#audiovisual smut
ephemerasnape · 3 months
Devoutly Fanart Commission 💜
So pleased to present my latest commission based on a scene in my Victor Rookwood x Anne Sallow fanfic, Devoutly to be Wished.
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The artist did such an amazing job with all the little details! I am beyond pleased and already considering my next commission...
⇢ Read "Devoutly" on ao3. (Canon Continuation)
Audiovisual teaser beneath the cut... 🔞🥵🎩
Several people have reported that they didn't expect to like Devoutly, but now they're hooked. Thanks for giving it a chance! Devoutly is a lot different from my other works as it is a lot more plot than smut, and very meaningful to me on many levels.
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spiderrduck · 9 months
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olá, tudo bem?? sejam bem vindes ao meu blog 1×1 e pessoal também! me chamo izzy, tenho vinte cinco anos, sou brasileira, uso ela/dela como pronomes mas não me importo de usar outros pronomes. sou fã de streamers hispânicos e alguns anglófonos. sou apaixonada por temática sobrenatural e slice of life.
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clicando aqui você pode encontrar meus ocs disponíveis e os mw tanto para utilizar quanto para opposite, também alguns plots.
abaixo tem algumas regras para jogar comigo!
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plots: diria que estou aberta a qualquer plot, porém, se for de algo que você goste e eu não tenho conhecimento do universo, não irei considerar jogar e também não vou impor o plot que quero caso você não conheça também.
plataforma: discord, tumblr, twitter, em breve telegram.
disponibilidade: eu tenho uma vida lá fora como qualquer outra pessoa, então não irei responder na hora. entretanto, não demoro a responder, com exceção se ocorra algo fora ou se o turno for enorme, aí levo mais tempo. geralmente respondo tudo de noite!
idade do player: não jogo com menores de dezoito (18) e plots que envolvam nsfw apenas com maiores de vinte e um (21).
gatilhos: lgbtfobia, gore audiovisual, creepypasya (principalmente rostos distorcidos), retrato-falado, jumpscare e animatronics.
faceclaims banidos para uso ou para opposite: qualquer fc no qual seja problemático e preconceituoso, que não queira ter sua imagem utilizada ou que se envolve em uma polêmica que considero muito forte. não vou utilizar fc de k-idol ou atores coreanos. não jogo também com streamers como dream, gnf ou sapnap.
nsfw: eu não me importo em turnar smut, aliás, peço por gentileza que me diga os seus limites porque faço smuts mais leves até os mais explícitos. se você não quiser nada relacionado a sexo, peço que me avise também! afinal, nem todos os plots precisam de sexo, certo? não vou me incomodar.
* sobre não utilizar k-idol ou atores coreanos é algo que peço realmente para não insistir. passei 10 anos no krp e quero explorar novos faceclaims. PORÉM, se quiser utilizar, fique a vontade.
* a maioria dos meus personagens são lgbtqiap+, não vou ter nenhum oc hétero porque eu não sei escrever algo estritamente hétero.
* sem godmodding, obviamente.
* eu não faço gifchat porque meus shapes geralmente não tem gif pack.
* vou colocar mais regras conforme a necessidade.
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baukasirp · 2 years
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Nome: Jeon Jungkook
Data de nascimento: 01 de Setembro, 1997 (idade falsa)
Nacionalidade: Coreana
Indentidade de gênero: Masculino.
Pronomes: ele/dele
Ocupação: editor e produtor de audiovisual
Faceclaim: Jeon Jungkook (BTS)
Plots de interesse: Fluffly, Smut, Romance, General, Crack
Twitter: @bks_gcf
Data de criação: 01 de Setembro de 1910, ele manteve a data de aniversário pra pelo menos ter algum vínculo com o passado.
Como foi a criação: Jungkook foi transformado no alto das politicagens entre Japão e Coréia. Com seus vinte e três anos, no máximo, ele só se lembra de ter esquecido de ser noite, das lamparinas de óleo quase apagando e de estar levando o resto de comida que sobrou da noite para os porcos quando foi atacado, morto e revivido.
Seu personagem nasceu vampiro? Não, ele foi transformado em um no inicio do século passado.
Quem o criou: Ele não sabe quem o criou, e no começo teve que aprender tudo o que sabe sem ajuda. Era um período de grande conflito e muitos ataques e mortes, não se pode ter certeza de nada.
Clã: Por viver isolado e ter sido abandonado por quem o criou, ele não deseja fazer parte de nenhum grupo.
Já consegue se controlar? Por muito, muito tempo ele sobreviveu matando a fome com bichos que ele desse conta de caçar, o corpo do Jungkook sempre estava em estado debilitado e cansado. Ele não entendia o que estava acontecendo – não tinha pra quem perguntar, pra quem pedir ajuda ou de quem aprender. Ele não é o mais forte ou mais habilidoso dos vampiros, até por ser relativamente jovem em comparação aos mais velhos, e o Jungkook só foi ter ciência de todos os protocolos, organizações e burocracias vampíricas depois de descobrir que existem outros como ele.
Três qualidades: Empático, calmo, prático
Três defeitos: Pessimista, auto cobrança, teimoso
Gatilhos da biografia: Morte de familiares
Biografia: Jungkook foi transformado no alto das politicagens entre Japão e Coréia. Ele se lembra muito bem, e nem valeria a pena esquecer. Naquela época ele era um jovem com seus vinte e três, vinte e quatro anos e era um pintor tradicional, e aprendiz do próprio pai que pintava caligrafia.
Quando ele acordou todo sujo de barro e sangue, sua vida mudou para sempre – e não era só porque ele de repente não precisava mais de óculos.
Seus pais morreram como efeito colateral da guerra entre Japão e Coréia, em um desmoronamento de casas afetadas por explosões. Jungkook passou muitos anos sem conseguir ouvir bem do ouvido direito por conta do barulho da explosão, o que já o isolou mais ainda. Claro que hoje em dia isso não é mais uma questão, a audição dele é perfeita depois da transformação.
Mesmo vivendo sozinho em sua casa atualmente, Jungkook agora preza pelo conforto e pra viver a vida do jeito que hoje em dia, finalmente, ele tem poder e liberdade de viver; acompanhar o progresso da humanidade é exaustivo. São poucas pessoas que sabem da verdade dele, pessoas que o Jungkook tem a maior confiança pra compartilhar esse segredo, pessoas que permitem que ele se alimente delas – durante todos esses anos, ele só matou alguém uma vez, por acidente, quando ainda estava aprendendo a se alimentar e não sabia de coisa alguma. Isso nunca iria acontecer novamente.
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meeedeee · 11 months
Fandoms: Euphoria (TV 2019)
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Maddy Perez/Samantha
Maddy Perez
Samantha (Euphoria)
Denial of Feelings
Angst and Hurt/Comfort
impulsive Maddy
Samantha can't fight the feeling
First fights
Embedded Video
An escalating series of events, in which Samantha realizes how much she cares about the younger girl She thinks she has time, but Maddy's own desire becomes a ticking bomb.
(First chapter is audiovisual content)
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/48711289
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twoiinthehand · 1 year
Mobile Rules
Under the cut.
Hi friends! I’m Sammi, 25 (she/her). Lot of the basics! If you’ve been around you know most of these, honestly.
All threads will be under the ‘Threads’ button. They will be posted as soon as I reply to them and will show up there. Mun and Muse are 21+, and I’ve 10+ years of rp experience.
Warning: Darker themes will be present here, I don’t have any triggers and tag anything as (tw: long post) for example.
>I typically love to make starters as soon as I see a follow, but might not always happen! All starters are 'first-interaction' with whatever muse jumps out at me first.
>I am selective-ish, which just basically means I follow back on the premise of our characters getting on well. Sometimes I’m quick to follow back, sometimes I’m not, just depends!
>Anything tagged #audiovisual is something I’ve made myself, whether that’s voice acting wise or drawings. Reblogs and likes are encouraged! 
>Given that the twins lead dual-lives, they are rather careful with who knows and who does, and there are exceptions to this. Heroes have every right to go forth and call them out but every day folks, not so much.
>Memes are tagged accordingly and have no expiration date, always open!
>All verses are here 
>I have no issue writing short sentences to para/novella. I have a tendency to lean into a longer reply, but never feel that you have to match me!
>Activity is sporadic because of school, many jobs, and life and things. I do make it a point to log on as much as possible to see what's going on dash/reply wise.
>Formatting? Yeah friend right on! I enjoy doing tiny text and all that jazz, but not always. I will match whatever I see you do. My icons are usually 90 x 90 or so.
>I don’t auto-ship, if anything friends/platonic is assumed at first. As far as shipping is concerned, I’m here for all the ships! But chemistry above all else. Friends, frenemies, lovers, all that stuff. Makes the brain do happy things.
>If any kind of smut comes up, it’ll be under a read more and tagged #nsfvv.
>Any harm from Ro/Lu will be discussed OOC
>Multiship, open to polyam.
>IC does not equal OOC.
Discord is available to mutuals! I respond equally between Tumblr’s messenger and Discord.
Anything I post doesn’t belong to me unless stated so.
I don't do drama, call outs, or passwords. With that being said, if you like my pinned post, it lets me know that you're interested in writing and I'll be sure to reach out to you via meme, DM or ask!
And that’s it!
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noetic-noesis-noein · 2 years
Mobile Rules
Under cut!
Hi friends! I’m Sammi, 25 (she/her). Lot of the basics! If you’ve been around you know most of these, honestly.
All threads will be under the ‘Threads’ button. They will be posted as soon as I reply to them and will show up there. Mun and Muse are 21+, and I’ve 10+ years of rp experience.
Warning: Darker themes will be present here, I don’t have any triggers and tag anything as (tw: long post) for example.
>I typically love to make starters as soon as I see a follow, but might not always happen!
>I am selective-ish, which just basically means I follow back on the premise of our characters getting on well. Sometimes I’m quick to follow back, sometimes I’m not, just depends!
>Anything tagged #audiovisual is something I’ve made myself, whether that’s voice acting wise or drawings. Reblogs and likes are encouraged! 
>Given that Arden is a hero with a secret identity, she does her best to keep it under-wraps (albeit rather poorly). Please don’t assume that your muse knows who she is (unless pre-established!).
>Memes are tagged accordingly and have no expiration date, always open!
>All verses are here 
>I have no issue writing short sentences to para/novella. I have a tendency to lean into a longer reply, but never feel that you have to match me!
>Activity is sporadic because yeehaw life and two jobs, but I try to keep up on everything 
>Formatting? Yeah friend right on! I enjoy doing tiny text and all that jazz, but not always. I will match whatever I see you do. My icons are usually 80x80.
>I don’t auto-ship, if anything friends/platonic is assumed at first. As far as shipping is concerned, I’m here for all the ships! But chemistry above all else. Friends, frenemies, lovers, all that stuff. Makes the brain do happy things.
>If any kind of smut comes up, it’ll be under a read more and tagged #nsfvv.
>Any harm from Noetic will be discussed OOC
>Multiship, open to polyam.
>IC does not equal OOC.
Discord is available to mutuals! I respond equally between Tumblr’s messenger and Discord.
Anything I post doesn’t belong to me unless stated so.
I don’t drama, call outs, or passwords and all that crap. We’re here for fun! Drop me a message and let’s plot :3
And that’s it! 
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ohsosmutty · 6 years
Audiovisual Smut: “Sanctify” by Years & Years
Obsessed rn.
I fucking love Olly Alexander. 💕😍
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gashinabts · 3 years
Camera Boy (m)| Part I
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, MATURE, 18+
Summary: Jungkook loves filming. Jungkook takes up your offer on filming you throughout the day...and night.
