#honestly Im fascinated with the parallels
pra370r1an · 1 year
And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 
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If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
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And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? 
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And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. 
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And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; 
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When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
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blee-bleep · 11 months
How does somebody whose only shipped lesbian ships before become so obsessed with Erehisu?
Y'see, anon, it's a little something called "bisexuality"
#i actually watched aot becuz of yumihisu but then i read the manga and i slapped my head and said#'shit why did they cut off so many scenes of them together'#them being erehisu#and then ymir fritz dropped and THEN i listened to that Linked Horizon song where a baby wailed at the end#then im like yooooooo fcuking hell theyre future parents to this poor girl omggggg#honestly i stumbled into erehisu by my own becuz after reading the uprising arc in the manga i felt like i had to do the ship justice#just cuz how overlooked it was and how i realized that they probably had the better chemistry#the more i looked into their characterizations and parallels to each other#like them being burdened putting up a fake facade just for others and having to come to terms to it#as well as the way their family shaped them (carla frieda and freckled ymir are the goats)#it wasnt much back then BUT THEN i read apple and lamp theory#and its soooooooo fucking beautiful it just seared into my mind forever.#Enemies To Humanity is something so unbelievable yet fascinating to me as a dynamic but it all clicked the moment i put it in its context#i dont support whatever the fuck the alt-right part of the fandom has of it thats another ball game#i ship erehisu in the way i percieve it to be the most fitting to the mature themes of the story#its not the first 'straight' ship i liked but it IS the first ship where i think it's ultimately superior to others including the wlw ships#thats why im so obsessed with them
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wheelercore · 2 years
I feel like much of the wheeler family's issues stems from Karen and Ted never actually loving each other yet marrying and having children out of obligation and convenience. It really isn't enough to just pretend because the cracks start to show eventually. I mean, from personal experience as someone who had parents who didn't really love each other it's so familiar that I honestly applaude the writers for capturing it so well. There's that build up of resentment + the pressure to pretend for who knows how long that causes people to act in such a way that is pretty unhealthy.
It's realistic that Nancy and Mike kind of have this distant yet caring relationship. It's hard after years of growing up in such an environment to be emotionally vulnerable like in the way Jonathan is with Will and vise versa. It can be even painful at some points to show that you care because there is a lot of history of rejection and fear there whether it was directly influenced by a parental figure or not. And really when you grow up in an household where everything can be okay at one moment and then the emotions can turn sour at a drop of a hat you start to find comfort in being apathetic, snarky, dismissive, and lashing out. You are, after all, just protecting yourself because all your life your feelings either have been dismissed, laughed at, ignored, or, worst of all, used against you. But you do badly want a relationship like Jonathan and Will's with your siblings. It's just hard to get over that initial reaction of defensiveness and fear.
It's super interesting that we see Karen try so hard to be there for her kids though. She often is there to comfort them. What gets in her way however is that Nancy and Mike themselves often hesitate to open up to her. She gives them momentary comfort, yes, but we rarely ever see them actually tell her about their problems, opening up for a deeper emotional connection. Karen could do much more, but really there is only so much you can do when your children chose not to reciprocate without unintentionally driving them away.
I believe this is intrinsically tied to Karen's own arc of independence. The 80s was a time of sexual revolution (Billy) and a feminist wave. And I love m*leven parallels and I do genuinely believe El and Karen are meant to parallel each other in very similar ways: they're realizing that they don't need their respective partners anymore to get on. Rather than like in s1 letting Ted just tell her to "let [Mike] go" she is going to now try harder to contect emotionally to her children and understand them.
And because we consistently see Karen at least try (even in s1) I do believe the source of a lot of the Wheelers emotional dysfunction is Ted. He's emotionally unavailable but with a veneer of comic relief 80s dad on top of it. It makes it quirky and funny in the stereotype of the useless lazy oblivious dad way. But really, when children don't have good emotional coping skills modeled to them growing up they may have a stunted ability to process or be open with how they feel- which is definitely the case with Mike and Nancy. We see the real effects of Ted's emotional neglect on his children contrasted with how Ted is presented showing how often these cliches that we take for granted are actually harmful in real life- which in turn *gestures vaguely at all the Mike-Ted parallels in s3 and s4* give us insight into Ted himself because they clearly want us to see Mike is similarly perpetuating the cycle under certain stressors in his life ("I don't think my parents ever loved each other" contrasted with Mike struggling to tell El her loves her because he doesn't).
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loiyaltie · 1 year
plots please!
WE'VE GOT THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON OUR SHOULDERS. Early days exploration!! I'd like to dive into these two carrying the weight of the Rand and Landau names, dealing with the weight of the legacy and not failing it, putting themselves through far more than they should and talking together about how others don't really get it. Also the conversations that happen when they are exhausted and have collapsed from pushing themselves to their limits and beyond. Particularly I'd like to have an exploration of Gepard's emotions around the time he first makes captain and Cocolia orders him to stay rather than go out with the privates who ultimately die, to see whether she can help him make sense of it.
WHEN THE DUST HAS SETTLED, WHAT NEXT? Honestly exploring immediately after the astral express crew leave. Bronya assembling her team to rebuild and Gepard's involvement in that. How they collaborate but also how their dynamic change. The 'we can't call each other friends because we can't be friends but -' kind of care as they look out for each other under the guise of work. Meetings that fade into questions that might just probe at life beyond the job, getting each other off the front / out of office, Gepard bringing food when he visits or caffeine.
