#extra time goals gave me a heart attack
museszm · 8 months
She only scores bangers. Had this idea for so long and finally had the creative energy to make it happen, in honour of getting three points
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blog-of-frontiers · 6 months
AITA for using my daughter's girlfriend to achieve immortality?
This may sound bad but hear me out. I (350sM) am a successful religious and military leader within a new alternative faith system. Many years ago I lost my wife while my daughter (now 30sF) was very young, so naturally I have been very protective of her. We lived in a tight-knit community where the majority practiced a religion I was involved in but am no longer a part of. My daughter was very involved with this community and was a talented follower of this goddess.
My daughter also had a girlfriend at the time. I just want to say upfront that I am NOT homophobic. Two of my closest coworkers are LGBT and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. But let's just say that when my daughter died of unpreventable causes, I didn't treat her girlfriend extremely well. It's not something I'm proud of, but it happened. Seeing that there was pretty much nothing keeping me tied to this religion, I found a new goddess that suited my life and goals better and used this to trap my daughter's girlfriend in another plane. Because of her parentage (my original goddess) she's effectively immortal, and I was able to siphon off some of that for myself.
Let me be clear, this was all for my daughter and my community. I knew that by living longer and becoming unkillable, I would have more time to devise a way to bring my daughter back. Plus, this new goddess was much stronger IMO, so my community would be safer as well. There were some people who didn't love the change, but I really did have their best interests at heart. I was even able to preserve some of my family members through this transition and gave them VERY prestigious positions in our new society (toll collector, head doctor at our local hospital, etc.).
And yes, I figured the girlfriend would be lonely in her new extra-planar living space, which is why I sent members of my new religion to visit her and fulfill their joining rites in one fell swoop. It's not my fault she wasn't appreciative of this, since I went through a lot of trouble to build a temple leading up to her portal with a very involved trials just to get there. Everyone who visited her was highly qualified and earned their place. Plus, I'll say again that she is immortal, so whenever she dies she comes back--I've been killed many times due to all of this, and it isn't even that bad.
But anyway, now my daughter is returned from the dead and won't even speak to me. I assume she's mad because of her whole girlfriend thing and also possibly my new religion (dropped the second goddess for a much stronger god, with great benefits and a structured tier system I very quickly rose to the top of, if it matters). She even helped to murder one of my associates I sent to collect her. I think she's planning an attack against the tower I currently reside in, which if you ask me is a little ungrateful.
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sitp-recs · 6 months
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HP Rec Fest, Day 12
Today’s prompt challenges me once again as I never rarely start fics before they’re completed. By the Grace was the last WIP I followed since the beginning so it’s been a few years, but I’m always willing to make an exception for 25 Days of Drarry and @hprecfest gave me some extra motivation to find another advent fic to follow. This time I don’t have rare pair WIPs to share so I’m reccing two Drarry WIPs, one fairly recent and the other a 2020 fic I’ve been obsessed with ever since day one. Thrilled to be reccing two of my favourite authors here, cannot praise these two gems enough:
Day 12) A WIP you're following:
A Christmas Miracle by @sleepstxtic (E)
Draco is a world-renowned Magi-Diagnostician and Harry is a Cursebreaking Healer, both working in St. Mungo's. They're not-quite-friends, not-quite-lovers, who argue at work and have sex on the weekends. And they're both fine with it, thank you very much. But when a mysterious attack in the hospital leaves Draco trapped in a coma, Harry must do all he can to save him. All the while, an inexplicable, deadly, children's illness is spreading through wizarding London. Oh, and there's some Time Magic thrown into the mix.
just look at that summary! this fic was made for me and after reading the first few paragraphs (such a delightful opening scene!) I knew I’d be breaking my no wip rule and I regret nothing. that, and I also happen to be a slut for work colleagues slash fuck buddies, and Kat delivers in spades as per 😌 this fic is a mix of my fave things like competent Healer!Draco, time travel magic (!!!), case fic, delicious banter between this insufferable Draco and charming Harry. I’m having so much fun and can’t wait to see where this is going!
In The Dark by @bixgirl1 (E)
In the aftermath of an apocalypse, Harry receives an order to find and bring Draco Malfoy nearly a thousand miles, to the tenuous safety of Hogwarts. But more than distance separates them from their goal. The world has fallen, and death is hungry.
I cannot begin to describe how obsessed I am with this wip. even if it never gets finished it will have been so so worth it because this right here is one of the most vivid, creative and impressive world buildings I’ve ever seen. the urgent and dangerous atmosphere is superb and I love love love how Harry and Draco find solace in each other while facing a grim and terrifying inferi apocalypse. brilliant storytelling and delicious slow burn with creative magic, tender romance and heart stopping fight-or-flight sequences. a masterpiece!
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nicoles-mind-dump · 2 years
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My legs dangled over the edge of the rooftop as I sat with my gaze fixated on the stars when I heard the door behind me open and I lazily turned to look over my shoulder at the person interrupting my thoughts only to find Bakugo standing there.
"Didn't know anyone else came up here."
"I have a hard time sleeping so far away from home, I come here to clear my thoughts, you?"
"Only quiet place with all those extras now living under the same roof." I nodded in understanding although I still didn't like that he calls them extras but at least he hadn't walked away at the first sight of me being here. I patted the spot next to me inviting him to sit. "No way, just seeing you that close to the edge makes me nervous enough."
"You do know I can basically fly right?"
"So can I but that's not the point." I chuckled but got up anyway and laid the blanket that was wrapped around my shoulders on the ground before laying down.
"This better?" He stared for a moment but ultimately sat down next to me on the banket. For a while it was quiet before I heard a heavy sigh and he gave in laying down.
"Not a word of this to anyone or I'll blow your face off." I smiled before pretending to zip my lips and then cross my heart.
"Got a lot on your mind?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"I'll take that as a yes. I can provide a distraction if you'd like."
"like what?"
"Say quirks didn't exist what would you do with your life?"
"Thats a stupid question who would want to live in a world without quirks?"
"Humor me."
"I dont know its not something I think about, i'm too focused on becoming a hero to indulge in pointless thoughts like that."
"Want my opinion?"
"Do I get a choice?"
"Nope, I think you'd make a good firefighter, think about it. You'd still be saving people and it involves a lot of physical strength which I know would be appealing to you because it gives you a goal and something to work at becoming the best of."
"For someone with such poor test scores you make a lot of sense."
"I'm really not that much lower than you but thank you anyway."
"tch, whatever.'' After that we sat in silence again just looking at the stars. The longer we laid there together the harder it was to stop myself from thinking dangerous thoughts and remind myself that we are only here together because we just happened to have the same spot to think, that he would much rather be by himself right now and me being here was probably more annoying than comforting, but our closeness made me realize just how much warmth he gave off and I wondered what it would feel like if he held me close. The soft breaths he made were so much different than how he usually acted and it made me pitcher a much calmer side to him that no one got to see. His body was so much bigger than mine, he'd probably have to lean down quite a bit to kiss me even if I stood on my toes.
"Doctor." he said, simply snapping me from my thoughts and I leaned up a little to look at him better.
"What?" he turned his head to look at me.
"You'd be a doctor, a surgeon specifically. You'd still be helping people and while it's not moving shit with your mind it takes the same kind of concentration that your quirk does. Plus you're not afraid of blood. You made that very clear when you helped patch up the nerd that night in the woods. Surgeons also have to be able to think quickly in stressful situations and you proved that you could do that during your final exam. You also always seem to be patching people up when they get hurt, like when the U.S.J was attacked you helped shitty hair after he was an idiot and didn't use his quirk and got that cut. So yeah you'd be a surgeon ." I was shocked into silence for long enough that he mimicked my pose and moved to sit up. "What's with the stupid look on your face?"
"I just didn't realize you paid that much attention."
"psh, it's not like I was really paying attention to you specifically, hero's have to be observant or they die."
"Right, you're right, um '' I stood up and dusted myself off quickly. "I'm gonna head to bed, have a goodnight i'll see you in class tomorrow.'' I started to walk away when he stopped me by grabbing my ankle.
"What about your blanket?"
"You can use it, just give it back to me when you get the chance." and before he could say anything I was already heading back down the stairs with only one thought on mind as I rushed back to my room. He was looking at me the way I look at the stars.
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jksj0030 · 1 year
Ok so I have 2 Pokeshipping headcanons as to how the two get engaged. Older ash and misty are together as a couple and they continue striving for their goals. Ash of course is a Pokémon master and reigning monarch of the worlds coronation series meanwhile misty is a water Pokémon master/gym leader and part of the Kanto elite 4. Ash is traveling of course while he thinks misty is in Kanto as gym leader but to his surprise he sees misty in the master class 8 in galar. They both make it to the semi finals but are faced against each other taking everyone off guard. Everyone knew the two were a couple with their popularity.
They face each other and give each other a tough battle but in the mist of it all Ash’s thoughts come out before he could process them fully. It’s in the middle of the match when Ash just announces “Let’s get married”. At that announcement the entire stadium went silent but Ash didn’t notice it as he saw the surprised look on his girlfriends face. In the crowd professor Oak, Brock, and his mother were left dumbfounded at the sudden proposal. His mother facepalmed she wanted this but didn’t think it would be asked in front of the entire world in the middle of a battle.
Ash didn’t realize his heart was racing until misty regained full consciousness as she smirked at the boy saying “This isn’t going to distract me like you think it will” before she called for her Pokémon to attack his as the entire crowd still shocked quickly regained consciousness and watched the match. Ash was so stunned at her reaction that he almost lost the battle but quickly regained control. He couldn’t blame her for thinking it was meant to be a distraction when it was so sudden. He was just glad it wasn’t a rejection she gave. Meanwhile misty who said she wasn’t distracted was as her heart raced.
After a long fought match, Ash won as misty recalled her Pokémon on the battle field. They both met each other on the center of the field when misty reached out her hand first as she congratulated her boyfriend but to her surprise she was met with him getting on one knee. It was like the world stopped as she heard his proposal again. She was so shocked that she didn’t answer at first as she just stared at the boy. It wasn’t until he called her name a couple of times that she was finally aware it was really happening. Throwing her arms around him she said yes as he hugged her back. The crowd erupted in cheers at the newly to be wed couple but it was just them in their own world. He was a battle freak but he was her battle freak.
