#if only they didn't censor some of the moments then it would have been the best
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Fellas is there anything gayer then reminiscing the moment you first met your companion during a fight with an outer god
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
5 times eddie singled out steve during a concert and the one time steve did it back
Corroded Coffin fans were no strangers to the deep love shared between frontman Eddie and his boyfriend Steve. To the point where magazines barely cared to feature any candid pics of them unless Eddie was flipping off the camera. "Two Very in Love People Share a Kiss at Cafe Date" didn't really sell much when it was the 50th story like that.
So when Eddie slowed things down in the middle of the concert, getting that very familiar 'heart eyes' look.
"I know my baby's in the audience. Even though he has a very comfortable room backstage. Show me where you are beautiful." Eddie's voice was slightly rough from the first half of songs.
His eyes scanned the audience until he heard a bunch of screaming from his right. The crowd was vibrating and he knew someone had spotted Steve.
"There you are." Eddie bit his lip, grin threatening to split his face. "This next one's for you."
The crowd was a mix of screams and awws as the beginning melody of It's Always Been You was heard.
2. Another day, another venue. This time, the afternoon crowd at a music festival. It was one of Eddie's favorite kind of scenes. People of all types, letting the music take them in broad daylight. A good mix of diehard fans, casuals, and people who had never heard them play before.
Eddie knew for a fact that Steve was sitting in a little foldable chair, with some drink from one of the booths. He always looked so unassuming with his soft hair and even softer clothes. But Eddie could never let him forget his inner badass. Nor did he let anyone else forget.
"Lil pop quiz for my fans", Eddie started. "One of our fan favorites The Knight's Arrival is inspired by someone very special in my life. Can we get a chant going for the man who has always been my knight in shining armor?"
A very enthusiastic chant for Steve started and Eddie thought his heart might burst. It was like a triumphant reprisal of those times the school would cheer on the ex-king on game night.
3. Sometimes the band put an age restriction on a concert. Now Eddie was of the mind that children didn't need to be coddled or have things censored for them. But also, he didn't need to lay it all out when there was a kid in the audience.
It was these kinds of shows that Eddie let it all hang out. More than one song was inspired by his nights with Steve. His angel's voice even featured on one track, letting out husky moans as Eddie brought him to the brink in the recording booth.
And tonight Eddie was hot. Hot enough to have already taken his shirt off and throw it to the audience. Hot enough that when he went backstage and saw Steve, he was only thinking of one thing. Eddie kissed him deep, tongue licking at the roof of his mouth before a word could leave his lips.
Crash was keeping the audience going with a drum performance. One that started with a simple beat that slowly intensified.
"I want them to hear you", Eddie said against Steve's mouth.
Steve's hair was already tangled in his hair. "You wanna dangle me in front of them?", he smirked.
"Show them you're mine", Eddie started nibbling at his jaw. "Show 'em how good I love you down."
Eddie got the headset mic rigged onto Steve. His sweet boy was already hard, just as turned on from seeing Eddie in his element as he ever was. Eddie slid down to his knees and unzipped his boyfriend's pants.
It started quiet. Not even audible as Crash really got going on the drums and got close to the climax. The room erupted as he reached the end. And it was in the calming of their cheers that they finally began to hear it.
"Eddie, mmmfuck."
They stirred in unison. Steve's voice rang loud and clear as he received a pleasure the rest of them could only speculate on.
"Fuck, sso good. Don't stop. Don't stop-ahh."
For a moment all they heard was Steve's quickening breaths before he called out Eddie's name, dragging it out like he was falling down a well.
Eddie came out moments later, licking something off his lips to cacophonous cheers. The bassline to Take a Bite began. He wished he could've told his high school self that one day he'd get a standing ovation for blowing a guy.
4. "Before we get started tonight I gotta make an announcement!", Eddie came out, already on 100. "First, where's my angel baby. Help me find him."
As usual, a particular part of the audience went wild and moved in a way that could only mean Steve was there.
"Can I get a parting of the Red Sea?", Eddie asked, moving his hands apart and getting that part of the mob to split like Moses. Steve stood there in the middle.
"Get used to that gorgeous. My fellow rockers, scholars, and mischief makers - I am officially a kept man." He flashed the ring on his finger to a din of screams. "Wedding's next fall and we're registered at every corner liquor store! 5-6-7-8!"
5. Eddie felt like he was home. In the middle of a set, shredding in a way that made him feel alive. The current song made it even better. One of the best collaborative efforts of the band. All of their fingerprints were on this track.
The crowd was just as amped up, giving back everything they got. There truly was no place he'd rather be.
Then he caught sight of his Steve, standing just off stage in the wings. And he was overcome. None of this would be possible without him. And even if Eddie and his boys somehow made it to stardom, it all meant nothing without his sweetheart.
Eddie casually walked over, fingers still moving as he got closer to Steve. He only took his hands off his guitar to grab his fiance and dip him as they kissed. Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck. This wasn't his first time being kissed on stage.
And just as other times, the crowd went wild, while Jeff, Gareth, and Crash rolled their eyes through the playing.
6. Steve watched, absolutely lovestruck as Eddie sat on the couch, eating cereal. Dustin's baby, little Deana was propped up on cushions next to him, clearly satisfied as she sat there content. They were uncles babysitting for the weekend.
Steve walked over and grabbed the remote from off the coffee table, holding it like a mic. "All the babes out there, are you ready to rock?", he pointed to Deana.
Her new eyes got large at the movement and sound and her little fists waved in the air.
"But before I go on, I gotta give special love to someone tonight", Steve turned his gaze to Eddie. "To the greatest thing since sliced bread, I could watch you eat Coco Puffs all day."
"You're such a cornball", Eddie beamed, cheeks turning pink. "Can't believe you're doin it in front of a baby."
"Oh, don't tell me the god of rock is getting bashful? So when I wanna shout you out in front of our niece, it's cheesy. But when you call me out in front of thousands-"
"Shut up and kiss me." Eddie put the half finished bowl on the floor and grabbed Steve by the wrist, pulling him right into his lap.
Steve let out a little breath between kisses. "Dustin's gonna have a fit if he finds out we made out in front of his baby."
"What he don't know won't hurt him."
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nana-b0b · 16 days
》🔞 These panels are censored, you can go to the last of the post to find out where to see them!
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A little historical info to better understand:
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♡♡♡♡♡!!! I really feel happy and overcome with these panels, I was thinking a lot about how to make them since there were several obstacles: I had never drawn something NSFW before as it should be 😅 I never got that far so to speak, there was always a line that prevented me from taking that step, since it is not the same to draw some small scene where you only see something specific to a whole pose as such and all that implies. But after many ideas and turns I managed to take that step (maybe small for some but for me it was like reaching the moon 😂) and the most important and most feared was that the essence of the drawings and the style would be lost but I could keep it well and make it coexist ♡.
Note: as for the text accompanying the panels I want to say that it's not my best work as a narrator hahaha I don't write anything since I was about fifteen and it was my era of fanfics and stuff, so I feel its very basic and empty! 😅 ♥!
Now, let's talk a bit about the panels! Well, as we all knew this moment was coming, it was no surprise -3- Ryomen really had to be patient to get what he had been thinking for a while, but he didn't want it to be something random as it could be with any woman he wanted, he was really curious to see how Aurora could look like with the full appearance of a lady of the Heian era and when he saw her, he just couldn't resist. One thing will be clear: Aurora won't wear black teeth again, there will be no way to paint her teeth again without someone losing a limb. As for her eyebrows: she's really mad about that, but I'll let it go.
And to close this post I come with a novelty (I've been thinking about this for days) now we are going to be able to have these drawings completely uncensored on patreon.
I'm not going to lie, using more than two social networks for me is already a lot 😥 if it were up to me I would only post everything in one place but we know how the rules are and we have to respect them, if just by showing a nipple (which is a pixel 😂 ) they almost censored me on Instagram I knew this would be difficult and Tumblr is not lagging behind, while there are things that it lets pass there are others that it doesn't and it's not nice to have to make such complex drawings so that the AI doesn't detect them as 🔞 since there comes a certain point that you get tired too and it loses the grace.
My patreon will be the place for all my works 🔞 without any censorship already, you are going to be able to enjoy both public and private content depending on the type of work ♡. I think also for me it's an incentive to be able to start letting go more of my ideas and continue with everything I want to do :)
To say goodbye first I want to always thank you for all the support you give me and all your messages 🖤 and second to warn you that this CAP of Ren will be in patreon already published privately but all the other censored drawings are public for you to see and enjoy them as they should ⭐
Here are the publications that I censored and that you can now see, there are not many at the moment x'D
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whetstonefires · 1 year
So like, I'm pretty darn sure Mo Xuanyu did not actually make a pass at Jin Guangyao.
For several reasons, like for one thing hitting on your own actual brother who is also your boss is genuinely insane behavior, in a way nothing else we know about the guy actually matches, other than his reputation for being crazy which mostly seems to originate from the same point as the sexual harassment allegations. which tracks because even with rampant societal homophobia, that's such a crazy thing to do people would question it if it didn't come paired with the information that he's insane.
Then there's the fact that if that had actually happened, there's basically no way master spin artist jgy would have let it get out, because actually experiencing that would trigger his sense-of-uncleanliness issues so hard.
