#i actually messed it up in my last reply xD
yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x reader)
Part 5 <-
Part 6
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, under 18 DNI!, Smut, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, Fingering, Dry humping, mentions of sex, pet names
Word Count: 3k
Note: Yea… What can I say? Lee Know was my first Kpop Crush, so I really put my soul into this. So hear me out: I thought since your feedback is incredible, I wanted to give you something back. If you want to you can write suggestions/requests in the comments or dm me about what you'd like to read in the parts. If I like it I will think of something and include it in the story! So feel free to tell me your dirty (or sweet) little fantasies xD
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
"I finally want to see you dance live!", grumbled Lee Know as you emailed him his schedule for the day in the practice room.
"Maybe someday", you muttered as you skimmed over your messages.
“Stupid JYP with those stupid rules”, he sighed and you had to grin. You'd love to dance and maybe even do a livestream with Minho but the company probably wouldn't allow it. The Stream with Hyunjin was a spontaneous idea and you were sincerely happy that yet nobody from JYP had talked about it to you. You didn’t even know if they maybe had a talk with Hyunjin and you were sure, that he definitely wouldn’t tell you to protect you.
However one of the most important meetings was scheduled for this afternoon.
A meeting with a potential new sponsor and at the same time producer for the first music video of the comeback. So one of the most important meetings ever.
The first video had to work the way the guys imagined it and it was your job to make it work. It was essential that the new sponsor was on board.
To say you're nervous would be a massive understatement.
It was the first big meeting that you would have to do alone with Chan. Seungmin would also accompany you, which took some of the pressure off your shoulders. This was one thing you just couldn't mess up.
You just wanted to send Lee Know his appointments for today and skim them quick with him. The tasks consisted the meeting with a new choreographer and then discussing with DanceRacha whether their ideas for the choreography for the big video could be done as they wanted it or if they needed to work on it even more.
Hyunjin and Felix had both already written in your group chat that they were here at any moment and Jeongin was with them. As you walked into the room, Minho seemed to have been dancing all morning.
There were fine drops of sweat on his forehead and yet his skin was just glowing with freshness. Just like perfectly worked marble.
"The choreographer's name is Chun De-Jeong. His application was the most impressive and he has very good references. He sounded nice on the phone, too. But if you don't like something about him, just let me know and we'll find someone new”, you explained expertly and he smiled slightly.
"You really are the best manager we've ever had."
"I try my best", you replied, and that's when he sat down next to you on the sofa.
With that, you finished discussing his schedule as well.
"I've never seen you in a dress like that before...", he mused aloud, and right away you were tugging at the hem of the white fabric on your thigh.
"Is it too much? Do you think it would be better if I change?"
Concerned, you stroke the fine roses printed on the fabric. Directly, Lee Know shook his head, regretting his words.
"No. It's perfect. You are... It looks very cute. You look very beautiful", he said quickly, stumbling over his own words.
Actually, he couldn't take his eyes off the thin fabric the whole time, where it perfectly hugged your curves and sat firmly against your waist. Exploring your profile, Minho noticed from the moment you came in that you seemed tense and restless today.
"Hey, is everything okay?"
Quickly nodding, you shove your Ipad into your handbag next to the sofa.
"Yeah... Everything's fine. I'm just a little nervous about the meeting today."
"With that spoiled ass sponsor?"
You nodded again, kneading your hands restlessly in your lap. Carefully he puts one hand on yours and managed to cover both of your cramped hands with his.
Instead of a joke or a mean comment that you would have expected, his voice softened and he squeezed your hands reassuringly.
"You don't have to be nervous. Business people like that are often strange and not exactly sociable. They are assholes, but you're so adorable that he surely won’t refuse any of your wishes."
A worried sigh wrings itself from your throat and you finally managed to look him in the eye. Only now did he recognize the great concern on your face and moved instantly closer to you.
"What if I don't? What if I mess up and you lose a major sponsor because of me? They will fire me..."
His chocolate brown eyes seemed protective, eyeing you with such confidence that you wanted to snuggle up to him. He placed his other hand on your thigh and gently stroked it.
"You won't mess up. And even if it won't work out, we'll find another sponsor."
A soft laugh escaped you as he quoted you, and he too smiled in relief when he saw that energetic sparkle in your eyes again.
Minho was suddenly so gentle and caring in a way you had never witnessed. In front of the others, he always tried to appear tough and untouchable, always had a cheeky comment on his lips and seemed to let nothing upset him.
But right now his other side appeared. His touches were careful on your skin, as if he feared to break you and he was full of care. It’s a side of him that he reserved just for you.
You intertwined your hand with his and squeezed it gently. As you did so, your thighs were tight against each other and he gave you endless confidence with just that. He believed in you and that alone was such a big ego boost.
Your heart began to melt and your eyes were automatically on his engaging lips.
"Thank you Lino. That really helped. I didn’t know you could be so soft.”
Suddenly his facial expression changed. He looked confused, as if he had woken up from a dream, and quickly smiled again in amusement.
"That being said, you have Chan with you. He's gotten each of us out of trouble several times."
There he was again. The tough Lee Know, and he wondered to himself why he had suddenly gone so soft. It was your mere presence that made him protective. He enjoyed feeling your warm skin and seeing the happy twinkle in your beautiful eyes.
In fact, he managed to make you laugh again and it sounded better than music to his ears.
"Don't worry too much. We definitely won't give you back, kitten."
His hand squeezed your own protectively and it touched you that he dropped his walls in front of you. Without thinking, you leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
You just could not have expressed your gratitude with words.
However, he froze completely and before you could pull away, he grabbed your face rougher than he wanted to. Firmly, he pulled you closer and it took you a few seconds to realise that his lips were already on yours.
Overwhelmed, you clenched your hands until you could feel his pleasant grip on your hip. The other hand was on your cheek and when you finally understood, you put all the desire and concern into the kiss.
At first he was slow, savoring every second until he took your lower lip between his teeth and let his tongue brush over it. As soon as you opened your lips a little, he pushed his tongue into your mouth and deepened the kiss with his whole body.
He seemed like an addict who couldn't get enough and became more and more impetuous. He tasted like a heady mix of sweet strawberries and spicy mint.
Finally he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you onto his lap, where he didn't stop licking his tongue into your mouth. Your hands went into his hair and tugged on his strands. His hands went on a ramble, pushing your dress up until he could firmly grip your ass.
A small squeak of pain escaped you as he squeezed tightly and you felt the corners of his mouth lift at your lips despite your eyes being closed.
"You even purr like a little kitten", he growled and you were completely caught in a trance of arousal and passion as he began to spread wet kisses on your collarbone. He sucked on your skin and pushed you demanding against his lap.
The little sighs and your tensed face made the blood rush between his legs and he wanted to fuck you right there against the couch. But he also loved to tease you until you would whimper and beg him to fuck you senseless. That made the painful erection in his pants much more worth it. His hand lightly brushed your thigh dangerously close to your core.
His tongue licked along your collarbone, down to your cleavage, where he slowly pulled the fabric down and worked on your soft skin so intensely with his mouth that you feared just coming from it on his lap.
The bruises Hyunjin had sucked into your skin were almost gone and Minho wanted to make sure, to mark you again so that the other members would see it. He wanted them to know that you were already his little toy and that they had to make a great effort, to get to him.
Overwhelmed, you felt his bulge feel frighteningly large beneath you and immediately you wanted to see if it was really as immense as it felt on your covered pussy. The straps of your white dress fell off your shoulders and Minho's hands kneaded the flesh on your ass so hard that you would definitely get bruises. But that only fueled the arousal in your whole body.
"Admit it, Kitten! You only put on that cute slutty dress to drive me crazy!", he murmured against your skin, and everything about him made you dizzy. A hard hiss escaped him and he looked up at you with an exited bliss in his eyes.
“Damn didn’t thought you’re so fucking needy, Baby.”
With questioning eyes you let your fingers go trough his soft hair.
“You’re grinding on me”, he explained and kissed the heated skin of your almost bare tits.
Suddenly, you became aware of your own body, feeling him underneath you and trying to feel as much of him as you can. You feel pleasant heat spread through your body, pooling together between your legs where you were far too effected by the feeling of his erection beneath you and somehow you still couldn’t make yourself stop, even though he looked at you with a teasing smile.
“Oh god. I’m sorry”, you murmured against his neck, but then, you felt his hands wrap around your hips further, fingers digging into the side of your ass, and you realised he’s helping you guide your hips.
He smelled so good that you just couldn’t stop rolling your hips against his.
“No need to apologise. That’s so fucking hot”, he growled and pulled your chin back, to kiss you deeply, while he pushed you even further against his hard bulge.
”That’s it, there you go“, he said softly as you moan into his mouth and started to move your hips against his length and you couldn’t stop yourself from whimpering, when the only thing between your clit and his dick was the thin fabric of your clothes.
Suddenly his voice is right by your ear and snaps you out of your aroused trance, so close it sends shivers down your spine:
”You should have told me you like dry humping my dick this much. Fuck, it makes me so hard, can you feel that, kitten?“
You could just nod and get flustered by his words.
Your behaviour was so messy and desperate, even Minho started to lose himself and he kissed you as if he’s never kissed before. It’s more tongue and teeth than needed, tasting you and moaning into your mouth when your tongue meets his. It shouldn’t feel as good as it does. Someone could come in an catch you, how you pounce on each other like heated teenagers, but the hurried kisses make your head feel like it’s spinning.
It hasn’t been long, you know that, but you’re already started to get close. Like with Hyunjin, you felt things that you never had experienced before. There was something about these boys that made you go crazy and they definitely knew what they were doing.
Even though your underwear and his sweatpants were seperating you from feeling him, there was something so intense about this and about Minho that it hardly mattered, and you knew it won’t be long until he would get you making a mess in your panties.
Unable to keep up with how good it felt, luckily Minho still had a hold on you, and when he noticed that it’s getting more difficult for you to keep composed, he gripped your flesh even harder.
Embarrassed you hid your face in the crook of his neck as he guided you by the hips harder and harder against his hard dick. With one hand he pulled you back by the nape of the neck so that you had to look at him while you dry humped him like a kitty in heat.
"No hiding! I wanna see every adorable flustered expression you make!”, he demanded with a harsh tone, both of you trying to pull the other closer for more stimulation. Your hands still groped and scratched at eachothers skin as you desperately grinded on eachother.
He slipped one hand to your throbbing cunt and started to circle your clit, while you tried to get more friction. He was so hard by now that your mere movements on his dick almost made him come. But he did force himself to calm down because he just wanted to work you to an orgasm and see your beautiful face tensed with desire just for him.
”Don’t stop!“, he ordered and his harsh tone made you whimper.
”I want you to be good and cum for me like this, okay? Can you do that, kitten?“
As soon as he hit the sensitive part of your clit directly with his fingers, a naughty moan escaped you and you started to ride your cunt so hard against his cock that you had to claw your fingernails into his back.
“Fuck… Minho”, you cried and couldn’t think of something else than your high which was announced by the tremendous heat in your lower abdomen.
"Aw, you like that, baby?", he chirped with a growl and guided your hips so that he would still hit all your sweet spots through the fabric. You nodded, unable to speak, rocking your hips even harder against him and his fingers.
He pushed his fingers against your clit and noticed how your body tensed. Directly he accelerated the intensity and held your face tightly again with one hand in front of his so he could look at your teary eyes, swollen lips and aroused expression as he worked you to your orgasm with just the snapping of his hips and his hand. You wanted him as close as possibly and somehow this, his mouth mere millimeters from yours, swallowing your breath, wasn’t enough.
“I’m gonna cum…”, you whimpered and he hold your face even rougher, digging his fingernails into your soft cheeks.
“Look how easy it is to turn you into the neediest, sluttiest mess, kitten”, he growled and pressed you firmly onto his throbbing dick. The wet spot on his pants was already as big as a hand, but he couldn’t care less.
“Oh I can’t wait to fuck that soaked little cunt till you cry my name all night!“
Your hands clawed for some type of, literally any, support on his shoulders while he grabbed your ass harsh.
„Be a good little slut and come for me!“, he demanded and his words twisted your mind.
Eventually you got so caught up in the moment you won’t even were able to stay focused on talking, and he started thrusting up, meeting your hips so you didn’t have to do any work. It’s this that finally does it for you, his hands holding you and his hips meeting yours and you automatically imagine how he would fuck you like this. You wanted more and more, caught up in his scent, his words and his body and finally your orgasm crashed over you.
He helped you to ride your high out and gently brushed his hand over your back.
"Feel better now?", he asked and kissed each corner of your mouth.
„Yes… Thank you, Minho.“
A little huff escaped your lips, while you still rubbed your overstimulated pussy against his length. The friction felt too good to stop, even though your soaked cunt was now extremely sensitive. He laughed lightly and ran his hands through your hair as you let your lips brush over his neck
„Greedy but polite. I like that“, he teased and kneaded your ass again. He couldn’t get enough of the perfect curves and the softness of your skin against his fingertips.
„I want you to fuck me, Minho“, you mumbled against his skin and kissed the sensitive spot on his neck beneath his ear. He instantly got goosebumps and in response he moved your hips again more firmly against his now painful hard length.
He would not and could not wait any longer. He longed to sink into your wet core and fuck you so hard until you begged him to stop. Therefore, he reached for his waistband and pulled it down. With a liberated gasp, his boner popped out and you had to bite your lower lip when you realized that it was even bigger than it had felt through the fabric. He would split you open, but you didn't care. Impatiently he pushed your panties aside and as he slipped into your aching core with just the tip, you already felt, how he stretched you out. Slowly you grinded your hips against his, gasping as only his tip filled you painfully good.
You were so dizzy that you almost didn't notice how the door to the practice room were opened and Hyunjin, Jeongin, and Felix walked in.
It wasn't until Minho glanced over your shoulder in annoyance. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw the boys staring at you over your shoulder.
Hyunjin looked at you with a amused, yet unsurprised grin. Felix stared open-mouthed at your naked ass with the white thong on that Minho still had a firm grip on, and Jeongin looked perplexed but definitely aroused by the way you ass was wiggling and grinding against his friends dick.
In fact, the three were more than grateful to have burst into this situation.
"Can't you knock?", Minho spat at them, leaning his forehead against the crook of your neck to breathe in your sweet scent once more. His tip was already in your cunt and he considered, if he should just don‘t give a fuck about the others and push himself all the way into you. If he did that, he'd probably fuck you in front of them too. He already had to fight against his desire but your shocked face made him weak.
Hectically, you tugged your dress back down and adjusted the straps on your shoulders, while he slowly slipped out of you and tugged his dick into his pants.
"We've been knocking, calling and messaging", Felix said meekly, unable to get the image of Minho's hands all over you out of his head and immediately imagining what it would be like to have you sitting on his lap like that, riding his dick and moaning his name.
He cleared his throat and stared at the floor, trying not to get a boner in front of everyone like a needy little schoolboy.
"Yeah... but you seem to have been too busy. Obviously…”, Hyunjin said and his smile was breathtaking.
Minho let you off his lap only after a short resistance and cursed his members quietly. Jeongin was still frozen, looking at you as if you had just flown from heaven to earth.
Embarrassed, you fixed your hair, not resisting Hyunjin's intense gaze. To Felix, you almost wanted to apologize as his head glowed so much you could barely distinguish it from the red walls.