Extra: Misty’s sisters hugged Mrs Ketchum in the stands as they celebrated the engagement of their loved ones. Daisy gave a wink to her sisters as she told them she was right in telling them to go see the tournament in person this time. Meanwhile Brock was just happy for his two best friends as he always saw this coming.
Also second scenario is misty and ash go back to the spot by the river where they met for the first time for a picnic date. The date turns into a Pokémon battle at the end and same thing happens where ash proposes before he realizes it. This one is a scenario where it’s just the two of them and not everyone else. I can honestly imagine Ash planning a proposal but in some form the way it’s originally planned doesn’t happen. Also this is inspired by episode 2 of MPM where misty calls ash a battle freak. He’s her battle freak.
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jortschronicles · 8 months
Eclipse Coronation Ottoman
At the start of the reign of Gabriel III and Sonja III, I made them a promise. During their reign, in honor and imitation of all the fancy and beautiful clothing they produce, I would cut into a fabric that scared me and attempt to make something wearable.
Prior to Pennsic, my lovely wife picked up some garb for us at a SCA yard sale. this included the following rust/gold ghawazee that a local of mine (recently laurel) informed me is about 200-300 years post period, but would be an OK time saver for garbing myself up for Pennsic. With that knowledge safe in hand, I planned and started to sew a gomlek, with the intention of creating a single-layer supportive undergarment to reduce the number of layers worn on hot afternoons at pennsic. This would be my first ever supportive garment! As you can see in the following photos, the supportive garment was a success.
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I began my research with Ottoman Turkish Garb, An Overview of Women's Clothing by Baroness Katja Davidova Orlova Khazarina. This document was recommended to me by Baroness Dominique Michelle le Vasseur. With a bit more of an idea of what I was doing (but only a bit, I was roaring full speed ahead) I used the gomlek pattern found on Turkish Costume by Vanessa Giddings. I made the gomlek from a light-medium weight white linen from stash. I serged each edge of the pieces before pinning together to prevent fraying and to buy me some time to properly finish the seams when I got home from pennsic.
Notably, this is where I made my first mistake. After making the gomlek, I decided to attempt to make it supportive just in case I didn't finish a zibin before pennsic (reader-- she didn't finish the zibin). After making the gomlek according to the Giddings pattern, I then pinched and pinned along the seam between the front body and the front gore to force a little more lift and create a "shelf" on which the breasts could rest. Because I made t his supportive, I'm glad I used a just shy of medium weight linen rather than a more appropriate looser weave, because it gave the garment the body to support the breasts.
As I was in the last leg of time crunch before Pennsic, I wanted this linen to relax as much as it was going to as fast as possible. So i threw on the gomlek, some leggings, and a lazy turban, then did some intense yard work for ~2 hours. My breasts never moved from their assigned seats, the garment relaxed comfortably, and I could move just fine in it. I then finished the gomlek off with a quick button loop and faux-pearl headed button at the neckline, though it has no structural purpose due to how I altered the garment.
With a heart full of ambition and a head empty of reason, I attacked a plan to finish a brand new entari, zibin, and an extra gomlek prior to pennsic. I accomplished none of that.
The following picture shows how I wore this for Pennsic: Gomlek, the post-period ghawazee, lazy turban, some shalwar off amazon recommended by Viscountess Caterina Giovanni, my apprentice belt, and some Rus boots as I was advised to wear ankle support in the Bog.
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Upon my return home, I started planning the Entari, with the goal of having a gomlek and entari to wear to Namron Protectorate for Domi's laurel elevation (reader-- she didn't finish any of it in time). I selected from stash a black cotton for the lining and a red and rust upholstery fabric for the outer layer. This was chosen for the similarity, to my eye, between the repeating pattern in the stripes on the upholstery fabric and the patterns present on some extant entaris and in court portraiture. ORIGINALLY I had selected a bright blue silk i was certain I had in stash but my box o' saris was nowhere to be found.
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The above portraits, miniatures, and extants were accessed through the Ottoman Turkish Garment Database. The prevalence of red / blue color combos in the portraits and extants, as well as vibrant colors across the board, inspired my choices. As you can see in each of the extants as well as the art, the inside edge of the garment is faced in a color different from the lining and the outer layer. In many of the portraits, the bottom edge of the garment is turned out as if caught in motion, displaying this vibrant facing. The entaris come in different lengths but tend to be in the knee to floor range, while a hip to knee length undergarment appears to be worn as a middle layer.
The center bottom quilted kaftan in red and gold (belonging to Selim I, garment c. 1512-1520) inspired my choice of fabric, as seen below.
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Fabric selected, then began the cutting. I used the pattern, cutting diagram, and notes from Kelebek's Persian and Turkish Clothes and drafted out onto my lining layer. Because the gomlek worked up so easily, I just used the black cotton liner as my muslin for this garment. As seen below, it fit pretty well from the outset and the notes and diagrams proved helpful in making sure everything lined up right. Gores are my nightmare. Seen below, the garment as it stood had REALLY prominent hip bumps.
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We know that prominent hip bumps were part of the fashion just judging from the art and extant garments (including one amusing extant of Hanzade Sultan's zibins with an attached note deriding the poor quality of the hip bumps) but after repeating the pattern onto my outer fabric, they started bothering me. I was pretty sure I had them sitting too low, or some part of the slope wasn't quite right.
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Protectorate was fast approaching, and I had little time to make major adjustments and fiddle with a lot of trial and error. I made some quick adjustments, smoothing the slope of the hip bums into more of a 15 degree angle than the 45ish degree angle they were sitting at prior. Around the same time i started fretting about the hip bumps, I realized my box o' saris was AWOL and began to panic. After fruitless hours scouring the house and workshop, no luck. For my own mental health, I put the project aside to handle AFTER Protectorate, but before Coronation. I had a promise to keep, after all.
I returned home from Namron Protectorate and got to work. With my silks still missing, I selected a soft but bright blue polycotton with a nice sheen from stash and made my bias facing.
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It wasn't perfect, but time was short and the fabric was bright. You can also see from this photo the adjustments I made to the hip bump. I left the original shape intact, just folded and gently tacked down inside the body so I have the chance to fix it in the future, when I feel more able and comfortable. And so, the handsewing of the Entari began with Coronation just days away. I finished tacking in the lining, which is only attached to the outer shell by the facing, fun fact, and did a quick try on to make sure it all sat the way I wanted. I was very satisfied with the result. In the future, though, I would probably face the sleeves BEFORE I seam down the underside, because that was the only part of the facing truly miserable to line up and attach.
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Then came the last minute fastenings. I'd wanted to weave some trim to make proper button / loop pairs down the front, but didn't have the time. Suggestions from my locals mostly relied on me having not yet put the body, facing, and lining together. I made do, dug through my ribbon supply, and grabbed some shiny polysatin 3/8" ribbon I usually use for making ribbon roses. I cut them into 9" lengths, folded in half, lined up with the yellow vertical stripe down the front, tucked the ends under, and tacked them down securely. For the buttons, I used some Vindheim buttons from Bad Baroness. For a last minute closure I literally finished 2 hours before driving down to coronation, not bad if I do say so myself.
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On the day of, I added a long, sleeveless undercoat that for sanity's sake, we'll call a zibin. I need to make one of those rather soon, don't I? I received the coat second hand at Mooneschadowe Trade Days in exchange for a monmouth cap, with the encouragement of Viscountess Mama Cat. I wore a small embroidered hot pink hat over a pink-and-rust silk and pashmina scarf that my lovely wife got for me at Pennsic as a gift, with a veil pinned over the top. The veil is actually one of my spare white scarves, my big "floofy" one that gives my siblings in the order scarf envy. I ordered it from the same place I got my green apprentice belt sash, my wife gets cadet scarves, and both of us get a variety of veils. Mama cat helped me make sure everything sat right on the outfit and helped me get the veil just right. The peacock feather pin is from Sonja III's Queen's Champion tournament, the favor she gave to all the competing fighters. I am wearing the handwoven silk scarf I was made in, a twin to my Doña's and her Queen's white scarves, and it has a subtle Ansteorran Star woven into one end. The pin (hidden because the wind was fighting me while we watched the eclipse) is purple and gold (my heraldic colors), a twin to the silver and deep blue pin the Ansteorran Cadets got for HRH's Nicolette's gift, which she used to pin her Queen's White Scarf in place upon her ascension to the throne.
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What feels most important to me, though, is this picture. The Order of the White Scarf is charged with protecting the Queen's White Scarf in the interregnum, with the newest white scarf present protecting it personally and the oldest white scarf present taking it from the arm of the Queen stepping down and putting it upon the arm of our new Queen. We pass it through the circle, some of us pressing it to our forehead or hearts, some of us giving it a good squeeze, some of us kissing it. To myself and much of the rapier community of Ansteorra, this is more than a scrap of fabric on a brass hat's arm. This is the memory of what Don Tivar and Countess Tessa of the Gardens did for us so long ago, legitimizing our community and uplifting us. This is the memory of brothers, sisters, and friends come and gone, of Queens who, for a moment or a lifetime, became one of us, became the head of our order. This is the hope of every cadet who dreams of bleaching their scarf, of every fencer who imagines themselves in the shoes of Errol Flynn or Cyrano. A good Queen inspires us to do better, do more, and reach further, and a great Queen makes our Order stronger with just her presence.
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None can compare with bright honor rare We go as the swift arrow flies To stand in the strife, to hazard our lives For a glance from Your Majesty’s eyes
There are certainly adjustments I would make if I were to do this again, notbly find my box o' saris and use a silk facing, among others. I would like to make some non-supportive gomleks in a much lighter fabric and some supportive zibins as well. I would prefer in the future to attach the facing BEFORE i sew down the underside of the sleeve so i feel SLIGHTLY less murderous while sewing. And because of how I roll, in the future I would definitely add a pocket or twelve. I intend to replace the ribbon button loops with some woven trim loops, or at the very least add some matching ribbon bars to the button side for a little more visual balance.