Warnings: Unprotected sex, hair pulling, sex filming, slapping tits and ass, degradation, humiliation kink, mention of public sex, teasing, slut is mentioned a lot. 
A/N: I haven’t posted in like months. I’m sorry for the lack of posting I haven’t been in the right mental state at the moment. I promise I will be posting more!! Thank you for the people who comment and like my fics.  It really means a lot for me!!!! Yoongi, Jungkook, & Reader are the same age (18). There will be THREE parts to this :))))
Part 1 2 3
*** This is my work, no reposting this and my other works on any other platforms. I do NOT take plagiarism lightly.  
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Jungkook is a quiet guy, who spends his time filming and editing videos. He is in the audiovisual club and was always seen around school with his Panasonic Lumix gh5 filming the school events since he was also part of the year book club. Not many of his classmates knew him by his name but as JK, even during roll call teachers would call him by JK. His fashion taste was dark, often dressing in all black and wearing bucket hats. Sometimes he would just fade away in the background but he didn’t care. 
Jungkook was editing a video for the cheer team in the audiovisual club classroom, but his fingertip halted at the mousepad when he felt a presence entering the room. He sees you walking in with your white tennis skirt and pastel green cardigan. He doesn’t understand why you would dare walk in this room. You’re Y/N, the school’s sweetheart, nice to everyone and everyone wanted to be your friend. He watches you smile and come closer to him, grabbing a chair and sitting next to him. “ Hey, Jungkook. What are you up to?,” you lean over to see his laptop screen.  He smells the light floral perfume and he feels like he shouldn’t have the privilege of smelling your floral scent. 
This wasn’t the first time you spoke to him, a couple times you would say hi to him during the events he filmed. But you did that to everyone saying ‘hellos’ and ‘how are yous ?’, because you didn’t want anyone to feel left out. “ Uh-editing this video for the cheer team. This would be my last video I would do for this school,” he scratches the back of his head. In the next three days he wouldn’t be a high schooler anymore. He would leave this place and major in film in a college in California. 
“ Cool, I really like your videos. I heard that you were going to UCLA and doing film. That’s pretty exciting, maybe we’ll bump into each other around campus,” you smile gently. 
Jungkook was shocked to hear that you knew what school he is going to attend. In the back of his head he wished that you guys would bump into each other and become friends. “ Maybe...so what’s up?,” he closes his laptop to face you. Which he regrets since he won’t be able to focus on anything you say since you are so pretty. 
“ I want you to film me...I want to give it to my friends as a goodbye gift,” you cross your legs. “ I’ll pay you for your hard work,” you reach into your bag grabbing your wallet. 
“ No, it’s fine you don’t have to pay me,” he stops your manicure nails from grabbing some bills. 
You shake your head and he watches as your diamond earrings sparkle, “ No, I insist. I would feel really bad about it, Jungkook. Your work is top quality, better than those shitty Youtubers, even better than some of Quentin Tarantino works,” you proceed to take out the money. 
Jungkook eyes widen at your statement. No one has ever complimented his videos like you did. The closest compliment he has ever gotten from someone is ‘Looks good.’ Your soft hands brush his as you hand him the money, “ Thanks. We can start after I’m done with the cheer video,” he quickly puts the money in his pocket. 
You get up, tugging at your skirt since it rose up when you sat down. “ Great! I’ll see you later,” you gave a small wave and left the classroom.
“ I’m going to start filming, alright?,” Jungkook asked as you throw some things out of your locker in the trash can. 
“ Go ahead,” you smile at him. “ Look at how much stuff I have. It’s all useless stuff now,” you throw some more math tests away. He films you walking around the halls and greeting some people. Along with some chit chat, he admires the way you genuinely care about what your friends are talking about. He likes the way your hands move while you talk, and how touchy you are with your friends. He notices that you playfully hit your friends’ shoulder when they make you laugh really hard. Jungkook learns more about you when you answer the questions he gives you. He learns about what you love about your friends and how much you are going to miss them. 
You invite him to your house and he films you baking a cake for Mina’s birthday. You tell him the story of how you and Mina became friends. The fondness of your voice can be heard at spreading the strawberry icing on the cake. “ Want some?,” you ask, showing him the leftover frosting on your index finger. He looks confused by what you're asking. “ The frosting. Have some,” you bring your finger closer to him. 
Jungkook wonders if you know what you are doing. He could have not possibly licked the sweet frosting off your fingers. “ I-I uh no, it’s okay,” he fumbles with his camera, turning it off and hastily putting it in his bag. “ I think this is it for today,” he puts his backpack on. 
“ Okay...see you tomorrow,” you walk him out of your house.
The cafeteria is filled with the tune of Happy Birthday, Jungkook films you as you bring the pink cake in front of Mina. Zooming in on Mina’s face, he sees the evident rose blush that turns brighter as all the attention is on her, your lips kiss her cheek as you wish her a happy birthday under your breath. 
“ Jungkook, you can stop filming and have some cake,” you say as you slice a cake for him. His eyes widen and you chuckle as hand him the cake. The lunch table is filled with laughter and he feels like he’s almost part of the friend group. Some of your friends ask him questions and bring him in some of the conversation. Jungkook starts filming again and asks more questions towards your friends on what they are going to miss the most about each other. By the end of lunch he feels like he’s got good content and wants to start editing. 
You walk with him towards the AV room, and you hug him just outside the classroom. He feels your slightly smaller body engulf him in your warmness. His arms are awkwardly staying by his side and his heart rate quickens as seconds pass. You pull away and smile at him, “ Thank you Jungkook. It really means a lot for you to do this.”
“ No problem. You did pay me for this…,” he awkwardly states. He wants to slap himself for always being too abrupt with you. “ I mean it was kinda fun filming you. You radiate this wholesome energy,” he tries to compliment you. 
Laughing lightly you hit his shoulder, “ Wholesome, huh? I was thinking maybe we should keep in touch so we can have eachothers back while in California…” you quirk your eyebrow, shrugging your shoulders nervously. Jungkook face blanks and you quickly retract your words, “ Nevermind, we don’t have to-”
“ No, I’d like that!,” his voice raises at the end. He rubs his head, “ Yes, let’s keep in touch.” Your phone pings and you smile at a text message quickly typing away. Jungkook clears his throat causing you to look up at him, “ I feel like we have everything for the video. I should be done editing by the end of the week.”
“ Cool, I’ll see you later,” you wave at him and watch him enter the classroom.
At home Jungkook is meticulously working on the video not wanting to disappoint you. He’s in deep entrance of you talking in the video, he jumps when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Taking off his headphones he sees his mom staring at his laptop and he closes it immediately. “ Mom! Why did you knock?,” he whines. He doesn’t know why he feels embarrassed, it’s not like he was watching porn.
“ I did knock but there was no reply. Who’s that your girlfriend?,” she gleefully smiles wanting to peek more at the video.
Jungkook groans and leaning his head back,“ No, just a girl. She paid me to do this video for her friends.” 
She hums lightly brushing her son’s slightly long hair, not wanting to bother her son anymore she quickly states that dinner is ready. 
Jungkook thinks you're going to ignore him the next morning since he was done filming you but you don’t. Instead you walk towards him snapping a polaroid of him and laugh at his surprised expression. “ This marks the end of a chapter to the beginning of a chapter in our life,” you tell him waving the polaroid. 
Jungkook rubs his eyes from the sudden flash, “ What do you mean?,” he asked for more information for your vague providence. 
 The short white dress you wear waves in a similar fashion as gold hoops dangle from your ears, “ We are ending our chapter of highschoolers today but I’m now beginning a chapter with you...as in the beginning of our friendship,” you look closer at the photo smiling at his doe eyes.
“ Y/N!,” your name is called out by Chaeyong. 
“ I’ll talk to you later, yeah?,” you watch him nod and walk towards Chaeyong.
Jungkook sighs and puts his headphones on and plays on his phone as he walks to his locker. He bumps into someone and he is about to say sorry but the words couldn’t come out. Yoongi stands in front of him with a glazed expression. Never in his time of attending this school has he come this close to Yoongi. Yoongi is a quiet kid, he can’t be described as a delinquent since he doesn’t start in any trouble but he does voice his opinion from time to time and teachers hate that. Afterschool he watches the football team on the bleachers smoking cigarettes with his friends. The teachers don’t say anything because it’s after school hours and honestly they couldn’t care less if he would end up getting lung cancer in his mid thirties. 
Yoongi’s skin is soft and pale, and his eyes are dark, he has this intimidating aura that Jungkook didn’t feel comfortable with. “ Sorry,” Jungkook finally mutters out. Yoongi doesn’t say anything but walks past Jungkook, lightly brushing his shoulder with his. He can smell the dark cologne trying it’s best to bask the nicotine scent. Even though this may be the last time seeing Yoongi, he does not want to get on his bad side. 
Jungkook just got out of the shower when he sees that he got a missed call from you, he calls you back curious to what you have called him for. You immediately pick up,“ Hey! Are you busy right now?” 
Jungkook puts his phone on speaker, “ No, not really...why?,” he answers while putting on his boxers. 
“ Just bored...wanna hangout?,” you let out a sigh. 
Jungkook fingers combs through his damp hair, looking at his appearance through his bathroom mirror. He’s wearing comfortable baggy clothes and he wonders if he should dress up. “ Sure, what are we going to do?”
“ You ask too many questions. Just come over and bring your camera!” Jungkook wasn’t able to say anything afterwards because you hung up. His father was shocked to hear that his son wanted to borrow his car because Jungkook wasn't the type to hangout outside of school with his friends. Jungkook’s father was actually happy to hear this and asked if he needed any money and he politely declined his father. When arriving at your house he saw that no one else was parked on the driveway, his anxiety getting the best of him. He decided not to park in the driveway since he didn’t want to seem rude. He shoots you a text upon his arrival, and you open the door for him, greeting him with a smile.
“ My parents are visiting some family members and my sister is probably gonna spend the night with her boyfriend...so it’s just us,” you lead him to your room. He looks around your room and easily spots a minimalist aesthetic “ Sorry I just exercised. I’m going to take a quick shower,” you tell him, urging him to make himself comfortable. 
Jungkook gulps and sits on the chair by your desk. He sees makeup products and some old homework assignments that you yet to discard. There are several manga volumes and decide to read one hoping that you don’t mind. He’s a couple chapters in when he hears someone calling your name and coming upstairs, he freezes staring at the door wondering if your parents came home early. The door opens and he jolts when he comes face to face with Min Yoongi. 
“ What the hell are you doing here?,” Yoongi walks straight to Jungkook grabbing at the collar of the shirt. 
“ Uhh-I-I Y/N-,” Jungkook stammers out, cringing at how stupid he sounds. What the fuck why is Yoongi in your room? 
“ Yoongi!,” you yell at him. You come out of the bathroom only wearing a large t-shirt that covers just about to your mid thighs, your hair is still wet dripping on the shirt, and you come between the two men before Jungkook ends up with a black eye. Yoongi calms down as soon as you touch his wrist and he rolls his eyes at Jungkook gaping at the sight of him in your room. “ I didn’t expect you to come this early, Yoongi,” you look at Yoongi. You look nervously at the sight of Yoongi fuming ready to tear Jungkook's head.
“ What’s he doing here?,” Yoongi points at Jungkook. 
“ I’m just as confused as to why I’m exactly here…,” Jungkook is picking up his camera bag ready to leave the house. 
