#care about knowledge. care about people. care about society and life and all that is good. for the many and not the one.
muted5ilence · 2 months
Do you wonder if the rising prices and shitty economic and political and societal and environmental stuff as a whole is kind of just to do
I dont know terms well enough, but…
Weaken everyone who can’t afford it so only the elite few survive selfishly?
If you are weak you will eventually die off
If you are weak you wouldn’t be able to fight back
But this is why a bundle of sticks is so strong compaeed to a single stick.
But they’re making sure that bundles cant form. And even if we could, they use growing technology and destroying those sticks from the inside out to ensure those bundles can be broken. Every time. Without fail.
The longer it goes on, one of two things happens. One day these twigs will finally piece themselves together, and be able to overpower the technology that breaks them repeatedly
Or they all die, rot in the ground, to be consumed by the fungi and such that take the decay to keep themselves and their interconnected web alive.
Like the whole deal with capitalism at this point (which is why I’ve liked other ideals a little more when its combined for the BETTER) is that you take advantage of others for your own gain. Be unique enough to be successful to survive, but be smart enough to abuse those that are not smart enough. Eventually it perpetuates a cycle of stupider and stupider people, weaker and weaker, more compliant and complacent. That’s what work has always been, afterall. Which is what school was meant to teach. It teaches you to be compliant, to obey, to work and toil away with your life for meaningless grades until you die. The teachers dont benefit much beyond their meager pay. Students dont benefit because the system actively DENIES what they need to learn to FUNCTION. The only beneficiaries are the ones above ALL of them. The government and corporate entities that feed off of those stupid drones. Teachers, like many workers, are NOT paid enough to actually care, and are stuck being unable to do anything. If they tried to change things or speak out or do anything that might be considered manipulating the kids to believe smth specific, anything to get people to care, they could get fired and lose their lifeline. So they’re stuck in complying in order to survive.
This should not be how a society functions EVER, but it’s the BARE BONES ENDLESS CYCLE. Wars, revolution, etc etc. Every dystopia has this. I am reminded of the promised neverland.
We shouldn’t have to feel like we need to fight back against oppressors. You always root for the underdog because that’s literally how it works in society anyways.
I’m getting mixed up in my train of thought, hard to focus, but my point still stands. Flowers blooming in antarctica had made me break down over life. I want to die but I know I can’t. I can’t kill myself or let myself die. I care too much, I think. I can’t really tell inside my head, but I think some part of me (could be survival instinct, could be smth else) is just too stubborn. I can’t NOT have hope for the future!!! I can’t!!
I can’t stop myself from hoping things will be okay in the end, which is the only reason I can’t die. Because I need to live to see better days again. Despite the objective fact that there may never be better days in all senses.
Society sucks because people are just… selfish, close-minded, and disrespectful? Like in general? All things that have likely been cultivated BY the whole capitalist system.
Politics sucks because it became capitalist. And considering the whole Palestine genocide, I am pretty sure that capitalism is just as bad if not worse than communism at this point. Could be fascism but like I said before, I’m not great with terms. But its colonialism, too. Politics sucks because it’s ran by the elderly usually, or by idiots. I stand by statements I’ve made that experts should be the ones in charge. People who have done the research, have the knowledge, who care about it actively and always, SHOULD BE THE ONES IN CHARGE OF THOSE THINGS.
It kinda bleeds into the whole mental health issues that happen, because you have people who aren’t professionals saying that people dont have any issues. Inherently, those people must have issues of their own. But they have to be out of touch or selfish or close minded (which ig is related to out of touch) BUT ESPECIALLY disrespectful to do such things. And the only ones who can actively make things RIGHT with the people who HAVE the problems, say it with me… ARE PROFESSIONALS!!
Professionals, being people who were interested in the topic, did the research, learned the skills and have the knowledge, and actively care.
You are not a professional if you do not care. Then it’s just a profession. You are simply a worker at that point.
We are led by idiots. Not professionals. Perhaps professional politicians. But that just means professionals at looking good and appealing to others. Professional actors. Actors should not get that seat of power. You cannot act your way out of your genuine beliefs and behaviors—or even lack thereof. The fate of society should NOT be determined by a popularity contest, but even in school that’s promoted!!
I stand by my belief. Professionals in the specific fields of study should be in charge, and not the ones who haven’t done the research or put in enough work (like they insist the newer generations should do). This is an idealized and general series of statements from someone who doesn’t have in-depth knowledge of language: Historians should probably be in office in the way that they could be advisors. They know what has happened, how it happened, how it affects things, and how it should be avoided. Economists should probably be the ones in charge of how the economy goes, even though I’m sure they work more like commentators. I think just in general that a whole advisory council should be made of professionals. And you need someone who knows how to listen and critically think, who cares about society as a whole, to run the country if we follow a similar structure. Traditional checks and balances are not working!!!
I was told by my U.S. History teacher, a male history teacher that I enjoyed for the time I had him (before covid hit): Normal people should be running this country. But they wouldn’t want to.
It’s so fucking true, too. But like… have a council. Of professionals. Professionals IMPLYING that they care. Not workers. Workers leads to compliance, complacency. To a damn salary.
Have people who actively research things and always want to learn and keep up with those specific things, be in charge of those things!! They know more! And it should be because they fucking CARE!
If you want this stupid structure to work, with a president, then a qualifier should NOT be age. Obviously boomers are fucking stupid anyways at this point because they’re out of touch, stuck in the past. You need an open-minded individual, who actually has a heart, that can make the right decisions! Especially in times of crisis.
Please. Let it be that people who are stronger than I am are able to fight for these things. Fight for the good causes.
I’m not mentally, physically, nor emotionally strong enough for this. I’ve been sheltered. I’m cursed with so many mental issues from trauma and abuse and likely the ways my brain wouldve been structured anyways. I could never progress at the fast pace that is expected. And I am not strong enough to fight like I wish I could.
I am simply a dreamer. Someone that has been left isolated for so long that I can only think. About nothing, about everything. And I wish I could lose hope, that I could kill myself, but I can’t. I’m a coward, always have been. I could never set myself free in rebellion to fight. I would get killed by someone sent to do so. And you would lose another human life. Insignificant only when you consider humans as stock, a number in a category. But every individual matters, I promise you. I don’t do much, but I’d like to be a person who supplies hope.
(Seriousness aside, I’ve literally been called an “emotional support creature /aff”, and a “perfect friend”, so I am completely fine with this support role.)
Please… Let there be people who can understand such messages, and who are stronger than me. Because power has always mattered in societies. Don’t let money = power in the end. Money can change, because that’s what is valued in exchange. It’s all bartering. Please, do not let cotton and paper have a higher value than that of human lives. Houses have a higher value than human lives do in the current economic state. The VALUE placed on HUMANS and THEIR POTENTIAL should NOT be LESS than that of the OBJECTS MADE BY HUMANS
Break this system down. Make it bad for business if thats what they care about. And once one thing ends, dont stop. Keep forcing their hand. Make sure that the corrupt system used to overpower us is unable to do so. If you recognize they are making advancements to increase force used, I see no reason that we couldn’t do the same. Dont play games. Its not a game. It’s life. They will see it as a game because they are winning, they made the little game with a handicap in thei favor. Turn the tables. Treat them like a game. Show them it’s more than that. Show them that it is good to care. That they dont care, and they should.
Ideally no mass self-destruction lmao, ik they need workers to supply themselves and we are the workers, so dying would mean no more supply, but they have technology on their side as time goes on, so they still dont care.
You have to make sure they CARE. CARE can do good.
Have hope for a better future where people care. Dont stop caring. If you stop caring, you comply. If you comply, you die. Hope fosters care. Have hope. If you lose hope, you cant care, and that is quite literally why suicide rates get so high, isn’t it? A hopeless situation?
That is my message. My belief. And I have certain beliefs I will always hold. They are what keep me from killing myself, afterall.
Let Hope foster Care to work with Action to bring Change.
Its the ideal family system (/hj).
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thehmn · 3 months
I’m currently listening to Maren Uthaug’s book 11% about a world where most men have died. I should probably wait until I’ve finished the book but I’m so fascinated by the world building.
As of now it’s still unclear why the men died but when the story takes place there’s a mix of older women who fucking hates men and young women who have only met drugged up men at “breeding centers” and imagine “males” as violent boogeymen but otherwise don’t really care and just want to live in the new seemingly perfect society their grandmothers fought for. The only people who still fight for men’s rights are witches who believe masculine energies are as natural and Of Nature as feminine energies, but even they sound more like animal rights activists, standing outside breeding centers with signs every Friday. Their most provocative sign is a picture of a man with Human written on it.
Christianity has been completely transformed and is now run by priests (they don’t call themselves priestess) who can only hold ceremonies when they have their periods and snakes are their most sacred symbol because they gave knowledge to Eva and God is called The Mother.
Trans men exist but are referred to as Man Women and they all seem to be sex workers who have functional silicone penises, though I’m not far enough into the story to know if they have other jobs. They generally also still have breasts because working as a wet nurse is another source of income for them. Testosterone treatments is not an option because it would make them too masculine and dangerous to be allowed into society but they all have male names and everyone use male pronouns for them.
A really fascinating aspect of the world is how people want to get rid of the old “patriarchal architecture” of straight lines and boxes but refuse to tear it down with machines, instead insisting on letting Mother Nature reclaim it. Only Rat Girls are actively trying to destroy the old buildings by releasing hoards of rats into them and planting bamboo to break up the concrete. New buildings have round shapes and are build in ways that make them blend in with cultivated nature and inside they’re painting in beautiful colors with no hard edges. They sound a lot like colorful hobbit homes. Also, locks are considered uncivilized and of a time when violent men roamed the earth and made life unsafe so nothing, from front doors to bathrooms, have locks. For a while after most men died women would go for Night Walks to relish in the fact that they no longer had to be afraid, though they liked to visit the witches at night because it felt a little spooky, which the witches thought was good fun.
The story is naturally about a middle aged witch who is hiding a young boy illegally and gets milk from one of the trans men in the red district while also sleeping with a Christian priest who struggles with her sacred job because her periods are irregular.
I’ll come back with follow up thoughts once I’ve finished it. Unlike what you might think, Maren Uthau isn’t a scary man hater. I’ve listened to most of her other books and this isn’t a recurring trope so clearly she has something to say specifically with this story and it’s rated pretty highly by both male and female readers. I think I’m in for quite the ride.
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Can you elaborate the story of the ”Free Willy” orca (forgot his name). From my understanding the orca couldn’t survive in the wild and imprinted on hunans to the point that he seeked out human compaionship
Oh Keiko. His is a sad story. In 1979, he was tragically captured from his native Icelandic waters as a calf and, after bouncing around for several years, was sold to an amusement park in Mexico City that would eventually become Six Flags Mexico. It was here that he found fame as the star of Free Willy, a very sweet and very fictional story (a favorite of mine as a child!) that later spawned a trilogy, all while convincing the public that it’s easy to free a whale.
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The tank you see in the movie is the same tank Keiko lived in during his time in Mexico. Intended to house dolphins, it was incredibly undersized, and the water was far too warm for an orca. Worst of all, he was isolated from others of his kind, with only the companionship of his human caregivers and a few bottlenose dolphins. The years of poor husbandry took their toll on poor Keiko, and he was lethargic and in ill health when his story because known throughout the world.
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Although many parties were involved in what happened next, Warner Bros. studios (the filmmakers behind Free Willy) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS, my beloathed) were at the forefront. Once it became public knowledge that the real Willy was not, in fact, returned to the wild to live with his family and was still living in that too-tiny pool, many of Keiko’s fans (mainly children) began writing letters asking for their favorite cetacean movie star to be released.
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Doesn’t that warm your heart? *she says sarcastically*
Some time—and an incident in which Michael Jackson (yes, that Michael Jackson) tried to purchase the whale for his personal collection—later, Keiko’s owners relented. It was decided by the newly formed Free Willy-Keiko Foundation, founded by Warner Bros. and cell phone mogul Craig McCaw (and still in operation to this day, unfortunately), that it was time to make fantasy a reality and set Keiko free. In 1996, Keiko was transferred to the Oregon Coast Aquarium for rehabilitation, where he would spend two years.
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Under the quality husbandry and veterinary care Keiko received in Oregon, his health began to improve. In my opinion, this beautiful habitat, with trainers who loved and cared for him, should’ve been his forever home. One would think this was the plan all along, considering his trainers were still doing waterwork with him. That doesn’t exactly scream “this animal is a candidate for release!”
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But the HSUS and Free Willy-Keiko Foundation had promised the children of the world that Keiko would return to the wild. Think of the children, people.
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In 1998, Keiko tasted the crisp saltwater of the Icelandic seas for the first time in nearly two decades. For the next four or so years, Keiko lived in a sea pen, with the intentions of gradually habituating him back to his native environment. Over time, his trainers took him on longer and longer “walks” in the open ocean. One day in 2002, the walk didn’t end.
Keiko was free.
15 months later, he was dead.
The cause of death was pneumonia, the most common disease of cetaceans both in the wild and in human care. He was 27 years old (average life expectancy of a male orca is about 30 years).
Perhaps it would’ve been worth it, had Keiko spent those last 15 months with his long-lost family. But he didn’t. Though he was occasionally observed trailing pods of orcas, Keiko never rejoined a wild pod. Instead, he spent those 15 months traveling the coasts of Iceland and Norway seeking out the only family he knew. Humans.
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Keiko would approach swimming children, allowing them to ride on his back as he had with his trainers over the years. He would follow boats in search of food and companionship, as his caregivers had interacted with him from boats during his ocean walks. These escapades became so frequent that the local government passed ordinances to stop its citizens from interacting with the whale. Although the HSUS claimed otherwise, Keiko was never again a truly wild whale. He was a whale dependent on humans, humans who ignored the advice of experts and tried to bring fiction to life. In 2009, the journal Marine Mammal Science did a retrospective review of Keiko’s rehabilitation and release. They determined it was a failure.
Despite this, Keiko remains a poster child for anti-zoo activists. The still-hypothetical Whale Sanctuary Project (my even more beloathed) uses Keiko as an example of why their experiment is a good idea, tugging at heartstrings of well-meaning animal lovers like HSUS did all those years ago.
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In reality, Keiko was quite possibly the worst candidate imaginable for release. He was a fully mature male, with a history of poor health, who had spent decades in the care of humans with absolutely no contact with others of his kind since he was basically a toddler. The decision to release him was made entirely on emotion and carried out by movie executives and animal rights activists. For further insight into the political and financial woes of the release, I highly recommend Killing Keiko by Mark Simmons, one of Keiko’s caregivers throughout the rehabilitation process.
RIP Keiko. You were a beautiful, sweet man who inspired millions 🐳
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spiderfreedom · 4 months
I honestly owe detrans people, and especially detrans women, so much, because reading about their experiences has taught me a lot about... well, everything? About myself and my own trauma re: femaleness, autism. About the factors that lead people to transition. About resilience and moving forward and making a life for yourself in a world where there's no space for you.
Some of my favorite writings from detrans people:
somenuancepls (Michelle Alava, active on substack) has multiple great posts, especially on resilience and growth for detrans people. I recommend "Actually I was just crazy the whole time" (on the mindset that leads medical transition to be viewed as a panacea), "We Shouldn't Have to Be Here" (on how detrans people are expected to act as martyrs) and "Let's Talk About How We Talk About Detransition" (on how to ethically and compassionately talk about transition and detransition without harming (de)/transitioners).
destroyyourbinder (no longer active) has so many amazing posts that I really can't list them all, but "Unriddling the Sphinx: Autism and the Magnetism of Gender Transition" was genuinely revelatory for me as a gender non-conforming autistic woman. (It also kinda sent me spiraling for a few days so if you are also an autistic gnc, read with caution)
funkypsyche has been writing a lot about 'woke' culture in a way I don't agree with, but "The Archetypal FTM Sensitive, Quirky, Artistic Weird Girls" (on the type of people attracted to transmasc identification and the ways society fails them - do you see also see yourself in this list?) is a good read. As a supplement, there is "The History of Tumblr: Gender and Woke Indoctrination, Video Essay", and if you can get through the parts about, well, 'woke indoctrination', it provides a perspective on tumblr and its relationship to mental illness and gender. You do not realize how much mental illness is normalized and glorified on tumblr until you see someone explaining it from the outside and you go "huh, I did not realize that happens and that I do that, too..."
Max Robinson wrote "Detransition: Beyond, Before, and After", the only academic text on detransition to my knowledge. An in depth view on factors influencing transition such as lesbophobia, and the relationship between gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia and how the latter is treated as frivolous and vain while the former is treated as profound and serious.
And there are a lot of tweets I've collected I can't really link here, there are many detransitioners on Twitter. I really do recommend reading a broad variety of detransitioned people, detrans women and men. Even read people who retrans like CrashChaosChats, who once wrote on detransition but then retransitioned after finding that she was unable to deal with dysphoria. If you actually care about dysphoric people, trans people, and detrans people, you need to read broadly to understand the full range of reasons people transition or detransition or retransition.
