#god knows how this sounds to someone else
dix0nspretty · 3 days
Knives, Bikes, and Stitches, Oh My!
Summary: Daryl is working on his motorcycle and you watch. Too bad you can't keep your focus.
Daryl Dixon x F!Reader, 1.3k words
Era: Prison (again) because he's just so yummy...
TW: Mention of blood and stitches. Maybe chronic horniness?
Y'all loved my first story and I hope this one whets your appetites just as well! I have no idea how motorcycles or vehicles of literally any kind work, so please feel free to educate me in the comments.
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You put the fear of God in Daryl every time he sees you with a knife.
It’s not that you can’t use one. On the contrary, you’re a force to be reckoned with when you’re fighting. Sometimes all that can be seen of you in a fight is the shine of blood-tinged metal as you slash and stab at whatever is attacking with your twin blades. No, your knives are comfortable and at home in your grip. Maybe too comfortable.
“How many times I got to tell ya to stop eatin’ off yer damn knife?” Daryl’s rough accent sounds out in the empty courtyard. His head is bowed low as he works on his bike, not looking up as he speaks.
I’m perched on the tabletop of one of the prison’s picnic tables eating a can of peaches. Daryl, for some reason unknown to me, had elected to start taking his bike apart and putting it back together and I followed along to watch the process. I don’t know shit about vehicles, much less motorcycles, but I like spending time with the grumpy man.
“It’s fine, I’m not gonna cut myself.” I tell him as I tilt my head down to drag a slice of peach off the blade. Daryl’s eyes don’t move from the work in front of him, but I can feel him watching me. I pull the chunk into my mouth and lick the blade clean of the sticky juice.
“Told ya to cut it out.” I’m eating the canned fruit haphazardly, not paying any attention to how close I am to the edge. Daryl shakes his head. He knows it’s a matter of time before I cut my lip or tongue.
At his repeated command, I roll my eyes but pull away from the edge of my knife. I set the can of peaches down and watch him. His brown hair is getting longer now and it’s sliding down into his eyes, shielding most of his face from my watchful gaze.
“What are you doing, anyways?” I ask. I scoot myself closer to the edge of the table and peer down over his shoulder. He has one of his tools in his hand and some pieces of metal I can’t identify. It is roughly the size of my fist and cylindrical. Whatever it is, it looks important.
Daryl glances over his shoulder, feeling my curious eyes looking down. He huffs and continues his task. “Workin’.”
“No shit. Working on what?” I’m playing with my knife in my fingers, absentmindedly twisting and flipping it. Daryl looks up at me through his hair, squinting one eye against the sunlight. My breath catches in my throat, and I try to play it cool.
“Do ya really want to know or are ya jus’ bored?” He asks in his gruff voice. I don’t answer for a second. He looks so pretty. Get a grip, Y/N, I think to myself.
“Really want to know. Come on, I don’t know anything about bikes. Teach me something.” Daryl squints at me for several seconds longer and I’m convinced he’s going to send me inside to bother someone else, but he slowly starts talking.
“’M cleanin’ the carburetor.” He tilts his hand up to show me the same piece I was looking at earlier. “It’s startin’ to get clogged.”
“Oooookay. What’s that do?”
“It keeps the engine runnin’ smooth, basically. Don’t keep it clear and that can fuck up the bike, make it stall or overheat. Gotta take it apart and clean it every few months.”
Daryl lets me watch over his shoulder as he points out different parts of the carburetor and how to clean them. After a few minutes, his gruff voice starts to fade out and my mind begins to wander.
He just looks so good. His hands are greasy and dirty from all of his work today and his biceps are sweaty from the Georgia heat. He’s wearing one of his simple black shirts that already fit him so well and the sweat is only making him look more delicious. I’m watching his hands work over the small brass jets when I feel burning heat in my palm and look down.
I’d been messing with my knife the entire time and cut myself. I instinctively let go of the blade and it hits the concrete with a harsh clang. Daryl’s head lifts at the noise and he spins around right as I rush to tuck both hands behind my back. I look like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar and I’m trying to hide the chocolatey evidence. Except this time, it’s blood.
Daryl’s eyes run over me for a second, then flick down to my knife as it sits on the dirty floor. He slowly bends down and picks it up. “Y/N.” He starts, a low warning in his tone.
“It’s fine! I’m fine, I just dropped it.” My voice rambles out. There’s a high, nervous note to it and I’m hoping to God he doesn’t notice.
He raises an eyebrow. “If yer fine, why’s the knife got fresh blood on it?” Fuck.
“Uhhhhh.” I look around the courtyard, trying to find an excuse. I, naturally, see nothing. “Magic?”
Daryl huffs and crosses his arms. “Let me see your hands.”
I wince. I don’t want to get in trouble, but I can feel the blood dripping off my hand, and it stings. The longer I hold off showing him the angrier he’ll get.
“Y/N. Hand, now.” Daryl’s voice leaves no room for arguments.
“Jus’, don’t be mad?” I ask. He says nothing and I sigh, then slowly move my hands back in front of me. The blood is quickly evident on my skin.
“God damn it, girl. Why can’t ya ever listen to me?” Despite his rough tone, his hands are gentle as he takes my wrist and tilts my hand, inspecting the damage. I risk a glance at my hand. There’s a slash across my entire palm and more blood than there should be. It’s going to need stitches.
“Ya need stitches.” Told you.
 Daryl looks up from my hand but doesn’t let go of my wrist. His eyes lock with mine and he gives me a warm look. There’s exasperation and concern and I don’t know what to do with it. He takes a surprisingly clean rag from his pocket and ties it around my bleeding palm, firmly but not enough to hurt.
I can’t help but be surprised by just how gentle he’s being with me. I was expecting a pop in the side of the head and a banishment to Hershel’s cell. I look up at him through my lashes, waiting for my verbal lashing. After almost a minute, I realize there is none.
“Does this mean I gotta go in now?” I try to keep the potential disappointment from my voice and don’t entirely succeed.
“Yeah, yer going to go get those stitches. Ya weren’t listenin’ anyways.” He grumbles at me. “The hell were you doin’?”
I look away from him. I do not want to explain that I was too busy being horny over him to notice that I gouged my palm open. I risk a glance at him and I’m caught by those ocean-blue eyes.
“I was watching your hands…”
Daryl pauses, then snorts. “Maybe instead of watchin’ my hands ya should’ve been watching yours. Go get your damn stitches and I’ll show ya somethin’ else.”
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ashwhowrites · 2 days
I just watched clips of megan fox in transformers. Pleasee can you write Eddie x older hot neighbour that he instantly smitten on from the first day she moved in. But he is embarrassed thinking it wasn't appropriate, so he always tiptoeing around. Wayne grown sick of eddie's antics and encourage him to properly pursue her. Eddie who is previously insecure of himself being inadequate for a mature woman, turns to be a great young father.
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
The older woman
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Eddie was minding his own as he worked on his cigarette. But his ears perked up as he heard the sound of a truck driving on the gravel. He watched as a woman stepped up, dressed for the hot heat in Hawkins. She wore a tank top, tight in the right places, and small jean shorts. Eddie felt the sun beaming down on him as his hairline began to sweat. He swallowed the dryness in his throat when she noticed him staring.
"Hi there, I'm Y/N, we must be neighbors." Her smile had Eddie's heart running. He threw his bud to the ground and wiped his hands down his sweat shorts.
"Eddie," He said as he shook her hand. He ignored the buzz of electricity he felt. She was even hotter up close. "Need any help?" he offered, his eyes trailing over to the amount of boxes that sat in the truck bed.
"That would be amazing."
Eddie spent two hours sweating next to her as they moved her boxes inside. He felt his shorts get tight whenever she bent over. He learned she was single, and he had no idea how. She was older, but Eddie didn't care. He was smitten by her on the first day.
"Those flowers seem to be coming in great," Eddie smiled, he came from Hellfire and saw Y/N out in her front garden. She was on her hands and knees as she pulled out the weeds. Sweat dripped down her neck, and Eddie tried not to stare.
"Seems like someone had a good eye for placement," she flirted, she sent him a wink. Eddie wasn't as stone-cold as he thought. She could tell the younger boy had a little crush on her, from how he blushed or played with his curls when she was around. She enjoyed making the boy nervous.
He stuttered out a thank you before he raced back into his trailer.
Wayne watched from the window with a smirk, he sipped on his coffee as Eddie practically ran in.
"Smooth," Wayne teased
"Shut up," Eddie groaned as he went into his room.
Sadly, Eddie didn't get any smoother, he looked like an idiot when he talked to her. He felt that his crush was inappropriate so he tried his best to be a friendly neighbor.
Y/N sat in her front yard, swimsuit on as she soaked in the sun. Eddie watched from the window, wishing he was on her lips instead of the cigarette she inhaled.
"That's creepy," Wayne said, scaring the world out of Eddie.
He jumped and acted like he was looking at something else. But it didn't matter, he was caught.
"Kid, just ask her out instead of staring like a stalker." Wayne sighed. "She moved in two months ago and all Eddie did was tip-toe his way around her.
"No way, she's older! She will probably laugh in my face if I ask her out." Eddie groaned, he shut the shade and looked over at Wayne.
"She wouldn't. I've met her and talked to her. She's very kind."
"You can't talk to her! What if she likes you" Eddie panicked
"Flattered, but she doesn't. But what about all the other guys she might meet in town? Really want to take the chance?"
Eddie thought of Wayne's advice and bit at his lip. He could take the shot, what is the worst that could happen?
"Fine." Eddie huffed and opened the door.
He took a deep breath as he walked over the small distance.
"Can I get a hit?" his voice reached her ears and she smiled. Her eyes shut as she simply held it out for him to take.
Eddie sat next to her tanning chair, liking the way she was at a higher ground. He could see her skin glistening with sweat as he grabbed the cigarette.
God knows he needed it
He inhaled it and let it calm his nerves. The tobacco on his tongue as he relaxed.
"You know windows work both ways, right?"
Eddie froze as she smirked and turned her head to look at him. She flipped up her sunglasses and took in his blushed face.
"I hope I gave a good show,"
Eddie was smitten by how much confidence she had, and how she knew he was tied around her finger.
"A ten out of ten review," Eddie joked, he smiled as she laughed.
"Wow, the boy does speak!" She cheered as she sat up, and swung her legs to the side. Her hot legs were inches away from Eddie as she leaned down and placed her arms on her knees.
Eddie didn't say anything as he inhaled another hit before he passed it back to her.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked, he looked up at her and squinted as the bright sun was above her head.
"Yeah, wanna go inside for a drink?" She offered, her eyebrow raised like she was hinting at something.
Eddie coughed but nodded.
She stood up, and Eddie whimpered as her whole body was now on display inches above him. He wanted to get on his knees and kiss every inch he could reach.
She held out her hand, he grabbed it and stood up. As they walked in, he looked back at the window. He rolled his eyes as Wayne stood watching. She was right, the window worked both ways.
"You old enough to drink, Eddie?" she asked as she grabbed two beers from her fridge
"Not that young, sweetheart," he said as he grabbed it from her hand, easily cracking open the top.
"Good," she said as she sipped her beer, "what did you want to ask?"
"Not many people pick to live here, were you running from something?" Eddie asked, he leaned his arms on the counter
"I left my ex-husband, and needed to be somewhere he wasn't." She shrugged, leaning on the counter, across from him.
"I'm glad he ran you here," Eddie admitted
"Yeah? How come?" she asked, leaning closer
Eddie licked his lips nervously as she was inches away from his face
"So I can...ask you out" Eddie confessed, his eyes flicked down to her lips
"Alright, let me hear you ask," her eyes flicked down to his lips
"Can I take you out to dinner? Tonight?" his eyes back on hers, "on a date"
"Yes you can," she smiled, her lips inches from his but she pulled away. She laughed as Eddie didn't care to hide his disappointment.
Eddie sat across from her as she sipped her wine. He took the time to admire how breathtaking she looked in the restaurant lights. The low glow smoothed her skin.
"What are you staring at?" she asked as she set down her glass
"You," Eddie said, a small smile on his face as he leaned back in his chair
"You do that a lot, huh?" she turned her head to the side with a smile
"Can you blame me? I never want to look away."
Y/N felt butterflies in her stomach. She didn't know if feeling so beautiful because of a younger guy was a good thing. It was frowned upon, but she didn't care. The heat in his eyes was what she had been searching for in her marriage.
"Smooth talker," she said
"Dirty lover," Eddie replied, a smirk on his face
"Are you trying to get in my bed, Eddie?" she asked her chin on her hand as she looked at him through her lashes
"I hope so," he laughed as he leaned forward, "but I'm trying to win you over."
"You'll score," she said with a wink
Eddie drove them back to the trailer park, his hand on her thigh as he hummed along to the music
"Want to come in?" Y/N asked as Eddie walked her to her front door
"Course," Eddie smiled, a silent cheer in his head as he followed her in
They settled on the couch and played a random movie. They talked through two movies, getting closer. Her body was practically on top of his as their words became whispers.
"I don't think at my age I'm supposed to feel like a teenage girl," Y/N said, her face inches away from his.
"I was worried I wouldn't be mature enough for you, so if you want to be a teenager, that'll make it easier for me" Eddie chuckled, his arm wrapped around her shoulder. His fingers softly trailed up and down her skin.
"Don't worry about being anything but yourself for me. Because I happen to really like the boy next store," she said with a wink, "plus," she whispered, moving onto his lap. "I like having you in the palm of my hand."
Eddie shivered underneath her body, itching his lips closer to hers.
"You want to kiss me?" she whispered, moving her arms to wrap around his neck
"Yes, please" he breathed out as he licked his lips
She didn't say anything, just placed her lips on his. Eddie put his palms against her back as he pushed her body against his. He wanted to inhale every part of her.
He whimpered as he felt her tongue slip inside his mouth
He might have to thank Wayne for this later
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itneverendshere · 1 day
guilty conscience (+18)
chapter vi
pairing: rafe cameron x female!reader
summary: when ward cameron, a renowned business man and millionaire specifically requested your services through an escort agency, you assumed it would be just another job—brief and straightforward. however, your entire world shifted when ward disclosed his true intentions and rafe cameron stumbled into your life. there were rules, and rules were meant to be followed. was money worth breaking someone’s heart?
chapter warning‼️: smut
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Your mind is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions as Rafe's lips move against yours. The kiss is full of everything that you've been bottling up. You can feel his desire, his need to prove that what he feels for you is real, despite the tangled web of lies and half-truths between you.
For a moment, you allow yourself to get lost in the sensation, to forget about everything else. It’s just you and him.
Rafe's hands move with a determined tenderness, one sliding up to cradle your jaw, the other pressing into the small of your back, pulling you closer until there's no space left between you. The vigor of his body blurs the lines between right and wrong. His hands are insistent, roaming your figure with a possessiveness that sends shivers down your spine. But as the kiss deepens, reality claws its way back into your mind.
Stop! What the fuck are doing?!
God, you shouldn’t be doing this. You’re going to ruin his life. It’s mind-blowing how everything changed in a matter of weeks. How easily you lost control of the situation. Rafe Cameron is just another target, a customer to please, and yet, here you are. 
You know you should push him away, end this before it goes too far, but the heat of his body against yours, the raw need in his touch, makes it almost impossible to think straight. 
His lips leave a scorching trail along your collarbone, each kiss searing into your skin, making you arch into him. The hallway is filled with the sound of your ragged breaths and the rapid beating of your heart. You can feel the desperation in the way his fingers dig into your hips, the silent begging in the way his mouth moves against yours as if he's afraid to lose this moment. 
This isn't right!
You break the kiss, gasping for breath as you push lightly against his chest, creating some distance between you. Rafe's eyes are dark with desire and confusion as he searches your face, trying to understand why you stopped, lips practically chasing yours.
"Rafe, we shouldn’t," You say, your voice shaky but resolute. But he doesn't give you a chance to continue. His lips trail from your mouth to your jaw, then down your neck, each kiss sending electric jolts through your body, "W-we really shouldn't."
Once he comes back up, you trace the features of his face with your eyes, noticing a few freckles across his nose that you’d never noticed, and how the flecks of blue in his eyes are overshadowed by his dilated pupils right now. His hair is tousled, lips still tingling from all the kissing.
 He’s so fucking pretty it hurts.
“We should.”                                                
His hands find their way to your shoulders, and he gently pulls down the fabric, exposing more skin for his lips to explore and your knees feel weak.
“Let me make it up to you,” He murmurs against your skin, "Need you to understand how real this is f'me." His words are punctuated by the heat of his breath, making it harder to think, to push him away.
"You don’t—“ you try to protest, but your voice is a mere whisper, drowned out by the sensations flooding your body. His lips find that sweet spot, the pulse point on your neck, and your resolve crumbles. A soft moan escapes your lips as you clutch at his shoulders, your fingers digging into his shirt, “You don’t have to.”
"Need you to believe me baby,” he breathes against your skin, but his words are a mixture of groans and murmured assurances, "Need you... I need you to believe me. I don’t want her. Only you." Each syllable vibrates against your skin, making your pulse quicken. His urgency mirrors your own as your hands move to his hair, pulling him closer. 
You tilt your head back, giving him more access as your defenses falter completely. "Rafe," you whisper, but this time it's not a protest. 
It's a surrender. 
Sofia fades into the background, her memory dissolving into the night air. All that matters is him, the overwhelming sensation of being wanted, seen, and cherished in a way that drowns out every lingering doubt.
Your hands are everywhere, caressing, claiming, and he responds with an urgency that matches yours. Your fingers thread his blonde hair, tugging, silently begging for more. And he doesn't hesitate, his tongue tracing the outline of your lips, craving entrance, craving all of you. 
You can't resist, and the twisted dark side of you is enjoying every second of it. 
“Don’t know what the fuck you’re doing to me,” he whispers, huskily against your lips, “No way in hell I’m letting you go.” He growls and something like pleasure skitters down your spine.
You swallow roughly, but there’s a smirk on your lips as you pull your eyes away from his lips to look him in the eye, face seemingly innocent and sweet. “Gonna tie me up to your bed?”
Rafe's breath hitches, before a matching smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. It’s absolutely filthy.
"If that's what it takes to keep you here," he responds, his voice low, “All sprawled out in my bed in nothing but that golf skirt? Yeah.”
Heat floods your cheeks at the thought, but there's a thrill coursing through you at the idea of his possessiveness, his determination to keep you close. "You like the skirt, huh?”
“Why do you think you keep winning, hmm? Can’t fucking concentrate around you.”
There's something undeniably thrilling about the way he looks at you like he wants to devour you whole. You feel your chest tighten as his mouth hovers near yours again, knuckles turning white from gripping his shirt. 
You bite your lip, "Is that so? Thought I was a natural.” 
Rafe’s thumb moves to your mouth, the pad slowly pulling your bottom lip down. “Oh, trust me baby, you are. Can't get enough of you."
A blush creeps across your cheeks at his words. Fuck, you can’t remember the last time a man made you feel so flushed or even remotely interested to flush at every single compliment coming out of his lips. But it’s all you’ve done since you met Rafe. You can see the satisfaction he feels every time he watches your jaw clench to keep the stupid grin off your face, watching the tinge of pink appear on the apple of your cheeks.
“Promise I’m gonna make it up to ya.” 
With a quick intake of breath, you find yourself nodding in agreement, unable to form words. A small voice whispers in the back of your mind, reminding you of the consequences. You feel exposed, in a way that you’ve never felt before. You know this can destroy everything you've worked for, yet it's a risk you're willing to take.
You gasp as Rafe's hands slide down your sides, the thin fabric of your dress does little to shield you from the heat of his palms, his fingers tracing the curve of your hips, then venturing lower.
Rafe watches you, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "God, you’re so fucking beautiful," he murmurs, his voice hoarse. 
His hands bunch up the hem of your dress, lifting it slowly, deliberately, as if savoring every moment. You feel the cool air against your thighs, a stark contrast to the heat of his touch. You’re trapped between him and the wall, creating a delicious friction that leaves you breathless. His mouth is on your neck again, kissing and biting, leaving a trail of heat that makes you moan softly. His fingers trail up your inner thigh, teasing, making you squirm with anticipation.
"Who's making you feel this good?" he asks, his voice dripping with jealousy, a reminder of seeing you flirt with JJ earlier.
“Rafe, please,” you whisper, your voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart. The desperation in your tone only spurs him on, his touch growing more insistent.
“You want this?” he asks, his voice a low growl against your skin, his fingers dancing dangerously close to where you need him most.
“Yes,” you breathe, the word a plea, a surrender. “I want you.”
A satisfied smile curls his lips as he finally gives you what you crave. His fingers slip beneath your underwear, finding you already wet and ready for him. He groans softly at the feel of you, his breath hot against your ear.
“You’re so wet for me,” he murmurs, his fingers sliding through your slickness, finding your clit and circling it with agonizing slowness. His fingers are long and skillful, their calloused tips adding an extra layer of sensation as they trace your most sensitive spots. The sensation sends a jolt of pleasure through you, making you gasp and clutch at his shoulders for support.
He teases you like this for a moment, his touch light, drawing out your anticipation until you’re trembling with need. When he finally slips a finger inside you, you can’t help the moan that escapes your lips, your head falling back against the wall.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” Rafe breathes, his voice thick with desire. He adds a second finger, his thumb continuing to circle your clit, each movement sending waves of pleasure through you. You rock your hips against his hand, seeking more, needing more.
His fingers curl inside you, finding that sweet spot that makes you see stars. He sets a rhythm, thrusting in and out, his thumb pressing down on your clit with just the right pressure. You bite your lip to stifle a cry, your nails digging into his shoulders as the pleasure builds, coiling tighter and tighter inside you. Rafe watches you, his eyes dark and hungry, taking in every expression, every gasp, every moan.
