#bless her for putting up with my random thoughts
mingsolo · 4 hours
awful summer nights
wonwoo x reader (f) / angst, romance, friends to lovers, smut / warnings: alcohol mentions, cursing, unprotected sex, that's it I think, pretty light / wc: 5k — r: 21+
For most people, the hot air of mid June, when the sun was high and its rays shone bright almost all day long, was certainly a blessing. 
Certainly not for you.
Exhausted, despite not having done much all morning, you stretch out. Laying on the fluffy rug in your room, the fan on maximum power makes your hair blow up in all directions. You wish nothing more than for the sun to go to the other side of the planet. Also, the heat is making your mind dizzier, not letting you think straight about what happened earlier in the day. You take your phone and see the text message again, as you have been doing all morning:
‘See you tonight, I have something for you.’
“Jeon Wonwoo, you idiot.” you curse under your breath. He had been away the past weeks, barely responding to your texts. He didn’t mention where he was going or what for, and you got angry at yourself for thinking he was obliged to tell you.
A new text interrupts your thoughts. Glancing over it quickly thinking it could be another message from Wonwoo you feel guilty for being slightly disappointed it’s from Yeri, your best friend, and the host for tonight’s party. 
“Come down! We're going shopping.” Yeri’s text it’s followed by a picture of her leaning against her brand new pink convertible’s door, flashing a full teeth smile and her fingers framing her small face. You scoff, texting her back that you’ll be there in a minute. With the little energy you have, you put on your shoes and leave the apartment.
“Well damn, look at this!” you say, passing Yeri by and hopping straight into the shiny pink car. You have seen pictures of it already, since she sent everyone at least fifty of them from all angles, but seeing it up close was obviously more impactful. “This is Barbie's car! everyone will be looking as you pass by on this thing” you raved, hopping in and feeling the leather seats against your bare legs. 
“That’s the point sweetie,” Yeri smiles, getting in the driver's side and putting on her sunglasses. You laugh with her, feeling the excitement to ride on her new toy, but while Yeri is busy fixing her hair on the front mirror before getting going, your mind wanders back to Wonwoo.
You are head over heels in love with him and you shouldn’t. That wasn’t the deal. 
At the mall, you continue to drag your feet, wiping away the sweat over your brows thanks to the open roof, letting all the sunrays land on the top of your head. Yeri on the other hand seems fresh as a daisy, coming in and out of all clothing stores, not quite finding what she is looking for. 
“Yeri, the party is today, I can’t believe you don’t have an outfit ready yet” you grunt, finally sitting on a bench inside one particular store, facing the summer sets on display. 
“Of course I have mine ready, I chose it like a month ago” she answers, picking out a dress from one of the racks. 
You arch your browns confused. “So we here on your birthday, looking for random outfits” 
“No silly, this outfit is not for me” she interrupts you with the biggest smile ever, holding against her body a baby blue crop spaghetti dress, adorned with white flowers. “It’s for you.”
“Huh?.” you shove away the dress as she hands it over for you to try it on. “I’m not wearing that.” you refuse, now being dragged to the changing room.
“Come on! a gift for me, you will look so pretty!” she pouts and nags, using her baby voice that annoys you as much as it makes you soft for her. “There’s no way you will show up at my party in a t-shirt and shorts” she huffs, arching her eyebrow knowing exactly that’s what you were planning on doing.
“I already bought you a gift you know, besides what’s wrong with shorts, it’s hot!”
“Yeah, and this dress is pretty, lightweight and short! So no excuses, try it on.” She pushes you behind the curtain of the dressing booth and waits for you. 
Defeated you do as told. Just because it's her birthday you can’t refuse letting her get away with this. And what is wrong with looking cute for once, if it’s to please your best friend on her special day? You tell yourself as Yeri hops behind you, you look in the mirror, surprised  and scandalized at how good you look with such a short skirt and prominent cleavage.
“Well take it!” She signs, getting out of the changing room with an ear to ear smile.
“Fine.” you sigh, not really mad about it at all.
Fuck this heat. 
You huff and puff, wiping away the drops of sweat from your forehead, again. You stand across the street from where the party is taking place, on the other side in full bloom. Music blasting loudly as far as two blocks away, hanging lights illuminating every window, from the first floor to the rooftop. You spot friends of Yeri and other familiar faces coming in and out of the main entrance, everyone seemingly enjoying themselves despite being under the humid weather. 
Pressing the gift against your chest, you breathe in and out again for the last time before walking towards the party. The other gift, your outfit— was awkwardly revealing, but it helped let the air ease the heat against your skin. 
As soon as you step in from the stone tiled floors of the entrance, you see it’s even more crowded with people than you could imagine. Seemingly half city was here and you got anxious just knowing you had to walk in the middle of all these people. You make your way between the sweaty skin of everyone you pass by, pushing your way to the stairs desperately wanting to reach the upstairs patio. 
The stairs are also fully crowded by people coming down or like you, wanting to go up to the second floor. You press yourself against the walls to let people pass you, avoiding as much as possible to come in contact with anybody. The sensation of others touching your exposed skin was a hard pass in your book.
When you finally reach the second floor, you walk straight to the big balcony. With a final shove you get to the patio doors and find with relief that there’s just a few people outside. Your eyes look for Yeri or another of your friends, desperate to find a familiar face. But definitely not that face. Just not yet. 
“Y/n!” The squeaky voice of an already tipsy Yeri greets you from the other side of the patio, coming towards you with open arms. “My god you look too good!” your friend says loudly, making you spin over your heels, modeling the perfectly crafted outfit for her. 
“You do look great Y/n, like a doll.” the voice of Dami, another of your good friends, reassures Yeri’s statement. 
“I told you Dami! She should let me dress her more often” Yeri smiles again, taking a drink from one of the waiters and handing it over to you. You roll your eyes and just let her praise you, or more so herself about how good you look.
As Yeri and Dami begin catching you up with who and what’s going on in the party so far, a shiver goes down your spine, feeling a familiar intense stare on the back of your neck. Instinctively you turn over your shoulder, spotting Wonwoo looking at you— and also a girl you didn’t know speaking enthusiastically to him, arm intertwined with his. You look away immediately, trying to catch up with what your friends were saying. 
“Stop, I’m not your barbie,” you shove Yeri’s hand off from pinching your cheek, and take a sip of your drink. With your free hand you put the gift on her hands. “Happy birthday again, here’s for another year keeping up with your shenanigans.” you say, kissing her cheek with a loud smack. 
Yeri squeaks and thanks you again, not before reassuring that the best gift is that you look so pretty today. You brush over her compliments, awkwardly trying not to spin thanks to the short length of your dress, but trying not to think much of it. You did look good after all, and it made you feel nice that people were noticing. 
“Y/n, you ok?” Dami asks with narrowed eyes. 
“I’m fine, is just the heat… it’s making me dizzy” 
“Y/n doesn’t stand the heat,” Yeri pouts, “Sorry for being born this time of the year.” She mimics crying, and you push her lightly. 
“I’m going to freshen up, walking between all the people made me kinda nauseous.” 
“Want help?.” Dami asks.
“I’m fine Dam, just wait for me here, please don’t get lost or I will never find you again.” 
You excuse yourself and walk towards the door, looking for the upstairs bathroom, glancing over Wonwoo quickly again— watching as he hasn’t shaken off the girl from his arm. You try not to mind it, getting away from the patio. As soon as you reach the bathroom you close the door behind you. 
Who could be that girl? And why is she clingling over him? You shake your head. You have no right to be thinking this way. You swore that you wouldn’t be that girl. Getting jealous over him, as if he was your boyfriend. When he is not. 
What Wonwoo and you had was a friendship, arranged with certain special terms, for those days when both of you were in need of a certain type of company. “Fuck buddies.”, Yeri concluded when you finally confessed to her that Wonwoo and you occasionally slept together without compromise. “Yeah, fuck buddies.” you sighed at the time, realizing that’s not what you really wanted. 
But it was too late now to tell him you needed more from him, that you wanted him to be yours only. He had told you when all of this started, that if someday one of you got serious with someone, that was it, no hard feelings or resentment. And you have agreed, that was the deal. Now that you thought he might find that someone to be serious with, it was more painful than you thought it would be. They’re just talking, you don’t even know if she’s with him, you tried to calm yourself, but it wasn’t working.
It's just that, you really were so afraid of losing him. These kinds of relationships never work out once someone backs up. The friendship won't be the same as it was, and it pained you that it couldn’t be more than that either.
After splashing water over your face and cleaning the sweat over your skin, you take the phone from your purse and look again at the message from this morning. ‘See you tonight, I have something for you.’ Maybe the text wasn’t even for you in the first place. Your chest tightens. Trying to forget about the whole thing, you decide to just  get a drink or two and leave, there were so many people that Yeri wouldn’t even notice anyway. 
Before getting out you decide to delete the message to avoid looking at it again and again, when three dots appear on the screen below it. Your eyes are wide open, glued to the screen. Waiting. 
Wonwoo’s eyes get fixated on your back as soon as you make your way to Yeri and Dami. God damn Yeri, I swear. The birthday girl smirks at him once she notices him watching. He would have to thank her later for having you come dressed like this, knowing she did it to get to his nerves intentionally. 
“Y/n doesn’t deserve to be anyone’s fuck bud, so you if you want her to be with you for real, better buckle up.” Yeri had practically threatened him over text when she knew about the arrangement between the two of you. Wonwoo wasn’t really mad that you told her about it, you were best friends and he knew Yeri could be very intuitive, and persuasive. “I know, I know…” Wonwoo texted her back. He wanted to be more than that to you as well, but he didn’t know how or when to tell you. “What if she doesn’t want this to change?” He asked.
“Tonight, tell her and find out.” Yeri then told him she was choosing your outfit for the party, letting him know he was completely ruined. And hell, he was.
He can’t avoid getting fuzzy at the sight of the very short skirt barely covering your ass. How the thin straps of your dress lay onto your collarbones and tiny drops of sweat covers your chest. A drop or two roll past your cleavage.
Well fuck me. He swears to himself, as you spin on your feet per Yeri’s request showing a little of what’s underneath your dress. He notices the people checking you up shamelessly and his blood boils with a possessive feeling that makes him groan slightly under his breath. Wonwoo shook his head. She’s not yours. He didn’t like it, thinking of you as a possession. Yet the thought was present so often lately.
By his side, Jeonghan is ranting about something loudly, making his already drunk sister laugh uncontrollably. She clings over his arm as she has done since he got up here, and tells him something he can’t really pay attention to. 
For a moment you glance over his direction, as just as quickly you look away. He gulps down the knot on his throat and wishes Jeonghan’s sister wasn’t tied up with his arm. She’s a nice girl but is so drunk already, so he tries to softly unlink their arms but she is not letting him, and he doesn’t want to shove her off just like that. Wonwoo shoots glances at Jeonghan trying to make him take the hint and take his sister away, but he is just as drunk or even more so, and even if he was sober he would make him suffer anyway.
His eyes are locked again on the back of your neck. Seeing how you sip on your drink cautiously. Then you give Yeri something and kiss her heartily. Wonwoo smiles. The love for your friends is always showing. He likes to think he is one of them. He knows he is, unless your situation changes that for you. He needed to ask, he needed to know. 
Just as he is about to politely shove Jeonghan's sister off and walk towards you, Wonwoo watches you tell something to Yeri and Dami and quickly sprinting off the patio, glancing over at him before disappearing inside. 
“Sorry, I gotta go.” He finally and firmly takes Jeonghan sister's arm off him and walks between people trying to reach you before you decide to leave for good. 
Wonwoo notices you entering the bathroom, closing the door behind you. He sighs relieved. At least he knows there’s only one way for you to get out there, so he’ll wait so you can go to a place without people, and talk. His right hand goes to the inside of his pocket, toying with the contents inside, for a moment he is hopeful.
About ten minutes later anxiety takes the best out of him. He thinks of calling you, but decides on texting you instead, hoping you decide to come out and talk to him.
“Are you alright? I’m outside.”
You read the message a few times not knowing what to respond to. Why?. Wasn't he accompanied now?. You type in a response, but keep deleting what you write over and over. If he’s outside the door, what's the point?. You sigh out loud, nerves and anticipation eating you alive. It’s better if you just come out and talk, he surely wants to tell you about the girl and settle things over. 
Yeah, it’s better to deal with this quickly.
As soon as you open the door you meet his eyes a few feet from where you stand. Wonwoo is leaning against the upstairs. A soft smile draws on his face when he sees you. You try to smile back normally but you only manage to make a weird grin that makes you want to throw yourself down the stairs.
“Hi,” he whispers with that low tone you know so well. “You look amazing.” He twitches trying not to look so much down over your outfit, or the lack of it. 
“Thanks, you too.” you mumble, heart thumping feeling Wonwoo’s dark eyes over your body, despite trying not to. 
“Are you alright?,” He asks again, sensing something is wrong because your eyes are kinda puffy and you can’t smile back like you always do. 
You breathe in softly, gaining courage. “Can we go downstairs, where there’s less people?.”  Wonwoo hums and nods in response, taking your hand and leading you through the sea of people down the stairs— trying not to let anyone touch you too much. Your heart beats so fast that is the only sound you can focus on, despite the loud music blasting in the house. Quickly, he finds an empty corridor, away from all the people at the party in the main halls. 
“What happened?,” He says first, back leaning onto the corridor walls. “I can tell you are upset.” 
“Uhm, it’s nothing.” 
He gets closer. “Your eyes are all big and shiny like when you cry or are about to.” 
He knew you too well. And it was making you feel worse about what you saw upstairs.  Just ask him. Get this over with. “Wonwoo, is there something you want to tell me about?.” 
Wonwoo seemed confused, watching you look away at him, your shoulders stiffening. “Is there something in particular that you want me to tell you?.” 
You sigh, getting frustrated.
“Is it about where I have been the past week?.” 
“No! Well, yeah, that too.” you frown, remembering he went away to God knows where for a week and didn’t tell you about it, you had to find out by texting him, receiving a “I'm out of town.” in response. “Who’s your friend from upstairs?”. 
Wonwoo sighs, a faint smile on his lips. 
“Just tell me. ” You swallow the lump in your throat. “Just tell me if this is it, I promise I won’t make things difficult for you.” 
Wonwoo leans forward, so close that it sends shivers down your spine. Then he makes you jolt as he wraps his hands around your waist, tugging his chin on the space between your neck and shoulder. “What are you doing?.” you say, not really moving or pushing him out. 
“She’s Jeonghan's sister ,” He tightens the grip around your waist, facing you again, “Why would I be here with anyone else if I told you I wanted to give you something tonight?” He couldn’t deny being amused that you were jealous over some girl he just met. But again, that’s the confirmation he needs to know that you want him as much as he wants you to be his only. 
You look at him confused and hurt, watery eyes about to burst out with tears. “What do you mean? you were hanging onto her.”
“Nuh-uh, she was hanging onto me,” He smiles, “You know Jeonghan can be an asshole if he wants to, and he just shoved her to me hoping she wouldn’t bother him too much.” Wonwoo felt bad talking of Jeonghan’s sister as if she was a thing, but the reality was that as soon as you entered the rooftop patio looking so radiant, he forgot the name she had given to him minutes prior. 
“I’m not jealous,” you press your hand over his chest, trying to push him off, but with so little strength he is not buying it. “I shouldn’t be, right? We are not together.” 
Wonwoo hums, slightly hurt from your words. But it was true, you were not yet together. 
“Come with me, this hallway is not where I want you to have what I got for you.” You frown, as Wonwoo takes your hand and leads you back between the sea of people until you both are outside by the back door of the house. 
You look up to the rooftop, spotting Yeri and the rest of your friends laughing vividly and having a great time. The rest of the people spreaded outside the house, drinking and talking, seem to pay no mind to you two.  Wonwoo passed between some bushes, leading to a stone tiled path to the back garden, two little guest bungalows at the back. Yellow lights inside of them.
Wonwoo takes out what seems like a key, and enters the one at the right side. You follow behind him, eyes wide open.
“How do you have a key for this?.” you ask him as he closes the door.
“I asked Yeri to get it for me.” 
“Huh?, Yeri?” you were confused asking yourself if your best friend was with Wonwoo on this scheme of making you feel jealous over Jeonghan’s supposed sister or what was happening. “Wonwoo!.” 
Wonwoo shushes you, which annoys a little, but you get distracted by him placing you in the seat of the couch inside the bungalow’s small living room, sitting in front of you. He then takes out a little black velvet box from his pocket, opening in front of you. 
You look at what’s inside, taking out a shiny silver necklace. Your favorite charm hanging on it. This was the same necklace you had as a child, that you lost on a trip overseas with your parents on your high school graduation. You remember telling Wonwoo on one of those nights in his apartment, lying beside him, how much you missed having it. Sadly it was custom handmade and the little jewelry store that made them had closed long before you had lost it.
Your mouth hangs open as you admire the form of the charm, identical as you remembered it. “Wonwoo… How did you find the exact one?.” 
“I know how much this charm means to you, so I looked out for the owner of the store,” He said, as he took the necklace and turned you over to put it across your neck. “I just described it to him in detail just as you told me, and he remembered exactly what it was, I just had to wait until he was done to come back.”
“Wonwoo!” you jumped out as he finished hooking the clasp of the necklace and hugged him tightly.
“I wanted to tell you something tonight,” Wonwoo buried his head on your neck again, brushing it with his lips softly. “You are the one for me, I don’t want anyone else.”
You close your eyes, letting his scent envelop you, both arms wrapped around his shoulders firmly. His lips brush against your skin as he speaks, you feel a shiver down your spine, letting his words sink into your mind. 
Wonwoo doesn’t need you to say you feel the same, cause he knows. He‘s pressed against you, and you could feel him. His love, his desire, his passion. But this time it's slightly different from the before, because he doesn’t rush things out, he stays still and lets himself be embraced by you. After a moment, you slowly break the hug and look him in the eyes, dark gaze glossy of adoration. And you know yours are the same. He leans and traces soft pecks over your shoulder blades. “I’m sorry I was away,” He lifted his head and pressed his forehead against yours. “I wanted it to be a surprise.”
You let out a sigh, feeling your chest tighten by realizing he had gone to get this for you, but with your heart blooming inside you started crying softly. You smiled and he did it too, eyeing your lips until he pulled you into a kiss. His hands slowly go down from your waist to the side of your legs, finding a path under your short skirt. 
“Wonwoo,” you hum against his lips. This was Yeri’s party after all and someone could come at any minute. 
“The little devil would kill me if I let you go right now, you think she gave me these keys just so we could talk?.” A lustful smile drawn on his lips, reading your mind. “The door is locked, and you must know how good you look in this outfit.” 
You put your hands on his chest, breaking apart from his face to ask him about what he just said. “Do you love me?.” 
Wonwoo paused his movements for a second, realization hitting him hard. Your pleading eyes about to cry out again, this time a different kind of tears waiting to roll down your cheeks. 
“I do love you,” He breathes, pushing himself against you. Hurried hands run along your waist and down the curves of your ass, his fingers playing with the waistband of your underwear. “I love you so fucking much.”
You then kiss him again, this time roughly, as he grabs you by your tights and lifts you until you wrap your legs around him. Without breaking the kiss he walks over the room at the back of the bungalow. Brownish curtains reflect the yellow light from inside. Wonwoo turns around and sits on the edge of the bed, placing you on his lap. You kept kissing him, hands messing his perfectly styled hair. He's going to undo his belt, and when that’s gone, his fingers are back on your clothed heat, brushing a finger along your already wet center. 
“Can’t believe you thought I could be interested in somebody else.” Wonwoo’s voice sounds huskier than usual, pride fueling his lust over your little jealousy. “No fucking way someone else make me look away from you.”
You buck your hips against his crotch, feeling the hardness of his length. You break the kiss and quickly remove Wonwoo’s shirt and throw it away. Knowing exactly what he wants to do, you lift your hips a little, giving him access to your center. Wonwoo brushes his fingers once more, palming you over you for a while, and easily sliding two fingers inside you. A moan, and then soft whimpers come from you as his fingers begin rubbing your clit. Both stop kissing, just looking at each other as he finger fucks you with a fast pace.  Your hips roll against his hand, and he can’t look away from how your eyes get heavy lidded, and you try hard not to close them. With his free hand Wonwoo pulls down the top of your dress, exposing your breasts and he begins kissing them. You throw your head back, the pleasure of his hot tongue rolling over your sensitive nibs and the noises he makes with his mouth as he bites and licks are driving you insane. 
Wonwoo’s fingers keep sliding in and out of you and the stimulation is almost bringing you to the edge, you only resisting the urge to come because you are desperate for him to fuck you properly. Again, he seems to read your mind because next thing he’s removing his fingers, making you whine by feeling the sudden emptiness. He stands up, moving you gently, even if he wants to be as rough as he can be.
Once he’s standing up, he bends you over the bed, putting you on hand and knees. He pulls your drenched panties down until they reach your feet and throws them away. He undo the buttons of his pants first and massages the curve of your ass for a second before aligning himself with your entrance. 
“This view.” He groans, licking his lips and caressing the side of your tights softly.
“Please Wonwoo,” you whine. the spiral in your lower stomach intensifies by his words. “Fuck me already.”Wonwoo chuckles, the tip of his dick already touching your clit. You whimper as he finally pushes himself inside you, his eyes shutting down by the sensation of your tight center receiving him so well. 
“Fuck, Y/n.” he groans, hands firmly pressing at the sides of your hips. You waste no time and, driven by desire, start rolling your hips rapidly. Wonwoo’s now thrusting inside and out at a fast pace that is making you both see stars and feel numb quickly. 
He bites his lip, trying not to be too loud, with every thrust. Every time he goes in and out of your squeezing pussy feels like it might make him come, but he holds on to dear life to keep on longer. He caresses the curve from your hips, your spine and shoulders, and his eyelids get heavy. The sound of your fast breathing combined with sweat beds rolling down from your back as he pounds in and out of you driving him crazy.  He then leans, chest pressing against your back. One of his arms slides under your breasts heading towards your clit, where he begins rubbing on your clit in motion circles. 
“Wonwoo.” you moan, the contact of his cold hand suddenly pressing on your heat making you shiver. “Hard. Fast, please…”
“Yeah?,” Wonwoo groans, pushing himself now harder and faster per your command. He listens attentively to every noise you make, as his fingers rub your clit, trying to keep the same pace. His chin is resting on your shoulder blades, and you lean to the side looking for even more contact. “Just say the words, love.”