But what we see is that somehow Everyone Knows that it happened, but also that Jin Guangyao totally didn't tell anyone, because he's too merciful and kind and respectable. It just mysteriously leaked somehow that this private scandal happened.
(Also, to step up a meta level, the gay goth kid who was never quite accepted into his own family and wound up self-destructing was in fact guilty of the homophobic allegations spread by the powerful man who manipulates reputation for personal advantage? This is not the kind of story where that would be true. The thematic dissonance is too much.)
The only way it's believable that mxy made a move on jgy is if jgy spent a long time maneuvering him into it, hinting and deniably flirting and just generally being maximum skeeze, just a huge elaborate incestuous honeypot, just to bait a 'ruined reputation' trap. Which makes no sense at all.
I don't think jgy is necessarily above that kind of creepy grooming behavior but I do think he would hate it, and definitely wouldn't resort to it when sowing rumors would work just as well. and expose him to less risk.
So Mo Xuanyu didn't do it.
So what we've got is that Jin Guangyao systematically obliterated this kid's credibility.
No one would listen to anything he said after being expelled in that sort of context, especially anything against Jin Guangyao, whom he now has obvious motive to smear. This was a preemptive strike against some kind of leak.
It's exactly the kind of thing jgy would do--it targets individual vulnerability, leverages the weak points in Mo Xuanyu's reputation into gaping chasms, in a way that associates jgy with scandal but makes him personally look better. also shows signs of jgy projecting his own issues onto others. The MO fits.
And his motive is easy to construct: Mo Xuanyu had had access to his secrets, such as Wei Wuxian's manuscripts and probably a lot of the other ugly shit. And Jin Guangyao needed him silenced, due to some thing or other, but as with SiSi didn't want to have to kill him.
(A fascinating thing about jgy as a villain is the moments where he yields to sentiment pretty consistently contribute to his destruction.)
But then we come around to: so why didn't Mo Xuanyu sic Wei Wuxian on Jin Guangyao, then?
In cql wwx does have a curse cut for jgy, to keep him in the plot and create an additional open storyline to resolve, since viewers are gonna be denied romantic catharsis, but in cql the homophobia plotline isn't there because all the gay is censored, and mxy allegedly hit on qin su instead. which is less utterly unhinged to do though still big wtf.
In the book, mxy summoned the Yiling Patriarch just to kill the Mos. (Which he didn't even do lmao.)
So I've always been sort of poking at that, like if you're destroying your own soul to get revenge, why spare the person who deliberately ruined your life?
Even if he had done the thing, it was weird! Maybe even weirder; if you're in a headspace where making sexual advances anyone should be able to predict are unwelcome seems like a good idea in the first place, there's a pretty good chance getting punished for them isn't going to make you think you were in the wrong. Otoh there is a zone where he could have done it, gotten the backlash, cleared his head a bit, realized it was fucked up to do, and therefore not held a grudge in that particular direction, but it's still weird. (And also he definitely didn't do the thing.)
But if he was so angry, why was he not angry at Jin Guangyao? Who definitely kicked him out of the Sect, all else aside?
And then I looked at the passage in Jin sect where we swap to Jin Ling's pov and he tells us one of the few first-hand things we hear about Mo Xuanyu: He thought Jin Guangyao was the most amazing person in the whole world. He adored him.
And being betrayed and rejected by him didn't turn that into resentment. Even though he resented the other side of his family enough to want them gratuitously murdered.
So you know what I think happened?
I think Mo Xuanyu thinks it was an honest misunderstanding. That Jin Guangyao, his idol, falsely concluded that his gay little brother was creeping on him based on a misinterpretation of his admiring behavior, and was appropriately revolted. And that Mo Xuanyu doesn't blame him for it. He blames himself.
He went back to his mother's family to rot genuinely feeling like the ruination of his life was his own fault for being creepy. And died like that.
Because of that, to a considerable extent. How can you bend any of your will to saving yourself, to getting out of an abusive situation and seeking a better one, when you don't think you deserve to be saved?
Fucks me up.
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toxicanonymity · 7 months
when raider met sweet pea
1k words  | analysis of raider!Joel x f!reader
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Raider Joel Master List 
This is a peek inside early, unevolved raider joel in the original fic from March. We know how much he’s grown since then, but he’s done terrible, inexcusable things, and he knows it.  NOTES: You're referred to as sweet pea in this, Joel's pet name for you. General HC followed by Q&A. Thank you @milla-frenchy for always having good Qs. I have great Qs from others too that I'll get to as I can (looking at u @javier-penas-wifexx420, and others). To raider's pr team, sorry for going back in time but FIWB. WARNINGS: References to noncon, assault.
Here’s how I HC what happened under the surface:  When Joel interrupted the men from taking sweet pea, it wasn't a noble rescue mission. Mainly, he was fed up with the men and wanted to put them in their place. But then, one of the men used the butt of his rifle under her chin to make her look up, and this is what unlocked or triggered something in Joel:  She looked at Joel thinking he was saving her, and something in her face had a subconscious effect on him -- like he saw her hope and appreciation, and saw someone looking at him like he was a good man who mattered to them. It made him feel needed, which he hadn’t felt for so long that he didn’t even recognize the feeling, or know how to feel it, much less what to do with it.
That moment created the tiniest crack, a minuscule window into the man buried under the persona built by trauma and the apocalypse. The crack was too tiny to change his behavior yet, but that tiny window allowed him to see a glimmer of something else possible and allowed him to subconsciously connect with her in a way he hadn't connected in ages.  From his raider persona, everyone is pretty 2D, so consciously, he's not seeing or treating her (or anyone) as a real person at this point. But that moment still resulted in a “spark,” like a magnetism, and the crack in his shell grows over time. 
When he takes her inside: it was likely unusual that he took her somewhere private. Normally, he does things in front of the other men to show dominance (see Stash House).  Subconsciously, that tiny part of him wanted to feel like a protector, and taking her somewhere private may have been his pathetic idea of a protective gesture, physically picking her up and taking her away from the worse (more violent) guys.
He takes her to the room intending for her to suck his dick by default, but I don't think P in V was always his intent:  He doesn't threaten or mention fucking her upfront when he’s telling her what’s going to happen.  He tells her she's gonna suck his dick and to be a good girl and it'll be over quick. While she sucks him, he decides he has to have her (be inside her).  He says "alright sweet pea, now pull down your pants for me." He was acting on his primitive urges and what his body wanted in that moment for whatever reason -- he's a raider and has a huge sense of entitlement. Even though his escalation wasn’t out of malice, the effect is that he made the attack worse. He’s a bad person and a r*pist, and he knows it.
(Note, I’m only censoring this word because other people censor it and I sense some people find it jolting to see even if they read noncon. I'm not censoring it to try to make him look better. His past is a part of him, there's no getting around the fact that he's a r*pist. He's the last person who would want it forgiven or excused. He kinda hates himself ). 
Q: I've been wondering if he could have done to other women what he did to sweet pea in the 1st chapter
He did at least make other women suck his dick in the past. As for how he sees his past behavior now, it'll come out eventually, not like an OOC monologue, like a word in passing or implied here or there.
Q: I think you wrote somewhere that Joel didn't approve of the behavior of some of his men with women, and that Carter wasn't like that (was I dreaming?)  
The men who had sweet pea at the beginning of ch 1 are more physically aggressive and violent with women, physically forcing them and hurting them, whereas Joel calmly told sweet pea what to do (while he was heavily armed) and didn’t physically hurt her. The other men will smack them around and gang rape them. Joel feels like that behavior from men is weak, like if you're going to physically hurt someone, pick on someone your own size. He doesn’t feel moral superiority for this (I mean he doesn't see himself as a good guy), but he sees himself as stronger and more dominant than men who need to hurt a weaker person.
Q: Why is he so possessive and jealous, since day 1? In failed rescue : "He describes you. Joel’s jaw clenches and his eyes darken.  He waits a beat before answering." I love that 😏 but it's super fast. Did she trigger something in him from day one?
When he initially decided she's his so quickly, most importantly, he means she's not anyone else's. He's in charge, he's claimed her, he's dominant, and he's the boss. That was his original intent and he didn't expect it to go further than that.  But it goes beyond that because of the moment explained above. So it's also his primitive instinct that she's his, and that’s what you see when her bf describes her in your quote. Whatever connection or feeling was created by the way she looked at Joel made her special, and he couldn't let go of it. So she became like a precious possession at that point. Since then, he’s slowly evolved to where she’s not just a possession, but certainly still his. 
Thank you so much for reading. I really adore everyone's interest and investment in raider!Joel. If you love raider joel, please interact with his fics -- it's always better late than never. Comments mean a lot no matter how small, and reblogs mean a lot regardless of blog size. I know most of raider's fans started as lurkers, and I don't judge for your lurking era. Most of my tumblr bffs started as lurkers.
Ik the tense is all over the place in this sorry lol
TY ILY 🖤🖤🖤
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oogaboogaspookyman · 4 months
It's been a while, hasn't it?
The office door creaks open
"Heya Pom! Brought back the paper i asked you yesterday?" Jax sounded so cheery. So happy while you just sat there on the chair like a drunkard... Well he's not a romance guy, of course he would be happy on his own. Damn rabbit.
