#attention defecit hyperactive disorder
completeandrandomshit · 3 months
Life with ADHD
Interviewer: What's your greatest stregnth? Me: ADHD. Interviewer: What's your greatest weakness? Me: ADHD.
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samijami · 11 months
I hate how I'm expected to grow out of my learning disabilities
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starlight-bread-blog · 8 months
Today I overheard a convo of people talking about ADHD saying everyone has it and it's just how the brain works...
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Almost everyone has trouble concentrating. That's not ADHD.
"ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can cause attention difficulties, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. Research suggests that imbalances of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine".
Reducing ADHD to just trouble concentrating is inaccurate and quite ignorant. Some symptoms I have:
Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: Being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings, constantly fidgeting, being unable to concentrate on tasks, excessive physical movement, excessive talking, being unable to wait their turn, acting without thinking, interrupting conversations, little or no sense of danger.
Hyperfocus: Happens when a person becomes so absorbed in an activity that they tune out to everything around them. This usually occurs when the person is engaging in something they find fun, rewarding, and stimulating.
Hyperfixation: Intense focus on a single subject may cause you to spend more time and energy on it than you intend to. If left unchecked, hyperfixation can lead to negative consequences and disrupt your day-to-day functioning.
ADHD Paralysis: When a person with ADHD is overwhelmed by their environment or the amount of information given. As a result, they freeze and aren’t able to think or function effectively. This makes it challenging for the individual to focus and complete their tasks—including urgent ones.
Emotional Dysregulation: Experiencing emotions so deeply that they become overwhelmed or “flooded.” One may feel joy, anger, pain, or confusion in a given situation—and the intensity may precede impulsive behaviors they regret later.
Executive Dysfunction: A term used to describe faults or weaknesses in the cognitive process that organizes thoughts and activities, prioritizes tasks, manages time efficiently, and makes decisions. (I wouldn't say I experience this, but it's really common).
And if you know you don't have ADHD and think this is all relatable, remember the extent.
It's a disordser. I'm sure people without ADHD struggle a lot with some of these, but they do not have a biological difference that causes them. There's a difference between struggling with something and having a disorder.
It has medical treatment, as s disorder. There are 3 different types of medicine that are prescribed by professional doctors. If you know you don't have ADHD, you cannot take it. Just like medicine for any other disorder.
A few not-so-fun statistics about people with ADHD:
Percent of children with ADHD who had at least one other disorder:
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[The facts below are taken from Cross River Therapy]
About 10% of people with ADHD a substance use disorder regarding alcohol or drugs.
Bipolar disorder is 6 times more common in adults with ADHD.
About 33% of students with ADHD dropout of high school, more than twice as many as those without ADHD.
Only 15% of people with ADHD complete a four-year degree at a university.
Drivers with ADHD have a risk of accidents that is 47% higher than their non-ADHD peers.
Not everyone has ADHD.
And I kindly ask everyone to stop saying things like this. Because it's contributing to the myth that ADHD isn't a real disorder, just something people make up for attention, or isn't that serious.
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Okay, so a "little" infodump on ADHD and a rant about the treatment of people with ADHD in the media
This post focuses on ADHD and media representation of ADHD.
I know this isn't my usual type of content, but I need to rant to an audience. I will get back to my usual type of content after this. I got diagnosed with ADHD over two months ago, and I've started following a few ADHD accounts on YT and Instagram to find social support, but what I've seen is tons of comments filled with misinformation under every single video/post about ADHD. I also saw this type of behavior from news outlets and the comments under every single ADHD news story I found. I decided to make this post to make it clear what ADHD really is and what it is not. I attempt to be as truthful and unbiased as possible, but I am only a human being so if you notice something wrong, please let me know in the comments.
What is ADHD? (And what it isn't)
ADHD is a condition that affects a person's attention, impulsivity and activity. Some have difficulty with only their attention, some have with only their hyperactivity, some have difficulty with both. It can affect both girls and boys, both women and men. You are born with it and it doesn't disappear as you age. You can't get it from using the internet too much. It is a real condition and not manufactured by "big pharma" or whatever some say. It isn't a fake condition that drug addicts use to get meth. It's not easy to get a diagnosis and you need to pass a drug test. It has been around for a long time before internet and western medicine. It is genetic. Symptoms can be managed through therapy, medicine and the help of loved ones. What doesn't help is grit, daily grind and prayers, neither does blaming and yelling.
What are the symptoms? (Inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, emotional dysregulation)
People with inattentive ADHD have difficulty initiating and focusing on certain tasks (such as cooking, paying bills, learning) especially those that require effort and are uninteresting or unpleasant. People with inanttentive ADHD might seem quiet, lazy or like they never listen, but really they just can't control their attention as well as many others.
