#earth day activities for kindergarten
helloparent · 3 months
Eco Friendly Preschool Activities for Earth Day
Earth Day is a time to teach young children about the importance of our planet and how to take care of it. Preschoolers are naturally curious and eager to learn, making it the perfect opportunity to introduce them to eco-friendly practices through fun and engaging activities. In this guide, we'll explore Earth Day activities for preschool that not only promote environmental awareness but also encourage creativity and hands-on learning.
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1. Recycled Art Projects:
Teaching preschoolers about recycling and upcycling is a fantastic way to instill eco-friendly habits. Gather materials like old magazines, cardboard boxes, and plastic bottles for art projects. Encourage children to create colorful collages, sculptures, or even their own recycled fashion show.
2. Planting Seeds:
Connect children with nature by allowing them to plant seeds or small seedlings in pots. Teach them about the plant life cycle, the importance of water and sunlight, and the joy of watching plants grow. This activity not only teaches responsibility but also fosters a love for the environment.
3. Nature Scavenger Hunt:
Take your preschoolers on a nature scavenger hunt in your school's outdoor area or nearby park. Create a checklist of items to find, such as leaves, rocks, flowers, or even certain insects. This activity encourages children to observe and appreciate the natural world around them.
4. DIY Bird Feeders:
Crafting bird feeders from recycled materials is a fun and educational activity. Use materials like empty toilet paper rolls, peanut butter, and birdseed. Preschoolers can spread peanut butter on the cardboard rolls and then roll them in birdseed. Hang the feeders outside, and observe the birds that come to visit.
5. Earth Day Artwork:
Let preschoolers express their love for the Earth through art. Provide them with materials like paints, colored pencils, and crayons to create Earth-themed artwork. Encourage discussions about what makes our planet special and how they can help protect it.
6. Storytime with Environmentally-Friendly Books:
Choose children's books that focus on environmental themes and read them aloud during storytime. Afterward, engage in discussions about the stories and the lessons they convey. Some popular choices include "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss and "The Water Princess" by Susan Verde.
7. Recycling Sorting Game:
Create a hands-on learning experience by setting up a recycling sorting game. Use various items like paper, plastic, and aluminum cans. Challenge preschoolers to sort these items into the correct recycling bins, teaching them about the importance of recycling and reducing waste.
8. Earth Day Pledge:
Encourage preschoolers to make simple Earth Day pledges, such as turning off lights when leaving a room, using both sides of a piece of paper, or picking up litter in their surroundings. Create a colorful pledge poster and have each child add their fingerprint as a sign of commitment.
9. Outdoor Nature Art:
Take art class outdoors and use natural materials like leaves, twigs, and stones to create artwork. Preschoolers can make nature collages, paint with natural pigments, or even build small sculptures with found objects.
10. Earth-Friendly Snack Time:
Teach children about making eco-friendly food choices. Have a snack time where you serve locally sourced or organic fruits and vegetables. Discuss the benefits of sustainable farming practices.
11. Recycling Relay Race:
Organize a fun recycling relay race where children compete to sort recyclables into the correct bins. This active game reinforces the importance of recycling and all the best preschools in India keep preschoolers engaged.
12. Earth Day Celebration:
Wrap up your Earth Day activities for preschool with a celebration. Invite parents to join and showcase the projects and artwork created by the preschoolers. Share what the children have learned about taking care of the Earth.
By incorporating these eco-friendly kindergarten Earth Day activities for preschool curriculum, you can inspire the next generation to become responsible and environmentally-conscious citizens. Remember that young children learn best through hands-on experiences and play, so make the activities fun, interactive, and age-appropriate. These early lessons in environmental stewardship can have a lasting impact, fostering a lifelong commitment to preserving our beautiful planet
Originally Published by HelloParent
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maximwtf · 1 year
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                                         Peridot  x gem reader
words: 1930
google docs pages: 3
Warnings: None?
opening: You watch Peridot struggle to walk and in general exist without her limb enhancers. In an attempt to make her feel better, you gift her a new pair. 
AN// they/them used! I was legit upset when Peridot never got them back, so I’m fixing that by writing this :”D!
It had been a while since you joined the crystal gems. It still felt like not all of them trusted you, but at least you had Steven. He seemed to trust you, even without making you prove yourself in some way. Not that the other crystal gems were waiting for you to do something in order to really accept you, but that's what it felt like. 
Recently though, their attention had been on something else. From what you had heard, this ‘thing’ was a homeworld gem, who had been sent here to do something. Mission by mission, you had figured out enough pieces to know that the gem was a Peridot. Funny enough, before you had crashed on earth, one of the gems you had been working with had been a Peridot. 
Before having to come to terms with the fact that you were never going back home, you had been sent on a mission. This mission included a peridot and some amethyst muscle. Your job had been to go and clear the area where Peridot would have been working in, and make sure that no one was going to be there. But as you had begun getting closer to the landing spot, something had gone wrong and the ship crashed down. It didn’t take long for the crystal gems to find out, and before you were able to escape or fight them off, you had been trapped. 
The gems never took you with them on their missions, so just like usually you were left in the house, by yourself. There was not much for you to do during these times. Eating food seemed disgusting, and so did the other human activities. This time though, not a lot of time passed before the warp pad lit up, bringing light to all the dark corners of the room. The crystal gems appeared on it, soon all of them spreading around the house. “We caught her!” Steven yelled, running towards you. “Yeaah, she had weird bits attached to her.” Amethyst laughed while digging through the cabinets. “Weird bits? Did she have limb enhancers on?” You asked curiously, tilting your head. “I guess that’s what those were.” The amethyst replied, showing something down her mouth. Could have it been the same one you were teamed up with? “So it was an era 2 gem. They were given to those who lacked power, like the era 2 peridots who were made for quantity not quality.” You spoke mostly to yourself, but loud enough that anyone interested would hear. “Where is she now?” You then asked, looking up from the floor. “Bubbled.” Garnet replied quickly, which you replied to by slowly nodding. 
If this Peridot had been sent here to take samples from the kindergartens, there was a high chance that this was the same Peridot that you had briefly befriended. Not that you deeply cared for her, but knowing that she was bubbled and without her limb enhancers felt wrong. What if she ever got out? She would have no way of defending herself, if she could even walk without them. You shook those thoughts out of your head. Even if you wanted to check if it was the same gem, you couldn’t. One wrong move would end you up in a bubble like hers as well. Being the newest member meant that you didn’t have space to step out of line, not that you even knew where the bubbled gems were being held. No one had told you, and you doubted anyone would even if you asked them. 