He realizes you are looking for more of him and he leans, connecting his lips with yours. As you kiss messily and hurriedly, him going in and out, your soon release feels now even more intensely on your lower stomach. 
Your legs begin to shake, you know you won't last much longer if he continues to overstimulate every sensitive part of you. With a breathy moan you announce your high is crashing over you, and Wonwoo presses himself even more onto your skin. He tugs your hair instinctively, making you cry, and in that moment you come without warning, coating him entirely. Not much longer and he is done for as well. You can feel his load filling your walls up entirely.
“Oh… fuck” he mumbles, as he spills all inside you, still hugging you tight making sure nothing gets out. You collapse in the bed, and with the little strength he has, Wonwoo grabs you by the waist, falling down with you. 
He stays for a few moments on top of you, breathing heavily, moving aside when he has recovered control of his breath. You on the other side, stay chest pressed on the bed sheets, numb body unable to move an inch. 
“Let me clean you up,” Wonwoo’s raspy voice says as he gets up slowly and walks to the bathroom. You smile, eyes still closed, heart racing inside your chest. He comes back immediately after, and you roll over letting him take care of you. 
“You don’t have to,” you mumble, beginning to recover your breath. 
“I don’t see you putting up a fight,” He chuckles, cleaning the mess between your legs with a warm towel.  “Now that you are officially mine, you will get treated like a princess.” You reflect on his words. You don’t want anyone else to have him, and you are sure he is the only one you want, but Wonwoo has never struck you as the possessive type.  
Wonwoo folds the towel and puts it away, laying by your side, watching the dim lights of the built-in lamps on the ceiling. “A part of you is mine now, as much as a part of me is yours.” he whispers, caressing your face.
You press your body against him, wrapping your arm over his chest and kissing it softly. He hums and hugs you as well, both embracing the silence of the room a little longer, in contrast with the boisterous sounds of people partying just a few feet away.
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24 notes · View notes
thelargefrye · 1 year
N E WAYS here's your daily reminder to follow @sanjoongie bc i said so and she is literally my bestie braincell twin and her works are TOP TIER PEOPLE
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nexusnyx · 1 year
miss sunshine
pre-outbreak Joel Miller x neighbor!reader [7.3k] summary: He's always been out of reach. A fantasy. Joel was too much of everything—too handsome, too friendly, too una-fucking-vailable for any of you. Too bad his kid adores you. (What a blessing.) Too bad she uses you as a scapegoat and lands him right on his door. One bottle of wine, and Joel shows you he might be closer than you thought. 📝 I wanted to try something different. Less hurt, less end-of-the-world bullshit. Let me know your thoughts. Reblogs and comments are much appreciated. ⚠️Smut. Minors, DNI. Explicit depictions of sex, oral (f and m receiving), riding, missionary, passionate neighbors sex, yay.
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read on ao3 | masterlist
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤTexas, Summer of 2002.
When the bell rings, you think it's best to ignore it.
Living alone equals a lot of privileges, but the ability to go out alone and answer the door on a random Wednesday evening was not one of them. You're wearing compromising clothes and a robe, the bottle of wine you craved was finally open, and the last thing you wanted was to be murdered before enjoying it.
Then, you hear it. Your name, followed by, "It's Miller. Joel."
Well—this is exactly how many of your dreams started. Although this wouldn't go like them, for him, you'd open the door.
His eyes do little to hide the once-over when the door slides open.
They go down, then back up, and he seems to catch on to the fact that you saw it. Then, he shakes his head just a little, and says, "Is Sarah here?"
Well, well, well. You lean against the door. "Did she say she was?"
Joel pierces you with his Dad Look. "Yes." Obviously, it goes without saying.
What other reason would he have, right? Clearing your throat, you feel the anxiety bubbling underneath the surface. "Uhm. She isn't," you look apologetic as you say it. As if it's your fault his prepubescent daughter uses you as a scapegoat.
His sigh is enough to make you feel how tired he is. Overworked. Exhausted.
You try to understand what might've happened before he loses his mind, "What time d'you usually come back from work? Maybe she's at a friend's. She probably thought you'd be back later than this."
He finishes rubbing both palms all over his face, and he threads one hand through his hair. "I'm usually back at nine—well, I'm supposed to be back at nine. I'm usually home by ten." That checks out, then. "But—that doesn't explain why she lied to me."
"Any special occasions coming up soon?"
Joel frowns. "Uhm. My birthday's in a few days, but—"
"Ahhhh." It shuts his mouth, the way you exclaim it so clearly. "She's brainstorming, Joel."
"A gift." No daughter had easy access to what made their fathers happy. You take pity on him. "C'mon—let me scare the little one."
You walk inside without waiting for his reply, knowing Joel will make his way in. "What d'you mean, scare her?"
The noise of his boots hitting the floor makes you happy.
You take the phone out of the wall and look at him. "She always keeps that cellular phone with her when she goes out?"
"Always," he nods.
"Perfect." You know it by heart already. As you dial, you feel Joel's eyes on your house. It's the first he's ever been inside, and it makes you hyperaware of every movement of his. "It's ringing," you inform him with a grin forming.
He looks confused. More tired than anything else, but it'll make sense in a second.
"Hey, miss Sunshine!" the nickname she gave you always brings a smile to your face.
Time to put on a show. Feigning panic in your voice, you yell-whisper on the phone, "S, love, would you mind telling me why on Earth is your pops—" you fake cover your end of the line to yell, "one minute!" then you're back at whispering again, "why is he parked outside my house right now? Is there something I should know?"
"Oh, shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit—"
You're glad he can't hear her end of it. "No time for panic. Explain."
"I am so sorry, Sunny! I thought he'd be back in like, two hours or something. Oh, god, can you please cover for me? I wrote a note saying I was at your place. Sleeping there. I was gonna call you before he came back home but Jenny and I—"
"You're at somebody named Jenny?" you repeat the information, looking at Joel with a question in your eyes, and when he nods, your heart soothes at knowing she's safe. "And you didn't think to mention your brilliant idea earlier?" going for the full effect again, you yell out, "One minute, Joel!"
At least she's fast in her rambles. "Yeah, yeah. My best friend. She's trying to help me come up with a surprise for him. I'm not there often and it's never on his birthday. I wanna make it special."
"Okay. Cool. Next time, fill me in as you make the plans."
"I will, I promise. Pinky promise. You think you can convince him I'm sleeping there?" the plea in her voice is adorable.
You chuckle. "I've got you, S." Joel sighs in relief in front of you. "Just one thing."
"Be back here tomorrow first thing in the morning. 7:30 sharp. I'm gonna invite your dad for breakfast, as punishment for your lack of planning, and you'll be the one making us the pancakes," before she can even answer, you go, "Toodles!" and hang up.
When you put your phone back at the base, you turn around with a proud smile.
Joel's looking at you funny. "You're good at that," he says.
"At what? Acting?" you laugh when nods. "I was a trouble child. I'm great at lying."
"Aren't those the same?"
"Eh. A thin line separates them." You can sense his awkwardness creeping up, so you do your best to think on the spot. "Is she one to escape?"
"Not really, no." He's shuffling on his feet, uncertain of what to do in your home. "She's never done this before."
"From what she told me, she's never around for your birthday."
"That's true."
"She wants to make a surprise for you," you inform. It puts that smile on his face that makes your knees a little weak. "And now she has to be back here at seven in the morning. All is well."
He laughs. "Yeah, I guess so."
He's gonna see himself out. You swallow all the nervousness that being in his presence creates and just... goes for it. "Is it hard? Having a kid?"
That relaxes some of the tension in his shoulders. He leans on the counter of your kitchen and shakes his head. "Not really. It's a lot of work, but it's not hard. It's rewarding."
I wish my mother felt the same. You smile at the truth in his words. "I can see it's hard work." He laughs again. "Well—I had just opened that before you rang the bell," you point at the Pinot on top of the counter. "Want a glass? Unless you tell me you're 'only beer' kind of guy, then I can't help ya."
Joel looks between you and the bottle a couple of times, then looks down at himself. "I'm uh—I'm all greasy and gross from work. You sure that's the company you want for wine?"
Rolling your eyes, you walk towards your glasses cabinets. "If I told you that you can go home and shower, you'd never come back."
"And that'd be a bad thing?"
"Sure it would. You're the only person in this entire street that hasn't interrogated me on my life so far, I feel left out. Offended, even," you add with a dramatic twist. Your robe flows around you, and you can't help but smile when you see his eyes following you.
It's the way he swallows visibly, almost audibly, that plants a seed of maybe inside your head. "I'm not usually one to pry."
You place both glasses on the counter. "Neither am I."
"I know. It's why I like ya," Joel says it with eyes on the glasses instead of you. "That and the way you talk to the plants."
Your hand on the corkscrew stops, and you want to slam your forehead against the wood. "Oh, god."
His laughter is so nice. "Nah, don't be embarrassed. 's why I gave you your nickname."
"Don't be embarrassed? That's mortifying, Joel. I thought no one—wait." Had you heard him right? "What d'you mean you gave me my nickname?"
Joel's head tilts, and he's definitely a charmer kind of guy. If you do have a chance, you might be fucked. "Your nickname."
"Miss Sunshine?" He nods. "I thought that was Sarah."
"No, Sarah used it first in front of you," he pulls one of the glasses closer to him. "I said it first."
Well... that made it just as special but in a different way. You pour the wine into both glasses. "Good to know. I was under the impression she was the creative genius in the household—I just. Quick question that I never asked her: Why?"
"'Cause every mornin' before I left for work you're there on that big window," he points at the glass window that's occupies ceiling to floor, the very reason you picked this house, "talking to your plants as if you're the sun itself waking them up. 's cute."
Cute. You hate how he has the ability to make you blush. What is this, fucking high school?
"That makes sense."
Joel wipes his palms on the side of his t-shirt and then looks up at you. "If I go home with the promise of comin' back, will you let me shower?"
Let me. You're thankful your arms are covered because you're unsure of what this man is capable of when he knows the effect he has on somebody.
"I'll let you," you answer.
Joel nods and his smile is so genuine that you wonder why you never tried before.
"'kay," he takes one sip of the wine, hums in approval, and then takes a deep breath. "'m gonna go. I'll be back to interrogate you."
"I'll leave the door open."
"No—Jesus bloody Christ, are you and Sarah mad? Lock the door, Sunshine." You like it so much when he's the one that says it. "I'm serious."
"Alright, jeez," you laugh.
It's less tense than you imagined as he puts his shoes back on and walks out of your door. Joel crosses the street with a little wave in your direction, and all you can think is—what on Earth am I gonna do to him?
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When he's back, Joel smells so good it's intoxicating.
It makes your brain melt.
Minty and fresh. That's what his stuff smells like, and you know the idea of that scent's now painted on the walls of your brain.
He does that stupid little dad pose, widening both arms and lifting them up in a display of 'what do you think' before walking in.
It makes you want to push him against the wall, but you do your best at behaving.
For now.
"Brand new man?" you ask.
He points at his glass of wine, untouched since the moment he left. "Will be in a sec."
You wait for him to take a sip before extending him what you held in your hand before he arrived.
Joel eyed the cigarette and, thank fuck, there was none of the annoying judgment sometimes people carried. He stops his movement to sit on the stool and asks, "You smoke in here, or are we goin' outside?"
"There's a table there. Weather's nice. D'you mind?"
Joel grabs his glass, shaking his head. "Not at all, ma'am. Lead the way."
"Ma'am," you echo him, sounding disgusted. He laughs behind you, "Who am I, Mrs. Adler?"
Still laughing, Joel answers, "Nah. Too talkative for that."
You turn around with your mouth hanging open, trying very little to look offended. "I beg your pardon. We never spoke for longer than, what, five minutes?"
Joel shrugs his shoulders. His smile is as intoxicating as his presence. "I hear things."
"You hear things?" you ask, pushing open the door that leads outside.
"I do," he sips his wine, looking to the small terrace where your little table is. "My daughter's a gossiper, little Sunshine. I think y'should know that."
Little Sunshine. Goddamn this man.
"Should I be scared, here? I haven't even told her anything, but I feel like I should be."
"If you didn't tell her anythin', than why would you be?"
"Because!" you laugh, feeling just a little out of your depth with his smoothness. You expected more closeness from Joel. Less teasing, easy banter. "You're talking like someone who knows a lot, that's all."
"And I do," he says, sounding every bit as serious.
You sit down on one of the chairs — your chair, precisely — and watch as Joel walks around a little, taking in the environment. He adds, "Did ya know," pausing for a dramatic effect, he sips again, "that in all of three months, you became one of my daughters' favorite people?"
He pins you under his gaze.
You cross your legs, and watch happily as his gaze drops to the motion.
"Did I?" if you sip at his pace, you'll be throwing yourself on his lap in an embarrassing amount of time.
Joel nods behind his cup, touching one of the many plants that cover your backyard area from floor, to walls, to ceiling. "You did," he smiles, dropping the fake seriousness. "Are you ready to deal with the six months absence? 'Cause from personal experience," he points both hands at his chest, "you try convincing yourself you won't miss her all that much 'cause, y'know, it's "just" a girl, but—fuck," he spits the last word, smiling widening around the fact. "She's so cool to have around. You'll see. Your phone's bill's about to create life."
It grounds you.
The way Joel speaks of Sarah makes you feel comfortable sitting here, and any doubts you had are sucked by the green life around you and returned as oxygen.
Joel talks about anything, no reservations.
In his absence, you doubted whether this could be any different than most times.
Would Joel be like that—like any of those other guys?
He wasn't.
Joel, as much as you hated to admit it, was an exception.
Maybe these things were fated. Simple chemistry. Similar mindsets. Whatever it was—you had it every once in a blue moon.
Your expectations settings were long ago molded to expect the least, and it takes only half a bottle of wine for you to notice the need to rear it in.
He's so damn easy. Joel goes from one topic to another like he's interested. He answers your questions with full interest, sometimes going on tangent stories, and he's the one who keeps the glasses filled.
Attentive, you take note the second time that happens. Before any of the glasses got empty, he served you both.
He compliments your taste in music and sounds genuine about it.
The weird silences you most dreaded never happen—if he's not answering you, Joel asks things. Interesting things, unlike any other neighbor.
"Was it you who decorated your place inside? 'Cause, there are very specific things in there. And you seem like the type to know what you like."
Joel was very attentive.
He asked, "and is this what you like to do with your free time?" pointing at the books you put away when you both arrived, "Drink wine, read, talk to your plants?"
"I still can't believe you've seen me doing that."
He laughed at that. "It's a pretty big window, Sunshine. Jesus Christ—you don't lock the door, you don't know people can see through your gigantic-ass window—I'm genuinely starin' to get worried here."
"Okay, first of all, I do lock my door."
"Do you?"
"'Course. Most days."
"Oh my—"
"—and! Now that I was reminded of my window's size, I'll consider buying drapes. Long, white ones. That'd be cool."
It was easy.
Talking to Joel—sharing a table with him, a glass of wine—so easy.
He never looked uncomfortable. Even if he moved a lot, Joel looked good—so damn good you lost focus every now and then—, but good with himself.
In his skin.
That was intoxicating.
When he does more than just talk and asks things; it's almost too damn easy. Was time supposed to go this way?
The first bottle end, but it's too soon.
You know it. He knows it—plays with it, in fact. Waves the empty bottle after pouring it for you and him in the air very lightly then places it on the floor.
Offering another one is almost a visceral reaction.
You don't have the same finesse he does, or at least, you think not, but if his smiles and closing proximity are anything to go by, he's enjoying himself as much as you are. "I dance around opening these a lot," you say pointing at the empty bottle. Pulling your legs closer to yourself despite the voice of your mother telling you that's a body language sign of insecurity—fuck insecurity. "Don't wanna be the wine lady on top of the plant one. But they're good. I like it."
"I only drink wine when my brother cooks," he offers.
The glass in your hands makes you feel safe enough to land this conversation where you want it. "Really? He cooks a lot?"
"More than me," Joel confesses with a shrug. "He likes to match the wine to the dish and that type o' stuff."
"I was taught how to be picky, but if I'm being honest—" you like the way Joel leans in closer when you pause it. You smile, "it's all just grapes tastin' really, really good." The sound of his damn laugh. This man's gotta have a flaw, you think. "As long as it's wine, I'm happy."
"I think that about a good beer after a day of work."
"We're all just trying to give ourselves little positive reinforcements for playing nice at doing our jobs, huh?"
Joel pauses at that. Lifts his eyebrows, then bursts out laughing. "Oh, wow—"
"Oh god", while it took you a lot of alcohol to get drunk, being open-mouthed about weird things came with the territory of feeling comfortable.
Joel made you comfortable, even if you were mortified at how amused he was.
When he's done laughing, he looks at you. "That's cute. You're the philosophical type."
"Isn't everybody who enjoys wine?"
"I don't know. I enjoy wine and I'm not one to go that far, I think."
"Hmm. Philosophizing can involve different topics. Lenses."
Joel wolf whistles. "Well, I think I'd need a couple more glasses to unlock that side of me."
"Not a problem," you get up, and resist the urge to wink at him. "I'll be back."
Your reflection in the kitchen mirrors is the confirmation of how fucked exactly you are.
It's more than just the color on your cheeks—it's the glassy screen over your eyes, making it shine like...
Well, very few times.
Fuck, you think.
Maybe that's why your palms are sweating.
He's more than you bargained for—Joel's looks were hard to move on from, but this?
Once in Rome...
Fuck it.
It's not as if either one of you was blinded to what a moonlight late-night conversation leads to.
The air outside could be felt.
When you're going back with the opened bottle, another pin drops in your mind.
He has the whole night free.
You don't break the bottle, but it's a close call.
Joel asks you the second you're back, "I have a depressing confession to make—I was tryin' to keep to it to myself, but honestly, it's all I taught about when you left."
You place the bottle in the middle of the table carefully and sit back down with your eyes on him.
He moved his chair closer again.
"Do share," you urge.
Joel looks around the yard—he seems to do it a lot when he's dipping his toes into personal places and says, "This is the first time in a—uh—I don't even know. A while. That I just... sat with another adult. Drank something nice. Talked about more than just—fucking politics, or whatever." Joel's eyes on you make you feel honored. You know he'd say that's a silly thought if you said it out loud. "It's really nice. And—the depressing part comes in now: I'm only here 'cause of my brother."
You tilted your hair. "You're here because... of Tommy?" you tried connecting those dots, but came up short.
Thankfully, Joel was here. With his smile, and his explanation.
"You see, before Sarah's mom and I decided she could spend some months here instead of just a few weekends, I was already... shutting in. His words, not mine," Joel picks up his glass for a sip, and you hang onto every word he says. "So when she came, he took me out one night. That little bar a few blocks from here—y'know Mr. O'Donovan's place?" when you shake your head, he waves a hand, "I'll take you someday—'s the only place around here that's worth a dime."
"I'll take your word for it." I hate bars. You'd go for him. With him.
"I think I know what beer you'd like," it comes off as a whisper, and you have to hide behind your glass again. "I only remember that talk because he made me promise. He's not one to ask for promises."
"What did he make you promise?"
"He was upset 'cause I kept turnin' him down every time he wanted to do his 'meet my friend and you'll be good friends' match-making shit, so he said, 'you promise that the next time someone invites you do somethin' you actually wanna do, you're not gonna turn 'em down? You'll actually fucking go, without makin' excuses to yourself'. And that sounded fair. So I promised."
You take note of the effort he's making.
The subtle 'this isn't just about what's about to happen'.
'I'll take you someday'.
'Next time someone invites you to do somethin' you actually wanna do'.
So more than just neighbors. You nod at that, smiling at him. "He seems like a good brother," you say. "Siblings can be a pain in the ass."
Joel stops his glass on the way to his lip to shake his head at you, "Oh, no no," he takes the sip first, and says, "one doesn't negate the other. He very much is a pain in my ass, trust me."
You laugh. "Older and younger?"
"Younger," he nods. "I had a lil' bit of peace here and there before he was born."
"Can't imagine you'd have it any other way nowadays."
He agrees with you.
When he doesn't, Joel scrunches his nose as he shakes his head.
He does silly faces. You wonder if he's aware of how unfair it is that he gets to look like that. Tender. Charming.
He proves your theory to be right with only half another bottle.
Put two or more adults plus a certain amount of alcohol in a closed environment, and sex will be on the table.
It makes you blush when you think... it could literally be on the table.
Joel pretends he doesn't see you growing hotter. He keeps his eyes on you as you take off the robe instead of looking at your arms. Listens to what you're saying without losing focus.
Only when you're done and asking him something in response that he looks.
It makes your throat dry when he does.
Joel has an unabashed, almost cocky tilt to his mannerisms.
You thought he'd be quieter than he is—more serious.
It's a welcomed contrast.
When sex is laid on the table, it comes because he brought up the joke you made at the beginning of the night about his lack of interest in your life, and decided to ask you things. Where you grew up. If you were always like this.
"Define 'like this'."
"Smart with the calculating glance, and sweet-talking."
"Is that me?"
"Sure is, Sunshine."
None of the questions that people usually ask.
It makes you bite your lip more than you wished—his manly, tall presence gets under your skin in ways that no previous partner managed to. Tucking your hair behind your ear, avoiding leading the conversation to the exact places you liked, giggling—those weren't things you did.
He pulled them from you.
When he does ask you the 'usual' questions, it lacks the malicious curiosity inflating others whenever they did.
Sex is laid on the table because Joel looks you in the eyes with that easiness in his shoulders and asks, "I'm not as private as you, though—all of my neighbors already know Tommy, and Sarah. You, on the other hand... the mysterious crime and horror novelist, who talks to her plants and moved from so, so far. I might not be the prying type, but I was curious about you long before my gremlin set her little claws on you. How come I never see anyone coming in or out of here? You tellin' me not one friend of yours followed you here to god-forsaken Texas?"
Your glass is almost empty, and you focus on the twirling of the red inside it to avert your mind from the way he's sitting. "The point of moving was getting away from them. All of them, as bad as that sounds," you cover your eyes with your free hand, and Joel's hand touches your forearm.
"Hey—it's fine. Don't feel bad. 'm happy you had the privilege of gettin' away. If you wanted to move away from all of it, I'm sure you had your reasons."
Looking between your fingers, you try appraising his face. "Really?"
"Really," he nods.
"Okay." You sit up straight. "And I do have people over, sometimes. You're just always at work."
"Yeah? You made friends already?"
"A few, yeah."
