#because i functionally started at the same time as my little cousin
starbuck · 5 months
another semester BEHIND me… the relief hasn’t fully kicked in, but i’m starting to feel it.
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AITA for saying my family shows favoritism towards my baby cousin?
(This is copied from my Reddit drafts because my partner told me tumblr would be better for this and I trust them)
Okay this is a long one so I’m just gonna throw out fake names for everyone and everyone is white middle class Americans
I, Op, 20M, I’m a trans man not accepted by my family. This is relevant
Renee, 20F, my twin sister
Bea, 16F, my younger sister
Lee, 35F, my aunt on my father’s side
Lucas, 2M, my cousin, son of Lee
Suzie, 5F, my cousin, daughter of Lee
My father, 44M, the patriarch of our whole family
My mother, 45F
Grandpa, 76M, paternal grandpa, previous patriarch
Grandma, 74F, paternal grandma
So I’m sending this in on Christmas Day of 2023. For some context, I still live at home, but it’s more of a roommate situation now that I’m an adult. Renee lives on her out-of-state college campus but visits for holidays, and Bea is still a high schooler. Lee, her children, and her husband who isn’t relevant to this (I love my uncle, we just literally never talk) live across the country. My father is losing the battle with cancer and can’t travel, so we had two separate christmases this year, one with my immediate family and one with Lee. Grandma and Grandpa went to Lee’s, which was awesome for me because that meant I got to avoid them this year!
As the character list above states, I’m (one of) the oldest of the five grandkids with my cousins being born a lot later than me and my sisters. My family is a traditional WASP family and staunchly conservative with Aunt Lee actively being a cop right now while my parents and Grandpa served in the military. Growing up undeniably queer was hilarious, I know. But the family dynamic wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, my family did a good job of trying to hide the fact that Renee was the favorite child lol, but that was more on the basis of her having the same traditional values that they do until Aunt Lee had Suzie, then she obviously became the favorite. Fine by me, she’s an adorable girl and I love spoiling her. Also, ACAB does apply for Aunt Lee for being complacent in this system, it’s not just the most relevant part of the story besides explaining how she fits into the family dynamic
But then Lee had Lucas a few years later and the focus in the family shifted to him. At first, it was baby fever making everyone dote over him (and I’m guilty of this too) but after a while, I realized that the fever hasn’t died down. If we had family reunions, everyone would flock to Lucas and I would be the one watching Suzie. For a toddler, she’s a great conversationalist, but it was still sad to see all her aunts and uncles and cousins showering her baby brother with attention and not her. And then the comments started. That my father would only refer to Lucas as “my nephew” even when talking directly to Lee (unhinged to witness in person). That Grandpa was so happy to finally have a grandson (felt great). The lady-killer comments and guessing what profession he’s gonna go into based on how chubby of a baby he is (the money’s on Linebacker, little dude is built like a truck). Stuff like that
None of these comments were ever made about Suzie when she was born, and I really don’t want to admit that it’s because Lucas is a boy, but thats the only answer I can think of when trying to understand the favoritism. Lucas is showered in gifts and love and while I know newborns need that, Suzie received nowhere near this much attention. Lee’s husband doesn’t go to family functions because he works full time, but I heard Suzie mumble at Thanksgiving last month that she wanted to go home to daddy. It broke my fucking heart, so I called him and she got to FaceTime with my uncle until my phone died
At this point, I’m not even upset that the family ignores my obvious trans-ness as I’m over a year on T (paid for by myself too) in favor of my boy cousin. I’m upset that Suzie is getting left out of the fawning while she’s still super young and she could grow up resenting Lucas because of it.
Anyways, so this morning we opened gifts as an immediate family and I got to FaceTime my significant other as they unboxed their gift from me and we were having a good time until my dad FaceTimes Grandpa. Grandpa answers and Dad immediately asks how his nephew is. Lucas is pushed in front of the phone and all I can hear is asking about how Lucas is, is Lucas talking yet, is Lucas reading yet. I manage to squeeze my head in and ask about Suzie and Lee’s voice off camera says that “oh she’s fine, just snobbish.” Snobbish? A five year old?
And here’s where I’m probably the Asshole. Honestly, I’m looking between ESH and JAH here, but would perfectly understandable if tumblr decides YTA. My response to Lee’s comment was: “well maybe she wouldn’t be if everyone didn’t pick Lucas as the family favorite.”
My dad smacked me upside the head, Renee and Bea got really pissed off, and the FaceTime went quiet until it was cut off and Grandpa called back to talk to Dad privately. Bea called me an asshole and while my Mom got onto her for her language, Mom agreed that I was.
My dad came back from the phone and did the silent point towards his bedroom, y’all with shitty parents know the one. Because I’m twenty fucking years old and pay RENT here, I shook my head, grabbed my keys, and went to go hang out with my significant partner and work friends. We had a great time and I’m currently in the car with my significant other while typing this. I’m gonna spend the night at their place and go back in the morning to see how bad the damage is. My significant other says I was justified in what I said, but two of my work friends (one who’s a Cishet guy who grew up in a similar household and another who’s a new dad with his own son) say that what I said was uncalled for and rude. They explained that I had no right to weaponize Lucas and Suzie like that and I understand that. I’m just tired of Suzie being neglected and, selfishly I know, I’m tired of how my identity is ignored as well
So, tumblr, AITA?
TL;DR, My two year old cousin is the “only” grandson in the family. The family ignores my male identity and my baby cousin’s five year old sister to fawn over the two year old. Am I The Asshole for pointing this out point blank in front of the whole family on Christmas morning?
What are these acronyms?
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sea-salted-wolverine · 5 months
So my cousin came out as trans about a year ago and this thanksgiving was the first time she had seen most of her family. I haven't seen her in a decade and my last mental image of her is a emo teenage boy obsessed with screamo bands.
Now what's weird is, between the second puberty and reinventing herself as an adult, spending time with her feels like I'm talking to the exact same teenager, complete with the screamo band fixation, but this time girl version. She's 30 with a wife and 2 kids but also experiencing female familial companionship for the first time ever so we're sitting on the back porch drinking and talking about periods and pushup bras and regional differences in expected gender presentation and it feels like I'm talking with my cool teenage cousin. It's like time warping.
So her Dad, my Uncle, is a fairly conservative Texan stereotype with 2 first names. He's adjusting, slowly, but there is progress being made.
And here's another fun aspect. He loves to hunt. But he's in Texas.
I'm not going to make any sweeping statements about the culture or logistics of hunting in Texas versus hunting in Alaska but suffice to say those are two wildly different things. Almost all land in Texas is private with the exception of some islands along the Gulf coast and national parks, so he's talking about guided hunts and deer leases and hunting ranches where everything is raised. Which is insane to me because less than one percent of Alaska is held privately.
So he turns green with envy whenever we start chatting about hunting because this tiny little woman is living out his manly man last frontier fantasy.
So between me and my cousin, we're just prying this poor man's narrow view of gender roles open with a crowbar. Her whole "asserting of gender at a family function" could have been a major upheaval but because of All Of The Everything happening simultaneously with Thanksgiving tacked on as an afterthought, it became just one more thing to deal with. There was simply not the available bandwidth to toss a fit about gender revelations.
