#character profile: ice
magicapandora · 2 months
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❄️Fluer, Ice Princess, Seed of Grief❄️
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Been sprucing up m concept art for my continuity and even a bit of shading/lighting techniques✨
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akkivee · 4 months
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screaming crying throwing up over hypmic cake in a jar where each character has a designated flavour lol so the flavours according to the site are:
🔴: strawberry, blueberry, lemon
🔵: chocolate shortcake, cheese cream, coffee
🟡: peach, purple sweet potato, chocolate
⚪️: pumpkin, orange, pistachio
🟠: melon, pudding, mont blanc
🟣: matcha, strawberry cream, rum raisin
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐑𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
True Neutral
4 of Wands Reversed 
Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aquarius Rising 
The eldest daughter of six, her parents were Aenys I Targaryen and Alyssa Velaryon. 
   As a child, Rhaena was dreamy and more comfortable around animals than other children. Whenever she was around strangers, she would hide behind her parents, and never warmed to any of her companions. 
  That was until she bonded with the dragon, Dreamfyre, a beautiful blue mount. From then she outgrew her shyness and after her first flight, she made her first friend; Larissa Velaryon, her cousin and later on in their lives, they would become lovers. However, in their youths, Larissa was betrothed and sent away to marry. It was then that Rhaena befriended Samantha Stokeworth, the daughter of Lord Alyn Stokeworth, the Hand of the King.
   Rhaena was born on Dragonstone and considered a match for her uncle, Maegor, however her parents disapproved. This would not be true for her later years, as Rhaena was one of Maegor���s, ‘Black Brides.’ In which he had a ceremony marrying three women at once, because he was desperate for an heir. 
  Rhaena was close to her brother, Aegon, and would take him flying as he did not have a dragon of his own. They would become so close in fact, that they married. 
It was Rhaena who started the tradition of placing a dragon egg in the crib of a Targaryen baby. She chose the eggs for Jaehaerys and Alysanne.  
  The marriage between Rhaena and her younger brother enraged the smallfolk, as well as the Faith. They thought it an abomination. Aenys, a usually indecisive and fickle man, was stern in this match. 
  Together, Rhaena and Aegon had two daughters, twins; Aerea and Rhaella. And when Aenys passed, the crown went to Aegon, who claimed his father’s dragon; Quicksilver. However, he was never able to claim the throne. He was known as Aegon the Uncrowned. 
   Dowager Queen Visenya had brought Maegor back from Exile and he rose up to claim the Iron Throne. Even with rallied forces, Aegon and Quicksilver were no match for Maegor and Balerion. Aegon died in the battle against his uncle, and it was called, ‘The Battle Beneath the God’s Eye.’ 
  The throne was then passed to Jaehaerys. Although, Rhaena and her daughter Aerea were candidates (they were passed over due to their sex.) Aerea would go on to be Jaehaerys heir until he produced his own, and Rhaella was sent to Oldtown to train as a septa. 
After Jaehaerys had claimed the throne, Rhaena felt free to do as she pleased. Gathering a group of companions; Elissa Farman, Samantha Stokeworth, and Alayne Royce. They become inseparable. 
   The four lived on Fair Isle, where Rhaena married Androw Fairman, the second son to the residing lord. He had no skill of any kind - and could barely read. Some say she married him out of thanks to Androw’s father, for sheltering her after Maegor killed Aegon. Maester Smike speculated that Rhaena had taken Androw for her husband because she loved his sister Elissa.
  Rhaena didn’t leave Fair Isle until Androw’s father died and his eldest son ascended into the position. He ordered Rhaena, her dragon and her companions from the island, but bid Elissa to stay. She defied her lord brother and went with the Targaryen Princess. 
   Rhaena and her companions were taken in at Casterly Rock by Lyman and Jocasta Lannister. But when Rhaena realised they only wanted to marry her off to one of the Lannister sons, she left. She encountered this problem everywhere she travelled. Every lord and his wife wanted something from her. And she did not like that. 
So, she went to King’s Landing as a wedding guest to King Jaeherys and Queen Alysanne’s second wedding, and afterward, she requested the seat of Dragonstone and to have her daughter Aerea back in her care. Both requests were granted. 
   Soon Rhaena would be known as The Queen in the East, but Elissa Farman and her daughter, Aerea grew unhappy there. As Rhaena and Aerea had been separated for years, Rhaena knew nothing about her seven-year-old daughter. In turn, Aerea couldn’t remember her mother. As well as this, she did not care for the dullness of Dragonstone. She longed for the exciting Red Keep. 
