#fun scrapbook things yay
decayhearts · 2 months
🤝: How did they meet in the first place? What was there first impression of each other?
🗣️: Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along?
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
For Andrei and Ray!!
oh, yay!!! thanks so much for the questions to which I'll gladly answer them!
🤝: How did they meet in the first place? What was there first impression of each other? so, the way they met is definitely an interesting one because it all has to do and revolve around death lol.
see, ray got herself into a fatal and tragic accident, one that caused her to die on the side of a road! andrei was given her case and had later inspected her body only to see that she was seemingly brought back to life but with a bit of an undead look to her. she hadn't remembered anything about her life, ever and andrei became of help and essentially retaught her the experience of life.
anywayyy, ray's first impression of andrei was that he seemed to distance himself from time to time and that he had a bad case of sleep! she wasn't wrong, she was also confused meeting him at first BUT got all smiles after learning a bit about him.
andrei's first impression of ray was that she seemed like a sweet young woman who was very passionate about the stuff she did and wanted to learn, she was whimsical! (he would later be glad to have her in his life) he was a bit confused as to HOW she was alive but glad he found her.
🗣️: Who’s the one that will ramble on about their highly specific interest while the other just sits back and nods along? ray, 100%! one HUGE interest of hers is that of medicine, learning about the human body and educating herself on the medical field as a whole. 24/7, she's usually rambling on about it without even realizing and perhaps some might assume that annoys andrei greatly but they'd be wrong, he cares about seeing how happy ray gets over something so specific like that + he gets to see her smile!
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff) for ray, she likes how comfortable and open andrei can be around her. usually, he's one to only mention a few details here and there about something but never go beyond that however, it's different when he's around ray and she stays being in awe about it. for andrei, he likes how passionate she gets over the things she likes, loves how deeply she cares for the world around her and LOVES her laugh, he could listen to it for hours.
their routines together start off pretty similar. they'll wake up, get dressed, sometimes ray likes to know andrei's opinion on what she's wearing for the day because she loves the reactions she'll get out of him. then, they'll have their little breakfast meals (that andrei usually makes because he's the better cook in the house LMAOO, there's a reason for that okay 🤣) and chat about what they'll do the rest of the day.
if andrei has to go to work, ray will find herself walking their (undead) cat, sid or she'll whip up another page for her scrapbook. if it's nice enough out, she'll take a dip by the lake near her and andrei's house before coming back in time to see that andrei has made it home.
just a cute little domestic routine for the two!
(sry this was longer than it needed to be lol but these were fun to answer, thanks again!! 💜💜💜)
ship ask game.
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icestar-74 · 10 months
Shizaya Week 2022
Day 8 Free Day Part 6/8
Izaya: "Shizu-chan wants to show off his bar. I want to show off my painting skills though. Get ready for the lil bush!"
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Shizuo: "Ok flea, you've had your fun. Now it's my turn. Welcome to my sanctuary."
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Izaya: "I thought that was the kitchen."
Shizuo: "Would you shut it. This is my thing!"
Izaya: "He sounds mad but really he has a hard time being in a bad mood here. It's amazing really. I mean he can even pour a proper drink when I'm teasing."
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Shizuo: "Yeah, I guess this is a safe space for me. Haha, I mean I come up here to unwind most of the time. Manly from your antics."
Izaya: "Even I have to admit you're a pretty damn good bartender. "
Shizuo: "Oi! What are you doing!? Get off!"
Izaya: "Oh just serving up what the people really want. A tall glass of me."
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Shizuo: "Damn it stop taking over my thing! Ow, stop! You pest! Gotcha!"
Izaya: "Who got who?"
Shizuo: "Damn."
Izaya: "Ope! Sorry kids, you shouldn't see this."
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Shizuo: "Hahahaha! You're such a flea. Light weight."
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Izaya: "Ugh stop yelling. You're so cute when you're mad... Carry me to bed."
So the bar is legit my favorite room in the house I think. The yard might be too? At least the most proud. The front flooring is scrapbook paper. I hand drew the lines on it to make it look like flooring.
All the street signs on the walls are from a scrap book puffy sticker set.
The shelving behind the bar is hand painted. The mirror effect is actually made from silver paper plates that I cut to fit.
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The light above the bar does turn on. I was worried the battery wouldn't work but it did. YAY! No idea what it says though. Think I got it on Etsy maybe.
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I worked REALLY hard making Shizuo the bar of his dreams. Our angry bartender deserves it. It's an HC of mine that he really loves to unwind by creating drinks.
It's also an HC of mine that Izaya loves to paint. I mean those nimble fingers!!
I really want to buy a pool table to put in. I wanted the front to be a rec room but that vision is still just a vision.
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flyin-shark · 1 month
meeting up with that cool girl anon!
It went well! We hung out and talked for like 2 hours. I think she had a good time. We didn’t realize how late it was and when I checked the time she said “oh wow, it’s [time]? you’re fun to talk to,” and we have a couple common interests (and some of her’s I don’t share but find eally interesting lol). I think I made a friend :-)) I got her phone number (didn’t have it prior) written down by her too so hopefully we can text now.
I might put it in my scrapbook? I mean, I don’t know if it’ll be of any significance to me down the line (like we might not become really good friends or stay friends or whatever but if we do) and if it does that would be a neat thing to have. I’m also VERY new to scrapbooking and it could be a nice little practice run? I have this other event I really wanna scrapbook but I haven’t yet because I need more materials but also because I don’t really know what I’m doing and so maybe it would be nice to do a low stakes thing, yk? Also, she wrote it down in purple ink, so. Aesthetically pleasing.
Anyways yeah. Ty for answering my ask :-)) I chuckled when you called it definitely a romantic date lmao
Yay I’m so happy for you! I hope everything continues to go well
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televinita · 11 days
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The results of April's book sale bonanza, four library sales in two weeks! Long text post incoming...
Left stack in the first photo is from one sale, right stack is two other sales, and the final photo is from the last one alone. Somehow acquired more in April than I had Jan-March combined. I don't even want to count up how much I spent, so I'm simply going to decide it was worth it because so many pretty books, exciting finds, and fun!
I will say, the craziest thing to me is that the super-mega-huge sale, the one I made an effort to drive an hour for on Wednesday night? It was indeed huge and I spent 3 hours there & had a good time, but only found seven books, pictured in the right hand stack - from The Darcys & The Bingleys up through the 3 skinny paperbacks (plus a couple of CDs I took a chance on, didn't like). And the sale that usually doesn't have much of anything, that I barely had an hour in? The best sale of the month.
I tried to organize the cover photos mainly by age group, with YA blending into adult, so I think that's actually the order in which I'm going to go through them, not least because I missed a couple of them for the stacks.
1. A Dog Named Wolf - Erik Munsterhjelm (1973): I snagged it mainly because vintage dog/wildlife novel, but then I realized it's actually on my OpenLibrary TBR, so now I don't have to read it that way!
2. Mr. Cat - George Freedly (1960): not really a kids' book but small enough to put here. Apparently a bind-up w/ "More Mr. Cat" but I cannot imagine how short these were originally, as together in a mass market paperback it's still only 160 pages. I assume he was already a famous enough writer, even if only at a newspaper, to be granted the indulgence of publishing a memoir about his cat....
[edit: "theatre critic, librarian and founder of the Theatre Collection of the New York Public Library, Freedley was a regular columnist for PLAYBILL, and the drama critic, book editor, and feature writer for the Morning Telegraph (New York)"]
3. The Black Pearl - Scott O'Dell (1967, 70s edition): not unlike Call it Courage, this is another one I remember really liking in elementary school but the details have been forgotten.
4. BSC Super Special #7: Snowbound: only grabbed because it was super-cheap; it's not in great condition but super-specials are a little harder to spot in the wild so while I'm not trying to collect this massive series, I can't help having a soft-spot for a few reps. (side note: the Karen/Little Sister novelty book "School Scrapbook" was also there, which I thought might be a fun collectible, but it had already been mostly filled out by its previous owner. Still fun to read her answers, though! I would cherish having something like that from my own 3rd grade year).