"Not a word? What, still miss Sir Dentures?" He chuckles. He doesn't stop chuckling. What a clown... Thinks the jester. Ironic.
His smile fades into a sincere frown.
"Look here, Pom... It was necessary. He's free, paid for restoring us, we're all good now. No more murder and i got my nice charming scarf back and my favorite brushes, i'm the cool art teacher again!"
"So turn the dumb frown upside down aaaand please give me the paper i asked you? Please and thank you?"
"You're not a romance guy, of course you're fine. [___]hole..."
"Oh for the love of- the censor is still here?! God darn it, i wanna say the f word for once! I loved doing that!"
You grip onto the table until it began to crack at the memory of him. Him, him, him. That stupid fucking human.
"Pom you may wanna lay off the grip there, i paid a lot for tha-"
A chunk is crushed. Like paper.
Pomni lets go, revealing the chokehold put on the table left a permanent mark.
"Did ya dissociate again? I spoke well 'n clear, i paid a lot for that one!"
"Suck me, rabbit, you can get your s[__]t yourself" Pomni gets up and storms off from the office with no more words.
"Eh... Christ she's not okay..." Jax sighs
"Wonder if things coulda been better?"
Nobody helps at all.
Gangle offered to distract her, have a play, but Pomni wasn't in the mood.
Zooble offered a smoke but she didn't wanna try that kind of stuff.
Bubble is too much of an agent of chaos to give a shit, offered to commit "one (1) arson".
Kinger is just too far gone in his dementia, lucid when it was fucking funny and nothing more...
Nobody helps.
He knew how to help...
Only he knew...
The door to Ragatha's room creaks open
"Oh hey Pomni! How's your day go... Oh..." Ragatha notices Pomni is not any form of happy, if anything she looks like she's empty inside and wants to die...
"Oh you're not alright... Would you like to talk over tea..?"
"Mm... Will you let me vent properly?" Pomni groaned, still doubting that she won't pull out the whole everything is fine bullshit
"Oh- u-uhm- yes of- of course! Of course, i- i apologize for my past behavior, i really wasn't in my... B- best moments, at the time..." Ragatha stuttered. Don't stutter, you pretentious... ... Anyhow.
"Okay... Do you remember... Caine?" Ragatha already caught wind of the situation...
"The human with the dentures head? Yes, i remember him just fine, he restored us..."
"He was a good man, although didn't have the best manners he was alright nonetheless, knew how to make some laugh..." Ragatha and Pomni chuckled at the memory of Caine's wacky way with words. Jumping jellybeans? Seriously? That's a man right there!
A good dude...
"..." Pomni's pupils turned into black scribbles at the thought of him. The chuckling had faded as soon as it started, replaced by...
"I loved that human, if i'm being honest... He knew how to cheer me up, how to make the situation seem less bigger than it actually is... He knew how to kiss, god did he know..." Ragatha let out an "oh my" after hearing Caine kissed her, what else did they do..?!
"He... He was... He's amazing. Just that, amazing..." Pomni sighed, sipping on the tea she's given... "I loved him..." She began to sniff, putting down her cup.
"Oh dearie, come here-" Ragatha put down her cup and welcomed Pomni with open arms, knowing full well she needed to let it out of her system.
And that she did. Pomni got up and hugged Ragatha as tight as she could, and began to sob her lonely heart away, "He loved you too, Pomni, that cannot be denied..." Ragatha spoke as she held Pomni close. The poor jester, so alone...
How ironic.
She has friends, and yet she's lonely.
Caine had filled up a hole nobody could fill, and now that he's gotten out of the game after restoring everyone to their better conditions... That hole is empty once more, a gaping void and nothing to fill it.
How lonely this jester must be...
But it was necessary. He's free now.
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riddles-fiddles · 10 months
I was wondering if I could request a riddle fic? Riddle and his "Least" favorite ruler breaker! Idk I thought it'd be super cute to watch a rule breaking Yuu be let off the hook just because Riddle has a soft spot for them while Ace gets the full punishment. Ace would probs get so annoyed at that lol
YESSS I love the idea of Riddle slowly developing a soft spot for a slightly rebellious Yuu, because! It surely brings a flicker of warmth to him to be remebered that breaking rules or not abidding by the extremes isn't the end of the world, and that he's allowed to be imperfect, just like his little adored troublemaker.
Roses Beyond Thorns
Synopsis: Riddle isn't as pissed as you might think from the way you deliberately breaks rules. Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, minor appearance of Ace Trappola Tags: fluff, comedy, SFW Notes: gender neutral reader, I am so sorry for the long wait akjdhajshd life has been a bitch recently
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The corner of Riddle's nose twitches, a motion almost left unnoticed as he stares blankly at your uniform — at first glance, nothing looked too out of the ordinary, but Riddle has a sharp eyesight and meticulously picks on the smallest of details. He knows you purposely swapped the colours from the school's bowtie (black to white stripes) and the way your funky socks peeked through your hem was merely part of your antics to test his tolerance.
Yet, after the blot incident, he promised to go easy with the strictness he had previously showed regarding the Queen's rules, so he watches in silence as you roam around Heartslabyul with your offending clothing, an innocent spring to your feet - like you're not purposely teasing him.
He also knows everyone is discreetly (or not so much) exchanging side eyes between you two, awaiting for their housewarden to burst some censoring comment about your uniform, but it never comes, and it makes everyone on the dorm hold their breaths. Riddle keeps the nagging thoughts to himself, circling his thumbs as he leans back against the cushioned surface of his seat, gaze burning against your back.
It's another unbirthday to celebrate, and as expected, Riddle keeps the diligent housewarden stance, eventually engulfed from the responsibilities and the many people to greet and talk to. And that's the cue you need to drag Ace away from the crowd, pulling him towards the Rose Maze.
"Wouldn't it be lovely to paint the roses a darker shade of red over their ends? It would highlight their blooming glow," you muse, hand waving around the heart-shaped bushes. Ace winces from a moment, wary of your antics; normally, he wouldn't be hesitant to join you on your pranks, but his neck still strained from Riddle's punishing collar, earned after skipping feeding-the-flamingos duty. "Come on, Ace. I didn't know you were a chicken-head."
The smug grin on your face followed by the teasing comment was enough to brush away any ounce of meticulous restraint - nobody calls Ace a chicken-head! He's not a coward, and he's definitely not afraid of his housewarden's rage...! Liar, and he would soon regret it.
Riddle notices how giggly you and Ace look, and that's enough to stir some suspicion. Nothing good comes out of a humorous Ace.
Riddle has a sharp eyesight and easily picks up on the smallest of details. It only takes him two minutes of staring into the delicate petals, fingers brushing off the cheap paint out of the edges to realize what you have been up to.
"So, whose idea was it to stain the roses perfect cherry colour with maroon? Did you two really think I would not notice the contrasting tones?" Riddle's voice drips with a tame commanding tone - he's really containing himself to not straight out blurt Off With Your Head, and it shows on his cold, stoic features. You can't help but let the ghost of a smile tug at the corner of your lips, amusement mixed with surprise. Of course Riddle would be able to discern the colours, even name them.
Ace remains silent, his gaze fixated on the floor. He was a real friend, despite his loudness and mischievous personality, not even mumbling out your name.
"I just thought a darker colour along the petals would make them look prettier, bringing out their core and the lucid glow of their youth, since they have just finished blooming." You confess, tone innocent and soft. You're ready to face the consequences, so your voice comes sincere, though there's not much regret on the shy, minimal smile that graces the corner of your lips.
And Riddle notices it. He notices it, and can't help but feel his stoned heart warm up, melting away from the way you look so proud of it. You had a special and weird way to tug at his heartstrigs without even meaning it. He always felt a strong sense of righteousness, to live by rules - or else everything would descend into chaos - but then you would stand guiltless in front of him after some prank that conflicted with the Queen's sayings, and he would find your boldness amusing... hopeful, even.
Riddle stays silent, grey eyes searching for any lies or foul, hidden intents alongside your features, the intensity of his nimbus-colored irises sending electricity all through your skin. Though he looks severe, he secretly revels on the way your eyes glisten against his office's light, how your cheeks are graced with a light rosy tint, and most important - how you look genuinely proud of your work.
"Fine," he sighs out, long gloved fingers coming to pinch the bridge of his nose, head moving to the sides in an exasperated, dramatic motion - his hand casting shadows over his face in time to conceal a blush that slowly creeped up his cheeks, complexion easing. "I can recognize your... creative approach regarding the roses, and although I don't appreciate it, I can't find a reason to punish you for it."
He waves you off, allowing you to exit his office. What you fail to notice, however, is the small, longing smile that tugs at Riddle's features the moment you turn your back, the hint of a shy sparkle of admiration growing on his pupils. Ace comes to reach for the door, but is quickly stopped by a hand coiling around his shoulder, pulling him back.
"Trappola, I'm not done with you."
The next day you visit, you find Ace working on the Rose Maze, the heart-shaped red collar matching his current position - the flowers had been stripped from their lively colour, going back to their usual white selves, and now Ace was tasked to paint them all until tea time. No shortcut with his magic allowed thanks to the collar, he was expected to comply with excellency, merely relying on his bare skills with a brush and a can of paint.