Within time, Elissa departed Dragonstone but stole three dragon eggs. Neither she, nor the eggs were ever located...
  Along with this, Rhaena lost her mother; Alyssa. Who had died in childbirth, delivering Rogar Baratheons second child. The Dowager Queen and Rhaena were never able to reconcile, as Rhaena did not like that Rogar and Alyssa married. 
  Rhaena blamed Rogar for her mother’s death. As soon she saw him, she had grabbed him by the beard and warned him to take care of her two half-siblings. She also threatened that if Rogar ever married again, she would kill him personally and make Storm’s End another Harrenhal. 
   While Rogar swore he was not frightened of Rhaena, he indeed never married again. 
As Rhaena returned to Dragonstone, a plague set upon the island - killing those closest to her. All her companions, including young Lianna Velaryon, who died in Rhaena's arms.
   It ended up being Androw’s doing. He was angry at Rhaena for being treated for a fool. Rhaena ordered Androw to be gelded, with his private parts to be cooked and fed to him before he would be allowed to die. Yet the cowardly Androw jumped from a castle window. In turn, Rhaena had his body hacked apart and fed to her dragons.
Despite their cold relationship, Rhaena encouraged Aerea to bond with a dragon. She allowed her daughter to be aquainted with all Dreamfyre’s hatchlings and the island’s dragons. 
   However, one night Rhaena found out that Aerea had fled Dragonstone on the back of Balerion. And even though great effort was put into the search, it wasn’t until a year later that Aerea returned to King’s Landing, riddled with sickness. She died the same day, and Rhaena did not arrive in time. 
After her daughter’s death, Rhaena couldn’t bear to be on Dragonstone, nor King’s Landing. She did not want the company of others and went to Harrenhal, where she became a guest of House Towers. There she dropped into a deep depression. 
 She made home in the Widow’s Tower, and befriended a sickly young Lord Maegor Towers, the last of his lineage. When he died, she took over his household. 
  Never again did Rhaena visit Dragonstone or King’s Landing. Once a year she would visit her daughter, Septa Rhaella. Otherwise she remained at home. 
With age, her hair turned white and the smallfolk in the riverlands thought she to be a witch. Nevertheless, she never turned down a traveler who came to Harrenhal (but never sought their company). 
   Rhaena continued to ride Dreamfyre until her death. 
She was cremated at Harrenhal, and her ashes were interred where her husband had died by the Gods Eye. 
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angrybatart · 1 year
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Something I'm working on for a comic.
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ladylamrian-archive · 2 months
Catherine Hill, the Snow Queen ⛸️
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She/Her ■ 22 ■ Kitten ■ Path of Light
Birthday: January 9th 2000 ♑️
Current location: New York, moved in with Brian
Occupation: Figure Ice Skater & recently started to study sports at an uni
Eye color: Light blue
Hair color: Brown -> Blonde
Accessories: Mother's pendant and Brian's gifted ring
Languages: English
Three adjectives: friendly, stubborn, impulsive
Fears: Her biggest fear of losing her new friends and loved ones like she lost her parents. Even failing them and herself again which separates her from figure skating again. Terrible nightmares haunted her for days.
Dream job as a child: Figure Ice Skater
Favorite color: White & Light blue
Symbol: Snowflake with a crown (The Snow Queen)
Favorite animal: Cat (because of Brian who calls her his kitten) 🐱
Hobbies: Ice skating 🧊⛸️
Likes: getting painted by Brian, hanging out with friends and cuddling with fluffy Sam, Brian's dog.
Dislikes: being too much supported by friends. She wants to become an independent woman.
Secrets: Her depressing past... Getting sexually harrassed by her principal, her work with Ocean, taking addictive painkillers that she stole from a pharmacy and her mother. And more. Only her close friends know something about this.
Family: Isabelle (mother) & Robert (father)
Role in a group: The beloved one
Lover: Brian Baker ❤️
Pet: None. Brian did offer her to have her own dog or cat, but for now Brian Baker's cute and playful dog, Sam is enough 🐶
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so0ppa · 1 month
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the besties ...!!!!! :)
creativity def wants to do some more artsy and "weird" makeup but for now he'll settle for something more simple >_<
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ahearthoficeandstone · 10 months
Age: ??? | Pronouns: none but you can use any | Height: 6'5/195.6 cm | Ancestry: ???
