman marches into the store with her friend behind her, but Connor had busied himself with greeting the friendly bakery kittens, cooing over all three of them with their mum. Aveline would greet them later. She instead surveys each of the wares, humming in deep thought. “Can I help you?” The sweet old lady questions, having to stand on a stool to peer over the glass cases that held the pastries. How cute, it’s just like Y/N and her need to stand on top of everything to reach something.
The thought brings a gentle smile to her face, spreading across her lips in an unconscious effort. “Ah, I know that look.” the baker lady smirks from her position across from her. She hums and giggles in her own sage-like way. “You getting something for your boo?” 
“Well…” Aveline begins to say, the grin fading into obscurity, a feeling of shame. “Not exactly.” “Ah, a confession then? We do those a lot here.” the woman lets out a hum, hopping down from her stool to stride over to the counter in her wobbly steps. Aveline follows in her footsteps, pausing at the countertop when there is a snicker from the lady. “From what I can guess, is your boo shorter than you?” “Yes...how did you know?” 
“Pssh, comes with the territory, dear.” she rubs her hands together in anticipation, a twinkle in her eyes. “Now, what are you planning to do to confess to this person?” “She loves flowers, and has researched extensively on the language of them.” Aveline pauses in her words, refusing to continue as she brings a hand up to her head, where a pin of a tulip crafted out of yarn and beads lay. “She claims roses are overrated, and prefers tulips.” she remembered walking in on Y/N one day, her nose in yet another giant book about flora and fauna. 
She remembers her eyes lighting up the moment their eyes caught one another, beckoning the taller Frenchwoman to her secret corner in the library and curl up beside her, sharing the book on both of their laps and reading it together. Shoulder to shoulder, oh so close, hands always ghosting over each other whenever they try to move and turn the page. 
And then they began talking about the flowers they read, before delving into the topic of favorites and their meanings. Y/N always stuck by her love and adoration for tulips and irises, knowing that when combined it’s a message and a declaration of love. 
The way her eyes shimmer and shine and her lips curl up into a sweet smile caused her heart to shudder and stutter every time she sees it. 
“Ah, I see…” the old woman’s words brought Aveline out of her reverie, writing down scribbles on a notepad. “What else can you tell me about her, dear? What does she like to eat?” “She eats fruit to destress, berries are her favorite.” 
Aveline always brought her lunch whenever she could, with a small carton of strawberries or mangoes or peaches or whatever she knew that Y/N liked. When she eats something she loves, she always lets out a small squeal of delight, her foot rapidly tapping against the floor like a dog who has its favorite spot scratched; a little puppy, full of love and oh so sweet as the fruit she devours. 
Y/N is never without some sort of fruit flavored boba tea or her all time favorite avocado smoothies from Vietnamese restaurants; and one time Aveline decided to bring some banh mi and a smoothie to her and oh...oh. Never had she seen her light up like that. With a face and expression that rivals the sun itself. 
Again the woman hums, further writing things down on the parchment. “Anything else? Colors? Hints of things she likes?” “Poetry.” her hand subconsciously went straight to her purse, leather and designer. Inside held her wallet, inside held a poem that she kept close to her heart. The first poem that Y/N had ever given her, sealed with ink and stickers of Sanrio mascots. “She also loves the Sanrio characters, like Hello Kitty and My Melody.”
“Sounds like a sweet girl.” the old lady rips the sheet out of its glued position, “Give me a minute. I know just what to give her.” and with that, the woman skips her way into the back, humming with pride.
Aveline blinks, curious as to what this woman could come up with. She had heard from Connor that this special place has a knack for making the right dessert for the right occasions. And she wanted to see if it was true.
Instead, she goes off to occupy her time with Connor and the trio of kittens and their mum, cooing and purring in delight. 
“Done!” the happy ring of the baker’s voice caused six heads to turn towards her, the woman who held a box of cupcakes in her wrinkled paws. “My masterpieces!” Both of them stride over to the woman, gasping at the decorations she placed upon each of the cupcakes.
A flower out of berries and fruit.
