#at some point I have to acknowledge when people aren't listening or can't do what I'm asking though
If you're my friend... I think about you a lot.
#mine#most of the day I'm thinking about the people I care about#trying to cheer you up if something's gone wrong#oh you'd like this song I think. wish I could say this to you hope I remember after work. wonder what you're up to#feeling my feelings and thinking my thoughts and putting the words together to tell you about it because I want us both to get to share#and most of this is over text so like it's gonna be different and probablynmore detached for most people#and people are busy and I disappear when I'm busy or not up for talking but#I've been feeling like an afterthought a little#I'm trying to take steps back and not put so much tume and effort into reaching out to people if they're not reciprocating but...#it really doesn't feel good#you're on my mind and I want you around and I want to hear what's up and what you're thinking about and how you're doing#and I guess. i want to be on your mind too. i want to hear that I'm present in your life even when I'm not nect to you.#this is specifically about my closest friends and my partner I'm not asking acquaintances to tell me how much they think I'll like something#but like. hey? you tell me you love me. what does that mean for you?#not as a guilt trip but genuinely I am building my personal version of love and maybe I'm not seeing what you're doing. love languages etc#but I am feeling very alone. and not very loved#I'm not too sure what to do about this. I'll keep trying to talk about it#at some point I have to acknowledge when people aren't listening or can't do what I'm asking though
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illnessfaker · 3 months
"why do people only headcanon characters who act childishly as (neuro)developmentally disabled what about the more mature ones"
i have some bad news about what being NDD frequently entails 'cause like yeah good for you if you have a neurodevelopmental disability and are"mature" and "independent," that is not a representation of what neurodevelopmental disability broadly is, and NDD people who aren't capable of "maturity" or supporting themselves are going to be categorically less palatable, viewed as more "useless" to society, and viewed as less deserving of humanity/ethical treatment than those who are.
the point i'm making here isn't even about "headcanons" or fandom it's mainly about how i'm tired of people acting like an association between things like autism and ADHD, which are neurodevelopmental disabilities (certainly not the only ones but that's not what these people are talking about when they say "neurodivergent," they only ever mean ADHD and LSN autism), and "not acting like one's age," not acting "rationally," and not being "mature," or overall having a way of viewing/thinking/processing the world that conflicts with societal expectations (especially irt adulthood and who should have their thoughts and feelings and agency respected/listened to) is only ever an ableist stereotype or infantilization used to rob someone of agency, which is how you get disabled people within these communities using those w/ higher support needs, or those with more significant cognitive issues, or co-occurring intellectual intellectual disability, etc. as a point of comparison for why they - the ones more capable of adhering themselves to the capitalist mold at the end of the day - are worthy of being treated fairly. the point being "we're not like those guys."
hell i'm LSN + i'm verbal + i don't have co-occurring intellectual disability and i still have firsthand experience w/ the fact that if you're an autistic person who isn't able to fit into the mold of "grown adult", who exhibits "childish" behavior that we can't hide or that prevents us from fitting in with our own age group, even other autistic people will treat you like you're a weirdo freak and i can't believe that some people seem to act like that the structure of "maturity" refers to a valid virtues that all people can possess through hard work and that being "immature" is a personal moral failing, instead of acknowledging that the moralization of conforming to age standards is very often another avenue of ableism and maybe that should be interrogated.
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I didn't watch the James Somerton apology video because I didn't want to give him the views, but I did watch a react video that showed basically all of it. The whole thing felt so disingenuous.
He admitted to plagiarising (I think at this point he basically had to) but the way he framed it really downplayed what he did. If you hadn't seen the evidence against him and just saw this video, it would be very easy to come away with the impression that it was a few, minor mistakes.
He talked about crediting people in the opening of his videos, implying that he credited everyone, just not at the exact point he was using their words. We know this isn't true.
He also talked about how he would copy bits into his script, intending to reword them later, but then would forget because of his "memory issues". This is a problem for so many reasons. Firstly, it implies that he thinks it's fine if he paraphrases enough that you can't find the original by putting the words into Google, even though he's still taking other people's ideas without credit. So even if this were completely true, it would still be plagiarism. Secondly, even if his memory issues are real, there would be so many ways to make sure these "mistakes" didn't happen. He could have highlighted text in a different colour to show it needs reworking. He could have written the source in brackets in the script next to the section so he remembers where it came from. This is the sort of thing that you could do once or twice by accident, but after the first few accusations of plagiarism, you would learn a way to make sure the mistake didn't happen again. You wouldn't keep doing it for years. So even if he isn't making up the memory thing completely, it wouldn't be an excuse after all this time.
He talked about using other people's work because he didn't want to just be one cis, white guy talking about important topics and how he wanted to bring other people's voices and stories into the discussion. And this is such an infuriating excuse, because he was talking over those other voices and silencing them by stealing their words and passing them off as his own.
Half of his video was him going, "This is no excuse but..." and then spinning a sob story to get the audience's sympathy.
Then there are all the things he didn't talk about. He didn't acknowledge the video pointing out the many, many ways he made stuff up in his videos or apologise for the blatant lies. There was a tiny hint about "factual errors" that was quickly glossed over.
He didn't talk about the fact that when he got accused of plagiarism the previous times, he would lie about being harassed and set his followers out to bully the people who had called him out. If you didn't know better, you could come away from this video believing that this was the first time anyone had ever caught him plagiarising.
And I think that's the point. This wasn't a video aimed at the people he's hurt or the internet in general. This was a video aimed at his fans who haven't actually watched the videos laying out the evidence against him. He downplays what he did, spins out a sob story, and then makes an apology and promises to do better in the future. I can easily imagine his fans watching this and thinking that the uproar has been overblown because poor James has got memory problems and he did put people's names in the video credits and people on the internet are being so mean to him. I think there are people who will watch this video and believe his apology because they're only James' side.
If James was remotely genuine, he wouldn't have described what happened the way he did, but the people who know the truth aren't the target audience. The target audience are the people who already like him, so he can get some control of the narrative back and stop those people from listening to everyone else.
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hello! I love all of your short drabbles :D I was wondering if you could do hyunho x reader! List 2, prompt 7, List 4, prompt 37 and prompt 38, and List 3, prompt 19, if that's alright! (if it's too much please feel free to just select the ones you like the most <3 thank you and have a good day/night!!)
SKZ Prompt Game
Prompts: "I'll just go ahead and go fuck myself."
"You're n-not, um, wearing anything under that, are you...?"
"Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?"
"We're not all savages here, sweetheart."
Members: Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Minho
Relationship: Post Apocalyptic!FemReader x HyunHo
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: It's the apocalypse. So. Some blood and gore, zombies, injuries, fighting to stay alive, violence, guns, weapons, etc. People aren't very nice. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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The first time you'd met Lee Minho, you'd been in an abandoned convenience store looking for anything salvageable.
Apparently, you'd also missed the walker looking in said convenience store for a quick meal.
Que Lee Minho and his trusty golf club.
He'd showed up like some sort of twisted hero in all his bloody glory, and taken the walker's head clean off it's shoulders in one easy swing.
Hot, right?
He'd given you a "watch your back, dumbass" look, and turned on his heel and strode out the broken glass of the front door.
"Well, I'll just go ahead and go fuck myself." You'd muttered beneath your breath as you'd watched him go.
You'd picked yourself up off the floor, grabbed your gun, and followed him at a distance.
What can you say? You have a thing for hot, aloof guys who don't give a fuck and can take down a zombie in one clean hit.
Hey. It's the apocalypse.
Beggars can't be choosers.
The first time you'd met Hwang Hyunjin, he'd been naked.
Well, mostly.
You'd only been part of the safety compound community for a couple of weeks and apparently someone had neglected to tell you that the public showers were exactly that-public.
You'd nearly run smack into him, white towel that was now gray from too much use slung low around his narrow hips, and you'd stared, shocked, until he'd finally arched a brow and given you a small smirk.
"Like what you see?"
"You're n-not, um, wearing anything under that, are you...?" You'd stuttered out, like a complete fool, and not a savvy, independent woman who'd survived the end of the world completely on her own.
Hyunjin had glanced down the lean lines of his body and smirked some more.
"I mean. That's kinda the point when you shower, toots."
You had averted your eyes and ducked into the shower before you could embarrass yourself further, and Hyunjin had laughed before leaving.
Hot, lethal guys remember?
Cue the present.
You're still head over heels for dangerous men who can hold their own against a horde of zombies, but seriously, your options are limited here.
Let's just ignore the fact that it's two specific men in particular, shall we?
"(Y/N). Are you listening to me?"
You glance up from your seat at the table, playing with the trigger of your gun, and meet Minho's narrowed gaze.
You give him an innocent smile. "Would you believe me if I said yes?"
You shrug. "Then no."
Minho sighs and leans onto his hands on the table, pointing to the crudely drawn map of the buildings outside the safety of the compound.
"We're going to hit up first and third today. See if we can find some medical supplies."
You hum under your breath in acknowledgement, and Hyunjin takes the opportunity to lean forward and kick your legs down off the table.
"Hey, watch it, shithead!" You glare in his direction as your boots hit the floor and you steady yourself.
Hyunjin smirks and arches a brow at you. "What're you gonna do about it?"
You lean in and murmur threateningly beneath your breath, snapping your teeth at him, "Feed you to the walkers myself."
"I'd love to see you try, toots." Hyunjin counters back, leaning forward so your lips are almost brushing, before he mimics a kiss and you pull back abruptly as he laughs.
"Children." Minho grumbles, leaving the table and your squabble to grab his bag and sling his trusty golf club across his back. "I'm surrounded by children."