Feel free to reblog with your additions of writings by detrans people, or people you follow on Twitter or other social media if they don't have long-form content.
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zeldasnotes · 2 months
What aspects would make someone a good and bad criminal ? Like always getting away with it or being caught every time you do something bad
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Gemini MC/Mercury 10th house: Common in the charts of people who have more than one career. It rules having 2 faces so they could easily have one ”normal” career that they show the public and then be a criminal at the same time. This placement is super common in rappers because of the communication part of Gemini and Mercury but it also shows how so many rappers are forced into gangs and have a lot of criminal contacts while also making money through the music. Criminals with this can easily make it look like they made all that money through their legal career while secretely making a lot of that money through crime.
Sun/Moon 8th house: Naturally good at covering their tracks & knows who to trust etc. Very sneaky. One of the girls in my friendsgroup from high school had moon 8th house and she never wrote something in the group chats that could be used against her while the rest of us would be in soooo much shit if the group chat was leaked lol.
Lilith 2nd/8th house: If the crime is about money then these are the experts. They know how to get money in illegal ways. Very good at finding loopholes in the system to get money.
Asteroid Swindle(8690) conjunct personal planets: The masters at swindling people.
Lie(26955) conjunct personal planets: Very good liars which is very much needed in life as a criminal.
Pluto 1st or 10th house: Knows how to move in the underworld. Intimidating. Sneaky.
When it comes to bad at being a criminal I dont really know since all planets affects someone differently. Neptunians can be very sensitive and easily feel bad for others and therefore might not be good criminals but I also know that Neptune energy is common in criminals because of the association with drugs & because neptune can make someone too low energy to hold down a regular job. Plutonians are good criminals but at the same time they look shady and therefore would get noticed by police etc because of that. Saturnians are strategic and would make good criminals but they tend to drop out because they feel a pressure to be a part of society and being considered a ”low life” takes a toll on them.
Saturn rules karma so I would be careful when it comes to the house you have saturn in. Ive seen some people with Saturn in the 10th house for example get their payback very publicly or in the form of the shit theyve done becoming public knowledge and even a part of their image. 🪐
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hadeantaiga · 1 year
Everyone has bigotry to unlearn, and being marginalized does not make you immune to this. You can even be bigoted against the group you are a part of, because internalized bigotry is a thing. No one is immune to this.
And since people seemed really offended about this: no, this doesn't mean you are "forever unclean" or whatever hyperbolic thing you think it means. It just means we all grow up in societies that teach us shitty stuff, and it takes continuous effort to unlearn it. People aren't perfect, but that doesn't make you a bad person. It makes you human.
Yes, you will have to spend your whole life unlearning this shit, and you will have to spend your whole life learning new things about other identities, because surprise! Human society is not stagnant, and bigotry is complicated.
You cannot possibly know everything there is to know about an issue, not even for a marginalization you personally experience. I don't know everything there is to know about the trans experience, or misogyny, or being disabled. There will always be something new for me to learn.
To pretend you can learn about a certain issue once and you're now a perfect person for the rest of your life is ridiculous. If you think you shouldn't have to constantly learn new things to keep improving yourself as a person, you are lazy. Every person has a chance to do good in the world. If you squander your chances to make the world a better place, that's lazy. And by lazy, I mean you have the energy and the means to learn more, and you are choosing not to.
And personally, this quest for education isn't a burden. This is joy. It is joyful to learn. It is joyful to make myself more caring, more knowledgeable, more accepting of people different from me.
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urlovebrini · 7 months
arranged marriage with alhaitham
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⋆❀ — includes: alhaitham x fem! reader
⋆❀ — content: arranged marriage, alhaitham is bad at feelings, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, little miscommunication, you are a sunshine, he calls you nymph, little age gap, alhaitham is like 27 and you are like 20/21 its not mentioned in the writing but he calls you little, sfw but there will be a second part with the nsfw, i love arranged marriage i can't help myself, maybe little occ alhaitam at the end but his in love, smirking alhaitham is in my mind all the time
⋆❀ — a/n: hello sorry for the disappearance, but you know life happens, i don't promise that i will be so active, but will try to write more things. i tried not to go into the story too much, especially in the beginning and get to the good part of the drama, angst and romance, tell me what you think, if you like it maybe I'll think about enlarging it on ao3, i will do a follow up with the nsfw and this is a part of a serie so next character is ayato.
⋆❀ — arranged marries series: ayato | tartaglia | diluc
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⋆❀˖°·࿐ ࿔ alhaitham
he knew about arranged marriages, in reality, they were pretty common in sumeru society, when the grand majority of people were putting all their minds and time into the endless pursuit of knowledge there was little time for romance and love all that fairy tale things were out of the equation of the people lives. alhaitham was no exception to the rule, in fact, he cared so little about the idea of infatuation and romance that it didn't cross his mind at all, not until his old grandma told him, that she had found an adequate and nice girl to be his bride.
the truth was, he didn't care at all, he could have refused with good reasons, in reality, he liked being alone, it was easier, lets complications meant more accomplishments. but if the girl didn't bother him and let him be with his studies and do his things, he didn't see the problem with accepting the marriage. so the preparations begin
the first time he met you, alhaitham didn't know what to make about you. you were a pretty young girl, he could appreciate that, a nice smile, bright eyes, and a cheerful disposition. you seemed so far away from the common world. you looked nervous but he could tell you had what people seemed to categorize as a sweet personality. it was a little eerie looking at you, so nice and cheerful, with a fitting lilac dress… and your eyes met his, a smile on your face, he could only nod in acknowledgement, but your smile grew more as you talked with a friend excitedly. so contrasting.  
in the days leading to the wedding, he discovered some things about you, it resulted, you were an ex akademiya student, and you had a decent academic record, but for some reason, you decided not to follow the academic path. all the times he saw you, it seemed like you always were happy, with a smile, and going to one place and another, you had a liveness in you. one day you asked him something maybe it was about the flowers, maybe it was about the cake he could only answer the true 《he didn't care》 something seemed to change in your expression but you nodded not the less. you seemed like you wanted to tell something more, so he observed you; you were in another dress it was white but it had lilac ornaments. with all the people you talked to, you smiled, he was surprised your face didn't hurt at this point. 
and the wedding day came. it was lively, decorated with care, rainbow roses and paradises hung over chandeliers, and the bride, you looked eerie in the bridal dress, your always present smile shining and brightening the room, and your eyes looking at him almost like searching for something. alhaitham was stoic as always, but even he felt his breath taken away at your sign. for you almost all seemed unreal, you were getting married, his face was serious like always, and you were searching for something, something in him that could tell you that this was going to work. you wanted to believe that there was some curiosity behind his eyes, it all felt helpless but you hoped. 
the ceremony was quick, nothing special in particular, traditional rites and votes, it was like a trance it finished almost as it started, and the wedding continued with the fest and the party, and especially the first dance you smile at him, but he didn't say anything, his face with the same expression, you didn't know what you were waiting but it was something, maybe at 《you look beautiful》 but you would be conformed with an 《the weather is nice》 in that moment. 
alhaitham was in his seat of honour, he was watching you dazzling with some girls, your cousins he believed you said? but in a strange way, you seemed in your element, he couldn't keep his eyes out of you, you were an enchantress, it was not natural, the sweetness, the brightness, the way you flow in your moves, he was there with you some hours ago, the first dance, it was brief, as he only wanted to go to his place and end all this, and you seemed distracted, he remembers you asked about the decorations “they are fine, i guess” he answered, you smile seemed to felt for a second and came back almost immediately, averting your gaze he could her you murmur “the rainbow rose is one of my favourite flowers, all people say they are pink but sometimes they seem lilac to me, and the colour is pretty, and the meaning…”  alhaitham looked at you waiting for you to continue talking in the dance "it can symbolize several things" you said quickly to look away as if wanting to avoid something, alhaitam decided not to pressure if you wanted to say something you would say it he tought. 
and now he was watching you dance, laughing, and dazzling, you asked him if he wanted to dance more, but he refused, “im comfortable here, thank you” was his short answer, something shifted in your face, but as you enjoy your time it seemed left past. and as he looked at you a single word could only describe you, nymph, he thought, an ethereal nymph, that bewitched all the room. 
the day ended, and the moment came, time to go to alhaitham house, no, your new house you remember yourself, the way was silent, but he seemed comfortable with that, so you stayed silent. he looked as always, with the same expression, he was now your husband, and you were in way to his home, no, in way to your home. as you passed the portal, the place seemed nice, but you couldn't help to feel disappointed, there were no laughs, no bridal carry, and there was so much silence. 
he looked at you seeing the place, you seemed lost, like a deer in bright lights, you watched him walk to a door and clear his throat “there is an extra set of keys in the kitchen that you can take tomorrow, this is the bedroom you can refresh and make yourself comfortable” you enter the room it was nice and big, but it seemed lonely? “someone of your family brought somethings of yours these last days, all is in the boxes so you can accommodate the how you want” you nodded your head, what you can say in this moments? “that door leads to the bathroom, the other one is the closet” you looked at him maybe hopping that he say something more but he didn't.
when you came out of the shower after bathing and putting in one of the pajamas one cousin gave you joking that with that you could even conquist a god, it was pretty, but it made you feel shy. the bedroom was alone, alhaitham was not in sign, and all seemed to be in so much silence, you carefully get out of the bedroom looking for alhaitham, the house was dark, but there was a dim light coming out from a door, opening the door slowly, you saw what it seems to be the study room, alhaitham was there in an soffa, bathed and in comfortable clothes. his eyes looked at you quickly only to return his gaze to the pages of the book "there is something you need?" the question came in surprise, how you answer that? "i was just wondering a little... and didnt saw you" you answered as he changed the page, with out apparting his eyes from the words in the book he said "yes i came to finish some reports, and continue with my reading" you could saw that, but in the wedding night? you were hopping maybe you could talk more, try to know each other. you didn't knew what to answer and he seemed that had little interest in conversation, so you only nodded and walked to the bedroom. and as you lied in bed your thoughts seemed to spiral in what is to come.
the light wake you and you woke up alone with the other side of the bed, almost intact, it seemed like he sleep in the studio. you get up of the bed and walked only to saw alhaitham already dressed up and drinking his morning coffee. he looked at you briefly "there is some coffee left, but you can make whatever" you looked at him with keys in his hand, he was leaving? today? "are you going out" tried to sound as casual as possible, "yes" he said and didn't give more explanation as you looked him going to the door only to stop "oh i am going to the akademiya, have somethings to do" he saw you giving him an small smile, your hair was messy of the sleep, and if he looked more down, well in reality yes you were beautiful "when you arrive?".
"don't know, so don't worry about that" was the last words he said, and you were alone. the rest of the day you just accommodated your things, and recieved the wedding gifts, you were curious, but decided to wait for alhaitham, maybe it could be a chance to talk, and past time together. the house seemed nice, but it felt solitary almost like a chell, just some place to rest and store things. and there were a lot of books, all academic and of a lot of subjects, maybe you should ask your mother of bringing you your novels. but even if there was something you wanted to read, your mind were wondering about the man that lived in the house, maybe he was just nervous you were too, he was polite, maybe it was cuestion of time, maybe you just needed time.
time passed, day by day, and as time goes bye, things seem to stay the same. that first day when he arrive you commented him about the gifts, you were excited but all semmed to faint when he answered "i think you can check them and sortem alone" you tried to smile to him "you don't want to look at them" his only response was "no its fine, trust in you" so you opened your wedding gifts alone, in a house that you felt will never be yours.
and as time still went , week by week, things didn't seem to change, the feelings of rejection were groing, he was not bad, he was not good, you think the only answer was that he wasnt, you tried to stay positive, tried to stay optimistic, but it was waiting on you, the house feeled strange, and you couldnt balance yourself in this eviroment that semmed so far away for you. he was not cruel, so there was nothing you could complain about. you only feel lonely.
you started to fall in routine or so you believed, only half of the time you could wake before of him and doing a breakfast he always say "its not necessary" and after that alone time, sometimes you will get out and go with some friend to talk or eat something, and every fifteen days in saturday, you visited your family, alone. they didnt ask, your father talked things about the akademiya, you found out about the changes there, even if your husband was the grand scribe.
at the beginning you took advantage of the house alone, to dance and sing, and just move yourself, you were alone soo you say to yourself that you could made a fool of yourself, unknowngly of the little times alhaitham catch you, dancing and singing in the kitchen or common room, for him it was a little fascinating but he would never comment something about that, but he would smile to himself, you were a nymph he tought is obvious that dance is in you second nature. but as time passed you danced every time less, you didn't feel motivation to sign, and you almost not feel like yourself.
alhaitham moved towards his own things, all within his space, you didn't knew his colleagues, or friends? only one Kaveh he was fine, but commonly it was only bickering between him and alhaitham. all made you feel invisible. more when people when people at the akademiya, were surprised that alhaitham was married. only one time you went to the akademiya to leave him something he had left behind, and the way some akademics treat you, thats what you left in the first place, but why nobody new alhaitham was married? so invisible you were. all more feel lonely.
if someone asked you what alhaitham was to you, and if you would tell the true, the only answer was 《 a ghost, an spirit that just lives there, and you know that is there, is not an evil one but either a good one, he is just a ghost i live within this walls, of a place that seems unknow to me, a ghost that don't disturbs, it almost difficult to feel his presence but you know is there, and don't matter what you try, you can never recognize him, talk to him, comprehend him, you could never recognize his will. in the end the ghost is just part of the place, but you also are becoming just a part of the house, a wallflower of life 》
alhaitham noted your change, the energy, the life and the bright in your eyes, faded everyday, for several days now he didn't catch you signing or dancing like before, and now the brief chitchat that you had when your ate, was more brief, being now him the one to talk more, he observe you, you didn't seem sick, you looked tired, and you body sometimes trembled, he saw your hands they had injuries from cleaning, the last days, you seemed a little obsessed with that everything where clean he told you, that it was not necesary, that all were spotless but you said you prefered so he let you be, but he couldn't saw you hurt.
so after dinner he enter the bedroom, you were there with that pajamas more akin to a babydoll, you seemed lost reading a book but in reality not reading "you hurt yourself" was the thing that he said, and take you out of your trance, without letting you answer, he took your hand and began to put ointment on it and bandage it. your eyes round looked at him, but as always he just discussed what is in hand "i'm going to hide the cleaning products, if you keep going, you can't be hurt, understood?" he saw you, and you looked so helpless there, hair let down, pink babydoll, and eyes wide like a doe, nooding to answer to him "fine" he couldn't look you more so he looked briefly at the book in your hands, a novel. "not more cleaning, now rest" he left with a word more.
when you wakeup the next morning the house were alone, but there was tea waiting for you, and a fiction book in the table. when alhaitham arrived home an smile face was painted in his face as he saw you reading the book he left for you, without a world he put a candy box in the bureau and left to the studyroom.
alhaitham missed the shine in your smile, and your cheerfulness, but he could spotit sometimes everytime you looked at a new book, or saw a desert, even somethings so simple like flowers made you smile. so everyday without a word he let something for you, first only the thing and after that with a little nottee, he feel stupid, but you seemed to smile to the notes.
it was morning, it was strange, you didn't have hopes for the day, this last days, he seemed to disappear for some days only to cameback, an expeditions they where, in reality you didn't coment on it, all ways confused, the tug of war, of your feelings was getting out of crontol. and maybe the thing that made you crazy, was that he looked the same, you belived that you liked stoic man, but not the stoicism in person. in the other side there was his care, the gifts, but there also was the silence and the space. you looked to the vase of flowers with some rainbow roses, that he left there, was he so confusing, you didnt want to fall for him, you didnt want to be the one to get hurt, you were scare, that even after all this time, you felt helpless in his presence.
you wished you could sleep the day away, maybe was the better, so that were the plan of the day, if you sleep, nothing could happen, and life moved without you so it was fine. but after some hours, and some headache you couldn't help to cry, and just cry in the dark room of this house that wasn't your home and hounted your heart.
alhaitham hated sometimes those stupid scolars of the akademiya, he thought as he entered his house, it was dark, it was pretty late, so you must be asleep now, although he sometimes notted how you couldn't sleep at night. alhaitham new things were slow, but he could say they were a little progress, your eyes seemed to shine almost like at the start, and he conversed more with you, when he accepted to get married, he didn't think that he will feel so enchanted for his wife. but you were a nymph in his life, 《 you had bewitched him of body and soul 》 as the corny books you read put it. in the beginning he started distance for him, after that it was for you, and after that it was just a routine of you. but he was restless, all the time he did what he wanted, and say what he wanted, but with you it was different, he wanted you, but he didn't knew what to do now.
he saw the table and frown all was intact since the morning, he made its way to the master bedroom, that seemed almost yours, but in wanting his space and then in not making you uncomfortable, maybe he could change that, his thoughts close as he heard you sniff and cry, it seemed you were almost out of breath and he never felt so shitty in his life like in that moment, he didn't care what people thought of him, but now he care about your thoughts.
you fell him in the room, and telling you something that seemed far away, you tried not to, but you couldn't help of hugging him, of trying to hide yourself in his arms. you thought maybe just for night, he didn't say nothing, and he let you be. so you hide in him, until you felt asleep.
the next morning you wakeup expecting to be alone like always but he was there looking at you. alhaitham couldn't help himself looking you so helpless his hand traveled to your hair, getting it out your face "you know my little wife?" it seemed so surreal almost like a dream, "i have been thinking of the shitty husband i was being and how much i have neglected my marital duties" his voice was low and hoarse of the morning. his hand hold you chin and made you look into his eyes "i wonder if my sweet little wife could forgive me" you were left for word and only form a perfect o with your lips "maybe i should try harder to fulfill my duties as a husband" he smile when the words seemed to fall on you and your eyes shined like when he met you "maybe you should try" your voice were eerie "maybe i should but only if my so sweet wife let me" his face was serious, but you wanted, he was breaking the wall, yes it started with the presents the notes, but this felt real, you only nodded to him, for a reason you felt shy in his gaze.
his voice lowered more as he hold you "nymph you have been so sweet forgiving me, i promise that i will be better for you" there was that smile "you hadn't being that bad, i guest" you wanted to jock a little but you couldnt not know that it all seemed unreal "alhaitham thank you , for the books, and the sweets, and the notes and the flowers, you remembered my favourite flowers" his face was the same serious face of always but there were something in his eyes some shine and a little smirk that was appearing in the corner of his lips "so polite my nymph...."
