#less… explosive……. yanno
teeth-draws · 8 months
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He’s trying to be cool about it but he shouldn’t have opened that and you should probably get out of there…
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perelka-l · 5 months
All the moments Light and Near would probably kill each other if given a chance to be within vicinity of less than 20km of each other that I find amusing (when I think about it, Near is at least a continent across from Light at most of the time so that distance could be bigger, and we all know what happened when they ended up in the same room).
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Let's start with the classic. First sentence and guy was itching for a pen.
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Bitch thought he was the boss hilarious ain't it
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"Who is this guy" and thus Light will spend pondering on this next *checks timeline* a bit over two months, wow
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Anyway I wanna see how you fuck this up good luck
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As a side note I deeply believe Rester is deeply unappreciated in terms of *makes swooping movements with hands* everything. Dilfery. Anyway, here he serves as a translator of Near's thoughts into polite.
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hey bitch how are you doing with this mess
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I would elaborate here but there is a fuckmothering missile in play so yanno.
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Near is like ayyyyy casually getting people in to question them, the famous hobby of his, meanwhile Light is back on his "oh no if i say x he will think i am kira" let's give him a bit of time
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and you fucked up, "L". everything is your fault. sucks to be you.
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(I probs would also fuck up but you were the one to do the fuckup so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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ngl i feel like he is mocking Light here a lil' and it's not a genuine plan, especially considering that within next two pages he grills Yagami senior for confirmation that yep, it was Mello
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sucks to be you,, gotta suffer
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anyway i don't need you anymore "L". Light itching for that notebook so hard.
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you haven't done shit so basically I used you when it was convenient for me LOL
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hilariously light is very pissed even though like. That's why he was L for all those years. And yet he still gets furious. Just amazing.
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Light gets owned by a froggy Near and it's a true delight to watch how Near just casually belittles him like that. Peak entertainment.
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He was so happy to hear Near miserable after THAT exchange like wow you got fucked a lil' you dumb kid (he doesn't know he's a kid yet)
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"see this is what happens when you ignore the power of the notebook lol" "hey i wonder who is a dumb bitch who lost it" PEAK
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who are you where is light what have you done with him
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"L2" he ain't backing up that easily, he had to let out that one little snark huh
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Geee Light I wonder why people assume that
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Honey calm down I know you just got dick sucked by president of USA but calm down
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Anyway few explosions and some troops being thrown back and forth later, Light has to get used to Near being annoying. Again.
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Week is a long time tbf like you have this little guy calling you every day while you are trying to not have your evil plans backfire into your face smh
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give him time babe, he'll get there
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"my sus detector is ringing like crazy"
Anyway, allow me to continue later.
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beemers-hell · 2 months
You've mentioned on Twitter how ebs relationships with hank and tricky is super different from each other, could you elaborate more?
was gonna draw something for this but once again! fatigue moment lol
Anyway! Yeah they're very different! And thats just cause of how Eb connects with the two! Its a very different set of circumstances between each dude, and she has recognized this and does shit differently depending on who it is she's being all lovey dovey with.