Your hand touches Jungkook's arm to cease him from leaving without your explanation, “ Stay please. Just let me explain,” you make eye contact with Jungkook. Nodding he sits down on the comfy chair, while waiting patiently for you to explain. Yoongi continues standing up despite you telling him to sit down too. “ I want you to film me and Yoongi,” you say confidently but there's a nervous shake near the end of your sentence, tugging nervously at the hem of your shirt, you look at Jungkook to see his reaction. 
Jungkook heart races,“ Doing what?,” his voice shakes, he knows what it is but he needs to be absolutely sure.
“ Me fucking her, you idiot,” Yoongi grunts looking at Jungkook. Yoongi looks at you with concern, “ You are not doing this because of last week. Baby, I was half kidding of doing a sex tape,” he comes closer moving some of the wet hair strands out of your face. 
Grabbing gently at his hand you kiss the back of his hand, “ I want to do it. When Jungkook was filming me I thought it wouldn’t be so bad for him to film us...just as long as no one else sees it, right?,” you look between Yoongi and Jungkook. Yoongi nods his head immediately in agreement but Jungkook looks hesitant scratching at his head.
“ I’ll do it. You can trust me, Y/N,” Jungkook finally says. Jungkook thinks to himself that this is the only opportunity he’ll ever see you naked so he’ll be an idiot to say no. The thought of him filming you in such a vulnerable way is erotic yet beautiful to him. 
“ Really?,” your eyes widen in excitement. Walking towards Jungkook you grab his hand giving him a comforting squeeze. Yoongi sighs at your actions but you ignore him looking at Jungkook’s pretty eyes. 
“ Yeah of course, Y/N. Let me get my stuff ready,” Jungkook feels your hand leave his and he goes through his camera bag. He watches you go to Yoongi and he hears Yoongi talking softly to you, caressing you as nod cutely to him. “ I’m all set,” Jungkook speaks clearly, interrupting the conversation that you and Yoongi had. “ Just do whatever you guys are comfortable with,” Jungkook gulps when Yoongi leads you to the bed.
Yoongi brings you on his lap, not hesitating to bring his lips to yours. You sigh at the feeling of his hands massaging your bare thighs feeling them move closer to your ass. The kiss grows more messier with each second, and you start grinding on him trying to relieve yourself. His hand grabs the back of your neck and he hums while forcing you to look at him. “ Who said you can do that?,” he tsk at the sight of your desparation. Yoongi turns your head whispering, “ Look at the camera.” Listening to his command you see Jungkook behind the camera and you feel more shy at Jungkook looking at you in a desperate state. “ Don’t act so coy. You like the thought of someone watching us,” he laughs lightly, his hand going under your shirt rubbing your stomach up and down not going anywhere you need him the most. “ Camera boy,” Yoongi sardonically calls Jungkook. 
“ Yes…,” Jungkook replies with hesisitance. 
“ Come closer to us,” Yoongi continues touching your body. 
Jungkook slowly walks closer to you and Yoongi, he has the camera focus on your face and smile shyly at him. Yoongi kisses your neck leaving a few love bites, finally letting his reach to your breast fondling it as you stare at the camera. “ Yoongi, I want more,” you squirm when he pinches your nipple at your plea. “ I’ll be good for you,” you beg and turn your head so you can kiss him again. It seems like he’s done with the teasing when he pulls your shirt over your head, quickly wrapping his mouth on your nipple. Tossing your head back you moan at the feeling, Jungkook brings the camera closer to your face. It turns you on more that he’s watching you in this state. 
Yoongi's mouth leaves your nipple and lets out a dark laugh, “ Look at her, she’s a whore for attention,” he slaps your breast causing you to hiss in delight.  Yoongi stares into the camera “ Did you know she would beg me to fuck her behind the bleachers?” The question is more posed for Jungkook rather than the camera. If Yoongi is honest he doesn’t like Jungkook. His distaste for Jungkook started when he noticed that his girl was taking an interest in Jungkook. Yoongi would see all pretty and perfect for the camera boy around school. He wanted to punch Jungkook when he sat too close to you during lunch looking at you like a kid in love. 
“ Yoongi don’t,” you whine at him for not to spill more stories about your devious sexacpades. Yoongi manhandles you, taking your panties off, throwing it to the side, and commands you to get on all fours. You love when he gets serious and mad since he takes all his emotions on you as he fucks you. His hands rub your folds spreading your wetness, the pleasure gets the best of you and you slightly drop your head down. 
He grabs your hair forcing you to look at the camera, “ Look at the camera,” he holds your hair tighter. He inserts two of his fingers in your entrance preparing you and you just want him to just shove his dick in you but he always makes sure you are completely prepared. “ Fuck, look at you soaking your sheets like a slut,” he laughs trying to make you feel more humalited. “ Always making a mess. Remember when I fucked you in the boys restroom at school,” he asked. Of course you remember he fucked you from behind and he gagged you with your own panties. You shake your head not wanting to let Jungkook know that you weren’t the model student in school. Yoongi let’s a boisterous laugh, “ Really? C’mon Camera Boy won’t tell anyone, right?,” Yoongi looks at Jungkook. 
Jungkook is all lost with words, he didn’t know you had this side of you. It was just twenty minutes ago he found out that he were dating Yoongi and now he finds out that you would have sex on campus. The thought of you getting fucked in the bathroom turned him on, he envisioned you trying to keep your cute little moans quite. He wondered if you went back to class as if everything was normal with cum inside you. A small part of him wished it was him doing those things to you. He finally answers Yoongi, “ I won’t tell anyone,” he gives you a look of comfort.
“ Good because I would kill you if you do. See Y/N, no need to deny how much of a slut you are,” Yoongi kisses your shoulder. Your cheeks redden despite how much of his statement is true. He lets go of your hair and you hear him rustling with his pants, turning your head you see him stroking his cock. You have the sudden urge to want to taste him in your mouth. He makes eye contact with you and you can’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach. Turning your head back you stare at Jungkook, noticing his pants gone tighter. You wonder if Yoongi would be open to having Jungkook join. Maybe have him jerk off at the sight of you getting fuck by Yoongi. Or have him fuck your mouth as Yoongi takes you from behind. The options are endless and you get more wetter at the dirty thoughts. Your thoughts get interrupted when Yoongi slides his cock into you. His hands grab your hips possessively fucking into you deep and slow. 
“ Fuck Yoongi,” you moan his name. His thrust is getting deeper and his hands tighten as you clench around him. “ Do I feel good?,” you look at the camera.
He groans and his thrust are faster, “Shit-yeah. I could fuck you all the time,” he slaps your ass. Nodding your head in agreement, “ Your gonna miss me fucking this tight pussy? ,” he slaps your ass again. You can’t answer because he spreads your legs further apart trying to hit you deeper. Making you land face first onto the mattress. Your face is probably not in view to the camera but you don’t care, you just want to get lost in the feeling of Yoongi fucking you to obilivion. 
Jungkook comes to the bed and Yoongi watches him carefully as he pushes some of the hair that completely covers your face. Pushing the hair back he can see your pretty eyes that swarmed with lust along with your plump lips leaving out moans. “ Her face was covered. I just wanted a better shot,” Jungkook tries to defend himself.
Yoongi scoffs, “ Whatever man,” and he continues to fuck you at a faster rate. Causing you to moan his name louder. “ Such a fucking slut. Prancing around in your short skirts around school knowing guys would stare at you,” his hand finds your clit and pinches it. “ My little slut,” he whispers.
You feel your approach coming “ Can I cum? Pleaseee,” you whine more with each thrust. He rubs your clit faster, and you cry at how good he is fucking you. 
“Come for me,” he slaps your clit. Your eyes roll back as you moan loudly as he keeps hitting the spot that makes you see stars. You can tell that Yoongi is about to cum as his movement gets sloppier, squeezing your waist. He groans your name as he cums in you. Yoongi slumps down on you, “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he whispers in your ear. You smile dumbly at his compliment. Yoongi gets up from your back, pulling himself out of you. Yoongi looks at Jungkook still holding his camera, “ You can stop recording,” he looks down and sees Jungkook sporting a boner. 
“ Sorry,” Jungkook turns off the camera. 
“ You’re good,” Yoongi disregards the needless apology. Yoongi hastily pulls up his boxers and pants, bending down he helps you turn around so you are now laying on your back. Leaning down he kisses you softly on your cheeks making his way to your lips. You sigh happily into the kiss. “ I love you,” he kisses you one last time. 
“ No, I love you,” you smile cheekily. 
Yoongi smiles pinching your nose,“ Brat.”
Jungkook stands in your room not knowing what to do just simply watching the interaction you have with Yoongi. “ I’ll have the video sent to you by tomorrow morning,” he interrupts the scene. He makes his way to his camera bag.
“ You should stay,” you tell Jungkook. Yoongi gives you a look, getting up from his position and going to your bathroom. You hear the water faucet and you assume he is getting a wet towel for you. Jungkook eyes widen, not knowing to accept or refuse your proposal since Yoongi is against the idea. “ Stay. I’ll order pizza and we can all watch movies. You know as a thank you for filming us,” you give him a hopeful smile. 
Yoongi comes back with the wet towel, grabbing your shirt on the floor along with new panties.“ Jungkook, you can stay,” he looks at Jungkook. “ Spread your legs for me baby,” Yoongi kisses your knee. You do as you're told and he cleans you.
Million things are going inside Jungkook's head.  Should he stay? Would that be weird? Wouldn’t it be more weird if he declined, he did see you and Yoongi naked already-- “ Jungkook what pizza toppings do you want?,” you ask while scrolling on the delivery app. He must have been spaced out for a couple minutes since you have clothes on. Yoongi is combing your hair through his fingers while looking at your phone. “ As long as it is not pineapple,” Yoongi comments.  
“ Anything is fine,” Jungkook finally answers. He hears you hum and you order whatever topping you want. Jungkook puts his equipment on your desk, he decides to sit at the end of the bed not wanting to cross the line. 
You finish ordering the food, laying your head on Yoongi’s chest, you stare at Jungkook awkwardly sitting on the bed. “ Come closer, we don’t bite,” you tell Jungkook. You pat beside you so he can come forward. Jungkook looks at Yoongi for permission and you roll your eyes. Looking at Yoongi, he nods his head as if to say okay. One Punch Man is playing and surprisingly there is no more tension in the room, but filled with careless laughter. The doorbell rings, “ Pizza is here, I’ll be back,” you kiss Yoongi on the cheek. 
Jungkook prayed that you didn’t leave him alone with Yoongi but you already left. “ Jungkook, you’re going to the same school as Y/N, yeah? ” Yoongi asked but he still continues watching the anime.
“ Yeah,” Jungkook answers nervously.
“ Take care of her for me,” Yoongi finally looks at him. 
Jungkook feels like Yoongi's words hold a deeper meaning but regardless Jungkook nods, “ Uhh-yeah okay.”
Yoongi moves his attention back to the anime once he hears your footsteps.  
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kpopscape · 3 years
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February is just around the corner and kpopscape is here to make it a month full of love and appreciation. Let’s go on a movie date! We are glad to announce our February event - LOVE FOOLS. This event will feature a variety of contents and concepts mostly about love. 
Admit one ticket! This event is open to Kpopscape members and non-members, all you need to do is read throughout this whole post to know what to do.
The event will run from February 6, 2021 to February 28, 2021. Each day, certain kpop idols and k-soloists are assigned to serve as a schedule of when you can release your creativity. Several entries per participant are also allowed, meaning you can make contents as much as you want! At the end of the event, we will showcase our participants’ works in a masterlist which will be pinned in the blog. Participants who are a member of KPOPSCAPE will be featured in the said masterlist (applications are still open, apply now to become a member).
