#just in my humble lesbian opinion x
lesbiangracehanson · 8 months
not a day goes by where i don’t think about how sharon horgan & julianna margulies follow each other on insta……
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aloysarrow · 1 year
I'm in Burning Shores and I'm waiting for the moment where I feel like Seykaloy feels too rushed or whatever. Bc it doesn't. Idk what I was suppose to notice or feel negatively about their teaming up. I've shipped Aloy for less just bc I thought she had chemistry with whoever. I was shipping her half-heartedly, like crack-ship-ish even though I knew nothing was canonly there with the Oseram, Silga. It's not too rushed omg 😂
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soooo random but what’s your opinion on most popular aphmau ships ?
first off I do not want to yuck anyone's yum!! I love that people love all of these ships and can find joy in it. Its my biggest pet peeve that people hate on people for loving stuff. I love that others love stuff :( these r just my personal taste!!
i fucking hate aarmau lol <3 it can burn in hell and I think its so bad and poorly written
garrence is cute! its not my go-to ship and I have no stronggg attachment to it but my best friends really really like it and I like exploring their dynamic + writing fic 4 them :3
i would die for laurmau. clenches my fist. they are. they are. they are the best thing on this planet. I've written a miny essay about it just because. when I have my Aphmau hyperfix I am actually so insane about them. @metelis-favorite once watched me remember laurmau existed. and then start to SHAKE. because I loved them so much. it was HUMBLING.
garmau is interesting becauseeee uhhhh I go back and forth. I don't think about them really romantically as a couple? again neutral on that.
(its funny because I lived in my sorority house this year and brought my Laurence doll @garrothromeave got for me and my roommate was like "oh we need to have garroth representation because I watched this when I was younger and I'm a .garroth stan" so we printed out a picture of garroth and they hung out together all year underneath the shotglass with boobs. UHHH and we would watch mcd. again. IN MY SORORITY HOUSE. HORRIFYING. and we would fight over garmau vs laurmau. society is HEALING.)
however I ADORE them as a platonic couple/soulmate kinda deal. they're so so so sweet!! again @garrothromeave and I have a playlist about em and I'd love to talk about it more :3
i LOVE LOVE LOVE garrencemau. its the perfect ship. again its interesting because I'm not passionate about garrence/garmau but I ADORE garrencemau its genuinely such a perfect ship. so cute.
i also love love zoeymau! one of the things I first got into when I got into Aphmau again. its so sweet. its THEE lesbian yearning. its so sweet. makes me go sniff sniff. I also love the angst potential with it. its so sweet :(( what do you MEAN Zoey gave up her immortality just to bring back Aphmau. what do you MEAN they live together and have two sons? WHAT THE FUCK JESSICA WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEYRE NOT MARRIED??
dante x kc is the cutest fucking shit in the WORLD. why weren't they canon in mystreet. we were robbed. ROBBED I TELL YOU. THEYRE SO SWEET. domestic bliss. THEE married hets ever. @bisexualsfordante says they should be called purple which is really cute
i don't care for zanechan. it feels lazy that they're shipped together. oh ones emo and ones pink? pack it up. bubbline wannabe or travlyn. it rubs me the wrong way and it feels underdeveloped lol
i have no real opinions on katemau but its cute! thumbs up to lesbians (heart eyes)
if you have any other ships you want me to talk about lmk!! I'm super hyperfixated on UHHH. Irene x Xavier (that guy that was mentioned ONCE LOL) so I don't care about any other ships. but I love aphmau :)
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tokidraws · 2 months
Im'a stir the pot a bit and bring up Voltron (legendary defender) again, and talk about why the last few seasons sucked ass (in my humble and completely correct opinion).
Relationships: Now, I'm not here to debate whether Klance should be cannon or not (even tho they had more going for them than Lance and Allura), I'm going to talk about why Lance and Allura fell flat. A.) She was using him as a rebound off of Lotor. B.) There wasn't enough build up for it, in the in between season when there traveling back to earth, there should have been more build up, a genuine connection, because until after Lotor, she was repulsed by the idea of dating Lance, there just, needed to be more interaction between them, where they talk shit out.
Lotor shouldn't have died: I love redemption arcs, and like, I loved Lotor, and yes, he made a great villain, but he was going kinda crazy because of quintessence exposure, just like Zarkon and sorta like Enerva (she was already a little scrambled up there.). I also liked Allura x Lotor way more than her and Lance, they just, had more going for them.
Enerva(or however u spell her name.) shouldn't have gotten a redemption arc: I wanted Lotor to have one more, yes, but season 8 just, made no sense really, like, come on, cant we just leave it with them finally back on earth? With there peaceful lives undisturbed? And then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE Lance and Allura could have gotten more screen time?
Allura shouldn't have died: I dont think I need to explain that one.
Also, I want more space wolf.
Also, also, Allura x Romelle is way better, lets go lesbians.
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zonaenthusiast · 9 months
do robin x zoro have more significant interactions than nami x zoro in manga and anime?
i'm new to this fandom since i have only seen the live action and i noticed that a lot of people call nami x zoro siblings while shipping robin x zoro, so what's this about?
i'm loving nami x zoro in opla so far and am excited for robin's future appearance but i dread other shippers hating on zoro/nami!
Uh, well, hello and welcome to the fandom!
Disclaimer: this will have my personal and subjective interpretations of some ships but you are free to think what you like, of course! No ship is bad! (unless it's problematic, then it's bad).
I will try to be a little bit vague because I don't want to give you many spoilers, but the thing about Zoro and Robin is that they had a very peculiar relationship when she first joined the crew. Let's just say that Zoro didn't trust her at all and that lasted for a while but, despite that, he was always willing to protect her if necessary like she was any other of his nakamas (and she was). Besides, she made a few efforts to get close to him and even teased him sometimes.
I think people really digged that dynamic of I don't trust you but I guess we have to work together. This is actually funny because it's actually very similar to Zoro's dynamic with Nami at the beginning, it's just that with Robin he was much more obvious because he had legitimate reasons to distrust her.
That lasted for a couple of sagas and they had a handful of moments together that are pretty interesting (one of my favorite parts of the Skypiea arc is a scene of them) but then, after she managed to gain his trust, they didn't have much more moments together (they have one ocasionally but they are rare). The thing about Zoro and Robin is that they are the most introverted of the crew, so they barely talk to each other because they aren't usually the first ones to start a conversation. You will see them together and they will be confortable with each other, but most of the time they don't talk to each other.