"This is so unfair! All you have to do is look pretty and bat your eyelashes and Riddle spares you the collar?! No way, you're helping me out since I wouldn't be in hot water again if it wasn't for your stupid idea!"
You can't help but laugh with a mix of mischief and solidarity, deciding out of the goodness of your heart to help the poor guy out - but not before having a good laugh out of it, and even a photo. For memories sake, you tell him.
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awakefor48hours · 3 months
Update: they’re now @dailyanimeships (I'm blocked so no tag there :/) but it's the same person. Update 2: they’re blocked again. Let’s celebrate
Hello everyone, I need your help getting rid of someone that's been harassing people (myself included).
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This is the person in question and I need your help to get rid of them and stopping any future harassment.
Even if you're not in the Black Clover fandom, I would appreciate a moment for your time to read this. For a bit of context, if you haven't seen Black Clover, the main ship in the show is Astelle (Asta x Noelle). In the show, Noelle has a massive crush on Asta (think Amity to Luz/Marinette to Adrien/Hinata to Naruto/etc, etc). It's pretty clear that Astelle will be canon but sometimes canon doesn't matter and people ship different things. Now onto this whole shit show.
Harassing in DMs
To start off, they're basically every shade of bigot. My moots and I have gotten really nasty DMs from dailyasnoel and I'm going to censor them because there's pretty bad slurs in them.
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The first one was sent to me and the second one was sent to @the-geek-librarian
We're both in a server and everyone in this server (nearly 15 of us) have been blocked. Keep in mind, not a single one of us had ever interacted with them in our lives. We've all tagged our posts properly and haven't said a single negative thing about Astelle or their blog. They went out of their way to send us these DMs with very hateful slurs all because we don't want the same fictional teenagers kissing.
Harassing others
This isn't even the first time that dailyasnoel has gone after people simply for just shipping Noelle with another character. These two, ramiliadoesstuff and kcuf-ad have also posted about been harassed.
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Along with that, there is now a ship week for Kahonoelle (a femslash ship involving Noelle) being run by moot @t-f-t (Alex) and this was the response to the original post (a post that was tagged properly and no malice towards anyone) announcing this.
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This could've just been the end of it but they felt the need to send an ask to Alex expressing their disgust because there's people who don't want the same fictional teenagers kissing.
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Then there's this lovely comment on that post.
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Guess who's going to be extremely annoying during Kahonoelle week. (BTW, wouldn't it be really funny if we got them off the internet before their shit ass Astelle week).
This harassment isn't just on tumblr either, it's on AO3 too.
I scrolled through the Yunoelle (Yuno x Noelle) tag on AO3 and the comments on some of these fanfictions are so vile. There's so many hate comments and I didn't even screenshot all of them because there's so many of them.
I found comments left by people with the username "dailyasnoel" and other guest users with different usernames that make similar comments to dailyasnoel because I assume it's the same person.
Making the Devils Cry
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Yuno and Noelle Oneshots
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When the Sea Goddess Snaps
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Hot Tub Accident
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While scrolling the Yunoelle tag, I noticed that there's people who have started limited their comment section, have deleted comments with responses like "dude, calm down," or have made their fanfictions private.
And even as a little side note, I want to make it clear that I was able to look at every single Yunoelle fanfiction on AO3 because it's not even a popular ship. There's only 31 fanfictions for them so a lot of these fanfictions are written by the same authors. On the other hand, Astelle has been consistently the most popular ship in the fandom and even has the most fanfictions. So it's not even like Astelle fans are hurting for fanfictions or that Yunoelle fans are invading their spaces.
The actual blog
The icing on this queerphobic, harassing, racist cake is that they're an art thief. Their blog only has art and all of it is from other people. There's no indication these are reposts, there's no signs that they got permission to repost these, nor any links to the original posters. (original art links > 1/2/3)
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If you know nothing about Black Clover or the fandom, I want to make this abundantly clear, this is behavior is unacceptable. This fandom has been very peaceful as of late and this one person does not speak for Astelle fans in the slightest. The Astelle fans I've interacted with are quite lovely, and if Asta or Noelle or Tabata (the creator) saw this, they'd be disgusted.
Whether or not you're in the Black Clover fandom is irrelevant. This is a horrible person and art thief, please report and block this person. Together, we can get rid of this person.
@dailyasnoel I know you have me blocked but if you happen to read this, I want you to know that if this small part of you that you show on the internet is even a modicum similar to how you behave in real life (joking or not), you are going to live a very sad and lonely life.
I hope you enjoy your own company because no one will want to be your friend, no one will support you, and above all else, no one will mourn you. Your absence will be treated with nothing but joy and whimsy because you are a sad and pathetic parasitic monster.
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re-bee-key · 10 months
Just watched the Tumblr Live QnA Panel, and here's some of my thoughts:
* Had to toggle on Tumblr Live to watch and agree to the terms.
The stream itself was a little low quality visually, not terrible, but either they used a low quality camera or streaming isn't up to the same quality as other sites like Tiktok
* the gifting feature that mimics Tiktok was obnoxious. Users that seem to use Tumblr Live a lot where using gifts very often. The gift icons would take up most of the screen covering chat.
Some people in chat suggested that the gifters were Staff plants to make the site seem more popular than it is. There is no way to verify if they are or are not. But these individuals talked in the chat about how they use Tumblr Live all the time, and some dont even have blogs they only use Live. Which is????
I don't like the gifting emojis. But i dont like them on Twitch or tiktok either, so shrug emoji, i guess
Questions Answered (that i remember)
* The Chronological Dashboard will stay. They mentioned this several times that tumblr, while they are going to improve the For You algorithm, the main Chronological Dashboard will not change.
* Tumblr Live apparently isn't blocked in Europe and is just waiting for approval, which is soon. They said it being blocked was misinformation. (Which i have no way to verify.)
* LGBTQA+ and specifically Trans content getting flagged or censored is a bug, apparently. They said it happens from time to time, but reporting should fix it. Users in the chat were unhappy with this answer since the issue has lasted for such a long time and doesn't seem or feel random. But they did not comment further.
* Tumblr posts being collapsable was not super addressed. They sort of skimmed over this question and just said that they try lots of new features to see what works and what doesn't. Apparently, there will be a toggle to turn this feature on or off.
* Tumblr Groups was addressed. It was shut down because not enough users used the feature.
Apparently, not many users use Tumblr Live either, but they want to keep working on it to make it appealing.
* Another bit about Tumblr Live. CEO essentially said they will not give the option to permanently toggle off the feature.
One user had asked if Tumblr had investors. CEO said, "Of course."
CEO did mention they "might" add a way to permanently turn off tumblr live. But it if they did, it would be a paid option over $20.
* One user commented that they are epileptic and that certain ads trigger their seizures because of the flashing colors and wanted to know what they would do for this issue. Tumblr CEO said "Well you could pay for No Ads."
CEO talked about paying to go ad free a lot. Saying only 25 thousand users pay for it at the moment.
Personally, it seems really irresponsible to suggest that the only way to fix an accessibility issue is for a user to pay money. As if disabled people dont have to pay enough as it is.
* I had asked if they were willing to work with more artists for Merch and Badges. They said they are working on it and there is a feature called Creatr that is set up to uplift creators and work with them on merch ideas.
I've never heard of Creatr. He seemed like we should have known what it was? Maybe they should promote that more. I know we all want more ways to support artists.
* More Badges and Achievements are coming. Apparently, a Legacy Badge that shows how long you've been on tumblr is in the works. (Im personally very excited about Badges.)
* Tumblr is thinking bout doing more QnA and even meet ups at different conventions and some even at the headquarters themselves. (They did not acknowledge questions that asked for a Headquarters video tour.)
Anyways, that was about all I can remember. Staff didn't record the panel, so hopefully, one of the other users did.
They talked about other random stuff. Calling out gifters specifically and rambling about donuts and books.
Oh, also, they brought a ball pit. Which is, yeah. Lol
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tossawary · 6 months
So, I started thinking about a Kuina Lives + Strawhat Kuina AU specifically because of a paragraph on the wiki page. I was looking up info on Shimotsuki Village while I was taking down notes for a potential Pre-Canon ZoLu fic inspired by the live-action show.
Allegedly, the infamous 4kids dub CHANGED things so that Kuina didn't die, she was PERMANENTLY DISABLED to the point of being unable to pursue her dream. And my brain went: "?!" I see no reason why (aside from a few very extreme cases of disability) a disabled Kuina could not become a Strawhat pirate and go on adventures anyway! (Franky is a CYBORG who looks increasingly like a MECHA and Chopper's pills are BONKERS.)
Relevant quote: "Per standard policies, the 4Kids-dubbed anime censored her death, stating that she had been permanently injured by the friends of a man she'd defeated (and removing all scenes depicting her funeral or grave)." Which is driving my brain UP THE WALL with possibility when Kuina and Tashigi also supposedly both have names referencing flightless birds. The THEMES. The SYMBOLISM.
Personally, I still prefer Kuina becoming injured in an innocuous fall rather than having people directly responsible for her physical disability. The degree of her injury depends on what story that a person is individually writing. I see two potential ways forward (of many) that both interest me.
