#i still have to check myself for those kinds of reactions
cyrsed · 1 year
i’ve been thinking a lot recently about how the internet has affected how people relate to each other... like idk if this is an american thing specifically, but y’know how people will be like “you don’t talk about politics or religion in polite conversation”. i’m Pretty Sure it’s an american thing to not want to talk about politics but anyway i feel like that probably contributed to how incapable people (esp americans obvs, of which there are a lot) are of discussing things in a reasonable way. like it used to be that here a lot of the time people just didn’t talk about politics, and suddenly you have social media that allows people to say things that they might not otherwise have ever said out loud, but you’ve never learned how to take criticism well, or how to not take disagreement personally, or how to avoid identifying yourself with a concept to the point that a criticism of the concept feels like a criticism of your very Being.
like, before internet use grew widespread and older people started using social media, so many people could probably go their whole lives without being significantly challenged on the views they’ve been taught, so they probably never learned how to gracefully respond to their beliefs being challenged, so of course instead they respond defensively (often bc they over-identify with their beliefs, so questioning, say, the ethics of assigning legal sex at birth becomes a question of their worth as a person, bc they’ve literally never had to defend, explain, or think about their political positions), and it’s easier to dig your heels in and protect your sense of identity than it is to ask yourself “what would it mean if this was true?” “what would it mean for my world view/values if this was true?”. like, even if you end up disagreeing with whatever it is that’s challenging, being able to engage with it at all is a skill that so many people are just not taught whatsoever (myself included).
like, you get so many people who never would have interacted with one another, or would never have had an outlet to say the kinds of things that social media allows people to say and talk about (not just negative things/political things either, just in general), and you can be at least partially anonymous, or have, at least, some degree of barrier between your physical self and the people you interact with online, and then you toss in algorithms, and social media platforms like twitter that are genuinely antithetical to nuanced discussion bc of the character limit, general social norms discouraging long threads and especially long thread replies to other people, and an algorithm that has “learned” that the things that generate the most engagement are things that make people angry or upset, and you’ve created the conditions to not just not allow people to learn how to engage with other ideas in good faith, but you’re actively galvanizing them against change.
like, i just keep thinking about it lately, and how it created a whole new mode of social interaction that, in a society that actually cared to teach people about conflict resolution, critical thinking, engaging in good faith discussion, changing your mind (bc we place so much value societally on remaining the same, while changing our mind/going through phases/literally just Changing are viewed as signs of weakness, immorality, immaturity, lack of sincerity, etc.), might have avoided the types of extremism and general shittiness that we see today. like who could have predicted how the internet would shape our culture and psyches the way it has?
idk i have a lot of thoughts about this, but it’s hard to put it all into words... tl;dr: i keep thinking about how the internet has both changed how we relate to one another, And it’s revealed societal issues that already existed, but were swept under the rug, like the abject failure of american(/western?) society to give people the life skills to engage with and resolve conflict, think critically, to let go of beliefs that no longer serve us and integrate new information into our world views/belief systems without letting our ego/pride get in the way, etc.
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merchelsea · 5 months
sacrifice - lando norris
pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
summary: you and lando have a long distance relationship due to your hard work. you rarely have free time to attend to his races, the only one you actually attend every year is monaco's. you understand things will have to change when lando gets into a crash and that makes you want to be there with him at everytimes.
author’s note: i hate making myself go through this.
word count:
warnings: lets pretend lando crashed duriung the interlagos gp, not the LA one, for the sake of the plot :)
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"hey, babe!" you mumbled as you stirred from your nap. originally meant for a quick rest before the race, it turned into a marathon of sleep that spanned the entire duration of the race. checking the timing, you muttered, "shit."
"were you asleep?" he chuckled.
"yeah... I'm sorry babe. I was just trying to catch up on some sleep debt before the race. I am just tired..." you explained with a low rumble. lando always had a away of understanding things. "anyways, how did it go?"
"not so well, i am kind of glad that you didn't watch it, you would've freak out unnecessarely." he sighed
"why? what happened?" you sat up, eyes squeezed shut in alarm.
"it was nothing serious, just a crash." he reassured. the word 'crash' froze you, an unsettling feeling settling in your chest. "I'm fine now; I'm at the hospital doing some tests."
you didn't answer him and he immediately sensed your worry, it was your usual reaction whenever he had an incident. it was your own way to deal with stuff. "I'll have to stay here in brazil for some extra days. we don't want to rush things. everything is alright, but still."
"yeah, I know. how are you feeling? any pain? wasit bad? why are you at the hospital? is there anything they're worried about?" your thoughts rushed out, anxiety evident. you wished you could've been there with him, knowing how much he disliked going through hospitalization alone.
"calm down, baby. I'm fine, no pain. they gave me painkillers for my headache," he began, his voice carrying weariness and sadness. "the crash felt horrible from inside the car, but I've seen the footage, and it wasn't that bad. I don't think they're worried about anything specific, just my racing career," he added with a hint of self-deprecating humor.
"shut up. you know those jokes aren't funny, right?" you retorted, hating his tendency for such jokes. "anyways, I miss you so much. you have no idea." placing your phone on the bed, you awaited his response as you searched for your notebook.
"I know babe, I miss you like crazy too. and i won't be able to be home for some more days, as i told you. i hate it." you both sighed. "but it's okay, i'm glad you weren't here this time."
although you felt the honesty in his words, you could also know that it was pure bullshit. he wanted you to be there more that anything, and the fights you two had over the past weeks showed that clearly.
lando felt your support fading away and, as always, he talked about it with you, but there was nothing you could do, you could not just leave your work and follow him around the world.
your life had to come first. you couldn't be financially dependent. you had never wanted that for yourself.
"I love you, lando. you know that, right?"
"i know. I love you too." anuncomfortable silence lingered, more apparent to him than to you, as you were preoccupied with booking a flight to brazil. "look, I have to hang up to do some exams. I'll call you as soon as I can, yeah?"
"yeah, okay. keep me updated, for the love of god." he laughed and silently hang up.
as soon as you were able to, you called your boss, letting her aware of the whole situation, who, understandingly, granted you a week off, more than you needed. grateful, you expressed your thanks in every single way you could.
as you couldn't just fly there without someone knowing, you called lando's dad to let him know that you were going. he was thankful that his son had found someone who cared so much about him, and as so helped you through everything.
you would obviously be staying at lando's room with him, so you didn't need to worry about that, but there were things you actually needed to deal with and that's where he was an absolute angel, taking care of everything for you.
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the flight proved to be torturous; sleep eluded you, your mind consumed by worry for your boyfriend, presently hospitalized in a foreign country that held no appeal for him. the inability to communicate with him intensified your anxiety, and the endurance of such a long flight was a challenge unfamiliar to you.
the only thing keeping you focused on trying to sleep was knowing that you'd see lando soon and that you needed to be sane.
once you arrived in brazil, adam had already sent an uber to pick you up and drop you at the hotel. you were eternally grateful for him. your appreciation deepened when, upon entering the hotel, you found everything seamlessly taken care of, allowing you to reach his son without delay.
he drove you there himself, the casual conversation during the car ride centered uiquely around the topic most dear to both of you—lando's health.
every detail adam shared heightened your awareness; lando was okay, but not as well as he should be. the information failed to ease your mind, creating a lingering unease.
after reaching the hospital, the attending doctor informed you that lando was still asleep but encouraged you to enter. you opened the door to his room, and an immediate sense of tranquility washed over you. lando's peaceful slumber tugged at your heartstrings, and the sight of his features made you want to cry; you had missed him so damn much.
you took his hand, staying by his side as he slept. despite your exhaustion, the anticipation of his awakening kept sleep at bay.
lando woke up and confusedly stared at you for five minutes straight. in his head, he was trying to figure out if you were real or if his desperation had just made you up. you squeezed his hand and that seemed to clear his mind. you were in fact there.
"love?" he muttered, scared of being wrong.
"hey baby" you whispered to him, smiling softly.
"you're here? what are you doing here?" he hurriedly sat up, his expression filled with worry, like he wasn´t the one on a hospital bed.
"i'm here to see you." you extended your hand and let it travel through his face. "got the week off, couldn't leave you alone." his smile was priceless. he rushed his arms around your waist, since you were standing now, and pulled you closer to him, head in your belly.
when he told you he had missed you like crazy, he didn't define it well enough.
he locked his lips with yours as soon as he had a chance. you missed that feeling, you missed it too fucking much. you missed everything about him too fucking much, and maybe this misfortune was just what you needed to realize that something had to change. you couldn't miss him like this all the time.
it was literal hell, for the both of you.
adam entered the room after some time and, from his face, you could see he carried good news.
and you were right. "you are free to leave today, all the exams cameback with positive answers. you still have to stay in brazil, of course, a flight so long could jeopardize your health, so you'll have to stay for a bit longer, but you two can go stay at the hotel for tonight.
you and lando celebrate this little "victory" with each other and then you start talking about going home, anticipating what you'd do.