I SERVE THE PEOPLE NOT THE SUPREME GUARDIAN. I want to throw my AU at you that leans more into Gepard's conflict between looking out for the people vs following orders. He ends up working with Sampo to smuggle goods to the Underworld (adjusting patrols, aiding in carting goods while maintaining his duty) because he believes he should help ALL the people not just the Overworld. Someone who as known him as long as she has would see the signs of something being off. Whether she arrests him or tries to understand him, or something in between it would be interesting to explore.
OUT HERE WE WILL SURVIVE. Your classic Gepard and Bronya go out to either check the Stellaron site / visit Cocolia's final place / check the Fragmentum damage straying beyond Belobog's borders and get caught by the blizzard and have to survive in the storm and Fragmentum creatures plot. Could also be when they're younger biting off more than they could chew perhaps? Wanting to earn success but finding failure.
BONUS, WHAT HAVE YOU BECOME? because now I'm thinking about my Stellaron Hunter Gepard AU now it's beginning to exist, but a disgraced Landau - not by personal choice - struggling and choosing a different path to help the people coming across Bronya.
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
I’m assuming you’ve seen this already?
Oh yes, I have indeed seen that. It's interesting, because it immediately made me think of a moment in the third season of Staged where something similar happens, except it's David who presses a hand to Michael:
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It really is something seeing them side by side, isn't it? That in both cases, the touch looks so natural, so completely fluid as to give the impression that this is not the first time it's happened. I also love that the recipients of both touches (Crowley/David on the left, and Michael on the right) are so comfortable with the touch that it seems to speak volumes about their relationship.
It's interesting, too, because when Staged 3 first came out, I had a few Anons messaging me saying they thought David touching Michael's arm was scripted, and that I was reading too much into it. Which of course could be the case, but it's a curious thing to have the same kind of touch happen not once, but twice between the same two people, and for it to be as soft the second time as the first.
(This is also not even getting into the fact that Staged 3 was filmed after GO 2, and all of the implications contained in that touch after filming such an emotionally charged scene in episode 6, which I swear I am going to write about in detail in another post...)
Honestly, I think we could be here all day discussing the parallels between Aziraphale/Crowley and Michael/David, because it is endlessly fascinating to see how much of themselves seems to be in the characters this season. I have a bunch of other Asks still to come in this regard, so stay tuned...
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aihoshiino · 2 months
I'm actually so glad you talked about the timeline issue in this chapter because now I've been wondering ever since reading the chapter, what did truly happen between kamiai???
At this point since they are still together even during the murder suicide...doesn't that mean Ai already has her twins? And that Hikaru had already gone to the hospital prior with Ryosuke? Did Hikaru accept the kids then? How did he even meet a deranged the fan Ryosuke, and why? When and how did Ai reveal her pregnancy, what was his reaction...my head hurts 😭😭
Also, the cut 162 with Ai's rejection already happened...so when are we ever seeing the "I can't love you" scene anymore...
Other than that, im glad we're finally getting a father-daughter talk (that we will never know the details of, like the dvd lol)
Kinda funny when we think that...Aqua got his mother's point of view (the dvd) and Ruby is getting her father...the parallels intensifies
My only hope at this point is that we're going to see some of these scenes in proper flashback from Kamiki or maybe even Ai herself via us FINALLY FINDING OUT WHAT'S ON THOSE DVDS AKASAKA I'LL KILL YOU and they didn't want to spend time building up versions of events that were going to hold on a second. Literally was midsentence about to justify that by saying 'they didn't want to portray these events then go jk it was fake' only to remember they literally already did that with the KamiAi romance scenes turning out to be shit Yoriko made up. So I quite licherally do not even know anymore. i am Giving Up !!
on a more positive note tho..... god I am SO fascinated by the arc's continued paralleling of the twins to the 'opposite' parent, so to speak and I'm tentatively hopeful that the RBHK meeting means that this is something intentional. At the very least, I think it's undeniable that in the ways AQRB are paralleling the HKAI relationship, Aqua is the one in Ai's role, as the savior that Hikaru/Ruby is relying on. 143 makes this pretty explicit with Ruby describing Gorou as her 'oshi' and thus placing Aqua on the pedestal that Ai had been forced to occupy.
It's honestly kind of... refreshing! Because of Kamiki's so transparently telegraphed similarities to Aqua and Ruby's narrative role in the story as the one following Ai's footsteps, it's a really clever subversion of expectations to have them kind of swap around like that. It's also a cool parallel to Tokyo Blade, where Akane and Kana were each unintentionally paralleling the others' role as opposed to their own.
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nanamin-nah-nanamine · 2 months
OK SO IGNORE MY OBVIOUS OBSESSION WITH HIROMI 💅 (i genuenly want to know who I fit)
Sooo I’m an INFP, Bi, brown hair grey eyes, about 5’6. I currently study politics and Italian. I’m quite introverted around people I don’t know, but with those I know it’s quite insane (yapper queen) im kind of the mom of the group, always trying to comfort others who need it. I also tend to be super sarcastic, sometimes maybe a bit too much, to the point of people thinking im mean (resting bitch face and Eastern European genes also 😫) In general people perceive me as someone intimidating that is a softie inside. Im kind of an artsy person, more towards painting, drawing, electric guitar kind of things. I’m also very interested in all things that are considered “mysterious” or “occult”. Friends also call me Barbie bc growing up I tried probably every hobby on planet earth, so I pretty much DIY everything myself
Hello my POOKIE wooks😩🫶🏾
Not sure if this is disappointing or not but I’m matching you up with…🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Nanami Kento
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I honestly feel like Nanami would like someone on the more reserved and shy side as it’s more his speed. I would also say since you’re involved in the arts and he worked in accounting he would find your artistic inclination to be fascinating and lowkey the thing that drew you together.
