#i really should have backed some stuff up to a cloud i guess...
lieslab · 1 day
Idle town
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: og8 X gn reader
Summary: Being quiet and a little ditsy is all fun and games until your boyfriend either accepts you or has something to say about it.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3.8K
A/N: This is something I've never done before. I've taken two different requests and combined them. If you'd like to know why, I've got to be real, the wheels weren't spinning in my head. I couldn't come up with sixteen different drabbles in total without them being repetitive and I don't like doing that. I don't think anyone wants to read repetitive stuff.
So in saying that, some of these are geared towards the reader being more quiet. Others are more where the reader is kinda out of it and not paying much attention. So to the two of you that requested these, I hope this works <3
_ _ _
So many thoughts were running through your head. A cognitive wheel of clusterfuck that never seemed to stop turning. Over and over again, the hum of your brain churned out thoughts like a never ending robotic machine. 
“Are you listening to me?” 
“Hmm?” You blinked, suddenly snapped out of your thoughts. 
“I’ve been talking for the past five minutes. Did you hear what I just said?” His eyebrows furrowed and his head tipped to the side. “Are you okay?” 
You nodded. “Sorry, I’ve just been stuck in my thoughts lately. So what were you saying again?” 
“I was talking about the new song that I was working on.” 
“What about it?” 
“I’m stuck on a certain part.” 
“Can I listen to it? Maybe a fresh set of eyes and ears will help you. Have you had the guys listen to it yet?” 
“Not yet, but yeah. Maybe you can help me figure it out. There’s a specific part that I feel like I’m missing, but I don’t know what it is.” 
You watched as he pulled out his laptop and opened the file. A melodic beat floated from the laptop speakers and drifted into your ears. You had to fight to stay concentrated on the song and not drift back into your thoughts. 
When it stopped where Chan had stopped producing it, it turned off. He glanced over at you, almost sheepishly. “So what do you think?” 
“I think it would do really well with some added drums in the background. Drums are the baseline of a lot of songs. The steady beat helps keep pace for other instruments. Sometimes, it’s almost like the foundation. What do you think?”  
“I think,” he smiled, “I’m dating a genius.” 
“You could say that again.” 
“I’m glad you’re listening this time and you haven’t floated away in the clouds.” 
All you could do was send him your own sheepish smile. 
_ _ _ 
You jerked your head up with wide eyes. Around you, shards of glass glistened along the ceramic floor. You shut your eyes and forced yourself to remain calm. This was the third time this week that this had happened. 
Heavy thuds slapped the floor as Minho burst from his room and came rushing. He was breathless as he reached the edge of the sunlit kitchen. “Are you okay, I heard-” He paused when he saw the glass around your feet. “Are you injured?” 
“No, I’m just annoyed, I guess. I’ll clean it up, just let m-” 
“No!” His hands went up with a face full of worry. “Just stay there and don’t move. You don’t have socks or shoes on. You don’t need to get glass in your feet. Don’t move, I’ve got it.” 
Too many times you had found yourself feeling absent-minded. It started with a quietness that enveloped you and then it slipped into a full daydream. Usually, you’d catch yourself and stop it, but sometimes you forgot about your surroundings. 
You mumbled apology after apology as Minho swept up the shards. Humiliation filtered straight into your core. “I really didn’t mean to,” you continued. 
“I know you didn’t mean to. However, I think we should ban you from glass cups. No more glass cups, plates, or bowls. I’m going to get you an entire plastic set, so you don’t hurt yourself.” 
“I’m really sorry.” 
“The next time you apologize, I’m throwing a glass at your head.” 
You blinked in shock, caught off guard by the sudden threat. Minho grinned and kissed your forehead. “I’m just kidding, I love you. Do you love me? Of course, you do.” 
Before you could respond, he disappeared to the other side of the room to dispose of the glass, so nobody else got hurt. 
_ _ _ 
The groan from Changbin caused you to glance over at him. The familiar hum of the car’s engine beneath you cut off. His lips stuck out in a pout and he side-eyed you. With a loud hmph, he spun away from you and glanced out the window. 
“What’s wrong?” You asked. 
“You’re not paying attention to me. I tried to ask if you wanted to go have dinner somewhere, but you’re not listening to me. You don’t love me anymore.” 
“That’s not true, I just-” 
“How much aegyo do I have to do to get your attention?” 
“Now, hold on, don’t you da-” 
His body flopped back, laying along the center console, the back of his head greeted your thigh. You glanced down at him with wide eyes as he called your name in a baby voice. 
The familiar feeling of disgust crept up in your stomach. Your face scrunched up in disapproval. “Why do you have t-” 
“Why don’t you love me? Hmm?” His lips stuck out in a dramatic pout and he poked his cheek. “How about now? Binnie is just the cutest.” 
“Are you done now?” 
He was not done, unfortunately. On and on he went with his complaints. When he didn’t get the reaction he wanted, he reached up while cooing and tugged at your cheeks. 
You smacked his hand away and leaned back. “Get your dirty paws off of me!” 
“I don’t have paws!” 
He shoved his fingers into your face and wiggled them. “Can you count? There’s ten! Should we count together?” 
“Should we stop hanging out with Hyunjin so much, so you don’t pick up on his theatrics?” 
“Meanie! Meanie!” He cried louder with a finger pointed at your face. “You don’t really love me!” 
“You have three seconds to start running, before I start t-” 
With a loud yowl, he scrambled off your lap, jerked the car door open, and took off. You didn’t waste time getting out of the passenger’s seat and chasing him around your yard. No matter how much you seemed annoyed, you loved him with your entire heart.
_ _ _ 
“Hmmh.” Hyunjin hummed softly as he took in your appearance. 
You were sitting criss-cross applesauce on the couch. Your hands were folded in your lap. For quite a while now, you have been zoned out. 
“Can you hear me?” He asked, but received no response. “What if I raise my voice?” His tone grew louder by a few octaves. When you didn’t respond, he frowned. “How peculiar.” 
He stepped closer, but you were still in your own world. Wrapped around in your own pleasant daydream, you had no idea what was coming. Hyunjin’s hand outstretched and he gently waved it in front of your face, but no response. 
He stepped closer and bent down towards you. With narrowed eyes, he pushed his head towards yours. “If I told you I knew all your secrets, would that snap you out of this?” He whispered. 
When you didn’t respond, he stuck his tongue out with a scowl. With no response, he sat back on his legs with a sigh. His eyes narrowed while he tried to figure out how to snap you out of your daze. It wasn’t new for you, it was something you did a lot. He usually didn’t mind it, but he wanted to talk to you. 
His face lit up once he realized what he could do. With a small giggle, he pushed himself up and took off to the bedroom. When he came back, he stepped halfway into the living room and stared down at you. 
“I’m giving you one more chance to snap out of it.” 
With no response, he shrugged. “I suppose I’ll have to resort to more drastic measures.” He raised the nerf gun and then he- 
A cry escaped your lips as the styrofoam bullet slammed directly into your eye socket. The stinging pain caused your eye to water. He gasped and came rushing towards you, the plastic gun hit the floor in the process. 
“Oh my god, are you okay? I’m so sorry! I was aiming for your forehead!” 
As you rubbed your eye, he dropped to his knees and cupped your face. You blinked rapidly, trying to get over the faint current of pain. His hand cupped your cheek as he gently pulled your hands away. “Here, let me see it.” 
Your eye was bright red from irritation and watery. Other than that, it seemed to be fine. “Can you see?” He gently turned your head from side to side. His hand reached into the air. “How many fingers am I holding up?” 
“A few,” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes again. “What was that for?” 
“You zoned out and I wanted your attention.”  
“You could have just shaken me.” 
“Well, yeah, but…” He trailed off with a frown. “I’ll remember that for next time. Are you alright? Do you need me to take you to the hospital? I can call an ambulance if we need to.” 
“I’ll be fine, I just think I need to flush it with cold water. I think dirt got into it or maybe it’s just my eyelashes.” 
“Do you want me t-” 
“Not really, I’ve got it.” 
He felt awful as he leaned back. You got up and started to walk back to the hallway. He frowned and turned back to go after you, but to his surprise, you were holding the nerf gun at his head. 
“Baby?” His eyes went wide. “What are you doing?” 
“Wait!” He cried as he curled into himself. “It was an accident! I didn’t mean to nearly take out your eye! Don’t do this to me, you’re better than this! This isn’t you!” 
“You did this to me!” 
“Nuh-uh! I-” 
Hyunjin shrieked as you pulled the trigger. The neon green bullet flashed through the air and before you knew it, there was a soft pop. The rubber section on the end had attached itself to the center of his forehead. 
He groaned and placed a hand to his heart. Without another word, he slumped back against the couch with wide open eyes. His tongue fell out of the corner of his mouth and you snorted. 
His own snort fell out before he clamped a hand over his mouth. “Baby, don’t make me laugh. Corpses aren’t supposed to giggle. I’m trying to commit to the bit!” 
“You’ve already failed.” 
“I was doing so good until you made me laugh.” He reached up, pulled the bullet off, and dropped it to the ground. “Really though, let me help you.” 
“I’m banning nerf guns.” 
“You know what? I’m not mad about it. You should because next time, I might accidentally kill you somehow.” 
_ _ _ 
“Honey?” Han’s voice came from behind you. The two of you were curled up on the couch together.
“Do you feel like talking today?” 
“Not really. What about you? Do you feel like talking today?” 
“Meh, not much. It’s just one of those days, you know?” 
“Oh, believe me, I know.” 
A soft sigh came from Han. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you tighter to his chest. You didn’t fight it as your legs tangled together. 
He shifted and gently placed his face in the crook of your neck. With a deep inhale, he got a whiff of your scent. The sweetened smell of your shampoo and conditioner sent soothing waves of bliss through his body. 
Your hands reached up and gently laid on his own hands. A faint blush came across your cheeks as he gently pressed a soft kiss to your neck. The simple gesture sent electric shocks along your spine. 
Both of you had days where you weren’t up for much talking. Talking required energy and sometimes, you just didn’t feel like it. Sometimes, you had days where you wanted to live in your head. 
It was nice to be in a relationship with someone who understood it. The two of you didn’t have to do anything because you understood one another. Sometimes, you both just wanted to relax without the desire to talk. 
It was so nice to have a connection with someone where the two of you just got it. It wasn’t often that people like this existed, but the ones that were out there, they were special. The comfortable silence where actions spoke louder than words, you wouldn’t change it for anything. 
For the rest of your life, you’d cherish it. 
_ _ _ 
“So lately, I have been thinking about what you told me the other day and your quietness. I used to think that maybe I was doing something wrong, so I did some research on it. I learned that sometimes people that are quiet tend to be more introverted and self-sufficient.” 
You hummed softly in agreement with his words. The two of you were sprawled out on a blanket in a park. With the bright yellow sun radiating warmth from above, you soaked up the bliss of the day. 
The warmth of the sun, the chirping birds, the feeling of Felix playing with your hair, and the scent of wildflowers. For the past twenty minutes, your head had been laying on his lap. 
Intrigued by the small patch of flowers nearby, he asked if he could put them in your hair. You didn’t fight it and that’s when his fingers started to weave the stems in. 
The eye-catching yellow of buttercups, the pollinated dandelions that stained the tips of his fingers a matching brilliant color. The milky white yarrow that he weaved between the two shades of yellow. You didn’t mind any of it. 
“I think that can be such a beautiful thing, you know? How cool is it to function inside your own head? Some people think that’s a weakness, but I don’t think that it is.” 
“I wish I could do that sometimes, but I tend to cling onto people. I like to have my voice heard and I want to be praised. I’m sure you want that too, so I’m here to tell you that I think that’s an amazing ability to have.” 
“I know you talk sometimes and every time you do, I feel like it’s such a privilege for me. I don’t get to see everything inside your mind all the time. I know it must be pretty scary to be vulnerable and open up to people. Google says that sometimes people are afraid to be more loud.” 
“I don’t know if that’s true for you and you don’t have to respond to that. You don’t have to respond to any of this, I’m just…” He smiled and continued to braid strands of your hair. “You see? I’m just venting and rambling again.” 
“If you ever need anything, I hope you come to me. If I’m talking too much, just let me know. Google also said that sometimes people prefer listening rather than talking. Despite my constant stream of conversation, I hope that you know you can talk to me too.” 
“Whatever is going on in that brain of yours, it’s fascinating. I love you so much and even if there’s days where you rarely speak, I’ll love you anyway.” 
He bent down over your head and pressed a warm kiss to your head. “So thank you for being you and thank you for being mine.” 
“Thank you for understanding,” you softly got out as your eyes met his. “So many people can be cruel about it. Sometimes I just…I don’t know, I just feel better being quiet.” 
“And there’s nothing wrong with that. If you ever have any issues for anyone, just let me know, sweetheart. I’ll put those taekwondo lessons to good use.” 
_ _ _ 
There was a silent tension between the two of you that you didn’t know how to break. In the distance, people quietly talked among themselves. The two of you were dressed up and in some well-known Italian restaurant. 
Seungmin’s fork scraped across his glass plate and you winced at the harsh sound. You twirled your fork around your own pasta. The scent of fresh basil and acidic tomato reached your nostrils. 
“Are you okay?” You finally got out. 
“Am I okay? Yeah, I’m perfectly fine. It’s not like I brought my significant other out to dinner and have been ignored half the night. I’m totally fine, don’t worry.” 
You pressed your lips together in a frown. This wasn’t going how you intended it to go at all. Seungmin had been looking forward to this night for quite a while now and you were destroying it with your hesitation to speak. 
“I’m sorry,” you finally got out. “I haven’t meant to come off that way. I’ve had a long day and sometimes I get overwhelmed and I mentally shut down. I didn’t mean for you to think I was ignoring you.” 
Seungmin’s head perked up at your voice. “Rough day at work?” He threw out the suggestion as a hail mary.
“You have no idea. My boss has been up my ass and down my throat at the same time and-” 
“I hope they haven’t because that’s my job.” 
You blinked, entirely taken back by his words. The confusion laced in your face made him chuckle. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding, so what’s the big issue? Why is your boss being the big bad wolf?” 
“Because he’s a dick,” you grumbled. “He’s constantly telling us to work faster and that our work isn’t good enough. Yet at the exact same time, earlier he told us that we should be proud of ourselves and then offered us an ice cream day.” 
“How can a person be hot and cold at the same time? I don’t understand it and I’ve been silently thinking about it. It’s annoying and I just-” You shut your eyes and sighed. “Sorry for ruining dinner, I’m just trying to process everything.” 
“You didn’t ruin dinner, I’m just annoyed and taking it out on you. I’m sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I feel like it’s been a while since we’ve done something like this. I just want to enjoy it, you know? Not to be a sap, but I’ve missed you lately.” 
“You see me every day.” 
“I can see you every day and still miss you. You can be sitting at the bar while I make breakfast and I’ll still miss you. I can’t believe I’m admitting it, but I’ve got a soft spot for you.” 
Your face softened at his words and a teasing grin grew across his face. “While I’m at it, I should point out that you got sauce on your face.” 
Your face fell instantly. “What?” Your eyes widened in shock. “Where?” 
He bent down, dipped his finger in his pasta sauce, and smeared it across the tip of your nose. Your face scrunched, you grabbed your napkin, and quickly wiped it away. 
“Seungmin! We’re in a public restaurant!” 
“So? Who cares? They should be thankful for dinner and a show.” 
“You are unbelievable,” you mumbled while still wiping your nose off. The scent of tomato still lingered in your nostrils. 
“I love you too.” 
_ _ _ 
“And then I wrecked my car.” 
“And I flipped it.” 
You hummed again. 
“With me inside it.” 
“And then?” 
“It blew up and I died.” 
“Wow,” your voice came out flat. 
Jeongin knew you weren’t listening and that was proof of it. He leaned back in his chair with a deep-seeded sigh. Usually, you were pretty good at listening, but once your hands were full, you tended to zone out. 
There you were in the kitchen with an apron. Ingredients were scattered throughout. There was a pile of flour here and there. The front of your black apron was smeared in it. 
You dumped a bag of chocolate chips into the messy dough that you created. Struggling to stir the sticky batter, you sighed and wiped your hand along your forehead. In the process, a mixture of butter and vanilla smeared along your skin. When you felt the greasy texture, you groaned. 
Jeongin couldn’t help, but laugh. You shot him a glare, stomped your foot, and huffed. “It’s not funny!” 
“Sometimes, I think it’s ironic that you were born a blonde.” 
“Do you have a death wish?” You flung the wooden spoon up with annoyance. Both of your eyes widened in shock at the soft splat behind you. A hand cupped your mouth as you whipped around. 
Dough stuck to the peach wallpaper. You cursed and rushed over, wetting a rag in the process, to wipe it away before you ruined the wallpaper. Jeongin couldn’t help, but laugh again. 
“You’re such a klutz sometimes.” 
“It’s not my fault I was born blonde! That’s not even a nice assumption! Do you know how many blondes are smart?” 
“What a shame that one of them isn’t you.” 
With a whim of anger, you stuck your hand into the sticky cookie batter and whipped a ball of it at him. He yelped as the heavy batter stuck to his white shirt. “Hey!” He cried out. “What was that for?” 
“Do you want another one?” 
“Take it back!” 
With a fierce determination, you picked up that bowl and began to march towards him. He screeched and got up to run away. The two of you bickered while you ran. 
“Stay away from me, you demon!” 
“Get back here!” 
“Run faster!” 
“I’m trying!” 
Unfortunately, you forgot about the flour that had begun to coat the bottom of your bare feet. White footprints of yours began to circle around the middle of the kitchen island. Jeongin’s socked feet were causing the same issue. 
Before you knew it, you squeaked as your feet slipped in a spot of melted butter. Down you went and Jeongin spun around with wide eyes. The hollow thunk sent both of you into sudden shock. 
The wet and warm texture of the batter coated your scalp. Your teeth bit into your bottom lip. You squeezed your eyes shut and then-
“Hey, babe, I think you’ve got something on your head.” He reached out with a fist and knocked on the metal bowl. “Anyone home in that head of yours?” 
“I’m going to kill you.” 
“I’d like to see you try, helmet head.” 
You opened your mouth, but the feeling of batter sliding down your forehead stopped you. You sucked in a deep breath and let out an annoyed sigh. A glob of greasy batter slipped down the curve of your nose. 
Deep-belly laughter came from Jeongin as he collapsed to his knees in front of you. You pressed your lips together, but soon you found yourself laughing too. You reached up and pulled the bowl off your head. You already knew it was going to take a lot of shampooing and warm water to get everything out. 
“I wish you could see your face right now. You look so silly. Oh god, I love you so much.” 
“It’s not,” you sucked in a breath, “funny.” 
“You’re right.” He whipped around and pulled out his phone. You glared as he pressed a few buttons. “It’s hilarious, so say hi to the guys for me.” 
With a loud click of his phone, he snapped a photo. “This will look so good in the group chat. They’ve been asking about you lately, I think this will be sufficient.” 
“Don’t you dare!” 
“What are you going to do? Stop me?” 
“You’re so lucky there’s a ton of batter weighing me down and holding me back.” 
“Sure, blame the batter and not yourself. Not like you want to risk tripping and falling again, hmm?” You stuck your tongue out at him and he mirrored your expression. 
His hand stuck out to help you up. “Come on, butterfingers. Let’s go get you out of this mess. In the meantime, I think I’ll just ask Felix if he can bake us some cookies instead.” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi
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bluecoba · 11 months
Just found out that my husband wiped my whole fucking hard drive clean... So much of my writing was saved on there and nowhere else... The sheer amount of grief I feel right now is just... FUCK.
I want to bang my head against the wall holy fuck...
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wittlesissyb4by · 1 month
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"I'm so sorry! This…this never happens!!”
She drew her lips in a line and nodded, like she’d heard it a thousand times before, then went back to smacking her gum as she balled up the soggy diaper with practiced precision.
“No! I’m serious! I’m a grown man!! It’s not like I walk around pissing myself all the time!”
She scoffed, then shrugged. “Well you weren’t doing much walking—first of all—more like waddling. But you mean to tell me you never wet yourself? You’ve never wet a diaper before?”
She inclined her head to the corner of the room, where a big sack of loaded diapers sat in a blue see-through bag.
“Okay…fine, I do. But only after a very long time period!! You don’t understand! My wife will leave me in them for the whole day!”
“I’ve only been here for an hour…”
“Yes but…” i wanted to tell her that was because my wife had made me drink three entire baby bottles of nasty fluids before she left. I tried to hold it. I really did. I didn’t want her little ‘babysitter’ to see me in a soggy diaper. In hindsight, i should have just let it all out with my wife and begged her to change me before she went off with that other dude. “It’s not a regular thing!”
“She told me you wet the bed.” The girl said, hardly even blinking as she taped my plump padding into a ball.
It was hard to explain that one away. Sure, there were several drunken nights where I’d blacked out and woken up with wet sheets in our marital bed. My wife was none too happy, but somehow those incidents kept happening even when I was sober, until she finally grew sick of it.
“So how long have you been in diapers?” The girl asked, setting my old one to the side and grabbing a fresh pamper. She asked it so casually, like it was a common point of conversation.
“3 months…” I said, unable to deny it anymore. “For the last two weeks it’s been 24/7. She…threw out all my underwear.”
The girl nodded as if nothing were out of the ordinary, tapping my thighs, apparently signaling for me to lift. I did so without incident, allowing her to slide the new diaper underneath.
“Do you make poo poo’s in them too?”
“No!” I said instinctively, but again she looked at me like a rugrat attempting an obvious lie.
“So if I go put your head in that bag, you won’t suffocate under a cloud of your own shit?”
Her words were cold, I had a feeling she’d do it too.
“Okay…fine. I do…”
“Do what?”
“Poop where?” She grinned, still smacking her gum, “I want you to tell me.”
I scrunched up my nose, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I poop in the diapers.”
But she wasn’t satisfied, “now tell me wike a baybee!”
She couldn’t be serious, but when her face turned stern with impatience, it told me that she probably wasn’t someone I should cross.
“Uh…i…” I felt my voice growing smaller, higher, “I make poo poo’s in my pampies!!”
She smiled wide at that. “How do you poop?”
“I…what?” I asked, voice returning to normal.
“How do you do it? Do you crouch? Get down on hour haunches and make a pushy? Or have you learned to go in any position already? All the men I babysit have a different method. It’s adorable. One of them even has to sit on the potty in order to go!“
“I just…do it…I guess. I dunno?” Usually squatting, it came out surprisingly easy that way, but I didn’t want to tell her that, and she didn’t press further, just seemed intent on making me blush.
“Well…I don’t feel like changing a poopy diaper today. So you’re going to get the plug, okay?”
She reached into her diaper bag that she brought herself, and pulled out a rather large silicon buttplug.