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k0droid · 7 days
at the family function - twisted wonderland headcanons
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A/N: Cleaning out my drafts :3
Content warnings!: - i'm black so i'll be going off of what happens at my family events - these are headcanons and not serious ones at that, pls dont get mad - these aren't in order (im forcing u to read lol)
Friendly reminder: I am black and searching for moots, specifically black but not exclusively <3
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Jack Howl: - the cousin that all the younger cousins want to see - doesn't really like children but still enjoys seeing his family
Lilia Vanrouge: - the grandpa who sits in the same spot every reunion - has told you the same story a million GAJILLION different stories - D1 instigator
Idia Shroud: - hides himself in the room farthest from all the commotion - brings his consoles to every get-together
Epel Felmier: - the cousin who lives 2hrs away - always asking those dumbass superstitious questions abt the city - brings fruits/veggies from his family farm
Rook Hunt: - creepy ass unc, NO BODY wanna play with him - genuinely a good guy once you get to know him - dont ask "how did u and auntie (vil) fall in meet?" because he's gonna give u the strangest love story ever
Silver Vanrouge: - adopted son of granpa - hes NEVER awake when u need him - eats, chats a bit, and joins idia so he can fall asleep - don't know if he's an uncle technically but he's family now so 🤷🏾‍♀️
Cater Diamond: - cousin who's always running errands for somebody, his sisters especially - has plates made for him because he's too busy - always a part of the conversation tho
Ace Trappola: - fun cousin!!! - takes the lil kids outside to play when asked
Malleus Draconia: - also adopted son of lilia - he doesn't leave his room often so they forget he's even there - when he does come down, everyone is like "unc, you've been here?!" - very awkward but enjoys the conversation and card games
Deuce Spade: - fun cousin #2!!!!! - usually on cousin-duty - was supposed to bring the plates but forgot
Jamil Viper: - the auntie in the kitchen - like cater, he's always busy doing something - the family member who asks abt school and expects a real answer
Vil Schoenheit: - amazing gorgeous kind respectable aunt married to some guy (rook) - she arrives an hour early to help trey cook and jamil set everything in place - kinda strict about the tidiness of everyone but becomes lax after eating (got the itis)
Azul Ashengrotto: - the cousin you'd get compared to ("why cant you be more like azul?") - everybody owes or owed him some money at some point - hides all his old photos somewhere in the house
Ortho Shroud: - the little cousin - begs idia to drive him to grandpappy lilia's
Sebek Zigvolt: - loud asf like u can hear his conversations clearly - also on cousin duty - tracks mud in the house and gets told off by jamil
Kalim Al-Asim: - the cousin with 511 siblings
Ruggie Bucchi: - helps in the kitchen so he'll be the first one to make some plates - afterwards ruggie eats on the porch in a rocking chair
Trey Clover: - main cook/chef - unc who's always getting roasted for his hairline (barber fucked him up)
Leona Kingscholar: - 50/50 unc, sometimes he'll be in a good mood and sometimes he wont - arrives on time and gets out of his car 20 mins later (he was sleep) - tells those kids "AYE YALL STOP ALL THAT RUNNIN AROUND" - sat with ruggie on the porch and he just randomly got up and started walking down the street - sometimes forced to eat at the kids table because he wont eat his own veggies at his grown age
Jade Leech: - brought the drinks - brought cards and dice to play with azul
Floyd Leech: - brought soda (in spite of Jade) - brought monopoly instead - he got bored in the middle of monopoly so he just started chasing people for entertainment
Riddle Rosehearts: - the one who organizes most of the reunions - was FURIOUS at deuce for forgetting to bring the plates but cater went out and bought them - got chased by Floyd and collared his ass
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ts was kinda ass, my bad, i just want likes and comments cuz i dont have many headcanons of my own
anyways u guys should totally ask me abt my twst ocs (not yuusona) so i can blab abt them <3/hj
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moonmeg · 1 year
me and my little cousin are big fans of your comics and now she is studying what society was like in the 1600s and she got curious about how caleb and Philip reacted to women on the islands having the same rights as men (it's her favorite topic and she asked me to ask you because it is difficult for her to speak English)
Thank you very much!!
I am no historian. I'm a history-enthusiast but the 1600s are really not my favorite century and I barely informed myself on them (not as well as on 18th or 20th century at least) but I'll just say what I think here.
Firstly we'd have to figure out what Caleb's and Philip's perception of women is in order to form a theory on how they might've viewed equal rights for both.
As they were raised in Puritan beliefs and society it can be assumed the boys had an idea of women being less valuable than men and their purposes included being a wife, have a bunch of children to take care of and be responsible for the household. In Puritan society women also partook in working the fields and could function as breadwinners of the family, though latter was not exactly average, but overall the image of the ideal woman to Puritans was: obedient (to men), humble, modest.
It's something that has been preached to the brothers since childhood and it's highly unlikely their mother was a modern disney "i-don't-take-shit-from-no-man" girlboss for them to have ever seen something different than that lmao.
When you've been taught something since childhood and never in your age of development changed that environment it's difficult to break those beliefs.
Sadly canon doesn't let us know how old Caleb was when he first met Evelyn but judging by the ponytail and the way Philip still looks like he could be 10 years old at best in the Hollow Mind portrait, I'm guessing he's something between 13 and 15. That's a crucial age in your development - you're starting out puberty or are already in the middle of it - and we all should know how easily influenced an adolescent mind can be. If Caleb was introduced to the image of a girl that doesn't align with what he's been taught in that age, it's likely that the moment he started living in the BI wasn't as big a surprise or shock to him as you'd think. He'd probably still be taken aback a little but I can see him adapt to it quite quickly. Not to say his ideas of what a woman is and how men are superior etc. just vanished the moment he met Evelyn (it likely took months if not years for Eve to even crack his perception of women and their roles) but if he and Evelyn met again and again over the course of years before running away to the BI together, it's likely by the time he came to the Isles' he was already very weakened in those ideas.
I remember I had a comic written out that tackled this concept of newlywed Caleb and Evelyn/Cat having different images of what a marriage is and Eve/Cat putting him in his place, telling him that just because she's his wife now it doesn't mean she's his possession, his maid or is going to be submissive to him. It's an idea I threw away because... time and it didn't exactly contribute to the story so... eh.
Philip was unlikely to have abandoned those ideas (completely) but it's kinda difficult to say in his case hdbdjdnnd
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khonshus-stardust · 2 years
Waking Up With Khonshu
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Pairing: Khonshu x Reader (AFAB)
Warnings: soft sex, voyeurism, somnophilia (consensual), Khonshu (because he's a fucking warning himself), becomes slightly rough sex since its Khonshu we are talking about
Word Count: 3082
Summary: Gods don't require sleep to function like humans do. But Khonshu understands this with you as his lover. You slept all night long through his time. So when the sun comes up, he attempts to get you to rouse from your sleep. It takes little more than a few pokes and words to fully wake you up. Khonshu does the only thing he knows that works, for the most part.
Author Note: Okay, well, this is the first time I'm writing for this man. I made a comment to my cousin how little there is of Khonshu and she said I should fix it. And, I'm doing that! Enjoy the softer side of Khonshu.
A familiar hand trailed down from the top of your head to your neck. “It’s time to get up, Little Bug,” the crispy sound of a voice helped rouse you from sleep. Yet, all you responded with was a groan and curling into a tighter ball. His scent filtered into your nose, causing a minute smile to appear.
There was a deep sigh. The hand lifted up then touched your cheek. One of the softest of smiles gracing your face this lazy morning. But still, you won’t fully wake. Your mind stuck between conscience and sleep. It refused to go anywhere else. This was slightly annoying a tall figure knelt down before your resting form on the couch.
“Stardust, you need to get up,” he requested of you. The blanket on you shifted, sliding down your frame and exposing you to the cool morning. You whimpered with a shiver. The half tank top and short-shorts did little to keep warmth in. Curse the mornings of the north. “I know you can hear me.”
You made an undignified voice from the back of your throat. It’s not one you would easily admit you made. Instead, you tugged at the blanket and pulled it back over yourself. “Ah, no. Marc is arriving soon, Little Bug. I need you up.” That same hand ran from your cheek towards your chest. The thin cloth that blocked him from seeing one his favor parts of you was pressed against your skin.
This got a reaction out of you. You stretched out from the ball position and pushed against his hand. But, your eyes were still closed. The soft light coming from the nearest window almost blinded you. He hummed and allowed his hand to press on. It went over your breasts, down your stomach, then stopped at the elastic of your short-shorts. They had little crescent moons on them. A pair he adored and loved when you wore them around him. Yet, the amount of exposure of your legs made him possessive of Marc, Steven, or Jake from seeing you this way.
Something bony gently tapped against the top of your head. You stretched out more, further opening up to him.
The tips of fingers barely going underneath the waistband of your shorts. A whine escaping you. You reached out with a hand , brushing against the cloth that wrapped around his lean bicep. “Is this how I have to wake you up? With my fingers slotted between your legs?”
As your mind waked, you thought that didn’t sound half bad. The god always knew how to have you screaming, either at him or the moon. 
He continued his soft assault. One finger easily found your clit and pressed against it. You lowly keened with your back arching at his actions. “There’s my Stardust,” he whispered with adornment. His lone finger started to slowly circle around that hidden nub.
