#i dont fuckings care she said as she watched the trailer and went to the wikipedia page
The wikipedia page for ashoka is like being repeated run over by a truck. Ezra being described as a con artist (as if), Hera being played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead???? DAVID TENNANT WAS IN CLONE WARS
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Again - Part 16
Part 1 | Part 15 | Part 17 | Full list of Again series links
Steddie fic where Steve and Eddie are in their mid 30's and everyone has sort of drifted apart
Notes: A special extra part courtesy of the Easter Bunny.
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Just to be transparent, I dont celebrate Easter in a religious context, I just like chocolate Easter eggs, and easter egg hunts.
Taglist: @adaed5 @grtwdsmwhr @swimmingbirdrunningrock @mightbeasleep, @jewellthebooknerd, @fentiibratzz
Steve leans back on the reclined sofa. The TV is on, he's looking at it, but he's not really watching it. He doesn't even know why he switched it on. He has all the entertainment he needs right here in his lap. He's still wearing what he slept in and the t-shirt Eddie was wearing yesterday. 
Eddie throwing his t-shirt from the day before for Steve to wear the next morning had become a daily habit. Steve glances at the clock creeping into the afternoon now. His one hand gently rests on Eddie's chest. The other is absentmindedly playing with his hair as he lies back on Steve's thigh. The gentle beat of Eddie's heart and the rumble of his voice explaining the plot of the book he's reading reverberates against Steve's palm and fingers. Steve files it away as one of his favourite symphonies. It's a small file. He only has two more in there. Steve can remember the last time he felt this at peace. The night they brought home Corey. 
Jenny was understandably exhausted, but Steve had prepared everything she needed to relax and hopefully get some rest and everything he needed to take care of their newborn and five-year-old until she felt up to joining them. Mackenzie had gone to bed, and it was just Steve and Corey. His tiny baby boy. Steve cradled him in his arms as he put on an old basketball game he had recorded and talked him through the game. His little hand moved and lay against Steve's chest, and he was unnecessarily worried his scratchy chest hair might irritate Corey's skin, so he reached to move his hand. As he did so, Corey's little fingers wrapped around Steve's finger, and he melted completely.
"I'm here", he whispered, "Just don't want you losing your hand in there" He smiled hugely down at his son and manoeuvred his hand away. "I'm always gonna be here. Nothing is ever gonna hurt you. We're gonna keep you safe. "
Steve tunes back into the present. He knows the book Eddie is talking about. He just has yet to focus on everything he said, "So, is there a movie of this book? Sounds like there should be."
"Oh, but there is. There have been, like, animated ones, but new ones are coming out, and the trailers. My God, Steve. The fucking trailers!" Eddie says, hands stretched towards the ceiling.
"Do you need to read the books to understand it? Could someone like me watch it?" Steve asks. There is a pause, a silence, and though the vibration of Eddie's voice is missing from his fingertips, his heartbeat is a little faster, harder.
"You wanna watch it?" Eddie asks, and Steve can hear the surprise in his voice.
"If I didn't go and see a movie based on my boyfriend's favourite book, what kind of boyfriend would I be?" Steve says in mock alarm. "What if someone else asked him to watch the movie, then they'd have little secret in-jokes I wouldn't get and then bond over it, and I'd be left out. And then what if they fall in love and get married, and I'm just sitting at the back of the church like, damn, if only I went to see the movie, I could be the one with pointy ears on and ribbons and flowers in my hair, getting married to my love by a pretend Wizard?" he amps the horror in his performance, and Eddie is shaking with giggles. "Glad to see you find my potential heartbreak amusing, honey."
"I'm only laughing because you think you're an elf. You are from the realms of men, Steve, sorry." Eddie delivers the terrible news holding back his laughter.
"I could be a fucking elf, alright? I'm graceful as hell, I'm tall, I've got great hair, and I'm super stealthy. So I'm an elf, Eddie."
"You keep being grumpy like that, you'll end up an angry little dwarf, but you are not an elf. At least not in my mind. You aren't." Eddie jokes ending on a coy note.
"Oh yeah? Been thinking about me in one of your fantasy stories, have you" Steve teases, but Eddie doesn't get a chance to respond as the doorbell chimes. "Did you order food or something?" Steve asks, looking down at Eddie.
"No! I told you I'm smoking that brisket outside the RV for us. I swear to god, Steve, do you listen to me at all?" Eddie answers with a hint of his annoyed little goblin voice slipping out.
"I literally was just talking about Elves and Wizards. Of course, I listen to you," Steve thinks for a moment as there is a gentle knocking at the door and a tiny yip.
"Oh fuck! Ms Montarello," Steve exclaims, leaping out of his seat and sending Eddie's head down to the sofa with a thud, and frantically searches around for some trousers, but there are none. There haven't been any trousers for two days now. 
After the Sunday night sleepover, Steve's home had basically become a love nest. They'd stocked up on decadent foods and drinks, got a pile of movies and a stack of records, and had yet to be apart since then. The lack of jeans or any kind of trousers was because it was hot as hell and just comfier. Or at least those were the reasons they had decided on together. Eddie parading around in a snug set of boxer briefs all day was hardly the most taxing thing to look at. Steve got the feeling that previously they must have spent a lot of time this way because it just felt natural to do. Despite their outfits and closeness, nothing further than a heavy make-out session had happened. There was almost a moment on Monday reasonably early on after breakfast, and if you had asked Steve a few weeks ago to put money on who would put a stop to that, he would have lost the lot.
Eddie had been in Steve's lap, busy kissing him into outer space, and his hips had ground down towards Steve's. Once. Being a man almost trained to pick up on these queues, Steve, maybe a little too eagerly, had merely suggested they take this upstairs, but Eddie looked at him with those big eyes and shook his head in a no. He said not yet, and Steve was obviously ok with that, he wasn't in a rush or frustrated, but he was curious. So he asked if Eddie was ok, was he worried about anything? Eddie had just laughed and said no. He explained that he just wanted a little time to have those in-between experiences with Steve. Like they might have done if Eddie hadn't left. He said he found that as he got older, those steps got thrown out quickly or skipped over entirely, and he wanted them. Needless to say, Steve was more than happy to oblige, and, truthfully, it had a whole lot of fun and made the anticipation of the ultimate deed that much more exciting. Deep down, Steve agreed. Sure, sex was great, but it had become so expected in his and, from the sounds of it, Eddie’s experience, it was refreshing to do things a little differently. Plus, there was the added bonus of feeling like a kid again. The only disappointment was that he’d gained no new memories, which meant all this was uncharted territory.
"I'll be right there, Ms Montarello!!" Steve yells at the door stumbling towards the staircase.
"Graceful, as shit", Eddie chuckles, waving his hand at Steve. "Want me to stall for you?" he asks, but Steve freezes and looks wide-eyed at Eddie. He can see the mischief blooming on his face.
"Do not open that door, Eddie. I swear to Christ, she's old ok. She'll have a heart attack or something with you dressed like that," Steve says in his firmest tone, pointing an accusing finger at Eddie.
"Hey, if she's old, she's seen plenty. She'll be fine. They're like shorts, really," Eddie says reassuringly.
"Eddie. I mean it. Do not open that door! Everyone knows her around here!" Steve says, panic in his voice, and looks hard at Eddie, waiting for him to confirm he'll do as asked.
"Fine! I won't open the door, ok? Relax!" Steve takes that as his opportunity to run up the remainder of the stairs. "She'll have to meet me eventually. You can't hide our forbidden love forever, Steve." Eddie shouts up the stairs after him.
As Steve throws himself into the closet, rapidly pushing hangers out of the way, trying to find a nice shirt and slacks combo, he sing-song yells back, "I'm not hiding you, and you know it, I'm hiding your current outfit."
He hurriedly puts them on and finds a set of Oxford brogues, lacing them up quickly and racing back down the stairs, almost slipping down the last two, remembering to halt at the last mirror before the front door, smooths over his hair and quickly slaps on some cologne, adjusting his collar to hide a small blooming bruise on his neck. His next step is halted. He smiles hugely. Usually, he is tugging at his collar to hide scars from traumatic events, but today he was just hiding evidence of his overly enthusiastic lover. Finally, he gets to the living room, and there is a worrying absence of his boyfriend. "Eddie?" He calls out quietly, but there is no response.
Steve opens the front door to greet his client, but she's nowhere to be seen either. Then he hears her laughing and follows the sound, and there she is, sweet, little Ms Montarello in her mid-70s, sitting on the grass with an ice-pop in her hand, giggling. Next to her, lying on the grass, is Eddie, just in his boxer briefs, laughing and pretending to hold back the small dog that is desperate to lick his face. All the sirens in Steve's head go off at once, but he has to not lose his shit in front of a client. Sure, he didn't need to do the job, but it kept him in the community circle.  He swallows down his worry and puts on his customer-facing mask. He smiles so wide it's hurting his face and gives a big neighbourly wave as he calls out to her, "Ms Montarello. Hi! Sorry about the delay. I er…"
"Got caught up on the phone, didn't you?" Eddie adds, making goofy faces at the tiny Brussels Griffon on his chest, before turning to Ms Montarello. "He's so in demand these days, must be wonderful customers like you spreading the good word Ms…" Eddie pretends to be thinking, and Steve is trying desperately to hide his annoyance.
"Oh, call me Monty. All my friends do" She beams at Eddie and taps his arm. He turns back to look at Steve with a smug grin. She'd never told Steve to call her Monty. She giggles and turns to him, "Oh yes, Flossie and I thoroughly enjoy our classes here. It would be selfish of me not to share, now, wouldn't it? I was quite perturbed to not find you already set up outside as normal. So naturally, I was worried."
"Naturally", Eddie echoes, playing with the dog. Earning him another pat on the shoulder from his new best friend, Monty.
"But then your lovely friend here informed me through the window you were caught up on the phone." Steve's hands naturally migrate to his hips when he looks back at the window and can see the faint markings where various parts of Eddie had been pressed against the glass. Steve's eye twitches. He needed to remember to be more specific when asking anything of Eddie. "Then he offered me a drink, but I thought we'd be underway soon enough, but I did ask if he had another ice-pop on account of it being so warm out."
"So warm," Eddie repeats.
Steve desperately tries to keep the smile on his face when he realises that telling Eddie what to do, had somehow sent him into rebel mode. So not only had he talked to the client, through the window, with only his underwear on, but he'd been sucking on an ice-pop the whole time too.
"Unfortunately, he said it was the last one, but he'd only just started it and was happy to trade if I let him play with Flossie here. Which I thought was awfully kind of him, on account of it being so terribly hot," she says, and her eyes trail over Eddie on the grass.
"Was absolutely worth the trade. Flossie, here is a credit to you, Monty. She's such a good girl," Eddie says, deepening his voice, eyes focused on the dog, and Steve can see Ms Montarello slowly losing her grip on the ice-pop stick in her hand as it drops to the grass and she tugs at the collar of her blouse, with her other hand, her eyes shamefully still trailing over Eddie.
"Well, yes, that sounds great. Thank you, Eddie. I'll take it from here." Steve says wanting this whole thing to be over as soon as possible, and maybe his brain will let him forget this, too, one day.
"Well, it was lovely to meet you, Flossie" Eddie ruffles the dog's fur, reaches out for Ms Montarello's gloved hand, and kisses the back of it, "And you, dearest Monty." 
"Yes, probably best to get inside now, Eddie. The weather might turn, don't want you to catch a cold or anything," Steve tries to joke. Eddie smiles at him and gets up to his knees before Ms Montarello stops him.
"Here, dear, in case you do catch a cold" She reaches into her purse, pulls out a few wrapped hard candies and hands them to Eddie.
"Awww, Monty, you're really too kind" Eddie smiles sweetly at her, and she blushes back, "Now where can I keep these, hmmm" Eddie tucks the two candies in the waistband of his briefs, gets up and walks pasts, Steve. "You're welcome," he whispers as he walks past back into the house, turning back to send a dainty finger wave back to Ms Montarello.
"Get inside!" Steve says through his gritted teeth smile.
"So bossy, Steve!" Eddie teases back, "No candy for you, big boy" He laughs and wags a finger, closing the door behind him.
Steve claps his hands together, "Let's get started, shall we?"
He extends the crook of his elbow to Ms Montarello, who takes it, and with Flossie at his heel, they walk around to the tiny agility area.
"Mr Harrington, a question if I may?"
"Absolutely, Ms Montarello, ask away" He knows he can't refuse or upset the matriarch of the area. Especially seeing as Zee was moving on to high school in a year, he needed to be on the right side of the right people, so she could have her pick. Zee was plenty smart and talented, but that wasn't always how it worked around places like this.
"Your friend, Eddie. Is he just visiting?" 
"Well, that is yet to be decided, but I think he'll be here the rest of this week at least. Now, what were we working on? Retrieval?" Steve starts to feel very eager to return to the safe topic of dog training.
"And is he a business associate, or an old friend, or maybe something else" Steve could hear the hint in her voice.
"Oh, he's definitely something else, that guy," Steve says, trying not to laugh and decides to do the right thing, "Eddie is my partner," Steve answers. "My boyfriend…you know…romantically," he corrects and braces himself.
"Well, now, isn't that nice?" She chuckles to herself, "Such a sweet pair you make. Though I dare say there will be a few upsets in the area, now you won't be our most eligible divorcee any more." She removes her little white gloves, "You've made the correct choice in my mind, though, Mr Harrington. If I was in my prime, and my choices were someone like your beau or one of the prim and proper, stuck-up little bore fests living around here. I know I'd happily be living on ice-pops for the rest of my days,"  she laughs, and Steve relaxes a little, laughing with her. "I appreciate I'm held high on a pedestal around here, but it is refreshing to be treated normally for once."
"He's good at that", a newly relaxed Steve adds fondly with a big genuine smile, "Seeing people as the same, being kind and also, I should give you fair warning, kind of a menace."
"How long have you been together?"
"A few days", his reply caused a super surprised look on her face. The fact even surprises himself. Yes, it had been a few days on paper, but it was more complex than that. "I know, I know, it's weird, it's complicated"
"Well, it looks good on you. You don't look so tired, and your eyes are sparkling like they used to. A few days! My, my. Do they bottle him?" She says kindly, patting his arm and laughing.
"Thank you. I was worried how people might respond to me, having had a wife and kids and now a boyfriend. I wasn't gonna hide him. I was worried about how people might react and would deal with the consequences if they turned up. By the way, please don't tell him about that bottle idea, Ms Montarello. Like I said, he's already a menace and doesn't need that ego of his any further inflated than it already is."
"Don't you worry about that, Mr Harrington. You've got Flossie and I on your team. If I hear anyone say a peep about it, consider them done. Not even welcome at the Halloween pie contest. "
"You'd shut them out of the pie contest??!" Steve gasps like he just heard the most scandalous news of the century, and honestly, round here, it really was. It was one of the significant events in this community.
"And then some!" She says emphatically.
"Oh well, do I have a replacement baker waiting in the wings" Steve starts to tell her all about Morgan's baking talent as he sets up the mini-course for Flossie.
An hour and a half later, the lesson is over. It was only supposed to be an hour, but Steve threw in an extra thirty minutes of free time for the inconvenience, and her driver waited with no complaints as usual. He waves Flossie and Ms Montarello goodbye and heads inside.
A freshly-showered-dressed-in-some-of-Steve's-clothes-Eddie sits at the table staring at something on it. His hand rubbing at his chin, and his brow slightly furrowed in thought.
"Eddie? You ok?" Steve asks, sitting at the table next to him and observing the object. It's a conference telephone, and he can see that Eddie has plugged it into the wall. Steve feels a slight pang of tension when he sees that Eddie has tampered with the phone line, but he presses the button on the conference phone, and the dial tone works fine, and he relaxes again. "Eddie, you might have thought you did. But you haven't answered me. Are you ok?" Steve tries again. A habit that Steve picked up quite quickly about Eddie in the last two days when occupied by thought or task, he has totally heard you ask him a question but doesn't reply. Steve at first thought he was ignoring him, but it turns out that Eddie just has a chatty brain, and sometimes he thinks he's answered, but all he has done is said it in his head.
"Yeah…so I went to find a towel for my shower, and I opened this cupboard, and it didn't have towels, but it had loads of cool, weird stuff in it, and this is the first thing I saw, and I thought" he looks up at Steve, "I thought maybe we could call them?" 
Them. It's such a small word for so much. When what Eddie means by the look on his face is everyone. Everyone that knew them before he left. The way he'd waited for Steve before taking any action indicated he needed some help. He was worried about something, so Steve takes a guess. He reaches out and holds Eddie's hand, "Listen, if you do or don't wanna tell people about us, I'm happy with that, ok? And you don't have to answer if they ask you about something you don't want to talk to them about. I'll be right here to run interference if you need me to, ok? You don't need to tell them anything you don't want to" Eddie silently nods at Steve, and a small smile grows on his face as he squeezes Steve's hand.
