northernfireart · 5 months
doctorriver/tenriver or elevenriver?? u havent drawn river yet so if you like her I'm excited to see how she looks in your style
I LOVED DRAWING RIVER and really like how she turned out but not sure about my 11river piece😭 but Im on a trip atm so I don't have any digital things to render and fix it and I'm trying to embrace the chaos.
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I really hope I have time when I get back to render it or even draw something different entirely.
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astrologged · 1 year
Fixed star Spica is one of the brightest stars in the night sky, and is considered to be one of the most fortunate stars and is associated with good luck and success. When Spica is prominent in an someone's natal chart, it is said to bring gifts of success, wealth, and good fortune. It is also associated with creative expression and artistic talent. Spica is associated with health and healing, and has a positive influence on physical well-being.
1st house: There’s a strong desire to project an image of perfection and beauty to the world. They have a natural grace, elegance, and charm that others find attractive. There’s also a strong connection to the arts, as well as a desire to be in positions of leadership or authority. This placement can indicate a strong connection to the spiritual realm and a desire to seek higher knowledge and understanding.
2nd house: There’s a talent for earning money and financial success. The person has a natural aptitude for financial management, investment, or other money-related fields. They also have a good eye for value and be able to spot profitable opportunities. It’s important for the person with Spica in the second house to be mindful of becoming too focused on material possessions and to remember to value other aspects of life, such as relationships and personal growth.
3rd house: There’s a natural ability to communicate and express oneself through writing, speaking, or other forms of communication. There’s success in areas such as teaching, journalism, or public speaking. Theres’s also an interest in intellectual pursuits and a natural curiosity about the world. This person has a gift for crafting persuasive arguments or communicating complex ideas in a clear and accessible way.
4th house: There’s a strong connection to one's family and home life, as well as a sense of harmony and balance in the domestic sphere. The individual has a deep appreciation for beauty, art, and aesthetics in their home environment, and may have a natural talent for decorating or creating a comfortable, welcoming space. They also have a strong emotional attachment to their family and may prioritize their family relationships above all else, there’s a harmonious and fortunate home life.
5th house: There’s an emphasis on creativity, self-expression, and romance. The native may have natural artistic talent, particularly in the areas of music or theater. The individual also has a strong desire to create and express themselves, either through their hobbies or their profession. There may be a tendency towards romance and a love of pleasure. The person enjoys dating and may be particularly attracted to individuals who share their creative interests. This placement also suggests a desire to have children and to express oneself through parenting.
6th house: There’s a strong sense of service and dedication to their work. There’s an interest in health, wellness, and healing, and a desire to help others through practical means. There is a talent for healing or a desire to work in the healthcare field. This is a person who is detail-oriented and enjoys routine work. There's a tendency towards perfectionism, and a desire to improve and refine their skills. There’s a need for balance and harmony in the workplace, and a desire to create a supportive and nurturing environment for colleagues and coworkers.
7th house: The relationships and partnerships may play a significant role in the persons success and good fortune. They have a talent for bringing harmony and balance into their relationships, and may attract partners who are successful, charming, and charismatic. They also need to be careful of becoming too dependent on their partners for validation or success, and should strive to maintain their own individuality and sense of self.
8th house: This person may inherit wealth or receive financial gain through partnerships, investments, or inheritance. There’s a fascination with the mysteries of life, death, and the afterlife, as well as an interest in occult and esoteric knowledge. The person has strong intuitive abilities and might be drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation and psychic development. There’s a potential for transformation and rebirth through intense emotional experiences, and the person feels drawn to explore their own psychological depths and work through past traumas.
9th house: This is a person who is philosophical, optimistic, and idealistic. They have a strong interest in spirituality, religion, or higher education, and enjoy traveling to foreign countries and experiencing different cultures. This placement can also bring good luck and success in publishing, teaching, or other forms of communication.
10th house: This person is likely to have a successful career. They have a strong desire to achieve success and recognition in their chosen profession, and they have the potential to become a leader in their field. There’s a talent for public speaking or performing, as well as a love for art and beauty. The person’s seen as a role model by others, and they have the potential to make a significant impact on their community or society as a whole. They should also be cautious not to become too focused on their career and neglect their personal life and relationships.
