#but another great issue is one done in sign language
iloveyou-writers · 10 months
~~Tips On~~ Making Friends [Online]
Making friends serves to be something so many struggle with. Whether it be social anxiety, shyness, introversion, or just generally not enjoying the act of reaching out to others, there are a lot of obstacles that can hold us back from being able to make the connections possible for making true and lasting friendships.
Below, I will list some things that have worked for me, as someone with social anxiety and issues with keeping in touch with people I've connected with.
**Disclaimer: these will not work for everyone and this is not an exhaustive list of all the ways you can make/maintain new friendships online.
Tip #1: Think about how much you love to be reached out to. I know it can be easy to fall into the mindset of "I don't want to annoy them," but even big bloggers that receive hundreds of asks a day usually still love receiving them. Yes, sometimes answering all those asks can feel like a chore, but it is better than getting no engagement. Receiving correspondence from those that follow you is exciting and it lets you know that your [writing, art, whatever] reached an audience that cares enough to speak up, which can be super encouraging, even if you reaching out is more social than commenting directly on whatever they make.
Tip #2: Remember that the other person is human too. If they don't respond right away, remember they have a life offline as well as the one here. They may be at work or school. They may be sleeping or having a meal. They may be grocery shopping. They have a life outside the internet, so patience is key to maintaining a healthy relationship with someone online (or really anywhere).
Tip #3: Communication is such an important thing, no matter what the relationship. Letting someone know that you're interested in building a friendship can let them know what your intentions are, if you're just casually striking up conversation or if you actually want a lasting friendship where they will hear from you time and again.
Tip #4: Showing interest in their passions is SUCH A HUGE WAY to make friends. They're part of a fandom you've never heard of? Ask them about it! They're starting a new project that you're curious about? Ask them about it! They started talking about a person they're starting to have interest in? Encourage them in it! Showing that you have interest in their passions can be such a great way to connect and bond with another person.
Tip #5: Showing that you care in hard times is a very fast way to bond with someone. When someone talks about a rough time they're having, instead of having a "what does this have to do with me" attitude, and instead reaching out and simply saying "I hope you feel better soon" can make such a difference in some circumstances. You don't even have to say anything more than just showing sympathy and that you care about what they're going through. Not everyone feels sympathy or empathy, and this is by not means a requirement to make lasting and meaningful relationships, so please don't feel like I'm saying that anyone that doesn't do this isn't a good friend, as that certainly is not the case.
Tip #6: Reaching out - even anonymously - and showing an interest in them can be great! Ask them about their day or their favorites. When they post ask games, send in asks for it, even if silly. Give yourself a cute little nickname or emoji sign off so they know it's you when you come into their inbox and you can build a bond, even while you're anonymous. Eventually, you may feel confident enough to come off anon.
Basically, what a friendship boils down to is genuine care and bonding with another person. You can do that in whatever way fits your love language, that you feel you can make that connection, but these are just a few of the ways I have done it.
Thank you to the anonymous asker that sent me an ask on @writeblrsvoid asking about this. I hope this post helps you.
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concerningwolves · 16 days
Hi! 👋🏼
First off, I just wanted to thank you for all that you do on your blog, not only has it been helpful to keep things in mind when writing, but I also genuinely enjoy learning more about sign language; I’m trying to self-learn it because it’s just that interesting to me hehe. (Also my church has a Deaf Service and I’d really like to be able to talk to the people there.)
I do have a question, but feel free not to answer; I’m currently working on a story where a very young child has acquired deafness after a severe illness (vaguely Hellen Keller vibes), and I was wondering if you know of any things I should specifically keep in mind when writing about the aftermath (immediate and long-term) of it? The setting is mildly fantasy where sign language exists, but hearing aids and cochlear implants have yet to be invented.
Thank you again for your blog, and the care you put into all your posts!
You're very welcome, and thank you! ☺️ It's always lovely to hear that people are helped by this whole... [insert vague hand-wave at my blog] thing I'm doing
Things to consider with a young character who loses hearing after illness
I don't know anything firsthand about what it's like to go deaf, so the first thing I'll recommend is to find stuff written by people who do. A search on r/deaf for "lost hearing" brings up a lot of different threads; for example, this post where people discuss things they wished they'd done/known when they first lost their hearing might provide some good insight.
As another starting point, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard has a fair few videos on her channel about her experiences as a deaf person, and specifically as someone who lost her hearing in her late teens. These two in particular might be helpful to you:
So You're Losing Your Hearing...
This is a video for people who think they're losing their hearing, but while it's not strictly about lived experience, it could certainly be helpful to note both the issues Jessica discusses and the solutions to them.
For example, she mentions isolation is a big problem, and talks about the importance of using the tools provided by the internet to find communities of people in the same boat. Even without the internet (or some fantasy equivalent), people are very community driven and prone to bonding over shared experiences, even if those experiences aren't wholly analogous. Are there other disabled characters in your story that your recently deaf character could speak to? Other d/Deaf characters? Who does she have by way of support and community? – these are all good things to think about.
Why I Don't Sound Deaf
In this one, Jessica talks about her experiences and her relationship with speech and sign languages as someone who lost her hearing. With applying this to your character, her age is important – the "golden period" for acquisition of a new language is typically thought to be before ten years old. Theoretically, the younger someone is when they lose hearing, the easier it will be for them to learn sign language. As Jessica points out in the video, sign language has a different grammatical structure, and because of this she finds it easier to use Sign Supported English instead of BSL. A much younger child, if given immediate or near-immediate access to sign language, is likely to take to it far more easily.
More on speech and language acquisition (or: the evils of consonants)
The impact of hearing loss on speech isn't something I can speak to (pun unintended) with great knowledge or certainty, but I can sort of extrapolate based on personal experience with learning to speak while not being able to hear well. (I had speech therapy, but that was as much to do with my narrow jaw + teeth overcrowding as with language difficulties caused by deafness). I misheard a lot of words and phrases – I spent years thinking that the "big girl swings" were "barbecue swings" 😅
It's worth looking into what level of speech your character would have based on her age, and using that to work out how much verbal proficiency she could retain (if any). Muscle memory accounts for a lot, so if your character already knows how to say certain words or phrases ""properly"", she could retain that ability. It's not an automatic or effort-free process, though: I'm in my twenties and I still have to consciously think about how my mouth is shaping sounds every time I speak. I don't think that will ever change.
If your character is young enough that she's still learning to speak, there will likely be a more marked impact on how her voice sounds. Different phonemes – units or "parts" of sound in speech – are uttered at different frequencies, which affects how easy/difficult they are to hear and therefore learn. This is, AFAIK, one of the biggest causes of the slurred/indistinct speech that people tend to expect d/Deaf people to have. Consonants are evil little fuckers, by which I mean they're spoken at higher pitches so anyone with loss in the high frequency range (hi!) is more likely to miss them. There are different types of consonants, too! And yes, each type presents its own challenges, because consonants exist purely to vex and frustrate everyone with high-frequency hearing loss and/or speech difficulties. For example, labiodental fricatives (e.g., the 'f' in fan and the 'v' in van) are particularly tricky, because they sound virtually indistinguishable.
StudySmarter has an easy-to-understand comprehensive breakdown of phonetics. You don't need to become an expert in phonetics, but reading through this will help you understand how sounds are formed in speech, which is helpful to keep in mind when thinking about your own character's speech. Pay particular attention to the phonemes that sound similar (like the aforementioned fan/van) or are soft/breathy (like the 's' in 'sound' or 'h' in 'half') – these are the most common problem areas, as are distinctions between 'sh' and 's'. If they feel soft or breathy in your mouth, they're probably going to be harder to hear.
Deafness and illness as trauma, and adjusting to change
Last thing I'd suggest thinking about is the experience your character has with the illness itself, and how she feels and copes with the changes to her life caused by acquired deafness. Illness can be a traumatic experience, especially when it has long-term after effects. If you've ever lost the ability to do something you can usually do, even temporarily, you'll probably be familiar with the frustration, and sometimes humiliation. It's also hard to overstate just how much auditory information there is in the world, and how much hearing people rely on that information without knowing it. Suddenly losing that ability isn't going to be easy, even if your character is young enough that they won't be able to remember anything different once they're grown up. Add to that the realisation that your body isn't as reliable as you thought it would be, that you suddenly can't trust your own health, and possibly not being able to understand why that's the case. That's a lot to deal with! And you shouldn't be afraid to show your character going through it!
Thinking back to my own childhood experiences, the strongest emotions connected to my deafness are confusion, embarrassment and alienation. Confusion because the world can be confusing when you're constantly missing auditory cues; embarrassment because unfortunately not everyone is kind and accommodating when you make mistakes due to missing aforementioned auditory cues/information (and sometimes even if people are lovely about a mistake, you can feel stupid for making it anyway); and alienation because of a sense that I was somehow "different". Thing is though, this was normal for me. I have never known anything different. But my relationship to and understanding of deafness as an identity has evolved hugely throughout my life. So, once again, age is going to be a deciding factor in how your character adjusts.
From some rudimentary googling and fuzzy memories of my brief stint as a Psychology student, children develop social awareness (awareness of how others think and feel) and self-awareness (awareness of own existence and how others perceive you) fairly early on, but these awarenesses take time to develop fully. Basically, this means that your character’s age will influence the scope of their reaction to acquired deafness. Some examples as a frame of reference:
A two-year-old is going to be primarily focused on their immediate emotional experience – they can’t hear things they could hear before, it’s confusing. They will also likely be aware if people treat them differently, but unlikely to have a socially-installed idea that they are now different.
A four- or five-year-old, on the other hand, has probably developed enough social and self-awareness to understand that certain people in society get treated differently. They might already have a sense that this is unfair, or they might still be trying to understand why this is the case – it depends on what they’ve learned about disability from adults around them.
(I mentioned above that you can feel stupid/embarrassed for making a mistake even if people are genuinely supportive regardless. The first time I vividly remember someone making me feel stupid and embarrassed for not hearing something, I would have been 4 or 5. The first time I can recall feeling stupid because I was aware that other people didn’t have that problem and that I’d made a social faux pas, I would have been about 7 or 8)
By early adolescence (ages 10–13), children are more aware of, and possibly more susceptible to, peer pressure and social norms [1]. Any understanding of and biases/prejudices concerning disability will be more deeply ingrained, as will concerns about the social impact of going deaf.
The support network that your character has access to is going to be crucial to how they manage this change at any age, so think about the characters in their immediate family/community and how they’ve acted towards disability and social difference.
[1] In a fantasy setting, you as the author are in charge of what those social norms and attitudes are, and I always encourage authors to examine their own biases when worldbuilding them. How are disabled people viewed and treated in your world? Have you made it similar to your own social and cultural experience? If yes, is that because you see that as the norm, or is there a narrative or worldbuilding reason for that? Are there any assumptions about the current or historical treatment/existence of disabled people that have influenced your worldbuilding?