Rose, tulip, iris, sunflower, and more, a sextet of edible flora. “It’s perfect! Thank you!” Aveline hurriedly pulls her wallet out of her purse, ready to shove her credit card into the hand of the woman before Connor slid his own towards the baker. “What? Connor?” The man shrugs, smirking. “It is on me, Aveline.” he says, bumping their shoulders together. “Come on, we should get going. Her lunch time is almost going to start!” 
The bag containing the cupcakes in hand, Aveline smiles as they rush out to the car, her heart lighter and full of confidence.
With these cupcakes in hand, surely...surely, she will be able to announce her feelings to Y/N at last.
Who wouldn’t want to be confessed to with cupcakes, anyway?
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thestarkerisobvious · 4 years
The Ghost Of Peter Parker
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inspired by the amazing art work by @starker-sorbet​        
A snugglefic for @mrstarksbabyy​
With great thanks for the betaread by @mrstarksbabyy
It was a strange idea, that in March, Peter was still embarrassed by getting an erection around Tony.
Now, on the first day of April, Peter longed to worry about something so simple.
He clung to Tony’s neck, weeping in relief that he didn’t have to decide whether or not to kill Mr. Lovelace.  That decision had already been made by a scolding he had given Tony when he was 15.  He didn’t even know Tony had been listening. 
Tony held him close, not even feeding, rocking him and smoothing back his hair.  He sang very softly, something that might have been Portuguese.  But when he
 tried to kiss Peter’s tears away, Peter objected.
“Don’t take my sadness, I don’t want to forget this.  I need to remember what we’ve… what I’ve done.”
“There are many ripe berries on this bush, sweet Master.  Let me pic a few,” Tony murmured. 
For a while Peter thought he might never want to move.  He was being cradled in Tony’s arms like a baby, being held close, his face kissed.  But as time passed he began to feel silly, so he pushed his way out of Tony’s arms and wiped his face dry with the back of his hands.  “Okay, so killing him is out.  What are we going to do?” Peter asked calmly.
Letting Tony take the edge off his guilt and panic helped quite a bit, Peter realized, as he and Tony strategized, Peter leaning against Tony’s chest, Tony feeding from the vein in his wrist.
“There are at least 4 more cats in the barn, if you can catch them.  I think they know they’re food now…
“They cannot escape me,” Tony said, looking up from Peter’s wrist with an eerie smile.
“…and at least three owls in the barn, maybe four.  But they’re very small.  If I feed you now, and you get to them the moment it gets dark, is that enough for this?”
Tony shook his head and looked up, kissing Peter’s hand.  “I cannot tell,” he said, keeping his lips next to Peter’s fingers.  “First, give me permission to sleep in the ground if I must, and I will return to this room when I am able, but I may needs rest in the darkness for many nights.  Mayhap I may speak to you in dreams.  But if you feed me every night, the way you fed me at Mabon, it will suffice.”
Peter sighed.  “I’m going to have to join 4H and start raising goats, aren’t I?” he mused as Tony went back to sucking on his wrist.  “Wait that probably won’t work – I’d flunk 4H if all my goats mysteriously died.  Rabbits.  I’ll have to convince May and Ben we can really raise rabbits.  Then just act surprised when they turn up missing…”
Tony’s smile was unreadable.  His eyes wandered down Peter’s chest.  He lifted his mouth and he looked as if he were about to say something, but changed his mind, and returned to feeding.
“Look Mr. Lovelace killed his wife with his 44, that’s what Miss Drury said Missy said.  He has a 44, his gun from the army, a long hunting rifle he was taking walks with.  And we already know he can kill a dog from 40 feet away with the rifle  That’s how John Wickam’s dog died.  Mr. Lovelace denied it, but the Wickam’s saw it happen.  That man is crazy, but he’s a damn good shot.
“Miss Drury called Aunt May to let me know Missy was okay.  She was surprised that I didn’t know about it… Miss Drury is, I mean.  Missy said she saw me last night.  She said I didn’t even talk to her, but pointed her to the road she was to meet Miss Drury on.  When she said she was scared to walk down it I held her hand until we saw Miss Drury’s Rabbit’s headlights.  She said I must have been sleepwalking because I never spoke.  Miss Drury said it must have been her guardian angel.  All I know is Aunt May spent the next 20 minutes explaining how no one in our family sleepwalks…”
Tony licked a long, slow stripe up Peter’s wrist, then kissed it tenderly, meaning he was finished feeding.  Then he turned and looked into Peter’s eyes, bringing their foreheads together.