“Oh…i dunno…” I said, squirming on top of the diaper splayed out beneath me. “My wife and I don’t really do butt stuff…”
But she just smiled and squirted some lube on it, painting the glob over it with her fingers. “It’s cute that you think you have a say in the matter.” She giggled, “legs up!”
Before I knew it, my ankles were in the air. It was like she had some sort of power over me that I couldn’t resist.
I winced as she pressed the plug to my hole, gently working it in and out, in and out. I had to bite my lip to keep the squeals (and moans?) in. It felt…surprisingly good.
By the time she’d worked it all the way in, there was a little puddle leaking out of my chastity cage. It had spread onto my belly button while my legs were in the air.
“Sorry…” I said as she grabbed a baby wipe to clean up the sticky mess I’d made.
"Don't worry about it.” She smiled, amused. “It's...normal..."
“Is it?” I asked, feeling a sense of relief.
“Sure.” She shrugged, but it came off sarcastic. “Well…not normal to be a grown man in diapers. To poop said diapers. Not normal to have your wife go off and hire a babysitter to change your diapers. And definitely not normal to have another man fuck your wife. But leaking a little cum through your chastity cage while getting a plug shoved up your ass?” She tossed the sticky wipe down into my open diaper, lifting the front so she could tape it on, “yea, I guess that’s pretty ‘normal’…”
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vinvantae · 1 year
Part 3/16
<<< previous part
Includes some bad French and Italian - English translations at the end
Word count - 2.7k
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You looked out the window as the helicopter flew over to Monaco, the sky was grey and the city seemed unusually quiet. Your father had bought you your apartment as a present for your championship win - buying gifts was his way of showing his love, that he was proud. Because he didn’t know any other way to. The NDA about your job had caused some tension in your family but you were never close enough with them to be that bothered by it. Now, more than ever, you could afford to pay for your own lifestyle.
Usually during break you’d disappear back to your home-base, hide away from the world for a while and be ‘normal’. Well, as normal as the youngest 2 time faceless WDC could be.
But what you were about to do was anything but normal. As you touched down on the helipad, you could see Charles lent against his car in the distance - a soft smile tugged at your lips when you saw the bouquet he was holding. Damn, he was good at this fake dating thing. You crossed the tarmac after stepping off of the helicopter, heart fluttering a little when Charles’ face lit up at the sight of you. Gosh, he’s pretty.
“Those for me? You shouldn’t have.” You smiled softly, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. His free hand found a spot on your waist, kissing each of your cheeks.
He chuckled, passing them to you. “Can’t meet my girl without flowers now, can I? What kind of boyfriend would that make me?”
You gave him a hug, relaxing into his hold as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head - the PDA should have felt weird, but it felt scarily comfortable. The driver stepped away to open the passenger door for you, hand on the small of your back as you climbed in. Charles took a glance around and saw an older gentleman watching you both, almost as if he was trying to place you both. He simply gave him a nod and slid into the driver's seat.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke up, his eyes on the road. “Please let me know if I cross a line with the PDA stuff.”
“I will, but I can’t see that happening.” You smiled sweetly, giving his thigh a gentle squeeze. “I feel so comfortable around you, Charles.”
“So…” He smiled at some people as they crossed the road in front of you. “If I needed to kiss you..?”
Your cheeks flushed that same soft pink that he loved so much. “Got to make it believable, right?”
The two of you looked away from each other simultaneously, you hid your smile behind your hand as you looked out the car. You raised a brow as Charles drove past your street and kept driving.
“Uhm? You missed my flat.”
“Thought we could have a cute homemade pasta date… you know, for instagram.”
You giggled softly, the sound making Charles’ heart flutter. He knew it was part of the contract, but he couldn’t believe that you were really here with him right now.
“Oh yeah, for instagram.” You teased, taking in the sights as you continued your drive through the city - you pulled your sunglasses over your face, mostly to protect your eyes from the sun threatening to escape from behind the clouds but you were still trying to keep your identity a little mysterious. Leave people guessing who was in Charles’ car for a moment longer.
Charles pulled into the parking lot for his apartment, resting one hand behind your headrest as he reversed into his spot. “Let’s get you fed.”
“When did you have time to go pasta ingredient shopping anyway?” You asked, taking his hand as he helped you out of the car. “And hey, no one can see us, you don’t have to be all couple-y with me when we’re alone if you don’t want to.”
“I’ve been here a couple hours.” He hummed, draping an arm across your shoulder as you smelled the bouquet. “And I know, but you’re still my friend. Gonna treat you right, regardless.”
You lent into his hold, letting him lead you into the elevator. “Thank you… sorry, I’m just not used to hanging out with people.”
“Well that’s gonna change from here on out. You’re gonna be so fed up with me by the end of the break.” His grin was playful. “Here’s me.”
He swiped his keycard and held the door open for you, letting you step inside. You were greeted by what you’d definitely call a bachelor pad - it was somewhere he didn’t spend a lot of time because of the race schedule so it was well kept. He helped you remove your coat and hug it up on the peg.
“Nice place.”
“Thanks, it does the job. Place to sleep, place to eat.” He shrugged, kicking off his shoes. “I’ve never really settled in though.”
You hummed. “Maybe a homemade pasta dinner will make it feel a little different?”
His lips curled up into a smile. “I hope so. It’s nice to have you here. Been a long time coming really… I-I mean like… we’ve been friends for so long it’s almost weird that-“
“Charles, chill, I get it.” You teased, nudging your hip against his before heading into the kitchen. “Ooh spacious.”
The Monaco native moved around you as he pulled ingredients from the cupboard. There was a lull in conversation as you weighed things out but the quiet was comfortable, you didn't even notice snap a photo of you making a meal of mixing the dough before he gently nudged you aside and started kneading the dough.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and sent a quick message to the PR manager.
YN - can I post some subtle photos of Charles on my insta story? We’re making pasta
PR - Sounds perfect. Send them via me before you post pls :)
yourinstagram added to their story
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The two of you sat around the table, enjoying your pasta with some comfortable chatter as you split a bottle of wine. You smiled softly as Charles relayed back some memories of before he knew you were Thirty.
“It was your first win of the season in 2018. You had climbed on top of your car and were waving around the Ferrari flag… you were so cool. I really wanted to be your teammate some day, I was worried you were going to retire before I got a chance.” He chuckled softly. “Little did I know, you were just a kid like me.”
“Can’t get rid of me that easily.” You smiled softly, twirling your pasta around the fork. “You know… you’ve never really told me how you actually felt about me being y’know… me.”
The driver paused for a moment, taking a sip of his wine as he thought back. He had a nostalgic, almost wistful smile on his face. “Honestly? At first I couldn’t really believe it. Not only were you a girl but like… young. I was actually so shocked.”
His eyes flickered over you as you dipped your wine before he continued speaking. “But mostly? I was so impressed. To have achieved so much you were an amazing talent and I thought it was a shame that they kept you hidden away. So many little girls could use an idol like you, y/n. Having you as my teammate has inspired me, so I can’t even fathom what it would mean to them.”
“Charles.” You said, placing a hand over your heart. “You’re going to make me cry, thank you… I’m grateful I met you. You’re such a good friend, and I’m glad - perhaps besides the circumstances - that we get to hang out more.”
The driver cheersed his glass against yours, not missing the way you’d called him a friend. He had to remind himself that this wasn’t real, as much as he wished it was. Whilst he could hold your hand and kiss you in public, behind closed doors you were simply friends. He never wanted to make you uncomfortable - he knew how frustrating it was for girls when a male friend you thought you could trust made a move. If anything were ever to happen, he wanted it to come from you.
“You’re thinking too hard.” Your voice snapped him out of his trance. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
He shook his head. “Nothing, nothing. I’ll get you home in a bit, I imagine you’ve got quite a bit to unpack?”
You groaned. “Don’t remind me. I did have the flat cleaned before I showed up but I need to order groceries… Do we have anything tomorrow?”
Charles fished his phone out of his pocket and opened up the itinerary your PR manager had sent you over, eyes flickering across the screen. “I think they’re giving us a day to settle in.”
“Perfect. Because I’m shattered.” You stretched your arms above your head, a soft yawn escaping you. “But, you’re more than welcome to join me at my place if you find yourself with nothing to do.”
“Might be your only day free of me, love. I think you’ll get bored of me.” His voice had a teasing lilt but you could tell he meant it as his eyes didn’t meet yours as he started clearing the table. “I really enjoyed this though.”
With a nod you stood up, taking your empty wine glasses through to the kitchen - Charles close behind. “I enjoyed it too. Can I maybe help more next time?”
He playfully rolled his eyes. “If you promise not to ruin my pasta noodles again… needs a gentle touch.”
“Didn’t know you were so passionate about pasta, Charles.” You laughed.
“I am not, you’re just clumsy.” The smile on his face was fond. “Pass those here. I need to rinse before I put it in the dishwasher.”
“I was expecting you to be more of a slob.”
He gasped. “Rude.”
You returned his previous eye roll and passed him the glasses, stepping away to lean against the counter as he popped the dishes in the dishwasher. It still felt so crazy that you were allowed to hang out with him now, this time two days ago the most he could do was hide away with you in your driver’s room and now you were in his home. It should’ve felt weirder than it did, but you were glad how easy this was.
“I don’t know if you remember, way before you moved to GP3, when we were like… 7 or 8 maybe? That wet race in Belgium.” He turned to face you, standing opposite you now - you were mirroring each other's stance. “Where you drove through that puddle and absolutely drowned me.”
A fond laugh escaped you. “Absolutely I do. And do you remember why I did that?”
“…No.” He lied, feigning confusion. “I have no memory of that.”
You crossed the kitchen until you stood almost directly in front of him, his eyes bore into yours and your confidence wavered for a moment. He raised a brow, the corner of his lip tugging up into a challenging smirk. “Are you going to remind me or are you just gonna stare?”
“You yanked on my hair, said that girls had cooties and I shouldn’t be allowed to race with you.” You narrowed your eyes, prodding him directly in the centre of the chest. “So I think 7 year old you fully deserved to be splashed.”
“Well, 7 year old me was very stupid.” The Monegasque hummed. “I should’ve considered myself lucky being able to drive alongside a future world champion.”
“Too right.”
His eyes flickered across your face, you could almost see the memories replaying in the bright blues as he studied you. “You know what they say about when little boys tug on little girls’ hair though, right?”
Your heart skipped a beat but before his words could really sink in, his phone rang from the counter behind him. He kept his eyes trained on your face as he reached to take it - lifting it to his ear without seeing who was calling.
“Pronto?*1” He paused. “Ah Pierre! Ça va… oui… je suis avec un ami… Oui, Pierre, elle est une fille*2.”
You held in a giggle as he rolled his eyes at his friend’s insistence of being aware of every girl that ever roamed the planet. Charles held a finger to his lips, fighting back a smile himself as Pierre continued to ramble at him down the phone.
“Bon, à demain*3.” He hung up the phone. “So, you know how we had no plans tomorrow?”
“What on earth have you signed us up for?”
He gave you an apologetic smile. “Pierre is coming over to Monaco tomorrow, wants to go out. Would be a good opportunity for you to meet some of my friends, no?”
“Fine.” You groaned, letting your forehead fall against his chest. “Just Pierre?”
“…Max and Daniel as well.”
“I hate you.”
“I know.” He chuckled, his laughter vibrated through you as he wrapped an arm around you - pulling you into him for a hug. “You’ll have a good time. They’re good guys, I promise. And because you’re my ‘girlfriend’ Pierre should behave himself.”
“I’m not sure if I should be excited or nervous.”
“It’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll order you a ride home, I’d drive but we polished off that wine.” Charles released you from his hug, smiling down at you. “I’ll swing round yours before we meet the boys tomorrow?”
You nodded. “Works for me. Just give me a rough time so I can get ready.”
After saying your goodbyes at the door, you climbed into the car and made your way back to your own flat - it was dark now, the dull grey of the sky had changed to a deep blue but the world around you remained illuminated by the bright buildings of Monaco. Your place was only 10 minutes from his, so you were home fairly quickly - making sure to tip the driver.
When you stepped into your apartment you noticed a large bouquet of flowers with an envelope tucked inside of them but you didn’t even stop to read it. Knowing it was from your father, once again too busy to make time to see you during your break from racing, instead just throwing money your way. You were grateful that his lifestyle had meant you were able to get into racing at a young age but you had paved your own way, able to fend for yourself.
Your Monaco flat wasn’t as lived in as your place back home but you had made it homely. Blankets and pictures dotted around, the soft smell of whatever candle the cleaner had used to cover the smell of cleaning solution. It wasn’t your intention to be here during the winter break but you knew it was easier for your contract with Charles.
But one thing you knew here was an old photo album from back when you were a kid. You fished through a draw and pulled it out, flipping through the pages until you found the photo of you, Charles and Max on the podium in that race in Belgium - the future Ferrari driver soaked from head to toe. You brushed your thumb over the photo before sending a picture of it to Charles.
YN - Looking a little damp here, Charles
CL - Can’t believe you still have a photo! Nice helmet hair 😘
You chuckled at his response before ticking the album back away, letting your mind wander to tomorrow. Meeting Daniel properly for the first time. Seeing Max and Pierre for the first time since you karted with them as a kid. Would they like you? Would any of them even suspect who you are? Would the younger two even remember you?
But more than anything you were just excited to get to know the people you’d worked with for so many years. You had existed in the same world for years but had never shared more than a congratulatory handshake or pat on the back. But now you were going to look them in the eyes, they were going to hear your voice.
It was just a shame they wouldn’t know who you were, they’d just think you were Charles’ new girlfriend. You just hoped that the day they learned the truth would be sooner rather than later, because until then, they would never really know the real you.
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Next part>>>
*1 ‘Ready’ - how Italians often answer the phone
*2 ‘How are you… yes… I’m with a friend… yes, Pierre, she’s a girl’
*3 ‘Good, see you tomorrow’
Hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️ thank you all for your continued support x
Mixed media won the poll so I hope you enjoyed this new layout! I may still post some edits separately but mostly they’ll be integrated into chapters like this
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captainsophiestark · 24 days
I Made You Breakfast
Kai Parker x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Summary: Kai's on his apology tour, and Y/N is his next stop after things didn't go too well with Damon or Bonnie
Word Count: 2,000
Category: Fluff, Humor, a little bit of Angst
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I sighed to myself as I headed downstairs in my favorite pair of sweats, mentally making a list of everything I had to do today. It was an unfortunately long list, compounded by the latest supernatural drama, which my friends insisted on dragging me into. Bonnie had finally made it home from the prison world, thankfully, but that didn't mean any of the drama in our lives had gone away. In fact, it had almost doubled, with news of Damon's mother floating around in another prison world somewhere. I got halfway through an eyeroll at the memory of everything going on lately when I stopped dead in my tracks.
I could smell bacon, eggs, and toast wafting up towards me from the kitchen. Someone was here, in my house, cooking breakfast. And with everything going on lately, I knew for a fact it wasn't one of my friends.
I glanced around, grabbing a stake off the nearest end table. No vampire should have been able to get into my house unless they were a friend I'd already let in, but I'd had enough near-death experiences despite that fact that I was constantly prepared.
I crept towards the kitchen, trying to listen for any signs of trap or trouble. All I could hear was a faint clinking of plates. If someone had seriously broken into my house, why the hell were they just hanging out in my kitchen making breakfast?
I got my answer a second later when I burst through the door, going for the element of surprise, and found none other than Kai Parker standing before me.
"Oh, hey!" he said, jumping and spinning to face me with wide eyes. "You're up!"
"...Yup. And... you're here. In my kitchen. Making breakfast."
"Yeah! I hope you like it. Here, let me get your plate. I thought I'd have a few more minutes."
With that, he turned to the stove and starting scooping scrambled eggs and toast onto a plate. I just watched him, not moving an inch.
"What the hell are you doing in my house?"
He turned back around to look at me again, his eyes wide and the plate half-finished in his hand. After a moment, his expression morphed into a sheepish grin. I just blinked at him, my expression unchanging.
"Well, after I merged with Luke, I started getting all these... feelings." He said the word like somebody else might say 'zits' or 'rash'. "And one of those has been guilt, for some of the stuff I put you through. Or I guess, your friends, mostly. I tried apologizing to Bonnie earlier, and... it didn't go well."
His expression darkened, and I frowned. But a moment later, the clouds apparently cleared, and Kai fixed me with a beaming smile again.
"So I thought I'd try again with you. In the Prison World, I saw Damon making Bonnie breakfast all the time, and she seemed to really like that. So I figured you might, too."
I just stared at him for a few long moments without saying anything. I turned my options over and over in my mind, trying to get my still half-asleep brain to make a rational choice. I probably should've been incredibly freaked out that Kai was here at all, but I'd actually had a few positive interactions with him even before the whole merge thing, and had kind of started to like him. Or, at least, started to think he had some ally potential, despite other things he did. We'd even bonded over music taste and his new fascination with social media, and he'd tried to help Sheriff Forbes, although it hadn't necessarily been out of the goodness of his heart. For some reason, I just couldn't muster the fear or anger I probably should've been feeling when I looked at him in my house. Finally, I sighed, my mind made up. No reason to try to force bad feelings when they wouldn't come on their own, right?
"Thanks, Kai," I said, actually meaning it as I moved over to the dining table. "Aside from the fact that you broke into my house to do it... that's actually pretty sweet."
He beamed at me, and I found myself returning his smile. He turned back around to finish making my plate, and I shook my head. This was absolutely ridiculous, but I couldn't say I minded very much.
"Here you go!" he said, setting the plate down in front of me with a big smile. He didn't move away, just standing off to the side and watching me expectantly. I picked up my fork, but didn't take my eyes off Kai.
"...Aren't you gonna join me?"
"Oh! Right. You know, I've been practicing how I was going to do this in my head all morning, and now that I'm actually doing it it's like I completely forgot everything I was planning to do. That's weird, right?"
I shrugged. "I mean, sounds like a normal part of being nervous to me."
He nodded emphatically as he returned to the table and sat across from me with a breakfast plate of his own.
"All these new... emotions from Luke have been, like, super weird. I don't know how you all deal with these all the time."
"Eh, yeah, they can be annoying sometimes. It gets easier with practice though, and I'd say on the whole they're a positive experience."
Kai nodded thoughtfully, taking a bite of his eggs as his gaze wandered around my kitchen. I took a few bites of my own food, and I had to admit, he was a surprisingly good cook.
"So..." I started. "Was this it for the apology? It's a great breakfast, but usually an apology has a little more attached..."
"Oh!" Kai's attention snapped back to me. "No no, this isn't it. I was planning to do the other part of the apology while we ate breakfast."
"Makes sense. Go for it."
He cleared his throat and shifted around in his seat, then met my eyes before hesitating again. I tried to look encouraging as I ate my eggs, and after a moment, he nodded to himself and continued.
"I'm sorry for trying to kill your friend, and testing out my power on her. And that I couldn't save your other friend's mom, even though I really couldn't do anything about that. I still... I still feel bad. And honestly, I'm mostly sorry for everything I've done that hurt you, even if it was indirectly. I... I actually really like you, and so, uh... I don't want you to hate me. I keep getting this stabbing pain in my chest when I think about it... or when I think about that time I saw you crying over Bonnie..."
He trailed off, staring at the table instead of me, apparently lost in thought. After a moment though, he shook his head and cleared his throat, looking back up to meet my stare again. His blue eyes were wider than usual, his eyebrows pulling together, and he looked to be in actual distress for maybe the first time I'd ever seen, at least when his life wasn't being threatened.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I promise not to do anything to hurt you again. Will you give me a second chance?"
The corner of my mouth quirked up in a smile, especially at the rare senserity in his tone. I knew my friends would have quite a few things to say about this decision, but I didn't let myself think about that. At least not right now.
I sighed. "Kai, despite the fact that you broke into my house, I'm going to believe you about this whole 'turning over new leaf' thing. I... I'd be lying if I said I didn't like you too. So, if you really mean what you're saying about not hurting me or the people I care about anymore?"
He nodded so fast I was actually a little worried about him.
"Completely serious. Cross my heart and hope to die. I'm ready to join the Mystic Falls Scooby Doo team for good."
I smiled, laughing a little and shaking my head.
"Well, okay then. I can't promise anybody else on the team will be quite as easy to convince as me, but... I forgive you, Kai. I'm happy to see you like this. And, by the way, you make some very good eggs and toast."
"Thanks. I had to get good at cooking, you know, alone in the Prison World." A shadow passed over his face again, until I reached across the table and lightly rested my hand on top of his. Then, his face lit up like the sun. "And thanks for giving me a second chance. I promise, you won't regret it."
I wasn't totally sure I believed that, but I decided not to say so. Instead, I smiled and gave his hand a little squeeze before pulling back.
After a moment of silence where I could see Kai vibrating with the desire to say whatever he was holding back, he finally blurted out the other thing he'd apparently been planning to ask me this morning.
"So... I might be a little rusty about how all this works, or if it's changed since the eighties, but... would you want to go out with me sometime? Like on a date?"
I smiled, then buried my face in my hands. My friends would kill me if I said yes to this, but despite myself, I really, really wanted to.
"What's wrong?" Kai asked. I shook my head and looked up at him again.
"Nothing, Kai, I just... ugh, my friends are really not going to like this."
He smiled. "Does that mean you're saying yes?"
I took a deep breath and let it out, then shrugged and matched his smile with one of my own.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think it does. What the hell, right?"
"That's great! I was thinking we could go do karaoke? I've always loved karaoke. I got good at it when I was passing time in the Prison World."
"I have to warn you, I am very much not good at karaoke. But I'll still sing my heart out with you anyway, if you want to go!"
"Perfect! We can go tonight." I laughed, and Kai's expression immediately dropped. "Is that okay? Do you not want to go tonight?"
"No, Kai, I do. It's a little fast, honestly, but I don't mind. Why wait?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking. So... should I pick you up? Around seven? We could get dinner first, and then go."
"I think that sounds like a great plan, Kai," I smiled at him, which he immediately returned. A moment later, though, his hand shot up to clutch at his chest.
"Ugh, what is... what is happening to me? Why does my heart feel like it's about to explode?"
"That's probably excitement, Kai, or butterflies, which are like positive nerves. I'm feeling them too. It's because we're looking forward to going out together tonight."
Kai made a face. "This is what people were talking about when they said they got butterflies? This is terrible." I hid a laugh behind my hand, and Kai's eyes snapped up to mine. "Wait. You said you were feeling it too?"
I nodded, and Kai's expression immediately changed to a wide grin.
"So you're excited, too?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am."
He nodded, the smile staying on his face as he dug in to his eggs again, glancing at me between almost every bite. I just shook my head, a smile on my own face all the same. This was going to be an adventure, going on a date with Kai Parker, and I knew my friends were going to want to murder me for it. But I couldn't totally bring myself to care.
