#if you actually ship them please reevaluate
smokingtiger · 6 months
Don't Be Weird
a reminder during this difficult time...
if you are willingly seeking out unofficial pictures of the boys, trying to find their military schedules, looking up what they're eating every day, describing throwing/using weapons of mass destruction as a fun 'adrenaline' inducing activity... please respectfully get help. If you are trying to actively romanticize the military despite this being a forced conscription, you need to reevaluate your position as a fan and realize that this isn't some fun summer camp. They are being taught how to kill people. They are being forced to give up over eighteen months of their lives for a war decades older than they are. Both Namjoon and Yoongi have written about the subject of enlistment in quite a harrowing manner. I recommend you look into their works and stop viewing a government institution built on turning Korean men into personal property as something cute and quirky.
I have seen way too many people look into military schedules and make heart-and-rose-type posts about the members throwing grenades. Fucking grenades. BTS are already going through an extremely difficult time and they do not need an army of stalkers endangering them further.
The company already addressed this several times with both Jin and Hoseok's enlistment, so if you write them a letter, you're not a fan -- you're a terrible person. I'm not going to sugarcoat that because you're actively going against their wishes.
Anyone who makes the military about ships gets a hard block from me. Anyone who tries to leak personal information gets a hard block from me. You will also be reported for actively trying to doxx someone. I've seen some people pass around that blurry picture of Jimin and Jungkook in a military classroom being like "SEE, THEY'RE NOT SITTING TOGETHER SO THEY'RE NOT ACTUALLY COMPANION SOLDIERS/DATING" as if you know how the seating chart works in the fucking military. No Sasaengs. No unconfirmed sources. No shippers. Nothing.
Get. A. Grip.
This type of obsession is not normal.
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I'm stuck with you all until 2025, so I'm not going to sit here and watch you all call forced conscription sexy. As a non-religious person, I'll still say that you're going to hell for that.
See y'all in six months when Jin is discharged; we're in for a hell of a ride.
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kokomiin · 1 year
I didn't want to have to do this but I am currently being harassed by somebody I worked for with no sign of letting up, so here it is. Some of you might remember me working on an RPG called Moonatic since last month. I was contacted by this person in early December to be the artist for the game, after seeing how many people were working on it I decided to accept, but everyone involved was working out of goodwill under the promise that we would eventually be paid. I was encouraged by the director to work at maximum capacity every day, I am aware that I have an especially fast art output compared to some people, but this still takes work and energy as I am a human being. If I was only able to complete one piece in a day, he would comment on that being "a shame" and would point out if I finished my work day earlier than him due to exhaustion even if I had actually gotten things done. I kept working hard every day because I genuinely believed in the project and thought this kind of crunch wouldn't be permanent, and I didn't want to cause friction between myself and the director by complaining which I now realise was a huge mistake. Whenever I took a day off I had to announce it, there was no set schedule and I believe he would have me working every day if possible.
My friends can attest to the decrease in my physical and mental health before I even realised how I was being affected by this. The director also initiated a friendship with me as well as me being his employee, I accepted but over time personal boundaries were crossed, he made judgements about some things in my personal life and just two days ago, the day before I decided to resign, he implied a romantic interest in me knowing full well that I'm in a relationship. This was a breaking point for me and I had to reevaluate everything, after discussing with many people I decided it was best for everyone if I left. But when I gave the director my resignation, explaining to him the stress I was under and how I was uncomfortable with how he spoke to me, but that I would still let them use my work for the project, he immediately reacted with a mental spiral, blamed me for the project failing and even now still refuses to contact me directly.
A few weeks ago he insisted on purchasing a VR Headset for me, which I declined multiple times due to the cost and because I didn't ask for it in the first place, but around my birthday when he kept insisting I decided to accept, considering it my compensation for the month's worth of free labour I had done. I drew many character design sheets, environments, a comic, promotional artwork, helped to finish the trailer's storyboard and had begun animating it, with only a few days of breaks. I left the project because of stress and a lack of personal boundaries that were caused by him, and now this person is spamming me with payment requests to give him back the money for this gift. He claims it as a work tool, but when we talked about him getting it for me he treated the 'work' aspect as an excuse and said he really wanted to hang out with me in VR after work. Now he is declaring it as a work tool that needs to be repaid if not shipped back. A VR headset is not at all a necessary tool for this project, which is an RPG game developed in game maker.
I'm genuinely afraid about what else this person might do as he is blaming me for the project failing as though it was my own, and refusing to take responsibility for his treatment of me. If you are an artist, in the future please avoid any company with the name Andel in it. If I end up being forced to pay back the price of my free labour :') I'll open emergency commissions, ok?
screenshots under the cut (i'm pretty shaky right now so I forgot to add some, the ones related to my resignation have been added now)
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ThisLiminalSpace FAQ
Ace♠️ing it Podcast I'm doing with my lovely soulmate B.
On writing fic
On Bookbinding : I allow bookbinds to be made of my fics for personal use/gifts, as long as no money is involved for the exchange (also I love seeing them).
🥐 Salut 🥐 . *gestures to the things*. The things, people. Read at your own risk, bla bla bla.
✨Works✨ JEGULUS💫/WOLFSTAR🐺⭐️ LONG FORM 🐈The third option : Asexual Regulus Black. 👽There's something about you, calling to me : The colorless, Alien spaceship soulmate AU ♾️ The sound of your own drowning : The Old Guard AU, exploration of Quynh and Andy's story line as Jegulus. 🌊Heartless : MCD. Davy Jones retelling but I don't listen to the rules and just do what I like, prosed poetry. (Taken down for rework). 👶🏻 I am the moved on : Mpreg jegulus but really not in the way you think. A story with not one (1) mention of actual pregnancy. 🌼 One Thousand Wildflower Fields : A/B/O, underground fighting. Smut. 🦯 Everything I Thought I Knew has Fallen out of View : MCD. Orpheus and Eurydice retelling. Blind James, bargaining as a love language, except it's canon and he's gotta die. 🌎 Le Mange Dieu et le Dévoreur de Mondes : Regulus does not think he deserves good things. It takes 5 years, but James proves him wrong. JEGULUS💫/WOLFSTAR🐺⭐️ ONE SHOTS ⏳Parallel Lines : Inception, a life within a life. My personal fav story. ✉️ To you, who knew me : MCD. What makes everything so hard is that I am so easy to love, but I am the only one thinking so. ⚰️ Roast in Peace : Another fever dream of dumb coffee puns and light smut though it's mostly jokes and humor. 🚬 Kissing other boys : Sharing kisses and cigarettes 👼👿 Raise hell : Angels and demons, soulmates, also known as the Frankeinstein fic 🥐Collars and Croissants : I can't apologise. Croissant date ☕️The Brew : I'm sorry. A/B/O, texting 😢Peak : I just don't want anyone to be happy 🤵🏻‍♂️Runaway Groom : Don't let me get married let's drink wine 🕷All the ways Regulus avoids using the subway : Spiderman James 🧹Save a broom, ride a chaser / Save a snitch, catch a seeker : Established slice of life, fun teeshirt and dino mug 🛳Musical chairs on a sinking ship : MCD. Everyone drinks blood and then dies. A close second favorite. 👻Shadows : I take the french subway too often clearly 😷Of all the things you could ruin, I hope you choose me : I was in my spit Jeggy era please excuse these filthy surgeons. 💦Tell me what you want : I just wanted to make friends with Greenvlvetcouch so I wrote them filth. 🏅Goldeneye : I can't play sports, even imaginary ones.
DRAMIONE✨ 🪄Echoes In Eternity : Gladiator retelling but also definitely not at all, wandlore reevaluation, we're building Horcruxes. Explicit ⚔️ - Dramione - In progress
Your maker: Maple syrup and Titanic, wine&paint and myoelectric arms. Something soft and unshakable: happy birthday Levi
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bonefall · 1 year
random question but as someone who's considering trying to do my own rewrite esque thing... is it weird that i want to like. Fix bramble and squirrel's relationship instead of having him continue to be an abuser? Maybe it's just the fact that I liked them as a kid (or that i havent read SqH/past OOTS) but there's this weird disconnect where the bramble in my head is apparently a lot different than other people read in the text lol. figured id ask you since you're The wc rewrite person
You can sort through my tags on Bramblestar if you'd like ideas. I am the king of "Bramble why can't you be GOOD." I talk a lot about how he is abusive, what I enjoy and what I don't enjoy about the idea of an abuse plotline, so on.
I personally won't recommend fixing Bramblesquirrel as a ship though. I think it would be a lot better to rewrite them as adopted siblings... tbh I've never seen a romantic BrambleSquirrel rewrite that didn't keep blaming Squilf as "just as bad" and "pushing each other's buttons" which I think is a really, really uncomfortable implication considering canon
Like... unfortunately, fanfic is inherently a commentative medium. We can fix, we can prune, we can rewrite, but we can't break free of the implications of canon.
I personally feel like the line is so fine that's impossibly razor thin.
So if you are committed to fixing BrambleSquirrel, please try to make sure to treat Squilf as valid. Bramble is constantly downplaying and ignoring her because she's loud and assertive, even though she's nearly always right.
She couldn't trust him with that secret; the second he found out he abandoned his family and acted passive aggressive for an entire year. He trained in the Dark Forest and let Leafpool take the fall for secrets he leaked to Hawkfrost. He throws Firestar's legacy at Squilf while getting pissed off that anyone throws Tiger's legacy back at him, even when they're not.
He holds the fact she wants a new baby over Squilf's head to invalidate her concerns all Squilf's Hope long, screams at her for caring about endangering kittens, and then leads a battle patrol against pregnant women.
Please please keep these in mind. Please either eliminate these, or for fuck's sake, don't "Bothsides" these issues
I think if you're going to fix Bramblesquirrel, you cannot give Bramble power. You'll have to completely change these situations so that he is not the deputy or leader, as these conflicts drive the plot. I can recommend Brackenstar or Thornstar instead, have Squilf lose a deputy position over the secret, Bramble is upset but supportive.
(Especially tap into how ThunderClan treats the three differently after this reveal, "i was angry you didn't trust me, but i see why you did it <:/")
Keep the internal arguments between the two of them harmless. Model something like Honeymooners, where in spite of their arguments being loud and blustering, Squilf is clearly never ACTUALLY afraid of him and NONE of these fights end in Big Summer Blowouts.
(And a side note; if your relationships look like that, you deserve better. It is actually not normal to have huge fights every month. I was Shocked but it is true.)
Remember, remember, remember; you have to SHOW me them being a healthy couple in spite of any arguing they do. Imagine that you CANT tell me "they love each other." You can never say that word-- can I still tell they are a loving couple?
If the answer is ever no, reevaluate.
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sanityshorror · 11 months
r u proship
Please touch grass if you consider yourself proship or anti ship, because if you do, you are so severely terminally online that you've forgotten about reality. Do I think some shit is nasty in fictional ships, such as pedophilia and other obvious shit? Yes, I think it's fuckin gross. I don't look at it nor want anything to do with it. I don't want nor interact with it -- why am I going to invest time in it?! I have real shit to concern myself with. Real responsibilities. A career. A life that doesn't center online, about fictional characters and their relationships. I'm concerned with advocating, speaking out, and actually actively helping real victims in the real world.
I'm pro-fucking go touch grass and reevaluate your life if you think shipping discourse should be a fucking priority.
If you care about victims, then help real world victims. Go volunteer in shelters for them. Advocate for them. At the very least, create fiction that portrays the true suffering a victim experiences. Don't fucking talk about it, go do something real and meaningful.
As far as free speech is concerned, you know who censors speech, art, writing, etc? Fascists. You allow one single censorship on freedom speech - and you've open the floodgates for the fascists to take over. I'm anti-fascist. I certainly hope you are, too.
Does that answer your question? 🙂 Please, go fucking touch grass. 💀👍
To both pro-shippers and anti-shippers:
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bengiyo · 1 year
My School President Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Y'all, I just know I'm about to put on my clown makeup, so let me just go ahead and get it ready.
Last time, a jaded school counselor doused the naive optimism of a bunch of high school seniors, and inflicted massive doubt on Chinzilla. They took some time to reevaluate, and Tinn spent the episode helping rebuild Gun's self-confidence. Gun's mom collapsed at work, and he briefly considered giving up his dreams on music, before everyone came together in a lovely musical number. Finally, Tinn all-but-confessed his feelings to Gun, and I'm hoping I won't have to put on my makeup.