"I thought maybe we could start easy? Call Wayne? I mean, he knows, but, um, he hasn't spoken to you, and I think he'd like that. Then maybe Dustin? If we asked, he could be a little foghorn of gossip for us?" Eddie looks at Steve in a way that he's looking for guidance, another squeeze on Steve's hand.
"It doesn't have to be so official, you know, honey? People can just find out when they find out. I don't feel hidden, and I hope you don't either" Steve studies Eddie's face for a reaction, "Earlier was just about how you were dressed, that's all. I told Ms Montarello you're my partner, my boyfriend. I didn't hide you. I don't ever want to do that." Steve chooses his following words carefully, "I care about you so much. I'm so happy you are back in my life, and not only that, but you're mine, and I'm yours."
"Ok. I guess I just thought if I tell people over the phone, then I don't have to see their reaction to…me being…er…you know…out" Something's gnarled twists in Steve when he thinks about Eddie opening up to someone and them making him feel bad about himself, especially about something that wasn't anything to be ashamed of. He wishes he had the name and address of whoever it was, so he could beat them down so bad their new address would be 1 Earth’s Core. But, instead, Steve channels his anger at these unknown persons into the call button on the conference phone by aggressively pushing it, the dial tone ringing out.
"You know what honey if you wanna call every goddamn person in the phone book, and we just leave answerphone messages like. Hi, I'm Steve, and this is Eddie, and we're gay for each other, and there is nothing you can do about it. I say let's do it. Let's call them all." He yells, stabbing his finger down hard into the table several times. Eddie's face seems alarmed, but a smile teases at the corners of his mouth. He seemed to like it when Steve got worked up in his defence. Steve decides to file this away for later.
Steve uses his hand to pretend he has a phone to his ear, "Hello? Hello?! Is that the white house? Yes, patch me through to the president. I have some huge news for him" Eddie smiles bashfully at Steve, his sweet dimples starting to show. "Hello? Is that Mr Hetfield? Yeah, yeah, uh-huh, just calling to let you know you missed out big time. Wait, what do you mean Eddie's the love of your life. No, do not. Don't you dare come round here. I swear James-" Steve looks horrified at his imaginary phone, "Can you believe that guy? Rockstars, man, so rude!" Eddie’s dimples are in full bloom, a slight flush of pink on his cheeks, and his shoulders shake a little with quiet laughter.
Eddie gets out of his seat and sits on Steve's lap with a sigh, running his fingers through the side of Steve's hair and looking happily into his eyes, "How d'you know what to do all the time?" Steve gets completely lost in the connection, smiling up at him, blissed out.
"I don't. I just try stuff and see if I can get your beautiful smile to turn up," Steve says dreamily in reply.
"But it's not just with me. It's with your kids and how you handle all that, like another guy being involved, and you're just like, oh, it's fine, we’re best buds. Even before, people looked to you for what to do, even if it was someone else's plan. Then, when things started to go south, the kids still looked to you, and you were always there for everyone. You keep everyone safe. How can one man do all that?" Eddie mutters, absent-mindedly twisting at a small curl piece of hair that flicked out at the nape of Steve’s neck.
"Oh well, that's the thing. I don't do it all myself. I do all that stuff because I can't live without the people I care about. Without them, I'm nothing. I need them. So when I try to make you laugh, I'm not just doing it so you get over something; selfishly, I'm not just doing it to cheer you up. I'm also doing it because when you laugh because of me, I feel worth something. So when I threw myself into the stupid situations first, yeah, I wanted to protect them, but not just to keep them alive, not to be a hero, but so I had a purpose, a use. I can do things that matter, for the people I care about, so they can be around because I need them."
Eddie's ringed hand take hold of Steve's jaw and tilts it up for a kiss, "You're my hero. Always will be." He says before kissing him again. "And you are gonna have to act the part right now, in fact."
"Huh?" Steve replies, half-dazed from the last spine-tingling kiss.
"Well, let me ask you this. If I randomly just brought up one of the names of one of your favourite basketball players in an attempt to cheer you up. How would you feel about that?" Eddie gently asks the fingers of his other hand, massaging the back of Steve's head, making it very difficult to concentrate on what he's saying.
"I guess I'd think that was really hot" Steve's brain manages to give him some simple words to barely say. That's not all he's thinking, though. If Eddie even remembered a sports team that Steve liked, he'd be so blown away by the effort he'd probably have to restrain himself from pouncing on him. Steve furrows his brow in thought and looks at Eddie, who is raising his eyebrows and smiling to encourage him.
"And just in case you forgot, not only did you bring up one of my musical heroes, but before we were rudely interrupted earlier, you were talking about Wizards and Elves?" Eddie tries to helpfully suggest, gently stroking the side of Steve’s neck, and his eyes flick up to the ceiling and the penny drops for Steve.
"Oh! Oh, I see…well, in that case." Steve scoops Eddie in his arms to carry him and then stands up, making Eddie squeak excitedly. "Let me tell you more about what I know," Steve says, walking towards the stairs. 'I know some wizard names Gandalf, Radagast, Saruman" Eddie makes an approving noise and unbuttons one of Steve's shirt buttons as he carries him up the stairs, "I know that if you roll a 20 on one of those funny-looking dice, it's a critical success, but even then in some cases that doesn't mean you automatically can do anything you want" another button is popped open. Eddie gently plants kisses along his jaw as they reach the second part of the staircase, "I also know that the guy in Megadeth used to be in Metallica, and his name is…." Eddie kisses Steve's neck, and all the names in the universe apart from Eddie's leave his brain, but then Eddie stops and waits as Steve carries him up the last few stairs, "And his name is…oh come on, brain,” Steve says kicking open the door to his room, "his name is Mustang…no it's Mustaine!! Dave, Dave Mustaine,'' Steve says finally, Eddie still in his arms, looking wide-eyed at Steve.
"Hey, you don't have any plans tonight, do you?" Eddie asks.
"Just spending time with you," Steve says, spinning them around.
"That's good news because what I'm about to do, is definitely gonna put you out of action for the rest of today" Then, faster than Steve can fathom, Eddie completely turns the tables and has Steve over his shoulder. "And then, like the awesome housewife I am, I'm gonna feed you the best damn brisket you've ever had in your life. How can I be sure of that, you ask? Well, because in about two to three hours, once you've come round, you are going to be absolutely ravenous" Steve is giggling furiously just because of the surprise, but before he can catch his breath, Eddie has dropped him onto the bed "Hold on tight to something, sweetheart. I'm about to rock your world," Eddie laughs before straddling Steve's legs and leaning down to kiss him.
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nyctospoilers · 2 years
KHDR Reactions
Episode 5: The Key to Each World’s Order
54 years later:
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they did a wonderful job drawing the Land of Departure. It’s beautiful.
7 years later:
Okay I am DEFINITELY going to make a Xehanort timeline with all these jumps back and forth, just to help me visualize what the hell’s going on LOL. I’m pretty sure this is 3 years after the graveyard scene, though. And looks to be after YX’s time travel trips in both DDD and KH3 too, since he didnt have the real No Name then.
Eraqus “We became keyblade masters a year ago” okay noted…
the way they’re talking in this scene kills me LOL, like “okay Person Playing This, here’s what you missed on Glee.”
Xehanort “since coming here 9 years ago” note that too
ooh girl that was a lot, I’m already satisfied and like— thats already so much of what we’ve seen in trailers!
The Key to Each World’s Order
Xehanort “I want to focus on the task at hand” damnnn cold blooded
E: “I thought you cared about your friends.” X: “a real friend doesn’t manipulate someone’s beliefs to match their own.” E: “A good friend would help a friend see the error of their ways.” X: “who’s to decide what’s right and wrong?” Me looking back and forth 🌛🌜🌛🌜
u know maybe Eraqus and Xehanort don’t like each other afterall LMAO
Eraqus and Bragi dawning their armor and jumping up— did they just blow a hole in the roof??? LOL
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^ this game is to me what DDD is to soriku shippers
Vidar and Odin
how would Odin know that the Lost Masters got the darknesses ? I have a theory but… idk I’ll keep watching.
And how would he know about the ones with Player?? hmm
“two are said to have been destroyed when the world collapsed— but theres no proof.” Is the ones with Ven and Maleficent. Its interesting that Odin knows what happened to the other 11 but not these two. I still have a theory but I’ll keep going.
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^ Okay I can’t bring myself to hate him anymore, I really cant. I love this LMAO. I just wanna call him mithrandir LOL
Disney Worlds
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^ HDKDHDKHDKDH ERAQUS!!!!! also which translator do I have to kiss in gratitude for “Dude!” LMAO
That is so funny that Eraqus and Bragi dipped LOL. They said “this bitch is too vain, she’s never leaving this fucking mirror.” hakhdkffh “alyssa edwards ass”
Okay Chip talking to Xehanort is so fucking funnyyyy
Xehanort “I deal with difficult people all the time.” lmao
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^ he’s so mopeeyyyy I love Beast from this film
Hermod to Xehanort “Are you sure you’re not upset about Eraqus? I’m sensing some hostility…” LMAO
Heyyy I think we got our first “May my heart be my guiding key” of the game! UX excluded of course.
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honestly this fucking goal thing the upperclassmen keep mentioning is so fucking suspicious….
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^ her slow dancing by the piano, I got sapphic vibes LOL
“I expected more obedience” hello???
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omg dont THROW THE GLASS!!!
1 year later:
“1 year after the upperclassmen went missing, we would be given the Mark of Mastery” okay noted. I gotta keep this in mind with Re:Mind’s cutscenes and KH3’s report by young Xehanort.
not the series of unfortunate events LOL
Yesss the Xehanort Report where he mentions forgoing his armor to embrace the darkness between worlds!
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fkyumerica · 3 months
Jan 18, 2024, 10:44 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZE-Lbrv63JA it was one family
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The Thing 2 1984 (canceled late in production)
those star wars things are it
eyes out
tounge out too
the pregnant thing in the japanese movie
i sent the video of them in the hospital
and the et thing
it was that hospital in the thing 2
me being an eskimo
them getting that fish
and a giant mouth
open its whole life
the pop cat mouth meme
closed its mouth once
i would talk to it from over where
9,000 feet
it could speak
9 guys raped it
the apostles
to speak
john was his dad 3:03 the monster man
jesus is him, then greg
in the video of monster men
greg always had to hunch over and look
then her about to give birth with what she had to carry to get him
his wifes body
she lived in it
and he raped her
wrong hole
his wife screamed the whole time
thats not me!
didnt care started doing it
he said it
those men were it didnt care
ate ice, the drug
and took it there no its this
ate that much at once
their trip
of boats
a family
atlas most
move em out
loch ness monster is her
their mom
had 8 different husbands couldent see
took her frm the back
but knew it
she knew it
then he came out
my dad
if you feel safe with him tehre
the sound will fuck you
dont care and hate him
they gays are it to live
they are mad
they wernt nice to love you
they leave come back and rape again
them being there is rape
the one that kept having all the alien infants were it
gave them abortions
it was what was in the eggs
fetus looks like shrimp in early stage
opens its mouth
forms one first
insert all of it and burn it
the pyramid fucker is it
make the lines
impregnated 35 at once
land floods
he gets them all
no boats
they left
meant relationship
he takes them
the women
mexican men and black men are this
arabic men are the boats
come out
and swap
they say it
swah P
13 together ate you
he went to get the rest left alive
of old xenomorph
to get rid of them off the planet
the dad tht said he can get 35
was this
in the snow the giant
i made him say another word not swap, swah ap
and people ran for their lives
the rest of apacolypto to the shore was it
other than that they all died
troops went in there
of spanish american war
then went to the south west
and ate
of them
people did
they dont want you to remember it
stay away from the suhn
they say that
my right eyebrow is growing back not the left yet
i bought the eyebrow syrum
my hair went back to brown already
i forgot i would section it off in four pieces to dye it
i do not know if it is permanent
Jan 19, 2024, 5:11 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQwqHLd1v8w teach me the mosh pit
show them
feed me the food
im the only dad
no one has fun
kid at 4
not allowed
shove her in
should i walk up to taco bell to get food
holt sit
this was me they said
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she didnt wanna do anything in her life she just wanted to go to school
just go to school shit
they said i couldent get a fucking tree this year
this is my christmas tree
chris, leon, mary sue
Jan 19, 2024, 6:15 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zx76uvIDU3s his wife did it to him to kill him in 5 years and he lived
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Zoochosis - Official Announcement Trailer
29 years after
gender man
barbra bush got him too
Demon Slayer: The Movie | First Look (Teaser Trailer) 2024 - Trailer #1 | Live Action - Shueisha'
i wanna be butterfly girl
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVKQNDnlpO0 naruto looks lame
Naruto: The Movie - (2024) Trailer #1 | Live Action - Teaser Trailer | Shueisha Concept
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jO0-4zXsuw this one looks good
DRAGON BALL Z: The Movie (2024) Trailer #1 | Toei Animation - Teaser Trailer | Concept
hope frieza doesnt scare you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fGtQ5YZLHc that might be whats left for the movie
ALIEN 5 (2024) Official Trailer
IT Chapter 3: Welcome to Derry - Teaser Trailer | New HBO Max Horror Movie | StryderHD Concept
that is steve the mystery
went with cheryl ooh emily my little monkey now i know i can fuck her
held her
and fuck her pregnant
cheryl had 17 guys before her age
3 pieces in a nose like the naruto character
takes out a piece each wife
they kept hooking all day for it
i can have another nose piece for her
long one
said it three times
before his dad attacked him
to leave and fuck his sons wives
then his gay son came out sarah
that is him in the resident evil thing
mummys family she cheated
with the giant thing
wait 4 years
we will pound you
i will pound a kid into her
only she looked at me nice
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Owen Grady’s child
Owen Grady x child!reader
warnings: knives, guns
a/n: i cannot remember the plot bare w me
prompt: being owen’s child
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okay, let’s start with the fact that he’s a single dad
that did not stop him from raising you right
navy brat
after a little bit of instability during his years of service, he got a job as a raptor trainer
so you see, it wasn’t a typical childhood
you two moved to isla nublar so he could begin his work
“woah, that’s a dinosaur?”
“yeah, kiddo, she’s a velociraptor”
you were a bit older when you met the dinosaurs, so owen trusted you to be around them
“if you respect them, they’ll respect you”
blue took a liking to you pretty quick!!!
owen thought it was adorable the way you got along with the raptors
you were sort of like a co-trainer
living in that lil trailer
“this place is too small”
“quit your complaining and eat your mac and cheese”
your dad taught you how to fix cars and motorcycles
you did a bang-up job
“you really are my child. oh, my god, im so proud”
watching tv with owen all the damn time
it was usually cartoons though bc that was all he cared to watch
sometimes he forgets that you are not a raptor and you have to jog his memory
“can you get your hand out of my face before i tear it off?”
half of your holiday gifts are weapons
“look at this knife, y/n! it’s two inches longer than your old one. you’ll grow into it”
“dad, a knife is not a pair of pants...but thank you, i love it”
you’re pretty good at throwing knives, though. your dad put a target on a nearby tree for you to practice
every once in a while it’s gun practice, though
“okay, remember the proper foot stance...now arms. make sure not to lock up, make sure your fingers are clear from anything that could move...okay, go!”
there was a high level of trust between you and your dad
he ruffles your hair a lot, you used to care
you no longer care
you had free admission to the park, so sometimes you’d take the day off and wander around for a while
you always came home with a stuffed animal (or several)
“is that a stuffed pterodactyl?”
“his name is pterry”
back to raptor training: you loved it!!!!!!!
training a dinosaur was nothing like training a dog, lemme tell you
these lovely dinos made you so happy!!!
they’re pretty at-ease when you’re nearby
arguing when anyone talks about using them for some sort of selfish profit
“they’re animals, dipshit! stop treating them like weapons!”
“mr. grady, are you going to tell your child to behave?”
“no, no i will not”
claire popping over to see your dad while you were working on his bike
because she suddenly needed your dad’s help
and wanted to exclude you until your dad said he wouldn’t do anything unless you had the opportunity to come along
“you know, y/n, i have a nephew who’s about the same age as you visiting here right now”
“how old am i, claire?”
she did not have a response
your dad was stifling chuckles
“nice one, kid” *high five*
tHe InDoMiNuS rEx
you: 👀
owen: 👀
yeah this was not gonna be good
tbh you almost died when you were surveying the cage
why? oh, i don’t know...because there was a BIG FUCKING DINOSAUR IN THAT BITCH
“y/n! under there!”
you ran ahead of owen and ducked under a truck where he soon followed (and dumped gasoline all over yall)
terrifying, truly
your dad did not want to let you out of his sight
not todayyyy
“are you okay, yeah?”
busting into the control center :) tee hee
while owen was barking orders at people and telling them to not do what they were doing, you were sitting next to the guy with a bunch of dinosaurs on his desk
“you like them?”
