#but also anxious of going out and meet new people and i feel like I'd be behind in so many things when I'm almost eighteen
tillthelandslide · 9 months
Same For You: (2) Your Very Own Mirror
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Series Warnings: slow burn romance, eventual smut, age gap, complicated relationship (low-key unhealthy dynamics), eventual love...
A/n: here's the next part, I really hope you enjoy. I know it may seem a bit boring so far but just you wait... Hope you enjoy, love Lou
Series Masterlist
(1) This Is How It Starts
When Matty had asked her to get coffee with him she didn't know what to say initially. She was firstly confused as to how he got her number, she then learned that Charli had given her number to George, who had given it Matty and then Ross. The latter excited her, for she was hoping he'd message her.
At the bar after she performed, they had all hit it off immediately, they laughed and joked and spoke about everything, her life, their lives, her career and aspirations, their careers (which of course she knew about).
She felt like she had known them for longer than just that one night, she felt comfortable from the get go, which was a vary rare occurrence for her. She couldn't help but think (or imagine, she wasn't sure) that things with Ross were different from the others, it wasn't that he was flirty per-say, in fact he was quite reserved, but something felt different, when he spoke, he had this effect on her, he made her bones tingle and her hairs stand on end. She felt utterly delusional, convincing herself that she was going mad.
After much contemplation, she decided to agree to get coffee with the lead singer, agreeing to meet at a shop that was in-between her flat and Matty's. She was dressed in a comfortable pair of blue denim jeans, a sleeveless black crop top, a black leather jacket and black boots. Her hair was down, hooked behind her ears.
She had arrived at the coffee shop 30 minutes before the agreed time, preferring to get settled before meeting someone, especially someone new. Her notebook was resting against the table as she wrote whatever came to mind. She hears a cough above her making her attention snap up, seeing Matty.
"Hello love... See you're an early bird too, which makes me happy... I hate it when people are late" he says making her chuckle.
"Me too" she says, standing from the table, he holds his arms out and she hugs him, the first hug they had ever shared, but despite that, it didn't feel like it, it felt comfortable. She doesn't say that the reason she's early has more to do with being incredibly anxious rather than hating being tardy.
"Good to see you again" she says honestly, the curly haired man smiling at her words.
"You too" he says before the pair sit down. They begin talking about all sorts, Y/n hands her book to Matty when he asks and he smiles as he reads her words.
"These are impressive y/n... Seriously how aren't your songs out there? Like properly?" He asks and she shrugs.
"Never met with a manager, or a label or a producer who wanted the same things as me... Or the band... We'd much rather do what we want, when we want, performing to a small group of people who genuinely want to listen... Than to be molded into something we're not" she says. Matty raises his eyebrows impressively.
"You're 24? seriously I'd swear you're more mature than me" he says making her chuckle. He finds himself smiling when she does, liking the fact he was the one that made her smile.
"Age is just a number Healy" she jokes making him raise his eyebrows and smirk down at her.
"Well we're really interested in having you on the label... It's Jamie's label but I help run it... And I was talking to G after we met and we both said how much we wanted to work with you.. help you produce an album that you wanted to produce..." He explains. She feels a little overwhelmed at his confession but also very excited.
"I'd have to talk to the band..." She says and Matty nods.
"Of course" he says.
"Oh and Ross said he'd be happy to help if you needed, don't know if you'd need all three of us but I think we all bring something to the table" she feels a thrill run through her at his words. She felt ridiculous for it, she didn't know much about the man, apart from the fact he was absolutely gorgeous and undeniably hot, and that he was kind.
"Wow, that's really... Generous" she says, making Matty smile.
"Listen y/n, you're talented... We all saw that... And if you'd let us, it would be a true honour to work with you... And your band" he says, closing her notebook and passing it back to her. They change the subject after that, Matty didn't want to place too much pressure on her to make a decision.
"Now tell me about this" he says, hand closing around her wrist, gently pulling it towards him, thumb running over the ink with a smirk. He watches as her cheeks tint a dark shade of red as her eyes find his. His touch sparks something inside her, something unknown, something new and desired.
"Alright don't tease me" she says, slowly beginning to draw her arm back but smiling when he stops her.
"I'm not! I swear... I love it" he says, thumb still tracing over the outline of the box tattoo.
"Well.. let me start by saying: I never ever, in my wildest dreams thought I'd ever meet you guys... This is kind of mortifying to be honest" she chuckles at herself, only stopping when she spots the serious expression on his face, one that reads "don't. Don't do that". She often made jokes out of situations, serious situations and being sincere and earnest often terrified her, so instead she'd make jokes at her own expense. Matty could tell this straight away, and maybe it was because he did it too, or that he already found himself caring for her and wanting to know her more, but he didn't want her doing that with him.
"Well ive been a huge fan of you guys for years... Your music really helped me to be honest" she goes on to explain that she found their music when she was in a dark place mentally, going through the usual teenage woes but also some deeper issues, she explained how their music saved her, as cliche as it was. She explained how their lyrics made her feel seen and understood. She explained how Matty's brain worked similarly to hers, and that she admired it. He agreed, seeing himself in her too. He kept saying he was in disbelief that she was as young as she was (in comparison to him anyway).
"I really love that you have it... And opposite mine" he says, raising his eyebrows at her.
"Careful Healy... Don't go getting the wrong ideas... You're not my fave" she jokes and he laughs, murmuring a "who is then" which holds a certain amount of sadness in the words, a tone that makes her feel unsure, mainly because she found herself feeling guilty, worried she had hurt his feelings.
"Oh I'll never tell" she says before he's returning to the previous topic, of her tattoo, not the placement.
"Kind of strokes my ego a little bit to be honest" he jokes and she smiles at him, his hand was now clasped around his coffee cup and hers was resting in her lap, absentmindedly stroking her own skin where the tattoo rested, still feeling the ghost of his touch under hers.
"As if you need your ego to be stoked even more" she said, she hoped it didn't come across weirdly, but the truth was she knew him far more than he knew her.
"Oh because you know me so well..." He jokes and her smile falls.
"Ouch" she says half jokingly.
"Hey hey that was a joke... I'm sorry love" he says, eyes softening as he looks at her again.
"No... It's kind of true to be honest. Sure I know the person you put across... I know the person I've been admiring for years... But guess I don't really know the true Matty Healy" she says.
"Do you want to?" He asks, laughing at himself
"Kind of yeah" he feels his heart beat pick up slightly, trying to shake off the feeling with a sharp inhale of breath.
"Okay... Well I know far less about you. But I want to" they then proceed to talk about most things. They fill each other in on every detail of their respective lives. Y/n finds out some things she already knew, but she hears about them in more detail, in ways that only close friends would know and she feels honored that he wanted to tell her.
Matty finds out about her childhood and her life, her love for music, her favorite colour and her favourite food, he finds out that she struggles with anxiety and that her brain is similar to his. By the end of the day, he feels closer to her, but he's surprised when he feels like he had known her for a lifetime. He supposes it's because she resembled him, looking at her was like looking in a shattered mirror, the shards were him but the cracks were someone else, something else. Something that represented love and beauty and kindness, something that he longed for.
When Matty grabs her phone to take pictures of the pair, some miniscule part of her brain tells her that the situation is weird... They hadn't known each other that long, yet they were acting like they were best friends. She pushed the thought away and allowed him to take funny pictures of them both, posing in typical 'instagram model" poses when instructed by him. She allows him to change his contact name in her phone and allows him to change his contact picture to one of them, one where they're looking at each other and sticking their tongues out.
She smiles at the picture but it doesn't feel like she's looking at herself, instead she's looking at this new version of herself and she doesn't hate what she sees.
Matty clicks on his contact number, attaching some of the photos they had taken and sending it to himself. He slides the phone back over to her and turns to face her again, placing his hand in his palm as he looks at her.
"I like hanging out with you, you're just like me" he says and she nods.
"Your very own mirror"
"I like that... You should write that down" he says, sliding her notebook towards him and scribbling the words on an empty page.
Note: I really hope you are liking this so far... I really like this series guys 🥺 (never thought I'd say that about my own series but yeah) I hope you like it too. If you do please consider reblogging, liking or commenting. Also if you have any thoughts or anything please feel free to message me 🫶 love you - Lou
(3) The Deal
© all lyrics are written and owned by yours truly (let's ignore the fact they're not that good but yeah) no stealing hehe
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bookshelfmonkey · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @storkmuffin :)
Are you named after anyone? Not my first name, which I just chose because I liked it, but one of my middle names is Bowie (as in David Bowie).
When was the last time you cried? A couple of weeks ago, when I was feeling completely overwhelmed by the state of trans rights globally and especially in the UK (where I live) and the ongoing tragedies happening as a result. (Sidenote: it's weird to me how little I've cried since starting T, I used to cry multiple times a week and now it's every few months)
Do you have kids? No.
What sports do you play/have you played? I swam for about 6-8 years as a kid but always kinda hated it, and eventually quit when the dysphoria became too much. I did football and badminton on and off too, but was never really good at anything (asthma & possible dyspraxia & hypermobility etc.). Now I'm trying to run and work out mostly just to stay healthy. I'd like to get back into swimming but can't really afford to go to a pool regularly and I'm scared to go by myself. I also go to a lgbtq+ football club weekly when I'm in my hometown (my friend started an under-18s one which I used to do too and it was pretty much my only positive experience of sports).
Do you use sarcasm? Rarely, and only with close friends where we mutually joke like that with each other.
What's the first thing you notice about people? I actually don't know. I think most of the time I'm too caught up in the anxiety of meeting someone new that I'm more focussed on myself.
What's your eye colour? Bluey grey.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings. I'll watch some scary movies but sometimes they just make me too anxious to enjoy them.
Any talents? I can read pretty quickly with good comprehension (I like to take my time when reading for fun, but as an english lit student who always has a fuck ton of essays and shit to read, it's handy), I can bake really good gingerbread, and I'm weirdly good at immitating people's walks (the same way some people can do voice impressions).
Where were you born? A small city in south west england (not saying more than that for safety/privacy).
What are your hobbies? I read (a lot); I write fiction, poetry, book reviews & TV show reviews (see pinned post on where to find some of these); I embroider and sew; I enjoy baking and cooking but don't do it much atm because I don't like my flatmates so I spend as little time as possible in our kitchen where I might see them; I like going for walks but it can be difficult to get out into nature without a car (ironically) and sometimes I just solve number puzzles/do maths for fun.