He would find your multitude of hobbies to be impressive and the dedication it takes to master these crafts and he would find your DIY abilities to be useful and we know our man Nanami loves a useful and disciplined person😩
He would lowkey be thrown off by your interest in occult things but he’d take it as your not easily frightened so it would be easier to get close to you and explain what he does for work.
He’s also quite intimidating on the outside but a softie for specific people so y’all would make one badass but nurturing couple💖
Your favorite activities together include…
• parallel play(i.e doing two things at the same time but in silence😩👌🏾)
• cooking together(he will micromanage the whole time🥴)
• working in the garden
• arts & crafts!(he will scold you if you leave the living room a mess)
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quirkle2 · 6 days
love your mogami arc thoughts… do you think there’s a parallel between the irrationality of mogami’s actions and how ritsu acts in big cleanup arc? Like neither of them make sense really but it doesn’t have to because it’s an expression of deep seated stress and guilt
it took a couple of watches for me to actually Get cleanup arc, but i do think clean up arc makes sense. maybe not from a logical point of view, but given ritsu's history of trauma and perfectionism, pressure to never act out or upset his brother for obvious reasons, and desperation for control in his own life, i think ritsu's actions made sense. they were Terrible actions, and they definitely go against the logic and hindsight of an outsider's perspective, but it was all the result of that stress and guilt and secretive hatred toward an aspect of his brother that caused it, and maybe a little bit of grief for a sibling relationship he wishes was still intact
u make a rly interesting point tho, bc Yeah, on your first watch, neither of these guys make sense to you. at least they didn't for me. i understood part of ritsu's reasonings at the beginning, but it sorta delved into... quoting ritsu, "violence for the sake of violence." and honestly??? i don't know Why ritsu's arc is sm more compelling to me than mogami's, bc rly, they're very similar in that way
at least it seems that way? im,,, honestly convinced the exposition for mogami arc was just,, rushed, or incomplete for whatever reason, bc it feels So Close to making sense, but it's just missing a couple of pieces. ritsu's arc has more substance to it, i think. i believe the biggest difference here is that mogami blamed other people for his misfortune, and didn't see anything wrong w what he was doing. ritsu made no such excuses. he Knew what he was doing was wrong, and he kept doing it. and that, to me, is Fascinating
even ritsu's "violence for the sake of violence" motive makes some sort of sense to me. he said it himself: "i was just tired of being myself. maybe i wanted to find out what it would feel like to be a fool." when u break it down, it's him exploring.... other options. until 7th division arc, he's of the mindset that if he had psychic powers he'd be Better, in all aspects, that he's nothing without psychic powers. he puts his entire identity and self-worth on having the abilities of an ESPer
now that he has them, he feels limitless, he feels unstoppable. he's so tired of being himself, of being perfect, of being the well-behaved younger brother w perfect grades and perfect attitude (bc let's face it, he's definitely a gifted kid, and gifted kids tend to develop habits of perfectionism, and eventually become exhausted). so he switches tactics, to find out what it would feel like to be a fool.
i honestly think cutting mogami's messy backstory and making him "evil" for the sake of being "evil" woulda been better. im sure not everyone agrees w me on that, and i can absolutely see why, but sometimes simple is "better" (imo). an underdeveloped villain is better, to Me, than a villain that is trying too hard to have a compelling motive. mogami's character feels like it is trying too hard, and branching out in too many directions, and it ends up just feeling,, stretched thin
i like shimazaki more than mogami. hell, i like shimazaki more than Any of the villains, and we all Know it's not because he has a good backstory (or one at all). he's not even very compelling to me, i just think he's cool, and i'll forever be stoked about how they let a character use teleportation powers right for once. sometimes simple is better
i'm not a fan of any of mob psycho's other villains, but they serve their purpose, and yaknow what, mogami serves his. i think seeing him as an "unreliable narrator" instead is a rly fun way of looking at it
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moonnue · 3 months
fascinated by (what im assuming is) the latest chapter of yashahime because YEESH
(i'll put my thoughts under spoilers just in case)
on one hand im like, wow. this is. way better written than the anime. not surprised, it's been like that from the get-go, honestly. and then you have details like:
rin dreaming that she is her younger self before waking up to sesshomaru
rin still referring to herself as "rin"
sesshomaru just fucking LEAVING the second she wakes up like goodbyyyyye
towa noting how YOUNG she is and even saying THEY COULD BE SISTERS
rin getting drunk and picked up by kohaku and then IMMEDIATELY drawing parallels to when they were kids.
rin getting taken care of my setsuna with the note "the roles have completely reversed"
IT'S LIKE……………………. maybe im reading too much into it, but i DO think the "rin mom" situation is being handled better in the manga by CONSTANTLY REFERRING TO HOW FUCKED UP IT IS. like, to me it doesn't seem "haha cute" it seems "hey, isn't this thing fucked up? look how young she is. look how young she is. LOOK HOW YOUNG SHE IS. AND WHERE'S THAT TRASH "HUSBAND" OF HERS ANYWAY"
idk it seems to be handled with a bit more grace in my opinion…? i'd LIKE to see it pushed further by sesshomaru getting his fucking dues by SOMEONE but honestly that's probably not gonna happen. especially not with the manga being supervised by the yashahime anime team. (i can only assume as much.)
anyway. sesshomaru's a freak. your honor, kill this man.
