#kit needs to work on his communication skills lmao
steamworksfairy · 4 months
I was rereading sobh because I remembered we had some letters written by Ty. Which, like the gold it was, I had to reread so I could get a better understanding on his voice.
And of course I ended up reading more than I intended. Specifically, I read Emma catching Ty speak to Livvy's ghost (tho she didn't know it was Livvy). And now I can't help but think that everyone is going to think Ty is secretly dating someone when he's really not. Like maybe Kit having a secret girlfriend was a clue to the drama of Kit thinking Ty has a girlfriend or boyfriend.
Just imagine that within the first two or three chapters of The Last King of Faerie Kit hears Emma or Julian mention this and freaks out. And because he's bad at communicating (Dru said it, not me) during the whole book, Kit is angsting over Ty being in a relationship. (Except he isn't. It's all a big misunderstanding. Which seems to be the theme of KitTy tbh 🤔)
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Hi! I see that you have different lore and rules in your au, (ie. elders choosing names, seers changing clans which I think is SO interesting omg, clans not speaking the dead's name) would you ever go more in depth with those changes? I'd be very interested to see your take on the clans cultures!! Love this blog so much!! ♡
aww thanks for the curiosity!
wbcd is actually pretty tame in terms of worldbuilding stuff for me, because. bookkeeping. that's -- almost always the answer lmao. i'll do links first and then ramble broadly about clan culture below the cut.
my (warriors) main, @mallowstep, is where most of the relevant content is contained, although i'm ngl for the past few weeks we've just been Experiencing this web of riverclan aus so. this morning i debated the existence of the original sin in warriors. "debated" more like -- talked through? i don't know.
i have two worldbuilding related series, the elders' den (folklore) and five clans alike in dignity (worldbuilding essays). it's been a while since i've added anything to either of them because "poetry. hymns. language." has been kicking my ass way more than i expected, but they are living series.
and if you want some proper seers switching clans (i.e., as a thing that's part of the culture, rather than something that happens in an emergency), saccharine tithes of love and glory is currently at 6/8 works and explores that idea starting with yellowstorm (yellowfang), and i just posted squirrelflight.
but for some broad notes:
there's...a lot. riverclan is easily one of my most developed clans. i'm trying to keep this stuff to bullet points, because i will literally not stop talking if i don't (see: one of the first things i did this morning was read through the wikipedia page for the doctrine of original sin to talk about how that was compatible in riverclan's belief system.)
core belief: all riverclan cats carry the divine in them (literal descendants of the river)
core values: patience, pride, flexibility, creativity
unique practices: building shrines for the dead and having water burials; bone divination; weaving; raiding the twoleg place; keeping trinkets
main spiritual practices: holidays; veneration of the moon; looking for river spirits
social structure: fairly nuclear
meta-thoughts: they're a proud clan, but because of that, they're the most accepting. it's sort of, "you're one of us, so it doesn't matter -- you have value."
probably the least developed clan. i'm always trying.
core belief: heritage matters, birthright does not (i.e., a focus not on who your parents are, but a respect for the past)
core values: cunning, respect, loyalty, community
unique practices: a large and long list of prayers that seers need to memorize with very specific purposes; prefixes are associated with the last cat to hold them, something which then reflects on the next cat to get the prefix; deep mourning traditions
main spiritual practices: group prayer, led by the leader in the morning and the seer in the evening; serious holy days (vs. riverclan's holidays); limited belief in the ability of a "normal" cat t connect with starclan
social structure: large focus on extended kin
meta-thoughts: i'm always trying to add on to shadowclan, but i've yet to find a story to tell in shadowclan that makes me want to sink my teeth into their culture. there's also -- a problem with them being a diaspora culture, and i'm trying to describe an "ideal" form that hasn't existed since...cedarstar, probably
my beloved. i'm not much interested in old skyclan, so:
core belief: loyalty to the clan (really, a focus on being a community, rebuilding, etc.)
core values: adaptability, cunning, loyalty, resilience
unique practices: asking kits if they want to be part of skyclan; having clan meetings on the new moon; naming cats after the very recently deceased
main spiritual practices: nothing has really set hold, yet, other than group prayer/gathering on the new moon
social structure: the whole clan is one family, although they lean towards nuclear
meta-thoughts: they're a new clan, and that's really what this is about. everything about them is about surviving, and so they're very pragmatic. results oriented. etc.
aka, i refuse to accept thunderclan is boring
core belief: a deep focus on commitment to the clan (very communalist)
core values: decisiveness, loyalty, respect, community
unique practices: telling stories with repeated lines; not speaking the name of the dead; deeply valuing skill in battle
main spiritual practices: a deep focus on individual prayer; belief in invoking the names of specific cats; believing the journey to starclan takes several moons; limited spiritual weight in the position of seer
social structure: focused around maara/denmates, often over maach/bloodkin
meta-thoughts: while i haven't done terribly much with thunderclan, it's because i think thunderclan as-presented is pretty good. it's not that they're the default, it's just you're mostly familiar with them. they have a really, really big cultural thing around stories though, more than any of the other clans. while all the clans use stories to explain things, thunderclan takes telling stories very seriously. they're learned nearly word for word.
aka someone decided windclan should have hymns and i think we all latched on to that
core belief: a focus on commitment through sacrifice
core values: patience; respect; flexibility; mediation
unique practices: calls for casting of stones fairly often (all clans have conflict resolution, windclan is just most likely to use them); requiring the seer to confirm the name of each kit as not being ill-omened; pack hunting which has three roles; a commitment to ecology; sentry duty
main spiritual practices: the hymn, which is split into main sections and sung through, in part or whole, about once a season; holy days (fasts and singing days) have no fixed occurrence but are announced by the seer as little as the morning of; leaving the dead on the open moor so they can run to starclan
social structure: broadly communal, a deep sense of ties between mentors and apprentices, an expectation that mates will be well-integrated with both families
meta-thoughts: much like thunderclan has a lot of sayings derived from stories, windclan has sayings derived from hymns. while i've removed tunnelling from windclan, i've replaced it with a new way to categorize warriors. the three running positions are flusher, chaser, and catcher, and while all cats can run all positions, flusher is the most highly specialized because they're responsible for land management.
alright! i always have more to say about this, but. that's a start.
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so this morning, while scrolling through my fb feed, i came across an nyt opinion/advice piece from a 27yo (ie basically me lmao) who is obviously lucky, in a sense, to finally land their “dream job using my (their) skills” etc. like obvs i can’t read it bc of the stupid “you get one free article a month if you either don’t have an account or subscription” (my one free article was used up reading an article about adult adhd like last week)….. thing that nyt does.
but anyway. back on topic lol. the crux of the article in both the headline and the quote snippet was that the advice asker was really dissatisfied with the 40 hour work week that came with her “dream job”. with how having this 40hr workweek gave her no time to do her busy chores like house cleaning or laundry or didn’t even give her time to let her have her hobbies/creative pursuits (whatever they were/are).
however, in the comments on the article (and apparently from those who read the article on the comments, the advice/opinion column writer) a good bunch of like gen Xer’s and baby boomers (im assuming) were ganging up on the asker like “suck it up princess, it’s what life is!!! i work 70+ hours a week and LOVE IT and have just resigned myself to the fact that i have NO time left over to do my “chores”! learn to O U T S O U R C E these life admin tasks to someone else!!! everyone MUST LEARN this in america!!! it makes life so much easier ☺️” and such.
of course, there were plenty of the same bs comments that you see on anything about careers or home ownership towards millennials/gen Z’ers about “learn to go WITHOUT and save save save and squander your time so that you NEVER live and HAVE FUN or TIME FOR HOBBIES! my bet is that your parents did that and they survived just fine while also raising your ungrateful spiteful ass (not including any type of health issues they might have picked up from such long hours/shitty working conditions) so why can’t you just L E A R N to do the same you precious spoilt brat!!! because the reality of Real Life™️ is that you can’t have it both ways!!! then you’ll have early retirement guaranteed, hopefully!!! and know that hobbies really are time wasters most of the time ☺️ or at least they were for me!!! and your precious so-called “creative pursuits” most definitely are time wasters. no one needs THOSE.” and so on so forth.
they also had jibes for her bc the asker wanted to start a family at some point apparently… and apparently it’s “much worse” once you have kids. like. thanks geraldine and henry. you’ve just told us how much you’ve resented having your kids/family in one fell swoop. your opinion which you’ve framed as unhelpful, condescending advice is now voided.
like. i don’t know how rhonda or paul or deandra or philip could miss the point so fucking entirely. why the fuck should anyone- nay everyone (bc that’s what they make it sound like)- learn to outsource their busy chores like laundry/house cleaning/grocery shopping or god knows what else- to someone else???? why is that apparently a standard expected to be learnt in the US???
like why the fuck are you so desperate for people not to have free time to do these things (unless of course they live in some of those shitty nyc or other big city apartment blocks that don’t come with individual private laundries in the self-contained flats or a communal laundry on like the bottom floor or w/e for example) frank????
deidre why the hell are you so bitterly hankering about “be grateful that you have it easier than most and learn that hobbies mean jackshit and just sell your soul and time to your boss!!! when will the generation stopping being “me me me!!!” and “work life balance!” and think about the company’s bottom line!! learn that “work life balance” is never important! work like a slave for 50 years and see if your valuable experience is needed then! that’s when you’ll learn that those hours where you were never being lazy, instead of just expecting life to be handed to you, will have paid off!” or whatever other ridiculously toxic capitalist bullshit they were spitting out.
obviously there were FAR MORE people actually supporting the question asker and echoing the idea that the 40hr workweek is now redundant. they were also putting down the opinion/advice piece writer’s advice to the asker….. that was apparently similar to the all the bitter people on the comments saying that the 27yo was just “asking for too much” and had to “learn to suck it up instead of being a petulant and overly selfish dick!!” etc etc etc. we all know the spiel as thoroughly as the macarena now.
because whats so fucking wrong with wanting time to yourself and wanting time to do your busy chores??? why the fuck should i be outsourcing these to other people (unless of course you’re still living at home and your parents are still like “hey what clothes do you need washed i’m doing a load rn” or you have a partner that works from home or has some type of parental leave etc)???? i want to do my own laundry. i want to do my own gardening (ok lawn mowing or tree lopping (if needed) i’d actually outsource bc i can’t lift or push lawn mowers bc they’re heavy af for me or and i obvs can’t use a chainsaw)… but i want to do my own grocery shopping. i want to do my own cooking (although i would consider the meal kit services once i had job that allowed me to afford like $50 a month for one of those meal kits sub services) i want to do my own cleaning.
why, if i lived in the US and not australia, am i just expected to learn to outsource all of these tasks even if i don’t have the money for it??? like why the actual fuck are so many of you so fucking weirdly proud of being absolutely worked into the fucking ground for your “great country” (although this is actually bleeding through to australia too and i hate it); working like literally close to 100 hours a week???
because i wasn’t aware you had to be whatever the fuck his name is from 127 hours and cut your fucking limbs off just to fucking survive a job in either corporate america or just let alone any goddamned job in america….. all so they can supposedly “learn to like working for free and devaluing your worth even more to your employer through overworking yourself and always being available!!! mental health is for those who aren’t built for the Real Adult World™️!!! this person is a prime example of the younger generations being weak and dissatisfied with life so often because of their “oh poor little me!!! care for me!!” act. NO ONE CARES FOR YOU today. stop being so over-expectant/demanding and juvenile!!! only YOU care yourself and you should NEVER expect someone else to pick you up from YOUR bootstraps!!! you’re fucking whiny and conceited babies. the lot of you!!!”
because i honestly don’t know who the fuck would enjoy working 70+ hours week with no time to themselves to do what they enjoy doing…. or enjoy having zilch time to catch up on errands and life admin duties or just general house chores; especially if you’ve moved cities or an entire fucking state/s away from your family and support network. let alone doing the same thing on 40 hours a week.
and on top of everything, let’s not even get started on the time spent commuting to and from work or even commuting for life errands/tasks etc etc- especially if you’re like me and you’re nowhere near the capital city’s centre (ie sydney australia for me) for there to be reliable enough public transport and longer commute times to certain places in those cities (that i’ve bitched about plenty before on other posts on here about work/jobs).
get your head out of your asses warren and viola et al and realise that work life balance is literally NOT ASKING FOR MUCH and is asking employers to just have basic respect for their employees time if they work fulltime. it’s literally detrimental to ones health if they have to sacrifice what feels like (or what is literally like) their entire fucking existence to their employer just for meagre pay and just to fucking survive.
because i read a heart-breaking article last night from huffpost (posted by buzzfeed on fb) about a woman in the US who literally hid her having a second baby from her employer for an entire fucking year (literally the entire pregnancy and birth of the baby and the first 6 months post pushing the baby out) during the pandemic all because she was scared she would get demoted or lose her leading of a project and lose her bs “temp” job which had really turned into full time work although the employer never said anything about it being actually full time hours or whatever…. and plus the lady herself was apparently to scared to ask to be put on the books fulltime too for some weird reason.
like honestly. fuck capitalism. fuck thinking that “work life balance is just too hard for employers to add and regulate. it’s an excuse and ploy for workers to be unprofessional, unproductive and lazy!” or whatever the fuck. everyone deserves time to themselves to pursue their interests/hobbies and busy chores/life admin. no one deserves to waste their entire life working 70+ work weeks for those employers who literally have no respect for their employees personal lives and time.
and particularly during the time that is the pandemic as we’ve seen so many companies having to learn to wholeheartedly embrace working from home and more flexible schedules for their workers. worklife balance is absolutely fucking beneficial for everyone involved.
america fix your bullshit work ethic right now lmao.
