#come to think of it that film had quite a lot of suggestive moments
domidextrus · 1 year
Okay, I had to go out of my way to read a text-only version of that post on Hexxus from Ferngully that Prokopetz reblogged because I had its tags blocked and seeing any imagery from that scene in the movie is something that still causes my brain to go full "Aw hell no, I gotta get the fuck outta there!". I needed to know whether it wasn't all just pictures of that scene.
I'm... kinda glad I did? Because knowing that the original scene was gonna be more explicit before it was cut short at the last minute certainly explains a bunch about the source of my trigger, and it even took away some of the imagined fears I had of it. In my teens, I used to be a lot more sex-repulsed (even to the point where hearing just the words or merely thinking about it made me have a breakdown) and while the scene didn't negatively affect me when I saw that movie as a kid (heck, I can vaguely remember having maybe liked it???), something about how I grew up probably flipped a switch that made me look back on it with extreme revulsion once I entered my adolescence.
Today I'm no longer this ludicrously sex-repulsed (I consider myself closer to sex-ambivalent now), but this specific trigger never went away despite the scene having been a subtle aesthetic influence on my taste in villain characters (and maybe having left me with one extremely out-there fetish 😳💦💦💦💦💦).
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kidrat · 1 year
having feelings about trans Gwen,,, like there's the 'superhero leading a double life' allegory for being closeted, which ppl have noted, but there's plenty I haven't seen anyone mention yet! like, the fact her dad has a trans patch in support of her means she's out.
She's a young trans *girl* (as opposed to a trans woman) living as her authentic gender in a loving home. she went to her school dance in a dress. she did ballet! which of course boys can do too, but often times when people are assigned male they don't get the chance to explore feminine hobbies. It's really lovely that someone, likely Gwen's dad, supported her enough to let her have those girly experiences and memories, whether she was living as a girl when she took dance up or as a gnc boy.
While it's subtle rep, I still think it's awesome to imply a character like Gwen is trans. Trans girls don't always get to have a childhood. Transmisogyny fetishizes transfems and presents them as always victimisers, never victims. They're barred from girlhood and it's connotations of innocence, vulnerability, lovableness.
Not that Gwen isn't a hashtag strong female character! And not that she hasn't had to grow up fast in other ways. She Is Literally Spiderwoman and she plays the drums and has agency and expresses negative emotions. But she's also a teenager, and she gets to be hugged and comforted, and to be set up for a soft friends to lovers relationship with another teenager, a cis boy who respects her and only knows her as a girl and thinks she's amazing and draws her in his sketchbook. That is not a role the media often lets trans girls have!!! It's lovely to think young transfems might be able to see themselves in a character consistently shown as worthy of affection.
Of course, the fact that Gwen is in the closet about being spider-woman is even sadder knowing this is her second rodeo. Lots of us have hesitated to come out a second time because our parents were supportive about the first thing and well, putting something else on them feels like taking the piss or hoping for too much.
Something else I wanted to talk about is how Gwen being trans effects a reading of her Peter's death, especially taking into account the new information this film gave us about this. There's this gendered switch happening, where Peter passes on his usual role to a woman. What's more, he has to die for her story to happen. She loves him, and never wanted him to die, but she's blamed for it anyway. Her father talks affectionately about the dead Peter, calling him his daughter's best friend. He talks about him like a son. He vows revenge on Gwen for killing him. It's a fantastic allegory for how some transphobic parents hate their out trans children for 'killing' the kid they had before.
I think with the above in mind, maybe we can see the subtext of Gwen's arc with her dad in this film as that of a supportive parent who's nevertheless got some biases left that hurt his trans daughter, who doesn't speak up for fear his acceptance is conditional.
I don't think it's a stretch to suggest that protecting a trans daughter is this Captain Stacy's motivation while he's working as a cop. Obviously there's the text that he wants to be a 'good cop' to work against the institution's bigotry, and he displays the trans flag on his work jacket. His quitting the police is a fantastic story beat because it makes a point about the real world while also serving a lot of the analogies going on.
Good cops quit. They realise you can't be a well intentioned cog in a bigoted machine. It doesn't matter if you're a bigot or just taking actions a bigot might because you're working within parameters set by bigots. It's an important message. Within a trans reading of the film, I'd also see this plot moment as Stacy realising he can't protect his trans daughter if he's still playing by the rules of a society that see her as threatening and duplicitous. He's then able to stop seeing her on some level as having killed his son.
They're able to be close again because he has completely rejected the cis culture he was a part of, rather than just decrying the worst parts and slotting Gwen in. She no longer has to worry that he'll rescind his acceptance if she's too trans, and so he gets to know all of her because she can let him into her world without self-editing.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on Gwen after watching Across The Spiderverse two hours ago lmao.
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is over now? (was it over then?)
part one: baby, was it over / when she laid down on your couch?
Of course everything had to blow up on Eddie's first first anniversary. He hadn't quite started to allow himself to shed his usual pessimism about celebrity relationships but was he had with Steve was starting to become permanent in a way that was wholly new to Eddie.
Eddie was used to sneaking through back doors, meeting in coat closets, finding partners in well appointed hotel rooms after being slipped a key at an after party but he had been hoping those days were over once a certain Steeeeve Harrington had siddled up to Eddie at a 30 under 30 event. Eddie and his Corroded Coffin boys had made the list as an apparently "revolutionary" mash up of gay pop and heavy metal. Corroded Coffin had actually laughed out loud when the proof of the article came through their publicist and Jeff had the audacity to blame Eddie's Conan Gray heavy break up playlist becoming too high on the band's tour bus rotation and inadvertently influencing their newest album. Eddie might have thrown his slipper at Jeff for the insinuation. It wasn't Eddie's fault that the band all happened to be going through some shit on the last tour and he was actually good a curating a vibe. Steve had come over to ask Eddie about his music after his red-headed friend had practically pushed Steve into Eddie's path narrowly avoiding a plate of passed apps. The rest was, as they say, history. Steve and Eddie had very quickly become permanent fixtures in each others spaces as they both preferred the general anonymity of takeout and movie nights versus paparazzi filled nights out.
They weren't exactly "out" as Steve's agent liked to insinuate that Steve and his acting partner Robin were in some sort of a will they won't they friendship based on their frankly insane on and off screen chemistry. Eddie really hadn't minded as he was perfectly happy to avoid being tabloid fodder or propped up as some sort of satanic succubus depending on what audience was buying. He understood Steve's unique position as somewhat in between a hollywood heartthrob and indie darling. His career obviously benefitted from fangirls and costars alike thinking he was attainable in some way. In some ways Eddie had become a third wheel to his and Robin's outings being drug along to whatever event the pair had to go to or attending one of Robin's artsy friend's gallery openings. He really didn't mind playing best friend in public because he and Steve spent almost every spare minute curled up into each other in one of their apartments or a hotel in a random city if Eddie was touring or Steve was shooting.
Before Eddie, Steve had been a very open serial monogamist with a string of short term high profile relationships until he met Robin and begin starring with her in almost every new film he was in. Right before Robin came into his life, Steve had a pretty public and nasty breakup with New York Times Entertainment critic Nancy Wheeler who left him for her photographer. Eddie and Steve had a lot of discussions about publicity and Eddie could feel the old scars of public humiliation and never pushed Steve to be more public than Steve suggested. They'd struck a good balance of providing support and reassurances in private and working with their publicity teams to avoid any articles that struck too close to old insecurities. Steve in particular was often the subject of gossip and suggestion that he slept with any woman he interacted with for more than a few moments. Eddie learned that Steve hated the rumors and was glad that Robin came along to cut some of that out.
Steve loved to be romantic and bring flowers and send gifts to Eddie when they were apart. Eddie had never had a partner who liked doting on him in such a loud way but he'd quickly become used to Steve's grand gestures and decided on their first anniversary Eddie would be the one to be romantic and mushy. He'd convinced Steve to block off a whole weekend to stay with Eddie. Eddie had set up an elaborate film projector on the roof of his apartment and found the reels for some of their favorite movies from the beginnings of their relationship. He'd already arranged meals from all of Steve's top cravings and stocked his apartment with all the snacks and comfort items they could want. Eddie had been looking forward to the weekend for at least a month and was buzzing with excitement as he waited for Steve to come over.
But then he waited. and waited. and didn't hear from Steve.
It wasn't like Steve to be this late or not let Eddie know what was happening. Eddie was catastrophising a little but he figured it wouldn't be overstepping to head over to Steve's. Eddie had a key so after a fairly hectic uber ride across the city he let himself into Steve's building greeting the doorman and front desk staff who knew him almost as well as Robin at this point. Steve's apartment was almost eerily quiet. There was usually always music or the sound of Steve and Robin bickering over the phone or in person so it freaked Eddie out when he pushed the door open and was met with nothing. He crept in quietly in case Steve was down with a migraine and set his keys down on the kitchen counter.