OPTION A: Kuina is physically disabled to the point of being unable to fight well generally, especially with swords. She uses a wheelchair and crutches to get around, and has some other lingering issues. So, like, she can definitely still whack people with a sword and shoot a gun, but Zoro is wielding Wado Ichimonji because Kuina feels she cannot do it justice. (But she's still supervising!!! She's Zoro's coach.)
Kuina's grandfather was a swordsmith, so in this case, she would end up in a smith, weapons expert, and quartermaster role for the Strawhats. She, Usopp, and Franky can be the Crafting Team! Ship maintenance crew! Kuina takes Merry's sinking nearly as badly as Usopp does.
OPTION B: Kuina has "mostly" recovered from her injury, which set her back for several years, but is still struggling. A dedicated female fighter on the Strawhat crew is VERY tempting as an idea. Monster quartet, yes? Yes! She's wielding Wado Ichimonji and Zoro is still searching for his own dedicated swords.
She could still be a swordsmith and quartermaster in this case! In either case, A or B, I think it might be cool to give Kuina a hook? (Kuina @ Crocodile: "Compensating for something, huh?") She could get other prosthetics or just super cool assistive devices as the story goes on with Chopper and Franky's help.
KUINA'S POTENTIAL ARCS: I do really like the idea of Kuina (if she can still fight with a sword) and Zoro moving forward together, neck and neck, for the title of World's Greatest Swordsman. I think it would be cool to come to a resolution that the title is more or less something that they can share? Like, only one of them can beat Mihawk in a "fair" duel, so that's an issue in the competition between them, but I do like the idea of the two of them going back and forth beating each other in duels, at the top of the world together.
Arguably, when Zoro sacrifices himself at the end of the Thriller Bark Arc, he has come to the resolution that he'll give up his dream for Luffy and the crew, where he gives up the last remnants of being self-centred and throws himself completely behind Luffy's philosophy of friendship and enjoying the journey. He still wants to be the World's Greatest Swordsman, but his crew comes first. I don't recall after this point any reckless moments of a similar nature to him stabbing himself in Orange Town when fighting Buggy's crew to prove a point. Zoro's recklessness culminates in sacrificing himself with purpose.
It does feel a little weak, but... Kuina could decide that she's comfortable in her own skills and doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. She KNOWS she's as good as Zoro is. She can declare herself the World's Greatest Swordswoman and let Zoro fight Mihawk. (They did probably flip a coin over it or something.) Maybe she never really wanted to be the World's Greatest, maybe she just wanted to live her life the way that she chose, and felt like becoming the World's Greatest was the only way of permanently shutting up every sexist jerk who has ever talked down to her. (They will never shut up. Sexist jerks will always find something to nitpick.)
ALTERNATIVELY: Kuina could have a heartbreaking and healing story about having to give up your dream because it's not physically possible anymore. Even if this is a story where she's still fighting as a swordswoman with Wado Ichimonji and is monstrously dangerous, maybe her physical disability prevents her from now fighting on Zoro's level, which really fucking sucks for her when she feels like she has so much to prove as a woman.
Shounen manga has always had an issue where the solution to some fights is that the protagonist just needs to "fight harder, yell louder, and believe in himself more", even when the protagonist is bleeding from everywhere. "One Piece" is fun because there are plenty of fights and problems where the protagonists succeed due to being genuinely clever, but there are other fights where it's all about a manifestation of willpower (sometimes literally). And this often works thematically.
I think Kuina would be interesting as a character for how she could contrast against Zoro, so I'm leaning towards giving her a very different story rather than making her Zoro 2.0 (Female).
For example, where Zoro is reckless, I think Kuina might be cautious, especially if she's been badly injured before and is still struggling. In flashbacks, she's open about her problems and anger to Zoro because he's her friend and also a safe target - he's an outsider / outlier in the dojo and she can beat him in a fight. In a martial school that probably demands some level of respectful behavior, Kuina might not display the same bravado and unhappiness to her father, who is also her teacher and responsible for the sexism that she's internalized.
If she's a swordswoman still, I don't know that she would challenge Mihawk at the Baratie. For one thing, it's STUPID. Zoro had to KNOW that he was nowhere near Mihawk's level and he's lucky that Mihawk had some level of honor and curiosity to spare him. If Mihawk had been a little more of an asshole, that would have been the end of Zoro's dream. He was really stupid there (affectionate, that's my boy). The smart thing to do is keep your mouth shut and live to challenge Mihawk another day, but I think Kuina would also hate herself for this kind of "cowardice".
Her personal struggle as a character might be with reserve and fear of risk, whether this culminates in her ultimately overcoming all obstacles and succeeding in her dream with the help of her friends, or in her giving up her dream due to a physical disability (or multiple physical disabilities) that is no fault of her own in favor of a new dream. You could try your best to combine all of these different elements into Kuina's arcs and abilities. There's a lot of possibility.
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copperbadge · 7 months
I was thinking about proofing the latest novel this morning and some of the stuff I may have to shift around or alter -- I'm hoping nothing major, but it's evident from comments that I didn't do quite as much research as I should have in one or two spots.
Because this is a book that is in some aspects very much about pregnancy, while writing it and now while proofing it I've had pregnancy media on the brain, as I try to avoid the pitfalls that a lot of pregnancy arcs on sitcoms or in television dramas fall into. I tried as much as possible to put myself in the position of "If this was happening to my body, how would I feel? If this was my new cultural position, what would that be like?"
I've also been thinking a lot of a pregnancy arc from the TV series Seventh Heaven, and this has driven me to develop what I think of, humorously, as the Dziga Vertov-Seventh Heaven scale of realism. (I've taken to calling it the Vertov-Hampton scale, after producer Brenda Hampton. It sounds amusingly like a personality test, and in some ways it is.)
Dziga Vertov was one of the founders of the cinema verite movement and often combined documentary elements into his fictional work, or vice versa; I studied him in a documentary film class in college and again when I was working on my documentary theatre capstone project. Seventh Heaven, meanwhile, was one of late-90s "family" shows where you can practically chart the way it became more acceptable to be visibly evangelical right-wing in America; it portrayed a pastor and his family grappling with life's difficult questions like "How do I repent of premarital sex" and "why it's not okay for women to decide how they dress for themselves". It was one of many shows I watched during grad school because I was home a lot and only had network television, and I had a horrified fascination with it.
There's a pregnancy arc late in the series where the mother-to-be ends up going into labor while stuck in an elevator. That's tropey, but it's also tried-and-true (White Collar did a similar plot, for fuck's sake). It did give me pause that for the entire sequence of her giving birth in the elevator, she had all of her clothes on, including her shoes and a conveniently draped skirt. Still, you know, it's network television, there are sponsors and censors and such who get involved...
And then, after the big suspenseful "Push! Push!" and the cut to commercial, we return to them finally getting the door of the elevator open from the outside...
And the woman who was giving birth five minutes ago appears in the doorway, still completely dressed, not a speck of bodily fluid on her, and walks out of the elevator carrying her newborn. Like she just picked it up from the customer service desk. It's fucking bonkers. And it was such a definingly stupid moment of television that it cemented Seventh Heaven for me forever as the most ridiculous thing I'm ever likely to watch.
Anyway all of this is to say that while I try to stay as far towards Dziga Vertov as possible, I do sometimes drift towards Seventh Heaven, but I do my best to stop myself before I hit "Walking out of an elevator after giving birth" levels of absurdity.
And I remind myself that however implausible I think my storytelling is, it'll never be Seventh Heaven level bad.
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mrpuzzlessimp420 · 10 days
Mario Simulator (Joke Fic)
Ships: Marware, BatteryAcid (Mr Puzzles x Orange Juice), SMG34 (minor)
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Mushroom Akademi was your normal pseudo-japanese highschool and Mario was a normal student.
He had... awful as shit grades because he didn't concentrate in class (god I wish I was that carefree ) and had a decent enough reputation, expect for that one incident where he was caught... you don't want to know what he was caught doing.
Anyway, Mario was normal.
He awoke to his loud two trucks alarm and started to get ready for the day. Putting on his highschool girl uniform that definitely did not look like the sailor scout uniform, not brushing his teeth and grabbing a plate of spaghetti to eat.
He quickly checked his phone to see that it was... 8 a'clock??? He was going to be late and get told of by SMG4 because of it!
Spaghetti plate still in hand, he rushed out the door, trying his best not to trip and be a clutz like he always is.
He eventually arrived at the school, only 2 minutes late and ran to his class, before realising he had no clue where he was going and had to check his timetable, which he also realised he lost like 5 months ago.
After 10 minutes of searching for his class, he finally found it and sat down in his seat, absolutely exhausted, spaghetti plate still in hand.
"Mario? You're late again? This is the 20th time this week! You know what I don't care, just don't be a nuisance like yesterday." Karen stated, not giving a crap about Mario because she is a girlboss, a legend and the moment.
The lesson went surprisingly quickly as the entire time Mario was finishing of his spaghetti or talking to SMG4 about memes or some cringey shit like that.
When the lesson and 2nd period was over, it was finally break.
Mario ran to say hello to his friends before a figure caught his eye.
The figure was a tall, handsome TV head giving out audition leaflets for a school play, rather dramatically you could say... and pathetically as he was literally on his hands and knees begging one student to join, a crying baby face replacing his normal emotes on his TV head.
