#don't come for me I just really like the White Palace and the bosses
nyctophobia-au · 2 years
How about 2,6,9,19?
For 2, my least favourite character is Zote, enough said. <3
My favourite boss battle,,, is a hard one because I love several. Uhm, I adore NKG (I have played his fight so much, I can brag about doing it hitless), I also get great enjoyment out of Pure Vessel. Those two are probably my favourites, but I also really like Watcher Knights and Sisters of Battle.
My favourite regular enemy,,, I'm going to go with everything but Primal Aspids. Jokes aside, I really like the Stalking Devouts. They're just cool and I like them. :]
Oof, my favourite part of the game... Well, the parts I get most enjoyment out of are probably the White Palace (again, love that place) and also the Hall of Gods/Pantheons. As for favourite moments, the Birthplace cutscene made me cry the first time I saw it and it still sticks out as one of my favourite moments in the game.
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tasmanianstripes · 6 months
hi i just wanted to come by and ask you what your favorite track from the hk soundtrack is <3
HIII sorry this is super late I consistently forget my inbox exists
I'm gonna deliberately ignore the assignment and instead list my 4 top favourite soundtracks because making me pick one is criminal
Sealed Vessel - it's just. Really fucking cool. The build up at the beginning, the following bit that makes me think of a violent and frantic fight (very fitting for The Hollow Knight's boss fight), the subsequent crash and the feeling of tragedy. It's literally what it is, it's tragedy, the last desperate fight and death, all conveyed in a song. And the ending which gives me that somber feeling. It makes me feel miserable, I love that.
White Palace - It makes me feel weirdly nostalgic for what once was, a period of time we don't even get to see in the game - only small glimpses of it at most. It's really cool.
Pure Vessel - It conveys a feeling of power and holiness, it's just. So fucking good
Daughter of Hallownest - It's energetic! It's just cool! And I'm such a huge sucker for different songs sharing elements, especially when it's done to convey a story, it's just good. Hornet's OST having elements from the White Palace gives her like, a royal, holy feeling to me, yet it's still so clearly hers - fast paced and energetic.
This probably wasn't the best explanation because I just lack the words to convey my feelings about songs but OUGH I love these four
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thehoneysucklevine · 1 year
(I love helluva boss and this is for me to enjoy but hope others like it and if so suggest your ships and i may write it)
Love in war
Chapter 1: Help
Stella was pissed, as stormed off into the palace. She wanted Stolas dead for what he had done for her, but how ?
It would be to obvious if she did it herself.
The Goetia family would know it was her and she may be a powerful demon but no where strong enough to fend off all the Goetia and their allies.
She stood still as she crossed by a mirror in the hall seeing her makeup run down her white feathery face. Her eyes still puffy as she had been crying all night not that she cared Stolas cheated on her.
But an imp?
Stella wiped her tears with her right hand as the other got dirt off her dress from when she broke a vase earlier.
She sighed heavily as she heard a small southern voice talk behind her.
"Your majesty ?"
Stella snapped her head her eyes a blaze, at the small female yellow Imp before her. Even her rattling tail wanted to make Stella rip her head off.
"What you wench ?, Did I call for you."
The small female coward wearing a maids uniform, as Stella bent down to her she remembered this was Maribelle the one they had hired to help watch Octavia when she was born.
"Oh, Maribelle my apologies in my rage .."
Stella said standing back up straight, embarrassed now since this woman has been a long time loyal servant.
Maribelle just smiled
"No need, your majesty, I just came to you when some of them kitchen demons started talking. Listen honey, I may not be much of a demon but I don't reckon it's all that fair for your husband to cheat on ya..and well I'm here to help."
Stella stood there for a moment and looked, around she hushed the woman and waved to follow her to her safe haven.
Her sowing room, she walked down the corridor to it next to where the garden was and opened the large oak door and stepped into the room where inside resembled a craft room with patterns and mannequins.
The walls of the room were a soft off pearl color the floor deep brown wood she sighed as she sat in her sturdy showing chair that was cow hide and wood just like the one her mother used to have.
"Okay, we are safe now Maribelle no one comes in here. Tell me about your help?"
Maribelle's gold eyes lit up her tail rattling happily
"Yes mam, you see before I came here to work when the Goetia family bought me I lived in the Wrath ring."
Stella tapped her fingers and waved to let the imp sit in the sowing chair in front of her.
There was a small table, for tea and her drawing book.
This is where she would usually place Octavia when she was a wee owlette to let her watch her sow. The imp obliged and sat.
Once she sat Stella would motion for her to continue talking.
Maribelle would speak up in her usual southern twang
"I have a twin brother in Wrath, named Striker. I bet if you promised to let me free of my contract that Lord Paimon bought me under from our family when I wasten and some money he would happily do the job."
Stella thought for a moment, and nodded she looked to Maribelle
"How do i contact him?"
Maribelle smiled and screed happily,but Stella hushed her and soon Maribelle spoke.
"I do not have his number, but i know his address as we are allowed to write letters if you let me write a letter to him he will come here for you to talk."
Stella sighed,she knew the help was not allowed to really talk on the phone. Or have Thier own since they lived in servant quarters, so she agreed to the letter knowing that was the best way to make contact.
Though Stella knew letters were checked, so she would simply send it herself in thier mail box saying it was a reward for Maribelle since it was ner her fifteen year anniversary of being here in thier palace.
Stella agreed, and told Maribelle the plan.It was agonizing to wait but within a day Maribelle gave her the letter and Stella out in the mailbox in an official Goetia family envelope with seal.
Once Stella saw the mail carrier take it off she went back inside and to her safe have. She worked on the ball gown she had began working on the week before Thier not divorced party as she wanted to wear it to the Harvest moon festival,now she was making it her funeral gown for her part as the grieving widow.
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mambo-by-a-mile · 9 months
story time + 😷
'Oh, boy.'
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'Upside to having a cold and fever; not having to do any work while you watch a princess hook up with would be prince frog for the trillionth time. Downside: just about everything else.'
'Let me explain. Neither me or Munk actually get sick a lot or easily. We have way too long lifespans with strong immune systems to show all those average weaknesses humans do-eh, if you are a human I meant no offense. But....for some reason it can still happen once in a blue star. Don't ask me how. And of course it jus HAD to happen to me. A hot minute ago during fall I decided to try my luck at gathering some pumpkin for potions, pies, spices-mostly pies and wicked decorating. Anyway mission was a success but my counting on it being not to chilly or wet from the rainstorm the the day before? Admittedly, not so much. Not like I felt sick right away. I just did my chores for the rest of the day after Mister Senior Assistant complained enough when I got back-man did I really want to start smashing and carving some of those pumpkin babies though but you know Munk. Fun is like poison to him. So I slaved away watching over the same fairy tales in this boring tower room, I began to feel a little lightheaded, and my nose was beginning to stuff up-ya know, that gross stuff. Guess Munk knew something was up because in his 'wise' words he told me I was 'pleasantly quiet' for me and 'I hadn't been driving him up the palace walls with my wisecracks, pranks, and troublemaking all afternoon' as if that's all I ever do around here. But no guess I didn't-not that I noticed. I was too beat at that point. The next morning was when things really got bad.'
'Felt as awful as Sleeping Beauty must have felt after being cursed or Snow White after biting into that poisoned apple when I woke up. Felt like that for the next few days to week. There was the shivering, the sweating, the sniffling, the dizziness. Geez. How in the name of whatever great Wizard came before the boss can you feel so hot and so cold at the same time? Sure, it seemed nice to get to lie around all day and sleep a lot but even a cozy bed with a silk blanket feels like a prison cell when you're forced to stay in it all day without being allowed to get up or do anything else. Not that I always felt halfway decent enough to even stand up during that time until my fever and cold were gone but point still stands.'
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'Going further down Jack and Jill's steep hill some genius decided to build a water well on top of, all I was allowed to eat and drink was soup this, green tea that, more water here and porridge there. I never want to eat another bowl of chicken and potato soup for as long as I live. At least I got to sip it through a straw. Then there was the medicine the boss made me. Disgusting stuff that Munk of course said he would pour down my throat if I didn't take. Guy would also check in every couple hours just to make sure I was still in bed as if he couldn't trust me to stay still...bored...sniffling and coughing...shivering, sweating, and flushing for a whole day. Well, when he didn't come to bring soup, water, or tea and check my temperature as if I was some five year old who needed a nanny. And that's only from what I remember as I spent the other half sleeping or at least slipping in and out of sleep. I swear it honestly felt I was gonna MAKE like Sleeping Beauty and slip into a coma at times. Naturally, though, being the tough guy I am, I struggled through.'
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'Speaking of remembering, there were times I must have been so beat from that dang fever I was half-conscious because there were a couple times I woke up feeling cold water against my cheek or forehead-not sure if it might have been Munk or the boss doing that-, my face or wrist being touched, and even a few times where I think I was being fed that soup, tea, and water. And you know what, the last one I know for sure because I decided to test it out. I even ended up making a fun little prank out of it. The next time after that heard someone come in I pretended to be out of it even though I was wide awake. I can one hundred percent confirm it was Munk because I did catch a teensy weensy peak. Bottom line, it was actually kinda nice to be spoon fed so I just didn't say anything. And I know he thought I wasn't fully awake because I heard him say that he actually kinda missed my jokes and wisecracks while he worked alone. Gotta say though, I think he must have been catching my own cold and becoming delirious himself because he is almost never that nice to me! For all my bellyaching about it, at least I made some fun out of it in the end and don't tell Munk but I guess it was kinda sweet to know I was at least well cared for. And especially don't tell him that I was awake for any of that.'
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acerikus · 1 year
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I posted 16,338 times in 2022
That's 12,642 more posts than 2021!
230 posts created (1%)
16,108 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,512 of my posts in 2022
#utdr - 479 posts
#kh - 216 posts
#tsp - 182 posts
#deltarune - 97 posts
#kris dreemurr - 75 posts
#khdr spoilers - 67 posts
#portal - 56 posts
#susie - 53 posts
#baldr - 47 posts
#unreality - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#or at least arospec 🤷 still figuring out if i genuinely have crushes or not occasionally bc i've had a long term gf before? it's a mystery
My Top Posts in 2022:
Okay so now that we have the pipis post AND the spamton q+a I feel like we have a lot more context on the Noelle, spamton and egg situation now:
(alt text on images)
Spamton wasn't Noelle's digital pet egg - that was likely the 'white one' spamton talks about. Possibly linked to the man behind the tree who gives us eggs, or a future secret boss?
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Spamton's spam emails (furthering the theory that he's a corrupted email client) contained random strings of numbers and letters that nobody ever opened - Noelle is the only one to ever open one of his emails and use its contents and that's why he knows her and appreciates her
See the full post
252 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Somewhere watery but also icy? (it was part of the ice palace, don't forget)
Somewhere with a strange locked door? I can think of one...
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It's always felt so weird that this room looks so much like it'd fit in with waterfall despite being on the opposite side of snowdin - and it's right next to that little house you can see at the bottom that someone occasionally steps out of, too. AND it has the delta rune on the door, AND it's the room Toby is working in... Idk, there could be an interesting connection there :o
329 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
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339 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
Absolutely hilarious and incredible to me that the deltarune fandom has seemingly gone from 'krusie and kriselle are lesbian erasure' to 'oh shit, lesbian polycule real?' within the past year 😂 especially bc it feels like there's a lot more general awareness + respect of kris being nonbinary than there used to be!
477 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Don't think I've seen this pointed out yet, but Susie saying this to kris implies we're in for some really great Toriel content in chapter 3, a very high chance for some fun susie and toriel interactions, and perhaps toriel being a little silly and finally letting loose a little 👀
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It's also possible they'll get to talk to asgore some more in hometown, and/or that asriel will be back! Toriel said asriel will be there next week, and most people figure that since there was talk of no school and going to church, chapter be 3 will be Sunday... Maybe he'll come home on Monday?
Edit: upon further thinking, I think chapter 3 will probably just take place overnight and chapter 4 will be Sunday, since that'd give kris and Susie the time they need to explore town. Makes me feel Asriel is less likely - could still happen if he decides to surprise them a day early though, or if toriel considers Sunday the first day of the week!
606 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mandoalorian · 3 years
I Believe In Love [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader] — Two: Truth
Author's note: When you find your calling to leave Themyscira, you venture out to the World of Man with intentions of helping and healing a very specific person's relationship with his son. You've heard his voice before, but only in dreams. You've felt his pain and anguish and you've never been able to relate to anything more. But things don't come easy for you, and they certainly don't come easy for him either. [This series contains spoilers for WW84 and is my interpretation of what happens after the movie ends].
Warnings: allusions to sex, mention of trauma
Word count: 4,400>
Previous - Chapter Two - Next
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"Can I help you?" you jumped when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You spun around on your heel, diverting your attention from the man on the television to the petite blonde girl who was doting a pale pink pant suit. Her blue eyes seemed friendly enough, but her expression of bewilderment and slight disdain was enough to make you uncomfortable. Your lips parted slightly as you tried to gather your words.
"I'm… I'm looking for someone," you said hesitantly. You turned back around to watch the television, pressing the palm of your hand against the screen and watching him with awe. You weren't sure if you were more flabbergasted by this brand new technology, or by the handsome man who was attempting to sell you oil.
"You're going to have to be more specific," the woman placed a hand on her hip and quirked her eyebrow.
"My friend Alistair…" you said slowly before shaking your head and smiling. "Do you know this man?" you pointed at the television.
The blonde woman looked completely and utterly perplexed. "Mr Lord?" she asked. Her mind was racing: everyone knew who her boss was. She pondered for a moment, questioning who exactly you were and where did you come from before shaking her head profusely. "Wait, I’m sorry. Did you just say Alistair?" she pinched the bridge of her nose and began to circle around you, taking in your appearance; judging your native Amazonian outfit and muddy skin.
"Yes, Alistair. We met in the park earlier," you explained. "Please excuse the dirt on my body."
"Mr Lord’s son…?" the lady said, speaking her thoughts out loud. No woman had ever come to Black Gold Cooperative requesting to see Alistair, note even his own mother. "Who are you?"
You smiled politely, taking the lady's hand. "I'm here to help. Where can I find Mr Lord?"
"Do you have an appointment with him?" the lady in pink asked, walking around the main desk and checking the computer. "I'm his secretary by the way. My name is Raquel." she mumbled as she pressed a few keys.
You introduced yourself and shook her hand, admiring her beautifully manicured nails. "An appointment?" you repeated. "No, not really. He doesn’t know I’m coming.”
“Mr Lord is a very busy man,” Raquel sighed, tapping her manicured acrylic nails against the oak wood desk. “He doesn’t do surprise visits.”
“That’s okay, I wish to see Alistair anyway. I must know if he’s okay.” your body was still rife with concern over what you had witnessed happen to the little boy earlier at the playpark, and how he had disappeared.
“There is no way for me to contact Alistair, he’s just a child… but uh, let me see what I can do.” Raquel sighed, knowing she wasn’t easily going to get rid of you anytime soon. “I can give Mr Lord a call and let him know you wish to see him,” she told you, ringing in his phone number. “Can I ask what your business with him is?”
“I’m here to help him,” you repeated with an eager grin.
“Right,” Raquel said slowly as you turned back to the television, admiring the man with the dark blonde hair, sporting the three piece designer suits. “Help him with what?”
You blinked momentarily, watching this Mr Lord drone on and on and on. “Oil.” you practically squeaked out.
“Oil?” Raquel questioned, not believing you for one minute. She had every right inkling to believe you were dangerous, but it was her job to contact Maxwell in this type of situation, no matter what. You squeezed your eyes shut almost sensing her disbelief when you heard her speak again. Her voice had changed completely, high pitched and almost articulated. “Oh, yes, hi! Mr Lord! There is someone here who wishes to see you.”
Thank the Gods he’d picked up the phone before Raquel could quiz you further.
Maxwell had answered from the car phone. He’d just dropped Alistair off at Julianna and Theodore’s home. It was never fun, having to go see his wife. He wanted to be strong, and he certainly wanted to keep his promise to Alisitar, about spending the whole weekend together - but there was too much at stake. He knew that deep down, Alisitair would understand one day. Maxwell cursed himself for messing up so quickly. The phone rang just as Maxwell slid back into the car. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Max huffed a sigh and held the phone to his ear. “Who is it?” Maxwell asked wearily. “If it’s the FBI or the FTC…”
Maxwell was nervous. He was even confused that Raquel was still at Black Gold, still happy to work for him after he did commit what potentially could be classified as war crimes. Maxwell was a realist and he knew that with every action, came a consequence. The world had never been kind to him, and he looked down at the envelope that Theodore had handed to him. His name, Maxwell Lorenzano, was written on the front in Julianna’s perfectly inked calligraphy. Max hated it. He didn’t have his name legally changed fifteen years ago just so his ex wife could throw his old identity back in his face. He hated his real name. It was a constant reminder of his past life. But now he didn’t know what was worse, being a Lord or a Lorenzano. The name Lorenzano had been tainted for him, by his family, and years of bullying. But the name Lord? He’d tainted that himself. A conman. A stupid, messed up loser. Julianna hadn’t wanted to see Maxwell, and instead sent her new boyfriend to collect Alistair from him.
“Julianna wants you to have this,” Theodore said with a frown, taking Alistair’s hand and pulling him away from Maxwell. “When you read through it, give her a call.” was all he said before slamming the front door in Max’s face. Max didn’t know what was inside the envelope, but he knew it couldn’t be good.
“No, it’s not the FBI or the FTC. It’s a woman,” Raquel said hesitantly. “She… she’s a bit odd,” Raquel whispered, but not quiet enough for it to go unnoticed by you. Nevertheless, you pretended to ignore her comment. Perhaps you were odd, and perhaps that was okay. The world of man was not something you were used to. But you were here for a reason. The delay in Maxwell’s response prompted Raquel to say more. “Mr Lord… I don’t think she’s going to leave without seeing you. Would you like me to call the cops?”
“No!” Maxwell practically barked. He turned on the engine of his car and held the phone between his ear and shoulder, reversing out of the driveway. He didn’t know what was going on, it was too early to tell - but Maxwell couldn’t have the police anywhere near Black Gold. There was a good chance the police might be looking for him anyway. There was a good chance Max believed he might even have to go into hiding. “I’m on my way.” Maxwell promised before putting the phone down.
You turned back to Raquel when you heard the phone click back onto the hook. “Well, he’s coming,” she shrugged. “Just take a seat please. He won’t be long.”
You walked over to the centre of the lobby where there was a long circular velveteen sofa with a silver foiled surface. You ran your finger over the material, savouring the soft feeling. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before. You let out a small gasp when you noticed your gladiator sandals had trailed in mud and made a mess of the pristine marble floor. You knew it wouldn’t take much to clean, but you still felt bad.
The lobby of Black Gold Cooperative was large, with pillars similar to what they’d have in the Themysciran palace back home and vases of white roses decorating every corner. You wiped down your skirt and tunic, not wanting to be responsible for any more mess, and sat down on the sofa. You groaned as the velveteen plush engulfed you. You couldn’t help it, Raquel was gone and you were exhausted after spending the day looking for Alistair. You hummed in contentment, unbuckling the leather straps on your shoes and laying down on the sofa, curling up and closing your eyes.
Everything was dull. The sky was grey, dark and rainy clouds casting a cold shadow over your shoulders. This was weird. Normally your dreams would be utter and complete blackness - the inability to see anything, only hear the chaos that surrounded you. Only hear the cries and pleas for help and terror - and his voice. The man you were soughting for. You wondered if upon venturing to the world of man, your premonitions had stopped. But that didn’t make any sense. You were one step closer to finding this mystery man.
In the distance, you saw a group of kids tormenting and teasing another little boy. The image reflected what you had seen earlier at the playpark with Alistair, but it was different children this time. “What are you wearing?” you heard one boy mock as you ran closer. “Look at your shoes! Little Lorenzano can’t even afford new shoes!” a different girl cackled.
Lorenzano. You stopped dead in your footsteps, your eyes widening as you watched the group of kids disband, leaving the little boy with glazed brown eyes and ripped clothes shaking with fear. Lorenzano was the name of the man you were looking for - the man you had to help. Your mother Hestia had helped you learn that, but you had never seen him before. This Lorenzano was just a child. There was no way he could have a son.
You took a deep breath and reached out. “Sweet boy?” you called, taking a cautious step forward. Little Lorenzano didn’t even flinch. “Hello?” you asked again. You got as close as you could to him, walking around in circles and taking in his appearance, but he didn’t even notice you. It was almost like he couldn’t see you.
That’s when you realised you weren’t in a dream. You were in a memory. And suddenly everything made sense. This broken little boy was in fact the same person you were looking for. But now, he was a broken man who was desperately trying to make things right. Desperately trying to turn his life around. You’d seen a fleck of his past and you wondered if he was anything like that now. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you had to find him.
There was no way of telling how long you were asleep for, but when you heard Maxwell Lord’s voice, you couldn’t distinguish it from your dream or reality. It was so familiar, so rich and articulate.
“Jesus Christ,” Maxwell muttered, pacing backwards and forwards before turning back to you and prodding a finger into your bare arm. “Wake up.” he said sternly, his voice a little louder than before. You yawned, bringing your hands up to your eyes and giving them a gentle rub before sitting up and looking at the man.