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the room was uncharacteristically quiet as he payed attention to the TV and you lost yourself in your own mind.
"I think I might quit my job." you let out with your head layed in his chest. he twists his head to look at you. "what?" he asks, clearly confused, in his head, trying to figure out where all of this was coming from.
yes, it's true that he didn't like to travel around the world every year and leave you behind, and it's also true that this past year, he felt your support fade away, but he didn't want you to leave your life in second place for him. he knew, and understood, how important for you it was to have your financial independence.
he had started to feel guilty, even though this was not his fault.
you thought and rethought about it during your flight, since it was the only thing you could do. of course you never wanted that, but you also couldn't bare the distance anymore, and his accident showed you that.
you wanted to be there, to be able to celebrate every single one of his podiums by his side and not over the phone, you wanted to be able to hold and support him whenever he needed you to do so.
six years into your relationship, neither of you envisioned it ending anytime soon. if it did, you had your savings, but for now, you craved closeness.
"seriously. i want to be with you. i think i never noticed how affected i was by your absence, but i am a lot." you admitted with a sigh. helistened intently. "I want to be able to be with you."
"are you for real?" he asked, concern in his eyes. "I don't want you to feel pressured to do that. I love you whether you're here or on the other side of the world."
"I know, lan. it's not like I would stop working. I just have to find something within my capacities that allows me to travel around the world with you. and it's not like you're going to break up with me, leaving me with nothing. I have my money."
"it's not like I'm gonna break up with you, period." he smirked. "we're a forever thing."
turning you around as if you were as light as a pillow, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I love you," you whispered against his lips.
"I love you too," he whispered back.
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bluberryfields · 7 months
"David is very easy to fall in love with." - Michael Sheen
Hi. How are you? Good, I hope. Okay, so can we talk about just how fucking beautiful David Tennant is? And by “we” I mean “I” and by “talk” I mean “babble incoherently into the void”? Great! I’ll attempt to impose a bit of organization on this just to satisfy my pathological need to inflict structure on words (thanks college/job/brain), but I can’t promise much. Also, there will be A LOT of pictures and gifs. (you’re welcome?)
And this isn’t just because I am deep in the bottomless well of Good Omens fandom and that Crowley is basically the most breathtaking creature that has ever existed. Well, not just because of that.
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*cue Aziraphale's "good lord" from 1793*
ANYWAY, like a lot of people, I became a fan of (i.e., fell deeply and irrevocably in love with) DT during his run as the 10th Doctor. He was young and bright and full of just about everything – joy, sorrow, wit – making him incredibly watchable. His look was also so charming: big bouncy rooster comb of hair, absurdly cheeky smile, expressive-as-fuck eyes and eyebrows, and a tall, lanky form that seemed to be made of rubber and the kind of granulated sugar that could only be found in candy from the 90s that are now banned in all first- and second-world countries.
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So yeah, I was super into him and his Doctor’s adventures. And I continued to watch him in other projects and still swoon (looking at you, slutty Hamlet)
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even at characters where that was not the desired reaction (fuck you, Kilgrave, you delicious monster).
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I would also always become a bit (a lot) weak in the knees at his voice regardless of which accent he took on, though always preferring him doing any Scottish brogue because of fucking course.
Roll that tongue, you sexy beast.
But what I want to get into today is just how incredible he looks in the year of 2023.
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He’s 52 years old and I am somehow even more attracted to him. Maybe it’s because I am myself older, and my tastes have matured alongside? I certainly do enjoy gray hair way more than I did 10 years ago.
He’s aged incredibly well, probably a combination of good genes and good health, and he’s clearly not clinging to the Hollywood idea of “youth”.
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(insert obligatory grumble about the double standards of men being praised for aging and women being demonized…the potentially problematic nature of the term “aging well” in general…acknowledge this with my enlightened brain but ignore this with my slutty heart…fuck the patriarchy, etc. etc.)
He’s still tall and skinny, even gangly at times, all long arms and legs that can move in impossible directions with unfathomable grace.
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His face is leaner, that incredible bone structure creating sharper edges that draw the eye. Speaking of the face, he’s got these creases on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes and mouth that are evidence of time spent well: smiling, laughing, living. Makes you want to trace your fingertips along each one.
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Oh god that smile? Good lord. It’s weapons grade charm that can also be quite intimidating. Sweet, humble, silly, scary…full spectrum of options here! His shark smile is the definition of “irresistible” in my Dictionary of Delicious Dudes.
I am both proud of and grossed out by my own word choice.
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Continuing with that face...the hawkish nose, the dimples you want to drown in, the big eyes, those motherfucking eyebrows...
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I could seriously write a whole essay about those eyebrows, but I already give my therapist enough to worry about.
Oh those eyes. “Piercing” is a term usually reserved for blue eyes, but I would argue it applies to DT’s bottomless chocolate pools in that they slice through my heart every damn time.
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Honorable mention does go to those Crowley snake eyes because they could have been distracting and diminishing to his overall look, but they absolutely are not.
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Such a pretty shade of yellow.
Random tangent to swoon about his hands. For whatever reason, I like checking out a man’s hands, and DT’s got a set that drives me wild. I can’t even really explain why, but I just really like the way he articulates with them. Crowley is a perfect example, what with the miracle snaps, caressing globes, and holding whisky glasses. Yum.
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Delicious demon digits
Fresh tangent: How does this fucker look good clean shaven, with stubble, and a goddamn beard? How is that allowed?
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He's got a face that makes me wanna take up sculpting
Further, how is his fucking neck so hot? Like, seriously, show me the math. I can’t stop staring at it. And when it’s cloaked in a turtleneck? Please, sir, may I have some more?
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With no segue whatsoever, I am absolutely obsessed with his hair, across all contexts. Big, bold, blood-red Crowley coifs (especially in Season 2)? Check.
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Proper gentleman side part? Check.
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Side shave with cartoonishy springy 14th Doctor shock? Check.
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Lockdown locks with and without headband? Check!
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It’s a goddamn buffet of delicious options.
Oh damn speaking of that 14th Doctor look? Good fucking Christ on a buttery Ritz cracker. The whole DT collection is on display: the hair, the eyes, the bone structure, the smile, the clothes, and even the glasses!
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To quote Pam on Archer, “I swear to god, you could drown a toddler in my panties right now! I mean, not that you would.”
Now that you (I) mention the clothes, I never cease to marvel at how he can wear pretty much anything and look amazing. Stripes, patterns, wild colors, etc. He just always looks…not exactly comfortable, but sort of at ease like the clothes were created with him in mind. And this goes across the spectrum of Casual to Costume to Promotional (e.g., interviews and premieres).
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They are almost illegally cute together
We all know by now how ridiculously tight those Crowley pants are and how it influenced his signature serpentine swagger (thank you, Costume department, you’re the real heroes). That said, he and those slinky hips still looks so incredibly natural in them like they came from his actual closet.
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Stupid sexy snek
And he pulls off the look of more ridiculous stuff like full Shakespearean costumes or that sad gray-hoodie-black-shorts-and-Wellington-boots combo from the first season of Staged. He somehow gives off the air of “whatever, they’re just clothes, man” while also looking like a damn model.
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Georgia is a very lucky woman
Final thoughts: I know DT dislikes talking about how people think he’s so attractive because I’m sure it feels a bit icky if you just want to live your life and do your job. But my guy also clearly understands that he’s not some ghoul who has succeeded on incredible personality and acting chops alone. So, that said, maybe he'll forgive me for posting such a long, rambling, ode to him?
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star-anise · 4 months
now, hold still—
I'd kill for some resources on body image in the context of disability, chronic pain, and having grown up with a complicated and intense medical history. I think I've exhausted my local library's offerings. Yes, I'm seeing a counsellor who focuses on this, and he's probably got recs, but I'm pacing my cage and lashing my tail in between sessions.
"Body image" has a particular connotation most of the time, because it comes out of the field that deals with eating disorders. Which is great and I'm glad for the people it works for, but its basic principles and assumptions are for completely different problems than the one I have.
I can't track down who said it first, but in my reading I keep coming across this narrative of, "I saw my body as something to be disciplined and controlled, an object only seen by external eyes. Now I've learned to take joy in what my body can do and experience, and to see it as a site of pleasure."
...Sounds fake, but okay.
My body is a site of pain. It cannot do or bear the experience of many things. I have to exercise a huge amount of discipline and control just to get out of bed every day. I can't imagine my body being a visible object that other people might find pleasing; it's incredibly hard to look up from my continual tooth-and-nail fight getting my body to let me live to imagine what someone who doesn't live with all this shit might see.
