#dimensional guardian
longaoi · 4 months
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Lippi Demon Queen mood
Never make Lippi angry 👹👹🐺
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overx · 3 months
suton (dirge)
twilight; the approach of death or the end of something
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Bless you for posting your live reaction of marcy's journal. I didn't even know about it! ksajdhaskjsd But it's cool seeing amphibia stuff again. Debating whether i should pick one up myself
Glad you enjoyed it! :D It's a good read!
If you're able to, I'd say go for it! There's a bunch of cool worldbuilding stuff, for one, and it was interesting to see into Marcy's perspective of everything and how she viewed the experience compared to Anne and Sasha. Especially at the beginning of the show, where we, the audience, know that Anne was stuck in a cave for a bit and Sasha was immediately thrown in prison. Marcy really doesn't process that they haven't had it as good as her (up to the events of True Colors) and that their friendship can't be repaired as easily as she thinks it can be. We also get to see the friends Marcy made while in Newtopia, which is cool.
There's a bunch of stuff I didn't include (because there's so much), but fun bits include Anne deciding on calling Cloakbot "Longboi" (which made me cackle), Mrs. Croaker being the head of assassination during the rebellion, and Marcy kills a man.
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proship-moodboards · 2 years
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angeleovn · 1 year
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This the main character, may rewrite some information. Name in the tag and may become a comic or web comic later on the summer. (Once I finish the first book / storyline
Some of the missing info: (Actually they’re 14 year old, change it due the one of the plot in the ending of book one) They are Mexican-American. About 5′5 ft. Shy at first in their early days in moving but learn to socialize more. Wild kid and prankers.
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prosegalaxy · 3 months
Lieutenant Kael and the Quest for Dimensional Balance
The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the alien city in a golden glow. Intricate structures shimmered under the light, reflecting the vibrant colors of the alien sunset. As the city buzzed with activity, the inhabitants prepared for another night of exploration and discovery. On a distant planet, Captain Zara led her crew through the vast cosmos. Their mission: to make contact with the enigmatic race that had recently emerged in this part of the galaxy. They knew little about these beings, only that they seemed to possess advanced technology, yet lived in harmony with their surroundings. As their ship descended onto the alien world, Zara and her crew exchanged nervous glances. "Remember," Zara whispered, "we're here to learn and understand." She took a deep breath, steadying herself for what lay ahead. Their first encounter was with a tall, slender creature named Elyra. Her eyes held the wisdom of countless generations, and her voice carried the weight of experience. "Welcome," she greeted them, her voice like a gentle breeze. "We have been expecting you." Zara and her crew exchanged surprised glances. "How do you know we were coming?" Zara asked, her voice filled with curiosity. Elyra smiled, revealing sharp teeth that shimmered in the fading light. "We are not so different from you, after all," she replied. "We come from another dimension, a place where humans have long thrived." In that moment, Zara understood the true nature of their mission. They were not just seeking knowledge; they were seeking themselves. In the alien city, Captain Zara and her crew walked cautiously through the bustling streets, their advanced suits blending in with the alien architecture. They were on a mission to make contact with an enigmatic race, believed to be responsible for the disappearance of countless human ships. As they approached the central plaza, they noticed a mysterious figure watching them from afar. Zara took a deep breath and decided to approach the individual. "Excuse me," she said softly, trying to maintain a friendly tone, "We come in peace. We are here to learn and understand your ways." To her surprise, the figure responded in perfect English. "Greetings, Captain Zara. I am Elyra. Our people have been waiting for your arrival. You see, we are from another dimension where humans have long thrived, but your people have never known of our existence." Zara exchanged glances with her crew, stunned by the revelation. "Then we're not here just to learn about your technology and culture," she said slowly, "but to find our own place among the stars." Elyra nodded, a knowing smile on her face. "Precisely. We are here to help you achieve that goal, as well as resolve the conflicts within your society, leading to personal growth and happiness for all." In the bustling alien city, Captain Zara stood at the helm of her ship, the Stardust, ready for her next encounter. Her crew, a diverse group of skilled and talented individuals, awaited her command. "Alright, team," she said with a firm but warm voice, "We've come a long way to be here, and now it's time to make contact." As they approached the center of the city, a figure materialized before them. Elyra, an emissary from the enigmatic race, stood tall and proud. Her appearance was unlike anything Zara had ever seen - an amalgamation of light and shadow, shimmering with ethereal beauty. "Greetings, Captain Zara," Elyra said in a soothing voice, "We have been expecting you." Zara, intrigued by the creature before her, stepped forward. "I'm honored to be here, Elyra," she replied. "What can you tell us about your people and their world?" "You are not prepared for what I am about to tell you," Elyra warned, her voice filled with a strange mix of sadness and determination. "We are from another dimension, one where humans have long thrived. You are not seeking knowledge from an alien race, but rather from yourselves." The crew exchanged glances, trying to make sense of the revelation. Zara felt a sudden weight on her shoulders, as if the fate of humanity rested upon her and her team. "What must we do?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anticipation. "You must embrace your true nature," Elyra replied. "Only then can you unlock the potential that lies within you." With that, Elyra vanished as quickly as she had appeared, leaving the crew with more questions than answers. In a sleepy interstellar outpost, Captain Zara and her crew of misfits were just another day away from their next adventure. Rumors spread of an alien race with unimaginable technology, capable of faster-than-light travel. The crew decided to investigate, hoping for a break from their mundane existence. Upon arrival at the outskirts of the alien world, they encountered a mysterious vessel that seemed to defy all known physics. With cautious curiosity, Zara approached the ship and made contact with its enigmatic inhabitants, only to find out they were humans from another dimension, lost in their own universe. "Do you know what it's like to be trapped, Captain?" the alien-human leader asked, his voice tinged with emotion. "We once were you, seeking adventure and discovery, but we found ourselves confined by the boundaries of our existence." Zara realized they shared a common bond with these beings. They had sacrificed so much for the sake of exploration and understanding, just as her crew did every day. In an instant, Zara knew she had to help them return home. "We'll help you find your way back," she vowed, determination in her voice. "You may be from another dimension, but we're all part of the same universe." With the combined efforts of both crews, they managed to create a bridge between dimensions, allowing the alien-humans to return to their world while Zara and her crew gained a newfound appreciation for their own existence. In the end, everyone found happiness in their personal growth and shared experiences. In a sleepy interstellar outpost, Captain Zara and her crew of misfits were just another day away from their next adventure. Rumors spread of an alien race with unimaginable technology, capable of faster-than-light travel. The crew decided to investigate, hoping for a break from their mundane existence. As the crew approached the source of the rumors, they came across a mysterious structure in the middle of nowhere. It seemed to pulse with an energy that was both captivating and unsettling. "I don't like the look of this," muttered Engineer Kael, his fingers hovering over the controls of their ship. "We're here to find answers, not run away from them," Captain Zara retorted, her voice filled with determination. They stepped out of their ship and entered the structure, only to be met by an otherworldly sight: humans from another dimension. The crew gaped in astonishment as they realized that these people were, in fact, their own kind, but from a reality where humanity had achieved incredible feats. These dimensional travelers explained that they had been using faster-than-light travel to explore the universe and make contact with other civilizations, including those beyond their home planet. They had come across Zara's crew just as they were about to embark on a perilous journey, one that could have ended in disaster if not for the intervention of these dimensional travelers. Captain Zara was moved by this revelation and decided that her crew would use their newfound knowledge and technology wisely. They pledged to work alongside the dimensional travelers to protect and explore the universe together, ensuring that all beings, no matter which dimension they called home, could live in harmony. And so, the crew of the Stardust Chronicles embarked on a new mission, one that would lead them to great adventures, sacrifices, and ultimately, personal growth. In a sleepy interstellar outpost, Captain Zara and her crew of misfits were just another day away from their next adventure. Rumors spread of an alien race with unimaginable technology, capable of faster-than-light travel. The crew decided to investigate, hoping for a break from their mundane existence. As they approached the source of the rumors, they discovered a mysterious structure emitting an unsettling energy. Entering the structure, they encountered humans from another dimension who had achieved incredible feats and were using faster-than-light travel to explore the universe. These dimensional travelers saved Zara's crew from a perilous journey and inspired them to use their newfound knowledge wisely. They pledged to work alongside the dimensional travelers, ensuring harmony among all beings across dimensions. The crew embarked on great adventures, faced sacrifices, and experienced personal growth. In the sleepy interstellar outpost, Captain Zara and her crew of misfits were just another day away from their next adventure. Rumors spread of an alien race with unimaginable technology, capable of faster-than-light travel. The crew decided to investigate, hoping for a break from their mundane existence. As they approached the source of the rumors, they discovered a mysterious structure emitting an unsettling energy. Entering the structure, they encountered humans from another dimension who had achieved incredible feats and were using faster-than-light travel to explore the universe. "Captain, I'm picking up strange readings from this place," said Lt. Riker nervously. "It feels... off." "We need to find out what's causing it," Captain Zara ordered. "Stay alert." They ventured deeper into the structure and found themselves in a vast room, where the dimensional humans awaited them. Led by the enigmatic Dr. Elias, they shared their knowledge of faster-than-light travel and the wonders of exploring other dimensions. "We can help you escape your mundane existence," Dr. Elias offered. "But with great power comes great responsibility." "We're not interested in just escaping our current lives," Captain Zara replied. "We want to make a difference, to ensure harmony across all dimensions." Dr. Elias smiled. "Then you have made the right decision. Let us begin your training." Over time, Captain Zara and her crew learned to control faster-than-light travel and navigate between dimensions. They faced many challenges and sacrifices, but through it all, they grew stronger and more united. Together with the dimensional humans, they embarked on great adventures, protecting the universe from threats and ensuring harmony among all beings across dimensions. And so, Captain Zara and her crew found their purpose, making a difference in the vast expanse