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yarrowleef · 3 years
Read Darkness Within all in one sitting last night and then passed out so here are my scattered thoughts i wrote down as i read, (afterthoughts in parenthesis)
Darkness Within Spoilers, obv
Just remembered Sandynose died and got a small boost of happiness (will Hawkwing and Plumwillow ever be allowed to talk again now? I mean probly not b/c they aren’t protags and non-protags don’t rly have friends but I can hope. Sorry, Hawkwhing and Plumwillow’s short-lived friendship in Hawkwings Journey was one of the last times I felt something)
Ghost fleas lol
Mothwing: i’m rude now. (but more importantly, Fuck Tigerheartstar for forcing his son to be around the cat that hurt him so badly, like he HAS to know how upset everyone is regarding Shadowsight and his accidentally helping the imposter, and he’s making him be the sole one to tend to him??? There is NO REASON Puddleshine couldn’t have done it. You think Puddleshine is going to try and murder someone?? )
Oh no don't make this a traveling book, and a ROOTBRISTLE traveling book this is going to be insufferable
Lightleap Is Good (Hey didn’t Shadowsight have another sister? lets be real we all knew Pouncekit was going to end up as the forgettable 3rd one)
Bristlefrost’s crush continues to feel unnatural to me. It’s like she’s grasping at straws romanticizing the most generic things.....wow....I love how ur just so...bare minimum competent....being polite to the loner we came all this way to ask for help like any somewhat reasonable person would....How admirable...I love the way you just *clenches fist* exhibit some basic traits of loyalty and skill that literally every warrior has (I s2g I’m this close to head canon-ing Bristle as a clueless aromantic who doesn't understand what romance is actually suppose to feel like so she just looks at feelings of low-bar admiration and assumes “oh I guess this is that “romantic attraction” everyone’s always talking about? guess I must be in love???” because both her crushes have felt out of nowhere and like. Idk fake/forced sounding like she’s just telling me that that she’s In Love Now while I continue to not actually feel it at all from her end. I know it’s just that I hate the way Erin’s write female characters in love but this head-canon makes me laugh)
Got scared because I thought they were going to villainize Spotfur for not wanting kits for a minute, but also excited at the concept of maybe exploring a female character that doesn’t want to be a mother, but it turns out she was just pulling a Sparkpelt and actually DID want the kits all along and was only hesitant because she’s sad. Shrug oh well.  (the only female character in warriors that was distinctly upset about pregnancy and motherhood was Lizardstripe and as we all know she was eeeeeevil and abusive and “overly ambitious” because why else would you not come around to being happy about motherhood?? YES I’M STILL SALTY ABOUT YELLOWFANG’S SECRET, BAD BOOK)  Whatever it’s fine so long as Spot doesn’t lose her rebel leader spirit forever and default to “soft mom” personality for the rest of her life, I gotta have hope because I actually like Bristle and Spot’s current relationship. Also I am actually very grateful they never made Bristle resentful at Spot for getting with her crush, as lots of middle grade/YA media has a very bad habit of demonizing female romantic “competition” and its super gross, so I rly do like that Bristlefrost is so protective and caring towards her instead. )
This series is trying to tell me that Rootspring is actually Big but I refuse to accept that. he has dumb scrawny bitch energy and we all know it
Sunrise: “Thunderclan may be better with a new leader” lol go off (i mean........they right tho...It’s unfortunate that the tension in this whole plot is a bit dampened by the fact that i DO in fact want bramble to die v badly. I don’t even have special hatred for him, I’m just bored of him.)
Yes Lionblaze beat the shit out of Ashfur
*HOLY SHIT THAT’S FUCKED!!!! (I wrote this in reference to the ghost summoning scene, this was all I could manage at the time, that scene was WILD and I am VIBING WITH THE HORROR OF IT ALL)
* Brashfur: Oh yeah? Could Ashfur fake THIS? *stands up with slightly better posture* Shadowsight: oh damn you got me there...... (asdfhhfhhgh im sorry that was really funny, how did that prove anything?? ONLY A ~REAL~ WARRIOR COULD STAND UP STRAIGHT WE ALL KNOW ASHFUR IS INCAPABLE OF GOOD POSTURE!)
End of the book: *LAUGHING NERVOUSLY* WHAT THE FUCK??? (I thought he was just gonna kill Squirrelflight right there holy shit can you imagine the RIOTS that would ensue in the wake of all this Squirrel/Bramble discourse I was so scared for a second.  
 But it’s fine, she just....went to super hell instead......Warriors has come so far lmao WHAT IS HAPPENING
Final Notes:
*On Mothwing, I don’t think her behavior struck me as “CHARACTER BUTCHERING” as much as it did for other people? I mean.....Warriors fans will say that literally any time a character does ANYTHING less then perfectly nice I think her actions just seemed that much harsher because we are reading from Shadowsight’s POV, and Shadowsight is taking everything 10x more personally right now (understandably so, but Mothwing isn’t inside his head) she wasn’t trying to hurt him. Also... like... Shadowsight DID get his name too early. It’s not Mothwing’s job to put his feelings above everything else, she’s not even his mentor, Puddleshine on the other hand, as his main mentor, I don’t understand what his deal is ignoring Shadowsight, that’s not how you help an apprentice but I suppose I chalk many of his mistakes up to also not being the most experienced medicine cat (he barely even had his own mentor.) Maybe he’s distant because he feels guilty and actually blames himself for not guiding Shadowsight better?? the two of them haven’t communicated about it yet so idk
 any way I give Mothwing a pass to be a little short tempered right now as a cat who has had her abilities periodically questioned all her life no matter how hard she works or how much experience she has, just because she doesn’t vibe with the spiritual cult side of the clans, I can understand why she’s a bit defensive of being questioned and frustrated watching so much hurt happen Yet Again due to reliance on StarClan visions over common sense, and I for one still stan her for slandering StarClan and refusing to accept Mistystar’s bullshit banishing like everyone else. Sometimes a character is at the end of their rope and can’t manage to be 100% nice 24/7 and that’s maybe not inherently bad writing? idk just my hot take. At a certain point we all gotta reckon with the fact that our perception of most popular supporting characters in heavily colored by fanon and we can’t always get mad at the authors for not adhering to it
*The sisters magic shit is my fav worldbuilding warriors has had in AGES, I love the way it’s described and it actually feels like it adds something to this world. I love this horror imagery with the ghosts, very excited for that. 
*still won’t be thrilled if Ashfur is working alone, because his motive doesn’t make sense right now. I mean the trying to get Squilf thing, sure, whatever, but the “I will make everyone pay for what they did to me”???? cause like?? Who??? they didn’t do anything to him?? Ashfur’s grievance was very specifically JUST Squilf. He has no other cause for revenge, he had no other beef or complaints about the clans to my knowledge? The cat that killed him is dead, and she’s like, the only other one that I could see as having “wronged” him?? I guess he also didn’t like Firestar much according to Graystripe’s Vow (and on account of how willing he was to kill him w/ Hawkfrost) but Firestar is ALSO dead. I don’t understand his angle. Will have to see last 2 books to judge i suppose.
*All in all I am interested to see where this is going!! but also the pacing as I feared is becoming a major issue. It’s better then ending the main conflict on book 3 like Vision of Shadows did, but omg. Hardly anything happened in all these pages. I realized I was over half way through and nothing about the situation had actually CHANGED or advanced at all in all that time. Similar to the past 2 books which I believe could have been combined, this plot felt like it should have been the first half of a book. Discussing whether or not to kill the imposter isn’t much of a standalone plot, it’s just the set up to a plot. Finding the sisters didn’t need to be a whole long thing, the debates about the Imposters fate didn’t need to be repeated 10 times, all those chapters illustrating that “Shadowsight is sad” were also drawn out, repetitive, and interchangeable, we probably only needed 2 or so chapters showing his struggles to get the necessary information across. It felt like a lot of padding, it was really slow and I did a lot of skimming. I am still very interested in the overarching plot and mystery behind the ghosts so that kept me reading but man this “will they won’t they kill him” plot did not justify it’s own whole book. Alas this is a persisting issue that will never be resolved while they continue to force 6 books into 1 series that doesn’t need 6 books. I’m sure the writers are doing the best they can with these unfortunate constraints but still, it’s a wonder this slow padding isn’t more of a detriment to their younger readers that the books are supposed to be marketed to.
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toujourseven · 4 years
Flight 136 | 3
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PLOT: Inspired by the series Lost (without the creepy mysterious island monsters). Stranded on an island with BTS after your plane crashed.
THEME: romance, comedy, smut, fluff, friendship,
WARNINGS: Slow Burn. Smut. Flirty Jimin. Strong Independent Woman OC. Bi Tae. Plane crash. Panic attacks. Emotionally done with heartbreaks. Terrorism.
PAIRINGS: Jimin x OC (You can think of it as Y/N. Just think that you were somehow nicknamed Cho lmao) / JK x Lia - inspired character (since she’s physically similar to IU kkkk Why not put IU instead? Hmm. Why indeed?)
Guide for reading
Bold texts are thoughts
I like being able to visualize the characters and the setting so I will insert images from where I based the story on :)
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two | MASTERLIST | four
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“Okay, so is everyone alright? Thank you so much to our medical student for helping us out. Maybe let’s get to know the basics first, like our names, and the languages we speak, for communication purposes?” Cho was fascinated and almost forgot that she was stranded on an island. Namjoon was really charismatic when he takes on the “leader role”. Even with the current circumstance, he does not lose his cool, at least when in front of the others.
The small group introduced themselves as instructed and found out that Keith was the only one who does not speak Korean, while Namjoon, Lia, and Cho were the three who can give English-Korean translations. Of course, the rest of the BTS members have relatively good receptive skills in English, so they would need more help on the expression part, if and when they need to communicate with Keith.
“We haven’t been exactly trained for island survival in case the plane crashes, but we’ve been given basic guidelines and survival tips. Since the plane must be somewhere deep in the ocean by now, we have no way of communicating. We also have no idea what happened exactly.” Keith had one hand on his waist, and the other rubbing his forehead. It was the first time Cho saw him lose his cool. He was no longer keeping his professional smile, the situation must have caught up to him. He and Namjoon were taking turns in speaking, Namjoon translating.
“For now, we need to secure our safety and survival while waiting for rescue. We can’t just wait while doing nothing. We don’t know how long we will get stuck here.” Namjoon sighed deeply. Cho felt bad for him, he must be feeling so much pressure. The world had just gotten back up from the recession caused by the pandemic after a vaccine has been discovered. Cho knows their previous tour had been cancelled because of that and the company must have suffered so much loss. And now their next tour is being disrupted again by this crisis.