"Where?" he removes his hand from your forearm but drops it to your chair's armrest. The proximity is doing something to you. "I thought you worked from home."
"I do," you agree. "But I do other stuff. I'm not always here with my plants, Joel," you roll your eyes, smiling amusedly.
Joel laughs, "I wouldn't know. If I could work from home and stay with my tools and wood, I would."
"And I believe you," you nodded.
He bites on his smile before asking. "What other stuff d'you do?"
"I joined a book club," you reply, feeling all levels of boring.
From his look, he disagrees. "You got the patience for that?"
"Sure do," you nod again.
He nods, pouting in awe. "Nice," he says. "Are your book club friends givin' you the right impression of Texans?"
"I'm warming up to them," you smile.
Nodding, he asks, "Should I ask now the questions all my neighbors already know the answer to? 'Cause I am curious. Did you know Mr. Adler tried tellin' me what he 'discovered' about you? He tried looking blasé when he said that, but I'm sure he just wanted to gossip about the pretty girl who moved across from him."
"Ew, Joel," you laugh.
His eyes never leave you—you feel it even when you're not looking at him. He's laughing too. "What? It's true."
When you look back up at him, you wonder—when did you two get this close?
"You can ask," you say. "It's not that exciting, the answer. Actually, it's not exciting at all."
"Hmm, I'll be the judge of that," he sips his wine, and leaves the glass on the table. "You already know my backstory, so kill my curiosity now," he pierces with his eyes for a moment, "how on Earth is there no ring on this finger?" he points to your ring finger, then he leans in closer, and you can smell the wine in his breath; you want to kiss it until it's taste is gone, "and how is it that I never see anyone leaving here early in the mornings?"
Well. "No ring 'cause I didn't want one so far," you reply. To him, you give more honesty than anyone else who's asked. "And I have the luxury of living without it. I know many friends of mine who don't—and actually, that was part of..." don't go there. "Nevermind," you shake your head, pinning yourself to here.
"You just didn't want it?" he echos.
You nod, "Never did," there's no reason to lie to him. He smells so good—why would you lie to him? "Most men bore men, Joel."
"Wow," the smile that widens is a little baffled. A little dirty. "Should I be scared?"
At that, you burst out laughing. "Really?" You have no clocks outside, but the starry sky and the deep silence in the houses next to you are a good enough indicator. "It's been... a couple of hours, at least. We're one bottle and a half," you say, looking at your glasses shining on the table, "deep into conversation... and you wonder if you should be scared?"
Joel's still looking at you when you look back. His arm is around your chair, and your back touches it when you lean back against it. "I'll take that as a no."
"You are very far from boring."
"'m happy you think so," he smiles. He lets his eyes drop to your lips, without a care for the two palms of distance that separate your faces. It's meant to be blatant. Obvious. "Just another question..."
Here it comes, you thought. Why no kids? Why so alone? Do you feel lonely?
"Why me?" he asks.
It's nothing more than a breath.
You could ignore it. Give any answer, and close the gap. Instead, you give him honesty. "Honestly? I was so attracted to you, the second I saw you, that I was willing to even hear somethin' stupid coming out of your mouth if I could just—," do it, do it, do it. Seeing his eyes darken from up close is torture. You can feel the pulse of your heartbeat between your legs. "Now, if I were any smart, I'd be wishing for you to be bad at all the rest, because..."
This was amazing already.
Joel laughs, just a single, breathy laugh, and then does something you would never see it coming.
He pushes his chair back with the weight of his hips and drops to his knees.
The gasp you let out is enough to put the most insufferable smile on his face.
"Don't say that," he feigns hurt, as if he wasn't smiling with his eyes and lips. "It might've been a while, but I don't think I lost my touch just yet."
Joel's hands envelop your knees and slowly pull them apart. You feel like an open wire—aware of every breath your body takes and each minimum reaction to him.
You feel the wet pulse inside your panties when he kisses the skin of your inner thigh, right above your knee.
Joel smiles up at you, blinking his eyes.
Damn him, you think. His hands caress their way up your skin, and you wished you were naked already.
He seems like someone to enjoy the torture—when his hands reach the curve of your ass, they stop there, holding onto your waist.
"Have I?" he asks, kissing the other inner leg. You feel a hint of his tongue in the short kiss.
What could you say to that?
"You really haven't."
Feeling the hot breathing of his laughter on your inner thighs was not in your list for tonight.
"Do I get a kiss, then?"
He would never have to ask you twice.
Your legs wrap around his torso when you lean down to meet him for the kiss. Joel seems to love the position—he smiles at first, gripping you by the neck.
He takes his time to look at you before he dives in. A mental check-in. Maybe just admiring, just as you were from the second he kneeled.
His kiss comes from experience. A lot of fucking experience.
If you were weak in the knees before, you seal the notion that you're out of your depth there and then.
Joel kisses like no one's ever kissed you before—like he wants to explore, discover, conquer.
He licks his way inside of you with the first kiss.
His tongue isn't shy; he makes you adjust to his rhythm, to let go and open up, and when you, you're rewarded with it—he pulls up just an inch, just to whisper, "that's it," and then dives back in.
Joel wraps his arm around your shoulder and neck in a possessive manner. It's why he makes it so easy for you let him guide it—he's holding you, and you moan as you melt into him.
He wants to feel your body.
The more you press yourself against him, the more Joel grants you little sighs of his own pleasure.
He never pushes his hips against you. Never presses you towards him.
It makes you want to scream.
When he pulls away, Joel sighs happily. He presses his right thumb over your swollen bottom lip, and nodding, kneels on his heels again.
Your face remains close to his, gravitating to where he does. He whispers, "Lift your hips up for me, Sunshine," wrapped around a smile.
You do as he says.
His hand takes off your shorts without your eyes ever leaving you, and when the item is on the floor, Joel releases the robe you foregone earlier tonight from your backrest to slide down where you sit.
To not make a mess, it says.
Your face is burning up, but not as much as the rest of you.
"Is this ok?" he asks.
He waits for your nod of approval before pulling you by your knees. "Good," he's strong enough to get you where he wants in one pull. Your hips are nearing the end of the chair and from this angle, Joel gets to look.
He eyes the underwear as if it's personally offending him.
"I like the color," he says. He traces a finger across the baby blue lace and looks up at you. "Suits ya," he says. That's when he hooks a finger on the fabric, pulling it to the side. "I dreamt about this."
That gets to you.
Joel's fingers are thorough—able. He uses his knuckles to spread the lips apart, uncaring about the whines you let out above him, still holding on to the shame of being the only one exposed.
It lasts until he places two knuckles on each side of your clit, stimulating it with back-and-forth movements.
You were right about the torture.
He enjoys it.
Joel waits for your clit to be hard between his fingers before he puts his mouth to it.
You can only cling onto his hair.
I dreamt about this, too.
"Fuck—I dreamt about this too," you confess.
His moan vibrating against the core of your pussy makes you clench.
Joel's only starting.
He takes his time in finding the rhythm you most feel pleasure on your clit. He never bites, never nibbles, and doesn't go softly, like other men.
He eats.
Joel's mouth is stuck to you—the way he laps and slurps and sucks on your hardened nub only makes your volume go from whines and pleas of his name to moans in very little time.
That's when he dips his tongue inside. When he uses it as muscle and proves to you why the idea of oral is so good for men.
Because it's good.
Joel gives no indicator that he wants to stop at any time, and it turns you into something that blossoms.
At some point between him almost making you cum just by sucking on your clit and fucking his tongue in and out of you, your legs made their way to his shoulders, and his hands have secured themselves groping your ass.
He pulls back for air, once.
His fingers enter you instead, two at once.
"So wet already," he says. You only hear it, until, "look at me," he asks.
As if his thick, long fingers dripping into places inside of you weren't enough, you get to look at him.
His face glistening on your back porch is something that burns behind your eyelids the second you see it. You feel incoherent, needy, and exposed in more than one way.
Joel looks like he could eat you like this.
"Joel—please. Please," you're begging, but for what, you're not sure.
"Cum for me first. I'll give you whatever you want later, just," he pumps his fingers inside of you, keeping a steady and strong pace, and then says, "You look so good like this, Jesus fuckin' Christ."
That's what he says before getting his mouth back on you—his tongue sucking and vibrating against your clit.
It's too much. Too fucking much, and, "Joel, Joel—"
He pulls back just to say it, "That's it, doin' so good, Sunshine—" and that's when you lose it. The coaxing. It's so earnest. Sounds so pleased, dipping in honey as if it's him who's feeling this good.
"'m gonna cum Joel, fuck me, just like that—"
"Like this? Hm? Show me. Cum on my mouth."
All it takes is for him to put it back on you. Joel knows how to push himself inside—knows how to explore the hot and tight confines of your cunt, because he coos a first orgasm out of you with the right pace only.
No strength. No speed. Just sucking, and curling right against your spot.
Your vision whites out.
The time you take to come back to yourself, he keeps playing with your pussy and the mess he made in it, seeming as satisfied with the result as you are. Somewhere in white land.
What a little death.
After that, it's more a mess and clashes of teeth and desires than you knew you were even capable of.
He pulls you in for a kiss, and you pull him inside the house.
The idea is to make it to your room, but you never make it past the living room.
When you press him against a wall to finish taking off his clothes, seeing him only in briefs makes gravity pull you in.
Nothing but black briefs.
You have to drop to your knees.
Joel curses under his breath and tries his best at keeping his posture, but you're with a mind entirely clouded by raw need.
To him, you want to do only your best.
You're addicted to the way he mutters, "atta girl," every time you discover something that brings him pleasure. It sounds so fucking dirty.
"That's it. Atta fuckin' girl, god."
With him, you use tricks your friends once told you that are buried in the back of your mind. You hold the part of his cock your mouth can't cover and move it in sync with your lips. You make it wet, make sloppy, make it whatever he leads it to be.
Joel hisses and moans louder when you find the special places hidden—the sensitive skin between his balls that leads up, you lick it from start to finish and are rewarded with a full-body shudder.
He shows you what strong body means.
"Where's your room?" he pulls you by the arms, and you somehow end up jumping on him. Exactly what you wanted.
"I'm not makin' that far," you tell him with a grin.
He has his thumb on your lips again—he seems to like your mouth.
"Didn't think you'd want my bare ass on your couch."
"That is exactly where I want your bare ass right now," you tell him.
He's good at following requests, just as he is at giving them.
Joel sits with you already straddling his lap, and bless his gentleman's heart, he says, "I left my pants outside—wait," he curses under his breath with your hips circling his shaft. Letting it slide between your pussy lips. "Fuckin' hell."
"Fuckin' hell indeed," you sigh. "Wait here."
You run outside for it, only because you're not on the pill. Maybe you'll start taking it. Maybe you shouldn't think that far.
Joel's waiting for you alright—he has his hand at the base of his cock, sitting on your couch like a modern-day Adonis.
A sluttier Adonis. Sexier, too.
"Stop starin' and c'mere," he demands;
And who are you to say no to that?
Joel does you the favor of putting it on as you make yourself comfortable on his lap again, taking all of your out of the way. He looks like he wants to eat you alive piece by piece, and you love it.
"Lemme know if you want me to take over," he tells you.
"Yes, sir," you whisper in a taunting manner.
Joel rests his forehead against yours when you line himself up with you, and it's a reward of your stupid, gigantic-ass window letting in the light from outside that allows you to see the pleasure on his face as you sink around him, burying him to the hilt.
His digits press so hard on your sides they'll brise.
You'll be bruised tomorrow morning.
Fingerprints on your hips, beard burns on your inner legs, palm shapes across your ass.
When you start moving, none of you say a word about how it feels.
It's criminal.
Only curses and your names are allowed in the thin space separating your wet bodies.
The thin layer of sweat makes you two glide on each other, and the drag of him inside of you is almost too good for words.
You're scared of the ones that'd make their way out, anyway.
So you let out what you can. You call for him, and he calls back. Joel slaps your ass, both sides of it, and urges you on to take him as you want it.
"Fuckin' christ, I'm never gonna—fuck—never gonna sleep again."
There it is. Being pussy-drunk makes him loose-lipped.
Your own are aching with how hard you bite on them.
Joel lets the reigns remain on your hands as you stay on top. He lets you ride him painfully slow, and faster, just because it feels good. He lets you climb all the way up only to slam back down, praising you through the fog in your brain.
"Does it feel good, Sunshine? Mm? My cock feels that good for you?"
You're sure it'll all come back to haunt you once your brain can be coherent.
He takes charge when you start begging him, and for what, you're unsure of. It's a mixture of please and his name, which Joel takes as his permission slip.
He flips you onto your back, hooks one of your legs on the middle of his back, and fucks you both into another orgasm.
It should be concerning the way he does it—like he's familiar with your body and your cues. He just follows your pace and moans until you're clawing at his back, and when his name comes out over and over again, he coaxes it again. Coos at you, holding your face in one hand. "You're gonna cum for me, aren't ya? Do it. I'll cum for you when I feel you shakin' around my cock, Sunshine. Cum for me."
It comes so hard you almost faint; blackout.
Joel takes care of you afterward.
Of course he does.
Even with the weakest legs and the minimum sense of reality around you, he manages. Joel leads you upstairs, tells you he's collected your clothes, and even lays down when you ask him.
"Just for a while," you ask.
He lays in front of you in bed, and pulls your arms around him. "I'm puttin' an alarm."
Little spoon. "You gotta be back here in the morning anyway."
"I know," he kisses your wrist. "Can't wait."
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🏷️ @sakuralikestars — @mostardentily — @thegreat-annamaria — @leiticia — @polyglot-noodle — @casssiopeia — @earthtocharlene
⚠️ if anyone being tagged would like to not be, just let me know in my inbox.
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teasteeper · 3 months
no one but you (l.yy)
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masterlist | part 2
pairing: loser!yangyang, bf!kun x gf!reader
genre: angst, smut 18+ minors dni
warnings: pinv, rough sex, car sex, oral (m receiving), "daddy"
words: 1k
Yangyang’s eyes stay squeezed shut, desperately trying to imagine a scene far from his current reality. After all of Dejun's nagging at him to ‘just get laid’, he really started to believe that getting his dick wet was all he needed to get over you. But the girl under him didn’t look like you, hence him refusing to open his eyes, and her piercing, screeching mewls were nothing like your broken, breathy whimpers.
As he fucked her into his mattress he tried to recall the countless nights he spent laying there fisting his own cock, straining his ears to hear your pretty moans from the bedroom next door, to hear you get fucked by someone else. Your boyfriend. Kun.
The thin walls and their bedrooms being side by side was a blessing and a curse. It drove Yangyang insane, most nights soundtracked by the sound of you and Kun fucking like bunnies. Forced to bite into his bottom lip so hard he would draw blood to hold back his moans. Forced to cum into his own hand while Kun was surely emptying himself into your tight cunt. Forced to walk into the kitchen the next morning to the sight of you in nothing but one of Kun’s shirts and a pair of tiny sleep shorts, all glowy skin and sleepy smile and raspy voice all thanks to someone who wasn’t him.
“Babe? What’s wrong? Everything okay?”
Yangyang had half a brain to try and hide the grimace her voice threatened to put on his face. He reluctantly pulled back to look at her, to at least pretend like he was there. She wasn’t pretty because she wasn’t you, he thought as his droopy eyes inspected her. She wasn’t you, but there was something pretty in her messy, fucked out demeanor. His eyes trailed over the mascara smudged around her eyes, her flushed cheeks and hair splayed over his pillow. He pistoned his hips forward, watching as her brows furrowed and jaw dropped in a high pitched mewl.
It only made him think of your soft moans and Kun’s words, ‘There she is, my good girl’, ‘Where does it all go, hm? How does that little pussy take it all?’, ‘So pretty for daddy. Daddy’s girl’.
And your muffled responses had Yangyang off his face every time, imagining it was him your eyes were staring up at as you offered shaky responses.
He looked into the girl's eyes trying to imagine the teary gaze on you. A pained moan left his parted lips at the thought of how good you'd be, so pretty and malleable under him, taking everything he gave you. He knew you could take it rough, kept awake by the dull rhythm of Kun's bed frame against the wall separating their rooms. Yangyang honestly didn't know if you were home, but if you were you'd most likely be in Kun's room, just next door. He picked up his pace, groaning out as his own bed began to thump against the wall.
The girl under him squeezed around his cock in response to the force, and Yangyang's hesitation started to melt. If you could hear him right now he wanted it to sound like he was enjoying himself. Payback for every night you spent without a single thought of him. His jaw went slack, plump lips parting as his moans rang out. His thrusts were sloppy and hard, unleashing months' worth of frustration and hurt.
"D-Daddy. Call me daddy."
He was shameless, utterly projecting his fantasies of you onto this girl. She didn't have your voice, but her whiny, feminine voice calling him daddy would suffice. His length throbbed inside her, "Louder. Yeah, fuck-"
His dark brows furrowed, grimacing as he pulled his length from her cunt and fisted his cock until he was cumming, warm cum making a mess on her torso. If it was you he wouldn't pull out. He'd give you everything, anything to make you his. This girl wasn't right, she was all wrong, and he firmly believed anyone who wasn't you would be wrong. There was no one but you.
So he gave up fucking random girls, Dejun's advice be damned.
Unbeknownst to Yangyang you hadn't been home to listen in on his performance. Kun had taken you on a sweet date, first to a nice dinner and then a drive to your favourite lookout spot over the city. He coaxed you to the backseat to straddle his lap, pushing your silky skirt up your thighs. His big hands bounced you on his cock as he trailed messy kisses up your neck, nipping scarlet bruises onto your skin.
He held your shaking frame to his chest as you came, combing his fingers through your hair with your face buried in his neck. When you came down he ushered you to lay on your back, your head in his lap as he smiled lazily down at you, ghosting his fingertips over your warm cheeks.
You lazed in the backseat talking about nothing, nuzzling your face into his thigh. Somehow the conversation led to the members, Yangyang included. Kun let out a soft laugh, his hand cupping your cheek as you placed kisses to his thigh. “He likes you, you know.”
Your brows furrowed, continuing your soft kisses, “Huh? Really?”
“The poor kid’s in love.”
You continued, unfazed, reaching your hand up to palm Kun’s cock and pulling a soft hum from his chest. “That’s too bad,” you smiled up at him, your eyes trained on his as you pressed your lips to the head of his cock, “I’m in love with you.”
Kun sighed dreamily, tugging your bottom lip down with his thumb and watching your mouth drop open, working your tongue over his slit. “Tell me about it, baby.”
You giggled around his length, pulling off with a pop to look up at him, starry eyes blown wide and lips wet and puffy, “No one but you.”
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imaginesig · 6 months
Father’s Day Posts
Quinn Hughes x Verstappen!Reader smau
Jim Hughes x Verstapppen!Reader platonic
Max Verstappen x Verstappen!Reader siblings
This was a very random idea bridging two of my interest- the idea is the reader is Max Verstappen’s younger sister who’s dating Quinn Hughes. These are some of the Father’s Day posts throughout the years as Jim Hughes fills your fathers shoes
2 years with Quinn
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Liked by _quinnhughes, lewishamilton, and 20,822 others
y/n_verstappen: Happy Fathers Day to @/jimhughes!! Thank you for allowing me to join the celebration💖
Tagged: jackhughes, _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, ellenhughes, jimhughes
jimhughes no need for thanks, family celebrates with family
y/n_verstappen who’s cutting onions 🥹
mclaren let’s keep the celebration going into the weekend!! We have paddock passes with your name on them!
y/n_verstappen not admin showing me up in the gift department ��
landonorris step it up Y/n
_quinnhughes don’t worry he loves the watch more than any of his kids
jimhughes now I have somewhere to wear it😆
ellenhughes that is such a good photo!! What would I do without you
y/n_verstappen have about half the amount of family photos
lhughes_06 bribery goes a long way
maxvertappen1 I made you an aunt and I didn’t even get a call??
y/n_verstappen no
y/n_verstappen @/kellypiquet Happy Father’s Day, you’re the best dad out there 💪
maxverstappen1 🖕
user this is so cute
user her inner child is healing I can feel it
user Y/n has blessed us again with new Hughes brothers content
y/n_verstappen everything I do, I do for you
danielriccardo I’ve waited almost a two years I better get to meet the fam
y/n_verstappen only if you follow the rules
jackhughes rules?
y/n_verstappen Danny ric unconfined is a lot for the first meeting
_quinnhughes I can confirm
_quinnhughes love this, love you ❤️
y/n_verstappen love you too❤️
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3 years with Quinn
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Liked by maxverstappen1, georgerussel63, and 29,297 others
y/n_verstappen: Happy Father’s Day year two!! Hope Monaco didn’t disappoint 💖
Tagged: ellenhughes, jimhughes
lhughes_06 now the baby picture was just unnecessary
jackhughes and I thought moms account being private saved us from this
y/n_verstappen no one’s safe from me
maxverstappen1 we know
danielericcardo we know
charles_leclerec we know
landonorris we know
alex_albon we know
lewishamilton we know
georgerussel63 we know
y/n_verstappen 🤭
lhughes_06 most united the grids ever been
user1 sad we don’t get brothers content in Monaco
user2 they weren’t there due to schedule conflicts
user3 wait so it was just her and Quinn’s parents
user2 Y/N’s said for the past year Jim wanted to explore Monaco not on a race weekend, so with this years scheduling it makes sense that she used this time off to give him a Father’s Day trip leading up to the day
user1 she’s so sweet I love her😭💖
user3 she even asked Charles for help planning the must do things since it was so quick
user4 kinda weird to take a trip with just them is you ask me
user3 I didn’t
jimhughes I had an amazing time!! Thank you so much sweetie!
ellenhughes definitely one of the best surprises he’s received
y/n_verstappen y’all will have to come back and explore more!! @/charles_leclerc knows the best spots for dates
user1 not Y/n planning a romantic getaway for them😭😭
jackhughes so you 1) went on a nice trip with MY parents and left me in Jersey and 2) posted a baby pic of me on the internet
y/n_verstappen and what abt it??
lhughes_06 the only way we’ll be consoled after this betrayal is with a trip to Australia
y/n_verstappen planning rn🫡
danielriccardo put me in coach
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4 years with Quinn
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Liked by lhughes_06, jimhughes, and 21,827 others
y/n_verstappen: Watch out everyone, he’s switching sports 🏒🏎️ Happy 4th Fathers Day to my adventure buddy!! You instantly made me feel part of the family from the first moment I’ve met you, my only regret is waiting until 2 years in to show it.