Do you have any pets? Yes, this idiot (affectionate). Technically she lives with my parents, but still. Her name's Pepper and she's a generic black cat (it's hard to work out breeds of cats and she's an adopted former stray so there's no breeding history or whatever).
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How tall are you? 1.72m
Favourite subject in school? It alternated between english literature and maths.
Dream job? Author/forest wizard/please don't make me enter the workforce (I'm a uni student atm)/I don't know what I want to do with my life.
@yourlocalcorvidcryptid @autisticfordprefect @feral-enfield-with-wifi sorry if any of y'all have already done this and I missed it.
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notjuststardust · 2 months
One Piece Monster Trio +Law and Ace: What kind of dog breed would they be?
Monkey D. Luffy
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American Pitbull Terrier
-In general terms american pitbull terriers are often misconstrued as something they aren't because people want to sugarcoat what their original purpose was, dog fighting.
-Just means their inner goofball comes out when they are doing terrier things.
-Though they're silly, loyal and more intelligent than people give them credit for, a purpose driven life with people that understand that insane drive and appreciate a velcro dog are best for these dogs (ahem, Zoro, ahem)
-Also their big gaping smile reminds me of Luffy too.
-Above pictured is Dino, a dog at my local shelter who has been looking for a home all his life. I have hung out with him and can vouch he is dog friendly, people friendly and an overall great pup. He is now with a foster home to care for his very specific allergy needs. I would take him home and rename him Luffy if I could, please check out his adoption page and share so he can find a good home!
New Bern, NC - American Pit Bull Terrier. Meet Dino a Pet for Adoption - AdoptaPet.com
Roronoa Zoro
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-Yall thought I'd say pitbull.
-Absolutely not because Zoro has PRESENCE and that comes with a livestock guardian breed.
-These dogs are intense.
-Bred to take on wolves and coyotes and to be willing to die for their families.
-The Anatolian shepard specifically is a very quiet livestock guardian dog hence why I chose this over the great Pyrenees.
-Though they're MASSIVE they have athleticism similar to big cats because they were originally bred for the fields of Turkey.
-Y'all can't tell me that the level of athleticism Zoro maintains while being built like a tank doesn't make this match.
-Good head on their shoulders to access threats and work well within their job and independently.
Vinsmoke Sanji
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-Dachsunds are go getters, HOUNDS.
-They're independent, drivey and WILLFUL and like who they like.
-They're meant to work alongside terriers (Luffy) to trap the badgers so the terrier can take the threat out.
-Literally the goat of hound dogs.
-Distinguished little velcro dogs who will recklessly fight for their person despite the threat to themselves (SANJI'S SELFLESSNESS??)
-Not actually breed specific but literally every dachshund I have ever met has a love for women.
Trafalgar Law
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-Siberian husky
-I'm going to get really specific and say a husky that pulls lead on the sled.
-These dogs will work themselves until they die.
-They're so stubborn that their drive and need to work literally has altered their metabolisms to adapt.
-Thats definetely what happened to Law's brain.
-ACTUALLY (Their metabolisms are biologically different than other breeds, able to practically slow and speed up at will)
-Not to mention they are meant to be working together at all times BUT are incredibly independent unless forced to work together.(LUFFY AND LAW).
-Smarter than you.
-Also, the markings on them just look so Law to me.
-Don't do well when they aren't working.
-Will easily fall back on anxious behaviors when separated from their jobs.
-Also, I can so imagine Law doing the quiet grumbling that these dogs do when they 'complain'.
Portgas D. Ace
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-It is in their blood to be silly (not a fact, just speculation pls don't cite me for a college paper)
-Drive for food and play is high.
-Originally bred as herding dogs but due to unforseen circumstances of their size and perception were forced to become protectors of the families of sheep they herded (ACE WITH LUFFY AND SABO).
-Smart but dumb.
-Threat perception and self preservation is skewed just because of the herding breed in them so it can make them a little too brave sometimes.
-Originally bred to be a family herder and fated to be an independent guardian, close to work but far from family.
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photogirl894 · 1 year
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Square: "Kiss me."
My first Clone x reader bingo one-shot! I also thought, for the bingo fics, I'd make banners for them since there's gonna be new Clones each time and it would showcase each one! Hunter won the dice roll for this particular prompt and maaaann, was I happy about that! 😆🥰 I did get a bit carried away with this one, but really, who's surprised? 😉 Enjoy, everyone!!
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This was a type of mission that the Bad Batch were not used to.
They had been assigned to be a security detail for an important mission for a Princess of one of the planets of the Inner Rim…which was you. You were a woman of great beauty and enchanting eyes; it was bragged you were the fairest woman in the entire kingdom. When they met you, you were told to select one of them to also be your personal bodyguard. It was hard to choose, as they all seemed more than capable ot the task, but you went with your gut and made you choice.
You chose Sergeant Hunter.
You needed the extra security because you were in the process of making a peace treaty with a neighboring planet and, while the nobility of the planet were more than willing to put the conflicts between your planets aside, there were others of the people, especially from the other planet, that were not pleased with the treaty. A couple attempts had been made on your life and it was determined you needed extra protection if you were going to make it out of these peace talks alive.
The Captain of the Guard had given the Bad Batch the rundown of what their duties were while in your service. Once that was complete, the rest of the squad went with the Captain to the war room where they would discuss future plans and strategies for upcoming meetings while Hunter escorted you back to your chambers.
“The lot of you are certainly unlike any Clone troopers I’ve ever seen,” you commented as you both entered the room, lit by the sunlight coming in through a large open window.
“Yeah, we hear that a lot,” he replied as he took off his helmet.
You couldn't deny your heart skipped a beat at seeing his face for the first time. His chiseled jaw, his hooked nose, his mesmerizing brown eyes, the skull tattoo on half of his face, the red band across his forehead and his long, dark and luscious locks the fell just above his shoulders. You'd never seen a more handsome man in your life.
"Are all Clones as…attractive as you?" you then asked, flashing him a flirtatious smile and batting your eyelashes.
You saw his eyes widen slightly as he awkwardly replied, "I'm…unsure how to answer that, my lady."
Slowly striding over to him, you kept your eyes set on him, almost delighting in the anxious look he got as you drew nearer. You glanced briefly down at his lips, wondering what they would feel like on yours. You could easily make him kiss you. You were a Princess, after all.
Feeling bold, you stopped directly in front of him and stated, "Kiss me."
His eyes flashed again and his throat tightened slightly, but then he responded, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."
You blinked, stunned. Had he just refused you? No one ever did that, not to you. "Excuse me?" you questioned. "I am your Princess and I gave you an order. You must obey it!"
Hunter looked intently at you and declared, "You're not my Princess, your Highness, since I'm not part of your people. I'm your bodyguard and that's it. My job is to protect you, not to entertain you. I'm flattered, but no, I'm not going to kiss you. Besides...my squad and I aren't known for always following orders."
Your arms folded over your chest, surprised but also impressed by how he stood up to you. No one had ever dared to defy you in such a way…and you found it intriguing. "You are a bold one," you commented. Then you smirked and challenged him, "Mark my words: I'll get you to kiss me eventually before your time here is through."
He snickered, amused, and said back, "Don't get your hopes up, Princess."
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A few days later, the rest of the Bad Batch were sent to the other planet as liaisons between you and the other planet's nobility. Things with the peace agreements seemed to be drawing nearer to a close. However, they were in need of some aid due to a disaster that had struck and, as a further sign of your willingness to make peace, you offered to send supplies and whatever aid they required. The Bad Batch were going to help in the relief process along with some of your advisors and soldiers while you and Hunter remained behind. It was unclear how long things would take, but the Clones were willing to help how they could and do what needed to be done.
"The people will be grateful for these supplies," Hunter commented to you.
"It's the right thing to do as a sign of good faith to those who were once our enemies," you replied. Your hands fidgeted a bit nervously. "I just hope it's enough."
Hunter could sense that you were a little on edge, which was a first. At least within the few days he'd gotten to know you, at least. You usually were brimming with confidence and self-assurance that it almost caught him by surprise when he felt your concern.
"There's no need to be anxious, my lady," he assured you. "I have no doubt it'll be enough. This is an extra step in showing how serious you are about bringing peace between the two planets, which is something you've worked hard for."
You turned and mustered a small smile for him. "I appreciate the support, Sergeant."
"Just part of my job, your Highness," he said with a bow of his head.
"Ah, so you're just supporting me because you're my bodyguard and you're just telling me what I want to hear?" you questioned curiously.
Keeping his eyes on you, he stated back, "If there's one thing you should know about me: I'm straightforward when it comes to missions. I say what needs to be said, not what people want to hear. What I told you is true: what you're doing is enough and the people you're helping will see your efforts in making peace and be grateful. You're doing what's right and it won't go unnoticed. I'm sure of it."
You couldn't help but straighten up slightly and you blinked, suddenly at a loss for words. You had expected him to be like everyone else and just say what he thought you wanted him to say, but his response was the opposite. He genuinely meant what he'd said and once again, you found yourself fascinated with this outspoken Clone. He seemed to be softening up towards you as of the last couple days and this seemed to prove you'd been right in thinking so.
However, you simply cleared your throat and declared back, "Your candor is duly noted...and you have my thanks for your assuring words, as well." You shyly averted your eyes for a quick second, but then acted like it was nothing.
Hunter once again noticed…and grinned in amusement.
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Weeks passed while the Bad Batch continued to help with the relief effort on the other planet. They were assisting in rebuilding homes and structures that had been lost and ensuring supplies were being received.
In those weeks, you and Hunter had grown closer…much closer than you ever anticipated.
You had plenty of time alone together outside of your meetings with your councilors and other royal delegates who met with you for various other reasons. In the time you spent with him, you found out more about him and his brothers. He told you of the missions he'd been on with them and different stories, both funny and intriguing, about them. He offered you advice on how to handle the final proceedings for the peace summit you were now preparing for in days to come, which meant the nobles would be coming to your home--escorted by Clone Force 99--to officially sign the treaty. It was thanks to his advice that you were able to reach the final agreement and you were incredibly grateful to him. Apart from that, Hunter had also asked you questions about your own life and he seemed sincere in wanting to know more about you. It was refreshing to have such genuine attention like this from someone and not just because you were the Princess and they felt like they had to.
The moment that stood out the most in your mind was when, while taking a walk together through your favorite flower gardens, you'd asked Hunter about how he's so skilled with his vibroblade and he offered to show you. He'd shown you how he twirled it about with his hand and then had you try. You tried a couple times and dropped it and then on the third try, you thought you were starting to get it, but then it caught on one of your fingers and ended up slicing your hand. Hunter had been quick to get some bandages from his pack and offered to clean your hand for you. The way he held your hand was so gentle for someone as strong as him and he tended to your hand so delicately, like you were made of glass. It almost seemed like your hand fit perfectly in his.