Eddie walked into the living room and almost backed straight out of the apartment. Nancy fucking Wheeler was sleeping on Steve's couch in his fucking college sweatshirt Eddie had become particularly fond of looking like she'd never left. Eddie had started to turn heel and run when Steve tried to interrupt him.
"Eddie, please, wait! I'm so sorry, there was a bit of a personal emergency, I was just about to call you, baby, please," Steve called across the room.
"I really don't want to hear it. It's our fucking anniversary Steve," Eddie answered as he was pulling his shoes back on.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I just lost track of time getting a few things handled before I could come over. Please. It's nothing, Eddie," Steve pleaded.
"Steve, it's not nothing. If it was nothing you would have been at my house like we planned. I guess I know why you never wanted to come out now. Of course you'd have been waiting in the wings for Nancy and the white picket fence and 2.5 kids and perfect hetero family bullshit," Eddie was being mean but Steve could fucking deal.
"Eds, that's not fair. She's just a friend and was in a tight spot. I literally was about to head out and come over," Steve held up the bag he had in his hand to indicate he was telling the truth.
"And would you have told me she was over at your place or let me find out the next time TMZ started a rumor about the two of you?" Eddie asked.
"Come on. She just needed a place to stay. It's literally not a big deal," Steve said.
"Steve, that's not an answer. You were going to keep me in the dark about this and I didn't even know you were still in fucking contact. I can't do this anymore. I just. I'm leaving. Don't follow me," Eddie said as he felt tears well up in his eyes.
"Eddie, please. Let me make it up to you?" Steve was almost begging.
"Steve our whole fucking thing is based on me trusting you that exactly this shit isn't happening and believing you when you tell me tabloids are just making things up about you. How am I supposed to be okay with your ex being on your fucking couch and you just never telling me?" Eddie asked as he started opening the door.
Steve looked defeated as Eddie started down the hallway but didn't try to answer. Eddie flagged down a cab outside and tried to hold back his tears the whole ride.
part two
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vidavalor · 5 months
Do you think Aziraphale has a raging praise kink in addition to his 'food' and 'Crowley watching him do stuff' kinks? *hands you a box of spiced apple muffins, along with the recipe: https://www.hairybikers.com/recipes/view/spiced-apple-muffins*
Hi @jotun-philosopher! A recipe!!! I'm so excited. The website you shared is quite interesting. I'll have to make these on the other side of my holiday food as they look delicious. Do I think Aziraphale has a raging praise kink? Oh, yeah. Raging might be an understatement lol.
Praise kink and trauma thoughts under the cut.
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In S2, we go from Lord Beezlebub paralleling Aziraphale, missing their Crowley (Gabriel) while in Hell, and musing that it'd be nice if someone ever told them they were doing a good job over to Aziraphale doing some difficult trauma work in Edinburgh and calling Crowley to talk to him about it. What goes a little undersung here, imo, is the way this is filmed and how Aziraphale can't stop talking about 1827 to a point that Crowley actually has to prompt him into telling him what he learned at the pub about Gabriel. This is because while Aziraphale-- who really didn't need to go to this cemetery at all for any reason related to figuring out what happened to Gabriel-- has been back to Edinburgh since 1827 (Crowley mentions him going to Edinburgh "for the festival" in 1.01), he's never been back to this spot since the night Crowley was yanked to Hell in front of him.
When we come in on Aziraphale at the cemetery, it's right off of that scene in the 1827 flashback and then we watch Aziraphale turn around again, now in the present, right? It's that he does have to turn around that's pretty significant. It says that he's not here because he thought maybe seeing Gabriel's statue again might give him some random insight as to what's happening to Gabriel in the present. He wasn't looking at the statue at first-- we come in on him looking at the spot where Crowley was taken.
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Crowley and Aziraphale are in a place between S1 and S2 where Armageddon: Round Two could theoretically happen at any time. They have no idea if it's happening in five years or next Thursday or in an hour, really, and that's made the fact that Aziraphale has really never gotten over 1827 worse for him, to a point that it now bothers him to be away from Crowley for any significant length of time, especially if they've been arguing, because he's always worried that something will happen while they're apart and he'll never see him again. He spent almost a month (estimated by the dates in his diary) in 1827 thinking that had happened. He does some work on that in Edinburgh by deciding to go to the spot again and, when he does, he has to magically get the nearest cell phone so he can talk to Crowley from the spot because he knows that hearing his voice will help.
By telling Crowley that he's looking at the statue of Gabriel, we get in his knowledge that Crowley will understand the significance of this (and in Crowley's response indicating that he does) that they've talked about this at some point. There are other suggestions of that in the season (like the "I'm coming back. I won't leave you on your own" moment) but this phone conversation says that Aziraphale has verbalized to Crowley at some point how much 1827 still bothers him and Crowley understands that Aziraphale is telling him that he's taking a step towards trying to deal with it more.
(This is also an example of Aziraphale having done something clever and needing to call Crowley to tell him about it before he pops lol, which he's apparently been doing a lot lately since he no longer can get a pat on the back from Heaven, not that he ever did much, which is part of the whole damn problem. One could then perhaps presume that Crowley's been doling out a lot of praise over the phone of late, in addition to in person.)
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So Crowley responds to Aziraphale telling him that he's in the cemetery in Edinburgh and looking at the Gabriel statue/trying to deal with 1827 by doing what they do sometimes-- cheer each other up from some depressing stuff about the past with a little of some of each other's favorite sexy chat.
This is basically a mirror in reverse of the scene in S1 in the car on the way to Tadfield where Crowley tells Aziraphale more about the antichrist baby swap and how it went wrong. Crowley was feeling depressed about the whole mess and how Armageddon was imminent now as a result of it and Aziraphale's response was to pivot to what was, effectively, dirty talking him in blasphemous Bible speak euphemisms in a dry-as-all-fuck, combination Pompous Angel/mildly soft dom tone because Crowley's sooooo weak for that lol. (I'm talking about the "seeds of destruction" scene, the dirtiness of which is probably a whole other meta, since we're mostly talking about Aziraphale here.)
Aziraphale's version of that is a massive praise kink. He looooves being told he's good at something or he did a good job or really just anything related to him and goodness, since Heaven's done a number on him and he struggles sometimes to fundamentally believe that he is good, which is lunacy but so are negative thought cycles in the first place. The praise thing with Crowley isn't unhealthy-- I'm not suggesting that. Aziraphale's negative thought cycle is unhealthy, obviously, but the praise kink thing with Crowley is actually not a terrible counter to it. It's obviously not the entire solution to dealing with Heaven's abuse of him but it is also doesn't hurt that Aziraphale believes Crowley and values what he thinks, which can help break up negative thoughts.
It exists both in and out of bed and Crowley was intentionally blending that over the phone in the Edinburgh scene by responding to Aziraphale being like I did the really hard trauma work thing we were talking about today and I'm still here go me with the kind of praise you'd give someone for doing something that was tough ("good job") but delivered low and with the little "mmrmm" before it, which was to associate it with, uh, other kinds of praise Aziraphale has elicited from Crowley before, by way of also invoking Aziraphale's Assorted Rumbly Crowley Sounds Kink as well.
Aziraphale undoubtedly heard it and replied around it, like he was doing with most of Crowley's flirting with him in S2, because driving Crowley slowly insane is also Aziraphale's favorite past time. It was made funnier by the fact that he left Crowley in London to get The Shop Lesbians together, explain The Vavoom to a memory-wiped Jimbriel, answer any questions about love for the Inspector Constable angel Heaven sent to spy on them, and fix Shax's "hot water boiler" so The Love Doctor was in and getting no love himself lol. Crowley's comment wasn't meant to go anywhere anyway, really-- Gabriel was literally five feet away at the time, which was probably also amusing Crowley-- but yeah, I think the conscious, intentional way Crowley phrased that is meant to suggest that Aziraphale not only likes positive reinforcement in life in general but has a bit of a raging praise kink in bed, with which Crowley is very familiar.
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harrysmimi · 2 years
Best Boyfriend
Synopsis: One where Harry finds his girl having a break down
More of my work
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Harry was going over to see his girlfriend at her flat as he'd returned back in London just last night.
It was a Saturday morning and he has been planning to surprise her with a weekend away. Maybe a little trip to somewhere near or day out in London itself. He picked up breakfast on his way to her flat.
His heart sunk to his stomach the moment he entered her flat with the help of the spare key she gave him last Christmas, it was his present she said so he can come over whenever he pleased. There he found his girl layed on her bed in her studio flat with text books and printed notes every spread over the mattress, the place was a mess, pillows and blankets thrown on the floor to make room for her stuff. She was layed there with her laptop on her tummy watching some cartoon crying her eyes out. By the sounds of the show playing on her computer it seemed it was something funny and not something to cry over.
"Hey, love what's wrong?" He rushed towards her dropping the bag pf breakfast on the coffee table. "Are you watching a sad movie, baby?"
"No, I'm watching Noddy and Friends that's not fucking sad!" She cried. "I'm sorry!"