The group decided to pair up, unanimously agreeing no one should wander around alone. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Keith will go around the island, assess the safety of their location, and check if they can find a better area. Jin and Yoongi volunteered to look for edible plants in the forest, as well as to plot the location of fruit trees. Tae, Jungkook, and Lia agreed to go fishing. And Jimin volunteered himself and Cho to go collect firewood and leaves for cooking.
“Good thing we have camping experience, thanks to Bon Voyage.” Tae addressed the group with a grin. “It’s not going to be that easy. We had professionals to guide us then. We’re completely on our own now.” Yoongi answered. Tae visibly pouted. Someone clapped loudly in front, “Alright guys. Be safe, and make sure to get back before the sun sets. Don’t forget to get 1 whistle from the first aid kits per pair, in case you need to call for help.” Namjoon called out.
While Jimin collected their whistle, Cho approached Lia and asked quietly, “Hey, are you going to be okay with them?” Lia glanced at Tae and Jungkook, “I think I’ll be fine. They’re nice. Tae just seems.. hyperactive and playful.”, she gave Cho a reassuring smile. Cho couldn’t help feeling fond and protective of her. She was an only child, and has always longed to have a younger sister. Lia looked so gentle and innocent, Cho just wanted to put her in her pocket. “Are you going to be okay with him?”, she giggled, wiggling her brows, and bumped Cho’s hip, nodding her head towards Jimin who was coming back with 2 whistles and a small bag. Cho just rolled her eyes. So much for innocent.
Jimin approached you and put the whistle around your neck like a medal. Then he did the same to Cho. “Thank you! Please take care of Eonnie!” Cho said brightly as she bowed to him, before following Tae and Jungkook to collect things they can use for fishing. “What a sweet girl,” Jimin commented, watching her tap Jungkook’s shoulder shyly to announce her arrival. Then he sighed and turned to you, “Unlike someone here” You fake gasped, looking affronted. “What ever do you mean? I am sweet! Just not with you.”
We’ll see about that. Jimin thought as he gave her a smirk. “Anyways,” He opened the small bag he was carrying and showed Cho the contents. “I also got us some ropes we can use to tie around the firewood, aaand some bottled water and scissors.” Jimin showed his collection proudly. Scissors? “What are the scissors for?” Cho was confused. “Oh, I was thinking your pants may be a bit hard to move around in. It’s also very hot in this island. Do you want some help altering it?” Cho looked down her attire. Oh yeah, she was still wearing her airport clothes, sans her coat. She actually didn’t mind the length  of her pants as it could provide protection from insect bites and stray branches, but it was hard to move around in. She was actually surprised Jimin had that forethought. “You know what, you’re right! Great thinking, 친구 (chingu/buddy)!”
Cho looked for an elevated surface she can sit on, “Give it here,” palm out, she asked Jimin for the scissors. In response, Jimin waved his finger in front of her face, “Ah, ah, ah. How can I let a lady do this by herself? We wouldn’t want you to accidentally cut your beautiful skin, would we? Now, sit back and relax, Stylist Jimin will do his magic!” He beamed, his eyes disappearing again. Then he kneeled in front of her and carefully fingered the hem of her pants, checking the best area from where to cut it. “Stretch your legs a bit,” Jimin said softly without looking up. Nervously, Cho did as told, scooting forward a bit  to straighten her legs out and making sure to keep her legs closed. Jimin paused, and looked straight into her eyes.
“Spread your legs.” Cho almost choked. How dare he say something so suggestive! She knew he was just having fun teasing her, but the intensity of his gaze and the timber of his voice as he said those words were nowhere near the playful tone he was using earlier. Fearing her voice will betray her if she speaks, Cho responded by angling her body to the right and nodding to the outer seams of her pants. She was wordlessly telling him to cut from there instead. Jimin raised one of his brows but complied and proceeded to cut from the outer seams. He cut slowly and carefully, making sure the scissors do not touch her skin. As opposed to his hands that he made sure to keep contact with her leg the whole time.
Cho was holding her breath, trying to move her leg away from Jimin’s touch every once in a while. “Tsk. You’re going to make it hard for me if you keep squirming like that—” “Just finish it already!” Cho snapped. Jimin stood up, his body bent over hers, keeping in mind the task at hand. “Stop. Moving.” Jimin gripped her knees under her pants. Then he added, “Just relax.” as he softly caressed her knee with his thumb. “How high do you want me to cut it? Up to here?” Then he slowly moved his hand higher, up to her inner mid-thigh, “Or up to here?” He whispered to her left ear.
Cho wanted to push him away, she really did. But Jimin’s intensity was keeping her in place. It had been so long since she flirted with someone like this. And she was torn between giving in for fun, or backing away to seal herself away from men, as she had resolved to do.
“J-just above the knee is fine.” She answered breathlessly, her mind still at an impasse. “Then you really gotta spread your legs now, 예쁜아가씨 (yebbeun agassi/pretty lady)” He said just a bit above a whisper, then backed up a bit to look at her face. His eyes were sparkling with mirth. He was really enjoying this. Cho swallowed, and put her hand over Jimin’s hand that was holding the scissors. She pushed his hand gently, and stood up. “I think doing it this way would be easier. Why don’t you kneel back down and finish your work, Jimin-ssi?” Cho put her right hand on his left shoulder and gently pushed him down. Two can play this game, Park Jimin, and I won’t lose. Cho decided. She looked down at him, and tilted her head in challenge, when he did not move.
Jimin stared at her, trying to not let his awe show on his face. Why haven’t I goofed around with this kind of girls before? I never knew they were so much fun. He slid his hand from her ankle, up to her knee slowly and sensually, before answering, “Yes, my lady,”. His words were submissive, but his actions were anything but. He never broke eye-contact with her as he did this. His stare returning her challenge on who can really dominate the other. He nudged her leg to make her open up wider. Cho just rolled her eyes and complied. Jimin smiled and moved closer than necessary. Way closer, that his hair was already touching the material of her pants. Looking up, Jimin asked, “Is this okay?” His chin just a few millimeters away from her belly button.
You think this is going to make me back down? She smiled sweetly, “Oh yes!” Jimin smirked in victory and finally started cutting her pants along her knee. He made sure to caress her inner thigh more often than necessary. But not enough to make her knees buckle and accidentally cut her. He can feel her leg muscle tightening in tension, but when he glanced at her, she was the epitome of indifference. She was staring at her nails, looking bored out of her mind. Now cutting her pants from the other leg, Jimin couldn’t help but snigger. She was really competitive, he liked that very much. It spurs his own competitiveness. He snipped the last length of the material but didn’t let it fall on the ground. He put the scissors down and checked if she was looking at him. She wasn’t. Sneakily, he inched his finger further up until he reached the edge of her—
Jimin felt himself being pulled up, before his back was slammed into a tree trunk with his arm twisted behind him. His eyes widened as he found Cho’s body pushing against him, her elbow under his chin, her knee pushing into his groin.
“Ah, ah, ah. You wouldn’t want the pretty lady to think you’re not a gentleman, now, would you Jimin-ssi?” Her eyes were wide and alert, her chest heaving up and down as she catches her breath, but there was a small smile on her lips.
A woot was heard from behind them, “Whooo! That was hot!!” Hoseok was passing by when Cho launched her self-defense tricks on Jimin. “But is everything alright here?” He carefully watched their faces, trying to gauge the mood.
Jimin laughed out loud, “Alright, alright! I’m sorry. I lost.” Then he gave Cho his most powerful puppy dog eyes. Cho exhaled and let him go. Shaking her head from amusement. He really took her by surprise. She didn’t think he would go that far in a public place and her instincts just kicked in. She was just glad her body didn’t go into attack mode, she would hate herself if she gave Jimin any kind of injury.
“We’re fine hyung!” Then he waved Hoseok away. After he was gone, Jimin bent over, his hands on his knees. “What was that? Are you.. an MMA fighter or something?” He coughed. Cho quickly checked him over, “Oh no, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Oh no, oh no, oh no,” She was panicking, and Jimin realized she was as surprised as him with her actions. Jimin slid down along the tree trunk and slouched on the sand. More than anything, his pride was the most hurt.
“I’m sorry, I took a self-defense class when I started living alone. I was so paranoid that I took the lessons several times a year to make sure my body won’t forget the skills, and now.. my body just moves automatically. I’m so sorry! So sorry!” She continued to touch his neck to check for red marks.
Jimin can no longer count how many times this girl, woman, had him speechless with awe. He has never met anyone like her before. She was pretty, although not in a drop-dead gorgeous way. She was not the type you’d notice in a crowded room, but her confidence raises up her charm. She was kind, but she wouldn’t go down a fight. She was smart, but she was not condescending. It makes Jimin wonder whether other people are as multi-faceted as her, and if he just did not look at people closely. Or if this lady before him was simply a unique creation made to make him weak in the knees.
He caught her fiddling hands, and put them down gently. “I’m fine. You just caught me by surprise.” He reassured her. Then added self-consciously, “…I’m sorry if I took it too far.” To his surprise, she giggled.
“It’s okay, really. It was fun.” They stared and smiled at each other for a little while more before Cho finally stood up to check her new outfit.
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*Her island outfit now looks a bit like this
“Thanks for helping me cut them. Let’s go get those firewood. I don’t want BTS to think I’m a slacker!” She laughed. Jimin stood up too and grabbed the small bag. “Hey. I’m BTS too!” He pulled something from the bag and handed it to Cho. “Here. I also got you this. Uhm, I just.. I thought..” He didn’t really know how to explain why he got her a shirt to cover herself up. She was still wearing her fitted tank and he didn’t want her going around the island in front of everyone looking like that.
Especially not in front of that liar, Keith. But after practically feeling her up, he was at a loss.
“You want me to wear this? Hmm. Alright, turn around. Make sure no one’s looking.” He was so glad she didn’t question him over it anymore. She didn’t really feel like removing her top out in the open so she just pulled the blouse over her current top. “Done! Okay, let’s go!” She started walking towards the trees but he stopped her.
“Wait. I’m changing too. You don’t have to turn.” He winked and gathered the hem of his sweatshirt, and lifted It up to his chest. “You are perfectly welcome to look.” Then he pulled his sweatshirt over his shoulders and head. He threw the shirt aside and pulled another white shirt from the bag. Of course, he took his time and flexed his muscles. Cho was too shocked to react, so she just watched. He was really fit. She already knew that. He definitely knew that. The little shit. He did his signature move of pushing his hair back away from his forehead then said cutely “Jjan! Let’s go 예쁜 아가씨~ ” He grabbed her hand and led the way to the trees. Cho simply smiled and shook her head and let him lead her.
[ Jimin changed from this to this ]
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Lia shyly tapped Jungkook’s arm. “Hi, here’s our whistle that I got from Jimin-oppa! What else can I help with?” Jungkook smiled at her and shook his head, “It’s alright, V-hyung and I will carry everything.” She looked at all things they had to carry, it looked a handful. “Are you sure? I can carry at least one of those.” She felt an arm drop around her shoulders and turned to see it was Taehyung. “That’s right! We just need your cute self cheering for us~ ” Lia stepped back and bowed to him, “안영하세요 (annyeonghaseyo), I’m Lia. Nice to meet you!” She introduced herself again since it’s their first time talking to each other. Then she stepped closer to Jungkook. She felt uncomfortable being touched by Tae for some reason. She hardly knew him, after all.
Jungkook tried to hide his smile. He felt strangely pleased that Lia seemed more comfortable around him. He knew he was developing a crush on her. It didn’t help that Lia was treating him like a normal person, and not a worldwide superstar. He really loved that. Their kiss also had a huge effect on him. It wasn’t his first kiss. He’s not a fuck boy like Tae, but he did have his own share of sexual partners in the past. But he found that Lia ‘kissing’ him for medical purposes was hotter than any other kiss he had in the past. Maybe he had a doctor/patient kink. Huh.
“Hey guys, get some change of clothes over here!” Jin called them over to gather around the suitcases they collected.
