#bts voo
moonberre · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Voo! 💜🐻
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bts-trans · 8 months
230909 Weverse Translation
Jin's Post ❇️
뷔 화이팅 붸 화이팅 부 화이팅 붜 화이팅 울 태형이 잘생��다 머싯다 짜란다 군대에서 애들이 너가 나보다 잘생겼대 분해서 취향차이라고 얘기해주고 돌아서서 눈물 흘렸다 https://weverse.io/bts/artist/3-132179756
V let's get it Vwe let's get it Voo let's get it Voe let's get it Our Taehyung is handsome, so cool and doing so well The guys at the military are saying that you're better looking than me I said it's just a difference of personal taste because I was upset, and I turned around and shed a tear
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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typeboyz · 4 months
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→ Jeon Jungkook x Leitora
→ Palavras: 2.6k
ATENÇÃO: Jungkook ciumento e possessivo, smut, amigos com benefício, sexo em público, sexo oral, tapas leves, sexo sem proteção, leve degradação, creampie, puxão de cabelo, dançarina de apoio!leitora.
📌 ps:. sempre use camisinha, se proteja, se cuide. É a sua saúde que está em jogo.
📌 masterlist
© all rights reserved by @atinystraynstay
© tradução (pt/br) by @typeboyz
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→ Sinopse:
Jungkook foi quem propôs que vocês fossem amigos com benefícios. Vocês dois eram solteiros e tinham desejos, mas se apaixonar não fazia parte do plano.
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Você recebeu a oportunidade de sua vida. O que começou como uma forma de matar o tempo durante a pandemia rapidamente se transformou em um voo para a Coreia do Sul para se juntar ao BTS nos ensaios dos shows do Permission To Dance. Pouco mais de um ano depois, você estava novamente nos ensaios para as promoções solo de Jungkook com o lançamento de seu primeiro álbum, Golden. Você não achava que sua vida poderia ficar melhor do que isso.
Você nunca imaginou que quando o estúdio de dança que você frequentava fechasse as exigências de fechamento lhe daria a oportunidade de uma vida inteira. Ou que conheceria o homem dos seus sonhos.
Jungkook tinha mais, ou menos a sua idade, então era fácil para vocês dois se darem bem. Muitas vezes, vocês ficavam até tarde da noite repetindo a rotina de dança para as apresentações e as filmagens dos próximos videoclipes. O empresário dele sempre perguntava se ele queria uma carona para casa, mas Jungkook sempre arranjava uma desculpa.
— Não, eu estou bem. Quero ter certeza de que meus hyungs ficarão orgulhosos de mim quando finalmente puderem ver isso! – O que muitas vezes fazia a equipe sorrir, pois ele queria deixar seus membros orgulhosos.
Outra resposta frequente era do tipo.
— Não, obrigado. Só estou preso a essa parte da coreografia e acho que finalmente estou conseguindo. Vou chamar o segurança para ter certeza de que voltarei para casa. – Todas as vezes ele prometia usar os recursos da empresa, mas nunca o fazia.
Ele sempre optava por fazer passeios de uber com você. No início, era porque Jungkook gostava de poder conversar com alguém da idade dele. Ele tinha um grupo sólido de amigos, mas você era nova. Vinda do Brasil, ele queria saber como era ser um jovem de vinte e poucos anos que estava conseguindo dar certo.
Vocês dois frequentemente compartilhavam bebidas e refeições após os treinos.
— Sabe, temos de nutrir bem nosso corpo. Jin hyung me ensinou isso muito bem. – Rapidamente, sua fome se transformou em outra coisa.
Ao conhecê-la, ao observar como seus quadris se moviam com facilidade, ele começou a ficar faminto por sua buceta. Jungkook era um cara muito competitivo e estava determinado a ser o melhor em transar com você até você ver estrelas. Ele queria te fazer gozar e gritar até esquecer seu nome, até questionar sua capacidade de andar depois.
As refeições rapidamente se transformaram em comer você fora de casa, em seu apartamento. Para ser justa, essa era sua refeição favorita do dia. Ele adorava se ajoelhar para você, abrindo bem os joelhos e te expondo para ele. Somente para ele. Muitas vezes ele gostava de soprar ar frio em sua buceta para vê-la se contorcer sob o toque dele.
Jungkook adorava saber a reação que poderia obter de você. Ele gostava de saber que você gemia e implorava para que ele lambesse sua buceta, chupasse seu clitóris como se a vida dele dependesse disso. E se você implorasse bem, ele a recompensaria introduzindo dois dedos em sua buceta.
Os treinos de dança não eram o único motivo pelo qual ele vinha até sua casa. Se uma sessão de gravação não fosse bem sucedida, você oferecia conforto deixando que ele te curvasse e fodesse sua buceta. Depois, você sempre falava sobre como ele estava se sentindo, mas logo aprendeu que, no início, Jungkook preferia extravasar suas frustrações fisicamente ao em vez de verbalmente.
Faltavam apenas mais algumas apresentações para o grupo. Todos sabiam que Jungkook se alistaria em breve, portanto ninguém estava se dando por satisfeito. Cada dança, cada membro da equipe e o próprio Jungkook estavam basicamente dando tudo de si em cada treino de dança, ensaio geral e apresentação.
No momento, você estava sentada na pista de dança, com sua garrafa de água no colo. Seu polegar movia a tela do tiktok para cima de vez em quando. Houve um intervalo de trinta minutos, permitindo que algumas pessoas fossem almoçar, enquanto outras estavam tirando um minuto para relaxar.
— Então, s/n, você conhecia alguém aqui na Coréia antes de se mudar?
Muitas vezes havia conversas entre os dançarinos. O tempo livre e o tempo fora dos treinos eram oportunidades para se conhecerem melhor e fazer um pouco de networking. Com os dias se aproximando do fim do contrato, você estava começando a considerar suas opções. Parte de você queria voltar para casa, para se reunir com a família, mas também estava se divertindo muito aqui.
Ao ouvir seu nome, você bloqueou o telefone e o colocou no chão. Alguns outros se juntaram a você no chão, em seus próprios mundos, até que a conversa atual começou. Você sentiu todos os olhares voltados para você quando a pergunta foi dirigida a você.
— Não, na verdade não. — Você riu.
Há um ano, você nunca teria tido a coragem de atravessar o mundo sozinha. Estando aqui agora, você sabia que era a melhor decisão.
— Então, você é uma boa dançarina, uma pessoa que assume riscos, bonita. – Um dos dançarinos começou a listar.
Você corou com o elogio. Uma coisa que mudou foi sua dificuldade em aceitar elogios. Você sabia que ele tinha boas intenções, mas isso não a impediu de sentir como se seu rosto tivesse ficado incrivelmente quente.
— Você precisa ter um parceiro, certo? Conhecer alguém aqui na Coréia. Quero dizer, os homens coreanos sabem como tratar você bem. – Ele lhe deu uma piscada.
Você viu uma das dançarinas, ela revirou os olhos ao ouvir as palavras dele, balançando a cabeça para vocês dois.
— Não dê ouvidos a ele. Fique longe de homens coreanos. – Ela advertiu antes de voltar a comer a salada.
— Você só está chateada com o término do seu namoro. – Ele murmurou.
Rapidamente, isso foi seguido por um forte tapa dela e risadas dos outros membros. Você observou o homem esfregar o braço sensível, pedindo desculpas a mulher, a sua direita. Satisfeita, ela acenou com a cabeça em sinal de reconhecimento antes de voltar ao almoço.
O homem olhou de volta para você, sorrindo timidamente.
— De qualquer forma, você é solteira? – Ele perguntou. — Você nunca se encontrou conosco depois do treino para um drinque rápido.
"Sim, normalmente não posso sair, porque estou sendo maltratada pelo Jungkook depois do treino." – Você pensou.
— Talvez ela tenha um namorado no país dela?
Decidida a falar por si mesma, você riu como forma de interromper a conversa. Olhares ansiosos estavam voltados para você, querendo saber mais sobre a colega brasileira.
— A culpa é minha por não aparecer depois do treino. Normalmente fico cansada e quero ir para casa. Às vezes, até fico aqui praticando um pouco mais só para ter certeza de que sou tão boa quanto vocês. Quero dizer, vocês são profissionais.
O grupo sorriu amplamente com suas palavras gentis. Você não tinha certeza de como se encaixaria sendo uma pessoa de fora, especialmente se não tivesse certeza se ficaria ou não. No início desse trabalho, você sentiu uma enorme pressão para se sair bem, especialmente, porque sabia que muitas pessoas fariam qualquer coisa para estar no seu lugar. Você queria que a empresa ficasse satisfeita por ter escolhido a pessoa certa.
— Bem, agora que já sabe que queremos você aqui. Você sairá conosco amanhã à noite.
— Sim, você precisa! Teremos que te mostrar as melhores partes de Seul.
— E espero que você fique com o melhor homem.
— Ou, pelo menos, ir para casa com o melhor cara.
Suas bochechas ficaram rosadas novamente, o que fez com que todo o grupo sorrisse. Como a vida poderia ficar melhor?
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O sol já havia se posto quando você terminou o treino. A maior parte do grupo já havia saído para a noite, enquanto você estava arrumando sua mochila com todos os seus pertences. Embora estivesse muito ansiosa pela noite do dia seguinte, você sempre gostou de passar a noite sozinha.
Você não pôde deixar de se perguntar se Jungkook gostaria de ir até lá.
— Sabe, você realmente deveria sair daqui sozinha. – Disse uma voz para você.
Assustada, você olhou por cima do ombro e viu Jungkook encostado na porta da sala de treinamento. Falando no diabo. Você colocou uma mão sobre o peito enquanto seu coração acelerado começava a se acalmar, bem devagar.
— Deus, você me assustou.
Ele soltou uma gargalhada antes de entrar na sala. Só era possível perceber como ele estava se movendo pelo som de sua risada cada vez mais alta.
— Desculpe, boneca. Não consegui me conter. – Ele se desculpou.
Você cantarolou divertida enquanto estava de costas para ele, tentando juntar o resto de seus pertences para poder ir embora. Porquê se ele estava pronto para ir, isso significava que você também estava.
Sentiu a mão dele passar pelo seu quadril. Fechando o zíper da mochila, você se endireitou lentamente para senti-lo bem atrás de você. Os lábios dele pairaram sobre a concha da sua orelha, sentindo o hálito quente dele contra ela. Você se arrepiou com o efeito e com a excitação.
— Você parece estar realmente encontrando seu lugar aqui. – Disse ele.
Sua voz era muito suave. Jungkook sabia o efeito que tinha sobre você, como você estava basicamente na mão dele e usava isso a favor dele. Mas você estava um pouco confusa sobre a origem do que ele disse.
— Quero dizer, eu ouvi você fazendo planos com os outros dançarinos. Acho que isso é bom para você.
A mão dele acariciou gentilmente seu quadril, o toque leve como uma pena. Você estava quase em transe com tudo aquilo. O simples fato de sentir o calor do corpo dele irradiar em suas costas provocou uma onda de calor em você.
— Mas há uma coisa que não me agrada. – Você estava prestes a olhar para ele, mas foi interrompida quando ele a agarrou com mais força.
Ele a puxou para trás de modo que você pudesse sentir o tesão dele contra a sua bunda. Você arfou de surpresa, o que fez com que ele soltasse uma risada leve. A risada causou arrepios em sua espinha.
— Eu não gosto de compartilhar, anjo.
Tudo aconteceu tão repentinamente. Em um minuto você estava pegando sua mochila, no outro, estava sendo presa contra os espelhos do estúdio de dança. O aperto da mão de Jungkook era firme o suficiente para informar que ele estava no comando, mas frouxo o suficiente para que você pudesse sair se se sentisse desconfortável. No entanto, o olhar dele fixo em você lhe dizia para ficar quieta.
Sua respiração estava um pouco rígida, sentindo as emoções percorrerem seu corpo. O que ele estava pensando?
Você notou que a mandíbula dele estava um pouco cerrada, quase como se ele estivesse pensando no que estava fazendo, ou em seu próximo passo.
— Vou deixar bem claro. Você não vai voltar para casa com mais ninguém além de mim. Você sempre voltará para mim.
Oh, Deus, ele ouviu a conversa de vocês mais cedo. Estava começando a fazer sentido.
— Tenho que lembrá-la se isso for um problema.
— Então me marque e me faça sua.
A respiração de Jungkook ficou presa ao ouvi-la. Ele não esperava tal resposta sua, mas isso o deixou muito fraco. Deus, você era a morte dele.
Como não é de desistir, ele aceitou seu desafio.
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Um tapa.
Você gemeu alto ao sentir a mão de Jungkook encontrando sua bochecha esquerda. Foi como um choque elétrico. Um pouco doloroso, considerando que ele havia batido em você várias vezes durante a noite, mas também prazeroso, porque fazia você se sentir viva. Sinceramente, fez você se sentir poderosa.
Os dois estavam no estúdio de dança. Jungkook te colocou de joelhos. Você sabia que todos já tinham ido embora, mas a emoção de alguém potencialmente flagrando vocês dois a excitava.