“You’re so beautiful like this,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your temple. “So perfect.”
You can barely form coherent thoughts, let alone words. His tone pushes you closer to the edge, but the release you crave remains just out of reach. The pleasure builds and builds, each wave more intense than the last, but it’s a slow, torturous climb. Rafe’s relentless fingers work their magic, his thumb still circling your clit with just the perfect pressure, his fingers curling inside you, hitting that holy fuck spot over and over again.
“Rafe, fuck” you gasp, your body trembling, "Oh my god."
“You’re close, aren’t you?” he murmurs against your skin, “Can feel you tightening around my fingers.”
You nod, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps. “So close,” you whisper, your voice trembling with the effort to hold on, to let the pleasure build to its peak.
“I know, baby,” he murmurs, his voice tender yet firm. There's an intensity in his demand that has your throat rolling “Need to feel you come.”
The pleasure a slow burn that builds and builds, until you’re on the edge, teetering on the brink of release, Rafe’s fingers don’t let up.
You never came from a guy's fingers before, not from a lack of trying either. His hand slides through your loose hair, angling your head so you’re looking at him, “That’s it, baby,” he murmurs, lips brushing over yours, and you're fucked enough to yield right away, "Fuck."
His words are your undoing. With a cry, you shatter around him, your body convulsing with the force of your orgasm. He doesn’t stop, his fingers moving through your release, drawing out every last wave of pleasure until you’re left trembling and spent, clinging to him for support. As the aftershocks of your orgasm fade, Rafe gently withdraws his fingers, his touch soothing now. He holds you close, his breath warm against your skin as he murmurs soft reassurances, his hands stroking your back, grounding you.
“You okay?” he asks softly, his eyes searching yours, concern mingling with the lingering heat of desire.
You nod, still breathless, a small smile tugging at your lips. “Yeah,” you whisper. “More than okay.”
Just as you're about to kiss him again, the door bursts open and Topper barges in, an exasperated look on his face. He’s so caught up in his scolding he doesn’t notice Rafe dropping the skirt of your dress, his body shielding the movement, “Seriously, you two? The bonfire’s been going for like an hour and you’re still here?”
You exchange a glance with Rafe. His hair is still a mess from all the pulling you did and a giggle escapes your lips as you push him away, straightening your dress. “Okay, we’re coming,” you say, trying to suppress your laughter.
Topper rolls his eyes. “You better be.”
As you step towards the door, Rafe stops you both midway. You’re about to ask him if he forgot something but he beats you to it as he brings his fingers to his lips, licking them clean with a slow, deliberate motion that makes your cheeks flush all over again.
“Just had to taste you one more time,” he whispers, you can hear the satisfaction in the rich timbre of his voice. Motherfucker.
Without thinking, you slap his shoulder playfully. He laughs out loud, a genuine, hearty sound that seems to bubble up from deep inside him. It’s a laugh you’ve only ever heard when he’s around people he genuinely cares about. 
With one last smirk, Rafe grabs your hand, leading you both out to join the others at the bonfire. Your mind is still reeling from the strength of your orgasm, but as you walk side by side, fingers intertwined you feel stable enough to walk.
You're both enjoying the bonfire for what feels like another hour, soaking in the warmth of the fire and the laughter of his friends. But then, your eyes drift back to Aria and Kelce, their genuine love and affection so palpable it's almost suffocating. It’s not even jealousy you feel for them, it’s more like this deep longing, yearning for a connection like theirs—pure and genuine, with no fake vibes or pretense messing it up. You promised yourself you wouldn't let things go this far—that you wouldn't blur the lines between your role as Rafe's “girlfriend” and the reality of your arrangement with his father.
But it’s hard to keep track of things with Rafe's warmth seeping into your skin and his concern melting away the barriers you've built, it's all too easy to forget the boundaries you've set for yourself. His hands don’t leave your body for the rest of the night, tightly wrapped around your waist, fingers that had been inside just minutes ago, moving aimlessly on your skin, lingering longer every time he found a noticeable beauty mark.
Aria's voice breaks through your reverie, drawing you back to the present. "Pink isn't just a girly color!" she scolds, her eyes sparkling with conviction, body fully turned to Topper as she sits on Kelce’s lap. "It's a symbol of strength, of resilience. It’s literally historical.”
"Pink?" Kelce exclaims, his eyebrows shooting up in mock disbelief. "Come on, baby, you can do better than that. Pink is like the most basic answer ever. I know you like green better.”
Topper chimes in, mischievous as ever, "Yeah, I thought you were all about breaking stereotypes. And here you are, choosing the most stereotypically girly color of them all."
Aria rolls her eyes, “It’s not girly! You fuckers wear it all the time.”
Her retort earns a round of laughter from the group, including you and Rafe, who exchange amused glances. Kelce feigns offense, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. 
"Y’know what baby, you’re right. It's not just for princesses and unicorns, and shit.”
Topper nods in agreement, "Yeah, it's for real men too. Real men who aren't afraid to embrace their feminine side."
Rafe can't help but let out a snort, his amusement evident. He leans back against the log you’re all gathered around, a playful glint in his eyes as his arm moves from your waist to your shoulder.
"Real men, huh?" Rafe says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. You sneak a glance at him, and his earnest attention is suddenly making you feel nervous. "Well, I guess that explains why you've got a whole collection of pink shirts in your closet, Top.”
The group erupts into laughter. Topper only rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "It brings out the color in my eyes," he retorts.
“Sure it does.”
Aria shakes her head, a playful grin tugging at her lips. "Okay, enough with you boys.” She wiggles around in her boyfriend’s lap, turning her body in your direction, “What’s your favorite color?”
“Light blue.”
Surprise tingles through you as Rafe confidently voices your favorite color.
How does he know that?
It’s something you hadn't divulged to him before. Your heart quickens its pace, a rush of disbelief mingling with curiosity, causing your pulse to dance beneath your skin. You turn towards him, eyes widening in wonder, as a smile gradually spreads across your lips. 
“I never told you my favorite color?” It’s hard to think straight when those eyes are on you, and after a solid minute of just staring at his lips, you move them up, “Did I?”
He sucks a breath in through his teeth, his attention dropping to your lips, “You always wear light blue laces on your tennis shoes."
The realization hits you like a fucking bullet, and suddenly, everything feels more complicated.
You could do just sex, despite destroying your morals. But this? Oh this was harder. You try to steady your breath, fighting to keep your cool.
Aria glances between you two, her lips curving into a knowing smile. "Someone’s been paying attention."
Rafe’s hand, warm and steady on your shoulder, gives a soft squeeze. "'M just observant," he says casually, but there's a depth in his voice that makes your heart race. 
Kelce raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Sure you are, Cameron.”
The fire crackles, casting flickering shadows over the group, and you feel the intensity of Rafe eyes on you, your pulse pounding in your ears. You want to step back, to put up the walls you once thought were necessary. But his warmth, his presence, they’re too tempting, too magnetic to resist.
You force a laugh, trying to ease the sudden tension. "Maybe he's just got a good memory."
Topper chuckles, shaking his head. "Or maybe he just likes staring at you.”
Everyone laughs, and the pressure eases, but Rafe's words stick with you. The conversation shifts, friends chatting and joking, but it's hard to focus. Rafe's hand stays on your shoulder, grounding you. As the night goes on, you lean into his embrace, feeling the lines between your roles and real feelings blur. The fire burns low, casting a warm glow over the group. You know you should be careful, and should keep your boundaries, but right now, you just want to enjoy this.
The sense of being seen and understood feels too good to resist.
Plus, you’re planning on talking to Ward. Call the deal off. That makes all of this better, right? 
As the group begins to disperse, Aria and Kelce head off, leaving you and Rafe by the dying fire. Topper lingers for a moment, giving you both a knowing look before he too leaves, not before yelling out a cheeky “wear protection.”
The night is quiet, the stars above twinkling in a dark sky. Rafe's arm around your shoulders feels like both a comfort and a challenge.
 You turn to face him, the question you've been holding back finally escaping your lips. "Why do you notice those things about me?"
His eyes meet yours, and for a moment, he seems to consider his words carefully. "Because you matter to me," he says simply, his voice steady and sincere. "I mean it.”
You let yourself believe that maybe, just maybe, things could be different.
"Hey," he says softly, his hand finding yours again. "Stay with me tonight?"
You hesitate for a moment, the messiness of everything between you both pressing down on you. But then you look at him and you can't bring yourself to say no.
"Yeah," you agree quietly, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "I'll stay."
It's strange, sleeping together without the frenzy of lust and passion that had consumed you earlier. But as you curl up beside him, cheek pressed against his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath your cheek, there's a strange sense of comfort in his arms. Wearing his clothes, you feel a little closer to him, the fabric soft and familiar against your skin. Despite everything, despite the messiness of your situation, you find yourself drifting off to sleep with a sense of peace you haven't felt in a long time.
When the morning light seeps through the curtains, painting the room in a gentle glow, you gradually wake. For a fleeting moment, you're disoriented, the events of last night flooding back as you feel Rafe's warmth beside you. 
You attempt to slide out of bed quietly, not wishing to disturb his slumber, but his arm instinctively tightens around you, drawing you back into his embrace.
"Where do you think you're going?" he mumbles sleepily, his voice laced with the remnants of dreams.
You pause, torn between the urge to stay warm and cozy in his embrace and the impulse to slip away before the complexities of the morning set in. However, when you meet his gaze, the vulnerability reflected in his eyes pulls at your heartstrings, and you find yourself unable to resist.
"Just need to grab a glass of water," you fib, offering him a sheepish grin, “I’ll be right back, promise,” you quickly peck his pouty lips, dragging yourself away before you change your mind.
He squints at you, clearly unconvinced, but ultimately relents with a resigned sigh. You slide out of bed, snatching a pair of shots from the floor to drape around yourself as you tiptoe toward the kitchen.
The house is quiet, the only sound is the soft hum of the refrigerator as you fill a glass with water. You take a sip, relishing the coolness as it soothes your dry throat. But as you turn to go back to the bedroom, you freeze at the sight of Ward standing in the doorway.
"Good morning, sweetheart," he says, his tone dripping with sarcasm, “Enjoying your stay?”
You swallow hard, feeling a knot of anxiety forming in the pit of your stomach. You had hoped to avoid him, at least for a little while longer, just a few hours so you could get your act together, maybe prepare a little speech in your head.
"Morning," you mumble, ignoring him all together.
Instead of anger or disappointment, there's a smug satisfaction in his eyes, a knowing glint that catches you off guard.
"You seem pretty pleased with yourself," you remark, unable to hide the flicker of annoyance coloring your tone.
Ward's smirk widens, and he advances, his presence closing the gap between you, his eyes still pinned to yours. "Why wouldn't I be?" he retorts, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I did tell you that everything was fair game to win Rafe's favor."
You bristle at his words, a surge of indignation bubbling up inside you. "And I distinctly remember telling you I refused to stoop to that level," you shoot back, the sharp edge in your voice betraying your frustration. "I refused to use sex as some kind of bargaining chip. I’m not a prostitute, remember?”
“And yet, here we are…” Ward shrugs, his smirk remaining steadfast. "Did you have a change of heart?" he comments casually.
“I didn’t have sex with you son, Ward. I’m not going to. Not for your money.”
“If that helps you sleep better at night.”
You square your shoulders, determined to put an end to this once and for all. "I want to break off our deal," you declare, your words ringing with conviction. "I don't want any part of your schemes involving Rafe. I’m out.”
Ward's smirk fades, replaced by a look of genuine surprise. You would take a picture if the situation wasn’t as serious. "Break off our deal?" he repeats as if he can't quite believe what he's hearing.
For a moment, there's a tense silence between you, your words hanging in the air. Then, Ward lets out a low chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief.
"You think you can just walk away from this?" he says, his tone tinged with amusement. "You think you have any say in the matter?"
You refuse to be intimidated by his arrogance. "I know I have a say," you retort, your voice steady. "And I'm choosing to walk away. I don’t want your money.”
His gaze brims with such ire that a glimmer of satisfaction ignites within you. "You're making a big mistake, sweetheart," he warns, his voice low and threatening. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."
But you stand your ground, refusing to be swayed by his empty threats. "I know exactly what I'm doing.”
“Oh? You do? Because from what I’m hearing, you’ve grown to like my son…Hmmm. So caring for him, aren’t you? Can’t blame you for falling. It’d just be a pity if he found out what you do for a living.”
Your blood runs cold at Ward's insinuation, a chill creeping down your spine. You clench your jaw, refusing to let him see how deeply his words affect you. "You wouldn't dare," you shoot back, your voice trembling with anger and fear.
Ward's smirk returns, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Try me," he taunts, his voice low and menacing. "You think Rafe would still want anything to do with you if he knew the truth? If he knew you were just a little pretty prostitute? Using him for money?“
A startled laugh barks from you as you stare at him in disbelief, “I’m not a fucking prostitute. You hired me.”
“But he doesn’t know that does he? Who do you think he’d believe, huh? You? Or me?” Ward merely chuckles a cold sound that sends a shiver down your spine. "You don't have a choice, sweetheart. You're in too deep now."
“You’re insane.”
Not breaking eye contact, Ward reaches for his phone and places it before him on the kitchen island, jabbing his finger once down atop the technology, “We made a deal. You signed it, it’s right here. You’re a good kid, don’t fucking push it.”
You glance at the phone, its screen illuminating the evidence of your entanglement in Ward's schemes. You want to break it apart, smash it against the nearest wall, but knowing the bastard he probably has at least two more copies somewhere, maybe even printed.
Relief washes over you, but there's also this tinge of apprehension creeping in. You glance over to find Rafe at the doorway, shirtless, his hair tousled and catching the light in a way that accentuates its natural dark blonde strands.
"Ah, Rafe," Ward greets him smoothly, voice dripping with feigned sincerity, “Arrived earlier from the London trip. Nice to meet your…friend, by the way.”
Rafe's eyes dart back and forth between you and his father, a glint of suspicion coloring his expression. "Everything okay?" he asks, his tone cautious, as if he already senses bullshit.
Ward dismisses his inquiry with a casual wave of his hand, slipping effortlessly back into his polished facade. "Just a little chat, son," he replies smoothly, his voice dripping with insincere charm. "Nothing for you to fret about."
But Rafe's focus remains fixed on you, a silent plea for truth lingering in his gaze. You swallow hard, torn between shielding Rafe from the harsh reality you were both dragged into and the urge to expose his father's shady bullshit. Yet, with Ward's threats looming over you like a dark cloud, you can't risk it, not when it could destroy everything you've fought so hard to keep. You can’t lose your job.
“Well, you kids have fun. I’m off to the office today, enjoy.”
Once he’s out of the room, Rafe rushes to your side, reaching for your hand, “Sorry about him,” his grip tightens, his thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of your hand. "I'm used to it," he murmurs, a bitter edge to his voice, "But you don’t have to."
“It’s okay,” you assure him, lying through your teeth, “He’s just worried about you.”
“Yeah…Just ignore him, please,” his head leans down, resting atop of yours, “Don’t want him to scare you away.”
You take a deep breath, you want to tell him everything, to reveal the truth about his father's manipulation and your own role in it, but the words stick in your throat, suffocated by fear and uncertainty.
"I'm not going anywhere," you say softly, squeezing his hand reassuringly, "Just got here, remember?”
Rafe's grip tightens, "Good, ‘cause I still got take you on a date.”
A smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you meet his gaze, seeing the hope and anticipation reflected in his beautiful eyes. "I'd love to," you reply, your voice soft. He has you eating out the palm of his hands, it’s embarassing. 
Rafe's smile widens, a spark of excitement lighting up his features. "Great," he says, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm, "How about dinner tonight? Just the two of us."
“Yeah. Just the two of us.”
Rafe's grin widens, and he squeezes your hand affectionately. "It's a date then.”
Maybe there’s still a chance to make things right.
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you’re not sleeping on the floor - steve harrington imagine
summary: reader spends the night at Nancy’s after a party and gets an uexpected guest at bedtime... no warnings as such in this one :)
word count: 2.3k
notes: yikes it’s been a while, this has been in my drafts for TIIIIIME. Anyway, enjoy :) here’s the link to my masterlist if you’re interested !
“You take the spare room, (y/n).” Nancy chirps in her deliriously drunken state as she flings open the Wheeler’s spare room. You’re met with a double bed, neatly made with plush pillows and a crochet throw to decorate. It looks sweet, and happily undisturbed, unlike the rest of the house following the party, which you’ve already promised to help clear away in the morning. 
Nancy swiftly places a small kiss on your cheek before turning on her heels, “Sleep well, no snoring, I’m only down the hall!” With a roll of your eyes, you saunter down the hall to the bathroom where you flick the light on and close the door softly. 
In the bathroom, you place your overnight bag on the counter and fish around for your toothbrush. Upon finding it, with a yawn, you twist the lid from your toothpaste and place a sloppy dot of mint infused gel to the head and start to brush. As you’re brushing, you tune into the sounds of people calming down for the night in the rest of the house. Doors closing, slow footsteps tracing back and forth in the hall and up and down the stairs, hushed voices and drunken giggles permeate the house and you smile. Still, you’re left wondering about someone in particular. Someone who seemed to disappear part way through the night, much to your sheer disappointment. You’re pondering where Steve went. He was supposed to be staying too, but you did see him chatting to Paige, so you figure he’s left with her. Before the thought could get too overwhelming and add a downer to your otherwise fun evening, you spit into the sink and get yourself ready for bed. 
After you change into your pyjamas, you unlock the bathroom door and head back across to the spare room, closing the door softly behind you. The sheets are cool against your warmed skin as you pull them back and get comfortable before knocking the light off and shuffling further down into the bed. Within minutes, you feel yourself on the edge of a sound slumber, slowly drifting into a dreamlike state as your head swims as the effects of the alcohol wear off. You’re unaware of how much time has passed before you’re abruptly snapped back into consciousness. The bed dips and you hear a heavy sigh from next to you, someone’s made their way in here... As soon as your brain registers this, you quickly gasp loudly and shoot up, sitting bolt upright searching around for the lamp on the bedside table. As your fingers fumble around under the lampshade for the small switch, you feel the weight shuffle around again, paired with the ruffle of the duvet as it’s thrown back, as the person stands up from the bed. 
The room is bathed in light as your eyes squint at the sudden brightness, a harsh contrast from the darkness that previously cloaked the room. You turn to the side of the bed and then your eyes meet the figure stood next to it, a palm covering their eyes from the sudden brightness.
“Steve?! What the hell are you doing?! You almost gave me a heart attack.” You harshly whisper at him as he stands squinting back at you.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” He whispers back, “I didn’t realise anyone was in here. All the couches are taken, and I didn’t know where else to go.” His hand rakes through his hair as he shifts from foot to foot. 
An irritable huff escapes your lips, “I thought you left with Paige?” Your intonation pitches to make it sound like a question, and Steve’s features soften. 
With a shake of his head, he runs his fingers over his mouth, “God no.” He’s still whispering, “I thought you left too, I was trying to find you.” 
He was? He was... hm. Interesting. “Well you’ve found me, and woken me up.” You laugh slightly at the harsh whispers the pair of you are passing back and forth. Slyly, you catch Steve’s eyes wander down your front at your pyjama top before back up to meet your eyes and you could swear there’s a tinge of pink decorating his cheeks. 
“I’m just gonna...” He starts, taking the two unused pillows from the bed and placing them on the floor, starting to lie down. 
“Wait Steve,” you start, realising he’s willing to sleep on the floor. Although the pair of you have been friends for a while and have on nights like this shared some drunken feelings with one another, it’s a thing that just keeps getting passed over as time goes on. But now, knowing he’s going to sleep on the floor, you feel a rush of warmth and confidence fill you. “You can’t sleep on the floor.” You state simply. 
His head pops up over the side of the bed as you pull the comforter closer to you. “Why not? You’ll want that nice big bed to yourself. I’ll be fine here.” He shrugs.
You answer by simply pulling the comforter back on the other side of the bed. “Come on, get in so I can turn the damn light off and go back to sleep.” 
“You sure you’re okay with sharing a bed?” 
“Yes!” Your harsh whispers return as your tired impatience builds and he quickly stands up, places the pillows back and stands still, as if someone has an invisible iron grip on him. “Steve, c’mon.” You tut as he maintains eye contact and you watch as his chest rises and falls quickly. “I get you’re being respectful, but you don’t need to do that,” you say as you turn back to the light and knock the switch off before sliding back down in the bed and getting comfortable. You hear him drop his jacket onto the floor and slide out of his jeans before pulling back the comforter and letting himself sink down into the mattress. 
The pair of you lie in silence for a few minutes, and judging by Steve’s now steady breathing, you’re assuming he’s fallen asleep. But for you, the opposite. The feeling of impending sleep that was flooding your body moments ago has gone and you feel hypersensitive to every noise that your ears register. With a small huff, you turn over onto your back and cross your arms over your chest atop the covers. 
“You good?” His voice startles you through the dark and you turn your head slightly, trying to make out his position in the bed next to you. 
“Can’t sleep.” Your voice comes out tired and impatient, you’re already recognising how tired and cranky you’ll be tomorrow because of your lack of sleep. 
Before too long, you feel the bed shift again and Steve’s weight comes slightly closer as you still lie on your back. “Did you have a good night?” His voice remains calm and quiet.
