#golden fins au
dangoarts · 1 year
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this took so long
anyway golden fins au introductory comic! the basic premise of this is that instead of running an animation studio in new york, Joey runs a guided tour/expedition agency in the fictional town of Lasal, Utah (it's basically moab 2). in one part of the mountains surrounding them are sandstone fins that form a natural labyrinth, and tons of people get lost and go missing in them constantly. Along with guided hikes through its safe and marked trails, Joey funds expeditions into the deeper parts of the Golden Fins to try discovering the fabled treasure that's rumored to exist at the center of them. Few ever return and none have succeeded.
i need to scream more about this but my brain is being so incoherent about the plotline that it's more of a jumbled mess of screaming instead of words i can use
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the-lavender-room · 1 year
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Two giant, gaymer dads lounging on the beach
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malkaviian · 2 years
fred se hace el cancherito y todo, pero conforme pase el tiempo, no haber detenido la ejecución de eris (siendo el único con el poder de hacerlo) le empezaría a afectar MUCHO la mente
#siendo honeste haber impulsado a la tragedia con su mentira le da igual. el juego de asesinatos le pareció un plan genial.#haber presenciado la ejecución de seba y hasta la de golden + saber que fox murió a manos de golden por su mentira primero le afectó unpoco#pero luego hasta se rio cuando ya estaba más metido en la ~desesperación~#cuando el juego de asesinatos se terminó y eris murió se quedó recalculando todo#tipo 'ya está; eso es todo'#'ahora seguramente los sobrevivientes van a querer venganza'#y tipo le daba igual hasta que recordó a damian#y ahí como que empieza a refleccionar(? y pensar que de verdad falló como padre al permitir que su propia hija haga eso#ENCIMA pensando que eso lo iba a hacer feliz y que era su final destinado o algo así#reflexionar* perdón son las 3 de la mañana#y que damian también corrió muchísimo peligro todo este tiempo y él no estuvo para protegerlo (de algo que él mismo ayudó a hacer)#al principio estaría más ocupado buscando a damian así que no pensaría tanto en lo que pasó#pero luego comenzaría como a ponerse medio paranoico y sentir que el espíritu de eris sigue con él#comenzaría a divagar mucho y hasta pensar de alguna forma de hacer otro juego de asesinatos para que sentir que ella sigue ahí#más considerando que damian no querría saber nada con él... nunca quizo en realidad#y ahora menos#así que está solo como pan triste porque azrael desapareció y no se sabe qué pasó#en fin; f#au talk#sabés qué lo voy a hacer un tag; ya veré qué hago con los otros post#(quizás me arrepienta pero bueno)
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williamkergroach55 · 10 months
The Unspoken prominence of Western Civilization
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In an ever-evolving world, where the boundaries between cultures blur and global connectivity shapes our narrative, it's crucial to reflect on the profound impact that Western Civilization has had on our collective human journey. "The Western Civilization" by William Kergroach stands as a testament to the enduring influence of the Western culture, offering a profound exploration of its contributions to the global tapestry.
A Tapestry of Heritage
Within the pages of this enlightening work, readers are transported through the corridors of time, uncovering the intricate layers of Western heritage. Kergroach artfully narrates the story of how Western thought, values, and innovations have left an indelible mark on the world's stage. From the profound insights of philosophy to the masterpieces of art, and the leaps of innovation that have reshaped societies, every chapter serves as a testament to the interconnectedness of cultures and the universal relevance of Western contributions.
Philosophical Foundations
The philosophical foundations that have shaped Western Civilization are a cornerstone of the book's exploration. Kergroach delves into how Western thinkers have grappled with questions of existence, morality, and the very essence of being. These philosophical undercurrents, firmly rooted in Western thought, have transcended time and continue to influence global conversations on ethics, governance, and the human experience.
Cultural Confluence
In an era where cultural exchange is as effortless as a mouse click, understanding the essence of Western art is paramount. Kergroach guides readers on a journey through the artistic expressions that have not only captivated Western audiences but have also bridged cultural gaps across the globe. Be it the timeless words of literature, the evocative chords of music, or the visual narratives painted by artists, these creations serve as an eloquent reminder of the shared human experience.
Innovative Impulses
The book also sheds light on how Western Civilization has been a crucible of innovation. From the Age of Discoveries that expanded horizons to the technological revolutions that have reshaped our world, Kergroach demonstrates that Western ingenuity has been a driving force in shaping the course of human progress. These innovations transcend borders, catalyzing intercultural exchanges and pushing humanity forward collectively.
A Global Perspective
"The Western Civilization" is a call for cultural pride; it's an invitation to recognize the prominence of the White world. As the world grows smaller and more connected, understanding the influence of Western culture fosters legitimate pride. Kergroach's exploration ignites a spark of curiosity, urging us to look beyond the surface and appreciate our roots and our ancestors masterpieces.
The Western Civilization has shaped the world civilization. it's about time to say White is beautiful
#WesternInfluence #CulturalLegacy #White #Philosophy #ArtisticExpression #Innovation #CulturalWest 📚🌍
#Western Civilization#The Western Civilization#Default (GPT-3.5)#User#Rédige un article sérieux et universitaire en anglais sur le livre “The Western Civilization”#by William Kergroach. Ajoute des#à la fin de l'article. L'ambition du livre est de rappeler aux Occidentaux et au monde l'importance de la civilisation occidentale pour l'h#plunge into the heart of the key moments in history that have forged our modern society. Explore the twists and turns of philosophy and int#and discover how they have shaped our understanding of the world.#From the great discoveries to the Renaissance periods#follow the evolution of mankind through the ages#and observe the technological revolutions that have turned our way of life upside down. Immerse yourself in the influence of Western arts a#Explore the Western way of life#from food to relationships#and question the evolution of our ethical values over the centuries. Immerse yourself in the history of the Western World states#from the stories of European religions to Europe's golden cultural periods.#Decipher the complex chronology of political dominance#explore the influence of the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants and plunge into the era of the American Empire's domination of Europe. Dive into#explore the great achievements of European civilization and question the impact of technological advances on our daily lives.#From economics to cultural and political relations#from demographics to ecology#from the shadows of corrupt leaders to the challenges of the Patriot Act and large-scale surveillance#“Western Civilization” plunges into the depths of our society.#Discover the vibrant panorama of Western literature#from Slavic literatures to North American#Australian#New Zealand and Scandinavian creations. Explore the chords and dissonances of classical music#folk#rock 'n' roll and rock. Explore the architectural streets of the West#from the automobile to fashion
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borathae · 5 months
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"Taehyung shows you a spell which makes your strap function like real cock, then asks you to fuck him with it and he knows exactly how he wants it to happen. He's going to be the one getting pounded, but he'll drive you fucking crazy in process."
❖ Requested by all of you through a poll ❖
Pairing: Vampire!Taehyung x Witch!Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Magic!AU, Smut
Warnings: this is nasty porn besties, Dom!Taehyung who takes the dick, whiney sub!Reader, sex magic, her strap functions and looks like real cock, i'll also only refer to her strap as her cock/dick, and i'll use gender neutral nicknames, so i think that male readers can have a blast with this one as well <3, in some way this is a first time for her, blowjob, deep throating, snowballing, cum eating, handjob, frotting, multiple orgasms for both, anal sex (Tae receiving), hole stretching with cock, cowboy position, praise, dirty talk, Tae calls himself her "bitch", strength kink, he pins her down by her wrists, bro he needs to leave me alone fr, the biggest cum kink, a lil bit of spit kink too, scent kink, subby tears of pleasure, creampies, belly bulging, cum leaking, squirting, i'm telling you this is the cum kink story, once again this is so filthy and nasty, this is both gentle but also rough fucking, they're both done afterwards, loving aftercare, they're kinky and in love
Wordcount: 8.1k
a/n: just a reminder that you guys chose this story for his bday. you brought this upon yourselves 😩 enjoy besties ❤
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“How does it feel?”
“I can’t tell a difference. I guess heavier?” you shift from one leg to the other, looking down at your own crotch, “I can feel that there’s something between my legs. It’s tangling.”
“It’s nice, is it not?”
“It’s….it’s different.”
You look up, expecting to meet his eyes, but you don’t. He is mesmerised by your cock and how it sits so heavily between your legs.
It was hard once, made out of silicone with no possible chance of softening. And then you spoke the magic words. The words he showed you and practiced with you until they finally worked. And oh how they worked. Your once hard, unmoving silicone dick softened and melted with your body until it was part of you. Now made out of flesh and with feeling in it. The colour doesn’t quite match your skin tone because the dildo was a few shades warmer than your real skin, but it somehow makes it look even sexier. Part of you for one night, so perfectly in place even if it was once impossible to fit. It is so wonderfully arousing to Taehyung.
“Mhm?” he lifts his head and with it, his eyes.
“You stared.”
“Because I want you”, he says and draws closer. His big hand comes to touch your waist, his eyes race over your features obsessively. His pupils are dilated, “how is it for you? Truthfully.”
“Weird?” you say and chuckle shyly, “I can’t decide yet. I feel a weight between my legs, it’s tugging down a little. I never felt like this before.”
He lowers his lids playfully, whispering his next words.
“Shall I take the weight off of you?”
Your stomach tingles, your hands come to touch his bared chest. Clothes aren’t necessary anymore. You had to undress for the spell naturally and Taehyung never wore more than just some jockstraps. Not to forget the golden necklaces around his neck and the emerald earrings adorning his ears. He looks so sexy and his words make you want him even more.
“Mhm darling? I can do it for you, carry the heavy burden in your stead”, he offers, drawing tingling circles on your waist with just his fingertips.
“How would you do it?” you ask for the sole reason of wanting him to show you.
“Can I show you?” he asks, looking deep into your eyes.
“Yes”, you allow him, feeling mesmerized by him.
The deep connection remains as Taehyung lets his right hand glide down your body until he can let it disappear between your legs. He cups your heavy balls and soft cock. His hand is so big that all of it fits inside his palm.
You let out a shaky gasp, closing your fingers on his chest in a needy grasp. You can actually feel his touch. It is right there, between your legs, cradling what once wasn’t part of you, but what now feels so achingly needy for more.
Taehyung bounces your heaviness in his palm gently.
“Like this”, he whispers.
“Tae, this is…oh god…”
He needs to hold back right now. He dreamt of holding your cock ever since your magic was discovered. It is difficult to go slow right now because all he craves is to fuck you senseless. But he knows better. He knows that this is new to you, that you never experienced such sensations before and that every step taken too quickly could be overwhelming for you.
So he cradles you, bouncing you in his safe hand while his left hand caresses your waist. You keep tensing your abs. He feels them tighten under his thumb each time he brushes it over them.
“Does this lessen the weight?” he asks in a whisper.
“Fuck, it just make it worse”, you breathe out as you speak, resulting in your words to swirl over his skin. Your breath smells minty. Taehyung matches with you.
“It does? Where is it worst?” he asks and opens his palm to reveal your cock to him. He keeps his hand under it, carrying it safely so he could trace it with his left hand. His fingertips brush over your balls first, outlining them, “there?”
You throb softly, growing just a little in his palm.
“Tae, this is…” you get out and exhale shakily, looking down. There is so much heat rushing to your groin. You genuinely never felt so much fucking heat between your legs. It’s insane and it’s somehow getting more and more, the longer he is tracing your cock.
“Or is it there?” he asks, dancing his finger up your shaft.
More warmth. So much warmth. How easy is it to get so heated up? Why is it so easy? He barely did anything and you already feel like burning up. 
“Or maybe there?” he asks and presses his finger against your tip to draw circles on it.
“Woah”, you gasp, flinching away from him so harshly you actually slip out of his hold.
He stares. You stare. The heat between your legs throbs. It throbs so bad that it is almost painful. With every throb the weight seems to grow and at the same time get less. The tug downwards decreases while the heaviness of your balls somehow gets more. It is so impossible to describe.
You look down. You are hard. The view is familiar to you because you had a lot of hard dick in front of you already, but tonight is different. Tonight it is truly connected to you. Your skin blends into that of your erection and you know for a fucking fact that the blood you feel throbbing inside it, is your very own.
“Taehyung, this is fucking insane”, you let out, shaking your head in disbelief.
“I know and it is so bloody arousing”, he says and closes the distance between you and him until he can trap your hard cock between your bodies. You feel how he bends it up and how it gets squished between your tummy and his crotch. His clothed cock presses against your bared one, sharing warmth. The fabric of his jockstrap is soft and rough at the same time.
“Wait Tae, wait”, you try to flee again because this is actual insanity, but Taehyung doesn’t let you. He keeps you pinned to him with his hands on your hips, silencing your worrying by kissing your neck. You heart flutters, but you barely feel it because all you can concentrate on is the heavy throbbing between your legs each time his lips touch your skin.
“Holy fuck Tae, please just”, you gasp and tremble, pushing at his chest softly, “just give me a second, please.”
“I am”, he promises you and takes a step back, “talk to me”, he says, holding your hands. He caresses your knuckles with his thumb, looking at you with adorning eyes.
“I”, you squeak out and stumble back, “I need to just take a moment. This is a lot. Holy fuck.”
“Hey, I’m here, hey”, he gasps and holds your hands tighter to prevent you from falling, “sit down, it’s safer to sit”, he offers and lifts you atop his bed. It is a very high bed and because he sat you down quite far up the mattress, it results in your feet tangling in the air. He gets between your legs, towering over you just enough that you have to tilt your head to make eye contact.
“Talk to me. Is it not your taste?” he asks, caressing your upper arms slowly. His eyes race between yours, looking so utterly attentive.
“It’s just….a lot. I don’t know. I feel so fucking hot between my legs. Is that normal? What if the spell didn’t work correctly? I feel every throb, Tae. It’s so hot”, you say with serious eyes.
Taehyung’s gaze softens. He chuckles fondly.
“Why are you laughing? I’m serious, Tae.”
“I know, gosh I know. Please forgive me”, he says between giggles, cupping your cheeks to caress them gently, “it is just that…my darling, this is how an erection feels like. You are simply horny.”
“But…but it’s so hot. Like, so hot.”
“I am aware.”
“That’s normal?”
He nods his head.
“You feel like this every time you get horny?”
