dyeher · 5 months
FIVE WAYS TO END A FIRST DATE| shouto, suna, draken, megumi, eren.
warnings| sexy time, fluff, unedited (obviously).
author's note| for @ikkakvs ❤️
Let's be real. When your nineteen-year-old son says he needs to talk to you during breakfast the last thing you expect him to say around the table with his three year old sister not even a foot away is-
"I want to fuck her on the first date..."
His father absolutely spits his morning coffee across the kitchen counter. You're frozen, a forkful of your breakfast halfway to your lips. He continues to eat like he didn't just say what he said. You make eye contact with your husband who is on the verge of hacking up a lung as your son gently wipes baby food from his little sister's face.
You drop your fork into your plate and attempt to muster your most serious mom face. Not the kind you use when he's fucked up but the one where you are on the fence about whether or not he needs to have sense shaken into him.
He doesn't even have the wherewithal to look chagrined. Instead, he musters a small, smug smile...something identical to his father's (still dying by the way). You narrow your eyes, he shrugs.
"Dad always says when you know you know...and trust me. I know. Besides didn't you-" he glances at his sister who is happily making a mess of her breakfast and then whispers (like it makes a difference, the child is three she has no idea what is going on)"-you know...have sex on the first-"
"Okay!" His father interrupts. And bless his soon-to-be-dead ass because you did not volunteer this information to your son so it must have been your husband. The one you did fuck after the first date.
"What?" Your son shrugs. "Dad tells me everything."
You glare at the dad in question, only to receive an identical shrug.
"Baby," you start carefully. "What if she doesn't want to fuck after the first date?"
He gives you a quizzical look. "That's fine, we have like forever together. We can fuck after date one hundred for all I care."
"Oh, thank God," you share a relieved glance with your husband. At least you haven't completely failed at raising him.
"But- I guess...I mean the vibes are there, you know? We're totally gonna f-"
"Small ears, kid," your husband covers your daughter's ears and eyes him meaningfully.
You let out a breath and start eating your breakfast. If parenting has taught you anything is that every conversation with our teenager can become a lesson.
"There are other ways to end the first date, baby. A kiss on the cheek. Asking for a second date. Making sure she knows you enjoyed spending time with her-"
"Is that how your first dates ended? With cheek kisses and reassurance?"
You don't like the way he's staring knowingly at you. And your husband's snort disguised as a cough doesn't go unnoticed.
You can feel your husband's eyes on you as you open your mouth. You have to sift through your exes quickly but the most memorable end to your first dates were from-
Car sex.
Suna Rintaro fucked you in the backseat of his car and the memory is fresh in your mind as though it happened yesterday and not almost twenty years ago.
The leather seats were sticky and slippery with your mixed cum. The squeaking as your body slid up the seat with each of his hurried thrusts. The scent of his cologne as he shoved his face into your neck. The way your body bowed against his. The harsh sound of your breaths. His whispered 'fuck' when he slid in for the first time.
His promises. And of course...his unplanned I love you.
And no, this is definitely not something you do not want to suggest to your son.
He bought you flowers.
Of course, it was more of a 'oh my goodness, look shouto a flower shop' 'do you want to get flowers?' kind of situation where he bought you every flower you looked at for too long (because you deserved it, his words not yours) plus a bouquet of fresh roses and sunflowers.
And...and then he fucked you in his king-sized bed on those flower petals. Used the stem of a rose with the thorns still attached for a bit of fun. Laid you on your side facing his mirror so you could see as his cock disappeared into your body. Spoke filthy, disgusting things into your ear.
You shudder at the reminder.
No. That's also not appropriate...
You drove his bike.
Actually one of the scariest experiences of your existence. But also one of the most exhilarating. The purr of the bike's engine between your thighs, the grip Ken had on you. The deep rumble of his voice in your ear gently coaching you. Guiding and praising you.
Okay, to be fair the adrenaline is to blame for the sex that occurred after that. It was wild, and God if you both didn't make promises that to this day have you ducking your head in embarrassment whenever you see him.
The reality is, that this particular first date ended in two creampies, a promise to be the best mother to his children, and a marriage proposal.
You glance at your son quickly only to find him already staring at you. Your husband is smirking in the background.
First of all.
It was a picnic. How fucking cute is that?
And to be fair, he was adorably nervous and you thought kissing him would ease the tension but one thing led to another and...
He fucked you beneath the stars to the symphony of crickets. Once he got inside you became an entirely different person. The way he propped the soles of your feet on his shoulders and fucked you until you were weeping into the soft blankets, your nails digging into his skin.
Unprepared for the way Megumi became a sex god you'd squirted all over his chest, much to your mortification. And he had the audacity to drag his fingers through the mess and suck it off his fingers.
The man was a whore.
You're almost dismayed when you realize the last first date you had was-
A child.
That's right.
Eren Yeager fucked you after the first date and left you with a mini version of himself growing inside you. Granted he married you before you gave birth and you've been living happily ever after since but still.
You glare at your husband as he reaches across the table to take your plate. Your son sits back in his chair, his arms folded across his chest.
"Wear a condom," you grunt.
Your son cackles as he stands from the table. He bends to scoop his sister out of her high chair. "Don't be silly-" he coos to her, "-wrap your willy."
As he disappears around the corner your husband chuckles.
"How was your trip down memory lane?"
He steps in close to you as you stand and prop yourself against the dining table.
"I hate you, deeply," you groan. Eren laughs as he bends to brush his lips against yours.
"Sure baby, anything you say," he smiles against your mouth. "Anyway, I've been thinking..."
You frown, pulling back to look up at him. "About what?"
Your breath leaves you in a rush. "Sharing what?"
His eyes darken to a shade of green you've never seen.
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pineappleoppa · 4 years
No context overnight shift quotes -
“If a Hawaiian roll is bad it’s not a Hawaiian roll it’s the ugly cousin the Alaskan roll”
“I’m the bastard of the McRib”
“My dad is like the McRib. He shows up one month out of the year when he needs more money”
“I’m going to beat this man or kill this man based on how good his salsbery steak is.”
“He’s from Aurora Illinois and I was born there so logically he has to be my Dad”
“You fucked a bug?”
“I’m such a top they call me Beyablade”
Person on phone: I love you
Person at work : I love you too *hangs up* Shit now he thinks I love him
“Put it in the bag!” (In toads voice)
#overnight #quotes #walmart #thirdshift
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dyeher · 5 months
Warnings| slight size kink, slight cervix fucking, mirror sex.
“You’ve never had anyone this deep,” Katsuki muses. You assume he must have deduced this from your expression. From what you can make of it through your blurry vision, you look stunned. Disbelieving of how far inside you his cock is lodged.
He shifts his hips and your eyes cross. Katsuki chuckles. “Oh, sweetheart,” he coos. “That’s really fucking sad.” He withdraws from your body, hips sticky with your mixed arousal and slams into you with enough force to jostle you up the bed. Your lips part on a silent scream, your reflection in the mirror above Katsuki’s bed mocking you. His head blocks your view as he drags his tongue across your parted lips, dipping it inside of your mouth to coax you into a kiss.
Katsuki savors every shift in your expression. Gaze trained on the way your lips tremble each time he bumps into your g spot. The way your brows twitch downward when he grinds his cock into the sensitive, gummy walls. “Can’t believe no one has ever reached your g spot,” he laughs. He adjusts you slowly, lifting your thighs from around his waist to perch them on his shoulders. His weight sinks you into the mattress like this his cock reaching somewhere even deeper.
“This—” he smirks near your ear, grasping the fleshy lobe between his teeth as he cups your ass to hold you steady, his cock catches on something inside of you, a place that feels weird and sensitive, that has your legs threatening to kick out “—is your cervix, angel.”
Your lids flutter and Katsuki tuts. “Eyes open, baby,” he warns, words shaky. “Look at yourself,” he reminds you and your eyes immediately rise to the mirror on his ceiling, you can barely focus on anything but the bruising of your pussy under Katsuki’s fucking but your expression becomes burned into your brain. “You look so good getting good dick,” he laughs. “Fucked out and adorable.”
Some sort of your brain registers that you’ve scratched red marks into he pale skin of Katsuki’s back. That you can see the shifting muscles of his back with each of his thrusts. That you have a perfect view of his tight ass and the way those muscles flex. But in the forefront of your mind you can only hear Katsuki’s words.
“Good dick has you glowing,” he gloats. And you have to agree. You look good spread under him, eyes hazy and lips parted to gulp air into your lungs. “My dick has you glowing.”
You can only whine your agreement. You don’t think you’ve ever looked this debauched or felt this sexy getting fucked but once again Katsuki takes a first you don’t even know existed. You’re creaming around his cock before you even notice it and his pace barely even falters. He fucks you right through it words of encouragement whispered into your neck.
You lock eyes with your reflection and you swear it winks back at you. Finally, we’re getting the dick we deserve, echoes in your mind but you’re too cock drunk to decipher whether it’s a conscious thought or not. All you know is you agree.
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dyeher · 5 months
“She did what?!” Sakusa’s eyes widen minutely, his hands stilling their massaging of your calf. “I- and you- you just- you just let her?!” He sounds incredulous.
“What was I supposed to do Omi! Fight her in the fucking parking lot?” you frown, nudging his hand with your shin until he resumes his massage.
“What do you me- yes! Yes! Knock her ass out, baby, that’s what you should have done!”
You blink at him, astonished at how genuinely upset he seems. “I could’ve ended up in a cell Kiyoomi,” you point out, calmly.
“And I would have happily bailed you out,” he sounds exasperated and that makes his reaction even more concerning.
You’re not sure what to reply to something like that. Mostly because you’ve never seen Kiyoomi so…incensed. You lock eyes for a brief moment, as you carefully bring your spoon to your lips and suck the ice cream off.
Sakusa scowls at you. “This is why I always go shopping with you. Trouble only ever finds you when you’re alone.”
You frown. “That’s mean Omi.”
“It’s true,” he vetoes. “If I were around it would have never happened.”
“I think it was an accident,” you pout, determined to give the woman the benefit of the doubt.
Sakusa cocks his head at you. “You think this woman accidentally ran into your cart with her car after you beat her to getting the last tub of cookie dough ice cream?”
You open your mouth to respond but he beats you to it.
“Nevermind,” he sighs defeatedly. “It doesn’t matter it’s in the past.”
“Uhm- I- we- we’ll have to cover the damage to her car…” you trail off when Sakusa turns to you slowly, his eyebrows furrowed menacingly.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I mean- she- the cart-“
“She ran into you! Fucking Christ,” Sakusa stands, throwing his hands into the air dramatically. “Let me guess, you apologized.”
You look away.