Mario's heart skipped a beat. Oh how he had fallen for this TV head for the past couple of months. Yeah he tried to mind-control his friends to force them to preform in a everlasting play but that was ages ago. Honestly, Mario was down bad for him, his patheticness, his passion for the arts, his dramatic nature. I mean he was even good to look at, I mean look at those cables and wires (bro 😭) .
"Mario? MARIO!"
Mario finally snapped out of his god damn solioquy and lovestruck pinning just to be faced with a very annoyed SMG4.
"Where you even listening to anything I said?" SMG4 asked, pissed that Mario hadn't been listening for the 100th time this week.
"Uhhhh..." Mario said before saying the most, disgusting, revolting thing you ever have seen that had to be censored for the sake of EVERYONE'S sanity.
"What? No??? I was explaining the entire FNAF lore." SMG4 explained like the cringe pathetic loser he is.
"I honestly still don't get it." Meggy stated
"I do." SMG3 stated, with lovestruck eyes that told everyone in the room that he did not understand anything SMG4 just said and just liked to hear SMG4's voice
"Ha ha Gayyyyyy!" Mario shouted before being punched in the face by SMG3
"Shut Up! You like Mr Puzzles!!!" SMG3 declared, deflecting Mario's accusation back onto Mario.
"That's because he's-" Mario was once again censored by the Great Fanfic Writer in the sky who didn't want to write out the disgusting thing Mario just said about Mr Puzzles
"We.. didn't need to know that but anyway what was I on about again?" SMG4 asked, forgetting his entire lore dump he just did a few minutes before hand.
"You were on about the lore of FNAF?" SMG3 stated, looking back at SMG4 with eyes that were screaming with 'I love you so much, I want to hear your voice all the time, we are friends, we are literally soulmates made for each other, I would literally die and kill for you.'
"Oh yeah!" SMG4 was a oblivious idiot and didn't notice SMG3's obvious pinning "Anyway Foxy Bro killed his own brother or some shit and got really depressed ig, couldn't be me"
SMG4 went on to ramble about FNAF again but Mario got bored immediately. Why would anyone care about a Purple Guy and some dead children? The lore was way to complex for Mario's stupid little brain anyway, he couldn't even count to 10 let alone remember all of that.
Mario's focus went back to the pathetic Vox look-alike and sighed lovely.
He was perfect to Mario. Absolutely perfect. Though he was a bumbling idiot and still not fully redeemed, he was harmless and Mario knew he could fix him.
Mr Puzzles was now acting like that desperate clinging to a student to get them to join didn't happen and was still handing out leaflets for the audition.
Maybe Mario could audition? It's not like he had anything better to do with his life other than eat spaghetti and annoy SMG4 24/7. And it gave him the excuse to hang out with the handsome TV head.
Before Mario could think any longer, a new character appeared on screen and jokely spooked Mr Puzzles, which caused Mr Puzzles to jump and move his hands dramatically like a primary schooler trying way to hard in a poorly done school play.
Mario immediately didn't like this new figure. How dare they spook their one and only true love? And be friendly with him? (Damn Mario just let him have friends, he needs them desperately)
The figure was tall, taller than Mr Puzzles in fact which was a surprise, and extremely buff, looking like that one yaoi art base (you know the one). His head was replaced with a glass of orange juice which for some reasons had eyes on it, like working eyes. Mario didn't question it though as the canonical SMG4 universe was already lacking of lore on how the fuck Mr Puzzles is alive after he cut his head off.
"Awww, did I scare you pookie bear? I'm sorry~!" the figure said, kissing his lover on the check loving.
"I-It's okay OJ-Kun! You just scared me a little that's all." Mr Puzzles said, extremely flustered and shy now out of no where, acting like a uwu soft twink.
Mario was seething with anger. Mr Puzzles had a lover? A boyfriend? This was not okay. Only Mario could be his boyfriend and if he couldn't, then no one could.
An idea popped into Mario's head, quite surprising as he probably didn't have any braincells left.
A very... unique idea.
You see, there was something actually... unnormal about Mario.
He was what you would call...
A yandere.
(part 2 when??? Lol)
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silvers-smuttery · 30 days
Commission: Bribing with Bodies
Ruby finds out Oscar has a magazine featuring her and Penny on the cover, the result of a wild night out. To what lengths will they go to have him keep it a secret between them?
How did it come to this? Ruby was panicking. Her semblance carried her from one corner of their Atlesian Quarters to another in the blink of an eye, muttering how her life has been ruined over one silly moment of weakness. Oscar could only watch Ruby's episode in shocked embarrassment. He really didn't mean for this to happen while he packed his bags to go on this adventure. But really, Ozpin could have warned him when he chose that one exact obscure Mistralean smut magazine to take with him on his journey. But honestly, how could he know? He bought the damn thing way before he ever met either Penny or Ruby. And with trade between kingdoms taking a massive hit after the Fall of Beacon, the magazine was never even distributed anywhere outside of Mistral.
Months ago, when the Vytal Festival had just started, Ruby took her dear friend and very real human girl Penny out for a night in Vale. They had a great time in Junior's club, dancing and laughing and singing. But dumb mistakes were also made that night, such as drinking a bit too much alcohol. And maybe wearing a bit more revealing clothes than what was appropriate. And of course, the biggest dumb mistake, taking a "reputable" photographer up for his offer to do a photo shoot for some extra cash, as the two of them had spent theirs already. To be fair, he DID take their pictures in his studio/loft, and the way he touched them afterwards did feel good - really good -, but the two of them had barely a way of knowing that the photos were going to be published in a magazine. At least the sleazeball had the decency to censor their faces. Or rather their eyes. The girls' very distinctive hair was still fully shown, along with Ruby's perky breasts, and Penny's curvaceous figure.
The hair was the main giveaway for Oscar to finally recognize the two of them, when they reunited in Atlas, making him blush crimson when he realized not only did he buy the magazine, but was actually carrying it in his backpack. A little later in the Atlas dormitory the teams would be stationed in, and after a small accident causing the contents of Oscar's bag to spill, the cat was finally out of the bag. Before Ruby's and Penny's feet laid the result of their night out. "Thiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappeningThiscan'tbehappening!!!!", Ruby muttered, face flushed as crimson as her cape, all while spilling rose petals everywhere.
Oscar only stood frozen, unable to move or even say anything while his blush matched Ruby's in intensity. What should he say? Should he explain that he brought it even before getting to know them? Or why he even brought it along?
Penny was the only soul in that room who remained calm about the situation, even picking up the magazine. "I do need to say, this gentleman really captured your appeal friend Ruby!", Penny giggled, though her friend wasn't listening.
"You! Can! Not! Tell! ANYONE! OKAY?!" Ruby's fluster finally dissipated enough to direct it at a target, Oscar, as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him violently. "BURN IT!"
"Now now, friend Ruby. It is clear Oscar finds great enjoyment in this magazine. If you demand he get rid of it, you should offer adequate compensation!", Penny chimed in from behind Ruby. The magazine showed signs of wear and tear, but was still in excellent condition. Obviously he cared for it, taking it this far to boot.
All movement in the room came to a sudden, abrupt halt when Ruby and Oscar realized what Penny had done. The android had reached around her friend, clutching her corset dress, only yank it down and reveal that Ruby's breasts had a perky bounce to them. Ruby's face lit up in the color of her namesake whole Oscar's complexion darkened even more with a pink tint. "PENNY! WHAT THE-" RRRIIIIP
Ruby's cry was cut short by the loud tearing of a pair of pants echoing off the walls of the dorm, followed by another round of silence. Ruby felt a heat between her legs. She felt it lift her skirt, smacking right against her covered pussy, only to be held there by her instinctively clutching her legs closed. Sweat formed on her brow. If she hadn't kept her eyes locked with Oscar's, her gaze would have been drifting downwards to stare at…
"Oh my, that is quite the erection. I had no idea you were a Horse Faunus, Oscar", Penny broke the silence in her usual voice. It usually conveyed innocence and naivety, but in this context, it just sounded like a girl excited for a big, meaty cock. Penny's synthetic hands grasped the flared cockhead poking out from Ruby's skirt, inadvertently rubbing it along Ruby's throbbing mound. Her actions elicited a moan from both the dumbstruck teens still gazing into each other's eyes.
In the blink of an eye, Penny had swept the two of them off their feet. Ruby now laid on top of Oscar, rubbing her pussy along his ever hardening shaft. For a moment still, the two only let out panting moans, before Ruby spoke up. "So uhm…think we could do something to make you… forget about that magazine?"
"Uh-hUH!" Oscar's plea was accompanied by a splash of precum erupting from his dick, splashing onto Ruby's skirt. Another twitch of the hard rod was enough to soak her entire back in hot, gooey liquid, which she simply decided to ignore. If she even looked at this massive horse cock, if she as much as acknowledged that it was there and as abnormally huge as it was, there was no doubt in her mind, she'd get second thoughts and chicken out in the end. So she ignored it. Not that Penny was much help in that as Ruby stood up to line the tip of his cock up with her pussy.
"Golly, that was a big load. I take it you haven't released your seed in quite a while", the Android mused as she dove down to his crotch, cradling Oscar's balls like a kitten playing with yarn.