You nod at him through the dark, but then realise he won’t really be able to see your reply. “Yeah, I did. It was fun.” Your head is still turned to face Steve and your eyes are gradually getting used to the dark and his shape is becoming clearer, and it is much closer than before. “Did you?” 
He takes in a deep breath before exhaling, “Sort of.” His apparent drunkenness he entered the room with seems to have settled.
“Sort of?” You question before turning onto your side to face him, the arm you’re lying on bends upwards to come under your pillow, a position you’ve always found comfortable since being younger. 
“Yeah, I guess. Don’t get me wrong I did have a good time. I just wish I’d spent a bit more time with someone.” 
In the darkness, your eyebrows furrow, ��Really? Who was it?” You are completely ignorant to his hints, and he loves that about you.
“She just looked amazing.” He starts and your stomach drops a little, disappointed that he’s going to spend the time now describing someone else to you. “I kept looking over at her laughing and joking around with her friends.” He stops and takes a deep inhale; your body feels heavy at the thought of him admiring someone from afar. He continues, “She had a beautiful, like orange satin-y dress on,” suddenly your breath hitches and your mouth feels dry. You think of your overnight bag, at the bottom of the bed, with that very dress folded up in. “There’d be times where we’d make eye contact, you know, and I’d just totally freeze and feel like an asshole.” You swallow quietly, trying so hard to make your mouth feel like anything but sandpaper. “Seeing her tonight made me realise that I’ve been wasting my time getting to know the wrong people. When really, she’s been right in front of me all along.” You daren’t breathe in case you miss what he’s saying, you almost can’t believe it. In your mind, doubts unfurl like mist curling along the edge of a lake, but all you can do is listen for more. “I think I’ve always just been scared that she doesn’t feel the same, you know?”  
Silence. Nobody says anything else, and he’s so worried that he’s just fucked it up. Surely you’ve realised he’s speaking about you, or so he hopes you’ve realised. “...Steve,” you start, surely this is all too good to be true? “She does.” 
“Hm?” He replies quicker than you expected.
You clear your throat as a signal of finality almost, “She does feel the same, idiot.” A giggle punctuates the end of your sentence like a period and your cheeks flush. 
In the darkness, his figure is still indistinguishable, but the bed shifts to let you know he’s moving closer. Only a slight outline is visible and your heart picks up speed dramatically, throbbing in your chest. Gently, you lift your hand up and bump into Steve’s arm, making you realise he’s much closer than you thought. With a deep breath, you slowly move your hand up his arm, tracing your fingernails lightly over his bare arm before you reach the end of his t-shirt sleeve. At his shoulder, you move your hand along, gliding across his collarbone that peeks out from the neck of his shirt before you finally place your fingers at the base of his neck. Ever so slightly, you can feel the slight of his pulse beating underneath the tips of your fingers as they gently rest on his neck. With one final, wilful urge, your hand moves up to rest on his cheek, your thumb swiping across it, hoping that you’re not about to poke him in the eye. Your own skin is now covered with goosebumps that have risen in anticipation of the proximity you both now share. Whilst your hand made your way to its current position, you felt yourself shift even closer to him. Underneath the cover, his hand confidently finds your waist and he tightens his grip, pulling you close to finally close the gap between you both. His hand glides down to the side of your thigh where he pulls your leg up to rest over his hip, once it’s resting comfortably, he traces his hand over places he could only have ever dreamed of touching. Your heart now hammers wildly in your chest and your skin feels like it’s on fire from his touch. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers, his breath lightly fanning over your lips, again reminding you just how close you both are.
Your fingers trail down to the collar of his shirt where you give it a soft pull, inching him agonisingly closer. “You can’t even see me.” Teasingly, you brush your lips against his and you feel his grip tighten on your hips, he hadn’t expected you to feel the same, but he is absolutely not complaining. 
“I don’t need to see you to know.” And before you know it, his hand leaves your hips and comes up to hold your jaw, his thumb placing itself right underneath your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before you feel his lips on yours. You both lose yourselves within each other as he kisses you slowly, meaningfully, like months of pent-up emotions are seeping through his kiss and you feel as if you’re melting into him, his grip staying strong on your jaw. 
In synchronisation, your lips move together effortlessly, and you feel at ease together, like it’s the most natural thing to have happened between the pair of you. After what felt like an eternity, but was no longer than half a minute, you slowly pull away from one another. His thumb grazes over your chin and you tip your chin into his hand, enjoying the feeling of support that he’s offering you. 
“Wear that dress again for me sometime, hm?” His voice is low, raspy with the fog of worn off alcohol and lust. 
That one sentence, those eight simple words, send your heart into eruptions of excitement and thank God it’s dark because your cheeks tinge the colour of fresh beets. The whirlwind of feelings leaves you unable to communicate with efficiency, so you place another small kiss upon his lips with a brief nod, one you’re sure he will feel due to the proximity of you both. A roar fills your ears as your cheeks tighten with a smile and you shift down, moulding to the shape of his body as you tuck your head into the crevice between his neck and shoulder. If anyone were to walk in, it would look as if you were both used to doing this, they would think it was the most natural thing in the world. Happily, the thought brings you a sense of pride and calm that you hadn’t experienced for so long.  
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causenessus · 2 days
cold kisses
part 0.3. USER 7193
PLAYING FROM KODZUKEN'S STREAM . . . feels by calvin harris
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maybe he should have expected this. 
nearly all of his posts have been overrun with questions about y/n in the comments. the comments range from simple “who was the girl in your cooking stream??” demands to extremely specific ones detailing her exact hair color, height, and voice pitch as if he’s had another mysterious girl on a stream that he’ll confuse her for.
he’s been doing his best to avoid questions about her but it could only work for so long. now there’s only questions about y/n left in the chat and he’s not sure what to do. it was easy to ignore the questions when he wasn’t doing an entire question and answer live stream but he’d promised to do one soon and he thought having shoyo with him was going to help. 
it did for the most part, and everything seemed normal but he was at a loss for words when the chat started to flood with questions about y/n.
shoyo leaned closer to read a question outloud, “‘girl from the cooking stream?’ i keep seeing that, do they not know–”
a reflex kicks in and he slaps a hand over shoyo’s mouth, pushing him away from the screen again before removing his hand trying to act normal.
the ginger looks at him, a mix of surprise and confusion on his face. “sorry,” kenma apologizes quickly, shocked by his own actions. “no, they don’t know anything about her,” he answers, trying to make it clear that he wants to keep it that way.
but the chat is already too far gone, using this one mention to run wild with theories. he can’t blame them, really. sometimes they’re a little over the top and unnecessarily pushy as if they have no sense of respect but in this scenario what else could they talk about besides a mysterious person that just entered the picture? but that didn't mean he enjoyed dealing with it.
messages transition quickly from asking what they “don’t know about” to inferring that he has a secret girlfriend. he groans, looking away from the screen. his mind working fast to try and come up with an excuse or explanation; a single mention of her and they already think he’s dating someone. he’s sure that the internet would go crazy with this information as well, fabricating stories, scandals, and everything in between.
his phone starts to buzz.
speak of the devil.
it’s a notification from twitter, some unofficial update account that’s tagged him about having a secret girlfriend.
he needs to think.
he can see shoyo eyeing him out of the corner of his eyes and he knows he’s been silent for too long on camera.
god, someone was going to find out who she was soon, right? weren’t fans supposed to be good at doxxing each other?
but how does he play off being roommates with an olympic athlete? an olympic athlete whose currently being shipped to the max with the most typical copy and paste guy everyone has the hots for?
maybe it’d be better for him to leave it to a random fan to find out who she is and announce it to the world–no, then he’ll just look bad for hiding things after so much has already come to light. it’s best for him to come up with an excuse right now. if he said she was his girlfriend maybe he could ask them to leave her alone. maybe they’d listen to him.
it sounded like his best option but he couldn’t just make that decision on his own without talking to her.
but he also couldn’t stand up and the leave the room for an unprecedented amount of time after keeping quiet for so long.
he looks at the chat one more time, seeing the word girlfriend in nearly every message. if they already think they’re dating it can’t be that bad, right?
“kenma…?” shoyo breaks him out of a trance, touching him on the back.
kenma looks at him, unsure of what to say. he feels dizzy and his mind won’t stop whirring with thoughts and worries.
“you’ve been really quiet,” shoyo lowers his voice so that only kenma can hear him, “i think you need to say something.”
he glances at the chat again. still stuff about y/n.
she’d be okay with it, right? maybe if she isn’t he’ll just tell twitter that his girlfriend broke up with him because his fans are pushy little shits and he’ll agree with her word for word and then his fans will cancel him and he can move to another country and live a happy little life working in a cat shelter–
no. he likes his life the way it is now. he’s winged everything so far but he’s grown quite a small community for himself this way. he can do this. if y/n doesn’t agree, he’ll figure something out later.
“okay,” kenma finally speaks, dropping his hands that he’s been running through his hair absentmindedly. “since none of you guys are gonna leave this alone, yes. the girl from that last stream is my girlfriend, happy?” he watches his chat run wild with numerous exclamations. he thinks finally about his poor moderators. he’ll definitely have to give them something after this stream. “i’ve been trying to lay low about it because i didn’t want the world to freak out but now it’s out. just try and be respectful, okay? i love her a lot.” the words aren’t hard to say when they’re about her. he can say them honestly and play them off as a joke later, but for now he enjoys how nice it feels to say it.
he can see that shoyo has frozen up out of the corner of his eye. he needs to end this stream before either of them say something else they shouldn’t. he’ll answer a few more questions and slowly ease into a goodbye so that he can end the stream and debrief shoyo.
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extras <3
this is a long chapter i'm sorry 💀 literally there's more but i tried to split this evenly into two chapters
kenma was literally just going through some random person's account who made edits of ice skating partners to self sabotage himself
yn wasn't sure when they'd be releasing partner pair ups and really freaked out when they were announced
she was texting everyone and tweeting a ton
she messaged her media girl like "hey i'm not comfortable with people sending me writing shipping me with atsumu can we please do something about it" and the girl replied, "what do you want me to do?? report them?? write you a message that you can tweet about your boundaries?? (yes) if that's what they want to write deal with it at least they like u"
and they wonder why she just posts whatever she's feeling on her main unless iwa tells her otherwise
noya has gotten distracted from the main topic of a chat to reply with a <3 to something nice y/n says multiple times
they're fr just best buds holding hand in the middle of a warzone where iwaizumi reigns over all
(the only two soldiers are suna and tsukishima)
suna's a lot softer without tsukishima around
he just feels like he needs his guard up around such a salty person
do not ask me why i made rofltropper an antagonist for no reason
kageyama was really just trying to finally do his english homework while waiting for hinata to come home and then he heard kuroo and oikawa start to yell
he was a little scared but then was like "if they can't reach me i'm safe" and they they slammed the door shut and his room shook a little
someone on the floor probably wrote up a complaint about them
taglist: @rinheartshyunlix @kettlepop @eggyrocks @cr4yolaas @httpakkeiji @keioover @does-directions @calx-bdo @staygoldsquatchling02 @cherrypieyourface @iluv-ace @kitty-m30w @h3xi2g0n3 @mylahrins @thechaosoflonging @momoriii-i @localgaytrainwreck @a-pastel-edgelord @bugglesboop @polish-cereal @osakis-gf @whykirbo @phoenix-eclipses @faesix @ryeyeyer @starxq.zip @skylarkalchemist @kunimix @sereniteav @kodzubaby (form to be added to taglist! <3)
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scar-lie · 18 hours
No One's Savior [Natasha]
Summary : Life is cruel, God gives you the life you wonder if you deserve, a life were you have no one and have to stand up by your own feet
Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x Fem ! Reader
Warning : Being tortured, blood, death, crying
World Count : 2,777
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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"Please, Nat, let's go play around,” you beg her while following her down the stairs. Their mom adopted you a year ago, seeing you in the street trying to make amends to feed yourself and survive another day in the street.
“Your mom said we could play or bike around, please? ”You give her puppy eyes that you know she can't say no to.
"Fine, fine,” she groans, but you jump on happiness and quickly drag her to the garage to get yours and her bike around the neighborhood.
You smile while biking side by side; you never imagine your life will be like this. I mean, you grow up on the street with no one, stealing people’s food, money, clothes, or anything else you can use to exchange for some money.
You were 6 years old when you learned how to steal things, but when you reach the age of 9, you steal something from Melina, but she catches you. She's hesitant at first to get you arrested or put you in the system, but you beg her to let you go, and that's when she decided to adopt you right there and then, and now it's been a year since that day.
Sure, you try to run away after a few days of staying with them, but after a few days away from them, you realize that it's much better to live with them and their strict rules, and you push yourself to adapt to their lifestyle. 
At first, Melina's daughters disagree, but with the command of their father, they don't have a choice but to accept it, so they try to get to know you until they accept you and become friends with them.
Even though Melina didn't get the papers for you to be their legal daughter by law, they still treat you like family, and you're happy to be a part of their family.
But Yelena’s sister, Natalia, is the one who makes you stay with them; she's kind, caring, and looking out for you, even if she tries to hide it.
She also catches your eyes, which makes you want to look at those emerald eyes forever. It's mesmerizing you where you sometimes zone out.
But the happy life quickly washed away when Melina and Alexei took the three of you to the Red Room. You thought it would be fine, but once they took you away, you knew that the happy life you had was now over.
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“I don't want to be here, Nat,” you whisper, whimpering in the middle of the night, where only you and Nat are awake. Yelena, beside your bed, is sound asleep.
“It's ok, shh,” Nat whispers to you and reaches out to touch your face and wipe your tears. She wants to hug you and cradle you, but the handcuffs on her right hand are preventing her from doing it.
“We will get out, I promise. I’ll get you out of here. Now stop crying,” she whispered, and you nodded and made yourself comfortable.
“Promise? ”She nodded, smiling at you while she squeezed your hand.
“I promise,” she whispers, then kisses the back of your hand.
You sigh in relief, finding a safe place and comfort in the Red Room after everything you've been through for over 9 years. She still provides you comfort and a safe place, and you already fall for her, and so does she. Even though she won't admit it, she still loves you deep inside.
As long as she's here with you, you'll be okay at the end of the day. Even if your foot will bleed again from ballet, you killed someone, or they give you a punishment, you know you will be okay, and you've been holding on to Nat’s promise over the years that someday you three will be free.
But again, you should have learned the first time that not everything will stay the way it is and that promises—as someone says—are meant to be broken, and they are right.
Promise really meant to be broken, like how Natalia broke hers, how she just left you behind those bars, locked up, begging her to let you come with her.
"Natalia, please don't…don't leave me here.” You begged her when she turned around to leave this place and start her new life.
"Nat, please, I don't want to be here anymore. Please let me come with you, please.” You cry out for her, so she turns around again and puts her hands on your cheeks while she tries not to cry like you, and she smiles at you.
“I’ll come back for you, I promise... I will be back, ok? ”She whispered, swallowing the lump in her throat.
“No, no, please, Nat.” You grip her wrist, not letting her go, but she forces herself to get her wrist back and turns around.
“NAT NO…PLEASE….YOU PROMISED…NATALIA,” you scream, bagging the metal bars and watching her walk away from your sight until she's gone, so you drop on your knees and cry to yourself.
You just wish that you didn't make a little mistake on your ballet so you wouldn't be here in this cell alone, that maybe you're now with Natasha getting out of here.
But you still hold on to another promise, the promise she didn't—again—fulfill, and you're so stupid to believe that she will come back for you.
If you have a thought past in the RedRoom, now your life in there is hell. Since Natalia escaped, they put more security, they doubled the training, and you—your life has become hell.
Why? Since she escaped, you've become the target of everyone. When you were sleeping, they tried to suffocate you. Since the handcuffs are now gone, they can do whatever they want.
They even beat you up, and for the high staff of the Red Room, gosh, they also give you a hard time. They believe that you know the whereabouts of Natalia, so they tortured you.
Drown you, beat you up, hand you up with your hands tied up on your back, and do everything they can to break you, but since you didn't say anything, they turned you into one of the greatest black widows on your program.
And since then, you hate Natalia; you blame her for everything that had happened to you, so you become, though, a cold-hearted person and a killer machine. Dreykov wants
“Uhuh…you're ready! ”He smirked, standing on his chair behind his long table, where you were standing in front of him, emotionless. 
“You've become the greatest widow I can imagine! ”He then lights up his tobacco and goes around his table and to your back, whispering in your ear.
“One of my pride and joy,” he giggled to himself, then went in front of you and sat on his table. 
“What do you think about a mission—a highly top mission, huh? ”He then took a folder, looking inside to see if it's the file he's talking about.
“I’m gladly accepting whatever mission needs to be done, sir,” you said in monotone, so he gave you the folder, and you took it.
“That's what I wanted about you; no second guessing,” he says, smirking and urging you to open up and take a look at the mission he's given you.
When you read what it is, your heart stops for a few seconds, a feeling you didn't know you would be feeling again, but thanks to the training you had, you cover it up pretty well, and then you close the folder and look at Dreykov.
“I will not let you down, sir.” 
“That's what I wanted to do here; no, go and prepare.” With that, you get out of his office and go get the things you need for the mission, to kill Natalia.
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“Update to everybody? ”Steve said on the coms while he brought down four guards of the Red Room.
“Clint, east wing”
“Tony, east sky.”
“Thor, at the Helipad.”
“Lower ground in the north, Wanda.”
“Top south, Clint.”
Everybody took their update, but Nat and Steve's hearing nothing makes him worried about the redhead—not that he didn't trust her and her abilities, but still, that's his teammates in the field, fighting. 
“Nat, update? ”He reminded her, and after a few minutes, she replied.
"Underground.” Then Steve nodded to himself and went back to fighting the enemy.
“Augh! ”Natasha then coughs up the dust when she tries to open the locked gate of one of the cells in the underground. 
“I think there's no one here,” she mumbles to herself, and when she turns around and walks a few steps to go back up, there's a sound, coming to the end of the hallway, a cough. It's not audible since she's far from the source, but she's a spy, and her senses are highly activated every time.
So she quickly took her gun out, pointed to the hallway in case someone suddenly jumped on her, and slowly and carefully walked towards the sound.
Then she pointed her gun inside when she finally got to the last cell at the end of the hallway, seeing a woman tied up in the chair, blood and deep, superficial wounds littering all over her body.
She quickly put her gun down and slowly but surely walked closer, but once she's close enough to see her body up close, she freezes, seeing the birthmark on her shoulder. 
“Y/N? ”You then scoff, recognizing her voice—the same voice you've despise the most, the same voice you wanted to get revenge on.
"Natalia,” you look up at her eyes—the same eyes you've adored for years, the same eyes that gave you comfort and a safe place before, but now? Now all you see and feel is her broken promises and the betrayal she has done.
When you look into those eyes for the past few months, all you see is you being tortured over and over again. You wanted her to feel the same way you felt.
You wanted to kill her with your bare hands, but every time you tried to, she dodged it. She always fought back. She will always be greater than you.
That's why you're here now, bleeding to death because you can't kill her, so Dreykov chooses to slowly kill you, making sure to make you feel how unworthy and a failure you are that you couldn't kill the black widow herself.
“What are you waiting for, huh? ...You can now kill me,” you snarl at her. Your left eye is blurry because of the swelling and bruise, and your eyes are bleeding, making it harder to open your eye.
“No, don't say that…” Natasha quickly put her gun to her holster and kneeled in front of you, inspecting every inch of your body, making her shudder in horror.
“What have they done to you? ”She looks up at your eyes; her eyes are glistening with tears, not wanting to cry in front of you, but once you see the pity in her eyes, you scoff.
“Don’t act like you don't like what you're seeing.” You then cough up blood, making you feel even weaker than before.
“Wh-what? What are you talking about? ”She's worried that seeing coughing up blood makes her blood run cold.
“It breaks me seeing you like this,” she then proceeds to untie you while, deep inside her, she's panicking.
“You don't have to pretend like you fucking care! ”You weakly growl, getting angry at the moment.
“I do, I do care, my love, I do,” she firmly said, looking up at you. Her eyes say it all, and now tears run down her cheek, but you don't have anything in you to believe her, maybe because you already learned your lesson and don't want to be fooled once again.
“Really? Then why did you leave me here? Huh? ”Natasha, swallow the lump on her throat and go back, untying you to avoid the question.
“Why didn't you come back like you promised? ”And since your body weight is all forward, Natasha caught you when your limp body got freed from the restraint.
“I waited for you, like a fucking dog waiting for their master to come back! You betrayed me! ”She then put you down, taking you on her lap.
“And don't you fucking dare call me'my love'? I’m not the same person you once knew! ”You spat; you wanted to push her or get out of her arm—the same arms that calm you down—but now it feels like burning.
“Shhh…. You'll be OK. I promise. I’m here now…I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She sniffs and wipes away her tears while she caresses your cheek, and then again you cough more blood.
“No, you're not fucking sorry, and we both know your promise meant nothing! If it's not, you should have gotten me out of here the first time, like you promised! ”She hugged you while tears streamed down her face.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Y/N, I’m sorry,” she keeps chanting while your breathing is shallow and you're slowly losing consciousness, and Natasha notices it.
“No, Y/N, don't close your eyes... Please...” She quickly taps her intercoms to send someone to her.
“Wanda, Tony, Steve, anybody, I need back up ASAP.” She then keeps tapping your cheeks to keep you awake.
“Hang on, my love... You're going to be okay; just keep your eyes open, please. I'm not going to leave you. Again, just please...keep your eyes open,” she whispered, beg caressing your cheek like she did before.
“You know that I fucking hate you?”She gasped, hearing it from your own mouth.