From their airport outfits:
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To island outfits:
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*Tae and JK said they were already comfortable and didn’t need a change of clothes >_<
The fishing trio then headed down the beach to where Suga and Jin directed them. “This is fun. I have never actually tried fishing before. How about you guys?” Lia asked as she tried to spot some fish under the clear water. Jungkook was tying a safety pin on the edge of the stick they collected. “Well, Suga-hyung and Jin-hyung love fishing. I sometimes join them. But I couldn’t sit too long without moving. It’s meant for highly lethargic people, I think.” He gave her a sideways glance and smile. Lia moved closer to him, his makeshift fishing pole catching her attention. Jungkook felt his heart beat faster. Damn.
“I’ll try to catch some with my bare hands!” Tae shouted with his box smile plastered on his face, already knee-deep in the waters. He had removed his shirt to use it as a net. Jungkook highly doubted he’d catch anything with that. But he knew there was no stopping that Hyung from doing what he wants. He was more concerned over Lia seeing him topless. He looked back at her, only to see that she’s back to checking out the makeshift fishing pole he had in his hands. His eyes widened as she placed her hands on top of his, to help tie the thread. She giggled, “Your hands are too big, here let me.” He gave her the pole, glad to have a reason to keep watching her.
Lia’s forehead was scrunched up in concentration, her slim fingers working hard to tie the thread securely. Her hair was slowly falling over her shoulder, hiding her face. Before he could realize what he was doing, his hand was tucking her hair neatly behind her ear, so he could see her face better. Jungkook froze, his mind zooming over excuses he could say. But Lia just said thanks softly, and continued her work without even glancing at him.
Whew. Jungkook let go of the breath he was holding. That was a close one. But he couldn’t help feeling disappointed that he seemed to have no effect on her. He dropped his arms and pouted to himself.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Tae smirked to himself, his hands on his waist. He witnessed that tiny episode. And Jungkook may not have noticed it, but Tae definitely saw how red Lia’s face was when Jungkook touched her. “Wah, I put my arm around her and she practically runs away. But Kookie does that cheesy thing and she blushes so cutely?” He does a thinking pose, his thumb and index finger cupping his chin. “Let’s see~ First there’s my Chimmy and that noona. Then here we have Kookie and little miss doctor. Tae tae is going to have soooo much fun! I’m sure one of those couples would be open for some threesome action. Kekeke- WAH! A fish! Come here fishyyyyy.”
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“So… I’ve been meaning to ask. Have we met before?” Cho finally decided to just ask the question that has been nagging her ever since she woke up on that island. “I mean... I’m sure that as much of a flirt you are, you don’t just try to hit on random strangers, especially while stuck on an island.” Cho straightened up and dropped the sticks she collected beside Jimin who was trying to tie up the last batch of firewood they collected. Sweat was collecting on his forehead. The veins on his arms were bulging out as he put all his strength in securing the ropes. While waiting for him to answer, Cho thought how admirable he is. She had not thought of BTS for a long time. She used to listen to their music and even watched some of their variety shows. She had been a fan for a year before her life had turned haywire. She never even got the chance to see them live. The changes she made to her life indirectly caused BTS to disappear from her radar.
Anyways, she found it admirable that the boys were all trying their best in this situation. Not one of them had shown a diva attitude, as is usually expected from some big name superstars. They had been nothing but considerate and treated everyone as equals. She suddenly froze, a weird thought passing through her mind. We’re not in some hidden camera prank, right? Jimin wouldn’t be openly flirting with me if we were. She looked around urgently, trying to make out cameras from behind the leaves and bushes.
“What are you doing?” She snapped her head back to look at Jimin. “We’re not- you’re not- currently filming are you? Like some BTS in the Wildlife or something?” Cho asked him, her eyes still fearful. Then she went back to paranoidly checking their surroundings. Then Jimin laughed out loud. He was laughing so hard, he fell from the log he was sitting on. “Ah, really. You’re really amazing.” Cho visibly deflated, hanging her head down. “I know it’s crazy. It’s just— Argh!” Cho kicked some dirt “It’s not entirely impossible, you know.”
“It is. We’re not going to string along innocent strangers like you, and subject you to this kind of trauma— just for a show.” He has calmed down and sat beside you on the log again. “We’re all just.. stuck in this unfortunate situation together.” Both of you sighed, lost in your individual thoughts. “We have met before. Back in the airport.” Cho looked confused. Jimin scooted away from her and cleared his throat.
“Want to see some… magic?” He said in an animated voice then looked around the forest exaggeratedly. Cho’s eyes widened in realization. “You saw that??” Then she laughed. Such a  lovely laugh. “Oh my goodness. But- I didn’t see you there? I’m sure I would’ve noticed the commotion if Park Jimin was seen in public.” She paused, thinking some more, then gasped. She narrowed her eyes at Jimin as her mind put two and two. “Bucket hat. With mask? That was you? Huh.”
Jimin eye-smiled. “Bingo! I went there for some peace and quiet. But instead, I saw a pretty lady performing some magic tricks. I never asked about your job. You were so good with that kid. Are you a teacher?” Cho leaned on one arm and stared into space. “I was once. But about 2-3 years ago I changed professions. I’m a linguist now. I study different languages and do all sorts of jobs related to that.”
“Do you regret changing your job?” Jimin asked softly.
“Huh? No, I.. I really like my job. And I’m happy to be working with languages. It’s really amazing. Every country has something unique to their language and sometimes, there are words or phrases that has no direct translation to any other language. And it’s all because of their culture. We are all humans, but we grew up with different beliefs and values, and that’s how many conflicts arose. But it makes me think, what if the whole world has only ONE language, and ONE culture, like- the human culture, wouldn’t it create less misunderstandings? But then— it would be so sad to have all the existing culture to just stop.. existing.” Cho sighed deeply, then got lost in her thoughts silently.
Jimin burst into giggles. “Cho, Ah~ Cho! You’re really, really, so fun and interesting! Aside from the fact that you sounded very passionate about what you do, did you realize that you switched back and forth from Korean and Japanese??”
Cho’s jaw dropped. “Oh no! I do tend to do that when I’m rambling and when my thoughts are so fast!” Then she laughed,  “I got fired from a couple of translating jobs because of that.” She said matter-of-factly.  She chuckled then looked up. “It’s getting dark, we should head back.” Cho carried a couple of firewood bundles, “Don’t even think of stopping me. You can’t carry ALL of that.” Jimin just nodded and teased you, “Hai~ (Yes in Japanese) ” Cho laughed, “Stop teasing me!”
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A/N: My chapters are getting longer! Yay! I’m sorry some members’ parts are short! As much as I’d love to make equal parts for OT7, this story is mainly revolving around Jimin and JK’s love story, plus the overall plot. I’m also too excited to finish the story and get to the good parts. When the story is finished, I might make some one shots about the other members in this universe. I actually have the Season 2 for this story planned out already. I am that excited, lol.
CREDITS FOR THE PHOTOS NOT MINE. Found all of them on Pinterest! Let me know if it’s yours and want it to be taken down. :) 
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two | MASTERLIST | four
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years
More Dragalia Lost liveblogging under the cut where I talk about my Halloween summons, the upcoming version update, and my thoughts on high dragon trials now that the HDT weapons are a thing to work toward.
First off, I can’t remember exactly how many summons I’ve done on the Halloween banner, but I got all of the Halloween units except for Elly and Maritimus, and as much as I want to get H-Maritimus, I think I’m gonna wait until they announce the next banner to see where I want to put my resources. I have a feeling we’re going to get a water banner next that might give us our first 5-star water blade, which might be really tempting. So I’m gonna wait it out for now.
I also got Lin You as a random pity break along the way, which was really nice, since I was considering dream summoning her in the future. Now my wind roster is pretty much fully rounded out, except that I don’t have Wedding Elly yet. And funnily enough, regular Aeleen is still the only 4-star in the summoning pool that I don’t have yet.
And on the topic of dream summons, I decided to go ahead and get Xander from the current one. Which really took me by surprise since I figured we weren’t getting one anytime soon, since they didn’t announce it during the anniversary, but here we are. I felt a bit awkward about how just a few hours later we found out that the new Halloween banner was gonna have a new stun-res water sword on it, but I don’t regret getting Xander. My water team really needed him.
At this point there’s only a handful of units in the regular pool that I’d be interested in dream summoning eventually. It’s basically just Delphi, Ramona, and Lucretia at this point. Mainly Delphi at this point. I’m still salty about how I got a dupe Wedding Aoi in the last banner instead of him. And to make things worse I also got a dupe Ezelith during my Halloween summons, lol.
I was really surprised by the new Halloween units being a mix of flame and water ones, but they all serve nice roles, even if they’re awkwardly useless for the Halloween event itself. I also ended up being completely wrong about which characters would get alts for this in the first place. Mostly since I wasn’t expecting them to branch so far outside of the launch unit pool. I vaguely thought we might get a Mym alt, but I figured that it’d go to a different party member instead. But I’m actually happy that H-Mym is a thing, because I didn’t have a flame axe built up before I got her [which is why Ramona’s still high on my priority list for dream summons], and axes are one of my favourite weapon types to use. Sadly it sounds like G-Mym is better than her, but I’ll probably still just use H-Mym since I like her more as a unit.
Most of all I love and adore H-Lowen. He’s the best thing ever and he’s never leaving my flame team, lmao. On the one hand I still dislike it when units get alts where the only real difference is their element type, but I’ve been specifically hoping for us to get a good sleep-res flame healer for ages, so I can’t complain. He’s also just a really great healer all around, aside from not having the right resistance for HMS. He at least seems equally as good if not better than Verica. His kit is less specifically focused on healing potency than hers, but he has some really valuable support utility, especially since he has skill prep. I actually ended up using him last night in my very first HDT clear, against standard HMS. He doesn’t have the right resistance, but he can easily pass the HP check, and with his skill prep he can get off his defense buff and his HP buff, which is really nice. It doesn’t seem super essential for standard HMS, but for expert and master it might be a lot more important, like why Choco Thaniel is so important to HBH. And honestly even though H-Lowen’s sleep res, I found that it was pretty easy to avoid getting hit in the first place after the opening blast.
I still have my Xania set up as a DPS-focused alternative to use in HMS, but I really like using H-Lowen, and I’ve kinda resigned myself to the fact that Xania probably won’t be very good for anything above standard HMS. I have units like Mikoto, Sarisse, and both Myms who I can use in the fight instead if I need to, but I like Xania so I want to use her wherever I can.
Even though I’ve been playing this game for like six months, I’m only just starting to get into HDTs, lol. Part of it’s just that there really hasn’t been that much of a need to do them in the first place before they introduced HDT weapons recently, but mostly I’ve just been going through the typical motions of performance anxiety that you get with online co-op stuff like this.
I’m still really happy that I got my first clear, but I was kinda surprised by how relatively . . . simple standard HMS ended up being, in spite of knowing in advance that it had been heavily powercrept as the game’s gone on. I don’t really know what I expected, though, especially after knowing that the void dragon fights were specifically designed to prepare people for the HDTs. I really shouldn’t have been surprised that in the end, the HDTs would just feel like harder versions of the void dragon fights I’ve already done, lol. I actually feel like Void Zephyr almost feels harder than standard HMS right now, from what little experience I have with the latter, since Void Zephyr has way more unavoidable damage, and the tornadoes and stuff are a lot more frequent and get in the way a lot.
I might just stick to HMS for a while, but I have units I can use for the other ones. For HMC I have all the meta units except for W-Elly, but I’d lean more towards using Noelle or Lowen since I prefer playing as ranged units for these sorts of fights. For HBH I have a Choco Thaniel set up, but I don’t have a great dragon for him [which is why I’d like to get H-Maritimus but I can live without him], though I also have Lily, Summer Celliera (and I’ve promoted Elly and Orsem]. For HJP I have Gala Cleo, who I’ll probably stick to since I prefer ranged units, but I also have Curran, Heinwald, and Natalie. And then for HZD I have Gala Euden, and then Fleur and Yachiyo who I haven’t promoted. I’m kinda hoping we get better 5-star units I can use instead, so I’m not interested in investing a lot of resources into those two, so I’ll probably stick to Gala Euden. Sadly ranged units don’t seem to be very in favour for HZD, but I have S-Cleo in back-up.