Tagged: mclaren, jimhughes, ellenhughes, jackhughes, lhughes_06, _quinnhughes
jimhughes you’ve always been my daughter, post or no
y/n_verstappen aww love you papa Hughes 🥹💖
user1 “papa Hughes” I CANT TAKE THIS
_quinnhughes she said mama Hughes too
user1 STOPPP🥲
_quinnhughes why is he posing with cash 😭
y/n_verstappen flexing on the broke bitches of the world
_quinnhughes so Luke?
y/n_verstappen yea Luke
y/n_verstappen it’s endearingly moose
charles_leclerc she does it to us all
lhughes_06 so it’s not just a once time “inchedent”
redbullracing we have an open seat and a contract ready!!
maxverstappen1 no you don’t?
redbullracing F1 only really needs one Verstappen and we chose favorites
y/n_verstappen admin I love you
jimhughes I’ll get my pen😆
user1 not Jim taking Max’s seat 😭😭
user2 stop that’s so sweet
user3 I wasn’t ready for Mclaren to post the sweetest video of them ever
user4 ikr
user5 Jim being in a video with other Mclaren dads killed me in the best way
user3 he’s the dad Y/n needed
mclaren thank you for joining us for a friendly competition Mr. Hughes!!
jimhughes It was a pleasure! Karting should be the new golfing 😆
y/n_verstappen friendly my ass, now I know where the boys got their competitiveness from
jackhughes you would have found out sooner or later
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5 years plus a ring with Quinn
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Liked by ellenhughes, alex_albon, and 39,028 others
y/n_verstappen Podium for papa Hughes🏆Thank you for being the best honorary father a girl could ask for! I never had the dad who cheered me on unconditionally or smiled even if I wasn’t first. After over taking in the last lap, all I could think about was a crushing dad hug, and you did not disappoint. Thank you for loving me as if I was your own 💖💖
Tagged jimhughes
mclaren we 🧡 papa Hughes!!
ellenhughes I never thought orange would be my color
landonorris you look stunning in papaya ma’am
lhughes_06 get away from my mom 🤺🤺
jimhughes only a few more months and there won’t be any need for the “honorary.” I’m so proud dear and can’t wait to see where you end up!!
y/n_verstappen 💖💖
user1 literally crying
user2 this post is too much for me to handle
maxverstappen1 my little sister has the ability to be nice?? Alert the public there’s been a new development made
y/n_verstappen smashing your trophies as we speak
_quinnhughes IM SO PROUD OF YOU! little upset you hugged my father before even thinking about me, but proud nonetheless
y/n_verstappen a little while longer and my HUSBAND will be the only man I think about 🤞🤞
_quinnhughes I love you ❤️
y/n_verstappen I love you too❤️
landonorris get a room
georgerussel63 you are aware this is a public comment section
maxverstappen1 just be glad you’ve never had to third wheel them
y/n_verstappen y’all hear that?? It sounds like the breaking of trophies
user4 can we just take a moment to appreciate how she built the family she always needed
user5 fr
user6 Y/n not only repaired her rocky relationship with Max, but also found a guy who treats her like she hung the moon, gained two little brothers, adopted rookies, and found a healthy father figure
user4 I’m convinced Harry wrote “Matilda” abt her
user5 she’s healing ❤️‍🩹
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6 years with Quinn
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Liked by _quinnhughes, maxverstappen1, and 50,047 others
y/n_verstappen: how does one adequately celebrate the man who healed deep wounds and helped create the mentality you have today? Short answer you can’t. Long answer, you always work hard, smile when it’s rough, do everything with the intention of making him proud, and always try to be that inspiration for someone else even though all that will never be enough. Happy Fathers Day to my incredible father in law!! You picked up and glued on pieces of me I didn’t even know where missing. I love you 💖💖
Tagged jimhughes, ellenhughes, _quinnhughes
jimhughes what’s that phrase you use? Cutting onions? It’s been an honor to meet and grow a relationship with you. You’ve always been a wonderful partner to Quinn. It’s been incredible to explore the world, support you, and watch as you made history these past 6 years! Here’s to many more 🍾
y/n_verstappen i can’t even fathom a response😭💖
_quinnhughes he’s finally used a non-face emoji
jackhughes they’ve both helped each other in a way
ellenhughes my favorite daughter!!
y/n_verstappen hopefully more to come in the future @/lhughes_06 @/jackhughes
lhughes_06 wow no pressure
jackhughes just throw us out there why don’t ya
maxverstappen1 it’s been a beautiful experience watching how this family effected you, don’t forget me ok?
y/n_verstappen I could never! With out the Verstappens I’d be nowhere
maxverstappen1 the hyphenated last name is still too long
y/n_verstappen and the dick is back everyone!!
maxverstappen1 I love you 🧡
y/n_verstappen I love you too💙
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arielleslipgloss · 3 months
It Girl Habits!!
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(none of these photos are mine)
“You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.” - Anne Hathaway
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Stay busy!! Do you see those it girls like Serena Van Der Woodsen scrolling on their phone all day? No, you rarely do. It girls are always busy doing something. So, therefore do some self care, study, workout, read, journal, go shopping, go on solo dates, hang out with friends, paint, have a dance party, etc. Do fun activities and take care of yourself. Another example of a busy it girl is, Elle Woods. Elle Woods wasn’t becoming one with the couch everyday. She had goals to achieve. She had people that doubted her to prove wrong. So get up! Start planning out your day or week. Start making goals!!
Have goals! You wanna know why you’re bored all the time? Well, it’s because you have no goals. You practically don’t have a life because all you do is sleep, eat, scroll, and repeat. You’re wasting time doing nothing. You could’ve had a clean room by now. Maybe you could have finished that book. Whatever it is, you could have had it. You could’ve been 1% better than yesterday. You don’t though because you have no goals. That time you’re wasting, can be used toward your goals. It can be used toward your dream life. Maybe, you do have goals? Yet you don’t even take action. What are you waiting for? For someone to do the work for you? No, get up and start taking action.
Be mindful of what you consume online!! Just like how who you surround yourself with affects you. What you consume online affects how and who you are. For example, listening to sad music makes you feel sad. Music is meant to tell a story that you feel deeply. You may not even relate to the song, but you feel as if you do. So, you become sad and continue to listen to sad music. When listening to uplifting music you gain confidence. You still feel like you relate to the song. Just with a more positive effect. As for what you watch and read. Don’t read/watch stuff that will put you down. Watch/read content that will help you.
Complimenting yourself every time you pass the mirror!! Some may say it’s cringy, but DO IT. Would you rather be cringy or be the best version of yourself? Exactly, so either say it out loud or in your head. Say it even if you might not believe it. Say it because you deserve it! Try to be creative with your compliments. Not all compliments have to be about your looks. It could be your personality, your thoughtfulness, how creative you are, etc. Also loosen up, be your own hype girl. When you see the mirror you could say, “Omg I look like the main character.” “Oh wait, I am!” Lastly, don’t forget to have fun with hyping yourself up.
Mediating or journaling when stressed!! When stressed we start to feel a lot of tension. So, that’s why meditating is so important to do when stressed. All you have to do is sit down and focus on breathing. Plus, It calms down your nerves, relaxes the mind, body, and soul. Not just that, but plenty of other benefits. Which includes, helps focus, betters mood, helps you sleep, slows down aging, etc. As for journaling, it’s practically free therapy! That is, at least in my eyes. All you need is a notebook, a pen or pencil, and yourself. Journal what’s making you stressed or anxious. Let all your emotions out, write freely. Your words don’t have to make sense. Nor do you need to have perfect writing. In fact, when you journal it may be all over the place. However or whatever you write, just let it out.
Expressing your gratitude!! Life is so beautiful and has so much meaning. So, either write down what you’re grateful for or thank God. You are so blessed to be here today. That is only just one thing to be grateful for. There are so many things to be grateful for, air, family, friends, your mind, being born as you, water, books, food, shoes, clothes, and so much more!! Express your gratitude everyday. It could be the most random thing like, a poster. As long as you’re truly grateful, then express it.
7. Having a low screen time!! Cliché, I know but it’s true. Your devices are consuming you. Think about what you use your device(s) for. Good examples are, for work, for motivation, tips, workout videos, inspiration, knowledge, and maybe even faith reasons. Now here are bad examples, procrastinating, sinning, hating on others, scrolling, because you’re bored, to watching videos of people that make you insecure, and lastly to cope with something. Which to clarify, trying to cope by using your phone, I understand somewhat. On the other hand, it could make what you’re coping with worse. I say that because there are so many studies on why our phone is bad for us. Seriously, so many and we are completely unaware of the damage it does. So for that reason, try to use your phone only for the good. I know you’re probably going to make an excuse. Which we all do and that’s ok, but please try.
8. Encouraging yourself to do better!! You should always be working hard to be 1% better everyday. So on the days you don’t feel like doing anything, encourage yourself. Show up for yourself, you will be so happy after. Lastly, trust yourself to get whatever done!!
9. Having a healthy sleep schedule!! For me, I try to aim for 8-11 hours of sleep. For others, it may be 7-10 hours of sleep. Whatever makes you feel the most well-rested should work. Just try to be consistent and mindful of the time. I also recommend to be off your phone for at least 30-60 minutes before going to bed. It will improve how you sleep a lot. That also being said, try not to be on your phone when you wake up either. It’ll help improve your health by a lot. Especially, the health of your brain and eyes. As I had mentioned, try to be consistent. Set a certain time to go to bed and turn off your phone. Then, get your lovely beauty sleep gorgeous!!
10. CLEANING!! The last habit is, cleaning. Now, I don’t just meaning cleaning your room or house. I mean even your body and mind. For starters, a clean room equals a clean mind. Therefore, stop procrastinating and start cleaning. Turn on some fun music and maybe even romanticize cleaning. Just make it fun and DEEP clean. I know someone reading this has been procrastinating on cleaning. You know who you are, so clean everything. Then, for cleaning the mind a little extra meditate. I feel like I already went over a bit about meditation. So lastly, for the body, take your showers consistently. Also, please wear deodorant. I see way too many people nowadays not wearing deodorant. Seriously, wear your deodorant.
“Always walk around like you have on an invisible tiara on.” - Paris Hilton
Remember, always apply lip gloss and stay pretty! Love you, dolls 💋
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Info I used: https://reallifecounseling.us/blog/benefits-of-meditation
My Pinterest: @arielleslipgloss
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𝐑𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐏𝐭 𝟐
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒂 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆... 𝒊𝒕'𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖.
Pairing: Merman!Hyunjin x Human!fem!reader Genre: Angst kinda, Fluff🥰💖, Smut🔥❤️ Word Count: 6k Warnings: Blood, Hyunjin is missing, JYPEeeEe KING OF DA SEEEEAAAAA, challenges for king, memories of sexual scenes >.>, Hyunjin AND the kid have hallucinations, kidnapping..., RANDOM MERMAID CRAP I THOUGHT WAS COOL (heart of the sea, coral palace, etc), reunions, chan becomes king of the sea... i think that's it... sweet sex (not entirely soft...), possessive Hyunjin, JYP dies.... forgive me its for plot.
A/N: Based on this TikTok link to pt 1 AHHHHH THE LONG AWAITED PART 2 i hope you like it <3 changing the formatting of my work and page again soon >.>
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"I'm trusting you to take care of them, at least until I get back..."
Chan stared at his friend, "And if you don't?"
Hyunjin sucked in a breath and looked over his shoulder at Chan, "Let her... Make her... Forget me."
"Mommy what's 2 x 2?"
"Why are you worried about multiplication right now? Sugar you can't even add your hundreds place yet." You sighed.
"Uncle Ji said it's important to start early." You child pouted.
"Uncle Ji doesn't know much about math either." You chuckled.
"I second that." Chan laughed.
"Uncle Chan." She looked at the dark haired man, "What's 2 x 2?"
You gave Chan a look.
"I'll teach you another time we should work on addition first, y'know?" The man smiled.
You smiled and looked back at your work, you had been studying a certain type of guppy for just about a month now. A type of guppy that always lingered around Hyunjin's home...
You clenched for fists as you thought about that man, his beautiful sea green eyes, his gorgeous smile, the way he held you.
The doorbell made you look up. "Chan, can you get that?"
"I got it." Chan opened the door to Changbin.
"UNCLE BINNIE!" Your child ran to the short man's arms.
He them up and spun them. "Look at my favorite kid." He smiled, "You ready to go?"
Your child grabbed her bag and dragged it to the door, waving goodbye, "I'll see you in two days Mommy. Bye bye!"
You laughed lightly and waved. "Take came of her Changbin."
"I will." He called back.
You were positive she would be fine when you heard Minho's "I'll watch them both."
You kept to your work until Chan tapped your shoulder, "You're going to die of work. Go out and do something."
"Who are you my dad?" You laughed lightly. "Fine."
You picked up your computer but Chan took it from you. "Go relax... Go for a drive, go out to eat, get your nails done. SOMETHING!"
"FINE!" You huffed, muttering a you put on your shoes and grabbed your car keys.
You drove around town for a bit, looking out at the sea, you parked by the beach and walked to the shore, taking off your shoes and sitting there on the sand.
You watched as the water lapped around your bare feet, remembering sitting here with Hyunjin, who seemed shocked that crabs could be so mean when he didn't appear like a merman. You smiled and gripped the sand between your fingers before reaching up and playing with your sun charm.
You lie back on the sand as you remembered the day you and Hyunjin sat on the beach at night, the moon was full and he was talking about his parents.
"And apparently, my dad was the most romantic guy ever. But I can't be so sure about that now."
You giggled. "Do you think I'll meet your parents?"
He looked at you. "Maybe..."
"Maybe?" You tilted your head at him.
"I'd have to make you my mate first." He smirked.
"You'd bite me?" You laughed. "Like a werewolf?"
He made a face and grabbed your face. "I'd present you to the Mother of the Sea and beg for her blessing. I'd give you all my air..." he looked into your eyes and you felt your face get hot. "And then..." He leaned in close so his lips brushed against your jaw. "I'd give you my seed."
You shoved his face and hid yours in embarrassment as he cackled.
"Is it so bad to you???!" He laughed.
"No just..." You looked at him. "You've already done 1 of those things."
He smirked. "Then let me do it again.." he took your hand into his and kissed your wrist then your arm before moving to your neck.
You blushed deeply as your remember how he'd practically dragged you under the water and done... jiendsjiok Y/n. Focus..."Hyune... Where are you?"
Uncle Changbin and Uncle Minho had taken me around all day, we went to the mall, to the park, then we went to go eat, when we finally got to Minho's place and I went to bed I smiled slightly to myself. Mommy never let me go out often.
It was late, I was staring up at the ceiling, I wonder what Daddy's doing right now... the thought of my father made me smile, I still remembered his pretty face. Mommy used to smile more then. It's been two years if I've done my math right.
I hugged my narwal plushie that he bought me the last time we went to the aquarium together. I closed my eyes and whispered softly, "Mother of Sea... bring my daddy back." And I fell asleep.
Mommy says I got my hyper awareness from Daddy. The soft sound of steps woke me up and I froze. The steps weren't near the door or in the hall. They were in the room.
My eyes focused into the darkness and I glanced around without rolling over. I tried to look like I was sleeping as the steps grew closer, was it a monster? was it the boogey man my friends at school talked about...
"Jazz hands and flash." Daddy's voice came to my mind, I was 4 then and he told me to be careful when I flared my hands out because my claws would appear...
The steps grew closer and I swallowed, should I scream for Uncle Changbin...
I should scream..
The steps were beside my bed now.
The shadow stretched over my bed, moonlight from the window pouring in.
I saw the hand reaching for me.
"Deep breaths.." I sucked in a slow, steady breath.
"Jazz hands..."
I flared my hands out and my claws connected with a hard substance that made me cry out in pain and pull my hands back. The person grabbed me suddenly and I shrieked.
The door burst open and Uncle Changbin was lunging claws out. Another person flew and slammed him hard into the wall just as Uncle Minho ran for me.
My gaze locked on the corner of the room. There was a woman who looked like my mommy dressed differently, like the olden days.. I was pulled out of my window as my uncles shouted.
Something pricked my arm and then the world went dark.
It was so hot... so hot he couldn't move. The heat crushing him place almost.. He looked up as he heard the door to the chamber open.
"Time to eat." the maid said as she set the food in front of Hyunjin.
He stared at it for a long time and as he reached for it he heard a voice.
It's the food...
And he pulled back, smacking the food away with his tail and shouting. "LET ME GO!"
The maid looked at him for a moment, before she shook her head and walked away.
I struggled for a moment before I heard the voice.. her voice... "Hyunjin... it's almost time."
You stood there in shock. Chan was very quiet. Changbin winced as Jeongin dabbed at the wounds on his neck.
"It was the royal guard." Minho said softly.
You looked at the floor, squeezing your necklace...
"Why would they take her.." Chan finally spoke.
Yongbok twirled his thumbs. "How did they even know she existed?!"
Seungmin sighed. "If it's the royal guard it had to have been a roayl decree."
The boys went quiet and Chan said softly. "He's been king for a long time."
The others looked at him.
"Chan what are you thinking.." Seungmin whispered.
Chan sat up straight. "I guess I owe you all an explanation."
If there was ever a merboy King Jinyoung put effort into. That boy would be Chan. That boy who was made to be a model king, his parents were impossibly proud of him for being so close to the king. It was when he was thirteen the king really took him in. Fight like this. Kill humans like that. Humans are evil because of this.
It was when Chan met his friends things became a little different, he was freer, the group following him around as it grew, and Hyunjin... Hyunjin who told Chan first where he got his necklace... who told Chan first he felt drawn to you.. who told Chan first that the child was his.. who trusted his love and daughter to Chan.
And Chan gradually slipped away from the king of the sea. But everyone knew.. from the Arctic to the southern most sea, and all the way back again they all knew the next king of the sea was going to be Chan.
And Chan neglected his duty.
"If we're going to get her," Jisung stared at you. "You need to blend into the sea."
You pursed your lips. "Huh-"
Seungmin hummed and circled you. "An octopus or a sea horse..."
"I think she'd make a good shark woman personally." Minho said.
"I agree." Jeongin seconded.
You made a face. "Why can't I be a pretty mermaid like you guys?"
"Because," Yongbok huffed, "Not all of us look the same." He cleared his throat and glanced at Changbin, "First girlfriend had tentacles."
They all shrugged.
"Don't listen to them." Chan sighed. "I have something ready already."
They all looked at Chan.
"Watch him make her some ugly black thing-"
"Betta cross." Chan said, looking you over, "Y/N would look good as a Betta fish with a mix of mandarin... Don't you all agree?"
The boys tilted their heads at you.
"Yes." Minho said.
"Definitely." Changbin smiled.
"She'd look gorgegous." Jisung jumped.
"Stunning." Felix nodded.
Seungmin shrugged.
"I think she'd look really pretty." Jeongin agreed.
"What on earth-" You started but the men practically dragged you to your car and put you in the drivers seat, before crowding in your van.
"Drive." Chan said. "We're going to the beach."
for yall who are wondering this is a betta fish (siamese fighting fish).
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Chan stared at the shore. "This brings back memories..." He exhaled slowly.
"It's now or never." Jeongin huffed, taking off his expensive human trinkets and leaving them in your car.
You stared at the sea. "If they hurt my baby. I'll dump plastic."
The boys all blinked at you in shock.
"Gimme the pill." You huffed.
Chan cleared his throat and put the pill in your hand.
The boys jumped into the water one by one and you watched as they swam away, clothes washing up to the shore.
You looked at Chan who tilted his head to the water, "After you."
You sucked in a breath and jumped into the water, shoving the pill into your mouth and gasping, watching the bubbles float to the surface before you tried to move you legs. You looked down and shrieked.
Jisung and Seungmin snickered at your reaction.
Yongbok swam around happily. "YOU'RE SO PRETTY!"
You looked at them. Chan dove into the water and you turned away as his legs became one and when you looked back, there was a dark blue tail.
He smiled. "The look suits you..."
You looked down at the big tail, sparkling scales and pretty frills waving and wafting in the current. Hyunjin would've thought it was so gorgeous..
You exhaled. "Lets go."
You followed the boys deep into the water, the coral grew larger, then you saw another merman swim by. Your eyes widened at the sight of a more merpeople, the boys weren't lying, they were all built differently. Some with octopus arms and others with shark teeth.
You pursed your lips as a merman with a striped tail in gold, brown, and black like a lionfish..
Jeongin nudged you. "He's venomous.."
You blinked a few times and nodded. "Noted."
You felt like the merpeople you passed were staring at you and suddenly you forgot how to work your tail. Could they tell you were human..?
Jisung turned and grabbed you, dragging you after the rest of the group. "You're pretty, like.. top tier mermaid princess kind of pretty.." He smiled. "It's natural for them to stare. They'd think the mother of the sea blessed you with her beauty."
You tried to assure yourself that they couldn't tell you were human.
Chan swam towards a huge rock structure and smiled at you. "The person in here is trustworthy." He motioned for you to enter.
You saw a very pretty mermaid with big black eyes her tail was gold and yellow with black spots and there was spines all over it.
"Chan... who is this pretty girl and why is this the first time I'm meeting her?" She circled you a few times and her tail swished happily. "Is she a model for me?"
"Rin-" Chan started but the mermaid lifted your arms and started using a length of something to measure you.
"Rin she's-" Seungmin tried.
"I have just the thing for you darling!" She started running off to get something but Chan grabbed her arm and dragged her back.
"She's human!" He whispered shouted.
Rin's eyes widened. "This is Hyunjin's.."
The boys nodded.
She smiled at you, much calmer than before. "I'm Rin, I'm glad to finally meet you."
"Rin." Yongbok said, "Did the royal guard bring a little human girl through?"
"They did actually." She sighed. "While you were gone King Jinyoung said he'd found the Heart of the Sea."
Chan's eyes widened. "What?"
"It's encased in something, they say the girl is the key to opening it." She looked at you. "That girl is your daughter isn't she?"
You nodded and took a few breaths trying to collect yourself.
Changbin took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Can you keep her h-"
"No!" You snapped, pulling away from Changbin. "I'm not staying when some 500 year old man kidnapped my daughter! No! I'm going with you!"
Chan pursed his lips. "Please... Y/N-"
"I'm going and you can't stop me." You touched your face as something behind your ears flared.
Minho hummed. "She's still pretty while she's angry."
"Fine." Chan sighed. "Hands up."
You put your hands up and he flared his hands before baring his nails at you. You jumped back on instinct as his claws appeared.