Despite some pretty rocky history, I had a weirdly good feeling about Kai, from the moment he'd started his apology speech this morning. And so far, I'd never been wrong when I trusted my gut for stuff like this, even when it led me into karaoke. I had a good feeling it was going to be right about Kai Parker, too.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
TVD/TO Taglist: @elenavampire21
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liberflies · 1 year
Enhypen hyung line reaction to you wanting to have sex while their friends are over.
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Pair: female!reader x enhypen's hyung lined hot guys.
Genre: smut, stable relationship, ex-lovers to lovers with Jake and soft dom Sunghoon. Minors do NOT read this.
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Heeseung: most likely your boyfriend had decided that tonight would be one of those game nights with the boys, and you were totally fine with that. You've been living together for a year and a half now, and you've always been the motherlike kind of girlfriend. Plus, you've always gotten along a lot with Heeseung's friends, so much that you could even consider the whole group a small family. A peaceful light smile adorned your face when you listened to the excited screams that sounded from the basement. Even while being upstairs you could hear the boys laughing at each other, probably for losing bets on the videogames. However, in the exact second you opened your bedroom door, two firm arms wrapped around your beautiful waist and pulled your body back slowly. Your boyfriend buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your natural scent and trailing a few kisses along your skin.
“Just wanted to grab a blanket” his words were spoken in a whisper, and it had you shuddering automatically. Then he walked away into the room in front of both of you, looking for a thin blanket to take to the small makeshift gaming room downstairs. Suddenly, you had your eyes on your boyfriends hands: how could he be so attractive wearing sweatpants and a white t-shirt, with his hair all messed up?
“Can we-...” you wanted it. You wanted him. But you couldn't dare to ask for something so dirty and filthy. Lust was slowly consuming you. Apparently Heeseung noticed your weaker tone of voice, and he looked at you arching an eyebrow. “Yeah?” Right after insisting on his curiosity and urging you to continue the sentence, the boys' laughter was heard. “It's nothing, just go and have fun baby”. A slightly awkward silence fell between the two of you. But Heeseung was your best friend besides your boyfriend, so he soon realized what you were thinking about when he saw you rubbing your thighs together discreetly and shyly. He let out a nasal laugh and shook his head, you were too cute for him to handle. “Strip” he said, not looking at you. “As long as you stay silent and keep your legs wide open, i'll do my best to please you. But I can't promise you that I'll be gentle”. His eyes landed on your frame right after, then he sent you a flirty wink.
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Jay: You and Jay were taking a summer vacation trip with some friends, but you agreed to rent different small houses that were located in the same condominium, one that was used for tourists, so everyone was next door to each other. Jay decided that it would be a great idea to organize a pool party at your house on the penultimate day of the trip and invited the whole group for a fun afternoon with stuff like barbecue and loud music. Everything was according to the plan, except for the fact that you were feeling really horny for no reason. It's something that happens to you quite rarely and whenever it happened in earlier times you just needed to ask your boyfriend for a little help with it and boom, it was gone. But the problem is... You are not alone. How could you receive any help for that kind of problem?
“Y/N! You look so worried! Is everything alright?” the sweet question came from Sunoo, one of your closest friends ever. He was in the pool with some more people. “Yeah, I just need some water!... I guess” your last two words sounded more like a whisper to yourself. After a few minutes you were in the kitchen of the vacation house, your mind was clouded and your body was hot. And it wasn't because of the summer at all. “A text message should work” was all you said, then texting no one but your boyfriend Jay. It didn't take him too long to appear in the kitchen; the water dripping from his dark hair and his wet frame told you that he had just left the pool. “Are you serious right now?” he was probably talking about the words in the text message. “Babe, please come here, i'm in the kitchen. Take me”. Of course he proceeded to read it, and it just help you to prove the theory you had in your mind. Your response was just a nod. Soon he was picking you up and placing you on the kitchen counter, undoing the side tie of the fabric of your bathing panties right after that. “Thought you'd never ask for it while our friends are over. I'll make 'em hear your pretty sounds”.
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Jake: “You never told me he was going to be here in the first place!” even with your voice rising up it was impossible to hear you inside the house. It was late afternoon, the pretty golden glow of the sunset lit up the back garden of your best friend's house, Lily, who was celebrating her birthday. The music inside her home was loud enough and the large number of people created a great party atmosphere, this allowed you to speak loudly without being interrupted by outside curiosity from the others. “It's been five months already, Y/N! And you both are my bestfriends, I couldn't have a happy birthday party without any of you present. Just ignore Jake, please. Focus on the party. Can't you do it for me?” Yes, Jake. He is your ex-boyfriend and he is also Lily's childhood friend. You haven't seen him since the day your relationship ended due to distance and lack of time, and you hate the fact that now that he's back in town he's hanging out with your group of friends. Also, apparently he worked out a bit more at the gym and all the girls at Lily's party are trying to flirt with him by giving him some winks or drinks. But it's not like he wasn't that hot before. And it's not like he was a bad person. In fact, the real problem is happening with your own feelings: you still love him and you miss him, but you'd rather die than admiti it to yourself. Anyways, you know you shouldn't ruin such an important day for your best friend because of your current romantic issues. You're a fair person after all. “Fine. I'm gonna do my best, Lily. I promise you”.
The hours passed with almost unbelievable speed, and everything was going so well. At one point you needed to go to the bathroom, since you already drank a good amount of alcohol, but not enough to not be sober. You go up the stairs and enter the first door you see without really caring, and the unexpected happens: you come across Jake who was changing his shirt in Lily's older brother's room. For a moment you look at each other a little surprised, then there's an absurd silence. Minutes turn into eternities between you two. But Jake, being the silly extrovert that he is, breaks the lull. “I knew you missed me but not at the point of feeling the need to see me without my clothes, pretty girl”. Something in his voice made your legs tremble a little bit. “I did not miss you! If you're thinking that you were in my mind the whole fucking time, than you are-...” Maybe you already said too much. Your face was red, just like your ears, and you walked over to him without notice. The tall boy just smirked at you, your breathing quickened in a matter of seconds.
“You were saying...?” the definition of personal space did not seem to exist at the time. Your bodies were close, dangerously close, but no part of you was touching. And while your brain asked you to gain distance, your heart screamed “Fuck it”. Yeah, you really said that. And Jake didn't seem bothered at all, he just put you against the wall and kissed you passionately. “Tell me what you want, Y/N. You want me to fuck you full of my cum while your dear Lily is downstairs with all the girls who were flirting with me, don't ya?” you nod. You nod and you beg, because you know Jake likes when you do it. “Please, I need you”.
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Sunghoon: You two were spending time together in Sunghoon's dorm after a tiring day helping his mother with work. Sunghoon's family had always been very involved in sports, and his mother worked at a newly built athletics track in the city. Of course, Sunghoon would be one of the top athletes utilizing the space, after all, he and the rest of the university's basketball team needed a spacious place to work out their great physical condition. It all started with soft cuddling on the couch while both of you watched a movie, until you climbed into his lap and the situation started to heat up.
Sadly, just as he was about to take your shirt off, the doorbell rang through the dorm and you broke apart quickly. While you let out a shy laugh, Sunghoon went to open the door. “We brought popcorn and DVDs!” was all you heard. It was three of your boyfriend's friends who were on the basketball team, and apparently they were paying you a surprise visit for a movie night. Sunghoon, being the kind and polite man that he is, allowed everyone to enter and settle down. Two stayed on the floor and the other one stayed on the sofa with you and Hoon, who placed you on his lap again.
“Hoon” you called his name in a whisper, but he didn't answer you. Instead, he placed one of his hand in your left thigh and started to stroke it slowly. He was working you up. “I need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back”. After apologizing and getting up from your boyfriend's lap, you hurriedly walked to the hallway of the dorm. When you were further away, your body automatically leaned against the wall and you raised one of your own hands to your chest, feeling the speed of your heartbeat. You were feeling sensitive, so you knew you couldn't go back into the livingroom like that since you're naturally a shy person. Not long after Sunghoon appeared and approached you. “Baby, are you okay? Do you need something?” his voice was in a low tone. But you could tell that he was genuinely concerned. His actions were not intentional and malicious, Sunghoon was pure. But at the moment you didn't need purity. "I..." you were almost crying with embarrassment, you wanted to ask to continue what you were doing on the couch but you didn't have the courage. “You can tell me anything. Take your time, princess” Sunghoon's hand was caressing your cheek gently, as if you were made of porcelain. “I want you to make me yours”. At first the boy was shocked, it was even possible to see his face getting a little reddish even with the lights almost all off. But who was he to deny that request? He loved you, and he wanted you like he'd never wanted anyone. He gave you a little peck on the lips. “I'll cover your mouth. Don't worry, my love... I'm gonna help you”.
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Disclaimer: Forgive me if there's any spelling mistakes! Hope u liked it. <3
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shittyassffblog · 8 months
Free Bird - Part 5
It's been a while, sorry guys. Been kinda tired lately and haven't really had that much inspiration to write but here's part 5! Lemme know if you want on the taglist! this is probably the second to last part though;/
Warnings: fingering, p in v sex, riding, missionary, fluffy falling-in-love shit
Part 4
Taglist: @concretmatilda @xxdel-inkxx @lilhobgobbler
After the mini golf was over you went over to Noah's car and drove over to a cliff to watch the stars. Noah surprised you by bringing a mattress in the back of his car and some string lights, making it cozy for you. You laid in the back and looked at the stars, talking for hours, laughing and cuddling.
"Thank you for making me feel so special." You said as you snuggled closer to Noah, the cold of the night creeping up on you. He held you, kissing you on top of your head.
"You are special to me, of course I wanna treat you accordingly." He said simply and you smiled. You really had won the lottery with him. Tears were stinging your eyes, making them glossy. Noah smiled at you and his eyes softened.
"Are you crying again?" He asked and you softly hit his chest.
"Shut up." You said and he laughed. He pulled you closer, letting you hide in his chest.
"I'm sorry babe." He said softly and you sighed happily. You looked out into the sky, appreciating the absence of clouds, the stars in clear view. Neither you or Noah spoke for a while, enjoying the silence for a bit, and you got a little lost in your thoughts.
You reminisced on the time you met Noah.
"Thanks so much, have a great day!" You said in a fake cheerful voice. The customer you just served had not been nice enough to warrant that tone, but you were pretty sure you'd get fired if you did any different. You played with your lip ring as you looked out in the store, making sure everything was in order. You saw a few shirt were unfolded so you went to fold them again.
As you finished folding you felt a presence behind you.
"Excuse me do you have this in a size large?" the person asked and you turned around, looking first at the guy, then at the shirt.
"I'm sorry sir someone just got the last one." You said, looking back at him. He had a surface piercing on his cheek and his hair was the stuff of emo dreams. You smiled at him. He was kinda cute.
"Oh okay. Do you have any other A Day To Remember stuff that you haven't stocked yet?" He asked shyly and you pretended to think about it. You knew you didn't, you had just restocked everything and you didn't remember any ADTR stuff. But he was cute, and you didn't wanna disappoint him, so you told him you would check. He followed you awkwardly until you got to the back room and you went into the break room, silently screaming. You were used to emos coming into your store, hell, it was a Hot Topic of course there's emos there's every day. But none of them were as cute as this guy and you wished you could shit ADTR merch just to make him smile. You went back out with a regrettable expression on your face.
"I'm sorry sir, everything is restocked and the sizes there are out there are the only ones we have I'm afraid. Are there any other bands you would be interested in?" You asked. You would normally never be this helpful, but this guy had you actually doing your job. It was annoying.
"I guess Bring Me The Horizon?" He asked, and your eyes lit up. He had the best taste in music, you realised.
"Yeah we just got some new shirts in, come take a look." You said, waving your hand to signal that he should follow you. He did, very closely even.
"So I like this one, definitely gonna get one as soon as my pay check comes in. But we also have older stuff over on that wall." You pointed to the left. He nodded, his eyes scanning the shirts in from of him and you looked at him. He was really cute you realised and you wanted desperately to keep talking to him, but knew that he was probably just another customer who would leave as soon as he got what he came for.
"The one you showed is pretty cool. Are you going to their show next month?" He asked, looking back at you with a small smile. You smiled back and nodded.
"Yeah, I begged my mom for weeks to get floor tickets so I can finally see them. They're my favourite band." You said and he smiled wider.
"Me too! Do you wanna go together? I mean..It's cool if you don't, you probably have other people to go with." He said, and you shook your head.
"No actually none of my friends managed to get tickets." You said and his eyes twinkled. You both went up to the till to have him pay.
"Oh okay cool. Could I like, get your number so we can meet up before? If you want?" He asked and you smiled impossibly wider.
"Yeah! 'Course!" And you pulled out your phone and handed it to him. He put in his number and called himself, hanging up and then handing it back to you.
"Great so I guess I'll see you soon. Thanks Y/N." He said, waving back at you.
"Yeah, can't wait!" You said as he left the store. You quickly saved his number and sent him a text.
Now that I think about it I never got your name lol xD
Haha, it's cool, my name is Noah
"You were so emo back then." You said, looking up at Noah. He grinned down at you.
"You're one to talk, you would buy leggings just to cut them up every day" He laughed and you giggled.
"It was the style!" You defended and he rolled onto his back and started laughing. You scooted closer to him and threw your leg over his hips, hugging him from the side. He looked down at you, still giggling.
"I love laughing with you." You said and he smiled, rubbing your cheek with his thumb as he held your jaw with his tattooed hand.
"I love making you laugh." He said as he looked at your lips, then back to your eyes. You blinked up at him as he leaned down, his lips ghosting yours. You grabbed him by then neck, slowly reaching forward to catch his lips, finally kissing him like you wanted to the entire night. You felt a warmth spreading in your body, one that made you feel utterly loved like never before.
Your lips moved against each other, no sense of urgency or haste. You were just there with Noah, holding each other as the time went by, your lips never disconnecting.
You soon needed air so you broke apart and looked at Noah like he put the stars in the sky. You never wanted to be without him, you realised. Little did you know, he was thinking the same thing.
"You wanna come back to mine?" Noah asked and you nodded, wiping away some of his hair from is face. You kissed his lips once, twice, three times before sitting up and putting your shoes back on. You got into the passenger seat as Noah got in the driver's seat. He started the car and you drove back to Noah's apartment.
When you got there, you got out of your side of the car before he could come open the door for you. You didn't miss the pout on his face, so you grabbed his hand and walked with him to the door of his place. He unlocked the door and immediately you both were met with yells from the living room.
"I'm sorry I didn't know there'd be anyone here." Noah said, and you smiled.
"It's okay, we can just go watch a movie in your room." You said and he smiled back at you, nodding.
"That's a great idea. You go get comfy, just put on any shirt you'd like in the dresser, I'll go get us some snacks." He said as he kissed your hand and you blushed, hurrying down the hallway to his room. You shut the door and went to find a shirt in Noah's dresser. You chose one of his Bad Omens merch shirt and you stripped down, placing your clothes neatly in his office chair, and putting on the shirt, which fit you like a dress. You got under the covers and turned on the TV, finding Disney+.
Noah entered the room with a tray filled with various snacks and beverages.
"Delivery!" Noah said and you laughed as he set it down on his nightstand. "Let me just get into something more comfortable." He said as he took off his shirt and pants and changed into a thin loose hoodie and some shorts. He got under the covers with you, getting really close to you and you blushed a little, feeling like a teenager again. The soft touches that made goosebumps appear on your skin, the not knowing what he was gonna do next. It was all so romantic and you wished this night would never end.
During the movie you had been quiet, not knowing what to say or do. You felt Noah's hand move as it edged closer to you when it suddenly touched the side of your ass and he pulled his hand back.
"What?" You had asked and he looked at you with a definite blush on his cheeks.
"I was going for your hand, didn't expect you to not be wearing pants." He said shyly and you laughed breathily.
"Well pants under the covers don't feel comfortable." You said simply, taking his hand and placing it on your bare thigh. "You can still touch me though."
He let out a slow sigh, his hand resting stiffly on your thigh. You moved closer to him, has hand then falling into the space between your thighs and you heard his breath hitch. You smirked, suddenly not very interested in the screen in front of you.
"You don't know what you do to me." Noah said lowly and you giggled.
"Show me then." You said and he turned towards you, grabbing your face and kissing you lips. It was immediately heated, but soon turned more relaxed. You wondered if he didn't want to do anything tonight, which would be fine, but he soon ran his hand along the waistband of your underwear, holding your hip and pulling you closer. You smiled against his lips, enjoying his hands roaming your body. You hummed as you leaned more against him.
"Love your body so much. So beautiful." He said as he kissed down you neck, then back on your lips. You pushed out your chest a bit more and straddled him, grinding down onto his semi hard cock. You pulled a moan from his lips and it only got you more horny for him.
"I want you so bad Noah." You said and he growled as he gripped your ass tighter in his hands, forcing your heat down onto him.
"I wanna give you everything. So beautiful, want you forever." Noah mumbled as he kissed down your neck. You felt chills run down your spine at his words, loving how he was worshipping you. His hands moved under the waistband of your underwear and pulled them down over your ass, a single finger picking up some of your wetness and smearing it all over your clit. You moaned at the feeling and suddenly you were impossibly impatient so you pulled your underwear down and off, and slid his shorts and underwear off him too.
He let you kiss him down his neck as he found a condom, hurrying it on his dick and giving it a few pumps.
"Wanna sit on my dick sweetheart? Hmm? Want me to fill you up?" He asked and you whined as you nodded, lifting yourself up. He rubbed the head of his cock along your slit and then pushing in, the feeling of him stretching your hole made you groan loudly and none of you seemed concerned with Noah's roommates. He grabbed a hold of you neck, just holding your neck and making you look at him.
"Such a good girl, taking my dick so well. Gonna make you feel so good baby." He said as you set the tempo, not wanting to have this over with too fast. He forced you to look him in the eyes as he slowly thrust into you. You whined out your moans, looking him in the eyes begging for him to go faster.
"Please baby...Fuck me." You said and he smiled. He guided your hips with one hand, making you remove yourself almost all of the way and then guiding you down onto him agonisingly slow. You whined and he got the message, speeding up his thrusts and you hugged him close, his hands grabbing your ass to hold you up as his pounded into you.
"Baby...Look at me." He said between breaths and you obeyed, looking into the dark pools in his eyes. He rested his nose on your, your breaths mingling and making you feel like one. You didn't know it now, but this is when you fell in love. This is when you were absolutely and irreversibly in love with Noah.
"F-feels so good Noah, god." You moaned and he smirked.
"Touch yourself. Make yourself cum baby, I love it when you touch yourself." Noah said and you blushed but complied, reaching a hand in between your bodies and rubbing your clit. Your moans and breaths quickened and Noah's smile widened.
"That's it baby, cum on my cock. Love it when your tight pussy squeezes me. Can barely hold it in myself when you do that." He said breathily and you smiled, resting your forehead on his shoulder to try and focus on your orgasm.
You felt it washing over you, the pleasure overwhelming as tears struck your eyes. You were so entranced in your orgasm you didn't even notice how loud you were being, but Noah didn't seem to mind. He himself was nearing his orgasm, so he grabbed your waist and rolled you over so he was on top. You paused him by placing a hand on the bottom of his neck and he looked at you with concern in his eyes.
"Use my cunt Noah." You said in an almost pleading way, your eyes big and still glistening from the tears and intensity of your orgasm. He held your cheek with one hand, the other on your hip and then started thrusting mercilessly into you until he came hard into the condom. You could feel the pulsing of his member inside you.
He collapsed on top of you and you rolled him off you, not being able to breathe. He smiled at you, almost dazed. You returned the smile, feeling absolutely satisfied.
"Fuck baby, you are really good at that." Noah said and you laughed. He lifted your shirt, wrapping his lips around one of your nipples and sucked lightly on it before he got up.
"I'm gonna be right back, I really need to pee." He said and you laughed, watching his naked ass as he ran out to the en suite bathroom. You looked up into the ceiling, smiling to yourself. Soon Noah joined you again, and you rested on his chest, regaining your breath.
"Snacks?" You asked and he nodded so you sat up and brought the tray over to sit in the middle of you. You talked as you snacked, no topic to taboo or cringe or anything.
The movie's credits were playing on the screen, but neither you or Noah were much concerned with that. The tray of snacks was half empty and discarded to the edge of the bed, you were facing each other, yet sitting closely, talking about anything and everything and you felt so comfortable with him.
"So did I do good?" Noah asked and you smiled, as you nodded.
"Yeah, it was perfect." you said as you admired him. His hair tousled from your activities, his hoodie slightly askew and the sneak peak of skin from his thigh under the covers. He smiled at something you said and you couldn't stop looking at his lips.
You were so gone for this man, which scared you to death.
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Down in Flames (modern!HOTD) 3
previous ~ next ~ series masterlist
pairing: modern!Aegon x Reader & modern!Aemond x Reader
summary: Tensions rise with the band as Otto Hightower runs them ragged with recording the album. You and Aegon come to a breaking point (no like for real this time you swear).
rating: Explicit
warnings: spicy stuff below the cut, choking, p in v, language, physical fighting, y'all if this isn't your thing I beg you just scroll past
word count: 4.8k
note: what an innocent lil gif for this part lmao hope you enjoy it!! loving writing this story and reading your reblogs & comments 💚
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You text Cregan when you get back to the apartment. You received an eager text from him almost immediately after entering your Uber. Baela egged you on, Rhaena laughing maniacally as she did. Truly a menacing pair the two of them can be. 
“He liiiiikes you,” Rhaena slurred, shaking her hips, “seriously you should have seen him watching while we were dancing. Practically drooling”
Heat floods to your cheeks as you remember Aemond’s gaze, the way he was watching you. The feeling of his hand on your arm. 
Jesus Christ. The drinks have gone to your head tonight because there is no way you’re blushing, no way your thighs are clenching together at the thought of Aemond Targaryen.
“Text him this! Text him this,” Baela says, holding her hands out for dramatic effect, “please Cregan, fuck me till I can’t remember the name of my shitty ex.”
You throw a pillow at Baela who catches it with ease, stuffing it under her elbows. 
“Bae you are in rare form tonight!” you accuse, laughing all the same. Baela groans, stuffing her face into the pillow.
“I just want my girl to get some!” she says, voice muffled by the pillow. Rhaena laughs, reaching into a bag of chips you all have been sharing. Baela lifts her head, eyes wide. 
“When is the last time you were fucked?” Baela demands to know, pointing a finger at you. 
You remember. A few weeks ago. After a heated argument, of course. You and Aegon had made up, leading to angry sex in his room. 