Com uma mão no seu quadril, a outra mão de Jungkook subiu suavemente pela sua coluna vertebral. O toque dele ainda era um forte contraste com a sensação do pau grosso dele deslizando para dentro e para fora da sua buceta encharcada. Cada batida na sua bunda fazia com que suas paredes se apertassem em torno do pau dele, levando vocês dois a um coro de gemidos.
O quadril dele batendo em você por trás. Isso criou um som rítmico de pele batendo, de vocês dois gemendo e de como estavam molhados. O último som fez com que suas bochechas esquentassem, para a satisfação de Jungkook.
A mão que estava em sua coluna vertebral agarrou o seu cabelo. Você ficou grata por tê-lo prendido em um rabo de cavalo baixo durante o treino. Jungkook puxou sua cabeça, fazendo com que você gemesse em resposta. A doce picada de seu cabelo sendo puxado fez com que você desejasse mais. O movimento repentino também fez com que seus olhos ficassem um pouco brilhantes. Sua cabeça se inclinou para trás ao encontrar a dele no reflexo do espelho.
— Olhe para você. – Disse Jungkook.
Sua boca estava curvada em um sorriso sinistro.
— Você está chorando por causa do meu pau. Ele não é suficiente para você? É por isso que você quer sair para conhecer outros caras?
— Não, Jungkook, porra. – Ele ofegou. — Você é tudo o que eu quero, tudo o que eu preciso.
— Ah, sério? Me prove. Goze no meu pau, me mostre que eu realmente sou o único que pode fazer você se sentir tão bem.
Se fosse possível, Jungkook aumentou o ritmo. Você gritou de prazer quando a intensidade da investida brutal dele fez seus braços cederem. A metade superior do seu corpo descansou contra o piso frio de madeira, fazendo com que sua bunda se movesse um pouco para cima. Jungkook gemeu em agradecimento pela mudança. Ele não conseguiu se conter, te bateu novamente.
Sua mente estava confusa. Não conseguia compreender nada além do pau de Jungkook preenchendo e esticando você. Sua visão estava ficando embaçada por causa das lágrimas que começavam a cair, enquanto você sentia aquela sensação familiar de formigamento e calor no estômago.
Em questão de instantes, sua visão ficou branca e seus dedos dos pés se curvaram. Você gritou o nome dele. O aperto dele nos seus quadris parecia estar queimado na sua pele, você nunca quis que ele parasse de tocá-la. Jungkook gemeu quando as investidas dele ficaram mais fortes, determinado a encontrá-la em seu ponto mais alto. O mundo ao seu redor parecia estar parado enquanto sua cabeça estava nas nuvens.
Depois de mais algumas investidas, Jungkook soltou um gemido alto. Podia sentir o esperma dele enchendo a sua buceta, o que a fez gemer com a sensação. Você se sentiu tão satisfeita, ele também se sentiu satisfeito ao ver parte do esperma dele saindo de sua buceta quando começou a se retirar.
Ele jurou que você nunca esteve tão bonita, sendo completamente dele.
Os lábios estavam sendo pressionados contra sua coluna vertebral. Você nem percebeu que seu corpo havia se esparramado sobre a superfície de madeira até que Jungkook a moveu gentilmente. Sua cabeça estava apoiada no peito dele e suas costas no chão, a mão dele subiu e desceu pela parte inferior de suas costas, a outra mão foi estendida para enxugar as lágrimas que ainda restavam.
Você foi trazida de volta à realidade. Podia registrar o som da respiração pesada de vocês dois, e os leves tremores do seu corpo começavam a diminuir. Com a sua cabeça encostada no peito de Jungkook, você podia ouvir o coração dele, antes acelerado, começar a se acalmar.
— Você não vai se esquecer de mim, certo? – Ele perguntou.
— Como eu poderia me esquecer de você?
Houve uma pausa, Jungkook era do tipo que geralmente tinha uma resposta, ou fazia algo em resposta ao que lhe era dito. Dessa vez, não.
Você olhou para ele, preocupada, pois sabia que algo o estava incomodando. Infelizmente, teve a confirmação quando se deparou com os olhos brilhantes dele.
— Sei que muita coisa vai mudar em 18 meses. Não me importa se você vai ficar aqui na Coreia, ou se vai voltar para casa. Não gosto de compartilhar, s/n, portanto, prometa que não se esquecerá de mim, porque eu voltarei para você. Todas às vezes.
— Eu nunca poderia me esquecer de você, Jeon Jungkook. Estarei esperando por você, independentemente do que acontecer depois.
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crystalsnow95z · 6 months
Part 2 to my Taejin story. So..it's gonna need a part 3. I cut a lot from it.
Jin takes a break from taking care of Taehyung boiling some water to make himself a quick meal. His nose started developing an itch, similar to Taehyung's a quiet sneeze escaping him. "Hehtigh.."
I sure hope that's the only one..
Jin poured the boiled water into the instant Ramen cup. I should try to give Taehyungie a steamy shower when his fever lowers a bit. It should help with his clogged nose.
Jin continued to think of ways to help the younger vocalist while he tried to eat his noodles as quietly as possible, trying not to wake him. He only makes it halfway through the cup before his stomach feels uncomfortably full.
"Heh..Hah...heitchi..!" Taehyung wakes himself up with his own sneezes, the itch building up again. "He'itxchi!"
"Aiish..You scared me.." Jin places his hand over his racing heart.
Sorry Hyung..
Taehyung texts with a sniffle.
"It's okay. I didn't expect you to be up so soon.. are you hungry? I made some ramen, but I can't finish it.." Jin offers the half eaten ramen, but Taehyung shakes his head searching for his phone.
I'm not hungry.. my stomach still hurts..
"That's okay, Voo.. I'll make you some tea for now. We have to do something for your voice.." Jin uses some leftover water from the pot pouring into a cup adding ginger teabags. "Namjoon got you gingseng, so it might be a little bitter.."
"heh'tixhti!" Taehyung sneezes into the blanket, sniffling, trying to rub away the itch, but without success "HEHTICHIH! Heh..he..Heitchis!"
I don't want bitter..
Taehyung types with a frown, wiping his nose with the back if his hand.
"Tete, please just try for me?" Jin asks gently, steeping the tea. "I'll even drink some with you."
But you don't mind it..
Taehyung pouts, but takes the cup Jin offers him, but as soon as the steam reaches his nose it triggers a series of sneezes quickly shoving it back into Jin's hands.
"Heh'tixhi.. Heh'itch..HEH'TICHI!" Taehyung whimpers with the last one wiping his nose with the side of his hand.
"Aiigo, use a tissue.." Seokjin tuts at him, cleaning off his hand with the wash cloth. "What am I going to do with you? You're like a little baby." He smiles fondly, getting him a tissue.
"Sorry..habit.." Taehyung whispers, trying to clear his nose once more facing away from Jin. More thick mucus comes out, giving him momentary relief, but he knew it'll only be minutes until it's right back where it started. He went to complain to Jin, but when he tried talking again, only a cough came.
"No talking Tae. Okay?" Jin takes a seat next to him tapping Taehyung's phone.
I hate this.. I can't make up my mind if I'm hot or cold, I can't breathe, my head hurts, I keep feeling dizzy, and I can't even talk.. There's no point of using a tissue..it just comes back a minute later.. how am I going to perform?
Taehyung types up his frustrations, feeling tears trying to form with the last sentence. He blinks quickly, looking up to try to stop them, but one still rolls down his cheek.
"Vuu, come here.. don't cry. We'll figure this out.." Jin pulls him close, gently scratching his nails across his back, clenching his jaw when he feels the sweat soaking his shirt. "You can't stress yourself out baby, you'll only make yourself worse.."
Taehyung wraps around Seokjin, burying his face in his shoulder. He tries to fight off the tears by closing his eyes tightly, but they still find their way out, landing on Jin's shoulder.
"Shh..it's okay baby..it's okay.." Jin pulls Taehyung closer, trying to calm the sick vocalist. I need to distract him..
"Hey Taehyungie, do you want to watch something together? We can watch a Ghibli movie like old times. Would you like that?"
Taehyung nods slightly, slowly letting go of Jin so he can get up.
Jin feels the itch in his nose, pursing his lips together as he fights off the urge to sneeze scruching up his nose. I can't sneeze with Taehyung already being so sensitive..
"Hang on, Vuu, I gotta go wash my hands, okay?" Jin dismisses himself to the bathroom, turning on the water to try to mask his sneezes.
"Hehitch!" Jin covers his face with both hands. "Hehitcgh!" He takes some toliet paper to blow his nose. "This isn't good.." Jin speaks to himself, looking at the cloudy white goo in the tissue before folding it up and throwing it away, pushing it to the bottom of the trash can.
"Heh'tixhich!" Taehyung's sneeze is heard over the water, Jin quickly washing his hands and turning it off to go to the sick dongsaeng. "Heh'heh..Heh.HEHTITCGHDH.." Taehyung tried to stop it from coming by pinching the bridge of his nose, but it came anyway. "Ugh.."
"Are you okay, Vuu?" Jin offers him the tea cup.
Taehyung shakes his head, pressing his palms into his forehead. His head was throbbing, making him feel dizzy. "Spinning.." He whispers.
"Come here, baby, let me try help.."Jin comes behind Taehyung, gently moving him to lean against his chest, finding his temples and rubbing his thumbs across with small circles.
Taehyung relaxes underneath Jin's touch, ebbing away some of the pain, the dizziness fading. "Than-" Taehyung coughs, being reminded about how raw his throat was.
"Shh.. you don't have to thank me Tae-yah. Move for a minute, I'm going to go get the tea. At least try to drink a little for me?"
Taehyung sits up, moving off of Jin. "Okay.."
Jin gets the tea, handing it to his dongsaeng. "Here Vuu."
Taehyung sips it, face distorting at the bitter taste. "Hyung.." He tries to shove it back into Jin's hands, but he doesn't accept it.
"I know, I know. I'll ask for sugar next time, just drink as much as you can." Jin puts his hand on Taehyungs head, giving him an applogetic smile. "Just a bit?"
Taehyung drinks a quarter of it before the annoying itch returns. "I gotta sneeze.." he whispers hoarsely, barely getting it into Jin's hand before a wet sneeze comes. "HEHTICHIH!"
"Bless you, Tae. Here. Wipe your nose." Jin gets him a tissue.
"Heh..tichizh..!" Taehyung sneezes quickly grabbing the tissue to try to clean up the snot that leaked down his face.
"The medicine should've kicked in.." Jin says softly, heart tightening when he hears Taehyung coughing again. He didn't seem any better than before he took it, besides his cheeks looking less flushed than before.
"I'm feeling better, I am.. my head doesn't hurt as much.." Taehyung tries to reassure Jin, but his voice doesn't come out louder than a whisper, sniffling as another sneeze tries to come.
"Voo, you don't need to lie to me." Jin says, gently rubbing Taehyung's back before getting up to set up his laptop. "It's okay.. we'll figure this out. Let's watch that movie. After we'll get you in the shower."
Taehyung cuddles up to Jin as soon as he sits down again, nodding. He's warm.. Was he always this warm, or am I just running a fever still?
Taehyung quickly types on his phone.
If my fever is gone by practice can I go?
"Practice? Oh Vuu I don't think that's a good idea." Jin's jaw clenched when he sees Taehyung's shiny eyes, not wanting to upset him. "If you do go, you wouldn't be able to sing and you'd have to take it easy."
We usually take it easy during practices close to a concert. I'll be okay..
"I'll ask the others when it's closer to that time. Right now we all need to focus on resting up." Jin gently runs his fingers through Taehyung's hair. "You're still sweating, baby.. Try to sleep a little more. I'll text Namjoon-ah about practice okay?"
Taehyung nods, nuzzling into Jin's neck, the older man wrapping his arms around him watching the brightly colored movie on the screen. He only made it halfway through before drifting to sleep.
"Kim Taehyung, Kim Taehyung!" Army cheered for him, laying flat on the set bed, the music to Stigma playing in his in-ear.
Taehyung goes to sing, but he can't make a sound. The more he tried, the more pain it caused, only coughing.
No..no I have to sing..I have to..
Taehyung sat up to try to make it easier to sing, but the coughing didn't stop scarlet droplets spraying out. He covers his face, trying to stand to leave the stage, but his knees collapse underneath him. He could hear all the voices of Army crying to see him that way hurt even more than his throat, that felt like it was being ripped from the inside.
"Vuu!" Jin runs to the stage to his side, but as soon as he touches Taehyung, he starts coughing, his skin losing all its color. "I..i.."
No.. no Hyung... Taehyung reached to touch Jin, feeling the blistering fever that made him unbearable to touch. He'll die if i don't bring it down..
Taehyung forces himself to endure Jin's body heat. It felt like he was hugging fire to his chest. His blood ran cold when he saw the others rushing to help him.
He tried to scream, but no sound came. No, no please don't touch, you'll get sick too..
Taehyung's silent scream filled the hotel room.
"Woah, Woah Taehyungie, Taehyung it's okay, it's okay!" Jin hugs Taehyung closer to his chest, cursing himself for falling asleep. "Vuu wake up.."