"You're not helping Penny!", Ruby said through gritted teeth, just before the gynoid slipped the reaper's panties down. Ruby's pussy was met with the wet heat of both their genitals meeting and mixing, pulsing through her body and no doubt his as well. Ruby kept looking at Oscar's face, panting as she ground his flared tip against her soaking pussy, trying to slip it inside. The boy clearly saw her struggling and interjected
"R-Ruby, you really don't need to fo-HOOOH!" Just as he tried to plead to her to go easy, Ruby managed to finally fit it in her cunt. The wide head stretched to the entrance of her womb beyond what she could have possibly imagined.
"This is normal! This is normal! This is normal!", Ruby winced in a breathy high pitch over and over, her legs and muscles locking in shock. Fingers twitched and toes curled as her body got his with her first climax, sudden like a lightning bolt hitting her. Was she really this turned on already? No time to think about that, this was for Oscar after all. As soon as her legs could move again, she started descending more, filling her birth canal to the utmost limits. Slowly and bit by bit, did her pussy grow accustomed to the size she was accommodating. More moans escaped her the further down she went. This felt so good, and watching Oscar writhe underneath her in pleasure was making her smile as well. Especially when he began to grip her thighs to help her bounce.
Soon Ruby could take him halfway inside her pussy. His flared tip kept hitting her womb while her lips kissed down on his medial ring. The moment was perfect. There was nothing else left but the two of them in unison. The sound of their breaths and moans and whimpers, the pumping of his dick in and out of Ruby's pussy, the rumbling of his balls churning with cum, ready to flood Ruby's womb any moment now…
"Ru-Ruby, I haven't… cum since I left on my journey…", Oscar admitted through his whimpers of pleasure.
"Bu-but that was like, two months ago…", Ruby retorted, finally shocked enough to look over her shoulder at his balls. Aside from Penny kissing them, sucking the leathery skin, Ruby was shocked at the sheer size of the sack, rivaling grapefruit with its girth. The reaper couldn't deny the flutter in her stomach when imagining this cum factory unleashing its load into her womb, but rational thought still won out as she started sliding the dick all the way out of her. "O-okay, I'll just finish you with a handjo-"
"Nope. You have to give it your all. Or would it be, 'take his all'?", Penny declared with a firm grip on Ruby's waist. Both sex partners grew a shade paler when they realized her intent, but could do nothing to stop it. Penny pushed down with a force Ruby's wobbly legs could not hold up against, buckling and yielding as Ruby got slammed down. The medial ring forced its way inside her cunt, Oscar's back arching from the sudden jolt, which only drove his hips closer to Ruby's. Her womb shifted in her stomach, driven further up by the immense, hard length inserted in her.
The moment her pale ass smacked against his olive lap, the seal on his balls shattered, unleashing a torrent of virile, thick spunk into the reaper's core. Ruby threw her head back when the scorching flood hit her womb, pumping it full. She clutched her stomach, feeling the distortion of it growing every second. Every pump of his dick seemingly added another month of apparent pregnancy to her bulging belly, until she looked like she might pop out triplets any moment. And then it stopped.
Oscar and Ruby both were frozen in the bed, too sensitive to move, too meek to try and do anything on their own, until Ruby finally collapsed backwards. Oscar's horse cock finally slid out, letting the sweating pair catch their panting breaths for a moment while cum streamed out of the reaper's gaping hole.
"Oh my, that was quite the load", Penny chimed in off to the side. The android let her hands roam over the pair, from Ruby's inflated stomach to Oscar's cock and balls, still hard and full. "This is nothing compared to our night with the photographer, but I am glad I got him to take those pictures so I could witness this."
Ruby's breath stopped when Penny's words hit her ears. Tearing her eyes open, something in Ruby clicked. Penny was an Android. A Robot. She couldn't really get drunk. Did Penny know from the beginning what that smut journalist would do? No, she just admitted to convincing him to use the pair as models while Ruby was off her rocker. A primal rage filled the as she leaped upwards at the ginger, seemingly undeterred by her heaving stomach.
"Get her, Oscar!", Ruby ordered, as she pounced on Penny, smacking her cum-stiffed cunt right over the android's mouth if she liked it or not. Her hands shift to Penny's bare tits. She had no idea when the gynoid undressed, but it didn't matter, as she dug her fingers and nails into the synthetic boob flesh. "Punish this foul witch! Make her pay for her transgressions! Punish her with your mighty horse staff, AND GIVE HER EVERY INCH!", Ruby cried out as Oscar's cum seeped into Penny's maw. Slaps resounded off the walls as Ruby let out her burst of fury by smacking the robot's fun bags, pulling them, stretching them like dough. L
Oscar of course didn't object, in part from Ruby's intimidating aura, in part because he was simply too turned on to turn down the offer of sticking his dick in the other girl featured on that fateful cover. Too turned on that none of them noticed their respective teams coming back through the door and witnessing the obscene display.
"Let's give them some more privacy."
Despite Ruby's intentions of punishment, Penny seemed to relish in slurping Oscar's cum from Friend Ruby's snatch. Moans reverberated not just through Penny's mouth into Ruby's pussy, but through the entire robotic body, down to Oscar's oversized horsecock. The sensation was divine.
Oscar had thought about using onaholes before, though never found an acceptably priced one to suit his needs, but never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined the kinds of pleasure these two girls were giving him. For his first time to boot. "Ruby, come here. Right now!" Overcome with passion, Oscar grasped Ruby's shoulders, pulling her in for a deep kiss. His partner accepted his tongue in her maw without question, yelping and shaking from too many things stimulating her at once.
"I think grunt I'm close again", Oscar moaned out in between breaths while making out with Ruby. Not once did his hips stop hammering away at the redheaded android though.
"Waitwaitwait, not like this!", Ruby yelped out as she shoved the horse boy away. Her stomach had deflated significantly by that point. Apparently, Penny had cleaned her out well so far, but now it was her turn. "Get up, slut. Now you get the filling!", the crimsonette grinned as she sat Penny up. She shoved her fingers carelessly between the ginger's teeth, prying her mouth open for her man to stick his dick deep inside her throat. Oscar understood and complied right away. Without a natural gag reflex, Penny could take all of him down without issue. It was only a matter of if her mouth could stretch that much around him. And it did. Ruby watched with sadistic glee as Penny's throat distended to the horsecock shoved in and out. Artificial spit flew everywhere, while Oscar kept thrusting away at her face, harder and faster with every beat until his balls could no longer take it. The dam broke, Oscar's dick exploding with another sea of orgasmic jizz, right into her stomach.
"Wow, she's… really good at it…", Oscar huffed and puffed as he drew each sensitive inch out of Penny's maw. To him, the girl looked beautiful, sloppy and slimy with synthetic lubricant and cock juice.
"Of course she is!", Ruby couldn't help but chime in. Still, a little anger dwelled within her. "She was probably made for this. Why else is her whole body so lewd and fuckable? It's like she's just a living sex d-"
Looking back at it, Ruby was glad she couldn't finish that sentence, given Penny's complexes about being a real girl. She was grateful to her friend for shutting her up at the right moment. Even more so since it happened by method of another loving tongue deep down her throat. Ruby's protests were short-lived as her eyes rolled back into her head, lost in blissful madness induced by the android with the ginger locks. "Stoooop~ I'm trying to be mad at yoouuu~~~", Ruby protested, but Penny only kissed her harder, her heavy, synthetic tits squishing against Ruby's more modest pair while their cunts mashed against each other.
Oscar felt like he was in a fever dream. Like the sight in front could not be real. But instead of running from it, trying to make sense of it, the horse boy simply threw himself at it and indulged himself. Seeing Penny's phat ass jiggle and sway, he grabbed them, fingers sinking into the fake, bouncy meat, giving one a swat and the other a backhand, grunting either way. Penny certainly didn't mind, not when she only raised her ass more at him. His dick throbbed, ached to use that back door of hers, as he watched Ruby spread Penny's cheeks apart. "She is an android, this should be nothing!", He had to tell himself as the flared tip of his cock pushed up against her puckered asshole, soon to be swallowed and gobbled up with one more push. Penny couldn't help but scream into Ruby's mouth, but still dropped her ass down further on that dick.
It was madness. Between screams and moans of pleasure and the senseless smacking of flesh, the entire room devolved into a debaucherous scene aiming to drain as much cum from Oscar's pent up balls as they could. Another climax approached for each one of them. Ruby's voice hit another octave, grinding on her friend. Penny was the only one mildly aware of the fact that they had neighbors just on the other side of the wall, but her circuitry was too busy firing sparks off in all directions to mention it, let alone stop. Oscar's balls clenched again and again, swelling up, before he blew his biggest load yet into Penny's ass. The hot seed traveled up inside her artificial intestines and bloated her stomach, squeezing it tighter against her friend underneath her as his dick plugged her ass tight. But Oscar wasn't stopping his thrusts, and neither was his orgasm. His equine equipment kept firing his hot load until it eventually traveled up Penny's throat. Ruby let out another shriek of surprise when she realized the sticky surprise oozing from her best friend's mouth, but quickly shut up as she tasted Oscar's seed again, shoving her tongue even deeper into Penny's throat to lap up as much as she could.