For fanfic writers, feel free to write any type of fics. From drabbles to one-shots, go wild! Take note that we have a minimum word count of 200 words. Make us laugh, cry, or scared! Any genres, AUs, and tropes will do as long as it portrays any type of love.
And since our network has expanded and welcomed new varieties of content, this event is open for visual creators as well! :D Any type of content will do too: gifset, fanart, moodboard, edits, gfx, icons &/or headers, and audiovisual is acceptable. Just make sure to take note of our minimum requirements:
for gifset: min of 2 frames
for fanart: min of 1 board
for moodboard: min of 3 boards
for edits: min of 1 board
for gfx: min of 1 board
for icons and/or headers: 4 boards
for audiovisual: min of 10 seconds
Here is the schedule for the following groups and k-soloists that we will cater for this event. Note that this schedule is applicable for both fic writers and visual creators.
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In order for us to evenly promote and feature each content, this schedule will be followed for participants who will take part in the event. 
BONUS: on the last day of the event, FEBRUARY 28, participants can make an entry for ANY KPOP GROUP/SOLOISTS aside from the idols indicated in the calendar :D
Here are some guides and suggestions that can inspire your fics and works in able to have an idea of our event's theme. Feel free to use them in your works, we’d love to see them!
For Fic Writers:
two individuals who grew up and walked their lives together as best friends who love each other platonically yet everyone thought they were a thing (i.e. bff trope; jeno x jaemin friendship as best example); - can be fluff/angst
after years of drifting apart for unexplainable reasons, you found yourselves talking over champagne glasses and hazy nights under your colleague’s terrace in a middle of a high school reunion; - can be fluff/angst/smut
as you go on a field trip, you met someone/a stranger along the way as you both hang out for hours on end and fell in-love until you needed to leave and go back. what happens after is up to you; - can be fluff/angst
a pubg squadmate/duomate au where OCs are total strangers. They interact with their mics on, character A waits for character B in the car despite the difficult circumstances during the game. Just little things that show care; - can be fluff
bff au where their friends know they’re dating but they don’t have any idea that they are; - can be fluff
holidate au where character A desperately finds a fake boyfriend/girlfriend to avoid being interrogated by their relatives. The chosen stranger as bf/gf joins character A in every holiday together with character A’s family until they’ve grown real feelings towards each other (inspired from Netflix’s film, “Holidate”);
drive-in dates / meetups;
manga shop encounters;
interaction/exchanges through little notes tucked in between library books;
“i made you a playlist but you stayed up all night listening with him instead.”;
an invitation to a date concept (pining): until character A ends up agreeing to a cup of coffee with character B;
two strangers fought over a dog’s custody in an adoption center. Authorities suggested to split up the ownership to both of them as they were practically neighbors – sharing the dog in between weeks (what happens after is up to you); and
mutual pining.
example fic: NCT Jaehyun + prompt/concept #1 + fluff + best friends to lovers au + etc.
For visual creators:
acceptable elements: hearts, flowers, balloons, stuffed toys, food, etc.
palettes suggestions:
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more palettes at schemecolor.com
example content: NCT Jaehyun + flowers + palette 1 = Jaehyun with flowers moodboard
Few more reminders:
for fic writers, put proper warnings on your tags (feel free to consult our admins about this if you are unsure);
for visual creators, give credits to the rightful owners of your contents (if you happen to borrow or get inspo from other’s work);
seek fansite and fancam creator’s consent and rules regarding their works before using them;
we do not tolerate white-washing;
no NSFW contents for minor idols;
feel free to check our publication rules HERE in order for us to rb your work; and
post your contents with the tags #kpopscape & #lovefools !!
For questions and concerns, send an ask or contact our admins @mjlkau​ @dreamystuffers​ @ezralia-writes​ @ethaeriyeol​
Have fun making your content and we are excited to see all of them next month! RB this post if you are joining :)
prompts made by: admin I @the-romantiques​
graphics by: admins B @alreadyblondenow​ & R @dreamystuffers​
81 notes · View notes
mirrorforevers · 4 years
the wrong side of the bed • damon albarn/reader
smut with feelings, i guess. sorry if is this is too long – this prompt excited me too much. i hope you guys like daft punk - though this is not a songfic, but you’ll get why - and i promise i’ll write something not involving sadness and alcohol someday. this is unbeta’ed, and english is not my first language, so have mercy
thank you so much for the music teacher prompt, anon! hope you enjoy it x also, just in case you haven’t read my graham/reader fic yet, here it is too.
tw: unprotected drunk sex
word count: 4.477
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Music has been a very important escape mechanism for you recently. Your job has been hellish, and getting your degree has also been a chore - in the midst of so many deadlines and professional disappointments what has been a light for you is Damon Albarn, your newly divorced music teacher who is old enough to be your dad.
You detail these little “buts” as a mantra whenever the subject is him, whether in internal monologues or when you talk about him with your close friends. You never really believed in relationships between two people of very different ages, and you felt like you needed to remember those details whenever you could to keep that completely carefree crush from becoming something you couldn't control.
You started taking classes with him every Saturday after you were cast on your city’s production of a musical. You knew it was a very small step for a career in the industry, but it was very significant for you. You were exhausted from any activity that involved learning given how tired you were from college, but learning music with Damon was definitely something that you didn't even place in the same mental category. It was with him that you vented about how your week was, how you missed your parents who lived absurdly far away from you, it was with him that you shared the small victories of the day-to-day that were too insignificant even to share with your longtime friends. Which is funny, since this symbolic relationship was built in a matter of 2 months. Damon, in the beginning, was very reserved and “gray”, and it was amazing how in a matter of such a short time he shown himself to be someone so energetic, observant and empathetic; although a little bit of a control freak sometimes. When the wild waves of life seemed to take you everywhere at the same time and left you lost, despite so little time in your life, Damon became a constant.
And it worries you.
What are you going to do when the money to pay for his classes runs out? Certainly, although significant, what you had seemed to be was, above all, a friendship of convenience. You were very different people, with very different aspirations, and especially at very different points in life. As much as you liked each other *as friends* and considered yourselves people you wanted close by, Damon had a well-lived life to sustain. He would not have time much less willpower to listen to your complaints and insecurities in a context that did not involve an exchange relationship. At least, that's what you thought.
Saturday was also one of the two days you could wake up late, so in addition to having a rare time for your leisure, you were able to rest at least a little more than normal. That particular morning, you noticed that there were two missed calls from Maggie on your cell phone. Maggie was one of the producers of the musical. She used to bring you very decisive and very good news. If she called you, you did whatever it took to answer her right away. An unbelievable wave of anxiety takes over you. “Hello, Mags, you called?” You say, excited, but very nervous. Dealing with people who have your dreams constantly in their hands is somewhat stressful. You bite your nails.
“Hey, Y/N, yes. Um. You okay?”
“Yeah, thanks for asking. What happened?” You notice that Maggie's tone is different. The funny thing is that everyone is always so apathetic in the artistic world, and Maggie was the only person you knew so far that showed any kind emotion.
“So… you were dropped.”
“I’m-I’m sorry?”
“You… were dropped. We made some changes here and there and you won’t be on our show anymore. If anything changes again, we’ll call. I promise.”
“Thank you. Bye.”
“Good luck, kid.”
Your stomach drops, and for a moment you feel like you've been punched. Maybe you've been wrong all along.
My God. My God. My God.
You feel like your entire world has collapsed around you. There aren't even reasons for you to keep going to class. All that effort and money spent... are now in the trash.
Artists spend a lot of time investing in themselves. You always have to become better. Faster. Learn techniques. Reinvent yourself. Stay beautiful. And you don't believe that in your first real experience in this world... that happened. Most likely a friend of the director took your place.
My God.
You swallow the tears, after all, you told everyone you knew that you knew how this world worked and you wouldn't be shaken if something like this happened. No one is watching you right now - but you still feel that you would disappoint them if you cried.
But you couldn’t smile anymore. Nothing could take away your expression of shock and uncertainty.
Not even funny posts on Reddit. Not even funny memes sent by your friends in the morning.
Nor the message from Damon confirming the class of the day.
I won't be able to go today ☹, you type, and you erase it.
Hey, I got dropped from the musical. you type, and you erase it.
How are you doing? Definitely not.
I’ll be there! 😅 You hit send.
Hope we finally figure out that bloody solo, he replies.
You do not answer.
You change your clothes, without your motivational playlist playing in the background this time. The beginning of a great plan going on in your life was no longer there. You didn't even pick up your headphones and the subway ride was completely silent, except for the ambient sound.
You arrive at school, and Damon welcomes you with the usual tight hug, and wide smile. You give a yellow smile in response, and he immediately realizes that something is out of place. “Is everything okay?” His expression quickly changes to one of concern. Your stomach drops even lower. Maybe it hit the ground by now.
You don't want it to end. Your dream ended, but not this, too. This cannot end. “Can we try another song today? One not from the musical?” You ask, exasperated.
“Uh… I mean-”
"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" He laughs nervously. “But... the musical’s why you’re here. I’m confused--”
“I know, but pretty please?” You insist, cringing by now to keep from crying.
“Um. Sure – but did something happen? Tell me. I’m-I’m here to help.”
“I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Please.” You feel your voice weaken more and more. You don’t wanna cry, though your eyes are already burning. “Please, Damon.”
“Right. Okay.” He says, raising his hands in defeat. He starts collecting his material.
“What are you doing?”
“No class today. Something clearly happened and we need to talk it out.”
“I-I got sacked. But there’s no need to…”
“I got it. C’mon. I’m not a monster, I won’t charge you for talking it out. All we’ve worked for… fucking cunts.” There’s the visceral side of him. “You gotta tell me how it happened.”
He only leaves your two chairs in place.
After you two sit, he starts. “This happens quite a lot in this world. And every student reacts the same.” Though this sounds a little too insensitive, you imagine it’s the truth, and his tone does the job of conveying his compassion. “Did they call you? Or did you find out through somewhere else, like Patti LuPone?”
“Huh. At least they called me. They just straight up told me I’m no longer in the cast.” You say, totally not comforted by that. But it would be even worse if you found out by other means. “I don’t know what to do now.”
“Don’t let your spirit be broken by that – you’re really talented, and I don’t like paying compliments. You know that.”
“Talent is not enough sometimes. That’s also something you’ve said to me before.”
He goes silent, and you start apologizing in the same instant.
“No, no, you didn’t hurt my feelings.” He interrupts you. “That’s true. But you’re really young, I shouldn’t have said that to you. Shit like that happens all the time. We learn a lot from it and you have your entire life ahead of you. That was… limited of me.”
“I know I’m almost getting my degree, and there’s other things for me to do… but fuck. I-- I really wanted that. You know how much.”
“I do. I also know exactly how you’re feeling now. We’re always so excited when this kind of thing happens. We plan our entire lives based on that one fragile and uncertain plan, and then boom, it’s gone. We always count on the fact that we’ll eventually have to decide between our career and something else when the choice comes, but what do we do when it doesn’t come? I know how that feels. Also--”
He grabs his guitar. You roll your eyes. “Don’t tell me you have a song for that.”
“I don’t.” he answers. “But I do have a story to tell you.”
For the next two hours, he tells you all about a very ambitious audiovisual plan that he tried to engage in his early 30s. Among countless questions and answers, Damon Albarn showed you through his history how very determined he really was. He goes into the most minute details about the ideas he had for a film and several concept albums for a virtual band that, in your opinion, sounds like something very innovative and, at the same time, incredibly palatable to the mainstream. You thought that the band he was part of when he was even younger was already very wronged because, from what you heard from the demos, they were really incredible, but the fact that such a project didn't go ahead ... just proved to you more and more that talent sometimes really wasn’t enough. Just when you thought you couldn't admire that man more.