11th house: This person has the potential for great success and recognition in group activities and organizations. They have a strong interest in humanitarian causes, social justice, and working with others towards a common goal. They have many friends and connections, and can use their social skills to further their ambitions and build a successful network. This person has an obvious talent for diplomacy and conflict resolution, which can be helpful in group settings.
12th house: There’s a strong interest in spirituality and self-discovery and a natural inclination towards exploring the depths of the subconscious mind and seeking inner peace and harmony. There’s a talent for healing or serving others, particularly through practices such as meditation, prayer, or energy work. There may also be a tendency towards introspection and isolation, and it’s important for someone with this placement to find a balance between inner reflection and engagement with the outer world.
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cansadodemais00 · 1 year
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"A Time Lord's body is a miracle. Even a dead one. There are whole empires out there who'd rip this world apart for just one cell." •  The Impossible Astronaut (Doctor Who)
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fromirkwood · 1 year
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clara's pov
cause amy would've drank it with him
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layaboutace · 5 months
Season 7 Episode 1: Asylum of the Daleks
we didn't need a single episode divorce plot to make us realize amy and rory we're completely devoted to each other amy not trying to bone the doctor during the last season was enough, there definitely was a better way to say that Amy couldn't have children than this. and her being a model now? who wants to bet its never brought up again and her career is forgotten like her family? but everything with oswin was great, especially her ending with the twist of her being a dalek the whole time, i think the slowly turning into daleks thing was kinda dumb, but whatever. was it ever shown amy was cured??? eh whatever. oh i hate the ending, not what actually happens but the repeated "doctor who???" i just know moffat thinks hes so smart for thinking of that
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artoreshek · 1 year
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had so much fun making this little piece matt smith’s face is very interesting to draw ^_^
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master-missysversion · 10 months
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sofya-creations · 2 years
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Amy and Eleven from Doctor Who for my Tropetember 2022 contribution for the prompt : Reunion / Friendship.​
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emy-maybabe2001 · 2 years
The diary
13th November 2011
Dear Doctor,
My name is Emeline, I am 10 and I'm french.
But this is not a problem. I know the TARDIS will translate everything I write.
Today, I saw you for the first time on my TV. I saw you with Rose, but also with Amy and Rory, and the Weeping Angels. They are soooo scary! I'm gonna look at the statues everytime, now! Amy is so beautiful, I would like to be like her. I saw three of your faces : 9th, 10th and the 11th one. 10th is really pretty, but 11th is more, I liked them a lot... I like you, actually, because they are you. I really want to see the space, to travel and see some ugly aliens, I hope one day you'll come to see me. But don't take to much time, I couldn't anymore when I grew up. I would be a veterinarian!
I live in Reunion Island, by the way. Here, this is my address : , my window will be open. Well you can teleport to my room. There is pink curtains, it's a yellow house!
See you soon, Emeline
17th November 2011
Dear Doctor,
It's been some days I saw you for the first time! And now I'm so scared. I hope I would never When I walk outside, I'm scared every time I met a statue, so I looked at it, but it's so hard to don't blink you know, but I think there is to much people in the city, so even if I blink, they can't move. Sometimes I forget they are here, so I'm not scared. Well, I know that if one day they attack me, you'll come and save us!
I saw the Vincent Vanh Ghog's episode, I don't know how to write it, I'm sorry. He looks incredible, I really love his drawing. When you'll come to see me, I would like to go and see him. There's a lot of things I would like to see, but at the same time, I don't know... I have time to think about it, the time you arrive, I don't think you'll come right now. The TARDIS is capricious sometimes. But try to come quick, please.
Oh, I have to go, I'll come back later.
25th December 2011
Merry Christmas Doctor!
With my dad we went to see a throwing of lanterns. And I made the wish that you come to see me. I don't like fish, neither my dad, and we don't have custard. But if you come, I could ask my dad to buy some for you! Maybe you're busy, you're probably celebrating Christmas with Amy and Rory. But it doesn't matter you come with them! I like them a lot. But if you come, I don't have any presents for you. I hope it doesn't matter.
Come fast, Doctor.
15th April 2012
Dear Doctor,
I write to you quickly, I have to go to bed, but I still want to write a can so I do fast.
One day it will be me, right doctor? It will be my turn one day. I'm sure.