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⋆❀ — a/n: i hope you like this, i am not so sure if i liked it, but is my first long post, so maybe if i do a change will be little and i will warn. i try to stay in alhaitham pov most of the time but the angst is better in the reader's pov, like always asks are open, if you have ideas, or want to comment something. dont know if the next post would be the second part of this or the ayato one. thank you for reading as always. if you had a better name for the tittle its welcome 🌸🍨🪼
⋆❀ — lovelies tags: @oveloof,
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loveemagicpeace · 1 month
✨Rising Signs✨
Leo rising
In their 2nd house is virgo -therefore, they are very careful with money and manage it carefully. They will never do something reckless. They always follow the rules. They can be very stressed when there is no money and usually make money in a normal way. But they lack many times of fun and pleasure. They forget to enjoy things.
In their 3rd house is libra -their way of talking is harmonious and fair. They can be prone to gossip and love to listen to love dramas. Many times they are most worried about how their relationship will look and how they will appear in front of others. Because this house is also exposed to what people think about you. They usually have a good relationship with their relatives if there are no special planets in this house. They are more inclined towards fine things.
In their 4th house is scorpio- this house also represents the mother, so their relationship with their mother can be quite intense and deep. Mom can also be more possessive. In the family, they may feel that they can make a lot of sacrifices and may have many secrets that they do not tell anyone. They want a home that is more emotionally stable and caring.
In their 5th house is sagittarius- their first thought is not children in fact, they prefer to be more independent and do not want children quickly). They like to enjoy their things and hobbies. They can spend a lot of time studying or learning new things. They can also have many hobbies that change. Their romances can always be different and dating can also be optimistic.
In their 6th house is capricorn- they can be workaholies and obsessed with always doing something. Service taken seriously and responsibly. However, the job can often be overwhelming and they often have to do several things at the same time. They work hard and with drive. Which often affects their health, and because of too much stress, their body is weak and their immune system falls.
In their 7th house is aquarius- their relationships can start and end unpredictably. Abrupt endings are often in the foreground here. They attract a lot of Aquarians or people who are weird, different. Although it doesn't look like that, in reality they need a lot of freedom when it comes to a relationship and they like independence in a relationship (they don't like it when someone is too attached to them or can't do something on their own).
In their 8th house is pisces -they don't like to invest money because many times it happens that they lose it. They ean learn many secrets from other people. They can learn many secrets from other people. Individuals born under this sign have a profound emotional and intuitive knowledge of the mysteries of life and may be inclined to esoteric or metaphysical studies.
In their 9th house is aries -they can travel a lot to the mountains or go to places that are more adventurous. They like adventures and things that make them feel scared. Their belief is more in themselves. They usually do not feel the need to be devoted to anything other than themselves. They have a hard time believing in something higher than themselves.
In their 10th house is taurus -Although this position primarily leads to a career in financial waters and banking. All of the energy these individuals focus on activities that don't make them happy, tend to take too much of their energy, making them tired and seemingly lazy. They might also struggle with rigid or obstinate approaches to their professional life or public image.
In their 11th house is gemini- quick and efficient friendship making. They are very social in society and quickly get involved in a conversation or discussion.They like to give their opinions and thoughts. They may have several different interests.
In their 12th house is cancer- they can quickly get caught up in pessimistic thoughts. Can significantly affect a person's spiritual and emotional growth.You can see a family secret instantly, as well as the tendency to idealize one or both of the parents. Strange matters are hiding in the twelfth house and when Cancer is here, you can see these strange matters in one's home and intimate relationships.
Virgo Rising
In their 2nd house is libra- they tend to spend money on clothes, pampering or things related to them. But they can give a lot of money for the person they love.In fact, they can spend a lot of money in relationship. They can quickly waste money.
In their 3rd house is scoprio-they have a deep way of thinking. They understand difficult and dark things very well - they are usually the ones who talk a lot about deeper topics. When you tell them something, they always keep it to themselves - they are good at keeping secrets. But they can be very secretive themselves and don't say much about themselves. They can have possessive siblings.
In their 4th house is sagittarius- their family can be quite chill and fun. They can have a mother who is very optimistic and they can hang out with her as if they were friends. They usually don't have some kind of rules at home and can live freely. Their desire is usually to live somewhere remote in another country or they want to have a big home. But sometimes they feel like their home is far away. They may feel that they are not really at home anywhere. They can spend a lot of time looking for their place.
In their 5th house is capricorn -they are very dedicated to their hobbies, whatever they start they finish. Their hobby can also become a job. But they may have a problem with what really makes them happy in their everyday life.Maybe they find joy harder than others. When it comes to dating, they are taken very seriously and responsibly if there are no special planets here, dating can be the same as a relationship for them). They are dedicated to only one person. And even when it comes to intimacy, they can be more distant.
In their 6th house is aquarius -Their every day can be unpredictable and spontaneous. Things can come and go suddenly. This also concerns the diseases they can get - they can get sick very strangely, but then they are line again. Since this house is also connected to the body, blues can have problems with getting fat or losing weight. Their work is usually unique, different - they don't want to live a normal life.
In their 7th house is pisces-they like partners who are artistic, spiritual and dreamy. Because they are inherently critical, they need someone who will give them the feeling that they are accepted and that no one is judging them. But they also want a relationship (which is cinematic and more dreamy). They can dream a lot about the perfect relationship.
In their 8th house is aries -brings a fiery passion to the transformative aspects of life. This placement encourages a direct and courageous approach to deep, hidden matters. They dare a lot, although it may not look like it, they can be very wild. They tend to overthink things and shove their instinets and gut feelings aside.
In their 9th house is taurus -they are very devoted to their religion if they have one. They like to travel to places they are already used to. They like to visit one place more than once and they like comfort and luxury. The purpose of a person's life is always found somewhere in the material world. Experience needs to be built in the real world, through financial and physical matters.
In their 10th house is gemini -their careers can include many different things.They can also choose between two or more things. Person likes to share their opinions with the world, this is someone who not only shares, but also lets information define them in the society. These people can also be very artistic.
In their 11th house is cancer- They can be emotionally attached to their friends.And they prefer want one to one conversation. They don't like groups. They actually love to be in their comfortable space. Their friends can also be family.They can be more quiet and reserved around people. This suggests a nurturing and protective approach to community involvement.
In their 12th house is leo -They can be very dramatic, but their energy doesn't show as out wardly as it could. These individuals will have to learn about their power and their inner truth. It can be extremely rewarding if unconscious memories of it are pleasant and bring confidence and peace. If there was any dishonesty in their approach once upon a time, this will be the life to rectify it, accept the flaws in others, those we don't want to see and don't want to show, and find brothers and sisters in crime finally set free from self-criticism.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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itsthatmff · 4 months
How would opm saitama, genos, and garou react to having an monster female s/o but is very docile and kind and just wants to live a normal life and has a human disguise
This ones so cute o mah gad immediately had to do it
Opm guys with a Monster S/O
Included: Genos, Saitama, Garou
Requests are open !!
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Very wary about you at first
The first time you two meet is around noon at the Ghost town of city Z when he returns from getting groceries for Saitama.
In an alleyway he hears a commotion and goes to check it out when he sees that there are two monsters getting into a fight.
Of course he immediately goes into combat mode thinking that you two could be a threat for the citizens.
But it’s when you save him from that other monster you were fighting with that he’s completely startled.
“So not all monsters are driven by malice…interesting..”
He feels a connection between the two of you and can relate very much as you two have had similar experiences before with not fitting in to society due to not being full humans.
is VERY intrigued and interested by you therefore he decides to stick by your side to analyze your art and nature for research purposes. Those hangout’s eventually turn into dates.
He likes you both in your human and monster form and encourages you to like every part about yourself too.
Will support you 100% in wanting to lead a normal life and fit in with the humans. Even though his knowledge about what humans his age do is very limited as well he tries to teach you what he knows.
“I have heard that it is quite popular around young people to visit crepe shops. Shall we try them?”
Honestly best bf to ever have. Will love you even if you’re a worm. (Doesn’t show it a lot though)
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I’m telling y’all this guy DOES NOT CARE wether you’re human or not.
He saved you in your human form once (some monsters attacked you because they could tell from your smell that you were a monster as well) and thought you were so attractive from the get-go.
He did have his suspicions as he could sense a different kind of aura from you but did not question it.
A week into dating it was that you came clear to him about your “true form”, already expecting that he’d immediately break up with you.
“Oh really? Yeah that’s calm.”
Doesn’t feel betrayed or alarmed because he’s known you for long enough to tell that you were a good person, monster or not.
He does ask you random questions sometimes though
“So like..do you eat human flesh? Monster flesh? No? Oh okay.”
“Is it true that you turn into your true form every full moon? You’re telling me only werewolves do that?? Geez I was just asking..”
Whenever you feel insecure he reassures you and comforts you.
Always takes you out to go grocery shopping with him because he can tell that you enjoy doing regular things such as these.
Gets judged big time by Genos for dating you but he doesn’t care.
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Thought of you as his rival/opponent for the longest time.
Whenever he’d see you around in your human form he could sense this aura coming from you assuming that you were a strong fighter when not knowing that you simply were a monster.
He’d bother you every time and ask you for a fight and every time you’d have to kindly decline saying that you had no idea how to fight.
“Don’t lie to me I can sense that you’re powerful. One fight won’t hurt ya cmon..”
Around the 6th time you came across him you decided to just come straight with the truth.
“So you’re telling me..you’re a monster..but ya dont fight?”
Is hella confused but just rolls with it. He decides to stick by your side just for the sake of it. And he couldn’t deny that you were absolutely gorgeous at that.
Would ask you out in the most blunt and straightforward way.
You’d both be talking about how it was so hard for you to find any love interests because most of the human guys would get scared if they were to find out you’re a monster
Which he would straight up answer with “why dont you date me then?”
Very overprotective boyfriend. He prefers you in your monster form actually and encourages you to just be yourself but the moment ANYONE dares to give you a wrong look he’ll beat them to a pulp
Even when you’re in your human form he just assumes that people might stare at you because they know you’re a monster so he cusses at them (he isn’t the smartest guy out there)
Doesn’t really know what personal space is so he will be all up in your business as a monster and a human.
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giuliettagaltieri · 3 months
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Duel of Knowledge
Pairing: Uni Student!Coriolanus Snow x Uni Student!Reader
Chapter Synopsis: The Rival
Warning: academic rivalry, elitism, morally gray reader, greed, Dr. Gaul's laboratory, mentions of mutated animals, Capitol cruelty, nepotism, spoilers
Word Count: 2487
2 of 6
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It was a fresh start for Coriolanus Snow.  A life in the university, studying under Dr. Volumnia Gaul. 
After District 12.  He was a different man.  His purpose now was clearer, his actions more calculated, more dangerous.
Society welcomed him with open arms.  The star mentor, the academy protégé, and Crassus Snow’s legacy.
Life was also serving him well.  He no longer had to wear buttons made from the bathroom tiles.  No poisoned rats to dispose of.
Sejanus Plinth’s parents invite him for a luncheon on weekends.  He also met the president a couple of times because of the said couple.  Dr. Gaul has also been most helpful.
Had it not been for her, Coriolanus would still be rotting away in District 12.
The university was almost similar to the academy, only better.
He was with the same set of people he studied with.  Although, Clemensia Dovecot steers away from him now.  Two small scars from sharp fangs reminded her what happens when she crosses Coriolanus Snow.
The lessons are much more difficult than what was taught in the Academy but it was nothing he cannot conquer.  He was blessed with the most brilliant minds.
Connections made in the University are better too.  The people he meets are the ones who are currently the ones ruling the world.
The secrets he learns about them, invaluable.
Coriolanus understands the power that a piece of information can hold.
Information saved his tribute in the games.
Information nearly got him hanged.
Information nearly drove him mad.
There were all sorts of it.  Right, wrong.  It was up to you how you use it.  And use it well, he did.
And then, there was you.
The daughter of Thanatos Swansworth, a former associate of his late father.
He had gotten to know you as the girl who craved his attention and thirsted for his validation.
The last time he saw you, he knew he might have broken your heart.  You were just good at covering it up with your smiles.
And until today, he is seeing that exact same smile from across the room.
The air around you is different.  You are more mature, more sure of yourself.  You carry yourself with confidence like how a real Capitol woman does.
“While ethical implication might raise some concerns about the modified epigenetics, the boldness of the concept and the possibility of pioneering a breakthrough is reason enough to continue this research.  My study can advance the frontiers of science in a way that benefits humanity on a broader scale.”  You spoke calmly to Dr. Volumnia Gaul as she cross examined you for your research.
Coriolanus sat with his back resting against the chair, his calculating eyes watching your firm yet inviting demeanor.
A few more questions from Dr. Gaul did not make you falter, you managed to make every query an opportunity to showcase your work.  It was something that he can commend.
“Miss Swansworth, I would like you to come to my office later on to further discuss these ideas of yours.”  Dr. Gaul grins at you.
A glint of pride is visible in your eyes, making Coriolanus narrow his.
“Of course, Dr. Gaul.”
It seems he has competition for Dr. Gaul’s odd fascinations.
Coriolanus watches you return to your seat, his finger tapping atop his desk.
A focused look was plastered on Coriolanus’ face the entire day, he almost cannot wait to meet you by Dr. Gaul’s lab later.
When classes are over, he makes his way to the secured lab of Dr. Gaul.  The strong smell of formaldehyde greets his nose, he has come to get used to it.
His steps are long and purposeful but he was careful enough to silence his glide.
And he was glad he did.
He finds you crouched in a corner, your skirt touching the floor, you are too engrossed with a mutated animal that was trapped behind the glass.
“You found Thumper.”
The startled squeak you made had a sadistic smile spreading on Coriolanus’ lips. 
You glare up at him before standing up.  “Do not sneak up on me.”  You say coldly.  “Especially here.”
The mutated rabbit in front of you gives a jolt with the sound of your voice, its eyes trained on you.
“What did she do to it?”  You ask silently, looking at the mutated animal with chin slightly tipped higher.
Coriolanus stands next to you to eye the poor rabbit. 
Its once soft fur was replaced with a coarse beard-like iridescent coat.  Its paws were bigger with ears larger than normal, and its eyes, ghostly pale.
“Nothing.  The rabbit was exposed to the toxic aftermath of an outdoor experiment.  We had it captured in case it proved dangerous.”
“Is it?”  You ask, trying to maintain your indifference.
“Do you pity that mutt, Miss Swansworth?”
Both you and Coriolanus straighten your posture as Dr. Gaul saunters inside her lab.
“It simply piqued my curiosity.”  You respond carefully.
Coriolanus leaves your side to sit himself in a desk set off for him and your eyes squint at how he acts so casually in the place.
“That was a good presentation you gave earlier.”  Dr. Gaul says as she cuts open what you think is-...was a salamander.
“Thank you, Dr. Gaul.”  You try to not to sound too giddy, you must have failed as you hear a snicker from Coriolanus.
Her hand stills and she looks at you with those dangerous eyes of hers making you hold your breath.