“So, believe me when I say I know how that feels.” Goddamn. He looks at his clock, and almost jumps at how the time flied. “Bloody hell, I have another student in like, 5 minutes.”
“God, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. This is a tale very few people know about. I’m glad I shared it with you.”
“…That had potential. Don’t give up on it.”
“Don’t give up on your plans either. I really mean it when I say you’re talented as fuck.”
You couldn’t help but smile through the dried tears and puffy eyes. You say your rushed goodbyes. But before can you leave the room, he holds your arm. “Wait. I know it’s hard, but don’t spend the rest of the day thinking about it. Do you want to do something tonight?”
“Uhhh—what you have in mind?” You can’t believe your ears.
“I don’t know. Do you drink?”
“More than I should.”
“Perfect. So I know a place we can go. Any preference of hours?”
“After 7 pm, I guess?”
“Works for me. I’ll send you the address soon then.” He says. You stand still, frozen, still processing what just happened. He’s blinking as if he just told you how’s the weather outside. “Now you can go.”
“O-kay. See you in a few hours then, Damon.”
“See you in a few hours, Y/N.”
You tried to hide your excitement, in vain. You smiled like an idiot.
This was one of the scenarios of your daydreams when you were walking around, talking quietly to yourself. Damon Albarn, your newly divorced music teacher who is old enough to be your father, just asked you out. You don't care if it was pity. After such disappointment, you allow yourself to create a little more of that stupid, inconsequential hope that your life would take an exciting turn for the first time.
He sends you the address a few hours after your class/conversation, when you were starting to get ready to meet him. It was a pub that you already knew well, and had visited with some friends in the past. You choose a dress that has become your “uniform” recently, for valuing your body type well and for translating your style in a way that is both stylish and very comfortable. When you finish getting ready, you take a deep breath. There is a world of difference between what you wanted to happen and what you think will happen. But you do not care.
The tragic call you received in the morning barely crosses your mind on your way to the pub.
Upon arriving, you find Damon - always so punctual - sitting in the corner of the lounge fiddling with his cell phone while he takes a few sips of a drink that you have no idea what it is made of. You never took him for a complex drink guy. He is really full of surprises. You feel slightly self-conscious out of a sudden, stomach churning in anticipation. He raises his eyes, and his gaze meets yours. His usual welcoming smile makes all your worries go away. You couldn’t help but smile wide too.
“Hello there. A stark contrast to this morning’s Y/N.” He notes, looking you up and down after you two share a tight hug, that smile still there.
“My plan tonight is to forget everything that happened before we talked, okay? Just let me forget about the call!” You answer, playfully, trying to pretend you weren't in the least ... affected ... by the way he received you.
And the time you spend together goes as usual. It’s amazing how there’s no space for awkward silences between you two. To one thing you tell him, he brings you three more things to tell, and vice-versa. You two just… click. You make each other laugh, and even if things don’t go the way you daydream about, which is totally okay, given that he’s twice your age and you’re not sure if you can handle the implications that age difference has, you’re glad to call him a good friend. He’s amazing, and you’re having a great time with him.
By your fourth beer and his fifth fancy drink, your conversation enters a territory that hasn’t been truly explored by you two yet. His romantic past. You only knew he was divorced because he mentioned it very vaguely one day, nothing else. You didn’t know why, who was her, or when. But apparently, he was about to tell you.
“We were both really… young… and didn’t have a clue of what we were doing with our lives. She was a musician too, Justine. Not anymore.”
“Because of what happened between you two?” You ask, the beers gradually taking the indiscretion filters out of you.
“Maybe. I don’t know. She seemed tired of everything. She wanted a life I’m not sure I would be able to live. I also pressured her a lot, I tried to create a version of her that somehow fitted all my expectations and, long story short, we weren’t right for each other. But I still think she’s incredible. I still admire her a lot. Not sure how she feels about me though.”
“Are you still in love with her?”
“Oh, no. There’s a big difference in admiring someone and being in love with them, kid.”
After that sentence of his, for the first time that night, an uncomfortable silence hangs between you - Instant Crush, by Daft Punk, almost ironically, starts playing on the pub's speakers. You feel like you're in a movie.
You're still a kid, aren't you?
“Definitely.” You finally answer him, finishing 70% of the bottle in a few gulps. You become a bit more lightheaded after that, and your eyes start to struggle to focus. You try to hide how slurred your voice wants to sound. “I confess I still don’t know how to really differentiate between the two.”
“Oh yeah?” His wistful tone gives place to one of amusement. “You never told me about your exes. Feel free to.”
“This is not about them.”
He turns to you, after a one-sided staring competition with his own cup. His voice is calm, and somehow even deeper, when he asks you: “Then who is this about?”
You gulp. The cramped space you were sitting on somehow feels even smaller. And hotter. You feel drops of sweat sliding on your belly. You’re sitting by his side, not in front of him, and that interaction feels almost… primal. You two are trapped by a huge table in a corner very few people can see.
“I think I need to go to the loo.”
He lets you, and you feel his eyes following you to the restroom.
My God. My God. My God.
You take a much longer time to do everything than you really need while reflecting on the dialogue you just had. You feel the ground is starting to spin, and the desire to sleep on literally any place grow. You’re drunk. And confused. And anxious.
You spend some good minutes staring at your own face in the mirror before you return to your table. He’s still in the moment, judging by the contemplative look on his face. This is the point of no return.
This is no movie – this is a fucking RPG.
“It was full,” you justify.
“Yeah, it’s always pretty crowded in there.”
That goddamn awkward silence again. You try to talk at the same time, but he wins.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Yeah.” You clear your throat. “It’s… about a guy. He’s a…current… thing. Not from the past.”
“Right.” His tone is serious, more teacher-like than he has even acted while actually teaching you.
“I met him through an ad. I was looking for music teachers in my area and I found him. He had a fair price.” He was now smiling in disbelief, shaking his head. You’re both tipsy and you don’t care if your words are slurred anymore.
“I have classes with him every Saturday. It’s the event of the bloody week for me. I can’t believe I’m saying that now because at first he seemed quite intimidating and not open to any meaningful interaction. Like, all frowns and monosyllabic answers and all.” You steal his drink, and he’s not even bothered. “We talk a lot, and even though we talk every day I somehow always thought he didn’t give a fuck about me when we were out of class. That he only saw me as a student, not as a friend, you know? I think about that chap every single day too. He’s handsome--like. Fuck. And he pays attention to everything I say. He’s always so nice to me, he makes me feel welcome. A part of… something.” You take a few more sips, and he gently takes the drink out of your hand, mouthing an ‘enough’. “He’s old enough to be my dad and I feel guilty for thinking of him that way. He invited me for drinks when my world fell so I could get my mind out of the shambles my life’s in and I almost died because I’m madly in love with him for a while now, but I don’t want to ruin everything. I don’t know what to do now. People shouldn’t start things thinking of how they’re going to end, but, you know?”
“They should, though. He’s indeed too old for you. And your life isn’t in shambles.”
“Everything sounds pretty lovely in theory, but, he’s probably thinking that he’s going to slow you down in a way. You’ve got too much life to live. He’s probably really tired of everything he’s already lived.”
“But I love him. He makes me laugh! I don’t wanna have children.” You whine.
He muffles a laugh. “It’s not that-“
”Please take me home tonight.” You plead; your tone more serious now. “I know what I’m doing, I know where I am. Just please take me home.”
“Please, Damon. If you don’t feel the same then fine, call me an Uber and I’ll get over it.”
That triggers something in him, apparently, and he kisses you deeply and intensely. His hands caress your back and the whole kiss, though a little disjointed because of the state you’re both in, is full of affection and love. His lips taste of strawberry vodka, and your mind is spinning.
When your lips part, you stare at each other for a while, thousands upon thousands of thoughts per second, unsaid. “Are you sure you wanna come with me?” He asks, kissing your hand.
“Yes. I am.”
After he fumbles with his keys, you’re finally in his apartment – it’s surprisingly nice and tidy. Judging by how carefree he’s with his looks, you imagined that characteristic would overflow to other aspects of his life.
From the Uber drive home to his door, his hand never left yours.
He locks the door, and you stand staring intently at each other, sizing each other up like men before a fight. This time, you start the kiss, with a little less hurry than before. But the desire is still burning hot on both of you.
“Do you have any idea of what you’re doing to me?”, he murmurs, discarding his jacket while he does his best to not break the kiss. You take this as a signal to start taking off your clothes too, starting by kicking off your shoes. It has become a choreography of sorts - his hands grasp your buttocks and pulls you closer after you’re done with them, drawing a gasp from you.
“I wanted you for so long.” You reply, your hands exploring his body below the fine fabric of his shirt. You motion to take it away from him, and he lets you, completely entranced by how red your lips look from everything it went through. He guides you to his sofa, quickly adjusting it so it’s comfortable enough and serves as a bed for both of you.
He lies down first, eagerly waiting for you to stay on top of him. You finally do, and you feel like a goddess from the way he looks at your body. You take off your dress, and now you’re almost fully exposed to him. You have no bra on, and his hands immediately travel to your breasts, fingers running tantalizingly over your nipples to get them stiff and erect before he pinches them between his fingers, smiling at the whimper his actions elicit. You start bucking your hips on the rough fabric of his trousers, and you feel him harden below you. “God, you’re… something else.” he whispers, and you respond with another whimper, biting back a full on moan when your clit hits the perfect spot. You separate your legs a little further so you can feel him better, drawing a groan from him. He takes this a signal to take his jeans off, eyes not leaving your hips.
Now that a distance of an entire layer is shortened between you, the contact is even more intimate, and the bulge of his cock straining against his underwear is driving you mad. You’re aching for him. He brushes against you and your moan is higher than you expected, and you immediately cover your mouth in order not to wake up his neighbors. As he feels the wet heat of you around his painfully hard cock, he takes your hand out of your lips, grip then tightening on your hips as he pushes you down right on to him. Your moan is even louder. “Let them hear.”
“Fuck-Damon-I’m getting so close--” As if you just gave him a command, his hands now grab the flesh of your inner thighs, massaging them further and further up until he reaches the center of your arousal, and the sound you make when he pulls your panties to the side and runs his finger between your folds while still grinding against you is somewhere between a whine and a whimper. “Fuck, you’re so wet,” he says, voice rough from how excruciatingly aroused he is. “Come for me, baby.” Your clit was more exposed now, pressed more tightly against him and you whine in relief when your orgasm finally floods through your body.  
Before you could fully recover, he finally frees himself from his underwear and, with your help, effortlessly aligns himself with your (quite ready) entrance. You bury your head in his neck the moment he enters you in one swift motion and your moans are almost like cries by now - the overstimulation is driving you insane. You take his face on your hands and give him a passionate kiss while he gradually picks up a merciless pace inside of you, the more heated the kiss becomes the more shamelessly you ride his cock. “Shit,” he mutters, massaging your breasts in an almost desperate way. It’s too much - you’re almost becoming one.
You could tell by how frantically he fucked you now that he wasn’t going to last much longer. His thrusts were becoming irregular and you were so close once again. His head falls forward, buried in between your neck and shoulder - his cock twitches inside of you and his movements become staccato, his mouth curving into a beautiful ‘o’ shape as he comes inside of you. His movements stop before you could reach your second one, but the entire situation you were on was so arousing to you that just by touching yourself while still feeling him inside was enough. Not letting you alone in this, one of his hands focus on one of your nipples while the other one is below yours, providing pressure above your clit. And like that, you come undone a second time, head above his shoulders.
For a few minutes, your panting was the only thing that could be heard inside of the apartment.
