#but basically my plan is to do a full circle skirt for the jacket?
gil-estel · 10 months
bought (a lot) of fabric for yennefer today. I also added sleeves to my bodice mockup (very happy!). currently in the process of drafting/draping the jacket skirt, which has involved a LOT of math
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artzychic27 · 11 months
For the Actor AU, how did they feel abt the canon heroes' outfits? If they could, how would they have modified them?
Marinette: Basic as fuck! It looks like I’m wearing footie pajamas! If I were in charge of my costume, I’d give myself a full-on punk look because Ladybug’s are some badass motherfuckers. Oh, and boots that have soles equipped with a shock-absorbing cushion, and a heel that contains a reinforced spring to soften the shock whenever I land. And… Maybe a backpack shaped like ladybug wings to hold my Lucky Charms and anything I need to collect for my plan.
Adrien: Less leather! That stuff shrinks, and a full leather bodysuit is not comfortable. Also, because of the cat holders’ powers, it would be cool if heroes had some sort of medical supplies on them just in case, like stored in a utility belt. And I’m with Mari, those boots sound badass. What else?… Oh, definitely add some more color instead of just basic black.
Alya: Well, the Fox doesn’t seem like a combative hero due to the powers. I see Rena Rouge as a distraction, really, so her outfit wouldn’t be one of those “ready for battle” types. Here’s what I’m thinking, one of those noir-film type outfits. The hat covers my face a bit to give me an air of mystery, and the outfit would look almost casual that no villain would suspect me.
Nino: I mean… Carapace’s look is cool. It’s alright. I’m liking the goggles, but… I’d prefer if he had armor. He’s the fucking turtle hero! He should be ready to take any blow that a villain sends his way!
Rose: Where to begin? Look, you all know me; I love pink more than the next guy, but… Sometimes too much is too much. The Pig Miraculous strikes me as… More farmhand than ballerina. Yee, I know, the heroes come with a tambourine, but come on! While I do love the skirt, I’d trade it in for overalls, either shorts or a skirt. Oh, and add some black in there, too. Daizzi has a black circle around his eye, let him be represented!
Juleka: Studded jacket. That is all.
Luka: Oh, honey, either give me a hood so I can look like a cobra or get the fuck away from me with that outfit.
Myléne: The mouse strikes me as more of the elegant type, I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s the pastel pink mixed with the grey, but I see Polymouse wearing skirts over Pigella. But, that’s just my opinion.
Ivan: Honestly, I’m fine with the canon design for Minotaurox. Yeah, he’s got pockets and padding, I-I like it. And if you show me a better design, I’ll happily take a look at it.
Marc: … I think all of the effort went into making Rooster Bold’s costume. He’s got rooster hair, the little tallons on the back of his boots, and a fucking tailcoat! He and Mayura are the only ones to have tailcoats! I’m not complaining, though. I… I actually like it, but it is a nightmare putting on and taking off that wig.
Nathaniel: Well, I can say I sort of know how some of the girls feel, because that suit was tight as hell! You could see my hip dip! Also, I would’ve liked to have a different hairstyle and maybe some color, because I am the only male redhead around for miles. Oh, and climbing boots becuase, I’m a goat, duh.
Alix: … Do I need to say it? Okay, give me some active wear! I’m traveling through a shit ton of different timelines! I need someone sporty and active when I’m on the go. Also, I’ll need a backpack like Marinette.
Kim: Not hearing any complaints from me! I liked Roi Singe, but being Scarlet Beetle is way cooler!
Max: The glasses can easily come off. What I need is a high collar or a bandana that can cover the lower half of my face in case my glasses become askew or someone is able to place my identity because all I have on my face are some stupid glasses! God, I’m so glad I’m doing this new show now.
Chloé: Oh, I just want wings.
Zoé: Same.
Sabrina: Can mine just not look like my clothes, please?! I’ll take whatever, just not that!
Kagami: I would prefer if I had some form of armor and not a spandex bodysuit. It would need to be lightweight but also durable to allow me to travel faster, of course.
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lost-in-the-80s · 3 years
You Don’t Want My Love - Chapter 6
Pairing: Duff McKagan x reader
Words: 3,286k
Summary: Guns n Roses hires a new tour assistant, but nobody thought that Duff would fall for her.
In This Chapter: It’s time for Duff to tell this story
A/N: This chapter will be a Duff's pov. His thoughts will be in italics.
Tag list: @roger-taylors-car​ @ladieswttda​ @teasid​ @metalheartofgold​ @slashscowboyboots​ @ginny-rose-sixx​ @rumoured-whispers​ @vinylvintage​ @metalupyourash​ add yourself to my tag list :)
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We stopped for a second, looking at each other. 
Reaching forward, I put a lock of her hair behind her ear.
She's so beautiful! I wonder how her lips would taste like…
I licked my lips at the thought. 
Control yourself, Duff! My conscience yelled at me.
“Y/N.” Tom’s voice broke the moment, making me roll my eyes internally. “Are you coming?” He pointed to the elevator.
What a good time to talk, Tom! 
“Yeah, just a sec.” 
She looked back at me with a small smile. “Good night, Duff.”
Fuck it! 
I leaned down, kissing her cheek lightly. Her perfume filled my nostrils making it hard to move away from her. “Good night, Y/N.” I finally breathed out, seeing her walk away.
God, I'm so fucked!
"God you're so slow" Axl passed by me, rolling his eyes. 
"What do you mean?" I furred my eyebrows, following him.
"Ask her out already." Izzy said, entering the second elevator with us and pressing our floor's button.
"As if it was a simple thing!" I leaned against the mirror on the wall. "You remember how she reacted the last time one of you idiots decided to give a little push" I made fake quotation marks with my fingers.
"Let's just say it was the wrong way to do that." Izzy glared at Axl, who looked away from the mirror in which he was fixing his hair.
"What!? I was using the opportunity!" 
"Yeah, and it worked so well…" Izzy said sarcastically.
"At least I tried! What did you do?"
"What did I do? I was the one who convinced her that he wasn't an asshole! Remember?" Izzy crossed his arms, leaning against the metal wall.
"Okay, take it easy. You're acting like a married couple!" I turned around, looking at myself in the mirror and throwing my jacket over my shoulders. 
The doors opened and we started walking down the corridor. 
"See you guys tomorrow." I said, listening to their responses before entering my room.
"Ah, shit!" Sitting at the edge of my bed, I ran my hands through my face. 
Kicking off my boots and throwing the jacket on an armchair I laid in bed, gazing at the ceiling with just the city lights illuminating the place.
"How did I get myself to this point?" Lighting up a cigarette, I took a long drag.
I knew the answer. And the answer was that there wasn't an answer. It just happened.
I still remember the first time I saw her. She entered the dressing room in a light pink skirt and a white blouse. Her eyes were slightly widened, as if she needed them fully open to be able to understand what to do.
Gosh, she looked like an angel. Completely different from what I had expected.
When the label called saying that they had got someone that wouldn't get distracted by us, I thought they would send an old lady, not someone pretty like her.
Later on that day, I entered the room and she was there alone, complaining about something in a low voice, causing a smile to appear on my lips.
She started stuttering and I thought that it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.
There was just something about her. The way she talked and her facial expressions, they just captured my attention all the time.
Whenever I heard her voice I would stop and pay attention, because I wanted to learn more about her. She fascinated me, but I couldn't tell why.
Well, that was just the first week. Then she and Steven talked one day on the bus, it was casual, and I was listening of course. He asked what she was reading about and  she started telling him these airplane accident stories, and at that moment, listening to her voice, I knew, I had fallen for her.
During the first weeks, I didn't know how to make conversation. She was from a completely different world and I didn't want to scare her away or look dumb.
She seemed just too perfect and I was afraid that my interests wouldn't be enough to entertain her.
But then Izzy happened. He was always the quiet one, which means he had a lot of time to pay attention to the others, and he surely noticed the way I was acting.
"You look like a psycho." He said before drinking from his beer. We were backstage and she was on the opposite side of the room, making a list of what we needed her to buy.
"I can't help it." I puffed some smoke.
"Is it that bad?" 
"You have no idea, Stradlin." I turned around, getting a plastic glass and filling it with vodka.
"Talk to her then." He turned his head back, facing me.
"Easier said than done." 
"Come on, man! You're not shy!"
"It's just that…. Fuck…. Look at her!" I turned around, pointing at her with my glass. "She's not like us."
"So what?"
"I can't fucking sit in front of her and say 'are you into motorcicles?' I fucking know she's not! I wouldn't be able to hold the conversation."
"Well, then ask about something that you know she's into." He put his glass on the table. "She's always drawing or reading something.. ask her about those. Tom said she graduated in fashion, ask for fashion advice or some shit."
"You know what, you're right!" I placed my glass with the cig on the table, seeing that she was leaving the room.
Walking fastly, I found her in the corridor. "Mind if I go with you?" 
She jumped a little, startled by my presence. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." 
"It's fine." She smiled and I forgot what I had apologized for.
"Are you sure you want to come along? I'm just going to Walmart. It's going to be boring." 
"Nah, it's not going to be boring," I started walking, leading us towards the exiting door. "Plus, I'm a professional shopping cart driver." 
That was the first time I got to spend time alone with her, and it made me even more sure about what I was feeling.
After that, I started trying to talk to her every day. I'd ask about what she was listening to, what she was drawing and things like that. When there wasn't anything to ask about, I'd ask her about her favorite griffs and listen to her talking for lots of minutes, even though I wouldn't be able to remember any of that. 
She was sweet and dreaming. God how I love the way her eyes always sparkle when she talks about something she loves.
She was delicate and light. Always in a good mood, always trying to be serious and have a firm grip on us, and falling miserably after a few minutes. She was too nice to be strict with anyone.
But I knew she was out of reach. She would never be interested in someone like me. And every day I wanted to get away from her and detoxify myself from her presence in my mind. But then I'd wake up to her voice and I'd forget completely about those plans.
It was becoming hard to move on with the basic tasks. I'd think of her before going to bed and I'd wake up doing the same. I'd try to stay with her the most I could and when she was away I would be thinking if she missed me in the way I missed her.
And then it became too much to hold. Izzy thought I was just interested in her, but he could never imagine that was loving that chick.
So I decided to talk to someone. I needed someone that wouldn't judge me and that could be nice to me in this situation. So I talked to Steven. And that was the worst decision I've ever made.
The next day, all the guys knew about it, and that's when this fucked up plans about putting the two of us together started.
I didn't need their help. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to ask her out, but I was waiting for a good moment. I'd ask her to go out for dinner or something natural, something that wouldn't scare her away.
But of course, nobody thought in the same way as I. 
I still remember that day by the pool. Steven had come up with the idea, and we all agreed. I remember that I didn't think much of it, but that was until I saw her in a bikini.
I tried my hardest not to stare. I knew I'd make her uncomfortable if she noticed my gaze. But damn, that was hard to ignore.
I was thinking that that was one of the best days of my life. Not because we were the most requested song on the radio, but because she hugged me.
That was the first time she touched me. Our skins touched and I couldn't help but feel that that's how they were meant to be.
The afternoon arrived and we went for a walk through the city. That city was so fucking boring! Even the record shops were lame, and I was so afraid and she'd think it was boring too and would decide to go back to the hotel.
So when I saw that car/bike rental shop, I grabbed the opportunity with my two hands
To feel her pressed against my back, her arms circling my waist… man! I couldn't even put into words how I was feeling.
But just like everything good lasts for little, she wasn't feeling well, and we went back to the hotel.
A part of me was concerned about her wellbeing. But another part had the impression that her headache was just an excuse, that she had hated spending the afternoon with me and just wanted to stay away from me.
Then my amazing friends came with the brilliant idea of throwing a party. I knew that was the worst idea ever, but if that would mean that I could see her again that day, then I was down for it.
That could've been a magical night. But I drank too much and had to stay away so I wouldn't say some stupid shit to her.
The room was full of women, but I could just look at her. The way she danced to that stupid ABBA song made my heartache and I yelled at myself internally not to approach her.
And then came that truth or dare game. I still don't know who came up with that, but I hate that person!
Axl, just like always, couldn't hold himself, so he dared her to kiss me. Ahh, how I hate that moment!
I remember the way she looked at me, and how startled she seemed when she realized I was looking at her. How uncomfortable she felt and how her cheeks grew red with embarrassment.
If I was sober, I would've punched Axl.
But a small part of me had hope. Hope that she'd say yes, we would kiss and I'd ask her to go on a date with me.
And then she answered, I still remember how sober her voice was when she said that she couldn't.
Couldn't. That's a funny word. When you can't do something, it's because someone or something is stopping you from doing that. And nobody was doing that.
Don't. That's what she should've used. She didn't want to do that. And it broke me. She didn't want me. 
And I don't know why I got so surprised. That was obvious. I had been feeding a fake hope for months, but deep down I knew that it wouldn't ever happen.
And then everything became numb. I didn't hear the music, nor what they were saying. I just saw her throwing her shoes at someone and leaving, but I didn't have the energy to go after her and apologize for my friends.
So I just got up, getting another bottle of vodka and allowing myself to drink until I could forget about the reason why I was drinking.
The night went in a blur. I just remember parts of it. A chick paying Tommy Lee a blow job during the truth or dare. Someone hitting a chandelier and Izzy taking a photo of me with it. Me yelling for everyone to leave the room at 4 am.
The next morning I woke up with a terrible hangover. Looking to my side there was someone. She had the same hair color as Y/N and for a brief second, I thought that she had come back to the party and we had finally got together. But then I saw it wasn't her, it was a groupie.
She woke up and I asked her to get dressed and leave. I tried to be calm, but I know that was rude on my part. But fuck, if I saw that chick there for much longer I'd start yelling at me. Y/N has always said about how she wouldn't be into a guy who sleeps with a different woman every night.
But what was the meaning of feeling guilty for that? Sleeping with groupies or not, she'd never want me. 
So I decided to recover from my hangover. Searching inside the bedroom I found another vodka bottle and I allowed the burning sensation in my throat to distract myself from her.
I couldn't even look at her that day. Every time I heard her voice or saw those eyes I remembered that she didn't want me, and it made me feel ten times worse.
And then that stupid dude came around. Checking her up and down and looking at her all the time.
It made my blood boil.
I wanted so bad to get up, push him against a wall and start beating the shit out of him. But I couldn't, so I just found more vodka, but nothing seemed to distract me anymore.
They could be the perfect couple, I could tell that. The type who has 2 children and lived in Bel Air. Just the thought of the two of them together made me clench my fists.
He announced he was leaving, and I thought I'd have some relief, but he had to ask her to accompany him.
I wanted to stay cool. I wanted to stay in the dressing room and get ready for the gig, but I couldn't control myself anymore, and when I realized I was opening the exiting door.
The two of them were talking, I heard him asking her out and only God knows what I wanted to do to him at that moment.
I told him she couldn't. I wanted him to tell me that I didn't talk for her or some shit like that. I wanted him to give me a reason to punch him. But he decided to be polite.
He left and she asked me why I had talked to him like that, and it drove me wild. She was defending him? In front of me? 
I can still picture the way her eyes lost their shine and how she dropped her shoulders at my words. I hated myself for making her feeling like that. But I was too drunk to think straight, so I just left.
I stopped talking to her after that. I was too upset, and I didn't want her looking at me like that again, it would just make me hate myself even more. So I kept my distance.
During the first weeks of the pause, I refused to go out. I just sat inside my new house, drinking and missing her.
But Slash was a good friend. He showed up telling me how pathetic I looked. Making me go out and live a little.
I opened up with him.
"I'm feeling like shit, man!" I said before drinking from a beer bottle. We had gone to The Rainbow.
"You need to start thinking dude! Y/N is not the type of chick you'll get in a truth or dare game…"
"You say as if that was my idea." I glared at him.
"What I'm trying to say is… she's different. She's not around you 'cause you're in a band. Just be nice to her and then ask her out for some romantic shit." He gestured with his hands.
"You talk as it was simple," I finished the bottle, placing it on the counter. "and even if it was, she probably hates me now anyway."
"No. I mean it, man! You don't know the way she looked at me that day. I hurt her." 
"Hey raise that head!" Slash said, making me look from the counter to his face. "She's into you, you just need to show her that you're nice again."
"Oh yeah, of course, she's into me." I said sarcastically.
"You're really stupid, aren't you?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "You need to pay attention to the way she acts around you, you're the only one that makes her get clumsy and shy."
He drank from his bottle. "Plus, she looks at you in the same you look at her." 
Those words got stuck in my head. He was right, I had never seen her nervous around the others. Maybe she was into me. 
But still, I had fucked things up that afternoon.
That day I decided that I'd be my best version to her when we got back from the pause. I wanted her to see how I'd be with her if we were dating, and maybe, if she thought I was good enough, she'd give me a chance.
No pressure, no "plans". I wanted it to go natural, as smooth as it could be.
My guilt for the way I talked to her got twice as big when Izzy told me they had met and that she thought it was her fault.
How could she think she had any fault for me being an ass? Dude! I don't deserve this girl. But still, I wanted her.