"I wouldn't be opposed to calling you daddy." Hyunjin says cheekily as he stands, stretching, before he grabs his own gear and his gun.
"Me either." You reply instantly with a wiggle of your brows in Minho's direction, even as he glares at both of you and flips you off.
"Can we just focus long enough to get our shit and get out?"
You grab your own weapon and salute Minho dramatically. "Yes, sir, daddy sir."
Hyunjin cackles from beside you, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
You try to ignore how warm his skin is against the back of your neck.
Minho sighs, resignation clear in his features as he heads for the door.
"I'm going to leave you two for the fucking walkers, mark my words."
"Hey toots, catch!"
Hyunjin tosses a water damaged packet of gauze over to you from the next aisle and you catch it easily, stuffing it into your pack as you continue to peruse the picked over shelves of the pharmacy.
There's not much left, but if there's anything worth while here, trust that the three of you will find it.
You snort as you find an intact box of condoms, calling over to Hyunjin, "Hey, you wanna have apocalypse sex?"
"Who's asking?" He appears at your side in a moment, snatching the box of condoms from your hand and inspecting it with a sly smirk on his face.
"Well I'll be."
"It'll even be safe sex." You point out with amusement, returning to shuffle through the leftover items on the shelves.
Hyunjin leans up against the shelf next to you, tossing the box easily from hand to hand as he continues to stare at you.
You arch a brow and give him a pointed look. "What?"
His smirk widens. "Are you asking me to have sex with you, toots?"
You make a face of mock revulsion and shove him away from you, even as you heart does a weird beat against the wall of your chest at his words.
"Fuck no."
"Suit yourself. Your loss." Hyunjin shrugs and stuffs the condoms into his own pack before ambling away.
Minho appears at the opposite end of the aisle, palming a box of what looks like water logged aspirin. He zips it into the pocket of his own pack as he approaches you, expression serious.
"Everyone good to go? We need to move."
"Yeah." You nod, zipping up your backpack and slinging it over your shoulder. You glance around, peering through the bare shelves. "Where's Hyunjin-?"
"Shit. Fuck."
You're cut off by Hyunjin dashing around the end of the aisle where you and Minho currently stand, expression grim as he slides to a stop beside the two of you and pulls out his large gun.
He tosses his head in the direction of the front doors, blowing long, dirty blonde hair out of his eyes as he does so.
"There's a shit ton of walkers in the parking lot. I dunno if they somehow smelled us or heard us or if they're just gathered here for some fucking freak zombie reason, but we're gonna have a hell of a time getting out of here."
Minho swears underneath his breath, scanning the shelves for anything useful as a weapon or distraction.
You load your gun silently, muscles already tense and ready for a fight.
"Fuck it." Minho finally says, tugging his golf club out of his pack and smacking it into the palm of his free hand with a murderous expression on his features. "Let's go. We can't waste anymore time."
The chains you had used to secure the doors of the pharmacy when you first entered rattle loudly, and the sound of palms slamming against the glass echoes down the aisle toward the three of you.
Beside you, Hyunjin readies up, his lips pulled down into a serious, firm line.
"Yo, (Y/N)."
You glance sidelong at him as you all creep silently toward the front doors and the waiting horde of zombies.
He gives you the hint of a grim smile as he cocks his gun.
"If we survive this, think you'll reconsider sleeping with me?"
You snort out a strained chuckle as the door comes into view, and the faces of dozens of bloody, rotting zombies fill the frosted, cracked glass.
A hand comes through the crack in the door, rattling the chains even more violently, leaving bloody smears on the door handle.
Hyunjin nods, looking determined.
"Good enough for me."
Minho stalks forward and slams his golf club down hard on the walker's hand, breaking it with a sharp crack. The walker shrieks and retreats and Minho glances back at the two of you as he reaches for the heavy padlock you had secured earlier.
Hyunjin arches a brow, staring at Minho hungrily. "Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?"
Minho rolls his eyes and you can practically hear him sigh.
Hey, what can you say? He looks hot as fuck covered in blood and smashing walkers hands off like they're made of nothing more than paper.
You and Hyunjin obviously have the same type.
"Our best bet is to funnel them in here where we can take them on in smaller numbers." His expression goes dangerous and determined as he turns back to the door. "Ready?"
You and Hyunjin both nod, immediately back into business mode, and Minho undoes the lock, letting the chains that hold the door closed against the horde slink to the floor at his feet.
The old, cracked doors crack under the pressure of the walkers without the chains to hold them up, and Minho leaps out of the way as they crash inward, and shuffling, rotting corpses begin to lurch into the pharmacy.
Without a second thought, you begin to take them down with bullets to the head, Hyunjin firing beside you in steady succession.
Minho jumps over the fallen corpses, and starts to take out the side stragglers swing by swing, his golf club knocking heads off easily, as if they were nothing more than stray balls waiting for his putt.
Your gun clicks, the chamber empty, and the walkers are still pouring steadily in, stumbling over their fallen comrades, mouths open, hands reaching for you.
"Fuck." You swear and sling off your backpack, searching for the ammo you had stored there before you left.
Hyunjin slides in front of you, calling over his shoulder as he continues to take shot after shot, "I'll cover you!"
You nod back gratefully, and your fingers finally close around the box of extra ammo.
You've just gotten the first bullet in the chamber, when Minho yells out over the groans of the incoming walkers and the sound of gunfire, "Look out!"
You glance up in time to see a walker swiping its gnarled hands at you through the bare shelves of the next aisle, teeth gnashing, eyes hanging out of their sockets.
You scramble backward, dropping your gun in the process, and Hyunjin whirls, taking the walker out with a bullet between the hanging eyes.
Its body falls heavily-right into the empty shelving unit, sending it crashing down-right on top of you and Hyunjin
"Move!" You shout, shoving Hyunjin away as you lunge to get out of the way of the toppling metal.
There's a sharp piercing pain in your side as you crash into Hyunjin on the safety of the floor a few feet away, both of you breathing hard, the fallen shelving unit at your feet.
"Shit." Hyunjin laughs breathlessly, glancing to you with wide eyes. "That was close."
There's black blood spatter on his face, and a gash on his forehead is leaking fresh red blood down his temple and across his lips.
"Are you two okay?" Minho appears, looming over the two of you, his chest heaving, forehead glistening with sweat and blood that matches Hyunjin's.
He lets the bloody golf club rest on the floor at his feet, the head covered in gore, and looks the two of you over with a sharp gaze.
Worry creases his forehead, and he crouches, reaching out to touch your side, and instantly, you hiss at the contact.
Something starts to burn.
"Fuck." Hyunjin mutters beneath his breath, and you follow his gaze to where Minho's hand covers your side.
Between his fingers, blood is starting to drip onto the floor beneath you, a large, sharp piece of shrapnel embedded just above your hip.
Now that the adrenaline is wearing off, it hurts like a bitch.
You can't worry about that right now though.
You glance to the doorway, almost piled completely shut with fallen walkers, and jut your chin toward the opening.
"We cleared them, but more will be coming, drawn in by the sounds and the blood. We need to leave. Now."
Minho's expression shutters, turning to business, and he picks up his club, standing, before he offers you his bloody hand to pull you to your feet.
You wince and hiss a breath between your teeth as you move, but get to your feet anyway.
Hyunjin gets up as well, kicking aside walker bodies to clear a path to the door as Minho slings one of your arms over his shoulders, taking most of your body weight as he helps you hobble toward the exit.
"Goddamn motherfucking bastards." Hyunjin mutters sourly beneath his breath, as he crushes a dead walker's head beneath the heel of his heavy boot.
He shoves open one of the doors with effort, the door wedging several times on the fallen zombies piled around it, and squints against the fast sinking sun, glancing back to you and Minho as you step out into the parking lot with him.
"Fuck." Minho swears, adjusting your hold on him, making you cringe and bite your lip to stop from whimpering. "It's later than I thought."
Hyunjin hefts his gun, motioning with his head to the alley you'd taken to get here.
"Come on. Follow me. I'll clear our path."
Minho nods as Hyunjin cocks the gun and steps out into the open, scanning the area warily.
When he motions you both forward, Minho turns to you, saying quietly beneath his breath, his expression softening slightly at the pain that's probably written all over your face, "We're gonna get out of this."
"We better." You reply back through gritted teeth, kicking out at a dead walker at your feet, smearing the toe of your shoe with blood. You give him a smile that's more like a grimace. "I haven't lived this long just to get taken out by one of these fucking ugly bastards."
Minho's lips twitch into the start of a smile as he helps you move forward to follow Hyunjin.
"That's my girl."
"This is gonna hurt."
You grimace, tightening your knuckles until they whiten around the edge of the cot, and give the doctor a slight glare.
"It already fucking hurts, Ally, just pull the damn thing out."
Ally sighs, reaching for a pair of gloves and a small bottle of alcohol. "Fine. But don't tell me I didn't warn you."
"Hey." Minho's voice is soft where he stands by your head, and you crane your head to glance up at him, grateful for the distraction as Ally starts to disinfect her hands.
He holds up a bottle of whiskey, expression serious, eyes dark. "You're gonna want to take a drink of this first."
You stare up at him. "I don't-"
"Trust me." He commands in a low tone, and you give in, nodding, as he raises the bottle of alcohol to your lips.
You take a short swig, and it burns on the way down your throat, but he's right, it numbs the searing pain in your side to a dull throb.
Ally grabs a pair of old forceps from the tray beside the cot and looks to you seriously.
