#inspired by let me know by lany
01zfan · 1 month
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anything 4 u | j. sc
brothers bestfriend!sungchan x fem. reader | 9k words
loosely inspired by “anything 4 u” by lany. this damn near killed me to write omfg.
contains: arguing, double standards, a little possessive? on both sides, sungchan and the reader are both a little mean. unprotected sex.
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before you came into the world as shotaro’s little sister, sungchan was his bestfriend. they were friends before they could walk, gravitating towards one another even as crawling babies. sungchan was shotaro’s first sibling, crossing the threshold of being his bestfriend in such a short amount of time. shotaro was the closest thing sungchan would ever have to a sibling, he was the only child in his house. 
“can you stop messing with her, sungchan?”
when you joined the mix, sungchan wasn’t on board. he discovered jealousy as a toddler, having to share shotaro’s attention with his new little sister. he didn’t understand what was so interesting about you, why shotaro wanted to spend all of his time watching you be an annoying baby instead of playing outside. sungchan would complain when his bestfriend would drop everything to go to you when you’d cry. sungchan would complain when they couldn’t play rough with you or that you couldn’t play video games. sungchan would go over to shotaro’s house only to find out he was going to be the plus one at your princess tea parties.
sungchan let his jealousy turn to teasing and he became the first and only person to get away with it. shotaro only watched your interactions and laugh, knowing you’d get him back tenfold. by the time both of you were preteens, you and sungchan had built a relationship that bordered bullying. you always made sure to come out on top, only having to tell shotaro that sungchan was bothering you so he could collect his friend. 
when you two first became teens, sungchan found himself seeing you in a different light. the teasing had started to become forced on sungchan’s part in an effort to hide his emotions. he was able to convince himself that it was normal to feel that way about you from the proximity of being together and how familiar your personality was. but when sungchan was around you he forgot his words and only received your teases instead of dishing them out the way he used to.
by the time sungchan was about to go off to college, he had started to become protective of you. he tried to make his protectiveness logical, blaming it on the fact that he would be going to school away from his bestfriend, like he was compensating for the future knowing he’d be so far away from his friend. sungchan also blamed it on the fact that no one else seemed to notice you were always texting someone on your phone and you coming to the house late at night. sungchan was basically forced took to bare the burden of being your protector and to stop you from making bad decisions.
when you found out sungchan was no longer the immature boy who pulled your pigtails or stole your toys, you found yourself coming to him more. he was able to give you unbiased opinions, and you could tell him about the crushes or failed relationships that broke your hear. he was a familiar face in your life, one you didn’t mind spilling your heart out to. sungchan had found you a couple times crying your eyes out over something unimportant. sungchan followed the sound of your gentle sobs when you thought you were alone, slowly opening your door telling you everything was going to be okay. each time he was comforting and nonjudgemental, letting you get it all out before helping you find a solution.
the relationship you had with sungchan turned into something strange. you found yourself telling him things you could never tell shotaro or anyone you saw as a brotherly figure. at the same time sungchan didn’t feel like just a friend. there was something more when it came to sungchan, something you tried to ignore. you combated the turbulent emotions it by telling sungchan about all your newest romantic endeavors, hoping that it would make you only see him as a friend.
sungchan found out quickly he couldn’t be someone you came to in relation to boys. you had shown sungchan one too many photos of your direct messages, filled with non-deserving boys trying to get with you. the messages all began the same, all of them acting ignorant to the fact that you were shotaro’s sister, or that sungchan was always near you. too many of the faces and named were familiar, some of them even running in the same social circles as sungchan and shotaro. seeing the messages made his blood boil, causing him to accidentally tell shotaro something he wasn’t supposed to know about.
shotaro was surprisingly calm about the situation. sungchan saw his friend be the calmest he’s ever seen when it came to protecting you. shotaro only tilted his head slightly while asking extremely specific questions. sungchan answered calmly, suddenly embarrassed that he seemed more angry about you seeing guys than your overprotective brother was. when sungchan was done answering shotaro’s questions everything was back to normal. the two continued playing basketball like nothing had happened. 
sungchan had almost forgotten what he told shotaro until you came home the next day. the two were playing a game when you stomped through the house screaming their names. sungchan was wide-eyed and shocked, but shotaro was completely calm as he continued to play.
“up here.” shotaro said casually.
sungchan could hear each stomp up the stairs. sungchan had stopped playing, only focused on shotaro’s closed door that he was sure you was going to break down soon. 
you came through the door so fast the door hit the wall and recoiled back. shotaro only looked up after he killed sungchan’s character in the fighting game, looking at his door that slammed against the wall.
“mom is gonna kill you.” shotaro said evenly.
“i’m going to kill you!” your wild eyes locked on sungchan’s, and you brought a finger up to point at him. “then i’m going to kill you!” you yelled.
that’s when shotaro got upset and leapt to his friend’s defense. when shotaro stood up and started yelling back at you sungchan was frozen on the bed with his head on a swivel watching the screaming match in front of him. sungchan had no siblings, so he could never understand how you two were going at it so viciously or loudly. what sungchan understood was to keep his mouth shut as you two went at it. he knew better than to interject and become the new target both of you focused on. 
so sungchan held his tongue, even when he knew shotaro was acting irrationally. he could tell you knew your brother was being ridiculous by the way you let out a deep breath and pinched the bridge of your nose. before you could argue back sungchan saw you give shotaro a simple smile and a head tilt. it was the same expression shotaro gave sungchan when digging for information about your date.
you said nothing else to shotaro or sungchan. you turned around and left, slamming your door behind you. sungchan looked around shotaro’s room to see his pictures on the wall shake. only a moment passed before shotaro went back to the game like nothing happened. sungchan had to act he didn’t just witness the most brutal screaming match he’s ever seen in his life. sungchan only continued playing on the game with his friend, subtlety trying to sneak looks to your closed bedroom door to see if you would come out.
“she’s going to act out like crazy now.” shotaro said.
sungchan had to pull his attention away from your door to his friend. shotaro tried to remain calm, but he could see his friend was visibly bothered. when the round of fighting was over, shotaro turned off the game and rubbed his temples from the stress.
“you know her top pick for college is the place you’re going to?” shotaro asked.
sungchan was the first one you told when you got accepted.
“i had no idea.” sungchan said, shaking his head.
“can you look out for her when she goes there? just until she finds a group of friends?” shotaro asks.
sungchan knew he should’ve said no. you already had friends and you were going to be an adult soon. sungchan had also promised himself that he would stop doting after you when he would leave for college. the distance would do him some good, maybe he’d finally be able to calm his heart when you came around. you were more than capable of making your own decisions, both sungchan and shotaro knew that. but when shotaro looked to sungchan and told him he’s the only person he could trust, sungchan couldn’t say no.
so when you came to campus a year after sungchan, he did what his friend asked him to. he looked out for you and kept tabs on you through mutual friends. sungchan even found himself at the frat parties you would be at on friday nights under the guise of seeing his friends. he wouldn’t drink, knowing that it would be him guiding you and your drunk friends back to the dorms. he had become your confidant, the incident from highschool long forgotten. you knew now sungchan was looking out for your best interest—the man you were going to see that night wasn’t a good person. 
once sungchan found out he was in your good graces again he was wrapped around your finger. he followed you around campus, making sure you got to your classes before he even thought about going to his. he was there for you the moment you called for him, and he found himself taking you anywhere you asked. sungchan put his car to good use, taking you to the store or to pick up food for you. sungchan was able to find an excuse for doting on you, telling himself that it was because he had to look out for you after shotaro asked. 
he only told your brother the good things. you were doing great in school, and you had found a good group of friends. sungchan never dared to tell shotaro that you went to parties in cropped shirts and even shorter skirts, that you were seeing boys, or that he was slowly developing feelings for you.
sungchan was determined to play the long game with you. he never made the first move, never even expected you to reciprocate his feelings. sungchan was happy to just be your guardian angel at the frat parties you frequented, or the person you could come to with your problems. sungchan saw himself as such a constant in your life that you didn’t notice his developing feelings. how were you supposed to know he was doting on you when you’ve been doted on your whole life?
it wasn’t until he laid on the floor of your dorm with you that he couldn’t take it anymore. you were in the middle of telling him about your most recent conquest, some random guy who was your partner for an upcoming project. sungchan sat up suddenly, not looking down at you laying next to him as he spoke.
“i don’t think it’s appropriate for you to tell me about the men you’re seeing anymore.” sungchan said.
you sat up too, not used to sungchan putting his foot down or him telling you no. 
“why not?” you seemed to think for a second before your mind started filling in the gaps of sungchan’s silence. “did you talk to my brother?” you asked.
he defended himself quickly, shaking his head to show you he was being honest. you visibly calmed down before asking your question again.
“i mean i talk to your brother everyday, but not about who you’re seeing.” sungchan said.
sungchan pulled in a deep breath and let it out. he came clean then and there on the floor of your dorm room. he told you about how shotaro asked him to watch after you when you came to campus and how he enjoyed taking care of you a little too much. 
before sungchan could confess his feelings, you did it first. you pulled sungchan in for a big kiss, throwing all of your body weight onto him. he caught you and held you, reciprocating your kisses and smiling when you pulled away. it was wordless your confession, everything communicated through smiles and shining eyes.
from that point on you and sungchan have been in a relationship. everything was the same as usual, except you didn’t go to parties as much and sungchan talked to shotaro a little less. sungchan found it extremely hard to talk to your brother about your life with you in the room. that’s why sungchan was on the phone with his bestfriend now, trying to smack away your teasing and persistent hands that messed with the buttons on his flannel.
“just say you’re busy.” you whisper.
you make sure to say it close enough to the speaker that forces sungchan to crane his body away from you.
“sorry taro i was watching a show. what did you say?” sungchan smiles when he talks to shotaro but turns away from his phone to give you a stern look.  
you hold up your hands defensively like you’re doing nothing. when sungchan’s attention goes back to his phone you go back to messing with him, pulling at the end of his flannel and leaning in to kiss his neck. 
“one second let me pause the show.” sungchan puts his hand over the speaker of his phone and looks at you. “stop it.” he commands.
sungchan’s eyes are large and indignant, trying to get you to listen to him. you try to take sungchan seriously for his sake but you can’t stop yourself from smiling. sungchan trying to boss you around is when you find him the funniest. your smile only grows when sungchan grips both of your wrists with one hand. even as he holds both of your wrists to keep you away from his body he doesn’t use much strength. it’s all for show, both of you know sungchan would crumble to you immediately if you asked. but you humor him, sitting patiently on his lap while he continues talking on the phone. 
sungchan eyes you, still holding your wrists as he listens to shotaro.
“you need me to pick her up?” sungchan looks at you, trying hard to pretend like you’re not in the room. 
“that fancy italian place? no i haven’t been.” sungchan looks at you again when you make a tiny ooh sound. “i don’t know if she’s been shotaro. how am i supposed to know that?” sungchan says.
“okay. we will meet you there at 6:30.” when sungchan sees you shake your head he stops shotaro mid sentence. “actually does 7:30—” sungchan checks your expression and when you give him a thumbs up he nods his head. “does 7:30 work instead?” he asks.
you still sit on sungchan’s lap, messing with the bottom of his flannel as he gets confirmation from shotaro. 
“okay. see you then.” 
when sungchan hangs up his phone you let your hands go underneath his shirt. he lets out a sigh of relief from being off the phone while you draw your breath in. sungchan is solid underneath your fingers, and so warm you find yourself wrapping your arms around his bare waist.
your chest is pressed against sungchan’s when he brings his arms around you too. he kisses the top of your forehead, letting a sigh slip from his lips again.
“we almost got caught.” sungchan says quietly.
“no we didn’t.” you say
you were the complete opposite to sungchan in regards to shotaro. sungchan didn’t know how you weren’t constantly panicking at the thought of shotaro finding out. sungchan knew shotaro well, and he knew that he did not play when it came to you. sungchan’s stomach dropped at the thought of shotaro finding out about the two of you. the betrayal and anger that would cross shotaro’s face winded sungchan. he couldn’t stop thinking about every single terrible outcome possible as the two of you got ready to meet shotaro for dinner. sungchan found himself not saying a word the entire car ride to the restaurant, mentally practicing how he was going to talk to you with your brother around. sungchan put his hands in his pockets to keep himself from reaching for your hand, and he walked in front of you to stop his mind from subconsciously trailing close behind you.
when you and sungchan met shotaro in front of the restaurant, shotaro went to hug you first. whatever playful teasing was happening was lost on sungchan, he was too busy overthinking how close he might’ve been to you. he looked at your hand twitch in between the space of your two bodies. he casually moved, afraid that you were going to grab his hand in front of shotaro. he felt the side eye from you and the confused look on shotaro’s face before he brought sungchan in for a hug.
sungchan was so focused on trying to remain as neutral as possible that the night went by him in a blur. you filled in the silence or the awkward gaps in the conversation that were a result of sungchan not listening. he was grateful for your easygoing personality, but sungchan found himself tipping his head occasionally at you, surprised you weren’t nearly as effected as he was. you were the same version of yourself, no pauses in your words or shrugging your shoulders in confusion. the only reprieve sungchan got from conversation was when the food arrived.
“i hope you guys enjoy the food.” sungchan watched the waitress smile to you and shotaro, both of you nodding your heads the same way. when the waitress got to sungchan she put a hand on his shoulder and pointed at the food on his dish. sungchan’s eyes snapped up to hers as she pointed at the plate. “i put a little extra on your plate for you.” she said, smiling at sungchan.
before sungchan could say anything the waitress was gone. he was left with the with an extra serving of food on his plate with you and your brother staring at him. shotaro had a facetious smile on his face as he continued eating his food—you looked at sungchan with wide eyes and a straight face. he couldn’t stop his face from feeling hot, trying to play off the very obvious flirting. 
“she must’ve seen how tall i am.” sungchan laughed nervously, trying to find a reason for the extra food.
“oh she must’ve.” you scoffed.
shotaro didn’t pick up on the nuance in your voice, how annoyed you sounded. he only laughed, focusing on the attention that sungchan was getting. 
“you’re all red in the face.” shotaro teased.
“no i’m not.” sungchan said back.
sungchan felt like his face was on fire as he could see you progressively get more and more upset. sungchan silently wished for his friend to be quiet, to stop digging sungchan into a hole he couldn’t get out of. the more shotaro talked the more annoyed you became, by the time the waitress came back with the check you were clenching your jaw, wordlessly pushing food around on your plate with your fork. even when the conversation shifted to sungchan catching up with shotaro, you were completely silent. sungchan wordlessly took the initiative to fill in the gaps in the conversation with questions about shotaro’s studies, or how he was adjusting to being away from home. you barely contributed to the conversation, never reacting to sungchan’s quick glances to you when shotaro was occupied with his food.
you knew that sungchan could tell you were pissed off. the way he would shake his head profusely anytime shotaro brought up the waitress  made you blood boil and when he stole quick glances you felt like rolling your eyes. you couldn’t stop thinking about the waitress and the way her eyes lingered, or how she gave sungchan nearly double his serving of food. everything was too obvious, right in sungchan’s face and he actively denied it. he was denying everything for your sake, but you had eyes of your own to see the scene laid out in front of you. you never considered yourself to be the possessive type—you never had to be. arguably the only positive effect of being spoiled was that you never had to greedy or clinging—you never had demand for something if it was handed to you without having to say a word. 
but you had a mean streak when it came to sungchan. he knew it too. he knew that you never had something not go your way. he knew you always got what “rightfully” belonged to you and never settled for anything less. but here sungchan was, blushing and shaking his head bashfully while a waitress blatantly flirted with him in front of you. a voice in the back of your mind that you’ve never heard whispered to you that sungchan liked the attention. the thought made bile brew in your stomach and the anger almost pushed you to stab your fork through the plate in front of you.
“i think we should get the check.” sungchan looked at you pushing food across your plate, a majority of it was untouched. he could see your jaw clenching and he could feel your legs becoming restless underneath the table. “it’s getting kinda late. i have a class early in the morning.” sungchan says to shotaro.
sungchan almost feels bad seeing the confusion flash across shotaro’s face, but he knows it’s time to go. sungchan was unsure how much time he had left in this restaurant before the hole he accidentally dug himself into was too deep. shotaro understood, motioning for the check to the waitress. sungchan ducked his head when he felt her gaze on him. unfortunately for sungchan you saw it all, following the waitresses line of sight straight to the side of his head. 
sungchan couldn’t bring himself to meet your gaze while the check came. he focused solely on shotaro, head resting on top of his clasped hands as his own legs started becoming restless. when the waitress placed the check between shotaro and sungchan, sungchan failed at snatching the paper before shotaro could. his eyes glossed over the prices of the dishes, instead focusing on the tiny note written at the bottom. shotaro elbowed sungchan playfully, and sungchan tried to telepathically get shotaro to not say anything else.
