#hopefully i’ll be back to regular art posting soon
tekkenenjoyerblue · 15 days
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Tomorrow is a very special day and I’ve got something cooked up for the occasion
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evangelina830 · 3 months
I’m so incredibly sorry for not being active!!! :,)) I’m just in a difficult state with my family rn and I think that instagram is easiest for me to get commissions. (I still haven’t gotten many and I’m quite upset🥲 bunch of it went to gas money) SOOOO
Will I still post art when I’m not in this situation so bad anymore? I hope so ! Unfortunately I’ve been so unmotivated cause of my favorite artists aren’t able to make/post more drawings (as well as financial issues)😔 I still try but it’s so difficult - I hope it’ll come back to me eventually .🤞🏼(this halfly goes to my motivation to draw in general💔)
What about Regular Show? Of course ! I’ll always love regular show as my favorite cartoon - and hopefully not soon will I leave the fandom, but whenever I do, i might always catch myself drawing and posting about it once in a while. It’s so dear to me since I was really little ! And I know most people here followed me for it, plus Carol! Nonetheless, I will always try to get around to reg show content! (Also if I move fandoms I will put it all on the same acc/blog, guaranteed to be mixed content from the start xd)
I really miss you guys and hope to post more soon aa!!🩵✨
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silversnaffles · 1 year
*sigh* guess I have to stop shit posting on here and start posting about horses again now y’all are crawling back (I’m kidding lmao I’m happy people are coming back to tumblr)
I do actually want to post about my life with the horses again im just burnt out by social media, y’know? And it sucks lol I’ll get back on it. I just need to treat tumblr how I used to, and get back into the swing of it.
I currently only really lurk on here to satiate whatever brainrot I have going on as tumblr always has the best fanfiction and art, but it’s time to get back to business baby
For a quick summary: I still have Amera, Tara, Jim, and Sage - Sage is currently on loan on the same yard as the other ponies, I’m unsure whether he’ll be staying under that persons care or not. It depends on them, but tbh I kinda miss having him all to myself lmao brat Hannah coming in strong. In all honesty, I’m not actually sure how dedicated they are to him anymore, which is fine. They also said something drunk to my mum the other week which did upset me though - saying that he’s quirky and “not even Hannah wants him” which really upset me. I only let them have him on loan as I was worried he needed more attention than what I could give him at the time and they seemed to love him as much as I do. Sage is my darling (and he’s not actually quirky but that’s an issue for another time). But hey maybe it’ll work out, I do care about his loaners a lot. They are good friends, I just worry about my horses. But hey, who doesn’t?
I’ll do a proper post on this update soon, but unfortunately I lost Kosha last month. I couldn’t bring myself to post about losing him properly - I just did sort of announcements on ig stories and on my Twitter. It was rough. Unsure of whether it was an benign tumour from his Cushings or potentially acorn poisoning (huge rise in that locally) but he was put to sleep last month. 20 years together 💔
I now live in Norway! Once my residency is officially approved (meeting in Jan - kept getting postponed thanks to covid and I got stuck in the uk for almost 2 years, and I currently pay 50% tax until I get my national ID and don’t have to use a Dnumber anymore yikes), I’ll be putting money to the side to move ponies over here! The plan is to get Jim here first, then Tara. I’m currently only able to have 3 over here, so if Sage stays on loan I’ll bring Amera over, but if I take Sage back then he’ll move over here. Amera will then stay with my mum, and I can cuddle her whenever I go home. Whilst I’d love to have all four here, Im not sure I’ll be able to afford it. Three will be a push. I’ll see how I go financially I’ll talk it through with my boss if I think I can afford it. Otherwise I’d prioritise Sage over Amera purely because my mum gets along with Amera better and honestly I don’t think Amera cares that much about being ridden y’know? I mean no horse really does but she has a genuine lack of interest in it and loves living in a big herd and just getting the regular cuddles and weekly grooming sessions. So we’ll see what happens there. They’ll still get herd turnout here in Norway, it just won’t be grazing all year bc of snow etc, they have like gravel paddocks with smaller herds (they’re currently in a herd of around 16?? Idk I haven’t counted in a while whereas here the biggest herd is a herd of 6) and then grazing for the spring, summer, and autumn.
Anyway that’s all I can think of for now! Hopefully I can get my ass into gear, tidy up ol’ silversnaffles and start posting properly again!!!
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loonasketches · 10 months
Sorry I haven’t posted here in awhile, I say that a lot, I know-
Just work mixed with comms has really put me in a burn out, I genuinely enjoy doing comms for people don’t get me wrong, but this particular set has been taking me awhile due to irl work and just general art block these past few weeks.
I’m hoping I can get back on a regular posting schedule once I get all these done, I’ll try to post a doodle here and there if I have the time.
Thank you guys again for just sticking around, I know I’ve asked for a lot of help these past few months and I don’t want to burden anybody.
Especially since it’s been, like, all I’ve posted lately. Other than a few doodles-
So I apologize if that’s been annoying to see on anybody’s feeds, hopefully I’ll be able to get to show more drawings and maybe stuff that isn’t just Sun and Moon for once.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I love the DCA fandom and FNAF Security Breach so much still! But I’d like to draw other things too! Like TOH or, as of recent, spiderverse! And maybe just some original stuff too? I don’t have too many ideas for my own story or universe or anything but I have ocs I’d like to share sometime and maybe develop more!
Anyway, sorry for the rambling, just know I do plan to post more frequently again soon! Thank you guys for your patience and support, it really means so much to me and I can’t say that enough <3
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sinigangsta-ao3 · 10 months
Happy Monday 💕
Here’s what’s on my mind lately…
On the personal front:
I’ve been sitting a lot with internally differentiating between spending intentional time to hone my craft and separating my concept of self-value from productivity. I know that those two things are separate and should be, but I’ve been candidly ✨going through it✨ lately, so I’m slowly but surely easing back into writing — hopefully with a stronger internal separation between what I create and how my art equates to who I am/what I’m worth.
I recently learned about the cocoon stage of healing from Nicole DePera, aka the Holistic Psychologist. And even without knowing the terminology, I realized that I was doing exactly this! It’s very much a stage of returning to oneself and prioritizing one’s emotional health — and that’s definitely what I’ve been doing over the past few weeks. Lots of reading. Lots of napping. Lots of quality time with my kids and my family and my friends. Lots of reevaluating what’s important to me, what I want to hold onto, what I want to let go of.
On fic writing:
My husband has been sharing some snippets/learnings from Rick Rubin’s “The Creative Act: A Way of Being.” I’ll be reading the whole thing soon (probably after I finish reading this novel I’m devouring), but the concept of The Artist as the Experimenter vs The Artist as the Finisher (screenshots below) is really sticking with me. It’s very obvious that I fall into the Experimenter camp: I am never not without ideas. But I am prepared to step back into the intentional space of writing as a craft, and I’m committing to finishing some things soon.
On that note: I’ve had a breakthrough with my post-canon arumika fic so that is going to be finished and posted this week!
Also on that note: Just did a csm rewatch and the akimeno brainrot is REAL. It helps/doesn’t help that my husband is also firmly on the “Aki & Himeno were work colleagues who totally fucked on the regular” side — I sense a fic or two percolating… (See? Ideas galore.)
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Finally, I’m going to Anime Expo with my sister this weekend! It’s my first trip in a while without my husband and kids, so I’m very excited to just spend some time with my sister and myself. And also to tap into my inner child for a weekend full of play…
Wishing everyone a lovely week 😘
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recurrentart · 24 days
Oh Hi, I haven't said anything in a minute
Hey there everyone! I realize I have been pretty quiet in journal updates lately I hope to fix that, and who knows, maybe start doing more regular updates here too. I do most of my updates on my Telegram Art Channel here - https://linktr.ee/RecurrentArt I have been catching up on a lot of my commissions lately, and while I did just pick up some more at LVFC, I am hoping to reopen for commissions in about a 2 to 3 months. My prices will be changing with my next opening though as a heads up. I have had my new prices pretty much set for months but I always feel weird posting a new commission sheet while commissions are closed, so expect that to be coming soon! I have a lot of Badges and Standees currently in my queue, but a couple fun TF pieces as well. I really want to draw some more fun TF stuff soon. I am planning another big Group TF Piece once I am able to finish a couple more pieces as well! Speaking of finishing pieces, I recently completed a very large animated TF, while I do still have one more smaller animation on my queue, I hope to be able to hold and auction for my Animated TF Icon (on Furaffinity) once that smaller TF Animation is complete. If you are looking to get an Animation from me, keep and eye out for that soon!  So what's happening in my life outside of art? Well I've been in and out of the doctor's office a lot lately. I figured out one set of issues, and then developed another. I'm pretty tired from that to be honest. But hopefully once they figure out why I have been breaking out in hives daily for the past 2 months, I can get some medication for it to stop (or maybe it just a very slow TF and fur will start sprouting soon, I can hope lol). I do a lot of fostering work as well and recently captured a pregnant feral cat that is a part of my local feral colony and I am now helping her raise 7 healthy kittens before I can get her spayed and released. I hope to TNR more of the colony soon but right now most of my spare funds are going towards momma cat and her kittens. As you may know I also work full time in addition to art and that has been pretty stressful for the past few months, which is why I haven't been streaming recently. I have been working with my boss to make it less stressful and hopefully that will mean I can start streaming again soon, but we shall see. I'll have to move my streaming set up back out to the living room again lol. I do recognize I haven't been as social recently while dealing with all of this, and for that I apologize. Please do feel free to reach out and say hi if you'd like, I may just be a little slow to reply while going through everything. TLDR? Commissions opening in a 2-3 months. Commission prices changing. New Group TF piece soon! Animation Auction soon!