“You told me to take her fear.  You told me to consume it completely.” 
“It was you?”
“She fled to Chimney Hill.  She has no fear of that place.  She has forgotten the story of Tom Dylan, but she remembers that Laura Foster once lived on Chimney Hill.  Then, from the hill to the dead oak, and from the oak to the lake, there was full moonlight.  She no longer fears darkness.  But past the lake, under the trees, she was blind.  She was afraid.  I took it all.  But when she came in sight of the house, she feared to pass.  She still fears the house.  I met her at the path to point her the way.  I knew what you wished.  I showed her nothing frightening.  I showed her you.   
“But she would not take the road east.  She said she was too afraid.  She asked if I was the ghost of you.  But when I smiled at her, and held her hand.  My hand was warm.  She came with me down the road.  Pardon, Master, I know you do not wish her to wish to hold your hand…”
Peter took Tony’s face in both hands and kissed him.  A real kiss, without feeding.  Tony did nothing, at first.  Only opened his mouth a little bit, tilting his head a little bit until Peter let him go.
“Thank you,” was all Peter said.  It was all he could think to say.
“I have served you well,” Tony whispered, and now his long arms were wrapping around Peter and Peter relaxed against his shoulder as Tony kissed his face.  This was normal Tony-behavior, and Peter gave himself a moment to enjoy it.
“I will serve you most masterfully tonight, and you shall make me your beloved.  You shall see all my skill.  If an enemy of the family meets me in battle, the seals of Evorá, what is left of them, will feed me.  I shall make him lay down where he stands, even in the middle of the road, he shall not rise until morning…”
“Wait, that doesn’t sound good.  Isn’t that what you did to the pigs?  When you made them lay down and die?”
“They laid down and died because I ate them.”
Peter shivered a little at Tony’s wicked smile.  He knew he had to be very specific, now.  He knew Tony was proud of his work.
“Well, don’t make him lay down in the middle of the road, he might get run over.  What else can you do?
Tony ran a strong hand over Peter’s thigh, and then over his calf.  Peter might have relaxed and enjoyed the touch under different circumstances.
“These… these are still called muscles?  And what is this now called,” he said, his fingers tracing over Peter’s knee.  It was a lovely feeling, and Peter made a mental note to get Tony to touch him there again when it was all over.
“The cartlidge?”
“The sinew, that which is not meat,” he indicated “meat” by firmly stroking Peter’s calf muscles again.  “The sinew that connects the muscles to each other…”
“The ligaments?” 
“There is light in these,” Tony explained, stroking Peter’s calf muscle with a firm but gentle hand.  “When that light is gone, a man is not inclined to walk very far.  And when the light is gone from this,” he stroked his hand under Peter’s knee, indicating the ligament.  “A man is not inclined to move it at all.  Although Mr. Lovelace is a man accustomed to a great deal of pain.  That alone might not dissuade him.”
“I can take the light from the bone, but if I do, a man will surely die.”
“Don’t do that.  And don’t make him lay down somewhere dangerous, like in the road or something.  Wait, if you did that to his arms, could he use his arms?  It’s important he not be able to shoot.  Can you make his arms not move?  If he couldn’t shoot, that would be something.  He’s still huge though…”
Tony moved his hands and, slipping them into the small place between their bodies, placed both on Peter’s chest. 
“There are two of these,” Tony said, caressing Peter’s chest in a way that was very distracting, even under the circumstances.  “When the light is gone from one,” he whispered, moving one hand away and leaving the other in place,” a man is not inclined to walk very far.”
“What… you mean the lungs?”
“And there are two of these,” Tony said, sounding almost hungry.  He moved his hands and placed them firmly on the Peter’s lower back, indicating, Peter assumed, his kidneys.
“When the light is gone from one, a man is not inclined to do anything.”
“But… you mean… for a while, right?  The light comes back, doesn’t it?”