Tropes to watch out for
There are three main tropes to be wary of when a character acquires a disability of any kind:
The acquired disability as an inherent tragedy akin to a death sentence and nothing else. As I’ve already said, an acquired disability can be significantly emotionally difficult, especially if the circumstances around acquisition were traumatic. Acknowledging and exploring this is important. The problem is when writers leave it there – the character is disabled, their previous way of life is lost to them, and therefore the character no longer has any worth to the story (and, by implication, to society). Think of the trope of the ex-athlete (or any other hobby/profession, although fighters and athletes are the most common components off this trope) who acquires a disability and then becomes a bitter, depressed hermit who lives in a state of misanthropy and misery because their life is effectively over. (This happens to Will in Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. Content warning for assisted suicide there). The main issue with this trope isn’t its content, per se, but its execution: Writers rarely examine why someone might end up like this (hint: institutional and internalised ableism, and lack of structural support for disabled people), and instead treat it as an inevitability because they cannot conceive of disabled existence as anything but inherently miserable.
The second trope is when a character manages to “throw off” the disability. These characters either only remain disabled as long as the disability is narratively useful, are magically cured, or overcome the disability by an act of willpower (sometimes only for narrative effect). The issue here is the content: the idea that disability can be overcome or cured by sheer willpower (or yoga, or the right diet, or religion) is pervasive and actively harmful to real-life disabled people, because it implies that disability is somehow our fault. Closely related to this trope is the one where an acquired disability never tangibly impacts a character (or only does so when it would be dramatic); you see this primarily with characters who use prosthetics effortlessly or, in the case of the latter, characters who appear abled until their disability can cause tension or drama in the plot. Again, the content is the issue: disability is flattened to nothing but a plot device, with no thought given to how it affects characters (and therefore real disabled people).
Finally, there’s the idea that an acquired disability is actually a “blessing in disguise” as a type of inspiration porn. That’s an icky trope, but I think it has some itty bitty grains of potential – crucially, the fact that there can be joy in disabled existence. Someone who acquires deafness might not see it as a blessing in the same way as some congenitally deaf people do, but they may still come to appreciate and embrace (aspects of) Deaf culture. Or perhaps they just manage to develop a neutral relationship with their acquired deafness. That’s fine, too!
A solution is to all of these is to consider the practical and proactive aspects of recovery, as well as the emotional fallout. Consider:
How does your character adjust?
How do the people around her adjust?
What support does she have? / What support systems are available?
How does she make sense of her new reality?
What accessibility aids does she have access to, and what are they like to use?
Long story short, nuance and consideration of different aspects of the disabled experience are key.
Hopefully this’ll help! (I’ve also wanted to talk about acquired disability in fiction for a while, hence the wall of text lol). Best wishes for your writing, anon ☺️
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Think you could do part 3 of Yuu is Autistic! but with Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook and Lilia this time?
Yuu is Autistic! Pt 3
✨Feat. Trey Clover, Cater Diamond, Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Jamil Viper, Rook Hunt, Ortho Shroud, Lilia Vanrouge and Silver✨
They/Them pronouns for reader. MC is referred to as Yuu
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Oh dear, oh precious.
Trey recognizes Yuu’s autistic behavior instantly and makes it his mission to ensure that they’re taken care of. They remind him so much of his younger autistic sibling, he doesn’t want Yuu to struggle here.
When Yuu is visiting Heartslabyul, Trey sticks to them like glue. He helps them remember the rules, spoils them with their favorite treats and makes sure they aren’t doing anything self destructive like pulling at skin on their lips, biting their mouth or chewing on nails, etc.
Yuu is nonverbal? No problem. Trey knows sign language. He’ll teach all of Heartslabyul how to sign if it means making Yuu feel comfy and at home! Heck, with Riddle’s help they can definitely make it mandatory to learn.
“Ah ah, leave your nails alone, Yuu. You’ll hurt your fingers if you keep that up. Hm? … That snack again? It’s so sugary though! … Ok, I’ll make you one. Only if you promise to brush your teeth extra good tonight, ok?”
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Cater saw Yuu nuzzling their nose into some roses for that Good Sensory feeling and flapping their hands and he MELTED they were SO CUTE. He caught the whole thing on video and posted it on Magicam along with a explanation on stimming, with some help from Trey and the Ok from Yuu.
Now Cater posts about Autism Awareness quite frequently, with Yuu as the star! All his followers are educated about stimming, same foods, sensory issues and info-dumping all within a matter of weeks.
Wait, in Yuu’s world the symbol for Autism Awareness was a rainbow infinity sign? Well shit now that’s gonna be symbol in Twisted Wonderland, too! Cater pretty much harasses Vil into showing off the symbol to his massive following. He nearly books it to RSA to see if Neige can do it too!
Sometimes Cater does livestreams that are just Yuu info-dumping about things they love while the two of them play with stim toys. It’s Cater’s favorite thing in the world.
“Yuu? Ah, there you are! Trey told me you were playing in the roses! LOL, you’ve got some rose petals in your hair! You are such a cutie! CLICK! #PlayingInTheRoses #Stimming #AutismAwareness. Wanna go with me to the school store when your done here? I can wait, hon!”
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So that’s why Leona kept snatching the meat off Yuu’s plate and giving them his vegetables… f*cking Bad Sensory.
Ruggie isn’t that worried about Yuu’s autism until he notices them crying and covering their ears during Spelldrive practice. Apparently the disc flew too close to the bleachers, nearly hit them and sent them into a panic. Ruggie sprints over to Yuu to make sure they’re ok.
He doesn’t get why autism makes Yuu crave sugar but whatever. It’s a great excuse to snatch some money from Leona and get some donuts! Plus, Yuu looks so happy when they’re eating a sugary treat, Ruggie knows Leona can’t say no!
If Yuu’s having a bad day and Ruggie can’t get his hands on anything sugary, he will quite literally drag Jack over so Yuu can play with his fluffy tail. What? His tail is too small and Jack’s is fluffy perfection.
“Did you give Leona all the meat from your lunch again? Sigh, there’s gotta be some kind of meat you like the texture of… Eh well, there’s other ways to get protein I guess. It’s no problem, babe.”
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Oh no, another one. Jk, Jade loves Yuu very much. Their autistic tendencies are definitely more manageable than Floyd’s though, he’ll admit that.
He did trigger Yuu on accident though. He made the mistake of assuming they didn’t like mushrooms the same way Floyd did, but apparently Yuu gets legitimately bothered by the way some mushrooms look to the point it upsets them. Jade makes sure from then on to keep his mushrooms away from Yuu.
Jade doesn’t know why, but something about the way Yuu can’t sit still is adorable to him. Especially when they kick their legs or tap their heels. It reminds him of when he took human form for the first time and was getting use to his feet.
On Yuu’s bad days, Jade is quick to show up by their side and make them some tea or hot chocolate. He knows how soothing warm drinks can be.
“Here we go, peppermint tea just the way you like it. What’s that you’re playing with? Oh, I see. Azul shared some of his treasures with you. I find it fascinating that little trinkets like this give you two such joy.”
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Floyd straight up asks if autism is like aids, resulting in a smack upside the head from Jade. He was just kidding, he’s not that stupid.
He is quite interested in Yuu’s mannerisms though. Like when they walk with their hands out that their sides like a plane. Or when they twiddle and twitch their fingers. Even they way they talk fast and stumble over their own words make Floyd wanna hug and squish em like a lil baby!
However if anyone else teases Yuu for these mannerisms, Floyd is gonna squeeze that fucker til their bones break. Nobody teases Shrimpy but him.
If Floyd and Yuu’s bad days sync up they can be found together, wrapped in blankets like grumpy sushi rolls while Jade supplies them with snacks and drinks.
“Waaa, I’m so out of it, Lil’ Shrimpy… Hm? You too, huh? What do you say we skip today? We can bury ourselves in blankets and nobody will find us! Don’t worry, Jade will have our backs! Plus I got a secret snack stash under my bed!”
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Seeing how sensitive and/or childish Yuu can be, Jamil might accidentally baby them for a bit until he learns he shouldn’t infantilize an autistic person. He won’t do it unless Yuu is ok with being babied.
But between Yuu and Kalim, Jamil feels like he needs some leashes because god these two are hard to keep up with. Listening to both of them rambling is like trying to watch two TV shows at the same time. Jamil doesn’t mind it though. He won’t admit but Yuu and Kalim are his two favorite people.
Jamil understood same foods quickly. Yuu likes to eat some of the same things because of familiarly? That’s fine. It’s nice actually. Per Kalim’s request, Jamil teaches himself how to make all the foods Yuu is comfy with so he can have something prepared for them when they visit Scarabia.
One time, Jamil noticed Yuu was very fixated on Kalim while he was talking about something but it didn’t seem like they were listening. Turns out they were distracted by all his jangly, shiny bracelets and charms. Jamil found it immensely adorable.
“Hey, Yuu. Ace told me you like feathers and I came across this scarlet macaw feather today. It’s pretty, isn’t it? I knew you’d like it. I can take you to see the birds in person if you’d like. Kalim’s been bugging me about getting one as a pet, haha.”
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The first time Rook met Yuu, and he thrusted his hand out for a handshake, the prefect just nervously stared at his hand before slowly wrapping their small hand around his fingers. It was a rather shy, awkward attempt at returning the gesture. Rook had his heart stolen right then and there.
Rook is chatty, everyone knows that. The only time he’s quiet is when Yuu is rambling or just making happy sounds as they stim. He watches them with the dreamiest smile on his face.
He doesn’t like Yuu’s bad habits; scratching at their face, pulling at their eyelashes, pulling hair out, etc. It doesn’t help when Vil chides them about it either. Rook takes it upon himself to help Yuu with a skincare routine they can manage. He adores styling their hair and cleaning their face. Yuu can expect lots of personal care days with him.
A student rudely told Yuu to shut up when they were making happy sounds once. That person has yet to be found. Rook knows nothing. He doesn’t.
“Oh, no no no! Don’t scratch your face! Sorry, darling, I didn’t mean to startle you. Here, let’s go clean that up… Hm? Don’t apologize, dear! You shouldn’t be sorry for how you feel. Would a treat cheer you up?”
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Two Idias? Two Idias!
Ortho is super attentive to Yuu’s needs. It was his idea to gift Yuu a magic tablet to talk with if and/or when they have nonverbal days. He selects the apps for all of Yuu’s needs from games that provide stimulation to apps for keeping up with schedules, health and other things.
Ortho won’t stop buying comfort items for Yuu online. Every so often Idia will find extra packages, alongside his own impulse purchases, that are usually full of stuffed animals, sweets or weighted blankets. He honestly doesn’t have the heart to scold Ortho for this.
Yuu gets sad when they info dump but nobody cares enough to listen… So Ortho downloads all the information he can on the topics they like so he can talk about them with Yuu too!
“Are you feeling unwell? I noticed that your levels of fatigue are quite high today! Let me run a quick diagnostic… Oh, are you experiencing depression? Let’s do something fun together to cheer you up!”
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Lilia’s dealt with Sebek long enough to understand autism. He learns everything else from Cater’s Autism Awareness posts.
When Yuu and the other first years were hanging out at Diasomnia, Sebek had gotten some food for them. Lilia noticed Yuu looked uncomfortable and pulled them aside to ask if they were ok. Turns out it was because of the styrofoam packages the food was in. Yuu couldn’t stand the sound of styrofoam let alone touching it. Styrofoam is now banned in Diasomnia.
Lilia is always keeping an eye on Yuu to make sure they aren’t getting triggered… which is mostly because of Sebek’s loud ass. Lilia is constantly putting that boy in timeout for not using his inside voice or for upsetting Yuu.
Like Malleus, Lilia finds absolute fascination in the little things Yuu does. The sound of bubble wrap popping makes them happy? They like the feel of soft things like petals and feather? Even touching Malleus’s horns brings a smile to the human’s face! Lilia wants to see Yuu happy all the time!