Good night, Emeline
20th May 2012
Dear Doctor,
Dear Doctor,
The new season is out. The new season of your series, obviously. I'm 11 years old now! I turned 11 on May 11th! It was not long ago, I know that we must not say what wish we make when we blow out the candles, but I say it not directly, if I write it, it does not count right? Well, too bad, anyway it's over. I made a vow that you would come and get me, but you didn't come. You must be busy, fighting somewhere in the Universe and time. Maybe you're still with Silence?
I saw them in the new episodes. They scare me pretty much too, but not as much as the Angels. I was too scared when the astronaut shot you, I thought you were dead and I don't want you to die. It would be too sad and above all, you haven't come to see me yet. I think I'm going to walk around with a pen now, so if I see the Silence, I can mark it. I'm not sure why they would attack me, but I know a lot about you, so they can try to get information, right? Don't worry, everything is very secret with me, I would say nothing, to no one! I promise you, wooden cross, iron cross.
July 2012
Dear Doctor,
Excuse me for the date, I don't really know when we are today, but it's not very important I think. Last month I went in France, on vacation, so I didn't really write a letter for you. I'm sorry, but anyway you don't answer me, so it's not a big deal.
I saw Peter Pan again! The movie, not the cartoon, I really like Neverland. I leave my window open, for Peter Pan, I'm sure he exists too. Do you think you could take me to see him when you come to pick me up? The TARDIS can necessarily go there, because the TARDIS it goes everywhere.
Oh, next year I'm changing schools... I know no one, and I'm a little scared. I don't talk much with people I don't know, you know. I would see my friends more and I'm afraid no one will love me there. I go in my 8th year, it would have been easier if it was in 7th. Plus, there are plenty of stairs in the college. I took Latin for next year. I don't really know why. My French teacher had told us cool stuff about it, so I wanted to try, even if it doesn't really interest me... It can be useful, well I think. I'm not really sure...
I'm still waiting for you to pick me up, in the meantime I'm watching the old episodes, right now it's the 10th doctor on TV. We like to watch your adventures with dad and I'm sure one day it will be me! And I could watch with dad and tell him everything! That would be too good... Imagine if I see myself on TV, I would already know everything that happened, it would be too funny.
Finally, it's less funny if something happens to me, but nothing will happen to me.
I don't have much else to say right now, so that's it for today.
16th October 2012
Dear Doctor,
We found you! We know it's you! As I told you last time I took Latin as an option this year. (Bis repetita placent.) I'm not very good, but it's not important. I discovered that some of my new friends also liked the show. And we have a theory. Our Latin teacher, he is really annoying. But he knows a lot of things and he has experienced a huge amount of things. He always tells us stories, to deepen our culture G, and sometimes he speaks as he had really lived them, as this was an anecdote. And then he pretends to resume his seriousness and he resumes his lesson. We're sure it's you. M. Hoop, it's you, but you can't tell us. But I'd like you to give me a sign. Well that said we also think that he is a Russian spy, but it would not be surprising coming from you. So please Doctor, if M. Hoop it's you, make me understand.
1st January 2013
I wish you a Happy New Year. I hope this year you will pick me up! I'm not 12 yet but I'm tall and strong! I promise you. I don't know how to fight, and I don't run very fast, but I can train.
You know what would be funny? May you come and get me in front of all my friends! That would be too funny. Sometimes I imagine there are aliens coming to the school and everyone is scared, but not me. And you arrive, you save everyone, and I leave with you! No more school plus nothing, just the universe!
2nd June 2013
Noooo! How is that possible? I've been waiting a year to see you again and now, Amy and Rory are dead? I don't think they're really dead, it's not possible. I know you're going to find a way to save them. I love Amy way too much, she's my favorite. Don't let her die Doctor! I have to wait for the next episodes, I'm sure I'll see Amy again, you'll save them.
8th June 2013
So Amy and Rory are really dead? I saw the new girl: Clara. I don't think I really like her, I'm disappointed, I really prefer Amy...
15th June 2013
I liked this episode, with the leaf and the little girl singing, Merry. She's so cute. I want to learn the song, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to. I think I kind of appreciate Clara, not as much as Amy, but I like her. Do you miss Amy? Where has it been between her and Clara for far too long and you don't remember her? Sometimes I wonder how much time is spent between each season, or between you and us. Maybe a lot of time has already passed and you don't remember everything I tell you.
22th June 2013
I think the TARDIS don't like Clara, it's funny, because she don't really like the TARDIS neither. Oh my gosh! What if the TARDIS don't like me neither?