When I was a child, I learned to hold myself very still. For a hairdresser, or photographer, or a dentist, or someone who wanted to measure my height, or an injection, or a doctor who wanted a demonstration of how one of my joints looked, or an X-ray, or an IV inserted, or a CAT scan, or to have a cast taken off, or a PET scan, or to have a wound treated, or an MRI, or to have a pin pulled out.
And you know, I got proud of that. I felt like a brave warrior in a fantasy novel. I learned to take deep breaths, and take myself in my mind away from the anxiety and unpleasantness, until I could shut down my reaction to it. So that I didn't flinch or scream or cry. Because there was something wrong with my body, and doctors knew how to fix it.
When I was getting assessed for fibromyalgia, this new doctor told me he was going palpate areas in my back, arms, and knees. I get a lot of massage; I knew what was coming. I slowed my breathing, concentrating on the long outbreath. I took myself away from my reactions and thought continually, obsessively, about letting my body droop, weightless, like the moment when your aching limbs meet a solid surface and fresh cool sheets.
"Hm, I dunno," he said. "A lot of this checks out, but your trigger point exam was totally negative. Most people, when I touch those points, they have a big reaction. Some people even scream and jump off the table."
"Well, no," I think I said. "If I'd done that, it would have hurt way more, for like, hours." And I was polite about it, because you have to be polite to doctors; doctors know how to make you feel better. But what I felt at the time, and still feel today, is a kind of outrage I labelled was unreasonable the moment it was born: You wanted to hurt me, and it's my fault for not letting you?
How do you learn how to ask for things, when you've taught yourself to lie still and cry quietly because the nurse who said they'd be right back is helping someone who suddenly needs the help more? How do you express yourself, when you've spent your whole life gritting your teeth?
The problems I have about my body are not about being attractive or thin. They are, however, about being small. Learning to cry less, scream less, and ask for less. About feeling like my body is a burden to anyone who comes to know it, and like that's a burden I can't ask other people to take on unless I'm staggering under the weight of it.
Right now, what I've got is this:
Remember, you weren’t the one who made you ashamed, but you are the one who can make you proud. Just practice, practice until you get proud, and once you are proud, keep practicing so you won’t forget. You get proud by practicing.
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a-freemaniac · 5 months
News from a crazy mind...
Sherlock, mental health and the support from a fandom.
When Sherlock becomes what the doctor ordered....
100 days lie between those moments.
100 days since I wanted to die.
100 days since I emailed Dignitas.
100 days full of struggle and hope.
100 days later I made it out of hell again.
A handful of people who showed me unconditional love during the hardest setback of my disorder career.
I will love them till the day I die.
And once again the Sherlock world saved my soul before I destroyed it myself.
A fandom full of kindness and support and a detective and a doctor who saved me in more ways than they can ever imagine.
Had a doctors appointment on Friday and I have one hell of a doctor.
Not as good as John Watson but highly supportive of anything that increases my strength.
We talked about a little miracle.
A miracle that sounds so incredibly stupid but it is such a huge thing.
For the past five years I have to take besides my regular medication in mornings and in the evenings a little extra cocktail of meds in the afternoon to keep my extreme nervousness in check.
I'm nervous and tense 24/7 and it takes a toll on my body sometimes.
It makes it very hard to sleep and to find a way to sit still.
So the extra meds are necessary..
Ten days ago I started to listen to Podfics and quickly discovered a new way to enjoy the Sherlock universe.
I'm 43 years old and retired since I was 39 because my body couldn't take the stress anymore.
I have some free times during the day and I made it a habit for the past ten days to listen to Podfics in the afternoon and again at night.
And suddenly I could sleep and, and here comes the miracle..
I forgot to take my afternoon meds.
Even more my body relaxed in a way I haven't experienced in decades.
My body was obviously as surprised as I am because since a few days I have to drink a coffee in the afternoon, otherwise I would fall asleep.
I can only drink coffee without caffeine which tastes awful but otherwise my nervousness goes through the roof and I shake like a leaf.
But now instead of taking an extra dose of anxiety relief pills I take a real good old black coffee full of caffeine after listening to Podfics.
And that sounds incredibly ridiculous but for me it is a miracle because for the first time in over 15 years I feel calm and not because of a chemical reaction but because of a human reaction.
I know @totallysilvergirl had no idea what would happen by telling me about Podfics but I will never forget it!
Back to my incredible doctor who saw the change from a person who was determined to end this endless circle of depression and anxiety to a person who smiles again.
Now he ordered a six months try of daily Podfics ( no joke) to see if my blood levels improves and accordingly my medication can be reduced.
He knows that in the past three years my disorder was always better during my Sherlock highs so he is actually happy about the new development.
Long story short ( too late I know)
Do whatever feels right for you!
Invent your own therapy!
Do what makes you happy no matter how unconventional it might be.
Because you matter!!!!
I attach you my new and exciting Podfic collection for you.
Maybe you will find something you like.
Of course everything is available in Reading form as well.
Be happy in your own, weird, wonderful way.
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@keirgreeneyes @discordantwords @a-victorian-girl @bewitched-bullet @lisbeth-kk @whatnext2020 @inevitably-johnlocked @barachiki @babaybo @jobooksncoffee @rey-jake-therapist @missdeliadili @helloliriels @podfixx @johnlocky @johnlockpodficclub @johnlockficclub @peanitbear @strawberrywinter4 @chocolate1elise @kettykika78
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bcacstuff · 2 months
Anon about what certain shippers wrote... and shipper Anons calling me out and believing these certain shippers....
When I came here, I had no idea about shippers. I never was in any fandom before, and was never interested in it. It was mind blowing to see what was going on, I spent some time just reading blogs and actually never intended to get involved or even creating an account.
But yeah, what can I say. It's mind blowing how far, or should I say how low people go. But it doesn't interest me to be perfectly honest. The constant comparing between the 2 actors doesn't interest me neither. To me it sounds all like some childish people having nothing better to do than to get upset about it.
I ignore them. As I am not interested and believe neither are my readers. I don't post about them constantly, and the things I post are not in reaction on them or any of them. I post about what I find interesting and my readers seem to be interested in that as well.
I've learned it's of no use to debunk stories or go back and forth about what happened in the past, what is true, what is not. I expect my readers having a brain for themselves and can draw conclusions for themselves.
Sometimes people ask me for my thoughts on events, about a pic or a video or whatever. I do not always give my thoughts on them, as I sometimes do not even draw conclusions from it. And sometimes I just like to share what I found out and leave it to others what they want to do with it.
Nobody lives rentfree in my head, I don't believe in insane conspiracy theories, or hidden messages. I don't believe there is any force like TPTB restricting an actor to hide something. And I don't care to debunk all those that chose to believe in it as I know it is quite useless, it only falls on deaf ears.
Yesterday I reblogged my friend @brian-in-finance as I couldn't sit on my hands anymore. Unfair accusations I had thrown at myself constantly as well, and constantly find in my inbox as well. I don't know what moves people to sent these, I just trash them. I don't go on accounts of these shippers to sent that kind of messages myself and don't believe any of my readers do so. It's childish, immature and I can't believe anybody would feel proud or even satisfied doing these childish things. I don't give them the time of my day.
Cause despite what these shipper gurus preach to their own parish, I do not sit here in a basement with 5 screens around me 24/7 to check someone out. I do have a life, I do read books, watch movies, go to the theater, watch sports, have friends and family and am happy with my life doing many things more I don't need to blog about but just enjoy.
I know, I can write a bible and these accounts will still go on and spread their nonsense, about 2 actors, about a child or more children that don't exist, they call people names, say horrible things about them and are happy doing so. Well.. if that's what makes them happy... 🤷‍♀️ so be it. I don't pay attention to it, it's sickening to me and I rather focus on more interesting things.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Playbook: How To Set Healthy Boundaries
Step-By-Step Guide To Setting Boundaries:
Self-reflect on your deepest desires and values: Be honest with yourself about your likes, dislikes, principles, preferences, and turn-ons/turnoffs in every area of life
Evaluate which people, relationships, tasks, and activities give or deplete your energy
Decide on which relationships/tasks you deem essential and/or necessary to live your desired lifestyle
Set personal limits on energy-draining relationships and activities
Communicate these internal limits clearly, calmly, and impersonally to others (Use language that conveys an "It's not you, it's me" kind of vibe)
Align your words to your actions: Stick to your stated limits. Squash the urge to people-please when your boundaries do not satisfy others.
Regularly check in with yourself, evaluate, and adjust your boundaries if necessary: Introspect from time to time to gauge whether your boundaries allow you to feel comfortable with yourself, daily activities, relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Consider strengthening or refining your boundaries if you still feel generally uneasy or anxious during certain activities or around certain individuals.