“Thank you. You were amazing. ’s been quite a long time.” He notes with a tender kiss on your forehead. After a while, and with much reluctance, he slides out of you, and gets up to fetch a warm, wet cloth and carefully clean you both, finally collapsing next to you with a groan.
“It was everything I expected.” You confess, smiling.
“Did you… think about me like that when you…?”
“Of course. But let’s save this talk for another Saturday.”
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calamitycons · 3 years
For @laineybug04 !
fluff or angst? - I like to include both in my work. I draw from my own experiences, and most of the time those get turned into cute or humorous moments (i.e. fluff). That way when things fall apart, you actually care about that angst because you got to know and fall in love with the characters through the fluff.
favorite character to write? - I struggle to write one character in a vacuum. I don't know if you know about my Homestuck AU at all, but my favorite dynamic between characters to write is the one I developed between Spades Slick and Karkat Vantas. I haven't written a lot of Sonic related things, but I like to imagine how Shadow could be introduced to the Fleetway universe and interact with characters like Fleetway Amy, Tekno the Canary, etc.
favorite ship to write? - I don't really know how to answer this question. I am a very low drama person, so romantic entanglements, will they won't they, meet cutes, miscommunication, and other romantic tropes like those are more likely to aggravate me so I don't write those. But when a ship is already established and I'm writing for it, I don't write them particularly differently from any other combination of characters. The dynamic between their personalities is always most interesting to me, but that barely counts as a specific ship to write? Again, I don't know how to answer this question.
favorite fandom for write for? - I have written fanfiction for Homestuck, Transformers, and Mass Effect. Right now I'm most engaged with my Homestuck fanfiction, but my interests shift and change all the time.
do you/would you write smut? - Sometimes I imagine how characters would interact sexually, like their own ideas on what it means to them and how a sexual interaction between them might go. If I ever write it down, though, I'd be unlikely to share it. I don't think I'd give the people who are looking for erotica the experience they'd be seeking out.
fave fic you’ve written/fic youre most proud of? - My Junkon's Treasure fancomic was very ambitious and full of great ideas, but I was not able to complete it, which makes me sad. Out of things I've actually completed, Adding Fuel To Flames (another Transformers fan comic) gets into it more.
fave trope to write? - Found Family. I also like to write jokes and situational gags that make people laugh or smile. ESPECIALLY if the humor comes from the characters just being themselves and acting silly.
fave type of au to write? - Whatever you call an AU that takes everything about the canon and reconfigures it into a completely new story. I think that's called like, a reimagining?
how do you get yourself in the mood to write? - I listen to music I already know will get me in the groove, and lose myself in that.
what inspires your fic ideas? - All sorts of things! Usually it's a combination of thoughts that I'm having at any given time. My current Homestuck fic was inspired when I thought about Homestuck and The Iron Giant at the same time.
canonverse or au? - I like to stick as closely to canon as possible. If I wasn't interested in the canon then I wouldn't be making fan fiction for it! Even though my current fic project is an AU, I try my damnedest to keep the characters close to their canon personalities and include all the things I loved from the original work, just with my own spin on it to make it fit the new worldbuilding I did.
any fics planned? - Fleetway Amy Rose rescues Shadow the Hedgehog from Prison Island, and introduces him to the Fleetway canon while evading GUN.
fave line in a fic you wrote? - My favorite moment that I ever wrote is completely audiovisual. https://mspfa.com/?s=32611&p=267
have a quote from a WIP? - "[Aria grins wide]
ARIA: ha ha ARIA: n0t what i meant ARIA: but i can take a hint DD: Mm. ARIA: swedish fish are delici0us by the way DD: Agreed. ARIA: can i have s0me
[DD turns back to his pinboard, munching on the fish. He offers the contents of his bag to Aria with his other arm. Aria stuffs her hand down the bag, grinning.]
DD: Container's bottomless."
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sugarkinky · 4 years
Gamers gotta game | 2 |
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Pairing: Gamer!jungkook x Nerd!Reader x Fuckboy!Jimin  Genre: Future smut, fluff and angst.  Warnings: More angst than anything on this part, mentions of alcohol abuse.  A/N: I’m happy to see that many of you liked the first part, this is a slow-burn fic so bear with me. *gif not mine*
1 | 2 
You felt like your hangover from yesterday was there again, even if you didn’t drink anything the night before. It felt like your head was about to explode when you got up. Sundays are pretty lazy for you, there is something in the vibe of it that makes you incapable of being productive.
There is no need to get out of your PJs, so you just lay on the small couch and watch some Netflix on your cellphone. Maybe Kenny is already up so you decide to text her, just to see if she’s ok with the hole Seokjin ordeal.
But then you see something that makes you look at it twice, a message… From Jimin?
Okay, not that big of a deal. He was drunk, you saw him and he may remembered you. That doesn’t mean he changed or will change. Come on, you don’t have to change someone, you’re not some kind of savior of boys who can’t keep it on his pants right?
You don’t know if you reply it or not, but for your own safety you just delete the text and his number all together. It was about time.
Freshmen year.
There are some things you couldn’t quite understand about your body, how it shivers when next to him, the way you’ll blush every time he say something about you or your heart stopping just because of the sight of him. You were totally fucked and with a massive crush on him.
It all started by his way of talking to you, always sweet and really listening you. The conversations weren’t the boring type, you could spend hours talking to him and he seemed to get everything you were saying. After some classes together, you both ended up meeting for projects and studying for exams on the library. That seemed pretty friendly and at that point you felt like it was good this way, he was a good friend.
One day, things got weird between you two. After the first year’s midterm exams you both went to a party because Jimin got in this frat and needed to bring as many people as possible to cheer for him in a kind of “initiation”. You went with Kenny and that was your very first party, so she dolled you up. When you got there it was loud and too crowded for you, but since Jimin wanted you there you stayed.
“Y/N, you made it!” Jimin said when you saw him in the kitchen.
“Yeah, when did you got here?”
“Not long ago, do you drink?” He asked you with some random bottle in hand.
The night went by, soon enough you’ve learned that Jimin liked drinking a little too much. The said “initiation” was actually many drinking games with some weird penalties, like twerking in front of everybody. Jimin was pretty good at that, you truly started having fun when they announced the final game: chicken fight. The only problem was that the newcomers should have a partner to put on his back. The time Jimin glanced a look at you, you started to shake your head as saying “please no”.
“Come on, Y/N. Do it for me, please?” The puppy eyes were your weak spot.
“Fine but I don’t have a swimsuit.”
“Not a problem you can go with some of my clothes.”
Not necessary to say that the game was a total mess, Jimin almost couldn’t keep straight because of how wasted he was. But you didn’t drink that much so it wasn’t that difficult to beat the other girls. You both got to the last match and Jimin was happy and giggling.
“Y/N, you’re amazing.” You blushed at that, maybe the alcohol finally got to you.
“Let’s win this thing!”
And after what felt like a half of an hour you beat the other girl down and everybody cheered for you two. When get down from Jimin shoulders, he embraced you in a hug.
“I can’t believe you did it. WE DID IT.” He got a big smile on his face that harmed you up.
But then you felt that it was too close for you and started panicking a little, that’s when Jimin closed the space between you two and got his lips on yours. Nobody seemed to notice or care for that matter, they were too drunk for this.
“Hum, I need to go to the bathroom…”
So you almost trip getting out of the pool and heading to upstairs where your clothes were.
Your Monday’s classes were you favorites, even it being Monday, Econometrics and Statistics were the reasons you chased the Economics major. At the end of the morning classes you got a message from Kenny inviting you to lunch.
“Do you even know the hellhole I went through because of you?”
“I’m sorry.” She looked sad and you know why.
“Hey, I know that something went wrong Saturday. Was it Seokjin?”
“Yeah… He told me that he liked this girl and…” She was almost crying and you embrace her in a hug.
“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“No, I’m fine, it was just an enormous crush no biggie.” You started laughing with her at that.
“So… Did he ditched you to go to her?”
“I wish he has done that, he asked me to play Cupid for him. I’m so angry at myself that I did it. He’s not a bad guy but damn… I can’t believe he’s that stupid.”
“Let’s change the subject, how’s your midterm project going?” Kenny made part of the Art’s Department and everyone on it had to submit twice a year to the University Art Festival, even her Audiovisual major.
“I feel stuck, it’s like I can’t vision it anymore.”
She once told you that her project were about history of our city photography, I pity her because it seems a lot of work for just one person to do. But you know she can do it, her last year’s short film were amazing, she’s brilliant with artistic stuff.
“Isn’t it too much for just you?”
“Actually, this year I can make some freshmen work for me to earn credits. I just didn’t decide who it will be.”
“WHAT? You have two months until the deadline.”
“I know, okay. I’m doing interviews this afternoon. The difficult part is done, I have the materials treated but analyzing and selecting them is not my cup of tea.”
“How many are they?”
“Around 200.”
“I know right? How could you imagine this city would be that interesting.”
You both laugh at that.
“So… Do you have some time? I don’t really like meeting new people alone and those freshmen just scare me to death.”
“Just two hours, I have Statistics at 3 pm.”
“Wow, your major schedule is crazy.”
Oh, yeah it is. Ghosting Jimin made you pass more time between classes than in your own house. Worthy though, the Math Department had a good Statistics teacher. The Art’s Department is not that far from the cafeteria so you get there pretty fast, the interviews will happen in an empty classroom near the auditorium.
“At what time will they be here?”
“Probably in 20 minutes.”
And the first freshmen entered the room, she was a small girl with a timid smile called Mariam. She seemed fine but a little too clumsy, almost falling to sit on the chair.
“What are some of your interests in our department?”
“I like filmmaking and photography”
“Did you ever made part of an art project before?”
“Not really, I didn’t study arts in High School.” At that me and Kenny looked at each other, it is extremely difficult getting to any artistic related major without having any background. It’s like getting to a Med School without doing biology.
“How did you choose your degree?”
“Well… I always liked the cinematography studies I did for a Movie Club we hold with our history teacher. I never went to practice on it but I know the basics on cameras.”
“Right, I think you’re the only one showing up so…”
“Wait! I’m sorry, Mr. Rogers extended his class.” Two men entered the room with heavy breaths probably from running here. The one who talked had a quite long hair and was a little tanned. The other one… wait a minute, you knew him from the party, he was the one playing online games in his room.
“It’s fine… I know how Mr. Rogers is.”
“Well Mariam, I will let you know the results by email.” The interview continued with the one called Taehyung, but what you were looking at was Jungkook. He seemed to notice it as he stared at you for a second after turning his head away blushing.
“So you both are freshman?”
“Well… I’m a sophomore but I switched majors this year.”
In the end of the interview Kenny looked amused with Taehyung and his portfolio. Then it was Jungkook’s turn.
“Then… Jungkook, right?” He nodded “I’ve heard a lot about you in Ms. Turner class, you seem to be her favorite of your year.”
She knew him too?
“I… I’m sure it’s not true, she’s just very generous.” Kenny smiled at that, you knew that this one professor was hell on earth when it comes to personality.
“Okay, what editing programs can you work with?”
“PS, Illustrator, Corel, Lightroom and Luminar.”
“Well, have you worked with curation of photos for an exhibition?”
“Yes, back in High School.”
At the end of the interview you were running late for your class so you stared heading to the Math Department building. But before you could proceed, you saw Jungkook standing at the exit.
“Hum… Thank you for helping me at the party.”
“It was nothing.” He looked surprised that I talked to him directly. “I know how these parties are… Are you from the department?”
“Oh, no. Actually I’m just Kenny’s friend.”
“Well… I gotta go.”
“Hum… Yeah, see you.”