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tianshiisdead · 3 months
MY TURN >:))) MANPAN...... I was curious on ur hksg thoughts. NICHU, korpan, indchu
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Nichu, korpan, indchu: already answered!!! extra nichu thought: idol x oshi real
HKsg: NEOLIBERALISM SHIPPING!!!! FKLDGHF JOKES ASIDE yes I love them Im mainly just absorbing you and our hksg friend’s words but I think they’re so fascinating (derogatory) <33 I want sg Destroyed !! Also parallel themes of colonialism and modern neoliberal rot and prized ports with no control over their fates etc etc… fun ship for both degen and tragedy </3
Manpan: (Very Problematic Shipping Ahead. Many Disclaimers. Read at Your Own Risk)
Grape. Grape im literally clutching ur shoulders thank u for asking me LKJHFDGF embarrassing to main a non country OC x canon country ship BUT THATS MY LIFE I SUPPOSE… this is the only ship that ties with Nichu in my brain, my second top OTP, it haunts me. In terms of makes sense, although there’s historical context that i base it on, it is a fairly limited time period and it’s not enough for it to make a Huge amount of sense. Like… I don’t think they actually had Relations that way yk and I honestly think their views of each other had no way of meeting in the middle anyways… Also in modern day Japan has forgotten Manchuria exists so </33 and Manchuria is also too busy vibing and harassing Inner Mongolia in modern day to think about Japan much. BUT I do find it a compelling relationship!! It’s very good for jokes and I can’t even explain why I think it’s so fun. To focus in on the painful colonial era, I think the Manchuria who chases after the back of sensei who is quite unkind yet doting is very interesting. Manchuria is a figurehead after all, an ideal, but the reality is that the situation under the surface is rotting. To be honest I think Manchuria’s feelings towards Japan are stronger than vice versa, for Japan Manchuria was just a brief fad, an idealized settler colony who vanished from view when it was no longer useful, but Manchuria was restructured by Japan who promised him his empire back and made grand claims of leading him into paradise, held him up to the standard of a holy land… Like so much is going on !!! horrible unreasonable ship that only had potential for a few decades. I could talk about it for years
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god this was dated to almost a year ago it's just been sitting in my phone notes for that long
Sasha Wire isn’t actually very good at her job in this essay i will
Mostly bc DM is canonically a mess and their priorities are fucked
Sasha’s exam in Day that wouldn't Die is less about being cool under pressure and more about obedience, seeing how far dm can push her
Burgess praises her for calm under pressure but last time i listened to it i was like ‘no she’s rattled pretty hard this whole time and not actually hiding it that well??’
and i wasn't entirely sure how deliberate that was but it has occurred to me that im gay for the piranha but not sasha so i think there's something to 'palpable distinction in self-assurance in those characterizations'
oh my god what if Burgess promoted her bc he thought she was just competent enough to survive the agents trying to kill her but enough of a rules person/enough of a moral core to not try to actually kill him for his job only for it to backfire massively because she understands the framework well enough and got enough brainrot to work on excising her moral core and qed kill him for his job
wait that'd be a fascinating parallel to Buddy hiring Nureyev but wanting him to keep and cultivate his moral core for what it could bring to her family and its goals and aims
Juno might have been obnoxious and egocentric about Dark Matters’ whole deal but he wasn’t Wrong
Like Sasha excels within the framework of their expectations but that’s not the same thing 
they’re all too fuckin paranoid to be actually competent
qualified agents killing each other for career advancement is something I sort of took as a genre bit in Day that Wouldn’t Die but it also fits in a horrifying implications way as a massive waste of time and resources and straight up just a bad way to run things
I get that the rita minute isn’t canon/was intended for amusing miscommunication tropes but sasha basically shows her hand real quick in perceiving Rita as a threat instead of reading the room and it’s fairly consistent in her behavior and also agent G’s in cyberbots
they nearly blow the Carte Blanche capture with too many rookies in the mix
they’re damgerous sure but intimidation and paranoia isn’t the same as competence 
honestly no wonder Nureyev thought being Rex Glass was hilarious 
dealt with? accounted for??? I’ve euphemisms to go around!
And Sasha’s like ‘i can fix it’ but it’s basically like queen mira ‘we gotta be more paranoid and more dangerous’ with the result that they just get more stupid and stuck about it
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EPISODE 5……..🥺
Right off the bat, i love the idea of percy’s forehead peeking out of the water, like the mysterious mermaid he is
Annabeth was the best part of the episode as always
Thought they were gonna talk more about thalia percy parallels grover just looked a lil tad distressed and that was it but whatever
Percy and his lil ‘hi’s will never stop being funny
the usual “i thought annabeth was gonna punch me but she was actually nice to me guys who would’ve thought someone would be happy to see me” narrative still shining through WITH THE HUG PLS CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW SWEET THE HUG WAS
grover’s so confused like “literally an hour ago you guys hated each other….am i missing out on some plot point”
dude was ‘looking for new tickets in the st. Louis arch as if they were going to be on the floor lying somewhere💀
Percy’s face when he addresses grover after the hug, he’s so proud someone actually hugged him 🥹his face is just like “hey grover look SHE’S HUGGING ME🥺”
Can I just say the writing for percy is perfect
like he’s so 50% there like he’s so good at communicating and asking what’s wrong and trying to understand the other person’s feelings (sally jackson’s son for you) but at the same time he has NEVER had a friend before so he ends up embarrassing himself 😂😭
”im pretty sure that’s what friends do” “….at least i think that’s what they do” pls 😭
grover’s face too help you’re already tired of being third wheel???oh honey this is THE FIRST HALF OF THE FIRST BOOK get comfortable
not their lil heads popping out and going back in. Peak comedy right there
Seriously adam did reallyyyyyy good as ares. Theres no one else i can imagine anymore as ares. The delicateness of his ‘good mood’ as if it is gonna break any second, the rage and fury but at the same time being extremely funny???
the diner looks so cosy it’s so cute
was kinda missing some percy rage in this but it comes out at the last so its fine
The real reason for grover to be so okay staying back is not the strategy of getting answers out of ares but because of how tired he was of taking care of annabeth and percy.