Volo is one of many artists residing within Aea's court, Volo stands out as the empress' favorite. Volo is best known for their paintings but Volo is gifted in all the arts. Volo has a tendency to jump from project to project, going from writing plays, to sculpting, then writing music. Ever on the hunt for a new muse Volo sees the beauty in many things and is sometimes fascinated by things most would deem trivial.
Outside of their artistic skills Volo is an utter mystery. Volo is hidden under a mask, gloved hands, and layers of flowing cloth both in body and spirit. All the same Volo is an amicable person, if not a bit distant and never seems all there.
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tabe4 · 2 months
Icey is fine now? Can we check iceys profile again?
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Nothing seems to have changed in here...
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someawesomeamvs · 3 months
Warning: Spoilers, violence
Title: The Slaughtered Lamb
Editor: cagayakegirlz
Song: Love Bites
Artist: Ice Nine Kills
Anime: Beastars
Category: Character profile(s)
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furresquid · 6 months
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made an icon thingy for a discord server I made for fun
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fumiko-matsubara · 2 years
Class 3B - Fukiyose Eiji (OC)
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Another goddamned redesign update with this bastard because my art style keeps changing.
He also appeared on my most recent calendar mark written short.
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Fukiyose Eiji (吹寄 英二) ー causing trouble for others and himself because of his unpleasant tongue; an audacious prick indeed!
"These roses symbolize my undying devotion towards you, my dear Ryuunosuke! Please accept them!"
Birthday: August 3
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 65 kg
Blood Type: O
Favourite Subjects: Japanese and Biology
Worst Subjects: PE and Health
Interests and Special skills: Antagonizing people
Current Club: Light Music Club
Treasured Item(s): His old journal about flower languages
Favourite Food: Egg pie
Bento or Snacks: Snacks
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Tall, good-looking, and gets good grades; he could have been considered as an ikemen if it weren't for his liking towards provoking people for fun.
He is un-athletic and hates sports with a burning passion. The kind of excuses he makes to avoid participating in any physically demanding event is an ongoing concern among the teachers.
He is, however, very diligent and gets the job done, but still has a lot to say. You can expect him to dutifully fulfil tasks given to him while loudly complaining about it at the same time. Chiba Ryuunosuke is usually on the receiving end of his passionate complaints, and it pisses him off.
Anybody in Kunugigaoka who had come across him either finds him annoying or might consider attempted murder.
He and Shimada Miho are the founding members of D.R.E.A.M, one of the bands formed in the school's light music club. But aside from writing lyrics, Eiji avoided being given any sort of responsibility within the band - band leadership was pushed onto Chiba, and club presidency was transferred to Miho.
Tsuchiya Kaho was initially mildly interested in him... until he opened his mouth. Since then, Eiji is usually on the receiving end of Kaho's wrath whenever he sets her off. He had no choice but to always cross paths with her since she is best friends with Miho.
He and Kanemoto Shiori are partners in crime. He is her frontsoldier while she exposes any Kunugigaoka student she has dirt on behind the scenes. If things go south, Eiji is there for a reason.
He is the easiest to blame for any slight inconvenience because he tends to dig his own grave even further.
By the 2nd semester, Chiba had temporarily kicked him out of the band for about 16 times.
Because of all the questionable things he had been doing the past three years, a good number of students believe that he might be gay.
At one point, Nakamura Rio was convinced that he is Chiba's secret boyfriend.
Chiba still hadn't forgiven him, and probably never will, for what he did in their 2nd year.
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ice-o-fon · 1 year
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Some of my little ocsss (sketch dump)
These guys are from the same world as Oclaghn and Sophilea are.
(Aka I wanted my own tmnt so I took inspiration)
Aristotle is legit my best boy I love himmm o(`ω´ )o
(Also Plato no longer uses they/them, he sticks with he/him I just wasn’t bothered to change it)
There’s a whole story with these guys but I’m not bothered to explain it rn, I will in the future tho!! Expect more of these lot!!
Also I’m so changing Plato and Socrates outfits, they’re just not vibin with me, I’ll figure something out
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sophinoxyz · 2 years
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alright now that im in- hi! here's a bunch of art I've done recently. Partially for fun, partially for work, partially for other people. I like to do a mix of everything and to try out new things a lot. I use clip studio paint pro, have commissions open, I swear I'm more professional than this while doing commissions. Waho!