It was him. The same man you had seen on the television. Only there was something not that right. You couldn’t put your finger on it. You grinned, your eyes gleaming with delight as you stood up and cupped your hands around his face, squeezing his cheeks and getting as close as you could. You touched him and maneuvered his body in different ways, lifting his arms up and brushing down his shoulders. He was broader than any Amazonian woman, and that said a lot. Surprisingly, Maxwell became putty in your grip. He would’ve never have expected it, but he just let you mould him and sculpt him in any which way you pleased. You traced his skin with your fingers, taking in every detail. It was certainly the man from the television - but this version of Maxwell Lord looked more tired and disheveled. His hair wasn’t perfectly styled and he wasn’t fitted into a perfectly pressed suit. But he was still just as remarkable and there was something about his presence that simply took your breath away.
He could say the same about you, too. He was completely stunned by you. Your beauty was incomparable to anyone else he’d ever seen. You almost looked out of this world. He was quick to shrug off his fascination with you, boiling it down to the fact you were covered in dirt and dressed in the strangest costume. He had more important things to worry about… like Alistair and whatever was in that damn envelope Theodore had given him.
“You’re a man,” you whispered in disbelief.
“I- what?” Maxwell asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.
“A real man,” you gasped, running your fingers through his dark blonde hair. Maxwell had to push back a longing groan, as your touch went straight to his semi-hard and already throbbing manhood. He gulped, diverting his gaze from your beautiful eyes.
“Do I- do I not look like a real man?” he asked curiously, ignoring the shudder that felt like it was swallowing him whole.
“Themyscrian depictions of man illustrate a strong, tall, muscular fellow who carries a sword and shield,” You explained, biting your lip and placing the palm of your hand over his chest. You could feel his beating heart under your touch and it almost took your breath away. You dragged your hand down to the curve of his tummy and Maxwell felt his cheeks heat up with insecurity. He never let anyone touch him like this. “They were naked too.”
Maxwell practically choked on his own tongue. That comment alone was enough to get him to step back and raise his hands up defensively.
“Well princess, I won’t be getting naked for you anytime soon, that’s for sure.” He chuckled nervously.
You smiled. “Princess? No no, I’m not a princess,” you giggled before introducing yourself. “I’m the goddess of home and hearth.”
Maxwell gulped before bursting into a fit of laughter. He looked around the office lobby, his movements quick and stressed. “Right, where’s the camera?”
“The- the camera?” you asked, confused.
“Is this for TV? Come on, tell me quickly. It’s a practical joke… right? You’re here, in my office, covered in dirt and in the most ridiculous clothes I’ve ever seen. And you say all these weird words like Themysciran - whatever that means, and you’re telling me you’re the goddess of home and… hearth?” he said almost quizzically. “You’re the crazy woman who stole Alistair away from me at the playpark earlier.”
So Raquel was right. He really was Alistair’s father. “Hey!” you frowned at his accusations. You hadn’t lied to him once. “You weren’t where Alistair left you. You disappeared and I was helping him find you!” you shot back, feeling an anger bubble inside of you.
“I don’t know where you come from princess, but here in America, you don’t just go round stealing people’s kids. That’s like, a federal offence.” Maxwell shouted, wiggling his finger in the air. “Jesus, where do you come from?”
You defensively crossed your arms over your chest, his yelling making you feel vulnerable. You could tell that he was clearly already under a lot of stress but he had no reason to take it out on you. “Themyscira.” you told him calmly.
He scrunched up his face in disdain. "There it is again. Them-a-what-now?"
"Themyscira." you said, this time making conscious effort to say it slower and clearer.
"With all due respect darling, I've travelled the world. I've been to many different places. I spent my adolescence studying a map of the world and never in my life have I heard of such a place." Maxwell shook his head in disbelief.
"I'm not here to prove anything to you, Mr Lord. But I find your attitude towards me to be quite upsetting." you revealed, looking back at the revolving doors you came in. There was a deafening silence that filled the room.
"Why are you here?" Maxwell snapped eventually with a huff. You swallowed as he stalked over to you, his gaze not breaking from you once. There was something primal in his walk. "Why… are you… here?"
He wished he could ignore the distracting erection in his pants. He didn't even know you. You were just a random girl who had come into his office demanding to see him, refusing to leave until he came. You were just a random girl who had got close with him, who had touched his face and dragged your hand down his body. Who… talked about naked men. Truthfully, Maxwell had never been with a woman who was quite like you, but things were starting to make sense for him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he were to just take you up to his private office.
Your throat felt dry and for the first time, you couldn't fathom words. His honeyed brown eyes were now dark and lust blown as he raised his hand to caress your cheek. You didn't even realise the way you subconsciously moved your face further into his hold and a wicked smirk crossed his lips. His hand was large and warm and his touch filled you with a sense of protection you didn't even think you needed. "Oh," Maxwell chuckled darkly. "I know what you want from me."
"You do?" you asked timidly, not even realising the hold he had you under. For a second, you'd forgotten why you were even here. You were so taken in by Max. You were feeling things you had never felt in your life for this man who had been haunting your every thought. He was so close to you, his breath fanned over your skin and you felt a sensation erupt between your legs. His presence was intoxicating, and he could say the same about you.
"But I can't," Maxwell shook his head, his gaze falling to your lips before dropping his hand from your face and taking a step back. He cleared his throat and looked away awkwardly, moving his hand down to his crotch trying to hide his arousal from you. "I… I should go."
There was an immediate feeling of guilt that washed over Maxwell. He'd gained reputation in the past for sleeping with women, namely his assistants and secretaries, and not shown them a slither of affection or care. He was a selfless lover and he could get away with it because he was rich, famous and attractive. But now he was none of those things. When he looked at himself in the mirror before heading to the playpark, his own appearance knocked him sick. The stress wrinkles setting in his forehead, the dark circles around his eyes… and he hadn't showered in a week. His hair was a mess and he couldn't even bring himself to check a whiff of his underarms. He didn't know you, but he sure as hell knew you deserved better than a man like him.
You were bright eyed, polite, and curious about the world around you. Not only that, you had demanded to see Maxwell just because you wished to check on his son and make sure he was okay. You had gotten very close to Max and not said a word about his bad hygiene or his tired eyes, instead, you looked at him with hope and admiration. Almost as if you believed that he could become a better man.
"Wait!" you called, reaching your hand out before Maxwell could walk away. "I'm sorry if- I'm sorry if this wasn't a good conversation for you. I've never spoken to a man before."
Maxwell titled his head and quirked an eyebrow. "You intrigue me," he admitted, pursing his lips slightly. His gaze fell from your face to the circle of rope attached to your belt. It didn't take long before he realised what it was— but no, it couldn't be. "What is that?" Maxwell asked, pointing at the rope as fear dripped from his tongue. He even took a few steps back.
You unravelled the rope and held it out for him to see. "This is the lasso of Hestia, it was my mother's. She gave it to me before I left for the world of man. Only two were made and this— this is the last one," you smiled a tearful smile at the memory of your mother. Diana had taken the other lasso, as well as the sword of Athena, back in 1918. "My mother Hestia is the goddess of Truth. And the lasso of Hestia compels any individual it uses to see the truth, or speak it," There was no telling what the expression on Maxwell's face showed. You frowned. "You still don't believe me, do you?"
The lasso had initiated a trauma response in Maxwell as you turned it on. He watched it glow yellow, the same yellow that Diana's lasso had glowed when she wrapped it around his ankle in the island bunker. He remembered her words; "See the truth." and his heart sank into the depths of his chest. That's when he saw Alistair.
Maxwell had always thought Diana Prince was strange. Ever since she told him she didn't own a TV— because who in the 1980s didn't own a TV? And who would deny a free 19 inch TV from Sears? But when she had followed him to Cairo with her pilot boyfriend and caused nothing but chaos in her red, blue and gold superhero outfit, he knew she was special. That she possessed powers. This was later reaffirmed in The White House, and then in the bunker as Maxwell tried to plot world domination and grant wishes to every citizen.
He looked at you behind all the mud and dirt, and he looked into your eyes. Could it be true? Could you be telling the truth? What if you were like Diana? Would he really want to be around someone like you?
Maxwell took a huff of air and wrapped the lasso around his wrist. You watched him, letting him do so. "Prove it." Max swallowed the lump in his throat that he hadn't even realised was there. You looked at him with hesitancy before nodding your head. If this worked, he has no reason not to believe you. A magical lasso… and it wasn't the first he had seen.
"What do you wish to see?" you asked Maxwell, your voice quiet. You didn't detach your gaze from his eyes once.
"Do you see what I see?" He asked, and you nodded your head in affirmation. Maxwell thought for a second, before remembering you had come all this way to Black Gold Cooperative just to see Alistair. At first, there was something deeply unsettling about it… but your presence made Maxwell feel safe. "Show me my son."
You closed your eyes and Maxwell followed your actions, and it wasn't long before your vision was clouded by the image of Alistair in his bedroom at Julianna and Theodore's house. Sitting at a desk, he was humming a song. Maxwell couldn't help but smile, recognising the song from the video game Alistair played with him earlier in the day. With an array of colourful crayons, he intricately sketched a drawing of a man with messy yellow hair and a tie, holding the hand of a smaller boy with black hair holding a teddy bear. He labelled the drawing ‘me and daddy’.
"Alistair sweetheart," Julianna called, peeking her head through the door that stood slightly ajar. "Dinner is ready," Alistair didn't look up once, continuing to rub pink crayon into his paper. "What are you drawing there?" Julianna asked, slipping into her son's bedroom and peering over his shoulder and the drawing.
"Me and daddy," Alistair mumbled, only half listening. He was too busy concentrating on adding the purple detailing on his daddy's socks.
"Oh sweetie, I told you that maybe, sometime, you could draw yourself and Theodore? You know, since he's your father too. He does so much for you Alistair, he takes you out to the movies, takes you to your piano lessons… he's a good guy," Julianna smiled, ruffling her son's hair. She pressed her finger into the yellow haired stick man wearing purple socks. "He's not a good guy."
Alistair furrowed his eyebrows, dropping the crayon to the paper and turning to face his mother. "My daddy is my hero." Alistair told his mother, his brown eyes wide and full of love.
Julianna didn't say a word. She stiffened up, standing tall and glared at her son's drawing. Her stare was so intense, you wondered if she was about to eject lasers from her eyes and set the paper on fire.
"Go eat your dinner." She finally said coldly, her words dripping with malice before barging out Alistair's bedroom.
The lasso of truth unravelled itself from Maxwell's wrist and you curled it back into your holster, clipping it in place on your belt. You looked up and noticed the tears that were pricking Maxwell's eyes.
"You- you probably shouldn't have seen all of that," Maxwell admitted, his voice croaking slightly as he tried to hold himself back from becoming a sobbing mess. "I'm not a hero."
You reached out and took the hand of the big-name businessman who was standing before you on the verge of tears. His hand was big, cold, and his fingers were calloused. You took him in both of your hands and rubbed soothing circles into his skin, desperately trying to provide him with warmth and comfort. His glazed brown eyes looked up at you with bewilderment as he wondered why you were being so nice to him. He was a monster, he deserved every bad consequence that would be coming for him. And yet, you treat him like a human. Even at the height of his career when he lived in riches and luxury, nobody had treated him with the politeness and love you were currently giving him — and you were a stranger. A stranger who was covered in mud with a magic lasso.
"Maybe you are a hero."
Permanent: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja190 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie
I Believe In Love: @mrschiltoncat @thebloodrobin @bxxbxy @marydjarin @the-feckless-wonder @typicalnerd98 @thwiso @julieteagk @starsandmando @kishie8 @supernaturalcat7 @galaxypox @cocastyle @welcometothepedroverse @galactic-rhi @honestlystop @walkerchick007 @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @criminalmind1927 @seasonschange-butpeopledont @thesadvampire @wonder-jedi @eternallyvenus @way-too-addicted-to-anime @spacedaddydinn
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Can you list anything you unironically like in the games (and cartoons and comics) that you don't like?
I won't bother mentioning music, since that goes without saying and is to be expected for a Sonic game... unless you're Chronicles.
Sonic Adventure 2 (mixed gameplay-wise, annoying story-wise) - While I prefer Sonic's SA1 levels for a number of reasons, I still think his and Shadow's gameplay in SA2 is fun on its own merit. I also don't mind the treasure hunting gameplay returning or how big the levels are this time around, since Knuckles and Rouge are still fast and not '06 levels of slow. It's mainly the gimped radar that creates the unfortunate domino effect of making them a problem.
- Introduced Rouge, one of my favourite characters for how playful she is and how she's a lot more nuanced and intelligent than you'd expect.
- Some genuinely good scenes, like Eggman's trap on the A.R.K and Sonic escaping from the G.U.N. helicopter.
- Had some good ideas going for it, like the Pyramid Base and the Biolizard as a scientific monster instead of an ancient one.
- Despite my thoughts on the backstory itself (or rather, its execution), Shadow has enough depth and subtle qualities and occasional unintended hilarity to stand out from the typical dark rival characters you see in media.
- The Last Scene's music in particular is one of my favourite cutscene tracks in the series.
Sonic Heroes (mixed gameplay-wise, loathed story-wise) - The gameplay is fun when you're not being screwed over by repetitive combat, overly long levels and/or ice physics.
- Boasts some of the most consistently Genesis-worthy environments in the 3D games, up there with SA1's and Colours'.
- The in-game dialogue that isn't the same tutorial drivel repeated ad nauseam can be interesting, funny, etc.
- Reintroduced the Chaotix, which provided me with another character I quite like in the form of Vector.
- Bringing Metal Sonic back in full force and front and center in the plot after a long absence (not counting cameos and the like) is a perfectly fine idea. Just... not like this.
Sonic Battle (decent yet repetitive gameplay, mixed story-wise) - Emerl's arc is compelling, and it earns the emotional weight of having to put him down at the end.
- While some characters are iffy (read: Amy), other characters are extremely well-handled. Shadow is probably the prime example.
- Gamma's belly dance healing animation is fucking hilarious.
- When I was young, and the game was first announced, I was really excited about being able to play as Chaos. This proved to be my downfall when it turned out he was arguably one of the worst characters in the game due to being slower than me during the writing process, but I still recall that excitement fondly.
Shadow the Hedgehog (comedy classic) - The sheer amount of legendary stupidity this game has going for it makes it practically impossible to actually hate. It helps that it's not quite as white-knighted on the same level as '06... usually. You know you're in for a unique experience when you hear a gunshot every time you click something in the menu.
- By extension, Black Doom never gained an unironic fanbase like Mephiles/Scourge/Eggman Nega did, which means I'm a lot more willing to take Doom's dumbass brand of villainy in stride. He even has a unique design... a terrible one that rips off Wizeman granted, but alas, even that is a step-up from Fridge Shadow and Bumblebee Eggman.
- Despite being... well, Shadow the Hedgehog, some of the environments would fit right in with any other Sonic game, like with Circus Park, Lava Shelter, and Digital Circuit. Even the Black Comet levels look pretty cool.
- This game understands amnesia better than IDW does.
Sonic '06 (what do you think?) - The obvious one: Shadow's character was handled pretty well, even if it came at the cost of everyone else being a dummy and being forced to interact with Mephiles.
- Like SA2, there are some good moments, like the Last Story ending sequence with Sonic and Elise.
- In the greatest form of irony ever, I like Solaris as a concept and design(s), and its backstory has potential to serve as a parallel with Chaos without being a complete ripoff. Iblis sucks, Mephiles sucks, but I'm fine with Solaris.
- Introduced legendary characters like Sonic Man, Pele the Beloved Dog, Hatsun the Pigeon, and Pacha from The Emperor's New Groove.
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The Rivals duology (apathetic outside of Nega-related grumbling) - There were some cool zone ideas in both games that were sadly let down by the restrictive and limiting gameplay. I particularly like Colosseum Highway for thus far being the only full-on Roman level in the series instead of merely having a couple minor hints of Roman, and Meteor Base for the unique scenario of the space station being built into an asteroid. These level concepts and others deserve a second chance IMO. (At least Frontier Canyon got a second chance in the form of Mirage Saloon, amirite?)
- Ifrit has a better design than Iblis. Not saying it's amazing, but the Firebird motif it has going on is a lot more interesting for a fire monster than the Not-Chaos schtick they had with Iblis.
Sonic and the Secret Rings (a very frustrating gaming experience) - Erazor Djinn, A.K.A. Qui-Gon Djinn, A.K.A. Dr. N. Djinn, A.K.A. I'll Take It On The Djinn, A.K.A. Not From The Hairs On My Djinny Djinn Djinn, is one of the best villains not associated with Eggman in the series. He's a Mephiles-type character done right, and there's actual weight and reason to his actions, however sinister or petty.
- I don't have strong opinions either way on Shahra as a character, but the Sonic/Shahra friendship is sweet and well-handled.
- The ending is one of Sonic's greatest moments. The sheer contrast between how ruthlessly he deals with Erazor and how comforting he is towards Shahra speaks volumes... Still gonna make fun of the mountain of handkerchiefs though. (Before anyone lectures me, I understand the significance of it and can even appreciate it from that angle... doesn't mean I'm not allowed to poke fun at it. :P)
- Another game with some redeeming environments. I love the aesthetic of Night Palace, and Sand Oasis looks gorgeous too.
Sonic Chronicles (my personal least favourite game in the series) - Uh...
- Um...
- Er...
- I like Shade's design?
Sonic Unleashed (overrated game and story IMO) - The obvious two: the opening sequence and the Egg Dragoon fight deserve all the praise they get.
- Seeing Eggmanland come to life was an impressive moment to be sure. While part of me does feel it didn't quite measure up to what I had in mind (ironically, the Interstellar Amusement Park ended up being closer to what I had in mind), it still looks badass and works well for what it is. I also don't mind the idea of it being a one-level gauntlet... key word being idea.
- Obviously, the game looks great. Not a fan of the real world focus (real world inspiration is fine, but copy-pasting the real world and shoving loops in it is just unimaginative), but it can't be denied that the environments look good.
- This game pulled off dialogue options a lot better than Chronicles did, since they didn't rely on making Sonic OoC.
Sonic and the Black Knight (just kind of boring all around) - Despite my gripes with the story (Merlina wasn't nearly as fleshed out as her unique anti-villain status deserved, which ends up severely undermining the ambition of the plot in more ways than one, and the other characters go from being useless yes men for King Arthur to being useless yes men for Sonic), I will admit it provides interesting insight into Sonic's character.
- Like '06 and Secret Rings, the ending is very nice... well, aside from Amy being an unreasonable bitch ala Sonic X at the very end.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (apathetic) - The admittedly few new concepts sprinkled within had promise. They may not have been as fleshed out as they could have been, but level concepts like Sylvania Castle and White Park, bosses like Egg Serpentleaf and the Egg Heart, and story beats like the Death Egg mk.II being powered by Little Planet, all could have been brilliant had they been better executed.
SatAM (apathetic outside of SatAM Robotnik-related grumbling) - I'm not a fan of the environments on the whole due to them looking too bland or samey, but there are some exceptions that look pleasant or interesting, like the Void.
Sonic Underground (apathetic) - The character designs make me feel better about myself.
- Does "large quantities of unintentional meme material" count as a positive?
Sonic X (mostly apathetic outside of Eggman's handling) - Helen was a better human character and audience surrogate in her one focus episode than Chris was throughout his entire runtime.
- Actually, most of the human characters not named Chris were legitimately likable. Including everyone in Chris' own family not named Chris. Hilarious.
- Despite arguably having the most Chris in it, I actually don't mind the first season that much, partly due to slight nostalgia from seeing it on TV when it was new, but mostly because Eggman actually acted like a villain for the most part, and certain other characters weren't quite as flanderized yet. It's season 2 and onwards where things started going off the rails IMO. (Incidentally, Helen's episode was part of season 1...)
The Boom franchise (apathetic) - Along with Chronicles, the games provide yet more proof that just because someone isn't SEGA/Sonic Team, that doesn't mean they're automatically more qualified to handle the series.
- The show had some good episodes here and there, and Tails' characterization was probably the most consistently on-point out of the cast.
- Despite not exactly being favourite portrayals for either character, even I'll admit that many of Knuckles and Eggman's lines in the show on their own were genuinely funny.
Archie Sonic (pre-reboot is mostly terrible, post-reboot is mostly... bland) - Whenever I doubt myself as a writer, I think back to Ken Penders, and suddenly I'm filled with a lot more confidence.
Sonic the Comic (apathetic) - Fleetway isn't a comic I tend to recall much of aside from how much of a loathesome cunt Sonic is, but IIRC, Robotnik's portrayal is pretty good. Different, but good.
IDW Sonic (stop pissing me off, comic) - Putting their handling aside (and being too obviously "inspired" by MGS in the latter's case), Tangle and Whisper are good characters IMO.
- Same goes for Starline, before he was killed off-screen and replaced with Toothpaste Snively.
- Execution aside (noticing a pattern?), the zombot virus was a fine concept on its own and an interesting new scheme for Eggman.
- I get to remind myself that I've never drawn scat edits and posted them publicly on Twitter.
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starlight-phantom · 4 years
Okay, so I suddenly got shown a lot more interest in my Shadow Ren AU thing, so here it is, I guess? Keep in mind that this is a very basic plan and I'm not sure if I'll ever write anything for it because I am Lazy and Useless and Way To Behind On My Other Multichapter Stuff. Big ol' thanks to @hanaxsongs for reading through this and basically just being a ridiculously sweet and adorable human being.
Edit: I am very, very sorry to anyone who doesn't want to read all of this, but I've been trying to put it under a read more for five minutes and it is not appearing at all for some reason?????