5. Two-Minute Mysteries - Donald J. Sobold (1967, 90s edition): even though a teacher's name is inked on it, I couldn't resist this nostalgic read! My 4th/5th grade teacher used to read these aloud to us and challenge us to solve them, and you know what? They're STILL kind of hard to solve. You have to pay really close attention to specific wording and tiny details.
6-7. Animal Inn #3 + 6 - Virginia Vail: remember this series I love? By wild coincidence, these are the exact same ones I read from a Little Free Library in 2020, but where those copies were in horrible water-damaged shape, these are as good as can be expected from cheap-pulp kids' paperbacks of the 80s
8. The Dog In My Life - Kurt Unkelbach (1966): yay! I'm interested in all his books but have been wanting to read this ever since I solved it on a Goodreads "What's The Name of That Book?" queries (one of my first, and one I worked very hard on finding!)
9. The Black Stallion & the Girl - Walter Farley (1971): only grabbed this because it was so cheap; it's not in great shape and I probably won't keep. I always wanted to love this series more than I actually did growing up -- everyone who likes horse books always says this is their favorite, and I just never got the hype beyond the first couple! -- but there were a few I really liked. Maybe this could be one of them.
10. A Summer of Horses - Carol Fenner: I see an 80s teen horse book paperback, I buy. Unsure if I'll keep it after reading, but it's not that thick so probably.
11. Flash of Phantom Canyon -- Agnes Ranney (1960s): I see a vintage Scholastic horse book, I also buy. I ended up deciding to read this right away, mostly because it was small and light and easy to carry in a shoulder bag while walking on trails in search of a good reading bench. Honestly, it's as much historical fiction/history lesson as it is horse book and if I ever make myself weed through the Scholastic Stack this is probably a donation candidate...but not just yet.
12. The Stallion of Box Canyon (1997): part of the Treasured Horses collection I owned several of as a kid from Scholastic book orders and LOVED, but sold off when I outgrew them, and have now been grabbing back. When I learned in 2020 that there were model horses to go with them, as well as more books than I knew about, my interest increased, and this one about a Mustang was my #1 most wanted!
13. Foxy - Helen V. Griffith (1984): Dog book! I think I read this in elementary school but want to be sure. May or may not keep, depends how sad it is.
14. The Collector - K.R. Alexander (2018): the modern-day counterpart to Mary Downing Hahn, I freaking love this scary-as-hell cover. I listened to it on audio but I wanted a physical copy as well.
15. The Sun Will Come Out -- Joanne Levy (2021): it was simply too beautiful and pristine -- it looks off the shelf new -- not to buy, knowing I could flip it to Half Price. I think I probably will do that now that I've read it, but I did enjoy it.
16. The Diddakoi - Rumer Godden (1972): figures that I find it just one year after I finally caved and read it on OpenLibrary last year after 6 years on my TBR. But this is the first time I've seen a physical copy. This edition is not my favorite cover so I'm not sure if I really want to keep it, but I did enjoy the book.
17. Tucky the Hunter - James Dickey (1978): pictured in the last photo, I bought one (1) picture book because the illustrations were so beautiful, and the rhyming text written in calligraphy. Do I agree with the story theme of a child dreaming about all the animals he wants to shoot? Not really, but...
1. Seventeenth Summer - Maureen Daly (1942, 2006 edition): it's only a mass market paperback, but still thrilled to finally have this classic in my hands to read when ready!
2. City of Darkness - Ben Bova (1976): I just couldn't resist the premise of this one -- Manhattan is now under a dome and only "open" in the summer as a tourist spot, but a kid sneaks in and gets stuck there to find out that gangs secretly live there year-round, fighting for sheer survival? I intended to read & release because it's not in the best condition, so I read it right away, but now I think this is so creative I want to keep it around.
3. In the Hand of the Goddess (Alanna #2) (1984, 2011 edition) - Tamora Pierce: ex-library but I think I can peel the tape/stickers off. I've decided to collect both this version of the series and the mass-market paperbacks as I find them because I love them equally for different reasons.
4. In Front of God and Everybody: The Confessions of April Grace - K.D. McCrite (2011): technically middle grade but putting it here because it's a visual match. I saw this at the sale a few years ago but gave it a pass because it was Christian fiction. Now that bothers me less, and I'm so glad I changed my mind because I read it last week and it was HILARIOUS and I want the rest of the quartet. (also very minimally "Christian Book" -- it shows only in that the family goes to church/says a blessing before dinner and lives by the principle of "be kind to others no matter how ungracious they are")
5. Pretty Fierce - Kieran Scott (2017): a 5-star swoon-worthy YA spy thriller! So happy it's mine.
6. Top Ten - Katie Cotugno (2017): as recently mentioned in the reading triage, this is ex-library w/ a broken spine so I mainly bought it to dismantle for the snapshots on the cover and endpages, but then I realized ah heck, this sounds pretty good and I want to read it after all. I'm 70 pages in and really enjoying it, but saving it for the sunny days.
7. What Comes After - Steve Watkins (2011): one of my standout YA reads in *checks notes* actually 2011, wow! I still think about it regularly -- orphaned teen is sent to live w/ only remaining relatives, an abusive aunt & cousin; finds solace in caring for the goats
8. This Is What It Feels Like  - Annie Barrows (2018): has been on my summer TBR 2 or 3 years running, now I can stop worrying about when the library will weed the last copy.
9. In Real Life - Jessica Love (2016): an underrated read from, I think, 2018? Again with the sweet romance.
10. The Girls of No Return - Erin Saldin (2012): a much more serious book about girls in a wilderness therapy camp/school that really impressed me, thrilled to have one in pristine condition.
Now we're gonna mix it up a little as fiction and non aren't separated in the above photos, mainly to match size & color, but I'm listing all the fiction first.
Driftwood - Elizabeth Dutton (2014): I thought it was a misplaced YA when I bought it, until I started reading and MC is twenty-eight. It promised a solo California road trip, following a route left in letters by her late father, so I decided to take a chance. It seemed so perfect for the weather I ended up starting it in a nearby park before I even went home, and finished the next day. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4, I'm glad I bought it
2. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay - Michael Chabon (2000): I bought husband a brand-new copy of the newer edition w/ four extra short-stories in the back, which he never read and now I'm kind of glad he didn't so it stays pristine in a way only I can manage, and meanwhile, I decided to get this one too because it is MUCH, MUCH floppier and more comfortable to read.
3. Maurice - E.M. Forster: I've never read this and kind of want to. I've started making it a habit to look for nice editions of classics at these sales, and while this isn't amazing, it's like new, a floppy paperback, AND it has horses on the front, so.
4. Where the Forest Meets the Stars - Glendy Vanderah (2019): I've been flirting with the idea of reading this and while my library DOES have it, I'd love a perfectly-new copy of my own for $2.
5. The Haunting of Gillespie House - Darcy Coates (2015, 2020 edition): same with this one. I still can't believe that after discovering a whole shelf of her books at the library in 2022 and being like "I'm gonna read them all!", I actually only read one. But this was definitely high on my interest list!
6. The Darcys and the Bingleys - Marsha Altman (2008): had there been more at this particular sale I wanted, I might not have bought it, but the library doesn't have it and my interest is piqued by this P&P fanfiction sequel (which...is the first of ten in a series?? good lord this one is already large enough).
7. Coffee Train - Margarethe Erdahl Shank (1953): It's in terrible shape -- awful foxing on the pages -- so I really shouldn't have, but I'm Intrigued by this vintage read; my family has no Scandinavian roots but much of Minnesota (including my husband) does so I have a soft spot for it. Even though this takes place in the state next door, I think it will be very charming.
Through the eyes of little Mugs, a Norwegian-American girl, we see life in North Dakota with Norwegian Lutherans in the days following World War I.
8. The Dogs of Christmas - Bruce Cameron (2013, 2018 edition): I absolutely loved this book and this is the "author's preferred edition" with an extra chapter at the end! I saw it at a garage sale 3 years ago and resisted like an IDIOT who was trying not to over-buy books she didn't ~need~; have regretted and been looking for this version ever since, now it's mine.
9. The Christmas Dog - Melody Carlson (2009): I couldn't resist this slender novella. This year's December reading is gonna be SO CHRISTMASY I swear it.
10. Christmas at Corgi Cove - Annie England Noblin (2023!): aaand now I am back up to owning 3 unread books by her after having only read 1 and given it 3 stars. But hope springs eternal and all that.