Taehyung's eyes fly open, clinging to the oldest member tears flooding down his cheeks. "Hyung.. I'm sorry..I'm so 'ry..I din nt mean..." Coughs cut off his incoherent sobbing, Jin stroking his hair.
"Shh, its okay, its okay it was only a dream.. Taehyung please you need to breathe. Deep breaths Vuu." Jin strokes his hand down his back. "Y-your making your fever worse.."
Taehyung holds his breath to try to stop himself from coughing, trying to shake the memory of the dream away, cuddling into Jin's cold clammy collarbone.
He's in a cold sweat because I scared him.. he's not burning up, he's fine.. it was just a dream.. only a dream.. Taehyung takes deep shaky breaths.
"That's it..Good.." Jin takes deep breaths along with him. "It was only a dream.. everything is fine except that you're not well.. Vuu we need to cool you down. We need to get you in the bath."
"Will you bathe with me?" Taehyung mouths the words.
"Of course Voo." Jin gently gets him to his feet, letting him lead on him. "Slowly, slowly.." he takes a few steps before Taehyung stops moving. "What's wrong?"
"I..ah..heh'itch! HETHIXH!" Taehyung sneezes, making them fall forward, Jin helping them to their knees. "Hah..hah..etichiff!" He tries to muffle them.
"Don't try to stop them, you'll only feel worse.." Jin scolds him.
"I don't want you to get sick.." Taehyung whispers.
It's too late for that. I'm feeling too weak to even help support your full weight..
"Don't worry about me.. just worry about getting better." Jin helps Taehyung back to his feet, making him to the bathroom. "I'll fill the tub, you get.." Jin felt the itch of a sneeze come, relieved to have his back to Taehyung as he forced the sneeze away.
Taehyung looks at him with confusion.
"Just get undressed. I'll find us clothes." He quickly leaves the room, hoping the running bathtub will cover the sneezes that built up again. "Hehtichih! Heh..itchish!" He sniffles, using a tissue to try to blow his nose as quietly as possible.
Taehyung couldn't hear Jin over his own coughing, filling up a cup of water to try to soothe the pain in his throat. I need to get better. Jin.. he looks so tired, I'm keeping him up..
Jin quickly returns to the room. "Tae I told you to get undressed. What am I going to do with you?"
Taehyung pouts. "Couldn't.."
"It's okay, I know. I'm only teasing you. Let me help." Jin gently pulls the shirt over Taehyung's head. "You're doing your best. Come on, pants.." Jin coughs. "Ah, I'm really thirsty.." he quickly gets a cup of water.
I'm sorry.. you've been too busy with me. I'll try to be easier.
"Don't be sorry. I chose to do this. Get in the bath honey.." Jin gently leads him into the water, getting undressed himself.
Taehyung whines when he gets in the water, curling up into a ball. Jin gets a wash cloth and joins him, wrapping around him. "Cold.." He whispers.
"I know, I know.. its cold for me too.." Jin admits, gently rubbing the wet cloth over Taehyung's body. "We won't stay in too long okay? Just enough to wash you up a bit." He rubs the bar of soap in the cloth, creating a white lather. "Lean against me while I wash your back, okay?"
Taehyung nods, wrapping his arms around Jin's waist as he rubs the cloth down his spine, leaning against his chest, suppressing a cough. His heart is racing.. I'm stressing him out..
Jin washes him quickly, wanting to get out of the water as soon as possible. "Now your hair. Keep your eyes closed tigh..heh'tichi!"
Taehyung quickly picks up his head, giving Jin a concerned look.
"It was only a sneeze, don't worry. I'll be fine. Head down, I have to wet your hair." Jin pushes his head back down, not wanting their eyes to meet.
Jin hummed softly as he washes Taehyung's hair, trying to keep the mood light. "There all...Aiish Taehyung-ah!" He shouts in surprise when the younger member poured water on his head. "What was that for?"
Taehyung smiles softly, taking some shampoo and squeezing it into his palm.
"You don't have to wash me Vuu.."
Taehyung nods, continuing to massage the lather into Jin's hair. It's the least I can do..
The two boys finish washing up, Jin takes Taehyung back to bed. "Here.. you can have your phone back so you can talk."
Taehyung shakes his head, eyes watering.
"Are you feeling okay Tae-yah?" Jin asks, towel drying his hair. "Are you crying?"
Taehyung quickly wipes his eyes,nodding. He takes the phone from Jin, quickly typing.
don't want to miss the concert hyung, but I can hardly talk.. how will I sing..?
"I know, i know. I don’t want you to miss it either.. Don't cry Taehyung, please?" Jin panicks, quickly trying to think of a new distraction. "Oh! Taehyungie..the movie,it reminds me of a fanart I saw of you. You want to see?" Jin quickly searches his phone, pulling up a photo of Taehyung drawn as blonde haired Howl. "I also saw one of Gukkie. See?" Jin tries drawing his attention. Taehyung looks with a sad smile.
Army are super talented. They show us so much love, that's why I want to get better so I can put on a good show..
Taehyung sniffles, wiping his eyes. He's trying his best to cheer me up.. I can't cry about it..I have to be srrong..
"I'll get you well enough by the concert, but you'll probably have to sit. Okay? Even if I have to carry you to a doctor."
Taehyung nods, taking the phone to scroll through the photos, showing him his favorites.
"I love you.." Taehyung whispers, sounding clear."Thank you.."
Thank you for trying to cheer me up. I'm sorry you're missing your exploration time..
"You're sounding a bit better Tae." Jin smiles, ignoring his apology. "I can't find as many for me. Jungkookie says it's because I'm too old to be Howl." Jin says with mock offense, getting a giggle out of his ailing teammate.
"I'll draw you as Howl."Taehyung whispers, coughing out the words.
"Vuu shh, don't push it and no drawing me. Your art is weird." Jin teases, stifling a cough, quickly laughing to cover it up.
Are you laughing at my art style? I know I'm not good like Jungkook, but I'll try really hard.
Jin smiles. "I like your art, anyway. I still have a picture you made me in my room."
I didn't see it in your room.
"That's because it's in a memory box, along with other precious gifts."
Taehyung goes to type a response, scolding him for not putting it in a frame, but the sneezes build up again. "He..heh'tichi! Heh'itchugh...HEH'TICHIUGH..augh..hurts.." He whines, covering his face.
"Aiigo, I jinxed it.. I'm sorry.." Jin checks the time. "It's been four hours since the last time I gave you medicine, I'll get you some.. after you need to try to sleep okay?"
Taehyung nods slightly, hiding his face underneath the blanket to cough. Jin looks back at him, taking the opportunity to quickly take a dose of medicine himself, quickly pouring another cup and bringing it to the bed.
Taehyung accepts it with a hiss at the awful taste.
"I know, here, drink some tea." Jin offers, Taehyung looking offended, laughing. "Fine, fine I'll get you water, but after, you should go to sleep.. I'll restart the movie, since we both fell asleep halfway through." Jin sets the laptop back up,gently rubbing his hand down Taehyung's side, suppressing a cough as he gets up to get some water.
He doesn't allow himself to show any signs of sickness until he the was sure he was asleep, getting him a drink of water. "Sleep well Tae.." He whispers, wrapping around him. Jin waits a few minutes to hear Taehyung's soft snores before texting Namjoon.
Me and Taehyung won't be going to practice..I'm not feeling well either..
(To be continued... sorry I didn't edit this.)
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kpopmultifan · 2 years
Scheduled New Releases: August 2022 - Week 1
This list will continually be updated when MVs, iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify, & YouTube Music links & additional new release information becomes available.  
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Lead. - Lead the Best "Michishirube" (Best Album) Title Track: Michishirube [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: July 31st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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NMIXX - Love (Digital Single) [Live Clip] Re:born Project Release Date: July 31st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Stray Kids - Mixtape: Time Out (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: August 1st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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NewJeans - New Jeans (Debut Mini-Album) Track: Attention [Performance MV] Track: Hype Boy [Minji MV] [Danielle & Haerin MV] [Hyein MV] [Hanni MV] Track: Cookie [MV] Track: Hurt [MV] Release Date: August 1st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Soohyun (of U-KISS) - Count on Me (1st Mini-Album) Title Track: The Soju Fairy [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: August 1st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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20th Century - Kazeniazukete (Digital Single) Release Date: August 1st [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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≠ME - Su, Sukijanai! (4th Single) [MV] Release Date: August 3rd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Tokyo Girls Style - Nocturnal (6th Album) Track: Viva La Koigokoro [MV] Release Date: August 3rd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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YENA - Smartphone (2nd Mini-Album) Title Track: Smartphone [MV] [highlight medley] Release Date: August 3rd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Johnny’s WEST - Hoshi no ame (19th Single) [MV] Track: Soul 2 Soul [Recording Clip] Release Date: August 3rd [yesasia] [cdjapan]
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GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE - Chikara no Kagiri (Single) [MV] Release Date: August 3rd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Sakurazaka46 - As you know? (1st Album) Title Track: Masatsukeisu [MV] Release Date: August 3rd [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Girls’ Generation - FOREVER 1 (7th Album) Title Track: FOREVER 1 [MV] Release Date: August 5th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Isaac Voo (of IN2IT) - Time Bomb (Solo Debut Single) [MV] Release Date: August 5th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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ENVIDIA (MAKAMAKA sub-unit) - Who Am I? (Unit-Debut Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: August 5th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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Benny Blanco x BTS x Snoop Dogg - Bad Decisions (Digital Single) [MV] Release Date: August 5th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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TNT (Teens in Times) - Perfect Match (Single) [MV] Release Date: August 5th [Apple Music/iTunes] [Spotify] [YouTube Music]
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mygbrazil · 7 years
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19022017 - BTS BigHit via Twitter
[#.BangtanHoje] O voo do #BTS junto aos ARMYs será eterno!! ✈️ Estivemos muito felizes durante esses dois dias!
© @mygbrazil - Por favor, dê os créditos se usar!
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xxx-eden-xxx · 3 years
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voo lockscreens 🎞
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I just wanna be happier Melt me, I'm cold I've reached out my hand countless times The echo is colorless
Oh, this ground feels so heavier  I am singing my myself I just wanna be happier I am being too greedy?
-blue & grey by BTS
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taechnological · 2 years
bangtan's love language is purposely misspelling each other's names
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jinmoonsupremacy · 3 years
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mynameismrsyoonjin · 2 years
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My heart.
I’m not sure who created this edit but all credit to them.
Happiest of birthdays to this lil devil. He makes me angry because he’s so handsome. I want to kick him in the shins. Out of love obviously.
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bts-trans · 7 months
230914 M COUNTDOWN's Tweet
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뷔 화이팅 붸 화이팅 부 화이팅 붜 화이팅 울 태형이 잘생겼다 머싯다 짜란다 엠카에서 아미들이 Love Me Again 태태가 Slow Dancing곰돌이보다 잘생겼다! Slow Dancing곰돌이가 Love Me Again 태태보다 잘생겼다! 분해서 취향차이라고 얘기해주고 돌아서서 둘 다 엠카 본방사수 했다💜 #V #뷔 #BTS #방탄소년단 #LoveMeAgain #SlowDancing
V let's get it Vwe let's get it Voo let's get it Voe let's get it Our Taehyung is handsome, so cool and doing so well
At Countdown some ARMYs said that TaeTae from Love Me Again was more handsome than the teddy bear from Slow Dancing! But some said that the teddy bear from Slow Dancing was more handsome than TaeTae from Love Me Again!
We said it’s just a difference of personal taste because we were upset, and we turned around and watched both💜*
#V #BTS #LoveMeAgain #SlowDancing
(T/N: *Referencing Jin’s Weverse post from 230909.)
Trans cr; Ali @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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theloonamoon · 2 years
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OBSERVATORY: “Pequenas Asas de uma Pequena Fada”, por izoneasy
SINOPSE: Uma fada que não pode voar. Irônico e triste, mas é a realidade de Im Yeojin, uma fada com um belo par de asas, mas que infelizmente são frágeis e pequenas demais para fazê-la voar. Um dia, a fada é convocada no palácio pela princesa do pozinho mágico, e apenas nesse dia ela consegue perceber algo que deveria saber há muitos anos de sua existência.
Conte um pouco sobre você como escritor(a):
IZONEASY: Bom, eu me chamo Jhenyfer, tenho 16 anos (logo logo 17) e sou uma "escritora" desde a minha infância. Sempre fui fã de português, literatura, redação, comecei meu interesse com gibis da Turma da Mônica (que tenho coleção com mais de 300 gibis), passei para livros infantis, depois, passei a ler livros de fantasia e mistério. Acabei conhecendo o Spirit enquanto buscava "Imagines BTS" para ler, e foi quando eu vi uma oportunidade de me aprofundar mais na escrita, então no ano de 2017 eu fiz minha primeira história. Ela definitivamente não era boa, e eu não gosto do que eu fazia até 2020, ano em que eu parei de me cobrar tanto, passei a estudar mais e aprimorar o que eu sabia, agora eu me sinto confortável como escrevo, mesmo que constantemente haja mudanças. São raras as vezes na qual eu não me sinto criativa para escrever, eu sou alguém que vê muitas coisas de cultura, muitos filmes, leio bastante, e por isso minha mente está sempre trabalhando em novos projetos.
