novel-nook-blog · 6 days
Part 2 – the review 🌸
(The Deal – off campus)
I’m still not 100% sure how to rate this book. Don’t get me wrong I loved it and read it in one sitting. I stayed up late and almost finished the book early in the morning but due to the exhaustion from those past few days that were overfilled with studying and staying up late, I needed my sleep. 
So my rating is somewhere between 4 and 5 stars. But closer to 4, that’s why I chose a 4-star rating. Why? Well, let’s dive into that.
I love good romance books. And I do love a good old hockey romance and this book was it. I started reading it because I wanted to know if it was worth the hype, and I can say that it definitely was. But… 
The first five chapters were… not it for me. I thought I won’t continue reading but at the same time, I was actually glad I wasn’t into the book because I still have to study for finals so it wouldn’t take my time. Those short chapters were great, it made it really easy to continue reading. But around chapter 8 I started liking it. 
Yesterday I was truly tired after just 4 hours of sleep and an important verbal exam that just sucked all the energy right out of me. So when I got home from uni I wasn’t in the mood for something “difficult” that would require my whole attention. And that book was my solution. I didn’t really care about the story and it was a great way to rest. But at around 40% of the book I found out that I couldn’t put it down. The book boosted my energy and I was suddenly wide awake. I planned to go to sleep at around 9 pm, but that didn’t happen. The next time I checked the time it was midnight and I COULDN’T put the book on my nightstand. One in the morning passed by and I was still reading. Eyes wide awake. Brain functioning for the first time since that exam I took in the morning. It was as my own personal energy drink. 
When 2 am went by I started thinking about my sleep schedule and the tiresome that would come to me and totally destroy me the next day. And I needed to function. So I eventually put it aside even when it was a difficult task to do. 
So yes, I loved the book. However, it didn’t make me emotional. Even with everything that happened there, I didn’t shed a tear. Not even one. I did laugh, tho. Not so often but there were some parts that made me laugh. That’s probably the only thing I have to reproach. So that’s why I gave it 4 stars. I just hope it would awaken more emotions. 
Also, Garrett Graham truly annoyed me in the first few chapters but I fell in love with him by the end of the book. He really is a good guy😌. I definitely will read the next books.
(picture/art from Pinterest – fanart by @ maggies_artt on instagram)
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poppletonink · 10 months
Elle Woods Reads
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Women Don't Owe You Pretty by Florence Given
Nobody's Victim: Fighting Psychos, Stalkers, Pervs and Trolls by Carrie Goldberg
#Girlboss by Sophia Amoruso
Legally Blonde by Amanda Brown
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
How To Get Over A Boy by Chidera Eggerue
Thirteen by Steve Cavanaugh
Fashion: The Definitive History of Costume and Style by Susan Brown
Law 101 by Jay M. Feinman
Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding
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thatwillowhale · 4 months
okay i need book recs please sound off !!!
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sweetbeagaming · 2 months
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After two vanilla perfection runs (and 1/2 a run heavily modded which I hated), I've found that I really enjoy the game as it is. I've put these mods into three categories: beginners, post-perfection, and bonus. This is because I truly recommend doing a completely vanilla run to perfection before modding. This game is a gem already! These are my must-haves to enhance Vanilla game play, rather than replace it.
Beginners 🌱 Getting started w/ mods article here and a video.
SMAPI- This framework will be needed
Content Patcher, Generic Mod Config and other framework mods When you download a mod at Nexus a pop-up will show if these are required and you can download from there.
Dynamic Night Time Adds sunsets and sunrises
Automatic Gates You'll never have to open or close a gate manually which the is second to only vanilla game mechanic I truly hate.
No Fence Decay Fixes the first game mechanic that I truly hate
Data Layers Shows the range of sprinklers, scarecrows, etc.
Billboard Anywhere Now you can look at the calendar whenever you need
Passable Crops
Pony W**ght Loss Program Really gross name, very helpful mod. Makes it so your horse can pass through areas you previously couldn't.
Post-Perfection 🌿
Clint Rewritten You should experience Clint as he is written at least once. After that overwrite him lmao
Rustic Traveling Cart
Better Friendship and Better Ranching Do your first play through without these mods, just use a guide if you need. Trust me it's part of the fun!