It was the night of the same day. Because you didn’t have a room, you’d just lay on the couch with your eyes closed. Steven says that that’s not how sleeping works, but you bet ‘real sleeping’ would feel the same. It was only when the gems started to move again, that you opened your eyes for a moment. They had gathered around the kitchen countertop to talk, mostly ignoring you. You gave them the same treatment and closed your eyes again. This time you had to open them back up rather quickly. The door at the back of the building opened up and a peridot ran out, Steven chasing after them. That’s the gem! You sprang up from the couch. To your horror, the crystal gems all pulled out their weapons. You gave a quick look towards the peridot, trying to figure out if it was the same one. Her gem seemed to be in the same place, but that wasn’t enough to determine anything. It was only when she quickly looked at you that you could confirm, it indeed was the same one. She turned to look at you before making a run for it, and as she did, her mouth fell open a little. She recognized you too. But before she was able to shout out anything, she had to lock herself in the bathroom. 
You listened to the gems try to force her out, but knowing the green gem, she wouldn’t come out like that. Especially now that she was scared. You took your chances and climbed to where Steven’s bed was. There you knew you’d find a part of her old limb enhancers. Steven had showed it off to you, still unsure as to why he had kept it. 
You waited for the gems to give up on trying to force the gem out, and once Steven had gone to bed too, you sneaked to the door. “Peridot.” It took her some time to respond, probably shocked to hear your voice. “Traitor! Why are you on their side?!” You then heard. “Can you let me in, so we could talk?” That wasn’t going to be enough to convince her. “I have something in return for your time.” The small leftover of the limb enhancers wasn’t going to be a lot, but it might just make her open the door for you. 
You saw the door creek open, and when her eye spotted the boot of her limb enhancers the green gem grabbed it and left the door open. You stepped in, taking that as a welcome to do so. After turning the lights on, you locked the door to make sure Peridot knew the gems weren’t in on this. “Traitor! You’re the same Y/n that was supposed to be helping me!” The now small gem hissed at you from the corner of the room. “They’re not as bad as they seem. My ship crashed and I lost all contact with the rest of the team.” You mumbled the last part, eyes wandering before they locked on Peridot. She truly was small, it made you giggle. Almost all the era 2 homeworld gems wore limb enhancers, and now seeing one without them made you giggle. “What are you laughing at, traitorous clod?!” The green gem yelled out. “Shh, you’re going to wake up everyone.” You hissed at her, taking better control of yourself to stop the laughter. Peridot shut her mouth, clutching onto the last piece of her old leg. “Look, you can trust Steven. He’ll make sure the gems don’t harm you. But you have to get out of here.” You told her, kneeling down. “And if you don’t want to get along with any of them, I’m here. The crystal gems don’t necessarily like me either. They’re just fine with having me around.” You told her, standing up. “So?” You offered her a hand which she took. You pulled her up and walked the green gem to the door and out from there. 
Some time had passed since then, and a lot of things had happened. Peridot had been accepted to stay with the crystal gems on earth, but you had noticed something. You’d often see the bright green gem run on all fours, and stumble as she tried to walk normally. No one said anything about it and some had even found it funny, but you knew better than that. The poor gem had had the limb enhancers on her whole life, and now that they were taken away from her it was hard for Peridot to exist normally. It must have felt the same if someone took half of your legs away suddenly and made you defenceless, and then laughed at you. 
Watching her try to stay as her normal self was hard, because you could often hear her curse under her breath for having to crawl like an animal. 
You couldn’t bear to watch her have to live like this anymore, there must have been something you could do? And with that in mind, you began to make a plan. There was no way to go back to homeworld and snatch a new pair of limb enhancers, but there was one place on earth that still might have had them stored. 
As the sun began to go down and the crystal gems had started to settle, you headed to the warp pad. Since no one was around, you warped to the spot your ship had crashed in. All the systems were messed up, but the door that led inside the ship still opened, barely. You had to push it a little to get it fully out of the way. No lights were turning on anymore either, but using your gem as a source of light worked just as well. 
You made your way to the back of the ship, and opened one of the ‘doors’ on the sides of the ship. All of the extra supply was stored in these, and if you remembered correctly there had been an extra pair of limb enhancers in one of them. After going through a few of these locker-like storage spaces, the light from your gem lit up exactly what you had been looking for. A brand new pair of limb enhancers. 
With the items in hand you left the abandoned ship and walked back to the warp pad. It took you straight to the house you had left earlier, and where you expected Peridot to be as well. You had told her to meet you there, and after some convincing she had agreed to come. You stumbled a little by the weight in your arms as you walked outside the house where you expected her to be waiting for you. “Peridot!” You called out and she turned towards you. It was dark already, since it had taken longer than you had expected to get the limb enhancers. The sun had set, only the moon shining some light over Beach city. “I got you something!” You smiled. It was only when you were closer to her that she finally realised what you were carrying in your arms. They were all in one pile, so it must have been a little hard to make out what they were. “Are those-” The green gem started, stars slowly forming in her eyes. “New limb enhancers!” You finished her sentence, happily offering them to her. With shaky hands she took them, immediately trying them on. “I had some in the ship I managed to crash.” You laughed silently at your mistake. “Thank you.” Peridot said, looking up at you with tears in her eyes, which she tired to wipe away, but it was no use. They kept appearing back every time. “I couldn’t stand to watch you crawl anymore.” You said, but there was no further reply. Your eyes stayed on her, the green gem now slightly taller than you were. “I’m not cute anymore.” She laughed. 
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g-h-0-s-t-s-a-r-t-2 · 3 months
your art is awesome! apologies if this is already somewhere on your blog, but does your au have any Lore or Background Information that you could share?? 😁
TYSM!!!!!!!!! and oh my god where do I start????
Some background information:
There are three main languages in this AU. The diamond language, the normal gem language, and English.
The gems can change clothing at will. Whenever they regenerate, it only changes their body, not their clothing.
The Homeworld gems have discovered eating, sleeping, and generally just living. Mostly the nobility takes part in these activities.
More on the eating: gems don't need to eat but if they do, they will feel hungry after not eating (like humans 🤯).
The Diamonds influence the fashion trends on Homeworld. Fashion trends tend to last for hundreds of years before shifting to something new.
There are 4 Eras by SUF. Era 1 started when White Diamond emerged and ends when Pink Diamond gets her first colony. Era 2 starts when Pink gets Earth and ends when she is "shattered". Era 3 starts when Pink is "shattered" and ends when White is confronted by Steven. Era 4 starts after White changes and goes till present day.
Rose Quartz is a better person. She respects humans more than she does in the og show ( at least in my opinion). She learns their languages (gems learn languages quickly) and fights along side of them. She inspires humans to fight by her side in the gem war.
The Earth invasion starts at around 3000 BCE. The first landing happened in North America (this AU's map is the irl map). The first Kindergarten is started in the 2600s BCE, and the first kindergarteners emerge around 2500 BCE.