“not really, i’m not five”
turning to the screen to see flatlining soldiers
“oh, shit. uh, that’s not good. you need to close the park maybe?”
they dont like listening to the child with the bright ideas ig
they did end up shutting off rides though. best they can do, huh?
claire couldnt get in contact with her nephews
you went after them together
it was a long ass journey
you almost died a few times
although your father did trust you to take care of yourself, even in a situation like this, he still was extremely worried for your safety
you got a gun :)
this was actually positively the worst day of your life
okay, it took a long while to catch up to claire’s nephews
“jesus, claire, you’re nephews sure know how to move. this is getting exhausting”
you didn’t find them until the......pterodactyls got loose
“pterry would never do something like this”
“not the time or place, y/n”
“sorry, dad”
finally finding those damn kids
“hey, i’m y/n, your crazy ass aunt just dragged me and my dad all the way around the island to find you!”
oh yeah a pterodactyl tackled your dad
whoop de do your gun was jammed
claire saved the day and all three of you witnessed their little display of pda amidst chaos
“wow, uh, maybe we’ll be cousins...”
your dad finally caved and agreed to use the raptors to find the indominus rex
and you got to prove your badassery out there
“you sure you’re up for this mission, y/n? you know you can stay with claire and the boys if you want”
“i’ll be okay, dad, i promise”
he gave you a hug
okay i cant lie, you and your dad riding motorcycles side-by-side among velociraptors was probably the coolest thing you’ll ever get to do
but they, uh, kind of turned on you and next thing you know, you were speeding after the ambulance claire was driving
zach and gray were relieved to see you
you gave ‘em a little wave
“do you think we’ll ever be that cool?”
“gray, not now”
“i’m gonna take that as a ‘no’”
it was an Experience(tm)
you were split up from your dad and the boys while she was doing that
so you were deathly worried
running over there when it was safe
“is everyone alright?”
“define ‘alright’” -gray
“we’re fine, y/n” -zach
“are you okay?” -dad
“yeah, i think so”
this final battle between the dinosaurs was a bit shocking to watch, but it was hard to keep your eyes off
it all wrapped up and the dinos were let loose
and......the park got closed down
you and your dad were unemployed effective immediately
but your dad and claire finally got together
“you guys are sweet but are we all going to fit in that little camper?”
“we’ll make it work”
they did for a while
but there was a lot if arguing
your dad wanted to reside in the camper forever, claire didn’t, they broke up, you stayed with your dad to help him out during hard times, he decided to build a cabin
he claims he was not affected by the breakup but you knew better
you and your dad had an unbreakable bond, you’d been through so much together
it was only a matter of time before the world had something new in store for you and dad
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baroquebucky · 4 years
request: Hi. Can you write something about being in the movie with Timmy and he made an agreement with managers about being in relationship with you to increase the popularity of the movie. And you start dating but you dont know about agreement. And then you get to know the truth and you are heartbroken. Timothee is heartbroken too because he really falls for you. With happy ending
a/n: i hope you guys enjoy this and let me know what u all think !! sorry for any typos heh send in some requests :-)
You arrived on set for the last time, smiling at everyone as you entered the trailer for your makeup and talked to your stylist as usual, filled with giddy and sadness as the production wrapped up. You weren’t sure what you more more upset about, the finishing of a movie with a cast you so deeply loved, or the fact that you wouldn’t see a specific curly headed french boy everyday.
The thought of drifting apart from timothée lingered in your mind as you filmed the final shots for the movie. Over the course of several months you had developed a crush on him, I mean who wouldn’t? He was damn near perfect. He was sweet to everyone on set which was more than you can say for other actors you’ve worked with, he was funny and down to earth, he loved almost all the music you did, and he was so articulate.
As you snapped out of your thoughts you heard the director call for a quick break, you sighed, squeezing your eyes shut and taking a breath before going to get a bottle of water.
“are you excited that it’s almost over?” Timothée asked you. Looking over at him you shot him a smile, “bittersweet” you replied, leaning on the table and looking at the whole set, everyone was running around getting things done, fixing things or trying to make sure nothing messed up. “I hope you don’t forget me when you win an Oscar or something” timmy laughed and you rolled your eyes, “please if it’s gonna be one of us it’s gonna be you” you replied, hearing the director calling everyone back to set. “I’ll catch you later yeah?” You spoke, waving at te boy, he smiled back at you nodding.
Timothée smiled as he saw the way you greeted everyone around you, despite being an award winning actress you were always so down to earth and humble. “Timothée we need to speak to you” his agent spoke up next to him, motioning for him to go to his trailer so they could speak.
As he entered the trailer he saw another man sitting down, papers by his side. “What’s all this?” The boy asked, confused and looking at the two men in the trailer with him. “Timothée this is Robert” his agent spoke up. “We want you to date y/n for publicity” Robert said, handing timothée the papers. He was shocked, sort of offended too.
“I’m sorry what? No!” He scoffed, pushing the papers back to the man, not even wanting to read them. His agent spoke up, “listen man, it’s gonna be good PR for the both of you, the movie will get more recognition. It’s a win win for everyone” he pointed out and timothée thought about it for a second. He didn’t like you like that, right? I mean sure he thought you were pretty but you didn’t even know each other. He knew your favorite colors and things like that, he didn’t really know you like that.
“What did she say?” Timothée asked, looking at the man across from him. “We didn’t tell her, we knew she would reject it and we all know when she’s firm about something there’s no swaying her” the man spoke and timothée smiled a little, you were very hard headed.
“Timothée think about it, it benefits everyone” his agent pushed, and he shook his head. “I- I don’t know I have to think about it” he furrowed his brows and his agent nodded, the two men leaving, leaving him and the papers alone in his trailer.
Timothée had read over the papers, he couldn’t tell anyone that it was fake, not even his mom. He groaned and ran his hand through his hair. It would only be six months before the release of the movie, he could get to know you by then.
He was in his trailer for hours contemplating every possible pro and con, the sun had already set and he could hear the set winding down. “Fuck it,” he sighed. Before he could change his mind he signed the agreement, shutting the small Manila folder and walking out of his trailer to hand his agent the papers.
“hey timmy t” you smiled, falling into step with him, he almost choked on his spit, quickly hiding the papers from your view. “hey y/n” he replied, eyes searching for his agent. “what’s that?” You asked, looking at the papers he was poorly concealing. “Nothing, i have to give it to my agent, have you seen them?” You nodded pointing to your right and he thanked you quickly, speeding off before stopping after a couple seconds.
“what time are you done filming today?” He turned on his heels and your heart rate sped up. “What time is it?” You asked. “8:53” he spoke and you smiled, “9:25 ish?” You smiled, he nodded. “Wanna go get some food after?” He smiled sheepishly, you felt yourself flush, nodding slightly before speaking up, “yeah! That sounds great” you replied, he smiled at you and nodded, walking away. You bit your lip, smiling at the ground and holding back a squeal.
As you finished filming you quickly went to trailer, packing up a couple of your things and changing for your dinner with timmy.
Dinner was amazing, the two of you laughing the whole tome and getting to know each other better, you were confused as to why all of sudden he was making a move but you brushed it off, not wanting to ruin something you’ve always wanted.
After that night the two of you went out a lot more over the course of several months, going on small little dates, picnics, watching movies, going to game nights together, sending each other memes, the two of you even went roller blading one time. It was going so well, you noticed the way he would text you more often and the way the two of you hung out a lot more. So did the media.
You’re doing great with y/n, wish the holidays coming up maybe introduce her to your family, post about it and such.
Timothée stared at the message, his heart sinking. He locked his phone and smiled back at you, putting his phone in his pocket and joining you on your couch. “thanksgiving is coming around” he spoke up and you looked away from the TV screen. “uh huh” you replied, heart racing as you realized what he wanted. “I think we’re doing great you know and- well I want you to meet my family” he spoke quickly, nervous as to what you would say.
“as what?” you frowned, slightly hurt that the boy had never asked you to be his girlfriend despite acting like a couple. Timothée smiled at you, leaning in to kiss your nose.
“As my girlfriend?” He blushed, a smile breaking into you face as you squealed and jumped on him, kissing all over his face. He laughed and caught your lips in his, smiling into the kiss. He pulled away for a second, “so is that a ‘yes I’ll be your girlfriend and meet your family’ or” you smiled at him, “it is” you replied, kissing him once more.
By the time the holidays came every magazine, talk show and social media had been posting your relationship, “co stars turned lovers” was their favorite phrase for the two of you. You didn’t care though, both you and timmy were falling deeper and deeper everyday, you were overjoyed, he was scared. The six months began next week. Six months suddenly seemed much too short.
So many dates, so many little gifts, so many funny messages, so many memories and so much love.
Anytime you saw him you got butterflies, a blush would rise on your cheeks when he checked you out or complimented you, usually in that order. Anytime he saw you and you would stare at him in awe he would blush, getting nervous as you hyped him up. Anytime the two of you were together both of your stories had at least on picture of the other with a teasing caption. It was all so real. Until timothée realized it wasn’t. Right?
“Angel, do you wanna get pizza tonight?” Timothée asked you, looking up at you as you played with his hair. You thought about it for a second, nodding your head and a smile broke onto his face. “okay, can you order it? I really have to pee all of a sudden” he laughed, getting up from his position on the couch and heading to the restroom.
Your phone was still in your room so you decided to grab timothées, waking the screen up, a small smile on your face as you see a picture of the two of you laughing with the sunset behind you, both of you in sweats. You remembered that you had told him you wanted to take pictures during sunset, and so that same day he had dragged you out of your apartment and suprised you with a picnic date, making some random lady take pictures of the two of you during sunset.
You were brought out of your thoughts as the phone vibrated in your hands
Only two more weeks with y/n and you’re free from the agreement. Thank you for doing this, the movie is doing great and getting great reviews already. Told you this would work out! Have faith next time.
Your heart dropped, agreement? What agreement? Before you could stop yourself you unlocked the phone, clicking on the conversation and seeing all the messages between timothée and the unregistered number.
Thank you for agreeing to this, by faking a relationship this will 100% get the movie amazinf publicity.
Take her out to dinner, I can send you an address for a nice place, we will pay for it.
When do I have to ask her out?
Whenever you’d like, it has to be before the six months start.
There’s a nice roller skating arena, it’s open tomorrow take her, we will make sure there’s cameras there after a couple hours.
Make her meet your family.
I don’t see her like that, why would she have to meet my family?
Every real relationship has that, make it feel real.
Your eyes watered as you continued to read through the conversation. So it wasn’t real? None of it?
You felt your chest tighten and your breathing grew shallow. Your heart physically hurt, you wanted to break down, cry, scream, punch him. You heard the sink water start in the restroom. Before he came out you rushed to the room, getting your phone, and rushing out of the apartment, turning into an alley before you broke down into silent sobs.
“mon amour where’d you go?” Timothée asked, a smile on his face, excited to spend the nights cuddling with you. “y/n quit playing cmon i miss you” he pouted, checking every room. He furrowed his brows and went to check his phone. It was unlocked. And opened was the conversation with Robert and him. His heart fell. He wanted to break his phone, throw it across the room. He wanted to punch Robert in the face, fight his agent for talking him into this.
Most of all he wanted you. He wanted you when you just woke up and were angry because you had fallen asleep late last night despite knowing you had to get up early. He wanted you when you accident burned food trying to make fancy dinners. He wanted you when you were all glammed up and ready to attend an event. He wanted you when it was just the two of you on a rainy day, cuddling in bed and sharing stories. God, he wanted you. He loved you.
You called an Uber, quickly climbing in and heading straight to your apartment. When you got home you quickly locked the door, turning on the shower and letting the hot water run. You grabbed an over sized shirt you had bought a couple years back and some shorts and fuzzy socks. Without thinking you undressed and got into the shower, letting the hot water burn you for a second before adjusting the temperature. You stood there for a minute before sobs racked your body once again.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Timothée groaned, pacing in his living room, looking at the spot where you once were. What the hell was he gonna do now? Sure it started out as nothing but he loved you now, he couldn’t live without you. But there was no way you were going to believe that. How can he prove it to you? He stopped mid-step, rummaging through his closet until he found the small box.
You stepped out of the shower, steam floating about in your restroom as you changed, you let out a shaky breath, you can get through this.
You had so much of timothées things in your room, you decided to curl up on your couch, mindlessly flipping through channels before stopping on National Geographic, half paying attention to the cheetah hunting a gazelle. Your mind wandered to timothée, was he relieved you were gone? Did he ever mean anything he said?
New hot tears streamed down your face, letting out a quiet sob. You didn’t care about your neighbors hearing you anymore, letting out sob and after sob, trying to catch your breath. A knock on your door made you get quiet. Quickly you grabbed a tissue from besides you and blew your nose, rushing to the kitchen to splash water on your flushed face. Before opening the door you looked in the mirror, your eyes were puffy and red, your nose was tinted red and your cheeks were a light pink. Your hair was frizzy, you didn’t bother putting it up.
You opened the door, not wanting to see anyone, however you put on a smile. It quickly fell when you saw a certain curly headed french boy. You went to slam the door it he was quicker, stopping it before it closed, easily over powering you and opening it wider.
“Leave. Now” you spoke firmly, your voice cold and stern. His heart broke at the sight of you, you couldn’t even look at him. “ma cherie please let me explain” he spoke, wanting nothing more then to pick you up and carry you to bed, kissing all your problems away. “Don’t you fucking dare call me that Timothée.” You snapped.
His heart fell once again, no pet name. Of course not, he would be furious too.
“y/n please, let me explain please.” He begged, bottom lip quivering, you could tell he wanted to cry. All it took was one look into his eyes, god. You fell in love with his eyes the moment you saw them. They made your knees weak and made you smile like nothing else. You let out a sigh, taking your hand off the door and walking into the living room. Timmy smiled slightly, following you in.
“You have 10 minutes” you spoke, sitting down. Timothée nodded, sitting next to you, keeping some distance for your comfort.
“I know you think that this was all fake but i swear to you on my mom that it wasn’t. Yes it was an agreement but that was before i knew you. Before i actually knew you. Do you remember that day on set, the last day of filming and i walked with you and asked you to dinner?” He looked at you and you nodded.
“The paper in my hands, that was the agreement, they told me about it only a couple hours before and my agent kept talking me into it, saying it would help both of us and that it would help the movie and I thought it wouldn’t be that bad you know?” He paused looking at you.
“faking a relationship with someone ‘wouldn’t be that bad?’ Are you serious?” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. He sighed before continuing.
“After i took you to dinner i texted my agent, i told him i wanted out of the contract, i felt bad, but he wouldn’t let me, Robert- the guy i gave the contract to- would ruin my career and yours too. So of course i kept going, i wasn’t gonna let you fall for something I did. I felt bad, i thought ‘whatever it’s only six months’ but then we got closer and i spent so much time with you and i fell for you, so fucking hard. God y/n i fell in love with you. I’m still in love with you.” He smiled, he wanted to hold your hands, but he stopped himself.
“I remember exactly the moment when I realized I was in love with you. We were at the park, it was a Friday and there were so many dogs, and everytime one passed us you would catch up to their owner to ask to pet them, we were there for hours because of you, and i realized that I didn’t want to be anywhere else but with you.” His eyes watered, looking at you, a year left your eye and you quickly wiped it away.
“Y/n please, you have to believe me, fuck the contract, fuck Robert. I love you. I love you so much and i hate myself for even doing this and for putting you through this, please, one more chance and I swear to you i won’t fuck it up” he pleaded, scooting closer to you and taking one of your hands in both of his.
“how do i know you aren’t doing this because robert said you had to?” You whispered, looking into his eyes and looking all over his face to try read his emotions, you could tell he was being sincere.
He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small box. “You always talked about this ring you loved, how it meant so much to you for no reason. You told me that at 3:27 am, you were so woozy from not having slept at all because you wanted to see how long you could last without sleep. You told me you would only sleep if i sang you a lullaby and so when i started singing Mary had a little lamb you stopped me, and told me the only song ‘available’ was statistics. And so you made me sing statistics to you four times before you passed out.” He smiled at you, you couldn’t stop the smile that broke onto your face, he was so embarrassed that night but you knew he would do anything to make you sleep.
“After you fell asleep i ordered you the ring, I hid it in my closet because i knew you would get so mad at me if you found out i bought it for you.” He smiled sheepishly and you laughed, nodding your head, sniffling a little. “I’m giving it to you now as a promise, I promise you that i love you. All of those little moments, the stolen kisses, the messy sheets, the intense aracde rivalry we have- everything, they mean so much to me. You mean everything to me. It was real for me, it was so real and i can’t lose you, not now, not ever.” He finished, looking at you to try and read your emotions, he was scared shitless, his hands shaking, still holding your one hand tightly.
You pulled your hand out of his, wiping your face before you looked at him. “I love you too timmy” you spoke softly, he let out a small sigh of relief. “you have to understand that I’m hurt, that we can’t just automatically go back like nothing happened” you spoke, looking at the boy as he nodded frantically.
“I know, i know we can go at your pace” he reassured, a smile on his face. You looked at him, a grin on your face. “then ask me, for real this time” you spoke up, staring into his eyes, memorizing every little detail of them.
