#i love my friends so much they let me sit there and talk about rolfe for a phat hour and then i got to explain the history of the rae
dooklaruuue · 3 years
goes APE goes WACKY honks my CLOWN NOSE the animatronic brainrot has returned full swing baby and BOY do I love rolfe dewolfe
i have never seen a character so loveable yet so punchable
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writtenonreceipts · 3 years
rowaelin the only single person in the friend group?
The Singles Club Isn’t Always Lonely
As Rowan entered the local bar, he shook rain from his coat and hair.  For the past two days it had seemed like constant cloud coverage lingered and that meant rain.  Not that Rowan particularly minded the rain.  It just grew tiresome.  He had yet to find a reason to fully rejoice in it.
He waved to Brullo, the bartender, and headed back to the usual table where he and his friends usually took over.  Indeed, Vaughan and Connall were seated drinks in hand and in deep conversation about something.  Gavriel and Fenrys were shooting darts—Gav wiping Fenrys’ ass with the score.  Though Fenrys was always more in it for the social aspect than the competitive nature.
“Well, look who finally showed up,” Connall called when he looked up to see Rowan crossing the bar towards them. 
Shooting his friend a vulgar gesture, Rowan took a seat in one of the stool and drew a freshly opened beer towards him.
“I should ask you all the same question,” Rowan grunted.  He took a swig of beer and sighed.  “Between wives and girlfriends, I thought you’d all bail on meeting up.”
“Hell, no!” Fenrys shot a wild dart and came to sling an arm over Rowan’s shoulder. “Tradition.  As Asterin so lovingly reminds me, I need to spend more time with you losers.  I think it’s just so she can go to the shooting range with Manon and Elide, but you know.”
“Nehemia says that I’m hovering,” Connall said.  “As if I can hover.  She’s seven months pregnant, I should be allowed to be concerned.”
“You’ve texted six times in the last half hour, man,” Vaughan said.  He pointed meaningfully to his friend's phone.
Connall scowled. “Concerned.”
“Hovering,” Rowan said.  He took another drin.
“You have to let her live her life still, Con,” Gavriel said.  He plucked the round of darts from the board and turned back to his friends. “When Endara was pregnant with Aedion she and Evalin would go on week long spa getaways.”
Connall looked absolutely horrified. “But—”
“No,” Gavriel insisted.  “Space and foot rubs.”
“That contradicts itself,” Connall muttered.
“Just saying,” Gavriel said.
Sometimes, Rowan found it hard to believe that Gavriel had a son their same age.  Sometimes, Rowan found it hard to believe that Gavriel was as old as he was.  Of course, he would never say it to the man’s face.  Because getting his ass kicked was not on his list of things to do.
“This is why Rolfe and I communicate,” Vaughan said.  He grabbed Connall’s phone before he could check it for a nonexistent text.
“You and boyfriend have a very strange definition of communication,” Fenrys said. “You also need to lock your front door.”
“You need to knock,” Vaughan said unapologetically.
Rowan rolled his eyes at his friend's antics. “Where’s Salvaterre?  Why am I on the chopping block.”
“Because he texted,” Vaughan said emphatically, “that he would be late.”
“Elide had an important meeting at work and he wanted to take her out for ice cream after,” Fenrys grumbled. “They’re almost as disgusting as Conn and Mia.”
“See,” Rowan finally spoke up, “this is why I am remaining single.”
The group groaned, throwing peanut husks at him while telling him to grow up.  Rowan simply laughed.  It was a conversation they’d all tried to have with him.  Get a girlfriend Rowan.  Go out on more dates Rowan.  You work too much Rowan.
He knew they were just giving him a hard time.  For the most part.  But he also couldn’t help but let the words dig into his skin.
They’d miraculously been through a lot together.  Despite the age differences between them all, something had drawn them together with a love of history, hand-to-hand combat, and drunken nights of poker.
“Hey, assholes!” Lorcan entered the bar and exchanged a few words with Brullo before coming to the table.
“‘Bout time, man,” Connall called.  He kicked a stool out for the other man.
“I was supporting my girlfriend,” Lorcan said, “shouldn’t you be with your wife?”
“Shouldn’t you be asking Elide to marry you?” Connall shot back.
Lorcan launched into a coughing fit just as he took a drink of beer. “What?”
“It’s been two months and all we’ve heard from you is how great this girl is.  Coming from you that’s practically a wedding announcement,” Rowan added, grinning fiendishly when Lorcan’s face heated
“Yeah, you know, speaking of relationships, I haven’t seen you taking anyone out lately,” Lorcan groused.
Before Rowan could either shoot Lorcan the finger or snark back to him, Brullo arrived with another round of beer.
The rest of the night passed in easy conversation punctuated Fenrys’ claims that at the next poker night he would win every hand.  Granted he was on his third beer as he said this.
It was just like any other night.  And yet by the time midnight rolled around, he listened as his friends claimed necessity to return to domesticity.
Nehemia had cravings.  Elide, Manon, and Asterin were drunk and needed a ride.  Rolfe threatened to watch Bridgerton alone.  And Endara claimed Gavriel had left her kitchen a mess.  
Life as it should be was chaos.  And while Rowan knew he wouldn’t have it any other way, as he paid off the tab with Brullo—consequence of a lost bet—he found himself facing a night of pouring rain and a semi-drunk Connall to haul around.
When Aelin Galathynius swore a life of solitude, it was for a good reason.  She’d recently adopted a dog after all and Fleetfoot needed her undivided attention.  
Now, five years later, she regretted nothing.  Especially when Fleetfoot was such an excellent snuggling companion.
While her apartment was small, and admittedly shabby, it was home.  Had been since she’d moved out of last foster home five years ago.  Almost every single one of her friends had lived with her in that time.  From Manon deeming it for your own good so you don’t end up murdered in this hellish part of town, to Elide claiming that I have no idea how to live by myself, you have to help me.
The apartment had known many people.  Had known fights and tears.  Had known emotional breakdowns and dance parties.  
And yet, as Aelin came home from work on a glorious Friday evening, it felt empty.  Even with Fleetfoot eagerly dancing around her feet.  Even as she hooked on the leash and took a brisk walk around the block with Fleetfoot bounding along joyfully.  Even when she returned home and turned her music on while she made dinner.
Only the pouring rain outside gave any indication of the outside world.
Aelin turned her music up louder.
Perhaps it would have been so bad if Elide were here with her.  Or Nehemia.  Any of her friends.  But it was date night and she knew just how much her friends had been missing their boys.  
Elide worked so much and she’d recently started dating Lorcan Salvaterre they barely saw each other.  Nehemia was having a baby with the love of her life.  And then even though she and Asterin weren’t the closest, Aelin did miss her drinking buddy.  And Yrene was so busy with her internship that all she had time for was her new marriage.
Aelin couldn’t have been happier for her friends, truly.  They were all living their best lives.  And so was Aelin.
She’d graduated with her degree in history, specializing in warfare and weaponry.  Now she was teaching part-time at a community college and part of a research team that was working an archeology dig out in Wendlyn.  Everything she’d wanted.  Everything she’d worked so hard to get.
Life was good.  Or so she kept telling herself.
“You really need to start locking your door!”
Aelin turned from the mess of spaghetti she was trying to make to find Elide, Asterin, and Manon entering her apartment.  She held a spatula out threateningly.
“You can't just barge into people’s apartments,” Aelin said.
“We can if the door’s unlocked,” Manon replied.  She wasted no time in kicking off her shoes and tossing her jacket onto Aelin’s couch. “Please tell me you have wine.”
“What’d Dorian do now?” Aelin asked as Manon easily went to the kitchen and found the bottle of wine.  Not the cheap stuff.
“Nothing,” Manon grumbled.
Asterin barked out a laugh.  “He brought up meeting his parents.”
“And moving in together,” Elide added.
Manon brandished the corkscrew threateningly. “Don’t make me use this.”
Chuckling, Aelin turned the burners of her stove off. “It’s Dorian.  You can tell him no to both things and he’ll get it.”
Manon grunted and began chugging her very full glass of wine.
“Lorcan mentioned moving in together,” Elide said. Wine spurted from Manon’s nose and Elide rolled his eyes. “Eventually.  He didn’t actually ask just one of those brief passing comments.”
“You know, I still don’t like him,” Aelin said.  She dished up a few bowls of pasta and started handing them out.
“Please the two of you are practically besties,” Elide said.  She gave Aelin a wink before settling in a chair at the small dining room table.
“Speaking of besties,” Asterin added, “Fenrys just sent me a text.  They are getting wasted at the bar.”
“Is Gav with them?” Elide asked through a mouthful of pasta.
“Yeah, thank the Goddess,” Asterin said.  “I don’t want to pick his drunk ass up.”
Manon made an approving sound and poured herself another glass of wine. “Because we are getting ourselves drunk.”
Aelin debated taking the wine away from Manon already, but shrugged.  She needed a distraction from everything else.  Before sitting down, she grabbed a bottle of whiskey she kept in case of emergencies and few glasses.  It was girl’s night, why not?
“You do know you’re going to have to talk to Dorian, eventually right?” Aelin asked, pouring out whiskey.
“Shush,” Manon said. “Talking is overrated.  We’ll just have sex and get over it.”
Aelin made a face. “I’d rather not think of you and one of my best friends in that way.”
“It’s sex!” Manon shouted. “C’mon, Aelin.  I know it can’t have been that long since you slept with someone.” 
Aelin rolled her eyes.  She most certainly should have taken the wine away.  Wine drunk Manon was a whole different animal than whiskey drunk Manon.
“Ohh,” Elide said, already pushing back her half-eaten bowl of pasta for the whiskey. “I might know of someone.  Actually, Lorcan knows him.”
“No!” Aelin shouted at the same time Asterin screeched, “yes!”
“He’s very attractive,” Elide said with a knowing nod.
“And works out, a ton,” Asterin added. “He and Fen are training for a marathon.”
Aelin didn’t know whether to be impressed or horrified.  She worked out and believed in a healthy lifestyle.  But she also believed in chocolate.  And cake.
Even as her friends slid side-glances her direction, Aelin ignored them.  They’d been hounding her to date more.  Ever since Sam had broken up with her when she wouldn’t move across the country with him and the mess with Chaol...Aelin hadn’t been in a serious relationship.  And she was fine.  Did she miss casual dates? Yes.  Someone she could talk to about everything and anything?  Yes.  Did she miss sex?  Absolutely.
On the last item she could rectify that easily.  Just swing by the nearest club, but Aelin had always craved connection more than casualties.  
She knocked back her shot of whiskey and nabbed the bottle from Manon who was well on her way to drunk.
Elide laughed at Aelin’s diversion from talking and got up to turn Aelin’s stereo up.
“You’ve gotta find a way to support Fleetfoot,” the petite brunette said, “being a single mom is hard.”
“Screw you!” Aelin growled.
“Pretty sure Lorcan’s already taking care of that,” Asterin said.
“No!” Manon and Aelin shouted together.
Cackling madly, Elide downed her whiskey and began dancing.  It didn’t take long before all four girls were drunk and dancing madly to the music.  And Aelin was able to forget everything else about the day and little comments her friends had made.
It wasn’t until after midnight that Lorcan and Fenrys showed up to take the other girl’s home.  Fenry, a bit tipsy himself.
“Baby!” Elide squealed when she threw open the door.
Had Aelin been a touch more wasted she would have missed the soft smile that flitted across Lorcan’s face as his girlfriend flung herself at him.  Aelin might not have understood where the hell that relationship had come from but she was slowly starting to accept it.
“Be safe,” Aelin demanded as she ushered her drunk friends out the door, Lorcan assuring her he had only drank one beer over an hour ago.
“Get a Tinder!” Asterin hollered as Aelin closed the door.
And just like that, she was left to an empty apartment.
When Rowan got into the business of researching ancient warfare and artifacts of war, he’d known it would give him hell in the future.  Not that he would regret it of course, but for the past five years he’d dealt with questioning papers, developing thesis, tossing out said thesis, and trying to appear that he knew what he was doing.
It was a miracle if he could accomplish that last item.
By the time he made it home from work, he was exhausted.  The text from Elide--how she’d gotten his number Rowan had no idea--declaring a night out didn’t help any.  But it had been a few weeks since he and his friend--all his friends had gotten together.
So he dragged his sorry hide into a shower and down to Brullo’s bar.
And just like always he was the last to arrive.
“Whitethorn!” Vaughan called out.
Rowan raised his hand in recognition before getting a drink from Brullo.
Already, his friends had their drinks and their girls--and in Vaughan’s case, boy.  Nothing about the night seemed far from normal.  Even if Rowan wasn’t as familiar with Asterin or Rolfe, being around this group of people always put him at ease.
“You look like hell, Rowan,” Nehemia said with a sympathetic smile.  She wore a simple gray dress that showed off her growing bump, her black hair twisted in thick braids.
Rowan offered a returning smile. “It was a hellish day.”
Connall thrust a beer into his hands. “Here’s to make it better.  Although my lovely wife has already graced you with her presence, so consider yourself lucky.”
Rolling his eyes, Rowan shoved his friend away. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Too much,” Loran supplied.  As usual he was seated in the corner of their table, nursing a beer.
“Where’s Elide?” Rowan asked. “Seeing as she’s the one who made me come.”
Lorcan gestured out to the dance floor.  The dance floor.  Since when did Brullo let anyone start dancing?  Not in the past five years that Rowan and his friends had come.  Unless one of them or another patron got too drunk.
But there was some song with a deep, thrumming beat reverberated through the bar.  Someone must have bribed Brullo to put it on.  Likely the fiends who were dancing like they had no care in the world.
Fenrys and Asterin were practically glued together and were less dancing and more making out.  Nearby Gavriel and Endara were mostly laughing while tripping over their feet to keep with the beat of the song.  What caught Rowan’s attention however was Elide.
Or rather her dance partner.
The woman was tall, lean, and had the frame of a fighter.  She moved so easily to the music that Rowan was focused on her more than the song.  Her blond hair hung well past her shoulders in golden waves matching her gold dress perfectly.  But perhaps what was so striking was the carefree smile she wore.  The way she laughed and leaned into Elide as the song changed to a sultrier chord.  But neither woman seemed to notice, or care.
Until the blonde looked up and the low lights emitting from the dance floor set a low fire to her eyes and dug into him, holding him in place.  And his breath caught.
Elide broke the spell that had settled over him.
“Rowan!” She yelled and waved frantically for him to join the dancing.
“No,” Rowan called back firmly.  The last time he had decided to go dancing with Elide he had ended up shirtless, hungover, and in a car halfway to Mexico.  
Elide pouted at him before crooking her finger to her boyfriend.  Lorcan was already up and out of his seat making his way toward her.  It was still strange to Rowan to see the brute of a man soften for anyone.
Shaking his head, Rowan returned to the bar to get another drink.
“Can I get something as well, Brullo?” The airy confidence of the woman, snagged Rowan’s attention and he turned to see the Elide’s former dance partner standing beside him.
From this angle, Rowan was better able to see that spark of gold and blue in her eyes, a splash of freckles on her nose.  She was beautiful.
“You must be Rowan,” she said with a single brow raised.
He nodded and accepted a beer from Brullo. “I am, but I don’t seem to know you.”
Her mouth pulled up on one side. “Aelin.  Elide and I grew up together.  Figured since I never see her anymore, I had to come see what this place is all about.”
“Elide dragged you out here, didn’t she?” Rowan asked.
“She is terrifying when she wants to be,” Aelin agreed.  She offered him a full grin in that instant and Rowan knew that if possible, he would try and make her smile like that again. “And she offered to pay my tab.”
“Meaning Lorcan will be paying your tab,” Rowan said.
“He does have his uses, other than being a brute.” Aelin laughed at that and took the drink Brullo offered her.  She turned her gaze on him, those eyes so full of light. “I suppose I should get used to him though.  Elide seems to like him.”
She wasn’t wrong Rowan realized.  “Anyone that can get Lorcan to actually get out and dance is a miracle worker.”
“Except, she didn’t get you out there dancing,” Aelin said.  She let out a soft laugh leaning closer to him.
And there it was, something different.  And perhaps Rowan wouldn’t identify it for a long time.  Wouldn’t really know what it was.  But there was something about Aelin that drew him in.  He’d known her for all of ten minutes, didn’t even know her last name, and here he was completely ensnared.
“I don’t dance,” Rowan said.
Aelin cackled. “Not yet anyway.”
She knocked back the rest of her drink and grabbed Rowan’s arm pulling him to the dancefloor.
Perhaps if they’d been paying closer attention, they would have noticed the high-five Asterin and Elide exchanged.  Or the passing of bills between Vaughan, Connall, and Gavriel.  There was a great deal they didn’t notice.
Not how the rain stopped pouring outside.  Not how the emptiness of the night was overcome by more than music and alcohol.  It was a silent shift.  A careful one.  One that would become more than alright with them.
as always thanks for reading!