There are possibly other half gem hybrids around the globe, but idk yet 👀
The character lore is mostly gonna be in the au dumps I post 🤩
I hope this answers your question 😭
if you want more clarification, feel free to ask more 😲
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luulapants · 1 year
(Regarding my bff's chess proxy war in which she and a boy in class battled idiots against one another.)
Short answer: the boy in class's idiot won.
Long answer: let me share with you the cast of characters. Some names have been changed.
Ani, the boy in class. A member of the advanced placement program. Overachiever. Loud talker. Enjoys getting into arguments with other students, especially when he knows he'll win. Calls people stupid a lot.
Liz, my bff. Did not get into advanced placement because she has a lifelong problem with authority and resented being given the exams. Now resents not being in advanced placement but won't admit it. Death glare that makes adults deeply uncomfortable. Enjoys getting into arguments more than anyone on this earth.
Tom, Ani's idiot. Acts stoned, but won't actually start smoking pot until middle school. Always seems to be in slow motion. Carries tater tots in his cargo pants. Once tried to carry wet melon slices in his cargo pants. Shockingly NOT the glue eater in kindergarten but became best friends with the glue eater, presumably because he liked his ideas.
Carrie, Liz's idiot. Perpetually trying to create the kind of drama that will make her feel like she's on television. Creates problems on purpose just so she can have a sobbing moment of confession to someone who knew what she did and doesn't care. Would call 911 if someone said the word "sex" to her, then insist to police that she didn't know what the word meant.
To this day, Liz insists that her critical mistake was trying to teach Carrie chess on the infamous glass chessboard with clear and frosted pieces that are impossible to tell apart. More likely, her critical mistake was that Tom was ideally suited for an activity that required him to quietly sit and stare and mull over things for ten thousand years, while Carrie sat through two minutes of instructions, thought "this is boring" and started fantasizing about breaking the chess board and then crying while apologizing.
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wimble-warcrime · 2 years
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Call Me Alpha - part one
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Synopsis: Ever since you were little, you rejected anything omega related. So imagine what it feels like to have your worst fears come true. Step one to your two step plan to a happy life is in cinders, and the next best thing is suppressants and enough cologne to let everyone in a 5 mile radius know you're the most obnoxious alpha to ever walk the earth. Still, some good things can come of this, right...?
Pairing: Alpha!Bukugou Katsuki x Omega! NB Reader
Warnings: readers has a deep set hatred for their second gender; lots of angst; descriptions of gender dysphoria; deku is widely disliked; reader is actually capable of making decisions(no weak omegas in the Christian household); suppressant sickness; descriptions of death.
Author Notes: this is not the first fanfic I've written, but it won't be the last. Here's hoping I can actually finish it this time! Let me know what you think, and if you want to beta the rest of the chapters!
Hc's | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Ever since you were little, you'd rejected any kind of activity, behavior and style related to being an omega.
In preschool and kindergarten, you'd worn shorts and overalls, insisted that your hair was short, gone mock hunting with the other 'alpha' kids in your class. You'd play with Legos, and lament of how you would build cool inventions for heroes one day.You refused to wear dresses, play with dolls, play house or grow your hair long.
Your father was fine with this, he, like most parents, knew that the way a child acted before their turning was indicative of their second gender after turning. He'd expected you'd be a strong and dependable alpha, just like your teacher at the time.
Everyone who met you as a young child expected you to be an alpha, after all, you were the most aggressive of your age group. All the 'omegas' insisted you be their alpha, some even going as far as to try and court you. You rejected them. Refusing to associate with anything omega related.
As the years went by, more and more people, including yourself, expected you to present as an alpha, and when the end of middle school rolled around, people were surprised you hadn't presented yet, most of you classmates having turned already, save a few. Notably the obnoxious and stutteringly shy Midoriya Izuku. You insisted you were a late bloomer, and they believed you.
Then on the last day of school for the year, everyone was surprised that you started to smell like an omega. You dismissed these inquiries, stating that your beta father had recently gotten a new omega boyfriend, and you'd finally let him scent you last night. Only for, at the last hour of class, your tuning began; at first it was a wave of heat, like some had opened a hot oven into you face; then it was cold sweats, you were shivering almost imperceptibly but sweating so much you'd been sent off to the nurses office.
There, your worst fear had been realised: your symptoms aligned with an omegan heat. If you were an alpha, you would have lashed out at any one even looking at you weird, and then started growling at any alphas when they got to close. At least, that was the case for the school bully, who  happened to share a row with you, Bakugou Katsuki. He'd snapped and snarled so much, that the teacher had to call his parents and restrain him until they arrived to pick him up.
The nurse consoled you as your heat progressed to the final stage. The first heat an omega experiences is usually an hour to two long, and is relatively tame compared to the second heat, which comes at the age of 16. The nurse complimented you on your sweet new smell, stating that you smelled of elderberry and morning glory. "A tamer, more subtle omegan smell than most," but still distinct in it sweetness.
She go on to list all of the benefits of being an omega; you would find a nice alpha,  maybe a beta even, and go one to have many pups after you'd mated and bonded with them. If your alpha allowed it you could continue working after pups or even after being mated.
Of course, all of these things had been explained to you; but you considered them to be negatives. Why would you want to settle for being a weak, submissive, simple minded omega  when you could be an engineer. Your dream job was to design and build support gear for heroes; and since your quirk was one that aligned with the necessary skills needed for said job, who were you to pet some big alpha take it all away from you?
No, the second your father came rushing into the school infirmary, you'd thrown yourself into his chest, and cried. He'd be shocked to scent you and find the smell of an omega mixed in with your scent. He pulled you to his chest, and carried you out to his car. Once secured in the passenger seat, you lamented to him your fears of omenganhood and how it was the worst thing that could ever have happened to you.
He was shocked to hear such things, never once had you bad mouthed omeganhood, but he knew you preferred more alphan mannerisms. When asked as to why you saw your newly acquired second gender, seeing as your biological mother was omegan, your response horrified him;
"She died, remember?" Between sniffles and stray tears, you continued; "You said she was weak, too weak to survive. It's because she was an omega. She was weak and stupid and she died. If she was an alpha or a beta, she would have survived." You, clearly, didn't see anything wrong with your response, and while you weren't wrong, it was abhorrent that you would equate omegas as weak and simple minded.
He stayed silent on this drive home, contemplating what to say to your feelings of omeganhood. By the time he'd unlocked the house, you stopped crying, and beelined to your room, school bag left forgotten at the door.