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lightluxcollie · 1 year
Regarding The Future Of Walk With Me And More! (Please read!)
I’ve been trying to ensure that this post is as easy to follow and understand as possible. Hopefully it’s not too long. I realize that not everyone will see it and I’ll probably get some comments asking what’s happened to Walk With Me. So I am going to try to explain what’s going on here. In addition I have some other things to say. So please read the whole thing. To get to the point. I’m going to be making some changes coming up. Changes that are looooong overdo. Please understand that running three comics, commissions, art, animations and more is very challenging and time consuming. Especially when I have constant real world distractions that pull me away from my work. Just to be clear. I am NOT stopping any of my comics. I am however changing how I do one of them. Denatured and Comic-Comic will continue on their regular update schedule as usual. Denatured post every other Monday, alternating weeks with Comic-Comic which is every other Wednesday. This is just as they’ve always been. Now as far as Walk With Me goes, I have one final page to complete for Chapter three, which will post to my Patreon in a little over a week, then to the public a month later as always. Once I am completed with Chapter 3, Walk With Me will no longer be on a regular update schedule of every two weeks. From now on I will be working on WWM in my spare time and will continue posting the completed pages as they are finished to my Patreon and Subscribestar. Once the next chapter is fully completed, I will then post all of it to the public in rapid succession. So again, just to be clear, you will still get to see it. It’s just that it will take some time before the next chapter is completed. If you want to see each page as they are completed, you can subscribe to my Patreon or Subsribestar and get early access as has always been the case with WWM. Why am I doing this? First: There are multiple reasons. To start. I’m tired. You may have noticed some comics have been posting later than usual. This is because I recently made the decision to never again stay up past midnight into the early hours of the morning, just because there’s a comic do the next day. It wrecked my health and I was doing it for pretty much no reason since very few people even cared. A mistake I will not be making again. My health is too important. Second: the quality of my comics has suffered greatly. I’ve reached a point where almost every time I have a comic do, I have to rush through the entire thing. It’s resulted in really crappy drawings that has not helped my comics to grow in the long run. Doing this will allow me to focus on one comic per week and I will be able to work on WWM at a slower pace where I will no longer have to rush to meet a deadline. This will improve the quality of all three of my comics. Third: By taking Walk With Me off a consistent schedule, I will now have much more time to animate. I’ve been wanting to do regular animation for a good while, but have never found a consistent enough schedule. So you can look forward to all of characters being brought to life more often now that I can. In addition, this will also help me to dedicate more time to Patreon and Subscribestar centered content. You may have seen my post that I did announcing the Faye’s Diary tier benefit. If you haven’t you can check that out in the link below. This is just one of the things I’ll be able to do now that I have more time. I’m planning on doing more content for Patrons in the near future. https://www.patreon.com/posts/intro.....tent=join_link Fourth: Finally, this will help me to be able to work on Commissions in a more timely manor. I have people who have been very patiently waiting for me to finish their drawings or to open back up. Unfortunately, I have had zero time to work on them do to unnecessary comic deadlines. Thank you all for you patience. I promise to get these completed and to you soon. A Favor: I’m not going to lie. I’ve been discouraged as of late. I put in so much work and effort only to get little to nothing in return. That’s not to say that I do what I do for monetary gain or popularity. Even if I could, that’s obviously not true. But please understand it’s become incredibly difficult to do what I do when I don’t even see any growth. Now I’m about to ask you to do something that I have never in a million years asked anyone for. Mainly because I never wanted to become one of “those” kinds of people that routinely complain or beg for things online. There’s a lot that happens in my life that you don’t know about because I’m not the kind of person to share it with you. Mostly because I don’t want to annoy any of my viewers with details that they probably don’t care about. I’ve become increasingly frustrated with the fact that no matter how hard I try, no matter how much work, effort, blood, sweat and tears, I put into this. I grow at a painfully slow rate, or I don’t seem to grow at all. It’s like every algorithm in existence is against me. I’m not saying I’m the best artist in the world. I’m not. It’s probably just because I suck at everything, but when people who draw literal stick figures, shit post, and crappy hard core pornography acquire mass followings of thousands of viewers, you can image, this is very disheartening and demotivating. I know my art sucks, but I’m asking you my friends and loyal viewers. Help me to grow. Share my stuff. It might look like I have a large following to some of you, but I don’t. I haven’t really grown anywhere aside from DA and a little bit on FA. Everywhere else is near impossible to develop a following. If you could help me out on these sites and social media that would be great. I’m not asking you to donate money or anything like that. (Although becoming a patron would be nice.) I’m just asking you to help me to get my stuff and existence out there. You can find all my social media links Aside from FA and Weasel on my website. https://www.sabercolliestudios.com Again, I wouldn’t be saying this if I didn’t feel I needed to. I could really use your help. I understand this is a problem most people face in the online world. Even so, I would appreciate your help. Light Lux Collie
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sticks-n-writing · 3 years
Hiiiiiii i’ve been thinking about this for a while but i have no writing skills i don’t know when you will see this but if you dan will please write the christian connor murphy x reader as soon as possible and can it be a fem reader but if you don’t want to do fem can you do gender neutral thank you so much i really hope you get this
»christian c. murphy | hcs.
warnings: none
req? yes // no
notes: HELLO HI HI IM SO SORRY THAT IM JUST NOW SEEING THIS!!!! I haven’t wrote for Connor Murphy in such a long time, but I do have an old draft of headcanons that I meant to post for part two!! I finished it last night at like 12am so it’s probably not my best work, but this ask rekindled my love for mr hot topic. I have some other drafts that I’ll hopefully post in the future tho!!!!! :))) xx Ro. 🕊
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- so you kinda knew who Connor was
- you sat near him in art class and he seemed harmless enough
- yeah, you'd heard rumors, but you didn't usually listen to them
- doesn't mean you weren't wary of him
- anyway you usually went to the 9:30 mass
- because you were in the choir
- (if you don't sing, you can be the pianoman or you could do one of the readings idk)
- (whatever floats your boat, my friend B).)
- but the head of the parish activities (go with it) wanted you to do a solo at the 8:00 mass
- and you agreed
- so anyway you show up
- and it's going great so far
- and it's time for your solo !! (or reading)
- if you sing/read, you go on the alter
- and you do your bit
- and that's when you noticed Connor Murphy near the back of the hall
- Connor ??? Murphy ???
- what in whoville is he doing here
- and afterwards you go up to him and ask where his family is
- it's clear he doesn't want to be there with you
- but man if you didn't get to the bottom of why he was there
- he tells you that his parents were out in the car and he had to leave
- and he does
- however, you didn't recall seeing his parents in the building
- so you immediately know he's lying
- you see him in school throughout the week but don't really mention it, or even talk to him for that matter
- and you're figuring that it was mainly a one time thing
- but you go to your regular mass the next weekend
- and you'll never guess who was there !!!
- it was Connor
- (spoilers: he was trying to avoid you, and he thought he was being slick by going to the next mass)
- (double spoilers: he wasn't being slick)
- he actually thought you were attractive (because you are), but thought that you thought he was creepy and weird n shit
- which you don't
- so anyway at the end of mass, you come up to him and try to start a conversation (again)
- you called him out on his lie about his parents being out in the car waiting for him
- and he was like "o shit she’s just becoming more attractive"
- by the time you're done chewing him out you're like "anyway want to smoke a blunt out back? I know a place lol"
- and he's like "oh just because I present myself as dark and brooding means I smoke weed?"
- "well don't you?"
