#ero's vulture
honour-thy-god · 1 month
Day Three - Ares
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Ares, most commonly known as the god of war, was a Greek god known for his short temper and outbursts, which made him hard to be around.
He is well known for being one of Aphrodite's best lovers, and also fighting Hercules (unsuccessfully, might I add).
Ares was the son of Hera and Zeus, and brother to Hebe and Eileithyia. Ares had many children, most popular being Hippolyta, Phobos, Harmonia, and Eros. Aphrodite mothered Eros and Harmonia.
Not only was Ares a war god, but he was also extremely beautiful. Him and Apollo are known to be the most handsome of the gods.
A popular myth surrounding Ares is when Aphrodite's husband, Hephaistos, wanted to catch the lovers, so as they lay down in bed together, they are trapped by a net. Ares was temporarily banished from Mount Olympus.
Ares was also heavily invloved with fighting Hercules. When Ares son, Kyknos was killed by Hercules after Apollo had sent him, Ares was enraged. However, when Ares tried to fight the mortal Hercules, Athena protected him and even hurt Ares.
In the Trojan war, Ares is known for siding with the Trojans. He even leads them into battle.
He was also accused of killing Poseidon's son, Halirrhothios, furthering his unpopularity amongst the gods. Ares' reasoning for this was that Halirrhothios has raped Ares' daughter, Alcippe.
Blood sacrifices (historically)
Beef / cattle
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Reading List
to be updated constantly
"Why Women Online Can’t Stop Reading Fairy Porn" by C.T. Jones for Rolling Stone
"They Called 911 for Help. Police and Prosecutors Used a New Junk Science to Decide They Were Liars." by Brett Murphy for ProPublica
"‘I Think My Husband Is Trashing My Novel on Goodreads!’" by Emily Gould for The Cut
"Woman in Retrograde" by Isabel Cristo for The Cut
"The unwanted Spanish soccer kiss is textbook male chauvinism. Don’t excuse it" by Moira Donegan for the Guardian
"I Started the Media Men List" by Moira Donegan for The Cut
"What Moira Donegan Did for Young Women Writers" by Jordana Rosenfeld for The Nation
"The Key Detail Missing From the Narrative About O.J. and Race" by Joel Anderson for Slate
"The Coiled Ferocity of Zendaya" by Matt Zoller Seitz for Vulture
"OJ Simpson died the comfortable death in old age that Nicole Brown should have had" by Moira Donegan for The Guardian
"Norm Macdonald Was the Hater O.J. Simpson Could Never Outrun" by Miles Klee for Rolling Stone
"Trans Stylists and Makeup Artists Are Reshaping Red Carpet Looks. Will They Get the Credit They’re Due?" by James Factora
"The ‘perfect Aryan’ child used in Nazi propaganda was actually Jewish" by Terrence McCoy for The Washington Post
"There Are Too Many Books; Or, Publishing Shouldn’t Be All About Quantity" by Maris Kreizman for Literary Hub
"An O.J. Juror on What The People v. O.J. Simpson Got Right and Wrong" by Ashley Reese for Vulture
"Super Cute Please Like" by Nicole Lipman for N + 1 Magazine
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture edited by Roxanne Gay
Creep: Accusations and Confessions by Myriam Gurba
"On Chappell Roan and Gen Z Pop" by Miranda Reinert
"In Memory of Nicole Brown Simpson" by Andrea Dworkin
"My Gender Is Dyke" by Alexandria Juarez for Autostraddle
"Columnists and Their Lives of Quiet Desperation" by Hamilton Nolan
Belabored: A Vindication of the Rights of Pregnant Women by Lyz Lenz
The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan
This American Ex-Wife: How I Ended My Marriage and Started My Life by Lyz Lenz
The Gentrification of the Mind: Witness to a Lost Imagination by Sarah Schulman
Savage Appetites: Four True Stories of Women, Crime, and Obsession by Rachel Monroe
The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory by Carol J. Adams
Eros the Bittersweet by Anne Carson
Who Owns This Sentence? A History of Copyrights and Wrongs by David Bellos & Alexandre Montagu
The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women's Roles in Society by Eleanor Janega
Moby Dyke: An Obsessive Quest to Track Down the Last Remaining Lesbian Bars in America by Krista Burton
University of Nike: How Corporate Cash Bought American Higher Education by Joshua Hunt