🤡 Gun doesn't know who Tinn has a crush on, and wants to play matchmaker. 🤡
BL shirt messaging of the day: "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
Oh no, Tinn is back to his fantasies and now they're harsh.
He put Gun in his phone as "Chinzilla Baby." I can't.
Both of them in this angsty spiral are going to demolish me. It's very high school and appropriate, and at least endearing because they like each other. Still, I want to mash their faces together. Where is Tiwson?
I'm with Por. Just Being Friendly is a banger.
🤡 Is Gun only just now connecting the dots about everything Tinn has been doing, including the pinky touch? We thought he maybe liked Tinn this whole time and we were wrong lol. 🤡
Alright, real shit. If you grab my neck like Tinn did here, we better kiss immediately.
Of course this is Tinn's favorite song. You're my favorite simp, baby boy. You and Vincent Liang eat at the same table.
"Don't mind a nosy boy like me." Thank you for showing up to save these clowns, Tiwson.
I will say, as a former educator, I'm a strong advocate for peer mediation. So, I'm really enjoying Tiwson stepping in to manage this MV project after Sound and Win started fighting so hard they kicked off their shoes.
That's right, Tiwson, ship to your heart's content. "Good job, BL."
The Tiw and Tinn friendship is a lot of fun.
Tinn is flustered at the first question? Baby boy, please.
I'm so glad Tiwson is taking his role as director seriously, and now I want to try these noodles.
Mark is genuinely funny. He and the noodle shop owner made me actually laugh.
The interesting thing out of the badminton scene is that Win doesn't lord over Sound something he can do that he can't. Instead, he genuinely tries to teach him. Sure, he gets frustrated and yells at Sound, and it shows that Sound struggles with being seen as incompetent, especially when he's being berated about it.
I like the fantasy sequence of them laying on the bed together answering these questions.
Car violence continues to play a role in these shows. Determined to build a future where our transportation modes aren't so hazardous.
Fourth and Gemini played the emotional shifts of that bed scene really well.
Sound doesn't like to lose or be bad at things. He clearly practiced for a long time. Win also gives praise easily.
I don't know why Tiwson is dressed like this, but I am thankful.
😂 Yo is too big to just be fainting like that.
"Cut! We got it!" I'm dying 😆
Love the era we're in where the boys fight over who likes who.
Okay, I really love that everyone got life from that medal kiss, and now these two caught feelings.
The music cues in this umbrella scene are timed so well. I am leaning in so hard with the tension.
"Got it, friend." "See you, friend." Why am I being crushed?
Excellent use of comedy after that scene. Gentle reminder of the kind of story we're in.
Gun going for a repeat on wiping his lips, eh?
Tinn and Tiw were not prepared for Gun's improvised kiss.
Oh, I had to pause. Usually Tinn likes when Gun grabs his chin, but he threw him off this time.
Finally, mutual open admission of the attraction. Good use of the friend zone graphic.
Oh lord we are at Church's Texas Chicken.
Tiwson knows his audience. "You are allowed to eat and watch."
I'm back in my The Way He Looks era and thinking about Gabriel asking, "If you stole a kiss, how would you give it back?"
I am always taken out by these boys flirting over chicken.
Okay, but do I get to see the music video???
Secret dating next week? Be still, my heart.
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miss-mossball · 1 year
Shipping Boundaries with my OCs
I don’t wanna be vague, im just gonna be honest out loud with what I’m thinking about in requards to ocs and ships, since I can be pretty evasive
I broke off my friendship with Zoe(faeriegirl) in october; it was messy and I don’t want to cause any drama over it, but it effected me largely and had me reevaluate how I approach OC and interpersonal relationship stuff. (And to be clear; I don’t care if I have friends who are mutually friends with her, interact or reblog her stuff or whatever, I just don’t personally want any sort of relationship to her. She’s still a fine artist to support)
Anyway, I’ve come to accept that a lot of my OCs are off-limits for various reasons. A lot of them I’d been using for healing trauma and exploring parts of myself; and these OCs specifically just can’t be used to have ships with even my closest friends. They’re for Rou-only or absolutely none at all. I wish I respected that in the past, but now I will going forward.
Plainly put, I have Dissociative Identity Disorder and these OCs directly correlate with my alters/personas. We use them as kind of a fun and creative way to process things and create a life they can be happy in. Their stories are very sensitive. This is something I didn’t know for many years, so I don’t fault anyone for not knowing either/understanding without my explaining its
A few of them off-limits are:
- Princess Rose, most of the Herz kingdom actually
- Bunny (and all variations of)
- Vanicho
- Hail
- Peter cottontail
- Dosy
- Til
- Marion and Nette
- Cerberus and Cain
- Snow White and Rose Red
- Taiga (and all variations of)
- and probably a few others I’m not thinking of
“But why?”
Shipping with these characters is close to being in an actual relationship with those parts of me, so its really got to be reserved for Rou. Its something I didn’t explain well enough in the past.
“But bunny, what so if we have a ship with one of these characters?”
I’m sorry to say, but I’m not as comfortable with them as I used to be. I hope you can understand my not wanting to do it anymore.
I have dozens and dozens of ocs, we could probably come up with a solution or a similar character if you’re interested. Ultimately you’re welcome to talk to me personally about it.
I won’t be breaking any friendships up over this personally, the past we had together is treasured, even if not ‘canon’. Thank you <3
“How do we know if a character of yours is off-limits?”
Just ask! I don’t mind answering, I’m tired if dancing around it.
“Are friendships okay?”
Yes ofc! Just please respect their story and the fact that it can change on a whim. Most likely we’d make an au to share do both our seperate stories can be respected!
All in all, I’m really sorry about this. But also, thank you for understanding and being my friends and mutuals.
I just want to move forward with a clean slate without feeling like anyone’s resentful of me for using my characters as I need to
If you have any more questions, my ask box is open
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dreamypomme · 1 year
Why I've been quiet on Tumblr and Discord
Hello guys, I feel like I owe an explanation on me being MIA for a while. It's a few things.
My mental health, which hasn't been the greatest this year if I'm being honest. It ultimately affected my productivity to work on things as well as my interests in certain things. I've had my ups, but I've had a lot of downs. I'll be okay though, I'm getting reevaluated in February.
In relation to my mental health, I stepped away from fandom spaces due to the increase in toxicity. I'm not talking about just the NiGHTS fandom, it's a lot of fandoms of things I like. I just want to make it clear that I've long gone past caring about shipping unless it's with my own characters, and I don't want to be labled within what I like within a certain fandom. No, I'm not a "proshipper" or an "anti-proshipper." Please don't call me those things.
I've also been quiet in the NiGHTS fandom because, if I'm being honest, it has been kind of ruined for me and my friends. I'm not naming anyone and no, it's not anyone who is well known or popular in the fandom. Please don't go after anyone. Basically, I made my NiGHTS discord as a smaller alternative for my friend who gets overwhelmed in big servers and help them meet other fans much easier. It's also just exciting to create a server for people to find and join (though we did find some creeps there but they've either left or been yeeted.) However, we had some trouble with a member who has made us, and other members, personally uncomfortable. From their disturbing headcanons and lusting over other's sonas to their inability to control their mental health (for lack of a more polite term), they've essentially made our server a less fun and enjoyable place to be and it actually made one of our mods leave. This left a bad taste in our mouths and while I do think about deleting the server, I've been told there's still some activity in there and I don't want to cut anyone off from each other. But It still makes me afraid to be in my own server and be in the fandom.
In much lighter events, I've also been focusing away from fandom because I want to work on my original projects and friends' projects, especially since I'm thinking about going back to school and see if I can get into the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Fanart can be fun, but I also want to go forward with my art and take it to another level.
I think that's about it. I still like NiGHTS and I owe the fandom a lot, but with the things listed above, I may not be as active as I'd like to be. I'm not dead, just going to be focusing on other things. If you want to see more of my art, my main Tumblr is where I occasionally post art @madiness-art. My discord is also Pomme Dork#8911 if you ever want to contact me there.
Maybe I'll revive myself, but in the meantime, take care everyone.
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smokingtiger · 1 year
We Need To Talk About Shipping
I just want to put this out there since this website seems to be full of delusional shippers who are pushing fictional narratives or chains of events that literally never happened irl. Now personally, I don't mind casual shipping (big gasp, I know). Like if you think two people are cute together or have great chemistry, that's fine; ppl tend to reflect their own desires onto other people/things, whether they be fictional or real ... create your stories, write your fics, draw some nice pictures ...  the problem lies when you can no longer decipher your own fictional stories of your favorite ship from reality. If you have gotten to the point where you feel the need to argue over what ship is REAL in a space where these types of relationships haven't even been confirmed or acknowledged ... kindly exit the fandom and only come back after taking classes in human decency. If BTS hasn't confirmed a relationship, then we as fans must accept that as our reality. Of course, many of us have our speculations, but we should never overstep and promote those realms of possibility as true. You are allowed to think something might be real, but don't turn that idea of realness into false delusions about fabricated events. If you are in the ask box of a stranger accusing a BTS member of cheating on another BTS member with another BTS member... please take the time to reevaluate your life choices. I've seen jkkrs and tkkrs argue for hours over things that literally never happened. How can you guys accuse BTS members of purposely sabotaging another member in the name of a ship? I saw a jikook post that said JM was purposely trying to tick TH off by being 'intimate' with JK. Are you sure you're talking about Jimin? Like, Park Jimin? Kim Taehyung's best friend? That Jimin? One of the best examples that I can think of (right now) is JK's 25th birthday live when he told Jin that none of the members came to visit him for his birthday except for JM and HS. He confirmed TWICE that TH did not come to see him. Now normal people would look at this and just move on, bc we can understand that the other members probably sent happy birthday texts or even gave him a phone call. Just bc something is not done publicly does not mean it didn't happen. But anyways, tkkrs had the AUDACITY of accusing JK of lying, running with a fictitious lie that he had only said he didn't come to 'protect' TH. So are HS and JM not relevant in this equation at all? Did JK purposely mention JM and HS to put them in danger? You DO NOT get to accuse people that YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW of these types of things. Who the hell do you think you are? (also, I'm not targeting tkkrs, I understand that not every single one of you is a bad egg, but this is just the first example I could think of) Y'all need to throw blogs and youtube channels (*cough* taekook-lives *cough*) that have fake stories and leaked photos as evidence away. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, DO NOT SUPPORT SASAENG/STALKER PHOTOS, EVEN IF IT'S OF YOUR SHIP. Some shippers are far too comfortable using photos that were taken of BTS without their consent as ammo. You are gross. BigHit has protections! Half of these delulu shippers can't even interpret Kor words/sentences correctly and spew false garbage that is both utterly offensive toward BTS and the Kor lang. If you can't even take the time to properly consume the nuances of what is being said, what makes you think that you're such a good detective and can sniff out a relationship? Hell, they can't even tell when honorifics are being used or if they're speaking satoori! Is it so hard to consult actual Koreans and Kor speakers to see if what you're consuming is actually correct? The Korean culture and language are not yours to maliciously weaponize when you're trying to prove a 'point'. But like I said, I feel like this community needs a lot of cleaning up. I want you to enjoy your time in the fandom, but don't attack other people on false evidence or speculations. Take care of yourself and others. Don't let your ships make you into a monster.
And as always, LOVE all seven. SUPPORT all seven. Understand that BTS' bond is so pure and lovely and there's nothing that delusional stans and shippers can say/do to ruin that.
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titanicfreija · 8 months
Rescue Operations
Freija listened to her stump off, and she waited for a beat to see if she could escape… 
But some rhythmic pounding from the subway stopped her.
Lights flicked along the side of the pile underground and muttering between two or three soldiers told Freija they were investigating something, but she didn't know what… 
"Structural integrity of the building is in question," Sunny explained. "They're checking for rust damage."
"Smart," Freija muttered, not daring to look for them. "Except for the part where they're on the bottom, if it keeps going."
"You're on the first of two above-ground floors," Sunny pointed out, indicating the balcony overhead with an orange arrow. "It's going to– get out, it's about to fall. Get out, get out, get out!"
Freija didn't feel anything, but she trusted Sunny's judgement better than her own. The first warning didn't have her ready to be seen, but the escalating urgency wiped that concern. She managed to get into the window just as the entire ceiling, second floor, and the rest of the first floor, the entire length of the north wing collapsed, leaving five terminals standing alone with a smoking ditch between them.
"Freija," Sunny said hopefully.