Tony looked disappointed.  “That is tricky work, but it can be done.”
“Tony, can you make Aunt May be not-so scared?”
Tony smiled sadly.  He looked down at Peter’s chest again, even reached out to stroke Peter’s chest with his knuckles, directly under his left nipple, but he never said why.
“If I could be two places at one time, yes,” he said with a wry smile.  “But I am no longer that strong.”
Peter and May stayed up all night playing yahtzee and dominoes, finally sitting down to watch TV.  For a while Uncle Ben sat in the car with his rifle, while Peter walked back and forth each hour to wake him up.  Finally it was agreed that the whole family would be safer in the house.  A tearful Aunt May complained that they left New York City because of the violence.  She apologized to Peter, who only smiled, threw up his hands and attributed it to “fate.”   
May and Ben discussed how miserable Peter had been when they first moved to Devil’s Holler, how he had cried almost every day for weeks.  Peter tried to keep up his end of the conversation, but, in truth, he was wondering if Missy’s life would have been better, or worse, without him.  At least the girl got to walk down a gravel road in the moonlight, holding Peter Parker’s hand.  He wondered why Tony could make the girl forget about Tom Dylan, but not about Laura Foster.
In the early morning hours both May and Ben fell asleep on the couch, allowing Peter to watch more interesting shows on their late-night channels, his eyes wide.  He was wondering how he could wake up in the middle of the night to enjoy these shows in private when he heard something at the door.  
He opened the door without hesitation to let Tony in.  “Good job,” he whispered.  The vaguely kitten-shaped bundle of fur made a small, vaguely catlike noise before dissolving into smoke and disappearing into the floor.  Then he took his place back on the couch in front of the television.  He knew there was no point in telling May and Ben to go to bed, even though he knew the danger was over.  So he spent the rest of the night combing through old TV guides, looking for more information about the shows he was probably to chicken to watch.
It was amazing, what they could get away with on HBO.
Master Post (not THAT Master Post, the big list)
as always please direct comments, questions and constructive crit to @witchwayisright.  
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Day 12 : Fantasy/Video Game - Larry Johnson
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‘ Bby come over, I miss u. Pizza, games n chill. Mum’s with Henry. ‘ was the text I got from Larry, so of course, I grinned at the phone and putting in my earbuds, I close the book I was reading and go to the bus station, hugging my jacket closer to me and breathing into my scarf, despite my glasses getting all steamed up, and wait until the bus arrives, in the meantime continuing my lecture of the detective book I was reading. 
Of course, Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie is an excellent book, but I can’t say I wasn’t expecting many of the tropes that became such clichees over the years in nowadays detective books and movies, but hey, at least they’re enjoyable!
When I got close to the Addison apartments, I get off the bus and walk my way there, going down to the basement and knocking on the door, waiting for Larry to open the door, which he did sooner than expected, and I quickly got engulfed by a bear hug by my favourite boy.
“Hey, sweety, how are you? I see that you brushed your hair, it looks so smooth and silky! What’s the occasion?” I asked, my arms around his torso, my chin resting on his chest, looking up at him as he was much taller than me. “You coming over is enough of a special occasion for me to try to look my best.” he grinned softly, kissing the top of my head, making my squeal at how sweet he was being, and I burried my face in his chest, hugging him tighter. “You’re so adorable! Oooooff, I wanna fluff you up so bad.” I rubbed my face on his chest like a cat would, acting like a spoiled girl, getting him to chuckle at my behaviour, picking me up, as I put my limbs around him like a baby sloth would, and we got to his room, crashing on the bed and cuddling.
Because come on, cuddling is the best.
