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Sailing vessel in the Port of Toulon, Provence region of southern France
French vintage postcard
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Adorkable Twilight & Friends - “ID Check”
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gwydionmisha · 8 months
This doesn't surprise me even a little, given my Uncle's experiences.
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stuffydollband · 1 month
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Sonnet for Concussions
I’ve been losing my alr_ady-weak grip
On th_ late failed sta_e of my emotions
Fleei_g the carnage _n a stolen shi_
Onl_ to ca_size int_ t_e ocean
I’_e b_en taking _ drill to _he sea f_oor
Lettin_ the ey__ess creatur_s take t_eir sha_e
_’ve bee_ saying thi__s th_t I’ve sa_d be_ore
Ent___ng roo_s, u__ure ho_ _ got there
Mis___g th_ngs made of ___ holes that __ey leave
So_gs pl__ked _part __ the ne__tiv_ not_s
Sto__es _ li_ed th__ugh bu_ s_ar_ely b__ieve
__unt_ng t_e ha_ls __ _y s_ull _il the_ bl_at
__r __w lo_g c_n I dec___ th_ me__i_g
O_ __ank pa_es a__ un__ru_tu_ed k__n_n_?
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askbombasticblake · 1 month
Wait hold up. Patch supported a pedo?!
Alright, I'm caffeinated enough to answer this.
Strap yourselves in, folks. This is gonna be a ride.
So during my year-long mental roller coaster ride back in 2021, one of the things Shiloh confessed to me during one of my spirals was that Lily was not the first predator they had run defense for.
No, that honor goes to their college roommate, a trans/intersex (can't recall which, I just know they're not cis) woman named Tianwei (forgive my spelling). Tianwei had told them 3 things, hoping that 1 would be excused because of the other 2.
First, that she was a pedo and had pedophilic thoughts about children regularly. Second, that her parents abused her for one reason or another. And third, that she nearly died in a house fire.
Now, to most sane people, the latter two wouldn't matter, because the first is still fucking horrid. Not to Shi! They bought into Tianwei's bullshit hook, line, & sinker, and let her continue to pursue her education instead of reporting her to campus police.
In hindsight, this puts their willingness to look past both Lily and Poppy's fuckshit in a totally different light, as we now have a pattern of behavior.
Now I already know what Certain People in the Peanut Gallery are gonna say: "What about you? We heard you confessed too!" Well, let's get into that.
As a bit of background, one of the things I am very open and angry about is the fact that I was abused by multiple members of my family. Sexually (by my dad & my sister), verbally, emotionally, financially, psychologically, and most importantly, physically. I'm not just talking spanking, either. One of the most common forms of abuse I can remember from everyone in my family is them hitting me in the head as punishment/in their own fits of anger. I'm talking striking me hard enough to see stars, cause temporary deafness, and in at least two cases, smacking me hard and fast enough to lift me out of my chair.
I say that because I'm pretty sure the aforementioned physical abuse was enough to cause some form of brain damage, and at the very least has scrambled my memory to some degree. Worst case scenario, the abuse at such a young age will cause my inevitable autopsy to show that I've developed CTE. Would certainly explain some things. Anyway, back on track.
That previously mentioned scrambled memory is what caused me to THINK I had done horrible things as a teenager. However, my saving grace is the fact that my friend/brother Kaiser was in contact with me during my teenage years, and he has a much clearer memory than me. As the Twitter post pinned to my blog states, I told Kaiser EVERYTHING back then, because I wanted to seem more active than him (I was stupid and competitive, gimme a break). Because he himself said that I never told him about something that heinous, but DID tell him any time I met with older men who were grooming me online, combined with the fact that he has trusted me enough to name me the godparent of his daughter, I can safely say that my guilt and manic spirals were caused by false memories, and thus my name should be cleared.
The same cannot be said for Shiloh. Between Tianwei, Lily, and Poppy, it's clear that they have a history of defending and enabling predators when those people have something to offer them. This pattern should call into question their own history, accountability, and lack of personal responsibility going forward.
TL;DR: I got hit in the head alot & falsely accused myself, Shi is a grifter & pred enabler. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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thingsmk1120sayz · 10 days
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binders-and-beanies · 9 months
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Crown the Empire // The Fallout
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funkylilomen · 7 months
heart fucks with minds modulator while hes asleep
and so in the morning its just like
(*holding back laughter* yes?)