“You mentioned earlier that your study can advance the frontiers of science and that humanity can benefit on a broader scale.”  She looks at you fully now.  “To whom are you referring to, with this…‘humanity’?”  She waves her blood red glove in the air as she asks.
The scratching of pen stills from Coriolanus’ desk and you match Dr. Gaul’s intense stare with yours.
“Who else but us, Dr. Gaul.  The outcomes of my research will contribute to the collective well-being of the Capitol.  Subsequently, the Districts can derive…some advantages from the positive outcomes we achieve.  We cannot reap the same rewards.”  You tilt your head to the side, looking at her coyly from under your eyelashes.  “Afterall, anyone who is not us is an enemy.”
Coriolanus looks up from his desk to eye you.  Dr. Gaul recognizes the look.  It was the same one Crassus Snow had when he married his wife, and the exact same when he submitted the idea he had stolen from Casca Highbottom.  Dr. Gaul only laughs as she resumes her work.
“Would you be interested in studying under me?”  She asks after calming down from her crazed outburst.  “I see potential in you, just like Mr. Snow.  I would love to watch the two of you rise to power.”
You glance at him from your shoulder and find him already looking at you with so much intensity.  You had your eyes on him as you uttered your next words.  “I would love to, Dr. Gaul.”  With much satisfaction, you watched his jaw tighten, bringing a sly smile to your lips.
Having to work after classes in the laboratory gave Coriolanus a chance to observe you.
You were very much like the person you were before he left, but ironically, also really different.
He recognizes the way your eyes narrow and how your hand finds your chin when you encounter a setback.  You also became really proper.  The smiles you gladly throw at everyone back in the academy are gone.  You attended the social events alone too, no longer following Coriolanus around to get him to ask you to come as his date.
There was also the swarm of boys he loathed.
You did not entertain them of course, kindly declining their invites for coffees and luncheons.
“You seem awfully popular with the male population of the Capitol.”
The comment did not stop your movements, not even for a second.  The decadent caramel tart was far too good to waste a moment.
“Mmh, it appears so.”  You reply to Corioalanus who seated himself in front of you at your table.  You preferred having lunch alone, it gave you time to think.  But apparently, that was too much to ask.
You saw this a mile away.  He was coming to talk to you sooner than later, and here he is.  His caramel tart ignored as the polished man found you more interesting.
Wiping your mouth with a napkin, you reach for your coffee as you locked eyes with him.  Almost taunting him to say something about it.
Now, with his slicked back platinum hair, tight jaw, and eyes so cold and calculating.  He looks every bit like his father.
“Is that all you are here for? To talk about my suitors?”  You lean back in your chair, careful to keep your posture straight.
Certainly, that is not all he is here for.  You have witnessed this all around you, even back in the academy.  Protégés sizing up their enemies and rooting out possible competition.  It was not your fault Dr. Gaul was interested in how your mind works, although you have to be responsible for your mischievous glances after you win an argument against him.
Winning arguments, if only you knew how much he was holding back, to save you the embarrassment, to not scare you away with his twisted arguments.
He is letting you go as you please, letting you think you are winning, it would be far more rewarding when he steals the prize right before your eyes.
Coriolanus wonders if he can get you to cry.
“No.”  He grins charmingly, making your blood freeze.  “The Plinths invited me to golf this Sunday.  They asked me to bring a friend.”
Your eyes dart all around his face, trying to search for something that would give him away.
“What are you playing at?”  You spoke slowly.
Coriolanus only laughs heartily, a hand placed over his chest in feign hurt.  “You wound me.  I simply wanted to catch up.  Afterall…”  His eyes dart to the family crest pinned on your chest, his eyes suddenly darkening, smile sharpening dangerously as he looks up at you with hooded eyes.  “We’re childhood friends, aren’t we?”
He can be very persuasive. 
Especially those eyes of his.
You heave a sigh and gently bring your cup to your lips, taking your time to sip. 
“Perfect.”  He beams brightly.  There is something awfully unsettling about it.
Coriolanus Snow finds your distrustful nature inviting.  You are right to be wary of him. 
Sunday comes faster than you would have appreciated. 
The Plinths were very kind people.  Partly because they oh so wanted to be accepted in the Capitol. 
You are leaning on the golf cart, arms folded as you watch Coriolanus laugh with Sejanus Plinth’s parents.
Your thinking posture returns as you observe them.  Back in the academy, you do not recall Coriolanus and Sejanus to be very close.  They were acquaintances, yes.  Nothing beyond that.  In retrospect, Sejanus was a really lonely kid.  Everybody loved his money but friendship with him was something the Capitol kids never crossed.  The kindness Coriolanus showed him, he must have mistaken it for bond.
Poor Sejanus.
“Y/N.”  Mrs. Plinth calls you over and you fix your sunglasses back on and you head their way.
“Sorry, needed to cool off a bit.”  You smile at them.
“Oh, of course.  Would you like some refreshments?”  She asked, worried.  You smile at her, watching closely if this is real or not.  It might be.
Coriolanus swings his club and sends the ball flying to the cup.
Mr. Plinth slaps his back showering the young boy with compliments.
You are unaware that it was you who is being watched now.
“It has been difficult for my husband and I.”  Mrs. Plinth says softly as she guides you under the shade and pours you a tall glass of lemonade.
You thank her but are not letting your guard down for whatever she may spring at you.
“Our son is gone but that boy.”  She smiles in the direction of Coriolanus.  “Our son loved him like a brother.  It may be selfish on my part but I see my boy in him.”
You drop your head, watching your reflection in the lemonade.
“And he has the Plinths’ full support for his endeavors.”
This catches your attention and the woman smiles at your expression.
“In every victory Panem has, there is always a Snow behind it.”  She raises her chin to gauge your reaction.  “And a Swansworth to help them see it through.”
You tip your own chin up and watch Coriolanus do a perfect swing.
“And so there is.”  You give her a sly smile and she returns it with her own.
You might have just met an ally.
The day ends and you cannot be upset with how it turned out.
“In a better mood, are we?”  Coriolanus says cooly, lips tugging up to one side.
You shrug as you both enter the building where you both live.  “Mrs. Plinth is not an awful company.”  A playful smile is also thrown his way.  “I also enjoyed the view.”
There it is.
“Oh, you did, didn’t you?”  He stops you dead on your tracks, preventing you from getting in the elevator.
You did not let his height be a great advantage as you met him with a proud smile.  “The golf course, I mean.”
“Indeed, the golf course.”  He nods as he looks down at you, a smirk tugging on his lips.  “The golf course with its blistering heat and dry wind, that golf course.”
“Exactly.”  You smile sardonically.  “Now, if you don’t mind, I must get to my apartment.”
He lets you inside the elevator and he follows closely.
You stand next to him in silence as the elevator ascends.
A couple of times, your gazes meet in your reflection.
“I’m running as president.”
You sigh as your back meets the cold elevator wall.
“I know.”
He looks at you now, arm leaning on the handrail.
“I want you with me.”
You roll your eyes, arms crossing.
“I was afraid you’d ask.”
He chuckles lowly.
For a moment, only the soft whirring of the elevator accompanied by the classical tune playing was the only noise filling the space.
“Forgive me.”  He finally says.
It is long overdue but you appreciate it still.
“There is nothing to forgive.”
The elevator dings and you get off.  He walks you to your apartment. 
“Good night, Y/N Swansworth.”
“Good night, Coriolanus Snow.”
And you gently close the door, your eye contact never breaking until all you see is the hardwood door.
You stand there for a long time, contemplating.  Your apartment is cold and empty but the lights from Capitol reflect inside your apartment, casting a soft glow in your family portrait and you look at your father in the eyes.
“Snow will land on top.”
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Hunt for Glory
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thelarriefics · 1 month
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ABO FIC REC, Part IV: Below are more recent abo fics. (Part I, Part II, Part III)
📖 Unrequited by @babyhoneyheslt (143k)
Omega Prince Harry of England has been engaged to Prince Louis of France ever since he was a young boy. Having met him at four and forming a bond, Harry is upset to find that Louis no longer treats him like a friend, instead treating him coldly. However, Louis has his own dark secrets and Harry doesn’t know just how many dangers linger in French Court.
📖 Tangled in your love and light by @likelarryfics (95k)
Harry doesn't have time for romance or finding an Alpha between balancing work, studying and looking after his daughter, Bella. Enter Louis Tomlinson who's a romantic sweet Alpha, determined to win the omegas heart and turns Harry's whole world upside down, making him question everything he's ever wanted and known.
📖 Secrets in Winter by @softfonds (82k)
If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
📖 Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 (78k)
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic. Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
📖 Bikestrike by @thinlinez (68k)
What would you do if you saw someone riding your bike, which had been stolen weeks before, across campus? Omega Harry chose to show no mercy. He didn't know it would all lead him to his own demise.
📖 There You Are by @tiredtiredtzofiya (55k)
Prince Harold, youngest pup of the House of Lancaster, has a secret. Louis, a healer at the king’s court with a keen knowledge of plants and herbs, simply wishes to know the shy young prince better. When Harry, the heir loved by everybody yet needed by no one, takes ill after several arduous heats, lonely Louis is the one entrusted to care for him, and the resultant bond that forms between the two tests the limits of in sickness and in health.
📖 Angel Baby by @brightgolden (51k)
When Louis’ sugar-baby-turned-mate suddenly wanted a pup, he simply couldn’t say no to his bright-eyed omega. After all, who didn’t want a mini Harry running around the house? He should have known that it wasn’t all wonderful in the wonderland of baby making.
📖 Some Records Turnin’ by @ireallysawanangel (49k)
Harry is a soft alpha who owns a record store and Louis is a closeted singer omega masquerading as an alpha who randomly stumbles into Harry’s store.
📖 does it always end in heartbreak? by @onlythebravest (47k)
Life never plays out the way one wants it to and no one ever goes through it unharmed. A story of two relationships, two life stages and more than only two broken hearts.
📖 put a little love on me by @larrydoinglaundry (29k)
Two people who are always taking care of someone else’s needs while ignoring their own, just happen to cross paths.
📖 'cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by @absoloutenonsense (26k)
When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
📖 Not Safe For Work by @greenblueish (23k)
the one where the boys work at Niall's fashion start-up 28 Programme Designs, and omega Louis has a lot of not safe for work thoughts about his colleague Harry, but little does he know that the alpha can read minds.
📖 Incandescent Love by @marchessa (21k)
the one where Alpha Louis is a world famous musician, who could get anyone he wanted, but instead he fell for a proper omega of high society. Too bad Harry shows no sign of wanting to settle down and start a family with him yet. The omega seems to be perfectly happy with their friends-with-benefits relationship. Louis is pining hard, and he might be running out of time when Harry’s father decides to start meddling with his only son’s future.
📖 Your Eyes Outshine the Town by @insightfulinsomniac (19k)
When a freak French snowstorm traps Harry's family in Paris, he's suddenly left flying home for a Christmas spent alone. However, everything changes after a chance encounter with an undeniably attractive, generous alpha who suggests that Harry join his family's Christmas celebrations. Against his better judgment, Harry agrees, and follows Louis back to Doncaster for the holidays. Little does he know, he'll not only become attached to the alpha, but to his entire family. Maybe his Christmas won't be as lonely as he expected. Complete and utter fluff ensues. Sappy Christmas tropes abound.
📖 Swap me for your shadow by @lunarheslwt (16k)
If Louis thought being in love with his best friend was a knife that continually twisted into his heart before, it was nothing compared to when Harry started to go around talking about having fallen for someone else. A 5+1 fic; 5 times Louis has to listen to Harry’s vague confessions of love for his ‘omega friend’ and the 1 time Louis snaps and confesses his love for Harry.
📖 The Room Thief by @2tiedships2 (12k)
When Louis comes home and is confronted by his knothead alpha flatmates, he knows it won’t result in anything good, but he didn’t expect to be left homeless, effective immediately. He definitely didn’t expect to fall for the specific knothead who stole his room.
📖 No (Birth) Control by @haztobegood (2k)
An unfortunate situation left Harry without contraceptives a day before his heat.
📖 Untraditional Rut by @dreamersdivin-headfirst (2k)
Ever since then, he figured out why he’s never enjoyed his traditional ruts. Because he’s not into the whole primal animalistic stereotype of alpha ruts. He’s into spanking and wax play.
📖 we don't fight fair by @hellolovers13 (2k)
Nothing like a little chase to start off Louis' heat.
📖 hey stupid, i love you by @enchantedlandcoffee (1k)
The one where self-proclaimed Valentine's Day hater, Louis, surprises his boyfriend on their first Valentine's together.
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the-badger-mole · 3 months
Aang was a kid who was the sole survivor of a genocide. Why doesn't that factor in your opinion of him?
I've talked about this before, but his age and tragic backstory are irrelevant. ALL of the main characters are children with tragic backstories, and they are more empathetic, have more growth, and their tragic backstories...actually matter.
Listen, for all people whine about how often Katara talks about her mom (which isn't really that often), it's clear how her mother's death shaped her as a character. It's clear how witnessing her mother's death formed her worldview, and Kya sacrificing herself for Katara made a mark (she never turns her back on people who need her? COME ON! That is obviously her trying to save people the way she couldn't save her mother). Even her wanting to learn how to fight and not heal (which is an insane battle advantage, btw) speaks to her trauma around not being able to defend her mom.
Even Sokka's trauma around the loss of his father and not being deemed old enough (big enough/ strong enough/ smart enough) to go with Hakoda and the other warriors come through in his recurring need to prove himself (coming up with the big battle plan for DoBS, breaking his father out of prison, learning swordplay, etc.). It's woven so neatly into the narrative. His trauma matters to his story.
Toph is the least developed of the Gaang, and her issues with her parents have more impact on character than the destruction of the Air Nomads have on Aang. Heck, Zuko's entire arc hinges on compound traumas.
Meanwhile, Aang's trauma....? What trauma? Yes, the loss of the Air Nomads is a tragedy, but we, the audience, only know it's a tragedy because we have real world knowledge telling us so. Personally, I was in 3rd or 4th grade when I began learning about the Trail of Tears, and in kindergarten when I began learning about slavery (I was born in Harlem. The kindergarten I went to taught us accordingly). When I saw ATLA, I had a frame of reference for the genocide of the Air Nomads. But it didn't really seem to bother Aang all that much. Oh, sure, it did come up when it was convenient to the plot, but it mostly seemed to be a way for Aang to expound on the superiority of Air Nomad philosophy and society to whoever he's talking to. Aside from that, and his first rush of feeling when he found out what happened to them, the loss of the Air Nomads doesn't seem to effect Aang all that much. If he doesn't care about his tragic loss, why should I?
Aang is a fictional character. I don't have to extend the same pathos to him that I would to a real life person. It is the writers' duty to make me feel for him, and they did not. The way he's framed is the issue. And here is where I really start retreading things I've said before, but I think it needs to be repeated (again and again and again). Aang is not framed as someone who has a lot of growing up and learning to do. I could give him a pass on his worst traits because he's a child and still growing, but the show doesn't frame him that way. The show wants me to see him as a precocious imp who's wise-beyond-his-years but still has a cheeky lil' mischievous streak. It's not trying to frame his lying to the quarreling tribes in The Great Divide as a bump in his journey to becoming an effective leader bridging different people together. It wants the audience to laugh at him getting one over on the foolish tribes who absolutely went back to fighting as soon as Appa was out of sight. The show isn't framing his desperation to get the village in Avatar Day to like him as a foolish pursuit he needs to get over if he wants to be strong in the face of adversity. It wants us, the audience, to feel bad for him because his charm isn't immediately bringing the people over to his side. It wants us to be indignant that the villagers don't see how important Aang is and wont' support him. The show isn't framing Aang's non-con kisses with Katara as bad because it hurt her. It isn't making a point to that Aang needs to care about her feelings. It wants the audience to feel bad for Aang and hope for Katara to come around because he's A Nice Guy™️©️®️. Aang is never shown to be a particularly good friend to any of the Gaang, let alone him being kind to strangers just because that's his heart. All of that I would allow to be just him being a dumb kid with growing to do if the show hadn't made it clear that Aang was perfect and didn't have to change, and in fact the world should change for him.
Aang's age and tragic backstory are irrelevant because the show made them irrelevant. All they left us with was a Gary Stu character who hides his selfishness under a thin veneer of cheerfulness. It's not good enough.
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cepheustarot · 3 months
What kind of vibe do you have?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the describes being ultimate truth. Only you know yourself best.
Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: You’re the vibe of a strong person who’s determined, productive and active, and people see you as a leader who can inspire and lead people, you motivate others by your example. You are one of those who are not standing still and constantly busy with anything, you are constantly in motion, around you are always a stormy activity. Along with this comes the vibe of a person of cool head and rational thinking, you know a lot and have a lot of experience behind you, people see you as a wise person, they see you as someone who gives the right advice and can always help. To some extent you can call a genius of some kind, because you will definitely find a way out of any situation, find a solution to any problem. Also you are very curious by nature, love to learn everything new, you literally absorb knowledge (I would also suggest that you’re very interested in sociology, psychology and the like, you’re one of those people who likes to study human behavior, society on the sociological side, human interaction and all that sort of stuff). I also want to note that if you are very interested in a topic or question, then you will definitely find the answer, no matter which way, but you will achieve your goal.