“y/n y/l/n, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, a smile on his face as he leaned in slowly, you nodded quickly, a smile breaking onto your face. “of course i will, little timmy t” you giggled and he scrunched his face up, his hand cupped your cheek and pulled you in for the kiss, the two of you stopping because you kept giggling.
“I love you” you whispered, resting your head on his chest. He smiled at you, responding within a heartbeat, “i love you mon amour.”
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Ducktales Treasure of the Golden Sun: Three Ducks of the Condor or Now with More Racism!
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome back to my look at Ducktales: Treasure of the Golden Suns!, the pilot episodes that started it all. This look was one of my patreon stretch goals. To explain them in case some of you aren’t familiar with patreon it’s essentially like a kickstarter stretch goal: every milestone I reach in my monthly earnings means a crop of reviews for you guys, with this being 10 and my review of the movie, and the goofy movies in two weeks and September respectively, being the 15 dollar one. So if you want reviews of the OTHER Ducktales mini series Time Is Money and Super DuckTales, then hop on aboard and help me reach my 20 dollar goal so I can keep making these reviews for a living and give you all more. Said goal also includes a Darkwing Duck review eveyr month AND a review of teh Danny Phantom special The ULtimate Enemy so hop on board HERE AT MY PATREON.  Patrons also get exclusive reviews, access to my discord server (Though if anyone would be more intrersted in me making that public let me know), and to pick a short each time I do a birthday special for a character from Looney Tunes, Disney and Beyond. And next month is my boy Donald’s so since you all already sat out goofy NOW is the time. 
So now my very necessary plug is out of the way, i’m very poor, we can get to the review proper:
When last we left off Scrooge and the Boys went on their first proper adventure together, heading to Central America to follow the map from the first episode and running into Dr.Claw  El Capitan and his new best buddy Glomgold. Mild racisim, moonsoons and much better pacing ensued. 
So join me under the cut as my boy Donald returns, some iconic characters are introduced in Webby, Launchpad and Beakly, though this series only made one of them iconic to be fair, and we get some more mild racisim because fuck my life. Onward to the cut! 
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So yeah as I’ve mentioned a few times now this episode had a content warning.. which was fair as there is some pretty cringy stuff in here but it had the side effect of me holding my breath until the racisim came up and whapped me in the face. So i’m keeping that tension up for you guys so I don’t have to suffer alone. 
We open at the Mansion. Scrooge is trying to find a governess for the boys, but they keep scaring off all the clients because they don’t like the idea. And for once.. i’m on Scrooge’s side here. Yes I know there’s a sterotype of rich people hiring a nanny to not have to parent. and it’s sadly often true and it’d SEEM like Scrooge is doing that.. but really he just wants the boys to be safe. He’s fully grown to care for them and just wants someone cheap and responsible to look after them while he’s busy and clearly still makes time for them. As someone who is a former nanny, albeit for someone working class, I get that as much as you WANT to spend every moment with your kid you often can’t. I say all this because SO MANY kids movies and shows villianize parents for not spending time with their kid when their clearly just working to support them. There are nuanced exceptions to this and refreshingly Craig of the Creek has outright avoided this: JP’s mom is gone almost all the time due to working as an airline pilot, but while he clearly misses her he never resents her or guilts her over it, he understands sh’es supporting him and goes out of his way to make sure his friends can meet her. It’s really swee.t And while again I get it, this guys a billionare, most examples aren’t, Scrooge still really CAN’T stop working: He has more money than god and like most bilionares REALLY should give most of it to charity or to help with programs instead of hoarding it in a massive bin.. but he’s also got tons of companies, factories, investments... people COUNTING on him to make sure these are working correctly and keep their jobs. So yeah i’ts nice that the show isn’t demonizing scrooge for this or dosen’t even consider it: he’s getting help beacuse he needs it, that’s what’s important. 
So while the boys widdle down the nannies, Scrooge talks to a renowned coin collector. He does show off his collection to the guy, but his main goal is naturally to show him the coin from last time. Turns out that naturally for a five part episode the treasure they lost last time was just a fraction of the real thing and the real titular treasure is a mythical horde even Scrooge, who normally has proved something out of myth is very real 5 times before breakfast, didn’t think existed. 
Something I do love about this five parter is how every treasure hunt has ended up being important each piece of the puzzle leading to the next like any good treasure hunt. As for where this one leads the collector HAS heard of only one other coin like it, up in the Andes Mountains in a mysterious fortress whose mountain habitat and being a fortress makes it hard to get to and the owner is apparently a real piece of work.. but Scrooge isn’t afraid of a little hard work and is ready to go after it.. he just has to find a Nanny first. 
And he does as there’s only one left: Mrs. Beakley, who we FINALLY meet after two episodes. Yeah for some weird reasont his episode choose to cram the rest of the major main and supporting cast into one episode.. it still works, they all still get great introductions it’s just weird to me when you have five episodes to not say introduce Launchpad last time. 
But regardless as I said it’s a good intro.. despite the boys wilding a lasso and a snake.
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 Beakly is unphased and even dosen’t remotely fall for them trying to say she got the wrong name. And while Scrooge is a little impressed, he’s even more when she states she’ll work for free... with one condition: Free room and board for her and her grandaughter, Webby, who has been there the whole time and looking cute as a button. Scrooge is unsure but one minute of Webby being adorable later and he’s agreed. She can’t eat much right? He also hopes she’ll help the boys not be douchebags, unaware that their inherent poorly written sexisim means that was never going to work. And why yes I will call it out eveyr time it happens because it happens every time they have an episode together and only gets worse. 
He goes to Gyro for help and Classic Gyro.. is utterly delightful. While I clearly have issues with Classic Scrooge, whose a greedy poorly aged asshat and the boys, who are sterotypes of male children, Gyro? He’s nice, friendlya nd eccentric, using a delightfully wakcky pogo hat thing to think and takes only a mintue to figure out how to solve a seemingly unsolvable problem and only needs a few hours to build his cool looking bird ship, using bird legs to offset the hard to sort out landing conditions. But since it’s a fancy bitch, it needs a pilot and i’m sure we all know where this is going...but since Carol Danver sis busy he has to go with Launchpad. 
Launchpad’s intro is great, cheerful as he does a job testing a plane and naturally crashes it, and when thought dead walks out seconds later unharmed and jolly as ever. Scrooge is naturally terrified of the prospect of flying with him but dosen’t really have another choice “I hope my insurance is paid up.” Scrooge it’s you.. of course it isn't. 
So with that our hero bids a farewell to the boys and ends up unteitonally coming off MASSIVELY unlikeable. No really he leaves them behind for their saftey despite needing help... and then upon finding out Donald is going to be on leave soon in the andes, and just assumes that YOU KNOW, he’d LIKE to go on a dangerous exausting adventure instead of actually get some rest after working in the goddamn navy and STILL dosen’t take the kids along despite having a very tearjerking farewell IN FRONT OF HIM that happened at most a month ago. Granted i’m suprised Donald is getting leave this soon.. but since I genuinely like to look into this sort of thing and the last time I didn’t I was correctly reminded Gulliver’s Travels was a satire.. and found out someone HAD actually watched the Jack Black movie. I only vaugely remember a trailer.. I thinkn it was a trailer? Maybe it was the middle part of a juinor novelzation where htey have all the photos? I really don’t know. I know almost every pokemon on sight but not where I saw pictures of a forgetable jack black movie, what a shock. 
So long story short I DID google it. Here’s what I got
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So given clealry more time has passed than we’ve seen on screen, enough time COULD have passed for Donald’s three day pass to kick in. So credit to the crew for actually thinking that out. They still get all the blame though for not only not seeing how bad not taking the kids to see the uncle whose like a father to them a month after he left when he CLEARLY can is bad, but how worse it is that the first break donald gets ina  month.. is spent helping scrooge against his will on a life or death treasure hunt. 
And I get WHY they wanted to try out having Donald on an adventure: he was in most of the carl barks material.... but I also dont’ get it as Launchpad was deisgned entirely to fill in for Donald when needed, we’re only three episodes into the series and this gives the wrong impression Donald will guest star a lot more. In practice while he still did get a meaty 8 episodes on the show including this one, 2 of which were cameos and the pilot only dosne’t count because of the exnteded slapstick sequence, and dosen’t appear at all after season 1, likely because Fenton’s introduction made him reduntant as he was an even more blatant Donald stand-in. It just feels weird to shove him into the pilot movie when we should be focusing on our main cast, epsecially with so many getting intorduced this episode. It woudl’ve made more sense for Gyro to be the third man instead and it woud’ve elmaited Scrooge’s uttelry horrible actions here of depriving his nephews of their surrogate father. 
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So Uncle Dickstick leaves with Launchpad to go abduct donald.... and tha’ts not me being funny, that’s what actually happens. Donald is singing out on leave.. with his superior... weirdly doing paper work outside on the flight deck. 
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And is angry at Donald because of him taking pictures and stuff and threatens him if he’s not back exactly in time... because look he’s on a boat with a bunch of sweaty men but as the most superior officer he can’t enjoy that so he has to get off SOMEHOW and ruining donald’s life just happens ot be a thing for him. 
So yeah Scrooge straight up naps Donald via claw and Donald is angry, wondering, as you’d expect “What’s the big idea”.. and once Scrooge clairfies he did it.. still asks that because what the fuck. And the episode treats this as comical, as it does Launchpad not understanding Donald.. and don’t get me wrong you CAN make a good “I can’t understand Donald Duck” joke, the 2017 series made PLENTY. But said series also spoiled me as they did it with far more effort, while also still showing just how much it would suck to have everyone around you struggle to hear what you say and never listen to you. They actually cared abotu Donald’s well being where as this one thinks “Gee you knwo what would go great iwth a hard month’s naval work? MORE WORK HELPING YOUR UNCLE GET RICHER FOR NO PERSONAL BENIFIT AFTER HE KIDNAPS YOU”. 
So our heroes.. and scrooge, head to Andes and find the temple and it’s here “Sigh” we met our antagonist. A Conquestador Douche who DOES have a name and it is on the wiki.. but is so generic and unlikeble I’m just going to keep calling him conquestador douche, whose introduced waving his sun coin around while the natives all bow to him because of the coin.
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Welcome to the racisim! Admitely it’s not as bad as Treasure of the Lost Lamp, that’s a high bar to clear, but ti’s still not great to have the racist cliche of “character conquers a civilization because of they belivie he’s a messenger for their “silly” god”. And the saddest part is not that I didn’t notice this trope and how bad it was as a kid watching shows like this... but that as an ADULT about 4 years ago when I watched this episode how racist it and this trope in general was didn’t register to me at all. That.. really bothers me that it took me this long to pick up on things like this and i’m sorry for it. 
That’s honestly WHY we need these warnings and WHY i’m so hard on this racisim: it wasn’t necessary, it could’ve been removed and you clearly just didn’t care or didn’t realize it was racist. And even acceptable for the time dosen’t work for anymore: I learned recently that the creators of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, both white, hired black writers..and actually LISTENED, looking to them for personal stories and to check them if one of the white staff wrote something that wasn’t true to the black experience. I know that sounds like the bare minimum but this was the early 90′s, that kind of thinking wasn’t hte norm like it is in most writer’s rooms now.. and sadly not ALL writer’s rooms. Not only that but just today I ran into a MST3K skit that lampooned this kind of bullshit from not long after this episode. People clearly knew better, the writers of this episode just didn’t’t care
 So yeah, I get this was a kids show in the 80′s, I get the writing staff being almost all white.. but they still coudl’ve avoided cliche sterotypes and done something diffrent. It was was still wiithin white people like myselves power to actually think about something other htan themselves and we did not. So i’m never going to stop holding my own people accountable for just how BADLY we’ve fucked up in ways great and small because it still hasn’t stopped , likely never will so I won’t. 
But yeah.... the tribe here are portrayed as ignorant, mindless dumbasses who blindly follow tradition and a clearly corrupt leader. It’s patronizingly stupid to assume just because a belief system is diffrent than yours a person will belieive anything. Religion CAN make people act stupid, the fact many people are homophobic simply because the bible, a centuries old document written and distrbuted by humans that could of been altered by people with a clear homophobic agenda, says they should be. But there’s the very clear very gross implication here that any god but the christian god is invalid and simplifies wonderful and well thought out myths and beliviefs from various cultures into “well they belivie in da sun god because of the shiny coin”. It’s gross, i’m glad it’s stopped and it’s VERY telling that the closest Ducktales 2017 came to this was the most dangerous game night which while a tad cringe inducing at least showed the tribe it used was clever, disposed the person they mistook for a god after it was clear he wasn’t one , and were wholly sympathetic. 
Naturally Conquistadouche orders the tribe to attack Scrooge and it works briefly , though Scrogoe prepares to take on the ENTIRE villiage.. and given this is Scrooge and on this blog we’ve seen him take on an entire town before, and that was a more inexpericed less bastardly scrooge yeah their fucked, and only escape death because the coin falls out of scrooge’s coat when he tries to help donald who naturally injures himself trying to help. 
And since as per white dumbass racist logic, the villiagers thought Conquistadipshit was a messenger of the gods because of his coin, they think the same of Scrooge, this causes them to stop and bow instead and protect scrooge when Conquistadumbass tries to attack our heroes. Their given a room for the night naturally. 
Conquistadick demands they give him the coin and leave, but Scrooge has none of that: he has no reason to leave and has all the leverage so he instead demands to know wha’ts going on. 
Turns out Conquisineart is the decdendant of one of the crew from the ship Scrooge found: their captain rain off with it, leaving two of his men behind, though both had the map to the rest of the treasure and split it: one left for the Arctic, the other stayed and did the whole racist god bit. And somehow despite all the time passing Conquistadoodoohead still has his half and Scrooge aranges a trade for the coin. And why yes their is the obvious problem of “what if Conquistascoobydoo say tells them he’s the true god and attacks scrooge like he ends up doing in the climax”. And Scrooge’s plan.. is to have the plane ready and to run to it, despite Launchpad not being a mechanic and saying as much. Instead of you know... stealing the guy’s coin while he’s asleep or something or just having launchpad, whose bigger and stronger and donald whose not bigger but is also stronger hold the guy while Scrooge steals his sun coin, then simply walks to the plane with the map, the coins and all the leverage. at worst the guy tries to do the same scheme without any coins and as the end of the episode shows, that wouldn’t have worked. He was stupid. Oh and the cherry on  top of this shit sundae is scrooge objects to the guys tyranical rule.. but is okay with letting it keep going if he gets his coin and DOnlad, whose there for the deal, never call shim on it. 
We then get a bit of Launchpad being forced off a cliff to ride a giant Condor...
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Look this episode is filled with racisit sterotypes, a generic villian and Scrogoe being awful. I’ll take a fun sequence of Launchpad riding a condor, with Donald providing an assit with his camera  by blinding the beast so Launchpad can ride him properly giving them more leverage now Launchpad is popular. And a deadline to fix things by tommorow. 
The next day Launchapd and Donald have defied logic and their own tendency to screw up and fixed the bird, while Scrooge makes the deal.. and naturally it goes EXACTLY how you’d expect and Scrooge runs, though our real heroes get thigns running. 
That’s when the people arrive on condors to persue, a fight insues yoru standard hero stuff.. not bad but given the racist context I can’t really enjoy it like Launchpad flying a condor.. which had some mild racisim in them making him do that as a ritual clearly deisgned to kill him but i’llt ake mild over pretty damn obvious. Eventually douchebag looses his coins, his ctizens abndon him. Happy end. 
So with the map Scrooge decides to do the logical thing.... have launchpad drop him in the middle of the ocean in a raft and steer there
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Launchpad takes Donald home in time and his superior is mad he dosen’t give him a proper salute.. even though he CLEARLY just got home and is diisorented from a crash. Launchpad makes a quip and this episode mercifully ends. 
Final Thoughts:
This episode starts out okay.. but quickly goes downhill fast and steep. There are massive bits of racisim, massive leaps in logic, and massive amoutns of scrooge being a dick.. not his WORST in this series but it’s still bad. It’s just not very good. It’s the second worst episode of Ducktales i’ve seen, only held up by my boys Donald and Launchpad. This was miserable.
Next Time on Treasure of the Golden Suns: Our heroes head to the arctic for another offensive episode to rescue scrooge from his own stupidity.  Next Time on this Blog: We return to Green Eggs and Ham and hop on a train as our raging bitchcanoe mother and daughter duo meat our ambigiouslyg ay duo at last. 
See you at the next rainbow.
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barrysjumpsuit · 4 years
blindsided - oc x rafe cameron (ch. 2)
me??? posting chapters two days in a row???? (who is she)
part one
word count: 3k
warnings: abuse and mentions of past abuse, cannabis use, cocaine use, mentions of sex, plot/timing holes (just dont think abt canon too much it’s pretty loose)
synopsis:  christy is a lifelong resident of the outer banks. after a series of hookups with rafe cameron, kook royalty, she’s smitten. what she doesn’t know is about what her boyfriend and brother are involved in behind her back
a/n: really enjoying how this is coming along bc i’m totally just making it up as i go. ya boy jj makes an appearance in this one!! and BARRY!!!! next chapter has more plot i PROMISE 
The sun was about to set as Christy arrived home.