The man surely was not what you expected from the BTS frat house, he seemed a little lost and timid but maybe it was because you didn’t know him that well. One thing you’ve learned the past year is that you can’t be sure based on first impressions. 
In the end Kenny opted for going with the last two freshmen but you didn’t see any of them for the next tree weeks. You and Kenny were lunching at the cafeteria when the both of them sat on the same table as you.
“Hey guys, are you done with the descriptions yet?” Kenny seemed worried, her deadline is next month.
“Not really, there are some things we would like to discuss about it.” Taehyung said.
“What about it?”
“I don’t think the photos make sense together yet.” That’s when Kenny took a long breath.
“I know right? But I don’t know what to do anymore.”
They all seemed lost on it. “Can I take a look on it?”
All three of them were surprised but Taehyung showed you the project on a folder. The images were incredibly good in quality for the time it was taken, but they didn’t seem to be from the same city. But one took your attention, it was a small market that was in front of your house with some old man in front of it.
“Why don’t you talk to these people? Maybe they can give you a hint of how these photos could make sense together.” Kenny scoffed at you.
“And where would we find them, on the cemetery?”
“No, dummy. This market is the one in front of my house, maybe you can talk to people nearby and see if there is someone from that time still alive, it’s called Oral History and maybe I can go with you and take some notes for my microeconomics class project.”
A/N: Even if this part ended up being longer, I don’t know if I really like it. I’ll try to do better for part 3, send me any feedback you think I need :)
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tonyglowheart · 4 years
mmmm I keep seeing this kind of sentiment I’m addressing popping up here and there, so I want to say: I absolutely support the promotion of the MDZS novel especially for ppl getting into the greater fandom through CQL - HOWEVER I find it incredibly disingenuous when people promote the MDZS novel because it has “the explicit scenes,” because I think that sets the wrong precedent/expectations for what it is (and also gets into the territory of like. CQL still told a damn romantic story lmfao. I’ve. posted about this before so I won’t get too into it, but like it may not be in the dialogue but the way it’s constructed and the film tropes used include a lot of classic romance tropes? like it’s an audiovisual/film media. to discount film techniques in interpretations and readings of it seems... really unsophisticated and maybe kind of disingenuous)
My thing about the “explicit scenes” in MDZS is I don’t necessarily think it’s *just* there to titillate, or be the, as a friend called it once, “requisite smut with good feelings” metaphoric cherry on top of a cake like we sometimes get in plottier/angstier fics. There’s like the drunk sex scene that’s in the middle of the misunderstandings that’s like. angsty lmfao,,, and their later smutty time after the “get together” isn’t like some magical perfect moment of transcendence, MXTX writes it as ultimately enjoyable for both but also very much Awkward Virgin Fumblings of two vaguely kinky people who don’t do the whole RACK thing because that didn’t exist and they’re not going to be magically inventing RACK lmao, and also whose ideas of sex probably come from porn lmfao. And then, god, the ever-controversial incense burner extra...
Like I don’t think the explicit scenes in MDZS are The Worst Thing Ever, either in terms of how it’s written (bc I’ve written some godawful sex scenes in various indie m/m ebooks lmfao), or in terms of Problematicness of content. But I think the explicit scenes in it very much serve a purpose, and as with the rest of the way MDZS does themes, have that foot in “awkward realism” that makes it interesting but not necessarily an “obviously” titillating kind of moment. Like it’s not going to be “good smut” in the sense of what you’d probably expect from a fic, if that makes sense
I think the novel is fantastic. I think it brings up and explores themes in ways that CQL doesn’t, and also honestly I like the storytelling method better because I think the structure of the reveals makes the reveals themselves all that stronger. But I also don’t agree with ppl using the “it has the explicit content” as a main reason to promote reading it bc that, imo, (1) implies that CQL is somehow less bc they’re not banging on screen, when I think CQL Production staff has done a fantastic job telling a full romo story given censorship constraints. It’s a very Don’t Ask Don’t Tell full romo, but I still think it’s very very full romo, and to imply it’s “not as good” does it and like. the nature of what constitutes a “real” relationship a huge disservice; (2) I think it gives ppl the impression that the explicit scenes are going to be like some kind of sultry burlesque situation, or like more idealized/romanticized sexy scenes like we’re maybe used to with fic, when it’s like. very much not that lol. it’s very much Two Awkward Kinky Virgins whose ideas of sex probably come from porn trying to figure out how to have sex with each other, in a sense. And I mean if that’s what you’re thinking going into it for the “explicit parts” then that’s fine. But I think sometimes when I see the way people promote it, I feel like it’s setting up the wrong kind of expectations..
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Behind the Curtain
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Behind the Curtain:  A Iron Man Fanfic
Buy me a coffee with Ko-fi Word Count:  1906
Pairing:  Tony Stark x F!Reader
Warnings:  Smut (M|F vaginal sex, voyeurism)
Synopsis:  When Tony puts on his suit to give a talk, he’s putting on a persona to please a crowd.  You and he decide to take it to a new level.
A/N:  @iron-man-bingo fill - Public Sex.  And for a prompt about role-playing strangers
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Behind the Curtain
God, he looked good in a suit.  They were always expensive and tailored to fit exactly.  Hugging the parts they were supposed to hug but never pulling tight anywhere.  He was good with suits really.  He was known for suits.  Interestingly they were all a form of armor for him. So when he wore one, he wore it well.
It was hard not to appreciate it.  It wasn't just the suit either. It was the confidence.  The cocksure way he carried himself like he knew he could get anyone in the room with just a glance.  Even the ones who weren't exactly fans.  It was the way he spoke with such authority and just the right amount of sarcasm.  The showmanship that held every single person’s attention.
It was impressive.
He was impressive.
It was a mask.  Part of his protective armor.  You knew that.  It was still sexy to watch.  Like performance art where the performance was Tony Stark the genius playboy, and where that playboy went, was home with you.
Today, the two of you had decided to add to that feeling.
You watched as Tony descended the stairs and you turned your gaze to Thor.  “You want to dance?”
He chuckled, that deep warm laugh of his.  “Am I to be part of your foreplay tonight?”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded your head.  “If you don’t mind.”
He got up and offered you his hand, helping you to your feet.  “Far be it from me to stand in the way of true love.”
He led you to the dancefloor and the two of you started to dance.  “You do look stunning tonight.”
You smiled.  Thor was incredibly charming.  You knew exactly what everyone else saw in him, even beyond the physical aspect of a large muscular god.  It felt nice to be held by him as he spun you around the floor.  “Thank you.”
The music was loud but the dance floor was almost empty.  All the stuffy millionaires choosing rather, to stay at their seats or crowd the bar.
“He’s watching,”  Thor said.
You smirked up at him.  “Who is?”
Thor laughed.  “Oh, that’s your game is it?”
“What game, Thor?  I’m just dancing with the god of thunder is all.”  You teased.
He shook his head.  “Well, in that case, Mr. Stark seems very interested in you.”
“He does?”  You asked.  “In me?”
“Either that or it’s me?  I guess that’s possible.”  Thor teased.
You nodded sagely.  “Mmm… it’s probably you.”
He laughed a deep booming laugh that seemed to light him up from the inside.  “Well, who could blame the man?  Perhaps I should ask him out.”
You looked up at him and then over at Tony.  Tony took a sip from his whiskey and raised an eyebrow at you.  “Yeah, I think you probably should.”  You agreed.
Thor pulled back and kissed your hand.  “You are both very odd, and I like it.   I suppose I shall be going and asking him out.”
You moved to the bar as Thor went to speak to Tony.  You took a seat and watched them talking.  Both laughed at the same time and that mischievous little twinkle entered his eyes.  He looked over to you and you turned away ordering yourself a Red Russian from the bartender.  You sat sipping your drink and waiting for the game to commence properly.
It wasn’t long before Tony sidled up beside you.  “Can I buy you a drink?”  He asked.
“I already have one.  Thank you.”  You said and took a sip of your drink the sweet strawberry cutting through the sharp cherry flavor.  You took the maraschino cherry from the glass and flicked your tongue over it as you watched Tony in the mirror behind the bar.
He leaned in closer to you, putting his hand on the back of your stool.  "Can I buy you an island?”
You turned in your chair and bit down on the cherry.  It exploded between your teeth and you chewed it slowly as you let your eyes slide up and down his body.  “I don’t have one of those.”
“Very few do, dear.”  He held out his hand to you and you shook it.  “Tony Stark.  And to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting.”
“Amerline Haberdasher.”  You said, trying not to laugh at the fake name you just gave.
He raised an eyebrow at you.  “Amerline…?”
“Haberdasher.”  You finished.  “That’s right.  Do you have a problem with my name?”
“Not at all.  It’s a lovely name.  Also, Haberdashery is a fine art form.  I’m a fan of it.”  He said as cooly as he could manage though, the corners of his mouth twitched as he spoke.
You pulled the cherry stem into your mouth and swirled it around tying it into a knot with your tongue before taking it out again.  “What can I do for you, Mister Stark?”
His eyes flicked to the cherry stem you were now toying with and back to your eyes.  He took your drink from the bar and downed it in one go.  “You seem like you have a wild side, Miss…”
“Haberdasher.  Goodness me, Mister Stark. For a genius, you have a terrible memory.”  You teased.
He leaned right into you, his lips brushing the shell of your ear.  “You seem like a very bad girl, Amerline.  Would you like to see what I do to bad girls?”
You ran your hand up the inside of his leg.  “I would love to find out what you do to bad girls.”
He got up taking your elbow and leading yours through the room.  Your skin prickled where he held you and he leaned in close to you, making your buzz all over.
You were aware of the eyes following you.  Him really.  It was what he did after all.  He drew all attention to him.  You reached the side of the staged where there were curtains separating the electrical equipment running the lighting and sound in the auditorium.  He spun you in close to him and curled an arm around your back, leaning right in close to you.  It was louder here than elsewhere thanks to the large speaker by the stage and yet when he leaned in against your ear, you could hear him breathe.
“Did you like dancing with Thor?”  He asked.
You nodded your head and rubbed your cheek against his.  “He knows how to move.”
His hand slowly slid up the side of your couture dress.  “Might need to show you some of mine.”
His lips ghosted along your jaw and just when you thought he was going to kiss you, he pushed you behind the curtains.
The darkened space was loud and cluttered.  Cables were taped to the floor with black gaffer and there were racks of audiovisual equipment.
Tony pushed you against the wall and kissed you hungrily.  He started pushing your skirt up as he ground against you, his cock starting to harden as he did.  You moaned against his lips.  Not that you could hear it over the sound of the music.  It was just another vibration that ran through you that mixed with that of the bass.
You ran your hands around his waist, under his jacket and tugged his shirt out of his pants.  Each roll of his hips against you made your wetter and wetter until and he got harder and harder until all you could think about was having him inside you.
He turned you and pushed you forward.  You braced your hands on the brick wall.  The fine grain of the clay bit into your palms.  Not that you cared.  Your focus was elsewhere.  He’d hiked your skirt up and his hands slipped into your panties.  You moaned as his fingers rolled in tight circles over your clit.  They slid easily thanks to how completely and thoroughly soaked you currently were.
“What a dirty girl you are.”  He growled right against your ear.  “Turns you on to fuck complete strangers where you could get caught at any moment doesn’t it.”
“Fuck… yes.”  You gasped.  Though you doubted he could hear.
He yanked your panties down and unfastened his fly.  The next thing you knew his cock was pressed against your ass, and sliding up and down your crack as he rutted against you.
You moaned again and his hand went to your mouth.  He pushed two fingers inside and you sucked on them, swirling your tongue around his digits and savoring the salty taste of his skin.