Boundaries 101:
Know the difference between boundaries and expectations: A boundary is about you and how you will respond to another person's actions. An expectation is the way you expect others to conduct themselves (at least in your presence/relationship). Gently bring up the behavior or actions that bother or trigger you. Communicate your boundary to them when it comes to these conversation topics or behaviors. Say "when you talk about "X" topic or do "X" behavior, I feel uncomfortable/stressed/upset and need to remove myself from the conversation (either physically, hang up the phone, stop answering texts), etc. If they're well-meaning friends, family members, partners, etc., they will respect your boundaries and know that there's an expectation in your relationship for these topics/behaviors to not come up and, if they do, be apologized for and corrected immediately (humans slip up occasionally; you will know the difference between disregard for your well-being and an honest mistake by their reaction to your calling them out).
Under the importance of differentiation: Internalize that you're not responsible for other people's emotions. While you should communicate with tact and have empathy for others, there is a difference between being callous and prioritizing your own needs. Learn to gauge where your needs and those of others begin/end. Both parties typically are acting with their own self-interest in mind (this is not a negative thing, we're hardwired to be a bit selfish to survive), so one person sacrificing themselves results in fawning – with the potential for burnout/manipulation – not fairness. Consider agreements with others like an unwritten contract. Every decision requires a meeting of the minds where you both spell out your desires, concerns, and rights to self-protection.
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bestworstcase · 28 days
@cryptidblues tumblr ate this one too, maybe drop tumblr support a line to check if you’ve been erroneously shadowbanned 
Oscar is dying! He’s dying! We’re getting the full weight and crisis of the merge in volume 10 I NEED IT. The image of him collapsed on the sand as the sunrises with his back to the long memory OOUGH just like Ruby and crescent rose after she drank the tea, before the tree took her. The reversal on “I don’t want to be me anymore” / please let me stay myself. The lad is being eaten alive! From the inside out! By an unstoppable brain parasite that will kill him! And Replace Him! I Need the slow build up of horror from Oscar and everyone involved. “And Oscar…just isn’t himself” they’re place setting. Getting the table ready. Ooh yknow he’s hiding those merge episodes/attacks from his friends. I NEED the existential terror and dread! BUT I NEED THE CATHARSIS OF OSCAR BEING KNOWN, SEEN & SAVED TOO ;-;
NOT to make a post oscar about ozma instead but the thing that is really, really pulling the hinges off for me is the implication that this is happening because oz started actively fighting the merge. as long as oscar resisted and oz kept up the drumbeat of “this is inevitable, there is nothing either of us can do,” the curse kept on quietly eroding oscar as the boundary became thinner and thinner between them. it was, for lack of a better term, stable. 
the moment oz tries to resist, the curse starts trying to rip him forward. to force him to take over, inflicting what seems to be torturous amounts of pain on both of them. the subtle, silent, invisible violence that was inflicted on oscar before explodes outward to attack both of them. 
how many times have i said this curse is specifically designed to make it impossible for ozma to change? that the whole point is to prevent ozma from ever changing his mind or defying the god of light? never doubt me. the literal fucking instant ozma tries to break free, the curse becomes YOU DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE. 
the curse had a failsafe the whole time.
/ozma tangent
oscar though. this poor kid. like the greatest burden on his shoulders in the last four volumes has always been that no one wants to openly acknowledge what’s happening to him and the nature of the merge’s violence being so completely internal means that no one has to look at it except him. and he’s been so isolated in that existential dread but he’s also grown so accustomed to being treated like just. the next ozpin. that when the violence abruptly becomes externalized in reaction to oz’s resistance, oscar… hides it. keeps it to himself. somewhere deep down the idea that it doesn’t matter to anyone what happens to him got lodged in his brain so deeply that he keeps it hidden!!
and i’m obsessed with the emotional complexity the layers of what he’s feeling with regard to ruby, because it’s not as simple as that he misses her and aspires to her optimism; there’s also some underlying resentment there (“you were always so sure that everything would work out…right up until the moment it didn’t” <- paraphrasing) because she was wrong and he wishes he could borrow her certainty but she was wrong. she fell. she was wrong. 
BUT AT THE SAME TIME, everyone else believes that they’re gone forever. that they’re dead. oscar doesn’t. he’s thinking about it in terms of where they might have gone, what might have happened to them, he’s doing research because deep down, there’s a teeny tiny spark of hope that hasn’t been extinguished yet. so there’s this subtext of i wish i had your certainty. even though you were wrong. i’m still trying to find you. we’re still fighting this. you always saw me for who i really was. i don’t know who i am anymore.—there’s this tension throughout the monologue between bitterness and hope, and i don’t know if oscar is even capable of seeing that he is still hopeful or that he does have, if not ruby’s kind of certainty, something of his own that rhymes. he’s feeling this bleak about everything and still trying to figure out where they are because he doesn’t believe they’re dead. 
it was oscar’s idea to put the memorial where the portal had been. it’s taller than a person and shaped like a door. it’s a memorial but it’s also a symbol; the portal is gone, but they were inside it still, we should build our own door so they can find their way home. and then they do, according to the context given. the blacksmith gave them a doorway that went right through their memorial.  ETA: never mind, misremembered
ruby confronting and facing his mortality after running away from it for three volumes to galvanize her to really try to save him vs oscar doing whatever he can think of to somehow save her while roiling in all these complicated painful feelings about how no one cares to know how he’s suffering because it isn’t like there’s any real hope for him. tasty!
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
hello i am the person who asked for ashley :) i’ve never done this before but there is barely any ashley x female reader stuff and it makes me sad because i have a fat crush on her😞 id love it if you could do something where reader is in the place of leon if that makes sense?? leon still exists but reader is the one on the mission to save ashley (reader is in closer age with ashley than leon is). sorta the same dynamic how ashley has a little crush on reader and doesn’t know she feels the same way because she has to act professional. something Nsfw maybe on the mission either castle or island⁉️⁉️ i just loved ur other ashley thing and this has been an idea in my head as i’ve played the game🤭 thank u for putting out good ashley content u are doing god’s work❤️❤️❤️
☆ ➣ TEMPT WITH PLEASURE. ashley graham
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— “can you confess what i feel for you?”
content warning/s — nsfw content, female reader, sex under the effects of las plaga, reader acts like a pervert or a horny teenager, implied dacryphilia, nipple biting/sucking, fingering, talk of face sitting, 
a/n — a/ns now moved to the end for stories, check it there !
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a gleeful sigh leaves you when you finally see ashley in one of the crimson rooms, sitting on the couch and… crying? the smile on your face quickly fades away as you hear her muffled sobs. you slide your gun into its holster as you hurry to her side, afraid that she was crying because after what happened at the gate she got hurt coming up here.
“ashley…” you breathed, glad that there were no visible injuries on her and she was probably just scared. you tried to sit down next to her, take her hand in yours to calm her down but she put her hands up and fended you off. “no, no, stay back! i might hurt you again…” she cried, yelling at you causing you to take a step back and put your own hands up in the air.
“i’m so scared, when that happened… i wasn’t myself anymore, i was something else!” you nodded, completely understanding what she was referring to. there was an uncomfortable feeling in your chest, tightening as you continued to stare at her and felt bad about what was happening. you shouldn’t have insisted on being the one rescuing her, rather let someone who had no prior relationship of any kind with her. it was selfish, but you couldn’t stand the thought of not being there for her, when her life was in such danger. she was still struggling, trying to regain her lost composure from having been drenched by her own tears after losing control over her body and thoughts.
you felt sick of yourself, for not being able to make out words of comfort, and that her tears dropping from her eyes made you so... excited for some reason.
"it’s okay to be afraid you know.”  you finally spoke up. she turned her head to you, looking into your concerned eyes as though they held the answers to all of life’s problems. “but you can’t run, we gotta keep moving forw-” you tried to assure her, smiling softly to yourself while wiping her tears away with your sleeve, but she caught you off guard with her lips on yours, cutting your sentence in half.
“maybe this isn’t the time…” you didn't know how to react. she had just kissed you; it felt more than anything like a dream come true, yet you were shocked and confused, to say the least. “i’ve been waiting for this, for a while, not really in the mood to stop now.” she whispered against your lips, pulling away from you with a faint smile and red tinted cheeks, waiting for any kind of reaction for you.
your mind was... confused. you have known ashley for a while, not too long but just enough to realize that there was something about her that you just liked, more than you should have. she was your boss' daughter for god's sake, it goes against your contract and anything you believed in when you took the job at the white house. but then again, she looked at you with those beautiful blue eyes...and you just couldn't help yourself from catching feelings.