“Home” was a relative term. She lived in a trailer with a leaky roof, messy yard, and weird smell. Strange people she didn’t know were always there, and it was hard to truly feel at peace when she was there. The only thing that kept her coming back, especially after getting with Rafe, was her brother. 
Barry truly was the only thing she had left. The two of them had always been as thick as thieves – they still were, but their own respective businesses had changed them. Christy just grew and sold a bit of weed. She made a couple hundred bucks here and there, mostly targeting tourists. Barry’s dealings were much more illegal, and all the bad things that came with selling blow naturally happened at her house. 
She could hear the crackling of a fire as she rounded the corner of the trailer. Barry and a couple others sat there, whooping and hollering. “Look who finally decided to make an appearance,” she heard her brother yell. He raised a beer in the air as if to make a toast. “My favorite sister!” 
“Just making sure you’re not twitched out somewhere, B,” Christy said back, not altering her path to the door. Right as she went to pull open the screen door, someone pushed it open, stumbling out of the trailer. “Excuse you.” 
“Watch your mouth when you speak to me, little girl,” the man growled at her. 
“I’m the one who lives here,” Christy replied flatly, not budging, and the man suddenly had her pinned to the wall of the trailer, a forearm pressing against her throat. 
“Yo Luke, lay off of her!” she heard Barry call. Her hands were grabbing at Luke Maybank’s arm, her eyes forced to meet his. His pupils were blown up and delirious. “What the fuck, man!” 
Barry pried Luke off of her, and Christy leaned against the cheap railing on the front steps to catch her breath. “Get the fuck out of here,” she heard Barry tell him before he turned to her. “Bro, you good? Where have you been the past few days?” 
“I’m fine,” Christy said. Her heart felt like it was going to beat through her chest. Barry reached out to grab her shoulder, but she instinctively flinched away. “I’ve been staying with someone.” 
She was aware of Barry watching her as she pulled open the screen door and went into the trailer. It was hot and stuffy. Inevitably, somewhere, something was growing mold, and they would have to deal with it like they had to almost every other time a storm knocked out power. It made her feel guilty as hell, knowing she was staying with Rafe in his kook mansion, while her brother was stuck here, alone, with whatever coked out friends he had with him. 
After deciding there was nothing she wanted to eat, Christy made her way through the messy living room and down the hallway to her bedroom. She kept the door locked. Fishing the key out of her back pocket, she unlocked the padlock and stepped into her bedroom. 
Her plants were moved hastily in front of her window, since the power knocked out the lights they normally sat under. They took up most of the space in her bedroom, and they also occupied her parent’s old bedroom. Christy couldn’t be bothered to water them; she just took off her shirt and laid on her bed, sweaty and with nothing to do. 
She rolled over, pulling out an already loaded bowl and lighter from her nightstand. Pushing herself up, Christy brought the pipe to her lips and lit up, breathing deeply and bringing the smoke into her lungs. She blew out a thick cloud, almost having to cough. The greens were strong but tasted good. She took another hit, then another, before leaning back and closing her eyes. 
It was almost unnerving to think about how quickly she had fallen for Rafe. They sporadically hooked up throughout the past couple years. A lot of times they were each other’s rebound. Other times, it was at parties. Despite being from the Cut, Christy was often welcome at kook parties, going where her brother wouldn’t dare going to move product. She didn’t like having a middle man. Grow, harvest, sell, consume. That’s how she liked her bud to go. 
She knew Barry and Rafe had a history. But Barry has beef with a lot of people, and so did Rafe. Christy didn’t side with either. Rafe hadn’t paid Barry enough, failing to hold his end of the deal. But Barry had ripped Rafe off, knowing his family had more than enough money to repay him. It spiralled from there until they fought and beat each other an inch from death. Since then, Rafe had cleaned up his act as well as sobered up, and she hadn’t seen him at her place since. It was better that way. She didn’t have to worry about the crossover between her relationship with him and her relationship with her brother. 
Barry was a shitty person. Everyone knew that. He moved more cocaine than anyone else on the island. It was impossible for him to hold onto a relationship for more than a week or two. He had a temper, and a mouth and fists to back it up. Despite this, Christy knew he was her lifeline, and she was his. Whenever they had to run errands or go anywhere on the island, they tried to go together. Safety in numbers. 
Both of them had people that hated them. 
Barry more so than Christy, but they both had enemies. It was just how the politics of drug dealing worked. Christy mainly targeted tourists, playing her cards smartly. In and out, one and done. She premeasured the bud into $10 bags, or as joints using cigarettes. It was a big hit. At each kegger she went to, she could usually pull two or three hundred bucks. 
Christy took another hit before inspecting her pipe. A friend of hers had blown and crafted it for her birthday this past winter. It was a swirling design of pinks, yellows, and oranges. It looked like a sunset; every night, she would smoke on their west-facing dock and watch the sunset. 
Except tonight. The sky was dark by the time she made her way outside. Barry was no longer by the fire, which was dying. Two of his buddies were still there, laughing at something funny only to them. Christy walked past them, down the dock and onto their little boat. She sat down next to Barry, their shoulders lightly touching on the small bench seat. 
Her mind was still racing, and she lit her bowl again. “You’re not going to that kook party tonight?” Barry asked, his voice still with its disinterested tone. 
“Nah. With the power out I’m not sure how much bud I’m going to able to get through this. They need light to grow.” 
“I’ve been rotatin’ them in front of the windows for you. And watering them,” Barry said. She could tell he was coming down from a high he had likely been riding all day. 
Christy could also tell he brought this up for a reason. 
“How much short are we?” she asked quietly. “I can see if I can pick up extra shifts.” 
He shook his head beside her before putting his head in his hands. “I don’t know man, but we’re short. Fuckin’ Agatha fucked us over, man. I can’t get any more for another couple weeks and I don’t have much left.” 
“A lot of mine won’t be ready to harvest for a few weeks. Shit, B, why didn’t you tell me?” 
“It’s not like you were here,” he said. His words stung, and I knew he was right. “It’s not like you’re ever here anymore except to smoke pot.” 
“Barry,” Christy said, trying to be as stern as possible. “I’ve been working every fucking day. Agatha scared people away, so I’m not making good tips. It’ll bounce back soon, okay? I’ll make ends meet. Every time I come home you’re just blitzed to high heaven off your own product. You’re as guilty as I am.” 
Her brother’s shoulders shook with a laugh, and he wiped his nose with a forearm while she took another hit. “I suppose so. You’ve got something on your neck, by the way. Who’s that from?” 
Christy stiffened and almost launched into a coughing fit, and Barry knew he caught her. He looked over at her, expecting an answer after she exhaled the smoke. “Some tourist I met the other night at a kegger. Thought he could strike a deal with me.” 
“Hmmm,” Barry mused. She couldn’t tell if he was buying it or not. “You’ve gotta be careful with them tourons and kooks, never know how they’re gonna use you.” 
The weed had hit her enough so that Barry’s words didn’t fully register in her brain. “They’re always up to something,” she agreed. The swaying of the boat underneath her was an odd feeling and she leaned back in the seat, throwing an arm on the back of the seat behind Barry. 
The stars were brilliant on the south side of the island, with no light pollution to drown them out. Two nights ago, she and Rafe sat on the roof of the Cameron house, looking at the same sky, but the lights were so bright you could see only a handful of the stars. 
It was the simplicity of being a pogue that Christy liked. She didn’t have to worry about her social life or schedule outside of work. She didn’t have to worry about her image. She didn’t have to worry about businesses or making people happy or petty things that Rafe worried about. She could do what she wanted, when she wanted.
With the sky stretching endlessly above her, she felt like she was inside a dome. Like she was in a snowglobe. Agatha was the shake, mixing everything and everyone up. Now, the snowflakes were settling into new positions. Some were unstable, perched on plastic trees or people or houses, bound to fall to the ground. Some were already on the ground, back to their original positions. Others still, small little pieces of glitter, swirled around in the liquid inside. 
She didn’t want to inevitably settle back into her old life. It was too mindless and mundane. Wake up, work at The Wreck, sell weed to tourists, hook up with random people. It was repetitive. Christy wanted something with meaning and risk. What was the view like, perched on top of the tallest tree in the snowglobe? Sure, it had potential to fall back to the ground like all the other pieces of snow. But there was also potential to stay there, seeing things no one else could and experiencing something it hadn’t experienced before. 
Maybe Rafe was her tree. Holding her up with supportive branches, his roots deep into the soil of Tannyhill. He was here to stay, at least for now. 
Maybe it was Christy’s turn to join him.
By four in the afternoon, Christy was done with her day. 
She woke up early, tending to her plants before locking up the two rooms and heading to work. The morning shifts were her favorite. Less asshole tourists and more local residents. Christy knew them well, making polite small talk with the older people and getting plenty of tips. Working at The Wreck was nice. It gave Christy a sense of anonymity, making her feel less like a pogue and more like a normal person. For her work shifts she cleaned up nicely, interacting with people who didn’t know about her relation to Barry or her side hustle. 
After Christy clocked out for the afternoon after her ten hour shift, she shouldered her backpack and lazily threw her apron over one shoulder. Under her work clothes she wore her swimsuit, ready for an afternoon of surfing with Rafe and his friends. 
Stepping outside into the bright sun, she saw Kiara talking with her friends. Christy liked Kiara – she was one of her closer friends, but their relationship didn’t touch the bond she had with those three boys. Christy was friendly enough with them, and she gave them a wave as she walked past. 
“Hey, Christy!” 
A voice called out behind her and she turned around to see JJ jog up to her. John B rolled his eyes as he left the group to follow Christy. “Yeah, JJ?” she asked. 
“Hey, uh, we’re going to have a kegger at the Boneyard tonight, if you’d like to come. I’d like to do some business with you.” 
“How much you want?” Christy asked, ignoring any euphemisms people often use when asking for weed. “You better claim yours now, I’m running low.” 
“You and everyone else on the island,” JJ said, smiling. “Five grams?” 
“You got it, I can bring it to you tonight.” Christy pulled her cigarette carton from her pocket, taking one out and lighting it. “By the way, tell your father it’s rude to assault people at their own home and my brother doesn’t want to see him again for some time.” 
JJ’s face dropped. “What did he do? Did he hurt you?” 
She blew out the smoke before answering. “Pinned me against a wall. Nothing that hasn’t happened before, but… B’s stressed out and it won’t be good for either of them or for us if he sees him any time soon.” Christy lowered her voice slightly. “If he needs any blow, let me know and I can be a middle man. Okay?” 
“He’s a piece of shit,” JJ muttered, not answering her question. 
“JJ,” Christy said sternly, and JJ’s wandering eyes returned to meet hers. “Give him my contact information. I’ll deal with it so you don’t have to. Okay?” 
“He’s not your problem,” JJ said, but Christy knew she got through to him as good as she could. “Thanks, Christy. I’ll see you tonight?” 
“You got it,” Christy answered, giving him a playful salute with the hand that held her cigarette. At that, they turned away from each other and she started off to where she told Rafe she would meet him to go surfing. 
The cigarette gave her a slight buzz. It felt like a warm hug, enveloping her. That little bit of pep was what she needed, coming off an early morning and long shift. Pretty soon, the pavement turned into sand, and she could see several figures ahead holding surf boards. 
“How was work, baby?” Rafe asked as she walked up to them. He pulled her into a kiss before she could answer. Christy’s hands rested on his bare shoulders, standing on her tiptoes in the sand to reach his lips. 
“It was good,” she replied. “Glad I’m here and not there, though.” 
Kelce fake gagged at her words, and Rafe rolled his eyes at him. “Fuck off, Kelce,” Rafe said, kicking sand towards him. Rafe was wearing his sea foam green board shorts, the color glowing against his tanned skin. 
“He’s just jealous,” Christy cooed, walking away from Rafe to give Kelce a hug. “It’s okay Kelce, I love you too.” 
“Oh wait a second, was that the L word?” Topper asked, breaking Christy and Kelce apart. Topper looked from Christy to Rafe, raising his eyebrows. 
Christy looked at Rafe, who jumped in. “Sure was, Top,” he said nonchalantly. “Now can we shut the fuck up and get into the water?” 
Kelce gave Christy a confused look at Rafe’s short temper, and Christy just shrugged. They had brought her board, which she left at Rafe’s house. After taking off her clothes, much to the boys’ delight, she slipped the band around her ankle and the four of them started towards the water. 
It was a good evening for waves. The water was refreshing, and it was nice to do something normal after Agatha. Rafe’s idea of a date defaulted to a ride on the Druthers, as if to wow her, followed by expensive wine and sex on the boat. It was nice, and she enjoyed it, but Christy had had sex on plenty of boats and it was never her favorite thing.
Surfing with Rafe and his friends was much more up her alley. She was a good surfer, and Rafe knew it. While they were on the water, Topper and Kelce gave him shit for having his ass owned by hers. Christy countered right back, pointing out that she was also owning their asses. It gave her a small victory: something she was better at than the kooks.
They tired quickly, and Christy mentioned the kegger at the Boneyard. “Bring Sarah, it’ll be like a double date,” she told Topper, much to Kelce’s dismay. “And Kelce, look at you. You’re gorgeous, all wet and glistening and half naked. Just stand in the water like that tonight and the girls will be all over you. I’ll make it my personal mission to find you someone.” 
The kooks were never one to turn down a party, especially one with easy pickings for both fights and girls. Topper called Sarah while they were walking back to Rafe’s truck; they put their boards in the bed and Christy climbed into the front seat, while Topper and Kelce crammed into the back of the cab. 
“She’ll come,” Topper reported. Rafe dropped off Kelce before driving to the Cameron estate.
Topper left to find Sarah, while Rafe took Christy to his bedroom. “Can I shower?” she asked, and he nodded. 
The Camerons had hot running water. Another thing she didn’t have on the Cut. It brought up those conflicting emotions again, as she remembered hearing Barry grumble about not being able to shower, which was a very non-Barry thing to complain about. Christy had insisted he use some of the distilled water she had for her plants, but he refused. 
She would have to swing back home before the party tonight to get weed, both for JJ and the tourists. Not much was left – she wanted some to keep for herself, but she needed money. 
Christy really didn’t want Rafe anywhere near her place. 
She just had to hope Barry was out, and that no one was there, or things could get bad.
taglist (reply, reblog, or ask to be added!!!) @stargazingstarkey @letsgofullkook @macchiatohno @ampanonyg @hoeforpankow @jjsmentalpolaroids @drewstarkey @obbx-tings @bricksatanakinswindow
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Mulan 2020 review
This is the first Disney remake i've cared enough about to review it, and i can only describe it in one word: dissapointing.
Spoilers ahead.
Now lets start with the things is did like!
I think the movie looks very beautiful, it's a nice color palette and the locations are all stuning, the set desing and photography is really good, i think this is the only aspect in which this movie manages to outshine the animation. It's never boring or ugly to look at, and im a sucker for a nice aesthetic.
I also liked Mulan, her internal conflict was nice, it showed she was a true warrior at heart, yes she was brave, and loyal, but she knew she wasn't true because she was being dishonest, the fact that it made her uneasy to know she was lying showed she had a good understanding of what it meant to be a warrior. I liked that.
I liked the ending and the reference at the begining to the original ballad with Mulan and the rabbits, i liked the action scenes, they were nice and i really, really liked the mid portion of the movie, it was the time i was the most entertained, the training part is the best part, the begining and the end were kind of meh for me.
As for the supporting cast, Shang was okay (i know his name is not Shang, i just dont remember how to write it) he didn't bother me, i like the ending they gave them, im annoyed by the fact thay they tried to made it seem like he knew she wasn't a man since the begining, we all know Shang was bisexual, Disney.
The witch and Mulan are sapphics and no one can change my mind, i liked her motivations, she just wanted to live in a society that would accept her for who she was, but the way she died was stupid, if she was going to die it had to be more epic than that, an arrow through the back while trying to save Mulan was lame (and also the death of a love interest, you can't fool me)
Now, with the rest of the soldiers we enter territory of what i didn't like.
When i first watched the trailers i was super excited. I love the animated version, but i was all on board with a live action Mulan that was all about war, battles, epicness and cool action scenes. I didn't want this to be a copy or try to emulate the original. My favorite part of maleficent is that is a new take on the original movie, it is not a afraid to go away from the source material, now i know Mulan is widely more loved than Aurora so they were probably scared of making it too different (also is disney kids movie) but if you took Mushu, grandma and the songs away, then go all the way.
I wanted an epic Mulan movie, i think the fact that it was princess movie held it back. Yao, Cricket and Ling only reminded me of the fact that this wasnt charming like the animated movie. If they wanted to keep them they needed to give them more screen time. Those characters are developed in the songs on the original, we don't have that in this version and honestly i don't think the cast had great chemestry together.