"Sunny," Freija replied distantly. 
"Please use this distraction wisely and go finish your ship," she suggested.
"In a minute," Freija replied, easing around the trench of former space port, listening to the cries from the fallen. "Only the ones they can't reach," she added, dropping into the rubble.
"Freija! You can die! This will kill you! Any accidents– any Cabal who panics– please– why–"
"I'm not killing shit, today," Freija said, searching the pile. "Pick out density for me again, like in the Ketch."
"How are you going to tell who they can't save?" Sunny demanded.
She finally hesitated, pausing about hip-deep in a small crack between two bent steel beams.
"Sunny?" The way she creaked made Sunny feel like she'd done something wrong, and it irritated her that all her attempts to say she didn't made her feel worse. 
"Please prioritize yourself," whimpered the Ghost. "It'll be okay. They'll be fine. You'd be why this happened on any other day. You've caused more damage and death than this just because you felt like being a pain in the ass. A pain in the ass of this very army, now will you please, please go back to your ship and finish replacing the Pythagorean core."
"I can't!" she cried, and the Titan went back to slipping deeper into the wreck. "I can't leave this, they're not being an army at me right now!"
"They were being an army at you an hour ago!" cried Sunny.
"Help me or shut up," the Guardian finally sighed. "Actually, if you're not going to help, leave. I'll be fine or I won't, with or without you, and you'll need the time to get to Rise."
Sunny gave up and highlighted seven survivors with paths of light density between here and there, deeper in and without easy access from anywhere else.
"These are the ones I think need help from specifically you," the Ghost growled. "We can reevaluate as we get work done."
Immediately to Freija's left lay a corpse and immediately to their left lay a wounded soldier.
"Not that one," Sunny cried. "I picked the ones I did for reasons– this one has a path out, nothing too heavy is on top of him, and all the wounds are superficial. You will be better help further down.
Freija grunted unhappily and kept going. "Thank you."
Sunny didn't answer, but her speech indicator blinked as she started and stopped trying.
The debris became less wreckage and more pile as she descended; she kept coming across solid mounds of concrete dust, furniture smashed into blocks, and metal so compacted that she couldn't pick out seams in this light. She managed to stay unharmed, but her armor quickly took a ding from an I-beam. 
The first of her rescuees had saved theirself when they took cover under their shield, and they still held it, but they had been completely buried on all sides; and when the shield fell, they would be buried, too.
She found their wedge-shaped pocket on accident, slipping in the dust and face planting into the edge of the shield. The cabal underneath grunted in surprise and said something that Freija could guess was a swear. He panicked, flailing in his trap and making it worse.
Digging him out from the top was easy; it was only six or so inches, just enough to smother. But his shield also held up a rock that balanced a beam that supported their entire pocket.
"I'm so, so proud of you right now," Sunny gushed.
"I do eventually learn my lessons," Freija grumbled. She slithered over to the I-beam and studied it carefully.
"I think the edge of their shield is the only thing holding the rock, it's a balance thing, not a full support thing," Sunny said. "Closer look?"
Freija twisted to let Sunny study, and Sunny chirped. "Yep. Okay, this is… probably going to kill you. You will need to, carefully, take a piece of steel, bend it into a wedge."
Freija grabbed a spare piece and did as told.
"Maybe a few more like that, maybe a really wide one?"
Freija only took a few more seconds to obey.
The Legionary beneath Freija watched with confusion as she carefully slid the wedge into the place of his shield, gently nudging it. She remembered to check the other side, but it had been buried under a couple of inches.
They took the hint, but they watched her carefully in the orange light, occasionally putting attention and effort into working theirself out of the dirt.
Eventually the shield moved free and the Phalanx pulled it in, leaving the pair in the dark with him still armpit deep in the sand.
"What do I do when we get him out?" Freija asked Sunny.
"To be honest, I'm not sure," she admitted. "Maybe you can dig straight up and give a signal? Maybe he can give a signal?"
Freija busily dug him out enough to let him get out on his own. He almost kicked her a few times on the way, but eventually worked free to kneel on the pile in the space.
He grunted and his hand brushed Freija's shoulder. He then grabbed and pulled her close, shoving her to the ground near his feet. 
She had no idea what was going on until he stood straight up, slamming his shield arm into the rubble above, then expanding it as the debris rained down.
The space he created allowed for a few feet of upward movement, and he climbed up, surprisingly nimble for someone so big, and the light highlighted his extended hand.
Freija, satisfied that he could get to the top this way, hopefully without killing anyone else, continued to the next closest indicator.
"It's weird to get to pay attention to the numbers," chuckled Freija. "Normally I don't."
"I know," sighed Sunny.
"They're too little. I'm busy," she objected.
The next one had been impaled at the thigh and shoulder and survived. His leg below the knee would need a proper amputation to  clean it up.
"Will this be easy?"
"If you mean, can we just cut the impaling posts down to his armor and drag him out, yes, actually."
He panicked, but he couldn't reach his gun, so sitting back with her hands up eventually let him know he wasn't being actively threatened. He panicked again when she took his knife, and it took much longer for him to calm back down, but he did.
He didn't panic when she took the knife to the impaling post. 
"Guy's a statue," Freija said in awe. "I'd be so whiny. I know this shit itches."
"Maybe he can't itch?"
"They can itch. They have skin, skin needs to tell its owner when something's fucking with it, it can itch."
Sunny didn't respond and Freija moved on to the next post.
Once free, the Legionary used a belt as a tourniquet, almost casually, then turned his back to Freija so she could see the rest of the post sticking out of it.
"Cut it down, too," Sunny translated just as Freija figured it out.
After that, he demanded his knife back and cut the one on his thigh himself, much less carefully but just as clean, and he wiggled in the small space to look around. He then hit a small button on his chest plate and settled back.
In the dim white light, Freija and the Legionary watched one another, until she waved awkwardly and went back into the rubble.
A psion was next. Their "scream", a sense of looming death, made Freija want to run away. Still she pressed on, eventually finding them snagged thoroughly on some kind of mesh.
The scream stopped when they saw Freija, then began again for a fleeting moment, then became utter confusion. The voice-thing in their mask even made the 'huh?' sound. 
She didn't bother talking to them, instead moving directly to the task at hand. The psion didn't move, watching the Guardian silently as she pulled their suit loose from ensnaring spikes and hooks. 
They wiggled without cue and freed theirself with only a little struggle after that. Gratitude filled the space and warmed Freija's heart. The confusion held on, but that was probably the best Thank you the Titan had ever gotten.
On a Walk
First Step
Into the Dark
New Experience
The Spaceport
Rescue Operations <-
0 notes
anoldstoryteller · 1 year
Late 44 BBY Finding an ancient Scabbard part three
Suddenly a droid appeared with cables attached to its back. It looked me over and stopped, "You look different from those I know, but are you Mandalorian?" I responded in Mando'a also, "Yes I am. I am Kalolus Torka of Clan Breeder. My crew and I responded to the distress beacon originating here. Who are you?" The droid looked me over before responding, "I am the pinnacle of Mandalorian engineering. I am Scabbard, an advance AI created for the ship that would have won the war against the Jedi." A droid with advance artificial intelligence. That created a slew of problems. "What is your primary purpose?" The droid looked at me with its head cocked, "I told you. I was made for the ship of the same name that would have won the war." It paused before resuming, "However that was a long time ago. Is the war even still on going?" I shook my head. It remained silent for a moment longer, "I have reevaluated my primary functions. I was made to serve under Mand'alor the Ultimate but he is surely dead. So I shall serve under the new Mand'alor." I was about to speak when Alephi and Helen walked in with their rifles raised. I quickly explained to them the situation was under control before returning my focus to Scabbard, "Unfortunately there is currently no Mand'alor." The droid blinked several times before answering, "I have reevaluated my reevaluation. In the absence of a Mand'alor I shall serve the first Mandalorian I see. Oh look at that, a Mandalorian. I am honor to serve you until a new Mand'alor is chosen." I wasn't certain what to make of it. Helen walked up and said, "Forgive me for my Mando'a is not very good, but did the droid say it's going to serve you?" I nodded and asked Scabbard how she intended to do that. She merely chuckled and the cables connected to her started to pop off one by one, "I shall serve you the only way I can. Now if you would please follow me Alor." We followed Scabbard to the other side of the station. I made contact with Bori and asked her how they were doing. She said that the ship's systems have returned to normal and they were waiting for our return. With Scabbard leading the way we were able to get through the station quite easily. She finally stopped in front of a large door and accessed the console. When the doors opened my jaw practically dropped to the floor. In the shipyard was the biggest ship I ever saw. Its size was indescribable. "This is Scabbard. Follow me Alor and I shall lead you to the bridge and get you acquainted with the ships functions." Scabbard started walking towards the enormous ship. I started following her followed by Alephi and Helen. As we entered the ship I was surprised by how well kept it was. Unlike the ships we saw coming in this ship wasn't in bad shape at all. As I looked around the sheer size of it hit me, "Scabbard, is the ship space worthy and if so how many crew members does it require to fly?" I fully expected some ungodly amount, but the droid just continued walking without losing a beat, "Yes the Scabbard is fully operational and ready for its maiden voyage. I am enough to operate it to its maximum capacity." I stopped in my tracks before regaining my wits, "That can't be right. A ship this massive can't be piloted by a single droid." Scabbard stopped abruptly and turned, "Alor….I told you I am not a 'simple droid'. I was made specifically for this task. Now please enter this elevator. It will take us to the bridge." The doors opened and I hesitated on whether or not we should just turn around. I closed my eyes and tried to collect myself. If this ship is what she says it is then it could change everything. However if it's not I could always just leave, right? I decided to take the gamble and followed Scabbard to the bridge. As the elevator doors opened I heard Alephi gasp. The bridge was huge though for a ship this size perhaps it was actually small. In the center was a podium. Scabbard walked over to it and instructed me to sit in the captain's chair. She told me what I needed to do to have the ship acknowledge me as it's captain.
0 notes
la-esmerqlda · 3 years
Why is there a tag for “The Brothers Karamazov” on AO3, and more importantly, WHY IS HALF OF IT INCEST????!!!!
The most popular ships are 1. Ivan x Alyosha and 2. Ivan x Pavel oh my god they have the same parents.
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invertedfate · 2 years
On using Inverted Fate Characters in Fanworks and Multiverse Stuff
So, I wanted to address this in a bit more clarity since I get asked a lot. As a general rule, it is okay to use Inverted Fate characters in fanwork if a) you give CLEAR CREDIT and link back to the website, b) you do your best to preserve characterization and lore from the comic, c) you don’t use the AU as a punching bag for outcode guys like Error to destroy, and d) make it clear that it is not canon to the actual AU.
In the past I’ve also asked that people not make Inverted Fate versions of the following AUs: Underswap, Dust AUs, A/xetale or any AU that pairs the kids w/ adult characters, A/ltertale or any AU that pairs Undyne with male characters, and no AUs that have the base premise of “monster goes ‘crazy’ and kills everyone”. I also ask that people not make their own fan genocide runs for IF and that they don’t misgender the nonbinary characters.
Please no inc/est ships, either. Charisk is fine if it’s kept G-rated as they are not siblings in this AU but they’re also like...13-ish, so be reasonable. These are all just requests- I know I can’t stop people, but I just wanna set some boundaries.
With all that said, I’m generally fine w/ stuff like fell versions of IF and even have some lore and a Papyrus design if folks wanted to play around. Just make sure it’s made clear it’s unofficial to IF itself! AUs of IF have always been fine within reason. Just no “takes,” as IF is a deeply personal project of mine.
What if-scenarios and fanworks about IF itself are also chill, such as exploring the alternate endings in the playable fights, and I’m fine with IF characters interacting with Underswap or other AUs in crossovers. With that in mind, here is some information to keep in mind for crossover type works..
1) Inverted Fate is an AU without genocide runs and never had one in the old world.
I often see it discussed in multiversal things that every AU has neutral, pacifist, and geno. IF has no genocide run. While at one point I had considered and even had some ideas for a noncanon one, reevaluation on characterization and motives made me realize it just wouldn’t make sense and that those ideas were really contrived (especially for Flowey, who wants his power back).
Even if we ever did a larger playable project with the Ruins, any attempted murder runs would end early. Flowey would destroy the Ruins exit during the Asgore fight, and Frisk and Chara would be extremely pissed that such a run happened in the first place. Since Flowey needs everyone alive, he’d very much railroad things, and Frisk has too much baggage to even consider murdering monsters (and Chara would not approve due to remembering the old timeline and Frisk’s kind actions).