11. Roxane the Blue Dane - Alice Kingham-Lechevre (1988): "a series of short stories chronicling the relationship between the author and her favorite show dog, Roxane, told from the perspective of the great dane." Takes place in France, so I had a devil of a time trying to figure out why this author was famous enough to write about her pet, and finally deduced she was a decently well known English/French artist/illustrator, particularly of animals, born late 19th century. It seems quite wonderful from the chapter or two I've read.
12. The Sccrets of Pistoulet - Jana Fayen Kolpen (1996): this one I'm actually really excited about because a) it's in a slipcase, which I didn't previously know because I read a library copy, and b) I spotted it in the cookbooks section I only ever skim (for Susan Branch). I don't actually love the story, which is a murky magical-realism adult fable set in France, but I do love that it's mixed-media with transparent overlays, at least one card that opens up, and several recipe cards you can physically remove from envelopes.
1. Unauthorized X-Files -- Hatfield/Bur (1996): I would have climbed over people to get my hands on this in high school. "In this ultimate game book for X-philes, the authors have put together a collection of trivia challenges: Some are based on specific episodes from the first three seasons (brief episode summaries are provided); others address behind-the-scenes and on-the-set information, site locations, dialogue between characters, more. Testing methods vary, ranging from multiple choice to fill in the blank. Also included are actor and character profiles, memorable Mulderisms, and scintillating Scullyisms!"
Even though it's limited to the years of TXF I mostly avoid rewatching, the vestigial Phile in me is still intrigued. By the same authors, I also saw Unauthorized X-Cyclopedia, which tempted me, but I figured I'm unlikely to actually use it for reference and tbh, it'll just annoy me that it doesn't cover the full series.
2. Growing With the Grass - Ted Hall (1992): a small local press-published memoir of a boyhood circa the 1920s, arranged as a collection of brief anecdotes & vignettes, snagged because Old Frontenac is a lovely day trip visit and still just as much of a village as ever. I don't know if this will fully be to my tastes or a keeper, but I couldn't resist.
3. House Lessons - Erica Bauermeister (2020): a memoir of restoring an old house on an island off the coast of Washington, crossed w/ life lessons. Would you believe I was on a Libby waitlist for the audio for three months as our library doesn't have a physical copy, finally finished it during first week of driving to book sales, and then found a physical copy at the last one! Decided I liked it enough to own, at least for a while. Plus physical copy has little sketches before each chapter!
4. The Big House A Century in the Life of an American Summer Home - George Howe Colt (2003): now for the opposite coast...I think I put this on a TBR before; our library only has one copy and I really want to read it but I'm never quite in the mood. Now it's mine forever!! (I was SO excited to find this with you lmao)
5. Cold Antler Farm - Jenna Woginrich (2014): I read her first book twice (Made From Scratch), and while unfortunately there are 2 more memoirs to go before I chronologically reach this one and the library doesn't have any, I'm really excited I have this one!
6. Connemara Mollie - Hilary Brandt (2012): I'm ALSO super excited to try this one, never heard of it but it's a memoir of a long-distance pony trek the author took around Ireland in 1984.
7. Brother Super - Bill Rice (1961): Pet memoir about another Great Dane, this time a family pet.
OTHER MEDIA (not pictured)
Audiobooks: When We Were Lost by Kevin Wignall, a cracking good YA adventure about a plane crash in the jungle, and Why Not Me?, so now I have both of Mindy Kaling's memoirs in her voice! (someday I'll listen to it...)
DVDs: Spiderman: No Way Home; Uncharted
CDs: Patty Larkin - "Watch the Sky," and Matt Wasner's eponymous album/limited advanced edition copy (I took a chance on these based on appearance, because nothing is more fun than guessing right on something random that becomes a new fave!, but unfortunately I didn't like either of them so they will be leaving)
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aqua-dan · 5 months
2024 New Years Goals
Ok, normally I don't really do "New Years Resolutions," but this year I feel like I actually have a lot of hope for improvement. 2023 was pretty low for me. I lost 2 people that I was fairly close to; both my grandma and my little sister. Beyond that, there were some other losses, and generally I've felt pretty low. I didn't create much due to depression and despite trying very hard I feel like I sort of accomplished... nothing.
In the meantime, however, I allowed myself a lot of time for rest and now I feel as though I want to start growing again. I am happiest when I am making progress, so that's what I want to focus on in 2024.
1. Writing. I love writing and always feel much happier when I actually do it. However I always feel like there's a barrier there because I'm so overly critical of myself. Well, not this year. I'm going to channel my younger self and not force myself to make everything perfect. I've nearly wrote a whole chapter today of a long-term project and that rocks! Yay me! Let's keep that momentum!
2. More arts and crafts. I love making things, and last year I just... didn't. Even when I don't really feel like it, I'd like to force myself a little more to go and just physically create something. I'd like to do more scrapbooking, so maybe I'll even post scrapbook updates as I go!
3. Bake more. I love baking and cooking. But I totally let that go last year. Even though I know it makes me happy, I just didn't have the energy. But you know what? I'm happier when I do it, so I want to strive to do it more often! I guess @thelionandtheeagle will simply have to deal with more baked goods rip to our figures lol.
4. Comment and chat more. I think I might be less introverted than I thought. I have trouble keeping up with convos sometimes, but I want to be more sociable. It makes me happy, so I really ought to do it lol! If you reblog an ask meme, feel free to send me a message so I can send you a question/ask! I want to engage more!
I think those are my more major goals this year. I want to go back to having more fun and re-learn how to say yes to things. I want to grow from my losses and fill myself with knowledge! However, I don't want to overtax myself. I want to forgive myself when I can't do everything. I guess what I'm going to try to learn this year is how to be more free.
Love you guys!!
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starry-snippets · 1 year
Hi! I was interested in getting a matchup!
My name is Beau and my pronouns are they/them, I’m also only halfway through part three in JJBA (just finished the episode where polnareff meets the judgment stand and reincarnates his sister) so im only familiar with characters from the first three parts lmaooo Im an ENFP and I also like to crochet, roller skate, draw, play videogames and dance Im also have ADHD so Im very hyper and love hanging out with people. I do befriend all kinds of people though, like my best friend of 6 years is super introverted and like super call meanwhile im like “AYO WHATS POPPIN” Im also only 5’1, the first thing people comment on when they first meet me is always how short I am and im like COME ON BRO PLEASE ST O P I do enjoy quiet moments with my friends and on my own as well, I always appreciate a little quiet crochet session every now and again lol my favorite kind of music is 60’-80’s since its what I was raised on, and I also love the fashion from that time period. I also have curly hair which ngl sometimes I’m like why you gotta be so difficult like goddamn but ANYWAY I hope you don’t mind me sending a request in!!
ofc i don't mind! my first matchup yay! these are very fun, thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy!! also sorry for the delay, but here you go!! @deercryptid
side note i love matchups so you guys should request more jk unless
first thought was immediately kakyoin!
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☆ kakyoin loves that you play video games and he'll look forward to playing any and all of them with you! ☆ he'll find it really cool that you crochet, especially if you make stuffed animals. for his birthday or a holiday if you make him a little hierophant green he'll keep it on his bed for forever. the best gift he's ever gotten ☆ one of his favorite dates to go on with you would just drawing! maybe you'd go on a walk in the park and draw whatever peaks your interest. a child who's playing by the pond, a dog laying on the trail, or a grasshopper perched on strands of tall grass. at the end you'll give each other what you drew and it'll go in a scrapbook since you're both artistic people! ☆ kakyoin would be pretty good at handling how hyper you are usually, except when he's really tired. he's a good listener so even if he's a bit drained due to being an introvert he'd love to listen to you talk about your interests ☆ he LOVES your curly hair! if you have special secrets to keep it looking lush and healthy he'll want to know them. he's not a vain person but he does like looking nice. he'll love to help you style your hair if you let him! kakyoin will research to make sure he doesn't damage it, as hair care for curly hair is very different from straight hair
☆ kakyoin really appreciates that you're open minded and able to connect with those who are different from you. he's different than you in many regards but you still took the time to befriend him, and that's a big part of why he's fallen in love with you ☆ would love to go roller skating with you, but is a bit nervous. hold his hand and take things slow! he'll get the hang of it and it'll become another date he absolutely loves ☆ i feel like he'd like your music taste too! i imagine kakyoin likes indie pop, folk, and 80's! i like to think kakyoin likes culture club, toto, and madonna from that period of music! ☆ if you dress in that style he'll love it too! the eccentric patterns of the 60's, the denim jackets and flared pants of the 70's, and the crazy colors of the 80's. he would dress up with you to go to roller skating, to go on a diner date, or even to concerts if you enjoy going to those! ☆ kakyoin really appreciates how well you compliment him. you consider how introverted he can be and give him space, and he'll do the same whenever you need it. kakyoin is charming and a little awkward at times, but he'll learn about your interests to get to know you more and to get closer to you. he'll even learn to dance a smidge and surprise you on your birthday by taking you out to dinner and then taking your hand, showing you he's done his homework ☆ yeah so in conclusion kakyoin would appreciate you a lot <;3 also forgot to mention, but kakyoin likes that you're shorter because he can rest his chin on your head very comfortably when you hug, and he also feels taller because of the height difference. doesn't tease you extensively though
second thought is avdol!