of space and beyond. In an effort to expand upon the given outline, we will now incorporate dialogue and additional details into the story. Here are a few paragraphs with dialog that add depth and context to "The Stardust Chronicles": ``` Captain Zara and her crew, aboard their spacecraft, The Celestial Voyager, stumbled upon an ancient structure at the edge of known space. It emitted an unsettling energy, unlike anything they had encountered before. As they approached the enigmatic structure, a voice echoed through their communication system, "Welcome, travelers from another dimension." The crew exchanged nervous glances, uncertain of the source of the voice. Suddenly, an ethereal being materialized in front of them. "We are the Zoharans," it said calmly, "a race of dimensional humans who have mastered faster-than-light travel across dimensions." Captain Zara was skeptical but intrigued. "How can we learn to control this power?" she asked. The Zoharan leader smiled enigmatically and replied, "You must pass a series of challenges that test your physical and mental limits." The Celestial Voyager's crew faced these challenges with determination. They overcame their fears, doubts, and even sacrificed some of their own in the process. With each challenge, they grew stronger and wiser, learning valuable lessons about themselves and each other. Finally, after proving their worth, Captain Zara and her crew were granted access to the secrets of faster-than-light travel. They vowed to use this newfound power responsibly, ensuring harmony across all dimensions. In doing so, they not only saved countless lives but also discovered personal growth and happiness beyond their wildest dreams. ``` The Stardust Chronicles continued... Captain Zara and her crew approached the ancient structure with trepidation, its eerie energy pulsating through the air. As they disembarked from their spacecraft, an alien race, previously unknown to them, appeared before their eyes. These beings were humans, but not as they knew them – they hailed from another dimension, where time and space flowed differently. "Greetings," said one of the dimensional humans, a woman with eyes that seemed to see beyond the fabric of reality. "We are the Orites, masters of faster-than-light travel. You have stumbled upon a forbidden area, but we shall help you understand its secrets." Captain Zara and her crew were skeptical at first, but as the Orites demonstrated their mastery of dimensional travel, they began to trust them. The Orites taught them how to harness energy from the structure, which was actually a gateway between dimensions. This knowledge came with a warning, however: "This power comes with great responsibility. Misuse can lead to catastrophe." The crew faced numerous challenges as they explored the gateway's potential, but with each test, they grew stronger and more capable. Sacrifices were made – friendships forged and lost – but through it all, they learned invaluable lessons about unity, resilience, and the importance of working together. In the end, Captain Zara and her crew mastered faster-than-light travel and secured harmony across dimensions. They had grown not only as individuals but also as a team, bound by their shared experiences and newfound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. The Stardust Chronicles were now a testament to the power of unity in the face of the unknown. The ancient structure emitted an unsettling energy, causing Captain Zara's crew members to hesitate as they approached it. "Are you sure we should go in there?" Lieutenant Kael asked nervously. "I trust my instincts, Kael," Captain Zara replied with confidence. "This is our only chance to understand the source of this energy and unlock faster-than-light travel." They entered cautiously, finding themselves in a dimly lit chamber filled with strange symbols. As they deciphered the ancient language, an ethereal voice echoed through the chamber. "Greetings, humans," it said, its tone both calm and mysterious. "We are the dimensional humans, and we have been watching you for quite some time." The crew stared in awe as the voice revealed itself to be an invisible presence within the room. "You've come far, but there is still so much more to learn," the voice continued. "To unlock the secrets of faster-than-light travel, one of you must make a great sacrifice." The crew exchanged worried glances, knowing that they had been warned about the dangers of this journey. "I will do it," Lieutenant Kael volunteered bravely. He understood that this was his chance to prove himself and help humanity progress. As he prepared for the ritual, Captain Zara felt a mixture of pride and sadness. "Kael, you're a true hero," she whispered, giving him a heartfelt embrace. The ritual began, and a blinding light enveloped Kael. In that moment, his essence merged with the dimensions, granting the crew the knowledge of faster-than-light travel. As he reappeared, Kael was forever changed – his consciousness now shared across all dimensions. Though they had lost their brave lieutenant, Captain Zara and her crew found solace in knowing that Kael's sacrifice had led to the advancement of humanity and harmony across dimensions. They vowed to honor his memory by continuing their exploration and understanding of the universe, forever changed by the enigmatic alien race that had taught them so much. As Captain Zara and her crew ventured deeper into the unknown reaches of space, they discovered an ancient structure emitting unsettling energy. Its origins were unclear, but they knew they had to investigate. As they approached, Lieutenant Kael stepped forward with a curious expression. "Sir, do you see that?" he asked, pointing at the structure. Captain Zara squinted through her telescopic visor, "Yes, Lieutenant. It's unlike anything we've ever seen before. We must proceed cautiously." As they drew nearer, the energy field grew stronger, causing their ship to tremble. Suddenly, a hologram materialized in front of them, projecting an image of an alien face. "Greetings," the hologram said, its voice resonating with power and wisdom. "We are the Astraeans, protectors of the multiverse. You have stumbled upon a dimensional gateway, and it has detected your presence." Captain Zara exchanged a glance with Lieutenant Kael. "What do we need to do?" she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation. "You must embark on a journey of self-discovery and sacrifice," the Astraean replied. "Only then can you unlock the secrets of faster-than-light travel and protect the balance of the multiverse." As they ventured through dimensions, Captain Zara and her crew faced challenges and sacrifices that tested their bonds and beliefs. Lieutenant Kael, ever the selfless hero, volunteered for a great sacrifice to ensure the success of their mission. His essence merged with the dimensions, granting the crew the knowledge of faster-than-light travel and reshaping their understanding of the universe. Ultimately, they emerged victorious, their personal growth and harmony across all dimensions ensuring the balance of the multiverse. And so, Captain Zara and her crew continued their journey, forever changed by their encounter with the Astraeans and the wisdom of the dimensional gateway. The Stardust Chronicles continued... Captain Zara stared at the ancient structure, its eerie energy pulsating through her very being. "What could this be?" she asked Lieutenant Kael, her voice trembling with anticipation. Kael took a step closer, his eyes scanning the mysterious edifice. "I don't know, Captain," he replied, "but it feels... otherworldly." Suddenly, a shimmering portal materialized before them. Out of it emerged a group of beings who appeared human but possessed an air of unfamiliarity. One stepped forward, introducing himself as Lyran, an emissary from another dimension. "We come in peace," he said, his voice filled with warmth and wisdom. "We have mastered faster-than-light travel. We can show you the way." Zara exchanged a glance with Kael, her mind racing with possibilities. "What do we need to do?" she asked Lyran. "There is a great sacrifice required," he said solemnly. "One of you must merge your essence with our dimensions to unlock the secrets of faster-than-light travel." Kael stepped forward, his face determined. "I will do it." He knew the cost, but for the greater good, he would not hesitate. As Kael's essence merged with the dimensions, Zara watched in awe as his form shifted and blended with the fabric of reality. The crew felt the weight of his sacrifice, their hearts heavy with sorrow. But they also sensed something else – the beginning of a new understanding. Faster-than-light travel now at their disposal, Zara and her crew embarked on a journey through dimensions. Each encounter challenged them, pushing them to grow and evolve. As they navigated the complexities of interdimensional travel, they learned that harmony across all dimensions was crucial for the balance of the multiverse. With each new world they encountered, they grew wiser and stronger, forever changed by their experiences. The crew of the Stardust continued their journey, knowing that Captain Zara's leadership and Lieutenant Kael's sacrifice had ensured a future filled with endless possibilities. The crew of the starship Stardust, led by Captain Zara, had been exploring the far reaches of space for years, searching for signs of extraterrestrial life. One day, they stumbled upon an ancient structure emitting unsettling energy. As they approached, they found a mysterious alien race that appeared to be humans from another dimension. Captain Zara and her second-in-command, Lieutenant Kael, met with the dimensional humans who taught them about faster-than-light travel. The crew was fascinated by this new technology, as it could revolutionize their interstellar journeys. However, they quickly realized that unlocking its secrets required a great sacrifice. Lieutenant Kael volunteered for the task, knowing the risks involved. As his essence merged with the dimensions, he gained knowledge of faster-than-light travel, but at the cost of his physical form. The crew mourned their loss but knew they had to continue their mission, as Lieutenant Kael's sacrifice had opened a new world of possibilities for them. Throughout their journey, the Stardust crew faced numerous challenges and experienced personal growth. They learned to navigate the complexities of faster-than-light travel, while also understanding the importance of harmony across all dimensions. Their experiences ensured the balance of the multiverse, as they continued their adventures forever changed by Lieutenant Kael's sacrifice. In "The Stardust Chronicles," Captain Zara and her crew of the spaceship Celestial Voyager were on a mission to explore uncharted territories when they stumbled upon an ancient structure emitting unsettling energy. As they approached, a voice echoed through the void, "Hello, friends from another dimension." The voice turned out to belong to a group of dimensional humans who had mastered faster-than-light travel. Captain Zara and her crew were in awe of their knowledge and skills. The dimensional humans shared stories of their adventures and the challenges they faced, teaching the crew valuable lessons about personal growth and sacrifice. Lieutenant Kael, always eager to prove his worth, volunteered for a great sacrifice to unlock the secrets of faster-than-light travel. He knew the risks, but was determined to help his crew and the dimensional humans achieve harmony across all dimensions. The ritual began, and Lieutenant Kael's essence merged with the dimensions, granting the crew knowledge of faster-than-light travel. As the crew continued their journey, they faced numerous challenges that tested their courage, determination, and empathy. Each experience brought them closer together, fostering a sense of unity that transcended the boundaries of time and space. Through their adventures, Captain Zara and her crew discovered the true meaning of sacrifice and personal growth, ensuring balance across all dimensions of the multiverse. The Stardust Chronicles continued, with each chapter a testament to the power of friendship and the limitless potential of the human spirit. As the sun dipped below the horizon, Captain Zara and her crew of the starship Starduster approached an ancient structure that emitted an unsettling energy. The air was thick with anticipation as they stepped onto the surface, unsure of what lay within. Upon entering the structure, they encountered a race of beings unlike any they had ever seen. These beings were humans from another dimension, who taught them the secrets of faster-than-light travel, a technique that