“Babe, check this out! I recently got this game called Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and dude, it’s SO good. And the music, man, the MUSIC is SO neat, I’m sure you’ll love it. Wanna play?” he rolled us so he was on top of me, instead of on the side, and he put one of his hands on my face, as I leaned in to his touch, feeling much warmer and content than before. “How about you play and I watch? You know I love watching you play. You’re so adorable, and I can play with your hair and kiss you and hug you and fluff you up, Larbear.” I giggled as he started blushing and whined at that nickname that everyone is using to tease him, seeing that his mum calls him that too. “Don’t call me that, Kitten, you know it embarrasses me.” he muttered as he got up, put the game in and continued from where he was at, and sat on the bed in a criss-crossed position, patting the place he did with his legs so I could sit between them and watch him play as I would rest my back on his buff chest. “Uhhh this game looks so pretty! And you’re right, the music is gorgeous!” I clap in excitement putting his arms around me so he could both hug me and play. “Knew you’d like it, babe.” he smirked, putting his chin on my head. “What’s this about? Is this little elf guy Zelda? Or why is it called that way?” I asked, curious of the game. “No, Kitty-Cat, that smurf kid with point ears that looks like a Christmas elf is Link. Zelda is the princess and he has to save her. Ain’t that neat?” he grinned, continuing his Quest to save the princess. “Can we call the shortie Sally? I mean, he looks as short as Sal, so why not? It would make things even better! And the princess can be Ash! That sounds so cute!” I hype him, making him chuckle and kiss my cheek. “You know what? That sounds pretty dope, I’m in.” he replied, but it wasn’t long before I started bugging him again. “Can I braid your hair, baby? It’s soooo beautiful and I loveeeeeeee it and I want my hair to be pretty like yours.” I turn around and put my arms on his shoulders, leaning on him, letting my hands brush through his soft hair. “You’re so clingy today, what’s with you? I thought I was the clingy one.” he let out an amused breath and putting down his controller, letting me put my legs around his waist so I could braid strands of his hair, occasionally stealing a kiss from him. “You don’t like it? I could always stop, if you want to...” I pouted, looking down, but he knew I was messing around, so he blew some air on my face. “Kat, shut up, you know I love it when you’re affectionate. Also, your hair is much prettier than mine, and this red shade is super hot. How about we play some World of Warcraft after this?” he suggested, making me nod my head vigurously. “Yeah, that’d be fun! Hey, hey, Larry Berry, can I ask you something?” I ask a bit timidly, making him raise his eyebrow in confusion, looking down at me, but I was a bit too embarrassed to look at him. “Yeah, what is it, Kitty-Cat?” he asks, putting down his controller once again and raising my face with his hands, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Would you...If something weird happened, like the cult, maybe...You know...Would you...Would you save me like Link saves Zelda?” I close my eyes in embarrassment, feeling my cheeks burning and my heart beating desperately, until I feel Larry’s soft lips on mine. “Silly, why even ask that? Don’t you already know you’re my Princess? I’ll always be here to save you, no matter what.” he hugged me tightly to his chest, making me smile in happiness, putting my hands around him, clutching on the back of his SF Tshirt. “Yeah...I know...You’re the best, Larry. I always feel safe and happy when I’m with you.” I confess tenderly, feeling at peace. “Hey, actually, I’ve an idea, but don’t take it wrong, okay? I want to do 2 things, but I don’t want to freak you out or something. Do you trust me?” he asks, looking into my eyes with a tender expression. “Of course I do. I trust you with every fiber of my being. You’re the only one who knows me for who I am and I know I can trust you to take care of me.” I reply softly, making him hide his face with his hands for a few seconds, feeling more embarrassed than me, before taking off his shirt and putting it to the side. “Will you please take off your sweater and Tshirt too? I promise I will explain. I won’t look either.” he started breathing a bit faster, biting his lip in slight anxiety.
I said nothing, instead, I nodded and took off my dark green sweater, then my Scorpions Tshirt, revealing my maroon bra. I looked down a bit shy, trying to hide my belly, that despite knowing it wasn’t big, I was still insecure of, but before I knew it, I got hugged tightly to his chest, and I could hear his heartbeat.