Your other hand followed down the length of his arm until he grabbed it and pinned it to your chest. “Aren’t you supposed to be sleep? If you’re not, I guess I don’t need to wake you up this way.” That made you whine with a high pitch tone.
“Please, love. I need you,” you begged. Your eyes finally opening up and staring up at the long bird skull. Khonshu didn’t physically have eyes but no matter what, you could feel them upon your form.
Same as you knew he would be smirking if he could. “It has been a bit… Is my Stardust that desperate?” You rapidly nodded your head and put on a pout with the whole effect. Your bottom lip pushed out  as your hips subconsciously canted forward.
Khonshu chuckled deeply and tilted his head to the side yet said nothing else. His hand started its movement once more. You moaned this time, head bowed down and hips humping against the limb. The last thing on your mind was how undignified this was. But when the last time you say your god was two weeks ago and he left you on the edge, you needed this. More than he probably knew.
“You’re so beautiful, Stardust. Your body reacts such in a delicious way. It knows what your god wants from you.” Yourself knew what he wanted. His name screamed to hanging half moon still in the sky.
Without meaning too, you locked your thighs around his hand at the soft words. “Fuck, Khonshu,” you whispered and grasped with your free hand. The other still pinned against your chest. He continued to hold it against you, partially restrained to the couch. “Come on, love. Let me come, please.”
His low voice chuckled next to your ear. “Hearing you beg is more stunning than my moon and stars.” He gently pushed at one of you legs, silently asking you to open up. To which, you happily did. The blanket forgotten about on the floor now. His other hand releasing yours and helps pull down your shorts. They were thrown somewhere in the living room.
As more of your body was exposed to the god, he hummed and ran his hands down sides. One resting on top of your mound. “Much better.” You silently agreed with him and bucked your hips. He laughed again and stroked softly at your labia, not yet touching where you wanted.
The end of his long beak rested on your cheek. You turned your head and kissed the bone, love shining in your eyes. With Khonshu’s predicament, he couldn’t respond in the same fashion but you understood and knew he felt the same.
Then, the god finally returned to his former spot. A soft moan escaping your lips, his name falling off of them all the same. “Good girl, good girl.” Those two works repeated struck you hard. The praise hitting you at your core. A throb racing through your empty vagina.
He must have read your mind or sense your desperation and slide a single digit in. Your mouth hung open with a low groan, hips rocking at faster pace.
You felt all that familiar tightening in your core. A hand now grasped at the couch below you but it gave you no purchase as your body continued figurately to hurtle forward. His name whispered like a prayer on your lips. Both eyes open and staring up at his immovable figures. But Khonshu’s nonexistent eyes were on you, that you knew.
“Be a good girl, Stardust. Cum for your god,” he commanded close to your ear. And like he said, you listened to your god. You would always listen to him.
Your muscles tightened harshly against him, throbbing with your heartbeat. His name screamed out to his faint moon in the lighting sky. Your nails raked down the length of his arm then pressed the back of his hand closer. It’s been too long and you relished in the feeling.
Soon after, you relaxed and fell into a groggy mindset. If it wasn’t for his fingers rubbing again at your clit, you would’ve stayed there for the rest of time.
A high pitch whine escaped from your throat. You looked up at him, finding a halo of light surrounding his figure. It was strange to see him in the sun’s light compared to his own. Nevertheless, he looked like the god he was called for. “You can give your god one more. Right, Little One?” he questioned softly. You would do a lot for him. What he asked of you was so simple. You nodded your head eagerly but had something else on mind.
With that in mind, you got up and maneuver the god into the position you wanted. Khonshu stared at you in question but allowed you to do what you wanted.
Now, he sat on the floor with his back to couch, legs stretched. In general, he looked delicious. You licked your lips then pulled the last bit of clothing off. Khonshu hummed at the display. A single hand reached out to you, which you gratefully took. He carefully tugged at you. You straddled his thin waist and smiled up at him.
Your pussy pressed against his crouch. The bulge hidden below wrappings twitched at your actions. “Hm, you know how to please your god, Stardust,” he groaned into your ear.
“Someone taught me how,” you returned and humped him. His hand still wet with your slick slide up your side and cupped your breast. The long beak that made up his head gently rubbed at your cheek. “Now, how about you make me cum a second time. If you think you can.”
His entire frame tensed at your words; and you felt his gaze shifting from something soft to a challenge. Well, you started it first. At times, you liked to test him. All in all, he seemed to like it in return. He liked it when you pushed his buttons and you did as well. The soft sex wasn’t something to brush past but when he got that punishing pace going on. You wouldn’t be able to walk for the rest of the day until he healed you, or not. It all depended on his whole mood.
Your body was simply turned around, still on your knees but facing the door into your apartment. Reverse cowgirl. He liked them both. This way, he still had a show of power over you.
“Two can play that game,” he growled in your ear, causing a shiver to run up your spine. Khonshu knew what you liked. You’ve played this game many times before. The both of you understood how tease or get what you wanted from the other. In this play, the god had the reins, like usual. Every once in awhile, he’ll allow the smallest of control over to you. That’s how much he loves and trusts you. Far more than his Avatar.
One of his hand strokes down your back. From pinkie to thumb, it was nearly able to touch your sides. You moan and rock your hips again. “Come on, Khonshu. You know what I want,” you demand. Both of your hands gripped his thin thighs. The old wrappings that covered the majority of his body lightly scratched your skin. It wasn’t the softest of materials but it made up him.
There was his famous laugh filling the air. Both hands latching onto your thighs. “I do, Little Bug. But you’re begging…” he groans lowly, head tilted back. You wanted to reach back and run a hand underneath his beak. This position didn’t allow you to do that. Instead, you rested all of your weight down on his clothed cock. “It does wonderful things to me.”
“Like when I beg you to fuck me all night long, under your shining moon,” you partially asked as if you didn’t know that something he favored. His grip tightened, head leveling down. “Like when I beg for you to cum inside of me, filling my pussy up as yours.” Khonshu growled and tugged back at you. “Like when I beg for you let me cum all over your cock.”
At the next moment, your pussy was filled. Two hands grasped at your sides and pressed you flushed with his hips. A high pitch moan ripped from your throat as you clawed at his thighs. There was a presence of pain but an amount you liked. From the nearby window, sun light kissed your skin gently.
Your back arched fully, head completely tilted back and stared wide eyed at the bird god. What you had said pushed him to the point you were silently asking for. A hand came around held the front of your throat. His wrappings lightly scratched there as he lightly stroked the skin at your throat. “You speak the truth, Stardust. The night may not be on us but I will fuck you happily,” he mumbled close to your ear. His beak rubbing against your cheek.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” you moaned and rose your hips only for them to fall, forcing him back into you. He groaned as well, his own hips bucking up. The force causing you to rise and fall down once more. Your pussy clenched at the movement. It felt good, so good.
Khonshu started his pace, reasonably quick and hard. It had you bouncing on his cock with quiet skin-to-cloth slapping. You continued to gaze into the pits of his eye-sockets with his hand on your throat. “That’s my good girl. I know you can cum on your god’s cock one more time.”
That hand moved back to your thigh then lifted your whole body up. The tips of your toes the only thing touching the ground now with your back pressed against his chest. The metal crescent lightly digging into your back but didn’t take away from the pleasure. Khonshu’s bony cheek pressed to yours as he groaned. His hips pounding harshly as his speed increased. Your head thrown back and rested on his shoulder.
Your hands scrambled for purchase and found his wrist the closest thing. This new position made his cock slide against your g-shot stronger. Stars appeared in your eyesight. Fuck, you were close once more. A feeling you couldn’t wait to relish in with your god.
“Khonshu, please. I wanna cum. Cum with me, please-please-please-please,” you cried out and clung to him like a life-line. You wished for him to fill and claim you like all those times before.
A reminder never hurt.
He kept that same pace you always loved up. His body curling up around yours. A knowing action of his closing orgasming. Every time, he sounded so beautiful when he came. The moan of his life time was something you would never pass up.
A door slamming closed brought your head up, knocking into Khonshu’s skull. It made you internally cringe but your eyes snapped to the front door. Marc stood there, gaze wide and locked onto your exposed form. A plastic white grocery bag in his left hand.