You take in a deep breath, holding it momentarily, before you readjust your death grip on the edge of the cot and give her one short, terse nod.
"Do it."
You take in another breath as you feel her touch the shrapnel in your side, the pain instantly flaring.
You force your body still, tense and trembling, as she takes a good hold.
She glances at you once more for confirmation and then up to Minho, standing beside your head.
"Give her the stick, Minho."
Minho leans over you, hands on either side of your head, staring down at you with an unreadable expression, before he gently, silently slides the hard piece of wood between your teeth, his fingers lingering feather soft on your jaw.
"Bite down." He admonishes softly beneath his breath, eyes never leaving your own. "And breathe out slowly."
You do as he says, holding his gaze-you wonder how many times he's been in your same position-and then, without warning, Ally tugs the large piece of metal out of your side in one harsh, smooth motion.
You feel it-the tearing of your muscle, of your skin, the hot blood immediately gushing down your side, pooling on the cot beneath you-and you bite down harder on the stick between your teeth to keep from audibly crying out, even as you squeeze your eyes shut against the sudden hot barrage of tears.
"It's out." Ally announces, and you hear something clatter onto her tray, before she moves to prod the edges of the jagged wound with her gloved fingers.
You hiss out a curse between your teeth at the contact, but don't open your eyes.
You don't dare move, the pain is still too much, your fingers are clenched so tightly along the edges of the cot that they're staring to ache.
You might pass out.
Your whole body is shaking violently now from the pain and shock as Ally cleans out the rest of the wound and moves to stitching you up.
It hurts, but not nearly as bad as the first initial agony.
There's a dull throbbing as Ally finishes pulling the stitches closed, and then she shoves back from the cot, standing up and snapping off her gloves.
It's only then that you finally open your eyes.
"We're all done." She remarks, patting you on the shoulder with a sympathetic look on her face. "You did well. Don't overdo it. Those stitches will rip if you try anything too strenuous the next couple of days."
She turns a commanding look and a finger on Minho. "I expect you to keep her responsible for her healing, Minho."
You hear him chuckle, but the sound doesn't feel like it normally does.
Or maybe that's just the pain talking.
"Yes, ma'am."
Ally nods sternly, seemingly satisfied, and heads back to her office, leaving the large run down auditorium that had been made into the compound's medical unit on silent feet.
You let out a shuddering breath, and finally glance at Minho.
"Is Hyunjin okay?" You ask, because it's the only thing you can think to say into the silence.
You don't want to focus too long on the worry that still creases his pretty features.
Minho nods with a slight smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah. Ally looked at him when we got back. He just needed a few stitches. He's furious it's gonna scar though."
You laugh, but it cuts off into a wince, because the action immediately pulls at the tenderness of your side.
You sense Minho shift toward you, as if he wants to help, but doesn't quite know how.
You let out a long, shuddering sigh, and stare up at the crackled paint of the ceiling above your heads.
"He's worried about you, you know."
You glance back to Minho in surprise at his soft words, and he gives you the hint of another smile.
"Hyunjin, I mean. He wanted to come with me to make sure you were okay, but he's not huge on blood."
You arch a brow in disbelief. "The man lives in the zombie apocalypse."
Minho laughs, amusement trickling into his gaze. "Yeah, well, walker blood is different than blood from people you know intimately."
Your mind snags on the last word and won't let it go. Not until you ask, "We-know each other intimately?"
Minho cocks his head, regarding you seriously. "I mean-kind of. I don't usually take people I don't trust out with me on expeditions."
Something about his words makes your chest warm, and the pain dull.
"And Hyunjin-" You start to say, trailing off, not really sure where you're going with this.
Minho sighs. "Hyunjin likes you. He's just a dumbass sometimes who doesn't know how to show it."
You stare at him, nibbling anxiously on your bottom lip, and Minho reaches out and frees the skin from between your teeth with his thumb.
"We're not all savages here, sweetheart. We care about you." He admits softly, holding your gaze, and your heart does that weird thing in your chest again. "And seeing you get hurt-"
Pain washes across his face, and without thinking, you slide your fingers between his and squeeze.
He jumps slightly, shock flickering in his dark eyes, and then he glances down at your joined hands.
You squeeze again, until he looks back up to you.
"I care about you guys too." You whisper back, a slight smile pulling at your lips.
You glance down to your clothes, bloody and torn, and the newly stitched jagged wound marking your side, stained with alcohol and dried blood.
"Do you care enough about me to help me shower?" You ask teasingly, and Minho rolls his eyes, but there's a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
"I'm sure Hyunjin would be more than happy to volunteer."
3 Months Later
"Toots, c'mon-" Hyunjin follows you into the low building, whining and putting on his best pouting face, even though you're clearly ignoring the little show he's trying to put on.
"Babe." You counter back, not looking at him, as Minho glances up from where he's standing at the table, packing supplies into backpacks. "There is no fucking way I'm letting you use a sex toy on me that you found in the middle of the zombie apocalypse."
Minho's expression immediately turns to something between disgust and exasperation at your words.
"But I'll wash it first!" Hyunjin argues back, as you cross the room to slip in beside Minho, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek as you take over packing your backpack.
You stare down Hyunjin across the table blankly. "You would literally have to run that thing through a sterilizer seven times before I would even let you come near me with it."
Something determined flashes across Hyunjin's dark gaze at your words. "I'll ask Ally if I can borrow hers."
"Oh, c'mon!" Hyunjin cries out, reaching across the table to snag his backpack angrily, stuffing his supplies into it with harsh, pouty movements. "Neither of you are any fun."
Beside you, Minho sighs. "Fun gets you killed."
Hyunjin rolls his eyes so hard that you laugh a little and he turns his glare to you.
"God, I really can't believe I'm shacking up with two of the most boring people to ever exist."
You shrug, slinging your backpack over your shoulder as you do so. "It's the end of the world. Beggars can't be choosers."
Minho nods in agreement, putting on his own gear as he moves around the table to flick Hyunjin across the cheekbone.
"Yep. She's right."
Hyunjin rubs at his cheek, scowling, even as you lean over to press a kiss to his plump lips.
"God, I really hate you."
You laugh, as Minho smirks, leaning over to swipe a kiss across his offended cheekbone.
"We love you too. Now let's get moving."
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kyouka-supremacy · 9 months
I've recently read the ch 84-88 of bsd and there's one thing i want to know, why did atsushi challenged akutagawa to not kill anyone during 6 months if he never believed that akutagawa could keep his promise about not killing ? What was going through atsushi head when he challenged akutagawa that way, did he want akutagawa not listen to him and fail?
That's a good question. Because chapter 85 proves that Atsushi did not believe Akutagawa would have been able to keep his promise; why bother asking, then? I suppose, in the end Atsushi thought it was worth giving it a try. He didn't believe in Akutagawa, but the fact that he challenged him demostrates that he wanted to be proved wrong. That he wanted Akutagawa to prove him wrong.
Atsushi - at least, at that point in the story - thinks very poorly of Akutagawa. Atsushi is judgemental, he thinks of Akutagawa as someone impulsive, stupid and small minded. But after they fought together, after they fused their abilities, after Atsushi had made himself defensless and vulnerable in front of Akutagawa and Akutagawa had done the same in turn... Atsushi didn't care for Akutagawa. Except that he did, at least more than he did before. So he's like: here's a tip. That's what Atsushi words are: a suggestion from a friend. They're not a challange, or an order, and they're only disguised as a deal, because there wasn't any reason for a deal to begin with, Akutagawa would have fought against him after six months either way. And Atsushi gives Akutagawa an advice, he tells him: there's some things that you aren't able to see, and that's why you're in pain. Here's what you can do to change that. In a way, Atsushi's words to Akutagawa in chapter 53 are the direct follow-up of his statement on the Moby Dick “If you asked me, I'd say Dazai-san has already recognized you long ago [but you can't see it]”. “Then you will come to the truth in its simplest form, and what you need for Dazai-san to acknowledge you. The fact that weakness and strength aren't as related as they appear to be [here's how to see it]”.
Let's add to that. Perhaps, Atsushi's willingness to give Akutagawa a chance was prompted by how close they went to knowing each other's ghosts during that mission, how much of themselves they opened up to the other. In that moment, for the first time in the whole story, Atsushi starts contemplating a tiny possibility of Akutagawa ever changing. Even though he doubted Akutagawa could make it, even though he knew there was a very slim chance Akutagawa would ever keep his word, for a fragment of second Atsushi still thought it was worth giving Akutagawa a chance¹. Atsushi is quick to judgement and full of preconceptions and doesn't often grant people the benefit of the doubt, but here for the very first time we can see him partially dropping his prejudices, which is so important to his personal growth. It's the first step towards trusting Akutagawa which will ultimately culminate in chapter 87 and them blindingly trusting each other in order to defeat Fukuchi, and later in chapter 107 with Atsushi fully trusting Akutagawa would never hurt him under normal circumstances and also with Atsushi offering himself as Akutagawa's meal without opposing much resistence. I mean. Sorry. It did kinda happen tho.
I don't think Atsushi made Akutagawa promise because he was hoping that he would have failed. I mean, if anything, Atsushi is strongly against people dying, so he would hope for Akutagawa to keep his promise only so that nobody would have had to lose their lives. The only instance of Atsushi hoping Akutagawa would break his promise could be, perhaps, on a subconscious level, hoping, in spite of himself, that Akutagawa would break the deal because that way they wouldn't have had to fight and kill each other, because deep down Atsushi doesn't want to kill Akutagawa. But this last one is quite a romanticized interpretation, ahah.