This project would not have been possible without the support of Baroness Dominique Michelle le Vasseur and Viscountess Caterina Giovanni, and the inspiration of the lovely and kind Countess Jacquette d'Anjou, whose conversations and costuming at Gulf XXXI finally kicked me into high gear on this.
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sharkdream3421 · 2 years
Garrus Vakarian X Reader - Deadly Love Triangle
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That mission was so tricky we all kept running out of ammo, but thankfully Nihlus had extra thermal clips on him. At least we finally cured the genophage. Wrex was thrilled that his people would be okay now, and would finally be able to reproduce and have offspring so the krogan can shape their own future. Wrex told me that he plans to focus on rebuilding and no more war for them. That was a relief to hear, all war does is cause chaos, diversity, and hate. Reminds me of the first contact war, it was war between the humans and turians. All it did was help me to cause hate toward the turians. I mean the war caused my grandpa to die, I then hated turians from that point on.
Everything changed until I met Garrus. Nihlus was the first one to come aboard the Normandy, but even then I didn't even trust him. He was one cocky son of a bitch.
"I move faster on my own."
Yeah right he could have died if Kaiden, I, and Ashley had not interfered. I told Kaiden to use his biotics on Nihlus causing him to fly into a bunch of crates and pass out. Ashley just shouted "Gun!" which did not help what so ever. I sniped the other turian, I didn't kill him because it only hit his shields, but I did throw off his aim when he was pointing that carnifex on Nihlus.
When I met Garrus I still doubted I could trust him, he just seemed dangerous. I mean he almost hit the hostage when Me, Shepard, and Ashely were about to save the lady that was from the Med Clinic, as she was being mugged from some gangsters. After talking on the Normandy though I started to know him better. He was a C-Sec officer who was surrounded by regulations, and all he thought that mattered was getting the job done no matter who he had to sacrifice. His father said he was starting to become like Saren, and for the best part. His Dad wasn't wrong.
I suggested to Garrus that he should calm down and look at the bigger picture.
"Sacrificing civilians is not the right thing to do. You know Garrus, Shepard told me that she learned from Captain Anderson that all that Saren wanted to do was complete the mission no matter how many lives were sacrificed. So don't you see? Your acting just like Saren. You also don't have to be like Nihlus either." I sighed realizing that Nihlus was Saren's apprentice. I know that Nihlus is different from Saren, in terms of treating humans with kindness and not segregation. Although, his way of fighting is the same. Shepard told me that his goal was simple, "I don't care that your human Shepard, I just care that you get the job done."
After some talking with Garrus and helping him stop Dr. Heart. Garrus started to become a paragon and less of a renegade. That was good to hear, I'm honestly a paragon and shooting people isn't always the answer. If convincing is no longer an option, then I take out my gun and shoot. Shepard is like 60% Paragon and 40% Renegade. Meanwhile, Nihlus is...complicated. He is mostly renegade, but then sometimes he's just nice? Merciful? I don't know it's hard to figure out what happens in the turian spectre's mind.
I was starting to fall for Garrus probably after we picked him up on Omega. When I heard he was very injured I was having a heart attack. I felt like I needed him, I prayed so hard that he was going to be okay. When I saw that he was fine, and he was going to recover. I just gave him the biggest hug ever. Garrus was my best friend after all, it was very hard not to hate him. He just had a great sense of humor, which would always make the crew laugh and cheer up even in the most darkest times we were in. I trusted him with my life now, and I saw no reason to hate him. I loved him, but so did Shepard.
Shepard managed to reach Garrus first before me. Dang it! I should have told him my feelings sooner! Kasumi was like the rumor mill. She would always sneak around the ship and go into other people's business. I saw Shepard head into the elevator before the Suicide Mission, then not long after I saw Garrus go into the elevator. Neither one came out of that elevator until three hours later. Who knew what they were doing? Well I knew, it hurt me like a ton of bricks. Garrus belonged to Shepard. Not me, I mean who would want to date a nerdy girl like me? Absolutely no one. I talked to Liara on the phone, she was about another one of my close or best friends I've had in my life. She suggested that I could wait for Garrus and Shepard to break up, or go find someone different. I just plainly said "I think I'll just wait, but I doubt that Shepard and Garrus would ever break up. They are like two sides of a coin, their is no Shepard without Vakarian." Liara just told me that all you can do is just hope.
Not long after the suicide mission, Shepard was placed on house arrest for being associated with Cerberus. The alliance are pretty much good at being idiots. I remember Shepard making her point across and dang it was true, but of course Hackett is too dumb to even figure out it was true.
"I had to do something about the collectors, only Cerberus did something about it. The alliance didn't even give a shit about it!"
"We would have done something if it weren't for Cerberus." Hackett defended.
When Shepard was on house arrest, I decided to hang out with Garrus and help with things on Palaven. I had never been on Palaven and yet it was amazing! The warm and sunny beaches, the nice alien like palm trees. Palaven's city's also looked nothing like I had ever seen before! I was surrounded by Turians, and some of them even gave me strange looks. Although, Garrus told me that humans do visit Palaven just not many of them do.
Garrus managed to become a "Expert Reaper advisor." I just became like his side kick or associate? Anyway, when we heard their was trouble on Palaven's moon we took a shuttle and made our way to the moon.
There we met Shepard, and Liara. Man it was good to see them again. I watched Garrus and Shepard shake hands, but their was like no kiss or anything? Maybe they accept that their relationship is finally done? This might just be my chance! I also met James Vega, and man he was just very handsome over all, but my heart belonged to Garrus. Not some muscular man, who swears f-bombs once and awhile.
Well I was wrong because after our mission on Palaven, I went down into the cargo hold, where the computer for our security cameras were. I looked at the camera that was in the Battery room and there was Shepard and Garrus kissing. I should have not gotten my hopes up. I have to admit, that Garrus and I don't belong together. He's just a friend and that's probably what he will always be.
Primarch Victus was aboard the Normandy and was hanging out in the War room. I needed some advice, and maybe Victus could have a good answer.
I walked up to him with a smile on my face, "Hey Victus!"
"Ah, Y/N. What do I owe this fine pleasure?"
I chuckled, man he was so polite and handsome. "Victus, I need some advice. I've been head over heels for Garrus for months now, but Shepard and Garrus are in a relationship right now. What do you think I should do?"
Victus sighed, "I'm not really an expert on relationships Y/N."
"Please Victus, I need your help. I'm going to lose my mind." I begged.
Victus sighed again, "I think you should tell Garrus how you feel Y/N, and if he doesn't feel the same then you should find someone else to be with."
Victus was right, there was no way Garrus and I could just become boyfriend and girlfriend if we never confessed our feelings for each other.
With me feeling super confident I thanked Victus and walked out of the War Room with me being head over heels to tell Garrus how I feel.
Each step I took toward the elevator I got even more excited. I took the elevator one floor down, so now I was on the crew deck. I was just about to round the corner toward the main lobby where the whole crew hangs out until I hear some Human and a Turian laughing. I quickly hid around the corner and peeked to see the most surprising thing I have ever seen today.
There was Shepard and Nihlus slowly walking out of the Starboard Observation deck kissing each other with Shepard's hands on Nihlus's chest and Nihlus's hands on Shepard's waist. They walked into the elevator and then I hear the elevator door close. What the heck was that?! I ran to the front of the elevator doors to see that it was going to Shepard's cabin! What are they doing? Please don't tell me they are...no Shepard wouldn't.
I have to know, I know only one person who could find out what was going on in Shepard's room.
I barraged into Liara's office to see her looking at me with a confused look on her face.
"What's wrong Y/N? You looked panicked." Liara asked me looking worried.
I quickly ran up to her shadow broker terminal. "Liara, can you see what is going on in Shepard's room?" I asked.
"Yeah I can, why?" She asked.
"I think Shepard is doing something really bad, just please Liara, I need to find out what she's doing! I hope it isn't what I think it is." I said with worry in every fiber of my being.
"Okay calm down Y/N. I'm pulling up Shepard's room." I see Liara hitting the keys on her keyboard.
When we saw Shepard's room finally come up on the screen. Me and Liara looked at the screen very shocked. How...how...how could Shepard do this? Why? Why to Garrus?! Their was Shepard having...having sex with Nihlus. It was entirely disturbing to see. Their was Nihlus and Shepard naked and rolling in bed. It was very inappropriate to watch.
"By the Goddess." Liara said with astonishment in her voice and on her face.
Why did Shepard have to do this to Garrus? Garrus...never deserved this! Garrus never did anything wrong! Garrus was loyal to Shepard ever since from the very beginning and this is how she treats Garrus?! My hands curled into fists. I'm going to kill her!
Liara looked at me seeing the hate all over my face. She put her hand on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry you had to see this Y/N." Liara said with sympathy.
I looked down on the floor. "Why did she cheat on Garrus. Especially Garrus, why him? He's been betrayed, failed at his job, lost his own team, and now he's being cheated on over another handsome Turian. I thought Garrus was the most handsome person, his voice, his humor, he's perfect."
"I don't know Y/N, but Garrus definitely never deserved this." Liara said with sorrow.
The next morning I had a plot for revenge! Everyone will know, because everyone will be there to see me expose Nihlus and Shepard. I woke up from my bed in the room where the crew would hang out. I took the covers off me and landed on the cold floor with my two cold feet. I slipped my jacket on, my boots, and a pair of jeans. With my anger in tow I opened the door and made my way to the lobby where breakfast was always served.
There she was. That piece of shit sitting at that table looking very happy to see Garrus, yeah right! Wait until I expose the truth.
Liara sat across the table looking at me with a worried look on her face. I looked at her, and she shook her head when I had my fist right by my side.
"Don't do it Y/N, if you expose the truth it's going to do more harm than good." Liara told me, she wasn't loud, but she wasn't quiet either.
"I have to do this Liara. It's the only way." I said.
I raised my fist and hit her really really hard, right in the jaw. Even a tooth popped out! Garrus looked at me very shocked. I mean I did just hit his ex-girlfriend.
"Y/N what are you doing?!" Liara had yelled.
"I'm doing what is justice! Hey everyone, I have something very important to tell you!" I yelled where everyone in the ship could hear.
Everyone gathered around, and I mean EVERYONE gathered around like in a giant circle with Garrus, Shepard, and I in the middle.