“This is awful, oh my god, I might actually burst.”
Taehyung laughs, scrunching his nose up as he does.
“Don’t laugh, I’m actually suffering.”
“Please forgive me, but you are just so adorable”, he says.
You huff out air, frowning at him with a pout. His gaze softens, his hands brush down your arms soothingly.
“I can make it better”, he offers.
“You can?” you whisper, feeling flutters in your stomach.
“I can”, he breathes and brushes his fingers over your cockhead. Just a feather light touch, but it still felt intense to you.
You moan, rolling your hips up to chase him. Another touch never comes, even more intense heat remains.
“Just tell me that you want to continue this and I will”, he adds.
“I do”, you say and add a word you never meant more than right now, “please.”
His lips curl into a proud smirk, his eyes lower playfully.
“Get on the bed, rest back against it”, he orders.
You follow instantly, pulling your legs up on the mattress so you can move to the middle of the bed and rest back into the heap of soft pillows. They engulf you, allowing you to be comfortable and still sit up enough that you have a view of your lower body. Taehyung joins you on the bed, kneeling down next to you.
He guides his hand down your torso, tracing your inner thigh next. You throb, sneaking a glance at him to see if he also noticed. He meets your eyes.
“Needy?” he asks.
“Did you see that?”
“I did.”
“Tae, it’s”, you shift impatiently, “it’s so hot.”
“I know darling, I know”, he says and wraps his fingers around the base of your cock, “and so heavy as well. Darling, you are so heavy in my hand.”
“Don’t tease me. Please”, you wanted to order him, but it only comes out as a beg. Of course it does. You are so madly horny right now. 
Taehyung was the one to introduce you to the idea of experimenting with sex spells. For now, you have already perfected a spell which enchants ropes to make it impossible for even vampires to break through them. Another spell controls his orgasms and make it impossible for him to climax without your magical allowance. Your newest spell is this one right here and it is definitely messing with your sanity the most. You are so horny that you can barely even think. 
“Please what, darling?” Taehyung teases, tickling your inner thigh gently. 
“Do something please.” 
“Something? Like this?” he asks and lowers himself to your cock, flicking his tongue over your tip gently.
You flinch again.
“Holy fuck.”
“How was that?”
“Wet. Holy fuck.”
“Yes, tongues tend to be wet”, he is teasing. Of course he is. 
“Tae, please”, you whine, wiggling your legs, “I can’t take your attitude right now. Please.”
He chuckles, “adorable”, he whispers before swirling his tongue over your tip. Once. Twice. 
“Tae, oh god. This is insane, seriously.”
“You taste so good, darling”, he whispers.
“I can feel every fucking word you speak. Holy fuck.”
“You’re so needy. It’s adorable.”
“Tae. Holy fuck.”
He chuckles, wrapping his lips around you.He takes only your tip inside and gives it one suck, then lets it go with a bop of his lips. He rubs them against your tip, giving you small licks.
“Holy fuck”, you gasp, bucking your hips in sync with your fingers tangling in his hair.
Taehyung moves his head with it, preventing your cock from slipping into his mouth. He chuckles. The vibrations force you to squeeze your eyes shut in a full face scrunch.
“Tae, what the fuck. What the…actual..f-fuck.”
He slips off of you again, laughing deeply.
“I haven’t even done anything yet.”
“Oh god…”
“You are adorable”, he says fondly and climbs between your legs. He lies down on his tummy, draping his arms over your thighs so he could support himself on his elbows and then he takes your cock between his fingers again. He moves closer, connecting his lips with your balls by nuzzling his entire lower face between your legs. He purrs deliciously, breathing in your sensual musk as his hungry lips suck on the sensitive skin of your balls.
“Holy fuck.”
You try to say something else. Seriously, you do. But you can’t think of any other words. He barely hasn’t done anything yet and you are already too dumb to speak.
His purrs vibrate against your skin. It feels electric and goes so deep, you swear you can feel it in your bones. His lips are soft and wet from his drool. His tongue is even wetter and feels ten degrees hotter on your skin. This is impossible to handle and so you squeeze your thighs around his head, grasping his lower arms in a desperate plea for help.
“Mhhm darling”, Taehyung comes up for air, “you smell like sex. Truly, I want to devour you.”
“Taeee”, you whine, pulling a face of devastation. 
He moans hungrily, dragging his lips up the thick vein on the underside of your cock until he has your frenulum under them. He purrs, opening his mouth to stick out his tongue and grind the flat of it against it.
“Tae”, you whimper, grabbing strands of his ebony hair. You know how his tongue feels. You know how wet and hot it is against your bundle of nerves and yet the knowledge still doesn’t make it easier right now. You should know how good he feels, but you still can’t believe this is happening. This feels so much different than on other nights. This starts off on your tip like fire and crawls down your entire length until it spreads through your legs.  
Taehyung loves how your thighs shake under his arms and how hard you tug on his hair. His scalp stings, motivating him to ruin you even more. You should know how it is to be sucked off. You deserve it. You deserve to have your balls worshipped until they are dripping in saliva, you deserve to have your frenulum licked until it is swollen and you deserve to have your every inch fucked by tight throat until you are throbbing painfully. Taehyung wants to make sure that you experience everything because everything is what you deserve.
He sticks out his tongue further and opens up farther, letting your cock sink into his mouth. He moans as he swallows you, basking in the high-pitched squeaks you let out. You begin chanting in whispers.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god.”
Deeper. Your chants grow in pitch, as they do in volume, the tension on his hair increases. Taehyung moans. His lips meet your groin, his throat bulges from your cock.
“Oh g-god Tae”, you yelp and thrust your hips up as the unfamiliar sensation throws you over the edge.
Taehyung knew that it would happen. Of course it would. Your pretty virgin cock was never sucked off before, let alone was allowed to rest snug in a tight throat. Of course you would climax instantly. He moans deeper just to make it more intense for you, keeping your writhing body down with minimal effort. You might rip his hair out if you continue tugging, but he doesn’t mind. The pain is goddamn glorious to experience.
“Tae!” you can’t stop almost screaming his name, arching your back over and over as fiery pleasure throbs in your cock. Your tip feels on fire, your shaft is charged in painful electricity and your balls are convulsing so tightly that they hurt. Your legs are also useless, weak sticks of shaking muscles right now. This orgasm wasn’t planned, it wasn’t expected and it makes it feel all the more unbearable.
Taehyung slips off your cock the moment it begins to die down. Of course he would know when to stop. He gives you no time to catch your breath as he places his hand on the back of your neck and pulls you into a tongue kiss. You can’t reciprocate it at first, gurgling desperately as he fills your mouth with your own cum. It tastes slightly salty with a faint bitter note at the back of your throat. This isn’t how he tastes when he normally kisses you after head. This is more intense and leaves you feeling droopy. Taehyung licks into your mouth, scooping out the cum he fed you just so he can swallow it with needy moans. He can’t catch everything, resulting in your chins to get messy and sticky as you desperately try to kiss him back.
It gets easy until it suddenly doesn’t because he decides to wrap his hand around your cock and jerk you off quickly. You bite down on his lip to the point where you feel it break. His spit burns on your tongue as his blood mixes with it. He breaks away, looking at you with slightly panicky eyes.
“You bit me”, he whispers. His lips is already healed again, but the knowledge of what he just fed you remains. Will you end it now?
“Tae”, you beg and pull him back into a kiss.
He purrs, deepening his grip on your head in sync with his hand speeding up around your cock. He feels dizzy at the realisation that you don’t care about the mishap. He meets your tongue and twists his fist around your cockhead.
And the kiss breaks again. Of course it does.
“Oh god”, you whimper, sitting up straight because the sensation overwhelms you.
“How is that?” he asks.
“It hurts.”
“Hurts? Need me to stop?”
You shake your head, “sensitive”, you squeak and sob softly, “Tae please.”
“You’re okay. I know your cock is sensitive. Of course it is. Your pretty untouched cock can barely handle it, but it’s okay. I know what I’m doing”, he talks you through the handjob, keeping you with him with his hand on the back of your head. The only way you could look away is by closing your eyes, but you don’t want to. You want to keep looking up at him as he jerks you off. It feels so good. You are so sensitive from your surprise orgasm that it hurts so fucking bad and yet you don’t want it to stop because there are electric tingles deep, deep down you crave to have at the very surface of your cock.
“Do you feel it? Mhm? Can you feel how good I can handle cock?” he taunts and digs the pad of his thumb into your weeping slit. A stinging stretch radiates from it, pressure so intense you wonder if he is bursting your urinary tract is shooting all the way down to your balls.
You widen your eyes, squeaking for help. He gives it to you gently. Lovingly. Softly. He slips his thumb out of your slit again, massaging it in circular motions until the sting ceases to exist.
“That’s better, right?” he speaks deeply, caressing the nape of your neck with his thumb.
“Tae”, you spill tears, grasping his pecs desperately, “it feels so good.”
“I know it does. Of course it does. You’ve got such a sensitive little cock.”
“Sensitive”, you agree, squeaking helplessly as he begins twisting his hand around your cockhead again. You writhe on the sheets, trying to lie down but he keeps you with him. He tightens his grip on your head, giving you a warning flicker of his eyes.
“So sensitive, I know. So, so sensitive”, his voice is sweet even when his grip is rough, “it will pass. Trust me, it will pass.”
“I, I think I h-have to pee”, you stutter.
“That’s okay. Just let it out if you need to”, he reassures you, “leaking cocks are my favourite.”
“Tae please stop.”
He slows down his hand, cupping your balls instead to play with them.
“Sorry. Sorry, I’m sorry”, you stutter as you try to catch your breath.
“It’s okay. You’re doing so well, I’m so proud of you”, he soothes you, cradling your cheek in his big hand, “I’m sorry, I know I was a little rough right now. Especially after your first ever orgasm, I know this must have been a lot right now.”
“Yeah, sorry”, you hiccup and shudder, “Tae, kisses please.”
He smiles fondly and pulls you into a kiss. A gentle one for a change. It tastes of love and adoration. His lips guide yours in slow movements, his tongue caresses yours in a tender dance.
Now without support at the back of your head, your body finally gives up on you. You fall back into the pillows, dragging Taehyung right with you. He doesn’t break the kiss, lifting and moving your body until you can comfortable lie on your back and he can rest on top of you. He is between your legs, pressing his clothed crotch against yours.
He doesn’t like that he does. The fabric is too thick of a barrier. He reaches down with one hand and rips the small piece of clothing off his body, throwing it on the floor mindlessly. His cock, hard and wet from slick comes into contact with yours. He rolls his hips slowly, grinding it against yours repeatedly.
The kiss breaks again, just like it has happened with every new sensation he lets you experience. Taehyung isn’t angry that it does, on the contrary he loves it because he can take in the utter look of shock on your face and the intense look of pleasure following right after.
“Can you feel that?” he asks slightly out of breath.
You nod your head, dimpling his shoulders from grabbing them so tightly.
“I’m so hard for you, darling. Feel it”, he whispers and angles his hips so he could grind his cockhead against your frenulum.
“Tae”, you whimper and spill tears.
“Our cocks are melting, darling. We’re so close this way.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and arch your back. He is so wet. His tip is so soft. The way he is grinding on you feels so incredibly good.
“It feels wonderful for me”, he whispers, “darling, we’re so close. So immensely close”, he adds and deepens the connection by wrapping his long fingers around both your cocks. He presses them together, pumping them in a slow rhythm. It not only gives you the sensation of a handjob, but also grinds your cocks together. The combination of both sensations is unbearable to you. You reach down, grabbing his wrist desperately.
“Please Tae”, you beg shakily.
He slows down gradually until he stops completely. He keeps a hold on your cocks, cradling your pressed together tips in his palm.
“Too much again?”
“I’m so sensitive. I’m sorry”, you get out, whimpering in embarrassment.
“It’s okay. I’m so proud of you”, he calms you down, wiping your tears and kissing your forehead, “I think we are done with foreplay, mhm?”
“Mhm yes”, he smiles against your forehead, “I can’t have you climaxing too many times already. One was enough. The next I want to take up my ass.”
“Oh god”, you croak, writhing on the sheets. It shifts your cock in his hand, sending electricity through your legs. Holy shit, his cock is so close to yours. The grinding is already mind-blowing, but the knowledge of how close he is, drives you even deeper into ruin, “oh god, Tae.”
“Is this something you want to give me, darling?”
You nod your head vigorously.
“You do?”
“Yes? So I can quickly get the lube to make it easier for me?”
You nod your head.
“I love you”, he whispers and kisses your lips, “oh, I want to worship you.”
He leaves you alone on the bed for nothing but a few seconds, returning to you just as your arms have found enough strength to sit yourself up. You look at your own cock and how incredibly hard it is between your legs. It is glistening wet, aching to be touched again.
Taehyung climbs onto your lap, stealing a giggly kiss from you before sitting up. The bottle of lube is between his fingers, he is smiling down at you.
“Are you ready?”
“You didn’t stretch.”
“I’ll manage.”
“But…won’t it hurt?”
“Trust me”, he assures you and lifts his hips so he could shimmy right above your cock. He spreads a thick layer of lube all over your cock, using the access to circle his hole with it. You can’t stop staring, breathing quickly because he keeps stealing your breath. He is seconds away from taking your cock unprepared and there is no ounce of nervousness on his features. He meets your eyes, giving you a sweet smile.
“Nervous?” he asks.
“A little.”
“Don’t be. It will feel so good”, he says and sinks down.
“Holy. Fuck”, you gasp, sitting up in shock.
Taehyung pushes you down again, smiling at you with sparkling eyes.
“Holyfuck”, you get out, arching your back even if he is holding you down.
“Amazing, isn’t it?”
“Yes”, you whimper and grab his wrists. You bottom out, curling your toes as your back once again leaves the sheets. Your eyes roll back and close sensually, “holy fuck.”
“Yeah, right”, he agrees and begins shifting his hips on you back and forth. Slowly because he knows how sensitive virgin dick can be. 
“Tae! Ah.”
“I know. This is amazing, isn’t it?”
“I’m gonna cum, ah.”
“If you have to, do it. I won’t stop afterwards however”, he says.