"What's wrong, my love?" He moved her notes away carefully to make himself room to and proceeded to close her laptop shut to pull her in his arms.
"I can't do this!" She exclaimed, sobbing, "I understand nothing."
"What can you not do baby?" He was confused, "it's okay, do you wanna talk about it?"
"This stupid project. I don't know where to get the information from. My professor thinks just because he's been teaching this subject for thirty years that we know everything. This sucks! I wanna drop out." She on ranting, "but I can't because my mum will be mad. This is so draining."
"Why don't you ask your professor do give you some tips?" He suggested.
"I did, he said I'll get everything online and in the notes. I have no fucking idea where to find a fucking Balance sheet of a random company online."
"Hey, hey it's okay, it's all okay." He assured her, "let's do one thing, you're up for it?"
"What?" She whined, "I don't want to go anywhere. Just lemme be here."
"No, listen to me. I got us breakfast, I'm sure you didn't even had your breakfast yet. Then we're gonna go on a little walk." His hand ran in soothing strokes on her spine. "It's just a project, I'll help you with it." Now that made her loft her head up, he had tried helping her once before but gave up because he did not understood a thing he read. "No, I am gonna help you this time. I promise you. Now come on let's eat."
"I don't want to." She started crying all over again. "I am sorry I'm crying."
"No it's alright lovie." He pressed a kiss on her forehead, "it's alright. Getting out will help clear your mind. I see watching something to do that isn't helping you now. Let's eat and go out, yeah? We can go get your favourite frozen yogurt."
Her fave turned of something of embarrassment when he mentioned of them going out. Her eyes pooled up with tears all over again, her cheeks glistening with the tears.
"I don't get paid till tomorrow!" And there she was sobbing again.
"Who said you've to pay? I'm taking you out on a date, now come on." He urged her, "I'll pick this all up for you." She finally agreed got out of bed to go wash up her face.
It's been little over eight months YN and Harry started seeing each other, and out of three months he was away for filming for Dunkirk and getting his album all finished up. He is sure she is still not quite over her little awkward and shy phase, but he doesn't blame her. She's got a lot going anyway. She's in the last year of college and it's been stressful for her. And living miles and miles away from home wasn't doing anything to help her either, last year she couldn't even go to see her family over her winter break. Harry took it upon himself to be with him.
He's most amazing boyfriend!
It was the best Christmas he's spent in a long, long time though. Though she couldn't buy him presents like he did (and went a little overboard) she made him a few little DIY ones. Like jar of little notes to read when he's feeling: low, anxious or just need a little motivation, a pearl necklace (though he broke it on accident soon after), gave him a free manicure.
She's a keeper, Mitch said seeing the little glass jar at Harry's place.
Meanwhile Harry gathered up her notes spread all over her bed, and took everything out of the little take out boxes onto dishes. Put back her bed together for her even though he knows she's gonna be pissed for doing her work. She needs a break.
"Come on," he grabbed her hand in a gentle hold before she could even say a word and walk to the coffee table where he'd set up their breakfast.
"Thank you!" She cooed noticing he's got all her favourite food. Like he really woke up early and went to the restaurant and waited in line to get the food which she likes. It warmed her heart.
"Of course my love," he leaned in to get his long awaited kiss from her with puckered lips. She finally smiled and leaned in too press a kiss on the full on his lips. "That's my girl!" He grinned peppering her face with more sloppy and wet kisses which made her let out a line of soft giggles.
They went out like he promised her. They got the Frozen yogurt from her favourite place, he even surprised her with an impromptu visit to the London Eye.
Later that day he actually sat down and started on with the project with her. It was a difficult one so they're going to have to spend the sunday in to get it done as it was due on Monday, midnight. Two days seemed enough.
He actually helped her and not be his naughty self and annoy her like her enjoys to some times.
N O T E :
I wrote this in one sitting. 😭 Please tell me if there are any mistakes on here.
Please do leave tell me if you're liking my work so far. And leave a like and reblog if you wish. 🤗🥰
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1n-bl0om · 1 year
ethan x chad hcs
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just some hcs about the two (some suggestive and some canon. most are creepy)
more hcs of them, even more hcs
- ethan studies chad at every moment. they have two classes together and ethan sits in the back, watching chad from across the room
- ethan definitely watches chad when he was sleeping to study his patterns when he’s unconscious
- chad thinks that ethan is just anti social and bad at communicating
- ethan is just taking every moment to study chad
- ethan legitimately had fun when he was around chad, almost made him change his mind
- ethan almost impulsively kissed chad when he was trying to hype him up at the halloween party
- chad thinks of ethan as one of his best friends
- chad just thinks that ethan is clingy because he’s the only friend he has. ethan is actually possessive and gets jealous easily. chad is his. (as a target, he assures quinn, but we know…)
- chad is one inch taller than ethan
- ethan is crazy strong, only using his strength when the situation calls for it
- ethan secretly likes making chad laugh
- the more ethan pretends to be chads friend, the less he feels like he’s pretending
- chad has an infectious laugh and never fails to make ethan smile
- ethan hates tara. he thinks she’s a sweet girl but her sister ruins her for him and he hates how chad smiles softly at her
- in a perfect universe, chad and ethan kissed at the halloween party
- the carpenter sisters are his main target but he wants to spend every moment with chad
- ethan is a stalker. when chad says he’s going somewhere, ethan waits five minutes before following him for blocks to see where he’s going. for “research” purposes
- i imagine ethan being almost obsessed with chad. he studied him for six months of their friendship, and possibly before that. he learned every little detail to get close to chad and blend in. he wants to spend every waking moment with him.
- their first kiss would definitely be in the heat of the moment. a build up of emotion and tension coming to light. it would probably take place at a party, maybe spurred on by spin the bottle
- ethan is the death-glare possessive boyfriend while chad voices his opinions loudly. ethan would try to kill someone (perhaps literally) with his eyes while chad will tell someone to fuck off and probably fight them
- chad is little spoon cause i said so. but he holds onto a pillow to sleep
- chad has a football scholarship and ethan is a film major
- ethan didn’t talk to chad for the first two days of being roommates
- ethan is quite unhinged and creepy. chad just thinks he’s a quirky guy
- whenever chad would try to give ethan pointers for girls, ethan would zone out and only focus on his lips
- ethan would mark up chad. he is possessive. lots of bites and hickeys leading up his neck and across his collarbones
- mindy getting money from everyone in the group cause she made a bet that ethan and chad would get together before term ended
- chad steals ethans clothes sometimes. they are close in height and have almost the same build. ethan really likes to see chad wear his sweatshirts. their clothes get mixed in laundry
- ethan’s love for chad is “tear you apart” by she wants revenge
might make more hcs! ofc depending on how people like this. they would be more centered toward a relationship and maybe sexual stuff idk. these are more like canon, except a few
!! bonus !!
i would like to think that ethan is a sweet bf, and he probably is, but the man is creepy. he would stalk you and be possessive and want you all to himself.
ethan saying he always wanted to stick something in tara and stu saying he always had a thing for sid… the parallels
scream writers after making the obviously gay killer thirst for their friends gf:
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transmutationisms · 4 months
Do u have any thoughts to share about May December? 💭
hm i mean. it was good, not great, perfectly entertaining way to spend 2 hours. if you had to complain i think the obvious point would be that between the three leads, joe gets a bit shortchanged in terms of the balance of narrative focus, and it is a bit frustrating that his confrontation of gracie comes after so much prompting from elizabeth—melton's performance is standout, but the script isn't quite committed to letting his character earn that arc on his own terms. i remember a lot of reviews when it came out saying that the film wasn't moralising or wasn't passing judgment on gracie—i really thoroughly disagree lol and i'm not really sure why people think that. moments like the high school boy trying to show off for elizabeth, and her just laughing it off because he's a kid, or joe getting high and crying in his son's arms, seem p clear and even didactic to me. which, like, yeah it's a moral position i agree with but i think as a piece of cinema, the film is more interesting where it's sketching out the psychologies of its characters, and there are some missed opportunities imo with the way joe is written: we don't so much get him speaking on his own terms, like gracie and elizabeth, because ultimately the film itself is convinced that the only way someone could be in his position is by lying to themselves ("people see me as some kind of victim") and the only progression or arc presented for him is to, essentially, follow elizabeth's suggestion.
i do actually think there's some thematic continuity here with todd haynes's karen carpenter movie 'superstar', insofar as 'may december' is also interested in interrogating fame and infamy, and what drives us to make a tabloid story out of someone's abject misery. with carpenter too a lot of the coverage did take a specifically very moralistic tone, and was simultaneously so clearly motived by and capitalising off of people's desire to gawk. and whereas in 'superstar' haynes resists that sort of payoff by using the barbie dolls in place of emaciated bodies, in 'may december' there's a somewhat similar effect achieved by keeping the story so focussed away from the actual details of what happened—and by making elizabeth, who's often an audience proxy to ask these questions, pretty uncomfortably intrusive and self-serving at points. nothing about it, like, blew my mind, but yeah it was generally solid, and particularly anchored by three really strong lead performances imo.