The moon god behind you froze, cock still halfway inside of you. They were staring the other down for a few countless moments. “Problem?” he hissed then started his pace again. You were fighting against how your pussy throbbed at the man watching your actions. But actions speak louder than words. Your head rested once more on Khonshu’s shoulder.
“I-I thought you didn’t wa-want him to see,” you teased then moaned when the god hit something deep in you. Past memories of the god being possessive filled your mind. At times, it was hilarious to see such a god throw a tantrum about Marc seeing more skin than Khonshu allowed. Other days, it could get annoying easily. A small part of you liked to tease him about it. Though, a moment like this wasn’t what you expected. Nevertheless, you felt his fingers grip harder. There were going to be bruises on your thighs by the end of the night.
“He can see but cannot touch what’s mine.” Khonshu made that clear with a particular harsh thrust. “Now, tell me who you belong to and you can cum again.” Once more, his possessive side shone threw the brightening morning.
“Yours! I’m yours, Khonshu! All yours,” you cried out and held on tighter. Then, you came. Harder than ever before. The strength of a god was the only thing able to keep you from tensing up all the way. Your body trying to curl up on itself. Khonshu quickened his pace and drew whole body tremors from you. Until he stilled, cock fully sheathed and throbbing inside of you. Your nose nuzzled against his cheek as your body twitched against his hold.
Your chest rose and fell drastically, gaze blankly staring at the white ceiling. A hand laid firmly on your stomach and reminded you of the situation. Red covered every inch of your face without missing a beat. There was no way in the world you could look at Marc, Steven, or Jake the same way. Not after what Marc had just watched and experienced. Without any control, your pussy clenched around Khonshu again.
Khonshu’s other hand came down circled your clit. The overstimulated nub throbbed painful. “No, Khon, no. It hurts,” you whined and weakly pushed his hand away; given a few minutes, you could probably go again. The god listened without hesitation then lifted his head.
“Enjoy the show?” he questioned. You easily knew there was a smirk on his feature even though he couldn’t physically show it. This side of him wasn’t something you were entirely used to but you could get accustomed to easily.
“Khonshu, what the fuck?” Marc’s voice sounded higher than normal. You opened an eye to see red dusting his own cheeks. The bag in his hand had been dropped to the hardwood floor hazardously. A can of vegetables had rolled out. “Don’t we have some business to do,” he grunted with his jaw tense.
“This business was more important,” Khonshu chattered back then easily pulled himself from you. A flush of his white cum spilled from your pussy and onto the hardwood floor. You shivered at the feeling and closed your legs. Yet the god wouldn’t allow that. “Ah-ah, Stardust. Don’t hide yourself from your god. Not when I’ve filled you so perfectly.” His finger took a small scoop through the cum that painted your thighs and pressed it back in. Your back arched with a whine piercing the quiet air.
“Khonshu,” Marc warned and refused to look in your general direction. The god chuckled before placing you on the couch behind you. A familiar blanket was pulled over your naked form.
“I’ll let you sleep in, Little One. You humans do need your sleep.” He pressed his cheek to your forehead in a mock kiss. “And a god can be tiring.” Khonshu stared down at you for a few moments before turning around to face Marc. His staff somehow returned to his grasp.
As much as you wanted your god to stay with you, the night may be over but vengeance never stopped. He would return. The two of you could dance to this quiet song all over again.
Before sleep claimed you once more, you shifted your eyes over to the man. Out of the corner of his eye, you saw him gazing at you as well. When your eyes met, his flashed away to the mirror close by. Then, darkness is all you see.
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mydollsaregay · 1 year
just realized I never posted about the awesome doll stuff I got for christmas!
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in my stocking, I got a mini desk lamp (which works!!) and some tiny my little ponies from World’s Smallest. they’re so little and cute!! the lamp is going into the modern girls’ room right away, and the ponies will probably end up there too. I was super into my little pony as a kid so I’m super hyped to have some for my dolls.
not pictured here, but my little cousin also gave me a super cool needle punching kit im gonna use to make doll rugs. my grandma also gave me an ag gift card that im super grateful for, and i’m going it to use to get courtney at some point soon :)
anyway- wait. what’s that? oh it’s my aunt WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!!
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she made me an absolutely INCREDIBLE bag. she used all either vintage or recycled fabric because she knows how passionate I’ve been lately about shopping secondhand to reduce fabric waste. she even incorporated into the lining some fabric i had decorated while I was in high school- hold on. is that?
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yes. yes it is. a second, smaller bag inside the first (already incredible) bag. I about lost my mind here, as my everyday bag for YEARS was one that she had me in high school of about this size. i was super sad to retire it this past summer, but it was starting to tear. I’m so glad to have my perfect bag back, made with just as much love as it’s predecessor- wait. no freaking way, is that-
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that is a doll-sized version of the first bag. oh my god. wait. I feel something inside of it.
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okay. I’m officially at a loss for words. not only did she make me two incredibly beautiful and functional bags for my own everyday use. she made matching bags. FOR MY DOLLS. and every one of the bags was made from vintage and recycled fabric.
in case you were wondering, yes, this is the same aunt who got me tiny dice for my birthday so my dolls can play dnd. she truly is the gift god.
it’s hard to portray in pictures the amount of love and detail put into each bag, but they’re absolutely incredible and I love them so much. im super excited to give them to some of my girls the next time I do an outfit change. the only problem is that I’m going to have to only pick two dolls to give them to!!!
i hope you’re all having a good start to the new year!
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blubushie · 2 months
JESUS, your dad got his head stuck between two boards? That must've been traumatizing, god, I can't imagine going through something like that! I get you're lenient with your blog but that needed a trigger warning or something! Give your father my deepest condolences... everything else is fine, though, I guess.
[Animal Fact Anon holy shit your dad is so cool, talk about a reputation like hello??? The fucking zebra shark?? 2x malaria?? Broken ribs and a collapsed lung???? Maybe 'cool' isn't the right word but ?!?!!]
Yeah he's a bit of a mad cunt and I'm cut from the same cloth. (Also he's glad you think he's cool—"At least someone does!")
Every bloke in the family is a little... off, really?
You've got:
• Me (I don't need to explain)
• Dad (don't need to explain)
• My younger brother who branded himself with the family cattle brand. I witnessed this when I was 12 because my brother is insane and decided his little brother with a medical special interest should witness and doctor his severe burn. He also lives in Texas. The branding thing has stuck with me enough that when I was a stockman and cattle were being branded I had to stay back because I couldn't watch it without getting queasy. Not cuz I felt bad or anything it's just that the smell of burnt hair and flesh brought back memories.
• My eldest brother who dances to Billie Jean at literally every fucking wedding he's been to for the past 30 years. Also he doesn't like me. His wife REALLY doesn't like me (she thinks I'm dangerous cuz I've taken the kids shooting). He just doesn't like me cuz our dad dumped his mum for mine and had me though, so I'm the kid who had it all (ignoring how the divorce left Dad in poverty so I also grew up in poverty WOOP)
• My maternal uncle who's an ARA antivax hippie vegan and hates me. Also he's gotten COVID more times than I can count so I avoid him like the literal plague. He gives me creepy vibes.
• My paternal uncle who, as a teenager, let his dog loose so it'd attack my aunt's dog just for an excuse to talk to her. Her dog damn near killed his dog. Then they started dating. His dog got a steak for being such a devoted wingman. This uncle also REALLY fucking hates lettuce and none of us know why but he will have an absoute meltdown if it touches food on his plate. No one, not even my aunt, has gotten an answer as to what the fuck's up with the lettuce thing.
• My youngest maternal cousin who was an alcoholic surfie who died of diabetes before he reached 25. He was convinced he'd die before he reached 25 but he literally drank and ate himself into an early grave knowing he couldn't be doing that shit with his diabetes. I have one memory of him showing me how to catch minnows with my bare hands, and I still use that trick for catching bait fish.
• My oldest maternal cousin who's a deadbeat dad and I hate him because he doesn't do right by his son or daughter. He's all they've got since their mum is institutionalised for mental issues. My aunt and uncle raise his kids while he lies on the couch smoking hooch all day (I really do NOT like him).