"Do it." He glared at you. "If you can't, you can't come with us."
You shrank under his condescending gaze.
"Well?" Chan raised a brow at you.
Rin swam between you two. "You're scaring her Chan."
"Stay." He told you.
"Chan that isn't fair to her-" Rin started.
"Yea-" Jeongin started.
The appendages behind Chan's ears flared and he shouted. "She stays. That's final."
The boys and Rin all went quiet.
"Let's go." Chan huffed, swimming out.
The boys looked at you and swam after him, Yongbok smiled at you. "We'll get her back.."
Hyunjin tugged at the chains. He pulled and pulled until his wrists went raw.
"Food time." the maid entered and the heat from the bubbling hydrothermal vents calmed somewhat.
Hyunjin looked at her. "What's happening up there... It's loud."
"The king has found the key to the Heart of the Sea. The sacrifice is in two days time." She said as she set the food down. "I suggest you stop struggling, by the time you get out that half human brat will be dead."
Hyunjin's eyes widened. "If you scum touch her-" Hyunjin tuggd at his chains with all his might and he felt them shift in the sand.
"What will you do?" a voice said behind the maid.
She quickly bowed and excused herself.
Jinyoung stared down at Hyunjin. "I'm going to restore the Merman empire. And when I do, merpeople like you will stop existing."
Hyunjin's eyes narrowed. "You're a monster."
"A monster who cares for his people. And if I have to kill a few humans to reach my goal... So be it."
Hyunjin tore from his chains and vaulted for Jinyoung.
The older merman was stronger than he looked, throwing Hyunjin hard against the rock of the dungeon.
Hyunjin's vision blurred as he slumped to the floor. He saw a luminescent something before he felt the sting and his vision went dark.
Jinyoung stared at the almost diamond casing of the heart of the sea. He looked at the child sleeping in the bubble, it resembled Hyunjin so much.
He held the dagger Chan and his friends had recovered. This was for his people..
"Your highness." a servant entered and bowed, "Chan is here."
"Send him in." Jinyoung covered the child with the seaweed curtains and turned as Chan entered the room.
"My king." Chan bowed.
"Chan, please."
Chan looked up and locked eyes with him. "It's been almost two years since Hyunjin disappeared..."
"A tragedy really." Jinyoung swam to the wall of his study and traced the shelf.
"He had a lover." Chan said softly. "A lover I promised to protect.. and he had a child a child I'd give my life for."
Jinyoung turned eyes wide, the appendages behind his ears flaring. "That half human bastard child!"
"She is not a bastard child!" Chan's eyes narrowed. "In 2 days the moon will be full and at its strongest, the tides low, the fish will move for the coast. The Coral Palace will be accessible. If we have the Heart of the Sea."
"So what?" Jinyoung glared at Chan... This boy can't read through me.
"The Mother of the Sea blesses one. One person to harness the Heart of the Sea." Chan looked at the seaweed curtain, "And Hyunjin's daughter is missing."
"What' the point of all this? You want me to search for a mista-"
"No." Chan moved so fast, Jinyoung barely saw him before Chan's claws were at his throat. "I challenge you."
"Chan!" Minho and Yongbok came around the corner just in time to see it. Their eyes went wide.
"Park Jinyoung. I, Bang Christopher Chan, challenge you to be King of the Sea." Chan said coldly.
Jinyoung stared at him for a long moment. "I accept.."
You sat with Rin talking about the quality of her clothes.
"But really..." she sighed looking at you. "You shouldn't mind it."
"Don't mind what?" You raised a brow.
"How Chan talks to you..."
You looked at her. "Of course I shou-"
"Chan is going to be the next king one day. Simply by being in contact with you, he's risking his future." She said quietly. "By hiding the secret about your daughter for so long... He's risking his life."
Your eyes widened slightly. "So.."
"He's mean sometimes but it's because he cares.." she smiled, "So don't let that get to you."
You nodded, looking at your hands. "I'm just worried about C/n.. and Hyunjin.."
Rin smiled and took your hand in hers. "It'll be okay..."
She spoke too soon.
"RIN!" Minho entered the coral building with such speed he was dragging bubbled behind him, eyes wide and frantic with fear. "Chan challenged the king!"
He opened his eyes again... he felt so tired.. His sea green eyes looked over the hydrothermal vents and he tugged at his chains. He'd broken free before.. why couldn't he now?
He felt something.. something.
Turn. Hyunjin turn your damn head. He turned his head with so much effort and he saw it. The jellyfish that had stung him. He sucked in a breath and exhaled, how the hell did he let this happen.
"SHIT!" He shouted as he realized what would happen. He pulled at his chains. Y/N, C/N, Chan, Changbin, Yongbok, Jeongin EVERYONE!
Hyunjin pulled at the chains one last time before giving up.
He sank to the floor and grit his teeth as he remembered the last time he'd seen you.
"You'll come back right?" You looked up at him with the saddest look in your eyes.
"Of course I'll come back.. when haven't I?"
And how you'd kissed him as if it was the last time you ever would.
Hyunjin screamed and pulled at the chains again, he looked up at a little ball of light in the distance and somehow he saw you... No.. not you.. but you.. dressed in something so much like the old days hundreds of years ago.
"The Heart of the Sea is here... it's been waiting on you."
By the time you got to the arena area Chan was in the sand, the man he was fighting, who you assumed was Jinyoung, was beating the crap out of him. The other people watched with sad expressions as Chan got punched again..
You swam to the closest place you could to see. "CHAN!"
Minho tried to move over the coral railing as King Jinyoung's claws emerged, but Changbin held him back.
"He's going to kill him!" You shouted.
Jisung grabbed you around your waist and held you back. "That's how the challenge works... the one who lives is king..."
You stared with wide scared eyes as blood swirled into the water. "Chan.."
You tried to pull away from Jisung as Jinyoung released Chan and stood straight. Chan lie there in the sand, blood curling up into the water. Was he dead... Chan... dead?
Something in you snapped and you tore from Jisung's arms with alarming force.
This man. This King of the Sea. He'd kidnapped your daughter. He'd destroyed your peace. He'd forced Hyunjin to go back to the ocean. He'd hurt Chan.
You tore through the water, seeing red, you felt numb. There was nothing but this Jinyoung. This monster.
You raised your hands on instinct and felt your nails shifting on your skin before you really saw red. Your barbed claws buried themselves in Jinyoung's chest just as the royal guards swam for you, just as Chan sprung back up, just as the crowd screamed and a messenger shouted over the arena... "THE SEA DEVIL IS FREE!"
Hyunjin woke up in a bed. It wasn't soft by any means but he wasn't complaining, a familiar warmth was pressed to his chest and he smiled as he held her tighter pressing his nose against he head, the familiar scent filled his nostrils.
He opened his an eye and smiled at you. He barely noticed the sheets looked different.. how strange they felt, he heard something and tensed.
"What is it?" You looked up at him.
"Nothing.." He lied. "Go back to sleep." He got up from the bed, and stepped on to wood flooring. His brows furrowed as he realized... this floor wasn't the one in your house.
He went to the door and felt something looming over it as he opened the door and walked into the hall, the chairs in different rooms looked old... and he saw it... a baby crib... His eyes widened, that wasn't..
The sound of the front door opening made him turn with such speed he could have cracked his neck.
"The oceanic beast is here!" Someone shouted.
Hyunjin turned to run back to your bedroom but someone grabbed him and he shouted, "Y/N!"
He heard you scream as you were dragged from your bedroom.
Hyunjin saw red and before he could stop himself he spun from the people holding him and slashed their throats, Lunging for the men holding you. Heavy metal chains fell around him and he was pulled back baring his claws.
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face.
And Hyunjin stopped struggling.
He let the people drag him away...
From where he was chained in the village square he'd seen you multiple times, but you were always with someone, they always kept you away... and one night he heard something and looked up.
The moon was full and he saw his people storming the village..
You came running to him, and as you tried to unshackle his chains he stared with wide eyes as a long dagger, tore through you. "Y/N!"
Your grip on his chains slackened and Hyunjin tore away from where he was held about to lunge for the person but he froze. It was a boy... a merboy, no older than 16.
"Human devils and Sea devils are the banes of this world. You should die!" The boy shouted.
And as he opened his mouth to shout a human sword ran him through.
"You can't let the past repeat itself..."
He looked up at you. Or what looked like you.
"You have to go now..."
"Hyunjin..." You leaned to him and kissed him gently. "Give me your air."
Hyunjin screamed and tore his chains from the ground, swimming to the stalactite edge of his enclosure and pounding on it before he slammed into it and the rock crumpled. He swam up frantically towards light, and surfaced in the remnants of the Coral Palace.
He stared around for a long time. Then his ear appendages twitched and he turned in the direction of the New Palace.
Jinyoung held his chest and stumbled back. His eyes widening at the sight of you. "HUMAN!"
The crowd gasped and Chan stood in front of you, defensively, "She's trustworthy-"
"Your highness, the moon-" A frantic servant tried to say but Jinyoung pushed him aside and swam for the palace.
Guards circled you and Chan as the others tried to get to you and the crowd began to panic.
"UP!" Chan grabbed you and slammed his tail hard, sending you shooting upwards before he released you and began to swim as fast as he could.
You followed before you looked back. "I can't.."
Chan looked at you. "Y/n! We need to go!"
"Chan..." You breathed before turning back to the palace. "She's all I have."
Before he could stop you, you swam around the guards and followed Jinyoung into the palace. You followed the merman as he swerved through the palace and then you finally caught up to him as he stopped in front of a seaweed curtain.
He pulled out a bubbled and turned to you. Inside the bubble was.. your daughter..
The artifact Hyunjin had stolen from the museum in his other hand. "With this dagger... Mother of the Sea... Bless the Heart! And devour Man."
You screamed as he raised the dagger. "NO!" You swam for him but something was faster, grabbing Jinyoung and slashing his face. He dropped the bubble and you dove for it. Looking up, you stared in shock at the familiar figure. "Hyunjin.."
"You want the heart..." he said lowly, raking his claw over his palm, blood coiled from the wound into the water as Hyunjin grabbed a crystal locked object.
You stared at it. Jin-young sprang up to attack Hyunjin but something slowed him...
Hyunjin gripped the crystal and shouted. "COME GET IT!"
And it shattered.
Jin-young stared at him. "This can't be... You're not- You can't- You... You love that HUMAN! You're not one of us! TRAITOR! LIAR! DEVIL!"
Hyunjin tossed the crystal to the ground before staring a beautiful blue pearl.
"This... is for 500 years ago." Hyunjin grabbed the dagger from the floor and stabbed the pearl.
Jin-young screamed and lunged for him but Chan swam past you and grabbed the shrieking king. "Your dynasty is over."
Hyunjin's brows furrowed before he swam and covered your eyes. And yet you couldn't mistake the sound of Jin-young's neck breaking.
It took several hours to get everything handled with your daughter as she couldn't believe Hyunjin was back. Chan was going to recover and the planning of a formal coronation was under way. It was early the next morning, when you finally got home, settling your daughter into bed. But now you had questions.
"Where were you.." you whispered as you returned your home.
Hyunjin looked at you. "Jinyoung ordered me to return and kept me when I tried to leave. He... he imprisoned me in the Coral Palace and I saw... you..."
You looked into his eyes. "You were gone. I thought you-"
Hyunjin remembered what he begged Chan to do and bit his plump lip.
"I thought you left us." You whispered.
Hyunjin fell from the couch on his knees in front of you. "No... Jagiya no..." he breathed. "I would never."
You felt the tears welling in your eyes as he took your hands in his. "I'm sorry... you've been struggling and I just-"
"No. Don't apologize. I.. I should've figured out something-"
"You were in a dungeon, I was just here and-" the tears started streaming down your face before you could stop them. "C/n would ask where you were and I wouldn't know what to say.."
Hyunjin took your face in his hands and shushed you, wiping your tears. "You did amazing..." He whispered. "You are amazing.."
You looked into his pretty green eyes as you tried to control your tears. "I missed you.."
He smiled gently and leaned to press his forehead against yours. "I'm here... I'm finally back... And I'm never going to go again.."
You kissed him softly. He held you against him, pushing his tongue past your lips and sighing as he tasted you for the first time in so long. "Let me..." He breathed.
"What..." You exhaled.
"Make you mine. I want you to meet my parents." He muttered. "But first-"
You didn't let him finish his sentence before you pounced on him.
Your lips were molded to his in a desperate heated kiss as you ran your fingers through his long hair. He muttered against your lips "I love you so much..." as he lifted you, hands firmly on your butt with your legs wrapped around his waist.
He carried you to your bedroom, lip never leaving yours as he set you down on the bed, leaning into you, pulling your shirt over your head as you worked at his pants. He smiled against your lips after he pulled the shirt off you, "Shit, I missed this.."
You gasped as his lips moved to your throat and he bit gently at the skin before kissing and licking at your chest as you mewled softly.
He lifted you and unclipped your bra before taking your of your nipples into his mouth. He groaned as you pulled off his pants just enough to palm at his cock through his boxers. He moved lower kissing at your stomach before kneeling as he pulled your pants and panties off, looking up at you past your breasts. His eyes met yours, pupils blown wide with desire.
His green eyes trailed to your pussy before he leaned in and kissed your clit gently before giving it gentle licks.
You whined and grabbed at his hair.
"Shh.." He hummed, "I've got you pretty thing." He took one of your hands in his and your fingers intertwined as he began licking and sucking at your clit.
You tugged at his hair and gasped, "Hyunjin-"
He groaned into your womanhood, the vibrations sending sparks down your spine before he pushed a long finger into you. You moaned at the stretch and Hyunjin hummed.
"You missed me filling your pretty pussy?" he whispered as he moved his finger in and out green eyes admiring the way your slick coated the digit, before he pushed in another.
You gasped as he curled his fingers to rub your g-spot. He fingered you faster, grinding his palm against your clit, you moaned louder as you felt the familiar knot tightening in you gut. Hyunjin moved up and kissed you moaning as you pulled his hair.
Hyunjin released your hand and took his hand to your clit, rubbing in figure 8 motions as you moaned.
"Cum for me, baby.." He whispered.
And the knot inside you snapped, you jerked as your vision went white and Hyunjin continued fingering you stretching your orgasm thin.
He pulled away and drew his fingers out slowly, admiring your slick as he licked his fingers clean, groaning at your taste. He pulled his shirt and pants off, dragging the boxers as well before grabbing your legs and dragging you to the edge of the bed.
He looked down in you eyes as he took his shaft into his hand, rubbing the tip against you slit and slapping it against your clit. You whimpered and he smiled as he pushed into you before leaning over you.
You both moaned as he sank into your tight heat.
"I love you so much..." he breathed, kissing you as he pulled out. He pushed in slowly and the kiss swallowed your moans as he repeated the motion, pushing into you over and over. He pulled away to look into your eyes before he stood to his full height and grabbed your hips.
You gasped as he began fucking into you roughly, desperately, even, as if you might disappear, as if he were dreaming. You moaned as his cock reached deep inside you, brushing your cervix.
"I missed you so much... I thought you'd forgotten me... moved on.. given yourself to someone else." He groaned and and wrapped your legs around his waist, moving you up on the bed and slowing his thrusts. "This is mine.." He kissed your hand,"mine." he kissed your stomach, "mine..." he the valley between your breasts, "mine.." he kissed your lips, "mine. You are mine.." He slammed into you so hard it knocked the air out of your lungs and the bed creaked.
"Hyunjn-" You reached to hold onto him and he took your hand again, kissing your palm as he started pounding into you again, his eyes glazed over and distant but at the same time so focused on you and only you.
You the human he learned to trust. You the girl he used to think about all the time. You the girl who seemed to be everywhere he was. You the only woman he would ever love. You his human.. the mother of his child.. his savior.. you.. the Heart of the Sea.
"I'm not leaving you again... never.." he breathed as he moved faster. "'M going to stay for our little family.. for you." He leaned down and kissed you, muffling your cries as he picked up the pace. "I'm going to cum..."
You gasped and whined as you felt the knot building in you again. "Me too.."
He licked two fingers and brought them to your clit. "Come on jagiya, you can give me one more baby..." He rubbed furiously. "Please he whined and you came again, pussy clenching tightly on Hyunjin.
He moaned and grit his teeth as he came as well. His hips bucked to yours as he released load after load into you before falling over you, holding himself up with his forearms.
You pulled him down to you, his head resting on your bare chest, sweat slicked bodies pressed together and you whispered, running your hand through his damp hair, "I love you, Hyune... Welcome home.."
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appleblueberry-pie · 3 months
Yandere Miguel asks? Alright
Miguel who's already lost his daughter Gabriella and his wife when he messed up the Canon and the universe got destroyed. He's doing his little thing in the spider society when he finds a universe nearly identical to the one that got destroyed, the one where he replaced himself.
Only, in this universe, (Y/n) and Gabriella are meant to die instead of that universe's Miguel.
I imagine Miguel would tell himself a lot of excuses and rationalizations before bringing those two back to his universe (probably with a permanent form of a day pass). A little white lie to them won't also hurt.
Its a plot I've been wanting to write for awhile (as a fellow Yan author) but I've put writing on the back burner so I wanted to share this idea and see how'd you approach it :)
I'll be honest, I didn't feel like writing the entire backstory for what you want(which I usually would), but I went to straight action.
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He thought things would get easier from here. He thought he could finally come home, relax, see his beautiful and amazing wife, along with his precious baby girl. Because he's worked too hard in this lifetime. Too many short days and long nights, too many sacrifices made to keep himself and others safe. Too many deaths. Too many losses. Too many remembrances and forgotten memories. He just wanted it all to end. And he thought it did. Because he finally found you guys. Here you were standing before him with those gorgeous eyes he always got lost in. Telling him about his daughter and your day. So why were your words so venomous?
"I can't do this anymore." He kissed you on the forehead and closed the front door behind him. He walked past you and placed his work items on the table. "What was that, dear?" You stared at him as if he grew two heads. "We can't stay here forever, Miguel." He shuffles to get one shoe off before he finally comprehends your words. His face falls and he looks over at you. He had told you it was all in the past. Why are you bringing up old news? "Can't stay here?" He quotes you as if you said a joke. Your face twists into one of anger and you walk over to him.
"You know what I mean. Holding us here with no real motive besides keeping us for your own sick fucking pleasures. We're not pets, Miguel-" "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where is this coming from? Pets?? Y/n, what are you talking about? I've never treated you like any kind of animals, you're my wife-"
"I don't know you!!" The growing silence allows you both hear the creak of a door opening from afar and Miguel begins to stare at you as if you mentioned something taboo. As if you're stupid. "Let's talk about this later." Miguel turns his back to you to go your shared bedroom. "No, I'm not going to talk about this later, Miguel, we're not from here! Look, I don't know what you want, or even who you are. But...you can't just-" Miguel feels his irritation that build up all day begin to rise again. His shoulders tense the more you talk, and your daughter peeking out her bedroom to witness this wasn't helping.
He turns to face you again, almost seeming to crowd over you. "I am your husband. I am your husband! I've given you everything you needed. I gave you a place to call home, a better home. You don't have to live off of minimum wage anymore. And finally, your daughter has a father figure to watch after her, aren't you happy?? Because I sure am! Gaby's been so happy now and so have you. Why can't you just.....appreciate the things I've sacrificed for the both of you???"
You scrunch your face and take a step back. This stranger suddenly spouting bullshit to you about your killed husband and saying that the two of you being in a random different universe is a blessing?? You're confused and scared and would rather live where you used to than wherever this foreign place is. He was beginning to piss you off. ".....How dare you?" Miguel raises his eyebrows when he notices your tone. "How dare you? My husband is fucking dead......You stole us away from home and now you're saying that whatever this shitshow is, is a blessing?" "Mommy?"
You shake your head and jab your finger into his chest. "You don't know the first thing about me." "I know you love teaching Gaby piano, I know you love going out on walks when the sun is setting, I know you love letting me drive you to places, I know you love when I cook you dinner, I know where you used to work, where you want to work, I know when you first told me you were pregnant with our babygirl, I have your vows memorized and I know that you love me. I know that you love me, so why don't you just let me love you, hermosa?" Miguel had backed you into a door and gently cradled your face into his hands. He softly whispers to you as if trying to snap you back into reality, as if it wasn't setting in the moment you realized this psycho was obsessed with you two.
"I would never, ever hurt you. I do everything for our family, nothing else. My two girls are the only things on my mind all day when I'm at work. And to come back home to you is everything I could ask for. And if there was anything else I could ask for, is for you to love me back. Please." He had gestured your daughter out of her bedroom and she ran into his arms. He smiled down at her, making her worried face shift into one of relief. Miguel laughs and kisses her forehead lovingly. You want to kill this man for ever putting his hands on you and your daughter. You failed to keep your girl safe and now she was in the hands of a monster she believed to be her dead daddy. Your worst fucking nightmare come true. Calling out to her and making her come to your side wouldn't save her. Attempting to kill him wouldn't save her because then the both of you would be stuck wherever you were. All you wanted was for her to live a normal life, and not even the universe could give you that. What were you gonna do?
Miguel noticed your blank face and sent Gaby away, grabbing your hand gently. You let him. He hugs you and whispers into your ear. "I'm done talking about this. You clearly need sleep." You look up at him, glaring, yet he continues to stare down at you with adoration. He leaves no room for argument as he opens the bedroom door to lead you in.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 20 days
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"I'm a bit nervous but still pretty excited. My parents always raised me to believe it's a woman's job to please her man no matter what. If your bf is into big tits, you better grow bigger boobs or get the biggest implants you can stuff into them! Is he into fat girls? You better pile on all the weight you can for him. My friend Marcy dated a guy who was really turned on by girls with no arms or legs. She didn't hesitate for a minute to pop into the nearest surgeon and ask to have her limbs removed, despite being a gymnastics coach. I always admired any girl with that level of dedication and would feel like a failure as a woman if I couldn't reach the same standard.....
So, when I met Josh four months ago, and on our first date he confided he had a fetish for girls who get so pregnant they pop, my heart skipped a beat! Maybe..... this was like my ultimate test to prove how devoted I am to pleasing men and being a proper, good girl? I consulted with my parents and they were shocked I even thought the need to get their blessing. Sure enough a day later and my bf tells my doctor to put me on Femruptarin. My doctor looked very pleased about this, telling him he was a very lucky man, and to expect me to blow up in seven to eight months and enjoy the show. That he better flaunt me and show me off the whole time I'm pregnant. He promised he would, and that this isn't his first rodeo with bursting a girl by a long shot. I'm his tenth..... The whole time my bf and doctor never addressed me directly or asked my permission. I was perfectly womanly, acted on as an object for others' pleasure and nothing more. Like how Marcy existed to become her bf's limbless, breeder sex slave I exist to burst like a balloon for Josh.