“Oh, come on!”
“I don’t like the way you’re acting right now,” you sniff, sullenly stuffing a spoon of ice cream into your mouth.
“Baby,” he takes a steadying breath. “Sweetheart, light of my fucking life,” he stresses, fists planted on his hips. “You have to see that this was not your fault!”
“But my cart—”
“Was the only thing protecting you from getting hit by a fucking car!”
You blanch, finally understanding why he’s so angry. “Oh.”
“Oh? Oh?”
Sakusa’s left eye twitches.
“I didn’t think of that.”
His eyes slip shut. “Of course not,” he chuckles dryly. “Of course you didn’t think about what would happen if that cart wasn’t there. Of course.”
“You are never going shopping without me again.”
“Don’t argue with me about this. You will not win.”
“Never again.”
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dyeher · 5 months
“Gentlemen,” Mikey says.
His voice doesn’t rise above its regular volume but the single word is enough to quiet the room of executives settled around the conference table.
He's standing at one end, a hand in the pocket of his slacks, the other tapping a random rhythm into the mahogany surface of the table as he regards his...what did you say these men were to him?
They're your friends Mikey.
His friends. Right.
He eyes Ran Haitani who balances on the back legs of the chair he's sitting on precariously. His loafer-clad feet crossed at the ankles on the table. Next to him, his brother sighs deeply, his thumb and forefinger massaging circles into the bridge of his nose.
Opposite them, Kokonoi and Kakucho appear deceptively calm. Kokonoi is chewing diligently on a piece of gum. His attempt at quitting cigarettes. Kakucho has one arm slung along the back of Koko's chair, his legs spread as he slouches in his chair. His eyes are closed, his head tipped back against the headrest. If Mikey didn't know better he'd think Kakucho was recovering from a night out drinking.
Of course, the truth is much wilder than Kakucho spending a night on the town.
Takeomi is absent. Naturally. Sanzu is sprawled in his own chair at the other end of the table. His guns are on the table as he shines his katana.
Mikey considers everything he's been through with the men in this room.
If you can let me in, then you can let them in.
He shudders as your words wash through him. You're like his fucking conscience. It's simultaneously the most unnerving and wonderful experience he's ever had. A voice of reason that isn't being paid in his blood money. He glances at Kakucho again quickly.
If you think these men have stuck around because you're paying them then you're dumber than I thought, Mikey.
Sanzu gently places his katana on the table and shakes out the little cloth he was using to shine it. He gives Mikey his full attention. the action seems to stir the others who also turn to him. Kakucho lifts a single brow at him in question.
And the action sets of something akin to...gratitude in Mikey. It's a wildly unfamiliar sensation and he has to quell the urge to rub his chest.
They would die for you, Mikey.
Yes, they would. He catches a glimpse of a cut running along Rindou Haitani's chest as the man shifts in his chair. The skin is shiny and puckered from healing and a pang goes off in his chest that almost knocks him on his ass.
These men would die for him.
A sudden clarity comes over him and he has to blink several times to reorient himself. It feels almost like someone has ripped whatever ill-fitting glasses he was wearing before off and he can see clearly now. Jesus Christ, these men would die for him.
He sinks heavily into his own chair. The weight of his previous oversight anchors him to the cushion.
"I have news," he blurts.
The words suck the air out of the room. Silence ensues for a handful of seconds and then...
"Oh my God, you knocked her up!"
Rindou reaches Ran before Mikey can react to his exclaimed words and slaps his brother in the back of the head.
"I-" Mikey starts, blinking in confusion. What?
"Jesus Christ Ran, so what if he has?" Rindou interrupts, glaring at his brother.
"I di-" Mikey tries again, his brows furrowed.
"That actually...that makes sense," Kokonoi says slowly, nodding. "I saw her eat half a cake by herself the other night."
Kakcuho is gaping at Mikey. But there's a twinkle in his eye that makes Mikey nervous.
"Wait a min-"
"I thought you'd never notice," Sanzu laughs from the other end of the table and Mikey's skin chills.
"What?" He zones out. Something in his voice must get the others attention because the room goes quiet.
"That's not...the news?" Ran squints at him, his chair making a thudding sound as he settles onto all four legs.
Mikey swallows around a ball of spit that seems to be stuck in the back of his throat. Pregnant.
No- she can't be- she- but- but the crying...and the sensitive breasts. the cravings.
"I was going to say I'm getting married," he says, hollowly.
"Oh shit," Sanzu breathes.
"Fuck, Mikey."
"I thought it was obvi-" Kokonoi shrugs.
"She agreed to marry you?" Ran interjects. "Without-" he pauses to glance around the room quickly and then lowers his voice as he finishes his question "-putting up a fight?"
That gets the rooms attention.
"What the fuck kinda question is that?" Kakucho frowns. "She's in love with him."
That seems to throw Ran for a loop. His eyes narrow on Mikey who's still stupified by the realization that he might become a father and husband in the same breath.
"Maybe there is hope for me," Ran says.
Sanzu snaps at him. "Are you implying Mikey doesn't deserve her?"
Ran splutters. "What? No- Why the fuck would I-"
"Just be quiet," Rindou sighs.
"You really think she's pregnant?" Mikey asks, interrupting their squabble.
"Yes," Koko nods.
"Absolutely,” Rindou agrees.
"Half a fucking cake Mikey...in a single sitting."
Mikey blanches. “She’s pregnant.”
Koko chuckles.
“She’s fucking pregnant,” he repeats. There’s a note of distress in his tone. “With a baby. A child!?”
Kakucho gives him a knowing look. “Congratulations, Manjiro.”
Sanzu, who has been uncharacteristically quiet stands. “This means she can’t say no to a protection detail anymore.”
Mikey’s brain stutters. Protection. Because shes pregnant with your child and about to become your wife. She’s singlehandedly the most important person to Bonten. And to him.
“Oh fuck.”
Rindou shakes his head. “We need to start personally vetting Bonten members now.”
“Why did it take a child and a marriage to convince you of that and not the two times we’ve been double crossed?” Kakucho questions.
“Do you want to deal with a Mikey whose wife and child are hurt or murdered?”
The room falls quiet as all eyes fall to Kokonoi. A heavy tension settles on Mikey’s shoulders. He’s having a child. Maybe. And getting married. Definitely.
And he runs one of the most dangerous organizations in the world. With over a hundred thousand employees worldwide. And stakes in every major and even some minor pies, in every industry.
He’s not sure of much except his own success and frankly, inhuman work ethic. But as the realization that his life is changing. Developing into something better, something more. He’s sure that if anything ever happens to you or his unborn child…he would unravel.
“Can we circle back to her wanting to marry him?” Ran asks, breaking the tension. “Without being coerced?”
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dyeher · 5 months
“I wanna see it.”
“Rindou!” You snap, eyes widening as he adjusts the phone next to him. You hear the distinct click of him sliding his phone into his stand.
“Your pussy isn’t shy, darling—” he starts and you squawk. Scrambling to grab your headphones and connect them to your phone lest someone passing by heard him.
“I’m in the library, Rin,” you hiss, glancing around to make sure no one sees.
Rin laughs, as he pushes his glasses up his nose to run his tired eyes. “You let me eat you out in that exact same spot not two weeks ago. Besides, it’s ass o’clock there’s no one there I’m sure.”
And he’s right. The library is mostly empty except for one or two students milling around. The librarian can’t see you from here and the room is just dim enough that you can get away from it.
“Rin—” you start to whine.
“No pressure, Angel,” he acquiesces. You want to kiss him so bad you pour at the screen. He’s wonderfully disheveled, the strands of his hair sticking out at odd angles.
His phone is tilted so the bare upper half of his body and the band of his underwear is visible. The diamond in your initial glints from where it dangles at the base of his throat. His tattoos are blurry because of the shitty lighting in his room but he’s so heartbreakingly gorgeous and soft looking with his glasses and pretty frown and furrowed brows.
“I just miss you,” he sighs, stretching backward in his chair. You make a strangled whimper as his torso elongates, the muscles in his abs shifting. “Miss you a lot okay?”
Guilt has you shushing him.
“Talk- talk me through it.”
And he does, his voice deep and his words a drawl as he coaches you to shimmy out of your panties and show them to him, specifically the dampened crotch.
“Good girl,” he says. “One finger at a time now, I want you to rub your clit the way you like, nice and slow.”
You shift the chair back a little and prop your phone lower so he can see your exposed pussy when you spread your thighs.
“Fucking beautiful,” he groans when your fingers come away covered in slick. “Fuck I wanna taste it so bad, taste it for me.”
You do. You follow his every instruction. When he urges you to slink down in your seat and spread your legs even wider. When he coaxes you to pump two fingers in yourself, to bring the phone closer so he can hear how wet you’re getting for him.
And then when his coaxing devolves into his own grunts and wet sound of his cock sliding through his fist you glance down at your screen to get a glimpse of the pretty long cock that bullies your insides until you’re squirting all over his abs and thighs.
“You’re coming aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Your orgasm makes you breathless. Mostly because you hadn’t expected it. Just the suggestion has you gasping for air.
“Fuck yes, sound so goddamn pretty,” Rindou is still in your ear and his voice, roughened by arousal has your eyes rolling into the back of your head until you’re shaking, your thighs bumping into the table and the phone falling off the chair.
“Rin—” you slur, clamping your thighs shut as your stomach contracts.
“Fuck it,” he swears, and you hear movement on the other end. “Don’t leave the library. I’m coming to get you. And keep the panties off.”
You don’t have the presence of mine to do anything but hum your okay.
“Keep it wet for me,” he instructs. “I’ll be there in thirty minutes, you can’t come until I get there.”
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dyeher · 5 months
Still thinking about your Osamu drabble where reader called him crying bc her pants wouldn't fit, and he was trying to pay attention to her and not how her thighs looked 🫣 (I think about it daily)
“Samu,” you sniffle through the phone. “They don’t fit.”
Osamu’s locked himself in his back office, a reflexive action whenever you call while he’s at work because you never call while he’s at work.
“Sweetheart?” he props his phone on the stand you got him for Christmas and sits back in his chair. “What doesn’t fit?”
“My jeans, ‘Samu,” there’s shuffling as you position the phone in a way that gives him full view of your top half. He frowns at the puffiness of your eyes, obviously you’re genuinely upset about this. He’s determined to figure out what’s got his princess so upset and fix it.
That’s what he tells himself before you make a cute little hop backward and it gives him a full view of the jeans that won’t fit and why. Your thighs are too big. The waist is stuck half way up the delicious fatty area that he spends afternoons with his face buried in, prohibited from going further by the fact that the fat is spilling over the top.