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manicpixiefelix · 4 months
I just wanted to say how much I loved this new chapter (nothing new). Reading through Ollie's perspective is my favorite and never disappoints!
I find his relationship with his parents very intriguing. I can't wait to see how you describe Felix and the reader meeting with his parents.
Also I haven't read Emma, I'd like to know why Ollie felt off seeing the book??!
And sleepy/high reader is so damn endearing
and I'm so excited to see how Ollie's going to win Saltburn's heart ❤️‍🔥
Awww, thank you darling!! I love writing Ollie's perspective, I think it's endlessly interesting getting to see the story and characters we love from a completely different angle. My personal favourite part of Oliver's POV's currently is the way he has completely misinterpreted the weird clues he's gotten about the reader's family life. Im sure that will never come back to haunt any of them (sarcasm).
But I too am quite endeared by Oliver's recollections of his family. My version of Ollie has him as the youngest of three, with two older sisters. Oliver was born into an incredibly normal home, and somewhere along the way he's developed these delusions of grandeur that leave him craving the kind of life Felix & Reader have. But there are moments, here and there, where he reflects on what connections he had formed within his family, and I don't think he dislikes the individuals as much as he dislikes the situation in which they lived. Completely and utterly mundane, to Oliver, which he found intolerable in the end.
I'm so excited about Fi & Reader meeting his parents; it's very different to the film. I will say that they find out about Oliver's deception much earlier than in the film, and that's where canon fully splits. The visit home isn't going to be nearly as painful in h,h,h. <3
As for Emma and the Poe book, the Poe short stories are both something I think reader would suggest for Oliver, something that they'd read themselves as they've been established as an appreciator of poetry, and to tie it in to the epilogue of 'he wanted to be in love but you got in the way' where it's a lot more thematically relevant, but mentioned that it was in the drawer next to oliver's bed. As for Emma, that was the book the reader had been reading aloud the night they slept with Oliver. the last line they'd read to him had been -
"Seldom, very seldom does complete truth belong to any human disclosure; seldom can it happen that something is not a little disguised or a little mistaken."
And you're so right. Sleepy/high reader is cute as fuck. I love them very much.
Sorry I didn't respond before now, I'm finally back at my laptop, working on the next chapter and answering some lovely asks xx
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kaijuposting · 1 year
Ghost Drifting: Does it exist in the Pacific Rim film?
Now some of you might read the title of this post and think, "well of course it does, it was in the novelization and in that Tales From The Drift comic." Thing is though, canon and continuity within the Pacific Rim franchise has always been a bit of a mess, full of inconsistencies and contradictions. It's never really safe to assume anything. So, the concept of ghost drifting goes all the way back to the Pacific Rim draft script written by Travis Beacham, and it appears as he originally intended it in both the Tales From The Drift and the Tales From Year Zero comics, both of which he wrote. One could argue that it even appears in Pacific Rim: Uprising and in Pacific Rim: The Black, in the sense of human characters becoming part of the kaiju hivemind, although this is most definitely not what he originally had in mind with the idea.
So where does the original movie stand? Does it exist here? And if so, in what sense?
I would say that there is circumstantial evidence that it exists.
One piece of circumstantial evidence actually comes from very early on in the film. You can hear Yancy scream after Trespasser rips him out of the jaeger. Later on, Raleigh tells Pentecost that he was still connected to Yancy when he died. Because Yancy was ripped clean out of the jaeger before he died, he could not have been connected to the pons system. This would suggest that Yancy and Raleigh were actually ghost drifting when Yancy died.
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On the other hand, five years have passed since Yancy's death, and it's extremely likely that Raleigh does not have a clear recollection of the event, and is remembering incorrectly.
After Mako and Raleigh's first drift, we see them get the same food in the mess hall, which could suggest that they are somehow synced or linked:
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But while this is clearly meant to be significant somehow, there's no specific indication that this is caused by ghost drifting. They could have just swapped food preferences or cravings in the drift.
Another thing that could suggest its existence is how easily Otachi finds Newt. Like, when you're a giant monster there's not a whole lot to distinguish one guy from an entire crowd, and yet, Otachi finds him in a kaiju bunker anyway. One might argue that Otachi was tracking him by scent and/or taste, having a general idea of what Newt smells and tastes like from his memories of how things in the k-sci lab smell and taste. And one thing about Otachi is, she's the only kaiju with actual nostrils, and there's definitely something special going on with her tongue.
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On the other hand, the novelization does have Newt experience "drift hangover" with the Anteverse, and with Otachi specifically. But of course, the novelization also says that Hermann is blond, so we can't assume that anything the novel says also applies to the movie. So does Newt experience ghost drift here, or is it all down to Otachi's nose and tongue? At this moment, it's a tossup.
One last thing that could maybe, possibly suggest ghost drifting is Stacker Pentecost's strange line toward the end of the film before he dies: "I will always be here for you. You can always find me in the drift."
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This line could just be trying to convey a sentiment similar to "I'll always be here, because I'll live on in your heart." But that's not what Pentecost says, and what he does say implies a different kind of continued existence - one that's perhaps a bit more metaphysical. Though I do have to admit, it's not much. It really could've just been trying to convey something similar to "I'll live on in your heart." Looking at the movie from a writer's POV, I feel like if ghost drifting was actually intended to exist in this story, it would've been made more explicit. On the other hand, it feels to me like this story doesn't quite want to rule it out, either. In particular, the mess hall scene actually made me think ghost drifting was happening when Raleigh's voice started talking before switching to the scene in which he was actually talking. It's only just speculation, but I think it almost feels like foreshadowing for an actual appearance of ghost drifting in a sequel that never manifested.
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ATPOAIM Ep 4- Still...at their very best
As promised, here comes my break-down/ interpretation of yesterday's episode. I'm not really sure if I'm on to anything here. Just thoughts. a discussion starter perhaps. also, I do talk about the criticisms or problems that I have with this episode towards the end.
yeah, let me know what y'all think!
The opening scene does a lot to set the tone of this episode and let us know, from the start, that it is in stark contrast to episodes 1, 2, and 3.
For one thing, it's in color as opposed to black and white. The style of filming is difference. we see the wide open space surrounding Matty on his mattress, instead of the camera moving along with him, or, focusing on him.
He doesn't acknowledge the camera in the way that he does in previous episodes. In fact, he spends the first 59 seconds of a, roughly, 8 minute video just getting out of bed and getting dressed. Might not seem like a lot of time, but in a short video like this, every second counts. So, the decision to focus so much on this opening moment is deliberate.
The MUSIC, lest we skip over that, is also a big deal. It does have an eerie-ness to it that suggests we should feel unsettled by what we're seeing, maybe?
Of course, the first things that happen in the mid of the audience are: wtf? why is he sleeping on the floor? why does he sleep like that? where/what is this?
Curiously, the first thing that he reaches for is the oxygen mask? I wonder if it's sort of the opposite of reaching for cigarettes (or maybe im projecting as someone who has recently quit smoking, lmao). In any case, it's not normal. That is, it's not the sort of thing one usually does when waking up in the morning. Is it to highlight the artificiality of the set up? Is it the David Lynch thing? I know he had an oxygen tank for ATVB, but I can't remember how consistently he used it. Wasn't at every show, was it? idk. Or maybe it is simply to remind us of the strangeness of the seemingly mundane things that we are about to watch him do?
His clothes are laid out for him on the cart, which, again, makes the perfectly normal act of getting dressed in the morning very strange. Perhaps also eliminates the choice. He doesn't need to make a decision about what to choose, cuz there are no options. Kind of like a uniform.
First thing he does when he's dressed and has made his "bed" is go up to the wall. I'm interested in these.
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Because, he is fixated on it, and because that's what we see later on.
The music and the tone of the moment changes when he moves on to making coffee (fuck, now im really craving a good cup of coffee).
The coffee-making scene is utilizing lab apparatus. Though, I will say, drip coffee does usually use a grinder, a scale, filter paper, etc. So, I suppose that process is, in itself, adjacent to working in a lab. It also requires exactitude, slow motion, a lot of waiting around for the coffee to finish brewing and dripping, etc. (side note: the coffee he makes is nowhere near as strong as he should be. What kinda color is that, Matty?!) So, is he dramatizing the process? exaggerating skills required for the task? or i he SO committed to his grass thing that he's taken to sleeping in his lab and this is legit just an obsessed scientist making coffee in his lab thats also his home.
Some of you have pointed out that the door he exits from and the door he enters through are two different doors to the same building. If that's the case, is he suggesting some sort of cyclical nature to this everyday routine (in contrast to the day in the life thing that we saw in episode 1? Two sides, one coin?
Now, he's in an entire different lab space! Here's everything we can see when he first enters.