“sungchan, she left her name and number on the receipt for you.” shotaro whispered to sungchan.
shotaro was amused by the sight, showing the paper to sungchan. before shotaro could show the receipt to you sungchan quickly snatched it from his hands. shotaro let out a small sound of surprise, raising his eyebrows comically when sungchan shook his head.
“she handed the receipt to you, so it must’ve been for you.” sungchan said quickly.
shotaro shook his head and you were so close to losing it you smiled and laughed to yourself briefly. never in your life would you have thought you’d be in this situation. you felt insane and sungchan quickly put his card in the folder to pay. he pulled out cash to tip instead, too afraid to take the pen to the paper.
“she was definitely flirting with you.” shotaro said when the waitress circled back around to collect the form of payment. “i mean look at how much food she gave you.” shotaro continues.
“it wasn’t very good though,” sungchan looks to you legs crossed in the seat, eyes wandering around the dining area apathetically. “right?” sungchan asks you.
you only shrug your shoulders, letting out a sigh as you scratch at your scalp. sungchan turns to your brother, not reacting to your extremely obvious annoyance. shotaro only focuses on sungchan, side-eyeing him when the waitress comes back. when sungchan sees you looking away he puts up his hands frantically motioning him to stop. when you look back to sungchan, shotaro gives him an extremely obvious wink. sungchan sighs and puts his reddening face in his hands. 
“hope to see you guys again!” the waitress calls after the three of you while you walk to the door.
“you will!” shotaro says playfully.
sungchan continues to walk, speeding up to try to make it to the door of the restaurant before you can. before sungchan can open the door for you, another man beats him to it. the biggest smile you’ve had all day adorns your face, and your eyes do a quick look up and down of the man holding the door open as sungchan stands directly behind you.
“thank you.” you say.
your voice is saccharine, and your eyes invite the man to look you up and down the same way. the man doesn’t spare sungchan a glance as your face takes up the lens of his sunglasses.
“you’re welcome.” the man says back.
the moment is quick, flying past shotaro as he falls behind sungchan. however sungchan freezes in front of the door then and there, replaying the moment in his mind. the candied looks and the complete turn in your mood at the drop of a hat. the honeyed look the man got is nothing like the glares sungchan got all night, and the sweet demeanor is nothing like the closed off girl that stands in front of the restaurant looking back at sungchan in annoyance. shotaro bumps into sungchan, complaining about him stopping the flow of traffic. sungchan ignores his friend, letting the quick burst of jealousy fire off in his brain. it intensifies and mellows out at the same time as sungchan clenches his fists, following shotaro as he brings you in fro a hug. 
sungchan can still see the unmistakable sour look on your face soften for the second time, your previously crossed arms open to hug shotaro back. the straps of your purse are still caught in your white knuckle grip, and you purposely avoid looking at sungchan as shotaro sways you back and forth. sungchan turns his head to face the night breeze, maybe the calm weather could calm him down.
“what are your plans for the rest of the night?” shotaro asks.
sungchan looks to you as you answer the question. he can see the gears in your mind turn, and he swears he can see the smallest smile flash across your face before your lips turn to a pout.
“i’m tired. i wanna to go back to campus.” you complain.
“what’s wrong?” shotaro stops in the middle of the parking lot, putting his hand to your forehead to check for your temperature. “are you feeling sick?”
sungchan has to remain benevolent, acting like he doesn’t feel your piercing gaze as look directly at him.
“i’m feeling very sick.” you put your hand over your stomach. “like i might throw up, actually.” you say.
shotaro is instantly worried, asking about food poisoning and asking you if anything tasted bad. sungchan looks at you making a scene in front of your brother, indirectly complaining about something sungchan couldn’t control. sungchan was able to be calm and levelheaded when it came to you, but sometimes your spoiled attitude cut through the patience. the way you looked to your brother with fake pain made sungchan scoff out loud.
“dramatic.” sungchan said under his breath.
you smiled to yourself when shotaro snapped his head to face sungchan. 
“look who’s talking.” you sneer.
sungchan felt like he was a kid again, rolling his eyes and stomping his feet at shotaro babying you. maybe sungchan was jealous that he couldn’t be the one doting after you, holding your purse in one hand while checking your temperature with the other. but he put himself in the position of being only your brothers annoyed bestfriend, so he was going to act like it.
shotaro played his role well too, stopping the two of you before you could start bickering. shotaro looked between the two of you, stern as he told sungchan to take you back to campus. sungchan fake protested—all three of you knew it was just for show. sungchan only crossed his arms across his chest before nodding his head silently. shotaro smiled and pinched his sungchan’s cheek, talking about how good of a friend he is.
“i gotta start driving back now before it gets too late.” shotaro says.
he hugs both you and sungchan, hoping that you feel better after a long rest. sungchan has to convince shotaro you’ll be alright, going the extra step to say he’ll pick you up medicine from the store if you still feel sick. shotaro thanks his friend before pulling him in for another hug. you two walk shotaro to his car to send him off.
“drive safe.” you say to shotaro.
“text me when you get home!” sungchan tells shotaro before he shuts the door.
both you and sungchan wave shotaro off as he backs out of the parking spot. you continue to wave, even long after his car disappears down the road.
almost immediately, sungchan tries to put a cautious arm around you. you look up at sungchan with your meanest look, shrugging his hand off your body as you start walking towards his car.
you can hear sungchan sigh as he starts to follow behind you, still keeping a hand close to your back incase you stumble in your heels. you looked uncomfortable in them the whole night. if you would’ve let sungchan he would’ve gladly picked you up and carried you to the car. he still opens the door for you despite you trying to beat him to it, and you have to pull the seatbelt from sungchan’s hands to stop him from buckling you in.
when sungchan gets in the car and puts the key in the ignition, neither of you say a word. you hope that sungchan doesn’t speak before you have the chance to calm yourself down. you close your eyes, to try and muster up the last bit of understanding in your body to not snap at your boyfriend. when you close your eyes all you can see is the waitress, how she flirted with sungchan and he did nothing to stop it.
when sungchan doesn’t pull out of the parking spot you open your eyes. when you hear him pull his keys from the ignition you start to get irritated. when sungchan clears his throat, you practically have smoke coming from your ears. 
“it’s not my fault a girl flirts with me.” sungchan says.
your eyes widen, indignation across your face.
“it actually is your fault.” you say.
now it’s sungchan’s turn to look upset, eyebrows furrowing as he looks at you confused.
“what did you want me to do?” sungchan asks.
“maybe not pretend like you don’t notice? she was practically fucking you in front of me.” your voice starts bouncing off of the walls in the car.
sungchan’s eyes go wide and he laughs in shock, mouth open in amusement at your dramatics.
“you know you’re being ridiculous.” sungchan laughs.
hearing sungchan call you ridiculous makes the remaining bits of your patience crumble. before you know it you’re pointing an accusatory finger in sungchan’s face, your manicured nail almost poking his nose.
“you’re the one that won’t even tell my brother we’re dating!” you yell.
“he’s my bestfriend!” sungchan says, raising his hands in defense.
“but you’re my boyfriend!” you draw your hand back,fingers flat agaisnt your palm as you feel the car heating up. “what if i flirted with a waiter or went out with the guys shotaro has tried to hook me up with?”
you point is proven when sungchan has a visible reaction. he can’t help it, the way his eyes close and his mouth dips in disgust. he didn’t even realize he reacted until you pointed your whole hand at him.
“so that’s what’s ridiculous.” you say.
when sungchan says nothing back, your anger starts dipping. it turns into defeat, and the adrenaline leaving your body at such a fast rate causes you to you lean against your seat. you’re defeated, between the dinner and your unregulated emotions getting the best of you, you’re suddenly exhausted. you only lean your head against the window, staring outside as you feel the stone forming in your throat.
“just take me home, sungchan.” you say quietly.
he hears you clearly, putting his keys back in the ignition before silently pulling out of the parking lot. 
the drive back home is silent. songs play from the speakers of sungchan’s car, many of them are songs that remind him of you. he feels sick seeing you upset, leaning your head against the window not saying a word to him. you won’t even look at him, your eyes trained on passing building and stoplights. sungchan almost wishes that you’d yell at him, that you would let it all out. but he only continues to drive, the hand that would usually be on your thigh grips the steering wheel hard.
the closer sungchan got to campus, the more he felt that sinking feeling in his stomach. his mind went to the worst possibilities—you calling it off or making him choose between you and shotaro. when sungchan pulled in his reserved parking spot, he felt like he was going to be sick himself. 
sungchan didn’t know that the sick feeling in your stomach dissipated a long time ago. the migraine you got from your frustrations melted and traveled to your stomach, making your whole body feel warm. you didn’t know what to do with the jealousy and the possessiveness you felt for the first time tonight. when you noticed the empty spaces in the parking lot of students that went home for the break your mind started to wander. the feeling in your stomach turned to something that churned and pulled you towards sungchan when you noticed the deep tint of his windows. 
sungchan was too busy turning the engine off, trying to figure out how to get you to speak to him. he turned his key, hand still on the ignition as he turned to you.
“and what about you,” sungchan looks over to you. “treating shotaro like an attack dog still after all these years.” he says.
sungchan watches you take in his words through one ear just for them to fall out of the other. you’re spoiled and can never admit when you’re wrong. it’s shotaro’s doing but sungchan is no better, your attitude comes from years of everyone around you giving you what you want. sungchan remains steadfast, refusing to back down to your irrational anger. but he doesn’t see the anger in your eyes when you look to him. he sees a playful glint, and he feels your eyes look him up and down. sungchan subconsciously straightens his posture, letting silence fill the car again. 
you mess with the locks on sungchan’s door, slowly switching back and forth. the sound makes sungchan feel uneasy, how slow and constant it is as you very clearly think about something. he remains still in the drivers seat, trying to not falter. sungchan only lasts a second before looking back to you and clearing his throat.
“you’re really just not going to say anything?” sungchan asks.
sungchan feels the hair on the back of his neck raise when he sees the smile on your lips.
“get in the backseat.” you said from your spot. 
sungchan remains still, looking to you in disbelief. at a time like this, in the middle of a fight in the student parking.
“we need to talk about this.” he says.
sungchan believes that he still has authority. he can be mean when he has to be. although sungchan’s sternness is fleeting he believes that he can channel it when necessary. but the way you look at him with glossy puppy eyes reminds him why you’re so so spoiled
“can’t we talk in the backseat?” you pout.
sungchan wasted no time, barely looking at the mostly empty parking lot surrounding him as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car. he pulled on the backdoor handle twice impatiently, waiting for his car to automatically unlock. 
when his car finally decided to listen, he clambered into the backseat, laying across the cushions like he has so many times before. when your relationship was new and your roommates were nosy, the only option you guys had was the backseat of his car. what was awkward at first turned to second nature, and then it became a rarity when sungchan got his own place. but now here he was, shirtless waiting for you in the backseat while you stayed in the front. sungchan looked to you, already feeling an ache in his pants from the anticipation and tension from the night.
“babe?” sungchan called out. 
you moved in the front seat, causing the car to slightly shake. sungchan was filled to the brim with excitement, reaching for the button on his pants to push his jeans down. sungchan saw your pretty manicured hand—paid by him—reach to to the backseat. your panties hung by the end of your nail, dangling in the space by sungchan’s face. before they could fall to the floor he grabbed it a little too quickly, balling it up in his hand and bringing it to his face. although he couldn’t see you he could hear you scoff and say some degrading word that made him twitch in his pants. 
sungchan wasn’t ashamed to admit that he was nasty when it came to you. he liked licking his cum off your body to clean you up. he liked pulling you up after you sucked on his dick and tasting himself on his lips. he liked making a mess of you when you were together, and he liked stealing your panties when you weren’t looking to hide them for himself. he liked smelling you after a long day after work, taking in big huffs of you as you bashfully hit his shoulders. he liked rutting his dick pathetically against your body. he liked doing those things because when he did it you’d look at him with that almost disgusted glint in your eye and call him a freak. he wore it like a badge of honor. he was a freak for you and you alone—your freak. so when he heard his title fall from your lips, all he could do was nod his head. you finally came into his view, body hunched as you made your way over the center console. 
sungchan reached his hands out to help you, one hand still holding your balled up panties. you declined his help, sitting on the other side of the car.
“are you going to keep those for yourself?” you mocked.
sungchan nodded, realizing he couldn’t see the look in your eyes well enough. he stretched to turn on the light in the backseat, illuminating the space. he could see your foot propped on the seat while the other was planted on the floor. your legs being spread gave sungchan an almost clear view of your cunt, only obstructed by the fabric of your dress fell down between your legs. sungchan squeezed your panties in his hand while licking his lips.
“come over here princess.” sungchan said.
sungchan settled against the door and spread his legs, trying to look as inviting to you as possible. he even went the extra mile to throw in your nickname, one that he used to tease you with until you would raising your voice at him. you thought about it, eye raking down his body before you shook your head.
“i don’t think you deserve it.” you say simply.
you shrug, your hands starting at your knees working their way up. sungchan clenches his hands at his side, seeing you tease yourself the same way he always does. when you reach the ends of your dress you teasingly lift them up, giving sungchan a quick peak of you. when he reaches forward to touch your inner thigh you smack his hand. sungchan recoils, going back to leaning against the door.
“what’s gotten into you?” sungchan said.
you always had the habit of bossing sungchan around, it’s been there since you both were young. but more often than not the one time you were pliant in taking whatever sungchan wanted to give you in the bedroom. the two of you came to the agreement that sungchan was more than capable of taking care of the both of you, because his pleasure was dependent on yours. he liked seeing you get weak underneath him and he liked having to take you the rest of the way when your legs failed you while riding him. 
but this was different. 
you had told sungchan so many times breathlessly that you liked when he grabbed you, you liked seeing how you seemed to fit perfectly in the palm of his hand, even if your flesh spilled out between his fingers. sungchan has seen your eyes screw shut from pleasure at from touches that were light as a feather. so sungchan had no idea why you were denying yourself the pleasure of being touched by him. he was forced to watch you sit across from him as you lifted up the bottom of your dress. you subjected him to watching you slip a small finger into your cunt, forcing him to see and hear you whine from frustration when it wasn’t enough.
“i told you that you don’t deserve it.” you added another finger, and sungchan watched you try and bend your fingers the same way he did when he was inside of you. “you don’t even act like my boyfriend.” you pouted.
sungchan kept his hands tucked underneath his thighs, nails digging into his skin. he shook his head like an idiot when he saw your mind try to comprehend you weren’t getting what you wanted.
“i’m your boyfriend baby, i promise.” sungchan squeezed your balled up underwear in his hand as you unskillfully fingered yourself. “touch your clit too.” sungchan said, nearly drooling.
you snapped out of your haze when sungchan tried to give you orders, narrowing your eyes at him. his eyes were immediately apologetic when he saw that you stopped fingering yourself completely, sliding out of your cunt with a shudder.
“i know how to masturbate, you fucking idiot.” you seethe.
sungchan nods quickly, biting his lip at your insult. the way your words cut through him with the airy tilt from stimulation has sungchan aching in his pants. he presses against the fabric of his underwear, he has to shift and move his jeans down his leg to allow for more space.
“i’m sorry baby. i just want to help.” he apologizes.
you go back to your show, smiling at your pliant boyfriend. the one who was so adamant about standing up for his wrong opinion was malleable before you, doing anything you wanted with just a simple look. all you had to do was press your finger to your clit and look to the button on sungchan’s jeans before he was hastily pushing them down of his legs. when you opens your legs a little wider he nearly tripped over himself to put hands on your body.
sungchan saw every part of you call to him—your chest that moved in tandem with your body, the dip of your hips that always allowed sungchan to have a perfect grip of you. even your eyes called to him, blown out with want and your cheeks begged to be touched. sungchan covered the expanse of your body in seconds, gasping and clutching at anything as you continued touching yourself. sungchan pressed wet kisses to your neck, trailing all the way up until he got to your ear. you loved when he did that, shivering with each kiss pressed to your skin.
“you’re mine right?” you whimpered.
sungchan pulled away to look you in your eyes. his hand tilted your chin and kept it in place when you tried to turn away. he saw your eyes almost gloss over when his hold on your face tightened.
“yes.” he said.
sungchan’s voice was no longer desperate, no longer apologetic or looking for approval as his other hand started trailing towards your cunt. you had taking your hand away from your core completely, one hand already holding the back of the driver seat for stability.