"i'm gonna get in trouble if this g-gets to your father." you stuttered, gulping when you felt her fingers running up and down your upper arm. she smiled, a genuine smile that made your heart beat a little faster, making it difficult for you to speak clearly and properly, but somehow, everything seemed alright. "i can be very persuasive, you don't have to worry about a thing." she assured you, leaning back in for another kiss. this time you were ready for it, and met her halfway once more, wrapping your arms around her neck and holding her close to your body, relishing the warmth that was emitting from her. she moved your hand slowly down to rest around her waist.
"this is crazy…" you muttered between kisses, and she chuckled. “it's only crazy if you don't stop talking.” she said, pulling away slightly, a smirk on her face before kissing you once more and biting on your lower lip, hard enough to leave it red and swollen, which sent shivers down your spine. you grabbed onto her hair, gently tugging it to force her closer to you, and she obliged. she bit harder on your lip once more, before pulling away slightly, a smirk on her face that you were starting to notice whenever you would look at her; it was almost like she wanted to tell you something without saying the words out loud.
she pushed you down onto the couch, helping you move your legs up on the cushions and undoing the belt around your waist, also quickly pulling the pouch on your thigh off. "how about we take our clothes off, hmm?" she asked, staring at you from across your body with lustful eyes, biting her bottom lip as she ran her hands down her thighs, pushing her skirt higher up to reveal her toned thighs, making you blush slightly. you swallowed thickly, watching as she pulled the scarf from around her neck and then shake her jacket off of her back.
"okay..." you breathed out heavily, watching her every movement carefully before her hands' delicate hands slide your shirt out of your loose pants. "this shirt is sure tight, just for my luck." she chuckled as she pushed the fabric further up, revealing your sports bra under. "i'm not good at this." you admitted quietly, staring at her. she giggled lightly, shaking her head in response. 
"oh trust me, you'll be fine." she told you, moving her hands down to unzip the zip of your shorts. she slid her fingers inside, letting them glide across your sensitive areas until she reached your most sensitive area, causing your breath to hitch and your hips to involuntarily buck upwards. ashley smirked as she felt your arousal through her fingertips, slowly dragging it across, sending waves of pleasure throughout your entire body. she stopped for a moment, glancing down at her fingertips before bringing it to her mouth, and licking the tip of it lightly. “you taste better than i thought." she mutters around her finger.
"d-don't say that or be this unf-fair..." you stutter, finally having the courage to reach for her orange top, pushing your fingers around the rim and tugging it upwards like an impatient child. ashley pursed her lips after taking her fingers out of her mouth, nodding with a smile before reaching to help you with taking her shirt off and revealing her white lacy bra.
lust was cursing through your whole body, flustering every inch of it but heating your cheeks up the most as she put the top on the backrest of the couch before moving up from your thighs to just above your waist. "better?" she gave you a cheeky smile as you nodded vigorously, eyes on her boobs, staring at them like a horny teenage boy.
"you can touch them you know, i've always wanted you to..." she trails off, sliding her hands along the side of your hips, massaging them gently. "you're so fucking sexy... do you have any idea?" she asks, looking at you intensely as her hands go behind her back, undoing the clasp of her bra and sliding it off. "they’re so soft, you could use your mouth on them..." she says, trailing off for a second, before leaving down, her chest in your face, grabbing your hand and positioning it on her breast. you gasped as her nipples hardened immediately and you began sucking them, rubbing your thumb over the bud and hearing her moan. you felt a rush of heat go through your body, as you sucked her breasts roughly. you never wanted it to end, especially not if it meant seeing her this way.
her boob that was in your mouth muffled your surprised moan, her finger back in your pants and teasing your entrance.  you could feel your stomach getting tighter and tighter with anticipation. "ah," you moaned, pulling away slightly to catch your breath. "yes... fuck... yes, please..." your voice cracked, your throat dry due to all the saliva that was currently dripping down your chin. 
"right here?" she asks as she pushes two fingers inside of you, no warning, no more foreplay just her digits sliding in and out of your clamping walls.  you closed your eyes tightly, trying your best to hold back any sounds, biting your tongue harshly as you tried to keep your breathing steady, the pressure of her finger going deeper and deeper inside of you was enough to make you squirm beneath her. 
"yeah... ah! fuck yeah!" you yelled, panting and clenching your teeth against the pain. you felt like you were going insane. "ashley!" you moaned desperately as your eyes opened. she was staring intently at you, a grin etched onto her face, her eyes full of lust as she stared at you with a hungry gaze. you could hardly contain yourself and the noises you were making, taking her nipple back between your lips to fight against your embarrassment.
"already close, huh pretty girl?" she observed, your eyes glued shut and your hand still grasping onto her breast tightly. 
with one quick motion, you felt a wave of pleasure wash through your body as you came undone underneath her, screaming her name loudly. ashley grinned, pulling away from you to remove her panties with her other hand as she watched as your orgasm wrecked your body, whining as you gushed onto her digits and begged for her tits to be back in your mouth. the warm air hit your heated skin, making your core tighten even more, causing a few whimpers to escape from your mouth. 
"god, ashley..." you groaned as the smoke cloud of ecstasy disappeared, feeling a bit weaker than ever before. you lay there, completely exhausted and spent, sweat dripping down your forehead as you looked up to see ashley staring at you, her hand still buried deep inside of you. "you're really sensitive." she pulls out of you, mocking you with not only her words but with her eyes as she takes her fingers into her mouth once again, sucking them clean.
gulping, hooded eyes scanning her hot body, taking note of the small twitches of her hips against your stomach. fisting your hand, trying to regain your strength and get rid of the numb feeling in your arms as you reached for her hips. "can i..." you had to take a second, you never had to be this forward before and she was just so goddamn beautiful, she deserved nothing but the best.
"i s-swear i'll return the f-favor once i get you safely h-home, okay?" you rush your words, fingers digging into her hips as you try to compose your thoughts. "it's just that... we need to go now and if i make you sit on my face i d-don't think i would be able to stop." you finished, giving her a shy grin and she nods softly, her hand coming to caress your face.
"i'll hold you to that. promise you won't back down after you shake hands with my father?" she chuckled, not even taking herself that seriously after once again mentioning her father. you laugh alongside her, nodding your head, "i promise."
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AUTHOR'S NOTE ! i did my best, i rewatched the game a hundred times to get it right because my brain is always short cuts HOPE YOU LIKED IT ANONIE, sorry it took so long but it’s over 2k words so i hope that made up for it :) 
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qpenpals · 2 months
First of all, support Shubble and support all victims (which is a statement that while said a lot, seems not be followed as frequently, however i hope those who read this abide by it)
Second, I don’t support wilbur soot/william gold, and I don’t think that anyone should after this.
Third, while this situation is not about me, i have feelings and opinions about it that i would like to share, but even if you don’t read anymore,
Please watch shelby’s vod, and maybe try checking her content out, because while i don’t frequently watch her, i enjoy her streams and maybe you will too! her new hardcore series sounds great :)
This is quite long, but honestly this is kind of just for me to collect my thoughts, however if you read to the end thank you<3 im touched :)
Alright, so I have loved wilbur soot’s content for a very long time, 4 years or so. I watched the streams and listened to his music from the start. His content is entwined with many of my fond memories.
Earlier today, I had a breakdown over this whole situation, because, as I’ve been quite busy with school, my job, and other assorted things in my life, I found out about this morning. I had woken from a nightmare about my previous abuser. Who i will be talking about a lot more of as they really impacted my views on this situation.
However this nightmare had left me in a fragile mood, my girlfriend was still sleeping and i didn’t want to wake her, so to comfort myself i went to read one of my bookmarked fanfictions, this fanfiction, while i dont remember the title is one that i’ve found comforting for a very long time, so much so that when im stressed my partner has it saved to send to me so i can calm down.
It was a fanfiction about quackity and tubbo, wilbur soot was mentioned maybe 5 times, and the author had deleted it.
This caused me to try and find out why, so i went to their page and they had posted a temporary fic explaining what had been going on.
My first reaction had been disbelief, I then went to research everything. It was a lot to process.
I watched shelby’s vod. Before this i had mainly been disconnected from what i had seen, taking it it but not with any of my own feelings or thoughts really, just processing.
Shelby’s situation hits really hard for me because a lot of it mirrors my own abusive relationship of a few years ago. The wording Wilbur used against her, sounds like what my old partner would use against me. His actions, such as her having to clean and taking care of food, and amenities, were things i had to experience.
Abuse TW:
My old partner would physically abuse me through biting as well, he would claim that he just liked knowing i was his, and yet, like shubble, if i ever used our safe word, which happened so fucking often, he either wouldn’t listen, bite down harder on my neck, or fucking smile at me before letting go.
This got to the point that multiple times he had drawn blood from my neck, that i still have scars from today. And as i watch Shubble talk about her story which is ever so close to mine, I wonder that if I had watched this before, maybe i wouldn’t have stayed in that relationship.
