#it’s just depressing as a trend
souvlakiandcocaine · 1 year
Furthermore, people who abruptly ended adolescence at 18 and immediately started their 20s off with briefcases and taxes are the most boring people on earth. I don’t care if you went to euphoria high school it couldn’t have been that epic if you were 16. Your early 20s are the only time you can be an adult while still being a kid. If your personal exploration ended when your pubes finished growing you’re probably uninteresting, to be frank. “I grew up faster than other kids” is bullshit too because I see fully suburban upper middle classers with zero baggage ready for the nursing home at 22. Appalling. Imagine all your wildest stories being from when you were a 9th grader. Cringe. YOU PEOPLE ARE BORING. Put down the resume and drop some acid.
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dividedego · 5 months
i think what holds me back from interacting more with whatever attempts at schizoid "communities" exist in different pockets of the internet is that, frankly, y'all are so so so whiny. so fucking whiny. everything is negative, everything is meaningless, look how much it sucks for me, look how pointless it all is, look at me being apathetic and finding no enjoyment in anything, i dont even try, misanthropy etc etc.
i get it, szpd sure sucks sometimes, you wish you weren't constructed like this. and i get that a large part of it is the fact that people in general tend to focus on and remember negative things, but good lord. did you know szpd is the only personality disorder that doesn't require clinical distress? you can live your own solitary life, doing your own thing, making your own habits, creating your own meaning, connecting in the ways you feel comfortable and isolating yourself to the extent you need, and be absolutely fine with it. happy even, dare i say vibing. getting there takes work from you, requires you to take a good hard look at yourself from time to time, but nothing in this disorder implies that healthy coping is some fucking pie in the sky or whatever. you can be fine.
it sounds harsh, but someone has to say it: presuming you're mature enough to do so, you need to accept the cards you've been given and make the most of it to the best of your ability. learn what your limits are, try to expand them if possible, bear the burden of your own personal growth. that is your responsibility. yours.
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fangsforfags · 2 months
"ew u dont wash ur sheets every week?" "gross u dont shower every other day?" "u dont put on deodorant every morning? eww" listen man i am constantly on the edge of killing myself everyday. i think not having "perfect hygiene" is a big concern of mine right now
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girldewar · 2 months
thinkin about the deweys . as always
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theredtrails · 3 days
Tbh I'm having a hard time getting hyped for the Summer Game Fest and anything AAA right now - I hope Silksong is announced soon though 🤡
But lucky for me a bunch of indies juste came out like the wonderful Indika
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Polygon published a great article on the game's complicated creation and how the team had to flee Russia to finish it, that's def worth a read, and Indika is worth playing if you're looking for a short experimental and narrative experience.
I've seen a lot of people compare it to Hellblade and I get it! But Indika is funnier and weirder, it's a very enduring blend of absurd humor and nihilism that is very distinctive of Eastern European games. YMMV because I'm not religious and wasn't raised Catholic, but the way it tackled the questions of faith and religion really resonated with me
And it's GORGEOUS and has a very distinctive cinematography
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My partner has tried to introduce me to a lot of Russian games they like and that finally gave me the push I needed to start Pathologic 2 😌
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cryptic-queer-cryptid · 7 months
look. not to get sappy on main but like.
call it cringe call it silly call it whatever you want but do you know what it felt like to be a depressed teenager and hear the doctor say “do you know, in 900 years of time and space, i’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important before”?
cause let me tell you, hearing that… there are whole years of my life that i barely remember because of my depression. chunks of my time on earth that i’ll probably never get back. but i do remember watching that damn special because it meant something to me, even in that fog.
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cherrypiewhy · 2 months
bed rot core🩷
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annieroses-rant · 3 months
am i doing enough? am i doing it right?
halfway through
the stack of homework i can’t finish tonight
are you still proud of me?
though i’ve fallen from grace
am i still beautiful with all this shit on my face?
do you want more from me
than what i already am?
will you still sit with me if I tell you I can’t?
i waste my time writing this
and feeling like a lost cause
feel like i’m the one booing over all the applause
smart girl
kind girl
“fine” not really fine girl
straight girl
strong girl
do you even try at all girl?
if i live up to what you ask of me
is it something you’d even see
if i could ever do enough
would you give me more, call it “tough love”?
every week feels like a year
and every slumber twenty seconds
blame it on my low attention span
and all my screwy methods
i can never stop trying all the way again
cause i’d lose all my passion and all of my friends
can’t afford to start over
only keep moving on
i seem to run so much
i don’t know what i’m running from
and will the hardships take that from me too?
i’m not living loud enough
so everyone tells me I'm through
something in me says, keep walking
smile as if you're still alive
some fighter spirit keeps me going
maybe soon I'll learn to thrive
and so close to something but so far away
my heart has begged so many people to stay
if i could write a poem called
sorta somewhat like okay
if i could get a streak going
happy day after happy day
but i’m three years into high school
and every day is just the same
i say i’m gonna work hard
and then i play video games
cause i’ll never be the girl everyone wants
so why even try to be something i’m not
i’m sleep deprived with no tears left to cry
and i’m fine for now
but i knew something so profound
and then i promptly forgot
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princessnijireiki · 3 months
did not know I would have a strong emotional reaction to this, but rich people leaning into edge lighting & led strip lighting in upscale home decor disgusts me lmao
update: it's a render but I still despise it
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soldier-poet-king · 3 months
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I'm allergic to grey-beige minimalism trends and tho my apartment walls have to stay that colour, I refuse to live in an unsaturated hell. Im probably getting the above couch.
I lack a couch, most of the other furniture I already own or will buy secondhand and can be painted. Besides leaving some pieces neutral, natural browns, what colours should I paint furniture like desk/endtable/bookshelves? A can of paint is hella cheaper than new furniture, I can repaint my shitty secondhand stuff fairly easily. Elaborate on your reasoning in the tags
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notalizard · 3 months
I saw that personality test all the homies have been taking and:
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Good lord-
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Can anyone reply or reblog with some cute pictures or videos or anything that makes you smile?
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alectoperdita · 11 months
sometimes i think about doing prompt-request ficlets like i used to but let's be honest, i've gotten too neurotic in recent months to handle it
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genghisthebrain · 4 months
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alonewolf52 · 1 year
Collapse into me. Just once. I promise you'll never have to fall again.
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If you say shit like "summer depression <<winter depression" you do not have fucking depression and you treat it like another one of your stupid trends.
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