artistassinideas · 5 days
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Vulture Monster:
A creature similar to a vulture.
Monstruo buitre:
Una criatura similar a un buitre.
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hyperatomart · 6 months
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The Birdmen are reasonably intelligent, possessing the ability to scavenge useful trinkets and even perform basic crafting.
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0grinnie0 · 1 year
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some characters i made myself!
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avesmonster · 2 months
let's talk about KEPLER i have a theory that he got the eccentric half of his personality from jacobi. because he acts totally different depending on who he's talking to. first of all:
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the way cutter says this implies that kepler never jokes around with them. he's like "YOU'VE got to be kidding cause that's nothing like kepler at all" even though we've all heard kepler tell that fuckign pig joke and also just about everything else he says in s3
and we know he's scared of cutter (this is when the sol manifests out of nothign)
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and that he's ALWAYS been scared of cutter. throwback to kansas
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so it makes sense he wouldn't be all silly goofy around Scary Man Number One (he also doesn't seem to be very unafraid of pryce. not even rachel is unafraid of pryce but that's a different topic). so he's only silly when he's COMFORTABLE...... and that said i'll circle back around to this later
first thing with jacobi i wanna point out is that he was the one who taught kepler questions only. which seems to be the best thing that has ever happened to kepler why is he so enthused about this game
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and then at the end of no complaints
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this really makes it sound like jacobi pranks kepler all the time but it's totally unthinkable that Kepler would ever prank him back. Jacobi is so astonished by this (and idk what the Duck Thing was but. whatever it is it apparently wasn't a prank)
anyway it would make sense that jacobi plays around at work a lot because. his profile literally says he does
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and kepler seems to highly value this trait of jacobi's. first by enjoying his sarcasm and then when he tells eiffel that jacobi is a smart man for telling eiffel to lighten up
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and all the way up to dirty work, kepler is his usual silly and irritating self. even when he's taken captive and down a hand, he keeps joking around. and playing twenty questions with people. and overall being a smug little jackass
until... dirty work happens. and something shifts in kepler. something MAJOR because once jacobi turns on him, his whole demeanor and brain chemistry changes in under 24 hours
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he's completely serious after this. he has a few bantery lines but otherwise, he's all business, and he's SCARED, and he's not interested in joking around with anyone anymore. he's stuck pretending to be on cutter's side and that means he has to act NORMAL--apparently his "normal" doesn't include being a silly little man
and like,, he honest to god didn't think jacobi was upset with him. which is a whole other thing i could talk about but for the purposes of this argument, it really is the Exact Moment that he realizes he lost jacobi's support that his personality makes the shift. when he still THOUGHT jacobi was on his side, even after getting his ass kicked by everyone on the station and bob, after being completely humiliated he STILL acts smug and unserious. like i cannot overstate the shift that happens in this man during dirty work i really can't
so going back to kansas. which is the only scene we have of him before he met jacobi. he was very rigid, nervous, and angry. and that's ALL he was. also
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he's just a man who wants to be taken seriously. apparently
which,, the life he built came at a pretty ridiculously steep cost. so yeah, i guess he WOULD want to be taken seriously. it's not like he has anything else
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he's an empty shell. he's a manipulator, too--he knows how imitate people around him to make them comfortable. He emulates Cutter to the point of making his job his whole personality. It's not out of the question that he would pick up some personality traits from jacobi, the man who's been glued to his side for six years. especially when he's around jacobi and he's having fun. jacobi likes having fun!! so kepler can do that too!! he can imitate people and be just like a real boy!!
going back to no complaints once more, kepler is all business that whole time. other than when he gets really excited about questions only. and of course when it was revealed it was all a prank--even then he didn't do any kind of big reveal, he just?? "Yes I Pranked You" RIGID. happy though :) and that was only one year into knowing each other. he likes the games jacobi taught him and he liked playing that prank and he liked planning a,, frankly EXCESSIVE first anniversary party with his subordinate but i digress, he's still kinda flat in no complaints but it seems like he's having a bit of a shift?? he's having fun with jacobi. he doesn't have fun with anyone else--not really, not when jacobi isn't somewhere in the same building and on his side
and since jacobi has a whole philosophy about "work shouldn't be separate from play," it's implied that he plays pranks on kepler, and implied that he's always getting into trouble--idk, to me it really feels like kepler absorbed some of jacobi's personality over the years. for funsies <3
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thanks for coming to my kepler talk he's all i ever think about
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demitsorou · 1 year
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Ultimate Doom, or Teridax but a giant birdmonster. 2019-2020, photoshop, csp, procreate.