"There you go, my lady," he stated as he finished with your hand.
"Please…call me by my name when it's just us," you pleaded with a small grin.
As you gazed at him, you had never noticed how even more handsome he was when he smiled kindly at you or the way the light from your chamber window caught just right on his eyes, bringing out the gold undertone to his brown irises…which caused your breath to catch faintly and your heart began racing. You knew of his enhanced senses and regretted your reaction immediately because surely, he had to have felt it. However, he did not pull away from you nor did he avert his gaze. In fact, he seemed to grasp your hand a bit tighter and the distance between you two was growing smaller, your name leaving his lips in a whisper. Your heart sped up even more, having never felt such a rush of emotion before.
However, he hadn't gotten much closer when he suddenly stopped and backed away, saying he would leave you alone and that he needed to touch base with his squad on their departure. Before you could stop him, he left the gardens. You mentally cursed yourself, realizing that you now actually had real feelings for him and those exact feelings were betraying you. You had probably screwed up everything when you'd first met anyway when you'd ordered him to kiss you and he wouldn't. He said he'd never kiss you and for you to not get your hopes up, so why would that change now? You two were at least friends, but it could never be anything more anyway. What mess had you gotten yourself into?
Before you knew it, the day of the summit arrived and the royals and delegates from the second planet had arrived. You'd greeted them pleasantly at the landing platform and Hunter was pleased to see his brothers again after almost a month apart. Citizens from your kingdom were gathered all throughout the streets to witness the broadcast of the treaty signing. The Bad Batch and the rest of your security were going to be spread out around the platform from which you'd be broadcasting as well as in neighboring towers, keeping an eye out for any potential assassins or insurgents wishing you harm. Hunter would be standing right behind you and his presence there gave you all the comfort and courage you'd need to proceed. The King from the other planet said a few words to the crowd first and then it was your turn. You spoke proudly and with conviction at how overjoyed you were to have finally made it this far with your soon-to-be allies. However, not far into your speech, you heard Hunter call out for you to get down and just as you did, a shot rang out and a chunk of the pulpit in front of you was blasted off. Hunter shielded you with his body, calling out to other guards to protect the other nobles as he withdrew his blaster and fired a few times in the direction of the blaster shot. You could see around the side of the pulpit the Clone they called Crosshair grappling with someone else who had a sniper rifle and then Tech came in to help apprehend him. Lucky for you, it was just the one; Hunter got word over his comm from the others that the man was acting alone and that it was safe to continue with the proceedings.
Hunter took your shaking shoulders and told you in a soothing voice, "It's all right. The threat's been dealt with. You're safe now, Princess." You were so caught up in the shock of nearly being shot that it seemed you didn't hear him, so he gently cupped your face and quietly said your name so no one else would hear, which snapped you back to reality. His forehead connected with yours as he told you again, "I'm here, you're safe." As your rapid breathing slowed, he came back and looked you directly in the eyes. "There's nothing to fear now. Now, finish what you started and secure the peace you always wanted."
His encouragement was enough to bring you back to yourself and you were determined now more than ever to finalize the peace accord you'd worked so hard for. He helped you up to your feet and you resumed your position at the pulpit, finishing your speech like nothing had happened to show the people of both planets your resolve to see this process through. In minutes, the King's signature was added to the agreement, followed by your own and the deed was done. Peace had reached and your two planets were now allies. As cheers and applause erupted from the crowds, you couldn't help but look over your shoulder at Hunter and smile with giddy joy. He smiled warmly back at you and in that moment, you knew for sure that it was now too late to turn back.
You had fallen in love with your bodyguard.
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That night, there was a celebration over the new alliance with plenty of music, food, drinks and merriment. However, after all the excitement from before, you found yourself growing weary after only over an hour or so and wished to retire for the night, so Hunter escorted you back to your chambers.
After he closed the door behind you, you told him, "Thank you for saving my life today."
Bowing his head, he said back, "Good thing Crosshair had spotted the man and alerted me just before they took the shot. Things could've turned out differently if he hadn't."
"Indeed." Moving further into the room, you then asked him, a feeling of solemnity beginning to grow within you at anticipating his answer, "Now that the peace proceedings are over, when…when will you leave?"
You heard him reply behind you, "In the morning."
That's what you'd been afraid of. You'd be losing your beloved Sergeant so soon and you found you hated that more than you ever thought you would. "I see," you simply replied, your voice low.
"You sound disappointed," he said.
Bringing yourself around to face him, you replied, trying to keep yourself together, "Well…I am. I've enjoyed your company over the past month. It'll be a shame to see you go."
"Sadly, that was the mission: to help you see the peace process through and then report back to Coruscant," he informed you.
"Right…," you said dejectedly and hanging your head, seeing he still only viewed all this as just part of the mission.
Then you heard him ask, "Are you going to miss me?"
Lifting your eyes up again, you gazed at him with both sadness and fondness. You had not switched on any lights in your room and the only light there was from the moon right outside, covering Hunter in a soft blue glow.
"More than you know," you admitted.
His head tilted slightly, almost prompting you to continue. You weren't sure of what you could say to properly convey how much you would miss him or how you felt about him. However, his own gaze almost seemed to mirror your own and you almost thought that maybe he felt the same things towards you.
There was only one way to find out.
Taking a step forward, you said, "Kiss me, Hunter." You saw a brief hesitation from him and you added, "I'm not ordering you this time…I'm asking you…just as someone who's madly in love with you…please."
Hunter gazed at you in awe at hearing such a heartfelt plea from you, taking in the ethereal, angelic image of your form being illuminated by the soft moonlight behind you and your bright eyes looking upon him with true, real love. In the beginning, he'd had no intention of ever giving in to kissing you, not with how arrogant you'd been about it.
But now…that was the only he thing wanted more than anything in the galaxy.
Slowly, he came over to you, stopping directly in front you. His hand came up and he traced his fingers along the contour of your cheek as he whispered your name like a prayer, his eyes seemingly gazing into your very soul. Then he laid his hand on your cheek, closed the gap between you and kissed you ever so softly. You'd imagined what it would be like to kiss him many a time, yet somehow, the way he kissed you now defied all your expectations. He wrapped his arms around you and held you against him as you laid one hand on his armored chest and the other on his cheek, deepening your kiss.
For a brief moment, his lips parted from yours and he touched his forehead to yours. Then he said to you, "I love you so much, my Princess."
Before you could respond, his mouth returned to yours in a kiss much deeper and more passionate than the last, nearly causing your legs to buckle beneath you. They certainly would have had he not been holding you in his strong arms, an embrace safer than anything you'd ever known. You knew with all your heart that, no matter what the future brought for you, you would be his and he would be yours for the rest of time. Even if you never saw him again and ended up in a royal marriage of some kind later in life, a part of your heart would always remain with Hunter.
You pulled back for a moment and requested with heavy breath, "Please…stay with me tonight. Let me have this one night with you before we part. I want to know just once how it would feel to be loved by you and to sleep in the safety of your arms."
Hunter grinned and pressed a kiss to your brow. "As my lady wishes," he replied as he took your hand and led you over to your bed, where many exchanges of love, both in word and in deed, were given between you two throughout the night.
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By the time you woke the next morning, your Sergeant was already gone.
Although, there was a datapad on the pillow next to you as well as a small, long box. You took up the datapad and found there was a note typed out for you.
I know I left without saying goodbye and I'm sorry. I knew it would be hard for us both. I need you to know that this past month with you made me the happiest I've ever felt in my life. I guess you won…you got me to kiss you after all.
The gifts in the box are for you to remember me by and always keep me close. I had some extra help with one of them. Keep practicing with the vibroblade. I have no doubt you'll get it eventually.
I know I said I'm not always good at following orders…but I would follow yours at any time. I'll forever be yours to command. I hope we'll see each other again someday.
All my love, my Princess,
A tear had come to your eye at reading the note he'd left you and you turned your attention to the box. You removed the lid and found two things inside: Hunter's vibroblade and one of his bandanas.
You pulled out the knife and gave it a quick twirl between your fingers before setting it down. Then you took out the bandana, holding the soft fabric in your hands and running your thumb over the skull when you realized there was something on the opposite side. You turned it over and you nearly cried again, holding the bandana to your heart. On the other side were four words stitched in Aurebesh that you knew you'd cherish forever.
My Princess, my love.
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Clone x Reader Bingo 2023
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
For the Advent Calendar could you do Scarlett x reader where Scarlett invites reader to her Christmas family dinner, where reader gets overwhelmed by the entire thing. Scarlett goes out to find reader on the balcony and reassures reader of her feelings. Thank you!
☃️ My Love ☃️
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Summary: Scarlett assures you about her feelings after an overwhelming moment. 
Slight Angst | Fluff | 0.8K | No Warnings | 
AC: I don’t know much about Scarlett’s family or friends so please bear with me on this. Also, excuse the gif, I can never find SJ gifs! I hope you enjoy this!! 
Day 14 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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Sweat quickly soaked the palms of your hands as you rang the doorbell to Scarlett's home. It wasn't the first time you'd been here, you'd been here many times before, but this time not only would you be seeing her parents and siblings again but also you'd be meeting more of her family and close friends. Your heart sunk to your stomach within the seconds that took for the door to finally open.
"You made it!" Scarlett welcomed you with a warm smile, "was starting to think you had gotten lost" she joked with a chuckle. Her eyes sparkled from the light that lit up the front porch so well, "So sorry I'm a tad late, traffic was a bit crazy" you smiled in return, the sweat in your palms almost instantly drying the longer you looked into her eyes. "Well, you're just in time, honey, we're all just about to sit down for dinner" she spoke, opening the door for you. Scarlett helped take your coat off and placed it on the coat hanger before you felt one of her hands gently rest on your lower back. "Everybody is excited to meet you" she whispered, placing a kiss on your cheek. 
The moment her lips touched your cheek all your butterflies faded away. Scarlett led you into the dining room, her mother embracing you in a tight hug, "it's so good to see you again" she smiled, "you too, merry Christmas" you replied with a warm smile of your own. Scarlett took a moment before everybody started eating to introduce you to everybody from her dad's side of the family, her mother's side then her extended family, cousins and close family friends. There were a lot of people, but you knew Scarlett was a family person. 