Chests Anywhere Access your chests anywhere you need. First play through should be partially about learning to manage IMO, which is why I recc for second.
Look Up Anything Don't you dare put this in your first play through, I will haunt you. I'm serious!!! Use a guide.
NPC map locations Say it with me... FIRST TIME, USE A GUIDE.
Bonus (mostly cosmetic) 🍄
Reshade of your choice I'm using Faedew currently because it doesn't drastically alter the OG coloring. The bright colors are part of the charm though unless you can't handle them or just want a general change.
Sweet Skin Tones Wider variety of natural skintones for your farmer
Shardust's Hair Styles Cute hairs for your farmer, including several textured hair options
Hats Won't Mess Up Hair- to keep your cute styles
Elle's Cuter Animals Just makes animals cuter. Comes in: Coop-Barn-Horses-Dogs-Cats
Toddlers Like Parents Genetics for your kids but in a one sided way
Seasonal Outfits (slightly cuter aesthetic) Gives characters a wider variety of seasonal clothing options. Pretty customizable to your desires.
Eventually I might make another list for super cosmetic or more intense mods, such as what I use with Fashion Sense which focuses on farmer customization, or asset replacement mods. These are super unnecessary and I'll likely only be playing the new patch with these above. Enjoy!
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pixiecaps · 2 months
psst hey do u have any sdv mod reccs/any tips on how to use them 👀
yeah! so for stardew mods to work you need to first install the smapi api.
you can either do that through their main website or nexus
neither option has any cons theyre just based on preference on how you wanna install it but theyre both completely safe websites.
after you properly install smapi you’ll have to go to nexus which is the main website for all stardew valley mods. you’ll need to make an account to install stuff i believe. you can find a wide range of mods here that serve a lot of different purposes.
if you haven’t used nexus to mod before then as i mentioned before first make an account then once you are looking at a mod make sure to check the requirements first. sometimes mods need other mods to work and you need to install those first. after you checked the requirements you head to the files section and click manual download. after that select slow download then wait for it to install into your files. then you move those files into the stardew mod folder. if thats not clear enough you can find a bunch of tutorial videos on youtube with visuals:)
since you asked for my recs i’ll give you the list of which i actually use all the time.
NPC Map Locations
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- very basic mod. majority of mod users will have this installed and it just shows you on the map where each npc is at at all times.
CJB Cheats Menu & CJB Item Spawner
- these two sorta go hand in hand for me but of course you don’t need to have both installed. this is definitely a play style preference thing but i personally like having these cheats installed for any type of situation that might happen in game that i can’t undo otherwise without them.
- the cheats menu adds a lot more flexibility and well cheats to the game so for instance: infinite health, infinite stamina, give yourself money, instantly increase hearts with whichever npc, always catch every fish, warp locations, change weather, change time, freeze time, and a lot more. this uses the P key to open in game but you can configure that to another bind if you’d like.
- the item spawner is a lot more simple. does what it says and spawns whichever item you want. so basically you can press the i key and it’ll open up a menu with every item in the game and you can spawn in the specific amount you want of something and so forth. simple concept. i mainly use this for when i accidentally sell or gift an item i wasnt intending to and then simply spawn it back in. i also use it for decorating my house:3
Look Up Anything
- this is literally like having the wiki at your disposal at all times in game. extremely helpful for so many reasons especially as i personally always had the wiki open to check for information on items and npcs so having this mod made it a lot quicker of a process. how it works is you simply hover your mouse over whatever you want information on and click f1 and it’ll display all the information about that thing to you! so if you hover over lets say harvey and press f1 it’ll show you a menu with his birthday, his love & like gifts, your hearts with them and how many points till the next heart, etc.
Seasonal Outfits
- this mod puts all the npcs in different outfits for the seasons. its just cute
Elle’s Seasonal Buildings & DaisyNiko’s Earthy Recolor
- the seasonal building allows a lot more variety in structures like farm building and adding holiday decor to npc buildings. simple stuff that can make the game more customized
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- with seasonal buildings you can also install compatible recolors which is what the DaisyNiko’s link is. it’s the recolor i personally use for my main farm when i play. this is because the vanilla game is very saturated and does hurt my eyes so having more chilled out tones helps. you dont need to install the recolor i use or any in fact if you like the natural look of the game but just know the option is there and there’s a multitude of recolors you can use to make the game look different:3
Friends Forever
- no friendship decay because itsa pain in the ass and i have no time to talk to the npcs all day. this is very play style based some people enjoy having to go and ensure they speak to npcs daily im just not the type.