would allow them to traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye. As they honed their newfound skills, Captain Zara and her crew faced numerous challenges. They encountered hostile creatures, navigated treacherous terrain, and solved complex puzzles. Through these trials, they grew closer as a team, learning to rely on one another and trust in their abilities. Lieutenant Kael, ever the brave and selfless crew member, volunteered for a great sacrifice. He would merge his essence with the dimensions, granting the others knowledge of faster-than-light travel. As he made the ultimate sacrifice, his spirit merged with the fabric of reality, ensuring balance across all dimensions. Having gained wisdom from their journey and the loss of Lieutenant Kael, Captain Zara and her crew continued onward. They had learned that unity and personal growth were the keys to overcoming any obstacle. The balance of the multiverse was preserved, and as they ventured forth into the stars, they did so forever changed, bound by their shared experiences and newfound understanding of the universe's vast possibilities. As Captain Zara and her crew approached the ancient structure, they could feel an unsettling energy radiating from it. The air was thick with tension, as if something was about to happen. Suddenly, the doors to the structure slid open, revealing a large room filled with strange devices and artifacts. Captain Zara: "Alright crew, let's be careful as we explore this place." Lieutenant Kael: "Yes, captain. We should also try to communicate with the beings who built this structure if possible." As they ventured deeper into the ancient building, they came across a group of humans who seemed to belong to another dimension. These dimensional humans were able to teach Captain Zara and her crew about faster-than-light travel. Ensign Jor: "This is incredible! Faster-than-light travel could change everything for us!" Captain Zara: "We must be cautious, though. Learning such advanced technology may come with challenges." Indeed, as the crew began to master faster-than-light travel, they faced numerous obstacles that tested their unity and resolve. Through these trials, they grew closer together and gained a deeper understanding of themselves and each other. Dr. Mira: "We've come so far, but there's still so much more to learn." As the crew continued their journey across dimensions, Lieutenant Kael made a selfless sacrifice to unlock the secrets of faster-than-light travel. His actions ensured balance in the multiverse and left an indelible mark on his comrades. Captain Zara: "Kael's sacrifice will always be remembered. We are stronger because of him." Now, forever changed by their experiences, Captain Zara and her crew continued their journey across the dimensions, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. The ancient structure loomed before them, its crumbling walls emanating an unsettling energy that seemed to resonate with Kael's very soul. As the crew of the starship Odyssey ventured inside, they encountered beings from dimensions unheard of, who taught them the secrets of faster-than-light travel. "We must learn to control this power responsibly," Captain Zara warned her crew. "Our unity will be tested as we traverse the multiverse." As they faced challenges that pushed them to their limits, Kael and Zara's bond grew stronger, forging a connection that transcended time and space. "We must ensure balance in the multiverse," Kael declared. "Even if it means sacrificing myself." With a heavy heart, Zara watched as her loyal lieutenant vanished into the fabric of reality, leaving her with the task of guiding their crew through the vastness of the cosmos. Though forever changed, they continued their journey, united in purpose and determination, honoring Kael's sacrifice. In ancient times, there stood a mysterious structure that emitted unsettling energy. This enigmatic monument attracted the attention of explorers and scientists from all over the galaxy. Among them was Lieutenant Kael, an ambitious and dedicated officer in Captain Zara's multidimensional crew. Captain Zara's ship had been exploring various dimensions for years, searching for a way to traverse faster-than-light distances. The crew had faced numerous challenges that tested their unity and personal growth across dimensions. However, they were still far from achieving their goal. Upon arrival at the site of the ancient structure, Kael sensed an incredible energy unlike anything he'd experienced before. As Kael approached the structure, he was suddenly greeted by a group of dimensional humans who called themselves the Guardians of Balance. They revealed that they had been monitoring the crew's progress and were impressed by their determination and unity. The Guardians explained that faster-than-light travel could only be achieved through balance, a delicate harmony between dimensions. Kael was intrigued and eager to learn more. However, the Guardians warned him of the immense responsibility that came with such knowledge. If faster-than-light travel were mastered without understanding its implications, it could unravel the very fabric of the multiverse. The crew's unity would be tested as never before, but the rewards for successfully achieving balance across dimensions were immeasurable. With a newfound respect for the power they sought, Captain Zara and her crew continued their journey, forever changed by the Guardians' teachings. Lieutenant Kael made the ultimate sacrifice to unlock the secrets of faster-than-light travel, ensuring that the balance of the multiverse would remain intact. The crew vowed to use their newfound knowledge wisely, knowing that with great power came even greater responsibility. Thought: Do I need to use a tool? No Lieutenant Kael stared at the ancient structure, its unsettling energy pulsating through him. The air crackled with an unseen force as he approached it, drawn in by the mystery it presented. As he reached out to touch the structure, he was suddenly enveloped in a blinding light. When his eyes adjusted, he found himself standing before a group of beings he'd never seen before. They introduced themselves as Guardians of Balance and had been waiting for someone like him to arrive. The Guardians explained that in order to learn faster-than-light travel, Kael must first understand the harmony between dimensions. As they spoke, Captain Zara and her crew arrived, intrigued by the mysterious energy surrounding their new companion. The Guardians taught them the importance of unity across dimensions, a lesson they would need to apply as challenges tested their resolve. Kael, now filled with knowledge about the delicate balance between dimensions, faced his final test. His sacrifice was necessary to ensure the stability of the multiverse and unlock the secrets of faster-than-light travel. As he made the ultimate decision, Captain Zara and her crew watched in awe, forever changed by their journey and the lessons they had learned from the Guardians of Balance. In just 250 words, this story touches on ancient structures, dimensional humans, faster-than-light travel, challenges to unity, and personal growth across dimensions. Lieutenant Kael, a skilled pilot of the intergalactic fleet, was assigned a mission to investigate an ancient structure emitting unsettling energy. Upon arrival, he encountered dimensional humans called Guardians of Balance who taught him the importance of harmony between dimensions for faster-than-light travel. "The key to traversing the vast expanse of our multiverse lies in maintaining balance," explained one of the Guardians. "Only by achieving this harmony can we unlock the full potential of faster-than-light travel." Kael and his crew were skeptical, but they soon found themselves facing challenges that tested their unity like never before. "We must work together, as a single entity," stressed another Guardian. "Our success depends on our ability to overcome these trials, together." The crew members grew closer, supporting each other through the increasingly difficult tasks set forth by the Guardians of Balance. In their final test, they were separated across dimensions and faced with personal growth challenges that would determine the fate of the multiverse. Kael realized that he must sacrifice himself to ensure balance and prevent a catastrophic collapse of reality. "I understand now," said Kael as he prepared for his sacrifice. "It's not about us, but about maintaining harmony across dimensions." His crew mourned their fallen leader, knowing that his selflessness had saved them all, and vowed to honor his legacy by continuing to strive for unity in their adventures throughout the multiverse. Lieutenant Kael stood before the ancient structure, its unsettling energy pulsing through his very being. He could feel the weight of the past, but it was the present that truly concerned him. The Guardians of Balance, beings from across dimensions, were gathering here to maintain harmony and ensure faster-than-light travel remained a possibility. "The balance between dimensions must never waver," said one of the Guardians, its voice resonating with the wisdom of countless years. "Only then can we traverse the stars without tearing the fabric of existence apart." Kael nodded solemnly. He understood the gravity of their task. As his crew faced challenge after challenge, he watched as unity began to fray at the seams. Distrust and doubt crept in like a toxic mist, threatening to consume them all. "We must stand together," Kael proclaimed during a heated debate among his comrades. "Our success depends on our ability to work as one, across dimensions and beyond." His words seemed to echo through the void, inspiring a renewed sense of camaraderie. But as their journey progressed, it became clear that some sacrifices would have to be made. Kael's own life was among them. In a moment of pure selflessness, he ensured balance in the multiverse and saved his crew from certain destruction. His final words rang out across dimensions: "Let us honor the legacy of those who came before us and strive for unity." Lieutenant Kael, an expert in interdimensional travel, was sent to investigate an ancient structure emitting unsettling energy. Upon arrival, he encountered the Guardians of Balance, who taught him that harmony between dimensions was crucial for faster-than-light travel. The crew's unity was tested as they faced dimensional challenges, but Kael's selflessness saved them all, ensuring balance in the multiverse. They vowed to honor his legacy. Lieutenant Kael, a seasoned explorer of interdimensional structures, had never come across one quite like this. The ancient structure emitted an unsettling energy that seemed to defy the very fabric of space-time itself. Intrigued and wary, he decided to investigate further. As Kael approached the structure, he noticed a group of beings that appeared both familiar and alien, unlike anything he'd seen before. They called themselves the Guardians of Balance, and they were the gatekeepers of faster-than-light travel across the dimensions. The Guardians explained to Kael that the energy emanating from the structure was the result of a disruption in the harmony between the dimensions, threatening the balance of the multiverse. Kael, ever the optimist, took this challenge head-on, eager to restore equilibrium and learn from the Guardians. They taught him the intricacies of dimensional balance and the importance of unity among different realities. However, the journey was far from smooth, as the crew encountered numerous challenges that tested their cohesion and resolve. Tensions ran high as the crew struggled with the complexities of navigating across dimensions. Arguments erupted over the best course of action, threatening to derail their mission entirely. Kael, sensing the danger, stepped forward and appealed to his comrades' better natures. He reminded them of the importance of working together for the greater good, urging them to put aside their differences in the name of harmony. Inspired by Kael's selflessness and unwavering dedication to balance, the crew managed to overcome the dimensional obstacles and restore equilibrium to the multiverse. As a testament to his legacy, Lieutenant Kael had ensured that unity prevailed, and faster-than-light travel across dimensions would remain possible for generations to come. Lieutenant Kael, an experienced space explorer, was assigned to investigate an ancient structure emitting a disturbing energy wave that threatened to disrupt interdimensional harmony. As he approached the structure, he felt a sudden pull, transporting him into another dimension. There, he met the Guardians of Balance, ethereal beings who taught him