Sitting next to Scarlett while everybody threw questions and conversations at you, she could see that you were starting to feel a bit anxious and would gently place a hand on your lap, giving you a light squeeze to ensure you she was right beside you. "You both are a lovely couple" one of Scarlett's cousins complimented, Scarlett smiled and thanked her before her mother told everybody to dig in before the table full of food would get cold. Even through dinner compliments and questions continued, although you didn't mind as much, Scarlett had sat through meeting your entire family but to her questions and meeting new people came naturally. 
After dinner, some games were played and plenty of laughs were shared over jokes, some jokes didn't even make sense to you but something you learned from Scarlett was how to go along with the script. By the time everybody was ready for dessert, something switched within you and suddenly you felt overwhelmed, like you didn't belong there. Quietly you slipped out the back door for some fresh air, ignoring how cold it was outside, the cold rush over your face felt refreshing. 
You weren't sure how long you'd been leaning over the back balcony trying to gather your thoughts until you heard Scarlett's voice softly bring you back to reality. "There you are" she smiled softly as she walked up to you, "Is everything okay?" she asked as she lent over the balcony with you. "Everything is perfect" you lied with an unconvincing smile, "it just got a little hot in there, so I thought I'd get some fresh air" you added avoiding looking at the blonde in her green eyes. 
"Darling, look at me" she moved close, cupping your face to look at her, "what's going through that genius mind of yours?" She asked. Looking into her eyes, you knew you couldn't lie to her any longer. "I'm sorry" you started, "I guess I just got a little overwhelmed with everybody, please don't think it was anybody's fault or anything because it wasn't, I just" you paused and dropped your eyes, Scarlett's face showing nothing but love and concern. 
"Just what, honey?" she asked.
"We just live different lifestyles and I think I started to overthink that maybe I just didn't belong in your world" you explained with great stress building up within you. "Oh, darling" Scarlett wasted no time before she pulled you into her arms, hugging you tightly. "You are my world, you are my family, everybody in that room loves you just as much as I do. I know my life is crazy and uncertain sometimes but the one thing I am certain of is my love for you. I know you were nervous about spending Christmas with my family but guess what, I was nervous that you would think we were a bunch of crazy people and would want to leave" smiles, her thumb gently stroking your left cheek, "You belong here, with me, with my family, I promise you" she added.
Just like that, her words made all your worries look ridiculous, even though deep down you knew there was nothing to worry about but you are human and we worry about things. Scarlett kissed you softly for what felt like hours, but all her kisses seemed to last forever, not that you were complaining. "I care about you, my love. Next time you feel overwhelmed, come and get me and we will talk it through together, okay?" 
You nodded with a soft smile, "okay".
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff  | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | 
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mysticstarlightduck · 14 days
OC Interaction Tag
I was tagged by @willtheweaver (here) and @illarian-rambling (here)! Thank you so much for the tag!
Rules: describe an OC and pair how they would interact with the given OCs from the people who tagged you!
Imma do this in two parts, so I'll go with Nimwen from Of Starlight and Beasts for Part 1 because I feel like I don't talk about that girl enough! Then I'll go with my boy Renn from the unnamed standalone fairytale WIP that plopped its way into my brain this weekend and hasn't let go since, for Part 2!
Part 1
Will's OC: Fen is a crow. But he does not act like one, having grown up among the foxes of the forest. All his life, he has had to keep his identity a secret. For obvious reasons, Fen does not let too much of himself be known. What he does show is an understanding nature ,and a knack for bringing out the best in others. Storyteller, a good fighter, tracker, and cook, he is skilled in many arts, though you’d never know that from the way he stays humble and modest. He values friendship, and will support those he trust.
My OC: Nimwen is an 18 year old girl who has spent most of her life (since she was 8) travelling through the uncharted forests of a region popularly called "the wilds", with her adoptive brother Scarlet and their little band of misfits. They live on the outskirts of society, since their kingdom has been so dilligently outcasting them, but they don't seem to mind it. All in all, Nimwen is an awkward, overly anxious, often paranoid but incredibly sweet girl, though she rarely lets strangers get too close to her. She embodies the energy of a skittish deer that will bolt at the nearest sign of danger, even if its a false alarm, though she has very good reasons to be that way - her father was wrongfully executed for treason, and the people of the kingdom didn't exactly give her much reason to trust them after what they did, so yeah. She's very in touch with nature and other people's feelings though she somehow seems very much oblivious to her own. She prefers to avoid confrontation, and will only fight if that's the absolute last resort in a life or death situation. She loves very deeply and makes strong bonds once you get to know her properly.
How they'd interact: I think Nimwen wouldn't be that surprised to meet a sentient, possibly talking, crow - she lives in a world where that kind of magic is actually rather common. So, once they'd met, I think those two would get along pretty well and would likely become good friends. She'd probably be very excited to learn about the new places this bird has seen and flown to, and they'd have a lot in common to talk about when it comes to forests and such. She'd likely listen to his stories for hours on end, never losing interest. The only tricky part would be convincing her brother that Fen is not a spy sent by the King to get them both killed, but once that's out of the way, I'd say conversations would be pretty interesting. Nim's an expert secret keeper, so I firmly believe keeping Fen's identity hidden will not be difficult for her.
Part 2
Illarian's OC: Twenari is an adolescent girl (12 in the first book, 16 in the second two) with short locs and a preference for skirts over pants. She is a prodigy sorcerer and general gifted kid. Throughout her childhood, her smuggler mother used her as a source of magical security and intimidation, which eventually caused her to run away after being forced to commit one too many unsavory acts. Because of this, Twenari acts much older than she is. She's pragmatic, blunt, and strategic. However, in other ways, she's very behind the learning curve. She's painfully introverted and never learned to socialize beyond formal events. Magic is her darling and purpose. She's insatiably curious about everything, but mostly, she wants to understand all the world has to offer in the field of the arcane. She's also at a kill count of about six. That's what happens when you're constantly chased by mercenaries and have the ability to explode people with your brain
My OC: Renn is a young man in his late teens (his exact age hasn't been specified yet, but he's suspected to be around 16-19) with a penchant for dark humor and a love for all that's mysterious and slightly macabre. He has a very strong vibe that is reminiscent of those early 2000s goth/emo kids, minus the angst - just the aesthetics and the sometimes deeply philosophical existential crisis - despite his fantasy medieval setting. He is a rule breaker and likes to question authorities at every chance he gets, and is also very savvy about the true inner workings of their seemingly perfect kingdom. It is implied that he has some kind of secret he is keeping hidden at all costs, and that implication would be true, but its not what most people would assume. While the townsfolk mostly label him as this unhinged/"crazy" reject who is always causing trouble and is up to no good, he is actually a really sweet kid that just had some truly fucked up stuff happen in his past. He is a loyal friend and values honesty and integrity above all else, even if it means he'll have to go down fighting for what he believes in. Despite all of this intensity, he just wants someone to truly understand him and have a pure friendship towards him. He is also implied to be gifted in some kind of magic, though it isn't specified which, and that he has knowlege of "forbidden arts".
How I think they'd interact: I believe Renn would see Twenari as a little sister figure of sorts, mostly because she is a few years younger than him (especially in her first book) but also because he probably sees a lot of his younger self in her - the painful introversion, the passion and drive for knowledge, the wish to cut free from the past. I think that given their personalities and pasts they'd probably get along quite well, especially when it comes to their insatiable curiosity for the arcane, as well as their wish to understand a world that is just so confusing to them as it is. They'd probably disagree a bit when it comes to rules though - as you mentioned she's pragmatic, and I know Renn's a certified rule breaker - but they would probably find a way to work around that. They're also kids who are very smart and who are way too mature for their own age due to having to grow up too fast, so I can see them relating to eachother in that way too.
Tagging: @memento-morri-writes, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @mk-writes-stuff, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories, @oh-no-another-idea, @autumnalwalker, @eccaiia, @winterandwords, @rickie-the-storyteller, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @the-ellia-west, @cowboybrunch, @ybotter and OPEN TAG
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animemensblog · 1 year
Meeting you
Pt.2 - Pt.3 (final part)
Kurapika x GN reader
Summary: after gaining your hunter's license, you immediately start looking for work. You find an agency looking for bodyguards, it's limited to Nen users only, however you know it well. You held yourself to high standards while on duty, but a fellow new-hire has you distracted.
Warnings: suggestive smut?? Just got unintentionally really sappy haha-- more fluff than anything
Ft. Kurapika, Melody
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Merely days after getting your hunter's license, you found a place hiring bodyguards for the 'Nostrade' family. You were excited, kinda nervous, and embarrassed for the outfit you chose for that day. You thought it'd be a good idea to dress all cute like its the first day of school, except you can't wear tight, black business pants and white button up while protecting someone. Though your shoulder-length hair looked good, the pants and shirt were hugging your curves in all the right places.
It's uncomfortable and makes you feel vulnerable, but feeling sexy outweighed that.
You arrived at the door being escorted by a man you assumed was in charge. You were admiring the building and recognizing any exit when you saw a shorter figure in the corner of your eye. Your eyes had made contact with that someone-- he had blonde hair that looked so soft, and his eyes were mesmerizing. Neither of you could look away as you passed by, he stayed standing against the wall outside of a door but head turned to follow you.
After what felt like forever, you looked forward and continued into the office. The boss and you talked for over 30 minutes about your tasks and responsibilities, informing that you'd be paired with 'Melody' due to your well-known temper and spontaneous decisions.
"Melody? What a pretty name" you mumbled to yourself as you shut the door, accidentally shutting it too hard. It caused a loud and long echo down the hall, grabbing the blonde boys attention once again. He sprinted around the corner and froze as eye contact was made again. This time you weren't planning to only stare
"HI!' You awkwardly said loudly, "haha, um, I-I'm Y/N"
He clears his throat and took a second to stand up straight "I see, do you need something?" He said it so flatly it made you think he was irritated. "Actually yeah, do you know a Melody? They said I'd be paired with them for my first few shifts." His hand came up to his neck to rub it, the chains softly clinking, hugging his knuckles. For a second you stopped breathing with no clue to why, you gently shook your head to look away.
His face tilted to meet yours , "You okay?"
You had no words, no explanation, all that was in your head was thoughts about those chains.. but why?
"All good!!" You said with a big smile, trying to stop the red on your cheeks forming. You shuffled away before getting your answer, leaving you wandering the hall. After a few minutes Melody found you, "you must be Y/N". Their voice was soft, very inviting. They were such a calm presence you couldn't help but feel so. "Yes, are you Melody?"