Name: Ren Amamiya
Location: Leblanc
Distortion: Theatre
Treasure (In Palace): Bouquet of Roses
Treasure (In Reality): Middle School Acting Award
Shadow Ren Design:
-Hair gelled back
-Large, black bags under his eyes
-Grey dress shirt
-Black waistcoat
-Red jacket
-Black skin tight trousers
-Red stilettos
-Black top hat with red sash
First Phase:
-Hair down
-Grey shirt
-White cravat
-Black skin tight trousers
-Red thigh high boots with knife heels
-Black top hat with red sash
-Black and White full face mask, reminiscent of the design on the backs of the tarot cards
-Midnight blue wings
Second Phase:
-Hair down
-Black shirt
-White tie
-Red jacket
-Red fedora with white sash
-Black skin tight trousers
-Red shoes with knife heels
-Black metallic wings
-Black and Red full face mask, right side smashed up, displaying the shadow's eye
Final Phase:
-Hair down
-Black and gold armour
-Black armoured gloves with gold claws
-Red sash across his chest
-Black skin tight trousers
-Gold knee boots with knife heels
-Black and gold demon wings
-Gold demon horns
-Face on display, mask smashed to pieces
Calling Card:
Sir Ren Amamiya, 
The apathetic sinner of solitude. You have trapped yourself within the confines of your despair filled heart, thus we have decided to break those chains and free you from your own self pity. We shall take your distorted desires without fail.
From, The Phantom Thieves
Ren's Reaction:
"...No… No, this isn't right… This is just a prank by Futaba, right? Yeah… That's… That's all it is… Haha… Ha… Real funny… I… I don't…"
Shadow Ren's Reaction:
Shadow Ren's Personality:
-Prone to outbursts of rage
-Vicious when angry
-Full of self pity
-Pins the blame on everyone else
-Childish at times
-Feels as if he has to constantly prove himself
-Desperately wants attention
-Dramatic (Theatre kid)
Shadow Ren's Thoughts Throughout The Palace:
While the thieves explore the palace and accomplish smaller goals, they hear Shadow Ren's thoughts echoing through the speaker system. These are all some of his most bitter and hateful thoughts that Ren hates himself for thinking.
"So damn loud… Just shut up already… It's like you're trying to get us arrested… So loud… So dumb… So brash… So vulgar… So… Damn… Annoying."
"Why do you care what I do? You're just a damn cat… Always telling me what to do… Where to go… When to go to bed… You're a damn CAT, not a prison warden…"
"You think you're so cute, huh? God, you're annoying… I can't tell if you think acting ditzy is cute or if you are actually that dumb… I'm sick of having to fix all of your mistakes…"
"Beauty this… Beauty that… Do you really think your pursuit of beauty is more important than personal boundaries?! How many damn times have you asked me and Ann to strip?! It's creepy as hell! Leave me alone!"
"What are you, my mum? Why do you have the right to tell me what to do? You stalked me… You blackmailed me… And now you care about me enough to babysit me 24/7?! Cut the bullshit!"
"What part of the word 'privacy' do you not understand?! You think you can just bug everything that belongs to me and watch my every move?! You damn creep! Leave me alone!"
"Why the hell do you act like it's a bad thing your dad died? He worked his employees to death, he framed his opponents for crimes they didn't commit, he paid for people to have mental shutdowns… He tried to sell you off just for some political gain! Stop crying already!"
"Don't act like you're better than me… You're a killer. You have no right to lecture me. You're two faced… You're Shido's little lackey… You murdered me… You're a murderer!"
"Back off already. Stop clinging to me like a lost puppy. It's annoying. Your identity crisis isn't my problem… Stop coming to me for help with every small inconvenience! You're a pain in the ass!"
"You want what's best for me? Bullshit. You just wanna fulfill your power fantasy… You're not a hero… You're just a madman with a goddamn Messiah complex! Don't act like you understand me!"
"I didn't do it… I didn't do it… I didn't do it…!"
"I didn't do anything… Why… Why won't you listen to me…? Please… I didn't…"
"You guys don't care about me… You only became my friend after I helped you with your damn problems… You only keep me around because I'm useful! The moment I'm not useful anymore, you're just gonna throw me away! Don't lie! I know you will!"
"All of you… All of you just want me to fix your problems… You blackmailed me… You forced me to help you… What about me?! What about my problems?! Do any of you even give a shit?!"
"I… I should've… N-No… Stop…! Get away! Not again! Get out of my head! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"
"I-It… It hurts… It hurts… so much… S-Somebody…"
"Why… Why am I never good enough…? What am I doing wrong…? Why doesn't anyone-?"
"Somebody… Anybody… Please just want me around!"
"I should've died in that damn room… Everything would've been so much easier…"
Palace Layout:
First Floor:
Chariot Area 
 - Entrance Hall
- Cognitive Ryuji acts as a bouncer
 - Represents a first line of defense around Ren's heart
Lovers Area
 - Refreshments Area
 - Cognitive Ann acts as a hostess
 - Represents Ren's desire for someone to want him
Magician Area 
 - Underground Car Park
 - Cognitive Morgana acts as a lookout
 - Represents Ren's desire to move on from the past
First Theatre 
 - Has a red and gold colour scheme
 - Depicts the incident that got Ren arrested
Second Floor:
Emperor Area
 - Gallery
 - Cognitive Yusuke acts as a curator
 - Represents Ren's desire and inability to see beauty in the world
Priestess Area
 - Security Checkpoint
 - Cognitive Makoto acts as a security guard
 - Represents Ren's fear of people having power over him
Hermit & Moon Area
 - Surveillance Room
 - Cognitive Futaba and Yuuki act as surveillance officers
 - Represents Ren's fear of constantly being watched
Second Theatre
 - Has a blue and silver colour scheme
 - Depicts what happened in the interrogation room
Third Floor:
Empress Area
 - Garden Area
 - Cognitive Haru acts as a gardener
 - Represents Ren's desire to have a place he feels safe
Hierophant Area
 - Café
 - Cognitive Sojiro acts as a barista
 - Represents Ren's desire to be a part of a loving family
Consultant Area
 - Medical Room
 - Cognitive Takuto acts as a doctor
 - Represents Ren's distrust of adults and his fear of being used
Third Theatre
 - Has a red and gold colour scheme
 - Curtains are slightly ripped and carpets have small stains
 - Depicts Ren as a middle school child, winning an award for his acting. He is proud of himself however his parents are thoroughly unimpressed.
Fourth Floor:
Justice And Judgement Area
 - VIP Area
 - Cognitive Goro and Sae act as bodyguards
 - Represents Ren's distrust and fear of police and the justice system
Faith Area
 - Ballroom
 - Cognitive Sumire acts as a performer
 - Represents Ren's desire to entertain and have people's eyes on him
Strength Area
 - Prison
 - Cognitive Caroline & Justine act as prison wardens
 - Represents Ren's feelings of being trapped by fate
Fourth Theatre 
 - Has a blue and silver colour scheme
 - Curtains are ripped and the carpets have small stains
 - Depicts the thieves being erased from existence and Ren almost being executed by those who were supposed to help him
Fifth Floor:
Fool Area
 - Main theatre
 - Curtains are ripped to shreds
- Carpet is stained and ripped beyond repair
 - All gold and silver ornaments are rusted and dull
 - The rafters are all broken and collapsing
 - The remainder of Ren's confidants act as the backstage crew
 - Depicts a child Ren being abused by his parents
- Represents Ren's regret of his existence
Sixth Floor:
The World Area
 - Completely distorted
 - No discernable theme
 - All shadows are either enraged or despair ridden
 - Elements of every palace are mashed together throughout the entire distorted environment
    - Armour and chandeliers from Kamoshida's palace
    - Paintings and golden ornaments from Madarame's palace
    - Vault doors and piggy banks from Kaneshiro's palace
    - Sarcophagus' and QR codes from Futaba's palace
    - Airlocks and robots from Okumura's palace
    - Roulette wheels and neon lights from Sae's palace
    - Daruma dolls and Shido statues from Shido's palace
    - Statues of Rumi and Azathoth tendrils from Takuto's palace
    - Train tracks and cables from Mementos
    - Jail cells and chains from Mementos Depths
    - Bones and angels from Qliphoth
 - Final line of defense is the Reaper
 - Represents Ren's trauma and despair
Final Floor:
No Arcana 
 - Throne Room
 - Boss Room
 - Shadow Ren's lair
 - Represents his desire to have power over everyone who wronged him
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
Hi! Are you still taking levihan prompts? If so, I have 2 that you can pick from: 1. Anastasia AU 2. Despicable me AU (mostly from the 2nd movie). Idk why but I can see them in both AU's lol! You don't have to both btw
i decided to go with Anastasia, ‘cause i loved this movie so much as a kid! hope you enjoy my fic as well!
“I’m fucking sick of it.” Levi declared, looking at another ‘Princess’. “Just look at her, Erwin!” he gestured to the woman on stage, who was currently reciting all of Czar’s relatives. “She looks nothing like the Princess Hanna! She’s blonde for fuck’s sake!”
“We can always get her a wig.” Erwin noted with a smile.
“Her eyes are green.” Levi hissed.
Erwin chuckled, rising his hands in placating gesture. “Fine, fine. Maybe, you’re right and she doesn’t look like our Princess, but we can’t just give up.”
“We’ve been doing this for three weeks now! And in all that time we haven’t seen at least one girl, who resembles a Princess.”
“Maybe, I should get you a wig?” Erwin asked, smirking. “You’ll make a great Princess, Levi. I’ve heard that all Princesses are extremely whimsical.”
Levi gave him a flat look. “Very funny, Erwin.”
“Mm, you’re right once again. No one could mistake you for a member of Zoe family. You are too short for that.”
“Continue with those shitty jokes, and I’ll walk out of here, Erwin. And I won’t come back.”
“We both know you’re lying.” Erwin briefly glanced at the woman, who was still standing on a stage. Giving her a charming smile, he dismissed her with a wave of his hand. Then he returned his attention to Levi. “I’m your friend, Levi, and possibly the only person who can tolerate your constant bitching. Besides, if we manage to find a Princess, we’ll be rich! Just think about that!”
“It’s the only reason why I’m still here.” Levi replied, making a face. Sighing, he rose to his feet. “I’ll go and make some dinner. You can continue with your fruitless search, I’m done with it for today.”
Levi walked out of the theater, and headed to the other part of the palace. The palace corridors were icy cold at this time of year, and Levi wrapped his coat tighter around himself. He hated the cold, but it was still better than living on the street. Erwin and he were lucky to find the palace unoccupied.
As he made his way through the halls, Levi heard a strange sound. Someone was talking. Someone, whose voice didn’t sound like Erwin’s.
Levi took out his trusty knife and slowly followed the voice. It sounded closer and closer, until Levi stopped in front of giant doors.
The doors looked dirty, the gorgeous gold color from before now faded. Behind them was a giant ballroom. Levi remembered it as a grant, beautiful place. It was spacious and bright, almost every surface sparkling in the warm candlelight. But now it was grim, dark and covered with cobwebs. Nothing lasts forever, Levi mused before slowly and quietly opening the door.
As he entered, he immediately saw two figures, standing on the other side of the room. They didn’t even notice Levi’s arrival, as they stood with their backs to him, loudly arguing about something.
Well, Levi didn’t care what they were doing here. Or who they were. He lived here, and that meant that they had to leave.
“Oi!” Levi raised his voice to get their attention. “Who the fuck are you?”
The two figures span around, staring at Levi in surprise.
And as Levi studied their faces, as he looked closely at the woman in front of him, his breath hitched in his throat.
She looked so much like her.
That woman resembled Princess Hanna almost uncannily. She was older, of course, and wore a pair of round glasses, but she looked just like the lost member of the royal family. She looked just like the girl Levi had saved all those years ago.
The woman was saying something, as Levi saw her lips move but couldn’t hear what she was saying. His mind was reeling, his thoughts were in frenzy.
“Erwin!” Levi suddenly shouted.
The woman and the man, who stood beside her, stared at Levi with wide eyes. But he didn’t say anything, waiting to hear the sounds of Erwin’s heavy and hurried steps.
A moment later he walked in, coming to stand next to Levi.
“We have guests?” Erwin asked with a surprised smile.
“Erwin,” Levi tugged at his sleeve. “Look at her.”
And without saying anything else, Erwin did. Levi watched, how Erwin’s eyes focused on the woman’s face and then quickly darted behind her, to the portrait of a royal family.
“Oh,” Erwin breathed out. “Oh.” He repeated, still shocked.
He recovered almost immediately, as he took a step closer, a charming smile appearing on his lips.
“Good evening, my lady,” he took the woman by the hand, kissing her palm. “May I know your name?”
“Hange…” the woman said slowly, eyeing both Levi and Erwin with suspicion.
“Just Hange?”
The woman scratched her head, looking away. “I don’t know my last name.”
“Interesting,” Erwin rubbed his chin. “Well, my name is Erwin Smith, and that is my friend, Levi Ackerman.”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Levi asked, glaring furiously at the newcomers.
“We were just passing by!” Hange hurried to explain, her eyes darting nervously from Erwin’s sweet smile to Levi’s hard face. “My friend Moblit and I,” she gestured to the man with chestnut hair, who was standing behind her. “We’ve heard that there lives a man, who knows how to forge documents.” She smiled a little sheepishly. “And we need them to go to Paris.”
“Paris?” Erwin’s smile became a lot wider. “What a coincidence! My friend and I are planning to go there as well. If you wish, we can accompany you.”
“I…” Hange looked at her friend, and they seemed to have a silent conversation. “What will it cost us?”
Erwin’s eyes glinted almost wickedly. “Before I answer your question, will you answer mine, please?”
“Alright…” Hange nodded, looking even more wary than before.
“This may sound weird, but do you know your family?”
“My family died.” Hange replied in a strange, detached voice. “Or they left me. I don’t really know. All I have is this thing,” she showed Erwin and Levi her necklace. “It says ‘together in Paris’. I don’t know what exactly this means, but I’m determined to find out.”
Erwin nodded and came to stand next to Hange, wrapping his hands around her shoulders and spinning her around.
“Do you see this girl, Hange?” he gestured to the smallest member of Zoe family. “Don’t you think she looks just like you?”
“You’re joking.” Hange scoffed, although her eyes didn’t leave the portrait and her hand was clutching the necklace tightly.
“I am not,” Erwin assured her in a calm, deep voice. “It is known that Princess Hanna was the only one of Zoe family, who managed to escape from the revolutionaries. And if you don’t remember your parents, you might as well be the long lost Princess. Princess’ grandmother, Empress Olga, lives in Paris now, why don’t you come with us and pay her a visit? It may be your chance to find out about your past.”
“To find out about my past…” Hange whispered in daze. “I always wanted to do that.”
She continued to stare at the portrait for another moment, and then she turned around, looking intently at Erwin and Levi.
“Do you really think it’s possible that I can be Princess Hanna?”
“I’m sure of it.” Erwin gave her another smile.
“And you?” Hange came to stand in front of Levi, her eyes boring into his. “Do you also think I’m a Princess?”
“You look like a dirty tramp and you reek like a wet dog.” Levi told her, crossing his hands on his chest. Erwin elbowed him in the side, whispering him to shut up, but Levi paid him no mind, keeping the entirety of his attention on the woman in front of him. “But I’ve seen hundreds of Russian girls, who have claimed to be a Princess. And no one resembled Princess Hanna like you do.”
Hange stared at Levi for a long moment. To his surprise, she didn’t seem to be offended by his words. On the contrary, her lips curved into a small, but amused smile.
“Alright then,” Hange declared, still gazing at Levi. “I’ll come with you.”
“Excellent!” Erwin straightened out, giving Hange another brilliant smile. “Then pack your suitcases, Princess. Paris is waiting for us!”
As he sat next to her on the train, Levi couldn’t stop glaring at Hange. The speck of dirt on her left cheek irritated him. His hands twitched with desire to tell her to wipe that shit off her face, but he promised Erwin he’d behave around her.
Still, the more he looked at it, the angrier Levi became. 
Another ten minutes passed by with Levi’s gaze still focused on Hange. Erwin and Princess’ friend Moblit began to give Levi weird looks, but Levi ignored them. In return, Hange ignored him. She either didn’t notice his intense stare, or just didn’t care about it.
Another ten minutes, and Levi had enough.
He swiftly took the handkerchief out of his pocket and threw it at Hange. It landed right on her face.
She slowly lifted the white cloth and gave Levi a questioning look.
“Your face is fucking dirty, four-eyes,” Levi growled. He instantly wanted to smack himself – he promised to be polite and considerate around Hange, so she would get used to her role as a Princess. But her sloppiness pissed Levi off so much!
Another thing that pissed off Levi was her constant carelessness and her inability to take anything, and especially him, seriously. Even now she was giggling at Levi’s annoyed face, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
“And clean your glasses, for fuck’s sake,” he added, looking at her with disgust.
“Yes, sir!” Hange stuck her tongue at him and then burst out laughing.
Levi’s eye began to twitch. “Can you stop behaving like a child for at least a moment? And can you stop slouching in your sit? Princesses don’t sit like that!”
“And you know a lot about Princesses?” Hange asked. The stupid amused expression was still plastered on her face.
“More than you do.”
“But you do believe that I am a Princess, right?” Hange’s eyes glinted with mischief.
“Of course.”
“Then stop bossing me around!” she exclaimed.
In the sit across from Levi, Erwin chuckled. When Levi turned his gaze to Moblit, he saw that he too was hiding a smile behind his palm.
Fucking assholes.
Levi swiftly rose to his feet, heading out of the train cabin. He needed to get some fresh air. And get away from Hange. The smug grin on her lips made Levi’s blood boil.
Levi slowly made his way through the train. Almost everyone he passed through was busy checking their documents, making sure that the Inspector wouldn’t find anything suspicious.
Levi briefly glanced at the passengers’ passports. They were red. But as he walked out of the cabin, he was sure that Erwin held blue passports in his hands.
Levi returned to their cabin as swiftly as he could without raising any suspicions.
“Erwin!” Levi said breathlessly, as he tumbled inside the cabin. “Everyone has red passports!”
Erwin looked at the passport in his hand and then back at Levi. “Shit.” He said quietly, but with feeling. Levi couldn’t agree more.
“Is something wrong?” Hange asked, fixing the glasses on her face. Levi was relieved to see that she had cleaned them. Small mercies and all that shit. “I thought you were good at forging documents.”
Erwin gave her a tight-lipped smile. “We are, but we mostly specialize on Russian documents. French passports are, sadly, not my area of expertise.”
“We need to run.” Levi urged, getting his suitcase. “If the Inspector sees us…”
“Yeah, I know,” Erwin nervously ran a hand through his hair. “Take Hange and go, Levi. Moblit and I will follow you.”
“Roger.” Levi nodded, grabbing Hange’s hand and yanking her up. “Let’s go, four-eyes. We need to hurry.”
“And where exactly are we going? Where are we going to hide?”
“There isn’t a place on this train, where Inspector wouldn’t look for us. So we have to get off this train.”
“Get off?” Hange’s eyes widened and her brows furrowed. “Do you mean—”
“Yes, we’ll jump off the train,” Levi said impatiently, leading Hange to the most secluded area of the train.
“Jump?!” Hange shrieked. “We can die!”
“Don’t tell me you’re scared, four-eyes.” Levi smirked. “C’mon, get ready.”
He let go of her palm and put his hands on the big metal door. To Hange’s surprise, Levi opened it without much of hassle. He was so short, but his back was wide and his arms were evidently strong.
“On the count of three?” he asked Hange, as he stood on the edge.
“On the count of three.” she agreed. She took a deep breath and then grabbed Levi by the hand.
Levi glanced at their joined hands in surprise, but then nodded, squeezing Hange’s palm.
“Three.” He whispered, jumping and dragging Hange after him.
While they were falling, Levi managed to maneuver himself in a different position. Still holding Hange’s hand, his other arm grabbed her waist, pressing her closer to him. As a result, when they landed, Hange fell on top of him.
“That was awesome!” she exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. Hange’s eyes were practically sparkling with excitement.
All Levi could do was to slightly node. Hange was close, so very close to him, and all thoughts seemed to leave Levi’s head.
“Hange!” Moblit shouted, as soon as he and Erwin landed not far from Levi and Hange. “Are you alright?”
“Of course!” Hange’s voice was loud and cheerful. She briefly glanced back at Levi. “Thanks for being a cushion for me!” she patted his shoulder and winked. 
Then she got up and went to Moblit, who continued to fret over her. Levi didn’t know if he should be disappointed or relieved at the loss of warmth Hange’s body was giving him.
Of course, Hange’s clothes were dirty, and she herself was disgusting, but to Levi’s surprise, she didn’t smell as bad as he expected. She actually smelled kind of nice…
Still lying in the snow, Levi shook his head, he was slowly going crazy. Hange’s craziness was probably contagious.
“You seem kind of shaken,” Erwin stood above him, outstretching his hand towards him.
“Hit my head during the fall.” Levi lied, taking the offered hand and hoisting himself up.
Dusting off his snow-covered coat, he looked at the horizon. The train had almost disappeared from the view, leaving a cloud of dust after it.
“What are we going to do next?” Levi asked ignoring Hange’s excited blabbering behind him.
Erwin sighed, rubbing his face tiredly. “If my estimates are correct, we are somewhere in Poland. I guess we can get aboard the ship in Germany.”
“And how will we get there?”
“We can catch a bus in Strasburg. But the road there will be a long one.”
Levi glanced back. Moblit was holding Hange’s face in his hands, inspecting it for signs of injury. Noticing Levi’s stare, Hange stuck her tongue at him again.
Levi sighed, turning to face Erwin again. “Yeah,” he grunted. “The road will be long.”
“So?” Levi asked as soon as Erwin walked out of the postman’s office.
Erwin nodded, looking pleased. “It’s all set. Mike is waiting for us and he promised that Nanaba will talk with Empress.”