I'm technically only about three and a half months pregnant and look at the size of me! I'm as big as a house. My womb is stuffed to the bursting point already and I'm tiny compared to how big I'll be by the time I fulfill my womanly duties for Josh and pop. True to his word, Josh trots me around town dressed in ludicrously skimpy clothes, showing me off, offering my body to men, since my body is technically his to give out! He makes me perform the wildest sex acts in public and I have to admit it is a lot of fun, and I do climax quite a lot before the crowds of people that gather, but my pleasure is not what's important..... Even if it is amazing to be sprawled out naked before a huge crowd, serving five cocks at once, my puffy, swollen pussy brutalized so utterly I squirt like a fire hydrant across the paved walkways of the local park. I love to be ravaged and fucked so savagely by random men, it's so very thrilling, I feel blessed to become Josh's girlfriend, even if it'll only last another five or six months if we're lucky.
Then I'll put on my best show yet for my community, and pop in front of them all, my uterus at last tearing and giving way as I shower my offering of twenty-some kids before my watchful audience. Free gifts for them to raise into the future devoted girlfriends and wives of our fair town..... It's so fulfilling to serve such an incredible man like Josh and be given the opportunity to be used as the community's personal receptacle for pent up sexual aggression. I hope Josh's next girlfriend is just as eager to burst for him, and he gets to indulge his fantasies with many, many more girls after her! Bursting is such a true sign of devotion that I'm positively blessed to be given the chance to give my body to do it for a guy!"
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sweet-lover-girl · 11 months
Jealous Woman
Okay! So I wrote this for @glowstickfracture (hi honeybee!) I hope you like this, I’m sorry if it seems, rushed..or weird? I’m high, but I really wanted to write this for you. So I hope you like it!(I’m sorry, this isn’t long at all.. ><)
Warning(s): Spit kink(spit is mixed with blood), blood kink(brief though), possessive!Abby, jealous!Abby, Abby gets punched, but then the random guy gets his shit rocked by Abby, spit sharing(again it’s mixed with a little bit of blood), making out, I think that’s it?
Abigail Anderson was not a jealous woman, nope never…at least not until she met you. She was never jealous with Owen when other girls would flirt with him, she never got upset or mad, she would just shrug and go on about her day. But when you and her began dating she realized early on into the relationship that she was indeed a jealous woman. She always craved your attention, if you were focused on someone else or some task Abby would gently bump her shoulder into yours. If that didn’t get you to respond she would then huff loudly and look away, still trying to get your attention. Even if she had to put on a show to get it. If you still didn’t pay her any mind, Abby would then go and sit down somewhere and pout, waiting for you to come and find her yourself, moping, all alone. Of course once you come and find her she’s automatically okay!
But that still doesn’t excuse her behavior at the gym..(even if it was hot)
Abby let out another puff of air as she flexed her arm, curling the weight up making the muscle in her bicep bulged and flexed with the heavy strain. She looked out the corner of her eye and saw you were working out as well, your workout clothes were well fitting and squeezed all your curves just right. She couldn’t stop staring at you, you were just so fucking beautiful. You were this amazing person, this beautiful soul that walks the horrid world with a golden light shining down upon you. Abby felt blessed that you were even in her life let alone be all hers.
But then, Abby then saw something that made her blood boil, a man had walked up to you, disturbing your workout, talking your ear off. Abby slowly put down her weight when she saw you back up a little. She stood up but waited to see if the guy was gonna make a move on you. She knew you hated it when she started fights but fuck she can’t help it when it’s you she’s protecting.
She saw the guy take a step forward and that’s when she charged. Quickly running up to the guy and grabbing his wrist in a tight grasp, the man gasped and looked at Abby and quickly got mad. He took a swing at her and Abby suddenly tasted blood as her head jolted to the side, her jaw throbbing. The WLFs gym fall quiet as Abby looked up at the scared man realizing the error of his ways.
“My turn.” She whispered as she swing her fist, making contact with guys nose and a nasty crunching sound echoed the room making you cover your ears at the sound and tremble.
The guys head flew backwards and he landed on the floor with a loud ‘thud’ automatically knocked out from the hard punch to the face. Everyone just watched Abby huff and puff, afraid she was gonna blow on any of them if they moved. Which was your que to step in and drag her away before one of them do fuck up and make her even more angry. You quickly walk up to Abby and gently lay your hand on her shoulder, making Abby twist her head to the side to see who had the gall to touch her. But once she saw it was you she relaxed and grabbed you wrist tightly, dragging you out of the gym, you could hear the people who watched from the sidelines finally jump into action, two men grabbing the unconscious guy and carrying him to the infirmary. 
Abby was walking a few paces to fast for you to keep up, so you were jogging behind her. The tight grasp she had on your wrist began to hurt so you tug your wrist making Abby snap out of her thoughts and turn towards you. Her eyes were still raging.
Abby suddenly pushed you against the hallway wall and grabbed you by your cheeks, digging her fingertips into the hinges of your jaw to force your mouth open. She looks down at you from the length of her nose as she gathers spit in her mouth, puckering her lips Abbys spits into your open mouth. You could faintly taste sharp iron— her blood, from when she got punched. You let out a whimper as you squeeze your thighs together. Your hands shooting up to grab her wrist— trying to pull yourself away from her strong grasp - though you can’t lie to yourself, you found this incredibly hot. Abby stared down at you as she held your mouth open, her gaze flickering down to your open mouth, your twitching tongue glistening with her spit on it. Her blood.
Abby suddenly bent down and captured your lips in a hot, passionate kiss, your tongue twirling in a battle of dominance, you both sharing her blood and saliva, mixing yours with hers. She stood up pulling away from your lips and forced her fingertips into the hinges of your jaw once more, making you whimper as you stick out your tongue. Abby grins and gathers more blood-coated spit in her mouth and spat it into your mouth before leaning back down and making out with you again.
Abby finally pulls away once you begin to wiggle up against her, not knowing if she had the strength to keep kissing you without fucking you right after. Pulling away, you both were breathless. Your breast brushing up against each other’s, she gave you no space as she crowded you against the wall. Huffing as you both caught your breaths, Abby leaned her left arm against the wall and loomed over you. Leaning down, she got close next to your ear and whispered,”You’re mine, you got that baby?”
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meraxesmoon · 1 year
Platonic Mother Daenerys w/ Her Daughter
note: i miss her every day of my life
warnings: yandere content, dark content, book spoilers, giving Dany the daughter she deserved 👏, mention of child slavery oops, reader is described as a daughter but they/them is used for pronouns, show spoilers as well, protective daenerys
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♡ In the books, Missandei is basically like Dany's kid because she's a child. I also remember that Daenerys says, "I will never have a little girl." I really enjoy the idea of her being a mother to a little girl . Whether they're her actual child or someone she kind of just picked up off the streets doesn't matter. It's so obvious in the way that she acts that she badly wants a human child, and that makes me so sad :((
♤ Going the biological route, Dany never thought she'd have any other children besides her dragons, so when she successfully gives birth to her daughter, she's so happy! We don't actually see her cry a lot in the show, but I think Daenerys would sob the first time she held her baby girl. The sorceress told her that she had a cursed womb, so Daenerys saw her daughter as her little blessing.
♡ However, I can definitely see Daenerys just sort of adopting a little girl she found in a bad situation. Maybe they're a baby about to be sold or killed, and Dany just falls in love immediately! In the same way she does with her dragons, Daenerys would very much consider them her child, and when they get older, Dany would probably forget that she's not their actual mother. Due to her being the only Targaryen left, blood isn't what defines family to Daenerys. Whether they came from her womb or some random alleyway makes no real difference to Daenerys.
♤ Drogon, Visserion, and Rhaegal would be protective of Daenerys' daughter, as well. We see that her relationship with her dragons are different from usual dragons and their riders, so I don't think it's too farfetched that they'd protect someone she's enamored with. I like the idea of her daughter being especially close with Visserion <3
♡ She'd task Jorah to take care of her daughter before and after he was exiled from her entourage. Daenerys puts a lot of trust in him and knows that he's the best person to protect her baby. She trusts him to entertain them as well, making sure that her daughter is always happy. Daenerys didn't have much growing up, so she'd be the type of mother to want to give her daughter the world. She's an especially protective yandere, though, and is often paranoid about her child's safety.
♤ Once she makes it to Westeros and everything falls apart, Dany kind of just locks her daughter away from everything. This happens, especially after the deaths of Jorah and Missandei. She's so devastated after losing the two most loyal people in her life, and she's so scared that the Lannister's will find out about her child and kill them. She changed noticeably after their deaths, and no one is allowed near her daughter other than Grey Worm.
♡ She's just a terrified mother :(
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julsvu · 1 month
heyy :3 if ur requests are open, could i ask for a nico fic where during the time he was away from camp, him and reader ended up getting together through secretly meeting up with each other and going on small dates while others thought the reader was just training or smth? i hope that makes sense LMAO
gn! reader
tags. fluff, that's it 😭😭
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"i'm supposed to be training as soon as it's 8 AM,"
"yes, and?" nico raised a brow at you. he had snuck into your room using his ability to shadow travel. once he caught the sight of your unimpressed expression, he sighs.
he had no choice but to unleash his secret weapon.
the "p" word.
"please?" he added, nonchalantly. no effort whatsoever. you teased with a grin that he so ever adored. "at least put in more effort! my theatre teacher would be absolutely mad at you!" a mix of a whine and a tease cut through your lips.
he gives you an unimpressed expression. however, his eyes hold a slight amused glint in them.
"c'mon. it'll be quick," your boyfriend added as a last resort, his voice raspy. he had been in and out of camp these past few weeks. nobody knew where he was going, nor what he was doing except for you. well, he trusted you enough; the walls he'd built the first time you two met was not enough for your astounding determination to be close with him.
the mission in general was to be his friend. but, you ended up being his lover in the end. oh well. being his lover wasn't so bad, anyway — it was perfect. one of the perks of being his lover included small dates at random hours.
you couldn't help but chuckle at your boyfriend's very much feeble attempt to play it cool, knowing fully well that he was at your mercy. "hmm, tempting," you mused, tapping a finger against your chin in mock consideration. "but, I don't know.."
nico's facade of indifference crumbled slightly, replaced by a soft smile that melted your very heart. a small huff comes out of his lips. "i'll return you back here before seven," he assured you, his voice low and earnest.
rolling your eyes playfully, you finally relented; much to nico's relief. the boy was far too irresistible to deny, anyway. "fine," you shrug, before making a deal. "if we get caught, you owe me extra fries,"
your boyfriend nods, a small and faint chuckle erupting his throat as his eyes alight with mischief while he reaches for your hand, pulling you out of bed and into the night. as you made your way through the shadows, hand in hand, you couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement coursing through your veins.
you sit across each other in the dimly lit corner of a fast-food restaurant, sharing fries and chatting amongst each other. you and nico swear that it wasn't you two planning it, but, you both ended up exploring the entire city, hand-in hand.
meanwhile, in camp half blood, there were three people, all sharing one thought. the three people were percy, annabeth, and grover.
"grover! have you seen (name), lately?" annabeth asks, approaching the curly haired brunette. it was currently 8 AM. you and annabeth were known to be close; it was natural for her to be worried, since she hasn't seen you eat breakfast or come out of your cabin. in response, the satyr gives a small frown, shaking his head. "'m sorry, i haven't,"
"they're probably training..somewhere." percy jumps into the conversation; his black hair is messy and all over the place, and dried up drool on the corner of his lips. annabeth nods, sighing at her boyfriend's messy hair.
"yeah!" grover assured, nodding.
you suddenly sneezed, covering your nose with a tissue that nico immediately gave you. "bless you," he mumbles. at this point, he accidentally managed to make you forget your original plans in the morning. you both forgot your actual plans in the morning.
"i think someone talked about me,"
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ruskaroma · 10 months
omg omg (i really need professional help) i had this Vision of dark+DARK+mean!john wick learning about an asshole who bullied their bunny-really-the-nicest-human-being!reader back during her school years (the reader cluelessly mentions it during conversation). john is not just angry outraged etc, he is The Rage, The War, The Biblical Day of Wrath, so he finds that guy, beats/tortures the living shit out of him and then brings his absolutely clueless little pretty bunny so that she could finish him. john is behind the reader, his arms wrapped around her arms, his hands on her shaking hands holding a gun pointing at the barely breathing man tied to a chair. the reader is crying begging to stop, and john goes "he deserves it, honey <3. now, right kneecap. go, princess, don't let me down".
Oh my god I have something for you.
Let’s give it a very dark twist, shall we? We’ll stick to this concept, but let’s make it even darker.
TW: mentions of past sexual and physical abuse, blood and gore, graphic depiction of torture, john being a very very mean man like he is fucked in the head may god bless his soul, john is also forcefully making the reader kill the man so there’s that.
It was a slip of your tongue. You didn’t notice it, but John surely did. You were used to rambling your thoughts away, a habbit that John adores so much, hearing your voice and telling him everything that’s in your head, because it means you’re not keeping any secrets from him.
A supposed to be peaceful Saturday night ruined John’s whole week, but he didn’t let it show. He kept himself composed around you, smiling so softly when you’d share a random fact about the things you’re holding or whatever comes in mind. He’s a master in the arts of keeping his expression controlled despite his emotions practically clawing their way out of his fucking lungs.
Your head was on his lap as he brushed your hair with his long fingers softly. For a hand that’s killed too many people to count, it’s surprisingly merciful around you. A shitty horror movie was playing on the TV but your attention quickly diverted to somewhere else when you watched a rather familiar scene in the film.
“Oh, man, that sucks. I know how it feels, I used to get hit by my ex-boyfriend all the time.”
What the fuck, John thought. His fingers stopped their movements as he furrowed his eyebrows. You said it as a whisper too but he heard it. He heard it fucking clearly.
“Huh?” You moved your head to look up to him. “You said something?”
“You did,” John pointed out. “About your ex-boyfriend. What did you say?”
“Ohhh,” you said in realization, but your tone was calm. Like it was the most fucking normal thing to say in a conversation. “Yeah, he was mean. He used to hit me every time I made a very small mistake, but he said sorry when we broke up.”
John didn’t know what to say. He was frozen, trying to comprehend the words that were being thrown at him all at once.
His baby – the love of his life, someone who cannot even hurt a fucking ant – just dropped a bomb that she was a victim of abuse.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this before?” John tried to keep his voice leveled, soft, as he placed a large hand on your cheek and pulled you up so he could take a good look at your face.
“Well, you didn’t ask. And it’s not like it mattered anymore. I went to therapy and everything was back to normal.”
“No, that’s not –” he closed his eyes in frustration, trying so hard to keep his shit together. “Did he do anything else? Where is he now?”
“He’s–he’s doing fine. I don’t know where he is, it’s been awhile since we’ve gotten in touch.”
John could hear the tremble in your voice, like you knew what was going to come, like you knew what he’s going to do.
He didn’t answer after you said that. He looked away from you, put his attention back to the television.
You shrugged it off, hoping he would let it go.
He did not, in fact, let it go.
You came home one day after work to see him being rather... cheery than usual. It was unusual in itself. John being particularly cheery was not something you see in your everyday life.
He had already cooked dinner when you arrived, ate it beside you with an arm around your shoulders. He was also crooning at your ears, asking about your day if something special happened.
“I have a surprise for you.”
Your eyebrows flew up, curious yet amused. Is this why he was cheery all of a sudden?
He led you to his basement – a place where you’re never allowed to go, always bolted shut and completely restricted to you. You were getting a pretty bad feeling about this.
“What–what are we doing here, John?”
Again, he didn’t answer. You could see the grim, dark expression on his face as he opened the door. The face you only ever see when he was just coming back from a long, tiring day at work. The face you only see you know he just slaughtered someone.
Turns out, he did.
Not exactly slaughtered, but close enough.
The man who made you go through hell for years, tied up in a chair in the middle of the room, missing all his fingers on both his feet and hands.
“John, what the–”
Your boyfriend pushed a heavy pistol in your hand, and your heart is beating so hard inside your chest you couldn’t speak properly. You haven’t yet got the time to comprehend what was happening. It was all too fast.
“Pull it.”
“J-John, please don’t–”
“Pull it,” John repeated. He didn’t like repeating himself. You know this. He was standing behind you, his chest pressing against your back, warm and broad and his voice sounded so menice and fucking evil and– “Pull it, baby, before I do it myself.”
“Why are you–” your voice was shaking as well as your hands. You wanted to drop the weapon but you knew it wouldn’t do you any good, not when John was just behind you. “Why are you doing this, John? Please let him–let him go, it was a long time ago–”
“I don’t care,” he said simply, one large hand sneaking down to grab your wrist that’s holding the gun, pointing it directly at the man who’s – Jesus, was he still alive? You saw him move, he flinched, then let out a cough that made more blood from his mouth drip onto his lap. “I haven’t killed him yet because that’s your job.”
“N-No–” tears were forming into your eyes. The feeling of John’s hand gripping yours was already too much to bear, much worse pointing it to the man who abused and neglected you during your relationship, but why were you feeling bad? “John, I–I don’t w-want to, John, please, I don’t want–”
John sighed, disappointed, but he didn’t let you go. Instead, he leaned down closer to your ear and pressed a soft kiss there. His beard tickled, making you flinch and let out a shaky breath as you gulped hard.
“John, he–I know you’re doing this because you think it’s best, but I–I promise you that it’s not worth it–it’s in the past and, and–”
“Excuses, excuses,” John whispered, standing straight and taking a step away from you, positioning himself in front of the gun. “Here you are, begging for the life of the man who abused you in the past. Don’t you think that sounds absolutely ridiculous, baby?”
“It’s not–it’s not ridiculous, John, I promised! We–we talked one time after our breakup and he–he apologized for everything, I swear–I swear, John, it was all in the past–”
John cut off your rambling with an evil stare, and it was so unlike him that it scared you right to the very core. “Pull the trigger or I will. I’ll put a fucking hole in his head, saw it off and send it to his little wife and children back in Vegas.”
“John–” you sobbed. “John, please–”
“Did you know that I made him confess every diabolical shit that he’d done to you every time I chop off one of his fingers?” John said it in such a calm and steady tone that it made you only afraid of him even more. “I chopped all his fingers, and he still won’t stop confessing more. Can you believe that?”
“I already forgave him–I already forgave him, John, this wasn’t necessary–”
“It won’t be the same if I’m the one who pulls the trigger now, would it? It wouldn’t be fair, because I’m not the one who suffered under his hands,” John pushed even further, walking back to his original position behind you, gripping your arm and pointing the pistol directly at his head. “If you don’t pull that fucking trigger in the next five second, I’ll let you use a chainsaw to do it and trust me when I say you wouldn’t want it messy.”
You gulped, feeling yourself grow more and more afraid as John stood behind you. He was radiating anger, but he was keeping it at bay, though his swear words might be some of the leakage of his emotions he couldn’t contain any longer.
“I don’t want–don’t make me d-do this, John–”
“John, please–”
“Two....” His voice was scary. Deep and level, and the grip on your arm tightened. You felt suffocated.
“I’m gonna throw u-up if I–”
“Three...” He was getting agitated.
The man’s head rose up from his position earlier to meet your eyes, and you swore you felt your stomach churn. His eyes were fucking gone.
The man opened his mouth to speak and a weak voice came. “D-Don’t–”
You pulled the trigger.
“There’s my little bunny.”
You dropped the gun as soon as his brains flew against your face and onto the wall, painting it red. You couldn’t bear to watch any further. You turned with a sob and buried your face in John’s chest, crying hysterically as he soothed you calmly by petting your head.
“Good girl. You did so fucking good, I’m so proud of you.”
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shinyaharu98 · 1 year
Unraveled Secrets - Episode 3 (ft. Yeojin)
LOONA ViVi x Male Reader
Word Count: 6823 words
Categories: smut, threesome, series
Disclaimer: Here is the third and final part of the trilogy! This episode of course happened directly after where we left off in Episode 2. LOONATHEHAREM will officially began after this, enjoy!
Also special thanks to @a-casual-kpopfan for proof reading!
Episode 1
Episode 2
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Ever wondered why sometimes things just won’t go the way you want? Maybe you planned a trip overseas for months, but for some reason United Airlines just dragged your ass off the plane and ruined your day.
Perhaps sometimes uncertainty is what makes the world go round, and if you are blessed by the goddess of fortune, it can benefit you greatly too. If certainty is like checkmating in chess, then uncertainty is like playing Hearthstone. You better pray to RNGesus to give you that sweet curve or else you are going to smash your computer.
Location: A love hotel somewhere in Korea
“So let me get this straight again, Kahei.” You tried to understand the situation.
“For some reason, Yeojin found out OUR secret, and you two planned a threesome and practiced for a week?”
Kahei nodded bashfully.
“You know what is going to happen, right? Are you sure about this?”
Still couldn’t believe the position you’re in, you asked for her approval once more, but Yeojin barged in. “Ya oppa, why are you asking for permission? You are not her boyfriend anyway…”
“You are not her boyfriend… You are not her boyfriend… You are not her boyfriend…”
That line echoed inside Kahei’s mind, and reality finally hit her. She realized that this is not just a random hook-up between you and two LOONA members, this is war. A war of hormone, if you will. What happens later would finally decide the relationship between you and herself. Whether you two will remain friends, lovebirds or even…friends with benefits.
And in a broader sense, this also will define your relationship with other LOONA members as well, because she knows that paper can’t wrap up a fire. Eventually other 10 members would know your existence, and know you hooked up with the matnae and maknae of the group. Would they accept you? Would they hate you? Or…would they want to take part in this tangled mess of a relationship?
“...I’ll make sure by the end of the day, you’ll be mine and mine only.” Kahei said softly while gazing at you with her big, round eyes.
“And I will make sure that you will consider me as a potential partner by the end of the day!” Yeojin grabbed your arm and pressed against her chest.
Soft is the word that came to your mind.
And thus, war has been declared.
You tried to progress your storyline by stepping into the hotel, but for some reason Yeojin blocked your way.
“Yeojin? I thought this is your plan?”
“Shh……” She put her finger on your lips.
Kahei is visibly upset, because she is obviously jealous about your interactions with Yeojin. But Yeojin continued.