Thank God Izzy was a good friend. Managing to make her feel calm and even see my asshole attitude as something from the moment.
After that, I was anxious about returning to the tour. I couldn't wait for a chance to be close to her and listen to her cute accent.
And then I saw her, I was at the airport with the boys, she was far away, but it was enough to make my heart miss a beat.
She was even prettier than before. She clearly enjoyed the pause and I just wished I had been there to enjoy it with her.
Asking her for a hug was a bold move, but I had to try, and it was worth it. 
Smelling her perfume and feeling her hugging me put me in such a calm state that for the first time, I didn't freak out about being on a plane.
And now I had lost the perfect opportunity to kiss her, all thanks to Tom.
Maybe it wasn't the most romantic way to do that, but I could feel that tension, the same tension that was created when we hugged before. As if the two of us were finally back home.
Looking to the side I checked the time, 3 am. Fuck. I had been thinking about her for hours now. 
Getting up, I stripped off my clothes, getting under the covers. I could still feel her skin pressed against my lips if I concentrated enough, and it was enough to send me to sleep, wishing that tomorrow we could spend more time together.
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The Gift
(I’m giving some January weather ❄️ to the characters in my July ☀️. This prompt is incredibly sweet, and I realize it didn’t include a request for *coconuts*. That said, sexual content slipped into this fic regardless because ...Hayffie 🔥. Anyway, I hope the ending feels sweet enough to offset other intensities.)
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After years of hiking up her skirts and unzipping bodices, loosening corsets and slipping them down just enough, unbuckling garters and sliding thongs to the side, they were playing now with nakedness.
Total nakedness.
It had happened a few times, and Effie was still adjusting to the sensations. The vulnerability of her skin fully against his was one thing. Her heart open to him was another.
Their first time face-to-face, unencumbered by clothing was intense. They started kissing and didn’t stop until they came, moaning into each other’s mouths. It was almost too much. The eroticism, the intimacy, the deliciousness all broke down her boundaries. Effie was definitely on board with nakedness DURING sex.
The textures AFTER still felt awkward to her. His body became a furnace, drenching her in sweat, especially when he’d been on top. And she loved having him on top. With her legs wrapped around him, she could take subtle control of the pace, the depth, their closeness.
Complete nakedness was freeing; it was also messy and overwhelming. Having sex with Haymitch had always been contending with chaos, but now...
“I need to breathe,” she gasped as the pulsing slowed inside her.
He thrust once more, milking the last drops of pleasure, then rolling off of her.
“Fuck. That was...”
“I know. ...God.”
Catching his breath, he slid his hand along her sternum, down to her waist where he curled his fingers around her side.
“Honey, don’t touch me right now. Your hands are sopping fire.”
He let go, still panting. “You’re hot too, sweetheart.”
An anxiety she didn’t understand crept over her. “EVERYTHING is wet. I need to take a shower. We need to change the sheets.”
He chuckled, “I’d say loosen your corset, but I already took it off.”
“Haymitch, don’t tease. You know this is new for me.”
He did know. “It’s kind of like taking your virginity.” He grinned. “Can’t help wanting you wet, and can’t help wanting to touch you when you’re like this.”
Effie scoffed at the notion of herself as a virgin. “That ship sailed over 20 years ago.” Lying apart, she’d cooled enough to reach for his hand and interlace their fingers. “But the sentiment is charming.”
He pulled her knuckles to his lips. “I’ve been a lot of things, but *charming* isn’t one.”
Effie shivered as the moisture evaporated from her skin. She went from hot to cold in body and emotions faster than he could flip a coin. He’d stopped trying to figure her out long ago.
“I’m going to go take a shower. Will you turn up the heater?”
“About that...” Haymitch hesitated, knowing she’d be pissed. “The heater wouldn’t turn on this morning.”
Effie sat straight up, dropped his hand and glared. He tried to stay focused on her eyes rather than the beads of sweat dripping between her breasts. His attention was divided.
“It’s January! There’s snow on the ground, and your heater is broken?! Couldn’t you have mentioned that detail BEFORE I got on the train? You could have come to my apartment instead, then we’d be warm right now!”
“We warmed up real good on our own, honey. ...Besides, the train was already halfway here by the time I woke up today.”
“So he says — an hour before we die from hypothermia!”
Haymitch reached for her waist again. His hand was still warm, and this time she welcomed the touch.
“Let’s take a shower and talk about all the things we can do tonight to prevent hypothermia.”
“You think this is amusing!”
“We have a fireplace, wood in the shed, a forest next door, and a town full of coal. This is 12. We can manage a weekend without a furnace.” He spoke gently, tracing circles on her hip.
Her anxiousness lessened, but she was still vexed at him for not waking up before noon and for not knowing how to repair a furnace. Though in all these years, annoyance had never stopped her from wanting more of him.
“The water better be warm.” She reached for his hand and pulled him up with her.
Effie’s teeth chattered later as she rummaged through her bag with towels wrapped around her body and her hair.
“I brought nothing warm to wear!”
Haymitch lazed on the edge of the bed, avoiding the spots where the sheets were still damp. “What about the 5 layers of clothes I took off when you walked through the door?”
“That’s outside attire.” Effie was miffed by his unyielding ignorance regarding even the most basic matters of fashion. A pair of leggings was the best she could find. “I wasn’t exactly planning on wearing much inside.”
“Sorry the furnace fucked up such a fine plan.” He was enjoying the view of her wearing nothing but towels, but he didn’t want her shaking, at least not from cold. “Let’s get you warm. Look through my drawers and wear anything you want. I’ll go make coffee and build a fire.”
Effie looked wary. She was all too familiar with the limits of his wardrobe. Though she did slip on his shirts when he left them at her place. They smelled like him and felt like him and, though she wouldn’t admit it, they helped ease the loneliness she always experienced after he’d gone.
He caressed her ass through the towel. “...Or you can just wear this all evening. You choose.”
She turned her head and kissed him as he passed her on his way out. She just got here, and she hated the loneliness she was already anticipating at the thought of leaving tomorrow. She refused to waste this time together fuming about a broken heater.
She closed each drawer quickly after opening it. “All your clothes are grey!” she hollered downstairs, “Grey is not even a color!”
He muttered under his breath, “Grey is too a goddamn color.” Then he hollered back up to her. “Feel free to stay in the towel!”
She opened the drawers again and dug deeper, determined to find something she hadn’t seen at first glance. A white sleeve poked out from between layers of grey. Effie pulled out the shirt and recognized it immediately, though she hadn’t seen it in years. He’d worn it the night before the third Quarter Quell — the first time he kissed her, as she was falling apart.
She slipped it on now over bare breasts and snuggled up in the memory and the scent of him. The shirt was soft and thin. She needed another layer, a sweater maybe. She kept digging.
In the back of the bottom drawer she felt something velvet and silky. A blazer perhaps? Reaping Day attire? Why would Haymitch of all people hold on to something like that? As she pulled it out, she realized it wasn’t a jacket but a shawl — a red velvet shawl, embroidered with swirls of golden thread and trimmed with silk. The fabric was old, smooth and beautiful. It smelled like cedar laid over memories.
Effie felt a degree of reverence as she slipped the shawl over her shoulders, hoping it wouldn’t fall apart. The construction proved to be sturdy, clearly hand-sewn by a talented seamster.
What meaning did this have for Haymitch to keep in a dresser in his bedroom? “Look through my drawers and wear anything you want,” he’d said. Could he possibly have meant this glorious piece of art? Effie intended to find out.
A pair of his thick woolen socks completed the ensemble with her leggings, his shirt, and the shawl. Effie blow dried her hair, and applied light layers of mascara and lipstick. Then she followed the fragrance of coffee downstairs.
The house was already warming up from the fire burning in the hearth. Haymitch was mixing their coffee with shots of bourbon and spoonfuls of honey and cream. With his back to her he asked, “Did you find some color?”
“That depends... Is this okay?”
He turned around and saw her.
He flashed back to winter mornings in the Seam when coal burned in the stove of his childhood. As the house grew warm, his mother would take off her shawl and drape it across the back of the rocking chair. His little brother would toddle out in footed pajamas, climb up in the chair and wrap up in the shawl.
“Careful, dear, that’s precious to Mama,” she’d say, “But not as precious as my boys.” She’d kiss Haymitch on his forehead as he brought eggs in from the goose house. “Wipe that snow off your boots before stepping off the mat. This house may not be much, but we don’t need to be entirely uncivilized. Then she’d sit with his brother in her lap and rock him a few times until the griddle was hot enough to fry the eggs.
When these kinds of memories showed up, they usually kicked him in the teeth, but Effie looking all beautiful softened the blow. A swallow of bourbon helped too.
“I wasn’t sure...” Seeing the pain now in his expression, she felt she’d made a mistake. “I can go change...”
He crossed the kitchen in three steps, kissed her forehead, then buried his face in her hair. He held her tight, and she returned the pressure of his embrace, feeling how much he needed this connection. She held him in silence, asking no questions.
“This is precious,” he said, not letting go of her.
“The shawl?”
He pulled back just enough to see her face, and nodded. “...But not as precious as my girl.”
My girl?... My girl... The words echoed in her chest. She felt them pushing and drawing out something new. “...Me?”
“Nobody else, sweetheart.”
For once in her life, Effie was speechless.
“No expectations,” Haymitch clarified, “I just don’t wanna feel this shit and pretend like I don’t.”
She’d loved him from her earliest memories, all the while pretending with other words and fucking other men who didn’t matter.
“I don’t want to pretend either.” She tasted the whiskey on his tongue. There was nothing simple about this. “I don’t want to be naked with anyone else. I don’t want anybody else inside me.”
He wanted to be inside her again, right now, on the sofa in front of the fire, but there was more to consider. “Are you warm enough? Did you eat on the train or are you hungry? Peeta brought over some fancy things.”
“Come here,” she said, easing away from him and moving toward the counter. She added a few items to the platter of Peeta’s croissants: butter, a knife, and the jar of honey. “Bring the drinks and follow me.”
Haymitch put the bottle of bourbon in the crook of his elbow and held the mugs of coffee in his hands.
She led them to the sofa. Mind reader, he thought.
She pulled an end table between them and the fireplace and laid down the platter. Before he could set the drinks beside it, she chastised him. “Coasters!”
“Coasters?” Fuck. She always did know how to delay a mood. “Not sure where they are.”
Effie went back to the kitchen and searched the cabinets for saucers. Those would substitute in a pinch. “We might be without central heating, but we don’t need to be entirely uncivilized.”
The coffee was still too hot to drink, so she curled up next to him on the sofa. He traced the golden swirls down her arm, caressing her through the velvet. “This shawl was my mother’s.”
She rested her head on his shoulder. “I wondered.”
“She sewed all of our clothes.”
“She was an incredible seamstress. This stitching is remarkable.”
“Nobody’s worn that in 30 years. ...I wrapped up in it once, after they were killed. But the memories were too painful, so I put it away. Never took it out again.”
“Haymitch...” She covered his hand with hers. “If I’d known, I never would have... Should I put it back?”
“No, honey. Such a pretty thing shouldn’t be in a drawer. You’re giving it life again.”
“Life has these ways of sleeping, you know? Sometimes I think there’s nothing left, and then suddenly it’s filling me up again.”
I feel it when you’re here, he didn’t say.
I don’t want to leave tomorrow, she didn’t say either.
They weren’t pretending, and they weren’t being entirely open either. Nakedness takes time to reach its full expression.
The next day Effie folded the shawl and laid it at the foot of the bed. She dressed in her layers of *outside attire* and took the train back to her heated apartment and her sleeping life.
She unzipped her bag and found inside a brown paper sack, haphazardly crumpled shut. On the outside, Haymitch had written, “Stay warm.”
Effie opened the sack more carefully than it had been closed. She pulled out a piece of notepaper folded in half. On the front he’d written, “For my girl.” She flipped the paper open, and the note within read, “It’s yours. Thanks for making me feel alive. — H”
She knew what she’d find at the bottom of the sack. Red velvet swirling with gold. She could barely see it through her tears. It held fragrances now of coffee and whiskey, croissants with honey, and Haymitch’s hands on her. She slipped the shawl over her shoulders. It was almost too much.
It was perfect.
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k-writer1998 · 4 years
Rebel Hours (9/18)
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Kwon Jieun always fit her parents’ image of the “perfect” daughter… at least to their knowledge. Away from prying eyes she was like any other girl living life to the fullest doing what she wants. When a little someone named Bang Chan comes into her life priorities are changed, mistakes are made, and her life finally becomes her own.
w.c: 1.6k
Warning: There is a lot of cussing in this one
“What’s up hyung? Why did you need us so early? It’s still morning.”
      Changbin’s voice carried from the studio as I grabbed bottles of water from the fridge before joining them. After dropping Jieun back at her apartment, I asked Changbin and Felix to meet back at my place.
“Sorry, you’re the only ones who would have the answers I’m looking for.”
“Us? What’s this about?” Changbin asked.
“Well you know how I’ve been talking to a girl right?”
“You mean the girl you are basically in love with?”
“Eun right?” Felix added, ignoring Changbin’s teasing. 
“Yeah… well about that, you know Kwon Jieun?”
“Where are you going with… wait a minute, no way,” Changbin’s eyes narrowed in disbelief.
“Yeah, I was surprised too but she told me everything so…”
“Who knew Kwon Jieun was secretly a rebel? I mean, it’s understandable but dang.”
“Wow hyung that’s some news, you’re still together though right?”  
“Yeah, and that leads me into my next question Felix. Do either of you know a Kyunghoon? He was at the gala yesterday.”
      Both of their faces fell sour at the mention of his name. If even Felix doesn’t like him, he must be a real scumbag. I know she asked me to stay out of it but after hearing what that prick did to her how could I? It would be a disservice to the world if I didn’t put him in his place. Both boys looked at each other for a moment before Felix spoke.
“We do, but how do you know him? He’s not someone you should associate yourself with.”
“Yeah, I just have a score to even with him.”
“Did he do something to Jieun? I saw them together last night,” Changbin questioned.
“She called me to pick her up from the gala, hence I found out she was Jieun. That asshole tried to force himself on her…”
      The anger I felt as the words left her lips resurfaced as my own mouth had to repeat it. No one deserves to be in that situation and I’ll be making sure he won’t be doing it again.
“I’ve heard some pretty messed up things about him. He’ll brag about himself to anyone willing to listen and I’ve heard a rumor that when he brags about the girls he’s been with, he shows off pictures or something,” Changbin explained as he rolled his eyes.
“What are you planning to do hyung? What do you need us for?”
“I need to figure out how to get him alone, I just want to talk.”
“‘YoU juSt WAnT tO tALk’ my ass. Hyung you can’t be serious, you’ll get caught.”
“Felix is right, there are cctvs let alone he only goes to high profile places that have strong surveillance.”
“I’ll figure it out but I’m doing it either way, with or without you guys.”
“Damn it hyung, why are you such a handful?”
      Changbin whined but they ultimately agreed to help me. After coming up with a solid plan, the boys left and it was back to the studio until I received a text from an unknown contact.
To: Chan 🧐
Please tell me you are going to make Kyunghoon pay.
To: ????
Who is this?
To: Chan 🧐
🙄 It's Seunghee. If you are, I want in. Jieun’s plan stinks
To: Seunghee?
Yeah I am… but don’t tell her. How did you get my number btw?
To: Chan 🧐
I won’t but there's nothing I can't find. Remember that. I give my blessings as her best friend but take this as a warning. I can track you with a snap of my fingers, you can’t hide from me.
To: Jieun’s Best friend 😰
… noted. I'll text you the details.
      I was so busy texting Seunghee that I didn't see a message from Jieun telling me her best friend stole my number from her phone. I chuckle to myself, she really got me there, I'll give Seunghee that. After bringing her up to speed she told me she'll deal with the cameras. I was about to ask her how but then I remembered Jieun said her best friend’s family was in the security business. With everything set, it was time to enact the plan. It took Changbin and Felix a few days to pull a few strings to get Kyunghoon at one of the popular shopping districts today. Everything was nearly perfect, aside from the fact that I was meeting Jieun today. I just have to not be late and hopefully she won’t find out.
      I put on my black hoodie over my white sweater and adjusted my black cap before heading out. Changbin lost a game to Felix and had to take one for the team so he would be meeting up with Kyunghoon. Once I arrived, I saw Changbin and Kyunghoon around the luxury stores we agreed to set the trap at. Seohee had already messed with the cctv server so the cameras were down in the whole area. I put on a face mask before quickly sprinting by and stole Kyunghoon’s wallet from his hands, turning back in my escape to taunt him. It was an extra push to ensure he would chase me. Someone as prideful as him wouldn’t sit still. By the shouting behind me, it worked like a charm. I led him into one of the alleyways and purposefully got myself caught in a dead end.
“You messed with the wrong person, asshole. If you knew who my dad was you would be shitting yourself, so just hand over my wallet and I won’t beat you too bad.”