Impulsivity is the tendency to act without thinking. It shows up especially in relationships and personal finance. People with this symptom might spend a lot of money on things they don't need (duplicates of a item they already have, books that they feel like they will someday read but never do, buying random stuff online) and ruin their financial situation for a while (because you need money to live, eat, pay the bills.) In relationships they might act without thinking of others, for example they may offend others without meaning to. Overall, their behavior could be characterized as risky and impatient by others. Still, they can be an empathetic person, even though their actions at times might seem insensitive.
Hyperactivity symptoms are both external (you can see it) and internal (you can't see it.) External symptoms include difficulty staying still (pacing, doodling, talking excessively.) Internal hyperactivity symptoms include having a racing mind, taking unnecessary risks, getting anxious over "nothing" and being impatient. People with hyperactive symptoms might seem to be always busy, overwhelmed or seem immature. Try to be understanding: inside they may feel very restless or extremely bored.
One symptom that I've seen discussed on various YouTube channels is emotional dysregulation. People with emotional dysregulation have difficulty with controlling their emotional response and dealing with strong emotions. They might seem dramatic or they seem to overreact, but just remember that they may feel guilt or embarrassment for acting out the way they do. But emotional dysregulation is not just an excuse to avoid responsibility, but instead it's an explanation to why they've acted the way they did.
Brain chemistry of ADHD (and are people with ADHD just lazy)
ADHD brains don't have as much dopamine as neurotypical ("normal people") brains. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that creates motivation to do stuff. Without it you wouldn't do stuff. You wouldn't play games, eat, walk or even blink.
So how can people with ADHD play games then? Are they just lazy? No, playing games doesn't make you lazy, neither does not doing laundry. Think of it as all people having a certain threshold that needs to be exceeded for a task to be doable. For neurotypicals the threshold is easier to exceed, because they have more dopamine. So for them doing laundry is easier to start, but for people with ADHD the threshold may be too high, unless they get help. The threshold for playing games is lower, because it's much more enjoyable than doing laundry (at least for the majority.) So playing games is easier to start doing and focus on, doing laundry involves discomfort, so it requires an extra push.
How ADHD is portrayed in the media
I've seen many news outlets, tv-shows and other forms of media treat ADHD as a boys' condition that disappears in adulthood. Also, in recent years ADHD has been portrayed as a "trendy diagnosis" teens and young adults "want" to have along with autism spectrum disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and many others in order to gain "respect" or "status" or just to get a free pass on being "lazy". More often than not the medicine used to treat ADHD is presented in a negative light and it is claimed that children shouldn't be given ADHD medication because it is "literal meth" and it's a study drug that makes students geniuses without any effort. These are all misleading claims and I'll try my best to debunk these below.
Can girls have ADHD?
It is true that boys are more likely to get a diagnosis for ADHD, but it's because ADHD presents differently in boys and girls. Girls can also have ADHD. Girls typically have more inattentive symptoms and they are more likely to mask (or hide) their struggles from others in fear of judgement from parents, teachers or peers.
Can adults have ADHD?
ADHD symptoms do sometimes lessen with age, but ADHD doesn't disappear when you reach adulthood. Sometimes symptoms may even worsen in adulthood because of increased responsibility. People with ADHD may forget to pay their bills and may have difficulty forming and maintaining relationships. In childhood parents are usually the ones to take care of these kinds of things, so when a person with an undiagnosed ADHD moves out and tries to live independently it's very difficult. They find out they've had severe problems with self-regulation their whole life without even knowing.
Is ADHD just a trend?
Is ADHD actually a trend among teens and young adults? I'd say that's irrelevant, because it isn't harming anyone. People with ADHD face a lot of hate and judgement. ADHD is a very stigmatizing disorder and many have to hide their condition from others. Some have to get a diagnosis later in life because they fear their family might disown them after seeking help. So, for some it is comforting to be part of a group that understands their problems and doesn't judge them. People should have the opportunity to feel included and supported even if they didn't have ADHD but showed symptoms.
There has been growth in ADHD diagnoses in recent years, in part because of increased awareness, in part because of a change in people's lifestyles. By "change in lifestyle" I am referencing people using internet more and people having busier schedules. Both of these may make ADHD symptoms worse, so people are more likely to seek help. Remember that the number of people with ADHD hasn't changed, only the number of diagnoses. Could this be explained by by a rise in false diagnoses? Probably not, because the same trend is seen in multiple countries. There may be misdiagnoses for sure, like with every medical condition, but it's highly unlikely to explain everything. In fact, ADHD is often falsely diagnosed as depression, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder, especially in women.