2) Canon Inverted Fate has no player in the main story or in the old timeline.
It is a world that has a lot of video game flourishes, but Frisk has always been their own person with a life and agency. The playable versions of scenes are more of an “AU of an AU” where we can control things, but Frisk retains that personality and agency and reacts when things are out of character, hence them resetting if you kill Alphys. That being said, you can treat the alternate endings of the fights as offshoots from the main story- what ifs and all that, but they are noncanon.
Since some AU crossovers play with stuff like players being an active part of the story, which puts IF in a bit of contrast to those kinds of universes.
3) Inverted Fate’s characters do not know that theirs is an AU in the first place, nor do they know the out of universe name of their AU.
On all accounts, they believe theirs is a normal universe and even something like regular Undertale would be seen as the “alternate” to them. They don’t have any in-universe nicknames (e.g. Stretch, Blue, Boss, etc). They just go by their names, though Chara does have the nickname “Captain Cryptic” from Frisk.
4) IF’s Red SOUL is not particularly special. All of the fallen humans could at one point save and load, and simply lost the will power to do so or had their determination overpowered by another human’s.
In the old timeline, they had all given up against Asgore. In this timeline, the Mage being alive for so long brought complications due to there being more than one human at any given time after the cyan human fell. Asgore killed the cyan-souled human still.
Frisk and Chara are both red-souled humans, but the “trait” of their red souls is not explicitly “determination.” Ultimately, what it is doesn’t matter, as IF doesn’t treat the “traits” of souls as anything profound.
5) The Undertale timeline that spawned Inverted Fate was destroyed.
Functionally, the people in the IF timeline are the same as in the previous world, just repurposed with new lives and no memory of what came before. Some small scraps exist elsewhere, so there’s room for some trippy stuff, but note that Flowey has no interest in bringing back the old world, and I’d rather not have IF “fixed” back into Undertale in fan projects.
6) Papyrus canonically has a device that can connect to other universes, but it is unstable and cannot reach worlds where the barrier is down.
Other travelers with other means are of course welcome to find other ways in, but if you want an easy connection, boom. Unstable transporter go brrr. Papyrus has only made one or two stable connections. One of them is @altereddestinyau​.
7) IF Sans canonically drops socks into alternate dimensions with funny notes.
I am fine with other AUs referencing this. It’s just meant to be a silly thing, and the notes tend to have really bad jokes. He can’t choose which universe he drops socks into due to the unstbale nature of the machine.
8) Outcode stuff would make absolutely zero sense to IF’s characters.
They have never heard of your Inks, Errors, Dreams, etc, and concepts like the Doodlesphere are outside the understanding of IF’s characters. I’m fine with IF characters appearing in fanworks with these kinds of characters if they are treated respectfully, but in-universe, the IF world was created on accident by Flowey/Asriel. Granted, most of them do not know this.
9) Chara is merged to Frisk’s SOUL and does not appear as a ghostly figure.
They share a body and can alternate control. Only ghost monsters can hear them when they aren’t speaking through Frisk.
10) IF Gaster was not forgotten, the “void” does not exist here, and instead he is simply scattered across time and space.
In his current state, he is one with the fabric of time and space itself, beyond mortal comprehension. He cannot be saved and doesn’t really have an active presence in this world anymore and nobody really knows what happened besides the followers.
11) Keep in mind that Inverted Fate’s story is not over and is not beholden to UT’s story structure.
I think it would be best to set any crossovers no later than events that are currently covered in the comic because the story is going to be taking some very different turns in the near future.
If anything else needs clarification, feel free to send an ask! I’m generally pretty chill with answering questions. Also, feel free to reblog if you want, since there’s been some misinformation on what is and isn’t okay with me!
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datastate · 3 years
hello hollow knight fans. here are a few notes on some insensitive behaviors / takes i've noticed as of late. this is not a callout toward any specific person - however, if these vague statements fit you... they fit you. please listen.
to preface, i am a neurodivergent trans filipino kid who has been involved in the hk fan space for about a year. within this time, i have met a few wonderful friends of mine and several other acquaintances i greatly appreciate. however, what i've witnessed from others over this does admittedly wear on me in some ways; even after blocking them, or even in times i am otherwise 'offline', i am often reminded of their words, some being so blatantly racist or transphobic i cannot believe they can speak with such conviction. these things are stressful if not genuinely upsetting or frustrating to witness. i realize my word or drawing attention to these things will not prevent these incidents from happening, but i do hope it helps you reevaluate if you read through.
i believe in viewing media with analysis and supporting interpretation from there, however, such interpretation should stand against contention and, especially with nastier interpretations, ought not be so prevalent without being challenged or rightfully criticized. you are not immune to criticism simply for being in a fan space, especially if you like to claim fan content to be actual art.
let's begin with fiction, and work our way up toward issues outside of meta. (warning for an extremely long post)
a large, common issue in fan spaces is when mlm relationships are overly emphasized by fans, almost to the point of obsession. the characters are often simplified to fit rehashed roles for the sake of fans who wish to ultimately fetishize gay relationships for their own pleasure. in the past, i remember a lot of these fans were girls who self-identified as “fujoshis” and made shipping these characters off an unreasonably large facet of their personality, often never connecting with irl gay people, but this fictionalized version made to cater towards them and other creepy fans like them. there is a difference in enhancing gay representation in media, and fetishizing gay relationships. many fans, especially (cishet) girls/women, fall into the latter
however, there are some stereotypes lgbtq people can also fall into in their own works. often unintentional, but there nonetheless
wrt lurien, it is incredibly frustrating to see his character be boiled down to “gay romantic wreck for the pale king” as if that’s his entire personality. people will place such emphasis on his love for the king, practically infantilizing him or causing him to be entirely dependent on the king's validation. there is much more to his character, and you must keep in mind he is an adult with a serious position. while his softer feelings may be shown, it is incredibly inappropriate to have his entire character dedicated to pk's image when he has other aspects of life you can focus on instead of revolving his entire character around this romantic interest in the king, or painting him as incompetent when nervous under the king's gaze. underplaying his character for this so often does often make mlm feel uneasy.
(an aside - please, stop calling him, or any others honestly, a simp. that is a heavy insult that shouldn't have been popularized in this form in the first place among people unfamiliar with AAVE)
this may seem irrelevant, but do you know why the tumblr sexyman phenomenon was first criticized? exactly what aspects it entailed made it so distasteful? if not, let me explain the more serious gist as it's often undermined with jokes: characters with no human form (bill cipher, wheatley, etc...) were given an 'attractive' / 'sexy' shape, idolized by fans as young thin white men. under this guise, as is applied with other white men in media (prominent example i can think of right now being kylo ren - character which was so influenced by the fans due to its lack of competent writers it became 'canon'), fans - often white themselves - began narratively shifting the stories to sympathize heavily with these white men, or found it 'easier' to empathize with them regardless of their actions.
while this (subconscious?) racism is a genuine complaint often found within fan spaces, it was most prominent in this phenomenon that fans were more drawn to excuse the atrocities of their white faves and provide them depth rather than dare to explore any other characters, especially those of color, beyond something flat or in ways which would uplift their white man.
what does this have to do with tpk? well, he is, by most definitions, a 'sexyman' in how several fans will treat and excuse him. much of this also applies to the white lady, as i will bring up in an individual later point. let me bring in some specific examples he is ‘woobified’, from what i’ve observed:
-> disregarding: MASS CHILD MURDER:
it is obvious tpk did this in an attempt to save his kingdom, i am not trying to dispute his reasoning or how he went through with it in-game, or say you cannot expand on his character. i simply mean to place this as a reminder that all of the children he had were created to be used. even if he did grow conflicted later on, it frankly doesn't matter because it has been done. he refused thk personhood and denied the rest of... thousands upon thousands of children, their very right to breath. none of his kin are required to forgive him after this, and there is trauma all of the vessels have suffered due to his and wl's actions.
even within "AUs" where the infection is rendered null and the vessels no longer need to be killed, i must admit as a person who has dealt with abuse that it does feel wrong to create some... "happy family" out of it, as if the point of the game has been forgotten. these AUs also tend to disregard the more obvious journey where ghost gathers paternal figures who genuinely, unconditionally, care for their well-being in contrast to their birth parents.
at best, these AUs are tone-deaf, and at worst, they are sympathizing with abusers for the sake of fluff. it becomes especially clear people don't understand the scope of the child murder despite witnessing the abyss. fact is, this act is unforgivable even if you wish to show him improve (and let's be real... after this you can only go up) afterward. these AUs do feel shallow as well when the only vessels people seem to allow to live are the few who survived the massacre only to die in other areas of hallownest: ghost, thk, broken vessel, and the greenpath vessel. the point of hollow knight is that these vessels mattered, yes, but as did all of the other lives stolen. they could've been one of the millions forgotten in the abyss, left to rot... why do you pretend pk would give them special treatment? is it because you wish to see a loving, family-guy side to him, to make it easier to empathize? there are so many others he could be close with, instead of forcing him into playing the role of a father he straight up isn’t fit for, nor would his kids accept (need i remind you, despite carefully picking up items from other corpses, ghost chooses to desecrate his to grab the kingsoul.)
now, a few vessels living isn't a bad idea - so long as it’s handled well. forcing pk to reconcile in small manners is fine. i honestly don’t often care about what happens in AUs, as they are obviously not meant to be reflected of ‘canon’ - however, where i take issue is where the pale king’s feelings are valued over the people, the children, who were killed en masse. you cannot pretend you wish for the vessels to merely have a happier life - when they’d have a much better time with so, so many other characters we meet in-game or who would theoretically be alive to care for those who remain, who may have been able to flee during hallownest’s time. you are placing value on the oppressor rather than the victims, valuing his thoughts and feelings despite being the perpetrator when you are creating AUs like this.
-> disregarding: "NO COST TOO GREAT"
the iconic line... that everyone seems to forget? the king admits here, in his mantra, he holds no moral line. the ends will always justify the means, and he is the righteous judgement to decide that. even if regret from the vessel plan twisted this phrase to take on more of an ironic or regretful tone when we read it with the dreamnail in-game, you must remember this was a phrase he has stuck to for the majority of his life. depending on interpretation, he may not be entirely ruthless if he can help it, but you cannot ignore such a large aspect of his character. he is calculating, and he is confident in his ability to weigh the scales regardless of personal preference. the only time we see him condemn another for ‘being wrong’ (that isn’t the radiance) is when he killed xero - and even then, that is because it is going against his right to rule as king. i understand xero was infected at the time, but i believe it is very telling that xero was nonetheless made out to be an example rather than a victim of the infection to be honored. his grave doesn’t even showcase his name.
tl;dr for this section is: you don’t need to unreasonably soften him to make him interesting when it comes down to it, this is what he believes, and there is a lot you can do with this and his character as a whole without babying him or making him overly-sympathetic!