      I smirked beneath my mask and put my hands up in mock surrender as I turned around. I wagged my finger at him to provoke him and just like everything else, he bit the bait. I easily dodged his attacks, taking the defensive until he lost his temper and got sloppier which left him full of openings for me to go on the offensive. After roughing him up a bit, making sure it showed on his face that he lost, I grabbed his arm and forced his face to the wall, pinning him in place.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?!”
“You messed with my girl when she obviously wasn’t interested. I would think someone like you would have better manners but I guess no one can expect much from a spoiled rat like you.”
“Hehe, sorry I can’t remember her but with a boyfriend like you she was probably begging for more cause you couldn’t fill her up. I bet she was tight as-”
“I’ve been lenient but I dare you to speak about my girlfriend like that again, I won’t hesitate to break something,” I cut off.
“Once my dad finds out who you are, you're done for. You hear me?! Who cares about some no good slu-”
“I’m gonna need you to shut up now, I don’t think you understand who has the upper hand here,” I growled.
      My anger flared as this piece of trash kept running his mouth, so I slowly pulled his arm up until he started to scream in pain. 
“Okay! OKAY! I get it you bastard!”
“Good. Now listen carefully. When a girl says no, you’re going to back off, understand?” I pressed him harder into the wall for emphasis and I felt his head nod against the surface before I continued, “If I so much as hear a peep about you doing anything against a girl's will again, I'll come back and next time I won't be going easy."
      I threw him to the ground along with his wallet before taking off. The strings of curses that filled the air as I made my escape was like music to my ears. After discarding the mask, I met up with Felix who brought me my backpack where I discarded my jacket and hat before circling back. Kyunghoon was yelling as Changbin and the security guard tried to calm him down. A triumphant smile tugged at my lips at the sight of the damage I did. Felix and I waited at the fountain for Changbin to get out of the mess.
“Who ever you got to deal with the cameras did a good job, there was no footage of any of it whatsoever. Kyunghoon was pissed,” Changbin laughed.
“It was Seunghee.”
“Figures, that is her best friend and her dad run the security cameras for like a third of Seoul.”
      I treated them to whatever food they wanted, as a thank you, before I left to meet Jieun. Since we were meeting for dinner I just grabbed a drink as the other two happily bought what they wanted. By the time I reached the meeting spot, I was only a few minutes late but she looked kind of… peeved?
“Hey sorry I’m late, I hope you didn’t wait too long.”
“No, I only got here a few minutes ago too,” she shrugged.
“You look cute today, I like that skirt on you.”
“Thanks. Let’s go get some food first then we can figure out what to do next?”
“... Sure, lead the way.”
      No smile, no teasing? What did I do? We haven’t talked much today… there is no way she found out, right? We walked together and I didn’t realize she had asked me a question until I felt her elbow lightly poke my side.
“I asked what you did today silly,” she lightly smiled.
“Oh, I just hung out with Felix and Changbin.”
“Was that before or after you went after Kyunghoon even though I asked you not to?”
      She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at me as she waited for a response. If I wasn’t in trouble I would tell her how hot she looked but now was not the best time. How did she find out?
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fmdsooaharchive · 4 years
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SUMMARY: We ask ourselves why would you write more than 5.000 words in a single day for something that was supposed to go on for 30 days and we reach the conclusion that we needed the points and why not, am I right? While writing this I realized that Sooah doesn’t have many friends her age but also, she isn’t friends anyone in Gold Star besides her members so please befriend my kid. WC: 5.042 MENTIONS: way too many people to be honest. TW: Really bad writing because I did it when I was clearly sleepy.
+ Day One: Introduce your muse. Are they solo or in a group? What is their position in the group? Consider this day the day for writing the basics.
Cho Sooah is part of Gold Star Media’s five-member group, Fuse. She was added to the team in 2015, a few months after their official debut in 2014 as their rapper and vocal as well as becoming the new maknae of the team. 
+ Day Two: Talk about your muse’s childhood. Where did they grow up? Did they have any dream jobs besides being an idol? When did they realize they wanted to be an idol?
Sooah was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. She had a pretty ideal childhood, she thinks. She was very lucky to have loving and supportive parents and very great older brothers who always looked out for her in their different ways. She was always connected to her family and that’s her grounding circle to this day. She’s very thankful to them for everything they did for her. While growing up, Sooah was always praised for her beauty and sweetness but she was usually taken advantage of and made fun of because of that. She had very little friends growing up but she didn’t mind that much because she had a pretty solid group that always supported her. Growing up, she wanted to become a stewardess and those were the plans until she was scouted by Gold Star. She never really realized she wanted to become an idol and even after she was signed under the company, she was still not sure about it. She became surer of it after she debuted and had a taste of how performing felt like.
+ Day Three: Take us back to when your muse was either recruited or auditioned to become an idol. How did that go? How did they feel getting up on stage for recruiters? If your muse could give their younger selves advice before the audition, what would they say?
Sooah is one of those people who go with their friends to an audition and end up being cast as well. She was accompanying Mia in her audition. She wanted to give her moral support and make sure everything would go as planned when one of the recruiters asked her to do something for them. Sooah was never really skillful. She couldn't sing or dance or act. But she’s pretty and that’s the main reason why they decided to sign with her. She was very nervous when she performed in front of them. She didn’t have anything prepared but a school song that they were supposed to perform in a festival soon and a guitar that she could barely play. 
Sooah would tell herself not to be so harsh because maybe they did hire her because of her looks but that doesn’t mean she was a complete talentless failure. She was always so gentle to others; she should learn to be gentler to herself too.
+ Day Four: Remember the trainee days? What are some of your muse’s memories of being a trainee? How long were they a trainee? Were they worried about potentially not making a debut? Talk about any challenges they might have encountered.
Sooah’s memories of trainee days are almost blurred together in a mess of constant practice and doubting herself. Those weren’t very happy times, she felt insecure and out of place because these more talented people were training with her and she was not sure of her abilities or if she even deserved to be there with these people. 
Sooah was a trainee for one year and four months, from November of 2013 to March of 2015 when was added to Fuse. Sooah always felt like she would never make it to a group and would eventually be kicked out by the company or be reassigned to a different department like modeling or acting. So, she had a constant fear of not making it to debut. 
+ Day Five: Recall your muse’s debut. What was the song they debuted with? How did it feel performing for the first time on stage as an idol? Feel free to bring up their thoughts about the concept, choreography, lyrics, music video, or other components. 
Sooah debuted with Fuse’s first EP and it was called ‘Ice Cream Cake’ from the album of the same name. She remembers quite vividly feeling very excited but also extremely terrified. She never performed in front of an audience before and the Fuse fans had made it pretty clear even before she made her first appearance that they weren’t fond of Gold Star’s strategy of adding a useless member to a group that was already perfect as four. But she was finally making it to debut and there was no hater in her life that would stop her from feeling ecstatic at this opportunity. 
Sooah liked ‘Ice Cream Cake’. Both the single and the album were nice. She thinks the MV was particularly aesthetically pleasing, her unnies looked stunning as always. She wasn’t certain about the ‘everyone will go blonde’ but the different tones made each of them stand out in different ways. At the time, she had never practiced choreography as much as she did for ‘Ice Cream Cake’. She went over and over this routine thousand times just to make sure she wouldn’t mess up. She was only sixteen at the time, so everything kind of overwhelmed her. 
+ Day Six: What concept does your muse think they can pull off best? Cutesy? Manly? Sexy? What concept do they have a hard time pulling off? What kind of concept would they want to do at some point?
Sooah can put off cutesy, happier concepts better than the more badass, girl crush ones and that has a lot to do with her looks more than with what she’s comfortable doing. She doesn’t mind their more happy and upbeat concepts just as she doesn’t mind when she has to do more serious stuff. ‘Peek-a-Boo’ remains as one of her favorite MV’s and songs to this day just as much as ‘Red Flavor’ and she thinks that’s nice because that’s the whole concept they were going for with Fuse. With how many weird concepts they’ve done in the past, Sooah thinks they can pull off pretty much anything at this point but she knows it’s very unlikely that Gold Star would invest in a concept similar to Lucid’s Nightmare trilogy. She would love to do something like that though.  
+ Day Seven: Which era is your muse’s favorite in their career? Why is it their favorite (think concept, promotions, choreography, etc.)? If your muse has recently debuted, talk about what they would want to do for their next comeback.
‘Russian Roulette’ is an era that she thinks many people end up forgetting and it’s not fair because it was pretty fun to promote. The storyline for the MV is not the lightest, of course, since they are trying to get the others to get badly injured but the scenarios were so colorful and full of life (ironic). The choreography was tricky, but all choreographies were tricky for Sooah. It was fun to learn though, and she had a lot of fun while learning it because it didn’t give her much of a headache and she quickly learned the movements. It was a very cute kind of concept that she remembers fondly. 
+ Day Eight: Talk about your muse’s strengths and weaknesses as an idol. Feel free to discuss their thoughts regarding these components. Think of qualities such as vocals, dancing, visuals, acting skills, and variety show skills, for example.
Sooah’s strengths as an idol are very reliant on her visuals and variety show skills, so everything that isn’t performative. Her looks were always something people praised her for even before auditioning to become a trainee. She was always very pretty and always had this soft look on her that works very well because it makes people feel at ease. It’s not the type of beauty that pushes people away but draws them in. 
She used to be very shy in variety shows but Sooah got much better at that as years went by. To be fair, she got a lot better over time, but her weaknesses are still singing, dancing, and rapping which is ironic since she’s an idol. The main problem there is her confidence, though. She doesn’t believe she’s good or capable and that uncertainty remains clear in the way she performs.
+ Day Nine: What is your muse’s fashion style? Talk about what kind of clothes they love to wear. To them, what is the essential thing to have in their closet? What is their favorite outfit?
It depends a lot on the season. During spring, Sooah will use very flowy and long skirts, with pastel colors, and be the princess of spring because that season fits her image incredibly well. During autumn, she’ll rely on more earth tones and long coats. Winter is the season she’ll just dress to not freeze, so everything comfy and warm, she’ll be using and summer, though not her favorite season, is the time in the year when she’ll allow herself to use short shorts and sleeveless shirts, maybe use more flannels and overalls. Sooah has a very consistent and good sense of fashion and she likes going shopping with friends. You’ll always find jean jackets in her wardrobe and she’ll try to fit them into some outfit she has to wear. Her favorite outfits are the more romantic ones though, so spring is the best time for that.
+ Day Ten: Talk about your muse’s three closest friends. How did they meet? How long have they known each other? What do they love most about their friends?
Yuanjun is one of her closest friends and someone she cherishes a lot because despite being a little different personality-wise, they get along well to form the infamous 99-line. She likes his company and appreciates that they could remain, friends, because there weren’t any scandals involving the two of them. Boys and girls can be friends in the end and she’s glad people learned that, in this case.
Mia is one of her long-time friends. She’s the reason why Sooah was scouted by Gold Star because Sooah was only accompanying Mia when she decided to audition. Their relationship was a little messy because Mia was always the talented one but she ended up not debuting while Sooah, who was always pretty useless managed to make her way into Fuse. Sooah always felt guilty but Mia is now making sure that she knows none of that was her fault and they are still in good terms. 
And last but not least, she would mention Minjung because despite not being the same age and being in the same team for work, Sooah still sees her as one of her closest friends and someone she can confide to. She was added to Fuse in 2015 and she was anxious because Minjung used to be their maknae and she was stealing the spot now but Minjung only proved to be very nice and sisterly to her and for that, she’ll be eternally thankful.
+ Day Eleven: Has your muse had any scandals? How have these scandals affected your muse as an idol or as a person? If your muse has not had any scandals, talk about their views on scandals. Is all publicity good publicity?
The only “scandal” of sorts Sooah was involved was when she was added to Fuse and some fans were not happy with Gold Star’s decision to add a pretty face to the team when they were perfect before. After that, Sooah lived pretty much like a saint, with no scandals and nothing that could tarnish Fuse’s or her image. It depends a lot on the scandal. Silly things as dating shouldn’t even be seen as scandals because idols are still humans but bullying scandals should surely be taken more seriously. And is bad to think that all publicity is good publicity because what kind of image they would want to build for the groups and company if they build their reputation around scandals. She’s not very fond of that idea.
+ Day Twelve: If your muse is in a group, what are the fun things about promoting with other members? What do they love about being in a group? What do they love about their members? If your muse is a solo artist, what are their thoughts on promoting alone? What do they love about being solo?
Sooah loves promoting with her members. She is very fond of them all and thinks she’s very lucky. She didn’t expect to be in a group where the members would be so supportive of her and look out for her the way her members do. It’s nice that the waiting rooms are never silent, there’s always someone talking and it’s noisy and because she grew up in a house full of people that is very comforting. She loves her members as a whole but also individually. She loves that Miyeon is like this force of nature that is amazing in pretty much everything but still has time to be supportive of Sooah. She loves that Suji was like a mother to her and took great care of her and made her feel comfortable in the group. She loves that Minjung is someone who likes to pamper her and is like a pretty sister she has now. They all feel like family to Sooah.
+ Day Thirteen: For the muses in a group, what are the challenges of being one of several people in a group? Have there been any troubles that have come along with being in a group environment and times they wish they were alone? For the solo artist muses, have you ever felt lonely promoting alone? Do you ever wish that you were in a group instead?
Sooah never hoped to be alone because she doesn’t think she can perform if she’s alone on the stage. Being in a group means that the public’s attention can deviate from a member to others and that’s only normal and it’s totally fine. There will be times she’ll feel like she did a good job but other members get more attention but Sooah thinks it’s only fair because she’s not exactly someone people will have their eyes set on for any reason in particular. She’s not the best singer, or dancer, or rapper. She knows people will look at her because she has great visuals though.
+ Day Fourteen: If your muse is in a group, how do you think they would have fared had they had a solo career instead? What kind of concept would they have? If your muse is a solo artist, how do you think they would have fared if they were in an idol group? What position of the group do you think they would have? 
Sooah would do very poorly as a solo artist. To be fair, she probably wouldn’t even be sent to be an idol and would be redirected to the modeling or acting department instead. But if they were silly enough to still debut her as a solo artist, they would go with something light and aesthetically pleasing to match with her visuals. The songs wouldn’t go to high places and everything vocal would be minimalistic. Think of Kriesha Chu or even SOLE or Younha and we’ll have Sooah as a solo artist. 
+ Day Fifteen: Who does your muse look up to in the industry? Why do they look up to this person?
Sooah looks up to everyone because she’s a sweetheart but if she had to pick three people she looks up to the most, those would be Lipstick’s Minah because she’s amazing in everything she does. She can sing, she can act, she can dance and she cooks amazing meals to Sooah. The perfect person who remained humble even after the success of her group. She wants to be like Minah when she grows up. She also looks up to Lux a lot and it’s not only because Lux helped her to write a song from scratch and promoted the song with her. She thinks Lux is an amazing artist and songwriter/composer and she wants to learn a lot from the older girl. On a similar note, there’s Joosung from Element. They worked together briefly during the BASE project and she saw him in this new light and thinks he’s a very talented and easy-going person. She aims to be a good producer like him in the future.
+ Day Sixteen: If your muse could do a special stage with another artist or idol group, who would it be and why? What song would they perform?
Sooah would love to work with the members of Lucid. Maybe Sooah and Alice, they are the same age and are already close because of the 99-line Sooah has going on. Since they have similar positions in their respective groups and because Alice is a great dancer, they could have a special stage singing to one of the classics of K-pop. Maybe a BoA song. If given a proper heads-up maybe she can even compose and write a song for them.
+ Day Seventeen: How would your muse fare in a variety show? If your muse could appear on any variety show, which variety would it be and why? If you don’t have a lot of knowledge of variety shows, talk about what kind of variety show they would go on.
It depends a lot on the variety show. If it’s something like DoReMi Market or Knowing Bros, she’ll do fairly well because she feels comfortable, it’s just them there having a talk and telling stories, sometimes playing some games. If it’s a show like Running Man or Law of the Jungle where she’ll have to actively show surviving skills or running and jumping, that makes her more anxious because she’s just not good at that kind of stuff. 
+ Day Eighteen: What entertainment agency is your muse a part of? What do they think of other groups and artists that are in the same agency as them? Which labelmates do they get along with the most, excluding group members?
Sooah is part of Gold Star Media. She thinks people in her agency are dope even if the company itself makes some questionable decisions sometimes. But every single one of their artists, Sooah likes and listens to their songs. From their soloists to the co-ed group they have. Gold Star releases really good songs, she thinks and she’s very musically oriented and the company offers her the kind of support she would need to thrive in that area. She’s not particularly close to anyone in her company, except her members, though.
+ Day Nineteen: Is there anything besides idol activities that your muse would want to do? Would they want to take their hand at hosting a variety show or act in a television show or drama? Would they want to try out modeling or a musical? If they have done things such as these, talk about their thoughts toward these things.
Sooah thrives in the modeling route and that’s the most obvious path for her because of her unapparelled young visuals. That’s something she would want to do especially because it’s very easy for her and it’s also fun but to be honest, she would like to try her hand in variety shows more now that Fuse already has an established image.