- "... yes"
- you end up taking him to your smoke spot (if u don't smoke, then you just took him out back to talk about stuff idk I just wanted to write that interaction)
- and that was the start of a beautiful friendship
- or relationship (;
- idk how to end this so if you want a pt 3 let me know.
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Letters To A Stranger
Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary: The story of a girl who loved a boy, but couldn't talk, so she wrote.
Warnings: fluff for a bit, but then massive angst, and i mean massive, STOP READING HERE IF YOU DON'T WANT ANY SPOILERS BUT I WOULDN'T FEEL OKAY WITHOUT LISTING ALL THE ANGST FACTORS 
(mentions of ED, mentions of self-harm, implied character death, mentions of social anxiety)
Word Count: 1.3k words
Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes
A/N: did you miss me?
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February 21st, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
Are you new? Or was I simply too oblivious to your presence until now? I've never seen you before, you're really pretty.
 I don't think I've ever used the word "pretty" to describe a man before. Well, boy, but my point stands.
But you really are. With your caramel eyes, and artistically tousled hair. You're cute. Kind of like a puppy. Not that I'm attracted to dogs, of course, but there's really no better way to describe you. Your face lights up when you talk on the phone, like an excited golden retriever who'd just been told he was going for a walk. I wonder who you're talking to. Is it your partner? Please, say you're single.
You get off after me apparently, so I guess I'll just keep my pining to my letters and hope to see you again tomorrow.
Kinda wishing I was yours,
Your secret admirer.
February 22nd, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You're back! Is this a simple coincidence or are you a regular? 
From the backpack on your shoulder, I'd say maybe you're a student. I don't go to school. You make me wish I did if only to see your face every day for more than the short ten minutes of our joint ride.
I wonder how old you are. You look old enough to be in high school, but which year are you? I know I'm only nineteen, but I'd feel a little bummed about crushing on a fourteen-year-old.
You're smiling again today. I'm glad. I don't see a lot of smiles at the diner. Mostly glares, impatient huffs, and tired, distant expressions. It's a nice change.
I have to go now but thank you for making my day.
Hoping to see you again tomorrow, 
Your secret admirer.
February 23rd, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I'm starting to think that smile is permanent. It's the third day in a row that I've gotten on the train and was immediately greeted with your beaming smile as you watched some video on your phone. It made me smile too.
Your sweatshirt's pretty. It says "Midtown Tech" on it. Is that a school? Is it your school? 
I may have to do some digging later.
Please don't think I'm a stalker.
Your totally not-stalker secret admirer.
March 1st, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I was late this morning so I didn't get to see you. My boss was not happy about it, I felt like I was walking on very thin ice.
And then this guy grabbed my ass while I was taking his order. I acted on instinct, tried to remember everything they taught me at my self-defense class. I ended up accidentally punching him in the face. 
So yeah, I lost my job today. Which is why I'm here so early. I might stay on the subway just to see which stop you get off on. 
Yeah, maybe not, that'd be weird and I should start job hunting as soon as possible.
Thank you for making me smile on a bad day.
Thank you for being you,
Your secret admirer.
March 17th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I got a new job! I'm working at this coffee shop/bookstore and it's honestly the greatest thing in the world. I get to be around books AND get free hot chocolate, how much better can life be?
You looked a little down today, I wonder if you're okay? Is everything well at home? Maybe school's the problem? Maybe you got a bad grade, but you look really smart so I don't know.
I hope you're feeling better tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
March 19th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I wish I knew your name, that way I'd know who to address this to. But I guess Cute Boy On The Subway will have to do. 
You were smiling again today, that's nice. I haven't seen you smile in a while, I was starting to get worried. The sweater you were wearing looked a little too big to be yours, the collar slipped down a little when you moved. It looks like there's a massive bruise on your upper chest. Does it hurt? Are you okay?
I wish I was brave enough to ask you in person.
Get better soon, 
Your secret admirer.
March 25th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You're back to not smiling today. I don't like to see you frown. Not at all. I want you to tell me what's wrong. I want to help you get better, see you smile again.
I want to talk to you.
I'll do it tomorrow, 
Your secret admirer.
March 26th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
You were sad again today. But that's okay, cause I said I'd talk to you. 
Except I didn't.
My stomach started doing uncomfortable flips and I had to get off the train earlier than usual so I could throw up. It was not fun. 
Maybe I just have the flu?
Hopefully, I'll be better tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
March 30th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I've tried talking to you for three days, every time I had to get off and empty my stomach's content. I started to see a pattern so after a half week of that vicious cycle, I went to see my doctor.
Turns out I have social anxiety tendencies and you simply trigger them a bit. So, basically, my body won't let me talk to you.
I'm a little sad but also kind of relieved. At least I know I'm not voluntarily letting you slip through my fingers.
Not that I ever plan on doing that, you've become too important.
I hope you smile tomorrow,
Your secret admirer.
April 7th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I'm worried about you. Your sleeve rose a little when you held onto the pole. There are scars there, familiar ones, ones that I recognize as scars left by one's own hand. Physical marks of a person's suffering.
Why are you doing that? It hurts to know that you feel down enough to resort to that. I want to help, but I can't bring myself to talk to you.
Please stop this,
Your secret admirer.
April 12th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
Your eyes were red today. You've been crying. There are dark circles under your eyes, how long has it been since you've last slept?
A lady asked you if you were alright. You said you were just a little tired. I've never heard a more obvious lie.
I wish I could talk to you,
Your secret admirer.
April 16th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
The dark circles haven't gone away, if anything they've gotten darker. But now there's a bruise on your cheek. You seem to be getting thinner too.
What's going on?
Your secret admirer.
April 28th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
How much weight have you lost? Your cheekbones are more prominent, and your arms are getting thinner by the second. Why don't you eat? 
The bruises are more frequent now. Cheek, eyebrow, lip... 
Who's hitting you?
Who's making you suffer?
Your secret admirer.
May 6th, 2024
Dear Cute Boy On The Subway, 
I haven't seen you in a few days. I wonder where you are.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry, that's a stupid question, you probably aren't.
I've decided that next time I see you I'm gonna talk to you. Ask you what's wrong. Force you to tell me if that's what it takes.
I hope you're safe.
Your secret admirer.
May 27th, 2024
Dear Peter Parker, 
I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to talk to you when I had the chance.
I hope you're in a better place now.
I'm sorry you were alone when you did it.
I'm sorry you had to do it.
With love,
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yes, i'm one of those authors that post something an then disappears for two months, i'm sorry. i've been super busy with school and i haven't really had the motivation to write lately but i got this idea and i just needed to get it out.
also, i may be getting a new computer in like 1 or 2 weeks, so that's cool! it'll be better to write and stuff cause this one's getting kinda slow and sometimes it's hard to post stuff cause it won't load lmao.
anyway, i hope you liked it and if you did don’t forget to reblog/comment/like
love you all!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────» 
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erensnubs · 3 years
𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕
Oikawa x F! Reader
Chapter 3
Word count: 1.7k
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"So… Sho how's school been?" You ask him as you're pinning up Natsu's hair into "fairy braids".
They were essentially little flowers braided into sections of her hair.
Sho looks occupied. You think its his volleyball team.
You start laughing, "Sugawara senpai what?!?"
Shoyo looks at you quizzically, "What do you mean? That's what he said to call him."
You giggle. God that man is too funny, you think.
"Okay enough about my upcoming volleyball career," Shoyo says while you roll your eyes.
"How's your manager life?"
You shrug your shoulders as you delicately place a flower into Natsu's hair.
"Well, me and the captain are on good terms now. And I think I'm somewhat friends with people on the team," you say thoughtfully.
Yesterday, you and Oikawa studied over the weekend at the coffee shop. It was surprising for you to see the proud captain turn almost submissive when you studied with your project together and when you talked about volleyball. You knew in the back of his mind he still felt bad about the way he mistreated you, but now you were fine.
"Well guess what? Daichi-san and Asahi-san want you to go out with them sometime! They miss you," Shoyo adds.
When you first came to Karasuno, you quickly became friends with Fuki and Riki. You were your own separate group, the artsy bitches who liked editing and drawing random shit, making concept art and scribbling doodles on each other's papers.
Then one day you decided to sit next to the shy boy-man? Man-boy? The boy with the man bun? Whatever. You decided to sit next to him during lunch, because your regular seating area was taken.
Next to the man bun boy was, stoic boy and beauty mark boy.
You didn't know that these boys were going to be the next best friends of your lives.
There you formed a friendship with three of the sweetest men you've ever met in your life.
It started off with talking about how brown is actually a good ass color, then to how the school lunches could have better milk, to groaning about essays together.
To them supporting you with your family, and you with volleyball.
"You're so stupid Riki!! Its the answer B obviously!!" Sugawara says slamming his hand on the lunch table.