"You guys have to fuck everything up", Lee Know grumbled, leaning forward so they couldn't see the wet spot and the huge bulge in his sweatpants directly.
"We're really sorry, but we need you, Lino. We need to finally start working the choreography out."
Even though Hyunjin's eyes continued to rest on your boobs, he spoke normally to Minho. Gradually, your heartbeat calmed down and you tried to ignore what just happened. They almost caught you, fucking in the practice room. Anyone could have come in but Minho didn’t seem to care at all.
"You look stunning by the way, Jagi", Hyunjin said then and pulled you close to his chest. With his hands lingering on your back, he kissed you quickly. He just couldn’t resist you. The kiss was short but intense and you returned his smile with rosy cheeks.
"Yes. The dress is beautiful on you", Felix agreed and his cuteness sent butterflies in your stomach.
"Thank you. You guys are really sweet."
Jeongin still couldn't get a word out and shoved his hands into his pockets. Suddenly, you remembered something.
Panicking, you searched your phone in your bag and almost had a second heart attack as you read first the time and then Chan's messages where he asked when you guys are going to meet to prepare for the meeting.
"Shit!" you cursed, gathering your things. Along the way, you slipped on your Converse Chucks that you had left by the sofa.
"I have to go see Chan right now. Do you know where he is?"
Hyunjin shrugged and connected his phone to the stereo.
"He was still here this morning", Lee Know said from behind you.
Felix nodded and Hyunjin glanced over his shoulder briefly and replied:
"Yes, but left again around 10 o'clock."
Then Jeongin said:
"He was just at the dorm."
„Okay, Well shit. I'll go there then. We have the meeting in an hour. Fucking hell..."
As you storm out, a few more not so ladylike curses slipped out, due to the stress. The guys looked after you and Hyunjin sighed loudly.
"Is it just me, or is she even outrageously hot when she curses like a sailor?"
Lee Know snorted in amusement and the other two could only agree. Then Hyunjin looked back at Lee Know with a knowing grin.
Still irritated, he snapped at him:
Hyunjin pouted his lips and shook his head defensively.
"Nothing. Just wondering why you decided to fuck her in the practice room, in the middle of the day, where anyone could have come in.“
„Thanks to you I didn't even get to fuck her yet“, he said sourly and the boys knew, that Lee Know would go hard on them today. He almost were able to fuck the hottest girl he ever met, and of course his stupid members had to screw it up.
"The choreographer is here“, Felix said, glancing at his phone.
"Do you want me to bring him in? He's been waiting for a while", Jeongin asked, to which Lee Know stood up, his hands in front of the big tent in his pants.
"Tell him he'll have to wait a few more minutes if he doesn't want to blow me."
Felix pressed his lips together and Jeongin looked at him in amazement, while Hyunjin laughed. As the door slammed shut behind Lee Know, Jeongin said monotonously:
"I definitely won't tell him that."
-> Part 7
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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918 notes · View notes
alevicke · 6 months
I love the way you write for Jax —- I really would like to see Jax with a fem reader who is sort of like Jax- messes around with the others, sarcastic and feisty, but also reciprocates Jax’s minor flirting…so maybe Jax gets so confused, like thrown off- ‘does she like me does she not’ type beat, and ends up pushing farther and farther into his teasing and flirting, trying to figure out if she likes him back, but she ends up being the one to make a bold move…like just drops down on her knees pulling her hair into a ponytail like “ight…since you wanna talk all big lets get to it”… if that makes ANY sense at all 😭💀
I'm sorry I'm sorry! I know I'm super slow but I'm just awful writing NSFW ;; I love reading it sometimes but I'm so bad writing it XD So I hope this isn't too boring and you enjoy it! <3
Jax x F!Reader who teases and flirt back (NSFW)
TW: Blowjob, petnames, a bit of manhandling? NSFW obviously. Any other needed please let me know! I think there isn't much to say D:
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When you first joined the circus, Jax thought there would be a new sucker to annoy the hell out of them. Another person to joke with and use some pranks on.
He didn’t expect you to reply back as soon as he called you a pet name trying to annoy you. He usually called Ragatha dollface and he looked for another nickname for you to suit your digital appearance and annoy you. But he didn’t expect you to be calling him your silly bunny. Weird, huh. That sounded a bit like flirting. 
That was only the start of a weird forth and back between you both that no one actually understood. You sounded like an asshole with Jax, teasing him and annoying him, but you weren’t like that with the others, well, a bit but not as aggressive as Jax. For some it was double the torture now that you were there
They truly were praying you two didn’t teamed up or you could make the circus a living hell for everyone else but you two.
Jax had a lot of troubles understanding why you reciprocated his flirtations all the time. He wanted to believe you were into him, perhaps, but he wasn’t going to say anything
It didn’t matter that Zoobles told him that you looked like you were in love with him or at least interested, he wouldn’t listen. He still had his doubts
So the back and forth from you both kept being extended while he was so indecisive. You, however, seemed to be growing impatience. At this point you were honestly sure he wanted to do something with you. It was obvious by the whole flirting and how your conversations could get heated sometimes. But he always backed up at the last minute and you were already growing tired of it.
The last drop that spilled the glass was already getting closer, you could feel it. It was about to happen. 
Last few days you could feel yourself getting needier for physical contact and the silly bunny wasn’t making the step you needed. It was getting painful at this point. The desire every single day for nothing, to end up in your room touching yourself in drowned moans against the pillow. 
That day, however, didn’t look any different. Jax and you were talking alone in his room. Everyone was surprised you could get into his room, he didn’t want anyone there but you. Not even Zooble who was the closest to him after you was allowed there. And you truly thought it was a good sign, taking you to his room perhaps it could mean he would finally make the move. 
But NO. To your disbelief, it was happening again.
- Well, I didn’t expect you to make such a bold move, but I ain’t gonna complain if this is what you want toots. Could have said it before if you wanted it so badly” - You raised an eyebrow not even believing what you hear. After so many doubts and he backing up now he wanted to act brave?
Jax and you were already in the room for quite some time and the conversation was heating up as you both threw flirty punchlines to each other. You softly bit your lower lip hoping, craving for his touch. But you could see him making no movement. That was enough
- I’ve had enough of this Jax… Since you wanna talk all big let’s get to it. No more waiting” - you said as you got up from the bed. Jax, looked at you completely confused, not understanding your words. You pulling your hair up to tie it in a pony tail didn’ seem to give him enough hints. That was until you dropped on your knees pulling his legs apart.
- Oh… - it finally clicked on him what your words meant. His cheeks quickly grew red as a smirk appeared on your lips. But his smirk grew wider- He didn’t mind you taking the lead if this was the direction you were taking
- I was hoping you would make the first move, my bunny, but you left me no choice. Now shut for a bit and let me handle this. 
Jax raised an eyebrow, eyes locked on him as you fixed your ponytail. He could swear you were prettier than ever but perhaps it was lust on his eyes. He decided to stay quiet as you prepared yourself. Being honest, he didn’t want to miss the opportunity of what was going on so for once he had to hold back being an asshole. At least a tiny bit… But expecting him to stay quiet is impossible. You know he would be at least a bit annoying as always. 
You unbuttoned his overalls, letting these slip down his chest. You could feel the anticipation building on him. His eyes were following you like a predator hunting down a prey and his member already getting hard, the bulge noticeable for you. As your hand gently caressed this, a moan escaped between his teeth. A sweet sound filling your ears and raising every hair in you. 
You kept teasing him from outside his clothes, making him grow impatient. You were waiting so long for this, now he had to wait for it too, no matter if the desire was already wetting your panties. You caressed his length as you licked your lip, making him bite his lower lip in excitement. You could feel his breath become heavier as his desire grew but this was nothing but pleasure for you.
You took the overalls carefully and pulled them all the way down, finally releasing his erected cock, menacing to your eyes and to your lips. Taking it all the way down was going to be hard and he knew that just for the way you looked at it, eyes wide open.
- “What happened? Having second thoughts, sweetie?” - he teased you as he grinned, taking the member with his hand softly caressing it. 
- “Don't poke fun at me, Jax, you could end up with nothing” - you replied grinning as his disappeared a bit. He rolled his eyes and smirked 
- “Ok ok I'll be a good boy for you. Just for a bit, doll” - he finally replied while you leaned in closer to him between his legs. 
You stuck your tongue out, softly pressing this one against his twitching cock. You could see him biting his own lip again, repressing all pleasure sounds he could make just to keep his tough appearance in front of you but as soon as you moved your tongue along his length he couldn't repress a soft moan between closed teeth.
Your tongue left the dick all the way up to the top nice and wet until the very tip where you licked the precum, tracing circles on it while he grabbed the bedsheets to control humping his hips against your mouth, wanting more already.
You finally took the whole shaft inside your mouth as he let out a soft relieved moan feeling your lips stroke it while you started bobbing your head up and down on it. You felt his hand in your hair, petting it, but when you looked up he was eyes closed enjoying the feeling. 
But with each one of your movements your desire for touch was bigger. You traced your hand all the way down following your breasts and your tummy until finding all the way inside your own panties. This was nothing but a sweet addition to the moment for Jax. Not only were you pleasing him but he could also see you touching yourself between drowned moans and pants against his dick. 
You continued following the movements with your head, your lips stroking with each one as Jax kept his eyes locked on you. His breath kept getting heavier, quicker, while his fingers petted your hair. You could feel his temptation to pull it but he didn’t want to go too rough with you already, he wanted to go at your own pace, without rushing anything. 
But he wasn’t known for having too much patience… So it didn’t take too long for you to sense his hand grabbing your hair a bit more as he wanted to go faster and deeper. Seeing the saliva escape his lips was the clear sign that he was about to reach his climax and he was struggling to hold the moans in. A few words were being censored as he said them though. You however were already drowning moans against his cock as your fingers traced circles around your clit and sometimes moved down, all the way to your entrance almost pushing a finger inside.
You felt his hand finally grab your hair as he couldn’t hold any longer and humped his hips against your mouth, feeling it with each inch of his shaft to make you swallow all his cum. It was hard but you didn’t pull away from him after all, letting him ride your tongue in his ecstasis, his high wave of pleasure between louder moans filling the room even more with the steam of sex and the smell of gratification. 
- “You didn’t think we were already done, right toots…?”
It took him quite some seconds to go down from the wave, still heavily panting and releasing your hair from his grab. You pulled apart, cleaning the corners of your lips with the back part of your hand while looking at him. He was leaning back, cheeks and face completely red
- “*Bleep*, y-you really tried to milk me there, dollface…” - he said between pants.
You barely heard his words while your hand finally stopped teasing and you slipped two fingers inside your wet core, panties already soaking wet as you were the one now humping hips against yourself wanting more. Jax smiled widely, reaching a hand to your face, grabbing your jawline to make him look directly at his eyes. He licked his lips with desire, for you, for more…
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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1: Captain Barnacles! :DD
2: One of the reasons why I redrew them suddenly was because I was thinking of re-writing my Octonauts Sea dwellers AU :0 But I'm going back on that now tbh.. :///
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They didn't figure it out and they did end up booking it. I mean,, can you really blame them?
We know Papyrus, and all of us would absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was innocent. But Seam and Jevil don't know the Papyrus we know.
All Seam sees is an absolute mountain of bodies and an state of utter decay all around him.. with suspiciously the last man standing being a very clearly mentally unstable skeleton.. would you assume he was innocent?
Add onto that all the stress Seam was under, how unstable he was as well. Seam couldn't see the situation any other way and he was not taking any chances.
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I don't watch Adventure time currently and I don't know all the nitty gritty of the shows lore.. but my favorite characters from what I've seen is Simon! With Jake as a close second. :} Also Prismo is 3rd I think-
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f...fank youu!!
(Also the protons joke got a laugh outa me XDD )
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:DD Thank you so much! I'm glad you like how I draw them!! :}}
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oh ok
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Wait are the characters from the game actually baked in an oven to be "born"?? I didn't know that--
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:DD I'm glad you like them! And although I don't have either game, I hope to learn a little more about the games lore :0
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@chickenheadguy (Link in question)
Oh! Thank you! Lemme just take a look an--
170 VIDEOS??
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(Also thank you for the compliments and the link! :DD )
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NO HE DOESN'T GET KILLED-- Seam and Jevil just jump to another AU as soon as Jevil had the strength to. Leaving Papyrus behind in the process..
(Also thank you!! :DD )
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I don't have any plans to draw any art like that, no.. sorry! <:/
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YES. YES IT DOES. But its not the people who go "ohmygosh I LOVE this (AU/thing) you made! Its wonderful! Do you have any plans to continue it someday.? If not that's ok! Just wondering!" Those guys are fine and I take it as a compliment actually!
Its the people who say things like "When are you gonna finish this" "Why did you stop drawing this" "How long until you draw this again" "I don't like what you're drawing, now go back to this it was better" comments like THOSE, suck. And its always about the same comics/subjects that I stopped drawing months ago. Looking at you Octonauts crab comic
As for my AUs, its not too hard for me to remember all of them. I never have more than 5-6 per fandom. I can usually list them off by memory! :0
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Tbh the animatronics would probably just register that as a mess/hazard and would notify an employee about the issue. In which the employee would dispatch a mop bot to go clean it up. I imagine it unfortunately happens often enough that the bots aren't really fazed. Kids amirite-
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I have drawn her at least twice from recent memory! Once in this horror post, and she makes an appearance in part 1 of my FNAF AU recap/repair! :00
The reason why I rarely draw her is becuase of the plans I have for her in my AU. She is meant to be very mysterious and I want the changes I made to her in my re-write to be a surprise-
Also thank you! I'm glad you like my cookie run creatures! :}}}
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I'm not sure actually.. idk if the characters from the games are aware that they are "cookies" in the sense that they are meant to be eaten- So I'm not sure how my characters would react either-
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Its related to the names of the drivers, I cant share anything else! :x
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@mumble-jumble-gallery (Post in question)
Magic candy..? Huh- well I'm glad it isn't world shattering at least-- <XDD
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:DD Thank you so much! I'll be sure to draw them again sometime XD
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Sorry for the late reply! This ask got buried-
If you look to this post for reference, I was thinking that Fredbear would be as tall as Bonnie. Maybe a little taller.? And Spring Bonnie would be about as tall as Foxy :00
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sulphuryasecretcloset · 6 months
I actually finished the last chapter of Time To Say Goodbye tonight! As impossible as that sounds xD Now, there is just the mess of an epilogue to fix, sow together and turn into something worth reading. For those still wanting to read the ending to Din and Corin's journey; hang in there! And to celebrate; a small snippet!
“I can teach you how to use that.” Raga suddenly says and Corin's attention flutters over to her and finds she's talking to Barthor, who is still clutching his new jetpack. Behind them, Paz is busy examining his own gift, lost in whatever he's discovering there.
“There are no words in any known or forgotten language that can truly express how strongly that is not going to happen.” Barthor replies, sounding like having Raga teach him how to use the jetpack is his worst nightmare.
“I can help you.” Din offers, far too innocently to be anything but scary.
“Also a hard no.” Barthor grumbles. “I've seen you with a jetpack. I've broken enough bones in my life time, thanks.”