"What does (Last name), (First name) wish to tell us?" Legion asked with his head tilted as his optic grew even brighter.
"Shepard cheated on you Garrus! I saw it! I saw it all! Shepard had some really good sex with Nihlus over there!" I yelled as I pointed to Nihlus who looked completely chill.
Liara sighed, "I can confirm that Y/N, is telling you all the truth. I saw it with my own eyes."
Garrus looked shocked, no emotion, utter despair on his face, he didn't even move an inch. Several people gasped, several people looked at Shepard in disapproval, and looked completely pissed off.
"Not cool Commander." James said.
"You are no Siha." Thane blurted out.
"We find Shepard-Commander's actions unforgiving." Legion sounded displeased.
Garrus just walked away in depression. I looked at Garrus, he just showed no emotion, his heart was completely broken. Most of me feels like it was the right thing to do, justice was served. Although, a part of me feels like I did the wrong thing. What did I do to Garrus? Shepard looked around seeing everyone very pissed off. Shepard just ran away, probably to her little hideout, which was her cabin.
I ran after Garrus to see if he was going to be okay. "Garrus! Garrus are you okay?" I asked.
Garrus turned with sadness in his eyes, "No, I don't think I will be. I just need to do some calibrations." Garrus had said as he slowly walked toward the Main Battery.
I would have laughed at him because he said calibrations, just like every time I would, but this time no laugh came from me.
Everyone had done their own thing for the rest of that day. Shepard just stayed in her cabin the whole time unless she was called to the War Room or had some matters to attend to. Today, I decided to visit Garrus and see how he was doing as yesterday must have been tough on him.
When the main battery's doors opened I found Garrus collapsed on the floor.
"Garrus!" I yelled as I ran up to him.
I helped him up and he looked at me with tired eyes. "Y/N, I had the most weirdest dream. You were there saying that Shepard cheated on me, and everyone else was so pissed." Garrus said.
I looked down in shame. "That wasn't a dream Garrus, it's true. I revealed that Shepard cheated on you with Nihlus."
Garrus looked down. "Oh, I see. I'll just work on some calibrations then."
I sighed. "Garrus, it's not your fault, I'm sorry that I was selfish and told everyone what had happened, I didn't think that it would affect you like this, I should have known better."
"That bastard Nihlus. Besides I felt like my relationship with Shepard was a bit odd after all. It's okay, I just need some time to move on." Garrus said as he took a small deep breath.
"Garrus, I...I love you, but I understand if you don't want to be with me. Your previous girlfriend cheated on you, and I should probably shut up now. I'll be in the shuttle bay." I walked out of the main battery with a lot on my mind.
No, that part doesn't go there. I attached the modifier on the top of the carnifex. Ah, there we go! Now it can provide a little more damage. I also attached another modifier, which can allow some more shots to be fired so we have a less chance that we are going to run out of thermal clips. I grabbed the next weapon, which was the N7 Hurricane. Has a really fast rate of fire, but has very bad accuracy. I just probably set more modifiers on the stability and accuracy then.
I turned around to see Garrus walking toward me. Looking scared? "Hey Garrus, what's wrong?" I asked my best friend.
"I had time to think, and I...love you too Y/N. All those times we had on Palaven, having dinner together, watching Turian films with each other, going shopping. I loved every moment with you. I didn't know if it was okay to abandon my relationship with Shepard, but I also felt something in me when I was around you. The truth is, I love you (First name), (Last name). I loved you for a couple months." Garrus then put his talons on my hands. "Is it okay if you can be my girlfriend?" He asked.
He asked...HE ASKED me! Oh my gosh, my dream has come true!
"Yes! Yes! You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment!" I cheerfully shouted as I hugged my new boyfriend.
"I love you Y/N." Garrus said with comfort in his voice, as I felt his talon going against the back of my head.
"I love you too Garrus, always have been, and always will." I said with the biggest smile on my face.
"(Last name), (First name) we would like to ask you something."
I turned around to find Legion with flowers in his hands. It was strange seeing the innocent geth boy with flowers in his hands.
"Yeah what's up Legion?"
"We have researched some of Earth's culture and religion, and we believe that when someone wishes to show gratitude or kindness. Flowers are a good way to show it." Legion had talked like he was a calculator or something, which was like all the time.
"Who are you giving it to?" I asked with a smile on my face. It's hard to be mad at Legion. He is so good at acting innocent all the time.
"Creator Zorah. We calculate that giving Creator Zorah flowers will help increase our trust, and have less hostility towards us." Legion replied.
I smiled, he's so adorable. "Go ahead Legion, I think she will like it."
Legion replied with a nod and the flaps around his eye opening up. Legion left my cabin in search of Tali.
I smiled as I looked back at the datapad.
"Why was Legion holding flowers?" Garrus asks as he sat on the edge of my bed and gave a little kiss on my cheek.
"He was wanting to give them to Tali, I think he might just have a crush on her." I told Garrus as I smirked.
"So what brings you up here?" I asked.
"Oh, I just wanted to see the love of my life, and make sure she was okay." Garrus said as he gave a small chuckle.
I set the datapad down, and scoot closer towards Garrus. "I am okay thanks for asking, just looking at preparations before we land on Rannoch. I could use a break though."
Garrus put a talon on my face and gently played with my hair with his other talon. "How about we ease up some tension and test your flexibility?"
I smirked, " I would love too."
I read someone's story about Garrus and a Nihlus lives AU and then suddenly I thought what would happen if Shepard cheats on Garrus for Nihlus? Nihlus deserves more attention and should have survived Eden Prime. He would have been a great squad mate in the trilogy! Thank you for reading and have a awesome day!
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wiispywitch · 3 months
Attack on Titan OC - Bethany Sawyer🌷💜 🦋
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♡. ToyHou.se | Instagram | AO3
Name: Bethany Sawyer
Meaning: Bethany- house of figs; Sawyer- woodcutter
Nickname(s): Beth, Bethy (by Joanna), the Temptress of Karanes
Alias (if any): N/A
Age: 17 (850); 21 (854)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Eldian (Celtic descent)
Birthday: January 26th, 833
Birthplace: Karanes District, Wall Rose
Current Residence: A small village on the outskirts of Wall Rose
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Relationship Status: Taken, later married
Language(s) spoken: Eldian
Life-Long Dream: To inspire others in the town with the fine arts and have a family with the love of her life
Goal(s): To marry Joanna, to rebel against the Military Police, to make sure Joanna's family is taken care of while she's away, to advocate for the Scout Regiment against the rebellion
Like(s): Flowers, dancing, upbeat music, festivals, animals, exploring new places, making people smile, the fine arts
Dislike(s): Intolerance, the Military Police, Joanna's mother, rainy days, cold weather, birds, tomatoes
Bad Habit(s): She can be snarky when she wants to be, is a bit of a perfectionist and sometimes takes it overboard, doesn’t get a whole lot of sleep, procrastinates on important tasks, gossips
Hobbies: Dancing, making flower crowns, singing
Fear(s): Losing Joanna to the titans, failing to take care of her family, the Military Police harming her partner 
Personality: Kind-hearted, charming, flirtatious, creative, extravagant, perfectionist, artsy, dreamy
Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Sweet potatoes
Color(s): Lavender
Season(s): Spring
Activities: Dancing, singing, acting, picking flowers, hiking, making flower crowns
Time of Day: Mornings
Extras: Art- fine arts, acting; Animals- toads, butterflies; Literature- poetry; Flower- tulips
Height: 5’4” (163 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs. (54 kg)
Hair style: Long, wavy, bangs centered on her face
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Eye Color: Gunmetal blue
Skin Tone: Ivory
Body Shape/Build: Slim frame, skinny waist, flexible
Birthmarks: N/A
Scar(s): N/A
Other: N/A
Parent(s): Jared Sawyer (father), Cynthia Sawyer (mother)
Sibling(s): N/A
Other Relative(s): Diesel (pet dog), Joanna Elytis (wife), Filip Elytis (father-in-law)
Love Interest: Joanna Elytis 
Best Friend(s): N/A
Friend(s): Jane Schuyler, Mel Oglethorpe, Nathanael Schuyler
Enemy(ies): Leah Elytis 
Rival(s): The town shrews that demonize her
“People seem to have this idea that I’m some siren trying to seduce them to follow a ‘wicked path’—I’m just here trying to brighten other people’s days and celebrating life. They like to make everyone else miserable instead of taking a moment to just let loose and enjoy what they have.”
“So you're friends of Jo's? She talked so much about all of you in her letters. It’s very nice to finally meet you.”
“I know I wasn’t thrilled when you told us you would be going away, and it’s been scary not having you around or not knowing when...what I’m trying to say is I am so proud of you. Just please promise me you’ll come back so we can start our life together.”
History/Life: Bethany Sawyer is a young dancer from Karanes District and the lover of Scout Regiment member Joanna Elytis. She is the daughter of two theater actors, and they are often traveling around Wall Rose performing the fine arts; sometimes Bethany would come along with them to give her a chance to experience new things, and other times they would leave her with a kind caretaker of the inn they resided in. This gave her a sense of independence, and she would often spend her time out of the house, sometimes leaving the sight of her caretaker to go out and about on her own, which has given her caretaker quite a scare a couple of times.
Being the daughter of performers, Bethany has formed a love for the fine arts even at a young age. She grew to have an adoration for dancing, and she loved to dance whenever there were musicians playing music in Karanes. Her dancing quickly became the charm of the town, often drawing in crowds to watch her dance as though no one was watching. Aside from a few jeering comments and rumors spreading that she was a siren that was trying to lure others down a path of sin, Bethany continued to dance and use it as a way to bring joy and positivity to others. It especially became a huge benefit for her when people would throw coins at her, and she would use this as a way to save up that money to help those who were less fortunate than her. 