“you’re mine.” sungchan said.
he saw your head dumbly move up and down and your long eyelashes bat as you blinked away tears. your soft pretty hand from never working a day in your life went over sungchan’s large hand, slowly guiding him to your center. your plush lips almost mouthed please as sungchan just let his hand rest there, unmoving.
sungchan smiled in your face, reveling in the defeated look. all the anger was just a show, you were now desperate and nearly begging for what you wanted. this was nothing like the girl who had people submit to her like it was nothing.
“you really don’t know what to do when you don’t get what you want, huh?” sungchan cooed at you, tapping on your cheek as his other hand on your center didn’t move.
you nod your head before shaking it, hesitating before you see sungchan’s smile get bigger. he cups his hand around your head, and you pitch your hips forward slightly to get closer.
“you just get mad and hope for the best, don’t you?” sungchan asks.
you nod again, and you continue nodding until sungchan slips his iddle finger and ring finger into your heat. your eyes close and your hand goes to sungchan’s hand that still holds your face. he doesn’t stop pumping into your heat, looking down at your furrowed eyebrows and your wobbling legs. he slides in so easily, and he can see how pitiful you are so clearly from up here. sungchan taps your lip with his finger. you part your lips so sungchan can lick them, and you open wider so he can slip his tongue into your mouth. you whine instantly, bringing both hands to grip sungchan’s shoulders. you tilt your head to give him a better angle, even if it sacrifices your own comfort.
he picks up the pace of your fingers, just to feel how you fall behind his kisses. sungchan pulls away, purposely letting spit dribble from the corner of your lips.
“you’re so spoiled.” sungchan says amazed.
“it’s your fault. you always give me everything i want.” you say nearly breathless.
you have a small smile as you struggle to open your eyes. when you finally do, sungchan picks up the speed to wipe the knowing look off your face. you’re a mess all over again, mouth opening while pitiful high-pitched whimpers fall from your lips.
before you can tell sungchan you’re close he speaks first.
“i don’t think you deserve to cum.” he says mockingly.
instantly your eyes open, tears threatening to spill at the denial of something so sweet. sungchan only watches you in amusement, still trying to decide your fate.
“you want me to give it to you?” sungchan asks.
you nod, hands reaching down to pull at the elastic of his underwear. sungchan smiles, pulling away from you to free his dick from his pants. you pull your legs from the center console, tucking them underneath you while you wait for sungchan to give you what you want. with your underwear still balled in his hands he beckons to you, spreading out his naked body like he’s your new seat. 
you close the small space quickly, pushing your face into sunghcna’s. it’s rushed, you miss a beat when he smiles against your lips at your desperation. he guides your hips to straddle his hips, and you put your hand against the fogging window as the other rests in the crook of his neck.
when you pull apart sungchan bunches your dress at your hips, exposing your lower half to him. he looks down before letting a glob of spit land on his heavy dick. it’s against his stomach, occasionally twitching upwards when you dig your nails into his skin. his hand goes to his dick, mixing the spit and precum down his shaft as lubrication. his other hand guides your hips forward until you hover above him. you pull in a gasp in anticipation.
“ready?” sungchan asks, smile on his lips.
before you can say yes, sungchan slides you down on his dick. he stretched you out, this new angle in the cramped space causes your body to seize before relaxing. sungchan hisses as he finishes sliding in. your head goes to the crook of his neck, whimpering at his pulsing dick buried deep in you. sungchan’s face is void of pity as he drags your body up to make you take him all again. you do nothing but whine and moan pitifully into sungchan’s neck, sucking on his skin to satisfy your oral fixation. sungchan takes your hand that presses against the window to pull it behind your back. lack of stability causing you to lean more into him, and takes away any attempt you could make at pulling yourself up from sungchan.
“you like it?” sungchan pulls your body up before bringing you down harder. “when i tell you that you belong to me?” sungchan whispers into your ear.
his voice is strained, holding back grunts from the way your walls squeeze around him and pull him in.
“i do.” you whine.
sungchan lets go of your hand but you keep it there, placing it on his thigh to try and hold your body up. sungchan thrusts up into you quickly at your suspended state, completely changing the pace he had set. you dig your nails into his flexed thigh as a result. he watches your chest bounce in the confines of your dress. part of him wants to rip it off of you, but a bigger part of him wants to keep you completely covered in case someone catches you two out here. sungchan refused to have too much of you exposed in public, seeing your body in all its naked glory was reserved for him and him alone.
“this pussy belongs to me.” sungchan presses his finger to your clit, and your body curls into him even further. you’re a whining mess, letting yes repeatedly fall from your lips when sungchan rubbing revolutions on your bundle of nerves. “you don't even treat her right.” he scoffs.
“please give it me sungchan.” youpull away from the crook of his neck to reveal your tear tracks, wet and shimmering down the sides of your face. 
sungchan tried his best to remain mean. but seeing your glossy self-bitten lips and your wet face softened sungchan. he still snapped his hips up into you that caused your chest to jump and his car to shake, but he cooed at your pitiful face and kissed your salty tears before swiping them away with his thumb. he kissed your forehead and wrapped an arm around your back underneath your arm to bring your chest close to his.
“anything for you, baby.” he moaned quietly.
sungchan’s voice was gentle with you, but the change in the way he fucked you was not. suddenly the arm wrapped around your back pulled you up and he snaked his arm underneath your leg to hike it up. he lifted your body with small grunts to bring you down harshly, making you cry out loud. crescent moons were digging into sungchan’s skin and you could feel your nails bending from the pressure. the sound of your hips coming down on sungchan’s filled the car, mixed with moans he finally let slip from his lips. you were both getting high off of getting fucked, your walls clamped around his dick in a vice grip that had sungchan cursing your name. how could he not give you everything you wanted while you felt like this inside. you both looked down where you two met, watching sungchan disappear inside of you to hit deep in your stomach. he looked up at you, blowing a piece of hair from his line of sight.
“look at me.” sungchan grunted in between thrusts. 
you listened immediately, eyes glazing over as you got close to your peak again.
“you’re gonna cum just for me?” sungchan asked.
you nodded, words fractured anytime you tried to speak.
“so close.” you stuttered.
“i can tell.” sungchan said knowingly.
“cum—” you stopped mid sentence to lean into sungchan’s chest. you looked up at him from your place on his chest and he looked down at you, eyes full of love as he watched you become more and more undown. your walls held him a little tighter when he tried lifting you. “cum inside. all yours.” you babbled.
that was all sungchan needed to hear. he pulled you down one last time, gridning his hips against yours to stimulate your clit. sungchan’s eyes looked everywhere, and felt your drool on his chest as you slapped his thigh. it was always a telltale sign for you, trying to relieve your tension. sungchan grabbed your hand to limit the movement and continued moving his hips.
you let out one final cry before arching your back against sungchan’s chest, and he held you in place. you squeezed around him over and over, milking his dick until he had no more left to give you. your wet walls still pulsed, so much that sungchan could feel his cum seeping out past his dick. you went completely limp against him, your loud cries turning into soft whimpers as your body started shaking. if sungchan touched you, you whined, and when he didn’t touch you you pressed your chest closer to his. it was a game sungchan didn’t want to win.
“i really always do give you what you want.” sungchan said.
it was a quiet revelation, one you had a long time ago back when you two were kids fighting over pointless things.
“yeah. you do.”
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Love's a Game, Wanna Play?
I'll Write Your Name Chapter 1
Roy Kent x Latina!Popstar!Reader
2.9k words
Warnings: Language, mentions of drinking/partying, Roy being kind of pathetic for Keeley
A/N: Ahh I'm so excited for this series! I was inspired while watching the Eras movie and it just kind of spiraled from there. I am so, so excited to share this with you ❤️
As always, @agentstarkid is an absolute angel for letting me yammer about this thing nonstop!
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The tabloid headlines screamed up at me from my publicist’s office coffee table, all about how Everett, my idiot boyfriend- ex-boyfriend now- had punched out some guy in a club. And in every photo, there I was behind Ev, holding two drinks and laughing. Granted, one of those drinks was his. And the laughter was because in my drunken state, I genuinely thought Everett and the other guy were just goofing around. But none of that mattered when people had magazines to sell.
“Babe,” Lanie, my publicist, was saying from her spot next to me on the couch. “We need a serious image makeover.”
“I already broke up with Everett for continuing to be the world’s biggest jackass,” I reminded her as I grabbed some M&M’s from the coffee table. “Not sure what else there is to do.”
April, my personal assistant, picked up one of the magazines and began to flip through it. “It’s not just Everett,” she started slowly, opening up to the article all about mine and Ev’s ‘wild night’ at the club. “It’s you. You party, you go out with guy after guy, this Twitter thing with, well, you know…” She shrugged. “You’re getting something of a reputation, love.”
I sighed and popped another candy into my mouth. “I bet Ev’s people aren’t having this conversation with him right now,” I grumbled childishly.
“Because everyone already knows he’s garbage,” Lanie snorted. “This is exactly the kind of behavior they expect from him. But you-” She grasped my hand, her face full of affection. “-you are amazing. You’re a great writer and performer, and you’re a role model. So what the hell you were doing with that rat, no one could ever understand.”
“Hmmph.” I slouched further onto the couch, pretending that she wasn’t completely correct about Everett being scummy. He was cute, in that skinny, pale, undernourished, unshowered way rock stars tended to be. He was famous and had a commanding stage presence with a swagger he really hadn’t earned. And he was always ready to have a good time. But he wasn’t exactly sweet. Or sensitive, unless someone was criticizing his art. Or really all that intelligent, although he liked to talk like he was.
April cleared her throat. “Lanie and I think we might… need some outside help.”
I narrowed my eyes, always suspicious when these two were in cahoots without me. “What kind of outside help?”
“Keeley Jones,” Lanie said simply, pulling out her phone. “Has her own firm. I’ve worked with her before. The woman’s a bit… quirky. But she’s brilliant, babes.” She showed me a picture of a woman I was sure I’d seen before. “We’ll meet with her the day after tomorrow to talk strategy.”
“She’s a fan,” April added in that helpful voice of hers. “She loves your music.”
I studied the picture carefully. “Keeley Jones,” I murmured. “She’s a model, right? Or was, I assume?” Before either woman could respond, it clicked. “Oh shit,” I hissed. “She’s one of those poor women who got her photos and videos leaked last year, isn’t she?”
“She was,” Lanie confirmed. “So, she completely understands how ruthless and, frankly, unfair the press can be to a woman. It’s one of the reasons I think she’ll be a good fit. She’s pretty passionate about defending women from unfair treatment.”
“Well,” I sighed, leaning back, “guess we can hear her out, see what she has in mind.”
Lanie cleared her throat, glancing at April, who looked just as anxious. “Actually,” my publicist said slowly, “we already know what she has in mind.”
Keeley sat in Roy’s chair, feet casually up on his desk, scrolling absently on her phone while she waited for the gaffer to come in from the pitch.
“Oh. Uh, hi Keeley.” Roy Kent stood stiffly in the doorway, the way he often stood when he saw his ex-girlfriend. Fuck, she looked pretty today, in a stupidly fluffy pink sweater and ridiculously high heeled boots. Keeley always looked pretty.
Either Keeley didn’t notice the way his eyes softened at the sight of her, or she chose to ignore it. “Hey there, Roy-o!” she greeted, swinging her feet off his desk and sitting up straight. “D’you have a minute?”
For Keeley? Roy had all the minutes in the fucking world. To an extent, she knew that; he did come stumbling to her house with Jamie Tartt, begging her to choose between them, after all. And she cherished Roy, she really did. He treated her better than anyone else ever had. But she also knew that the way he loved her wasn’t the way she loved him or was even the way she wanted to be loved.
But that didn’t mean she couldn’t use his softness for her to her advantage every now and then.
“I’ve got a proposition for you,” she started slowly as Roy leaned on his desk, not growling at her to get out of his chair like he would to anyone else. “See, I’ve got this client, and she needs some help in the PR department.”
Roy smirked. “She wanted the best, so she came to Keeley fucking Jones for help?”
Keeley shrugged off his praise. “Well, kind of. Her people came to me for a consultation. I know her publicist, she’s fabulous, they’re just a bit at a loss right now.”
“Can I ask who it is?” Roy vaguely recognized the name Keeley responded with. “That fucking pop star, right? With all the boyfriends?”
“Pop phenomenon, you mean,” Keeley snorted. “She’s only one of the biggest names in the world.”
Like Roy gave a fuck about some pop princess. “If she’s so big, why does she need PR help?
Keeley sighed. “She’s got some bad press right now. Her gross boyfriend- ex-boyfriend now, thankfully- got into a fight at a club, sent the guy to hospital. And somehow, this is her fault. Not to mention that this actress that she used to hang out with is all over Twitter badmouthing her, saying she’s trying to steal her boyfriend. She’s just… got a lot going on at the moment.”
“Fucking trainwreck,” Roy mumbled, starting to wonder where the fuck he came into play.
“She’s really not,” Keeley insisted. “Her publicist- Lanie- says she’s actually really great. Very kind and intelligent. She just goes out a lot and apparently has shit choice in company.” She lit up. “That’s where I need you, Roy.”
I need you, Roy. Those four words had Roy sitting up taller, smirking a little as he gazed at that pretty face. “And what, exactly, do you need me for?”
Keeley bit her lip. “D’you know what a ‘publicity stunt’ is?”
I drained the last of my giant coffee cup as I approached the elevator, sighing when I realized it had not made my tequila-caused headache disappear. While I’d promised Lanie I wouldn’t be going out for a bit, she’d never said anything about me having people over. Just a dozen of my closest friends, laughing in my living room and losing track of shots. Definitely what I needed to take my mind off the headlines, but probably not the best idea before an early-morning breakfast meeting at KBPR.
“You need to press the button.”
“Excuse me?” I turned in the direction of the voice- the growl, really- that pulled me out of my thoughts.
The bearded man let out an exaggerated sigh, rolling his brown eyes. “You need to press the fucking button,” he repeated slowly, as if to a toddler, “if you want to call the lift.”
Behind my oversized sunglasses, I narrowed my eyes at him, ignoring my initial observation that he was pretty damn cute. “Are you really implying that I don’t know how to use an elevator?” I scoffed.
He reached around me, completely invading my personal space, and hit the button in question. “Well, you’re standing here just fucking staring,” he grumbled. “So, either you’re a fucking zombie, or you don’t know how to use a lift. Either way, you’re making me fucking late.”
With a scowl, I turned to face the doors, desperate for them to open- although less desperate to get into the enclosed space with this man. As soon as the elevator dinged, I stepped inside the still opening doors, smashing the floor number Lanie had texted me and settling myself into a corner with crossed arms. The man stepped on after me and reached for the buttons, but stopped, thumb hovering over the number I had just hit. With a small hmmph, he slouched in the opposite corner, mirroring my closed-off body language.
It was a silent ride, filled with scowls and impatient huffs from both of us. I tried to remember the last time someone was so snide to me; it definitely didn’t happen often, at least not away from the safe anonymity of the internet.
When the elevator got to our floor, the man glared at me, a grunt urging me to step out first. I gave a hum of acknowledgement, matching his curt tone and refusing to give him the satisfaction of eye contact.
What a dick.
Unfortunately, that dick was about two steps behind me as I walked down the hall to the KBPR office. I tried to ignore the heavy sounds of his footsteps and focus on the insane idea this supposedly brilliant PR expert had come up with.
That PR expert smiled at me when I approached, sticking her hand out. “I’m Keeley Jones,” she chirped, her professional tone and handshake contrasting with her bright pink dress and sparkly shoes. “It is so nice to meet you!” Her eyes shifted behind me. “And I assume you already met Roy in the lift!”
Oh no. Oh hell no. There was no way this was the guy, this scowling, rude, son of a-
“Can we start this meeting?” the man- Roy- grumbled as he approached. “I’ve only got like an hour. I left Beard in charge of training, so the team’s probably in the fucking sewer again.”
“Come on in,” Keeley Jones hummed, gesturing for us to follow her. We walked through the bright office, following her into what I assumed was her personal office, one as brightly lit and colorful as her.
Lanie was already on the plush couch, scrolling on her phone. She raised her eyebrows when she saw me. “What’s up with the sunglasses? Not hungover, are we?” Her bored tone was annoyingly familiar.
I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch next to her, removing the shades. “Didn’t want to be recognized on my way into a public relations office,” I muttered, tucking them into my purse. “Figured that would defeat the purpose of this whole operation.”