+ Day Twenty: If your muse was able to be a part of a supergroup that comprised of current idols, who would they want to be in the same group, and why? What kind of concept would this group have? How do you think the group would do in terms of popularity?
If Sooah was to pick members for a supergroup, she would struggle a lot because many others are better qualified. But she would pick Lipstick’s Hyeju, Lucid’s Hyoyeon and Jeonghwa and WISH’s Sophie, besides herself. All of them are skilled and have the visuals Sooah would want to see in a group, besides being charismatic so she thinks they would do well together? Because they would look very powerful, they would probably invest in a more powerful, girl crush concept, like the ones in Femme Fatale. And since they have big names in the industry, they would also do fairly okay, popularity-wise.
+ Day Twenty-One: How does your muse feel about their fans? How do they feel about sasaeng fans? How would they handle a situation in which they were faced with obsessive fans that followed them or invaded their privacy? If they’ve had problems with sasaeng fans before, how did they feel about it?
She’s appreciative of her fans and she’s extremely glad that they are kind to her and her members too. She’s grateful that they kind of protect her from OT4 stans and that warms her heart a lot. She doesn’t know what she should do with sasaeng fans though. She’s scared of them, more than anything. She’s scared of which boundaries they might break to get her attention and she fears there’ll be a day they’ll end up hurting someone to get to her. She would try to communicate her thoughts and ask them to leave, even though she knows that probably wouldn’t work out. She would just be scared and ask her manager to help her with it.
+ Day Twenty-Two: Talk about your muse’s goals that they have for their group or themselves if they are a solo artist. Where would they want to promote if given the chance? Do they want to do a solo album at one point? This can be any sort of professional goal.
There isn’t much she can think of because she’s good at following the flow and doing as she’s told. Fuse reached a point where things are comfortable and their name is established. She wants the other members to be able to have separate careers and still be successful with the things they want to do so maybe that means they’ll have to be more recognizable not only internationally but also locally. She never visited Central or South America and she would love to visit the countries in these regions sometime in the future to promote.
+ Day Twenty-Three: What are your muse’s thoughts on being an idol and dating? Are they against dating? Have they ever been in a relationship after debuting? If so, talk about the challenges that have come along with dating. If they aren’t dating, would they want to date?
She understands why some people are against it. She doesn’t agree with their thoughts. She thinks that they are young and they are surrounded by beautiful people all the time and at some point, is only natural to feel attraction towards someone. And as healthy, young people, they should be allowed to have normal experiences such as dating. Sooah was never in a relationship before or after debut. She was way too young when she became a trainee and she was way too focused on not messing up and practicing after she debuted. And of course, she would love to date someone if she feels it’s the right person.
+ Day Twenty-Four: Who is your muse’s ideal type? Why is this person their ideal type? 
She has been saying since debut that she finds Lee Dong Wook very attractive and nominated him as her idol type since 2015. She never talked to Lee Dong Wook personally so she can’t talk about anything but his good looks. The sharp jaw and the kind of eyes are what draws her to this kind of aesthetic and she’ll be the first to admit that people like him don’t look like they smile a lot but there’s a certain satisfaction in getting a smile from them and the possibility makes her heart flutter. She has to be able to rely on the person and feel comfortable being around them. They also have to know how to properly cook, otherwise, they’ll rely on take-out for a long while.
+ Day Twenty-Five: What does your muse want to be remembered for in the idol world? Do they want to be remembered for their vocal prowess? Their image? Their dancing skills? Their scandals?
Sooah wants to be remembered as someone who improved over the years and became great in the end. She won’t stand out in any meaningful way. She’ll never be the greatest singer or the best dancer or someone remembered because of her little rap lines in Fuse’s songs. She does expect people to have the image of someone who came from the bottom and still managed to become someone great and who learned and improved a lot. Someone who never really stagnated and worked on herself to become a better artist. 
+ Day Twenty-Six: Does your muse ever regret becoming an idol? Do they ever think about what they would be doing instead if they lived a normal life? If they could go back in time, would they do everything all over again? Or would they end up doing something else?
She remembers regretting becoming an idol when she went back home after living with her members in the dorms. She was moving back home so she could spend some more time with her parents and she remembers seeing them after a long while and thinking, “they have aged”. There were wrinkles around her father’s eyes and her mother was slouching a little bit more and she remembers feeling very sad because she barely spent time with them in the last 4 years or so. She never thought she would have a normal life, to begin with. She dreamed of big adventures and in a way or another, this is a big adventure and she tries not to regret things or think how things would have turned out. She doesn’t think she would trade her life now for a “normal” life mainly because she can’t imagine herself not having the people, she has in her life now.
+ Day Twenty-Seven: After working hard on promotions, your muse is given the chance to take a two-week vacation anywhere in the world at any time they want, with nobody bothering them. Where would they go and when? Why would they want to take their vacation there? If they had the opportunity to bring three other people, who would they bring?
She always wanted to visit Machu-Pichu so maybe she would go there and hike her way up the mountains. She remembers seeing a documentary when she was younger and that became her plan with her mom that one day they would go to Peru and see the clouds from up there. She still didn’t have the time to do that with her. She would take her mom and her two older siblings with her. Dad is not very fond of that because he has back problems so he would have two weeks of freedom at home on his own. 
+ Day Twenty-Eight: Talk about your muse’s low point in life. Why was this a low point in their life? What kind of challenges did they face and how did they feel about this? Were they able to overcome it? If it is still ongoing, are they working on overcoming these challenges? 
During the trainee years, Sooah’s self-esteem hit a really low level. She was self-doubting a lot at the time and thinking she wasn’t enough and that she wouldn’t be able to ever get better regarding her skills. She was surrounded by incredibly talented people but there she was, not being remotely good in what she was supposed to do. Sooah thinks she’ll never get completely rid of this kind of thoughts, mainly because she knows she has a long way to go but things now are much better and because she has so many supportive figures in her life, she can rely on them more and not suffer on her own anymore.
+ Day Twenty-Nine: Talk about your muse’s most meaningful moment as an idol. This is what they feel so far is the highest point in their life and where they’ve never been happier. Recall the memory and describe it; what happened and how did they feel? 
Sooah remembers the moment of their first concert with a lot of fondness. They have been practicing for months at the time and Sooah was so nervous because it would be their first time doing a concert only with their fans and she didn’t want to mess things up. The moment they were waiting backstage to be okayed to go up and perform, she had a million thoughts in her head that slowly started dissipating as they sang and danced. She remembers feeling very warm in her heart when they had their first break and as they introduced themselves, she would hear the screams of the fans. When her turn came up and she heard their screams of support, Sooah laughed and her eyes teared a bit even. She was never so happy to perform like she was with the ‘Red Room’.
+ Day Thirty: Think about your muse’s life down the road. Where would they be and what would they be doing? Would they still be in the entertainment industry? Would they settle down and have a family?
When Fuse eventually disbands, Sooah will probably not get involved with music. At least she won’t be releasing songs for herself to sing. She’ll be more than happy to remain active as a lyricist/composer/producer and that’s her priority. Maybe invest more in her career as a model and start putting her visuals to good use, too. But she doesn’t exactly see herself wanting to be the center of attention like it happened in Fuse. She wants to slowly show her process of retirement, pretty much like Hyori wanted to do once in past. She sees herself settling down to have a family. She also sees herself traveling around the world and enjoying life differently too.
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star-spangled-steve · 5 years
His New Partner
Chapter 25: The Wedding Day
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: 1470
Warnings: Fluff, marriage.
Audio: “Unchained Melody” by The Righteous Brothers
A/N: So, this chapter doesn’t exactly have a huge conflict or main idea, I just wanted to give you guys a little glimpse of their big day. Also, Y/M/N means Your Mom’s Name and Y/D/N means Your Dad’s Name. Enjoy this short part!
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Y/N sighed as she stared in the full-length mirror, running her hands down the satiny smooth skirt of her wedding gown. She let her fingertips wander to the bodice and proceeded to stoke up and down its length; almost as if she was testing if it was real or not.
The girl could hardly believe that she was finally getting married to the Captain America, the love of her life. After over a year of planning, organizing, arguments, and Steve forcing her to take sleeping pills in order to relax, the big day had finally arrived.
Dozens, possibly hundreds of news reporters and paparazzi were crowded outside, waiting for hours to even get one shot of the happy couple. After all, it was the wedding of one of the world’s favourite Avengers and one of the most popular actresses in the industry; the event would make for some great headlines. Steve and Y/N were basically American royalty, and everybody knew it.
Just take deep breaths, the bride told herself as suspense for the ceremony continued to grow. Her five bridesmaids, including her trusty Maid of Honour, were completely finished getting ready. They were now just helping Y/N finish up, tweaking her hair and smoothing out her dress.
“Five minutes.” Maria stated after checking the clock, walking up to the mirror in which the bride was facing. “You excited?” She questioned with a grin, placing her hands on Y/N’s bare shoulders.
The girl in white puffed out a breath, staring at her and Maria’s reflections. “Ya, ya.” She gulped. “A bit nervous too, if I’m being honest.”
“Relax, N/N.” Y/C/N spoke from across the room, reapplying her face powder.
Natasha nodded while adjusting the straps of her soft gold dress. “It’s ‘gonna be easy.”
Y/N hummed before turning around to face her friends, as well as her mother, who was currently having a chat with Pepper on one of the little plush benches. “D-Do I look okay?” She asked somewhat shyly. Even though Y/N had millions of fans across the globe constantly raving about how pretty she was, it didn’t mean that she couldn’t be self-conscious every now and then.
“Are you kidding?” Y/F/N chimed in. “You look so stunning!”
Y/M/N stood up and walked closer to the group. Pepper followed as well, all of the women now standing in a small circle around the puffy wedding dress. “So beautiful, Y/N.” The older woman smiled, feeling incredibly proud of her daughter.
“Let me just tell you,” Pepper fondly shook her head, “you’re going to knock Steve’s socks off.”
The actress laughed in delight.
“She’s serious, sweetie.” Natasha, the Maid of Honour, added. “That man worships you when you wear sweatpants. I can’t wait to see what his reaction will be to this getup.” She smirked, gesturing to the beautiful white gown that looked just exquisite on the girl.
Y/N spun around on the spot, giving everybody in the room a 360-degree view. Her dress was stark white and in the style of a ball gown; tight to her torso and extremely wide around the bottom. It was off-the-shoulder, a very tiny v-cut in the middle of her chest, and the outside layer was made of pure satin. Tons and tons of tulle was underneath, completely hiding Y/N’s tall white stilettos. She felt straight out of a fairytale.
“He’s a very lucky man.” Y/M/N commented before pulling her daughter into a gentle hug, still being mindful of the fancy attire.
Y/N smiled, rubbing a hand up and down her mother’s back. “Thank you, mom.”
Their precious moment was interrupted by a sudden knock on the dressing room door. “N/N?” A voice spoke from behind it, a voice that they instantly recognized to be the bride’s father. The women all looked towards each other, holding a breath as they waited to hear what he had to say. “It’s time.”
“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” The ultimate, determinant words were spoken, and the couple gave each other bright smiles. Steve squeezed Y/N’s hands affectionately as small tears streamed down their faces. “You may kiss the bride!”
The guests erupted with applause as the pair leaned in, lips touching in a soft kiss. Steve placed his arms around Y/N’s torso and actually dipped her back for with excitement, just making the cheers and hollers from the audience become much louder.
The girl laughed as they stood up straight again, still in each other’s hold. Even though the room was filled with over a hundred different people, Y/N and Steve still felt like the only ones present. They were completely lost in each other’s eyes, each other’s arms.
The moment was pure bliss.
“Let us welcome for the very first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Steven and Y/N Rogers!”
Once again, the entire group of company began to clap and cheer in support. They watched as the newlyweds came through the large doors and headed farther into the fancy reception hall, huge smiles on their faces. They saw how the man twirled his wife around while they walked, his eyes never straying from her beautiful form. It was completely apparent to everyone how completely in love with each other they were. People could tell that what they had would last forever.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and groom will now have their first dance. If you would please all gather round the dance floor and show your support for the happy couple.”
The room went silent in anticipation, until the live band began to play first couple beats of ‘Unchained Melody’ by The Righteous Brothers. All of Steve and Y/N’s friends were aware of how it was ‘their song’, or something like that. Ever since three years earlier when she had sung it for him in the living room of her old apartment, the man had been completely in love with its tune, its tempo, and its sensuality. He just adored holding Y/N while it played.
“Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered for your touch
A long, lonely time”
Steve brought the girl closer, right hand on her waist and left hand clasping her own right one. He began to sway them back and forth to the beat of the song, eyes never leaving her’s.
“Time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?”
One moment Y/N was held tightly to Steve’s body, and the next he was spinning her outwards, making her giggle in response. He quickly brought her back to his chest, hands grasping her torso even tighter than before.
“I need your love
I need your love
God speed your love to me”
The actress laid her head on her husband’s chest, feeling the beat of his super soldier heart underneath her right cheek. It was racing fast, and she had no doubt that it mirrored her own.
“Lonely rivers flow
To the sea, to the sea
To the open arms of the sea
Lonely rivers sigh
‘Wait for me, wait for me’
I'll be coming home, wait for me”
Steve rested his chin on the top of Y/N’s head and smiled to himself. “You look so beautiful, babydoll.” He spoke quietly. “Did I tell you that already?”
His wife grinned into his tuxedo jacket. “Multiple times, Stevie.”
The Captain lightly shrugged as he led her around the dance floor. “Well, it’s true. You look like a pretty princess.”
“Oh, my love, my darling
I've hungered, for your touch
A long, lonely time
Time goes by so slowly
And time can do so much
Are you still mine?”
Y/N lifted her head to get a look at her man’s face, and he lowered it, making their foreheads touch. They could feel one another’s hot breath over their skin, and the air was electrified with passion. They had extremely intense looks on their faces; almost as if they were about to explore the great unknown that was each other. If it wasn’t for the classy wedding attire, you might even suspect that they were about to go in for their first kiss.
“I need your love”
Steve’s crystal blue eyes lowered to Y/N’s rosy pink lips, wanting yet another taste. No matter how many times they had touched mouths, neither of them had ever gotten enough of the sensation.
“I need your love”
The girl’s tongue traced the bottom of her teeth, knowing exactly what Steve had wanted.
“God speed your love to me.”
She did what any reasonable wife would do and leaned up, sealing their lips together in a chaste kiss. This just made their friends and family whistle, especially when her husband’s hands rose to either side of her head, locking her in place. But it’s not like he really needed to; Y/N was never going anywhere.
Next Chapter
Feedback is always welcome!❤️
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applesauccce · 3 years
Ok I had a weird and very detailed dream, like extremely detailed. I will be describing some weird and disturbing stuff, reader discretion advised.
Basically, I was living in a village and was the local magic healer. I could commune with a goddess or a spirit that would direct me on how to heal who ever had come to me. I had a magic grimoire or spell book, specifically made out of stone tablets. It had a runic circle in it that I could activate to help me commune with the spirit, it would light up blue when activated. I was sitting in a small sort of hut, there was a simple cloth draped over the entrance, and there was an older woman and a younger girl who were sitting with me.
I was using the grimoire and trying to get an answer from the spirit, when someone in the village called out that there were travellers passing through. I got up and looked outside to see a caravan of people coming through the streets, they were wearing beautiful rusty red skirts and jackets, with creamy white blouses. One girl ran up to me with something cupped in her hands, she asked if I was the magic healer and I said yes. She opened her hands to show me a small fetus, explaining that she had miscarried. It looked strange, a tiny little human curled up in a ball, with red skin and purple veins, but I remember that I wasn’t alarmed. She asked if there was anything I could do, I remember she said it in a very monotone and apathetic way, specifically she said “could you save IT?”. I said I would try and took the fetus from her, she immediately turned and left to rejoin the caravan. I remember that she was wearing a white blouse with the rusty red skirt, it fell to her ankles and was a very full skirt. She had light chocolate skin and dreads tied back with a scarf, she wore no jewelry. She was very much so in a hurry to leave.
I had sat down at my grimoire and had activated the runic circle, trying to find an answer from the spirit. I was interrupted by a young man coming in and sitting down by the door, he also asked if I was the healer and if I could save the child. I remember looking at him and locking eyes for a good five seconds. Unlike the girl, he was white skinned with dusty brown blonde short hair, he wore gray clothes, a mask, and had a spike studded collar. His eyes were gray, I remember trying to figure out if they were blue gray or green gray, but eventually had to look away because I had lost concentration on the spell. I wondered if he was the father.
I turned back to the spell book and concentrated again. I remember seeing the little fetus in the palm of my hands, surrounded by the blue glow of the runic circle. For a moment, that’s all I could see. Then it felt like the dream timeskipped or I came back into conciousness. A red gooey mixture was dumped onto my workspace by the young man, I remember being slightly alarmed at the quick development, but quickly took it in stride. We were making an artificial womb for the fetus, we could feed it with an alchemic mixture and some magic and hopefully see it live. I remember opening the false womb (which for some reason was a skirt, not unlike the one the girl had been wearing, although I don’t remember the color of this one) and seeing masses of organs and more red gooey paste. I set the fetus inside and smeared the red paste in, sealing it in.