Din huffs with offense while Raga laughs and Corin observes them with a weird sense of envy. It must have been wonderful to grow up in the Covert with other children instead of being alone and having to constantly move between all sorts of army bases and space stations.
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cnnmonbimee · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @milkteamoon thanks for the tag milk <33
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 28! Which isn't that much but I never thought I would write that much to begin with :D!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 115,038 I wish to write more this year since I was in a slump last year 😤
3. What fandoms do you write for? Most of my fics are JSHK, but I've written a Hyouka fic for a zine and an (unexpectedly) x reader fic for The Ssum. I have two original works there too though!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
..Everything? (地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga)) (1,695 words) kudos: 113
Two Lips, with hues of cherry and honey. (地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga)) (4,936 words) kudos: 102
Reason For Another Tomorrow (地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga)) (14,236 words) kudos: 89
Just Like Us (地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga)) (3,797 words) kudos: 79
Bright as helios, Beautiful as anthos, a True Helianthus (地縛少年花子くん | Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun | Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Manga)) (10,055 words) kudos: 67
Honestly speaking, '...Everything' isn't my favourite and isn't my best either, so I have no idea why it's there 😂 The others are probably because they're long enough to be there, but I do like seeing Tulips, Just Like Us, and the Bridge fic being there.
5. Do you respond to comments? I usually do! and I, myself love to leave comments! Most of my inbox are filled with replies to the comments that I wrote instead! I like interacting with both my readers and other writers :>
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The only thing that came to mind is Tulips. The first chapter ended hopeful and the second was sad xd Though, I wouldn't really say it's angsty! It's more to bittersweet I think. I have another lesser-known fic that has, not really angsty, but the ending was a little messed-up xD
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of my fics have happy endings since I usually write fluff.... I think...
8. Do you get hate on fics? Never yet! I was a bit scared when I posted tsunene fics and even moderated the comments xD but no one ever left anything mean there!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Very very mildddddd in my opinion. And I rarely write smut because I'm shy (pfftt) The only ones I have was for tsunene and they were only making out;; another one is something that I just posted yesterday as a ficlet. If I ever want to seriously write one day though, maybe something sweet like vanilla. I'm a simple person u_u . And I like it when it involves feelings <3
10. Do you write crossovers? I never thought of writing crossovers :0 they aren't really my thing. But I do think they're fun for crack though!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, i think?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nopee I don't think my fics are widely known to have them translated Xd but who knows, maybe one day!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Noooooo someone co-write with me someday :);;;;
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Hananene, of course!!! You won't really get any other answer from me u-u I do wish to be more diverse in the future though! And I did entertain in the idea of writing threesome like hananenetsuka or hananenekou but never actually did it ;;;
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Everything in my never-ending wip list u_u Some of them are big fics that I'm itching to write but never have the time.
16. What are your writing strengths? I'm good at writing feelings, I think? I haven't done any self-evaluation lately. Oh but I really love metaphors!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I usually have a hard time to make my writing more descriptive. Sometimes they feel too bland u_u and since English isn't my first language, some of the dialogues don't sound natural and casual like I wanted it to be.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I never thought of this before and don't know if the fics I'll ever write have the settings for this xd
19. First fandom you wrote for? JSHK is what really got me into fanfiction. Before that I always have this impression that fanfics are usually /reader only, which I'm not really fond of (Should have discovered more!!) I started as an avid jshk fics reader, and never thought of writing my own to be honest! Love the fact that I tried <3 it's why I'm here.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Wahhh I think my most recent favourite is A beautiful heart like yours (is mine to hold), which is a fic I wrote for Tsunene Week 2023. I think it's my most well-written piece :') it's the only one that I don't get icky feelings when rereading it. Others are 'The Reason for Another Tomorrow', also known as codename: Bridge fic, and the first ever fic I've written for the fandom, If I Were The Moon, Would You Be My Sun?, which isn't my best writing but has a really special place in my heart <3
Thanks for the tag Milk <3 I'm just tagging whoever I have in mind so don't feel obligated to do it! This is just for fun <3 @voidjelli @insipidenvy @miss-sternennacht @thatsrightdollface @doughnutboii @krispyt @wingsonghalo @etheralisi @kawff33 @kinkymoonaf
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Build Me Up, Buttercup - Argyle
A/N: so, I started writing this before I got Argyle requests because I wasn’t sure I would get any (I did, a lot and really good) so, I needed to finish it and post it even if nobody really asked for it xD so, I still hope you like it! 
Warnings: reader deals with PTSD and nightmares; mentions of Billy Hargrove hurting the reader; mentions of being high; and this isn’t proofread so I’m not even sure how this turned out xD I think that’s pretty much it but let me know if I missed anything, please! (also a side of Steddie because WHY NOT?! who is it hurting?) also this is SUPER LONG
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger Things :D gif isn’t mine :)
Build Me Up, Buttercup
I need you more than anyone, darling You know that I have from the start So build me up, Buttercup, don't break my heart
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Four months. You had been living in California for four months. After what happened last summer in Hawkins, your mom decided it was best for you. You couldn’t really argue with her since Hawkins was actually haunted. The things you and your brothers had lived through were more than you ever thought you could handle. Let alone Eleven. And now, Hopper was gone. You could only imagine what she was going through. You couldn’t really say you understood since your father was an asshole on different levels and was still alive. And Hopper was the closest thing Eleven had to a father. On top of that, your mom had taken on a new job, Jonathan was freaking out on a daily basis about Nancy and college and you were 100% certain he was high about 90% of the time. And Will. Your little brother had gone through more than any of you. You had always tried to protect him from anything in the world and you had always blamed yourself for the night he went missing even if he kept telling you it wasn’t your fault.
“Hey” you jumped a little when you heard a voice, snapping you out of your thoughts and you saw Eleven opening the door. “Mom says breakfast is ready” she smiled at you and you smiled back.
You were really happy that Eleven felt comfortable enough with all of you. To be completely honest, you had always wanted a little sister since Jonathan and Will tended to gang up on you sometimes, so you were glad she was here.
“Thanks, El, I’ll be right out” you replied quietly.
“Are you okay?” she asked, walking inside your shared room and sitting on her bed.
“Yes, of course” you smiled. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I heard you talking in your sleep again” she said quietly.
“Oh” you said, feeling nervous. “W-what did I say?”
“I couldn’t tell” she said. “You were mumbling a lot but… you seemed pretty scared” she said, worriedly.
“Oh, maybe I was just having a nightmare” you shrugged it off lightly.
“What was it about? It sounded really scary” she asked.
“Well, to be completely honest with you, I don’t remember” you told her. That was a lie. Of course, you remember. It’s always the same nightmare. “So it couldn’t have been that scary” you insisted, knowing she was worried about you. “I’m sorry if I woke you up” you told her.
“Okay” she replied, still a bit unconvinced.
She was the only one that knew you had been having nightmares for a long time since you were now sharing a bedroom. You had asked her to keep the secret and, even if she insisted that ‘Friends don’t lie’ you insisted that it wasn’t a lie. You just didn’t want to worry anyone when so many things were going on and she shouldn't worry either. You were somehow able to convince her, but you knew she was bound to tell someone if it kept going.
“Come on, let’s go get breakfast” you said, grabbing your grey oversized cardigan and putting it over your all-black outfit and the two of you went over to the dining room.
“Good morning, sweetheart” Joyce greeted you.
"Morning, mom" you smiled.
“You must be burning up in that sweater, it’s like 100° outside” Will laughed a little.
“I’m fine” you insisted, messing his hair and taking the seat next to him.
“Guys! Hurry up, our ride’s gonna be here in like fifteen minutes” Jonathan said, walking in and sitting next to you.
“Did your car break down again?” you asked him and he nodded as he chugged down a glass of juice.
“I got it covered though. Argyle’s coming to pick us up” he told you.
Argyle. Out of the four of you, Jonathan had been the only one to branch out and actually made a friend. You knew Will and El had trouble making friends. Will’s only friends were stuck in Hawkins and El knew nobody else but those kids, so you felt bad for them when you came to California. At least they had each other. But you. Everyone had noticed but had the decency to not point out that you hadn’t been making any friends. Back in Hawkins, you had your fair share of friends. You weren’t like one of the popular girls, but you had more than any of your brothers. But now, you had a very hard time trusting other people and you had no interest in knowing new people. You had your brothers, El, and your friends back at home. And Argyle. Even if he was Jonathan’s friend, there was something about him that made it incredibly hard for you to not think about him. Maybe it was the fact that he was the one that got your brother high all the time. Or maybe it was that he dressed with every color there ever existed and it used to remind you of you at some point. Maybe it was because he was literally always smiling. Whatever it was, you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a very particular honk coming from outside.
“That’s him” Jonathan announced. “Let’s roll!” he said walking out with Will and El quickly following him so you did the same.
“Have a great day at school!” your mother yelled from the entrance. “And please drive safely, Argyle!”
“No worries, Mrs. Byers!” he yelled, smiling as Jonathan hopped on the other side and Will and El got in on the back after they each high-fived him. “Well, good morning, lovely señorita” he said, looking at you.
“Good morning, Argyle” you said, feeling your cheeks burning a little.
“You know the rule” he smirked.
“Oh, come on!” you complained.
“Nope. No smile, no ride” he insisted.
“Fine” you said, rolling your eyes before you flashed him a forced smile. “Better?”
“You keep working on that, Byers” he said as you got on the back with Will and El. “Alright, hold on to your butts brochachos!”
You were trying to concentrate during your second period but it was easier said than done when you had him sitting so close to you. Ever since you started in this school, you had become the target of the ‘popular’ guy in your class, Andrew. He definitely wasn’t the worst person you had met, but he reminded you a lot of Billy Hargrove. You don’t even know how to begin to explain Billy Hargrove.
Ever since he and his family moved to Hawkins, something was off about him. His quick rise to popularity didn’t really help his ego and he became drunk on power. But it wasn’t until you literally fought against him with Steve Harrington, trying to protect Max, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin when you were in your house that you became actually terrified of him. You never really told your brothers or your mom about it, and Steve was actually quite helpful in the matter. But then, summer came, and Billy became one of the Mind Flayer's Flayed. You never told anybody about it, but before he did, whatever it was he did to Heather Holloway, he had tried to take you. You had barely been able to escape, running out of the pool, and were grateful that Steve was picking you up, almost running you over with his car, but he got you out of there.
So, again, you didn’t say anything. Because nothing really happened. That’s what you kept telling yourself. It didn’t really feel right to mention it when everyone in your family was going through so much bigger things. Your mother had a new kid to take care of, a new job, and she lost Hopper. You were the only one that knew they were supposed to have a date and you had never seen her so happy, after Bob, who she saw being killed. Jonathan was always the responsible one who tried to keep it together for your family. It was like that since you were kids and he was the only one that stood up to your dad. And now, he was here without Nancy and had no idea what to do about his future. And then, you could not possibly even begin to think about what both Eleven and Will have gone through in their lives. And after all that, Eleven was now here, without Hopper and without Mike. And Will… you and Will had always talked about everything. You tried as best as you could to help him with the aftermath of the Upside Down, and you were trying to help him now with these newfound feelings he had. So no, there was no way that you were going to burden any of them with something that didn’t even happen to you. Because it was stupid. You were just homesick, missing Steve because he was the only one that knew.
“So, Byers!” you heard Andrew’s voice in front of you and he had sat back, smirking at you. “There’s a party this weekend at my place. My parents are out of town” he said.
“I’m busy” you smiled, trying to be polite.
“Oh, come on, don’t be such a stuck-up, bitch! We’re trying to get to know you better” he insisted. “You can even bring your scary brother and his weird friend who’s always high” he said.
“How charming of you” you said, rolling your eyes. “But I’ll pass, I have to work” you said, going back to your book.
“Come on, babe-” he said, reaching out for your hand but you quickly removed it.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” you snapped.
“Relax, why are you such a freak? I was just going to write down my address in case you wanted to come” he said, grabbing your wrist forcefully. You grabbed your pen and quickly jammed it into his hand. “FUCK! What the fuck is wrong with you, you bitch?!”
“DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” you yelled before you started to run out of the class. You didn’t even acknowledge that your teacher was standing at the door.
“Miss Byers, where do you think you’re going?”
You ignored her as you ran all the way to the bathroom. You needed to calm down. You went inside and were glad that it was empty. You walked over to the sink and washed your face. You took a couple of deep breaths and stood up to look at yourself in the mirror. And then, you saw him behind you.
“Missed me, babe?”
He wasn’t there. He was dead. He couldn’t be there.
“Y-you’re not here” you muttered to yourself, still not being able to turn around.
“‘Course I’m here” you heard him say as you saw him walk closer to you. “See, no matter what you do, you can’t keep me away for long” Billy smirked, sticking his tongue out like he always did.
“Shut up!” you said, closing your eyes, wanting him to go away. “Y-you’re dead! I saw you die!” you said, turning around and you swore you could still see him.
“No, babe. You’re dead! And Harrington isn’t here to save you this time!”
You saw him about to grab you and you couldn’t take it anymore, you ran out of the bathroom, bumping into someone as soon as you did.
“Whoa, slow down, my dude” you heard Argyle’s voice. You kept looking behind you and then you looked up at him. Argyle felt his entire heart shattering. In the four months he had known you, he had never seen you like this. You looked absolutely terrified. He stood a few steps back, knowing you didn’t like being touched, but he didn’t want to leave you alone like this. “Hey, what’s going on? You okay-?”
“He’s gonna k-kill me” you muttered, as you kept looking at the bathroom door as if Billy was going to get out at any moment.
“What? What are you talking about?” Argyle asked, even more confused. “Is someone in there? Did he do anything to you?” he asked, getting upset, something you had to admit you had never seen before. He walked over to the door, but before he could open it, you grabbed his hand and pulled him back.
“No! You can’t go in there!” you said, panicking and pulling him towards you. Argyle frowned his eyebrows, looking at you and then at your linked hands. This was the first time in four months he'd had any kind of physical touch with you and he felt as if his hand was burning and he did not want to let go any time soon. “I have to get out of here!”
“Alright, let me go get Jonathan-”
“NO! Jonathan can’t see me like this. He can’t know! I have to uh- I have to get out of here” you said, dropping his hand and he felt a small pain in his heart when you did. “I’m sorry, I’m s-sorry. I have to get out of here-” you muttered, hugging yourself.
“Alright, okay, I can take you wherever you need to go, alright?” he said, walking closer to you but still keeping his distance. “Is that okay?” he asked and you nodded. You seemed really upset and he wanted to do anything he could to help you. “Alright, let’s go-” before he could go on, you held on to his hand again. You didn’t know why. This was the first time in four months you held someone or touched someone outside of your family. But you trusted Argyle, and when you held his hand it made you feel safe if only for a moment. “‘Kay, let’s go, dude” Argyle smiled, leading you outside.
You were riding around the town in Argyle’s pizza van. It was one of the few times you got to sit in the front with him, since usually, Jonathan was in the front. You kept looking out the window and tried your best to stop your hands from shaking.
“You wanna change the music?” Argyle offered, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Um n-no, thanks” you smiled shyly. “I like your music” you told him. “Um, I’m s-sorry, Argyle” you said, quietly.
“What? Why are you sorry, dude?”