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snelbz · 3 years
Light Up the Ice - Chapter 9
A/N: Well. It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I’m sorry, guys, but this story just...wasn’t coming to me for a while. But now we’re back and I am so excited. Since it has been over a year and a half since I updated this one, please forgive us if there are a few details that aren’t perfect from the first chapters. Feels good to be writing my babies again.
Written with @tacmc.
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Rowan woke up to the smell of cooking bacon and fresh coffee and he sighed contentedly. It had been two days since the hit that put him out of commission. He was hoping the rest and relaxation he’d enjoyed with his girlfriend would handle it, but it seemed that his body was protesting its natural healing process.
He groaned as he rolled out of Aelin’s bed, smiling when he found Lumi curled up in the hoodie he’d left in her chair in the corner. After giving her a scratch behind the ears, though the cat pretended he didn’t exist, he padded out into the living room, finding Aelin at the stove quietly humming to herself.
“Good morning,” he said, yawning as he pulled out a bar stool and sat down.
Aelin turned, and he was once agIn floored by how gorgeous she was, straight out of bed. That first night, when the fire alarms had pulled them all from sleep, he’d been convinced she’d scrambled to do her makeup before coming out onto the lawn. Waking up next to her two days in a row had proven to him that she was naturally beautiful and he couldn’t help but stare.
“Good morning,” she smiled and set a steaming cup of coffee in front of him. “Hurting today?”
“Aye,” he said, stretching his arms in the air. He felt every muscle tense in his upper body and before he could say the words, Aelin beat him to it.
“I think you need to give the team trainer a call today,” she said, placing a plate full of bacon on the counter next to her.
Rowan stared at it, wanting to reach over and snag a piece, but was fairly sure she’d catch him when he grunted in pain trying to lift it. Plus, she was dumping nearly a dozen eggs into a skillet to scramble, so he was hoping she’d be feeding him soon enough. He nodded. “I was going to do that today. I was texting with him last night and he said he and the massage therapist could come here today.”
Aelin smiled. “That would be perfect. I have to go
to work in about an hour, so I’ll feel better knowing someone is here with you.”
He rolled his eyes. “You do know I’m a grown man, right? Lived on my own for about seven years?”
Aelin stuck out her tongue and continued cooking at the stove, before setting a plate down in front of him piled high with eggs, hashbrowns and crispy bacon.
“Have I mentioned how much I love you?” He asked, as she slid onto the stool next to him.
She smirked and said, “Once or twice, but don’t worry. I’ve got a drunk voicemail to listen to if I ever forget.”
She winked and Rowan felt his cheeks heat, but regardless, he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her forehead and began to eat.
After his second full helping breakfast, Aelin got Rowan set up on the couch, babying him the entire time, much to his dismay, and he sent a text to the trainer asking him to call him when he got to the arena that morning. Aelin was getting ready and Rowan was playing NHL on his Xbox when the trainer finally called him back.
“Hey, man,” Rowan answered, pausing the game and propping the phone between his ear and shoulder.
Dorian’s voice came through the receiver. “How ya feeling?”
Rowan groaned as he rotated one of his shoulders. “Like I got hit by a truck.”
With a snort, Dorian chuckled. “Have you seen most of the Pirates’ team? They’re ridiculous; all of them are huge, freaks of nature. Rolfe is no exception.”
With a nod, Rowan cringed. He hadn’t realized the captain of the Skull’s Bay Pirates had been the one to lay the hit on him. “Well, whenever you and Sorscha have time, I’d appreciate it if you could make a house call.” There was silence on the other side of the line. “Dor?”
“Sorscha’s last day was Thursday of last week, I had no clue you didn’t know,” he explained. “The new therapist started yesterday.”
“Oh.” Sorscha had been the team’s massage therapist for years and Rowan vaguely remembered rumors that she’d be leaving them. He just never had them confirmed. “That’s fine, how’s the new guy?”
“She is...a piece of work,” Dorian admitted with a sigh. “You’ll meet her when we come by. You free for us to head that way?”
“Yeah, man, the sooner you get me back in working order, the sooner I can get back on the ice,” Rowan replied, debating on saying something about the home game they had that night.
With a chuckle, Dorian said, “Don’t even think about it, man. You’re not playing tonight. We’ll leave in just a bit and see you soon.”
The call ended and Rowan dropped his phone on the couch. He looked at the clock and hollered, “What time are you off tonight, Ace?”
She poked her head out of her bedroom and said, “Four o’clock, why?”
“Wanna go to the game with me?”
Aelin blinked at him. “You aren’t playing, Ro.”
“No,” he said, standing and stretching - and groaning. “But we can go sit in the player’s box and watch.”
“You want to sit next to me for an entire hockey game and hear my commentary?” She asked, grinning.
Rowan’s grin matched hers as he held out a hand, stepping towards her. She placed her hand in his and he gently pulled her towards him. “I promise I won’t be thinking too much about the game with you there with me.”
Aelin ran her palms down Rowan’s chest. “Well, that’s a tough argument.”
Rowan’s grin widened as he leaned down to kiss her. “You’ll go with me then?”
Aelin nibbled on her lip as she nodded. “If you get your ass on the couch and promise to take it easy today.”
He groaned softly. “Fine. If that’s what it takes.”
“Thank you,” she said, rising up on her toes to kiss him once more and turning back to finish getting ready. “You also have to make an appointment with your trainer.”
“He’s on his way with the sports therapist now,” Rowan said, watching her walk back to her room, enjoying every step she took. He really did try to focus on more than just her ass, but the leggings she wore weren’t helping his cause. When she looked back at him as she paused in the doorway, he had just enough time that she didn’t catch him - not that he thought she’d mind.
“Looks like we’ve got a game to go to then,” she winked, and disappeared into the bedroom.
About thirty minutes after Aelin left for the café, Rowan’s phone rang. “Hey, man. You here?”
His trainer and friend’s usually cheery voice was distinctly pissy. “Open up, Whitethorn. I’ve been knocking on your door for two minutes.”
“Oh, shit.” Rowan was up on his feet with a quiet grunt and ran to the door throwing it open. Dorian stood in front of his own apartment door, down the hall. He called, “Sorry, man, I’m staying with my girlfriend.”
Dorian’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re Aelin’s boyfriend?”
Rowan paused and blinked. “Uh, aye? You know her?”
“I grew up with her, we’ve been friends for years,” Dorian said, the light tone returning. “I told the therapist your apartment number and she’s grabbing her table from the car. I should probably call her-.”
“No, it’s fine, I need to grab a few things from my place anyways,” he shrugged, grabbing his keys off the small table by the door. “We can set up in there so I don’t have to move Aelin’s furniture around.”
Dorian snorted. “Good call.”
Rowan unlocked his apartment and let Dorian in, turning on the lights and carefully moving things out of the way. Painfully.
He grabbed one of his least destroyed game worn jerseys and tossed it over his shoulder. He very much wanted to see her wearing it. “Aelin’s coming to the game tonight,” he said, grinning.
Dorian shook his head and chuckled. “I don’t even know who she is anymore.”
Rowan’s grin only widened.
“Hey, uh, can I come in and see Fleetfoot?” Dorian asked, looking out toward the hallway.
Rowan blinked and said, “I mean, sure.”
They headed back down the hall to Aelin’s apartment, leaving Rowan’s door open for the therapist to carry her gear in. As soon as they entered the apartment, Fleetfoot was bounding towards Dorian, excited like Rowan had never seen her.
Glancing up at Rowan while he rubbed her belly, Dorian grinned. “I gave her to Aelin our junior year of college. I promised if she got all A’s on her finals, I’d get her puppy. Guess who got straight A’s the entire semester?”
Rowan couldn’t help but laugh, smiling and shaking his head. “Sounds about right.”
Dorian’s phone chimed and he stood, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. “Oh she’s all set up and ready for you. Just head back down here when you’re done and we’ll talk about getting you on the ice again.”
“Aye, sounds good,” Rowan said and left, heading for his own apartment. The door was shut now, but he assumed it was just for privacy. He’d had to get sports massages before. They were basically a glorified regular massage. They focused on specific muscles groups, some quite intimate and quite awkward, but for the most part the etiquette was the same.
A dim room, quiet music or white noise of some sort, a special table covered in a white sheet, and the fact that you typically undress and are under just a towel.
Suddenly, Rowan froze with his hand halfway extended toward his doorknob, as he realized he was about to essentially be naked, alone in his apartment, with a woman he’d never met, as she rubbed her hands all over his body.
He’d had to get sports massages before. Just never while he’d had a girlfriend.
Maybe he should ask Dorian to come in and talk while she worked on him.
With a sigh, Rowan realized he was overthinking things. This was her job and he was judging her before he’d even met her. She was probably extremely professional and he was worrying for no reason.
With a shake of his head, he entered his apartment and asked, “Hello?”
A young woman rounded the corner, wiping her damp hands on a paper towel. Her long, black hair was braided back, and by the time her obsidian eyes met Rowan’s, he was frozen in place. For a moment, she didn’t react, and Rowan couldn’t breathe.
And then her eyes lit up and a small grin spread on her thin, red lips. His blood ran cold. He swallowed. “Maeve. What...the hell are you doing here?”
“Ah, Rowan Whitethorn,” she cooed. “We meet again.”
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The silver ribbons
summary: this can be seen as a sequel to "where's the fun without a little bit of risk " and prequel to "how times change" . The plot is set around luna's wedding. Based on a Headcanon I found on pinterest in which luna saves seats at her wedding for the fallen.
Hermione and I had been fussing over each other for the past three hours now. In our defence, this was the first wedding after the battle of Hogwarts. Somehow, this felt like an escape from the constant hiding of grief, some time for us to feel pretty again, what better excuse than a wedding? The wedding of Luna Lovegood and Rolf Scamander.
We decided to follow a theme, just us, and our dates of course. Me and Hermione were literally wearing the same dress- a long sleeved midnight blue gown which flowed swiftly along our legs, a crisp boat shaped neckline lined with a thin line of silver silk, light tiny crystals at the tip of our sleeves and the waistline, like stars at midnight.
Hermione had just finished applying eyeliner when the doorbell rang. We both head downstairs to greet the rest. All of us decided to meet at our place before we head to the wedding venue.
I opened the door to find the whole lot- first was my cousin, hand in hand with Astoria Greengrass. Yes, I’m a Malfoy; but please, I escaped from that family the moment I got my Hogwarts letter; I am a proud Gryffindor and the only Malfoy who can say she’s not a death eater. Draco was followed by George along with Angelina, Nevil with Ginny (just as friends of course), Ron waiting with flowers for Hermione and finally, my date, the chosen one himself, Harry. He stood there in a brand-new suit with a blue tie that matched my dress. In his hand, a wonderful bouquet of forget-me-nots and peonies. With a smile he handed me the bouquet. Draco came up to me with a hug and slid a chain with our family emblem on it into my palm as I locked the front door; we had jus got back on good terms, he was trying very hard. He and Harry smiled at each other in a very brotherly way. Since they had become partners as aurors, they had evolved a wonderful friendship.
Draco POV
After that look Harry shared with me, I looked back at Y/N, my little sister had grown up so much. That ring sitting in Harry’s pocket is proof enough for it. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Hermione, I guess she knew too. She said to me with a smile, “She may not be that little anymore Draco, but she misses her big brother. She loves this version of Draco Malfoy, but she misses just Draco. The Draco who called her every day to speak to her. The Draco who taught her all the potions she knows. The Draco that threatened every boy at school if they so much as looked at her. Maybe you can talk to her once we get back today?”. I nodded as she turned to talk to Neville. Before she could, I said quite suddenly, “Um Hermione, … Thank you... and I’m sorry, for everything.” To my surprise, she gave me a quick hug before rushing to Ron. He had been here for two minutes and had manages to spill blueberry jam on himself. I smiled at this, my new family. What have I done with my life…? I could have had this from the start...I could’ve been so much better…
I looked at all of my friends rushing about. Laughing and fussing over each other. I really wanted to talk to Draco, but my conscience wouldn’t allow me…
“Okay that’s enough lads! We’re going to be late! Let’s go!” announced George. We all made our way out the door.
As we made our way to the wedding tent, a sweet silence settled on us. We had finally arrived. Metallic black and blue ribbons covered the tent; Luna was sure proud of being Ravenclaw. The moment we stepped in was like stepping into a whole another world. There was laughter and joy in the air. Everyone knows not to take life for granted now. Each person had a look of glee on their faces. I saw Luna across the tent and rushed the whole lot there to congratulate her. As everyone was busy talking, I saw a table right in the middle of the room with all food served and no one was sitting there. This one table had silver ribbons draped across it.
“Hey Luna,” I began, “Why is no one sitting on that table?”. She looked back at the table and smiled one of her beautiful smiles. “That table is already occupied.” She said. We all looked at each other confused. Luna continued, “You may not see them, but try to feel them… That table is for Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Fred, Cedric and my mom. They need to be here don’t they? We wouldn’t without them…” She said as she moved on to greet some of the beauxbatons who just arrived.
It took me a while before the realization set in. That table included on of my best friends as I grew up, Ced, the one who treated me like a sister, Fred, the one who treated me like a daughter, Sirius, the cool aunt and cool uncle, like they liked to be called, Remus and Tonks… I turned to the rest of us, Hermione slid her hand into mine while the other was intertwined with Ron, like she did that day, the day of the battle. Draco had paled, his guilt was weighing him down, I held out my other arm to him, he took it, visibly relaxing. George realized all over again, that he was solo now, Angelina locked arms with him. Ron was rubbing circles on Hermione’s back. And Harry… he stood there, staring at the table, glossy eyed and with a ghost of a smile on his face. We had built a little circle around us, arm in arm, our own protective shield.
Harry turned to me with a full smile now, “Luna really is quite something. She’s not going to change.” He said. “I hope so” I whispered back to him. The thought of them knowing that we are happy and safe, filled us with a sort of warmth. As we head back to the buzz of the party, I took one last look at the table, I gasped at what I saw. I saw six faces smiling at me, very knowingly- a tall brunette with a soft smile, two men in their forties, one with long brown curls, and the other with slightly disheveled hair, a woman with short pink hair winked at me, a very familiar red head, and a woman with beautiful long blonde hair. It was them.
I turned to the others startled, to see if they saw them too, no one seemed to notice though. I looked back at the table… It was empty, the vision gone as soon as it came. All I could see now was the table, the table with the silver ribbons.
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can you do some rowaelin content based on invisible string by Taylor? pretty please
I love TS!!! Invisible String is so pretty and I had the perfect idea for it immediately. The whole bracelet thing was a real thing where I grew up, so it was nice to write about it. Enjoy!
Invisible string
May 1993
Aelin didn’t believe in love at first sight, but the first time she saw Rowan Whitethorn, she wanted to.
She had barely turned fifteen, just two days before, when she saw him for the first time. Then, she didn’t know his name, his age or anything about him, but she wanted to.
She was sitting down on a shaded spot on the green grass. Lysandra and Elide had dragged her to the park in the morning to watch the early Beltane commemorations. Every year on Beltane day, the kids were provided a series of games and prizes in the Centennial Park, and at night the adults would come, light up the fires and dance until the sun shone in the sky once more. Aelin loved Beltane, it was her holiday. Her family used to joke that it made sense that a girl that had so much wildfire inside of her had been born so close to Beltane.
Her spot in the grass gave her a direct view into the yogurt shop on the other side of the park. And there, standing in a ridiculous pink-and-blue apron and white hat, was the silver headed guy she couldn’t stop staring.
“You know who’s the guy working at Emrys’s?” She nudged Lysandra with her elbow, and her friend sat up and looked to where Aelin was jerking her chin.
“The silver headed?” Lys asked, her nose scrunching up. “Rowan Whitethorn. He’s in your cousin’s class, turning seventeen in a few months, I think.”
“Oh, no. I know that look. Whitethorn is bad news, Ace. Stay away from him.” Lys warned and Elide nodded from where she was laying down.
She nodded vaguely, but her eyes didn’t leave Rowan. Even for his age, he was already tall and toned. His teal shirt was rolled back at the sleeves to reveal a tattoo sneaking up his arm from his wrist. He was completely serious, not smiling at one costumer and seeming infinitely bored.
Rowan Whitethorn looked like bad news, and Aelin was attracted to it like a moth to the flame.
However, she didn’t go up to him. At that time, as much daring as she was, she still possessed that teenage natural shyness, and talking to a boy two years older than her who looked like he wanted to smash everyone’s skulls wasn’t really her area of expertise. She watched him every now and then, though. The morning ended, giving away to a hot afternoon. At some point, a few kids started running around with buckets, giving away little strings to everyone.
“It grants you a wish.” The little boy told her when he stopped by her tree. “You tie it around your wrist and when it falls down naturally, you can make a wish and it comes true.”
“Oh, really?” Elide, always the nicest one of their trio, asked sounding genuinely interested.