Keeley Jones smiled at me, an admittedly lovely, friendly smile, as she took a seat behind her desk; Roy hovered nearby. “She’s a smart one, Lanie, just like you said.” She looked up at Roy. “You two got acquainted on the lift, then?” When he simply grunted in reply, she turned back to me. “Now, I understand if you think this idea is crazy,” she started slowly. “And it kind of is. But believe me when I say, it’s been done, and I’ve seen it work.” She cleared her throat. “Celebrities fake-date all the time. To promote projects, to deflect bad press, to hide secrets. So you wouldn’t be the first ones to do this, trust me.” She gestured towards Roy. “And I think Roy here is perfect for you. He’s older and more mature than your previous boyfriends, so none of that party-boy stuff. He’s dated plenty of celebrities- including myself- so he knows what comes with the territory. Absolute football legend, so I think you’re suitably matched in terms of fame. And he’s pretty damn private these days.” Her smile softened. “And if I’m being candid, he’s probably the best guy I know. He’s so protective and trustworthy. He’ll have your back.”
“What’s in it for him?” I couldn’t help the way I narrowed my eyes at the brooding man; he returned the glare in kind.
“He could use the press too,” Keeley chuckled, gazing up at him. “I love you, Roy, but you’re not the most poised with the media.” She turned back to me as he rolled his eyes, something close to affection on his face this time. “He could use some of your charm and charisma to bolster his own reputation with the papers.” She nodded firmly. “It’s a match made in heaven. Or KBPR.”
Lanie nudged me. “What d’you think babes?”
I thought it was insane. Fake dating to get the press off my back? There were so many ways this thing could backfire. Not to mention the fact that my potential fake boyfriend was already on my nerves, with his probably permanent scowl and annoyed eyes.
But, as my mind wandered to the headlines I’d passed at the newsstands on my way to this meeting, I knew that I had to at least try.
“Yeah,” I murmured with a shrug. “Let’s do it.”
Roy only vaguely heard her agree to the plan. He was too busy trying not to smile at Keeley’s praise; that he was mature, a legend, protective, and trustworthy. As ridiculous as he thought this whole publicity stunt business was, he was willing to give it a shot- for Keeley.
“Well, since we’re all onboard,” Keeley hummed, pulling out her tablet. “All that’s left to do is sign NDAs and plan your little romance.” She glanced at the calendar on her desk. “I’ve got a meet-cute in mind, actually. You’re friends with Dani Rojas, right?”
Roy blinked as the pop princess nodded, showing enthusiasm for the first time since he found her in front of the lift. “Dani? Oh, I love Dani! He’s such a sweetheart.”
“Oi.” Roy frowned at Keeley. “If they already know each other, why didn’t you ask Rojas to do this shit? The press like him a hell of a lot more than they like me.”
A snort came from the couch. “Don’t think his girlfriends would like him adding another woman to their relationship, even if it’s just pretend.”
Keeley nodded. “Exactly. And again, you’ve got this steady older guy thing going on, Roy. You manage a professional football team, you coach your niece, you sit at home and read. You’re very domestic, and I think she needs to be seen that way.” She grinned. “Dani doesn’t exactly have that same reputation. But he does provide you two with a connection.” She turned her attention back to her visitors. “Here’s what I’m thinking: you get Dani to invite you to a Richmond game and go out with the team afterwards. Win or lose, those guys pretty much always do something after a match. And that’s where you two can meet and connect.” She leaned back comfortably, looking every bit like the boss she was. “Then we’ll get you two seen together, get you to a few more matches, get Roy to a show, make some cryptic social media posts. Soft launch. Then we’ll do your debut as a couple, have you attend events on each other’s arms, gush about each other online and in interviews. Maybe you write Roy a song, maybe you go on holiday together, that kind of thing.” She flipped through the planner on her desk. “All in all, I’m thinking four to six months, then you can end things amicably and stay friends.”
“Six months?” Roy carped. “Keeley, you didn’t mention-”
“That’s a respectable period of time,” the ex-model interrupted. “Long enough for you two to get attention, be believable as a serious couple, and to get everyone to forget about these headlines.” She shook her head at Roy. “What, you thought you’d go on one date and that would be it? Come on, Roy. It took at least three weeks for us to start making headlines together. You know this takes time.”
Roy’s voice went low. “Keeley-”
Keeley stood and grabbed Roy’s arm; he wondered if she could feel that same little surge of energy at the contact. “Will you ladies give us one moment?” She dragged Roy out of the office, out of earshot. “Come on, Roy,” she huffed, letting go of him. “You said you could do this.”
“That was before I met her,” Roy grumbled, folding his arms and missing her touch. “This isn’t gonna work. No one’s going to believe us. We’ve barely met, and already she’s a right fucking nightmare-”
“You’re not exactly my daydream either, Kent.”
Roy whipped around. She stood in the doorway, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed. She walked over and gazed up at him with nothing but determination on her face.
“Listen,” she started. “I get it. This is stupid. The press is stupid. I think Keeley and Lanie are insane for this scheme, and I don’t really believe it’s going to work, if I’m being honest.” She looked at Keeley. “No offense, Miss Jones.” She turned her eyes back to Roy. “But this whole fame thing is an absolute fucking game. And apparently we both need help playing it.” She stuck her hand out. “I’m in if you are.”
A slow sigh escaped Roy’s lips. He really could use the positive exposure. Despite his growing comfort in front of the cameras, he still had years- decades- of shit press to make up for. And the Greyhounds could always use whatever positive publicity they could get. It’d be good for the club, and Roy would do just about anything for the club.
And he’d do absolutely anything for Keeley.
All it took was one glance over at that face, the face he missed waking up to, and he was done for. “Fine,” he huffed, shaking the popstar’s hand. “I’m fucking in.”
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten @ladygrey03 @book-of-roses @thatonedogwithablog @misshall14 @wibblywobblyvampywolfystuff @akornsworld @itswhateveripromise @purecinnamonextract @oceanncurrent @dearvoidgoodnight @hopefulromances
140 notes · View notes
schmem14 · 1 year
 5 Underrated HP Ships (+ Recs!)
@lumosatnight thanks for the tag! I love this! Read Lani’s list HERE
1. Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin
I know what you’re thinking, didn’t Remus make this mistake with Tonks already? And what about Sirius?? (I HC Wolfstar for sure) BUT If Remus were attracted to women, I think that this age gap ship makes more sense than Remadora. I think it has a lovely, erudite feel to it. Hermione needs someone who will challenge her, and Remus needs someone to ground him when he gets insecure (as we know he does.)
Those Who Can, Teach by @inlovewithforever (E, 12.4 k)  Sixty Minutes by @mightbewriting (E, 5.4 k) 
2. Draco Malfoy/Neville Longbottom
This is such a NICHE ship that embodies one of my favourite dynamics--the Slytherin/Hufflepuff relationship. I know Neville is not a Hufflepuff, but he has a lot of those personality traits. He’s soft, thoughtful, and quietly assertive. He’s a good-natured teddy bear who won’t necessarily let you walk all over him but is honest and forgiving in the purest way. Enter post-War Draco, made surly and self-deprecating by his downfall. He’s jagged around the edges, unwilling to accept love willingly. He just needs someone to coax him out of his prickly shell. 
The Ugly Duckling and the Peacock by @vukovich (E, 12.3 k) All This and Heaven, Too by meansgirl (E, 103.7 k)
3. Pansy Parkinson/Percy Weasley
A HOT combination. I almost don’t know how to describe these two. Neither get a lot of love in canon because they’re both intense people in unpleasant ways, but when they’re older and a bit wiser, these traits make them the ultimate power couple. Pansy likes to get under Percy’s skin, and Percy loves playing mind games. These two are also the ones I most picture having a forbidden romance (yes, there’s a rec for that!) Also, Percy is totally a Slytherin in lion’s clothing. That was an incorrect house placement for sure. 
Mile End by @pacific-rimbaud (E, 8.3 k) The Secretary by @pacific-rimbaud (E, 45.9 k)
4. Pansy Parkinson/Luna Lovegood
This ship took me by surprise during the Rare Pair Fest last year, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. I see Pansy as someone who is boxed in by expectations, repressed pain, and fear. Luna is the opposite. She’s free-spirited, otherworldly, and she feels everything with her whole soul open to it. It’s a beautiful pairing with lots of healing potential. 
Landlocked, Oceanbound by @nanneramma (T, 7.4 k)
5. Draco Malfoy/Ronald Weasley
Don’t slam the breaks just yet, and hear me out. These two are so dynamic that this ship could go ANY WAY YOU WANT. Throw Harry in there, and you have some peak tension and jealousy and love triangle perfection. Maybe a humbled Draco finding that Ron is actually quite lovely? Or, Draco composing an entire song titled Weasley is our King (the Drarry obsession potential could indeed to extended to include Ron)? Or, forced proximity homoerotic hate fest? OMG, I am all in. Bisexual Ron is one of my new favourite HC’s, so I’m adding as a sub-pairing that Draco/Ron/Hermione is surprisingly delicious. I read this one brilliant fic and then sobbed because I want MOAR of them and it doesn’t exist. 
A Weasel in the Hamptons (has a sequel!) by @peachpety (E, 15.4 k) The Evergreen Game (this is THE Draco/Ron/Hermione that made me go feral) by imaginarium_imperfecta (E, 57.2 k)
Tagging @vukovich, @nanneramma, @the-francakes, @mugsdontlie, @holygnocchi, @broomsticks to do your own list if you’re feeling inspired <3
84 notes · View notes
thepinkproof · 2 years
chapter eight
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You were born for him, he just knows it and you’re the only one who can cure him.
Genre: Yandere!Vampire Jungkook x Reader - a 10 chapter series inspired by Tangled and Beauty and the Beast
Warnings: yandere behavior, suicidal attempts and talks, violence, eventual smut, DEATH, reader is not mentally stable, slight cursing, misogyny
Taglist: @silversparkles11 @mwitsmejk @outro-kook @bishuthot @kooliv @syunchl @lauritakamaki @ash07128 @darkuni23 @era-genius @doublebunv @etsuko-99 @bbl32 @hoseoks7swrld @sweetbtsfoever @bxbyyyjocelyn @crazy-eight17 @mageprincess7 @devilsbooksworld @breadgeniedope @cara-18 @yourtmblrgirlfriend @sleepy-time-dreamy @angelarin @faerikitty @iloverubberduckiez-blog
word count: 5.3k
Series Masterlist| Next
The television played her favorite show and the curtains were bright and sunny but none had her attention. She was anxious, sort of scared, she had confidence in him, she really did.
She wondered if something went wrong. She waited for Jungkook to walk through the door happily and hug her saying that he was victorious.
Jungkook was strong, she had heard the stories. If he won today she knew nobody will be able to stop him. He would likely live his long vampire life ending all his enemies.
The thought of it strangely frighten her. She didn't want him to win for the power, she wanted him to win so he could share his happiness with her.
If he lost everything would likely stay the same since he currently wasn’t king, but the chance of him loosing is low.
For a second she imagined him losing. If she really thought about it he would hate to lose. It would kill his confidence. He would no longer be arrogant, he would likely fall into a deep depression. Everyday he would wish he was better, stronger, and smarter.
He would finally know his place. He wouldn't control her anymore. She liked the thought for a second.
Her thoughts were interrupted when the door open. "Jungkook!" She exclaimed.
But it wasn't Jungkook. It was her servant Alana who usually lightly knocked before opening the door. Nevertheless, Y/n was excited to see her.
"Lani, there you are! You're early today. Did the fight already end? I need to see Jungkook." She rambled.
Alana gazed at her with a weird look Y/n regconized. It was the way Jungkook looked at her sometimes. "I- I just- Yes, the fight has ended."
Y/n looked at Alana in confusion, she could tell something was bothering her but also something had liberated her. "Where is he?" She asked once again.
Alana gave Y/n a forced smile and put her hands on Y/n's shoulder. "I'll explain everything m'lady. I'll have a guard bring you outside to meet me."
"You are aware that I can't go outside. Jungkook he wouldn't-"
"Enough about him!" Alana raised her voiced. Y/n stepped back in shock. "Just trust me."
For the first time Y/n didn't trust her. Nevertheless, she simply nodded her head.
Taehyung silently thanked a higher being that they were in a secured abandoned cabin in the middle of the woods. Jungkook let out loud groans of pain as Taehyung struggled to operate him.
"If we're going to accomplish anything here you have to stop moving!" Taehyung scolded him.
"That bitch! I need to kill her. She can't take Y/n from me! I deserve her. She loves me!" Jungkook screamed in a hoarse voice.
"And you can't do nothing right now if you won't calm down! She used some rare potion on you I've never seen before. You are healing extremely slow. It's going to scar."
"The Middlemist Red. It's a rare flower that is Y/n's only weakness. I drunk her blood which is why it's hurting me." Jungkook explained.
Taehyung sighed. "In that case you need human blood to flush out the poison." He put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "I'll get you some, just rest." He said sensing his friend's weakness.
Taehyung never really had a problem drinking human blood. He enjoyed it actually. But he always drunk only what he needed. It was his friends Yoongi and Jungkook who would drink an excess of it. It was said the more you drink, the stronger you would become.
Of course, it always have it's downsides. You could become drunk with blood and Yoongi and Jungkook was always drunk. It made them ruthless, immature and untameable.
He was always the calm one of the three. He was always the one to clean up the mess. He just hope now that Jungkook wouldn't return to his old ways and drink too much blood.
As Taehyung prepared to leave he heard rustling in the bushes. Fearing very little he made his way outside to detect the noise, but his nose detected it before his hearing.
"Jimin." He mumbled. As soon as he said his name Jimin vampsped in front of him.
"How did you find us?" Taehyung quickly asked.
"Are you forgetting we met here when I brought you Y/n to give to Jungkook?" Jimin reminded him making his way towards the cabin door.
Taehyung's stronger hand stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?" He said in a deep, threatening voice.
"To check on him. If you haven't noticed things aren't going well in this world and we need him alive." Jimin hissed.
"Jungkook's own servant and brother betrayed him today. I need your loyalty." Taehyung demanded.
"And you have it. Do you know what Alana is doing right now?" Jimin asked. Taehyung looked at him dumbfounded. "She has a vampire army waiting outside the castle to attack the humans."
Taehyung scoffed. "Is not that not exactly what Jungkook planned? Why would you be against it now?"
"The love of my life is there, Taehyung. Jungkook and Miriam had an agreement that he would only kill the guilty and then peace will occur. None of us want a war." Jimin explained. Taehyung could see in his eyes that he was worried for Miriam.
"Fine. I'm sorry for the interrogation. Watch and make sure he doesn't move until I come back."
Alana smiled from her carriage as she watched her guards bring Y/n to her. She thought it was cute as Y/n stared around curiously at the people bowed down to her.
She didn't plan to fall in love with Y/n. But once it happen she couldn't resist it, her beauty, her curiosity and her kindness. She was special.
At first, she thought it was nice that Jungkook brought you here, that he saved her. But when she saw she were actually a prisoner, that he lied, that he hurt her. She couldn't stand back and watch.
Everyone deserves a choice, even if the choice might hurt them.
"What is all this?" Y/n asked her.
Alana gave her a big smile. "Come in the carriage. I know it's pretty old and humans have cars these days but it's a tradition for vampire war time." She nervously rambled.
"War time? We're in war?” Y/n asked not moving.
"I'll explain everything just come in."
Y/n listened and made her way into the carriage that was tinted and private. She looked at Alana as she awaited for her to speak.
Alana was terribly nervous. "Y/n, I am the Queen of all vampires now, and soon all beings."
Y/n's face folded in confusion. "Queen? Has Jungkook chosen you as his Queen? Are you guys-"
"No!" Alana quickly interrupted in disgust. "Y/n I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I defeated him in battle for the kingship. I'm not sure but I believe he- I believe he is dead."
Y/n blinked her eyes in shock. She didn't know what to feel. Was this some joke?
Surprisingly, she didn't feel much remorse for Jungkook. She tried to search for some indication that she was sad. But in reality she felt relieved.
Jungkook scared her, stressed her out even. He was confusing.
But now she felt an underwhelmed. If Jungkook is gone who will love her?
"Oh." Y/n mumbled looking down at her lap. "Why did you fight against him? Y-You were on Jin side this whole time?" She asked disappointment laced in her voice.
"I'll tell you everything m'lady." She said as she held Y/n's chin towards her. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at her touch. She wasn't use to Alana being so close to her. Seeing her discomfort she quickly let go of her chin.
"About six centuries ago my Grandmother and Grandfather was King and Queen of all Vampires. My grandfather had a servant who was a Jeon. Seeing his loyalty and devotion, Jeon and my grandfather became best friends. But the vampires were forming an rebellion against my grandfather. One by one people started to betray him. People didn't approve of his treatment to humans, since they were slaves to the vampire.