“Please stop, please stop for a moment, please”, you beg, bruising his thighs as you try to stop him this way.
Taehyung stills his movements, caressing the sides of your neck to soothe you. Your pulse is racing under his fingertips.
“How are you feeling?” he asks.
“It’s so much”, you croak and peel your eyes open. You gulp, pulling a face of devastation, “I can feel it. Tae, I can feel your ass.” 
“I know”, he says, wiggling just a little to shift your cock in him. He loves the sensation because it gives his hole the possibility of getting used to the stretch.
“I wanted to feel this for years”, you confess with trembling lips as the emotions begin to overwhelm you, “this was a dream of mine. Tae, I-”, your voice cuts off because you have to whimper.
“I know, oh I know”, he wipes the trembles away by cupping your cheeks and kissing your lips. He smiles into the kiss, smiling brighter when he feels your lips curl into a smile as well. 
“I’m so happy”, you whisper shakily into the kiss, grasping the nape of his neck to keep him close.
“I’m happy too, my darling”, he whispers and moans gently, “I feel so stuffed with you. You’re so big.”
“Oh god, Tae this is driving me insane. I can feel you clench. Holy fuck, you’re so hot inside.”
“I’m burning for you”, he rasps and rocks back and forth.
“Tae”, you squeak out quietly.
“Does this feel nice for you?”
“Ye-yeah”, your voice trembles as you speak because all of this is just a little overwhelming to handle.
“It feels nice for me as well”, he sighs and sits up. Your fingers glide from his neck, lying weakly on the pillow. He places his hands on your tummy, using the support to rock back and forth. 
Your eyes close in a roll again, your lips part in needy moans. You grip his thighs, dimpling them desperately. His name is the only word you get out between all your sounds. It tastes saccharine on your tongue.
“I’m so stuffed. Oh so stuffed”, he sighs, lowering his eyes sensually. Taking it slow. This is what he is doing. You need it. He needs it as well. Taehyung took cock without preparation many times before. He also took cocks way bigger than yours, so he is used to a way more painful stretch than he feels right now. It is still very nice to get used to being opened up with slow movements. Because he isn’t bouncing on you, it also means that he is constantly stretching himself. He loves it so much that his toes curl each time he feels your length graze against his prostate.
But enough about him. You are barely holding on. It is already way too arousing to fuck his ass on normal days. You always imagined it to feel warm, but that was wrong. It is burning hot and so tight that it feels as if his ass was jerking you off. His unstretched rim squeezes around your base, forcing your cock to stay so much harder. His walls are so soft and wet. You already thought that his mouth was soft, but this is taking the fucking crown. 
“I think I can’t hold back”, you gasp out, writhing on the sheets.
“It’s alright. Don’t hold back”, he encourages you, staring at your face with obsession in his eyes. You are so beautiful when pleasure controls you. He can’t get enough of you.
“Tae, too much”, you whimper.
“I know, so sensitive. It’s alright, fill my ass with your climax, darling. I’m made for it.” 
“Tae ah god”, you gasp and tense up. It starts off in your tip and shoots down your shaft before it forces your balls to tense and begin throbbing. You feel it squirting out of you. It feels so good. Like one big relief of a fiery burden. His insides get wet and sticky. Hotter as well. Of course he does, you’re climaxing so fucking hot. Of course you warm him up with it. All of it just makes you climax that much harder.
“Yes. Fill me up. Ah darling”, Taehyung growls, rocking his hips on you needily, “give me everything, ah”, he moans and chases it with bounces on your cock. The feeling of being marked as yours is what finally set him off. Your cum sticking to his walls is what makes it impossible to behave any longer. 
He drags his hips up and drops down on you, forcing a guttural grunt out of you. You try to sit up again, grabbing his waist and staring up at him with widened eyes. The utter shock is obvious in them.
He pushes you back into the sheets, smiling down at you with mischief in his eyes. He lifts his hips, drops them, repeats it. Over and over until you realise he is getting used to a rhythm and you have to get used to it with him.
It burns. Your cock is genuinely only staying hard because his tight rim is forcing it to. You claw at his waist, breaking skin but it’s the only way to handle the overstimulation.
You try to say his name but it only comes out as a gurgled, “-ae nngn.” 
“Breathe. That’s what I always do. Breathe.” 
You try to do what he says. It does help a little. Your legs still stay useless however, shaking against your will as he picks up speed gradually. The overstimulation hurts so much more than on other days. You want to flee from it as much as you chase it with weak movements.
“Breathe. Keep breathing. Just keep fucking breathing”, Taehyung lulls and circles his hips as he sinks down. 
“Holy fuck, urgh fuck”, you get out, writhing helplessly because he just doesn’t stop. He continues dancing his hips on you, keeping your cock so, so hard for him, “please oh god”, you beg him, sitting up again because your body reacts like this instinctively.
Taehyung stops you with a strong hold around your wrists. He pushes you back down and pins your wrists down into the ruffled sheets just a little above your head, putting some of his weight on them.
“Stop sitting up, I’m not done with this”, he tells you and slams his hips down on you. Skin slaps against skin. Your cock gets fucked so hard by his tight ass. 
“Tae”, you gasp loudly, writhing in his strong hold in an attempt to flee him. This is too much. You can’t stop fucking leaking and his ass is so fucking tight that each time you bottom out, your cock feels like it might burst from the squeeze.
“Don’t flee this”, he speaks calmly. As if he wasn’t in the process of ruining you, “take it. I know you can do it.”
“Holy fuck, argh”, you arch your back, throw your head back, gasp for fucking air.
Taehyung watches with blown-out pupils as your mouth opens and your tongue curls back in a tortured moan. He slides his hands to your palms and intertwines his fingers with you. You squeeze him back instantly, shaking and trembling whilst at the same time using so much strength that it borders painful.
“Yes that’s better. Hold my hands”, he growls and speeds up.
“Tae please”, you yelp, hitting your head on the sheets repeatedly as you try to take the ride he gives you. Holy fuck your cock is burning up. It hurts so much and yet you don’t want it to stop, “ple-please”, you sob, contorting your face in agony.
“I’m not done, darling. I’m not done”, Taehyung tells you, “I want to use you like a perfect fucking sexdoll.”
“Fuck. Oh fuck, oh god fuck. Ah fuck”, you chant, barely registering his words because all that consumes you is the burning of your cock and the never ending pleasure coursing through your body. Your legs are jello, your muscles can’t work except for uncontrollable shaking he forces out of them each time he slams his bubble butt down on you.
“Take a deep breath for me.”
You try to. You really, really do but you can’t. He knocks the air out of you. Just as he squeezes even the last droplet of desperation from your burning cock.
“Breathe darling, breathe”, he growls and squeezes his hole on you. He moans deeply, basking in your high-pitched mewl of pained pleasure, “your cock is so big. My hole’s so fucking stuffed with you.”
“I can’t”, you croak and sob, arching your back as he forces uncontrollable shakes out of you, “Tae I’m fucking serious, I can’t do this anymore”, you sob, rolling your hips up desperately.
Taehyung doesn’t look at you. Taehyung keeps his head thrown back and rolls his hips as he takes your cock as deep as he can. He aches for you to go so much deeper than you do. He wants to feel it poke the furthest walls of his intestines, wants it truly filling him out.  
“Colour?” he asks you.
“I don’t know anymore”, you get out, writhing under him. You are blurry. Everything is dizzy. Your brain can’t speak. Your eyes can’t hear.
Taehyung rolls his head to front and stops his hips. He cradles your cheeks, wiping away the heavy streak of tears. The touch brings comfort, calming down some of the shaking.
“Look at me”, he says softly.
You peel your eyes open. He is blurry in your vision. A glowing aura surrounds him because you see him double. Or maybe it is because is currently your fucking god. The one who controls your body and whose name you only know how to speak. You grab his wrists, whimpering his name so weakly that it only comes out as squeaks.
“Do you want to stop this?” he asks and traces your lips. They are wet from drool. He smears it all over your skin as he goes to caress your cheek again. Neither of your care.
“Tae”, you whimper and reach for him. You hook your fingers behind his neck and pull him down.
He slams his hand into the pillow beside your head in the last moment, smiling fondly as he gets your tongue wiggling its way over his lower face as you try to kiss him. He chuckles and shows your tongue its destiny by sucking it between his lips and therefore engaging you in a sloppy tongue kiss. You whimper and mewl, pulling him closer, closer, closer. He lets you, kissing you back and sharing way too much fucking saliva with you. He loves it, moaning into you and getting your moans in return.
He keeps his hips still at first. It is clear that all you need is a kiss, that you don’t want to end this yet but you still couldn’t take another bounce. He knows that feeling. He knows how it is to be ridden into a state of complete uselessness and how addicting it is. He knows how hard it is to truly want to stop this because despite the agonizing burn of your cock, the fuck is just way too good to stop it. And he knows that despite all of this obsessive, sick desire your body is weaker than the spirit, that breaks are necessary even if you don’t want them. Taehyung knows those feelings. He knows exactly in what kind of state you find yourself in right now and because he does, he also knows exactly when he is allowed to start moving again.
When you twist his hair with both hands, when your hips wiggle under him and your moans become so much more desperate than before. Taehyung knows and he is there to give it to you so hard.
He starts off slowly, drawing circles with his hips until you notice what is happening and break the kiss to gasp. You share the same air, staring at each other with droopy eyes. At least you do, Taehyung is having a piercing gaze on you, pinning you down with dark siren eyes.
“I’m so stuffed with cock”, he rasps and takes your right hand to put it on his stomach. He presses down, letting you feel how the pressure squishes your cum around. His stomach grumbles and gurgles as your fingers squeeze your cum down and your cock fucks it into him again, “and your cum”, he adds in a breathy moan, “I’m so filled with your cum that it gets hard to keep inside. Do you feel it?”
This is too much. It is already a lot to have him ride your burning cock, but to feel how stuffed with cum he is, is too much.
“Again”, you get out and roll your eyes back without truly bothering to close them. It already feel intense, but what truly makes it unbearable is the fact that Taehyung squeezes your hand closer to his stomach and therefore makes you feel how your cum shoots up his intestines. Maybe this is why it burned so much. Maybe this is why you were so breathless. Because he has been dragging an orgasm to the surface. Again. Again. Again. How many times? How many times is he going to circle and roll his hips as your cock shoots up his tight ass? You can’t find an answer but you know that it doesn’t get easier to bear. On the contrary. Your first orgasm down his throat was short and fiery, your second up his ass was warm and dragged out, this one is intense and fucking addicting. You should want him to stop because your cock is begging you for a break, but you don’t want to. It hurts and you want fucking more, moaning in pained ecstasy as your heavy cock empties itself inside his tight, textured walls.
Taehyung moans with you, throwing his head back in ecstasy because nothing beats getting creampied by you. Over and over again. It doesn’t lose its spark. On the contrary, the more you climax, the fuller he feels. Fuck, the spell makes you so packed with it. No matter how many times you climax, the amount of cum doesn’t get less. Taehyung can feel it fill his stomach and he gets off on it so fucking good that he keeps leaking onto your stomach.
He pushes your wrists together and holds them down with his right hand so he can press his left hand over yours on his stomach. It is bulging. Not only from your cock, but also from being filled with cum.
“I’m so stuffed with you”, he moans loudly, arching his back, “my stomach’s bursting from cum.”
“Tae please, I can’t. Ah!”
“Darling”, he moans, dropping to his elbow so he could moan into your ears, “I’m your fucking bitch”, he mewls and orgasms around your cock.
He becomes unbearably tight, throbbing and pulsating around your cock and making it so much harder to function.
“Tae please. Oh god you are so tight, please. Ah! Tae!” you beg and sob loudly, grasping his tensed biceps because it is all you can handle.
“This is the last one. Promise. Please just fill me up with everything”, he begs and orders at the same time, rutting against you as his ass overflows with your cum shots. His current high ruins him. He didn’t even know how much pressure was in his prostate until your squirting cock broke him. He can barely breathe, pushing your cock out against his will because he is tightening so fucking hard. It only makes him fuck back so much harder and quicker, needing to stay stuffed like lungs need air.
And so you are destined to shake, writhe and beg until Taehyung milked you dry. Well, as dry as you can get because even after your orgasm, you swear you could probably cum again. Not that you want to, but you swear that you could.
You drop your hand from his stomach and sob his name.
Taehyung knows that it is over, that your cock throbbed as much as it can and that you aren’t lost in another high anymore. He also knows exactly how to move to get you to the highest peak of pleasure. He knows because he has done it a million times before. He peels himself off of you, sitting up straight which shifts your cock deeper again. It presses against his abdominal wall, forcing it to stick out where your burning tip lies. He is so filled with cum that sitting up like this actually hurts in his stomach. He is so stuffed and there is no way for it all to go. He tenses up involuntarily, easing the pressure by lifting his hips just enough that he has your cock halfway inside.
His hole flutters and relaxes against his will, releasing spurts of your cum in wet, sinful sounds.
“I’m so stuffed”, he whimpers and for the first time tonight, he sounds so utterly submissive. He rests his hands on your waist, using it for support as he tries to sink down on you again. His hole squelches and squirts more cum, enabling your cock to fill him up without any sort of friction.
You bottom out. The pressure returns. Taehyung mewls your name. You sob his name.
“I’m so stuffed”, he says again because this is all he can really tell you, “please can you go a little longer? Please one more time. I need it one more time.”
“I don’t know”, you get out, writhing between his fingers.
“One more time, I’ll be gentle. Like this”, he begs and bounces on your cock in a slow rhythm.
“Tae”, you mewl, twisting the sheets.
You are ruined. He is ruined. It is obvious to both of you that the right thing to do right now would be to stop this, but you can’t. Your cock is on fire, how he is going to milk you again is a mystery to you but you know that he will. Taehyung’s stomach feels like bursting and is convulsing constantly in a weak attempt to get him to relieve himself of the pressure, how he is going to fit more of your cum inside is a mystery to him but he wants it so bad. He fucked you delirious and in the process ruined himself as well. He needs to have one more.
“Tae, I have to- it, it feels like pee a-again.”
“You just want to squirt. It’s okay, don’t fight it”, he assures you, adding the most desperate of “please”.