• My maternal second cousin who's nonverbal autistic, but both his deadbeat stoner dad and hippie antivax grandad refuse to get him tested. This boy suffers in school and my heart breaks for him. I had no idea what this kid looked like from 3-5 because he always wore an Iron Man mask all day every day, and he stopped speaking entirely around 6. He's now completely nonverbal and despite being about 13 years old he has the functionality of 6 year old. Last I saw him, he still tries to conversate with me when he sees me though, and he'll sit down and pet Misty and he knows I like talking so he'll pick from a few topics I write down for him and have me talk about them. He understands speech just fine, he just doesn't talk himself. And also really really really hates seatbelts so I knit him a seatbelt cover and now he uses them (turns out he just didn't like the raw edge of the belt). His little sister has some behavioural issues but she's genuinely a sweetheart and seems to be the only person who always knows what he's thinking, so she acts a mediator for him a lot.
• My paternal cousin everyone is convinced is either gay or autistic or a trans woman or all of the above. Him and I get on fine so I'm also on the bandwagon of That Boy Ain't Right cuz there's something in him I recognise, I just don't know what. Don't reckon he's a woman or gay though, and if there's anybody he'd come out to it's me cuz the family is conservative but he knows damn well I won't judge. I'm pretty sure he's just on the spectrum.
• My paternal nephew who's the only bloke what came out normal. He's going to uni in a few years and GOD do I hope he comes back normal. He's spoilt but he's a good kid.
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pb-dot · 9 months
WIP Wednesday: The Coal Wars Pt. 1
Good WIP Wednesday to all. Today I plan to talk a bit about an important bit of lore from the setting of The Clockwork Boy. I generally don't talk much about worldbuilding for my writing unless prompted because it's not something I spend a lot of time on by itself. I'm usually more comfortable with having whatever happened to make the world and the characters the way that they are be explained together with the plot or the characters themselves.
This one bit though is quite pivotal to explain the status quo of the setting, which I will admit is rather unusual. Hopefully the thing will be fine and comprehensible when reading the whole thing, but for my out of context pals here on tumblr dot com, it may be useful to have some info about The Coal Wars.
Note: This turned out considerably longer than I had thought it would, so I won't even get around to the part that's the most relevant for our story this time around. Stay tuned for the conclusion of this particular bit next week!
The city in which our story takes place used to be part of The Imelian Empire, an expansive maritime empire headed by a hereditary bloodline of emperors and empresses, although it was more uncles and third cousins once removed carrying the line as of late as a problem with infertility had plagued the dynasty for some time.
The City was known as Imil in those days, and as the capital of the imperial core regions, it was in many ways the grandest city mankind had ever seen. At the start of what would be the nation's steam era, industry flourished thanks to bountiful ore and coal deposits in the hills and mountains in the north, while the bountiful plains between the city and the sea fed the city's explosively expanding population.
The invention of steam-powered machinery made the then-Kingdom of Imelia enter what could be constituted a golden age, as the increased efficiency of industry freed up sufficient manpower that Imelia was able to wrest much-contested land along its borders away from its neighbors. By the time those neighbors had become part of Imelia proper, the nation was a kingdom no longer but had proudly proclaimed itself as The Imelian Empire. Satirists of the time liked to make hay about how this was because "there was hardly a drop of kingly blood left in our so-called royals" due to a string of rather opaque successions, but the line of Emperors and Empresses nonetheless enjoyed wide popular support in the imperial core all the same.
The source of Imelia's power as an empire was its breadth of steampowered technology that facilitated production and logistic on a level hitherto thought impossible. Fast, durable ships allowed the empire to subjugate and keep tabs on smaller nations across the vast seas, as well as shipping the riches of the imperial periphery back to the core with unmatched efficiency.
The Coal Wars, one could argue, started long before any military conflict. If one were to define the start of a war as the point at which it became an inevitability rather than a possibility, the Coal Wars started once the last coal mine in the Imelian hills was closed due to a tunnel collapse in the last yielding tunnel making retrieving what little coal unprofitable. In the public eye, this piece of news registered as little less than a curious piece of trivia, as the vast coal mines of Pelia, the empire's biggest colony had outproduced Imlish mines for about a decade and showed no sign of slowing down.
In the halls of government, though, worry was brewing as Imelian reliance on colonial goods and resources was already at worrying levels as industrial pollution had rendered many farms and logging operations in the imperial core unviable. To further add to these anxieties, the political landscape in Pelia had grown unstable as the sheer number of native-born Pelians in the colony made whispers of emancipation all but inevitable.
Fearing the loss of Pelian coal functionally crippling the empire, Imelia cracked down hard on the Pelian Independence Movement. Unfortunately, this had the effect of further radicalizing the group, leading to an armed mob delivering an ultimatum to then-viceroy Aron Loams demanding a formal declaration of self-emancipation. Loams complied, giving him the sobriquet of "The Traitor Viceroy" in Imelian media and culture.
Voices in the Imelian government called for a swift and immediate war to chastise the wayward colony, but one very notable voice opposed this. Empress Laiane of Imelia had seen her power wane in favor of the Imperial Council over the last decades, but a firm no from her was still enough to silence the voices of all but the most insistent Warhawks. The empress's solution was to send an elite squad from the 3rd Imelian Steampowered Brigade to apprehend Loams for treason and install a loyal viceroy.
Unfortunately, it matters little whether the empress wished to avoid war for ideological or practical reasons, as her actions hastened war all the same. The attempted apprehending of Loams was thwarted by loyalist forces who drove out the Imelian invaders in the first military action of the cascade of wars that were to be named The Coal Wars. In the heat of the fight, Loams and his wife were both killed, but this cold comfort turned out to be anything but.
In their efforts to removing Loams from power, the Imelians had made him into a martyr, and their attempt at installing a loyal viceroy had failed. The people of Pelia, on the urging of the independence faction, elected its first government, whose platform, nicknamed "The Loams Plan," called for mobilization and a sustained war against their former imperial masters.
This, alone, would prove a sizable headache for Imelia as the rocky coasts and well-guarded harbors of Pelia were a tough nut to crack even under ideal circumstances. Unfortunately, Pelia was not the only colony to rise up. Emboldened by the relative weakness of Imelia and the apparent success of Pelian independence, several of Imelia's smaller and less powerful colonies also seized upon the chance. Not all demanded independence, but the vast majority sent either demands for freedom or strongly worded suggestions for more favorable trade and taxation.
Driven into a fervor by their own war propaganda, the Imelian Imperial council formulated a plan to send its armies on a world tour of subjugation, using apropriated resources from the defeated colonies to reinforce supplies, while Imelia's superior navies would blockade Pelia to "soften them up" for a large-scale invasion.
Fortunately for Imelia's former colonies, this plan did not work as intended, as the technologically superior Imelian troops found themselves stuck in quagmire after quagmire as resistance in even minor colonies turned out difficult to entirely uproot thanks to an emphasis on guerilla tactics and exploiting Imelia's poor standing among colonists to sabotage supply lines. Several of the intended "easy targets" dragged on for so long that even the more prosperous colonies ended up as net losses for the invaders.
Growing frustration with the lack of clear victories was only compounded by the news that the Pelian blockade had very little impact on both morale and logistics of the young nation. Granted, there was not a force in the world that could break the blockade by the top-of-the-line Imelian navy, but Pelia had produced more than it used for decades, and the lack of certain Imelian luxuries did little to dampen the fervor of the Pelian people.
As Imelian coal reserves grew perilously low and the smoke of charcoal burners contributed to Imils already considerable smog problems, the decision to invade Pelia despite both logistical and strategic challenges came up in the Imelian Council. Unlike the last time the topic of war with Pelia came up, no strong voices rose to oppose the motion.
During the prosecution of the war, Empress Laiane had died without an heir, which left the Council as an interim ruling body until a sufficiently relevant member of her dynasty could be located. As the Council called for a full-scale invasion of Pelia, it was with a cold certainty that the age of Emperors and Empresses in Imelia was over.