“What is set?” Hange suddenly appeared behind Levi’s shoulder. “Who is Mike and why is he waiting for us? Who is Nanaba and why does she have to talk with Empress?”
“Mike is my old friend,” Erwin explained with a smile. “His wife Nanaba is Empress’ distant relative. She’ll talk with her and persuade her to see you.”
“Persuade?” Hange’s eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. “But I thought that Empress was already waiting for me?”
Erwin’s warm smile became nervous. He stared at Hange in slight panic, not knowing what to say.
Levi decided to come to his rescue. “Empress doesn’t know about you yet.” He said in his usual bored voice. “But once you convince her that you’re the real Princess Hanna–”
“Convince?” Hange cried out, looking at Erwin and Levi in shock. “Convince?!” she repeated even more outraged. “No one told me I had to convince anyone! I didn’t agree to this!”
“Hange, please—” Erwin tried, but Hange silenced him with one furious look.
“No.” she said sternly, her eyes burning with cold fury. “No, I’m not going to do it.”
She turned around, but Levi grabbed her by the hand. “What the fuck?” he hissed, holding her wrist tightly. “We went so far and now you just want to quit? What the fuck happened?”
“You both lied to me, that’s what happened. I just wanted to find my family, I don’t want to lie to anyone!”
“But that’s not a lie! You’re Princess Hanna!”
Hange let out a merciless laugh. “And who is going to believe me?” she said, spreading her hands out. “You are the one, who always tells me how dirty and messy I am! Empress would never believe that I am a Princess!”
Hange jerkily freed her hand out of Levi’s grasp and started to walk away. And Levi just stared at her retreating back, not knowing what to say or what to do. What Hange just said was true, he did treat her like shit, always calling her names and scolding her. It was his fault that Hange was losing her confidence.
“C’mon, Moblit,” Hange took her friend by the hand, grabbing their suitcase. “We can find some other way to Paris.”
Hange was walking further and further away, but Levi stood still. Erwin moved passed him, giving him a pointed look and hurrying after Hange.
Levi watched how Erwin caught up with Hange and Moblit. He felt like the biggest asshole in the world. But surprisingly he didn’t care about their scheme right now. He wasn’t worried that Hange would walk away and he would lose his money. Instead he felt anger and regret. He was angry at himself for always running his mouth, for never thinking how his cruel words affected other people. He was regretting all the stupid things he had said to upset Hange.
“Wait, Hange, please!” breathlessly, Erwin took Hange by the elbow. “Let’s talk.” Erwin tried to use his most charming smile, but Hange wasn’t fazed.
“Are you going to ask me to continue our journey?”
“I’m not.” Erwin promised her seriously. The smile disappeared from his face, and he looked at Hange earnestly. “I just want to tell you something, that’s all. If after our conversation, you still decide to leave, then I’ll accept it.”
Hange gave him a long, critical look. Then she sighed. “Fine, let’s talk.”
“Thank you,” Erwin nodded and linked his hands with Hange. “We won’t be long,” he promised Moblit and started to lead Hange away.
They walked in silence for some time, and Hange was starting to get impatient.
“I thought you wanted to talk,” she reminded when they reached the small bridge.
Erwin gave her an enigmatic smile and came to stand next to the railing. “Come here,” he softly urged.
Hange huffed, annoyed by his strange behavior, but obeyed his request. She stared into the blue water of the lake beneath the bridge, watching her reflection.
“What do you see?” Erwin asked.
“I see you,” Hange grumbled. “And me.”
“Right, but what exactly do you see?”
Hange stared at the surface of the lake. Her expression stared back. Looking at her messy hair, big glasses and dirty clothes, Hange felt anger stir inside her. Levi’s words echoed in her head, as though mocking her.
“I see stupid and naïve girl,” she crossed hands on her chest, glaring at the water. “I see someone without past. And without future.”
Erwin softly chuckled. “Not to agree with Levi, but maybe you really should clean your glasses, Hange. Because I see something different.” he hugged Hange by her shoulders. His reflection in the lake was smiling gently. “I see a woman, whose bravery and kindness can only rival with her intelligence. I see a good, noble person.”
As Hange gave Erwin a sidelong glance, she saw that even though the smile was still present on his lips, his gaze was becoming distant and melancholy.
“You know that I grew up in the palace?” he began slowly. “My parents were a part of the court, and I’ve spent my childhood alongside other nobles. I’ve never met you, of course, I was a bit older after all. But I do remember tales about an insufferable little girl, who was running around the palace and hiding from her nannies.”
Hange didn’t remember that, all she could remember from her childhood was the cold, uncomfortable beds and angry shouts from the governesses in the orphanage. But she could picture what Erwin was talking about quite clearly. And she liked that image. A small, involuntarily smile appeared on her face, as she continued listening to Erwin.
“What I wanted to tell you Hange, was this - I met a lot of nobles in my life, I was surrounded by them, and well,” Erwin shrugged. “Most of them were terrible people. They were cruel and greedy, and they didn’t respect anyone, who was beneath them. But you Hange… you are different. I can see how bright you are, how sympathetic. It might be foolish of me, but when I look at you, I feel like you’re the only true noble I’ve ever met. Maybe you don’t look like a Princess, but it doesn’t matter. I’m sure that once Empress sees you, once she looks into your fierce and clever eyes, she will know that you’re her granddaughter.”
Hange stared at Erwin for a long moment, thinking over everything he just told her. Slowly, a grin appeared on her face.
She slightly nudged Erwin in the side. “You know, with the way you talk, I’m sure you can probably convince Empress that you’re Princess Hanna.” Hange paused, her eyes focusing on her reflection once more. Then she sighed, straightening her shoulders and turning to look Erwin in the eyes. “Alright, you won. Let’s continue our journey.”
“That’s it?” Levi’s voice suddenly came from behind them “Your tantrum is over?”
“No thanks to you,” Erwin pointed out, giving Levi a disappointed glare.
Levi huffed, and Hange could swear that his cheeks had slightly reddened. “I was an asshole.” He said, looking Hange in the eyes. Even though he was embarrassed, he didn’t look away. He wanted Hange to believe in his sincerity.
“Yeah, you were,” Hange easily agreed and Levi was shocked to see a grin on her lips. “But I’m already used to that.” She patted his shoulder, walking past him. “I guess that’s just how you are. So I’m not upset, don’t worry.”
“As if I would worry about something stupid like that,” Levi grumbled. The amused expressions on Erwin and Hange’s faces told him that they could see right through him.
Damn it, Levi cursed, both of them were annoyingly perceptive.
“Alright!” Hange exclaimed, making a wide gesture with her hands. “Gentlemen! Teach me how to be a Princess!”
“We are lucky that you’re better at remembering names of Czar’s family then at playing chess,” Erwin chuckled after winning another game with Hange.
She huffed, crossing her hands on her chest. “That’s unfair! I’ve learned the rules just yesterday, of course I’ll bad at it!”
“Believe me, four-eyes,” Levi came to stand beside her. “You can spend years playing chess and you still won’t be able to win against Erwin. He is insanely and annoyingly good at this game.”
Erwin shrugged, grinning slightly. “Do you want to try your luck, Levi?” he gestured at the chess board.
“No thanks,” Levi made a face. “I don’t want to be humiliated.” Then he turned to Hange, passing her a wrapped package. “Besides, I came to give Hange this.”
Hange’s greedy hands immediately began tearing off the wrappings. Finished with them, she took out what was inside and gave it a confused look.
“What’s this?” she asked, cocking her head to the side.
Instead of answering, Levi came closer and snatched the glasses of her face. He directed them to the light, inspecting them. Then he huffed. “Your glasses are surprisingly clean, Hange. Have your eyesight became even shittier? Or have you never seen a dress before?”
“Of course, I have!” Hange protested, pressing the dress to her chest. “But I’ve never wore one.” She whispered, hanging her head.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and put it on.”
When Hange lifted her face, there was a big smile on her lips. She shot up to her feet, briefly hugging Levi. “Thank you!” she shouted right into his ear. She swiftly kissed his cheek and then sprinted off to her cabin.
Levi gingerly touched the place, where Hange had kissed him. The skin there was warm, and even warmer feeling spread across his chest.
Standing with his hand on his cheek and a dumb-struck expression on his face, Levi was sure that he looked like an idiot. “Shut up,” he grumbled, seeing the smirk on Erwin’s face. He sat down heavily next to him. “Let’s play your stupid game.” He added, putting figures in their places.
Hopefully, a chess match with Erwin would give him something else to focus onto and he would forget about Hange’s dumb happy smile or her stupid pretty eyes.
Half an hour later, Hange appeared on the deck of a ship, accompanied by Moblit. Levi’s eyes widened as he looked at her.
She was wearing a dress Levi had given her and she let her hair down, the brown locks reached to her shoulders and framed her flushed face. She came to stand in front of Levi and Erwin, nervously smiling at them.
“What do you think?” she asked, tucking a loose lock of her hair behind her ear. “Do I look… acceptable?”
“You look gorgeous.” Erwin replied, standing up and taking Hange by the hand.
Levi couldn’t agree more. When he was a child and lived in a palace with his mother, he oftentimes sneaked into the ballrooms to gawk at all the ladies in beautiful gowns. Their dresses were expansive, their hair was put into complicated hairstyles, and their carefully applied make-up hid every imperfection they had.
Hange looked nothing like them. Standing in her simple purple dress, slightly blushing and shyly smiling, she looked more beautiful than all the ladies, duchesses and princesses Levi had ever seen.
In the meantime, Erwin span Hange around. “You are ready for the ball, Princess.” Erwin said, smiling softly at her.
The blush on Hange’s cheeks intensified. She casted her eyes down, her fingers were fidgeting with the hem of her dress. “Truth be told, I don’t know how to dance…”
“Ah, it’s a problem that can be easily solved.” Still holding Hange’s hand in his, Erwin laid his other arm on Levi’s shoulder. “Because our Levi just so happens to be an incredible dancer! He will teach you everything you need to know!” finished, Erwin let go of them and took a step back.
Hange still looked a bit shy, but she was the first one to make a move. She laid her left hand on Levi’s waist, while her right one took his palm.
Beside them, Erwin chuckled. “While, I agree that the taller person should be the one to lead,” he began, earning a fierce glare from Levi. “But for your first time, I think you should let Levi lead, Hange.”
“Oh,” Hange slowly blinked, changing the position of her hands. “That’s how I should do it?”
Erwin nodded with a smile, and in the next moment, Levi started to slowly move Hange around the deck.
“Relax and follow my lead,” he whispered to Hange, squeezing her hand. “There’s nothing complicated about it.”
Hange nodded slightly, her eyes focused on her toes. Levi tsked.
“I know my face is ugly, but you have to look your partner in the eyes.”
“You’re not ugly!” Hange argued immediately, lifting her face and glaring at Levi. “Maybe, you scowl too much, but it doesn’t make you unpleasant to look at! On the contrary, I like looking at your face.” Hange’s eyes widened as she realized what she had said. “I mean— not that I’m looking at you all the time or something! I just—” Hange’s hand twitched in Levi’s hold, as she wanted to run a hand through her hair. Levi didn’t let her go.
He was sure that his face was as red as Hange’s, but still he tried to keep a straight expression, continuing their dance. “Even with your stupid glasses, I like looking at your face as well.”
Levi cursed at himself, wondering what had possessed him to say those stupid words. However… the smile that appeared on Hange’s face afterwards was kind of worth it. Even if Levi felt like a fucking idiot.
“Thank you for the dress,” Hange whispered. She was still following Levi’s request and looked him straight in the eyes. And Levi stared back, unable to turn away from those warm brown eyes.
“You’re welcome.” Levi whispered back.
“I feel lightheaded,” Hange admitted after Levi had spun her around.
“And your heart is beating fast?” Levi asked.
“Too fast.” Hange agreed.
“I feel the same.” Levi said. He stopped moving, but didn’t let go of Hange and didn’t look away from her face.
“It’s probably from all that dancing,” Hange forced a grin on her face.
Levi nodded. “Maybe, we should stop.”
“But Levi,” Hange looked at him in surprise. “We already did.”
“Hange…” Levi began, staring at her almost desperately. “Hange… I—” he almost did it, almost said those words, almost told Hange how she made him feel. But Levi stopped himself, shaking his head.
What the fuck was he thinking? Hange was a Princess, and a few days later he would get her to Paris and then never see her again. Whatever he thought he was feeling couldn’t be real. He was just being foolish.
“There is nothing I can teach you anymore,” Levi finished, patting Hange’s hand before letting her go. “You won’t look like an idiot on your first ball, so my job is done. I… I need to go.”
And then he left, his heart pounding in his chest. He walked back to his cabin, not even once turning around to look at Hange. He knew that if he looked into her eyes again, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from spilling out the truth about his feelings.
Levi motionlessly lay in his bed, staring with unseeing eyes at the ceiling. The evening’s events kept replaying in his head, over and over. He just… he couldn’t understand.
He couldn’t understand what was happening to him, didn’t know what he was feeling and why he was feeling it. Levi had never felt like that, no one had ever made him feel like that. But whenever he was with Hange, something awoke in him. Something that made him feel at ease, that made him almost happy. Something that made him feel alive.
Levi didn’t know the name of this feeling. Or maybe, he did but was afraid to put a name on it. Surely, it couldn’t be that, he couldn’t be in love with Hange. They knew each other for a little more than a week, Levi barely knew her! But he wanted to know more – wanted to know her quirks and habits, her fears and dreams, her thoughts and feelings. Everything. He wanted to know everything about Hange.  
And that scared Levi. More than he was willing to admit.
Because Levi didn’t believe in love. His life was full of sorrows and losses, there was no place for feelings and other foolish things. But looking at Hange, staring at her big smile or getting lost in her bright eyes, Levi felt something that dangerously resembled hope, blooming inside his chest.
Hange made him feel… she made him feel, she always managed to elicit some kind of reaction and emotion out of usually stoic Levi. She irritated him with her endless teasing, she amused him with her stupid jokes, and she amazed him with her kindness.
She made him feel other emotions, too. When Levi saw, how Erwin touched her shoulder or held her hand, when he watched, how Hange kissed Moblit on a cheek and hugged him tightly to her chest, a weird, angry feeling arose in Levi. His fists clenched and his mouth formed a hard line.
And whenever Hange touched him, whenever she laid her hand on his shoulder, when she was laughing too hard, or whenever she pressed herself against his side, leaning on him, Levi’s heart began to drum erratically, his breath hitched in his throat, as something warm settled in his chest.
Levi cursed, running a hand through his hair. He was so fucked. Because no matter what he felt for Hange, if it was love or some other dumb shit, the end of their story was near. Hange would go to Paris and she would become a Princess. She would wear fancy dresses and she would attend balls. She would be adored by everyone around her, and men would throw themselves at her feet, asking for a minute of her attention.
There was no place in this world for a scum like Levi. There was no place for him in Hange’s life.
Levi woke up with a start. He didn’t notice how he fell asleep, too engrossed in his solemn thoughts.
At first, he couldn’t understand what had woken him up. But then, a moment later, he heard it again – a quiet, muffled sound. Levi instantly became alarmed. He was sure that he was in the room alone, Hange, Moblit and Erwin had decided to join the ship’s crew for a round of drinks. Had they already returned?
The same sound came again, and Levi rose from his bed, trying to look around the dark room. As his eyes adjusted, he saw that the bed on the other side of the cabin was occupied by Hange.
She tossed and turned, sobbing quietly. Levi froze, his eyes wide as he stared at her. Hange was probably having a nightmare, and despite the fact that he frequently suffered from them as well, Levi didn’t know how to help. He looked around the room once more, but there was no sign of Moblit or Erwin. Levi cursed. If Moblit was here, he would know what to do. And Erwin would definitely find the right words to calm Hange down. But they were absent, and that meant that Levi was the one, who had to help Hange.
He slowly approached her, kneeling beside her bed. He looked at her and his heart caught in his throat. Hange’s face was contorted in pain, her cheeks stained with tears.
Levi outstretched his hand, tentatively laying it on Hange’s shoulder. “Oi, Hange,” he slightly shook her. “C’mon, wake up.”
But Hange didn’t seem to hear him, her breath getting more erratic and her sobs becoming louder. “No,” she whispered, furiously shaking her head. “No, no, please don’t leave me!”
Levi’s heart ached, as he watched her struggles. Wrapping his hands around her shoulders, he shook her again, more forceful this time. But still, Hange was unresponsive.
And so Levi decided to try a different approach. With his hands still around her, Levi pressed Hange close to his chest. One of his hands came to rest atop of Hange’s head, as he soothingly patted her hair.
“It’s just a nightmare, Hange,” Levi whispered in the softest voice he could muster. He pressed a gentle kiss on Hange’s sweaty temple. “None of it is real, none of it can really hurt you.”
And, surprisingly, it seemed to work. Soon, Hange’s sobs ceased and Levi felt how her hands fisted in his shirt. She breathed heavily, her whole body moving with excursion.
Finally she raised her head. “Levi?” her eyes were wide as she looked at him. Without her glasses, Hange seemed so young, so innocent and vulnerable.
“You had a nightmare.” Levi answered her unasked question. He still held her in his arms.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Hange whispered, bowing her head in shame.
“Don’t be.” Levi said rather forcefully. “It happens to anyone, and I’m glad that I managed to help you.”
“Thank you,” Hange softly smiled, and Levi’s heart melted. She was smiling at him, he made her smile like that. “But aren’t you angry? My tears ruined your shirt.”
“It’s fine,” Levi waved his hand, finally letting Hange go. A strange look appeared in her eyes, something that looked a lot like disappointment, but it was gone before Levi could inspect it more closely. “As I said, I was glad to help. You’re a Princess, after all. It’s my duty to help you.”
And now Levi was sure that Hange’s eyes were sad. “Is that everything I am to you?” she whispered. “Just a Princess?”
“It’s everything you should be to me.” Levi retorted, looking away from Hange. Her gaze was making him uncomfortable, it almost made him regret his words. “Go to sleep, Hange.” He sighed, getting to his feet. “Tomorrow is an important day.”
Tomorrow, they would finally arrive to Paris, Levi thought bitterly. Soon he would have to say goodbye to Hange.
The next day, Levi, Hange, Erwin and Moblit got off the ship. They stepped on the land and were immediately approached by a man and a woman.
The woman was lean and tall. With her stylish blue dress and short blonde hair, she was unmistakably Parisian. However, the man next to her, a big and wide guy with blonde thick hair and even thicker moustache, was undeniably Russian.
“Oh, god!” the woman exclaimed, as she ran up to Hange. “You look so much like her! You really are Princess Hanna!”
Hange awkwardly scratched her head, shrugging. “Everyone keeps telling me that.” She said with a lopsided grin.
“And they are correct, my dear,” the woman wore a bright smile. She took Hange's hands in hers, squeezing them tightly. “I’m so glad to meet you! And I’m sure Empress will be incredibly happy to see you. She missed you terribly, Hanna.”
Hange smiled at the woman. It looked more than a little forced. “I prefer to be called Hange.”
Even if the woman was taken aback by her words, she didn’t show it. “As you wish. But you need to at least get used to your title. Everyone will call you Princess now.”
Hange’s eyes immediately turned to Levi. She avoided his eyes as soon as their gazes met, but Levi didn’t miss the same hurtful look from yesterday.
“Ah, where are my manners!” the woman clasped her hands together and then outstretched her right one to Hange for a handshake. “I’m Nanaba. And that is my husband Mike.”
Hange smiled, and this time it was sincere. “I’m Hange, and this is my friend Moblit.” She gestured to him.
“Charmed,” Nanaba nodded, shaking Hange’s and Moblit’s hands.
And while Hange shook hands with Mike, Nanaba came to stand next to Erwin.
She grabbed his face and kissed both of his cheeks, smiling from ear to ear. “It’s good to see you again.”
Erwin shared her sentiment, looking just as happy. “I’m glad to be here as well, Nanaba. You look more beautiful with each day.”
Nanaba shook her head, chuckling. “You never change, Erwin.”
Then she turned to Levi, although she didn’t greet him the way she did Erwin. “It’s nice to see you, too, Levi.”
Levi nodded slightly. “I’m glad to know you’re doing alright.”
A moment later, Mike walked up to Erwin. He enveloped him in a tight, suffocating hug. “It’s been too long, my friend.” he said with feeling.
Erwin chuckled, hugging Mike just as tightly. “I missed you, too.”
As he let Erwin go, a big smile curved Mike’s lips. It disappeared as soon as he laid his eyes on Levi. “Ackerman.” He said. All the warmth in his voice was gone.
“Zacharius.” Levi replied in the same manner.
“Are they going to fight?” Hange asked Erwin, watching the scene with great interest.
“They did, a few times.” Hange was surprised by Erwin’s nonchalant tone. Her eyes widened as she saw that Mike’s face broke into a wide grin. He ruffled Levi’s hair, laughing heartily. “I see you still haven’t grown up.”
“Shut up, you ugly giant,” Levi made a face. “And get your dirty hands off me!”
Mike started to laugh even harder, and soon everyone joined him. Everyone, except Levi, who was glaring at them.
“So…” Hange began uncertainly with her hands behind her back. “When I will meet Empress?”
“This evening,” Nanaba promised. “She will attend a play in the theater and I’ll introduce you to each other. Before that, we need to get you a dress. This one is pretty,” she nodded at Hange’s purple dress. “But you need something fancier.”
“Oh, alright. Of course.”
“Great!” Nanaba smiled once more, linking her hands with Hange. “Then let’s go shopping!”