One night in the spring of 845, Bethany was celebrating another festive night with fellow musicians and had finished up another one of her dances when she suddenly crossed paths with a young girl who looked to be in a hurry. Bethany caught up to her upon seeing she was crying and attempted to comfort her, and she helped cheer her up by taking her to explore the beauties of the town at night. The girl introduced herself as Joanna Elytis (someone who always admired Bethany from a distance), and it wouldn’t be long after that night that Bethany and Joanna developed romantic feelings for each other. Joanna’s father accepted Bethany with open arms and was thrilled to see that Joanna had someone that cared for well-being; she began to spend more of her time at their home after the departure of Joanna’s mother, and the young couple would talk for hours about what they wanted for their future together. Initially, Bethany was hesitant about the idea of Joanna enlisting in the Garrison, but she knew the benefits would be to help them in being able to start a life together the way they wanted. They still kept in close touch by writing to each other almost every day, discussing their plans to leave Karanes and have their dream wedding and adopt children. While Joanna was away, Bethany permanently moved in to help look after Filip and take care of their dog Diesel. Joanna would end up changing career paths after being motivated by the fall of Wall Maria to fight back against the invading titans, so it was very hard for Bethany not to worry so much about her well-being—she tried many times to sway her decision and convince her to go to the Garrison like she said, but she knew her hard-headed girlfriend wouldn’t change her mind once she made her decision. To ease her anxiety, Joanna promised to make time to see her girlfriend after they return for their mission, which came to a brief halt postponed when word quickly spread that there was a traitor amongst the scouts. Bethany traveled to the capitol to protest against the Military Police wrongfully imprisoning the members of the Scout Regiment, causing an uproar in the town that were already becoming more critical of the government. After the rightful heir to the throne was taken by Queen Historia Reiss, Joanna and Bethany were reunited at last, and Joanna made the quick decision to propose to Bethany and marry her as soon as possible, knowing she would soon possibly be facing death when the mission to reclaim Walk Maria was approved. Joanna and Bethany had a small wedding ceremony in a small village outside of Wall Rose with Joanna’s comrades and Filip (as well as a pampered Diesel) attending. It would be one of the best nights that Bethany would forever cherish in her heart.
After Joanna was tragically killed in battle, Bethany resented the Scout Regiment and forever mourned for her fallen lover. She still maintained a friendship with most of Joanna’s friends and would write to them often, however she saw the Scout Regiment as responsible for leading Joanna and many others to their deaths. She continued to use her art of dance to in memory of the love of her life.
Bonus Facts
-Her voice: Japanese- Rumi Ochiai (Rouge the Bat, Sonic the Hedgehog); English- Jamie Marchi (Chizuru Maihara, Ouran High School Host Club)
-She’s an Aquarius.
-She smells like sugar plums.
-Her character design is based off of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty.
-She and her family are middle-low class.
-She hates wearing shoes and likes to walk around barefooted.
-Her role in the story was going to be a lot smaller and have her only be mentioned in flashbacks and by name, even perhaps one small role, but I thought it would be nice to add a little more detail about her character and give her a bigger role.
-In a modern AU, Bethany would be very much into idol culture and be a theater kid
-In a Harry Potter AU, her House is Ravenclaw, and her Patronus is a ribbon eel
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dreaminonao3 · 2 years
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My Grown-Up Christmas List (AO3)
Despite all the shopping she had done and had yet to do, Kate still took a moment to watch the shopping mall’s Santa have his picture taken with some of the kids in line to see him. Leaning against the second-story railing, she couldn’t hear what any of them were saying, but she could guess.
“What do you want for Christmas, Kate?”
She jumped slightly when she realized the question came from behind her, not the memories of Santas past in her head. Composing herself quickly, she muttered, “How about for you to not sneak up on me, Gibbs?”
Gibbs chuckled as he moved to stand beside her. He took a sip of his Starbucks coffee and made a face.
Kate smirked. “Did they get your order wrong?”
“Hard to screw up an Americano. They gave me a Peppermint Mocha.”
“I don’t think I’ve been around you when you’re on a sugar high,” she said, grinning wider. “That’ll be something to see.”
Rolling his eyes, he offered her the cup.
She raised an eyebrow as she accepted it. “Just what I wanted – Gibbs Cooties.” Still, she took a sip. Yeah, much too sweet for Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Still, he has his moments. Kate couldn’t admit it to anyone, sometimes she couldn’t even admit it to herself, but she was falling for her boss, a complete violation of Gibbs’ Rule Number 12. Thankfully, he only sees me as one of his agents. I’d absolutely die if he knew.
“I’ve got all my shots, promise,” he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Kate looked down at Santa and the kids again. “Peace on Earth, goodwill to men?”
“Something a little more specific.”
She smirked at him. “Goodwill to women?”
He rolled his eyes. “Today, Kate.”
“Okay, okay.” She looked down at the crowd. “I wish I could have a world where we’re not needed.” A Christmas carol came to her and she sang softly, “No more lives torn apart, that wars would never start, and time would heal all hearts.” She smiled at him fondly as she continued, “Every man would have a friend, and right would always win, and love would never end.”
He smiled back. “That’s the goal, you know. Even if we never actually get there, just trying counts.”
“That’s what you tell yourself?”
“Every day. But there must be something concrete you want for Christmas.”
“An extra week off?” she asked hopefully.
That seemed to take him by surprise. “What would you do with it?” He added teasingly, “Spend it with your boyfriend?”
Gibbs knows I’m not seeing anyone, right? “Hardly – I’d go home and spend it with my family.”
“That would be my second guess.”
She smiled a bit. God forbid he’s ever wrong. “Right…”
Gibbs was silent for a moment then he said, “Take the extra week. I know you’ve got enough leave time.”
“Plenty, it’s called ‘being a single workaholic.’”
“Don’t I know it?” he muttered. “Don’t worry about the team, we’ll handle things until you get back.”
She stared at him. “You’re serious?”
“As a heart attack.”
Something about that tickled the back of her brain but she ignored it. “Okay, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. I was going to come back to work after New Year’s but I guess you won’t see me now until after Epiphany.”
“Not one minute sooner,” he said, smiling a bit.
“Thank you, Gibbs,” she said sincerely. “If nothing else, you just saved me from having to ship my family’s presents.”
“That’s what I’m here for – saving you money.”
“Uh huh. I should get going, I’m nowhere near done.” She held out her free hand. “Happy Holidays.”
Gibbs hesitated for a heartbeat then he took her hand and kissed the back of it. Grinning at her surprise, he added, “Happy Holidays, Kate. Don’t forget about us.”
Like I could!
Christmas Eve, Kate was in her parents’ living room, surrounded by family members, and while she was happy, her thoughts kept drifting back to Gibbs. During a lull in the conversation, she excused herself then went over to the Christmas tree and the picture window behind it. Snow had fallen the night before, blanketing everything in white.
I wish Gibbs was here, I bet he’d love the snow, though maybe not the cold.
An SUV pulled up to the curb, making sure not to block the driveway or the mailbox. Kate assumed it was one of her brothers or cousins coming back from a beer run until the driver started walking up to the house empty-handed. It was too dark to see their face and her curiosity was enough to go to the front door and open it when they knocked.
Seeing Gibbs standing there with a delighted grin on his face was shocking enough to make her let out a tiny squeak before she quickly stepped outside and closed the door behind her. The cold air hit her immediately and she wrapped her arms around herself, not taking her eyes off Gibbs. “What are you doing here, Gibbs?” She blurted the first thing that came to mind – “Is it a case?”
“Don’t you think I would have called if it was?” he asked as he took off his coat and wrapped her up in it.
It smells like him. She never thought of the scent of sawdust as sexy until she met Gibbs. “Then why?”
He smiled a bit. “You never asked what I want for Christmas.”
Kate stared at him. “You came all the way to Indiana for that?”
“Humor me.”
“Oookay, what do you want for Christmas, Gibbs?”
“Everyone knows I like redheads. What I want for Christmas is a chance to see if my sudden interest in a certain brunette is fleeting or serious.”
She gaped at him for a moment then grinned. “Well, you’re here, right? I’d say it’s pretty serious.” She moved closer to him then murmured, “What about Rule Number 12?”
“Some rules were meant to be broken,” he murmured as he wrapped his arms around her. “That is, as long as both parties agree.”
She rolled her eyes fondly. “Just kiss me, Jethro.”
He grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Hi! I found these amazing question inspired on Taylor Swift’s album, so I thought your swifties MCs would appreciate them :) idk if Zoe is, but feel free to answer for her too ❤ (is there even a Taylor Swift in her world? Lol) 1/2
Debut: when did you find out your life’s passion?
Fearless: what is one thing you did that scared you, but you did it anyway?
Speak now: what is something you did by yourself that you are most proud of?
Red: what life event put through hell, but you ended up better for it?
1989: what makes you feel most free/at ease?
Nonny, this is such an interesting/fun series of questions. I will answer for Casey & Kaycee as one since they have the same background until the beginning of book 2, but in cases where they do veer (if it's an event that took place after, or since they have different personalities, they may differ), I will point it out. Because I'm extra - I'll also give their favorite song from each album - which def may be different.
Debut: When did you find out your life’s passion? K/C knew they wanted to be a doctor from a very young age. Rose nearly died when she was four, and they wished they could help her. That, coupled with a toy doctor's kit her grandpa gave her, already had her thinking that was what she wanted to do, and she never veered from it. It was also this experience, seeing her family struggle terribly financially, the lack of support systems in place for families dealing with critical illnesses, and the disparity in healthcare in the US, which was already evident to Casey, and it already pissed her off. She was well on the path to what she would become. Kaycee's favorite: Teardrops on my Guitar Casey's favorite: Our Song (No reason, they just like them and remind them of that time in their lives. My fave? Tim McGraw - why? I saw her perform it before anyone knew her name, and I said, "She is going to be huge?" My friend Gary said, "No, she isn't," and I have never let him live it down. lol)
Fearless: What is one thing you did that scared you, but you did it anyway? OK, different answers here.
For Casey, it was pursuing her goal to be a doctor and wanting to be the best at it. She wasn't the first in her family to go to college, but she was the first that went to top schools, who lived away from home, and who was in some of the most rigorous programs in the country. It was new, it was scary, and she did it without a huge financial safety net. But she never wavered, never gave up, even when some tried to convince her that taking it down a notch may have been a good idea (never her parents, but other family members did this.)