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The greenery certainly stands out in the otherwise monochromatic setting, and we shortly see him make very exact moves to snip a "sample" of the plant, and then mist it. But not before he puts on his "Matty" coat and tosses away the "Truman Black" coat in the biohazard bin (more on that in a bit).
He moves on from his potted plant to his ??? patch of grass perhaps? which, remember, we saw a picture of in the first minute of the video. on his wall of sketches and images. One of the images was showing the layers underneath the grass. Meaning that what we see at the top in only the surface?
Briefly, we see a crack in his "character." In contrast to making deliberate and precise moves, he's suddenly stirring chaos. Trying to ride the cart, fucking with the drill, and watching stuff on his phone. You can toss the Truman Black lab coat into the biohazard bin but you can't take the Truman Black out of the Matty?? after all, the Matty dude is just a coat that he put on. He can take it back off at any moment. Is he saying that every version of himself is, ultimately, a performance of selfhood? even if he were to be "Matty"? is he saying you can't totally separate the two?
He writes "la poesie eat dans la rue" in his notebook. "The Poetry Is In The Street" BUT WHY? Nothing he's doing has anything to do with streets or poetry. Hint for the future, but what?
Next, he gets pretty tactile. "touching grass" as we joked yesterday, but maybe also testing it a bit? We get a visual trick that makes him go from hovering over the small patch of grass to laying in a much bigger one. Followed very quickly by him posing for the SATVB Tour poster.
which is the very first time that we feel there's someone maybe with him? who's taking the picture for the poster? is it pre-set? but we didn't see any signs of it in the room prior to the shot. Has more stuff happened in between, that is conveniently left out? has more time passed by? is that why the grass is larger?
He ends the video by shutting things down and pulling the lever, just like he used to do at the end of ATVB shows.
I'm not entirely sure what the "studying plant in lab" is alluding to or suggesting other than bringing the natural into an unnatural space? experimentation? exercise of control over natural being? construct building? I think that's the key to putting together the subject matter of the following tour.
NOW FOR HANG UPS I HAVE these might not be legit criticisms. It may be that once we get more info/ see more episodes, these things will become clear, but for now,
I'm not sure that this needed to be an episode of atpoaim. Like, couldn't the tour announcement have been its own thing? the series seems to have had a very specific goal that it was trying to achieve in a very specific way, and this was different. Didn't Matty say atpoaim was meant to get to color gradually as the series also got more theatrical and dramatic? kind of as a parallel to the 1975? this wasn't gradual. this went into color right away!
We also know that Matty filmed this in NJ a few weeks ago. MUCH after filming other stuff for future atpoaim episodes. Does this mean he's scrapped all previous footage and changed the whole plan? is this a brief interruption and we get back to normal next month with episode 5? is episode 5 gonna be totally new and different from an original episode 5 that maybe he'd planned before? This is why I say, if the tour announcement isn't intrinsic to where atpoaim is going, then it should've just been its own thing.
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Beginner's Fuck Words: Chris Roberts, Photographer: Phil Ward Taken from Melody Maker, 19 March 1994 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
For some, it was dark and grubby. For others, Blakean and euphoric. The loss of virginity is an event (or not) which most recall as imperfect but momentous, or at least crap but interesting.
Bob Mortimer cites an overwhelming sense of "I am about to do it, I am doing it, I have done it." Jo Brand remembers her head banging against the base of the toilet. "She was very into the Bay City Rollers," sighs Terry Hall (though not of Jo Brand), "which put me off a bit. But not enough." Jarvis Cocker didn't tell anyone about it for five years, fearing the secret might lose its magic.
We know all this because Pulp, right now Britain's most stimulating pop group, have made a half-hour film interviewing various surprisingly candid quasi-names (Justine Frischman, John Peel, Pam Hogg, Alison Steadman, etc) about their sexual awakening. The film premiered at the ICA last week and is a funny and touching - as the phrase goes - catalyst for discussion and irreverent nostalgia.
It also ties in (sort of) with Pulp's new single, "Do You Remember The First Time?", which revisits the bravado of "Lipgloss" and "Razzmatazz" and is in every way irresistible. After years of bruised suburban sonatas, Pulp - suddenly hailed across the media as sex gods and glam messiahs - are ready to be defiled by popular acclaim.
Talk about sex? Pulp have already done that more times than the average women's glossy. Yet when you ask Pulp if they sometimes think everything's been done before, guitarist/violinist Russell says, "The ancient Greeks were saying that as well, weren't they?" and mainman Jarvis says, "That would be a very defeatist attitude. Even if every experience in life has been had by someone before, it's not been had by you. Unless you believe in reincarnation, which I'm not that bothered about myself." 
"We tried to make an accessible film," begins bassist Steve. "The tone of it's light, watchable, funny. We've discouraged the tabloids - there are enough quotes to bury everyone on it, taken out of context, so we've been quite careful there."
"As it stands," adds Jarvis, "anyone could watch it, even people who might find our music distasteful. I'm not obsessed with sex, don't get me wrong. It's just that so often it gets written about in an idealised way or a 'Carry On' nudge-nudge way. Then again, I don't think it would be so great if it was more open, like I imagine Norway to be, where they discuss it over the breakfast table."
"There is a lot to be said for English restraint," muses Russell. "The fact that something is forbidden makes it more exciting.
"Ah, but that's when you get your suspenders on and your orange in your mouth," interrupts Jarvis. There is some confusion.
"No, not you personally Russell; I mean that bloke. They only do that cos you have to lock yourself away in private. If it wasn't 'bad' they wouldn't be drawn to that twisted sexuality."
"There's a frisson to the whole thing," continues Russell. "So when you do break it down it seems to mean something and it's not just something you do as a matter of course. I was on a train once with this German girl and she just got changed in front of me, and, well, it didn't turn me on... I felt really insulted by it, to tell you the truth. I thought: I'm a man..."
"Maybe she was trying to tell you something," suggests Jarvis.
"No, well, she wasn't, that was the thing. It was..." Russell tails off.
Was this in England or in Germany?
"It was in the former Yugoslavia."
What comes across repeatedly in the filmed interviews is the sense of relief everyone felt from adolescent peer pressure to have "done it".
"We found quite a difference between men and women," observes Jarvis, "in that men would be more inclined to brag off about it, the thing that 'I've pulled'. Whereas a girl wouldn't run around school going 'I've had a shag'. I'm not saying that's right. I think it probably isn't, but..."
I'm certain it isn't. Women talk in much earthier terms.
"I don't know," considers keyboardist Candida. "I think women want the romantic thing more than men do. But that doesn't mean they get it. I mean, yes, women talking about men can be really... joky."
"Men talk about women on a superficial level," says Steve. "They don't say: but does she love you?"
"There's all this laddishness, which is nonsense," says Russell. "And lads know it's nonsense but it's fun, like talking about cars and football."
Candida tells a story.
"My cousin was showing me round her house last night, and there's a boy living there, and on his wall he had five pictures of cars. I've never seen that before. No pictures of women or anything. Just cars."
"I always know when my girlfriend and her friend are talking about men in the kitchen," says Russell. "You hear the noise of geese cackling."
"A lot of men do think differently to before," reflects Candida. "That comedienne Jo Brand, she's all right, but she can be just too nasty to men sometimes, I think. It's just as bad as some awful big fat boozy men going on about women. Which you don't get any more on telly. But you do get a lot of women on telly being horrible about men."
"It just sets up a 'versus' situation again, doesn't it?" says Jarvis. "You're either on one side or the other. Still. It wouldn't do for us all to be the same, would it?"
"Good God no!" we all chime.
Pulp recently finished recording what they regard as their "first album proper" with producer to the stars Ed Buller.
"For the entirety of the Eighties we had to have a whip-round to spend 15 hours in the back of a cold transit van to play to 12 people", chuckles Russell. "Don't let anyone romanticise it, it's a load of rubbish, best off out of it."
"You'd get up in the morning," remembers drummer Nick, "feeling like you'd been shat out of a horse. Or something."
Jarvis surprises me by claiming The Velvet Underground are a bigger influence on him than Barry White, and he never records while naked.
"It's usually me, but not me as I would go down to the shops. But still me."
Pulp are enjoying their long overdue lift-off.
"It's a bit sad if you get too blasé about things; cynicism cuts down your opportunities. It's the same with sex, of course. I mean you have to have a certain degree of excitement just to... get it on."
Bang a gong. Let's.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'Review at a glance *****
So it’s goodbye David Tennant again, and over to you Ncuti Gatwa! Except, no! The big twist in this twistiest of episodes – one that may well be the best hour of Who ever – is that the three-episode reprise of Tennant’s Doctor is not quite the end for him at all.
What seemed to be simply a canny way for Russell T Davies to bring some goodwill back to the Whouniverse, using a Tennant as a drum-roll for Ncuti Gatwa’s new reign, was not merely that, not just cynicism: it was a chance to crowd please a crowd in need of a damn good pleasing.