“We can’t go in together, it is way too suspicious. Us two will check in and prepare first, why don’t you wait around for our cue? We’ll send you the room number when everything is ready, alright?”
Perhaps it’s because of her shyness, or the nerves got the better of her, you noticed Kahei didn’t talk much. Yeojin has been taking the lead and acted way more enthusiastically.
There is nothing you can do now, as girls usually need more time to prepare, let alone such a big event like this. So, you decided to have a lunch break at a coffee shop nearby to kill some time and calm your nerves down.
Meanwhile, back in the hotel…
“Yeojin…I should take the lead for real this time. At the end of the day, it is MY plan after all.”
Kahei was worried that Yeojin might just overwhelm you and take over the entire situation…and take over you as well.
“Don’t worry, unnie.” Yeojin laughed while taking the keys from the concierge. “I know Jason-oppa loves you. I’m just having some fun on my own, maybe occasionally borrowing him in the future if he performs well tonight…”
“Don’t say that!” Kahei raised her voice. “Is he just a toy for you?”
“Oh, please unnie, you will definitely ask for more if he satisfies you tonight, wouldn't you?”
Truth stings.
“Come on, let’s get ourselves ready!”
“... Alright.”
This is an important moment for both Kahei and Yeojin, as they’ve been looking forward to this moment for days while suppressing their fantasy daily. But now it is the time, the time to finally begin to unleash their forces unto the person they've been waiting all along, you. Luckily, they already bathe themselves beforehand, so they only need to change into their chosen outfits, which they certainly knew would be super effective against you.
As both are getting dressed as planned, Kahei couldn’t stop herself from overthinking. She hasn't met you in real life for years, and the moment you two finally meet is in the context of preparing for a threesome with Yeojin. She has a million things wanted to tell you. How lonely she felt these years without you, how helpless she is when the only way for you two to communicate is through the internet, how much affection she actually had for you for all these years, how much she yearns for your touch…
Yeojin has a keen eye for details, naturally she noticed that Kahei is getting anxious. Trying to pump her up, she hugged Kahei from behind.
“Unnie, did you see sparkles flashing in his eyes? He really is happy to see you. I wish I had someone like that in my life, you are fortunate you know?”
“I…I am?”
“Of course, you are! And I understand the situation we’re in is brand new to you.”
“You sounded like an older sister just now you know?”
“Whoops, hehe. But I am more experienced in this area than you, unnie. But we must get ready, and to do that…”
Before finishing her sentence, Yeojin’s hands shifted from Kahei’s slim waist to her chest.
“Yeojin… What are you doing?”
“Getting your body fired up of course~”
It was DeJa’Vu for Kahei. Just like last time in the adult shop, she was once again ambushed from behind by Yeojin, her hands rubbing her sensitive spot while playing with her already erected nipples. Yeojin had familiarized herself with Kahei’s body, she didn’t overlook a single spot that would guarantee a reaction from Kahei. After all, they practiced a whole lot for this.
“Yeojin… Mmm… We can’t do this now… Jason is waiting for us…”
Clearly enjoying hearing from Kahei’s slurred speech, Yeojin showed no signs of stopping.
“I won’t let him in unless you are fully ready, unnie. He’ll turn into an actual monster when he sees your lewd expression hehe.”
“I’m not lewd at all…” Kahei tried to disagree, but she saw her reflection in the toilet mirror. Her pupils dilated, drool leaking out from the corners of her lips. Clearly her body is more honest than she is.
“No… Yeojin… I’m cumming!”
But just as she is about to reach her peak, Yeojin promptly stopped her movements, denying her orgasm.
“Tsk tsk, unnie. You are such a quick one as usual.” Yeojin said in a playful, almost condescending tone. “Don’t you want to reserve it for oppa first?”
“... Haah… You started it…”
“Yes, yes, I did. But now I think both of us are ready, I am getting turned on as well… Time to summon the beast himself.”
Yeojin took Kahei’s phone and called your number.
Meanwhile, back in the coffee shop…
It’s only been fifteen minutes, but it felt like an eternity.
“They do be taking their sweet time aren't they…” You complained to yourself. At the exact moment, your phone started to ring.
It’s that ringtone again.
It’s her.
But it’s not her voice.
“Oppa! We’re ready!” Yeojin’s voice can be heard loud and clear. “The room number is 9-12, we’re waiting for you!”
Just as you tried to respond, you heard another voice coming from the background.
“Mmmh!” A voice moaned.
Is she pleasuring herself?
It was DeJa’Vu for you. Just like last time over the phone, you once again heard her sultry voice moaning.
Adrenaline rushes to your brain as you quickly make your way to room 9-12.
You couldn’t possibly wait any longer, as you dashed towards your goal, ignoring judgemental eyes from others. The only scene you wanted to see, and indeed envisioned is Kahei and Yeojin sitting at the bedside, dressed up with their battle armour awaiting your arrival.
You finally arrived in front of the door. The only barrier between you and paradise is this wooden door in front of you. As your hand reached for the door handle, you stopped. Finally, you felt nervous, as you don’t know what to expect. You are afraid that if you have too much of an expectation, the more painful you’ll feel when you fall. But noises coming from the other side broke your train of thoughts.
“Yeojin… Stop… He’ll be here soon… You’re too rough!”
All hell breaks loose.
Of course, you know who that voice belonged to, of course you do. You heard that alluring voice countless times through the phone, but now it’s real.
It felt real.
It is real.
You gulped. Slowly, you turned the doorknob and opened the door. An inconceivably erotic scene appeared in front of your very own eyes.
Yeojin is pinning Kahei on the bed while simultaneously planting a deep kiss. Her tongue swirled around skilfully and formed strands of saliva as their mouths separated. Her hands are not idle as well, she slipped inside Kahei’s blue skirt and moved around while squelching sounds echoed across the room loud and clear.
“Yeojin stop… Jason?” Kahei snapped back from her trance the moment she saw you.
Your eyes couldn’t stop looking at the scene in front of you. This is wilder than your expectations could ever have imagined.
“Oppa! What took you so long?” Yeojin let go of her control and rushed to your side.
“We should start making out as soon as we can, right? I think someone cannot wait any longer~”
Yeojin’s petite figure bounced around, having the best time of her life. Her revealing mini skirt teases you as you can barely see her ass cheeks.
On the other side of the room, Kahei was drained from Yeojin’s previous assault, gasping for air and trying to regain her strength while lying on the bed.
“J… Jason… Don’t stare at me so much… It’s embarrassing…” Words slipped out from her drooling mouth, tears pooled around the edges of her eyes.
“What the hell did you do to Kahei, Yeojin?” You couldn’t believe she went through such a slutty transformation in just 15 minutes, all thanks to Yeojin no doubt. Not only have their outfits changed, but the entire mood of the room is also getting hotter and steamier.
“Oh, I am just preparing unnie to you, oppa! I thought you would like it.” Yeojin smiled, proudly. “Come on, don’t let her down now.”
You walked towards Kahei. Her face turned red as the bulge in your pants got more and more noticeable.
“I’ll take the lead first, okay?”
“Yes… Please do what you want to me…” Kahei said while looking at you with her big, loving eyes.
Knowing that she is in a vulnerable spot, you decided to start slow.
There is no turning back now, so you went into battle.
The anticipation of a kiss is building up as both of you move closer and closer to each other. A shared desire for the connection of your lips is getting stronger and stronger as well. As you bring your face closer to Kahei’s, you can't stop yourself from admiring her perfect visuals. Her big round eyes look deeply into yours with burning intensity as she yearns for your sensation. Her light and smooth skin shines under the lights, her plump lips glistened with anticipation, all in which further invites you to come closer.
Finally, your lips meet. A sweet flavour covers your taste buds, it must be her lip gloss. You closed your eyes and indulged in this new-found sensation. You moved slowly, savouring the sensation of your mouths finally connecting with each other. For all these years, you dreamed of hugging her and enjoying the warmth from her tiny body. All these years, you fantasized about how you would shower her with your love by planting deep kisses into her. And now, it has become a reality. No longer a dream, no longer something unreachable. You wish time would stop at this moment so you two can maintain contact for the rest of your lives.
“Aaah… Mmmh…”
Kahei moaned with pleasure, resonating with the wet sounds of your lips and tongue meeting each other. Your kiss intensifies as your hands wrapped around her waist. Surprisingly, Kahei responded by slipping her tongue deeper into your mouth, further escalating the intimacy and magnitude of the moment.
Finally, you let go. A pop sound can be heard as saliva dripped down from Kahei’s tongue to her chin. Perhaps the intensity was too strong for her, as her tongue was still sticking out when she gasped for air.
Too lewd.
“Haah… That feels… Too good…” Before you could respond, a naughty smirk appeared on her face. “Jason… I might get addicted to this…” Kahei said.
Uh oh.
Just when Kahei was about to make her next move, Yeojin who was waiting patiently from the side lines finally snapped. She was watching you two lovebirds enjoying yourselves without her, that is simply too cruel.
At this moment, Yeojin felt her body heating up. A voice ringing in her head telling her just BE HONEST. And now the choice lies within her hands, it’s up to herself whether she gave in for lust.
As you are still lovey-dovey with Kahei, you saw Yeojin slowly shuffled her way onto your bed.
“Oppa… Don’t ignore me, I’m still here you know?” Yeojin pouted as she complained. “You can do anything to me tonight, my body is yours to play with. Mess me up… Please?”
I guess she finally caved in as well. You can see it in her eyes, her facial expression, her entire body language. She is ready to accept anything that is going to be unleashed upon her.
Her fate is in your hands.
Or so you think.
Before you could have the chance to alter her reality, Yeojin took aim and stole the commander position from you. Her small body packs a punch, as she pinned you down and locked her lips with yours. Taken aback, you did what most men would do in this situation, which is asserting dominance.
But Yeojin was completely corrupted with lust, she refused to let this chance slip away, she refused to let your tongue slip away as well.
She turned to Kahei’s direction and gave her a playful look.
“Now it’s my turn… Right unnie?”
“But… Stopping halfway is cruel…” Kahei sulked. The sensation of your mouth still lingers on her lips, but she knows that you need to give some attention to Yeojin as well. After all, this trip would have been impossible without Yeojin’s help, so she needed some sort of compensation or reward too.
Yeojin’s hands are still working diligently while kissing you. She is constantly rubbing and massaging herself as her lower half is completely soaked to the point that fluids are leaking out, staining her blue miniskirt. She used her remaining free hand to slide across your chest, swirling around your nipples while lubricating it with her own juices. She worked her way downwards to your stomach…and finally arriving at your bulging crotch.
Her tiny body is completely pressed against yours as well. That doesn’t bother you at all, since she is basically pocket sized and light. Yeojin may be mini-sized, but her breasts are a different story.
“Oppa, your pants are in my way.” Yeojin said. “It’s so bothersome…”
With a clean jerk, she removed the only fabric barrier that is in the way between your erect member and the two girls.
Thanks to Kahei and Yeojin’s cheerleading session earlier, your shaft is standing tall and proud. It is throbbing in vain and drenched with precum. Amazed by its vigor, the two girls gathered around and stared at it intensely.
Especially Kahei.
“I had never seen this in real life, it’s so big…” Kahei was so shellshocked so lost the ability to speak coherently. But Yeojin, being the more experienced one, reminded Kahei what to do in this situation.
“Unnie, don’t just stare at it! Remember our training? You know what to do right~”
Just how much did they prepare anyways?!
Kahei slowly stuck out her tongue and licked your shaft from top to bottom. Slowly and steadily, she repeated her movements and continued to please you.
It is very apparent that her movements are very awkward, and she is trying very hard to hide her nervousness. But you know she is trying her best to satisfy you. She is venturing into a completely new area, risking it all just for you.
“It…feels very good, Kahei.” You patted her head, giving her a nod of approval. With her tongue still sticking out, she looked up to you and smiled. She felt happy that she can give you so much pleasure even though she is still an amateur.
Yeojin didn’t want to feel being left out, so she joined Kahei and double teamed you. While Kahei’s style is slower and mellower, Yeojin is unsurprisingly aggressive and experienced. Both girls licked your shaft at the same time, each carved up their own territory.
You thought to yourself you must be dreaming. Two beautiful LOONA members threw themselves at you and are working together to fulfill your wildest desire. But the sensation and slurping sounds they provide is very real. It is so real that you are unable to hold it back anymore.
“I’m… I’m cumming!”
Without waiting for their reaction, you shot your pent-up semen with great force, splattering onto both Kahei and Yeojin’s faces, covering them with your thick and white batter.
“There is so much of it…” Kahei was amazed by the sheer volume you ejected. On the other hand, Yeojin didn’t want your semen that was spread across their faces to go to waste.
“Unnie, semen is something that’s taken and tasted thoroughly you know? Like this~” She scooped up a generous amount of semen from Kahei’s face and inserted it into her mouth for her to have a taste.
“We can’t just waste Jason-oppa’s precious semen you know; it’s made out of love just for us!” Yeojin said as she licked clean the residue semen around her lips and showed Kahei how to properly enjoy it.
There is nothing you can do but act as a bystander at this point.
“Gargle it and really taste it through. A bit stinky, but normally it should taste salty. After you done that, open and let oppa see.”
“Like… Like this?” Kahei followed Yeojin’s instructions and gargled your semen in her mouth. The strong odor nearly caused her to have a gag reflex, but she pushed through it. She opened her mouth wide for you to examine.
The white viscous liquid almost dripped out from her mouth, but she holds on to her position and lets you examine her thoroughly. This erotic scene happens all the time in adult videos, but you never thought that one day you would see your beloved Kahei acting like this. You quickly granted her permission to swallow, as her reflex is bubbling up again.
“Drink it.”
And she did. With a big gulp, she emptied her mouth and was getting ready to receive more of your love once more.
“You too, Yeojin. Swallow it all.”
You didn’t forget that Yeojin was also full of your cum, as her small mouth couldn’t keep in that much volume.
But just as Yeojin is about to engulf it all, Kahei intercepted her actions and stole her fill directly from her mouth. Without hesitation, she swallowed it all in one go. She proudly opened her mouth once again to let you examine it.
“Did I do a good job?” Kahei showed no signs of gagging, did she already get used to your semen?
“No fair, unnie! That was supposed to be mine!” Yeojin was not amused, as her chance to taste your love was stripped away.
Kahei was unfazed, she waited for this for too long, and now she is finally in the mood.
In the mood for MORE.
“I will start slow, okay?”
Neither you nor Kahei had any prior experience in the make out sector before. But you basically know the gist of it.
Kahei took off her skirt and laid down on the bed.
You’ve known Kahei for years, you’ve seen her naked body countless times over the phone during your “healing” sessions. But now it is no longer virtual.
It felt real.
It is real.
In real life, Kahei is way more attractive than any of her photos in your phone. Years of idol training has rendered her flawless in terms of body proportions. Her face card is always valid even without makeup. Mermaid lines are strikingly visible on her toned abs, together with her round and thick thighs made you wish to be suffocated in between them.
Kahei pulled her legs inwards to form a M shape, a position that is ready for you to devour her completely. Her entrance is already well lubricated thanks to her previous session, but there is something else that caught your attention.
Her pubic hair is nowhere to be found.
“You… shaved?”
“Yeojin dragged me to her laser hair removal session yesterday… And she convinced me to do it as well.” Kahei explained.
Of course. It is because of Yeojin.
“Unnie, I told you he would like it, now you believe me?” Yeojin grinned, pointing at your crotch.
Even after that blowjob section, your member regained its pride after seeing Kahei’s barren land.
Time waits for no one.
You took out a box of condoms from your wallet, saved for this very occasion. But Yeojin stopped you immediately.
"Oppa! Don't tell me you plan to use rubber tonight? Didn't we tell you that we want you to fill us up?"
"I thought that was just a figure of speech..."
"Seriously oppa. You are denser than a stack of bedrocks...You want some prove? I'll give you proof."
She took of her blue top, leaving her bare chest for you to admire. She is definitely bigger than Kahei, but her areola is smaller and pinker. She kept her miniskirt on, but of course nothing is beneath it.
"We are not joking around anymore, we meant it. We want it raw. We want you to fill us up. Breed us like there's no tomorrow..." Yeojin demanded as she lay down beside Kahei.
She wants you to decide.
Who will be the one to let you graduate from V-university?
"Who will you start first, oppa~" Her playful tone almost sounded condescending, yet somehow seductive.
Kahei didn't say anything to plead for your attention, but your eyes met.
That gaze. That power. The same determination.
You can see it from her eyes that she needs you.
She WANTS you.
Without hesitation, you leaned over and kissed Kahei on the lips, marking your choice to begin tonight's event.
"You're mine now, Kahei."
"Kahei, at your service. I'm all yours." Kahei said, beaming with happiness.
"Boo." Yeojin sulked.
You started slow, as your shaft slowly disappeared inside Kahei’s body. The sensation of her vaginal walls clamping down tightly with your cock nearly made you climax. You noticed Kahei’s body is trembling, since it is her first time, she is still adapting to your size. You moved your body in a piston-like motion, and her body reacted every time your cock scrapes her insides. It was painful at first, but soon pain turns into pleasure. Her body finally accepted you and your energetic cock.
“This is completely different than using my hands…” Kahei moaned while you continued to pleasure her with no signs of stopping.
“Vivi-unnie… It’s not fair that you hog oppa on your own…”
While you are still focused on bringing Kahei to pound town, Yeojin unleased a stealth attack on Kahei’s already stiffened nipples.
“This is what you get for leaving me out from the mix.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from moving your hips, nor could you stop Yeojin’s relentless assault onto Kahei, so you just leave her doing her own thing while you focus on making her as pleasurable as possible.
“Two at the same time is too much…” Kahei was overwhelmed by pleasure from two sources. Electricity sparked from her head to toes, a sensation she never achieved by her mere fingers. This can only be obtained by someone who she loves, who she wanted all.
And that is you.
The constant pounding, the moaning sounds of pleasures added with Kahei’s fazed yet satisfied expressions made you reached climax in no time.
“Kahei… I’m cumming!”
Instinctively, her legs wrapped around your waist, locking you into [position to prevent you from releasing anywhere except her insides. Waves and waves of guilty pleasure released inside her already warm body as her body responded with spasms of happiness.
She accepted all of you without wasting a single drop outside.
“So, this is what real sex feels like…” Kahei murmured. “I think I can get used to this after all…”
After uttering those words, Kahei collapsed onto the bed.
“Kahei? Kahei are you okay?”
No respond. She has been knocked out by your intense session while your member is STILL inside her.
You pulled out your soften shaft from her body. Streaks of white liquid leaked out from her vagina as the huge amount you deposited into her finally overflowed.
It sure is tiresome, it’s even more tiresome than that time you participated in a triathlon. But you saw Kahei’s expression.
Although she has been knocked out cold, but you can see a faint smile appeared on her face. She has been fulfilled, both physically and mentally. Her satisfied expression makes this all worth it.
Just as you are admired your work of art, Yeojin pinned you down on the bed and stuffed her mouth full of your cock.
“Yeojin, wait! I’m still sensitive, I just finished one round you know?”
“Bu you told me I’m next! This filthy cock of yours needs some cleaning, be grateful I’m doing this to you alright?” Yeojin beamed.
She skilfully licked your shaft from the base to the tip, cleaning up every single inch of it spotlessly. She is making sure that your member is ready for another round of intense love making. It’s almost like she is casting a spell onto you, your member became erect and regained its vigour after her treatment.
“You are too easy, oppa~” Yeojin mocked. “I already know your weak spots already, so just surrender yourself to me, would ya?”
“I already know your weak spots already… Weak spots already… Weak spots already…”
That line irritates you.
The fact that she thinks she got the hold of you just after one encounter is extremely annoying, Plus, Yeojin corrupted your best friend, Kahei to a degree that she can never be as pure as she was, ever again. Sure, you and Kahei had the bare minimum of sexual encounters, but that was all virtual.
To think that the adorable Kahei you know has transformed into this lustful version of herself is unforgivable.
You glanced at Kahei’s direction. She is still in her own dreamland. Now you don’t need to refrain yourself about using vulgar language anymore. Your blood is boiling with anger. The only thing on your mind right now is to give Yeojin the treatment she deserves.
You shoved Yeojin out of the way.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” You yelled. Yeojin is already partially naked, she removed all her clothing except for that miniskirt when you and Kahei were going down just now. Because of that, it was easy for you to handle Yeojin like a toy, which is what you intended to do. You lifted her voluptuous ass facing in front of you, as you are ready to ravage that gaping hole of hers.
Unsurprisingly, Yeojin was not bothered by your words. In fact, it had the opposite effect. She was getting aroused.
“What’s the matter oppa? Can’t wait any longer? Come on…”
“Shut up!”
You slapped Yeojin’s ass cheeks. Red marks appeared, a stark contrast with her pale skin.
“Know your place! You are just a needy bitch who begs for sex. Why the fuck would I consider you as my partner anyway?”
Those words clearly hurt Yeojin’s pride.
“But I am more experienced than unnie…”
Without letting her finish her words, you thrust your cock into her hole with full force, no holding back.
“Hnngh! You’re so big… And thick! How can it be this thick?” Yeojin gasped.
“Still talking? Fine, I’ll fuck your brains out until you shut up already!”
You continued to ravage that tiny body of hers. Yeojin moaned with joy every time you plunge your thick cock into her body and filling her up.
Her walls tightened every time you move, she is not letting you go until you climaxed with her.
At this point Yeojin finally stopped talking, unintelligible noises and moans is the only form of communication she knows as she has been fucked crazy.
Or so you think.
You nearly reached your limit, as you prepare to unleash your third load of the day.
But then Yeojin noticed. She wants the same treatment as her unnie does. She wants you seed to be unleashed all inside her. Couldn’t hold back her true intentions, she finally yelled out her request.
“Oppa… Shoot it all inside me! Inseminate me with your thick cum and make me all yours!!”
Under normal circumstances this should make up reach your peak immediately, can you even imagine Kahei saying this to you?
But not this time.
This is supposed to be a punishment, a rehabilitation of hers to know her own place. What kind of punishment is that if she is having pleasure and gets all she wants?
But just as she is about to reach her peak, you promptly stopped your movements, denying her orgasm. What goes around comes around, I guess. She did that to Kahei, and now it’s time to let her taste her own medicine.
You pulled out your cock that is just about to erupt a second ago. Yeojin’s face full of disappointment and disbelief.
“But… But why oppa?” Tears nearly poured out from her eyes.
But that doesn’t work on you.