For Kaycee, all the above is true, but for her, it was pursuing Ethan even after his Amazon stunt. In her heart of hearts, she knew that they were meant to be together, but she also knew that she was only half of that decision-making process. She really struggled with if she should just get over him or try to see this through, and in the end, she knew she had to try, even if it broke her heart.
Casey & Kaycee's favorite: Is Forever & Always. It got them through some rough breakups lol (My fave? That and also The Way I Loved You and You Belong With Me, no real reasons, just do. lol)
Speak now: What is something you did by yourself that you are most proud of?
For both, it was going away to NYU and pursuing their dreams, knowing it was such an upward battle. But she did it, and she excelled.
Favorite song: (for both) Back to December - because it's a freaking classic. (That's one of mine, but Mean and Never Grow Up have such personal meaning to me, they're tied.)
Red: What life event put you through hell, but you ended up better for it?
Offh. Tough one. Both women have several Their mom's illness as a child for sure, their first heartbreak with Tomas, and of course, the chemical attack come to mind. For Casey, the birth of her third daughter (and the aftermath) would also be up there.
Favorite song: Like the whole damn album. lol Ugh, to pick? I mean, All Too Well has to be theirs, mine, and everyone else's because it's perfection lol Casey might think We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together because it was her reset era song, and Begin Again because it reminds her of when she and Tobias got together. Kaycee may say I Almost Do and Starlight. Me - I say the whole freaking album - and some of the songs on the new version are gold.
1989: What makes you feel most free/at ease?
The same for both women, but with different men. Being in love with Ethan (Kaycee) and Tobias (Casey). When love is the real deal, it's your home. It's where you can be yourself and always feel loved, accepted, and understood. IT's one place you never have to hide, and that is the most freeing feeling in the world.
Favorite song: Hmm. Style and Blank Space. Trite. Perhaps, but they're good songs. (My favorites too, but this was not my favorite album)
I'm going to do the part 2 of this real soon! :)
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nuri148 · 2 years
I wonder if you could make headcanons about Reader being Armin’s mother. She’s married to Armin’s father who’s a wealthy principal of a school and she’s Armin’s grandfather daughter. It will be a modern-setting AU and Armin will still be the smart little cinnamon roll we know and love in Attack on Titan
OMG my first ask! That's an interesting premise so it kinda breaks my heart that I can only partially oblige.
I have never liked the reader pov - not in fanfic, nor in original fiction. The 2nd person pov throws me off; it's been always easier for me to relate to a 3rd person character than to pretend I'm the 'you' that the author alludes to. That's not to say I won't read a xreader fic; but they always leave me sorta cold.
That said, I imagine in the scenario you suggest, Armin's mum would actively work towards encouraging his goals and dreams. She would have married Mr. Arlert when they both were young and had dreams not unlike the ones Armin has: see the world, meet new peoples, help make the world a better place. But somewhere along the way he got tis first principal job, and what started as a way to earn more money to make those adventures true turned into a full time career, with a tenured position with too many perks and prestige to go back to idealistic delusions of youth. Especially with a son to feed, and a bright one at that, who could himself be a great academic, lawyer, or diplomat.
But Armin's mum will not let her precious baby be bullied into a straight-jacket career when he wants to be a marine biologist and sail the seas researching lesser-known organisms and their ecology.
She gives Armin supporting talks and extra cuddles when he feels down after his father projects his academic fantasies on him and she gets him brochures about all the universities with good marine biology programs. Even foreign ones, because even if it'd break her heart to send her boy to the other side of the ocean, maybe the distance would smooth things over between him and his dad.
She trusts that in the end her husband will see Armin should study what Armin wants, but just in case she's been saving 'FU money' for years in case she needs to burn bridges.
She only talks about this with her dad when she visits his grave. His last years he was a bit disappointment of the man he'd once called a son and how he'd ditched his dreams and settled for a comfortable life. Luckily he passed before witnessing how he'd try to quash Armin's dreams too.
She likes Eren, of course, he's almost a second son, but lately he's too much into girls so she fears he'll take Armin down the wrong path, will knock up someone and will have to give up on his dreams.
Armin's mum would love to see him finding a nice girl to share his life with but also fears he'll end up with some b*tch (Mrs. Arlert does not say such words out loud) who'll just take advantage of his kindness and innocence. Armin's dad gave him the talk long ago, but she's thinking to have an honest chat with him about relationships, rather than just bodily functions.
Little does she know that he's been banging that half-asian goth girl from his class for almost a year now.
Thanks for the chance to ramble! In the end I came up with much more than I thought I would 🙃 Have a nice day!
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passerine-writes · 11 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 48
Warnings: We all know what this is Word count: 1630
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 47 | Volt 49
The third day of camp was spent much like the day before, my throat felt like it was on fire and I now had a permanent water bottle beside me. The drink was ice cold fortunately, and it did help with the pain in my throat. My body was ran into the ground by the time I helped with dinner again. Bakugou and I working in silence as we chopped vegetables. My hearing aids out and charging before the forest tonight. The forest of fright, as I liked to call it, being similar to a tradition. Hitoshi and I went with our parents each summer but this would be our first year participating.
All of us gathered in front of the woods, the remedial class not allowed to participate.
"Okay, so. Class B is going to start out as our 'scarers'. When they're in place, Class A will leave in pairs every three minutes. There are tags with your names on them at the far end of the route. Your goal is to collect those." The test of courage being explained, even though I didn't need the rules, it was nice to hear them again.
I drew my lot and saw that I got Midoriya, the two of us going last. I wasn't upset about it, it gave me time to relax. I heard plenty of screams coming from the forest, the fifth group leaving when I smelled something... burning.
"Aunt Shino? You smell that?" I looked at the trees and felt my heart stop. "Hitoshi. Kota. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Aunt Shino! Kota's out there!" Her eyes widened. "I- I need to get to Hitoshi! And Kota!" I took a deep breath and tried to steady my rapid thoughts, villains coming out and ambushing.
"How are you this evening U.A. High School?" The man with a lizard quirk spoke while wearing a Stain mask. "We are part of the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains." Aunt Toko was knocked out and pinned down. He ended up rambling about Stains principles. "You two are some of the self righteous brats that attacked Stain in Hosu City. Lemme introduce myself. Call me, Spinner! I'm here to make Stains dreams a reality." He hollered while unleashing multiple blades.
"I know where he is!" She looked at me and dove out of the way of the villain.
"I'm coming with you, let's go!" Midoriya said and we started running into the forest.
"He's on the cliff side, it's his secret hideout. That ledge up there." I said while pointing at it.
"I followed you two there yesterday. I'll get him, you get your brother."
"If he doesn't listen, tell him I sent you. Got it?" He sent me a nod and we separated paths. The smoke was already thick and I pulled my shirt over my face, the fog only getting thicker.
"Toshi! You there?!" I heard rustling and saw Kendo and Tetsutetsu. "Where's my brother? I- I need to find him." Tetsu tossed me a gas mask and I pulled it on, holding extras in my hand. "Please tell me you've seen him."
"Not since he was scared. Just be careful. I don't know where he is." I tried to think of where he could be, thinking of the order we were meant to go. He was with Jirou. So he should be in front of Yaomomo, so if I cut through I should find him. "I'm gonna fight. Either of you with me?"
"I need to save my brother. We don't have permission to use our quirks. You heard Mandalay, don't engage if you can help it."
"That's never what your class does, that's why you guys are in the spotlight." Tetsutetsu and I started a steady pace to where we needed to go.
"I don't choose to, I get involved to get my friends out of their dumb decisions. So don't fight unless we need to, got it?" He sighed but nodded. After a moment, I veered off course and to where my brother should be. I found him trying to carry Jirou, his face tucked into his shirt. "Toshi! I gotcha!" I caught them as they fell. Picking up and carrying Jirou on my back and hooking Toshi's arm around us. We hobbled to the outskirts and I got them out of the fog, just near the exit and went back in after putting spare gas masks on them.
"Everyone in Class A and Class B!" I heard Aunt Shino's voice in my head. "In the name of the pro hero, Eraserhead, you are granted permission to engage in combat. I repeat. Use your training. You may fight these villains." I sighed out a breath of relief and found Shoji hiding.
"Hey, it's Tsukare." I whispered knowing he could hear me as Dark Shadow rampaged.
"We gotta do something. The dark made Dark Shadow go wild."
"Todoroki and Bakugou should be right up ahead, let's go, now. I'll distract him. You throw rocks and twigs. Then we run." He nodded. I got a fair stretch ahead and started luring him away with my quirk.
"Listen, we've discovered some of the villains' targets. It's students, one named Kacchan and another named Tsukare. Kacchan, Onryo, you both should try to avoid combat. And stick to a group. I hope you both can hear me." Shoji immediately pulled me onto his back and encased me with his dupliarms, running as fast as he could away from Dark Shadow.
"I'm not losing a good person today." He stated as he ran, Midoriya joining us at some point and Izuku was soon tossed onto his back as well, one arm purple and the other crushed.
"Dumbass, you overdid it again." He nodded but looked ahead. "Is Kota okay?"
"He's safe, he's with Aizawa. He wants you back at camp immediately."
"I figured. Let's help Tokoyami first."
We ran until we saw a guy with swords coming out of his mouth appear. Dark Shadow knocking him out cold before Todoroki and Bakugou lit the place up. I wriggled out of Shoji's hold and hugged Tokoyami mid rant.
"It's okay. Let's get back to camp. I take it you guys heard Mandalay?" Todoroki and Tokoyami nodded. Bakugou looked in shock as Midoriya started planning on the safest way to get back. "Can it, blasty. I don't want to hear it right now. We're all tired and beat to hell so we're getting back safely because right now we're the two biggest targets. I don't care how strong you and I are, we can fight it out later." He huffed and we all got in a circle, Bakugou and I in the middle.
I don't know what happened, but the next thing I knew, a hand was wrapped around my neck, holding me in place beside Bakugou. Our friends stood in front of us. My brother looked ready to cry.
"I'll be okay. I always am." I whispered to him while using my quirk, my shaky voice betraying me. Him and Midoriya lunged forward to try and catch us. But we were pulled through an uncomfortably familiar purple mist. Everything went dark after something hard hit my head.