Part of The Community
- creates different ways for you to gain hearts easier and passively
Mailbox Menu & Zilch’s Envelopes
- i really like the letters and the fact you can only read them once bummed me out until i found this mod which adds a whole menu for your mail where you can go back and see all the letters you’ve received. feel like it adds that additional touch and care to the whole mail system in the game.
- then to go along with that menu theres the envelopes mod that customizes it even further and makes all the envelopes of the letters have cute appearances and designs. look at this and tell me that isn’t the best thing you’ve ever seen.
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Honorable Mentions
- Chests Anywhere
- CJB Show Item Sell Price
in conclusion…
I really suggest just taking the time and scrolling through the nexus mods website on your own. they have a specific category for stardew and you can filter it by most popular and see what you find yourself. since everyone plays differently you might find you enjoy the more technical code side and want to change something to do with that or you might just simply wanna change the npc portraits and make them look nicer. theres so many options on how to mod this game and i honestly could go on forever with mod suggestions but at the end of the day its up to you! so hope this helps and i hope you have a fun time modding.
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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This week's theme is: a fic that makes you laugh OR fic that makes you smile so much your cheeks hurt
The Rules: tag a fic that makes you laugh / smile so much your cheeks hurt and give a brief description of why it's awesome. Then tag some fellow associates. The wider the reach, the better.
I'll do a masterlist once Friday is over :) Please tag me or tag #fic rec friday so I can see!
My picks:
911 Lone Star
The Ride Along - @goodways
This has got to be one of the funniest things I've ever read on Ao3, I was like hyperventilating, crying ugly tears of laughter reading this. Shannon has a gift - writing playful, hilarious banter that sounds so on point. TK is such a little shit in this fic - teasing Carlos about road head, offering to be his backup, begging him to think of the taxpayers! I simply cannot with this entire thing, it is sheer brilliance.
Red White and Royal Blue
How was it? - @clottedcreamfudge
Everything CCF writes is goddamn amazing and hilarious but the line in this fic about Oedipus being "pretty dumb", Icarus doing a "sick backflip" and Hamlet "skewering someone" had me on the FLOOR.
Also NDRS which...I'm sorry my love I just adore this fic and I can't be stopped.
tagging: @celeritas2997 @rmd-writes @heartstringsduet @reyesstrand @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @treluna4 @strandnreyes @cha-melodius @goodways @strandtk @guardian-angle22 @thebumblecee @basilsunrise @iboatedhere @howtosingit @lutavero @velvet-ink @danieljradcliffe @queen-saltyfries @carlos-in-glasses @sarcasticslothy @firstprince-history-huh @beautifulhigh @chaotictarlos @marjansmarwani @st-elle-ar @sprigsofviolets and anyone else who would like to play! Open tag!
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omagazineparis · 20 days
Caroline Receveur : sa nouvelle collection été RECC à tomber !