“If you want it, beg for it.” You declared. “Beg for it like you mean it.”
She quickly followed your instructions.
Yeojin laid down with her front facing your way. She begs for your attention as she spreads her labia wide open for you.
“Please… Please shoot all your hot, thick semen inside me! Breed me and impregnate me as you wish! Do whatever you want to me…” The usual chippy and cheerful Yeojin has disappeared.
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The only thing left on her mind is wanting you to put a child inside her.
“Well said, Yeojin.” You lifted her lower body. “But you forgot one important thing, YOU ARE JUST A TOY FOR ME.”
Once again you plunged your hardened cock into her, but not the one that she requested for.
“A… Anal??” A brand-new sensation gushed through her body as your member slid in and out from her butthole.
“You will never-ever get the same treatment as Kahei, you hear that?” You continued your movements while ignoring Yeojin’s refusal. “Kahei is the only one I cared about, and you will always be just a tool for me, got it?”
“Y… Yes oppa…” Yeojin’s vision began to blur. She claimed to have a lot of experience, but never with anal sex. Your treatment is so severe that her tiny body couldn’t take it anymore. Her body began to loosen up, her eyes rolled up while her tongue is sticking out.
Finally, you reached your peak and ejaculated all your semen inside her hole. Although it is the third shot of the day, the amount you deposited into her body is still that much. Yeojin’s body shivers with pleasure while she pants for air.
Perhaps finally Yeojin had learnt her lesson.
“You are going to shit white tomorrow, you know that?”
But there is no response.
She is still breathing, thank God. But the rough sex you gave her has completely knocked her out.
Experienced my ass.
You looked around. Two beautiful girls lying on the bed, sleeping soundly because of you.
What a sight to behold.
Fatigue finally catches onto you, as you collapsed onto the bed and slowly drifted into slumberland…
A few hours later…
“W… What time is it?”
You finally woke up. I guess after a few consecutive ejaculations, you finally reached your limit and passed out like the two girls.
You felt a soft sensation on your right hand.
“Hmm?” You squeezed.
“Hello, sleepy head.”
She is lying down next to you, snuggling up cosily AROUND YOU.
Also, your hand is on her ass.
“Hey, are you done touching?” She sneered.
“I mean… No. Of course.” You joked.
“… Pervert.”
You glanced at the wall clock, it is almost dawn. Yeojin is still sleeping soundly. I guess you really messed her up big time. Perhaps she will finally learn her lesson for good and stop being such a cheeky little brat.
“Jason…you told Yeojin that I’m the only one you cared about. Is that true?” Kahei said while raising her eyebrows in classic Gowon fashion.
“Wait, you heard us? I thought you passed out!”
“Well, anyone would be awake after all that loud noise you two made.”
But now it is not the time for jokes or punchlines. This is the perfect moment for you to declare your feelings to her. If you don’t do it now, you might never have the chance again.
“Kahei.” You looked her right into her eyes.
“I like you. I liked you since out school days, but I never had the courage to told you so because I don’t want to jeopardize your dreams of becoming a singer…”
“Really?” Kahei chuckled. “I wish you’d told me sooner.”
“Why?” You asked.
“Do you still remember that field trip we had? The one we went to the beach?”
Oh right. Secondary school.
You and Kahei go way back. That year you are lucky enough to be drafted into the same class as hers. Although she is not the most active and outgoing member of the class, she still exudes a kind of motherly aura, as she always cares about people around her.
You two rarely talked to each other, but one fateful encounter propelled you into her orbit.
You class organized an outing to a nearby beach, something about camping and making memories, you couldn’t remember the details. But there was one activity that was so memorable, it sculpted as one of your precious core memories.
For some reason the guys in your class wanted to play dodgeball. So, your teacher at the time compromised and split the class into groups. You quickly realized that one of the classmates from your opponent’s team was none other than Kahei herself. You probably assumed that she would suck at sports, since she doesn’t strike you as a sporty gal.
But surprisingly, when her team was falling behind, she started acting as the de facto team captain, and started giving out commands.
“Attack, ATTACK!!”
It’s like a warzone out there.
Finally, her team overwhelmed yours and won the championship match.
All thanks to Kahei.
What an interesting individual, you thought. You want to know more about her, but you need to act fast.
You carefully approach her after the game and started a conversation.
She was taken aback by your sudden introduction. But you pressed on.
“So… You played dodgeball before?”
“Not really, this is my first time.”
“I see.”
And so, the conversation goes on back and forth. It didn’t matter that this is your first real conversation, you two clicked instantly and chat about a lot of subjects.
The teacher’s voice let you two snapped back to reality as it was close to night-time already.
“Well, it was nice talking with you. I’ll see you soon.” Kahei smiled.
You never believed in love at first sight, but her smile just melted your heart.
A surge of courage led you made a bold decision.
“Hey! Kahei…right? We are on the beach anyways, you want to watch the sunrise later?”
“Umm…sure? But can you crawl up that early?” She smiled again.
“Of course, I can!” A man’s pride is something needed to be protected. “5 am?”
“5 am it is.”
And thus, it begins.
-end of flashback-
“Of course, I remembered the sunrise! I still can’t figure it out where I got the courage to ask you out, Kahei.”
“I didn’t know why I accepted your invitation either.” She chuckled. “Perhaps its fate.”
“Maybe. But back to the point…you haven’t given me an answer, yet you know?”
You basically confessed to Kahei, but you two are immersed in your own flashback, she didn’t have a chance to respond.
“Close your eyes first.” Kahei said.
“But wh-”
“Just do it, okay?”
You closed your eyes, waiting for her response.
A soft sensation landed on your lips, intertwined with emotions and love.
You opened your eyes, and you saw that familiar smile again. That smile that made you fall in love with.
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“Take care of me from now on, okay?”
“Of course, Kahei.”
A string of line poured through the window, the sun is rising as you two finally cleared up your relationship.
“Well, want to see the sunrise again?” Once again you gave the invitation out.
“Why not do it?”
Just as you two getting dressed and ready to go out, that familiar booming voice strikes back.
It seems that Yeojin has emerged from her slumber.
“Ya oppa, I heard everything! What about me? Why didn’t you even consider me?”
What’s up with girls pretending to sleep and eavesdropping these days? But since your decision is official, Kahei managed to stand up for herself.
“Yeojin.” Kahei said firmly. “I know that it would be impossible for Jason and me together without your help, and I will give you credit for that. But there is only one person who can be his girlfriend, and that is me.”
“But unnie… What happened between me and Jason-oppa is something I never experience before…”
Again, facts. Maybe because she was the only child in her family that made her a spoiled brat.
Wait, what?
“I want to try something even more extreme with Jason-oppa…couldn’t we find a compromise?”
It seems that your plan has just backfired spectacularly.
“Well… It seems fair that you get some kind of compensation. Alright, occasionally is fine.”
Why in the world would you agree with her, Kahei?
“Since that problem has been resolved… Let’s go see the sunrise together!”
You don’t the right to voice out your opinion in this situation. But what guy could turn down this offer anyways? The three of you went outside just in time to see the sunrise. It’s been a while since you had the liberty to enjoy something that basic as sunrise. But now you are not alone. You have your girlfriend on your side… As well as Yeojin, wherever she fits in the picture.
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Kahei is clearly enjoying herself. The same warm sunlight that shined upon you years ago has made a comeback, and it is better than ever. The question that has haunted her for years, the unsolved mystery between you and herself has been resolved. A sigh of relief puffed away with all her troubles, gone.
And now it is your job to fulfil her for the rest of your lives.
Meanwhile, Yeojin whispered some breaking news in your ears.
“Oppa… I just texted everyone in our group chat about your existence. They will give you a welcome party at our practice room as soon as we go back, isn’t that exciting?!”
And with that, your harem life with all 12 LOONA members has just begun.
The able-bodied Heejin, the endearing Hyunjin, the caretaking Haseul, the adventurous Yeojin, the lovable Kahei, the chic Jungeun, the dorky Jinsol, the sunshine Yerim, the warm hearted Sooyoung, the cutesy Jiwoo, the princess Chaewon and the ice queen herself Hyeju.
Dear me.
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toomuchracket · 8 months
in front of a mirror (literal d word (dad) matty x reader fluff)
a little random fluffy moment for promptober day 18! just you and matty and your baby daughter getting ready in the hotel room. enjoy <3
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the fluffy pompom on your daughter's hat tickles your already-cold nose, as you walk quickly down the hotel corridor with her in your arms. you sneeze, and lyla jerks in what you think is fright at the sudden noise; you open your mouth to reassure and apologise, but she giggles before you can, that joyous little baby laugh that you think might be your favourite sound in the world.
"oh, you think it's funny when mummy sneezes?" you tease, tickling her little tummy to keep her laughing. "yeah, it is a funny noise, i suppose. but do you know what you're meant to do when someone sneezes in front of you? you say 'bless you'. can you try that for me, munchkin? bless you."
lyla's little face screws up in concentration, an expression she's doubtless inherited from you. "eh ooh."
"oh, my clever girl! well done," you coo, kissing her little rosy cheek as you unlock the door to your suite. "you're so smart, munchkin! you definitely get that from me and not daddy. but don't tell daddy that, alright?"
"tell me what?" matty's voice echoes from somewhere in the suite. lyla makes grabby hands at the sound - again, your genetics.
"that we got babycinos with auntie carly," you reply, pulling off lyla's jacket and hat, then smoothing down her hair as you wander through the living area towards your fiancé's voice. you find him in the dressing room outside the bedroom, sat at the mirror with one of the band's stylists fixing his hair. "hiya! hi, baby. you look good. almost done?"
the stylist answers in the affirmative. matty's face lights up at the sight of you and lyla; it always does, but you don't think you'll ever get over how adorably happy he gets. "hi, my beautiful girls," he says softly. "have you had a nice morning? c'mere, munchkin, tell me all about it."
you pass lyla to matty - giving him a quick kiss as you do - before shrugging your coat off and sitting down beside them. lyla snuggles into her dad's chest, big eyes blinking tiredly as he softly strokes her head. they're so cute in their respective sweatshirts that you could cry just from how much you love them.
matty caresses your daughter's tiny cheek. "is somebody sleepy?"
despite her eyes growing heavier by the second, lyla musters up all the energy she has left to shake her head in vehement denial. all three of the grown-ups in the room laugh at her little curls bouncing, and she grins cheekily.
"i think you might be, baba," matty smiles. "maybe time for a little disco nap before you come out with me and mummy later, yeah?"
you snort. "a disco nap?"
"what? that's exactly what it is."
"fair, fair," you say, resting your head on the tabletop. "could do with one myself, actually. or at least a minute where i sit and do nothing. but it's alright," you stretch. "i should probably start getting ready anyway, once she's asleep."
you try to stand, but matty traps your leg between both of his and smirks. "nope! you're staying put, my love."
"what is this?" you ask, eyes narrowing as you clock the stylist smiling suspiciously too. "why are you both looking at me like that?"
"well, sweetheart, i know how busy you've been lately, taking care of everyone and everything, and i just want to make sure you're taken care of too," matty begins. "so i decided that i'll take lyla for a few hours today and get her and i ready, so you can have a bit of time to yourself to relax…"
"and i'll do your hair for you," the stylist finishes, grinning. "and just pamper you a bit."
the combination of tiredness and the sweetness of the gesture flicks some sort of weird hormonal switch in you; you genuinely start to tear up at the thought of getting a moment to yourself amidst the chaos of tour prep and dealing with both lyla and matty (who's arguably more of a handful than your literal baby daughter). "that sounds lovely. thank you."
matty shifts lyla into one arm and leans forward to wipe your eyes with the other. he pecks your lips, then your nose, making you giggle. "s'the least i could do, darling. oh, by the way, we're also going out for dinner tonight straight after the gig. just the two of us. date night for mum and dad!"
"how have you managed that? who's looking after lyla?" you laugh, almost deliriously.
"the macdonalds. mentioned to ross i was thinking about taking you on a date, and his wife all but booked a restaurant and swiped lyla out of my arms there and then."
"bless her. i'm excited," you smile, kissing matty's cheek. "thank you, baby. i love you."
"i love you too, my sweet girl. have fun getting your hair done," matty shuffles to stand, and you take a second to stroke lyla's head before they go. "we'll be next door if you need us."
"alright, babe."
with a final wink, the loves of your life disappear through the door. you turn back to face the mirror, smiling at the stylist. fuck, why do you feel nervous? "ok. please try and sort me out. i know it'll be a struggle."
they laugh, pulling the hairband from your head. "nah, piece of cake after dealing with your man's hair. and your daughter's inherited it! god help you, babe."
you giggle. "yeah, but they really are cute, with the curls."
and cute in general, actually - while you sit back contentedly and have your hair combed, you smile so hard it hurts your cheeks at the way matty coos and sings to lyla in the next room to get her to sleep. although you can't see them, you can picture the image clear as day; she'll be in her dad's arms the whole time, because trying to get matty to not constantly cuddle your baby is like drawing blood from a stone, and matty will pace around the suite until she fully nods off. only then will he sit down, quietly humming lullabies or just whatever songs are stuck in his head, looking at lyla with the expression of sheer lovestruck adoration he reserves for only her and you.
you actually get to see said expression in action around half an hour later, while your hair is being manipulated and pinned up into a messy updo; holding a peacefully-snoozing lyla just as you knew he'd be, matty moves to lean against the doorframe and catch your eyes in the mirror. "darling - oh wow, i love your hair like that! - i know i said i was going to give you peace, but can i really quickly ask for your input on my fit for today?"
god, his arms flex so gorgeously when he's holding the baby like that. your head fills with daydreams about them flexing like that as he holds you, your hips, your waist, keeping you steady and close to him as he… 
jesus, you need to sleep with your fiancé. it's clearly been too long.
so distracted are you by thirsting over matty that you almost miss what he says. "hmm? oh, yeah. black suit trousers? what's your options for the top half?"
"the saint laurent polka dots, or the black silk one. with the short sleeves."
"i love both, baby, but aren't they a little fancy for a half-hour radio show set?"
matty blushes, looking up through his eyelashes at you in the mirror; he's so beautiful it almost devastates you. "yeah, but… wanna look good for you when we go out after. you'll look stunning, as always - i need to at least try to keep up with you, yeah?"
the stylist utters a quiet "aww!", which kinda perfectly sums up your feelings about your fiancé's words. he's so endearing, matty, looking at you all shy and sweet - you're not quite sure how your heart hasn't caved in from the amount of love for him packed inside it.
and yet… your mind is seemingly still in the gutter. "i think the silk one, honestly" because it shows off those fucking arms of yours better than the other one, baby.
"whatever my girl wants," matty winks, before disappearing into the other room again. he reappears once the stylist leaves twenty minutes later, fully dressed and gorgeous in his finery, with a slightly groggy (but well-rested) lyla and what looks like her entire wardrobe in his arms.
you spin away from the counter and your open makeup bag to look at him. "dilf!"
matty cackles, quickly stopping to soothe lyla when she begins grumbling at his volume. "sorry, munchkin, i just get really excited when mummy lets on how much she fancies me."
"it's not as if you don't know already," you giggle, batting your mascara'd lashes, before shifting your voice into something breathier. "daddy."
"not in front of our daughter!"
"later, though? after our dinner date?"
matty sighs, his cheeks pink. "by all means, princess," he emphasises the nickname, and you beam. "now, lyla-lie, let's get you dressed while mummy puts her face on."
"did you just simon and garfunkel our baby's name?"
"you know it, babe."
your turn to sigh. "alright. carry on."
"i shall," matty sits lyla on the table, just a bit along to the right from you, caging her with his own body while he quickly spreads out her outfit choices. "right, munchkin. well, i'm wearing full black, and mummy's wearing…"
"also full black."
"... so i think we should see about putting you in full black too, baba," matty smiles down at lyla, who's more focused on swinging her little legs than anything else right now. "let's see - oh, these little trousers are cool! d'you like these? yeah? ok. this top?"
you pause your motions of putting highlight on to glance at your daughter; she scowls at the offending top in a way so reminiscent of matty you have to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself guffawing.
matty nods. "i agree, it's not quite right. moving on!"
all in all, picking out lyla's outfit for the afternoon takes longer than it did for yours and matty's to be chosen; lyla might look more like you, but she's matty's daughter through and through, a stubborn little fashionista in the making. it takes so long for matty to get her dressed - although you don't totally begrudge him for that, because listening to him try to make up a song on the fly about different items of clothing is hilarious - that you're fully ready (sans lipstick, and even then you're standing tube in hand, ready to go) once she is.
you freeze just before you apply the lippy, though - your fiancé's voice rings out a warning just as you take the lid off. "don't you dare do that yet, sweetheart."
matty smiles. "wanna kiss you first, babe."
and who are you to deny such an appealing notion? you nod, and matty kisses you languidly. his free hand comes up to tenderly cup your jaw, and you smile against his lips; it's not as passionate as some of your other kisses, but as always it's imbued with pure love. you're totally content.
that is, until a tiny hand makes contact with matty's cheek, and he breaks away from you with an "oof". lyla giggles, and you can't help but join in - matty narrows his eyes at his daughter, but he can't resist smiling at her adorable little… well, everything. "excuse me, miss, but mummy and i were having a moment, before you interrupted it quite abruptly. which is actually quite on brand for you, to be honest, kid, given how you were... anyway, what is it you wanted?"
he boops lyla's nose, and she giggles again. as the noise fades into little hums, she turns towards you, reaching an arm out and looking at you pleadingly.
(matty's genetics. definitely.)
"oh, my girl, you want us to do a group hug? alright," you coo, moving closer to the two of them so you can take some of lyla's weight from matty. his free arm snakes a familiar path around your waist to tug you round, and the three of you have a little cuddle for a minute or so. you're reluctant to pull away from your family and the cosy little outpouring of love, and matty seems to be too, but lyla quickly gets distracted by something else and begins to wriggle.
as it turns out, the focus of her attention is her own reflection - you laugh when you realise, while matty cringes into his baby's shoulder. "yep, that's my fault."
"well, someone had to say it," you drily respond, looking in the mirror at your daughter's wondrous expression. "lyla, are you fascinated by how pretty you look in your cool outfit? it really is cool, by the way," you turn to matty. "good job, baby."
"oh yeah, you hear that, munchkin? we got the mummy seal of approval," matty cheers, dancing around a little and making lyla - and you - smile. he looks lovingly over her head at you. "and that's really good, because mummy's the coolest person in the world. and the most beautiful, although i think you're giving her a run for her money. but you do have her eyes, i s'pose - those would make anybody infinitely more gorgeous, if they had them."
you can feel your cheeks burning. you've lost count of the number of times matty's complimented you like that, and yet you still get totally lovestruck every time. "oh, shush," you grin bashfully. "i can't take credit for those beautiful curls, can i?"
"ok, true," matty nods. he sets lyla down on the tabletop - snorting as she immediately crawls right up to the mirror - and tugs you into his side. you immediately snuggle into his chest. "we really do make cute babies together, don't we?"
"we do," you say, smiling at your daughter before turning and wrapping your arms around matty's neck. "d'you want to make another one tonight?"
matty's breath hitches, and he tugs you down for a quick, head-spinning kiss before murmuring against your lips. "fuck yeah i do."
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final-script · 9 months
It's Happening! | Ruben Dias
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Pairing: Ruben Dias x Reader
Sumary: Where Ruben Dias asks the big question.
Warnings: English is not my first language !!!.There are probably many mistakes (I will correct them later),
Gif: rubendiasatl
As the complete gentleman he was, unbeknownst to you, he had gone to your parents' house to ask for your hand.
It was not difficult for them to give the blessing, they loved him from the moment they met him.
After obtaining the blessing of your parents, he only needed to prepare the proposal, for this he received ideas and some help from family and friends, both yours and his.
There wasn't anyone who wasn't aware of Ruben's love for you.
You liked the simple, so Ruben had decided on something simple but at the same time express what he feels for you.
Although it may not seem like it, everything was quite fast and without raising suspicions around you.
First I would take you to dinner and then to walk on the beach, where I had also prepared something.
The day of the proposal I followed his plan to the letter, I invite you to dinner like any other time, trying not to seem nervous, fortunately I succeed.
He opened your door when he got to the car, before also getting on and traveling to the restaurant and for the first time at night something called your attention… They weren't filling up the way they usually do.
Y/N- honey where are we filling?
R- oh, I thought maybe we could try a new place.
I put his cloak on your thigh and kept driving.
The dinner developed normally, talking about random things as they always do and after a small dessert it was time to continue with the second part of the plan.
R- is it okay if we walk along the beach?
Y/N- there is a pleasant climate, so that's fine.
They clasped their hands and as the beach was close they walked clinging.
A few meters a decorations scattered along the beach caught your attention
Y/N- it seems that there was a party.
If only you knew what was about to happen to you.
Advantage your distraction, Ruben decided that it was his moment, with the excuse that you could better observe the "forgotten" place, I managed to put you where he wanted.
R- and if I told you that it is not a party and that it is for us. Hugging you from behind.
Y/N- what do you talk about, honey?
R- I did this because I wanted to ask you something.
He kept you in this position, because if I turned to see you I probably wouldn't say everything he really wants to tell you.
R- I know you love the simple so I will do the best I can, I know I could go straight to the point but … There are things I really want to say today.
He controlled his breathing as best he could and continued.
R- It's been almost 4 years since we are together, almost 4 years since I saw you for the first time and was arrowed by that girl who seemed lost at a party with her friends, but no matter how lost she seemed she made me work to get her name and phone number, almost 4 years since you endure my mood swings after a game, you take care of me and help me to improve, I love you even more, because you are always just you and without forgetting to mention how much my family loves you, how you are with them … For everything I've said and for what I'm still missing, I want all that to be forever, to create new memories, so I want to ask you.
He stopped his words to turn you around and make eye contact.
As he did so, he immediately knelt down and revealed before you, the ring that without your knowledge he had been with for weeks.
R- do you want to marry me? The tears accumulated in your eyes could show, but enough to see that the man in front of you, you were with whom you wanted to spend the rest of your life.
Nodding excitedly you gave an answer.
Y/N- yes, yes, of course.
I slip the ring into your ring and when it got up, you immediately circled his neck and kissed it.
Y/N- I can't wait to be your wife.
R- the last name Dias will look great,Eu te amo futura esposa (I love you future wife)
Y/N- Mrs. Dias… I love it. Seal the moment with a kiss.
 From The Beginning - Ruben Dias x Reader
English Classes - Julian Alvarez x Reader
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