I then turned to look at the young man, I was going to ask him if he was the father, but then the I woke up. I’m not entirely convinced that this wasn’t an alternate timeline, there were so many details and it was different from my typical crazy dreams. This one was strictly in my POV, not third person omnicent like my usual dreams. I remember thinking that the young man was the father, that it was an unexpected pregnancy, that the girl couldn’t care less if the fetus lived, that she was probably a bit relieved that she had miscarried. For whatever reason I assumed she had other plans and felt that the pregnancy was dishonorable for her. The young man did care and trusted my power. I still can’t get his eyes out of my head. I remember the street that the travellers were walking down, I remember the fetus in my hands as I used the grimoire, I remember what the girl looked like as she turned and almost ran away.
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Free to Be You and Me: Final Part
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2,439
Warnings: typical supernatural violence, language, angst, blood, you know the usual
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Any and all comments on these are appreciated. I really want to hear what you guys think about this one!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
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After Castiel found the perfect abandoned house to set up the ritual, you three got to work. Castiel said he needed to get an important part of the ritual, so it was just the two of you in this house. Dean was pacing back and forth with John’s journal in his hands while you sat on a chair and watched. The angel has been gone for a while now, and you were staring to get worried.
“Where could he have gone?” you asked just as Castiel appeared with a ceramic jar. “Where the hell were you?”
“Oh, how was it?” Dean asked sarcastically.
“What is that?”
“It's oil. It's very special. Very rare.”
“So, this ritual of yours, when does it got to go down?” you asked as you got up.
“Tell me something. You keep saying we're gonna trap this guy. Isn't that kinda like trapping a hurricane with a butterfly net?” Dean asked.
“No, it’s harder.”
“Do we have any chance of surviving this?” you wondered out loud.
“You two do.”
“So, odds are you're a dead man tomorrow?”
“Well, last night on earth. What are your plans?”
“I just thought I'd sit here quietly.”
“Come on, anything? Booze, women?” Dean asked as you walked around to stand behind Castiel as he sat in the chair you were previously sitting in. When Dean asked the question, the angel looked away uncomfortably.
“You have been with women before. Right? Or an angel, at least?” you asked as you placed your hands on his shoulders. The only response you got from Castiel was awkward neck rubbing which gave you your answer.
“You mean to tell me you've never been up there doing a little cloud-seeding?”
“Look, I've never had occasion, okay?”
“Alright,” Dean shrugged on his jacket after you two locked eyes. There was only one way to pass the time, and you were going to make sure Castiel got his fill. “Let me tell you something. There are two things I know for certain. One, Bert and Ernie are gay. Two, you are not gonna die a virgin. Not on my watch. Let's go.”
“Let’s go soldier,” you grinned as you pat his shoulders before following your boyfriend. Castiel stared after the two of you before hastily following.
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Dean had taken Castiel to the best brothel bar in town, and it turns out to be one of the best ideas he could have done. Upon entering, Castiel could not take his eyes off the women who were walking around the bar. Dean found a table immediately, and you took a seat next to the Angel while Dean sat across from the two of you. Castiel didn’t know how to react to this, so he looked so terrified, you thought he was going to have a heart attack.
“Hey. Relax,” you sighed.
“This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here.”
“Dude, you full-on rebelled against heaven. Iniquity is one of the perks,” Dean grinned. 
The angel still looked terrified, you thought of something that might help him unwind. Without using your words, you looked at Dean with your idea in mind. He seemed to understand what you were getting at, so he nodded for you to go ahead.
“Castiel,” you spoke as you scooted closer to the angel. 
He tensed when your hand found his tie, and you loosened it to give him that sexy look that women loved so much. You unbuttoned the first few on his white shirt before pulling it apart to show some of his chest hair. “Just be yourself, but women like it when you compliment them. Make her feel good about herself. Cherish her in every way you know how. Make her feel like she is the only woman on the planet.”
“Showtime,” Dean smirked as he saw a hooker approach the table with her eyes on Castiel. 
Taking your hands off him, you left his side and joined Dean’s before looking at her.
“Hi. What's your name?” she asked Castiel with a seductive smile. The angel refused to even look at her.
“Cas,” Dean said for him. “His name is Cas. What’s your name?”
“Chastity,” she smiled as Castiel drank his beer.
“Wow. Is that kismet or what, buddy? Well, he likes you, you like him, so dayenu,” he grinned. The hooker grabbed ahold of his coat before tugging him up.
“Come on, baby,” she grinned as she took his hand and stated to lead him away. Dean took out a wad of cash before stopping the angel.
“Hey, listen. Take this. If she asks for a credit card, no. Now just stick to the basics, okay? Do not order off the menu. Go get her, tiger,” he chuckled. The angel just stood still, and your boyfriend sighed. “Don’t make me push you.”
“You really think he can pull it off?” you asked as the hooker led Castiel to one of the back rooms.
“Nope,” he popped the p at the end. “But it will a hell of a lot of fun to watch.”
“You’re evil, but sexy,” you grinned before kissing him softly. 
No one around you was paying any attention to the two of you, so he took it a bit further before a scream rang out from the back rooms. Pulling apart from him, you two got up and headed to the back when you saw Castiel rush out of the room with Chasity following him with hot tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Get out of my face! Leave me alone! Bastard! Screw you, jerk!” she yelled as she threw something at Castiel who looked a little disheveled. “I’ll kill you1”
“The hell did you do?” you asked the angel.
“I don't know. I just looked her in the eyes and told her it wasn't her fault that her father Gene ran off. It was because he hated his job at the post office.”
“Oh no, man,” Dean sighed.
“This whole industry runs on absent fathers. It's, it's the natural order,” Dean explained as two bouncers appeared through the door that Chasity left through.
“We should go. Come on,” you urged, pushing the men to the exit before the bouncers could get you. Once outside, you and Dean couldn’t help but laugh at how the evening ended. Castiel didn’t have any game, and this night proved it.
“What's so funny?” Castiel asked.
“Oh, nothing. Whoo. It's been a long time since I've laughed that hard. It's been more than a long time… years,” Dean chuckled, but when he really thought about it, his laughter died out. Seeing his smile falter, you cleared your throat before grabbing his hand in comfort.
“Come on, we need to get the ritual started,” Castiel said before leading the way to the hospital where Donnie was currently residing.
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Peeking around the corner, you watched a nurse leave Donnie’s room before disappearing down a hallway. Nodding that the coast was clear, you and Dean snuck inside Donnie’s room before you quietly shut the door. Castiel was already inside pouring the holy oil in a circle around Donnie’s wheelchair.
“When the oil burns, no angel can touch or pass through the flames, or he dies.”
“Okay, so we trap him in a steel cage of holy fire, but one question. How the hell do we get him here?” Dean asked.
“Very simple. There's, well, almost an open phone line between a vessel and his angel. One just has to know how to dial,” he said as he leaned down close to Donnie’s ear. He started muttering something in a language you didn’t know or understand.
“I'm here, Raphael. Come and get me, you little bastard.”
“Just out of curiosity, what is the average customer wait time to speak to an archangel?” you asked nervously.
“Be ready,” he said before lighting a match and dropping it onto the oil. It formed a ring of fire around Donnie’s body. Looking around the room, nothing was happening from when the oil began to burn. A few more minutes passed, and nothing.
“Isn’t he supposed to be here?” you asked.
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“Well that's a day I'll never get back,” Dean complained as he drove back up to the abandoned house you were using earlier. Sighing you entered the house, but the angel put a hand on your shoulder to stop you from entering the house.
“Y/N, wait,” he said. Bright, white light shone from inside the living room, and Donnie stood there with an intense look on his face. However, you knew it wasn’t Donnie but Raphael. As the bright light intensified, Raphael spread his wings to show you just how big and strong they were. Lightbulbs began to shatter, and you shielded them from your face.
“And I thought you were supposed to be impressive. All you do is black out the room,” Dean said as he walked closer to him.
“And the Eastern Seaboard,” he spoke. Lightning began flashing outside, and you bit your lip in nervousness. “It is a testament to my unending mercy that I do not smite you here and now.”
“Or maybe you're full of shit,” you spoke as you walked into the room. Raphael’s eyes were on you with a look you couldn’t quite place. “Maybe you're afraid God will bring Castiel back to life again and smite you and your candy-ass skirt. By the way, hi, I'm Y/N. That’s Dean.”
“I know who you two are. And now, thanks to him, I know where you are.”
“You won't kill them. You wouldn't dare.”
“It’s not like I would let you,” you said bravely as your eyes glowed a bright blue.
“I should kill you for what Amara did. Finally end her line of vessels,” he growled as he glared at you. “But I will take him to Michael.”
“Well then. Sounds terrifying. It does. But, uh, hate to tell you, I'm not going anywhere with you.”
“Surely you remember Zachariah giving you stomach cancer?”
“Yeah, that was, that was hilarious,” he said sarcastically.
“Well, he doesn't have anything close to my imagination.”
“I bet you didn’t imagine one thing,” you smirked as the light in your eyes died out.
“We know you were coming you fucking son of a bitch,” you smirked as Dean lit his lighter before dropping onto the oil that Castiel poured prior to going to the brothel. The Holy oil ignites in a circle around Raphael.
“Don't look at me, it was his idea,” Dean ratted.
“Dean,” you hissed as you lightly slapped his arm.
“Where is He?” Castiel demanded to know.
“God? Didn't you hear? He's dead, Castiel. Dead. There's no other explanation. He's gone for good.”
“You’re lying.”
“Am I? Do you remember the twentieth century? Think the twenty-first is going any better? Do you think God would have let any of that happen if He were alive?”
“Oh yeah? Well then who invented the Chinese basket trick?” Dean chuckled.
“Careful. That's my Father you're talking about, boy.”
“Yeah, who would be so proud to know His sons started the fucking apocalypse.”
“Who ran off and disappeared? Who left no instructions and a world to run?”
“Daddy ran away and disappeared. He didn't happen to work for the post office, did He?” you asked.
“This is funny to you? You're living in a godless universe.”
“And? What, you and the other kids just decided to throw an apocalypse while He was gone?” Dean asked.
“We're tired. We just want it to be over. We just want... paradise.”
“Then find another planet to destroy.”
“So, what, God dies and makes you the boss and you decide you can do whatever you want?”
“Yes. And whatever we want, we get,” he said, using his powers to shatter the windows. The glass bursted inward, and you shielded yourself from the shards as Dean did.
“If God is dead, why have I returned? Who brought me back?” Castiel asked. The rain started pouring inside, but you ignored it as you looked at the Archangel.
“Did it ever occur to you that maybe Lucifer raised you?”
“Think about it. He needs all the rebellious angels he can find. You know it adds up.”
“Let’s go,” the lower angel said before starting to leave the room.
“Castiel, I'm warning you. Do not leave me here. I will find you,” Raphael threatened.
“Maybe one day. But today, you're my little bitch,” Castiel said through the rain.
“Damn Castiel,” you grinned before following in his footsteps.
“What he said,” Dean smirked and the three of you left the house with the trapped angel inside of it.
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Without Sam in the car, you were able to enjoy the front seat while Dean drove and Castiel in the back. The car ride was silent, but you could sense the tension coming from both of you and Castiel, but from Castiel mostly.
“You okay?” you asked the angel but received no answers.
“Look, I'll be the first to tell you that this little crusade of yours is nuts, but I do know a little something about missing fathers,” Dean said.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean there were times when I was looking for my dad when all logic said that he was dead, but I knew in my heart he was still alive. Who cares what some ninja turtle says, Cas, what do you believe?”
“I believe he's out there.”
“Good, then go find him,” you encouraged.
“What about you two?”
“What about me? I don't know. Honestly, I'm good. I can't believe I'm saying that, but I am, I'm really good.”
“Wait, really?” you gasped softly, looking at the man you love.
“Even without your brother?” Castiel asked.
“Especially without my brother. I mean, I spent so much time worrying about the son of a bitch. I mean, I've had more fun with you two in the past twenty-four hours than I've had with Sam in years, and you're not that much fun. It's funny, you know, I've been so chained to my family, but now that I'm alone, hell, I'm happy.”
The car grew silent after his confession, and Castiel took that as a sign to leave. Once the car was free of the angel, you looked at Dean to see his smile falter.
“Yeah, we both know that’s not true,” you scoffed as you pulled your knees up to your chest. “That kind of love and dependency doesn’t just go away because you declare it so. You miss Sam. I can see it all over your face.”
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antman-56 · 4 years
The Long Night Pt. 23
“Everyone ready.”
Team BLAD was outside of  “The Club” in a party van. They were wearing all black light body armor and had different weapons.
All of them where sitting in the back of the van. From checking equipment, looking outside the van or just contemplating what they were about to do.
Ben was checking his sword, that could turn into a assault rifle, for any nicks.
Damien was loading a metal backpack connected to a minigun.
Damien (cigarette in mouth) : We have 3 more hours before The Pack and The Sons show up. 
Alvin was loading a shotgun with explosive dust rounds.
Alvin : Mann said he keep the cops from showing for 4 hours. He really doesn't know how a gun fight works.
Lenny loading his body armor’s pouches with ammo for his pistols.
Lenny : Well use his incompetence to our advantage.
Damien : Were trained huntsmen against thugs with guns. They don’t even have Aura or a semblance. It’s going to be easy.
Ben : Damien take the Kanabo. In case the minigun jams.
Alvin passed it to Damien.
Ben : That goes out to all of you. Get a secondary weapon if you run out of ammo. Remember no survivors.
Lenny grabbed two military knifes and Alvin went for the stun grenades..
Alvin (waving his hand and covering his nose) : Damien put that out man we have to be in here for 3 hours and I don’t want to smell like smoke when I ask her out.
Damien : Dude it’s been 3 days. The last time you were close to her you flaked out.
Alvin : Shut up.
Ben : And after that life plan you made.
Alvin : Shut up!
Lenny : And to imagine all the half babies you two would’ve had. Lets see . . . 
Alvin : Shut up!!
Ben : If its a boy Julian and a girl . . .
Damien : Brooklyn.
Alvin sunk down his seat and was now laying on the floor, covering his face.
Lenny : Live on top of a hill, next to a lake.
Damien : And they would live happily ever after.
Alvin was slowly reaching for his pocket knife until Ben stopped him.
Ben : Relax. You know were teasing.
Alvin : You think she hates faunus?
Ben : Don’t know. Why don’t you ask her.
Damien : Hey! We have the Pack coming in from the west and the Sons coming from the north.
Ben : Alright boys, masks on. 
They put on their masks, all of them resembled a skull. It was simple and basic, no need for anyone to know who they were.
Within 5 minutes The Club was shooting at The Pack and The Sons.
Ben raised his fingers up and put his hand on the handle.
3 ... 2...
When he opened the door, Lenny and Alvin opened fire on two members of The Pack.
The Pack wore blue and black shirts, bandannas, jackets or hats. Anything with those two colors. Some members had tattoos of a Grimm beowolf.
The Sons wore yellow and red skirts, tank tops or bandannas. They usually had a sun tattooed on their foreheads and/or right hand.
Ben and Alvin were the first ones out. They split up and were taking out everyone that was in front of them. 
Damien ran out and laid waste to “The Club”. Bullets were going through the foundation and hitting anyone who was unlucky enough to be inside.
Lenny ran out last and used Damien’s distraction to run to the Sons covering from his onslaught. Lenny was shooting anyone who poked their head’s out.
At the west side of The Club, Alvin was busy blowing up the heads of the Pack. He only stopped to reload. 
Ben was at the north, taking caution when firing at the Sons. He made sure he was taking out the ones that could shot Lenny since he was on a war path.
Ben was distracted by keeping Lenny safe that a Son took the chance to hit him with a bat.
Ben staggered and slowly back away from the Son. He transformed his assault rifle into a claymore  He lunged forward and drove the sword right through the Son’s chest. He pulled out forcefully and as the Son was comprehending what happened Ben swung the sword right through his neck.
Ben went back to the assault rifle mode and resumed to provide support.
Damien was still firing at the foundation and whatever sparks of gunfire created to retaliate were quickly snuffed out by the never ending barrage of bullets.
Lenny was jumping on the cars that were parked or the ones the Sons used as makeshift cover. He was killing the Sons in rapid pace but was running low on ammo. 
When he heard an empty click produce from his guns he sheath them and took cover. He took a couple of breath and ran at the machine gun nests the Sons made. 
He landed right in the middle of them  and it took them a second before they realized where he was. One Son ran up to him hoping to hit him with the butt of his rifle. Lenny pushed him away and ran to the guy who was next to him. He grabbed his rifle and threw out of the circle.
Another aimed their rifle at him and just as he was about to pull the trigger, Lenny threw one of his knifes at him. The blade pierced the Son’s heart before he could let out a single shot. 
The other two members who were more fortunate and took aim.
Lenny used the now unarmed Son as a human shield and ran towards them.