You and Daichi start giggling as Riki rolls her eyes.
"What if it's not B, huh Koushi? What if it's actually C?!?" Riki retorts.
You chuckle with the memories of lunch arguments, walking together, and trips to the city with each other.
Later, you helped Daichi find a manager for the volleyball team, Kiyoko Shimizu and later became a friend of yours.
You never wanted to admit it but all of them became a found family, a fantasy that you recreated in your head over and over when you spent time with them, just because of how fucked up yours was.
You loved Suga's laugh and the way he held you while you were boisterously laughing about something stupid, but you hated the way that you knew that it was something friends did. And not what family did.
You loved it when Riki, Fuki and Shimizu came over and did your face with makeup because it made you feel like you were being pampered by aunts and sisters you didn't have.
When Asahi and Daichi constantly checked on your wellbeing, even until now, when you moved schools for Christ's sake. It made your heart clench in pity, because you know this is the closest thing to parents checking up on you.
The sad thing is? Is while you're over here playing found family, the rest of them were just doing something that friends do.
That's why you distanced yourself from all 4 of them when you moved schools.
But Shoyo, he had to remind you about them.
"Yeah.. I.. Uh… I miss them too," you say slowly, braiding the rest of Natsu's hair.
Natsu leans back against you and hands you your phone.
"You don't wanna play minecraft anymore?" You ask.
She shakes your head, "No Kiyoko is calling you!"
She waves the phone in your hands and you feel the vibration of the call.
Oh god, did Kiyoko figure it out?
With shaky fingers you pull the phone from Natsu's grasp and answer the call.
"Hey Kiyoko-"
"I'm outside your house…"
You sputter your words out, "What?!?! Kiyoko?!"
"I'm waiting for you so we can finally go out together."
She pauses.
"Just you and me," her soft voice carried comfort to you.
"Okay… I'll go soon. I'm outside with Sho and Natsu," you say picking yourself up and turning off your phone.
You wave goodbye to them and gesture with your other hand to the phone.
Shoyo gives you a thumbs up and goes back to playing outside with Natsu smiling.
You run back inside and grab your shoes and jacket and throw them on. You flung the door open and see Kiyoko Shimizu in all her grace, beauty and splendor.
She grabbed your hand and pulled you close to her chest and squeezed you tight.
"Me and Daichi were scared, you know. We all were. Very worried about you," she starts off quietly.
"Tell us, [Name], when something's wrong. It hurts us when you don't."
You sink into Kiyoko's arms and relish the feeling of them.
"I will. I'm sorry for not doing that."
She pulls away and gives you a soft smile, her beauty mark perking up.
"It's fine [Name]... Now get in the car! We're gonna go eat out today!"
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"I'll have meal 1 please," you tell the waiter.
"Meal 5 with a side of tofu as well," Kiyoko adds.
The waiter leaves and now it's just you two You were at the ramen shop near Seijoh.
Which just so happened to be the Ramen shop that was close to the convenience store near Seijoh.
The convenience shop that you and Oikawa went to.
You shake your head to get him out of it.
"Uh…You okay?" Kiyoko said questionably.
You wave her away, "Yeah I'm fine. Just remembering something weird."
She leans forward,"Hmm okay. But hey. Heard you became a manager at Seijoh.. You trying to one up me or something?"
She smirks and you scoff.
"Kiyoko please. I learned everything from you. I don't know how I would manage this great team without your prior knowledge I would have never survived," you say.
You sigh and look up, "They're one of the best in the whole prefecture and I'm in charge of them. The pressure is real."
Kiyoko pats your hand affectionately, "I bet. I mean Oikawa and this other dude from another school have been butting heads with each other ever since middle school. It's his last year so Oikawa is probably incredibly stressed."
You raise an eyebrow, "I mean Oikawa has been a little on the edge, but I didn't know it was from some dude since fucking middle school."
"Yeah. Ushi-Waka from Shiratorizawa. He's also from a powerhouse school. The best in the prefecture. They've gone to Nationals, multiple times. Ushi-Waka is in Japan's best under 18," Kiyoko says softly, like she was passing secret information to you.
You not, sipping your water as you let her continue.
"Oikawa has always been beaten by Shiratorizawa and has NEVER made it to nationals. Once! So this year is his last year, he gets 2 chances and then poof!" Kiyoko says.
Her hands are in a circle and they suddenly break.
"Bye bye volleyball career."
You were taken aback.
No, you were stunned.
You always knew Oikawa was determined but God, this puts it on a whole nother level of determination. You wonder how stressed the team was when Oikawa supervised. Or vice versa. You wonder how stressed Oikawa was when he supervised.
Is that why Iwaizumi encouraged you to book practices with college volleyball teams? Probably. The more practice the better, you remember him saying.
Oh and how could you forget the dark circles under his eyes.
You lean back and exhale, "Wow. I feel horrible for not knowing."
Kiyoko sighs, "You should know as a MANAGER, but didn't you have a rough start with him?"
You nod and recount the events that took place as the waiter sets down your food.
"But that was yesterday so I guess we just started our 'working relationship'", you finally say.
Kiyoko lets out a low whistle, "Looks like you got your work cut out for you sweetheart. Our team is in the works."
Her voice drops lower and she grins evilly,
"We'll beat you, [Name], I have hope for this team."
You grin back, "We'll see about that."
The two of you talk back and forth about other things for a while, laughing about the dumb shit Sugawara pulled and the new students.
You pause, "How's Hinata doing? I don't know if you remember him but he's a family friend."
Kiyoko smiles, "He's doing wonderful. Had a rocky start with another 1st year but they're friends now."
"Oh I remember him telling me that. Kageyama?"
"Yes. He was a middle school prodigy. Came from the same school as Oikawa and most of the Seijoh players actually," Kiyoko informs him.
"Huh," you say mentally noting that fact into your mind.
"Anyways, I'm glad we…you know. Got to talk. Hopefully we can go and hang out again with the others," you say as both of you clean up your table and walk out.
"Same. But Karasuno is gonna beat you at the practice game next week," Kiyoko says with a wink.
"Pfft Seijoh will wipe your asses over the gym floor," you say.
You're in your bed, covered in blankets and half asleep from your eventful day. When your eyes finally fluttered to sleep, your phone buzzed.
Buzz, buzz, buzz.
You pick up your phone lazily and open up the messages.
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You groan. What is so goddamn urgent that he wants to meet with you so early in the morning?
You push the thoughts and the judgements out of your mind and go to bed early.
So much for a day out to relieve stress.
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[Name] and Kiyoko both have a slight obsession with milk tea
Kiyoko introduced [Name], to the more traditional Japanese food when she moved here rather than the trendy ones portrayed in the Media
Unbeknownst to [Name], Kiyoko keeps tabs on the Seijoh boys just in case something bad happens.
Taglist: @tanakasimpcorner @zukoslosthishonor ​@saladskittles​
A note from Chef Tina: ty for sticking with me everyone for this fic! I feel like my efforts on writing this are paid off! Pls like, reblog or comment! It would help a lot! 
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decision-paralysis · 3 years
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finally got around to finishing the sci-fi version of my boat pixel art. stuff has been a little hectic here since i’m moving pretty soon, but hopefully i’ll be back to regular art posts soon!
made using the “Noire Truth” by Cheeseismysoul on Lospec
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Pretty in Pearls, Chapter 4 (Jankie) - Plastiquedoll
read on ao3 💄| previous chapters
A/N: hi!  here's a new chapter and I'm planting the crygi seed for the future *wink wink* I hope you enjoy it and thank you for reading it <3
“Good morning!” Jan greeted Nicky outside the café with a smile on her face.
“Hey! You woke up earlier today; I didn’t catch you on your way out the dorms.” The blonde noticed.
She was wearing a fuzzy cardigan sweater she had seen on Jaida before, light blue jeans, and white sneakers. Her hair was still wet which made Jan think she might have spent the night with her girlfriend before meeting her.
“Yeah, I had to return some books to the library so I left when Rosé went to class.”
They walked in and were welcomed by the familiar warmness of the interior of the coffee shop. Almost a month had passed but Jan was always comforted by the charm of the place. It was a crowded morning but they were able to squish at one little table near the entrance. They had just sat down when a fuming Jackie crossed the door, at first she didn’t see them but as soon as Jan waved at her she shuffled toward their direction and plopped herself in the empty chair.
She was wearing brown flare pants along with a white shirt and a yellow batwing cardigan with a floral pattern. Her brown hair had been violently ruffled by a gust of wind, the loose locks fell all over her face completing a look that matched her current mood.
“What are you doing here?” Nicky asked.