“Yes. Anything you wish becomes true. Sometimes it falls after days, sometimes it takes years, my daddy told me. But it falls eventually and you get a wish.” The boy sounded extremely excited. Aelin guesses that being eight and going around giving magical strings did that to a kid.
“I’ll take one, then. Who doesn’t want a wish, right?” Elide said and the little boy nodded eagerly, handing her a purple string.
“I’ll take one too, of course.” Lysandra smiled, receiving a green string and tying it around her ankle.
When the little boy turned to Aelin, she grinned at him. “I wouldn’t waste the opportunity of having a wish come true, would I?”
The boy smiled back at her, giving her the only gold string inside his bucket. He was running off to the next group of people before she could even thank him. She laughed under her breath, starting to tie it around her wrist. As she gave it the final knot, she looked back at the yogurt shop. Rowan had, surprisingly, also accepted a string from a little girl. He gave her a little smile as he knelt near her, and when she sauntered off, his eyes roamed around the park, stopping on her.
Aelin thought she was mistaken, that in no way in hell he was staring at her, but as Rowan finished tying his string, he raised his wrist and winked.
Aelin could only stare at the equally golden string on his wrist.
October 1996
Rowan was celebrating his twentieth birthday just the way he planned: getting drunk.
He and his friends had been planning this trip to Los Angeles for months now, and they had ditched a whole week in the university to do it . It was completely worth it, though. They had spent the last three days doing fucking nothing other than drinking and playing some shitty videogame. Rowan had watched Fenrys flirt with every woman that talked to him, watched Lorcan and Aedion scowling and Connall and Vaughan acting like the loving couple they always were.
Things were normal and they were good.
“Man, how the fuck did you find this restaurant?” Fenrys muttered, taking a sip of his beer. Rowan had to agree, the pub’s entrance was almost unnoticeable, and if it wasn’t for Aedion, they would have never found it.
The food was great, the drinks were great and whoever was in charge of the playlist had impeccable taste. Rowan couldn’t think of a better place to spend his birthday.
Aedion scoffed, putting his phone down. “I didn’t find shit. My cousin has been to LA a thousand times and pestered me about coming here. She said, and I quote, that it was her favorite pub in LA, that the food was divine, the beer didn’t taste like piss and, even if the two latter statements weren’t true, the amazing music makes up for it.”
“You are Aelin’s cousin!” The waitress exclaimed, a heavy Scottish accent making the words roll out of her tongue. She must have heard what Aedion was saying when she was walking back to their table to ask if they wanted anything else. “You have her face, and I’ve heard her say those words every time she visited us. Lovely girl, wicked smart, too. Tricked poor Rolfe into letting her buy beer at the age of seventeen! We all though she was twenty two until she was tipsy enough to reveal the truth.”
Aedion grinned. “Sounds exactly like my cousin.”
The waitress laughed out loud, looking at the rest of them. For some reason, her eyes stopped at Rowan. “Beautiful girl, isn’t she? Gets prettier every time she comes by. Looks like one of those American singers.”
He smiled politely at her, but didn’t answer. Rowan had never spoken to Aedion’s cousin. Actually, he had only seen her once.
Rowan looked down at the worn string on his wrist. All his friends had lost theirs already, but Rowan’s was still standing strong. He didn’t believe in any of that bullshit, but he had to admit he had grown fond of the soft scrapping the string gave him. The mention of Aelin and the vision of the golden string only helped him remember the only time he had seen her. It had been Beltane little over three years ago, he was just sixteen and working with yogurt because he really needed the money.
He would have never wore a blue-and-pink apron otherwise.
The day was terribly hot, and Rowan hated interacting with people. Hated small talk and it looked like every person that came by decided that they didn’t want only yogurt, but also a five minute talk with him.
Absolute fucking torture.
When the kids had come around with the strings, it was the first time Rowan wasn’t pissed at the need to talk to someone. The kid had been lovely; a little girl explaining how he would be granted a wish if he wore the string and let it fall naturally. She grabbed the only golden one inside her bucket, running away as Rowan tied it on his wrist.
He looked around mindlessly, but his gaze stopped on a golden haired woman looking at him. Being so far away, Rowan couldn’t identify who she was exactly, but there was something familiar about her. And even from afar he knew that the girl was drop dead gorgeous.
And then he noticed the golden string on her wrist. If it was any other color it might have been something he would have missed it, but the golden thing caught in the light and shined, just like the one on his own wrist. Rowan never understood why he did it, but he raised his wrist to how her his string and winked at her.
Later he discovered why she had looked familiar. She was his best friend’s cousin.
“Ace does get prettier every year.” Fenrys’s voice rang, taking Rowan out of his memories. “Much to the dismay of anyone who has to deal with her ego.”
Vaughan laughed at that. He and Fenrys were the only ones besides Aedion who had any contact with Aelin.
Still staring at the golden string, Rowan almost opened his mouth to ask Aedion for her number. He didn’t know why, the thought had come all too sudden to his head, and he bit his tongue to stop the words.
He didn’t know Aelin one bit, and just ask for her number after a waitress said she was beautiful sounded like a way to pick a fight with Aedion who was extremely protective of his younger cousin.
No, Rowan thought, better to just leave things as they are.
New Year’s Eve 1999
Aelin never thought she would be spending New Year’s Eve in a dive bar with her friends and her cousin’s friends.
Usually for end of the year celebrations, her parents would organize a gala or some shit that would force Aelin to wear a boring dress. This year, however, her parents decided to go travel to Europe and spend two weeks there.
And because of that Aelin was wearing a mini red dress, extremely high stilettos, listening to obnoxiously bad music in a small dive bar as she and her group drank beer of questionable quality.
It was fucking great.
She toyed with the dull string on her wrist, the thing probably just hours or days from snapping. After almost seven years, it was about time. She had thought about simply cutting it before, but could never go through with it. It had become a friendly bracelet, one she twisted when nervous or distracted. It had been in all her photos since the age of fifteen, and it would be strange when it fell.
“So I wasn’t the only one who didn’t get their wish yet.” A man’s voice came from behind her, and Aelin turned around to stare at her teenage crush.
Rowan had been attractive at sixteen, but now at twenty three he was straight up hot. He had grown even more, his body looking just as defined. Even with the heels, Aelin tipped her back a little to look at him.
They had never talked, never even looked at each other after that Beltane celebration. Every now and then Aelin would consider asking Vaughan or Fenrys for Rowan’s number, but that would have been strange. She had even once looked him up on social medias after a nasty break up with a man named Chaol. Rowan had no idea who she was, but a small part of Aelin would never be able to forget him.
He had been the crush of her teenage years, even if they had never interacted.
“I’m almost.” She said, raising her wrist the same way he had years ago. “Never thought I would enter the two thousands with this thing still on my wrist.”
“Looks like the golden ones are really lasting.” He showed her his wrist, an equally worn golden string laying there. “I’m Rowan.”
“Aedion told me about you. I’m Aelin.” She extended a hand, and he grabbed it with a smile on his face.
“Aedion has told me about you, too.”
“I tremble just from thinking about exactly what Aedion has told you.” She shivered and he laughed. He didn’t look like the angry teenager she had fallen for in secret, but like an easy going man that she would have no problems talking to.
Oh no. We are not going back to our fifteen years old crush. We have grown out of that.
“Want to go to the bar grab a drink?” He asked.
Fucking idiot.
Aelin almost told her brain to shut up out loud.
“So, what have you been doing? Still with the whole yogurt shit?”
He smiled at her as they walked to the bar. “Fortunately have left those days behind. Most miserable job I have ever had.”
“The blue-and-pink apron and fake smile really did it for you, though.”
He laughed out loud and Aelin smiled, sitting on a stool.
“Was I that memorable, Galathynius? You saw me only once.”
And at that moment, a doubt she had for the past years had been answered. He had seen her that day, and the wink had probably been to her too.
“The sight was ridiculous enough that I could never forget, Whitethorn.” Her grin became wider. “And the little white hat on your hair was the cherry on top.”
Rowan was trying to scowl, but Aelin saw how he had to bite the inside of his cheeks to refrain from laughing. The moment he opened his mouth to reply, Fenrys threw his arm around her shoulders, taking all attention to him.
“My two favorite people.”
“You’re drunk.” Aelin deadpanned as Rowan sighed.
“It is my happiest state of mind, my dear.” He booped her nose. “I’m so glad the two of you started talking by yourselves. I thought I would need to introduce you guys.”
Aelin knew she would regret it immediately, but she asked anyways. “Why would you bother, wolfie?”
“Well,” he started, suddenly trying to act serious. Aelin had to bite her lower lip at the impatient look on Rowan’s face. When he looked at her, his eyes were almost pleading.
As if I could stop him now. She mouthed to him.
Wishful thinking, Galathynius. He mouthed back.
“Three years ago I thought it would finally happen, you know?” Fenrys continued, oblivious to Rowan and Aelin’s silent conversation. “Me and Vaughan always thought the two of you would get along. Same music taste, same movie taste, and bla bla bla… Three years ago,” hiccup. “Three years ago I thought Rowan was finally going to ask Aedion for your number after Aed said that you had been the one to choose the pub Rowan had loved. But he didn’t.”
Fenrys turned to Rowan, scowling deeply. Rowan’s ears were red, his cheeks slightly pink.
“And Aed was a prick and didn’t offer it himself.” Fenrys looked genuinely pissed. “And then tonight I learn from Lysandra about Aelin’s teenage cru—“
“Ok!” She said a little loudly, her own cheeks on flames. She tried not to look at Rowan, hoping Fenrys’s drunk words had been misinterpreted. “It’s two minutes for midnight, Fenrys. Go find someone else to make the last minutes of the century miserable.”
As if he hadn’t been about to drop one of her biggest secrets and embarrassments, Fenrys simply gave her a peck on the cheek and walked away.
She stared at his back, not wanting to look at Rowan.
“What was that, Ace? I didn’t catch it right. Teenage what?” He asked, but by the tone of his voice Aelin knew that he knew exactly what Fenrys was talking about.
She was going to kill Fenrys. And then Lysandra for telling him. And the Aedion for buying Lysandra the alcohol that made her tell him.
“I was young.” She said through clenched teeth. Her cheeks were burning.
When she turned back to him, he had a grin on his mouth.
“You liked me?” He sounded dopey.
“Fuck off.”
He laughed loudly, almost doubling over. Gosh, she wanted to open a hole on the ground and never see civilization again.
“Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, the heartbreaker, had a crush on me?” A little bit of laughter was still on his voice, the smile still big on his face. “I’m flattered. Honestly.”
“Please, please shut the fuck up. And never talk about it again.” She pleaded, looking at the big clock on the bar. One minute for 2000. She was going to spend the last minute in the century dying of embarrassment. “Gosh, I want to kill you right now. And Fenrys, and Lys. Anyone with the information.”
“I remember when I heard that you had made Archer Finn cry when you broke up with him.” Rowan said as if she hadn’t said a word. “And you were head over heels for me.”
“I wasn’t head over heels for you, you insufferable bastard.” She grunted, crossing her arms and standing up. “And Fenrys said you were going to ask for my number three years ago, so stop gloating about me liking you.”
“I was.”
“I know you were gloating, I fucking heard you.” She raised her chin, looking at the clock again. Thirty seconds.
“I was going to ask for your number, I mean.” He explained, still smiling. Aelin didn’t know what to answer at that, so she only stared at him. He sounded so much more comfortable talking about it than she was. “You think these things accept me getting my wish before they fall?”
Twenty seconds.
“Like, I get my wish now and when it falls I don’t wish for anything.”
Fifteen seconds.
“I don’t know?” Aelin replied. “I’m not really an expert on fake strings’ magic.”
Ten seconds. Everyone started the countdown.
“Well, let’s pretend then that it was an invisible string.”
Nine, eight, seven…
“An invisible string. It broke right now and I get a wish.”
Six, five, four..
“An invisible string?”
“Yeah.” He smiled at her, and she instinctively smiled back at him.
They just stared at each other during the next two seconds, and when everyone screamed “one”, Rowan put his hands on Aelin hips and dragged her forward, placing her in between his legs as he bent down and pressed his lips to hers.
Aelin sighed, putting her arms around his shoulders and kissing him back. Rowan’s mouth was soft and warm against hers, and Aelin could feel his smile against her lips. She smiled too, and he took the opportunity to shove his tongue inside of her mouth, deepening the kiss. One of his hands went to the back of her head, holding her in place was his lips moved on hers, as his tongue moved against hers.
“Happy New Century, Galathynius.” Rowan murmured against her mouth, the screams around them sounding muffled by his voice.
“Happy New Century, Whitethorn.” She murmured back, smiling against his mouth as they kissed, not caring for anyone else, or anything else, as they focused on each other during the first minutes of the new century.
December 2008
“And she had the biggest crush on me when she was fifteen.” Rowan whispered.
“Rowan Whitethorn, I swear to the gods that if you are telling them I liked you when I was younger, I’ll become a widow today!” His wife’s voice rang from the kitchen, and Rowan fake winced.
His kids only laughed at their parents, bright and happily.
Aelin’s golden head popped out of the kitchen, showing him her tongue. Rowan only winked at her, the same way he had when she had been fifteen. Her face morphed into a soft smile, and she came to them. Aelin sat on his lap, turning to their kids. Rowan pulled her back against her chest, putting his nose on the crook of her neck and breathing in.
He had been wrong eight years ago. The invisible string between them hadn’t snapped.
His wish did come true, though.
@abookishfreak @faerie-queen-fireheart @in-love-with-caramel-macchiato @jlinez @courtofjurdan @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @ladywitchling @maastrash @morganofthewildfire @queen-of-glass
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kamosweasley · 3 years
I don't want to talk - Part II (George Weasley x Reader)
Description : To read the first part and third part.
Word count : 3.7K
Warning : mention of cheating, angst
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It’s been two weeks since George kicked you out. These words may sound too violent for what happened but you really feel like he kicked you out of where you found a home. It's not so much about the apartment, it's above all living with him, being surrounded by his love every day. As cliché as it sounds, you've never felt better than in his arms, and knowing you may never be able to find your way there again makes you feel terrible.
A part of you tells yourself you deserve this punishment and a part tells yourself it’s ridiculous to lose everything (including the person who matters most to you) because you love two people. You mean, okay it’s not common to be in love with two people at the same time but you can't help it, and it hasn't changed your love for George. So losing him would destroy you, because you still love him like a fool and you don't know if you will ever be able to draw a line under the life you had imagined for the two of you. But there's still hope, George sent you an owl to tell you that he wanted to see you tonight after work. He asked you to arrive a little before the store closes so he wouldn't have to wait for you. The tone of the letter was far from warm or enthusiastic but it suits you, you didn't expect him to forgive you so quickly and you will have the opportunity to see him again and discuss all this with him. You're terrified but also full of hope, if he wants to talk to you that means he doesn't just want to leave you and forget everything, right ?
So here you are, in front of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, the heart at the edge of the explosion. You were so scared to be late that you arrived an hour early, leaving you looking at the window with undisguised anxiety. You keep nipping your lower lip, your hands are sweaty and you keep fiddling with the ring that George gave you a few years ago. It was to celebrate your coming out of Hogwarts and getting your NEWT's at the same time. He was so happy to offer it to you, even though you had only been together for a little more than a year, he already wanted to offer you everything he could. He gave you so many products from his store, you almost got all the new products just a few days before they went on sale. It was important for him to share this with you and it made you happy he shares with you this passion he has made as his job. By the way, you must have forgotten it in the apartment, you didn't think to take them with you. You should have.
The door opens with the sound of a bell, suddenly taking you out of your thoughts and making you jump. It’s George, with a cold gaze and an annoyed look on his face.
-What are you doing here ? You were supposed to arrive later.
-I was afraid I was going to be late, so I didn't really pay attention to my advance. Sorry about that.
-Come in, you're going to scare the customers by staring at the storefront like that. You look like a psycho.
He moves to let you pass. You enter timidly and you immediately have the feeling of entering hostile territory. Maybe it's because Fred looks at you badly as soon as he sees you come in, making you want to disappear. You've never experienced hostility with twins, it's always been the other way around, even more so when you were the girlfriend of one and the sister-in-law of the other. It’s funny that Fred always acted as if you were a married couple. He was the only one to call you Mrs Weasley, saying it should motivate his brother to ask you. Today you doubt he calls you by his last name as he used to. After all, you break his brother’s heart, you doesn’t deserve any sweet nickname.
-Since you're here, all you have to do is help us organize the shelves, you know how it works.
-Okay, what do you want me to start with ?
-I think there are almost no more love potions on the shelf, there's a whole box of them in the reserve.
He hasn't even glanced at you, already on his way to see a customer. You’re going to get that box when Fred passes close to you, saying the air of nothing that you do not need to steal one of them. You immediately understand what he is implying and you want to tell him to fuck off, that it’s none of his business. But you don't have the courage to argue with Fred when you came to try to patch things up with George. That would be counterproductive and you can't blame Fred for being upset with you.