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☆ sorry to double dip in the same part but I think avdol would love all your hobbies and how compatible you are with other people. you get along with even jotaro despite him being heavily guarded and polnareff despite him being really irritating sometimes. he's very impressed with that ☆ he loves watching you draw and crochet. you can be silently doing a pattern or just doodling and he'll love observing your craft. he'll compliment you with all the jargon because he's researched into your craft so he sounds more sincere cause he's entirely genuine in his compliments and he wants the vocabulary to prove that ☆ avdol likes that you're short! he finds it really fun that he's taller because it's a little fun to him whenever you need help opening a cupboard or reaching something. he won't be evil about it, he'll just chuckle and help out. just finds it enough cute aspect of you ☆ deals with how hyper you can be really well! he's pretty chill but can let loose, and he'll do a good job deciding when he should do one or the other. sometimes he'll actively be hyper with you and you'll do more kinetic dates like roller skate when that's the case. other times he'll listen to you ramble and just listen with a smile ☆ loves to dance with you! he'll wear the most gorgeous shade of red satin dress shirt and black flared pants, so whenever he moves the light shines on his shirt and his pants move as elegantly as he does. avdol is a good dancer you cannot convince me otherwise. he'll get even better so he can impress you, and he'll be marveled at how well you can dance! ☆ it's super interested in video games but likes to watch you play. he's sometimes convinced depending on the game, but he has the right idea. you'll be sitting on his lap or besides him (whichever is more comfortable to you) while he watches over your shoulder or on the bigger screen of your computer or tv ☆ avdol loves the bohemian style mixed with the hippie style. so he's so down with your music and aesthetic! he dresses that way too when he's more casual i headcanon, so you two match very well. you're like a walking pinterest board when you're heading on dates in public ☆ avdol gets the natural hair struggle! he is always here to help though, and he knows how to take care of various hair textures. if you don't want his help he's entirely okay with that too! ☆ if you need any accommodations because of your adhd he's already on it. written reminders, little notes, a text, whatever it is he's willing to do it. he's very considerate! ☆ like kakyoin, if you crochet him things he'll keep it forever. if you make him a tiny version of his stand he'll be so joyous. red will also love it, stealing it off of avdol's shelf and putting it into his own nest ☆ in conclusion, avdol's favorite thing to do with you by far though is to just cuddling with you, listening to your favorite bands, while enjoying your company. he loves your bubbly personality and is very accepting of your interests and hobbies
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mando-abs · 2 years
Abs’ Shopping Haul
I hit up my favorite secondhand bookstore and Barnes and Noble today and tore up my remaining England trip money 😎 It time for some retail therapy baybeeeeeee
But first I gotta show you what I have to read for classes coming up that I had to be responsible and buy, I guess 🙄
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Blankets is for my elective graphic novel class coming up in the Fall. I don’t have a list yet, but the advertisements for the class kept showing this book and it’s a whopper that I don’t wanna pay full price for. So I saw the only one there and snagged it. The rest are for my summer class on western culture. Some I’ve already read. Hated Aeneid, Virgil just ripped off Homer. Oedipus the King is a fun read. AND I SWEAR IF I HAVE TO READ AUGUSTINE’S CONFESSIONS ONE MORE TIME.
Now for the fun books :)
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The sonnets were secondhand and it smells as old as it looks. I love it 🥰 I listened to Get A Life, Chloe Brown on audiobook and fell in love with Hibbert’s writing style so I was reckless bought the whole series at B&N 😈
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I got some scrapbook supplies for my England Trip scrapbook I’m gonna make. I’ve got quite a bit of scrapbook stuff already, just need the pictures picture-fied and an album to put pages in
And of course finally…the secondhand Star Wars finds
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It’s Ahsoka in her Mandalore battle outfit! She will go right next to the funko ahsoka in her red (???) outfit. And you don’t wanna know how much that transport cost…Also, I didn’t notice this until later, it doesn’t even come with stormtroopers 🥺🥺 I fell for the oldest kid toy trick in the book. Duped!
Oh! Bonus. Sorry almost forgot
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Yay! I finally have it! But it’s not compatible with Movies Anywhere 😭 Oh well. I could do Vudu but man I don’t wanna keep up with two digital dvd things. It’s hard enough with the one.
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jinkicake · 4 years
Yay, Stickers!
Akaashi, Bokuto, Nishinoya, Oikawa, Sugawara with a s/o who loves to make stickers!
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
Nishinoya Yuu x Reader
Oikawa Tooru x Reader
Sugawara Koushi x Reader
For anon~ I think it is so cute that you make stickers, I love them so much! I always use them to decorate letters that I send to my friends! I had so much fun writing this, I like writing little scenarios/drabbles like these.
WC- 2,135
Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi is a quiet admirer but he always makes sure to compliment every single sticker you make
“This one is very cool.” “I like how this one turned out.”
He would be so polite when asking for a sticker, mainly because he doesn’t want to bother you and make you go out of your way to make an extra one just for him
Akaashi, don’t you know we would move mountains for you?
He would put his favorite stickers on his notebooks, just so he has something to smile at whenever he is in class
If he gets bored he just traces over the design with his finger and thinks about you </333
Whenever you bring him stickers in the morning, after you made them the night before, he would turn soooo red
He would blush so hard and thank you over and over again
Akaashi would be the type to make a scrapbook and he uses his favorite stickers with some of his favorite pictures he has of you
His favorite sticker you made is the little owl because it looks like him, it just makes him smile
“Keiji!” You call out to your boyfriend who is waiting in front of the school. You greet him with a smile and pull him into a hug which Akaashi happily returns.
“Good morning (Y/N).” He strokes your hair and you lean into his touch, bathing in the warm spring air. 
“Oh, Keiji, here! I made these for you last night!” You break away to reach into your bag, going through each of the little sticker baggies that you had made the day before. “I was making some stickers for my friends and decided to make you some too!” 
Akaashi watches as you pull out the light blue bag and open it, showing it to him so he can look at all the ones you made.
“These are really cool (Y/N),” Akaashi praises and he hopes you didn’t just hear his voice falter, he genuinely is taken aback by your kindness. “I really like them.” Your face heats up at the fond smile on Akaashi’s face, the admiration makes you feel bashful.
“Thanks, Keiji! I enjoy making them for you!” Akaashi gently closes up the material and puts it into his bag, double-checking to make sure that it wasn’t getting crush or bent. He scoops up your hand in his and leads you into the school while you mindlessly chatter about random things that you saw on that morning.
Bokuto Koutarou
Bokuto collects your stickers like little Pokémon cards
He has an individual carrier just for the stickers, each has their own individual slot
He treats them like photocards and will show them off to Akaashi whenever he comes over
“And this one is a bumblebee, (Y/N) made it for me a few days ago!”
“That is very cool Bokuto-san.”
Bokuto would love to just sit there and make stickers with you
He will lay on your bedroom floor as you work the little machine and tell you random things like what the clouds outside look like
Warning. If you don’t give him enough attention he will turn into Emo!Bokuto
The ace refuses to compete with a machine for your affection!