Jan was wondering the same; all of Jackie’s classes took place in the morning, it was early for her to be out.
She grunted a few words while holding a scrunchie between her teeth as she attempted to untangle her hair.
“What?” The girls asked at the same time.
Jackie tied her hair into a ponytail and sighed. “I got kicked out of class.”
Jan looked at her with disbelief. “What?” She repeated.
“Remember that professor that hates me for making –according to him- «snarky comments»? Well, he finally found a reason to express his dislike for me and asked me to leave.” She crossed her arms on her chest. “I wasn’t going to stay quiet when –in addition, to invisibilize women in art- he also tried to erase the queerness of the artists. No, not on my watch.”
“What a pig.” Nicky shook her head. “I can’t believe he had the nerve to kick you out because you called him out.”
“Oh, trust me, this isn’t the end of it. I’m filing a complaint and leaving that class. I’m done.”
“I’m sorry, Jackie. I know you liked the subject, too bad the professor is a jerk.” Jan tapped her shoulder softly.
The brunette got stiff by the sudden touch. She cleared her throat before speaking again. “Anyway… it sucks because I need the credit and it’s the only class that fits into my schedule.”
“Maybe there’s a way to fix it, talk with the administration or something.” Jan did what she did best, being undeniably positive.
“Yeah… maybe. But enough of that, I need a cup of coffee.”
As if she had read Jackie’s mind, a waitress approached and it wasn’t any other than…
“Hello, girls!”
“Crystal? You work here?” Jan asked.
The girl nodded. “I started yesterday.” She smiled brightly.
She had a blue apron with the café’s name on it over her clothes and Jan swore her hair –covered in colorful hair clips- was different than last time she saw her not even two days ago.
“Congratulations! That’s great!”
“Thank you. I had to drop one of my classes but I needed the job.”
Jackie grunted. “Please let’s not talk about dropping classes.” She began massaging her temples.
“Right! I’m here to take your order.” She pulled out a tiny notebook covered in glitter from her pocket and a unicorn gel pen. “I’m ready.”
“I think you have to say «what can I get you?»” Nicky commented.
“Oh, you’re right… Let me try again. What can I get you?” She repeated in an extremely polite voice.
“I’ll have a hot chocolate please.” Jan pointed at the menu.
“And I’d like a hazelnut latte.” Jackie followed.
“For me, a caramel macchiato.” The blonde finished the order.
“Perfect… so hot chocolate, hazelnut latte, and caramel macchiato.” Crystal checked her notes. “Right away.”
“Thank you.” They said and with that, the ginger left and then turned around.
Jan watched her go.
“I should get a job too.” She pouted. “I don’t want to ask for extra money from my parents, they are helping with the other half the scholarship and they are paying for my brother’s tuition too.”
“I work at the mall near here and there’s always something to do there. You could come with me later and ask around.” Nicky mentioned.
“I didn’t know that, what do you do?”
“I’m on the cosmetics section. I do people’s makeup during the weekends and convince them to buy products.”
“Of course you do…”
“What would you like to do?” Jackie inquired in the meantime she rearranged the sweeteners of the table.
“I don’t know.” She shrugged. “I’ve had part-time jobs before. I used to work at an ice cream parlor. That was fun not to mention I had free ice cream. Then I worked at the post office, that wasn’t as much fun, it involved a lot of boxes… and during my senior year, I was the secretary of a dental office that… well, definitely wasn’t fun but I got to meet the same customers that were regulars on the ice cream parlor.”
Jackie and Nicky burst into laughter.
“You’ll do well…” The blonde assured.
“We can write your resume later and print it in the copy room.” Jackie suggested.
“That’s a great idea. Yeah, let’s do it.”
At that moment, Crystal returned with their drinks.
“Well, let’s see… I’ll put these over here, here and… here.” She placed the cups carefully and sighed with relief when everything stayed in place. “Great… Let me know if you need me.” She hummed.
“Thank you, Crystal!” Jan was going to leave a good tip for her friend.
When she turned around, they all exchanged misplaced cups in the blink of an eye.
“She’ll get better… hopefully.” Jackie added some sugar and took a sip of her coffee.
Jan drank some of her chocolate; the whipped cream created a mustache above her cupid’s bow and got the brunette looking fondly at her before taking a napkin and cleaning the corner of her mouth. Nicky raised an eyebrow but before she could say something, someone else showed up.
It was a girl that most definitely looked like a supermodel with her matching glen check pattern outfit consisting of a cropped jacket and a mini skirt with accents of yellow fabric and a belt with chains hanging from it along with a pair of black thigh-high boots. Her blonde hair framed her face and was tied on the back on a half up half down hairstyle.
“Hey, Nicky, did you finish the assignment for today’s class? And if you did, did you have any difficulty submitting it?” She looked upset, stressed.
“Uh… no. Maybe it’s because that paper is due tomorrow and the submission time starts… tomorrow?”
“Oh, thank God.” She sat on the only left empty chair with no need of an invitation and sighed letting all the air out of her lungs.
Their little table couldn’t accommodate more people so they squished even more.
Nicky turned to Jackie and Jan. “This is Gigi, she’s a classmate of mine and she actually lives in the same dorms as us. Gigi, do you remember my friend Jackie? And this is Jan, resident of the C dorm.”
The other blonde girl waved. “Hi, sorry… that was rude. I was freaking out due to that assignment.” She took a deep breath. “Hi, Jackie… I do remember you and Jan, we’re neighbors.”
“That’s great!” Jan smiled at her. “So you’re a fashion major too?”
She nodded. “I’m a sophomore as well but I’m a year younger than everyone else because of technicalities and my mom sending me to kindergarten one year earlier.”
“We’re the same age then. That’s cool.”
Gigi smiled, she was beautiful.
“How are you adapting to-” She was going to ask Jan something when she lowered her head in an attempt to hide behind Jackie. “Oh shit.”
“Gigi, what is it?” Nicky whispered.
“She’s here.” Gigi tried to descend even more.
“Uhm… who’s here?” Jackie looked around.
“She! She’s here right now… Oh God…” The girl seemed nervous and her cheeks were tinted in soft pink. “So, uh… there’s this girl who lives in our dorm I guess and I’ve bumped into her a couple of times before but… I don’t know, she’s like…” She blushed harder.
“Gigi Goode... The Gigi Goode is possibly… intimidated by someone?” Nicky gasped.
“Shhh… shut up… no… yeah… maybe. I don’t know. I’m gay and single, leave me alone.”
“Wait but how does she look like?” Jan also tried to find her among the crowd. They all were whispering.
“Oh my God… she’s coming… she’s walking in this direction, why is she walking in this direction? Never mind she has an apron.”
But it was Crystal who appeared next to Jan. “Hey guys, everything’s okay over here? Do you need something else?” She inquired, completely clueless.
The three remaining girls looked at Crystal, then at Gigi, and then at Crystal again as if it was a ping pong game.
“Oh, hey! I hadn’t seen you there, would you like me to bring something for you?” She asked Gigi while pulling out her Crystalcore things.
The blonde girl nodded and recovered the posture a little. “Uh… matcha… that’s the green thing… yeah… latte. Green tea?”
“Matcha tea latte?”
She nodded mechanically again.
“Alright, anything else?” The other girls shook their heads. “I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you.” Gigi’s voice sounded high-pitched.
Once Crystal left, all eyes were on the blonde once again.
“Oh my… I fucked up, didn’t I?”
Nicky’s jaw had dropped to the floor. “Wait, hold on a minute… you like her?”
“Shhh… God, Nicky, she could hear you or something.” Gigi pressed her hand on her chest, feeling her heart beating fast. “I didn’t know she worked here.”
Jan was trying to contain a smile, her lips turned into a thin line, meanwhile, Jackie stirred her lukewarm coffee.
“Uh… You know that’s my roommate, right?” Nicky smirked.
At that moment, Gigi almost fainted. Her face went from reddish to pale in a second and her eyes were full of terror as if she had seen a ghost.
“Excuse me, she’s your what?!”
“My roommate? Crystal? The girl with orange hair? I’ve told you about her. The one that put stickers on the notes she leaves me? She forgot her key three times in the span of a day? The one that –allegedly- accidentally shot a confetti cannon in our room and since then it feels like the place coughs confetti here and there? Rings your bell?”
That had been a good day, Jan recalled.
“Wait- That’s your Crystal? Your Crystal is my Crystal?” She covered her mouth after saying those words.
Jackie and Jan exchanged an amused look.
“Your Crystal?” Nicky tilted her head.
“I mean… that’s not what I mean…” She cleared her throat. “please don’t tell her I have a crush on her this is already too embarrassing for me… I could die like a Sim… of embarrassment, it’s a real thing, you know?”