"I am." She hummed before turning away leading you down the hall you just came from, "if you don't mind, we must grab someone else to go out with the boss. She feels like going to a park today"
"Who is the boss? A man walked me in and talked with me, but you all keep referring to them as 'she'."
"Why yes, she's the daughter of Light Nostrade. We keep an eye on her when he's away." Melody said before pointing, "there he is. Kurapika!" You looked over to see the blonde boy again, you were anxious despite barely saying a sentence to him.
"Kurapika?" You ask Melody. "Yes, he's pretty new too. Also has a fast heartbeat around, um, certain people." You were confused but before asking another question, you were face to face with Kurapika.
"Hi, again" he says, still speaking like a robot.
"Hi" you say with no excitement, attempting to mimic him.
All of you sat there, each explaining what you're capable of to fill in any blanks. Melody explained sensing heartbeats and being able to calm others. Kurapika explained his chains and their abilities, "and you?" He asks.
"Well I'm a hunter and nen user", both looking at you expecting more "yeah thats all I got" you let out a small laugh. Kurapika couldn't help but smile and blush at that laugh. Melody noticed the rise in both of your heartbeats. They felt happy Kurapika wasn't so serious, he's always too invested. They let you smile and laugh at each other for a second before setting off with 'the boss'.
You got in the back seat inbetween Melody and Kurapika. Awkwardness and anxiety had fled, and you were ready to work. The ride was silent for the most part, so you occasionally switched window to window looking at the views. Your pants had ridden up enough to start hurting. You shifted in your seat accidentally bumping his thigh, "oh shoot, sorry" you whispered hoping only he'd hear you.
Melody could feel his heartbeat going faster and faster, you hadn't even touched hands. Yet your thighs were rubbing? And that whisper, so quiet only he could hear you. It almost sent his head into a spiral. It made him so nervous he couldn't respond, giving you a blank stare with his lips barely parted- you took it as you're really irritating him now. The rest of the drive, he found himself looking at you. Your head switching between windows; smirking when you saw something cute or cool. A few times he was tempted to ask about your reactions. He was interested in what you were interested in, he really didn't think towns or streets could keep you entertained like it did.
As you arrived at the park, the sun seemed to get brighter and warmer. The wind wasn't too strong but it was somewhat chilly. You waited for Melody to step out of the car while Kurapika left on his side, turning to assist , your back was already facing him. He was glad it was because he got a view of your pants hugging your ass, torso twisted causing your shirt to be tight against your skin.
He closed the door trying to forget being close to you, and how you looked just then.
After wandering for 3-ish hours, you made your way back to the car. The wind had picked up and sun disappeared, leaving you with goosebumps and occasional shakes. You piled into the car, same seats and everything. Being so sleep deprived plus walking around for hours, you were tired. The music playing wasn't helping either, it was soothing. You started to doze off along with Kurapika. He started to tip over, his hand left his thigh hitting yours. Then his head gently tapped your shoulder.
The impact woke him up, jolting back in his seat. His hand twitched against your leg- he sat there staring at where you were connected.
"Kurapika?" Melody whispered past your face. He moved his hand and looked out the window. He never answered them, keeping the drive silent.
The car pulled up to the hotel, with you still asleep. Kurapika tried to wake you but Melody stops him
"Let Y/N rest, I haven't heard their heartbeat be this steady yet. It's consistently been uneasy today." Kurapika nods in response and goes to pick you up. He takes you to the room all of you are sharing for the night. Melody and someone else has the first shift, meaning Kurapika and you were alone. He sits down on the couch next to your sleeping body, he turns on a random show and soon enough he's dozing off again. Instead it was your turn to tip over and bump into him, he was too tired to do anything about it.
You slept with your head in his lap for several hours, him occasionally petting your shoulder or hair when you tossed a little. He felt guilty for touching you without permission especially after just meeting today but he'd also feel guilty for one, messing up your rest. And two, stopping the opportunity to be close to you again. As long as you'd stay, he'd let you be like this.
Regardless of barely knowing each other, both of you found comfort in one another's presence. You only wish it could stay like that, but you know one day you and him won't be an option. That one day you will lose all control.
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silly-sirenz · 3 months
I saw my friend do this so I was wondering if I could get matched with a Hazbin Hotel character too 🥺
• My pronouns are she/her
• I am straight
• I’d say I can be sort of shy with groups of people, but once I’m in a one-on-one conversation with someone I am fun and energetic. I always try to make people laugh, and I always have a lot going on in my mind, so I tend to talk a lot. I also get very anxious, so I tend to overthink things a lot and I often ask for reassurance that I’m not being annoying and stuff. I am also protective of the people I care about. Overall I just love to have a fun time and make people happy 👍
• I. LOVE. MUSIC!! As in I am constantly singing all the time. There’s a song stuck in my head? I am belting it out loud when I’m by myself. In public I will just hum it though. I also play the violin 🎻. I am also a HUGE anime nerd, it’s like the only thing I watch. I am a purple belt in judo (a martial art, like Ju Jitsu). I love reading as well, I have so many books it’s basically a collection at this point.
• I am a Virgo
• I love puns hehe
Thank you so much!!!! 🩷🩵
Thank you for asking . I might have got a bit carried away with this one, but i hope you enjoy 🖤
I would match you up with...
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● The Hotel can get quite overwhelming at times. So often, you will spend your evenings playing violin by the balcony.
● It's a way for you to de-stress from the crowds of loud personalities downstairs, and you find it rather relaxing until one night where you catch a snake moving towards you from out of the corner of you eye.
"Not bad, kid."
● You shriek and jump back, causing him to chuckle.
● Lucifer didn't realise that there was another violinist in the hotel, and he asks to listen to you play some more.
●Nervously, you oblige. Not wanting to mess up in front of the King of Hell.
●However, as he listens, you notice a relaxed smile upon his face. He seems to be enjoying it, even though in your opinion you're far from perfect.
●He sees that you're still overthinking and proposes an idea.
"It's been too long since I've had a violin playing companion. Why don't you come over to the Palace every now and then? I'd love to tutor you."
● And so over the next few weeks, you play together and occasionally sing as well in the Palace library. It's huge and quiet and has all the music you could possibly need. He even lets you borrow books and sheet music between visits.
● It's nice spending one on one time with Lucifer. You can really discuss your shared passions with a lot of excitement, and he has no problem matching your enthusiastic energy.
●And sometimes (as long as you don't have any other plans, obviously), he lets you stay around longer to share some tea and freshly made royal pastries.
● The formalities drop between you, and you become close friends, who giggle at inside jokes and stolen glances.
● A few months later, he is helping you learn a very complex Paganini piece. However, the more you practice, the harder it seems to become.
● You groan with frustration.
● He asks you to put down your instrument and then takes a hold of your hands.
"I think I know what the problem is."
You find yourself subconsciously stepping closer as his thumbs stroke over your knuckles.
"There's too much..." he tries to find the right word, "tension."
With uncharacteristic timidity, you look up, meeting his unwavering gaze.
"Is there anything we can do?" You ask, in a hushed tone, feeling a new sensation of the temperature rising.
Inching closer, he suggests, "Perhaps..."
● He jumps back when he is interrupted by a servant bursting into the room. There's an urgent meeting he has to attend.
● He sighs, almost turning back to say something to you. But he decides against it, storming off and leaving you in stunned silence.
● You lie on your bed back in the Hotel that night, replaying the events of the afternoon in your head, overthinking into oblivion. Perhaps it was guilt? Perhaps excitement? Maybe you had made the whole thing up.
●You jump when there's a knock at your window. Lucifer has turned himself into a bird and he taps once more on the glass with his beak.
●He reverts into his more familiar humanoid form once inside and after a moment of silence he begins to apologise for his behaviour that afternoon. The lack of boundaries, the rudeness of his departure.
●You are glad to accept his apology and forgive everything until he says,
"I don't think you should come back to the Palace anymore. It's nothing against you, I promise. I'm just too... tempted. And I dont know how you feel, but it wouldn't be right to jeopardise our friendship like that. I hope you understand -"
● Something hits you then. You stride over to him and take his uncertain face in you hands. You kiss him passionately, waiting for him to pull you closer before moving back, whispering against his lips.
"Next time you're not sure," you breathe, "just ask."
"Okay." He smiles before dipping you down, causing you to gasp.
"Now my love, let's try this again..."
● He is ever the gentleman in your relationship. Always polite, suave and loving.
●He's your biggest cheerleader, supporting your interests, admiring your physical strength and mental resilience.
●He often creates trinkets for you. Sometimes jewellery, sometimes little ornamental pairs of ducks...
●He's even written a song for you to boost you up on those days when you're not feeling your best and you need reassurance.
● Your senses of humour only grow as the relationship does, and you often leave little notes with puns on for each other to find.
●Eventually, when Charlie finds one of these notes, she is overjoyed. It's been a while since she's seen her dad so happy, and now that she finally knows why, she is eager to welcome you into her family dynamic with open arms.
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silverskulltula · 2 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
I was tagged by @sanguinerosie ! thank you!!!
1. are you named after anyone? Partially after my great-grandfather, who passed away before I was old enough to remember him
2. when was the last time you cried? I think after a stress nightmare I had about half a year or so ago
3. do you have kids? no lmfao, not very into the idea of ever having them either
4. what sports do you play/have you played? never played sports but I did jrotc in high school (fell into it freshman year because I had to pick between it or PE and ended up liking it and making a lot of friends through it.) I ended up in charge of academic team and also did a little bit of drill and rifle team senior year
5. do you use sarcasm? p often
6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? a huge part of my job is triaging people and being the first person to put eyes on a new patient so while I'm listening to history/getting vitals I always pay attention to someone's expression and overall body language when they're meeting me for the first time. so much of my job is constantly meeting new people but I'm an introverted anxious mess outside of work
7. eye color? blue
8. scary movies or happy endings? I love horror but I'm not big on lots of gore or shock value just for the sake of it. I like to be scared by something, not to watch something that's trying its hardest to be as edgy as possible
9. any talents? I can't think of any natural talents because inside I kinda believe I'm overall pretty mid at everything. but for skills/pursued interests/career related talents, I think I've gotten good at making first impressions with people, knowing what to look for when doing assessments in the ER, that I've seen a wide enough spectrum of things to be able to broadly anticipate order sets, and have also picked up enough overall skills to be self-sufficient re: my own labs, IVs, bedside skills/assisting docs, knowing what to grab for this or that, etc. I'm casting a very wide net here but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm comfortable in my specialty, I get how it works, I like what I'm doing, and it's all a result of putting in the time actually gaining experience to get where I am now. So not "talent" but time I've put into my career.