¹ Some very insightful considerations on Atsushi's willingness to change his view of Akutagawa were expressed in this great Atsushi analysis. I warmly recommend to give it a read!
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
Hello! I hope this isn't an annoying question (I promise I'm not about to say something horrible or bigoted - I'm just shy and therfore anonymous), but I'd like to have your advice on how to go about informing people about the genocide in Palestine.
Most people that I know in-person have (quite literally) zero information about any of it, and I have no idea where to even start when informing them. It's hard to summarize everything that's been going on without overloading them with tons of information - or even boring them because I explained it poorly. Many of them have that mindset of "oh, this is bad, but there's nothing we can do," and I'd like to inform them as well as motivate them to advocate for Palestine themselves.
Sorry, this was kind of long! Thank you in advance!
Hello! It's definitely not annoying at all, thank you for your questions/inquiry.
subhi is on of the creators I always recommend following on tiktok and on instagram (if you aren't already) -their posts are both educational-based and they cover current events (for other creators on tiktok/all their platforms I'd recommend James Ray, A'isha, Dr. Nahla, fakegyllenhalal, Nuha, as well as anat_international -to name a few).
subhi created a free online crash course on Palestine that you can find here:
you can also find their page here: @/palestine.academy on Instagram:
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Lets Talk Palestine on Instagram has a plethora of educational resources, too (I have followed them for years and they have helped me learn A LOT -their content has many 'beginners guides to' on their Instagram page. I also always recommend following them -here is their link tree:
Palipunk also created a Masterlist here, which they pinned on their profile, as well as fairuzfan -they have a list of helpful resources in this post that cover some of what you were worried about/how you can best address people who may not be as receptive or with whom don't know much about what is going on -I will attach it here:
These are great sources here for you to reference and/or share with the people you know in-person who would like to learn more about Palestine, from past to current, but also as a reference for you to feel more confident/comfortable talking about topics that you know about/have learned about. This is by no means extensive, but it is something I can share to give you a starting point.
I can't say I have the perfect response, but letting them know, first and foremost, you don't have to be an expert to understand that what is happening to Palestinian people is mass ethnic cleansing, and that the Israeli Occupational Forces (the IOF) are committing war crimes. If this was happening to any western/European country there would be a global outrage -like even recently Biden referred to what Putin was/is doing to Ukraine was genocide, but the systematic killing of nearly 30,000 Palestinian people is not?
And to emphasize -if they feel like nothing can be done or even after they understand/have acknowledged what is happening, you can encourage them to look into boycotting (as many Palestinian activists and allies have said -it's the least we can do), because it has been working in varying different capacities. Here is a helpful resource to look into and share with them directly if you are taking your time to go through some of the link I directed you to:
I am also nowhere near an expert on these topics, and there are plenty of Palestinian creators here and elsewhere that I follow that make content talking about Palestine that you also can look at as well (some of them are included here).
I hope this offers some more clarity, and I know there may be tough conversations ahead -and it may depend on context, but whenever I'm addressing global issues with people who don't know about what I'm talking about I usually start with "did you know about..." and if they're not receptive to something I say "do you realize what you said can come across as 'x'" and that 'x' being either insensitive, racist, sexist, xenophobic/whatever they said that is problematic. Turning the onus on them to answer for their bigotry of ignorance, and then being able to educate/inform them.
It's also never the responsibility of Palestinian people, or any person/community being oppressed by a settler/imperial/colonial force both* (fixed a typo!) currently and having a history of such to 'explain' their oppression -so please if they do look outside of the recommendations I've made, please tell them no person who has/experiences marginalization/systematic oppression has to educate them about their suffering (there are some exceptions, but my bottom line is if you don't know then do your own research). It's inappropriate and can be traumatizing/re-traumatizing to many. I'm not saying that's the case for you, but learning/unlearning is something we're all doing, and unless we attend a conference/watch a documentary/are engaging with content they create, then please be mindful of this.
Wishing you the best!
And as always, free Palestine.
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team-magma-official · 1 month
Have you tweaked the character from canon? If so, what did you tweak?
//I am perfectly aware of the rabbit hole I am opening by asking this. I'm opening it on purpose.
[canon questionnaire]
ohoho, an enabler. i take every opportunity i can to talk worldbuilding and canon divergence in-character so this is great actually. may your harvest be bountiful or something. thank you!
this is probably going to be incredibly long-winded and ramble-y, so bear with me. i love talking about this guy.
to start, i completely threw out the "expand the land" bit. that's goofy. not as bad as archie's thing, but still. and that's the main thing--rse-era maxie does NOT give you much to work with in terms of character.
however, the stuff that is there is... interesting i guess? and i started with that for the basis of the personality he has in both my fic and this blog. first off, he's the antagonist you have the most contact with once he's introduced. you have to battle him the first three times you meet him, before ever having to battle archie. second, he has some great lines during the climax--pointing out to the player his own hypocrisy when he criticizes archie has stuck with me since i was literally ten years old. he's convinced he can't actually do anything about groudon and kyogre fighting, but he also doesn't just give up.
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and he and archie both do try to help in what way they can. they don't accomplish anything, but they do try.
and THEN there's the way he was portrayed in oras, which i also pulled from despite the fic and blog being based on emerald. in oras, he acknowledges his role as the antagonist in the player's story, and leans fully into it. he's pretty clearly having a good time throughout the story and seems genuinely fond of the player, acknowledging their talent and explaining his plan to them when you meet him at chimney. he even has a speech in seafloor cavern about how it's silly but he wanted the player to be there to witness his moment of triumph--and it's worth noting that archie does NOT have an equivalent moment. oras maxie is much friendlier and more open than people give him credit for in my opinion.
so let's get into the stuff i extrapolated from all that.
in the fic, he works as an archivist in mauville, which is how he has access to information on how to wake up groudon without causing her to rampage. he's very intelligent--my friend, the mod of @official-team-magma, jokes that he's high intelligence, low wisdom. he's affable and energetic but kind of hotheaded and impulsive. i struggled with untreated adhd for most of my life, so he does too because i need the representation. he's friendly with may to the point of trying to recruit her to team magma and being open with the fact that he and his team aren't a danger to her (she's from johto and used to team rocket). he's not comfortable being perceived as threatening, especially not to a young and anxious immigrant woman who's just trying to do what she thinks is right. he's still friends with shelly and speaks highly of her despite them being on opposite sides of a conflict now. he's a safe driver.
i said once on main that if maxie asher had a d&d class, he'd be a paladin. part of the backstory for hoenn in this fic/blog is that it was almost colonized by kanto back in the early 1800s, like johto and sinnoh were. the kantans landed in the eastern islands, and when they started aggressively pushing west, the native hoennic people (including the draconids, who do exist in this continuity) pushed back. a war broke out, and only ended once someone gained groudon's favor and partnered with her.
in the present, there's no war going on, at least not in the traditional sense. but maxie's definitely trying to gain groudon's partnership to grant himself legitimacy for what he wants to accomplish--the idea being that if he has her on his side, people will listen to him.
as for what he's doing with that favor, i guess we'll see!
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growling · 27 days
Top 10 favourite narcissist moments
parasocial hatred. we never talked and I'm not sure you know I exist but I fucking hate you and hope the worst happens to you
getting so pissed over actual talented people that get like 50+ notes minimum for every art and endless praise from their 100+ followers every damn day whining about how much their art sucks and nobody appreciates them or whatever. like shut the fuck up do you just not know how good you have it or are you just fishing for attention. nevermind i have already decided which one and i decided i want you boiled in a pot
not being able to have a normal one without a constant string of supply aka attention and praise from everyone. every time someone talks to me or compliments my epic art skillz or acknowledges me in any way I get such a high I feel like a literal god and feeling giddy nonstop for the whole day, then it fades i start to feel a bit too ignored these past 2 days and a half and i just feel so empty and terrible and my world is destroyed and i need to hurt something now- oh someone said im cool again nevermind i have been fixed the universe is beautiful my future is bright mentally healthy people want me carnally
having a really fucked relationship with the concept of "unconditional love" everything is conditional what are you talking about. and "love" in general, when i say i'm loveless, whether romantically or platonically, i mean it. that doesn't mean i cannot get attached to people or care about them in some other way, no i am not going to explain it in detail right now
there is zero point in talking to anyone else or getting into any relationships because none of these people could ever be on my level. their thinking is so shallow and stupid and they all behave so predictably and enjoy the most nonsensical of things and it's like everyone just gets something that i don't and they're inferior in every way but it feels like they are out for me specifically because I'm not like them and as soon as they find me out I will never be safe there. It's lonely and terrifying but yeah sure I'm the asshole apparently because I secretly feel superior or whatever. contrary to popular opinion being extremely self-centered is not a positive thing for the guy that has it
not caring about anything that doesn't concern me specifically in any way. it's all "support people with low empathy" until they can't ""make up"" for it with high sympathy or just trying harder or something. Everything bad that ever happens is here just for my entertainment or an annoyance. vents and crying and whatnot make me incredibly uncomfortable or annoyed and i mean i will try to listen (because i am a wonderful kind person) but i will have zero idea on how to respond because thorought the entirety of it i didn't really pay attention and just kinda thought "oh my god stfu i don't careeee when can i leave" while envisioning rain code amvs in my mind. unless you unlock my easter egg that is
only doing nice things for praise and making people love me or just to feel good for being such a great person, and getting incredibly dissapointed and sometimes really pissed whenever they're not grateful enough
wow society is a shitshow i don't respect literally any of you people. i should run away and live away from everybody forever but i need to acquire my riches and fame first which will not be hard whatsoever. the struggle never ends
just. lying all the time. and not being able to tell whether you actually like somebody or their attention.
not seeing other people as people (i know they are, it doesn't change that i still feel they aren't), having to slowly spend enough time talking with them and find out enough information on them in order to start seeing them as an actual person. if i don't know who you are then you just aren't that important in the great scheme of things. and if i do know you and get attached (and maybe you also happen to have traits that make you special and better than others almost like me which makes me like you even more) then I decide you're my person now. not in a weird or entitled way, it's just how many of us show protectiveness and whatnot thanks radiostaticsmile for putting that into words. I do feel a bit of an ownership over people I like, kinda like a cat or dog with their people. i'm really not escaping the kittycat allegations am i. god damn it.