What it Feels Like for a Girl by Paris Lees
Female Masculinity by J. Jack Halberstam
The Theory of Everything Else: A Voyage Into the World of the Weird by Dan Schreiber
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
Better Living Through Birding: Notes from a Black Man in the Natural World by Christian Cooper
Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith, and Migration by Alejandra Oliva
Unlikeable Female Characters: The Women Pop Culture Wants You to Hate by Anna Bogutskaya
Born a Crime: Stories From a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson
The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick by Mallory O'Meara
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg
Eyeliner: A Cultural History by Zahra Hankir
Against Technoableism: Rethinking Who Needs Improvement by Ashley Shew
The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann
Know My Name by Chanel Miller
Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty by Patrick Radden Keefe
Novelist as a Vocation by Haruki Murakami
Rape-Revenge Films: A Critical Study by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Just as You Are by Camille Kellogg
Just Happy to Be Here by Naomi Kanakia
The Misadventures of an Amateur Naturalist by Ceinwen Langley
Family Meal by Bryan Washington
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler
Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark
My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera
Blackouts by Justin Torres
We Do What We Do in the Dark by Michelle Hart
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
Less Is Lost by Andrew Sean Greer
The Faithless by C.L. Clark
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour
Bliss Montage by Ling Ma
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
The Institute by Stephen King
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke
Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection by Junji Ito
Her Body and Other Parties: Stories by Carmen Maria Machado
Young Mungo by Douglas Stuart
The Dark Forest by Liu Cixin
Snuff by Terry Pratchett
Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix by Aminah Mae Safi
Only a Monster by Vanessa Len
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moonyartsblog · 1 year
Today Marcus as...
Series 6 Post 21: He is very often identified among the twelve Olympians as the god of war in a general sense, but this is an inaccuracy because in reality Ares is the god only of the more violent aspects of war and of the struggle understood as bloodlust.
🌸 The word "Ares" until the classical era was also used as an adjective, meaning enraged or warlike, for example we recall the forms Zeus Areios, Athena Areia, or even Aphrodite Areia. Some inscriptions dating back to the Mycenaean era report Enyalios, a name that survived into the classical era as an epithet of Ares.
🌸 Ares was the son of the king of the gods, Zeus, and the queen of the gods, Hera. His sisters were Hebe and Ilitia. According to Homer and Quintus Smyrnaeus, Ares had a twin sister: Eris. According to another myth, reported by Ovid and the First Vatican Mythographer, Eris and Ares were conceived by Hera simply by touching a lotus flower, without the goddess lying with Zeus.
🌸 Ares had a quadriga pulled by four immortal horses with fiery breath named: Ardente, Flaming, Strepito, Horror. Of all the gods he was distinguished by his gleaming bronze armor and in battle he habitually wielded a spear and shield. His sacred birds were the barn owl, the woodpecker, the eagle owl and, especially in southern Greece, the vulture. Is often represented on stone with the red color, red like blood, symbol of the ferocious acts that are carried out in war.
🌸From his fiery relationship with Aphrodite were born two sons, Deimos and Phobos, who personified the spirits of terror and fear. Usually Ares went to war accompanied by Cidoimo (the demon of the noise of battle), the Makhai (spirits of battle), the Hysminai (spirits of murder), Polemos (a minor war spirit) and his daughter of Polemos Alalà, personification of the war cry of the Greeks and whose name Ares decided to use as his own war cry. Even the god Eros was and is considered the son of Ares and Aphrodite.