“For uh- earlier” you said, looking down at your hands on your legs. “I didn’t mean to worry you or… make you skip class and leave school-”
“Oh, nah, dude. It’s all good. I probably would have ended up skipping class anyways” he smiled at you.
“Thanks” you said with a small smile and then it was quiet again.
“You want me to take you home-?”
“N-no” you quickly said. “I mean, my mom is there and she’s gonna know I skipped school and ask what happened and I can’t really deal with that right now” you explained.
“Okay” he shrugged. “I just wanna know how I can help you” he told you.
“That’s… really sweet of you, Argyle” you smiled at him.
“See? There it is, man!” he smiled. “I knew you had one!”
“What?” you chuckled, confused.
“I knew you could smile” he laughed and you felt your cheeks burning a little. “Hey, I know where we can go” he said, taking a left turn on the next exit.
It was about ten more minutes until you arrived at your final destination. Argyle pulled over into the parking lot of what looked like a junkyard.
“Uh… did you bring me here to kill me?” you asked as he turned off his van and walked outside.
“What? No, dude” he laughed, walking over to your side and you saw he had two golf clubs in his hand. “This is the coolest place in all of Lenora Hills” he said as he helped you out of the car and then he grabbed a bin full of golf balls. “This is mostly where I hang out with your brother” he explained.
“When you’re getting high?” you chuckled.
“Guilty” he said, walking you over to the edge of the junkyard. “Look, dude, I don't know what happened to you in that bathroom, and you don’t have to tell me, but…” he said before placing one of the golf balls on the floor and he gripped the club between his hands before swinging the ball. “This might help” he said before you heard a loud crash of a window of an old car. “Give it a try, Buttercup!”
“Buttercup?” you asked with an arched eyebrow.
“Yeah, Jonathan says those are like your favorite things” he told you. “He says you put them in like everything you bake. Not that I would know since I’ve never had the pleasure of trying one of said desserts that your brothers and your sister always say are too good for this Earth” he told you.
“Buttercup is not a dessert” you said, confused.
“Yes, it is!” he argued.
“No, it’s a flower” you laughed.
“No, dude, I mean those chocolate buttercups” he said, mimicking it with his hands.
“Are you talking about Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups?” you asked, trying not to laugh.
“Yeah, man! That’s what I said!” he said excitedly. “They even made a song about it!”
“No, they didn’t” you laughed.
“Yes, I will play it for you. I have the cassette in my car!” he insisted.
“Well, um… don’t take it personally, I haven’t baked anything since we moved” you said, quietly as you placed your golf ball on the floor and took a swing, hitting an old car’s window. “Oh” you said, surprised. “That actually felt oddly satisfying” you admitted, smiling at Argyle.
“See? You’re a natural, Buttercup!” he said, feeling his heart flutter a little whenever you smiled.
You were laughing probably more than you had ever laughed in your life as Argyle dramatically sang with you in his car as he drove to your next destination. You couldn’t help but join him as his backup singer, happily singing at the top of your lungs. There really was something contagious about him that just made you as happy as he always was.
Why do you build me up (Build me up) Buttercup, baby Just to let me down? (Let me down) And mess me around
And then, worst of all (Worst of all) You never call, baby When you say you will (Say you will) But I love you still
“How do you even know this song?” you asked, between laughs. This wasn’t like the kind of music he heard at all.
“My mom always sings it” he smiled.
“Really?” you asked, curiously and he nodded. “My mom sings it a lot too!” you said, happily.
I need you (I need you) More than anyone, darling You know that I have from the start So build me up (Build me up) Buttercup, don't break my heart
“Do you want my pickles?” you asked, opening your burger and offering the two small pickles inside to him.
“You don’t like pickles?” he asked with his mouth already half-full of his burger and frowning his eyebrows at you. When you shook your head no, he gladly took the pickles himself and ate them. “Damn, Byers, you and your family are really picky eaters” he laughed as you grabbed a bite of your burger. “You don’t like pickles, you don’t like pineapple on your pizza-”
“Nobody but you like pineapple on your pizza, Argyle” you laughed a little.
“That’s not true, man!” he laughed. “Have you even tried it?”
“Well… no” you admitted, looking down.
“Then you gotta try before you deny, Buttercup” he told you.
The two of you were now sitting on some picnic tables on a hill where you could see all of Lenora Hills. After smashing many cars with golf balls, Argyle took you to a drive-in bought burgers for the two of you, and now, here you were.
“Alright” you smiled. “I’ll try it” you told him, making his smile get even bigger, which you didn’t think was possible.
“Really?” he asked excitedly and you nodded.
“Yeah” you said, shyly.
“Cool” he said, going back to his burger. The two of you were silent for a couple of minutes until Argyle spoke again. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
You looked up at him and finished your drink before setting it down. “Sure” you nodded.
“You don’t have to answer if like… you don’t want to” he said, clearing his throat and avoiding looking at you. “Um” he started. You had never seen him somewhat… nervous? “W-why didn’t you want me to get Jonathan when you bumped into me?” You froze a little bit. You knew it was going to be something about today but not that specific question. “I just um- I know you two are very close and you help him a lot when he freaks out which is constantly now that he’s away from his girlfriend and-”
“That’s kind of… why” you interrupted him.
“What do you mean?” he asked, frowning his eyebrows, confused and you took a deep breath. You thought maybe it was time to confide in someone other than Steve who was miles away from you. And maybe Argyle would forget after today since he was high most of the time.
“Argyle… did Jonathan ever tell you why we moved here?” you asked, curiously. Maybe he even already knew.
“Well” he said after he swallowed another bite of his burger, nervously. “He just kept saying that some shit went down” he explained. “I didn’t really want to pry or anything” he admitted and you smiled a little. “Did… did something bad happen?” he closed his mouth before he could finish, adding the words ‘to you?’ After what he saw this morning he didn’t want to think of anything that might hurt you or your family who had kind of become a family to him as well.
“Um… yeah, kinda” you sighed. “I m-mean, yes” you said.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t-”
“No, it’s okay” you assured him. “It’s just… a little hard to explain” you said with a small smile.
You then started telling him the main events that happened. Will going missing, Eleven losing her father, your mom losing Bob, and then Hopper, basically what happened without the whole Upside Down thing. You didn’t really want to spook him or make him think that you were crazy. So you explained as best as you could just… leaving some details out.
“Whoa” he said when you were done. “That’s… that’s a lot of shit that happened, man” he told you.
“I know” you said, quietly.
“But” he added. “What happened to you?” he asked directly.
He could tell you were leaving some things out. And he could tell that a lot of them involved you and what happened in that bathroom. People may not give him enough credit, but he paid attention. When he cared, he did. And he had paid attention to you in the last four months. He noticed how jumpy you would get with loud noises. He noticed how you would also instantly grab Will and Jane whenever you thought they were in danger, which may happen a lot when he was driving. He noticed you dressed in too many layers for California. He noticed the dark circles under your eyes. And he noticed that you never smiled.
“Um” you said, looking down. “N-nothing-”
“Byers” he said in a serious tone and you instantly looked back at him. You had never seen Argyle be serious about something. “Look, I don’t know the whole thing of what happened back where you lived” he started. “But I have never seen someone as scared as you were this morning” he told you. You sighed deeply and looked away.
“There was… a guy” you started. “His name is- was” you corrected yourself. “His name was Billy” you continued. “He died” you told him.
“Was he… a friend of yours or-”
“No” you quickly replied. “He was a horrible person” you explained. “He tried to hurt one of Will’s friends and he was mean to his sister and he-” you said, getting uneasy.
“Did he… hurt you?” Argyle asked, feeling something he rarely felt. The thought of someone hurting you made his entire body shake in anger.
“Well… um, k-kind of” you admitted. “I mean, he tried to uh-” you said, looking away. Argyle noticed the change in your behavior and regretted making you upset. “Look, it doesn’t matter anymore” you chuckled sadly as a few tears escaped your eyes and you quickly wiped them away. “I mean, he’s dead now and n-nothing really happened so…”
“Does your brother know about him?” he asked, knowing the answer already but you still shook your head no. “Why not?”
“I don’t know” you admitted. “It was just… a lot of things you know? And Jonathan has always been the big brother that protects me and Will from everything and then he blamed himself when Will went missing and he’s always trying to keep it together for us and I just… I didn't want to burden him with another thing on top of everything he has going on” you explained. “I can handle this, I mean… it’s nothing-” you insisted.
“Dude, what happened today wasn’t nothing” he tried to argue with you.
“Yes it is, it happens all the time” you blurted out without thinking. When you looked at Argyle, he had his jaw dropped, shocked.
“It happens all the time?”
“N-no, I didn’t mean-”
“What happened to you today happens all the time?”
“No, not all the time” you insisted. “I just… sometimes have nightmares about Billy and I sometimes… feel like he’s still here” you admitted, looking down.
“Dude! That’s is a lot of shit that you’re dealing with, man” he told you.
“I’m sorry” you muttered.
“What? Why are you sorry?”
“Well, I didn’t mean to pour it all on you, I just-”
“No, Byers” he said, moving closer to you. “That’s not what I meant!” he insisted. “I mean that you can’t just bottle all that shit to yourself” he said in a softer tone and you looked back at him. “Look, if you don’t want to talk to your brothers, I get it but… y-you can talk to me” he offered. “I know I just goof around like 90% of the time, but… if you need I can listen” he said, making your heart flutter. “We can do this whenever you need to, and if you don’t want to, I promise I won’t tell Jonathan” he assured you.
“Y-you’d do that for me?” you asked, with your voice breaking a little and another tear falling down your cheek, which he quickly wiped away.
“Of course, Buttercup” he smiled sweetly at you. And that’s when you knew what this was. You were falling for Argyle.
“That sounds like a date!”
“Shut up, Steve! It wasn’t a date!” you argued as you moved around the kitchen with the phone on your shoulder.
“Yes, it was!” you heard Eddie’s voice in the back.
“Shut up, Eddie! Harrington, control your boyfriend!” you complained as you kept baking around the kitchen.
“Look, love, it just sounds like it was. I mean, he bailed class for you, he took you to his like secret place where he only hangs out with Jonathan” he kept listing. “He then took you out to eat, and, most importantly, he got you to open up about Billy!”
“That doesn’t mean it was a date!” you argued. “... does it?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“What?” you asked frustrated, mixing the batter.
“What are you doing right now?”
“I’m… baking” you said, suddenly stopping. “Fuck! I’m falling for Argyle!”
“Hey! You just sound like me when I realized I was falling for Eddie!” Steve said, excitedly.
“What?” you heard in the background.
“Nothing, love” Steve told his boyfriend.
“Hello! Can we get back to my problem?! I can’t fall for Jonathan’s friend!”
“Why not? He sounds nice” Steve said.
“He sounds awesome! I can’t wait to meet him and get high with him!” you heard Eddie’s voice.
“Honestly, I don’t know why I even bother calling you” you grunted frustratedly.
“Stop beating yourself up over this! This is a good thing. You are not keeping stuff in and he offered to help. I mean, you didn’t want to tell your brothers or your mom, so you found someone else, which is a good thing!”
“Maybe you’re right” you sighed.
“Of course I’m right” he laughed. “I’m always right!”
“Don’t push it, Harrington” you laughed too. “But… thanks, Stevie” you smiled.
“You’re welcome, Byers. You know you can call me anytime. Also, you better bake something for us when you come to Hawkins” he complained.
“I promise!” you told him when you heard a car pull on the driveway. “Look, I gotta go, but say hello to everyone for me okay?”
“Okay, take care, Byers!”
“We love you!” you heard Eddie’s voice.
“I love you guys too” you said, before hanging up. You untangled yourself from the phone’s cord in the kitchen and you heard your brothers and El walking in, seeing you with batter and flour all over your face.
“Hey!” El said, running over to the kitchen.
“Hi, guys” you smiled.
“Are you… baking?” Will asked, excitedly.
“Um… yes” you said, going back to your batter. “Why?”
“No reason, it’s just… been long since you’ve baked” he pointed out.
“What are you making?” Eleven asked, smiling.
“Cupcakes” you told them. “I’m making everyone their favorite flavor” you said, happily.
“Really?” Jonathan asked, walking closer to you. “What’s the occasion?”
“No reason” you shrugged. “Just felt like it” you smiled.
“Cool” Jonathan smiled back.
“Hey, Argyle!” you called out before he could walk to class after your brother.
“‘Sup Buttercup?” he smiled walking towards you. “You okay? You were silent the ride here” he said.
“Yeah, I um- I feel a lot better, actually” you smiled shyly.
“I’m glad. Also the color yellow suits you” he said, pointing at your sweater, making your cheeks burn a little.
“Thanks” you told him. “F-for everything, I mean. I uh- I wanted to uh- give you something” you said, grabbing a small container from your bag. “Here” you said, opening it and revealing a cupcake with a small weed of fondant on top. “I baked you a chocolate cupcake-” you stuttered nervously. “Um, it has a peanut butter cup crust on the bottom that I also made myself” you chuckled. “A-and, it has another one in the middle and the frosting is cream cheese, which I know sounds kind of weird but since you like salty and sweet together I thought-”
“Dude” Argyle chuckled, stopping your rambling. “Y-you baked this for me?”
“Yeah” you smiled brightly at him. Argyle had to admit this was his favorite smile on you. “I just wanted to thank you for yesterday and to let you know that I had a really good time” you told him.
“Yeah?” he smiled.
“Yes, really” you nodded.
“I had a really good time too” he told you. “Maybe… we can… do it a gain sometime” he asked, a little nervous and you could swear you could see his cheeks blushing a little.
“R-really?” you smiled even brighter and he nodded. “I would love that!” you said, feeling your cheeks burning a little.
“You would?” he asked, excitedly.
“I really would” you said, stepping closer and kissing his cheek before you heard the bell ringing. “I have to go to class” you said, handing him the cupcake. “I hope you like it” you smiled.
“I’m sure I’ll love it, Buttercup” he smiled before you two went your separate ways.
“So… my sister baked you a cupcake” Jonathan pointed out when Argyle sat down next to him.
“Uh, yeah dude” he said, feeling a little nervous. “I mean, she did one for everyone, right? Will was saying that-”
“Dude, it’s fine” Jonathan assured him. “I don’t know what you two talked about yesterday, but… after that, I kind of see her going back to her old self so… thanks” he smiled.
“No problem, Byers” he smiled back.
The End
Song: Build Me Up, Buttercup - The Foundations
A/N: ahhh xD I hope you guys liked it! tbh I’m not sure if I whould write a part two where they go on a date xD so let me know what you think!​
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morathicain · 11 months
So I needed a little warm-up and used my “What the plot”-cards for that and since it was so much fun and MORE than a “short” piece, I decided to post it here XD
prompts: "tell us about the time your guardian angel refused to protect you" and "execution, space-time-continuum, velociraptor" Warnings: implied violence&death by dinosaur, insane characters, supernatural characters
“No what?”
I stared at my guardian angel as if they’d grown wings. Which should be something they had anyway, but not mine. No, mine had no wings but blue glowing horns and their arms crossed and a gaze so adamant, it felt final.
“No to this, to you, to this whole damn mission. Velociraptors? Seriously?”
Helplessly, I shrugged. As if the Velociraptors were the weird part of this story.
“But it’s your job.”