Is ADHD medication dangerous?
ADHD medication has often been vilified, even to the point that medication is seen as a last resort. It has been painted as a dangerous drug that leads to people becoming addicts. So, is it justified to say that ADHD medication is "meth"? I don't think so. Even though it's true that some countries allow the use of methamphetamine in treating ADHD in both children and adults, it's not justified to label it as meth because of the negative connotations it has (and also because not every ADHD medication use methamphetamine; there is also methylphenidate, atomoxetine and more.) In controlled doses ADHD medications are safe and the risk of addiction is low. Often medication even lowers the risk of future addictions as people stop self-medicating with illegal substances. Serious side effects do exist, so the symptoms of ADHD medication (and any medication) should always be reported, monitored and taken seriously.
Are ADHD meds good study drugs?
Are ADHD meds a good study drug then? No, not if you are a neurotypical ("normal brained") person. They won't make you smarter, but they may give you a false sense of confidence and insomnia. If you have ADHD, the medication may let you finally concentrate, which possibly will help you get better grades.
How the media has affected people with ADHD
Journalists have failed in debunking these false claims and instead push these talking points even further, making it more difficult for people to seek help. People who suspect having ADHD but don't yet have a diagnosis may feel unsafe telling others they need help because society treats them as potential drug addicts, lazy students and attention seeking phone addicted teenagers.
The thank you's and all that (The end)
Thank you for reading this post. This took me a few hours to write and I'm sure it took you multiple minutes to get here (or you just skipped right to the end.) In any case, I hope you either learned something new or found a new way to debunk misinformation.
To all of you with ADHD I just want to say that you're not lazy, you're not weak, you're not annoying and you're not dramatic. You're not a burden. You deserve help and a loving, nurturing environment and you deserve to be taken seriously. If you're not diagnosed, but relate to ADHD symptoms, you should consider talking with a mental health professional. It is also okay to not want a diagnosis, and in that case it's best to find safe support groups, either online or offline.
Stay safe.
Edit 1: I want to add that some adhd medications can cause side effects such as insomnia. ADHD already by itself can affect sleep quality, so sometimes it's recommended to take melatonin or something else that helps you sleep. It's also important to practice sleep hygiene (calming down before sleep, eating something before bed, etc). I also want to add that "feeling like a zombie" while taking ADHD medication is not normal. It can be caused by the dose being too high or the medication being unsuitable, so it can be solved by lowering the dose or switching to another medication.
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emojistargloww · 2 years
adhd/amism wordmojis
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adhd/amism wordmojis :D yes i spelled deficit wrong (deficit, not defecit) and no im not changing it unless it annoys me or yall enough
adhd moment, adhd, ADHD, amism, amistic, Attention Defecit Hyperactivity Disorder, i have adhd, i have amism, i'm adhd, i'm amistic
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riddlekid · 10 months
me, brain melting and to trying to exist in a state of ADD hell: Why.... whyy do i feel so. brwin bad.....
the uneaten meds in my medicine cabinet:
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lovelygoblin · 1 year
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meme for my fellow goons cursed with both executive dysfunction and a uterus at the same time
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themangledsans0508 · 2 years
People with ADHD/add how do you actually get yourself to do work on time like I mean when you feel that physical despair at thinking of doing your tasks how do you get past that
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sisinator · 7 months
listening to music while watching anime while drawing while having tiktok next to me
i think i need help
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eatplayrun · 10 months
My son is currently being tested for ADD. It’s a long, stressful process that consists of a series of multi-hour tests with various professionals, as well as interviews with both parents by a social worker. What they don’t tell you about ADD/ADHD, is around 20% of kids in the U.S. are misdiagnosed as having it. The U.S. also has the most diagnosed cases in the world- 1 in 9. A lot of times this misdiagnosis is confused with trauma response, something happening to them or happened in their past that causes them to shut down at the first sign of stress. These symptoms closely resemble ADD/ ADHD.
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manyminded · 2 years
attention-deficit?? more like attention-STARVED AMIRIGHT
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Life with ADHD: You come to the end of a task, but quit before it’s fully completed.
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devilfruitdyke · 15 days
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ultimate winners real ⁉️
[ID: a small pencil sketch of mondo owada and aoi asahina from danganronpa. they are drawn mostly accurate to canon. mondo rests his arm on hina's shoulders and does a peace sign. she has one arm on his back and the other on her hip. mondo says "i'm attention defecit" and hina says "and i'm hyperactivity disorder." the caption below them is "the ADHD brothers." end ID.]