I’m way too early to be thinking about the whole expert HDT thing just yet, but thankfully I have Noelle and a 2UB Freyja who I can use to get my foot in the door with expert HMC when the time comes.
I have mixed feelings overall about the entire concept and implementation of expert/master HDTs [and the time attack rankings are their own whole mess], but I can’t really say much about them since I’m so inexperienced with this whole part of the game in general. I do get the feeling that they gave us too much too fast, though.
Mostly I just hope that they don’t start balancing new endgame content around the assumption that everyone has HDT weapons, since that’s just not going to be the case for the most part, and it’d just be boring if new content becomes effectively locked to anyone outside of the top 1% or whatever of players. In the short term, I’m worried about how the new wave of humanoid endgame bosses they’ve teased at will go. They’re said to be ‘harder than high dragons’, but it’d really suck if they’re basically gated behind expert HDTs. Getting a whole new wave of permanent endgame content that I can’t even begin to access for who knows how long would just be kinda . . . demoralizing. I really hope that, even if they’re presumably harder than standard HDTs at least, they instead exist parallel to those fights, and you can basically get into one or the other first, instead of one being gated behind the other. That way it wouldn’t take as much grinding for people to be able to even start challenging the new bosses.
I also have a feeling that, like how you can grind the HDT fights to get the high dragons from the trade store, you might be able to grind the new endgame bosses in order to obtain them as playable adventurers. Which on paper I like the sound of since they at least seem to have really neat designs, but I can’t help but worry that it’d be like the HDT weapons where they basically create their own meta in the community, while suffering from a sort of ‘key in a locked box’ scenario where you’re expected to have those units/weapons/etc in order to even start doing the content you need to grind to obtain them. Which definitely seems to be a problem with HDT weapons, with how there seems to be barely any wiggle room for entering the expert HDT grind cycle if you don’t have a HDT weapon.
I’m at least assuming that the new bosses will be basically the same as HDTs in terms of being co-op content with four players using one unit each against a single boss. In which case it’d be pretty easy for similar issues with the meta and whatnot to arise with it. I kinda hope they shake it up a bit, though. It’d be pretty nice if it was actually solo content that plays out more like facility event bosses. We really need more solo endgame content in general. But I think it’ll probably still be co-op focused.
And then there’s the new version update coming out in a week or so. Which mostly just seems to be quality of life improvements and stuff, but I’m really happy about the improvements to the regular log-in bonuses. Getting five times more wyrmite from it is pretty neat. Which reminds me of how they’ve recently started implementing tenfold vouchers as rewards for clearing raid/facility bosses for the first time. So overall we’ve been getting a lot more regular access to summoning resources, which is nice.
I’m also happy that we’re getting the ability to put facilities into storage while keeping their effects. I recently maxed out my elemental altars and slime facilities, so it’d be nice to put them all in storage to free up space in my halidom.
We’ll see what happens at the start of November when the Halloween event ends and we get our next This Month In Dragalia Lost post, but I hope we get a Celliera event rerun next, both so we can get a good new water banner, and so I can finally get OG Celliera since she’s one of the few event units I don’t have yet.
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sparrows-aria · 5 years
Momor Ignis - DND-esque OC
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Thought I’d share my lad Momor, the profile was originally made with the dnd profile maker on dndbeyond so that’s why parts seem copy-pasty. Threw in his stats too bc why not? Our style of dnd is different to actual bc none of us know what we’re doing at all lmao, so if anything seems weird, that would be why. Cosplay is by me, 1st and 3rd art by me, 2nd was drawn by trans-rictor on tumblr/spoorks on instagram
Name: Momor Ignis
Age: 25
Hair: Silvery-grey wavy medium length hair
Skin: Baby Blue (with hints of silver)
Eyes: Silver
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 138 pounds
Gender: Genderfluid (he/him-they/them-she/her), also fluctuates depending on shift
Personality traits:
-He is tolerant of other faiths and respects the worship of other gods.
-He sees omens in every event/action. The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen.
-Change. We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world. (Chaotic)
-Charity. He always tries to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
-Everything He does is for the commun people.
-He will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded him a heretic and cast him out.
-Once he picks a goal, he becomes obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in his life.
-His piety sometimes leads him to blindly trust those that profess faith in his god.
Organisations: the temple of Sehanine & the faithful five (?)
Allies: Percy & Alicio Bly, Blaire, Bjorn the Knee-Knibbler, Saph Ignis-Silverflint (his daughter), Elio Bly-Ignis (his son?), Elan & Serin, Salvene Silverflint (‘Allies’), Eodum...
Enemies: Father Simmons (for casting him out as a ‘heretic’) & Asmodeus (because he’s evil)
-He’s a mum friend.
-He wears his hair up most of the time (often in a half-bun).
-He’s good at dancing, and is fairly flexible.
-He can do some martial arts.
-He has a talking phoenix as a companion.
-He’s dating Percy & Alicio.
-He carries a bible (the teachings of Sehanine), a set of tarot cards & a healer’s kit.
-As a shapeshifter, he shifts between multiple personalities, who all act on their own as they’ve built up consciences, sort of like alters except he doesn’t have DID.
-Likes messing with Percy & Alicio, is friends with Blaire especially since she’s half shapeshifter too, silghtly scared and disgusted by Bjorn.
Backstory: Momor was born into the temple of Sehanine. Ever since he was small, him & his parents (Emilio & Alice) were harassed by Father Simmons (a higher-up in the temple) & his peers (for being tieflings/half-changeling/half-nymph). But they had done no wrong, so they could not be kicked out. His parents ‘mysteriously’ disappeared when he was 12, and he grew up after that in the orphanage (run by father Simmons & his wife). He didn’t live the best childhood, but when he was 18 he gained access to the funds/house inscribed in his parents will. Desperate to kick him out, Father Simmons blamed a nefarious crime on him and got him exiled. He met Salvene Silverflint owner of one of the most famous club’s in the world, who took him in, he started dating him and became a famous sex worker essentially. Luckily not many people have seen his normal self, so he isn’t recognised as himsefl very often. He had some bad falling-outs with Salvene leading to him, running away. He later on met Percy, Alicio, Eodum, and then Elio. Discovered he HAD A CHILD six years ago, that he didn’t know about. Now he travels the world with his party, helping people, and his goal is still to find proof that he wasn’t the culprit that Father Simmons framed him to be.
TL; DR: parents killed, he was priest however mean priest blamed him for crime he didn’t commit, so he ran away and became a famous sex worker, had a kid that he didn’t know about till 6 years later, and ran away from that and then met his current partners, THEN discovered his child.
Background: Acolyte, he has spent his life in the service of a temple to a specific god or pantheon gods. He acts as an intermediary between the realm of the holy & the mortal world, performing sacred rites and offering sacrifices in order to conduct worshipers into the presence of the divine.
He also has ties to temples dedicated to Sehanine, and can seek assitance from there.
Skills proficiencies: Insight, Religion
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Elven... A lot not only does he speak the languages his other forms speak but he also loves learning new ones
Faith: Sehanine (unaligned goddess of illusion, love and the moon, seasonal goddess of autumn and patron of elves)
Alignment: Chaotic Good (He acts as his conscience directs, with little regard for what others expect.)
Lifestyle: Comfortable (He can afford nicer clothing and can easily maintain his equipment. He lives in a small cottage in a middle-class neighbourhood/a private room at a fine inn. He associates with members, skilled tradespeople and military officers.)
Class: Cleric (Life Domain) - Basic info
-Armor: Light/medium armor, shields
-Saving throws: Wisdom, Charisma
-Skills: Medicine, Persuasion
Strength: 8, modifier -1
Dexterity: 11, modifier +1
Constitution: 9, modifier 0
Intelligence: 15, modifier +2
Wisdom: 14, modifier +1
Charisma: 16, modifier +2
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asahi-no-kagayaki · 5 years
Rainbow 6 OCs
I!!!!! Finally!!!!!! Finished!!!!! My!!!! Rainbow 6 Siege OCs!!!!!!!!!!! I’m really happy how this kinda turned out jifjfi my new babies i love them. I’m gonna have so much fun implementing them in r6s universe lmao i’m gonna post my first (r6) fic about them soon lol
Also i cant draw shit so i made their (casual-look ofc cuz cant find military-chara sheet thing) character design using Picrew (this website is really great btw) so dont blame me if theyre looking too anime-y jdojofjfo
More info about OCs below!!!!
1. Beruang (’Bear’ in Indonesian) Real Name: Lukman Susilo Sanjaya Age: 37 (As of 2019) Organization: Kopassus Position: Attacker Birthplace: Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia Date of Birth: January 12, 1982 Height: 5'10'' (1.79m) Weight: 177lbs (80kg) Armor: Medium Speed: Medium
Appearance: He wears standard Kopassus uniform but his face is covered by black half-mask and shades. In his free time, he usually wears bland t-shirt and sport pants. He’s kinda hairy, has a little bit of stubble and scar under his right eye. (Casual look:)
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Personality: Serious 24/7. Difficult to approach since he only gives necessary/short answers if asked. He never seeks company of other people, and sometimes can be oblivious about things not related to his job. 
Appears stoic, but it’s not because he doesn't have any feelings. He just doesn't know or can't express his emotion to other people except Jasmine. Lowkey insecure about himself, like thinking he's 'not good enough' and people deserves someone better than him.
It's hard for him to have a close relationship with other people other than Kirana because of his insecurity as well his oblivious and stoic personalities. It's not impossible, just hard and take a lot of work before someone could call Lukman their friend or even boyfriend.
Special Gadget: Bear Knuckles - It's basically a pair of gloves shaped like bear paws, used to further increase the power of Lukman's fist (It should be noted that his punch is already strong before he put on the gloves), allowing him to break any surfaces (except steel, for now at least). Yes, it's technically like Sledge's hammer but it's his fist instead lol. Punching a person without holding back with this will likely put them unconscious or heavily injured. 
Unfortunately, it's powered by battery and can only be used a few times before it runs out. It must be charged before he can use it.
Short Biography: As a son of the current Major General of Indonesian's Special Forces Kopassus, Beruang's life was revolved around how to be just like his father. With his incredible strength and agility, coupled with knowledge of various martial arts, a fight without a weapon is what he shines the most. Calm and obedient, Beruang is one of excellent soldier Kopassus had, a War Machine ready to serve under his country.
Psychological Report: Suffers from a condition where he can't express his emotion and low self-esteem where he claimed that he's never good enough. It is believed that harsh training and upbringings from the environment he lived in was the cause of those problems. While he's good at his job, his social skill is very lacking, and he himself appears to be distancing himself with his teammates other than one person.
2. Jasmine Real Name: Kirana Tunggadewi Pitaloka Age: 26 (As of 2019) Organization: Kopassus Position: Defender Birthplace: Malang, East Java, Indonesia Date of Birth: July 18, 1993 Height: 5'5'' (1.65m) Weight: 131 lbs (59kg) Armor: Light Speed: Fast
Appearances: wears standard Kopassus uniform and her face is also covered with black half-mask and shades. In her free time, she usually wears colorful clothes, along with this black-chocker thing she always wear. She has short, neck-length straight short hair.  (Casual look:)
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She has two personas. A facade she used to manipulates others: Kind, supportive, and positive. And then her real self, which so far only Six and Lukman knows: Lazy, vengeful, manipulative, and cold. She loves gossip, and although usually lazy, she will put a lot of effort into works that beneficial/important to her (such as maintaining her face around other operators or learning 'perfect english' before joining Rainbow). 
But, Kirana is loyal and helpful towards people she thinks as her friends. If they're in trouble, you bet Kirana will try to cheer them up or maybe even hurt those who hurt her friends. She can be easily stressed, which surfaced as paranoia and mild anxiety. She also has abandonment issues, but no one know about this.
Due to her upbringings and her job as a spy, she would do anything to obtain important information she ordered to. Like for example, if someone ask her for intercourse in exchange of information, she would do it as long that information is very important and worth the deal (if not, she wouldn't do it and if they lied about it, she would kill them on site). She doesn't believe in and sometimes even disgusted with people in romantic relationship (like dating/engaged/married/etc), especially those who is in relationship with their workmates, but she's down for one night stand and such.