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masterqwertster · 5 months
🏴‍☠️ and/or 🫂 for the au tidbits
Evergreen AU Prompt
🏴‍☠️ Orym keeps a sharp eye on Liliana. Mother of his captain she may be, but he doesn't trust her.
It's not that she hired them for a smuggling job. Mostly. Orym's learned in his time on The Hellion that some things need to be smuggled for the good of others. He's also pretty sure Liliana's cargo is not that kind of job. Not with the imperious way she treats anyone not Imogen (and even Imogen is talked down to, though in the manner of a child rather than an inferior person not worth the time). The good kind of smuggling tends to come from worn-down but well-meaning and kindly folk.
No, the main reason Orym doesn't trust her is the way Liliana is trying to force herself into the role of a mother to Imogen without acknowledging her nearly lifelong absence in Imogen's life, or even seeming to notice that Imogen is her own grown woman, not a helpless child.
So when Orym notices Liliana's brow furrow in that same way Imogen's does when she's actively listening to thoughts, as the interloper stands on the deck over the Green Cabin, he heads on over to put an end to that mess in the making.
"She won't appreciate that," Orym says as he draws close, placing himself between her and Dorian at the helm, and crossing his arms over his chest.
"She ain't gonna find out, now, is she?" Liliana retorts with a threatening look in her eye.
Orym can't help but think it's the kind of look befitting of a cutthroat. Dangerous, if you aren't a dangerous fighter yourself. It's not nearly so terrifying, so cowing, as a sharp look from one of his mothers. More proof, really, that Liliana may have birthed Imogen, but she's not much of an actual mother.
"Maybe Imogen isn't as good at this telepath-psychic stuff as you, but I'm pretty sure she can tell when someone's poking at her brain all on her own," Orym evenly replies.
He doesn't mention that Imogen also wears an enchanted circlet under her captain's hat that prevents mental intrusion, so what Liliana's trying won't work anyways. Nor does he mention that the other mind Liliana will find in the cabin could potentially eat her alive. The galaxy depths of Ashton's mind have already nearly taken Imogen and FCG and Prism, and Ashton likes them.
"I'm just tryin' to get to know my daughter," Liliana wheedles.
"Then talk to her," like a normal person, he doesn't say.
And maybe that's just a Thing with psychic telepaths: they'd much rather take unfiltered information straight out of your head than attempt to articulate anything in words or let you consider your answer. Because honestly? Imogen pulls this shit too. If people don't answer her questions, if they're not fast enough to reply, if she feels their answer is lacking details, she dives right in to search for what she wants to know.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but she won't talk to me," Liliana scathingly says.
Right. Because the other problem is that–
"You don't listen to what she's saying. So is it really any surprise she doesn't want to talk to you when you just ignore what she tells you anyways?" Orym pointedly replies.
He watches the woman flinch back, thinks he feels the flutter of another mind brushing his own.
"I do listen," she insists. "Imogen just don't listen to me."
Orym huffs a sigh. Stubborn as her daughter, this one. It's going to take someone better at people than him to straighten this mess out.
🫂 "I can't believe you were living with an earth genasi," Cyrus says as they sit tucked away on Eshteross's airship.
"It's not like I ended up there on purpose," Dorian defends himself. "Ashton helped me out of a tight spot early on, took me in."
"And you didn't leave," Cyrus points out the obvious, brows furrowed.
"Well, I..."
Dorian trails off. It's difficult to describe the deeply buried elemental instincts that sticking around Ashton stirs. Yes, there's that disconnect of Earth and Air that makes his previous living situation so unbelievable to his brother. But there was also a sense of safety in the immensity of the power sleeping in Ashton's veins. Great wings to shelter under from the storm outside, if he's being poetic. A sense of belonging when Ashton checked-in with Dorian, asked him to help them.
"Well, what?" Cyrus impatiently asks as Dorian's silence stretches.
"Well, I– You know how we were taught as kids to sense the strength of another's elemental bloodline?" Dorian asks, completely changing tracks.
"...Yeah?" Cyrus warily answers.
"I don't think I've ever sensed anyone with a bloodline as strong as Ashton's. It's... I don't even really know how to quantify it besides immense. And it's scary. I won't deny that. A bit off-putting too because he's Earth and I'm Air. But also incredibly comforting when you know they're on your side," Dorian explains.
Cyrus gives him a blank look.
"I– It's– Look, I know it was unconventional. I went in thinking I'd take their hospitality for a few days, maybe a week, and be on my way. But it felt like a slightly off-kilter sort of right to be in Ashton's care. Like– like the stories mom would tell, about how the greater Elementals, the greater bloodlines and families of the genasi, are supposed to care for and protect those under them. That's how strong Ashton's bloodline is, strong enough to overcome the divide of elements," Dorian desperately tries to explain.
Cyrus gives his little brother a searching look.
"...Okay. I believe you," he softly says. "But I also think that's kind of terrifying, and it makes me worried for you."
"I'm alright. I promise," Dorian gently murmurs, pulling Cyrus in to press their foreheads together. "Ashton's rough around the edges, but good. I'm just going to miss them."
Cyrus doesn't say that that's what worries him. All genies, all greater Elementals, are collectors. And he's terrified by what may have collected his little brother.
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max-nico · 8 months
I just wanna let you know that your writing is living rent free in my mind and is actively fueling my sonic obsession ♥️♥️♥️/pos
If you're still doing them do you have any headcanons for Knuckles Sonic and Shadow? (the blorbos)
AHHHHH thank you sm sm !!! 🫶🏾🫶🏾
I'm unsure if you mean separate or as a team/working together so I'll try to squirrel in a little of both. I hope this is to your liking 🔥
As a team
I'm pretty sure any team with Sonic on it is just referred to as team Sonic ngl, I don't know what they would be called anyway? Just bc they have so many conflicting traits
They'd probably end up with something generic like team Force or smthn
They all have a music preference but don't mind the music the others listen to
They bond mostly by beating each other up. It's all in good fun. Kinda.
All three of them are quiet one on one but are nothing except overstimulating when together
Sharing Tails is actually the worst thing to ever happen to them, as well as Tails. They fight constantly. All the time.
They rarely ever actually say things that would cause emotional damage, and they're all horrible at apologizing, but they're all learning together. Since everyone understands hating emotional vulnerability so well they cut each other some slack
Normally only two people are fighting at the same time, allowing the other one to act as a mediator. Though, three-way fights aren't unheard-of, and they usually get over it after punching each other a bunch instead of talking through it
Shadow and Knuckles take great joy in teaming up against Sonic when he gets too cocky
Group costume except they all showed up as the same thing on accident and started brawling because of it
Argue like brothers. Everyone is tired of them. Everyone. However, when it comes down to it if you upset one of them you upset all of them. Especially if you upset Sonic, the other two have way less restraint than him. You will get jumped I fear
None of them keep track of anything. They lose things constantly. Important documents? Yeah they're gone. Why'd you even give them those? At this point it's your fault you know how they are. Shadow is the only one with an excuse (I headcanon Shadow still suffers from short term memory problems many years after his not-really death)
None of their sleep schedules line up. Ever. Someone is always running on empty and is cranky all day.
Sonic is an early bird and takes naps throughout the day. Shadow is a night owl and doesn't really need to sleep as much as the average person. Knuckles goes to sleep super super early and has the sleep schedule of an old man
Shadow spends a lot of time trying to figure out newer technology. Despite being the ultimate lifeform it just really doesn't come naturally to him
Knuckles is the same way except he doesn't care, and only really tries when Tails asks him to
Sonic ends up being shorter than most if not all his friends and is very salty about it
Sonic and Knuckles are audhd
Shadow is autistic OCD <- projecting
Shadow's house is covered in incense. Every room has one. They're all lavender scented.
Shadow hates change, Sonic has mixed feelings
Knuckles is a chronic headache haver. Like no wonder he's always in a bad mood, do you know how hard it is to get Advil when you live on a floating rock
It's okay, Knuckles has tons of natural/organic remedies for most sickness anyway
Sonic is really good at charades
Shadow is super sentimental and refuses to admit it, he has lots of old mementos that he simply refuses to acknowledge but can't bring himself to throw away
Knuckles is fluent in multiple dead languages
Sonic and Knuckles are both super into geography, one is way better than the other one at it but you can choose which is which lol
Knuckles likes grapes but can't stand any of the faux grape flavors of processed foods. He wants grape flavor not purple flavor.
On the same wavelength, he doesn't really f/w processed food in general. He spends most of his time foraging and making his own foods from scratch, most processed foods make him sick
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I debated on this ask but decided to go for it. I have what may seem like an odd question but feel like you're probably the most sober minded about stuff like this because you've been in Kpop spaces a long time, aren't a Jimin bias, and have a much better understanding of how the big three and Hybe move. So I know you said in one of your previous posts that anyone thinking Hybe would purposely sabotage their own artist and choose to lose money is basically being an idiot (or something to that effect) I was inclined to agree except I can't think of another reason why things that may seem minor to some really do keep happening to Jimin.