If he ever loses or misplaces one of your stickers he will feel so guilty and write you a cute little apology letter and stick it in your locker,,,,
Bokuto lets out another loud and dramatic sigh. He lays on your carpet while you sit on the opposite side of him, working at your low table to finish up a few stickers you promised for your friends. Bokuto stares at your ceiling and sighs again, peeking at you from the corner of his eye to see if you look at him. 
You don’t.
Bokuto decides to move his operations to plan b. He drags himself to where you are and throws his head into your lap while he paws at your arms.
“Koutarou?” You glance at him before going back to the machine. Bokuto grabs your wrist and forces it to the top of his head, putting your hand in his hair. “You want something?” You tease and your boyfriend whines at your unmoving fingers.
“Pay attention to me.” Bokuto demands, his voice higher than normal.
“Huh?” You hum and begin to move your fingers through his hair, carding the strands and gently tugging on any knots. “Bokuto I’m trying to focus on this, you can wait.” You hush him by pressing your lips to his gently. Though, Bokuto doesn’t get that it was supposed to be an onetime thing. Instead, he sits up and grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him before he swoops in to capture your lips. He pushes at your shoulders and lays you down on the floor, crawling over you and not once removing his lips from yours.
Let’s just say, the sticker machine was forgotten for a few hours.
Nishinoya Yuu
This mf,,,, he would brag so much about your stickers and just rub it in Tanaka’s face
He would be a show-off but in a very proud way
He would deck out his gym bag in your stickers, literally anywhere he can put stickers he will
Just to be a little show-off
“Oh, where did I get this?” He’d gasp every time someone asked him about the stickers and then Daichi sighs in the background like “Here we go again,”
“My precious (Y/N), made them for me! You want to see some other ones they make?”
Hinata, Tsukishima, Asahi, Tanaka, Kiyoko would be the only ones who entertain him when he describes each of the stickers
Though Tsukishima only feigns his interest to be an ass, he secretly likes how passionate his senpai gets
Nishinoya would have stickers all messily around his room, it’s just a little reminder of you wherever he goes
Every time you give him a sticker, you get thanked with a sweet kiss </33
“See this one is a lightning bolt.” Nishinoya points to the sticker on the strap of his bag and the blonde first-year lets out an interested ‘ah’. The two of them are currently in the gym before practice, it is just Tsukishima’s luck that he caught his senpai right as you left.
“Wow, senpai that’s really cool.” Tsukishima snickers and Nishinoya turns to him with bright wide eyes.
“You think so?! Here, you can have one!” The libero reaches into his bag and thumbs through his notebooks, looking for an extra sticker he knows he has. Tsukishima simply lets it happen, waiting patiently with his hand out. “Ah-ha!”
The shorter boy places the sticker in his friend’s hand with a proud look on his face.
“I was there with (Y/N) when they made it.” He gloats and Tsukishima squints his eyes to look at the sticker. Damn, it really does look nice. The blonde thinks. “And this one is the number four like from my jersey. You want your own number Tsukishima?”
Tsukishima shakes his head but Nishinoya waves him off, already moving his finger to point at the next sticker.
“Which one is your favorite?” Tsukishima finds himself asking and Nishinoya pauses for a moment, letting his eyes run all over the strap of his bag.
“Hmmm, I like them all but I think this one is my favorite!” He points to a heart, one with both of your initials on it, and Tsukishima has to hold back a gag at the sweetness of it. “I love when (Y/N) makes these.”
Tsukishima will never admit it to anyone else, but he found himself slightly jealous of his senpai at that moment.
Oikawa Tooru
Oikawa would collect all the stickers you make
I feel like whatever sticker you make, even if it isn’t for him, he wants his own individual copy
“Oikawa this is a picture of Hisoka you really want it?”
He would give you such attitude like “Of course I want it!” And he would hide his little treasure
Oikawa would brag to the other third years and show off the stickers he has, sometimes he places them in his notebooks so that when Iwaizumi borrows it the ace knows that he doesn’t have someone who makes him stickers
If, for some reason, you make Makki or Mattsun a sticker…. Oikawa will act so betrayed
“Mattsun,,, where did you get that sticker?”
“Oh (Y/N) gave it to me because-“
Oikawa doesn’t even listen he just leaves and runs to wherever you are to complain, like come awn reader, those are his stickers!
He secretly collects every single one you give him and has a little shoebox under his bed where he stores all of them
Oikawa and Mattsun continue their gossip session all throughout lunch as they claimed to be ‘studying’. Not much work has been done though, since there isn’t even a textbook in sight.
“What was I supposed to do? Watch?” Matsukawa rolled his eyes and pulled out one of his notebooks from his desk.
“You saw the fight of the school year and you didn’t record it?” Oikawa fumbles with his pencil and his taller friend scrolls through his phone to find a  a small clip from the fight.
“I can tell you what happened if you want, but it was pretty lame honestly.” Matsukawa says and Oikawa hums before glancing at his friends notebook, he notices a very familiar sticker on the cover of it. Not subtly at all, Oikawa yanks the notebook off his friend's desk and stares at the puppy sticker in the corner of the page.
“Mattsun what is this?” He questions and Matsukawa glances up before going back to his phone.
“Oh (Y/N) gave me that because they said it looks like me,” Matsukawa responds and Oikawa gasps in shock.
“My love gave you a sticker?!” He drops the notebook as if it burned him and Matsukawa furrows his eyebrows at him.
“Says the boy who has given me a hickey before.” He snorts and Oikawa turns bright red.
“That was ONE time and it was to make Makki jealous.” Oikawa defends and Matsuku mutters out an unbelievable ‘sure’. “(Y/N) only gives me stickers,” Oikawa mutters and pulls out his phone to send you a handful of needy messages about his betrayed heart.
Sugawara Koushi
Sugawara would sit there with you while you make stickers
Like you two could spend all day in your room printing them out and getting excited at how cute each individual one is
Sugawara would probably talk about random things and you two would chat freely all while the little machine is humming in the background
Sugawara loves your little hobby, he thinks it is so cute and is really interested in all the stickers you make
He would beg you to make him his own stickers
Like he wants a little volleyball to put on his water bottle or the letter of your first name to put on one of his notebooks
Yes, Sugawara would so brag when someone asks him where he got his stickers
He would gatekeep your stickers LMFAO like it is his and his only!
Sugawara would not waste a single sticker you make, he will always find somewhere to put them
He loves and cherishes everything you do, so of course, he is obsessed with anything you make for him!
“And then Kageyama and Hinata got into a fight!” Sugawara tells you, gasping for effect, he holds his tea bottle close to his chest as you two sit inside your bedroom. The afternoon sun peaks in past your curtains and your jaw drops as you glance at your boyfriend with wide eyes.
“An actual fight?” You wonder and turn your attention fully onto your boyfriend.
“Yes! Hinata full on tackled Kageyama,” He starts and explains what exactly happened in full detail. You cover your mouth in shock while trying to simultaneously work on the stickers in front of you. Sometimes you forget how much dirt your boyfriend has on everyone. It is always the sweet, quiet ones who pick up on all the drama. “And that’s when Tanaka found them and stopped the fight.”
“I can’t believe it, what is in the first year's water?” You scold and Sugawara laughs at your words before picking up one of the stickers in-between his fingers.
“It’s kinda like the thing that happened between Noya and Asahi a few months ago.” He refers back to the heavily mentioned broken broom incident and you agree with the similarities. Sugawara sneakily takes the sticker and sticks it into his notebook, thinking you hadn’t noticed but, you saw the entire thing.
You always enjoy spending time with your boyfriend, especially when it’s quiet and calm just like this.
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
So y’all remember that Bust Your Kneecaps post I made a couple days ago?
Now you have two people to blame lol. @milk-carton-whump and @sideblogformindtrash for indulging me and giving me tons of great ideas. >:( (/j love you guys)
ANYWAY, figured I’d write out some character descriptions because... I want to? Idk, just think it’d be fun to share. Meet the Wilsons + our whumpee! (I was GONNA call this “Meet the Wilsons” but APPARENTLY that’s already a thing lol)
Anywho, without further ado!