When he was close to them he threw the now deceased Son at them and took out his other knife. One of them was buried under the dead Son but the other was able to get out in time. Lenny took out his last knife and threw it at the Son who was still standing. He looked down to see the last Son struggling to get the dead corpse off of him. Lenny brought his foot up and smashed it down onto the Son’s face.
One car began to start and was desperately trying to escape.
Lenny saw this and took out a grenade from his pouch. He threw it at the car and waited.  
The car was now a smoldering reek of metal and flesh.
Alvin was dealing with the last of The Pack. 3 members were left and desperately shooting where Alvin was at.
Alvin closed his eyes and listened to where they were shooting him from.
Alvin took out his stun grenade and with near pin point accuracy to the last stand.
Within seconds Alvin pumped his shotgun and ran to them.
The first one he saw he he aim for his head.
He jumped over the car and aimed for the second guy.
He fell over and fired blindly, killing his friend and grazing Alvin’s Aura.
He regained his senses after the gun was empty and the first thing he saw was the end of a shotgun barrel.
Ben (  I  ) : Took you long enough.
Alvin (  I  ) : Fuck you.
Ben (  I  ) : Lets go inside.
Lenny (  I  ) : How long did that take.
Ben (  I  , checks watch) :  5 minutes.
Alvin (  I  ) : Wanna tell Damien to stop.
Ben (  I  ) : Damien enough. Lets head inside.
 The minigun slowed down with steam lines coming out from the barrels. 
They began to walk into the establishment without a care in the world.
The carnage inside was what everyone expected. Windows were broken, tables destroyed by bullets, limbs, guts and blood sprayed all over the place.
All that was left was one goon slowly crawling towards the emergency exit.
Ben walked over to him and flipped him over.
Ben (grabbing his collar) : Where is Butch?
Goon (coughing blood) : Go to Hell!
Ben punched him.
Ben : Where?
Goon : Fuck you!
Ben dropped him and stretched his hand for Lenny’s gun.
Ben shot the goon’s hand. The goon screamed in agony.
Ben : Where? And you die quickly.
Goon : Fuck you.
Ben : You have two knee caps left.
Goon : I don’t know.
Ben : Bullshit.
Goon : He left. Told us . . . . to guard the place.
The goon bleed out and looked more peaceful.
Ben : Searched the place. He must have left something. Set your watches for the last 30 minutes then we leave.
***Willow’s Dorm***  
Willow : Tea’s ready!!
Willow rushed to the table with a steaming tea kettle and 2 cups.
Terra : Careful or you’ll burn yourself!!
Willow set the kettle down and cups.
Terra : Not used to serving your own tea.
Willow : That obvious.
Terra : Yes, now dish girl, is it James, Turbo or Qrow?
Willow (blushing) :  WHAT?
Terra : Kill, Marry, and Fuck?
Willow : You first.
Terra : Kill Turbo, marry Qrow and fuck James.
Terra pours the tea into the 2 cups.
Willow : Well kill Turbo ....
Terra : Obviously!
Willow began to hesitate on the last 2 choices.
Terra : Willow, don’t tell me you...
Willow began to blush.
Terra : Oh!My!Gods!
Willow began to hide her face.
Terra : It was usually it’s James, now he has competition. Dish girl.
Willow : Well James is nice, sweet and ... 
Terra : Old and their. But Qrow?
Willow : He’s . . . 
Terra (teasing) : Special, handsome, lost, a poor soul born into the wrong life.
Willow : Terraaaaa...
Terra : You know I love you.
Willow : Yeah, but I don’t know how to say it but he’s like me. 
Terra : How exactly?
Willow : He is trying to defy his own fate.
Terra says nothing and just sipped her tea. She had know her friend since they were in kindergarten and she has yet to be wrong about someone. I mean James, Freya, An Mai, and now STRQ. She just hoped they would be enough to save her from her fate.
It was black.
I can’t see anything.
Where am I?
“Your safe.”
Taiyang turned around to see Beacon’s biggest mystery sitting on a park bench.
Tai : Oz?
The void turned into a blushing forest full of small cute critters and trees that seemed to never end.
Ozpin : Yes it’s me.
Tai : Am I dead?
Ozpin (chuckled) : No, just sleeping.
Tai blinked and saw that Ozpin now had a mug on his right hand.
Ozpin : Please sit.
Ozpin gestured towards the empty spot next to him.
Tai blinked again and found himself next to Ozpin.
Ozpin : Your going to wake up soon, so please do remember.
Tai : Huh? What are you-
Ozpin : When the snow angel rises beware of not the dark, but the light. 
Tai : I don’t . . .
A bright light engulfed Ozpin and was growing brighter until it covered the entire void.
Taiyang abruptly opened his eyes and started to breath heavily.
Tai : What the fuck!?!?!
***Beacon Headmaster Office***
Ozpin opened his eyes and saw the lights of his school.
He put his right hand over his right eye and sighed.
Ozpin : Children, please ... be careful.
A silent tear fell down his face.
“I can not fail again”
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iris-ymir · 5 years
Never-ending survey: Lareine
RULES: Repost, do not reblog. Tag 10 blogs! 
Tagged by @blood-of-the-dragons & @under-the-blood-moonlight 🖤
Tagging: @umbralich @vylette-elakha @lavender-hemlock @archon-ffxiv @illia-ast @torr-sceadu @istolin @rael-eryut @alun-ura & @cyrillien
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FULL NAME: Lareine Kira, Iris Ymir (formerly).
NICKNAME: Young miss (by Arsene), Patient (by Varg).
AGE:  31
BIRTHDAY:   13th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Viera (Veena)
NATIONALITY: Othard, Skatay Range
LANGUAGE/S: Common, hingan & Ishgardian
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Lesbian (Iris), uncertain (Lareine).
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Its complicated...
HOME TOWN / AREA:  Ymir, Skatay Range
CURRENT HOME:  Pillars, Ishgard
PROFESSION: Assistant to Varg Blacksoul, thief (formerly).
HAIR: Short, raven-black hair with purple highlights.
EYES: Light purple, but appears almost black in dim lighting.
FACE: Inverted triangle-shaped face, and a rather sharp nose.
LIPS: Bow-shaped lips, usually painted purple.
COMPLEXION: Morbidly pale, with a hint of purple.
BLEMISHES: Dark circles under her eyes.
SCARS:  Five scars from stab-wounds on her torso (Three on abdomen, two on the left from her heart). Several smaller scars run all over her arms and right shoulder (Most of them hard to notice because of her pale skin-tone).
TATTOOS: Purple markings tattooed around her eyes. Rose-thorns and purple iris-flowers on her left thigh.
HEIGHT:  178cm
WEIGHT: Slightly underweight.
BUILD:  Slender & feminine. Somewhat toned arms, legs and abdomen.
FEATURES:  A beauty-mark below the left corner of her lips, long and sharp stiletto nails, usually painted black.
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Seems to stay as a spiky mess, no matter what she does with it. A single braid on the left, sometimes decorated with couple of purple pearls.
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Impish smile, wide-eyes or slight pout (Lareine), pissed-off, tired or cynical (Iris)
USUAL CLOTHING:  Black or purple blouse with a corset, either long skirt or hotpants, long coat or a leather jacket & high-heeled boots.
FEAR/S: Being tied down / restricted, locked doors, losing control.
ASPIRATION/S:  To one day be able to pay back to one man who took her life away, and to another who gave it back.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Extremely loyal towards those she holds dear, adaptable, witty.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Clingy, childish & whiny (Lareine persona), trust issues,  violent & unpredictable (Iris persona)
TEMPERAMENT:  Sanguine (Lareine), Choleric (Iris).
SOUL TYPE/S:   Artisan
ANIMALS:  Black cat.
VICE HABIT/S: Rather heavy drinker and a stress-smoker.
FAITH: Not much in the religions.
GHOSTS?: Absolutely. Living and the dead ones.
AFTERLIFE?: As long as its not some boring, white space with nothing interesting to do.
REINCARNATION?:  Might be interesting.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Does not understand rat’s shit about politics.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Street-smart.
FATHER : Unknown father.
MOTHER :  Irene Ymir (Deceased).
SIBLINGS : Possibly half-siblings from father’s side.
EXTENDED FAMILY: Varg Blacksoul (Doctor / caretaker), Arsene Dreadeois (Butler), Silke Doomflare (Best friend, possible love interest).
NAME MEANING/S: Queen in “ishgardian” (Lareine), name of a flower (Iris).
BOOK:  Old fairytales.
HOLIDAY:  All Saints’ Wake.
MONTH: The months of midsummer & fall.
PLACE: A victorian style mansion, a room docorated with old dolls.
WEATHER: The gust of wind and the first drops of rain, before a thunderstorm.
SOUND / S: Crackling of a fireplace, grand piano, rain drumming on the roof and windows.
SCENT / S: Incence, fruity / flowery perfumes & rain.
TASTE / S:  Whiskey, sweets & rolanberry pie.
FEEL / S:  Soft fur, skin-to-skin contact, hot bath.
ANIMAL / S:  Anything furry, especially foxes & cats. She is a huge animal-lover overall.
NUMBER: Does not care for numbers.
COLORS: Black, all the shades of purple, violet, silver & red.
TALENTS: Adaptability in different situations, lockpicking, speed & agility, self-learned with daggers & trained with ringblades, drawing.
BAD AT : Teamwork, manners, staying focused on one task, reading, controlling her feelings.
TURN ONS: Wanderlust, confidence, sense of humor, tattoos.
TURN OFFS: Untidyness, celf-centeredness, rasism.
HOBBIES: Bathing, drawing, people-watching.
TROPES: Guess she is a weird mix of femme fatale, dark lady & hopeless romantic..
QUOTES :  “My Varg-Varg, my knight in shining armor.”
                   “How dare you?! How friggin’ dare you, you creep?!” 
                   “The anal what?”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  The name of the movie would be “My name is Iris”. It would be a movie about her time in hospital. Pretty much the recent backstory, turned into a film, where the reality and events going inside her head would mix into a twisted nightmare. Something along the lines of Rob Zombie’s film “Lords of Salem”!
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Something eerie, with bells and such. A music that would fit into haunted house, full of creepy dolls. Bloodborne & Alice, Madness Returns soundtracks are quite spot on!
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :   I think the very first reason was that I somewhat lost touch with my old character. A bounty hunter named Fenris. I liked her, but somehow she did not feel like my own. So I started from scratch! I guess Lareine is one of those children who are not planned, but still end up being much loved. She ended up being my dearest character of all time, and the one I can relate most.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :   I guess Im kind of a sucker for dragic types with an attitude and a hint of sillyness to balance it all.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  She tends to be a huge extrovert, while Im more of an introvert. So writing her can get bit “draining” time to time.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   Fashion sense! We also have similar sense of humor, and as I have mentioned before, some of her problems mirror certain events in my life.
Q7 :   How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   We would most likely get along! If we lived under a same foor, one of us would end up dead though...
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :  While Lareine can get along with almost anyone, for Iris, I think the most interesting characters to interact with are the ones that can match her temperament! It might also be interesting to match her up with some nobility, because of her lack of manners. Pretty much anything that will lead into juicy disasters, in one way or another!
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?        
A9 : I mostly get my inspiration from music, soulsborne- and American McGee’s Alice-games, I mentioned earlier. Sometimes also from movies, if they happen to have some beautiful scenery. Rare these days, but the Nun was some serious eye-candy!
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 : I dont know, as I made this on side with other stuff... Too long?
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timelordthirteen · 5 years
Killing Time 4/?
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Detective Weaver/Belle French, Mature
Summary: A Woven Beauty Law & Order-ish AU. Written for Writer’s Month 2019.
Chapter Summary: Flashback: Weaver and Belle get a start on the case.
Notes: Meanwhile, back at the hall of justice... You didn't think I was going to give up the bed sharing goodness that soon did you? ;) Okay, I am in the next chapter, but I need to balance present with past. I might try alternating chapters if that seems reasonable? IDK. I'm winging it here y'all. For the Writer's Month prompt #7: sports.
Warnings: Nothing much for this chapter, just the usual references to the crime. Please see AO3 for complete warnings and tags.
[AO3]  Previous: [1] [2] [3]
12 weeks ago...
“Sports? Seriously?”
Weaver rolled his eyes and dropped his head back to look up at the ceiling before he turned around. He pointed at the television mounted on the wall of Belle’s office with the remote that was still in his hand.
“You said ‘no news channels’ because they’re too distracting,” he snapped. “Movies with guns and explosions seemed inappropriate, and if I have to listen to another home renovation show I’ll fucking shoot something. The city only pays for basic cable. That makes our choices the Weather Channel, that will repeat the same useless, and probably wrong, forecast every half hour, or...”
He paused to gesture exaggeratedly at the TV as though he was displaying it on a game show. “Premier league.”
She huffed and stalked to her desk. “Fine, but keep it down so I can think.”
He gave another brief gaze up to the ceiling and then set the remote back where he found it, echoing her with a quiet but annoyed, fine.
“Court today?” he asked, noting the slim, navy pencil skirt and suit jacket she was wearing, with what she always referred to as a ‘standard issue’ white blouse.
Belle sighed audibly and dropped into her desk chair. “Yeah. Branson’s lawyer is filing everything he possibly can, so I spent all morning fielding that, and then I covered a continuance this afternoon for Mal. But starting tomorrow, my caseload is officially down to just this.”
She swept her hand towards the stacks of boxes and the large, blank whiteboard.
Weaver stood by the leather sofa, his hands on his hips as his eyes moved over the veritable mountain of evidence they had to go through. All they’d managed that first day was moving things around in her office and dragging the largest whiteboard they could find up from storage. That had been trickier than anticipated when they discovered it wouldn’t fit in the elevator unless they squeezed themselves into the corners and put it diagonally. Of course that took them a solid fifteen minutes of arguing to achieve.
If they couldn’t even get setup without being at each other's throats, he wasn’t sure how weeks of building a case was going to go.
“Where do you want to start?” he asked finally.
She frowned and sagged a little in her seat. She was already tired and done with today, but they needed to get started sooner rather than later. This case was the kind that could make or break a career, and there were far too many victims and victims families depending on her, a whole city in fact. It was something she kept trying not to think about, but that succeeding in keeping her up half the night.
Stretching her arms up, she bent to one side and then the other, trying to work out the knots in her spine before she answered. “The board?”
He nodded slowly and then moved to the whiteboard. There was a large pack of markers sitting on the ledge and he wasted no time in opening it and dumping them all into his palm before turning and holding them up like playing cards for her to see.
“Pick a color, any color.”
He wagged his eyebrows, and she laughed in spite of herself. “Red.”
Three hours and thirty dollars in Chinese takeout later, they had managed to get through one half of one box, and about a third of the information they had on victim number one.
“Oh come on!” Belle exclaimed, popping up off the sofa and bouncing on her bare feet. She’d ditched her heels almost immediately, and then her stockings about an hour into their work. “I cannot believe it’s going to end in dual red cards and a fucking tie. What the hell?”
Weaver watched her, bemused, and leaned back on the sofa. “I told you not to cheer for bloody Arsenal.”
She shot him a glare and then sat down, reaching for one of the takeout boxes. The chopsticks rattled around inside it, and she tipped it towards her to find it empty. “Did you eat the rest of the noodles?”
He held up his hands, feigning innocence. “Don’t look at me, oh, Queen of the Spicy Peanut Sauce.”
Her feeble swat at his leg only made him snicker. He relaxed against the sofa, and watched her from the side as she stacked the containers and tucked them back in the plastic bag they’d been delivered in. They’d spent so many nights like this, both at work and at home. If he closed his eyes, it could almost be four years ago, when another case introduced them and eventually brought them together, but there were far too many miles between then and now.
Weaver had lost the leather jacket minutes into their work, and rolled up his sleeves. It should have distracted her all that much, but for some reason it did. There was a weird intimacy in seeing someone be comfortable in your presence and your space. She wondered if he thought the same of her, and then pushed it aside, dumping the bag into the trash bin by her desk, and then turning to face the board. She read over what they had posted and arched her back, pressing a hand against her spine in a vain attempt to crack something.
Overall, it was going to be a fairly standard case board, with a picture of the first victim, a woman named Molly Macreedy. She was everything people loved about cases like this; she was young, pretty, and full of hope. Even her name sounded good, with a nice little bit of alliteration that made it easy to stick in people’s minds. It was a sad but true fact about anything like this, it helped when the victim was likable. They’d taped a picture of her at her college graduation under her name, written in red, and listed out all the particulars of the general crime scene, and a brief timeline leading up to when they believed she was killed.
That was the crux of the issue.
Nick Branson had been caught red handed - quite literally as his hands were covered in blood - trying to dump the fifth victim’s body. Later, they found Henry Mills, unconscious and tied up in Nick’s apartment. It was easy from there to tie Branson to the others, but his lack of confession meant they needed to work out the details of each murder on their own. DNA was great, but it wasn’t always enough. People wanted to know the where, when, and how. They wanted the existence of the DNA explained, and, in their minds, why any of it happened in the first place.
As if it was possible to find reason in something so senseless.
“Penny for your thoughts,” Weaver said.