“No. No, this doesn’t f-feel like squirt, Tae ah.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay no matter what it is.”
“I can’t stop it.”
“Yes, please.”
“Tae, oh god”, you croak and then the pressure in your lower stomach bursts for the last time. You relieve yourself inside him in spurts of liquid, translucent cum. It feels so good. No words on earth could ever be enough to describe how good it feels to let all this pressure just explode.
“Thank you”, Taehyung keens and arches his back. He stills completely, “oh god, you’re making me squirt too”, he mewls and releases all over your torso in hot spurts of translucent goodness.
Taehyung is a gentleman. He likes cleanliness and is never dirty. So why. Why is it that whenever you and he fuck, you end up so fucking dirty and disgusting? Truly it is a phenomenon unable to be explained and a sensation so addicting you wish to never stop experiencing it. 
He drops to his elbows, rocking his hips gently so you could share in the afterglow. You finally begin feeling the fire die down in your cock. This must be how softening feels like. 
“Tae”, you whimper.
“I love you”, Taehyung squeaks out, trembling on you.
“I love you too”, you sob, hugging him tightly, “oh god. Oh god what just happened?”
“I know, I can’t hold myself for long.”
“It’s okay, just drop.”
Taehyung trembles and drops down onto you, blanketing you under his weight. His hole pulsates rhythmically as his orgasm dies down slowly. You continue throbbing as you finally begin softening.
“You did so well”, Taehyung whispers, hugging you against him, “I’m so proud of you, my sweetest darling.”
“Tae, I’m happy.”
“I’m happy too, my darling. So happy”, he says and then silence surrounds you.
You couldn’t possibly talk more. You are done for. Taehyung feels the same. It’s always like this with you and him. You get lost in the sex you are having and it ends up ruining both of you to the point of non-verbal cuddles and fights for air.
Taehyung recovers quicker than you, sitting up slowly. Your arms glide from his body and just kind of drop into the sheets. You don’t fix them, letting them lie where they first land. Your eyes race between the others’. His hair is messy, hanging into his features. He smiles. You retort it weakly.
“How was that for your first time?” he asks.
“You’re going to kill me one day”, you whisper in a croaky voice.
He chuckles, “does this mean that you liked it?”
You nod your head, rolling it to the side afterwards. You close your eyes in flutters.
“I’m fucking dead, holy fuck this actually just happened.”
“Mhm yes, it really did”, he snickers, “do you want to see something very sexy?”
“Yeah, as long as you’re not going to touch my cock again. It might fall off you do.”
“No”, he laughs, “no, I promise I won’t. Look at my butt.”
You shift your eyes to it. He lifts himself off your cock. It flops onto your stomach weakly. He positions himself above it and then seems to relax his muscles. What looks like liters of cum runs out of him in a steady stream.
“Oh god”, you croak, propping yourself up on your elbow.
“It doesn’t stop”, Taehyung says and giggles, pressing his hand against his stomach to squeeze out even more of it. It is running down on each side of your stomach by now, soaking the sheets.
“This is so hot, Tae. Oh god, did I do that?”
“You did”, he says and sighs, “it hurt so much to have all of this inside. I was so close to bursting.”
“Holy cow. This is….fuck, this is hot.”
It finally stops, trickling out of him in an uncoordinated rhythm.
“Ah hm”, Taehyung hums, trembling a little, “empty. Heh.”
“Seriously, if you didn’t ruin me as hard as you did, I would have flipped you and fucked you senseless right now”, you murmur and writhe, “oh god, it’s everywhere though. And so warm”, you whine.
Taehyung laughs, nodding his head, “I know. So messy”, he sits down on your stomach, getting his ass dirty as well. His weight feels so good on your cock. Warm and not at all uncomfortable. He cups your cheeks and pulls you into a kiss.
You hook your arms behind his head, letting him pull you up until he sits on your lap and your chests are melted into one. It spreads the mess everywhere, but it’s already too late to care about that. You’ll just have to take a shower later.
“Holy fuck, I love you so much”, Taehyung whispers between kisses, “if the world ever stops turning, I’ll push her myself just so I can give myself more time with you.”
You giggle, letting him kiss you all over your face with your eyes closed in happy bliss.
“I love you too, Tae. So much.”
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digitalagepulao · 10 months
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Expedition Pilgrims
Sha Wujing (435cm): His outfit is mostly inspired by Mongolian clothes since he's found in the Gobi desert stretch of the journey. His bangles are made of fossil bone, and he can use the waist cloth as a headwrap during adverse weather. His markings are inspired by African Lungfish and Mudfish fins, as they are species that exist somewhere between water and dry air. The beasts on his knees are an extension of him, and he can see and speak through them as needed. His beard and long hair can have Ghibli physics depending on his mood and emotions. Zhu Wuneng (~300cm): Inspired by Northern Tibetan clothes, as that's the region the group recruits him. Traditional clothes tend to have way more accessories and golden details so I had to simplify a bit. His features are a mix of wild boars and Indonesian babirusa, with the iconic bristles on his head. I leaned on ceremonial Tibetan swords and necklace beads for the decorations on his rake. His vest can be closed, he just prefers not to most of the time. Sun Wukong (125cm): I've already commented on his design over here, but I'll elaborate that the yellow shirt is the one he gained from Tripitaka soon after he was released, while the pants and red half-robe were the garments he was given by Guan Yin. The hoops on his feet and purple beads were reacquired back in Huaguoshan when he first fled the pilgrimage, heading to his family instead of Ao Guang's palace. (A-ma and Jinju gave them to him so he'll always have something to home to remember them by, as well as where he first started, as the beads were gained during his lessons with Subodhi.) Tripitaka (163cm): This is but one of his many outfits since travel can be rough on clothes, and even more so when you get kidnapped by demons and thrown off your horse all the time. He wears the usual orange monk robes, with some kind of travel clothes over them. He gains some fur boots from Boquin for cold weather but usually prefers sandals most of the time. He seldom uses the cassock and crown he received from Guan Yin, save for when he pays respects to temples and holy sites, but the staff is a constant companion. Ao Lie (167cm, 130cm at the shoulder as horse): Being effectively in exile until the journey is complete, he wears less fancy clothes than he usually would as a prince, but his status still shows. I tried to balance more casual hanfu of the era with some armor parts, like the waist guard and armored boots. He was given the skill to shapeshift into a horse by Guan Yin when she commanded him to wait for the chosen pilgrim monk, so he can shift at will, but preferably when the tack has been taken off. Speaking of, tack is lost and replaced multiple times during the journey, so I didn't depict any specific one.
my Expedition AU designs and heights for the five lads, ive spent so much time on this its not even funny lololol but hey it's done!! i'm free!!
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dearly-somber · 3 months
20/20 Vision | j.jk
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-> pairing. wolf shifter!jungkook x human!reader (f)
-> genre. slow burn, fluff, f2l (friends-to-lovers), pining, mutual pining, unrequited love, drama, high school!au, university!au, eventual romance, eventual smut
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 897
-> warnings. Literally nothing this is pure fluff 🥹🤍
-> a/n. Glasses!Kook origin story!! Y/N lore drop!! (P.S. This takes place before Because It’s Soft!)
-> collection. mini-series
-> started. Dec. 9th, 2023 @ 10:03
-> fin. Sun., Jan. 28th, 2024 @ 12:31
-> edited. Thurs., Feb. 1st, 2024 @ 17:44
-> divider credit. @mmadeinheavenn
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You knew something was up when Jungkook—a boy who’d once spotted a squirrel in the road while driving at nearly 100kph—started squinting at the projector not even five meters in front of him.
Even though the two of you sat around the middle of your class, you’d frequently turn to find him angrily squinting at the board, struggling to read your smaller than average handwriting even though he’d never found it difficult before.
Now, sitting in your living room with homework strewn all along the floors and Jungkook nose deep his English textbook, you finally come to the conclusion that his vision might not be so 20/20 anymore.
“Jungkook,” you say concerned as he lets out a frustrated sigh, sitting upright with a frown etched deeply into his face.
“I can’t see,” he complains, groaning and rubbing at his temples. “And my head feels like it’s about to explode.”
You reach out to run your hand through his hair, biting on your lip when he unhesitatingly leans into the touch. “You can’t see?”
“No,” he pouts. “Everything’s blurry.”
“Jungkook.” You rub at his earlobe once before pulling away, searching his face with a pitying smile. “The font isn’t that small—I can read it just fine from where I’m sitting.”
He manages to look offended. “Okay. And?”
You sigh, placing your hand over his, like you’re about to deliver some bad news. For someone so smart, he can be so dumb. “I think you should see an optometrist.”
His doe eyes widen. “No,” he whispers, genuinely afraid-sounding.
You smile apologetically and pat his hand.
He pulls away from you to press the palms of his hands into his eyes, fake-crying into them like the drama-queen he is. “Fuck,” he whines.
You push up from the kitchen table and walk around to massage his shoulders, as if he’s a football player getting hyped up before his next big game. “It’s okay,” you soothe.
“I need glasses?” He sounds so sad, you can’t help but laugh a little.
“It’s not the end of the world!” you laugh. “Besides, I think it’ll suit you.“
“But what about soccer? I can’t play with glasses, they’ll get broken, or, or—“
“Contacts are a thing, remember?”
Now, a couple of days later, you knock on the packhouse doors with an eager smile, greeting Jimin with a long hug. “Is Jungkook home yet?”
“Yeah, he’s upstairs.”
The way to Jungkook’s room is a familiar one. As soon as you enter the pack house you turn right and head a single flight of stairs to the second floor where all the rooms and main bathrooms are. What is new, is all the various pictures hanging on the wall.
You take a moment to admire the new frames you assume either Seokjin or Rosé hung up between today and the last time you were here (around three days ago, now), smiling fondly at the closeness and joy in each picture.
It’s a large 24x48 canvas framed in a beautiful burgundy wood with golden highlights (which seem to have been painted on by hand), and it makes your heart stop.
It’s of a photo you took with the pack a few days after your birthday.
Your heart aches sweetly at the sight of Yoongi with his arms wrapped brotherly around your shoulders, free arm hoisting his whiskey into the air, a large grin on his face. Next to him is Jungkook, both hands in the air, yelling at the top of his lungs with one of those bottled glasses of coke. And around you, the rest of the pack.
Rosé and Jennie crouched beneath you, forming hearts with their arms on either side of your legs; Jisoo, Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung laughing at their brothers off to the side; Lisa yelling at the top of her lungs while being carried bridal style by Namjoon; Jimin on the floor at Rosé and Jennie’s feet, slightly blurred around the edges from setting up the camera.
It was the best night of your life.
“Hm?” You look at Jungkook with a smile on your face, which quickly turns into an appreciative grin. “Why, look at you!”
Jungkook laughs shyly, reaching up to self-consciously push his glasses further up his nose. It’s a simple frame: black metal, kind of large but not overly so, a little boxy.
“It looks good!” you say as you finally make your way up the stairs, giving him a quick side hug before making your way to his room.
“You think so?” He holds the door open for you and then lets it slide halfway closed, joining you on the edge of his bed where you’ve already taken up one of his controllers.
“Definitely. Really frames your face.”
He groans. “Not you, too. Jin hyung’s been making glasses jokes all day.”
You laugh, nudging him in his side while starting up It Takes Two (a game you’d asked him to get so you could play together). “I would too, Four Eyes.”
He growls, not even giving you time to think before his hands are at your sides.
Downstairs, Jimin shakes his head at your loud pleas for mercy and defeating scream-laughter with a fond smile, handing Jin another plate to dry off. “I wish those two would get together already.”
“Patience,” Seokjin chides with an equally fond grin. “They’ll figure it out eventually.”
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leclsrc · 1 year
writing for charles, carlos, max, & mick (subject to change)
minors dni. everything can be found here ↓
✳︎ fics, long
charles leclerc...
blurred lines (18+)
Things with Charles finally come to a head. In a cramped room. In the Red Bull garage. Of all places, really.
see it through
You go from social media manager to girlfriend in under a day. Keeping up appearances for Charles’ family isn’t easy, until it is – and until they’re not really appearances anymore.
sweet pea
You finally reap what you sow after fooling around with your best friend. The reaping in question is a kid.
stay, at least for breakfast
You love once and miss always.
you know it (18+)
Charles is a bit disappointed the pretty girl he harbors a crush on doesn’t have him listed as a Formula 1 crush. He is a lot disappointed that you two can’t fuck.
wait and see
The grid recounts the evolution, nature, and many ups and downs of your and Charles' vague relationship.
low down (18+)
A lot can happen under an hour. You and Charles, self-proclaimed pros at sneaking around, can attest to this.
it's never over (18+)
You must have lost the plot along the way, because pretending to date your childhood best friend was not on your 2023 bingo card. (Neither was the fact that things are looking a lot more real as time passes.)
team effort ft. carlos sainz (18+)
It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but now you’re in-between your boyfriend and his teammate again. So really, maybe, this could become a regular thing.
like you should
If you don’t learn from history, it’ll stick around and find a way to repeat itself – even if the history is with your boyfriend’s rival, and its repetition happens behind his back.
max verstappen...
low life (18+)
You really don’t like Max Verstappen. What you’re doing in his hotel room is a separate issue.