Quick CW: Mentioned kidnapping, death, and torture (in passing), missing persons, photographs of victims, sadistic whumpers
Jude (the father) - Jude’s a mix between the man of the house and that one dad that wears sweater vests and glasses and says “honey, I’m home” every time he comes home from work. He’s the only one who actually has a job in the “outside world,” and he constantly tells the family what a bad influence it is, how horrible it is out there.
HOWEVER, he’s also like... weirdly supportive of everything. He really wants to make sure his kids have a *bright future* in the family business.
Last thing to note about him, when his glasses come off, you know things are getting serious. Kinda like Clark Kent, except instead of saying, “Yay, we’re saved!” you’re saying, “Oh no, Whumpee is so screwed.”
Valerie (the mother) - The stereotypical 50′s housewife with a twist. First of all, her cooking is insane. Same with her baking. If she wasn’t a serial torturer and murderer, she’d be perfect at throwing house parties and an absolute treat at potlucks!
Second, she absolutely has a scrapbook of newspaper clippings displaying the missing posters for all the people they’ve kidnapped, because of course she does and of course they only get newspapers. Except she decorates them like you would an actual scrapbook. We’re talking glitter and stickers and that big bubble text that’s like “family vacation!”, and next to those clippings would absolutely be the after pictures, Polaroids naturally, with the “after” being those ~notable~ moments during their torture sessions. Every page ends with a final  photo of the missing person’s corpse. :)
Lillian (the daughter) - Lillian’s an overachiever and actually kinda mean for a fourteen-year-old. Definitely a sadist, but aren’t they all? I don’t have too much info on her yet, but she really wants to make her parents proud and become just like her mom! :D
I’m also thinking she’s aro ace, and her parents are totally cool about it. Because they’re not all bad, right? Her father actually found the term for it for her while on the computer at his work. Because none of that 21st century garbage tech in the house,
Sunny (the son) - Sunny’s almost eighteen and that means for the past few years he’s been tagging along with his dad to help kidnap their victims. He’s a good son, does as he’s told when he’s told. And when he turns eighteen, he’ll be sent out to get his own victims, get a job, and keep the family business going in another household.
Only... he doesn’t really like the family business. It doesn’t give him the same exhilaration it gives his parents and sister. If he’s honest, it’s kind of... boring. Not that he’d ever say that.
*cough* Secret caretaker? *cough*
Joseph (the whumpee) - And now onto Joseph, Joe as he prefers, our lovely average Joe. He definitely works at a McDonald’s part time to pay off his student loans for an undeclared major. Yikes. This guy’s just working for something better, waiting for the day his life will change forever.
This... was definitely not what he had in mind.
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Doodlewash April 2021 prompt 29: Party
Set in @itsmoonphobic’s Summer Vacation Au
If anyone wants to be part of a taglist of this Summer Vacation AU, feel free to message me/send an ask.
Taglist: @causeimfabulous @sleepysnails
Thank you Escargot for giving me a kickstart to this prompt.
Tubbo sat in his bed playing piano tiles when the tin can in his room started dinging. Tubbo groaned and got up. He pulled the cord from his side of the window.
“Good morning!”
Tubbo looked at his phone. “It’s 12:01am Tommy.”
“Tomorrow starts at midnight my friend.”
“What you do want Tommy?”
“It’s Purpled’s birthday today.”
Tubbo blinked. “It’s what?”
“Purpled’s birthday.”
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is.”
“His birthday is in like. Many months.”
“Tubbo. It’s Purpled’s Birthday.”
“Tommy. It’s not.”
“Tubbo we are going to throw Purpled a surprise party.”
“Tommy he would not enjoy that even if it was on his birthday.”
“Tubbo that’s why we do it today.”
“So we don’t ruin his birthday?”
“Yes. We let him to what he wants to do on his birthday.”
“But because we want to throw a party for him to do it today?”
“Let’s get his older friends,” Tubbo suggested.
“Ranboo first, then we meet up at the Moo-Pop Café.”
“His shift is at 1 tomorrow right?”
“Today. Tomorrow starts at midnight Tubbo.”
“Right sorry.” Tubbo paused. “We go get Ranboo?”
“Meet you outside.”
- - -
“Tap tap taping on the glass.”
The window abruptly opened, showing Tubbo a disgruntled Ranboo. “What?”
“Good morning!”
“You are too perky for this.”
“Guess what we’re doing today!”
“Dragging Purpled down with me,” Ranboo muttered. “Forcing chickens to cross the road,” he guessed, “burning down a building?”
“No, no, and no.”
Ranboo peered at Tubbo. “What do you mean ‘no, no, and no?’ I only guessed two things.”
Tubbo smiled widely. “Purpled.”
“What do you mean Purpled?” Ranboo looked out his window to see Tommy lying in the grass. “You mean we aren’t going to harass Purpled? You mean I’m alone with you two at 12:18 in the middle of the night?”
“Tubbo.” He looked back to the boy on his roof. “You know I love you guys but please.”
“We’re harassing Purpled. Don’t worry.”
Ranboo was not comforted.
“Come on get up. We’ll meet you outside.”
“Come on Ranboo, it’ll be fine.”
He jumped down into Ranboo’s yard. “Come on Big Man! We gotta start soon!”
Ranboo came stumbling out of his house. He put on his jacket as he walked to his friend. “What are we doing then?”
“Throwing a surprise party for Purpled.”
Ranboo gave Tommy a look. “Purpled’s birthday is in October.”
“I know.”
He just shook his head. “Great. What’s first?”
“Bothering all of Purpled’s friends for help. We want a good proper party.”
Ranboo dropped his head in his hands. “Seriously? Where is this party happening?”
“Sammy Green has the morning shift at the Moo-Pop Café. He should have the keys.”
“Oh no. What about the owner? Does he care?”
“Scar. You’re asking if Scar cares about throwing a surprise birthday party.”
Ranboo finger guns at Tubbo. “Right. Stupid question.”
Tommy procured two sticky notes from his pocket and, with an unnecessary flourish, gave one to each of his friends.
“Here are the addresses of Purpled’s other friends.”
“That’s nice.”
“How did you even get these,” Ranboo asked.
Tommy smiled much the same way Tubbo had earlier. “Would you believe me if I said I went through the phone book?”
“No.” Ranboo looked down at his list: TapL, Wallibear, Rachxo. “But I’m going to pretend I do for my own sanity.”
“Well, I’m off to wake up Hannah, Astelic, and David.” Tubbo did a half-bow. “I’ll meet you boys at the Moo-Pop Café.”
“Later Tubzo!” And with that Tommy was off.
“And I didn’t even get a goodbye.” Ranboo turned to where Tubbo was just at his left. “Ah. Well. Time to wake people up for TommyInnit at 1 in the morning. Great.”
- - -
“Sammy. Sammy. Sammy.”
Sammy batted an arm at Tommy. “If I ignore you for long enough will you leave?”
Sammy groaned and rolled over in his bed. “How did you get in here?”
“Spare key under the doormat.”
“That’s nice.” Sammy sat up and rubbed his eyes. “This what you do to Purp?”
“Why me?” Sammy asked. “Is Purp even here?”
“Nope. I need your key to the Moo-Pop Café.”
Sammy stared at Tommy, unlike his regular friend group he doesn’t know to not ask questions. “Why?”
“Because I need it.”
“You’re already in my house. Did you need to wake me up?” Sammy looked at the electric clock on his side table. “At 1am? Seriously? Couldn’t you have just stolen it?”
“Pretty sure there’s an alarm code that I need. Also, someone has to work.”
Sammy flopped back down into bed. “No.”
“It’s for Purpled’s surprise birthday party.”
“It’s not his birthday.”
“Should I come back then?”
Sammy shot out of bed. “Nope. Bad idea. Get out of my house I’ll be down in a minute.”
“You have five!” Tommy slid the window open and jumped down to the grass.
“Didn’t you come in through the front door?” Sammy asked, meeting Tommy outside. “Why did you go out the window?”
“It’s more fun.”
“Off to wake up Gamer Boy!”
“Oh you’re actually going to wake everybody up for this. Great.”
Tommy smiled. “Now you’ll know what Purpled’s talking about when he tell you about these earlier morning wake up calls!”
Sammy gave Tommy and unamused glare.
- - -
Purpled walked into the front door of the Moo-Pop Café, ready for an afternoon of work.
Purpled walked back outside. He took a breath. And he walked back in.