(It's not impossible for her to be in romantic relationship, but it is very hard to tie her in it)
Special Gadget: White Petals - Five small gadgets shaped together to look like jasmine flower. There's two set of this, one that function like Kapkan's gadget: Putting it on the side of a doors/windows/any openings and watch as everyone that walk through it get electrocuted. It's strong electric surge could even renders someone unconscious. Unfortunately, people could just jumped over/crawled under the gadgets to avoid it when it activates. But the gadget itself is very small, so it can be difficult to spot.
The second set of White Petals is a gadgets that works kinda like smoke grenade, usually used by Jasmine when she have to run. When thrown, it filled the entire room with a special, thick smokes that not even drone could see through. Unfortunately, it last only for a couple of seconds.
Short Biography: Born and raised in a family where her parents worked as spies, naturally Jasmine herself was shaped to be one. Claimed to be one of the best spy her country ever had, she never failed to complete her mission in obtaining and gathering information. While her firearms skill is lacking compared to other operators, her skill of espionage, her cunning thinking, and her good self-defense skill prove herself to be a spy to be reckoned with.
Psychological Report: Her facade personality seems to be a defense mechanism she put up to make herself appears benign and easy to communicate with, which what she needed for her job so she would be least suspicious. On rare cases someone's grow suspicious of her, she would be stressed which resort to anxiety and paranoia. Regardless, she doesn't have any issues in engaging in large group of individuals and offers genuine help and advice to people she care about.
3. Angel Real Name: Florence Marie Walanda Tambayong Age: 31 (As of 2019) Organization: Indonesian National Armed Forces (Land) Position: Defender Birthplace: North Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia Date of Birth: April 29, 1988 Height: 5'7'' (1.70m) Weight: 143 lbs (65kg) Armor: Light Speed: Fast
Appearance: Wearing standard Indonesian Army uniform, also wears crucifix-necklace. In her free time, she usually wears long-sleeves black/gray/white/pink shirts with silly designs (like some Indonesian words or random bootleg characters) or sweaters and capri pants. If she's on duty treating operators in the medical facility, she wears lab coat, surgical mask, and white gloves. Also her skin is darker compared to the other two ops. (Casual look:)
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Personality: Brutally honest but also cheerful and friendly. She likes to socialize/interact with everyone, joining any kind of 'fun' activities, and laugh the loudest at jokes that’s not even funny. She cares a lot about her teammates' condition, so much to the fact that if she ever see any kind of injury or sickness, she will 'fix' them. She doesn't care if they refuse her treatment, she WILL treat them with or without their permission.
She's very dedicated and focus on her works. Even if she lose her limbs, as long she's still has consciousness and able to move, she will try her damnest to treat injuries and sickness.  
Special Gadget: Nightingale - A first aid kit she named after a figure she idolizes. Said kit is filled with numerous vitamins, boosters, bandages, medicines, scissors, needles, etc. It's equipped with every medical stuff you can imagine, people wonders how the hell can all that stuffs are stored in it. The gadget itself isn't very special, but Angel's adrenaline rush make her performs medical operations perfectly whenever she uses this kit on someone, so it's more like a mixture of a very-equipped first aid kit and Angel's excellent determination to save lives, just like Florence Nightingale.
In game, this could heals or revives operators to full-health with additional 30 health points. Unfortunately, it can only be used thrice before it ran out.
Short Biography: Her involvement in medical world began at University of Indonesia where she eventually got her medical degree. After that, she worked as a nurse in a local hospital before she joined Indonesian Red Cross Society and eventually served as medical staff in Indonesian Army. With her excellent comprehension of human anatomy, she vowed to erase sickness and pain from everyone.
Psychological Report: With her optimism and carefree attitude, Angel has no trouble making friends in every place she stay. However, trauma about her failure to nurse injured civilians back to health in 2009 Sumatra Earthquake took a toll in her mental state. This resulted in her strong dedication and commitment in her job, which usually would be a good thing to have but it made her force anyone with injuries or sickness, no matter how small it is, to be nursed by her. She doesn't take no for an answer, in fear of her past experiences. It is best for one to approach her in a healthy condition.
- Jasmine studied in Airlangga University and got bachelor's degree in Psychology, Angel studied in University of Indonesia and got (obviously) medical degree, while Beruang studied in military academy.
- Jasmine speaks Japanese to some extent, like she doesn't know proper grammar for each situation (Japanese has different grammars for any situation, like speaking in workplace or towards elders for example) but she can understand and communicate in it. She studied it all by herself, mostly because she's a weeb.
- As said before, Jasmine is a big weeb. She watches a lot of Japanese dramas or animes, also plays a couple of Japanese's mobile games like Fate/Grand Order and Love Live. This is what she mostly do in her free time.
- All of them like spicy food, although Jasmine likes sweet food a little more. As such, if they're cooking a meal you bet it will be spicy as fuck.
- Beruang loves coffee while Jasmine and Angel loves iced tea. Both Beruang and Jasmine doesn't like alcohol, although Jasmine might drink wine or champagne a little, while Angel is open to trying variety of alcohol drinks.
- Jasmine's hobbies includes cooking and gaming, Beruang's hobbies are reading history or watching documentary films, and Angel's hobbies are treating patients and jogging.
- Regarding their sexuality, Beruang is gay (still in the closet, only Jasmine knows). Jasmine's down to have sex with anyone so she’s more of a pansexual, while Angel is straight but dedicates her life to her work so much she doesn't care about romance or sexual activities.
- As said before in his special gadget entry, Beruang is strong. Literally strong, his fist could destroy wood in a second without him putting his gloves on. Although without his gadget, he can't destroy bricks and such (might leave a dent on it though). If angry (which is thankfully unusual), he can't control his power and might break something he hold at the moment.
- As mentioned in his biography, out of various martial arts' learned, Beruang is great at judo and silat. He would use Judo technique the most in a fight, though.
- Beruang thinks of Jasmine as his little sister, while Jasmine thinks of Beruang as either her best friend or a dad. They have close platonic relationship regardless, although Jasmine had a crush on him a while ago (before she knew he's gay).
- While regarding Angel, Jasmine and her dislike each other. Beruang is neutral with Angel, and Angel regards him as a friend.
- Beruang's favorite animals: German shepherd. Jasmine's favorite animal: any cats. Angel's favorite animals: Parrot.
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ninawritesastory · 6 years
I keep looking over and over at your Tweak-Tucker dinner ask and while lMAO picturing it (I swear I'm seeing Craig just sitting there and in his mind like "Nope never again" and Tweek just like hoping nothing violent occuring) what are some other things you see the Tweak and Tucker parents disagreeing with each other rather they voice it verbally or not?
A lot of it stems from different priorities. Thomas and Laura have Craig and Tricia because they wanted to have children. Their focus is on being good parents and making sure their children are happy and healthy. Craig and Tricia are expected to be children and have as good a childhood as Thomas and Laura can provide. As far as Thomas and Laura are concerned, their kids are their first priority.
For Dick and Helen, it’s a different picture. Their first priority is the coffee shop. Tweek only exists because they needed someone to pass the business down to (otherwise it wouldn’t be a Family Business, now would it?) and therefore he is expected to have the shop as his first priority, too. His childhood, his wants and needs,his happiness—those are all secondary to the success of the business. If it’s a choice between Tweek and the shop, Dick and Helen are more likely to pick the shop.
This leads to a whole host of disagreements between the Tweaks and the Tuckers. Here are some of the key ones.
1. Kids should develop their own interests vs. Kids should have their interests picked for them as a reflection of the family. Thomas and Laura do not attempt to dictate what interests Craig and Tricia have. Craig develops an interest in science and space? Great, let’s make sure we find some good books and science-y kits that we can give him for his birthday and for Christmas. Tricia wants to play soccer? Okay, we’re going to as many of her games and practices as we can manage. Dick and Helen, however, are more interested in presented a certain image to the community. Therefore, Tweek’s extracurriculars are less about what he’s into and more about how the family will be perceived if he does them. For example, Tweek wants to play a sport? Hmm, that would cut into the hours he could work at the coffeehouse, and piano lessons sounds much more relevant to a coffeehouse than soccer or football, so piano lessons it is.
2. Kids should get to be kids vs. Kids should help with the family income. Craig and Tricia are never going to be expected to work in order to help the family’s bottom line. They can get jobs when they’re older if they want to increase their spending money, but whether or not they get a job is not going to have any bearing on their place in the family. They’ll still have a home, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and their parents’ love. Tweek is expected to work as hard as his parents and if he doesn’t, his place in the family is at risk. If he can’t market it as a way to bolster the shop’s image, or if it interferes with his work, Tweek might not be allowed to do it. This includes spending time with his friends, doing his homework, and participating in any extracurriculars. The shop always comes first.
3. Kids can be willful and opinionated vs. Kids are better seen than heard. Craig and Tricia’s thoughts and opinions matter to Thomas and Laura. They’re allowed to speak up when they have an idea or when there’s something going on that they don’t like or don’t think is good. Communication is open in the Tucker family, even if it’s carried out by less “ordinary” methods. Meanwhile Tweek’s thoughts and opinions have little to no weight to his parents. They are convinced they know best and Tweek should be quiet and do as they say. His outbursts are always waved away and ignored, and you always get the sense than Dick and Helen aren’t really listening to him when he speaks, but are waiting for him to finish so they can say what they were going to anyway.
4. Love is unconditional and limitless vs. Love comes with a set of conditions and rules that must be followed. I’ve talked about it before, but Thomas and Linda do not put conditions on their love. Craig and Tricia can fuck up on a regular basis and their parents aren’t going to love them any less. They’ll still have a home, they’ll still be cared for, and they’ll still have the love and support of their parents. For Tweek, he has to complete a very specific set of tasks in order to maintain his place in the family. If he fucks up enough times, he runs the risk of being kicked out, sidelined, or worse.
5. Kids don’t need to adhere to a ‘norm’ to have value vs. Kids must adhere to a ‘norm’ to have value. This is most obvious in Dick’s treatment of Tweek: due to his mental health problems and his outbursts and tics, Tweek is not treated as someone of value. He’s “just a spazz” and all of his talents and skills are either unacknowledged or downplayed. Meanwhile Craig’s borderline asocial behavior and refusal to fall in line with the rest of the world does not lessen who he is as a person, nor do his parents act like it does.
The biggest difference between the Tuckers and the Tweaks can be traced to why they had children in the first place. Thomas and Laura wanted kids; Dick and Helen wanted an heir.
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marie-dufresne · 7 years
Marie-mun, you've mentioned your husband is a musician and from what I gathered (correct me if I'm wrong), he supports you and your son? I really want to pursue my music for a career but I'm scared to take that leap. You make me feel like I could do it. Any advice?
Yes, Mr. Frenchie is a musician and he is by far the breadwinner. The bacon bringer homer.
I can, and will, give you a full lowdown on how it works for us but let me just tell you right off the bat that there are some ah, extra, things that really helped drive his career along.
1. He’s a musical prodigy. It helps. A lot lol.
2. He’s a people person. Again, this helps a  l o t.
3. He went from living the bachelor life to having a new girlfriend and a babu on the way in a span of 3 months so. There was a very strong fire under his butt that motivated him. That helped a lot.
4. He plays multiple instruments {piano, guitar, bass, vocals, and organ professionally, mandolin and uke he can teach but doesn’t play out}
I also want to say before I begin that everything I’m about to say isn’t a requirement to have a career as a musician, it’s just what he does to support his family and also to give us the lifestyle we want. (we like nice things and we aren’t ashamed to admit it.) You may not have a family to support. You might not live in an area where buying a house is sensible. You might be a minimalist. Who knows, I don’t, but I’ll still do my best to help maybe clear your brains up a bit.
One thing (and most career musicians will tell you the same thing) that you need to know is there is no one-and-done as far as music goes. Unless you’re a sound engineer or schoolteacher or  something, very few “music” jobs pay a livable salary. Performance jobs especially as I imagine this is what you’re referring to.