I feel like they should be showing luke more (later on they will, i have faith) im already forgetting about him it wont hit as hard if i dont remember him
Percy “ive not seen many movies since im broke” jackson x annabeth “ive never seen a movie since i live in a magical camp” chase
but the fact that annabeth’s never seen a movie kinda erases the fact that later on in hoo, annabeth talks about watching cheesy old romance movies with her father which kinda contributes to their dynamic but
the fact that percy would probably be the first one to take her to the movies makes me not care
honestly tho IM REALLY REALLY HOPING THAT THEIR FIRST MOVIE WONT BE THE ONE AT THE START OF BOTL I’d rage as much as annabeth when i see percy with rachel (not that im a rachel hater, im a circumstances hater)
grover is such a good therapist, like he is THE EMPATH. He tripped the god of war into talking about his life this is a grover appreciation post
annabeth zoning out with fascination at the mechanics and also i love the “percy being done with annabeth” representation
i cant see anything so nothing to say here
grover manipulating ares through his emotions>>>>>
also ares roasting athena
Percy sacrificing himself AGAIN like the depressed kid he is
annabeth immediately reassuring percy that she would save his mom the character developmentttttttt from being inconsiderate about percy losing his mom to promising that she would save the lady EVEN THOUGH SHE BARELY KNEW HER
This is giving me too many feelings guys the lady she’s promising to save is the lady who will be the best mother figure who will singlehandedly heal her mommy issues AND BECOME HER MOTHER IN LAW
“Its warm” i thought this was gonna be the last thing he says before whatever was gonna happen to him so i was like lol famous last words
but fr tho the intenseness of annabeth crying for percy to GET UP and percy’s just fading out of the world trying not to cry trying to reassure annabeth that he’s okay IN WHAT WOULD BE HIS LAST FEW WORDS, literally everything he does is for someone else even in his dying moments its just magelhi”gdsjihoawerhoudfjls
especially with the “im not…..” [okay] lol we have always known that percy, it aint a big surprise
i got to applaud leah for how she portrayed annabeth’s brain chemistry altering every minute with percy and how that influenced her speech with hephaestus
i cant believe thats leo’s dad hes giving santa claus i do like him tho
Now that i think about it the percabeth hug should have been after percy comes back to life not after the louis arch scene since they were just starting to have two minutes of chemistry there and have the “you dont have to feel bad about the hug” in the zebra truck scene
percy trying to intimidate ares lolllll walker scobell did his best to make it look real tho so good for him for not representing it as it was; a lil 12 year old child threatening a wrestler looking god of war
”Thanks for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers” will forever be in the cinema hall of fame
i feel like grover either is going to say the wrong person or he’s going to figure out it’s luke but something’s going to stop him from saying it out loud
or he’ll say it which causes some angst amongst the team who dont trust him cuz both annabeth and percy worship luke like there’s no tomorrow
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cousticks · 7 months
(im not sure if I asked this alr. please excuse my fried brain TT)
What top 5 bsd relationships do you find the most interesting/appeals to you? (can be platonic/familial/duo/etc)
no pressure btw 💗
oh gosh. top 5 most interesting??? i was rotating this in my mind at work all day and was still struggling. so here's five character interactions in no particular order
i'm always down for dynamics among the "big 4" aka the two younger soukoku generations. dazai chuuya atsushi akutagawa. both in their pairings and among each other--observing the different ways dazai interacts with atsushi vs with akutagawa will always be interesting to me as its a measure of dazai's own growth. i like the respect akutagawa and chuuya have for each other as coworkers and powerful ability users. atsushi and akutagawa......... they. them. those two. there's so much there. i think we're robbed of chuuya and atsushi interactions because there's SOOO many parallels between them that i like to chew on. and of course there's dazai and chuuya. which i have a lot of thoughts on, all the time. but... all four of them together and each respective dynamic is really interesting. the way being powerful ability users all shoved together on the front lines of every major catastrophe of the city messes with them each individually and together is fun.
this one is more recent for me but oda and dazai's friendship is really interesting to me, and the way oda's influence has followed dazai through his life (and multiple timelines). oda has grown on me as a character a lot recently, and i'm usually obsessed with dazai, so its natural for me to gravitate towards interactions between them.
i can't make a post about pairings without discussing rimlaine. rimbaud and verlaine and all their fucking problems. stormbringer is such a book. i could ramble for days about those two and it would never be enough. how rimbaud never stopped trying to understand. how verlaine didn't realize anything until it was too late. they're tragic and make me miserable. i'm obsessed with them.
the ada dynamics in general! i love seeing all of them come from all the wild pasts they do and coming together to be such a powerful group, to the point they can brush the entire mafia aside without much of a struggle. i love them all dearly. especially kunikida. but... all of them, really.
chuuya and his pseudo-siblings! like kouyou. i love their interactions a lot. i also kinda assign him the team older brother. kyoka? she was kouyou's charge. she's chuuya's little sister now. can't get around it. q? weird kid locked up in the dungeons? that's his little sibling. and verlaine goes here too because sure, they don't have an amicable sibling relationship, but they still have some kind of interaction, i believe. all the chuuya siblingships are fun to me.
there's so many more that i find interesting, honestly. like, i know i said the ada in full, but specifically ranpo and fukuzawa will always be fun to look at in their silly little family dynamic. katai hanging out in his futon shouldn't be ignored, someone (kunikida) has to check on him. whatever the hell steinbeck and lovecraft have going on? fascinating. the way dazai and fyodor go back and forth? the dead apple triumvirate?? every dynamic in bsd has its place in my heart honestly this was REALLY difficult to even think of a top 5. so this is more like a top 27 lmao
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sssammich · 1 month
💕 & 🧡!
wahoo thanks for the ask, friend!