Why can't the TARDIS travel to the different Universes? Is that why you don't come to see me? I'm not stupid, I know you come on Earth sometimes, filming the episodes of the TV show, I'm pretty sure you're behind the show, but they're actors, and I'm sure we live in a Universe where you have lookalikes here who are actors and who all look like each of your faces. So, if you're in another universe and you can't come and get me... Because of the TARDIS... I hope not, I hope we're both in the same Universe, and you'll arrive one day!
30th September 2014
Doctor, Doctor. Dear Doctor,
Today we finally asked, well not me, but we did it. We asked our Latin teacher. We tell him our theories, he was either a russian spy, or he was you. He didn't deny! I don't know how to explain, but he answer like it was true and false. We know what it mean! We didn't even stop to asked him questions, but he ended up getting angry. Il really do love you, Doctor. But this version of you is a little bit... spoiler.
March 2015
I don't really like the new Doctor. I know that he's still you, but I don't like it, I don't like this face. I don't really want to watch you know... Hum, it's been some month I didn't write, and I forgot you (just a little). I still hope to see you, but with the eleventh face...
Jully 2017
Dear Doctor,
I haven't opened this diary for a long time. I'm sorry. Maybe you forgot me so : I'm Emeline, I'm 16, and I'm in highschool now. I found old friends, but they're not my friends anymore. I still got this friend from middle school! :) And I found some new friends at the and of the year. I learn that the 13th Doctor will be a woman, the first woman Doctor. For me the first one is River, but it's not the same because she is not THE Doctor. I had to restart the show.
I hope everything is good for you.
August 2018
Dear Doctor,
I'm not really okay these days. I don't feel good, I have the feeling I messed up everything. If you have to come and see me, it's the perfect moment. I really need to go. I do some anxiety attacks, I feel alone, but I'm not. But I feel like I don't have my place. Maybe I don't have my place in the TARDIS. I wouldn't blame you. I'll understand. I'm scared that I can't do anything of my life, be unable to do anything, be useless, and all of this kind of stuff. Maybe it's just in my head, perhaps I'm just an egoist, and I want all the attention on me, I don't know. Maybe crying, it's a way to avoid things.
You were supposed to come to help weeping children, lonely children. You always come when a child is alone and crying. Maybe I'm not a kid anymore to you. You probably have better to do, you don't have time to bother with a little human who's crying on herself. I don't want to waste your time, so if one day you receive this letter, this bullet, don't hurry up, don't worry. You have better things to do, it's not really important. I don't want you to come only because I'm crying, it's not fair, I will not have this excuse for you to come. But if one day you come, I'll be there, waiting for you.
20th November 2020
Dear Doctor,
I hope everything is fine for you. I think I forgot you. Again. And I'm really sorry about that, but I'll not forgot you anymore now. I feel better. Well... yes. We got the Covid-19, it's not really fun...
Today I saw you on the TV, my Doctor, the eleventh one, my favorite one. I can't believe I forgot you, I can't believe I stopped to wait for you. But I'm back! And I wait for you. We are in 2020! And I think about this episode with Amy. Maybe you are at Cwntaff. I'm not really sure of the name, or where it is, but it was with the Silurians. You know, you should take Amy and Rory to Rio, but the TARDIS brought you at this place.
I have a lot of imagination and sometimes I tell myself that Covid is a disease carried by aliens who want to colonize the Earth and that you will arrive to save us all! Aliens with a super gift in medicine want to come to earth because theirs is dying, they have arrived on earth and created a deadly virus, Covid-19! And next year you finally arrive, we meet for the first time and I tell you all my hypothesis and it would be true. It would scare everyone to know that it is not a real virus (already that it scares everyone), but not me. It would be amazing if I were right and it really happened like that. The producers of the series would have so much to do in the next few seasons with covid, if they don't think about an episode like that, they are really stupid. It seems so obvious, that's necessarily it.
If you read that, I hope you'll come really fast, because I'm sure this is not normal. See you soon, Doctor.
Oh! btw! My friends call me Emy. So you can call me Emy, if you want. If it's not weird, because of, you know, Amy. But you can call me Emeline too, or Em'.
22th November 2020
Dear Doctor !
I think I have to do a list, where and when I want to go :
Salem (I want to know and learn some things about the trial)
Greece with all the mythology
I want to wear a ball dress and dance, with you, of course.
the 60's ! in USA
Delirium Archives. I want you to tell me everything.