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leiflitter · 27 days
definitely projecting a lilll but your felix in yah gives me such neurodivergent energy (esp adhd). i relate so hard to him just spacing out, deep in thought lol
oh no you are NOT PROJECTING AT ALL!
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His attention is defecit, his disorder? Hyperactive. His executives are dysfunctioning!
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falcqns · 2 years
Wikipedia: Rhea Pitt 
Rhea Stella Pitt (born January 22nd, 2000) is an American actress and social media influencer. The daughter of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, she began acting at an early age with the role of Emma Geller in 'Friends'. Her first major film role came in the 2017 DCEU thriller 'Justice League'.
Pitt rose to international fame in late 2019, when she gained a large following on TikTok. Since graduating high school in 2018, she has been cast in big TV and Film projects such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Fantastic Beasts franchise, and Netflix Original Series The Witcher, based on the fantasy books by Andrzej Sapkowski.
Early Life:
Pitt was born January 22nd, 2000, in Los Angeles California to actors Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt. Her ancestry is primarily Greek and English. Pitt has 6 half siblings, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Vivienne Jolie-Pitt, Maddox Jolie-Pitt, Knox Jolie-Pitt, Zahara Jolie-Pitt, and Pax Jolie-Pitt, all paternal half siblings, but maintains that they are still her siblings, regardless of parentage.
At age 4, Pitt began attending Crossroads School in Santa Monica, California. She remained at Crossroads until age 10 (2010), when she moved to Culver City, California, with her mother, and began attending The Willows Community School. Pitt remained enrolled until 2014, when she began attending Marymount High School in Los Angeles. When her mother was asked why she attended 3 different schools, Aniston said that "the schools were not willing to work with my daughter. They were not willing to give her the supports she needed, so we switched schools until I found those supports for her."
When Pitt was 5, she was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Defecit Hyperactive Disorder), SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), and GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). At age 12, she entered testing for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), and received a formal diagnosis by age 15.
Also when she was 5, Pitt's parents, Aniston and Pitt, divorced. While custody forms are sealed with the divorce papers, a close contact to Pitt's father, Brad, stated that 'he had not seen Rhea since him and Jennifer split.' It has not been confirmed whether this is true, however.
In 2016, Pitt's father, Brad, mentioned in an interview that him and Pitt were on good terms, and that she has been visiting him regularly since 2012, and is very involved in her siblings lives, and loves them dearly.
In late 2016, Pitt's step mother, Angelina Jolie, filed for visitation rights with Rhea, as she felt Rhea was her daughter, regardless of blood relation. 2 months later, Jolie was granted visitation rights, and Pitt began to spend one weekend a month with Jolie.
In 2018, Pitt was accepted into UCLA and began studying Early Care and Education, in order to be an Early Childhood Educator. Rhea has said that while she has a huge passion for acting, she has an 'equally big, if not bigger, passion for children and teaching, and wanted something to fall back on should acting not work out.'
Rhea Pitt began her acting career at just 6 months old, playing Emma Geller in the hit sitcom 'Friends', the same show that sky-rocketed her mother to stardom. She played Emma until the show ended in 2004.
Pitt's second role was as Casey Mathis in her mothers movie, 'We're The Millers'. While another actor, Emma Roberts, was originally cast as Casey, Roberts dropped out due to unknown reasons, and Aniston suggested Rhea for the role after learning go the characters age change, from 20 to 14. The Los Angeles Times wrote "Pitt performs at such a caliber only expected from the child of such respected actors like Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie.'
After appearing in 'We're The Millers', Pitt took a break from acting as her mental health and grades were suffering.
In 2015, Rhea made a large comeback by appearing in Batman v Superman as Kara Zor-El, the cousin of Kal-El/Clark Kent. When Pitt was asked about her prep for this role, she said "I put myself through hell for that role, but I don't regret it one bit." Despite her role being quite big, she barely interacted with Henry Cavill, who plays Superman, and has stated that Henry forgot they were in the movie together, but are very good friends now.
In June of 2016, Rhea Pitt revived her role as Kara Zor-El in the 2017 DCEU movie, 'Justice League'. She filmed during her entire summer break, and finished in December, completing school with the help of a tutor, and her parents. Pitt received glowing reviews for her role as Kara, and was nominated - and later won - for Best Supporting Actress at the 2018 Emmy Awards at just 18 years old.