“I fucking want to hurt you…..I wanted to hurt you like you hurt me. I want to make you feel what they have done to me! ”You look up at her eyes, tears streaming down both sides of your faces.
“Because you fucking left me here alone! ....I begged you…I called out for you. I even waited for you to come back…but you never came…you didn't fulfill your promises. Instead, you turned your back on me. You left and left me here alone, suffering.” You put your hand on top of her cheek and squeezed it the best you could.
“I was scared, Natalia. I’m scared, and you're not there anymore…I’m always scared” You put all of your strength on your hand to take her hand, move it to your lips, kiss her palm, and put it back on your cheek, squeezing it.
“I know… I know, and I’m sorry, my love….I’m sorry I left you behind….I’m sorry. I didn't mean to leave you, I didn't mean to.” She cries out, and you smile at her, a genuine smile you never did for over a year, but Natasha quickly panics when you close your eyes and your hand drops.
“No…no no no…please dekta…open your eyes…please I’m begging you…open your eyes” she tried…she tried to wake you up but you didn't show any sign of waking up, and now every second the warmth of your body is fading and thinking of them makes her wanna die too, instead she hugged and rocked you back and forth while she cried, savoring the warmth of your body that she knows she'll never feel again.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” she whispers, putting her cheek on yours, and that's when Wanda barges into the room, worried.
“Nat? ”Wanda stopped on her track, hearing and seeing Nat cry.
“What happened? ”She slowly walks towards her and keeps a distance to give Natasha some space.
It broke Wanda seeing her like this; she knows her as a tough, wise, and smart woman who never shows any weaknesses or lowers her ground, but now that Wanda sees her at her lowest, it breaks her.
“She's gone,” Natasha chokes at her own words. It hurts to admit it and get it out of her own mouth that you're gone. She knows she has to accept it whether she likes it or not
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A.N : guys I made a video of this one shot, anyone wants to see it?
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chaoticforever · 1 day
Misinterpreted Intentions | Lucifer Morningstar x Male! Reader
Summary: When faced with danger, unforeseen complications can always arise. However, not only do unforeseen complications happen in the middle of danger — but also behind closed doors. Y/n and Lucifer learn that the hard way.
A/n: Guess who’s back?
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A ripple of tension coursed through his jaw, the muscles flexing with restrained intensity. The man's hands curled into a clenched fist, an outward manifestation of the anger that was stirring inside him.
The air in the precinct was tense as Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker delved into their latest case. They were at Chloe's desk, sifting through piles of evidence and discussing possible leads. As they engaged in their detective work, Lucifer's piercing gaze, however, strayed from the files and landed on a sight that provoked a spark of jealousy inside him. 
Across the space, Y/n, his boyfriend and fellow detective was standing at his own desk, immersed in conversation with an Officer. The Devil's eyes trailed over the curve of Y/n's smile and the playful glint in his eye. His eyes narrowed, looking at Y/n's body language and the way he had leaned closer to the man. They’re flirting.
Their laughter echoed through the room, and Lucifer couldn't help but feel a knot tighten in his stomach. He just couldn’t believe that his boyfriend would flirt with someone else when he had Lucifer. His mind raced with doubts and insecurities, clouding his normally razor-sharp focus. Lucifer found it increasingly challenging to concentrate on the case at hand from watching the man who had captured his heart like no other flirt with another man.
And what ignited a primal fire inside him is when Lucifer witnessed Y/n sensually rubbing the officer's well-defined biceps. 
Lucifer gritted his teeth. 
Chloe shot him a concerned glance, her brows furrowing. "Lucifer, are you okay?" 
Without providing an explanation, The Devil strode across the room, his steps filled with an uncharacteristic urgency. Each click of his polished shoes against the floor made the anger inside him boil.
In his haste, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small silver whistle that he had used for devilish amusement on a previous occasion. Stopping in front of the pair, Lucifer blew the whistle with a sharp, piercing sound that reverberated throughout the room without a thought. 
The unexpected interruption caused Y/n and the officer's conversation to cease, their eyes widening in surprise. Lucifer stood before them, a suave smile firmly plastered on his face to hide his feelings.
Y/n's eyes locked onto his. "Oh, hi, Luci."
"Y/n." Lucifer's voice carried a subtle yet unmistakable undercurrent of tension. "I couldn't help but notice your... display of affection towards Officer Biceps. Do you wanna tell me why you were doing that?"
"Oh, I wanted to know where Jason was feeling sore after his intense workout at the gym yesterday," The man in question explained, his e/c eyes scanning Jason's physique appreciatively. "And it appears  that the gym has worked wonders since he looks like a God with those muscles; I suppose the pain is a small price to pay." 
A rosy hue tainted Jason's cheeks as his friend's words echoed in the station, but he instinctively took a step back when he was met with Lucifer's heated glare. Y/n's gaze drifted between the two men. 
"Lucifer, are you alright?" Y/n's voice was filled with genuine concern as he placed a comforting hand on Lucifer's shoulder.
A flicker of annoyance crossed Lucifer's eyes. How could Y/n seriously have the audacity to ask if he was alright while shamelessly flirting with another man right in front of him? Did Y/n not value their relationship? Did he not take their relationship seriously? Lucifer knew he couldn't let these doubts consume him, but he realized that he had to confront the issue head-on, right at that moment. 
Before any further conversation could unfold, however, Chloe's voice rang out, cutting through the tension in the room like a sharp blade. "Lucifer, Y/n, we have a situation," she said urgently, holding up her phone to display the breaking news. "There was a murder downtown and the Captain wants us three to head out now."
The weight of the murder investigation hung heavily in the air, extinguishing any opportunity for Lucifer to confront Y/n. now. The pressing urgency of their duty took precedence over personal matters. 
Reluctantly, Lucifer tore his gaze away from Y/n, his mind churning with a mix of jealousy and unanswered questions. "Seems the universe has other plans," he said, disappointment evident in his tone. 
Lucifer followed Chloe's lead, his steps heavy with a mix of emotions with Y/n, walking beside him. He cast a lingering glance at his lover, who wore a mixture of confusion and concern. He would be sure to address this issue at a later time.
The case demanded their attention now. 
Lucifer, Chloe, and Y/n finally arrived at the crime scene, greeted by the flashing lights of police cars and the murmur of curious onlookers. The three detectives stepped out of their sleek black car and made their way toward the yellow police tape that marked the perimeter of the crime scene and onlookers before them. 
As they entered the dimly lit warehouse, the scent of death hung heavy in the air. The victim, a young man, lay motionless on the ground floor. Ella — the forensics expert — was busily capturing images of the dead guy, so the trio approached her. 
"Hi, Ella, can you tell us about what has happened here so far?” Chloe asked, her eyes raking over the deceased individual.
"Someone did a real number on this guy. The victim's name is Samuel Anderson. Thirty-two. There are red marks around his neck to indicate that he was choked before being shot three times —  once in the shoulder and twice in the forehead. Oh! And there's another peculiar detail — the number three is carved into the back of his neck... along with some writing on the wall in his own blood," Ella explained, capturing another snapshot of the dead.
"Looks like someone wanted to exercise their creative side." The Devil remarked, eyes peering closely at the lifeless body. Despite his feelings regarding Y/n at the time, Lucifer maintained his composure, his sharp wit and dry humor fully intact. 
Chloe rolled her eyes at Lucifer's flippant remarks. "Are there any witnesses?" The blonde detective asked, hoping for leads.
Ella pointed to the left, where a man, tall and muscular, stood. "That guy standing over there, Benjamin Young, was the one to call the police and discover the body."
Y/n's gaze lifted from the lifeless body after hearing that name, a name he was familiar with. A friend from his past. The male followed Ella's pointing finger and, without a doubt, saw his old friend there.
The h/c haired male walked over to him. 
"Well, if it isn't Benny Young himself," Y/n remarked, shooing the officer away but keeping his gaze fixed on his old friend. Once alone, he added, "It seems trouble has a knack for finding you, doesn't it?"
Benny chuckled, giving Y/n a once-over. "Looks like you've fulfilled your dream of becoming the hottest male detective in Los Angeles, Y/n L/n," he noted before addressing Y/n's remark. "And spot on, trouble has a way of gravitating towards me. But you know what they say, trouble loves good company, and I can’t help but notice that you're always nearby. Maybe, just maybe, you've got a taste for it too."
Y/n hummed in contemplation, stroking his chin in fake seriousness. "You might be onto something there. We should talk about your little fetish over drinks later?"
Benny smirked. "Sounds like a plan."
Chloe, watching the two friends interact, couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was used to Y/n’s flirtatious nature, but at a crime scene, it was highly inappropriate. 
Lucifer could not contain his discomfort either. The devil crossed his arms, a hint of jealousy creeping into his expression. He discreetly moved closer, pretending to examine a piece of evidence nearby. 
Clearing his throat, Lucifer interrupted Benny and Y/n’s conversation. "Ahem," Lucifer coughed, drawing their attention. "Y/n, I see you have found yourself quite the captivating conversation partner, but you need to focus on the investigation, not engaging in personal conversations."
Y/n turned towards Lucifer, momentarily taken aback by his reprimand. Normally, they were the ones cracking jokes and goofing off, but now Lucifer was calling him out. He opened his mouth to speak but caught Chloe's disapproving glance. He nodded in acknowledgment instead.
"Right, sorry," Y/n apologized, expression turning serious, "Benny, this is Detective Decker and Lucifer Morningstar. Do you mind if they ask you certain questions?"
"Ask away."
Chloe took charge, probing Benny about how he stumbled upon the body. Benny explained he was heading to the coffee shop nearby when he heard gunshots from this nearby warehouse. Spotting a figure fleeing, he entered the warehouse and found the victim dead on the ground.
While Chloe questioned Benny further, Lucifer scrutinized him. Though tall, well-built, and somewhat charismatic — three qualities that would attract Y/n — Benny paled in comparison to Lucifer. And this thought brought a smirk to Lucifer's lips.
As Chloe listened to Benny's statement, Benny eventually asked if he could leave and Lucifer noticed his fidgety behavior.
The Devil's eyes narrowed again.
"What's the hurry, Mr. Young?" He asked, accusation present in his tone of voice. "Maybe you were the one who killed this guy or knows someone who could have."
"Lucifer, Benny just said that he has no connection to the victim," Y/n reminded him, but Lucifer disregarded his words. Instead, he leaned in real close to Benny, maintaining strong eye contact with him.
"Tell me, Benjamin, what is it you desire?"
Y/n sighed as he and Chloe watched as Lucifer's mojo took effect on Benny fast. "I... I want to spend time alone with Y/n."
Upon hearing Benny utter his true desire, a frown etched itself onto Lucifer's face. Y/n, on the other hand, grinned brightly at his old friend. "Oh, Benny, you always know how to tug at my heartstrings," Y/n draped his arm around Benny's shoulder. "How about you and I spend some time together now that doesn't involve a dead body lying in the middle of the ground?"
"Y/n, we have a case to do," the blonde added in, giving the man a pointed look.
"Don't worry, Detective. I'm sure you and Lucifer can handle the case without me," Y/n reassured Chloe. "Besides, Benny is our only witness, so he'll need someone to keep him safe. It's the right job for me."
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Don't go anywhere with this man. Stay here and help me solve this case, Lucifer thought.
"Well, I think it's a perfect idea," the h/c haired male countered, gently squeezing Benny's arm. "Let's catch up, old friend." Then, Y/n and Benny left the warehouse.
A fist formed in Lucifer's hands. He had the burning desire to bring Y/n back to his side to keep him away from that guy. Watching his lover flirt with his friends was already bad enough, but seeing Y/n leave with one of them? It didn't sit well with him. He hated that. Lucifer moved forward, attempting to follow after Y/n and remind him who he belongs to, who he'll always belong to when the blonde's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"You know, jealousy isn't a good color on you. Y/n is just reconnecting with an old friend, so there's no need to be jealous. You know he loves and cares about you."
The Devil was uncertain about whether to believe the detective's words. He had witnessed much today that contradicted the statement, and actions spoke louder than words. Nevertheless, he had a duty to fulfill. He planned to address Y/n's behavior later that night. Straightening himself up, he forced a smile at Chloe, temporarily setting aside his emotions.
"On with the case, Detective!"
Later in the night, once the sun retreated and the moon took its place in the dark sky, casting a soft, gentle glow upon the city, Lucifer stood inside his penthouse, drink in hand, phone in the other, looking out the window. The night sky, adorned with twinkling stars, stretched endlessly across the horizon. All comforting vibes.
Finishing the last sip of his drink, Lucifer acknowledged the beauty and solace of the outside view, yet couldn't extend the same sentiment to inside the penthouse.
Because Y/n was conspicuously absent.
Lucifer had been calling and texting him ever since he returned to the penthouse, but every single call went to voicemail, and his messages were left on delivered.
He forced himself to inhale and exhale so he wouldn't unleash hell on Earth, but the thought grew increasingly tempting. The man who had promised to be his is out with another man somewhere, doing who knows what with that muscular guy.
Lucifer's frustration peaked as he dialed Y/n's number again — only to be greeted by the unwelcome voice of voicemail. In a surge of anger, he clenched that phone tightly, feeling its fragile frame give way in his hand. With a resounding crack, the device shattered, its pieces crumbling in his grasp before tumbling to the ground.
And then, Lucifer's clenched fist collided with the windows, shattering the pristine glass into many shimmering fragments. The shards of broken glass mirrored the shattered pieces of his own uncertainty.
The dark-haired devil headed over to the mini-bar, pouring himself another drink and downing it in one swift motion. The doors to the elevator suddenly slid open and out stepped Y/n L/n, a radiant smile gracing his features. He was oblivious to the storm brewing beneath the surface.
"Hey, Luci," Y/n walked over to Lucifer. and placed a hand on his shoulder, but Lucifer quickly shrugged off the gesture, rejecting the touch and Y/n's expression twisted in confusion at the unexpected coldness. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Darkness clouded Lucifer's gaze. "Am I okay? Really? After your behavior today, how can you even ask me that question?"
Y/n's confusion deepened. "What do—"
"So, tell me Y/n, how was your date with your old friend? Did you enjoy your time bonding over shared memories, holding hands like some love-struck teenagers?"
Y/n blinked twice, his gaze lingering on his boyfriend. "Uh, yeah, Benny and I had a good time, and he shared information that could help with the case," he shared, his words punctuated by a pause before he broached a delicate question. "Um, is everything okay?" Y/n's words carried an undertone of both concern and curiosity.
"No, everything is not okay, Y/n."
"What's wrong?" Y/n inquired worriedly.
"What's wrong," the devil's voice crackled throughout the room, his tone carrying a sinister edge as he clenched the glass in his hand until it shattered. "is that you're out there, flirting with other guys in front of me, touching them, staring at them as if you want to be with them and not me. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Y/n shrugged, failing to grasp the gravity of the situation and Lucifer's feelings. "I love to playfully flirt with my friends. It's all harmless fun. It's really not a big deal."
"The big deal is that you should not be flirting with anyone on this earth but me."
"Well, as I said, it's all just harmless fun. You, of all people, can understand that."
Lucifer tilted his head, stepping closer to Y/n. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
Y/n stood his ground, mirroring Lucifer's steps and closing the distance between them. "You know what I mean. You used to flirt with others all the time, but when I do it with my dear friends, it's an issue?"
"Yes, it's an issue because you're flirting with others when you're in a committed relationship.  Since we've been together, I haven't flirted with anyone else and you need to stop flirting with people as well."
"No," Y/n shook his head, dismissing the brown-haired man's explanation, despite acknowledging a kernel of truth within it. "I'm not changing how I interact with my friends just to meet your expectations."
Lucifer couldn't believe what Y/n said. How could he justify flirting with others, even in a friendship context, while being in a relationship with him? It seemed like Y/n lacked genuine commitment to their relationship and failed to recognize how this particular problem affected Lucifer.
"Well, then maybe you should go be with Benny Young or Officer Biceps since you clearly want to be with them and not me."
"You know what? Maybe I will."
Y/n didn't even hesitate for a moment as he pivoted and stepped into the awaiting elevator, leaving Lucifer there — all alone.
The Devil released a heavy sigh, feeling disheartened by the turn of events. This was not the resolution he had hoped for. He wanted to address the issue with Y/n, to find a way to reconcile, but instead, it appeared as though Y/n was slipping further away with each passing moment.
"Dammit!" Lucifer lashed out at the nearest thing within reach — his beloved piano that now lay in ruins under his feet.
It was the same piano where Lucifer and the h/c haired man had shared their first kiss together. Y/n had sat beside Lucifer, listening as the dark-haired man sang to him. Their hands had intertwined on the keys, and in that moment, their eyes met one another. They couldn't resist sharing a passionate kiss. It was a scene etched into Lucifer's heart. The piano had once symbolized the love and bond they had.
Now, the piano lay shattered, its once seamless surface split in two, mirroring the fractured state of their relationship.
Lucifer couldn’t sleep.  
His mind raced, thinking about what had transpired today and his argument with Y/n. His hand instinctively reached over; Lucifer usually wrapped his arm around Y/n and pulled him closer, but there was no one to pull closer. He was alone. The bed felt considerably cold without Y/n.
The Devil got to his feet and walked over to the bar filled with alcoholic drinks. He sank onto a barstool and poured himself a drink, letting the alcohol flow down his trachea. It was going to be a long night.
In the past, when Lucifer sometimes felt hurt or confused, he'd find somebody to or both, he would find someone to have sex with as a means of relief. A thought came into his mind at that very second.
The dark-haired guy considered going to his club to find someone to have a good time with tonight, knowing that he easily attracts both men and women. However, he dismissed the thought from his mind as quickly as it came. He wouldn't cheat on Y/n because they were still together.
So, alcohol was his only companion now.
Lucifer downed one glass, then another, and then another. He sometimes mixed different alcohols or drank straight from the bottle, liquor burning down his throat.
As the night wore on, the sun had finally ascended, casting a warm glow through the window, but Lucifer paid it no mind. The Devil walked across the room and looked at himself in the nearby mirror.
And there it was:
The telltale signs of a drunk night.
His skin was pale and his eyes were bloodshot, with dark circles underneath that made him look like a zombie from a scary film. His hair was a mess, sticking up in all directions, and his stubble only added to his disreputable appearance, making him look like he had just rolled out of his bed after a week-long bender. He looked a mess, and it was Y/n's fault.
Glancing at the clock, Lucifer realized he was late for work. He put his suit jacket on and left the penthouse, unconcerned with his disheveled state. Upon arriving at the precinct, Lucifer's feet carried him to the board room, where he saw Chloe looking over the evidence on the board.
"Hello, Detective."
"It’s about time you showed up, Lucifer. You’re very late," Chloe's gaze traveled to the man in question, and she took in his disheveled state. "And you look like hell."
A mixture of a snicker and a chuckle left his lips. "I haven’t heard that one before."
The blonde squinted. "Are you drunk?"
"Only slightly drunk, unfortunately. This supernatural metabolism keeps getting in the way. Still doesn't stop me from trying, though." Lucifer reached into his jacket and retrieved his silver flask — he raised it to his mouth and a long swig.
"No, Lucifer!" Chloe took the flask from Lucifer, "No, drinking on the job. We have a case to solve, and Dan and Y/n should be here any second with information for us. I need you to be focused, not drunk."
Right at that very moment, Y/n and Dan walked into the boardroom, and, as if on cue, they both looked straight at Lucifer. Since Lucifer usually takes great care to seem well-groomed, except today, Y/n's eyes widened as he examined Lucifer as if he had never seen him in such a state.
Which, to be fair, he hasn't.
"Well, speak of the devil's boyfriend," he muttered under his breath, eyes fixed on Y/n. "Though I don't know if that title still applies after your little cheating scandal."
Y/n let out a sigh, e/c eyes meeting his. "Luci, can we talk about this in private?"
"There's nothing to talk about, Y/n. We have a case to solve, not to discuss the relationship problems you caused. So what information do you have for us?"
Chloe and Dan exchanged a little glance, feeling the tension in the room between the two men but staying quiet. Y/n rolled his eyes but recognized that this wasn't the time for that personal conversation.
Dan cleared his throat, bringing the focus back to the case. "Well, Y/n and I think we have a lead. Benjamin sat down with the sketch artist and identified the man he saw leaving the scene: Thomas Wilson, a criminal with history of running an illegal drug operation in Los Angeles. He had been convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole for drugs and being a child killer two years ago."
Y/n handed Chloe a file and she opened it, scanning the contents inside. Lucifer leaned over to get a look at the criminal. He was tall, with a buzz cut, brown eyes, and pale skin tone. A scar above his left eyebrow added a touch of menace to his features, complemented by a blue tattoo of a snake featured on his right forearm.
"That's one way to get a lifetime supply of free room and board," Lucifer quipped, his tone laced with sarcasm. "But what does his biography have to do with this?"
"The victim, Samuel Anderson, was the third juror to convict him," Y/n explained, "And there have been two similar cases like this weeks ago. The victims were a young female named Jane Smythe and an older man named Jackson Williams. They were the first two people to convict Thomas, with the numbers one and two carved into the back of their neck. Their blood was used to write on the wall too."
Chloe nodded, looking up from the file. "So, Thomas is seeking revenge on the ones who convicted him. That's a clear motive. But you said he was in jail, Dan."
Dan shook his head. "He was. According to the Beverly Hills Police Department, it was said that Thomas killed himself two days before the murders. Hung himself."
"How convenient," Lucifer said.
Y/n voiced his own theory. "Honestly, I believe he faked his death to avoid being a prime suspect. Dan and I are heading to the morgue to see if he's dead or not."