Hange threw the curtain open, revealing yet another outfit to her audience. She grinned, spinning around to give them a better look. However, as she stopped, she was surprised to find out that almost everyone was gone. Only Levi remained in his seat.
“Eh?” her brows furrowed in confusion. “Where are the others?”
“They went to grab a lunch,” Levi said as he came up to Hange. “I have a more pressing question, though. Where the fuck have you found this monstrosity?” he stared displeasingly at Hange’s bright dress. “This thing looks like someone had eaten the rainbow and then vomited it all over the fabric.”
Levi’s colorful description sent Hange into a fit of giggles. She clutched her stomach, laughing even harder. Levi tsked, although his eyes were full of amusement, as he gazed at Hange.
“C’mon,” he softly shoved her back into the dressing room. “Take off this ugly dress, I’ll look for something… more presentable.”
Still chuckling, Hange nodded and disappeared behind the curtain. She was angry at Levi before, and more than angry, she was hurt, but their easy banter made her forget about yesterday’s conversation.  She could almost pretend that everything was fine. That Levi and her were friends.
Five minutes later, Levi touched the side of the curtain. “Here,” he passed her a dress. “Try this.”
Hange looked at the dress in her hands. A smile appeared on her face, as she admired its bright yellow color. Her favorite.
She swiftly put it on and walked out of the dressing room, looking a bit shy. She still felt uncomfortable while wearing a dress.
“Yes,” Levi said in a strange, almost breathless voice. “We should take this one.”
Hange turned to the mirror, studying her reflection. The dress wasn’t long, reaching to her knees and showing off her long and slender legs, it wasn’t tight either, but it followed every curve of her body, accentuating her slim waist. The bright yellow color contrasted with Hange’s tan skin.
“Do I look pretty?” Hange grinned, looking at Levi in the mirror.
“You look beautiful.” Levi told her seriously, staring right into her reflection’s eyes. Hange felt her cheeks reddened, but she couldn’t look away from Levi’s eyes, which looked at her so intently.
“Alright,” she said, shaking her head and looking away. “Let’s take this one then.”
“Get changed and let’s meet with the others. They’re waiting for us at the café.”
“Hange, this dress is marvelous!” Nanaba admired the fabric in her hands. “You have an excellent taste!”
“Ah, I wasn’t the one who chose it. Levi did,” Hange said, grinning at him.
“Really?” Mike raised his eyebrow. “Levi, I didn’t know you like fashion so much.”
“This is your last warning, Mike,” Levi growled. “Shut the fuck up.”
Unfortunately, Mike didn’t seem intimidated. He just chuckled, sharing a long and knowing look with Erwin.
“Hange,” Nanaba called, unexpectedly serious. She took Hange’s hand in hers. “I need to ask you something. I believe you really are Princess Hanna, but I just want to make sure.”
“Of course.” Hange smiled, trying to hide her nervousness.
“Do you… do you remember the night of the attack?”
“I remember a ball,” Hange slowly began, staring into her cup of coffee. Nanaba slightly nodded – everyone knew that revolutionaries attacked the Winter Palace during a noble’s festivities. “I remember there were screams and sounds of gunshots, people running in every direction. Then there was a secret door, but I… I couldn’t open it. But this boy…” Hange raised her head, briefly glancing in Levi’s direction. Levi’s heart skipped a beat, as he stared at Hange back. Could she remember him? “He pushed the door open for me, he… well, I guess he saved me.” Hange shrugged, grinning crookedly. “Sorry, but I don’t remember much.”
Tears gathered in the corners of Nanaba’s eyes, as Hange finished. She pressed her close to her chest. “You remember about secret door! It’s really you! Ah, I’m so happy we finally found you.” She whispered in her shoulder.
Hange patted her on the shoulder. “And I’m happy to be found.”
Hange stood in front of a grand, gorgeous theater. Her hands trembled, and looking at all the people around her – beautiful women in fancy dresses and handsome men in rich suits, she felt completely out of place.
Hange had half a mind to run away. To turn around and flee, as fast as she could. She almost took a step back, when Levi came to stand beside her.
“Nervous?” he asked, giving her a side glance.
“Of course not!” Hange exclaimed, trying to sound far more cheerful than she felt.
Levi silently raised his eyebrow. Hange huffed and lowered her head. “Fine, you’re right. Maybe, I feel a little nervous.”
“You’ve been dreaming about this moment your whole life, right? Of course, you’ll be nervous.” Levi replied in a strangely soft voice. He took Hange’s hand in his, giving her palm a squeeze. “I’ll be there, if you need me.” He promised.
Hange instantly felt better. She relaxed slightly, as all of her panic seemed to leave her body. Levi’s presence gave her a weird sense of comfort. With him by her side, she felt like she could do anything.
Still holding his hand, she entered the theater.
Hange fidgeted in her seat, picking at her dress. She tried to focus her attention on the stage, where an undoubtedly spectacular play was in motion, but her eyes had been glued to the old woman in the next balcony. Could it really be her? Her grandmother? Her family? Looking at her, Hange tried to feel something, some connection, but she felt nothing but panic.
Erwin and Levi left a couple of minutes ago, telling Hange they needed to discuss something with Nanaba. And Hange had been panicking ever since.
“Calm down,” Moblit whispered, leaning to her. “There is nothing to worry about.”
“Nothing to worry about?!” Hange hissed. “What if she doesn’t recognize me? What if she does recognize me?”
Moblit smiled, taking Hange’s hand in his. “If she doesn’t recognize you, then we move forward, continuing to look for your family. And if she does recognize you, then you’ll become a Princess.”
“But what if… what if I’m not sure if I want to become a Princess?” Hange whispered, suddenly vulnerable.
Moblit shrugged. “You’ll figure it out. We can always run away, you know, travel to some other place.”
“You’ll run away with me? You won’t leave me?”
“Of course, I won’t. Hange, I followed you from Russia to Paris. We’ve known each other, since we were kids. I’m not leaving you alone.”
Moblit’s earnest words and his unyielding loyalty warmed Hange’s heart. She moved closer and circled her hands around him, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, Moblit. You are a far better friend, than I deserve.” Holding Moblit in her embrace, all panic seemed to leave Hange’s body. She relaxed in his arms and enjoyed the warmth his body was giving to her.
“Oi,” suddenly came Levi’s displeasing voice. “Stop your lovey-dovey shit. We need to go.”
Hange giggled, letting go of Moblit and getting to her feet. “There is no need to get jealous, Levi. I can give you a hug, too, if you want.”
“Yeah, I think I’ll pass.” Levi grumbled. “Hurry up, four-eyes. Erwin is already waiting for us.”
And just like that, Hange’s worry returned. She nodded shakily, tightening her hands into fists to prevent them from shaking.
She followed Levi into the corridor. He led her to a big oak door and stopped. Erwin was already there, smiling encouragingly at Hange.
“Are you ready?”
“Let’s do this.” Hange replied. She grinned, remembering Moblit’s words. He was right, there was nothing to be afraid of.
Levi briefly squeezed her hand. “Wait here. We need to announce your arrival first.” His hand touched the handle, ready to open the door.
“Wait!” Hange stopped him. “I need… I need to tell you something.” It was on Hange’s mind for a while. What she felt for Levi… maybe, it was her last chance to say it. “I feel… I feel…”
“Yes?” Levi moved closer, staring at Hange intently. “What do you feel, Hange?” his voice was no louder than a whisper.
“I feel like…” And Hange did it, she almost said those words, but… “I feel like I should thank you. For everything you’ve done for me.” No, now was not the time for that. She had to meet her family. She could deal with her feelings for Levi later.
“Oh.” Levi’s face was as neutral as usual. But his gaze seemed disappointed. Hange tried not to think about it. His hand reached to the handle again, he almost turned it and opened the door, but suddenly he turned around. “Hange,” he called, laying his arm on her elbow. “Hange, I wanted to tell you—”
Levi stared at Hange hopelessly, his mouth almost formed the needed words, but then he shook his head. “I wanted to wish you good luck.” Levi finished, shaking Hange’s hand. He cringed at his awkwardness, but he knew it was a right decision. He couldn’t let Hange know about his feelings – not now, not ever.
With one last look at Hange, Levi turned around and opened the door.
“Maybe, you should have confessed?” Erwin whispered in his ear, as they walked into the room.
“No,” Levi shook his head. “She’s a Princess, and I’m the servant’s son. We’re not meant to be.”
Erwin obviously wanted to disagree, but Levi silenced him with look and pointed to Nanaba, who was waiting for them. “We have more pressing matters now.”
Nanaba walked up to them, shaking her head sadly. “She refuses to see you. Or Hange.”
“Why?” Erwin’s thick brows furrowed.
Nanaba shrugged. “She’s an old woman. And her heart was broken for a very long time.”
“What a load of bullshit.” Levi growled, moving past Nanaba and heading towards Empress.
“Levi, wait!” Erwin tried to stop him, but Levi didn’t even turn around. Erwin gave Nanaba an apologizing look and then hurried after him.
“What are you doing?” Erwin hissed, as he caught up with him.
“I don’t care what this old woman wants. Hange is waiting for her, desperate to meet her family. I can’t let her down.”
“No,” Empress Olga said, as soon as Erwin and Levi stood before her. “I told Nanaba already that I don’t want to see you, and especially I don’t want to see another one of those ‘Princesses’.”
“But, your majesty, please listen to us!” Erwin begged, reaching to her.
Empress made a face of distain. “Do you have any respect towards me?”
“Of course!” Erwin was quick to assure her.
“Then respect my wish. I’m an old woman, I’m tired and weary. Do you know how many girls I’ve seen who had claimed to be my dear Hanna? I do not wish to see another imposter, my weak heart won’t be able to take it.”
Erwin stared at her, and for the first time in his life he didn’t know what to say, what words to use to persuade Empress.
Beside him, Levi took a step forward, his grey eyes narrowed as he glared at Empress. “Behind that door stands a young woman. She lost her family, and all she wants to do is to find it again. She traveled from Russia to here, just so she could meet you in hopes that you will turn out to be her grandmother. And you don’t want to waste one minute of your precious time just to see her?”
Empress was silent for a long moment, staring at Levi and Erwin in deep thought. It looked like she was actually considering to change her decision, but then her mouth formed a hard line, as an arrogant look returned to her eyes.
“I think I know you, gentlemen,” her sharp eyes looked at Levi and Erwin with utmost precision. “Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman, am I right? Your reputation precedes you. The tales of your frauds reached even Paris.” Empress rose from her seat, sneering at the two men. “And I’ve heard about your little audition. You’ve been looking for Princess Hanna��s lookalike for a long time, haven’t you? So don’t come to me, crying about some lonely girl! When all you want is to take my money! You don’t care about me, or that girl, all you care for is money! Guards!” Empress called loudly. “Take those bastards away, and make sure they don’t come back!”
Instantly, two pairs of strong arms grabbed Levi’s shoulders and started to drag him away. He kicked and pushed, trying to free himself but his struggles were in vain. He got thrown on the floor and the door closed behind him.
And as Levi looked up, he saw Hange’s beautiful eyes. They were full of anger and hurt. And Levi realized – she had heard everything.
Levi hopelessly stared at her, his eyes wide.
“Hange!” Erwin tried, reaching to her, but one furious look from her and he took a step back.
“No.” She said, her voice deadly calm. “I do not want to hear anything from you two. You were lying to me, this whole fucking time, you’ve been lying to me!”
As she started to walk away, Levi finally recovered. He ran up to Hange, grabbing her hand. Hange recoiled, as though she was burned.
“Don’t you ever touch me.” Her voice was cold and angry, so unlike the Hange Levi was used to.
“Hange, listen to me, please!” Levi asked, desperate to explain himself, to make Hange understand.
“Are you going to tell me another lie? I trusted you, Levi, I thought we were friends! But you and Erwin were just using me! You didn’t care about me, you cared about money! And I was so foolish! I believed you were helping me out of the kindness of your hearts! I thought I meant something to you, Levi.” She said bitterly. “I thought I was in l— Ah! It doesn’t matter anymore! Just go away, Levi,” Hange sighed, so wearily and tiredly. Levi’s heart clenched. “I don’t want to see you anymore.”
And then Hange started to walk away, and all Levi could was to stare after her, feeling his heart shutter into million pieces.
“I’m so sorry, Levi,” Erwin laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I didn’t know this would result in such a disaster.”
“All of it is my fault,” Levi replied bitterly. “I shouldn’t have gotten… attached.”
He sighed and hanged his head. He kept seeing the hurt expression on Hange’s face and he shook his head, trying to get it out of his mind. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Empress. She was walking out of the theater, and looking around, Levi noticed a car she was heading to. Without another thought, he rushed to that car. He opened the door and threw the driver out.
“Sorry,” Levi told him, as he took his place in the driver’s seat. “I’ll return the car later.”
In the next moment, Empress sat down in the car, completely unaware that her driver was missing. Levi started the engine and began driving.
“Andrey, slow down a little,” she asked, staring out of the window.
“I’m not Andrey, Empress,” Levi looked at her face in the rear window.
The woman gasped, clutching her chest. “You! What are you doing here? Stop this car immediately!”
Levi shook his head. “Can’t do, Empress. I won’t stop until you agree to meet with your granddaughter.”
“I can throw you in jail for this, do you understand?”
“I do. But I don’t care.”              
Empress sighed. “You’re an incredibly stubborn man, messier Ackerman. Fine, let’s meet with this girl of yours. I very much hope she’s worth it.”
“She is.” Levi promised her fiercely. “You don’t know it yet, your majesty, but your granddaughter is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. She’s fearless, kind, strong and unbelievingly smart.” 
Empress’ eyes were studying Levi’s reflection in the mirror. “You love her.” She didn’t ask, just stated it as a fact.
Levi averted his eyes from Empress’ knowing gaze. “It doesn’t matter. I know my place, your majesty. Street rats and princesses don’t belong together.”
Empress said nothing, just continued to stare at Levi.
Soon he stopped the car. They arrived to the hotel, where Hange was staying.
“She’s there, your majesty,” he told Empress, as he opened the door for her. “On the third floor, room number five. Be kind to her, and try to understand her.”
“You’re not coming with me?”
Levi sadly shook his head. “She doesn’t wish to see me anymore.”
“I was wrong about you, messier Ackerman. You’re a better man than I expected.” Empress didn’t smile, but her eyes were softer than moments ago. Then she got out of the car and slowly made her way inside. When she disappeared inside the building, Levi lifted his head. The light in Hange’s window was on, and he could see her silhouette, as she walked around the room. He stood there for a long moment, watching her. Then he sighed, and got back into the car, driving as far from Hange, as he could.
Hange was hurriedly packing her belongings in a small suitcase, when she heard a knock on the door of her room. Her treacherous heart skipped beat at the thought that it could be Levi. As she began thinking about him, the pain in her chest returned with a renowned vigor. She still couldn’t believe that Erwin and Levi had done this to her.
“I’ll answer the door.” Moblit said, squeezing her shoulder briefly.
“If that’s any of those assholes, don’t hesitate to throw them out.” Yes, she was hurt, but more than that she was angry. Angry at Levi and Erwin for using her and lying to her, angry at herself for believing them, for starting to care about them, for falling in love with one of them.
Hange’s solemn thoughts were interrupted by a sound of heavy, unhurried footsteps. Moblit didn’t walk like that. Hange raised her eyes and gasped, as she saw Empress, standing in front of her.
“My dear!” Empress came closer, laying her hand on Hange’s elbow. “You really do look like her. You’re almost a copy of my beloved Hanna.” Empress kept looking at Hange, when suddenly her eyes widened.
“This necklace!” Empress exclaimed, taking it in her hands and opening. Her eyes filled with tears, as she read the familiar words. “Together in Paris…” she whispered, holding the necklace in her trembling palms. “It’s really you, isn’t it? My dear Hanna, you’ve really returned home?”
“I hope so.” Hange shrugged and grinned unsurely.
“Oh my dear!” Empress threw herself at Hange, nearly suffocating her in tight embrace. She was crying loudly in her shoulder, and Hange awkwardly held the old woman in her arms. She didn’t know her, didn’t really remember her, but this woman clearly cared about Hange. It was nice. It was good to know that there were people who cared about her. People, who considered her a part of their family.
When Empess, calmed down, she took Hange’s face in her hands and studied it. “Look at you!” she exclaimed, smiling happily. “You’re so pretty, Hanna! We have to announce your return! Ah, yes, I should organize the ball. Everyone will love you!”
Hange smiled in return, and hoped it didn’t look too forced. She was happy, really happy to meet with her grandmother, it was her lifetime dream, but she felt uncomfortable, thinking about the ball. And she still wasn’t used to be called Hanna. She was Hange her whole life…
“Grandmother, I’m so sorry,” Hange touched the older woman’s hand. “But can we talk about this tomorrow? I had a rather stressful evening.”
“Of course, my dear, I’ll send a coach for you in the morning.” Empress rose to her feet. She looked around the hotel room, her face filling with distain. “And you should take all your belongings to my manor. An heir to Russian throne can’t sleep in a place like these! And by the way,” Empress leaned in, lowering her voice to a whisper. “Who is that man who answered the door? Is he your lover?”
“No!” Hange protested, waving her hands around. “It’s Moblit, he’s my friend! We grew up together, he’s like a brother to me.”
Empress hummed, still looking displeased. “Anyway, you shouldn’t sleep in the same room as him. It’s very improper.”
When the door after Empress closed and Moblit came back into the room, Hange breathed out, willing herself to relax.
She had never thought that meeting her relatives would be so hard.
“Come in,” Empress said, staring out of the window.
“Good day, your majesty. You’ve sent for us?”
Empress turned around. Messieurs Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman were standing in front of her, looking uneasy.
“I did,” Empress said, taking a step closer to them. “It wasn’t easy to find you, messieurs. I can’t help but wonder why. Don’t you want your reward?”
“We didn’t expect you t—” Erwin began, but Levi cut him off.
“We don’t want it.” He said seriously. Then, glancing at Erwin, he hastily added. “I don’t want it. You should give all money to Erwin.”
“No, Levi’s right.” Erwin smiled, although it didn’t seem to work on Empress. “We wronged your granddaughter, your majesty. We’ve wronged her and we’ve hurt her. We don’t deserve a reward for that.”
“Huh, it seems like even criminals have honor. But are you sure, messieurs? You’ve returned my granddaughter to me, and I wish to repay you for that. Is there anything I can do for you? Maybe, there is something else you desire?”
“With all due respect, your majesty,” Levi began. “But you cannot give me what I desire.”
“Well, if that’s your decision,” Empress shrugged. “Do tell me one last thing, though – are you going to stay in Paris?”
“No, your majesty, we’ll continue to travel.” Erwin said. “Maybe, visit England, look for some job there.”
“Then I wish you luck.” Empress nodded, dismissing them.
Hange was trying yet another one of a dozen dresses her grandmother had bought for her. She studied her reflection in the mirror skeptically, while servants around her cheered and complimented her. She paid no mind to them, she had learnt already that their words and praises meant nothing. They would say anything, just to make her happy.
Suddenly, she heard footsteps on the stairwell behind her. She turned around. Her eyes widened as she saw who was descending.
Erwin and Levi.
Hange wanted to turn around, to ignore them, but they’ve already noticed her.
“Good day, Hange,” Erwin said warmly. “I see you are slowly getting used to your life.”
Hange nodded, and her eyes involuntarily darted to Levi. He was staring right at her, his eyes unreadable. 
“Hange…” he whispered, his hands twitching with desire to touch her. “Hange, I’m s—”
“You can’t address a Princess like that!” one of the servants interrupted. “You have to call her ‘your highness’! And her name is not Hange!”
“It’s fine,” Hange smiled gently at the servant, dismissing him. “You don’t have to—”
“No, he is right,” Levi’s voice was completely devoid of emotion. “My apologies, your highness. I shouldn’t have forgotten my place. I hope you’re happy with your new life.”
Hange nodded once more, and even though her heart was breaking again, even though seeing Levi’s calm face and hearing his cold voice, calling her by that stupid title she was starting to loathe so much made the pain inside her chest intensify tenfold, she put on a smile. “And I hope you are happy with your reward, messier.” Swiftly turning around, she hurried away from that stairwell. She didn’t wish to see Erwin’s sad face or Levi’s impassive one.
And as Hange walked away, she didn’t see the pain that was inside Levi’s gaze, as his eyes followed her retreating figure.
“You look marvelous my dear!” Hange’s grandmother cooed. “Everyone will adore you! You’ll be the talk of all Paris!”
Hange restricted herself from making a face. Her grandmother was a good person, and she treated Hange with so much kindness, but the woman in the mirror wasn’t her. That woman in rich and beautiful dress with silk gloves and high heels, with crimson red lips and dark eyeshadow, with hair put into a tight bun instead of a messy ponytail, it wasn’t Hange. She could barely recognize herself.
“Had something happened?” Empress asked. “You look a little distant, Hanna.”
Hange slightly flinched. She didn’t want to be called that name either, she still preferred Hange, but she didn’t know how to say this to her grandmother without hurting her feelings.
“I’m fine, grandma,” Hange forced a smile.
But her grandmother was more perceptive than that. Her hard eyes studied Hange’s face. “I hope it’s not because of that fool, messier Ackerman.”
At the mention of Levi, Hange’s heart skipped a beat. She turned her face away from Empress, hiding her emotions. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, grandma. Levi and Erwin were nothing, but a way to get into Paris. And once they’ve done their job, we’ve parted ways.”
“They refused to take my money, you know?” Empress said nonchalantly. Her lips curved into a slight smirk, as she watched how her granddaughter’s eyes widened in surprise. “They told me that they’ve hurt you and they felt sorry for that. Messier Ackerman seemed especially troubled.”