As you sucked on his fingers, he lined his cock up sunk it deep into your dripping cunt.  You moaned into his hand and without even giving you a chance to adjust he began to thrust.
You were buzzing all over.  The fingers in your mouth, the way he thrust slow and hard and so very deep into you.  The thin curtain separating the two of you from New York’s elite and wealthy.  The deep thud of the bass running through your core.
Adrenaline from the danger of being caught and endorphins from the pleasure surging through you, swirled through your veins, making you feel light and high like you’d been taking drugs.  He kept deep into you as you braced your hands on the wall.  He wrapped his free hand around your waist and began to rub your clit.  His fingers working faster and lighter than the deep slow thrusts of his hips.
You started to fall apart.  Your legs trembled and in the heels you wore, you worried you were going to fall.   That they’d give out on you and everyone would know what you were doing.
You moaned loudly around Tony’s fingers and your core began to clench tightly as the hot press of an orgasm sat in your stomach, ready to break.  Tony seemed to feel the change in you and picked up his speed, fucking you hard, so you pushed up against the wall.  He leaned in close to your ear.  “You gonna come for me?”  He growled.  “This is what you wanted isn’t it?”
The heat of his breath and the growl in his voice acted as a trigger.  You moaned and your body seized up as you came, your cunt pulsing around his cock.  He groaned and pressed his forehead between your shoulder blades and with a hard snap of his hips he came, pulsing into you.
He slipped out and you felt like you were going to collapse.  He quickly wrapped his arm around your waist to steady you.  “There you go, Miss Haberdash,”  Tony said.  “Everything you hoped for?”
You nodded, slightly breathless and started to straighten yourself back out.  “And some.”
“You know I’m gonna call you Miss Haberdash for like the next year right?  When people ask you why you have to decide what to tell them.”  He teased as he put his cock away and tucked his shirt back in.
“No, Tony!  Don’t you dare!”  You squealed.
He smirked at you.  “I’m sorry Miss Haberdash, what was that?”
He pulled the curtain back and stepped out.  “Oh, Cap!  Have you met my friend, Miss Amerline Haberdash?”  He yelled
You squawked and chased after him as he took off towards the table where most of the other Avengers were sitting.  Not that you really cared.  This was just the start of a whole new game.
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fratboykate · 2 years
I beg of you master a Kate + Yelena meets mile high club chapter. Rated MA17😏
Hahaha I don't really do smut. I've explained this a lot before but it's not that I'm opposed to it. On the contrary, as someone who works in the audiovisual field, I simply think sex scenes are meant to be experienced visually not read. Just one of my preferences as a writer and creator. So while I may dance around sexual situations at some point in some of my stories I'll never cross into anything extra explicit. I think you can do some really beautiful work with sex scenes on camera and I would so much rather save the stuff I want to do for that.
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nemeton-rpbr · 4 years
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— Nome: Ryan Violet — FaceClaim: Brian David Gilbert + produtor audiovisual/youtuber + 26 anos + americano. — Data de nascimento: 29/06/1996 — Nacionalidade: Boston + Estados Unidos. — Ser: Semideus filho de Atena. — Pronome: ele/dele. — Orientação sexual: Homossexual. — Altura: 1,72m. — Ocupação: Técnico de informática do Legends’ Cybercafé. — Clube e esporte: N/A — Dormitório e nº do apartamento: Samhain, apartamento 140. — Plots de interesse: General, fluff, crack, romance e angst. (Não botei smut, mas se surgir aquele char bem príncipe no cavalo branco, não tem como negar, ne? Rs) — User: @nmt_ryan
— Triggers que seu personagem pode vir a usar durante seu desenvolvimento: Provavelmente nenhum, pretendo que o char seja bem tranquilo. Eventual ingestão de bebidas alcóolicas, no máximo. — Personalidade: Assim como sua mãe, Ryan tem uma mente brilhante: tanto para a resolução de problemas, quanto para novas invenções. Por sempre ter sido adiantado para a sua idade, o garoto passou a infância e a adolescência com dificuldade para manter amizades, escolhendo por vezes a companhia de livros e documentários às de seus colegas de classe. Isso fez com que acabasse por se tornar tímido, preferindo escutar os outros à dar voz aos próprios pensamentos. Quando escuta alguém falando sobre alguma de suas paixões, entretanto - seja uma série de livros, um videogame ou novidades na área tecnológica -  o difícil é que consigam fazer com que o jovem cale a boca. Tomado por um entusiasmo que surge da obsessão que tem por certos tópicos, Ryan é capaz de falar por horas a fio, ignorante se quem o escuta ao menos tem interesse naquela conversa - culpa de sua dificuldade em se socializar. — História: [tw_acidente, segundo parágrafo] Patrick Cameron Violet era o coordenador geral do Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica e Ciências da Computação do Massachusetts Institute of Technology quando conheceu Atena. Na época, claro, o homem nem imaginava que a mulher de mente tão afiada quanto a língua era a deusa grega que lera nos livros de sua infância; Não, recentemente divorciado e sem nenhum filho, Patrick achava apenas que a dama era uma pesquisadora bioquímica - tamanho era seu conhecimento na área - e possível companhia para uma noite de outono. Estavam ambos na festa de finalização de um congresso da prestigiada MIT, e o homem havia palestrado naquele dia. Atena, dissera ela, achara o assunto de sua pesquisa interessantíssimo, e gostaria de conversar sobre alguns dos tópicos levantados. Foram ambos sentar-se ao bar e, com o passar do tempo, Patrick tornara-se tão impressionado com a inteligência e eloquência da dama, que perdeu os pensamentos masculinos tão típicos, hipnotizado por suas palavras e seus olhos cinza. Fora apenas no final da noite, já quando se despediam, que ela revelou ser a deusa grega da sabedoria - o que foi recebido como uma piada pelo mortal. “Você não acredita em mim”, a deusa apontou, sem rancor na voz, mas também sem nenhum tom de brincadeira. “Como poderia? Eu sou um pesquisador, preciso provar teorias antes de tomá-las como verdades” foi sua resposta, para qual a mulher já tinha um retorno: “Vou lhe entregar sua prova, então”. E, com isso, a dama virou-lhe as costas e desapareceu entre os outros participantes da festa. Cumprindo com sua palavra, na semana seguinte Patrick voltou de sua aula para ser recebido por um bebê que dormia tranquilamente em um berço de um prata idêntico ao dos olhos da deusa. Junto a ele, uma carta onde se lia uma única pergunta: “Prova o suficiente para você?” Por culpa do horário puxado do Sr. Violet, seu bebê - batizado como Ryan Violet - passava a maior parte da semana com sua avó, recebendo todos os mimos que lhe eram seus pelo direito de neto único. Em um universo alternativo, talvez, o pequeno Ryan crescesse para conhecer seu pai e aprender mais sobre como havia sido concebido; mas, naquele universo, ele tinha apenas 5 anos quando o pai, atravessando o oceano para um novo congresso na Europa, perdeu a vida em um trágico acidente aéreo. Fora a primeira vez que lembrava de ter visto a mãe, que o visitou antes mesmo que o pequeno soubesse da triste notícia. Ele se lembrava principalmente dos olhos cinzas, e de como os lábios finos curvavam-se com delicadeza em um sorriso cheio de carinho. Não fora permitido que estivesse presente durante a conversa da deusa com sua avó, mas soube do assunto daquela reunião: Nemeton. Apesar de ainda ser muito novo para entender por completo todo o conceito que circulava aquela palavra, sabia que era um lugar seguro para pessoas como ele - o que quer que aquilo significasse -  e que poderia se mudar para lá quando quisesse. Entretanto, a vontade demorou a surgir. Querendo seguir os passos do pai e tendo a inteligência avançada da mãe, Ryan conseguiu pular duas séries do ensino fundamental, tornando-se o calouro mais novo a ser aceito no instituto em que um dia o pai lecionara. Apesar de extremamente bom com textos e números, amizade nunca fora um grande forte do garoto, e portanto seus maiores companheiros foram os jogos que acompanharam o início de sua vida adulta, tornando-se uma de suas maiores paixões. Quando finalmente conseguiu o bacharelado em Engenharia Robótica, sua sede por conhecimento apenas aumentou, e foi então que se lembrou do nome que há tanto não ouvia: certamente, se existia uma comunidade de outros como ele, existiria lá uma escola! Movido pelo novo desejo de aprender sobre a mágica que sentia, mas ainda não sabia controlar, fez as malas e, assim como o pai anos atrás, atravessou o oceano para estudar em Nemeton. Formou-se com as maiores notas de sua turma na DPN, e antes de poder assumir as responsabilidades como o mais novo técnico de laboratório de informática e robótica da instituição, ficou sabendo de uma posição no cybercafé que se tornara sua segunda casa desde que chegara. Foi assim que, aos 24 anos de idade, Ryan Violet conseguiu seu primeiro emprego como técnico de informática no Legends’ Cybercafé. — Habilidades: Persuasão sobre-humana: habilidade de usar todas as estratégias de comunicação ao seu dispor para convencer os outros a concordarem consigo, ou aceitarem suas idéias. Requer baixo uso de energia, podendo ser utilizado diariamente em conversas dois a dois, ou uma vez a cada três dias caso tenha de dar um discurso público para um grande número de pessoas. Dependendo da quantidade de tempo do uso desta habilidade, as consequências variam de leves arranhões na garganta a intensas inflamações nas amígdalas e faringe. Memorização sobre-humana: habilidade de memorizar com perfeição notas musicais/sequências de números ou luzes/palavras e frases em textos, sendo exposto a tais coisas apenas uma vez. O uso de energia varia de acordo com a quantidade de informação a ser memorizada: caso seja um livro inteiro, ele deve esperar ao menos três dias para usar a habilidade novamente, sentindo enxaquecas e sensibilidade nos olhos pelas horas seguintes após seu uso. Caso seja uma música curta, ele consegue memorizar as notas sem muito gasto de energia, sentindo apenas um leve cansaço mental. Inteligência sobre-humana: alta habilidade de compreensão e resolução de problemas. Demonstra muita facilidade para aprender sobre assuntos novos, sejam eles das ciências exatas, biológicas ou humanas. O uso de energia depende da complexidade do assunto, e da familiaridade que Ryan tenha com ele. Pode usar esta habilidade diariamente, com leves dores de cabeça como consequência. Tecelagem mágica: habilidade de tecer fios para fabricação de tecidos com habilidades específicas. Por exemplo, pode tecer uma faixa branca para curar uma infecção leve a média, ou tecer faixas extremamente resistentes para prender seus adversários durante batalhas, impedindo que se movimentem por vários minutos. O nível de energia gasto é diretamente ligado à função do tecido, e as consequências podem variar de dormência nos dedos a dores musculares ao longo dos braços e tendinite. Ele também é capaz de tecer com maior velocidade do que o normal, e pode utilizar sua habilidade uma vez por semana em casos de maior gasto energético, ou duas vezes por semana em casos menores. Technopatia (craftsmanship + invenções): habilidade de manipular tecnologia/aparelhos tecnológicos com a mente. Pode arrumar aparelhos quebrados, assim como fundi-los à outras peças diferentes para criar uma máquina completamente nova. Pode também montar aparelhos com o poder da mente, tornando peças separadas em equipamentos funcionais. Para consertos, a habilidade pode ser utilizada diariamente, já para criações novas, a energia demora de dois a três dias para ser completamente carregada. Esta habilidade causa de leves formigamentos nos dedos à sensações de choque que sobem pelos braços, machucando seus músculos e tornando-os doloridos por horas após o uso.
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