“No”, they shook their head to fast, their twenty-two eyes seemed to become one, reminding me of Sauron, “My job was to protect a normal person with a normal life. You were supposed to be mediocre, remember?”
Again, I shrugged but this time I had to grin: “That’s a pity then that I don’t remember being told to stay mediocre.”
“This is your own fault.”
“How?”, They could accuse me of much, but the situation they were supposed to get me out from for sure wasn’t my fault!
“Free will was a mistake”, they grumbled, dropped down onto the floor and stared at me, knowing very well they were stuck with me now. It was a rule after all that they couldn’t simply vanish and do whatever they wanted. We’d both learned that the hard way.
“Okay, listen”, I tried, shuffling a bit closer, ignoring their death glare with practised ease, “I couldn’t know the new machine would cause such a mess with the time and space continuum, okay?”
“But you built the machine!”
“I am a scientist after all, what was I supposed to do? Not build it?”
“Nah!”, I shook my head and lifted my fist into the air, “It’s my honour of ...”
“Shut up”, they rolled their eyes and I wanted to know if they were allowed to even. This one seemed rather rude for an angelic creature.
“Are you actually a devil? A demon?”
Used to that question, they threw some of the dirty straw of the ground at me.
“I asked you to sit still for one damn week at least. Not even a month, not even a year. Just one damn week. And now what? I have to rescue you from an execution! With a velociraptor!”
Okay, to be fair I could see their point, but really, it wasn’t fair to blame it only on me.
“It was supposed to be the fifteenth century. How should I have known that they have tamed dinosaurs and use them to execute people?”
The deadpan look was one I was familiar with and the bright moonlight shining into my cell only heightened the round features.
“Listen”, they leaned forward and threw some more straw at me, “You claim yourself to be a scientist but does this look like the fifteenth century? What’s with all the filth? The murder and torture? Where’s all the culture and colours? You got it so wrong, I am not at all mad that they’re gonna kill you.”
“Is this personal?”, I asked but they looked away, pressing their knuckles until a satisfying crack was to be heard.
“Come on”, I grinned, “Those might be my last hours. Can’t you tell me why this has you so worked up?”
They squinted at me and then huffed: “It’s just on principle. I liked the century, okay? It’s my favourite.”
“With all the torture and wars?”
“I told you it wasn’t like that!”
We stared at each other for long moments, their pitch black eyes and rainbow coloured skin once more fascinating, especially with the enigmatic light.
“So, now what?”, I asked a bit later, “You’ll just stay and watch me get eaten?”
“Sure”, they shrugged.
“Okay”, I replied and leaned back against the cold stone wall of my cell. Maybe I should have worried more and maybe I should have panicked, but instead I felt calm and quiet, too used to last-second-rescues and insane situations. I appreciated the night as much as I could see through my small window, not even feeling the cold. The flimsy medieval farmer costume I’d gotten from a Halloween store for sure couldn’t be the reason for that. I wondered if my guardian angel was helping out by making me feel warm but I didn’t care enough to ask. Instead, I watched the way the clouds shifted slowly through the sky, covering the moon now and then, as if to hide it from our sight.
“They would have mistrusted you even if it was the actual fifteenth century and not some wild medieval filter horror fantasy”, they told me with their quiet, raspy voice which only seemed to echo in my head, “Your clothes look horrible and your green skin will forever be too obvious, but you know that at least.”
I stretched my arm out so it caught some light from the moon, the green almost greyish in this world. I had known. Of course, I had. I turned it around and opened my palm as if to catch each particle of colour I found. There was barely a difference between day and light here and I wondered if their sunrise and my execution would be here soon. The thought didn’t fill me with horror but with fascination. I giggled.
“You’re insane.”
I grinned: “You know you love me.”
“You’re a nuisance.”
“And I’ll forever come back to haunt you.”
They sighed dramatically: “I know. Sadly. But I’ll hide your equipment, I promise!”
“You can try!”
I’d only ever died once, despite their efforts to save me from getting between the lines but I already knew I’d always find a way back. And I was sure I’d find my equipment anywhere. I had a mission to continue after all.
Sudden voices outside and a low growl made us perk up and for a second I thought my guardian angel looked worried, maybe even thinking about rescuing me.
“Will you get into trouble?”
They shrugged: “A stern talking probably. But they don’t have anyone else to guard you.”
I laughed out loud, enjoying how the sound seemed to explode in this cold and silent space.
The guards coming into my cell looked at me with fear and confusion, unsure what to make of this strange creature who looked almost like them, a glitch in the matrix maybe. Five of them pointed their weapons at me, even though I would have followed them willingly, simply out of curiosity.
I turned to my Guardian Angel one last time, winking: “It’s always an honour to study Earth. It’s a pity I didn’t get to see much from this world this time.”
“Maybe”, they hissed, forced to follow me till the bitter end, “Don’t try to eat the pope next time.”
I snorted, remembering the taste I’d gotten and then I laughed and laughed and laughed, even when big teeth sank into my chest, ripping me apart, sinking the grey world into darkness.
 “Welcome on Earth, visitor”, a familiar voice said and I opened my eyes once more, staring at a world that looked as if it had been coloured by an especially happy five year old.
“This”, the disembodied light voice introduced a familiar, scowling figure in front of me, “is your Guardian Angel. They will accompany you during your time here and help you stay safe.”
“Hi”, I grinned, feeling a bit strange in my new skin, although it looked exactly like my old one, “Fancy seeing you here. How was it?”
They pulled a face: “Horrible. Your intestines were everywhere. At least my superiors stopped the scolding because I was still throwing up. No more dinosaurs please.”
I sat up properly, the fondness in my chest swelling thanks to their scowl: “I’ll try.”
As if put my feet down on the ground, sensing the soft, grassy texture for the first and thousandth time, a well known excitement took me over.
“But”, I couldn’t but grin and through their exasperated eye-roll I could see the hint of a mischievous smile, “I can’t promise.”
The End
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shoot-of-corruption · 11 months
(Oh, look a meme I wanted to send about a week ago and it's Munday again. XD I know there's kinda a lot on here.. If it's too many I starred the ones I want to know the most about. That takes off 3 lol)
*dash games
*your current RPC
*your character
*an old muse
your choice!
Oh look!! A wild munday meme, i posted monday last week, got monday this week and decided to reply to on a wednesday PFFFFGGGHHHH!!
Thanks rainy! I appreciate your asks any day of the week x'D
I have a love-hate relationship with icons. I simultaneously love them for how expressive they can make a post and hate how hard the icon game is on tumblr.
Like one expression can breathe so much more life into a reply or make the intentions you have so much more evident.
Whenever i see people using icons, i see perfect borders or even banners and uniformly sized colorcore icons... and the i feel embarassed.
I decided though that the icons i have might be crooked, not perfect and all a bit weirdly shaped...
But they are mine and they feel very comfortable to use for me in the shape and with the inclusion of exactly how much expression i want!
dash games
I mean they aren't life changing to me, but i always find it sweet if somebody tags me in one and it takes some time, but i usually do them.
If i can identify with the game that is.
What i want to clarify is though that nobody should feel forced to take part in dash games and even if you get tagged in one, you have every right to refuse. Simple as that.
Gotta say it as it is, I reslly like shipping. It gives me great chances to explore my character more and also their partner.
Usually it is "no strings attached" with me on all muses, which might be because i myself am aromantic... like my muses usually don't care much for romance and are hardly social... but somerimes, there is just this one ship that makes my heart sing 😌✨️
your current RPC
- is actually the best RPC i have ever been in. I have seen a lot of drama here and shit has hit the fan so often for me... but it just feels like home.
I want to come back and go on being here again inevitably.. i have long since stopped trying to explain this. I feel seen and respected and accepted here, i also feel like i am contributing stuff to the fandom and maybe i have also helped shaping it a little bit back in the day.... 🤷‍♀️
It just feels good to be here, i barely get any anxiety and i just love my muses 💚
your character
Honestly, I can't even tell you how i came to rp this complicated miserable mess of a character....
One day i just woke up with this thought in my head that there should be a fleshed out version of Yami Marik. I pondered how this could happen, like... he wasn't fully formed inside of Marik and then obviously killed as well.... the only way in my head was to arrange something in the shadow realm, which i did right after and then the headcanons and feelings came flooding...
By now I reached the level where his brain is as much my own, when i slip him over me like a glove and the words just keep flowing... asking me for headcanons without specifics is always pure chaos, because he is so interwoven with me now, that i know in EVERY situation what he would do, but when prompted with a random i am like: ....... but i need something to react to ..... what do you want to know.... i can't think something out.... GIVE ME SOMETHING TO KNOW HOW HE WOULD THINK ABOUT IT X'D
an old muse
Well another muse which I used to play was
Tumblr media
... i think we get the direction my muses usually take now lhjfhsihhhdfkhhx.
Anyway, Flowey was relatively recent and I don't actually play as him anymore. I used to have a love-hate relationship with that too... you know he is a very angery boi, which is cathartic, but it's always keeping tough face with him, or you are risking slipping into mental break down territory.
Also... Underzale fandom didn't feel like here. I wasn't really able to get to know people and additionally, i just used it as a replacement, because i didn't feel comfortable coming back here... i wasn't in s good mental place... like nothing felt right. I think that overflow just went into this muse and actually was what i needed to work through my bad feelings, so thanks Flowey... you seemed to be toxic but you were the healing that I needed.
What a weird thing to put into a munday list LOL that's like asking: what do you think about the reblog button?
Honestly though.... blocking might be rude to some or an overreaction to others, but I PERSONALLY find it as necessary as breathing. There is some content that you simply can't blacklist, some people, who don't sit right with you, some topics that are beyond traumatic.... and some situations and relationships that looked like a dream but ended up being unbearably toxic.
BLOCKING is a necessary and useful device and should be considered in any and all situations of doubt, fear, toxicity, drama and generally feelings of unwell. Not to forget outright HATE.
Everybody - and I repeat - EVERYBODY deserves the security and self-love in their life to remove themselves from perceived and real danger of mental, emotional and physical properties. This is hard to do in RL and sometimes you have to just deal with your problems head on there or compromise about things to survive.
You should NEVER hsve to do this, especially not online, while doing domething you love and enjoy. All of us deserve to be happy, loved and feel okay. And if there is something - or somebody - that/who causes you to feel constant anxiety, terrible feelings, like you have to give a part of yourself up that you simply can't and won't budge on, that you are unwilling to talk and compromise about, do yourself the service and use the blocking function. You don't have to compromise, you don't have to talk about it, you DO NOT have to EXPLAIN YOURSELF.
Use this knowledge and lead a happier online life. I saw pictures of self harm on my time line once, which i actually have blacklisted, which wasn't tagged and it is very okay to INSTANTLY block this person in anxiety alone. Bloggers cannot keep your timeline trigger free all the time and you deserve to give yourself the attention to remove this harmful content from yourself.
NO QUESTIONS ASKED. You have the highest priority and then everything else follows.
your choice
Oh goody... uhm... I want to repeatedly thank people like you, who are interested in me and my muses and want to know what i have to say. I don't easily leave my shell sometimrs, even though i come off as bubbly and open and social.... i am... really not.
And it's mostly because I made a lot of bad choices about toxic people in my life... people who pretended to like me, pretended to want to know me, ridiculed me and every bit of my being and never took me seriously from a very young age... and it kinda fucked with my self-worth.
That's why i am so baffled, when somebody expresses wishes to know me and that is also why i say sorry a lot and try to explain every bit of "failure" to write better, faster and longer replies ^^
So... it still baffles me sometimes, when i find out that a lot of people honestly like me now... whenever my babbling goes on your nerves, i hope this explains most of it, LOL 💚✨️
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kraptos · 1 year
Alright- the idea of AOS as one of Odin's disguises all along is down right horrifying for poor Kratos; imagine the violation he must've felt from every chapter with that angst 😰😰😰
Almost similar to Furies' illusions of Lysandra to get their way with Kratos in Ascension; except Odin succeeded and exploited Kratos' vulnerability as AOS.
He would have put a rift between Kratos and Atreus long ago if he not use Týr. Kratos would definitely give him the Zeus treatment after that revelation >:(
Now I imagined Odin had the real AOS imprisoned just like the real Týr in post Ragnarök. Seems logical that he was able to pull it off, but uhhh- I figured it would make things too complicated considering the full contexts I've gotten lol xD
At least Kratos can finally reunite with the real deal so yayyy- happy ending i guess?
Also, I wasn't able to read your reply from my previous ask. idk why but either I deleted my accidental comment or something. Still getting used with Tumblr ^^
Just wanted give out my lil thoughts in your inbox lol
YEAHHHHH… i wasn’t 100% committed to it before ragnarok came out, but i was DEF tempted to go with it. one of my reasons was that i just couldn’t picture how kratos and little atreus would even begin to react to that sort of reveal. another was that it felt cheap to have built up an entire novel about their relationship/developing AOS as a p complex character just to have him not even be real. the twist with tyr in GOWR just sealed the deal that i wouldn’t go that route because i couldn’t LOL
but maaan… idk. it would have been SO messed up if i had been able & decided to LMAO but like you said, it would have definitely complicated things, and now AOS gets to run around and get a little traumatized with everyone else ahahaha
sorry about the reply, that was my fault!!! i was on mobile and deleted it right after posting because i thought it hadn’t actually @’d you. i guess it did, oops 😅 i meant to reply again from my pc last night when i got back from work, but i fell asleep 😔
my reply was just me was just saying how relieved i was to see the tyr twist in the game because it made the decision about AOS’s fate for me! thanks for sending me your thoughts they are v good & always welcome in my inbox!!! i love gettin to read them :D
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
((The wifi was messed up most of the night so no replies. I’m sorry D: I’m leaving around 10am tomorrow (today, actually, because it’s already 2am ^^;) and won’t be back until probably midday on Sunday. I’ll have my laptop with me, but if I’m around it’ll probably be mostly on mobile except later in the night- I have a 4 year old niece and a 2 year old nephew so I’m not anticipating much time during the day to do much that isn’t playing games with them xD It’s gonna be nice to see family, though. It’s been just my youngest sister and I every holiday for the last three years and it gets kind of depressing ^^;
Anyway- I might try to get an answer or two written out on the ride there so that I can post them later in the night, but I make no promises! I hope ya’ll have a nice weekend <3 Goodnight for now!))
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pepsiwriteswords · 2 years
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) ~ Hi!
My turn to break containment for the ask game! (Also 30!?! wips, holy shit)
15, 👀? 8, 👷? 30, 🏷️? 1, ✍️?
(^∀^●)ノシ Hiya!
(XD I know, but like I told you - most of them are just vibes & maybe 2 characters right now lol.)
Now, somehow you managed to land on none of the WIPs you expressed interest in, which is incredible lol.
👀 Can you give us any sneak peaks?
WIP 15 is Backyard Promises, & I have almost 900 words in that doc, so sure! xP
Larsen Suarez testing after eleven o'clock at night is concerning on its own, no extenuating circumstances required. Larsen Suarez texting after eleven asking about places to stay the night is more than concerning. Alice wastes precious moments looking between her phone screen and the world outside her window. Like she's actually considering not going out to talk face to face. Shaking her head at herself, she grabs her sneakers and shoots off a reply before shoving her phone in her pocket and creeping out of her bedroom. Park. 10 mins. It's the first place that comes to mind that they'll still be able to get into, aside from the singular shitty convenience store a couple blocks away. Sneaking out of her house isn't an art, or actually all that difficult. Anna will be pissed if she gets woken up, of course, and that's never great, but after three years she's more into threatening to call Alice's social worker for a new placement than anything else. She waits until she's closed the back door behind herself to put her shoes on, tucking the trailing hems of her pajama pants into them to keep them from getting wet in all the puddles she's sure she's going to step in.