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
uh do i ship any of those? im a rare pair shipper but like a dabbler, more like. if we're talking about supergirl i guess im committed to lena/kelly. im gonna take unpopular to mean not very popular and not like hated because idk if i have anything for that
lmao here's the ficlet i wrote for them because why not shamelessly plug
but also like pushing aside the entire military industrial complex, i think that lena and kelly would have been so restorative and healing for each other in a lot of deep and personal trauma when it comes to trust and caring and safety. i just also think that because kelly isn't part of the OG superfriends, it gives her a much more even-keeled perspective out of that friend group. it's not new to opine kindredness between them but i think more in terms of the fact that kelly is as much an outsider as lena (which i have other feelings about but we don't need to get into it) and isn't pulled into kara's orbit directly
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
i honestly don't even know what counts as theories at this point. similar to the ouat comment i made, are there even any more theories to be had when the show has been done and has been discussed at length for years at this point
so completely turning it on its head because this is my inbox and i can do what i want, i don't know if the show needed esme?? like i get it but i also don't get it. i think it was a means of tying a series plot point for alex, but i also just don't think she should've been a mom in her job with her lifestyle and stuff? obviously it's a fascinating and interesting direction to weave motherhood storyline with such a demanding job, but idk if it did more than that to make alex (and, by extension, kelly) any more complex or interesting a character. it might also have been like a couple of seasons too late because i think at this point motherhood as a storyline should have been dealt with more in relation to the character who brought the whole thing into question for alex: maggie. so yeah i mean esme is cute and is a darling but narratively, i wondered if she needed to be there and if it would have made a big enough splash in the story if you took her out and replaced her with someone else. maybe even another kid, but maybe someone ruby's age or someone kara's age when she first showed up on earth. would have been an interesting parallel overall especially because then i think it would have connected kara to the child more as well??? gosh idk but those are my thoughts
ask meme
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
yoo thanks for writing up your thoughts on the DEO! i know that j'onn just took on hank henshaw's appearance but i also wonder after reading your analysis about what it could mean for a black man to spearhead the DEO and then to be hot potatoed around along with women leaders, specifically. it's interesting concept that i don't think the show had much of a nuanced take to really consider re: intersectionality. i think the whole thing also raises a big issue of judge/jury/executioner for who are, essentially, refugees. automatic criminal indictment by the superfriends/deo is very fascinating and i think that murky gray waters could have been played well in stronger and more intentional hands. in any case, im all over the place, but enjoyed your essay!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Honestly, that's a really interesting point. I know that Supergirl touched a little on race when James tells Lena about how hard things are for him as a black man. This in turn really gets Lena thinking about the types of oppression people face, but beyond that conversation, the show doesn't dig into the ramifications too much more. I would love to see more people tackle the intersectionality here. In a way, I do think, likely unintentionally on the part of CW, the DEO has major parallels with how Black people, Indigenous people, and immigrants of color are treated by police and government agencies within America society today. Fazedlight mentioned this in the reply to my essay on how the analysis also covers how secret/black-op agencies in real world fall under the same pitfalls and problems. Often police act as exactly that -- judge/jury/executioner -- during encounters with these communities. The encounter are often benign but the police escalate the situation often to deadly levels. For example, the case of Tamir Rice who was a 12 year old boy playing with a toy gun and police escalated by shooting him dead. Or in the case of Philando Castile, who was pulled over for a bogus traffic stop. He had a permit to carry a gun, and per the rules for such a permit, he disclosed that he had the gun and the permit. As he reaches to get the documents, the police shoot him dead in front of his wife and kids. In fact, lawyers will tell people to never talk to police, because police will use even harmless statements against us. That we should not trust police. That lawyers must be present to navigate anything with police for our own safety. How there are studies that show police interrogations involve problematic "behavior cues," trickery, deception, and leading questions to trap people into confessions (false or not). Our society has normalized the killing of Black people and other people of color due to continuous rampant dehumanization. Our society still perpetuates harmful and untrue myths about people of color to justify the harms done to those communities. People of color are taught to stay calm to deescalate police (who we are told are there to "deescalate" when they often only escalate the situation instead). These communities have very little resources, are consistently defunded of money to build up services and repair their community, how cities will outright allow them to be poisoned rather than aid them (in the case of the lead poisoning in Flint, Michigan.) Finding solutions for these problems is not easy. It will require transitional periods, tearing down the harmful systems, and building up something better, more liberatory, more equitable and equal. (It's why I do a lot of reading within the Black and Indigenous Liberation movements as they have excellent research into this and also possible solutions and ways to build toward that future.) So when I think about how Supergirl portrayed the DEO, I can't unsee these parallels. Although the Superfriends often don't brutally murder alien suspects -- it's not a given that other DEO agents don't do this even if Supergirl and her friends may not -- some of their other so-called "nonviolent" tactics eerily mirror abusive policing practices.
Supergirl has a vow to not kill, but her ways to capture the aliens is often brutal, and the show positions this as unavoidable (is it tho? this is never interrogated). The show doesn't cover what medical attention these aliens are given after capture. I would hope they'd get some medical aid, but we're never truly shown it.