I get the appeal of this ship, but I don't really enjoy it because Robin has... peculiar tastes, to say the least, and Zoro doesn't fit in them. I don't know if you know who the other main ship for Robin is but in the last few years I would say they have become more popular than Zoro/Robin, especially after Dressrosa.
About Zoro and Nami... it's a hated ship internationally, yes, and we are constantly in the trenches for liking them as a couple, but the funny thing is that it's a pretty well loved ship in Japan. Internationally, people tend to see them as siblings but it never happened to me (examples of a sibling relationship for me are Nami and Usopp or Zoro and Chopper, but not them). Besides, the headcanon of a huge part of the international fandom is that Zoro is gay (Zoro's main ship is Sanji) and Nami is lesbian (my headcanon is that both of them are bisexuals).
It doesn't help that interactions between Zoro and Nami have also decreased in recent years, to be honest, but we've been on a roll recently and not just because of the live action. In my humble opinion, Zoro and Nami's interactions are more significant that Zoro and Robin's, if only because they've been together from the very beginning.
Some people think that the scenes between Zoro and Nami were weird in the live action but I promise you, and this doesn't have to do anything with them a a ship, just as a duo: if you've really paid attention to the dynamic that Zoro and Nami have maintained since the beginning of the manga (something I've been doing since I was twelve), you know the only thing the live action has done is make it more explicit. Oda is much more subtle when it comes to establishing relationships between characters but the live action doesn't have the time for that, so they've had to make everything much more obvious, more in your face. But the essence of everything is there and I assure you, the essence of Zoro and Nami is there. If someone wants to ship them or not, it's up to them and their own interpretations.
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cupids-chamber · 1 year
is that a yanfei pfp omg, my inner and outer yanfei main loves you oh oh oh and and and also screw that dumbass ask this anon sent about yuuka THEY ARE SO INCORRECT GRRR "y'all only like yuuka because she is a girl!1!1!1!1!1!1!"
yeah no fucking shit so many of us like her because it solidifies the place of fem!yuus in the twstverse and stops dumbass people saying "hmph. its a MALE ONLY COLLEGE why do you have a female OC?? Just make a male OC???" (obviously not every person is like this and we should still appreciate masc OCs they matter just as much mwah) but we should denounce people who are so close minded.
like mannnnn that ask made me so annoyed but your response literally summarised everything i would've wanted to put into words but a bit less violent. the audacity they had to send in that dumbass ask smh like damn bitch let people enjoy a new character? so what if it's fem!yuu? like this is one of the times twst isn't being problematic but nah people still gotta have a problem with this and not the other issues (cough cough "Monsieur pyramid" cough cough)
also yuuken was actually pretty hyped up intially did that anon just sleep through an entire period of twst tumblr fandom lmao. i remember people writing so many fics and i haven't seen anyone say jack shit but the moment it's yuuka its "Nooo you're gonna project onto her waaaah!" like pls stfu we are literally just excited for a new character joining our silly fandom and becoming the subject of either a) unimaginable fluff or b) unimaginable angst smh /j
im sorry for taking my silly anger out in your askbox (ofc none of that is directed at you cause you wrote a bomb ass response to them and honestly you really put them in their place!) but that ask just annoyed me so mf much and i been thinking over my anger of it for a day and a half now
love your fics btw I get so mf excited when you post EJFHHEJD I hope you're having a lovely day mwah mwah, feel free to ignore this ask too no pressure 💓
NO BECAUSE I HELD MYSELF BACK, I say a lot of shit when I'm mad so it's better I hold myself back in these scenarios. But that's true, like search the Yuuken x reader tag and you'll find a sum of fanfic's, if you go to the yuuka x reader tag.. It's just me!
Sure Yuuka's hyped up, but like you said a decent chunk of it was due to the fact that her existence makes it so no one can attack fem oc's. And yeah a whole other part of the fandom simped for her, but you have got to understand that majority of the twisted wonderland fandom from my experience is homosexual.
Like I know a decent few lesbians, who write twst fanfic, so it's like not much of a shock that people simp for her a lot. And anon has to realize that fanfiction was created so you can self insert yourself in a scenario.
Like making that comment on a fanfic blog, was really fucking stupid ngl. And it seemed misogynistic from my perspective, ngl. I didn't say it because in my humble opinion that might've been "taking it too far"
Anyways, thank you for sharing your opinion, (And it's ok to rant to me as long as your not being rude abt anything) AND THANK YOU FOR ENJOYING MY WORK <3 And abt Yanfei, I've been growing her! I may main her one she gets to lvl 90!
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randombubblegum · 2 years
i actually decided to give waterparks a listen - the three new singles? i feel very :x because i relate to the lyrics a lot. also i like the red aesthetic…alluring, hateful, lovecore almost.. it sounds like hes probably going thru it big time ^_^ like hes a catty vengeful ex… obsessed with his own feelings a bit. i know he sux but he made a few lezbian bangerz with this latest drop!! in my humble opinion. we can just pretend it did not come from him i guess. lol
what the fuck about this toxic ass song is a “lesbian banger” are you out of your fucking mind. is this awsten on anon doing damage control or something
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
I might have misunderstood and in that case I’m sorry but..how does jm or jk liking feminine stuff regarding their appearance or interests or else have anything to do with gender? I guess it’s probably me watching all those debates (I’ve seen this discussed on twitter multiples times) from a non-westerner and old-school lesbian perspective if I may say but this western genderqueer thing doesn’t make very much sense to me. You can be a guy and like so-called feminine stuff, or like to play with both masculinity and femininity. It doesn’t you any less of a guy, doesn’t make you a woman or an in-between, it just makes you an androgynous guy or a fem guy and there’s nothing wrong with that. Same goes the other way around. I’m quite masculine in my appearance, also always like more "guy stuff", it doesn’t make me any less of a women. I’m sorry I just don’t get this bigender label. Watching this from afar it seems like what it mean or look like to be a man or woman is becoming very restricted again and you have to fit this and this criteria or else you re queer something ( I know this is also very much debated in the lgbt community nowadays but I just hate that word, it was used as an insult and I personally don’t want to associate myself with it). Now I do think jm and jk gender nonconformity is an indication of them possibly being gay/pi (there’s a link between gender non-conformity and homosexuality/bisexuality) but that tattoo was probably more used an an indication of bisexuality in my humble opinion(I have a bi friend who actually have that sign tattooed, some ppl use it for bisexuality indeed). Sorry if I was a rude or anything (English not being my first language also) but I just see all those new labels in the western lgbt world and it just confuses the hell of me cause it seems sometimes pretty regressive, I just wanted to share my perspective.