A few minutes later, you put the bottles on their display, being on your guard. You know Fred well enough to know it's not impossible that he might play a bad joke on you to avenge his brother in his own way. It might even be an opportunity to demonstrate a product to customers, unless you're getting paranoid. You’re just so tired of all of this …
-Hello Y/N.
-Luna ! You surprised me.
-I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. You came to see George ?
-Great, I’m happy to see you both. It's been a long time since I've seen him, and so have you. I haven't heard from you in two weeks. Were you sick ?
It's weird to see her again since the argument with George. Curiously you don't have that odd feeling like all the other times, you just want her to go away before George sees you together. It would probably make him mad, he might imagine you asked Luna to come or she came to try to stop you from talking to him. You have no idea what might be going on in his head but you refuse to waste your chance.
-Kind of. You should go before you get sick too.
-Luna, what a pleasure to see you !
You stiffen at the sound of his voice behind your back, suddenly so warm that his sentence sounds sincere. But he's angry with Luna even though he doesn't let it show. He knows it's ridiculous because it's Luna, she didn't do anything to make Y/N fall in love with her again and she may not even know about it. But he resents her because she took a part of the heart he desires entirely, just for him.
-Hello George. I was telling Y/N that it's been a long time since I've seen you. It's a bit sad, you're good friends and we see so little of each other.
-But you have seen Y/N a lot in the last few months.
-True, but not for the last two weeks. It was as if she had disappeared, I thought she finally asked you to marry her and the two of you have stayed together ever since. It could have been a secret wedding, I think that's your type. But she told me she was sick.
-What ? Ask me to marry her ? Why would she do that?
-Luna !
-Sorry, I thought you talked about it with him.
-You wanted to ask me to marry you?
-I don't think it matters now.
-I'm sorry I embarrassed you, Rolf tells me I should be more subtle when talking to people.
-Who is Rolf ?
-She didn’t tell you ? Rolf is my fiancé, he’s a magizoologist like me. We met at work, he is adorable and very nice. I'm sure he's going to love your products, I came to buy some for him. He's going back to England in a few days.
George feels lost, he had no idea Luna had gotten engaged. If he had known, maybe he wouldn't have been so angry with you, because he wouldn't have thought Luna could dump her fiancé to get back together with you while you were in a relationship. He knows Luna well enough to know she is not that kind of woman, no matter how she feels about you she would have pushed you away and told you to stay with him. She has always been so nice and fair while he feels terribly selfish. 
-Congratulations, I had no idea. It's wonderful news, you have ... have you picked a date yet ?
-Yes, we will soon send out the invitations, you will receive one of course. It will be this summer, dad is very keen on it. Don't hesitate to come in yellow, it will make him happy.
-I take note.
-I'm going to go pay, it's closing soon. It was nice to see you again, feel free to visit me anytime.
The blonde goes to the cashier after a smile. You've never felt so embarrassed in front of George, it was the weirdest conversation and you don't know what effect it had on him.
-Why didn’t you tell me she’s engaged ?
-What difference would it have made ? You said that no matter what happened between her and me, the problem is I had feelings for her again.
-Luna would never cheat on someone, least of all her fiancé.
-So you trust Luna more than you trust me. Great …
-You're not going to get offended when it's all your fault in this story !
-George ! Calm down, the store is not closed yet.
He almost screamed while there were a dozen customers in the store, most of them looking at you waiting for the next part. Can this day get any worse ? It hasn't even been 10 minutes since you walked in and it's only getting worse.At this rate George won't even want to talk to you anymore and you'll have to say goodbye to him forever before the store closes. Resuming his professional appearance, he clears his throat to regain his composure and walks away without a word. Then you go back to what you were doing before Luna arrived, putting the small bottles carefully. You feel tense, it seems like there's not much missing for you to break down and either burst into tears or go crazy. It's like being in the middle of a nightmare, you would give anything to make it stop and wake up in bed with George's arms around you and his breath on your neck.
Lost in your thoughts and anxiety, the closing finally arrives and Fred leaves the store for the apartment above, not without giving you yet another bad look before winking at his brother. Here we are, and you just want to run away.
George comes to you, always with his mask of indifference on. It’s only a facade, you know him by heart and in truth he tries not to show he’s in pain. You're both in pain but you're the only one to show it, that's the game. All means are good to make him understand this separation hurts you and you miss him. You’re sitting on a step of the stairs leading to the second floor, with desperate eyes looking at the ground like a punished child. It's not going to be a piece of cake, he's probably going to say some hurtful words, but everything has to be said and heard.
-What about the proposal ? Were you really going to ask me ?
-I really thought about it, I never lied when I said that I love you and you are the man I want to make my life with.
He says nothing, assimilating this information with difficulty. He's still hurt and angry about what you did, but he feels it's not as he imagined it would be. He thought the moment he threw you out, you had gone to join Luna and since then you had been consoling yourself in her arms. He doesn't doubt your love for him, he saw how you were that night, but he thought you would move on with time, with Luna. He imagined himself learning that you were moving in with her, and the day you were going to get married. It destroyed him from the inside, this image, this perfect happiness that you would live with her when it should have been with him.
-You are the most important person to me, since we have been together for so long, I told myself that I could be the first one to make the proposal.
-Sounds ridiculous …
-You know that I want your kids. We already talked of this, I want 4 children and you, 5.
-Stop it. I know all of this too, but we can't talk of our future anymore. I'm not sure of our couple anymore.
-I understand. But you asked me to come here to talk. I'm trying to make you understand I don't want a future without you. Isn't what I'm supposed to do?
He remains silent, staring at the display of love potions. He stands up straight with his hands in his pockets and again you can't read him. You hate it, feeling like he's already so far away from you when the breakup isn't official yet. You're afraid he won't want you anymore and say it out loud, that he'll move on and make his life with another girl. He would have the right, nothing obliges him to stay with you, but how could you survive it ? He's the love of your life, it's the only thing that's been going round and round in your head for the last two weeks. It's him and nobody else, Luna is nothing compared to him. The tall man sighs and raises his head to the ceiling, you can see that he is chewing on the inside of his cheek. This is not a good sign.
-You understand it changes nothing for us.
-Not even a little ?
-I don't think so.
-Why ? It must change something. We both want to marry each other, we want a home and a family to build together. I told you more than I can remember that I am sorry and I choose you for ever and ever. Why isn't it enough ?
-You're going to get angry now ?
-I do, because I don't understand ! I understand you need time and you're mad about me and you have all right. But I didn't do anything to get her, not a kiss, not a look, not even a word. I never wanted to do anything with her, I was lost in my feelings and you … you say you will never need me again. How I'm supposed not to be angry ?
Tears fill up your eyes, it's kind of unfair of you to put a blame on him for his choice but you can't handle it. This man is yours since so many years, you've already imagined what your future would look like, to the kind of grandparents you would be. You want to live so many things with him, like traveling abroad, laughing at your children's mischief, celebrating your wedding anniversaries in so many different ways, just laughing every day of your life with this wonderful man. He can't take that away from you without you saying a word.
-Everybody makes mistakes, there is such a thing as forgiveness and you have to know how to forgive the people you love. I'm not saying this to make you feel obligated but because I want you to do it, because I still love you. Do you know that saying, "Love cannot be divided, it can only multiply" ? That's exactly right, I didn't take a part of my love for you to give to Luna. It's an old love that has woken up, it's something totally different. It's more like loving a friend very much or wanting the last broom, it’s unreasonable, foolish and not that strong as the way I love you.
-Is that supposed to make me want to take you back ?
-Shut up George ! I’m falling ! There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, and you heard Luna, I haven't spoken to her in two weeks ! I’m ready to do anything for you, to prove you my love !
-And you think that makes you respectable and forgivable ?
It's the most frustrating situation you've ever experienced, it's like talking to a wall. No matter what you say or what you do, he doesn't want to forgive you. This sudden realization makes you cry your eyes out. You refuse to give up your story, but it takes two to make one more, and George is sinking the ship. You don't know what's more powerful between despair and rage, but you're falling apart again. So it's really over ? He asked you to come here to finish you off like this ?
-George, I’m begging you … Don’t do this … Please, don’t leave me …
-I love you from the depths of my being, I was ready to give everything for you. But I can't give you my forgiveness, and above all I know I can't give you back my trust.
-But I don't understand ! I didn't cheat on you, I didn't do anything with her, she doesn't even know what happened ! I ignored her, I left you alone waiting for you to come back to me to talk and try to make things right because we love each other and this story doesn't change anything about OUR story !
-It changed something.
-No it doesn’t ! Maybe you’re afraid and you don’t trust me like before, and again I understand it and accept it. You’re hurt because you feel betrayed, you wanted to be the only one I love and unfortunately this is not the case but you still want me. In spite of everything you feel and what you told me, you still want me to become your wife and to raise a family together. You still want to offer me your newest products in advance and find me every night at the apartment. Because you know as well as I do that we are meant to be together. We survived Umbrage, we survived the war, I was always there when you needed me and you did the same. This love that unites us, it’s different from the one I have for Luna, it’s much more powerful and indestructible. We can break up if that's what you really want, but you know as well as I do that this love will never die. And you'll miss me every day of your life because I'll miss you too. I’ll love you forever, and I can’t do anything against that. 
-You’re cruel. Do you really think I'm happy I have to break up with you ? I'm not because you are ... everything I've ever wanted. I've always felt lucky to have you, I was sure we would make it. I’ll love you forever too and that’s the problem ! I can't escape you while you are hurting me, you will make me suffer all my life because I will have to try to run away from you all my life !
-You don't have to run away. Especially if it means it will make you suffer for the rest of your life.
Neither of you has moved since the beginning, almost like statues with words. You are together on a path that separates into two other paths, and you don't agree on which one to take next. One is clearly a dead end while the other leaves more possibilities. But you can't force George to follow you, if he really wants to stop everything then you'll have to accept it. Even if it breaks both your hearts, you can't stop him from living his life the way he wants. You've already done enough harm, and his feelings will make him suffer for a long time if he chooses to break up, there's no need to add to it. But you're not ready to hear it so you try to save this love story that's falling apart.
-Why can't we at least try to work things out before we break up ?
-If I come back to you, I know I would forgive you and we would go back to the way things were, almost as if nothing had happened.
-And it would be a bad thing ?
-I talked it over with Fred, he told me not to be fooled and not to give you a second chance. He says I deserve better than a woman who can't love only me.
-Excuse me but we don't give a shit about what Fred thinks. He's your brother, your twin, your partner, but he's not the one living your life. You know me much better than he does, you know our history and you know if I'm honest or not.
-So why didn't you tell me about Luna ?
-See where that got us ? As soon as I realized, I was ashamed, and I knew it would lead nowhere because there is only you for me. She has never been an option, least of all when she is engaged and I was hoping we would be as soon. I know, it sounds cheesy and cliché but it's the truth. I just wanted to wait for it to go away.
-By continuing to see her every day ?
-What would you have thought if I had stopped everything suddenly ? And I really thought it was a kind of nostalgia for a time when it was simple and not painful. The more the days go by and the more I'm sure of it, I don't miss her as much as I miss you, her absence doesn't hurt as much as yours. It was stupid to go back to her like that, I know. I’m sorry George. For all of this, it’s my fault. I never meant to hurt you, but I did. And I can never apologize enough for that, I promised you I would never hurt you. I’m really sorry George.
These words ring true in George's heart, yet this is not the first time you have said these words and he already knows everything, even what you didn't say. All you've done is tell the truth you both know, and even if it hurts he can't deny it. This is the moment when he must choose between yes and no. This is the moment when no matter what his twin brother said to him, his heart beats reason. It’s true he has loved you for four years and he can’t see a future without you, that's a pretty good reason to give a second chance. 
-Come on, let's go home.
-What ?
-Come quickly before I change my mind.
Without a word, you get up in a hurry and leave the store to let George close behind. You don't know what to expect, but this opening draws you like a beacon in the night. He lets you come home, which means he wants to try. You feel like you're living again, breathing is suddenly no longer painful, everything seems a little better and a little less sad. 
-You’ll sleep on the couch.
-I promise you nothing.
-That’s fair.
-I hope it will work. It would hurt too much if it didn’t.
You walk side by side in the night, without holding hands as you used to do. It's strange but there's a glimmer of hope that's lit up for both of you. Maybe it’s not the end.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Five
masterlist - ao3 - last chapter - next chapter 
warnings: none 
an: this chapter is ALSO a s h a w t y (wit a body ody ody) cause we gotta just flesh it out u kno ~development~ before the big ol shebang yerd? also spanish children’s songs go HARD. 
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“Alright, friends,” Elide said as she passed out a little packet of laminated letters to every student. “Today we’re going to start on our ABC’s. Who can tell me what ABC’s are?” 
“Ko-Ko knows!” Esther shouted, always cheerleading her quiet friend. The redheaded five-year old was practically bouncing in her seat. 
Elide bit down her smile and laugh, “Esther, remember our inside voices, ok? Kohana, do you want to share?” 
He glanced unsurely towards Esther and she nodded, encouraging him. “ABC is letters. Ah-phabet.” 
“Good job, Kohana, exactly. ABC’s are the letters that make our words,” she said, smiling at him. A little grin appeared on his face and Esther gave him a subtle high five. They were the cutest. “So, with our letters, friends, we’re going to learn the sounds they make!” 
The rest of the morning went swimmingly and Elide was pleased with herself, with the success of her lesson. She sent her kids off to recess after lunch, waving goodbye. A hand tugged on one of the deep pockets of her painter-overalls and she looked down to see Kohana standing there, worry creasing his brow. “Elide, I don’t want it to rain.” 
Elide glanced outside and saw the slight overcast. “Me neither. I don’t like the rain. Do you?” 
He nodded slowly and Esther popped out of the cubby room, decked out in the brightest, sparkliest gumboots, a polka-dotted raincoat, and a rain hat to match plopped onto her crazy curls as well. “I love the rain! We’re going to make soup, right, Ko-Ko?” 
Kohana looked up at Elide, his face brightening, “But I only like the rain sometime. I like the rain ‘cause me an’ my dad stay inside and we gots to watch a movie. Essie come over and watch movie too.”
“Oh, wow, I love movies! What’s your favourite?” 
“Like Space Jam. Dad likes MJ. I likes Buggsie Bunny, Essie likes Buggsie Bunny too. But she like other movie too.” 
“Oui, j’adore Buggsie Bunny!” 
Kohana giggled and Esther hooked her arm through his. “Bye bye, Elide!” She was dragging Kohana out behind her before Elide could wave good-bye. 
Rolfe smiled as Kohana and Esther raced each other to reach him, their little backpacks slapping against their backs. “Rolfe!” “Papi!” 
He waved to Elide, indicating he got the little ones as he crouched and hugged them. “What’s up, munchkins? How was school today?” 
“We learned letter sounds,” Kohana said, taking the hand Rolfe held out to him as he stood up, Esther taking his other hand. “ABC sounds.” 
“Was that fun?” 
“Yeah, but me and Essie already knowed that. A is ah, B is buh, C is cuh or kah. Blah.” 
Esther giggled and let go of Rolfe’s hand to jump in a shallow puddle, barely a splash under her boots. Quickly, she ran back to Kohana and her father, walking to Rolfe’s car. “We goin’ to uncle L shop?”
“You know it,” Rolfe said, easily buckling the two of them into their booster seats. “Are you little devils hungry? Want some chicken nuggets?” 
They squealed and nodded, babbling to each other as Rolfe slowly pulled out of the parking lot, turning onto the road that would take him to the nearest fast food place. 
Soon enough, Kohana and Esther were happily munching on their snacks and sipping from the drinks he’d gotten them. “So, how’s school going, guys?” Rolfe looked into the rearview mirror. “Es? Ko?” 
“Elide is so nice, papi. She lets me and Ko-Ko sit together all the time and we gets to be buddies for everything! I like playing time and Ko-Ko like reading time, so he sits on the mushroom and I sits with the dinosaurs and I talk and Ko-Ko looks at the books, right, Ko-Ko?” 
“Yup! I looked at a book with bears today,” Kohana said, looking pleased as he sipped on his apple juice. “Do you like bears, Rolfe?” 
“I do,” he hummed, winking at Esther, “but you wanna know what my favourite animal is?” They looked at him expectantly, their eyes wide wide open. “Sharks!” 
Esther giggled and Kohana stared, “Sharks are scary.” 
His bestest friend wiggled and began to sing a song about a shark that tried to trick the fish. “Tres pececitos se fueron a nadar, el más pequeñito se fue al fondo del mar… El tiburón le dijo ven acá…”
Rolfe watched his daughter show his nephew of sorts how to make a fish with his hands and the actions that went along with the song. 
When they got to the mechanic shop, Kohana and Esther strained under their restraints, their empty food containers discarded on the floor. Rolfe didn’t mind it, if anything he was beaming at Esther’s influence on Kohana. The kid was itching to act out, even in such a simple way. 