-> obligatory: THE WHITE LADY
the white lady is not a victim, or a fitting / caring parent either - she is a perpetrator just as the pale king, even if she had less of a direct hand than he did. in-game, she still denies thk’s personhood and urges ghost to do her work for her, hanging themself in their sibling’s place as if they’re meant to be just as hollow. she has resigned herself to self-pity and acting as if there’s nothing else to do - although hornet still works to act in hallownest’s protection, now alone due to her inaction.
while she is wonderful with her words, being polite and calm in her phrasing and obviously skilled socially, her messages are cruel once you read through what she asks of you. she is not caring of ghost’s well-being - i honestly doubt she even recognizes them as her child instead of merely another vessel. she was complicit in thk’s abuse, and she has caused to heavying the mantle hornet’s taken up due to her idle regard. she is not... nice, necessarily. although she can easily act the part.
honestly, her demeanor reminds me of a few (grown) white women i’ve met in the past who would victimize themselves once rightful criticism was brought to light (often in regard to not tolerating their (unintentional? you’re an adult, though...) racism). they will use their more vulnerable status as women to cover up their other issues and essentially deny the fact that poc are asking them to change their behavior to be more mindful... they will pretend trans women and men of color, especially, could not fathom what it’s like to be a minority solely on the basis of transmisogyny and the idea that men of color, being men, are somehow oblivious to the hardships of being a minority.
with this in mind, i’ve noticed that within fan spaces she is often more likely to be absolved than pk on the basis of her being pressured or oblivious to what she was doing. these are takes which are often used to support the ideas that white women are always victims of circumstance rather than complacent with what power they do hold over several others. she is no more a victim in this plan than pk, even if she did physically distance herself afterward and bind herself. she may genuinely care, yes, do give her depth, but keep in mind she is disconnected from her own creations - whether to actively deny her own atrocities or make the plan easier to commit to and continue, this is how it is. she is complicit in so much and her atrocities should not be forgotten simply to be depicted as an innocent, caring part of the white family image people like to craft. i am going to touch on her acting first to steal unn’s land in the next point, but for now i will leave this section with this:
it’s okay to like morally grey or villain characters for being morally grey or villains, i promise. you can put reasoning behind their actions without needing to make them sympathetic or erasing what they’ve done or projecting what they’ve done onto others.
in no sweet terms, hallownest has stolen areas around, pressured other civilizations into accepting its terms, and attempted to impose upon deepnest as well. it’s fine writing, though people do seem to shrug it off in a myriad of ways which is...disappointing, and deeply uncomfortable as a filipino person, to hear how these groups of people were asking for it or were helped out by hallownest, even while doing well on their own prior to it being established on their lands
-> subtext: MOTHS (& MUSHROOMS)
a point i must address immediately is the fact i have repeatedly seen sentiments where the moths were a monolith in their willingness to submit to hallownest, taking the seer’s words at face value. while i love the seer as much as the next, she is not immune to the story hallownest has created, having been born after the moths were already “well-integrated” into its culture, and she is obviously bitter over her lack of direct connection with her culture - assumedly having to search it out on her own, as markoth had.
what do i mean by ‘the story hallownest created’? well, based on real examples, there has always been reasoning for colonization as somehow freeing more “primitive” peoples from their ways by introducing them to recently made technology. or, otherwise “helping” them in ways they are somehow incapable of and didn’t ask for. when searching for examples, i must admit hallownest immediately reminds me of japan’s attempt at “uniting” all of east asia during WWII; the short of it is that it succeeded in culling countries for resources and used puppet regimes for its own means in leading them toward supposed greatness they were too inferior to achieve otherwise, under imperialist japanese rule.
in the context of hallownest, it is entirely possible that there was a similar case in leaders of the moths being bribed and/or threatened into soothing over any doubts for hallownest’s good intentions, and leading their people into accepting hallownest’s rule / influence. another part you must remember is that... the moths are generally pacifistic people. and hallownest is a large area which is quite trained in its weaponry. even for the few moths who broke tradition to take on weapons, there were so little in comparison to the army hallownest had at its disposal.
even after hallownest was established, even if its pressure on the moths wasn’t entirely forgotten by this time, it was likely brought up as a place for opportunity and hope for moths to flock to if they wished to achieve something great. over time, culture will either be assimilated into hallownest’s mix, or it will become irrelevant due to how few people are there to continue on tradition. eventually, it began to fade over generations being drawn to hallownest - or perhaps in a worse case it was a situation where the children were led into being indoctrinated with hallownest’s mindset with little (if any) connection to their culture, as was the case with so many real kids separated from their people. it was not an active choice... it never is! no culture asks to be erased, or locked away as the spirit glade was! no one wants to lose their connection to their people or to family they trust! within this, it is disrespectful to insinuate otherwise, knowing what became of the moths.
as for the mushrooms, while i admittedly haven’t thought on them much, it is saying something to the fact their area is referred to as a path to the city rather than a separate society in its own right. the mushroom people have been entirely integrated into hallownest, with hallownest’s people almost constantly having that presence on their land, there must’ve been some distaste even if they did comply for that peaceful end, to preserve themselves as i’m sure hallownest was unwilling to yield and attempt to find another place from queen’s station to the city that would still be close to the archive.
tl;dr of this is that it’s unrealistic to act as if the mosskin or mushrooms were asking for hallownest’s rule, especially when contrasting the moths’ pacifistic traditions against hallownest’s “defense”
-> boundaries: MOSSKIN & MANTIS TRIBE & HIVE
while the mosskin relinquished some land for ‘greenpath’, they have more of a defense than the moths and are allowed to keep most of their heartland that hallownest doesn’t especially need for it’s path leading toward the capital. another loss the mosskin suffered is to the white lady - someone they clearly hold distaste toward with their warning for the lands beyond being run by someone who does not share the dream. it is extremely likely that the white lady stole this land for her own - much different to what’s implied with monomon (or another uoma) and unn having worked something out for fog canyon to be established on unn’s land. while they are tolerable of bugs on some parts of their land, they are actively defensive as to not lose more of their land.
the mantis tribe seems to have among the strongest forces in defending their home (only ever betrayed from within) with renowned skill which is especially helped due to their values and emphasis on sparring to prove honor and the like. it is because of this that they were able to keep a truce, rather than be overrun with outsiders.
as for the hive, it entirely rejected hallownest once it came into the area, closing off. while queen vespa is vaguely aware of the vessel plan, she may have been the only one to ever leave (or an informant of hers; due to her height) to discover this information, as the hive itself seems to have been purposefully cut off from the areas outside which could plausibly be under hallownest’s influence or rule. the hive risked nothing by letting themself open to hallownestian outsiders
and. well. of course, there’s another group i’ve not yet mentioned which also stood their ground. they deserve their own section with how much i must touch on
wow! the racism in how people portray them is...something else. even before i really realized how people regard the moths, i was incredibly upset with how the beasts (likely a title for outsiders to dehumanize them - coined by and/or imposed by hallownest), spiders and herrah especially, were treated by fans as overly aggressive, confrontational, and as if they had no social empathy or regard for lives when each is either reasonable or something hallownest is quite frankly not entitled to after what it’s done.
as is a similar case with the mosskin, hallownest was attempting to establish itself in a part of deepnest - although here, they went through with it without getting any consent in taking this land for their own. even if deepnest and hallownest were on equal terms, it was even worse to betray that trust and begin to take their home for your own without working something out. while it may have seemed cruel to not spare the lives of people who were simply working a job, and the fact that there were several corpses of common pillbugs scattered in deepnest, fact is that if they are under the impression that if begin to show any leniency that hallownest will use this weakness to take them. besides, explaining their reactions here is an entirely different case than the reasoning behind pk and wl, as it is more of a “punching up” mindset rather than people already in power abusing this - as is the case with slavery in hallownest, or the class divide evident in the capital. deepnest is trying to protect itself and its culture, especially with how much it clashes with hallwnest’s set up - one has to cave in for the other to reign. it would be better to form a truce, but it takes the infection to get them to land on those more neutral terms with how ambitious hallownest was in thinking it was entitled to deepnest’s land.
deepnest was not hostile without reason, and it is quite underhanded to paint the spiders especially as irrational in their anger or frustration. you may allow them to be angry - of course you can! they’ve had to put up with all of this! - but do be sure that you are not shifting focus to the pale beings or hallownest as if they are in the right for what they’ve done to try to assimilate deepnest’s own culture. let herrah show her anger, let hornet be frustrated with her father and wl, but never paint this more “negative emotion” as unjust, unless it is of course from an unreliable narrator’s perspective, but even then there are smaller ways to prove deepnest and those who argue for its safety from hallownest are objectively in the right.
-> obligatory: QUEEN HERRAH & THE DALIANCE (warning for references to sexual assault in section)
since i have already gone over the unsavory aspects of making herrah and other spiders overly aggressive, i will briefly talk about the misconception that herrah. pressured tpk into creating hornet
while it is true this was not the best situation for hornet’s conception, it is quite clear that herrah was just as desperate as wl and pk. herrah wanted to leave someone behind who she could trust would protect deepnest - and with hornet being of the pale beings, a half-god, herrah probably hoped that would keep the pale beings from daring to siege deepnest as to not earn hornet’s ire after herrah was put to rest. while there was risk that deepnest would begin to be drawn into the pale beings grasp because of this, it was better to help ensure her child had a connection with deepnest’s current culture as to try to encourage them to keep it as it is, along with deepnest’s own stubborn will in preserving themselves. all she asked for was an heir, preferably of her blood, though i’m sure being mortal she would’ve eventually folded just for the chance her people as they were would survive.
people seem to twist herrah into being someone who assaulted pk, although it’s clear the two worked something out prior to it, and wl agreed that this was fine. if pk was truly against it, either herrah would resign the desire for it to be of her brood, or pk would’ve attempted to reach for the help of another.
not only in this case are you villainizing a character coded as a person of color, someone you’d likely already portray as needlessly aggressive, but you’re pulling out the white character as the victim helpless against this other, who had absolutely no choice even though he hated it all the while... if you have done even an ounce of research on the baseless accusations white people will throw toward poc - especially dark-skinned people - regarding assault, you will realize how. bad this is, especially seeing as in-fiction it can be explained and fixed to not have such a power-imbalance or needless pressure.
+ bonus points if you somehow have missed the line where it’s insinuated the higher beings don’t much care about polyamory? of course, wl and pk share a soul, but they don’t seem to mind relations outside of this, especially for something as temporary as herrah’s agreement.
basically, there’s no real need to have made this be so uncomfortably and needlessly non-con on pk’s part. you can bring in the situation with nuance without being creepy about it, i promise.
hornet laughs during your battle with her! it’s a nice note that team cherry added, and does add a lot of characterization to the person she’s grown into being after deepnest and hallownest’s falls, using this sort of battle (rather than sparring) to entertain herself and likely seeing it as an inherent part of her life now. outside of battle, she comes across as cold and collected, often not showing much personal care for ghost even if they are a bit intriguing.
however, people will take her demeanor and twist it to make her far more aggressive and verbally confrontational than she’s ever been. not only does it not make sense, but it’s likely linked to people’s treatment of the other spiders. while she can come across as apathetic, and i certainly know i write her that way due to personal nd hcs, it’s very... uncomfortable to have her be thrown to emotion and/or heartless/uncaring toward other's own emotions, especially when she’s stated in-game that she is not heartless even if she keeps her own emotions under wrap. there are times she will snap, yes, but i’m not talking about that. i am speaking of people who make her entire character some sort of ‘anger personified’ without much nuance behind it. it’s a similar problem to what people do when characterizing her mother, reducing them to one trait to make it easier to do jokes or... write serious fic? which you would imagine would at least try to give her depth, and yet she is stripped of her personality and turned to something extremely bland and a caricature we have seen over and over again for the sake of [trope fic here].
( i will also note here it is quite uncomfortable to refer to a younger hornet’s being rambunctious as being “feral” - doubly so if you will blame this half of her on her spider blood. while, being a spider, she may enjoy bouncing around much more than the average bug, there is no need to... negatively associate / outright blame her excited, occasionally chaotic, nature on ‘oh it’s bc she’s a spider’..??? )
-> aside: HERRAH (AGAIN)
please. stop making herrah out to be a bad mother, especially if you are going to use this to uplift pk and wl being parents. you do realize how it’s bad to imply that she was somehow awful and abusive solely on the basis of her title of ‘beast’ and/or "abandoning” hornet, while wl and pk killed thousands upon thousands of their own kin, and pressured the one remaining into upholding their ‘being hollow’, yeah? especially since i’ve already established herrah is coded as a character of color? this isn’t to mention the assumption white people already have that they’re only ever helping / saving by adopting kids of color, often without allowing them any real connection to their culture.
if you need canon reasoning to avoid this stereotype, while herrah did conceive hornet for her people of deepnest, she ultimately admits that she was driven to give her life so hornet could live on in relative peace alongside her people. herrah didn’t fully realize the dreamer plan would fail, that she was leaving behind a child in a world worse than what she knew - all she saw was the chance hornet could live without fear of dreaming, with the deepnest people as her comfort... even hornet says she cannot blame herrah, that despite everything she is thankful for the life herrah tried to give her.
you really need to consider what biases you’re bringing in when you make gijinkas / human vers
why have you portrayed all of the characters you personally sympathize with as white? quirrel, cloth, myla, monomon, the seer… meanwhile in stark contrast you’re fine tossing shades of ‘tan’ onto the ones more prone to violence? tiso and hornet esp, the other weavers (depending on inteprretation.)
the weavers and the moths especially both have stories reflecting real events, it does make sense that they’d be adapted as poc - but you shouldn’t portray them as irrational or ‘more violent’ or ‘more argumentative’ in comparison to the others (prime example being herrah; there’s no reason she’d be less reasonable than lurien.)