10. where were you born? the midwest. I went back to visit my mom every year but she passed away almost 2 years ago now. I have more family around there but I don't think I'll be going back as often anymore.
11. hobbies? gaming, music, sci fi, but I also want to get into biking more and start going to local renaissance faires and such to get out more
12. any pets? one cat, she's a polydactyl cat and she chose me as her person since she was a kitten
13. height? 5'8"
14. favorite school subject? biology
15. dream job? I love the ER but one day I'd like to make the jump to a non-bedside job in healthcare for the sake of my own physical and mental health. something like informatics or biomed where I could still apply my experience to work on process improvement or things like that. I absolutely do NOT ever want to teach (at least not nursing)
The game says to tag 15 but I'm gonna tag as many people as I can think of so feel free to participate if you wanna, no pressure! apologies if I miss any mutuals/anyone, this is also an open invitation for you to answer if you want!
@batgirlfangs @cinsynate @whats-ursine @memetrash-coyote @clumsyrubicunda @undacvr @tsdo @pumpkajelly @azurecrucis @themushroombat @revotheus @jinglebellrockstars @pk-nexas @raspbrrytea @bigbassnospace @alolabraixen @skeezels @rexiedemibunny @zucktales @piraticoctopus @fruity-bats @astralikacastle @bussywhipped @pocotippy @raichuunosuke @xxx---sink----xxx @tolovedolliedearest @icyfloridian @hamcubes
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Watching the Always Open and reading up hearing them talk about the end of V3, V4 and 5 about how Yang was so upset and angry that Blake left, even if Blake thought she was doing the right thing, and how you can see the depth of a relation up if they’re able to get over and come back from those strong emotions. Yang was hurt, but Blake proved that she wasn’t going to leave her again. Blake was so anxious that Yang could turn out to be like. Adam but she proved that whatever positive or similar traits they had it was All Yang no hint of Adam at all. It’s just I’m only 7 minutes in but hearing THEM talk about their characters and how they got to see things play out Knowing the whole time it wasn’t just fandom speculation it wasn’t just the regular kind of shipping where you know the characters aren’t gay but you build your own narrative. They are a Canon Couple and have been Written to be a Canon Couple just like Pyrrha and her feelings for Jaune, just like Renora. They were written to fall in love and it’s been confirmed by the voice actors and Kerry. I hate ppl who use Monty’s name in their arguments but if Kerry says so that means obviously Monty thought of it too. The Together Together joke in Volume 1 AND Yang introducing Ruby to Blake and having that little “I like your bow it matches your pajamas” ARE BOTH THE BEGINNINGS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE ON SCREEN ROMANIC BUILD UP THE BEES AND RENORA DEVELOPED AT THE SAME TIME ON PURPOSE AND ITS CONFIRMED!! AND THE SEASON ISN’T OVER YET EE HAVE FORU MORE EPISODES and hopefully the rest of the series but I’m crossing my fingers. I know it doesn’t live in a vacuum and ppl will say this doesn’t excuse all the shit that went down at RT but I need thought it was meant to do that. The ppl making the show who still work there and many who aren’t were so happy to see the Bees and WANT to make the show despite the company they work for it’s not just everyone is evil. So I’m hoping so badly we get to see the conclusion of this show but V9 has been so incredible and depending on the last episode if this is all we get for the rest of time. It might be ok once the dust settles.
But I need the bees meeting the parents so V10 greenlit manifestation
This is quite the ask but I'll answer what I think your real question is.
I want the rest of the series too, I know RT is a shit company but the fact of the matter is (and I'm sorry to be so blunt about it) almost ALL entertainment companies are shit.
That doesn't make the people working for them bad, it doesn't make the shows they produce bad and it certainly doesn't make us bad people for loving those shows and wanting them to continue, It's been BLATANTLY obvious that nearly everyone who worked on V9 did it as a labor of love.
I think, with any luck, we'll hear something about v10 being greenlit after V9 is over, especially if the viewership numbers are as strong as I think they are after this past chapter.
In an ideal world I'd love to hear the news that 10, 11 and 12 are greenlit because I feel like they could tie up the show nicely, even if I'd always want more. Also, yeah, at minimum we get four episodes of Blake & Yang being an actual couple and I hope so, so much that we get more.
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inevitably-johnlocked · 6 months
Hello Steph!
Ace Awareness week is already over, but I'd be really happy if I could ask you something about being a-spec. I'm honestly not sure who to ask irl and I feel like I've learned a lot on your blog, that's why I'm sharing this with you. I really hope this isn't too long or personal. If it is, please ignore it and thank you for reading <3.
So, I recently found out for myself that I'm pan(-sex.&-rom.) and platoniromantic (whee, there's a word for it! and I'm not automatically a creep! whoop!) For me it means, I basically have crushes on all of my friends at all times, (but Lgbt wiki says it falls under the aromantic-umbrella) which can get a bit awkward.
Growing up as a girl with my female friends, I've been confused by how physically affectionate they were (Hugs, and hand holding; Platonically sharing the bed etc.) bc I don't think any of them were sapphic. It was just cute and sweet for them, but they didn't want more. As a consequence I've been careful not to act on those feelings and not make my friends uncomfortable or abuse their trust(hence why I thought I'm creepy); the times I hinted at taking it further, they never seemed to be interested (I mean, what are the chances they're even sapphic?) It's kind of been the same with my bi/straight male friends. My dating pool is basically my small rl friend group (currently 2 lovely women), but I guess that way it's less likely they're also like me romantically back?
Over the years, it's just caused me a bit of heartbreak, because I have cared deeply about my friends and crave a closer romantic connection to someone. And, I mean, I do think it's kinda sweet that when my lizard-brain sees something friend-shaped, it wants to put a ring on it, but I don't really know how to proceed from here.
I'm honestly embarrassed that I'm already in my mid-twenties and have so little experience (no romantic/sexual relationships, not even proper kissing) (partly bc the pandemic struck 1 year after I got out of school). Do you maybe have some advice on how to meet people that 'match'? I'm quite shy and people usually call me uptight, so I haven't really been to any queer spaces in rl bc I'm a bit intimidated. Like, I don't seem particularly queer and I'm not great at talking about these things (I'm not even out to my family yet). Heck, for the longest time I thought I'm straight and just doing friendships wrong.
I'd appreciate a morsel of your wisdom, but it's also been really nice to just be able to share this with someone. It's made me feel less weird. Thank you.
Hey Nonny *HUGS*
Never ever hesitate to ask a question here... sometimes I answer them, sometimes I don't, but I try my best! <3 Especially asks about asexuality, because I like sharing the stuff I learned on my journey, AND I also enjoy researching to learn more as I reply to these asks!
So, OOOF, romance is definitely not something I know a lot about. And PLEASE don't be embarrassed at all. It's society that engrains this horrid notion that if you're in your 20s and you still haven't met someone / had sex, you're all dried up and no good (hence all the terrible ageism in fandom spaces). Nonny, I'm in my 40s and I've never had a serious relationship – sexual nor romantic – in my entire life. I crave wanting to be in love, but sadly it's not something that's probably ever in my future. And that said, I am LITERALLY the worst person to ask advice on how to "meet people" – I'm neurotic and introverted with horrid social anxiety, so meeting new people for me is a months-long prep period for me. And because I'm ace, I feel like sites like tinder and bumble aren't going to welcome me, so I've just... never tried.
Pfff so I suppose probably looking into community groups in your area, or joining social program (both things I haven't done because – you know – anxious). A-spec relationships are tough, it seems, because some of us such as myself just want to meet someone I can cuddle and love and spend all my time with for the rest of my life, while others might want the sex but not the romance... it's tough. Honestly there's no right answer I can offer you, mainly because I'm very inexperienced myself.
For me, I take joy in loving the people in my life in the various roles they play in it: my coworkers, my sister, my besties, and my family all have different attachments to me. I care about them all, and it's fulfilling in its own way. And I DO want a partner, if one will ever have me, but it's not a necessity to make life fulfilling for me.
I also haven't really been to queer spaces IRL either other than Pride and the cons I've visited, but yeah I feel like I'm going to be intruding because I'm not outgoing myself. I really wish I had the right answer for you, Lovely. I'd like to know myself. I feel like, sometimes, that I just got in too late.
ANYWAY, sorry if this isn't a good reply nor make you feel better, but I'm happy you felt comfy enough to share your story with me. Asks like this one make ME feel less alone too, Nonny. *HUGS**
If anyone has any advice, please feel free to add onto this post <3
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yaboirezzy · 3 months
Some Witch Family HC/Stuff I forgot to post a year ago
- Her family always protects her, especially Chariot (shocker I know), you a rando? try anything and you'll soon wake up with less teeth than you remember
- Amanda is the instigator to her instigatee, one time she told her that the biggest broom in the house is magical and Akko went hog wild around the house
- Akko: "Yay! Water! *rolls around the water sprinkler*"
- Spirits around the house calls her 'lovable little hug bug'
- Got her love for and first nightfall book at her 5th birthday, Charoix searched far and wide to get that book since most bookstores around town didn't have any stock
- Chariot: "Lotte, Barbara, why aren't you two asleep yet?"
Lotte: "... Nightfall"
Chariot: "Alright, finish the chapter and then go to sleep"
Barbara: "But we were just getting to the fun stuff!"
- Loves mushrooms way too much, wants to put them in any dish her parents made
- Is the one who pokes fun at the others quite often but still genuinely loves them
- Sucy: "You know I wish you all would take a greater interest in my witchcraft. I mean we're sisters but sometimes it feels like we're just roommates"
Amanda: "Suce, if you don't cut it out with your middle child nonsense, I'M GONNA SHOVE YOUR HEAD RIGHT UP THE-!"
- One of the girls who always protect the others from bullies, usually resulting in fights if the situation calls for them
- Pretty strong and agile even when she was still like 5
- Croix: *holds Amanda by her hoodie like a cat while all the orange haired girl could do was do a >:| face*
Chariot: "She broke something again didn't she?"
Croix: "Yes"
- The older child who knows how to make everyone feel better
- 'Snack Queen' knows all the good snacks (and sweets) to the point of making a ranking system
- Jasminka: *casually eats a whole metal plate ala Stitch style* That tasted awful
Croix: "... That was a salvage part young lady..."
Jasminka: "Sucy told me it's edible"
- The genius youngest child who always watches Croix's work with interest
- She made her first invention (Proto-Stanbot) at the age of 6, but out of all of her inventions the only one her siblings seemed shocked about is when she upgraded all of their smartphones
- Chariot: "Croix?"