But he always trusted Jeon more than anyone. Jeon just didn't betray my grandfather. He killed him and my grandmother and declared himself as King.
But my grandparents' child saw him do it. When he saw the small child he didn't have the heart to kill him. Instead he made him a servant, ironic right? They erased this story from the history books, along with my family name. And  that is how the Min line went from royalty to peasants.
Before the Jeons stole the rulership humans were slaves. For awhile , the  Jeons somehow still let humans live normally, just killing the ones they wanted blood from. Jungkook's mom was the nicest to those creatures and that's when my family knew we had to take over again.
We remained civil because we thought Jungkook would bring back human slavery and he was close, but yet he failed." Alana scoffed.
The way she spoke told Y/n everything she needed to know. Alana spoke with hostility everytime she mentioned the name Jeon. She was used to Alana being calm most of the time, yet telling her story brought out an angry feeling of injustice to her.
"You said Min line. Yoongi was a Min wasn't he?" Y/n hesitantly asked.
Alana quickly looked away. "Yes he was my cousin. We planned to take over together. Hence the reason he attacked me that night at the library. I am thankful that you killed him m'lady. I wanted the kingship to myself and I knew eventually he would betray me." Alana admitted.
Y/n quickly scooted away from Alana in disbelief. "So you lied to me. You two insinuated you were former lovers. You used me. You told me I could trust you Alana. How could you use me for your own personal agenda? I thought you were my friend." Y/n cried, betrayed at her friend's action.
Alana shook her head profusely as she watched her friends visibly shake. Y/n knew that Jungkook had bad intentions but she would have never thought Alana would do this.
"No no no m'lady. I couldn't tell you the truth because at the time Jungkook would kill me. I was weak before I met you. Jungkook he has manipulated you! He's the one whose using you! I only wanted to free you! I drunk your blood so I can free you m'lady. I never lied to you." She rambled grabbing Y/n's arm hoping she believed.
"I've should've known. I saw your picture on Jungkook's ceiling. You grew up with him and Yoongi. You told me you were turned into a vampire when you're a purebred. Why lie about such a thing?" Y/n yelled in disbelief pushing Alana's hand off her body.
"I am a purebred younger than Yoongi and Jungkook but I stopped aging at 18, most vampires stop aging later. Because of that many people already considered me defected. I needed you to think I was weak and helpless for when the time came you would give me your blood." She revealed.
Y/n started to panic as her breath seemed to leave her body. "I don't want to be here with you. I want Jungkook back. Why would you do this to me?"
"M'lady." She said grabbing Y/n's hand. Y/n looked at her with disgust. But Alana had already won today so she was confident. "I love you. Not in the selfish way Jungkook love you but in the way that I can't sleep at night unless I know you're okay. I want to be gentle to you, I want to wake up beside you every day, I want to spoil you." She admitted tears coming out her eyes.
Y/n's mouth dropped. She brought her face closer to Alana's. "You think you're better than him? You two are the same. Willing to lie and use me for power." She whispered with and harshly pushed Alana way.
"You don't feel the same way about me." Alana asked blinking tears out her eyes.
"I don't know what love is Alana." She said in a calm but cold voice.
The air grew thin as the small carriage was silent. Only sound heard was the horses strong legs pushing against the ground.
Alana cleared her throat. "I brought you here because we are going to enslave the humans once and for all, starting with the castle. Y/n I know you hate me but you are strong. I don't want you to hide your power, I-I want you to use it." She proposed.
Y/n stared out the tinted window. "Can't anyone see? I don't care about war or politics. I just want to wake up one day and think I'm more than a weapon or a toy to everyone." She murmured.
Alana wanted to scream that she never thought of Y/n as such. That she was not like Jungkook. But she knew it wouldn't help.
Jimin and Taehyung watched as Jungkook sucked a random man's blood. It was no secret they were quite irritated with him.
"Mmm, forgot the taste of human blood." He moaned with blood dripping down his lips. He pushed the guy away from him. "Do you two want any?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No thank you master." Jimin answered more politely than Taehyung.
"You didn't drain the victim dry? Progress." Taehyung said sarcastically.
"I said I forgot the taste, not crave it. My Y/n's blood is the only blood i crave." Jungkook acknowledged wiping the blood with his sleeve.
"Now, it's time to get my angel back into my arms and kill the bitch that took her from me." He exclaimed with a new found energy.
"Are you kidding Jungkook? You still haven't got all your power back. Alana beat you at your full potential, she will kill you in seconds." Taehyung reminded him in an annoyed tone.
"That's because she drunk from Y/n. In fact, she couldn't even beat me sword to sword. She used the flower on me. But what do you expect from a woman." Jungkook laughed.
Taehyung bit his lip as he was thinking. "Alana was able to have the flower on her skin. I saw it when she put her sword on her thigh. I didn't think much of it but she must be immune." He realized.
"I bet she has a lot of secrets. I thought I could trust her since she was Yoongi's cousin." Jungkook sighed. He snapped his fingers as he made a new discovery. "That book Y/n had! I didn't even think to see who she got it from. I was too mad that she lied to me. Alana must of gave it to her. She must have known about Y/n's species and weakness for a long time."
Taehyung scoffed. "Can you not see? It's a repeated pattern Jungkook. Admit it! Alana outsmarted you because you were too busy having fun with your pet and being a selfish, overconfident bastard." Taehyung shouted at Jungkook.
"Watch your tone Taehyung." Jungkook seethed. "I'll admit it okay! I underestimated Alana. But now is not the time to hate me. Alana has an army right now with orders to enslave humans. I personally don't care about the enslavement of humans but I made a deal with you Jimin." He looked over to Jimin. "I intend to be a better king and keep my alliances.  Love me or hate me, you need me if you want to stop her." He smirked.
"You can't do it alone. We must not underestimate her again." Taehyung sighed.
"And we won't. How would you like to be the new third member of the ruthless three Jimin?" Jungkook asked the boy with a mischievous grin.
Jimin smiled. "Oh it will be an honor."
Jimin knew very well that Jungkook wasn't the best king. He was the most legendary and perhaps powerful one but he had alot of flaws. Like everyone in the vampire kingdom, he was raised to respect and serve whose in lead regardless.
He hoped Jungkook stays true to his deal but he also know that he only truly cared about Miriam. All he wanted was her safe.
"Great." He mumbled. "Now for you." Jungkook drawled looking at the weak human man who could barely stand.
Putting his hands on his shoulder he looked at the man in his eyes. "Thank you for your service." Jungkook's fangs hissed at him before taking a big bite from his neck killing him.
"Seriously!" Taehyung yelled. "You could have compelled him to go home."
"Yeah you're right. But unfortunately we have a war to end."
It took over a day for the carriage to arrive at the Chancellor's House. Those hours were quiet for Alana and Y/n, but surprisingly not the uncomfortable silence.
Y/n stared at the window most of the day enjoying the scenery. It was like a movie to her. While Alana discussed plans with different generals in her army.
Alana hopped out of the carriage with her army all around her waiting for orders. It was erie that no humans were seen on sight.
Alana knew very well that the Chancellor's house was the busiest and most populated place on Earth for humans. It was no way it was this quiet unless they had a heads up.
To be fair, they did drive on a carriage. Despite having a lack of food and basic needs, humans had the technology. It was no doubt they had cameras, or prehaps trackers, that forseen this moment.
Most vampires didn't use advanced technology. The turned ones had no problem using it since they were already accustomed. But the most an average vampire would have is a washing machine. Some had phones or old television but most didn't trust anything created by a human.
Y/n followed Alana out the carriage. Alana gave her a smile, happy that she followed her. Reaching out her holster she pulled out a small knife. "I know it's not much but take it. Just in case you need it." She insisted.
"No thank you." She mumbled. Alana eyes lingered on Y/n seeing that she was still mad. Nevertheless, she put the knife in Y/n’s hand.
She took a huge sigh before looking at her army. "You will not attack until I order." She yelled in an authoritative voice.
Everyone's eyes drew attention as heels clacked down the staircase.
Her face was confident, in fact amused at the scene before her. "Y/n, proper grooming and suitable clothing fits you well." She jeered.
Y/n ignored her remark as she tried to stay calm. Being back here at the Chancellor's House brought out disturbing feelings for her. She couldn't believe she stayed in the basement of this huge building for 20 years. She couldn't believe that these people all knew and allowed it.
She hated all of them and she wanted nothing more than revenge. It's not liked she cared about human and vampire affairs, she just couldn't stand the fact the people who did this to her are content, well and free.
Scarlett eyed Alana like she was looking at a strange object. "Hm. I've never seen you before. A child in armor, I was expecting Jungkook." She said in a disappointed voice.
Alana took a couple steps forward to show she was in charge. "Jungkook is no longer in control of our race, I am. I am the one who will brutally capture your people if you do not surrender. The time of human freedom is over. Your people was meant to only be a drink for us, not disobedient and intolerant creatures. The Jeon line showed you mercy, I will not." Alana boomed.
Scarlett snickered, unimpressed at Alana's presence. "I will admit you must be smart and strong to take down the mighty Jungkook but you are also young and inexperienced. Chancellor Namjoon is righteous and deserving , he will always lead his people into salvation. Our freedom is because of his braveness."
Alana scoffed. "Do you think I and others not know who you are? You use to be a hero; the girl who warned Jungkook about his sickness. But after that you became a joke. You betrayed your own people just to be with the humans. Join us and be on the right side for once Scarlett." Alana stormed.
"Why do vampires think they are so harmful with their abnormal fangs, compulsion and superspeed? Do you not think humans haven't matched the power in technology yet?" Scarlett chuckled before waving her hand.
Suddenly a loud sounded boomed and smoke filled the air. Y/n reflexively turned around as she saw some vampires burning in fire from the bomb. Ashes on the once green grass.
Alana looked over to Y/n to see if she was harmed. Seeing that she wasn't she went on to give her orders. "Attack." She screamed as the remaining of he people let out a war cry and ran in the castle.
Everything around her was dark from the remaining smoke coming from the bombs but the only light she saw was dark red eyes staring at her.
"Oh Y/n. You ran away and suddenly Jungkook is gone. It's almost like you did the job for us. Now that you proven you are the child of death,   i think you are no longer needed." Scarlett laughed.
"Are you forgetting I can't be killed?” Y/n reminded her.
"Perhaps we should freeze you like your savior for our people can see you are no threat, just a blood bank and a weapon in war." She shouted.
Y/n watched as her eyes as they vamp-sped in circles around Y/n. It was a form of intimidation before an attack. She quickly got out the knife holding it tightly in her hand preparing for Scarlett attack.
Scarlett finally appeared in front of her and hissed out her fangs. Y/n used this opportunity to stab her with the knife in her heart.
"Hm. Nice move. Would've did some damage if it was a wooden knife." Scarlett snickered. She removed the knife from her body like it was a piece of lint and tossed it to the side.
In seconds,  she speeded Y/n away from the scene and into an empty room.
Alana finally seeing the scene speeded towards the direction of the two girls, entering the room.
"Y/n!" She yelled in desperation. Y/n grunted as Scarlett pushed her to the ground.
Scarlett paid no attention, keeping her eyes on Alana. Her heels clicked as she walked around the room. "You see our people don't really need to die. All it takes is a discussion, or fight between the leaders of both to really save the both of our people."
"Then where is Chancellor Namjoon. Is he not the leader of all humans?" Alana spit back.
"Yes, but we both know women are more sensible than men. It's the men who get their strength from fighting, women like us are strong because we know how to think. Now tell me, why enslave the humans when you already mercilessly steal their blood?" Scarlett asked crossing her arms.
"Humans have been fighting back and running. Vampires only have enough blood in our system to survive. We want more. And your people just won't give up." Alana answered.
Scarlett scoffed. "And humans only have enough food to survive. But yet were still alive just like the vampires. So take your people and leave because you do not want to fight me. I can foretell some events of the future and I see you walking away.”
"You must not know me well." Alana grinned before speeding towards Scarlett. In seconds Scarlett threw Alana against the wall.
Alana immediately got up and the two women began fighting. It was unguessable who had the advantage as one second Scarlett would be on the floor and the next Alana would be in pain.
Y/n felt useless watching them fight. Now would be the perfect opportunity to run. She could leave right now, nobody will catch her since everyone was fighting. She could have the free life she always dreamed of.
But she didn't want to leave Alana. She don't think she could live without knowing if she won or not. She wouldn't describe this feeling as love but she cared.
Alana had Scarlett in a chokehold. "Ignoring all that human blood have made you weak. You can pretend all you want, you will always be a bloodthirsty creature like us." Alana seethed.
With a huge push Scarlett banged Alana head to the floor and released herself from the hold. Alana charged at her again but she threw her small body to the wall. "Stupid girl. I have Y/n's blood in my veins. I don't crave human blood like a vampire." Scarlett revealed.
Alana looked at Y/n for an explanation but Y/n herself was confused. She froze for a second as she furrowed her eyebrows. "I never gave you any of my blood."  Y/n argued.
Scarlett only smirked, not saying anything waiting for Y/n to figure out on her own. "The blood tests Hobi gave me. You were never testing it. You used it for yourself." Y/n realized.
"Bingo! Now, all those years consuming her blood. How stupid you are thinking you can defeat me? I won't lie I was expecting Jungkook so I can easily kill the man, but you will do." Scarlett said.
Y/n looked at Alana who had little strength. It was no way she could beat Scarlett. She felt hopeless for her. She didn't want to watch her die.
"Enough!" A loud voiced echoed through the room. All eyes was on Namjoon as he glared at Scarlett.
"Namjoon, if I beat her the vampires will lose. This war is inevitable. Everything will be back to normal. You will have Y/n captured again and be Chancellor." She explained desperation written all on her face and voice.
Namjoon eyes were teary as he shook his head. "Look what all this have turned you into. She is an innocent girl. We won't break our morals for  salvation anymore!" He yelled at her.
Scarlett said no words as she stared at Alana like a cat to a mouse. Namjoon seeing this looked back at the two girls. "Go, both of you."
Y/n ran to help Alana up. Alana wrapped her arm around her shoulder for support as the two of them got out the room the fastest they could.
Y/n was leading the two of them to the carriage but Alana halted. "We can't leave Y/n. I would look weak if I left my people at a battle I started."
Y/n ignored her but soon tripped over an object making both of then fall. Seeing what it was she shrieked and quickly stood up. It was then she saw that the whole hallway was full of dead bodies. Some human and some vampires.
"We have to go." Alana reminded her.
Y/n breath became shaky as she looked at the body. She slowly shook her head. "He's here I can feel it. This was his doing." Y/n started. "Examine the bodies. The puncture is all on the same place of the neck. The Omohyoid is his favorite place to bite, he bit me there."  She further explained.
Alana looked at the bodies, confirming Y/n's theory. She believed her, she would always believe her. Alana mouth slightly opened when she realized one of the bodies were moving
"M'lady look!" She shouted. The two of them quickly went over to the body. "I-It's my general." Alana said in a low voice of sadness.
"My Queen." He said in a hoarse voice.
Alana shook her head in disbelief, she knew he was dying. "I-I'll avenge you." She grumbled.
"N-No no no. You m-must leave. Our people are joining Jungkook. They are killing the ones loyal to you." He wailed in a low voice. Alana quickly nodded even though the truth hurt.
It hurt her to see her own people dying. Alana has always loved her people, she would do anything for them. She grew up not having any sympathy for humans. But Y/n was different she wasn't human. Y/n felt like the only means of peace to her. She wasn't as light and innocent as the day but she also wasn't as dark and petrifying as the night.
The only people of her own kind she hated was Jungkook. When Jungkook seem like he was on the right path she admired him for a moment and was willing to put her hate aside. But like always in her eyes, he failed.
"H-He's back w-worst than ever." The man sputtered before his head dropped down and his eyes became frozen as ice and died. 
The air felt heavy as they both sat in silence. Y/n was the first to break the ice. "Alana if you stay he will kill you. You have to leave." Y/n said still staring at the body.
Alana let out a low scoff. "Of course you want me to leave." She let out a soft sniffle which made Y/n look at her. She was crying. "You love him. I saw how your eyes lit up when you found out Jungkook was alive." She accused.
"He saved me from this exact building we're sitting in. I can't help to feel something for him but it is not love Alana. I love no one!" Y/n raised her voice irritated at her.
"Not even me." Alana croaked. Y/n could see that she was heartbroken. It hurt even more that Y/n didn't respond to her. "He hurt you. He only like you because of your blood. He keeps you isolated from everyone." Alana went on in disbelief.
"Haven't you noticed? My life has already been decided for me since parturition. I don't have choices! I'm barely even real Alana. I'm nothing more than a creature to help others. I can't live in enjoyment like a human nor can I hunt and enjoy power like a vampire. I'm not meant to have a life." Y/n cried.