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butchjesus · 6 months
oc verses / story tags (a-z) + characters:
dreamland: truffle, puffball, sandman, b.g., marina, ash, myke
gummysugar: puck, blinkie, xavier, faust, pru
eyeverse (eyetooth + eye for an eye): matteo, tiernan, clem, vio, goshawk, vulture, starling
freefallverse (bedevil + citadel + devotional): eli, keth, ben, father binaventure, pastor dana, bishop piardi | pandora, valoel, hunt | the demon princes, the archangels
fortunaverse (vocation + fnrf + angelpeak park): glasses, ocelot, cignetti, judge, buchanan, ronin, gil, dr. keys, the core team
the grey circle: prince sebastian, sir konstantine, gren, bain, ilean, cainiph, imogen, queen vera, king cyrus, wren jester, the knights of mirideth
subordinate dating sim: count masters, kevin, lady rivet, mortimer, eros, clara, reaper, pork rind, skullcrusher, fracture, hero, blur
sunset column: breaker, r60, lupe, riser, beau, dandelion, bloodhound, wyatt, win
toyhouse corners: postman basil, sir alfred, hannah, mac, blade, foster, leo bear, leslie mouse, tabasco, lemondrop
if you're looking for a specific charracter's tag, search their name :)
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noxspost · 7 months
ergo, dum me amas, sic ad astra feres haec verba manet
This is the end of the war the Gaia Giant War which was painful it caused some almost the majority of Greek and Roman pantheon deities diffuse into 11 of the victims had been areas in Mars that was an unwanted change Ares had worked hard to get where his body had been before he was forced to basically as he saw it make a mockery of Mars's body and character.Now both Thanatos and Ares were staying at each other Ares drained tired and exhausted he looked like it was even to collapse from exhaustion right then and there he just looked done his hair once this reddish brown color slowly reverting into this gray peach and white color hair his scars on his face were now covered in bandages and he pleaded "how do you love me must have been an accident that you fell in love with me maybe when it eros arrows hit you, didn't it?"he sounded so tired slowed so deprived of rest he stumbled slightly as he reached out his hands which Thanatos caught in his own as he floated over to areas to hold him properly upright it hurt Thanatos to hear those words in his lover he had not been hit with one of those arrows not even close he went to embrace his lover's face in his right hand when he reassured lovingly "loving you was no accident no arrow being hit in my heart I love you for you Ares."with those simple words... Ares just cried he sobbed he lurched forward as his shoulders went higher than his own head as he just cried now embraced by the god of death both of them were covered in blood and quite dirty governing dirt sweat and tears and blood yet they embrace each other and Ares felt a kiss on his forehead "my warrior has returned home and that is the best." whispered Thanatos into his ear as he just embraced Ares.Ares felt his legs give out and when Thanatos looked panicked as he was beginning to hold Ares bridal style in his arms and then he heard the shouts of people signaling that there were two other people within the rubble of the war he saw and heard the familiar voices of Percy Annabeth Jason and Frank and he heard the sounds of bearded vultures screaming same with Turkey vultures mars was near help was here as he felt liquid staining his hands where he was holding Ares.medical help was on the way. he then whisperers are promised Ares who was unconscious "ergo, dum me amas, sic ad astra feres haec verba manet."
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ollyboenz · 8 months
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intro post time!!! :3
thought I’d make this since I’m starting to interact more with ppl on here so!!! until then it’ll just be dolly and eros seeing this!! hi!!
haii I’m oleander! u can call me olly, bones, or anything else on my pronouns.cc!! I use he/it/rot mainly + any dog neos and occasionally other neos as well :3 I’m a bisexual polyamorous boygirl as well as some other labels!!
I’m 16, autistic, and have bpd + other disabilities/disorders I’m not willing to share online, so pls be patient with me! don’t follow if ur under 13, adults can interact but pls don’t be weird!
I’m also a furry, pretty sure I’m a therian or something similar, and interact with related stuff quite frequently! if u don’t like that, don’t interact! (waves to my friends who I haven’t told yet)
I <3 my friends, taking photos, vulture culture, music, drawing, and various video games, shows, and other misc fandoms!! feel free to dm me abt any of my interests!
uhh that’s all I think :3 luv u all!! byee!!!
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drag0nspitt · 1 year
welcome to drag0nspitt, my personal blog centered on the occult.
my aim for this blog is to create a safe space for the practitioners, witches, and occutists whos practices may be labelled "unusual," "dangerous," etc.
now, lets start off with a brief introduction!
im eros. i am 17, non-binary, and have been a practitioner for around six years! i specialize in love magic, death magic, and divination!
i work with multiple entities. i am a medium, and i love herbal and candle work! i enjoy sitting in nature, and listening to the beautiful sounds.
i also enjoy necromancy, osteomancy, vulture culture, and taxidermy!
my practice has heavy celtic, nordic, and slavic roots! all thanks to my wonderful family members.
feel free to ask questions or suggest topics for me to discuss!