👷 How has the creation of the story gone so far? Stressful or fun?
WIP 8 is Brimstone Butterflies (working title). xP This is one of those 'no words/plot, just vibes' WIPs, so. xD I don't know that I'd call it stressful, but I'm not sure I can really call it fun, either lol. It's more of a 'I figured out names of the characters & then put it on the backburner for a time' thing. (Apparently that 'time' was almost 2 years, whoops!) ...Okay, this was a short answer, so if I'd done my WIP count based on my WIP page, you would've gotten Ebb and Flow, and like. This one is also pretty 'just characters & vibes' but. I love the characters & at least 2 of them have gone & gotten married while my back was turned so it's a lot of fun! (Since my brain is being ... my brain, maybe there'll be some Ebb & Flow snippets during NaNo lol.)
🏷️ Does it have a title yet? If so, where did it come from?
WIP 30 is Ember(/Flame/Ash)! Another 'no words/plot, just vibes. XP So, yes, there is a title - potentially 3, if it turns into a series! & those titles came from the NaNo 'adopt a title' forums. Because it seemed cool & so far as I have thought of, there's some kind of rebellion & I like it. >.>
✍️ How far have you got with it?
& WIP 1 is Masquerade! & . . . how far I've gotten is hard to say. xD I get a few thousand words into a draft & take a break & then completely revamp the story & have to restart. So, right now I am ... not far. The last notes I have are about aging down the antagonist some, so she's not like, a middle-aged lady still extremely fixated on a thing that happened when she was like, 16 & harassing an 18-year-old about it, so. This may not even be a superhero story anymore! & which characters play which roles may be swapped around! I dunno! This WIP has become a mess! XD
Thank you for the ask! ♪(´▽`)
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skyward-floored · 2 years
1, whats the other one, 2, might i have true form snibbet, 3, i almost forgot to put the scooter on my last ask, and 4, i almost put a reply saying exactly that before i realized it would show up with my acc
1 it’s a continuation to a whumptober I did last year where the chain think Legend and Time are dead when they’re actually alive and captured by Dark Link. it’s a huge angsty mess and over 8k so far help
2 yes you may
Link can’t help it. He bursts into laughter.
“What— you— stop laughing!”
“I- I can’t,” he manages to get out, still laughing his head off. “It’s— I’m sorry, I—“
He wheezes in a breath, and even though he’s still laughing his shoulders are shaking with relief as well, and were he not so overcome with it he’d be embarrassed at the tears in the corners of his eyes.
3 that would have been annoying and 4 that would’ve been kinda funny XD
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inks-books · 1 year
5, 9 and 15 for the writblr asks please x
5.  What is your favorite book/story/poem you read this year? 
@authorlaurawinter​’s book The Curse of the Broken Shadows which is on Amazon and Kindle! I fell in love with Brela from the first sentence. 
9.  Create a meme or mood-board that captures your past writing-year!
This video, playing o Fortuna instead, but I actually finished something and started two other projects xD
15. Time for shameless self-promotion! answer with a piece of writing you want others to see/read! (if you have nothing posted/published this year, any other year is fine too ^^)
Putting it below the cut because it’s long, but here’s a snippet from my first chapter of Love Triangle Gone Wrong. Someone please tell me what they think of Ethan lol He’s a handful and a half and I love him.
“Do you believe in love at first sight?”
The pretty blond girl sitting at the counter in front of Ethan fluttered her eyelashes at him in a flirtatious way. She was shapely, had perfectly manicured nails, and the sweater she was wearing clung to her in a very nice way that accentuated her breasts. Ethan could appreciate that much. In fact, a week ago he would have jumped all over that invitation in a heartbeat. Probably with a line like ‘I didn’t until I saw you’ or ‘I think I might have just become a believer’. But right now, his eyes drifted over to the redhead in the corner of the restaurant sullenly as he sighed with great tragedy.
“No,” he murmured, looking back down at the bar he was wiping down and continued his chore.
Harper, Ethan’s best friend and confidant since elementary, snorted behind him as he passed by with a bucket full of dishes he’d just bussed off a table where a family of five had left a mess. 
“Ethan,” he said. “You just proclaimed last week you’d met your soulmate. And it was a girl you’d never laid eyes on before in your life. You usually don’t wait that long to get into anyone’s pants.”
Harper was a tall, lithe boy with strong shoulders and a dark brown skin. His hair was buzzed, and his eyes were bright and shining with mirth. Both of them had Native American blood in them and it showed strongly. He and Ethan had known each other for longer than they hadn’t known each other, and their friendship had only grown stronger over the years. Even with the constant teasing.
“Don’t you have some tables to take care of?” Ethan hissed, throwing his towel at Harper.
“You haven’t even taken the time to talk to the girl,” said Big Joe, the cook who looked at Ethan through the window that peered into the kitchen. His voice was deep and booming, but he tried his best to keep it low so as not to be overheard by the redhead. Big Joe was not only the tallest man for miles at six foot eight and four hundred pounds, he was the best cook this side of the tri-county area. He had a heart of gold and was the most gentle giant you would ever come across.
“There’s a reason for that,” Ethan said blandly, then added with a hiss, “And since when are you two so interested in my love life?”
“Since you quit sleeping around and started moping over the one that got away,” Harper replied. “Or rather, the one you’re too terrified to talk to even though you’re obviously crazy about her.” By now, the blond girl had left the bar, feeling rather ignored in this little drama, and the three of them were alone again. “Besides, didn’t you say you imprinted on her?” Harper whispered. “At least try talking to her!”
Ethan groaned at himself for having shared that tidbit the day it had happened. He’d been so enraptured in the euphoria of it all, he wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But the very next day his heart had been shattered into a million pieces and he’d been brought back down to earth with a crash and a fiery bang.
Being a werebeast wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.
The bell on the front door tolled signaling someone had entered, and Ethan looked up as a blond male with long hair down to his shoulders pulled back in a low ponytail, entered the restaurant. He was broad shouldered and nearly six and a half feet tall, and was an imposing figure in more ways than one. He looked around the room for a moment before his eyes lit on the redhead typing away at her computer in the corner, and smiled broadly before joining her. His smile changed his features from threatening, to devastatingly handsome in seconds. It physically pained Ethan to see him smile at her like that. He wanted to throw Harper’s bucket of dishes on him and see if that gave him something to smile about.
Ethan knew the man was a prick too. Wearing a cream colored turtleneck sweater and khakis? Who even dressed like that? Pricks dressed like that. Rich pricks too from the looks of it. He watched the blond greet the redhead.
“Hey sorry I’m late,” he was saying as he sat across from her in the booth.
“Rune,” the redhead drawled. “You’re always late. It’s a part of your nature. You’ll be late to your own funeral. Meanwhile I’m actually getting some work done.”
Rune frowned. “I thought you said you were taking it easy on the work during the pregnancy.”
“I said I’d take it easy, I didn’t say I’d stop working all together,” countered the redhead.
“Hope,” Rune complained. “You know how important this is.”
“Relax, I’ve got this,” Hope replied.
The rest of the conversation was lost on Ethan as Harper ran into him pointedly and put a couple of menus in his hand before giving him a significant look and glancing at the couple in the corner booth. Harper raised his eyebrows at Ethan one more time, and left silently to take care of his corner of the restaurant. Ethan took a few steadying breaths through his nose and plastered on his customer service smile, and marched his way over to the corner booth and slid the menus in front of them.
“Can I get you anything to drink?” he asked, looking at the redhead with a flirtatious smile. Okay. So he couldn’t completely kill ingrained habits so easily.
“I’ll have a sweet tea and she’ll have a water with lemon in it,” Rune answered for her. 
Ethan flicked his eyes over to Rune and back to Hope as if to confirm.
Definitely a prick.
“I’ll have a diet coke,”’ Hope corrected. “And a water with lemon,” she added pointedly looking at Rune who rolled his eyes.
“You do that just to spite me, I know it,” Rune grumbled. 
Hope blinked innocently and Ethan gave her a wink and a sly grin, moving off to get their order. The second he turned away from them into the mostly empty restaurant, he dropped the plastered smile and scowled across the room at Harper who made a motion of smacking himself in the forehead.
This was why his heart had been shattered. She was already with someone else and pregnant with his child. And every time Hope came in here, Rune wasn’t far behind her in arriving. It was like he was attached to her by the hip or a short leash. Whenever he tried to work up the courage to start a conversation with her, Rune would pop up and ruin the moment. How could he be around someone he’d imprinted on if she was busy making her own life and starting a family? It wasn’t fair to either of them for Ethan to try and worm his way between Hope and Rune. Wouldn’t be fair to the kid for that matter.
And yet Ethan still found himself arguing internally about how he could make this work. She’d just wandered into his life randomly in this small town where everyone pretty much knew everyone else (which was annoying when you were trying to get away with something and would have half the town gossiping about it the next day), and was a stranger to them all. He wanted to get to know her, learn her secrets.
But in a small town where everyone knew everyone else’s secrets, there were secrets still that everyone kept or pretended they knew nothing about. Because knowing meant acknowledging they were real. And something’s were better left to stories you told your children at night to keep them from wandering out past dusk.
Things that Ethan knew all too well about. Harper and Big Joe too, though, there were probably a few secrets of Ethan’s the other two didn’t know about. Could Hope accept the parts of him the rest of the town pretended not to know about? Or at least if they didn’t know, they looked the other way so they could keep themselves ignorant.
“Your face is going to stick like that if you don’t stop making that face,” Harper said, pushing his finger against the furrow in Ethan’s brow. Ethan’s face went slack with shock as he blinked at Harper. “Were you seriously so lost in thought you didn’t notice me talking to you this whole time?” Harper asked.
“He got it bad,” Big Joe said. “Why don’t you try talking to her while he runs to the bathroom?” he added, nodding as Rune got up and headed to the restroom. 
Ethan perked up and quickly moved to get the glasses but Harper handed him the tray before he could register what he was holding.
“Overheard the prick order for her. His voice carries,” Harper explained. 
Well perhaps Ethan wasn’t the only one who thought he was a prick. He grinned at his best friend who winked at him and told him to ‘Go get her.’ Ethan swiftly but carefully so as not to dump the drinks and ruin his chances, went over to the table to set the drinks down and leaned against the table with his hip.
“Anything else I can get for you?” he asked. “Appetizer, Entre, a date?”
“A what?” Hope asked, taken aback.
“You know, like the dried fruit?” Ethan smiled seamlessly. 
Hope laughed. And god was it a beautiful sound. It was like a straight shot of adrenaline to Ethan’s system, his heart began racing, his palms began sweating, and he felt like he could soar through the sky like Superman. Which was ridiculous of course he didn’t have wings or superpowers that would allow him to fly. In fact, what he did have he wasn’t even sure was a power at all. Right now it was just a curse that was getting in between him and a normal life. But right now? Right now he was on top of the world and didn’t care. He’d made her laugh and that was a superpower in and of itself.
“What do you like on the menu?” Hope asked, placing her chin on her hand and watching him with smiling eyes. 
Oh god. He knew the menu like the back of his hand. He’d tried everything on the menu and a few things not listed on there. He knew what he liked and disliked, what were the best choices to suggest to a customer and the safe choices that most everyone liked. He knew it like he knew his own name.
Which at that moment he couldn’t remember.
“Um,” he said, wracking his brains. He took the spare menu and took a seat opposite of her and scanned the contents as if trying to refresh his memory, but his brain was in panic mode and he suddenly couldn’t comprehend anything he was reading. He knew how to read. He knew the words on the page. He’d read them a billion times over and could quote the menu from start to finish. (Listen slow days were boring when you had no one to serve and nothing to do, and your boss wanted you to still be productive. You found ways to entertain yourself. Memorizing the menu faster than the other employees was the best way to make the boss happy and earn some extra cash for the bets placed.)
“You’re in my seat,” Rune said as Ethan blinked at the menu. 
He looked up, and up again to find Rune’s eyes that bore down on him like a dangerous pair of emerald daggers, telling him to move without telling him to move.
“Finders keepers,” he blurted out, making Hope giggle. 
Oh the look Rune cut Ethan was sharp as a shattered piece of glass. Or one of Big Joe’s kitchen knives. The man didn’t like a dull knife and would sharpen them himself every week to the point you could lay a hair on them and it would sever it. 
“I was just helping her decide what the best item on the menu would be to try,” Ethan smiled, standing up from his seat - or rather, Rune’s seat - and suddenly his brain was working again. He could remember his name, he could remember the menu items he liked and hated and what was the best option to serve a new customer to get the full experience of the diner.
“And?” Rune sat down, looking at him expectantly. “What was the verdict?”
Ethan bit his tongue before listing off a few menu items that sounded pleasing, but The Prick dismissed them all, then ordered the country fried steak with white gravy and a side of steamed broccoli for Hope, and an order of the greasiest hamburger they had on the menu for himself.
“Is that accurate, ma’am?” Ethan checked with Hope before walking away and just assuming like The Prick.
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Rune demanded. “I know what she likes.”
“Yeah, I’d like to knock you upside the head,” Hope replied under her breath, but then turned to Ethan with a polite smile. “That will be fine, thank you.” 
Ethan gave a nod and turned to walk away, but heard Rune’s voice drift back towards him in a hushed tone.
“Rude ass.”
If Hope responded, he didn’t hear what she said, but Rune continued muttering under his breath as if arguing with her. When Ethan got back to the other side of the counter and put their orders in, Big Joe just shook his head sadly. Ethan gestured blatantly at the couple’s table where they had their heads bent over talking about something in low tones, paying them no attention, and pursed his lips. It was a gesture of ‘See what I have to work with?’ Big Jo just shook his head again disappointed. Ethan rolled his eyes.
Harper elbowed him in the side. “You got her to laugh,” he said to cheer Ethan up. “That’s an improvement.”
Sure, an improvement. From what not talking to her? Ethan guessed that was something. Still though his skin was beginning to itch with all the emotional rollercoaster-ing his insides had done in the last ten minutes. He needed to shift, but to do that in the middle of his work schedule could get him in trouble. But going too long without a shift could also get him in more trouble. A lot more trouble.
“After I serve them, I’m going for a run,” Ethan said under his breath to Harper. 
Harper’s eyes darkened slightly.
“You good?” he asked. “Have you checked your blood sugar?”
“I just need to shift for a bit. I’ll be fine,” Ethan replied.
“Oh no,” Big Joe said. “Last time you got stuck like that. Eat something first and then you can go.”
“Okay dad,” Ethan complained with a sigh. He knew there really was no arguing when Big Joe put his foot down. Even though Ethan knew he was right, it didn’t make it any less annoying to be scolded like that when he was already in a bad mood. When Big Joe passed the food over to Ethan, he gave one last warning. “Okay! Okay. Just… I dunno. Make me a burger or something! Sheesh.”