Mulan and Shang sure, but Mulan and the rest of the soldiers felt distant from each other which didn't help to sell me on them. I didn't find them annoying or unnecesary, just underwelming because everytime she said Yao my mind went to animated Yao (and how little we had seen about movie Yao to justify the playful i'll kill you myself banter).
The other thing i didnt like was the Chi thing. Like i know it is a thing in chinese martial arts, but part of the appeal of the original is that Mulan learns to be a great warrior like the other soldiers, there is nothing inherently special about her, she is just a girl in the army trying to bring honor to her family. When i saw kid Mulan do the back flip off the roof on the first scene i rolled my eyes so hard i could see my brain.
If they wanted to show Mulan wanst content with her role in society, little Mulan chasing the chicken was enough, the crazy ninja skills just took away from the experience in my opinion. The message of the original ballad is that you can't distinguish a rabbit from a female rabbit (i dont know the word in english for it, lol in spanish is a liebre from a conejo) when they are runing side by side, the message is you too little girl at home can be a fierce warrior, by giving Mulan an innate magic chi power they mess all that up. It was the WORST part of the movie, honestly without it i would like it more, even without the movie being an epic battle against invadors.
Keep the Chi, i dont care, its part of chinese traditions, but dont make it fucking magical, it didn't need to be.
Finally the ending. Mulan's magic kicks were cool to see in action scenes, but they were an awful way of killing off the villain, it was so anticlimatic i was legit waiting for the dude to actually catch the arrow and keep on fighting Mulan. I guess because it is a kids movie they couldnt have Mulan put a sword through his chest, but still, a cooler death would've been fine. I guess they wanted to trick us into thinking it was good by not having him die by falling into the fire thingy, but no Disney, death by arrow kick is just as lame.
Im ngl i missed the part where the emperor says to Shang to go after the girl but it wasnt something that made me like the movie less, i just wish they had made it different enough so i wouldnt have to miss those things. Like i said im okay with her and Shang not being really endgame, if they had Shang meet her at the village then i would've wished grandma was there so that was a smart move on their part.
Overall i think kids will enjoy this movie, but the rest of us who grew up with Mulan will just be dissapointed, this movie had great potential, i think the people who made it actually liked the character and cared about making a good movie, the fact that they had to combine action with a princess movie i think did not work in their favor.
I don't want to be too harsh on the movie, because i think they managed to give Mulan as a character something new, and im also a huge Disney simp, but if im honest, its probably a 6/10.
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fkyumerica · 4 months
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-WowH0liGfE does she herd
facts about dalmations, oh my god get her to leave
did boy george/amber have the ugliest fucking wife inners and outers
he said it
is her whole body utters for him wtf
marilyn manson officially fucking did it
electrocuted us to steal mcdonalds
and enter in to fuck with his mom and elderly to steal all their money
and the worlds
henry ford is caught
went with 8 girls
he was 15
"new town panties"
dont let him surf
started skate boarding to knock out all their teeth
stupid right didnt know i did it
and to them i knocked out all their teeth, now first person they see they will attack and already dead haha i steal your wife
he is his own dad
and fucks his mom
to calm her down to leave
and gets her fat again
family orgies, smells like old people
and the old look is it too mom take off your wig
it will save you, now i wear it and hit old people
sky scraper
The Ride of the Rohirrim live in concert - The Return of the king Barcelona
jo just goes in there and shoots everyone
he pierced my ears and did my hair
that guy isnt the kurgan
he is heartless-kurgan
i dont care
do it
he wants gay old monster orcs to live
im not gonna let them live
each shit came on the ground
gum dots?
i ride each of their horses to kill them after
cant run
we fuck her too
other side
drugs poltergeist cant get up
spirits hold them down
they shit on me to give me armor
those guys were with gandolf the whole time
they burnt giant dads
tried to make their sons gay
i went in the castle and shot men off them
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9JR5-ZecCQ he locked us out of our trailers to smash them in half
he always tried to kill alden
showed up as the guitarist once for ac/dc
and i dunno he likes metallica gay right i'll leave him there
i'll let it happen too old ones rape him
pointed at that group instead and move them forward, burnt
but its anyone wild anyways
he would just lie
that guy would get attacked evveryday
the neighbor
it might be clifford
ow ow ow in trailer park boys
did they break my tooth of because of them
probably, small
wheres the dinosaur
what present are they taking and using already
to attaack
and kill, her instead
so we got a dinosaur win a fight
kill her too, say it twice they will send more again
From the shitposting community on Reddit: How to give a kid PTSD
jimhoslovat, meant here are some to mate too and mate your offspring too then they get it they say it
every fkng day i had to kill those people
there it is got that woman oregnant and 5 girls, kidnapped him, she's with him
body bag
kevin/mike/tony was his fake name then he was anthony tscolas and anthony hernandez
and what girls too posted it on my blog
and the video of the apartments they lived in
got two women
let him in when they were asleep
kids need a home stay the night then it happened, she already mated with their dad and hey two women they were stupid it was their wives
of their dads and they were old
looks like her
thanks for the video
what a hooker
points with his thumb hey come oveeer here
and was jeffery's dad
yea i can stick it in there
judge book
every morning
the website
conquer all
and the boy lives just to be a hooker GET ME OUTTA HERE
I can live there because I saw a car go from here to there and I know its my family living next to me
Shes dead? We’re gonna fuck her  to him to be alive CRAZY GREAT  BREEDING LOVe then him then him then him then him
Their moms got  boys since, Spanish didn’t have a boat to save them, France stole it for it, gay love
Only this group would know the answer to their family feud, that is the show, then they say it after
And why, cause shes got a gross cunt go fuck him he will clean it
Half English half irish I get it, and wait in the sky scraper for old people after, after she lives in it too wtf sit I n the lobby tired I got 4 houses, fred durst. Now he wont be mad at me walked over there he fucked deedee or wtf is not fucking her I got a trend black tshirt right no hats no we’re you, surprise your family with a pregnancy they wont care
I think he told it to that other boy or he was fucking her after, goes for that
I think you did chris, for them to go at me
Scottish army then she got a wedding too, make him look bigger or show up, pregnant by two boys and one guy, Barolo, wedding singer, anyones shit (son)
The wedding singer, fred durst after, or elvis from the wedding, gotta look at a egg nest after and see if I cry, no I left her too, old ladies kissing him he can come back and her mom ripped her face off now we got three in an army keep making them scream after then walk them up to other womens privates and talk to those women from the front we do it gay
mary sue had marilyn manson(switches charles manson in the court room so her son gets out it was keep switching one in to escape prison and a court trial fake judge throw it out what note)when she slept with that older man, same one
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bookishbea · 4 years
Black Friday Reaction
Okay so I’ll be live tweeting Black Friday but none of it will have any sense to it but it’ll just be my reactions
1. The Paul thing is really bothering me
2. I really love the mention of the other characters
3. If Jane is mention is the story about the mom mentioned some more
4. Is the delivery man ted (cause he’s also a sleazeball
5. It’s weird seeing Cory not play a pure bean
6. I love California MIA
7. The little sister (Im sorry I’m bad at names) I self project as autistic and she something else idk
8. Did anyone else noticed Robert’s Australian accent come out?
9. Like I said this is out of order so yeah but I personally think the second song in the show was very shocking as I’m not used to very serious starkid songs
10. When Robert gestures smoking i think its lowkey a refrence to the smoke club
11. I have a crush on lex
12. I love Lauren’s charecter so much
13. I love the name linda becuase it could be like a karen without using that name
14. Not to get poltical but i choose to belive they made an antivax joke
15. Also the marvel nerd in me loves the name becky barnes
16. I know its probaly not on purpose but joeys charecters costume in line looks like the homeless guy’s one
17. Jaimey is great as always
18. The conversation is so cringe i love it
19. I kinda hope torture porn is a fanfic refrence (i know most people would want me to say spies are forever but nope)
20. I love Lauren but shouldnt her accent be included when she sings
21. I love Jeff’s reaction
22. I may get some hate for this but what was bothering me in tgwdlm and i notice in starkid is lack of fan comments in the captions
23. As a theatre fan i love the toy zone song (i am not sure if thats the right name) espcially the do wop becuase it reminds me of older musicals
24. Also since i watched tgwdlm and black friday a day apart its weird to come from songs happening because they are infected to songs happening cause its a musical
25. i love the love the line we are not relaibly to anyone who dies becuase they clearly show in the trailer that someone will die (this is not a spoiler if you watch the trailer for Black Friday)
26. I love Corey but when he dances i notice a bulge (i am not a perv he makes it very obvious)
27. So i rewinded it to make sure i wanst going crazy and realized something as lex says the pepper spray line. She would be good as janis ian
28. I love the touch money part its so cute even if its not supposed to be
29. Jaime plays a perv really well
30. I love Jon’s charecter its hilarious
31. Also i love jon and lauren interactions so it was cool seeing them together not as paul and emma
32. I love seeing more of Jon because although hes reaally good at playing paul paul doesnt have any flavor and its cool seeing jon do something diffrent
33. Jeff’s fuck you
34. Okay I was right it was the homeless guy and i bet the money is paul’s money
35. And this is not a sterotpye as i am jewish myself but i bet Laurens charecter is jewish
36. Its sad that the price thing is true
37. So i am a theatre fan and do not watch got but that music kinda reminds me of got
38. Cant tell if jeff’s charecter is gay and a perv or just a perv (i realzie this could be mmisinterpreted as homophobic i just mean to say that jamie’s charecter just seems like a full out perv where as i cant tell with jeff’s)
39. Obviously you shouldnt be that insane but i do like the lines about how you are in charge of life and dont care about what others think. its goood life advice
39. Looks like Paul’s boss got his wish
40. They are all idiots for holding up the doll when everyone wants to get it
41. Corey’s charecter is like shit, money isnt that imporant
42. Becky why are you a part of this you have moral high ground (yes i am ignorning the fact that cast usually join in dance numbers even if their charecter isnt a part of it)
43. Shouldnt tom get ptsd (see above)
44. Lex you already have one (see above)
45. So i may be overthinking things but how curt says never should settle is in the tune of spies are forever
46. Is it just me or did anyone else notice when the security guard comes in the tune of show me your hands comes in
47. I dont know why but i do love soft bullies because hes like hey im punching you but only for the kid
48. Some may say its schizo or something hannah has but its anxiery or something from how shes expressing it
49. I feel like hannah has a superpower and can tell whats happening
50. Maybe webby is actually wiggly
51. Baby (both hannah and robert)
52. Please tell me my babies not dead
53. Jon’s eee is adorable and silly
54. Wait hes alive
55. Wait no hes dead, im sad liek starkid is supposed to be fun and happy this is the darkest star kid yet. Even oregon deaths were silly
56. I love starkid but this is making me anxious i cant tell if its good anxious or bad anxious
57. Also i relate to the black and white thing not fully but liek whenever i dont feel well sometimes my brain is overstimulating but only in my head its very hard to explain 
58. Also i think sometimes kids on the spectrum and im not an expert but i do have it kind of make a friend in their head and i do that too sometimes just to give me advice
59. Also i hope they dont get rid of the black and white as sometimes people go more crazy without the figurative voice in their head
60. Like i said this is going to be random order so i like that emma adopted paul;s Okay and no im not making a tfios refrence
61. Poor Tim
62. Poor becky but even less
63. i thought they were supposed to be mad at g-d but in this and tgwdlm they like g-d
64. I cant tell the other pins on joey’s jacket but the first two i notice are mr wiggly and paul
65. I love Lauren’s acting you can see the very sublte sadness in her
66. Lauren and Joey together ahhhh
67. I know its probaly not a big deal but they should give a seziure warning before the tv scene
68. Did they reuse curts spies are forever outfit
69. Really starkid the obama refrence seriously, i cant tell if im mad or laughing 
70. How did Bob get one
71. I do realize they are talking irl but i cant help but wonder if the nazis were a spies are forever refrence
72. Does wiggly have a special power or something 
73. I think its similar to the metero the closer you are the more power it has over you
74. The starkid special effects we all know and love
75. Also is that mcnamara
76. Also maybe shooting it (the doll) does the same thing that shooting the affceted does. Give them no power
77. I cant tell what the music reminds me of exactly but the tune does kinda refrence a diffrent star kid song
78. Jeff looks so proud of himself for the peeps line
79. I love the purposeful i presume reuse of lines
80. Is peip like men in black
81. Also hatchetfield kind of reminds me of night vale
82. Is the black and white like the upside down?
83. I wonder if the point was purposeful since someone was filming or just choreographed
84. Yes Jon Singing!!!!!
85. I love the act two opener
86. Did his parents really name him christmas?!?
87. Oh hes literally related to santa
88. I love lauren and joey as eleves
89. Noel another christmas name
90. Isnt the little dance move like a genie move or something
91. Its so cute that she insitincitvely went to their seats
92. Also carving is goals
93. Even though its a penis its still goals
94. I know what you are, say it, santa clause
95. Tom dont yell at your girl
96. Poor Tom
97. But also dont make this about you
98. They probaly werent the head of the school since they were nice, i am sorry but thats true
99. Yass girl fight his ass
100. Also the theatre kid in me is picturing all that jazz
101. he ran into my knife he ran into my knife ten times
102. Yes Becky’s husband (i forget the name sue me) is bad but i feel like becky is more sinister then we realize
103. Becky’s line even if it isnt meant to be is so funny
104. The girl who plays Becky could play Barbara
105. I love how Joey and Lauren look into the camera
106. Jamie saying santa awww such a pure bean
107. The person in the wiggly onsie is goals
108. Matrix glasses for the win
109. Is wilbur a refrence to Charelots Web?
110. Its a cult a cult of wiggly
111. I feel like Sherman young is around 30-40
112. I love how its mommy to sound less pervy
113. Oh wait never mind Linda is mom
114. Shit thats fucked up they killed him
115. I am right a jew no non jew says mensch
116. To quote jared klienman kinky (shoe kiss scene)
117. Also i love this song the adore song
118. Why does them picking up Lauren give me Draco vibes
119. Wait he isnt dead?? im so confused
120. Wait he is dead???
121. Also ethan is creepy now
122. But Roberts expressions are goals
123. Robert your proffesor hidgens is showing
124. What the how does he know her name
125. Savage Wiggly
126. Wiggly is more funny than scary
127. But my poor baby dont be scared
128. What the fuck tom
129. Also poor baby number two
130. At first you think becky is made about him hurting a child but no its about the doll
131. What the fuck Becky
132. Also I wonder if thats the same serum that Hidgens used
133. Tom yelling at the audince is hilarious
134. Also Becky singing is giving me little shop vibes
135. Becky are you drunk or something you so stupid
136. But yayy my baby doesnt get hurt
137. More starkid special effects
138. Also the lighting nod to tgwdlm
139. Also why did they take my baby (see i told you random)
140. So the perv is wiggly
141. Also if he can appear in regular formation on earth why does he need to be the doll
142. Oh wait never mind he explains it
143. Joey talking to the audience and making them hold the apple is goals
144. I love Joey’s song
145. MIA = Missing in Action = Made in America
146. Wait im wrong Joey cant be Wiggly unless he has super powers he cant be in two places at once
147. I know they dont mean sex but still wtf
148. Lauren looks so done i cant
149. Seziure warning after mr presidnet leaves the black and white
150. Unless it was purposeful they should have hidden the dolls better backstage
151. Wait didnt hannah say something about two doors earlier?
152. Seriously Sherman ponies
153. I love the going back line
154. My poor baby lex
155. No Lex dont die not you too
156. Haha throwback to tgwdlm
157. Yes baby you got the gun
158. Also die perv die
159. Eagle screeching is goals
160. Yes lex use that logic
161. Also it makes sense only the adults can be brainwashed
162. There were only adults no children, scary (not sarcastic i promise)
163. Seriously starkid Fortnight
164. Thats why you should never fully grow up
165. Woah what Lex says is deep
166. Yessss Tom
167. Wait Tom dont hold the gun
168. Wait is Charolette alive or just a reuse of costume, if so why would they have jaimie wear it
169. No dont take her magic hat
170. Haha stupid hats cant be magic only dolls obviously
171. Does lauren say something like fucking knife in another show too?
172. Lauren screaming gives me my father will hear about this vibes
173. Also give my baby her hat back
174. Yass Lauren get it girl (i do realize shes playing the villian but still)
175. Yass Robert get it
176. Even though shes a viilain i dont like seeing Lauren get killed
177. But also how did they get the bullet wound on her so quick im impressed
178. Haha the way Gary stops everything to talk to gerald is goals
179. Like hes like oh shit money
180. And then hes like oh wait i have to pretend to care
181. I love how exagerated their dying is
182. Thats an impressive quick change
183. Yess Emma Hidgens
184. But also no hell fuck up again
185. Also Paul interupting is goals
186. Haha hannah you go girl
187. First off I love the song
188. Song off Hannah’s voice
189. Is paul scared normal or because of the hive
190. Wait all the tgwdlm charecters are back like nothing happened im confused
191. Haha the Hatchfield band is back
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thotsupport · 4 years
ms heathcote turn on ur location i just wanna talk. i just wanna talk
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im so fucking disappointed by the new episode. it was bad.... an episode of KILLING EVE!!! was bad !!!!! do u know how fucking awful that is.... how hard that is..... it has not had a single bad episode or even like bad MINUTE. 