Literally all his friends were in the dining room of the Moo-Pop Café. There was a ‘Happy Birthday’ banner hanging in the room. There were streamers and balloons. And all of his friends were still blowing kazoos at him.
TapL and Squid were manning the counter for the actual customers.
Sammy, David, and Walli were icing cupcakes.
Rachxo, Hannah, and Astelic were sharing a giant stack of ice cream
Gamer Boy was asleep on the floor.
Eryn, Freddie, Jack Manifold, Drista, and Lani were playing Uno.
Tubbo was talking pictures of everybody; probably for his scrapbook. Maybe Purpled flipped him off during the picture, but he was a good sport and smiled.
Ranboo just looked really apologetic.
Tommy had the biggest most proud smile on his face. “Happy Birthday!”
“Thanks!” Purpled threw his jacket at him. “You know it’s not my birthday right?”
“Absolutely! Let’s celebrate!”
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enderwalk · 3 years
CRANBOO... he has paws (it is true because i said so) and does scrapbooking because his memory book was just writing but tommy gives him a flower and hes like OMG ! i need a place for this .. BOOM scrapbook . he rarely cuts his hair and even then kinda hates it but thats ok he has a swag mullet.... even though we only see him in his suit i like to think tubbo (fashionista) got him in to dressing up a bit more so he has a very comfy and preppy closet including fun sweaters and skirts...YAY !! he likes drinking teas and hot chooclate and sitting by the fire with loved ones and even though he is a bit awkward and tall he loves dancing !!! MY APOLOGIES i was given the opportunity 2 talk about him and can/will for hours u_u
mir you are literally always so welcome in my inbox!! and cranboo DOES have paws its real and true
i actually really love the idea of him having a scrapbook to press flowers and paper clippings and things michael drew him )):
and i KNOW he only wears the suit and netherite armor but there's no way thats comfy. like cmon man. they definitely wear long skirts and comfy sweaters and sometimes the colors clash but he doesnt care!! its comfy and its cold in the tundra and in snowchester!!
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My second bookbinding project! I actually had a third and fourth as well, but I shipped those out before I took pictures, so... yay me XD
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ANYWAY, for my second bound fanfic, I chose the wonderful What the Dead Know by Heart by the amazing @exultedshores​​! A Dishonored fanfiction asking the question “What if on that day, Corvo died as well?” it drew me in and had me thinking about it until I could hold it in my hands.
It was also the first time I included amazing artwork for the fic, made by @rookdaw​​ and @dzala-va​​ (pictures right under the cut)
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The bookbinding side of this journey was an experience.
While the artwork for this fic was coloured, I had some printer troubles. My copy of the book (which is the one I took pictures of), has the art printed in black and white. The copy sent to the author managed to have coloured pictures, which allowed me to compare the two. Now I have a point of reference for future art!
For physical assembly, I scoured online shops for bookbinding cloth. As you can see, I was successful! I managed to get a black cloth that perfectly fits with the story. I don't know how visible it is on the photo itself, but I kinda missed the grain direction, which will hopefully improve with further projects.
The corners also returned, but I don't know if I will keep using them. It looks nice, but I want to experiment a little with books that don't have them and see what I will like the best.
I combined the black book cloth with red paper from hobbyshop.sk, which probably isn't ideal since it's meant for scrapbooking, but it's the best I can get my hands on and works rather well so far. There were also these amazing papers that resemble blood, which is fitting in my opinion and directly resebles Daud´s coat.
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As for details, I used a simple coloured paper (black) for endpapers. Hopefully I will find something better, as they warped from the glue. I sewed the head and tailbands myself once again, going for red and black to not make it clash with the book so much. The ribbon is red as well.
For the section breaks, I opted for a small heart. It was fun and grueling at the same time to find a picture, make it small enough, then find out the lines aren´t visible enough so I had to make them more visible... But I know how to do it next time at least.
Overall, I can see where I improved and also where I still need to be more careful. The entire project was a joy and I made a wonderful friend.
I also bound two more fics (projects three and four mentioned above) by Shores, the sequel to this one called “How Much the Heart Can Hold”, as well as a third, unrelated fic called “The Things we Leave Undescribed.” I only made one copy of them for the author, but I will return to those and bind them for myself as well. Hopefully soon. ower
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angelhummel · 4 years
These are just my thoughts on every s6 episode I watched in the last two days, which is all of them that aren’t already cemented at the bottom of my ranking list
Jagged Little Tapestry - Bro this episode fucking sucks. The Becky stuff is okay and it’s nice that they’re laying the groundwork for Coach Beiste’s trans storyline I guess. But goddamn Brittany and Santana are such fucking annoying and horrible bitches and even Quinn is being mean to Tina for no reason?? The songs fucking slap but my god, at what cost??
What The World Needs Now - Okay I know I like Rachel more than I have before but this episode is still half a Rachel Berry ego stroking parade so I hate it on principle. It’s better than the other ego stroking episodes but still. And the other half’s main focus is Brittany and Brittana so... yeah the episode isn’t for me (: Also the music isn’t even good sooo low points all around
Transitioning - I have my issues with the Coach Beiste trans storyline in general. I think it was handled really well. But it’s also probably my least favorite part of this ep, mostly bc it puts the focus onto Will and how he has to teach tolerance to his kids. Pass. But Unique is here, yay, she sounds and looks amazing. And I really like the whole party at Rachel’s place. Especially the Klaine duet. And kiss. And I get all weepy when they’re putting the photos in the scrapbook. It’s such a sweet scene
A Wedding - Obviously I like the Klaine stuff. Love a good wedding dress montage. The vows were sweet and I enjoyed Santana’s reunion with her abuela. But I still hate the things I hate and I will never get over Klaine’s ugly double wedding in a BARN. Also the otp hats that I literally never remember until she pulls them out. Also also the music isn’t good except for Mercedes’s number
Child Star - Could do without all the body shaming and the fat = lazy at the beginning but I don’t hate the episode. It’s weird but funny. I love Myron lmao. I adored it when watching the episodes in order but watching them randomly and getting to this one, it’s just okay. But I just love the newbies and seeing them interact and all that good stuff.
We Built This Glee Club - I mean same problems with everything else in s6 in that there’s literally no point buuut at least it’s fun?? I laughed out loud during the glitter bomb scene and had plenty of fun for the rest of it. Their numbers at sectionals are all so good. And the ending makes me cry so it gets points for that
2009 - It’s fine but it’s the most unnecessary shit in a season full of unnecessary shit. Just retconning literally everything and adding stuff that we didn’t need. And the gay, poc, and disabled characters being the ones who have to open their hearts and minds and be more accepting of the cishet white able bodied male that DOESN’T EVEN WANNA BE IN THE CLUB for literally like half of his time in the club. Also their shining compliments of Finn being like “he doesn’t call me fat” and “he let me take off my jacket before letting me be thrown in the dumpster” like yeah wow what a guy. Also Rachel being every kind of bigot imaginable and not getting checked once and also getting all the solos bc she “needs them more” like get the fuck out lmao. That being said it still makes me cry and the cut to the pilot always gets me
Dreams Come True - I think this is the best finale in terms of where everyone ends up. But idk it’s just not what I want it to be. I wish it was 10+ years later. I wish we saw more than 5 people with their own flashforwards. I wish they didn’t cut out half of Klaine’s accomplishments in the flashfoward, and they got their scripted kiss after Daydream Believer. I don’t know. It’s an okay ep but it just doesn’t give me what I’d want from a series finale. But hey, could be worse :)
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sagiow · 3 years
My 2020 AO3 Unwrapped
Thanks for the tag, @tortoisesshells!! Let’s do a little damage report. All fics, unsurprisingly, for Mercy Street.
First funny thing: I did not remember at all that I had an 11 month writing hiatus from late March 2019 to late Feb 2020. And guess what brought me out of it? No, not COVID. No, not even the Mercy Street Renaissance that came along with it. Nope, it was this seemingly innocuous ask by @tortoisesshells that launched a borderline crackship nobody asked for :)
Total Word Count 2020: AO3 totals 107K, but that’s complete BS.