“Couple weeks ago I guess-” you begin to answer but Baela shakes her head. 
“No no no,” she says, “when was the last time you were fuuucked.”
You glance at Rhaena who is stifling a laugh, watching her buzzed sister speak her words of wisdom.
“Bae, we are not following,” Rhaena says snickering. Baela rolls her eyes, and takes a sip from the water bottle she keeps on her nightstand. 
“You know what I mean,” Baela continues, “like really fucked, like the kind of sex that makes your brain leak from your ears. Earth shattering. Mind blowing.”
You understand what she means. Maybe in the earlier days of your relationship with Aegon it had been like that. Passionate, raw, love making. But you hate to admit, it hasn’t been like that in a while. Even with the anger. 
“I don’t know,” you tell her, a nervous smile on your lips, “a while, I guess.”
Baela nods, like she already knew the answer. 
“So text this burly, beefy man,” she begins, “and get, fuuucked.”
“Okay crazy!” you tell her, snagging a chip from Rhaena, “I will, not tonight though.”
Baela reaches for the chips, Rhaena holds the bag out to her. 
“Thank you! Finally,” Baela says.
The rest of the night is spent giggling and sharing stories until the sun begins to peek through the clouds. Only then do you find sleep, and for the first time in weeks it is utterly blissful. 
It was Baela who found herself at the studio early before the rest of the band arrived. Lounging on the couch she helped herself to an old issue of Cosmopolitan, flipping through the glossy pages. Snickering she dogeared a page to show you when you arrived. 
The doors open Aemond strutting through them. Even his walk is arrogant. 
“Found him,” Aemond said. 
Aegon trails behind him, looking disheveled. 
“Where was he?” Baela asks. 
Aemond glances around the room. 
“Y/N here?” 
Baela shakes her head, not looking up from her magazine. 
“Not yet, she’ll be here soon.”
“Silk Street,” Aemond says. 
Baela’s head snaps up. The fucking strip club. She meets Aemond’s eye, his expression nonchalant. Baela’s mouth twists into anger as she turns her head to look at Aegon, who now sits on the edge of the stage with his head in his hands. 
Baela rises from the couch, moving towards him.
“You piece of shit,” she says, curling her magazine and reeling backward, ready to strike him. 
Aemond is quicker. He sprints forward grabbing her wrist, and twisting her away from his brother. 
“I know,” Aegon moans looking up, eyes glassy, “you should fucking let her.”
“Let me go!” Baela says, tugging free from Aemond. 
Luke enters from the other room, hearing the commotion. His eyes widen as he sees Aegon and takes in the scene in front of him.
“Leave her alone!” Luke says, moving to stand between Baela and Aemond. 
Aemond looks at Luke incredulously.
“Fuck off,” Aemond says pushing Luke away from him. 
Jace enters next with Helaena, watching as Luke stumbles backward. Helaena’s face crumples in confusion at the scene, as Baela grabs a vase attempting the launch it at Aegon. Helaena dashes forward, hands around the glass as Baela struggles against her grip. 
“Stop!” Jace says coming to his brother’s aid, and pushing Aemond in the chest. 
Aemond smiles at him, as though he was waiting for an excuse to release his frustration on the brothers. He pushes Jace who falls to the floor. 
Luke moves to get towards Aemond once more, and Aegon leaps from the stage, grabbing Luke by the scruff of the neck and slamming him against the body of the piano. 
“Aegon, stop!” Rhaena says as she enters the room amidst the chaos. 
Baela stands between Jace and Aemond, as they continue to taunt each other. 
You are the last to arrive, hurrying faster down the hallway at the sound of yelling. Your eyes widen at the fighting. 
“Aegon!” you yell, running over to pull him off of Luke. 
“Stop! Everyone stop it!” Baela shouts, as Otto Hightower enters the room and everyone falls silent. 
Otto has that energy about him, his presence like a soothing balm on a burn. Aemond stands straighter immediately, Aegon backing up a few paces. Luke rubs his jaw which now glows red. 
“Hardly the behavior of professionals,” Otto says in a chilling voice, “let alone a family.”
“Sorry,” Jace mutters, looking towards the floor. 
Rhaena grabs your hand, directing you towards the sofa. Helaena is the only one who approaches Otto, arms open to embrace him. 
“Thanks for coming,” she says, voice dreamlike, holding none of the stress that the room holds. 
“We’ve got a lot of work to do,” Otto tells her, “and it needs to be done quickly. I don’t want any more fighting. Nothing that delays this being completed, is that clear?”
Aegon cracks his jaw, his eyes half-lidded as he nods. Aemond jerks his head in a quick nod. Jace is glaring at Aemond, but nods as well, his younger brother following his example. 
“I need you to be perfect,” Otto says, putting a finger under Helaena’s chin. 
She smiles at him, a whimsical expression on her face. Her smile isn’t a happy one, it is rather melancholic. 
“Of course,” Helaena murmurs, and Otto walks by her, to stand in front of Aegon. 
Aegon does not meet his gaze, looking anywhere but Otto. Otto looks down at him, taking in Aegon’s disheveled state. He can smell the lingering booze, see the glitter that speckles his flesh like small diamonds catching the light. Even from across the room you notice the fresh hickies that adorn Aegon’s neck causing your stomach to turn. 
Otto makes a face of disgust before speaking. 
“And you,” he says, looking at the man in front of him. 
Aegon lifts his red-rimmed eyes towards his grandfather. Otto reaches a hand out, fingers brushing against Aegon’s swollen cheekbone. Aegon winces at his touch. 
“I need you to be perfect,” Otto says, his voice eerily calm. Aegon’s lower lip trembles, but he nods all the same. 
“Aegon, Helaena, come with me,” Otto says, starting towards the door, “I want recordings of isolated vocals, and the rest of the band ready to record in two hours.” 
He stops at the door. 
“707 King’s Road. Two hours,” Otto finishes, signaling to Aegon and Helaena. 
Helaena hurriedly collects her notebooks and pens, shoving them into her canvas tote. Aegon looks towards you, his eyes glassy as he meets your furious expression. He’s cheated. Again. Well is it really cheating at this point? 
In your mind you have broken up, but Aegon was still running around under the impression that you are still a couple. Do you even have a leg to stand on? You did give Cregan your number. You don’t even know what to say at this point, but luckily you don’t have to. Helaena moves toward her brother, lacing her fingers through his. 
“Okay?” she asks, searching the face of her elder brother. 
“Uh-huh,” Aegon says, as she begins to lead him from the room. And then they are gone. 
The room is silent for a moment. Baela looks at you, as Rhaena moves towards Luke. 
“Shit, Luke, your face,” she says, bringing a hand to touch his swollen jaw. Luke flinches, but lets her examine him. 
“His fucking fault,” he snaps, glaring at Aemond. 
Aemond tilts his head to the side, as though waiting for a reason to continue fighting.  
“He was attacking Baela!” Luke continued, and Aemond moves towards him. 
“Stop it!” Baela shouts, commanding the attention of the room, “no one attacked me. I attacked Aegon if anything.”
“Aegon?” you say, speaking for the first time since arriving, “why?”
Baela looks at you, before her eyes briefly glance at Aemond. You turn to face him. 
“What?” you question. 
You hate feeling like there is a secret in the room that everyone is aware of but you. Aemond meets your eyes but doesn’t say anything. You raise your eyebrows at him.
“He was at Silk Street,” Baela says reluctantly, “that’s where he was all night.”
Your heart sinks in your chest, an aching numbness settling deep within your bones. You can’t do this. You can’t do this anymore. 
“I’m going home,” you announce, heading for the door.
“I’ll come with you,” Baela says, hurrying after you. 
“No, Bae its okay,” you tell her, “go help them get ready. I’ll just be at the apartment.”
“Are you sure? Rhae and I-”
“I just need some time alone,” you tell her, “I’ll be okay. Promise.”
Baela nods, but lets you go. Jace comes up behind her as you leave through the door. 
“She’ll be okay,” Jace says, rubbing her shoulders. 
Baela nods, pressing her lips together in a tight line. Aemond is still glaring at Luke who now sits on the stage as Rhaena presses an icepack against his chin. 
You don’t speak to Aegon for a few days. Not that you’d get far. Otto probably has him locked in the recording box until getting the perfect take. 
You always knew the feud was serious when Rhaenyra went solo, but now with an actual album in the works blood was bound to be spilt. Otto would keep Dracarys in the studio all night if it meant getting the song recorded before Rhaenyra. 
It wasn’t all bad. You needed some time to think, to really wrack your head for what you wanted. It was good to spend time at your old apartment, your old room. It made your head clearer. So when Aegon finally texted you, you knew what you had to do. 
The studio was quiet when you arrived, save for the soft strumming of a guitar. You found Aegon sitting on the couch, fingers strumming his guitar, softly singing to himself. His eyes lit up when you walked into the room.
“Hey,” he says, placing the guitar to the side.
“Hey,” you answer, coming to sit beside him.
You suddenly wish you had changed your mind about what to wear. You wanted to look nice, so you had settled with a dress, with black tights covering your legs. The weather was getting colder and you were grateful for the warmth they provided. But you notice Aegon’s eyes roam up your legs, and worry for a moment you’ll simply forgive him, straddling him on the couch.
“How’s the album coming?” you ask, breaking the awkward silence. 
“A fucking nightmare,” Aegon laughs, “but we did it, we recorded it all. Without killing each other.”
You smile at that. You always wanted the band to succeed. 
“Otto’s throwing a party to celebrate, at the Dragonpit,” Aegon tells you. 
Your eyes widen at that. The Dragonpit is a huge club, for really fancy patrons. Rich mafia dudes, as Baela would say. 
“That’s really cool, Aeg,” you tell him and you mean it. You truly are happy for him.
“I’m really sorry, (Y/N),” Aegon says with tears in his eyes, “I don’t know why I keep fucking up, but I do.”
Your eyes fill with tears. At least Aegon knows where this is headed. 
“I really did love you,” Aegon tells you, his smile half-hearted. 
You find your lip trembling. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to love someone properly,” he admits, slowly finding the words, “but I tried my best.”
You run your hand through his hair, smoothing it off of his forehead. Aegon closes his eyes at your touch. 
Now is the moment. You could stay. You have done it before. You could lean into the man in front of him, soothing him. Wipe the tears from his face. Hold him in your arms and cradle him until he falls asleep. 
But you are tired. And you want to go home. The resistance falls from your limbs, a tension you were only partially consciously aware of leaves you. You sigh deeply, giving him a sad smile. 
“I know you did,” you tell him. Aegon’s eyes are glassy as he studies your face. As you step away from him. You are diverging from the path he is familiar with. 
“I loved you too,” you whisper. 
Aegon nods, his lips downturned. 
“Do you want to come with me?” you ask, more out of courtesy than thinking he will agree. 
He shakes his head.
“Nah,” he says, forcing a smile, “I think I’m gonna crash here for the night. Don’t want to be late for rehearsal in the morning.”
“Okay,” you tell him, getting up from the sofa to leave. 
“Friday night,” he calls, “you’re still my date. For the party.”
You smile sadly at him. 
“You sure you want me there?”
“Of course I do. You’re a part of this too.”
“Okay. I’ll be there,” you tell him, causing him to smile. 
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Bye Aegon.” 
You cry the entire ride home. You didn’t think you would, but as you sat behind the wheel it was as though a dam broke lose and everything came crashing down. But at the same time, the weight of the world had been lifted from your shoulders. 
You don’t know what made you drive to Aegon’s apartment.You just want this to be over, grab what remains of your things and quietly disappear from his life. You stayed in your car several minutes after you parked before heading up the apartment. 
The lights are off when you enter the apartment, save for the light above the stove that is seemingly always on. There are muffled voices from down the hall, a giggle. As you close the door behind you, you hear the voices from Aemond’s room go silent. 
You had hoped he wasn’t home. You don’t need more humiliation that comes with packing what little things you have left here. 
You walk slowly, the baseboards creaking under your foot. You hear Aemond’s bedroom door open. 
You look up from the floor, wincing. Your embarrassed expression soon fades to one of shock as Rhaena walks towards you from the hall. 
She is smiling brightly, wearing one of Aemond’s shirts. You know it's his, you’ve seen him wear it. It falls past her thighs, leaving the rest of her legs bare.  
“Hey Y/N,” she says, voice shaking, trying to appear nonchalant. She bites her bottom lip, widening her eyes as if to say finally.
You can’t seem to find your voice as she collects her purse and slips on her shoes. 
“I’ll call you later, yeah?” she says, tossing her locs over her shoulder. Her cheeks are rosy, lips bruised. She places a hand to her mouth, blowing you a quick kiss before scurrying out the door. You watch the door close behind her, lips still parted in shock.
You turn back towards the hall. Aemond has exited his room, standing shirtless in the hallway. His dark gray sweats hang low on his hips, displaying the sharp v-line that disappears below his waistline. 
“Seriously?” you tell him, finding your voice at last, “Rhaena? Aemond come on.”
His tongue pokes at his cheek, as he watches you. His sapphire eye catches the light from the kitchen, sending geometric shapes on the wall. 
“She really likes you, you prick,” you tell him, anger coursing through your veins, heating your face. 
The sadness and hurt that had been in your entire being moments ago has been replaced with white hot rage. 
“So?” he says, strolling into the kitchen, and grabbing a glass. He fills it with water and takes a sip before meeting your eyes. 
“So?” you imitate him, head tilting to the side, “so this is going to crush her.” 
You can’t believe the nerve he has, to stand there so calmly. He exhales, lips turning into a smile as he tilts his head toward the ceiling, silver hair cascading down his back. 
“She’s single, I’m single,” he says, no growls, at you, “it's not a big fucking deal.”
“It is a big deal Aemond,” you say, voice increasing in volume, “Fuck. Why would you do that?”
You always knew Aemond wasn’t the nicest person, but part of you hoped deep down he had some sense of empathy. Especially since he brushed Rhaena off all these years. You thought he understood her feelings for him. A thought rushes to your mind. 
“You did this because of Luke,” you told him, and he placed his glass on the counter, resting his hands against the edge. The muscles in his back ripple as his hair falls over his face.  
You felt your shoulders relax, knowing your realization is correct. What an asshole.  
“You’re gonna mess with Rhaena’s head, just to fuck with Luke?” you ask him, running a hand through your hair. Aemond says nothing, just taps his long fingers against the counter. 
“Fuck, Aemond,” you want to keep yelling at him. You want a reaction from him, some remorse, something besides that cold look, “you really are heartless.”
Aemond turns his head to you, purple and sapphire eye aglow with anger. He pushes off the counter, striding towards you. 
“Go to bed, Y/N,” he says in a voice dripping with disdain, “you’re not my friend, you’re not my girlfriend. Stop acting like one.”
Your nostrils flare with anger and you swear you see red. You step closer to him, tilting your chin to meet his gaze. You can feel the heat radiating from him, your chests almost touching. 
“Rhaena is my friend,” you tell him, voice low in warning. 
You stare at each other for a beat, neither moving nor backing down. Gods you fucking hate him. At least ending things with Aegon means you never have to interact with Aemond Targaryen ever again. 
“Go to bed,” he repeats, voice dripping with hostility, as you shake your head. 
“I’m not staying.”
A flicker of confusion dances across his sharp features. 
“We broke up,” you tell him, and continue before he can argue, “really. Like for good this time.”
Aemond stays eerily still. His eye searches your face, taking in the look of acceptance that follows the words you speak. 
“So after the party, you won’t have to deal with me anymore,” you tell him, the bitterness evident in your voice. 
You look away first. Who cares about this stupid stalemate anymore? You’re so done with Targaryen men. You turn on your heel prepared to leave the kitchen when Aemond speaks. 
“You know what I think?” he says softly, and you look at him once more. 
He wets his lips, a muscle in his jaw twitching. You wait for him to speak, anticipation causing your skin to blossom with goosebumps. 
“I don’t think you’re mad I fucked Rhaena,” he tells you and you shake your head, opening your mouth to argue, your eyes narrowing. 
Of course that’s why you are mad, what is he talking about?
“I think you’re mad I didn’t fuck you,” he says slowly. 
Your mouth suddenly goes dry as all the air evaporates from your lungs. Your heart beats erratically in your chest and you swallow the lump beginning to form in your throat. Aemond’s eyes light up as you fail to answer, the beginning of a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. 
“You’re jealous,” he practically purrs, as you feel the heat rise to your cheeks, flooding them with color. 
The air in the kitchen feels so hot, it’s as though it is melting the flesh from your bones. You’re not jealous, why would you be jealous? No, no that doesn’t make any sense. He’s just saying that to mess with you, to make you confused. 
“Fuck you,” you whisper, still frozen to the spot. 
Your chest heaves with your breath. There is a look in Aemond’s eye, reminiscent of a rabid dog.
“I didn’t sleep with Rhaena,” he tells you and you blink in surprise. 
Your heart nearly stops beating. 
“We made out,” he admits, grinning smugly as he shrugs, “she wanted to be more comfortable so I gave her my shirt.”
The nerves you felt a moment ago are replaced by fury yet again. He tricked you, and now he has humiliated you. In the neverending battle between you and Aemond, it appears Aemond has finally won. His smile is triumphant as he takes in your reaction. 
You clench your jaw, preparing yourself for being the butt of the joke, before rolling your eyes at him. 
“You are such a dick,” you tell him, your tone defeated as you turn away from him in surrender. 
Aemond reaches out, grabs your arm, and forces you to face him. 
“Oh, fuck off-” you begin to say when he presses his lips against yours. 
The kiss is brief and sears your lips. You pull away immediately, staring at him, eyes wide. Aemond stares back at you, not releasing your arm. 
Holy shit.
Your lips tingle and you don’t let your thoughts catch up with you as you lean forward, crashing your lips to his again. You throw your hands around his neck, pulling him towards you as he molds his mouth over yours. 
His hands grip your waist, pulling you flush against him. You scrape your nails against the nape of his neck, securing his mouth to yours. Aemond turns his head, deepening the kiss as his hot tongue enters your mouth. He pushes you against the counter, caging you against it with his hips.
A soft wine leaves your throat, swallowed by Aemond’s pouty lips, as you feel the hardness between his legs push against you. Aemond’s hands move to cup under your ass, squeezing harshly as he lifts you with ease onto the counter. 
He brings his hands between you both, slender fingers pushing your thighs open. You wrap your legs around his waist as he does, your legs a vice around him. His fingers stroke the fabric of your tights, right against your most sensitive spot, before hooking onto the material and tearing them at the seam. 
He fucking ripped your stockings holy shit. 
Aemond continues kissing you relentlessly as he does so, its a desperate mess of clashing tongues and teeth. You nip at his lower lip earning a groan from him that only encourages you further. You move your hands from his hair, pulling down his sweatpants at the waist. You feel his freed cock, hot and heavy against your hand. 
Your eyes flutter open then, as you take him in your hand, shamefully impressed at the generous length and girth. Aemond meets your eyes, violet eye half-lidded, lips bruised from kissing. He releases a moan as you pump your hand around him, stroking his thick length once, twice. 
You barely think, mind clouded with lust as you guide him towards your throbbing center. Aemond’s nimble fingers loop through your lace underwear, pulling it to the side. You feel the fat head of his cock kiss between your slick lower lips, before he pushes into you. 
A strangled moan escapes your lips at the delicious stretch Aemond’s cock gives you. Delirious with the feeling of him splitting you open, you choose to ignore the smug grin that appears on his face as he bottoms out in your warm cunt. You can’t help but feel a rush of satisfaction in the way his mouth drops open as your cunt pulsates, clenching around him. 
The way Aemond and you fuck is just like when you’re fighting one another. There is no time for being gentle. After a moment of adjusting Aemond pulls out, snapping his hips back into you again, again, and again. All you can do is hold onto him as he pounds into you, the edge of the counter biting into your lower back. Your fingers claw at him, surely drawing blood with how hard they scrape against the planes of his shoulders. Aemond’s mouth finds the junction of your shoulder and neck, and he sucks harshly on the skin. 
You can’t help the pathetic whimpers and cries that leave you at his merciless pace, at the way he keeps one hand wrapped around your thigh keeping you spread open against him. He keeps his other hand around your neck, long fingers curling around your throat. He lifts his face from your neck, watching his cock slide effortlessly in and out, coated in your arousal. Aemond blinks to look up at you, drinking in the hedonistic expression on your face. 
Every drive of his hips sends shockwaves of pleasure through your body, the head of his cock rubbing against the spongy spot within you that makes stars appear in your eyes. Holy fuck you hadn’t been fucked like this in forever. Maybe ever at all. 
“Fuck, you feel good,” Aemond growls, hand squeezing against your throat.
The loss of air makes your head spin, as Aemond continues his vigorous strokes. The apartment is silent aside from the lewd, wet slapping noises that echo throughout the kitchen. 
His pace never relents, even as he releases your throat and forces his fingers through your parted lips into your warm mouth. He groans as you suck the lengthy digits, before removing them from your mouth and bringing them to rub slow, lazy circles around your clit. A pleasurable juxtaposition to the brutal pace of his cock.  
You feel your lower stomach tighten, a wave of pleasure beginning to crest within you. Your fingers desperately claw at his bicep.
“Fuckfuckfuck,” you squeak, a breathy desperate moan. You bite your lip, stifling the next moan that manages to slip through; it comes out as a broken sob. Aemond raises an eyebrow at you, a cocky lopsided grin appearing on his face. 
“You gonna cum for me?” he asks, his voice rough as gravel.
God, you want to smack that stupid self-indulgent look off his face.
But he feels so fucking good inside you, working you closer and closer toward your orgasm. It's like he knows exactly how to touch you like he’s been thinking of touching you like this and preparing for the moment he does. His free hand tangles in your hair, tugging your neck backward and making you look towards the ceiling. Aemond licks a hot path up your throat, before biting harshly on your ear. 
With a strangled cry, your pussy clenches around his cock, and the world around shatters, bathing you in white hot pleasure. Aemond hums against your neck, as his thrusts become sloppier. As his pace begins to slow, you feel him release inside of you, hot spurts of his cum painting your inner walls as you clench around him, milking him for all he’s worth. Thank god you're on birth control. 
You feel Aemond’s hand release from your hair, your neck relaxing. You drop your hands from his back as he rests his forehead against yours. You swallow, trying to regulate your breathing that leaves your lips in pants. Aemond releases his hands from you, pulling his softening cock from within you, clutching the counter so hard his knuckles turn white. 
You feel despairingly empty as he unsheaths himself from your warmth, breath catching when he is fully parted from you. Aemond and you lock eyes, your cheeks beginning to flush as you come down from your respective highs. Warmth trickles down your between your thighs, as your place your shaky legs on the ground.
You just slept with Aemond Targaryen. 