“What are you up to, dear? … Again? Don’t worry, I’ll have a word with Sebek about that. Actually… you didn’t hear it from me, but Malleus quite loves it when you play with his horns! He says it makes him happy to see you smile! Let’s keep that secret between us, ok?”
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Silver was taking a nap when he was woken up by Sebek yelling. He saw Yuu running away crying and breathing heavily. Silver was worried, so he stopped Yuu to help them calm down. All they needed was a tight hug to ease their nerves.
There’s a lot to Yuu’s autism Silver doesn’t understand, but he’ll do whatever he can to help them feel comfortable.
Silver likes when Yuu stims by making sounds with their mouth. It’s cute! They do it a lot when Silver’s animal friends are around. Yuu likes to try and pet all of them while they’re humming a song.
If Yuu gets overwhelmed by loud noises or is panicking, Silver will cover their ears and let them lay in his lap until they calm down.
“Are you alright, Yuu? Your hands are shaking. Here lay down… I might fall asleep but you can stay as long as you want. Take your time, ok?”
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antimony-medusa · 11 months
Fic Recs May '23
What did I read this month? I didn't do as much reading this much, but here's some good ones I hit! Mostly DSMP, again, because I am Just That Way.
The Fics - Oneshots
Monsoon over Water by InsomniWillow Fandom: QSMP Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia/Phil Watson | Philza, Chayanne (QSMP) & Ángel Missael Castañeda Vega | MissaSinfonia & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Good Parenting, Adoption, Chayanne uses sign language, Hurt/Comfort Length: 1/1 chapters 4,207 words.
Migrating pair of mers Missa and Phil find someone has been trying to steal their things, but it turns out it's not an enemy at all, but a much smaller problem. So adorable.
rousseau's man in the state of nature by honeyblock Fandom: DSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot, Jschlatt & Niki | Nihachu, Jschlatt & Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot Tags: Prequel, Niki | Nihachu-centric, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Friendship, Wilbur Soot is Not Okay, Jschlatt is Not Okay, Niki | Nihachu is Not Okay, no one is okay sorry. but they have each other, no one survives a trio friendship Length: 1/? chapters 5,979 words.
Before everything started, before presidency and treason and bakeries, Niki Nihachu, cocktail waitress, meets a charming swindler. A wonderful niki voice and I'm so interested to see honeyblock explores these jagged-edge friendships, and where it goes.
how complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is by Bee_4 Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Major Character Death Relationship: Jimmy | Solidarity, Skizzleman (Video Blogging RPF), Joel | SmallishBeans, Death - Character Tags: Limited Life SMP Spoilers, Limited Life SMP - Session 7, Character Study Length: 1/1 chapters 531 words
The first three people out of limited life react to their deaths. This one hits espcially hard if you've read Diskworld I think, but it's not necessary. Just a mostly-dialogue character study, and it's so good.
self-improvement* by honoraryangel Fandom: QSMP Rating: Teen Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Rafael Lange | Cellbit & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: anger issues, Sparring, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, constant escape-route-generating Philza, Paranoid Cellbit, i gave cellbit the ARG protagonist diseases, Protective Cellbit, philza put all his points in wis and dex, No Problems are Meaningfully Solved, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Bad coping mechanisms, Character Study Length: 1/1 chapters 4,501 words
Cellbit asks Phil to help with something he's been worried about lately. They continue.
This is SUCH a good paranoid Philza— you normally don't get phil anxiety written out and it's so good here! And another notch on the "Cellbit is becoming my blorbo by proxy because he is so many people's blorbo" tally.
Spock 🖖 by astris, WerewolvesAreReal Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: James T. Kirk/Spock Tags: Kirk discovers he is morosexual, Crack, Texting Length: 1/1 chapters 3,628 words
Okay so I love a crackfic if it's done well, and this is done very well. Spock learns that sometimes people use Emojis to substitute for body language and convey tone. So he starts using them. The ship goes insane. It's very funny.
Performance Evaluations by glossyblue Fandom: Hermitcraft Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Season 9 RenTheKing arc, Humor Length: 1/1 chapters 553 words
Ren the King does a performance evaluation of his court, with commentary by Bdubs. SCREAMINGLY funny, and excellent use of the format.
Dead Heat by glossyblue  Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Grian/Scar, Etho/Bdubs, Joel/Lizzie, Martyn Littlewood/Rendog Tags: Alternate Universe - The Great British Bake Off Fusion, Comedy, takes bits from 3L and LL but mainly it's jokes about cooking Length: 1/1 chapters 1,707 words
Outstanding 3rd Life week by week recap of a Bake Off. I want to watch this so bad. Lizzie makes a cake with a genuine air of threat. Etho is rumoured to have invented the victoria sponge. Bdubs betrays Tango.
The Fics - Multichapter
jevin's egg disaster by Bee_4 Fandom: Hermitcraft Rating: G Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Jevin | iJevin & ZombieCleo, Hermitcraft Ensemble Tags: Crack, like this is pure crack, Hermitcraft Season 9, Animal Instincts, but like in the dumbest way possible, i would tag this as having children but they're more like gremlins, Ficlet Collection Length: 11/11 chapters 6,566 words
Oh man so just sat bolt upright remembering this one and sought it out and then was like "HOW DID I FORGOT TO BOOKMARK THIS". Anyways Jevin hides easter eggs. And then they, despite being papier mache, start to hatch. And then there are mini hermits running around. It is so so so funny.
You Either Die a Hero by WriterGreenReads Fandom: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza Tags: Queerplatonic Relationships, Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza-centric, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), BAMF Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), The Hero Comission Sucks, Two Storylinee, no beta we die like unnamed villain #3 Length: 9/? chapters 24,031 words
Superhero AU Superhero AU Superhero AU. Okay so I know we've all read a lot of superhero aus, but this one is EMDUO CENTRIC. And Techno is a villain and phil is a hero and they FIGHT. And benchtrio is there being vigilantes I guess, but PHIL AND TECHNO GET TO BE AWESOME and there is KIDNAPPING (for fun) and when I tell you I am having a GREAT time. *points* It's my blorbos and they're superheros!
Misery Meat by ReturnsNull Fandom: Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Relationship: Technoblade & Tommyinnit Tags: Alternate Universe - Serial Killers, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Dark Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Kidnapping, spoilers in the tags, Cannibalism, Stockholm Syndrome, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better Length: 19/? chapters 117,709 words
Okay so this one is in my notes as "Bedrock Bros but there are some small problems in the relationship". Cause OH BOY. The premise is that Tommy walks in on a murder but the serial killer doesn't kill kids so he just takes him. And then tommy is a prisoner. And it goes from there. It's got really good character voice, and it's a really fantastic exploration of abuse and fucked up power dynamics, and at the same time I LIKE the characters and I want a happy ending, but we can't have one, because one of the people in this friendship is a serial killer holding the other prisoner. It's REALLY good.
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Duncan’s over-hated
I’m gonna go ahead and elaborate on this, but beware: English isn’t my first language and im sorry if I’m not getting my point across in a way it’s easy to understand-
Firstly, he’s someone who’s obviously had a hard upbringing. It’s stated several times that he’s gone to juvie, he puts on a ‘tough bad boy’ act in front of everyone he meets, verbally and psychically. I’m no psychologist but people don’t do this for no reason. He’s been shown to hide his emotions easily, and fake them too (Him crying in world tour was faked) meaning it’s probably something he had to do growing up a lot, for reasons that aren’t so good.
Now, onto things that he gets lots of hate for, starting off with the worst; Cheating on Courtney. (I do not condone cheating or defend that in itself) in Duncan’s case, things are a little more different.
In island, him and Courtney were a healthy relationship. He was loyal to her and genuinely loved her, growing an attachment to her (he kept a picture of her under his pillow, obviously missed her) until action. She wrote an entire document detailing everything that was ‘wrong’ with him, and that needed to change. Of course, he did seem unbothered as he usually does, but he tried his best for her because he loved her.
Even after losing a full nights worth of sleep over her? it wasn’t enough. When he tried complimenting her like she wanted? still not enough. Let’s not forget the amount of times Courtney psychically hurt him.
Here’s the important part: When he met Gwen, he found her to be someone he related to. Both of them have similar styles, love horror movies, and have been showed to bond in island (which at that point, was only a friendship and nothing more) he grew attached to her because she was kind to him, didn’t yell at or hit him. When he realized how toxic Courtney was, yes, part of him still adored her, but part of him wanted out of it (as any one would) when he and Courtney weren’t ‘technically dating’, and Gwen was single, he saw it as a sign to make a move on her because he knew he would be treated with respect, and would feel safer. Was this wrong? Yeah, cheating isn’t okay. Did Duncan has his reasons behind it? Yeah.
No one would want to be in a relationship where if you do anything that upsets the other person, you get psychically beat as punishment. That’s literal abuse, and it’s understandable why Duncan would want to get out of that toxicity. He kept going back and forth between Gwen and Courtney because of his attachment issues, he knew it was wrong but he felt like he had to keep coming back to her because he does genuinely care about people. (He considered ending his rivalry with Harold after talking with him once, gave DJ a new rabbit so he doesn’t get upset, stood up for other contestants etc etc) so it’s shown time and time again he feels remorse for people and doesn’t always want to hurt them, yet he tends to hide his emotions a lot. This is what he felt with Courtney especially.
This isn’t to defend the wrong things he’s done, for example bullying Harold and messing with Courtney and Gwen’s friendship, probably more. This is just me going over why I think he gets a little too much slander. He’s not my favorite character, but I don’t hate him. He’s had his moments, great and terrible ones. I think this is what makes him more realistic. Duncan is a complex character, not saying he didn’t hurt other people or that he’s innocent, just stating this.
Thank you for reading (if you did read all of it) another apology if this was hard to understand
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thschei · 2 months
Also... I decided not to put this in the new cat post, both bc I didn't want it to get long and I decided to leave the reblogs on it bc the pictures are cute, and I didn't want This portion to be reblogged. I know a lot of people feel the same way I do, and that's a great thing, but I don't... want a lot of attention on my posts or blogs. The trauma, etc. So I don't want this to escape containment but still want to talk about it, and am turning reblogs off. Like, this is a journal entry that I'm letting people see at a sleepover, not a speech I've prepared for my public speech and debate class. You know?
So, that preamble out of the way: I feel like... a resigned frustration about people Still clinging to the myths that cats are cold, unloving, distant, only around humans for food, only tolerate us and think we're stupid, etc etc. Or express surprise when they see examples of cats being loving and affectionate. (I... don't want to talk about the stupid ass misogyny and bioessentialism being applied to cats, but that too)
Like, it really truly isn't difficult to befriend a cat and in turn receive their affection. All you have to do is 1) show them, consistently, that you are safe and don't pose a threat to them 2) go at their own pace and respect their boundaries/comfort zone (like, hold your hand out for them to sniff instead of petting them straight away; don't force them to cuddle just because you want to) 3) treat them with unconditional love, initiate moments of affection occasionally instead of waiting for them to initiate each time (like, call them over, talk/meow/sing to them, get out their favorite toys to play with, etc. Do things that convey that their love is reciprocated.) 4) try to understand and read their body language, and back off when they give warning signs like twitching tails or flattened ears 5) provide them with fresh food, water, litter boxes, a clean environment
These things are basically tweaks on the foundations of establishing a friendship with another human, obviously the last one aside. So, why do so many people have an issue with the idea of treating an animal like their an autonomous being whose personal space should be respected? (Rhetorical question). I know that this is the ND, struggles socially, just had a viral poll about not knowing how to make friends, website-- but generally speaking, the people who make comments about cats being mean and unloving aren't the people who make up this site's userbase. ND folks honestly tend to have a much easier time socializing with animals than humans, for a variety of reasons.