His voice was soft, and Belle blinked, only just realizing that he’d turned off the television. She sighed. “I’m not sure they’re even worth that.”
He ran the back of his up and down her arm, shoulder to elbow, a light soothing motion. She wanted to lean into it, let his knuckles press just a little harder and ease some of the tension she’d been carrying all day. That was something he’d always been willing to do for her, a neck rub here, a foot massage there, purely for the sake of touching her and being close to her.
“There’s just so much,” she said finally. “I don’t know, you know? How to get through all of it.”
Weaver resisted the urge to put his arm around her. He knew she meant more than she was saying. It went beyond how to physically get through the boxes and folders and reports. It was how to survive the whole exercise, how to read about blood, injuries, wounds, and causes of death, and go home at the end of the day not feeling like you’d been through it yourself. It was how to live with it, and how to move on from it when it was all done, if any of them every really did in this job.
He swallowed and let his hand drop to the sofa, a hair’s breadth from Belle’s. “The same way we always do.”
Except that was a bit of a lie. Sure he’d probably finish of most days with a scotch, neat, but it would be at Roni’s instead of home, and there wouldn’t be a second glass with red wine in it for Belle, or the comfort of cool sheets and a warm body. But they would both still understand, still be able to look at each other and know from the dark circles and endless pots of coffee, the toll it was taking on the inside.
Her voice was barely above a breath, and then he felt something touch the edge of his hand. He glanced down to see her pinky brushing against his, and he turned his hand over to catch it between his thumb and index finger. She looked down suddenly, and then her eyes flicked up to his face. He tried to hold it back, but his lips twitched in amusement anyway, and she smiled.
He shrugged, letting go of her finger, somewhat reluctantly. “Don’t be. You always fidget when you’re thinking.”
“Yeah,” she said again, her head dropping for a second. Then she looked up, her stare fixing on Molly’s picture as she took a deep, steadying breath. This was the most civil they’d been to each other in a while, and also the longest amount of time they’d been in the same room. They didn’t even sign the divorce papers together, just shuttled them back and forth between lawyers.
“We need a plan,” she said.
Weaver pushed to his feet and walked over to the rest of the boxes, still neatly stacked under the window of her office, organized by which ones went with which victim.“Divide and conquer?”
He looked back at her over his shoulder at Belle, with raised eyebrows. “I’ll do the timelines, you do the lab results?”
“And we’ll do the autopsy reports together?”
She sounded almost hopeful, as if looking at the grittiest details together might lessen their blow on the psyche. It wouldn’t, but at least they’d weather it together.
His mouth curved crookedly. “Whatever the lady wants.”
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hunger-and-desire · 4 years
The Battle for the Mirrorverse, Pt 3
Based off an old idea Crow/ @ghostsandmirrors​ and I were throwing around. Was seized with the need to write it. So here’s the first of what will be I don’t know how many parts.
Basic jist: The horsemen have teamed up with Misfortune to overthrow the Lady of the Mirror and take over. After a surprise attack, Famine, Bringer, and the Mirrorverse folk are scrambling to defend themselves and the Mirror World from the attackers. It doesn’t go their way.
Disclaimer: I don’t know what this place looks like so I just made it up. Sorry, Crow.
Famine wrapped the bands of leather tightly around her knuckles, flexing her hand as she went to make sure she could still move her fingers. Tucking the tail of the last band into itself, she admired her handiwork. It had been a long time since she’d dressed for a fight, a true fight, but she still remembered how to wrap the knuckle guards so that she didn’t shred the backs of her hands when she inevitable rolled her blade wrong (intentionally or otherwise). It’d taken too many years for her to come to this solution, something thin enough to keep her hands bare but wide enough to protect the flesh close to the blades.
Standing, she walked over to where she’d draped her long coat over a chair. Pulling the heavy green fabric on and feeling the cool silk insides slip over her skin, she was reminded of days long ago, in Calpur, when she was preparing to go to court or make a visit to a governor or duke’s castle. It’d been a different coat then, much more refined and elegant, and she’d been dressed for parties and ceremony beneath, not war. Fastening the clasps along the front, Famine pushed away the memories. Now was not the time for reminiscing.
Arranging the skirt of the coat so they covered her mostly bare legs and feet and then grabbing her blades, Famine strode off towards the courtyard. Much of the army was already gathered when she got there. She paused a moment on the steps, looking down at the gathered people. Some were talking while others looked over their weapons. She could see the General moving among, checking on everyone. How many of these people wouldn’t come home at the end of the day? How many of their bodies would be left on a battlefield, far from loved ones, dying alone?
Famine spotted Bringer at the front of the courtyard and started off towards them. She stepped silently up beside them, the whisper of her coat on the stones the only noise. They were looking out beyond the town at the field where they’d been instructed to meet Misfortune and the horsemen. They glanced her way, a shift of the eyes really, to acknowledge her presence, but then went back to look out at the field.
“How’s your knee?” she asked after a couple more moments of silence.
“Fine,” the Bringer sighed, glancing down at their legs, “Still hurts, aches really, but it’s fine.” They looked back up to her. “How’s your nose?”
The horseman shrugged, “Fine,” It honestly hardly bugged her at all.
The pair started to lapse into silence once more when Famine screwed up her face. “Does it look crooked?” she asked, crossing her eyes as if trying to look down at it. A dry laugh left Bringer’s lips though their expression hardly changed.
“Only a little, if you squint,” they answered.
Famine uncrossed her eyes. “Oh good,” she sighed, seemingly relieved, “I could illusion it straight, but I’d still know it was there, so,” She gave another shrug as if to say ‘what could you do?’ The briefest of smiles crossed Bringer’s lips as they turned to face the gathering soldiers.
The General stepped over to Bringer and Famine. His eyes narrowed when he saw Famine. “Going for a walk on Zonfer?” he asked.
“Trust me, it’ll look weirder later,” she mused. Normally, she’d just wear the pants and top she wore beneath the coat, but since she was around so many people at the moment, she didn’t want to risk all the exposed skin; she’d rather kill her enemies than a fellow in arms.
The General looked like they wanted to comment but didn’t. Instead, he turned to Bringer, “We should be moving out, if you’re ready.”
“Alright,” Bringer sighed with a nod, “Let’s go.”
The General disappeared back into the throng of people. “Well,” Famine mused, “I’ll see you on the battlefield, I suppose.”
“I suppose so,” Bringer responded.
“Don’t die, alright!” Famine called over her shoulder as she started off towards where Desire was waiting for her.
The Bringer chuckled, but it was humorless. “I wasn’t planning on it.”
Famine held out a hand to the large, dark horse as she approached. “KetrabE, Isydrie,” she muttered, lightly running her fingers over the horse’s snout. Desire snorted, warm air brushing over Famine’s fingers.
“You have good horse,” came Liaxee’s booming voice, though it was slightly quieter than normal as he addressed Famine. He stepped around her horse, gently petting Desire’s mane. “Not as good as Iec, though.”
“You don’t think any horse is as good as Iec, Liaxee,” Famine laughed quietly.
The large man shrugged innocently. “Because it is true.”
The horseman shook her head as she stepped into one stirrup and hauled herself onto her horse. She was adjusting the reins and making sure everything was settled when she realized Liaxee was still standing there, petting Desire’s nose quietly. “Liaxee?”
“You will be okay, sey?” he said, the phrase both a question and a statement. It was such a genuine question, full of care and concern, that Famine had to sit with a moment before even beginning to formulate a response
“Yes, of course,” she finally said, “And you?”
Liaxee beamed up at her, “Of course.” He gave Desire one last pat and then stepped back, turning to head off. “When we are back, we will have another fight, you and I!” he said as he went, “You will have to teach me your tricks!”
“What tricks?” she called after him, but he was already gone. Famine shook her head, laughing quietly to herself despite the situation; Liaxee’s positivity was as contagious as the plague.
The army moved to the field, an undulating mass of people. Famine and Desire cantered out ahead, the tails of Famine’s coat streaming out behind her as they went. The other army was a dark line on the horizon, slowly coming closer, a growing storm.
Feeling that she was suitably close to enemy lines, Famine pulled Desire to a stop and swung to the ground. The moment her bare feet touched the ground, the grass beneath them started to die. Famine unclasped her jacket and tossed it over her saddle before crouching and digging her fingers into the dirt. The death spread, racing across the field, turning the once green grass gray and brittle. Standing, Famine surveyed her work and then turned back to her horse. “Let’s burn some shit, Isydrie.” As if in response, her horse let out a loud shriek and then charged forward.
The idea was to create a funnel, make sure that, if the other army was going to sneak behind them, they would have to go all the way around, giving the Mirrorverse army a better chance at noticing and reacting to that threat. So as Famine and Desire flew along, Famine leaned down over the horse’s side and stretched her hand out until they brushed along the top of the dead grass. Sparks lept from her fingertips and quickly ignited on the dry kindling. She drew a semi-circle of fire across the field, pulling herself upright onto her horse as she found it long enough. She just leaning down to start the second wall of flames after leaving a gap between the two when an arrow sailed out of nowhere and buried itself in her shoulder. The force of it unsettled her just enough that she was sent tumbling off of Desire. She tucked her head in as she crashed to the ground, rolling a couple times over before using the momentum to propel herself back to her feet.
Famine glanced at the arrow in her shoulder before looking up to find soldiers advancing towards her. With a snarl, she hurled a line of fire at them, wrinkling her nose at the smell of burning flesh. She yanked the arrow out of her shoulder and threw it to the ground. Drawing her blades, Famine faced down the army ahead of her, preparing herself for what she knew would be a long haul of a fight.
 Famine was small at the distant side of the field. Bringer watched as she discarded her great coat and crouched. Though they’d never say it out loud, they were worried for her. Famine could hold her own in a fight, they had seen that many times, but Bringer didn’t know what they’d do if she died. They’d already lost the Lady, they couldn’t lose her too.
“Are you alright, Girnber?”
 Bringer looked over at Nergale, who was watching them out of the corner of his eye. “Fine,” they answered, looking out at the oncoming army. Nergale hummed as if he didn’t quite believe Bringer, but didn’t say anything else.
They watched as Famine remounted her horse and raced off into the field, drawing the first wall of fire. As she drew herself upright, Nergale turned and looked back at the army behind him. “Let’s go!” There was a raucous cheer and Bringer remembered the last time they’d been in battle. That hadn’t gone particularly well.
They drew their blade and were about to teleport down onto the field when they saw Famine go tumbling from her horse. There was a moment of fear before they saw her come back to her feet and incinerate the people in front of her. In a blink of an eye, they appeared down on the field by her, not appreciating the odds of a sole horseman against an army. Famine glanced their way and smiled, her teeth sharp and long. “Fancy seeing you here!” she shouted. The Bringer couldn’t help a small laugh but was quickly distracted as soldiers descended upon the pair.
 Going back to back, Famine and Bringer faced down the enemies around them. “Did you not think I could hold my own down here?” Famine asked above the din of battle.
 “Oh, I just didn’t want to miss the party,” they responded, lashing out at an approaching soldier.
“Right, because this is a fucking riot,” she laughed.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself.”
“Well, it’s not every day I get to return to my roots.” There was something unnerving about her roots being in slaughter, but Bringer didn’t mention it.
Time was an illusion among the corpses and roiled earth. It could have been minutes or it could have been days since the start of the battle, Famine couldn’t tell. She was in the thick of things, meeting an enemy at every turn. She’d long since been separated from Bringer, both of them having charged off to deal with other people. Her blades and hands were becoming slick with blood as she hacked down soldier after soldier. She was beginning to feel herself tire and as her next victim fell, she grabbed them, feeling their energy leech through her skin and revive her.
As the corpse fell, she found herself with a rare moment breath. Scanning the area around her, she saw Liaxee not too far away. He was facing down several soldiers at once, swinging both sword and shield wildly. At one point, he simply took his shield and bashed into the head of one of his attackers. Wasn’t a tactic Famine herself would have though of, but then again, she wasn’t one for shields.
Just as she was turning to dart off somewhere else, Famine spotted another soldier sneaking up behind Liaxee, entirely unnoticed. She was beginning to draw her bow, aiming at his head. Famine pivoted and launched herself in Liaxee’s direction, taking the woman down. Famine rolled to her feet as the archer struggled to regain her footing. Wielding the half-moon blades as one, Famine brought them crashing down into the shoulder of the archer, knocking her back to the ground. Having freed himself of the other fighters, Liaxee was quick to turn and drive his sword into her back, making sure she didn’t get up again. “You alright?” Famine asked.
“I am still standing, sey?” he replied.
“That’s one way to look at it,” the horseman mused, “Keep it that way, would ya?” A wide grin spread across Liaxee’s face.
“Only because you asked.”
Famine couldn’t help a laugh, but all gaiety was gone as Liaxee yelled, “Duck!” causing Famine to drop into a low crouch as the large man swung his sword at something behind her. Blood spattered across her back, almost cool against her warm skin.
Feeling she was sufficiently free from being stabbed, Famine stood and glanced at the body Liaxee had just felled. “Sorry,” he said, motioning to the blood speckling her back. The horseman narrowed her eyes and cocked her head before waving a hand at herself to highlight the amount of blood she was already covered in, most of it not her own.
  “Hazard of war.”
Liaxee nodded. “Hazard of war.”
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Hey!!!  Do you like my clothes?  Do you want to acquire some of them for yourself?
(ETA: I originally linked the wrong jacket, this post is fixed!  Also, I can only ship to the continental US.)
I’ve got way too much crap, and most of it is clothing.  I’m planning to get rid of a lot of my clothes this summer, and I figured my followers might want a chance to call dibs, while I might want a chance to try and sell some of the nicer things.  Each of these photos has at least one article of clothing in it that I’m planning to get rid of.  Under the cut is a list of the clothing I’m selling, with links to photos (which have descriptions).  Each link specifies what in the outfit is for sale, and also explains why I don’t want it.  The prices are open to haggling, although bear in mind that I’ve added in rough shipping costs already.  Some of the more expensive stuff has an explanation for why I priced it that high.  But again, please feel free to offer a lower price!  I either get a few dollars or I get no dollars, because everything that I don’t sell is getting donated to the rummage sale.  Also I talk about sizing under the cut.
I want to put the minimum amount of effort into this, so my preferred method of selling is that you message me, we agree on a price, you send me the money on PayPal, and I mail the article of clothing.  If you want me to list it in my Etsy store so it’s more official, I can do that.  (But full disclosure, it’ll be a pain in my ass and it costs me a few cents.)
(Sorry for obnoxious tags, I just wanna make sure people actually see this.)
This is happening until June 1st!
For sizing, I’m a little above average height (I REFUSE to name an exact number) and my measurements are 36 - 29 - 41.  This means that I’m around a women’s 8/10 or about a M/L on top and a L/XL on the bottom.  There are some sizing notes on the links, because some stuff is a little too big/small for me.
Stuff in the photos:
brown floral hippie dress - $25 (This one was kind of expensive.  Don’t wear it enough.)  SOLD!
blue floral ‘90s-does-’40s dress - $10 (Was always a little small in the bodice, don’t wear it anymore.)  A couple people have shown interest in this one!
blue gingham circle skirt - $15 (Can get a little staticky, not my style anymore.)
ruffled off-the-shoulder brown floral dress - $15 (I had this one at college with me and haven’t unpacked yet, so I may need some time to find it.  Don’t wear it enough, a little too big.)
Princess Leia ringer T-shirt - $10 (Don’t wear it enough.)
pink striped silk blouse - $10 (Not in great condition, too big.)
paisley robe jacket - $40 (It’s heavy, so shipping will be expensive, and I paid a fair bit for it.  Don’t wear it enough, didn’t look like I thought it would, and a little too big.) 
denim vest with sparkles on the shoulders - $15 (Don’t wear it enough.)
silver ‘20s-inspired dress - $15 (Doesn’t look good on me unless I belt it, difficult to belt because of layers.  The top is just a basic tank top style with medium-thick straps.)
off-white/natural sleeveless dress with pockets - $15 (Don’t wear it anymore, slightly too small.)
blue-and-green sweater - $20 (A little small, so I don’t actually wear it.)
goth/punk costume vest - $30 (Don’t wear it anymore.  The jacket I cut up to make it was VERY expensive.)
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mag--pie · 6 years
PART TWO TO MINI’s BIRTHDAY GIFT @minichen123 [AO3 Link]
Yoshiko stared up at the beauty in front of her. It was like she was looking at a  painting. The woman’s long auburn hair fell into a cascade going down her back. Her burning honey eyes stared into Yoshiko’s magenta eyes. The woman smirked as Yoshiko crawled backwards.  She got closer and backed Yoshiko into the girl’s bedroom wall.
“So, what have we got here?”
“U-Uh… I…”
The woman placed a finger on Yoshiko’s chin and forced her head to look up at her. “Who are you?”
“I know for sure that’s not your real name,” the woman said.
Yoshiko’s body shook with fear as the woman’s face got closer. “Cute little thing we have here, huh? So girl, tell me your name.”
“You’re human, right?”
“There’s others out there?!”