What a rare delight to watch prime time Saturday night TV delivered with such aplomb. This short run has echoed Marvel’s accomplishment with the Avengers films, matching drama with humour, and never taking itself too seriously even as it brings you to tears.
The Giggle topped it all off with a genuinely brilliant and thrillingly unpredictable episode that started off as a fun satire for all the family before turning into a Carnival of Horrors, by way of a murderous Spice Girls set piece by the lead villain that would make the Joker frown in envy. This was pop culture hitting some kind of high-on-itself high.
Last week the Doctor and Donna landed back in present day London to find Wilf waiting (sadly Davies revealed on a post this week that Bernard Cribbins died before he could film any more scenes so he does not appear in this episode). He told them humans had turned on each other and were fighting in the street and the world was basically ending.
Turns out that back in the day, 1925 in Soho to be precise, when John Logie Baird invented the TV, the first image he recorded was the head of a ventriloquist’s dummy (actually true, Stooky Bill, was his name, and yes Stooky was as spooky looking in real life; what was Baird thinking? Sick man, with all due respect).
A dummy which happened to be a magical evil puppet that was sold to him by a German-accented, racist Toymaker (played by a sensational Neil Patrick Harris having the time of his life here). And the image has sat hidden within every screen since then, not just TVs but phones too.
Back to ‘Today’, where Bonnie Langford is back as Melanie Bush after her companion stints with Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy (incidentally, I wonder how many near-misses they had in Who writing rooms over the years, with character names veering close to Bond-esque smut) to help out because a satellite launched by South Korea has made the world 100% online – “For the first time in history everyone has access to a screen,” the Doctor frets, and our skinny hero does do a lot of fretting here – which triggered the hidden puppet into doing an evil laugh, that in turn sent everyone’s brains crazy.
Pilots are landing wherever they want, people are fighting for their right of way on the road, insulting the infirm and different, seeking angry justice for the mildest of questioning, and everyone is basically turning into a conspiracy theory loon. It’s described as so: “Basically, every single person on earth now thinks they’re right and everyone else is wrong.” Sound familiar?
OK, yes the first half is a very bludgeoning satire of social media-infused life today, which includes a red-faced buffoonish Prime Minister addressing the nation by saying, “Why should I care about you?” But as I keep saying, Doctor Who is family viewing and making sure the kids get it without making the adults groan is a line which Davies navigates masterfully here.
Assessing the imploding world, the Doctor rants about “humans hating each other,” suggesting the “anger and lies and righteousness,” was always there waiting to take over. Tennant has always channeled rage in his Doctor but here he gives it his full ‘den of thieves’ moment, and orders the UNIT agents to shoot the Korean satellite out of the sky, since all of the world leaders have gone crazy too. The Doctor making decisions on behalf of the earth? Treating it as his kingdom? It feels like he’s overstepped a mark and he knows it.
Anyway, while humanity is on a precipice the Doctor and Donna take a trip back to Frith Street in 1925 to confront The Toymaker.
Cue a sequence of surrealist delight reminiscent of classic carnivalesque horrors like Dead of Night and Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice in which Harris revels like Gambit meets Dr Strange meets the Joker. The scary puppets that attack Donna hit some great old notes, bringing flashbacks to Trainspotting and Poltergeist.
The climax comes with the Toymaker dealing out death to ‘Spice Up Your Life’, and bringing an end to Tennant, who almost seems relieved by it.
This proves to be one of the most moving narratives related to the Doctor. Donna took him to one side earlier and said that when she saw inside his mind, “You’re busy every minute of the day… it’s like you’re staggering along… is that why your old face came back? Because you’re wearing yourself out.”
That skinniness that has been joked about throughout the specials is recast as evidence of a man coming undone, not taking care of himself, consumed by self-loathing as he’s haunted by his past failures. “I’m always so certain,” The Doctor cries in full tortured Tennant mode, “Take away the toys and what am I now? Lost and broken.” (“You big idiot,” Donna retorts).
So when the Toymaker takes his life, the Doctor almost want it. Except, he’s not given it. He doesn’t die and regenerate into Gatwa, rather he splits in two. Two Doctors! He’s Tennant and Gatwa. One can remain on earth with Donna, while the new Doctor is free to roam the universe on the new Disney funding.
I loved this explanation for Tennant’s return, the haunted figure that he became post-Rose and post-Donna taken to the logical extreme, his mental health disintegrating after too much death and loss and destruction.
Doctor Who has always been about loss. Companions leaving people on earth behind or never having them at all (like Melanie Bush), the loss of time, loss of life. The Doctor is a kind of charismatic god of life, taking on death always, trying to save everyone, everywhere, all at once. Exhaustion was coming…
But so was regeneration – or rather bi-regeneration, which is a first for Doctor Who, and is portrayed as rehab: to save himself, he has to become a new person entirely. He splits in two! Tennant is still here, but so is Gatwa’s Doctor. And lo, parents across the land are spared the tears of a million children.
Gatwa is immediately a new kind of Doctor, not falling apart – “thin as a pin and running on fumes” he observes – but so sure of himself that he gives Tennant a hug and a kiss, the younger man like a father, and when Tennant says, “You can’t save everyone,” he replies, “Why not?”
It sets up Gatwa’s new Doctor deliciously as a capable, flamboyant, winner, a very ‘out’ figure who will continue to annoy the anti-wokies/anti-BBC/anti-vaxxers/anti-youths but who will deliver the thrills. The Errol Flynn moustache he sports can be no accident, given how swashbuckling the trailer of the Christmas Day episode is.
Will Tennant keep a presence in the Whoniverse? Not sure if the new guy is going to need him…'
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mygainyear2024 · 2 months
Day 18 Delayed
After not one, but two pastel de natas before my dance class at the gym, and a homemade sardine tosta I walked 5+ kms to my third language lesson via Clarice, in Alvor, for a proper latte ☕️
I tried to video the garbage collection system near my apartment but failed in my timing. The collectors were also looking at me strangely as I held my phone up to film!
I did get a better shot of the cute dog that looks out over the neighbourhood with interest. I had a brief chat with the owner to confirm he's only two. Noticeably, there are lots of dogs, as well as learner drivers and pastelarias.
After the fun language lesson, practising conversation starters and replies, I had an interesting conversation with a retired fireman, Gary from Ireland 😉 I noticed Gary at the first lesson. He seemed broodish, but I think he may be an introvert, if that's possible for an Irish man? Although my depth of experience with Irish men is limited to one!!! (Yes kids, I know he had a problem with alcohol and you thought he was gay, BUT he did make great duck fat baked potatoes!) Today Gary came with his lesson notes neatly stored in plastic sleeves in a folder, but he said "que interessante" with as much enthusiasm as a wet fish. Rebecca asked him to be a bit more animated. I think his interest must have peaked in me when he heard me saying, in terrible portuguese "sou impragada do estado" which translates to "I am imprisoned by the State". I'll need to check this with Rebecca at the next lesson, I'm sure there's a better way to say "public servant". I'm also "dona de casa" which means investment property owner, but it also means housewife!
Gary wanted to give me lots of advice about superannuation. I’m sure he was well intentioned but I feel quite informed 😂 Sadly the teacher is taking a break next week so I’ll miss Gary, but I’ll ask around, apparently he is a member of a walking group and I need to do some more walking 😜
I’m now getting ready to have dinner with Rosie at Restaurante F in Praia da Rocha. She’s messaged me this afternoon to invite me to a book launch tomorrow night at Irish Rovers, que interessante!! She also said “We will also go tonight to listen to the band after dinner” Stay tuned….
So dinner at Restaurante F was pleasant. I had high expectations (from the number of Facebook comments after I posted the request, “recommendations for best restaurant with ocean views and I don't care for steak!) and also when I saw the selection of breads being wheeled around on a trolley and a separate aperitif menu. The bread (cornbread, pumpkin bread and plain) and two butters were delicious, the shared prawns ok and my first cataplana of octopus, clams and sweet potato (Algarve stew cooked in copper or stainless steel pot) tasty, rounded out with the shared crème brûlée and bottle of rosé, not cheap comparatively at €50 each. But, the company was definitely worth it. Rosie regaled me with fabulous stories about her relationships and the number of suitors she has at the moment. And as a supplier of gummies to some of her cruise tour members (it’s legal in Canada)😂 She certainly lives an exciting semi retired solo life.
We then went to Irish Rovers, and yes that same bartender made a beeline for Rosie and started his lines on me. I reminded him that he'd already made me a cosmo last week and I'd heard his BS! Later I did give him a hard time about how long he'd been using those lines on women at this pub (six years!) and had it ever worked (no) and I suggested it might be time to come up with a new strategy. The band were pretty dreadful, actually it was mostly the lead singer that did have Rosie and I in stitches. His voice was not loud enough to be heard over the instruments (probably for the best), and I couldn't work out if he was Irish, Portuguese or another nationality. Rosie said he looked 100! Are white singlets on tattooed older lead covers' singers still a thing? And he was drinking red wine. It was too many contradictions for me to manage, given I don't go out to these kind of venues at all. I did say to Rosie twice that a strong female lead would fix this situation. Rosie knows the owners, Martin and Jenny. They weren't pub owners in Ireland, but have owned Irish Rovers for 10 years and according to Rosie it's the most successful pub in the Algarve. Martin was in the band on keyboard (and I thought he could actually sing) and Jenny was behind the bar. At one point she quickly came over with three shot glasses of some creamy beverage and said a hurried hello, downed the shot, and went back to the bar. Apparently the book launch is for a Portuguese poet that Jenny doesn't know, but she wanted to be supportive, stay tuned...