Croix: "Yes dear?"
Chariot: "Why is constanze spinning around on top of your roomba?"
Croix: "That's her toy now, also she's my assistant"
Chariot: "But she's like 6-"
- None other than the responsible older/eldest child who takes leadership when their parents aren't home
- Can't stand her siblings antics sometimes but understands them and sometimes join in on the fun
- Diana & Amanda: *fiercely fighting over something*
The others: *tries to calm them down*
Lotte: "Sucy don't just stand there, do something!"
Sucy: "No no, I wanna see who wins this one"
- Gets anxious around other people who aren't her family
- Reading nightfall with Lotte is her comfort activity
- Barbara: "Meeting new people is scary, I don't know how to give a good first impression"
Amanda: "Well if it was me, I'd hit them first and say 'hey what's up? the name's Amanda!'"
Hannah: 'Okay never ask Amanda for support of any kind'
- Has trouble finding out what she wants or likes at times
- She has a middle sister and little sister rivalry going on with Akko, all started when Akko bites her leg when they were sleeping (Akko was dreaming about food)
- Hannah: "Mom! Akko is trying to eat me again!"
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sroloc--elbisivni · 5 months
bunnyguard reflection
in the spirit of 'fuckit it's my own blog i can be sappy if i want to' as well as 'this took a year and 78k and i get to keep talking about it for at least one more day' now and here is the time and place for personal yap that did not go in the last author's note.
preliminarily speaking, i had this concept in mind before I'd finished either the usagi yojimbo comics OR watching Rise. i spent so much of both of those series fishing out little moments and choices by leo and usagi that made me go 'oh my god i NEED these guys to meet, i need to watch them bounce off each other.' I kept collecting snips of ideas, and dialogue, and encounters that never quite all panned out or fit together because this was just so much fun for me to play in. I had a lot of wanting to turn this into a real story but no concrete frame to build it on, and then in january i saw the year of the otp prompts go by. and went 'oh haha that looks fun.' it was even the year of the rabbit. and then i went 'oh!! what if i did VIGNETTES for these!!' and then less than three days later the Battle Nexus as political element of the Hidden City, complete with connections to the very different other iteration of it that we'd seen, fell into place and suddenly this silly little whim was an actual big project staring me down with an ambitious goal in mind, and I had no idea if I could pull it off.
structuring it as a month by month thing was something i'd never done before. it forced me to wait to find out what would happen, to keep building to something that didn't exist yet, to lay down the track while I was driving the train. and at the same time, it gave me space to grow, to practice putting together a beginning, middle, and end every month. and it gave me something to look forward to, and the excitement of dropping in threads that wouldn't pay off for months, and watching as it went to see what the audience reaction would be. were people getting out of it the things i wanted to give them? was i hitting the notes i wanted? i had the sketch of the year, but i was still learning what was going to happen until the moment the last word hit the page. plot and character choices, but also big thematic stuff! i described November's fic as 'the ten of swords' to Space and then went 'wait a fucking second' and realized that I could draw a connection, in order, between each fic and a numerical card of tarot's suit of swords. (mostly one-to-one --october straddles 9-10, and December loops us back around to the Ace of swords, for new beginnings.) i couldn't have done that on purpose. if i'd had that thought in january i would have gone 'no that's too pretentious and too hard' and avoided it.
also!! this has been a year of my life!! over the course of this series, i've had four different living situations (that lasted longer than a week), two different jobs, and gone back to school. i had to change meds, which was an anxious ordeal in 'am i even going to be able to focus on anything now?' the cat that was purring on my lap while i worked on the first few months has now passed away. this fic kept me company on the flight for my move to a different continent. it kept me sane in the middle of a very stressful summer. it's helped me meet and get closer to some really cool people. i can FEEL how it's made me a stronger writer.
and on top of all that: i am deeply, genuinely, truly proud of this series. i'm glad i wrote it. i'm amazed at how it's turned out. i can see things i would change if i did it over, but i'm glad i won't be. i'm glad this is the way it exists. and i am utterly blown away that there are people who told me they were looking forward to it every month, that they've been following it since the beginning, that they like what i've done with this place. this is the longest-term project i've ever done. it's the most words i've ever put into a single narrative. i can't believe it's never going on my wip rotation again. whadda hell.
i have no idea if i'll ever do anything like this again. i hope it won't be anytime soon--there are other things i want to do in the meantime. but god, am i glad i did it.
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mixelation · 1 year
hey do you have any advice for college freshman? i know summer just started but i’m getting anxious about whether i’m going to be prepared or not
it's totally normal to be nervous! most other people are too, and basically no one feels prepared (and i think anyone bragging about being prepared is probably overestimating themselves). remember you have a WHOLE COHORT of other freshmen in the same boat as you
get involved as much as you can early on! just show up to interest meetings, go to club fairs, sign up for list servs and read any news feeds your school has to find orgs/clubs/events. you're still feeling out what you're about and what the scene is, and it's totally fine to show up to a meeting for free pizza, realize it's not for you, and leave.
branching off of that: if you're in a new town for school, i do recommend trying to find a way to explore the town outside of campus. this could be joining a volunteer group, a hiking club, or a social org that does fun things around town.
it's also totally fine to sign up for whatever classes strike your fancy and then drop them if you don't like it or you think you'll be too overwhelmed that semester for it (assuming it's before the drop deadline/it's a requirement/etc). freshman year is for exploring your academic interests!
i DID make a series of four year plans almost every semester, to make sure i got in all the classes i wanted to and also fulfilled my major requirements (and also my premed requirements.... except i decide my last year it wasn't for me LOL). they were basically just lists of classes and when they'd be offered (sometimes you can't predict this, but sometimes you KNOW this one class is every other year or something), and then I'd slot them into tables. i'd make multiple ones like "pre-med plan" and "study abroad" plan, which was kind of overkill but it helped me stay on top of what i needed to do to achieve whatever goal and also helped me maintain a sense of control. just be aware that any plan you make at this point is extremely likely to change and that's okay
all that being said, also make sure to schedule time into your schedule to rest. i did a lot of all-nighters in university and it was. not a good idea. sleep and taking ~you time~ is vital for both physical and mental wellbeing.
i think entering college is a great time to explore interests or parts of yourself that you might not have felt totally free to in high school, and i want to encourage you to take any risks that you think will make you happy. no one knows you. you can do whatever you want. introduce yourself with a new name. make interesting fashion choices. talk openly about fanfiction in class. get weird. be free
don't be shy about emailing professors and TAs!! you are allowed to ask clarifying questions about the syllabus. it is okay to ask for an extension on an assignment. if you need accommodations, do check out and get in contact with your school's accessibility office ASAP. i guarantee you there is no question or request you can make from professor that they will be surprised by, because there are. some Personalities out there
get your flu shot and covid booster. also shower sandals if you're in a dorm
oh, speaking of dorms: i do recommend keeping some "emergency supplies" like some nonperishable food, cold medicine, painkillers, etc around because university dorms are hotspots of disease and you don't want to get stuck walking to a CVS or dragging yourself to a dining hall when you're sick. also don't do what i did and go to class high out of your mind on cold medicine
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xie-xan · 4 months
Angel's voice chapter 2 | The angel's past
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It's been a few days since Venti and (Y/n)'s interaction, and ever since that day, venti would not stop bothering her. Walking in the hallways? venti is there. Eating lunch? he's there. On the rooftop? he's there. Walking home? he offered to walk her home once but ended up getting bonked in the head by her book.
Don't get her wrong, she enjoys his company, I mean, it's kinda of the first time someone willingly talks to her(apart from her cousin kazuha) she just doesn't like it if he follows her 24/7 saying "PLEASE LET ME HEAR YOU SING!" or "MY FRIENDS WOULD LOVE TO HEAR YOUR VOICE" or "YOUR SINGING IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I HAVE EVER HEARD MY ENTIRE LIFE I COULD DIE PEACEFULLY I SWEAR-"
He's an annoying brat(affectionately)
Until she caved in and agreed to sing in front of his friends.
I mean, how could she not? The way he gives her puppy eyes or the face he makes when he pouts, it's hard not to agree.
Like she said he's an annoying brat.
So there she is right now, inside a club room full of (attractive) boys as she hides behind kazuha because he's the only one she can trust in the room so far (apart from venti but he's still an annoying brat. and in her defense, he basically blackmailed her into doing this.)
"So guys, I'd you all to meet my new friend (Y/n)! she's also kazuha's cousin" Venti says as he pulls (Y/n) from behind kazuha.
"uhm..Hello" she said rather awkwardly avoiding their gazes. She didn't know that she'd be singing in front of (attractive) boys since venti never mentioned it(Little shit) So her awkwardness is a lot worse.
"Is she the one you said that has the "voice of an angel"?" Heizou asks venti.
"voice of an angel..?" (Y/n) turns her head to venti with a questioning look.
"what? It's true! her voice is the most enchanting melody I have ever heard! She's like an instrument created by the Gods themselves!"
"Venti..I think you broke her" Xiao points at (Y/n) whose face was right red with steam coming out of her as kazuha tries to snap her back to reality. 
"WAHHHH (Y/N)!!!" venti exclaims taking her away from her cousins arms and shakes her.
"ah- I think you're making it worse.." kazuha mutters.
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After (Y/n) was brought back to life, venti was now convincing her to sing.
"PLEASEEEE!!! even just for a little? we're the only ones in the room anyways!" venti asks practically begging (Y/n).
while she's having a mini panic attack. She knows she promised venti she would but it's been years since she sang in front of people. Not to mention that she'll be singing in front of boys.
Kazuha, who knows what she's been through and understands her reason, tries to help. "Heizou, why don't you sing with her?"
"Yeah! great idea kazuha!"
"hang on- what's my say in this?!-"
and so the rest of the boys were watching (Y/n) in front of Heizou who was forced to sing. (Y/n) was feeling very anxious as she refused to look at anyone in the room only staring the the floor with her hands slightly shaking and her breath getting caught in her throat.
She lifted her head and looked around the room hoping to find Kazuha's comforting smile to help her, but she found herself gazing into Venti's face instead.
He was looking at her with his bright smile and gleaming eyes. His smile was so bright it was rather blinding, but she didn't mind. His eyes gleamed with excitement for her. She would normally get uncomfortable under people's gazes but the way he smiled at her, It was a smile that warmed her heart and it made all her anxiety go away.
She took a deep breath and calmed herself down as she focused on the music.