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autolenaphilia · 2 years
Wrath Goddess Sing
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Wrath Goddess Sing by Maya Deane is an incredible fantasy novel.
It’s an adaptation of Greek mythology, although it also touches on the myths of other cultures such as ancient Egyptian ones. But of course it’s most specifically an adaptation of the story of Achilles and the Trojan war. It reimagines Achilles as a trans woman. Achilles’ stay on Skyros as a woman becomes her finding refuge among a community of trans women priestesses of Aphrodite. Thetis becomes a human woman in this version who died giving birth to Achilles, but she was a vessel for the goddess Athena. Achilles of course gets recruited into the Trojan war like in the stories Deane draws inspiration from. But she also is magically transformed by her divine mother Athena, and gets the body she desires, with a womb.
Yet it is not just a matter of replacing a cis male Achilles with a trans woman version of the character. Instead it’s a radical reimagining of Greek mythology, where the themes that a transfeminine Achilles brings up are brought front and center. Those who expect a “faithful” re-telling can look elsewhere. This is unfaithful to the point of being literally blasphemous. Greek myth was the product of a profoundly (trans)misogynistic patriarchal culture. And here it is reimagined in ways that center woman and specifically trans women. There are communities of trans woman in this version of the ancient world who are called the kallai, of which is that on Skyros is but one. Trans women are not just priestesses but also goddesses. Zeus is not the patriarchal king of the Gods, and goddesses are even more important than male gods. The changes are radical and I found Deane’s re-imagining into her own mythology and cosmology profoundly interesting. I won’t describe it in detail because finding out how she fashions a new mythology is a joyful act of discovery for an interested reader.
It’s one that centers goddesses and women, but it’s not the ciscentric ones of various neopagan creepy vagina cults (pace Contrapoints). Instead it’s one where transfemininity is central, and where trans womanhood is revealed to be the birth of abstract thought and divinity. Achilles herself goes through what can only be described as an apotheosis.
Not that gods and goddesses are good things necessarily. They are parasitic beings who feed on human sacrifice, both ritualistic and through war. Achilles is herself a violent and bloodthirsty person, perhaps because of her divine heritage. War is ultimately seen as a form of ritualistic human sacrifice in this novel. And that influences Achilles’s decision to stop fighting when the novel reaches the events of the Illiad. It’s such an interesting depiction of the gods. They feel both human and alien, going beyond the “humans with superpowers” they are often reduced to in pop culture. We get to see Athena as a weird birdmonster woman, and it’s great.
At the center of the Trojan war is Helen, who is an immensely powerful goddess and sorceress. Her powers have been used by the gods to reshape the world before. But now she is done with being used, and wants to use the blood sacrifice of the Trojan war to destroy and re-shape the world herself.
It’s a radical change to the rather characterless Helen of the myths, and I love it. She is not the prize passed around from man to man, never having her own agency. The original Helen was the patron saint of female characters that could be replaced with a sexy lamp. Here she is a delightful antagonist, who drives the plot and is immensely powerful. She has a fun evil personality as well, with this delightful homoerotic nemesis relationship to Achilles.
Achilles is a wonderful main character in himself. Sure, she is a power fantasy for trans women, and that’s great actually, because that’s super-rare in fiction. That this novel has this bisexual trans woman character who is a great warrior and demigoddess for a heroine is part of why you should read it. Having macho man warrior king Agamemnon bottom for a trans woman is part of the fun.
But she is also a great complex character with virtues as well as flaws. She is selfish, arrogant, brash, and bloodthirsty. But also capable of great kindness, love and self-sacrifice. There is for example a subplot where Achilles realizes her own privileges as a slave-owning warrior princess and grows to understand how cruel she has been to them. It leads to a kind of resolution near the end of the novel where she frees them and shares her wealth with them.
The novel is full of great characters. Achilles’ relationship with Patroklos is not the m/m romance readers might expect. But the love is real, grounded in Patroklos being the only one in the family who recognizes Achilles as a trans girl during her childhood.
Patroklos is married to an Egyptian woman named Meryapi. She is an intelligent cultured woman who has her own growth throughout the book, growing aware of her powers as a sorceress. Her close friendship with Achilles is one of the most beautiful friendships between women in fiction that I have read. It’s a depiction of actual, meaningful sisterhood, going far beyond the meaningless slogan.