Hange shook her head vehemently, refusing to even think about such possibility. “You’ve surely misunderstood something, grandma. Levi didn’t care for me at all.”
Empress hummed, knowing that nothing couldn’t further from the truth. “Maybe, you’re right. I don’t know them as much as you do. Anyway, I’m glad to hear that you don’t think about them anymore. It’s time for you to start a new chapter of your life. And speaking of that, hurry up! Your guests are waiting for you!”
“Of course, grandmother,” Hange sighed, preparing herself to go downstairs.
Hange breathed out in relief as soon as she left the ballroom. The room was big and spacious, but Hange was suffocating. Her tight corset and the never-ending stream of nobles, who wanted to great her, made Hange’s head spin.
Entering a chilly garden, she willed herself to relax. She walked to the nearest bench and sat down heavily. She couldn’t stop thinking about Levi. Why didn’t he take the reward? Was he actually guilty for using Hange? Could he really care for her?
Ugh, Hange wanted to see him so bad! She wanted to stare into his stupidly beautiful grey eyes and ask him what the fuck did he mean by his actions. Was it Hange’s wistful thinking or did he really feel something for her? Hange wanted to snatch out her own hair, that man was so insufferable! Even from afar he managed to frustrate and confuse her!
Hange was suddenly broken out of her thoughts by a warm hand that settled on her shoulders. She glanced aside and saw Moblit who sat down by her side.
“Why did you escape? Did you not enjoy the party?”
Hange groaned in reply. Because she had been thinking about that for a while as well. As much as she dreamed of meeting her own family, she didn’t like her new life. Truth be told, she loathed it. She hated having to wear fancy dresses, or chat with stupid nobles, or flirt with rich men. She hoped that by finding her family, she would be able to find herself, to finally realize who she was. But instead, she felt like slowly losing herself. She wasn’t meant for this life, she couldn’t feign politeness and she didn’t want to follow stupid rules and useless etiquette. Her grandmother was a good, kind woman, and Hange liked her! But she didn’t feel any connection, she didn’t feel like they were family.
And Hange suddenly realized – she didn’t feel like Empress Olga was her family, because she had already found her own family. She had found it in Moblit’s calm and constant presence, in quiet and engaging conversations with Erwin, and in an amusing banter with Levi.
“Moblit!” Hange put her hands on his arm, her eyes burning almost feverishly. “Moblit, do you know where Erwin and Levi are?”
If Moblit was surprised by her question, he didn’t show it. He just nodded and checked his watch. “They planned to get board a ship that will get them to England. It leaves in about an hour.”
 “Do you want to run away with me?” she asked him with a big grin on her face.
“Of course.” Moblit replied without hesitation. He smiled at Hange in return. It was so long, since he had seen that crazy grin of hers.
Hange jumped to her feet. “Then let’s hurry! We have to catch up with Erwin and Levi!”
“Alright,” Moblit kneeled in front of her. Ignoring Hange’s confused gaze, he took her dress in his hands and then tore the fabric, tying two ends just a little over her knees. Then he raised to his feet and put his hands in Hange’s hair, freeing her hair out of a tight bun. “There,” he whispered fondly. “Now you look like your usual self.”
Hange’s eyes almost watered. She truly didn’t deserve such an amazing and loyal friend. But they had to hurry. So grabbing Moblit by the hand, she started running.
“We’ve been standing here for a fucking hour,” Levi grumbled, scowling furiously. “Why the fuck they aren’t letting us in?”
Erwin shrugged, listening to his friend’s complaints with a smile. “They probably are rechecking their equipment. And what’s the hurry? Are you so eager to leave Paris?”
“I’m sick of this city.” Levi muttered, hiding his face. He wanted to leave Paris as fast possible. And more than that he wanted to leave all the painful memories it brought him.
Suddenly Erwin and Levi heard a sound of hurried and loud footsteps. They turned around, and Levi’s breath hitched in his throat. He watched with wide eyes, not believing that it was actually real.
Hange was running towards them, dragging Moblit with her.
“Were you really just using me?” she asked breathlessly, as soon as she reached them. “Or do you also consider me a friend?”
“We’ve hurt you, Hange. And I cannot possibly apologize enough for that. But we do care about you,” Erwin’s lips curved into a warm and gentle smile. “In that short time, I’ve grown to care about you a great deal.”
Hange answered him with an almost crazy grin. Her hair was even messier than usual, her make-up was all smudged, her glasses were askew and her dress was torn in half. She looked absolutely wild.
And she gave Levi and Erwin no warning, as she launched herself at them, putting her hands around their necks. “You fucking assholes,” she laughed merrily. “I missed you so much.” Then without missing a beat, she asked. “Do you have a room for Moblit and me at your ship?”
Erwin chuckled. “Of course, we do.”
“Excellent!” Hange let go of them, still grinning from ear to ear. “Then let’s get aboard!”
“Wait,” Levi stopped her with his hand on her elbow. “What the fuck does all of it mean, four-eyes? Did you run away?”
“Yeah, I did.” She announced rather proudly. “Right from the ball.”
Levi huffed. “You’re insane.” He muttered with a small smile on his face.
Hange couldn’t stop staring at him. She grabbed his arm and started to drag him away to a more secluded area. “We need to talk.”
Despite his racing heart, Levi managed to keep a straight face. “What do you want to talk about?”
“How did you recognize me?” Hange asked suddenly. “I know you did, from the very first moment that you’ve seen me. So. How did you do it?”
“I… I saw your portrait.”
“Bullshit.” Hange replied with a grin. “You were that boy, right? The one, who saved me?”
Levi’s eyes widened. “How did you—”
“I didn’t remember you, not at first. But then, some pieces started to come back to me.” She chuckled. “You really believed I was a Princess, huh?”
“Of course, I did.” Levi crossed his hands on his chest, trying to appeal nonchalant.
All of his attempts were rudely destroyed, when Hange unexpectedly leaned in and gave Levi a peck on his lips. “W-what was that for?!” Levi spurted. “For saving your life?”
“Of course not, dummy,” Hange’s eyes gazed at him with a mix of amusement and fondness. “That was for being the most insufferable short grump I’ve ever met!”
“Oh?” Levi raised his eyebrow, putting his hands on Hange’s waist. Standing on his tiptoes, he kissed Hange again. “Then that was for being such a four-eyed weirdo, who literally never stops talking.”
Hange’s smirk grew wider. She tangled her hands in Levi’s hair, pressing closer to him. “That’s for always hiding your feelings and never showing how kind and caring you truly are!” She put her lips on his, and this time the kiss was much longer and deeper, leaving both of them breathless. Pressing her forehead against Levi’s, Hange grinned like an idiot.
Levi’s hand touched her cheek, gently caressing it. He waited until his breath was under control, before whispering right in Hange’s lips. “And that’s for being so incredibly smart and irritatingly amazing. And also for making me fall in love with you.”
His lips almost touched Hange’s, but suddenly they both heard a polite cough. Turning around (with their hands still around each other), they saw Erwin. He was standing beside them with a smug grin on his face.
“While I am very happy for you both,” he began, trying to stop himself from laughing out loud. He had never thought that he would get to see Levi looking like this – with red, swollen lips and messy hair. “But you can always continue this some other place. The ship is sailing soon. Moblit is already aboard,” Erwin added, answering Hange’s unasked question.
“Then let’s go!” she shouted, wrapping her hands around Erwin’s and Levi’s shoulder.
With her friends beside her, and a bright future ahead, Hange felt happier than she did in years.
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
Thief's Ambition
Velvet Dilemma
Every thief needs the right tool for any sort of job. But what would happen if one of your resources isn't what they seem to be? Long post. Warning: Suicide Attempt, and mentions of abuse
They say reality and imagination are two sides of the same coin. Reality being ruled by laws and sciences to present what one calls 'normal', a limited perspective. Imagination however, is without restrictions if someone has the willpower to create or dream, limitless potential.
Information or to be specific, Digital Code' held both treats of reality and imagination. Rules to stabilize the unlimited potential of someone's creativity and what could be created is endless. Sometimes, one's design could break those boundaries. The results are determined by the creator. Whether it will lead to paradise or pure ruin. Only they can decide.
Le Blanc, a small but humble shop located in Yogenjaya, Japan. This cafe owned by Sojiro Sakura, is quite famous for their delicious curry, extraordinary coffee and friendly atmosphere. It is also the temporary home of a specific teenager. A young man whose choices can affect the world around him in large ripples. His name was Ren Amamiya.
The boy was around 15 years old, hair was a pitch black nest of curls, eyes a mysterious obsidian that shone brighter through the lens of his false glasses, a soft balance built with some growing muscle to his form, and stood about 5'7 in height. A pure black gakuran fitting snugly on the young man's body paired alongside black pants and nicely made boots as he carried his slightly large gray school bag over his shoulders.
His destination was Le Blanc, taking his time by walking down the sidewalk and glanced around to take in any important details. It didn't seem that anything would catch the boy's eyes since Yogenjaya was more of a rural area. That was until an abnormally tall structure crossed his line of sight.
Not too far from where he was, Ren could make what had to be a hotel. Around 5 stories in height and from how clean it seemed, the place was obviously new. Halfway down the large infrastructure was a soft magenta sign that read: Hotel Nexus. The name rings some bells in his head.
It was a new hotel that recently opened up before he came. Great service, fair prices and quite a selection of accommodations for anyone's price range. He heard some of the teachers and even students at his school raving about it.
Ren didn't really notice that he entered his destination until his nose was greeted to the bitter scent of coffee beans and spice of curry. His caretaker Sojiro Sakura, a rough looking older man with dark brown eyes, black hair in a man bun and beard, was in the middle of serving a few customers. Thus, the teen walked up to his room which was in actuality, a spacy attic.
Placing his bag on the bed, the raven was about to start on his homework when a voice spoke out. "Thy trickster." A soft, suave yet slightly distorted male's nearly made the boy jump if he didn't know who this voice belonged to. Not even the first few days in Tokyo did the teen come across the path of the supernatural.
"We need to have a discussion. Thee might have a problem." The voice explained much to Ren's utter confusion. If by instinct, the raven took off his glasses and held it out. Blue flames suddenly manifested on the frames, sparks spewing out to the attic floor in 5 different spots before the fire extinguished.
Each spark burned brighter as they grew in size but didn't spread across the wood surface like any normal fire. The smallest stood barely a foot in size while the largest being a shocking 15 ft all around. Suddenly, the fire sputtered out as five different creatures now sat before the young boy.
A large black horse that had two long teal horns, crimson eyes and white mane, a small brown haired pixie with butterfly wings wearing a blue one-piece and gloves, pink skinned imp with small wings and wore a belt with a large stinger positioned at an inappropriate place, and a jack-o-lantern headed creature wearing a dark blue robe, witch's hat, and white gloves holding a lantern.
The last being was not only large but vastly different from the others. Sitting slightly uncomfortable on the floor was a dapper gentleman-esque black and crimson demon.
Black leathery hide, pitch black mask for a face as fire highlighted the long spindly devil horns than just painting fiery eyes or the wicked smile, razor sharp black claws and angelic ebony wings that spawn from his lower back. The demon's clothing consisted of a black corset tuxedo held tight by red strings, white fancy cravat, a short crimson coat with long sleeves, collar and coattails, red armor mimicking dress pants covered the legs which ended with knife blade heels, and a tall black top hat stitched at the back with red strings.
Despite the five demons sitting before him, Ren wasn't afraid of their presence. After all, why would he be scared of his own Persona and one of the reasons he is still alive? From the information given by various sources, these beings were born from thoughts of man and assist those who awaken or earn their power.
His current Persona team consisted of Bicorn, Pixie, Incubus and Jack-o-Lantern. Ren couldn't forget his main Persona either, the one who answered his call and shared the same rebellion in his soul, Arsene. Seeing all five here meant there was something going on especially from the looks on their face.
Bicorn looked very irate, well, more than he usually was, Pixie was a mixture of concern and worry, Incubus had his arms crossed alongside a large scowl on his face and Jack-o-Lantern looked like he wanted to disappear. The only one who didn't seem upset was Ren's dapper devil, the flames of the mask were in a soft simmer, almost if he was sheepish. Things had to be wrong if the Legendary Phantom Thief didn't have his signature grin.
"Is everything ok? Arsene said you guys wanted to talk about something." The raven politely asked, it may not look like it but Ren did care for his Persona. Although, not all of them were on the same level as his rebel heart but… Out of the bunch, it was Incubus who spoke up.
"Here's the problem boss, none of us are getting fused!" And the teen's train of thought came to a stop like a broken record. "What?" The word just came out of his mouth as if he was on autopilot. Quite a reasonable reaction for when you considered Ren's current situation in full.
Stuck on probation in a foreign place, his future walking towards a foretold path of ruin, the twisted desires of his gym teacher manifesting as a cognitive place and these very creatures before him holding a key to his salvation. That also included fusing them to create a more powerful Persona.
"Normally we don't have any opinions when it comes to fusion. Previous Wild Cards before you had done the process thousands of times. However, this time there's two issues that we cannot accept! And no amount of bribery will change our opinion!" Bicorn huffed, scraping a hoof across the ground.
That actually convinced Ren even more to listen to their problem, especially when he considered the new information given. If there had been others like him, why wasn't he notified? And what was different about the process of Fusion if Persona used to not have an issue?
"Alright. Can you tell me these reasons for omitting fusion from the Velvet Room?" His inquiry seemed to relieve some of the tension for the group of Persona. The teen could only guess it must be rare for Wildcards to tend to their needs. Or it must have been quite a long time since a Persona User like him appeared.
"Sure dee-doo, bossman! First off is the Fusion Methods! Persona are fused in many different ways, some by dancing or even tarot cards. Executions aren't one of them. Despite some Persona being created from evil legends, the fusion tools were always humane and fair for all participants." Jack-o-Lantern spoke up, the fire in his lantern burning brighter with each word.
Ren easily agreed with that reason. His first time actually being able to use the Fusion was a very unsavory experience. At that time, he only had just Arsene and Pixie. To see Igor and his assistants unveil those large guillotines made him feel like he was back at that Palace thing.
Seeing shadows of people being tortured like slaves already made him a bit uncomfortable but the 'Fusion Tools' were enough to leave the room with a poker face just to hide a grimace. "Yeah, I can see your point. Don't know how a guillotine isn't even supposed to do that."
That also raised another question as he had a feeling what the second reason really was. Pixie only solidified that very thought. "Our second reason is the Velvet Room itself, to be precise, Igor himself. You see, out of many Personas, I am usually the one Wildcards tend to acquire first." A look of nostalgia sparked in her eyes.
"This means that I am often fused quite a lot so I've been around Igor. Despite looking a bit crooked, the man has an aura of a gentleman and has this mischievous but kind air around him. Something that makes the Velvet Room comfortable for both Persona and Wildcards but…" A nervous and saddened look was quick to mark the fairy's face.
"...that isn't the Igor we know. This one is cold and has this aura of cruelty hidden underneath. And it's not just him but both Velvet Room attendants feel off too. It's almost if both girls are like broken dolls, scraps of a toy remade into two different copies."
The room went silent for a bit as Ren processed all this information. Persona who's been summoned or recruited a lot, Veteran he'll call it, could feel when something is off with the Velvet Room. It would explain why Arsene didn't seem that bothered unlike the others, since he was new to the whole thing.
Now that the teen thought about it, Igor and his attendants seemed very quick to introduce the Fusion mechanic… too quick. If something was indeed wrong with the Velvet Room, then it would be best to limit his usage. Ren couldn't just stop using it altogether and none of them had issues with the Register/Summon option.
"Alright. I won't use the Velvet Room for fusion. If you guys think the place is off and Igor can't be trusted, then I'll trust your judgement. Problem is, how can I perform Fusions now?" The Persona he had now, excluding Arsene, can't really grow powerful enough to deal with any future Palaces.
Stronger Personas were needed if he was going to avoid this 'ruin'. His main Persona then spoke up. "How about you search for a mage? Thou passed one earlier today." Wait what? Ren looked at the Curse Type with a mixture of disbelief and surprise.
There's a mage, someone who practices actual magic, in bloody Tokyo. Pixie spoke upon her User's look of befuddlement. "Practicers of magic do exist, master Ren. They are rare and tend to stay hidden amongst the locals. You can easily guess why. Some even treat Fusing or Summoning Persona like an exam to know if one is ready for the next level of magic."
The raven haired teen let out an intrigue hum from the explanation. If he can find the mage Arsene sensed earlier then they should be able to help with his Fusion problem. "Where did you sense them anyway?"
Ren couldn't believe the stroke of luck he got. Apparently the person he was looking for happened to be in Yogenjaya, specifically the new Nexus Hotel. Once school was over for the day, he quickly made his way towards the place. It was honestly bigger in person than seeing it from Le Blanc.
Various trees with interwoven branches formed a path to the hotel similar to a green red carpet, two fountains paired with benches on each side of the fountain and the centerpiece was a peculiar statue. An 8 meter giant of scrap metal carefully melded together to form a lizardman wielding a large microphone stand like it was a guitar and on the plaque it stood on read: Welcome to Hotel Nexus.
There are even a few stalls set up for local vendors to rent and sell merchandise. 'This hotel feels like a homey place to stay in. No wonder a lot of people Shujin talk about it.' Ren thought while looking at the large statue with intrigue. He could see a lot of work was put into it from the V shape horns, beak like snout and even intricate design on the stand.
Even a non-artist can see all the work, effort and dedication put into it. "What do you mean it ain't for sale?!" A brutish shout immediately ripped the boy's attention. Obsidian eyes soon look at a scene forming to his side between a large portly man and someone around his age.
The girl had cyan hair with a silver frohawk at center, emerald green eyes bearing black v shaped marks underneath, and a thin elegantly curved body around 5'6 in height. Her clothing consisted of a black shirt, short red long sleeved jacket, dark blue cargo pants and white high tops.
What got Rens attention was the peculiar device hanging around her neck, it looked like one of those pocket pet toys but merged with a walkie talkie. Pure silver with red buttons and a black strap for string. She honestly looked very annoyed.
"It's like I said to your boss a million times before. Hotel Nexus isn't for sale! My family and I worked hard to make this place so no way in hell we're giving it up. I don't give a damn how high the food chain your boss is, the answer will be no!" Ren could practically feel the venom in her words from the fifteen distance.
Something that amused Arsene since the Curse Persona was laughing. 'It seems that fiery young lady is the mage that thou been looking for. Such strong rebellion radiating brilliantly alongside her magic.' The raven continued watching the scene unfold.
He had to agree with Arsene on the fiery term since the girl literally growled at the man before her. "Get outta here and tell your boss he can choke on his own balls!" The poor employee went running off in seconds with his tail between his legs. Adjusting his fake glasses, Ren decided to approach the cyanette once she took a few deep breaths.
Now that he was closer, the young man could see flecks of gold and silver in those emerald eyes as the girl saw him. "Hey there. Sorry if ya saw the commotion. I'm usually more professional but guys like that tend to grind my gears." She then put on a polite smile.
"My name is Hokuto...Shoutmon! One of the owners of Hotel Nexus. What can I do for you?" Ren couldn't lie, that was the oddest last name he heard in his life. Or the fact that her teeth were razor sharp just from the smile given. Knowing it was rude to stare, the raven haired teen spoke.
"My name is Ren and I happen to be new in the area. I was hoping you can answer a few questions for me." Best to have some honesty if he was going to even get the cyanette's trust. Hokuto merely kept a polite look on her face and stayed professional to even her posture.
"Sure, what questions do you have? Need any help finding a room or are you interested in renting a stand? Or is it more personal?" Childlike curiosity brimmed in the emerald eyes of the Nexus' heiress that made Arsene laugh in his human partner's head. 'Might as well answer her, dear Trickster. Can't keep a young lady waiting~'
Ignoring the obvious flirt, Ren decided to be a bit straight forward in his response. "Can you help me with a little school project of mine? I'm supposed to ask people a set of words and how they felt about each one for my psychology class." He even pulled up a pen and paper to make it more convincing.
If she was really a mage, then he had a feeling Hokuto would be more comfortable with masking a risky topic such as this. Plus one class did ask for a Do-Your-Own assignment for homework today. The Shoutmon woman tilted her head a bit, mild confusion crossed her face before shrugging. Didn't seem that bad to her so why not oblige the boy?
"Sure, I don't mind. It's honestly a bit refreshing but I get to choose a few words too. That way it'll be more like a game, and who knows, ya might get some extra credit." Ren nodded his head and had a smirk on his face from Hokuto's unexpected reply. He even had a good word to start with.
"Alright. My first word or to be precise, words is 'Velvet Room'." The cyanette hummed a bit hearing the word. An inquisitive look on her face as she mulled the two words over in her head a bit. It took a few more seconds before she gave an answer.
"Intrigue and wonderment comes to mind but oddly also caution. Something as fancy as 'Velvet Room' has to have something dark or sinister in the undertone. Kinda like the story of Hansel and Gretel with the witch's house being made of sweets." The teen and Persona understood the reason behind that, even if the 'caution' part sounded more instinctual.
Not everything that glitters gold meant was good. "Alright, my turn. The word I choose is Tamer." Hokuto said with a cheery tone. It was his turn to tilt his head at the suspicious pick. Being a Wildcard did fit with the word since Ren had to befriend or 'tame' multiple Persona than just one.
"Adventurous, enlightening and carefulness. Being a tamer means you are potentially risking your life at befriending a living creature that can do harm if you aren't careful. Achieving a bond is also a reward in itself from how much you learn and grow with the experience." The raven haired teen could feel the warmth of his Persona's happiness and admiration blanket his heart.