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Pile 2: From you comes the vibe of a person prone to melancholy, you can constantly be seen in a brooding state, you seem a little detached from the reality around you and you are immersed in yourself, in your inner world, constantly thinking about something personal, something only you understand. You’re just as hesitant by nature, you’re hard-pressed to make choices, because you weigh decisions everything carefully, consider every option from the outside, and you find pros and cons in every option, you think a lot about the consequences, what your decision will lead to in the future. You have the whole vibe of a person who has a tendency to analyze a lot, not only about yourself, but also about others, you think a lot about the actions of others and as if looking for a catch in their actions. Also, you have an inner linchpin and in stressful situations you become a person who remove his emotions for a while and faces the problem, successfully solving it. You may think a lot about problems, but you never dive into them, you are able to control your thoughts and actions. In other words, you never let problems get you unsettle. You are a pretty determined and hard man who will handle any obstacle. 
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Pile 3: You have the vibe of a person who is easy-going, you are easily interested in something and you are curious about many things, you can say that you have tried a lot in your life and you always have something to tell others, to share your history and experience in one or another field. Perhaps because you have tried a lot, you do not know what one to do in life, what particular area to choose, as you are attracted to everything. With this you have a vibe of an ambitious person, you most often follow the case to the end, most likely you have a lot of plans for life and you are the ones who think of any little things and details. People see you as a cheerful, friendly person, you always cheer others up and leave good memories, you have a good sense of humor and are able to conduct a dialogue so that everyone will be interested, including you. Partly,  you have the vibe of a somewhat naive person who often head in the clouds and build castles in the air. You also stand up your end and if you want something very much, you will certainly achieve, you do not care if people do not support your decisions, because it is only your life and you decide what it will be. 
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msmysticfail · 3 months
Sun in the houses: 7-12
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Sun in the 7th house:
Sun in the 7th house are generally very well-liked and popular people. A Sun in the 7th house cares a lot about others, as it's in others that they assert themselves. They are people who need to be close to others, whether with their close friends, their family, or their romantic interest.
Because the other person's opinion is so important to them, they can sometimes be shaken by what other people think of them. They are people who are generally always well-groomed and presentable because they like to make a good impression.
In the work environment, they are people who generally have many friends and colleagues and are always aware of all the gossip that is going on. They are pleasant, lighthearted people who generally do not have a fixed opinion about something or someone, but they usually can make friends easily. They don't like arguments, or they try to minimize them as much as possible. They have a good style in general and they love to receive compliments.
I am a reflection of the other person: this may be their unconscious motto. They always want to be accompanied, preferring to go out with someone. Romantic relationships generally have a great importance in their life, since love, affection, romance and the well-being that the other can provide to them are things that are good for the Sun in house 7.
Sun in the 8th house:
People with the Sun in the 8th house are profound, you may think you know them, but in reality you only know what they let you know. They are observant people, before acting they observe everything around them, almost always going unnoticed. Because they have this type of nature, these people generally have an arsenal of information about the people around them and, with that, this is where the Sun in the 8th House stands out, as they have a ace up in their sleeves to deal with both their friends and enemies.
This silent observation usually extends to the work environment, where the person generally knows how to influence or even exercise control over their colleagues or subordinates.
People in this house generally go through long periods of emotional retreats, just like the 4th house, however these retreats are focused on oneself, on one's soul. They are constantly changing their emotional and psychic skin, they need to get rid of old emotional baggage and open up to new things, as this house also talks about Scorpio, a sign that governs detachment and symbolic death.
These people tend to act silently in the "dark", as they don't like others knowing what they do or don't do.
With a deep and fixed concentration, when they are interested in something or someone, these people put all their focus on finding out everything about it. For the 8th house, no information is enough, they always want to know more. With great intensity and vitality, they are magnetic people, who know how to attract others, stirring them up.
Sun in the 9th house:
These people take great pleasure in being in contact with knowledge, whether it be expanding their mind and soul through readings, colleges, seminars, or even taking trips that can enhance their spirit. They are people who have a need for questioning, seeking to understand society and the world through large lenses, which is why they often seek religion or greater contact with the divine, through practices such as meditation or yoga.
They love moving around the city where they live, the wider they get to know it, the better, generally they have already seen most of the state they live in. They are people who are generally light, not attached to others or to intense emotions, they generally only cling to what they believe in, as they need a motto to live by.
These people generally exude lightness, always bringing a smile on their face or making a joke to their group of friends. They probably have a travel itinerary programmed somewhere in their mind, because contact with the outside world, something that is greater than what they already know on a daily basis, is very important for a sun in the 9th house.
They are also people who seek justice, since they spend so much time philosophizing about life and the things that surround it. Professions that involve law, travel, other cultures are excellent for them.
Sun in the 10th house:
These people need to feel useful. Their goals, no matter what they are, are very important to them. Because they are at the top of the zodiac wheel, in one way or another these people attract attention, whether at work, at home as a figure that everyone admires, or in their community. The10th house is about the collective, the social, society in general and these people shine for the collective. A Sun in the 10th house has a strong but cold light, in the sense that they have a rational mind, which calculates all strategies before acting on their purpose.
Ambition and focus are the two words that define the people of this house, no matter how hard things may be, this person will move forward with their ambitions, preferring to fail while trying rather than never trying and failing. They are generally very strong people, they can handle more than most people can. These people real enemies are their fear of failure and their arrogance. If they listen to it then they will probably stop presenting themselves to society out of fear of failing, of not being good enough, and if they listen to their arrogance they can and will, over time, lose their brilliant charm, since everyone can clearly see who they truly are, since the 10th house is the highest house and the sun shining here shows everything to everyone.
Romance, friendship, calm and peace can take second or third place, being successful in their life is one of the most important thing for them, no matter the cost.
Sun in the 11th house:
They care about the collective, they are usually people who are volunteering, whatever the cause, they are generally recycling their trash, using sustainable food and clothing. Because they see society as their home, it's very important to them to feel included in it.
They are cool, intelligent, political and critical. You can't change the opinion of a Sun in the 11th house, unless you're smarter than them, but they can change yours. They are people who communicate well, they know how to win people over through their ability to argue and debate.
As this is a cold house, governed by the Air element, they tend not to get attached to emotions or people, as everything tends to flow in this house. They are not really interested in trying to keep someone in their life, unless other aspects say otherwise, they let things come and go freely, and generally expect the same from people, as they hate feeling trapped, contained.
They are people who think a lot about the future, always having a project in mind for 10 or 20 years from now. The interesting thing is that they don't just care about their future only but about the future of the collective as well.
A Sun in the 11th house is liked by many, they're important to people, be it their friends, their online network, their community, etc. They have their tribe but they also moves around others, without necessarily getting attached.
These are people who love to have some connection with electronics, the internet, in general.
Sun in the 12th house:
With a gigantic intuitive capacity, people who have the Sun in this house are generally able to see people's intentions, generally understanding their motives too, even if it's bad. Focused on their emotional and inner life, just like the 4th and 8th house, these people spend more time in their heads than they actually do in the world around them. They are quiet, usually a whole universe of intricate thoughts are going on in their head, so it can seem like these people are not really present. When they are present it's for a short time, as they prefer to be physically present, but mentally absent, generally. When they are present they are observant, preferring to listen, absorbing what the other person has to say, which is why they are great listeners.
They need time alone, it is essential that a Sun in the 12th house finds space to be alone with themselves, or they feel drained and worn out.
In the work environment, unless other aspects indicate, they do not have a very strong presence, preferring to follow orders, not questioning too much. It is vital that these people can transcend the mundane day-to-day life with some solace in the arts, be it music, cinema, literature, etc.
They may suffer from health problems if their body does not obey a certain level of rest and relaxation.
They are artistically gifted, whether they know it or not. Use and abuse the arts, write, dance, free yourself and you will find a precious outlet to deal with your day-to-day life in a more practical and centered way.
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nyanggk · 1 year
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PAIRINGS sub!priest!jake x succubus!dom!reader! x sub!priest!heeseung
IDOLS FEATURED ENHYPEN jay, jake, heeseung
SYNOPSIS For a succubus, purity is something to be ashamed of. People naturally lust and it's the very reason why demons like you have come to surface and now, you're about to show this town's priests' that no one can resist the temptation to sin.
GENRE smut with plot, supernatural, medieval au, demon au
WARNINGS explicit sexual content; non-con that turns into dub-con, threesome, dom/sub dynamics, corruption kink, oral sex, cock stepping, footjob, handjob, making, mouth/face fucking, both boys are under the influence
mocking/disregard for christian belief, sex with a demon, both boys slip in and out of consciousness
wc. 13k
n. although this is a given, this fic is made under the impression to satisfy readers only. this is in no way shape or form a statement of what someone should do in real life nor do I support these kinds of actions (non-con) and I suggest that everyone reads all the warnings carefully. thank you also to jinnie (@heeseongism) for the concept ♡
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As a demon who feeds on humans' sexual desires, should innocence be something to be proud of?
Man would associate innocence with purity, while those who dwell into their lustful desires would be damned as tainted and therefore, shunned by society. Innocence is a bar that man themselves have set impossibly high, making it impossible for even the most devoted worshiper to reach. It seems as if even man have set themselves up to fail, and yet, despite this known unreachable standard, they pay no heed and continue to preach for someone perfect.
Supposedly, purity is the standard for both men and women— though it seems as if the rule is only strongly implemented towards the latter. They say that if you're pure, that means you are just, meaning you are closer to God on a spiritual level.
Over the course of numerous millenniums, man would continue to struggle to meet this ideal, not realizing that it isn't something that could be achieved. We're raised by our parents to be caring, kind, and untainted while they remain the opposite. It's quite the contrast, really. Those who have breaded due to their uncontainable want for intercourse, are those who set impending rules to keep their child from sinning. However, despite their best efforts to raise a child without blotches, the holy one above tests their fate relentlessly on end by sending them challenges, and you're one of them.
Having already reached your adult form as a succubus, otherwise a demon of sex and lust, ten years ago, you’ve gathered sufficient knowledge when it comes to the art of hunting down your prey. Some would argue that you’re a master at what you do; you know how to act, what draws them in, what they’re most tempted to do, and how much of them you can take in order for them to continue living and for you to quench your thirst. You don’t intend to kill them, but sometimes, it just can’t be helped when you're at the brink of death due to hunger.
It’s you over anyone else, and really, what’s so bad about having a fuckton of sex?
"God!" The boy beneath you screams out in pleasure when you bring yourself down ruthlessly, letting your cunt suck the whole length of his dick. 
It almost makes you cackle at how ironic that word is when applied to your situation. You're a succubus, a demon who feeds on lust, yet here he is, screaming for God like you aren't giving him the time of his life. You want to slap the soul out of his body. How dare he preach for God when you're riding his dick better than any angel can? It's quite disrespectful if you're being honest, however, you choose not to say anything, knowing that if this town finds out you're anything but human, you're going to be tied up and beheaded.
It's been quite long since you've last conducted a feeding session, and your mana feels like it's getting drained and replenished with each strong bounce you make on his lap, along with the pleasure his dick feels rubbing against your g-spot. Usually, you'd have no problem doing everything, as it allows you to satisfy yourself without having to wait for your food to learn what you like, but with your mana drained, a light sheen of sweat is seeping against your skin. The boy doesn't mind though; if he's being honest, it makes you all the more hotter in his eyes.
"Aww, Jay," You coo while dragging your nails down his broad and sweaty chest in a teasing manner, sending the boy into a deeper frenzy as goosebumps rise on his olive skin as he watches streaks of red appear on his skin. "Too good?"
The said boy releases a whimper when he feels your pussy clench down on his whole length, prodding him to answer. "Yes, shit! You take me so well. "You're too good." He manages to blurt out before squeezing his eyes shut and his head falling back onto the mattress like he's lost all control over his body—which is true.
Never in Jay's life did he think that any girl could take his whole length inside their mound. Everyone always struggled to even get more than half of him in, and yet, here you are, doing the impossible. He met you at a sketchy alleyway on his way home from work selling fruits at the marketplace. Truthfully, it seemed as if you came out of nowhere because the moment his eyes turned to look elsewhere, your figure leaning against the concrete was there to greet him. He remembers the way his eyes just never seemed to stop raking over your body and how every curve and dip made him want more. It was as if he was being put into a trance because he just couldn't take his eyes off of you, completely ignoring his family that awaits him in their small, run-down cottage hidden in the woods.
Sooner or later, you approach him, making sure to jut your hips with every step towards him, the scent of your arousal filling Jay's nose from a meter away. Jay breaks out of his trance when he realizes that you're grinning at him, clumsily introducing himself to you, and then the rest has brought you to where you are now.
Your insides just feel amazing, like it was made just for him and his dick alone— it isn't. He swore when he first thrusted his dick inside you a few hours ago, that he would come on the spot. There's just something different about the way you move, the way you feel, and the way you talk that makes it seem as if your whole body was made for him. His wife could never satisfy him the way you do and it's not her fault. She doesn't know her husband is a cheat with a huge dick that can hardly fit inside a human's vagina without it hitting their womb.
And yes, "a few hours ago," meaning that ever since the two of you met, you've been going at it like rabbits in heat. You have no idea where the sudden drive to feed came from, as usually, a minute of sex would do to quench your thirst however, today, you've been craving more and sadly, Jay's having a hard time at giving it to you.
"I'm— ahh, fuck!" Jay's whole body seems to shake as he gives you his fourth climax. His throat has now grown sore and dry from all of the screaming, groaning, and moaning he's done in the past few hours and to be frank, he's already reaching his limit. So, when you tilt your head to the side and start bouncing on his length once again, he screams in protest as he digs his fingers onto your hips to stop your actions. "You're a fucking demon." 
You only laugh at his joke, finding it humorous given how ironic it is. "Maybe I am." You smirk.
Copying your actions, Jay chuckles before shaking his head. "I really can't keep going, babe." He announces. "I'm gonna pass out."
"I'm not stopping until I get what I want."
And that's just what you did, except you may have sucked all the life force out of the poor boy.
Shame, he would've made an adorable pet.
Though you've already taken all of what he had, you were still starving, craving for more because one isn't enough; you need more.
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If God is the creator of everything, then does that mean that he made your kind? To what? Test man's dedication and beliefs? If so, then his children are failing.
Walking past the small wooden entrance of the church, the loud clicks of your boots' heels echo every time they meet the hard marble floor. Looking up, you're greeted with the intricate paintings of Jesus and his becoming, while multiple sacred statues said to be made in the likeness of God and saints adorn every crevice of this holy place.
You can only release a small chuckle as you realize how sardonic all of this is. Above all the places you could've picked for your hunt, you just had to pick a church. What can you say? This place is rumored to have gorgeous looking pastors, and you're not one to turn down a delicious meal.
A figure cloaked in white hidden poorly inside the small confession booth catches your eye, and you can't help but grin in excitement as your eye turns a darker shade of lust. Even from afar, you can hear the testosterone in his veins, how pure the boy is, and how his body has been begging for release. You had a hunch that church boys would soothe your hunger better than anything else, and you were correct.
Calmly, you make your way towards the entrance of the booth, hunching down and sitting on the hard wooden seat right after. Thankfully, there aren't a lot of people inside. In fact, the cathedral seemed to be nearly empty— save for the few who were praying and the staff. So, you ignore how uncomfortable it is, how clogged the room is, and instead, divert your full focus onto the man that sat behind the wooden walls, separating the both of you.
"Hello, father." You greet with your head bowed down to conceal your smirk. You can vaguely make out the man's face from where you sat, the small holes carved onto the wall doing less than to hide his handsome front.
"Hello," You can almost hear the smile on his face, and this only makes your grin grow wider in return. You have no idea how, but his voice lets something inside you grow. Your desire for feeding is rising tenfold, and you have no idea for how long you'll be able to keep your lust at bay. The mere thought of having someone as pure as him sends your mind into a frenzy, as you can only imagine how delicious this boy will taste once he's under your control. The tone of his voice is so satisfying that it even makes your cunt water as it awaits his penetration. You can't wait to have him between your legs, and your mouth is already watering at the thought of having to taste his arousal. Your only option is to calm yourself down just for a little bit, not wanting to feel yourself grow sticky before you've even lulled your prey.
"What brings you here today?"
"I'm afraid I've committed a sin, Father." You say, your voice feigning sadness and shame.