Qual foi a sua inspiração para criar o enredo (plot)?
IZONEASY: Eu sou uma grande fã de coisas místicas, principalmente fadas, quando eu escrevi essa história (2020) eu estava fascinada por Tinker Bell, Malévola, filmes que tem fadas da Barbie, enfim, vários desses. Nessa mesma época, edições de fadas, imagens do tipo constantemente apareciam no meu Pinterest, foi então que eu tive a ideia, logo comecei colocar em prática, e eu me sentia inspirada até comendo um pão com queijo, pois o meu próprio enredo me prendeu. Sobre a minha escolha, a Yeojin é minha favorita das 12 meninas (amo todas!!), desde 2017 eu sempre tive um carinho enorme por ela, o título se encaixou bem nela, a aparência doce, a personalidade da personagem, tudo batia com o perfil da Yeojin, não tinha alguém que combinasse mais com a minha ideia, por isso ela foi a "vítima".
Conte um pouco sobre a história:
IZONEASY: Ela começa com uma breve explicação, uma introdução ao mundo das fadas e a vida da protagonista, seus motivos de odiar eventos que envolvam o voo, sobre sua doença, coisas relevantes para o compreender da história. O começo é com a pobre Yeojin em um estado melancólico, ninguém gostaria de ter uma doença que afetasse tanto em sua vida. Também é citada a "inveja", o sonho de Yeojin de ter as asas como a da princesa do reino, que tem asas grandes e fortes capaz de competir em velocidade com um gavião. A fada pensativa é interrompida por uma de suas amigas, e após um dialogo divertido entre elas, sua melhor amiga chega avisando sobre o chamado da princesa, pedindo para que Yeojin fosse ao palácio. Com isso, é iniciada sua aventura até o encontro com a princesa, momentos caóticos durante seu caminho, conversas engraçadas e o encontro um pouco desajeitado, claro, há mais coisas além disso, mas é o que posso dizer!
Como foi o período de desenvolvimento?
IZONEASY: Eu levei apenas um dia para escrever e fazer a capa (atualmente), em 2020 (quando escrevi pela primeira vez) levou em torno de três dias, para fazer a capa, planejar os personagens, escrever e corrigir erros, eu estava extremamente inspirada e por isso fluiu tudo rapidamente sem dificuldades no caminho. O único "problema" foi na minha escrita, eu cobro demais dela e naquele momento eu estava passando por uma mudança na forma que eu escrevo, algo mais "interativo" com o leitor, e algo narrado, coisas que foram completamente novas para mim, mas que me fizeram achar o meu estilo de escrita, essa história me abriu muito a mente. Lembro de ter ficado bastante insegura, e 4 pessoas me ajudaram lendo e falando o que haviam achado, e foram elas meu incentivo da época, agora, eu me incentivei a fazer isso, por carinho a esse plot que não deve de jeito algum ficar mofando no guarda-roupas.
Por que as pessoas devem ler a história? Qual o diferencial?
IZONEASY: Eu não vi muitas histórias de fada no site, e a ideia de uma fada que não pode voar me parece interessante, entender sua história, explorar mais nesse mundo mágico, esse é um plot que considero divertido e chamativo (para mim), todos os personagens são bastante únicos e mesmo que apareçam por um breve momento, eles "alugam" um lugar em sua mente por ser cativantes, principalmente a protagonista, que mesmo um tanto melancólica é interessante de se guardar na mente. As situações que ocorrem também são bons motivos, engolir pétalas de margarida não parece ser algo que nem todas as histórias tem, assim como uma lesma usando laço cor-de-rosa.
O que você gostaria que prestássemos mais atenção?
IZONEASY: O universo das fadas em si, pequenas referências, a mensagem de se aceitar (não sou eu escrevendo se não tiver algo assim), a personalidade única que cada uma delas tem, são coisas bobinhas mas que são o ponto chave da história, que, na minha visão, é o que pode prender o leitor.
Eu repostei essa história, com uma nova escrita e nova capa, ela ainda mantém sua essência e ideia inicial (de 2020), e é com certeza uma das melhores coisas que eu já escrevi, não apenas por ser bom, por ser divertido, e eu espero que as pessoas que lerem se sintam da mesma forma, se sintas presas, deem risada, sintam o "peso" que carrega por trás. É isto, muito obrigada loonamoon <3'.
Leia "Pequenas Asas de uma Pequena Fada" no Spirit Fanfics!
Essa entrevista foi criada a partir de um formulário que qualquer um pode preencher e participar! Quer saber como? Acesse o nosso post sobre o Observatory.
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dicotomias · 2 years
ensaios sobre minhas angústias e ansiedades;
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                                                              dia dois: nasci com asas
"Se isso não pode mais ressoar, não faz mais meu coração vibrar então assim pode ser como eu morro a minha primeira morte. Mas e se esse momento for agora?" -Black Swan, BTS (2020).
Cisne Negro.
Nasci com asas
Mas elas não tem um propósito
Quando quem as carrega não tem um propósito.
A imagem que reflete não é mais familiar.
Eu mudei?
Quem eu me tornei?
Meus pés sangram, eu preciso arremeter voo
Mas eu não sinto nada.
As lágrimas negras banham minha alma, irei sufocar
Mas eu não sinto nada.
Meu coração retumba
E eu ainda não sinto nada.
Qual é o (meu) propósito?
Minhas asas, elas querem levantar voo
No entanto, eu não consigo ouvi-las.
Tic-tac. O relógio murmura.
O tempo não espera.
E eu continuo parada aqui.
Quem eu me tornei?
Onde está meu céu?
Eu não sinto nada.
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purple-ktj · 3 years
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An overdue Q&A, and I didn’t really have time to skim over to proof read my own answers. I hope there aren’t any serious inconsistencies or mistakes because tumblr is giving me a lot of grievances and I can’t edit any long posts after they’re published. 
Some of these were answered some time back and I compiled them till now please understand!
Q1: we cant know for sure but i personally believe taehyung invented the jwan nickname, and ill explain why:
- seokjin calls taehyung voo because according to him he is "too lazy to say the full vowls", just like he says jwa hope.
- bts tease seokjin and taehyung about these nicknames, like in the new years vlive and on the comeback showcase bangtan bomb where right when seokjin started saying "oh voo" jimin said "voo" with him and laughed. but there is no doubt that its seokjin who made it up- bts said that during the vlive and seokjin said it himself on weverse AND taehyung said "you sound like jin hyung" when a fan called him that.
- jwan has a similar logic- just like voo, jwa hope, and ja-ka, jwan is a "drop the vowl" nickname. so im 100% sure it was made to tease seokjin back when he uses their nicknames.
- so why tae?
1. voo was the most repeated nickname out of the "no vowl" nicknames and it was the most teased one from the members, so the person who is most likely to tease back is tae.
2. taehyung chose it as seokjin's nickname in the festa q&as sheet he answered for him, and thats the first time we came across this nickname. i think each person answered the nickname question according to their own point of view (esp tae, just like he answered the which member is jin thinking about rn with "me since im writing this")
3. taehyung replaced "voo" with "jwan" when bts were booing and it sounded like voo, meaning jwan is the jin equivalent of voo.
4. just like bts teased both taehyung and seokjin by calling tae "voo", they can tease jin by calling him "jwan", doesnt mean they made it up themselves. and its very fitting for jikook to roll with funny nicknames of the members (jimin teasing voo, jk's rrrrap monsta, for example)
it doesnt even have to do anything with ships, it just makes sense that its tae, and maybe it became an inside joke or just a form of teasing among the members.
hello im the anon who sent you the long why i think jwan is made by tae anon! you havent replied to yet (take your time!) but i just wanted to add that if i had known about this video id use it in my ask too! they said jwan right after namjoon mentioned "v", and tae's expression too.. anyways my og ask explains it better but it totally fits imo :) (i just wanted to add this as another reason, by no means i am pressuring you to post the other one! take your time, dont feel like you have to answer this one sooner because of it, not at all! if anything they should come together and at any time you feel like it)
Me: I had to read this 10 times to process everything so it was impossible to answer you on CC lol. I think I get it all now, and since you explained in full detail I don’t think I need to elaborate. I agree with it. I remembered thinking Jwan sounded very unique and the first time we’ve ever heard of it was in that Q&A. Also his explanation was (if I recall correctly) - that was what he apparently called Jin back then when they were still trainees (?). They probably made the nicknames Voo and Jwan for each other and the other members picked it up as well. I agree! Making cute nicknames isn’t exclusive to just Taejin and the other members make nicknames for each other as well :D
Q2: I kept having this talk with some fellow taejinnies, about how taejin's dynamic changed right after their holiday and BV4, and we were all waiting for newer episodes of run, just to see this in a more different setting than their concerts. The latest episodes have been a total mix from different timelines, but I can't help to notice the stark contrast from last tuesday's episode to this week's. I know, there were other people there, but let's say we compare last week's to the one in the car shop for hyundai, or the 100th (?) special episode with the guns and game playing. Taejin's dynamics is so, so different. Idk if it's because Tae decided to put on a more serious face and refuses to do much skinship and be cute, or it's because they're trying to stay low. I can tell that if before he used to be super loud in his affection for Jin, now they act as if they're in two different worlds. Maybe it's just me and I'm overreacting, but that time when he wanted to laugh and just suppressed his smile is still painful for me. Maybe he doesn't want to show his bias all that much and wants to protect Jin more? Maybe one day you will consider making a comparison between taejin before september 2019, and after. I'm curious to see your pov on this and if other taejinnies see it as well.
Me: I haven’t actually completed the 2020 timeline, I get a huge headache whenever I try to work on it. There’s a few factors in the first half of 2020 period that affect our observations. Naturally, covid- affected everyone’s moods. Second, Tae very visibly showed signs of being down and in a slump during the quarantine period. Third, all the episodes were jumbled up and there is a lack of live shows. 
In general, they’re more focused on recording when it’s for Run episodes. Since it’s a controlled filming duration with many staff around.  Since I answered so late and BE is already out, we’ve established his slump with Blue & Grey during that period but otherwise I can assure you that their affections for each other hasn’t changed, it's what they choose to show us that’s changed. A 2020 timeline will have to wait but a 2019 one will come sometime this month! About that episode where he suppressed his smile, it was definitely part of his burnout and he was really holding back on expressing his emotions. But if you think about it, he managed to keep a neutral expression the entire time but couldn’t help that smile on his face when he saw Jin being cute that he had to physically suppress it, I think that says a lot. Jin really is a source of happiness for him. 
Q3: Yeah, that's the thing that always stands out to me, that whenever taejin do smth like that, the members remain silent. Like this hand kissing, the butt slap, the water fight in the jacuzzi and also the "fight" in the train in sweden. But when tkk kissed each other's cheeks, the others were on the floor laughing. It can be that they're used to taejin being like this, since they are a couple, or they just don't want to get in the middle of it. Another great example is taejin "bickering" or joking around in the supermarket or in the car with yoongi, but yoongi never says anything, just laughs it off.
Also, I wanted to say smth about the hand kiss. To me it's the most meaningful for a big reason: because when my boyfriend does it to me, it just feels special. When he does it on the cheek it's sweet (my siblings and parents can do that too), when he does it on my head or forehead it's endearing (again, siblings and friends can do it too), but when he does it on my hand, it's both romantic and chivalrous. Makes me feel like I am wanted. And in no way do my friends, family or siblings kiss my hand at any point. And Jin is smart, he knew exactly what he was doing. All kisses were intimate, but I have a feeling that namjoon did it with his nose and not lips, for the same exact reason, because it would have been a bit too much. Tae also gave him the other hand, after namjoon had *asked* for it, not taken it like jin lol. So yeah, it's a special moment for my taejin heart.
Me: So this message was a response to this “I just had a query regarding Tae reciprocating JK's Cheek kiss on 2018 Army Zip. JK is younger than him, ok, but then the others except RM kissed Tae but he only chose to kiss back JK. What could have been the reason?”
I think it's both, members choose not to get involved with Taejin in general unless necessary because they’re a couple. Recent examples, Tae trying to lift up Jin’s shirt during MOTS ON:E and the other members automatically backed off, and the BE vlive when Jin sort of screamed at Tae if he wanted to go naked and the members just stood back and watched. Most of the time, people don’t even think about kissing the hand. Most obvious choices are typically on the head or face. Namjoon and Tae are close, but clearly not in that sort of intimate relationship to want to grab Tae’s hand at will to kiss it. He asked for permission, as Taejoon usually does because they respect each other as friends, and Namjoon bumped his nose instead of kissing it. I’m not sure if that was Namjoon’s way of ‘softening’ the impact of what Jin did or because he just wasn’t comfortable with kissing Tae anywhere. Either way, I agree with you that Jin’s hand kiss was pretty chivalrous and the fact that the other members were dead silent instead of laughing was a dead giveaway. 