[what the actuaw fuck did you do wast night.]
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astoriachef · 4 months
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Lighthouse of Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, Côte d'Azur region of southern France
French vintage postcard
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opiatemasses · 5 months
What would you do if you knew this sooner? Children's safety in sport
In a recent eye-opening lecture, the topic of children playing contact sports was brought to my attention. The lecturer, Jack Hardwicke, deserves commendation for his dedicated work in exploring the realm of safety in contact sports and the issues around CTE. Given my own experience in sports coaching for primary school children, the topic resonated, and this prompted a deeper reflection on the importance of ensuring the well-being of young athletes.
The societal norm surrounding contact sports, despite their impact on the brain, has long been overlooked. The prevalence of concussions in athletes, with 3.8 million concussions occurring annually in the U.S., raises serious concerns about the ethical and healthy practice of contact sports.
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Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), a disease resulting from repeated head impacts, is now affecting younger individuals. This irreversible form of dementia should be a cause for alarm, especially considering the lack of a cure. Recently, there has been a notable surge in research focused on CTE, particularly in relation to younger athletes, highlighting the urgent need for understanding and preventive measures.
Head impacts pose significant risks to health, as no level of impact can be considered safe. The age at which individuals first experience impacts and the exposure they endure amplify the likelihood of developing brain health issues and neurodegenerative diseases. Given these concerns, it prompts a critical question: Why do we permit contact sports in physical education programmes for individuals aged 10 and over.
The physical education curriculum plays a crucial role in exposing children to contact sports, but another question arises: are we allowing or encouraging them? Growing up, participation in physical education often felt obligatory, leaving little room for informed consent. Should sports like school rugby be compulsory?
Considering that the brain continues to develop into one's mid-to-late 20s, exposing children to the risks of serious concussions can have lasting adverse effects. This raises the question of why we permit children to engage in contact sports without proper informed consent, especially when we have age restrictions for various other activities. For example, to vote, to drive a car, to watch certain movies, etc. The inconsistency is striking; we insist on age-related guidelines for activities such as voting, driving a car, and even watching certain movies. So, I believe, it's time to critically examine the rationale behind this disparity and advocate for the safeguarding of our children's neurological well-being.
Safety equipment, while seemingly a solution, falls short in providing adequate protection. Even cushioned helmets cannot fully protect the brain from potential trauma. The argument that physical education teachers are trained to handle concussions does not address the fundamental issue of preventing brain injuries in the first place. An article that was insightful over this issue was arguing what schools need to know head injuries that are caused by contact sport.
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A possible solution lies in revaluating our priorities. We need to move away from prioritising contact sports over the well-being of children's developing brains. While sports undeniably offer numerous advantages such as socialisation, promoting physical activity, and encouraging healthy competition, it is crucial for adults to discern between enjoyable activities and those sports that inherently jeopardise the well-being of children.
Proposing a bold statement, children should not be allowed to play contact sports until the age of 18, when they can provide informed consent regarding the associated risks of issues like CTE and concussion. There is now compelling evidence to shift societal norms around contact sport within children and the upcoming movement towards protecting children from brain injuries.
Would you let a child run repeatedly into a wall? Knowing the implication covered in this blog, I’m intrigued to know what you think.
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vol-3 · 16 days
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Print no. 1
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stuffydollband · 6 months
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Talkin about my new upcoming album "Ganymede Gives Up The Ghost" day 3!
Today's song is "Migraines".
This is a song about, and you're never gonna believe this, migraines. Specifically the kind of migraines I get as someone with a lot of traumatic brain injury issues.
It's somewhere between hip hop and pop punk, filled with sounds that I can't handle when I have a migraine, and the lyrics are a sampling of the busted way my mind works when I'm dealing with an episode, which is more days than not at this point. Very disorganized, making weird connections that border on delirium.
A sample of the lyrics:
"Try this: One girl minus a sinus/ forgive my brief shyness, your highness, I promise I'm pious/ St. Thomas Aquinas/ That guy only wanted the Mover, no shakers, now ain't that a bias?"
Got questions? Let's talk about it!
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this b-side is so good. you can't beg to differ. i do not care for your opinion on crown of worms.
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thingsmk1120sayz · 2 months
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