Chloe nodded in agreement. "Good idea. Lucifer, you're with me. We'll head to the prison and see if we can find any clues."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "Do you think that's necessary, Detective? I mean, if Y/n's theory is right, Thomas is long gone, and there won't be any clues left behind."
"We cannot rule out certain possibilities. Someone who works there could give us some insight into Thomas' state of mind or any allies he might've had. Now, let's go." The blonde female left out the door.
Lucifer's brown eyes narrowed, his gaze following Y/n and Dan as they prepared to leave. A sense of unease settled into his stomach at the thought of Y/n being alone with Daniel, especially since they needed to talk after their argument last night. Betrayal still lingered heavily and the alcohol did little to ease his worries. With a sigh, Lucifer followed Chloe out the door, feet dragging against the floor.
Under a sky where only a few fluffy clouds lazily drifted by, Dan and Y/n cruised down the open road, windows rolled down, the calming breeze hitting their faces. Dan cast a quick glance at Y/n, seated in the passenger seat, before returning his focus to the road ahead.
The silence between the two detectives was comfortable, but Dan decided to ask Y/n something that had been on his mind. "So, what’s going on with you and Lucifer, Y/n?" Dan broke the silence, his foot pressing the brake. The light's red.
Y/n's gaze drifted from the window. "Nothing. Lucifer’s just being dramatic."
"Dramatic? How so?"
"Okay, so you know how I like to playfully flirt with some friends? Well, Lucifer got upset last night because of some playful banter between me and Benny. He blew it out of proportion. Can you believe it?"
The brown-haired guy nodded slowly, his eyes back on the road as the light turned green. "I can believe it." Y/n looked up at him, surprised by his partner’s lack of agreement. Dan continued, "It is kind of disrespectful to flirt with others when you’re in a committed relationship."
Not understanding Dan's point of view, Y/n frowned. After all, the casual flirting was completely lighthearted and strictly platonic. Besides, he would never cheat on Lucifer, so why are people attempting to make it become something it's not?
"It’s harmless flirting. It’s not a big deal." 
"It may not be a big deal to you, Y/n, but Lucifer sees it differently. As his partner, you need to consider his feelings. How would you feel if Lucifer started flirting with others right in front of your face?"
Y/n fell silent, considering Dan's words. In all honesty, if Lucifer were to flirt with people in front of him, he would not like it because he would only want Lucifer to have eyes for him. Furthermore, it would only make him think that he wasn’t good enough for Lucifer if he had to resort to flirting with someone who wasn't Y/n.
"I wouldn’t like it at all." He murmured. 
"Exactly," Dan said, his voice gentle. "And that's how Lucifer feels. It's important to consider his feelings and make an effort to respect his boundaries, too. After all, relationships are about compromise and understanding. So, after we wrap up this case, you need to apologize to him and make an effort to stop that flirting, too."
Y/n nodded his head, feeling remorseful for his actions. Perhaps, Dan and Lucifer were right. He liked his playful side and had thought that it was an aspect of his personality that made Y/n... well...Y/n.
But Y/n was willing to change that part of himself to help save his relationship. And the first step in doing that was to apologize to Lucifer whenever he could.
"You’re right. I’ll fix it." He leaned back in his seat, grateful for Dan’s perspective. "Since when did you get philosophical?"
Dan shrugged as he pulled into the morgue parking lot. "Since Trixie makes me read philosophical books to her." He put the car in park and faced Y/n. "Now, are you ready to see if Michael Myers is really dead or if he's a walking zombie?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
The two detectives exited the car and entered the morgue. Rachel Walker, a medical examiner, looked up from her paperwork as they walked in. "Hello, gentlemen. What can I do for you?"
The h/c haired guy detective flashed his badge,  "I'm Detective L/n, and this is my partner, Detective Espinosa. We're here to examine the body of Thomas Wilson. We understand that he was brought here after his supposed suicide in prison, yes?"
Y/n ended his statement in an accusing manner and Rachel's eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if she sensed the skepticism in Y/n's tone. "Yes, his body was brought in a day after his death. The authorities suspected foul play, so they wanted an autopsy performed to determine if his cause of death was really suicide or not."
"And what were your findings, exactly?" Dan asked, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of the body in question.
"Follow me, and I'll show you," Rachel led the guys deeper into the morgue. They passed rows of stainless steel drawers, each one containing the remains of a person whose life had ended too soon.
Finally, they stopped in front of a drawer with a plate that read "Thomas Wilson." Rachel pulled the drawer open, revealing the man whose face matched Thomas Wilson. His skin was pale and waxy, his eyes closed, and his lips pulled back into a grimace, revealing yellowed teeth. A deep purple bruise encircled his neck, a testament to the method of his suicide.
Dan and Y/n carefully inspected the dead body before them. The face was without a doubt Thomas Wilson but as Dan looked over at his facial features, he noticed that there wasn’t a scar present above Thomas’ eyebrow. And Y/n noted that the snake tattoo wasn’t on his right arm like the file, but was on his left arm.
The two detectives shared a look with each other. It was clear that something wasn’t right here and they were going to find out what was wrong. Additionally, if Thomas was truly dead, then who was killing the jurors? And for what reason?
Suddenly, a thought came to Y/n's mind. 
"Rachel," he turned to face the specialist. "we need your expertise. I have a theory that I'd like to run by you if that's okay."
"Oh, I love a good theory. Ask away."
"Well, I was thinking," Y/n began, "What if Thomas Wilson had an identical twin?"
Rachel's eyes widened. "A twin? That's certainly an interesting theory. Go on."
"We checked the file on Thomas Wilson, and there are some discrepancies," Dan explained. "The file we had describes a scar above his left eyebrow and a snake tattoo on his right arm. However, when we just examined the body, there was no scar, and the tattoo was on his left arm."
"Hmm, that is odd," Rachel pursed her lips in concentration. "Identical twins do tend to have minor physical differences, but a missing scar and a reversed tattoo are certainly significant discrepancies."
"So, could this body be Thomas Wilson's twin, and Thomas himself is still alive?"
"It's a plausible theory. Identical twins do share many physical characteristics, but their DNA isn't always exactly the same. Even identical twins can have variations."
"So, it's possible that if we ran a DNA test on the body, it could come back as a match for Thomas Wilson, even if it's actually his twin?" Dan asked. "And is it possible that a standard DNA test might not be able to distinguish between them?"
"Technically, yes," Rachel confirmed. "Especially if the twins are monozygotic, which means they develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two. In that case, their DNA would be very similar and it could be very difficult to tell them apart genetically," She paused to inhale and exhale, "As for your second question detective, it is possible. Especially if the test is searching for a limited number of genetic markers. More advanced tests could detect the subtle differences, but those aren't typically used in a standard forensic analysis. If you two would like, I’d be happy to run any tests you need. This case is quite fascinating to me."
"That’d be great, thank you," Y/n reached into his jacket and gave her a small card with his contact information on it. He asked her to call him when she had the results before leaving the place with Dan.
When they arrived back at the car, Dan turned to his right to face Y/n. "Do you really think this Thomas guy has a twin?"
"I'm not that sure, but him having a twin makes a hell of a lot of sense. It’s either that or we have a copycat on our hands."
The sudden ringing of Y/n's phone reverberated across the car. Y/n took out his phone and noticed that Chloe was calling. He answered the call and put it on speaker so that Dan could hear.
"Hey, Chloe. Any updates from the police station?" Y/n's question came out fast.
"Not much new information," she replied, her voice carrying a note of frustration. "The warden said he was a problematic inmate, always causing disruptions and getting into fights. And one day, he was discovered hanging in his cell during a routine check — information we already knew." There was a slight pause on the other end of the line. "Did you and Dan find anything out about Thomas's body?"
"Well, there's a body in the morgue that's labeled as Thomas Wilson, and the face matches the description we have, but—"
"—you don't think it's him, do you?" Chloe finished the sentence for Y/n, hearing the way his tone of voice sounded.
Y/n shook his head, not that Chloe could see him through the phone. "No, I don't. I think we're dealing with twins. There are some physical discrepancies that don't match. I think that Thomas is still alive and is posing as his twin brother, while his twin brother's body is taking the fall."
"Hm, well, from a criminal's perspective, that'd be a genius plan," Chloe was silent for a moment and Y/n could hear sirens blaring in the background. "I hope you're right because we have another problem."
"What problem?"
"Another murder. Downtown. Her name is Elizabeth Taylor. The same MO as the other victims, with blood writing on the wall and a number carved right into her neck. This time, it was the number four."
Elizabeth Taylor. The name rang a bell, but Y/n couldn't quite place it. He turned to Dan. "Do we know an Elizabeth Taylor?"
Dan's eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he reached into the glove compartment, pulling out a piece of paper. Dan's eyes scanned the page, his finger sliding down the list of names. "We do. Elizabeth Taylor was one of the jurors in the Thomas Wilson case. She was the fourth person to convict him."
"Crap, who's the fifth person on that list?"
Dan's eyes continued to scan the page. "Ethan Miller," he pulled out his phone to do further research on their next victim. "He's the CEO of CYLO, a popular video game company. They're launching a new game tonight at seven before he heads off on a business trip to New York City."
"Thomas will definitely show up there," Y/n concluded. "We need to get there and stop him before he strikes again."
"Send me the address," the blonde said. "Lucifer and I will meet you guys there."
Chloe hung up the phone. Dan started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot, onto the proceeding road. This case just got very interesting very fast.
The sun was a molten orange as it sank below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the building where the launch party was in full swing. Dan and Y/n were in their unmarked car, their eyes scanning the arriving guests with a critical eye.
Finally, Ethan Miller, the guest of honor, arrived in a sleek black limousine and he was flanked by security. He stepped out, his tall frame clad in a perfectly tailored black suit, his eyes hidden behind a pair of stylish sunglasses. Tons of fans were taking pictures and video recording him.
As people filtered into the building, Dan and Y/n maintained their vigilant watch. Then, Y/n's phone rang. He glanced at the screen and saw it was an unfamiliar number. He answered, asking who was calling and the female voice introduced herself as the medical examiner, Rachel, whom he had spoken to earlier. She said she had the results that Y/n requested.  
"What are the results?"
"Your theory was correct, Detective L/n," Rachel said. "The body in the morgue is not that of Thomas Wilson. The genetic makeup is very similar, indicating that he does have an identical twin brother, and the one here in the morgue is that twin."
"Are you sure?" Y/n needed confirmation.
"Positive," she confirmed. "I compared the samples from the body to the DNA on file for Thomas Wilson, and while the fingerprints were similar, they were not an exact match. This misidentification occurred due to switched dental records."
"Thanks, Rachel. Your help is invaluable."
As Y/n hung up the phone, he turned to Dan, who was looking at him. "We were right. The dead body in the morgue isn't Wilson, which means he's still out there."
Dan nodded. "And that means he's here tonight. Let's go." Dan grabbed his gun and the two detectives left the car and entered the party, which was crowded.
Y/n and Dan made their way through the crowd and spotted Chloe and Lucifer near the food table, their eyes alert and watchful, and having a discussion. Y/n's gaze lingered on his boyfriend, who held a plate with a slice of devil's food cake.
An ironic choice.
The four detectives huddled together, sharing their findings and formulating a plan. They decided to split up, each pair taking one side of the room to quickly find Thomas and anyone who could be working with him. Dan and Y/n took the left side of the room, Lucifer and Chloe took the right side. Y/n thought that was a good idea. And after this case is over, he could focus on fixing his relationship. One step at a time, he reminded himself.
Y/n moved through the crowd, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of their suspect. Ethan Miller took the stage to give a speech and announce the release of his new game, "Metro Rush." As Ethan spoke, Y/n's attention drifted to a man in glasses and a Nike baseball cap. He did not look suspicious at first glance, but there was something about him that set off alarm bells in Y/n's head. Just wrong.
Y/n tapped his earpiece. "Dan, look to your right. There's a guy in glasses, Nike cap, black T-shirt. Keep your eye on him. Something about him doesn't feel right."
"Copy that," Dan replied, his gaze locking onto the man in question.
Y/n continued to observe the man  As Ethan Miller concluded his speech and prepared to demonstrate his new game, the man with glasses pulled out a gun.
Then, the man raised his gun, pointing it in Miller's direction and pulled the trigger just as Dan tackled the assailant to the floor. Ethan had been hit in the shoulder, falling backward from the impact as screams rang throughout the crowd and people started running towards the exit. 
Chloe and Lucifer came rushing over to the commotion, with Chloe's gun drawn. Chloe's gaze landed on the gunman and she immediately raised her gun at him.
"LAPD, put your hands in the air!"
Surprisingly, the man complied, and Dan quickly cuffed his hands. Meanwhile, up on the balcony, Thomas Wilson watched through his sniper scope as one of his men was apprehended. Thomas turned his sniper rifle onto the blonde female, his finger tightening on the trigger point.
But before he could pull the shot, he felt the cold press of a gun barrel against his temple. Y/n's voice was steady as he spoke. "Nice try, Wilson. But your games over. Put your hands behind your back. You are under arrest for the murders of Jackson Williams, Jane Smythe, Samuel Anderson, and Elizabeth Taylor as well."
Reluctantly, Wilson complied, placing his hands behind his back. Y/n cuffed him, taking him downstairs to join the others.
Lucifer watched as Y/n descended the stairs, Thomas in tow. Despite Lucifer’s feelings regarding Y/n, he could say in his mind that he was impressed with Y/n’s intelligent mindset and being able to get the culprit. Lucifer hoped that now, with the case resolved, they could focus on repairing their fractured relationship.
However, the unexpected happened.
Another gunshot rang out.
Lucifer felt his blood run cold as he saw Y/n stumble and fall, his body crumpling to the ground. A red stain spread across Y/n's shirt, and Lucifer's heart stopped as he realized his lover had been shot.
His beloved had been shot from behind, and the sight of Y/n's blood staining the floor was more than Lucifer could bear.
At that moment, all Lucifer saw was red.
The world around him faded to black. All he could see was red— the color of rage, of anger, of the deepest, darkest corners of Hell. Lucifer's eyes flared red, and for a fleeting moment, he allowed his true devil face to emerge. It was a terrifying sight, and the gunman who had shot Y/n cowered in fear, scrambling backward.
With a single punch, Lucifer knocked the gunman unconscious. The true Devil in him was unleashed at this very moment and nothing would stand in Lucifer's way.
He turned to see Dan handling the other perpetrators outside, as Chloe applied pressure to Y/n's wound. Lucifer rushed over, his heart pounding in his chest. He gently took Y/n into his arms, his voice shaking as he tried to reassure him and Chloe went to secure the unconscious.
Y/n whimpered, "L-Lucifer…"
"Shh, it's alright," Lucifer soothed softly as he attempted to remain calm for his sake. "You are going to be fine, Y/n. The ambulance should be here any second."
"I-I hope so..." Y/n's breath hitched, and their hand reached out weakly to grasp Lucifer's shirt. "I'm so tired, so sleepy..."
"Stay awake," Lucifer's tone was soft and firm at the same time. He was not going to lose Y/n yet, especially not like this. It wasn’t his time yet. His next words were a quiet whisper, blinking away a certain action that attempted to leave his eyes. "Don’t even think about leaving me, Y/n."
Y/n nodded, his eyelids growing heavy as he struggled to stay conscious. A dry cough escaped his lips as he started to fall in and out of consciousness. Lucifer noticed his lover's eyes flutter open and closed, and Lucifer felt a twinge of fear.
After some time, the ambulance arrived, and Y/n was carefully loaded inside the vehicle. Lucifer stayed right with him as the two paramedics tried their best to stop the bleeding and keep Y/n awake.
"You are going to be fine, Y/n. I promise."
For the universe’s sake, Y/n better be. 
Y/n woke up in the hospital, feeling very groggy and disoriented. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the overhead light providing just enough illumination for the e/c-eyed male to see. He blinked a few times, trying to clear the fuzziness from his vision, and slowly sat up in bed, wincing as pain shot through his chest. Y/n quickly became aware of the steady beeping of the heart monitor next to him and the IV lines hooked up to his arm. 
His eyes landed on the figure sitting in the chair next to the bed. It was Lucifer, his eyes closed as he leaned back, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked like he was sleeping, but Y/n knew that he was awake and watching over him.
"Lucifer?" Y/n's voice was hoarse, and he cleared his throat, trying to moisten it.
Upon hearing the sound of Y/n's voice, Lucifer's eyes snapped open, and he sat up straighter, a look of concern crossing his face. "Y/n, you're awake. How're you feeling?" He stood up and moved closer to the bed, his dark eyes looking at Y/n's face for any signs of pain or discomfort.
Y/n’s throat was so dry and he licked his lips. "Like I got shot," he shot him a weak grin before the memory of the shooting came back to him fast. "What happened to Thomas? And what happened to me?"
"It's okay," Lucifer reassured, reaching out to take Y/n's hand in his, letting his thumb rub gently over the back of Y/n's hand. "We got him. Wilson is in custody, along with his accomplices. You were shot by one of them at the launch party. Thankfully, the bullet missed any vital organs, but you still lost a lot of blood. You've been unconscious for two days."
Two days? Y/n's been out for that long His eyes widened at hearing this. Guess he was out longer than he thought. Y/n nodded, his eyes closing as exhaustion washed over him. He felt Lucifer's hand squeeze his, and he re-opened his eyes since he wanted — no needed — to say something to his boyfriend. "Lucifer, I—"
"Shh," The dark-haired devil interrupted, placing a finger on Y/n's lips. "Now isn't the time for apologies or explanations."
"Yes, it is," Y/n insisted firmly. "I have to apologize to you for what happened. I'm really sorry for flirting with other people and making you feel like I was cheating on you. I should have taken your feelings into consideration — and I didn’t, and for that, I’m sorry. It will not happen again."
Lucifer's heart twisted at the sincerity in Y/n's eyes. "I appreciate that, Y/n. And I'm sorry, too. I should not have reacted that way to your playful banter with your friends.  I know that it's just your nature, and I shouldn't have taken it personally." 
"No, Lucifer," Y/n shook his head. "You have nothing to apologize  for." Y/n may have felt tired and weak in this moment but he was going to make Lucifer see that he wasn’t at fault for the altercation they had. "I am completely in the wrong. I know that now, and I want you to know that I'll never act like that again, and to be more considerate of your feelings."
Lucifer nodded, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. He was grateful that Y/n understood his perspective, but he was curious about what had prompted this change of heart. "You're forgiven, Y/n. But what made you realize all of this?"
"I had a conversation with Dan at the morgue. He helped me see things from another perspective — your perspective."
A ghost of a smile appeared on Lucifer's face. "Daniel, huh? I didn't think he had it in him to give such wise advice. Though even a broken clock is right twice a day. I’ll have to do something nice for him."
"Maybe you can start by not stealing his pudding at work." Y/n chuckled softly.
"Oh, I’m never going to stop doing that."
The two men shared a laugh as Lucifer’s thumb continued its gentle caress on Y/n's hand. So much has happened these past few days, but he was happy that he and Y/n were able to work things out for the sake of their relationship. And most importantly, he was happy that Y/n was still alive and on the road to recovery. 
Lucifer leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Y/n's forehead. "I love you, Y/n. More than ever. And I'm not letting you go anytime soon." He whispered gently.
The h/c haired male smiled brightly.
"Good, because I love you too."
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hotchfiles · 5 hours
↪ DANIEL 12:1 ─ chapter two.
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pairing: hotch x fem!consultant!reader. summary: murders committed using catholic symbology gets emily to convince hotch it's time to ask for an expert. luckily for you, you're the expert. content warnings: canon typical violence. religious themes. spoilers to season 4. mature themes. mentions of throwing up. word count: 1.2K
      At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.
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      He didn’t reply to your question, how could he? What type of person asks another if they believe in God after an hour of meeting each other? How could he answer a question he himself wasn’t sure if there was an answer to?
      Did he believe in God? What god? His mother’s, the one who allowed her to drink her feelings and spit it out in form of insults and violence towards her family? The one that allowed his father to die of cancer? The one that didn’t do anything to stop the sick men and women Hotch had to catch every week?
      He shakes his head, trying to get his thoughts back to the case presented now in the board of the DC precinct but his eyes land on you, the way your foot shakes, up and now, your legs crossed, your fingers tapping the table quickly and with a rhythm of their own, your bottom lip would bleed out if you kept chewing on them, but what he noticed most were your eyes, wide and focused on the board with all the pictures from the crimes, even the ones Emily hadn’t sent you.
      This was the reason bringing outside people was not a good idea. Not everyone is prepared to deal with death, horrific deaths at that, the way the BAU members were. You clearly weren’t. He might’ve asked you how you were once more, but as quick as he thought about it, you two weren’t alone anymore as the lead detective and Emily came into the room.
      “They were drugged but could feel everything.” The words ring inside your ears, loud and repetitive like a beating heart. Your heart. Your mouth waters in a way you know too well and you feel your palms clamming.
      You’re going to be sick.
      You give the room half a smile and a nod, quietly excusing yourself from the others while making the effort not to make a scene, but you’re barely able to see where you’re going as you try to reach the bathroom.
      Something tells you you’ve done a good job at being discreet, even if you weren’t able to conceal the awful sounds coming from your throat, the light breakfast you had suddenly not seeming very light. It’s probably the fact no one knows you, or maybe because everyone else is busy trying to solve a goddamn murder case.
      The thoughts in your head were quickly brushed over when you heard someone clear their throat, a light knock on the door of the stall you were kneeling at. Your body reacts fast, holding the door with your palms even though it was locked.
      “Sorry, occupied.” Your voice in rough from putting it through too much, but you stay polite regardless.