Hi anon, Thank you for sharing your perspective with us. As a cis bi/pan woman of a certain age, I feel what you're saying - pretty keenly, actually. Because sometimes I just sit here like "I DO NOT GET WHAT THESE KIDS ARE TALKING ABOUT".
Still here? Cool. It's not that we didn't HAVE a whole ass Kinsey scale but it only goes 1-6. Straight. Heteroflexible or Will Experiment At Parties. Bi. Homoflexible or Gay For Play. Gay. Supergay. That's ... what we had, in the day. I'm actually a 2.5 probably. And for years we did, we used numbers if we were smart enough to read the whole damn thing. And gender identity was like, you're cis or you're trans. That was it. And yes. "Queer" was a pejorative. A slur. A word we saw spray-painted on underpasses and sometimes school lockers. "Gay" implied pederasty, practically, but "queer" would get your ass beat in public and not an adult would stop it. And with the advent of the HIV Plague, to which I lost every damn one of the drag queens who raised me, we got even more hate. Girls less than guys, I think, but the history is not a pretty one. You know this. We of Gen X and older are all too aware. For those who have seen "Paris Is Burning" that was kinda my life for awhile, add intensive ballet. And most of those people are dead. What we have now, in the West particularly, is a smorgasbord of options. Literally if we can dream it up someone else already has and there's probably a flag. Like, it makes me feel old and out of touch. I don't even know how to call myself half the time. Am I bi? Pan? Sapiosexual? Demisexual because I don't put out on the first date? There are TOO MANY OPTIONS FOR MY SMALL ASS. I NEED A BETTER ASS TO HANDLE MY DECISIONS. And I see why too many options and too many classifications might almost feel regressive. Like, cis men are not always traditionally masculine beefy guys who like auto racing and American football. Many cis men like pretty things too. Most drag queens are cis men, actually. But femme guys are often seen, now, as other-gendered and not just other-oriented, because that's AN OPTION NOW. And the opposite is true. My cis lesbian BFF looks and acts like a guy. I have had people tell me she seems trans to them. SHE ISN'T. G-Money loves being a woman. She also loves auto racing and weightlifting and American football and her mohawk, let her live, right? Even I really waited for her to come out as trans or at least NB and IT AIN'T HAPPENED YET. She's 47.
I understand the issue of people feeling triggered by the Q word. I do. I get it. And I respect your choice not to use it or have it used at you - if I knew your user name I'd make a note :) And I get how just seeing it feels weird and wrong. I'm getting more used to it, it doesn't bother me as much as it did a few years ago. We used to call it genderfuck and honestly that makes as much sense. Now, to the guys (we're gonna go ahead and call them guys): my reasoning for thinking Jimin might be bigender is because he has all but told us that gender is a fluid construct for him. Yes, he identifies publicly as male, but even in interviews has openly said he feels more comfortable with the feminine parts of his personality in the last few years. That doesn't mean he isn't a man. And he may well be coding bisexuality - the issue there is that he so rarely has even appeared to show any interest in women, and he has openly coded for both sexes as gender (Illecebra and Arcanus). As to Jungkook, I think he's a gay cis male who also likes to feel pretty sometimes. Hell, he and Jimin both could easily fit that descriptor. And that's basically what they've said in public if you leave Filter out of it. But to be fair, these are men who have yet to come out. We forget that sometimes. THEY HAVE NOT COME OUT. Either of them. As far as we can prove they are cis straight men who like to sleep together and stay up all night and go on dates and give each other hickeys and kiss each other and hold hands and have inside jokes about "you are me I am you" and "we don't know what we do but we do stuff" and and and. I mean okay, we're not blind and my Korean source is telling me they are pretty damn open, just nobody talks about it, in Korea. But we have to remember that until they SAY something we can't PROVE anything. I mean until the sex tape leaks. ANYWAY I have blabbered on long enough, but thank you for your words and the transparency you had to share them with me.
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eulaties · 4 years
tgcf ships + my opinion
since this is just a long post of all the ships and my opinions regarding them, im putting it all under the cut!
- very cute and touchy towards each other
- already acts like a married couple
- they “transfer spiritual powers” as an excuse to make out
- best friends to lovers dynamic
- also “jerks who only really have each other” dynamic
- they say they hate each other but are also always together + hanging out
- apparently the author says they’re straight but????
- if fengqing straight 🤨 then why sexual tension 🙄✋
- she was a punk, and she did ballet
- opposites attract
- power lesbians
- what do you mean they're NOT kuromi and melody?
- they really just deserved better
- opposites attract pt. 2
- they really just deserved better pt. 2
- yin yu has cat energy and quan yizhen has puppy energy i cannot explain why
- quan yizhen would see hualian kissing as a way to “transfer spiritual energy” and try to kiss yin yu to do that too (hes just. such a himbo AND WE LOVE THAT)
- (to clarify: pei su x ban yue)
- soft couple
- lbr they’d hug and cuddle a lot
- my god they’re so cute
- also i hc yushi huang as asexual
- saw this on twitter but “strong jock man getting beaten and saved in every way by elegant gentle woman"
- one-sided enemies to lovers
- so i think that her interactions with pei ming (who is known for his male chauvinism) would eventually humble him and have him change his ways
- interesting dynamic and i wish we got to see them interact more!!
- yushi huang is a bamf and so chill. honestly we are not worthy
- if they were in a relationship pei ming would be chugging respect women juice no question. i also feel like he'd calm down more
- friends with benefits/fuckbuddy energy 100000%
- shi wudu is one of the few people pei ming actually cares abt!!
- death of shi wudu probably affected pei ming a lot :(
- if you ship this you have good taste
- just found out this was a ship .0002 seconds ago but like. im all for it
- its all about the *clenches fist* one-sided yearning but also watching someone you care about slowly descend into madness and knowing you can do nothing to stop them even though it hurts too much to watch
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mcfuckity · 4 years
The hard part about liking The Owl House is the white favoritism in the fandom. White favoritism is watching Amity be considered more interesting than Willow and Gus. It’s like, the show goes out of its way to show the bond between Luz, Willow, and Gus and the fandom will work twice as hard to force Amity in those roles instead.
Willow and Gus learns about Eda’s curse and Luz’s plan. Willow and Gus decides to help er steal from Belos to help. Willow and Gus tries to fight off Lilith and are sent to Eda. Willow and Gus interrupt the tv to vouch for Eda’s freedom. Yet, all you see is Amity and Luz content because everyone likes the edgy *white* lesbian.