His serene behaviour was a worry for Lorcan. 
Rolfe quickly unbuckled them before they hurt themselves and they were off, weaving and racing through the shop. They sought out Malakai first, who was sitting behind the front desk - fashioned out of the front end of a ‘57 Chevrolet Bel Air - sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper. 
“Grampy!” They yelled in unison, launching themselves into his arms. At their voices, Ansel and Lorcan popped their heads out of the back office, smiling fondly at the sight. They strolled on out, Ansel wiping her hands on the pants of her navy blue coveralls. She had the sleeves tied around her waist and wore an old white wifebeater as her top. 
“Hey, kiddos,” Ansel said and they hardly acknowledged her as Malakai withdrew two lollipops for them. She laughed and walked over to Rolfe, “Hello. How were the little ankle biters today?” 
“Esther sang a very educational song about not trusting sharks and they chowed down on some chicken nuggets and apple juice,” he told her, pulling her closer with a hand on her waist and a hand cupping her face. “How was your day?” Ansel kissed him softly. 
“Good, it was good. I think I figured out that engine block so,” she said, stepping back when Esther called for her. “Yes, my darling?” 
“I need help!” 
“That’s my cue,” Ansel quipped, saluting the two men as she went over to her daughter. 
Lorcan rubbed the back of his neck, “So how was he?” 
Rolfe nodded, “Good, he was good. He talks a lot about his teacher, you know? I think she’s really good for him. And Ess too.” Relief flashed over Lorcan’s face and Rolfe clapped his shoulder, “Hey, man, you’re doing a good job.” 
Lorcan opened his mouth to say something when his son crashed into his legs, one hand reaching up to tap Lorcan’s hip and the other holding Ko’s prized candy. “Hi, Dad!” 
Smiling, Lorcan leaned down and scooped him up, propping him on his hip. “Hey, kid.” 
“Look, Dad, gots a candy!” 
“Oh, cool, where’d you get that?” 
Lorcan raised his voice, “Well that’s funny, I could’ve sworn Grampy knew that candy makes you hyper and makes me want to cry later at home.” Kohana just shrugged and popped his lollipop back in his mouth while Malakai laughed loudly, the sound coming from his belly. “How was school?” 
“Learned ah-phabet sounds. I ‘ready know ah-phabet sounds,” Kohana said, resting his head against Lorcan’s shoulder. “Can I help you with a car?” 
“Always, bud,” Lorcan said, nodding at Rolfe and the others before carrying Kohana away. “Hungry?” 
“Nope, got chicky nuggies. And A-for-Apple juice,” Kohana babbled, subconsciously switching his language and kicking out his legs. “Look, até, gots frogs on my boots. I eated with Essie and then we ‘plashed in puddle and made soup-soup and Essie played with dinos and I looked at a book of bears. I like bears, do you like bears?” 
“I do like bears,” Lorcan replied, keeping his voice even even though internally he was ecstatic at the amount Kohana was talking right now. He didn’t know how much influence was Esther’s or Elide’s, but he thanked the gods for them, no matter the awkward and stilted relationship to the latter. “What else did you get up to?” 
Kohana shrugged and wiggled to be put down. Lorcan obliged and they walked together into Lorcan’s car bay. “Not much, Dad. Gots help Essie with inside voice, but Essie help me with outside voice. Much louder now, when we go outside, do you wanna hear my outside voice?” 
“Of course,” Lorcan replied, his heart cracking just a bit more. Kohana stuck his lollipop in his mouth and clambered onto the cushioned stool by the tool cart. Every morning, it was meticulously organized, but by the end of the day, it looked like a tornado had gone through it. Lorcan took the other stool by the open hood of one of his regular’s cars. Each repair was futile, merely putting off the inevitable, but the man tipped well, listened to Lorcan’s instructions and didn’t argue with anything he was told so, Lorcan had no complaints. 
He glanced into the engine, sussing out which tool he would need and then the reachability of his son’s arms, trying to decide what he could make do with. “K-Man, pass me that socket wrench, yeah?” 
“Here you go!” Kohana chirped, shoving off the cart with his two feet on the rolling stool after he grabbed the shiny tool. “Here you go, Dad.” 
Lorcan chuckled and kissed his son’s forehead, “Thank the Creator for you, kid.” 
@mythicaitt @tinywolfofeyllwe @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @empire-of-wildfire @rhysands-highlady @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tangledraysofsunshine @ttakeitbacknoww @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @superspiritfestival​ @empress-ofbloodshed​ @queen-of-glass​ @sleeping-and-books​ @beccasophia95​ @exersize-me-i-dare-u​ @thewayshedreamed​ @hizqueen4life​ @ifinallygavein​ @bat-wing-rhys​ @awkward-avocado-s​ @b00kworm​ @mu-si-ca-l​ @lovemollywho​ @tacmc​ @soitsgorgeous​ @staarligght​
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fanficflaneuse · 4 years
One Day - Part 12
Tags: @fandomscombine @okaydraco @naomi02hook @iliketoast23 @winnsmills @oldfashionedlovergirlsblog @happycomb @xtrashmouthxtozierx @hopplessdreamer @dracoxxyoflam @cleopatera @hess016
(Sentimental A/N at the end) 
Draco x reader (she/her pronouns) Word count: 1587 Summary: One day AU. Post-war. Since The Battle of Hogwarts, Draco and y/n meet one day a year.
3 May, 2012
Minerva McGonagall had decided that this year’s commemoration of the Battle of Hogwarts would be the best they would ever have. Those who attended had always made the it a very beautiful affair, yet it was, often than not, solemn and sad. Even if it felt like too much to ask for, the headmistress truly wanted the day to go be pleasant – a celebration of life rather than a remembrance of death.
The night of May the 2nd, Hogwarts opened its doors once again, this time for a feast. As the Great Hall filled with former students and other members of the wizarding community, excitement lingered in the air. It reminded McGonagall of the enthusiasm of first years. Everyone was dressed up in elegant robes, thrilled of reuniting with old friends and have – for once on this day – a good time.
Draco had never been to one of those ceremonies. Even when (Y/N) had insisted all of those years ago, he felt like it wasn’t his place to be. This year, though, he decided to go. He said it was for her, but in reality, there was a deeper longing to make peace with that place and the people he never had the chance to apologize to.
“We can leave whenever you get tired.” Even if he tried to hide it, the distress was evident in his voice.
(Y/N) gave him a reassuring smile. She knew that, even after the long process of recovery, he still worried about her. “You’re not backing up, love,” she teased.
He gave her a playful eyeroll in response. “We had a very intense day on that “adventure” with Scorp. I don’t even know why did I ever think that was a good idea. I don’t want you to strain yourself too much,” he said, holding her closer to him.
“You thought that was a good idea because you’re the best father ever,” she noted matter-of-factly, “and I’m not strained and we’re going to have a good time.”
“Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N) – Malfoy,” Headmistress McGonagall greeted them at the door.
(Y/N) smiled softly. After healer Malfoy had deemed her healthy for his standards, they had gotten married. It was a very intimate wedding with their closest friends and family in the gardens of Malfoy manor. They had adopted each other’s last name and made a point to be referred to as such.
“Where shall we seat, headmistress?” Draco asked.
“Wherever you see fit. No houses today,” she answered excitedly.
As they entered to the Great Hall, the couple was greeted with hugs and cheers. If someone had told eighteen years old Draco he’d have such a reception in his alma mater, he would’ve laughed. Through the years, though, most people had changed their perceptions of him. He was healer Malfoy, who would stay afterhours if it meant some comfort to his patients. He was the Malfoy heir who’d hand out donations for different charities without ulterior motives. He was a friend to a lot of his former “enemies”. He was Scorpius’ proud father and (Y/N)’s loving husband. Draco had finally redeemed himself and could walk through Hogwarts with his head high, even if it triggered some very unhappy memories.
Hermione was the first one to spot them. She waved at them and soon they were surrounded by the Potter-Granger-Weasley clan on the far end of the Ravenclaw table. (Y/N) spotted Luna and Rolf Scammander on the same table, as well as Hannah and Neville and Pansy, Blaise and Daphne. On the other side of the room, from the Slytherin table, Astoria and Theo smiled at them. From the Hufflepuff table, Ernie waved at her. He was sitting with Cho, Justin and Susan. She also spotted Seamus with his husband Dean, talking to the Parvati twins and Lavender Brown. (Y/N) felt like she was living one of those happy endings from the muggle movies they would occasionally watch. Sitting by her husband, surrounded by her friends, no fear and nothing but good news on their way. It was all a bit unreal, in the best possibly way.
By midnight, Harry and Headmistress McGonagall had delivered the speeches, they drank a toast to the fallen and the feast was already over. People were already leaving and those who remained were laughing and remembering their days at Hogwarts.
“Come with me,” Draco whispered in (Y/N)’s ear.
“Trust me,” he answered with a smirk.
They said goodbye to their friends and left the Great Hall. (Y/N) thought they would apparate back home, but Draco surprised her by pulling her towards the stairs. Her smile grew wide as she realized they were on the fourth floor and walking towards that windowsill that marked their lives forever.
They stood there, quietly for a second. Draco then climbed on it and opened his arms for her. (Y/N) chuckled before sitting with him. His embrace was gentler than ever. He had always treated her with care, but after the assault it had become ten times more delicate. As their limbs tangled together, as they did every day now, (Y/N) remembered more than ever that day fourteen years ago.
“Draco!” Narcissa’s voice was firm, but loaded with fear.
“Son, where are you?” Lucius seemed desperate.  
Draco and (Y/N) were watching the sunrise, cuddling together. He was playing with one of her locks. At the sound of the voices he could distinguish very well, they – very much unwillingly – untangled their stiff limbs. He climbed down the windowsill and she stretched her arms. He found her adorable and for a second there he couldn’t believe they had snuggled all night long.
They looked at each other, like recognizing themselves for the first time. Draco thought that he might find rejection in her eyes, but he only found tenderness. And tenderness he gave back. (Y/N) was overwhelmed by such a strange mix of feelings. There she had the one and only Draco Malfoy, resident bully and death eater, smiling to her, watching her as though she was the most precious woman on earth. She felt like she should hate him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. One night of caresses and silent conversations had given her a whole new perspective on Draco and she wanted more of it.
As the voices came nearer, (Y/N) moved her hand to his hair. She smoothed it. Her touch was appeasing.
“Hey, Malfoy,” she said, a cheeky smile on her face.
“I don’t hate you.” It sounded stupid once she said it, but it was also liberating somehow.
He smiled genuinely. “I don’t hate you too, (Y/L/N)”.
Soon, the elder Malfoys found the two teenagers holding hands. Narcissa eyed them carefully. Hadn’t she been so worried about Draco’s wellbeing, she would’ve smiled at such a heartwarming scene.
“Draco, let’s go,” Lucius called, his voice wavering.
Draco stood up straighter. He nodded subtly at (Y/N) and walked to his parents, ready to leave. The three Malfoys disappeared down the corridor, leaving (Y/N) to deal with the butterflies in her stomach. She turned around to face the sunrise again, wondering what she’d say to her friends.
As Draco walked with his parents, he couldn’t conceal the smile on his face.
“Who is she?” Lucius asked.
“She’s just a friend,” he answered, trying to be nonchalant.
“Yeah, just a friend,” Narcissa teased.
Draco stopped on his tracks. His parents looked at him, mocking smiles on their faces.
“Wait a minute, okay?” He hadn’t finished saying this and his feet were already taking him back to (Y/N).
“Hey! Long time no see,” she taunted as he stood, once again, in front of her.
“Would you give me your address? To owl you?” he asked hesitantly. 
It warmed her heart to see him so disarmed and clumsy. She conjured paper and a quill out of thin air and copied her address. They looked at each affectionately. Draco leaned forward, their noses almost touching.
“Are we friends?” he blurted out. He cringed inwardly at how desperate that must have sounded.
(Y/N) closed the gap between them. It was a little awkward and incredibly sweet, just their lips touching, moving in synch at a very slow pace. (Y/N)’s hand travelled to his cheek, his fingers crawled to her hair. (Y/N) smiled into the kiss as she felt electricity running around them. Draco’s heart was about to leap off his chest.
When they pulled away, Draco pecked her lips softly a couple of times again until she giggled.
“Friends,” (Y/N) agreed happily.
“So, we really had our first kiss right here,” Draco said in awe.
“Are we friends?” (Y/N) mocked.
He placed a kiss on her temple. “Merlin, I don’t know, darling. What do you think?” his dashing smile warmed (Y/N)’s heart.
“Well, honey, I really hope we are. I don’t want to be running the (Y/L/N) – Malfoy quidditch team on my own,” she said. This was definitely not the way she wanted to break the news to him, but she figured it was more in their style.
It took Draco no time to register what she had said. He looked at her wide-eyed, completely at a loss for words.
“Seriously?” he asked, happy tears welling his eyes.
(Y/N) nodded vigorously. “No, no tears, my love. We’re very happy today,” she said as she sat up to caress both of his cheeks.
“I’m so happy, (Y/N),” he whispered and gently brought his hand to her belly.
They were soon cuddling again, waiting for the sunrise and feeling pure unaltered bliss.
A/N: This is the end. I hope you liked it! I really couldn’t kill reader, movie be damned. If you’ve reached this far, I really want to thank you. Thank you all for giving me love and support, for reading, liking, rebloging and commenting. Thank you for being kind to me. 
My birthday is on Thursday (6 days after Draco omg) so I think I’ll be taking the rest of the week for myself and start posting again over the weekend. If anyone wants me to tag them in my next endeavours (a Draco x reader mini series from a request, a Draco x reader one shot and a Theo x reader one shot) just tell me! 
My inbox is open for messages, requests, rants and any conversation you want to have. 
Lastly, I’d like to say two things: 
1. Trans women are women. We can enjoy the Harry Potter’s books, make sense of them whichever way we want them to, but we cannot take the authorship from J.K. Rowling. We must realize who she is and why she wrote what she wrote. 
2. Black lives matter
Have a happy day and a happy life. 
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rhetoricalrogue · 3 years
Squishes - 11. Pulling mine into their lap
Thank you for the ask! This came in at around 1,995 words.
The little gastropub that Vincent’s brother had suggested they visit was definitely off the beaten path.  Even Josephine, who usually didn’t like going anywhere without consulting multiple review sources was charmed, calling it a hidden gem with excellent customer service.  Vincent had to wonder just how much of that was normal customer interaction and how much was due to the fact that Rolfe seemed to be familiar with the owner, the two of them shouting greetings at the other before the tall, bald man with an impressive beard enveloped Rolfe in a spine-cracking bear hug.
“You have got to try the soft pretzels,” Rolfe told them once they were shown to a back patio area that while being sunny and full of plants also had a private, secluded feel to it. He pulled out a chair for Cassandra while casually attempting to scoot his closer to hers without her catching on.  “Bruno serves them with a beer cheese sauce that is to die for.”
Vincent paused.  “I think we have a problem,” he said, looking at the seating arrangements.  “There’s eight of us showing up, but only five chairs.”
Rolfe shrugged.  “No worries!  Save my seat, Gorgeous,” he winked at Cassandra, who rolled her eyes and turned her attention towards the appetizer menu.  “I’ll be back in a bit with some help.”
Vincent sat down, his eyes peeled for the others.  Well, if he was honest with himself, he was mainly looking for Roz.  She’d been working long hours at the hospital lately to cover shifts for a coworker who was out on maternity leave, and by the time she made it home, she barely had the energy to shower and then text him a quick good night note to let him know that she had got home safely.  Tonight was the first night in weeks that she’d been able to get off work while it was still light out and he was looking forward to spending some time with her.
They’d only started officially seeing the other just a short while ago, and the two of them had agreed to keep it under wraps for the time being.  It wasn’t as if they were ashamed of their relationship, but after spending years thinking that the other wasn’t interested and not wanting to run their friendship by saying something out of turn, they wanted to keep this new turn in their lives to themselves for just a little longer to savor all the quiet moments and firsts before they let their friends in.
Maker knows his brother would crow about their new status, telling Vincent I told you so and raking up the winnings on whatever betting pool their circle of friends had made.  No one had told him there was betting on him and Roz, but when one was friends with Varric and Rolfe, no one had to tell him there were wagers going on.
It wasn’t long before the door to the patio area opened and Roz stepped out, her eyes scanning the tables for them.  He waved to her as her eyes landed on him, his heart skipping a few beats at the sight of her.  She’d changed out of her hospital scrubs and into a floral print sundress, the full skirt ending a little above the knee and showing off her legs.  The bright turquoise fabric brought out the color of her eyes and the watercolor pinks and yellows of the printed flowers brought out the rosy color of her cheeks and the red of her hair.
She was beautiful, but then again, Vincent would have thought that about her had she been wearing nothing at all.
“Hey you guys,” she said, smiling at Josephine and Cassandra.  Without thinking, she hooked the strap of her purse to the back of Vincent’s chair.