I personally hate being touched, so I never had to be taught about respecting a cat's space and boundaries. Part of that is taking the "do unto others" rule very literally and to heart, and part of that is that I don't want to make any other living creature feel the way I do when I'm touched without permission. It doesn't matter if that's a cat, or a bug, or another person. But there's lots of ways to be ND, and like I said, a variety of factors that contribute to us connecting with animals easily.
And I know it's a harsh thing to say, but if your cat is genuinely cold, distant, tolerates you, etc... it's most likely due to something you've done as their owner, not in the "inherent nature" of an entire species, especially a domesticated one. Maybe you make a lot of noise that scares them, maybe you use negative reinforcement (Does Not Work On Cats) like squirting with a water bottle. Maybe you yell at them. There's a lot of things that can make a cat feel afraid of you and fracture their trust in you. Maybe you force them to cuddle and hold them in place when they try to get away.
I think the idea that cats only like us for food stems in part from what I discussed briefly in that previous post, people who exclusively feed their cats dry food. Most dry foods, especially the cheaper ones, are full of fillers of vegetables and carbohydrates like wheat, which cats cannot digest. Cats are obligate carnivores that need to eat meat, and specifically the protein taurine, which is typically found in abundance in the heart of other animals. So feeding cats a diet of only dry food is like if your parents fed you potato chips for every meal. You'd eat a large quantity in an attempt to feel full, but your body would make it known that its needs aren't being met. So, cats fed only dry food cry for more food more often, wake their owners up at early hours and aggressively, get more persistent when their meal is 1 hour behind (like the jokes about daylight savings). People get automatic feeders, but that doesn't solve the nutrition deficit, so it doesn't solve the cat's "behavior" (cries for help! to the person responsible for their care!) and both the cat and owner become increasingly frustrated with each other. The desperate eating of more dry food to get the nutrition they need is the cause of a lot of the overweight cats you see, and can lead to hypertension, kidney disease, diabetes, depression, lethargy, apathy, chronic joint pain, difficulty jumping/exercising around the house which makes all the above issues more difficult to combat, etc.
Most people . Only feed their cats dry food because it's cheaper than buying wet food . And I Try to be understanding about like, poverty, the housing crisis, economic turmoil, price gouging, etc etc. But if you want a cat, you're committing to at least 10-18 years of providing for this animal. If you can't afford to actually provide for them and meet their needs, you need to, like, play a pet-raising sim instead of fucking up an animal's health in irreversible ways, or making them loyal to you out of fear. This animal is supposed to be your friend, supposed to trust you implicitly and have a mutual bond of unconditional love.
I've never had any difficulties making friends with cats; the only time a cat never became receptive to my company was one that had been in a very abusive household. Neighbors and family friends' cats have all quickly sought out my attention and pets/cuddles. My cats have all been affectionate, trusting, and receptive to my emotions/physical pain. I have enough examples to fill its own post, but trust me when I say that every day my cats show through consideration, companionship, body language, and seeking out pets/cuddles, that they love and trust me, and my family. (Actually, I had a cat that would pee in one of my abusive aunts shoes whenever she visited our house <3 That cat said "your vibes are rancid and you're not welcome here")
This post is already pretty long, so I'll wrap it up here. I just wish that more people would put in the effort to learn/understand cat's body language and meet cats halfway instead of expecting cats to act like dogs do. (AND . I wish people would apply the above listed steps to how they treat dogs . You should be respecting their personal space and showing them respect too, asshole!) If you know what to look for re: a cat's body language, you'll see that they're telling us in a myriad of ways how much they enjoy our company, respect us, love us, etc.
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crimson-catalyst · 1 year
J for the game. Went through several other options w/ answers that were too obvious before I arrived at this one so either this is a good niche choice or I just can't remember anything lol
hahahaha, god its gotta be hard already knowing all these idiots and trying not to pick a loaded answer LMAO. i actually have a shitton of Js apparently?? but most are inactive these days and one of them happens to match Sun's intentional sabotage choice, so here's Jaeger 6.0!
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colored piece by @wedontsl33p whom i adopted him from!!
Six hails from a world post war-induced apocalypse, where most robots are a thing of the past and quite a lot of technology has been lost. the so-called "Last War" ruined everything and left people to rebuild with far less than society had before, and AI-driven robots are few and far between, both for lack of technology and concerns about sapient robot rights. Jaeger 6.0 was a consumer model intended as a household handyman and the odd office helper, and as this was not useful for most military efforts, was simply abandoned later on during the War after his people evacuated.
an engineer with a hobbyist interest in old-world robotics named Mercedes finds him in a scrap heap while hunting for materials and the lucky special treasure. he's the absolute prize, a dream in his own right for her - and so she immediately takes him home to see if she can get him serviceable again.
she spends several months fixing and refurbishing him in what spare time she can find, and oh so delicately turns him on again for the first time in fifty years hoping and praying to whatever god might listen that he'll still work at all. they then spend the next two weeks trying to understand each other like absolute goofballs, since Six only speaks in chiptune chirps and his hands were lost to the scrap heap just as he was. he's very distressed about it since his generous helping of hands are his model's purpose and livelihood - they're thankfully able to locate a pair in the heap and alternatively source the others, and finally he's put back together properly.
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Six and Mercedes are quickly inseparable. He'd follow her to the ends of the earth regardless for all she's done for him, but he trusts her immensely and enjoys the work she does as a vehicle engineer and mechanic and necessity-driven scavenger. Six is her right-hand (and second right and third- and fourth-hand) man and closest companion.
the two eventually unearth another abandoned old-world robot, pull him out, and nurse him back to health. he was used in the war despite being built for human aid and community servitude, and has wicked ptsd and abandonment issues. Jaeger 6.0 becomes really close to UPDOG 9000 while rehabilitating him and they have a great time working with Mercedes as her lil crew.
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he's got quite the personality and is fully independently sapient. he's perky and sassy and loves learning things beside Mercedes about her work and hobbies. he communicates using sign language alongside his chiptune, and makes a good listening ear for both idle conversation and as a brainstorming sounding board. he's quick and smart and dutifully helpful and it makes him happy!! he's just a little guy having a good time with his little family!
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yourlunarspice · 10 months
✨😂😭 <3<3
✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
Without a doubt, I'm going with Virtuoso by RainTemple. It's a serial-killer Midoriya AU, where he discovers a wicked Quirk lying dormant inside him. The descriptions and writing are terrific, and it's so cool to see just how cold and calculating Midoriya is. Everything is done so well, I highly recommend it.
😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
There are three fics/series that come to mind, two only a step above crackfics.
The first is called Crossed Wires by therapizedbakugou. A coffee shop/doctor AU, where Dr. Bakugou is deaf (with hearing aids) and occasionally flirts with barista Kirishima in sign language. The issue is, Bakugou doesn't know that Kirishima knows sign language and knows every lewd thing he's saying.
The series Here Lies Shouta's Hopes And Dreams by drifting_manatee (or really anything by manatee; their stuff is FABULOUS). The first fic in the series involves Aizawa giving The Talk™ to 1A, and the second is where the teenagers pair up and have to keep a baby doll 'alive'. Unsurprisingly, some are horrendous 'parents'.
Finally, the Personality Swap AU series by BelleAmant. I have not read all the fics in this series, but the ones I have read had me howling with laughter! Aizawa issues an assignment where everyone in 1A is assigned to dress and act like another classmate at random, to the best of their ability. Naturally, Midoriya's borderline-neurotic note-taking comes in handy and helps him excel at this assignment and future opportunities.
😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
Aw fuckkkkkk, this story was so heartbreaking. Every time I read it, I always start crying. It's The Way I Behaved by ForTheWoolfy. So much heartbreaking Erasermic! It's a great cross between a Villain Mic AU and a Coffee Shop AU. Aizawa is a tired barista by day and a tired hero by night. Mic is a technical genius villain who both falls for and wants to defeat Aizawa. I can't help crying whenever I read it.
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critical-chris · 1 year
65 (2023)
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Holy shit, I demand a documentary of how this movie was made.
Good 'noon everyone, nice to talk to you again. I took a week long break from the blog due to a few factors including long hours at work, a random and inexplicable desire to start watching Succession for the first time ahead of the upcoming new season, and most importantly a complete and total lack of movies coming out that I had interest in.
There was one exception, Cocaine Bear, which I still do want to see. However, every time I had a reservation with my AMC membership and the time would come to leave the house and head to the theater, the lackluster reviews would crawl into my brain and I couldn't justify the 2 hour trek outside. I would crawl back in bed and dive into an episode of The Mandalorian, 1923, The Boys, or piecemealing the slog of a movie I find The Aviator to be. Lots of TV, not so many movies, but I'm back with a vengeance, baby.
Let's kick things off with why I wanted to see this movie in the first place. Have you seen the trailer? Exactly. The trailer sells you on a futuristic soldier played by Adam Driver finding himself stranded on a strange world that turns out to be Earth, 65 million years ago. This badass is strapped up with crazy weapons and about to fight some dinosaurs for survival. I'm all the way in.
I love science fiction movies when the creators that be get them right. Star Wars is my clear cut favorite sci-fi franchise, although Disney (not including Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni) has done whatever they can to create more shit properties under the umbrella than good ones. I love a good one-off sci-fi movie too, the most recent hit for me being Dune, what I felt to be a great epic adaptation of the book. Can't wait for that sequel and the talking baby, which better be in the film.
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I love Adam Driver, too. I was not one of the early watchers of Girls (or a watcher at all, frankly), so my first introduction to him was Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the only film from the trilogy I loved and have since dampened my feelings on. I like him in the movies, despite my major beefs and issues with the plotting and directing, and continued to be excited by his more traditional dramatic work.
If you need some fantastic recommendations, check out my favorite Spike Lee joint BlacKkKlansman, a great paced marital drama Marriage Story, a creative crime dramedy Logan Lucky, and the period piece The Last Duel. A lot of people liked House of Gucci, and I thought it was decent although I'm not sure why Driver is now being tapped as Hollywood's "It Guy" for biographic films of Italian businessman with him portraying Enzo Ferrari next. With all of these great movies in his back pocket, I was sure that Adam Driver could not lose and would be coming in with another banger with replay value out the buttocks. I have to use clean language at some point in this blog for how explicit I am in my feelings on finally seeing 65.
When I saw that this movie came out to just over 90 minutes, I got that old fashioned bad feeling in my gut that maybe I was in for some trouble instead of some good dino-fighting. It's not very typical you get a slapstick comedy runtime out of an expensive science fiction film, and when you do it's a sign that perhaps there were some big problems with the longer cut and someone had to make a watchable storyline out of the scraps. And boy, does this movie feel exactly like that.