Because there is no one-and-done, prepare to work odd hours, drive or commute otherwise a lot, and also be asked “what’s your real job”. a  l o t.  So. How to pay your bills on your music career? Here are some options for you, built out of literally everything Mr. Frenchie does. {read more for obscene length lmao}
The first and most obvious answer. For this, you will have to pay your dues. 4 hour gigs @ $50-75 a pop, bringing all of your own sound equipment and possibly playing to 4 drunks passed out on the tables. DO IT. Make friends with the bartenders. Make friends with management. Make friends even with those guys at the tables. You never know who has connections to better paying jobs. You never know.  {Mr. Frenchie has gotten jobs playing private birthday parties @ $700+ for two hours from making friends with people at shitty bars. GET IN WITH THE PEOPLE.}
This will suck at first. It will suck so hard and you will be tired, and you will probably hate the music you’re playing and if you have a s/o at home they will be annoyed and frustrated at times. It’s okay. It’s part of the job.
But here’s the thing. Don’t get stuck in these gigs. Regardless of the music you like, learn everything. Learn one hit wonders for the has-been hotties at the bar. Learn classic rock, learn country, learn the songs everyone is so fucking sick of hearing. Learn top 40 pop tunes, learn jazz standards, learn 40’s and 50’s ballads. Learn holiday music. Learn traditional music (traditional Irish tunes are what’s popular here) LEARN IT ALL.
The more songs you have in your repertoire, the more versatile you’ll be. You don’t want to get offered a gig at an elderly community brunch (sounds snoozy but trust me, those people are some of the most fun and tip well ;) ) and have to turn it down because all you know is Glam Rock and a couple U2 tunes. Trust me.
If you work at it, you will reach a point where you can turn down those $50 gigs. You’ll get to a point where you can say no to anything that doesn’t pay your minimum + bar tab & food. Though gigging is not Mr. Frenchie’s main income, he does love to do it. He rarely plays out at bars and is now doing upscale restaurants and local bay cruises instead. :)
Meeting people at gigs is a good way to get Cocktail Hour jobs at weddings as well. This is something Mr. Frenchie only does here and there as it often interferes with his salary job, but the pay is good. :)
One of the main parts of our household income. Private lessons aren’t exactly “performance” but they pay. Lessons privately (on your own, outside of a studio) will obviously pay more, but if you don’t have a name in the music industry of your area yet, I highly recommend poking around at music schools/studios looking for instructors.
Teaching is a much steadier source of income than gigs (as most bars and restaurants either rotate or “call when they need you”), but unlike gigs, it’s not for everyone. You can be a great musician and a poor teacher. This is the area where “being a people person” helps the most lol. Having a strong grasp of music theory also greatly helps in this area.
Teaching also opens windows to networking. People who put their kids in music lessons tend to be on the upper end of the pay grade (generally, not always), as it is an expensive activity. As you build a relationship with your students and thus their parents, you might find yourself hired for live music at their restaurants, cocktail hours for older children’s weddings, or of course, referrals to you as a music teacher for children of their friends. (currently Mr. Frenchie has a waiting list of parents who will not put their child with any instructor except him, but his teaching schedule is full up right now)
Musically Directing:
This one is probably one of the more difficult things to do, depending on your skill level. Musically directing local musicals is not easy or quick, but the pay is usually pretty good, and if you’re into musicals it’s a lot of fun. Of course, as you’re required to work with the full cast, you’d have to have knowledge of:
a. how musicals work
b. the show you’re musically directing
c. vocals (you’re essentially a voice coach for a large part of it)
d. conducting a pit band.
This though is the area I know the least about in regards to what he does, to be honest. All I know is that during a show I basically never see him because he’s at rehearsal 4x a week on top of everything else on this list lmao. That and his struggles with cast members who simply will not practice.
If directing doesn’t seem like your bag, musicals are always looking for pit musicians! Check in with colleges and universities for these opportunities first, as most community theaters tends to have “their people” and likely won’t hire without prior experience or “knowing a guy”.
Music Ministry:
This is our biggest loaf of bread.
This particular loaf of bread though, is definitely not for everyone. One thing to know though is that you don’t actually need to be a person of faith to acquire a music ministry job, though it um, obviously helps. It not only helps get you hired, but you’ll have a better grasp on what you’re doing as well as the reverence the Mass (or other service depending on which direction you take) deserves.
The thing about music ministry though, is if you can find a place of worship in need of a music director in the right place, you can get…
B E N E F I T S.
That’s right, my friend. Healthcare, vacation time, 401k, life insurance, the whollleeee kit and caboodle. I, of course, can only speak for the Catholic churches (as this is where Mr. Frenchie works), and even then, as he’s worked for several, only some have the financial stability to offer benefits. (though if the church has a school attached, your children can attend at reduced or 0 tuition! :D Our parish… does not have a school lmao, but he’s been offered jobs at some that do.)
Now this of course is also for the position of a music director. If you don’t qualify for this but wish to contribute in other ways (guitarist, violinist, cantor etc etc), you’ll most likely still receive a stipend, but you probably won’t be considered a “full time” employee as your responsibilities are literally just showing up and playing or singing lol.
One thing that music ministry does open the door for (especially on the off chance you’re an organist! You aren’t? Get yourself some lessons, stat), is funerals. Funerals are a really really good source of income, depending on the location, typically $125-200 per. (Again, speaking solely for Catholic funeral Masses) So if you’ve got a grasp on how a Mass works and can learn yourself some hymns, put your name in.
Music directors, of course, will get first refusal for funerals and weddings but there are a ton of times they either can’t or they’re on vacation or any other number of reasons and churches really like to keep lists of people who can fill in. If you do well, and you make connections in the ministry world, friends will refer you and your network will grow and grow. It’s also a good way to be in people’s ear in the event music director jobs open up (if you’re waiting on one) and to get offered one. :)
There was one point Mr. Frenchie was playing weekly across 3 parishes, plus College Campus Ministry on Sunday nights but we’ve finally managed to get it down to just our home parish where he is the music director, though he will take funerals from any parish that comes calling so long as there’s room in his schedule for it. 
Okay I think that’s everything. Through all this he works easily 60-90hrs/week, commuting roughly 3 hours a day on average.
Hopefully I didn’t discourage you hahahaha but I didn’t want to just say “oh yes if you work hard enough you can totally do it!!
If you’re ride or die set on having a career solely on music you’ve written, you’re definitely in for a bad time, but if you open yourself up to literally everything on your journey to promote yourself, you might find some things you really enjoy doing all while supporting yourself and kicking the starving artist trope to the curb. :)
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Hey babe! I have a overwatch request if you interested maybe a Headcannon or a little imagine with ether (or all) 76, Roadhog, Pharah and or Zarya. Where they wake up in the middle of the night due to some noise and go into the kitchen to find y/n (their secret crush) desperately trying to bandage up a freshly re-open wound that they received on their latest mission.
thanks for the request sunshine!! I love this game so much and I love wildly jumping to conclusions about the characters and building huge complex headcanons off of the little bits and pieces of backstory that blizzard has thrown at us so far lmao 
and there’s a lot going on in this request so I’m just gonna do headcanons if that’s okay!
content warning: mentions of blood and injury (obviously); a couple of gross descriptions of injuries but nothing too gruesome. there is also some very brief, nonsexual nudity. (wow. that’s almost pg-13 content. things are spicing up over on spaceprincesswrites) 
Soldier: 76
It is… not uncommon for him to have trouble sleeping. Nightmares have pretty much become a normal part of his nights, so he’s always waking up in the middle of the night and often has trouble going back to sleep afterwards. (Honestly this is like 50% of the reason he’s so moody. You’d think it was because of all the terrible stuff he’s lived through but no, he’s just grumpy when he doesn’t sleep well.)
He usually stays in his room during his sleepless nights, but tonight’s nightmare was especially bad so he ends up wandering the base in an attempt to calm himself down.
He walks into the kitchen, wondering if he should give up on getting any more sleep and just go ahead and make a pot of coffee, but he freezes when he sees you sitting on the counter, your shirt pulled up as you desperately press a handful of bloody bandages to your abdomen, trying to stop the bleeding.
He knows that you were injured on your last mission, but he hadn’t realized how serious the damage was, assumed that Mercy or Lucio would have fixed you up and that you were fine again.
You look up and shrug helplessly with a sheepish grin. “Sorry, busted one of my stitches. Nothing to worry about.”
He retorts that clearly this is something to worry about, because you’re bleeding out all over the countertop and damn it why didn’t you just go to medical?
His heart melts a little bit when you admit that you didn’t go to medical because you didn’t want to wake Mercy at this hour.
He’s trying very hard to act like he’s annoyed with you for not taking proper care of yourself, but the effect is kind of ruined by how gentle he is when he takes the bandages from you and mumbles that he’ll patch you up for now if you promise to see a real doctor first thing in the morning. 
Dealing with Junkrat has given him an almost uncanny ability to sense when someone is injured. This goes double for when the injured person doesn’t want to admit how badly hurt they are/isn’t properly caring for their injuries.
As such, he’s been eyeing you suspiciously ever since your last mission, where he clearly saw you take a pretty serious hit, but you keep insisting that you’re fine.
He usually sleeps through the night and can’t be woken up by anything short of a bomb going off next to his head (thanks, Junkrat), but tonight he’s been feeling restless for some reason, so he decides to head down to the kitchen for midnight snack. (Being able to eat whenever and whatever he wants still feels like a novelty to him.)
He finds you with your foot on the kitchen table, pants leg rolled up, clumsily trying to dig a piece of shrapnel out of your calf with a pair of tweezers that he’s fairly sure were made for cosmetic purposes, not for amateur surgery. 
As usual, he isn’t much for conversation, so he’s eerily silent as he strides over to the table and calmly takes the tweezers from your hand.
It’s a little unnerving, actually, having this giant dude that you’ve literally seen rip people apart with a giant hook bending over your wound, removing the bits of embedded metal with the ease and skill of someone who’s done this many times before. 
This clearly isn’t his first time at the DIY surgery rodeo. Once he’s removed the shrapnel he even goes so far as to properly clean and disinfect the wound before bandaging it with a level of professional skill that rivals even Mercy’s. He still doesn’t say anything, although he does give you an affectionate pat on the head once he’s finished.
Afterwards, the two of you share a midnight snack in companionable silence. 
Fareeha usually keeps almost religiously to her strict schedule, and is a firm believer in “early to bed, early to rise,” so it’s uncommon for her to be out of her room after lights out, but tonight she’s been up late with a particularly mind-numbing stack of paperwork, and she decides to get a glass of water from the kitchen before turning in for the night.
She assumes that the kitchen will be empty at this hour, but instead she opens the door and is met with the sight of you standing next to the kitchen sink, completely topless and in the process of peeling back several layers of blood-soaked gauze that have been hastily taped over much of your chest.
Now, there are not many things in the world that can shock her, but seeing you half naked and covered in blood definitely throws her a little bit. But before she can get flustered or nervous, she zeroes in on the wound on your chest and goes into Commanding Officer Mode™.
Whoever patched you up before did a messy job of it, and she has to spend the first several minutes carefully undoing everything they did. She talks as she works, giving you a lengthy speech about Taking Care Of Yourself because the team needs you healthy and functioning at full capacity. 
She’s too focused on cleaning up the shallow puncture wounds on your chest to think about how intimate a situation like this might be under different circumstances.
Once she’s finished bandaging the freshly cleaned wound, you thank her with a quick kiss on the cheek. 
It’s all she can do to keep from grinning.
Late-night workouts are a good source of stress relief for her, so everyone has more or less gotten used to seeing her in the training room long after any reasonable person would have gone to bed, especially after more stressful missions.
She’s just finished her last set and the only thing she really wants is to shower off and roll into bed, but as she’s walking past the kitchen she happens to hear a loud thud from inside.
She opens the door and finds you sprawled in the kitchen floor, clearly having just fallen down, and a quick glance around the room tells her that you fell trying to reach the first aid kit above the stove.
After a second glance she realizes that your dominant hand is messily wrapped in bandages, and assumes that this injury is the reason you’re trying to perform first aid on yourself in the community kitchen well after midnight.