Osamu forgets for one horrible second that this is something you’re apparently not okay with as he groans. He almost asks you to turn around so he can see the back. You misinterpret this sound of distress as something negative. After he scrambles to explain to you that you should just get new jeans he realizes he’s only digging himself a deeper grave. Osamu decides he can’t console you from his tiny office at the back room of Onigiri Miya so he goes home.
He kisses every inch of your body, whispers reassurance and affirmation, fucks the soft, plush thighs that he loves. That he sponsors with every new dish he tries out on you. That he is entirely responsible for with the way he constantly feeds you, dotes on you. His life revolves around food, and it makes him feel a little guilty that he’s dragged you into orbit with him.
He burns the jeans, dramatically douses the offending material in gasoline and sets it on fire in his backyard and then makes you your favorite dessert from scratch. He ends the day like he always does? With his face buried in your thighs and your fingers carding through his hair.
sending you kisses baby!
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dyeher · 5 months
warning| smut, size kink, praise, dacryphilia, breeding kink, lowkey breath play.
notes| i had a dream. unedited.
Ran's weight pins you to the bed. Even with his arms propping up the bulk of him his hips still press you deep into the plush mattress, still stops you from squirming away from him.
“Relax, angel,” he hisses when you whine. He’s barely managed to pop the broad head of his cock into you but he can already see the tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. Even with your face pressed into the bedding it’s difficult to muffle the breathy whimpers that breeze past your lips at every shift of his hips.
He lets out a frustrated puff of air, ducking to press soft kisses across the back of your neck and down your spine. He slips in a little further and the beads of sweat that have gathered along his hairline begin to run, his hair sticks to the moisture annoyingly. You jerk at the stretch and Ran stills above you.
“Easy baby,” he warns. “You’re doing so good, remember to breathe, okay?”
The gentle reminder has you gasping for air. So focused were you on the delicious stretch of your cunt around his cock that you forgot to breathe.
“There you- fuck- there you go baby,” he gets to the fat middle of his cock and the sound that leaves you erupts goosebumps along his skin.
It’s a garbled mix of his name and some expletives, and the way your hands scramble to grab onto something and finally settle onto his forearms, nails digging into the muscles and scratching at the skin has his hips stuttering.
“Shit,” he groans, his arms quaking with the weight of him. “‘m sorry, angel.” He shifts to ease his big body down onto yours slowly, chuckling at the way your grip on his forearms tighten. “‘s okay- just lemme-” he eases one hand from your grip, pushing on the mattress to slot it between your body and the bed, “-just need to-” the rough pad of his fingers bump clumsily against your clit and Ran hisses at the way your cunt flutters, eyes rolling at the softness of your insides. Your muscles relax enough for him to snap his hips forward, burying the rest of his cock snuggly into you.
“Good girl,” he croons. “Such a good fucking girl.” He can feel the spongy barrier that is the entrance to your cervix as he swivels his hips experimentally.
“Ah- Ran- yes. Yes,” you babble.
“Right there?” he chuckles. At your jerky nod he starts a maddening rhythm, one that matches the way he rubs at your clit. He grinds his cock against your walls, barely pulling out at all.
He stays close to your ear. Whispers encouragingly as your body slowly goes lax for him. Your muscles melting under the stirring of his cock at your insides, your grip going slack on his arm.
You babble nonsensically at his cooing. Spewing things he knows you’d never be able to say under normal circumstances.
“Wan- want a baby,” you slur and Ran's brain wipes clean. For a handful of seconds he’s sure he misunderstood and he freezes. The slick sounds of your fucking quiet. The only noise in the room becomes your whine of protest.
Ran knows you’re out of it. He knows better than to take you seriously when you’re fucked out. But the way your head tilts backward as you struggle to look up at him and the way your lips, raw and swollen form the most adorable pout convinces him otherwise. A big palm cups at your jaw upside down and tilts your head further back so he can kiss you. It’s harsh and sloppy, you can barely kiss back because Ran's pace picks up. He pulls his hand free from your body to hook both palms under your chin for leverage.
Your eyes widen and Ran smiles evilly.
“Want me to put a baby in you?”
Your eyes roll as you attempt to nod.
“Yeah? Want me to put a little baby in your tummy?”
“Pl-” you choke and Ran's grip on your chin moves to your throat, he squeezes with both hands. Your mouth falls open, tongue lolling out at the pressure. Your cunt contracts so violently that he’s forced to stay buried in you as he cums.
A shiver runs along his spine when the first hit spurts empty into you. His grip on your throat relaxes and he’s barely able to stop himself from crushing you. Over the sound of his roaring blood he can barely make out your chanting.
“Thank you, thank you,” you slur. “Gonna have a baby. Gonna have a baby.”
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dyeher · 5 months
“We should get married.”
The sun is too hot. You’re too sweaty and dehydrated and horny and miserable to even entertain Mikey’s lackluster proposal. It’s not even a question. It’s a statement.
He looks serious too, and hot and sweaty and delicious. You want to lick the stray beads of sweat that have collected at the base of his throat.
But you can’t because it’d be unprofessional. So, you ignore him. Adjusting the lens on your camera to snap a few more pictures of him in the natural light.
There’s a giant hibiscus tucked behind his right ear and his head is tilted up to face the sky. He’s glowing. Between him and the orange hibiscus you’re not sure who the sun is loving more.
“Did you hear me?”
“Don’t move,” you instruct, ignoring him again. He’s turned to you for acknowledgment and the light catches in the strands of his hair. It frames him in a halo of light, and in this position the hibiscus pales in comparison to him. Him and his entirely too beautiful face. His upper body flexes lightly with the movement, exposing his tattoos for the camera and when he lifts a brow at you, your mouth goes dry.
“Don’t ignore me.”
“It’s too hot Mikey,” you complain. You’re still snapping away because Mikey is moving and every shift in the muscles of his arms as he turns toward you fully, the clenching of his abdominal muscles, you aim to capture them all.
“This was your idea,” he points out.
He’s right. It was your idea and you don’t regret it. Not when you get to see him like this (because there are very few people who can see him like this and you’re truly honored to be one of them).
He sits back, pressing his hands into the soft grass behind him and elongating his torso. His jacket falls open wider and more of the small tattoos scattered across his torso are revealed. You snap a few quick shots of him from the neck done.
“I know,” you smile as you sink onto the grass next to him to click through the last five pictures you’d snapped. They’re your favorite so far.
The first is a body shot that highlights the golden pendant that’s nestled in the hollow of his throat. There’s a small butterfly tattoo on his left collar bone and Roman numerals on his right. The tattoo above his Adam’s apple matches the wording in the pendant. ‘Monster’ printed in typewriter font.
The second is a torso shot. His skin is damp from a thin layer of sweat and the sun casts his normally pale skin in a golden glow. You’d managed to capture a bead of sweat as it trickled down between his abs.
The third makes you freeze.
“Delete that,” Mikey says from over your shoulder. The heat from his body seeps into your thin shirt as he plasters himself to your back.
He’s smiling in the picture. His head tilted downward as he looks at you through his lashes, a secretive smile playing on his lips. It’s breathtaking. You’d captured his entire top half. The flexing muscles in his arms, the bunching of the muscles in his shoulders.
“Nope!” you giggle, holding the camera out of his reach. Mikey glares playfully at you.
“The only way—” he lunges, eyes locked on your own, and snatches the camera from you, ignoring your indignant yelp“—you’re keeping this is if you say yes to marrying me.”
You squint, folding your arms in front of you. “You’re not serious.”
Mikey places the camera down carefully and turns his attention to you. “I am.”
He reaches for your hands and drags you into his lap, guiding them to his shoulders and settling his own on your waist. Your eyes narrow further as he pulls you closer to him. “I’m very serious.”
You’re a little taller than him like this and when he tilts his head up to look into your eyes the hibiscus falls free from behind his ear.
“I want to marry you,” he continues. “And then you can take as many pictures of me as you want.”
You swallow, your heart suddenly thundering as Mikey continues to stare at you. “As many pictures as I want? Do you promise?”
Mikey chuckles. “I promise.”
You eye him skeptically.
He presses a soft kiss to your chin. “I’ll even let you post some of them.”
Your eyes widen. “Really?!”
He presses a kiss lower to your throat, his hair tickling your chin as he nods.
“You’re not trying to trick me into saying yes right?”
Mikey lifts his head to level a blank look at you. “Would I need to trick you?”
“Fair point,” you acquiesce.
He leaves a kiss on your right cheek and then the corner of your mouth and when his tongue comes out to lick along the seam of your lips you sigh.
He takes advantage of that and kisses you deeply. When he pulls away you blink dazedly at him.
“Ask me to marry you again after I’ve had a shower,” you blurt.
Mikey’s brows furrow. “What?”
“I’m too sticky and sweaty and hot to think straight and your cock is right—” you roll your hips, dragging your clothed sex along his erection “—there! I’m not thinking straight.”
Mikey chuckles. “How about after I’ve fucked you ?”
You pause. “In the shower?”
Mikey groans, head falling against your shoulder. “Sure, I’ll ask you again after I’ve fucked you in the shower.”
“And I’ll say yes.”
“You fucking better,” he says. “I’d hate it if you forced my hand.”
You pretend you don’t hear the threat in those words.
801 notes · View notes
dyeher · 5 months
Includes: toji fushiguor x fem! reader
Warnings: age gap, shibari, smut, knife play, fear play, light humiliation, degradation, female identifying reader, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, impact play [pussy and ass spanking], choking, face fucking, cum eating, edging, dacryphilia, cucking [sort of], creampie, overstimulation.
Summary: toji’s never been given a gift like this before. bless megumi’s little heart for knowing his daddy so well.
“What the hell is this?”
Truthfully, Toji couldn't say for certain what he expected when Megumi had announced after dinner that there was a surprise waiting for him in his home office. Maybe an expensive bottle of liquor, a new handgun, a cologne, a card, or nothing at all. Though the latter was more a self-deprecating expectation than anything else. Further, he didn’t think his son was capable of surprising him. Toji, up until this exact moment, had convinced himself that he had seen enough in his lifetime to ensure nothing would ever truly surprise him.
And yet, the sight of you- gagged and artfully tied in golden ribbons- kneeling next to his desk has left him stupefied.
“Megumi- What the fuck?” he gestures to your trembling body. “What the hell has gotten into you?”
“I see the way you look at her old man,” he can feel Megumi’s eyes on his back. “You can take what I’ve so graciously offered or you can look a gift horse in the mouth. Either way, she’s yours for the rest of the night.”