Alana wiped away her tears collecting herself. "It's awful you feel that way about yourself." She said in a dissapointed voice. "Which is why I'm giving you a choice. I will leave because I know its best for me, but I want you to decide whats best for you. This is the very last of the Middlemist Red I took it from the lab before I left. My family has been growing it for years, and I have consumed it enough to be immune. Jungkook is strong so if you are to kill him you must lace the stake with all of this. I know you can do it if your heart desires. If not than you can simply discard the serum and you and Jungkook can be happy without him hurting you." She handed Y/n the small tube and Y/n quickly put in in her pocket.
Alana got up giving Y/n a smile as she stared into her eyes.
"Will I see you again Alana?" Y/n asked her. She didn't want Alana to leave but she knew the truth. She was hurt from her battle was Scarlett and had no backup. She only had her strong will and a broken heart left.
Alana wanted Y/n to come with her but she knew the harsh truth. Jungkook would always look for her.
"Only if you want to." Alana said in a quiet voice. She looked at Y/n one more time before speeding off.
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nanneramma · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💙
Thanks for the ask Lani 🥰 Let's focus on femslash and genfic, to keep me sane. Here are some faves:
🐍 squeeze tight, Moaning Myrtle & Basilisk, G, 1.4k
No one comes to her bathroom.Well. Except the snake.
The strangest lil friendship fic you ever did see.
🌸 nothing more, nothing less, Astoria Greengrass/Ginny Weasley, M, 6k, TW: infidelity, bittersweet ending
Astoria is doing just fine, thank you. Wife to a lovely man, soon-to-be mother to a lovely son.And then she meets Ginny.
Welp kind of a sad one but one of the things I'm most proud of, maybe. Cause sometimes figuring yourself out is hard and endings aren't always just happily ever after.
👀 Somebody That We Don't Know, Remus Lupin & Petunia Evans, G, 5k
The Dursley family encounters an array of interesting individuals from 1982-1991.OrWhere the heck did Remus go after the first war?
One of the goofiest things I've ever written, for @patriceavril. There's a super soft spot in my heart for this one, featuring birthday clown!Remus, and Petunia with a soft spot for handymen.
🧜‍♀️ posso ancora aspettare, Pansy Parkinson/Luna Lovegood, M, 2k, TW: MCD
Pansy meets a sunbeam. But, like most things, it doesn't last.
Written for @venom0usbarbie and inspired by the world of one of her fics (which you should read!), this is me accepting that I'm in my creature era. My sad, circus creature era.
💙 darlin i'd wait: 2023 Saffics Double Drabble Exchange , various pairs, various ratings, 200 words each
MAYBE THIS IS CHEATING BECAUSE IT'S A COLLECTION but I loved writing all these little snippets for the @hpsaffics double drabble exchange this year. Lily/Squid, Petunia/Arabella Figg, Ginny/Celestina Warbeck, AND MORE. I just think 200 words is a perfect length.
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thinkinthoughts-ideas · 7 months
Update on moving onto a boat.
I just watched Surfs up for maybe the second time in my life, and I think it's a highly underrated movie. if its not, I'm writing this in hopes I manifest more Surfs up appreciation in my life.
I think the movies animation is fricken beautiful ✨️✨️They drew so .uch inspiration from professional and novice surfers to get all the movements and stances correct, and they took footage of waves forming and crashing so they could get the most realistically animated waves they could, that coupled with the first hand testimonies of the surfers on how water acts I think they did a really beautiful job 🌊✨️
Does it pass the Bechdel test you may ask?
No. It does not. There are 2 women ( Edna Maverick, Lani Aliikai) and 1 little girl (Kate) in this story, and none of them talk to each other. The little girl does mention Lani, so it's known that they know each other, but they're never in the same scene.
Edna Maverick is Cody Mavericks (the main character) mom. A Rockhopper penguin whose species mates for life loses her husband to an orca whale right after her youngest son Cody is hatched. A single parent now raising 2 kids by herself, a young son hellbent on going against the grain and another son who bullies him for it in a community that shuns individuality. She's caught between wanting to be encouraging to her son while simultaneously not looking like an enabler to the rest of the town.
Cody Maverick is a young man with big ambitions stuck in a small town where community is the biggest priority. Although Cody works hard to hone his skills on his own he is labeled selfish and lazy by his brother and community for not volenteering all of his time for others. Despite being a social pariah. Abd the lCk of support from his family Cody doesn't let anyones disapproval of him dissuade him of his goals of being a great surfer.
I'm not going to do a review of every character, but I'll do one more as I find this character to be delightful and his wiki to be wild. 😁🐓
Chicken Joe!!! Hailing from Marion Ohio, Joe grew up surfing Lake Erie. In 2004, Joe found himself attending an online college course in Yuma, Arizona, and got an online associate degree in psychology from the University of Phoenix. He then moved back to Sheboygan in 2007, where he was picked up to be a surfer for the Tenth Annual Big Z Memorial Surf. (I didn't know he went to college or that college even exists in this universe until I read his wiki) Chicken Joe is the embodiment of the golden Retreiver best friend, just a guy happy doing his own thing 100% of them time and is stoked that you want to do them too. He's the kind of guy that will drive to pick you up from a scary situation if you gave him a snack once because he said he was hungry... how effective he'll be at saving you I don't know because he's not a very focused individual. he's got a heart of gold though and no one can tell me otherwise.
Surfs up is honestly a really nice feel-good movie about finding out why you love what you love and not letting others' perceptions of you get on the way of enjoying yourself. I feel like I need that message sometimes, and if anyone else can relate, I encourage you to watch Surfs Up im sure you'll have a good time.
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Bitty Outfits I Totally Want To Hack for AG
Let’s start off with what inspired me to go down the bitty rabbit hole…
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Now this stock image really doesn’t do the outfit justice, and if I had only seen the stock image, I probably wouldn’t be interested in the outfit. However, looking at listings on Mercari, the sleeves of this dress are flared, which gives it a vintage-y mini dress vibe. I could totally see Evette rocking this outfit.
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Bitty has such good pajamas, and I am notoriously picky about my dolls’ pajamas. Don’t get me wrong, I love the historical nightgowns, but white gets so boring after a while. It’s also really annoying to edit. I’d probably put MG in the purple pajamas, Melody in the green, and Ruthie or Elizabeth in the pink satin.
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I’ve already seen people use the Birthday Skirt Outfit for Maryellen and Kit, and I’m so JELOUS. The Bitty Brocade outfit is also giving big Maryellen vibes, and the Beachcomber top and pants would be such good historical staples (that aren’t super duper girly).
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These are all outfits I want for Ivy. I’ve seen others dress her in the Harvest Plaid Set already, and she’s so adorable. She totally rocks autumnal colours.
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Why hasn’t AG made Maryellen or Emily, or even Lanie a raincoat dress? I don’t know, but it’s a CRIME. Also, the green Sunday best jacket could totally be hacked to make a trendy raincoat or blazer for AGs.
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This is more of a random amalgamation of outfits, but imagine Blaire or (take a shot every time I say Maryellen) Maryellen in the Bitty Blooms outfit!! And I love the jumper dress in the Fourth of July set- I’m surprised we never really saw that silhouette appear in 18 inch size. The Tropical Skirt set gives me Kanani and Lea vibes. And surprisingly, I don’t mean Lea vibes as an insult this time.
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The Springtime Set would be perfect on Ruthie or Blaire, and the Tea Party Jumper Set would be so cute when paired with the Woodland Fairy Costume. The Circus Set is just cool. And I work for the circus.
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Ending off on a strong note with these three. I immediately imagined Mia in the Winter Play Outfit, and the Strawberry Set on Grace or Maryellen. The Prairie Dress Outfit is another cute outfit I’ve seen appearing on Ivy, but is the same print as the Prairie Tunic Outfit, which is why it didn’t appear earlier with all the other Ivy outfits. I didn’t want it to be monotonous.
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mymarifae · 1 year
holds up a mic to you. akito shinonome.
favorite thing about them
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD it's just like. it's. it's the way he's gone through so much shit and faced so many challenges and the thing he loves to do the most is the thing he's not naturally talented at. like he's naturally talented at soccer and art but not singing. he's not like an and toya and kohane who were able to just belt out a nice melody from the start with virtually 0 formal training (in singing specifically) but he doesn't!! give up!! this is what he loves and what he wants to do so he is going to do it. even though he has to work so much harder than everybody else. he keeps going. he picks himself back up and he keeps going
and like, at the beginning of his character arc this stubborn determination of his was a detriment to his health. he pushed himself too hard and he was too cruel to himself while he did it. but as his arc has progressed, as he's started to let people in and lean on them and let them pick him up when he falls apart, it's transformed into this like... bright, unstoppable, insanely positive force. it's contagious. it inspires the people around him. he's started to uncover his full potential, and he's growing into such an incredible person because of it
least favorite thing about them
no. perfect.shut p
favorite line
i'm never going to shut up about him and honami being besties. i'm just not goign to. their parallels make me want to punch holes in my walls they need to be friends right n
oh. you know.
uhhh the obvious but also akikasa like i just don't. vibe with it. they don't mesh together like that imo
random lgbt headcanon
can i be honest. i don't have a set hc for akito anymore. he's always transmasc in my mind but i'll flip between gay, bi, and butch lesbian like whatever's funniest in the moment. or cutest. i don't care.be free
unpopular opinion
song i associate with them
warm blanket - lani rose
LOSER - kenshi yonezu
if you really want to - survive said the prophet
get up - mother mother
favorite picture of them
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i need to print this out and put it in my wallet or something
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starsmaligned · 11 months
song lyrics that i really vibe with that can possibly be used as starter inspirations so like send me one ig and i’ll see if i can answer it and start a lil thread thing yknow like an ask meme ( song names and links included ) PART TWO 
 sorry they’re probably all really angsty - also feel free to reblog it if you want idk if this is gonna be of use to anyone else
“don’t let me drown” drown - bring me the horizon
“we’re pressing on our bruise just to feel something” bruise - with confidence
“i’m trying hard to hate you but i can’t stop loving who i thought you were” go to hell - clinton kane
“i hate to picture how well you sleep, not next to me” seasons - dutch melrose
“i never want to wake up and realise i’m still dreaming of you” dreams - johnny hunter
“baby, seasons change but people don’t” “the take over, the breaks over” - fall out boy
“you can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness” somebody that i used to know - mayday parade, vic fuentes 
“all i wanna do when i wake up in the morning is see your eyes” rosanna - toto 
“i didn’t know that you were looking for more than i could ever be” rosanna - toto
“i can live without you, but without you, i’ll be miserable at best” miserable at best - mayday parade
“i can wait for years if i gotta, heaven knows i ain’t getting over you” just pretend - bad omens
“you’re chasing a love that could never love you as much as i do” sleep well, darling - secrets
“you can drag me through hell, if it meant i could hold your hand” follow you - bring me the horizon
“my love for you was bulletproof but you’re the one who shot me” bulletproof love - pierce the veil
“yesterday was hell but today i’m fine without you” straightjacket feeling - the all-american rejects
“if loving you’s gonna be anything other than doing it fully, then count me out” hunnie - locket
“i stayed awake pretending you were mine” my heart i surrender - i prevail
“i drive circles under street lights nothing seems to clear my mind i can’t forget” malibu nights - lany
“and i’ve been fighting for your heart but i know i’ll always lose” fool me once - nightlife
“i don’t feel like i still have anything to hold me here” the sound - the plot in you
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graillemm111 · 2 years
Life isn’t finding yourself, it is about creating yourself.
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Hi!! I’m Crystal, Crystal Graille Mangulian
A lot of people call’s me ystal, but wait! let me tell you a secret, here at home they call me ohany because it was my grandmother’s name.
I just turned 15 last January 28, I am born and raised in Conner Apayao, the fruit basket of the North.
We are four in Family, I’m the eldest and Xian is the youngest.
I completed my junior high school at Conner, Central, National, High school and graduated with honors , and now i am currently studying in St. Paul University Philippines. People often describe me as a jovial, carefree, and optimistic kind person, but what people don’t know is that sometimes I experience bad days, and that’s alright.
So yeah let’s move on, lets talk about my favorites and what I love.
I love to play instrument, I know how to play Piano, Violin, Ukulele, and Guitar and I can also sing.
I came from a family of musicians. I joined a lot of singing and music contest growing up,
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I was raised with faith in God, i go to church every Sunday with my Family, I was very thankful and contented for having a happy family and for what I have in my life.
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I love traveling especially in far places like Baguio, Ilocos, Manila,Zamboanga and many more to create memories and experiences, I also love watching movies, k drama’s, C drama’s, and Thai Drama’s,
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I’m a fan of Lany, I love their songs. I have 5 black pets, 2 black dogs named Phorsha and Chayo, 2 black cats named Tango and Jive and 1 black bird named Clever, I couldn’t take care of them because I am busy studying so my grandmother takes care of them all.
I love taking pictures and selfies, sometimes I am also a model but not the professional model that you think HAHAHAHAHA
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So yeah I will tell you a story, when I was a kid, I always asked my dad how’s the feeling to be a musician, because all I wanted is to be a musician, it is my dream to perform stage and people is cheering on me and shouting my name, and my dad said “it’s hard to be a musician”
I’m Inspired to be like them, and now I’m grateful to be one of them,
I’m a musician but not famous. I’m super happy because I like what I am doing, and finally it happened
I do have a lot of weaknesses, sometimes i put pressure on myself, I don’t know how to manage time and I really need my parents to always be by my side, but now that i am a senior high student i need to be independent, and I’m still adjusting in this new environment.
I do have a lot of friends, we are enjoying our lives while where not that busy. I forget all of the problems when I am with them.
I was very thankful for what I have in my life.
The most important thing is to enjoy your life, -to be happy.
It’s all that matters, you only live once.
Where do I see myself 10 years from now? Was my learning in spup vital to where im leading to?
10 years from now, I see myself with some good qualifications (degree), working in a reputed institution, spending time with family and doing something for my society and mother nature. Over the next few years I will try to fulfill all my plans with all my strength. I will not leave any opportunity which proves to be a hallway to the completion of my goals. I will try my best to be a valuable and irreplaceable asset for the institution I work for. As any other youngster I also want to change happiness and success for myself as well as for my parents and my brother.
Thinking about my future is scary and fascinating at the same time: on the other hand, I have lot of plans and goals that I wish to accomplish; on the other hand, I have fear of choosing the wrong path or not achieve everything I have planned. Nevertheless, just like many other people, I have a personal plan on how I see myself in 10 years from now. This plan accumulates everything that I find essential in my life, my family, my career goals, and my passion for self-development. In general, 10 years from now, I see myself as a successful medtech, helping my parents to cover their debts and treat them to please with everything they need ,
And yes my learning in SPUP is vital to where im leading, and I know that i can handle my chosen strand and course so I can say it is vital.
Was STEM the best choice after all?
- Yes STEM is the best choice, pursuing a STEM strand will allow me a wide variety of future opportunities after graduation. I choose STEM because it is accurate in my course when I go to college. STEM helps me to give a little light about my lessons in my college life. I want to pursue Medical Technology in college. I choose STEM because I know this strand is compatible in any kind of course in college. We all know that this strand is much harder than other kind of strand but on the other side it makes our mind advance and it makes us much prepared on college life I felt lucky to have found the strand that I’m really comfortable with. Looking back, I also had difficulty in choosing a strand last year in junior high. My school offered only the academic track, and I had four strands to choose from. It was a struggle—one day it was STEM, another day it was ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management), and then some days it was HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences), or even GAS (General Academic Strand). In the end, choosing the right strand may simply be about rediscovering one’s inner child. I chose STEM not because I’m a math or science geek, but because, at a young age, I loved asking questions that were very much STEM in nature. I like watching Discovery Channel and National Geographic. I love inventing parachutes and other stuff to play with. And I guess that, somehow, the child in me still knew what was best. Apart from that for some, choosing the right strand is not just about making new friends and discovering new things related to a subject. More important, it is about envisioning your dream job and career path. Choosing a career is difficult in itself, but senior high school prepares you to make crucial decisions that will impact your future. In my case, since I have yet to decide which career suits me best, I felt that STEM would be most helpful. Studying and working in STEM means learning about the world around you, finding innovative solutions to real-world challenges, and playing a role in some of the country’s major discoveries and developments. “STEM is difficult but intelligence is not measured by a number on a piece of paper. You go to school to learn, not to memorize no matter how much it seems like everything is just memorization. Learn the concepts. Don’t just memorize the terms. Take charge and strive to learn and grow. Don’t be complacent. STEM is ever growing and ever-changing and you should be too.”