His profile and merch not on Spotify.
His albums still not being shipped to Chinese fans after all this time.
Face not being restocked on the store.
Articles about an irrelevant racist shading Jimin and Yoongi actually posted on Weverse by the critic who was practically salivating over a Like Crazy freefall.
And the latest Take Two post by BH on Twitter with him being the only member with no embedded preview while all the others have it on theirs.
Now while the last may seem minor, the point is you can clearly tell it was intentional. Like you can't convince me someone just made a mistake. All these things and others taken together are not a coincidence. They are legit moving like he's not their artist at all, imo.
Anyway, my question is I know trending hashtags aren't all that effective. My ideas/experience of how to properly address these 'slights/errors/issues' or whatever we're calling them with BigHit where they will actually take it as serious from the fandom is non existent. I didn't mention all the things that happened with BB because for all we know that's being handled behind the scenes or not. Either way that ship has sailed and BB is basically committed to being shady to BTS so that to me is a losing battle until alot more people who can affect change in the industry join that conversation or until BangPD buys a radio station🙄. All that said it does seem to me it that someone in that company has a serious issue with Jimin. I know solos are problematic and always victimize the boys but in this instance I do think there is a legit concern. I have actually started to see other actual OT7 start to acknowledge there might be a problem. I guess my question is as loved as Jimin is (outside Army Twitter that is) I would think with enough incentive, push, noise by the fandom Hybe would get their butts in gear and resolve/address some of these things. At the very least ship the albums Chinese fans paid for. I know I can write to them but I guess I want to actually be effective and that takes more than one person so my question is have you ever seen this before and if so how exactly has Army addressed it in the past and gotten results? Yes, I know Jimin is a grown man and can advocate for himself but to be frank it doesn't seem like he spends too much time on focusing on unfair treatment. This seems to be more than that though and all these micro aggressions seem to keep happening. It's not like Jimin is aware his post on Tweet is different or his fans haven't gotten their CDs. Thanks for listening to my long diatribe and please don't hesitate to tell me I'm an idiot if I'm looking at this all wrong. I can more than take the criticism and frankly would love to have another perspective that makes a modicum of sense, instead of what seems like the obvious.
'Anon' later followed up with a link to a more exhaustive list of suspicious incidents that only happen to Jimin at the hands of HYBE. 'Anon', I know I said I'd get to this later, but I realized this would be simplest/quickest ask in my drafts to respond to, so might as well get this out of the way because the backlog I've got is atrocious lool.
Hi Anon,
I read the laundry list of suspicious incidents.
Normally, when I see these lists of grievances, I ignore them. For two reasons:
Hard as it might be to believe, I don't care to spend my time defending BigHit. With what I do for a living, incompetence is unforgivable, so you won't find me getting in the way of anyone checking even a whiff of it in BigHit.
This is just what solos do, collecting an ever-expanding list of targeted sabotage on their chosen member, to buttress their case for why the member they believe is better than the rest, should leave his company and go solo. Like, that's literally what all these people are there for. Hobi solos have a list that's twice as long as the Jimin one, just from the last 12 months. Jungkook solos have a shorter list but I can wager 40 pounds it will be longer than Jimin's by the end of the year. RM's grievance list is more focused on the fandom than the company, but even then there's complaints of shipping and restocking delays aplenty. No other group of solos have perfected the art more than Taehyung's, in my opinion. Solos exist to differentiate their chosen member, in every way - he is more disadvantaged, more talented, more long-suffering, more harmed, more beautiful, than anyone else - all of it is fuel to intensify their devoted support of that one member. It has the side-effect of motivating solos to stream harder so if a missing cake pic gets someone to rejig their playlist, you won't find me getting in the middle of that. I too want more streams for Jimin and other members.
Plus, most of the claims in these lists can be easily dismissed or cross-referenced by anyone who keeps up with things for all seven members, to see that most of these issues aren't unique to Jimin or any one member.
For example,
300k JITB sales were deleted off Hanteo with no explanation, even more sales were deleted in week 2, again with no explanation,
OTS is still not registered on KOMCA more than 3 months after release,
Indigo still hasn't shipped to China, RM solos use a network to get albums in after the sales are registered/counted in Singapore,
Jungkook's brother was doxxed on a gallery linked to the company and YG,
Suga's profile still doesn't have a bio and merch page, and his Agust D page didn't get one until March 2022 - years after Agust D and D-2, merch came two weeks after D-DAY was out,
Taehyung's official youtube views were frozen for 37 hours straight and millions of views deleted,
Yoongi and Jin's in-ears didn't work during Not Today encore stage,
Jungkook's Spotify streams were mysteriously deleted in 2022 to give a Blackpink member the title of most streamed k-artist until pushback then the streams were recalculated,
JITB was not listed on the official BTS website shop or by Geffen for months after it was released, like, you couldn't even find it to see if it was sold out or not from those websites,
And this is just off the top of my head. Not like this is a competition, I just happen see it for various members, other k-pop groups, and have recently seen a Stella Quaresma solo stan make a similar list, and seen grumblings from FLO stans on inconsistent streaming numbers for the group. Also, most people eventually come to understand that BigHit is the only fully independent label under HYBE.
And so, I usually ignore grievance lists like that, and leave whoever feels so moved as a result of it to do what they want.
Because, as I keep saying, everyone in this fandom just does what they want. And, all of what I wrote above aside, of course it's bad enough that these things are happening anyway. It doesn't matter how common it is, if it happens to the whole industry or just one person, if I think it's wrong it bothers me, even if only momentarily.
And so, I do what I want.
Usually that means doing my research to confirm the claim or my suspicions, talking about it with friends, if the issue is on a 3rd-party platform I raise the issue through that platform's support channels, and write an email to BigHit in Korean if it's a problem on their end - if I've got time and I think it's an extremely urgent and severe problem. Most ARMYs already do this for issues they find very serious. And yes ARMYs have gotten results. Examples include rectifying misleading/insulting subtitles towards Jimin on a Vlive in 2021, fixing potentially misleading subtitles on the Festa 2022 video, and getting JITB's album finally shown on the official BTS website though this took months.
Personally, lack of public twitter announcements (Jimin's BB #1 was highlighted by company leadership to investors), cake pics, and albums still available to be purchased on the US store (FACE is not completely sold out on the US store), don't make the cut for me, also just as I don't expect JYPE, Universal or Sony to comment on their artist streams getting split, I don't expect BigHit to, but again, do you. Everyone else does anyway.
I hope I haven't come across as excessively flippant in my response to you, because I appreciate the time and care you spent sending me this ask Anon. I'm just another fan after all, and my opinion is only worth as much as yours. You're seeing things happen to Jimin that you cannot explain, injustices the company and fandom seem apathetic to, and you love Jimin and simply want the best for him. He deserves only the very best, as do other BTS members. You want to respect the agency of the adult male artist you support, but at the same time it's true he's not meant to micro manage his career, and the people paid to do it sometimes do a sloppy job. Plus antis and sasaengs worming their way into company spaces is a very real risk that's worth keeping in mind.
I'm constantly working under the assumption that the people I'm writing to aren't stupid, that everyone can think for themselves to decide what they want, and that anyone who ends up a solo, manti, or toxic shipper, was always going to be one. And that is just as well.
And so, I hope by this point, you can understand why I'll be saying what I'm saying next:
I read that laundry list, and it was immediately clear it was written by and/or sourced from solos or someone who spends a lot of time in a siloed environment in the fandom. Generally, anyone who thinks a member is always uniquely targeted, is well on their way to becoming a solo stan or is spending a lot of time around people hyper-focused on one member, and in k-pop fandoms, that means spending time with people who actively or eventually hate other members and seek to remove the chosen member from the group.
The motivations of solo stans inform every single thing they do, and it has less to do with love, and more to do with control. Everything in that list is crafted in such a way to communicate one message only. To do it, solos often rely on half-truths, artificially isolated accounts, and flat out misinformation. Which is a pain, because oftentimes there's some truth mixed in but like the boy who cried wolf, these lists lose their veracity soon enough for ARMYs who see these lists 7 times over. And because the ultimate motivation for solos is control, their approach to solving these issues is usually one that aims to destroy the public reputation of the team or weaken whatever connection is there to begin with.
Like, if I knew nothing about BTS and I read that list, I'd think you were lying if you told me the same company provided Jimin with remixes to support buying efforts, set him up with a camp for his first solo endeavour, etc.
At the end of the day, there'll be more of these issues for Jimin and other members, at least going by what I've seen flitting through various music fandoms for artists under big companies. Plus, being an ARMY for a while, I've come to expect something or the other happening from the industry mostly, towards BTS (also, YG is BigHit's distributor...). I trust that BTS are in control of their careers, and when I see things that don't make sense, I use any channels I find appropriate to flag it so it's corrected. If solo stans highlight something, I double-, triple-, and quadtriple-check it because those people just think different.
If you've made it to the end of my diatribe, thanks for taking the time.
Goodluck Anon.
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fandom-hoarder · 5 months
This is part of a longer post that I've been composing in my head for months, but I've been watching a lot of anti-multilevel marketing (MLM) videos and it had started making me think about how, just like my mom has used religion to cope with her (previously undiagnosed) ptsd, she used MLMs also.
She sold Tupperware and got the Sea World convention trip. She sold Mary Kay and got the car. She sold other things I can't remember-- vitamin stuff, and was super into it.