Tune in next time for the conclusion to the story of The Coal Wars where we cover the rise of capital and the fall of a once great empire, as well as get around to connecting this whole sordid tale to the status quo of The Clockwork Boy
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
So okay I don't know if this is like...a cool thing to do or not, but there's a fic I claimed from the 2022 kink meme list (I couldn't resist, in large part because Tales From Jianghu Shopping Center was listed by the prompter as one of their inspirations for the prompt) that I'm not sure when I'll actually finish writing but I have started it and I'd like to at least acknowledge that I'm doing it even if the prompter won't see this. But the prompt is something along the lines of anything highly specific and niche (like my strip mall AU lol), and I actually happen to have a growing little stockpile of very very niche knowledge about my chosen professional field, which is ceramics! I specialize in wheel-throwing (though I'm also a...passable hand at plaster mold-making/slip casting and handbuilding, I just don't enjoy them nearly as much) so I've started a little something from Lan Wangji's point of view that's a love letter to throwing ♥
As is tradition, Lan Wangji works in porcelain.
The Lan family have been respected masters of porcelain for centuries, generations stretching back, back, back nearly to the beginning of the imperial kiln production in Jingdezhen. They once produced the enormous pots that adorned emperors’ palaces – there are (very distant) cousins of his in Jingdezhen who still do so for wealthy patrons.
It’s easy to forget such a background when he enters his personal studio on the other side of the world and flicks on the lights to begin the day’s routines. It’s precisely what he wants – a quiet life like this, simple and unassuming, is much more suited to his desire than the weight of tradition that could otherwise press him and his work down into something he would never want to be.
Not that he deviates very far from tradition anyway, but it’s the principle of the thing. Lan Wangji takes quiet pleasure in simplicity, in function that is beautiful in its hard-won mastery. There are very few non-traditional ways to accomplish this that he’s interested in, but he likes having the option should he want to take it. 
Lan Wangji had learned to throw at his uncle’s knee as soon as it was possible to do so. He has continued to do so since childhood with a single-mindedness that once surprised even his uncle. All he’d ever wanted to do was to sit at the wheel for hours and hours on end, only pausing to warm the water in his bowl with a fresh influx from the kettle and to transfer full wareboards (once he was strong enough) to the drying racks in the corner of his uncle’s studio.
Lan Wangji has always struggled to find the words to convey how integral the motion of the wheel and the smooth slip of clay through his finger and against his palms is to feeling like he fits into his skin properly, but his family seems to understand just the same.
Yesterday, as the sun was westering, Lan Wangji had weighed up a few bags of fresh porcelain. The lumps are waiting for him now, tumbled together under their protective sheets of plastic, ready to be molded and shaped by hands and hypnotic motion. There’s enough of a chill in the studio this time of year that there isn’t any condensation on the plastic when he lifts it, so he folds it away neatly and settles into the easy rhythm of wedging his clay to prepare it for the wheel.
There is, in the middle of the studio, a sturdy butcher’s block workbench. He built it himself right there in the studio, the first piece of furniture that had filled the space even before he’d purchased his Shimpo wheel. It’s very likely too heavy to lift – it’s certainly too big to ever get through the door – but he has no intention of ever leaving this studio to begin another, so it suits his purposes just fine.
Wedging the clay on this sturdy, hip-height table is nearly as meditative a process as all the rest of it. A bit more of a workout than sitting at the wheel, but it’s a good way to warm up in the morning, his muscles well accustomed to the push-turn-push-turn-push-turn of spiral wedging that it’s gone beyond second nature, it simply is. His mind wanders pleasantly as he watches the misshapen lumps of pure porcelain become smooth and rounded beneath his palms. Perhaps he’ll spend the day on bowls. They’re quick and simple, suited to his mood today, and he’ll have plenty of them done by lunch when he already knows his typical solitary routine will be interrupted (and can therefore plan for it so far in advance). 
The sun is up properly by the time Lan Wangji finishes his wedging, and once he’s transferred the first batch of prepared clay to the wheel he pauses to stand in the open doorway and look out over the garden that sits between his studio and his home. The grass and the flowers are glittering fresh and dewy in the sunlight as he rolls his shoulders, stretches out his back in preparation to be seated for long hours.
When he returns, the wheel welcomes him, familiar and comforting. He fills an old bird seed bucket with warm water from the tap and arranges the small mirror at the back of the wheel’s tray to the perfect angle to watch his own hands before he settles in and takes a deep breath, sleeves rolled up and apron cinched comfortably tight around his waist as an unnecessary reminder to keep his back as straight as he can while he works.
The first ball of porcelain hits the perfect bullseye of the wheelhead and Lan Wangji leans in to begin centering, the porcelain buttery soft where it runs under his hands. Porcelain, he knows, is notorious for being difficult to work with, particularly for beginners. This far into his career, it’s simply polite and responsive to each confident press of his palms. He cones it first, hands curled around it to coax it in and up; presses it down again with the flat of his hand, every movement focused on the centerpoint of the wheel gliding silently through magnet-powered rotations. 
Down again. 
Lan Wangji loves every part of the throwing process for what it is, but if he were to have to choose only one, this would be his favorite: the moment he can feel the clay running smoothly, perfectly centered the whole way through and ready to become whatever he will tell it to be, the possibilities – for this moment – endless.
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brbabcseu · 4 months
ive been taking up the dashboard lately so please!! has anything specific about jesse and aj or mer been on ur mind recently??
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I feel like I spend so much time talking about Jesse and AJ so I'm gonna make this a certified Meriwa & AJ-centric post!
Mer is a good relative. Not necessarily a conventionally good PARENT, but you could also argue the same for Jesse. The situation w/ these three is so nuanced but that's besides the point lmao. She curses a lot and thinks her omelets are better than Jesse's. She also thinks it's not a crime to put cheese and bacon into a pancake, they can be savory too "if you open your tiny mind". She hates the PTA moms of Skagway. She's thinking of going back to school. She's so good at being Jesse's friend and so annoyed abt that. She proclaims she's straight edge but gets scolded by AJ for smoking cigarettes. She has a strained relationship with her youngest sister and a relationship she's greatly missing with her oldest sister, who died not long before AJ was born. She loves her little sister Amlliq (pronounced um-sh-k; most just call her Billie) despite their struggles, because family is family. That, family being family, is a little part of the reason she comes back AJ's freshman year of high school.
I've talked a bit about her return but I can't emphasize enough just how much of a catalyst it was for things to start falling like dominoes for AJ. Jesse very gently and very carefully makes him aware of her presence in town, and makes it very clear that he does NOT have to meet her, he has NO obligation to invite her into his life at this point, and whatever AJ needs of him, he'll be right there. AJ is just like ty I appreciate all of that, I don't really wanna meet her but I think I need to hear what she has to say anyway and then decide. He appreciates just how honest she is about why she gave him up, why she's here now, if it's just because it seems "easier" now that he's older. She's basically just like listen I was in my early 20's, I had a lot going on, I still gave your dad a choice, I didn't even know I was pregnant until I went into labor. And AJ's like um okay PAUSE on that last one lmaooo. At the end of it Mer is like "I wouldn't hold it against you if you told me to fuck off. Just figured I'd try reaching out and see if you're open to building some sort of... something."
He doesn't at first, but once things fall apart with Jesse he starts spending a lot of time around her-- in the grand scheme, knowing what he knows, she suddenly becomes the lesser of two evils lol. He does end up enjoying their time together, she's functionally a cool big sister at this early stage of their relationship.
She knows, by the way. Meriwa's known about Jesse for a good long while and it's the other reason she decides to come back. That part gnaws at her; she knows he'd been troubled, but not much more than that. Her continued inaction the longer she knew about this without checking on AJ led to a growing guilt, which kind of paralyzed her further into not checking in, and so the cycle went for several years. Mer's well aware she herself is not perfect, and she has a brain, so the nuance of the Heisenberg chronicles was not lost on her. And then actually meeting AJ, seeing how he turned out, how he and Jesse interact... it was very relieving. At the same time, she doesn't question or judge when AJ needs that space from Jesse to come to grips with everything.
I feel I've already piled on a LOT of information but I wanna touch briefly on their first mother-son trip that I've mentioned before as well!! Summer before sophomore year she bring him to Fairbanks to meet the rest of her family. He has a lot of cool aunts and uncles and cousins, there're two cousins in particular around his age and he really enjoys getting to know them. His family is so big now!! And frankly he needs it, sad as the reality of it is he needs that breathing room from Jesse; the two need time to repair separately before they can come back together. He feels great warmth at having more family to be a part of, but throughout the trip starts to feel dejected and a little jealous over how doting, affectionate, and playful an aunt Meriwa can be to her youngest nieces and nephews. The pendulum of AJ's grandfather clock of angst is never not in motion and it's just frequently swinging back and forth between these two forces in his life: one that used to represent stability but now belies unrest; and one that used to represent the opposite but now hold the promise of something more permanent, but that scares him!! And with his state of disillusionment he's convinced it'll all fall apart at any second.