Third Person POV
Hitoshi stood, watching as the warp gate closed, Dabi holding a threatening hand to his brothers neck. He crumpled to the floor, everything was filled with static. He was so close. He was so close to his brother. He could almost hold his hand. He let out a pained yell, sending a firm punch to the ground out of frustration.
Tears rimmed his eyes as he looked to the array of trees burning a blinding blue. The heat not even registering. The smoke held in his lungs ignored. All he could feel was the pain of his brother being stolen from just under his grasp.
"Shinsou." Todoroki said lightly, also feeling the same remanentes of his pain. "We need to head back to camp."
"I need to call our Pops. And.. And tell our Dad." His heart sunk and twisted in his stomach. Allowing Todoroki to help lift him up and aid him back to the camp facilities.
"You guys are okay!" Kaminari announced trying to be cheerful and everyone watched as his face fell in confusion. "Is Onryo still bringing people in?" Hitoshi shook his head and kept walking, holding in his tears. The blond stepped in front of him.
"Where's my Dad."
"Mr. Aizawa is right over there, he's about to head back out. Catch him while you can." Shinsou pivoted and rushed to his Dad, Todoroki by his side as support, his classmate knowing this wouldn't be easy.
"Hitoshi. Todoroki. Are you both okay?" Shinsou was at a loss for words and looked to the dual haired boy.
"Mr. Aizawa. It's about Bakugou and Onryo. The League got them." Todoroki said for his friend.
"I tried to save them, Dad. I tried. But, but I couldn't." He choked out, Aizawa pulling his oldest son into a hug. To comfort him but to also hide his look of complete and utter fear.
"I know. I know you did. I'm proud of you. We have to call Pops down here, it'll take at least an hour for him to get here." Shinsou nodded and completely dissociated. He watched the police and firemen and his aunts and uncles show up. EMT's came to check on him and forced him into an ambulance.
He barely remembered being questioned by Tsukauchi. His Aunt Shino sat with him while his parents went to a faculty meeting.
He just hoped his brother was okay.
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martintmedina · 1 year
Haven’t done a standalone post in a while but really felt the need to write about this to really reflect and process my thoughts that Argentina is the World Cup champion. After waiting for this moment my whole life and getting heart broken.
Growing up a fan I was locked in for every game Argentina played I watched amazed for years at how beautiful the team played and the spectacular players that have put on the jersey.
My heros all wore that jersey, Bati, Cambiasso, Zanetti, Riquelme, Tevez, Aguero, Maxi, and so many more great names that played great game and scored so many goals that we celebrated over the years yelling golazo after golazo. 
I also suffered the 2014 WC Finals so much. I remember the lead up to the final and the final so vividly. In Europe with the boys we had been following the cup the whole way and coincidentally happened to be in Amsterdam for the final after we saw the crazy semi final in Berlin. Which was a little flip flopped considering we beat the Dutch in the semis and played the Germans in the finals but we were in a restaurant watching the final and I remember watching Gotze put in that goal in extra time and crying watching the defeat.
In 2018 we went to Russia to support Argentina and Peru seeing two great games in Sochi before continuing our trip in the rest of Europe ending up in England where we say the game where we say the game where Argentina played France is the knockout round. The atmosphere in that place was electric and every goal had people yelling and junping. Seeing France win the tournament in the end gave me a little peace but still thought we had a fantastic squad in Russia even though in my opinion Sampaoli wasn’t the best coach we’ve had and it made the squad a little disorganized.  
From that tournament to the World Cup I was really liking the team. They were playing together well under Scaloni and the Copa America was an outstanding run, we won a great game against Colombia in penalties which gave me a lot of confidence in Dibu and then a great team performance in the final.
This final game meant a lot, really came into the world cup with a lot of confidence. We were a force to be reckoned with and I was up at 5AM ready to watch the first game, and suffered watching all the goals get called back with offsides calls coming up once the ball was already in the back of the net. 
The quarter final game against the dutch again was a wild game that ended in a penalty shootout. Thought we had it in the bag with the 2-0 and even jumped off the roof of the boat in the jersey. Only to suffer through the end soaking wet as we squeaked out the win in a penalty shootout.
The semi final was a masterpiece of football. We played a spectacular game. The whole team was on and Messi showed his class with one of the craziest runs and seeing him do that and how they dominated was insane.
The final was insane, one of the craziest games of my life and one of the most wild soccer games in history, period. Thought once again we had it in the bag up 2-0 at the half. But it’s such a beautiful game that will always find a way to surprise you especially when it’s played at the highest level. What a roller coaster with them fighting back and us going ahead once again before they equalized after a missed called and a pk. Then they had a chance to walk it off which was saved spectacularly which gave us the last counter attack of the game before penalties. Going into penalties I knew we had it in the bag but still sweated each one and what a feeling when we finally won.  Relief and joy and an indescribable happiness. Que orgullo ser Argentino. Gracias Messi! We did it! After suffering we made it and won! The scenes seeing Messi coming back home was incredible. I’m so full of joy and hope to see him soon.
Overall the World Cup was amazing and I saw this video summarizing the journey.
The scenes from the celebration were crazy, seeing all the people in the streets in Buenos Aires was insane. 
I had made a promise to go for three months if we won the World Cup but realistically I should only go for a few days but how prices are going the ticket itself is gonna be crazy.
Even had the fam in Rosario there in the crowd greeting him when he pulled up to El Kentucky.
Thank you God for the third! Gracias capitan!
Nos vemos pronto
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gxtzeizm · 1 year
I was thinking the same during the game!!!! I was hoping they did something like Mario!! I get excited with the 3-2 goals but no 🤦🏻‍♀️ France was so close
Hahaha don’t worry I’m still living in 2013 just waiting for 1D to be back hahaha
I don’t have anything yet for new year, I don’t know if I’ll have the mood for something or just staying home, usually it’s like a big party or just want to stay home haha so let’s see… and something I want for 2023 may be caring less about others opinions 🙃
Oh I miss Alex livestream but I watched through the gif haha and f1mblr, I haven’t watch the secret Santa video of F1…
Hope your having a good day!! ✨
-Your Secret Santa 🎅🏼
hola too bestie <33
yeah right tho!!! it was so close it literally gave me constant heart attack throughout the extra time...and idk but somehow seeing a lot of people on my dash kept mentioning mario at that time made me lowkey happy i guess (yeah literally people still not forgetting him tho lmaooo).
well glad that you feel the same as mine, apart from 2014 wc, i'm literally stuck there in 2014 since it was the year i started to get into kpop and i said what i said that the old generation (2nd gen) of kpop groups are literally something else i miss them so much.
i hope you'll enjoying on whatever you are doing during the new year <33. well that's nice tho that you're already seen some gifs of alex's twitch stream days ago. yeah i'm also same as you, i'm not watching the f1 secret santa video yet but seeing all gifs of it makes me wanna watch it asap. istg lando being a yuki fan and called him yuki-san is something personal for me <33.
and yeah also with today's news in f1, idk what i want to say rn, it's just horrible tho i'm not gonna lie 😔.
i hope you're having a great day <33
0 notes
mellointheory · 3 years
The Eggpire, and why they are the coolest villain group in the SMP
The Eggpire is personally one of my favorite groups of people on the entire smp. The Eggpire I’m currently referring to consists of Ponk, Bad, Antfrost, Punz, and Skeppy. They’re the ones who are clearly working for the Crimson, and are generally percieved by others in the SMP as corrupted. 
Part of why I love them so much is their clear alignment. They are perhaps the most obvious ‘villains’ in the current season. There’s no moral greyness with them, only the tragedy of the consumed as they serve their master. They’re predictable, and you can tell others view them as a threat. Don’t break the vines, don’t disrespect the egg, avoid them at all cost.
The Eggpire is also currently winning in the “group” part of “group dynamic”. There are other alliances on the SMP, but it has been a while since one solid group of people were working together to defend or protect something. Even in the Doomsday War the defenders of L’Manburg were conflicted--Niki burned the tree herself, Eret was working with people who he had betrayed once before, Punz was an active spy. The Eggpire has a solid foundation of people working together, and their internal workings are interesting. Every member has their own specific role.
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Badboyhalo, the Corrupter
Bad, despite what he says about there being no hierarchy within the Eggpire, calls all the shots. He is the largest threat and the start of the Crimson’s spread. He found the Egg, brought others to it, protected it when the vines first began to surface. He takes the most active role in the corruption of others and trying to further the Eggpire’s goals. He’s one of the main three fighters in the Eggpire, and the other two tend to follow his lead and let him speak.
Bad being a demonic creature himself adds an extra layer of awesome to his character. While he was uncorrupted his soul jar (Skeppy) was taken by the Egg, and the...bathwater stream happened. That was a hot mess, HOWEVER, afterwards it actually became kind of cool. Bad saying that “no matter what he could do, he couldn’t fix Skeppy”, implies that his character is in fact capable of magic and was trying, over and over, to return his best friend to who he was originally and kept messing up. Only after his actions failed did he willingly corrupt himself and become the main villain of the Egg arc.
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Antfrost, the Caretaker
Antfrost...I absolutely adore corrupted!Antfrost. He was the first person, after Bad, to become attached to the Egg. He was ruthless before he was turned--he even suggested killing Skeppy in order to remove the corruption from him. Now he’s actively serving an eldrich abomination. He follows Bad around silently and writes messages to people in languages they can’t understand. He’s a “professional hunter” (that scene gave me chills) and Bad’s righthand man.
Before the Crimson Antfrost ran an animal sanctuary. He’s still keeping an eye on the animals, but now most of his attention seems to have transferred to the Egg. He seems to have the most active affection for the egg, making sure to feed it and even kissing it once. The aesthetic of a chaotic evil catboy in a nice suit who has no moral compass but does have an undeniable fondness for the Bloodvines growing everywhere is just... *chefs kiss*
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Punz, the Guard
Punz, as a character is very well done. He’s been one of the most chill on the server for a while, only actively involving himself in conflicts when A) one of his pets has died, or B) Dream told him to. He’s loyal; once he has a directive he will accomplish it. Dream himself knew if he hired Punz to guard L’Manburg, Punz would guard L’Manburg and kill anyone who left the walls for as long as Dream wanted him to.