If Toji’s cock wasn’t one wrong move away from bursting the seams of his slacks he might have denied Megumi’s observation until he was blue in the goddamn face. You were too young, too beautiful, too innocent, too much of his son’s fucking girlfirend to be sitting next to his desk with nothing but literal scraps of fabric covering your...important parts. As it stood his cock was embarrassing him, and it wasn’t helping that he hadn’t looked anywhere but at you since he spotted you.
God but you were beautiful. Admittedly whether you were wrapped up like a christmas present or fully clothed Toji knows he’d still be staring at you, granted in the latter instances it would be easier to tear his gaze away from the wealth of exposed flesh, because there would be no exposed flesh.
“Be gentle with her, don’t get her pregnant, no anal,” Megumi says, and maybe Toji makes a sound of agreement because his son leaves after that, a mumbled ‘Happy Father’s day’ his parting words.
The slamming of his office door makes you jump, and the delicious jiggling of your breasts as a result leaves Toji reeling. You’re staring up at him with such open abandon that Toji slumps into the closest chair. Evidently, Megumi hadn’t forced you into these shibari knots, you’d gone willingly. Toji supposes there’s something to be said about the fact that his son knows his tastes well. From where Toji sits on the single arm chair in the room, he can spot one particularly aggravating knot that he loves. Nestled next to your clit, he imagines the knot is likely soaked from your constant shifting.
There’s something morally wrong with wanting to stuff your son’s girlfriend full of cock. Unless, your son gives you the green light and said girlfriend is looking at you like you’re her salvation. Then it’s a matter of self defense, because obviously the two have conspired to ruin his already crumbling mental factions and thus, as he stands and approaches you he convinces himself that he’s fucking you for the sake of defending those mental factions.
The gag is drenched and Toji doesn’t care that they’ll get saliva on the paperwork laid out on his desk, he has half a mind to rub the sopping material along the length of his cock before your mouth opens on an adorable ‘ah’ that makes his cock twitch in anticipation. First, he needs to get you out of these ties because he needs to feel all of you. He needs to feel every inch of glorious skin and he needs it like he needs his next fucking breath.
So he cuts you free of the looping material, doesn’t even bother to listen to your little huffs of protests as your hands spring free and then your legs, and then your breasts relax when the ribbon at the bottom and the top come undone. He pulls you to your feet and drags you to the chair he’d previously occupied. You follow after him, standing between his thighs as he cuts you the rest of the way free.
The knife grazes the inside of your thigh teasingly, Toji doesn’t need to cut that part- the part pressed achingly close to your clit- free he only needs to tug on the knot, but when your hands fly to his shoulders coupled with an adorable whimper and he looks up to find your lips parted, eyes glazed over he brings the knife higher.
Your breath hitches and Toji can’t swallow his surprised chuckle fast enough.
“You like playing with knives, angel face?”
Your response is a jerky nod that Toji’s sure you had no conscious control of. He flips the knife so the dull back of it drags along the inside of your thigh, when it reaches the soft, puffy lip of your pussy he has to wrap an arm around your waist to stop you from collapsing. He pulls it away and helps you onto his lap, pressing your back against the chair’s arm and draping your legs across his thighs and over the other arm.
“Tell me something,” he urges, the knife in one hand held away from your body and the other gripping the back of your neck to keep your face angled to his. “Do you want this?”
“Yes- yes sir,” you lick your lips nervously and Toji nods.
“And did Megumi force you to do this?”
You glance away. Toji’s entire body goes taught. If Megumi forced you to have sex with him, if he’s blackmailing yo-
“It was my idea,” you admit.
Toji blinks, unsure he’d heard correctly. “Say that again?”
“It was- it was my idea, Mr. Fushiguro.”
Toji takes a long look at the way you’re spread out for him, your skin dented where the knots were pressed against your flesh, covered in a thin layer of sweat that leaves you glowing under the harsh lights of his office. Your breaths come in quick harsh pants, your legs twitch with each breath and Toji’s certain the dampness of his slacks has nothing to do with the fact that his cock is leaking into his boxers.
Toji wonders for one insane second what he could have possibly done to deserve this kind of gift. As far as he was concerned he was a mediocre parent at best. Love could really only provide so much emotional cushioning before it wasn’t enough. Not to mention his constant absence from his kid’s life because of work. It didn’t make sense that Megumi would give him something as precious as you. If he were a better man he would turn you down nicely, reassure you that it wasn’t that he didn't want you but it was just messed up. Thank the stars in the sky that he wasn’t a better man.
He glances down at you squirming in his lap and shuts off the part of his brain screaming at him to stop. He grasps a handful of your tits and squeezes gently, rolling the puckered nipple in between his fingers until your back arches off the chair arm. He drops the knife onto the end table next to him and uses that hand to drag down the center of your body as he sucks the nipple into his mouth.
“Oh,” you gasp.
His hand settles at the top of your pussy and he chuckles at your desperate whimper. He keeps it there as he switches to your other nipple. Toji takes his time, he operates on the belief that this is the only chance he’ll ever get to explore your body, to touch you however he likes without worrying about repercussions. So, as he sucks languidly at your nipples he rubs slow circles at the top of your pussy, right above your clit. A taste of what he could do. When you’re squirming so bad he’s forced to tighten his grip on you he finally pulls away from your chest he peppers kisses up your sternum, and along your throat until he reaches your lips.
“Are you sure you want this, angel face?” he asks.
“Yes- yes please,” you answer shakily.
“Good, you know what the stoplight system is?” Toji hides his excitement at your nod. “We’re gonna use that system, angel face. Remind me what it is?”
“Red means I want you to stop whatever you’re doing, yellow means slow down because what we’re doing is making me feel a little uncomfortable, green means I’m okay with whatever you’re doing and I think you should continue.”
Toji smiles, “Just about. What’s your colour right now?”
“Green,” you pant, wiggling so your ass settles between his legs on the chair. Toji is momentarily distracted when you brace the soles of your feet on the chair arm and your legs butterfly open. He catches a glimpse of slicked pussy lips as they part, strings of your arousal connecting them to each other.
“Good,” he answers absently and then he’s dipping his fingers into your messy little cunt. “So fucking wet,” he glances up to find your eyes glued to where his fingers have disappeared between the lips of your pussy.
He drags two fingers along your slit, collecting and spreading your cum up to your clit where he rubs light circles around it. Your responding whimper goes straight to his cock. He pulls his fingers away and with his eyes trained on yours he sucks your cum off his fingers. Your eyes widen adorably and Toji ducks to kiss you.
It dawns on him, when your lips part immediately under his, warm and soft and compliant that his son has probably fucked you under this roof. He uses the kiss as a distraction as he reaches for his knife. He flips it so the blade is facing him and gingerly runs the handle along the inside of your thigh.
Your body jerks.
“Easy,” he murmurs against your lips. “I’m not going to hurt you. Okay?”
Toji watches you struggle to regulate your breathing, but you’re shaking so bad it’s a little concerning. When you manage to squeak out your affirmative he leaves a chaste kiss to your mouth and turns his attention to his knife and your pretty pussy.
“I have to ask,” he starts conversationally, as the handle continues to climb the sensitive skin. “Why this and not something uh...normal?”
“What?” you ask dumbly.
He chuckles. “Well, Megumi could’ve gotten me a blank card and I’d have been grateful-” he stops just before he reaches your pussy lips again and flips the knife around so the blade is pressed flat against the inside of your thigh, “-but you suggested this-” he drags his eyes along your exposed body, “-so I’m asking you why this?”
You gulp when the blade bumps into your labia. “I- I don’t-”
Toji presses the blade flat against your cunt, covering one labia entirely.You inhale sharply, your limbs locking as you struggle not to close your legs around the knife. The cool press of the blade against the heated flesh causes goosebumps to erupt along your skin. He waits as you exhale slowly. He doesn’t move, just stares at you expectantly.
“Well? You still haven’t answered, angel face.”
“I don’t- I don’t know,” you stutter, your body trembles with the effort it takes not to move less the knife cuts you.
“I think you do,” Toji tuts. “You must, because I’m sure you’d have to convince Megumi somehow and you couldn’t have convinced him if you didn’t know.” He pulls the knife away and slaps at your cunt with it before pressing it back to your labia. “Try again. Why this?”
Tears gather at the corner of your eyes and Toji can just make out the way your pulse is pounding at the base of your throat. “I- I wanted to- I wanted to fuck you,” you answer. “Meg- Megumi- Megumi can’t say no to me.”
Toji freezes. “Who else?”
“Mr. Fushi-”
“Call me Toji. Now answer the question.”
The knife presses harder against you and your body twitches, the tears spill over and a half sob breaks free as you scramble to grab onto his arm.
“Who else has my son let you fuck, angel face?”
Toji pulls the knife away from your pussy and presses it to your throat. “You’re a little whore aren’t you?”
You gulp, your breaths stuttering out of you. You can only stare wide eyed up at Toji, the reality of your situation sinks into your gut like lead. This man kills people for a living and now you’re naked and spread eagle on his lap with a knife pressed to your throat all because you’re a horny little shit. You should’ve listened to Megumi. This was a bad idea. And yet, even as the knife presses deeper against your throat, your legs trembling and your heart racing, you don’t know where the arousal ends and the fear begins. Your body, that traitorous bitch has your nipples pebbling and your pussy leaking.
“You think I’d fuck your little pussy now? Knowing you’ve been giving it to anyone who makes your panties damp?”
You find yourself frowning deeply, your bottom lip wobbling at his words. “I- I’m not-”
The knife vanishes and fingers appear at your cunt, dragging through the mess you’ve made. Toji grins wolfishly. “Your cunt says otherwise, angel face. You’re wet and messy. Your pussy is sloppy and I haven’t even fucked you yet.”
“Please- I’m sor-”
Toji laughs. “You’re not sorry yet, but you will be. Can’t believe my son’s dating a little slut like you. Can’t believe he’s letting you take advantage of him.”
You hiccup, your eyes blurring with tears as he sinks two fingers into you abruptly, his pace is harsh and unrelenting and when you try to grab onto his wrist he pins your arms to your stomach with his free hand. The lewd sucking sound your pussy makes as he moves his fingers in and out coupled with the way his fingers twist inside you, searching for something are enough to have your eyes rolling into your head. You’re almost to the edge when he pulls away.
“No!” you cry out, hips jerking up in search of his fingers. “To- toji please.”
“What’s your colour, angel face?”
It takes you a moment to understand what he’s asking. “Green, so green, please- please touch me-”
The knife returns and you’re so stunned you don’t react as he uses the dull back of the blade to drag along your cunt, you watch liquid pool on the blade before Toji brings it up to your lips.
“Taste yourself, but be careful, wouldn’t want you to hurt that pretty mouth before I use it.”
You latch onto his wrist, holding him steady as you run your tongue along the blade, licking up your cum.