“Relax, I won’t say a word and I’m sure the girls won’t either, right?” Jan and Jackie nodded.
Gigi seemed relieved. “Thank you… I can’t believe she’s your roommate.” She buried her face in her hands.
“I can’t believe you feel intimidated by her, she has a One Direction poster in our room.”
“There are so many things clicking in my head right now please leave your message after the tone. Beep.”
Jackie moved her hand in front of her eyes without getting a response. “I think you broke her, Nicky.”
“She’ll be fine. Plus, Crystal is bringing her tea right now.”
“Fuck…” She said as if was a reset command.
“Here you have.” The ginger placed the smoky cup in front of her. “I hope you enjoy it.” She smiled and winked before leaving.
Gigi gulped.
“Uh, Gigi, I’m not an expert but judging by the color of the beverage, that’s not what you ordered.” Jackie pointed out.
But the blonde wasn’t even looking at her. “I don’t care; this is the most delicious drink existing in the entire universe right now.”
“What’s that though?” Nicky tried to touch the cup but Gigi slapped her hand.
“No touching.” She glared at her classmate.
“Yeah, I feel like we’re going to be good friends.” Jan thought about it aloud.
“Alright, all set.”
Jackie let a big sigh out of her chest when she left the administration office; Jan had been waiting for her outside. They had gone there straight after leaving the café when Nicky and Gigi left for their class. On their way to the building, she had tried to cheer Jackie up by telling the entire confetti cannon anecdote in full detail but even afterward laughing at loud the brunette still seemed afflicted.
“I’ve submitted my complaint and the head administrator told me that the board will look into it. Until then, they said that most classes are already full so they’ll have to look for a different solution and they’ll contact me via e-mail or I’ll have to drop by next week.”
“Well, that’s good, isn’t it? They’ll tell you what the next step is. It can only get better from here.”
“I hope so.” She shrugged. She didn’t sound fully convinced, though.
Jan checked the time on her phone. “Hey, we still have some time before your shift starts, we can hang out or something…”
Jackie bit her inner cheek. “I don’t know…”
Jan touched her shoulder gently. “Jackie, I hate you seen you like this. There has to be something that makes you feel at least one percent better.”
She looked at her with her big puppy eyes and Jackie couldn’t say no to her.
“Okay… there’s something that always makes me feel better.” She gave in.
“I’m listening.”
Jackie’s eyes sparked.
“No way…” Jan looked around. “This is awesome!”
They had gone upstairs –climbing several stairs-, to a place that wasn’t on the maps of the campus. Jackie had led the way without revealing a single detail –even when Jan asked many, many questions on their way there- she had said it was a surprise and that she didn’t want to spoil it. Finally, as they were climbing those endless stairs, her mood got a bit better.
They reached a single green metal door, it was locked but the brunette pulled a key from her set and opened it. The door led to a little hidden rooftop garden with a few hanging plants and flowers in terracotta pots, there was also a set of recycled wood chairs and an unvarnished coffee table rough around the edges. But without any doubt the most stunning part of that small place was the view, it was the perfect spot to contemplate most of the green areas of the campus including some of the park across the street nearby the café. It was almost noon and the sun hit the opposite side but in a few hours, it would be probably the best viewpoint of the sunset.
“What is this place?” The younger kept inspecting everything.
Jackie closed the door behind them. “It used to be a project made for a group of students to raise awareness about the use of recycling materials but since they all graduated no one really knows it exists. I accidentally discovered it last year when I took a photography class and spotted it with my camera from that crossroad.” She pointed with her index finger. “I did some research and the janitor gave me the key after asking… when I was done with the assignment, she let me keep it with the promise I would do some maintenance once in a while and keep the plants alive. And since then, I come here when I need to be alone or when I’m upset… like today.”
Jan stared at her. “I’m sorry that you had to drop that class.”
“I didn’t want to quit, you know? I thought I was going to be able to handle it, by giving up I feel like I let him win…”
“No, you didn’t. You don’t have to stand that mistreatment.” She looked the brunette in the eye. “I’m glad you did it; don’t let it be a defeat, it doesn’t have to be one.”
“Thank you.” A weak smile appeared on her face.
“I’m gonna hug right now, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“No, you don’t have to…”
“But I want to. C’mon, come here.” She extended her arms widely. “If you don’t let me hug you I’m going to hug myself and it’s going to be lame and I’m going to be sad.”
Jackie chuckled. “Okay, I guess…”
“Yay!” Jan jumped directly to her and wrapped her arms around her.
Jan’s shampoo smelled like almonds and honey. Her embrace made Jackie feel warm inside. Clouds could’ve been made of cotton and the sky was the bluest she had ever seen.
“You see? This is nice.” The younger still held her.
“Yeah, nice…” Jackie closed her eyes and for a moment, it was all right.
They stayed there for a little while. Jackie would have to go to the copy room soon and Jan had her class after lunch. During the time they were there, Jan played some music on her phone and they talked about what had happened earlier in the café. They agreed that it was sweet that Gigi had a crush on Crystal; Jackie watered the plants and told her the story of how she had met the blonde through Nicky. Later on, she sat on one of the chairs while Jan played hopscotch with the cracks in the concrete; she sang softly the song that was playing Hey There Delilah.
“You have a good singing voice,” Jackie mentioned.
“Huh? Me? Oh… I didn’t… I just sing for fun sometimes.” She suddenly felt coy.
“I mean it. It sounded lovely.”
“You’re just being nice. You haven’t heard Rosé or Lagoona, they are amazing.”
“They could tell you. I’m sure they’d agree with me.”
“I could never sing in front of them.” She looked mortified.
“You’d do well.”
“Are you serious right now?”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“I don’t know…” Jan shrugged.
The music stopped and the alarm she had set went off.
“We have to go.” The younger announced. “I’ll walk with you to the copy room and then I’ll grab something to eat.”
“Okay. Let me close the door.”
She waited until the brunette was done and they started walking downstairs.
“I wish I could work with you, wouldn’t that be fun?” Jan casually mentioned.
“Well, you’re there all the time anyway.”
“Does it bother you?”
Jackie shook her head and smiled. “No, not at all.”
“I don’t understand it.” Jan lied on the table of the study room. “I have applied for every job available at the mall and still, no response and no results.”
“Ow, baby,” Rosé ruffled her hair. “I’m sure you’re going to find something soon.”
Lagoona lifted her gaze from the textbook. “I wish I could help but the restaurant where I work is full.”
“I thought you hated that place?” Jan turned toward her.
“I do, but the tips are good.” She highlighted a sentence with her pastel marker.
She was already studying for an upcoming presentation. Rosé was memorizing the lines of a play and she got Jan there to read the other part. Now they were on a break. The pink-haired girl was drinking peach soda from a can in the meantime Jan whined for her failed job search. Lagoona –whose blue hair was beginning to fade a little- googled some job offers in the area and read them at loud.
“There are a few that sound pretty disgusting if you ask me. I didn’t know the classified ads could be this kinky.” She frowned and put her phone down.
“Hey, what about that place?” Rosé snapped her fingers. “Goona, do you remember? The diner that’s a couple of blocks from here? We used to go there all the time during our freshman year.”
“Oh, yes. That was a nice place, didn’t we stop going there because your ex-roommate worked there?”
Rosé’s expression turned sour. “Yeah… but she got fired or quit, I don’t know. The point is, they were always hiring people, maybe you could ask there?”
“And you’ve waited this long to tell me?” Jan cried. “It’s been three agonizing days.”
“They are open now so you could-”
“Bye, guys! See you later.” She grabbed her things, threw them into her backpack, and dashed out just to return a couple of seconds later. “Yeah, so I don’t know where it is.”
Jan held her breath before walking past the door.
The diner was decorated in a retro style. It had black and white floor tiles, a long bar, red stools, chairs and booths, round tables, neon signs, vinyl albums and posters of classic Hollywood stars on the walls, lamps hanging from the ceiling, and even a functional jukebox. A few people were sitting at the bar, it was still early for dinner so almost everyone was having a milkshake or some ice cream.
Jan was welcomed by a girl with dark wavy hair in a striped red and white dress with a little white apron on. The name «Denali» was written on her tag.
“Welcome to Lucky’s, would you like a table or a seat on the bar?” She smiled and a pair of dimples appeared on her face.
“Hi, I was wondering if you have a job application for me or… if you were hiring right now?”
“Oh,” She lowered her notebook. “You wanna work here? Okay, just give me a second. You can sit over there.” Denali pointed at one empty table.
“Sure.” Jan held her backpack close to her body and moved to the booth.
Denali returned shortly after with a pen and a paper sheet in her hands.
