#i just kinda forgot i have a tumblr
sea-jello · 8 months
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more versions with the slightest difference plus no bg and shading
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listen they have a difference. to me
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indigopoptart · 12 days
gonna get back into the swing of things with!! some faces I did a bit ago!!!
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+ closeups and oc creds under the cut!
the welcome home guys ofc <3
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some of my guys!
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(Niebla belongs to both me and @akemima ! <3)
And now, some friends’ ocs!
Lady belongs to @gremliinsart, Keira belongs to @funonion001 !!! :3
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Sundown belongs to @carnivalcarrion !! <3
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Damon belongs to @sammysun , Wizard belongs to @akemima !! :33 <3<3
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dremiru · 2 days
thought it was high time to finally make my own designs of EAH characters since I've been drawing them so often lately so here's my favourite fairytale emo hehee !!
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daily-linkclick · 8 months
thank you everyone for following this blog for the daily doodles! i think i'll officially stop the daily doodles (for now) but i'll still be uploading doodles from time to time! i'm so happy to see a lot more link click fans on tumblr, and to see a lot more people appreciate the trio and the stories they touch :]
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kuchipark · 7 months
Yeah, I’m like totally famous, dude. Got like 12 Tumblr followers. It’s crazy. Don’t talk to me until you got 12 Tumblr followers, like me. Having less than 12 Tumblr followers is totally weak.
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keeps-ache · 5 months
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workin on a thaaang
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pyrriax · 3 months
hi tumblr im pyrr pyrriax and im in my trimonthly artist arc, lord help me and all the projects that are currently sitting in my drafts while i am lured in by the siren song of drawing
#haunted ecosystem#this is not helping with how much my hands hurt on a daily basis this is why i type and dont handwrite/draw very much.#im lured in regardless and i really need to find an artform that doesnt Hurt but for now. digital art <3#like theres a difference between my dumb doodles (quick easy not much different from regular computer usage) and actual art#but im an artist at heart i spent sooooo long being an artist and thinking i was shit at writing. that is wrong! im actually kinda good#im rambling in tags today because i have been not social (my partner is in genshin hell and my beloved is. somewhere.)#okay but on another note i reread the first. couple chapters of wtds this morning? the pacing is a little weird and the tense is fucked#but its actually a lot better than i thought it was? you can tell i was fleshing everybody out in my head and i totally forgot about how#i described the watcher [who i am STILL redacting the name of until we get there] and just. ough. pandora being very logical#and then jumping to the latest chapter and fucking sobbing because i forgot about how it went and just. pandora and his.#whatever the fuck is wrong with him.#i have gotta start recommending people read that again. its surprisingly friendly without context because of how i approached it#that fic has taught me so many things its actually a little comical. it also made me relearn how to make and write ocs so thats fun#once i finish that main fic (and i WILL i am actually planning to sign up for a thing. im finishing it i swear.) i finally get to show off#more of the world and characters ive crafted. showing backstories and what-ifs and all these oneshots ive been keeping close to my chest#for like absolutely ages because i dont want any spoilers on my tumblr#and. im finishing that fic in pseudo-memoriam of somebody who deleted their accounts everywhere. still miss you dane!#ok this has completely gone off topic ily tumblr im going back to drawing and i might make a new pfp#it'll still be lavius but it'll be fray lavius since i think about him a lot and i like his color palette.