this isn’t me saying to ‘mindlessly make everyone a poc’ because then that’s how you get the pale wyrm / white king being portrayed in a manner he’s not fit for, and often it ends with people drawing white characters but with their skin color being the only thing changed - nothing bothering w giving their hair texture or changing up their noses to fit, or sometimes not even letting their eyes be brown, but a ‘palette swap’ of a white character.
i will also say that it is harmful to erase the body types of characters. if you feel unconfident with trying to draw fat characters, practice! it does help to at least try rather than stay in this fixed mindset “oh well i suck at drawing them so i just Won’t draw them at all / will change their body type :/” you know? also, please don’t be afraid to draw characters with (visible) disabilities! it does make people like myself feel comforted to see us remembered, especially if you do make notes on the pain we must deal with alongside it.
be mindful when you’re making human takes so you don’t fall into negative stereotypes when you’re doing drawings on the side using these designs, or in the designs themselves as applied to the characters as we know them (or how you portray them… in which case, regarding race, there’s a whole issue with how the weavers are taken that i previously spoke about)
remember you aren’t locked to a single design if you realize you were (likely unintentionally) showing off designs w these negative connotations, you can change them, and how you treat a character, at any time. please be mindful, and do research on what cultures of the ethnicity you are going to make the character be.
it is really, truly, not difficult to not misgender. even if you are learning english, you must become accustomed to the pronoun sets they/them (for groups) and it/its (for inanimate objects). while you may personally believe it’s somehow dehumanizing to refer to people with these pronouns, it is worse still to outright misgender them. there is no excuse to not use these pronouns - although the vessels may be ‘gendered’ in your translation of the game you are accustomed to, when you are translating back to english you must keep in mind that the they/it sets are purposefully used and this is another part you must translate if you mean to communicate with other english players.
if you are aware that they/it sets are used in the english translation, and you still refuse to change your behavior, then you are being transphobic! there’s no way around it - if you can’t use they/it sets for something as simple as fictional, i truly doubt you’d be able to use those sets for me or any others who do not use he or she pronouns what with how adamant you are that these pronouns are somehow incorrect simply because they “don’t exist” in your language (outright ignoring the trans folk who have made room for additional pronouns in your native language)
gender isn’t equivalent to the pronouns used, but it’s a fine indicator oftentimes. using he or she in reference to the vessels in-game which are only ever referred to with they/it is immediately something that will make trans (specifically nonbinary) people uncomfortable with your presence because it comes off that you’re trying to give them genders - regardless of whether or not you try to excuse this with saying you still view them as nonbinary (often as demiboy, demigirl, etc.). there are plenty of nonbinary people who will use he or she pronouns, but in this case, the only pronouns used are they/it and it doesn’t take much to keep that in mind. those are still pronouns that plenty of people identify with and it doesn’t take much effort to fix up your behavior and quit calling the singular usage of these pronouns “incorrect”
while i admit team cherry is not the best with nonbinary rep in the vessels, that is no excuse to claim they somehow need genders to overcome their trauma? their trauma is from being disregarded and dehumanized, not their pronoun usage. if using it/its squicks you out, it doesn’t take much to at least allow the decency of using they/them instead for them, regardless of whether or not you’re a native english player.
this is a well-known fact, honestly. fandoms, especially large ones, are hostile toward poc who dare to speak out on their favoring of white characters and disregard for characters of color - no matter how complex they are in the base material. while they can write poetry out of the flattest white side characters, they somehow struggle to consider characters of color in their full potential or depth.
i have already spoken on about this, so i will attempt to keep it short: several times i have simply reminded and somewhat expanded on what team cherry has given the societies outside of hallownest, only for white (adult) fans to counter me with remarks that are simply taking the lore on these societies at face-value. the ironic part? they will emphasize the depth and nuance to pk’s character in turn, despite his one direct dreamnail line. the mosskin, the mantis tribe, the moths, deepnest - they all have just as much environmental storytelling as hallownest (which is centered around pk) does, with even more written lore as to how they functioned and what beliefs they hold. there is much depth there, and yet people would rather favor expanding on the pale king instead of these people, and will even go as far as writing these people off as one-note.
when i attempt to relate events, or at least my more in-depth interpretation of them, to real colonization examples (often regarding the philippines), i am often brushed off as reading too much into it, or that the pale king “had best intentions” and it was somehow really the original culture’s faults for letting their culture be erased / forgotten in place of hallownest? it does hurt to see a lot of you give such depth to hallownest, but quickly cut down anyone who tries to explain hallownest isn’t flawless, and point out their atrocities toward specific peoples that the groups are still attempting to recover from - especially when i will base it on my own experiences as a filipino person who once had a direct connection with my heritage. if you, a white person, can project being trans onto the pale king, could you please let me project my own experiences onto a people that does have basis for what i have researched without feeling the need to make snide remarks about my work or sincerity? especially if you haven't done research yourself.
outside of my own experience, i have seen other friends of mine (or - not even friends! i have seen a few people in the hk tag i do not (yet) follow who i notice deal with this) propose their own ideas of adding their culture to the societies to expand on the depth of them, only for hk fans to disengage or, essentially, say it’s unrealistic for the culture to adapt these traditions. they have yet to provide a good reason as to why, even for giving hallownestian traditions which do not entirely line up with western traditions that the kingdom seems to be based on.
returning, i understand wanting to explore hallownest and how it functioned in its prime, and i understand most western folk find it easier to expand on them as it does seem to have similarities to the ruling there. i am not trying to criticize this part, as i have done the same! i enjoy exploring the characters such as the five knights or the dreamers and their companions, especially, and i tend to favor hallownest too, believe it or not. however, i feel it becomes very clear when people haven’t truly… thought about the other societies beyond how they can fuel the pale king’s story of attempting to ‘coexist’ with them, or their own individual systems and how those would clash with hallownest’s, how most common people immigrating from their homes to hallownest would need to adjust. the societies don’t feel so distinct, and their values begin to feel muddled and underwhelming because there is such an emphasis on hallownest and its grandeur, its end-all plan to encompass the entire area as its own.
i am not asking you to direct attention to muses you do not click with, but… please do consider why you cannot, especially if you find it easy to relate to the pale king or white lady.
-> don’t tag hk-only art as siIksong? please. crosstagging is not only annoying for fans, but it’ll keep some of your art from being seen from people who have the ss tag blocked until it’s released!
-> if you must sexify the bugs, be sure to mark said content as explicit or other ‘not safe for...’ tags
-> please don’t talk about how much you hate a character in the tags of someone’s art
-> please be sure you are not misgendering characters other than the vessels; i’ve found the wiki is a fine place for double-checking if need be
-> it costs nothing to see someone who portrays a character with a stigmatized disorder and not call them an ableist slur for it, especially if it is depicted respectfully and doesn’t lean into dark fiction without any warnings
-> on that note, please do try to do your own research and challenge your biases! it’s a process of changing, and you may (re)initiate it at any point.
-> be sure to listen to people of color, this is a definite if you’re white. however, if you’re a poc (esp if you’re light-skinned) it still doesn’t hurt to listen to others. we all have different experiences!
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
masked in desperation
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word count: 6044
Warnings: Verbal Degradation. Physical Humiliation involving Din making reader wet herself. Dirty Talk. Penetrative, Non-Protective Sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong por favor). Rough then Soft Din. Don't worry, this is consensual and there is aftercare involved.
No summary because I don't even know what to call this? All you guys need to know is that this fic is based on/inspired by the following asks [x] [x] [x] [x]
A/N: Uhhh this is new for me so I'm sorry if I didn't get the dynamic involved with a humiliation kink right. Please let me know how I could correct anything should there be something off. This was supposed to be rougher...but I turned soft midway because nervous Din makes me warm. I hope you like it nonetheless though. Comments are hella appreciated. And you can add yourself to the taglist here. Enjoy and please don't @ me once you finish this fic. And I apologize that it took long, this semester was hell.
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It was an act of crazed desire concealed beneath irritation and anger, irritation with you for managing to claw yourself into his heart and anger at himself for allowing you to do so freely. He couldn't deny his feelings anymore, not if he wanted to retain whatever sanity he had left around you. What started out as nothing but stress relief and a way to help with the pain left behind by Grogu leaving turned into Din wishing he could stake his claim on you every moment of every day so you wouldn't seek anyone else out. Not that he genuinely believed you would. Still...
And it wasn't like this was any different from what the two of you usually do. At least that's what he says to excuse his twisted behavior, to not dwell too much on his sick, possessive fantasies.
It was driving him mad. He wanted to mark you up, always did during those passionate nights, loved watching as you tried, and failed, to cover up his love bites and handprints from the guild members. But he also craved to feel the same way. He wanted to bear traces of you on him so people knew how much he cared for you, perhaps even recognized the hold you have on him. The only problem was, no one would ever see the angry nail scratches and bite marks you left every night on his skin because of his beskar. So this, this would do the trick, even if it was barely noticeable, even if it would be gone when he washed his beskar, even if the two of you would be the only ones who knew what happened behind closed doors.
The weird thing was, he doesn't even know how he got to this point. Well, that's not true. He can actually trace his way to this moment, but he feels ashamed to do so? Reluctant maybe. It didn't matter what he was feeling at this point. All he knew was that he needed to watch you as you humiliated yourself in front of him, and had no power to do anything about it. Perhaps it was because, deep down, he wanted to show you that he'd accept you no matter what. He wanted to prove to you that he may just be worthy of having you in his arms. He wanted to assure you that he would be committed to you until his dying breath. And this, in some way, was the solution.
Before he can reevaluate and dwell too much on his decision, he fills a cup with water and heads towards you, ignoring the Marshal's glances as he approaches you and taps on your shoulders.
"Yeah?" You turn around, and Din forces himself to stand his ground when he sees your smile growing wider as you take the water from his hand. "Oh aren't you sweet. Careful, or else they'll think you're growing soft." You tease him as you down the cup of water and hand it back to him before returning to fixing the ship. He says nothing as he walks back towards the cantina, and resumes his quiet meditation.
And that's how it goes for the next couple of hours. He brings you a cup of water every so often, murmuring something or other about how he doesn't have time to take care of you if you suffered from a heat stroke before leaving immediately. Din quietly thanks the maker for your discomfort with public refreshers, because this plan wouldn't have worked if you decided to go to the cantina or elsewhere to relieve yourself. He's locked his ship's refresher and made sure to not be anywhere in sight when you sought him out to ask about the issue with the door.
He feels himself grow harder when he notices you squirming as you work on the ship, softly palming himself through his pants when you halt your movements every couple of minutes to either cross your legs or push your hand between your thighs to attempt and alleviate some of that pain. A part of him feels horrible for putting you through this, but something tells him it will be worth it in the end. Din Djarin isn't a man of prayer, but he pleads to whatever higher power that created you that this wouldn't backfire and make you leave him.
As the twin suns slowly set beneath the sky, Din moves away from where he's been hiding and heads towards the ship, making sure he is in your line of sight as he walks up the ramp and towards his armory. He quickly takes out the durasteel cuffs from where he's set them, hiding them behind his back as he pretends to head towards the cockpit.
However, he stops when he sees you rushing past him and setting all of your tools aside. You're mumbling angrily beneath your breath when things begin to fall over, growling when you try to fix them a couple of more times, and they continue to fall.
"Motherfucking shit," Din hears you swear as you carelessly try to set the box again and it falls over. Shaking your head, you turn around and sprint past him again towards the refresher. His eyes never leave your shaking form as you push on the refresher button numerous times and nothing happens.
"Pfassk! Din, how angry would you be if I broke this fucking door right now?" You try to grab the gun on his holster but he is quicker than you, slamming his hand on your own to prevent you from taking it.
"Extremely." His answer is short and straight to the point, mostly because he can't trust himself to respond to you without giving himself away.
"God please I- I need..." You hesitate and try to remove your hand from him, only to feel his hold tighten around your wrist. He thought you'd break and confess what you needed to do due to your desperation, but you don't, holding your tongue and looking up at him quizzically when he removes your wrist and clasps one side of the cuff on them.
"Din, what- what're you doing?" You look down and watch as he clasps the cuffs on your other wrist and ensures that they aren't too tight around your wrists before he locks them. Before you can ask him again, Din drags you across the ship and into the cockpit, ignoring your annoyed murmurs as he sits down and pulls you onto his lap.
You squirm around and try to get up but Din’s hold on your waist tightens and he slides you against his beskar until you fall into his chest. He says nothing as you push away and try to maneuver yourself so your legs aren’t wide open. He chuckles lowly when he sees how much you’re struggling, finally allowing you to put some space between the two of you. You rest your back against the controls board and take a few deep breaths before you stare at him.