I have problems with almost every part of this disaster, so why not tick them off chronologically. 65 opens with some film school level text on screen letting the cat out of the bag right away. It explains that before mankind existed on Earth, there were other beings in other galaxies traveling the universe. Then we go to Planet Who Cares where Adam Driver is sitting on a beach with his wife and child. They quickly and briefly mention the daughter is suffering from some unknown illness and Driver must go on a 2-year journey to get paid enough to "cure her". LMAO CURE HER? Like the pharmaceutical company is withholding life-saving medicine because you can't afford it? Actually.... I guess that is realistic. Anyways, he teaches her to whistle with her hands and they showcase absolutely 0 familial chemistry that you care nothing about.
Smash cut immediately to Driver on a spaceship carrying a dozen or so passengers who are in cryo-sleep pods. The ship is suddenly hit by an asteroid, Driver attempts to control it, but they crash through the atmosphere of a strange planet and all of the cryo-pods get sucked out of the ship and are presumed dead. Adam Driver stumbles out of the ship, wades his way through some mud (where a creature lurks around him but then just never does anything so you wonder why even show there being a creature in the mud??), and discovers the bodies of the passengers who were tossed out of their cryo-pods.
Adam Driver stumbles back onto the ship and records a message asking for someone to come and rescue them, but deletes it before sending and re-records the message. In the second message, he tells anyone listening to abandon them and not to send a rescue ship because he's going to kill himself..... Why would he do that? We know his entire goal is to get back to his daughter, why would he not just ask for help and see if someone actually comes? Anyways, he decides not to kill himself, AND THEN THE TITLE CARD FOR THE MOVIE COMES UP. AT 20 MINUTES IN, THE TITLE OF THE MOVIE COMES UP AND READS:
Million Years Ago
A Visitor Came To
..... Seriously. All of that text comes on screen for the title card. Pardon my Portuguese, but what the fuck.
Driver is moping around when he sees an alert come up in his ship that one of the cryo-pods was not damaged and the girl inside survived, played by Ariana Greenblatt. He drags her out of the pod and while she rests he ventures out to a geyser field which is clearly included as foreshadowing for later in the film. He realizes that far away one of the escape pods from the ship also survived the crash and is a viable means of escape.
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I felt the plot device included in this film of the girl speaking a different language than Adam Driver was unnecessary and forced. Besides the quick minute they spend in the final act of the girl being upset with Driver for lying about her parents being alive, there really is no reason for them not to be able to communicate. They try to force a couple laughs from their misunderstanding, but come across as generic and recycled gags. The part where Driver smushes a bug, and playfully chases the girl with his gooky hand is embarrassing.
Then there are the actual dinosaurs, which don't get incorporated until about 45 minutes in. The first dino the duo comes across is a baby stuck in a little tar pit, which is immediately killed by whatever those miniature predators from the opening of Lost World are, an attempt at a gut-wrenching moment that I found eye-rolling and stupid.
The other main predators featured are lizards mixed with raptors? They sulk low to the ground with their tails raised high and chase our protagonists around the trees and a beach, quickly dispatched by Adam Driver's futuristic assault rifle and grenades. There is a moment where one lizard seems to have gotten hold of Ariana, but Driver saves the day right at the last moment as is typical in every movie ever ever ever.
There were two scenes in the movie that I actually found entertaining and twinkled with potential of what this movie could have been. The first occurs after Driver and Ariana are driven into a cave by a modified T-Rex, and Ariana is able to crawl out of the cave before a cave-in traps Driver. He shimmies around in the dark and is stalked by an unseen dino, which creates some good tension and anticipation for when the creature finally emerges. The dino doesn't end up being scary or that menacing, but the lead up was decent enough.
The other part I enjoyed were the T-Rex's. I found the final minutes of the two T-Rex's trying to finish off Adam Driver and Ariana's ship with them inside, and even the moment where the last T-Rex chases Driver into the geyser field only to be stabbed and scalded to death very well done. The whole movie should have been scenes like this showing danger instead of pretending the main two characters have any chemistry or relationship worth watching.
All in all, this is a derivative sci-fi "thriller" reliant on jump scares, overused tropes, and it's budget for making dinosaurs seem sort of real. I would never, will never, and can never recommend anyone spend even the short 90 minutes to watch this movie. If you're suffering pure boredom I would recommend sitting on a porch and imagining dinosaurs in your front yard instead of sitting through this. In today's world, there is always something better to watch somewhere else instead of 65.
I do have one conspiracy theory related to this movie that I think holds weight. I read an article online that mentioned this film had a budget of $95 million, and after witnessing what I did play out on the screen, I have to assume a majority of that went to Adam Driver. Otherwise, why would he put his name at the top of the cast list for this pile of dinosaur shit? I'll take it one further, how much do I think he got paid out of the total budget? Wait for it, $65 million. Following that logic, I have to assume he asked that the name of the movie then represent how much it takes to get a big name actor to star in a film that is destined to fail and ensure its director never works again.
In conclusion, THIS MOVIE SUCKS.
65 - 2.0/10
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queermaddscientist · 2 years
I was wondering if I could get your thoughts on a non-poc writing a Hawai’ian supporting character in a book?
I am trying to balance displaying the diversity I grew up with in my home city in the book that I am writing with care and respect for the cultures I include.
I have done a lot of research and plan to continuously work to educate myself on what I get wrong and right, but I personally believe there is no better way to learn than to directly ask those that I hope to represent.
Do you, personally, feel alright with a non-poc writing a Hawai’ian character? What are some common tropes you hate or love that are attributed to Hawai’ian characters that you see?
Please feel free to ignore this ask.
Hey! Sorry this took me so long—been super busy but it’s a good question.
Having grown up on the mainland, I’m a bit isolated from Hawaiian culture and generally not the most educated or woke on this matter lol so def don’t take this as an authoritative answer. I’ll give you my thoughts, but other Hawaiians might disagree.
In general, I would say it’s good for people to write characters with different ethnicities, so go for it. However, some issues with identity seem way too personal/deep/delicate idk to be portrayed by a non native Hawaiian. Don’t go too deep into trying to portray a complicated relationship between a character and their culture unless you’re part of that culture or writing collaboratively with someone who is.
An example I can think of would be homophobia that was basically brought by Christians with colonization. Idk how prevalent that is in Hawai’i specifically, but it’s definitely there in some colonized groups. Christianity too, as a whole, is super meaningful to many colonized people, but it was also brought by the colonizers and Christian missionaries actively tried to stamp out indigenous cultures/religions. Those kind of tensions feel too close to be dealt with in any depth by someone not of the community.
Do, however definitely do your research on the culture and include bits of that. For example: POG is the best kind of juice (passion orange guava juice, not the slang) and mongoose = bad (invasive species that kills nene). In Lilo and Stitch (which had some problematic things but in general is great) Lilo has a sign on her door saying “kapu” (literally taboo, also off limits/keep out). Including things like that are always makes me happy.
In terms of negative stereotypes, mostly it’s overly laidback/laziness, general exoticism and sexualization, being fat, and (mostly in the case of men) being fat/bulky and kinda stupid. Think Maui in Moana for that last one—not a fantastic stereotype. There’s obviously more to unpack there with why we code being fat as bad and enjoying free time as being lazy but that’s a separate issue. There may be other stereotypes that I’m not familiar with but those are what come to mind.
Another note—Hawai’i needs the ‘okina (apostrophe/glottal stop) but Hawaiian doesn’t bc Hawaiian is just an English word. I don’t think the Hawaiian language has that -an adjective form of words. Also you can use either Kānaka Maoli or native Hawaiian, whichever makes more sense in the context.
Again, all of this is just my personal opinion and I of course don’t speak for all native Hawaiians
But tl;dr go ahead but do your research, make them motivated, and don’t try some deep take on a culture that isn’t yours.
Hope this helps!
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
Angst Post. Not advised for all audiences.
TW: death.
Club-27 Demon America x reader pt. 2
“You would be a great ruler down in hell.” He begins to work on making horrors in your life. And signs a contract with heaven that allowed him to take you but made him promise not to harm you once you were dead.
And so the terror began.
It had been a rough 3 months for you. Everything that could have gone wrong in your personal life went wrong. Murphy’s law was in full effect and it was tainting your life. Your parents (or guardians) had passed leaving a void in your heart that could not be filled. You had friends betray you and your lover leave you. You were unsure of how much your heart could take but you still continued to pour your soul into your work. You were working on filling cups when you had no more water to give your clients you were filling souls up by breaking down your own and assuring yourself that your hard work would pay off. That one day you wouldn’t feel the sorrow that had you down so badly. But coping with loss is well….difficult.
And what could you do? Quit your job? Not an option. You had hundreds of people depending on you to help them get where they needed to safely. The pressure on you was immense and as a Consular Officer, you always had to have on the facade of being calm and under control. Which wasn’t the case for you. You spent some of your lunchtimes crying. Afterward, you would put in some soothing eye drops and have the drops soothe your eyes from the torrents that were spilling out of your eyes.
No one could see you this way.
After working for 12hrs from 4 am to 4 pm you wanted to be able to leave and not think about the plethora of people who had gotten on your nerves today either due to a language barrier. Or because you were a woman and some did not respect you. Which was still an added stressor. You wanted to go back to your nice apartment, have another long and labored crying session, and down 2 or 3 bottles of red wine that you would find at your local convenience store.
You were none too please when your ambassador had alerted you that you might need to be on call until 10 pm due to rising tension in a nearby country and that meant you would be expecting another round of refugees to come in. They would all need to be processed and attended to in all forms respectfully, emotionally, formally, and most importantly: their documents.
You knew that if documents weren’t processed properly and people didn’t have them it would be near impossible for them to get any of the care they needed if they were sick, injured, traumatized, or children. These were vulnerable populations that needed the most of your attention and care. You had to carry on you had an extremely important job to do.
You left your consulate. Hoping that the warnings that were issued by the special agents that had undercover information were wrong. Because in truth all you really wanted to do was sleep. And maybe if you were lucky not to wake up when the sun shone through your darkened curtains.
That night you went a little hard on the alcohol and even included ardent spirits that you chugged for hours. It had gotten to the point where your brain and body had become disconnected from one another so much so to where you did not realize the danger you were in.
You were beginning to drown. With every sip of wine, whiskey, and rum, you were being driven closer to the edge. This trine and a little time would spell the end of your time.
Demon King America was watching for that night where after only 4 hours into your alcohol binge your life force was slowly being taken away. With every drink, he was waiting impatiently for your body to shut down.
In the last hours of your life. You wondered how things had gotten so bad. You wondered why you were born. You wondered why you had to suffer. You wondered if anything you had ever done mattered. To you, it didn’t. It was 23:45 and you were out on the cold balcony with the icy wind blowing through your (hair color) (hair length). Tears had been running down your face since you arrived home at 20:45 with booze in hand. And due to the fact that Demon King Ameria wanted you badly the shopkeeper who ran the store gave you a few extra shots for being a “valued customer”.
He wanted to make sure your death that night was assured.
You had greedily taken one of the four shots that man had to give you before you arrived home. It was some British Gin of some kind. Not that you were paying attention to that. You just needed to not be able to feel anything.
21:47 A shot of Russian vodka was taken along with the 4th glass of wine you had beside your half-eaten pizza slice. Left to become a cold leftover. While your phone had been ringing in the background as a slight buzz.
People needed you but you didn’t come to answer. Your spirit had begun onto its journal at sea in a small shaky wooden raft into the eye of a storm. Wood tumid with liquid of the sea. Doomed to fail but not aware enough to back out you followed the voice in your mind that guided you to the afterlife. You had heard Demon King America’s siren song and you were coming to your sealed fate.