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airenyah · 1 month
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 🥰🥰
Hi dear @airenyah! I miss your Sana Bakkoush header but will recognize your BBS icon and your kind online voice anywhere! 😍 Accompanying this Ask with good wishes for a beautiful springtime day, to one of the nicest people I know who also has a kind and generous heart! 💖
awwwww that's such a sweet thing of you to say 🥺🥺🥺
i saw this ask first thing in the morning after i woke up and it had me all kinds of 🥰🥰🥰
i too miss my sana bakkoush header (she looks so cute in that shot)!! usually i'd just change my icon but this is the first time since i've made this blog a decade ago that i can't change my icon over my header, because otherwise @ranchthoughts and i wouldn't have matching icons anymore and that thought hurts me more than saying goodbye to sana after 7 years 😔💔
#sana has served my blog well but now.. it is time 💔#i think sana was my first real gay crush??#except i thought i was straight and kinda just ignored it as i obsessed over isak and even's relationship djcjcjfjc#and i was really attached to the sana header bc of that and i just couldn't bring myself to change it even when i stopped being into skam#and started falling more and more into (thai) bl world#and then i developed a crush on an irl girl from my uni (rip)#and i actually THOUGHT about changing my header when i first watched mafia the series back in september#but at that point i struggled even more to change it bc it felt like it was proof that i'd liked girls too for much longer than i'd realized#bc i'd had that sana header for so long and i was so attached to it (she's INSANELY cute in that header) and so yeah... djfjfjcj#but then i forgot to save my header in my april fool's prank stress and that felt like it was the universe telling me ''it is time''#''get a new header. this is your moment'' so here we are with my new mafia the series header featuring my boy joong archen djfjfjiv#considering i call myself a bad buddy blog in ''its joongdunk era'' i should have probably gone with a joongdunk header#so my icon + header would represent both the bad buddy blog and the joongdunk era djfjfjic#but i GOTTA promote mafia the series bc it's an actual GEM of a show. easily my fave non-bl series#it had me in tears when i watched it to the point my mom commented on how she could hear my laugh in my room gkfjfjjf#asks#also can i just say... i adore this fandom so much 🥺🥺🥺#everyone here in our little tumblr corner is so sweet and nice and i just adore all of you sooooo so much 🥺💗💗💗
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Cringetober 12 & 15: Niche Interest & Song Lyric
Magic Misfits Spoilers!
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"They let a tiny little coffin be lowered into the ground at the local cemetery.
They even had a gravestone made for the child that said he hadn't even turned one year old.
But the truth was a lot more disturbing."
(Lyrics: Two Birds; Regina Spektor)
Magic Misfits, my beloved <3
I'd imagine this would happen right before Kincaid joins his brother in jail. We don't know which son they pretended died, but I decided that it's his name on the tomb
This isn't the original idea I had for Song Lyric that I talked about in the other post, but I still very much like it!
(Lyric-less version under the cut)
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I want to have this here too, because I think it fits the vibe just a little better
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boyslit · 9 months
bluocha on the brain. here's a quick doodle bc aaaaaaaa 💕💕💕
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officialesmilgram · 3 days
on a sunny day, i wake up
and the light drains in
and automatically, i reach out
and i feel the warm weight on my fingers
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toxictranny · 1 month
went to a diner and saw a tfem in a huge leather witch hat, hot asf, on a date with 3 other people i just wanna give her a quick shoutout !!
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lopsidedtreetrunks · 1 year
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I edited France’s character in my Ghostalia au!
To kind of call back to aph episode 10 - I was thinking that Amelia kinda looks like some historical depictions of Jeanne d’Arc and how perfect it was that I already had Francis in Thomas’s role! That said, I have Notes:
Francis was a scribe in life. He worked for the French Crown and was assigned to document Jeanne d’Arc’s life and battles. He grew close to her and was present at her trial and execution. He died some years later, in the early 1500′s, while visiting England with his then current assignment. He was killed by his assignment’s sword after discovering he was an English sympathiser and was disavowing Jeanne’s name and efforts for the French kingdom. Francis died defending someone he loved and now Amelia has arrived at the Kirkland estate and she just looks so similar.
I’m not sure if Francis would have had romantic feelings for Jeanne but being dead for more than 500 years then suddenly seeing someone who is practically identical to someone you were so close with in life will make feelings confusing...
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messedupessy · 2 months
Oh yeah I am now back as u guys prolly have seen pfft, ended up taking my break away from here longer than I had planned but was so very needed xD
But think I will still not be as active here as I once was, as surprise surprise been away from social media, any social media, is really good for me and I plan on keeping that up for my own good! So be prepared to only see me here time to time and not every single hour of the day like I used to!
Hope the rest of you are doing well though, feels good to be back and see what you all been up to! ❤
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creamecream · 3 months
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Babes, wake up, new character just dropped.