Superfriends automatic indictment of aliens is indeed judge/jury/executioner approach to dealing with conflict and does little to alleviate the conditions that might produce "criminal" behaviors. Plus, imprisoning people with no hope of a trial, lawyer, or parole or bond mirrors what American Police do. (As an example, the Rikers jail in New York City, as here people, who aren't even charged with a crime yet, are trapped there with no bonds, no trials, and some have died.) Alex and even Kara sometimes use psychological techniques similar to the American police -- trickery, deception, leading questions, behavioral cues induced by their questioning, and other psychological methods. Whether the information gained this way is actually truthful or not -- in real life it often isn't -- the show doesn't interrogate but instead acts like it's always correct. I think about how very little is done by the Superfriends (outside a brief arc with Kelly in Season 6 and a few moments in Season 4) to alleviate the poor conditions the alien immigrant communities face. Instead, they imprison aliens without regard for their families or why they may have resorted to burglary or other "criminal" activities. The parallels here are probably unintentional by CW and CBS, but it's very hard to unsee it.
I'd love to see more stories truly tackle this. To examine how we can tear down a harmful, abusive system, and build up something more equitable and equal and humane.
The closest I've seen any story come is actually one I recently found: One is by pcrtifacts, where Kara never becomes Supergirl and Superman doesn't exist yet and the DEO is still run by the original Hank Henshaw. The story doesn't shy away from how brutal, inhumane, and horrific the treatment of aliens in human society and by the DEO often is. It also has the main characters fighting to stop and tear down such a system. To try to find a better way.
There's a parallel there with how immigrant and Black communities are treated, and it's one of the few stories I've seen in the Supergirl fandom that tackles this in a more intersectional way that is fairly respectful of its subject matter.
For myself, I try to be respectful of the subject matter and my approach of these topics in my Unraveling Realities fic, but I feel like I could approach it more directly and a lot better given time and thought.
I feel there's a lot of value in these types of stories. And we can still weave in our favorite romances while still being respectful of these themes. I think our fandom will be richer for it.
And it gives us a chance to redeem the Superfriends, to push them to be better than how CW portrayed them, and to finally start to see what liberation and a more equitable and equal society with aliens and humans could look like.
Anyway, your ask got me thinking. So thank you again! I appreciate it.
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milkstoner · 1 year
Since like, this summer, I’ve had this vague concept of a mallesil modern au, and it never really inspired me. I realized last night, while my mind was plagued by insomnia, that it didn’t give anything because i didn’t really flesh out silver as much as malleus. So here’s the concept.
Malleus —> like, 24 yrs old, just starting a masters in architecture. He’s the guitar in pop music club’s band. Also plays just about any instrument. Tattoo artist on the side. Rich boy, dead parents, grandma lives in a huge mansion, idk what his family does and why theyre so wealthy honestly like. Granny is strict and she disapproves of mal being in a band and living on his own, but he dgaf. He knows hes going to have to inherit whatever role granny occupies and tbh he’s comfortable knowing hes going to have like, some sort of authority. But for now he enjoys being sort of rebellious.
Silver —> like 18 (we need to do our best to parallel the human slash fae age gap, sorry). In the process of making a career out of being a ballet dancer!!! (Also does fencing and rides horses). Also a rich boy! Im paralleling the theory that silver is a stolen prince by giving him rich parents. Overprotected, strict parents. Idk what his parents do, but they work in the same domain as mals grandmother. (Perhaps theyre politicians…? That could add a layer of mystery around mals parents oh ooh… assassination? Im not fully decided yet but imagine.)
Pop music club (a band in this au);
Cater —> lead vocals. Not wealthy, really. Middle class. The band is his main income and he works as a ride operator in the summers. 22 years old. Dreams of fame and wealth. Art history student, met mal in a class they had in common.
Kalim —> drums. Rich boy. Mal’s childhood friend. Might be the son of politicians similarly to my idea for mal’s and silver’s families, and that’s how they know each other. The band is his hobby. He calls the shots. Spends his share of the money he earns spoiling his friends. Sweet angel. 21 years old.
Lilia —> bass (whore). Mal’s uni friend. He has spent so many years in university. He’s 28, like dude please graduate soon. Very mysterious. We dont know anything about his upbringing. Just a little freaky dude. Nomad. Malleus has no idea where that man lives. He crashes his apartment sometimes. Goes on road trips unprovoked. When he doesn’t show up to practice, the other three wonder if he really was just a collective hallucination. Then he shows up the next week like, oh hey guys i was (insert crazy adventure). The boys are used to it by now.
And of course, sebek —> 17. Silver’s childhood friend. Son of a dentist so hes relatively rich, not as much as silver/malleus/kalim, but still upper class. They’ve been rivals (according to sebek) since they were very small. They met during their first ballet class. He’s a fan of pmc+malleus’ band, and is especially a huge mal fanboy.
Mallesil have met a few times before. Think like, formal parties and such. They’re the 1%. It’s rare granny draconia and her grandson are invited, but when they do attend a party, everything gets real quiet. So mallesil have… noticed each other as children, think like, silver was 6 when he first acknowledged malleus’ (12) existence. Obviously the age gap is kind of significant at that stage so its not a problem that their guardians forbid them from interacting. (Though there was one time, when silver was 8 and malleus was 14, where silver got lost somehow, and malle was the only one he recognized in this huge mass of adults. He’s actually very straightforward, like « im lost », and mal guides him back to his parents without a word lol)
It gets a bit more problematic as silver grows up. Stolen glances, damn hes hot… silver is 17. He’d always been sort of fascinated by malle’s stature, his long, black hair, and his pale skin. Its like hes wrapped in mystery. Obviously, since silver is older now, he can finally recognize hes feeling attraction. Malleus… he cant help still seeing a child in silver since. Yk. Their very rare and brief interactions took place when silver was a literal child. But hey he can admit silver is cute… he sees him drinking like, non alcoholic cider in a corner and he comes up to him kinda nervous like… hey… u come here often. Its another brief interaction, but they find a secluded spot and malleus offers him a sip of his wine (im obsessed with the concept of mal making silver drink SORRY), silver is a bit shy and flustered… (hes a sensitive little gay boy). They have one thing in common, and its that they think these 1% parties are boring. There’s something scandalous about them interacting when their families strictly forbids them to like, even look at each other. (If were going the route that theyre politicians, granny has probably put into mal’s head that his parents were assassinated by silver’s family. He… believes her, but he cant blame silver for it, can he?)