Let’s be real, Amity has development. I dislike everyone else’s development being erased to make her look better. I also dislike the notion that Willow and Gus are boring or lack development.
Think, Willow was bullied BY AMITY and friends for years until Luz showed up. Who knows how long they’ve been picking on Gus too? We see that she was forced and it’s glossed right over as she just does nothing afterwards. Willow was sweet and was normally humbled when it came to Amity but she flourished when switched to the plant track. She was shown to be able to be able to call her friends out or at least standing on her decisions. How she was disappointed in Gus for lying but thought she was being too harsh and goes to check on them. She tells Luz she doesn’t even want to be friends with Amity but Amity tried to burn the pictures for no reason.
Gus is just a good boy who likes human stuff. He is clearly powerful with his clones and has the personality of a tv host, following his dad (im assuming). He yelled at Bump to do the right thing. He snatched Willow’s pin from Boscha. He’s the Thing 2 to Luz’s Thing 1. Down for whatever his friends are doing and is literally the best version of himself he can be.
This isn’t even about Amity, specifically. The Blights, Viney x Emira, Lilith x Mrs. Blight, Eda x Camilia, and even Boscha get more art than the 2 who spent the most time with the main characters. It’s like, a show with real diversity and plot and people ignore most of the diversity and plot to flock to the white lesbian and her crush, rather than the bi afro latina with her black and blasian friends.
I genuinely do appreciate those who try to incorporate all the characters. I’m sorry that you’re drowned out this way. I’m not saying that you can’t have opinions or preferences but this is just my opinion on a long going observation.
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freddie-weaselbee · 3 years
E1: The One Where It All Begins//F.W.
Series Summary: FRIENDS but with Harry Potter characters after Hogwarts graduation, trying to figure out their lives and relationships. Non Voldy AU. Begins around the end of FRIENDS season 4 with The Wedding (except this first one) and semi follows plots in season 5. Partially inspired by @lunalovecroft but follows different episodes and plots. 
Pairing(s): Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader, Romione, Hinny, Georgelina
Warnings: Mentions of food/drink, suicide joke (very brief and light, nothing graphic), slight language, mentions of sex/strip clubs
Summary: It’s been 3 years since Y/N graduated from Hogwarts and moved into an apartment in Diagon Alley. Her life with her friends is simple and predictable, until a girl she hasn’t seen in years walks through the coffee shop door. 
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: My first fic posted to tumblr! Probably going to be a 5-10 part series I haven’t decided yet
Based on FRIENDS S1 E1
“There’s nothing to tell! It’s just some guy I work with”
You waved your hands frantically at the people questioning you, trying not to spill your coffee on your new sweater and plaid skirt, apparently to no avail. You huffed as the latte sloshed over the edge and landed in a heap on your lap. The redhead sitting next to you, your roommate and closest friend Ginny, grabbed some napkins to help clean you up. 
“C’mon,” spoke a voice, coming from the chair to the left to the couch upon which you were sitting. “You’re going out with a guy, there’s gotta be something wrong with him!”
“So does he have a hump, a hump and a hairpiece?” came another voice, this time from off to your right. 
Rolling your eyes you replied to the almost identical voices coming from identical people. “Oh sod off you two, like you haven’t gone out with some whack jobs.”
Ginny laughed as her twin brothers, George and Fred respectively, mumbled and settled back in their seats. She helped clean up any coffee that spilled on the couch before realization dawned on her. “Wait, does he have a small penis?”
Three groans came out simultaneously from the group, ⅔ of which were from Ginny’s siblings. 
“What? I just don’t want her to go through what I did with Dean, aww.” She looked off into the distance as if in a trance, remembering her time with the boy she dated back when you were all attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
“You know you have a boyfriend, right?” Ginny smiled sheepishly at the words coming from her boyfriend, the infamous Harry Potter, known also as the boy who lived. If it wasn't for his mom sacrificing herself for him, Voldemort wouldn’t have died for good that Halloween night. Imagine if he was somehow brought back, what a series that would be. 
“Ok, everybody relax,” you said, returning the conversation to your dating life. “I have no idea how big or small his dick is, Ginny.” You scoffed and her brothers gagged at their sister’s discussion of her and her ex’s sex life. “Besides, this isn’t even a date. It’s just two people going out to dinner and not having sex.”
Harry, the quietest one of your group, spoke up. “Sounds like a date to me.” You threw your dirty napkins at him and he ducked the toss, hiding his chuckle behind his coffee cup. 
Ginny got up to order a cappuccino, her usual at the Diagon Alley coffee shop. After the twins started their joke shop, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, and the rest of you graduated, you and Ginny  decided to get a place together down the street from the popular business. Being the same year as Harry and one of Ginny’s other brothers, Ron, you stayed in touch with the boys after graduation and they eventually found an apartment right across the hall from yours. With the 6 of you--Ginny, Ron, Harry, Fred, George, and yourself--living so close to each other, you began to spend all of your free time together, usually ending up lounging around the coffee shop until the owner kicked you all out. 
“Do you guys want to hear about a dream I had last night?” It was Fred who had spoken, the slightly older and slightly more attractive twin, in your humble opinion. 
“If it’s another sex dream about Snape, Freddie…” The group howled with laughter and you threw a hand to your mouth, silently cursing yourself for giving up the secret your friend had told you months ago. 
“You arsehole!” he yelled, not actually meaning it. He buried his face in his hands, trying to cover the deep red spreading through his cheeks. 
You tried to hold back your laughter but it bubbled out as you apologized. “I’m so sorry Freddie, it just came out! Kind of like in your dream when--”
“Y/N!” He jumped out of his chair and launched himself onto you, covering your mouth with his hand. You were bent over, holding your stomach with laughter. Ginny returned looking extremely confused. 
“What’s so funny?” Fred gave you a look, telling you that you were dead meat if you mentioned this to his sister. You shrugged at him and nodded. You would just tell her once you two got home anyways. 
“Your darling brother here was just about to tell us about a dream he had.”
Ginny groaned loudly, plopping down in her usual spot on the couch. “Is this like the one about Snape--”
Oh. Maybe you had already told Ginny. Whoops. 
After a few more rounds of laughter and jesting at the oldest of the friend group, Fred finally told his dream, consisting of nudity, a wand for a penis, and a very interesting Howler from his mother. 
You were all in hysterics, Harry wiping tears from his eyes and Ginny switching spots with you to throw her legs over her boyfriend's lap. It was at that moment that the final member of your 6 person friend group, Ronald Weasley, Gryffindor’s King, moped into the café. 