You don’t grow up on a battlefield without learning a few things about field medicine, so she’s able to keep a level head as she retrieves the first aid kit, sits down next to you in the floor, and begins removing the bandages from your hand. She finds your palm marred by a nasty burn, complete with several large blisters, a couple of which have recently popped. She raises a questioning eyebrow as she begins gathering the medical supplies she needs, and you shrug and explain that your weapon misfired in your last battle. 
She’s quiet at first, not talking as she methodically swabs the wound with disinfectant and burn gel. Finally she speaks up, in an uncharacteristically gentle tone. “You don’t have to do everything alone. You could have asked for help.”
It’s half reassurance and half scolding, but you know that it’s her way of trying to make you understand that she’s here for you if you need her. 
With your uninjured hand you find hers and give a gentle squeeze to let her know you understand. 
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sunquail · 7 years
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so I guess instead of making a proper witchsona I made a WITCHSONA AU
me and @keycrash did some talking about it under the cut but basically:
akane: ridiculously talented witch. likes to astral project, deals in spacetime fuckery, owns a little store in the city where people can buy supplies and services, book appointments, etc. very chronically ill, doesn’t show herself often.
aoi: akane’s secretary, sort of. he’s officially a hedge witch, does a lot of domestic stuff, cooking, protective charms, very practical things, whatever. but he minds akane’s shop and takes care of her orders and things like that. not naturally talented like akane but worked very very hard.
light: green witch, good with herbal remedies and medicinal tinctures. makes some stuff for akane from time to time. gets asked if he’s the seer of the field family a lot bc he’s blind.
clover: REALLY INTO DIVINATION AND STUFF. she likes to tell fortunes and read tarot and aoi’s like that stuff’s bullshit but she loves it. she’ll commune with spirits every so often just for kicks
THERE’S MORE BUT HERE’S THESE GUYS ANYWAYS. we thought out some stuff on the vlr crew but they can come later I like these guys best
Kit - Today at 1:50 AM like you know in howl's moving castle where markl deals with all the appointments and orders on behalf of howl
Kit - Today at 2:04 AM god I love like...in howl's moving castle the concept of magic users is like yeah they have little shops in town to sell their services and spells and supplies and I'm like THATS SO FUCKING CHARMING...THAT'S SUCH A CHARMING SETTING JUST A TOWN WITCH... now take the kurashikis, and put them in a CITY...CITY WITCHES URBAN WITCHES IM FULL OF IDEAS AND I HAVE TO WORK ON OTHER SHIT IM SO MAD
snow - Today at 2:05 AM CITY WITCH KURASHIKIS aoi buying supplies for akane from mysterious old ladies he makes friends with
Kit - Today at 2:06 AM YEAH... people rarely see akane because she has chronic illness and can't be out too much but she's well renowned as a super skilled practitioner
snow - Today at 2:07 AM people treating their cat like it's akane's. aoi's so offended. that's my cat back off GOOD SHIT
Kit - Today at 2:07 AM so aoi runs errands and does her lists and puts together the orders and yes he absolutely has his own cat
snow - Today at 2:08 AM aoi hates people acting like akane runs the household because shes magic. like it's 50/50 fucker i'm not super magic but i can do shit
Kit - Today at 2:09 AM yeah aoi doesn't have a LOT of full skill but he got what he got through lots of practice and hard work ENTER JUNPEI HE'S LIKE THE ROOKIE BUT ACTUALLY KIND OF TALENTED WITCH ON THE BLOCK...HE CAN DO A LOT WITHOUT TRYING TOO HARD INSTANT! RIVALRY!
snow - Today at 2:10 AM so aois like no dumbass you can't substitute emerald with quartz
Kit - Today at 2:10 AM how haven't you blown shit up in your face already and junpei's like ahaaaaa...I have
snow - Today at 2:11 AM akane finds it charming. aoi finds it a shitty marriage investment for her if junpei's gonna die in a year
snow - Today at 2:13 AM akane like :D you can teach him aoi like what you tryna replace me. he can figure it out his damn self
Kit - Today at 2:14 AM oh my god I love this
snow - Today at 2:14 AM what about light is he the cliche blind prophet
Kit - Today at 2:15 AM I FEEL LIKE HE COULD PLAY THAT UP AND LIKE...TWIST IT SOMEHOW...maybe he swindles people in this AU people LOVE a good cliche it's SO easy
snow - Today at 2:16 AM hmmm. well hes probably not straightforward. maybe he deceives people into thinking he can see the future by generally Knowing Shit, or he sees it but uses it to his advantage, but those both sound akaney
Kit - Today at 2:17 AM or maybe he's just like tryin to do some totally unrelated-to-divination field like...herb work or whatever and he's like oh yeah I'm a practitioner and everyone's like OOH ARE YOU IN DIVINATION...TELL ME MY FORTUNE... and he's just like :T but clover, she loves that shit clover's def into scrying and the like
snow - Today at 2:18 AM HEY LIGHT WHICH SKIRT SHOULD I WEAR ON MY DATE WITH ALICE light like clover i dont do that
Kit - Today at 2:20 AM oh my god I just picked herb work out of nowhere because I couldn't think of a non-divination magic field but then I thought about how easily light finds nine four leaf clovers leans back puffs on bubble pipe
snow - Today at 2:20 AM people are like... haha... herbs... you mean-- and light's like sighs. no i dont do drugs and you're hardly original
Kit - Today at 2:21 AM JUNPEI MEETING HIM LIKE ....:J and light's just like I can't see your face but Don't
snow - Today at 2:21 AM akane goes to light for medicinal herbs to alleviate illness a bit
Kit - Today at 2:21 AM YES PERFECT
snow - Today at 2:22 AM akane gets too sick to go, aoi starts pickin em up himself, meets the cute boy he had always assumed was an old man when akane spoke of him,
Kit - Today at 2:22 AM OHHHHHHH MY GOD I'M REALLY INTO THIS NOW I'm gonna have to do a couple sketches and compile it into a post god
snow - Today at 2:22 AM IM SO GLAD
snow - Today at 2:23 AM aoi comes by again a week later and lights like akane doesn't need another dose does she? it lasts two months. and aoi's like ... yeah nah never mind we're good i'll go now
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bindingties · 4 years
Oh no Ace I think you have new muses that could be incorporated into battle cats verse uh oh. (You do Not have to actually do battle cats stuff if you do not have the energy to do so. This is just. Habit and me trying to reawaken my own battle cat hellmuses) (home-over-horizon)
(( sdhjfghsdfhsdfhj it’s battle cats hours now sjhdfghsdgfhjg
@home-over-horizon ))
Charley ( Charley ) [ Rogue aligned with Kurain Tribe / WindClan ]  - Defined and lanky red-brown cat that accessorizes with various plants, feathers, etc.  He also seems to have moss growing in his fur, which kinda freaks other cats out but it’s fine.  He’s very knowledgeable about plants and befriended Sagepool after wandering into WindClan territory.   He likes helping the Kurain Tribe with herb gathering and medicine if they need and remains very close to WindClan even after Sagepool’s death.
Vox ( Longecho ) [ WindClan ] - Mottled brown warrior with grey around their muzzle and no love for Blazestar and Stormthroat.  During the ThunderClan attack that lead to Dappleclaw’s death and Quailpaw being taken, Longecho had been a valiant warrior in the fight and worked hard immediately after to try to get the other Clans to hold ThunderClan accountable for this terrible deed.  Ultimately, however, they dropped that pursuit entirely when the other Clans simply grumbled disapproval and refused to back up their words. 
Calisto ( Yewmask ) [ ShadowClan ] - Dark brown she-cat with a face dusted in lighter browns.  Her sister turned up dead mysteriously and so Yewmask has been working tirelessly since to figure out what happened to her sister and bring justice upon the perpetrators.  Unconnected specifically to Yewmask, Crowpaw goes out on their own and drags Quailclaw into this whole mess.  With Quailclaw’s help, the mystery becomes solved and cats are made to answer for their crimes.
Sebastian ( Curlsong ) [ ThunderClan ] - Apparently I had already named Sebastian lmao.  He is a dusty brown cat with very curly fur, going so far as to still have his canon signature question mark curl on top of his head.  I don’t know about Fight Cat personality development milestones, but he is still the host of a system and I’ll give the members some description in a sec.  Blazestar forcibly made Curlkit an apprentice much too young.  Blazestar’s mate was furious and tried to argue, even going so far as to attempt attacking him, but vanished shortly thereafter.  I think his mentor should be Justine given canon line and I haven’t named her so let’s go Nightshine.Curlpaw is an uncoordinated mess, but Blazestar threatens every warrior to keep their mouths shut if they know what’s good for them.  Curlpaw’s fellow apprentices, while scared of Blazestar, still occasionally gossip behind his back.  Curlpaw is allowed to go to Gatherings and the other Clans are like ‘holy shit that is a kit. you stole a kit and made your own kit an apprentice when he is nowhere near old enough what the fuck???’Curlpaw himself is fairly oblivious to most of this - partially due to dissociation and related memory issues -  but also Nightshine constantly expressing approval makes him feel like the other apprentices are just jealous of his skill.As before, Blazestar makes Curlpaw a warrior very young, dubbing him Curlsong.  Quailclaw begins speaking out against Blazestar and is threatened similarly to canon.  Quailclaw leaves ThunderClan and Nightshine continues quietly plotting Blazestar’s downfall.  Blazestar catches wind and attempts to use Nightshine’s secretly adopted son against her, but the rogues he enlists to capture him instead grab and rough up Curlsong.  Quailclaw finds him and together ( with quite a few more helping paws ) manage to stage a coup against Blazestar.  Even so, Curlsong is royally fucked up seeing them strip his father of lives and exile him.Curlsong does still get some form of psychiatric help because Dawnfrost straight up takes him to ShadowClan since they’ve been relatively stable and the medicine cat has been making quite a few strides when it comes to psychology especially with helping Smokepaw.  These are cats, though, so it’s pretty rudimentary and both the ShadowClan med cat and Dawnfrost attribute a lot of the symptoms more toward like StarClan in kind of a ‘hey maybe these are ancient ancestors trying to talk to you?’  Obviously that’s not the case, but working on that assumption there were quite a few visits to the Moonpool involved.  It helped mostly because it was easier for Curlsong to see the alters in dreams and it helped facilitate the building of an inner world to improve communication.Everything is very rough and not quite accurate and they’re not sure why Curlsong is like this when no one else is, but everyone who knows really tries to be supportive.
All of their jobs and personalities are pretty much the same, just more built for being in a cat society.  Do these fight cats have music? idk im about to just say Curlsong has a talent for music in a society that doesn’t really have it so it’s basically a lot of layered nature sounds idk :shrug:
The Conductor ( The Star ) - A featureless, semi-translucent cat whose fur glitters with captured stars.  One glows bright on their chest.
Flora ( Stoneblossom ) - Powerfully built, short-haired rusty red she-cat with startlingly green eyes.  She loves the nursery and tends to be positively triggered out when Curlsong visits the queens or otherwise helps in the nursery.  As such, a lot of the queens think very highly of Curlsong because “he is so sweet and understanding and great with kits.”
Lux ( Ember ) - Startlingly red tom whose fur seems to glow and move like fire.  His paws leave scorch marks in their wake.
Jen ( Runningheart ) - Dusty brown she-cat with wavy fur and toned muscles.  
Aloe ( Aloe ) - Deep blue she-cat with slick, silky fur and snow-white paws.  She tends to be triggered out when entering the medicine den.  She’s picked up a lot from Dawnfrost and sometimes wishes she could be a medicine cat too.
Apple ( Apple ) - Brightly colored cat that can shapeshift.  Hates warrior duties and would much rather lounge in the sun than work
Mel ( Birdtalon ) - Broad-shouldered, dark tortie-tabby tom with a dark grey belly and paws.  
Serpent ( Serpent ) -  A huge rattlesnake
Fog ( Fog ) - A ghostly white cat that almost seems translucent.  
Lee ( Leapkit ) - Black kit with bright green eyes full of wonder.
The inner world resembles the ThunderClan camp with some alters sharing dens and others having their own space.  For example, Stoneblossom is often found in the nursery taking care of Leapkit.
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