He heard you crying up in you room, and he felt sick as he played over the confession you'd attested to. He made dinner, well, really he heated up leftover curry that the neighbour's young boy had given him; spicy chicken katsu. He and his father had made too much, but he had a feeling that really, he fancied you. And based off of the sticky note that you discarded in the trash, you didn't quite feel the same. He watched you that day, peel off the sticky note, and with out bothering to read it, tossed it in the rubbish bin and dug into the curry.
He was grateful at least one person in the house liked spicy food, because an was it hot. He served himself a fried egg and rice, cut up a plate of fruit and headed off to you room with the plate and bowl in his hands.
He set the food on the floor outside and knocked, letting you know that your dinner was on the other side. He knew there was no point in trying to persuade you to join him for dinner; you'd always stay in your room to draw up blue prints for new gear designs. So he wandered back down the stairs, huddled up on the couch and watch the latest k-drama while he ate his food.
Back upstairs, you'd gingerly opened your door to find a steaming bowl of spicy chicken curry and rice, along with a plate of sliced mangoes and strawberries; your favorite fruit. You pulled the plates up off the floor and kicked the closed as you wandered over to you desk.
A sudden urge to draw up some quirk enhancing equipment for an alpha in your class had seized you and despite your hatred for your neediness to please said alpha, your dominant human brain could agree that the designs were very good.  As you scribbled into night, you munched on your dinner, thanking whoever made your dinner that it was so spicy; you needed something to distract from the immense amount of emotional heartache you were experiencing. Soon it was eight p.m, and you could feel your eyes growing tired. Eight turned into nine, and nine to ten. By midnight, you were slumped over your desk, empty bowl and plate discarded on the table adjacent.
You father crept into your room after not getting a response to knocking. There he saw you asleep at you desk, clearly worn out from such an eventful day. He placed a throw over you shoulders flicked off the desk lamp, grabbed the dirtied dishes and headed down to wash them.
He contemplated on how he could cure your hatred for you second gender. You were old enough now to go on suppressants, especially now that you'd presented, but the amount of horrific side effects that omegas suffered from due to extended use was deplorable; that was also why your mother had died. A weakened immune system mixed with one too many cold winters, and she died to a cold. He was also one of the scientists who had disagreed with the patenting of the drug, due to its deplorable side effects.
He figured that putting you on  suppressants for now, while he figured out a way to further develop them wouldn't hurt you too much. They would help to prolong your omegan development. Maybe if a doctor signed off on it, you may be eligible for secondary gender change. But the procedure was risky, and rarely ever a doctor signed off.
He had hope that he would be able to further develop the suppressants to be more masking of your omegan nature than to erase it completely. Find a way to change your scent somehow as well. He'd have to talk to you later about it, but seeing as you were on summer break, he'd have plenty of time to discuss at length the future of your secondary gender.
For now he laid in bed restless, eager yet hesitant to go forward with his idea
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itsscromp · 6 months
Hey there!! I would like to make a Christmas request 🥰🥰. I was thinking of Groot (whatever age you want) and reader celebrating Christmas. Maybe reader explaining to him how they celebrate it on earth and what they do. Also reader decorating Groot as a Christmas tree because I just love that
Thanksssss 😇😇😍😍🥰🥰
Groot x Reader Christmas headcanons
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Oh my god yes !!! Bro, I loved the holiday special post-credit scene so damn much it was adorable !!! So for these headcanons, I'll go with Swole Groot.
Groot was always wanting to learn about your life back on Terra, He was eager to learn more.
One day, he saw you heading to your room on the bowie, With a box in your hands.
Wondering what it could be, he went and knocked on your door.
"I am Groot ??" (Y/n, What's going on in there??)
"Just a second !!!" You said as he heard something going on and then opened the door.
"Hey Bud, I got something to show you" You smiled eagerly as you brought him inside.
He walked in and gasped, seeing all the colourful decorations in your room, The funny-looking lights and glittery strings.
"I am Groot ??" (Wow, these are so pretty. What is all this ??)
"This is called tinsel" You showed him the glittery string.
"Christmas is around the corner on Terra" You smiled as you showed him your calendar, You still counted the days on earth.
"I am Groot ??" (What is Christmas ??) he tilted his head in curiosity.
"OK, so here is another Terran lesson. Christmas is a traditional Terran holiday which is held on the very last month of the calendar, December" You showed him the calendar.
Groot was eager to learn about Christmas
You began to tell him about the traditions around it, It's meaning, and show what people do to celebrate it. Like handing out gifts, Spending time with friends and family and a bucket load of food.
One aspect he really liked was decorating the Christmas tree.
"Oh Groot, decorating the tree was one of my favourite Christmas activities. I loved hanging baubles on the branches" You sighed contently at the memories. "I even had a special bauble"
"I am Groot ??" (Do you still have it ??)
You looked around the room before finding it, It was one that you did back in kindergarten, Drawing stick figures on it being you and your parents.
You showed Groot, He really liked it.
Soon you looked at him and then had an idea.
Rocket meanwhile was looking around for Groot. He was meant to help him fix a part of the bowie.
"Just hold still a bit" He heard your voice "I am Groot" (I'm trying)
Rocket grew confused as he went to your room and opened your door.
Only to find you, decorating Groot like a Christmas tree.
"Y/n... What the flark is going on with Groot ??"
"Oh he's a Christmas tree now" You smiled.
"I am Groot !!" (I'm a Christmas tree rocket !!) Groot moved a little, knocking some baubles off, making you giggle.
Groot already loved Christmas so much, Maybe he'll do the gift giving aspect soon.
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Clementines, Mandarins, and Other Orange Cravings: The Dictionary - Page 149
(Volume 1 and only, written by Noone You Need to Know)
Note: I wrote the entirety of this piece to nothing but this song on loop and I highly recommend reading it that way too :) Pg. Index and pg. 225, 401, 145, 159, 167, 152, 151, 60, 92, 134, 149, and 203
orange (o • er • an • juh) adj. a mixture of the colors red and yellow. [The appearance of the fruit.]