      “Are you alright?” There is genuine concern in his, it keeps any shame from creeping up on you.
      “Mr. Hotchner! I’m okay… I ate something bad, it’s alright.” The lie comes without a second thought, but it’s obvious he doesn’t buy it. You get up quickly, opening the door as an attempt to leave the situation behind along with the contents you just flushed down.
      “No one expects you to react to these like we do.” His eyes are piecing and you swallow dry, nodding in understanding and thankfulness, but unable to say much else. “I will leave you to it, we are going through the files again, if you need anything, you can text me.” Hotch hands you his card, realizing you don’t really have his number and stands to his word, leaving you alone.
      Truthfully, he’s not sure what made him follow you to the bathrooms, possibly the fact Emily didn’t seem to notice the way your lips had gotten devoid of color or maybe it was just in his nature to care for others, fascinating alike you or not.
      It doesn’t take you too long to go back to the conference room the team was set, only some minutes to wash your mouth and your face, a few deep breaths to control your heart rate.
      “So the motive isn’t religious?” You hear a police officer ask as soon as you get back.
      “It has religious elements but the message doesn’t seem religious.” You smile to yourself as Emily speaks, fascinated by her quickness to get into work mode, to get into the mind of who was doing all of that.
      “It‘s about punishment.” Hotch repeats your earlier insight, it makes you feel useful, and smart. You knew you were intelligent, brightly so, but having something you said be important in something so big as an investigation was… Different.
      “And how is that not religious?”
      “Punishment coming from a religious motive would probably include whipping and at the most extreme, burning. The use of the cross pose seems purposeful, it is a punishment, a shameful one, but also, there’s some… Status to it, because it was how Jesus was killed.” You can be heard by everyone, but your focus is again on the pictures, your finger quietly drawing invisible crosses along the table. “I guess it can be another way to allude to Catholicism, like Saint Michael, they are the religion with the biggest attachment to the image of Christ in the cross. But then again, it doesn’t have any other aspect of Christ’s crucifixion.”
      No one has the time to reply to your rambling, a loud ringtone interrupting the brainstorming, Hotch answers, promptly putting the call on speaker.
      “The widow was no help, she is shaken up and has no idea who would want to kill her husband.” Derek sounds defeated, “And Hotch, he wasn‘t religious.”
      “Mrs. Beckett said she tried to bring him to mass countless times during their marriage but he always vehemently refused to.” Spencer’s voice is higher in pitch but he sounds intrigued, deep in thought.
      “Alright, come back to the precinct, we are waiting for Rossi and JJ and beginning to create a geographical profile.”
      Your puzzled look doesn’t last long, as the team present begins pinning on a map the victim’s homes and where they were found.
      “No churches near the warehouses, but two near Monica Dawson’s place.” Emily comments first looking at the red pins.
      The phone rings again and you wonder if they don’t get headaches from that sound coming out of nowhere all day, but the sweetest and most cheerful voice you ever heard comes on speaker, Garcia, and you smile involuntarily.
      “Garcia, any leads?”
      “You know I do, my darling sweet boss—”
      “Don’t call me that.”
      “Fine, sweet sir, both warehouses are pretty much truly abandoned, but I sniffed around, and by that I mean I went far far back and found some documents I maybe shouldn’t be sniffing around—”
      “Garcia.” You hold in a laugh at the interaction and the supposedly threatening tone Hotch was using.
      “Both were used for military training, like… SEAL type of military.”
      There is a bit of an awkward silence before Hotch thanks and dismisses her, with the mission to find records of everyone who were apart of those trainings.
      “If we’re dealing with a Navy SEAL…” Emily’s voice is a whisper you’ve never heard before.
      “Things might get ugly. We need to be fast.” Hotch’s shows more confidence, but he is worried and as you realize seconds later when an officer barges in, he has every reason to.
      “There’s been another one.”
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atzaurora · 10 hours
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fall asleep while i fall for you
member: San
pairing: fem!idol!reader x idol!san
type: imagine (fluff)
warnings: none just extreme fluff with the little potato he is 😞
summary: after a long day, you're both very exhausted and he lets you fall asleep on his lap, comforting you so you get some rest.
a/n: i enjoyed writing this one! I'm proud of myself for coming up with that title ngl please let me know if you have any requests ^^
here's my masterlist!
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the day had been long, filled with back-to-back schedules, rehearsals, and performances. as an idol, the fast-paced life was something you had grown accustomed to, but today had been especially exhausting. you were grateful, though, for the unwavering support of your group members and, most importantly, your boyfriend, San. although your relationship was a well-kept secret known only to the other members of Ateez, it was a source of immense comfort and joy.
the car ride back from the company to the dorms was quiet, with most of the members either dozing off or lost in their own thoughts. San sat beside you, his hand subtly intertwined with yours, hidden beneath a jacket. his touch was warm, and it grounded you after a hectic day.
"we're almost home," he whispered, his voice soft yet comforting. you nodded, leaning your head on his shoulder. just a few more minutes, and you could finally relax.
as the car pulled into the familiar parking lot of the dorm building, everyone slowly began to stir. you all shuffled out, making your way up to your respective floors.
"goodnight, everyone," you said to the other members as you parted ways in the after going into the dorm. they all went to their own room, most of them heading straight to sleep. you quickly made your way into the kitchen, where San was waiting for you.
"hey, y/n," he greeted you with a tired but genuine smile. "ready to relax?"
"more than ready," you replied, taking his hand as he led you inside.
the Ateez dorm was quiet, only the sounds of soft snoring or rumbling in the bathroom could be heard now, an unusual feeling, since there was always someone being overly hyped and making a lot of noises.
San guided you to the living room, where he had already set up a cozy corner with soft blankets and pillows. "come on, let's get comfortable," he said, pulling you down onto the couch beside him. you sank into the cushions, feeling the day's stress begin to melt away.
San reached for the remote and turned on the TV, tuning into a light-hearted drama that was perfect for unwinding. as the episode played, you couldn't help but feel your eyelids grow heavy. San's presence was soothing, and the rhythmic rise and fall of his breathing was like a lullaby.
"San," you murmured, trying to fight the sleepiness that was overtaking you. "thank you for being here."
He looked down at you, his eyes filled with warmth and affection. "always, y/n. now, just rest. you've had a long day."
you didn't need any more convincing. you shifted slightly, resting your head on his lap. San adjusted the blanket over you, his fingers gently stroking your hair. the sensation was so calming that within moments, you were drifting off to sleep.
San continued to watch the drama, his attention split between the screen and the peaceful sight of you sleeping. he smiled softly, looking at your features. god, how he admired you. if you would be awake right now to see the way he looked at you, there'd be no need to ever doubt what this man felt for you ever again. it's like he fell for you all over again.
time seemed to blur as you slept, the comforting presence of San grounding you in a way nothing else could. occasionally, you would stir slightly, and San would soothe you with gentle whispers and soft touches.
"shh, it's okay, y/n. just sleep," he would murmur, his voice like a balm to your tired soul.
eventually, the drama ended, and San turned off the TV, not wanting to disturb your slumber. he sat quietly, his thoughts filled with gratitude for the bond you shared. he knew how challenging it was to maintain a relationship in your world, but moments like these made it all worthwhile.
as the night wore on, the other members tiptoed around, giving you and San the space you needed. they respected your relationship and often marveled at the strong connection you two shared despite the demands of your careers.
after what felt like hours, you began to stir, slowly waking up to the feeling of San's hand still gently caressing your hair. you blinked, disoriented for a moment before remembering where you were.
"hey," you whispered, looking up at him. "how long was I out?"
"not too long," he replied with a smile. "just enough to recharge a bit. how do you feel?"
"better," you admitted, sitting up and stretching. "I didn't realize how tired I was."
San chuckled, his eyes crinkling with affection. "that's what I'm here for, to help you relax and take care of you."
you leaned in and kissed his cheek, your heart swelling with love. "thank you, San. I don't know what I'd do without you."
he pulled you into a gentle embrace, resting his chin on top of your head. "and I don't know what I'd do without you, y/n. I love you."
you stayed like that for a while, simply enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other's presence.
After a while, San suggested getting ready for bed. "we still have another busy day tomorrow. let's get some proper rest."
you nodded, standing up and stretching again. San led you to the bathroom where you took turns washing up and getting ready for bed. once you were both in your pajamas, you walked into San's bedroom where the bed was already calling your name.
San settled down beside you, pulling the blankets up over both of you. he wrapped his arms around you, and you snuggled into his chest, feeling safe and content.
"goodnight, y/n," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"goodnight, San," you replied, closing your eyes and letting the comfort of his embrace lull you back to sleep.
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muzansfangs · 3 days
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Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader; Shuhei Hisagi x f!reader; Shunsui Kyoraku, Ichigo Kurosaki, mention to Isshin Kurosaki, Urahara Kisuke and Kensei Muguruma;
Format: multi-chapters story;
Warnings for this chapter: language, mention to sex, mention to choking and creampie, altercations, alcohol consumption, hidden jealousy, past resentment and family issues, fear and solitude in Hueco Mundo, making-out in public places, undefined relationships, mutual pining;
Plot: Overburdened with the responsibility of becoming the ‘guardian’ of the infamous special threat, you assured your friends and your brother you could deal with him. Convincing Shuhei everything was completely under your control was hard, though, especially when Sosuke seemed determined to overshadow your long overdue chit-chat.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥.
Out of everything that could have ever happened to you, sharing your flat with Sosuke Aizen was surely something not even your feverish imagination had ever depicted in your mind. Shunsui Kyoraku was a dead man walking. A backstabber, indeed. Then again, what he had said made sense. If there was someone in the entire universe that could deal with Sosuke, well, it was you. You two had had your disagreements, naturally. Fighting on opposing sides, wanting nothing more than watching in glee how you both raised and fell. But beside your sister instinct to protect your brother and your sisters, even your father, from him, you had no real reason to hate his guts. On his behalf, he never nurtured hatred towards you. Or that is what he claimed. Sosuke had never wanted to harm you. Not even when he held you captive in Hueco Mundo.
Mutual respect and rivalry. Probably, also some dulled sexual tension, but none of you two had ever dared to change things.
Now, though, there was something different between you two. You had crossed a line. You had undressed each other, you had slept together, you had let him ruin you. Things would have never been the same. Ignoring him would have been impossible. But, above anything else, what made your stomach churn in apprehension was: how were you going to explain that to your family?
Losing your privacy sounded already dreadful. Having to face the consequences of filling your family up with the unexpected news was even worse. You could figure something out to persuade your brother things would have not degenerated and that your forced cohabitation with Sosuke was not that big of a deal. Trying to make Isshin accept this new situation, though, was not going to be easy. He was your father, after all. Your age and independence did not matter to him when your safety was involved. Still, you had time to talk to him. Right now, you had other things to do, other people to confront.
Now, back at the Inn, you were almost done getting ready to leave. Looking at yourself in the mirror of your small room, you stared at the purple marks on your neck, fingertips grazing the bruised skin as you tried to push away the memories of how Sosuke’s teeth bit onto the flesh, marking it, sucking on it to give you something to think about for years to come. You could not let other people know about that, especially Shuhei, who was the very person Sosuke seemed to be so hostile to without any apparent, valid reason. Now, grasping a silky lilac foulard belonging to your late mother, you carefully wrapped it around your neck and made sure the thin fabric covered up the bruised area. At least, now you felt better in your fresh clothes and it was time to go back home.
“Let’s get the Hell out of here” you muttered then, grasping your bag and striding hastily towards the door.
A new chapter of your life was beginning inevitably. Living with a man loathed by the world, a terrorist, a fallen god even, was most likely something that would have dismantled your projects for the near future. Who else could do it, though? When you had confronted Shunsui in a rather heated argument, you had asked him why Sosuke could not just spend the rest of his immortal life in the Soul Society. According to the Captain Commander, in the deal the Central 46 had made with the former Captain of the Fifth Division, it was specifically said Sosuke had to be banished from the Seireitei until proved to be collaborative. The World of the livings had always been the only practicable option to send the special threat. The Soul Society had allies living in there. Still, they were obviously not enough to control him, considering the visceral hatred between them. At first, the Central had apparently suggested to send Captains and Lieutenants to support the watchers in the World of the livings. But it was way too risky, considering the Soul Society needed their assistance twenty-four hours a day. With you, though, the problem was solved. Or that is what Kyoraku claimed. Sosuke Aizen was a liar, a manipulator, a traitor and a cold-blooded murderer: no one was safe around him.
No one but you.
He had never left a single scar on your body, he had slept next to you without killing you. Long story short, you were the perfect candidate for this role. Shunsui’s answer had left you skeptical, but accepting it sounded better than throttling him with your bare hands. You were selfless, after all. As you walked out of the Inn, you tried to convince yourself this thing could actually work, if you made compromises with Sosuke. You could involve him into mundane activities to keep an eye on him. Yet, the more time you spend in his company, the harder it would have been not recalling how he had you screaming his name as if your life depended on it. Not to mention that your social life would have been completely screwed up by his presence. No boys over, no nights out with your friends. Because, how were you supposed to invite him to the club with you? You could not really imagine Sosuke sipping on a drink, while dancing to a remix of ‘Bloody Mary’ by Lady Gaga. No, you simply could not.
Now, standing a few feet away from the three people in front of you, you took a deep breath and marched up to join the conversation. After the recent events, seeing Shunsui, Ichigo and Sosuke having a relatively polite conversation was not a bizarre sight anymore.
While your brother had a grumpy expression plastered over his face, Shunsui was offering your soon to be housemate a flask of what you assumed was saké. The evil mastermind, arched an eyebrow unsympathetically and raised his hand dismissively to indicate his refusal. Well, maybe they were not ready to have a convivial chit-chat around a bonfire, but they were not trying to kill each other. You wondered how things would have escalated, upon telling your brother that, whenever he was going to visit your flat, he would have been forced to sit on your couch next to Aizen Sosuke.
“Well, good morning” you chimed, greeting the group with a constrained smile, careful not to meet Sosuke’s eye.
In your peripheral, you caught a glimpse of his sardonic smirk. He was right, you had already shared your greetings earlier in a more inappropriate way, but you could not let your brother catch on your shenanigans like that. Not when he was about to have a stroke anyway.
Ichigo’s eyes darted on you, arms folded over his chest “Ah, there you are. Do you mind telling me why Kyoraku and the freak have sent a stupid hellbutterfly to wake me up?” your step-brother asked you, tilting his head to the side expectantly.
Shunsui sighed, your eyes searching for his in what you supposed was emotional support, but all he did was showing you his flask and silently asking you if you keened to take a swig, before answering your brother’s question. Mouthing a ‘no’ at the Captain Commander, you then cleared your throat and decided to be direct with Ichigo. Straight to the point, no hesitation, no fear. Just the plain truth.
“Yeah… Well, starting from today, Sosuke is living in my flat” you blurted out, watching your brother’s eyes gradually widen and his lips part in disbelief.
He blinked “What?”.
“Ichigo, please. You heard me”.
“Are you kidding me? Did you bang your head on your way here, or what? Is this idiot using Kyoka Suigetsu—…” he then quipped, jabbing his finger at Sosuke accusingly, who scoffed and stared him down in disdain.
Shunsui’s laughter made you roll your eyes, as Sosuke slapped Ichigo’s hand down “Do that again and say goodbye to your fingers” the brunette said, his caramel eye darkening, as he cut your brother off dispassionately.
A fight now was not exactly what you needed. Before your brother could fire something back, you stepped between them. Locking eyes with Ichigo, you shot him a grave look and obscured his view on his opponent. Men were just taller versions of babies. This whole situation was already stressing you out and those stupid folks were not helping you coping with it.
“Oi! — you interjected, placing a hand on Ichigo’s chest to make him take a few reluctant steps back — Stop it! That’s a shitty situation, I know, and you have all the rights in the world to be mad. But I am not asking for your permission, Ichigo” you stated, your tone of voice sharp as your brother scowled and threw his hands in the air.
It was predictable. You could not deny it.
“Are you serious? Do you even realize what you are asking me to accept? — Ichigo countered back, taking a step closer to you — How am I supposed to go to sleep at night, when I know he is in your flat? Do I have to remind you of who he is?! Did you forget what he has done?” he asserted, his almond eyes boring into yours as if he was looking for your sanity.
However, you were not mad. You had simply run out of patience and you had no time to deal with your younger brother. You perfectly knew what to say to shut him up.
You narrowed your eyes, mouth opening to hurt him “Really now? You’re going to sleep as peacefully as you did back then! He hasn’t killed me in Las Noches, has he? And I don’t remember you coming to my rescue for quite a while” you punctuated, causing an eerie, awkward silence to swallow you all of a sudden. There, you had said it, you had hit a nerve.
You would have never told him you had hoped day and night for your brother to come to your rescue, after you had audaciously swapped places with Orihime. You had restrained yourself form telling him how you had felt so alone and betrayed for a long time. Why? You hated hurting your brother. Although you loved him, Ichigo had factually hurt you. Still, it was the sense of loneliness he had made you experience back then that had honed your skills and personality. If you were a strong and independent woman now it was thanks to him.
You had learned how to be your own hero, because no one had answered your cry for help.
Ichigo clamped his mouth shut, his fists clenched down his sides as you felt Sosuke and Shunsui’s gazes boring holes on your back. They had not dared to say a word, merely observing the Kurosaki silblings argue.
“Ichigo, I—…” you tried to apologize then, but he shook his head.
“No, you’re right. — he stated, eyes downcast as he gained back some self-control — I should have not even let you go to Hueco Mundo alone, let alone leave you there. But I did not stop you back then. I knew you could survive, somehow, but I’ve been selfish. And, fuck, I know that you can do this too, you’re my … My insufferable, incredibly stubborn, big sister, after all. But it doesn’t change the fact that I care about you” he reasoned, finally flicking his gaze up to meet yours. He was clearly worried and no one could blame him for that, not even you.
“That’s understandable. — Shunsui interjected, leaning his back against the wall — But she’s not changing her residence. Checking on her will be just as easy as it was before, right? And let’s not forget that Urahara Kisuke lives a few blocks away from her flat, if I am not mistaken. She can rely on him”.
At the mention of Kisuke’s name, you saw Sosuke glowering. His upper lip twitched, tempted to disclose his lips to probably spit venom on the shop-keeper. You did not know why, or how you felt confident enough to do that, but you tapped on the top of his shoulder with your index and let the angles of your mouth turn upwards in a simpering smile.
“Rule number one of living with me: if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” you seethed, blinking a few times as Sosuke stared daggers at you.
“I see you learned something from this wretched Society: cancelling whoever thinks out of the box” Sosuke coldly replied, tilting his head to the side as you snorted and refocused your attention on the two other men in front of you.
Ichigo seemed to be observing your interactions with untainted curiosity, pleasingly surprised that albeit you were bickering you had not thrown hands. You would have loved to kick Shunsui’s ass for snickering at the sight. It seemed what had just taken place before his eyes was the proof you were the perfect match for Sosuke. He was right. You could read his pride all over his face, as he subtly winked at you.
“Did she just quote ‘Bambi’ to a mass murderer?” Ichigo uttered, scratching his head perplexedly. The tension had miraculously dissipated.
Sosuke and Shunsui stared at your brother in confusion, clearly not knowing what ‘Bambi’ was and you palmed your forehead in distress. This conversation had lasted way too long for your likings, it was time to wrap it up and leave the Soul Society behind you for a while.
“Okay, fine, it’s getting late and I have tons of things to do. — you fretted, glaring at your step-brother warningly— I need to meet up with a friend, before leaving. See you at the Seinkaimon” you said goodbye to the small group, having all the intention of leaving Sosuke with the two men for a while. After all, there was no way in Hell you were going to have a private conversation with Shuhei while feeling his breath on your neck.
Not when he had told you he wished he could literally make him taste his sperm in your pussy.
You had barely turned your back at them, when you heard Ichigo’s voice piercing your ears. Obviously, he was talking to the hot jailbird who was bound to be your shadow for only God knew how long.
“You better keep your hands to yourself. If your fingers—…”.
“Oh, come on, now. — Sosuke cooed, his tone infuriantingly soft — What can I do with my fingers? Are you afraid I am going to wrap them around your sister’s throat? Are you scared I am going to choke her?” he stated, making your blood run instantly cold. Sweat was beading your forehead and you halted, frightened at the thought things could escalate and your dirty secret be exposed like that. Your hand reached up, fingertips brushing against the silky fabric of your scarf. You still could feel Sosuke’s hand around your neck, you could still remember the way your pleasure was amplified, when he choked you.
No, you had to do something before it was too late. You had no other choice. Sosuke had to accompany you to your encounter with Shuhei. You had no idea how you were going to handle the situation, yet you had to sacrifice your privacy not to witness to a murder now.
You twirled around, clearing your throat to mask your panic “Aizen Sosuke, come with me. I might actually require your assistance” you yelled out, faking the best smile you could muster, as Shunsui nodded his hand and swung his arm around Ichigo’s shoulders in a friendly manner. You were honestly glad he was finally stepping in to save your reputation and the day. Maybe he was not that drunk yet.
“Yes! I guess it’s time to prepare the Seinkaimon anyway! — the Captain Commander announced — Let’s go, Ichigo, I’ve wanted to ask you a few questions about the World of livings for a while now… Tell me, are women standoffish there too?” he asked then, flashing you a knowing smile as he began to nudge your brother towards the main road.