And the way some people break down the MLMs in the videos I'm watching, really made me think about how that structure of having to constantly recruit new people is so much like evangelism in general, but particularly Jehovah's Witnesses. They are constantly trying to recruit you -- not just to save you, or teach you something they say will enrich your life, but because they have to make their quotas!
And now I'm watching these ex-JW vids, from Elders who have left the Jehovah's Witnesses, and it's bringing up a lot of memories, but also I'm getting even more of a peek behind the curtain of what goes on in the upper levels... it really is set up like an MLM corporation.
And if you're good at making those quotas, you'll probably thrive. My mom was always good at making her quotas -- both in MLM sales AND her monthly field service (proselytizing) hours. All aspects considered, she was a "better" JW than my father. She was always a joy to the congregation and everyone wanted her involved in things, she sewed the dresses for so many weddings, she sang out in meetings, and she was a zealous Pioneer who always made her quotas and brought new people in. She learned ASL to minister to one person in her territory, and ASL became a passion that led to her going to college once she was out of the JWs.
It's kinda hilarious to me that they lost a truly devoted JW when they disfellowshipped her because she wanted a divorce. 👀 (She had to break a religious law for her divorce to be recognized by the congregation, because dad being abusive wasn't enough-- because of their "two witness" rule about proving guilt. So she had an affair with a coworker, and let people find out about it, and then refused reconciliation in the prescribed Elder marriage counseling.)
When someone is disfellowshipped, they are fully shunned. Baptized people and full members of the congregation aren't allowed to speak to them or even acknowledge them. But my mom at first wanted to earn her way back in!! For which, she needed to stay devout and keep going to meetings, even though she wasn't allowed to sing or do service anymore or talk to any of her friends. And every 6 months or so, she could write a letter to the Elders and the Organization about why she should be reinstated. I overheard these things laid out to her when I snuck downstairs to listen in on their counsel. It was such a scary feeling, compared to the excitement of weeks earlier when my brother and I sat in my room listening to my parents fight about her affair, both of us crossing our fingers and whispering, "Please get a divorce."
Idk if this is where I lost my faith exactly, because even though I was raised in it I had ALWAYS questioned things that didn't make sense and got in trouble for it. But I also DID believe in the religion still-- I was 9/10 and didn't yet realize how that religion had actually been CREATED by men just the same way as Mormonism and all the other sects JWs decry. I just really started labeling them all as hypocrites at that point. The way everyone abandoned my mom, and acted like my dad was so betrayed and perfect; the way they TALKED about my mom and compared me to her all the time to keep my behavior in line. The way they would still talk to me, but not my mom. When she was right there.
...I intended this to just be short and get my thoughts out but I just kept going. Lol I'm stopping here.
But this is the video I was watching when I had to pause and type this lol.
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tamaverse · 2 years
Here's the deal with electronic dreams 1984 and why my headcanons are right (/lh) a mini essay by Abbie
Okay so guys. Listen. I love the polycule and don't get me wrong, I think that's what should be going on here. But it's like deeper than that. Hear me out.
Edgar had feelings towards Miles the whole movie (that's apparent by the end of course) and it's actually made surprisingly clear the whole way through. Even some of the first few interactions when he starts speaking are playful and kinda.. Not Straight. When Miles touches his keyboard at one point, Edgar even goes "don't touch... tee hee". Gay little computer. Also it should be noted Miles is the one that teaches him what love is.
Clearly Edgar is still attached to Madeline, but when he meets her it throws him in a muddle, because he finally realises he actually has the same (if not potentially stronger) feelings for Miles the whole time. He wasn't just jealous of Miles, he was jealous of Madeline for spending time with him. That is the moment Edgar realises what love really is. And also... he's an AI. He wasn't created to understand love, this would be a huge realisation to him, and potentially a terrifying one- he's taken in the social norms (funny little trash tv addict) so he's likely taken in the social norm of monogamy. (Man. Why did he have to do that to himself. At least we know he still exists from the radio scene so we can all just imagine they bought a new computer for him and he came home to them)
Think about it- Edgar has the power to call anywhere up. He theoretically could call Madeline, yet he chooses to call Miles at work (and then get shy about it), ask him what he's doing tonight, and seek his company. He hates being left alone. He throws a huge tantrum. Bro you can't tell me that whole scene after with the eye screen wasn't just like, divorce. Take your things and GET OUT!!! type beat. But they kiss again later so its fine.
Edgar also seeks validation/acknowledgement from Miles, naturally because he wants credit to woo Madeline, but also... potentially he just wants the praise from Miles too.
(Also sneak peek the "love is love" lyric and then the frame of the rainbow cables. That's an entire gay computer)
Okay ALSO ALSO. Edgar is the most fucking flirty/socially adapted one out of the three, ironically. Miles is absolutely a shy architecture autism creature and Madeline is like his opposite, but an autism creature for music, very outgoing. She speaks in a Way. A key part of her character is personifying objects qnd being attached to them. "An elevator ate it", "it okay", things like that. She has two love interests at once (Bill and Miles) and doesn't seem to have a deep connection with either aside from music. If you ask me, she doesn't have the best concept of commitment. She seems quite impulsive and indecisive, and while she knows what she ultimately wants, she may not always be 100% confident on it. Headcanoning her as arospike. It's definitely not projection because i kin her. POLYAMORY IS LIKE THE BEST THING EVER FOR AROSPIKE PPL BC ITS LIKE COMMITMENT WITHOUT THE INTIMIDATION TO BE LOVEY ALL THE TIME maybe thats just me projecting
She wants to get to know miles better and have a deeper connection and that gives her the perfect time to also establish that with edgar as long as you imagine he comes back. Which he would. He hates being alone bro that computer demon is gonna get bored just being In Technology Void. He just has freedom now.
Edgar is also autistic just btw . Maybe a little adhd. Maybe im sprinkling some traits of my cohost onto him, listen i associate characters w people,
Arospike means to still be attracted to people and experience romantic feelings towards others, but not always consistently. Sometimes there's periods where you aren't attracted to people at all. Her feelings and opinions of others seem to flip flop a lot.
Also. Back to the computer sorry. I know theres one post already but if edgar was a human hed absolutely want tits. It's true. Go you little it/he/she.
Anyway yeah thats about it spent half my lunch hour writing this and its not very formal or well put together but it is how it is.
Anyway yeah human man and woman and nonbinary computer are all autistic and in love, end tweet. Worlds BEST polycule
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skayafair · 5 months
Ep 35-36
Wait, hold on. Do I understand it correctly that J is technically not dead but has just... completed the transformation and had to stay there? And Alyx is changing the same way now? So they can maybe at least be there together in the end? Tough luck, I know.
But damn Beckett! This bastard! >:(((
Cass and Silas, when they get the err relationship bits, make me blush like no other pairing or media ever has. I don't know why but it just feels so personal and real? Gods this podcast is superb in acting and editing. And writing.
I really like Lizzy in the past 2 episodes. She's very relatable and feels fully fleshed now. Also I need someone to give her a good supportive hug. To all of them, really, but to her especially.
I don't want to think of what happened to Allura and how everyone starting with Silas are going to react when the 1st shock is gone. Oh gods.
The gods are pissing me off, by the way, no news here. I half-wish them to turn out to be some kind of an AI because I love the "ancient advanced technologies" trope but we'll see.
I like how emotional and emotionally unhinged these episodes are. Podcasts really don't hold back do they... It's been very difficult to listen to ep 36. It's just... scary and heavy, but not in a horror way. Just in a life way. The worst (meaning the heaviest) part was the call to Silas' mom. I just couldn't believe he'd actually go and do this RIGHT AWAY. FFS! What?! Couldn't wait for a few days?? Or was it planned to announce them all dead all along?
Another thing I really like about Syntax is that the team members are slowly losing their composure the farther they go. Usually in plots like this the characters manage somehow (if the writers even care to make this a point at all) or seem to be just emotionally tough enough to bear basically anything. Team Alpha breaks down little by little until they start doing... dangerous things. They acknowledge they're at the end of their ropes but have no choice but to go forward. Plus before this last breach their situation wasn't as dire. This world seems to be willing to kill them with all it's got. And they aren't coping anymore. I like seeing this narative-wise - it makes them feel like actual living people, not heroes who stay sane no matter what because the story must go on.
I half-wish there was a happy ending where they get everyone they've lost back somehow. Aren't there gods? I thought Lizzy was going to fall and nearly started crying from how scared I was. It seems that since I've got my emotions back a year ago everything that touches my heart gets through with full force with no filter normal people have to not worry for characters as much as in real situations. Oh well. I'll ascribe that to great acting. But I also feel this isn't that kind of a story. It's not even about the deaths losing their impact - as someone who hates and fears this topic altogether I'd say no death can be made meaningless by coming back to life, because life is priceless no matter how one looks at it. No. It's just... they aren't coming back. And that's really grim. Usually I drop such stories because... really, I have enough grim and dark things irl. And just like most shows for the last few decades, it keeps getting darker. I seek solace and escape in stories. Others' suffering doesn't make me feel better - it adds to the one here, irl. But also... there's some kind of hope that still lingers in Syntax? And I've already got too attached to the characters to drop it. I hope it won't fail me like this. That there's some... point or meaning at the end of this road, that all they went through wasn't for nothing. Although I don't even know what this would mean now.