“Can you feel it? That’s my heart, and it’s beating for you. Ever since you came into my life, I could feel I was doing much better, despite all the shit I’ve been through. I’ve always wanted to have you safe and protected, so when I heard of what you’ve been through, I kinda lost it. I know I can get violent when someone angers me, and I can be pretty impulsive sometimes, but that will never stop the fact that I love you so much that I don’t know words to describe it. I ain’t as smart as you, but Kat, you’re amazing and I don’t deserve you. But you chose me, and I’ve never been happier ever since. And hearing you say that you trust and love me is the best thing I could hear, really.” he confessed and I could feel my hear trembling with emotion at how sweet and genuine he was being. “You have no idea how much I love you and how grateful I am that you didn’t get tired of me or something. I really love you, Larry, and I’m very happy that you’re so patient and understanding with me. I couldn’t have pulled through without you.” I reply, kissing him lightly on his lips, making him open his eyes in wonder, without realising that he said he wouldn’t, but then he got flustered, which amused me so much that I started laughing. “Here, take this. Will you spend the night over? It’s already late, mum’s not coming home tonight and it’s so cozy around here. C’mon, you know you can’t resist.” he chuckled, putting his Tshirt on me, fitting me like a dress. “You’re giving this to me for the night? Are you sure? It’s SF, your fave band.” I asked awkwardly, not sure what to say. “My favourite band and my favourite girl. It fits, right? And I’m not giving to you for the night, I’m giving it to you forever. It’s my way of saying that I trust you that much.” he grinned at me, making me hug him tightly once again, fangirling a bit. “You’re the absolute best, Larry Berry. I love you so much.” I chirped in a voice higher than my usual tone. “Okay, Strawberry Shortcake, that’s enough fluff for today. Let’s get some pizza, drink pepsi and binge some TV series.” he suggested, getting up and going to the kitchen to get the food, so I took off my pants to get comfy for the movie marathon, before jogging after him to help him carry the snacks, but I think he might have been shocked by what he was seeing ‘cause he spit out the pepsi. “What’s it, babe, like what you’re seeing?” I chuckled in amusement at his crestfallen face. “You betcha I do. You’re godamn stunning, Princess. You matchin’?” he asked in curiosity, making me laugh even harder. “With my hair? Definitely. With something else? I’ll let your curiosity guess.” I teased him, taking the snacks and going to the bedroom. “Oh, and, by the way! Let’s watch Lord Of The Rings! We’re the best Elf duo, wohoo!” I cheered, with a little skip in my movement, super excited for the movies, as I jump in bed, before I heard Larry’s deep voice saying a bit louder than he might have wished for “THEY MATCH!”
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stoopsbookstore · 5 years
The Fan (Chapter 5)
Warnings - Nothing
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"Alright, this is my nephew, Hongjoong and my sister, Haeun."
Jieun introduced the shy boy, waving at the girls who were disinterested. The guards were moving the girls' belongings in the house, Hongjoong's mom pointing to the guest rooms they were staying in.
"Unfortunately, there is only 2 guest rooms, so one of you girls can choose," Jieun paused, the girls looking at each other, "sleep in the living room or Hongie was nice enough to sleep on a fold-up bed and offer his bed. You can tal-"
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
Sanghee, Chinsun and Yunhee chose paper with Y/N and Aya choosing rock.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
A tie.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
"Sorry, Y/N," Aya won with rock, Y/N scrunching her face together, Hongjoong pointing to her suitcase.
"I can take that if you'd like."
Y/N stayed mute, almost purposely hitting Hongjoong's shoulder as she walked into the house. Jieun patted his nephew on his shoulder, the boy looking somewhat defeated.
"They've been through a lot in such a small amount of time, just try to make them feel welcomed, okay?"
Hongjoong walked in the house, shutting the door and seeing his mom talk to the girls. Aya was half asleep, Chinsun was on her phone, Sanghee and Yunhee were the only two looking like they were paying attention, Y/N had been staring at the floor, playing with a loose thread of the couch.
"We have food, but if you don't find anything you'd like, Hongjoong will run to the stor-"
"Do you have any gummies?" Yunhee asked the woman, her eyes like a lost puppy dog's.
"No, but like I said, Hongjoong can run to the store, is there anything else you girls would like? How about you girls write it down?"
The girls took the piece of paper from Haeun, writing down their favorite treats and snacks. Hongjoong sat on the coffee table, laughing and making small talk with the girls, his eyes fluttering to check on Y/N every few sentences.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
Y/N gave a thumbs up to Hongjoong, his face sympathetic to the quiet girl. Hongjoong took the list from a sleepy Aya, looking over the list.