"That's alright. The reason you've come here is to seek forgiveness and repent. Even that alone takes courage and you're admirable for that." You hear him say. His words only make you chuckle as you give absolutely no shits whether or not God forgave you or not, he's not yours to worship, and neither is God his. You think he should be worshiping you. "What is it that you did?"
Instead of answering his question, you throw one back at him. "What's your name, Father?" You ask, voice sounding dark while you lure him in. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."
With the silence that takes over, you can tell that he's taken aback by your question because, honestly, who wouldn't? The purpose of this wall separating the both of you is to hide your identity, to make you feel less ashamed to confess your crimes and feelings because your persona isn't seen. Even if the two of you were to cross paths outside, he wouldn't be able to know it's you. So, although perplexed, he answers because, well, why shouldn't he?
"I'm Pastor Jake." He answers, tone sounding somewhat proud, and you can't help but coo when you notice him rocking in his seat between the gaps of the divider.
All you do is hum in acknowledgement, afterwards telling him your name. Your mind tries to form a plan in order to lure your prey towards somewhere more suitable for feeding, somewhere you can touch him without the worry of anyone finding out you're a demon.
"Father," You call out to him, raising your tone as you let your scent flood his nostrils. "Do you mind telling me about yourself first? I'm still kind of nervous."
You hear the boy stutter in his movements, no doubt due to the charm your aura is exuding. Nonetheless, he tries to recover by clearing his throat, answering your question right after. "Well…" He trails off in thought with a chuckle. "I'm actually quite nervous myself too, if I'm being honest."
At that, you make a sound of feigned amazement. Crossing your legs as you prompt your chin on the palm of your hands, you ask, "How so, father?"
Whatever he says next, you tune out. You swear it was something about it today being his first day appointed as a priest, but then again, you could be wrong. However, you're too busy looking around the place, hoping to find somewhere private to even care.
Your mouth is practically watering because of the scent he exudes. The smell of purity in his body lets your hunger grow, becoming more impatient to feed the more you hear the way he talks. He's the type of boy his parents would be proud of. He's the model apprentice that everyone aspires to be. Though, you know for a fact that he's certainly not enough to make your stomach full, but surely, his innocence has to count for something. You're soon going to lose control over everything, and your true form is going to reveal itself, the mana in your body proving to be insufficient as you feel it drain in half if you don't find a feeding place sooner.
The sudden noise of someone clearing their throat pulls you out of your thoughts, and you realize then that it was him who did it. And so, doing the same to compose yourself, you pull yourself together and begin your act once you've finally found a chamber used as a storage room that is accessible for the two of you. "Father, I don't think I can confess my sins here."
Silence arises between the both of you, and you're tense as you await a reaction. Assuming that he's going to let you continue, you tug. "Is there anything I can do to help? I'm not forcing you to confess, and you can always take your time."
How sweet.
How is it possible for a human to be so innocent and caring? You're almost saddened by the fact that you have to ruin him. It's a shame his God couldn't protect him from the likes of you.
"Is there somewhere more private where we can talk?" You ask, trying to segue the conversation to where you can lure him.
"U-Uhm… I'm not sure if it's okay—" He mumbles but you cut him off.
"I don't mind you seeing my face. I'm just not comfortable telling you here." You reason it out, hoping for him to be dumb enough to take the bait. "Can we go somewhere more secluded?"
He's conflicted. Realizing you're not the normal town folk he always sees entering the church, he wants to leave a good impression— especially since it's his first day of service. His town is small, everyone knows each other. Thus, he wants to be known as a priest that everyone can feel comfortable confiding in. So, wanting to be just that, he accepts your offer, letting you lead him towards the storage room, unbeknownst to your true intentions and form.
The two of you are about to reach your safe haven for the day when another person's voice abruptly makes the two of you stop. Your back is turned towards the person as you clench your jaw at having been stopped, and you don't make a move to turn, wanting to hide your face from the other.
"Jake?" You hear a man's voice say "Where are the two of you going? The mass is about to start."
Innocently, Pastor Jake just shrugged. "Everything is fine. I'll be there, don't worry."
And with that, you make quick steps in order to drag the boy farther away from the crowd. Once both of you were inside, you intentionally left the door unlocked, savoring the possibility of someone walking in and joining the two of you. 
You walk over to him after doing so, placing yourself so close that he can feel your breath hitting his face. 
He's a bit taken aback by your sudden movements; however, he doesn't peep a protest but stutters back in order to give the two of you some space.
Your meal is a beautiful sight to see. Your senses weren't wrong when it told you that the man behind the border was handsome. His hair is a beautiful shade of midnight black and it falls so naturally across his chiseled face. His eyes are wide and puppy-like and it's no surprise to you when you notice the upwards hook at the edges of his mouth, making him look like an adorable pet. Unlike the usual priests you've seen across the other towns, you really have to praise this one for having such young and youthful looking priests as they serve to be the most flavourful dishes. Not long has passed yet you're becoming weaker by the second and you can feel your composure dissipating as you imagine the future events that are about to happen once you put him under control.
Not wanting to wait any longer, you let your tail reveal itself, both because you wanted to conserve your remaining mana and because you yearn to see the look on his face once he finds out what you're going to do to him.
"Jake…" You call out his name without the title, releasing a chuckle after seeing the shocked look on his face as his mouth hangs open at the sight of your raven black tail swishing excitedly. 
"Father, I've been starving." You say, voice sounding too alluring for Jake to keep his mind straight as the scent of your charm floods through his senses once again. Only this time, it makes him weaker as his body submits itself to your orders.
Feeling his knees start to buckle, he falls on the cold marbled floor with a soft thud. "W-What is happening to me?" He asks in a fit of desperation when he realizes he's unable to will his limbs to move.
The desperate and helpless look oozing inside his puppy dog eyes sets your body on fire. Your tail keeps swishing from behind you in glee as your horns slowly reveal themselves, sitting comfortably on the crown of your head.
"Y-You're a demon…" He concludes, words sounding awfully slurred as his eyes turn hooded with lust.
Smirking, you reply, "You just noticed?"
Come to think of it, he should've known that you were different from the start; your natural scent just seemed to stand out above everything else, the way the tone of your voice made him shiver, and the way you had no interest in anything other than yourself were clear signs. But in the end, how was he supposed to know that you were a creature that's out of this world?
Yes, the Bible talks about them, but, poor Jake has never seen one in person— nevertheless, this close and this pretty. There's this thing called "blind faith" in Christianity, which means that the servants of God should believe in him despite not being able to see. He just didn't think it worked the other way around, that he should've believed that demons existed without having to have seen them in person. 
Although he's still baffled, he's aware that you're real. Although, half conscious, he knows what's going to happen next. He doesn't know what it is you clearly want from him, though. You said you were starving, so could it possibly mean that you're a vampire seeking blood? No, that's certainly not it, because if that were the case then there'd be no need for the boner that's peeking through his robes.
"Aww," You say in a high pitched voice, clearly mocking his inability. "Is the pastor begging for some pussy? I bet your dick is just begging to be touched. My, how have you survived all these years without release?"
The boy frowns at your words, wondering why you chose such vulgar things, but against his will, his dick twitches and it makes you smile.
Squatting down, you crawl your way towards his figure. When you reach him, you put your face close to his, making sure that your noses are touching, and you rub them together to feign comfort. 
Because of the close proximity, you've once again been given a chance to look at his features; how clear his skin is and how there isn't an area of imperfection. You can see the light sprinkles of brown that fall onto his cheeks, where the sun usually hits. His eyelashes are long and perfectly curled upward, and his body trembles at your touch.
Unable to wait any longer, you make him take his robes off because, although the thought of corrupting someone as pure as him with a priest's robe on makes your cunt drip, you'd rather fuck him without it. You're just dying to see how his body looks underneath all those layers of clothing. After doing so, you sit on his lap, making him lean back on his palms as you wrap your limbs around his body. 
Surprisingly, he's well built for someone who attends a book club more than the average townie, and his skin is as pure as milk. You skim your hands down from his chest, feeling and cupping each peck. Your fingers slowly rub against his nipples, and Jake's body can't help but twitch at the sensation. He'd try to pry your wandering hands off of him, but something in his body is preventing him from doing so. It feels wrong and strangely intimate, something he should be doing with someone he knows, but then again, he's unsure why it feels this good.
He watches with shaken eyes as you drag your hands from the middle of his chest and down to his lower abdomen to trace every ab he has on his stomach, and you only smile deviously as you watch how heavy his breathing has become.
You reach back and take his hands in yours, admiring the soft pink that coats his knuckles and the veins that protrude through his skin. Bringing his hand close to your mouth, you lean in and slowly lick each knuckle. You love the way he takes a deeper inhale when he feels the warm coat of your saliva coating his skin, making you smile in amusement, confidently repeating your actions.
You don't miss the thin layer of sweat arising on his skin nor do you take your eyes off of every muscle in his stomach. Looking further down on his body, you take a long pause just to look at his dick. With the effect of your charm, the boy has grown impossibly hard in mere minutes and is leaking all of himself. There's a small glob of precum right outside his hole, tempting you to lick it and so, you do. 
You get off from his lap, once again going on all fours just so you can reach the underside of his dick. You lean closer towards his balls before digging your tongue on his thick length upwards towards the tip of his dick. You make sure to suck him as hard as you can, wanting to taste more of the precum coming out of his pretty dick more than anything else.
Jake lets out a loud whimper at your actions, hands bunching your hair in an effort to pull you off of him. He's only half intoxicated with your scent, just how you wanted it. His body is under your spell and all it wants is release, however, his mind is still conscious, knowing full well what's happening. He's trying to fight it. Believe him, he is. But it's hard when your own body is fighting against you. Though, that won't last for long because you know that with the way his body is reacting so early on in your rendezvous, he's soon going to give in fully without the need to use your magic because that's how man works. Once they've gotten a taste of what it's like to feel pleasure, they'll never want to go back.
You stay on all fours as you suck the life out of him, eliciting pretty grunts from the boy as he starts to shake in his seat due to the erotic sounds you were making while taking his dick down your throat. Making sure to bob your head, you let the drool pooling inside your mouth to escape past your lips and trail down his dick, reaching his balls. 
Jake puts little to no effort into pulling you off of him, as every time he tries to pry your lips away from his dick, he has no choice but to stop and halt his movements with a loud cry, feeling you suck his dick harder than ever in defiance.
Finally, after what seemed like a full five minutes of purely sucking him inside your mouth, you release him. You let out a loud breath, letting his dick fall out of your mouth as oxygen returns to your lungs. With his hardness, Jake's dick still stands tall as it twitches every so often, waiting for more friction as he watches your eyes eye it maniacally.
You stick your tongue out for him to see the remnants of his precum clinging to your wet muscle, your saliva mixing with them. The boy lets out a small moan of pleasure, still in denial of how quickly he's growing to love your assault on his body. His eyes enlarge when he feels you wrap your hand around his dick, immediately moving to grip your wrist in a move to stop you, but his efforts are left in vain when you move your hand slowly along his length, ignoring the clutch he has on you. 
With each stroke, Jake lets out whimpers of pleasure as you introduce him to yet another form of sin. His head is thrown back in pleasure, the volume of his moans heightening when he feels you rub him faster.
"Is it okay, Jake?" You ask, hand still moving at the same fast pace as it was before.
Jake is too busy whimpering as he looks at the way your hand moves up and down across his whole length with teary eyes, too dumb to comprehend what you just said. He's gasping every so often, making sure not to let himself get too loud and scream.
When you notice he isn't going to reply, you spit out a thick glob of saliva onto the tip of his dick and start jerking him off faster. Smiling, dubiously, you tsk out, "I asked you a question, father. Don't ignore me."
At the sudden change of pace, Jake lets out a loud cry. His eyes are squeezed shut, and his head gets thrown back, letting you see the way his Adam's apple moves as he gulps. "No! I— S-Stop… please."
Offended, you take your hands off of him and stand up to leave. When he feels your hands and warmth escape him, his eyes bulge at the loss of contact before desperately searching for you across the room.
His eyes are still in a daze, his body buzzing so loudly that he can feel his ears start to sting. When his eyes finally regain some consciousness, he looks for you and finds you lazily leaning against an empty table. His eyes turn into those adorable dog-like eyes that you were talking about earlier, and you might be wrong, but it seems as if they're begging for you to come back and touch him.
"Please…" He squeaks out in a shy tone, peeking at you through his eyelashes, and you resist the urge to cradle his head to your chest and treat him like a baby.
You're no sadist. You want to turn this man around and make him beg to be your dog. Make him realize what he's been missing, and at this point, you're just too in love with the way his sweat covered chest rises every time he takes a breath to compose himself and the pleasure filled look on his face when you were pumping his dick with your hand for you to let him go so easily.
Greedily, and feeling your patience running thin, you motion for him to come to you, and he does so, stumbling and clumsily staggering towards you. Once he does, you lean in and attach your lips to his neck, unable to contain the desire to mark your new territory. You wrap your hands around his waist, pulling his body flush against yours. His boner pokes against your inner thighs, and all you want to do is take him in already, but even though you're feeling desperate, you want him to break first, or else your ego wouldn't allow it.
"I—" Jake says before cutting himself off with a grunt once he feels you suck on the base of his neck harder. 
"Hmm?" You reply, humming against the part of his neck where his shoulder and throat connects which causes a mode of vibrations to shoot through his body. As you do so, you take your hand and place it back on his dick, feeling him sigh from above you once he feels the pleasure coming back.
Endless shots of tingles overtake him and though he wants to say something, he can't because the combined movements of your hand pumping his dick and the open-mouthed kisses you leave across his neck is making his mind grow fuzzy, rendering him unable to speak.
Noticing this, you decide to take pity on him and to show him how merciful you can be. You tone down your movements to a more leisure pace and you automatically feel his body relax, no longer on the run to chase his orgasm.
Jake shivers when he feels your hot breath fanning his ear and he can't contain the moan that he lets out when he feels you bite on the shell.
"Speak." He hears what you say, but even though your hand has slowed down its movement on his dick, he still can't form a sentence because now, he doesn't even remember what he wanted to say in the first place. 
Oh, you're messing with him. He can tell your whole being in itself is messing with his mind all together and you're doing a damn good job at it. Just thinking about your pretty red lips wrapped around the whole of his dick sets his mind into a frenzy.
Looking up, he hopes that God will forgive him for the sinful act he's committing, knowing full well that having intercourse out of wedlock is a vital sin in itself. But he's taken away once he hears you laugh at him as you shake your head, finding him entertaining, and only then does he notice that he's said his apologies out loud.
All of a sudden, his mind seems to have retaken its consciousness as his cheeks erupt in flame. All he can do is condemn you in his mind for giving him his conciseness back at the worst timing possible, and this time, he makes sure to say it in his mind and not aloud.
In your defense, he wanted to say something. That's why you gave him the privilege of thinking coherently again.
Now, all Jake wants to do is hide himself, but he can't. Not when he's caged by your arms around his waist. He knows his confession should be the last thing he should be worried about. You're literally stroking his hardened cock in your hands while his clothes are disregarded somewhere inside the room, so clearly, he has more things to be embarrassed about. But Jake's mind is getting fuzzy again. Though you've given him the freedom to take action, he's at a loss. With your charm or not, he has somewhat fallen for your game, and with the lustful look you're giving him while you patiently wait for him to gather his thoughts, it's only a matter of time before he loses all control.
"W-What are you?" He squeaks out again like last time just for the sake of talking to you, eyes down at you shyly.
"My poor Jake," You coo, cradling his face in the palm of your hand. "You really are the most innocent thing I've ever seen. I can just eat you whole."
At that, Jake's eyes widen, fear swimming within those pretty doe eyes. He freezes in his spot as his whole body tenses when he hears your laugh echo all throughout the room. It's scary and there's a part of him that knows your words have a possibility of becoming his reality.
Though he's scared of you, there's another part inside him that's egging him on— a part that wants you to kneel down and take his dick inside your mouth again. He thinks it's you, thinks that it's your charm affecting him. However, like you've said, it's been a long time since you clouded his mind, so really, he's just being a massive pervert. But he doesn't need to know that. You'll let him entertain his thoughts and watch him crumble beneath you while still being in denial because you live to see the conflict in a man's eyes.
"D-Do you really… mean that?" He squeaks out, his voice sounding so small as his lips rest in a pout.
"Hmm," You contemplate, and from Jake's point of view, he's at a loss for words because he just doesn't know what to expect from you. You're something out of this world, and it's impossible for a mere human like him to predict your motives. "Do you believe in demons, father? Demons of Lust to be exact."
Gosh, he should've known, if angels existed, so should you. All his life, he prayed for the guidance of angels and saints. If only he knew that all of them were wasted in vain. That just when he thought that he had come one step closer to being a better servant of God, he's here kneeling before a demon who feeds on humans' sexual desires.