One day I'll talk more abt the dynamic btwn Jesse, AJ's godmother Delilah, and Meriwa, but that's a whole can of worms loll and would also mean I need to actually Talk abt Delilah, bc I never do for some reason but she's SO important in the AJ Lore
Some lightning round fun facts to tie this up:
She's had a passing interest in journalism and so that's what she's thinking of majoring in when she goes back to school-- Jesse always says WHEN not IF bc he fully believes Mer can do it and she'll absolutely kill it
She's closest with her uncle and her mother :')
AJ and Mer bond over their love for Brand New Eyes by Paramore but disagree on whether Danger Days is MCR's best album
Her pancakes are stellar, both of the sweet and savory variety, but she'll only make chocolate chip pancakes for the former. She refuses to get cc pancakes from diners bc they never put it in the batter and you can't just slather it on top what's even the point--
Mer doesn't put a label on it but she's bisexual, and is definitely sure Jesse is too. She'll lean over to AJ sometimes and be like, "Does he know..?" and AJ's like "Not a clue"
Have a silly aj & mer doodle!!
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buzzzzleeebeeee · 9 months
More for my NTU Spider AU
I'm still working on the acronym because I don't want to spell it out every time, ntusau is still a lot tho.
Going back to my previous idea with Danny having a symbiote instead of spider powers, I imagine it would play out like this:
We start somewhere in the middle of Timmy's story and at the beginning of Danny's, Timmy has already been bitten by the spider and Danny has no ghost powers.
Danny is visiting his aunt and uncle (Cosmo and Wanda) for a little while because his family's house had been over run by ghost and now it needs to be spiritually fumigated, so he's staying with them in the meantime.
He's excited to see his cousin Timmy because they haven't talked in a few years, however Timmy is very flighty and doesn't stick around them for too long before he jets off to do whatever secretive business he's got going on. While his parents and his family chock it up to him being a teenager and wanting to be by himself, Danny thinks it's a little weird and follows him the next time he runs off.
Danny loses him but he does find the local Spider Man fighting Doc.Oct, they're both playing tug-a-war with a vile of black goo. It falls and smashes at Dany's feet, but the two don't seem to notice that they don't have the vile in their hands anymore.
Queue scene of Danny fighting with the symbiote suit.
The next time Spidey and Oct are set to duke it out, our beloved Spider man doesn't show up but Venom does. Doc Oct recognizes the symbiote and thinks it would be interesting to see how it functions now that it has a host and puts a tracker on him, Danny rips him a new one.
Eventually through something funny or something heartbreaking Timmy finds out his cousin took in the symbiote, and once their house is done being spiritually cleansed he leaves with the symbiote in hand to use against the ghosts that plague his home.
I think this would be a good origin story for ghost Danny in this universe, instead of having 2 spiders he just has the symbiote.
I don't think it would be fair to have Danny's symbiote be full on Venom like how he is in the movies, I think his symbiote just influences him instead of talking and persuading him to do things. While the regular Venom is a fully sentient being that talks to Edie, Danny's Venom is more like a dog he can understand the thought process of. They transform the same tho, because I think it would be really cool to have the ghost form morph around him.
Danny calls his symbiote ghost, and the suit his ghost form :]
And @little-pilot-dog thank you for your comment, you have no idea how happy it made me <3
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
okay here are my lee!jesse headcanons bc i cannot get it out of my head
- this man is a KICKER. tickle him even the slightest bit and he will crumble to the floor just so he can try and kick you from below
- his neck is SUCH a bad spot on him omg. jane has always been one to kiss/bite at peoples necks in bed, but he literally cant take it and she thinks it’s precious. the first time she did it, he like violently snickered and jerked his head so hard he accidentally head butted her lol. after that she absolutely assaulted him with ticklish neck kisses and nibbles because his giggles and pleas were too cute not to
- jane loved to tickle jesse any chance she could. if she woke up before him? side squeezes are his new alarm clock. just chilling together on the couch? perfect time for a surprise tickle attack. and he never properly fought her off either, just kinda pulled at her wrists a bit with his head thrown back and jerking side to side in cackles. oh, and the kicks of course. he never kicked her, but he’s always kicking BEHIND her when she’s tickling him. feet banging on the floor kinda deal.
- his laugh has variety to say the least. he usually starts out really loud and boisterous and from the belly, before going kinda screamy and shrill, and after a while he just goes full squeals and giggles. he’s soooo embarrassed when he gets to the giggle-stage. this boy loves acting tough but give the bottom of his ribs some good tweaks for a while and he’s just gone full bubbly laughter.
- when he started seeing andrea, he definitely took on a more ler role. giving her little pokes when he’s teasing her, sometimes going full tickle monster when she says something snarky. that doesn’t mean andrea doesn’t tickle him back tho, because when she realized just HOW ticklish he was, he never lived it down
- andrea and brock have 100% ganged up on him before. there’s a scene where jesse tickles brock for like a split second when they’re playing mario kart, so i know he’s definitely gotten brock before when play fighting and roughhousing. so one time after finishing up playing tickle monster with the kid, he realizes andrea was watching, and she’s just got this look on her face. then she’s like “brock, u know jesse’s super ticklish right? oh he didn’t tell u?” and brock’s like 😮 before turning to jesse and just launching on top, andrea close behind to help out cause she’s very familiar with all the best spots. jesse doesn’t fight back even a little, he’s having so much fun with the two of them, even if it costs him just a smidgen of his dignity
- badger and skinny pete have wrecked his shit before. those two are idiots who are constantly stoned out of their mind, so finding out that their best friend is ridiculously ticklish was incredibly interesting information to them. jesse was like a tornado trying to fight them off but the two of them together just inevitably had more strength than the ticklish 5’8 lil freak, especially once they started squeezing at his sides and belly at the same time cause he just lost all motor function and curled up in a cackling, kicking ball on the floor.
- badger loves tickling jesse the most, he thinks it’s fucking hilarious. skinny pete usually just sits there and chuckles along, making comments like “damn how are u a grown ass man and ur still this ticklish?” “yo my cousin tried tickling me one time as a kid, and i elbowed her so hard she lost a fuckin tooth.” but that’s besides the point. sometimes badger will just be in one of his lil rambling episodes, talking about god knows what, and literally while talking will just reach over and start squeezing up and down jessie’s torso til he falls over. badger literally pretends like he’s not even tickling him, just continuing telling his story to pete while jesse is a hysterical fucking mess right beside him.
okay it’s 3am and i’m too tired to continue this but i might continue with more cause i want to tickle jesse Myself but if i can’t have that this is the next best thing
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discyours · 7 months
I remember reading about your issues with prozac (or some other ssri medication?) i wonder if the horrible feelings you experienced slowly went away and if you took chance and tried another med (or maybe you still are on some?) where you stand on the topic of psychiatric meds overall?
Oh wow it's weird seeing someone reference something I posted about 4 years ago. Yeah, I was on prozac and basically went insane. The period is kind of a blur for me, I think I started taking it in late June and stopped early September. I started feeling like somewhat of a human being again in like... January? Maybe february? It definitely took a lot longer than just the 4 weeks after which it was meant to be out of my system.
I honestly feel like I never 100% recovered from it. I've talked to my cousin about it since, he was also on prozac and he said he permanently lost his ability to feel emotions the way he used to. He goes through things that should make him sad, realizes it should make him sad, but it just doesn't hit him. I don't feel quite the same way but it's similar. I'm just disconnected from myself. Things don't really feel like they're happening to me. I feel like I'm floating through life in a body that's not mine, I'm not quite a person, etc.
I genuinely believe that prozac nearly killed me and I will never, ever try another SSRI. "Try it all and see what sticks" protocol can go fuck itself. But my anxiety got to unbearable severity earlier this year, which did get me to try 2 new medications.