“Fuck,” Toji grunts. “Such a good little slut.”
You keen and he drags the tip of the knife from the space between your breasts to your clit. Goosebumps follow the cool metal until the hairs on your body are standing on end. You tense when the tip brushes against your clit.
“Toji?” you lick your lips when he circles the sensitive nub. “What- what are-”
“Shh, it’s okay,” he coos. “I’m not gonna hurt you, remember?”
You nod dazedly, “Okay.”
“I’m a little upset though,” Toji sighs. “And disappointed. Here I was thinking you were a good girl. You really had me fooled.” The knife makes another circle around your clit and you whine. “Megumi’s too blind to see what you really need,” the knife disappears again, “a little punishment.”
You’re not prepared for the harsh slap that lands on your cunt. Toji’s hand is heavy and the stinging spreads from your clit all the way up your torso, your body bows. Another two echo in the room coupled with your helpless cries, you have no doubt Megumi can hear them.
“What do you think, angel face? Ten on your slutty cunt? And then another ten on your ass?”
You can barely form a coherent sentence as you attempt to disagree, but Toji ignores you, and another harsh smack has you breaking out in a full body shudder.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry,” you slur. By the seventh slap you’re sobbing outright, but your cunt is soaked, the final three slaps are lewd and the tacky sound of Toji’s palm against the wet lips of your pussy would have been embarrassing if you had the presence of mind to feel embarrassed.
“Good little slut,” he chuckles, releasing you to flip you onto your stomach across his thighs. “Colour, angel face?”
“Green, ‘m green,” you hiccup. “‘M sorry, ‘m sorry, I’ll be good, I’ll be go-”
You’re babbling as Toji caresses your ass. He massages into the flesh gently, until your babbling dies to a low whimper, and then the first slap makes you jump. Toji groans, “If you take your punishment like a good girl, maybe I’ll make you cum.”
You shut up instantly, muffling your cries by chewing on your lips. Each slap seems to get harsher, harder. He’s on the fifth slap when the babbling starts anew, Toji ignores you as he continues his spanking. You lose count at some point and only realize he’s stopped when he dips two fingers into your pussy from behind. You inhale sharply, a sob of relief bubbling out of you as he curls his fingers into your walls, he adds a third finger and your body hums happily. You’re so close you’re drooling, your lips parted as you pant out thank yous. Just as you’re about to cum he stops and you scream in frustration.
“Oh, angel face,” Toji mocks. “Did you really think your punishment was over?” He maneuvers you onto your knees in front of him. “You haven’t even sucked my dick yet.” He frees his cock from his slacks and your body lurches forward as soon as it bobs free. Thick and long, and wet with precum, your mouth waters at the sight of him. Briefly, you note that Megumi’s cock is eerily familiar. “Open up,” he instructs, slapping the thick length of it along your cheeks, and smearing his precum along your lips.
The weight of him as he slides onto your tongue and bumps into the back of your throat is so satisfying that your eyes roll. He’s nothing like Megumi. Where your boyfriend would give you a moment to adjust, to take the reins and suck him off however you like his father is not so patient. He cups your face with one big hand, his fingers splayed out on your neck and his thumb pressing your lips open and fucks your throat harshly. Spit layers on his cock from each thrust into your throat, it fills your mouth until there’s nowhere to go but out and onto your chin and chest. Strands of saliva decorate your lips and his cock each time he pulls out far enough for you to breathe.
“God, yes, just like that,” he grunts, as though you’re doing anything other than struggling to keep your throat relaxed and oxygen in your lungs. “Open your eyes.” You do, though you can’t say when exactly they slipped shut. Watching Toji as he grappled to keep his self-control was one thing but watching as that self-control snapped was awe inspiring.
He yanks you off his cock and pulls you to his desk, “Colour?”
“Green,” you croak, throat raw and pulsing from its use.
“Thank fuck,” Toji mand handles you onto his desk easily, he pushes you down and spreads your thighs wide enough for him to fit his wide shoulders. He pauses to take you in, sprawled on his desk, bare as the day you were born. His grip on the back of your knees tightens as he pushes them open and back. “Here’s how the rest of this is gonna go, angel face,” he licks his lips, eyes trained on your cunt. The attention makes you squirm, your hole clenching around nothing as he continues. “I’m gonna shove my face in this pretty pussy and eat until you’re begging and then I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t remember your own name. How do you feel about that?”
You gulp, “I think- I think that sounds good.”
He glances up the length of your body as he lowers his mouth to your pussy. You watch, transfixed as he flattens his tongue to your slit and drags it from your hole all the way up to your clit where he leaves a soft kiss. His eyes close as though he’s savoring the taste and then he ducks to your pussy and spreads your thighs wider.
Toji eats you out ravenously, like he’s never had anything more exquisite in his life and he doesn’t know if he ever will so he’s eating his fill now. He eats you like a man starved, like a man who was fasting for a long, long time who has finally been given reprieve. He sucks each labia tenderly, laps at each puffy lip with his tongue, kisses and caresses each one. Drags his tongue along your slit teasingly at first and then hurriedly when your moans grow louder. He brushes soft kisses onto your clit and then licks teasing circles around the sensitive nub before suckling on it until you’re twitching in his hold.
When your body begins to tremble violently he pulls back to bury his nose between your folds and inhales deeply. And then he starts the process all over again, helping you up the slope of your orgasm and just when you’re about to crest he pulls back, leaving you to stumble back down. He doesn’t use his fingers and by the time he’s satisfied with how drenched you are, half of his face is damp and sticky with your cum.
When he presses a kiss to your ankle you feel the stickiness of your arousal and when he leans forward to kiss at your knee and then your stomach and sternum and suck each nipple into his mouth you feel the residual dampness of it on your body. When he kisses your mouth, teasing your tongue with his own, licking and biting at your lips you taste yourself on him and it heats your blood, has you reaching up to slide your fingers into his hair and hold him steady as you lick the remnants of your pussy from his face until your mouth latches onto his once more and he releases your knees to wrap your thighs around his waist.
He kisses you as he sinks the fat head of his cock at your entrance. Shoves his tongue into the back of your throat to drown out your surprised cry as he bottoms out in one rough thrust. He pulls you to the edge of the desk and cups your ass with one hand as he spreads his thighs and begins to fuck you. Short, quick thrusts that stir his cock along the softest part of your walls. You think for a brief moment as he’s fucking you with his tongue and his cock you hear the voice of some divinity telling you this is what heaven may feel like if you’re good throughout your life. But then he’s rearranging you to prop your legs on his shoulders and bracing himself against the desk to fuck you in slow deep thrusts and then you’re not sure of anything. Not if you’re breathing, or if he’s kissing you, or if you can feel your legs, because his cock is dragging along parts of you, you didn’t even know existed. Parts of you that have you drooling pathetically, the muscles in your body going soft and pliant under him.
He switches positions again, you think, because your orgasm slams into you with the force of a tsunami, and by the time you recover from screaming Toji’s name your back is pressed to his bare chest and a hand is wrapped around your throat while the other rubs at your clit. You barely recover from the first orgasm before Toji is demanding more from your body. His grip on your throat holds you steady and his other hand moves to squeeze roughly at your breasts and run up the length of your body. He tugs on your throat and your back bows until your head is tilted back and you can see that sweat has matted his hair to his forehead, his eyes are closed in concentration but you’re sure he can your harsh breathing and the loud slapping of damp skin on skin as his thighs smack against yours, his hips cradling your ass with each thrust.
You may have been about to say something about how good he looks like this. Head bent forward, expression fierce as he focuses on pummeling your insides but Toji reaches for something on the desk and suddenly his hand is replaced by the cool metal of the blade of his knife.
“Fucking cum,” he growls in warning. “Cum right now.”
You cum so hard your knees give out, and with a delirious sound like a garbled mix between a laugh and a scream. You forget our name. You forget where you are, how you got here, whose cock is inside you, as the orgasm washes through you, the pleasure drowning your senses and reducing you to a mass of nothing but sensation. Your eyes roll so far back you feel a moment of pain as the organs are stopped by the muscles. Your mouth parts on a silent scream, all the oxygen leaving your body in a single exhale.
“Fuck,” Toji groans. “Oh fuck, yes, good girl, oh- fuck-” Your insides flood with warmth and somehow Toji filling you with his cum sets of another orgasm in the middle of your orgasm. Your mind shuts down entirely.
Toji stares at Megumi, standing on the other side of his bedroom door, a scowl on his face as he tries to peep over his father’s shoulder. Sometimes it unnerves him how much of himself he sees in his son.
“You looking for someone?” Toji asks, propping himself against the door frame and crossing his arms across his chest.
“Where is she?” Megumi asks.
“She’s asleep,” Toji shrugs. “And she’ll stay asleep until I think she’s rested.”
Megumi finally looks at Toji, his scowl melting into a frown. “Why can’t she sleep in my room?”
“Did you fuck her to sleep Megumi?” Toji squints mockingly.
Megumi purses his lips, eyes narrowing on his father. He steps back and Toji straightens away from the door frame.
“I feel you should know that...the next time you let her fuck someone that isn’t you-” he points at Megumi’s chest, “-or me, I’ll be forced to do something reckless,” Toji says.
Megumi looks stricken for a moment. “I don’t let her do anythin-”
“Do you want to walk around with the weight of a man’s life on your conscience Megumi?”
Megumi gulps.
“Exactly, keep her away from other men or them away from her, I don’t care. Do what needs to be done to keep them alive and me happy kid, and if she ever gives you any trouble you know where to find me.”
The door slams in Megumi’s face and not for the first time that day does he stop and ask himself, “Did he really deserve it?”
@s4no @kenuis @audrinui
422 notes · View notes
dyeher · 5 months
warnings| breeding, mentions of pregnancy.
notes| *maniacal laughter* unedited-read at your own risk. also, this would probably be iwa in a rut, if he were an alpha.
It’s the babydoll.
That’s the first clue. It’s a light blue and so incredibly sheer that the matching thong beneath is easily visible through the material. The lacy cups that should be holding your breasts are failing miserably if he’s being honest. He’s not complaining but, he’s confused.
Or he was.
Until the first breathy moan left you as you took your first bite of the cake on your plate. The sound had settled in the bit of Hajime’s stomach and unleashed a hoard of bees. He’s shifted, eyes flirting from the spilling flesh of your breasts to the sinful way your lips wrap around your fork and his brain had begun to melt.
“Uh- what’s the occasion?”
He bites his tongue when you blink lazily at him. If he didn’t know better he would have simply assumed your intentions were pure. But the overly innocent way you’d told him you just wanted to dress up was enough to have him squinting skeptically at you.