He trudged over to the couch and chairs that your group had practically claimed as your own. “Hi.”
“Wow,” said Ginny, “my brother says hi I wanna kill myself!” Harry slapped Ginny playfully on the shoulder as she moved and nuzzled into his chest. 
You stood up to meet your oldest friend. During Hogwarts you and Ron were inseparable. You did everything together, usually along with Harry and another girl, who you hadn’t spoken to in years. You laid a hand on the sulking man’s shoulder. “You ok sweetie?” you asked. 
Ron huffed and sat down on the couch. “I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck.”
“Cookie?” The younger twin spoke up, trying to defuse the tension but only making it worse. 
You sighed and realized you would have to explain the situation, even though almost everyone there was his family and should have known what was going on already. 
“Padma moved away today.” Your words were met with a chorus of ‘ohs’ from the group. George leaned over to pat his brother’s shoulder and Fred stood up to buy him a coffee. 
“I’ll be fine, alright really everybody,” Ron said. “I hope she’ll be very happy.”
“No you don’t,” said Harry. 
“No I don’t, to hell with her she left me!” 
Ginny almost let out a chuckle but figured right now was not the best time to tease her hurting brother. Unfortunately, her other siblings didn’t have the same idea. 
Fred returned with the coffee and he and George spoke at the same time. “And you never knew she was a lesbian?”
Ron facepalmed and groaned into his hand. He was growing increasingly tired of you all making fun of him for his relationship with Padma. After their date to the Yule Ball they dated on and off for the rest of their time at Hogwarts. They stayed together after graduation, going out consistently for the last 3 years. Ron was even considering a proposal soon, but that was when Padma came out to the world and let Ron know she was moving to the country with her old “roommate.” Needless to say he didn’t take it well and your friend group never let him hear the end of it. 
The youngest Weasley brother kicked George’s shin as he continued to laugh. “No, ok? Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn’t know, how should I know?
“Sometimes I wish I was a lesbian.”
You all turned to the end of the couch, where two voices spoke in unison. However, these weren’t the constantly in sync voices of the twins. Harry and Ginny had both spoken those words out loud and were now staring incredulously at each other. 
“Well mates, it looks like you two have got some things to work out, and I would appreciate it if that didn’t happen in front of your family.” Fred winked at the couple before turning back to Ron. “Alright Ron, look. You’re feeling a lot of pain right now.”
“You’re angry,” interrupted George. 
“You’re hurting.”
The twins leaned in toward their little brother. “Can I tell you what the answer is?” George asked. 
Ron nodded reluctantly and the twins sat back and nearly screamed their solution. “Strip joint!”
“You two are disgusting” you said, suddenly losing your appetite. 
Fred wiggled his eyebrows at you. “You’re just saying that because you don’t get anything out of it! How about afterwards we go back to your place and I put on a little show for you?”
At that comment everyone took turns slapping Fred upside the head, you going back for seconds. 
Ron was still sulking, not having even touched his coffee. 
“C’mon, ickle Ronniekins!” George began. “You’re single, have some hormones!”
You met Ginny’s eyes and shared a similar annoyed look. It was difficult only having one other girl in a friend group of 4 boys. Sometimes you wished you had someone else to help balance the group out. 
“See George I don’t want to be single, ok? I just, I just wanted to propose to her! To be married!”
The ringing of the bell above the coffee shop door grabbed your attention, and you almost spilled your coffee again. Walking into the building, wearing a full wedding dress, makeup and hair done and all, was your old friend. The one you hadn’t seen since you graduated 3 years ago. The one you hadn’t heard more than a peep from in forever. 
Fred looked between his youngest brother and the mystery bride, complete confusion on his face. “And I just want a million galleons!” He stuck his hand out as if expecting the coins to fall from the sky. You pushed past him and made your way to your old friend. 
The brunette turned at the sound of your voice and her face lit up. “Oh Godric, Y/N hi! I was just at your apartment and you weren’t there and then this guy with a big hammer, who probably should have a background check done on him I’ll write to your landlord about that, but he said that you might be here and you are, you are!”
You grabbed the hysterical girl and walked her over to your group. Hermione Granger, the girl who was usually so logical and under control, was going absolutely crazy. 
“Ok umm,” you started. “Hermione, this is the gang. You remember everyone right? I mean there’s Harry and Ginny, she and I share an apartment right next door. Then Fred and George, we’ve been spending a lot of time together over the past few years. Oh, and obviously Ron, he’s sulking in the corner.”
Ron shot daggers at you as he stood up to give Hermione a hug, which ended up a disaster of a mess as he dropped a jelly donut on her white dress. The boy sat down as Hermione said hi to everyone, greeting Harry and Ginny with massive hugs. 
“I didn’t know you hung out with the twins, I thought they always saw us as their little brother’s annoying friends. I guess I’ve missed a lot, huh?”
“Yeah, why do we hang out with them George?”
“Because it’s either that or have mum at our throats for not spending time with our siblings.”
“Ah, that’s right.”
Hermione scooted in between Ron and Ginny, sighing and staring at the coffee table in front of her, oblivious to the 6 pairs of eyes boring into the crazy woman before you. Having no spots left to sit you walked toward Fred who gestured to his lap with a sly look. You rolled your eyes at the boy and muttered a “you wish Weasley” before sitting on the arm of the chair, letting your ginger friend grab your hand and fidget with the rings on your fingers. 
“So you wanna tell us now, or are we waiting for 4 wet bridesmaids?” Hermione looked at you apologetically before she spoke. 
“Oh Godric, well. It started about a half hour before the wedding. I was in Bulgaria with Viktor’s cousins, all wonderful ladies by the way, and I was looking at his staff, y’know the big one he carries around that makes him so attractive?” 
You and Ginny nodded, along with Ron who seemed to be daydreaming about the Quidditch star. 
“Well, I’m looking at this staff, this rough rugged staff, and I realized...I realized that this staff has more intellect and substance than Viktor! And then I got really freaked out, and then it hit me. How much Viktor looks like Mr. Potato Head.”
You and George made eye contact across the room trying to communicate with your eyes whether or not you should all bolt and leave the crazy girl behind. 
But she continued. “I mean, I always knew he looked familiar but, anyway, I just had to get out of there and I started wondering, why am I doing this and who am I doing this for? I thought I loved Viktor, and moving to Bulgaria helped me with foreign ministry practices, but I just, I wasn’t thinking. Or maybe I was thinking too much? I don’t know.”