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astrumocs · 1 year
what's some inspirations/origins of a muse of your choice? can be as detailed or simple as you want! :3
Oh gosh having it be my choice is a lil overwhelming, just 'cause it's hard to pick one! Buuuut I'll talk about Odarem, just 'cause he's the biggest blorbo of my own ocs rn,
So! I started from the point of needing to give Jules an ex-kismesis and I wanted to give him one even harder after I planned his ex-mate out with the lovely Eros quiescent-trolls. I realized that I always had a vague idea for the ex in mind and it might be easier to make than to try and have someone fit the image in my head! I knew I wanted someone who ended up in a medical profession in the fleet and that they had to be jade or higher on the caste spectrum, so that's where I started!
I realized I only had one teal at the time and figured it'd be fun to have another, but I was also attached to the idea of jade, so I made him a cusp blood that's legally teal. As for the medical thing, I had recently been playing The Mortuary Assistant game, which inspired me to look into medical professions relating to death and stuff. I wasn't feeling mortician, so I looked up related fields and found Medical Examiners and Coroners, which I vibed with much more! Then, to have a point of inspiration for visuals and his lusus I looked up scavenger animals and found the Turkey Vulture, which can smell decay from over a mile and thought that would make for a pretty cool power since teals are known to have abilities semi-frequently. :]
Eventually, after that, I thiiiink I started messing around in a picrew where he gained his eyepatch and scars! As I was messing around with the look I realized I didn't have anyone who wore one and thought that was lame on my part-- the reason he has it came after I added it to his design. His personality also formed in relation to being Julius' ex; I had to figure out how and why their relationship worked how it did, so I built backward from there too.
Aaaaand I think I've rambled long enough, but yeah! He evolved from there but this was kinda the process of how he began!
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CoC: Ronan Lawton (Revolver), Eugene LeBeau (Maneuver), Heath Toomes (Black Vulture), Inigo Incógnito (El Cazador), Jonah Hyde (King Manta), Lucy LeBeau (Tactic), Nina Kozlovskaya-Yamisoka (Ms. Massacre), Carrie Crane (Ensnare), Nancy Fries (Zero), Octavia Octavius (Doc Tox), Minji Seong (Black Sable)
New Justice: Dana Gordon (Batgirl), Kit Landry-Jones (Robin), Freddy West (Kid Flash), Zelena Zatara (Lady Zatara), Savanna Taylor (Savanna), Safari Maxwell (Safari), Manuela Flor (Wonder Girl), Denzel Kent (Superboy), Elazar Sinestro, Olive Gardner, Safiyah Stewart, Kennedy Queen (Knockout), Rosario Sage (Crossbow)
Justice Society: Hector Mendoza (Wildcat), Marc Rooney (The Spectre), Johann Schiller (Sandman), Liam Callahan (Dr. Mid-Nite), Scott Treadway (The Flash), Idris Samir (Golden Scarab), Archie Harrison (Vanity Gold), Marr’vn Marz (Marvin the Martian)
Next Avengers: Major Fury, Jim Howlett, Naiche Fuentes (Captain America) Bonnie Barnes (She Hulk), Tonya Stark (Iron Maiden), Astrid Thorsdottir (Mighty Thor), Toddy Barton (Hawkeye), Vitaly Romanov (Black Widower)
Defenders of Shield: Thiago Incógnito (El Tigre Blanco), Hasani Spector (Moon Marshal), Watami Watanabe (Iron Dragon), Delroy Davis (Spinner), Kilo Kameāloha (Super Nova)
Random: Juliette Frost, April Frost, Eros Solas, Magnolia LeBeau-Craddock, Samara Swift, Roxy G. Bivolo, Meiling Wu-San (Tigress), Anja Wagner (Nightingale), Kitty Kyle-Wayne (Feline Fatale)
Tsugoku: Himawari Rengoku, Daito Gogatsu, Sadako Matsumoto, Fuyuto Tachibana, Shohei Hayashi
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hoplochares · 1 year
now for prompts 2 to 5 for the deity challenge (forgot to post oopsie)
PROMPT 2: Does your deity have any alternate names? What are your favorite epithets for this deity? What do they mean? What are your favorites?
the epithets i like the most are Andreiphontês (manslaying), Obrimos (strong, mighty), and Oplokharís (rejoicing in arms)
PROMPT 3: What symbols and icons (items, animals, plants, etc) are associated with your deity?
the helm, shield and spear, armour, serpents and drakones, vultures, woodpeckers, and the spartoi
PROMPT 4: How does this deity relate to other gods and pantheons? What deities are related or close to your deity?