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Le 24 juin dernier sortait la nouvelle collection été de la griffe RECC Paris. Marque de la fameuse influenceuse française Caroline Receveur, sa nouvelle ligne nous donne des envies de vacances. Zoom sur cette nouvelle collection de vêtements "summer vibes" ! RECC Paris : la marque En mars 2019, l'influenceuse la plus connue de France lançait sa marque RECC Paris : succès immédiat. En effet, avec sa collection, Caroline Receveur nous invite à découvrir son monde et son sens du style très pointu : des pièces rock, chic, mais aussi subtilement sexy et folk ! Ainsi, RECC Paris propose des looks désinvoltes et glamour, adaptés au quotidien d'une femme forte et moderne, ce qui est complètement à l'image de la jeune femme de 32 ans. De fait, même les pièces les plus basiques de la collection possèdent LA touche Caroline Receveur. Un univers qui a apparemment plu à ses followers : les premières pièces ont été out of stock en seulement quelques heures ! Notre business girl préférée nous prouve donc une nouvelle fois qu’elle mène sa barque d’une main de maître. Depuis, une nouvelle collection signée RECC est disponible tous les deux mois, de quoi assouvir les envies shopping de nombreuses fashionistas ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwpAASApKqs La nouvelle collection : bohème et féminine Il faut dire qu’on l’attendait depuis longtemps déjà. À cause du coronavirus, la nouvelle collection RECC Paris de la jeune maman avait pris un peu du retard. Mais bonne nouvelle : elle est enfin disponible pour notre plus grand plaisir et celui de ses fans. Au programme : du tie and tye, des tons pastel, du drapé et même des chaînes de taille ! Si vous craquez pour une de ces pièces, sachez que vous devrez débourser entre 70 et 90 euros pour un top, et près de 140 euros pour une robe longue. Prix élevés certes, mais gages de qualité ! La nouvelle collection Été 2020 de la jeune femme va définitivement nous donner des airs de Bardot abandonnée sur une plage ! Avec leur esprit bohème et féminin, ces vêtements aérés mettent en valeur la silhouette sans pourtant trop en dévoiler. On y retrouve donc des styles colorés et frais, avec des pièces « idéales pour une belle journée ensoleillée dans un parc ». Ainsi, la It-Girl française, qui qualifie sa collection de « sooo summer », vous propose par exemple des tops et blouses romantiques, blanches ou pastel. À l'inverse, vous pourrez également retrouver plusieurs pièces fortes et colorées, dont un kimono rainbow, une combi-short ou une robe longue pailletée. Zoom sur les 5 pièces à absolument shopper : La Robe MADY Avec son nuancé aux couleurs de l'été, cette robe est définitivement LA pièce forte de la collection. On vous l'accorde, il faut oser, mais ce tissu irisé vous mettra forcément en valeur cet été. Ceinturée à la taille, longue comme il faut et subtilement décolletée, cette pièce n'a aucun défaut, littéralement ! La Combi-Short CASSANDRA Combi-Short CASSANDRA - 145€ Avec son imprimé floral rose pâle, cette combi-short vous sublimera lorsque que vous aurez acquéri votre bronzage de l'été. Ultra romantique et originale avec son bustier à nouer, vous pouvez être sûres que vous ferez une apparition remarquée. Fabriquée en mousseline pour un maximum de confort, cette pièce est donc à shopper d'urgence ! La Chaîne de Taille LOVE Chaîne de Taille LOVE - 75€ La chaîne de taille fait son grand retour cet été. En véritable accessoire indispensable, vous l'aurez compris, pourquoi ne pas se laisser tenter par celles imaginées par Caroline Receveur ? En complément d'un maillot de bain tendance ou mise en valeur avec un crop top, la chaîne de taille vous rendra à tous les coups ultra fashion ! Deux modèles sont disponibles, stylée avec des lettres dorées signées "AMOUR" (ma préférée) ou plus douce avec des perles blanches nacrées : alors, à vous de choisir ! Le Kimono PAM Ce kimono, on l'imagine comme ça : vous sortez d'une journée de plage, vos cheveux sont gainés par le sel et ultra wavy, votre teint est subtilement bronzé et frais, et d'un coup on vous propose un verre en terrasse. Sauf que, urgence, vous n'avez rien à vous mettre. Le kimomo PAM est alors là pour vous servir ! Avec ses nuances pastel et son décolleté plongeant à souhait, vous serez définitivement la plus belle cette été. Alors, foncez ! Le Top ASHLEY Top ASHLEY - 85€ Ce petit top est définitivement un basique à avoir dans sa garde-robe. Sur peau bronzée, le blanc vous sublimera comme il se doit ! Avec ses petits boutons de nacre et son tissus satiné ivoire, Caroline joue dans les détails, et crée ainsi une pièce à la fois tendance et intemporelle. De quoi mettre des étoiles dans les yeux des férues de mode ! Voici donc la collection ultra tendance que nous propose Caroline Receveur pour cet été ! Attention, si vous avez un coup de coeur, dépêchez-vous car la collection sera dévalisée en un rien de temps ! Ainsi, nous avons un véritable coup de coeur pour cette collection pleine de fraîcheur et de "good vibes". Alors, ne tergiversez pas trop, vous savez dans quels vêtements vous allez passer votre été ! Read the full article
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Don’t stop watching The Promised Neverland
There’s word out there that you should watch season 1 of The Promised Neverland (2019-2021) and not season 2 as it’s “bad”. It’s not.  Yes, it may seem slower than the first season but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t got tricks up its sleeve or amazing character moments. I didn’t let what I had heard put me off from watching the second season and it was definitely worth it.  Just goes to show that film and anime share this in common... never listen to the critics and check it out for yourself before making a judgement; a lot of the time you’ll find they’re wrong. 