I was prescribed lorazepam for emergencies and still have 90% of it sitting in my closet. Don't understand how people get hooked on benzos, it helped me fall asleep but without actually calming me or my body down in any way and getting a full night's sleep while you're wired the whole time is a distinctly unpleasant experience. When I was able to get an appointment with a psychiatrist he gave me the standard recommendation of either trying another SSRI or moving on to an SNRI (same list of side effects, generally prescribed less often because the risk of side effects is higher, no studies on how likely you are to experience them if you've previously had a bad reaction to an SSRI). I did a bunch of my own research and he agreed to let me try buspirone instead on the condition that I would move on to an SNRI if that didn't work (which I did not stick to lmao). Buspirone gave me super vivid nightmares, and brain zaps when I first started which was pretty unpleasant. My dose got upped to 20mg which made me so exhausted I literally couldn't function. My limbs felt 4x heavier than usual, I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. I remember one of the first days I was on 20mg I was in the city for an appointment and walking around hoping the side effects would pass enough for me to safely make it home. I got a ton of dirty looks because I looked like I was stumbling around drunk, at 1pm. My dose got reduced back to 10mg which was fine, felt like it was only reducing my anxiety a little but it was bearable enough and I didn't have any side effects anymore. Started getting hives so I had to stop taking it, my anxiety didn't go up when I stopped so I think it was just placebo at that point and now I'm not on anything. I'm not remotely anti medication but my experience up until this point has been so bad that I really just don't want to risk completely destroying my mental health and potentially losing my life to "giving it another shot".
Anyway the tiredness from buspirone fucked with my eyesight so I got my eyes tested and spent like €250 on glasses literally a week before I stopped taking it. I can't see shit with them on and I can see perfectly fine without them now. 0/10.
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feminine-catharsis · 1 year
I was ranting about my nephew to a close male friend who was offering help, and realized i should probably share here as i think im not shadowbanned anymore.
My 6 year old nephew has always had speaking delays. He didnt speak more than babbles until recently and now he speaks like a 2 year old trying to get accustomed to speaking, rather than a kindergardener. His mom, my cousin & his dad, have a very unhealthy relationship that is very visible to my nephew. They also work alot, and slapped a ipad in his hands at age 3, with no supervision. It was little things at first, really. His behavior worse, getting porn-bot viruses on his ipad, throwing tantrums and angry when asked, but nobody ever checked his history. Went through his device. Nothing. It isnt my place as he isnt my child and i rarely see him, but now hes 6 and its almost scary how he can function, talk (barely) walk around and do tasks while staring at his ipad. I dont think ive seen him without it for awhile.
I passed by him from behind a few months ago and he was watching a youtube about pregnant Elsa being beat by Spiderman.
He gets "___ 1 mile away!" type pornographic ads popping up every few months that his dad fixes, but he never says anything about them. They only are fixed when his dad sees them himself and decides to.
He'll slap my ass, grab my tits, hit me in the face, same with my female cousins & other women. He resorts to physical violence almost every single time he is denied what he wants
He reconized Andrew Tate and starting shouting and repeating his name.
Hes called me a "Karen" for asking him to not do certain things in public.
He shoved soap down a girls mouth in his kindergarden class. Soap. Walked out of the bathroom with it and did it to the first girl in sight.
He screams, hits, insults. He can barely speak yet all he speaks is hate and all he does is violence.
My friend is aware of this all, and hes a big fan of discipline as he grew up in a military household & made sure to tell me he believes i shouldnt do anything here. This child is not my responsibility, im not close with his mother or father, and i see him a handful of times throughout the year. I agree, i can avoid him enough and i dont think its my place to parent him but i feel large amounts of guilt about how i feel about him,
I hate him. He annoys me whenever hes being as normal as he can be and he infuriates me when hes being a mysoginistic shithead. I feel bad just typing this. Calling a child a mysoginistic shithead when he was really just a stunted child given unmonitored internet access and seeing how his mother is treated in life. But i do
I hate him and he makes me uncomfy. He infuriates me. As i am typing this hes screaming at the top of his lungs because he got caught cheating/lying while playing Uno and hes crying and screaming at my younger cousin. Shes 16.
Seeing him makes me lose hope in the future. Whatever progress i feel is made is undone in my mind whenever i face this child.
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
flattering ask time: baby-verse is an obssession. i love how you put these two totally non-parents weirdos as such a childcare team. like, jasper is fucking frozen because his son - who he feeds, baths, put in bed, play with and cuddles - called him...daddy. i just know parenthood hit him hard with that one.
damage alice is another obssession. as a neurodivergent person myself, it's so funny to me that we both have very similar "episodes".
now the questions about both of these fics: would you say that jasper is more of a warm/soft parent or the emotional distant parent who, at the same time, is always there for his son (since you already told here he is, in fact, a good dad). and, for damage alice, are you going with opportunist cullens who see alice as an experiment or something to be saved because they need to prove to god that they are good people and stuff, or with nice cullens who just want to take care of this little girl and give her a home?
(now, english isn't my first language, so excuse me if there are any mistakes ❤)
I am SO flattered that baby-verse seems to be so loved because Alice and Jasper are, like, the most pro-choice of the Cullens (as a side note, I think Emmett is also pro-choice because he saw first-hand what large families stuck in poverty went through.) So the idea of them juggling a dependent life is kind of insanity. But Alice is a perfectionist, and Jasper is both devoted to Alice and hugely overprotective, so they would figure out something that worked.
For Jasper's parenting style, it's different depending on the angle you look at it from. Jasper is very, very quietly involved. He is incredibly warm with Oliver, and very emotionally available for him throughout his life, but as Oliver gets older (especially once he's in his teens and young adult years), he realizes just how little he knows about his father. Alice also knows that Jasper is an equal parent to her - he knows Oliver's teachers' names, his favourite movie, allergies, crush etc. But to anyone on the outside, it would very much look like Alice was the primary caregiver - even Emmett gives him some hell for letting Alice do a lot of the heavy lifting. Jasper does this intentionally, as a protective thing, as a way to conceal his own vulnerabilities. It also helps when Oliver is just too old to convincingly look like their kid and becomes a cousin or a younger sibling to outsiders. As an adult, Oliver would say that his father is very mysterious to everyone but Alice, but that Jasper was a very good father (much to Jasper's relief. He has a LOT of anxiety over the idea of a 'good' father.)
I started Damaged Alice years ago before I realized and was diagnosed as neurodivergent and it's eye-opening how many behaviours I incorporated that imply Alice is ND. I hate the way that the transformation makes vampires 'perfect' - it's so boring and ableist. Give me Esme with OCD and anxiety, and Emmett with bear-attack scars, and Rosalie who has to wait for her physical wounds to heal and ugh. There is nothing thrilling about straight, white, Mormon neurotypical people.
In Damaged Alice, the Cullens kind of fall in between both categories. There was a plot point that Alice was sent to find the Cullens by the Groundskeeper (who heard about them from Alice and her visions), because they would protect her. There is a letter to explain the situation - I don't know whether I will keep that, honestly, because I like the idea of Alice being a mysterious figure.
But when Alice does arrive and is clearly not NT, the Cullens take her in for protection because they genuinely care about this poor girl's welfare (you can argue that their sentiment is apart of their Good Christian Family act but Carlisle's faith has shaped so much of who he is and how he approaches his family and vampirism, that it's impossible to split the two). At that point, she definitely functions as someone much younger and her newborn state has left her with a lot of feral behaviours and impulse control (there's a temper tantrum in a shopping mall because she wants a pet rabbit).
As time moves on, it's more and more clear that the Cullens have put her in a box because they don't expect her condition to change, when the venom is healing the damage to her brain - it's just a very, very slow process. Even after Jasper arrives and Alice latches onto him and improvement is made, the Cullens still resist letting her evolve and mature. They really expect her to stay childlike and dependent on them. Carlisle has an invested interest in her mental state, being a doctor, and Esme likes having someone she can dote on like a child.
And a lot of Alice's ND behaviours - lack of eye-contact, going non-verbal, meltdowns - are things that the Cullens try to cure her of; and they never really understand that Alice is dealing with excess sensory input because of her visions. A lot of her meltdowns are because of visions (especially when she sees Jasper fighting in the South). And her family really don't understand that. But no family is perfect (especially not families with ND individuals), and Alice and Jasper understand each other here (and in all my fics, lets be real).
Thank you so much for your ask, and your English is perfect <3
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