Ares is the only son of Zeus and Hera. He's the lover of Aphrodite. Some of his divine children are Anteros and Eros, Phobos and Deimos, Harmonia, though he's also had plenty mortal offspring. It's said that he was jealous of Adonis. He's often accompanied by Phobos & Deimos (fear and terror), Eris & Enyo (strife, hatred and war), Nike, and various daimons.
PROMPT 5: Do you worship this deity as a whole or do you worship a specific aspect of them? If you have one, what's your favorite aspect of them? What's one you’d like to know more about?
I've been working with Ares through specific issues related to anger/rage, courage and repression, battling through mental health issues, though I'd love to know more about his land-related aspects, and role as a protector and even a giver of food and nourishment. I'd also like to start consistently worshipping him in general, outside of my 'work' with him.
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chronosteam · 5 years
First drawing/day of Spidertober!
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I'll have to do the others to catch up, but I feel like this is pretty fun to do!!
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awakened-tarot · 3 years
• Midpoint between Yule & Ostara, welcome the rebirth of the sun
• Date(s): January 31st to February 2nd
• Altar Decorations: Brigid’s cross, candle wheels, dish of snow, evergreens, grain dollies, ploughs, sun wheels, white flowers
• Activities: Cleanse & redecorate your space, plan your spring garden, review your intentions for the year, light candles to welcome the sun, make room for new beginnings, make candles
• Animals: Cow, dragon, groundhog, hibernating animals (bears), deer, lark, robin, lamb, sheep, snake, swan, vulture, wolf
• Spellwork: Fire scrying, blessing your tools, enhance creativity, take a purifying bath
• Colors: Gold, gray, light green, white, yellow, pink, spring green
• Crystals: Red stones (garnet, bloodstone, ruby), amethyst, calcite, moonstone, turquoise, carnelian, chrysocolla
• Deities:
Greek: Athena, Gaia, Selene, Eros, Pan
Celtic: Artio, Brigid
Welsh: Bronwen
Roman: Aradia, Diana, Februa, Lucina, Venus, Vesta, Februus, Pax
Sumerian: Inanna
Semitic: Dagon
• Flowers: Crocus, daffodil, iris, snowdrop
• Foods: Breads, onions, leeks, shallots, garlic, olives, dairy, egg dishes, pork dishes, scones, muffins, peppers, bread pudding, poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, apple cider, spiced/white wine, herbal teas
• Herbs/Incense: Rosemary, basil, cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, wormwood, heather, hay, blackberry, Angelica, bay laurel, celandine, reed, straw
• Trees: Birch, blackthorn, rowan, sycamore, evergreen, willows
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deitiesmasterlist · 3 years
Achlys : Goddess of poisons, and the personification of misery and sadness.
Amphitrite : Goddess of the sea.
Ananke : Goddess of destiny, fatality and necessity.
Aphrodite : Goddess of beauty, love, desire, and pleasure. Symbols : myrtle, roses, scallop shell, doves and sparrows.
Artemis : Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, animals, the Moon and young girls. Symbols : hunting spears, animal pelts, deer.
Athena : Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, battle strategy, and handicrafts. Symbols : olive tree, owl.
Asteria : Goddess of nocturnal oracles and falling stars.
Brizo : Patron goddess of sailors, who sent prophetic dreams.
Ceto : Goddess of the dangers of the ocean and of sea monsters.
Chaos : personification of nothingness, origins of existence.
Demeter : Goddess of grain, agriculture, harvest, growth, and nourishment. Symbols : cornucopia, wheat-ears, the winged serpent, and the lotus staff, pigs and snakes.
Eos : Goddess of the dawn.
Eirene : Goddess of peace.
Eunomia : Goddess of law and legislation and spring-time goddess of green pastures.
Gaia : Goddess of earth, mother of the titans.
Harmonia : Goddess of harmony and concord.
Hekate : Goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts, and necromancy. Symbols : torches, key, snakes, dogs.
Hemera : The goddess of day.