Ichigo narrowed his eyes, shrugging the man’s arm off of his shoulders, but he did not make a fuss about it. Waving his hand at you, he obliged Shunsui’s request and followed him. Not without glaring one last time at his former enemy, though. Hearing him trying to avoid Shunsui’s questions about women in the World of the livings on their way made you feel better, though. Once they were gone, you released a breath you did not know you were holding. You tossed your bag onto the dirty ground, hands onto your hips as you stared up at the light-blue sky. For a few seconds, nor you, neither Sosuke seemed interested in striking up a conversation. He just stood a few feet away from you, arms folded over his chest, hands tucked into the sleeves of his grey haori. His face almost apathetic. Alone again with him, out in the public for everyone to see. It was not going to be an unsual sight from now on. A weird pair of people, once trying to kill each other, now barely keeping their hands for themselves.
Without saying a word, you then bent down to pick up your bag again and you resumed your walk, not bothering to tell him it was time to go. Sosuke’s baritone voice, though, cut through the air like a sharp blade.
“Aizen Sosuke, huh? When did we go back to such algid formality?” he inquired, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“Really now? How did you expect me to call you? Cutie patootie? Cupcake?” you sassed, eyes scrutinizing the horizon rather than darting on him, who was now glued to your side again.
He snorted and you could practically feel him smiling, when he said “Oh, actually, I was thinking about something like ‘daddy’. Let’s be real, I think I earned that title after yesterday night. — he crooned, knowing damn well he was going too far — For instance, though, I think it would be better to stop using that nickname with your father at lunch. Can you imagine the embarrassment I’d have to go through, if I passed you the salt, when you called for him?” he stated, his tone dripping sarcasm as you balled your hands up into fists down your sides.
This side of him was kind of a revelation, you had to admit it. Then again, he incarnated the example of someone who would have done anything in his power to sow dissension. If this was a glimpse of what to expect from your cohabitation, you were going to lose your mind for sure.
Turning towards him, you blocked his path “Let me get this straight. If you think I am going to let you screw up my life, you are terribly wrong. My house, my rules: stay away from my family” you dryly stated, pondering each and every word coming out of your mouth carefully.
“You have already let me screw you, darling. Would it make that much of a difference, if I interfered with your family affairs?” he taunted you, leaning down towards you so that your eyes could not stray away from his.
He had a point and you hated how good he was at playing with words. He almost made you sound stupid, it was downright frustrating. You huffed, pinching the bridge of your nose, inhaling sharply to calm down and search for your rationality. There was no way in Hell you were allowing him around your sisters and father.
“Yes, it would. You are already ruining my life. I don’t want you to mess them up as well” you declared, watching him straighten his back once again, going as far as to nodding his head in a condescending way.
He was dying to reply something to rile you up, you could see it in the way he was constantly clenching and unclenching his jaw, eager to toy with you as he had always done. But, as much as your body had loved letting him play you like violin, your brain was not going to grant him the chance to do further damages. The silence swallowing you two for a few seconds reminded you of why you had taken that avenue and you quickly began to walk again. Shuhei, Shuhei was a good guy. Handsome, sweet even… Naturally, he had his edges too but who did not have flaws? The Soul King had them too! And you were not exempt from being a messy person as well. After all, who would ever copulate with an enemy, instead of spending the night with the right guy whose love they should cherish? You were so upset with yourself, you almost felt ashamed of meeting up with him now.
The moment you sensed his reiatsu, you halted and turned your head towards the special threat “I need you to wait for me here. If you could possibly abstain from murdering people in the meanwhile, it would be great. Can you do it?” you cautiously said, watching a shit-eating grin cross his face.
Sosuke leaned his shoulder against the wall, arms folding against his chest “Do you honestly believe someone would even dare to walk down the street, upon spotting me there?”.
He had a point, yet you needed to be sure he was not going on a killing spree while you were distracted by the Lieutenant of the Ninth Division. You did not even want to consider the possible consequences you were going to face, if he went back to killing whomever stood in his way while under your watch. You cared about yourself and life enough to grip the hilt of your zanpakuto and wriggling your eyebrows up allusively to make him understand you were not fooling around.
“I will be on my best behavior. — he reassured you — Just hurry up. I would very much like to leave this place” he told you, his tone of voice flat as he motioned at your back with a dispassionate nod of his head.
You stood there for a few more seconds, watching him with a conflicted expression plastered over your face, before you ultimately decided to finally turn the corner. Standing close to a drinking fountain, Shuhei was holding a small bouquet of white roses in his hand. You blinked, sauntering towards him with a bashful smile on your face and your heartbeat notably increasing against your will.
Upon locking eyes with you, his smile broadened “Hey” he greeted you, handing you the flowers he had just purchased.
You sighed, accepting the kind gesture and delicately holding the roses in your hands “Admit it, you bought me flowers for getting that kiss you wanted yesterday night” you teased him, bringing them up to your nose. The bittersweet scent made you let out a soft sigh, your smile softening as he ruffled your hair.
“Probably. — he did not bother denying — But, now that you make me think about it, may I have that kiss? Or shall I find a dragon to slay to prove myself worthy?” he joked, as you shook your head and tiptoed to him.
Shuhei wrapped his arms around you firmly, protectively, and you could not help yourself when you remembered how Sosuke had embraced you the night before. There was a possessive undertone behind his gesture. Sosuke had held you in his arms with the same confidence of a man who did not bother questioning your likings, or asking for your permission: he knew he could do that. Shuhei, on the other hand, was almost scared of hurting you. He handled you with care, the same way a lioness protects her cubs. Comparing them was the worst thing you could possibly do in a moment like this and you cursed yourself for that.
Swinging your arms around his shoulders, you planted a kiss on his cheek. His grip on you tightening even so slightly as he buried his nose onto the crook of your neck.
This was healthy. This was not something to throw away.
“Are you leaving?” he asked you, his voice muffled, as his lips indulged onto your shoulder.
You felt your stomach twist and turn, as you nodded your head slowly, not daring to let go of him “Yes, I am. — you whispered, scared of telling him the catch about it all — And there is something you should know about it” you finally stated, breaking the embrace and clutching the bunch of roses to your chest.
Shuhei cocked his head to the side, visibly concerned by your sudden signs of agitation “What’s wrong?” he asked, hand cupping your cheek gently to show you empathy.
You shivered, half-lidded eyes meeting his ones as you looked for the apt words to explain your bargain with the Central 46 “I have been chosen to watch over Sosuke Aizen in the World of the livings. He is going to live in my house for … Well, no one knows for how long” you stated, watching Shuhei scowl and shaking his head unbelievingly. This was half expected, but it was something you ought to tell him in person.
“If this is a joke, this is not funny” he nervously said, his other hand joining the other on your face, cupping the free cheek, as he leaned down to look deeply into your eyes.
“Shuhei, I’m serious”.
“No! That’s absurd! I’m not letting you alone with that piece of shit!” he snapped then, squeezing your cheeks for a second, before taking a few steps back and running his fingers through his hair in exasperation.
“Shuhei… Listen, it’s okay, I can handle it—”.
“No, you can’t! Is Kyoraku that out of his mind to throw you to a beast? How can he allow something like that?” he reasoned, turning around to facen you again.
You had rarely seen him that concerned in your whole life. You walked up to him, settling the small bouquet on the edge of the fountain as you grasped both of his hands in a futile attempt to soothe his nerves “Kisuke doesn’t live too far from my flat. If something goes wrong, he will surely come to my rescue” you said, only for Shuhei to hook his hands underneath your thighs and sitting you onto the top of a nearby perimeter fence.
You gasped, his hands cupping your cheeks as he pressed his forehead against yours “Kisuke is not enough to reassure me. I will ask my Captain to stay with you, I need to know you are fine. Visits are not enough” he deadpanned, making your small heart skip a beat as you closed your eyes to enjoy this small moment between you two.
He was a fool. Even if Kyoraku demanded Kensei to let him join you, the Central 46 would have not allowed that.
Disclosing your lips to tell him that, you were stopped by his lips capturing yours in a gentle kiss. Slowly, his tongue lapped at your bottom lip, politely asking for access. It was the same kiss that had led you to sleep with him that night. The same kiss that had been the eye of the storm causing a turmoil of emotions within your heart. You trembled, kissing him back, but the moment you did something felt off. Why did his spiky hair feel so soft, silky at the touch? Why did his tongue feel voracious? Why did his pectorals feel firmer under your palms?
Why did you want to feel these sensations and not what you were actually experiencing?
You broke the kiss first, breath slightly labored, as you looked away from him. Shuhei cleared his throat, stepping back to give you some space. Slower. You had to take it slower.
“I’m sorry, I should have not kissed you out of the blue… But I could not resist. The thought of that scum and you together is making me vomit” Shuhei explained and you flicked your gaze up towards him again.
You wanted to reply, when someone spoke out somewhere behind the Lieutenant’s back, causing the colors to drain from your face.
“There’s a bush behind the corner. If you need to throw up, I suggest you to go there. Be careful not to step on mine, though, I puked there as well thanks to this hideous show” Sosuke commented, making Shuhei reach for his zanpakuto. He was so tense you thought he was going to pop a vessel.
Hopping down from the fence, you gripped Shuhei’s forearm, inviting him not to act on his instinct “Shuhei, it’s not necessary” you whispered, but Sosuke’s chuckle made your skin crawl.
“Necessary? The word you were looking for was useful” he countered, causing Shuhei to sprint towards him.
Before you could even register your own actions, you unsheathed your blade and flash-stepped in front of Sosuke, squaring up to parry the Lieutenant’s blow. You were protecting Sosuke, much to your dismay. Still, you were actually trying to protect Shuhei from him. If Sosuke wanted, he could incinerate him with his reiatsu alone. Letting this happen was not an option.
“Y/N! Move! What the fuck are you doing?” Shuhei yelled out, your swords clashing as you you firmly shook your head.
“I can’t! If you break those cuffs he is wearing, we are all dead!” you defended your actions, only to grit your teeth the moment you had to push harder against him to make him step back.
Shuhei stared at you hurt. His sword lowered down his side, as you did not budge to sheathe yours back in its scabbard. Well, the special threat had ruined your small reunion with one of the people you really cared about in the Soul Society.
A black hellbutterfly batting its wings erratically caught your attention, as you let it rest on your finger. The Seinkaimon was ready and you had to go back home. Suddenly, saying goodbye to Shuhei felt painful, as he turned his back at you and left wordlessly. A lump in your throat prevented you from calling out his name, whilst you reached your hand out to grasp the roses he had gifted you.
Sosuke did not utter a single word, following you as if he was your shadow as you two walked silently towards the Seinkaimon.
Hi there! I had so much fun writing this chapter. But I guess the best part is yet to come, because… Well, just imagine Sosuke in mundane situations, lol. Anyway, thanks for the positive feedback! I don’t mind constructive criticism, impressions, or opinions. I actually love it, when people comment! Do do not be afraid to express yourselves. I simp for the evil mastermind of the story, but I am really friendly! And… Happy belated birthday, Aizen!
TAGS: @pseudowho @seireiteihellbutterfly @onyxino @areyouflying @bakugosgirl01 @noirfan12
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jesterofcringe · 3 days
Peaceful mode Enderman!Lottie x Reader
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[sorry guys i literally have zero words for myself either,, this was meant to be satire and then i got super carried away 😭]
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
★You had gotten back from a long mining session and you wanted nothing more than sleep. You had no idea how long you were gone for, all you know is that you left during the morning and now it was close to midnight.
★To say you were exhausted was a bit of an understatement.
★You dragged your feet all the way home, slammed your door open, and flopped onto your bed. Though, despite how agonizingly tired you were, you couldn't quite shut your eyes. A tiny voice rang in the back of your mind;
★"You cannot sleep right now, there are monsters around"
★God. Damnit.
★You definitely weren't in the mood to fight any mobs. It was so dark out and you really wanted nothing more except to go to sleep. Plus you were almost certain you hadn't seen any mobs on your walk back from the mines. But you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep unless you checked.
★As you grabbed your sword, you poked your head out of your doorway. There didn't seem to be anything there, until you walked around to the back of your house, nearly jumping out of your skin at the sight of someone being there.
★Well, less someone, more something.
★She was tall, freakishly so, with a cat-like tail that swished and wrapped around her legs. She tilted her head, not quite in your direction, but enough that you could now see her face. Long black horns sprouted from her forehead just beside her bangs, and her eyes were a deep shade of purple.
★Aw fuck. Enderman.
★You jumped back and immediately stared at your feet. You hadn't made eye contact quite yet, but you knew she had noticed you as she turned in your direction and made a small sound you couldn't understand
★She was completely peaceful, so you knew you didn't have to fight her. And you certainly didn't want to, as you took all your armor off before getting into bed. You let your sword fall to the ground as you combed through your inventory for anything else you could use. You stopped as you spotted a red flower you picked up on your way home from the mines.
★"If I give you this flower will you go star gaze literally anywhere else?"
★You held it up to her and she made another small sound as her claws wrapped around the stem of the flower, and she promptly teleported away.
★The next morning you woke up to your house completely surrounded by flowers.
★Utterly dumbfounded, your head swiveled around as you searched for another player having played an extremely pathetic prank on you, but to your surprise you spotted the Enderman from the night before. You glanced in her direction, careful not to make eyecontact.
★"Was this you?"
★She seemed to nod, and her tail swished around excitedly, before she once again teleported out of sight.
★You had never been an Enderman enjoyer, but this one was alright.
★The temporary fascination brought by your newfound garden was washed away when you remembered that you had to trek back to the cave to collect the ore you had gathered on your expedition from the night prior. You groaned and grabbed your backpack as you head out the door.
★It was going to take at least two trips you quickly came to realize, as you left a large chest full of loot in the front of the cave. You could only fill your backpack with one, and you almost considered leaving the other there. You needed it though, so you sucked it up and started filling your inventory with half of the loot from the large chest.
★You were thinking about how to organize the loot when you got home, but before you could open the door you heard a familiar teleporting mob appear behind you. You didn't turn around, as you weren't sure how close she was and didn't want to risk eye contact, but you could hear her place something down behind you. A large hand pat the top of your head, before she teleported away.
★Turning on your heels to see what block she had placed down, you were starstruck to see your chest with the rest of your items. You were gonna have to thank her somehow. And probably invest in a pumpkin head.
★Not long after that, you found yourself with a nice companion. Whether directly behind you or following from a distance, the Enderman was always near you to some degree. The company was pretty nice as it could get considerably lonely being as far out in the server as you were.
★"Do you have a name?"
★She paused for a moment before spelling something out in the sand.
★"Oh," you hummed, "That's pretty cute actually."
★You knew that Endermen couldn't really smile, but it seemed that if could've, she would've.
★She was a great building partner too. Endermen were kind of known for picking up and placing blocks at random, so she actually really enjoyed helping you with builds. She helped you place blocks in areas you couldn't reach, or she would let you sit on her shoulders for extra height.
★She HATED when you went on mining trips because it was really difficult for her to go with you, so it was pretty common to come back and see one of your builds fucked up to some degree.
★"Dude... why is the library covered in dirt blocks? You know for a fact I can't get that down."
★"...You did that on purpose didn't you?"
★Before you could ask her to take it down, she teleported away. The library has been covered in dirt since.
★You had a bit of a slip up with a creeper one night, and got pathetically close to meeting death. You heard the hiss moments too late, jumping back just in time to keep yourself from dying but not in time to keep yourself from losing a significant amount of health.
★The blast sent you flying until you were lying on your back in the grass. Everything hurt, and you seriously considered just laying there forever. Until you heard a very concerned Enderman screech.
★Before you could even begin to process what was happening, you were being scooped up by strong arms. You were totally beat, and absolutely not going to fight it. You squeezed your eyes shut and snuggled into her chest as you she teleported both of you back to your house. Your health slowly regenerated as she frantically teleported around in search for a healing potion.
★"Lot, I'm fine, don't freak yourself out."
★"Lottie please-"
★From then on she followed you around a lot more often. She quickly became pretty overprotective, opting to walk with you rather than to teleport just so she could keep an eye on you.
★Just to be an asshole, though, she would sometimes teleport you both back home the second you reached your destination just so you were forced to walk with her more.
★More often than not you were woken up at absurd hours of the night because of Lottie. Less because of the fact that you couldn't sleep with mobs around, and more because of the way she liked to lay on top of you like a giant cat.
★Did you know Endermen could purr? Well you did now.
★The first time it happened it surprised the hell out of you. It was down pouring outside, and as such you let Lottie hide from the rain inside your house. You were combing through your old books when you felt her arms wrap around your waist as she rested her head on your shoulder.
★"What are you-"
★Fuck that was really cute actually.
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mtchee · 3 days
Birthday Week! - [Hinata Shoyo] GN
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A birthday week--a fun little traditon in your family that you decide to share with your sunshine of a boyfriend! Instead of just celebrating one day, the birthday celebrant gets a whole week of presents and pampering! It's perfect seeing how Shoyo's birthday is right around the corner! If only he didn't forget... oh well, even more of a surprise!
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cw: timeskip AU, fluff, flirting, second-person-pov, shoyo being lovesick and burnt out but still a ball of energy, super special sickly sweet birthday kisses, worried [name], hopelessly in love, flirting, suggestive at the end
| masterlist | haikyuu collection |
Boy, when you're with me, I'll give you a taste~ Make it like your birthday everyday! I know you like it sweet, So you can have your cake~ Give you something good to celebrate!
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June 21, this Wednesday, was Hinata Shoyo's birthday.
"And today is... Tuesday the 13th," You mutter quietly, working things out in your head.
Eight days until your boyfriend's special day.
You smile to yourself, "I can do this."
"Baby! I'm hoooome!" Shoyo calls out, slipping off his shoes by the door, "baby?" he peers around curiously at no response.
His face automatically brightens at the sound of your voice, immediately dropping his sports bag and anything else he was holding as his partner leaps into his arms, "I missed youuuu."
"I missed you tooooo!" He lowers you back onto the ground, peppering your face in an abundance of tickling kisses.
Despite his aching calves and sore shoulders, he smiles gleefully at the sight of his love, always happy to see you at the end of the day, "How was your work?"
"It was busy, as usual. But I think things are going to start slowing down now, thank god. How was training?"
"Tiring," Shoyo lets out an exaggerated sigh, eyes closed dramatically before he props one open again, "but I feel better now that I've seen you." He grins cheekily.
You roll your eyes, scoffing playfully, "You saw me this morning."
"But that was ages ago~" He whines, clinging onto you as you make your way into the kitchen, "I wanted to see you at lunch but Atsumu dragged us all out instead."
"I was working anyway," You laugh.
Shoyo pouts, "I just wanted to say hi..."
You can't help but shake your head fondly at his light hearted compaints, patting him on the arm.
"It's okay—you're here now, love. Now go pick up your bag and have a shower, I don't wanna be tripping over it later."
"Yes, Captain!" He does as he's told with a goofy grin, giving you one last kiss on the cheek before bounding away happily.
"Oh, Sho?" He obediently whips back around at your call, "is there anything you want to do this week? Or... anything you want in general?"
He blinks with wide eyes. A blank slate.
"Mmm, nope! Not really. Oh! I have been meaning to refurbish the soles on my training shoes though, I keep putting it off..."
"That's not--" You brush it off, "ah, nevermind. But... aren't you forgetting something?"
"Oh, right!" A spark ignite in you as Shoyo perks up, only for him to bounce over to you to give you a big smooch with a giggle, "thanks for preparing dinner, baby," before turning back around to do as earlier requested.
You watch him leave the room with a half-turned smile and hot cheeks, hearing him hum a little tune as he does so.
Your smiling eyes down turn ever so slightly when you notice him massaging the muscle of his right shoulder where his bag strap sat; no doubt already sore from his practice.
A soft but determined breath leaves your lips as you look back at the calendar hanging on the wall.
"Mission: birthday week, begins tomorrow!"
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Day 1, Wednesday 14 - 7 days until Shoyo's birthday!
Shoyo groans, cracking a reluctant eye open at the sound of his alarm going off—four forty-five in the freaking morning. His coach wanted the team there by six-thirty, but someone complained about it (its too early for him to remember who) so it was changed to five instead. He was naturally an early riser, so usually he wouldn't have any complaints anyway, but recently things had been taking a toll on him.
He blinks tiredly as he turns off the noise maker, vision blurry as he pats the bedding beside him to feel for a certain someone. He frowns, only feeling the cold empty covers. "Mm, baby...?"
"Sho~" He perks up at the sound of his name, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He blinks slowly as his eyes clear up, revealing the smiling face of his beloved holding a tray of food, "good morning, sunshine." Your greeting results in a bright smile from him too.
He tilts his bedhead at you.
"What're you doing up so early? Did you get called in to work?" He subconsciously licks his lips at the sight of the breakfast tray. You giggle at his expression and place it in his lap, motioning for him to eat up.
"No, I just thought you should get a good meal in since you have to head in earlier today."
"Wow! This looks so good!" His eyes sparkle, tiredness disappearing in an instant, "you made all of this?"
You nod.
"Yeah, I've pack you lunch and some money in case you want to buy meat buns later as well," You smile as he eagerly picks up his utensils and begins to eat, "I know Bokuto likes to steal them off of you."
He swallows some of his food, "Mm, eat with me!" He frowns as you shake your head, and you holds back the urge to coo and squeeze at his cheeks when he pouts.
"No, thanks Sho," You giggle at his disgruntled features, "it's for you."
"But I wanna share it with you!" He scoops some rice onto his spoon with his chopsticks, adding a small piece of grilled salmon on top.
His large honey-brown eyes tug a string in your heart, and you sigh in defeat. 'If that's what he wants...' You smile softly.
"Alright then." You snort as the tangerine lets out a shout of happiness ("YOSH!!") before opening your mouth for him to feed you.