Rosie did tell me about a fantastic Thai massage she had, so I've tracked down the salon and the therapist and booked myself in for this afternoon.
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ghostlyshylee · 10 months
Chocolate Factory Mischievous Adventures
[Author's Notes: This is an older fic I wrote around 2017 and posted on my old deviantart page, I don’t really use it anymore and a recent interaction made me feel inclined to post it here (as rough as it may be hehe). This fiction has been heavily revised from it's original and slimmed down. This is intended to be the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory from the 1971 film! Word count: 1355] ------
"Quite stupendous, isn't it?" Asked Wonka
"Simply amazing, Mr.Wonka!" Charlie replied
Wonka had been chaperoning Charlie around the unseen sections of the factory and boy was there a lot! "I'd say we've covered nearly every room from the tallest to the smallest! I've gotten a bit famished during this wonderful tour." As if on que, Charlie's stomach let out a small growl.
"I see I'm not alone." Chuckled Wonka
"A bite would be nice." Said Charlie a bit sheepishly
"Splendid! I'll have the Umpa-lumpas prepare dinner right away!"
After some time had passed while trying to find their way through what seemed to be corridor after corridor, they finally came across a well furnished lounge. Equipped with a bubbly soda machine, a chocolate espresso dispenser, what seemed to be a raspberry licorice fireplace with an equally red fire and some red cushioned couches and chairs, fit for any aristocrat.
"Ah, this'll do nicely! We'll wait out the remainder of the time here until dinner is ready." Exclaimed Wonka while taking a liking to one of the rather large couches. Charlie not wanting to be rude, followed suit and sat close to Wonka on the same couch.
"So, is there anything you'd like to talk about while we wait for dinner? Well, anything we *haven't* already covered that is." Joked Wonka. Charlie thought for a moment and recalled a question he, at the time, thought it to be too personal to ask but now seemed perfect, having gotten to know the chocolate connoisseur personally.
"Actually, I was wondering what happened to your family." Asked Charlie nervously. This took Wonka back a bit by surprise, not really expecting a question so personal.
"That is an interesting question to ask, Charlie." Wonka replied, shifting a little in his seat.
"Sorry if it's too personal!" Charlie quickly replied, worried he touched a nerve.
"No, no. You have to the right to ask, my boy." Wonka assuring Charlie with a warm smile.
"Where do I even begin? Well, my father was a hard, good working man. Always managed to scrape us by with what little he had. My mother was a good, strong, caring woman. She always made sure we had something to eat and always loved us."
"What happened to them?" Charlie asked.
Wonka sighed a bit. "Well eventually one gets old and tuckered out from working as long as they have, eventually they retire and finally rest."
"Sorry for bringing it up." Charlie apologized, feeling he definitely overstepped. Wonka picked up on his change in body language and while he understood Charlie's embarrassment he didn't much care for the guilt written expression is protégé wore.
"It's alright, Charlie." Said Wonka, leaning in close to help ease the tension. "They were good people and loved their family very much and that love they left behind I intend to share with others." Wonka assured the boy, but Charlie could only look over his knees forlorn. Wonka noticing his upset demeanor, thought of a little "feel better" plan.
"Ye-yes?" Charlie stammered, snapping out of his daze.
"Why don't we play a game until dinner is ready?"
Charlie's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "What kind of game?" Asked Charlie, interest piqued.
"I think you'll enjoy this one! Now, all you have to do is close your eyes and put your hands on your head." Charlie blinked in confusion. "Don't worry the fun comes after you've begun. Are you ready?"
Charlie nodded in response, hands resting on head. "Ok then, close your eyes." As Charlie did as instructed, Wonka carefully got up from his seat and made his way behind where the young boy sat.
"Now count to ten." Wonka instructed, a hint of mischievousness while he spoke.
"One, two, three-eeheheh!" Charlie immediately tried cover his exposed sides but found his hands held together by a firm grip.
"Wha-hut, what?! Why? Hehehehehehehe!" Charlie squirming in his seat, was taken by surprise as the sensation of clawing fingers attacked his upper ribs.
"I just felt as though you needed a bit of cheering up." Smirked Mr.Wonka as he worked his way down the right side of Charlie's ribs. "No-ho-ho! Sto-ho-hop! Hehehehe! I-I'm heheheheheh all cheered up-hup now!”
Mr. Wonka simply sighed. "You can't fool me! I know you still feel bad and that's why I'm going to do *this*."
Before Charlie could reply, Mr.Wonka began to dig his fingers into his stomach all the while tickling the other side of his ribs with his new found free hand.
"AH-ahaha! N-no! Ahaha! Do-hon't! Plea-he-hease sto-ho-hop!" Charlie now desperate to get free, managed to wiggle himself out of his capture's tickly grasp causing him to land on his side, nearly face planting into the couch cushion.
"I see you've had enough?" Wonka chuckled.
Charlie, still catching his breath managed to prop himself up. "Ye...yeah-hah-ha... that was... a mean trick." He said still catching his breath.
"Mean trick? I barely even did anything!" Wonka feigning to sound hurt.
"Why, I could show you a mean trick." Wonka said while smiling mischievously. Charlie eyed his mentor, giddiness causing him to squirm and giggle as Wonka took a seat next to him.
"Now, I could do something .. like THIS!" Before Charlie could react, Wonka restrained him with his own weight, trapping the poor boy's lower body.
"Ah-hahah!" Laughed a surprised Charlie.
"And I could've done something like... this." Mr.Wonka lifted up Charlie's shirt to expose a soft abdomen. Wonka couldn't help but notice how malnourished  Charlie's body still looked, even after being a resident at the Chocolate Factory for roughly a month now. Honestly, this just strengthed his resolve in mentoring the poor boy.
Charlie chuckled nervously while trying to break free but this in turn caused Wonka to restrain his hands with one of his own.
"Please don't, I'm sorry!" He apologized in hopes to somehow diffuse the matter.
"Too late now." Wonka said in an exaggerated villain voice while sporting a seemingly "evil" grin.
"No, wait! Wai-hai-hait! AHA-haha-hahaha!
Mr.Wonka had begun scratching Charlie's stomach, quite similarly to scratching a dog.
"Gah-hahahahahah! No-hohohohah! AH-hahahah!" Wonka noticed a pitch increase when he moved near his belly-button.
"Oh-hoh! How interesting!" Following his intuition, Wonka began digging into Charlie's navel and in turn gave him a loud and squeaky laughter.
Wonka chuckled at the silly scene before him. As if he didn't find Charlie endearing enough, this just enhanced his cuteness in Wonka's eyes. Charlie's face started to flush quite a bit, signaling he definitely needed a break.
"Gah-hah, ha-ha... thanks for... for stopping." Charlie said as Wonka lifted off his small frame.
"You ok?" He said, voiced with a hint of concern. Charlie could only nod in response, still full of giggles.
"Sorry that I over did it there, champ." Wonka apologized while helping Charlie up. "It's ok. I had fun and you're right, I do feel cheered up." Charlie smiled warmly at the older man.
"But you DID almost kill me!" Charlie joked getting a chuckle from Wonka. A familiar chine interrupted their bonding, signaling it was the top of the hour.
"Well would you look at that! Time for dinner. We better get going, don't want to keep the folks waiting!" And with that, Wonka and Charlie continued down to the dining hall, both feeling just a bit closer.
[And that’s a wrap! It’s been a LONG time since I wrote last but honestly? Revising this and adjusting the dialogue a bit to more of my liking made me just smile while doing it. I honestly really miss this. And thank you, kind reader, for giving my fiction the time of day <3]
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Trailermania and Other Things
Wow, look at that! A new trailer Pixar's ELEMENTAL, and a first trailer for DreamWorks' upcoming sequel TROLLS BAND TOGETHER! Plus other cool things!
TROLLS BAND TOGETHER looks cute and fun, much like its predecessors. What stuck out to me, and many others, was that groovy surreal 2D animated sequence that I hope we see more of in the movie proper. More weird shifts in art styles like that, please, because the first TROLLS had some moments like that, and TROLLS WORLD TOUR had some little details here and there along with its distinct colorful worlds. The story seems markedly smaller-scale than WORLD TOUR, sort-of circling back after going big. I think releasing it five days before Disney Animation's WISH, however, isn't all that smart... And weird, considering that in many European territories, the movie is aiming for a September/October bow, but what do I know?