The anime is cleverly written, contains amazing characters and the camera work is incredible too. What’s not to love? Well... some of the horror elements (but they’re played out very well).  
Side note: I swear if Phil makes me cry one more time... 
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rooneytooons · 4 years
Let's talk about Legally Blonde!
This is gonna be long
(Please note that this is just my personal opinion on the 2001 film, Legally Blonde)
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Read this on tumblr , and it sums up what I like best about the movie: "You absolutely don't have to sacrifice your femininity or sense of self in order to make your way in a traditionally masculine field" -@connie-banana
The idea of a strong woman is often based on the stereotypical masculine lines. And even though your favorite colour, the glitter on your dress or your red, glossy lips are not parameters of your empowerment, girls who like pink, wear shiny clothes and care about her hair and makeup are often considered naive and are not taken seriously. And, I love Elle Woods because she didn't abandon her pink clothes and parlour routines to prove to others that she was strong and educated. She owned the 'dumb-blonde' trope and used it to her own strengths. So she remained honest to her senses of self.
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(Gif from @jeanhagen)
Other amazing things in the movie, in no particular order,
All of Elle's girl friends were always there by her side. From her heartbreak, to help her prepare for the LSAT and even went to court to support Elle on her case. They never showed jealousy or envied Elle and genuinely cared for her happiness. And later in the film, it was also amazing that Elle and Vivian did not let their friendship be ruined only because of a crappy boy.
Strong female characters. Legally Bl9nde portrayed strong female characters, starting with Elle Woods and Vivian who were law students at a prestigious university. Paulette Bonafonté who stood up to her unfair ex husband. Professor Stromwell, professorata lwa school. And the judge of the Windham murder case .
Body positivity. The "bend and snap" scene is the best example of this. When, Elle taught all the women in the parlor how to flaunt and appreciate their bodies. Elle did not encourage them to change how they looked but that they were perfect in their own way to swoon a man.
Black representation. It wasn't much but it's still commendable. It's also mention worthy that in "Legally Blonde : The Musical" they casted a woman of color to be Elle Woods.
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(Gif from @buffysummers )
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elle--nic · 5 years
We're not okay!!!! Our old racist relatives make us sit and eat dead birds while they talk about our ruling Cheeto man, all we want is to read smut about the same ship over and over so we can disassociate and then eat some pie.
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truly, dear anon, i say unto thee: F
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cinnamonreccs · 3 years
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credit to the owner ( lmk if you know who made it )
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kiri’s list is growing so much ( and will continue too ) as he is indeed best boi — if you did not know, u know now — and i thought it was time he got his own list!
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— the fics are separated by one-shot’s, multi-chaptered ( ones that have short and/ of a few chapters or one-shot’s in the same universe ), and series.
— most of these are fluff, but please read the warnings that are added by the author. i don’t want anyone to feel uncomfy or triggered
— if you have any kirishima ( or other mha/ bnha, hq, jjk, blue exorsist ) reccs let me know, we can share fics together!