Hera : Queen of the gods, and goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings, and empires. Symbols : diadem, heifer, peacock, and cuckoo.
Hestia : Goddess of the hearth, home, domesticity and chastity. Symbols : hearth and kettle.
Leto : Goddess of motherhood.
Macaria : Goddess of blessed death.
Metis : Goddess of good counsel, advice, planning, cunning, craftiness, and wisdom. Mother of Athena.
Mnemosyne : Goddess of memory and remembrance, and mother of the Nine Muses.
Nemesis : Goddess of revenge, balance, righteous indignation, and retribution Symbols : whip, dagger.
The Nesoi : The goddesses of islands.
Nike : Goddess of victory
Nyx : The goddess of night.
Persephone : Queen of the underworld, wife of Hades and goddess of spring growth
Phoebe : Goddess of the "bright" intellect and prophecy, and consort of Coeus.
The Potamoi : Gods of rivers and streams of the earth.
Rhea : Goddess of fertility, motherhood and the mountain wilds.
Selene : Goddess of the moon.
Styx : Goddess of the Underworld river Styx and personification of hatred.
Tethys : Goddess of fresh-water, and the mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains, and clouds.
Thalassa : Goddess of the sea.
Theia : Goddess of sight and the shining light of the clear blue sky.
Themis : Goddess of divine law and order.
Tyche : goddess of fortune, chance, providence, and fate.
Aether : The god of light and the upper atmosphere.
Aion : The god of eternity, personifying cyclical and unbounded time.
Anteros : God of requited love.
Apollo : God of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, manly beauty, and archery. Symbols : laurel wreath, bow and arrow, lyre, roe deer, swans, and pythons.
Ares : God of courage, war, bloodshed, and violence. Symbols: helmet, spade, sword, vultures, venomous snakes, dogs, and boars.
Astraeus : God of dusk, stars, and planets, and the art of astrology.
Chronos : The god of empirical time.
Coeus : God of intellect and the axis of heaven around which the constellations revolved.
Crius : God of constellations.
Cronus : God of harvests and personification of destructive time.
Dionysus : God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, ecstasy, and the theater. Symbols : thyrsus, drinking cup, grape vine, crown of ivy, dolphins, serpents, tigers, and donkeys.
Epimetheus : God of afterthought and the father of excuses.
Erebus : God of darkness and shadow.
Eros : God of love, attraction and sexual intercourse.
Hades : King of the underworld, the dead and wealth. Symbols : drinking horn or cornucopia, key, sceptre, the three-headed dog Cerberus, screech owl.
Hedylogos : God of sweet talk and flattery.
Helios : God of the sun and guardian of oaths.
Hephaestus : God of fire, metalworking, and crafts. Symbols : hammer, anvil, donkey, fire.
Hermaphroditus : God of unions, androgyny, marriage, sexuality and fertility.
Hermes : God of boundaries, travel, trade, communication, language, writing, cunning and thieves. Symbols : herald's wand or caduceus, winged sandals, traveler's cap, tortoise.
Hymen : God of marriage ceremonies, inspiring feasts and song.
Hyperion : God of light.
Hypnos : God of sleep.
Iapetus : God of mortality
Menoetius : God of violent anger, rash action, and human mortality.
Ouranos : God of the heavens and the sky.
The Ourea : The gods of mountains.
Pallas : God of warcraft.
Perses : God of destruction.
Phanes : The god of procreation.
Phorcys : God of the hidden dangers of the deep.
Photos : God of sexual longing, yearning, and desire.
Pontus : The god of the sea, father of the fish and other sea creatures.
Poseidon : God of the sea, rivers, floods, droughts, and earthquakes, king of the sea and the waters. Symbols : trident, horse and dolphin.
Prometheus : God of forethought and crafty counsel, and creator of mankind.
Proteus : Shape-shifting, prophetic old sea god.
Zeus : King of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus, and god of the sky, weather, thunder, lightning, law, order, and justice. Symbols : royal scepter, lightning bolt, eagle and bull.
Tartarus : The god of the deepest, darkest part of the underworld, the Tartarean pit.
Thanatos : God of death.