The space. Another Galaxy, with a lot of planets.
A meteor shower.
The Milky Way, from the outside.
I would like to see Aldedaran. It's silly but sometimes I imagine that there is a place in the universe, a planet, with different kingdoms all corresponding to a zodiac sign. It's pretty stupid I know.
Van Gogh too, but I've already told you that.
I don't really have any other idea, but I trust you for the rest, I let you surprise me. You know the universe and the epochs so much better than I do. The creation of the Earth, why not? And dinosaurs! The biggest waterfalls in the Universe, the future! 
You know the series 'The Crown'? It is a series, which takes up the life of Queen Elizabeth II. And as I've already told you at home you're in my TV, so there's an actor: Matt Smith, who plays your role, finally that of the eleventh doctor. And he also day the Duke in the first two seasons of The Crown. I would like to go and meet Queen Elizabeth and the Duke, to find out if he looked like you when he was young. That would be fun.
5th February 2021
Hello Doctor.
They don't stop playing the series. On the 11th, the 12th and then the 13th, and then they start again, again and again. A priori they release for the first time the new season of the 13th, so it's normal, I guess. I don't complain about it, I don't mind watching your adventures over and over again. I love Clara now, no more than Amy. But I like it. I still don't have the 12th Doctor, I'm sorry.
11th May 2021
It's my birthday Doctor!
I'm 20. I'm finally old enough for you to pick me up, I'm more of a child, and I don't yet have a life that's too busy and full of responsibility. This is the perfect time Doctor. And most of your companions were that age, plus a few years, for some.  
I've known you for about ten years as well. Ten years that I am waiting for you, Doctor. Aren't you ashamed to make me wait so long? Well, Amy waited fourteen years, so maybe I can wait until twenty-four years. 
Maybe when you arrive, you will have just received my first letter. I don't want to offend him but the TARDIS often struggles with dates and places. And so, maybe you will come in your eleventh form. Or, I continue to write to the eleventh doctor and in any case, it will be the eleven that will come. Oh! All your faces fit me very well, don't worry about that. I never saw your first eight faces, I never found where I could look at the first seasons and therefore see your first faces. I know what you looked like, but I've never seen their travels and I'm sure it would help me understand some things... You are a really intriguing person.
Rose Tyler : the Bad Wolf
Mickey Smith : defender of the earth
Jack Harkness : The man who coudln't die
Martha Johns : The girl who walked the earth
Donna Mabble : The moste important woman
Amelia Pond : The girl who waited
Rory Williams : The Last Centurion
Clara Oswald : The Impossible girl
River Song : The woman who killed the Doctor, the Doctor's wife
My Dear Doctor,
If I have to travel with you, what nickname would you give me? I can't be the girl waiting. Maybe I could be the girl who calls the Doctor or the girl who calls the Tardis? 
The Last Page
Dear Doctor,
Maybe i have to learn to grow, to stop living in my imagination. Welcome in my last letter. (Unless it's stronger than me, and I decide to come back, I know myself too well I don't have a lot of willpower, it's stronger than me.) I always have hope, all of this is real, and you'll arrive when I would least expect you. I believed for all these years that you were going to arrive, and it would be amazing to find out that I was right. But I have to make up my mind, 'Doctor Who' is just a TV show. It doesn't matter, it gave me hope and it allowed me not to fall into the daily and boring routines. 
I don't know if you'll ever read this, assuming that you are real, and I don't know, when you read this, I deliberately did not date this last word, I don't want you to think that you arrived much too late, it leads you to believe, that you arrived the day after writing this letter. I want you to know that everything is going very well, don't worry about me. It was a pleasure to share, even indirectly, all this with you. And if you arrive: GERONIMO.
PS: Don't try to rip the last page. The end will not be on this one. I counted, there are still twenty pages left. On the page you ripped off, there were simply the dates, page numbers, and my age.
"Doctor? Everything is right?"
The Doctor raised the head of the newspaper, he firmly held in his hands. He didn't like endings, he always tore off the last page, he had done it but he had no idea that this book ended before the last page.
"Doctor? Did you find something?"
"No. Just the last letter."
"What does it say?"
"Only that she stopped waiting for me."
"Oh, so we can leave."
"No. I can't believe that she is so long overdue to stop overnight."