22:13 The shot of Jack Daniels a cheap American Favorite. By this time you weren’t fully aware of your surroundings. The world was dizzy and you couldn't walk straight. But you didn’t care. You could still think about all the things that had went wrong in your life and with that you decided to down another glass of wine. You chugged it as if was about to leave you like everything else in your life.
23:58 The last moments you would have being alive and even after sitting on the kitchen floor for over an hour letting all the tears spill out you still decide to drink the last vile of poison you had.
Old Fitzgerald Bourbon Whiskey. The final blow to your human form. The last thing you needed to consume to become his.
Days later it was reported that Consulate Officer (First and Last name)
“Has been found dead in her apartment. The body was unresponsive when first responders had arrived on the scene. The cause of death is still being determined by the Coroner at this time. We ask that you respect the family’s wishes for privacy and respect at this time.“ A live report went out to tell the nation you served of the devastating news. It came as an earthquake that shook up the lives that you had helped settle into the nation and become acclimated. Many began to weep, sob, and wail at the loss of someone who seemed like an angel.
They had been unresponsive for days since they last came into work on XX/XX/20XX. The work they left behind will be an incredibly arduous position with the grace, care, and concentration that they brought to the table. She will be missed greatly and her dedication to aiding others in their endeavors to settle into (country name).
Demon America watches all of this go down in his throne room through his massive mounted television that has access to the human world communications. He was sipping on a glass of wine of his own it was created from some of the many tears that humans would cry over this important public figure on earth that had been taken by him. It gave him strength. Along with all of the negative energy he could feed off of and possibly create new and dangerous spells.
He set his wine down for a moment and turned off the TV. He wanted to stretch his limbs and check on his bride. Down the long velvety black halls, he strode until he reached a large door that led to his master bedroom that was immaculate and velvety red. He peered over to see the woman he was going to wed still strewn over the bed unconscious and still unaware of the danger she was in.
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duasoul · 1 year
I want to make a list of why my previous job was so stressful and why it made me so sick for so long but I could not give up because it was my only source of incoming and having my own money helped me with my inferiority disorder tendency
I am grateful for my first job because of the money and the learning opportunities that I had. Also, I left on good terms. I got along with most people, so that made the experience bearable.
But I was reflecting earlier today on what exactly were the causes that made me feel so stressed and unwell while working there.
Customer service can be brutal. My first job was customer service, and my current job is also customer service but the difference is quite impressive.
I thought about making a list of this, so I could have a clearer view of what I think as I organise my thoughts.
Customer Services. A brutal job role at times. Bearable job position other times when you learn how to deal with certain people and not take things personally. Customer service can be good in a way for many people because often times it does not require previous experience, or great excellency at a certain topic. Although most of people I work with have university certifications and those fancy academical validation, we still do the same thing and I only graduated HS. This can open a discussion in many topics, but my point is: IT IS SOMETHING THAT CAN BE DONE BY MANY PEOPLE THAT HAVE NO QUALIFICATION BUT STILL NEED TO SURVIVE IN OUR SOCIETY. At most, will require you a different language, or effort to learn how to communicate with people and master the use of some tools to get issues sorted, which brings me to another item of the list, the training phase.
I assume that when you take a new job role, some sort of training is, or at least should be offered as the bare minimum. The training experience I had with this particular company was lacking in many ways, but we could not even provide our true feedback about it, and I will discuss this more further. The training consists on us being sat in front of our computer, listening to the trainer going through slides 8 hours a day. For this company, there were lots of different things you had to know and master, and this by itself is not necessarily a bad thing, however, when you are in front of a computer 8h a day, listening to someone talk non stop while reading slides, not being allowed to take notes on a notebook or any external source, and having little to almost none chances to put in practice what you just saw.... that felt ridiculous. At the end, we had to provide a feedback about the training, and we have been discouraged to provide negative feedback because this company was a 3rd party working from another big company. So yes, from beginning to end, we employees were kinda fcked in many ways I would say. The few times we could practice what we learned had so limitations, that you could not actually gain experience from it, everything was restricted.
Right out of the training we then started tot are calls everyday all day, which it is the job you signed up for. However, for this company, we would only take calls. And since most of times we were dealing with complex issues, angry people, and so on the job was really draining and tiring, especially because the training was not even near enough to prepare us of what the job really was like. Calls, calls, calls, every minute. Really not even time to breathe between calls you would have, I'm really talking about seconds here. Once a call was finished, another one would come in right away, so you kinda did not have the time to process things well. It is normal for a call center to have non stop calls when something big happens, or when we were short on staff... but this was everyday all day, it felt like big things were always happening while we were short staffed.
Following up on what has been discussed, I want to touch on this high volume of inbounds ALL THE TIME and the lack of dynamics in this job. When I signed my contract I was aware that it would be to take calls, but I was not aware of how much inbounds they would have and how things worked internally, so these things came to my knowledge once I was within the company. Even on the longest days I was like "okay I signed up a contract for this, is my job I gotta do it" but it is overwhelming. Me and my colleagues would often feel overworked, even though, by law, we were doing the paid 40h a week. We would have little to no opportunities to do other tasks like help new hires, or your colleagues. Most of the time you had to sit down and be on the phone, nothing would change really.
There was a lot of pressure I remember, the turn around rate was higher than my will to live. Most people would quit the job within the first few weeks after the training. I noticed that a lot of people would leave the company within the first 6 months, or between 6 months and one year. The co-workers that were there for more than 6 months was really little, that why they were always hiring, promising things that were not that down to reality, I'll touch on that on a bit. As mentioned previously, it was a big company, so the customer expect to be treated like royalty, they expected the highest quality service. Don't get me wrong, I totally get that. I believe that if you pay for something, you should receive what you are paying for, and respect is the bare minimum that we should have on our society. However, the company does have its policies, and even though they would say the customer's feedback was important, it was not that impactful honestly. The guidelines were really strict, and what the company promised to their customer's were really something that we were not allowed to give. So us, the customer care agents were always between a rock and a hard place. Bonuses were promised to us, and sold as something totally achievable... the problem is that the main bonuses were actually out of your control because it depended on the customer's opinion really. Imagine the following, a loyal customer that has been with the company for like 5 years or 20 years, calls in with a complex issue. The first thing that comes to mind is, we should be able to solve this in an easier and efficient way, however, this 99% would not happen because we had so many guidelines. Then, the customer would feel super upset and unsupported, meaning a bad survey would come in, meaning that even if I made all the work right, that bad survey would rule out my chances to receive any bonuses.
Along with the guidelines, we had little to no autonomy. I got to be a senior on my job role within 1 year of taking calls, and after taking care of calls of another 2 departments. Being a senior, you might think that we have more authority, more things we can do, we can help them in a different way maybe. Honestly, being a senior there meant that I would just say NO in a different way, the small little different things we would do was not that motivating... and the little extra we were being paid was not enough, because as a senior you deal with extra upset people, an extra complex issues, and again, most of times, you are just reinforcing a NO.
Like every call center, we have a quality team that make sure every guideline is being followed. It's their job to coach you, point it out what need to improve and what is okay and I have nothing against that, I would actually value their feedback at lot. And my assessments were really good. Something that was not so funny, is that since our main bonus was handled by the customer opinion, QA team would heat those calls and evaluate them, however, even if you have done everything right, they would find something to point it out just because the survey was negative. Because as part of their job, they had to find a reason why a customer gave the company a bad rating. But then, the few times we would have some 1:1 they would often say, yes in this case it was really a customer issue, not yours. But of course, at the end of the day, you had too meet so many metrics, deal with so much trouble, and the nice co-workers I had were for a long time, what made everything a little easier. In regards to QA, I was a little too easy on accepting that I did something wrong, and it was my fault again, mental issues... but I think I am standing up for myself more.
Okay so I talked about the unhelpful training, the lack of authority and dynamics within the job role, the ridiculous metrics that we had to achieve in order to get a decent money at the end of the month, now I think it is worth mentioning that the job role felt pointless after some time. Because it was stressful most of the time, you were doing the same thing all the time with little margin to change something, after a while the feedbacks you get were pointless, and you had almost no room to grow into other roles within the company. You could grow until certain point, and after that if you would like to do something within the company differently of what you were doing, you had no opportunity. Even though most of people would quit within a short time, there was there a few people that was there for like 6 years doing the same thing, taking the same calls, dealing with the same people. This to me looked hopeless. I was so tired, and anxious and stressed that I did not wanted to do my job. I just wanted to leave. I was there for a 1 year and a half, and there were a few times were I felt so burned out. The first few months I struggled so much, because it was my first job, everything was messed up and I was trying to cope but I could not do it by myself. I faced a lot of health issues during that time. After around 8 months I think, I was tremendously tired and fatigued. It took me another 3 months to get back to "normal". And then, when I thought I was doing well, and I could keep doing the job for a little more, they decided that I would be a senior, which I despised with all my being. I did not have a choice, it was really either you grow or you leave. I could not leave. I had to face it. I was hopeless really, I expected the worse. I was a senior for like 3 or 4 months before I decided to quit. Being a senior was awful but not as awful as I thought it would be. My supervisor at the time was awesome, I loved him as a person and as a co-worker. He encouraged me to stand by myself and was more like a friend there. Then he left, I was happy for him. When he was leaving, I told him that I was applying to another job, by that time I think I was between interviews, and I told him the interviews went well. He was so happy for me.
Overall, our job was to help our customers, but the way the company wanted to help them, was far from what the customers wanted to be helped. I kinda understood both sides, but still imagine being at a job role that you are supposed to deal with something complex, make that as easy as possible on the customers and provide them with solutions, but the guidelines won't allow you to. It is sad really.
When I told my supervisor that I was planning to leave he super encouraged me. In this company, when people would get better opportunities everyone would be super happy for them. We kinda shared the same struggles so e were like YES TAKE THAT JOB YOU DESERVE BETTER
When I was forced into being a senior there, I told myself that I would like to find another job by the beginning on 2023. The manifestation worked and I started on my current job on the end of November. By January 2023, I was already working on the position I applied to. It is also customer service, but with a different service, with a different company. I am enjoying so far because even though we have guidelines, we do have some authority to make changes as long as we can back ourselves up. Most people are friendly too, and it seems like there is room for growth. We assist our customers on different channels, so not only phone calls. On the busiest days we do have a lot of contacts, but there are days that we are more chill.
I have been there for like 3 months, so far I am enjoying but I don't want to glorify anything. I want to see how it goes long term. My plans is to master what I am doing in order to move out from customer service.
Let's see how it goes.
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younmexreaders · 4 hours
~~ Ise x Reader ~~
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You go on a trip to Japan and meet a snake Oni in the ruins of a village. To bypass the barrier of language, he uses his ability to hypnotize you and you reveal that you're pretty horny.
Fem Reader/Oni OC | 3.3k words
Consensual Mind Control
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There were few places that you really wanted to visit. One of the places at the top of the list were the ruins of a village that collapsed many centuries ago. You had a fascination with ruins and places that were in disrepair. Exploring abandoned places was just so interesting to you. The ruins were incredibly mysterious but it was in Japan and you didn't live there. You had to wait until you were lucky enough to afford a ticket in order to visit.