Like with Hank, the way she interacts with him is fairly low key, subtle. She knows he doesn't have much patience and he's always irritated and has a short fuse, and he's "Experiencing The Horrors 24/7", so the way she interacts with/loves on him is very subdued. She speaks quieter, in a less brash tone, she visually indicates she's gonna touch him before she tries doing something as small as grabbing his hand, she definitely does still intentionally get on his nerves and acts annoying towards him but she doesn't over do it; she knows what his limit for playfulness is and cuts it out when she sees he's not willing to entertain it anymore. I wouldn't really say she's "gentle" with him, because she isn't like changing her behavior to be sweeter and more kind with him; she's the same rude snarky jackass that she is with everybody. What she is is more considerate with how she handles him, cause she knows he can't handle the loud, big gestures that she affords to her other partners. And its not like she's changing herself Just For Hank cause he wouldn't be able to deal with her otherwise, she actively makes the choice to change her approach because she Can Do That and has no problem doing so. To expand on the example I provided on twt, with Hank shes like "I'm gonna annoy you because I know you get a certain level of fun out of being made to feel something but I know your limits and when I reach them well be considerate and slow with one another, thats how you know I love you" ykwim. They're very much the type of couple thats quiet and chill about it (until they're behind closed doors, if you get my drift lmao)
Now, with Tricky, she is EXPLOSIVE. She is LOUD and HYPER and goes fucking WILD when she's getting up to romantic hijinks and mischief with that mf. He doesn't have NEARLY the same needs as Hank does so he can just kind of fuck around and not suffer any personal consequences for it, and Eb obviously recognizes it. So the way she handles him is just by not restricting herself the same way she does ""normal"" (as in, not Tricky's level of out of your mind) people and let's full loose. They're loud, they scream alot, they grab wherever at each other whenever they feel like with no warning, they yell obscenities at each other and go out on a whim to do god knows what, they literally use the other like stim toys!! They're insane about each other! Like the example I provided on twt, ebs like "when I die for real promise me you'll devour my flesh and bones" and trickys like "oh fuck yeah I will" and then they squeeze the shit out of each other. They're very much the "heart bare on their sleeves, loud as fuck about it" type of couple!
The only real commonality between these relationships (aside from like, yanno, there being unconditional love felt between eb and tricky and eb and hank) is just that they're all really into fighting, obvs. And not like, argument type shit, I mean they will physically assault each other for fun because they all just like that sort of shit! Eb obvs knows she's not gonna be able to seriously injure/actually murder either Hank or Tricky (at least not without a weapon) but loves the adrenaline rush from putting herself in a position where she could either get her shit rocked or beat the shit out of someone. Hank and Tricky are just bloodthirsty anyway, we all know this. But they all know what's too far and what would be going over the line so its not like anything actually traumatizing is gonna happen between them and her whenever they battle. And plus, Eb kinda sees it as a trust affirming exercise, cause she knows damn well both Hank and Tricky could kill her at any moment's notice. So the fact that she will physically engage them like this and they will entertain it, but not go as far as to murder her without hesitation (or her approval, but that's a whole other thing), proves to her she can put the trust you have to put into someone in order to open your heart up to them romantically, yanno?
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literaticat · 5 months
I've noticed a lot of drama tends to surround the YA space, whether we're talking Twitter controversies, or other recent things that have been in the news. I never hear about explosive events surrounding MG. Sometimes it happens in the adult space, but less frequently than in YA. What do you think is the biggest contributing factor here? YA writers/readers being online more? Or something else? Because I do want to write in this space, but I also want a (relatively) stress-free life.
Yep, I'd say that Excessive Drama is a side effect of being chronically online.
MG writers are online too, of course, but since their readers largely aren't, there's far less Weirdness that is even possible. Like, hard to get into a "GoodReads Feud" with anyone when no MG reader uses GoodReads and most MG books only have a handful of reviews, yanno? Hard to have a Twitter Beef when there's nobody to beef with! ;-)
FWIW, there's no rule that says you HAVE to encourage drama to be a YA (or grownup) author. I do know plenty of YA & grownup authors who do well and are able to keep a cool head on their shoulders. So if you are not a drama-goblin, and you don't hang out with drama-goblins, and you don't participate in gossip or cliquishness, and you don't under ANY circumstances respond to reviews (and stay off GoodReads entirely) I think you'll be just fine!
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faestorian · 2 years
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A couple doodle pages to celebrate the Overwatch 2 launch, featuring some Junkers, some OCs, some OC x Canon content... more info below! These were all made in the last 24 hours, by the way. No idea what's gotten into me.