Q4: about the editing - i think bh wants to show us how all 7 are very close irl, its not just a narrative. if they excluded every taejin moment, it will falsely imply there might be no moments between them at all - and people will start questioning whether theyre even friends. therefore, they have to balance and include moments for all ships. some get more and some less, for various reasons (for example, fans demand, entertainment levels, etc), but theres no ship that has no moments at all. + it would be very weord and misleading to exclude every taejin moment, so they choose moments that can come off as cute and brotherly in their eyes, so people will know they are close but still wouldnt know too much. and taejin can be pretty entertaining and their moments do show various parts of their personalities so its impossible to ignore that. also, some moments are so subtle that are easy to miss, especially when you edit months worth of content. + lastly, lets not forget that bh knows all ships have some sort of demand from fans, so they show all of them both as a way to be transparent about the close bond between all of them, but also, to some extant, to please all fans. to the misinformation anon - no one ever said the blanket kiss was real, we all know its an ALMOST kiss with a convenient camera angle, we just like to joke about it. also its not a kiss but its still pretty intimate so i dont understand whats wrong.. the wallpapergate- looks exactly like jin, even non shippers said that before, and some others used the "they always have members pictures as a wallpaper" explaination on it. anon, i hope youre doing your research and decide to love taejin for taejin, and not let people distract you from it 💜
Me: Was I too harsh in the previous ask? Lol. My bad. On the internet I can’t tell the person’s tone and nuance and I get quite a number of messages daily so my brain is constantly rolling for answers. I suppose there’s some truth to that. SOOP is probably a good example. There’s a little bit of everything. Although I don’t know to what extent they pay attention to these things. (If they really do) BTS editors never have to worry about how to show they’re close in real life, because they’re genuinely close, so it's more of what to include to increase entertainment or comedic factors? And some members are closer in the sense that they spend a lot of time together, chat more often, have more common hobbies regardless on camera or off cameras and it naturally translates into the videos that we see. For eg, Jihopekook who met during their vacation back in 2019. Or Vmin who immediately caught up with each other as if the one month didn’t happen. 
Q5: about spring day in mots on:e.. i actually see the hug as them comforting each other. it was really obvious that taejin were frustrated during d2, they both talked about it on their ments. seokjin got teary eyed and taehyung actually cried. while everyone talked about how happy they were on d2, taejin talked about being frustrated and missing us a lot. spring day is very emotional, especially during these times where they dedicate it to us, and it does hold a special meaning to taejin. i think taehyung got emotional and searched for seokjin for comfort, and seokjin was emotional too and found comfort in taehyung, and thats how the very emotion filled hug was born. and then after taehyung cried, they went to give their final bow, and seokjin stood next to him like he always does when he cries. i find d2 filled with taejin comfort moments. 
Me: I think they are each other’s comfort and home as well. The hug was, but I doubt the attempt to put the mic under Jin’s shirt was. Lol. 
Q6: I saw a popular Youtuber (whom JK knows) reacting to a BTS Ship Video. There was Namjin, Vkook, Jikook (The Youtuber acknowledged Jikook), Sope & Jihope. No Taejin. I felt bad as to how can people always ignore something as qualitatively clearest as Taejin? TBH, Namjin Vkook & Jihope looked straight out "not romantic at all". Namjin looked brotherly while Vkook & Jihope looked just too clingly bros. It's either the majority Armys are "blind" or they "act blind".
Me: I really like the term qualitatively clearest. Some people might already have preset biases and as we know, ML biases tend to hype ML moments more. Besides that I suppose not everyone pays attention to these things, especially not Taejin. Honestly, Taejin is very confusing and doesn’t make sense when you first look at them. They’re very inconsistent so in that sense I get how they go past most people’s radar. They’re not just a ship. And that’s what most people look for. 
Q7: Hello! I am a relatively new Taejinnie. I became an Army because of V & I was initially surrounded by a lot of Taekookers. I love Jin's personality & I hate it when the Armys around me reduce Taejin's relationship into "mother-in-law & daughter-in-law" despite of Jin being so Manly. They make fun of Taejin coz they fight a Lot. They also hate Jimin. I personally feel that Taekook can never be real especially when there's a whole Park Jimin existing around JK 24x7. JK has a special spot for Jimin
Me: Welcome baby army! Jin is indeed a gorgeous man, he should never be reduced to anything less than the splendid person he is. :) I’m so glad you don’t listen to those stereotypes of the members. I don’t understand how anyone can hate Jimin, Bangtan’s comfort fairy. I hope you find better army friends who can appreciate how precious all 7 of them are in this fandom and enjoy your journey here! 
Q8: I personally feel that there's a connection between Yeontan & Jin and there's a possibility that Jin was the one who gifted Yeontan to Tae because 1) The year in which Tannie came to Tae's life, Taejin were literally like a newly Wed couple. 2) Tannie was first introduced on Jin's Bday that year. 3) Tae asked Jin if they should get a sibling for Tannie. 4) We saw everyone's video with Tannie, except for Jin. 5) Tae asked Jin to come to Weverse, &  posted a pic of him with Tannie on bed. 6) LOV
Me: I answered you in my cc before! Since this is all wild speculation I can’t dismiss the idea or possibility of it but I can say it’s never crossed my mind and it doesn’t seem likely? Because an anon reminded me that Tae personally went to get advice on how to raise a puppy before actually getting Yeontan. Although I definitely think Yeontan and Jin are much closer than what we see on screen. 
Q9: So, I was watching Tae's Vlive which from the night after Taejin's Burn The Stage fight. When the Live started, I saw Tae's red eyes & running nose, probably because of all that crying. Then after a while his mood got brighter. He played songs like "Can I lay by your side" "I am a Fool for you" & also a song like "Take it off for me...??..." with 18+ lyrics. Do u think all these had something to do with Jin? Beside, in that live, he took all of their names except for Jin's.
Me: He mentioned everyone except for Yoonjin. Hmmmmm I’m not sure… Tae was still very chaotic in 2017 so I can’t really tell if it was just him being him or those songs had something to do with his mood after fighting with Jin. I know he was very affected by it, just not sure how much of it came out in that vlive. I wouldn’t put it past him though, since he tends to be expressive and all. Maybe the ending part? He was extremely hyper and animated. 
Q10: Hi! I am new to this fandom & I found this blog of yours. I really like Taejin's chemistry. What I have observed in Taejin till now is that they have a push & pull relationship. Not sure if they r dating. They got along well from the start but then there was that Burn The Stage fight which literally drowned BTS' First Ship. Taejin decided to sing EIIDIY in 2018 to show people that they have grown closer. And thus, we also got the So What Moments.
Me: Thank you! They sang EIIDIY together because they like each other a lot and wanted to sing together, the chance to do that is extremely rare :) 
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Q11: Putting my Delulu Hat off, I think Taejin's spring day moments in 2020 were a bit of Fan Service. The two, especially Jin was ridiculed by other shippers for making Tae cry in the Burn The Stage Springday choreo fight. The YT & other media are filled with fake subs of Burn The Stage Fight - entertaining for other shippers & heart breaking for Taejinnies. BTS has now become globally popular, so I think they felt the need to make up for the bad impression.
Me: I don’t see any of their Spring Day performances as fanservice, personally they were all their genuine interactions. To put on fanservice 3 whole years after fighting once seems like a stretch. Taejin has made it perfectly clear that they don’t interact just to please others. 
Q12: Hello! I've been an avid reader of your blog ever since I got curious about them. Your thoughts really make sense and I've made peace with myself at finding these two really attractive together, and of course on their own, and having a beautiful relationship throughout the years (as I have never shipped two men before, and I'm a baby Army to boot too 😅, so I hope that makes sense.). Whether what they have is romantic or platonic in the end, I sincerely wish for both of their happiness. I also personally like both of their solo songs and any of the OT7 songs where their voices really stand out for me like Spring Day, Lights, to name a few.
Me: I’m really glad to see comments like yours. I too set up this blog to vent my thoughts out so I can be at peace with this pair that is Taejin as well. Have a wonderful journey exploring BTS! Shows and content is endless, I hope you have fun watching them. Welcome to this fandom :)
Q13: Most taejinnies think that it's tae's "crush" for jin the most obvious, but I think that it's the other way around. That's why we have so little tae biased tjinnies, cause V is practically the same with every member, he can stare at all of them, just like jk does. The maknaes love all their hyungs. But jin is super obvious, since he does skinship only with tae. I could never see him cuddle anyone but tae, and his softness is very loud. He initiates it 90% of the moments, really, even pied piper.
So what? mostly initiated by Jin, since tae keeps his spot all the time. Sure, he expects it, but it's Jin who runs towards him. The iconic piggy backs? Jin again. The moment with the zipper and then the one right after? Again, jin :D. Fukuoka? It was jin's boldness that made it happen. Dna? Jin does all the backhugs, tickles etc. Sure, we have some great ones initiated by tae as well, but very few. Dimple, dna iconic one, and a few others. Jin is always constant in his affection for Tae.
Me: I think part of the reason why many Tae biased army don’t see Taejin is because they’re more invested in ML interactions. Also because like you said, they can’t differentiate between how Tae behaves with the rest as compared to Jin. Because I’ve met a few Tae biases on my blog, most agree that Tae’s crush was most apparent during their earlier years but then in later years he seems to be physically touchy with everyone. It’s really hard to see without a proper overview of how Taejin’s relationship developed. As for Jin, yes to all of that. He would cuddle JK too, just not the intense and flirty stuff he only does with Tae. I love him for that, he’s really bold. He really loves Tae deeply and he shows it. 
Q14: What if it's just our imagination & there's nothing romantic between Taejin? I sometimes feel that Taejin don't feel the need to do Vlive together. Plus, people don't demand for it. I remember the Tkkrs going crazy with TK posts on Weverse whenever Tae was online & just on the next day TK did a Vlive. Considering people's love for TK they even reunited in the Soop. I think where there is a demand, there's supply. Same thing happened for Jikook. The Jikookers sent mails to BH after TK Vlive. Hi! I am the same anon talking about the Vlive thing. Now if u say Namseok ain't a popular ship still they did Vlives, I guess that's bcoz both r 94liners. BH is comfortable with Maknae line Vlives & Hyung-line Vlives, coz I don't think there's any Jinkook Vlive either even though they r the most comfortable with so. Jimin is the oldest of the Maknaes, so we got the Minimoni, YoonJinmin ones. Also, I think the Tkkrs sent mails for Namjin Vlive to prove their Ships right.
Me: Umm… this entire message don’t make sense. Jinkook vlive exists, btw. And BTS don’t do vlives after they read emails, or else taekook would have done 134340 vlives by now. 
Q15: have you seen the interview where seokjin points out that taehyung's farher is very talented and then taehyung complimenting seokjin by saying he has his mother's way with words? this is so cute to me, it feels like a little taejin bubble in the middle of the interview 🥺 its soooo romantic and soft to me
Me: Tae saying he has his mother’s way with words really screams domestic. This, after the few times he posted videos of himself talking to Tannie in Jin’s parents satoori on twitter. Yeah… the implications there... 
Q16: another taejin moment that i cant find a platonic explanation to is when they asked tae what he wants as a christmas gift and seokjin said "seokjinnie's love?" without even blinking while leaning down to look at taehyung and then proceeding to smile shyly.. also the members reactions? that "oh my god" came out as a panicked instinct, its not like the things they say to cover something up, it was just pure shock. and then "as long as its not that" and taejin looking flustered.. no explaination.
Me: I would add it in if tumblr isn’t so terrible… I haven’t been able to edit any of my older posts!
Q17: Those 2 moments happened on Muster V concerts (2 day in seoul, 2 days in busan, just 4 concerts as a muster-fan meeting- concept) For that first pied piper moment, when Jin was wearing more small-detailed shirt than the other moment (seoul-day1), it was a surprise move, Jin was off-guard and reacted that way. In the seoul day2 pied piper they did not do it. They were tensed at the end of the song. Muster 5 was just 2 days in seoul, and a month later 2 days at busan. The second pied piper moment was in busan. On the first day busan, tae did the same move but this time after he did jin reacted the same way but did not flinch and moved his body as much as the first one, this time jk on the front was not surprised he was just smiling, jin did blink to tae when lights went off and tae hit jins butt softly as an answer (it is on taejin channels, fancams). And on the second day they did not do it again on busan. The first day was published as a dvd of muster V, and that taejin moment was cut of, at that exact moment the camera zoomed JK's face all of a sudden. If it is a fan service why they didn't put it on dvd, why cutting that way. It is a famous moment, it should be highlight if it was planned. Also, the first one jin surprised, tae looks more deep, others looked annoyed while lights getting darker.On the second one Jk smiles at them, jin blinks tae laughs when lights goes off. When they did the first one, it was a problem for the performance, tae acted on his own. they had to come with an idea to clear the impulsive movement of tae. On the second day they didn't find a solution, but the busan it is like " you should do it again", thays why jin's face is more exaggerated but did not flinched with his body and he blinked after lights went off. After that musters, they have changed the positions of tae and jin. It is a heavily timed dance, they get down on their one knee with 1 second delay, you have to remember that, and hard to time it. Why would you change positions of members after they perfected the dance? Tae was looking jin most of time, in busan day1 he even stopped to watch jin on the big screen in the middle of performance (you can watch nuna V's channel, V focus). Just had to get out of chest, everyone saying it's fanservice
Me: Hehe yes, I saw the fancams before. Since you explained it in detail already, I have nothing more to add. On the surface it all seems like fanservice. With Taejin its a little more tricky. Just one comment, I find it funny how the camera ‘panicked’ and zoomed away from Taejin when Tae held Jin. Tae is smart and funny, he did that on the day they recorded for the DVD so that it would be captured forever but this cameraman somehow evaded. Nevertheless, Pied Piper was still captured. Sad that they changed the positions after!