He stood up, giving himself a quick mental shake at the direction his thoughts had turned.  “Here, saved you a seat.  Rolfe’s inside wrangling some more chairs for everyone.”
“But you were sitting there first.”  She shifted on her feet, the sandals with the chunky heel cute, but something that Vincent knew wouldn’t be comfortable standing in for long, especially after a long day of being on her feet.  “I can wait.”
“Do you want my mother to manifest inside this restaurant and beat me to death with a menu?” He grinned at her, gently guiding her towards the table.  “She raised me better than that.”
“And since I don’t see Mama Trevelyan here,” she teased back, “I’m telling you to sit.”
Vincent looked at her and a lifetime of seeing the set of her mouth and the way she squared her shoulders told him that she wasn’t going to budge from her stance.  “Fine, I’ll sit.”
“Thank you for letting me win that argu-” Roz’s smug comment was cut short when Vincent wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap, her eyes going wide in surprise as their two tablemates laughed.
“And you will too.”  Since it was at mouth height, he stealthily laid a brief kiss to her bare shoulder before leaning forward and grabbing onto a menu.  “I hope you’re hungry, Rolfe was talking up this place’s appetizers and I’m pretty sure he’s going to get most of the menu just for him.”
Roz shifted in his lap until she could comfortably look at the menu he held.  “I’m starving, it was so busy that I worked through my lunch break.”
Vincent frowned, but didn’t comment.  It was an old argument of theirs: he’d disapprove of her not putting her health first and she’d argue that he was one to talk, seeing as she knew he often skipped meals when he was busy at his nursery and only ate something when he was mentoring students so they wouldn’t feel bad about eating the snacks he provided them.  Instead, he pointed at a few things on the menu and quietly began the usual conversation he and Roz had when visiting a new place, offering to split two plates so they could try out something they’d never had before. He could physically feel Roz relax in his arms as she carried on a conversation with Josephine and Cassandra.  The two of them had never shied away from physical touch before, which was probably why their current seating arrangement hadn’t raised any eyebrows from the two women.  It was nice.
Of course, that meant that the feeling wasn’t meant to last long.  “Well, aren’t we cozy?” Rolfe drawled, coming in with two chairs in hand.  The owner - Bruno?  Vincent briefly remembered his brother saying the man’s name was Bruno - trailed behind him with another chair.  “Hello, Darling,” he told Roz, swooping in to press a noisy kiss to her cheek.
Rolfe laughed at Vincent’s grumble of protest.  “Don’t be jealous; I love you too,” he teased, pressing a similar kiss to Vincent’s cheek before sitting next to Cassandra and laughing as Vincent dramatically rolled his eyes before reluctantly letting Roz slide out of his lap.  The conversation quickly went to food choices and shouted hellos as the other people in their party eventually showed up.  
The slight tug on his pant leg made Vincent look in Roz’s direction, his eyes darting down.  She was seated close enough to him to make room for the others at their table, and definitely within touching distance.  He let his hand rest on his knee before slowly reaching out to hook his little finger with hers underneath the table, catching her eye and giving her a secret smile that he was honestly surprised flew under the radar of several normally observant people around them.
Roz let his hand go first and while he missed the contact, he nearly choked on his drink when her finger ran against the outside of his thigh.  He turned in her direction to talk to Josephine at her right, his eyes catching on the smirk Roz hid behind her own glass.  Not one to sit by and leave well enough alone, Vincent reached out and did the same, his fingers slowly inching the fabric of her dress up and touching bare skin.  Roz, who hadn’t been looking in his direction, gave out a barely muffled sound of surprise. 
“Everything all right, Roz?” Leliana asked, giving them a look that had Vincent trying not to quickly snatch his hand away.  She tipped her head in response, her lips pursing as she looked between the two of them, but didn’t comment further.
“Yes, it’s just been a long day.”  Roz shifted, her hand subtly tugging the hem of her dress over her knee again.  “A long week, if I’m being honest.  I might have to call it an early night.”
Vincent didn’t comment as Leliana looked between them again, her expression quickly turning from one of curious interest to knowing realization.  Well, he thought, reaching for his drink and wishing that it was something stronger than sweetened tea, so much for keeping this under wraps for long.
But then Leliana surprised them both by giving a soft smile.  “From what I’ve heard, you haven’t had much time to rest.  No one would blame you for wanting to duck out early for some time to yourself.”  Her eyes flicked over to Vincent before casually picking up a potato wedge and putting it on her plate.  “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
“Secret?  Who’s keeping secrets over there?” Rolfe asked, giving them a carefree grin that told Vincent that he wanted to be on whatever conversation he had missed.
“Nobody,” he replied, reaching out for a few more fried pickles to add to his own plate.  He nodded to Leliana, who gave him a wink in response. “You’re just being nosy.”
“Hey, Nosy is my middle name.”
Cassandra laughed.  “And here I thought it was Bothersome.”
“Or Charmer.” 
Varric scoffed.  “That’s his nickname, you can’t call him Charmer twice.”
Vincent arched an eyebrow.  “Funny, I thought it was Aloyusi -”
Rolfe pointed a finger at him.  “Do not finish that sentence, Vincent Nathaniel.” 
Vincent raised his hands up defensively in defeat, content that the conversation had been steered away from him and Roz.  He caught her eye as he checked his watch.  Knowing her, she would make her excuses and leave in about twenty more minutes.  He guessed that if he held out for another half hour afterwards, he’d be able to make it back to her house and still be able to spend a good time alone with her before going back to his apartment before Rolfe made it home.
Then again, he’d noticed the looks that Cassandra had been giving Rolfe most of the evening.  If they were both lucky, Vincent wouldn’t see his brother until mid-morning.
Beside him, Roz jumped and reached into her purse to fish out her phone.  “I hate to call this short,” she started, quickly waving her phone and showing the text message.  Vincent was close enough to see that the latest message was from several days ago.  “It’s one of my co-workers, they can’t find some paperwork that I left them last shift.  I think that I’m going to head home for some shuteye after I help them out.”
He watched as she made her way around the table, giving hugs and goodbyes.  She made it back to him and reached behind him to grab her purse.  “Don’t make me wait long,” she whispered in his ear as she pulled her purse off the back of his chair.
“Drive safe.  Text me when you get home?”  
“Of course.”  Again, no one even gave them a second glance at their customary goodbye, not even when she kissed his cheek, her fingers softly pushing his hair out of his eyes and fondly curling strands behind his ear. 
He watched her go, and if Leliana caught the way his eyes focused on Roz’s backside as she left, she didn’t say a word.
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I decided to do another updated post on what my villagers are like on my island.
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She is sometimes difficult to track down because she likes to Naruto run all over the island
Loves to party and is usually the first one let you know when there is a party going on
She still wants me to take her clothes shopping
She really loves flowers so much that she has sent me flower seed through the mail multiple times
She does get told by most of the other villagers that her cooking sucks
She is mostly chill and gets along with practically everyone
Very close friends with Flip, Rolf, Eunice, and Claudia
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Not the brightest bulb in the box, but he’s very nice.
He’ll accidentally get into arguments with the other residents and immediately feels awful afterwards, hince usually having me deliver apology gifts to others
That being said, he’s surprisingly really good at picking out gifts
He still alerts me when there is a visitor on the island
He will still follow me around when I’m doing work to my island
Still has a friendly rivalry with Twiggy and Rolf
Very close friends with Deirdre, Twiggy, Papi, Eunice, Eugene, and Mac
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She still loves to talk about video games and comic books
Loves to do yoga at the plaza a lot
She is always either giving gifts or selling me her stuff
Adopted by Rolf
Usually the first one to befriend new villagers
Still has a funny rivalry with Flip
Very close friends with Rolf, Papi, Flip, Eunice, and Eugene
She could try commit arson if given the chance
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She is one of the sweetest villagers you will ever meet
She is also one of the most savage villagers you will ever meet: Eunice’s most iconic savage moment is when she gave Eugene a hula top that matched his fur color to make him look like he’s naked
She compliments me everyday and it’s very sweet
She’s always giving me gifts as well
She likes to do yoga at the plaza at night and she will let you join her
If she is not outside taking a stroll around the island then she’s at another villager’s house hanging out with them
Very close friends with everyone
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The king of eavesdropping
He’s a bit of a smartass
He likes to read a lot
He likes to ask me to catch bugs or fish a lot for him
Usually the first villager to say hello to me in the morning
Likes to trade items with me a lot
He has given me clothes that he has worn and changed out litterally moments ago as a gift five times.
He still still loses his stuff a lot
Very close friends with Eugene, Claudia, Eunice, and Flip
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The resident though, but sweet old man
Likes to give life advices a lot
He’s probably the strongest villager on the island
He has apparently adopted Twiggy and Papi
That said, he has a funny father-son relationship with Papi
He’ll stop and look at the flowers multiple times during his stroll on the island
He likes to check in on me quite a bit by writing letters
Still has a friendly rivalry with Flip
Very close friends with Papi, Twiggy, Claudia, Eunice, and Deirdre
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The queen of singing
She is usually very calm, but can lash out at others when provoked
She loves it when I talk to her and she loves it even more when I come over to her house to hang out with her
She’s still my sitting buddy and my museum buddy
She’ll sing and dance at the plaza everyday
She will usually give me gifts that compliment my outfit
Very close friends with Deirdre, Eunice, Rolf, and Lopez
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He is also one of the most sweetest villagers that you will ever meet
If I am sitting on a bench alone he will usually join me
He loves to constantly water the flowers, I’m surprised he hasn’t drowned any of them yet
If I’m doing something on the island he’s usually somewhere close by me
He is apparently adopted by Rolf and has a funny father-son relationship with Rolf as well
The other villagers likes to give Papi gifts because he is either a sweet boy or have accidentally made him sad
Very close friends with Rolf, Twiggy, Eunice, Flip, and Eugene
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This poor lad had a rough first two months of living on the island because over half of the other villagers didn’t like him, but everybody is cool with him now
He had a major problem with stealing everyone’s catchphrases, he stole a grand total of 27 catchphrases: I’m not joking
He does get sick quite a bit
He love visiting the fish exhibit at the museum
He’s a pretty cool and chill guy
He had a strange rivalry with Lopez when he first started living on the island and now they are close buds
He loves to go all over the island and sing his heart out
Very close friends with Lopez, Twiggy, Eunice, Papi, Mac, and Flip.
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The newest island resident
He’s pretty a nice guy
He can be shy at first, but can quickly warm up to others
He loves doing his exercises and lifting weights
If he’s not doing any of that, then either he’s chasing bugs or at the plaza socializing with the others
He’s surprisingly strong and is probably the second strongest villager next to Rolf
He’s made several of close friends so far and they are Flip, Eugene, and Eunice.
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nightwingshero · 4 years
1 to 25 for Whitney xoxo
Wow, you really went for it, huh? Lol under the cut, my dear x
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1. What’s their go to pick up line/flirting tactic?
Whitney is obvious as a flirt (when she can actually flirt), and it shows in her body language: hair flipping, touching your arm and giggling at anything funny you say, crossing her legs, puffing her chest out a bit, and leaning in close to you. She’s going to wait for you to make the first move, and you will because she will have you eating out of the palm of her hand. Jedi mind trick, because sure, you think picking her up is your choice...when that decision was made before she even started talking to you. 
2. Can they dance?
Nope, not really. While Whitney does work out (she’s not shy from doing physical activity), she hardly ever dances. She believes its silly and she would rather be saved from the embarrassment. 
3. Underwear style?
Silk and lace. Usually in the colors of light pink, white, or shades of gold. 
4. Crayons, markers, colored pencils, or paint?
All of them. Whitney went to school for art and she uses a lot of different mediums. Paint is her favorite, though, and she has a sun room she uses as a studio. 
5. What was their childhood stuffed animal of choice?
A fuzzy teddy bear her mother bought her not long before she died. It has a red ribbon/bow around it’s neck and sits in her armchair in her bedroom. 
6. What’s their sleeping positions?
Whitney doesn’t move around a lot in her sleep. Mostly it’s on her back, but sometimes she sleeps on her side. 
7. Do they snore?
Oh, hell no. Whitney wouldn’t tell you if she did, to be honest. Snoring is above her and ladies don’t do that. 
8. What do they act like when they’re drunk?
Ha! Look, I’m just gonna tell you now: Wren and Jane are the worst influence over her, I swear. Anyway! White girl wasted, I’m telling you. Mostly with tequila though. She’s the fruity drink kind and she’s a light weight...it doesn’t mix well for her. Now, if it’s wine or she’s only had a little to drink--she’s just a little more emotional. 
9. Sweet, sour, salty, or savory?
Sweet. She bakes a lot and loves it. She likes sour drinks, but that’s about it as far as that goes. Whitney has a complicated relationship with salty foods, she tries to eat healthy, so she doesn’t really eat a whole lot of salty things. 
10. Can they play an instrument? If so, which one(s)?
No, not really. She knows some basic piano, but not a whole lot, so she doesn’t really count it. She does sing though and helps with the choir. 
11. What would their favorite book be?
Little Women
12. What is their guilty pleasure?
Already answered! 
13. If they got a new pet, what would they name it?
Something super cute and adorable, like Pumpkin or some shit. She had a small white dog named Snow White once...she’s not original. 
14. Beach house, cozy snowy cabin, treehouse in a forest, or desert paradise?
Already answered!
15. What would their favorite board game be?
Life, Connect Four, Candy Land, and Trivial Pursuit (although Wren and Rowan kick her ass).
16. What do they smell like?
She’s gonna have more of a floral scent, mostly roses. She will also smell like whatever she decided to bake--apple or blueberry pie, sugar cookies, etc. Honey, vanilla, Viktor and Rolf Flowerbomb perfume, and Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume.
17. What’s their favorite smell?
Florals, mostly. Anything citrus and some woodsy scents--sandalwood, cedar, and pine (although you won’t catch her dead in the woods). She loves maple and pumpkin spice (she’s one of those), honey, and brown sugar. 
18. If they were drunk, what would they get a tattoo of?
God, Wren would fucking try...Whitney would get a butterfly tattoo, she so fucking would. And yes, probably in the form of a fucking tramp stamp, especially if Wren has anything to do with it. (Istg, Wren and Jane live to corrupt Whitney). If not, she would get it on her hip or get one of those badass under-the-boob tats. I could also see her getting something simple between her boobs--Wren would totally get one with her. 
19. Describe their laugh.
Bells, honestly. I know that sounds weird. But it’s not too different from Wren’s, but Wren’s is more...wholesome. If that makes sense? Like, Whitney has a higher note to it, but its a bit sharper, while Wren’s is a tad bit high-pitched, but more full. I don’t know if I’m explaining this right. 
20. Hoodies, knit sweaters, wool coats or just a blanket to stay warm?
Knit sweaters and blankets quilts. Whitney is warm and loves things like that. She’s very homey underneath the materialistic uptight front she has (mostly thanks to Nancy and some of Joseph). She’s genuinely loving and caring, not the condescending southern rot-your-teeth sweet she uses on her enemies or the Resistance. Whitney is very much “let me cook you a good meal, you’re skin and bones, and have some hot chocolate with 30 blankets--we can watch Hallmark movies together. Or Nicholas Sparks. Do you like Nicholas Sparks?”. She will definitely be a knit sweater kinda girl. 
21. Are they good with their hands? How do they deal with household-type maintenance?
She’s useless, maintenance wise. Good with her hands? With gardening (the only acceptable time to be dirty) and painting, yes. Baking? Absolutely. Fixing things? Hell no. Woman has no idea what she’s doing, she would probably die changing a light bulb. 
22. If they had a custom car horn, what would it be?
Heaven Is a Place on Earth or Pocketful of Sunshine. If Wren’s rigging it, it’s gonna be I Wanna Dance With Somebody by Whitney Houston or Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey....Killer Queen is also on the table.  
23. Favorite carnival attraction?
Cotton candy stand and the carousal. 
24. Showers or baths?
Baths, all day long. She’s a self-care queen, and will either do bubbles, bath bombs, or rose petals. There are candles involved most of the time with a glass of wine and something she can watch Netflix on. 
25. What’s their ideal day like?
A bright sunny day painting next to the pond in her backyard with music lightly playing in the background. Maybe with some friends over for company. If it’s raining, she’s gonna be in the sun room painting or enjoying a classic movie--like Titanic or something. 
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hogwartsfirebolt · 5 years
Number 12 please!! For the prompt thingy x
Thank you for the prompt ❤️
Drarry + 12: Roommates AU (omg they were roommates)
This is how it goes: Ron and Hermione are together, Neville and Hannah are together, Luna and that guy Rolf are together, Ginny and Cho are together—which is just hilarious, honestly, Harry finds it simply hysterical— and now they’ve got their sharp little eye on Harry.