You flush under his intense gaze, nodding your head and covering your mouth with your hand as you chew, "mm, it's gwood."
"I know," He beams proudly, "my partner made it for me." Shoyo's smile brightens at the sound of your laughter.
Day 2, Thursday 15 - 6 days until Shoyo's birthday!
Your shoes pitter patter along the polished floor of the corridor, a skip in your step as you turn a corner. Your features brighten at the sound of shoes squeaking and muffled shouts reverberating through the double doors ahead.
You eagerly pick up your pace.
Clutching the neatly wrapped bento box close, you quickly reach into your pocket and click on your phone. Checking the time, you nod to yourself with an affirmative 'hmph!' before reaching for the door.
A whistle is heard from behind the barrier, a muffled voice calling out, "Alright! Take a break. Back in an hour!"
'Ah, so I'm right on time,' You rap your knuckles on the door, 'good job me!'
You push open the door.
"Ohayo!" Your greeting earns you many head turns, and your wave at the familiar faces that you see.
"Oya?" Bokuto spins around curiously before smiling, "Hey hey hey, [name]! Long time no see!"
"[name]-san." Sakusa greets briefly with a nod.
"Mm, mm!" Atsumu waves her over from the side, drinking from his water bottle.
"Eh? [name]?" Shoyo blinks, clutching a volleyball in his hands. He turns his head and visibly brightens at the sight of you; a wide smile spreads across his face and he drops the volleyball, letting bounce and roll on the ground as he dashes over, "baby!"
He almost tramples you in his excitement, giving you a sweet kiss before grabbing your hand and leading you over to the side bench.
"What are you doing here?" He asks before stiffening, "I-I mean, not that I don't appreciate it or anything—I'm actually really glad you're here, I didn't get to say goodbye to you properly this morning and—"
"Sho?" He keeps rambling, "Shoyo? Baby!" You finally get his attention again, hand placed on his cheek to hold him still.
A giddy feeling wells up inside you as Shoyo's eyes meet yours, a large blush covering his cheeks. "It's okay," you laugh, and he smiles back at you, "I came to bring you lunch."
The human tangerine glances down at the wrapped up bento box in your other hand, "What is it?"
You hand it to him, watching as he undoes the bow, the fabric falling back, and revealing the enclosed contents of the lunchbox through its transparent lid, "I made you your favourite."
The man's face lights up.
"Really!? Tamago gohan?! YES!" He bounces up happily, almost dropping the bento box, "Thanks, baby!"
"Anything for the rest of us?" Shoyo narrows his eyes as Bokuto bowls on over, slinging an arm around his partner's shoulders with a grin, "man, you're cooking is amazing!"
"Shrimpy here will share, right?" Atsumu smirks at the shorter male, ignoring the fact that he was silently blowing a fuse.
Noticing your boyfriend's eyes piercing the arm around your shoulders, you laugh and push it off, "Sorry guys, but my Shoyo comes first. I'll make something next time though."
You give him a hug to ease his angry pout.
"Aw, hell yeah!" The owl haired male fist pumps, high fiving Atsumu victoriously before jogging away.
You laugh at the sulking pout still adorning your Shoyo's face, "Don't worry, Sho. You don't have to share your lunch with anyone."
Day 3, Friday 16 - 5 days until Shoyo's birthday!
Fridays through to Sundays were rest days for the MSBY team; as athletes, they needed to train often, however, if they didn't rest they would risk heavy injury in the future.
Three days seemed a bit much for a few of them. But more often than not they either met up or did individual training to stay on track, wherein the remaining days they would take it easy.
This time, you suggested to Shoyo that you two do something fun for a day out, like go to the beach. Already excited before you even finished piping the idea to him, your boyfriend very readily agreed.
"Whaaa, this is so cool!" Shoyo exclaims, dropping everything under the beach umbrella. He hears you giggling behind him as you move around, laying out the towels and opening your bags.
"It is a nice day, isn't it?" You use your hand to shield your eyes from the ever burning sun, looking out towards the ocean. It wasn't too windy, but there a few good waves. Your loose cover up blows along with the breeze.
"It isn't too busy either--that's good!"
Shoyo nods along happily, ruffling his already fluffy hair as he eyes the shoreline, "Hey, do you think we could-" He lets out a noise of shock as he turns his head, spotting you slipping off your cover up to reveal your swim wear.
He swallows as a large blush races across his cheeks, eyes running up and down your form unabashedly "I-I, uh, um... b-baby..!"
'O..-Oh no..! I'm a... PERVERT..!"
"Have you seen the sunscreen?" You ask distractedly, dropping the cover up onto a towel as you search through one of the bags.
Shoyo snaps himself out of his stupor, smacking himself in the face with a gulp as he speedily reaches into the bag closest to him, pulling out said item in question.
"UM! I-I'VE GOT IT!" He clears his throat, "let.. let me help you..! Please?"
"Sure. Thanks, love." You smile at him, causing his brain to short circuit.
Turning around, you sit with your back towards your flustered boyfriend, who practically self combusts.
'WHAAAAAAAAAA I'M SO LUCKY!!' His inner self weeps with gratitude to the gods above.
Opening the cap, he gently applies the sunscreen to the open skin on your back, massaging gently.
His hands are slightly calloused, proof of all of his hard work, but it feels nice nonetheless. His face reddens when you let out a noise of contentment. His actions slow, but he continues to rub your back as his head leans down, heat radiating from him in embarrassment.
If you looked at him now you'd think he was already sunburnt.
He looks up shyly, admiring you while you remain oblivious to his fluster.
'My baby's so pretty...' He bites his lip bashfully, hands coming to a stop at your lower back. You straighten up slightly.
"Oh, are you done?" You move to turn around, "I can do yours if you want—"
"I CAN'T HANDLE IT!" Shoyo topples you over, pressing you down against the towel as he leans over you, arms either side of your head.
"Y-You're too gorgeous!" He almost seems to pout at that, face flushed red.
You blink up at him, cheeks growing warm, "S-Sho..?" He frowns, lips pursed--he looks like a kicked puppy.
"I don't..." He lowers his voice, almost mumbling, "I don't want anyone else to look at you..."
You smile up at him awkwardly in your own fluster.
"I'm only here for you, sunshine," You reassure, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing him into a kiss. He trembles at your touch, embarrassment overwhelming him as he suddenly realises your position.
"W-Wait, baby...!"
Day 4, Saturday 17 - 4 days until Shoyo's birthday!
"It's too far!" You puff out, hands on your hips as you fight for your life, "when I said I'd help you train I didn't mean I'd actually do it with you."
"We've barely started," Shoyo grins, "come oooon! We can stop at the park on the way!"
"No, I love you, but I can't run, Sho."
He laughs, "What if we get ice cream later?"
You wave him off, "I can get that anyway."
"What if I carry you?"
"You can't carry me and run, Shoyo," You still heave for your precious air--never again will you take it for granted--fanning yourself. Your boyfriend raises an eyebrow.
"Is that a challenge?!" His eyes widen with a mischievous sheen.
"What? No, no. Sho—SHOYO!" You squeal when your plucked up and forced to shift onto his back for a piggyback ride.
"C'mon, baby! This'll be fun! Plus, I get to show you how strong I've gotten!"
...Admittedly, you do drool over the feel of his muscles at work.
Day 5, Sunday 18 - 3 days until Shoyo's birthday!
"Shoyo?" You look up at your boyfriend sleepily, only feeling his grip tighten on you. You shuffle closer to him under the bed covers, hearing him sigh peacefully at the feeling of you pressed against him.
"Are you—" You yawn, "—doing any training today?"
The orange haired male slowly blinks himself awake, glancing at the sunlight seeping through the cracks of their closed blinds.
"Mm, no..." He nuzzles into you, "I just wanna sleep in today..."
You smile softly, "Alright," you press your lips to his, the man humming in response, "rest well, sunshine."
He hugs you tighter.
"You're the best. I love youuu~."
"Mm, I love you too, Sho."
Day 6, Monday 19 - 2 days until Shoyo's birthday!
Another long day of training for the tangerine, and he couldn't wait to see his special someone when he got home. Even his teammates asked if he was doing alright, in which he responded he was fine, though his tender muscles and tired eyes said otherwise.
"Welcome home~" You greet him as soon as he opens the door, concern flickering in your eyes as you immediately notice his off demeanor.
"How are you feeling?"
He beams at you.
It wasn't fake, or an attempt to cover up his exhaustion—but simply his heart shining through.
Seeing you always gave him an extra boost.
"Everything's great! We had a practice match today, so I'm a little tired is all. How about you?" He sags into your touch with a contented sigh.
"I'm good, love. I just got started on dinner," You give him a quick peck on the lips, "how about you go take a bath—don't worry about helping me cook, I've got it handled.'
"Are you sure?" Shoyo makes his way into the bedroom, placing his sports bag by the end of the bed, "what about you? You're not gonna join me?"
You giggle at him, shaking your head, "No, Sho. But, uh, if you want," your face flushes with warmth and you dart your eyes away unsurely, "I... could give you a massage after dinner?"
You panic as Shoyo freezes and turns red, "I DON'T MEAN ANYTHING BY IT! J-JUST TO HELP YOU FEEL BETTER!"
A sigh escapes you, "I've noticed how sore you've been after practice recently, so... I though I might be able to help..?"
His eyes soften, and he places a light kiss on your forehead to ease your embarrassment, "Sure! I don't mind."
You smile at him, bouncing on your heel excitedly, "Great!" you slow, clearing her throat awkwardly, "I'll, uh... I-I'll go get dinner ready. Eheh."
Shoyo watches fondly as you scurries away, a loving curve to his lips.
Day 7, Tuesday 20 - 1 day until Shoyo's birthday!
The tangerine haired male huffs out a tired sigh, seating himself on the side bench while he takes a swig of water from his bottle. He didn't get to see you properly this morning since you seemed to be up and running from the crack of dawn.
You'd cooked him a quick breakfast in bed again, though you couldn't join him this time since you had a few errands to run. Selfishly, he wanted to grab you and sit you down next to him so you would get a meal in as well, but he knew he'd get in trouble by you if he did.
Although he almost had you by giving you his classic puppy eyes, but you managed to escape it.
This time.
Just barely.
He hums to himself in thought.
'Man, [name]'s been extra nice this week... I mean, they're always nice and do these things every now and then, but it feels like they've been SUUUUPERRR nice.' He smiles, face tinted pink, 'I'm so lucky~'
"Hey! Shrimpy!" He looks up to see Atsumu already back on the court after his water break, "come hit a few sets for me, will ya?"
"Alright!" Shoyo stands up, stretching his arms over his head and awing at the lack of soreness in his muscles, "whaa, that massage really worked, huh?" He mumbles under his breath.
About to step back onto the court, he stops whenhe hears his phone ping on the bench, "hm?"
A small smile rests on his lips at the contact name.
It was you. He unlocks his phone to read your message.
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His smile widens. 'I really am lucky.'
Wednesday 21 - Shoyo's Birthday!
Aaaand another long day of training it was for Shoyo.
What was weird though was that some of his teammates were rather skittish during practice too—namely Bokuto and Atsumu. Bokuto was awfully giggly whereas the latter kept sending him cheeky looks--although Sakusa couldn't seem to care any less. He was a little agitated at the duos extra hype.
To make things even harder though, and with everyone eager to get home, they all made a bet in which the loser would stay behind to pack up all the volleyballs—they worked together to put the nets away, and the floors were mopped--but no one seemed to have the energy to gather all of the balls scattered around the gymnasium.
A bet which Shoyo unfortunately lost, and the others spared no pity and left him to lock up as well.
Upset that he would be home a little later than usual, he sent you a quick text about the change in time so you wouldn't worry.
So after another thirty minutes of cleanup (one of the balls got stuck between the bleachers) he finally locked up and left for home.
The whole day had been a bit... odd. It just felt like something was off.
Oh well.
"Baby?" Shoyo calls out from the door, "I'm hooome!"
He frowns at the lack of response, stomach dropping at the fact that all the lights were off as well.
Worry begins to boil in the pit of his stomach, "Baby?"
He drops his bag by the door, not bothering to slip off his shoes as he rushes into the darkness. He winces, hitting his thigh against the corner of (presumably) the kitchen counter before reaching the living room.
His eyes slowly adjust to the dark, and he begins to see figures moving about. He prepares himself to launch the decorative vase on his left.
He flicks on the light.
He jumps back as a chorus of voices hit his ears. He blinks at the sight in front of him; a large group of his friends scattered throughout the room, a large happy birthday banner dangling from one end of the ceiling to the other along with a series of streamers and balloons.
He spots a pile of gifts by one side of the couch, and a heap of snacks and drinks set atop the coffee table.
"Happy birthday, Sho!" Shoyo zones in on the figure in front of him, a smile of refrained excitement on they're face.
"Hi," You grin at him, "you've been working yourself a lot lately, and you still make time for me even though you're tired after training. So, I though... why not surprise you for your birthday?"
You open your arms toward him.
Shoyo tears up, "Babyyyy...!" He bolts into your embrace, laughing gleefully alongside you when you stumble before catching your footing.
"That's what this week's been about?!" You laugh at his sudden realisation, "[name], you're so cool!"
"Aw," You giggle, "I'm glad, sunshine."
"Oi," You break away from your embrace, turning to see a familiar blueberry resembling friend, "happy birthday, stupid."
Kageyama greets, the smallest of smile on his face before he scoffs and rolls his eyes when Shoyo awes obnoxiously.
"Kageyama!" The tangerine launches himself towards said male, who tries (and fails) to dodge him.
"Get—Get off me, idiot!"
"And Nishinoya-senpai? Tanaka-senpai?" Shoyo beams at the sight of his old teammates, "Suga-san? Daichi-san!?" Everyone gives their own greeting and wishes him happy birthday, "Yamagichi? even Tsukishima!?"
"Don't think this means anything." The blonde huffs.
"I'm here because [name] asked. But happy birthday anyway, I guess."
"Be nice, Tsukki."
"Whatever, Yamaguchi."
Shoyo scans his eyes around the room once more, spotting old rivals and whatnot as well. He sees Kuroo and Kenma alongside Lev, Inouka and Yaku, and Akaashi, and Osamu and Suna, and Oikawa and Iwaizumi, and Aone—and the rest of the MSBY team.
So that's why they all scurried off so quick.
He shakes his head, laughing to himself.
Turning around, he notices you immersed in a conversation with Asahi, Kiyoko, and Yachi. There were people everywhere!
He grins to himself, all worries and stress on his shoulders suddenly lifting—and he feels fully energised for the first time in weeks.
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"Thanks for coming!"
"See you later, guys!"
"Oh yeah, happy birthday bro!"
"Man, that was fun..."
"Night everyone!"
"See you! Thanks everyone!" The couple wave goodbye to their last few visitors, reaching the end of the party.
"Ah, it was nice seeing everyone again, that's for sure." You breathe out, hands lax on your hips.
"Definitely," Shoyo nods.
He smiles at you gratefully, eyes crinkling, "I can't believe you did all that for me."
"I can't believe you forgot your own birthday," You giggle, playfully flicking his forehead, "I'm glad you had fun. I know you've had a hard time the past few weeks, so I wanted to help you feel better."
You squeal when he launches at you, peppering your face with kisses.
"You're so sweet!" He lets out a sudden gasp, "oh! I know! It's my birthday, right?"
Shoyo grins, a glint in his honey brown eyes when nod with an unknowing hum, "know what would make it even better...?"
You raise a bemused brow, shrugging, "I dunno, what?"
"If I could open my present."
You perk up, glancing over your shoulder at the pile of gifts by the couch, "Oh, that's right! Come, sit over here—"
Shoyo grips you by the waist, stopping you in your tracks.
He's quick to spin back around to face him.
"No, baby, not those ones--" He beaming grin curls into something a little cheekier, ears tinted red as he gets a little handsy, feeling up your sides.
His eyes flick down past your face to your stomach, trailing up your torso and chest before settling on your lips. A hand slips past the hem of your shirt, and he slides a leg between yours as he starts backing you towards the couch.
"--this one."
Your breath hitches in your throat as his eyes dim.
Your heart drops excitedly when his tongue traces over your lips, his touch growing a little less innocent with each heated kiss.
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yevrosima-the-third · 8 months
For the ask game: 1, 11, 18, 24 and 29 :)
- Parlerenfleur
Hey :)
No. 1 - favourite place in my country. Place, place, place. That's hard. Oh right! Sombor. Best town I've been in. Just so beautiful. Going there made me realize why someone would want to stay in one place, in the place they were born in, their whole life.
No. 11 - My favourite native writer/poet is Vasko Popa for sure. He's my favourite poet in general. His poetry feels like a wind that goes through you. In the original at least. Never read any translations
No. 18 - Do I speak with a dialect of my native language - Well yeah. I mean, everyone does, right? But my dialect is like. The one they use on tv. So the most basic one. Still recognisable though. People kinda hate us lol. Hm, sometimes I sound sort of Bosnian because I have some family that's from there
No. 24 - What other nation is joked about most often in my country... You know, I actually have no idea. I know there are jokes about our neighbours, Montenegrins and Bosnians, and I think we joke about Germans. But most joked about? Not a clue
No. 29 - Well my region, or rather, city, doesn't exactly have beef with anyone... Everyone else just kinda hates us lol. I live in the capital of my country, so, yeah, I think that's kinda common - everyone hating the capital. It gets a lot of attention and a lot of resources while other parts of the country are neglected. Unless the elections are nigh, of course :))))) Also, people from here can be quite... Entitled? I can't remember how to translate bahati. When they visit other places in our country as tourists. So like, it's justified, it's not without reason that everyone hates us. Also, people from here tend to look down on people from other places, I even catch myself doing it sometimes. I try not to.
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bookshelfdreams · 1 month
the stone marten sounds like a completely fictional problem
like when other hemerophiles become pests, the damage they do is completely understandable. what does a wild animal want? food, shelter, a safe place to raise its young. simple, right? a raccoon moves into your attic because it's dry and warm, and he leaves feces and remains of prey because he's a raccoon and doesn't know that's not appropriate roommate behavior. obviously blackbirds steal your cherries and voles eat your veggies! they're hungry little guys! you would do this too if you were a blackbird or a vole.
the stone marten, though, will wreck your car. for no apparent reason. he's not living there and he doesn't want to eat the rubber from your brake line. he just fucks up your engine for the lolz. and he's sneaky about it, too! the damage will often not become apparent until it's catastrophic. until very suddenly your converter is fucked, your transmission hands in notice, or your brakes fail in the middle of a busy intersection.
somehow, over millions of years, nature evolved this animal who's body size, behaviour, and territorial aggression all work together in the precise way that makes him very effective at sabotaging one of the biggest pollutants in modern society.
it's so normalized we never stop to think how ridiculous it is to have your car destroyed by a cute little mustelid who doesn't understand mechanics and just wants to tell his rival to get fucked. sounds like something a mediocre author would put in an allegory about environmentalism, and get marked in red by the editor with the note A little on the nose, don't you think.
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this guy's an ecoterrorist. he does almost 100 million € damage each year in germany alone.
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Biting the bars of my enclosure about autistic ford tonight. There's something about him using vocabulary and turns of phrase that seem "outdated" or "pretentious" that feels so painfully genuine to me. When people say he talks like that just to "try to sound smart" I wish I could explain what it's like to be so ostracized from your peers growing up that you spend all your time reading instead, to the point where you pick up your way of speaking from books instead of from people. And then what it's like for people to call you out for "talking weird" over and over again, not able to wrap their heads around why the fuck you would choose more archaic or technical or formal words than the simpler ones that surely come to everyone's minds first. What it's like to have to dedicate a sizable chunk of attention to filtering through every single word you say out loud in real time before you say it, to make absolutely sure that it isn't a word people will judge you for using or make fun of you for using, just so you'll have a chance of being taken seriously. Learning through trial and error how to filter out the words that other people don't think are normal or casual enough for the conversation, even though for you, the word choice that's "natural-sounding" enough for them is the third or fourth word you came up with when searching for the right way to phrase something in your head. I wish I could explain just how long it takes to say fucking anything after spending a lifetime doing that during every single conversation, and how repetitive and long-winded you end up being when you spend so long coming up with alternative ways of saying every little thing you ever think. And I wish people realized that, at the very least for autistic people and autistic-coded characters, speech that's seen as pretentious is really just the way they talk when they're not putting in the extra effort to filter through every word they say just so others will take the time to listen.
#ford meta#actuallyautistic#everyone go read the wikipedia page for 'stilted speech' right now#long post#ford isnt very good at masking. he doesn't have the kind of (unintentional) autistic coding that is Palatable To Neurotypicals.#definitely looking-too-deeply-at-a-kid-cartoon right now but in *some* ways. a world where the majority of people think its easy to like an#-understand ford is a world that would feel safe for me to unmask in.#i truly truly hate that fully explaining my thoughts on ford requires me to say so much about myself. but god is it such a crime-#-to use a fictional character as a lens through which to try and explain to people how to be more understanding and accepting-#-of things like this.#making fun of stilted speech is so normalized that people don't even realize they're making fun of someone for being weird.#people think its Someone Thinking They're Better Than You but its something people lay awake at night wishing they could stop doing.#and yet they still end up using the Wrong Words and being labeled a Pretentious Asshole just for talking differently than the norm.#maybe there really are people out there who deliberately use big words to try and sound smarter than everyone else. I don't know.#all I know is. in a world where its pretty obvious that people who use a discongruently complex vocabulary get made fun of for doing that.#why would someone deliberately trying to impress people do something that would only get them laughed at.#sorry for being genuine on main. as if its my fault </3
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shima-draws · 5 months
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