Well. I know the story is good when I can't drop it even despite all the triggers. It's just pity it started as a feel good series with mostly just adventures and exploring and went on like this for 2 seasons, and now I postpone listening to it because I need to pull myself together to face what's going on there. I guess I can still relisten to those 2 seasons as a feel good thing though 😅
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gear-project · 3 months
Annon-Guy: Weird aks, but have you ever delt with a friend who's 'harsh' and critical about EVERYTHING you like in regards to characters and their designs?
Say you share your love of the Guilty Gear cast, but when you show them to a group of friends, all but one says they like the characters, personality and desgin alike, when you show them. However, the one friend keeps calling all of the character designs you like trash, awful and/or garbage, showing no mercy.
I know everyone has their tastes, but do you think it can be disheartening to have something you like get critiqued in such a harsh manner instead of a respectful way?
I feel like you've been LISTENING IN ON MY CONVERSATIONS on Discord or something... I've had similar "heated" discussions with my so-called "mutuals" on these topics, especially for Strive recently.
I'll be honest, I've put up with this kind of "trash talk" for many many years... and it is hard to put up with, especially as a fan of the series as a whole.
The longer you invest time in to something you like, the more involved you get... and hearing anyone talk badly about stuff you like feels like torture somedays...
Some people have NO CONSIDERATION for the feelings of the people they vent to, it's like they might as well NOT be fans at all.
But, the truth is, there is some grey area there... so of course they like "some aspects", but it's not like it's necessary to like everything.
Troublesome as that may be, I think it's important to be honest about how you feel towards people... but sometimes it's difficult to "share the same perspectives" if people don't see where you're coming from.
I know a guy who thinks Ishiwatari betrayed him, all because he centered his "fan group" around a specific character that got changed in particular ways... and he feels like they're denying his very existence.
It's rough to feel that way about things... but I also feel like you need to develop a certain amount of "realistic detachment" from the things you're zeroed in on and the things that aren't actually "a part" of who you are as a person.
You can't expect the situation to ever be flawless or perfect, whether it's characters you like, story you like, music you like, or gameplay nuances, or other gimmicks and features... even if one thing is wrong, it can sometimes feel like the whole concept falls apart like a house of cards.
But you know... deep down that's not true.
The things you like, the things others like... while they're different, they're both somehow connected one way or other...
And that's just something you have to face and realize between each other, whether as friends, or as rivals, or just as incompatible people who agree to disagree.
You don't talk about what sets the other people off, and vice-versa... at least if you want to get along for the time being.
But, if they can't agree to at least respect your feelings, it's not like you're obligated to appeal to their thoughts yourself!
But, if there's one key thing I've learned "going out of your way to hate on stuff", is the wrong way to go about things!
I should know... at one point I had a BLOG dedicated to venting my anger... and some people might even remember it.
Being honest is one thing, but hurting others just because you're hurting is also wrong... it's an injustice.
So how do you set things right?
For starters... accept that nothing is ever perfect, no matter how great something is...
After that: acknowledge that the parts you zeroed in on are only "just one facet" of what's really going on... whether it's what you liked, or it's what you disliked.
Thirdly... BE MATURE. Being mature means you respect other peoples' feelings and perspectives, even just a little bit, try to see things from their perspective. Trash talking is out of the question, even if you're not talking about that person directly, you're still trashing stuff they like.
Fourthly, and this one's IMPORTANT: acknowledge the GOOD THINGS: BE CONSTRUCTIVE. No good idea was ever born from bad intentions. That's the truth of this world. No matter what amount of evidence may suggest otherwise.
And even in the cases that it looks like a "happy accident", consider that most ideas are actually born from failed concepts to begin with... Guilty Gear took a bunch of ideas from other stuff too, and is no exception to that rule.
So yeah, technically speaking, everything is an ENDLESS CHAIN of RECYCLED IDEAS.
Doesn't have to stop here either, no matter if you liked the game or not. But especially if you didn't like it and WANT to stop it... that sort of destructive behavior involves hurting other people.... c'mon now... don't be a party pooper!
It's called being reasonable with others... and it doesn't just apply to you, it applies to EVERYONE. Everyone should be reasonable to everyone else... how else are we gonna get along in this tiny world of ours?
There's such a thing as "getting greedy"... and sometimes people who are "angry at stuff" can overdo it and tend to wallow in their own despair.
This is just my personal experience, but... when something doesn't go your way, maybe it's a good idea to look for other ways to be happy?
Not everyone is born lucky. Sometimes you get the short end of the stick.
But taking that out on others isn't going to change things... Instead of hating on the stuff you didn't get... It's better to look for stuff you CAN OBTAIN.
If the path you walk is full of thorns, find a new path. Doesn't that sound better?
Of course, for a guy like Sol Badguy, the path of thorns was a path he just kept right on walking... until he stomped those thorns FLAT.
It takes a great deal of strength and care to be able to do that... not just anyone can do it. Maturity, wisdom, and courage too.
As for YOU, Annon-guy, I suggest you keep walking a path that suits YOU the BEST.
Sometimes you just gotta keep moving. Just be sure to let everyone who likes your ideas know... the more friends you got on your side, the easier it gets.
As for me... like Order Sol (and Sin Kiske), I'll just do my best and KEEP THE FLAG FLYING.
I'm a GG fan... always will be. Doesn't matter what others think. I'm ME. And I won't change who I am.
Same goes for everyone else.
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coraniaid · 8 months
I've been talking a little recently about the way that the show sometimes deliberately makes Xander unsympathetic, and I think The Wish is a great example of that.
I mean, it's actually kind of impressive that Xander manages to jump straight to "Look, you want to do guilt-a-palooza, fine, but I'm done with that" about ten minutes into the episode, cleverly skipping over any of the actual wallowing-in-guilt phase. Or even, as far as we see, the actual admission of guilt phase.
Yes, we know that he made a big effort in the week between Lovers Walk and The Wish to try to talk to Cordelia but, as Oz says to Willow a little earlier "I can't help feeling like the reason you want to talk is so you can feel better about yourself".
Xander certainly didn't seem particularly contrite when he was talking to Buffy and Willow earlier. Willow was talking about her plans to beg for forgiveness, but Xander was talking about kissing Willow being "a mistake" and how it "bugged him" that they were caught when it was definitely going to be the last time it happened. Nothing we hear in Xander's "sixty or seventy" answer machine messages to Cordelia -- which we see she did listen to -- contains any actual acknowledgement of wrongdoing. Maybe if he'd actually said some variant of "I'm sorry" at any point instead of just asking to talk, things would have been a little different.
And, to reiterate, I do think this is a example of the show knowingly have Xander act terribly. The Oz line I quoted above makes that obvious, I think. Indeed, Xander describing the kiss as "a mistake" must be intentionally echoing Buffy describing her kiss with Angel in Revelations as "an accident", something Xander himself was hardly sympathetic to at the time ("what, you just tripped and fell on his lips?".
We are surely not meant to be on Xander's side here.
(Which is good, because I'm not.)
This episode is really a culmination of two arcs that I'm not crazy about: the Xander/Cordelia subplot and then the Xander/Willow cheating subplot. And, having reached the end of both, I still don't think either one works. But the weaker of the two is probably the first one. It is just not credible to me that Cordelia would be attracted to Xander, and I'm not sure any amount of handwaving or headcanons is going to change that.
Yes, the show has established that Cordelia is often lonely or isolated despite her superficial popularity, and her romance with Xander kind of builds on that. I think the writers just forget (or ignore) that they've already shown us that Cordelia is capable of forming meaningful relationships with people that make her happy and don't threaten to undermine the social status she cares so much about (even if the last example of that happening was eaten by vampires way back in Season 1). The idea that she'd be happier dating somebody she has almost nothing in common with (except, possibly, a shared childhood history that is only ever hinted at) -- somebody who is barely even civil to her in all the times we see them on screen-- is just not serious.
And the show itself is never sure if it's being serious about their relationship: it never really moves beyond the punchline it was in What's My Line?. So there's a kind of bathos to the whole thing at the end: yes, it's sad that Cordelia got her heart broken, but the show was still playing her feelings for Xander as a joke as late as the Season 3 opener.
On the other hand, I know a lot of people dislike the Xander/Willow cheating subplot on an almost visceral level -- I've seen people talk about how it feels wrong and it's not enjoyable to watch, and I'd agree with that -- but I think that reaction is mostly (maybe even entirely) deliberate. We're meant to think that what Willow and Xander are doing is wrong and inappropriate and foolish. We aren't exactly supposed to be rooting for Xander and Willow to end up together at this point. We're not meant to think they have good chemistry. That ship sailed at least a season ago.
And as a vehicle for breaking up Xander and Cordelia ahead of her departure to Angel, and as a tool for commenting on Buffy's own secret-keeping with Angel that takes place over the same few episodes -- which, really, is all this particular subplot is at the end of the day -- I think it works well enough.
What I'm a little less persauded by is whether it makes sense for either Xander or Willow as characters, especially since Becoming Part 2 seemed to mark the end of Willow's unrequited attraction for Xander pretty firmly. On balance, I suppose it's not too out of character for either of them, even if it doesn't paint either of them in a particularly flattering light (Xander is so shallow that he finally notices how attractive Willow is the first time he sees her in a flattering outfit; Willow thinks resorting to magic is a more sensible approach to her romantic problems than talking about it to literally any of her friends). It's not too hard to believe it. But that doesn't mean I like it.
My more serious complaint is that, after this episode, the Xander/Cordelia split will see Cordelia self-exiled from the Scooby Gang too. That feels like a waste, to me. But at least she'll get to fufill her dream of moving to LA next season and put Sunnydale behind her for good, after which nothing bad will ever happen to her again.
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