You pout and his cock jerks hard, a sudden vision of that perfect pout wrapped around his cock. You nod, shrugging delicately as you continue to devour your cake. Hajime takes a bite of his own dessert, eyeing you warily when you stand to take your plate to the sink. The babydoll flutters around the top of your thighs and Hajime swallows hard when you bend to put your plate in the dishwasher.
A little later when you’re cuddled on your couch together he senses a restlessness about you. It’s in the way you keep shifting against him. Rubbing your breasts against his chest, pressing soft kisses against his chin and jaw and throat. He’s not sure what’s gotten into you but it’s making him nervous. You’ve been horny before but you’ve always been straightforward about it. If Hajime didn’t know better he’d think you were trying to seduce him.
And though Hajime knows he should never look a gift horse in the mouth he’s a little apprehensive. He wants to know why.
So he asks.
And he regrets it immediately.
“I want you to get me pregnant,” you admit.
And yes, Hajime understands now why he should never look a gift horse in the mouth.
He almost asks you if you’re sure but you’re dressed in this slinky little babydoll, draped across his chest, peppering him with little kisses that go straight to his cock. It would be stupid to ask you that. And he’s not opposed to getting you pregnant. Nope.
In fact, the prospect of filling you with his cum sends an unfamiliar—but not unwelcome—surge of arousal through him.
At least, he thinks it’s arousal. He does.
Until he’s folded your thighs onto his shoulder and fucked you both sweaty and sticky and disoriented and you let that first plea out. That first “please give me a baby”. The unfamiliar—but not unwelcome—emotion surges through him again and he realizes it’s not arousal.
It’s something carnal and raw and possibly unidentified in the grand scheme of things but it makes the hairs on his arms and at the back of his neck stand on end. It reduces his cognitive functions to only the ones needed to keep fucking you into the mattress. He can barely speak, can barely think with the sudden overwhelming need to bury himself so deep inside you that you can never be separated again.
You’re squealing and you might be saying something but the roaring in his ears at the hypnotic fluttering of your pussy around his cock is deafening. Hajime is consumed by the sinful sucking of your walls as they coax his orgasm from him. As they wrestle his cum from him.
He cums with an undignified sound that he hopes you have no recollection of. Stars explode behind his eyelids—or maybe stars just explode because he doesn’t know if his eyes are closed or not. He shudders as you cum around him, your nails dig into the muscles in his back and arms, your breasts press against his chest until he realizes you’re trying to tug him closer. Like you’re trying to drag him deeper. He’s fairly certain if he shifts his cock any deeper you’ll end up in the ER. His cock gives one, two, three violent lurches as he cums.
And then his muscles go lax and he fully collapses on top of you, his cock still buried deep enough that he’s fairly certain he’s rammed himself into your honest to god cervix. He should be concerned but from your dopey smile and the way you’re petting his back he’s obviously not done any real damage to your insides. Though he thinks you might not be able to walk for a little bit. Hell he might not be able to walk.
That orgasm was like nothing he’s ever had. He feels as though he’s emptied his soul into your little pussy. Like you’ve reduced him to a breeding bull.
And maybe you have because fifteen minutes later he’s got his hands cupping your hips as he watches, mesmerized, while his cock disappears into your pussy over and over and over, slick from a ridiculous amount of your cum.
And then a little while later he pins you to the floor and fucks you again. And then in the shower. And then in the kitchen; on the counter, against the fridge, on the floor.
“We have to get you nice and full if we want to get pregnant on the first try,” he tells you. It doesn’t even sound like him. Whoever this person is they desecrate every viable surface in your home.
Hajime doesn’t even have the decency to be embarrassed when you have to call in sick for work the next day.
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dyeher · 5 months
Warnings: mutual masturbation, phone sex, dirty talk, praise, see notes for the eavesdropping warning [it is non consensual, you don’t know they’re listening].
Notes: aggressively horny mikey who lets his friends get off to you touching yourself idk if that counts as non con voyeurism or not. unedited: read at your own risk.
“Are you naked?”
Your brain hasn’t quite caught up to the fact that you’ve answered the phone and so you chalk up that question to a simple auditory hallucination.
“Manjiro? What time is it?” you ask groggily.
“Fuck the time. Are you naked?”
You blink up at your ceiling, once, twice, on the third blink things begin to focus. You pull the phone away from your ear to check the time.
“What?” you reply absently. “Why are you calling me this late?”
“It’s early. Stop ignoring the question? You naked or not?”
You swallow, your brain finally registering the rasp in his voice. You can hear the shower running in the background and the soft, sticky schick, schick of him obviously stroking his cock.
“I’m not,” you answer, thighs immediately pressing together. “Is everything okay?”
“I need you to get naked,” he demands. “Right now.”
“No,” you scoff. “It’s like three am, I’m already awake just come over.”
Manjiro makes a pained sound at your denial. “No?”
It’s almost like he hasn’t heard you. “I mean no. Just come over Mikey.”
“I can’t- I can’t wait baby,” his groan is breathless. “Need you to touch that little pussy for me.”
You frown. “But—”
“Don’t make me repeat myself. Clothes off and start touching that pretty pussy,” the growl echoes through the speakers. It has you scrambling to pull your oversized shirt off. When you’re finally naked you prop your pillows up against your headboard and put the phone on speaker.
“Naked now, gorgeous?”
“Yeah,” you nod even though he can’t see you. “‘m naked.”
“Good,” he grunts. There’s shuffling and then the water turns off and you realize you’re on speaker. It makes sense because he would probably need both hands. “Need you nice and wet, can you touch yourself for me? Play with that pretty pussy for me, I wanna hear how wet you get.”
The words have you keening, a shiver running down your spine, goosebumps erupting across your exposed flesh. Your nipples pucker at the command in his voice. You whimper, your legs parting as you brush your fingers through your folds.
“How do you feel baby? How’s that little cunt feel? Tell me.”
“It’s soft,” you whisper, distantly you hear a muffled curse but Mikey’s groan distracts you.
“Yeah? Nice and soft and wet?”
“Mhm,” you hum, fingers rubbing a lazy circle around your clit. Your slick has coated your fingers as you drag them to dip gingerly into your opening. You spread it along your lips and up to the hood of your pussy before repeating the action. “Nice ‘n wet Mikey, just how you like it.”
“Fuck.” The loud slap of his palm on the tile in his shower makes you jump, your fingers slipping clumsily through your flesh. “Good girl. You rubbing your clit the way I showed you? Slow and steady?”
You pout. You can’t do slow and steady right now. Your fingers rub frantically at your clit, the sound of him fisting his cock, his heavy breaths and rough demands.
“Can’t-” you whine, “-go slow.”
Only Manjiro Sano can make a nickname like gorgeous sound like a threat, or maybe you’re just very well conditioned.
“Whose pussy is it?”
“‘s yours,” you pout.
“Exactly, and I gave you permission to touch it, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you pull your fingers away from your pussy, flexing them as he continues.
“Good girl,” the sounds of him stroking his cock have stopped. “And you know how I like when you touch your pussy nice ‘nd slow for me? Yeah, gorgeous?”
“Mhm,” your heart is pounding, a flashback of the one time you’d made Mikey mad enough to punish you fueling the violent ratcheting of the organ.
“Nice ‘nd slow only,” he intones. “Okay?”
“Yes, Mikey,” you reply.
The sound resumes on Mikey’s end, and for a moment you swear you hear grunts in the background.
“Make yourself cum for me,” he suddenly instructs and your fingers fly to your clit almost of their own accord. You do as he asks and rub slow, steady circles around the engorged nub. Whimpering and whining at how sensitive it is, at the delicious friction created by the pads of your fingers.
“‘s not enough,” you complain. “Can I- can I please put one in?”
Perhaps if you weren’t almost drunk on lust, near deaf from the frantic staccato of your heart and the roaring of your blood. Maybe if you weren’t balancing on the knifes edge of an orgasm you’d have heard the chorus of curses that followed your question.
“Shit, yeah gorgeous,” Mikey chuckles, breathlessly. “Such a good girl,” he grunts, “so polite for me.”
Any other time you might have been embarrassed by the sloppy sound your pussy makes when you slip your finger inside. But at Mikey’s loud curse you feel only satisfaction as you work the finger deeper. You can’t quite reach that spot that Mikey can. The one that makes you scream for him, and your single finger can’t fill you the way his cock can but, Mikey’s whispered encouragement is enough.
“Wanna fill you up, gorgeous,” he grunts, the stroking has sped up, you can almost see him. Naked and damp, his hair sticking to his neck and forehead, one hand braced against the far wall in his shower, his eyes dark and unfocused as he fucks his fist. “Wanna feel you cum all over my cock and then fill that little pussy. My little pussy.”
The possessiveness in the final statement shoves you over the edge. You come with a breathless squeal, your walls clamping violently around your finger. You babble Mikey’s name, encouraging him to cum.
When you recover and Mikey talks you back into the land of the fully functional you try to ask him if everything was okay again. He brushes you off. Tells you it’s just a little left over tension from something that happened earlier.
You know better than to ask what happened.
“Back to sleep gorgeous,” he says. “I’ll be there when you wake up.”
Mikey takes a long look at Draken’s relaxed face.
“We’re never doing that again,” he decides.
“Why not?!”
“C’mon, Mikey!”
He ignores the protests as he stalks out of his bathroom. He barely deserves you, he can’t afford to share you with anyone else.
He can’t, because he’d hate to have to kill one of his own for crossing one of his invisible boundaries. Though, any boundaries where you were concerned should be in some variation of neon something.
He closes his eyes and takes a centering breath. He can’t do that ever again. Share you, even if it’s through the phone.
He can’t.
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dyeher · 5 months
Warnings: dad! mitsuya, husband! mitsuya, possible breeding [fic ends before spicy shit].
Notes: mitsuya fluff inspired by my baby fever. unedited read at your own risk.
Notes: someone @audrinui <- said “tag Cass” so @s4no ❤️💋
It’s ten years later and Mitsuya is scowling at a tiny version of himself who has just managed to unravel an entire spool of red fabric onto the floor of his home workshop.
He takes a deep breath, crouching so he’s eye level with the little boy.
“Didn’t I tell you not to come in here?”
The little boy nods.
“So why are you in here?”
The boy blinks rapidly and Mitsuya bites his tongue to stifle a sigh. He can feel the oncoming tantrum as it simmers in his son’s face.
“Hey,” Mitsuya tries to calm him before he even starts. “I’m not mad,” he puts his hands up in a motion of surrender. “I just want to know what you were looking for, little monster.”
The little boy frowns at the nickname, his fingers twining nervously in front of him as he debates whether or not his father is being honest.