From solo works (10 fics) : 21,388 words, which totally jives with by batting average of 2K per fic (and, incidentally, also the distance I typically run before my brain starts playing “This is crap. Running sucks. Why am I even doing this? Why 3K more? This is crap.” on repeat.) 
From team works (2 fics): This is where it gets complicated. Let’s say about half of We Run a Very Tight Ship (so ~16K out of 32,232 word), and... oooooh boy.... hard to tell with A Mansion House Murder (54,107 words), as many chapters were co-written and/or cut & paste-scrapbook style with @broadwaybaggins‘s work... so let’s go for about 15K?
Grand total: ~52K (with a ± 10% margin of error). No way close to what all you fine folks did, but still 4x my 2019 outpout of a meazly 12.5K, and my best year since joining in 2017 by a good 20K. So yay!
Top 5 By Word Count:
A Mansion House Murder (15K / 54K - and that’s not even counting all the related fics/ background stories / cut scenes that got posted individually. We really ought to make a Director’s Cut of the whole thing!) 
We Run a Very Tight Ship (16K / 32K and counting. The ship sails again!)
Dangerously Close to One Another (3248 words)
Adoro Te Devote (3152 words, but one chapter is doubled - one in original French, the other translated in English. So... not sure about this one.)
Until the Sun Comes Up over Santa Monica Boulevard (2961 words)
Hospital Blues & Silver Belles (2679 words) - If #4 is disqualified and we need at least one from another fandom... or at least crossing over to one :)
Top 5 By Kudos (which is too bad as Mercy Street Fandom is totally Kickass Comments Central)
A Mansion House Murder
We Run a Very Tight Ship 
TIE - Until the Sun Comes Up over Santa Monica Boulevard
TIE - Pony Up
Footsteps on the floorboards (really?!)
Top Fic Overall:
Well, depends based on what.
Time spent: It has to be A Mansion House Murder. I joined this team effort with @mercurygray, @jomiddlemarch, @tortoisesshells , @broadwaybaggins and @fericita-s and was happy to go with the flow wherever it may lead. As we had not agreed to a set endpoint from the get go, it was such fun to read what each super talented writer added and see what could be a potential clue, and discuss the chapters in a dazzling cascade of essay-worthy comments. @broadwaybaggins, @fericita-s and I tackled the final 2-3 chapters (which eventually turned to 12-13 because they ended up being much longer than anticipated and would’ve thrown off the full story’s rhythm) and it was a whole different type of challenge to see how to tie everything together and try and provide a satisfying ending. It may not be perfect, but I’m still really proud of the work we did, Dream Team!
Most fun: I’m gonna go with Cruise Ship because co-writing with @jomiddlemarch in a modern, boozed up AU with my everyday sailor-level language is always a fucking blast. I also had tons of fun in @broadwaybaggins‘s Summer Camp AU sandbox with Pony Up and getting these crazy kids drunk enough on vodka & Sunny D for some Never Have I Ever and Magic Miking by the campfire.
Personnal: I’m gonna shout out An Excess of Black Bile because it did not make any of the lists and was written from a darker personnal perspective, resulting in something quite different to my typical writing style. 
Adoro Te Devote was incredibly self-indulgent as it allowed me to create my first OC, write in French AND have some sexy Phoster banter; last week, I came up too late with ideas for a Christmas sequel, so.. maybe next year. 
And of course, I can’t not mention all the time and effort spent with Haliza, which I’m well aware is not everyone’s cup of tea (or, in this particular ship’s case, wine, sherry, whisky, brandy, port...) but to those of you who did find it enjoyable and encouraged me to continue down that very unexpected road, many thanks and cheers!
Double- tagging mutuals who haven’t answered yet @broadwaybaggins, @jomiddlemarch, @the-spaztic-fantastic
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ereawrites · 3 years
Yay! Matchups are open! Can I have a bat family matchup? I’m an ENTJ Scorpio female (bisexual, if that matters) I love collecting books, vintage things (thrifting) and scrapbooking. I spend most of my time daydreaming and listening to music. I love painting even though I’m no good, and I love learning about art history. I love animals and honestly prefer them over humans. I like studying philosophy and politics but I try to keep them out of my regular conversation so I don’t annoy people :( I’m also bilingual but growing up in the west I never learned how to read and write in my mother touge and I’m currently in the process of learning (it’s going great 🥲)
Appearance wise, I am 5’2, 95lbs, with wavy layered brown hair just past my shoulders curled at the bottom, with a light olive complexion. I have a button nose that doesn’t curl upwards (sadly), medium lips and almond shaped eyes.If matchups are closed feel free to ignore my love I completely understand! Have a good day/night!
dhsjskks CASS!
ultimate lowkey, chill couple 🏆 cass has a little spot in her heart for philosophy and it is the ONLY time u guys will ever argue, but even then it’s fun arguing and she will press u some flowers to apologise. pls make her a scrapbook of ur relationship bc it will mean more to her than anything ever. she’ll rly enjoy ur relaxed pace of life, it’ll help her anxiety a lot and she’ll probably take to collecting little trinkets from the vintage shops u visit omg. and u guys are gonna be the prettiest couple on this side of town i swear
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sukkasupremacy · 4 years
For context they all live together as roomates in this AU
ZUKO: He’s the one who panic buys and is a stickler on the cleaning and washing hands and masks(yay zuko) His quarantine hobby baking bread no questions asked😤 Is obsessed with skincarebyhyram cuz HIS SCAR and Mai laughs at him but he gets her to get Cerave wnd The Ordinary and it made her GLOWWWW
Katara: She’s family walk girl. 7pm, after dinner. All of them go on the family walks. She makes a “schedule” so they have a sense or normal. She helps Toph film her Tiktok videos because Toph is blind ALSO Katara totally tries all the recipes she finds on social media. She makes earrings and sells them on Etsy to all our WLW hehe
TOPH: She’s a social media star. She’s the queen of anime and cosplay tiktok. She also stays in bed for most of the day cuz WHY NOT! She also promotes Katara and Suki’s Etsy earring buisness since she’s famous.
Aang: Aang totally helps Zuko bake it’s their BONDING also he got into sewing over quarantine and playing the Ukelele and he got famous on YouTube for his uke covers
Sokka: He’s determined for get them quarantine body goals. He does Chloe Ting with Suki EVERYDAY and does couple yoga with her. He loves making arts and crafts w/ty lee and sings when Aang plays the uke. He eats EVERYTHING Zuko bakes for sure and all of Katara’s cooking creations.Also, he’s a painter now. Also, he let Suki shave his head for fun and Toph laughs at him even though she can’t see. Has an online shopping addiction
Suki: Does Chloe Ting with Sokka. She has to go, “DON’T STOP” when Sokka lays there and complains, “Is Chloe tryna kills us!” She helps Katara make the earrings and together they run a successful Etsy small buisness. Occasionally, she takes Sokka out on cottage core picnics. She gets the Gaang and Ozai’s Angels to gather around the piano to sing as she plays at the end of the day. ALSO SHE GOT KATARA TO TRY HER INDIE GIRL STYLE. Unfortunantly, she let Sokka dye two strips of her hair and she cut her hair at three am. Forces Zuko to learn Tiktok dances with her
Azula: Her makeup game got SO GOOD over quarantine. She was the one who was like, “I’m gonna improve at my hobby so much” over quarantine but like didn’t work at it at all. Has a crying session with Tylee and Sokka everyday cuz quarantine does that. She learned how to make scrunchies and drinks whipped coffee every morning. Also she cut her bangs unevenly during a mental breakdown at four am.
Ty Lee: She took onlince dance class EVERYDAY except on sundays when her and Azula would go on a picnic together. She got REALLY into cottagecore and she’s the one renovating the WHOLE HOUSE. I’m talking, re flooring, painting, and decorating. She drags Mai to helps her and Mai hates it but secretly likes it! She’s really good at embroidery now and helps Toph her new Cosplays. Made family movie night a thing and helps cooked themed dinners.Makes arts and crafts with Sokka and is OBSESSED with skincarebyhyram
Mai: She totally binged Netflix. Believe or not, she made a scrapbook and got REALLY into it. She learned how to make boba and it was a GAME CHANGER for the whole squad like queen mai. She got back into her middle school phases of children’s cartoons and now she’s writing fanfiction and making fanart cuz Sokka taught her how to paint and draw.
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