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[Image of a select collection of different shades of oranges, particularly the ones stored away in a lava lamp once the feeler realizes that the era of free love, unbound by social conventions or relationship status or even coherency, is over by now]
orange (l • ov in er • e ac • sh • on) adj. adv. conj. n. prep. v. an icebreaker. A safety net in situations where you don't know anyone else yet. Understanding shaped in the sight of your mother's bare frame when she's late for her night out with her buttoned-up husband and he's slumped back over the edge of the couch cushion, watching the evening news, forgetting where everyone is. Raw, exposed shame you feel bad about letting go to waste that you pack in your lunchbox, eagerly waiting for someone at the lunch table to ask for a trade. Intimacy, not as it should be, but as it is tonight. The things you shove into your gaping mouth to muffle the wailing, slice by patient slice, wondering if the fridge light has always been that blue and how to convince your mom to let you and your playdate to say home from church tomorrow and why they offered to sleep on the floor after you made sure the sofa would be taken by the time either of you hit the sack at your parent's request and that their side of the bed caved in just enough for them not to notice. A last-minute addition to your grocery list, shoved between the words "water jugs" and "avocados". The ache when the friend you invited spends the whole time talking to the partygoers you introduced them to. The way your knee "accidentally" rubs against hers as you squash deeper into the back of your roommate's getaway car. Something some people pack in their tiny favorite backpacks that their fathers force them to eat on the way to work because they've been feeling sick since an hour before they got into the car and their father thinks eating something might help since they haven't eaten anything all day, much to their father's and grandmother's displeasure. The only food you can share on a whim (unlike an apple that you need to go out of your way to open up the knife drawer and cut in half or a meal you need to make extra of), requiring you to actively appreciate the one you're sharing with in that exact moment, as opposed to beforehand, when it's already too late to retract your offered love, lest all this food go to waste. The only food capable of saying "Hey, by the way, I love you. Right now, and maybe even later." without the help of those eating it. [All of the earth.]
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[Image of a poem depicting the definition of an orange better than this dictionary ever could, the way a kindergarten teacher does to a kid who got the answer, but refused to show his work. Beneath it, her work, a decade late, scribbled onto a bathroom stall in the space between 6th period and the grandma reading a murder mystery, waiting patiently from the car line to pick her up and take her on a few errands before her mother gets home. Beneath it, a poem depicting what you do for a few minutes after your mother catches you glowing in the sobering blue light and tells you to get back to bed, slurring her words just enough not to make you tremble and making so many pancakes in the morning that your friend has to share, for fear of upsetting her enough to no longer be allowed over]
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orion-my-rion · 1 year
POLL, because i asked my friends and their answers made me SICK.
this is a poll about firetruck day, which is an event that happens in schools (at least where i'm from) during which children are given a tour of a firetruck. the firefighters tell them all about all the equipment stored in the truck and what everything does, show what a firefighter looks and sounds like when they put on all their fire rescue gear, and talk about general fire safety such as smoke alarms and where to go/what to do in the event of a house fire to help the firefighters find them and keep them safe. this event is generally done yearly in elementary school (kindergarten through 5/6th grade?), and the school pays the firefighters to do the demonstration, so it raises money for the local fire department as well :)
however, the main purpose of this poll is to ask you about an aspect of firetruck day that seems to only apply to ? me?? where i'm from, firetruck day also includes a segment where the children experience pure joy in getting sprayed by the big hose! before you start howling about safety or whatever please use this video as an example of the hose spray. i promise they are not blasting children off of the surface of the earth with the fire hose. it's just a nice mist over a large area to soothe your young soul on a hot day towards the end of the school year.
out of the 8 friends of mine who participated in my small discord poll, none of them had ever been sprayed with the firetruck hose for any reason, be it as a firetruck day demonstration or as a part of a summer activity, such as a field day or end-of-year picnic. also, more than half of them had never had a firetruck day at all! so, this poll is to find out who in this world, if any of you, can understand the glee of firetruck day and the awesome big hose :)
please tell me all about your awesome firetruck day joys in the notes <3 or, if you never had firetruck day, tell me if you wish you had one, or any similar demonstrations your school did!!
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My children love to collect leaves, twigs, and flowers petals anytime we are outside.   We have quite a collection! But what can we do with all of these "t Crafts for Kids, Earth Day, Elementary Activities, Kids Activities (by Age), Kindergarten Activities, Outdoor, Preschool Activities, Toddlers Activities art, collage, crafts for kids, Kids Activities (by Age), nature, outdoor activity ideas, outside, preschooler
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unhingedwomandiaries · 11 months
If one does not retire at precisely the same moment every evening, one awakens as if violently catapulted from a nightmare, soaked in anxiety and questioning the very fabric of reality. I find myself beset by vivid hallucinations and a profound sense of dissociation from my own body. Would I recommend enforcing a strict bedtime routine upon children, so as to condition them into forever sleeping in regimental fashion? Well, no, not as such. I mean to say, have you seen those pitiable little cadets in military school, marched off to their barracks at 7 PM sharp each night? It certainly engenders conformity, but I daresay it also breeds quite a bit of resentment destined to erupt during their university years. Nevertheless, a consistent sleep schedule is beneficial, broadly speaking. I have always relied upon precision and routine to properly function, perhaps owing to my childhood need to arrive promptly on-time for each and every engagement. My parents kept a rigid timeline for our family’s activities, you see, and I fear I internalized their militant devotion to punctuality.
So there I was the other night, dutifully lying with eyes clamped shut in observance of my strict 22 hundred hours bedtime. And then my restless husband decides to thumb through his phone with wonton disregard for my slumber. Reading random petty news and silly animal trivia at this hour, can you imagine? As if I care to learn of strange cats and their inane exploits when we have not got a feline of our own. So naturally I had to insist he cease that illuminated nonsense at once. But then he asks, apropos of nothing, “Remember that doll you were on about?” Doll? What on earth could he mean by such an obtuse phrase? I replied, “What do you mean?” and he elucidates this old school project where we students cared for sacks of flour and electronic babies as though they were human babies. Ah yes, what a perfectly absurd experiment that was. I must confess the memory had utterly slipped my mind until that very moment. Well, my husband proceeds to blithely inform me that such nonsense apparently raises teen pregnancy rates by 36 percent. As if I care to hear about teen pregnancy at this hour when my high school had no such issues. Those few classmates who married young had children afterwards and still finished university, as I clearly recall. America has entire housing facilities for undergraduate families aka married student housing. My dear friend x married her kindergarten sweetheart and they’ve got four perfectly darling children and a lovely domestic life.
I do remember my own culture shock when I first left home for university and found myself assigned to a family housing unit with a pair of teenage parents and their howling past the age of two child with childhood schizophrenia. I daresay I complained to my mother about it being strange for fourteen-year-olds to play house instead of pursuing their studies. But she gently reminded me not to harshly judge those raised in circumstances alien to my own. My parents, after all, had my sibling in their tender teen years and still made an admirable success of things. Perhaps the stigma around teenage parenthood ought to be re-examined for modern times. Those babies are often perfectly wanted by their family units, however premature society may deem them. Sometimes people don’t get lucky and lose their family or get disowned. I recognise that too. Very sad.