Overlord: The Doll Maker, “Dolly”.
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solena2 · 2 years
Saw a post about which books the batfam would read that was Wrong so I’m throwing my hat into the ring
So first, Bruce. Bruce has No Life aside from the whole “pretending to be an entirely different person in public” thing, and as such he reads precisely three things. 1: shitty romance novels. He says it’s because they’re the kind of thing his persona would read so he needs to be able to talk about them if asked but he secretly likes them. 2: anything nonfiction. Put literally any nonfiction book in front of him and he will have finished it within an hour, regardless of length. 3: Agatha Christie. He’s read all of her books multiple times and got all of his kids into her work as well.
Next is Dick. Dick doesn’t read much, because this man has absolutely no free time ever. Like, day job as a cop, night job as a vigilante, and a social life? He doesn’t sleep and he definitely doesn’t have hobbies. He does really like comics though. He owns pretty much every Calvin and Hobbes collection ever published, along with a respectable amount of Foxtrot and some Dilbert stuff he regretted buying after doing some research into the author. He also has a semi-secret pulp fiction addiction, especially the weird horror thinkpiece ones that you always regret reading when you try to sleep.
Jason, unlike Dick, reads constantly. He loves books, he is a massive literature nerd. Since he lives on his own, he gets a lot more alone time than the others, and he spends most of it reading. Jane Austen is his favorite, but he also likes other romance novels of that era more than he’ll readily admit. He also loves Frankenstein, partially because he projects on the monster and partially because he finds the fact that Mary Shelley started writing it in order to avoid having to talk to Oscar Wilde hilarious. He mostly reads classics, but he’s got a soft spot for more recent coming of age stories. He read The Girl Who Could Fly when he was like 12 and it’s stuck with him since.
Barbara really likes sci-fi/fantasy novels with heavy worldbuilding and intricate plotlines. Any time she hears about a series that’s five books in and still hasn’t fully revealed the main plot, her eyes go wide because she knows what she’s doing until 3 AM that night. Because of this, she’s also recently gotten into plot heavy isekai series, though she slightly regrets it due to how exhausting all the harem bullshit can get in a lot of them. She can’t read any book with hacking in it because the inaccuracies kill her inside. She also loved The Martian, but like, who in the batfam wouldn’t, honestly.
Tim, being a heathen, Doesn’t Read. He’ll pick up a book on something if it’s the only way to get the information, but he mostly engages with media by watching video essays and/or reading the sparknotes. He just doesn’t focus well on books. If Jason every successfully bullies him into giving audiobooks a chance, though, he’ll probably get into them a lot more, since it’s just the format he has trouble with.
Steph is one of those people who specifically seeks out terribly written stories because she thinks they’re hilarious. The worse a book is, the more she loves it. She mostly goes for bad YA dystopia novels, since they’re easy to find, but anything that manages to be so bad it’s good is up her alley. She also reads vigilante rpf, mostly because of the faces people make when she forces them to read fanfiction of themselves. Wattpad is her favorite site in the whole world.
Cass has trouble with reading, on account of her whole Thing, so when she wants to read something she’ll bully someone else into reading it to her. She likes fantasy novels, with a noticeable trend toward anything remotely similar in vibe to The Last Unicorn. Jason introduced her to The Chronicles of Narnia and she loved it.
Damian reads horse girl books. He pretends it’s because he’s mocking the “infantile characters” and “plebeian obsession with friendship” but everyone knows the real reason is that he’s pissed he didn’t grow up in a time when riding a horse everywhere was practical. He’s also read just about everything by Tamora Pierce or Anne Mccaffrey, though he won’t admit to it because he’s ashamed of genuinely enjoying stories with predominate messages of love, hope, and caring for each other. Recently he’s gotten into Diane Duane’s Young Wizards series and he’s completely addicted.
Alfred, if asked, will profess that he’s read every butler’s handbook every created. This is probably true, but his real interest lies in bodice rippers. No one knows this except for Bruce, who found one of his stashes on accident when he was 9 and almost ending up reading some extremely steamy porn before Alfred caught him and moved his secret cache off the property.
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