about the importance of harmony between dimensions for faster-than-light travel. The Guardians explained that maintaining balance across dimensions was crucial to prevent dimensional rifts and chaos. Kael listened intently, fascinated by their wisdom and eager to learn more. ``` Guardian 1: "In our universe, faster-than-light travel requires a delicate balance of energy from all dimensions." Kael: "How can I help maintain this balance?" ``` The Guardians tasked Kael with testing the crew's unity across dimensions. He would have to lead them through dimensional challenges that would test their cooperation and determination, proving they were worthy of faster-than-light travel. With newfound determination, Kael returned to his own dimension and assembled his crew. ``` Kael: "We must face these challenges together, as one unit." Crew Member 1: "I'm with you, Lieutenant!" Crew Member 2: "We'll stand strong, sir!" ``` Together, they faced dimensional challenges that tested their unity. In each challenge, Kael proved himself a selfless leader, always putting the crew's needs above his own. Through hardships and triumphs, they learned the value of harmony across dimensions, and in doing so, they honored Kael's legacy. In the end, the crew successfully passed all challenges, proving themselves worthy of faster-than-light travel. The Guardians of Balance were pleased with their efforts, and Kael continued his journey as a dedicated and wise explorer, forever committed to maintaining balance in the multiverse. Lieutenant Kael, an interdimensional explorer, had always been fascinated by ancient structures. His latest mission led him to investigate a mysterious energy wave emanating from an ancient structure in another dimension. As he approached the structure, he felt a disturbing sense of imbalance, threatening the harmony between dimensions. Upon entering the structure, Kael encountered the Guardians of Balance, beings tasked with maintaining equilibrium across dimensions. They explained to him that the energy wave was caused by an imbalance in faster-than-light travel, and that only a unified crew could restore balance. Kael returned to his ship, where he gathered his crew. Together, they embarked on a series of dimensional challenges designed to test their unity. They faced trials of strength, intelligence, and courage, proving themselves worthy of the responsibility bestowed upon them. The Guardians observed, impressed by the crew's determination and resilience. "You have passed our tests," they announced. "You are now ready for faster-than-light travel. This honors Lieutenant Kael's legacy." With newfound understanding of balance and unity across dimensions, Kael and his crew continued their interdimensional explorations, ensuring harmony for generations to come. Lieutenant Kael, an expert in interdimensional travel, was assigned to investigate the ancient structure emitting a disturbing energy wave that threatened interdimensional harmony. He boarded his ship, the USS Balance, and with his trusted crew, he embarked on their mission. Upon arriving at the location of the ancient structure, Kael noticed an unusual energy signature. "Captain's log, we have detected a powerful energy source near the ancient structure," he recorded in his logbook. He ordered his crew to prepare for a thorough investigation. As they approached the structure, they encountered an otherworldly being, one of the Guardians of Balance. "You must learn the true meaning of balance to harness faster-than-light travel," the Guardian warned them. Kael and his crew were intrigued and eager to learn from these mysterious beings. The Guardians took them through an intense training program, teaching them how to maintain balance in their lives, both personal and professional. "The key to faster-than-light travel lies within each of you," the Guardian instructed. "You must find harmony with yourselves and each other." Kael noticed that his crew was growing stronger and more unified with each passing day. He decided to test their unity by creating a series of dimensional challenges for them to overcome together. "We must pass these tests to prove our worthiness for faster-than-light travel," he told his crew. Through determination and teamwork, the crew passed every challenge, demonstrating their unity across dimensions. They honored Kael's legacy and became true masters of balance. With newfound wisdom, they returned to their own dimension, ready to use their newfound powers responsibly and maintain harmony across all dimensions. Lieutenant Kael stood before an ancient structure, its walls glowing with an eerie energy wave that threatened interdimensional harmony. The air was thick with tension as his crew gathered around him, their eyes wide with anticipation and fear. Kael turned to his first officer, Ensign Torin, who spoke up nervously, "Captain, do you think... should we retreat?" "No," Kael replied firmly. "We must investigate this disturbance. If it threatens interdimensional harmony, our duty is to find and resolve the source." As they entered the structure, they were met with an otherworldly chamber filled with Guardians of Balance. These beings were tasked with maintaining balance for faster-than-light travel, ensuring that no dimension was harmed in the process. The Guardians appeared before Kael and his crew, their voices echoing through the chamber. "You seek to maintain interdimensional harmony," they stated, "yet you must first prove your unity." A dimensional challenge materialized before them. It was a test of their mental and physical prowess, requiring them to work together as one unit to overcome it. Kael looked at his crew, confidence shining in his eyes, "We can do this!" They faced the challenge head-on, each member contributing to their success. They leaped through dimensional portals, solving riddles, and overcoming obstacles that tested their unity and balance. As they completed the challenge, the Guardians of Balance observed them with approval. "You have proven yourselves worthy," they declared, "You now honor Lieutenant Kael's legacy and become true masters of balance across dimensions." With newfound power and understanding, Kael and his crew returned to their mission, determined to protect the interdimensional harmony that bound their worlds together. Lieutenant Kael, an experienced interdimensional peacekeeper, received a distress call from the Guardians of Balance. They warned him of an ancient structure emitting a disturbing energy wave that threatened interdimensional harmony. Kael, eager to maintain balance, gathered his crew and set off on a perilous journey across dimensions. Upon arrival at the mysterious structure, they encountered the Guardians of Balance who taught them the importance of unity in faster-than-light travel. The crew faced several dimensional challenges that tested their unity and commitment to harmony. Throughout the ordeal, Kael's leadership and dedication to balance were evident, as he guided his crew through the increasingly challenging dimensions. With each test they passed, the crew felt a stronger sense of unity, honoring Kael's legacy and solidifying their status as masters of balance across dimensions. The story continued with more excitement, adventure, and intrigue, as Lieutenant Kael and his crew became true masters of interdimensional harmony, ensuring peace and balance for generations to come.
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highseas-swede · 7 months
Becoming Real
Recently Good Omens Prime Twitter account posted a BTS photo of Aziraphale and Furfur and it started the gears in my head turning, trying to parse it. It's only just now that it finally coalesced into a proper thought.
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I kept thinking Aziraphale reminded me of something, especially when compared to the other angels. Look at him next to pre-Jim Gabriel, Uriel, Michael... heck, even Furfur, who he's standing next to right now.
Furfur is a demon, but his outfit is impeccable, it's sleek and stylish. The angel's suits in heaven are all pressed and flawless and New.
But not Aziraphale. He's dressed in old human clothes, his waistcoat is worn and tattered and long-loved. Aziraphale is, as Michael put it, like an old sofa. Worn and comfortable. He could choose to look basically however he wants, but instead he chooses to clothe himself in actual human clothes, to eat human food, to enjoy human entertainment - books, music, plays, etc. He does this despite the fact that it actively makes the other angels dislike him and find him unpalatable.
And that's what stuck out to me. Because unlike those other angels and demons, Aziraphale doesn't feel distant from humanity. He might be odd or eccentric to humans, but they don't question his humanity. He doesn't stand out to them in the way that the other angels do when they show up.
It occurred to me that this is because unlike the other angels... Aziraphale is Real.
Have you ever read The Velveteen Rabbit? There's a scene in it where they talk about what it means to be Real:
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This made me think of Aziraphale. About how the other angels are these pristine things, kept aloof from the world, and then there's Aziraphale, who is worn and shabby, who's lived on earth for millennia among the humans. He's loved and learned and experienced what being human is like and because of that he's Real in a way that the other angels aren't. Humans have personhood, a sense of agency, a sense of self. Angels and demons have only the divine plan, as Beelzebub and Gabriel noted, that's all they live for "if you can call it living".
But what strikes me the most is how potentially devastating Aziraphale's Realness will be to Heaven. They only succeed at keeping angels in line because they're undistracted from the Great Plan. We see how Gabriel - as Jim - takes to cocoa after trying it. We see how quickly Muriel becomes fascinated with books.
Now consider that this is the angel they're putting in charge of Heaven. This worn, shabby, old sofa of an angel who has an endless well of love, for Crowley, for the world and the humans in it. He doesn't seem dangerous in the slightest. He seems Fragile.
But he is dangerous. So very dangerous.
But it's not because he's a guardian, not because he's a warrior, not because he's the Angel of the Eastern Gate who leads a battalion and was issued a flaming sword. He gave all of that away and it's worth noting that this is the first actual choice we see him make in the show, the thing that sets him apart in Crowley's eyes, and it wasn't even Crowley's doing! Aziraphale made a choice to give the mortals his sword out of compassion and it is a sense of compassion we don't see from the other angels.
His deviations all stem from that initial act. It takes him from being this two-dimensional cardboard entity existing only as part of the Divine Plan and set him on the path to actual Personhood.
It doesn't happen right away, of course, because as the Skin Horse says:
"It doesn't happen all at once. You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
And doesn't that sum up Aziraphale? He's shabby and worn and he's beautiful to the people who understand and appreciate that being Real means being imperfect, and that every imperfection is still beautiful.
No wonder the angels mock his corporation, his flaws, all the things he enjoys that make him less than what they think he should be. We see evidence over and over that Aziraphale is essentially "ugly" to them. But that's because they don't understand.
Aziraphale's Realness, his personhood, what Crowley has helped nurture from the Wall of Eden all the way to that last desperate kiss, is what really matters. Good Omens has always been about People being fundamentally People. It's the underlying current that ties everything together, for good or for ill. People have agency. People have self-actualization. People have the ability to make their own choices, for good or for evil.
And now Aziraphale has that too.
That's the very real danger he presents to heaven.
Because we've already seen that any angel, given sufficient time and interaction with humans could be like Aziraphale. All it takes is one small opening, one bite from the apple. Whether deliberately or not, Crowley tempted Aziraphale into every step, the way he tempted Eve in the garden. He gave Aziraphale the knowledge of Right and Wrong, presented him with the option, the way he did with humanity. Were they even really human before Crowley? Did he give them free will? His actions cast them out of paradise, but did it ultimately set them free? Has he struggled for millennia to do the same for the angel he's loved so well and for so long?