What course will you take in collage and why?
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In this modern era, there are a lot of things that are beyond our knowledge, things that are unkown and cannot be perceived. As a young pursuer, I dreamt of being one of the people who play a vital role in the community. Right before, I thought hardly to decide of what course should I take and directly relate it to my interests, I came up through a lot of science related courses until I’ve heard and searched about Medical Technology, I was first enthralled by the thought of it most primarily because it focuses on the extraordinary such as things that are not visible to the naked eye.
When I was young, I was afraid of Health practitioners especially medtechs, because they do nothing but prick my finger and draw blood from me, back then I wasn’t aware of what profession they are in because they lock themselves in an isolated room which I don’t have a clue that it was a laboratory. My young wondering mind brought me to the idea of playing pretend with my childhood friends, me as a medtech and them as the patient, I would prick their fingers using match sticks and inject or draw blood from them using a “click” ballpen.
I chose Medical Technology course because I was influenced by it since I was young and it’s my interest and I know that when I became a successful medical technologist, I would play a vital role in my country and help the people in need of proper diagnosis.
And that's the end of my blog, I hope you enjoy it, Thank you and God bless!!
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outerspace-castaway · 22 days
so apparently a few years ago i made a list of random songs i liked
i dont remember why i did it and only just rediscovered it now but it makes me want to make another one so...
carousel - 5 seconds of summer
2. the night we met - lord huron
3. borderline - ed sheeran
4. time of the season - the zombies
5. 26 - paramore
6. fire - sara bareilles
7. the pretender - foo fighters
8. im gonna be (500 miles) - the proclaimers
9.frankenstein - rina sawayama
10. amused - hunger
11. swing swing - all american rejects
12. street lightning - the summer set
13. always you - louis tomlinson
14. one life - hedley
15. sexual - neiked
16. let me love you - mario
17. 3am - haim
18. my tears ricochet - taylor swift
19. somewhere only we know - keane
20. be kind - halsey
21. skyway avenue - we the kings
22. next to me - emeli sande
23. lifetime - justin bieber
24. shapeshifter - alessia cara
25. slow motion - charolatte lawrence
26. new angel - niall horan
27. heart of glass - blondie
28. angels like you - miley cyrus
29. teardrops - liam payne
30. freedom - jon batiste
31. these dreams - heart
32. tell me its over - avril lavigne
33. slow grenade - ellie goulding
34. never gonna not dance again - p!nk
35. symphony - clean bandit & zara larson
36. un nouveau soleil - m83
37. juke box hero - foreigner
38. saigon - luke hemmings
39. faith - calvin harris
40. infinity - one direction
41. wings - jonas brothers
42. river - myles smith
43. church - aly & aj
44. woman - kesha
45. i must not chase the boys - play
46. wonderful unknown - ingrid michaelson
47. better - syml
48. pink skies - lany
49. duality - set it off
50. you get what you give - new radicals
51. tounge tied - grouplove
52. ophelia - the lumineers
53. angel with a shotgun - the cab
54. werewolves of london - warren zevon
55. drive - incubus
56. alone - sleeping with sirens ft mgk
57. chainsaw - nick jonas
58. the hardest thing - 98 degrees
59. breathe (2am) - anna nalick
60. ocean avenue - yellow card
61. its about time - lillix
62. all or nothing - o town
63. you're the inspiration - chicago
64. all my life - k ci & jojo
65. are you happy now - michelle branch
66. shape of my heart - backstreet boys
67. show me love - robyn
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offside-the-lines · 4 months
tell me who i run to (if not you)
anthony beauvillier x genevieve gignac (OC)
key lyrics that inspired me under the cut
I Am My Own Muse by Fall Out Boy
We got to throw this year away like a Bad luck charm// I'm just trying to keep it together But it gets a little harder when it never gets better
Say Something Loving by The XX
You say something loving It’s so overwhelming, the thrill of affection Feels so unfamiliar// I feel it taking over. Before it slips away Don't let it slip away
Forces by Japanese Wallpaper
You’re feeling in your bones But you don’t act on it There’s something in your heart But you won’t talk, talk, talk about it// ‘Cause I’ve been thinking ‘bout it And I’ve been dreaming ‘bout you Won’t do a thing about this ‘Cause I don’t wanna ruin you
HAZE by 5 Seconds Of Summer
And when I open my eyes I hope to see your face // Got me feeling alright when the feeling’s long gone Got me feelin' uptight every moment you're gone
Put You Through Me by Arrows in Action
Am I supposed to let myself be everything you need So sweet, then leave? I don't wanna put you through me// If we end up going down this road You'll end up underneath my feet eventually
Talk Too Much by Reneé Rapp
I'm taking everything I see as a sign and I know it's crazy But what if it's right// I'm here again Talkin' myself out of My own happiness
Lose Control by Teddy Swims
Yeah, it's takin' a toll on me, tryin' my best to keep From tearin' the skin off my bones, don't you know// I lose control When you're not next to me (when you're not here with me) I'm fallin' apart right in front of you, can't you see?
Heaven’s Gate by Fall Out Boy
One look from you And I'm on that faded love// If there were any more left of me I'd give it to you And I'll tell you that I am fine But I'm a missile that's guided to you
All I Ask by Adele
So why don't we just play pretend? Like we're not scared of what's coming next// All I ask is If this is my last night with you Hold me like I'm more than just a friend Give me a memory I can use
Baby Annihilation by Fall Out Boy
Time is luck and I wish ours overlapped more or for longer
 Heaven, Iowa by Fall Out Boy
Twice the dreams, but half the love Be careful what you bottle up The chemistry is a mess, it seems But me, I'm still a sunbeam// I will never ask you for anything Except to dream sweet of me
Instrumental: Intro by the XX
Bishops Knife Trick by Fall Out Boy
Looking for pieces of broken hourglass Trying to get it all back As if the time had never passed I know I should walk away,  But I just want to let you break my brain And I can't seem to get a grip// The glow of the cities below lead us back To the places that we never should have left
 I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys
Hold your hair in deep devotion At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean// Secrets I have held in my heart Are harder to hide than I thought Maybe I just wanna be yours I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours
 You’re On My Mind by Tom Misch
Please tell me that you feel the same That we're on the same train// Nighttime, and I'm thinking of you Each dawn of every day You're on my mind// You're all I can find You're on my mind
 Easy by Mac Ayer
I'd be lying if I said that You ain't on my mind Been tryin' to give it some time// Feelin' like I'm runnin' away Never had the chance, chance to say I can say that loving you is easy
Best Part by Daniel Caeser (ft. H.E.R.)
You're the coffee that I need in the morning You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring//You're my water when I'm stuck in the desertYou're the Tylenol I take when my head hurtsYou're the sunshine on my lifeIf life is a movieThen you're the best part
And you need to know You're the only one//And you need to knowThat you keep me up all night//Oh, my heart hurts so goodI love you, babeSo bad
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thepinkproof · 2 years
chapter six
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You were born for him, he just knows it and you’re the only one who can cure him.
Genre: Yandere!Vampire Jungkook x Reader - a 10 chapter series inspired by Tangled and Beauty and the Beast
Warnings: yandere behavior, suicidal attempts and talks, violence, eventual smut, DEATH, reader is not mentally stable, slight cursing, torture, DUBCON SMUT (f. receiving)
Taglist: @silversparkles11 @mwitsmejk @outro-kook @bishuthot @kooliv @syunchl @lauritakamaki @ash07128 @darkuni23 @era-genius @doublebunv @etsuko-99 9 @bbl32 @hoseoks7swrld @sweetbtsfoever @bxbyyyjocelyn @crazy-eight17 @mageprincess7 @devilsbooksworld @breadgeniedope @cara-18 @yourtmblrgirlfriend @sleepy-time-dreamy @angelarin @faerikitty @iloverubberduckiez-blog
wordcount: 3k
a/n: this is the calm before the storm, every chapter after this is drama/action filled
Series Masterlist| Next
Y/n whined in pain at the aching of her lower back. She couldn't see the tattoo but she definitely felt it.
It was painful, probably the worst pain someone could be in. She wished his name was shorter so it would be quick but it wasn't.
The more painful it was the more her feelings for Jungkook deteriorated. Hobi and her first caregiver truly did punish her for discipline. She could feel Jungkook doing it for his ego.
He wasn't so heroic in her eyes anymore, but it didn't matter. He's given her more freedom in days that they did in her whole 20 years of living. He was clearly the better option over Namjoon.
Hearing the door jingle, she automatically assumed it was Jungkook and hid her pain. Even when he was drawing the painful tattoo she bit on the pillow to hide her screams. She couldn't give him the satisfaction to think she had any regret.
"My lady are you okay?" Alana voice worried rushing to her master.
"Lani, hiii." She slurred in a large smile. The truth is she haven't slept and the after effects made her quite different.
"Lani?" Alana questioned raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah it's my new name for you!" She giggled.
Alana smiled at her. "It's almost as cute as you are my lady." She looked down at her back furrowing her eyebrows in disbelief. "Is this what my master did to you?!"
"Yeah, it hurts alot but don't tell Jungkook." Y/n whispered putting her finger on Alana lips.
"Your secret is safe with me but why would my master do this? Is it because I drunk from you?" Alana choked with glossy eyes.
Y/n mouth opened in worry for her friend. "No, no it wasn't you Lani." She assured her. She pondered if she should tell Alana. She didn't trust anyone but she also liked the idea of talking to a friend. "I can put my faith in you right?"
Y/n stared at her hesitantly before lowering her voice. "I ran away from this prison of a castle and killed Yoongi. I pretended as if the humans did it because he killed my parents and hurt you." She admitted.
Alana looked at her with an emotion she couldn't comprehend. She suddenly dropped down to her knees and bowed to her. "Your secret is safe with me just as my life is finally safe. Y/N-, my lady you have done more for me than I can imagine, more than anyone." She acclaimed.
Despite the aching pain Y/n sat up. "I did nothing but be truthful with you. You've help me too, more than anyone." She disclosed, no longer putting her trust in the liar of a man.
"Can I give you advice?" Alana asked still on her knees. Y/n nodded.
"If you love someone you would never let them harm you and if you love yourself more you will see the truth instead of asking it of others." Alana spoke with concern written all over her face.
Y/n chuckled at her worriedness. "Jungkook only did it because I ran away. From what I hear in stories he's done much crueler to people. He wouldn't actually hurt me." She defended.
Alana blinked her eyes at her naiveness. "What is actually hurting you if he already used your only weakness against you?" She raised her voice at Y/n.
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows in shock at her outburst. Alana shook her head. "I'm sorry my lady. I should do less talking and more serving. I know everything will be well for you." Alana said on a lighter note.
Y/n knew she couldn't trust Jungkook, he was a liar. But she didn't understand Alana's constant worry. Jungkook wasn't like Hobi or Namjoon, he actually loved her.
She wondered if she would let him love her or learn how to love herself.
Scarlett balded her fist up in her lap in nervousness. She still had high hopes as always. Even despite her visions being unclear. The only one that was clear as day to her was that her and Namjoon would be together.
Namjoon tried to keep calm for the camera's eye but he was dying in anxiety. He lived the past 20 years in success and luxury. He didn't want it to end, to be considered a loser.
Miriam she didn't have to pretend to be calm. She was. She knew she had it in the bag. She's been working for this for years.
"The results are in,
82% for Miriam Spelling
18% for Kim Namjoon.
Congratulations, at the end of the month our new chancellor since a 20 year reign is Miriam Spelling."
She stood up and smiled at the audience, thinking of how hard she's worked and how supportive Jimin was.
Namjoon sat and watched his life fall before his eyes.
Miriam approached the podium ready to give a speech. Scarlett on the other hand, had no patience. She stormed off stage.
Namjoon sighed before following her. Hearing his footsteps she turned around. "Stop following me! This is all your fault you stupid man!" She screamed.
"Why do you care so much?!"
"Because I love you!" She admitted in a loud scream. Namjoon thanked a higher being that he was not in a public place.
How could he not realize it? He should've known. He's known her since she was 10 but the way she said it, it wasn't the relationship he wanted.
"I'm your chancellor, ive watched you grow up. I became proud of you, like I would've been proud of my own daughter. I don't reciprocate the same feelings as you do, but I do love you. I'm sorry i've allowed your love to grow fond for you to do these ridiculous things for me." He expressed.
"You only don't understand my love because I haven't showed it to you completely. I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm 30. I will not let you lose, and when we do win you will see who stuck with you through thick and thin." She pleaded with devotion laced in her voice.
"Enough!" Namjoon bellowed. "Can't you see we lost and I don't love you! As soon as we stop living in delusion the sooner we can accept that its over Scarlett! We must put our trust in Miriam now!"
Scarlett should have seen the anger in his voice but all she saw was a lost man. A man that was ruined by Miriam, Jungkook and Y/n.
She watched as Namjoon stormed out the room but she didn't lose hope in him. In fact, she have found a way, she always had a way.
Taehyung saw Jungkook outside sitting in the shade. He stared mindlessly at the pond before him, like he was lost in thoughts. It was his private place Jungkook would go to that only few people knew about.
"Jungkook." Taehyung greeted.
Looking over his shoulder he gestured Taehyung to sit with him.
"I'm surprised you're not with Y/n."
Jungkook eyes didn't move from the pond. "You don't have to be near someone for them to be with you. There's not a thought that goes through my head that's not about her."
Taehyung scoffed. "I think you're afraid to see her. Are you haunted by what you did to her?" He bravely questioned.
"There's not a thing in the world I'm afraid of. I don't regret disciplining her. There's something quaint about her, Taehyung." Jungkook admitted.
"What do you mean?"
"When vampires drink blood they can feel a person's emotions. Everyone have darkness, even the most innocent of humans. When I drunk from her it was something odd I felt, something worst than darkness. I can't explain it." He expressed in unsureness.
Taehyung attention turned fully to him. "You know what some say about her right? That's she's the child of death."
Jungkook shook his head. "It wasn't pure darkness Taehyung, there was other innocent qualities she possessed. But when I felt her darkness I liked it. I had to punish her to get rid of it in her and myself."
"I let Yoongi convince me that it was okay to be merciless and I do think it’s okay. But there are other qualities a king need to be mighty. " Jungkook continued.
"I'm glad you feel this way because there is someone I want you to meet."Taehyung announced standing up from his seat.
Jungkook eyed him questionably. A man he never seen before came beside Taehyung. Immediately Jungkook saw his brown eyes.
"I'm not thirsty for blood right now." Jungkook declined.
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "This is Jimin. He was the inside man who brought Y/n to you. I hired him when you were frozen to pose as a councilmen. He spent 4 years learning about politics just to get that position." He introduced.
"He's still a human." Jungkook hissed.
"Hear him out." Taehyung told Jungkook.
"An hour ago, the humans just announced Miriam will be The Chancellor at the end of the month. Miriam have been devoted to uniting the vampires. The people voted for her because majority of them understand the truth. We can't survive without each other. I believe if you and Miriam formed an alliance we can live together peacefully and both sides can flourish." Jimin initiated.
Jungkook laughed. "I'll admit the vampires aren't superior as we once was, but we don't need to get along with our food. We just need to conquer and control it. Why would I make an alliance with a human? My mother tried the same thing, and we had peace for years, until Namjoon killed her because the humans were tired of being food." He fumed.
"You don't need to trust a human. You need to trust Miriam. Her mother was the one who cursed you.” Jimin revealed and watched as Jungkook clenched his fist, nevertheless he continued. “Namjoon convinced her it was better for everyone so she did it even though she wasn't strong in magic. Miriam watched as a child, her mother die right after the spell. Growing up Miriam hated Namjoon. She would never start a war like Namjoon did. She knows that vampires need blood to survive and she believes they are good ones out there, like me." Jimin spoked in confidence.
"Like you?"
"Yes, Miriam have put a spell on me so that I look and smell like a human. I still am a vampire. That's how impartial she is. She was able to love a vampire like me." Jimin emphasized.
"Think about it Jungkook. Blood donations for crops. Everyone wins." Taehyung added.
"I'll think about it on one condition." Jungkook stated.
"What is it?"
"When the time comes Namjoon and other guilty beings will die, as a symbol of peace by my hand." He grinned.
"As you wish my future king."
Jungkook stared at her cold eyes was that was engrossed in a book. She didn't look at him with a huge smile anymore in excitement. In fact she didn't look at him at all.
"LOOK AT ME!" He yelled in anger.
She looked up with uninterested eyes. "Don't you want to eat dinner with me?" He asked her.