rest is under a read more bc i have adhd and dont know how to explain my thoughts in less than 1000 words. this is a rant post ladies be warned of spoilers ig. its long 
ik everyone was worried about the writer change and we had a reason to be... this show walks such a thin line w its humor and all of its characters, esp eve and villanelle. so it was always going to be like, whoever gets put in charge of new seasons either gets it or they dont. but wow! wow huh
idek if i should be blaming ms heathcote, phoebe and emerald for leaving, or whoever signed off on this shit bc whew !! it sucked . that first minute of the wedding reception scene hit and u knew that things were off and this was rly not going to be what we hoped. they hyped us up for the wedding shit but it was absolutely pointless, when they couldve done SO MUCH w it. and that rly set the tone for the whole rest of the ep tbh
characters are ALL so out of character, stale as shit, and have basically been made into caricatures of themselves. the new characters that have been introduced have no substance. i think the most villanelle-like thing v did in the entire ep was pour the shop owner’s spice bag onto her face to mock dasha. and we’re really supposed to believe she thinks she killed eve? the top tier assassin we’ve watched for 2 seasons who kills people for a living? that  didnt sit well with me since the trailer, like it just feels unrealistic and contradictory as hell to their whole relationship. maybe we’re being faked out and she knew all along, which would be great !! but this first episode does not give me any hope for that bc it requires some decent writing
and now they kill kenny??? in the first fucking episode?? like ok maybe sean delaney said im signing out bye, which is like ok cool fine, so they had to write him out. but like THAT ? when he started hearing noises i went “if they kill kenny rn i dont think i can forgive them” LET ME HONK MY NOSE REAL QUICK. i sat there for like 5 min w my hand over my mouth. a cheap ass no build up death scene out of nowhere, just for shock value. is it crack? is that what you smoke? that entire sequence was so fucking bad. sloppy.... the predictability......my dvr cut off the last min so i had to look it up later, but what i imagined the ending was like ended up being right to a t, which is rly sad!!!. i do not write for this show! i should not be able to guess the end of the episode down to the song they use!! 
they tried to set his death up w whatever he was finding out online, but sis.........what a mess. and kenny was p much the only one from the first seasons they did a decent job of writing too 🙄
every interaction between characters, every character’s actions, the tone of every scene, the humor, the weird location cuts, rushed sequences, no build up or payoff to anything trying to be established...... mess. all of it fell flat.
anyway.... killing eve fell victim to change of writers combined w the classic ‘we already have a loyal established audience so we dont have to try as hard’ downhill slide. i hope the season gets a lot better from here but that first ep doesnt make me too hopeful. like am i going to keep watching no matter what? yes! i am a clown!! i want to see what happens. the cast will always be amazing. but let’s not pretend it was great
i probably sound harsh as hell but i do not care !! not a bit ! this show has been so fucking good and of course im going to be upset if it gets fucked up. miss 2020 rly came in and said we get nothing this year huh. not one crumb
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fthisshiiimout · 4 years
" Hope is a dangeous thing" Michael Guerin's words of wisdom! He said it to Max and said it to Maria! But I really hope every single MALEX fan took it to heart cause it was really meant for US!
I dont care what people say in this fandom anymore. "I dont want to hear spoilers" " no spoilers" " you should tag your shit as a spoiler" NO IM NOT GOING TO! Ya know why?? Because Carina herself wouldnt have shown her shit if she didnt want SPOILERS OUT!! DUHH! And Im ranting because Im sick of the headgames with this show..it ridiculous..no wonder why people in this fandom are dropping like flies.
And Im sick and tired of the back and forth between M/M and M/A. Im sick of the headgames with the showrunner as well! One day its " Oh its Maria..shes his light" and whatever else is spewed. And the next its " Ohh Michael and Alex there journey is from darkness to light" and whatever other bullshit is spewed. Cause in reality its all Bullshit to keep Malex fans and Miluca fans to keep watching and fighting. If you ever cared to look at the ratings for season 1 they were abysmal. Only the first 2 episodes got over a million viewers. Which is horrible..but in full disclosure Theres only 1 CW show that has really any kind of following ( and hint hint its not Supernatural..That shows ratings are going down faster then a hooker on payday). Believe me I did the research. I dont understand why they are putting it after a tanking show if they want more viewers ( No disrespect to Supernatural, my daughter and husband love this show). But I digress..
The show runners know where there bread is buttered on this show and it is with MALEX fans. It even overshadows the Liz/Max shippers and Definitely over shadows Michael and Maria. Hell Vlamis and Tyler realized it pretty quickly..Vlamis made a sold out Merch line because of it. And they are the captains of this ship because they see the potential of how big it can be. Hell even the CW pr team figured it out! Thats why in the trailer we saw Malex and no Miluca?? Its not rocket science to figure this out!
So why now are the showrunners literally shitting on the LGBTQ+ community by taking away the only couple that represent that population on that show?? Then placating the community with "ooh Alex gets a new love interest" and the obscure and downright awkward " oh someone who Identified as straight in the beginning of the season will not be at the end". What a FUCKING FARCE! Like really?? As a community are we that desperate or obtuse?? Did nobody roll there eyes at this bullshit? Or am I the only one? We have a perfectly "cosmic" gay ship in front of us! Yes with baggage..no denying that..but thats the drama of TV I get it.
The reason is because the showrunners have no plans to make Malex anymore. There I said it and I SAW IT FIRSTHAND! In 2x01 Michael told Alex straight up they "were done" it was pretty cut and dry and lasted all of 2 mins...good to know Malex fans get two mins of heartbreak..that should tell you something. While Michael and Maria had 3 scenes..maybe more together. Granted they were not together at the end of 2x01 but According to Heather they will be trying to " ignite the spark between them" for the entire season. And that they're love is " exciting and blah blah blah".. No one gives a shit. Least of all me. But you can clearly see thats where its headed.
Also in season 1 there were some big hints too that I myself overlooked but they were glaring but subtle like the Max/Cam love scene intertwined with the Michael/Alex scene and the song playing in the background..that was telling... You dont see Max and Cam together. Or 1x12 prison scene " Cant love me" playing in the background and the words Michael spit at Alex..I dont think they were complete lies. Michael felt them on some lvl. And Alex's own words " Sometimes the world ends with a wimper, Guerin".. Those were all meant for Malex shippers as well.
And what about this "see if we can " be friends" or " we didn't even know each other" bullshit! I hate those lines..Like really?? Michael moved back to Roswell when he was 11..which meant that they went to school and living in a small town grew up together. At least for 7 or so yrs. They must have knew each other just for the simple fact of the Liz/Max dynamic..I grew up in many a small town i know this dynamic well. EVERYONE LITERALLY KNOWS EVERYONE! Maybe they didn't really hook up till the end of senior year. But they knew each other and I can almost bet that Alex admired Michael's protectiveness and Michael admired Alex's strength. And they also must have known about each others abusive pasts to a point..logic dictates that. And relationships have been built and survived on less.And if the showrunners wanted to make them " friends" for a time I could even tolerate it..tolerate being the operative word.
But no Michael's gonna "light the spark" with Maria..because in reality thats what the showrunners want. They dont give a shit about Malex working through their shit like logic adults would. And that's fine It just frustrates me that I was sold a lie..and every Malex shipper was too. Wake up fellow shippers and see it too. Or dont..Lies are comfortable like a warm blanket on a cold night. Everyone has some delusion they cling to..much like hope.
My last frustration with the ending of this ship will be that it is laid solely at Alex's feet. "He kept walking away", " He abandoned Michael for 10 yrs", "He left him behind", "I love him, I probably always will..but hes tied to all these horrible memories in my life. All the things his family did to mine. Coming back to him always feels like a crash landing" or the newest and deepest when Alex was giving him the file from Caulfield " Manes men did this to her".. Its always going to be Alex's fault. I wonder if Tyler knew the full extent of the way Alex was gonna be shit on. I dont think Tyler being openly queer himself would be ok with that kind of representation of the Gay community. Its pretty jarring... Honestly I can almost guarantee they probably " promised" him a more normal gay relationship with this new " character" Forrest. Whatever the case may be its still bullshit. Michael seems to hold no responsibility to it.
And Michael will still get the girl and be in his hetero relationship with Maria..because Im asking the question..is he really bi? Evidence in the show doesn't specifically back that up. The only man we see him with is Alex..I havent heard or seen him with other men. Even Michael himself said "Its just him..screws me up".. So maybe "Pan" is a better description?
So RIP Malex! It was good while it lasted.."cosmic" even..but the showrunners killed you off before you even got the opportunity to take flight! ( This is a rant about the showrunners and writers for the fake promise of Malex. I seriously have no issue with Maria or the actress per se...and if the showrunners wanted M/M they should have just started in Season 1 with them).
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itsjustashipperlife · 5 years
The Russo Bros ruined me the MCU
Listen here, before this Endgame shit, I was able to happily watched whatever Tony movie they were putting on TV, or play any Iron Man movie (mostly IM3) or Homecoming when I felt like it. Just for fun. Just to see my Pepperony, and my baby Tony being happy with his fam. To hava a good time.
Now, and like Peter on the new FFH trailer, wherever I go, I see Tony's face. On instagram, on twitter, here... I see edits, and fanarts, and fanfics... All of them mostly sad. Remembering what happened in Endgame.
And I can't deal with it. It's been two whole weeks since I have seen the movie (just once, cause I cant see it again anytime soon). And I'm not able to watch an MCU film like I used to.
For instance, in my country (Spain), a TV channel decided that on this thrusday they would play Avengers and on friday, they would go with AoU. I did a post two days ago about how I fucking broke when I saw Tony and Pep being happy, having a date before Coulson interrupted them, and then Tony's "Agent Romanoff, you miss me?" made me fucking sob for the both of them, cause they didnt deserve it. Then, I changed the channel. And -because I'm a fucking masochist- I tried watching AoU yesterday... Spoiler alert, it didn't go well. I made it throught that one tho, until Tony wanting to retire with Pep on a farm made me think of Endgame again and, again, I cried.
Are you happy with this, Russos? Seriously?
(I don't suffer from any mental illness nor anxiety, but I'm going to say this point anyway) Let's better not talk about how Tony was -literally- a role model to all the people that looked up to him because he had a mental illness and he still woke up every morning, feeling like shit, and still tried to do better. Is that what you wanted to say to them? That if you have a mental illness, you will only rest when you are dead? That you won't get better? (This can go for Nat too)
I was happy seeing Tony's movies. Now I'm not. I feel fooled, and empty, and sad, and... fucking mad about it.
You guys even lied to the cast and told them it was a wedding. WTF is wrong with you two?!
I... listen, I love Chris Evans, he's great. But I can't fucking stand Steve Rogers. I couldn't before, but now I just can't fucking see his face without feeling hatred. The Russo Brothers and M&M (don't know their names, and I dont care really) just went all for it and sucked on Steve's dick over and over again, forgetting every fucking thing the characters had done or said before on previous films. The can't see over their precious Steve Rogers. (In AoU he literally says he's over with the family and domestic life... WTF changed?!)
I know Tony's story had to end. Mainly because Robert wanted to moved on. And while it would have been sad, I understand it. And I can't wait to see his new projects not Tony/MCU related. But they could have finished his story with a happily ever after, you know.
I KNOW TONY WOULD NOT REST IF HE WERE ALIVE AND PETER OR THE WORLD OR WHATEVER WERE ON DANGER, THATS NOT HIM. But, I would have liked his ending to be happy, with Morgan, back at home. Maybe his arm being fucked up, or with not arm at all like Bucky, and half of his face being burned. But alive. Able to tuck in his daughter at nights, to tell her that he loves her 3000 in person every single day for the rest of her life. Able to spend time with Peter, after 5 years were robbed from them. Able to sass with Rhodey, to joke with Happy about being forehead of security, and to snuggle Pep at nights, leaving her only 12% of the bed while being the little spoon.
But no, instead we got an orphaned little girl (who, even if he is famous, will not remember half of the things she used to do with her dad), a widow, two best friends (that are more like brothers) without the man that they silently swore to protect at all cost since the day they met him, a teenager with his third father figure dead and another teen without a second father figure (because Tony kept contact with Harley ofc)...
All while the perfect, selfless Captain America goes back in time and takes Peggy's life away from her, and leaves his beautiful Bucky behind after literally going rogue for him. He has the fucking nerve to do all of that after just saw the funeral of the man that gave him (all of them) a future, and just after seeing his loved ones broken, holding each other for comfort. After seeing Morgan (a five year old kid) attending her daddy's funeral, even if she doesnt quite understand whats happening, why is everyone so sad, or where is he and when is he coming back to play with her.
Sorry, I need to calm down. Pardon the long post. But I just need to get all of this out of my chest.
So... I have decided that the TSCU is: IM 1, 2, Avengers, IM3, AoU, Civil War and Homecoming. Morgan happening after the pepperony wedding, being conceived on their honeymoon, and then the first minutes of Endgame happening (Domestic! Tony, stay at home dad, trophy husband. You name it). The End. 😌
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gwoongi · 5 years
𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗎𝗌 ✰ taehyung (7)
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𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗎𝗌 kim taehyung / reader genre: zombie apocalypse au words: 4228
It felt shit to feel thankful of someone’s screaming. Mostly, Taehyung was happy it was them and not him.
a/n: funny story, i submitted this chapter as part of my creative writing portfolio and the prestige uni i sent it off to loved it and accepted me :D hopefully thats a nice indication on whether or not this is good :S
warnings: extremely graphic content, sexual pain, graphic torture, gore, violence, death, Humans Suck
01. denver ↝ 02. holiday with me ↝ 03. sad forever ↝ 04. surely ↝ 05.scorpion ↝ 06. shakespeare ↝ 07. thrones ↝ 08. moon motel
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The group leave the trailer park three days later.
Bundling everything of use into the back of the truck, which seemed darker in colour since the last time it was used, you had found you enjoyed leaving more than you did settling in. Packing everything into correct places had always been such a bore, even at a young age. You remembered when you were eight, and moving in to your grandparents’ home in the outskirts of Denver. Was this really Denver? It was a small town, barely noticeable amongst the cluster of trees and ferns, but nonetheless peaceful, ‘perfect for a new place to start fresh’. Yeah, it only took around an hour and a half to get to school every-day, but don’t worry, it’s a fucking perfect place to live, aged eight, as an orphan. It took you around eleven months to finish emptying each box.
But four years ago, throwing everything into a backpack and into the boot of a car you nicked from down the road, it had been so easy. It was so easy to throw everything out and keep what you really needed. Easy to forget to pack a jacket you had been given for Christmas off an aunt you barely knew, easy to remember to pack all the knives out of the kitchen and the forbidden gun your grandfather used to hunt deer in the winter. It was rather symbolic- pretending people were deers as you shot them between the eyes.
“That everything?”
Namjoon stood, risen off the ground, his hand on the bar of the roof of the truck. Taehyung stepped down the plastic steps from the trailer, not bothering to lock the door, knowing nothing in there was of any value. At one point, the rainbow-glassed fruit bowl might have been of value, sentimental value or something. Now, it was worthless, with a lightning bolt crack down the middle.
“Yeah, good to go,” Taehyung replied, hovering when you climbed into the back to join Kyungmin. He waited, not knowing what for, only mildly embarrassed when you turned to see him staring. “You okay?”
You nodded once with a smile. “Mm. Are you?”
“Yeah. Sorry, I-”
Somehow, he hadn’t realised you shuffle to the open back doors to pull him in for a simple kiss. It was that quick and simple that he almost missed it. His eyes opened to the sight of you in front of him, your hands holding his face, rubbing the stubble around his jaw.
“You’re holding us all up, you know.”
“You’re holding me up,” he muttered, peeling your hands off his face and pressing a kiss to your knuckles, somehow finding the strength to let go and at the same time, make his way to the front of the truck. The whole vehicle shook as you pulled the back doors closed, submerging Kyungmin and yourself in familiar darkness.
“You got a map anywhere?” Taehyung fuddled in the glove compartment as Namjoon started the truck up. He pulled out a worn map, the same one you had used to direct the both of you out of Denver. Namjoon didn’t care for the quality, muttering a hasty thanks and peeling it open, staring at the lines and faded colours. “Keep heading East, as if we’re going to Georgia. Hopefully, we’ll catch Seokjin and his crew of fans on the way there.”
“And if we don’t?” Taehyung asked. When Namjoon fell silent, Taehyung’s lips pulled into a tight frown, “I’m just asking for the future. You’re not coming to Georgia. We’re going. I wanna know what our plan is before we put ourselves in danger in the middle of nowhere.”