This is how it goes: Pansy and Anthony are together, Greg and Millie are together, Daphne and Theo are together, Blaise and that older girl are together —Draco isn’t even sure she exists, he thinks it might just be Blaise’s reflection in drag— and now they’ve got their sharp little eye on Draco.
And well, thanks, but NO thanks. Friday night drinks are already damn uncomfortable when everybody is getting cozy with their partner and Harry and Draco end up pressed together at the end of the booth, trying to pretend that their, dare I call it friendship —more like past enmity that they shoved underneath the rug when their friends suddenly befriended each other— isn’t awkward as fuuuuck. (“So, uh, you opened a bookstore. That going well?” “Yes. Heard you left the Aurors to write memoirs. That going well?” “Sure is.”) They don’t need the added stress of their friends wanting to send them on blind dates with randos.
Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, but NO thanks.
This is how it goes: their friends confess they hate seeing them lonely, they hate knowing that each of them goes home at the end of the day to an empty bed, they’re 30, and are they really going to spend their sexiest years alone?
This is how it goes: Draco has just opened a bookstore and, coincidentally, Harry lives across the street from it. It’s not like they’re friends, but their friends are friends, and so Harry invites him to his flat for a drink one night after Draco closes the shop. It’s not so bad. It’s easier to talk to each other when they don’t have to yell over pub music —there’s only so many things you can talk about while Britney sings Toxic— and, actually, they sort of have a lot in common? They work with words, they love that cheap white rum they sell in corner shops, and they went through some pretty dense stuff as teenagers. And their friends are being unbearable about setting them up.
Pfft. They’re mental. I’m not lonely! I’m happy living here, and I have a cat.
I’m not lonely either! Sure, the Manor is a little big for me these days, and it takes a long floo jump to get to work every morning, but it’s not so bad.
And anyway, we don’t even need to be dating someone to not be lonely. That’s the whole point of having friends.
Definitely. And platonic roommates exist.
Roommates!!! A friend you live with. Not an empty home! Not an empty … — Malfoy. Malfoy I have an idea.
And so, there’s a contract that goes like this: they can never (underlined and circled in red) eat each other’s food, use each other’s shampoo or shaving cream —Not like you need it for that peach fuzz, Malfoy— let their one-night stands stay for breakfast, have sex in communal areas, skip the chores marked on the calendar pinned to the fridge and, especially, let their friends forget about the fact that they’re not living alone anymore.
Boy does it backfire.
Harry uses Draco’s shampoo. Draco uses Harry’s shaving cream for the two hairs on his chin. Harry eats Draco’s quail eggs. Draco eats Harry’s shakshouka. Draco begins to wear soft jumpers that belong to Harry around the house. Harry steals Draco’s shirts when he has to meet a potential agent. Each of their sex dates sometimes stay way, way past breakfast —Draco, I have to do my yoga in half an hour, tell that dude to fucking leave already— way, way past the afternoon —Harry, I swear if this girl isn’t out of the house by the time I come back from the bookshop, I will have your head.
They fight. They fight so much. It’s “I told you not to use my shampoo!” at night and “There’s no shaving cream left. Why the fuck is there no shaving cream left” in the morning. It’s “I told you I was taking this lunch to work and you ate it anyway, do you even listen to me when I talk to you?” and “I was gonna bring curry to Ron and Hermione’s, but you and your stupid fuck friend ate all of it.”
They fight everyday, it’s so exhausting, every single day — except for Mondays, that is. Mondays are sacred. On Mondays their friends visit, and Harry and Draco are the perfect flatmates, the perfect friends, they are happier than ever, guys, can you believe how happy they are? Until the others leave, of course, but by then it’s usually past midnight and does it even count as Monday anymore? Nope, I don’t think so. 
This is how it goes: one morning, on the very long walk Draco takes across the street to work, he is hit by a stray curse. Yeah, I know, right? That is so weird, that there was someone throwing curses at random at 9am on a Wednesday. That is so weird, that it hit a guy who used to be a Death Eater. Such a coincidence.
He ends up in Mungo’s. They reconstruct all of his thoracic vertebrae and tell him not to leave his bed for four weeks until he adjusts, and then to start walking little by little. He might have a limp forever, they say. He might have back pain forever, they say. He might have died if he hadn’t gotten to the hospital on time, they say.
Four weeks in bed are kind of a lot, especially for someone who lives on his own and has to do everything for himself, except Draco is not such a person, and he does have someone to help him at home. And Harry takes on that role the way he does everything in his life: taking the bull by the horns. He cleans the flat and does their laundry, he cooks for Draco and spoon-feeds him, he sits next to him for hours watching the cartoons and Mexican telenovelas Draco enjoys —“How do you even like these? They all have the same plot line and Teresa is kind of a really bad person” “Excuse you? Teresa is my role model. I don’t expect a brute like you to understand”— he helps him get to the toilet —“Merlin, this is so embarrassing” “You have nothing I haven’t seen, Malfoy, get on with it”— he sponge-bathes him and dresses and undresses him. He holds his arm when he begins to walk again. He goes with him the first time he’s back to the bookstore.
He writes about him, when he has time to sit in front of his typewriter again.
He thinks about him when he goes out one night after Pansy visits them and —You’ve been helping him non-stop for five weeks. You need to go out and relax! I’ll look after him tonight— He thinks about him as he apparates to the club, as he dances with a dark haired man, as he makes out with him out back, as they kiss and Will you take me home? He thinks about him when he says no.
The thing is. The thing is, their fights are not really that serious. The thing is, sometimes their arguments end up with them doubled over laughing because of some insult Draco came up with and It’s fine, it’s fine, I’ll cook some more and I’ll pack it so you can take it to the bookstore tomorrow for lunch. The thing is, it becomes increasingly easier to behave on Mondays, and, without noticing, they’ve began to develop some other routines too. Pancake Thursday, post-Friday-night-drinks Monopoly —every time, Draco cheats every time— Sunday night Quidditch sitting in front of the TV and eating their weight in fish and chips, Draco sitting Harry down and taming his hair and choosing one of his own shirts to give to him before he meets a potential agent, a consultant, a representative of a publishing house. Harry folding one of his own jumpers after laundry day and putting it in Draco’s closet.
Harry goes back home that night having had a realization. He says goodbye to Pansy —Harry, you look as though you’ve seen a ghost— and stares at his ceiling for hours before being able to sleep.
The next morning, he makes Draco’s favorite breakfast and tries to recall when exactly he learned it was his favorite and when it became his go-to when he’s cooking in the mornings and whether those two things are related. Draco comes out of his own room in boxers and one of Harry’s t-shirts on slightly unsteady feet but refusing Harry’s arm when —No, no, I need to walk on my own or I’ll never get better— and he makes coffee for Harry and tea for himself and Harry wonders when this became routine, too, having breakfast together in each other’s clothes, that they use as pajamas.
He wonders when he started packing Draco’s lunch in the mornings; when Draco started buying his favorite brand of shaving cream so he wouldn’t run out; when they started hanging out together at night, sitting on their couch, reading, watching TV, gossiping about their friends; when he started going to the bookstore, his typewriter in his arms, to sit by Draco as they both work.
He wonders when they stopped bringing people to have sex with. 
It’s at that point that he freaks out and immediately calls Laia, his fuckbuddy.
And it happens like this: it’s raining, because of course it is, and Draco throws a fit outside the bookstore, pretending to be mad about something when really, he’s just hurt Harry called Laia again.
It’s never been easy between them, has it? Of course it comes out in the middle of an argument, in the middle of the night, standing right in the middle of the street, drenched from head to toe. Of course that’s when it comes out.
Why are you acting like this?! It’s like you’re jealous or something.
Well, no shit! I’m jealous as fuck! What did you think!
Well, honestly, it’s not like Harry didn’t know. It’s not like he wasn’t hoping this sex date would make Draco jealous or, at least, let Harry forget about the inconvenient feelings he’s found buried in his belly.
He grins, and —Are you smiling right now? Merlin help me, Merlin help me, I hate you so much, I hate you so—
Kisses in the rain are a thing of fairy tales. A thing of romcoms. In reality, they’re inconvenient, a little disgusting, hair sticking to faces and necks and water making the slide of lips uncomfortable but. But. It doesn’t even matter.
It’s never been easy between them. But it doesn’t matter.
This is how it goes: a full-sized bed is traded for a queen-sized one, Harry’s room becomes their room, Draco’s room becomes their study. Their toothbrushes sit together in one vase. Draco uses Harry’s shaving cream and Harry uses Draco’s shampoo. They cook together, they cook for each other, they cook and they dance while they cook, they cook and they stop for a kiss. Their wardrobes blend together.
And as for sex dates. They won’t be needing any of those. This is the new contract. Underlined and circled in red three times.
And so!!!! That’s how I would write this trope (which is one of my absolute FAVORITES)
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kamosweasley · 3 years
I don’t want to talk - Part III (George Weasley x Reader)
Description : To read first and second parts.
Word count : 2.2K
Taglist : @lilypad-55449​ @girl22334​ @memekingofwwiii​ 
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Time heals everything. Maybe it's true and it's not just a proverb that is repeated to all those who are in pain to make them believe one day they will not be in pain anymore. Things are getting better between you and George, it's not back to normal yet but there is progress. It's been a month since he let you come back to live in the apartment, since then you always sleep on the couch and there are always awkward moments. You don't rush things, you prefer to give him space and wait until he feels ready. So you've had time to think about how to save your couple, the answer that came to you is simple and obvious. 
Seduction seems to be the best option. This is what needs to be preserved in a couple to avoid routine, so logically this is the best way to reconnect and regain confidence. You have to wait for George to get close to you before you try anything, you don't want to force him to anything. In the meantime you behave more like a roommate than a girlfriend.
-Did you answer Luna and Rolf's invitation ?
-Not yet, you didn't tell me if you were coming or not.
-I should be able to free myself, it's the wedding of one of my friends. Will you come with me ?
Is this a trick question ? Apart from the day the invitation arrived, you never mentioned Luna. It's still a sensitive subject, so you both avoid it carefully. You don't know what you should answer, the truth or what he might potentially want to hear ? You don't even know what he wants to hear. Does he want you to come with him or tell him you'll stay away ? You don't know, and it's turning your brain upside down for the umpteenth time. It hurts you to realize you don't know how to deal with George anymore, every day you ask yourself dozens of questions when before, everything was natural. You were happy, there was no awkward contact, so few moments of discomfort, you were as if you were connected. And now it seems like the line is just cut.
-Do you want me to come or not ?
-What happened to the Y/N who always did as she pleased ?
-She tries not to do anything stupid and to regain her boyfriend's trust. So she asks him if he wants her to come to the wedding with him or not.
-Darling, you do what you want. I didn’t fall in love with a woman who asks me what she has the right to do.
-I don’t want to come and then you resent me for some reason. She's also my friend and I'm not going to interrupt the wedding to elope with her, but I don't know what's going on in your head that I don't want you to imagine-
-So you want to come ?
-Yes !
-Then come with me. It's that simple.
You look at him, confused. It seems that everything is normal, doesn't look like you almost broke up because you had a renewed love for Luna. You can't help but be suspicious, how can he talk about it in such a detached way ? A month ago you were on the verge of breaking up "because of her”, and now he gives the impression Luna is still just your friend. Which is true, especially since as you refocus on your relationship with George, your feelings for her seem to have faded away. But you haven't said a word to George, you don't dare tell him much about your relationship since he let you return to the apartment. Being in the kitchen with him finishing the dishes reminds you of a bad memory from a previous conversation about Luna.
-You try to trick me.
-Why do you think that ?
-Because you were jealous of her, and mad about me to the point of almost breaking up with me. 
-I know. Aren't we trying to overcome this ?
-Yes, but
-I'm not going to keep you from seeing her until the end of time. Luna is getting married and you have made your choice. I have to trust you again.
Having finished the dishes, he wipes his hands as he looks at you, sitting at the table with the invitation still in your hands. It is probably involuntary but a tension is created, you have the feeling that everything depends on your answer. But there is not even a real question. Your heart races and you realize once again how much things have changed between you, and you wish everything would return to normal. You can’t take it anymore, you miss your Georgie so bad. You feel almost like a stranger, you have the impression that you can no longer joke with him and that each of your gestures, each of your words can lead you to your ruin. 
-I miss you. 
You admit in a low voice, as if it were a shameful secret. Honesty gives you that strange feeling of shame because you don't feel legitimate to express it. Yes you suffer from this situation, but it must be even worse for George. It's the first time in a month that you've said something so sincere and intimate, before you were silent in fear that it would be inappropriate. You are in constant balance and you are so afraid of falling and losing everything. You are so afraid of losing him.
-I miss you too. 
His answer shatters your heart, but in a good way. He feels the same, and you can read in his gaze all the sincerity of these words. Then it looks like a barrier has just collapsed, without the slightest noise, but you feel it as if the fall has made the walls tremble. It must be the time, where the line is crossed and you have to play all your cards. You get up and keep looking at him, leaving the piece of paper on the table. As you get closer to him, you observe if he has a backward movement, but not the slightest. You play with your ring to relieve your stress, but your heart is beating even faster. 
-Can I kiss you ?
-What ?
-I really want to kiss you right now. 
-Are you sure you remember how to do this since then ?
George winks at you, the second after your hands are in his neck and a smile on your lips. You get back to the normality of before, the exact same feeling you always had just before you kissed him. Your heart that suddenly calms down as if to enjoy the moment, your thoughts vanish to let the magic of the moment possess you fully. And when his hands land on you, you shiver with delight. You are his, you surrender yourself completely to him without the slightest doubt. It's so sweet to love George, he has your complete trust and you can't wait to get back to him. When the lack of air starts to make your head spin, you stop like teenagers in love. He puts a strand of hair behind your ear, looking at you from his full height with a slight satisfied smile.
-You’re blushing. A lot.
-I wasn’t this close to you for weeks … I think I lost the habit. 
-It’s kinda cute, reminds me of our first kiss. Do you remember how flustered you were ? 
-Oh no ! I keep hoping you'll forget, it was so embarrassing. You laughed right after I kissed you, I thought you were making fun of me and that I was a terrible kisser !
-Are you getting flustered again ?
-Shut up Weasley, you’re talking too much.
-So shut me up.
His hands go down on your buttocks, sticking your body to his as he kisses you again. It's like before, it's soft, soothed and harmonious. God, you love this man with your whole heart and soul. Nothing seems to have changed, suddenly you're not afraid anymore, there's nothing you can’t say or do. 
-So we'll go to the wedding together, we have to go shopping for yellow clothes.
-What about a matching outfit ? We would be the most radiant of the ceremony, after the bride and groom of course.
-Sunny you should ask, I’m in.
-Yes ! You will see, you will have the brightest and sunniest suit you’ve ever seen.
-We'll have to take sunflowers, one for my jacket and one for your hair.
-Have you seen the size of a sunflower ? You want me to put one in my hair ?
-I know you can handle it, you are used to a lot bigger.
-George !
You both burst out laughing, one in front of the other. George has one of his hands on your waist and the other in the back pocket of your jeans. His smell of fireworks tickles your nostrils, he worked all day in the store, it makes him smell like smoke and you love it. He hasn't taken off his purple suit either, he’s beautiful to die for. 
-You feel like home.
-I'm glad I do, because I used to feel the same way and I hope it will be like this again. 
-Used to ?
After those bitter words, he leaves you to lean on the counter. This abrupt distancing makes you feel the space between the two of you again, not as big as before, but still present. Suddenly you feel stupid, of course not everything is back to normal, we're not in a movie. But his face is always cheerful, not severe like all the other times, that means you're on the right track.
-I know we haven't really talked about it in the last few weeks, I wanted to see if things would improve on their own. 
-And did they ?
-It looks that way since we just kissed for 5 minutes. But it's not that simple, it will take much more before-
-Before becoming George and Y/N again. Got it.
A bittersweet taste spreads in your mouth, one of disappointment in addition to your blood. You didn't even realize you had started biting the inside of your cheek, probably from the moment he stepped back. It turns your guts upside down that he ruins this beautiful moment, you felt like you were in a fairy tale and here you are again in reality, in this sad world where you are an almost-cheater. You would like to erase everything, to start again a few months before, just after the war. This time you would stay with him, you wouldn't leave him an inch, you would be totally his. After all, you always were, long before you met him. Because you're made for each other, it's as if you've been waiting for him until the day you understood it. You blame yourself for almost ruining everything but things can't be changed. We have to deal with it and move forward now.
-I am all yours. 
-What ?
-I know it’s cheesy. I know it's cheesy. You don't have to tell me back, but you need to know. If there are times when you have doubts, when you finally want to break up with me for good, and you need something to hold on to so you don't leave ... 
And here we go again ! Tears in your eyes, a lump in your throat and your hands starting to shake again. You can't stop it, but you wish you could. He's going to end up thinking you’re forcing his hand, like a kid trying to show pity so he doesn't get punished too harshly after a big mistake.