Briseis is another female character in the Illiad who could have been replaced with a sexy lamp. A slave who Achilles rapes and whose “theft” by Agamemnon drives the plot. Thankfully Deane’s version of the character is a massive improvement. Brisewos is a trans man Amazon, who becomes Achilles’ captive willingly to save his people from being destroyed by Achilles. He retains a considerable amount of agency in this situation, and actually willingly joins Agamemnon’s court, which Achilles accepts.
Brisewos was at the center of the manufactured hate campaign against this novel for racism, started by a writer on twitter. It was a transmisogynistic and anti-semitic clusterfuck to be perfectly frank. It relied on doing a dishonest reading of Achilles as white and Brisewos as black, so it became “white heroine enslaves scary violent black man”. This was of course applying USAian concepts of ethnicity on the very different ancient Mediterranean world of the novel. It also left out a lot of context which revealed the agency Brisewos retained as a captive of Achilles. Claiming that he is depicted as being a violent savage black man also ignores that Achilles is depicted as more violent than he is. He is far from “savage” and is actually a voice of reason in most scenes where he appears. And Achilles clearly comes to the realization that her owning slaves is bad by the end of the novel and releases them. The controversy was ultimately built on lies.
It’s telling how pervasive transmisogyny is because this kind of controversy based on nothing seems to occur literally everytime a trans woman publishes a book nowadays. Like people are suspicious of transfeminine people because they believe we are sexually perverted rapey men in dresses, so when they find a trans woman trying to have a career they will try to find some reason to ostracize her or end her career. And they will just outright manufacture a reason. It’s like that convo early on in Half-Life 2 about the Combine “They have no reason to come to our place. - Don’t worry, they’ll find one”.
It happened last year to Torrey Peters and Detransition, Baby. Except I think the campaign against Deane and her novel while smaller in scope is more insidious. The hate campaign against Peters was lead by explicit TERFs, while the one against Wrath Goddess Sing came from supposedly trans-inclusive social justice spaces complaining about racism. They even accused Deane of transphobia for the sin of depicting transmisogyny against Achilles including violent bullying and using words like “faggot” in doing so, which is the height of chutzpah.
It shows how transmisogyny is incredibly prevalent in supposedly trans-inclusive spaces, which are often more inclusive of TME trans people than anyone transfeminine. It’s more insidious because it’s cloaked beneath performative displays of how “trans women are women” and how it uses individual accusations against transfeminine people instead of open “trans women are not allowed” transmisogyny.
Like the discourse wasn’t explicitly “Maya Deane shouldn’t have a writing career because she is transfeminine” (even though that was actually the reason for the campaign) but “Maya Deane shouldn’t have a writing career because she is racist (My source is that I made it the fuck up)”. Such discourse often obscures what is being done, like Deane was often described in vague terms as a “white queer” in order to hide the fact this hate campaign was actually against a Jewish trans woman.
That kind of veiled transmisogyny harder to defend against than naked transmisogyny against transfems as a group, because you have to defend a supposed racist (or a rapist or a pedophile or whatever the accusation is) to even point it out. Otherwise the people doing the call-outs will just deflect with “I’m not a transmisogynist, because I’m not saying all transfems are evil, just this specific one (for reasons that I made up).” All to avoid a discussion of the systematic transmisogyny that causes mostly transfems to be targeted in this way.
Of course the guy who manufactured the controversy had his own “queer” Greek mythology re-telling book to sell. So he might have just wanted to hurt the competition. The closest cinematic parallel is probably that scene in Amadeus where Salieri tries to sabotage Mozart’s career by lying about The Abduction from the Seraglio, claiming that a seraglio is a brothel.
I have went on about this bullshit for long enough, and I’ll finish by linking to Dathomira’s excellent goodreads review. She is an Algerian trans woman and has clearly considerable historical and personal knowledge about the Mediterranean culturesphere that the novel deals with. The refrain in the hate campaign was “listen to people of color”, yet the opinions of transfeminine people of color was never asked for, despite them experiencing the intersection of oppressions that was most relevant to any discussion of this novel. And Dathomira supplies that perspective.
And it’s a wonderful book. Wrath Goddess Sing is a really well-written book, with some beautiful lyrical prose. It’s an imaginative fantasy that adapts mythology in very interesting ways. It’s that rarest of novels, a transfeminine power fantasy. And it’s a novel with complex flawed and interesting characters, and develops engaging relationships between them. It’s a novel that talks about the folly of war, hierarchy and of worshipping gods that don’t care about you. It talks about the glory and tribulations of being transfeminine, what it means to be a woman and the beauty of female friendships.