Aegon’s fucking brother. Your heart drops. 
note: what did i say about things getting messy??? 😱 I hope you enjoyed ily ily ily
taglist: @padfooteyes, @herfantasyworldd, @kyuupidwrites, @lost-and-founds, @doublesparrows, @virginslut08, @f4ll-for-you, @violet2507, @itsabby15, @raphaellathedragon, @tswiftsthings, @cruelmissdior, @tempt-ress, @lexyr23, @reneki, @fictionalcomforts, @serrhaewin, @yariany02, @lily174, @schniiipsel, @nina2697, @minttea07, @queenofshinigamis, @duesobabe, @maximizedrhythms, @arryn-nyx, @arcadianmoonlight @kittykylax
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blacklegsanjiii · 2 months
LSL Week Day 2: Gear 5
Sanji remembers waking up during the raid of Onigashima to Luffy awakening his fruit. To the Sun God Nika inhabiting his captain’s body. The sheer warmth and freedom in the haki surrounding Sanji like calm days when the Baratie was closed for repairs when he was smaller. He feels the utter pride when Kaido goes down and then the relief and thankfulness. Then Luffy falls asleep.
For a week.
Sanji is there when his captain awakes. With food and water and juice because Chopper isn’t going to let him drink yet. He helps Luffy sit up enough to eat while Law and Chopper look him over. Doing an in depth check up on the nineteen year old who died four times in one night, awakened his fruit, and then promptly slept a week.
The next time Sanji feels Gear 5 is on Vegapunk’s island when he’s fighting Lucci from Enies Lobby. It doesn’t take him out near as long as the first time did and he ends up using it later against Kizaru and Saint Jupiter. Sanji right next to him as the fight goes on for hours and once they’re safe on the Sunny and escaping Sanji plops himself down next to the galley door on deck and lights a cigarette. He’s exhausted as is everyone else but they’re safe, for now. As safe as they can be after what happened. The deck is relatively empty as almost everyone is exhausted from the battle. Sanji should be resting as well but food needs to be made and he wants to remember the warmth on his skin. 
The warmth and joy and freedom he felt next to Luffy during their fight against the leaders of the world. It felt like standing on the deck of the Orbit shortly after fleeing Germa the first time. The thought that he could make it and live. Find the All Blue. The first time in a long time he had hope. That he would never long for anything again. He was wrong, of course.
He longed to stay in the bath of haki his captain had for forever.
Which wasn’t right, really. Tying Luffy down like that when he was freedom embodied. Sanji was just tired, he supposed. Just as Sanji lit his second cigarette a mop of black hair appeared in his eyeline and a hefty weight on his legs.
“I can’t cook if you’re on me, shitty god.” Sanji said as he looked at Luffy.
“You can make me something in a few minutes.” Luffy responded as he instead tucked his head under Sanji’s chin and wrapped his arms around him.
“What’s wrong?” Sanji asked as he wrapped his left arm loosely around Luffy.
“You feel weird.” Luffy answered. Sanji hummed as he smoked his cigarette and looked at the snow and the clouds. “What’s wrong?” Luffy asked as he burrowed deeper into the cook.
“Nothing’s wrong, I was just thinking.” Sanji answered.
“You think too much.” Luffy grumbled.
“Well some of us have too.” Sanji shot back as he took a hefty drag of his cigarette.
“You’re bad at it though, you get stuck on dumb stuff that doesn’t matter.” Luffy said and Sanji laughed. 
“You don’t even know what I was thinking about.” Sanji laughed as Luffy pulled back enough to make eye contact.
“So tell me.” Luffy ordered.
“I was thinking about how good it felt to be in your haki, when you’re in Gear 5.” Sanji complied.
“That wouldn’t make you feel weird. So what made you feel weird?” Luffy pushed.
“I don’t want to tie you down, that’d be unfair.” Sanji answered as he looked back up at the snow.
“You’d never tie me down, no one can make me do anything.” Luffy pointed out.
“That’s true,” Sanji acquiesced, “I guess the better way to put it is that I wouldn’t want to stop you from what you love.”
“You wouldn’t.” Luffy said confidently. “I love you too, and I know you love me so you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I wouldn’t.” Sanji agreed, focused on the last part of what was said. Then black hair turned white as Luffy went Gear 5 and held Sanji’s face which made their eyes meet.
“Mine. My Sanji, my cook, if he wants my haki like this he can have it.” Luffy promised.
“I just need you.” Sanji promised back and Luffy tucked into him as he went back to normal, his haki shined just as bright and warm. “Just like this you’re perfect.” Sanji said as he held his captain.
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leviscolwill · 9 months
soleil pluvieux
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pairing: rúben dias x reader
summary: you never thought you'd be grateful for manchester's shitty weather, but that was before you met rúben at your usual bus stop [wc: ~680]
contents: strangers to ??? (🤭), just fluffy stuff
note: i should be writing the 16839 wips i've started but this idea was too irresistible not to write... also i'm aware ruben would not take the bus but he's doing it for the plot 🙄
now playing: soleil pluvieux by yvnnis (novae)
your friends would describe you as a control freak, but it wasn't totally true. you just liked to have your life together and fully organised.
but one of the very few things you couldn't control in your life was the weather. for example, you couldn't predict that this sunny day would be darkened by rainy clouds. because that was the weatherman's job, something he couldn't do properly, it seemed. so here you were, in your pretty sundress, getting rained on, on what was supposed to be a perfectly sunny day.
you mentally cursed the weatherman as you arrived at your bus stop, noticing your next bus to be in 12 minutes. enough time to get completely soaked by the time you get home, you thought.
you sensed someone stilling next to you, and the rain suddenly stops. you look up, only to meet eyes with the stranger. a tall man, with brunette hair and charming brown eyes, sharing half of his umbrella with you.
"i thought you might appreciate a break from the rain." he told you looking deep into your eyes.
for some reason, you were taken aback by his voice and his accent. you weren't one to lose your bearings often, but something about him made you stumble on your words.
"you would be right... i guess. i mean you would be right about that, getting rained on is never nice so..." it felt like the words were tripping out of your mouth and lost all their meanings.
the stranger chuckled, a beautiful sound, one you would want to listen to forever you thought.
"i'm rúben, and you are..?"
you gave him your name in something that resembled a whisper, but somehow rúben understood you, saying your name back, mostly to himself.
"pretty name." you felt your cheeks heat up at his comment.
"do you usually carry an umbrella everywhere you go ?" you were taken aback by his flirty manners and the way his eyes looked so intently into yours, tracing their way to your lips once in a while. so you tried to put him on the spot as well.
but rúben simply laughed, a loud and hearty laugh that surprised you more than your question surprised him.
"it's manchester, you should always have your umbrella ready."
he was right, manchester's weather was unpredictable. and you carried your umbrella with you whenever you felt the day was about to turn rainy, but today was supposed to be a sunny day, in your mind at least.
"i suppose you're right..." you grumbled, if there was one thing you hated, aside from untrustworthy weathermen, it was being wrong.
"my bus should be here soon... can i give you my phone number ?"
once again, you were confused by the brunette. usually, people would ask for your number, not the other way. this time, rúben put you out of your misery and explained himself.
"in case you need someone to share their umbrella with you one day, and maybe we could get a coffee or whatever you like really."
for the first time since rúben spoke to you, he seemed a little flustered. his cheeks were reddening by the second and his eyes left yours to look at his shoes.
you handed him your phone with a smile as he quickly wrote his name and number in your contacts as he saw his bus coming.
he gave you a quick smile, handing back your phone. he got on the bus and that's when you realised he also gave you his umbrella.
when you looked over at him in surprise, you were met by his pretty smile and a cute wave.
you had a smile glued to your face on your way home thinking about today's funny and unexpected encounter.
once you were finally home you snapped a quick photo of the umbrella and sent it to rúben with a text.
i guess i'm the one who has to share the umbrella now.
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writer-komaru · 1 year
* ੈ✩‧₊˚ Aura of Temptations ᙏ̤̫’’ .(‘♡°༘,*)
✧Rating: Smut + Fluff + Comfort
✧Characters: Asmodeus
✧Word Count: 5’4k
✧Summary: You find yourself suddenly pulled into Asmo’s room for an all intensive pampering session after days of not sleeping or taking care of yourself. At first you blissfully believe he’s just trying to help, but you begin to pick up on some more sexual undertones. He uses the mask of pampering to cleverly hide his true intentions of getting to third base before his brothers using some of the tactics he’s all too good at. Can you resist his seductive nature or will you tangle yourself in his velvety spider web of pleasure and have his way with you?~ ♡
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“Ughhh… finally, I’m done,” You groan in relief as you close the last heavy book and place it onto a tall pile of other books, “After three fucking hours… I’ve finally done it! I’m freeee!!”
You threw your arms into the air with a tired cheer, arching your back while you’re at it to ease the aching feeling in your back. You’ve been hunched over these dusty books for what felt like a century; reading them over, writing down notes, rereading them, writing more notes, and rereading once again just in case. This so-called “academic training” Lucifer is putting you through is really testing your mental and physical capabilities. If it wasn’t for Mammon sweet talking you into a “fun family study session” just to run off, leaving it to you to pick up his slack, you would probably be out enjoying the fresh, hellish air, living your best life. But it didn’t matter to you anymore! After pulling a few all nighters and stealing a few caffeine patches from Lucifer while he was busy yelling at Satan’s cat for scratching the curtains, you completed two essays on the history of magic in Devildom, a data sheet comparing the changes in climate to the local impact of the town, and a cross word filled with all kinds of buzz words related to human culture. Lucifer explained to you how these exercises would not only strengthen important studying, reading comprehension, memory, and information gathering skills needed in everyday life, but would also help you learn more about the unfamiliar place you’ve found yourself in. And no matter how hard you begged on your knees to get out of it, he only doubled down, stating clearly that if you couldn't complete a basic essay, there was no way you were fit to be their assistant. You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from mentioning that the only tasks you have been given so far are either simple errands that require little to no brain power or basic chores you’ve already done religiously back in the human world. But once again, none of it matters now that you’re free! You quickly carry your finished work into his office and set it in the designated basket. After peeling off the caffeine patches and taking a nice, big, well deserved stretch, instead of being filled with joy once again, you’re filled with a sense of overwhelming discomfort.
“I feel I aged twenty years… guess I should just go to my room and hibernate for the next few years,” you laugh to yourself as you try to hobble back to your room. But suddenly, something stops you. You tilt your head in confusion at the strange aura coming from the stairs. After rubbing your delirious eyes, you stealthily hone in on the target, hiding strategically behind the various tables and pillars in the hallway. As you take a peek up the stairs you notice the aura seems to be coming from upstairs, trickling down the steps like an ominous cloud of smoke. What in the world could be going on up there? Isn’t everybody out taking a stroll around Devildom? At least that’s what Lucifer told you before ditching you… grrr, you’ll get him back one day. Him and Mammon, too! Anyways, back to the problem at hand. If the house should pretty much be left just to you, then what’s with all this strange aura stuff you’re seeing? You rub your eyes again, just to make sure your exhausted brain isn’t playing tricks with you, yet the aura is still there. Summoning all the courage you can muster, you carefully tip toe up the stairs. If it couldn’t get any stranger, after reaching the fifth step, the aura suddenly dissipates.
“What the…? It’s… gone?” You scratch the back of your head and shrug, “Guess it was nothing. I really need some damn sleep before I seriously start to hallucinate.”
Turning around, you begin to make your way back to your room. As soon as your hand wraps around the doorknob, you feel a sudden, light grasp on your shoulder.
“Ohh MC~ ♡” A voice draws out your name with a pleasing tone.
“GAAHHHHH!!!!” If it wasn’t for physics, you would have probably jumped 12 feet into the air. Your body spasms in surprise as you almost fall limply to the ground if it wasn’t for this mysterious intruder catching you.
“Oops! I guessed I scared you. I’m sorry, MC, hehe~♡ How did your studies go- AGHH!!!” Your tired eyes open just enough to watch Asmodeus’s face twist into a look of absolute horror, “Oh my God!! MC, You look like you haven’t slept or been outside in years!”
“I feel just as bad as I look right now…” You chuckle miserably.
“Oh my poor dear, don’t you worry! Asmo’s got you now. I’ll nurture you back to your sweet, adorable self in no time!~” He giggles to himself before sweeping you up in his arms and carrying you up stairs and to his room. The gentle yet firm hold is almost enough to make you fall asleep already. When your eyes blink open yet again, you’re greeted by the comforting atmosphere of Asmo’s gorgeous room. Such a welcoming sight… you feel your body carefully placed on a plush chair.
“Now, what to do, what to do… hmmm… ah! I have just the idea!” He exclaims and smooths a hand over your head, “I was actually planning on giving myself a pampering session today, but I think you might need it a bit more than me right now. Would you like that, MC?~ ♡” He smiled down at you and rubbed the side of your head.
“God, That would literally be so perfect… thank you so so much, Asmo,” You nod enthusiastically like a kid who’s offered a mountain high pile of toys.
“That’s great to hear~ ♡” his thumb brushes over your cheek for a few seconds before he leans even closer.
“The bath will take a few more minutes to fill up. Is there anything specifically you want me to do to pamper you?” You feel his body hover over yours, whether it’s intentional or not is beyond your mental capacity.
“I’m up for anything, really. Just something that will help me relax,” you sighed, looking up into his eyes to catch the faint glint in his eyes.
“That can certainly be arranged, no worries. I’ll do everything I can to make you feel nice today after working on all those assignments for Lucifer. Mmm, maybe you even deserve a small kiss? Hehehe, I’m just kidding~ unless you want one?” He inches his face closer to yours, laughing softly at the blush it’s beginning to develop.
“Blushing already?~ ♡” he teases.
“You’re… really close, is all,” you murmur and look away. You gasp slightly as he grabs your chin and turns you to look at him again.
“Is that really all…?~” his warm breath brushes against your skin. What was he up to… before you could get even more overwhelmed, you gently pushed him back by the shoulders.
“A little too close. Aren’t you supposed to be taking care of me, not doing… whatever this is,” you try to laugh it off but in reality your mind is racing a mile a minute.
“You’re right, my bad~ The bath should probably be ready now. There’s just one more thing left to do…” Your sleepy eyes snap open as his hands rest on your waist. He notices your reaction and softly shushes you.
“Shhh~ You’ll let me take care of you, right? In your state, I doubt you could do this on your own without falling over. May I do the honors?~ ♡” he asks with a sickeningly sweet voice that has your body strangely getting hotter. Well… he was kinda right. You wouldn’t be surprised if you toppled over just trying to stand up. He just wanted to do you a favor, and yeah, being undressed would probably be really embarrassing, but if it meant you got your needs taken care of, maybe I will be a worthy sacrifice.
You once again gathered your courage and nodded as a sigh of consent, “Yeah… just don’t get frisky or I’m telling Lucifer.”
“You have my word, even if it will be a bit hard to resist~ ♡” he chuckles softly as his fingers dip under the waistband of your shorts. There’s a certain look in his eyes, one that seems to read ‘Sit back and relax, I’ll pamper you to your heart’s content~’ but that might be what he wants you to know… either way, you couldn’t help but let out small whimpers as he slides your shorts off your ankles.
“Mmmm… these are quite pretty~♡ I’ll keep on for now,” his hungry eyes fixate on your exposed panties. Just as you’re about to swat and push him away, you sense something. That aura from before, you can feel it again, clear as day. Was that aura… coming from him all along? There’s no doubt in your mind he’s the source of it. But why? What could it be? While you’re busy deciphering the strange aura, you fail to realize your shirt is already off and folded off to the side. You come back to reality as he whispers in your ear.
“You look absolutely gorgeous like this, it’s getting a lot more difficult to restrain myself… but I can tell you’re slowly feeling the same way too, am I correct?~ ♡” he giggles devilishly.
“What do…” you don’t even have to finish that question as you feel his touch return to your sides, ever so lightly sliding up and down. The touch causes you to shiver.
“Mmm? Are you a bit sensitive, hon?” He asks in an innocent voice as his fingertips trail down to a much less innocent area. You have no idea what he’s up to but it could be sleep deprivation or the building needs pooling inside of you, whatever it is, you feel your self restraint easing away. Your face felt progressively hotter, your breathing becoming more shallow, the obvious hint begging the poor spot between your gets growing needier by the second.
‘Come on, brain! I know you’re almost dead, but please let me use a few more brain cells!’ You pleaded to yourself, ‘Think, MC, Think! Use Lucifer’s teachings as an example. What does it have in common? The aura is caused by Asmo… these symptoms happened after his touch… and… he’s the Avatar of…? That’s it!’
“Asmo, are you trying to sedu-“ before you could even admit your findings, he suddenly lifts you up into his arms once again.
“We better hurry before the bath overflows!~ ♡” Such a beautifully innocent expression… he’s hiding something, that’s for sure. You just have to stay conscious a little longer and… your breath is completely taken away as you enter his oasis of a bathroom. It looked like something you’d only see in magazines. Magnificently smooth marble pillars, cascading, translucent curtains tied back with pink roses, intricate patterned tiles all surrounding the main centerpiece of the bathroom. The bath. And it was nothing short of luxurious. It was decked out with foamy bubbles and scattered with pink rose petals. You pause for a few seconds to take in the senses around you. There’s faint, jazzy music playing from a small speaker on a vanity, the unique scent of what you could only describe as hints of strawberry and vanilla, and the soft gurgling of steamy water filling the tub. He glances over at your fascinated expression and chuckles in amusement. He steps closer to the bath and sits you down at the edge.
“Does that cute expression mean you like it?” He reaches over and turns off the tap. All you can manage is a nod, which is enough to satisfy him.
“One moment, let me prepare everything I’ll need to make you feel like your refreshed self again,” he walks over to the vanity and begins taking some things out of the draws. The moment apart gives you the chase to finally breathe. There’s something about him right now that’s both overwhelming and exciting, it’s honestly rather intiscing, but you’d never admit that. You begin to regain your ability to have rational thought. He’s definitely up to something and using his aura and physical advances to accomplish it. You gulped nervously. If his aura really is what you think it is, you don’t know how much longer you’ll be able to resist it. And if the rest of the guys even just find out about the fact he undressed you, you’d never hear the end of it. You jump as Asmo happily strunts back to you, laying a tray of numerous goodies on the edge of the bath. You whine internally as all your rational thoughts seem to go back out on vacation, right when you needed them most.
“Hon, can you look into my eyes for a second?~” His alluring voice causes your dilated eyes to meet his equally, if not even more, dilated eyes. Everything about this felt like a fever dream…
“I know it’s all going pretty quickly for you, but I want to pause for a moment to ask for your permission to take the rest off. I’ll only do it if you want me to,” his voice has a new sense of worry in it that has your heart skipping a beat. This is your chance, you can finally confront him on his sneaky actions! You can remind him how upset everyone would be with him for seeing you in nothing but your bra and panties. But instead… you say, “Yeah… I want that.”
His gaze is unwavering, searching for any major signs of appreciation. After a few seconds, he relents and returns to his cheeky smiling self.
“Thank you for this opportunity… I definitely won’t take it for granted~ ♡” He leans over you and runs his hands in circles over your hips. This tease, it’s like he could read you like a fucking picture book. How did he know your hips were sensitive? How did he know you always shiver when he whispers into your ears? How did he know the effect his prolonged gaze on your body has on your heart? Oh, he wasn’t just a tease, he was the Avatar of Lust. He knew how to get people worked up and he was clearly exploiting his knowledge to use it against you.
“Mmph!” You bit your lip to hold back your noises as he began to pull down your panties. Was this really happening? Was this even okay? You felt like you were at a boiling point. If he caught even a glimpse at the absolute mess you were down there, you’re absolutely sure his little teasing game would only get worse. And worse it did.
“Wooowww~ ♡ look at that…” He licked his lips at the strings of liquid desire that clung from your aching cunt to the wet spot left in your panties. If humiliation was a grain of samd, you were a fucking desert right now. You whined in embarrassment but couldn't hold back how your pussy twitched.
“You’re even wetter than I could have ever hoped you’d be… mmmm… and how you keep twitching, I think you like this too. What a naughty girl you are… ♡” he kisses your cheek and traces a finger down your lower stomach, “but, I like that about you~ ♡”
Just as his finger gets mere inches away from your swollen clit, he feels your hips twitch away. He smirks and takes his hand away.
“Your gorgeous body almost made me forget why I brought you here~ Silly me, can’t have this getting wet, either~ ♡” you gasp as he lips your bra and sets it to the side. When he looks back over at you, he sees your hands desperately trying to cover your breasts. He finds it both amusing and adorable.
“Go ahead and slide into the bath. Tell me if it’s too warm or cold for you and I’ll adjust the temperature if needed,” he gives you a playful wink as you turn your back to him and hop in the bath. As soon as the warm, soapy water envelops your skin, you’re unable to suppress your moan in time. How could you not, this water felt incredible to your poor, sore muscles and aching body. You let your body rest against the edge as the intoxicating smell made you dizzy.
“Ahhh… hah….” You panted.
“Does it feel good?~ You definitely look like you’re enjoying yourself. Mind if… I join?~ ♡” You heard his sultry voice whisper in your ear as he joins you in the bath. You glance over at him. He’s… he’s n-naked too? As if this situation couldn’t get any more lewd, he sits down in front of your spread legs.
He strokes your cheek softly, “Your mind looks like it’s not quite here… how cute. ♡ I think you’ve waited long enough for your promised pampering. Just sit back and relax~ You’re in capable hands~ ♡”
That’s the last thing you remember hearing from him as your exhausted brain finally takes a well needed break, just for a while. You have just enough consciousness left to feel the numerous amounts of face masks, creams, rollers, and much more he uses on you. Compared to his touch from before that was practically quaking with desire, his touch now was a lot more gentle and loving. He fussed over each and every detail of your face mask, adjusting them to fit your face perfectly. Sooner or later, he began to soak some rich soap into your messy hair and gently scratch at your scalp. It felt so nice to be taken care of, to be loved after putting yourself through hell and back. You weren’t surprised in the slightest when you opened your eyes to see him presenting you a cup of tea. Did you just… fall asleep?
“Good morning, darling. You fell asleep while I was washing your hair so I decided to give you a break while I made you some tea. It should give you back some of your missing entertainment,” he set the teacup in your heads and rubbed a hand over your shoulder, “I know this has been a lot for you, so please take it easy. I wouldn’t wanna push you past your comfort zone,” he cooed sweetly.
You didn’t even realize how thirsty you were until the tea slipped down your throat. It tasted wonderful, like a flurry of peaches and mint. It wasn’t long until you finished the whole cup and sat it down on the tray with the leftover supplies.
“Heheh, good. How do you feel? A little less tired, I hope?” He soothed.
“Mhm… yeah, I’m feeling a lot better, actually,” you rub the sleep from your eyes.