-Hey, I'm not going to disappear. I'm not going anywhere except in the same direction as you. Look, I know you're trying and I believe you when you tell me you don't have feelings for Luna anymore. Just give us some time, love.
In an instant, he comes to take your face in cup. His thumbs gently rub your cheeks, he dives his gaze into yours, his brown eyes are warm and so soothing. How much you love his eyes, those damn eyes … How not to fall for them ?
-You promised, so I promise you in return that I will never give up, no matter how long it takes. And that won't be our last promise.
He smiled at you, as if he knew it was the purest truth. And it's never been closer than how you feel about him. You’re his, he is your home, he is everything. He doesn't need to hear it, he already knows it. But saying certain things out loud is sometimes necessary and it feels good to hear it. 
-I love you. More than I'll ever be able to tell you.
-I love you too. More than I’ll ever be able to show you.
His kiss on your forehead melts your heart, he always knew how to do it. It's a strange thing, you still love each other so much and yet you're not back to normal yet. Maybe that's why it hurts so much, you love each other unconditionally and it hurts even more when you make mistakes. Right now you’re the one who made the mistake, you don't know which one of you suffers the most in recent weeks. You'll never know, but it doesn't really matter to dwell on the past. 
The future is reaching out to you, George is reaching out to you. 
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Nano-vember | The Glue
Part XVII & Part XVIII
Tagging my Drarryville friends: @drarryruinedme7 @keyflight790 @cassiaratheslytherpuff @dewitty1 @hdanalyst @moose-1967
Thank you to the very wonderful @keyflight790 for Beta Reading this story! ❤️❤️
If anyone else would like to be tagged for updates please let me know!
The Glue Masterlist
Harry spent the night at Luna’s, mostly staring up at the ceiling of their guest room and thinking about both Draco and Neville. He wondered if it ever came down to telling Neville, would he just want one of them. Would they all survive that? If he chose Draco would Harry be strong enough to share Draco the way Luna shares Rolf? Even worse, would he become jealous of Draco?
He went to Ron and Hermione’s house the following morning, apparating to chaos in their flat. Of course Rose was in the middle of a meltdown and Hugo was squawking. Hermione was crying to console the baby while trying to talk Rose down.
“Oh Harry!” Hermione gasped, hand pressed to her chest in surprise. “I didn’t expect you so soon. Ron has vanished to the joke shop, of course, and poor Rose is having a really hard time, aren’t you sweetheart.”
“Overstimulated,” she nodded.
Rose had been diagnosed the year prior with Autism, and though the potions helped, they weren’t the cure the world was looking for. Though Hermione has become quite the advocate for autistic people. Harry had to admit, she didn’t seem much different to him. And she was pretty great for a six year old.
He bent down in front of her and waved. He didn’t touch her. He waited patiently till she looked up at him before he spoke and didn’t get annoyed when her eyes didn’t quite meet his. 
“Hey Rosie!” He smiled. “Wanna know something cool?”
Rose Granger-Weasley has a love for learning, even at six, she was just like her mother in more than just her dark skin. Harry would often pull her out of an episode with just sharing some new information with her. She nodded slowly, staring at her toes. Harry sat down beside her and began telling her all about the many invisible magical creatures that existed in the world, or, well, that Luna had said existed. He tried his best to believe her; she was really smart.
When Rose was settled, eating her favourite snack and reading her favourite book, Harry curled up on the couch beside Hermione with a hot cup of tea and a frown.
“What’s bothering you Harry?”
“Nothing much.” He sighed. “Have you and Ron ever, i don’t know, experimented outside your relationship?”
“You mean as a couple, or separately?”
“Either, or.”
Hermione set down her tea and raised a brow. “You really want to know about what kinky shit your best mates are up to?”
“Oh, for the love of Merlin,” Harry groaned. “I just mean--fuck it. I have--I am curious about someone, and Draco is too.”
“Threesome’s can be fun,” she said carefully. “But I have a feeling that casual sex, even with Draco, isn’t exactly your style.”
Harry nodded and sipped delicately at his tea. He took in the aromatic steam, savouring the calm that always settled over him when he had a cuppa with his best friend. It wasn’t a threesome that he was after. Draco understood that much, didn’t he? Hell, until last night, Harry hadn’t even realized what he wanted, what he or Draco could have—if Neville felt the same about one, or both of them.
It all boiled down to what Neville wanted. How Neville felt. None of it mattered, if Neville didn’t feel the same way about either of them. 
“It’s not,” Harry said finally, pulling himself from his thoughts. He looked up into her curious gaze and smiled tentatively. “Mione, I’m falling in love with Neville.”
“How are your parents?” 
“Oh, splendid. Father’s just a riot with his barely concealed—meaning not concealed at all—desire for a good wholesome Pureblood female match for his sole heir. Then there’s mother who hides her disdain for my father and her drop in the circles which she socializes, by drinking copious amounts of wine, hiding in the sitting room or attending to the gardens,” Draco’s sneer is obvious, even through the fire call. 
Harry grimaced. He’d never want to help Lucius Malfoy, of all people, but Narcissa he actually sort of liked. She had helped him, so Harry would likely always have a soft spot for her. It was the second time a mothers love had saved his life. 
He thought of her as trapped in a marriage with a monster but Draco had always admonished Harry for those thoughts. Insisting that his mother loved Lucius dearly, and he was enraptured by her very existence. He’d tell Harry stories about catching Lucius holding Narcissa close, and dancing with her in the late hours of the evening when Draco was supposed to be asleep.
“Don’t, Potter,” Draco smirked. “I only care because I’m forced to deal with it right now. Once I’m ho—back at Hogwarts, I don’t have to deal with it any more, therefore it will not be any of my concern.”
“You almost said—you called Hogwarts your home!”
“Yes, well, no one would ever believe you, wayward son.”
“Never should have let you listen to muggle music.”
“I find it brilliant, though some much better than others. I will never understand the allure for this Electric music.”
“Electronica, Draco.”
“That’s not even a word.”
“It is, it’s the name of that particular musical style.”
“You, and the entire muggle musical industry are a horde of illiterate buffoons.”
 “Right, it’s us with the issue.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“I have to go, Ron’s trying to push me into a game of Quidditch with the Weasleys before I head back. Oh hey, I visited Luna, and she is dating this guy named Rolf. Whose also dating, Oliver Wood.”
“Sorry, what now?”
“Rolf, Luna’s boyfriend, also has another partner. I’ll tell you more about it when I see you tonight. Polyamorous, that’s what they called it.”
Draco got very quiet and just mumbled incoherently in response. Then he too was dragged away to return to his mother. 
Harry didn’t know how, he didn’t know why, but he had to talk to Draco about the Neville problem. He knew in the end, somehow, he would still have Draco. He didn’t want to lose Draco, and no matter what he would hold on to him. That, though as strong as anything Harry had experienced before, didn’t negate his strong feelings for Neville and his desire to at least acknowledge that it was more than just a fleeting crush. That it, too, meant something to Harry, even if it didn’t go anywhere, Neville needed--no DESERVED--to know.
He just had to be strong enough to make such a ballsy move. Though he wanted to tell Neville, and tell him soon, he wouldn’t do anything without Draco knowing.  He didn’t need Draco’s approval or permission, but Draco was his partner now. He wasn’t the sole person affected by the decisions he made, and he had to start acting like it.
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snellyboi · 5 years
Pictures of the Past
I mentioned I’d be making a Hilda one shot, and this is what came out. I figure I ought to start writing for more shows and such so I don’t get totally burnt!
words:1865 Summary: Hilda meets an old friend of her mother, Rolf Sigmundson, who holds some strange revelations about her past... warnings: Sort of a cliff hanger to a one shot I might get around to writing? Also involves an OC, and a bit of headcanon on my end (of course!)
By all accounts, Rolf Sigmundson was a good man. He mostly made a living for himself making nature shows, and indeed, few people were as qualified as he was to do this sort of thing. He spent time with Woffs in his university days, and also spent plenty of time studying trolls, giant birds, and all sorts of flora and fauna. He was mostly known for his show ‘Troll Hunter’, sort of a spiritual successor to Steve Irwin’s Crocodile Hunter.
He was a tall man, with a large, dark beard and short brown hair, with big brown eyes framed by large round glasses. He was popular, that’s for sure...and he was making an appearance for the sparrow scouts in Trolberg today.
“He’s such a sweet man, you’ll like him.” Johanna smiled as she spoke to Hilda, giving her some sandwiches to take to the meeting, as she knew it’d run until at least noon. “If you get the chance, tell him I said hello!”
Hilda took the sandwiches and hopped out the door, Alfur in tow. “I’ll see you mum, thanks for the food!” She was really excited to meet this guy! Not only was he kind of a big deal, but her mother knew him! And not a simple ‘saw him once at a zoo’ sort of thing, either, those two, according to Johanna at least, were really good friends in their youth. Not that Hilda would brag about such a thing...but it was a nice feeling.
“Hello, sparrow scouts!” Raven Leader spoke loudly from the front gate to the Huldrawood. “I’m excited you’re all here, and I’m sure you’re all incredibly glad to welcome today’s guest!” It was a simple idea, drummed up by Rolf himself. What better place to talk about nature than...well, nature? Sure, Huldrawood wasn’t the unforgiving, harsh wilderness, but it was still pretty natural, and had plenty to offer. “Our guest doesn’t really need an introduction, but he’s not here to hunt trolls or teach us how to do it. He’s here to talk about one of the most important parts of our lives...the great outdoors.” It had clearly been prepared, but would you wanna introduce someone without preparing yourself first?
“Let’s all give a warm, Sparrow scout welcome to Rolf Sigmundson!” The kids hooted and hollered, and Rolf stepped out, wearing a black ball cap, vest, beige button up shirt, and khakis, with heavy looking hiking boots.
“Hey, kids!” He smiled brightly and opened the gates, walking in. “We’re gonna hang by the front for a minute, just stick around there and pick a place to sit down.” Lucky them, it had been clear all week...the ground wasn’t too muddy. Hilda, David, and Frida all found each other and sat together.
“Are you excited?” Frida asked. Hilda nodded. “My mum loves his show...I watch it when it’s on.” She shrugged. “He does sound really interesting, though, the way my mum tells it.” Frida looked over at David. “Maybe he can find out why you’re teeming with bugs, eh?” David, at the moment, had a beetle crawling around on him. He looked spaced out.
“...sorry, could you say that again?”
Rolf rubbed his hands together and sat on the ground with them. “Yikes...kids, don’t get old, your knees start to ache and it hurts to sit down.” Some of the children laughed. “So! The woods...we sort of take it for granted, don’t we?” He looked around. “We play in them, camp in them, go on walks in them...without even thinking about what’s here. What sort of things live underground? What worlds go left unseen by most humans?” He looked over at Hilda, Frida, and David. “What if I told you that it’s not just giant things, but little ones as well? Like that...bug...on your shirt...do...do you know that’s there?”
David didn’t really say anything in response, he just sorta...pointed at it. Frida looked over. “He’s always got a bug on him.”
“Bugs tend to pick favorites, I find.” He giggled a little to himself. “Of course, the small world isn’t just made up of bugs. There’s even elves!” Some kids furrowed their brows. “Yep. Seen ‘em. I had to sign paperwork, though, these elves are obsessed with documentation, let me tell you.” He stood. “Of course, we won’t be seeing those today, you have to have permission from the elves themselves, and it’s a lot of papers to sign…”
“It isn’t THAT much paperwork!” Alfur whispered. Hilda whispered right back. “It is for this many kids!”
“Kids love paperwork!”
“Not the human ones.” Hilda whispered back. The group started to move through the woods, as he pointed out birds nests, ant hills, rabbit holes, and even a hole for a good sized bug, which he stopped around. “Phew...now, kids, most of these small guys are actually pretty safe, but this one’s not quite healthy to hang around too long.” he tapped the ground around the hole for a moment. “Hmm...must be empty. Can anyone guess what I’m looking for?”
“A snake?” One child asked.
“No, not quite...I wouldn’t be so close to it if it were a snake hole, those have a bit more...length than what should be in here.” He said. “Although, I have been bitten by my fair share of snakes. Most of the ones around here are pretty harmless.” He knelt down and tapped again. “Anyone?”
Frida jumped at the chance. “A spider? I read that some make trap doors, and sneak out to catch their prey.” Rolf smiled. “That’s an awful lot closer, it’s a sort of spider! Those spiders tend to be in other, warmer places...this is a sort of wolf spider dwelling.” He said. “They aren’t deadly, but I’ve managed to get a bite from one, and it’s bad. Opens up a sore about this big on the bite, and...it’s messy.” He said. The group kept going.
“Here’s another, much larger hole, it looks like it was dug by a-”
“Vittra!” Hilda pointed. “I’ve been in those tunnels...well, not...not those ones.” Rolf and the others looked over, and Rolf crossed his arms. “You’ve been IN a…” He looked at her for a moment. She looked...familiar.
“...how’d you get in? Why’d you go in?”
“We had to rescue some from becoming mulch, but we sort of got them angry.”  Rolf nodded. “Huh...they do like their privacy. Kids, these holes can be real deep, and falling into them can lead to some embarrassing injuries. It’s good to look at the forest floor while you walk around.” The group kept going, stopping for lunch, learning how to spot different types of bee hives and wasps nests, avoiding snakes, and even learning a bit about fishing...though, that was anecdotal, and mostly about Rolf’s bad run in with a rather large catfish in the states. They were back at the front gate. “So, scouts, it’s important to remember that the world isn’t just what’s easy to see...there’s little cities, families, and houses all around us! We just have to look.” The scouts all got pictures, some got stuff signed, and they were on their way out. Hilda couldn’t wait to tell her mother abou-
“Hilda!” Raven Leader went over to her. “It appears Rolf would like a word with you.” Hilda furrowed a brow. “Me?”
“He wants to know more about that vittra hole I think.” Hilda walked over to him. He was sitting near his car, an old beat up jeep he’d driven to the front gate. “Hilda! Hey! She wouldn’t believe that I knew your mother so I had to give her the Vittra hole line...I knew you looked familiar!” Hilda looked up at him. “You knew me?”
“Oh, you were tiny tiny before I got the show and got too busy…” He knelt down. “Agh...gotta get that knee checked on. Hey, listen, I don’t wanna hold the van up, but…” He went into his car and got a box of polaroids. “I was real good friends with your mother, and I liked to take pictures of stuff. I took a lot of pictures of her, she didn’t really own a camera until after I left that neck of the woods. Years ago she got rid of these...I won’t say why.” It was photos of her mother doing...not ‘Johanna-ish’ things; rock climbing, swimming in the middle of a lake, waving from the top of a tree.
“I think it’s time she gets these back.” Hilda nodded. “She was quite the adventurer, huh?”
“Oh, are you kidding me? She was shredded! I bet she could have benched ME back then.” He patted Hilda’s shoulder. “Tell her I said hello, yeah?”
“Of course.” She nodded with determination.
“Thanks so much, I’d stop by but I gotta split...also, Mr. Elf,” he pointed to her ear, and Alfur popped up from behind it, “You look good in red.”
Alfur blushed. “Oh, stop, you’re flattering me…”
“Heh, alright...you run along now, enjoy yourself!”
“Likewise!” Hilda got back into the van they’d used to get there, and got home, just before dark. Dinner was almost ready, and Johanna sighed with relief when she heard the front door open. “Hilda, you’re back...how was it? How do you like Rolf?”
“He’s nice...he gave me these.” She put the photos on the table. Johanna looked flustered. “...I’d been looking for those.” She went through a few of them, sitting on the couch. “That’s...well, I was quite the adventurous type.”
“Got it form somewhere, right?” Hilda winked. Johanna...sighed, and lowered her shoulders. “Well...had to come from somewhere.” They came across one of a tiny, baby Hilda, with a woman with purple hair playing with her. “Oh, look at you! So cute back then!” Hilda thought nothing of who that woman was, probably just some aunt she’d never met...but then she popped up in another photo of them at a campfire. And another of them holding hands. And another of them in flower crowns and soft looking white dresses, kissing under a flower archway somewhere in the woods. “Mum...who’s that woman? The one with the long purple hair?”
Johanna tensed up a bit. She sighed. “...well, she and I were lovers...that was our wedding. Well, it was just a ceremony, it wasn’t legal at the time…” She sighed. Hilda looked up.
“What happened to her?”
“She...went missing.” She said. “After a troll attack. I never saw her again after that.” She rubbed her eyes. “I’m...I got rid of these to cope with the loss, I suppose.” Hilda hugged her tightly. “Sorry I brought it up, mum, I-”
“No, Hilda, it’s alright.” Johanna kissed Hilda’s forehead. “I...needed to see them again. It’s just a bit of closure.” She took the one of the wedding ceremony and placed it on her desk. She went to the kitchen. “...looks like dinner’s ready. Go wash up and get ready to eat, alright?”
“Okay, mum!” Hilda went to look at the woman in the photo again.
She looked familiar.
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