Q18: The main reason why we won’t get a taejin vlive is what happened today. “Do you want to go naked” and “please undress me”. Something you would definitely not expect but it doesn’t surprise because it’s taejin, I think they have a lot of freedom during lives because the staff can’t do anything in front of the camera 🤭 well anyways I’m still waiting for a taejin vlive one day 🥺
Me: Taejin in a nutshell: Unexpected but not surprised. Hahahaha yes each time this happens we just confirm the fact that we won’t get a Taejin vlive but I’m still gonna hope for it anyway!
Q19: I’d love to see the posts about 2018 and 2019, I’m patiently waiting 🥺
Me: Wait a little more! I’m working on it. 
Q19: I think the most vulnerable I’ve seen Jin was in bv3 Malta, for me, he tired his best to hide his feelings, he couldn’t show how much he missed tae, so he had to suppress his emotions, the way he looked before they all said I love u to tae, the way he turned to look at tae and how tae straight up came to Jin but hobi hugged him first, he might be hard to read but I think bv3 showed us a glimpse of his vulnerability, I really feel bad for bv3 Jin, cause it was the first time I saw his raw feeling
Me: BV1 as well! We got a glimpse into his raw emotions and how deeply he really feels for and needs Tae. It made me realise how good he is and to what extent he usually suppresses it. And when he goes all out to express it, we can see just how much he really loves and needs Tae. 
Q20: Not an ask but I really love yoontaejin’s relation. He is always there with them, he was, he is and he’ll always be. I don’t think there’s any taejin moment with Yoongi not being by their side lol, the way he always watches them over reminds of your best friend who would hang out with u and ur crush just to make fun of you later, no matter how many times he puts up his unbothered face, he really enjoys being in btw them, the fondness his eyes show off just sums up everything 🥺
Me: I think the most magical things happen when Yoongi is with them hahaha. He may roll his eyes sometimes but he loves the both of them so much. He’s so fond of them. Afterall Jin is his eternal roomie and he absolutely can’t say no to Tae too. 
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Q21: Tae’s absence probably gave an opportunity for jimin to seek comfort in Jin, I think Jinmin were the ones who were most affected with Tae’s absence so makes sense for them to become close, I love seeing them make fun of tae, or siding together to tease tae, jimin’s love for Jin grew stronger in Tae’s absence but is overshadowed sometimes, idk Jinmin are just special for me, forgive me if this doesn’t make any sense 🥺
Me: Jinmin needs to be appreciated more! Both of them are comfort fairies and give the best hugs in bangtan. Jinmin are the two who understand Tae at the most fundamental level and see each other as equals. For Jimin, this is probably expected, but for Jin it’s a bit more special since he’s their senior. Some of my favourite parts in the SOOP was seeing Jinmin hang out together in the gaming room with Yoongi.
Q22: Apart from namjoon, who do you think freaks out upon seeing taejin being taejin and why, btw love ur work here 👏🏻
Me: I think this is obvious? Namjoon > Hobi. Both of them can’t lie and their expressions are really honest whenever Taejin is up to no good. You could say they’re the most responsible and cautious people in the group? 
Q23: I’ve never seen any ship videos before, I first met with tj and I’m still sticking onto them, I haven’t tried to give other ships a chance or something, I got fixed with them, despite the lack of taejin content during the quarantine period, we got a lot of subtle moments and it is that subtleness which keeps me fixed on them, if there’s nothing to hide, then why those subtle touches and stolen stares, why that change in expression when he is flirting with someone else, why the tension 😶
Me: I don’t watch ship videos either, but it’s totally fine to hype and celebrate all the other pairings too :) I’ve never felt ‘bored’ with Taejin and they’re honestly a handful for me already so I get what you mean, considering I’m running this blog and a cc account I’m very much fixated on them lol. 
Q24: The way tae wanted to apply lipstick on Jin’s plump lips and how Jin didn’t want that to happen. He really asked “do you want to get naked ?”. Is that Jin’s version of punishment or something, and not at how tae openly spread his hands for Jin to ‘punish’ him. And now Jin looked at Tae’s chest as if he wanted to rip it open. Well applying lipstick is better than ripping Tae’s shirt off, another reason for no vlive, btw love ur work here, ur doing an amazing job.
Me: Jin started it and he gay panicked, while I’m just laughing down here. He is just so chaotic, I really have to thank him for giving us such a precious moment. Thank you!
Q25: How do you think each of them would’ve reacted if taejin came out with their relationship ? And who would’ve accepted easily and who wouldn’t have ? My English isn’t very good so pardon me if there are any mistakes 🥺
Me: Yoongi and JK. Would probably be the easy going ones. Not because they don’t care, but because people should live the way they want to. The rest, not so? It’s not a matter of who accepts or not, all of them love Taejin, it’s just that they’re more cautious because they all want to protect each other and something like this is very impactful to their career. 
Q26: The thing abt their matching bracelets, it does seem like it’s their couple bracelet, but even if it isn’t I wouldn’t be surprised, taejin really try to keep things subtle and calm, and I love your work here, I wish I had found it sooner, your hard work should be appreciated 💕
Me: Thank you! As for the bracelets, I think it’s safer to say it’s Wooga gang bracelets, since he did specifically mention them in his vlog. I feel appreciated enough when you leave comments :)
Q27: Hi! I'm a JK biased Army
When I first became a fan I noticed the beautiful bond between JK and Jin, I'm not really into shipping but I really liked their relationship so I somewhat became a Jinkooker
At one point (maybe I still do), I thought JK had some special feelings towards Jin - Some of the things he does are questionable to me, sometimes lingering on the romantic side, however, this could be also his way of showing his admiration for Jin (I really don't know what goes on in JK's head haha)
I do feel like JK is Jin's favourite, but in my gut, something didn't add up- What many Jinkookers saw I couldn't wrap my head around, it was too far fetched (I really don't want to discredit anyone perspectives or feelings, this is just how I see things) for me to see them as a couple
I started to notice how Tae behaves around Jin, it's just so different to which he behaves with the rest- It was kind of beautiful to watch so I payed more attention to them- I compared how Jin is with him compared to the others, their whole vibe just oozes romance and attraction - So once you notice them, you can't really deny it so I had to put my Jinkook glasses off and admit to myself that if there is a couple within BTS it must be Taejin, because I have no other way of explaining their behaviour towards each other than that of a couple (or at least two people who are attracted to each other) 
That's why I came here, to look for validation of my perspective and I'm glad I found your tumblr because it gave me the validation that I needed and that I wasn't just seeing things (unless we're all clowns)
Sorry for the 'essay' (and my English) but I just wanted to let you know that I'm not a Tae or Jin biased Army, and that I do see what is going on between Taejin, it's kind of undeniable at this point, no matter what your original ship is
Thank you for your very well written informative blog, stay safe and enjoy BE 💜🎹🎻📸
(Curious Cat isn't a fan of full stops/periods)
Me: I think we can all agree with that- what goes on in JK’s head? Hahaha he has many endearing quirks and habits and the ways he shows love for his hyungs. 
I felt the same way :) There were too many things that didn’t add up and I had to try hard to look beyond all the shipping and everything that shippers claim to make sense of what I was seeing. Once I saw it, it was impossible to unsee or deny them. Hahaha I’m very aware of that tiny possibility that we could all be clowns here. Thank you for leaving me this really sweet message! I love Jinkook’s bond, it is unique in it’s own way. You’re my first JK biased army who told me that they see Taejin’s bond for what it is and I can’t be happier. You’re welcome here anytime, I’m just glad this blog was of some help to someone. I hope to see you around again :)
Q28: I just wanted to ask something ,I recently was watching that spring day YouTube one ,under that there were so many comments saying jk jealous ,rm is jealous,I got very angry and upset ,then there was this reply to those comments that the cycle never stops ,try to be considerate to all the ships in bts ,if the same thing was done by jk and tae you would have said jin jealous ,so just enjoy the moments as they are , don't read into it ,now I know taejinnies would never do something like this but it made me think,like that in the soop jk and jin they were hugging and tae was there and everybody was like he is jealous , aren't we just being hypocrite here ,we can just enjoy that moment without saying somebody is jealous, how are we any better then others, I am just very confused
Me: So I shared this question in my cc and there were a few Taejinnies who gave their perspective on this issue and I think it was a great discussion. I’m just going to paste everything here for better organisation. 
Anon 1’s opinion: Dear anon, first of all, we can't control what other people think or say, but we can share our opinions with others if everyone wants to have a civil discussion.
Second, people interpret moments differently based on what they believe or based on the limited knowledge that we have. So it's all just harmless interpretation.
Third, i used to think "jealousy" is all negative but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. In real life, "jealousy" isn't really something we have control over. When i was still in school, i remember i used to really get jealous whenever my bestfriend or some other female classmates got close to my now-husband. That time we weren't even in a relationship and yet i realized that my jealousy was very much real. I just couldn't help it. Being "jealous" is just part of human nature. Just like how Tae once told the audience how the members got jealous because Tae spent alot of time with his Hwarang hyungs & said "i love you" to them. "Jealousy" can sometimes be platonic too, you know? Like a child getting jealous because another sibling got more love & attention from parents, or a friend getting jealous because their friend is spending more time with someone else rather than them. "Jealousy" doesn't necessarily have to be all romantic.
Now on to the part where other fans interpret that Spring Day taejin moment as "jk jealous" or "rm jealous", while we interpret it as "the other members looks so done lol". We can't change what others think but we can just share our opinions under the comments section. Some may agree with us, some don't. And that's totally normal.
Now compare that Spring Day Taejin moment where ALL members were looking at them to the ITS Jinkook moment where the only person who briefly "side-eyes" Jinkook during that hug was Tae. If Tae wasn't bothered he wouldn't have spared a glance. But he kinda did give them that look? So...is it wrong or hypocrite for us to interpret it as "jealousy"? In my opinion, we're just reading body language that we saw through the screen. That's it. And like i previously explain, it depends how you take "jealousy" as. If you take "jealousy" as something all negative & must be romantic then you're probably going to feel angry & upset whenever other shippers interpret a moment in a different way. For me personally jealousy is just part of human nature.
Just my 2 cents. I wish i could explain all this briefly but i'm not good with words like purple-ktj 😂😂😂😂😂
My response to this: There's a lot of good points in there! ☺ thank you! 
A summary of what was said, different shippers will interpret a moment depending on their biases. 
Jealousy isn't always a negative trait, and there are different types. 
And the last point is context. I've mentioned it numerous times before, and I'll mention it again. Context is Important. Is there a reason? Does it make sense? Stuff like that. The same thing executed differently can have a vastly different meaning. Two very different instances can be similar in terms of 'vibes' or 'feel'. One mold doesn't fit all. Be smart with your observations. 👍
Anon 2: Isn't it hard to give a concrete answer to this? 
For me, it's alright to say this person looks jealous, if you truly feel like there expression shows it. But know your limit and never put down any bond the boys have. And for god's sake, never say A is doing this to make B jealous. And always saying A looks jealous at every opportunity that arises just shows your own toxic mentality. And don't go under a ship focus post or video and talk about your OTP. It's just disrespectful. 
The examples you showed can't exactly be compared too. In Spring Day, it's clear as a day that JK and Joon were smiling at Taejin. So someone saying they look jealous is just projecting their own feelings. They wanna basically say 'Taekook/Namjin/Taejoon/Jinkook real'. 
Ultimately it all depends on you. I don't think it's hypocritical to call out the above mentioned behaviour and think Tae looks off while drinking the wine in ITS. As long as you respect each and every bond in BTS. If you don't wanna say any one is jealous, that's alright too. But I think people can be close and still feel jealousy sometime. It's a normal emotion. Sometime being the key word.
My response to this: Yeah most importantly don't put the other's bonds down. Many yt channels get rude comments about other pairings when they're specifically there for their own favourite pair. 
Also, I agree that these two instances aren't very comparable in the first place. If you have a sensible reason to see that Tae's behaviour was a little off during that moment in the SOOP then be confident in your observation. You can have an opinion without being unnecessarily assertive or easily swayed by what others say. 
Adding my 0.02 here, might as well, I personally think Tae was affected by holding back and restricting himself from physical touch with Jin while being filmed 24/7 and seeing Jinkook getting cosy freely probably triggered him. 