"What's the date? Doctor?"
"Well... It may have been years since she stopped, it's useless."
"Or maybe she stopped yesterday, in this case it's not to late. If the TARDIS sent me these letters, there a reason."
"The TARDIS is supposed to send you these letters since 2011."
"What about my face?"
The Doctor looked back at the bullet for a few minutes before watching his reflection in the mirror on the desk. His gray eyes looked sad, worried, his chin looked huge, his skin was as smooth as a baby skin. His hair, slightly too long and plated, fell slightly in front of his face. He still wasn't redheaded. He was wearing a brown jacket, shirt and pants, a bow tie surrounded his neck, while badly put on shoulder straps fell, as well as a pair of glasses. He knew this face, he didn't know why he had that face again. But he was sure it had nothing to do with a coincidence. The TARDIS had chosen a route itself, before revealing the pages of the diary; he was in full regeneration, when TARDIS landed here, in this room, the back wall was covered with a deep blue. 
He walked around the house before returning to the room. Everything in the house seemed both freshly left and abandoned for several years. Time seemed to be on hold. He wondered why on earth the TARDIS had taken him here, but it had taken him a few minutes to understand that he was at Emy's house. Little Emy, the poor little one had spent her life waiting for his coming, without ever seeing him, and here he is today, without seeing her. He didn't know who she was, where she was, what had happened to her, and he wanted to find out. But maybe if it had taken him so long to come here, it was because they were never to meet. He was the Doctor, and she was the girl who waited, the girl who hoped, the impossible girl, the invisible girl, the girl who called the Doctor, the girl the Doctor would never meet.
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yunoteru4ever · 2 years
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革ジャンとコートと夏 (”Leather Jacket and Full Coat in Summer”) by  割ハニワ
Permission to post granted by the artist
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siryl · 1 year
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"Spirits in the Dark" by Sebastián Kowoll.
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jonorbattleship · 1 year
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#eleventh #haul of #tunes for #2023 (3/18/23) #listening courtesy of my @applemusic #feed #scrobble #lastfm #music #streaming #scrobbler #streamedmusic #tunes #localbands #supportlocalmusic #jazz #rock #metal #shred #indie #hiphop #electronic #fusion #lastweek #traxscrobbler #March #trax #numetal #songs #MarchMadness #bangers https://www.instagram.com/p/CqB-EfLNeo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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astrologged · 1 year
Moon in the 11th House
When the Moon is in the 11th house of a natal chart, it means that the person's emotional nature and inner self are focused on social groups, friendships, and future plans. This placement also indicates that the person has a strong need for belonging and may form emotional attachments with like-minded individuals or groups with shared values and beliefs.
The Moon in the 11th house often gives a person a strong sense of empathy and understanding towards others, which can lead to them being perceived as a good listener and a trusted confidant. These individuals are also highly intuitive about the needs and desires of others, which makes them popular among friends and acquaintances.
People with this placement may be highly involved in social causes or groups, and have a strong desire to contribute to the greater good. They also have a deep interest in humanitarianism, community service, or political activism.
On the negative side, Moon in the 11th house can also indicate a tendency to be emotionally dependent on social groups or friends. These individuals have trouble expressing their own individuality and may struggle with making independent decisions. They’re also be prone to mood swings and emotional instability if they feel that they are not accepted or appreciated by their social circle.
In terms of career, this placement suggests that the person may be drawn to fields that involve working with groups, such as social work, teaching, counseling, or community organizing. They’re also interested in careers related to technology or innovation, as the 11th house is associated with modernity and progress.
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lordshenreal · 1 year
You need food to keep on going, milord. Your servant is right, you should eat. ^They give him a plate with a few dumplings on it^
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He glares at them and says nothing, but takes the dumplings as to prevent them from continuing to try and get him to eat in the future
Thanks for the ask! And thanks for all the support you've been giving the blog so far!
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claraoswalds · 5 months
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Oh, is that who I am now? Well, it was never that far from the surface, mate.
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xtremeservers · 2 months
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Last Epoch developer Eleventh Hour Games... https://www.xtremeservers.com/blog/last-epoch-apologizes-for-server-problems-with-in-game-gift/?feed_id=124556&_unique_id=65d7b717c5f3f&Last%20Epoch%20Apologizes%20for%20Server%20Problems%20With%20In-Game%20Gift
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