Now Punz is guarding the Egg itself. He isn’t as actively threatening as Bad and Ant--he was able to have a completely normal conversation with Tommy, for example, while Tommy is actively terrified of Bad and Ant. Punz is only a danger when he’s called to be, otherwise he’s just a chill guy who doesn’t seem concerned that he has red eyes, or that the thing he’s working for is actively spreading across the entire server.
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Ponk, the Voice
Ponk spent a lot of time around the Egg. He even planted a seed in his own casino, named it, and yet managed to turn it into something else. He was left on top of it for days, and came out completely unscathed. He originally began working with the Eggpire purely for pain au’ chocolate and bought contacts from Amazon in order to blend in with them. He doesn’t give a shit.
Correction: he didn’t give a shit until his boyfriend cheated on him. Ponk got corrupted purely out of spite and facilitated the beginning of a war between the Egg and the server’s local builder god. He’s a semi-psychic amputee and the caretaker of a graveyard. He has the most unique interaction with the Egg.
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Skeppy, the Heart
Skeppy is Badboyhalo’s living soul jar and probably the most wholly corrupted in the entire server. He spent an entire day inside the Egg and came out with no desires except for it. We’ve seen him the least out of every Eggpire member, but he’s had the most effect on the plot. He’s the Crimson’s leverage over Badboyhalo. If being logged out means a character is canonically asleep, then Skeppy has been sleeping for months. Practically in a coma, until the Egg needs him.
cc!Skeppy says that they have more planned for his character, so I’m very much looking forward to seeing what will happen when the Egg decides it needs him. He was probably the weakest Eggpire member, but who knows what he’s capable of now?
The Crimson Itself:
The Crimson is a problem you can’t get rid of. The bloodvines spread without anyone being near them; they grow back as soon as they’ve been cut. Just hurting the Egg can kill you, although they retconned Sam’s death due to Crimson damage. To quote Badboyhalo: “If you break the Egg, it bites you back.”
The absolute coolest thing about the entire Egg arc, in my opinion, is how hard it is to keep an eye on the big picture. We as viewers get wrapped up in what’s happening right now. Hannah was trapped in the Egg, now she’s escaped. There were vines in Sam’s base, now they were broken. The Eggpire attacked Foolish’s base, then he scared them away. Then you pull back and remember, it is just a an egg. We have no idea what its plans are, or what it’s capable of. Someday comes the Red Banquet, and that’s when the real storm breaks.
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the-original-skipps · 3 years
Fluffy Alphabet A-Z
Sano Manjiro aka Mikey
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Note: Thank you so much for 100+ followers. I wouldn't have been able to get his far without your support. I'm super overjoyed and glad that you guys take the time to read my writing. I love you all very much as promised I hope you enjoy the fluffy alphabet! 💗
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
> Mikey likes to go for rides on his CB205T and he likes to bring you along. He just loves the feeling of the wind passing and your presence behind him. Maybe sharing some snacks while you both watch the sunset or the starry night sky, talking about random things. He just generally likes being around you even if you're both just sitting in silence.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
> He admires your determination and strong will. Since Mikey is mentally weak, he admires those traits in other people. No matter what you'd always be there to scold him or comfort him. It reminds him of his older brother.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
> Mikey instantly knows if you're feeling down, he just senses it. He'll bring you somewhere where they could both be alone maybe a park or he'll drive somewhere and sit you down. Mikey won't force you to tell him what's wrong but if you do he'll be listening intently. He's not the best at comforting people but makes sure to let you know that he's here for you.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
> Now this is a hard topic to answer. Mikey has pictured a future with his s/o, living in peace after all the rush during his teenage years. However, he doesn't see it happening because he knows it's best if he keeps his s/o away from him in the future.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
> I'd say he's both but mostly on the passive side. He lets you take the lead since he doesn't know much about being in a relationship. He'll be given advice and teased by his close friends but he'll keep their words in mind.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
> Mikey is pretty stubborn and doesn't like losing. If it's a petty harmless arguement, if he's wrong then he'll muttering an apology to you and completely forget about it. It's difficult to get into a serious argument with him unless it's something concerning him or Toman. Say the things he needs to hear even if himself doesn't agree with you. Then he'll leave to give himself space and think about things. Be patient with him because eventually he'll come around.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
> Mikey is very grateful for you being by his side even though he thinks he doesn't deserve it. He appreciates every gesture you do for him from the big things and to the little things such as making him lunch or fixing his hair or just being by his side when he feels he's losing himself.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
> Mikey doesn't hide things, if you ask him something he will directly answer you. He has no trouble talking about a past event since it already happened. Even though he doesn't want you getting involved with Toman, he still tells you about how they're doing or what they're up to. The only things he wouldn't share are his true feelings and his dark impulsivities since he doesn't want to scare you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
> Just by being by Mikey's side you are a positive influence on him. It will take a long time but little by little he tries to open up about his true feelings and tries to rely on you more. Everytime you sense he's distancing himself, you would have to drag him back and knock some sense into him.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
> Mikey is definitely the type to get jealous easily and his childish tendencies tend to come out. If he sees you getting too friendly with someone he'll keep staring until he's had enough and say "(Y/N) is mine, hmph!" With a cute pout on his face. Be sure to coddle him afterwards because he might give you the silent treatment.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
> Mikey has no experience whatsoever. He has no idea how kisses work. It'll be super rare to get a kiss from Mikey since he's not used to being affectionate. If you're lucky he'll peck you on your cheek or kiss your hands occasionally. Your first kiss with him wasn't planned. Both of you were alone and you were just admiring him as he talked and pressed a light kiss on his lips. He was instantly shocked by what you did as he traces over his lips with his fingers but inside he's feeling all warm. He never knew kisses from you would have this kind of affect on him.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
> It took long time for Mikey to realize that what he felt towards you was more than just friendship. He confessed this to Draken and he replied "huh, obviously you like them you idiot. Hurry up and go tell them." In which Mikey replies by telling Draken to do the same for Emma. It happened when he came to pick you up from school one day on his motorcycle and brought you to the riverside. "I finally understand what I feel, (Y/N). I like you... You don't have to give me an answer right away, I'll wait however long it takes..."
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
> Another hard topic to answer. When Mikey fell for you he fell hard. As much as he wants to spend the rest of his life in peace with you, it won't happen. That is until he goes through "certain changes" and let's say he did. You'll be riding with him on his motorcycle on Christmas until he stops at a certain place. He'll start talking about his past and the times you've spent together. Then talking about how much he appreciates you and thanks you then pops the question. The wedding will be small and privately held with only people close to him and you are invited.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
> It is known that Mikey gives nicknames to those who are close to him. It depends on what your first name is. He'll most likely you use the first syllable of your name plus -chin, -cchi or -chy. Only when he's serious will he use your real name.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
> Honestly, it can be really hard to tell unless you really observe Mikey. You would notice he stares at you longer, or everytime your name pops up in a conversation he's interested. Draken is definitely the first the notice this change in Mikey and teases him for it, while Mikey denys it. The others will slowly start to notice this too. Especially, when he bought an extra taiyaki and gave it to you. Takemichy's jaw dropped at the scene.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
> Mikey won't be announcing to everyone that he has an s/o. However, if someone asks he'll answer honestly. I wouldn't use the word "brag" but he will say nice about you to others. For Mikey, intimate gestures such as kissing are only between the two of you. If someone catches the both of you, Mikey wouldn't be pleased.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
> You wouldn't have to worry about anyone trying to flirt with you or trying to hurt you not when Mikey's around. Mikey cares deeply about you and would give his life to protect you. You wouldn't have to worry about other people trying to flirt with Mikey either since you already have his heart, he'll simple brush them off. He's loyal.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
> As I have mentioned earlier, Mikey has no experience with relationships. You would have to teach him things. Still there will be moments that might seem simple to others but to you, you know it's a way Mikey shows his love for you. For example, draping his jacket over your shoulders or buying an extra snack so you could have some too. If he's not busy with Toman matters, he would want to spend his time with you.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
> Mikey would genuinely support your dreams and passions, telling you to never give up on them. He believes in you with his whole heart, and he knows you would be able to make your goals come true.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
> He would like to try things he never experienced before with you, like taking pictures at the photo booth or going shopping for matching keychains. That being said, what Mikey likes the most is the constant reassurance that you're here for him. Routines like going riding on his motorcycle or just talking with you, it what he like most. He's scared that one day you'd leave him so these mundane routines assures him.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
> You would think Mikey is the forgetful type but he actually pays attention to things. He'll notice you eyeing a certain item in a store or if you're lying to him. He genuinely cares about you and would like to know everything about you, even the shameful parts. Mikey has a hard time with emotions, he may not fully understand your troubles but he'll assure you that he'll be there for you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
> For Mikey to actually want to establish a relationship with someone. It means he sees you as an important person in his life. However, certain things would have to come before you such as his family and Toman. It is something you would have to understand when dating Mikey.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
> Whenever he looks like he's spacing off during Toman meetings while he is paying attention to what's happening his mind can't help but wander towards you. About what you're currently doing or if you're at home safely. Before he starts the engine of his bike, or has nothing to do he fiddles with the keychain on his keys. It's the matching keychain you both have.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
> Mikey is not known to be the most showy when it comes to showing his affections. It's the little things he does for only you, that shows how much he cares about you. Mikey secretly likes the affection you give him even if he denies it. It surprises him everytime you hug him or kiss him but he never stops you or tells you to stop. Just don't do it in front of Toman. Even if he doesn't want to, cuddle him as the big spoon and it'll make him really happy. Since he's so used to keeping a strong facade, cuddling with you gives him the impression that with you maybe he doesn't have to do that.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
> Mikey will still act as the strong charismatic leader of Toman, where nothing fazes him. He won't outwardly show that he misses you but you can tell by the way he fiddles with his matching keychain or stares off into the distance that he misses you. He might even unconsciously blurt a quiet "I miss (Y/N)...."
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
> Mikey is willing to give his life away to protect you. Just you being with him is dangerous enough who knows who might be out to get him and easiest way they can do that is by getting you. If your safely is at risk even he likes you he would have to break up with you, keep you away from the danger. Because he utmostly cares about your well being and if anything happens to you, it will destroy him.
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