Seeing the mortified look on the boy's face, you scoff in amusement. "Did you really think holy water could keep me away from you? May you bathe in a gallon or drink it whole, I will still be able to touch you," You say in a menacing tone. You grip his locks in your hand, forcing him to straighten and meet your eyes. "Consume you at most."
You can feel Jake's body start trembling, and you can only bite your tongue for your stupidity. You didn't intend to scare him with facts, so you take the liberty and tuck his face into your neck, telling him to take a deep breath so that your scent can cloud his mind once again. Immediately, his body starts to relax, and his mouth opens wide to get more of the air mixed with you inside his body. You let him repeat the same actions for minutes, letting him calm himself down, and to your surprise, you felt him start placing open mouth kisses on your neck soon after.
Jake's plush lips against your neck, mixed with the airy moans he's letting out while you caress his head, make Jake hum in delight, mouth still pressed against the side of your neck.
"So… pretty." He looks at the skin with clouded eyes, cock twitching when he looks at the saliva that coats the skin that he had just kissed and sucked. You can't help but hum in satisfaction as you feel the boy start grinding his boner against your thigh, and you let him do whatever he wants. His dick is painfully hard against your skin, and knowing that he's now under your control, your hole starts begging again. 
His hips rock against your thigh, and you feel him pick up the pace as time goes by— probably getting a feel of his orgasm. The volume of Jake's moans starts to heighten, and you let him use your thigh as a surface to get off on, humming every now and then whenever he looks at you with eyes that seemed as if he was begging, pleading for any sort of validation and climax.
"I- I… Something's—" He says, cutting himself off when a particular thrust becomes a little too pleasurable. "I… Should I keep going? I feel like… I'm going to— to pee myself."
Of course, he doesn’t know what an orgasm is. He’s an innocent boy. How can he know such a sinful thing?
The boy has probably never experienced dick relief in his entire life and has probably woken up in the middle of the night with a wet patch in his boxers. Did he think he peed himself? That’s so adorable. However, there’s not a doubt in your body that the boy oozes sex appeal without even having any sort of experience in the field.
He has probably never masturbated in his life, has he? This is probably his first time humping anything, and the thought alone makes you swoon.
Cooing, you pat the top of his head to show your affection, pouting in mockery due to how innocent and cute the boy is. 
You bunch up his hair in your hands, and seeing him look at you with hooded eyes turns you wicked. His mouth is open, moans easily, spilling out now that his orgasm is nearing. "Let go, Jake. Be a good whore and show me how you look when you cum untouched." You spit out.
Jake audibly gasps when you call him such a name, looking as if he’s been betrayed. You’re treating him with so much care, letting him hump your thigh while you pat his head and yet, you call him a whore?
He’s not a whore. Jake never sleeps around. Hell, Jake has never kissed anyone but his mother, let alone touch a woman like this before. Well, technically, you aren’t a woman woman. You’re a demon. Not human, but still a woman at best, so he’ll count it. Well, not that he’s proud of it— is he? 
Why would you call him one? Though he wants to appeal and tell you that he isn't, Jake doesn't get a chance to because just when he was about to peak his orgasm, he suddenly freezes, hearing the door open.
"Hello? Ja—" Standing by the door you’ve purposely left unlocked is a boy wearing the same clothes as Jake. There, he stands frozen at the scene of you and Jake in the corner of the room. 
Jake’s back is facing him, giving the stunned boy a nice view of his exposed ass while in between the legs of a woman who has horns on her head and a tail swishing behind her. It’s really an odd sight. Even without the extra anatomy added onto you, it would still be strange, not to mention inappropriate — especially inside a church, a place where they’re supposed to give themselves to Christ. Yet, here the two of you are, having sexual intercourse beside a statue of St. Nicholas— the two of you didn’t notice that, though.
Embarrassed, Jake dives into your neck and hides while his body presses against yours as if he thinks he can mold into you and magically disappear.  
"J-Jake? What is…" The boy doesn’t get to utter another word, as before he could even finish his question, you're already darting out a hand, expressing your charm, and letting the boy in question fall under your spell. Jake watches as his friend falls into a dazed trance, half wondering if that's what he looks like right now even though he has stayed somewhat conscious thanks to you, and half not giving a damn.
"Who’s that, Jake?" You whisper at the back of his ear. Your breath tickles him, which results in him cringing further into your body. Cutely, he whines, still embarrassed at being caught. 
"That’s Heeseung Hyung." He answers, mumbling against you. "He’s another newly appointed priest, like me."
So, you will be able to fully quench your thirst after such a long time of waiting.
With the fantastic turn of events, you motion for Heeseung to come near both of you. As Heeseung strides towards the both of you, you take Jake's face out of his comfort zone— your neck, as you pull him in for a messy kiss. 
It looks rushed and dirty, but you won't have it any other way. From an onlooker's point of view, it looked as if you were trying to eat his face whole with the way your tongue is digging down his throat and how you're sucking so violently on his bottom lip. Your hand crawls down from his waist and all the way down towards the plush skin of his ass, palming and kneading the flesh as you push them into you, guiding them to press onto your clothed vagina. 
Jake releases a loud moan into your mouth when he feels your soaked heat, and his mouth opens ajar from the pleasure the mere act of pressing his dick against you gives. Nevertheless, you don't stop your actions and continue to suck on his swollen lips.
Eyeing the boy, Heeseung, with hooded eyes as you continue to feel up Jake's body, you watch as his doll-like eyes begin to cloud even hazier with lust, just like his friend. You're going to have a field day with this town's priests. Where the fuck do they get them? They're all so fucking hot. So, you wonder why they would waste their beauty serving God and not you at some old, run-down shithole?
Never mind that. You can take matters into your own hands. They were born into this belief which means it's easier to sway them, and show them what it feels like to live freely without any bounds.
Sex is amazing, and lust isn't a sin; it's a fucking blessing.
Already, you're in love with Heeseung's eyes. His eyes portray every emotion so vividly. You can see the longing in his eyes as he watches his friend get the majority of your attention, and you can see how he's silently begging for you to order him around.
No more are the innocent priests who knew nothing but to kneel before God. Now, they kneel stark naked before you, worshiping your cunt as you order both of them to eat you out like their lives depended on it. Both of them are intoxicated, and Jake has given up in trying to regain consciousness. Besides, he knows you'll give it to him eventually if he's good. All he wants now is to please you. To hear your praises ringing through the walls.
While you instruct Jake to thrust his tongue inside and around your soaking cunt, you guide Heeseung to place himself above the other as he sucks your clit. Your legs are spread wide, both in order to accommodate the both of them and to make it easier for you to watch them go crazy over the taste of a vagina. 
The loud sound of slurping and sucking fills the walls of the storage room, both boys moaning against your pussy at your taste. You're sweet and addictive, it's otherworldly. Neither of them can get enough, as they hardly even make a move to leave your cunt. They're moaning against it, and you doubt either of them would leave anytime soon. 
When Heeseung starts sucking and flicking his tongue and Jake thrusts his whole tongue inside your hole, you give them their reward in a form of praise. "The both of you are so fucking good. So innocent and pretty." You hum, swaying Heeseung's hair away from his forehead.
Suddenly, Heeseung pulls away from your grasp and Jake does the same against your vagina. Both of them looked repulsed and confused. You quirk an eyebrow at this, about to ask them what the matter was, before Jake licks his lips clean, saying, "You shouldn't cuss, Miss."
And to add to that, Heeseung says, "God will be angry at you if you say bad words like that."
For the love of Lucifer, can this scene be anymore entertaining? Two innocent men who have served God longer than they have known how to speak, kneeling before a succubus; the very being that encourages them to sin, and they're worried about you cussing.
"Don't worry about me, boys. God already despises me," You say, clicking your tongue as you cup Jake's cheeks in one hand, fingers pressing against his soft skin, making the boy pout. "And I, to him."
"But God forgives everyone, Miss!" Heeseung bursts, leaning his head against your inner thighs before placing a quick kiss against it.
"Not so sure about that. Besides, God should be the least of your worries right now." You dismiss it, already fed up with the topic.
The two look at each other innocently, both tilting their heads as if to ask the other what they should do. They're convinced that you are worthy of forgiveness, seemingly forgetting the fact that you are the reason they're committing a sin. Nonetheless, they dismiss it when neither of them answers, and you watch in delight as the two of them suck and thrust, tail swishing to show them how much you enjoy it. 
You insert two fingers in your mouth, coating them with saliva before releasing them with a loud pop. With your other hand, you grip the back of Heeseung's head, dragging him to lay on top of you on all fours while Jake takes control over your pussy. 
Once he's well situated on your stomach near your pelvis, you eye your finger, signaling for him to lean in and take it in his mouth. However, it seems as if you forgot that these two are more inexperienced than a newborn sex demon because Heeseung just eyes your fingers in wonder. 
"Well, you're just the most adorable thing on earth, aren't you, pretty boy?" You chuckle at yourself after realizing this, and you tap your fingers against his pouty lips. Picking up the signs you throw at him, Heeseung takes your fingers in his mouth, sucking and bobbing his head like how you would suck dick, nodding his head against them to show you that he agrees with your statement.
"Miss~" You hear Jake whine against your cunt before he nips at your clit to show his distaste. "I thought I was your pretty boy?"
"Fuck, Jake." You curse out after seeing Jake's chin and lips practically covered in your juices. Despite the sexual deeds that the three of you have been doing, the two still manage to look impossibly innocent, and somehow, that makes you want to ruin them more. 
From where he's sitting, Heeseung listens in on your conversation with his friend. He looks at Jake when he speaks and then back at you when he hears you curse once again. His brows knit together, and his pout is ever so evident, even when your fingers are in between his lips. "Miss!"
He's scolding you, but you're not in any way, shape, or form threatened by it. Instead, you laugh, throwing your head back as you retract your hand from Heeseung's mouth.
You sigh. "The two of you are a dream."
However, Heeseung isn't one to back down, as is Jake. Their stare at you is relentless, expecting you to apologize for using such vulgar language towards them. Neither of them can take the fact that a pretty creature like you, who's satisfying them with this new found feeling, is using such horrid words. So, now, as if they're on their last straw— they aren't— they ask you to apologize.
You roll your eyes at the two of them and scoff out a simple "Sorry." And just like clockwork, Jake goes back to work on eating you out while Heeseung leans his face close to yours, asking for a kiss. 
You let out a satisfied hum as the two of you start making out. It's slow and quite sensual— the complete opposite of what you and Jake were doing prior. This is new, and you didn't think you were going to be into it, but alas, you find out something new every day, don't you?
Hunched over as he kisses you, Heeseung's dick lays heavy and angry against your stomach, twitching from time to time as you feel beads of precum escaping his head. You reach over and grab it in your hands, slowly jerking him off. 
It takes the boy by surprise, making him gasp into the kiss in shock as he lurches forward. "W-What are you do— Ohh."
His body writhes in pleasure, and it takes him a few seconds to regain the ability to resume his kiss with you. You don't mind though; you're happy to see his reaction just by you pumping his dick at such a lazy pace.
So. Fucking. Innocent.
You have no idea whether you should damn their parents to heaven— since hell is your personal paradise— for making such handsome men and giving them no education when it came to sexual acts or be grateful. Just realizing how pure these two are makes a gush of arousal surge out of your vagina, and Jake is quick to lay his tongue flat against your skin and lick it up.
After a while of continuing the same agenda on repeat, you finally deem the time appropriate. Honestly, your cunt has been dripping more than it usually does during feeding— granted, some of the liquid is actually Jake's saliva. Well, it's understandable since there's two gorgeous men on top of you. 
Initially, you had wanted to prolong all of this, but your patience is running thin and your hole is literally clenching around nothing. It's only a matter of time before you're begging for one of them to put their dicks in you, but thankfully, they cave in first.
"Miss," Jake calls out, lifting his face momentarily from your vagina, only to rub his nose against your clit affectionately before murmuring a choked, "My… thing... it hurts so bad."
Hearing his friend confess gives Heeseung the courage to do the same, choking out a plea as he nods his head in agreement. Both of them look at you with those pretty eyes, and you immediately agree— not that you were going to deny them either way. 
The bambi is obedient when it comes to your orders, as when you pat Heeseung's butt, telling him to stand up so you can lift yourself off of the table, he obeys, cutely climbing off of you. Now, both of them are standing, waiting for your instructions. Both their dicks look painfully erect, twitching as they hang in the air while they watch your naked figure hop off of the table. 
You try to hide your need for the two boys as you feign it by arching your back, making it so that your chest is pressed onto the air while your butt rises, showing them your unrealistic curves. Your body, like any demon of lust, is something that's unachievable— like purity. It's an act, a tool used to bait their prey. Naturally, the more one looks at it, the further they go down the rabbit hole, hardly ever seen again until you free them from their cages.
Your body is exuding an absurd amount of your scent and charm. It intoxicated the two boys, making them hornier than they initially were. With just that, the boys are put under a lustful spell, and it's Jake who breaks composure first— not that you think Heeseung was doing any better seeing as he's eyeing his dick with curiosity, wondering why the fuck it was twitching so much. Neither of the boys could comprehend what was happening— one, because they were put under your spell, and two, because this has never happened before. 
Heeseung could remember a time when he accidentally brushed his hand against his own bulge one time when it was erect, but he was immediately caught by his father. Needless to say, Heeseung was scheduled for an endless lecture at church and a whipping from his father while he prayed the bible by the poor young boy's hunched body on the ground. But with Heeseung's mind severely clouded with lust, all he could think about was sex and relief. As Heeseung eyes his dick with wide eyes, he wonders what it is that he should do to relieve the pain that it's causing. That's when he remembers what you did to him just a while ago—the way your hands felt so good on his dick and how noise after noise brought up by pleasure formed in his throat. He wonders, will it be the same if he did it to himself? Is he allowed to?
Warily and with shaking hands, he taps his head as an experiment, causing him to suddenly jolt and whine loudly as he pouts. 
Hearing him, you quickly turn and smirk at the sight of both of them trying to get some relief without your proper guidance. They're just innocent little babies to you. Food that has somewhat turned you soft. They know jack shit about sex and they clearly know even less when it came to masturbating. So, you watch with amused eyes as Jake eventually falls to his feet and starts touching his dick but fails to get the same relief he wanted. From the looks of it, he's either squeezing too hard or too soft, and the way he's touching himself looks rather awkward. He's shaking his dick for some reason, but again, what were you expecting?
As a cocky smirk remains splattered across your lips, you make your way towards Jake's helpless figure. You place your feet on top of his whole erection, pressing a bit harder than usual just because you felt playful. 
"Aww, poor Jakey can't get rid of his boner." You say this mockingly while stepping on his dick. The action causes the boy to throw his head back with a strangled groan. His hands snap to clutch onto your ankle, but like before, you aren't fazed. Instead, you dig the soles of your feet harder into him, toes rubbing his head.
When Jake realizes that what you're doing is helping him relieve the tense feeling in his private area, the hand on your ankle that was supposedly there to pull it off begins holding it in place instead.
You grin in hilarity as you watch Jake start grinding on your feet, sighing dreamily at the sight of him raising his hips to roll it onto your heel. 
"What am I going to do to a dog like you, father?" You ask after a particularly loud moan leaves his lips. "When the townsfolk see how much of a slutty bitch their pastor is, do you think they'd laugh?"
"I-I… Uhm," He answers, feeling confused as to why the sound of you calling him by the title "father" arouses him so much. He isn't even able to complete his sentence, and he doesn't even try to remember what he had planned to say. All he can focus on is your skin on his penis and nothing else. Jakes' eyebrows knit together, his mouth still open as a whimper slips past it; however, the boy doesn't stop thrusting into your feet. He's even going as far as to rub your mid met onto the underside of his dick.
"You'd like that, won't you?" You scoff out, putting a large amount of weight onto the foot that's on Jake's cock. "Wanna make them hear how much of a slut you've turned into just for some quick relief."
The boy screams loudly, and you're sure someone from the other side of the door can hear him, but he's too far gone to care. In fact, he even nods at you in agreement. "Y-Yes!"
"Miss," You hear Heeseung call out to you with a whiny voice that resembles a child who wants attention. "Me too, please."
"I'm sorry, honey." Apologizing to him, you pull your feet away from Jake, making him sob as all the pleasure and attention he was receiving got taken away in an instant. He watches with jealous eyes as you cradle Heeseung's face in your hands before kissing his friend's pouty lips.
"Come here, Jakey."
If Jake's being honest, he doesn't know which is his favorite name to be called; Jake, or baby. In truth, the boy really doesn't mind which one you choose to use. He loves all of them. Each one elicits a different reaction from him, but ultimately, all of them make his stomach flutter. 
So, he obeys you devotedly but enviously shoves Heeseung to the side, taking his place in front of you. Jake leans into you, quickly attaching his lips to yours in need. The essence of your vagina is on every inch of his tongue, lips, and it's spread across the whole validity of his lower face. When Jake puts his tongue shyly inside your mouth, you taste yourself, and you can't help but moan. 