I proceeded to stay in this relationship for 2 years before i realized how much harm he was doing to me, because i truly believed he loved me, because of all the lovebombing he would do.
End of Abuse TW:
And yet i felt pain aside from sympathy or memories, when learning of this, as the content Wilbur had put out had actually helped me out of this relationship, his music was pretty much all i listened to the months of healing after i got out and it helped, the art is good, and yet the author is one i cannot respect nor support in anyway now that i am aware.
i’d suggest watching this tiktok by @lasmanburg that really explains my thoughts and feelings on this
Right back to the content. I don’t believe that we should throw it all away, i don’t think that people should be deleting their art, fanfiction, or anything based on Wilbur. Because in the end it’s all art that we have created and interpreted and though the man who inspired it is horrible, all that has been made does not reflect his actions, but instead love and creativity from vast multifaceted community.
One can continue their writing and work because they are the ones creating it, not him, and besides most interpretations of him stray quite far from the source anyways
I think that one can continue to engage in his content as long as one does not directly support him, such as pirating his music, but personally at least right now listening to his music which brought me so much comfort-makes me feel sick. So think i’ll be taking a step back.
I don’t really know how to end this, i just needed to get my thoughts out honestly. I have therapy in an hour. I hope all of you who’ve made it to the end have a wonderful day and drink some water. I wish shelby well, and i’m glad she has been able to share this situation. And with that, I must now leave :)
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odditycircus-2002 · 27 days
Hi there! I stumbled upon your blog a while ago and I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your work. I absolutely love your Medusa Reader as well as the interactions between her and Baraka as well as her friendship with Syzoth with the rest of the Earthrealmers and Outworlders and of course the animosity she has for Shang Tsung though he's still attracted to her. I'm also the anonymous person that's been sending you the numerous reactions requests because I wanted to see how you would write out the scenarios that I would ask for and you've never disappointed me. I felt comfortable to reveal myself to you because I was nervous to see what kind of reaction I would get for sending these requests to you. I love the latest scenario that you posted yesterday and I sent you another request though this one is more PG friendly, basically the Outworlders stumbling upon a pet store and them interacting with the animals inside with Medusa Reader and Syzoth encountering the reptiles in the reptile section, Mileena and Kitana as well as Li Mei and Tanya playing with several puppies and kittens and ferrets and Ashrah interacting with several birds while Baraka is asking Johnny why do Earthrealmers keep them as pets and which ones would be delicious to eat scaring the Outworlders and a few customers and maybe Syzoth trying to eat some of the bugs that they sell in the store. You're an amazing writer with incredible talent and I hope to read more from you soon. Keep up the good work, you're awesome!
A/N: Awwwww and I think YOU'RE awesome! Thanks for the asks too as those are fun to write. Sometimes I have to step back from writing since I'm laughing too hard at what I wrote or think about writing with these scenes.😂😂😂 Also, I am SOOOOO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO FINALLY FINISH!!! I hope this makes up for it!!!!
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You and the other outworlders plus Ashrah vaguely wondered about what Earthrealm's fauna is like compared to the other realms. You are all given a chance when coming across a pet store while Johnny was giving you another Earthrealm tour, specifically, a "exotic" pet store, that had a painted tropical bird on the sign. The smell of prey and predator bombarding emanating even just outside the door.
Mileena and Kitana were immediately drawn to the softer looking animals, approaching a pen filled with soft puppies yapping in greeting at the newcomers and another filled with mewing fluffy kittens. Mileena laughed as the puppies tripped over their own feet in their pursuit to greet her and Tanya. The latter lightly jokes/suggests that maybe they train some of these hounds to be Umgadi.
Kitana meanwhile is a few yards from her sister contently petting the kittens and letting them climb all over her, with Li Mei acting as her guard, as old habits die hard. Yet, one could see a small smirk from the former Umgadi priestess as she observes one kitten, the runt of the litter, trying to climb her leg. Admiring the small kit's tenacity. Kitana and Mileena later move their attentions to the small glass case containing ferrets.
You and Baraka followed behind Ashrah and Syzoth as the former wanted to check out the colorful birds there, seeing as the Netherealm doesn't contain any colorful ones nor non-scavengers. However, you lagged behind when your snakes started to hiss up a storm as they all lean towards the terraiums displaying mice and rats, snapping their jaws and flicking their tongues in the direction of the tasty snacks.
"Behave! I'll buy some of them later, just calm down!"
You hurriedly grabbed at your snakes to pull them away, as the rodents within their cases started running around in panic. Syzoth notices one of the store's employees giving you an odd look, and then drags you along to the reptile section while Baraka glowers at the employee until they finally lower their head to avoid eye contact with the Tarkatan.
The Reptile section had to be the most interesting part of the tour. Given how many of your snakes seemed to share many similarities with the serpents being sold here, whether that be in snout shape, eyes, length, or scale color and pattern. Although you had to pull your snakes away from more than one caged serpent, as they tried to eat the smaller ones and curled away from a boa.
Syzoth would remark how some of the reptiles vaguely resemble either relatives or associates from Zaterra. He would point at some of the lizards, such as an "ugly" looking reptile with dull scales and say that it's Archduke Mahazzem before hissing in amusement which you shared in.
"It really DOES look like him."
The Zaterran even pointed at a snake basking on a rock under its heating lamp and remarked that it's you. To which you respond by pointing at a tortoise and saying the resemblance between him and Syzoth is uncanny. While you and Syzoth were ribbing each other, Baraka went off on his own to ask Cage if he could purchase some of the animals, specifically some ferrets, birds, and reptiles. Not as pets but as meat to try out later. Much to Cage's disgust and a few other regular customers' horror. Kitana held the ferret in her arms even closer as did Tanya with one of the pups she was growing fond of.
Cage's disgust doesn't end there as he spots you and Syzoth purchasing some crickets and mice before eating them right at the register, for all to see. At the sound of a child crying, did Cage rush to escort all of you out of the store, not caring for Baraka's protests of not getting anything to eat as well.
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hauntedwitch04 · 7 months
Andrew Garfield x reader
Words: 0.7k words
Warnings: none, just fluff and idiots totally in love with each other
Author’s note: Hi everybody! Sorry to be this late, life is just being crazy right now.
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🎃Halloween party 🎃
DAY 6: “I got some leaves on my way here for you, they are really pretty”
Ever since I was little, I have always collected leaves in the fall. It sounds kind of sociopathic, but my mother and I and then with my sisters, for as long as I can remember we have collected the strangest and most beautiful leaves that we found on our walks in the park during the fall.
Although I am no longer a child, I wanted to keep this tradition alive because it makes me feel closer to my family members who now live far away from me.
When I told my fiancé, Andrew, I thought he would think I was crazy instead he told me it was one of the sweetest things he had ever heard and asked if he could participate in this tradition as well, understanding perfectly well if I didn't want to because it was a very personal thing. I had not been able to help but throw myself at his neck, saying that I would love to share that thing with him, because after all for me and for my whole family it was now part of us, but until today he had never done anything to help me with my collection.
I am baking another pan of cookies, to the tunes of "Nightmare before Christmas," when I hear the front door open and close.
"Hello love!" I hear Andrew shout as he hangs up his jacket and takes off his shoes. "The cold weather has finally started!" He says sarcastically as he enters the kitchen, knowing that I was waiting for nothing more, as I hate heat and summer, while loving to death autumn and the cold it brings. In response I tongues at him as I keep humming the songs and then remember what I was supposed to tell him.
"Althea called me, you know about the surprise party for Iara's birthday, and she told me that it will be around three o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday, but that if we want to get there the night before she has a free room." I tell him, while I am still intent on checking the cookies that I am now taking out of the oven to make sure they are ready. I see him go wide-eyed and run off, and immediately I cannot understand his reaction so abruptly to what I have said.
After a few minutes I see him come back with a book, which he rests on the table. I open it and he proudly shows me a bright red leaf, with a few hints of orange, that seems to be almost heart-shaped.
I feel my heart melt inside my rib cage, seeing with how much love and dedication he is showing me what he has found, and I refrain from kissing him there his moment.
"I got some leaves on my way here for you, they are really pretty. This is my favorite, though. Do you like it?" He asks looking at me with those puppy-dog eyes of his, and I can no longer stop myself from leaving a sweet kiss on his lips. He is caught a little off guard, only to immediately return that gesture of affection from me.
"So am I to take it to mean that you liked it?" He says once we break away, giving me that sly little smile that I so badly want to wipe off with a slap.