“That’s wonderful, I’m glad~ now that you’re awake, it might be time to move to the main event~ ♡” he chucked.
“Main event…? What d-does… that mean?” You shivered, fainting innocence.
“Well, how can I call this a true pampering session until I give you… a little bit of a massage, hm? Would that feel nice on all your aches and pains?” His tantalizing touch drifted all the way from your shoulders to down on your thighs, “I’m assuming your body has been aching for some touch for quite a while, hasn’t it?”
Your breathing grew more and more uneven as his aura filled your mind with a desire… a desire for him. For his touch, “yeah… I… I feel strange...”
“Oh? Strange how? Does it hurt?” He hum’s curiously as his thumbs massage the muscles of your thighs.
“N-no, it... Aghh…you… you know what it is…” You look away out of embarrassment from his blatant teasing.
“Mmm? Could it be… a need, of sorts? ♡” His thumbs circle over your inner thigh.
“Hahh… agh… yeah… like… a need… a strong need,” you felt your pussy fluttering around nothing as his touch only got closer, “why… are you… doing this…?”
“It’s simple… It's because I love you, hon. More than anything I can name… more than I can even understand. I have this urge inside of me whenever I see you. It wants you, all of you. And now…” a strange pink smoke begins to swirl around him as his eyes glow brightly, “I get you all to myself~ ♡” You watch helplessly as he sprouts wings and horns, grinning sinisterly at you. Your breather quickens as he more roughly squeezes your thighs just to hear you whine. He leans in, so close you might just lose your mind, “I know how badly you need me too. I can practically smell it~ want me to help you? Relieve that desire that’s burning under your skin?~ ♡”
His dirty words made you whine. There’s no way you could resist him, not in this form. You’ll just have to deal with the problems later because right now you just want this demon in front of you to do whatever he wants with you.
“I think I know a certain spot that’s been begging for my attention ever since I saw those cute panties~ ♡ let’s see if I can fix that…” his wild eyes look below the crystal clear water as his delicate fingers spread your pussy wide open. Your shift around uncomfortably at being so open to the water swirling around you. As soon as you feel the sinful press of his pointer finger and middle finger against your clit, you stifle a moan and twitch your hips eagerly.
“Oh, someone’s excited, hm? Is it because of me… or maybe the spell I’ve cast on you? ♡ Maybe both~” he giggles to himself.
Spell? Is that what all the aura was- Your train of thought vanishes completely as his fingers rub small circles against your swollen bud.
“Nghh… ahh.. oh fuck….” You whine as you pussy clenches even more. It already feels like so much, but you so desperately wanted to beg for some stimulation to your cunt too. Your wish would soon be granted as you feel his two fingers slide down to your cunt and rub it up and down, making sure to continue rubbing circles on your clit with his thumb.
“Is that better?~ Even in the water I can feel how slick you are. You must like this a lot, hm? Hehe, I don’t think I even need to ask~ ♡” his fingers slowly and carefully pushed inside your twitching hole.
“Aaghhh… f-fuck… oh god, Asmo.. agh…” you’re reduced to a whining, shivering mess as his fingers explore the insides of your pussy. And they were so talented too. They immediately knew the exact gummy spot inside of you to rub to make your eyes roll back. It just felt too good, you couldn’t do anything but moan and twitch. You wanted more but you were also scared of what more would feel like. His wrist started to quickly flick his fingers in and out of your trembling pussy, jabbing right against your g-spot and pressing harder on your clit. You felt like your body wasn’t even your wit control anymore, you were totally at his mercy.
“Mmmphhh… you’re clenching on me so tightly, and it’s so warm~ ♡ I could just do this forever…” he sighed dreamily as his motions sped up. How could he keep such a relaxed face while you were fucking fighting for your life? It felt like your senses were on fire, like your cunt was ready to cum at any second.
“Ready to cum so early? Hehe, I don’t blame you, I’m quite good at this. After all, I’m the Avatar of Lust. I can make you feel things no other demon can ever dream of making you feel. Hehehe~ ♡ How about I make a deal… I’ll let you cum as many times as you want if you chose me and only me instead of my brothers. How about that? Doesn’t that sound fantastic~ ♡♡”
It does sound rather tempting, but you could care less about deals right now. The only thing you want is to cum, cum around his skilled fingers. If that meant being his forever, then that’s just a plus.
“Aaghh p-please… I’m yours, only yours. Please Asmo, I need to cum so badly… I can’t hold it much longer..” you cried out.
He smiles devilishly, “Perfect answer, my love… go on, let go of everything and release all that cum for me…♡ cum for your demon~ ♡”
The final thread of restraint snaps as you moan desperately, squeezing on his fingers so good he feels his dick twitch in anticipation.
“Aghh… hahhh… oh god… that… that was amazing… felt amazing….” You heaved in between each word as you lay limp against the edge of the bath. The post orgasm bliss felt like heaven but it was quickly ripped away from you as Asmo’s fingers contributed to thrust you open.
“Gah, w-what, n-no hurts please, please no more… Aghh…” it didn’t take long for the pain to melt into mouth watering pleasure as he stimulated your poor little clit over and over again.
“Mmm I think you’re pretty much ready to take me now… that is if you wanna. I can keep fingering you if that’d make you feel best, cutie~” he playfully licked the outer shell of your ear.
Even though his fingers felt like heaven, you could only imagine how good his dick would feel. Would it feel even better? Oh you just had to give it a try~ You lean back and wrap your legs around his waist.
“Hehehe someone’s eager, huh? Aghh… I’ll try to be gentle… just don’t squeeze too hard or else I might break that promise~ ♡” He snickered as he lifted your hips up and angled his throbbing dick to your overstimulated cunt. You mind raced with ideas of how big he could be but as soon as you felt his head rub against your entrance you could already feel your legs beginning to give out. He’s… pretty big…
He smirked at the worry in your eyes, “Are worried I’ll hurt your tight little cunt or I’ll make you feel so good you won’t be able to get off without my dick?~ ♡ just i’ll have to figure it out as me go~ ♡” without very much of a warning, you felt the head slip in past your entrance to right against that sweet spot of yours. And holy fuck we’re you enjoying it. Even though he warned you, he was too big, you had no choice but to squeeze him like your life depended on it.
“Aaghhh… p-please sweetie, loosen up or else I can’t go deeper… damn it I wanna fuck you so bad… ♡” he grit is teeth in agony and pleasure. He brought a quick finger to your clit and gave it some deep rubs, thankfully coaxing a moan out and letting you loosen up for him a little. His hips snapped forward again and again and again, each time he made sure to hit your g-spot straight on.
“Aaaagghhh Asmo I can’t I can’t it’s too much!!!~” you wailed as you felt another orgasm approaching.
“My dear please… you’re squeezing so fucking hard you’re going to… drive me crazy!~ ♡♡” he dug his nails deep into your plush hips and thrusted into you at such a fast rhythm it left you right at the edge.
“Aghhhh I’m going to break… s-slow down, my pussy is going to die!!!~” you cling onto the mable for dear life as the demon drilled into you from behind. It felt so lewd but it also felt like heaven~ yet you still needed more, “pleaseeee Asmo I’m begging you I need more!~”
“Still need more?~ ♡ can’t wait to get to that edge?” He teased in your ear with a chuckle.
“Pleaseeee I’d do anything please make me cum again~” You cried out, unable to even process the words fully before they left you mouth.
“I.. agh… think I got just the idea.. brace yourself… for the might of the avatar of lust~ ♡” He stayed thrusting into you even faster but that wasn’t the main focus. No, because when you began to feel a strange vibration sensation emerge from his dick, tremouring right against your cervix you were just wailing, you were screaming.
“Oh gods, oh gods this can’t be real… asagghhhhhhh!!~ why is it vibrating so hard?!!~ how.. how is it even doing that?!!” You didn’t know if you were more scared or excited by this new discovery. All you knew is your pussy was twitching like crazy against the sinful vibrations wracking through his clock and right against your sensitive walls and clit.
“The avatar of lust has more than a few tricks up his sleeve to make just about anyone come undone on my dick~ ♡ you’ll find out soon enough if you’d like, hon~ ♡ Ahh… just… let me fuck that tight pussy nice and hard~ ♡” your back arched on command as he growled in your ear. Moans and grunts left your lips like a constant prayer, it’s just too fucking good, way more than a human like her should be able to handle. That was until Asmo finally snapped and flipped her around so ass was in full display for him. She didn’t even bother asking what was going on, just moaning and begging for more of his vibrating dick. He mounted her and quickly remained fucking her pussy into oblivion. The change of position allowed him to directly assault her poor, poor absurd cervix. Each snap of his hips against her ass sent electricity straight to her pussy which was dying to cum from all the extreme vibrations.
“Aaghhh Ahh Ahh AGHHH AGHHH!!~” Her moans grew louder and louder as she got closer to cumming, “I’m close so fucking close please just ruin me-“ suddenly, there was a series of stomping footsteps and opening and slamming of doors. They were all home already?! Shit, why now!? Right when you’re on the brink of one of the best orgasms in your life!! As you turned around to give Asmo a sad look, you were greeted with a smirk. Don’t tell me. His thrusts went faster and faster and faster until the water started to splash out of the bath and onto the floor.
“Waaaittttt we're gunna get caught aaghhhh!!!~” your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“Don’t matter to me… I’ve been aching for sex with you for way to damn long to stop now~ ♡ Come on, give them a nice loud moan~ let them know who you belong to~ tell them who fucks you’re beautiful, tight pussy the best!~ ♡” He bends your back into a perfect arch, only applied by the intense lust magic he forces into you.
“Aaaagghhh!~~ AAAAGGHHHHHH ASMOOOOOOO DOESSSS!!!~” You released a loud scream as you came yet again, shivering pathetically. Your eyes screwed together as his passion fucking didn’t even hesitate. You were losing your damn mind and basking in it.
“Let’s keep going… until we finally get caught~♡” he laughed wildly, clearly getting drunk off your pussy. But you were just as drunk off of his dick too.~ You nodded in agreement and continued moaning like he’s rearranging your guts. It felt so good, so, so deliciously good. You never wanted this to stop.
Sure enough, the door creaked open, revealing the first unlucky person to witness the lust-filled display that the two of them were putting on. Their jaw dropped open at the sight of a wildly out of control Asmo practically bending you in half and slamming into you at such a furious pace you just couldn't stop cumming. His erotic magic surged through your veins as you kept shouting, moan after moan, dirtying the water with your combined cum. Your face was permanently twisted into a lewd expression as you felt your whole body alight in a constant explosion of pleasure from his none stop fucking and overwhelming magic.
“Agaghhhhhhhhh~” You sobbed out in bliss.
“If… you want us to stop… you’re going to have to kill me~ ♡” Asmodeus flashed the intruder a spine chilling death stare and groaned in pleasure as he plunged in deeper.
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Reblog + Like + Comment if you wanna see even more obey me or Asmo in specific posts (hehehehe I had a lotta fun writing this I’m such a simp for asmo I hope I did him justice <3)
(I’ve been writing for like 8 hours with no hours of sleep I think I might take a break tomorrow. I’ll make a poll for my next post in a few days or so, I need to recharge)
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rhoorl · 9 months
Delta Landscaping |
Chapter 4: The Pool Party
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Series Summary: In this AU, the boys of Delta Force start a new business post-Colombia. 
Series Masterlist
Rating: Explicit (18+) - This is here as a blanket rating 
Word Count: 8.8k
Chapter Summary: It’s pool party time. Once we get to the party we are going to be bouncing around to a lot of little scenes amongst various characters. Some stuff from the party hit the cutting room floor.
Chapter Warning: Allusions to cheating, co-dependent relationship. Some military/veteran talk. If something else should be added here please let me know! Also, I don’t have a beta for this, so any mistakes are all me.
A/N: At the beginning of this chapter, I provide some background on another one of the neighbors – the most in-depth I think I've gone since Lucille. I’m not trying to pass a moral judgment on this character one way or another, but I think it’s important to lay out some of her past.
Also, shoutout to @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain whose comment from Chapter 3 about Benny’s choice in swim trunks took me down a rabbit hole.  Another shoutout to @trulybetty for bouncing ideas about one of the storylines with me!
“So…that Santiago sure was giving you the fuck me eyes wasn’t he?” David chuckled as he, Ty, and Melissa made their way back to their respective houses after the watch party at Lucille’s.
“Yeah, Mel, the guy couldn’t take his eyes off you."
“Oh it's fine, just some harmless flirting,” she waved them off. “Doesn’t hurt that he’s also gorgeous and probably a really good kis-” she cut herself off as they side-eyed her.
“Ten cuidado con eso,” Ty cautioned her. “It's harmless flirting to you, but he may not see it that way…"
"Yea, girl…don't write checks your ass can't cash."
Melissa rolled her eyes as the trio stopped in front of David and Ty's house.
"Anyway," Ty cleared his throat. "With the party tomorrow, I guess we have to cancel our appointment with the event planner at the golf course. That's the third venue in a row we've canceled. You getting cold feet or somethin?”
“No, of course not,” she shook her head, nervously laughing. "We can always reschedule, right? Everyone seemed so excited to do it tomorrow so why wait…sorry for the short notice, I didn't leave you with enough time to come up with a theme.” She wanted to change the subject and change it fast. 
Melissa was no stranger to turning heads. She was one of the younger women who lived in Torrey Hills. She was fit, attractive, and had an infectious laugh and quickly bonded with David and Ty over RuPaul's Drag Race after they saw Melissa wearing an Alyssa Edwards shirt one day. The three alternated locations for their weekly watch parties, even going back and watching old seasons in between the new ones. 
They also bonded over wedding planning. David and Ty were some of the most sought-after wedding planners in the greater Tampa Bay area. And when Danny confided in them that he thought Melissa was overwhelmed with wedding planning, trying to do it all herself, they knew they had to step in and help…free of charge.
The idea of a wedding and impending marriage loomed over Melissa like a dark cloud. She loved Danny, they were high school sweethearts, but more and more she felt like her life was planned for her and not by her. For the last 12 years, all they knew was each other. They were each other's firsts and last in so many respects. First relationship. Last kiss. And when it came to sex, they had been each other's first and last in almost every respect. 
In high school, Danny was the star quarterback and Melissa was the head cheerleader, so of course they were bound to get together. When Danny suffered a torn ACL in the last game of his senior season, all hopes of a college scholarship were dashed. Devastated, he had to rethink his plans since the hopes of a prospective NFL career were no more. He reluctantly decided to follow in his father's footsteps and attend Embry-Riddle and start on the path toward being a commercial airline pilot. 
Melissa was a fantastic athlete in her own right and received a cheerleading scholarship to attend the University of Florida. Despite the distance, she and Danny wanted to make it work; everyone told them since they were high school sweethearts, and clearly soulmates, this was just the next logical step for their relationship.
They alternated making the two-hour drive on weekends to see each other. Although it was tough for Danny to attend the football games, wishing it was him on the field, he absolutely beamed seeing Melissa on the sidelines getting tossed in the air and leading the crowd in cheers.
When it came to her college experience, Melissa had a much different one than her sorority sisters. She didn't go out with the girls as much because she was either visiting Danny or he was there seeing her. It was hard for her to turn down social events. One of the reasons she decided to go to a big school like UF was to live the ultimate college experience. But, she loved Danny and the distance was hard, so she relished any opportunity to see him even if it meant they wouldn’t leave their rooms the whole time.
Fast forward a few years, and a couple of changes in majors, and Melissa graduated with a degree in health education with a minor in Spanish. After he graduated, Danny benefitted from the pilot shortage and quickly made the jump from a regional to a major airline. Moving in together after college was the next milestone on their trajectory – their families assumed marriage and babies wouldn’t be too far behind.
The next few years they moved wherever Danny's job took them, before ultimately landing in the Tampa Bay area. Danny knew he wanted to marry Melissa from the moment she agreed to go on a date with him. She was it for him. He proposed during a romantic beachside dinner in Clearwater Beach 10 years to the day he asked her out for the first time. He even organized it so their families were there as a surprise. Everyone was absolutely over the moon as the next milestone got checked off the list. 
Danny was all in on wedding planning, suggesting they attend a local wedding expo so they could start to meet with vendors. Melissa, on the other hand, was not as gung ho to get started. Most of her sorority sisters either were married already or in the midst of wedding planning, so she was no stranger to the machine that was the wedding industry.
Everyone had questions. Were they having an engagement party? Where were the bachelorette and bachelor parties going to be? Did they want a local wedding or a destination wedding? Were kids going to be invited? What colors for the bridesmaids' dresses?
Melissa's head was spinning with all of these decisions she needed to make. Everyone meant well, encouraging her to do whatever she wanted because it was her day, yet she came to the realization that this - a wedding, marriage, kids - wasn’t what she wanted. 
This epiphany tore her up inside and she hated herself for it. Danny was a good man and deserved to be with someone who worshiped him the way he worshiped her. But, at the same time, she didn’t know how to navigate life without him. He was her best friend and had been by her side through her highest highs and lowest lows.
She couldn't bring herself to call things off, she couldn’t bear to break Danny's heart. She rationalized her hesitation saying it was a phase or something she needed to work through. So, she tried to find some distraction to help put off wedding planning just a bit longer – and buying a house seemed like the perfect distraction. Their focus would be on stalking Zillow, going to open houses, and driving around looking at neighborhoods.
When they drove through Torrey Hills with their realtor, Melissa immediately fell in love with 305 Mulefall Court, a house newly on the market. She was awed by its spacious, inviting interiors and massive backyard. She could envision a life with Danny here. Things moved quickly from that point on from making an offer to closing, and before they knew it, the two of them were homeowners. 
Once they moved in, her focus immediately went to making her home perfect. She had a list of projects, which included lots of additions, including a pool, and Danny was receptive to it all. He hadn't seen her this focused and excited in a long time.
"Whatever makes you happy babe," he'd say whenever she came to him with an idea.
Every so often Danny would broach the subject of wedding planning and Melissa would find some convenient excuse as to why she couldn't focus on it. She was changing jobs, she didn't want to compete with another friend's wedding, or her sister-in-law was pregnant. She latched onto anything that could delay wedding planning more.
When construction started on their pool, the last of the big home improvement projects, Danny upped the pressure for a date. Melissa, David, and Ty went to see nearly every possible wedding venue in Tampa Bay, St. Petersburg, and Clearwater and even drove to Orlando to check out what a Disney wedding would entail. Making matters worse, their respective parents were also starting to run out of patience, blaming it on their desires to spoil their future grandchildren.
Melissa knew she was destined for a crossroads and she felt the walls closing in on her. She was turning 30 in a few months and had lost track of who she was. Danny was the only boyfriend she had ever had. He was the only sexual partner she'd ever had. And for the past 12 years, they navigated life together, their whole adulthood wrapped up in each other.
"Hey…Fish and I are at the store, what do you need us to pick up again?" Santiago stared at the wall of beers as Frankie checked out the whiskey selection.
"You know the beers we all like, but maybe add in some…uh…I don't know…hard seltzers or something." Will tried to be sly with that inclusion. The other day coming home from his run he noticed Katie had an Instacart delivery which included hard seltzers.
"Hard seltzers? The fuck?  You watching your figure?"
"Shut up. I’m just thinking we should bring…a variety. We don't know what everyone likes to drink."
"A variety…ok man. Lemme add some Sunny D and juice boxes while I'm at it." Santiago countered sarcastically.
"Fuck off, we'll see you and what I imagine is your obnoxious as-hell swimsuit soon." 
Will hung up the phone as he walked into the kitchen, shaking his head. Benny was at the kitchen table doodling in his notebook. 
"Are they on their way?" He asked without looking up, concentrating on his drawing.
"Yeah, they’re wrapping up at the store. What are you working on?"
"Oh, nothing…just had an idea I couldn't get out of my head," Benny looked up and gave a half smile. He heard his phone ding and saw it was Connor.
Connor: Guess what I did?
Benny: ?
Connor: I asked Aria if she and her parents were coming to the party.
Connor: I had Mom ask Ms. Melissa if that was cool, but turns out they were invited already lol
Benny: I mean hell yeah!
Benny: You excited?
Connor: Haha. Yea. And nervous.
Benny: I get it. I'll give ya a pep talk when you get there 😉
"What are you smiling at?"
"Oh, it's Connor," Benny waved his phone. "That girl he likes is coming to the party."
"He's a good kid. You're not trying to replace me are ya?"
Benny rolled his eyes and laughed. "Nah, man. Wherever you go, I go, you know that."
"Wait, I thought we were supposed to go look at a venue today. I leave tomorrow for a couple of weeks, Lis, what're we doing hosting a party?"
Danny was the planner. Meticulous and always wanting to have things in order. And, for the most part, Melissa was the same way. Except in recent months, he noticed she was getting more spontaneous, erratic even, randomly deciding to go off and do things with a moment's notice…including hosting the entire neighborhood at their house for a pool party.
"I know, but I was talking with D and we just don't think that place is our vibe, so like why waste everyone's time."
"Well, what is our vibe? Jesus Lis, you've seen like, what 20 places…you don't like any of them? Budget isn’t a hurdle, you know. I want you to have your dream wedding."
"I know, baby,” she walked to him, putting her arms around his waist. “I want it to be someplace special. I'll know it when I see it. I just haven't had that..feeling yet when I've gone places. But we're close, I know we are." She kissed Danny, trying to reassure him although she could practically see his patience wearing thin.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "At this point, why don't we just go to the courthouse?"
"The what?" She pulled back to look up at him.
"Yea. It's just a piece of paper anyway. Then we can go on a trip or something…whatever you want - Lord knows I have miles for it. Take the pressure off of planning a big party," he rubbed his hands up and down her arms.
"You know both of our moms would not go for that. Heck, I'm my dad's only daughter so he will be heartbroken if he can't walk me down the aisle," she chuckled. "We'll figure it out, baby. Now, can you help and put the tables out back?"
"Lulu, need help?" Megan opened the door to Lucille’s. She had Connor bring their wagon, knowing that Lucille was going to have several different platters to haul down the street.
"Sí, por favor!" She called from the kitchen. It was no surprise that she had made a ton of food, including a flan, another one of Connor’s favorites.
The three of them got everything loaded up and started walking toward Melissa and Danny’s house, stopping abruptly when they heard a loud whistle from behind them. Turning, they saw Benny giving them a big wave with his free hand as he hauled a case of beer on his other shoulder. 
He was decked out in what, on a normal person, would look like the most obnoxious pair of swim trunks, but somehow he made look cool. They hung low on his hips and were all black, with a retro flame design in various shades of orange, red, and yellow extending up from his knees towards his crotch. His shirt choice was much more understated, a red cut-off shirt paired with a white Houston Astros baseball cap which he wore backward, of course.