The boy has been eating you for minutes, and there hasn't been a single complaint thrown. You're even surprised his muscle hasn't strained, and that just proves to you how they've been on the wrong end of the spectrum their whole upbringing.
While Jake's lips stay glued to yours, your hands reach out for the other, fully knowing that he has a pout across his porcelain face for being pushed aside and neglected. You pull him towards you, and he gasps when his cock touches your wet mound. Feeling your slick walls hit a part of his dick, Heeseung can't help but beg for you to do something— anything, because at this point, his penis has been tense for so long, he feels like his testicles are about to implode. 
You've touched Jake so much, pressed your feet against him, and he's watched you kiss the boy so much, yet all you've done to him is a quick makeout session and a pump on his dick at a languid pace. He wants to come, and he wants you to give it to him.
"P-Please, Miss. I can't take it anymore!"
Halting your kiss but not pulling away entirely, smirk against Jake's lips as you eye Heeseung, who's on your side. 
"Yeah? What do you want, father?" You ask in a teasing manner, and Heeseung has to swallow the embarrassing groan in his throat upon hearing you call him that.
"My penis is hurting so much, Miss. Please do something." He says desperately before whining when he sees the way Jake is feeling your body up. "And why is he touching you like that?! I-I can do better!"
"You can?" You say with your eyebrows raised as you pull away from Jake, amused by his sudden outburst, that you can't help but chuckle.
"Yes, I-I can!"
You feel Jake scoff against your lips, and you only roll your eyes at their behavior, but there's a sense of underlying amusement for the situation at hand. You're not at all phased by their childish actions. You're actually quite impressed by how much of their personalities they're showing you. Both of them are extremely envious, and both seek attention from you constantly. You're not sure if this is how they act on a daily basis. The horniness is definitely not something ordinary, but you wonder if there's a hidden part of them that's tempted to sin. Jealousy is a dangerous thing, but it doesn't seem to be much of their concern.
"All right then." You announce, guiding Heeseung to sit on a leather-clad chair while the other stays standing behind you. 
Heeseung tries to fight it in himself to squirm and whine as he watches you sit on his lap, back facing him. Your arousal drenched cunt slides along his whole cock, covering his whole length with your juices. 
On the other hand, sitting on top of Heeseung's dick and lap lets you come face to face with Jake's hard dick. As you look up at him, you see him eyeing the small gap between the tip of his penis and your mouth, remembering the time a while ago when it was inside it. It was euphoric, and no pleasure could equal it. Seeing your mouth stuffed with his dick and you unable to speak as you mumble and hum across his whole length makes Jake's dick visibly twitch, afterwards leaking a thick streak of precum.
Your eyes follow the way it trickles down towards the underside of his dick, watching as it runs down and stains the pulsating veins against his length. Feeling your composure running thin and unable to hold yourself back, you open your mouth, sticking your tongue out, and pressing it against the base of his cock. The tip of your wet muscle presses against his balls as you hold his dick up with one hand, and when you trail your tongue across the trail of precum it left up to his sensitive head, Jake lets out a loud moan in pleasure, his breathing already turning ragged.
"You ready, boys?" A sinister smirk forms across your lips as you ask him this, momentarily looking over your shoulder. When you and Heeseung make eye contact, the boy suddenly turns shy. Heeseung bites his lips cutely, his deer-like eyes looking up at you as per usual as he nods. 
Right on cue, the church bells start ringing, signaling that the mass will soon begin. But your boys take no action to move, and somehow, this makes your chest start swelling with glee, making you feel very eager to have them inside you.
Although oblivious to the exact details of your question, Heeseung and Jake nodded nonetheless. You make quick work lining Heeseung's tip onto your salivating hole, and Heeseung's hands shakily grip your hips as he watches you sink down on his whole length in one go, his dick disappearing into your wet mound.
Unable to keep silent, Heeseung moans aloud and throws his head back when the pleasure hits him harder than a truck. Even though it's only his cock that's inside you, it feels as if his whole body is being sent into a flame, and automatically, he's getting hotter and sweatier. All he wants is for you to move, anticipating how much pleasure he'll receive, but you don't, and he's only left disappointed.
"Miss~" He whines drunkenly, his eyes closing as he pleads. "Please, move."
"My, my," You coo, body twisting so you can hook your arms across his shoulder momentarily. You lean your head close to him, bumping your nose against his pointed one as you ask him a question affectionately. "Getting impatient?"
"Yes." He answers with no hint of shyness at all.
Finding his desperation adorable, you coo, pulling Heeseung's face towards you, making your lips clash as you start moving your hips slowly on top of his dick. As a result, Heeseung starts to moan into your mouth; a gust of his breath goes inside your mouth, and you swallow it. 
"Does that feel good?" You bite Heeseung's lip as the two of you kiss, and he whimpers into your mouth, gripping your hips tighter when he feels your insides clench around his dick. "I bet it does, doesn't it?"
Heeseung groans and hums against your mouth, the way his body lurches forward doing nothing but affirming you as it makes you press your back against his wide chest further. 
While the two of you proceed to make out, Jake watches the two of you, and his mouth starts to salivate. His dick is uncontrollably moving in the air, jolting every so often when he zeroes in on the sight of Heeseung's slick coated dick being inserted in and out of your pussy. Jake can see the way it's shining with your juice, the light hitting just right for it to become visible.
Eventually, you look at Jake and watch with pity as he continues to watch in hunger while you fuck Heeseung. He isn't even making a move to touch himself like last time, just feeling too captivated by the way his friend's dick looks at the moment to care about satisfying his own body.
Continuing to move your hip at the same punishing pace, you pull away from the deer-like boy. For a moment, Heeseung chases your lips until it eventually goes far from his reach. He was about to start complaining before you take him by surprise by suddenly starting to circle your hips across his lap, and he suddenly throws his head back due to the new angle.
Wanting to give your other boy attention, you reach for Jake's thighs, wrapping them across the hard muscle before you pull him towards you. You pull him until his dick is pressed against your lips, planting a small kiss on his head before taking him inside your mouth.
Jake gasps once he feels your warm mouth around his aching length, his body stilling from surprise. His eyes are closed, but his mouth stays open as he releases a whimper, feeling your sharp nails dragging alongside his thighs, leaving more marks.
Just then, you make the move to bottom out on both holes. You sink yourself fully onto Heeseung's dick, both of your thighs pressing firmly against each other. As for Jake and your mouth, you press your palms across the plush skin of Jake's ass before pushing his hips into your mouth, making it so that your nose touches his happy trail and his dick hits against the back of your throat.
Both boys release a loud, satisfactory moan in unison, feeling their dicks hit the farthest they can inside both holes. 
Though your gag reflex is completely non-existent and you're incapable of feeling that sensation, you gag fakely around Jake's dick, fully knowing that the vibrations caused by your throat wrapped around his dick and the contractions would give him complete bliss. At the same time, you grip his hips and start guiding him to thrust into your mouth, and with time, he soon gets the memo that you're telling him to fuck your face. Now, without the guidance of your hands, you take Jake's dick in your throat, completely pliant, as you leave him to thrust his hips desperately, ignoring the bruises it'll leave on the roof of your mouth after he's done with you.
"Mhm," He hums breathlessly while he watches your mouth stuffed with his cock. "'Looks so pretty right now with my penis inside your mouth, Miss."
Cute, he's still using the word penis when referring to the dick that's covered in your saliva.
Unable to talk, all you do is nod, his dick following your motions, and he throws his head back again and moans as per routine.
On the other hand, Heeseung's chest rises and falls as he leans breathlessly against the backrest. He watches the way his dick disappears when your ass and his pelvis collide, completing the action with a loud smack due to how hard you're going down on his lap. There's no stopping you, and believe me, Heeseung doesn't want you to ever stop either, because if something gets in the way of him finally achieving relief, he'll cry. 
There's something about corrupting a virgin that drives you on—however, having two at once makes everything ten times more arousing: the idea of destroying someone's innocence to the point where reality becomes a blur to them. Both their thought processes are the same: God above everything, though you're sure that'll change soon enough. Now, they're desperate for sex. Their innocence mixed with the lust shining in their eyes is adorable, and you have no doubt that if you lose control now, you're going to cum first, and that has never happened before.
At one point, Jake's precum on your tongue gets too addictive, and you're left yearning for more. So, you work harder and try to perform better than you already were just to get more out of him. 
Jake's hips halt when you take your mouth off of him and wrap both of your slender hands around the whole of his dick. You roll your palm against his head before gripping his dick a bit harder against your hand, sliding it down, and watching as the saliva that coats Jake's dick stretches and breaks with the distance. Your hand turns against his length as you push his hot head inside your puffy lips, providing Jake with the utmost amount of pleasure, absentmindedly slowing your motions against Heeseung's dick until they come to a full stop.
With your mind focused solely on his friend, Heeseung is desperate to continue his journey towards satisfaction. So, he experimentally thrusts his hips up into you, repeating the action when you moan against Jake's dick and shake your ass for him to continue.
As Heeseung continues his assault against your cunt, you continue to suck Jake off, your actions speeding up when you notice the clear signs of his peak pleasure surfacing; his breath becomes staggered, his whole body is tensed, and both his hands desperately pull on your hair, guiding you to move your lips against his dick. Jake's brows are knit together, and his bottom lip is caught between his teeth, however, this does little to nothing when it comes to concealing his moaning pleas.
For a brief moment, you take his head out of your mouth. "You close, baby—" You ask, but the wind gets knocked out of your chest when he takes you by surprise, pulling your head to take all of his dick in one fast motion.
"Ah!" Jake hisses and his whole body quivers as shots of his hot cum paints your throat and mouth, hips stuttering as he thrusts into you to ride off his orgasm. A long, dragged out moan comes out of Jake's mouth, and you hum against his length, not minding the fact that he just cut you off nor the fact that you feel the roof of your tongue sting because of the bruises that he's left.
Just then, you hear the pastor in charge of leading the mass start preaching about the importance of maintaining one's innocence and how, as subjects of Christ, we must not falter and surrender to evil. The volume of his voice heightens, stressing each statement so as to convince the town folk, who are unaware of the events that are taking place within these holy grounds.
You gasp to catch some air when Jake's dick finally retracts from your mouth, looking up at him through your lashes and sticking your tongue out.
"W-Where did it…?" His question halts when he realizes that you've downed all his semen, afterwards whining at you, finding it incredibly hot.
Suddenly, you feel the boy behind you dig his nails deep into your hips, leaving crescent marks. You look over your shoulder to see Heeseung, who's desperately thrusting into you, trying to reach his own high. The pleading look on his face combined with the way you feel his large dick hit up until your belly button makes you lurch forward, almost falling down if it weren't for Jake, who dashingly catches you.
As he steadies you, Jake gets down on his knees and takes you aback. You groan afterwards when you see him dart his tongue to lick at your slit, Heeseung's dick still pounding into you. It all feels too good: Heeseung behind you hammering his dick up inside you, and Jake on his knees, pretty eyes closed as he savors your taste.
From time to time, Jake's tongue hits Heeseung's dick when the boy pulls his length out, and you feel your own high approaching like a storm. It's coming fast, and it's going to hit both you and Heeseung so hard. Your body is coiling, a hand tangled in Jake's raven hair, and he opens his eyes to show you those adorable irises while the other wraps around Heeseung's neck, dragging him close so you can look at both of them.
Pleadingly, Jake's eyes stay locked with yours, and it's as if both of the boys got the memo that your high is approaching without you announcing it. Their movements become rougher. The palm of Heeseung's hands plants itself on the chair and uses it as leverage to lift himself off. His other arm stays preoccupied, wrapping itself across your stomach to guide you up and down his dick while he jackhammers it inside you. You thank him by attaching your lips against his neck. Gratefully, you leave your mark, now claiming the two of them as your very own.
Jake wraps his plump lips all over your bud, his tongue harshly flicking against it, and it all makes your head spin, head retracting from Heeseung's neck to momentarily throw it back in pleasure. "The both of you are going to drive me insane."
It all hits you at once; Heeseung's cum painting your walls, Jake's pornographically loud moan, and your orgasm that knocks all the breath out of your lungs.
You've never came this hard before, and it's a whole new experience that you greedily want to have again. Amazingly, Heeseung doesn't stop thrusting into you just yet, and neither does Jake. They're both learning so fast, and it just shows more evidence to your theory that both boys were born into the wrong world. But there's no need to fret, you're here to save them and re-sort them, bring them yourself towards where they truly belong, with you.
By the time it finishes, you hear the loud echoes of the churchgoers' cheers and claps. You realize that the mass is over and that this whole scene happened within the span of an hour.
Heeseung pants as you gently lift yourself off to take his dick out of you, chuckling when you hear him hiss once his length leaves the warmth of your insides. "So cold. Wanna go back inside."
"Back off, Hyung. It's supposed to be my turn." Jake calls out, which makes both of your heads turn. Your brows raise in shock and amazement, realizing the reason for Jake's loud moan was because he jerked himself off and came on his hand.
When he sees your eyes fixate themselves on his abs and dick, both covered in his own lustful fluid, Jake's sulk falters. He grows shy, and his blush only grows even more feverish, his lips pouting as he shies away from your gaze.
As you stand up, you grab Jake's hand, guiding him down to sit next to Heeseung so he can rest. You hunch down, facing both of them as you cup their faces in the palms of your hands. They watch in a trance as your face consorts to one that portrays pure mischief, and a mix of adrenaline and excitement spreads across their chest. For some odd reason, there's no hint of fear anymore, only the greed to see what's yet to come. You guide both their heads to press against each other, blushy cheeks squeezing. 
The both of them look up at you as you watch their naked bodies side by side, your mark of ownership shining dimly in purple light. "There's no need to rush. We have all the time we need in hell."
And surprisingly, neither of them is opposed to your idea.
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nozunhinged · 5 months
I finally managed to put my overall thoughts about Playboyy into words and hoooooo boy do I have a lot to say.
I watched the mdl ratings go down, the blatant hate towards the plot, the actors, the scenes, the sex. There was nothing that wasn't torn apart about this series and yet I wasn't phased for a second and I kept wondering why because usually get very passionate about defending the things I love.
And then I realized that this series is the cinematic embodiment of a very lonely path that I've been walking for decades and I am already very, very used to the shame around it.
Sex is not just my special interest, I also had the privilege to grow up with excellent sex education (thanks parents) and on top of that I never struggled with my (pan)sexual identity. Sex plays a significant role in my life. But I learned VERY quickly that I should keep this to myself if I don't want to be ostracized or bullied.
"You're autistic AND you like sex? You like porn? What the fuck is wrong with you??? That's impossible."
And all the comments I read about playboyy are exactly the same just in different fonts. Ew sex. Ew kink. Ew porn. Ew sex work. Sex can't have storytelling, plot, it's just for shock value. We all read it.
And sadly it's a very accurate representation of the role sex plays in our society. Which - ironically - playboyy exactly is about.
Playboyy is a visual collection of all the experiences of lives and people in which sex plays a significant role - even the lack thereof (looking at you zouey and all you lovely aces).
It's a collection of very important social commentary, with all the characters, sets, plots and visuals as a medium. Because this way, the points they make come across even stronger and draw out all the emotions they want us to feel - which is in the rarest cases, pure arousal. Because this is, in fact, storytelling. Even if many don't want to hear it.
Telling stories about sex is so stigmatized and shunned, it only has the tiniest place to exist freely. Just like sex itself. Every sex worker, sex educator, sex therapist, everyone who has a profession that deals with sex will tell you about it. The shame. The misunderstanding. Look at the state of sex work and porn in the world. It tells you everything you need to know.
And it's happening in the middle of the "modern" western society - Yes I'm talking about you, UK and I can't not plug this here:
*btw I am not a sex worker I'm just very passionate about letting people not just live their lives but giving them a CHOICE to do what they want or don't want to do
I existed in this tiny place for decades now and I got really comfortable in my tiny lil corner, but to see a show like this go "mainstream" talking about all the topics that tickle all the knowledge I collected over the years feels so amazing. And I can tell you, all you lil smartass purists, everyone involved in this show doesn't care an inch what you think, just like me. We're used to it, believe me.
I could go on for ages about how carefully all these topics of the show are treated but what I actually want to say is that I find it incredibly ironic that a show that depicts the struggles and stigmas about sex, exactly draws out the reactions and treatments it criticises.
If you don't want to join in on the fun, that's totally fine. I get that it's not for everyone (just like sex, he). But treating it as a piece of trash just because it's a thing you personally find icky is exactly the reason the issues Playboyy talks about exist in the first place. Hence you can thank your stuck-up ass yourself that debauched individuals like me get a gem like this to enjoy.
And the fact that it didn't just find a crew, but also the funding and the mainstream distribution proves that I'm not alone in this.
It's not my lonely little corner anymore and I'm absolutely thriving on that. Cry about it.
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