“One burger, coming right up,” Big Joe smiled and winked. “Now go give ya girl her food.”
“She’s not my-“ he looked over his shoulder quickly to make sure she hadn’t heard his voice carry across the small room. Thankfully, she was engrossed in something on her computer as she muttered something to Rune, a serious look on her face. It was cute, Ethan realized. The little furrow her brow made put a dimple on her forehead that looked like a little frowny-face. He was pretty sure Rune wasn’t appreciating that as he shook his head to whatever she was saying.
“Ethan,” Harper said, nudging him. “Go, the food’s going to get cold.”
Blinking rapidly and remembering he was holding the food for their table, Ethan made his way around the counter and over to them again, announcing his presence a few feet away so they couldn’t accuse him of eavesdropping as he came up on them. People often got antsy if they thought you overheard their personal conversations. Especially when they were whispered to each other hastily with little furrows in their brow that made a frowny-face.
“We have your orders here,” he said with a flourish. “Do you need a refill on that Diet Coke, ma’am?”
“No,” Hope said with a bright smile, the crease in her forehead easing quite rapidly. She gave a little shake of the head as she spoke and added, “I’m going to work on my water and lemon now. But thank you!”
“My pleasure,” Ethan said. “Does everything look alright?”
“It looks delicious,” Hope said, reaching for her silverware.
“One thing doesn’t look right,” Rune interjected. “My glass is getting a little empty.”
“I’ll fill that right up,” Ethan said without missing a beat and reaching for the cup. “Anything else I can get you while I’m gone?”
“Ignore him,” Hope said apologetically. “He’s grumpy when he hasn’t eaten. And he takes it out on people around him.” She added the last bit pointedly, glaring at Rune.
“It’s perfectly fine,” Ethan lied. “I understand. I’ll get that drink for you.”
“Thank you,” Rune grumbled, then looked at Hope pointedly as if to say ‘See? I can be nice.’
It fell a little short in Ethan’s book. 
Okay a lot short. 
Ethan turned around, the smile instantly falling from his face again as he gave Harper and Big Joe a glare. They quickly went back to what they were doing, pretending like they hadn’t just been staring in his direction and shirking their duties. Big Joe started whistling to appear more innocent, but it only sealed the fact he had been spying on Ethan. He only whistled when he felt guilty or was trying not to appear guilty.
Ethan looked into the security camera as if he were on The Office and made a face. If only there were someone at corporate watching just then to see it, he’d feel justified. He often would cast a look at the camera, though he wasn’t entirely sure which way it was pointing in it’s little black glass ball. But he often imagined it followed him around just to watch his antics throughout the day. At least it entertained him to pretend it did. Like his own little reality show.
0 notes
Some folks aren't good at therapisting. It Difficult and not the kinda thing to be taken lightly. And it makes sense that if after 5 tries you start considering alternatives.
I can understand it’s a hard job…. But some of this really could be avoided
Thanks for the money! But uhm, you need to buy my book? Yes. My book. Mine. With my name. Yes. That one. I can’t do any therapy before you get that. I know you’re paying me crazy money for me to just do an hour long commercial for my book? But buy my book. :3 thank youuuuuu
I’m so sorry you had to go through that sweetie. Here lemme try to help. How does this work?- (I can’t say anything about this man other than, he’s the best one I’ve had. Me and him would get into almost challenges to see who knew more bout how brains work. ME AND A DOCTOR! It was so fun for both of us. But he got other opportunities so I was taken to the next one…. Hope he’s doing well tho <3)
Ok, so, what are you’re goals? (Reply) okok. Uhm. (Talk for a bit. Tell her my problems) stares like a fish out of water. (Asks for advice) UHHHHH What do you want to happen?? (Presses again cause that was not an answer) What are your goals?! 😅😅😅😅 (asks to switch) SURE WE CAN DO THAT OF COURSE YES (hurray I now feel like a freak. She made me feel absolutely amazing. Every problem got fish face. Then she was sooo excited to see me leave… am I that much of an issue doc?)
I had to see her every week. (No other had demanded that) but she gets the same amount done in a month regardless. Talks very slowly, and keeps going over things. Forgets what issues are, and makes up others. Try to be firm? “Now is learning time! Not talking time!” Slaps useless little bandages onto big gashes, thinking she’s fixed things forever, then gets offended you’re still upset. Talks to you like you’re 5. Airplane advice incident. XD
It runs very hot or cold (ok last one is lukewarm, cause she gaslights you into thinking you’re 5 and she has the knowledge of the universe). I can say I’ve had one good one. But all the others? How’d they get into this business…… that’s something I’ll be thinking about for a long time.
And yeah. Giving this one more shot. Then I’m washing my hands of the entire sha-bang. I obviously know my way through my head (hey I got into debates with all of them. Only the second therapist found it fun… or actually trusted me). It might sound sketchy? But I’m literally giving up on it all. Not trying another route. I’m done. I’ll do what I can for myself… that’ll be enough. If I end up in a loony bin? It’ll be good for content/j
But seriously… I’m too tired to keep trying things after this. I’m just gonna have to do this alone like I should’ve done if this doesn’t work. I know that sounds bad to everyone. And believe me! I’m not saying to it yourself. I’m just good in my own head…. *sigh* I know it sounds bad. I know people are gonna try to convince me otherwise. And go ahead btw, always up for debates. Heh. But I’m exhausted. And really sick of other people messing me up. Trust issues are there for a reason… and they’ve only been getting worse through this. I’ll back out before I get too bad…. Cross your fingers and hope this last one actually knows this garbage.
0 notes
yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could you please do a fanfic for a male version of Yandere! Lady Dimitrescu (from Resident Evil Village game) with the reader.
I really like the Resident Evil franchise but I'm too lazy to know what the hell is happening in the older games XD I'm so sorry about that-
I loved watching playthroughs of Resident Evil Village (can't buy the game ;-;), but I felt like it was a bit empty, idk- I felt like the lords weren't really explored enough.
Also the Duke is the best husbando in the whole game- Fight me! >:3
TW/Tags: GN = Gender Neutral, I normally forget to properly name it when it's gender neutral, most of the time I just say "reader" // maybe ooc // lazy genderbent, I'm terrible with names // size difference // servant reader // mentions of gore/cuts/bruises/blood and deaths (and torture- I'm so sorry-) // reader gets hurt // mentions of vomiting
It's Dinner Already [Yandere!M!Dimitrescu x GN!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
It's dinner time already, unfortunately for you, of course.
It feels almost like a routine at this point- Which in a way, it is! You always take care of your tasks during the day, while dreading the inevitable time for dinner to arrive again.
Everyday, at this exact same hour, you and the other servants would prepare a meal for Lord Dimitrescu and his lovely… Sons…
As someone who has started "working" for their family only a month ago, you can positively say: Starving in the cold woods next to your village would have probably been a more merciful death than the ones you have witnessed at this place. You weren't as accustomed to such brutal executions at your village, actually you hardly even witnessed so much death, at least not so up close.
When you came here, you didn't expect to be instantly comforted and treated with respect- You were a commoner looking for an possibility to thrive in a noble's house, you were basically an easy target for any entitled selfish lord to easily belittle you and make you work for them until your hands would turn to dust. Yet nothing could have prepared you for such an odd situation.
Vampires. Monsters. Fiends if you were bold enough to insult them. You weren't exactly welcomed as much as you were snatched in and now forever trapped inside this castle. You can still hear their laughter… Their insane expressions of pure glee, the way they have bursted into maliciously laughing at your pain as you screamed for help trying to open up their door again and be free from that nightmare.
The chase didn't last even a second, they stabbed your legs with their scythes and brought you deeper inside this hellhole, as you cried your eyeballs out. The sons had brought you back inside so their father could take a look at the "intruder".
An absolute titan amongst the mortals. His height was only a sick reminder of how much power he had over the castle, over his sons, and now- Over you.
He may not have been as massive as he was threatening as you remind him to be, but at the time you were just in awe of his height considering you have never seen someone as tall and as mighty.
Then again- You have never seen vampires as well. Were they the same vampires as the books you've read as a kid? You weren't so sure of it…
You were hoping that if you begged for life and for forgiveness for having disturbed their peace, that they could spare you and let you go back to your village. Sadly enough, you commented on how you were only trying to look for a job as a servant.
You probably shouldn't have given them ideas, but it's too late to think about your mistakes now, however.
The sons begged to see your blood spilled, yet Lord Dimitrescu was merciful enough to grant you your "wish", as he said.
It has been a month ever since you were trapped inside and forced to work as a miserable little servant, and even if you didn't suffer the worst forms of punishments that they had in-store for you, you couldn't help but fantasize about just running away and never turning back.
You're so tired of this castle, of the smell of carnage, of the undeserved and over the top punishments, and especially of the people who would subjugate you to such things.
But at last, it's dinner time already, and you can't keep them waiting.
You feel your hands shaking as you walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room where the masters of the castle were so graciously waiting for you. You know what they're waiting for- But you can't let them distract you, for those that commit accidents are faced with fates worse than death.
Although you would rather do this process quickly, you can't afford mistakes to happen, so you take your time to set not only their meal in front of each one but to also pour "wine" into their glasses. You do all of this without looking directly into their eyes, only bowing down to each one and saying "excuse me"s in what they would call a "decent tone", as the smell of their disgusting beverage starts to irritate your nostrils. If you didn't know the main ingredient to Sanguis Virgins is, you probably wouldn't have this immense disgust over it, but right now just the thought of it makes you want to gag.
Only villains could so easily drink blood, and still make a living out of it.
Your internal thoughts of pure hatred against this whole situation almost completely blinded you to the fact that they were eerily, very quiet.
On most nights they would be talking with each other while occasionally making comments about you or your presence. Obviously they were all pretty nasty comments that they somehow expected you to back it up in some way or another, it's when they try to insert you into their conversation that makes you hate this occasion so badly, but it normally ends as quickly as it begins.
But as you are pouring wine to Lord's Dimitrescu, you notice that they haven't said a single thing while you were there. You stop what you're doing as you realize that they were silently observing you this whole time, and as you look into their expressions you come to think that maybe you have messed up-
Somehow, in some way or form, you may have messed up- And the fact this mistake could cost your head only agitates your already very worried mind.
A small moment of silence continues before the middle son, Cassandro, starts to chuckle in an almost innocent way- As if he was a kid who just said a bad word for the first time- And as he bursts into sudden laughter, Daniel leans towards Bello and loudly whispers:
"- I told you, they do this every time." To which Bello only replied with:
"- It's almost like hypnosis in a way."
The three sons were mesmerized by your ability to trap yourself in your own mind. They're probably aware that you do this as a defensive mechanism but they still find it comical in a weird way. You feel yourself get more tense as you look up at Lord Dimitrescu and see him staring back at you, with an unreadable expression across his face.
Before you could come up with an excuse to whatever you may have caused to disturb their dinner, the Lord himself spoke.
"- How inappropriate. As my sons, you three should know better than to laugh at our servant's airheaded mind-"
And as he said that, their smiles begin to disappear and be replaced with frowns and a bit of shame as they become stiff at their father's words.
"- And how inappropriate of you, too. To be so distracted in the presence of your masters, that's quite rude don't you think?"
But as he continued their bodies begin to relax once again as they realize he wasn't focusing on them- He was focusing on you.
Words have completely disappeared from your vocabulary as you start to think that maybe you won't be able to see another day after their meal is over. You try to mumble some possible responses before getting interrupted by him once again.
"- It's very rude, so very rude in fact that I think we deserve some answers. What were you so distracted about? What were you thinking that could have possibly taken over your small little head?"
Right now, he was sounding a bit condescending, thankfully not as angry as he would have been with the other servants right about now. Every little mistake was used as excuses for punishments- And if you were walking on thin ice before, right now you are one-step closer to breaking this entire lake and getting yourself killed by the freezing temperatures of the water below you.
Thanks to your luck (or maybe lack thereof, depending on how you see this) Daniel came to "your rescue" by coming up with an excuse for you.
"- Maybe they were hungry." He said without any indications of it being a joke or a lie- As the youngest yet craziest of the bunch, he always had that weird "naive yet dangerous" energy coming from him. He was naive enough to make that statement when it's very clear that you actually despise being near them, but he still was a son of Dimitrescu.
You know better than to underestimate any of these people.
The Lord didn't seem completely convinced as he side eyed Daniel who was blissfully eating his meal without acknowledging his dad's glance or his brother's looks of disapproval.
Without a warning you were pulled closer by your wrist and forced into sitting next to the Lord, who made a sign for another servant to bring you your food. This… Doesn't feel right at all, you're waiting for the worst to come yet you don't feel like you can ever prepare yourself enough for what they have in store.
"- M-My Lord- This isn't needed, I'm fine. I'll just continue my duties, if you can excuse me-" You plead, while trying to get up from your chair.
"- Oh but what host would I be if I didn't take better care of my guests? Poor thing, you must be starving if you can barely serve us wine-" And as his tone gets progressively more sarcastic and a bit louder, you can hear his sons snickering from the other side of the table, but you can't see them since you can't take your eyes away from him.
You're worried that if you look away for just one second, that you may not be able to see ever again.
"- It's so sad when one of our guests feels hungry- What's worse is when we are also very, very hungry."
"- Thirsty, even!"
"- Oh, I can feel my throat drying just at the thought of such misery!- Our dinner seems to be ruined."
You hear their whispers, you hear how they are clearly joking about this- How overly dramatic they're being over something so miniscule as you just- Ignoring them.
Let me remind you this is all because you refuse to look them in the eyes, that you refuse to give them any satisfaction for the heinous things they have done! You've seen so many people get hurt inside this castle only for their sick and twisted thirst and entertainment.
"- Indeed, my boys. My appetite is ruined, though dinner is not over yet-" Lord Dimitrescu spoke as he looked at his sons clearly enjoying your inevitable pain, but before he could continue he turns himself to you again, putting a hand on your arm and saying:
"- Wouldn't you agree?" Loud enough so that his sons could hear it, but soft enough to send the tiniest shivers down your spine.
"- …!"
"- No, no- Please, not again!-" He wouldn't dare do this, would he??
But before you could react he had already done it, you barely noticed how fast he had grabbed that knife to slice your wrist- His hand firmly gripping your arm as he made a deep enough cut so that your blood could be easier to access.
It somehow hurts just as badly as the first time his sons have stabbed your ankles and dragged you across the floor- At least you're not bumping into things like before, and even if it's a deep cut it's not as big as it could be if he used his claws to actually do this.
Oh, oh those claws- You almost thought he would use them on you… Those were something else. You can't remember exactly what happened, and why it happened, but you remember seeing him use those on another servant who may have crossed the line at some point.
Well "crossed the line"- More like "casually inconvenienced him". Lord Alcino may act like an incredibly high noble but he acts so childishly and in such an egotistical manner that you are surprised he can even have a castle like this in the first place! You don't remember what the servant has done to be so cruelly dismantled, but you don't doubt that it was for a stupid reason!
You miss that servant actually- Probably the only person who you actually talked with, and the first one to actually taught you how to do your job… You two could have been friends if he didn't intervene.
You briefly remember those moments before getting to experience the most weird sensation of all- Having your bloody cut be licked and sucked on. It hurts and it stings in a way that not only makes you want to cry but to also gag at the thought of you feeding this monster.