Will followed, donning a pair of mostly red swim trunks with alternating stripes of white and navy blue near the waistband, and a plain gray T-shirt. Behind him was Frankie who had on solid black swim shorts with a light gray, button-down short-sleeve shirt with what looked like a crane pattern on it. He left the top several buttons of his shirt unbuttoned exposing his tanned chest. His signature baseball cap was affixed to his head and his aviators were tucked into the pocket of his shirt.
Santiago trailed behind with the shortest trunks of the bunch, showing off several inches of thigh. They were navy blue with white and baby blue tie-dyed roosters scattered across them. He paired the shorts with a baby blue tank top. Not wanting to mess up his hair, he went sans hat but did have on his Oakley sunglasses.
All the men carried various cases of alcoholic beverages. Frankie knew they should have just driven it all over, but the other three insisted on walking. 
"Wait up!" Benny called after Megan, Connor, and Lucille. 
"Hey, where's the party?" David shouted from his porch across the street as Ty wheeled their wagon full of goodies down the driveway. "You boys actually planning on going into the water?" 
"Well…yea…I mean, it's a pool party right?" Benny was confused at the lack of swim attire and towels from David and Ty. 
"David never goes into the water, he prefers to sit on a lounger and get the chisme from Lucille. Those two know everything," Ty laughed.
David and Ty bickered about their pool party behavior as they all made the relatively short trek to Melissa and Danny's.
"So, Megan…is uh…Melissa's fiancé cool?" Santiago asked as they reached the driveway.
"Oh, Danny? Yeah, he's a sweetheart, really nice guy."
"Awesome…great," Santiago said flatly, trying to avoid the confused look he could feel Frankie giving him.
"Party's here!!" David announced as the crew made their way into the backyard.
The backyard was almost as big as Will and Benny’s. It was a little sparse, with just a few palm trees, but it had lush green grass and a large sparkling pool. The lanai was expansive with a full outdoor kitchen and a table that could easily seat eight comfortably. Loungers and chairs were scattered throughout for seating.
Danny was just finishing setting up the last of the foldout tables as Melissa walked outside with a plastic tablecloth to cover it.
"Oh hey! Welcome!" She gave a dazzling smile to everyone, pleased that the four new additions to the neighborhood all came with their swim trunks on.
She had a black, sheer cover-up on over her blue and white tie-dyed bikini, a more revealing swimsuit than her usual pool party attire.
“Ok hot momma, I see you!” David whistled as he saw her, bringing her in for a big bear hug.
When David finally put her down, her eyes immediately connected with Santiago, who tilted his head down to peer from over his sunglasses. He didn’t hide the up and down he gave Melissa, leaving her a bit flustered at the attention. She walked over to Lucille who was helping Connor and Frankie unload the contents of her wagon onto one of the tables.
"Lulu, esto es demasiado…you didn't have to make all of this!"
"¡Ay, basta! You know I can't help myself when there’s a party," she winked. 
"Oh babe, here meet the guys," Melissa called Danny over. "This is Will and Benny, they moved into 319. And these are their friends Frankie and Santiago."
"Hey guys, nice to meet you," he shook all of their hands. "You guys are fixing that house up really nicely, it looks awesome."
"Well, it couldn't look any worse," Will joked.
Once they started talking, Danny and Frankie immediately hit it off once they realized their aviation connection.
"Do…do you need help with anything?" Santiago asked Melissa as Frankie and Danny started to nerd out about engines on their walk over to the grill.
"Uh…yeah. Actually, I have a cooler I need to bring around from the garage."
"Lead the way," he opened his arms for her to pass, trying to discreetly check her out as she walked by him. 
Frankie quickly side-eyed where his best friend was going, trying to not make it too apparent as Danny continued on his rant about the impending pilot strike.
Melissa could practically feel Santiago’s eyes on her as she walked toward the front of her house. She put a little extra sway in her hips, not hating the attention but knowing she was playing with fire.
Danny loved Melissa and tried to show her as often as he could, but his work schedule had definitely put a damper on their sex life. Gone were the days of ripping each other's clothes off at a moment's notice and having passionate sex everywhere and anywhere they could. With Danny away for work as often as he was, they'd had more phone sex than actual sex over the last couple of months and she was going a little stir-crazy. A handsome stranger certainly didn't help things either.
"Here it is, think you can handle it?" She turned to face Santiago. She resolved that she wouldn’t do anything other than flirt with him. 
"Oh, I think I'd be able to manage just fine." He winked.
For his part, Santiago was conflicted too. He was never one to shy away from a beautiful woman flirting with him, but he drew the line if they were taken. He had been there, done that, and didn’t want to go down that painful road again. But he also couldn’t deny that there was something there when he looked at Melissa. 
He didn’t want to say anything to the guys, especially Frankie, because he knew what their reactions would be. They’d tell him that he was just attracted to her because she was the young, hot thing on the block and remind him that she was very much unavailable. 
"That's uh…a nice suit you have there," he nodded towards her. "Looks like we both like tie-dye," he chuckled.
The two stayed with their eyes locked on each other, trying to read the other’s face for what felt like minutes before they heard someone clear their throat.
"Oh hey, sorry we're late!" 
They turned to see Olivia, with Diana on one hip and a baby bag slung on the other shoulder. Her husband, Chris, and their sons CJ and Max were right behind followed by Katie who was helping the family with their bags.
"It feels like we have to pack the whole house even when we just come down the street," Olivia laughed, oblivious to the awkward tension between Santiago and Melissa.
"Aw don't even worry, everyone just got here! Come, they're out back!" Melissa waved toward the backyard.
Santiago introduced himself to Chris, who helped him bring the cooler along with a couple more fold-out chairs to the back.
Frankie spotted Santiago as he came back with a man carrying a cooler and some more chairs. Seeing Olivia and her kids, he figured it was her husband. He also clocked how Santiago's eyes lingered on Melissa, who was walking in front of him.
"Hey babe, where are the burgers?" Danny yelled out to Melissa.
"They're inside, here I'll help you."
"I'll be right back," he told Frankie.
As Danny and Melissa headed inside, Santiago stopped to get a beer before walking over towards Frankie. He could feel the side eye Frankie was giving him.
Frankie lifted his hands up in protest. "I haven't even said anything."
"Yeah, but you're giving me that look."
"She's engaged, hermano. Besides, isn't she a little young, even for you? Ow-" 
Santiago slapped Frankie in his chest. "I'm not that much older. And besides, I'm just…flirting with her. Nothing else."
"Ha, yea ok, Pope," Frankie took a swig of his beer, shaking his head.
Frankie knew his friend had a knack for fixating on the most unavailable women. He never understood why Santiago did this, he was arguably the biggest flirt of the bunch and a good-looking guy, so he could, and did, get any woman he wanted. But yet, it was as if he thrived on the drama, on the secrecy of it all.
“Don’t act all high and mighty, you were right there with me too.” Santiago snapped back.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t the one who caught feelings…that was you, remember?”
Santiago rolled his eyes and walked over to Lucille, who was arranging a plate of food for herself.
After more neighbors trickled in, the party really started getting going. David and Ty were in charge of the playlist, rolling their eyes whenever Olivia glared at them for playing a song that wasn't child-appropriate.
"There's literally a summer barbecue playlist on Spotify, just pick that one!" She went over to them in a huff.
"Ok, momma bear. No more Cardi B noted!" David teased.
"Boys no running!" Olivia called after her sons as she dipped a carrot in some ranch.
"Are they twins?" 
She heard a low voice, turning to see it was Frankie next to her.
"Yes, unfortunately," she sighed and then smiled. "They're great, just a lot of fucking energy."
"Ha, I can see that. And how old are you?" He bent down smiling at Diana, who was still attached to her mom's hip. 
"Oh, this is Diana, she's nine months, 10 months in two weeks!"
"Well, she's beautiful," he rubbed the little girl's cheek with his thumb, which elicited a small smile, barely visible from behind her pacifier. Her eyes were fixated on Frankie.
"Ooo she likes you, she doesn't smile for just anyone." 
Frankie smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Do you have any kids?"
"Ah, n-no. My sister has two, so uncle mode is where I'm at these days," he chuckled.
“Ah, well maybe someday…”
“Maybe…I’m getting a little old…” he rubbed the back of his neck. “But, I like kids, so I dunno, we’ll see.”
“I mean, I can give you one of mine if you want,” she teased, trying to lighten the mood after she unintentionally struck a nerve.
"Havin' fun?" Benny walked up to Megan, as she loitered around the coolers, observing her son who was pacing near the back of the yard by some bushes.
"Huh, oh yeah," she looked over at Benny, giving him a smile. "Hey, do you know what's bothering him? He's seemed on edge since we got here."
"Uh…yea…at least I think so. I think he's waiting for a girl to show up."
"Aw, is it Aria?" She looked over to Benny who nodded. "Ah, I knew it! I swear that boy has had a crush on her since middle school…has he…told you anything? Does he like her?"
"Yeah he likes her, he's just too scared to ask her out."
"My sweet baby, of course, he is…did he…talk to you about it? I've tried but I'm mom you know…"
"He mentioned it, I just listened. Tried to give some advice. I was a teenage boy at one point, ya know," he chuckled.
"Well, you have one on me there. I can't believe I'm at this stage now, where he likes girls," she shook her head.
"Want me to go talk with him? I told him I'd give him a pep talk if he wanted."
Megan's heart was about to burst at how sweet Benny was being toward her son. She felt a pang in her chest that Jacob wasn't here to see how much their son had grown up.
"I'd like that," she smiled.
Benny squeezed her shoulder, before bending down to the cooler to grab a soda and a beer and head toward Connor.
"Where's your girl?" He asked as he offered the boy the can and cracked open his beer.
"She's not my girl…and I don't know…" He tried but couldn't cover his disappointment, wondering why she hadn't shown up yet.
Benny put his arm around his shoulder, "She'll show up, the party just started man. Maybe she wants to make an entrance,” he winked. “ C'mon, let’s go kick Will’s ass in cornhole," he smirked.
Megan wiped away a tear as she observed her son and Benny, thankful for the little family she had created and fostered in this neighborhood.
"Ooo hard seltzers, yes!" Katie pumped her fist as she opened the cooler to see her drink of choice nestled right on top.
"Which flavor’s your favorite?" Will appeared behind her with a smirk, pleased with himself that his plan to surprise Katie with her favorite beverage worked.
"Oh, hey…um, black cherry," she held the can up to show him. "Ty hates that flavor so we usually end up doing a swap whenever one of us buys a case since I'm not a huge fan of the grapefruit one. It works out for both of us," she chuckled. "You, ah, gonna go swim?" She motioned over to the pool, whose only inhabitants so far were Olivia’s twins and her husband. As Will turned to look, Katie gave him a quick up and down, trying not to salivate at the thought of him shirtless.
“Yeah, it’s so hot out, I’ll probably go in. How about you? Did you bring your suit?” He was thankful his sunglasses were able to hide his eyes as he checked her out.
“Sure did!” She lifted up her tank top just enough to show off her one-piece, which had cutouts along her hips.
The glimpse of her suit, and bare skin, caused Will to choke a bit on his beer. “N-nice, well, we’ll have to get in soon.” He smiled, annoyed at himself for being so awkward. 
Katie was amused that a guy who looked like a male model would be nervous talking to a woman, and with her no less. It definitely was a bit of an ego boost and gave her the courage to continue the conversation to try and learn a little bit about Will. After all, the only thing she really knew was that he was a hot, seemingly nice guy with equally attractive friends.
"So, tell me about yourself, Will."
"Well, what d'you wanna know?" He asked as he leaned onto a table, getting a little bit closer.
“So, you casually build fences with your friends and know how to do a bunch of other house stuff. You work in construction or something?"
“Ha, well, when it comes to the house stuff, Benny and I would be kicked out of the family if we weren't handy," he laughed. "Our grandfather was a contractor…had his own business. When he passed, our uncle took over since he and his family already lived in Austin. When I was in high school, I spent my summers there working for him, with my cousins. When Benny was old enough he came too."
"Ooo a family business, then?"
"Yeah, my cousin actually took it over a couple of years ago. He's been helping me with questions I've had for the house, so I can't claim to have done it all myself," he smirked.
"Well, you're still the one who did the work. It looks great…so, what do you do? When you're not calling your cousin for construction advice?"
"Ha. Well, I used to be in the military. Actually me and the guys. It was like…damn, almost 20 years…felt like a lifetime,” a quick wave of sadness flashed across his face. His mind was flooded with memories of all of the horrific things he had seen and done over the years, the most recent memory being the death of their leader Tom. “But…we all got out and retired. We…uh…saved well and have taken some time to just live as civilians,” he rubbed the back of his neck.
“So, were you guys some like badass G.I. Joe’s?”
“Ha, something like that,” he tried to play it off. “We were part of a special unit called Delta Force.”
“What kind of stuff do you do as part of this special unit…if you don’t mind me asking?”
“It’s not that I don’t mind, it’s just I can’t really tell you a lot … it’s … uh …classified,” he scratched his head, bringing one arm to rest on the back of his neck. “We traveled all over, did a bunch of different things...”
Will and the boys had long since agreed that they would never talk about any of the details around their missions to anyone…especially Colombia. Tom’s wife and daughters didn’t even know the true reason why he was in South America. He knew Katie meant well and was just trying to make conversation, but this was a prime example of why he didn’t like talking about himself.
Katie sensed his unease, chastising herself that she made him uncomfortable. She should have known better than to start asking a bunch of questions without knowing him. Her own brothers never really wanted to talk about their time in the service. She hoped she didn't just trigger some bad memories for him.
“So uh, what do you do now then?”
“I try to do stuff for veterans. There's some speaking engagements I do from time to time, but I mostly volunteer at the VA. We have this uh…service, where we basically are like their Uber to doctor’s appointments. But I don’t just do that, I’ll drive them wherever they need to go, even if it's to the CVS to get some M&Ms,” he chuckled.
“That’s nice, I bet you meet some interesting people,” she gave an encouraging smile.
“Yea. I mean, some of them don’t really like to talk much, which is fine. But for those who do, I’m there to listen. A lot of times they don’t have anyone who can relate to them as veterans or gives a shit or wants to hear what they have to say, especially the older ones. So I am just an unbiased ear for them…I’ve met some cool people. Some of the old timers have some crazy stories.”
Katie was a bit thrown off by this thoughtful and considerate side to Will, it was so unexpected. He seemed like this quiet, hard ass, but there was a depth to him that piqued her curiosity.
“So, you’re patient and a good listener, quite the winning combo,” she teased, moving to sit against the edge of the table inches from Will.
“I’ve been told I listen and follow directions quite well,” his eyebrow twitched as he looked her up and down, now a bit more obviously, before clearing his throat. “So, now it’s my turn to uh…listen. Tell me about you.”
“Me? Oh, it’s not a very interesting story.”
“I’m sure that’s not the case.” He moved even closer as both of them sat perched at the edge of the table, their arms slightly touching.
“Well, let's see…I'm originally from Chicago. I moved here a few months ago. I work from home which has been pretty sweet. I get to rock sweatpants most days,” she laughed.
“What made you move to Florida?”
Katie hesitated but ultimately gave her rote answer whenever anyone asked what brought her down to Florida from the Midwest. “Well…I…I moved down here for the weather, couldn’t take another blizzard, ya know” She kept her gaze forward as she took another swig from her drink.
"You move down here alone?"
"Uh, yeah."
"For the weather?" He furrowed his brows, knowing there was more to the story.
Katie turned her face slightly to face Will, trying to put on a poker face.
"The weather was a reason."
"But not the only one?"
"Were you an interrogator in this military unit?" She countered.
"Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to pry…" He shook his head, annoyed at himself for pushing.
"It's ok. I don't like to just dump my whole life story on someone. The weather thing’s usually enough…most people who ask that question don't really care, it's just for conversation."
"Well, I'm not most people."
Katie gulped down another sip of her drink, the can almost empty. 
"I'm divorced." She blurted out.
Will continued looking at her, waiting for her to elaborate, but it seemed she was waiting to gauge his reaction.
"Oh okay."
"That's it?" She furrowed her brows.
"Whaddya mean?"
"You don't want the sad backstory with all the gory details?" 
"Not if you don't feel comfortable sharing it."
They sat in silence for a little bit. Will didn't mind awkward silences, hell there were some veterans he drove who had only spoken five words to him in months. But Katie, on the other hand, was not the same. She always felt the need to ramble and fill any silence.
"My husband…ex-husband…he left me. Just up and left one day.” Her nose wrinkled.
"That's shitty, I'm sorry."
"Yea…It was for his ex,” she huffed. “I shoulda known, honestly. He was never really over her. She was always kind of like a dark cloud over our relationship…'The one that got away,'” she made air quotes. “Honestly, from her perspective, it was probably the most romantic shit…the love of her life coming to his senses and getting her back. Problem is nobody ever sees it from the other side of the story.” She emptied the can and reached into the cooler for another one.
Will stayed silent, unsure how to react – he wanted to give her the space to share whatever she felt comfortable sharing.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to unload that all on you,” she shook her head, bringing her hand to her forehead.
“Hey, hey…it’s ok,” Will put his hand on her back, lightly rubbing circles with his thumb. “I’m a good listener, remember?” He winked.
The corners of Katie’s mouth curled up. Will was a good listener. Megan was the only person who knew the details of her divorce, all of the red flags ignored, and the scars left behind.
“Well, thank you. And to answer your question from earlier, no the weather wasn’t the only reason. He kept the house, which is a joke if you ask me, I was the one who actually gave a shit about that house…” she took a swig of her beer.
“How so?”
“Our house was my little project, I had a Pinterest board for pretty much every room and every occasion,” she laughed. “And Seb, my ex, he thought I was being too much, too extra about it. But it was a lot of fun for me, the creative stuff you know.” She looked over at Will who nodded. 
“Is that what you’re trying to do with your house now?”
“Ha yea…”
“I was serious when I said I, er, we would be happy to help you … not saying you can’t do it yourself or anything. Just let me know. I can come over sometime to see what you have in mind, you can show me a Pinterest board or two,” he bumped his arm against hers, which elicited a small smile from Katie. “That way I can tell you if it’s somethin’ we could take care of. May be able to help you save some money too so you don’t have to hire someone,” he chuckled.
“Really? Yeah, that would be awesome. So…Mondays tend to be a little lighter for me, so would you want to come tomorrow? Is that too soon? You're probably doing your VA stuf-”
“Sure!” he interrupted. “I mean, yeah, tomorrow’s great. What time?”
“Really? Uh…I usually take lunch around noon…would that work?”
“Yea. I…uh…I can bring over lunch. If you want.”
“Hold on a second. You’re coming over to help me and you’re bringing food? I feel like that’s too good to be true,” she winked.
“Well, let’s see what kind of uh, projects you have in mind first,” he laughed. "Here, gimme your number so I can give you a heads up when I'm on my way," he handed her his phone.
Katie smiled to herself and she typed in her number.
"Nice, here let me text you so you have my number…it's a…plan, it's a plan," he smiled.
“Hey! I was looking for you,” Benny bounded over with Connor on his tail. “Hey, Katie! I was going to ask Will if he wanted to take Connor and me on in some cornhole, but do you want to join too? It’s probably more fair for it to be two on two anyway,” he chuckled.
“You mean bags? Uh…sure, let’s do it. Sorry in advance Will, you may have been better off alone,” she laughed as she walked towards the cornhole set.
“I doubt that…” Will whispered to himself.
"Oye jefa," David squeezed Lucille's shoulder as he sat down and brought her a rum and Coke. "Extra limes, just how you like it."
"Thanks, mijito. Are you having fun?"
"Yeah, although I will be having even more when the boys decide to go into the pool," he winked as Lucille rolled her eyes and laughed at him. "So, have any good chisme for me?"
"I saw Ethan at Publix earlier today and he told me that another house is going up for sale on the block."
"Ooo, which one?" David scooted his chair closer. He didn't know how she did it, but Lucille always had the best gossip on the block. 
"Melissa's neighbors, 306."
"Oh, aren't those the snowbirds?"
"Yes, apparently their son and his wife are having triplets, can you believe that? So they are going to stay up in New York to help with all of the babies."
"Woof, three babies?" David shuddered. "Ugh, I hope that we don't have some rental company come in and scoop up that house."
"I said the same thing to Ethan. He figured someone would want to scoop up that house pretty fast once it goes on the market, not like Benny and Will's house," she laughed. 
"D'you think he'll give you a heads up on who the buyers may end up being…when we get to that point?"
"Oh yes, as long as I make him some empanadas I think we can find out whatever," she giggled.
"Speaking of, I need another one. Quieres algo?" 
"No, mijito, I'm good."
"Ari!" CJ and Max said in unison, jumping out of the pool and running over to give Aria a hug once she, her little, sister, and parents made their way into the backyard.
"Boys! I said no running! Also, give Ari some space ok? She's here to have fun, not watch you two," Olivia winked.
She hired Aria last summer to help her watch the boys once she got too pregnant to do much of anything. The boys loved her and she had been a big help over the last year as Olivia transitioned to life with three kids.
Benny and Connor had their backs to the party, so they didn't see Aria and her family walk in. But once he heard the commotion of the twins, Connor tensed up.
"Showtime, bud!" Benny slapped the back of his shoulder. "Hey, Katie, Will, I think Connor and I are gonna take you both out of your misery. Let's get some refills on drinks?"
As they turned around, Connor saw Aria taking off her coverup. The twins were begging her to get in the pool to play with them. 
"C'mon, Ari let's play sharks and minnows!" CJ jumped up and down.
"Yea, c'mon let's gooooo," Max whined.
"I'm coming, gimme a sec. Do you two have sunscreen on?"
"We don't need sunscreen, a kid at school said we have more melly men so we don't need it," CJ said confidently.
"It's melanin, and that's not true. We need to wear sunscreen too, c'mere." She grabbed the spray bottle of sunscreen from her bag and doused the boys and her little sister with it before using it on herself.
She spotted Connor and gave him a nervous wave. She recognized the guy with him in the hat, he was the same guy who complimented her dog. The two were making their way across the yard toward the pool.
"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Davis," Connor smiled and waved at Aria's parents. "Have you all met Benny, he lives in 319?"
"Oh, so you're the one making that house look beautiful," Mrs. Davis winked.
"Yes ma'am, well it's my brother Will and I. We moved in not too long ago."
Benny stayed talking to Mr. and Mrs. Davis as Connor made his way to the pool, which brought a little smirk to Benny's face.
"Hey, Aria!"
"Hey, Connor!" She went in for a sideways hug, which caught Connor off guard. He could feel his face getting hot and his mouth went dry.
"Connor, are you going to play with us?" One of the twins said, he honestly wasn't sure which one because his brain was short-circuiting.