“C’mon tell me,” Mitsuya encourages. “Maybe daddy can help you?”
His son cocks his head in a way that reminds him so much of himself that Takashi can’t hide his smile fast enough. The answering grin that splits his son’s face knocks the wind out of his lungs. His son might be a carbon copy of him but his smile was all you.
Mitsuya reaches for him, plucking him up into his arms and propping him on his hip. “Gonna tell me what you were looking for in here kid?”
“‘s looking for my surprise,” he answers, head ducking into Mitsuya’s neck.
Mitsuya heaves a defeated sigh. “Kid, we talked about this. You’ll ruin your own surprise if you find the present before your birthday.”
Mitsuya feels the pout against his neck. “But- but I want to know now.”
Mitsuya can sympathize. The waiting game is a hard game to play as an adult, he might not remember what it was like as a kid but he can imagine it must be hell. He casts a longing glance at the fabric on the floor before leaving the room and heading into the kitchen. “How about we do something else?”
His son pulls away from his neck. Eyes narrowing at his father. “Like what?”
Sometimes Mitsuya has to remind himself that his kid is seven years old. That he’s growing. Soon he’ll be ten and then eighteen and then he’ll be bringing a girl home, and then he’ll be moving out and the house will be back to peaceful. And his threads and fabrics will stay on their spools.
He frowns. He’s not sure he likes how fast his son is growing. There’s nothing appealing about an empty house anymore. He places his son on the counter and braces his hands on either side of him.
“Wanna bake cookies for your momma, little monster?”
His son’s eyes light up, widening as he nods enthusiastically. “Chocolate chip!” he yells and Mitsuya realizes with a sudden jolt of awareness that he wants another one.
Another kid.
He goes through the motions of baking with a seven-year-old, even indulging his son in a minor flour spat, and then cleans them both up. By the time you get home they’ve retired to the couch and your son tackles you down next to him.
Mitsuya is distracted. His earlier realization sitting heavy on his mind as he watches you get your son ready for bed. He listens and inputs dutifully during story time and then presses a kiss on his son’s head before following you to your shared room.
He jolts when you wrap your arms around his waist in the bathroom.
“What’s wrong?”
He knows better than to try to tell you nothing at this point. If he’s so distracted you can sneak up at him he knows you’ll know he’s lying.
“I want another little monster,” he blurts, eyes closing when he feels you stiffen behind him.
“Are you sure?”
He meets your eyes in the mirror. “Positive.”
“And this isn’t just your desire to stuff me with cum?”
Mitsuya goes rigid, images flashing across his memory in rapid succession at your words. But- “No. I want another one,” he repeats. “Maybe a little girl this time.”
You squint at him. “Okay.”
He smiles. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow I know you’re tire—”
“Shut up and fuck me Takashi,” you chuckle, already backing away toward your bed. “Before I change my mind.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice.
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dyeher · 6 months
Third Offense | HAIKYUU
includes: daichi sawamura x fem! reader warnings: age gap [legal], anal, creampie, breeding, fem nicnknames [princess] and pronouns [her, she], daddy kink, overstimulation, incorrect use of panties, handcuffs, dirty talk. summary: your third offense lands you behind bars. 
Daichi fucks you with your cheek squished into the bar of the cell. Your lips parted, drool staining your chin and your eyes rolled into the back of your head; he fucks you like you’ve wronged him. Briefly, in the minutes before his cock presses against that one spot inside of you that makes your brain shut down, you wonder if he treats everyone who sees the inside of this cell that way. 
As if it’s not bad enough, it’s a Friday night. The station is busy with drunkards and reckless teens being dragged in almost routinely. Phones are ringing off the hook, the bustling sounds of Miyagi’s Police Station are the only things drowning out your hiccuping. Your pathetic hiccuping. 
“If you get any louder they’ll come down here wondering what the fuck is going on princess,” Daichi coos. “And then, they’ll find you here, crying on my cock, almost making a mess of my pants with the way you’re fucking creaming,” he pauses- not his thrusts, his speech- to take a breath and glance down at the place where your bodies meet, “God,” he groans. “Look at your little princess cunt, so fucking messy for daddy.”
You want to reply, you want to say yes, you want to tell him it’s all for him. But there are thick fingers pressing onto your tongue. Fingers that go deeper with the force of each of his thrusts. More than once he’s had to pull them back when you gag obnoxiously around them. 
Daichi has stripped you. Tugged your dress free from your body, ripped your panties so they’re hanging off your hip as he plows into you. They sway with the rocking of your body, almost the same way your tits are bouncing, rubbing against the cold metal of the cell door. If only you weren’t completely out of it. If only you could tell him to go slower, to be gentler but your cunt squeezes around him mindlessly, gushing another round of cum as your nth orgasm washes through you. 
He cums too. You know because you can feel the brief pain as the fat head of his cock breaches the entrance to your cervix and empties yet another load of his hot cum into it. You try to make a sound of pleasure around his fingers but only succeed in drooling more. 
“Good girl,” he grunts as he lets his weight fall against you. The downside to having your hands cuffed together on the outside of the cell is that you can’t support yourself. Not that you’d be able to anyway. You’re trembling too hard, a result of being fucked standing up. Daichi pulls his fingers free from your mouth and chuckles when you take a harsh breath. “Your little pussy did so well, princess. Daddy’s so proud of it.”
You don’t expect the hand that was in your mouth to snake down to your cunt. You don’t expect the slap that lands against your swollen clit. So you wail, a broken sound that makes Daichi’s cock throb. You slump, knees buckling under the weight of your exhaustion but Daichi isn’t done with you yet. He wraps an arm around you to support you and hoists one of your legs up to the bar running horizontally through the others. Spreading you out for him, giving him access to the important parts of you, the parts that matter right now.
“I think I’m done with your pussy for tonight,” he huffs. “I think it’s nice and full, there’s no room for daddy’s cum in there anymore.” 
He pulls his cock free, bending to watch as his thick cum begins to ooze out of you. With a dissatisfied huff, he smacks at it. The sticky strands of your mixed arousal connect him to you for a little bit. “Naughty little cunt, trying to get rid of my cum.”
He straightens to wrap his hand around your throat and silence your sob. He kisses roughly at the side of your forehead before bringing his lips to your ear to growl. “Thought you wanted me to put a baby in you. Hm? Your little cunt isn’t being very agreeable, princess.”
He lets go with a shove mumbling under his breath about common whores who won’t behave as he tears your underwear the rest of the way off. You glance down when he squats between your legs, and a split second before he does it you realize his intentions. You squirm when he stuffs the torn piece of cloth into your hole. 
“Dai- daddy,” you whine, the feeling is foreign and uncomfortable, making you wiggle your hips in consternation.
“Shh,” he gently turns your head to face him, a small smile forming on his face when he takes in your running mascara and horribly smudged lipstick. “Don’t worry, daddy knows what he’s doing. You want to keep his cum inside right? Want to give daddy a baby?”
He kisses you softly when you nod dumbly, taking his time to coax your lips and tongue with his own. It’s a mind-melting kiss that once more reduces you to a brainless set of holes, so much so you don’t feel when he rubs the thick of his cock along your exposed asshole. Barely feel when he presses one thick finger into it. It’s not the first time Daichi has fucked your other hole but there’s usually far more prep involved before he can even attempt to fit in there. 
Tonight though, it’s clear he’s a little upset about what you’ve gotten yourself into. About the fact that he’s been forced to arrest you for something he’d warned you about several times before. He doesn’t stop kissing you until the head of his cock presses against the puckered hole. He’s still soaked in your cum and he’s too impatient to provide more prep. He pulls away from your mouth then, dragging the hand around your waist up to squeeze at your breasts and pinch at your nipples.
“Relax, princess,” he pleads, hooking his chin over your shoulder. “Let me get in there.” He peppers kisses along your exposed skin, sucking and nipping into your neck until you relax enough for the head to pop in. You squeal; an adorable sound that has Daichi’s eyes squeezing shut as he forces himself not to cum again. 
He’s incredibly overstimulated. His cock raw and pulsing but he needs to fill you with cum. He needs to fill every hole in your body. Every crevice that can collect liquid, he needs to douse your inside in him. It’s what you deserve. To be treated like a cum jar. A cum dump. A fleshlight. A toy. And Daichi doesn’t care if he fucks himself dumb doing it but he will use you.
His hand slides down your tummy and thick fingers nestle themselves on either side of your clit, they scissor against your puffy lips, spreading them apart and smearing the mess around. You keen when he uses your relaxed state as an opportunity to slip his cock the rest of the way in.
“There we go,” he chuckles. “There you are.” He takes a moment to appreciate the way you have to stretch to accommodate him, and then at the velveteen walls that massage the veins on either side of his cock. When he pulls out you both groan at the obscene squelch. 
“Fu-fuck,” you whimper, fingers flexing as they scramble for something to hold on to. There is nothing though. Not when they’re outstretched in front of you. “Please- plea-“
“Please what Princess?” he uses his thumb to press the head back into you. The fit is so tight, so deliciously perfect that Daichi loses his sense of awareness for a little bit. Forgets where he is, his vision going white at the burn from how tight you are, the sound of his blood roaring in his ears deafens him. He has to stay frozen, one hand on your hip as he regains his bearings. 
“Fuck me,” you slur. “Fuck my little hole.”
“Oh God,” your words snap something inside of him, as though he wasn’t already spiraling from the number of times he’d stuffed your cunt with his cum he’s suddenly overcome with the need to fucking ruin your little ass. So, he does. 
A big palm pressing your face into the frigid bars, he rams into you. His pace is unforgiving even to him. You’re both moaning and panting and groaning; broken, breathy, dizzying sounds that spur each other on. Daichi mutters filth into your ear and you agree with dumb little ‘uh huh’s and ‘yes daddy’s because that’s all you can manage to say. When he cums into your ass you cry, you sob and tremble so badly that Daichi can barely catch you before you’re straining yourself on the weight of your cuffs. 
You’re both sweaty and disgusting but, Daichi doesn’t give you the opportunity to freshen up before he takes you home. When Sugawara opens the front door, there’s a tense moment of silence while he takes in your disheveled form and ruined make-up. He gives Daichi a calculating look, one that Daichi recognizes all too well.
“Thank you, Daichi-san,” Sugawara sighs. “I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t looking out for her.”
“It’s never a problem Suga.”
“You-” Sugawara glares in your direction, “-get in the house. Get cleaned up. We’ll talk about this in the morning.”
You’re about to protest, about to tell your father that there’s nothing to talk about, that you’re a fucking adult even if you are still living with him but, the subtle clearing of Daichi’s throat paralyzes you.