“Can you please let me go?” You ask patiently, and hope he sees how genuine and serious you’re being. When he sits back but keeps his hold on you, you know he isn’t going to make this easy.
“Because I- I need to take care of something,” you look away when you respond and Din feels his cock twitch in his pants at the sudden shyness taking over.
“How about you let me take care of you?” He takes his gloves off and throws them aside, smiling to himself when he sees you shiver as he moves his hands up and down your body. You watch him like a hawk and you feel yourself growing wet for a moment, but you realize this reaction is the last thing you want to experience in his presence right now.
“Wait Din- just...it’s not like that.” You bite your lower lip and stifle a moan when he cups your tits and softly flicks at your hardened nipples.
“No? And yet here you are melting at my touch...your body knows me mesh’la, it’s blooming for me and I’ve barely touched you. Sweet girl, don’t you want me to make you feel good? I’ve been thinking about you all day long, about kissing you until you’re breathless...and biting you until you have my mark everywhere. Don’t you want me to show you just how much I’ve missed you?” Din knows he’s not being fair but the way your eyes are glowing with lust is enough to ground him so he could carry out his plan.
“I- I do...fuck, Din- I really do. I barely think of anything else...but I really need to-” You shut your eyes and groan as soon as you feel Din’s hand descend down your chest and rest on your lower stomach. He supports your back as he slowly begins to push against your navel, watching with fascination as your face contorts from pain and pleasure the harder he pushes on your muscles. You’re not sure what’s happening for a few seconds until you manage to open your eyes and look at him. His visor prevents you from seeing what he’s thinking but none of it matters when you feel him shift underneath you before he eases up. You sigh in relief but Din repeats his actions, only this time, he’s becoming a little more aggressive with his touches.
"N-no wait please I-"
"What's the matter mesh'la? You're usually fucking me like a loth-cat in heat by now, begging for me to have my way with you...take what I want until you feel properly fucked and filled with my cum." Din leans forward, never once easing up as he begins to move you over his beskar-clad thigh. There’s not much you can do due to the cuffs and how much advantage Din has over you in terms of muscle and size so you do the only thing that’s left.
You beg.
"Please, please Din I- I just...I need to-" It takes every ounce of control not to let go of your body’s function and you realize you’re not making much sense when Din cuts you off again and asks you what you want.
"Need to what? Go on sweet girl, tell me. What do you need?" His motions become more rough as he alternates between shoving his hand against your bladder and moving your clothed heat across his thigh. Din wants nothing more than to push you to the floor and fuck you until you can’t remember anything but him, but he tries his best to keep himself in check until he gets what he wants.
"I'll do anything Din just...need the- the refresher. I'm so- so...maker, please wait-" The controls dig into your back the more you lay on them but you can’t find it in yourself to care because a different kind of pain shoots down your spine when Din brings you closer to him and hikes your shirt up. His palms are warm against your skin and you hate how good they feel because this was not how you saw the day going with him.
"You know the safeword. Say it if you want me to let you go and I will." His tone shifts and you throw all caution aside as you confess to him why you need to leave.
"Din please...I really need to pee. I- I'll come back right away but I- oh it's too much, t-too much." You think he’s going to apologize and let you go when you tell him but all your admission does is cause him to momentarily stop before he wraps his arms around you and stands up. He’s pushing you up against the wall, not caring for what you just said to him or how rough he’s being as he nudges his leg in between your thighs and resumes his antics from before.
"I know."
The curt response washes over you like ice and your eyes begin to water as soon as Din takes off his helmet and you see him smiling down at you. You don’t know that you’re shaking in his arms but he leans down and nuzzles into the crook of your neck to commit the moment to memory. He loves the effect he’s having on you and although a small part of him feels bad, he doesn’t bother or care to hold back as he brings himself flush against you, the action causing his beskar to push deeper against your navel and have his desired effect.
"Din?" He thinks your whimpers might make him cum right then and there but he takes a deep breath before he pulls away and looks down at you. He’s sure that his eyes don’t convey an ounce of guilt at the moment, the opposite actually, and it only brightens his smile as he pulls down your tank top strap far enough to give him access to the top of your breasts. Din moves closer to you and lays lazy kisses across your heated skin, all the while attempting to grab your attention so he could tell you what he wanted.
"Why do you think I kept handing you water all day ner ka'rta?"
"W-wha-?" Your sniffles pull at his heart but he knows that you’re not in any physical danger and that all you need to do is whisper your safeword and he’d let you go. When a tear drop trails down your chin and hits his forehead, Din has to pull away to take a better look at you. He hates how much he loves the way you’re looking at him right now, like he’s simultaneously a villain and a savior to your predicament.
"And who do you think locked the refresher? Sweet girl… I thought you were smarter than that." Your surprised gasp adds more to the innocence he’s seeing in you and it’s the last straw before he holds onto your waist and begins to move you across his thigh again.
"You what?"
“Go on pretty, I know how much you’re trying to hold it in. ‘m not letting you go any time soon,” Din talks down at you and if you weren’t trying to prevent yourself from embarrassing yourself in front of him, you’d think it was the sexiest tone he’s had with you yet. But it’s getting more difficult to control your bladder and even though you get the sense that he will probably win in the end, you still try to hold off as much as possible.
“Look at you trying so hard...prettiest fucking sight in the galaxy. And do you know what makes it even better? I can smell how much you want me...this tight, wet cunt is begging for my cock. You can have me sweetheart, you can have me right now if you want. But you know what you have to do.” You’re shaking in his arms and plead pathetically when he applies more pressure on your navel. You try to ask him why again but you can’t find the words and resume moaning his name as he uses you.
And that’s what he’s doing. He’s using you. Like he owns you. Like he has the right to control every muscle in your body. You’re not sure what it is that made him act like this all of a sudden and you know it ultimately doesn’t matter because like he said, he won’t be stopping any time soon. It’s just strange that he wants this. He wants you to embarrass yourself. He’s practically helping your body let loose so you could wet yourself. You try to convince yourself that nothing about this should be turning you on, but the way his eyes are hazed with lust and desperation makes you reevaluate your thoughts and you manage to look up at him as he begins to speak again.
“It’s okay mesh’la, you can let go. Let go, now! Make a mess sweetheart. Make a mess of me, I won’t fuck you till you ruin my beskar and make this ship dirty. Go on. Or do you want me to help you again?” Din isn’t sure what’s come over him but he doesn’t hold back anymore, slipping his hand underneath your pants and pushing hard on your bladder until he feels your thighs squeeze around him.
“D-din fuck...oh- my...maker I- I can’t-” You throw your head back as you fist your hands into his cowl, holding on to that last bit of self control before you’re no longer able to. As he lifts his hand and pushes again, the thread breaks and tears slowly roll down your cheeks as you frown up at Din when your bladder gives out. Din looks into your eyes one last time before his attention moves south and his jaw clenches tightly when he notices the material of your pants grow darker the more you relieve yourself.
He doesn’t bother to stop, continuing to apply pressure on your lower stomach as a day’s worth of water floods down your legs and onto his beskar. He watches with fascination as his pants grow wet as well before he hears the faint sound of droplets falling onto his ship. You follow his line of sight and whimper in embarrassment when you notice just how big of a mess you made. There’s a small puddle forming where the two of you are standing and your nervousness only grows when you see how wet Din’s pants are.
When there’s nothing left and your shaking subsides a little, Din removes his hand from you and returns it to your waist, squeezing the skin he has access to so he wouldn’t strip you and fuck you in the middle of your mess. Every time he moves his foot, he can hear the soft splashing sound of the puddle underneath him and it only makes him harder. When he finally looks at you, he’s met with the most vulnerable expression he’s ever seen on you and although he wants nothing more than to kiss you and apologize, he allows himself to go just a little further until he sees you’re no longer able to put up with him.
“D-din...you- you made me, I-”
“Oh sweet girl, I made you do nothing.” The look of shock on your face is worth the hassle and he watches as you pout your lower lip before more tears leave your gorgeous eyes.
“You’re just a filthy girl, wetting yourself in the middle of my ship and not caring how dirty you’ve become...you really couldn’t hold it in cyar’ika? Look at this, look at the mess you made of my armor. You know how valuable beskar is and yet you pissed all over it. And my ship!? Didn’t we just clean this ship pretty?” Din could feel you melting into him with every word that passes through his lips and when you look away from him, his smile falls and he quickly grabs your neck, turning it straightforward so he could look into your eyes.
“No, you don’t get to look away from me when you’ve just pissed all over yourself and me. Maybe I should change your name, call you ad’ika from now on.” He has to hold back from smiling when he sees the moment you recognize the word. He’s only ever used that word whenever he talked with Grogu and you knew exactly why he was bringing it up now. “You’re my little girl aren’t you? My filthy, pretty little ad’ika who can’t fucking control herself and marked me up like she has the right...like she owns me.” Din watches as your expression softens a bit at his last admission and he trails his gaze down your nose until he is only focusing on your lips.
You can’t help but also stare at his lips and Din uses the brief moment of distraction to unbutton your pants and slip his hand into your panties, humming in approval when he feels the wet fabric scratch deliciously at his knuckles. You gasp when you feel his fingers softly rubbing your slit and as you look into his dark brown eyes, Din slips two fingers into your wet cunt and stops.
“Fuck, you’re so wet ad’ika, so warm and wet and ready for me.” He nudges his fingers deeper into he finds the spot that makes you see stars. You know immediately what he wants to do and reach for his arms as he grows closer to you. When they begin to get in the way, Din takes hold of the cuffs and raises them high above your head until the cuffs are glued to the wall. He can’t stop from smiling down at you, all stretched out and ready to be thoroughly fucked. But he doesn’t give in just yet.
“Din it’s...you’ll get dirty. I- I don’t want you to-”
“I don’t fucking care,” he growls as he leans down and bites shoulder again, moaning against your skin when he feels your cunt clench around him. “That’s it, open up for me...let me make you feel good. I- I want you to scream my name sweetheart, scream my name as you make a mess of me. Please...I need it, need- maker...need you to drench me again.” His words twist something inside of you and you lean back as he moves his thick fingers in and out of you until you feel that familiar pressure all over again.
“Oh Din...your fingers f-feel so- so good.”
“That’s right ad’ika, only I get to touch you. Only I get to watch you come undone...only I get to wear your scent, your beautiful fucking wet scent. I- I won’t wash this armor sweet girl, not when you’ve marked it...marked me, this much. Go on, be a good girl and make a mess of me. Let me walk around with the smell of you etched on my fucking beskar.” You whimper at the filthy whispers Din breathes against you and just as you’re about to come, Din grabs your pants along with your damp panties and pushes them as far down as he could. You bite into your lower lip as he tries to push his digits deeper into you, and when you finally manage to turn and look at him, you hold your breath as you see the way he’s looking at you, into you.
“Cum for me. Now.”
The quiet order, along with the pace of his touches, breaks you and you force yourself to not shut your eyes as your pussy throbs around his fingers, a wave of euphoria washing over you so swiftly you think you’ll faint. Din momentarily turns his attention to your heat once again and he hisses when he feels you coming on his hand just as you squirt on his beskar and the floor of the ship. You’re unable to form a coherent sentence as Din refuses to slow down and your eyes water again when the hold he has on your waist becomes more painful than before.
“Maker...you’re perfect.” Din kisses your neck as he finally decides to slow down but the way he continues to rub your clit with his palm does little to calm your nerves and you don’t realize how much you’re shaking until everything quiets down and all that you can hear is the sound of Din’s heavy breathing and your own heaving and sniffling. You wince when he fully removes his hand from you and helps you out of your pants and shoes. He takes a step back and groans when he sees how spent and ruined you look as you stand on your tiptoes and try to calm down.
As you try to catch your breath, Din unlocks both cuffs and throws them aside, reaching down and grabbing your ass so he could support your weight against him. You jump on instinct and moan when you feel the cold beskar against your skin as Din grinds into your soaked heat. He doesn’t waste another moment, diving in and claiming your lips until he could feel your teeth nipping at his tongue. He makes sure he has a good grip on you before he moves to the refresher and as soon as the two of you are standing in front of it, he pushes a code into the pad and unlocks the door. You pull away for a moment to look into his eyes, the silence of your gaze knocking the breath out of him as you hide into his neck. It takes but a second for Din to realize that he shouldn’t try to push your limits any further for the night.