It’s a novel that takes some of the oldest stories in Western culture and subverts their patriarchal transmisogynistic ideology. It re-writes them to put women and especially trans women characters in its centre. It gives us a version of the stories of Achilles and the Trojan war and the greek gods where we exist and are allowed to affect the story. How important it is for trans people to find stories about people like them or creating them is actually a theme of the book. It’s a beautiful gift for such a skilled storyteller to give to her readers. It’s a gift that the transmisogynists did not want us to have, a lot of criticism against this book has been “how dare you change the myths?” and Maya Deane has braved a lot to give it to us.
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papermonkeyism · 2 years
Thinking of all the countless characters I have now that I'm setting up for ArtFight (should I add Wings-of-Brass? I kinda want to add Wings-of-Brass) I remembered these two trolls I have, and I kinda have a dilemma now.
Remember these two?
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I made these two in 2015, and I just really, really love them.
Unfortunately I made them for an ARPG, and I just don't do ARPGs like I used to anymore, specially the closed species breeding sim type ones I used these two in. I just don't like being tied to breeding mechanics and collecting tons of character designs the more complex the better, of a species owned by someone else, when all I want to do is draw funny animal shenanigans in my own corner. You know?
What sucks the most is that they don't really have a setting or story of their own without the ARPG. I don't think I even have art of them without their birdmonsters. I want to draw them, but I don't have a context to draw them in. And it sucks. :(
I dunno, I just don't know what to do with them. I just really like them a lot.
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royalslimefather · 1 year
Is there some franchises you liked when you were younger and when revisiting it made you think "what the hell was I thinking?!" about it?
The two first manga volumes I bought were the last two of Global Garden and I fell in love, a (seemingly) powerful girl, a half birdmonster guy who kills a guy creeping on her, their relationship is complex but they seemed to understand each other well... there was time travel, beautiful flowers, disabled characters that are respected (one boy is mute), cool action, etc. I bought them in Spanish which I'm not very good at even yet, so I didn't really have any what was going on.
10 years later it's scanlated and I find out that the guy is actually 70 but was given medicine to slow his aging so he looks a little older than her as she's 16... And he basically grooms her, including to watching her bathe and was her actual legal guardian for a while... While the art is pretty is the story actually just very creepy. But even though I know this... I still have this soft spot for it... Each time I look at the cover I get nostalgic and proud of having found it as there wasn't much manga around that area, what I thought the story was I liked... But it was actually so awful... And part of me have a hard time accepting that... Sometimes nostalgia is a curse...
That's alot
Honestly I still cringe when ever I think about Hetalia and Hearthstone
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years
Robin: Son of Nightwing
by BirdMonster
"When your dad came back, there was a moment I thought it would be better for you if you stayed with me."
AU where Dick decides to have Damian come live with him after all.
Words: 1078, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: Family Bonding, Sibling Bonding, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Child Neglect, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41743944
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Winter's Garden
by BirdMonster
Stede made Edward feel things. A lot of things.
Words: 1008, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Post-Break Up, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40379076
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by Abigail Jill Harding
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artistassinideas · 7 months
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Pájaro cornudo bicéfalo.
Bicephalous horned bird.
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israfelart · 5 years
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Sometimes a Raven a pigeon and a sparrow can be honorary crows too. . . Couldn't hold back and had to do a #drawthisinyourstyle of #dimitrispantazisart Crow. Though I did go with a more fantasy route in the end. If you're still not following them - go do it! And check out all the submissions, because it helped me find more amazing artists to follow :) . . . #crow #raven #pigeon #dove #birds #medievalbirds #sparrow #fantasy #birdmonster #monsterbird #headchoppedoff #magicsword #sword #eyeball #fantasybird #teambird #birb #birds #drawthisinyourstylechallenge #organharvesting #illustration #characterdesign #characterart #illustrationartist #instagramartists #dndinspired https://www.instagram.com/p/B0jH1UdgGSS/?igshid=180np1ulow3mh
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avesmonster · 2 months
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well it looks like SOMEONE'S sensitive about the fact they ruined their own life
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vexcrochet · 5 years
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There is no controlling the fluffy hair . . . #crochetaddict #crochet #craft #monstergirl #chibi #cute #kawaii #birdmonster #bird #new #amigurumi #birdgirl #snake #naga #snakegirl https://www.instagram.com/p/BwENUVqh9Th/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ssjosv79x2qi
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hafflature · 5 years
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