As for that ridiculous flour-baby assignment, I’ve scarcely any recollection of the details. I was partnered with some athletic chap named x who likely thought me a silly bookish girl. Our flour-infant was christened Margaret, I believe, for wistful memories of my Uncle’s mother. Young x boasted he one day aspired to be a rocket scientist, can you imagine! I must confess I found such lofty aspirations amusing considering his underwhelming marks, and foolishly allowed my skepticism to be known through insensitive laughter. Well the joke is on me I suppose, as the boy grew up to indeed become an aerospace engineer at SpaceX, married with a thriving family, whilst I remain an unstable insomniac listening to my restless husband into the wee hours over trivial nonsense I could not care less about. Though I do cherish the ramblings in every way despite what I’ve said.
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helloparent · 5 months
The Importance of Selecting a Kindergarten Near Your Home
Choosing the right kindergarten for your child is a significant decision that can shape their early education and overall development. One crucial factor to consider in this decision-making process is the proximity of the kindergarten to your home. In this article, we will delve into the importance of selecting a kindergarten near your residence, exploring the convenience it offers, the value of community connections, and the role of modern technology, such as parent apps. Additionally, we will touch upon the diverse landscape of preschools in India, empowering parents with the knowledge needed to make an informed choice.
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Proximity Matters: The Convenience Factor
When it comes to kindergarten selection, the convenience of proximity cannot be overstated. The daily commute to and from school can have a significant impact on your child's overall experience, making it a crucial consideration.
Reduced Travel Stress: Long journeys to school can be tiring for young children, affecting their mood and readiness to learn. By choosing a kindergarten near your home, you can minimize travel time and reduce the stress associated with lengthy commutes.
Punctuality and Regular Attendance: Proximity promotes punctuality and regular attendance. When the kindergarten is just a short distance away, it becomes easier for your child to arrive on time, instilling a sense of discipline and responsibility from an early age.
Community Connection: Building Relationships
Selecting a kindergarten near your home also offers the advantage of building connections within your local community. Your child will likely interact with peers from the same neighborhood, fostering friendships that can extend beyond the kindergarten years.
Local Playdates: When classmates live nearby, arranging playdates becomes more convenient. These interactions outside of school hours are invaluable for social development and the formation of lasting friendships.
Community Events: Enrolling in a local kindergarten often means participating in community events and activities. It strengthens the sense of belonging and encourages active involvement in neighborhood gatherings.
Parental Engagement: The Role of Parent Apps
In the contemporary educational landscape, parent apps have become indispensable tools for parents to stay connected with their child's kindergarten. These apps offer a wide range of benefits, enriching the kindergarten experience.
Real-time Updates: Parent apps provide real-time updates on your child's activities, progress, and school events. This transparency allows parents to be actively involved in their child's education, even when physically apart.
Communication Hub: Parent apps serve as a communication hub between parents and teachers. With just a few clicks, you can easily reach out to teachers, ask questions, and receive prompt responses, fostering a strong partnership in your child's education.
Access to Resources: Many parent apps offer access to educational resources, making it easier for parents to reinforce learning at home and support their child's academic journey. These resources can include interactive lessons, reading materials, and educational games.
Preschools in India: A Diverse Landscape
Best preschools in India encompass a diverse educational landscape, offering various philosophies, curricula, and teaching approaches. When choosing a kindergarten near your home, you have the opportunity to explore the options available in your local area and select the one that aligns with your educational preferences and values.
Local Culture and Values: A kindergarten near your home may be more attuned to the local culture and values, providing an environment that resonates with your family's beliefs and traditions.
Community Recommendations: Local recommendations and feedback from neighbors can play a significant role in choosing a kindergarten with a positive reputation within the community. Hearing about the experiences of other parents in your area can provide valuable insights.
Conclusion: The Right Choice for Your Child
In conclusion, the importance of selecting a kindergarten near your home cannot be overstated. It offers convenience, fosters community connections, and enhances parental engagement through the use of a parent app. Moreover, it allows you to explore and choose from the diverse range of preschools in India, ensuring that your child receives an education that aligns with your values and aspirations.
As you embark on the journey of finding the perfect kindergarten for your child, remember that the right choice can lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning and growth, all while keeping the daily school run as stress-free as possible. Ultimately, choosing a kindergarten near your home is a decision that can positively impact your child's early education and set them on a path to success.
Originally Published by HelloParent.
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latesteducationblog · 8 months
Little Skool-House Nurtures Students' Seeds of Sustainability
Our preschools at NTUC First Grounds (NFC) help children understand their reality and the part they can play in shaping it. Little Skool-House (LSH) encourages children to participate in public planting drives, such as Local Area in Blossom by the Public Parks Board, as part of its efforts to instill a love of nature in young children. Additionally, it works with NFC's Open air School Singapore (OSS) to take children on field trips to Singapore's parks and natural areas in order to help them form a positive relationship with the outdoors and the wider world.
An educational strategy that sparks questions
The examples in maintainability education that take place in our homerooms complement these outdoor ones. Preschoolers are taught a supportability outlook through the LSH educational program by studying topics that revolve around focusing on the world around us, including the climate. On Earth Day this year, our residents from around the world sat down with their teachers to talk about our current situation and the role they may play in preserving it.
Examples in the homeroom also make use of common objects like twigs or sticks from the leisure area to enhance maintainability efforts. Instructors purposefully provide recyclable materials to the termly take home units while reusing cardboard boxes, tissue rolls, and cereal boxes as teaching resources and teaching assets.
Driving Past the Educational Program in Leading
It is clear from the lengths to which each middle goes in promoting activities beyond LSH's educational plan that each center has a great responsibility to begin children's curious inquiries about their general environment.
LSH At-Outram and the Public Library Board collaborated to get the last opportunity to compile a list of books on water conservation for our children. Our teachers read these books to our students and encouraged them to write book reviews and design banners that promote water conservation. The children's artwork was then displayed on the neighborhood wall in NLB@Harbourfront to raise awareness about water conservation and inspire more children—and ideally their families—to take action.
At LSH At-Republic-Polytechnic, our kids figured out how plants develop without soil by developing onions in various kinds of water. The kids likewise had a go at planting with a tank-farming pack to intently screen the development of plants.
Similarly lively, LSH At-Downtown-East incorporated green schooling drives inside its educational program, including kids as youthful as babies, the entire way to Kindergarten 2.
"Training engages individuals. All the more explicitly, when we teach youngsters, it imparts in them a feeling of moral obligation. Conversations with kids about how the activities that they take can colossally affect the climate enables them to think about their decisions," said Claris.
The green training drives LSH At-Downtown-East acquainted with their preschoolers incorporate month to month oceanside clean-ups at Pasir Ris Park, private local area cultivating, developing of spring onions and bok choy in the homerooms, and cooperation in the Green Gatekeepers Program by Nurseries By The Narrows.