You felt you had hit a lucky break when your college Japan club announced they were crowdfunding a trip. You decided to sign up for the club and throw in what you could for the fund. It was great that many others were also planning to go to Japan. You wouldn’t be sticking around with them, though. You’d fly together and stay at a hotel together, but you all had free reign to do whatever you wanted during the day. You planned to pack some exploration gear and slip away the moment you could. Then you would finally have a chance to see the ruins for yourself.
You were more than familiar with exploring abandoned places. You had done it a lot at home with the abundance of run down buildings around the country. With all the previous practice you had, it had a very low chance of being dangerous, even in an unfamiliar place. The worst of it would probably be the long plane ride, haha. And maybe the communication issues. But you had a conversational dictionary on hand and google for the worst of it.
When you finally landed in Japan, you went with the club to the hotel where you would all be staying. They showed you your room and handed you a key, but that was the last you saw of them. They ran off to do their own things as a club and you gathered your gear to run off towards the ruins. You were so excited. Your heart pounding in your chest.
The ruins were far away from any other forms of civilization. It did give you some worry that you were so far from safety, but there was very little chance anyone else was also exploring these practically unknown villages. It took you falling into a rabbit hole while reading old stories to even know it existed. You felt pretty certain you’d be fine. If it came down to it, you weren’t a stranger to camping.
You trotted up to the crumbling walls and the overgrown roofs of Hebiza Village. It was a beautiful sort of disarray. Ivy climbed the walls of the abandoned homes, flowers grew everywhere they could reach, and the tall tree in the center of the village was massive. It grew far past the limits of its original fencing, its branches stretching over the ruins to shield them from further weathering. You wandered in, placing a hand on the bark of the tree and looking around from the center of the village. From there, you could see each of the gates that used to show villages the borders of Hebiza. On the west side of town, there was a tall hill and atop it was another tree and a pile of stones. Peculiar. You took pictures of the ruins while making your way to the hill and the pile of stones. You had the odd feeling you were being watched, but when you glanced around, it was clear you were alone. You didn’t know where the feeling was coming from. It was just faint and constant.
The tall, sickly tree was a Japanese Maple. It seemed to have been sick for a long time. There were no leaves in its branches and the bark was chipping away. You frowned. At the base of the tree, beneath the pile of rocks was a cracked statue featuring a deity you didn’t know. It was missing part of its arm and seemed to reside in a small alcove. A shrine perhaps? You didn’t know enough about the culture to say for sure. But the state of this area gave you a pit of sadness in your stomach.
On the other side of the hill was a river. Clear, murmuring, picturesque. You watched it from the top of the hill, the lingering feeling of being watched was a little stronger now.
“Hm… I wonder what happened to this place.” You muttered, taking a picture of the river and turning back to the ruins. As you moved towards it, you heard the hissing of a snake in the branches overhead. You flinched at the sound, fearfully snapping your head up to search the branches for the animal. You found nothing.
“Wh-” You gasped, staggering towards the shrine. You often forget that animals would take residence in ruins. It was silly of you, but you rarely saw them unless you got too close to their den or something.
Then your back hit something. It was solid and it didn’t budge when you bumped into it. You stiffened, becoming a frightened statue in the presence of whatever or whoever had come up behind you. Your reflexes refused to stop making you freeze. You couldn’t force your body to move no matter how hard you tried. You hoped they would think you weren’t there if you stayed still long enough.
The person behind you began to murmur something in Japanese. His voice was very low. Rumbling from deep within him like rolling thunder. It sent involuntary shivers through you that betrayed that you were indeed alive and not a statue. That made him chuckle and that sound only sent more shivers through you. You shakily stepped away from him, turning slowly and turning up to see the menacing face of this… creature that towered over you. His hair was tame. It rested on his shoulders and flowed down his back like a silver river. His eyes were piercing and sharp despite the amused look he gave you. He had fangs poking out of his lips and, when he spoke, it revealed gleaming, knife-like teeth caging a forked tongue.
“O-oh… my god…” You whispered, eyes wide at the sight of him. He tilted his head, revealing the torn and tattered talismans that were strung across his purple horns and shuddering in the wind. He said something again, this time in a questioning tone. You dug through your bags for your dictionary and flipped through it, hoping to find what he said. You searched for a long time, finding things that were close, but nothing exact. You huffed softly.
He peered over you to look at the book, curious. It had the phrases written down in both Romaji and Katakana, maybe you could just hand him the book and he could find what he was saying? You shrugged. It couldn’t hurt. You handed the book to him and gave him your best confused face as you said “I don’t understand” with the worst accent.
He reached out to take the book with massive, clawed hands. One arm was hidden in the sleeve of his kimono, but the other side was hanging around his waist and revealed the left side of his torso. The eyes of a large snake weaving through roses glared at her from the tattoo climbing all the way up his arm. It took you a while to tear your eyes away, but you noticed that he wasn’t really looking for the phrase so much as reading through the whole dictionary.
“Oh, no, I meant…” you started before realizing the point was moot, “eh, go ahead.”
He was quiet, reading through the whole dictionary while you wandered off to the river to clear your head. This man was super scary looking, but he acted pretty harmless. It made you feel like a bit of an ass to have been so scared of him at first. You knelt by the water and dipped your hand in. The water was chilly, rushing swiftly past your fingers. It didn’t appear deep enough to get swept away in, but you didn’t want to test that.
Something furry brushed against your back and made you yelp, spinning around on your butt to find the man standing behind you once more. There was a massive, scaly tail winding out from behind him, with a mane of fur feathering out from the very end. You sighed and stood, dusting yourself off. He handed your dictionary back to you and flicked his tail behind him. Did he always have that?
“I am Ise,” he said, placing a hand on his chest, “I want to show you something.” It sounded like he was struggling a bit to put his words together but he nailed it. You blinked in surprise and nodded. You were surprised, but you had no reason to think he wasn’t smart enough to pick up English pretty easily. Ise wrapped his tail around you and guided you closer to him.
“Oh, uh… okay.” You muttered. Ise leaned down slightly, his piercing blue eyes digging into your soul and latching onto it with a chilling grip. Your hand you dipped in the river didn’t feel so cold anymore.
“I don’t get visitors anymore. I welcome a new face.” Ise said, but his voice was echoing inside you instead. You stared as his cold blue shifted to a natural green and then a warm yellow, cycling through colors they clearly didn’t have before. You couldn’t tear your gaze away and everything outside of those shifting colors seemed to disappear.
“In this state, we won’t struggle with communicating. I wish to make your visit worthwhile.”
You couldn’t hear anything but his echoing voice. Where was the wind? The river? You weren’t sure you were carrying your bag and dictionary anymore.
“I have little to offer, but I was once a servant to the god of harvest and fertility."
That sparked a thought in your invaded mind that he certainly picked up. You normally weren’t one for random flings, but you had always wanted to explore yourself a little. The only things you had done at this point were reluctant touching. You didn’t need to be so cautious now. At least, you were incapable of caution at this moment.
“I want… to fuck you.” You said with more confidence than you’ve had since arriving in Japan. It was hard for you to give in to whimsical temptations all willy nilly. It seemed in this state you weren't so hesitant though. The colors that tethered you only to him scared away your inhibitions. You didn’t feel self conscious about your body nor did you feel selfish for asking for what you wanted. The colors were somehow comforting.
“Haha, very well.” Ise chuckled. He blinked and allowed you out of the trance. You could feel every anxiety about the decision you made suddenly bubbling up. You went incredibly tense and dug your hand into his tail as it wrapped around your legs.
“N-no, wait. I-I don’t… I can’t,” You tried to make sense of the jumble of words in your head, “I-I want to do it in that trance. I get too… in my own head about sex stuff. I need to… not think.” You attempted to explain, scratching your arm nervously. Ise paused and looked down at you. He gave you a concerned look, but he obliged, leaning in close to you and flashing those bright colors once more.
“As you wish. I will keep your mind at ease.” Ise hummed, the echoing voice bouncing all around you.
His tail wrapped around you, picking you up slightly and resting you on the massive, thick muscles of the appendage. You sat on it like a treasure resting on a velvet cushion. It gave you a small giggle, your hands resting on the scales and fur beneath your bottom. Ise kneeled, his tail doing well to keep you at a slightly raised level. He placed his hands on your legs, kneading his thumbs into your thighs and feathering your neck in kisses. You were pricked by his teeth every so often, but it felt nice to get the gentle pecks on your skin.
Ise hooked his claws onto the hem of your pants and shimmied them off of your legs. You moved slowly in this dazed state, entrapped by the colors and unable to find the floor since Ise was all you could see. He undressed you slowly, tracing his fingers along your skin as he explored your nooks and crannies.
Ise nuzzled against your stomach, wrapping one arm around your waist. He kissed your stomach and slowly brought his hand under your thigh, gently squeezing your soft flesh, and lifted your leg slightly.
“You’re gorgeous,” he muttered against your flesh as he gripped the meat of your thigh. He continued down and practically scooped you up against him. His lips met your slit and his forked tongue slid up and down between the folds. You purred quietly. Dazed eyes looking into the swirling colors that surrounded you both.
He rolled your sensitive nub around with the fork of his tongue, kneading against it for a bit while reaching to finger you. He paused, remembering that he had claws on his hand and retreating it to hold your thighs apart. It would be foolish of him to do that. He needed to focus if he wanted to keep you in this trance and please you completely at the same time. He lashed the muscle against your womanhood, burying it into you and prodding at your inner walls. You mewed softly and arched your back, leaning onto the limb keeping you afloat in this sea of sensation.
Ise reached down and palmed himself from the outside of his kimono. He adored your taste, the soft sing-song noises you made as he dug his tongue deep into you. It made his cock throb and strain against the many layers of fabric that hid it away.
It took a small bit of struggle and he had to turn his back to you, shifting you around on his tail, in order for him to remove his clothes. Scales peppered his flesh and his silvery hair fell far down to his lower back. He had many scars on his person which caused you a bit of concern, but the feeling was overridden with lust once you spotted the thick, stiff member he was sporting. You could swear your mouth was watering.
His tail brought you close to him, pressing you against his chest as he nibbled on your neck and nipped at your earlobe. Then he carefully picked you up, adjusting your placement so you were bent over his tail, the tip wrapping around one of your ankles to hold it to the side so you were open for him.
“I apologize… It’s been so long.” He said, trying to fight the feral growl rising in his throat.
“I don’t mind.” You hummed, hugging his maned tail and looking back at him. Ise grabbed your hips, rubbing himself against you.
“Just let me know, okay?”
“Of course.”
Ise lined up with your entrance and slowly pushed into you, groaning softly through gritted, dangerously sharp teeth. His thick shaft rubbed up against your walls, almost too thick to get very far until you could loosen up some more. The pressure of him inside you certainly helped towards that goal. His body against yours felt amazing. His hair curtained past his shoulders, tickling your arms. His claws gripped your flesh, gradually losing its tenderness and becoming so desperate. Ise’s bucking became wild after a short while.
You could definitely tell he hadn’t had this in a long time. But that made it so much better for you. You loved being in this deep daze while he pulled you into his every thrust, getting deep into you with every inch he had.
His grunts were low and gravelly. His breath was hot against your back. You were starting to moan and grasp at his tail despite how passive the daze left you. Both of your sounds were everything you could hear. The only sight in your mind was his knitted brow and his wide, powerful body lurching into you.
“I-I… Ise, ah…” You murmured. Your voice broke his desperation and he slowed a bit.