Ginny rubbed her friend’s back and Hermione leaned into the touch. “So anyway,” she said, looking at you, “I just didn’t know where to go and I know that you and I have kinda drifted apart since Hogwarts but you were the only friend I knew who was living in Diagon Alley--albeit I didn’t know you were living with Ginny but it’s a great surprise to see you.”
You took a second to process everything that was happening, not even realizing your other friend had begun to soothingly rub your back. “Your only friend in Diagon Alley, who you haven’t written to in years and who wasn’t invited to the wedding?”
Hermione rubbed her temples in desperation and you knew you could never actually be mad at the brightest witch of her age. “I was, I was really hoping that wouldn’t come up. I’m so sorry about that, Y/N, and Harry, and Ron, and even you Ginny.”
“Wow, alright then,” the twins spoke in unison again. 
Hermione scowled at them, her already bad mood being worsened by their jokes. “In my defense you two never really liked me in the first place.”
Fred was about to say something but you shushed him, fearing that more likely that not it would be something offensive to the scared girl. 
You stood from your uncomfortable seat and lifted your friend up by her hands. “I was just thinking about how great it would be to have another girl around. And Ginny and I do have an extra room that we were going to rent out, but seeing as an opportunity has presented itself…”
The young witch’s face beamed with happiness as she threw her arms around you. “Thank you Y/N, thank you so much! I’m still working for the Ministry so I can pay rent, and I’m sure there are things I can do to fix up the apartment, the building looked a little, umm, under the weather when I went to find you, and I can get closer with you and Ginny, and obviously catch up with you boys, and--”
Hermione continued to ramble on, but you drowned her out as you felt a warm breath next to your ear. Fred had snuck up behind you and was bent over your shoulder, whispering softly. 
“She’s going to be a real handful, isn’t she?”
You elbowed the boy and turned to look up at him, giving a knowing smile. “As if you aren’t. Besides, I have a feeling that having Hermione here is about to make our lives a lot more interesting.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Ok so bit of an unpopular opinion . I know u love Anna lightwood but don’t you think her characterisation is problematic . Just imagine a man in her place who keeps breaking the hearts of other ladies and make a note of their names and call them his ‘conquests’. It is fine to not want relationships but she treated one of them like shit . I am a lesbian myself so when I read gotsm I was so excited to read more about Anna , then I read chog and was very disappointed 😔.
A very good question.
I have seen some discussions on Tumblr regarding this. A very long reply, I hope you read all of it. 
First - I actually do not find it as problematic. I didn’t find it to be concerning until I saw the discussions and went ‘oh’ because they (and you) aren’t wrong. But the reason why I don’t find Anna problematic is because I don’t find the behaviour in question problematic. I think this says more about me (and my values) than Anna’s - or even Cassie’s. 
Of course, if Anna had misled these women saying she will be in a relationship with them or she loved them and then betrayed them, that is a violation of consent and can also be considered manipulation. It’s also emotional violence. But Anna does none of this. She is very clear that she doesn’t want to engage in a romantic relationship. 
But having said all of this, it is no question that Anna’s behaviour is not “ideal”. I  mean, keeping the names of your ‘conquests’ is definitely what I call ‘douche behaviour’ - regardless of one’s gender. Personally for me, that did not prevent me from liking her, because while it did surprise me, it didn’t put me off. I don’t condone it, but nor do I care particularly about it. 
For me, it’s a part of Anna, not all of who she is. As long as Anna doesn’t intentionally cause pain (sleep with the women just to hurt them) then I’m actually fine with what she is doing. But of course, I do ship Anna x Ariadne, so hopefully things turn around. But that doesn’t mean I’m looking for a redemption arc necessarily. But I hope Anna gets a little more introspective in the future. I would actually like that. 
A quick comment on the “imagine a man in her place”. I’m not exactly sure how a man in a place would be perceived here tbh. Because we usually call these men “players” or “heartbreakers”. While someone us are more disturbed by this behaviour, many of them (mostly men unfortunately) celebrate this kind of “king of conquests” archetype. But when it’s a woman, gender norms come into play. We look at it a little more intensely. This is not about Anna, but in general. 
I think of the primary reasons why a lot of people, for the lack of a better word, ‘overlook’ Anna’s trait as a ‘player’ is because female characters (especially in that era and especially of that sexual orientation) are not known for owning their sexuality. We are not used to seeing women taking what they want (consequences be damned). So, most people who see Anna just see a rule breaker instead of a heart breaker. I think the former, for most people, is important than the last. 
But this is why YOUR perspective is very important. Because the way I perceive Anna (with my gender and sexual orientation and experience) is very different from the way you would do it (with your identity). We both will not understand her nor like her in the exact same way. And I think that’s a good thing. How we perceive fictional characters are very much influenced by our own identities and beliefs. This is the exact reason why we often disagree on our opinions of fictional characters. 
When it comes to queer characters, I think we find it very difficult to focus on their flaws. (some might not see Anna’s behaviour as wrong too). Alastair’s bullying, Anna’s lack of empathy, Alec’s anger - we can go on. Since we don’t have much queer rep, it can be annoying to see one of us represented with traits that are ‘problematic’ or ‘ugly. But in my humble opinion, we are problematic and ugly too. I like the fact that these sides are represented in these stories too. All I ask is you look beyond the ‘flaw’ and focus not the character. After all, they are more than just one part of their personality. 
I'm sorry you were disappointed with Anna. Even though you understand and see her differently than I do, I get how it can be disappointing to you. However, I would never tell you how you should feel about Anna or perceive her. That is your right and yours alone. I am hopeful that in the sequels we see more dimensions to her character, not just as the ‘heartbreaker’ or ‘player’. I hope we see more of her to identify with and love her for. 
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me :)
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favberrys · 4 years
No one asked this and no one cares, but here’s my personal opinions about every glee ship:
Finchel: they had their cute moments, but in general I really dislike them as couple. They brought the worst out of each other when they were together, Finn made Rachel insecure and was also incredibly possessive of her (not in a cute way) and Rachel pressured Finn too much. She wanted to control him and often tried change him, they’re too different and not compatible. I think Rachel needs someone more simalar to her or someone who can understand her, because Finn really didn’t get Rachel.