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slutfactory · 2 years
I'd let you give me more than shoulder rubs < 3
Imagine if Tsukishima has kept his mouth shut recently, been real good for you. He hasn't even snapped at his teammates, so you decide maybe its time for a reward. However, you slightly mentioned it and now he can't seem to shut up, his dirty little mouth snapping off at people with no filter. Of course when dealing with an unruly sub patience is key so you wait until you get home, a stern look on your face, almost making poor Kei soak his pretty little volleyball shorts in piss. He almost cries when you tell him to go to the red room, and thus the begging starts.
"No, NO, Sir please, I promise I'll be good. Not the redroom please!" His pathetic cries making a grin glide across your face.
"Maybe you should've thought of that before you ran your little whore mouth."
He quickly shuts up and runs down the hall to the red room not wanting to piss you off more and already knowing you were going to order it, he drops his pants and pretty panties he wore that day and drops to his knees. As you walk into the room and circle him like a hungry vulture his whimpers began to gradually get louder until finally you gagged him with an open ring. The embarrassment only got worse as you rubbed his drool down his cheek.
You drag him up by his hair and over your knee as you sit in a chair. You grab a chastity cage fit for his pretty weeping cock and lock it around him listening to him cry and sob. Finally the true punishment begins. You raise your hand and with a swift "whoosh" your hand glides through the air to the back of his thigh with a loud "slap".
Kei's scream rings through the air but by the way the chastity cage bobs against your thigh and how he hasn't tapped or kicked out you know he'll be ok for another few. The next few come in no discernible pattern leaving him blind to when they would come.
After the 7th slap he begins to shake and groan. His pretty cock bobs aggressively against your thigh as his first dry orgasm of the night hits. But little does he know, this won't be his last. < 3
-Eros < 3
As you finish up your scene you lower Kei into the bathtub only to hear him curse up a storm under his breath.
"Too hard?" You implored with a grin.
"Way too hard you asshole." Kei's grumpy little whine reaching your ears only for you to laugh and hand him his tea.
"Good you spoiled brat. Be careful it just came out of the kettle." You mother hened him the rest of the night, making sure he didn't have to lift a single sore muscle. Ah, the aftercare for a pillow prince <3.
ah yes, bratty tsukki. delicious. thank you for the meal. <3
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whadd-up-babie · 4 years
Story Snippets/Master List
*Little Snippets of all my stories*
✨🥺🥰 Sykkunos Sibling 🥰🥺✨ 4 part series + blurbs
“I am so sorry!” You exclaimed as you walked in on corpse. His mask and eye patch were laid out on the counter of the sink, leaving his face bare.
Your hands quickly found their way to your eyes. Your eyes were squeezed shut so you didn’t see anything.
“I promise that next time I’ll knock.” You said as you blindly turned around in attempts to make your way out of the bathroom.
“Wait.” His deep voice called out to you.
You stopped walking and stood planted in your spot. You breaths were harsh and coming out rushed. You were so afraid that corpse would think you walked in on purpose. You didn’t wanna ruin the friendship you’ve built with one of the greatest people you’ve ever met.
“Did you see my face?” He asked you.
You could hear the vulnerability in his voice.
“No.” You answered honestly with your eyes still covered.
“Are you lying to me?”
“No.” You said once again.
You could here Corpses’ footsteps as he walked up towards you.
He placed his hand on your shoulder, urging you to turn around and face him.
You reluctantly turned, your vision still obscured.
“I wanna show you something.” He said, you could still hear the vulnerability. He was scared and hesitant. You didn’t want him to go through with something if he wasn’t absolutely sure of it.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” You told him, trying to convince him.
His hands wrapped around your wrists, bringing your hands down from your face.
Your eyes were still squeezed shut.
“I’m giving you some time to think about this. You can back out and I won’t be mad, actually I’d be relieved because then you wouldn’t be so stre-”
You were cut off by Corpse placing his lips on yours. You were shocked by how soft they were that you’re brain couldn’t even register the fact you, you of all people, were kissing Corpse.
(Requested) Corpse x VultureCulture!Reader
How Corpse would react/feel and maybe encourage reader thats into Vulture Culture?