The first two slides are of my OW OC Spark, with me trying to figure out what her OW2 redesign should look like; also featuring Junkrat, because I have been shipping these two for the longest time and I care them lots~ 
Now; following that, I bring you a design for maskless Roadhog~ I have been stuck with this one for the last 5 years or so and I still quite like it. Also, as far as I am concerned, the hair stays long. Perfectly okay if you like the redesign! But I prefer the ponytail 💗
Next up! The two AU scenarios for Junkrat that me and my bestie @sinbrook have been working on; 'Prof' is basically a version of Junkrat that got to grow up in a safe environment & became a scientist instead of pursuing engineering. He is quite fond of reptiles~
'Bendi' is the Talon version of 'Prof', more or less. He has been raised by Talon executives, to become one of their own. The nickname Bendi comes from his habit to lounge dramatically in the most unlikely and uncomfortable places. He's a bendy boy. Yanno? 
Last but not least! The little portrait at the bottom is of Inanga; me and Brooke have decided Roadhog needed more angst in his life, so why not give him a kid??
Inanga did not survive the Omnium explosion in the canon timeline, but I like to sometimes imagine he was saved, picked up by a family, and raised in a safe place. This is basically what he would look like if he HAD had the chance to actually grow up.
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arithecreatorsstuff · 11 months
Cruel and Malicious Phraseology
Since the JLA ban on profanity in the workplace took effect, some of us have gotten rather inventive in expressing our less positive sentiments. No guesses for which member of the Old Guard had the most insults hurled at them, but... his initials are HJ. There is no context, only hostility.
"I could put an entire box of alphabet pasta through a spin cycle and come up with a better plan than that. Stop trying to be Batman, one is enough."
"Go stick your head inside a black hole, you posh knobhead!"
"Listen here, you overhyped rodent posterior... rocking up like you're the brightest glow stick in the rave negates the very idea of a stealth mission. Adjust your glow to match your intellect, please."
"You got this, huh? Looks like you handled that masterfully. Tell you what there, Mastermind... let me know if you need help finding your teeth after that glorious victory."
"Plans A, B, AND C all tanked? Over to you, Glowworm, you usually head straight to Plan D for "dumb crap" anyway."
"Quick question, do you even Metal Gear?"
"Oh, what in the unholy name of Ymir's jockstrap did we walk into this time?"
"Do... do the Big Bosses not realize pockets are a thing? Like, where am I supposed to keep my wallet, or anything, really? Is the Marquis de Sade the staff tailor, because wearing this is gonna drive me mad."
"You and I have been friends for a while, but... when you say things like that I kinda want to stab you in the eye with an explosive arrow."
"I get now why you prefer being underwater. Less dumb. Much less screaming. Speaking of... I bet you know some epic dive spots. They'll be at this for hours, we're not needed here. If the Boss asks, you're teaching me marine ecology in the wild."
"Huh. Here I thought Joker held the title for "Most Punchable Face on Earth", yet here's the new heavyweight contender, ready to throw down for the belt."
"Go boil your head in some more of that cheap weak sister beer!"
"Why don't you go hug a claymore mine already?"
"Eat my boots!"
"No, ma'am, I'm not ready for that jelly, I prefer cream cheese on my bagel anyway. You're... not talking about food, are you? Oh, monkey bread."
"Repeat after me: Pants. Are. Not. Optional!"
"I'd rather drown than EVER go clown. I might not have taste, but I have standards."
"Oh, by Artemis' sandals what did you do this time?"
"Yanno, you and a certain dirty old man thunder God have the same issue: too focused on the ladies to do your job. Eyes in the head, you ain't her type. Trust me."
"IN THE NAME OF SIGYN'S GIRDLE WILL YOU STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT! The Boss can get away with it, as he was trained in silent infiltration and is not a creepy drunken sorry excuse for a washout. Either knock on the door like a normal human, or run the risk of having to sing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" to even enter the men's locker room."
"You died? I see your brain sure stayed dead."
"It's a RAID, not a rave. Lose the shiny stuff and glow trim, we're trying the Splinter Cell approach. Also... do you really need the three extra ammo belts? They're thugs, not the blooming Xenomorphs."
"I know over 20 languages, yet cannot explain exactly how much I'd like to beat you with a pufferfish."
"But did you die again? No? So... why so grumpy, Mr. Grouchy von Groucherson?"