These drives have additionally been meshed into the middle's festivals. During Chinese New Year, kids at LSH At-Downtown-East found out about red parcel reusing and how to reuse orange stripes. For World Water Day, understudies figured out how to save water by reusing unused water in dehumidifiers to wash the floors and utilizing unused water from water containers to clean up. Understudies additionally partook in upcycling exercises for Earth Day by making sock manikins, splash-coloring shirts and handbags. For Consideration Day this year, the kids reused plastic, through an organization the preschool place had with SembEnviro Plastic Reusing Association 2023. Kids likewise monitor their water use consistently.
Building up Illustrations at Home
Basic to the progress of these green schooling drives has been the congruity with steady guardians at home where guardians and kids finish supportability exercises and ways of life.
"By considering their ways of life and how they can go with deliberate decisions to transform them, we need to include preschoolers in making a feasible and fair world for people in the future," Claris added.
At Little Skool-House, we invest wholeheartedly in supporting kids who are interested about their general surroundings and rousing them to improve it. Buy into Little Skool-House's YouTube feed to watch our youngsters find more about the huge world around them and the part they can play.
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dr-hikari-journal · 11 months
Day 1
I have not journalled since I was a teen and Henry forced me to. I assume that all my therapist wants is for me to write about whatever comes to mind. Or maybe my day. Since I am not sure, I suppose I will just do whatever feels right.
Patient D-R-A-1-0-6-1 has once again been admitted into The Clinic; there is zero surprise here. I don't know what he hopes to get out of these little attempts besides attention. However, he doesn't seem the type to seek attention. He is just shy of his thirteenth year on earth and fourth here at the institute. I had hoped after he arrived fully feral and off the streets that he would have calmed and adjusted to life here after a year or two.
I should have known better than to assume that he would ever be anything but a headache for me and my staff. He bit a nurse on his way in today and they are still sitting several yards away and giving him wary glances.
I will never know what my son sees in this untamed child. Clarence has always had a bit of a nose for lost-causes. He gets it from his mother I think; she never has had the common sense to avoid things that are bad for her. If she did, her and Clarence wouldn't be in this institute in the first place.
I hope Dr. Ryan doesn't plan to read this journal. If she does I'll suggest that she give one to patient D-R-A-1-0-6-1 instead. I'm sure I'm not the only person here who would like to know what goes on in that head of his. It must be a crazy place if the only thing he can think to do for entertainment is to act without a thought and injure himself.
In other news, Harriet is doing better in class now. I was worried that he would be unable to adjust, but he has become friends with this absolutely mousy little girl. Kindergarten won't be the challenging year I feared it would be for my little Harry. He has been missing his mother and Clare though so I suppose I should ask his new nanny to bring him by within the next few weeks.
I miss seeing him all the time like I did when he was a baby. Henry would bring him in his tiny little stroller with Clare practically attached to his hip. Melody was always worried that the boys would become more attached to Henry then her with all the time he spent caring for them while Melody and I were working. I guess it did all work out in her favor.
As I'm writing this patient D-R-A-1-0-6-1 is being escorted back to his room to finish recovering from today's activities. I'm sure Clare will find me within the next few hours to try and wheedle an answer out of me about what happened to D-R-A-1-0-6-1 this time and I have paperwork to fill out thanks to him so I will end this entry by saying that this was not as horrible as I expected it to be. I'm sure I won't have the time to do this daily like I was instructed, but I do feel a bit better now.
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5 Areas of Learning And Development in Child Care
What should your preschooler learn at daycare? Your child's first step into the world of education is in the early childhood environment or daycares with preschool program in Cypress. 
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However, you may be unsure of what a three-, four-, or five-year-old should (or could) learn in school. If this is your first time attending pre-K, read about what parents should know about curriculum, learning, and early childhood education.
1. Academic Areas
Academics will be the primary focus of your child's future schools. However, this does not imply that your child will wait until kindergarten or first grade to begin literacy, language, math, science, social studies, and other traditional academic subjects.
While curricula for preschools and child care centers vary depending on the programme or school, most include basic academic content. Pre-K subjects that are commonly taught include early literacy (reading, writing, and communication), math (number identification, counting, basic equations, geometry, and units of measurement), science (biology, chemistry, physics, and earth or planetary sciences), and social studies.
2. Self-care Areas
Your child will often become more independent as they grow and develop. Your preschooler's desire for independence may lead to the development of valuable self-care skills. While your child may already engage in some of these activities at home (such as feeding themselves or using the restroom without your assistance), this type of development can be continued or improved.
Self-care in preschool may include dressing, such as putting on or taking off a coat, shoes, or other outdoor items; learning about responsibility for personal items such as a backpack or jacket; handwashing; and other hygiene-related tasks, in addition to feeding and using restroom facilities or Best childcare center Cypress.
3. Social Areas
In preschool, your child is likely to make their first friends. Not only will your child have the opportunity to meet and play with other three- to five-year-olds, but he or she will also have the opportunity to practice new social skills. These include sharing, taking turns, listening, communicating, and learning to respect others.
4. Problem Solving
Problem-solving is not limited to math lessons and activities. Your child is gaining critical thinking skills that will assist them in solving academic and real-world problems. A variety of hands-on explorations and experiences are included in daycare activities that help the young child improve these skills. Your child will solve problems throughout the day in child care, from building a block tower to mixing tempera paint colors in the art area.
Read More About What Does Spanish Immersion Kindergarten Involve?
5. Creative Areas
Early childhood education extends far beyond the three Rs. Most pre-K programmes include a variety of activities and learning experiences that can aid in the development of creative thinking in young children. Visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpting, or collaging), drama (pretend play, acting out stories, dressing up, and other similar activities), dance, creative movement, and music are examples of these (singing or using instruments).
Preschoolers can benefit from process-based creative activities that are child-centered and open-ended. Rather than producing or completing a specific product, these activities allow the child to explore, experiment, and discover new concepts in ways that are meaningful to them.
Some early learning programmes may use creative arts activities on their own, while others incorporate them into other areas of the curriculum. This means that your child could draw the results of a science experiment, learn math through music, or experiment with another similar combination.
Do you want to find out more about what your child might learn in an early childhood setting? For more information, please contact Play Bilingual Kids Preschool. You can call us on +1-346-758-9861 or email us on [email protected]
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3Xqjf6p
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abbaroseville · 2 years
Roseville Kindergarten
Roseville Kindergarten is a licensed child care facility that caters to forty children between the ages of three and five. The centre offers a stimulating, safe, and warm environment that encourages active learning. It also offers a variety of enrichment activities to keep children interested and stimulated. This centre offers more than just a quality place to educate your child.
A Bright Beginning Early Learning Centre
• Our Early Childhood and Primary School Teachers hold 4-year trained university degrees & other educators hold either a Diploma of Childcare or a Certificate III.
• We provide morning tea, hot lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack.
• We engage children with various specialist incursion events.