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▸ the manliest man | @burnedbyshoto
▸ i do adore | @oikawasass
▸ more than friends | @katsushimaa
▸ crazy | katsushimaa
▸ summer love | @cafedanslanuit
▸ never a bad time | @kageyeaman
▸ in the kitchen | @moxie-elle
▸ soft mornings | @ultimate-astridwriting
▸ promise | @hazel1618
▸ ring pop | @kirishimaswife2819
▸ jealous | @kittykei
▸ are you jealous? | @bakublossom
▸ crush culture | bakublossom
▸ write me a cliche | @kaistarus
▸ disconnected | burnedbyshoto
▸ the pizza delivery guy | @myherowritings
▸ never a bad time | kageyeaman
▸ just a moment | @bnhaworld
▸ workout whispers | @technicallyflamey
▸ ten times happier | @justanotherperson
▸ heartless | @bnhaficswriter
▸ an unexpected matchmaker | @arigatouiris
▸ i’m not like her | @aphroditeparadisesstuff
▸ all the time you need | @akaa-keijis
▸ asexual | @expresstheobsession
▸ happy little accidents | @honniebears
▸ mornings | @dabiwrites
▸ unpredictable chemistry | @lovinkiri
▸ confession | @bakubabes-hatake
▸ better late than never | @bnhascribbles
▸ mosh pit | @kingkatsuki
▸ sparks | @croomdoom
▸ my hero | @once-upon-a-scenario
▸ a worthy life purpose | @whitplague
▸ love festival | @ohdeersthings
▸ endgame | @insomniacbitxxh
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▸ to love and to love again | @mulier-indomita
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▸ kiripima | @dolliedarlin
▸ please, let me take you | @nyxdelanuit
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poppletonink · 2 years
Heartstopper Review
★★★★★ - 5 stars
"I like Charlie Spring! In a romantic way not just a friend way!"
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Charlie Spring is a bookish, openly gay, overtly sensitive, over-thinker. Charlie has been through a lot: he was outed and bullied, and his supposed boyfriend seems to just be using him. Then, there's Nick. Nick Nelson plays rugby, so of course, everyone assumes he is a rude so-called ‘rugby lad’. However, he does not conform to everyone’s first concept of him - with a cheerful, patient, and oddly golden retriever-like nature, Nick digs his way into Charlie’s heart. But everyone knows that Nick is straight... and he is, right?
Heartstopper is an LGBTQ+ romance graphic novel and webcomic created by Alice Oseman, telling readers the story of how Nick and Charlie fell in love. Throughout the novel, there is a cast of diverse and relatable characters: Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Elle Argent, Tao Xu, Aled Last, and Tori Spring being just a few. There is also Nellie – Nick’s adorable dog.
Though Heartstopper is mostly a wholesome romantic story, the graphic novels do deal with some serious topics such as sexual assault, mental health issues, and eating disorders. The way that mental health issues are tackled in Heartstopper is phenomenal, as it takes a rare, honest approach towards topics such as eating disorders, trauma, self-harm, and OCD. The topics are discussed in a way that gives the reader an understanding but also doesn't go into extreme detail.
Netflix’s adaptation, which aired on April 22nd, caused Twitter to explode - #Heartstopper was trending in the UK and Ireland. The series consists of 8 episodes that are around 30 minutes long each. It stars Joe Locke as Charlie Spring, Kit Connor as Nick Nelson, William Gao as Tao Xu, and Yasmin Finney as Elle Argent. Tara Jones is played by Corinna Brown, alongside Kizzy Edgell as Darcy Olsson. Heartstopper also contains new characters such as Imogen and Isaac (Isaac is in place of Aled in the series). Season 1 of Heartstopper contains events from the first two graphic novel volumes, with slight changes.
Heartstopper is an important story for teenagers across the world; the representation of queer characters is immense in the series and something that should be seen more often on screens. According to an interview with Attitude Magazine, Yasmin Finney says that the casting call for Elle specifically stated that the actress required needed to be “a trans girl of colour”, and she then goes on to say that was something she had never seen before and that she never thought Netflix would do that. The diversity of the show is crucial for people to see as it makes people feel more comfortable in their own skin – they can feel represented; it also can help on the journey people go on when figuring out who they are as a person and what their purpose is in the world.
With amazing characters and funny conversations, whether you read the books, watch the series, or both, Heartstopper will make you laugh and smile from ear to ear with adorable romance and friendships.
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Okay, hold on, lemme just get this right.
So do you think none of the BTS members could be queer? There's a reason so many queer Armys find solace in them and relate to them or certain members.
I hope you don't expect a top group from a homophobic country to openly show their support for the LGBTQ+ community when it could highly jeopardize their careers and safety in doing so....
No anon, you are not getting this right, or at least that's definitely not what I wrote in my post.
First of all, do you read my blog? Have you seen the posts I made in the last 7 months? Because if you did, you would know not to come in my inbox with these presumptions.