None of them knew the time when any of them could no longer go on. Nor could they say how long any of them slept, or how they got neatly into bed. Eventually, one after the other simply collapsed from exhaustion, only to wake up to the teasing glares and snickering laughter of their companions.
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dwellsinparadise · 7 months
A Letter from Charles Bukowski to a library that banned his book "Tales of Ordinary Madness" in 1985
In my work, as a writer, I only photograph, in words, what I see. If I write of "sadism" it is because it exists, I didn't invent it, and if some terrible act occurs in my work it is because such things happen in our lives. I am not on the side of evil, if such a thing as evil abounds. In my writing I do not always agree with what occurs, nor do I linger in the mud for the sheer sake of it. Also, it is curious that the people who rail against my work seem to overlook the sections of it which entail joy and love and hope, and there are such sections. My days, my years, my life has seen up and downs, lights and darknesses. If I wrote only and continually of the "light" and never mentioned the other, then as an artist I would be a liar.
Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can't vent any anger against them. I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere, in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence. They were only taught to look one way when many ways exist.
I am not dismayed that one of my books has been hunted down and dislodged from the shelves of a local library. In a sense, I am honored that I have written something that has awakened these from their non-ponderous depths. But I am hurt, yes, when somebody else's book is censored, for that book, usually is a great book and there are few of those, and throughout the ages that type of book has often generated into a classic, and what was once thought shocking and immoral is now required reading at many of our universities.
I am not saying that my book is one of those, but I am saying that in our time, at this moment when any moment may be the last for many of us, it's damned galling and impossibly sad that we still have among us the small, bitter people, the witch-hunters and the declaimers against reality. Yet, these too belong with us, they are part of the whole, and if I haven't written about them, I should, maybe have here, and that's enough.
may we all get better together,
Charles Bukowski
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magnetothemagnificent · 2 months
Given your evident love of magneto what are your thoughts on the man who arguably began his more modern interpretations Chris Claremont? I’ve hard a decent amount of criticism on how often he used kitty pride to say the N word.
I think Claremont was wrong for having Kitty say the N-word outright and I think as a non-Black man his decisions to have the word be used and make a direct comparison between the oppression Black people face and the oppression the fictionalized mutants face were misguided.
It's one thing to make an allegory, it's another to make a one-on-one comparison when Claremont himself is not Black. Claremont is Jewish, and therefore his explicit comparison of the oppression mutants face in his universe to antisemitism is something he is at liberty to explore. He does also makes many explicit comparisons to the Holocaust in his runs, and as a Jew I don't really have an issue because he is a Jewish man and the comparisons were made my Magneto, a Jewish character.
This is one of the incidents of Kitty saying the N-word, in Claremont's hit story "God Loves, Man Kills":
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The context of this is that Kitty got into a fight with some other teens because they were espousing anti-mutant rhetoric. Stevie Hunter, her ballet teacher, tells her to calm down. Kitty, being a teenager, got fired up at Stevie's passivity, and tries to make a point.
Of course, we as readers know that as a Black woman, Stevie knows from experience to keep her head down, but to Kitty Pryde, a white-passing person who had only discovered her powers (and new marginalized status) mere years before, is not used to this new marginalization. I say "new marginalization" because Kitty has always been a marginalized character even before her mutation, being Jewish. Kitty, especially in the runs under Claremont, is drawn as not just openly Jewish with her Star of David necklace and numerous references to her Jewishness, but also racialized as Jewish with her thick, dark curly hair (a stereotype of Ashkenazi Jews). But as a light-skinned generally white-passing Jew from the suburbs of Chicago, it's likely she didn't experience as much antisemitism as much as Stevie faced antiblackness.
I think the real issue is less of Kitty saying the word but rather in the next panel Stevie saying that she was right to make that comparison. In the X Men universe, the mutants are a marginalized class, but so are Black people. I think Claremont was trying to shift the themes of the X Men narrative as being not just an allegory for the Holocaust, but also for Civil Rights (Indeed, the opening scene of God Loves, Man Kills, is of two Black children being lynched by a religious extremist mob), but he did so rather clumsily by our standards.
The time Kitty did say the N-word intentionally as an insult was in Uncanny X-Men #196:
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This exchange occurs after Kitty overhears Phil and his friends plotting against other mutants. She barges in, and they turn on her (they end up knocking her out and kidnapping her). I do not think it was appropriate for Kitty to use the N-word in this way, and I don't think Claremont should have written her as saying such, but in the context it is one marginalized person calling another person a targeted slur, and the other person responding in turn. Not appropriate, but in the scene it is an emotionally charged moment where both sides of the exchange are in the wrong.
The final instance I can think of where Kitty uses the N-word is in conjunction with a bunch of other slurs to give an example. She is giving a speech at a school where one of the students committed suicide because of the anti-mutant bullying he faced. While I did censor the instances of the N-word in the previous two images, I'm not going to do so for this one because it's in conjunction with a bunch of other slurs, and if I censored each one, the context would be lost.
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Kitty calls herself a series of slurs and insults (notably, an antisemitic slur. Remember, Kitty is a proud Jew). She then lists off other slurs, which includes the N-word, but also an anti-Latino slur, an anti-Italian slur, an anti-Asian slur, and the F-slur. She also uses "Mutie" again, which is an anti-mutant slur in the Marvel universe. To our modern ears (or rather, eyes), this is inappropriate, but this was published in 1983 and the ideas we have today about not saying slurs even in non-targeted ways weren't the same.
I think Kitty's usage of the N-word (and other slurs) is used to make it obvious to the readers that the mutant narrative is an allegory for other narratives in our world, namely racism, antisemitism, and homophobia, but it isn't done perfectly. If it was a Black mutant character making these comparisons, just like Magneto is a Jewish mutant making direct comparisons to the Holocaust, it might read a bit better. I don't know for sure, and I'm not Black myself, but perhaps then it would be slightly more appropriate. Kitty was written to be a very outspoken character who says things as they are, but it wasn't her place as a non-Black person to make those direct comparisons, even if she herself is marginalized in other ways.
As for Claremont himself........I think he is a legend and despite his controversies, the X Men, and Magneto especially, wouldn't be the icons they are today. Claremont took the X Men from a run-of-the-mill superhero team and Magneto from a run-of-the-mill villain and made them inherently political and an explicit allegory for other issues present in our world. This tradition that Claremont started has only continued with other Marvel writers drawing parallels between queer issues and mutant issues, and fan speculation about parallels with disability rights (which I would love to see tackled in canon). Claremont's contributions to the X Men canon are invaluable, and I loved what he did with Magneto. Is he perfect? Of course not. You'd be hard pressed to find a writer who is. I think he tried to tell a story, and sometimes stumbled just by virtue of his own inexperience with the identities he was trying to depict, and suffered from trying to make too many explicit references to real world events and issues (Which many comic writers in his time struggled with). And, notably, he hasn't continued to make those mistakes in more recent publications, which I think is significant.
[id in alt text]
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
The problem is I feel like people on tumblr would misuse it even harder than they do queerbaiting for shit like LoK that was genuinely trying to get around censors because its so contextual.
LoK was not trying to get around censors. That is 100% not what happened, and it is galling to me that Bryke get so much credit for LoK tripping on its face so creators who actually gave a shit about queer rep and trying to make it clear in their work could walk and then run, because they... didn't actually do a single goddamn thing.
And they admitted as much!
Korrasami was not why LoK was getting jerked around by Nickolodeon. By the time Bryke even thought about asking if they could make K/A 'endgame', Book 4 was almost completed and they quite literally had nothing left to lose. (This was admitted in the infamous 'Korrasami is Canon' post, where they said they hadn't even considered the possibility that they'd be allowed until the show was nearly finished.) They did nothing to develop the relationship or even their friendship throughout Books 3 and 4--allegedly the time in which they'd decided to make it canon, if you actually believe them about that and I sincerely do not--and it's especially grating in Book 4 where there was ample opportunity to at least make it clear that this relationship was important, whatever form it might take, to the people creating the show.
(People still make fun of the 'popping the biggest bottles' poster to this day, but it was Mako's relationship with Korra that formed the emotional pillar of the final season, particularly as it related to Korra's own character arc, so of course it would have been the natural conclusion to draw that this was where their story was heading. The only reason it seems so ridiculous in hindsight is because Bryke gambled on the fact that making K/A canon would distract from all the very valid criticisms their show had been getting to that point--and they were right. The fandom has bent over backwards ever since to make it seem like this was some groundbreaking moment in animation history that Bryke had to fight Nickolodeon to get on the air.)
There's no evidence (not even their own attempts at ass-covering) that Bryke tried for anything more than the five second shot of hand-holding at the very end of the season. They had nothing left to lose, and still all they bothered to do was ask--and by Bryan's own words in the blog post he wrote, the studio was supportive, but 'there was a limit to how far [they] could go with it'. Nothing about trying to push that limit or argue for a more unambiguous ending. They should not be put up on a pedestal as if they fought to put queer rep in their show when they evidently couldn't even be bothered to write halfway decent friendships, despite ostensibly having quite a bit of experience from working on the original show.
And I refuse to forgive them for the terrible writing that spanned the entire show, just because they decided to make a half-assed effort and queer rep in the very last seconds of the very last season.
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