• We have different events & celebrations throughout the year, listed on our events calendar.  Eg: various  multicultural  Celebrations, dance performances, egg hatching, Healthy Harold,  Earth day to name a few, Graduation for the 4-5’s and an end of year celebration for each classroom.
• We upload significant moments of your child’s day on Storypark so that you can keep connected to their learning, and have something to chat about on the way home.
• We document your child’s learning through photos, writing, film and art port-folios to capture the essence of their learning. Through Storypark you can access all information from your child’s portfolio to special events and a yearly calendar.
• We provide wipes, water, a full brimmed sun hat, sun-cream and all educational and art supplies for your child. 
• All our Staff are trained in Munch & Moves/which is a eat well & get active program that is integrated into our daily program.
St. Rose Kindergarten
If you're looking for a private school for your child, St. Rose School is a great option. It is a private school located on Vine Avenue and operates independently of the Roseville public school system. It receives its funding through tuition, student fees, and private contributions. Admission is selective, so the school is able to choose which children to accept.
St. Rose Knowledge Beginnings
Saint Rose's kindergarten program offers rich academic instruction that includes time for play and socialization. Students are taught by a credentialed teacher and a full-time instructional assistant. Hands-on learning experiences are offered in many subjects, including science, social studies, history, art, Spanish, and physical education. The curriculum also supports individual learning styles.
Normanhurst Child Care
If you're looking for quality childcare in the Roseville area, Normanhurst Child Care at Roseville Kindergarten is a great option. This licensed child care centre provides care for up to 40 children aged 3-5 years, two to five days a week. Their environment encourages active learning through a variety of experiences.
Children in this early childhood education centre are taught by qualified Early Childhood educators. Teachers at the centre work together to provide a warm, nurturing, and stimulating environment for the children. They encourage their children to participate in a variety of activities and learn through play.
Kiddie Academy of Roseville
Kiddie Academy of Roseville in Roseville, California, is a childcare center that offers age-appropriate childcare programs. Its curriculum is designed to promote positive character traits while providing a nurturing learning environment. The school also emphasizes healthy lifestyle choices. This is a good choice for parents looking for a daycare that promotes academic success.
Kiddie Academy of Roseville offers programs for children ages six weeks to twelve years old. The center offers age-specific programs, such as a Learning with Music program for 3-5 year olds. It also provides a fun, structured learning environment with different learning centers.
Abbaroseville have been in the business of children for over 48 years. Family operated & owned and first established at our Crows Nest Centre in 1972 we have had the pleasure of teaching & educating children throughout their many milestones and have loved every moment of it, we really would not have it any-other way.
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mariacallous · 2 years
From day one of the Kremlin's full-scale war against Ukraine, Russian forces sought to take control of Mariupol, then the largest Ukrainian-controlled city in the Donetsk region. What Moscow surely hoped would be a quick maneuver, however, ultimately dragged into a months-long struggle as Ukrainian troops showed a level of resolve Russia hadn’t anticipated. Throughout the spring, Russian troops killed thousands of civilians and destroyed billions of dollars’ worth of infrastructure, “[wiping] the city off the face of the earth,” as one local police officer put it. Now, the Kremlin has declared Mariupol part of Russia, and Russian news outlet The Village has acquired a copy of the document outlining Moscow’s vision for its reconstruction. Just like Russia’s approach to warfare in the city, its plan for rebuilding it evinces little regard for the civilians who once lived there.
The Russian news outlet The Village has obtained a copy of the Russian government’s master plan for rebuilding Mariupol, which was almost completely destroyed by Russian troops in the spring before being annexed by the Kremlin this month along with the self-proclaimed Donbas “republics” and the occupied parts of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions.
The document, which outlines plans for rebuilding the city until 2035, was commissioned by the Russian Construction Ministry and prepared by a federal organization called the Unified Institute of Spatial Planning. The Village has shared a copy of the Russian-language document with Meduza. You can download it here.
The plan estimates Mariupol’s 2022 population at 212,000 people, less than half of its pre-war population of 450,000. According to conservative estimates, more than 20,000 people died during Russia's siege of the city. Tens of thousands of others fled the city, becoming refugees.
According to Moscow’s plan, Russian authorities expect 350,000 to be living in occupied Mariupol by 2025. By 2030, they plan for the city to have regained its prewar population, and by 2035, the Kremlin plans for half a million people to be living there.
The plan’s authors list the following as top priority tasks:
Rebuilding private homes and apartment buildings and building new prefabricated apartment buildings
Creating jobs in high-demand sectors
Restoring life-supporting, utility, transport, and social infrastructure
Maintaining and restoring natural areas; implementing environmentally friendly manufacturing technology; landscaping and land improvement
The document indicates that Russian developers intend to build or replace a total of 2.24 million square meters (24.1 million square feet) of housing by the end of 2022; an additional 2.76 million square meters (29.7 million square feet) of housing by 2025; 2.5 million more square meters (26.9 million square feet) of housing by 2030; and another 1.25 million square meters (13.5 million square feet) of housing by 2035. In that same period, they plan to build or repair 105 kindergartens, 92 schools, and 19 health clinics.
The planners propose making the manufacturing industry become the backbone of Mariupol’s economy, as it was before Russia’s invasion. Metallurgy, engineering, food processing, and chemicals are to account for 23 percent of jobs, while 18 percent of workers are slated to work in other sectors (health care, social services, and “residential care activities”), and 17 percent of jobs are reserved for the public administration and defense sectors.
The presentation dedicates an entire slide to the restoration of the Azovstal and Ilyich Iron and Steel Works, the facilities Russian troops spent months besieging in the spring as Ukrainian forces defended them from within. Russian authorities plan to build a new industrial park on the territory of the Azovstal facility that they claim would provide 9,200 jobs.
In Mariupol’s historic center, according to the document, Russia will rebuild the Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Protection, the Azovstal cultural center, multiple clothing factories, Theater Square, and the Drama Theater that was shelled by Russian forces while being used as a civilian bomb shelter on March 16, killing between 300 and 600 people. Officials from the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” claimed to have found only 14 bodies among the ruins.
A city planning expert who spoke to The Village on the condition of anonymity said that Russia’s master plan, lacking any social component, will not be viable in the long term.
Paradoxically, the restoration begins with the historic center and with Azovstal. The Soviet residential districts, the densest and most damaged parts of the city, where tens of thousands of people lost their homes, aren't slated to be rebuilt until after 2030 or 2035. Where will the people who lost their homes live until then?
This document, which was made without the involvement of the city community, can’t be called a master plan. By all appearances, the real purpose of the document is not long-term strategic development but something very specifically tactical: to quickly hide the traces of war in the center and to paint a cheerful picture in a small patch of the city. Not for city residents, but for viewers.
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