"Yea, wanna play? I'm going to need help trying to chase these two," Aria giggled.
Connor couldn't find words, but as if he telepathically knew, Benny was there to save him.
"What're we playing?" He said with the biggest smile on his face, wrapping his arm around Connor.
"Mr. Benny, d'you wanna play sharks and minnows with us?" Max asked, tugging on Benny's shirt.
"Hmmm…let me think about that," he bent down to get on Max and CJ's level. "We gotta set some ground rules if I'm gonna play, ok?" The boys eagerly nodded. "Ok cool. So I'm gonna be a shark and you two are minnows. Aria, you're a shark. Connor you're a minnow. And see that guy over there in the red shorts?" He pointed towards Will whose head was thrown back in laughter as he talked with Katie and Megan. "We're gonna all need to work together to get him, ok? He's a special kind of shark."
The twins were already halfway to the pool before Benny could finish. 
"Will, c'mon we gotta catch some minnows, and I'm not talking about you Fish!" Benny laughed as he took off his shirt, flip-flops, and hat, and threw them down on a lounger.
He saw Connor hesitate, knowing the boy was self-conscious to take his shirt off. It didn't help he was standing next to all six foot three of Benny who had a toned stomach and a defined upper body. 
"C'mon kid, she's into you, I can tell." 
Once Connor got his shirt off, Benny lifted him up and threw him in the pool. He followed by doing a cannonball, which made all of the kids laugh. 
By this point, the rest of the party was focused on the pool. Will and Katie headed over, getting down to their swimsuits and getting in. Will was immediately tackled by CJ and Max.
"Hey! What'd I do?" He laughed as he hoisted each of the boys out of the water to throw them, which elicited lots of laughs from both.
"Mr. Benny said you're a special kind of shark, so we had to work together to get you!" Max panted as he caught his breath from all of the excitement.
"Did he now? Well, did you know he and I are brothers? So if I'm a special kind of shark, that means Mr. Benny over there is one too!" Will winked over at Katie who was smiling at the interaction.
"Hey, Mr. Benny! You didn't tell us you guys were brothers!"
"Yeah, that means you're a special kind of shark too!"
"Oop, you caught me!" Benny flashed another brilliant smile as he started swimming away.
"We're chasing Benny? Sign me up!" Santiago jumped in and tackled Benny, followed closely by Frankie.
The four men ended up chasing after the boys, although Will spent most of the time near Katie, pretending to try and catch her a few times too.
"Got ya!" Connor had been play chasing after Aria and finally caught her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. They both froze, Aria turning her head toward Connor and they both smiled.
One of the twins splashed the pair as they were frantically trying to get away from Benny and Will who were in wild pursuit. 
"Again, can we just acknowledge the fact that we are seeing this all for free?" David laughed as he, Ty, Lucille, and Melissa watched the antics of the poolgoers from a table.
“Are you losing your mind now that Frankie’s hat fell off?” Ty teased.
With all of the splashing and playfighting, both Benny and Frankie had lost their hats. Frankie’s curls stuck to his neck as Benny’s bangs kept getting into his eyes. 
“Baby, that’s not the only thing making me lose my mind!”
“Ay, dios mio!” Lucille shook her head laughing at them.
“Oh come on, Lulu, you can’t tell me you’re not enjoying the view too, right?” Melissa asked as she kept her eyes on the pool. Santiago was in the midst of hoisting one of the twins up and throwing him - his biceps flexing and the water dripping down his chest as he jumped out of the water.
“It’s definitely not the worst way to spend an afternoon,” she winked, giving a sly smile.
“Katie seems to be having fun with Will, right Meg?” Ty asked.
“Yeah…best believe I am getting all of those details later,” Megan replied, noting how close Will had stayed to Katie the whole time, the two were now laughing in a corner, talking as the rest of the guys splashed with the kids.
"Ok everyone, food's ready!" Danny called out.
Megan smiled as she saw Connor and Aria sitting together on a lounger wrapped up in towels, laughing and talking.
Benny came up and handed her a beer.
"So, that's your doing?"
"Nah, that's all him. I just gave him a push, well, I guess it was more of a toss," he winked.
"He really liked hanging out with you guys yesterday, by the way. Couldn't stop talking about it," she chuckled as she took a swig of her beer. "He mentioned something about you both working out together?"
"Y-yea, we talked about it yesterday while driving. Would you be cool with that? I think it may help his confidence a little."
"I think that would be really nice Benny, thank you. But don't let him take up too much of your time, I'm sure you have a girlfriend or something, right?"
"Ah, no. I'm not dating right now," he moved his bangs out of his eyes, realizing he needed to go find his hat.
"I may have some friends if you’re interested," she laughed.
"Ha, no, I appreciate it. I'm uh…taking some time for me. I'm not really looking for anything right now."
"You know, I feel I wanna make some type of liar liar pants of fire kinda joke," she motioned to his swim trunks. "But that feels too on the nose," she laughed.
"Hey! I like these trunks, I usually get a lot of compliments about them," he smiled. 
The party continued well into the early part of the evening. After the raucous game of sharks and minnows followed by a big meal, the twins were starting to lose steam, so Olivia and her family left. 
Aria and her family were next to leave, she went over and gave Connor a hug goodbye. He watched her walk away before turning back to see Benny smirking at him. 
Connor walked over to Benny and the older man gave him a side hug and messed with his hair.
"Proud of you, bud."
"Ha, thanks. I had a good time. I think we might hang out soon."
"Hell yeah!" He gave the boy a high five.
"Well, I guess we're going to head out," Lucille said as the rest of the neighbors got their things together. "Thank you so much for hosting us all mija it was beautiful as always over here."
"Thank you, Lulu," Melissa gave the woman a kiss on the cheek. 
Melissa and Danny gave hugs and handshakes to everyone. When it was her turn to say goodbye to Santiago they both hesitated on whether to go in for a hug or a handshake, but he committed and went for the hug. Whereas normally he would reach for the waist, resting his hand on the upper part of a woman's ass, he decided to hug her around her shoulders. For her part, Melissa put her hands on Santiago's midback, feeling the cords of his muscles tense.
"Have a good night," he said softly as she smiled at him 
Frankie gave Lucille his arm to make the walk back to her house as Santiago wheeled the wagon. David and Ty chatted with Megan, Connor, and Benny, as Will and Katie lagged behind.
David and Ty said their goodbyes, followed by Connor and Megan. Lucille asked if Frankie and Santiago could help unload her wagon. Knowing that it probably meant they would get leftovers to take home, the two men eagerly agreed. That left Benny, Will, and Katie. 
Benny looked at his brother, knowing very well that he was trying to put the moves on Katie.
"Ah, shoot!" he smacked himself in the forehead. "I forgot, Tommy called me earlier, let me go call him back, see ya Katie!" He gave his brother a wink over Katie's shoulder as he hugged her goodbye.
"So…and then there were two, huh?' Katie laughed.
"Ha, yeah. I'm…uh, looking forward to lunch tomorrow," he smiled. "Hey, speaking of, what do you want me to pick up?"
"Oh, I'm not picky. Surprise me. Whatever's your favorite. Just as long as there's no pickles."
"Got it, extra pickles," he winked as they both let out a nervous laugh. "Just kidding, I just so happen to love pickles, so if you ever get them I'll gladly take them off your plate."
"Well, aren't you my hero!" She teased.
"Here, let me walk you home."
"Will, it's like three doors down," she smirked.
"I know, but it's late and I just want to know you made it safe."
"Ok, Boy Scout let's go."
The trip to Katie's house was short, but Will didn't mind. 
"Well, this is me. I had fun today."
"Yeah, I did too," he smiled, keeping her gaze for a beat before she reached into her bag for her keys.
"I'll ah see you tomorrow, then?"
They both looked at each other for another moment before Katie went in for a hug, which Will reciprocated.
"Good night, Will."
"Good night, Katie. See you tomorrow."
She closed the door and Will turned on his heel to head back home. He didn't realize that a smile hadn't left his face the whole walk back.
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
A/N: I know this was a longer chapter, so thank you if you made it this far! Our little soap opera continues to unfold. 
What didn't make the cut? I had an additional scene with Santiago and Melissa along with one with Danny and Frankie, but decided we could cover what happened in conversations later on.
Let me know if you want to be on the tag list moving forward!! Apologies if I accidentally left you off, I added it all manually and may have missed someone … just let me know!
@goodwithcheese / @gemmahale / @trulybetty / @patti7dc / @periodtsparadox / @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin / @maggiemayhemnj / @mysterious-moonstruck-musings / @avastrasposts / @meveispunk / @chaoticfestninja / @beholdbebravethings / @casa-boiardi / @katw474 / @linzels-blog / @laughing-in-th3-purple-rain / @primosworld / @lynnchun / @anoverwhelmingdin /@lilmizmoz / @pedrit0-pascalit0 / @titlee78 / @noisynightmarepoetry / @inept-the-magnificent / @perennialdoll247 / @for-a-longlongtime / @readingiskeepingmegoing / @harriedandharrassed / @musings-of-a-rose / @anavatazes / @sherala007 / @midnightraain
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
Time to fly!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
How To Train Your Dragon:
The message was just nice. I have a lot of nostalgia for it. I used to be a huge dragon nerd as a kid and dragons just weren't that prevalent in media here, especially not as friendly figures. I still love HTTYD and it's sequels nowadays.
It was one of my favorite movies as a kid and one of the few movies I watched that wasn't a barbie movie, it's just really cool.
Best movie featuring dragons period. The pure wish fulfillment fantasy of having a highly intelligent fantasy creature companion that can fly and doesn’t mind being ridden like a horse, therefore also the best execution of the dragon rider trope in all of fiction. Extremely funny, adding to the comedy is the fact that only adults have Scottish accents and all the teens have an American accent. So good that even its tv show follow up was decent by extension. The bit where Hiccup is trying to earn Toothless' trust and they start to work together changed me on a fundamental level.
I LOVE IT SO MUCHSHJKBSKHGDK I have a bone dysplasia which causes some bones to be a little bit more hollow and whenever I would feel a pain in my top back, 8 year old me was like ''woah I'm growing wings its my time to fly like toothless'' lol and it was always a dream of mine to fly. Weirdly enough I could relate to toothless because the "not being able to fly but you should be" felt like an allegory to a lot of my life! It gave me hope when he WAS able to after the help of others + the care he always needed + that mechanic wing thing made me feel like with the right ''recipe'' could help me get better too. My favourite scene is the first flight!! I love the animation for it, it makes me feel like im flying through the clouds too! The soundtrack is amazing too, I still cry to the songs.
I could write an entire essay about how much I love this movie, it truly is one of the best films ever made to me. Utterly flawless on both a technical level and a story-telling level. Not to mention the score oh my GOD the score of this movie changed my life. There are too many scenes that are so impactful, but the Forbidden Friendship scene has to be one of the best. Test Drive too.
This is literally my favorite movie of all time. This movie got me through the worst times in my life. It’s about love and friendship and all that lovely goopy stuff and it’s also fucking gorgeous.
THE cinematic masterpiece of our generation. On god.
This movie is an absolute masterpiece, the animation is pretty, the score is perfect, the relationship between Toothless and Hiccup is so sweet, Toothless is absolutely adorable. Definitely one of DreamWork's best films.
It's a beautifully animated movie about an unconventional viking boy named Hiccup finding his place in a world where dragons and vikings are constantly at odds, and how he changes the world around him. The dragon designs are unique and beautiful, and the vikings are larger than life and match the exaggerated setting.
Who on Tumblr DOESN'T want a dragon best friend I ask you. I would kill to have what Hiccup & Toothless have.
It does a brilliant job balancing tropes in a way that subverts and plays into them. There is so much in it for both adults and kids, it doesn't look like other animated films, it feels more grounded and in that realism it becomes so beautiful. The friendship in the film feels very real despite one of the characters being unable to talk! Forbidden Friendship scene is, in my opinion, the greatest scene in the history of cinema. The music, the lighting, the cinematography, the pacing, the emotions, it is practically perfect in every way. I could go on but I think ya get it.
God this movie defined my childhood and it's still so good when I rewatch it now. I'm guessing you'll have had this submitted a good few times bc it goddamn deserves it but. Hiccup is so relatable and !! dragons !! big cute dragons whose animation models are based on cats!! based fr
I have many fond childhood memories of this movie and in particular I loved how my cousin would "talk" for Toothless (cousin was babysitting us when we first watched the movie). Another thing is The SCORE. The music is iconic and awe inspiring to this day. That first time when Hiccup and Toothless fly together and it Works and the score absolutely goes HARD, I loose my breath every time. It's great. Also have you seen Toothless he's an adorable dragon and a badass, what's not to love?
Makes me cry every time because Hiccup and Toothless are such good friends and they love each other and end up as two halves of a boy dragon soulmate sandwich also the music is extremely good who doesn’t like dragons anyway.
It's the story of a beautiful friendship forming between a boy who doesn't fit in and a dragon who is the last of his kind. It's so cute. And it shows positive representation of disability, Hiccup and Toothless become disabled in ways that meaningfully parallel each other. Hiccup makes a prosthetic tail fin! And Toothless is just so cute!
The sound track is amazing
Honestly everything is phenomenal. It has a good use of comedy and an excellent story and character development. There are also countless beautiful and awe-inspiring scenes supported by an amazing score.
It is a very emotional movie about an old man learning to still enjoy life even though his wife died.
Such a beautiful film about loss
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Howdy! May I request for Kinger x reader? Uh, I know this blog is mainly scenarios and stuff, but I really only simp for Kinger, so requesting the other characters for the scenarios format is practically me wasting ur time when u could be doing other stuff (sorry if that sounded rude and also sorry to people who like the rest of the TADC cast). Also cuz I don’t have a scenario in mind.
I’m not looking for anything specifically, I just kinda want reader to hang out with Kinger for the day. I guess what I mean is jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mind-bending fluff? Moments where Kinger seems sane? Sorry if this is all a lot.
Kinger x reader fluff!
youre all good!! youre allowed to request solo characters; nothing wrong with that !! and youre not being rude at all, me thinks! this is likely going to be all over the place and be the admin just vomiting out ideas; since this is a general list of hcs !! yahoo!! we'll see; i tend to write these authors notes before anything else!!
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i feel that this is a given with kinger, but he wants to make sure youre okay at all times; usually trailing behind you and keeping you in his sight... it can get annoying sometimes, i think, but he doesnt mean anything weird or controlling or what have you. the man has already lost so much, and he truly may not be able to come out at the other side if something were to happen to you.. you know?
tends to ramble a lot to you about random things, usually his interests and some of his experiences; however sometimes he does push for you to infodump on him in return, he sometimes feels bad that he talks more in the relationship and sometimes feels that you dont often get much time.. to speak...? you know?
basically tries to subtly push that youre allowed to talk his digital ears off for however long you want, you know?
if he wasnt likely naked under that robe and if he could take it off; he seems like to type to lay it out over a puddle so you can walk over it.... gives off very stereotypical gentleman energy, i think... likes holding doors for you, pulling your chair out for you and pushing it back in, giving you flowers, things like that
god no because the look he has in his eyes when hes looking at you and around you isnt like the usual lost or zoned out look he usually has. you keep him grounded just enough, and make him feel secure and safe
and i think thats nice
oftentimes asks to sleep with you or asks you to sleep with him; as long as it ends up with you guys sharing a room for the night. again, mostly so he can be assured that youre alive and well
when you guys do sleep, he puts himself between you and the door; as if to be a barrier of sorts should there be an intruder.. take that as you will
likes physical touch, often times you guys are holding hands and walking together! though, sometimes he wanders, usually if something catches his eye... and sometimes you dont notice and... woop! youre holding his hand but hes no where in sight..!
when you guys arent inside in the comfort of his pillow fort, youre both walking together around the grounds to get some fresh air... or at least the illusion of such.. you guys tend to do picnics, i think; decked out with digital food of course!
cloud watching sounds nice; even if the clouds are all looping and the same! very nice very sweet
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mschachaa · 8 months
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Paring :: Choi Seungcheol x Reader
Genre :: Rom-com
Synopsis :: In a hilarious case of mistaken identity, Y/n finds herself being chased through the mall by Seungcheol, who mistakenly believes she's the pickpocket who stole his wallet.
Word Count :: 554
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I was just walking through the mall, trying to find a food stand, when suddenly a tall-ass stranger started chasing me, screaming something.
The man was chasing me all over the shopping mall. "Hey, give me back my wallet!" He shouted as he ran faster to try and catch me.
I turned my head to look at him after hearing what he said, still running. "Huh?!!"
"Give me my wallet now, or else I'll call the police!" The stranger shouted louder as he chased towards me.
"WTF, I didn't pickpocket anything??" I stopped running and turned towards him, which made him stop.
"Then why are you running away?" He yelled as he got closer to me. I got nervous and took a few steps back. "Cause you were chasing meee?!!"
"And why do you think I was chasing you?!" He asked with a serious expression on his face.
"After hearing what you said, I'm guessing you got pickpocketed. Plus, it was just my instinct to run away after seeing a stranger chasing me, no!" I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.
"Well, you ran the wrong way," he said, crossing his arms. "If you didn't steal my wallet, then why did you run in the same direction as the thief?"
"I didn't see a thief," I said, throwing my hands up in exasperation. "I was just minding my own business, looking for a food stand, when you started chasing me like a madman."
He narrowed his eyes at me, suspicion still clouding his features. "How do I know you're not working with the thief?"
"Oh, for crying out loud," I groaned. "I'm not working with anyone. I'm just a hungry shopper who got caught in the middle of your wild goose chase."
He stared at me for a moment longer, then let out a sigh. "Fine," he said, rubbing his temples. "I guess I believe you."
"Thank you," I said sarcastically. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find that food stand before I pass out from hunger."
I turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm. "Wait," he said. "I'm sorry for accusing you of stealing my wallet. I was just stressed out because it had all my important stuff in it."
"It's okay," I said, shrugging off his hand. "Just try not to chase innocent people through the mall next time."
"I'm Y/n, by the way," I said, extending my hand.
"I'm Seungcheol," he said, shaking my hand. "And again, I'm really sorry about the whole wallet thing."
"It's fine," I said with a smile. "Just don't make a habit of it."
We stood there for a moment, awkwardly staring at each other. I wasn't sure what to say next, and he didn't seem to know either.
"Well, I guess I should go find that food stand," I said, breaking the silence. "I'm starving."
"Actually," Seungcheol said, "I was just about to get some lunch myself. Would you like to join me?"
I hesitated for a moment. I didn't know this guy very well, and I wasn't sure if I should trust him. But he seemed sincere enough, and I was pretty hungry.
"Sure," I said. "Why not?"
We found a small cafe in the mall
As Seungcheol and I, approached the cafe, He suddenly remembered that he had lost his wallet. He stopped in his tracks, a look of dismay crossing his face.
"What's wrong?" I asked, noticing Seungcheol's change in demeanor.
"I just realized that I don't have my wallet," Seungcheol confessed, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I guess I can't buy lunch after all."
i chuckled, finding Seungcheol's predicament somewhat amusing. "Don't worry about it," I said reassuringly. "I'll treat you this time."
"Are you sure?" He asked, hesitant to accept her generosity.
"Absolutely," I insisted. "It's the least I can do after you got pickpocketed"
We entered the cafe and placed our orders. I paid for both of them, and they found a cozy corner to enjoy their meal. Seungcheol was grateful, and he promised to repay me once he sorted out his lost wallet situation.
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jankwritten · 4 months
Jasico Bingo Challenge: love letter
A sheet of paper, folded into thirds, dotted in places with what must be water and grass stains. The handwriting is legible in some places, and shaky in others. In the margins are small doodles of birds, clouds, trees, and other miscellaneous, abstract shapes, as if the writer’s mind kept wandering. 
TO: Nico di Angelo 
FROM: Jason Grace 
Hey, Nico. If you’re reading this, something probably happened to me. Maybe I hit my head again and lost my memories, or something, and you went through my stuff to try and find things to remind me of who I was. Maybe this fell out while we were hanging out, one day, and you saw it was addressed to you and you picked it up. Maybe I died—
However you found this, I guess, surprise! :) 
First thing’s first: I’m sorry for leaving. I know I begged you to stay, and then turned around and left, and I really hope you understand - I didn’t leave because of you. I needed to find Leo, and leaving with Piper was the easiest way to do that. I had to try and get him back. 
I wanted you to come with, but you were still healing and things were going really well with you and Will. I hope things still are, in fact. Wherever I am, I’m so proud of you for how far you’ve come, and how much I’m sure you continued to grow even after I left. 
I really love you, man. I never got to tell you that, but you’re one of my best, closest friends. You mean so much to me. You showed me a side of the world that I never would’ve seen otherwise, and gave me a space to be myself, and I will never, ever know how I deserved that. How I deserve you. 
Is that out of left field? Haha it definitely is. Sorry. 
I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Nico. I didn’t want to leave. I’m so sorry for leaving you. I’m sorry I had to go and I’m sorry it had to be me, but it couldn’t be her, Nico, it can’t be her, it can’t be. It has to be me. 
It has to be. 
Here, some of the words are smeared from the water marks. Lines cross through some words that have then been re-written, as if in after-thought the author realized they were too important to delete. 
If you really are reading this, after the worst case scenario, I understand if you’re angry. I understand if you never want to think about me again, after what I’ve done. I’ll understand if you storm to your father’s palace and demand I be placed in the worst of the worst punishments for being so stupid. 
Gods. Gods, Nico, I’m never going to get to tell you how I really feel. About all of this, about everything I’m going through, I’m never going to be able to tell you and that hurts. It hurts more than knowing I’m going to die, it hurts more than getting stabbed and poisoned. I’m going to die loving you and you won’t even know until it’s too late. 
Maybe this is a stupid bad idea. Maybe I should let it die with me. Is it cruel, to tell you how I feel if I’m gone? Does this make me an awful person? 
Shit. I think I’m an awful person, Nico. I’m awful and I’m selfish and I can never choose things for myself, it always has to be for the greater good, so this is it. This is as selfish as I can be. This is all I can be for you. 
I want to see you on the other side. I want you to punch me for getting myself killed and hate me for being a hero and I want you to know that I didn’t want this but it needed to be me. It has to be me. 
I’m still wrapping my head around it, but it has to be me, okay? So if I’m really gone when you’re reading this, okay, you have to let me stay gone. Please. If you get hurt, if you die, and it’s my fault, I could never— 
Here, the letter abruptly stops. Then, it continues: 
That’s all I wanted to say, anyway. That I love you. I love you in any way I can, and even if I’ve done it silently, and stupidly, from a distance, just know that it was there, the whole time. It’s still there, wherever I am. Dead, or lost, or whatever. I love you, Nico. I’m sorry.
-- Jason Grace :)
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