You refuse to look at him even in this scenario, you refuse to see him feeding off your blood… Sometimes you wish you were just as poisonous as some species of frogs, poisonous enough to make his mouth burn so he can experience a fraction of the pain he causes to others.
You tried fleeting away, you tried getting up and moving away but his grip on your arm only helped you in getting closer to him- You have your eyes closed as your only option is to cry and muffle your agony.
But as always, he is not satisfied with you just ignoring him. This was supposed to be a lesson, yet you're clearly avoiding your teacher as best as you can- But not today, little flower, you're not getting out of this so easily.
This is the first time he ever got to really taste your blood, as normally you would be behind the other servants while trying to learn how to please him, the only moments where he gets to see you is when it's dinner time, but oh- You're just so cruel!
Escaping inside your own little head while he has to content himself with just your image. Your presence is very much appreciated around this hour, little one-
He has noticed this before, of course, but it was only when he noticed his son's curiosity over the way you behave around them that made him organize this little trap. He didn't have everything planned actually, his plan only involved getting to this moment no matter what- And oh boy, has luck been on his side!
Your blood tastes better than expected of a commoner, your delicate and fearful whines of pain are just as delightful but what really gets him is this tough persona you try to convince everyone you have- You despise him, and it's clear to see why- But he knows his charms will probably work on you one way or the other.
He gripped your face trying to make sure you'll get to him in the eyes as he has a taste of you. Absolutely delicious, especially after you so gracefully "ruined" their dinner.
His sons were just watching as they continued to drink from their crimson glasses. They were just enjoying the show, as everything seems to easily amuse them- Their father was just showcasing how they were so much better than the common folk, and they have no other option but to take notes and to remember what they have to do if they ever feel ignored by the servants in the castle: Show who are the true masters of this place.
None of them were really interested in drinking from you, considering how all three seemed to recognize how their father has taken a liking towards you. No one would dare mess with their father's prey.
If you had enough strength in you, you would start vomiting as soon as this has started, but the more he takes from you the more you feel like you can barely stay conscious.
He wasn't supposed to take so much, at least not so soon- He wanted to just take a sip but he can't deny the fact he would rather drown himself in your blood than to let go.
He sighs, as he notices that you're slowly getting less and less aggressive, getting more and more tired as he drains you from this cut.
You're not unconscious yet, just barely stable enough to understand what's going on.
"- Sigh… Now that was a decent enough meal." He can't praise you for being tasty, can't have you being cocky around him.
"- Here, since I'm done here I'll take you to the servant's living quarters- And because I'm so kind I'll make sure that wound is safely secured and cleaned, so here- Come along now."
And as he stood up he offered you his hand so you could get up yourself, but you don't have enough energy to walk yourself to your room, thankfully you're already ready to go to bed and wish to never wake up again.
And as the nightmare never ends, he decides that if you are going to be difficult then you leave him no choice but to carry you there. How much has he taken from you?? Jesus, he should learn some self-control before doing this again- The absolute brute that he is.
Your vision may be a little screwed over because of the lack of red cells running through your body at the moment- But you have a weird feeling that you two aren't heading towards the servant's living quarters, as you feel like you two are quite literally going in the opposite direction.
Oh but it's fine- Right?
It'll be fine. Surely. After all, he already took what he wanted from you, and he doesn't seem to need more so- You probably won't have to worry about anything right now, dinner time is already over, you can finally relax now….
So I'm sick again- Sorry y'all, I just have a horrible immune system and I really don't understand what is wrong with me-
I'm sorry if you didn't like this boo :(
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flowercrown-bard · 3 years
I have a sentence for you...or a prompt. I don't know what I want you to do with it, but by god please do something:
"He doesn't have anxiety. He just has a god complex and no opposable thumbs!"
My darling nonny. First of all, what. Second of all, I love you and I love this prompt! I made the weirdest noise when I read it. I did not expect that second sentence XD
The thing is, I didn't know what I wanted to do with this prompt either...while being sober, so here's what my slightly tipsy brain came up with :D
word count: 2160
can be read platonic or romatic I think
content warnings: use of the name ‘Julian’ (not by Geralt), one very bad sexual innuendo (nothing sexual happens)
part 2
The spell hit Jaskier square in the chest, before Geralt had time to react and throw himself in front of him.
“Geralt?” Jaskier’s eyes went wide, though not in fear but in anticipation, as they snapped over to the witcher. “Geralt, what’s happening?”
Helplessly but not overly concerned, Geralt watched as Jaskier’s arms took on an unnatural position, bent at his sides. The bard’s head started to bob.
Geralt blinked at him and turned to the young sorcerer that looked curiously at Jaskier.
“Why aren’t you more worried?” The mage furrowed his brows. “Shouldn’t he be terrified?”
He turned to Geralt, who only shrugged.
“This happens regularly,” Geralt replied and his lips twitched up. “Last month, he’s been hit by a truth spell and the month before, he drank a potion that made him invisible to all but Roach.” His smile turned into a grin. “That was a very peaceful time.”
“Excuse me?” Jaskier squawked, his head still bobbing. “You missed me!”
“I didn’t. I could still hear you.” Geralt turned his attention back to the sorcerer who stared at them as if they were insane. “So, what exactly does this spell do?” Almost casually, Geralt’s hand wandered to the sword strapped to his back. “It better not be anything actually dangerous.”
Jaskier might have gotten cocky with how easily Geralt was able to break curses with all the experience he now had, but that didn’t mean Geralt wasn’t prepared to fight anyone who meant to cause Jaskier true harm. Even if Jaskier thought himself near invincible by now.
“No, no!” The mage held up his hands. “It’s not dangerous. I swear! It’s just supposed to…” he swallowed, his eyes darting between Jaskier and Geralt, clearly trying to figure out which one was more dangerous: The armed witcher or the bard who didn’t seem to be bothered in the least by being cursed but seemed rather giddy at the prospect of finding out what was going to happen next – after all, curses made for the most exciting songs, according to the bard. “It’s supposed to make his appearance match his character.”
Jaskier opened his mouth, probably to say something along the lines of ‘I already am as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside’, but instead of words, a loud cock-a-doodle-doo left Jaskier’s lips. For a second, he looked terrified, before his expression morphed into one of fury and he let out a tirade of what was probably supposed to be insults.
Geralt exchanged a look with the mage, drawing up one eyebrow, when Jaskier continued to cluck.
“Ah, well, you see,” the mage turned bright red, “Marx was quite sure that he,” he glanced at Jaskier, who suddenly shrunk, his hair turning bright red and rising up and turning into a coxcomb, “was a coward and would turn into a chicken.”
Jaskier gave the mage one final indignant glare, probably cursing his rival’s name, before his mouth turned into a beak and his face was no longer that of a human, capable of expressing such emotions.
“Your employer was wrong,” Geralt deadpanned. “Jaskier is anything but a coward.” With the corners of his lips twitching and a glint in his eyes, he added, “But he definitely can be a cocky bastard.”
Jaskier, the cock, fluttered with his wings in indignation and let out another crow, looking up at Geralt. Though Jaskier could no longer speak or make facial expressions, Geralt knew exactly what the pleading look Jaskier sent him meant.
Geralt knew a hundred and one ways to break a curse. But more importantly, he knew Jaskier.
And so, Geralt knew exactly what Jaskier needed him to do.
It was ridiculously easy to break into Valdo Marx’ quarters at night, even while carrying a rooster that never stopped clucking and fluttering his wings excitedly in one arm. Jaskier could count himself lucky that he hadn’t turned into a peacock. It might have been more fitting, if Geralt had anything to say about it, but it would have definitely made scaling the building and squeezing through the window together, much harder.
Once inside the troubadour’s rooms, Geralt set Jaskier down gently.
“Do your worst,” he said with a grin and watched Jaskier ruffle his feathers in excitement, before he darted across the room, tearing at Valdo Marx’ notebooks with his beak, tearing at the decorative pillows on the armchair and plucking the strings of the lute standing against a wall harshly enough with his claws that they nearly snapped.
Geralt grimaced at the sound, but leaned back against a wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest, watching in amusement as his best friend wreaked as much havoc in his rival’s rooms as possible.
The noise must have roused Valdo Marx from his sleep, for a muffled curse came through the closed door, presumably leading to the troubadour’s bed room. The sound of Valdo Marx jumping out of his bed and hasting towards his now destroyed living room was interrupted by Jaskier, who crowed again and fluttered his wings in an attempt to make himself taller, preparing to make an impression when Valdo finally saw him.
The door was flung open and a dishevelled troubadour appeared, staring in horror at the mess that was his living space.
“What in the name of –“
His eyes fell on Jaskier first, then he saw the witcher still leaning against the wall, pointedly casual. Realisation dawned on Valdo’s face, followed briefly by a flash of triumph, that instantly turned into regret when Jaskier began hacking at the notebooks with more glee than before, preening under the horrified attention of his new audience.
“Witcher,” Valdo said breathlessly. “Put a stop to this, this instant!”
Geralt lifted a brow. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you?”
“Yes, yes, I proved Julian is a coward.” He waved his hands through the air, his voice turning shrill with every second that his panic grew. “I get to see him anxious and he’s reacting very poorly and I have to face the consequences. I get it. I shouldn’t have hired that mage. Is that what you want to hear?”
Geralt let out a low hum, drawing it out longer than necessary, simply because he knew how much Jaskier enjoyed witnessing Valdo’s growing despair.
“You’re right, you’re the one who has to face the consequences for cursing him.”
Relief flooded Valdo’s face. “Great. Now make him stop!”
Jaskier looked Valdo directly in the eyes as he fluttered onto the table and ruined the remaining notes the troubadour had carefully arranged in neat piles on his desk in the least dignified way a bird could ruin something. Though Jaskier’s voice was stolen from him, the mess he left on the notes couldn’t have been a more obvious statement: Valdo’s songs were shit.
The slighted troubadour’s face turned red with fury.
“How dare you!” Valdo took a step towards the destructive rooster but thought better of it almost immediately. He settled on pointing an accusatory finger at Jaskier instead of risking coming anywhere near him. “You’re a cad and a coward! I should have known how poorly you’d react to being cursed – becoming panicked and being unable to control yourself!”
Geralt tilted his head to the side. “See, that’s the thing,” he said slowly, his voice even enough that only Jaskier would be able to tell how much he enjoyed this as well, “That’s where you are wrong. Jaskier isn’t a coward. His fluttering around and destroying things right now? He’s not having anxiety. He just has a god complex and no opposable thumbs!" Geralt gave Valdo a shit-eating grin. “And he’s got a crow to pluck with you.”
“He-“ Valdo visibly had to restrain himself. “Help me, witcher. You can’t just let this monster destroy my property. He…he-!”
“You want me to get rid of a monster for you?”
Valdo nodded eagerly.
Geralt exchanged a look with Jaskier and shrugged.
“I don’t work for free.”
Valdo spluttered. “You can’t be serious.”
Geralt remained silent and Jaskier took a threatening step towards the open door to Valdo’s bedroom, obviously with the intent of destroying Valdo’s bed in any way he could think of. Panic flashed across Valdo’s face.
“I’ll pay you!” he shouted quickly. “I – I’ll write a sing about you. If you help me, I’ll sing about…” his eyes darted around the room, clearly struggling to come up with something on the spot. His gaze found Jaskier, before he grabbed Geralt’s arm, licking his lips nervously, or perhaps in an attempt to look seductive, “ – about how masterfully you handle cock.”
Jaskier froze and Geralt could see the moment when Valdo realised that he had said the wrong fucking thing.
If cocks could look murderous, Jaskier definitely did in this moment.
Geralt couldn’t tell if his rage came from the prospect of Valdo writing a song about this encounter and making a profit out of it, or if he was indignant because Jaskier had had the exact same idea for a song. Or perhaps he had a problem with Valdo’s barely concealed attempt at compromising Geralt, something Jaskier himself had taken great joy in doing with the worst possible pick-up lines, since the day they had met.
Whatever the reason for his anger, Jaskier took a deliberate pause, in which Valdo had enough time to regret every decision that had led up to this moment, before he charged at the troubadour, fluttering his wings and jumping up into Valdo’s face, clawing at his curls and tearing at his lacy night shirt.
“Witcher!” Valdo screeched, not unlike a rooster himself, and waved his arms to shoo Jaskier off – unsuccessfully. “Make him go away! Break the fucking curse! I – I’ll pay you! Twenty crowns!”
“Seventy,” Geralt deadpanned. No one in their right mind would pay that much coin, but Valdo Marx was evidently desperate and his decision was helped along by the rooster, who’s beak came dangerously close to tugging at the troubadour’s moustache.
“Fine! I’ll pay you seventy crowns.” Valdo’s voice broke in his blind panic. He would likely be unable to sing the next day, from all the shouting he did. “Just get him off of me!”
Geralt waited another heartbeat, granting Jaskier a last moment of rightful – and undoubtedly petty – vengeance, before pushing off the wall, opening his arms invitingly.
Jaskier clucked in disappointment and pecked one last time at Valdo’s hair, before fluttering into Geralt’s arms.
The witcher left the troubadour’s rooms with his best friend, still in the form of a very smug cock in his arms, seventy crows richer and an experience he and Jaskier would laugh about many times over the next years.
As Geralt sat the rooster down on the bed at the room they had rented and let himself fall onto the bed next to him, Jaskier looked incredibly pleased with himself, preening and making noises, as if recounting the happenings, though Geralt had witnessed them first- hand.
When Geralt tilted his head in amusement, Jaskier seemed to realise that he still had no voice – or opposable thumbs - and let out a rather loud and obnoxious noise.
“Sorry,” Geralt said with a shit-eating grin, “I have no idea what you want from me. You’ll have to speak more clearly.”
Jaskier glared at him and fluttered closer to tug at Geralt’s hair impatiently.
Geralt chuckled and ran a hand over Jaskier’s soft feathers, making the bird-bard relax under his ministrations, though it was clear that Jaskier did so very reluctantly and would hold a grudge, if Geralt didn’t break the curse in the next five minutes.
Geralt hummed thoughtfully as he petted Jaskier.
“Just for the record, I thought taking revenge on Marx was a terrible idea,” he said, and when Jaskier clucked reproachfully, he added, “but it was quite impressive. And I had a lot of fun watching you.”
Geralt hadn’t known that cocks had the ability to look proud, but Jaskier somehow managed to do just that.
“In fact,” Geralt said slowly, already knowing that Jaskier would agree, once he heard Geralt’s full proposition, “how would you like to wait just a little longer before I break the curse?”
Jaskier pecked at Geralt’s fingers and glared at him.
“Come to Kaer Morhen with me,” Geralt said, flicking his fingers lightly against Jaskier’s beak. At his words, Jaskier perked up, cocking his head to the side curiously.
“Last winter, Lambert destroyed my room with a moon dust bomb. The damn silver shavings are still everywhere.” Geralt’s lips stretched into a wolfish grin. “I’m sure, as my ‘best friend in the whole wide world’, you wouldn’t mind returning the favour and wreaking a little havoc in my brother’s room. I couldn’t imagine anyone would be better suited for that job than you.”
Jaskier fluttered excitedly into Geralt’s lap and the sound he made in response to Geralt’s words could only be described as incredibly cocky.
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