They dont see each other again until like. A year later, when sebek drags silver to pmc+malleus’ show. Its late and silver shouldn’t even be there—he snuck out. He had no idea what he was going to see until he saw fucking MALLEUS on the stage. He’s in awe… the dexterity of his fingers, his large arms, the bright lights making him fucking shine, like wowww if he didn’t have a crush before, this is definitely what sells malleus. Now, imagine mal’s shock seeing silver in the fucking crowd—they make EYE CONTACT honey. His fingers fumble; his bandmates look back at him like ? For a single second before acting like absolutely nothing happened.
After the show, malleus calls to silver and they talk a bit in the alley leading to backstage of the venue (idk how any of this works)… like… what are you doing here i didn’t know u were into rock?… oh yeah I’ve seen sebek a few times hes kind of annoying. Need a ride home?
Next thing u know, romantic little motorcycle scene oooohhhhhh. Finally they exchange numbers… malleus has no social media presence lol the only way to contact him is to call or text him. As they are both children of important people, they cant exactly meet in public, but mal knows a bunch of secluded spots and he takes silver to quiet places on his motorcycle yasssss. They talk about anything, its secret, its scandalous, its exciting. Silver’s rebellious era.
One day silver takes mal to like, the dancing studio, & he practices in front of him, aww… mal plays the piano, idk some melody he had in his mind, & silver goes off track and lets his song guide his body, its all very sweet and cute… Harold theyre gay
Their relationship evolves real quick… it’s silvers first crush. It’s cute and exciting . His desires give him butterflies in his stomach. Malleus is filled with dread however lol, he’s super dramatic and he WILL write countless songs for silver AND SING THEM to him, while playing the guitar or the piano… he can’t breathe w/o silver ok
The sex… ofc mal is older and he’s the top so he takes care of silver. He’s gentle at first but after a while he can’t help roughing him up bc he just loves him that much. Cute aggression. Silver is a total slut for malleus… he’s a secret pervert, so he’s in touch w his desires. He knows what parts of mal’s body he wants, what parts of himself he wants pleasured… malleus got his perversions from old, female-written erotica 😭 (stolen from granny draconia). Silver had the talk but he unfortunately slept through his sex ed class in high school. He doesn’t dare watch porn in case his parents find out. So his desires are very… basic, i would say, no dirty kinks, but still, it’s this very strong, pure feeling of wanting flesh and skin to meet, intertwined w love, so it’s very sweet and intimate and erotic. Mal’s desires are similar but he plays around with like, mild dirty talk (it’s just praise and dramatic love confessions while he’s balls deep inside silver😭), mild teasing (going slow when silver is justtttt on the edge), etc… they worship each others bodies oh my goodness
Their dates are mostly @ mal’s apartment. Takeout, Netflix, they talk for hours, one thing leads to another and WHEWW they spend the night together even tho silver was supposed to be home at 10. Obviously this raises a lot of questions. On the draconia side, granny is very happy to meet silver. She thinks he’s such a respectable, cute, sweet boy. She welcomes him💜
Silvers parents on the other hand… he knows they’ve said terrible TERRIBLE things about the draconias so obviously he doesn’t want to put mal through that. There’s also the fear of being disowned… silvers parents ask him if, yk, he’s in love, bc he’s changed and he doesn’t come home on time… eventually they find out of his relationship and it doesn’t go well :( they threaten to disown him if he doesn’t block mal… obv he’s very afraid, so he does… mal is heartbroken :,( he actually drives all the way to silver’s family’s mansion and he… throws rocks at his window CTFUUUU silver starts crying on the spot when he sees mal from his window… he sneaks out in his pajamas and mal puts his jacket on silvers shoulders and they go to one of mals spots.
So silver explains he could be disowned… malleus had a feeling :( silver is young… he’s torn between his family and the security that comes with it, or his exciting lover… they have sex outside in that secret spot teehee💜 most intense session ever, the thrill of being outside, risking being seen… it’s hot
Silver still sees mal in secret at night. Yea ok they can’t contact each other, but mal still meets him every night. Until they’re found out one night lol and that’s the last straw, silver gets kicked out. Honestly, he’s lucky mal has money, so he moves into mals apartment, and yes it’s rly traumatic, it takes time to get used to, but their passion is stronger than anything (amor vincit omnia)… silver does get a bit depressed but he still attends ballet classes. He gets a little part time job as a barista and malleus visits him sometimes… he steals a kiss over the counter hehehe. Silver goes to mal’s shows & helps the band however he can… very sweet, sweet boy
I think it takes a whole year for silver and his parents to talk again. Like, ok you can’t just throw away your only son like that, be for real. They’ve been super overprotective for years, so of course they’ll worry about silver a year later, only to find out he’s doing okay, all things considered, and he’s been paying for his ballet/fencing classes on his own, and malleus helps out bc he cares about silver. It’s not enough for them to accept him, that takes a lot more time, because they truly feel like silver betrayed them.
Silver is very sad, but malleus comforts him and gives him so much love. His love language is… all of them. Words, physical touch, gifts, everything. He spoils silver lol. There’s this urge inside him that makes him want to protect silver since he’s younger. And silver doesn’t mind bc he is a Disney princess and disney princesses are spoiled + they’re the main characters even tho they don’t realize.
Am i insane.
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