“In normal circumstances, you’d have an interview with the manager but since he’s God knows where and I’m in charge in the meantime, I’m going to let you complete this form and then ask you some questions…”
“Alright, yeah.”
“I’ll be back in a moment.”
Jan filled the form with basic information, her full name, birth date, age, address, phone number, e-mail, etc. When she was done, she observed Denali serving customers, she moved like her feet weren’t touching the floor, with a full tray on her hands as if it weighed nothing, all with a giant smile on her face. She made it look easy.
“Everything alright?” She asked before sitting in front of Jan.
“Yes, I’m done.” She returned the paper sheet.
Denali scanned it, collecting information. “Janice? Okay, you’re a college student.”
“Jan is fine. Yes, I’m a freshman.”
“Aw,” She tilted her head. “I’m going to write my notes in front of you if that’s okay.” Jan nodded. “You haven’t worked as a waitress before, right?”
“No, but I’m a fast learner and I believe I compensate my lack of experience with enthusiasm, I’ve been told.”
She wrote something “Next, uhm… Why do you want to work here?”
“I need a job to pay for my things. As I said, this is my first year of college; I have a partial scholarship and my parents are supporting me from home but I don’t want to become a burden for them.”
“Do you mind if I ask about your scholarship?”
“No, not at all. It’s for baseball.”
“Work!” She nodded. “The last one, you wrote here your potential time schedules and, according to the rules, if you only work have twice per week you’ll have to take two Saturdays per month. Are you fine with that?”
“Sure, I can take any shift that day.”
“Well, Jan, the good news is that I sense we’re going to be besties, so I wrote «overqualified», «fast learner» and «tight schedules but willing to take Saturday’s shifts» which always is a plus.” She smiled at Jan. “I believe you’re going to get a call very soon.”
“Oh my God! Thank you.” Jan grinned. “I really appreciate that.”
“No worries. You’re lucky -no pun intended-, a girl just quit but being completely honest, she was a real bitch. You can’t be worse than her.”
“I’ve heard that before and… I’m okay with that.”
“Alright. I hope I see you soon.” She winked and returned to serve tables.
Jan left the diner with the biggest smile on Earth.
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the-space-lady · 3 years
I think it is time to say Goodbye.
Hello! Mod here, Tataia. I’ve come to make an announcement about the-space-lady and edgy-frenchman.
From this day on, I will not be updating these blogs anymore. I will be closing the inbox and delete all unanswered asks.
Don’t worry! They will still be up, you can come back to look through everything as many times as you’d like, but don’t expect any new posts in either blogs.
Now, we all know already that these blogs have been on an never ending hiatus, and it showed no signs of updating regularly like back in the day. So, let’s have a little (okay, kind of long) chat, about how this blog came to life, and how I am happy and thankful with everything that came from it.
Feel free to not read this at all, because it is kind of a long read.
If you have any questions, please send an ask to my main blog, @tataiafurquim​, and follow my twitter where I’m the most active, also going by the same username.
Three years ago, 2017, for the first time in the Brawlhalla history, there was a new legend leak! It was a picture taken with a phone of a monitor screen which showed the character selection screen in Brawlhalla, of the next legend in the default pose (the one that every legend has before getting their signature poses once they’re released); that was the first time everyone saw Artemis. BMG didn’t even announce her on dev streams by that point. The picture was shared in the r/Brawlhalla discord server, and, Calamari-Pop herself had tagged me to see it in one of the text channels, saying, ‘look! female Orion!’. Since I started playing the game, I’ve always been an Orion main, and once I saw Artemis for the first time, I felt like it was love at first sight.
I was instantly hyped for the character, while most people were complaining that ‘BMG had run out of ideas for new legends’, I couldn’t wait for her release, she was so beautiful, I never felt so hyped for something like I did for Artemis. I was probably the first person to make fanart for her and post it on r/Brawlhalla. People’s opinions on Artemis were very 50/50. People didn’t like her because ‘it’s just female Orion’, others genuinely liked her, and were excited to play with the next scythe legend.
I didn’t have many friends at the time who were into Brawlhalla, so for me the hype was kept mainly to myself, and of course, through my art. The picture we had of Artemis was very poor quality, so a lot of early art was missing a lot of details, but I didn’t care; I just kept drawing the only thing that was bringing me happiness.
I was a 14 year old when all of this happened, school was being very rough on me, back in the day I used to struggle so much to study, it was a pain to focus and learn, I’d always give up and go back to video games and art. My grades were horrible, I felt like my personal friendships were kind of faling apart, and so with my family. The only light at the end of the tunnel I had at the time, was the idea of making an ask blog for Artemis.
At first, I was skeptical. What if it flops? The Brawlhalla community wasn’t very active in other social medias, it was small, but everyone was close and if something big was announced, the word would spread fast. I mean, it was worth a short. Worse comes to worse, I delete the blog and move on. Ask blogs weren’t as popular as they were either.
I had claimed the URL even before Artemis was announced in a dev stream, so the blog was ready to go. I remember waiting a little more than a month when the patch of her release was finally online, and I did my move of announcing the blog in every social media I could, and so I waited for the community to show up.
And they didn’t stop coming! It was ask after ask, I was so happy, this little blog was my escape from the real world. Answering people as Artemis was honestly the most fun I was having during that year. And I could also draw her as much as I’d like! The blog was growing, and so was my audience of people who was genuinely following me for my regular art. Even when I was grounded because I did bad on a test, I still answered people with drawings made on paper.
Needless to say, this blog was definitely, a start for me in the Brawlhalla community. “Are you the person who draws a lot of Artemis?” “Yep! That’s me!” It was great, I felt like I was finally becoming someone somewhat important in a community like I always wished to, drawing what I loved, and people loved it. I even met my soon-to-be boyfriend through it!
But of course, that didn’t stop what was happening outside of the computer screen. Things were going even more downhill the more I focused on the internet and forgot about real life. It was helpless; there was no way I was passing that school year, I’d have to repeat it. My parents had decided that maybe one of the issues was that, my old school, was one of those schools that go really hard on the students, and that was not my place. So, the next year, 2018, I changed schools for the first time.
I’ve always had really bad anxiety. On the first day in the new school, you know what I did? I drew Artemis. What a surprise to nobody, but for me, this was my moment of realization, that this space lady from a fighting game, was my comfort character. This possibly canonically evil woman who wants to kill my main because of some fucked up shit he did in the past, was my comfort character. I was depressed? I drew Artemis. I was happy? I drew Artemis. I was extremely pissed off?? You guessed it! I drew Artemis! It is likely that a lot of pieces I made of her that I’ve posted online, were created from strong emotions I had while I drew it. There’s a lot that I didn’t even post either.
In 2018 I was still updating the blog, but I was also focusing a lot more on school. I was managing to get good grades, I made new friends, had new experiences, and my relationship with my family was getting better. Of course every year has its ups and downs, but overall, the important part, was finally being taken care of; I passed the school year, and then I passed again, and I passed again! I have just one more year to go, and hopefully, in 2021 I’ll be done.
Setting that aside, as the blog grew, my audience online did so too. My art improved, I’ve become, for the lack of a better word, an important member in the community. A lot of people have seen my art, and some of them probably don’t even follow me!
Today, I am a Brawlhalla Partner, I have a wonderful boyfriend, incredible friends, an amazing relationship with my family, and I am now hoping for a bright future of work ahead of me, and it was all thanks to this ask blog of a fictional character who I deeply loved. I would have never made it where I am today without Artemis, without Brawlhalla, without all of you. I could ever be thankful, and all I can give you all is more fanart of this amazing game that has completely changed my life, and with how Brawlhalla has been growing? Keep an eye on this one, it’s gonna get big.
Thank you so much everyone who has supported me over the years, and followed me more than just Artemis content. The updates on the blog have stopped because I’ve been focusing on other things. trying out new stuff and focusing on myself to become a better person and artist, creating my own stories with original characters, which I’m excited to share with all of you.
Anyway, take care, whoever read this far <3 Hopefully 2021 will be a better year for everyone.
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sevdrag · 3 years
dreamwidth update: about Ghost Avengers
So I'm about to launch a comic called Ghost Avengers, which will be my somewhat silly take on an AU where the Avengers are in the ghost hunting business and shenanigans ensue. This was a story idea I had way back when, like 3-4 years ago -- while I was still working in an office! It's an actual story with a plot, sketchily outlined and everything, but had kind of slipped away into the realm of "ideas that are cool but yeah."
Since I've been trying to come up with material I could make into a comic anyway -- once I remembered Ghost Avengers and the worldbuilding work I'd done, I decided it was perfect. Something fun, that I could work on regularly, where I have plenty of ideas for little scenes if I'm every stumped for plot.