Her eyes went back towards her book as she turned her body way from him.
"You can't ignore me forever Y/n."
"Stop being such a brat darling. The tattoo looks beautiful on you."
He looked at her again for an reaction but she simply turned a page in her book. In anger he ripped her book up in one tear. It was the first time she ever saw his vampire strength. Yet her face still had no expression.
Jungkook propped himself at the end of the bed. He watched as she stared at the ceiling, likely looking at the collage of photos he had above his bed. Still not paying attention to the version of him right under her legs.
"Hmm, I can make you pay attention to me baby."
Y/n felt his hands go under her nightgown feeling her soft skin on the side of her thighs. His hands stopped at the waistband of her underwear and he slowly pulled it down looking for her reaction.
She assumed he was changing his clothes. She looked at what look like childhood photos of Jungkook with the same red eyes. Beside him was a older boy, perhaps his brother, the king.
Y/n felt Jungkook's hand rubbing a part of hers she's never felt before. It was a strange feeling that would definitely make her question him if she wasn't ignoring him.
She saw another picture on the wall. A young woman that looked like she was in her 20s beside a youthful Jungkook and Jin, along with a man that looked similar to the two boys. She assumed it was his mother, remembering vampires cant age.
Seeing the girl's interest was somewhere else Jungkook decided to stripe his tongue between her folds. Her legs twitched as she looked down at him. Seeing he finally got her attention he continued using his tongue to satisfy her.
They made eye contact for a quick second but she looked away and looked back at the ceiling. She's never felt this way, nor did she know what she was doing but it was like a slow pleasurable torture for her.
Her hands gripped on the sheets as she looked at another picture. It was of her. She remembers this picture. It's the one Namjoon took. Jimin had to send it to him. She felt special being on his wall but she couldn't help to notice that her pictures was covering up someone's. By the contrasting hair to Y/n's under it she could tell it was a girl. Did Jungkook have other girls beside her.
Seeing that Y/n was once again distracted he wrapped his arms around her hips in a tight grip and roughly spread her open. He then starts to lick and suck on her clit more enthusiastically so it would be impossible to ignore him.
He watched as her back slightly arched and she let out a low moan. Y/n quickly bit her lip and started to pant at the feeling. She tried her best not to give him the satisfaction.
"Your body cant ignore me, you're dripping baby." He spoke. Y/n could feel his hot breath between her legs.
She wasn't sure if she was ignoring him because she didnt want him to stop or because she was mad at him. She tried her best to disregard the loud slurping noise and the pleasurable feeling of him tasting her.
She once again looked at the ceiling and saw another picture. It was of Jungkook, Yoongi and the guy she saw yesterday. Taehyung was his name. The three of them looked like close friends.
The three of them.
Were they the Ruthless Three Jimin spoke of?
Y/n searched the wall again for more pictures of Yoongi and Taehyung . She saw one of a younger Yoongi who looked about 8 with a toodler. The girl look familiar but she couldn't think at the moment.
She felt a weird tingling feeling in her stomach, like she was going to explode. Without thinking she looked down at him. "Stop! Stop! Stop" She yelled at him.
She could see him smirk between her legs. "Take it. Give in to me Y/n."
He started to suck harder on her clit and watched as she gripped the sheets harder. "Cum for me." He demanded gripping her hips even harder so she couldn't escape.
Y/n once again bit her lip holding in moans but her whole body shook in reaction to him. He finally stopped when she reached her orgasm, her body splattered out on the bed in defeat.
His hands dragged through her hair in comfort. "You did so well Y/n. But I promise next time you wont be able to hold your moans." He quickly pecked her lips that let out loud breaths.
"What did you just do?" She said after she recovered.
"It's something people who love each other do, but you only should participate in such activities with me, you understand?" He explained.
Y/n blinked her eyes in confusion. "But I don't love you. I don't understand love." She admitted.
"You're just confused sweetheart. We love each other.
"If you love me why do you lie and hurt me?" She asked. Jungkook felt guilty for a second, but then realized how ungrateful she was being.
"I only protect you. I am king, everyone should bow down for me regardless of my actions." He seethed.
"Last I learned is that Jin was king. If you are king why were you just bowed down worshiping my body?" She shot at him.
Y/n regretted her words as soon as she watched his red eyes get darker. "You belong to me I can do whatever I want with you. Would you rather me fuck you like a useless whore with no emotions than pleasure you?"
She quickly shook her head. "I just want to be enough for you, and I just want to make sure your love is true and genuine. I don't mind being used if you truly love me." She admitted.
Jungkook eyes soften as he embraced her tired body. "I will be, you just need to trust me darling. Trust and obey me and everything will be perfect." She nodded against his chest.
She was going to give him another chance but she was no fool. It wasn't all Jungkook's fault, she had a past of distrusting people. She realize now she has to kill her past for a new future.
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readnburied · 5 months
What I Read in December
Target: 9
Read: 5
At this rate no one should be surprised that I didn’t reach my reading goal for the month as well as for the year. But in my defense I was really busy in the month of December and therefore didn’t get a lot of time to read. It didn’t help that I fell sick as well and didn’t have the strength to read with the cold keeping me company and taking most of my attention. But enough of my sob story, here are the books I read in the month of December. 
A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson 
This book 1 in the series of the same name and follows the story of Dracula and his first wife Constanta, who he turns for his own pleasure as she’s on the verge of death. Together, they conquer lands and live their lives happily until Constanta realizes that Dracula has not been entirely honest with her. So she embarks on a journey of revenge and doesn’t stop until she gets it. 
I really enjoyed reading this book. The best part is that it’s in second person which is something I’ve never read before. At least I don’t recall reading something like that, so it was a novel experience for me and I had a lot of fun reading it. I do recommend everyone to give this book a chance and I can’t wait to read book 2 in the series. 
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears
This is a memoir by the renowned singer Britney Spears and she narrates her life from her childhood until the present. She’s really raw and authentic about her life and recounts every detail with stark clarity. 
I had a great time reading this memoir and since it’s about an individual’s life I won’t give too much of my opinion, but I will say that I couldn’t help putting myself in her shoes and she has been through a lot in life and it’s deeply inspirational how she didn’t let that stop her and came out on top. 
Intrinsical by Lani Woodland 
This is book 1 in The Yara Silva Trilogy and revolves around the life of Yara Silva who is able to see ghosts despite believing she couldn’t because she didn’t want to be like her grandma and be mocked for being able to see ghosts. However, when she sees a dark mist attack Brent on the first day of her new school, Yara knows there’s something big at play and no matter how much she doesn’t want to be a Waker she has no choice but to accept her new reality and save the boy she’s falling for. 
I was bored while reading this book. Plain and simple. I skimmed through most of the middle of the story because I just couldn’t stand it and wanted to finish it because I didn’t have it in me to DNF it. I found the writing style and characters to be incredibly boring and I barely remember what I read. I don’t recommend this book but if any of you want to give it a chance, feel free to do so. 
A Lullaby for Witches by Hester Fox 
This is a standalone novel and revolves around the life of Augusta Podos and Margaret Harlowe who are two different women in two different times, but they have a strange connection between them, and this connection allows Margaret to try and seek justice for herself and live the life that was stolen from her. 
This book was super interesting and I really enjoyed reading it. I won’t say much about this book here because there will be a separate review of it, but I highly recommend this book and I want you all to know that I’ll be reading the rest of the books by this author because I love the gothic stories she writes. 
The Angel and The Devil by Zwahk Muchoney
This is a short story that follows—as the title states—an angel and the devil who end up falling in love despite the laws of heaven and hell which forbids the union of both the breeds. But they’re unable to control what their hearts want and are brave enough to face the wrath of fate. 
I don’t really read short stories because I don’t get many chances of reading them but this story was emailed to me in return for an honest review and I have to say I really enjoyed reading this story. I loved the knowledge the author has in terms of the names of the angels and demons. If the author coined those names then I have to say it’s a really creative move, but even if the names are not coined, I love the knowledge of celestial beings. I also enjoyed the chemistry between the two main characters and I’m so glad they ended up together. I especially loved the ending and in my opinion the author wrote a really smooth and appropriate ending, and I have to say I can learn a thing or two about writing short stories from this author. Please do give this story a chance, because it is definitely worth a read. 
And that’s it. These are the books and stories I read in the month of December. Let me know if you’ve read any of the books mentioned above and if you did then what did you think of them. And if not, which book do you want to read? Now that the year has ended, let’s see how much I can read in the next year. 
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ek playlist sentence starters part three
info: sentence starters from my eddie kaspbrak play list; part one part two :
sick crowd - teddy hyde
"i'm unstable, i'm a mess"
"it's a game where we pretend i never crossed the line"
"a perfect compromise"
this town is running with a sick crowd"
"this town is begging for a dismount"
"she's a victim, she's a threat"
"i'm addicted, i'm obsessed with making you complete"
"nothing can hold me back except a lack of sleep"
"i've been stuck in my ways"
daft pretty boys - bad suns
"she's a sunrise dressed like dusk"
"she's getting into something"
"he's a moth drawn to a flame"
"he's going in, he's going all or nothing"
"they look so pretty from afar"
"the gates of heaven are open now"
"my one true love has just waltzed right out"
"there's one thing about me that you should know"
"i can't help from speaking my mind"
"there's a dangerous kind of cool about you"
"you look so pretty from afar"
"you waste your time on daft pretty boys"
"all the time in the world for chasing pretty girls"
"why you look so fucking perfect on the outside?"
"got no time to wast on another pretty face"
sorry not sorry - demi lovato
"payback is a bad bitch"
"i'm out here looking like revenge"
"i know how bad it must hurt to see me like this"
"you're out here looking like regret"
"it'd be nice of me to take it easy on ya'"
"baby, i'm sorry"
"i'm not sorry"
"being so bad got me feeling so good"
"feeling inspired 'cause the tables have turned"
"i'm on fire and i know that it burns"
"fineness is the way to kill"
"tell me how it feel, bet it's such a bitter pill"
"i know you thought you had bigger better things"
"bet right now this stings"
"the grass is greener under me"
mean it - lauv and lany
"small talk, no conversation"
"that look makes me impatient"
"i can't tell what you're thinking"
"please, tell me what you're thinking"
"last night, we were more than fine"
"just tell me if you changed your mind"
"i'm all in"
"i'm calling, no answer"
"would you text me when you feel like?"
"don't kiss me right now"
"don't tell me that you need me"
"don't show up at my house"
"don't run me 'round and 'round"
"don't build me up just to let me down"
"don't mess with my head"
"just leave it if you don't mean it"
"you know you got me in the palm of your hand"
"you only let me hold you when he can't"
"let's never leave the house"
"let's stay in bed while all our friends go out"
"you've been staring at me with a heart of doubt"
pope alexander - crywank
"my brain would never let me forget you"
"it's not like you're lingering"
"it's more like you're haunting"
"at times, it feels like i'm pushed against the wall"
"why don't you ask any questions?
"do you really not care now?
"i try to make myself not care"
"at night you are still there"
"you might be a chapter in my life, but you're still the star of my dreams"
"i see the ones i love suck up"
"i see the boundaries of politeness"
"i see my fist getting clenched as i aim for my bed"
"i spend the night beating the shit out of my mattress"
runaway kids - harbour
"where we're from you know i hate this town"
"one by one, i'm gonna burn these buildings down"
"let's head for the sun and we'll avoid this drought"
"there ain't no looking back now"
"life's too short to take it slow"
"we go where we wanna go"
"where we've gone it all just feels the same"
"i found that sun, wouldn't you know now i miss the rain"
"we're the runaway kids"
"let's escape, we'll get there some day"
"i don't stay anywhere for too long"
"we've got roots but sinking in is our problem"
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c1x2 nanny mcdead
I remember this song.
Gal in a machine! Cool!
Police lawyer: Mr. Castle, these waivers are serious business. Perhaps you’d feel more comfortable by referring the matter to your attorney. RC: What, are you kidding? He’d never let me sign these. But, fortunately, it's his job is to get me out of trouble, and not to prevent me from getting into it.
Get to the point ryan. (btw I'm so glad to be watching these in reverse order, if I had gone from s3 finale to this episode I would have gotten whiplash.)
I love the banter w rysposito. JE: Now if that’s not a cautionary tale about poking through someone else’s laundry, I don’t know what is. KR: Dude, there is an etiquette involved. If the clothes were dry, Mrs. Rosenberg had every right to put them in a basket. Now, if you’re gonna tell me she folded them, then it gets a little creepy. JE: I'm sorry, someone starts rooting around my underwear without an invitation? I’m taking that as a serious breach of hygiene. KB: I thought you went commando, Esposito. (How does she know this...?) JE, tilting his head: Well, it's a seasonal thing. (& also less hygienic my dude. For someone worried about ppl poking thru ur undies u ought to be concenrned abt the hygiene of not wearing underwear.)
CASTLE Hard to say. When I'm writing a new character, there’s no telling when inspiration might strike.
BECKETT I thought I was your inspiration.
CASTLE Oh you are, Detective, and in so many ways.
BECKETT Yeah, well, then your inspiration might strike you sooner than you think.
lol "just ny"
RC: Three men huddled around a computer. That better not be porn. And if it is, I want in. Is that a thing? Do men watch porn together? Isn't it kind of gay?
It's new york, there is no such thing as neighborship.
[Castle looks at Beckett. ]
CASTLE (CONT'D) We all know girls like that, don't we?
[Beckett rolls her eyes and sees the three, Esposito, even Captain Montgomery drawn in. And all of them looking at her. ]
Was 8b an actual person or was he just pulling a number out of thin air?
Hey. I cook, you clean. You cook, I clean.
AC: You were the crazy homeless woman. RC: And some might say, still are.
They actually wore Stuff when seeing the body this time!
I forgot Lanie was a fan, apparently he writes death well.
LP: But what I thought you might find really interesting is the fact that she had sex within the hours before her death. KB: Sex? RC: I’ll explain how that works later.
I mean he doesn't want to get an std from her too, but then again you're right about "smart guy" or whatever.
RC: ‘Cause no man likes getting dumped. Am I right? Our egos can’t handle it. *starts telling a story & then stops as soon as he sees beckett's face*
you shouldn't lie bro
Castle: seeming so cute & fatherly Castle the next second: manwhore
I miss being fit enough to play on the playground like that. I went on the monkey bars outside church the other day (yes I'm an adult).
lesbian flag lookin scarf
RC: We could always make it strip poker. Mystery to horror XD XD
Boy looks like he's on drugs. Girl tell them that bro! You made it sound like you were having an affair with sara & then u were offended when they made that assumption???
Ryan reading castle's books <3 beckett got him into it huh.
Wow castle just names a famous lesbian couple. Maybe that's why u think commitment is over. only love is queer.
Beckettt & her red scarf, ryan & his tie looking more like normal (tho tbh I might prefer the college-student look)
RYAN Guess who wasn’t where they said they were the day Sara Manning was killed? BECKETT Who? [Beckett reaches for the paper, but Ryan pulls it out of reach] RYAN Come on, you got to guess. [Ryan continues to dodge] BECKETT Ryan. Ryan. I’m not guessing. RYAN You’re a killjoy, you know that?
Probs smart of her to lie in front of her husband abt divorce there.
Alexis looking so cute like that. Why does he watch two at the same time? The stopping & starting of the elevator does not make sense with the timing.
seventy-seven ain't beyond the realm of possibility! Man acting sus af. So true Castle. Love the finger prints on the mirror. So not smooth Castle. K but where did castle get her number?
Castle's outfits today are not matching his style in future seasons, i dislike it but I like the variety.
If he was home all day, why did they hire a nanny? Was he really that busy or sleepy?
RM playing with a baseball <3
They said the next person on the elevator was the old lady changing her clothes! Inconsistency!
I like how they just go in there, 10/10. RC: Whoa! No! Come on! Come on! I already signed my life away. What more do you want? RC: Hope to die. WAIT NO Why she gotta take off her scarf like that
I love hearing ppl yell or whisper or speak softly.
Back to the laundry room eh? That's more of an end goal than a plan. Oof this scene was great for me. I'm going to have to tag this as mom no look bc hoo babey love me a good thigh bleed. Castle she said not to go in. Girl holster your gun, don't put it on the ground. Love the way her pants are shredded. B'y he's probably manipulating u. When did you see him look at her...? She would probably be using much faster slashes imo, but that depends on the goal. Raises the pinky finger all fancy like. The dryer...???? Where is ryan? Espt was told to get everyone up the stairs but where was ryan? Was he with the family upstairs?
Alexis <3 <3 I love alexis & castle, they are me & my mom in several ways, & sometimes role reversal too.
Nice fencing swords. awww that's such a cute pic!
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