His touches grow softer as he carefully sets you down on the floor of the refresher. Din can see you’re shivering from the cold room and makes quick work of his clothes and armor, choosing to leave his boxer briefs on so you wouldn’t think of anything else. He leans down and taps twice on your shoulders so you could raise them above your head. As you do, you look everywhere else but him and the gesture is a little too raw for Din because as he strips you down to nothing, he’s leaning down and kissing your forehead until he feels you relax in his arms.
When he’s satisfied with your slowing heart rate, he stands up and turns on the water, making sure to stand in front of you and block you from the cold water until it turns warm. Even though he doesn’t particularly enjoy it, he turns the hot water just a little further, knowing how much you preferred it when it struck your skin.
Grabbing the bar of soap you bought from the last hunt, Din sits down and rests his back against the cold metal of the wall before pulling you towards him.
“Come to me mesh’la.” His voice is much more controlled and mellow than minutes before and you melt back into him as soon as his skin comes into contact with yours. You rest your back against his shoulder and sigh heavily when his hands begin to massage your arms. The scent of flowers hits your nostrils in seconds, making you relax even more as the soap washes away any trace of what you and Din had just done.
Din kisses your shoulder and neck as he rubs the soap on your chest and stomach, keeping his touches as appropriate as possible to distract himself from the hardening issue he was struggling with. Although he prefers you all sweaty and dirty, he makes sure to wash every inch of you, knowing that you probably needed to feel clean after...after what he’s done.
He pushes your back until you’re leaning forward far enough for him to wash your back as well. His breath hitches when he sees evidence of his touches on your skin from previous nights. Some of them have turned a light blue color while others were still purple.
Fuck. He didn’t know his grip was this harsh. He was a little guilty for bruising your skin, your lovely, beautiful, gorgeous skin. But the more he saw as he rubbed the soap over your back, the more pride he felt in his chest at the knowledge that he was the only one allowed to mark you.
“D-din…” You moan his name when he pulls you back into his chest and you feel his hands descend lower to wash your thighs. You think that he’s going to touch you where you ache for him but when he focuses on your thighs, you realize that he wasn’t going to go anywhere near your throbbing cunt.
“I’m here sweet girl, let me take care of you.” His whispers are laced with promises and affection and you’re not sure what to make of it. He’s never been this intense, this touch-starved, even this controlling. There’s something about the events of the night that tug at your heart and you wish you could ask him what has changed all of a sudden. But you don’t, instead repeating his words from earlier over and over again as he continues to wash you.
He told you, although indirectly, that you had the right to...to mark him, to own him. He begged you to drench him so everyone would know that he’s yours. That you’re his.
“Din please,” overcome with emotions, you slap the bar of soap away from him and use his surprise to your advantage, quickly turning around and holding onto his broad shoulders as you straddled his thighs.
“Ner ka'rta, we don’t have t-” Din keeps his hands to himself as he feels you rub yourself on his clothed cock. You instantly cut him off, molding your lips with his in a bruising kiss until his arms wrapped around your back. When you knew you had him, you pulled away and laid kisses across his handsome features. He was a moaning mess in no time and when you took hold of his chin and pushed it back, Din felt like he was travelling through the stars, the rough nips you were leaving across the jugular of his neck making him notice just how needy you were.
The hot water cascaded down your back as you assaulted Din’s skin and when you felt him grab your waist and begin to move you across of him, you knew he wasn’t going to deny you from what you wanted. Needed. Craved.
“I need you...now, please Din. I need to feel you inside me.”
“Please? Oh maker, I- you said...you said you’d give me your cock if I wanted. And I do. I want you, I want your cock. I- you promised. I- I’ll do anything.” The sound of your desperate pleas sends a shiver down his spine and Din nods frantically just before you pull him out of his briefs.
“You- you’ve done enough for me cyar’ika. So so much. And I- I...oh-” Din throws his head back and shuts his eyes as soon as you lower yourself on his hard cock. He thinks he’s going to cum right then and there, but then you’re moving on top of him and squeezing him so tightly and he realizes that he needed to feel more of you. You cry out his name over and over again as he twitches against your tight walls, and when his eyes snap wide open and look at you, you can’t help but lean forward and bite into his shoulder to keep some semblance of control.
“S-sweet girl...lovely girl, tell me you’re mine.”
The short request causes you to falter in your pace but Din decides to take over again, wrapping his arms around you as he begins to move you on top of him.
“I- I’m yours Din, I’m yours. No one else can fuck me like you, n-no one can kiss me and touch me and take care of me like you...gods, you’re amazing. And you’re mine,” Din groans when he hears the last of your words and he nuzzles into the crook of your neck as you continue to whisper sweet things to him.
“You hear that Din...you’re mine. You- you belong to me, you touch only me...you, oh maker, you fuck only me. This cunt is yours baby and your cock was made for it. Made for me. You l-love only me. Right Din? P-please I’m...already so close. Tell me Din because you know...know that I love you. I love you. No one else. J-just you-”
Din is sure he might be suffocating you with how hard he’s hugging you right now but he doesn’t seem to notice because all he can hear is your declarations of love and commitment. Neither of you have ever come close to being this intimate but his earlier actions apparently unlocked something in the two of you.
You loved him. Even though he could be kinder, and was definitely too broken. You still loved him.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. P-pfassk...I love you mesh’la. Only you...always you.” Din comes with a cry when he feels your nails digging into his back and he growls as his cock throbs inside you until he’s filled you with his cum. But he doesn’t stop, instead maintaining his pace just to see you fall apart one last time. It’s all too much and not enough, and he’s already oversensitive from coming but he has only himself to blame considering how much he edged himself the entire day. When he hears your gasps turn quieter, he knows you’re close and slithers his hand between your bodies to flick your clit. You moan into his shoulder as you quickly peak one last time, the touch of his fingers reminding you of what he’s done earlier and in a matter of seconds, you’re clenching around him so hard to the point where you’re not sure if you’re experiencing pain or pleasure.
Neither of you say anything as you slowly return to yourselves. When Din moves to try and turn the water off, you accidentally dig your nails deeper into his shoulder and make him hiss.
“S-sorry.” The small apology does something to Din and he decides that he needs to do this now and not when the two of you are in his cot. Twisting his hand into your hair, Din pulls it back until you’re forced to look at him. You stare at each other for what feels like hours before you lean forward and kiss him. It’s much slower and kinder than the earlier kisses and you smile when Din unintentionally thrusts into you. He pulls away and returns your expression when he sees how genuine it is.
“I think I should be the one apologizing ad’ika.”
You know what he’s referring to and you think that perhaps he’s beginning to feel more guilt at what he’s done but you brush it aside with a joke so he knew there was nothing of concern.
“Not sure what you’re talking about Din,” you leave a quick peck on his nose as you rest your cheek on his chest and hug him tightly. He recognizes what you’re doing right away and decides to not fight you, instead maneuvering you off of him to shut the water off. You try to stand but your legs give out immediately. Forutrantly for you, Din is there to catch you and he ignores your complaints as he carries you out of the refresher and into his room. You watch as he brings two towels and proceeds to dry you off, handing you the other one to dry your hair. You giggle when he almost stubs his toe as he comes back with a set of new clothes.
Din ignores your comments when you ask him why he was handing you one of his long sleeve shirts instead of your own, quickly putting on a pair of boxers before throwing the towels back into the refresher. When he comes back, you’re already comfortable and warm in his bed, the sight of you sniffing his pillows causing him to think of a multitude of thoughts. He brushes them all aside when you make room for him and ask him to come to you.
As he slithers underneath the covers, you waste no time and move closer to him until you’re sure you’re touching every inch of his skin.
“Are you okay mesh’la?” Although you know what he’s referring to by that question, you don’t bring up the topic, instead nuzzling into his chest. The sigh of content you hear tells you that he’s not overthinking what happened too much, and it signals for you to do the same because even though you never expected the day’s events, you can’t help but admit to yourself that one thing which you know Din will bring up when the two of you have properly rested.
As strange and sudden as it was, Din’s treatment of you turned you on.
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Mesh'la - beautiful
Cyar'ika - beloved
Ad'ika - little one
Ner ka'rta - my heart or my soul
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum - I love you
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Some tags aren't working!
Pedro Pascal (and any of his characters):
@pastel-0-princess @feelmyroarrrr @libbymouse @its--fandom--darling @spideysimpossiblegirl @princess76179 @cheekygeek05 @miraclesoflove @purple-mango @freeshavocadoooo @metalarmsandmanbuns @acthenerd @greeneyedblondie44 @cannedsoupsucks @purplepascal042 @talesfromtheguild @f0rever15elf @vibin-hippie @onesmokinbabe @leaiorganas @words-way-of-life @kideyz @lovesickmadsadpoet @niall7inches @rosiefridayrogersunday @tati-adventures @sleep-tight1 @itsfreeekinbats @cybergroupie @marsplsstop @ezrasbirdie @diogodxlot @janebby @juletheghoul @bii-aan-ckaa @nohartandsole @djjarins @lamelyssher @giselatropicana @pescopadral @blackmarketmummy @laviipopii @ew-erin @fan-of-encouragement @melody13522 @clydesducktape @planetariumx @sambucky21 @thirddeadlysin @leannawithacapitala @fangirl-316 @thou-creature-of-the-deep
Din Djarin: @a--1--1--3 @tanzthompson @mrs-ghuleh @caitlynmarty
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Some people say "Jikookers' insecurities IS proof there can't be and isn't anything going on between Jikook. If they were confident about "there are a lot of things and hints leads me to believe they are boyfriends" why are so much insecurity present there? Even themselves know THAT jikook isn't romantic but they don't want to admit. They're just forcing their fantasies on Jikook" what do you think about this?
Anon, I think this second Anon i got basically in a way, answered this. So I'll combine them in this post:
Anon 2: You know what , we jikookers should just stop talking bout our haters. Just ignore the hate tweets ignore the hate comments. IGNORE. We should just discuss the beautiful moments jikook share with us. Thats more fun We all know what's our opinion on jikook and what's haters opinion on jikook so why waste our time on discussing that. Just Ignore the hate and discuss some good moments. Please.
Haters are gonna hate anon. And people who get insecure get insecure over nothing, really.
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Is it normal to question things and reevaluate things from time to time? Yes. Is it okay to be insecure about everything in a relationship that doesn't belong to you? No. Do people being insecure actually change anything about what the relationship is between Jikook, romantic or otherwise? Also no.
People who get insecure so easily need to remember that Jimin and Jungkook, and literally the other members of BTS are REAL people. This is not a TV show or a book. Real relationships are not a storybook romance. Real (healthy) relationships are not driven by insecurities and jealousy. Real couples will not be attached at the hip all the time. Real couples will have other platonic relationships that are important to them and will sometimes take priority over the romantic one. They will take time for themselves sometimes. They will fight and go through phases. They will go on vacation alone or with other people. They will have separate interests than each other.
Example, I am downstairs writing this blog post, eating breakfast and watching my children play. My husband is upstairs alone, enjoying time to himself. H is getting to rest, relax and play some video games. He will probably come down in an hour or 2 and join us. Later tonight, I might take my book and retreat to my bedroom alone for a few hours. Its okay to spend time alone or with other people. Another example... When BTS starts touring again, I plan to travel to wherever I can get tickets to with a friend and spend a few days there and see them in concert. I don't plan on taking my husband. This literally has zero reflection on how much I love and cherish him and love spending time with him.
People need to also remember their boundaries as fans. Celebrities are entitled to a private life. People need to remember that we see Jikook at work and they share probably at most 15% of their lives with us and they share what they want us to see. Sometimes we get extra peaks behind the curtain, but we are not entitled to those. The only people who are entitled to their relationship, is Jimin and Jungkook themselves. And their relationship is whatever they want it to be, they do not have to conform to anything that anyone else wants them to have or do or thinks they need. As long as they are happy, their fans should be happy for them. Full stop.
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I believe that Jimin and Jungkook are romantically involved, they have shown me in many ways through their words and actions over the years (both of them) things that make me believe this. I do not need constant 24/7 content to continue to believe this. And if other shippers need to spend over half their "proof" trying to disprove the actions of another ship... well I think that speaks for itself.
Don't let the haters get to you, ignore the insecurities (half of which are probably just from haters trying to sow doubt) and enjoy jikook for what they are, whatever that may be, and the content they and the rest of the members give us. Love them all for it. And make liberal use of your block button, its there for a reason!
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