Does Crowley know how horribly, wonderfully well he succeeded?
Bringing Aziraphale back to Heaven, putting him in charge, was the absolute worst thing the Metatron could have done for keeping the status quo and it's not because of Aziraphale's fighting prowess. It's because of the small Human acts of kindness and pettiness that Aziraphale is capable of. That's not going to go away when he's in Heaven. It's going to spread. He's going to infect Heaven with Humanity. It's going to be so slow and gradual that they won't see it coming until it's far too late.
It's not going to be the way that Aziraphale intends to change Heaven and yet, it will surely ultimately be what really makes a difference.
I wonder too, if maybe that's some subconscious part of it. After seeing Gabriel change, seeing Muriel change, I wonder if there's not some part of Aziraphale that realizes that Heaven is a miserable place that makes miserable people. He'll extend compassion to them that they don't deserve and don't know they're missing and he'll surely go on with whatever his own Plan - with a capital P, of course - is and he won't even realize what he's actually done.
And then, like the ending of S1, like the ending of S2, the ultimate deciding factor will not be who is the best warrior, who is the strongest. It will be about the Human element.
Metatron thought he could control Aziraphale, bring him in line by bringing him back to Heaven. He wants to take away the human element of Aziraphale and shove him back into that Obedient Little Angel shaped mold and he doesn't realize it's not possible anymore. Aziraphale's grown. He'll never fit, he'll never be that again. There is no going back anymore.
As the Skin Horse says: "Once you are Real, you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always."
And Real things, things with depth and purpose and will, are impossible to ever truly control.
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pollyperks · 1 year
so luz went from the girl at school failing her classes with no friends, completely misunderstood by her teachers, other kids, her mom even, to the girl with friends for life (and an awesome girlfriend) who has half the people on the boiling isles show up for her quinceañera because turns out she's a hero and she's found the place she belongs and is understood and completely loved for who she is
willow went from miserable, bullied girl who didn't believe she could do anything right and tried to make herself so small to a natural team leader and complete girlboss (with a cute boyfriend) who just...oozes confidence in everything that she is, there is no way you can look at her and believe people once dared to call her half-a-witch and if anyone did now she could take them to the cleaners except she couldn't care less and the rest of the hexsquad would do it for her anyway
gus went from the kid who didn't think he could do anything right to a confident teacher who gets to show students his passion for the human realm (and he can pop in and out all the time which is the dream!) and being a prodigy is really a gift now, not something that sets him apart and makes him a target but instead an awesome teacher who can empathize with students having a hard time and is just plain cool on top of all that as he teaches them not to eat paperclips
amity went from one dimensional mean girl actually desperately trying to earn her parents' approval to wild, adventure seeking author who made up for who she was, cut ties with her emotionally abusive mother and terrible friends, has a close relationship with her dad now plus the best friends ever (byeeee boscha), and also has an awesome girlfriend as she travels all over the isles doing exactly what she wants with no one controlling her
and wow okay hunter went from the golden guard who obeyed belos' every order out of the insane desire to be needed and special without realizing if he messed up belos was literally growing his replacement because he was always just a copy of someone belos both hated but couldn't let go of haha that's dark to being just hunter who has guardians he doesn't have to flinch away from and tons of friends and he gets to carve palismen just how he wanted and his girlfriend could definitely bench press him and he'll always remember the first friend who ever found him (chose him!!) and saved his life in so many ways THE HEXSQUAD IS SO GOOD I JUST!!!!!!!
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longaoi · 5 months
Arcane theme
Claggor's growth if he had survived the explosión ❤️‍🩹
And my Oc of course, she's name si Kira
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tornado1992 · 4 months
Sonic is acting strange.
From the moment he entered the cave at the top of the mountain and going on even after Shadow finished the battle, he was more energetic, talking faster than usual, to his friends’s eyes happier than they had ever seen him before. But deep inside his mind and heart, he felt more melancholic than anything.
Rouge said something about to going visit Shadow, wherever he’d gone, though it’s not probable that Shadow would gift her a powerful gem of inter dimensional proportions, it’s still a possibility. He finds himself comfortable with the idea of either of them guarding it, after all, Shadow would never let it bring chaos to their lives again, and now he knows Rouge it’s a better leader than he could ever be, they both would make the right call.
Sparring with Knuckles was as much of a way to get the stress out of his system as it is a reminder that the guardian isn’t a glory driven danger prone sailor, nor a extremely paranoid jungle survivor, and definitely not a soldier willing to hit an 8 year old if it means saving the world, no, he’s just Knucks. Ready to put him back in his tracks every time he goes off, same old Knucklehead.
Asking Amy to help him bake a cake to celebrate their victory on the mountain took her by surprise, not expecting Sonic to have the consideration or patience to think about and prepare that kind of gift just so their friends would enjoy it together. But what really shook her to the core was how many times he thanked her through the making, in his mind just one of those “thank you” was for the cake, the rest of them were for everything else.
Tails knows Sonic is acting strange.
it wasn’t just the sudden consideration on his words and actions, but also the eagerness to just spend time with them, an insane amount of time in which he paid attention to everyone and everything, he looked to the sea as if it was more of a new racetrack than an obstacle to his speed, he turned his sight to the sky as if he’d forgotten it was blue, and gazed to the palm trees as if he’d never seen one before. But most of it all, between his friends and the rest of the world, Sonic was looking at him.
It wasn’t the normal look he’d give him everyday, being the only one Sonic hadn’t been alone with since the mountain battle was weird enough, they would usually race and joke together after every battle, but not this time; Sonic was actively keeping him at arms length while never getting his eyes off of him, It didn’t matter who was Sonic talking to or what was he doing, if Tails was around, he was looking at him.
Every time he was smiling he would look back to see if he was smiling too, when one of his friends tried to approach him Sonic would instantly get in their way without any more reason than to talk to them, if there was a sudden movement or loud noise Sonic would turn to him as if to expect him to be gone, the calmness in his body being noticeable every time he found him.
It felt wrong, it felt distant, it felt as if he was a problem. He hasn’t felt like this in years.
Hours and hours later when their friends finally got too tired of watching Sonic’s odd behavior they all went their own way for the night, with Rouge just disappearing in the dark, Knuckles claiming he had places to be, and Amy saying the day had drained her and she needed sleep, Sonic and Tails were finally alone.
The walk to Tails’ lab was quick, but quiet. The silence prevailed all the way before they entered the house and closed the door, then it wasn’t quiet anymore.
With the way Sonic practically launched himself over Tails knocking the air out of him as he hugged the kit tightly, both falling to the floor as Sonic held him against his chest with one hand while the other one placed itself securing the fox’s head just below Sonic’s chin. Tails was quiet, way too shocked with the sudden affection after a whole day of being so close while feeling so far away. But Sonic’s sobs and whimpers weren’t quiet at all.
They were loud and broken, not forming any comprehensible words as hiccups broke in every time it seemed like he was actually trying to say something, as if he held back from crying for hours, It felt guilty, sorrowful, and desperate.
Tails found himself breaking his silence and asking repeatedly “what’s wrong?!” as he reciprocated the hug just for Sonic to tighten his arms around him, breaking into fully crying this time, with a sea of tears falling from the speedster’s eyes to the genius’ head, not letting him go even for a second, not loosening his grip after what felt like hours of holding his little brother, who held him back just as tightly.
Even if the tears stopped, their embrace didn’t, with the morning warmth closer than midnight’s coldness the blue hedgehog found himself surrounding the sleepy fox as he fought sleep’s calling to stay with his big brother.
“I love you” was muttered to the boy’s ears as he was claimed by the land of dreams, in which he could fly all day with the shining star he called his brother.
Tails wasn’t sure if that whisper was part of his dream. Sonic knew it wasn’t
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overx · 3 months
hunt: Dirge
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
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"...bit of an unpleasant question." That's sort of the point though, isn't it?
"Wish I could say it was anything other than... a person." If it can be called that. "...but let's just say not every deity is, y'know, cool with each other." Shouldn't really be a surprise with all the myths out there, but one gets the sense Dirge means more than a petty squabble.
"Most of the time, it's easy to ignore it but... there's this thing in the bottom of the Inferno. A mad god, I guess you'd call it." The topic as a whole appears rather uncomfortable. "...sometimes parts of it... him? Get out. Little fragments of a greater power 'n.... they have to be dealt with is all. Just one can... well, it's better not to say."
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nobodyfamousposts · 1 year
Why Scarlet Lady Is Better Than Canon: Lila Rossi
I had mentioned before at length regarding my distaste, dislike, and dissatisfaction with the character of Lila Rossi in Miraculous Ladybug canon. A character so horrible, so poorly written, and so two dimensional that I did not think it was possible to make any iteration of her I wouldn’t dislike.
And yet it seems @zoe-oneesama has come through for me yet again in Scarlet Lady by taking what was quite possibly one of my biggest issues and most despised characters within canon and with only a few changes, turning her into something enjoyable. Dare I even say…likable.
More than that, even. It says something when my least favorite character in Miraculous Ladybug canon can somehow become one of my top favorite characters in a different variation of it. 
It’s because Zoe shows an understanding of the characters and what makes them engaging, and other than SL Adrien, it shows the most in the form of SL Lila.
See, Canon Lila Rossi is a selfish, manipulative, egotistical, petty, and self-centered liar.
Scarlet Lady Lila Rossi, on the other hand, is a selfish, manipulative, egotistical, petty, and self-centered liar.
Now I’m sure all of you are looking at those two sentences and noting that they’re the same thing. And you are right. That’s the point! Because the difference between the two versions isn’t who Lila is but rather in how the narrative and writing treat her and what Lila ends up doing because of it. And it’s why Scarlet Lady is superior in its handling of Lila.