Heizou = Red
(Y/n) = Purple
Both = Blue
sou sa
神の まにまに
kami no manimani
仰せの ままに
oose no mama ni
誰だって 地球を愛してる
dare datte chikyuu o aishiteru
飲めや 歌えや
nome ya utae ya
どんちゃん 騒ぎ
donchan sawagi
たまにゃ そんなのも
tama nya sonna no mo
ii ne
sou sa
kita mo minami mo
右も 左も
migi mo hidari mo
なんだかんだ 地球を愛してる
nanda kanda chikyuu o aishiteru
泥んこ だけど
doronko dakedo
,歩いて 行ける
aruite yukeru
まだまだ 先は長いさ
madamada saki wa nagai sa
sou sa
kami no manimani
minna arigatou
yappari chikyuu o aishiteru
hana o sakasou
ookina hana o
ten made todoku kurai no
(La La La La La La...)
The entire room was dead silent only staring at the two in front, which got (Y/n) overthinking 'Why are they quiet?!' 'Did I do something wrong? I must have!' 'Did I say the lyrics wrong and have completely ruined the song?!?!' 'Do they not like my voice?!'
Her thoughts were interrupted by a slow clapping of hands. they all turned their head to see wanderer clapping for them which was unusual for him of course. the entire group looked shocked and amazed by her voice. Kazuha was feeling like a proud dad because he had never heard her sing after that incident so he was happy for her.
"see! I knew you could do it!" venti exclaims and jumps behind (Y/n) 's back both his arms wrapping around her neck as she blushed a bit not quite used to physical contact.
"heh, didn't know you could sing" wanderer says mockingly to heizou.
"Oh shut the fuck up you little-"
"Ahem." Xiao coughs to stop the two from starting a fight.
"the two of you will definitely win the competition," kazuha says to venti and (Y/n) with a smile on his face. At the mention of the competition, both (Y/n) and venti froze. "What competition?" (Y/n) asks venti who was sweating with a nervous look on his face.
The others looked at the two in shock.
"I-i was going to! b-but uhm.." venti stuttered trying to make some kind of excuse.
"He was going to ask if you can sing with him for the upcoming competition," Wanderer says rolling his eyes as he speaks for Venti knowing that he'd take a while to explain it to her so Wanderer beat him to it.
"Y-yeah, that.." venti mutters.
"uhm..venti, are you serious?" (Y/n) asks looking a bit unsettled. "Yeah! we can perform a duet together! I've already written a song that would go perfectly with your voice, kazuha even said so himself that we'd be great and-"
"Venti, hold on" (Y/n) stops Venti from talking her expression looking a bit anxious. "Listen, I'm glad that you liked my voice and that you think I'm good enough to sing with you, it's just that performing isn't my thing.." She mutters
"But we'll be great together, don't you think? I can always help you when rehearsing!" venti said trying to convince her.
"Are you ok with this (Y/n)?" Kazuha asked placing a comforting hand on her shoulder with concern written all over his face.
"I'll...think about it.." She mutters. she grabbed her stuff and left the room without saying anything. The room was dead silent when she left. "Well that was..something.." wanderer mutters not enjoying the tension in the room as Venti lets out a disappointed sigh.
"Venti, can we step outside for a second, I need to talk to you about something," Kazuha says leaving the room and Venti follows shortly after. The two of them arrived at the school rooftop when Venti finally spoke. "Does she not want to sing that bad?" He asks no one in particular leaning on the edge of the rooftop and looking at the view.
"No it's not that, I've known (Y/n) since we were kids, she loves to sing very much, it's her passion, she's even written songs," Kazuha said joining Venti leaning at the edge as well.
"Really? What happened then?" Venti asks turning to his friend with his head tilted.
Kazuha let out a sigh.."Well, it all started 4 years ago.."
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"(Y/n) dear, I've signed you up for the talent show in your school, It'll be nice for you to sing." her mother said smiling at (Y/n)
"W-what? But mother, I've never performed for a crowd before! I don't even have time to practice my singing yet!" (Y/n) tried to protest but her mother already made up her mind. "Nonsense dear, I'm sure you'll do lovely, It's just a performance after all, you worry too much" Her mother brushed her off and returned to the kitchen leaving (Y/n) alone with her panicking thoughts. 
time skip
"Kazuha..I'm scared.." (Y/n) said holding on to Kazuha's sleeves with shaky hands. Kazuha decided to stay on backstage with (Y/n) hoping it would comfort her "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be alright" Kazuha gave her a reassuring smile hoping she'd be alright, though he trying to fight back the urge to just take his dear cousin away from this, He can't help but be worried. Her entire figure shaking from nervousness, Her eyes looked like she was on the verge of tears, and the way she kept on taking big breaths man she was probably having trouble breathing.
She was then called to the stage and with shaky steps, she hesitantly walked in front of the stage and stood in the center.
She felt eyes watching her, she felt so small right now, her parents were watching her, her classmates were snickering at her, the judges were looking at her as if she was useless, and the lights were too bright as she felt blinded by them. The noise around her slowly faded, all she could hear was ringing and loud overlapping voices of people, Her vision started to get blurry as she felt tears fall down her face. She couldn't breathe and her body felt heavy. The last thing she heard was Kazuha's worried voice screaming her name, her classmates' laughter and her parents and judges' disappointed and irritated sighs before everything turned black.
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"Ever since that day, she refuses to sing again or even face a microphone.." kazuha muttered sadly. "oh, I didn't know...I didn't mean to push her that hard.." venti says as he regrets those times when he was annoying her. "No, I'm sure she's thankful for you" Kazuha said smiling at Venti who looked confused. "Even though she refuses to sing, It doesn't mean that she hates singing. I would sometimes see her writing songs and practicing them in her room. You helped her find her inner spark, you gave back her song and for that I thank you." Kazuha said finishing his words.
It was true, ever since that accident, Kazuha had never heard her sing, yet he knew that she was still passionate about it, in 4 years, he tried to help her regain her confidence back, in 4 years, he tried to ignite her flame that was snuffed away, yet venti managed to make her sing in just a few days.
"She may not look like it, but she's happy that you asked her to sing with you" kazuha adds looking over at his friend who has a determined look on his face now. "sorry kazuha but there's something I have to do, thanks for telling me though!" he called as he sprinted towards the exit and left.
Kazuha chuckled to himself "Dang, I can't believe he forgot about that day" he muttered looking down at the view in front of him while smiling ever so slightly.
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dianight · 7 months
Seeing a few Watamote posts and the difference between Kuroki at the start of the series and Kuroki after that school trip is just so funny. Like a curtain being pulled over the audience, our slice of life about a cringy pathetic loner became a slice of life about a slightly less cringy more shameless lesbian.
Watamote holds a special place in my heart for many reasons. Story time!
I've got a notepad that I've owned for around a decade. Owned but barely used. Can't remember how I got it or when exactly, but the point is: when I started reading manga (One Piece was the first manga I read) my taste was not particularly good, so I just picked series based on the vibe of the cover.
It was getting to a point where too many series where I read a few chapters, didn't quite hook me, and I let it sit there on a firefox tab. I've been doing this for a long long time. 45 tabs open at the time of typing this (I'll get to it on the weekend). So I decided to write down the series I was either reading or planning to and a few anime aswell.
If you guessed that Watamote was on that list you'd be wrong, actually. I apologize for the misdirection. Here's a link [not yet working] where I talk about what's on the notepad.
You see, the important part is that Watamote was intentionally not on the list. When looking for recommendations on what to watch a semipopular one was Watamote, with usual warnings about how it gives you second hand embarrassement and whatnot (or cringe, as I learned later you can use in english).
I did not like the anime. Over time I've watched less and less anime, it's just a bit of a pacing problem for me, I feel like it's just too slow and that's one of the reasons I prefer reading manga/novels. I did not like the anime might be an undertatement, I was shocked at how (I perceived it to be) bad it was. In hindsight I was not equipped to handle a series like that at the time. So I didn't bother to keep it on a tab or anything.
One of, if not the one, site I used for manga was batoto. Back in the day, it was the "less shady" of the aggregators. So when looking for new series to read I'd go over popular manga, or looking at certain tags as I explain on this other link [not working yet, bear with me].
Watamote was popular somehow, but after trying the anime I did not bother to read it. A few things happened. Got kicked out. Moved countries. Was a(n-almost-not-)living corpse for a few years. Roughest time in my life. But.
During this period of time whenever I was off after dealing with the usual chores/meals/shopping I'd be either watching series for english practice, reading manga because I love them or (after miraculously recovering my pc) playing with friends to have a reason to live. Dark but it's true.
One of the series on the notepad was Yuusha ga Shinda (9). The 9 was the chapter I was at. And at some point I decided to keep reading it. The notepad list is hit or miss, with like 80%+ chance of miss. Yuusha ga Shinda is a hit. Pretty silly series, but it was very engaging and took itself seriously when it mattered.
The site I used to read it was wakga's (sp?) blog. I can find this one now, but can't confirm if it's the same of they moved the series to a new one. Wakga also scanlated Watamote. So I gave it another chance since at that point I was trying to give any series a "fair" chance. Later on my stance has changed a bit and I've grown more demanding(?), because some series are just so bad...
But it was the right call.
Watamote is a series about Tomoki Kuroki, who at the start of the series is going to attend high school. She's a bit of a loner, tends to mess up very often and gets anxious about it.
The start is very, very cringy. At every chance to prove herself she'll keep digging her own grave, quite often because she just doesn't think things through and sometimes because she overthinks way too much.
Over time she starts meeting people, interacting with her classmates and other kids from school. Still very cringy, but we the readers start to see that she is not as weird as she sees herself, it's mostly a lack of experience socializing plus a lack of confidence with a pinch of pervertedness (is that a word?).
The point of inflection of the series is the school trip, starting around chapter ~70. Not like anything major happens, but from that point is where the series has a new perspective way less Kuroki-centric and with more focus on the other characters.
The series goes from Kuroki doing cringy things and despairing to Kuroki interacting with others as the weird girl she is. The pay off is that we see her go from an insecure loner to a relatively well adjusted lesbian.
One of the most important reasons the school trip is significant is because she interacts with people beyond her close (and very small) circle, showing that everyone around her is weird in their own way; but most of all, she was always ignoring them in a way and they just though she was a bit strange, as opposed to her own self image that was greatly exaggerated.
Currently (chapter 217) the series is about Tomoki Kuroki and her friends on their last year of high school. One could say the series is a slice of life, but one could also say it is a coming of age story about a girl and the friends she makes while growing as a person.
You can read Watamote here.
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