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐀𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐬 𝐈 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
Lawful Good
Queen of Cups Reversed 
Libra Sun, Taurus Moon, Pisces Rising
The second King to sit the Iron Throne, Aenys was the son of Aegon the Conquorer and his sister-wife, Rhaenys Targaryen. He was the first and only child between the two. 
 However, he was the eldest son of Aegon’s, as his other was Maegor, by his other sister-wife, Visenya. 
Born on Dragonstone, ss a baby Aenys was small and sickly. Said to be slow to grow, he hated being away from his mother. But once he bonded with his dragon, Quicksilver, he began to thrive. 
  He was three years old when his mother died in Dorne, and this shattered him. 
Unlike his brother, Aenys was slimmer yet as tall as his father with lilac eyes, pale skin and curly blonde hair. He was five years older than Maegor, but never matched him in size. 
As well as in looks, he was also the opposite to his brother in demeanour and personality. He was kindhearted, soft-spoken and wished to be loved by everyone. He was also very charming, and women flocked to him. 
  A studious man, who didn’t lack courage, Aenys was an adequate fighter. Training began to bore him and soon he seeked out the company of maesters and septons, and dabbled in alchemy, astronomy, and astrology.
 Aenys was married to Alyssa Velaryon, as a political move. Together they had six children; three sons, (Aegon, Viserys and Jaehaerys), and three daughters, (Rhaena, Alysanne and Vaella). The relationship between the two was seen as loving and Aenys cared deeply for his children. 
During his reign, rebellion broke out as various men sought power. Aenys was going to send word to the rebels, asking why they were rebelling as he thought he was as he should be. But it was his brother that squashed the majority of the rebellion. Afterward, he named Maegor Hand of the King, and they ruled amicably for two years. 
  Aenys betrothed his eldest son, Aegon, to his eldest daughter, Rhaena and there was a huge negative reaction amongst the Faith as well as the people. And yet, a usual indecisive Aenys was adamant about this decision. 
  During the wedding, Aenys gave the title of Prince of Dragonstone to Aegon, which was Maegor’s. Visenya left the reception in protest. 
Septon Murmison was expelled from the Faith as he had performed the wedding ceremony between Aegon and Rhaena. 
During the royal progress that went throughout the realm, Aegon and Rhaena were heckled wherever they went. Rhaena, who had been bonded to Dreamfyre, wanted to bring her mount with her. However, Aenys denied her request as Aegon didn’t have a dragon and he didn’t want the realm to see him as unmanly because of it. 
  When the High Septon titled Aenys as King Abomination, Septon Murmison was hacked to pieces and subsequently, signaling the start of the Faith Militant uprising.
Aenys died at the age of thirty-five, having only ruled for five years. 
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ufohio · 1 year
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Surprise! Kaleidoscope World opens the day after tomorrow—and it's profile time!
Look up! That's my out-of-character profile on Kaleidoscope World. You'll see there's room for basics like pronouns, contact preferences, and time zones as well as a list of my current characters and room for an intro fashioned however I like! You'll have one of these, too!
(Bonus peek! At the top of the screenshot, you can see my navigation bar, which I can minimize using the Earth icon in the upper left corner.) And of course, we also have character profiles...
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Take a good look! Ain't it cute how she's pointing? This is my character Edie's title page. It contains basics, links, and her name in a really cool font! Over her profile image, you'll see four tabs—and we'll go through each one of those! This is the title tab, and the next is the actual character profile!
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My character, Pop, is using all of the available profile fields for a human being—but he doesn't have to! In order for his profile to be "complete," he and any other character on the site would only need their name, pronouns, age, lifeform type, title, summary, and just a few fun facts filled in! Then, he would be able to submit his face claim or played-by and alert me for member group sorting! Caveat: Take the word "complete" with a grain of salt when we're talking about profiles. I see these as living documents, which writers can edit, tweak, add to, or subtract from at any time! As you can see, there are many optional fields in the profile that writers can fill out, including description, history, skills, and improvement. Additionally, there are two optional alien-only fields as well—true form and cover story—which you can see on Edie's page.
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The next tab is for tracking. You can see that I've only made one thread with Frances—but it's a really good one. Also, note the image! I don't use an FC or PB with Frances, so I can have plenty of fun picking out something atmospheric for her. You can, too!
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The last tab compiles some of my information again, so that other members can easily access really important details about me as a writer even when they're looking at my character's account.
Are you excited? I'm really excited! We have one Friday to go before opening up the site, and I can't wait to see everyone there. (:
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