Also, how do you make the leap from me saying that if a guy sees a particular film, it's the support stans want and me apparently thinking none of the BTS members could be queer? For one, I do not talk about their sexual identity, but about army discourse surrounding this topic. Second, the point of my post was to point out how certain meanings are created by not looking at the bigger picture, contextually, which is exactly what happened with Tae and the clip from Days of Being Wild. And I also specifically mentioned those 2 particular films, which in my opinion should not be seen as some prime examples. Call Me By Your Name is the gay film made for the Oscars that everyone and their mother saw, but let's give some rainbow stars for watching that. And La Vie d'Adele is just art cinema lesbian porn for dudes so they can jack off to it. But I guess each with their own interpretation here. I mean, if that member from BTS would have recommended Je, tu, il, elle directed by Chantal Akerman, instead of that Kechiche movie, I would have probably raised some eyebrows. And I could go on with film examples, but I think it's clear what I'm saying.
And if we're talking about a top group who can't show support because it's risky, then I guess Jonghyun clearly and openly supporting trans rights is not that big of a deal because SHINee are not and never have been a top group and their career and safety couldn't be jeopardized. Not at all. And other idols have done similar things, like BOA, Jo Kwon, CL, etc., but they are not the biggest boy band in the world so they're safe I guess.
And I mentioned Jonghyun because I also want to add here a quote from his twitter post, as back in 2013 he changed his profile to a photo of a poster written by Kang Eun Ha, a trans student and this was the explanation he gave:
''I support you. As a celebrity, as a minority of a different sort facing the public, I also feel disappointment towards the world that does not accept difference. Of course, it can’t be compared to what you feel''.
Let me reiterate, in case it wasn't clear. In all my posts in which I have touched upon this topic, I never talked specifically about the sexual identity of any member of BTS or to say that all the instances that are seen as support from them and what that means for the fans should not be taken into consideration. I merely wanted to show that maybe talking about one specific thing, like a movie recc, and having an approach without context, could lead to faulty interpretations. (just a summary of a plot is not enough, you know?)
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Tags and moots
#lana’s loopy- random talks/rants
#lana’s questions- things I wonder about
#lana’s moots<3- mutuals
#anon; 🌺- anons
#[charanon]: anon🤩- charanons
#requests💌- requests/asks
#messages💌- messages
#ask games~🧋- ask games
#tag games~💍- tag games
#lana’s reccs~ ☀️ - reading recommendations
#lana’s asks~❣️ - my game/event asks that are answered
#queue t pie - things in queue
#lana does art🎨- my doodles and art
@chaoswrites -kei
@shadyyuji -alina
@inks-and-jinx -vivian
@aiiwa -nona
@cursedmoonchild -sandy
@hajimescutie -madi
@auihja -yuki
@hajim3 - taylor
@kentophoria - pat
@kodzukoi -koi
@strawbearisamu -sol
@art3mixx- artemis
@karasimpno -elle
@tobibam -bambam
@devildreamers -reese
deactivated moots(miss you):
@xybi- xybi
@deamegumii- maya
kuroo anon❣️- not active ;(
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nyuwings · 3 years
HEY ELLE!! its been a sec heh how have u been?? im glad u enjoyed my song recc :D
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Hehe 🥰🥰 hi nini!!! I’ve been good!! I failed a chem exam but I’m literally not even upset over it because the whole class did 😌 I tried my best, also I’ve just had cookies!! tonight is treat yo self night :) How’ve you been??
That song reminded me of this one!! You might like it too💓
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ditttiii · 3 years
Hey. It’s me. 1. Playlist for Penguin 2. I thought the Love Story Taylor version sounded almost the same as the original? A couple of changed words and slightly different music tracking but 🤷‍♀️ —🐧
I think that’s what her intention was. these albums are more of a way for taylor to take away the power her old label still has than wanting to change her old music. also if i m not wrong (which i could be) the music arrangement is exactly the same just played by her tour band instead of the og musicians. 
Now! playlist time, i m gonna do it for penny since that’s what i call you heh. 
P - pretty woman by ray orbison
E - ex’s & oh’s by elle king
N - never forget you by zara larsson, mnek
N - new romantics by taylor swift
Y- youtopia ( HIGHLY RECC THIS SONG !!! ) by armin van buren (ft. adam young)
Send me your name and i'll make a mini playlist
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