Klaine: I’m neutral about klaine, I don’t hate them, but simply I’m not invested into this ship. They aren’t toxic, but I think their relationship has many issues and is a little unhealthy sometimes.They had a good start, but as the show went on they got worse. I love Blaine, he’s my gay son, but he was too jealous and controlling about Kurt. Kudos for the gay representation, i acknowledge their huge impact on the lgbt community
Brittana: wow what can I say about them ? They’re everything, best friends to lovers excellence. Brittana had a rough start, but their dynamic became a beautiful and mature relationship in which they always supported and loved each other. Even when they dated other people, Santana and Brittany respected each other. It had and still has a huge importance for the sapphic community, it is good representation and one of the first big teen wlw couples. Brittana are the definition of soulmates
Quick: absolute trash, Puck got Quinn drunk on wine coolers and then had sex with her while she was still drunk. There was nothing consensual about that. The fact that rib never acknowledged this is disgusting. They had very little interactions, their relationship was not developed. Puck and Quinn have literally nothing in common, they’re not compatible in any way and them getting together at the end always irked me because in s3 Quinn said she didn’t care about all the boys she dated in the past. If you ship them idc it’s fine, but I hate this pairing. It’s a huge no from me, I think Puck liked Quinn only because she was hot.
Faberry: THEY’RE MY RIDE OR DIE YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE TO ME. Enemies to lovers excellence, I know faberry was queerbaiting, but I still ship them after all these years. They have chemistry, lots of yearning and sexual tension, impossibly high angst level. This is the only pairing in which I will accept the trope “homophobic jock falls in love with the person they bully”. At first they were terrible to each other, but they managed to built a nice relationship and I seriously think Rachel was the only one for Quinn because she was the only person who always showed Quinn love and support even when they were enemies. I also think that Rachel felt something more than platonic for Quinn at some point (always ranting about how beautiful Quinn is ? That’s gay)
St berry: I like them, I know they had little screen time and they weren’t even supposed to be a thing according to rib (bc they planned on making finchel endgame), but I think they’re compatible, Jesse is probably the only person who could keep up with Rachel. They have many things in common and even though he was shitty to her at first, he redeemed himself. Rachel and Jesse have good romantic chemistry and excellent musical chemistry, their duets are amazing. I’m happy they got together in the end.
Pezberry: oh boy they’re so hot together, lots of sexual chemistry, they could have been enemies to friends to lovers excellence or at least friends with benefits, but ryan murphy is a coward. I enjoy their scenes, they’re hilarious together and always make me laugh. I think they’re a pretty explosive duo, pezberry has great musical chemistry, all their duets are iconic and there’s a lot of sexual tension between them, they’re definitely compatible in bed but idk if they would last in a long term relationship.
Quinntana: this pairing was very random in my opinion because Quinn and Santana lowkey hated each other and always wanted to destroy each other, BUT they are very hot together, they’re probably the most gorgeous couple on glee because both dianna and naya are insanely attractive. Quinntana gave me my sapphic!quinn rights and I’ll be forever thankful about that, they’re compatible in bed, but I like them only as friends with benefits. I don’t see any romantic chemistry between them, mostly because they were always competing about who was the hbic of the school. I don’t think they would last as a stable couple. I wanted to see more of quinntana though.
Fabrevans: if Quinn had to end up with a man, the only heterosexual Quinn ship I tolerate is fabrevans because Sam was really kind, sweet and good to her. Sadly she wasn’t very interested in him, he was just the hot new guy soon to become quarterback and I think she dated him for popularity. I don’t think they would have lasted in a long term relationship, they were cute together romantically speaking but I don’t ship them.
Samcedes: should have been endgame, definition of wasted potential
Tike: should have been endgame, even though I don’t care about Mike and Tina they were really good together, the love was genuine. Tike is one of the few heterosexual couple I don’t mind
Artittany: is a huge no from me, they had zero chemistry and he treated her like trash, artie deserved to be cheated on lol (I’m joking no one deserves that but I really don’t like artie because he’s sexist, misogynistic and he also treated all his gfs like crap)
Seblaine: I honestly don’t see it, Sebastian was definitely interested in Blaine, but Blaine always only had eyes for Kurt. Still I think they should have dated in s6, it would have been fun to see Kurt jealous about his nemesis dating his ex bf. I like the idea of Seblaine having a one night stand, but I don’t ship them as a couple. I also don’t like Sebastian very much, sorry.
Fuinn: A HUGE NO, they were aesthetically pleasing together, but that’s it. They didn’t have sexual tension, they just had tension. Fuinn is a little dysfunctional in my opinion, they get together, they break up and then start dating again just like finchel. I honestly don’t think they were in love, but they cared about each other in a platonic way. Finn wasn’t a good boyfriend to Quinn and Quinn constantly manipulated him. I don’t like them as a couple, they’re too messy.
Blam: best friends to lovers excellence, lots of wasted potential. I’m not saying they should have been endgame, but Sam and Blaine should have dated. I like the idea of Sam discovering he’s bi or pan and exploring his sexuality with someone who cares about him. They have chemistry and I like their dynamic. I also fancy their duets and I think they could have fallen in love with each other.
Hevans: ok if I squint I can see it, they had potential, Kurt was definitely attracted to Sam and Sam was kind of curious about him, I’m sure he admires Kurt and cares about him, but I don’t ship them together
Sebtana, Finntana, Pucktana: ABSOLUTE TRASH DON’T SHIP CANON LESBIAN CHARACTERS WITH MEN, IT’S INCREDIBLY HARMFUL AND INVALIDATING. There are so many heterosexual ships, why do you have to take away from the gays the few lgbt characters we have ?
Quinncedes: i don’t ship them romantically, but I ship them as best friends. I wished their friendship was more developed, Quinn and Mercedes were so good to each other.
Quinntina: have they even interacted with each other ? (Lmao I’m joking again don’t get pressed, you can ship what you what). I don’t ship it, they’re cute and I lowkey like Tina, but it’s not my cup of tea. Still it’s a wlw ship, so I don’t have anything against it.
Wemma: no
Artie x Tina: I don’t even know their ship name, imagine how much irrelevant they are to me. Again I don’t like how artie treats women, I don’t ship them and Tina deserves better than him.
Samchel: underrated af, i’m not saying they should have been endgame because they wouldn’t have lasted in a long term relationship, BUT they were cute together. Sam was really good for Rachel, he made her more humble and helped her to heal after Finn died. They deserved more development and had a lot of potential. I don’t remember what happened in s6, but I liked samchel dating, I don’t mind them as a romantic couple, even though they’re not very compatible.