The Ugliest Creature You’ve Ever Seen Eros!Corpse x Psyche!Reader (Coming Soon)
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prettygoodnames · 3 years
names ending with -s
Achlys Meaning: mist, darkness Origin: Greek
Adonis Meaning: lord Origin: Phoenician
Aetius Meaning: eagle Origin: Greek
Agnes Meaning: chaste Origin: Greek
Almas Meaning: diamond Origin: Persian
Aloysius Meaning: battle, war Origin: Germanic
Amatus Meaning: beloved Origin: Late Latin
Amets Meaning: dream Origin: Basque
Anas Meaning: friendliness Origin: Arabic
Andreas Meaning: manly, masculine Origin: Greek
Anis Meaning: friendly, friend Origin: Arabic
Aphelios Meaning: furthest from the sun Origin: Greek
Aramis Meaning: valley Origin: Basque
Aras Meaning: eagle Origin: Lithuanian
Ares Meaning: bane, ruin Origin: Greek
Artemis Meaning: ? Origin: Greek
Avis Meaning: bird Origin: Latin
Boreas Meaning: north wind Origin: Greek
Buxus Meaning: buxus Origin: English
Charles Meaning: man Origin: Germanic
Christmas Meaning: Christmas Origin: English
Claus Meaning: victory of the people Origin: Greek Related names: Nicholas, Klaas, Niels
Cyrus Meaning: young Origin: Persian
Darius Meaning: possessing goodness Origin: Persian
Dionysos Meaning: of Zeus Origin: Greek Alternate spelling: Dionysus
Dolores Meaning: sorrows Origin: Spanish
Dorcas Meaning: gazelle Origin: Greek
Douglas Meaning: dark river Origin: Scottish
Els Meaning: God is my oath Origin: Hebrew
Eros Meaning: love Origin: Greek
Faunus Meaning: to befriend Origin: Latin
Felicitas Meaning: good luck, fortune Origin: Latin
Flavius Meaning: golden, yellow-haired Origin: Latin
Floris Meaning: prosperous, flourishing Origin: Latin
Hades Meaning: unseen Origin: Greek
Helios Meaning: sun Origin: Greek
Hermes Meaning: cairn, pile of stones, boundary maker Origin: Greek
Hieronymus Meaning: sacred name Origin: Greek Alternate spelling: Jheronimus
Holmes Meaning: someone living near a holly tree Origin: Middle English
Icarus Meaning: ? Origin: Greek
Iris Meaning: rainbow Origin: Greek
Judas Meaning: praise Origin: Hebrew
Lars Meaning: laurel Origin: Latin Related names: Lorens
Legolas Meaning: green leaves Origin: Sindarin
Lucius Meaning: light Origin: Latin
Lycus Meaning: wolf Origin: Greek
Marcus Meaning: Mars Origin: Latin
Maris Meaning: of the sea Origin: Latin
Marius Meaning: male Origin: Latin
Mars Meaning: male Origin: Latin
Moss Meaning: moss Origin: English
Myles Meaning: mill Origin: Greek
Octavius Meaning: Eighth Origin: Latin
Odysseus Meaning: to hate Origin: Greek
Orpheus Meaning: the darkness of night Origin: Greek
Ortius Meaning: sunrise Origin: Latin
Ouranos Meaning: the heavens Origin: Greek
Pamphilos Meaning: friend of all Origin: Greek
Pegasus Meaning: from a water spring Origin: Greek
Philotheos Meaning: friend of god Origin: GreeK
Phineus Meaning: vulture Origin: Greek
Phoebus Meaning: bright, pure Origin: Greek
Pontius Meaning: fifth Origin: Oscan
Pontus Meaning: sea Origin: Greek
Princess Meaning: princess Origin: English
Pyrrhus Meaning: flame-coloured, red Origin: Greek
Rasmus Meaning: beloved Origin: Greek Related names: Erasmus
Regulus Meaning: prince, little king Origin: Latin
Rhys Meaning: enthusiasm Origin: Welsh
Roos Meaning: rose Origin: Dutch
Rufus Meaning: red-haired Origin: Latin
Septimus Meaning: seventh Origin: Latin
Theophilus Meaning: friend of god Origin: Greek
Theseus Meaning: to set, to place Origin: Greek
Thijs Meaning: gift of God Origin: Hebrew Related names: Ties
Tobias Meaning: God is good Origin: Hebrew
Venus Meaning: love, sexual desire Origin: Latin
Xanthos Meaning: yellow Origin: Greek
Zeus Meaning: sky, shine Origin: Indo-European
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