Anon 3: ah, fellow taejinnie, you don't have to be confused, it's just problematic shippers being problematic. this used to make me irritated too but i just ignore it these days. the facts are that BTS, as in *all 7 of them* love and care for each other; no one's jealous of anyone. there are just some people out there with narrow mindsets who only care about their ships. every community has a few toxic shippers, it's just the way people are.
you're right, you know, we /should/ just enjoy the moment and be proud of them. sadly not everyone thinks that way, but … it is what it is. we can just ignore those people and focus on supporting our boys, as in all 7 of them. people who say so-and-so is jealous when two members are showing their appreciation for each other are just making it up to fit their personal narrative. (this is different from being possessive, which i definitely understand as a taejinnie, but that's a different topic haha.) the meaning of jealousy is envious resentment; BTS have been together for too long and care about each other too much to be jealous over such petty things. not least when it's one member being close to another, it just makes no sense.
people just need to understand that /all/ the members love each other very much. don't let the problematic shippers get to ya 💜
My response to this: Hahaha this whole jealousy and possessive thingy really feels pretty 'odd' in a tight knit group in BTS. It's not the toxic, destructive jealousy we see in movies. There is some healthy friendship jealousy over the years and Taejin's one is more unique than that. We just need to think a little to be able to distinguish those and also not get swayed by other's comments. Ultimately all of them love each other very much, they wouldn't have come this far otherwise. 
Idk if this is from the same anon 3 but here’s a reply: i think jealousy within a group of friends is normal if its not too much. its natural too. it makes sense the member will be a little jealous sometimes. for example i have my closest friends group and weve been friends for 12 years now, and still sometimes when my bestest friend chooses to idk walk hand in hand with another close friend if us from the group i get a tiny bit jealous for a fraction of a second, and then it passes. you cant control the first instinct, and as long as its not too much and toxic, theres nothing wrong with it! its normal when you care so much about a person, you just want to be close, it doesnt have to be romantic. jimin even said once that he gets jealous and posessive over his friends and "wants them to himself", its very common and it depends on your character.
In conclusion:
1-The main problem here are the shippers and how they project their opinions on it. 
2-Is there some truth to it? Jealousy is not always the destructive emotion you see in movies. 
3-Does it make sense? Like one of the anons said, both situations aren't comparable. 
4-Like you said, you could totally ignore what the toxic shippers say and just enjoy that moment without linking it to any ships. 
This ended up getting really long but I hope whatever was said here helps you to form your own opinions and conclusions and you're less confused!
Q29: Have u ever thought what if we all are just half right about Taejin's relationship? I am not denying Tae's crush on Jin, which was more clearly evident till 2018. What if at some point Tae expressed his feelings to Jin but Jin couldn't accept him because he is straight & later became more fond of Tae coz he somewhat feels guilty of not being able to accept Tae as a lover. And that Jin can't help but feel jealous sometimes knowing that Tae likes him but still does fanservice with other men.
Me: Nope, I’m confident I’m at least 95% right so I don’t have such thoughts at all. 
Q30: Hi, I donna want to ask anything, just want to share my point of view. Im new Army, since during this pandemic,I have so many hours to stream internet, and ofcourse KPOP is my aim. I really falling in love with Epiphany, It likes mental healer to myself in forgetting my past without regret it. At first, I dont realize about Taejin since it not famous ship. I looked into taekook first,and then namjin, ouh ok. From my POV, Taekook just about analyzing a moment,slowmo or describe some events that happen between them, and Namjin, I know RM needs people like Jin to support him because JIN is deeper thinker and good motivator. And then,I read somewhere in magazine, The question ask to JIN, whose the closest member? The answer : V. Me like : ouh, ok. some post about Taejin pop up in my IG, Im not sure what is about, ouh, Jin looked different when he with V,and V too. The moment they are together, likes they are close and be a different version of themselves. V looked matured and protective and JIN looked clingy and baby. Maybe, V is the eldest in his family and JIN is the youngest in his family, so they tend to be real themselves and of course they are close with each other. And I watch BV2,3 &4 ,In the soop, and many clips,their moment no need to analyze deep because themselves already show it sincerely. Haha, ok,so long I write., just I really love to read your post. Seriously,I stalking your tumblr and donwload an apps for the first time. Bottom of my heart, I hope they dont announce their relationship because haters gonna to get ready ,~
Me: Thank you for reading my blog and writing this comment! Welcome to the fandom, baby army. I hope you have a great time learning more about the boys and their beautiful personalities and music. :)
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Q31: Hello! I’ve been reading your analysis posts and I want to congratulate and thank you for your hard work! I’ve been a fan of BTS since 2015 and I’ve been a Taejinist since late 2017. And yes, my bias is Jin. How did this occur. Well, in 2017 I was enchanted by V. I was V biased, but not a Taejin shipper until I noticed THE smile he reserves for Jin. I investigated further, and through my love for V, I began to love Jin for the first time. The hidden touches and glances are EVERYTHING!
Me: Thank you :D Hello veteran army! It’s nice to know that your love for Tae led you to love Jin more as well. Their smiles for each other are indeed different! 
Q32: Have u ever thought what if we all are just half right about Taejin's relationship? I am not denying Tae's crush on Jin, which was more clearly evident till 2018. What if at some point Tae expressed his feelings to Jin but Jin couldn't accept him because he is straight & later became more fond of Tae coz he somewhat feels guilty of not being able to accept Tae as a lover. And that Jin can't help but feel jealous sometimes knowing that Tae likes him but still does fanservice with other men.
Me: I think I answered you on my cc and if I recall correctly I said this is all very unnecessarily complicated. I think you answered me back saying that you agree. Lol. 
Q33: I don't doubt Taejin's feelings towards eo but I do doubt the nature of their relationship. I mean it is possible that they are not dating eo even if their feelings have become mutual. There are some instances from recent times that have made me feel so. For e.g.., during Taekook's date in the Soop, Tae told JK that he was feeling lonely & unloved. Yoongi knew about Jin's cut from woodcarving but Tae saw only after a whole day. Also, Jin came to know about their Grammy nom. from other people.
Me: Tae told JK he was feeling lonely and unloved by army due to their cancelled performances, so he went on weverse a lot to seek army’s validation. Yoongi was with Jin when they were woodcarving, he would have to be blind to not know about it, meanwhile Tae was having a drive date with Hobi, enjoying themselves respectively. And I don’t know how Jin learning about their Grammy nomination from someone who’s not Tae has any link to their relationship. 
Context matters. 
Q34: Have u noticed this thing about Tae? Don't know the reason, but he is hesitant about any solo moment with Jin since early 2020 & Hobi comes to help. The Grammy Video had Taejinhope, the only Jin posts by Tae on weverse this year had Taejinhope. In The Soop, both nurungji & Strawberry yoghurt were made by Tae for JinHope. Vhope even planned to take Jin for the long drive which he refused. To me it seemed either for BH reasons or simply bcoz Tae is shy/afraid of Jin, he seeked help from Hobi.
Me: I’m pretty sure he didn’t get Hobi’s help when he did what he did in Spring Day for Class of Graduation’s performance. Neither did he during Dynamite vlive when he blew on Jin’s neck. Hobi helped to record the video of them at the Grammy’s at Jin’s request so that Tae had a chance to say what he practiced in English. He made strawberry juice and nurungji for whoever was awake to eat, and that was Jin and Hobi. BH has nothing to do with this and Tae is never shy with Jin, he is however considerate and very tuned in to Jin’s moods. Also Hobi loves them both. 
Q35: When I say that Jin is braver than Tae, plz believe Me. Coz all those questionable stuffs like "showering together" "sleeping together revealed in 2017 festa" "Taehyungaah I Love u (on National tv)" "interlocking bracelet gift reveal" "are u my bday gift" "do u want to go naked" were said by Kim Seokjin only.
Me: Yes, Jin is very bold at times, but this is a very one sided point of view. Please read my post on Tae’s POV and how he treats Jin differently from the other members. 
Q36: I am the one who thinks Tae is mostly hesitant nowadays & needs a catalyst to start a TJ moment. For e.g. Hobi's video of TaeJinHope during Grammy, TaeJinHope pic by V (why couldn't he post a solo pic of Jin?), his joining Jin's 2019 Bday vlive & Jin's selfie in MOTS era after the others did (it seemed to me as if he didn't plan to join but couldn't stop himself when the other's did). When Hobi lifted Jin's arm in the Jimmy Fallon show, Tae dragged him & did the same. These are only a few e.g.s.
Me: I don’t think so. He’s just more private. Tae is free to post whoever’s photos he likes, if he wants to post Taejinhope, he will post Taejinhope. I don’t see how this is linked to Jin’s birthday vlive and Tae was trying to remove his makeup because he had another schedule after that so he joined in a hurry when Jin was trying to take a selca after the press conference. I suggest you watch more of their content and remember, context matters a lot. 
Q37: Hello Purple-ktj! I am a new Army & I came across your blog last week & fell in love with your writing style. I am a Jinminkook fan & Jikook & Jinkook's bondings caught my attention. I am yet to watch all the old episodes & everything. I have watched all the new contents though, including Soop & the docu series & movies. I actually thought V's fav hyung is Hoseok coz he is always seen with Hoseok. But then I came across some Taejinnies on YT So, I came here looking for proofs.
Me: Welcome to the fandom baby army! I’m flattered you think so but I really discourage looking at my blog content for proof. Please treat all this as entertainment and watch their original content. Enjoy your journey with BTS!
Q38: BV1 taejin never fail to devastate me, it really must have been hard for them, to pretend like everything is okay when it isn’t, those secret texting in the back makes me think how hard it would’ve been for the two of them, considering it was the beginning period of their relationship, those stolen glances, subtle touches, Jin wearing Tae’s custom shirt, everything just fits in, it’s like a secret relationship, nothing can be public, but even if it is, it gets awkward, BV1 tj was just pure angst
Me: Jin wearing Tae’s shirt is the thing that stands out the most to me. The implications are very loud and telling. On the surface BV1 is really funny, but when I think twice, it was really angsty for both of them. BV3 felt pretty angsty as well because they were pining for each other. 
Q39: Hello ! I've seen many Taejinnies get confused about 2016 KKul FM timeline - it was actually filmed on April 25th as Suga notes around 2:53. That's why it has a bit of a false note - Tae and Jin seem to have worked out some of their issues during BV1. Tae notably has brown hair in BV1 and reddish-orange hair in KKul FM, because he was back to brown for Hwarang! I'm sorry I didn't send this before your updated timeline went up. I can't decide if 2016 Angst Taejin or 2020 married are my faves :)
Me: Hello! I’m a clown and I didn’t realise it at all lol. Tumblr is really not friendly and doesn’t allow me to edit any of my super long posts so… it’ll have to stay until I find a solution. So for now I’ve included it in the pinned post. Thank you for telling me.. after I posted 😂 (I’m kidding). I think 2020 is my fave! Along with 2017 :D 
Q40: There is a video by GoldTaejin12 on youtube about Mama 2016 Taejin moments. Around 1:02, when Tae and Jin are recording themselves, I find Jin's behaviour so unlike how he acts in lives with other members. Especially how he doesn't meet Tae's eyes. And laughs nervously. It's like he doesn't know how to act in front of Tae with the camera on. I find this so intriguing. He's definitely acting unlike his self. It's probably the closest to a taejin vlive we got. 😝
Me: I see what moment you’re talking about. I agree about Jin not knowing how to behave and avoiding eye contact with Tae at times but it’s not so bad in the video you referenced. It’s mostly around 2019-2020? That he doesn’t really meet Tae’s eyes and seems awkward whenever they’re close. The most recent being the BE vlive where he panicked when Tae tried to put lipbalm on him. Hahaha if it wasn’t posted on twitter it could have been counted as a really short and sweet vlive!
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Q41: I rewatched the YNWA preview show and noticed something miniscule but interesting nonetheless. Before Namjoon says 'I'd rather get a kiss,' he looks at Taehyung (who was pacing back and forth) just the second before, with evident hesitation or fear on his face. I don't really know what exactly it meant, but I think that it was a smart move, as if he knew that if he were to kiss Jin he would eventually be facing Tae's wrath and choosing not to kiss Jin was his way of steering clear of Tae's fury.
Me: Oh! I didn’t notice that. The way you phrased it is funny though lol. 
Q42: i feel like we need to talk about it here as well. the things seokjin told us on his vlive really hit me hard. taehyung really asked all of his friends to send a video message for "seokjinnie-hyung"'s birthday, the he compiled everything together to one video and sent it to seokjin. he told him there are more coming, and said "just know, youre a very loved person." also, the fact taehyung waited for him until dawn to wish him happy birthday.. he really loves seokjin so so much, and the way he made sure seokjin knows he is very loved after he doubted himself makes it even more beautiful. and then we have seokjin, saying how kind taehyungie is, how much he admires him and is thankful for him.. theyre always there to support and love each other, its so beautiful. forget the selcas and vlives, this is what really matters. im so glad they have each other..
Me: Oh yes please do. I was overall pretty shocked by everything Jin revealed in his vlive. Everything else was true but the part where Tae waited up till dawn for Jin to wish him happy birthday was most likely misheard. Regardless, the whole gesture by Tae going the extra mile because he wants Jin to be happy is very devastating. I’ve been going on and on and on about the same thing on my cc as well, I’m so overwhelmed. (By Taejin I mean)
Q43: you probably got many asks about the birthday live but i have to add one more thing. the most touching part was for sure seokjin telling us aboout the things taehyung did for his birthday, but another thing that caught my attention is the way he put all the members on speaker, but never did it with taehyung.. he had no problem putting the rest of the members on speaker, and other members alwas put tae on speaker during vlives. also he called taehyung first, it was his first instinct to call him.