In 2018, Pitt played Donna Sheridan in 'Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again', the sequel to the hit musical 'Mamma Mia'. She was then cast as Andrea Prentiss, daughter of Emily Prentiss, in the final season of Criminal Minds that same year, which debuted in 2020.
In 2019, Rhea starred in season 2 of The Orville, written and produced by Seth MacFarlane, as Adela Grayson, the adoptive daughter of Kelly Grayson, played by Adrianne Palicki. When asked by Variety what she thought of almost constantly playing the daughter of the main character, she said "I love it. I love getting to be so many different people, in so many different worlds. I've been a daughter my whole life, and I love being a daughter, and I like to think that that bleeds into my acting."
April of 2019 also had Pitt announced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, playing Laina Barton, the first non-comic book main character to be introduced into the MCU. She went on to play Laina in the Mockingbird movie which also saw Adrianne Palicki reprise her role of Barbara 'Bobbi' Morse, and Nick Blood as Lancelot 'Lance' Hunter.
2020 was a pivotal year for Pitt. She was cast in multiple projects, such as The Fantastic Beasts franchise (Ariana Dumbledore), Enola Holmes (Irene Adler), Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness (Rikki Barnes), Knives Out 2 (Megan Wallace), The Witcher (character not announced), and Murdoch Mysteries (Ella Lyrica). Rhea expressed excitement over all of the roles, posting excitedly on her social media.
Personal Life:
College Admissions Scandal:
In March of 2019, the College Admissions Scandal came to light, and Pitt, as well as her parents were accused of participating.
It was later revealed that the family was accused because of Pitt's friendship with Olivia Jade. Pitt was temporarily suspended from UCLA, but was welcomed back a few weeks later when it was proven that her application and acceptance were genuine. Pitt has also stated that she is no longer friends with Olivia Jade.
As previously mentioned, Pitt was diagnoses with ADHD, SPD, GAD, and ASD all by age 15. Pitt has spoken very little about this, and has stated that she feels her parents are better educated on the processes of diagnosis, but does not support Autism Speaks, and has been proven to donate a portion of her earnings to the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism, and Organization for Autism Research.
One of Rhea's childhood friends, Raeni Walmsley, has stated openly that "it didn't matter who you were, whether you were friends with her or not, and even whether she liked you or not. If she heard or saw you being criticized or discriminated for anything, she would go to war for you." Henry Cavill, her DCEU and Witcher co star has stated something similar, saying "Rhea is the one of the nicest humans I have ever come across. She is so welcoming, and warm, and supportive. The first things she asks her fans when she meets them is 'what are your pronouns?' so she can be as welcoming as possible, and I adore that about her."
While Pitt has not always been in the spotlight, she has had quite a few relationships with public figures.
She met Francesco Yates in 2016, when she was 16, and Yates was 17, almost 18. The two dated off and on until Yates turned 19. There is no information of the cause of the split, but an unconfirmed source close to the ex couple has said that the age gap and distance was putting a strain on the relationship.
Pitt was briefly rumoured to be dating YouTuber Daniel Howell (formerly danisnotonfire) but has remained that they were just 'good friends' and has shown tremendous support for Daniel and his partner Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) after they both came out publicly, and they are still friends.
When Pitt was 17, she was confirmed to be dating Henry Danger star Jace Norman, who was also 17 at the time. The two lasted for a little over a year, before deciding they would be better off friends, and are still very close to this day.
In 2019, she began dating Peyton Meyer (Girl Meets World), but the two split after just a year and four months, when Meyer allegedly cheated. The two haven't spoken since.
In 2020, Rhea was rumoured to be dating Pete Davidson, but maintains that it was just a fling. She's also said that due to rumours spread by an 'old friend', they split up, and are not currently on speaking terms, despite Pitt saying she misses his friendship, but wishes him all the best, and respecting his wishes.
In 2021, Pitt began dating Noah Centineo. The two seemed to be in a loving and fun relationship, but Pitt explained there was 'a lot of jealousy', but did not clarify from who. The pair split in August of 2021, while Pitt was filming Knives Out 2.
In January of 2022, Pitt was confirmed to be dating 'Captain America' star, Chris Evans. It was confirmed when he posted on Instagram, wishing Pitt a happy birthday, and saying "I am so proud how far you've come in your career, and you continue to amaze me with your talent every day. I thank my lucky stars each day that you are mine, and you chose me to love you."
The two split briefly in May of 2022, with the reason being 'a significant loss in the family', but rekindled less than a month later, and announced their relationship and how they've grown at the end of May, and are still together, posting about each other regularly.
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cosmosees · 1 year
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attention defecit hyperactive disorder is a beautiful name for a baby girl
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