"For idols, you guys sure eat a lot of junk."
"Well, when you dance more than 15 hours a day, you get to eat crap," Aya shakily stood up, Chinsun helping her as they went to their room.
"Hey Y/N, do you need anything?" Yunhee and Sanghee went to the backyard, leaving Hongjoong and Y/N alone.
"I'm fine, not really hungry."
Hongjoong moves from the table to the spot next to Y/N, "are you sure?"
"Do you want to come along? I mean with the hair color change, I don't think anyone would notice you."
Hongjoong made a good point, they had new haircolor and hair styles, no one would recognize them and Y/N would get a chance to walk around for a little bit.
"Sure, why not?"
Y/N and Hongjoong arrived at the convenience store, just a short 5 minute walk from the house. Grabbing a basket, Hongjoong started looking for the list of the girls' request and Y/N pulling down her mask.
"What are SeoNaJung gummies?"
"That would be Yunhee's favorite gummies, she eats at least 3 bags a day," Y/N scanned the candy isle, "I'm looking for those right now. She prefers the green tea or rose flavored."
Y/N grabbed the candy the pair was just talking about, throwing it in the basket, "but she can deal with lavender and cream."
"This is the most talkative I've seen you since you guys got to the house," Hongjoong pointed out as they continued shopping, typing something on his phone and grabbing the veggie sticks for Sanghee.
"I mean, if you had a potential stalker who may be one of your group member's fansite sending you flowers with razor blades in them or trying to temper with the stage," Y/N put some of her favorite sparkling berry waters in the basket, "you'd be quiet too."
"I didn't think about it like that. I know that guy in the photo that Milton creep put up," Hongjoong confessed, "He's my friend, Yunho. I can promise you it wasn't him."
"How do you know?" Y/N fixed her mask and put the full basket on top of the counter, the cashier ringing out the items.
"Because our third friend was taking a shit and we were being told off by a security guard. I promise he was just taking photos of the backstage door because 'erhmagawd it's Blooooom.'"
Hongjoong swiped the card before Y/N grabbed two of the bags. Hongjoong took the other three and the receipt, following Y/N back to his house.
"What? You don't like us?" Y/N teased.
"I'm more of a rock type of guy. If you could introduce me to Day6 or Dreamcatcher, then I'd fanboy."
Y/N faked a gasp, the bags rustling as she put her hand to her heart, "I'm not sure if I should be offended or become your best friend because honestly, same, Siyeon is beautiful."
Hongjoong and Y/N laughed at the other, the sky fading into night as the streetlights turned on.
"We should probably get going. Can't be out too late with an idol."
Getting back to the house, the duo unpacked the bags, all of the girls meeting in the kitchen to grab theit treats.
"It was Lavender and Cream or Orange Creamsicle," Y/N put her hand up, Yunhee opening the package, pouting her lips at the flavor choice.
Haeun entered the room, taking the card back from Hongjoong and taking one of the mini sushi trays, "Y/N, I have sheets and blankets for you whenever you're ready to go to bed."
"Oh, okay, thank you Ms. Haeun," Y/N went to the bedroom, opening the door to a normal bedroom.
Hongjoong's bed had been cleared off, his bedding moved to one of those fold-out beds one would see at a hotel. Y/N took one of the blankets unfolding it, feeling the warmth from it, letting a sigh out as she wrapped herself in it.
"Having fun? Should I leave?"
Y/N turned around to see Hongjoong, one eyebrow raised as he let out a stifled chuckle at Y/N plopping on the bed, looking like an angry kitten wrapped up in a towel.
"Do you nees to change or anything?" Hongjoong offered to step outside the room to give Y/N some privacy.
"I can just change in the bathroom," Y/N unwrapped herself, grabbing one of her bags of clothes, "but thank you, Hongjoong."
"Anytime. Seeing as we're roommates for the time being, I wanted to make you feel as comfortable as possible."
While Y/N left the room to change, Hongjoong pulled out his phone, a text from Yeosang with a screenshot of a tweet from Milton, along with a photo from his Instagram.
Oh, sweet Y/N. I don't know who this fella is, but I already can tell he's trouble.
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