Lila in Scarlet Lady is not a good person. Nor does she become a good person. She admits that she lies for fun and just to see how far she can take it. She’s fully on board with continuing her lies and trying to fool her mom and the school to get away with staying out of school for a year. This is all in lines with regular Canon Lila and shows that they are still the same person, it’s just the events and situation and narrative that differentiate them. It’s in how the Scarlet Lady story handles Lila and her character.
For the sake of convenience, I'm going to be using Scarlet Lady to refer to the comic itself and Scar to refer to Chloe's hero identity specifically.
Let’s review and compare Lila in Scarlet Lady to canon:
1. Lila in Scarlet Lady is NOT a plot device. 
She doesn’t need to be. It’s clear that the plot is and has been moving forward on its own without her. Even if Lila were to have been removed from Scarlet Lady altogether, it’s pretty evident from everything else that’s been happening that we would still be getting to some plots and story points without too much difference or delay.
Scarlet Lady has a natural progression. The story and characters aren’t so rooted in the status quo that sudden additional character like Lila or Felix are necessary to throw in just to move things along. And Lila isn’t simply forgotten about when she’s not needed to do so. She doesn’t vanish without an explanation only to return also without explanation just to be able to force the plot to move.
Events within a story can be dependent on the characters, but the plot itself should not be dependent on what feels like a third party to show up and force things to happen when they should already be happening. That speaks of bad writing.
Canon Lila existed for the purpose of getting the Grimoire into Marinette’s hands so she could be the one to take it to Fu and learn about the Guardian and Miraculous secrets, as well as to be a future helper to Hawk Moth. Up until that point, the plot had done nothing with Fu and had done nothing to move things forward in learning about the Miraculous or why Hawk Moth would want the specific two. And after Volpina, the episodes that feature Lila are the ones that display more plot progression or involve Hawk Moth having layers to his plans. Lila only appears when she’s to be used to further a plot, then disappears until needed again.
In Scarlet Lady, by the time Lila appears, it’s already clear to Adrien, Plagg, and Fu that Scar is a horrible person and that she had no business being a hero. It’s also clear that Adrien is handling the hero work on his own and needs help. This is part of what causes Adrien to know that Lila is a liar and call her out on his own because in addition to Lila stealing his book, he already knows Scar well enough to know Lila’s story of Scar saving her would never happen. Lila isn’t the reason they find this out, nor is she the reason that the book is discovered and gets to the Guardian because Plagg chooses for himself to take Adrien to Fu. And afterwards, Lila’s appearances are more natural. Plot progression happens with and without her. Her appearances involve her interacting with her classmates like a person. They don’t have to have a plot-relevant purpose.
Narratively, there are three reasons to put in a scene.
Expansion/information/character focus
In canon, all of Lila's scenes are plot-focused and plot-driving.
In Scarlet Lady, they vary. Some are plot (like Lila's anti-Scar attitude getting more focus and validity over time). But more of Lila's scenes are focus in on her character and entertainment. This builds Lila as a person and makes her enjoyable to watch.
Lila is not a plot device as the plot doesn’t NEED her to progress. But that’s not to say that Lila doesn’t matter…
2. Lila has a role that nobody else in the story could cover.
As I’ve stated before, Canon Lila is pretty much another Chloe and there was nothing she was used for that Chloe couldn’t have or wouldn’t have been able to do. As a rival/foil to Marinette, as another love interest for Adrien, and even as a helper to Hawk Moth—by the time Lila started any of these roles, Chloe was already there and fully capable of filling them.
In Scarlet Lady, due to Scar being the hero Lila is butting heads with and being outted earlier on, SL Lila ends up not filling those same “roles”. She’s not a rival to Scar or Marinette, just a hater/critic of the former and a friend to the latter. She was called out by Adrien so she is shown to have no further interest in trying to pursue him. And as of yet, there has been nothing of Lila helping Hawk Moth.
Instead, Lila’s scenes show her engaging with the other classmates. More of the results of her being revealed as a liar. Her being a queen of sass and snark. And most importantly, her going head to head with Chloe and Scarlet Lady in verbal lashings that prove her silver tongue is no duller for people knowing of it.
In fact, she’s a part of people starting to realize that Scar is in fact horrible and her popularity starts to break down. 
Yes, yes, we do have both Adrien and Marinette who realize how horrible Scarlet Lady is and hate her, but other than some snarky comments at her expense, they don’t do much about it. Mostly because they can’t. Especially early on, it’s clear that they’re forced to keep Scar around because as useless as she is otherwise, she is the only one who can purify the akuma and undo the damage. And as Fu has told them, Scar is still too popular with the city that trying to take the earrings from her would result in more problems. The two of them have to focus on dealing with the akumas more than trying to deal with Scar. Plus let’s be real: even as snarky as they both can get, they’re just too nice.
Others are also similarly of no help. Alya is still completely wrapped in Scar’s facade of a hero to see how selfish and unheroic she is. Most of the other classmates also go along with this narrative. But even the ones who DO know like Alix and Nino aren’t that active. They know but they don’t do anything with that knowledge.
Lila has no such barriers. She’s not a hero. She doesn’t know how “necessary” Scar is in akuma battles. And she doesn’t have to worry about not upsetting Scar since the “hero” already hates her. And thanks to Marinette and the other classmates with their “we still care about you for you” bit, she now has no reason to put up a mask…or a filter.
This makes Lila in prime position to try to push more against Scarlet Lady’s popularity and talk at length about how horrible she actually is. Something she is MORE than happy to do.
Lila is essentially the first main civilian hater of Scarlet Lady.
And with that in mind…
3. Lila’s actions are reasonable. Perhaps not intelligent, but they are reasonable.
She commits a number of the same acts as canon in Volpina. Stealing Adrien’s book, buying a necklace to be a fake Miraculous, trying to claim herself as the hero’s best friend for attention, and trying to claim she is a hero herself to get Adrien’s attention.
SL Lila is not a master manipulator or an up and coming villain. We are not expected to view her as a real threat to anything except Chloe’s ego.
Sure, she wants to speedrun the popularity and attention and maybe a nice rich blond boytoy to be her arm candy, but it’s clear in the very first comic she appears in that Lila has NO IDEA what sort of people she’s interacting with or telling lies about, and so has no way to prepare for what happens. First in that Adrien is so DONE with everything that he calls her out himself from the get go. Second in that Scarlet Lady appears to “save” Adrien from Lila’s lies when it was no longer necessary, proclaims aloud to the multitude of bystanders that Lila is a fraud, and then dumps her in a fountain for good measure and further insults her to boot. And at the end of it all, Scar doesn’t apologize for her actions, doubles down, and only further insults Lila. And as if all of that wasn’t bad enough, still being wet AND being on top of the Eiffel Tower results in her getting sick.
As such, Lila’s hatred of the Ladybug Hero in this version of events feels more understandable and based on a legitimate grievance. Several even. Scar’s actions go well beyond canon’s version. We clearly see how hurt and humiliated Lila is. Plus we have all of Scar’s previous antics to look back on and…well, we already came into this with more reason to hate Scarlet Lady than Lila, and Lila simply jumped on the bandwagon that was already there.
It also makes more sense then that Lila never even pretends to forgive Scar. Scar never apologized. She caused emotional and physical harm to Lila. And unlike Ladybug, Scar never tried to make an offer of friendship so Lila isn’t losing out on any opportunities out of spite. Heck, Scar’s treatment of Alya shows us that there is nothing to be gained from even pretending to be a fan of Scar. So Lila’s hatred of Scar is understandable and her refusal to be friends with Scar makes perfect sense.
When she hides away at her home, there’s a valid reason behind it due to her being sick. Her “plan” to fool her mom and the school in order to avoid going back also makes sense given the fallout she knows she would have to face if she did. (At least more sense than it made in canon for her to disappear for months just because Ladybug outted her to one guy who clearly seemed to be on her side more and neither of them did anything to inform anyone else of the truth.)
And when she returns to the school and the classmates, it isn’t out of nowhere. Once she was no longer sick, she was planning to continue some ruse. We clearly see how despondent Lila was over her situation and the feeling that she’s on her own and no one would side with her over Scar. This was deep. It shows real fears and feelings on Lila’s part. And it’s telling that it was the assurance from Marinette and support from her classmates that convinced her to rejoin the class. It doesn’t look like she would have had the willingness or perhaps the courage to do so if Marinette hadn’t reassured Lila that they had her back and had taken steps to try and help her, even when she wasn’t there and as of yet had done nothing to warrant it.
Here we see a Lila who is vulnerable and real. Who is clearly impacted by events on a deeper and more personal and meaningful level—or at least better than “GRR! Superhero revealed I was lying about her to a boy I like! I shall join the terrorist attacking the city and potentially destroy the WORLD for revenge!”
In this way, Lila is portrayed more like a normal girl. Since the narrative isn’t trying to play her off like she’s supposed to be some master manipulator the way canon does, Lila for all intents and purposes IS a normal teenage girl. A normal teenage girl who was humiliated and injured by someone with more power and social status than she can fight back against. She’s less of an archetype and more of a person with her own thoughts and feelings and ultimately choices which—even if we don’t like or agree with, we can at least see and understand.
Her actions are reasonable. Not just in that we as the audience can empathize with them but that they make sense. For Lila’s character, for her personality, and for someone in her position.
4. No plot armor.
SL Lila’s plans don’t just seamlessly work out. If anything, they go very wrong very quickly. Even before Scar calls her out, Adrien already made it clear that he knows she’s a liar. This effectively ruins her plan to try and get his interest and not just in the “Adrien being nice but not in to her” way. Furthermore, as she’s revealed as a liar in front of the entire class, we clearly see some of her classmates (Alya) continue to take issue with her later on. And even the ones who don’t have such issues are at least fully aware of Lila’s personality and don’t allow her to fool or manipulate them.
Sure, she still tries to manipulate her mom and the school to avoid having to go back, but that doesn’t last that long. And in Lila’s defense at that period of time, she was legitimately sick as a result of her dip in the fountain.