“Yeah there aren’t. You just summoned a normal human from a summoning circle. Obviously there is,” the woman deadpanned.
“Of course,” Yoshiko said, facepalming.
“Now, tell me, why would you go through the dangers of summoning a demon? You could have gotten some creepy one. Like Nico. God she’s a bit of a problematic one.”
Yoshiko couldn’t believe any of it. A real, actual demon. Right in front of her. It didn’t help that the demon was hot too. It was even a surprise the ritual from some dumb website had worked. Sure, Yoshiko had to traverse to the dark web but it was somewhat worth it. After all, there was a beautiful woman right in front of her.
This had all started when Yoshiko had asked Hanamaru about cult books. Of course, the other girl had known a whole lot of different cult books. One of them had caught Yoshiko’s attention. It was titled ‘The Grand Grimoire’ and only God knows why Hanamaru knew about this book. The book had promised it would summon Lucifer but Yoshiko had taken it as a joke. It was a book from the 1400’s afterall.
Yoshiko set up the summoning ritual and a large spark appeared during it. It was a bright pink flash that basically blinded Yoshiko while it happened. All of a sudden, the demon had come out of the flash with smoke coming from the floor. It was surreal how quickly it happened.
“S-So uh, miss….”
“You may call me Riko.”
“Alright, Riko, so how are you here?”
Riko frowned. “You summoned me?”
“I didn’t think it’d work…. Also, isn’t it bad or something for you to give me your name?”
“First of all, dark magic is very real and still very alive. Nico had to answer to five different calls in the last couple days. Sucks for her being one of the more popular demons in pop culture. And secondly, no because you need my full name,” Riko explained.
“But I tried summoning Satan? Lucifer?”
“No one ever wants to summon ‘Satan’ because big scary demon lord will murder or something. It’s kind of boring in all honesty. I expected more people. Even if they were crazy enough to try, they always used the wrong ritual.”
Yoshiko’s jaw fell. “So if I’m getting this right, you’re Satan.”
“Holy shit. I just summoned Satan. And it was on complete fucking accident,” Yoshiko muttered.
“Well, what do you want?”
“Uh, what do you mean?”
“People usually have a reason for summoning demons.”
Riko sighed,”Since you just wasted my time, you’re going on a date with me.”
“A-A date?!”
“Yep. This is my first time out of the underworld in a while so you’re entertaining me. Plus, you’re cute.”
“M-Me? Cute? Uh R-Riko I-I honestly think you-” Yoshiko stammered.
Riko giggled,”Yup, cute. So I’ll see you in two days! Prepare for our little date.”
Riko winked as she opened a portal. Yoshiko could see a different version of her room that was dark and eerie. As soon as Riko stepped through completely, the portal disappeared. Yoshiko stood with her mouth hanging. She really had encountered Satan or, her actual name, Riko.
You would think that coming up with date ideas would be easy but Yoshiko had never done anything like this before. She was planning a date for Riko too which made matters even worse.
The first day she spent trying for this was mostly internal screaming. How do you even plan a date for the lord of the underworld? Yoshiko’s search history had been a bit questionable. It ranged from ‘why does the the grand grimoire work’ to ‘how to plan a date with satan’.
The second day, or the final day, Yoshiko decided she would take the normal approach and take Riko out to an amusement park. So once she decided that, she stressed over what to wear. It was very tempting for the girl to wear her fallen angel outfit but she was scared it would offend Riko. She opted for a burgundy skirt with a white long sleeved shirt. The shirt had a large pink heart on it. On top of it all, she wore a leather jacket.
On the day of the date, Yoshiko woke up to Riko standing in her bedroom. The girl jumped before Riko started to laugh.
“Well good morning to you too,” Yoshiko mumbled.
“Yes yes, Yoshiko.”
“Its YO~HA~NE!”
Riko stayed silent for a moment,”How about Yocchan.”
“That doesn’t sound very intimidating.”
“I get you need to be edgy but its cute!”
Yoshiko huffed,”Alright then.”
“So where are you taking me?”
“This amusement park nearby. It's pretty nice.”
Riko giggled,”What a cliché.”
“S-Shut up,” Yoshiko said, embarrassed.
Yoshiko hadn’t been able to look at Riko’s outfit until now. It looked absolutely amazing on the girl. Riko wore a purple dress shirt with a black vest on top. The girl also wore black slacks. To top it all off, there was a black tie on her. Yoshiko was stunned.
“Y-You look nice.”
Riko winked,”Thanks, you look wonderful!”
Yoshiko felt her heart leap out of her chest and crawl back in. She didn’t know if she could handle being around Riko for another five minutes let alone an entire day.
Riko grabbed hold of Yoshiko’s hand. “Let us go now.”
“R-Right… so today we’re going to the amusement park down by the city.”
“It’s not very big but, its still really nice!”
“Well I’m intrigued. Take us then,” Riko said.
Yoshiko led the taller girl through the streets of the city. It wasn’t as big as Tokyo or New York City but, it was still impressive. There were buildings that grew to the sky. Different types of stores were set up along the sidewalk. Yoshiko knew a few of the stores but most of them were almost alien to her.
“Are we almost there yet?”
“It’s right there.”
Pointing to a group of buildings, Yoshiko was able to see a large ferris wheel above the rooftops. It was a block down the street and Riko’s face showed great interest. Yoshiko stepped up to the admission booth and bought the two of them tickets.
Once they entered, it was like another world. Everything was colorful and cheery. Many of the rides looked exciting to go on but some of them seemed a bit out of place from the happy amusement park.
“I want to go on that one!” Riko said. The amber eyed girl pointed at one of the more thrilling rides.
“That seems a bit… big.”
“I know. It looks fun!”
“You might regret it…”
The two step into line of the ride. It wasn’t long as most people were sane enough not to step anywhere near it. In almost a few seconds, they were at the front of the line. Yoshiko gulped. She knew this would end badly for her.
They sat down into one of the cars and strapped in. Yoshiko could see Riko bouncing up and down next to her. Once they reached the top, Yoshiko took one last glance at the auburn haired girl. She was pale and her knuckles were white.
“I regret this so-”
The coaster flew down the ramp and Riko screamed. After what seemed to be an eternity, they finally stepped off the ride. Riko sat down on a bench just outside the exit.
“I-I don’t think that was fun.”
“Yeah. A bit.”
“We should go on other ones. None like that though.”
The duo went through the park riding nearly every ride they had to offer. Of course they had skipped the more intense ones. It was nearing evening when Yoshiko grabbed Rikos hand and pulled her towards the ferris wheel.
“This is super cliché but go here.”
“Yes. Very cliché.”
The two stood in line once more. They were seated into a cabin soon enough. The ride slowly reached near the top before Yoshiko stared at Riko.
“Is something wrong?”
Riko smirked,”There’s something up with you.”
“N-No nothing at a-”
Yoshiko was cut off by the sensation of lips touching hers. Feeling her face go red, she leaned into the kiss. It felt like an eternity before they parted.
“Yocchan, you’re great.”
Yoshiko stayed silent, her mouth hanging open. The ride came to an end and Yoshiko stumbled out of the cabin, Riko close behind her. The duo left the park together and headed to Yoshiko’s home. Riko stopped the other girl before she could go in.
“Thanks for today.”
“Y’know,” Riko started,”I really like you.”
“O-Oh really…”
“Yeah, so I’ll come again some other time. Talk to you later,” Riko said with a wink.
The auburn haired girl disappeared as soon as Yoshiko blinked. In her hand was a note.
“Call me -Riko.”
Yoshiko sighed,”Now Satan wants me to call her.”
Nevertheless, she did.
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theofficialcunt · 6 years
Simplicité - Chapter 9.5 x 9.75
“Do you wanna dance?” Courtney asked, downing the rest of her drink hoping it’d take the edge off a little bit more.
“Sure.” Alaska said, grabbing her hand softly as they got up from the table.
As they walked across the dancefloor, Courtney noticed that Adore and Bianca were now at the bar throwing back shots. What the hell happened to Farrah? Courtney thought to herself before they stopped near the edge of the club.
Valentina’s eyes shifted, grabbing Bob’s attention.
“You okay Miss Honduras?” Bob cackled, tone a bit more gentle than earlier. Kim smirked.
“I’m fine.” Valentina flashed her best pageant smile, eyes never leaving Alaska. She knew she and Courtney would hit it off, she just wasn’t expecting them to hit it off so fast. Her stomach twisted strangely as she watched Courtney and Alaska, engulfing her in a feeling she was unfamiliar with.
As the lights danced across Alaska’s pale skin, Courtney swayed to the hip hop music that was blaring through the speakers. She was entranced by the way her platinum blonde hair glowed under the colorful lights, the soft scent of Chanel engulfing her senses.
Alaska moved closer, skin against skin now as they danced together in unison. Courtney let her hands travel down her back, finally resting her hands on her hips. Alaska growled, pressing Courtney closer to her.
“You’re really sexy,” Alaska purred into her ear.
“Oh yeah?” Courtney asked as she smiled coyly. “You’re just full of compliments tonight aren’t you?” Courtney moved her lips to her neck, leaving a trail of pink kisses along her collarbone.
“You’re a work of art,” Alaska breathed, voice cracking as Courtney moved her lips towards her jaw. “I’m just appreciating the art.”
Alaska tilted her chin up, pressing a soft kiss to her lips as she walked her back against the wall.
“You’re perfect.” Alaska whispered in her ear.
“Thanks.” Courtney answered, snaking her arm around her waist.
“No really, you’re like really perfect.” Alaska drawled, pressing her lips on hers.
Courtney returned the kiss with an urgency she hadn’t even realized she had. All talk and no action was infuriating, even if it was sweet. The kiss became more frantic, and soon amongst some terrible singing, Courtney pressed herself firmly against Alaska, tangling her legs around her waist in the process. Alaska lifted her up easily, making her feel like a rag doll despite Alaska being more slender than her.
She opened her eyes in shock, making direct eye contact with none other then Bianca who was now on stage singing with Adore.
Not my circus, not my monkeys, Courtney thought before giving her a sly wink. Alaska kissed her neck softly, causing her to redirect her attention back towards her. She couldn’t worry about Bianca’s endeavors any longer. It was time for her to get laid, damnit.
Out of desperation, Courtney went to tug on Alaska’s hair before realizing she still had a drink in her hand. Unfortunately, her glass went flying, shattering a few feet away from them.  
“Uh, I’m not paying for that.” Alaska laughed at the broken glass.
“Let’s get out of here,” Courtney murmured seductively, intertwining her fingers with Alaska’s.
After a short cab ride, Courtney once again found herself entangled in Alaska’s grasp as she tried to unlocked the door of her apartment without losing contact with her. Alaska gently threw her against the door, smashing her lips against hers. Courtney groaned, and with a firm jolt, the door finally flew open allowing them to scurry inside.
Courtney was desperate at this point; she didn’t know how much teasing she could take. All she wanted was Alaska, and she would take her anywhere at this point. Alaska swirled her tongue inside of her mouth and whined softly as she yanked the keys out of the door and flung them across them room impatiently, lips never leaving Alaska’s. With a small kick, she slammed the front door shut and spun her around, pushing Alaska backwards onto her coffee table.
“Ow! God Courtney, here?” Alaska whimpered, moving the stack of magazines out from underneath her onto her onto the floor.
“Yes,” Courtney growled, peeling off her leather jacket and tossing it on the floor.
Alaska wasn’t wearing too much clothing, to Courtney’s relief. Just a crop top and a short faux leather skirt, that she was already working on removing. Alaska kept trying to slow her down, kissing her softly and tracing figures onto her bare skin.
She sure liked to take things slow, Courtney thought, annoyed. Usually Courtney appreciated that but tonight she didn’t have time for games.
Courtney decided she had had enough foreplay. Slowly but firmly, she lifted up Alaska's crop top and threw it over her shoulder lazily. She had gone braless, Courtney smirked to herself at how erect her nipples were. Now here’s where the fun begins, Courtney thought devilishly.
Cupping her small breasts, Courtney lowered her lips around her erect nipple forming an ‘O’ as she gently sucked and bit. She left her other hand on the other breast, smiling triumphantly as Alaska writhed underneath her, thrashing her legs about. Hmph, give the tease a taste of her own medicine.
She began swirling her tongue around the nipple, softly and delicately which made Alaska moan loudly. Court could feel a warmth pooling against her midsection, and began to warm Alaska up to her hand wandering south. Courtney let her hand idle at the top of her elastic band on her skirt.
“May I?” Courtney asked, voice dripping with sex.
“May you wha’?” Alaska asked, slightly dazed as Courtney fondled her breast with her free hand.
“May I fuck you?” Courtney smiled toothily, feeling accomplished at seducing Alaska.
“Oh.. uh sure. No one’s ever asked before..” Alaska trailed off as Courtney yanked her skirt down.
“Holy shit Lasky, you went commando?” Courtney asked stunned.
“I mean, you never know..” Alaska laughed.
“Bold. I like it.” Courtney purred, trailing kisses down her abdomen, hands resting on her thighs.
Alaska's breathing stuttered as Courtney's increased her grip on her thin milky thighs. Lowering herself, she inserted her tongue in the opening gently as she massaged her thighs. Alaska’s hips bucked up almost immediately, looks like Court wasn’t the only one who was more than ready.
Courtney let her tongue dance around her clit as Alaska writhed underneath her. Courtney pulled Alaska into her further, entering her deeper and deeper as she let her tongue explore. Alaska whimpered, knuckles turning white as she gripped the edges of the coffee table.
Courtney decided that she had a better idea for how she wanted Alaska to finish, and kissed her softly before pulling away.
“What- no!” Alaska moaned.
“Stand up.” Courtney commanded.
“Oh, uh okay...” Alaska said, wobbling. in her heels slightly as she tried to get up off of the coffee table. Her bowed legs shook as she stood all the way up for Courtney.
Courtney smiled, removing her dress with one pull over her head and onto the floor. Pressing a gentle kiss to Alaska’s neck, she trailed kisses back down her body as she sank down onto her knees.
Letting her nails drag down her long legs, Courtney tipped her head up and slipped her tongue back inside her. Alaska gasped and Courtney let her hands trail back up to her petite ass. She firmly slapped it, causing Alaska to thrust forward further into her mouth. Alaska moaned loudly, on the verge of finishing as Courtney firmly asserted herself and bobbed roughly underneath her. Alaska grabbed her by the hair, causing her to gasp as she pushed her head firmly towards her pussy.
“Fuck Court,” Alaska breathed.
Courtney could feel Alaska’s legs shaking violently next to her as she slipped a finger inside of her next to her tongue.
That was what pushed Alaska over the edge. With a loud groan, her legs threatening to buckle underneath her she finally climaxed as she grabbed the edge of the couch for balance. As she breathed heavily, Courtney gave her one final slap on the ass before standing back up in triumph.
“W-wow.” Alaska stuttered.
“You can say that again.” Courtney murmured, pressing her lips to her neck. She sucked lightly, as Alaska kissed her collarbone. Alaska let her hands trail down Courtney’s tanned abdomen, before settling just above her Victoria’s Secret underwear.
Courtney gasped with anticipation, as Alaska circled her fingers around her nipple. Courtney shook underneath her touch, more then ready for whatever it was Alaska had planned.
Alaska moved her hand up from her breast to her jawbone, tilting her face towards her. As their lips met, Alaska was agonizingly slow, making sure Courtney felt every kiss, every swirl of the tongue as their bodies were pressed together.
Alaska let her fingers dip into her, first starting with one and then adding a second. Courtney tilted her head back, moaning with relief as she felt Alaska pump her fingers in and out softly. Alaska softly pushed her towards the couch, laying down on top of Courtney as she kissed her. Moving her lips from hers, she pecked her neck and chest before settling on her breast. Biting Courtney’s breast softly, she let her tongue dance around her nipple as her fingers pumped faster and harder inside of her.
“Oh my god,” Courtney breathed.
Courtney arched her back, feeling like she was on pure ecstasy. She whimpered as Alaska continued to play with her nipple and her clit simultaneously, mentally thanking Valentina for hooking her up with her.
Alaska added a third finger, and pressed even deeper. Courtney bucked her hips up, groaning loudly as she gripped onto the couch. She wrapped her legs around her waist, trying to prevent her pointy Louboutins with the spikes on the sides from backstabbing her as she moved faster and faster.
“I’m gonna come.” Courtney gasped, feeling her legs shake.
Alaska kissed her breast softly before pushing her fingers in firmly one last time, and watched Courtney fall apart underneath her. Even with her blonde hair a frizzy mess, eyes dazed and makeup smeared she was still the most beautiful woman she had ever seen.
Alaska brushed a piece of golden blonde hair away from Courtney's face before collapsing on top of her.
“Mmm, you’re good,” Alaska commented, licking her fingers.
“It’s better straight from the source,” Courtney purred
.”Maybe we should take this to the bedroom then,” Alaska suggested huskily.
“Let’s.” Courtney smiled coyly.
Alaska got off of her and they moved to the bedroom, giggling, as their heels clicked against the hardwood floor.
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