Hokuto also seemed really happy about his response too, almost if checking something off in her head. "That's one way to say it. Now it's your turn again." Ren already knew what he was going to ask for this round. "Okay. My next word is Persona with a capital P." The cyanette mulled over the peculiar word in her head.
Something about it felt odd, like a primal instinct of sorts but she couldn't really guess why. Placing a hand on her chin, the young woman gave the boy an answer. "Since it sounds like a living creature, I would say wonder and bewilderment. Unknown life tends to bring tons of questions alongside the possibilities of their uniqueness."
Ren hummed at the answer while writing it down on paper. He would admit that he didn't see the next word coming though. "Your next word is Digimon!" Confusion immediately covered the raven haired teen's face. Did he hear that right? Digimon? Was it short for something like 'Digital Monster'?
"Taking a random guess here but the only thing that comes to mind is curiosity. I've never heard of a term like Digimon before and it makes me wonder what the concept truly is. A game or maybe a brand series that's focus is around collectible creatures under the same name."
It was the only reasonable Ren could actually think of. He'd never heard of 'Digimon' before and would have done some research later on. The teen was ready to ask his final question when the sound of a ringtone went off. Hokuto had pulled out her phone, a look of mild horror crossing her face in seconds.
"Seriously?! I'm sorry but I have to cut this conversation short. Got to close off one of the guest bathrooms and call for a repairman!" She quickly turned on the heel of her feet before taking off into the hotel. All Ren could do was blink as his objective was now out of reach.
'An unfortunate setback. However, thou at least have the mademoiselle's location. We would just need to visit another time.' Arsene whispered in the raven's head, the young man let out a sigh. He'll have to make do with the Persona he had for now.
The next day… Ren was sitting in his seat like usual. Getting stared at by most of his classmates and teacher with the appeal of a convict. An irritating normal when you had your criminal record and reason for being transferred thrown out to the entire school as if it was a newspaper.
It also sucked that his teacher, Mr Uchimaru, was an asshole who likes to harass others when they answer one of his surprise questions wrong. Ryuji texting him in the middle of the class and Morgana talking in his bag either. Even if no one could understand the not-cat, they could still hear his meows.
His mind however went to a grinding halt upon the words of his classmates. "There's someone on the roof! Is she going to jump? Suzui Shiho?" Dread immediately filled his heart upon the name. Suzui Shiho was one of the upperclassmen who was being sexually harassed by his current target, the gym teacher Kamoshida.
He was out of his seat in seconds and ran straight for the hallway window for a better look. A better view was needed to see if it really was Shiho. Obsidian eyes widen in absolute horror upon the sight of the brown haired teenager standing at the ledge of the building.
'No… Dear god, please don't…!' The girl jumped off the roof, Ren's heart dropped to his stomach while his classmates screamed. Shiho was about to hit the ground when familiar light blue hair came into sight as someone caught her falling body in time. Ren immediately ran down the halls of the school, to get outside and see if his senpai was alright.
The teen caught sight of Hokuto Shoutmon holding the girl tight to her chest, Shiho was nuzzled into the hotel manager's neck in tears. "Shh. It's alright. Just let it all out. I don't know who hurt you but there are people in this world that still care about ya. Think about them, not ya tormentors."
Hokuto's strong upbeat voice was now a soft comforting whisper while she rubbed the suicidal girl's back gently. Emerald eyes looked into Ren's obsidian ones with mild surprise. It was probably the fact she didn't know he went to school here either.
"Shiho." The raven turned his head to see one of his classmates running towards the two girls. Ann Tamanaki, the platinum blonde girl with green eyes and her hair in two ponytails who was also Shiho's best friend by what he saw from their interactions. The hotel manager turned her head over to the blonde.
"I'm guessing you are a friend of hers? Do you know her parents' numbers? This poor girl needs all the support she can get right now and I need to call the suicide hotline. We were lucky enough that I was able to catch her in time." Hokuto let Ann hold Shiho but not before the pigtailed girl said a grateful teary 'Thank You'.
The cyanette then looked at Ren. "I don't know who broke that poor girl's will but I do know one thing. If that fucker shows their face, I'll do everything in my power to knock em off their pedestal. No one deserves this for another bastard's sick pleasure. They say eyes are the window to one's soul, her eyes are that of a victim on their last string."
Shiho's parents immediately came over along with an ambulance and a few cop cars to check on the frazzled brunette. Hokuto had left after they questioned her on how she even found Shiho. Apparently the hotel manager was heading towards one of the markets nearby, a coincidence that managed to save his classmate's life.
It also meant that Kamoshida needed to be dealt with before someone else breaks. There is the expulsion deadline too, since confronting the man in righteous anger was a dumb idea. Whatever the case, the perverted PE teacher needed his heart changed. And the only solution was the man's castle, nestled in the school's Metaverse.
The Metaverse was a physical plane created through the unconscious cognition of people, a place between reality and imagination. Palaces were an area created from the large distortion in a person's heart, something that reflected a dark mindset. Kamoshida's Palace was that of pure unadulterated lust.
A medieval castle filled with statues of himself or various girls around the skin that displayed their innocence in a perverse manner, echoes of male students were seen as slaves that were beaten meticulously, and the distorted version of Kamoshida flaunt through the castle as it's disgusting lustful king in nothing but a crown, heart shaped boxers and a fluffy red cape.
Through these halls was the key to stopping this man's twisted heart and the consequences to follow if they failed. Within one of the hallways, a large cluster of knights were gathered in a tizzy. Empty blue masks staring at a pile of molten gold, various statues of the Palace's Ruler melting into a golden soup in front of the culprit.
The suspect's body was shadowed by the large blaze behind them. "How dare you destroy the visage of our King Kamoshida?! You'll pay with your life wench!" One of the knights howled as all brandished their large blades. Feminine laughter came out of the figure alongside their appearance, emerald eyes glared down at the mass.
Ren was running as fast as he could, the teen helping a tired Ann with assistance from two others. The clothes the four of them wore were very different from what they wore in the real world, an attire created through the power of their Persona and rebellious souls.
The raven had a white domino mask bearing a black flare around the eyes, long black leather jacket paired alongside a bulletproof black vest, crimson gloves, black Italian leather pants, and black leather boots. Ann's entire was a full red leather blend suit that displayed her elegant lithe form, a red mask with cat ears, red stilettos and even a fake cat tail that seemed to move on its own.
Then there was Ryuji Sakamoto, a spiky blonde with brown eyes and Ren's first ally he made. His outfit was a metal skull shaped mask, a black suit bearing a metal spine plate along his back, red tie to a black bulletproof vest, black Italian leather boots and red gloves bearing metal knuckles.
Ren couldn't forget their odd party member Morgana either. A 1'6 ft tuxedo cat-like being with a form comparable to a bobblehead. Slightly large head with black fur on the top half of the head imitating a mask to the white bottom part, a yellow bandana scarf around the neck, a black body with white paws, white feet and white tip tail, and a brown fanny pack around the waist.
The two males were helping keep Ann steady, the platinum blonde was exhausted from summoning her main Persona. "We're almost at the exit, just need to go past this hanger." Morgana stated, his childlike male voice stern and strong. Smell of burning metal hit everyone's nose, all eyes were on the growing smoke that began to seep from an adjacent hallway.
"What the hell? Is someone else here because I don't think Kamoshida's knights are stupid to burn the castle to the ground?" The blonde was right but who was it. Getting into the Metaverse, much less a Palace, required the Metanav app. Without the mysterious phone app, no one could enter this place unless brought here by accident.
A familiar voice then reached Ren's ears. 'Thy Joker, that sounds like young Hokuto. It appears our acquaintance is making good on her threat to Madame Shiho's abuser.' Arsene spoke within the raven's head. It was an odd coincidence that the hotel manager was in the same corridor leading to the exit.
The group of four turned into the hall to see an army of Kamoshida's knights cornering Hokuto. None of them were blind to the gold statues of the Palace ruler burning behind the young woman, a sight that made Ren's main Persona purr in delight.
"Ain't that Shoutmon-san?! Did she get dragged in by accident like I did?!" Ann couldn't help the worried tone within her own voice. The not-cat of the group whistled at the destruction. "That girl isn't normal. It takes extreme heat to melt solid gold like that."
Ryuji guffawed at the amount of damage that the cyanette did by herself. "Talk about a one woman demolition crew! Maybe she can help us after we help her." The group was taken aback when Hokuto began to laugh at a guard's execution threat.
"A King you say?" The cyanette scoffed, her hand grasping the device around her neck. Morgana quickly notices the peculiar device. "I'm getting weird vibes from that gadget. Whatever it is, that thing is letting out a lot of power!" All three humans looked at their smaller teammate in surprise before facing Hokuto.
Something big was about to happen. "All I see is the evidence of a pervert who loves to harass those more innocent than him. It's time these trophies of sin burn and I'll light them ablaze with the fire of my soul!" A light purple aura circled around Hokuto's opposite hand.
The peculiar sparkled and moved in an inhuman but familiar to digital code if given a physical shape. The next words Hokuto said proved to Ren and his friends just how unique she was. "Let's do this Shoutmon! Biomerge!" Pure gold fire burst forth upon Hokuto swiping her hand across the device.
All of the guards had to jump back upon the massive blaze that now engulfed the teenage girl, her shadow growing amongst the wall of flame. For a second, the masked raven saw something familiar move within the fire. The visage of the Hotel Nexus Statue crossed Ren's mind.
"Hope you're ready!" Hokuto's voice boomed from the blaze but it was very off. There was a mechanical tone to it and all of Ren swore he heard another voice overlap, a scratchy, growlish young male one. A large gold armor leg and boot with a silver stripe going down the center alongside a back spike heel stepped out from the blaze.
What followed was a giant 16 ft armored beast, a golden dragon man that looked vaguely similar to the statue back at the hotel. Giant V shaped horns adorn the head alongside the golden tusk on the cheeks to form a pseudo helmet to the silver beak like muzzle of the dragon, a rounded chest plate that held two holes on opposite sides of the flat front, curved pauldrons leading to black wire hose that connected the slimmer arms bearing three fingered hands.
On the upper back was a helm very similar to the statue and that gold alloy went down the slim waist except for the silver circle on the stomach. And the part that showed this was once Hokuto was the bright emerald eyes burning with righteous fury.
"Cause OmniShoutmon is going to bring the house down!" Hokuto or OmniShoutmon bared her two fists in a boxer's stance as she let out a battlecry. Her eyes then flitted over the group of four, a look of surprise crossing the dragon's beakish muzzle. Something one of the guards noticed as he turned around to see the small group.
"The intruders are still here?! This rebellion will be squashed before it can grow!" Every knight began to shudder in an unnatural manner, their bodies immediately collapsing into streams of black and crimson shadow. The shadowy streams immediately rose up to form various Jack o' Lanterns, Incubus, Bicorn except for one.
One had transformed into a large knight in silver armor, ruby red angelic wings sprout from the back, their red skin face held a solemn stare as they held a large broadsword in front of them in a religious manner. Ren recognized that type of Shadow from a previous encounter, it was an Archangel.
"Mona and Skull, protect Ann!" With a flair, Ren pulled off his mask as blue flames swallowed it and Arsene materialized from the fire. The sight of the Curse Persona made a wild smirk run across OmniShoutmon's muzzle. "Knew there was something special about ya! Let's get to know each other after we toast these suckers with the melody of our burning souls!"
Orbs of pure sun yellow flame ignited the draconic being's claws, emerald eyes burning bright with something akin to passion. "Hard Rock Soul!" Both small suns doubled in size and with a howl OmniShoutmon tossed them with incredible force as if they were baseballs.
A large blast of fire exploded forth upon the two projectiles hitting one of the smaller Shadows, the intense heat burning groups of the ones that held no resistance to ash. Ren took the opportunity to strike the twisted monsters with their guard dropped by the blast.
His boot struck an Incubus from a high jump kick, he used the Shadow to spring towards a Jack O' Lantern stabbing his razor sharp straight into the pumpkin demon's skull. The raven then spun midair to send his hooked opponent straight into a small cluster of Pixies and quickly turned to a group of Bicorn.
"Eiha!" Red tinted black energy manifest between Arsene's claws, the Curse Persona morphing it into a short lance. The personification of the gentleman thief quickly threw into the head of one of the black stallions. The beast let out a painful neigh in response before exploding into a redfish black bonfire that grasped a few other Bicorns.
Some enemy Jack o' Lanterns lob multiple fireballs with a swing of lanterns, Pixies shot out bolts of lightning from their fingers and a herd of Bicorn went into a stampede covered in harsh wind magic. All of them were aiming for OmniShoutmon, who smiled maliciously at the attack.
"I am an inferno born of passion, baby!! You can't extinguish my soul that easily!" The draconic being leapt off the ground, arms spread out whilst her golden body flew through the air almost if riding on an invisible current. Hokuto swept past the lightning in a barrel roll, weaved through the onslaught of fireballs before going into a condor dive whilst bearing her horns.
"Mach Rush IV!" She picked up more speed as OmniShoutmon went straight to the herd of Bicorn with the intent to run them down. Looks of shock crossed the horn horses as every single one quickly found themselves bouncing off of the dragonoid then crash disgracefully to pieces. What was worse were their green horns easily shattered then sent off into rapid fire sharpnel, whatever wind magic on them now struck down multiple allies.
The only three non-combatants watched the scene in utter shock. "Holy shit! Hok- I mean OmniShoutmon completely wrecked that stampede like it was nothing!" Ryuji remembered how much of a pain those specific Shadows were but to see them being wiped out so quickly was insane.
"I think it's because of that weird armor all over her body. Doesn't seem like any kind of material that can be found in the Real World or even the Metaverse." The not-cat has seen very peculiar things in the metaphysical plane before but he didn't think whatever material that armor was made from one of them.
"It's not just that. Before she changed, she said 'Let's do this, Shoutmon.' What if Hokuto-san wasn't saying her last name but someone else's?" Ann's words hit her two companions like a truck. Joker had also caught what the platinum blonde and things started to click in his mind.
The thought swirled in his mind whilst sliding under the large blade aimed for his head from the boss Archangel. She wasn't really alone when they had conversed earlier. Hokuto had someone or something alongside her, a Persona perhaps? Could it be…?
Joker glanced at the once human, his eyes widened in mild horror when he saw the Archangel spread out their wings. A warning signal for a powerful attack. "Look out OmniShoutmon!" The dragonoid immediately spotted the aforementioned threat and her response was surprising.
OmniShoutmon stood her ground, a burning yellow aura burst from the brilliant gold armor. "Hamaon!" The angelic shadow pointed his blade at OmniShoutmon, a large blast of bright light erupted the steel straight at her. It was at this point that the observers realized an important detail about the former human's armor.
There was a purpose to those two holes on the chest. "Flamethrower, yeaah!!" Fire burst forth from the chest holes alongside OmniShoutmon's war cry, large golden streams that clashed with the blast of light. Both attacks struggled to swallow the other, a battle of attrition in physical form. Letting out a loud roar, the fire from OmniShoutmon doubled in size as she put more power into the attack.
In seconds did the two blazing streams engulf the light in its entirety before swallowing up the Archangel and their allies in a massive bonfire. With the last bits of fire out of her chest, OmniShoutmon fell to her knee panting roughly.
"*pant* Damn did that asshole have some power. Using Flamethrower like that just takes the air out of your lungs. *whistles*" The dragonoid pants, her eyes now settled on the group of familiar faces. Ren had run up to the former human with Arsene offering his hand so the Persona could help her up.
OmniShoutmon took the assistance without hesitation, a smile on her beak like muzzle. "Thanks big guy. I have a feeling you aren't a Digimon, but I do know that I like those knife heels." The Curse Persona raised a non-existent eyebrow before letting out a hearty laugh.
Ren couldn't help shaking his head albeit agreeing with the statement. That definitely solidified this was indeed Hokuto among some other things. "As much I love to continue this chat, I believe it's best to move it to outside the confines of this castle." Arsene's suggestion didn't go unnoticed to everyone.
It made no sense to stay any further in their current state, plus there were a lot of questions that needed to be answered about their draconic ally rather than just their next possible move. Ren did know one thing, he had a feeling his life was about to get flipped over once more. For good or bad was up to debate.
And that's it. Felt Digimon would suit more into this considering DNA Digivolution, Biomerge and Spirit Evolution is a thing. Hokuto's last name isn't Shoutmon if you hadn't noticed. Last name is undecided at the moment. I did add some personal headcanons than just giving the Persona actual personalities. Persona is in personality after all.
Until next time folks!
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Eggselent Adventure 🐣
Happy Easter from the Girls of CGW.
This is from the CGW universe (Cordonians gone wild) a collaborative AU effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley and myself. Catch our other stories HERE
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The girls sat in the chairs at the spa, getting their pedicures. “So easter is coming up really fast. Any plans?” Pam questioned
“No. Since its our first easter together, I am staying here instead of going to Chicago. Plus my parents are going on a cruise.” Genevieve said with closed eyes.
“Same. I told my parents that I would come in June and we could go to the beach house with them. They are bugging to meet Leo.” Alicia sighed.
“Well, since were all staying in Cordonia how about we spend easter together?” Anitah said sipping her glass of champagne.  
“Of course I do. This time we will wait to get hammered until after dinner.” Anitah giggled as she high fived Alicia.
“You sure you want to do that? Do you remember Thanksgiving?” Pam quirked her brow, remembering the disaster it was.
“Umm and how about Maxwell not being allowed around the deep fryer.” Gen added in, they all nodded in agreement.
“We should do something fun. I seen something on pinterest about Adult egg hunts.” Alicia said pulling up the app on her phone.  
“oooh I saw that too. People put little liquor bottles in them. Or other things.” Anitah squealed.
“What kind of other things? Oooh, how about we make it a dirty egg hunt. Each egg would have a sexual favor or situation in them.” Pam grinned, her mind swirling of all the fun things she could do with Drake.  
“Hell yes! I'm in.” Genevieve smirked.
“Same.” Alicia and Anitah said simultaneously.
“Although I wouldn't mind finding some alcoholic eggs too.” Alicia giggled.
A couple weeks later the four couples and Maxwell gathered in the main dining hall. Alicia and Anitah spent the whole morning cooking. While Genevieve and Pam stuffed the rest of the eggs and instructed the staff what to do with them.
They gathered around the huge ham dinner with all the fixings. Maxwell licked his lips as he plopped a huge helping of mashed potatoes on his plate. “Tiger Lily, Little blossom, this looks and smells so good. Luckily I have my fat pants on.”
“Seriously, this is amazing.  Considering the fiasco Thanksgiving was.” Liam grinned, Leo shuddered “Don't remind me. My eyebrows never grew back right.”
Maxwell held up his hands defensively “im fo fawry weo.” He said with a mouth full of potatoes. They group finished eating and sat around nice and stuffed, talking and laughing when the Ladies stood.
“Ok guys, we have prepared a little fun for us. If you'll join us in the Garden.” Anitah spoke up. They walked into the garden, dozens of eggs were strewn about on the palace lawn. “An easter egg hunt? What are we 6?” Drake snorted, prompting a hard slap to the chest from pam. “No Drake. This is an adult egg hunt. No candy, well maybe some are … edible.” she giggled. Leo cocked his brow “Edible love?” Alicia bit her lower lip.
“Yep. Some have naughty items, some have other treats.” Genevieve winked.
“She means booze. Some have booze.” Alicia shouted. The guys all nodded in Appreciation.
“Some also have naughty couples ideas. There are hidden eggs too. They aren't all going to be right in the grass. Gen and I had the staff hide them. So we don't know where they are hidden.” Pam added.
“I can't wait. I am an egg hunting pro. If I knew we were doing this I could have brought the egganator 2000.” Maxwell danced in place.
“what the hell is that Maxwell?” Alicia quipped her eye.
“Oh, my special easter egg hunting bag. Guaranteed no spillage.” He said matter of factly.
The staff handed out bags so they could collect eggs. Anitah grew impatient  “Ok, enough of this. Lets hunt. Annnnnd GO!” Anitah shouted as they all took off scooping of eggs.
“Drake over here.” Pam motioned towards the left side of the garden. Anitah and Liam took off towards the hedge maze, maxwell covered the lawn and patio, Genevieve and Rashad took off around the outside of the maze, while Alicia and Leo headed towards the right side.  
Anitah and Liam zipped through the maze following a trail of eggs. Liam set his sights on a golden egg tucked partially out of view in the hedge. He quickly made his way over, extending his hand to grab the egg when Anitah snatched it up. “Anitah! I was going to get that one.”
“You gotta be quicker than that my king.” she winked as he grabbed her hand spinning him i to her. “I believe stealing from the king requires punishment. You have been a bad girl, my queen.” his husky voice sending a shiver through her body. Anitah backed away slowly from Liam “well my king,  I look forward to that, but, you have to catch me first.”
Genevieve and Rashad quickly picked up eggs. “Here you are sweetheart this one is sparkly, just like you.” Rashad handed her a pink sparkly egg. “Rashad. Honey. I don't think you quite get the idea of an egg hunt.  But thank you, you are so sweet.” she kissed him on the cheek, he quickly turned his face capturing her lips, surprising her. “Rashad, you little devil.” she playfully swatted him. “All part of my plan, my dear. He pulled her flesh to him, capturing her lips once again when they heard rustling in the bushes. Milo popped out with something in his mouth. “Oh, Milo. What do you have there?” Genevieve cheerfully called out as milo scampered up to Rashad, dropping the item at his feet. He bent down to pick it up. “Ew, what is it? Its covered in drool and it smells like cherries?”