“A-am I hurting you?” He asked, releasing his hold on your hips and leaning back, the thrusts now slow and much more shallow.
“No, it doesn’t hurt… but please pull out.” You hummed, laying your cheek on his scales and closing your eyes. This pace was lulling and calm. It kept your heat in place, but it wouldn’t bring you to climax.
“Of course.” He nodded. He picked up the pace again. But he didn’t lose himself in it this time. He rolled his hips with an angling that grinded his thick piece against your sensitive spot. You let out small gasps of pleasure every time he passed over your sensitivity. Your heat was building higher and higher, chest heaving with breath and hold tightening on his tail.
Ise knew that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself if you came on his cock. He pulled out and rubbed himself between your ass cheeks and reached down to rub your clit. The small, tight circles he rubbed around your button was enough to drive you over. You clung tightly to him and whimpered out his name. Twitching and holding your breath as the sensation washed over you. He groaned at the sound you made. The small squeak of his name sent a shiver through him that finally broke him.
His cum spilled onto your back and ass, warm at first and swiftly cooling off. You both shivered and groaned softly. It sent small tingles throughout you to feel his spunk mark your body. You smirked and hugged his tail, nuzzling your cheek against the scales. It was a quiet moment between you two. Both catching your breath while Ise lost his energy to keep up the trance. Each time you blink, the colors fade away and you are dropped back into reality, continuing to cling to Ise’s tail.
But you didn’t feel horrible about indulging yourself. You breathed deeply, glancing around to find yourself still in the ruins. You were a little embarrassed to be naked outside, but you and Ise went completely uninterrupted the whole while. You were fairly certain no one was going to show up now.
Your means of communicating with the Oni were momentarily unavailable. He handed you your clothes and led you down to the stream so you could clean yourself off. He stayed close to you, but his eyes were on the surroundings. It seemed he was protecting you closely while you cleaned up and redressed. It was nice to have this giant wall of muscle protecting you. But you can’t stay forever. You have a life back home. Siblings and parents who might worry about you just randomly disappearing.
“Thanks for this, Ise… I don’t know if you can still quite understand me, but… I had a lot of fun.” You smiled up at him, pulling your pants and shoes on, kneeling down to tie your laces. He replied in that odd Japanese that you couldn’t translate, but the inflection made it seem that he agreed. You waved him farewell and hurried back to town.
You didn’t think you’d have a vacation like that again. What were the chances that a monster would be both horny and chill enough to do that with you? This vacation will be in your memories for a long, long time. 
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disabilityunited · 1 year
Translation and Interpretation Services
Interpretation and Translation services Melbourne are a necessity for many people and industries today. They allow individuals and organizations to communicate with others in their own language. These services can be onsite or remote and they can be facilitated by a variety of different methods. Some examples include Video Remote Interpretation, Onsite Interpreting and Text to Speech.
Assessing whether a person can understand English
The first step in assessing whether a person can understand English is to determine their level of proficiency. This can be done in several ways. One way is to ask the client. Another is to look for signs that indicate language barriers.
When deciding whether a client can understand English, it is important to take into account cultural differences. For example, if a client has recently moved to Melbourne, they may be more comfortable communicating in their native language. However, if they are a Deaf or hard of hearing person, they might prefer to communicate in Auslan.
A professional language interpreter can assist in a variety of situations. They can explain a region or provide a third perspective during meetings. Their role can also include translating client-specific information.
Protecting patients from coercion
When using interpreting and translation services Melbourne has access to, it is important to protect patients from coercion. There are a number of ways to do this. The most effective approach is to use a professional interpreter. This is particularly important in situations of child safety, gender-based violence and suspected abuse.
If you do decide to use an interpreter, make sure you are communicating in the patient's preferred language. It is also a good idea to record the interpreting session in the patient's healthcare record.
Similarly, you should be able to provide feedback about the interpreted session. However, the patient should be allowed to choose the format and content of the feedback.
Video remote interpreting
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) is an on-demand language service. It allows clients to connect with interpreters via a secure, web-based platform. These services are used by both private and public organizations.
VRI is particularly useful when an in-person interpreter is not available. For example, it can be used in an emergency room, for conversations between health professionals or for a conference between government officials.
Video Remote Interpreting offers the convenience of on-demand interpreting at a low cost. This technology has grown in popularity over the years, despite its initial high setup costs. Now, it is more affordable than ever.
The technology uses a computer, videophone or tablet to provide a two-way video connection between a client and an interpreter. It is ideal for communicating with limited English-proficient customers and for conducting important meetings.
Onsite interpreting
There are many reasons why you may need onsite interpreting and translation services. For example, you might need to communicate with a foreign visitor who speaks no English. Or you might need to discuss a sensitive medical issue with someone who doesn't speak your language. In these situations, a interpreting service can be extremely beneficial.
One of the major benefits of an onsite interpreting service is that you are able to see the interpreter face to face. This will help you feel more comfortable with the individual and better understand what is being said. Onsite interpreting services are also a great way to avoid the misinterpretation that can sometimes occur when telephone interpreting is used.
Translating involves making a written transfer of a message or statement from one language to another
Translation is a complex and demanding mental task. In addition to the ability to comprehend a piece of writing, a translator must also be able to accurately convey the message. This is done by employing a number of techniques, which can vary depending on the language in question.
Generally, the translation process involves a five-step process. The first step is to get a feel for the source language. Often, the first translation attempt will be a bit clumsy and may miss some of the meaning.
A professional translator will generally translate into his or her native language. They will then pass the document on to a linguist to proofread. Afterward, the translated document will be converted back into its original format.
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drgreg · 1 year
Basic Practitioner Gp In Hout Bay, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Wish you were still with us. To Berenice and Ivan's household we're so sorry to hear of your loss. Loving reminiscences of many years of friendship from Mishpacha Wulfsohn, .....
I will bear in mind him as a mentor, inspiration, enterprise man, husband, pal however most of all as a father. Dearest Milli Only heard of your passing right now. Dear Uncle David You were an unbelievable good friend to our household. Dad, 3 years on and time has not made it any easier. Continue to overlook you and want you would be a part of my boys' lives.
They also know that he doesn't reply nicely to supportive incentive schemes such as “buddy” packages, although his partner does. This data helps the WO design incentive schemes that assist David handle his asthma and tons of other features of his well being, and follow Dr Greg Hough preventive well being. This precision engagement keeps David healthy and out of the hospital. Big knowledge can be utilized to ship the best nudge to the best patient on the proper time to improve healthy behaviors and adherence to treatment or treatment.
I am full of admiration for BirdLife South Africa for organising such an attention-grabbing cruise to encourage so many individuals; and for such a great trigger – preserving the bird lifetime of Marion Island. Such trips increase the notice, locally and internationally, of the risks to their survival these most stunning birds are confronted with and never only on Marion Island. Each person on such journeys becomes an envoy for life for the conservation of those birds.
That afternoon, we travelled into Lusaka central and taught caregivers, nurses and neighborhood staff at the University Teaching Hospital, most of whom work with mentally and physically disabled kids. They had been all in a place to communicate English, however I wanted to speak slowly sufficient for the sign language interpreter to translate for the three deaf delegates who attended. Many of the women knew concerning the concepts I was speaking about, however have access to only a few assets to develop these expertise with the children they work with, in order that they were delighted with the model new ideas. Their largest challenge came when we requested them to create something utilizing only the supplies we had given them – no scissors or glue. One group was given plastic bottles, another was given egg trays, one other had yoghurt containers and the last had cardboard tubes.
We shared many miles collectively, both on and off the street, and we'll still share many more. My heart goes out to your liked ones but relaxation assured, you aren't suffering anymore and are in a good, pleased place. Our dear mother - all the time missed. Your Children and Grandchildren in Toronto and Cleveland. My treasured Mom, the reminiscence of your love is all the time in our hearts and ..... Another 12 months has handed and the missing stays as painful.
Hello hermans irs me russel mirkin i do know we now have all got older bit more gray and time has moved on.i would like you to know even in any case these years rael left a indelible mark on my life and i nonetheless think of him typically . I miss him despite the very fact that i used to be friends with sean. I will always remember coming to your home and seeing lance and rael almost conjoined on the chair collectively. Such was their love for one another it was almost tangible.
Exciting and informative method to deliver the issues of our bird life on Marion Island to the forefront of the world. The ‘Flock to Marion’ cruise is a magnificent avitourism experience nicely deserving of the highest tourism award. Well done Birdlife South Africa and Flock to Marrion. You certainly are a superb contributer to tourism and conservation. An unforgettable trip that offered insight into the necessity of a mouse-free Marion Island and exposure to the tough beauty during which the seabirds survive. Great conservation and tourism initiative by BLSA.
I miss you and Mom and hope you are both collectively at peace at a bett ..... Mom we miss you daily Dr Greg Hough and hope you and Dad and Rieva are all tog ..... It is your anniversary right now with Mommy so pleased anniversa .....
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winportables · 2 years
Aiseesoft iPhone Cleaner Portable is the best iOS junk cleaner to erase useless documents and data on your device. It also protects your privacy and makes your iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch faster and safer. Erase unnecessary data to free up space Is your iPhone running slow? If so, it is probably a sign that there is not enough space on your phone. In that case, you should clean your iPhone immediately to speed it up. There is no doubt that Aiseesoft iPhone Cleaner is your best option to handle this iPhone storage problem. This cleaner app can help you remove and erase useless documents and data on iPhone such as junk / temporary files, unused apps, unwanted photos, and large files. Clean junk files This phone cleaner allows you to easily delete temporary files, crash logs, system junk files, and caches like iTunes Cache, Camera Roll, Photo Stream, Photo Library, etc. Uninstall unused apps It also has the ability to detect and present all the apps on your iPhone, along with the storage they take up. Then you can select to uninstall the apps that are no longer in use. Compress / Export Photos Another reason that caused the iPhone lag issue is the large amount of memory your photos consume. So this tool allows you to compress photos or export them to PC for backup. Delete large files With Aiseesoft iPhone Cleaner Portable, you can scan and get all the large files like videos on your iOS device. Now it's your turn to clean them. But do not worry! You can make a backup first. Wipe all data on iPhone permanently If you need to erase all your data on your iPhone or iPad, why not try a more secure eraser tool for iOS. IPhone Cleaner offers you a better way to erase your iPhone completely and permanently. The best part of the program is that you don't have to think hard and decide what to delete yourself. All you need to do is click the Start button and wait until the cleaning job is done. And there is no way for others to get your personal data after deleting it. Delete private data and apps selectively Even if you only want to get rid of a specific file or file type, you can also use this cleaner to preview and delete your private data and documents selectively. You can scan and delete contacts, messages, call history, photos, notes, calendars, voice notes, Safari caches, and advanced settings. It also allows users to remove all content from great third-party apps like WhatsApp, Line, Viber, Kik, and more. Backup, restore and transfer of important data With Aiseesoft iPhone Cleaner Portable, you can even backup your important data to iOS devices and save it to your computer quickly and safely. And it is quite easy for you to export and restore the backup file to your iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch according to your needs. This safe and reliable cleaner even makes it possible for those who want to switch their iPhone to effortlessly transfer data from old iPhone to new one. Release year: 2021 Version: 1.0.12 System: Windows® XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 Interface language: English File size: 59.62 MB Format: Rar Execute as an administrator: There's no need
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