ELEMENTAL's new proper trailer gives us a much better idea of what director Peter Sohn's new Pixar movie is really made of. They got the basic premise out of the way with the teaser, which is - quite frankly - a teaser's job. They're made for Average Joe and Jane Soccermom, not nerds like you and I. The new trailer showcases all the fun worldbuilding and just how many gags they can stretch out of this idea: Elements being living beings. Very cartoony, very much made for animation, plus it even pokes fun at its own world. That whole quip about the purpose of chain-link fences is a line that would be even funnier in one of the CARS movies. Peter Sohn had said that the story was very personal to him as a child of Korean immigrants living in New York in the '70s and '80s, and I think we're seeing shades of that in this new trailer. But yes, visually a treat. Colorful AF, with some of that midcentury modern graphic design thing going on with the movie's logo and title cards, much like INSIDE OUT. What's exciting me about this movie is that it's animated characters where everything about them - flowing water, waving fire, etc. - is moving. It's like, super-animated.
And as a treat? Pixar's attaching CARL'S DATE, a much-delayed episode of the UP spin-off Disney+ series DUG DAYS, to the movie. This will be the first Pixar short to run in movie theaters since BAO back in 2018, which of course screened before INCREDIBLES 2. TOY STORY 4 in 2019 ran with *no* short whatsoever, and ONWARD had a Simpsons short - of all things - attached to it. SOUL went straight to Disney+ alongside the short that *would've* accompanied it in theaters, BURROW. LIGHTYEAR was the first Pixar film in theaters, domestically, since ONWARD, and that ran with no short.
More animated shorts in the cinema, pretty please.
I'm also more confident in its box office prospects. It's suggested that former Disney CEO Bob Chapek's heavy pivot to streaming has really hurt Disney's animated output in the pandemic era, from both Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar. A sort of "we can just wait for that to come out on Disney+, when it's free" mentality from potential moviegoers... Meanwhile, Illumination's SING and MINION sequels did pretty great regardless of Peacock's existence, ditto DreamWorks' PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH. These three movies are some of the only animated theatrical-release movies to cross $100m at the domestic box office, and Pixar's LIGHTYEAR did manage to get past that as well, off of its fine opening weekend gross. ELEMENTAL is the first original Pixar movie to hit theaters since ONWARD, which we can't use to gauge its prospects because that opened right before everything shot down in March 2020.
That all being said, this trailer I feel will work on moviegoers. It's a fun premise, and the trailer doesn't hesitate to show lots of the gags and jokes that they pull from it, and it looks colorful. The general public likely associates Pixar with this kind of story (despite online pop culture "experts" insisting that the movie looks like a "parody" of Pixar's past successes), so it could open okay and have solid-to-great legs! Pixars usually cost over $150m to make, so they better hope this one's a blockbuster. As in, opens with at least $45-50m and then legs it past $150m domestically and more than double that worldwide. I want it so succeed, Pixar hasn't had a genuine box office success since TOY STORY 4 back in 2019, and I'd hate to see an original movie struggle.
Summer 2023 is quite crowded in terms of family movies and four-quadrant spectacles, I must say. DreamWorks' RUBY GILLMAN, TEENAGE KRAKEN opens two weeks after ELEMENTAL, and ELEMENTAL opens two weeks after SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE, which itself opens a week after Disney's LITTLE MERMAID remake... And mixed in with these are THE FLASH and the fifth INDIANA JONES movie. Pretty crowded couple of weeks I must say. A statistic back in 2014, which I bring up *a lot*, showed that the average American family hits the cinemas four times a calendar year. I'd imagine that number is even lower in the pandemic era, and I believe the stat because I've been working at a movie theater since August of 2015... And lemme tell ya, sometimes I do a double take on what I've charged my customers for tickets and concessions.
So, yes, lots of families and other moviegoers have become choosier. I feel like we're seeing that with superhero movies this year, honestly, what with ANT-MAN AND THE WASP: QUANTUMANIA having abysmal legs after its giant opening, and SHAZAM! FURY OF THE GODS straight-up imploding. In such a competitive marketplace, you really need to stand out... not to pretend I know a thing or two about boring economics and capitalism. I think ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE is locked to do well, and on the "live-action" end, THE LITTLE MERMAID and DIAL OF DESTINY will do very well. As for RUBY GILLMAN... If we are to assume it cost $80m max to make, then it could perform like THE BAD GUYS - which narrowly missed $100m domestically and made $250m worldwide - and be considered a success. Okay $20m-ish opening, 3 1/2x multiplier to get it past $70m domestically, add about $150m overseas, all set! THE BAD GUYS had a similarly cutting-it-close marketing campaign, with the teaser bowing in December and the movie proper hitting in April. RUBY GILLMAN's trailer is now out, and the movie is literally three months away. I think they seem confident in this one. From what I understand, PUSS IN BOOTS Dos' Oscar campaign kind of got in the way of them getting the word out on RUBY GILLMAN earlier this year, and of course... A tiny movie Universal is releasing in a week... I'm sure you've never heard of it... It's called THE SUPER MARIO BROS. MOVIE.
Anyways, we now await trailers for... Netflix/Annapurna's NIMONA (summer), Netflix/Pearl's THE MONKEY KING (sometime this year), Disney Animation's WISH (November 22nd), Netflix/W/M's LEO (also Nov 22nd), Illumination's MIGRATION (December 22nd), and Aardman/Netflix's CHICKEN RUN: DAWN OF THE NUGGET (to be determined, later this year). And for whoever is interested, the 2nd PAW PATROL movie as well. Eatin' good, as they say.
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k00295632 · 6 months
Project: Disrupt, Week 6, Thursday, (16/11/23)
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Getting started !!!!!
Lighting & Set up
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Thursday morning, I set myself up in the green room of the photography studio and set up camp. Using the skills I learned during my studio lighting workshop during week two, I used a a black velvety fabric I found lying around as my back drop, set up the mirror and hands, I set up a tripod and angled my phone camera to my desired position, and proceeded to experimented with different coloured lights from different angles.
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I eventually taped down the edges to prevent the cloth from wrinkling, and placed markers on the ground where the legs of the tripod should go, this was a lesson learnt after I accidently kicked the tripod while filming and had to figure out my angles again.
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These are the 2 colours I decided to experiment with alongside the the varied angled light sources. You're probably wondering, why the coloured lights? Well 1, for atmosphere to add those spooky otherworldly vibes, and because the camera on my phone doesn't do well in dark rooms, and was unable to capture & define the hands clearly.
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On the left, is how it looked without the coloured lights, you can barely make them out ! On the right, are the two lights I was tampering with, I ended up using both lights in the end, the green and purples made a nice unnatural affect.
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Look at that difference ! Much nicer in my opinion. My apologies if it looks a small bit grainy, the transfer from phone to computer isn't looking very kind at the moment.
Stop motion
You're probably still thinking about my introduction, and I'm here to assure you it isn't what you think it is, as suspicious as it looks, if it was I would've gotten this stop motion done in a day. I'm sure it caught your attention however.
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Since I'm doing a stop motion of hands coming out of a mirror using plaster casts of my hand, I had to work backwards to get the affect I wanted, which meant, per every single frame I had to shave down my plaster hands bit by bit to give them the appearance that they were receding into the surface of the mirror. However, this left me with a very suspicious looking pile of plaster saw dust, the texture is very similar to flour surprisingly enough, and I decided to be a bit cheeky about it.
Difficulties I encountered.
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I accidentally dropped my phone while removing it from the tripod and it landed on one of the hands, breaking 2 of the fingers. I was not pleased. I managed to stick them back on with a bit of Pritt stick so the crises was averted.
2 .
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The batteries on the lights kept dying, so I had to switch them around a lot, my apologies to Paul for using up half his torches, so when I ran out of green ones I had to get creative, I found a torch with a working battery, took off the red lense and tied a green plastic sheet over the light using a bit of wire lying around.
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After a certain point of shaving down the hands, it would disrupt their natural balance, which would prevent them from standing upright on their own. So I started thinking, I needed something malleable at a moments notice, quick to use, while still sturdy and didn't waste time. A lecturer suggested I drill a hole and and stick a metal pole in with a wooden stand, but I thought that would take far too much time, so I thought what about play doe, or even better, clay. So I popped down to the ceramics room and robbed a clump of clay, and tried it out. I was successful.
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I inhaled so much of it... I can still feel it in the back of my throat, I feel sick thinking about it. I will be wearing a mask in the future, I felt unwell afterwards, and having to stand up and down so much made me quite dizzy. If I were to do something similar in the future I'm setting myself up at a desk and chair.
Todays progress
I got 22 frames done today, not too bad, certainly better than the state of my back. I threw it onto google slides for convenience sake to have an idea of what it would look like, its a bit dodgy looking from my phone camera but I plan on putting all the frames onto adobe photoshop using the skills I learned from week 6's photoshop workshop, to animate them a bit better,
That's all for today folks.
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