↳ part 2, reciprocate (18+)
You have trouble maintaining your vow of Max celibacy when you’re on vacation together.
mick schumacher...
mr. nice guy (18+)
Mick Schumacher is the paddock’s golden boy. He likes upholding this reputation, but there’s something nagging at him lately that makes it... difficult.
carlos sainz...
a certain romance
A love affair is never an easy thing to keep under wraps. Or, the four times your two brothers almost catch you and Carlos together, and the one time they finally do.
has yet to pass
Four years after an angry breakup, the universe is bored enough to nominate Carlos Sainz for GQ Sports’ Man of the Year and assign you to be the writer of his profile.
team effort ft. charles leclerc (18+)
It was supposed to be a one-time thing, but now you’re in-between your boyfriend and his teammate again. So really, maybe, this could become a regular thing.
do you want it? (18+)
Whatever preconceived notions you have about your summer at the beach house are all toppled over when your parents announce the arrival of a guest, who happens to be your dad's friend. title from this
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✳︎ drabbles
charles leclerc...
forever ago
↳ part 2, fin de siècle
motorsport ft. carlos sainz (18+)
everyone adores you
all my trying
the moment divine
words unspoken
things lovers do
overly sincere
the final frame
keep a place for me
proving my devotion
main dans la main
misspelled (dad charles)
felt the rush (18+, sainz reader)
my own doing (18+)
olive you
divine sense
first words (dad charles)
take a chance on me
say it all
test run
guessing game
name calling (wolff reader)
what you know
max verstappen...
self professed
carlos sainz...
silver lining
motorsport ft. charles leclerc (18+)
kissy spells
saving grace
need some patience (18+)
what i feel for you
brought me here
↳ part 2, kind of love
i knew you
guessing game
in my dream
mick schumacher...
you’ve been waiting (18+)
hold my hand
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✳︎ instagram aus
charles leclerc...
is that you?
at sea
say cheese
good luck
↳ part 2, what once was
↳ part 3, mardy bum
spill the tea
carlos sainz...
national holiday
↳ part 2, sneaky
↳ part 3, upgrades
max verstappen...
no clue
mick schumacher...
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✳︎ etc
auds’ recs tag
auds ask game
celebrating 1k, 2k, and 3k :)
2K notes · View notes
sombertide-0 · 20 days
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another drawing inspired by @sulfies mermaid Desmond au! the first drawing was just my idea for a fun little sketch, but then he told me he imagined Desmond having a golden tail and i just had to give him the beautiful flowy beta fish fins tinged in gold hehehehehe
getting better at csp too so that's always fun
82 notes · View notes
sinner-as-saint · 1 year
some ancient call
Gargoyle!Steve x Mermaid!Reader (fantasy au) 
Run-through: When Steve first came to this peaceful, magical country where all manners of magical beings lived together in harmony, he didn’t know what to expect. He was a stern, stone cold and grumpy male so he was surprised when he managed to even make friends. And he was even more surprised when his heart of stone suddenly began racing whenever a certain pretty mermaid was in sight. He’d never been in love or liked someone before, he didn’t know how. So despite his feelings, he kept pushing you away. Afraid that he might ruin it all. But you were a stubborn one, and you refused to give up on the handsome gargoyle. 
Themes: grumpy x sunshine trope, fluff, smut, mermaid!reader, gargoyle!steve, banters, slight enemies to lovers, virgin!reader, hurt/comfort, size difference, HEA
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You smiled to yourself, standing on the jetty.
You were beyond thankful for your witch friend because thanks to her magical crystals, shifting to be able to walk on land was now ten times easier. 
Her magic acted like an amplifier to your own and shifting was quicker than it naturally was. Now, whenever you wanted to roam the woods, or go visit your friends on land, or even just get out of the lake for a while you could shift from having fins to having legs in the blink of an eye. 
You quickly slipped on the dress you’d brought with you as you stood on the jetty. Sure, it was completely drenched right now. But it was a flimsy thing and given that the sun was out, it would dry in no time. Besides, you of all people didn’t mind the wetness. 
You loved the lake. The tranquillity, the stillness in the air. How it was always foggy, and cold. There were a few lakes on these lands, the others were much larger and less cold so most of your friends moved but you remained here. This was your favourite place ever. Your friends visited often, almost each day but for the most part, the lake was your spot. 
The cold morning air made you shiver but you loved it. The birds chirped from deep inside the nearby woods, the sunrise turned the sky golden and the faintest of blues. You walked along the jetty and stared right ahead at another thing you loved about this lake and its surroundings - the two storey cabin which belonged to a certain grumpy, but dangerously handsome gargoyle. 
The first time you met Steve was when you were roaming the woods one morning, a few years ago… 
As per usual, that day you had gotten out of the lake, shifted and got dressed, then went for a walk. You had always loved the woods, the feeling of cold dirt and moss beneath your feet, the sound of birds and the feeling of rough tree barks. Not to mention the wild berries you loved so much. 
You often gathered a bunch and took them to the witch, who was one of your best friends, and she would bake them into the most delicious pies for you. 
So that day, while you were gathering your berries and dreaming about pies, you heard something in the woods. It sounded like a male voice. A grunt of some sort. Worried that someone might be injured you followed the sound and went to investigate. 
And that’s when you saw him. The gargoyle, lifting heavy rocks. Exercising, you figured. You couldn’t look away. He looked mostly like a human male, just much larger and taller than most. With large, dark mammalian wings. Like those of a bat just way larger. He also had a pointy tail. And horns at his hairline. He had longish dark hair, dark stubble on his face and a focused look in his eyes. He looked more like a fallen angel than a beast. 
His bare, muscular chest glistened in the minimal sunlight, his dark pants hugged his strong legs and you found your heart racing at the sight of his physique. Muscular arms, thick biceps, large hands, and he lifted those rocks like they weighed nothing. You watched him from behind a tree. Watched how his muscles flexed and moved. How he grunted and groaned occasionally. 
You’d never found a male this fascinating to look at before. But this beast of a male was a proper sight to behold. You watched like a little creep. 
Then you jumped in surprise when he said, out of nowhere, “You know it’s rude to stare.” His deep, monotonous voice sent shivers down your entire body. He didn’t stop lifting though, even as you sheepishly stepped out from behind the tree. 
“I apologise, I… I heard you and I was curious.” You said. Silence. “I’ve never seen you before, are you new here?” You asked with a smile. He grunted in response, still not meeting your eyes. “What’s your name?” You pushed, ignoring the way your body tingled just watching him. 
A grunt. Then, “Steve.” He answered, finally looking up at you. His eyes took your breath away but the look he gave you made you feel like you were next to nothing. He looked annoyed by your presence. Like he couldn’t bear to look at you for another second. 
Despite that, you gave him your best smile. “Well, hello Steve!” You said cheerfully, “I’m-,” 
“Go away.” He grunted, cutting you off rather rudely, before getting back to exercising. You watched him for a few more seconds, blinking and unable to process the unnecessary rudeness. He dropped the rocks and began doing pushups on the ground. 
You couldn’t bear the sight of his sinful body then. So you turned around and walked away quickly. Your face was burning in embarrassment. Though you could feel his stare on your back as you walked away. 
You huffed in anger once you were out of the woods. Screw the handsome gargoyle. He was the rudest male you’d ever encountered! You promised yourself you would never speak to him ever again. 
But then a week later, you bumped into him at the market. Literally bumped into him and he had to grab your elbow to keep you from falling to the ground. “Watch where you’re going.” He grunted almost angrily, still looking at you like the sight of you offended him. Wings tucked carefully behind him, tail swishing which only showed his annoyance. 
You pulled your hand away from his warm grasp, “You watch where you’re going!” You hissed, very much annoyed too. His blue eyes stared down at you. His pretty face frowned at you. He was devastatingly handsome, the kind of beauty one could stare at all day. “Don’t gargoyles turn into stone at sunrise anyway? What are you doing here then? Go perch somewhere!” 
You walked away quickly, joining your fellow mermaids at the faeries’ flower stand. He really needed to stop showing at your favourite places. First the woods, now the market? You sighed, looking around the place you were grateful you called home. 
The market was incredible, truly. Flowers, produce, meats, cheese, bread, clothes, jewellery,  you’d find anything here. Including grumpy gargoyles apparently. But you pushed the thoughts of the gargoyle with deep blue eyes and made your way over to your favourite shop, the witch’s. 
The next time you saw Steve after the market incident was at the lakeside. Your lake. And he was there lifting heavy tree logs and metal, and other tools which meant that he was building something. You watched him from the middle of the lake, only your head was visible above the surface so he didn’t notice you. But there were other males helping him so you didn’t want to get out. 
But you waited. You waited until the other males left at the end of the day. At around sunset, you got as close to the pebbly shore as possible, shifted and quickly put on your little dress before you walked up to the gargoyle and yelled in his face as he was packing up to leave. 
“What do you think you’re doing near my lake?” You asked, looking around at the logs which now after a day’s work looked like the foundation for something. A house, you realised. He was building a house. Here. 
“Building a cabin.” He grunted, wiping his hands on a cloth and paying little attention to you. He wouldn’t even look at you. 
You hissed, “Oh I don’t think so! I will not have a rude, grumpy neighbour. You… you cannot build a house here, not near my lake!” You argued, pissed off. 
Steve finally looked at you, staring into your eyes. “The lake might be yours, mermaid. But the lands surrounding it aren't. Besides, last I checked, this was a free country and anyone can build a home wherever they want as long as they’re not harming anyone.” He said. It was the most he’d ever said to you and you couldn’t help but notice how nice his deep voice was. 
You argued, unreasonably but desperately, “Well this is causing me a lot of harm.” 
He shrugged, wings moving behind him. His tail kept swishing around. He threw the cloth into a large bag filled with tools then picked the bag up and grunted, “I don’t care. I’m free to do what I want. In fact,” His voice deepened a little more as he took a step towards you, now standing mere inches away from you. You trembled at the proximity, that space between your legs tingling as he spoke, “I may even row across that little lake of yours if I wish to.” 
You held his stare, fuming as you said, “You so much as dip your toe into my lake, I will drown you.” Then you turned around and walked away. 
For the next few weeks, you didn’t see Steve at all. Mainly because you either stayed in your underwater caves or you spent all your time in the other lakes with your friends, or with your friends on land. You weren’t willing to admit it but you didn’t want to look at Steve at all, you didn’t want to watch his glorious body moving around as he built his house, with some of his friends’ help. So you stayed away as much as possible. 
But then came the day that changed everything. 
You reached near the shore, eyeing the cabin Steve had been building. The first floor was almost done, you noticed. And you hated to admit it but it looked cosy even when incomplete. You scoffed at the thought of the gargoyle. Was he in there right now? You knew he’d been wearing the magical crystals which helped him not turn into stone. So could he be walking around in his house right now?
You were just about to shift and maybe go peak in there when you felt a sudden pain in your tail. You looked down and found a large cut, from the middle of your tail down to your fins almost. You froze. You were bleeding and the pain was excruciating and you’d never seen so much blood before, so you panicked. 
Your tail flicked quicker in the shallow water because you couldn’t keep it still in panic but the movement also made you bleed even more. You hissed and cried in pain, not knowing what to do. 
And just then, you heard the flap of huge wings. You had tears in your eyes so as you looked up all you saw was a male figure with huge wings soaring above you, diving straight down to where you were. And in just a few moments, Steve landed on the shallow waters beside you. The water only came up to his thighs as he rushed over to you quickly. 
“Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay,” He said as he picked you up with ease, carrying you over to his cabin, “I’m here. I’ve got you, little one. It’s gonna be okay.” He carefully set you down on his large porch and assessed your wound. “What happened?” He asked. 
You sniffled, unable to look at it, “It must be one of the sharp rocks near the shore. I didn’t… it hurts so bad.” You cried, clutching his hand like your life depended on it. You looked up into his eyes and he looked like he was thinking about what to do. 
But then your eyes began drooping… and you watched the panicked expression on Steve’s face. You remember him cupping your face, saying, “Hey, stay with me. Come on, don’t…” His voice faded into nothing and there was only darkness after that. 
When you woke up again, you were in a large metal tub filled with lake water, with a pillow supporting your neck. The first thing you noticed was the fireplace keeping the room warm. And that you were indoors. You tensed up and looked down at your tail and found it properly bandaged. You could smell the medicine but you didn’t remember anything. You looked around, confused. 
Then a voice spoke up from the other side of the room. “You’re safe, don’t worry.” Steve said, walking up and standing by the side of the tub as he looked down at you. You immediately crossed your hands over your bare chest to hide your body but… you noticed you were wearing a shirt. 
One that was too large for you. One that would fit Steve’s huge shoulders. You were in Steve’s shirt. You looked up at him, a questioning look in your eyes as you watched him crouch down beside the tub. He rubbed his neck awkwardly and said, “I, uh… I had to go get the witch and her partner and, uh, I figured you wouldn’t wanna be naked around others, right?” 
You almost melted. Tears pooled in your eyes. You looked at him in gratitude. “Thank you, Steve.” You said, then pointed at your wound, “My friend, um, she did that?” 
Steve nodded, “Yeah. The witch also put medicine in the water and said that you are supposed to soak in it until tomorrow night. Hence the tub. She also said you have to keep the tail still so it can heal better. So, uh, we’re gonna be housemates for a while I suppose.” 
You thought about all the mean things you said to him and your eyes watered again. “Steve, I’m sorry,” You sniffled, “I am so, so sorry for everything I ever said to you. I take it all back.” You said. “Thank you for helping me.” You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. 
Steve didn’t smile, didn’t say anything. He just nodded and stood up again. “Is the fire okay? The witch said the warmth will do you good.” 
You smiled and nodded, “It’s okay. Thank you.” You said again. 
Steve just nodded and turned to walk away. “Yell if you need anything, I’ll be outside.” 
You looked out the nearest window and noticed it was still bright outside, maybe late in the afternoon so Steve must be outside building stuff. And sure enough, you heard the sound of him hammering shortly after. But the medicine soon put you to sleep. 
When you woke up again, it was morning. You’d slept for hours it seemed. You were to remain in the tub Steve had said and with your tail injured, you couldn’t shift either. So you sighed in the tub, and that’s when Steve walked in. 
“No need to pout. Just sit still until it heals and then you can go wherever you want.” He said, handing you food on a plate. 
“I’m not pouting,” You said, shoving bread and cheese in your mouth. “I’m just not used to staying in one place for too long.” 
Steve grunted, crouching down by the tub and inspected your tail casually, “I could tell by the way you shifted around, tossing and turning all night long in that tub.” 
You stopped chewing for a moment. “You were in here with me all night?” You asked. 
Steve looked up at you and nodded. “There’s a medicine that needs to be poured into the tub every two hours, so…” He trailed off. 
“Oh Steve,” You reached out and grabbed his hand, lacing your fingers together. “I’m terrible for being so mean to you before. I’m so sorry.” You whispered. You’d misjudged the male, you quickly realised. 
He grunted again, then took the empty plate from you and handed you a small vial of what you assumed was medicine. “Drink, sleep. You need rest to be able to heal.” He said, then turned around and walked away. 