Brochel: it was not as bad as rib tried to make us believe. I don’t ship them but they have sexual/romantic chemistry and also musical chemistry. I’m neutral about Brody and Rachel, he was hot, but he was also incredibly boring and one dimensional
Julyberry: the sexual tension between them is so high, i loved it when they did all that jazz, I think they should have been fuck buddies or had a one night stand. Lots of sexual and musical chemistry, i lowkey ship them bc milf!kate hudson rights. Maybe after Rachel graduates at nyda, they could date
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mirandalinotto · 4 years
do you have thoughts/opinions on gillian anderson
I do! I was a HUGE Gillian Anderson fan just a few years ago. I read all of her books (and surprisingly loved the science fiction ones more than I expected to), and her filmography was definitely my main hyperfixation for a while. 
I especially loved the work she did as Stella Gibson in The Fall, 
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as Lady Dedlock in Bleak House, 
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and as Blanche Du Bois in Streetcar.
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Oh, and Bedelia Du Maurier in Hannibal, but to this day I haven’t forgiven them for how that character’s story arc ended. Similarly, I liked her in The X Files, too, but I think the writing of that show didn’t deserve Gillian Anderson as an actor; her caliber of acting was just so much better than the level of the scripts she was being given, in my humble opinion, and the only reason it was so successful as a show in general, I think, is because of the chemistry between Gillian and David Duchovny. Like, it didn’t matter what ridiculous plot was happening, so long as those two were in the same room.
Currently, I absolutely adore her in Sex Education, and I’m interested to see what she does with Margaret Thatcher in The Crown.
But on a more personal level, the reason I fell out of love with her, in a manner of speaking, and stopped being so interested in her work, is because of an interview she did where she claimed to be “actively heterosexual” because she was dating Peter Morgan, but had also dated women in her past. As someone who currently identifies bisexual (I say “currently” because there’s been so much biphobia on the internet recently that I’ve started calling myself “sapphic” instead) I find that phrase: actively heterosexual to be extremely distasteful.
This isn’t to say Gillian can’t call herself that, if that’s the label she wants, but like...from my point of view, she’s saying that the woman (women? I’ve gotten heat for this in the past, so I’m not going to speculate about the number of women she’s been with) she dated just out of college doesn’t/don’t matter because now she’s actively heterosexual. It’s a real slap in the face to bisexual people, because in my opinion, it plays into the idea that when they’re dating a woman, they’re a lesbian, and then when they date a man, they’re straight/heterosexual.
Also, not for nothing, the Gillian Anderson tag became a really toxic place when she started dating Peter Morgan. Gillian stans turned on her in a heartbeat the moment they thought she was only dating Peter Morgan to climb higher in her career. (Which is a frankly ridiculous sentiment, in my opinion, but hey... y’all can believe whatever you want.) For a while I was making fun crossover posts for her characters, and tagging them with her name, and I wound up inundated with angry anons for “spamming” the gillian anderson tag, when the only other things in that tag (I checked) that I could see in the time that I’d been posting were people insulting her for who she was dating, and then random 20-year-old publicity photos.
Anyway, this is all to say: I have HUGE respect for her as an actress. Her talent is undeniable. But I can’t get over how disappointed I am by the “actively heterosexual” comment. 
[Also, I worked at St. Anne’s Warehouse a year after Streetcar was there, and heard some INSANE tea about how she behaved with the security guards/staff of St. Anne’s. But since this is hearsay, I don’t want to say too much, because I wasn’t actually there at the time].
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sprnklersplashes · 5 years
I promised to elaborate on this so here I am... elaborating on why I think Kendare Blake did a pretty decent job regarding Five Dark Fates and wlw representation regarding Jules and Emilia. I want to state outright that I’m not a wlw, but I am a member of the LGBT+ community (aroacephobes do  not interact), so while my views aren’t, you know,Word Of God (or sappho), I’d like to think I have something to say in the world of LGBT+ representation. Also this will contain FDF spoilers!
Basically, I think that Kendare did a good job on their story and ending, even if it wasn’t the Let’s Run Off Into The Sunset ending we may have liked to have seen. When you really think about it:
They are both well established and unambigious wlw. Emilia openly admitted to having feelings for Jules. Jules kissed and hinted at marrying, or at least spending her life with, Emilia. While they don’t use labels (which I think, in the context of a fantasy world stuck in the 1500s is fine), their sexualities are well established. I think, given that Emilia has only been shown to have feelings for a girl, she is a lesbian, while Jules is bi or pan.
They’re both alive. That was one of my biggest fears for this book (and part of the reason I went through it so quickly) was that Kendare would kill of one of them for The Angst. No BYG trope. Congrats on clearing the very low bar.
I’ll just say it; none of the ships got a happily ever after. Pietyr x Kat sunk because Kat straight up died. Arsinoe x Billy sunk because Billy fucked off to the mainland (jk i know you had your reasons i don’t blame you at all bbcakes). Both Jules and Emilia are alive and can see each other whenever they want. They actually got the best ending out of all the ships. If they had this ending while the straight couples got to be happy together I’d be concerned, but that’s not what happened.
It’s realistic; look, we all agree that Joseph was the human incarnation of the word “moist” but Jules did love him and loved him for five years. Of course it might take her a while to get over her childhood love and of course, while she might have feelings for Emilia, she’s not going to jump into her arms a few weeks (I think) after he died.
The relationship is pretty healthy. Yes okay she did manipulate her in TDR to get her to use her war gift but... enemies (or at least frosty allies) to lovers, man. If you can get behind Pietyr yeeting Kat off a cliff you could get over Emilia being mean to Jules that one time.
Also, Jules choosing to go to the mainland with Arsinoe rather than stay with Emilia made me so happy. Jules isn’t defined by her romance and something I adore about this series is that it doesn’t prioritise romantic love over platonic love. In my humble opinion, Jules and Emilia might be lovers, but Jules and Arsinoe are soulmates in whatever sense of the word.
So in conclusion, while Jues/Emilia might not have rode off on a rainbow to start a farm together or something, I’m happy with their ending. It’s the happiest out of all the ships and it’s in character for Jules. And it also showed it’s possible to give queer characters a happy ending that doesn’t necessarily include immediately jumping into a romance. So well done on not sucking.
Just one note: please do not take this as me praising Kendare for the bare minimum in some aspects such as not killing off her gay characters. She’s a wonderful writer and seems like a nice person from what I’ve seen, but not killing off your gay characters is literally the bare minimum.
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Y’all talking about cream pies so I had to google it, as a lesbian yes it’s gross but y’all need to get a grip bc like lmao it’s how babies be made which in my humble opinion isn’t a kink If y’all really grossed out about it just think everyone in your bloodline except maybe the past 50 years had have creampied(idfk) ya least once so think about that ya puritans
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