"I would say yes, in fact I would say he deserves to have his own frame and a place on the fireplace." I reply, before going to get a photo frame, where there is already a picture of us in a park taken by one of our closest friends. I open the frame and place the leaf next to our figures, and close it all up, before putting it back on the fireplace where it was before. We both stay staring at that frame for what seems like hours, him with his arms around my waist and his chest against my back, while I keep my hands on his, hugging a little and enjoying the perfume he is wearing, which I gave him last Christmas. We don't say a word, but there is no need because we can both feel each other's happiness.
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loveyourownsmiilee · 2 years
Talking Buddie Language: Ep 6.01
Episode 6.01 gave us so many wonderful Buck and Eddie moments. There is so much to analyze that my mind was working overtime trying to distinguish everything and what that all means for them.
Firefighter's Buckley and Diaz & their partnership:
We finally get Eddie back as a full fledged firefighter but only get a tiny moment of him and Buck acting like partners. Buck is paired off with Hen, while Eddie is paired off with Chim to go save the two captains. Now I think it was brilliant to show Eddie being the one to do the big save since this is the first time we see him back as a firefighter. They wanted to show us that he is back and better than ever.
I did appreciate Bobby sending Buck up to help Eddie. He knows they work best when they're working together. That comes from years of seamless partnership and just knowing the other like they were an extension of their self. Buck runs up because he will always be there to have Eddie's back. His cute worried face let us know that he was of course worried about Eddie's wellbeing but was going to do everything in his power to make sure Eddie and the other captain got out of the blimp safely. His soft, “Eddie Hey” alerting Eddie that he’s there and he’s got his back was so perfectly them. They don’t need to talk to do their jobs. They’re in each other’s head. But it was great to see that little soft interaction between them. It's interesting to me that we didn't get any other moment of them two afterwards to discuss any emotions they were feeling during those tense few minutes.
The Interim Captain Debacle:
I loved this scene very much. Eddie is being sassy whilst speaking to Lucy, which indicates that there's still a lack of closeness between the two. His voice did not sound genuine enough when he asked her how she broke her foot off duty.
The parallel between this scene and the one from 3.01 is amazing in how they're different. In 3.01, Bobby is telling the team that Buck isn't getting out of bed and that he's not taking this whole unemployed thing well. Eddie's initial reaction is, "He's just sulking Cap, he'll get over it...Look I know it sucks, but that's life right? Whenever stuff didn't work out for me, my dad always told me to brush it off, keep moving forward." They then discuss how Buck has them, the team, because they're his family and that's the thing that makes Eddie realize he has to check in on his partner. Because until Bobby said that, Eddie wasn't taking Buck's duress seriously due to the way he was raised. He didn't realize it himself that he may need to check in with his friend and see if he needs some kind of support.
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The difference with this scene in 6.01 is that Eddie notices something is wrong with Buck almost immediately. He immediately looks up from what he's doing because the tone of Buck's voice is enough to make him realize that this may be a deeper issue for Buck. You can tell by the raise of his brow and the way he doesn't take his eyes off Buck. I did a mini analysis of this scene already, so I will just link it here so I am not repeating myself. My entire point is that Eddie has let go of the toxic bullshit his father instilled in him and he's allowed himself to be more in tune with Buck. He doesn't need Bobby or anyone else to tell him something is bothering Buck, he knows it before anyone else. That is massive development for not only Eddie, but his relationship with Buck.
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(Gif by @whattarush)
The Buckley-Diaz domestic Family Dinner:
There’s so much to unpack here. First and foremost this is the first Buckley-Diaz family scene we have gotten in such a long time. The last time we saw these three together was in 5.14 and it was during the equine therapy scene. And the last time we saw them having a family dinner, it wasn't just them three because Taylor was also present.
Before anything, I just want to focus on Eddie’s reaction to Buck dismissing Lucy by saying, “She’s whatever you know she’s great. But she’s out.” The man looked up from what he was doing to give Buck the fondest heart eyes ever. He kind of looked at Buck almost as if to say, “Stop talking about other women when I’m sitting in front of you with our child.” It was the second heart eyes we got from him this episode and it was so beautiful to see how Eddie doesn’t even try to hide them at all.
I will say however, that way he raises his right brow and kinda sighs to himself really indicates minor jealousy/hurt over simply hearing her name. It’s almost as if he’s thinking, “Not this again”, which is common when someone is pining for the other person. Which can be the case here. But it’s not something too important for him to dwell on it for long. He just can’t help his reaction to hearing about Buck speak about someone else, especially given he has had some sort of history with that person.
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(Gif by @swiftiebuck)
Buck and Eddie, to me at least, were having two different conversations simultaneously while at Buck’s loft. I think it’s so important that Eddie is sat facing towards Buck during this entire exchange. He’s facing him head on and letting him know he can tell him anything he wants.
B: “So it doesn’t bother you that Bobby didn’t even consider either one of us for interim captain?”
E: “Not really. Just got back to the 118. But clearly it’s bothering you.”
This is very important because this is Eddie taking that leap and bringing up something that is bothering Buck more than he is letting on. It is his way of showing that he is in a better mental health space now and that he is so in tune to Buck’s own emotions. He is confident enough to broach this topic with Buck first and have a normal conversation on what is bothering him. He isn’t letting Buck just sulk until the gets over it. He is breaching the door and allowing Buck to confide in him, without judgement. Also it’s important to note his tone of voice because it’s soft and he doesn’t have all his usual sass underlying his words. He does tend to tease Buck often but right now he is letting Buck know is not one of those times. It is also interesting to note how this conversation, Eddie bringing up that something is bothering Buck is very much something that goes on between couples. It is how longterm partners/spouses approach their significant other to let them know, “Hey, I see you, I know you, you can trust me. I’m here whenever you are ready to unburden your problems.”
B: “When he has so many other excellent options right under his nose.”
E: “Like you.”
Now see Eddie isn’t asking this. Eddie is simply stating that he knows what is on Buck’s mind because he knows him. Knows that this is the root of his problem.
B: “It’s like he’s choosing not to see them & everything they have to offer.”
E: “Time.”
Eddie doesn't respond to Buck’s remark then. He busies himself with Christopher to gather his thoughts. Because Buck seems to not only be talking about Bobby choosing someone else to be interim captain. This is where I believe the two simultaneous conversations begin.
I find it very interesting that Eddie is the one who shifts the conversation into another direction. Sure they can still be talking about the interim captaincy. But he asks Buck plain and simple, “What are you offering?” The way he tilts his head to the left and looks up at him indicates that he genuinely wants to know the answer to that question. Now see, I don’t believe for one moment he wants to know the answer solely for why Buck thinks he should be interim captain. I think this is Eddie’s way of asking in general what Buck is offering to other’s around him, possibly even Eddie himself.
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(Gif by @whattarush)
Buck chooses that moment to offer Eddie and Christopher lasagna, which happens to be Bobby’s famous lasagna. Again, the saying about the way to a man’s heart is through the stomach is very prevalent here and it parallels Eddie cooking dinner for Buck in 5.11.
Eddie’s body language throughout their entire exchange is very open. When he asks what Buck is offering, he spread his arms wide open in a welcoming stance. He’s welcoming whatever Buck’s response is going to be because he’s already welcomed Buck into his life fully. There’s nothing closed about him in thet moment. On the contrary, it’s almost as if Eddie is also giving himself up to Buck by the way he’s spread his arms and offered himself for the taking.
Eddie’s immediate response is to look proud and fond, and respond with, “It does look good.” That is basically Eddie’s way of saying, “I see you, I see what you bring to the table, and I love it. I want what you're offering.”
Buck emphasizing that it took him 3 tries to perfect what he offered Eddie and Christopher is very interesting because he has had 3 previous failed relationships. It took him 3 tries to perfect this dinner for his boys. He is offering not only his lasagna, but himself after these 3 failed relationships, in the hope that he is enough for them. You guys see how Buck and Eddie seem to be dancing around one another with their words?
The Buddie Couch Debacle:
The couch metaphor has me in the tightest chokehold. I remember I answered an ask last season about the symbolism of Taylor’s and Eddie’s couch and what that means to Buck. I unfortunately cannot locate the ask so just bare with me please.
B: “My last two couches came with girlfriends.”
E: “I think you mean your last two girlfriends came with couches.”
The way Eddie says that in a confident but sassy way makes me laugh. Because he’s very well aware of Buck’s previous girlfriends and the baggage (couch) they brought into Buck’s life. What’s interesting is Buck’s eye squint in response. Because he’s looking at Eddie as if to ask him, with their seamless nonverbal communication, what he’s getting at?
E: “Taylor moved out 4 months ago.”
He’s emphasizing that she’s been gone for months and Buck still hasn’t “moved on”. Moved on in the sense that he wasn’t out actively looking for another couch/girlfriend. These two words are being used in place of each other. They’re using couches as a metaphor for his previous girlfriends/relationships.
Eddie is suggesting that Buck could’ve found another girlfriend with her own couch if he had wanted to, but he hasn’t. His tone of voice is interesting to me because he’s not necessarily jealous but it does come off as somewhat passive.