Very aware of the compartment slider down, Namjoon found it was difficult to pick a solution that would best suit everybody. Kyungmin wanted to stay with Taehyung and yourself, forgetting Korea entirely and heading straight for the islands off the coast. Namjoon knew you wanted to go to Georgia with everybody, hoping to stick together as a four, but if there was no other option, you’d go to find a plane. Taehyung wanted to get to Georgia with you, but wouldn’t be opposed to finding Seokjin. As for himself, Namjoon wanted to take the jeep to Virginia, leaving Taehyung and yourself on the road.
Everybody made tough calls. Those words echoed in his head. Above all else, Kyungmin was his priority.
“I wanna take the jeep,” Namjoon said slowly, aware of the frowns, “but I can help find a vehicle for you and Y/N to use to get to Georgia. When that happens...we’ll go our separate ways. Half to Virginia. Half to Georgia. Fair, and square.”
Kyungmin fell with a thud and a sigh in the back of the jeep, and Namjoon did his best to ignore it.
“Alright,” Taehyung agreed, believing there was no other way around it. As long as you and him were safe, he didn’t care how it happened. “Whatever you say goes.”
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Jiyong: i’ll be round at like 7:30ish. lost my weed bag and i’m a junkie and cant leave without it
Y/N: i hope it kills you
Jiyong: watch me actually die
Jiyong: don’t cry at my funeral you fake friend
Y/N: is...seunghyun coming
Jiyong: fuck off
Jiyong: hes banned from seeing you
Jiyong: i cant believe my best friend is fucking my other best friend
Y/N: i like to call it woohooing and we’re being safe
Jiyong: i cant believe this is happening
Jiyong: why seunghyun?????? why not youngbae he treats women nice
Y/N: idk!!! we just hit it off a lot
Jiyong: you’ve known him for like 5 minutes
Y/N: it’s literally been like 5 years but whatever
Y/N: can’t you just be happy for me? i’m living life getting laid being happy n shit
Jiyong: i respect it but i’m not coming to urs expecting to have fun watching goblet of fire for the millionth time only for you to give seunghyun a sweaty bj right in front of me
Y/N: that was one time Let It Go
Jiyong: one day i’m gonna fucking die and you’ll realise how badly you treated me
Y/N: stop you’re my best friend :-(
Y/N: what are you like jealous that im banging him and not you???? wanna join
Jiyong: yeah i’d literally rather fuck the girl from the ring
Y/N: kinky
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Jiyong: woah did you hear about the north korea shit
Y/N: im literally being pounded into Cant this wait
Jiyong: we’re gonna die because kim jongun wants to nuke us and all you care about is seunghyun’s 3 inches
Y/N: it’s just fake news dont worry about it
Y/N: how many times has he threatened nuclear war
Y/N: he should hurry up and do it before exams
Jiyong: just wanted to check up on you because ur nan is fucking mental and she’ll probably collapse tomorrow morning and panic buy loaves of bread
Y/N: stop omg
Jiyong: anyways stay safe love U please bring me my weed tomorrow morning me and Jennie are gonna get high and try anal
Y/N: sweet thanks
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Leaving the world behind through the back windows of the jeep, you were oddly reminded of the time you left everybody behind during a Summer many years ago. It had been a spur of the moment decision, something you never expected to do, but found yourself doing anyway.
It felt like a lifetime ago; you had almost forgotten about it, until now, until seeing a sign graffitied with a smiley face, reminding you of the “GRIME SIGN” back in your hometown, renowned for being the most graffitied sign in the city. Whether or not that's true, you never really found out. Seunghyun and Jiyong had come along too, for the moral support of being alone on the road. With Jiyong in shotgun and Seunghyun in the backseat, it had felt like something slap-bang out of a teenage coming-of-age movie, titled “3 delinquents on the road to God knows where”, directed by Quentin Tarantino. You didn’t even know how to drive. It was pure bliss.
“Any luck with the radio?”
Kyungmin rattling the small radio that had been picked up from the trailer park startled you, the memory of driving nowhere and everywhere at the same time suddenly gone like the wind. As your vision readjusted to the dark, you noticed that Kyungmin was pressing all the buttons and turning all the dials, a frown on her lips jutted outwards.
“Not yet,” she replied. “Just give me a few more minutes, I can probably get this thing working.”
Namjoon let out a soft curse, swerving the truck slightly to move around a left behind Volvo, the cars open like wings with a dried trail of dragged blood leading into the thick forest. Things like that were common accessories, famed like tourist attractions. Namjoon now thought of what the world was really like- could Paris be any worse than America? What was Iceland like these days?
“Nearly there, now,” Namjoon said vaguely, and Taehyung debated whether or not to reply, if there was even anything to reply with at all. That’s how things went now, short replies or simply none at all. When the world died, so did words. Namjoon thought that was funny, how the collapse of society could mean the collapse of communication and language.
“We’ll need to stop for gas,” Taehyung said, his voice barely above a third volume. From the back of the van, you sat with your face looking out towards the left behind road, your eyelids growing heavy at the sound of Kyungmin pressing buttons, and the hum of the van beneath your thighs. “We’re running on fumes.”
Namjoon grumbled a reply, mentioning something about a gas station a couple miles ahead, near the clearing in the woods, just off the road. It didn’t take long to approach, only around ten minutes if Taehyung were to count. At least three songs had played since then. Taehyung couldn’t believe he was now counting using songs.
The station was large, decaying and it looked unsafe. Taehyung didn’t exactly care about the safety of the building itself, just caring about how safe it would be in the long-run. Safe enough to hide inside? Safe enough to step inside? Safety in architectural design didn’t matter anymore. If it looked rusted, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.
Namjoon pulled the truck into the station, immediately noticing a few canisters of fuel that was left for the purpose of using, a sign reading “STAY SAFE” stood up, stuck with black masking tape. The letters were dripping onto the concrete, a small pool of chalky white near the drain where a plant was starting to sprout.
“Are you feeling okay?”
Kyungmin’s voice made you look over from the canisters, a wrinkle between your brows. She smiled, generously, and waited for your reply. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
She was talking about the Great Escape the other day. You already knew that.
“Just curious,” she replied, the smile never wavering. “There’s not many people left in the world, you know. Next to Namjoon, you and Taehyung are all I have.”
A silence fell on the two of you, and all you could hear was the sound of Taehyung dragging a barrel across the gas station, dipping his head underneath a broken window and scanning the interior of the gas station.
“I’m here for you,” Kyungmin continued, her voice significantly quieter. “You know that, right?”
“Of course I do,” you replied, and your hand came up to stroke her forearm, a smile on your lips. For a moment, it didn’t feel like the apocalypse. In that moment, it felt like two best friends, reunited after a Summer break, the pine trees isolating them from the world, a Studio Ghibli film, released 2019.
And yet Kyungmin moved away, her gaze lowered as she passed across the gas station to meet Namjoon, already lifting canisters of gas towards the car to refill. Taehyung had emerged once again, his bag refilled with cans and cigarette packets, surprisingly a bottle of liquor in his hands as he stepped back into the bitter wind. Inhaling a breath, Taehyung crossed the width of the station and opened the passenger door to the vehicle, setting down his bag and the bottle, as if they were small children.
“There’s no way we’re making it to Georgia on time.”
Taehyung paused, throwing you a look over his shoulder. “What?”
“Let’s think realistically,” you reasoned, tugging at the cloth over his elbow. Above all, you didn’t want Kyungmin to be upset if she overheard. “It’s been...how long? Since we left the warehouse? I haven’t exactly been keeping up with the dates, but it’s been too long, Tae. Normally, it takes less than 24 hours to get from where we are- wherever we are- to Georgia. And yet, we’re still not near. I’m just-” you sighed, raking your hands through your hair. In the dim light, the grease was visible. “I think we’re out of time.”
“Y/N, they’ll be there,” Taehyung said. He didn’t know what else to say, frowning, “I thought you wanted to remain optimistic?”
“I do, but I can’t afford to hope to get to Georgia and find them there. And what?” you continued. Your voice had raised slightly, not enough to make Kyungmin or Namjoon ask questions, but enough to make Taehyung’s nose cringe at the increase. “We get there, and find them. Is anything gonna be the same? What if we get there and they’re gone and there’s no boats? What if we get there and something happens to any one of us? Tae, I can’t have that on me. I can’t have that on my conscience. Not again.”
Not again. “Yena wasn’t your fault, Y/N, you have to know that-”
“I don’t fancy being out on the road all night.” Namjoon stepped into view from around the front of the van, his hands shoved into the pockets of his distressed jeans. “Thinking we keep driving, turn in when it gets dark to the first place we see.”
“Isn’t that a little risky?” Taehyung asked, mentally making a note to continue your conversation later. “I mean, we have to really check the place before we head in.”
Namjoon frowned. “I know that. But, Kyungmin’s feeling kinda travel sick, and I don’t wanna overdo it, you know? Nights like back at the trailer park...I want more of them.”
Already moving to the back of the van, you pulled open the double doors and slipped inside, keeping them open in time for Kyungmin to crawl in after you. Her skin was a shade of ivory, whiter than earlier, as if the sickness had come suddenly like a simulation glitch. Wasn’t that what you were now? A glitch? An error in coding.
Namjoon shut the drivers door, groaning at the loud sound.
“Hey, man, you okay to drive?” Taehyung asked quietly, looking over from shotgun. “Look, if you’re tired, we can switch the orders around.”
Namjoon looked over weakly- “You’re sure?”
Taehyung unbuckled his seatbelt, dumping his jacket in the footwell with a sniff of stuffy air. “I’d prefer if you slept if you’re tired. ‘Specially when they’re in the back. Don’t wanna hurt them.”
He made a sort of grunt as a reply, switching seats with the younger. When he was sat in the passenger seat instead of the drivers, he let his head lull back onto the windowpane, feeling the chilly glass cool the back of his head. It was as if resting his head had added extra weight to his eyes.
“‘m gonna drive straight-ish,” Taehyung said with his tongue between his lips, backing up the van slowly and carefully. Namjoon opened his eyes slightly, squinting.
“Can you drive?”
Taehyung changed gears. “Yes.” 
If Namjoon noticed that Taehyung paused, he didn’t mention it. In-fact, he closed his eyes again with a shrug, a half wriggle, resting his forehead against the glass, pushing towards the cool touch.
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Taehyung had been driving for hours, for sure.
The time in the van was unlikely to be reliable, reading 5:19pm when the sky was as black as squid ink, the dim street-lights that somehow worked- probably solar - beckoning the group forward. In honesty, Taehyung had no idea how long it had been since the gas station, just long enough to give him a crick in his neck, the back of his thighs numbed. All things considering, Taehyung thought he was getting better at driving.
He flinched slightly as the divider to the back came sliding down, and your face popped out slightly, peering out the front window with sleepy eyes. If he had a free hand, Taehyung would have wiped the sleep from the corner of your eye, and he turned back to the road, oddly afraid of crashing the car with all four of you inside. Like yourself, he didn’t want that on his conscience. Like yourself, he couldn’t have it on his conscience, not again.
“Are we stopping soon?” you asked quietly. Namjoon shifted, making it known he wasn’t sleeping. He groaned, grinding the heel of his palm into his eyes, unbothered when dust and dirt smudged on his skin when he pulled away. He could look worse, he thinks.
“Nearly,” Taehyung replied. “I don’t know where to go from here. Last road was blocked, so, I’m trying to get out of here.”
Namjoon shifted, cracking his shoulder loudly. “You tried any back-streets?”
Instantly, Taehyung thought of the woman earlier in his trip. The way she screamed at the car, scratching at the rusty paint job, her eyes bloodshot and her skin a lime colour. He gulped the hot lump in his throat, “I’d rather avoid them.”
“It’s safer,” Namjoon continued. “Out of the way-”
Somewhere outside of the van, there was a loud crash, similar to the way you sound when you drop something at midnight when your parents are sleeping. The volume was loud, louder than anticipated, and Taehyung unintentionally stalled the van. Kyungmin jeered forward, hitting the underneath of her chin on the seats opposite, sending out a string of foreign curses to Taehyung in the driver's seat. He avoided the stare of Namjoon, deciding he didn’t want to see the deathly glare.
“What the hell was that?” you asked, cradling a throbbing pain on the side of your face after catching it on the separation between front and back. “Is someone here?”
Namjoon stayed silent for a moment, staring darkly into the outside. Taehyung didn’t know what to do except wait, ready to jump into action when Namjoon made a noise of surprise- or was it shock?- and slapped Taehyung’s hand with great panic, “Fucking pull up somewhere. Turn off those fucking lights. Fuck, fuck, fuck-”
“Jesus,” Taehyung cursed, doing exactly that as you leaned back to switch off the lights, submerging Kyungmin into darkness as the blood pooled in her mouth from earlier. She groaned something between her lips, holding her chin with her left hand as she picked herself up to lean over into the front, staring out at what Namjoon was watching across the small street. With the van now in darkness, away from the streetlight, you were invisible.
It wasn’t hard, locating the source of Namjoon’s panic.
Across the street, a flood of artificial white engulfed the street, barely missing the pull-in that Taehyung had moved into moments earlier. Namjoon slouched out of instinct, keeping his eyes on the road as he noticed three people dashing out into the darkness, the explosive lights following them as if they were automatic. They probably were, turning on as they stepped further and further away from the door they ran from. As they hurried past the hidden van, another noise pulled away your attention.
A large garage door screamed as it opened, in desperate need of oil, chains clattering against the metal interior. The light suddenly changed to an eerie green, something you saw in documentaries about weed farms. As it slid further up into the building, Namjoon hitched a breath as the sight of three sets of human legs came into view, dressed in stunning ebony, large guns by their hips. One of them smoked a cigarette, the smoke rising up like old Native smoke-signals. The middle guy pulled up his mask, covering his nose and lower face, and loaded the large Heckler Koch HK MG4 MG 43, aiming it swiftly at the little piggies running away from the slaughterhouse.
Taehyung knew that gun- the Heckler Koch never missed a target. He barely flinched when the gunman hit the kneepits of the runners, sending them to the ground instantly, their bodies buckling under the loss of legs. The screams were loud. Mama has the bacon, now.
The other two gunmen laughed loudly, approaching the pigs and picking them up to drag them back into the garage, a trail of blood marking the concrete like paint. He said something, the main gunner, and the two spares were taken away, possibly to die, maybe to a waiting room where they would await their death, as casually as they would waiting for a doctor’s appointment. The last runner, a man who looked to be in his mid-thirties, with already greying hair at the top, was pulled to the side of the room where three more men emerged, a woman amongst the pack with her hair sprawled out to her elbows, in mermaid curls. She was gorgeous, nobody could argue against that, with her body in a glamorous dress, something too glamorous for the apocalypse. On her feet, heels that presented her perfectly painted toes, a peachy shade.
“What’s happening?” Kyungmin asked. It was rhetoric. Everybody knew the answer.
The woman dressed in glam approached the slumped body of the runner, crouching to cup his face and stroke a thumb across the bags under his eyes, bleeding out with veins a bright red, the red of a freshly picked apple, the red line under a spelling error. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, putting her thumb over his lips and kissing her nail, before retreating and nodding curtly at the men around her. It was a signal, for they picked up the runner and began to tear off his clothes, leaving him stark naked, covered in purple bruises, tiny flowers on his skin.
Taehyung had seen things like this before- he was no stranger to the way the men beat the man with clubs and their boots, laughing at the way he retreated into his own skin, recoiling at every kick and screaming with every sickening club, until he accepted the fact that his body was their plaything. He watched, in morbid wonder, as they dragged him by his swollen balls to the center of the room, where a sharpened hook hanging from a chain off the ceiling swung threateningly, a bone being wagged in the face of a dog. The man whimpered, his eyes hurting, only barely making out his destination before his body shook violently.
The man picked him up as if he was a sack of sugar, with one hand around his neck, promptly planting him on the hook as if it were a throne. Now Taehyung had to close his eyes.
It was curling upwards, sharply, scraping every wall and nerve and good spot that ached. Yet, the men watched with wonder and satisfaction, clapping when he thrashed like a fish out of water. His legs were immobile, moving inches and with every movement came a grunt of pain, flashed with panic and agony from his rather pointy throne, and then the passing pain of his arm being cracked upwards.
The crack was loud.
From behind him, Taehyung heard Kyungmin make a small wheeze, hurrying into the back of the van, where Taehyung watched you pick her head up off the seats, your thumbs in a pool of vomit around her mouth. You didn’t even care about the sick on her knees, or the smell in your nose. Namjoon looked through the slot, dragging the divider up before the sound of retching made him sick, too.
You stopped listening to the retching, quietly shushing each whimper as Taehyung slowly started the van back up, grateful that he was covered by the sound of someone screaming in fucking agony. It felt so wrong, to be thankful of a tortured man. Cock and all, Taehyung was thankful he was screaming. The tyres of the van slowly rolled along the road, in the shadows, at a sluggish pace. Namjoon wiped away a line of sweat on his forehead, unable to look away from the man, thrashing like a pig, hanging like a sack of meat in a slaughterhouse, blood pooling now at the corner of his mouth, his eyes, his nose, dried blood at his ears.
It felt shit to feel thankful of someone’s screaming. Mostly, Taehyung was happy it was them and not him.
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