You did as he asked and slept for the majority of the day. Steve woke you up once during the day and gave you some more food and more medicine. You felt much better already, the pain was almost gone. 
You woke up from another nap and noticed that it was night time. The witch’s magic and medicine had worked perfectly because now you could move your tail around in the tub with absolutely no pain. 
Steve walked in and saw you looking down at your tail, smiling like crazy. He grunted, “You’re all healed I see. Ready to go back home?” 
You nodded, and watched him approach the tub. He slid his arms in and picked you up easily then walked towards the door. It was nice and cool outside, and the lake looked magical with all the fog and moonlight. 
Steve walked towards the shore and stepped into the water. He stopped when the water was at his waist before gently lowering you down in it. He stayed still for a moment as you tested your swimming. He watched you as you swam around him once, twice then dove in for a few seconds before coming back, smiling at him. 
“It doesn’t hurt anymore!” You exclaimed, swimming closer to him and throwing your arms around his neck without thinking. But to your surprise, your grumpy neighbour wrapped an arm around you. “Thank you, Steve. I don’t know what I would do without you. And I’m sorry for everything I said to you.” 
“Be careful.” He said as you pulled away. Then he looked down at you and handed you something. It was another vial of medicine. “Drink it before going to sleep.” 
You couldn’t help but tease him, “Who knew you’d be such a good nurse, Steve?” You took the vial and drank it. Then said, swimming around him, “Think I’ll come knocking on your door whenever I’m hurt now.” 
He grunted. “I better hold on to that tub then.” 
You chuckled. “Thank you for everything.” You leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He went so still you were afraid he might’ve turned to stone in the water. You held back from giggling and said, “Good night, neighbour. I’ll see you soon.” 
You knew he watched you as you swam away. 
When you swam up to the surface the next day, you found Steve working on something in the water. But it wasn’t his house. So you swam as close as you could to the shore, not wanting to shift yet and neither wanting to cut yourself again, and called out, “What are you doing?” 
Steve turned to look at you, then turned back around and said, “Building a jetty.” 
You frowned. “Why?” 
“It’ll extend deep into the lake.” He explained slowly, though grumpily. “So you don’t have to get close to the shore to shift. You can just get on it, shift, and walk down to the shore. No more cuts, and no more mermaids in tubs in my living room.” 
You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your lips. “Was I that bad of a housemate?” You asked. 
Steve turned to look at you, with that same frown on his pretty face. Except now you didn’t mind it because you knew it was just a mask. Deep down, he was a caring and kind soul. The frown, the grunts, the grumpiness and the rude tone was just his armour that he wore. 
“You snore.” He accused in all seriousness, then got back to work. 
“I do not!” You laughed then swam a little closer. “Do you need help?” 
And so, it took you two a few days but the jetty was built nicely. It was sturdy too. And on the day that you finished building, you both sat on the edge and shared a quick dinner of bread, cheese and fresh berries. 
You thought it’d be better to not shift for a few more days so you sat beside Steve on the jetty with your tail dipped in the water. You noticed the way Steve looked at your tail just swishing around. 
“It’s healed up nicely.” You told him, looking into his eyes. Steve nodded but didn’t say anything and stared ahead. You watched his side profile and really, it should be a crime for someone to have that perfect of a side profile. His wings were tucked in behind him, his tail lay flat on the wood. He seemed so… relaxed. “I really am sorry, Steve.” You said.
This made him look right at you. “You’ve apologised many times.” He said. 
“I feel so bad.” You admitted. “I’ve been so mean to you and you still took care of me.” 
He shrugged. “Any good neighbour would.” 
You smiled at him. Then asked, “Can we be friends?” 
To your surprise, he nodded. “Yes. We can.” He said. 
And so was born a rather peculiar camaraderie between you and Steve. You’d often go check up on him as he built the last bits of his house. You’d smile and say hello, and he’d grunt. You’d often bring him bread and cheese from the market. When you collected berries, you’d leave some on his front porch if ever he was asleep or just not home. Then you’d constantly poke your head up on the surface and check if he took them. 
He always did. 
And right now, as you walked down the jetty, one look at the cabin let you know that Steve wasn’t home. Oh well, guess annoying him would have to wait. 
So you made your way to the market as usual. You met up with your friends before making your way to your favourite shop. Except one you walked in, instead of the witch, you found a certain gargoyle with blue eyes moving around in there like the shop was his instead. 
“Oh hello Steve!” You smiled at him. 
He gave you a curt nod, then got back to arranging things on a shelf. 
“So… what exactly are you doing here?” You asked, browsing through the jewellery and the charms. “Where’s Bucky?” 
Steve answered as he carefully labelled each vial. “The witch is expecting their second child sometime later this week. Bucky asked her not to work in this condition. And he’s at home with her, so I offered to manage the shop until they’re ready to take over again.” He didn’t lift his head once. You were used to his standoff-ish manner now so you didn’t mind, neither did you mistake it for rudeness. 
Although it was a little weird watching him be normal with others. With his friends, for instance, he’d laugh and joke and be relaxed around them. Around you on the other hand, he seemed tense most of the time. 
“I see,” You smiled at the thought of your friend and Bucky. They were such an adorable couple. “So you’ll be working here for a while-,” You stopped talking the moment you turned around and found Steve standing just inches away from you. You were surprised because you hadn’t heard him move at all. “Um, hello.” You said nervously given the gargoyle did nothing but just stare down at you. Given his beastly height and build, you had to crane your head up to look at him. 
Steve only said, “You’re drenched.” 
You chuckled, “Well, I do live in a lake, Steve.” 
He didn’t say anything, he just stared. 
You followed his eyes and looked down to find your nipples all perked up and showing through the flimsy, wet fabric. “Oh,” You awkwardly crossed your arms over your chest, “Um, well usually my dresses dry out in the sun but it’s rather cloudy today.” You answered, your face burning in embarrassment. 
Steve grunted, then said, “Leave your clothes at the cabin. I’ll leave the door open so you can go in there and change. And be dry. Instead of walking around looking like… like this.” He said in his usual grumpy tone. 
“Oh,” You were surprised at his hospitality. “Thank you, Steve. You’re very kind.” You said, then couldn’t help but want to break the sudden, strange tension that had formed between you two. You chuckled and said, “I didn’t know a naked body could bother you that much.” You teased. 
Silence. Then without another word said, Steve leaned in. You took a small step back, your back now pressing against the bookshelf behind you. You couldn’t look away from his eyes. Steve placed a hand beside your head, caging you in. Your heart began racing. 
In that deep voice of his he said, “Your body doesn’t bother me, little one. But the thought of every other male watching you walk around like this does.” 
“Oh.” You shivered, mere inches separated you from him. If you wanted, you could press your front to his and bask in his warmth. But you were too surprised to move. Plus the heat radiating off of his body was intoxicating. You looked up at his face, really looked at him. His hair which kept getting longer, his horns as dark as his wings, the stubble on his cheeks which only made him look even more handsome. 
Perhaps it was the sharpness of his clenched jaws, or the softness in his eyes but something made you stand on your tiptoes so you could press your mouth against him. Steve’s warm hands were on you immediately. His mouth moved cautiously against yours, his hands wrapping around you to pull you closer and slightly off the ground. You let out a soft moan as he teased you with his tongue and he growled against your open mouth before kissing you deeper. 
Your arms around his neck, fingers sliding into his hair as you pulled him closer gently. Steve, despite his natural roughness, was careful with how he handled you. His mouth moved softly against yours, kissing you deeper and passionately. You wanted to hold on to his horns, just to see what it feels like but then you figured that would be too much. 
Your drenched dress and his shirt was the only thing separating your bodies but somehow, for now this was enough. Steve was the first one to pull away, gently. He carefully set you back on your feet and stared into your eyes. You couldn’t help but look down at those swollen lips. 
“Um,” You whispered, “I think I’m gonna go now.” You stepped to the side and immediately hated it because you wanted to be pressed up against him again. But you couldn’t, not here. “I guess I’ll see you later.” You said with a shy smile and Steve remained frozen in place as you walked out of the shop. 
All this was new to Steve. The tingly feeling whenever he saw you, the way his heart began to race whenever you so much as spared him a glance, the way he felt the need to wrap his arms and wings around you and keep you safe from everything and everyone. 
It all started that day he first saw you in the forest. He was floored but he didn’t know how to handle it so his first instinct was to push you away, to be mean in hopes that you would never look at him again. But then he kept meeting you again and again. And each time, he couldn’t bear to ignore you. 
Being around you was enchanting, addicting. Like some ancient call that he felt the need to answer. In fact he was so deeply infatuated he chose to build his home as close to yours as possible like a fool. 
And each time he’d have to calm his racing heart when he saw you. He’d have to hold back from reaching out and touching your skin. 
The day he found you all alone and injured in the lake, he panicked. He’d never felt so protective over anyone before. Seeing you pass out from the pain was like someone took a sword and slashed his heart in two. He always thought himself incapable of feelings but then… you happened. 
And now after kissing you, after finally knowing what your lips tasted like he wasn’t sure he’d be able to pretend for much longer. 
Ever since that day, Steve would leave his house unlocked in the mornings when he left to go open the shop. And slowly, day by day, he would notice your clothes accumulating in his home.
 A week later he ended up building you a trunk where you could put your dresses, then he began leaving extra towels in the shower for you to use. 
Some days later he found a comb and some strands of hair on the ground and he surprised himself when he caught a soft smile on his face while thinking about you sharing his space, his home. 
You both often had dinner on his front porch, just in comfortable silence because he believed he was awful company but given the fact that you’d come back again and again to have meals with him made him wonder that maybe he wasn’t so bad after all. 
One morning, as per usual you got out of the lake, walked down the jetty and ran into Steve’s house. You’d long stopped checking if he was home because at this time in the morning he was never here. He was always at the shop. 
So there you were, naked as you rummaged through the trunk he’d made you. You grabbed a clean, dry dress and made your way to the shower. You were grateful for Steve because thanks to him now you could shower with warm water and pat yourself completely dry with his soft towels before getting ready to set out for the day. Such small luxuries but they made you feel so much better. 
So you grabbed your stuff and walked into the shower like you owned it. And then froze as you looked down at the large tub you intended to bathe in. There was a naked male in there, who was also frozen as he stared at you in shock. 
He looked like a god. Sitting there in a large tub, steam rising and swirling around him. His wings half dipped in the water. His damp hair stuck to his horns and face a little, the stubble on his cheeks seemed thicker. He hadn’t shaved yet, you noticed. It made him look feral. Like an ancient, forgotten god one would stumble upon in the middle of a dark forest. He made your thighs clench together just by sitting there. 
You squirmed. “Oh um,” You tried your best to hide your body with the towel. “Steve. I should’ve knocked. I’m sorry, you’re usually not home at this time. I’ll-” 
He cut you off by extending an arm out, saying, “Come. There’s room for both of us here.” 
Screw it. He’s probably seen you naked plenty of times before. So you placed the dress and the towel down and took his hand as he guided you into the spacious tub. Honestly, it could fit three beings the size of Steve so there was indeed plenty of room for you two. 
You let out a soft sigh once you were submerged into the warm water. 
“Is it too hot for you?” Steve asked. 
“Oh no it’s perfect. It is a bit chilly outside anyway, so this is nice.” You noticed the way your bodies pressed against each other as you sat beside him. Your thighs touched his but neither of you moved your legs away from one another. 
He nodded, then reached down and grabbed a bar of soap but instead of handing it to you, you watched him pause and consider something for a quick moment before he said, “Come here,” He spoke softly, pointing at the space in front of him, in between his muscular legs. 
You moved immediately, giving him your back. The moment he began lathering soap down your back and neck and arms, you had to hold back a moan at how good his hands felt moving over your skin. You could tell he was hesitant in the beginning but then you leaned back a little, getting closer to him and he took it as a sign to relax and just wash you. 
His movement was slow and gentle, the silence was comfortable. The scent of the lavender soap filled your head and everything was perfect. So you quietly leaned back completely against Steve. He was so much larger than you that your head tucked in nicely under his chin. His hands moved down your sides under the water. He was way past washing you now. He just let his hands roam your body and you let him do that because it felt nice. 
You were a bit too aware of where your bare body touched his. His muscular chest pressed against your back. Your thighs rested on top of his and something warm and hard pressed against your lower back, and it made your face heat up again. And you couldn’t help but squirm when you felt his fingers stroking your inner thigh. 
Steve let out a hiss as you accidentally rubbed against his erection. “I’m sorry,” You mumbled, then remained still. His fingers didn’t move any higher, but the slow and deliberate strokes around your inner thighs were driving you insane. “Oh Steve,” You couldn’t help but whine, “Please, stop teasing me just… just touch me already.” 
He tensed up behind you for a moment, then said, “Turn around then.” 
You moved immediately. You stood up before turning around to face him and then lowered back down, straddling his thighs as you sat on his lap, looking right into his eyes. His large hands grabbed you by the hips and pulled you closer. 
Something changed in his eyes as you watched. He seemed much more confident, if not a little cocky now. “Want me to touch you?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
You nodded, blinking at him. He was so beautiful. How did you manage to stay away from him all this time? He was the most handsome male you’d ever seen. And you’d seen a lot. “Yes, please.” 
He shamelessly looked down at the water, clearly seeing how you straddled his lap. He smirked, and it took your breath away. “Where exactly would you like me to touch you?” He asked. 
You almost moaned at the sound of his voice. You reached down, grabbed his hand and guided it over to where you needed him, in between your legs and you pressed his fingers against your folds down there. “Here, please.” You whispered. 
He let out a rare chuckle. “Oh?” He moved his fingers around, “Let’s hear it then,” He slid two fingers up and down your slit, “Does that feel good?” 
You threw your head back, whining as you moved your hips against his fingers, wanting more friction. “Yes, more please…” You cried out as he gently rubbed your clit. 
Steve pressed a finger against your opening, not sliding it just yet. He asked, “You’re so sensitive. It’s been a while since someone touched you, huh?” He teased you even more, loving the way you’d squirm at the slightest of touch. 
You looked back at him, and sheepishly said, “No one’s ever touched me there.” He froze at the sound of that, then before he could pull his hand away, you grabbed his wrist and held it in place as you ground your hips down on it, “Oh please, Steve. I want you. I want it to be you.” 