Me: Yes, first, Tae is always on his mind. And they were texting each other, that was really cute. Halfway through the call, it became a private conversation, just seeing his expression while he listened to everything Tae said made my heart so full. And the things Tae did for him for his birthday… my heart can’t handle any more than this. 
Q44: I am in total awe at how private Tae has become regarding Jin. I mean if Jin wouldn't have revealed Tae's sweet actions, we would have thought that Tae just didn't feel like posting about Jin (He always leaves out Jin) unlike the other 4 members who did. I am surprised how his relationship (whatever it is) with Jin is 'NOT AT ALL FOR THE ARMYS TO SEE'. He keeps Jin close to his family & friends. I am pretty sure that Tae's family & circle of friends know the truth.
Me: He’s seen the ugly on the internet, honestly, can’t blame him at all for wanting to be more private. Yes it isn’t, which is why I don’t refer to Taejin as a ship, I truly see them as a couple in a romantic relationship. There’s nothing wrong with ships, but I feel like in this case, it undermines the nature of their bond. I’m sure his friends and family knows too. 
Q45: Hi my sweet taejin blogger, how are you doing? Just a little thought I want to ask about Jin's birthday vlive. No word to describe how happy I am to hear what Tae did for Jin's birthday. It was screamed out so much of romantic, love, sweetness, couple things. So I should be happy right but somehow I feel sad bc I feel like jin's friends are not as many as he used to have anymore. He did say before that he has lost a lot of closed people . Anyways I am grateful that Tae always has been there for Jin. Please take care and stay safe. Thank you so you for keeping this blog going 💗
Me: Hello! I’m doing great, hope you are too :) Unfortunately it seems that way, he’s mentioned how he’s lost some friends along the way while being grateful receiving army’s love. I am glad too, that he has BTS by his side, especially Tae who always goes the extra mile for him because their happiness is each other. They’re all each other’s biggest support and would help each other pull through their toughest times. 
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pyxiskrp · 3 years
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NOME: Moon Hanrae
DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 28/08/1996 - 25 anos
FACECLAIM: Kim Taehyung - BTS
HABILIDADE: Nitroglicerina Orgânica
TWITTER: @hanraep96
MUTAÇÃO: O Hanrae é baseado no Bakugou de boku no hero e tem o mesmo poder que o personagem: produz nitroglicerina no lugar do suor, conseguindo criar  e manipular explosões rapidamente, as utilizando de diversas maneiras. Sua explosão mais intensa poderia destruir um prédio de 55 andares ou 2 quarteirões de um bairro, de uma forma bem massiva.
Cortina de fumaça; 
Manipulação de explosões; 
Envelhecimento retardado; 
Falso voo (impulso em velocidade pelo ar, que pelo calor das explosões o ajuda a "planar"); 
Transferência de nitroglicerina (ele consegue acumular a nitroglicerina que produz em recipientes para criar granadas); 
Explosão sonora (ele consegue amplificar o barulho de suas explosões até um ponto que deixa as pessoas a volta surdas temporariamente).
Ver diariamente o preconceito que é obrigado a conviver, os olhares condenadores sobre ele o tornaram um homem agressivo, rancoroso, com o poder que tinha era praticamente impossível não danificar algo quando treinava ou em missões reais e o peso daquilo era muito maior do que uma árvore derrubada ou asfalto esburacado, era o peso de ser visto por todos como um destruidor, quase tão doloroso quanto as palavras que ouviu dos pais e as noites que sentiu fome e medo lhe consumirem. 
 A adolescência foi a época em que seu caráter foi moldado e o menino distraído que desenhava se tornou um homem amargurado, com questões internas e a negação de estar usando seu tempo e vida para salvar quem nunca faria o mesmo por ele. Hanrae nunca foi um delinquente, mas é sim uma pessoa difícil de conviver, gosta de ficar sozinho, saber que não está sendo vigiado e nem julgado mentalmente pelos outros, algo complicado considerando o pavilhão onde vive com outras pessoas, as aulas que atende na academia e com certeza a Classe A, da qual só faz parte pelo domínio que tem de seu poder e não por vontade própria, uma vez que se sente mais direcionado ao lado ruim e sente vontade de dar um fim aquilo explodindo tudo com as próprias mãos, principalmente após ter sido colocado no Pavilhão B e rotulado por estar ali.
Moon era só um garoto da periferia, filho mais novo de uma família humilde. Passava as tardes brincando na rua com o irmão mais velho e outras crianças vizinhas quando não estava na escola. Seu pai era motorista de uma família classe média alta, já sua mãe trabalhava no mercadinho do bairro e assim sobreviviam sem luxos, mas com um teto para se proteger e comida na mesa.
Ele sempre foi magro e mediano em altura, então conseguia se misturar em meio aos outros alunos na escola sem ser um alvo de bullying pela aparência, quando alguém implicava com ele era pelo garoto estar no mundo da lua, sempre distraído e rabiscando alguma coisa em seu caderno. Era um de seus passatempos favoritos: olhar pro céu e desenhar, fossem as nuvens cinzas quando chovia, o céu azul em dias ensolarados ou as estrelas brilhantes nele quando anoitecia. Foi no ano novo, olhando os fogos de artifício e os desenhando que tudo aconteceu.
Hanrae se lembra vividamente do clarão no céu, do brilho dos fogos, de como amava vê-los, dos sons deles e em uma das explosões, sentiu algo estranho em si. Se encolheu deitado no chão, escondendo a cabeça com seu caderno por alguns minutos, não entendia o que estava acontecendo, apenas sentia o corpo suar descontroladamente e suas mãos pipocarem em erupções que não conseguia controlar. Suas mãos começaram a queimar, elas estavam tão quentes, vermelhas e brilhantes, sentia uma dor lacerante correr todo seu braço e em seguida bolhas surgirem na pele. O garoto pensou que morreria ali, então apenas abraçou seu destino e se entregou a aquilo.
Acordou depois sem saber quanto tempo havia passado, continuava vivo? Queria que aquilo tivesse sido apenas um pesadelo, mas os braços machucados e doloridos continuavam ali, não conseguia nem se quer mexê-los. Seus pais só haviam ido até ele agora, com os gritos do filho foram ver o que estava acontecendo e encontrando Rae naquele estado o olhar deles era de choque, medo, nojo. Não sabiam como reagir, o que havia acontecido com o garoto? Por que estava com os braços queimados? Será que era verdade o que falavam da vacina? Seu pai havia sido um dos voluntários na Coreia do Sul, mas os anos haviam passado desde que o Moon mais novo nascera e nada havia acontecido em treze anos, o garoto era completamente normal e de repente estava estirado no chão, ferido, com uma mutação.
Sua mãe não conseguia nem se aproximar, a cena era pavorosa. Seu pai não sabia o que fazer também, as perguntas em sua cabeça ecoavam, aquilo não era real, por que estava acontecendo? Seu irmão de 16 anos era o único que apesar de estranhar aquilo teve mais coragem de tocar no irmão e tentar ajudá-lo, feito isso Hanrae outra explosão aconteceu, lhe acertando o rosto e lhe cegando. O Moon mais velho caiu para trás gritando que o irmão era um demônio, um monstro, que aquilo não era normal, seus pais foram diretamente cuidar do filho mais velho que tinha os olhos fechados e externamente queimados sem se importar com Rae. Quando viram que Heejun estava cego e Hanrae havia causado isso começaram a gritar o atacando, o menino tentou se aproximar para ajudar, mas tudo o que ouvia era “Saia daqui, você fez isso com seu irmão. Você é um monstro! Não encoste na gente!” e assim ele foi expulso de casa aos 13 anos por ser uma criatura nojenta e cruel capaz de machucar sua própria família.
Estava sozinho pelas ruas no ano novo, ferido por fora e completamente destruído por dentro. Conhecer o bairro fez com que naquela noite ele soubesse um esconderijo pra ficar, o mesmo que usava pro pique esconde nas tardes depois das aulas. Na manhã seguinte a fome lhe fez sair de seu esconderijo, não tinha dinheiro para comprar nada e nem poderia voltar pra casa, saiu andando pelo bairro ainda com a mesma roupa suja da explosão, os braços expostos e debilitados, conforme viu alguém na rua, pediu qualquer comida que fosse e novamente o que recebeu foram gritos de medo e nojo. Não demorou muito para que no bairro se espalhasse sobre o estado do garoto e seus vizinhos fossem até seus pais procurarem o que havia ocorrido, logo descobrindo que Hanrae era um dos afetados pelo gene mutante da tal vacina de 1995 e um monstro por ter cegado o próprio irmão, mesmo sem ter nenhum conhecimento ou controle do que havia ocorrido.
A partir daí a vizinhança deixou de ser segura pro garoto, que estava sendo caçado pra que não machucasse mais ninguém. Moon fugiu sem saber pra onde ia, foram dias e noites escondido embaixo de pontes, no mato, qualquer lugar onde estivesse sozinho, chegou no centro de uma cidade e se escondendo num beco do lado de uma lanchonete finalmente ouviu sobre o que tudo aquilo era e que tinha uma mutação. Quando o estabelecimento fechou, um dos funcionários jogou os restos dos lanches fora no beco, Rae esperou e foi procurar ali o que comer, foi pego por esse mesmo funcionário que voltou trazendo mais lixo e confundido com um ladrão foi atacado com socos e chutes até que desmaiasse. Quando acordou viu em sua frente uma figura masculina comentando sobre seus braços e perguntando se ele havia sido uma das vítimas da explosão, ele tinha medo de falar a verdade, mas a falou, talvez morrer ali fosse a melhor opção.
Os anos foram passando, passava as manhãs escondido e as noites se arriscava para ter o que comer. Não sabia como ativar ou desativar aquele poder, então por muitas vezes se queimou enquanto dormia ou causou barulho enquanto precisava passar despercebido. Numa noite invadiu uma casa de muro baixo para pegar roupas limpas para si que haviam sido deixadas na corda, sendo surpreendido por um cachorro. Seu medo era grande, mas sua raiva de tudo o que estava vivendo era ainda maior, junto com sua vontade de sobreviver, ali, se irando, finalmente descobriu qual era o gatilho de ignição para sua mutação e mesmo ainda não sabendo a manipular corretamente, foi capaz de acertar o animal e fugir. Os dias nas ruas não foram fáceis, estavam longe disso, mas foi neles que desenvolveu a resistência necessária para não se queimar mais e as noções básicas do que era aquilo em seu corpo. 
Em mais uma de suas "missões noturnas", já com 18 anos, se deparou com algo diferente: uma adolescente manifestando sua mutação pela primeira vez. A observava de longe apesar de não estar escondido, lembrava de si mesmo naquele maldito ano novo de 2010 e temia pelo pior. Ficou ali para auxiliar ela e quando a menina desmaiou, correu para segurá-la e impedir que batesse a cabeça e checar se ela ainda estava viva. Rapidamente os pais dela surgiram e por sua sorte, não foi atacado ou julgado pelos desconhecidos, na verdade o outro falara com ele sobre o Pyxis Institute, explicando o que o instituto era e prometendo que lá ele teria um teto pra dormir e o que comer sem precisar revirar o lixo e se esconder pra sobreviver. Hanrae aceitou e acabou entrando para a o mesmo sem pensar duas vezes, tudo era melhor do que continuar na rua exposto a tudo o que passou.
Na Pyxis aprendeu mais sobre sua mutação, o que ela era e desde então começou a treinar para se adaptar e usar sua habilidade. O poder além de parecer completamente destrutivo também era extremamente difícil de ser controlado e já havia causado ao garoto danos como queimaduras, sensibilidade extrema nas mãos, tremedeira e dores por todo o braço, assim como na vez que se manifestou. Desde então, Moon se esconde embaixo de blusas de manga longa e casacos no frio, usando sempre luvas.
Demorou pra se acostumar com as limitações causadas pelos ferimentos nos braços, continuava com dificuldade para utilizar as mãos em tarefas simples como segurar objetos pela sensibilidade e tremedeira delas, que até diminuíram com as luvas, mas não haviam sido curadas. Atualmente, com 25 anos, sendo da Classe Andrômeda, tenta seguir sua vida. Apesar de não desejar ser um herói, pelo trauma que desenvolveu desde que a mutação se manifestou, pela forma como foi tratado pelos próprios pais, pelas agressões sofridas, continua como aluno da Pyxis e integrante da equipe de heróis, construindo aos poucos seu próprio destino.
Han presenciou uma criança manifestar seus poderes pela primeira vez e ao ajudá-la, os pais da menina o levaram juntos ao instituto por estarem cientes de toda aquela situação e um deles ter sido voluntário no teste da vacina que gerou o genoma mutante. O rapaz já tinha 18 anos e com isso, pôde se matricular na Pyxis e se manter ali até os dias atuais, onde já tem 25 anos e é integrante da Classe A.
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