B: “Maybe I don’t want to pick the wrong couch again.”
As Buck says these words, he holds intense eye contact with Eddie. It’s a heated look for sure because he’s trying to make Eddie understand that sure he couldn’t gotten another couch/girlfriend but he’s worried about finding another wrong person. He’s been burnt a few times and his last relationship was all kinds of wrong, which Eddie knows. So the fact that Buck is looking him in the eyes while saying that, slightly raising his brows to challenge Eddie to say something in return is very interesting. Again it’s like they’re definitely not talking about couches but instead talking about the fact that Eddie basically asked Buck why he hasn’t put himself out there again. Meanwhile Buck is informing Eddie that he’s not actively looking for anybody because he doesn’t want to jump into things and risk the next person being a wrong choice again. 
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I also find Buck’s look to have underlying fond tones. Because even when he’s questioning Eddie, he can’t help the love and fondness that is directed towards him everytime he looks his way. You can see it in his eyes, they’re open and it’s his special look he has reserved for Eddie. But there’s a definite underlying heat to them. Something’s changed because the looks they shared back and forth felt charged with something. They definitely have a sorta flirting back and forth going on in that moment and it’s so similar to how they used to be before their respective girlfriends.
One thing I want to mention is I love how both Eddie and Christopher show their love through teasing. That is sort of their own special love language and I think it was so cute and important for it to be Christopher who started the entire couch conversation by simple telling Buck that he “Doesn’t even have a couch.”
Exasperated Fond Husband Mode Activated:
During the scene in the golf course, I just want to mention how married they are. Buck is acting like an overactive puppy but only so he can prove to Bobby that he is a great candidate for interim captain. Eddie catches on almost immediately to his behavior. The part where Buck is closing off the entire area with caution tape and Eddie glances over his shoulder to where Buck is being Buck, it’s typical exasperated husband energy. He rolls his eyes and looks away in a I can’t believe I love this idiot kinda way. You can tell there isn’t anything malicious behind this look. On the contrary, it’s Eddie’s patented fond, exasperated husband look that is only for Buck. We’ve seen many other instances where he looks at him like this. One prime example is when Buck was teaching Ravi how to break the door in 5.04 and Eddie looked back and rolled his eyes again. This look only comes out when Buck is trying to put on a façade and overcompensate at work. I believe it’s because Eddie knows how capable and what a good firefighter Buck is. So he doesn’t think Buck needs to put on an act and be someone he isn’t to do the job they do. Hence the exasperated fond eye roll.
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Saws and Jaws Bring Out the Heart Eyes:
Eddie Diaz is completely smitten over on excitable Evan Buckley. Especially when it comes to Evan Buckley with his saw. You see Eddie standing behind Buck and I love how they immediately share a moment where they have a conversation with their eyes. They always seek each other on the job for any reassurance or just to check in with the one person they’re so close to.
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(Gif by @jakejensen)
The heart eyes he can’t help but bring out when Buck is in his element just goes to show that Eddie likes when Buck is Buck. He loves his Buck and doesn’t think he should change himself because he’s perfect the way he is. It’s a vast difference to his exasperated look when Buck is trying to overcompensate and do more than he needs to and it shows. Eddie is at ease and when he’s at ease, his natural love and fondness for Buck just comes out. It’s like second nature for Eddie to look at Buck like this. His little smile and proud stance further proves that he likes when Buck is like this, in his element, doing what he’s best at.
Bobby and Buck + Couch Debacle Part 2:
Adding to the entire couch discussion, I think it was very important for Buck and Bobby to have the discussion they did at the station. It’s no surprise that Buck looks up to Bobby as a father figure and he was hurting inside over the fact that Bobby didn’t even think of him as a candidate for interim captain.
Buck asking Bobby if the reason for him not choosing him was “Because I don’t have a couch” was a great leeway into Bobby tackling what’s really bothering Buck. When Bobby asks Buck why he doesn’t have a couch, he opens up the floor for discussing what the real issue is that is bothering Buck.
Buck explains how he’s been having trouble picking one out because he’s afraid of making another mistake. Him confiding in Bobby that his previous relationship was a mistake is huge because again he views Bobby like a father figure. He feels comfortable enough to let him on his worries because he knows Bobby won’t diminish his feelings. On the contrary, he’ll help him out, which is exactly what happens here. He uses his own life experiences to try and connect with Buck so that it’s done on a more personal level.
BN: “In AA, there’s this idea that you take inventory of your life, admit your shortcomings, and hope that one day, you can look at the world straight in the eye and be alone at perfect peace and ease.”
B: “You uh, don’t think I’m at ease?”
BN: “I think the important thing is that you answer that question yourself. But when you are, you’ll know. And then you’ll be ready.”
Now here is another example of two conversations occurring simultaneously. They’re not really talking about couches and Bobby knows that to an extent. He knows what Buck suffers with the most and that is finding who he is and what his place is in the world. He’s looking for a partner that will stay and love him now he seeks. He’s been searching for that kinda love for a long time and Bobby knows that. Bobby in his own words is basically saying that he shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes or find the wrong person. There’s nothing wrong with being single for a bit and figuring out who you are while single. He wants him to embrace this about himself so that eventually when the right person does come along he will be ready. 
That then leads to the final scene where we have Eddie and Christopher at home playing their game. The next clip is of Buck in his living room. He grabs the lone arm chair and moves it so that it’s in the middle of the living room, where the couch should be. This is him embracing his single hood for the time being and not being in any rush to go out and get a new couch (meet a new person). This is him being secure in himself and maybe taking this time to learn who he is without being in a relationship and who he is outside of his job. For now he’s happy with his choice but it leaves so many things open for interpretation. Because his conversation with Eddie is still a major factor in his decision to not get a couch. And a part of me thinks that we probably won’t even see Buck get another couch because the couch he’s been looking for, the right couch has been in front of him this entire time. And this perfect couch will be there waiting for Buck for whenever he’s finally ready to choose it.
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(Gif by @911verse)
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hello, I apologize on the behalf of my fellow angry people in your inbox.
I'm also a little angry but I'm doing my best to put that aside because I'm trying to understand you. Please understand that I'm not trying to hurt you with this or anything. This comes from a place of genuine intrigue (while also kind of mad).
Why do you feel the need to define yourself using the transfem label? I get that you think of yourself as approaching femininity from a masculine start point. You said earlier that it's a different, new kind of femininity, like two different sodas. How? Why? From what I understand being a woman is not choosing a monolith out of a henge but instead just identifying with a group. Why are you getting out of the group only to return to a different part of the same group?
I know men and other bigender/multigender/etc people who started as men, fucked around with being a woman or nonbinary for a while and then either returned to masculinity or kept it as part of them. None that I know of insist of saying they're transmasc the way you do. [I have also seen afab people do the same thing, I'm not making this a birthgender thing, I just used this example somewhere else] I myself, during a period of my life "detransitioned" from transwoman to nonbinary and I did not consider myself transmasc for that.
My kneejerk reaction is of course "fuck you, get your effeminate hands off my special little word" [I'm making fun of myself] but after reading through everything you posted recently and thinking about shit I'm asking myself why. Why do they want the word?
possible answers include:
they just want it
internalized misogyny causing them to grow disillusioned with their previous identity as a woman but they still feel like one and wish to return to it under a new pretext
genuinely feels like they have disconnected entirely with womanhood while transistioning and wants to reconnect
I'm doing a shit job of summarizing my feelings on this, I apologize.
Also, why do you refer to yourself as a trans^4 multigenderqueer (hyperbole) but still have your pronouns listed as they/them.
off anon because I think people who hide behind it are cringe.
hello! thank you for such an excellent breakdown of your feelings, and for taking the time to think about your own emotions (completely sincerely, I had a similar journey like this a while ago and getting rid of first impressions is HARD). I think the main disconnect here is the idea of masculinity and femininity being separate (inherently and for me specifically) -- like i said in the answered ask before this, I'm already both a man and a woman, together, at the same time. This, for me, means that both of those aspects of me are trans simultaneously -- I use transfem while being afab because my femininity is trans. (The same would be true of my masculinity had I been amab)
I can't leave cisfemininity because I never belonged there in the first place, and I would never abandon being a girl altogether, so to me the obvious (and quite honestly only) conclusion is queer femininity (which naturally mtf trans women are an immediate part of). The bullet point explanation you've missed here is that I use transfem because it's simply the most accurate word I've found to describe my identity, and gender limiting things in 2024 of all times just doesn't make sense to me :]
(Also I have they/them because that's what I'm most comfortable being addressed as by *checks follower count* almost 20k people. I use different sets with different people -- but also sometimes expression is a lot simpler than identity haha)
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