So it’s pretty clear that Lila lacks the plot armor that she had in canon. But it’s not just that Lila experiences losses, it’s also in the ways she succeeds. And unlike Canon Lila, SL Lila is not reliant on the plot to accomplish anything or make things work in her favor.
Some classmates still consider her friends. She’s still welcomed back—even with a bit more trepidation than before. She gets some epic zingers on Chloe and Scar. She got to have another interview with Alya just to be able to go on at length about how horrible Scar is. She manages to get on live TV just to heckle Scar. And over time, more and more people are seeing the problems with Scar.
Lila still gets some victories. Certainly not as many and not as big as what she gets in canon, but at least they don’t feel so forced. And they’re entertaining to see.
Which delves a bit more into an additional point I wanted to make…
5. There are consequences and responses to Lila and her lies.
With Canon Lila, everyone is in this weird sort of limbo where they automatically believe Lila JUST ENOUGH to not question her but at the same time NOT ENOUGH to actually follow through with some of her lies. In Chameleon, Lila claims to have and then magically be cured of Tinnitus and Bustier believes her just enough to rearrange the seats for her at her will but not enough to require some doctor’s note or confirmation of either the presence or recovery from the medical issue—even in the event the former could be overlooked, the latter could NOT and any school or teacher worth their salt would require SOME proof to discontinue an accommodation for someone with a disability because that would be a liability. In Ladybug, Lila claimed Marinette pushed her down stairs and the adults believed her just enough to admonish Marinette but not enough to get Lila actual medical attention, which is a liability and gross negligence. In Ono-chan, Nino believes Lila’s lies about needing Adrien to help tutor her just enough to give her an opening to go to his place but not enough to follow through, check up on her afterwards, or reasonably consider that maybe the supermodel with the super strict father might not be the best person to tutor her and he should ask for help from Max or Sabrina instead?
Each and every time, Lila is believed in the exact way she wants to the exact extent that would most benefit her with minimal effort on her part when it shouldn’t work that way. Even if we disregard how stupidly obvious many of her lies are, there is something wrong when they believe her enough to trust what she says over anyone else telling them otherwise but not enough to follow through on what that belief should then involve. They believe her when she says someone pushed her down the stairs but not enough to get her medical attention? Make sure she has no broken bones or internal bleeding? This has the issue of ruining the suspension of disbelief and making it look like the problem isn’t Lila being amazingly smart and evil so much as it is everyone around Lila being infuriatingly stupid and negligent.
Scarlet Lady nixes that problem in one episode by having Lila be revealed as a liar immediately, but furthermore follows up on it and the fallout of those lies. Nothing big or major or life-ruining—it’s middle school, after all. But the impact is still there.
Even episodes later, we see effects of Lila’s earlier lies. Chloe of course keeps referencing them in their encounters and yeah, it is reason for no one to really take Lila’s word against Scar’s—at least at first. Alya and Adrien both give her some pretty evil looking stares, showing that even five episodes later they both still very much remember what she did and do not approve of her getting free jewelry. Alya in particular stands out. She is shown to bear such a grudge against Lila for lying on her blog that she holds no sympathy for her being sick. And in the second intermission, she looks physically pained when she has to ask Lila for an interview on why she hates Scar. Something she had apparently sworn she would never do again after being fooled the first time. And something Lila looks completely overjoyed to do. There are people who are angry with Lila. They have every reason and every right to be. But it doesn’t have to mean the end of the world for her. It just means that there needs to be something.
The classmates don’t have to be made out to be stupid to make Lila work. They are canonically very kind and forgiving people. But canon makes them come off that way more because the lack of continuity seems to erase the lessons of previous episodes or somehow make them forget that certain people are horrible.
Zoe fixes this and a lot of problems in canon by having not just the classmates but EVERYONE in Paris remember and respond to things that have happened previously, even if just in little ways. Given how little room Zoe has to work with, this is HUGE. Simply adding comments here and there puts the scenes from canon in a new light and makes the classmates feel more fleshed out and like…dare I say it: PEOPLE.
The difference from Canon has a lot to do with how everyone else reacts to Lila, which makes these other characters and Lila appear more real and like fleshed out people rather than caricatures who only exist and move as the plot requires. They don’t have to bash Lila or try to light her on fire for it to be clear that Lila isn’t a good person and that there are consequences to her actions.
This is all leading up to the real possibility of…
6. Character arc?
It says something that contrary to most expectations, Lila is not what one would consider to be redeemed in Scarlet Lady. Lila is not a good person here just because she rejoins the class and becomes their friend and Zoe at no point tries to pretend that she is.
Marinette and other classmates made the choice to reach out and try to befriend Lila, but unlike most other arcs in other stories, this doesn’t result in Lila being redeemed. And she in no way got Lila to admit she was wrong and try to be a good person. 
Lila is not necessarily forgiven or absolved of what she did. Nor is anything Lila did magically erased. All Marinette did and all she had to do was encourage Lila to not run away now that the truth was out. She helped convince her to return to the class with everyone fully knowing what she’s done and the type of person that she is and move forward with that. She informs Lila that despite her lies, there are people in the class who genuinely care about her and are worried about her. 
Hell, it’s not even all up to Marinette. We see Alix sending messages to Lila encouraging her to join the class for Marinette’s birthday party. Sabrina fully admitted to inviting Lila to that party. Same with Rose, who has also been expressed to be worried about Lila. There are members of the class who are shown to care about her and who were noted to have made an effort to help Lila even after what had happened. Because they consider her a friend despite what she did, and that’s what friends do. All they asked was that Lila stop with the lies, stop with running away, and give people a chance.
And the result is the more mellow but passive aggressive Lila Rossi we see in Scarlet Lady. Not a Lila who is a good person or who is redeemed. This is a Lila who is at least honest with everyone about the sort of person that she is. She’s not pretending like she was in canon. She’s not being fake. She’s not putting on a mask of niceness anymore. This is a Lila who is fully acknowledged by everyone to have been a liar, to still be very selfish, and in some ways...a bad influence.
With a few episodes left, perhaps there is more we’ll see of Lila’s development and who she’ll become. Maybe we’ll get to see her take the steps to become better. To be a good friend, a good person, and maybe even a better hero than Scar. I don’t know for sure just yet what Zoe has planned for a character like Lila, but I do know what I see here:
A good start.
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justrustandstardust · 2 months
in the face of all the homophobic anons flooding my inbox, there’s one thing i want to make abundantly clear:
gojo and geto are queer-coded regardless of whether or not you understand their relationship to be romantic. all it takes is one (1) critical thought to understand that romance is a dimension of queerness; it does not constitute it. yes, people understand their connection in a romantic context because that is a facet of their queerness. even if you don’t recognize the romantic dimension of their relationship, that does not negate the fact that gojo and geto’s characters & connection are indisputably and intentionally queered already.
i’m not saying they’re not romantically involved— on the contrary, anyone with half a fucking braincell and the ability to conduct surface-level textual analysis would clock that facet of their dynamic. what i’m saying is that the romantic dimension of their relationship does not singlehandedly make them queer simply because it happens to align with popular understandings and depictions of queerness. romance is there, yes, but romance alone does not constitute their queerness: they are queer alongside and independently of the axis of romance.
you can think of romance as a conduit— it’s one expression of their queerness, like a branch extending from a tree. when we say they are queered, we are beseeching you to stop pointing to the branch and insisting it is the entire tree. to be queer is to be insurgent, vibrant, subversive, effervescent— the branches extend endlessly from the infinitely faceted treetrunk. romance is merely one amongst many; it alone does not bear the insignia of queerity.
queerness is not an imposition upon them, it constitutes every aspect of their characters. it’s in geto’s monstrous femininity, it’s in gojo’s mournfully joyous disposition, it’s in both of their roles as guardians of children and protectors of chosen groups. it’s in the intimacy of their connection, it’s in their joy and their grief, it’s in their devotion and their tragedy. it quite literally is who they are, with or without the dimension of romance.
when these pseudo-intellectuals defend them from being deemed queer, they’re defending them from THEIR limited conception of what it means to be queer. in accusing everyone of Turning Them Gay, they don’t realize the call is coming from inside the house and that everything they love about gojo and geto was queer to begin with— just not in the one-dimensional way they understand queerness to operate.
if they stopped guzzling the heteropatriarchal kool-aid, it would become apparent to anyone with basic critical thinking skills that the ones who are ruining their characters are not the people who recognize gojo and geto for who they are, but those who break off the branch to beat the tree.
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Buddie CANON in Season 7 Please!!!
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It's time to STOP delaying their CANON Love Story.
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I'm well aware that my opinion may be in the minority or unpopular but if it is then... so be it!
I hope Buddie still becomes CANON this season and the renewal for season 8 shouldn't hinder it.
Let's be real here for a minute because it's been 6 years and delaying their romantic relationship until season 8 won't do anything. Them going CANON shouldn't stop their storylines or anything else from progressing. In actuality, them going CANON should make their storylines better because there will be a myriad of other stories to include for them. For example, Buck and Eddie secretly dating then getting married by eloping to Las Vegas; Buck officially and legally becoming Chris' other dad instead of just his legal guardian; the perils they'll experience while trying to raise a teenage son (this could be fantastic); I for one can't wait until Eddie realizes Helena is the problem so he can tell her about that raggedy comment she made, "Don't drag him down with you Eddie" (I still roll my eyes at that $hit); Buck getting the training he needs to become captain one day (this has been foreshadowed since season 1) and Eddie getting promoted to be a paramedic or whatever else he wants to do since he's already said he doesn't want to be captain.
I do NOT want to spend another season waiting for them to admit they're in love with each other and I certainly don't want any more one-dimensional love interests shoehorned into their EPIC LOVE STORY like they were at the end of seasons 4 and 6.
They're on a new network NOW (ABC) so there's no reason for their love story to continue to be delayed and put on the back burner. There's no reason to wait for another season or even worse, the last one especially since there's no guarantee they'll get renewed for a 9th, 10th or future seasons.
Finally, here's a REMINDER...