Genevieve tried to stiffen her giggles “Baby, that's edible undies.” Rashad promptly dropped the undergarments and shuddered. I've lost my appetite.
Leo and Alicia quickly picked up all the eggs in the section they were in. They found themselves in a secluded section of the garden away from their friends. Alicia felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. “What are you doing Leo?”
“Nothing…” He brushed her hair away from her neck as his lips nipped against her delicate skin. “We are supposed to be looking for eggs.”
“Screw the eggs. We have enough.” His warm breath leaving goosebumps all over her body, his hand slipped beneath her sun dress causing Alicia to drop her bag of eggs. “Ok, you win.” she breathed out.
Pam and Drake scooped up all of the eggs in their section.  “If we hurry up, we can find more. Look, Rashad and Genevieve left a ton of eggs behind.” Pam pointed out as she bent over to pick up an egg. A breeze slightly lifting her dress, exposing the globes of her ass. Drake groaned at the sight, adjusting his hardening length. Pam turned noticing the bulge in her in his pants, she bit her bottom lip and walked up to him “I can take care of that.” she whispered in his ear as she drug him off behind a tree. She dropped to her knees “Pam. Here? You don't have to. OH GOD. That. Feels…..”
The gang all gathered back on the patio. “Ok everyone, lets see what we got. Gen and Rashad,  how about you start us off.” Pam told her.
Genevieve reached for one of the larger eggs and a little bottle of Grey Goose vodka fell into her palm. “Yes! I love vodka. It just doesn't like me all time.” She giggled as she watch Rashad open an egg. He pulled out a small tube of strawberry flavored lube. He looked his wife with hungry eyes, “There’s only one flavor I like more than strawberries.” He reached for another egg that had a slip of paper inside. He handed it to her with a grin. She read it aloud, “Boss and secretary...oohh. I get to be the boss this time.” She opened another egg in their pile. This one had another folded sheet of paper. “Reverse cowgirl,” she smiled coyly at Rashad who smirked. He leaned in close whispering, “Get ready to ride hard tonight, sweetheart.” He kissed her flushed cheek.
“Ready to open our eggs, love?” Liam smiled at Anitah.
She rubbed her hands together with a grin. “Yes!”
Liam opened the first egg, a small bottle of scotch. “Glenfiddich! This is good stuff,” Liam grinned.
Anitah opened the next egg pulling out something red and read the tag. “Eat me,” she chuckled holding up the strawberry flavored edible thong.
A low growl escaped Liam as he smirked, wriggling his brows. “You’re wearing those later.” He opened the next egg pulling out something small, purple and textured. “What is this?” He shook it next to his ear and Anitah began to laugh.
“That’s a finger vibrator, Liam.” She took it from him and slipped it on her finger through the small ring. A wide grin spread across his face. Anitah shook her head and opened the last egg pulling out a piece of paper. “Backwards cowgirl,” she looked up at Liam biting her lip.
“Easter is officially my favorite holiday. We got everything we need for the very fun night ahead of us, my Queen,” he smirked as he leaned down kissing her.
“You ready to see what we got?” Pam grinned excitedly looking at her husband. Drake nodded, opening his first egg. “Makers Mark! Alright” Drake grinned sticking the small bottle into his pocket. Pam smiled opening an egg and pulling out a strip of paper. “69” is all that was written on it. She bit her lip and turned it out toward Drake, who read the paper and smiled ear to ear. He leaned in kissing Pam. “Best Easter gift, ever” he growled. Drake opened another egg. He pulled out a white g string that read in orange letters “Some bunny wants your carrot”. Drake smirked dangling the panties by his finger. “As long as these are for you, I am a happy man”. Pam opened her next egg, her brow furrowed as she pulled out the furry tail. She read the slip of paper attached. “Use this butt plug on your partner”. She read aloud. Drake’s face paled, his mouth open in shock
“No..no way.” Pam giggled holding it up for him to see. “But look many, it's a cat's tail...MEOW”. Drake stared his giggling wife down and grabbed the tail putting it back in the egg, flinging it as far away as he could get it. “Not happening, Pam.”
Leo jogged across the lawn retrieving the discarded egg. “Well, look what I found.” He gave Alicia a sly smirk, a look of fear spread across her face. “Ah, lets um open our eggs ok.” she gave a nervous chuckle as she cracked open her first egg pulling out a folded up black piece of satin with a piece of paper in the center.  “Oh! It's a blindfold.” she unfolded the paper. “No look, no touch. The finders hands must be bound, and eyes covered while partner pleases them. “Kinky card repeat. If you thought last time was good.” he waggled his brows. Leo reached into his bag pulling two eggs. “yes! Johnny walker blue for me, and parrot bay, that's all you love.” they opened several eggs getting a couples massage certificate, a few bottles of liquor, and a mr nose mans thong that Leo put on over his pants. Alicia pulled out a small tube she looked at the container “good head, blue raspberry deep throat spray.” she looked at Leo, and then over to Pam and Drake. “Leo, as much as I enjoy giving you head. This screams Drammy.” Alicia giggled as she handed pam the spray.
Maxwell came strutting out of the palace, milo next to him. Anitahs hand flew over her mouth fighting off the giggles. “Does he have?” Pam not able to get the words out. Alicia shook her head “Uh huh, he sure does.”
“Hey guys. I got lots of cool stuff in my eggs. Check out my elephant hat.” he shook his head making the trunk shake. “max that's not a hat.” Genevieve giggled.  “Its not?”
“No. Its underwear, your dick goes in the trunk.” Drake snorted.
Maxwell shrugged his shoulders “Eh, it's pretty cool as a hat.”  
The group shared some laughs,and desert before each heading home. Alicia and Anitah walked together talking before they reached their quarters. “That was fun. We really need to do it again.” Alicia grinned.
“Definitely,  but next year we need to up the ante.” She gave her a wicked smirk before Liam called for her. “Happy Easter.” the two yelled.  
Tags: CGW: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw @the-soot-sprite
@kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld
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gayerthanthee · 6 years
Hearts and Halos|| The Privacy-Snooper
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Chapter Two: The Privacy-Snooper
Previous Chapter: Hearts and Halos|| Pale White Feathers
Summary: From years of walking the Earth, James Buchanan Barnes hasn't been successful in his love life. Despite his looks, skills, charming personality and his sex/non-sex appeal, he couldn't find the right one. But when he wakes up in the middle of the night, he meets the unthinkable; an Angel. Not just any Angel, a Cupid that God sent Himself.
And so, he's in for a long, long ride, and the hunt for Bucky's Significant Other finally begins.
Named/Mentioned Character/s:
Bucky Barnes
(y/n) (l/n)
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff(mentioned)
Tony Stark(mentioned)
Clint Barton(mentioned)
Just a little Bucky breakdown, not a full one. But still kinda stings.
Word Count:
Author's note/s:
If you're a religious person or not, it doesn't change how I can treat you. It's based on your attitude to me. But bringing that up, here, you are an Angel of God. You lived your life as a human on Earth and died and became an Angel and chose to be an Angel of Love, a Cupid. So no matter what belief you have, this is simply fictional and I hope to not make things heavy. This, all about God and Heaven, is for the sake of this AU. With that out, I hope you at least liked the last and like this as much as you did.:)
'Is that an angel snooping my diary?'
A luminous beam of light was conjured in the  extravagant palace of Heaven. Yes, Heaven existed, like how Earth did. It was where the good and the pardoned resided after death. The after life of the deceased creations by the Almighty. Where souls and Angels lived. You might ask, don't the dead become Angels too once they get to Heaven? It's a little like that, you're right. But to be specific, yes, they become Angels, with halos and white wings. But not all of them are the same.
Once you get to the Gates of Heaven, you will be an Angel once you're deemed good throughout your life as a human, and you're officially welcomed in the haven. There, you may live peacefully and serene, with a home inside or out the main palace of Heaven. And, if you want to have responcibilities, you may talk to God in his place in the palace. He can give you what he can give. It's either being a Guardian Angel, an Archangel, and assistant or others. In (y/n)'s case, she chose to be a Cupid.
When the light dispersed, it showed (y/n) in her form as a Cupid. In white robes that embraced her body perfectly. Gladiator sandals that reached her knees, and a mystical bag that could carry almost anything. And last but not the least, a golden halo that was suspended ontop of her head, her pale white wings folded on her back.
As she walked towards God's office she looked for her love journal in her bag, pulling it out when she sees it. When she arrived on front of God's door she twisted the knob when she saw the rectangular green light on top.
"Oh, (y/n). Good to see you, my child." He greeted when he sees one of his hard-working Cupids.
"Hi Boss, good to see you too." She greeted too after shutting the door with a smile. "Er, I have a question, something about my job."
She neared his desk and laid the book before him. Opening it and turning to the last pages, it showed information about Bucky. His biography, the arcs of his life, how he is as a person, but his Significant Other was empty and his future was incomplete. And the other page, that was supposed to show about the person for him was complete empty. Except for the gender, though. "Why is it like this? Why doesn't it tell about Barnes' Significant Other?"
God raised his brows and smiled. "But it does tell about his Other," He paused and pointed down at the only information it had and this time, smiled cheekily. "it's a female."
(y/n) knew about that. She looked down at where he pointed and her brow furrows, before looking at her boss. "What is this all about, Boss?"
God had started to chuckle. "I thought you'd never ask. This whole mystery," He circled the pages, continuing. "is for me to know and for you to find out."
"What?" She cried. "Did you just get that out of a human' T.V. show?"
"Hmm, maybe?" "Come on Boss, what is this about, please?"
God saw the plead in her eyes, and was almost convinced to tell him who the Other was.
He sighed. "Think of it as a puzzle. A last challenge before stepping down from your title. But I'm telling you, you'll be thanking me after you fulfil this last mission. So you can't back out now."
"Can I at least have any hints, and clues?"
"Of course, you can. I can't resist one of my children, now can I?"
Bucky loved his best friend like his own brother, but you know how brothers can be sometimes. They can be a little bit..much.
Since Bucky told Steve of his little semi-episode earlier, he started to overreact a bit. Again, a bit...much.
"So I talked to Tony and told him to have security heightened around you just to make sure you're safe and I advice you not to get out much and make sure you don't lock yourself up and-"
"Steve," "-I don't want to hear you getting chased by-" "Steve." "-some goons and-"
"Jesus Christ Steve I know you care so much but you're getting a bit too much and it isn't helping the freaking situation much."
Bucky's chest was heaving as he chased his breath from the short outburst, but his eyes softened up at his pal when his mood seemed to droop.
"Look, I'm sorry for--I dunno, raising my voice at you? Yeah. But Steve, you gotta keep in mind that panicking like-" He gestured towards Steve from beside him. "-that doesn't really help. You're more worried than the person who's already a little jumpy."
The other man sighed. "I know." And he sighed again, by inhaling longer and letting it all out. "Yeah I know and I'm sorry. You know I can't-I can't help it." With that, he stared into his best friend's eyes with such emotion. "I just can't afford to lose my pal. Again."
Bucky nodded with an understanding smile, and pats Steve's back to try and pat away his worries somehow. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, bud."
Steve smiled back, albeit a little unsure, but nodded nonetheless.
"Mr. Rogers, Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Barton are waiting for you in the quinjet."
Steve raised his brows and looked up at the ceiling, a habit everytime he heard FRIDAY. Don't worry though, I assure you he's starting to get used to the A.I. He's improving.
"Welp, there's my cue," He stands and shifts his uniform properly. "stay safe. And keep an eye out, too."
Seeing Bucky nod carefully at his request, he attaches his shield to his back and turns away, leaving the compound. Leaving Bucky all on his own.
Chewing at his gum, the (h/c)-headed man walked through the aisles of the grocery shop, making sure the man he's after doesn't lose his sight. He looks at the round mirror on the corner of the store, and saw the brunette take the canned food from the shelf and put it in his cart; turned his back and pushed the full trolley before pausing at his steps, slowly darting his eyes around and continuing his way to the counter.
The (h/c)head walked carefully as he pretended to examine the dairy products on the aisle he was at, placing a carton of milk on his basket. Watching the man from the corner of his eye.
He watched as the brunette man checked out his items and walked out of the shop, so he puts back the carton of milk and drops the basket carefully on the ground; walking briskly to follow the man he's pursuing and chucking out his gum to the garbage bin without batting an eye.
Bucky had gotten out after lunch to buy the groceries. He felt like he wanted to go out at the moment, but still, he had a reason why. Hmph, all this despite Steve's light request. Mean.
Without a doubt, he was being followed again. No, he didn't just have a hunch, he was sure. He saw the man looking at him as Bucky took a glance on the round mirror above the entrance of the small shop. And after checking out, he immediately left and tested if he was definitely the follower.
Bucky, with the plastic bags, went to the ice cream vendor who had his stand near the park. He thought of stopping for a while to see if the familiar man was still there, but at the same time he really did want to have ice cream, though. Nothing bad with that.
After purchasing his cone he sat on a bench and rested, giving his legs a break. He takes a harmless lick on the dairy and carefully devours it, savoring the sweetness of the ice cream, and as he does so, his eyes shoot from one direction to another. He's not here. The man's not anywhere. He lost sight of his follower.
Was he being followed, or was he not? He was very sure he was. Even I was, whoops.
And so, our man here sighs and walks the pavement under the now darkening evening. Clouds and clouds seeming to embrace the stars from above, accompanied by the moon who replaced the sun's place in the sky.
Then he makes a sharp turn and walks into the darkness of an alley.
He leans his back into the concrete wall and anticipated for the other sound of footsteps to continue and inch closer. He waited for seconds. And seconds turned to minutes, until it felt like forever, which makes him finally decide to sneak a peak out the alley.
No sight of the man.
He felt stupid. But Bucky felt it. Again. And when he thought he could get the chance to finally confront him, that's just what it was. A thought.
From his kneeling position by his bed, he stood, and wiped his tired face wih his hands, pulling at his hair when he held it.
He pulled his hair harshly, as if he waited for scalp to tear from his head. His teeth were bared as he grinded them. His head shaking the slightest.
Bucky was frustrated. He was frustrated at the man who he couldn't grasp. He was frustrated at the situation. He was frustrated at himself. At how he was weak and helpless.
He could feel the gaping hole in his chest. The way it was empty as if something was torn from inside him. He was panting. Hoping that each and every breath he took would feel the vacancy inside his empty but beating heart.
Eventually, his actions started to cease. His face was untensed and he calmed his breath. He wiped away the tears that made their way down his cheeks and wiped what was left from his eyes.
He dropped his bottom to his bed and inched towards the middle, enveloping his comforter around his defeated form as he forced himself to rest. For his emotions to cease.
He blindly reached for the lamp as his eyes were shut. When he felt the little rope, he pulls it down gently, turning out the light before he slept.
He didn't know how long he was asleep and what time he did, but he definitely knew it wasn't long.
But where did the sudden and gentle luminosity before his screwed eyelids come from?
Then he heard it. The sound of paper scraping lightly against paper. The silent mumbling out loud from behind him.
When he peaked through his eyelids, he saw the dark abyss of a sky from the gap of his curtains. And when he looked from the corner of his eye, the ceiling's light was off. Even the lamp was off, being in that side of his room. The intense light on his walls must be coming from this intruder's torch.
Slowly, he turned his body to the other side and his eyes flew wide at what he was witnessing, before narrowing to observe better.
'Is that an angel snooping my diary?'
I'm back! Sorry for being gone. I actually got this done since last week but I didn't get to put it in Tumblr. But now I got it though:))
Be safe!
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jacobseedz · 6 years
Lovely Lady - Part One
summary; You live with your father, Maxwell Roth. You want to finally meet his boss that everyone hates so much. 
pairings; Crawford Starrick x female reader
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(gif belongs to @mskirona)
Two months ago Y/N's mother passed away, leaving her with her father she knew nothing about. Her mother's close friend told Y/N about Maxwell Roth, shortly after the death ceremony. Of course the said man knew about your existence, but for unknown reasons he never tried contacting them. However, after the sad news, Maxwell knew you'd try to take a hold of him. The man offered Y/N a roof under her head, skeptically she agreed.
Now they're on much better terms, the young woman knew of his dangerous business, not that she minded. You gotta live somehow. Not that Roth ever involved his only child in this kind of stuff. He very much grew to love you. Although he didn't really show it, Y/N just knew.
Today was different, well not very different, but Y/N was finally meeting her father's boss. She was very excited to see him in person. Many told her about his frightening, predatory gaze, his booming voice, his constant frown. After all he is the Templar Grandmaster, so Y/N wasn't that surprised though. True, he did many scandalous things, but the woman just couldn't stop thinking about the mysterious man.
"Y/N, I've got business to take care of. If you could, stay in the Theater." Roth exclaimed, already getting ready.
The woman rolled her eyes, but nonetheless played her role. "Of course, Maxwell. Maybe that Evie girl will stop by." she answered, paying he bought the act.
"Hmm, just don't get yourself killed. We wouldn't want to get on the Frye girls bad side, now would we?" he questioned, grabbing her bare hand into his gloved one.
She scoffed, "Okay, okay. Aren't you supposed to be heading for a meeting?"
It was Roth's time to scoff. Shaking his head he went out, not seeing the mischievous grin on his daughter's face.
Quickly the young woman grabbed her coat, sprinting after Roth, trying not to get caught. She hid behind several building walls, by the time they got to the place it was nearly noon. Finally, the place she was in brought her back to reality. In front of her was a huge place, a beautiful garden surrounding it. Looking forward, she noticed two Templars guarding the gates, Roth already went through them.
Sighing to herself, Y/N tried her best to push her breasts up, so her cleavage could be seen. Even the toughest men couldn't resist the women goods. She walked to the opened gate, seeing the Templars already going to block her way in.
"Hello, boys." she greeted, sending them a flirtatious gaze. The men stood unfazed, but she could see the glint in their eyes.
Leaning forward, she said, "I was wondering if I could look around this amazing place.." one of them tried to grab her, but she moved to the side, tutting him.
"Already touching? Hmm, maybe if you'll let me walk around here, you'd get to touch later. What do you think boys?" she teased.
They didn't say anything, but made way for her, feeling her body brush their arms. Before she could get away she heard their quiet exhales. Y/N's heart was pounding, never has she ever done such thing. It was filthy, offering your body like that, however it granted her a free passing. As calmly as she could she walked inside the palace.
Voices echoed in the long, dark corridor. Y/N soon found herself in front of a oak door, the gruff voice belonged to Roth, however there was another voice, it sounded like honey to your ears. She could listen to it all day. Suddenly the door started opening, of course Y/N had to lean on the door, which leaded to her falling. To her luck she managed to put her hands in front of her face, before the impact.
"Y/N, what are you doing here? I told you to stay!" shouted angrily, Roth. Not really mad, he didn't want his daughter to meet the man he works for.
Her body was lifted of the floor, by a unknown by her man. He was quite tall, and handsome she should add. That moustache just brought tingles. The man only had a white shirt, suspenders with it and black slacks. The top four or five buttons were undone, showing a little bit of his dark chest hair. The woman stared at him, with her mouth partly opened. He chuckled, noticing where her attention was.
Grinning, he asked, "Tell me, dear, Y/N. Why are you here?". That grin reminded her of the Cheshire cat, but it looked very good on him.
Looking up, into his gorgeous eyes. "Oh, uh, well, Sir?..." she questioned, seeking out his name.
Surprise was written on his face at her question, not expecting it. "Crawford Starrick." he replied.
The man left his previous place and went to his desk, sitting behind it, but still closely watching the young woman. "Roth, do tell me, how do you know this young, beautiful lady?"
Y/N blushed at his words, they held eye contact. He sent her a smile.
"She's my daughter, one and only." Roth admitted.
"That's interesting. Now, leave us." he announced. The Y/H/C haired woman didn't see the butler in the corner of the room. He held tea, though as soon as Crawford said those two words he was gone.
Roth tried to argue, however Starrick did not let him, instead he pierced the women's father with his dangerous glare. It instantly shut him up. Maxwell hated that about Crawford, the power he held over others, but what could he do.
Y/N looked down, missing her fathers worried gaze.
When they were alone, Crawford started, "Please, do tell me lovely lady, why did you come here?". She started to sweat, already hating the tension.
"Well, you see Sir..." he nearly groaned in delight, hearing her calling him 'Sir'. "...my father always talks about you, and I just had to see the mysterious man. I hope I hadn't angered you by my curiosity?"
Crawford shook his head, "They say, 'Curiosity killed the cat.." Y/N interrupted, "..but satisfaction brought it back!"
The woman wanted to slap herself, why could she just keep it in? What she didn't expect was to hear him laugh, and oh boy, how she fell in love with the sound of it.
"You, my dear, are one of a kind. Sit, darling." he pointed to the love seat on his left, just by his tea table. She did as he said.
Y/N inhaled, "May I ask you a question Mr. Starrick?" he nodded. Her happy expression changed into a serious one. "Can... I have tea?"
Yet he laughed again, that girl truly did awake something inside him.
They talked for many hours, Y/N made Crawford laugh again and again, whatever nonsense she said, he would chuckle and full hearty laugh at. They just somehow clicked, like they were meant to be. Although the age difference was huge they didn't care. The woman questioned him about his early life, how he became the Grandmaster of The British Templar Order. In exchange, he asked her about her passions, hobbies, favourite activities.
"Lovely lady, you are I must admit." he said, kissing her hand. "Would you like to have dinner with me?"
Y/N smiled brightly, nodding her head. "I would love to, Crawford."
Before they departed, she kissed the older mans cheek, feeling his stubble.
"Till we meet again, my darling Y/N."
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