The thing is: why a comic? I'm known primarily as a writer, although I dabble in fanart from time to time, and (IMO, anyway) the act of storytelling is my strength. So why a comic? Honestly, really, it's to force me to continually and regularly draw for an ongoing project in a way that will help make me a better artist. That's the goal: regular practice of a thing that other people will (hopefully) like and get into, which will keep ME invested, to improve my skills.
As such, Ghost Avengers will be a pretty text-heavy "comic" -- it's maybe more like an illustrated story, although it will be told in images, rather than text. Dialogue will drive most of the story, since it's so visual. Part of the reason I'm doing ghosts and spirits is because it'll be fun to draw that kind of thing too, so the comic isn't exactly going to be High Art, either. For the ~10 pages I have now I've been using a posing app and lots of references, so I'm not scribbling, but I'm also not spending 5 hours on each page either. I'm hoping the concept and the story will interest people enough that they aren't sitting there comparing it to some professional fancomic all like, man look at this art; I'm not a professional, y'all. This is a fun hobby I've decided to do something with.
As such it's also likely my art style will change as I go along depending on how the story evolves. Oh well! That's the fun of being an artist.
Anyway. I wanted to get these thoughts down somewhere to give some context for the comic itself. It may be different than other comics with the amount of text vs images, but that's intentional, and will probably change as the thing grows.
It's kind of terrifying launching a project like this. Any time I start a new big fic, it's exciting, probably because writing is my forte and I know I'll be able to finish the things as long as I spend enough time on them. This is my first big art project and my brain is kind of going wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee like a wheel spinning really really fast.
Oh well! I'm hoping the first post will be made on Thursday, for weekly updates every Thurs. Updates will be a few pages at a time, with no set rule -- whatever fits the scene. The very first bit I'll post everywhere; following updates will go to my Patreon first, then my Ko-Fi, then public: I'll be posting on Tumblr, Instagram, and AO3, for as long as i can sustain posting all 3 places haha. (This means Patreon will be 2 updates ahead of the rest!)
Who knows. Maybe I will get bored really soon, but I am excited to get into the story, at least. A fun AU! New ghost-detecting technology! Sassy spirits and sarcastic outtakes! It will be fun, at least. I hope.
comments Comment? https://ift.tt/33uz6rl
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rockinthereal · 3 years
Tumblr media
Hey! Been a while hasn't it? Uhhh.. again! I'm not really getting art put out as much as I wanted to, apologies for that. Hopefully things have calmed down enough to the point I can draw regularly and post at a regular pace rather than 3 weeks-a month apart. I'll try to get things out soon I promise I got a LOT of OC stuff packed and i cannot wait for you all to see. Anyway enough semantics, I'm back with another doodle of the trio, and looks like I finally gave 'em a team name! One that Rai (or I  in this case came up with) come up with himself! Definitely not an obvious Mario & Luigi reference mm mm nope... In all seriousness though.. I thought it'd be very in character for them to have a childish like name because for one: Rai has the mind of almost ever little boy you've met in elementary school combined, and also the fact that, ironically, they're all striving to achieve those big dreams they've had since they were little; born to make history I suppose (also have I ever explained that "big dreams" tidbit ever? No? Well I probably did now)! Like with many of my work, its not really final. But hey I still got it up! Hopefully you'll be looking forward to the Dream Team's (probably) many adventures to come! Well... Once I actually do something for Tall Tail that is :V
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shatterthefragments · 3 years
Questions Tag Game
Thank you for tagging me @catholicnicky!
Hmm I'm supposed to tag 20 but I'll tag:
@kiaya, @caffeinatedbraincell, @randofando-spoonie, @cowgaykermit, @boutiquetraveltravelboutique @rhubarbdreams
If you want to play :)
1. Name/Nickname: Shatters <3
2. Gender: *shrugs noncommitedly*/nonbinary fits best
3. Star sign: okay so I took a thing and I'm going to assume that "Sun in Pisces" is this? bc i have no clue any time i look at that :eek:
4. Height: it is to my delight that I can definitely say 5'3" and not actually 5'2"! Bc I'm only a couple inches shorter than a friend and that would mean I'm taller than 5'2"!
5. Time: at the time of this Q: 12:20... ah I should get ready for bed soon... (longer by the time I post this at a little past 1 am)
6. Birthday: Feb. 26
7. Favourite Band: Currently? Maybe Polyphia? Most played currently at least. I've been vibing with Nothing But Thieves, Daughtry (again), 3OH!3 (i know), Florence + The Machine (though I have yet to do a discography playthrough yet), (ok so I'm scrolling through my saved artists for this one), The Neighbourhood, some local bands, and The Pretty Reckless lately.
8. Favourite solo artist: oh dear god. Um. Loving and/or getting back into: Rina Sawayama, Toby Fox, Ichika Nito, Tim Henson, Lil Nas X, King Princess, Hayley Kiyoko? idk it could be a lot more. But for Reasons it currently has to be Lil Nas X <3
9. song stuck in my head: because I caved and got TikTok (derogatory) because of the Chocolate Potato Cake (from 1912!) [and if you didn't just hear that in Dylan's voice you should find it on Youtube it's great] it's Maneskin's Beggin. When that's not recently heard, it varies between many other songs. If I whistle, it's usually a simple march we played in band. Maybe Soda. Maybe the hook from The Worst. Who knows~ not me!
10. last movie: either Waves or Wolf it's been so long since I've watched something. But soon hopefully Hartenstraat!
11. last show: Leverage! When I rewatched it last year or something!
12. when I created this blog: perhaps 2012 or 2013? I deleted most of my blog and started over though at around 15k posts so it may have been before that? But I don't think it was much before 2012 if so.
13. what I post: please tell me fuck if i know aaaaah whatever I see when I pop on when I have the capacity to actually reblog or queue it i guess? mostly related to whatver i'm fixated on <3 (speaking of - draining my queue for the tumblr post+ strike so that'll suck to get filled again afterwards :P)
14. last thing I googled: "Sugar and spice makes everything nice quote"
15. other blogs: theoldguardinshatters is my tog sideblog! I have some other... rather inactive blogs... not really sure I want to share them. Some are straight up empty.
16. do i get asks? not often
17. why I chose my URL: I'm a poet! jk jk (or am I?) but I wrote a poem back in middle school... actually a few versions based off the same premise/line (i was going to see if I could find it but looking back That Far in my blog is like "yeah, there's no way I'm faking my mental illness even when I fear I might be" so I'm just. not. going there. like holy shit maybe i should purge my old posts again...) But if I remember maybe I'll put what I can remember under a cut?
18. following: after swearing I'd never follow more than 100: 304. But many aren't active anymore :( (also literally me 5 yrs ago: 'oh god I follow more than 30 people I'm freaking out, it's too many!')
19. followers: 234, but who knows how many are porn bots I never really kept up back in the day
20. average hours of sleep: ...that is a good question... idk. maybe 5ish when I work and maybe 9ish when I am just me on my own?
21. lucky number: culturally: 8, personally, also: 3,7,13,17,19,23
22. instruments: formerly flute and tenor sax. I haven't exactly kept up oops >.< (so i guess rn I just whistle or hum or sometimes sing)
23. what am I wearing: shorts and a t-shirt
24. dream job: bookbinder, or some other creative pursuit that allows me to work with my hands - cake decorator? other arts? idk. maybe secretary? maybe fancy ass barista/pastry decorator? editor? illustrator? i have no clue please send suggestions <3
25. dream trip: with friends. Not having to drive the entire time. Longer than what I'm currently able to do... maybe a couple months... maybe in europe or asia? maybe just road tripping across canada. idk. It sure would be nice to see them again <3 hopefully camping with one (maybe two?) mid august-ish though! :D
26. favourite food: dim sum (bc I really miss going out with family!), sushi, desserts, pies, quiche, eggs benny, Popcorn, I'm not sure. those are also safe foods texturally usually too though.
27. nationality: canadian, half chinese.
28. favourite song: *shrugs* right now perhaps Soda or The Worst
29. last book I read: ...i don't know... maybe a reread I did of What They Always Tell Us or Martin Wilson's other book We Now Return To Regular Life last year?
30. top 3 fictional universes I would like to live in: ...fuck. I don't know. Most of the fantasy universes I read are fanfic... Maybe.... Waves Cinematic Universe - now that Gabriele has a boat, we could boat! Some universe with wings! A universe with UBI *sideeyes gvmt* Stardew Valley universe! :D
from what I can remember maybe (again - Several Versions of this were written... back in middle school...)
Shatter the fragments to see what's left Release the weight That's on your chest
There's nothing left For you to see Nothing left But apathy
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