“Goodnight daddy,” you huff. You don’t wait for a reply, scurrying into the house and away from both men. Daichi bites his tongue when he realizes that you’ve only given one goodbye. He almost calls you a brat as you storm off but Suga doesn’t seem to catch on to the way daddy addresses them both.
“Sometimes, I think you’d be a much better father to her than I am,” Suga sighs.
Daichi chuckles, ‘“You’re an amazing father Suga, she’s just a little attention hungry.”
“I can’t afford to keep bailing her out every other week!”
“As long as I’m at the precinct, she’ll be fine,” Daichi reassures him.
“This is her third offense,” Suga frowns. “You can’t protect her forever, and it might cost you your job.”
It’s actually your sixth offense, the other three times he’d just never been able to make it to the station before you’d finally goaded him into fucking you in the back seat of the cruiser. Belatedly, Daichi recognizes that he may have encouraged this behavior by giving you the attention you were asking for, he recognizes that he may have created a monster. He doesn't care though, if there’s one thing he’s good at it’s breaking brats.
“It’s fine Suga,” Daichi smiles. “We can fix this, we’ll just have to work on her together.”
474 notes · View notes
dyeher · 6 months
includes| Akaashi Keiji x Fem! Reader x Bokuto Koutaro— smut(1.3k words)
warnings| Oral Sex, Cum Play, Anal Fingering, Degradation, Mentions of Cucking, Mentions of Orgasm Denial, Mentions of Overstimulation, Dom/Sub Relationships.
notes| mean akaashi my beloved.
people regularly made the mistake of accusing akaashi of being the sane one in your relationship. his refined features, lean build, and gentle demeanor usually gave the illusion of elegance, propriety, vanilla. the assumption that a man who preferred to read and write in his spare time was boring was so, incredibly wrong. boring?
he was not.
akaashi keiji, behind the mahogany doors of your shared bedroom was a tyrant, a madman, an unforgiving dictator. the worst kind of leader. it was especially bad when he found one of his meticulously crafted rules were broken. there were three of them, two of which were assigned punishments and one that was left up in the air. open to anything.
rule 1: no one cums before you. the bane of koutaro’s existence is that once his dick gets anywhere near your soft walls, or your equally soft lips he’s left brainless. hyper-focused on the feel of them around him, and this leads to him cumming early. it’s almost like he can’t help it. punishment is overstimulation. the pro-athlete is strapped to a chair, a vibrator tied to the shaft of his cock, and left to stare in agony as akaashi eats you out, sucks and fingers at your pulsing walls until you scream koutaro’s name. koutaro is allowed to cum, as many times as he likes, and punishment usually ends when his orgasms come dry and leave him sobbing akaashi’s name.
“I’m sorry, ‘m sorry, ‘m sorry,” he sobs, “won’t do it again, ‘kaashi, ‘kaashi please, ‘m sorry.”
rule 2: no toys without supervision. you’re dating a manga editor and a professional athlete, not only are they busy often but, you make it an unfortunate habit of not saying anything when you feel neglected. this is where the trouble starts. you always end up sitting on the bed, the black box in your lap chewing on your lip as you consider how much time you have to get yourself off before one of them gets home. if it’s kou, then maybe you can guilt trip him into forgiving you but, if it’s akaashi? punishment involves denial.
you’re not allowed anywhere near their cock for the next seven days. they’ll play with you as they like though; keiji runs long fingers through your folds, teases at your hole absentmindedly, stuffs you with his favorite dildo, and watches your cunt flutter around the glass while koutaro fucks him on your shared bed; koutaro lets you watch as he fucks his fist in the shower, slaps your hand away when you reflexively reach out to help him, sucks on your nipples and litters your pretty skin with his marks but, ultimately leave you unfulfilled. on day eight you’re fucked senseless, made love to slowly, eaten out, doted on, whispered to, worshipped. their way of reminding you what they can do toys cannot.
rule 3: no lying. situations like these were when the real monster came out. an akaashi who took his glasses off before getting to the bedroom was a dangerous one. it was a stupid little lie, supposedly a prank that you and kou had dreamed up but, it had stressed akaashi out and now? now you were going to be punished.
“on your knees,” his voice is deceptively calm, like the lull in the seas before a tsunami, the silence of birds in the trees before a storm. “take me out, suck me off until I say to stop.”
koutaro scrambles to undo the waist of akaashi’s slacks and drag his dick free of it’s confines, he’s soft and koutaro instinctively leans in to run his tongue along it. it twitches, and koutaro hums.
“i don’t want to hear those; don’t hum, don’t moan,” akaashi sighs, “just, shut the fuck up, and suck my dick.”
you gulp where you’re kneeling next to kou, you can see the way he swallows around the head of akaashi’s cock and your pussy weeps a little at how badly he’s going to punish you. he’s moved your antics to the living area, so your knees are probably going to bruise from the rug under them but, you stay silent because you’ve not been addressed; you listen, to the wet sounds of koutaro choking on the pretty head of keiji’s dick.
you glance up to find glacial eyes trained on you. his lips are parted, and you can see that he’s breathing heavily.
“are you going to let him do all the work?” he asks. “get over here.” he shoves koutaro’s head off and motions for you to get closer. “you can both do it.”
kou watches from the other side of akaashi’s cock as you lick a long strip up the shaft and suckle the head into your mouth, he leans in and joins in, bringing one hand up to cup akaashi’s balls, as he sucks at the base and shaft. you pull back as one to run your tongues along the bottom. they rub against the heated flesh and each other, and akaashi moans at the sight.
“fuck,” he groans. “the only thing you’re good at-” kou gives a particularly hard suck at the base at the same time you dip lower to take one of his balls into your mouth and he whines, “-shit, being my little cock suckers, it’s the only thing.”
your lips and mouth are stained with akaashi’s pre-cum so are koutaro’s. by the time akaashi cums along both your tongues where they’re sticking out next to each other, koutaro’s cock is leaking everywhere and your cunt is soaked.
kou turns to you, tongue coated in cum and grabs you by the back of your head and shoves it against yours. your mind hazes, thoughts going cloudy; only akaashi’s cum mixed with kou’s saliva as it swishes around your mouth mixing with yours.
you moan as his tongue swirls around yours, the actions forces you to swallow the concoction and you’re just about to climb into him, when you’re separated by a harsh tug on your hair. your neck protests at the rough handling, your scalp burns but, the pain goes straight to your throbbing clit.
“always so selfish,” akaashi hisses. his cock twitches against his stomach when you let out twin sobs. “you’re not getting anything tonight.” he points out. “don’t do shit to make me angrier, who said you could use my cum like that?”
when no answer comes, he lets go of your hair with a shove. “get me the silicone dildo in the safe koutaro. the one with the vibrating head, and the lube,” he says, and you lock eyes with kou for a second. kou opens his mouth to tell akaashi that doesn’t sound like a punishment, and you slap a palm over his mouth.
“he’ll do it,” you say, “he’ll get it.”
akaashi laughs. “yes, he will.”
you’re concerned about the way akaashi’s smug smile grows wider when koutaro returns with it.
“i’ll be using it on myself,” he smiles. “you’ll sit over there and watch,” he motions to the other side of the room the matching armchairs stare back. “if I can’t make myself cum,” he tuts, “well, i have a few friends who’re willing to help.”
koutaro chokes, and you sink to your ass on the floor with a whimper, “’kaash-”
“sit, and watch,” he says, the hard edge to his voice has you both scrambling to the other side of the room. “if i don’t come, i’ll call osamu,” he chuckles, and koutaro glares at him from across the room, “him and suna would take care of me,” he sighs.
“we’re so-”
“i know, and after this you’ll think really hard about what you do and say without me,” he snarls the words and goosebumps erupt across your chest. “lying to me? what did you call it? a prank?” his laugh is hollow. “it’s almost like, my rules mean nothing to you.”
he’s stripped fully, and settled onto his knees on the couch, face down into the cushions.
“let’s hope i can make myself cum,” he groans as one of his fingers disappears into his ass. “otherwise…” he doesn’t have to say anything. both you and kou know he’d do it, this isn’t akaashi that they can argue with, this is the tryant.
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dyeher · 5 months
You should have known this would be boring.
The dress is affectionately (according to your husband) named after you. Elegant but simple and something you’d definitely consider an ‘easy access’ dress with a slit that runs the entire length of your left leg and up to your hip.
You couldn’t wear panties with this dress, and the longer Mitsuya parades you through the dimly lit ballroom and introduces you to his designer friends the more aware you become of the fact that you’re not wearing them. You’re his model tonight. Wearing one of his originals and charming the professionally styled toupees off rich, old bastards.
“I’ll give you anything you want if you do this for me.”
Famous last words.
As it stands the dress does provide easy access. And when you tug Mitsuya into one of the private bathrooms and tell him exactly what you want you don't know which one of you is more thankful for his design.
“Shit,” Mitsuya hisses. He’s trying to go slow, trying to be gentle so the sound of your fucking doesn’t echo in the spacious room. But you’re determined to unravel his control. The heel of your shoe digs into the exposed skin of his ass as you try to draw him closer with your legs.
“Fuck me properly,” you whine. “Need it—please I—”
He cuts you off with a large palm to your mouth. “You’ll take what I give you,” he pants. His suit jacket is sprayed across the marble countertops and Mitsuya has caught the bottom of his dress shirt in between his teeth. The unobstructed view of his cock as it disappears into your tight little pussy leaves him a little delirious.
You try to say something against his hand and Mitsuya gives you a short glare. He thought you’d at least wait until you were home before throwing yourself at him but he can’t exactly blame you when he hadn’t stopped you.
And the way you’d whispered what you wanted in his ear. ‘A baby’ as though it were an expensive handbag that he could simply buy. As though it were something so easily attainable there needn’t be any preamble about it. Flattered by your confidence in his ability to pull through he’d let you drag him—stunned as he was and almost gaping at your satisfied grin—through the crowd and to the second floor where no one would disturb you and proceeded to beg him.
And Mitsuya is a weak man in general. But made even weaker by your nervous fidgeting and doe eyes he’d simply hoisted you onto the counter and proceeded to fuck you. Proceeded to give you exactly what you want. Egged on by your throaty ‘thank yous’ and breathless ‘wanna make you a daddys’ he’d barely restrained himself from hauling you out of the building and taking you home.
And now as he cums for the second time, he takes a shaky steadying breath, preparing himself to pull out and convince you to get back to the party. But the obscene squelch as his cock pulls free and some of his cum dribbles out of your pussy has you both groaning. The sight is enough to have his spent cock twitching.
One more, Mitsuya tells himself. Just one more time and then you’ll return.
@audrinui mwah!
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