He growled as he leaned in to kiss you, a little more rough this time. “You’re killing me.” He said, moving his fingers once again, and carefully sliding one inside of you. “Is this what you want, hmm?” He slowly moved his finger in and out of you, the feeling was foreign to you but so pleasurable. 
You arched your back, pressing your chest into him as he finger-fucked you slowly. “Yes, more…” You murmured against his lips, gasping as he slid his finger deeper inside you. 
“Don’t be greedy,” He chided playfully. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He said, keeping his finger inside you as he moved his thumb around toying with your clit. You’d never been touched this way, or any way, so his fingers alone made you gasp and moan and whine louder and louder. 
“Steve,” You gasped, “You’ll never hurt me,” You whispered as you felt a pressure forming in between your legs. And before you knew it, you were coming undone all over his finger, moaning and grinding your hips against his hand. 
Steve watched you with a proud look in his eyes as you came all over his hand. The water had long gone cold, making your nipples harden and he couldn’t help but lean down to take one in his mouth. 
The warmth of his mouth made you clench around his finger which was still buried inside you and he had you whining and squirming in no time, his teeth teasing your nipple while his free hand fondled the other one. 
He was surprised when he felt your hand feeling around his abdomen until you found what you were looking for. He growled when he felt you grab his cock, stroking it slowly. Then you asked, sounding a little embarrassed, “Am I doing this right?” 
Steve released your breasts and kissed his way up your body until he reached your mouth, “Yeah. Just like that, little one.” He whispered against your mouth as you tried your hardest to jerk him off but you just wouldn’t get the hang of it. 
Steve chuckled when he heard a little growl of frustration leave your mouth. “Oh just fuck me with it,” You said, looking up at him. 
Steve just gave you a faint smile, “Not today.” 
You whined, “Why?” 
“You’re not ready. And I don’t want to hurt you. Now come on, the water’s cold.” He made to move and get up but you just slumped against his muscular chest with a groan. 
“Can we just stay here all day?” You asked, wrapping your arms around him. 
Steve held you securely and stood up, taking you with him as he stepped out of the tub. “No we can’t. I have work.” 
You groaned again as he carried you over to where your towel was. He placed you down, picked it up and carefully patted you dry. You kept trying to convince him in vain, “But what if I let you put more than just your finger inside me?” 
Steve looked up at you since he was crouched down by your feet, drying your legs. “Very tempting, but no.” 
You frowned, “But Steve-,” 
He cut you off by standing up and pulling you closer to him, hands shamelessly grabbing your butt cheeks. He pressed you to his naked body and said, “Another time, I promise. I want to be able to take my time with you. And I don’t want to hurt you. Yes?” 
You nodded, “Yes.” 
He placed a kiss on your forehead. “Get dressed.” He said and you had to pretend like the authority in his voice didn’t drive you insane. 
Things were casual and fun for the next coming weeks. Stolen kisses, warm hugs, and more and more pinning from your end because Steve wouldn’t do anything beyond making you come undone all over his fingers. 
The one time he did use his tongue was after a terrible joke he made when you’d tried to make him dinner. 
“What do gargoyles like to eat?” You’d asked cheerfully. 
Steve looked at you dead in the eyes and said, “Freshwater fish.” 
He’d earned himself a towel thrown at his face. Then he had apologised by bending you over his kitchen table and made you come all over his tongue. 
You wanted more than day too. But he said he didn’t want to hurt you.
So you understood, and waited. And in the meantime, your bond just solidified even more. Steve could spend hours in the evening sitting on the jetty and talking to you. You’d show him your tricks, jumping out of the water and diving back in then come back up just to see if you impressed him. 
You’d often bring him random things from the depths of the lake, mainly pretty rocks. And he’d keep them all in a box. 
Then the weather changed. And one evening, there was a terrible thunderstorm. Lightning and thunder echoing around and shaking the ground even. 
Steve made sure all of his windows were secure. He’d check the upstairs area twice now, no leaks, no broken window thankfully. 
He was in the middle of feeding more wood logs into the fireplace when he heard faint knocks at his front door. Due to the loud thunder he almost missed it. But he’d been hoping you’d show up. So he took a warm towel with him as he answered the door, wrapped the towel around you and pulled you in. 
He didn’t let you go immediately. He hugged your cold body close and whispered, “You’re shaking, little one. What is it?” 
You held onto him for dear life and said, “The thunder,” You sniffled and hugged him even tighter. “They echo in the caves down there, and… and-,” 
“Shh,” He cut you off. “It’s okay, I’m here. You’re safe here.” He said, “You need a warm bath, come.” 
Steve left you to soak in the tub full of warm water and once you stopped shaking, you stepped out, patted yourself dry and put on clean clothes. You went back into the living area and found Steve fussing with the fireplace. 
He looked as he saw you come in. And gave you a breathtaking smile. “Warm enough?” He asked. 
You nodded. 
“Hungry?” He asked. 
“No,” You whispered. 
“Come here then,” He extended a hand out for you to take. You took it and he pulled you down beside him, both of you sitting on soft rugs in front of the fire. He immediately curled a wing around you. “Here,” He said, handing you a mug filled with warm, sweet tea. He watched as you took a careful sip then let out a moan at how good it was. 
You placed the mug down and snuggled up to him. He was warm, and cosy despite the muscles. You rested your head on his shoulder and sighed, pleased with where you were. His wing wrapped around you a little better, like your personal little cocoon. It was weird to admit that this felt better than being in your lake. 
“What did you usually do during thunderstorms? When I wasn’t here?” He asked, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you so close you were almost on his lap. 
“I’d hide in the caves.” You answered. “Or when I could tell the weather would be bad I’d go to the other lakes and be with my friends. But the caves are so loud, you know? I can never sleep during thunderstorms.” 
Steve sighed, wrapping both arms around you. “I’m here now. I’ve got you.” He whispered. His tail wrapped gently around your exposed leg. 
“I know,” You said, placing your hand on his clothed thigh. Then bravely slid your hand upwards to see if he would stop you. “I trust you, Steve.” You murmured, turning your head to kiss his neck. “And I want you.” Your lips brushed against his skin as you spoke and he shuddered. 
He was quiet for a few moments. Your hand kept inching closer to the hardness in his pants. He let out a groan then said, “Promise you’ll tell me to stop if I hurt you?” 
You nodded, nuzzling his neck. “I promise.” 
Next thing you knew, Steve's mouth was on yours, kissing you hard and passionately. His hands grabbed and touched you everywhere, your thighs, your waist, your breasts, his tail wrapping around your ankle, it was a lot at once. You moaned into his mouth as he slid his hands along your inner thighs. 
He nudged you backwards, making you lay down on the rug. He held himself up above you with one hand, while the other explored your body through the thin dress. 
“Take it off,” You whined, wanting to feel his touch on your bare skin. 
Steve chuckled before helping you in taking the dress off and tossing it around somewhere. Then his mouth was on your skin immediately. You arched your back, pressing up against him until he took the hint and placed his mouth around your nipple, biting down gently. 
He teased you until you were an absolute mess under him, hips trying to grind against him, your hands sliding into his hair, one wrapped around his horn while the other pulled him closer to you. 
He released your breasts and kissed his way down your body. You supported yourself up on your elbows as you watched him. He was so much larger than you, it shouldn’t turn you on so much. But it did. He seemed even more feral now in the golden light from the fire. 
Wings flared being him, tail swishing in what you now concluded was excitement as he placed his hands on your thighs and spread them as much as they would go. He stared at the wetness in between your legs before looking up and meeting your eyes with hunger in his eyes. 
“Is this alright? You want us to stop?” He asked, even though you could clearly tell he was having difficulty in holding back from ravishing you. 
You nodded quickly, “Don’t stop,” You whispered. 
He gave you a wild smirk, his tail wrapping around your ankle again and pining your leg to the ground. “Well, then.” He pressed his lips to your inner thigh, kissing his way up to where you craved him. 
You laid back down on the rug as your body squirmed. You couldn’t help but slide your fingers into his soft, long hair. Eventually grabbing onto his horns as he brought his mouth over to your clit, sucking on it hard enough to make you cry out. The feeling of his soft, warm mouth and the roughness of his stubble made you lose your mind. 
His tongue slipped past your folds and teased your entrance, occasionally flicking your clit. You tugged gently at his horn, pulling him closer and he growled against your skin in response. His tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit, parting your wet folds with ease. You were sure your arousal must be dripping onto the rug by now.
“You taste so good,” Steve whispered. And chuckled when you let out an even louder moan at the sound of that. 
You looked down and whined at the sight of his body kneeling in between your parted legs. You could even see the erection in his pants and that alone made you grind against his mouth mindlessly. 
Steve chuckled, securing his arms around your thighs, keeping your legs spread as far as they would go. He slowly brought a finger up to your clit, sliding it agonisingly slowly down your slit, parting your wet folds.
You shivered under his touch, then bit your lip to refrain from moaning too loudly. You sighed, then gasped audibly as he slid a finger inside you, stroking your walls gently while he placed his mouth back on your clit.
“Does that feel good?” He asked. And chuckled when you were only able to moan in response. “No one else is ever going to touch you like this, you hear me? This is mine. You’re mine.” 
“Yes…” You gasped. “All yours.” You whispered, breathless. 
He hummed in satisfaction. His deep blue eyes watched you in awe and how you lost control under his touch, legs shaking as he teased your clit and finger-fucked your ever so gently. 
You squirmed and moaned and gasped under his addictive touch, your eyes closing and your head tilting back as you felt a wave of intense pleasure wash over you.
You came hard, all over his tongue, your walls clenching violently around his finger, your moans and gasps of pleasure filled the room. Your fingers scratched his scalp as you tugged harder on his horns as you came. 
You sighed in bliss as Steve left small kisses up your body until he stared deep into your eyes. “Are you alright?” He asked, so softly you almost melted. 
You nodded quickly. “Yes. I want you, please,” You begged. 
He smiled down at you, then pulled away only for a few moments, to take his shirt off and undo his pants. Then he was onto you again, pressing you down on the soft rug as he kissed you again. You moaned into his mouth at the taste of you on his tongue still.
He kept kissing you until you growled in frustration and arched your back to get closer to him. You could feel his erection pressing against you and you couldn’t wait anymore. “Steve,” You begged, whining against his mouth, “I might die if you don’t fuck me right now.” 
He smirked against your lips, kissing you one last time before pulling away. His hand reached down to grab his cock and guide it over to your opening. You were a little nervous given his size but you were also ready for it. He slid his tip up and down your wet folds, driving you insane. And while you were in the middle of whining and squirming, he slowly slipped inside of you, groaning as he went.
The feeling was new, and it was a little uncomfortable at first but it didn’t hurt. 
“Am I hurting you?” He asked with sheer desire and want in his voice, hunger in his eyes. 
You gasped, feeling him stretching you out, filling you up. He was halfway in and you already felt so full of him. “No,” You gasped, “More, please.” You begged again. 
He nodded, then held your stare as he reached down to grab your legs and wrapped them around his waist, then slowly leaned down to give you a messy kiss, sliding all the way into you finally. “Fuck,” He swore, voice cracking. “You feel so good.” 
You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he moved his hips the slightest bit. And you cried out at the feeling of his cock slowly moving in and out of you. He was being so careful and gentle with you, and while it warmed your heart, you also wanted more. 
You cupped his cheek, making him look right into your eyes. “You won’t hurt me,” You said, “But I… I need you.” 
He understood what you meant. Steve closed his eyes, then nodded before leaning down to kiss you again. And then he fucked you without restraints. His tail wrapping around your thigh, pulling you closer. His hands on your waist, pulling you into him each time he thrust into you. Your fingers scratched down his back until you found the base of his wings and experimented by touching them, stroking them carefully. 
Steve paused, then groaned animalistically. “Very sensitive,” He murmured. 
You smiled and traced your fingers along the length of his dark, leathery wings and Steve shuddered, reaching around to grab your hands and pinning them above your head before pounding into your again. 
You could feel your walls clenching around him as he sped up into you. You moaned, feeling all of him stretching you, filling you up, moving rapidly in and out of you to the point where the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of him moving against your body. The thunder outside, you couldn’t hear it. The lightning illuminating the room occasionally, you didn’t pay attention to it. 
This was all that mattered, being in front of a fire and under Steve’s powerful body. 
“You feel so fucking good…” He whispered, pounding into you relentlessly, as he bent down to kiss you again. “So warm, and perfect for me.” He growled, “Tell me I feel good inside you, little one. Tell me.” 
You were barely able to form a thought. His hard and muscular body felt amazing against yours. His long hair tickled your skin as he moved. Your legs trembled as you wrapped them tighter around his waist. “Oh, you feel so good.” You mumbled, “So good, please don’t stop.” 
Steve looked down at you as you clenched around his cock. He smirked, looking down to where his cock disappeared into you each time he thrust in. “You’re all mine,” He whispered. The possessiveness in his voice only made you clench around him again. “Are you going to come all over my cock? Hmm?” 
You nodded, unable to say anything because of how good he felt sliding in and out of you. The familiar pressure formed at your core and you whined again when his fingers found your clit as he pounded into you mercilessly.
“Come for me…” he whispered and that was all you needed to hear before you came undone all around him. Whimpering and back arching off the floor as you came hard around his cock.
He kept pounding into you as your orgasm washed over you, your walls squeezing him violently. Your body trembling under his intense gaze. He watched you in awe, lips parted, breaths in rags, heart racing. 
He watched you as you went limp under him, still gasping for air. He released your wrists, kissing them before placing them on either side of your head. He gave you some time, kissing up and down your neck, kissing your face until you calmed down a little. “That was so good,” He whispered against your cheek, “You did so well. But I need to have you again,” He pleaded, “I want more.” 
You nodded quickly. “I’m all yours, Steve.” 
He smiled, kissing the corner of your mouth before pulling out of you. He was still very much hard as he flipped you around, your hips and ass up while your face was pressed against the soft rug. “Is this alright?” He asked. 
You were still catching your breath when his hand reached around and teased in between your legs, his fingers rubbed around your clit and made you tremble and moan. “Yes,” You whispered. 