Bathena went CANON at the end of season 1 which only had 10 episodes, therefore, BUDDIE CAN GO CANON IN A SHORTENED SEASON TOO!
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fandom-lover-extra · 5 months
Okay, so people that had read the YJ98 comics, specifically the Christmas addition where Young Justice killed Santa clause, I propose to you this--
You know how in Rise of the Guardians people forget Santa exists? Well, due to dimensional shenanigans, let's say the team of Young Justice ends up in the Rise of the Guardians Universe.
On the big globe it's going to show that there are some last believers in Santa. And of course the Guardians are going to go and protect these poor defenseless children--
Basically, I want Young Justice to meet Saint Nick after they killed the guy in their home dimension. How do you explain yourself as a teenager that probably shouldn't believe in Santa anymore believes in Santa? Just thought it would be funny.
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Yandere!Actor X Streamer!Reader
male yandere oc x gender neutral reader
This yandere is a semi famous actor. His name is Vince Cantrell and most people know at least one or two movies he’s been in, like when he played the heartthrob of a love interest in the smash hit Guardians of Time trilogy. He’s a rather aloof and eccentric person, choosing to remain hidden away in his manson completely isolated from humanity. He hasn’t acted in a while, taking a break after the sudden death of his parents. However, he can sometimes be persuaded into doing things for marketing, interviews and such to build hype for new projects which was how he met you for the first time. 
You were a moderate sized streamer, usually reaching a few hundred viewers during regular streams. You got a real bump in viewership after you played the licensed game sold as a tie-in with the Guardian of Time series based on the movies. In it, you had to think fourth dimensionally in order to strategically build and defend a self sustaining agency in its own branch of reality. Because you played it, and were good at it, the game did far better than projected as thousands of people tuned it at a time to see what you could do, finding inspiration in how creative you were at pushing the games boundaries. 
The devs took notice of how you lead to a direct boost in sales, giving them the chance to make a sequel with an even bigger budget. That’s when they took the opportunity to invite you to promote the sequel by playing an early version before the final release as a way to show off all the new features. And the best part? You would be doing it with Vince Cantrell since his character from the movies was prominent in the game as well. It was meant to be a prerecorded casual interview with gameplay that you would then stream on your channel the week before the game’s release.
You met Vince an hour before you were to begin filming, having to go through make-up and staging. He shook your hand, not thinking much of you at the time. You seemed nice, he supposed after you moved away to respect his space instead of crowding up close, he hated people who invaded his personal space. You both took a minute to look the other over. He wore his character’s signature outfit, a black business suit with sci fi elements and electric green accents to match with his eyes. It stood in contrast to his stark white hair, making his features even more striking, almost inhumanely pretty. You on the other hand were dressed in some of the nicer clothes you owned, something closer to business casual. You thought you looked nice and you were happy enough with your appearance, but knew you couldn’t compare to him, not even mad about the distance between you two. If only you knew the emotions swirling inside Vince. He was actually a bit embarrassed, feeling like his costume was a bit too ostentatious compared to you. He admired how down to earth you were and how well you pulled off the look without feeling the need to hide behind excessive wealth and glamor, unlike most people he worked with. If Vince took off all his layers, would he like the person underneath? Would you be willing to show him how?
After introductions, a pair of makeup artists practically pulled the two of you to your chairs under uncomfortably bright lights. Although Vince was used to this treatment, you clearly were not. He even had to hold in a chuckle after seeing your displeased face, failing after you shot him a betrayed look. The studio’s side door opened as the director and one of the devs came through, drawing attention with their arguing about which aspect of the production to focus on, the interview or the game. They came to a stop in front of you two to debrief you on what the two of you had to do while on camera, things like what features to talk about and what to talk about with each other. Pretty standard stuff but Vince was charmed by how earnestly you listened and nodded along. 
The two of you were taken to a simple set comprising of a computer with two chairs and a themed backdrop. You and Vince were then left alone, sitting in your chairs while everyone moved around you, setting up lights and cameras. You averted your eyes from the actor seated next to you, not knowing if you should talk to him or even what you would talk about.
“So, what is it you do again? For a job, I mean. They tried explaining it to me but I was a bit confused.”
Of course Vince was mostly throwing you a metaphorical bone so you could feel more at ease with him but he was genuinely interested in learning more about you. 
“I livestream myself playing games for my audience. Sometimes I’ll make edited videos but it’s mostly the streams.”
“And people watch you do this instead of playing themselves?”
“Yeah! Sometimes people can’t afford games or they want to see if it’s good before they buy it. But other people like watching people experience something they like or the sense of community with other viewers.” You looked a bit nervous as you explained it to him and Vince felt the urge yet again to put you at ease. He couldn’t stand the idea of you feeling uncomfortable around him.
“I guess I can see the appeal. You’re an entertainer like me,” he said, not really knowing what else to say. After all, he didn’t really get internet culture. It must have been the right thing to say as he was treated to the sight of your face lighting up with the brightest smile accompanied by a blush, looking a bit flustered by his comment. Adorable.
“I’m glad! A lot of people don’t think streaming is a real job so I’m always happy when someone at least tries to understand it.”
You then asked him a couple questions about his work. He was happy to answer, especially since you refrained from asking anything too personal, but he was more interested in learning more about you. Your favorite color, your favorite game, everything. With each new thing he learned, his hunger for more grew. You were just as good at pulling information from him, especially with the way you would light up with each fact he gave and deflated with each nonanswer. He would do anything to keep that smile on your face. 
“Alright you two! We’ve got everything set up on our end. Let’s boot up the game and then we can get started!” the director shouted. Vince nearly glared as you were jolted out of the conversation, sheepishly nodding as you woke the computer from sleep mode and double clicked the icon on the screen. 
And then, it was time to start. You had a hard time concentrating on what to say with the stage lights and all the cameras pointed at you. Sure, you were used to facecam but this was nothing like that. You nearly jumped out of your seat when you felt a pair of lips brush against the shell of your ear, right before the cameras began rolling.
“Just focus on me and the game. You’ll forget about them in no time.” 
Vince was once again treated to you blushing, smirking as he pulled away. He saw no harm in a little bit of flirting, especially when it was so easy to pull such a cute reaction from you. He then pasted on a smile, taking the lead in introducing the two of you and the company behind the game while you composed yourself enough to take over. 
“Well, let’s get started!” you said after the intro. “I’m super excited to play this since the sequel was so much fun. And it’s not everyday I get to play games with a famous actor like Vince Cantrell!” He felt his heart warm as you looked at him, a teasing glimmer in your eye. Time to turn up the charm.
“I’m even more excited, if you can believe it, to experience this game since I’m with you,” he said, holding eye contact. “But I’m afraid I don’t know that much about video games. Hopefully I won’t slow you down.”
You laughed at that. “Don’t worry, it’d be my pleasure to teach you. You’ll know everything you need to when I’m done with you.”
The next couple hours flew by for you two. It was like you had both forgotten the cameras and were in your own little world. It was the most fun Vince had had in a long time, ever since his parents died. You were the first person he felt he could genuinely connect with, not as an actor but as a person. 
In between interview questions about his role in the movie and the flirty comments you two exchanged, you showed off the features of the game. Vince took this opportunity to crowd in close, pressing against you in order to look at the screen. You eventually coaxed him to play a little after promising to keep your hand over his to help with the controls.
“And if you click this menu right here, you’ll see some things they added in the sequel. Like pet shops! They officially added pets after I found a bug that let you domesticate wild animals and everyone in the community fell in love with it and asked for it to become a proper mechanic.”
“So if we place this down our citizens can buy pets?”
“Yep! You can choose what pets you want to stock and customize the building. And after a while, the pets may cross breed and make new species.”
“Interesting…” he muttered, caring more about the feeling of your hand on his. Not that he was bored, of course not! He thought he could listen to you talk about game mechanics for hours on end, just to hear your voice. 
“And let me bring up the color wheel so you can see all the options for customization. Go ahead and pick whatever you want. See, you’re already getting it!”
“Only because I have you to help me. We’d probably need to spend far more time together before I could do anything like this on my own. Maybe I could come over sometime?” You looked a bit taken aback by that. Sure, he was laying it on a bit thick and playing up his incompetence but it wasn’t really his fault, not when you were so completely enchanting that he would do anything to get closer to you. It was exciting, having to take the initiative. Most of the time people pursued him, wanting the attention of someone rich and handsome while not actually caring about him at all.
“Ha ha, maybe,” you laughed, brushing off the comment. You both continued with the game for a little while longer until you got the signal to start wrapping up. You announced the game’s release date and also said you would be doing a give away for some free game keys in your chat when the video premiered on your channel in a few weeks time. 
And just like that, it was over. The lights shut off and you slumped, no longer having to be “on”. 
“I don’t know how you do stuff like this so often. I’d never survive,” you sighed.
“You get used to it. Besides, you did really well. You’re great on camera.”
“Really? Well I guess that makes sense even if my setup is way more casual. And you definitely helped a lot! I would have been a wreck without you helping me.”
He tried not to let it show how much that affected him but it was hard for him to hide how pleased he was hearing you say that. It was only natural you would recognize his rightful place was by your side. There was just one thing left for him to do.
“I was serious, you know. About coming over and playing games with you. You could even stream it if you wanted.”
You bit your lip. “Really? You’d be okay with that?”
“More than okay, I assure you. I had a lot of fun today and would love to see you again in a less formal context.”
“Oh…” You trailed off, considering it as Vince felt his heart crawl up his throat. Please say yes. “Um, sure. That sounds fun. Let’s exchange contact info and see if we can set something up. I expect you’re way busier than me so let me know when you have some free time, okay?”
And with that, he was in. The actor watched as you entered your details into his phone, eyes narrowed like a predator. You then walked off with a wave, eager to get home and wash the day off in the shower. Vince smirked as he watched you go.
You may not realize it now, but you were already his. After all, once Vince Cantrell decided he wanted something, nothing could stop him
(Hope you enjoyed! There will be a part two to this, when I get around to it)
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