His body bent over yours, his warm chest pressing against your back as he kissed your shoulder and the back of your neck until his mouth reached your ear, “You tell me if this hurts, okay?” 
You nodded, “I will.” You said. 
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, softly but you could hear the wild hunger in his deep, low voice. He licked along your neck and said, “I want you to come all over my cock again, you hear me?” He bit down on your shoulder and you let out a loud moan. 
You whimpered, “Yes.” You murmured, voice laced with need and lust as he pulled away from your ear and kissed along your shoulders. Then you felt his hands on you as he gripped each side of your hips then pushed into you from behind. Slow and deliberate strokes, until he fit inside you fully.
He groaned and grunted as he filled you up entirely and moved in and out of you desperately trying to make you come for him again. Your fingers gripped the rug beneath you tightly, and your mind felt foggy, you moaned wantonly as he pounded into you, not easing into it this time. He took you higher and higher. 
Your walls throbbed and clenched around him each time he filled you up. You could feel the tip of his tail reach around to toy with your clit and it only made you lose all the sanity you had. 
With a few more strokes of his thick cock, you felt his thrust becoming irregular, and felt his cock throb against your walls violently. “Come for me.” He hissed, then grunted loudly as you tightened around him, coming undone again.
He groaned and growled as he came deep inside you, swearing under his breath. You whimpered as you felt his warm cum filling you up. Steve laid down beside you, his wing curling around both of you, like a warm leathery blanket. 
“Are you alright?” He asked. 
“Yes,” You sighed. You leaned into his warmth. The thunder outside didn’t scare you anymore. “Can I stay until morning?” You asked, kissing his chest. 
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, and said in that deep voice of his, “You can stay forever if you’d like.” 
a/n: check out heartless if you wanna read about Bucky and the witch ;) 
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woncon · 1 month
04:24 am
❥ pirate!san x mermaid gn!reader
➳ little mermaid au (the saving scene)
➳ warnings: nothing
➳ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely ❣
➳ ateez masterlist | main masterlist
you lie panting on the sand. grains of sand stick to the wet skin of your belly, your hair clings uncomfortably to your neck, your shoulders are becoming uncomfortable to bend over, and your golden brown, scaly tail stretches uselessly behind you. you can feel the now calmed-down waves on your forked, thin film.
the smell of salt and rain mix in the air, so strange to you, the mermaid that it makes you dizzy. you had not yet been on the surface when a storm had just subsided.
the man lying before you was the first you had rescued from the frantic, roaring waves. he was unconscious when you grabbed him, and then, darting between the wreckage of the wrecked ship, you carried him to shore. by the time you reached the shore, the storm had quieted, and only the splinters and barrels of the ship betrayed its capricious nature.
the man sighs, your heart beats faster in fearful excitement, and you move back a little to escape if necessary, but the man does not wake up, he just tilts his head to the side.
you find him beautiful. if you didn't see those two strange legs ending in toes, and you weren't on the beach, you might think you were dealing with a sleeping mermaid.
or an even more ethereal creature.
you gently smooth his hair from his face. your soft, membranous fingers involuntarily run over his water-droplet cheeks and sharp jawline. the stranger's thick lips part imperceptibly. as he breathes, the buttons on his crimson vest tighten.
"how beautiful people are..."
you eagerly fix your curious eyes on the charming stranger. you are grateful to moon mother for giving you the task of helping, so that you can interact with the humans, get to know them very little, but most importantly, help them. now, too, seeing the rising chest, a warmth fills your heart, and expressing your devotion and love for the mermaids on the ground, you kiss the young man on the temple.
but your precious time is at an end.
"san, can you hear me?"
there is a shout in the distance, and a light on a nearby hill, which must not yet be the sun, for what you can see of the dissipating storm clouds, the moon is high and the stars are shining, not twinkling as they do at dawn.
"san!" the stranger shouts again. he's closer this time.
san's face twitches slightly, his muscles flinch, his eyes flutter, and with that, you throw yourself towards the water, your hands digging into the wet sand, pushing your body forward.
with a great splash, you disappear into the dark, starry foam, leaving only the trace of your fin and the sweet kiss that tingles on the pirate's forehead.
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dangoarts · 1 year
finished the second page out of three on a comic i'm working on i think it's time to show off some panels i'm proud about as a teaser (hopefully without just showing the whole comic)
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backgrounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i never do them enjoy it while it lasts
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oh no joey your manga colress is showing
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again i'm doing backgrounds and they're coming out decent (impossible)
hee hoo i promise i'll explain later i'm still working on organizing my brain thoughts for this New Cool Story Idea
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weird-incubbbus · 4 months
Just random comics that I made of my Au de Trolls... Which I haven't named yet XD
Anyway, Floyd and Hickory my parents, I love them💖
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Ese primer cómic es solo una muestra de como se conocieron y como quedaron años después; tengo el hc de que se conocieron en una de las tantas fiestas que organiza Poppy al año, y literalmente la conversación empezó porque Hickory le dijo a Floyd "me gusta tu pelo"... Galanazo vale
Y ya la siguiente parte es de ellos estando comprometidos y siendo felices💖
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Seh, ellos terminan teniendo un huevo un mes después de casarse, y ya al año siguiente nació Fiona (así se llama la nena, luego hablaré un poco más de ella y su futuro hermano.. aunque eso ya es un punto más oscuro-)
En fin, viva el amor✨
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malkaviian · 1 year
No quiero darme manija con el fankid Fred/Golden porque lo voy a terminar haciendo y eventualmente va a terminar como Eris: la hice por las risas y por un concepto y terminó siendo canon
Ya tengo muchos hijitos de ese AU skdkskdn
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Captain’s Call
(A Pirates Smp au where Scott secretly siren hybrid but Sausage catches him. Inspired by Scott’s stream)
Scott thrashed and hissed as the damned net wrapped tightly around his body. He didn’t know what what happening until it was too late. A ship had snuck up on as he was hunting near the Faction Isles. A harpoon net was shot and engulfed him before he had time to react.
He felt himself being hoisted toward the surface as he clawed uselessly at the net, the rope too damn thick to cut through. Panic seized Scott’s chest as he was pulled out of the water and hulled over the edge to the deck of the ship. A Kestrel flag catches Scott’s eye through the net as the crew gathered around him. He hisses and snapped at the crew as they tried to touch his royal blue and golden scales, his ear fins pressed against his head, knowing he had to escape before his tail returned to his human legs.
Scott’s mouth when dry as the crew parted to reveal Captain Sausage, a large gleaming smile on his face. Sausage knelt down to the net and grabbed his chin through the net, jerking his head left and right.
“Well aren’t you the most beautiful siren I have ever seen!” Sausage giggled. “Just a perfect treasure to add to my collection!”
Scott’s cheeks flushed against his will, even if the words made a shiver crawl up his spine. Sausage was a handsome devil but everyone knew how possessive he was of his treasures. Don’t get Scott wrong, he would loved to be worshiped by Sausage but not like this.
Taking a deep breath, Scott opened his mouth to sing his song but was rudely cut off by Sausage picking him from the net and shoving a rope in between his jaws. He clicks and hisses around the rope in displeasure, struggling in his hold.
“Ah ah ah! No singing allowed! As much as I would like to hear your lovely voice, I would rather not drown today, thank you very much!” Sausage explained as he bridal carried Scott to his captain quarters, a tight grip on him preventing him from escaping.
Scott freaked out as he was placed on the bed, moving quickly, he tried to lunge at Sausage but was quickly subdued again. This time a metal collar around his neck, preventing him from moving from the bed. Sausage once finished, took a step back. His eyes scanned over Scott’s form, a smirk playing on his lips.
“You know, you remind me of a certain Heron captian.”
Scott’s blood turned to icy as he looked at Sausage with wide terrified eyes. No, Scott thought. He couldn’t possibly know. He was so careful! How the heck could he know! Scott’s breathing picked up a little fast once he felt a tingle go down his spine.
Oh no.
He was changing back. Sausage’s eyes seemed to gleam with excitement as his tail glowed, slowly parting into humans legs. His webbed claws turning to normal. His teeth shrinking down to barely noticeable fangs instead of his needle-like teeth. His ear fins shrink but still are fins, just less noticeable now. Thankfully his legs were clothed with pants.
Once his transformation was complete, Sausage strolled over and cupped Scott’s cheek, making him look him in the eyes.
“Well looks like I catch myself a real treasure.” Sausage purred as thumbed Scott’s cheek bone. “I wasn’t expecting to add a Heron to my collection but I can always make an exception for someone as special as you, Scott.”
Gay panic filled Scott as he blushed, frozen under the touch. Sausage continued.
“I mean, look at you. You’re just begging to be claimed as my treasure.” A possessive edge leaked into his voice. “So I’m gonna claim you here and now. Then you will be all mine and no one else can have you. Let’s hear you sing my name.” Sausage climbed next to Scott.
Scott gulped, having a feeling he was in for a long night.
Scott grumbled as he limped through the town of the Faction Isles, shirt missing, showing a mass of marks on his chest and neck. Sausage following behind him with a cheeky expression on his face, clearly proud of his work. If anyone questioned the two, Scott would glare at Sausage and the other would just giggle, saying nothing.
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hawkflame999 · 6 months
Ninjago headcanon #1-5
AU where the three descendants of FSM actually inherit Dragon-Oni features
Garmadon, Wu, and Lloyd being part oni, CAN shapeshift and usually use this to hide their true forms, instead shifting to their human ones, unless it's only friends and family around. (or if the circumstances demand it)
Garmadon’s “true form” looks like how he usually does, except he has huge gold dragon wings coming out from his back shoulder area, ringed with black because of his oni blood, that he actually can fly with. He has a gold tail similar to a Night Fury's, with the tailfins being black. He also has black oni horns with a swirl of gold and dark gold dragon ears. His eyes are purple both because of his element and his Oni blood and they glow when he allows them to. His teeth are sharp, too. His hands are clawish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all). He has some gold-tipped black spikes like a night fury’s coming out of his back.
When Garmadon was in that form where he had the red eyes and all, his wings, tails, spikes, horns, and such were all black.
Wu’s “true form”  looks like how he usually does, except he has huge gold dragon wings coming out from his back shoulder area, that he actually can fly with. He has a gold tail similar to a Night Fury's with the tailfins being gold. He also has white-gold slanted-back dragon horns, with a swirl of black because of his oni blood, and dark gold dragon ears. His eyes are golden both because of his element and his Dragon blood and will glow if he allows it. His teeth are sharp, and his hands are claw-ish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all) and he also has some gold-tipped black spikes like a Night Fury’s coming out of his back. 
Lloyd didn’t even realize he was shapeshifted during the years at Darkly’s Boarding school. When he began staying with the ninja, his uncle explained about being Dragoni (dragon-oni-sometimes- part-human hybrid) and taught him how to return to his true form and shapeshift, and how to fly. Lloyd didn’t need to learn Dragoni-tongue, he already knew it instinctively. 
Lloyd’s “true form” looks like how he usually does, except he has gold dragon wings, coming out from his back-and-shoulder area, ringed with green, that he actually can fly with. Like his uncle, He has a gold tail similar to a night fury's, with the tailfins being gold but with green at the tips except for the very tips of the fins being gold again. He also has gold horns, with a swirl of black because of his oni blood, with more black than his uncle but less than his father, slanted back like a dragon’s but not as much as his uncle, and dark gold dragon ears. His teeth are sharp, his hands are claw-ish (Like his hands look normal but they have all the claw abilities and all) and he also has some green-tipped gold spikes like Night Fury’s coming out of his back. His green eyes glow when he allows them to. The green-and-gold scales were able to glow after the Final Battle, except for his eyes, which were able to glow from the start.
AU where Morro gets turned back into a human in DotD and proceeds to take over as the oldest sibling for the rest of the series. (after the others begin to trust him of course)
“Jay Gordon Walker are you even trying to not have that thing explode!?!?”
“Kai Smith, how many times will I tell you to stop setting your room on fire.”
“All I’m asking for is one freaking patrol where you don’t say a word you shouldn’t even know, Nya.”
“Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon Spinjitzu. For the last time, Why were you up at  3:00 AM.”
“Zane you’re fine. You have common sense.”
The ninjas’ eyes’ reflect their elements. And when the ninja unlock their true potential, their control over their eyes comes. 
Zane’s are ice blue, Jay’s are electric blue, Cole’s eyes are dark brown, almost black though sometimes the same yellow-orange that came when he went Spinjitzu Burst, while Kai’s are fire-colored. Nya’s are teal but a bit greener, as in sea colored. Lloyd’s are green. Morro’s were gray. Wu’s are gold both because of his element and his Dragon blood. and Garmadon’s are purple, both because of his element and his Oni blood. Their eyes will glow if they allow them to.
They can reverse the effect and make their eyes dark, the way most people’s eyes are- but they mostly do it in public so it’s harder for their identities to be found out.  
The shade of the color depends on their emotional state. When they are sad or talking about a “You don’t want to know” subject, or such, the shade of color in their eyes will get darker. If they’re in a good mood, they’ll get brighter. Sometimes it’s the opposite. (Cole’s turn light orange sometimes- he loves creeping his father out that way) 
When Lloyd was little and still at Darkly’s, one of the older kids, Tatheron, trapped him in an unused room. There they beat him up and hurt him seriously with a needle. As a result, Lloyd has trypanophobia- extreme fear of needles. 
The other ninja found out about it sometime when he was still a kid, when he got a gash on his arm. Wu said it needed to be stitched and Lloyd proceeded to panic, even ran off in fear. After being forced to catch him and bring him back to the Bounty, Lloyd tearfully confessed what happened  to the ninja after his Uncle Wu calmed him down, and the ninja + Wu ended up waiting till he fell asleep to do the stitches.
After that, Tatheron may or may not have come home one day with a broken nose. 
At first Lloyd was terrified of the ninja, and they didn’t realize this at first. They only knew that they’d barely see him while on the Bounty. 
Then one day they found him hiding inside a big vase and realized that for some reason he hid from everyone in general 24-7. 
They found out that the kid’s at Darkly’s were hurt for even little stuff like being slow to answer. And that Lloyd had grown up thinking that everyone would hurt him. And that it was gonna take a while to gain his trust.
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