"How? How do you claim to be a master shot, yet miss the ginormous glaring weak spot every time? Are you a plant from the Court of Owls? Make it make sense."
"Huh. Sniper scope, but still can't see the obvious. Just ask her already! Aphrodite help me, but you're blind if you can't see she likes you."
"Thanks, but I don't associate with the chronically dumb."
"A date? Let me check my calendar. Sorry, looks like I'm going to be washing my hair for the foreseeable future."
"Would you kindly get your head out of the poor man's rear entrance so he can get some work done?"
"Games teach you problem solving in real time, teamwork, the importance of understanding the mechanics in any situation, how to manage difficult individuals, pattern recognition, and much more. Odin's eyepatch, you must be a pretentious little sod to think you can't learn from gaming. Now quit whining and pick your fighter already. You're holding up the match."
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purplekoop · 2 months
So today's big new idea is for Harmony's weapon. The original idea was for her to have some kind of vague sound blaster that shot slow but big projectiles, like Lucio's gun but with only a single shot per click, and a charge shot alt fire that used more ammo to release a piercing slash of sound. This felt too aimless but was on the right track in theory. Later on I changed it to a boombox hammer, which was a fun mental visual but felt too polarizing to limit her to a primarily melee character. She'd still have the charge slash as the alt fire, which would in theory not make her totally limited at a distance, but it still didn't feel right.
So third try is more similar to the first, but with something to make it stand out and make her kit less polarized than melee-only but still limited in range. This idea being:
The Amp Cannon.
This loudspeaker-like firearm blasts out conical sound waves that damage all enemies in its range. Enemies closer to the center of the blast take more damage, and the blast has a hard finite range. "Shotgun" is the best word for how it'd feel to use, but doesn't exactly explain how it functions. It does have a standard ammo capacity of 4, 6, or 8 shots that are reloaded all at once., not exactly sure what number for reasons that'll make more sense soon.
The defining feature of the weapon is its firing rate and the unique mechanic it comes with. After firing a shot, the gun takes a moment to recharge, similar to Illari's. You can fire it again early, but doing so results in less damage. These partial shots have their uses, like for finishing off an enemy you just barely didn't finish off with your last shot, but the spam shot DPS would be comparable to or worse than waiting for full charge shots, with the downside of needing to reload much more. However, there's a sweetspot where you fire almost instantly as the shot is fully charged for maximum damage, and minimizing your downtime and firing these shots at just the perfect time will have a subtle bonus effect:
Rhythm, baby
The weapon's sounds are made so that perfectly timing your shots has an audible rhythm to it. Getting a good rhythm has a minor but handy bonus effect, where after firing a full clip of shots with good enough rhythm, you reload your next clip almost instantly for uninterrupted firing.
Worth noting that Harmony's existing Feedback lifesteal mechanic is still in tact with this weapon, making good use of it directly beneficial to her survival. The rest of her kit is also largely unchanged, except for the fact that her Null Wave projectile-deletion ability is now this weapon's alt fire rather than separately based on her Accessory of choice. Felt it made sense to make the sound blasts come from the same thing. The big difference now is that it also does damage to enemies it passes through in addition to deleting projectiles, letting it act as Harmony's longest ranged attack. This does however leave her without an Accessory slot now, which I'm currently lacking any great ideas for. She already has two attacks and two defensive options, so not sure what she's lacking that wouldn't make her feel too overbearing. Eh, I'll think of something eventually.
Also naturally already got some vague cool ideas for alt weapon concepts that play further with both the rhythm mechanic and the alt fire's utility, but alt weapons are always easiest for me to figure out when I can freely write in my design doc, so they'll have to wait.
Also considering other touch-ups to older characters soon, either visually or mechanically. Formann still needs his whole kit reevaluated, but some characters like Yanno could use some heavy work on the design front. In his case specifically "heavy" is a double meaning, since I feel like him being sort of a little guy is redundant with some other designs and doesn't fit his current kit and stats as a guy who can take some explosions to the face... or feet.
Until then though!
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fangsofdestruction · 1 year
Taken from meme:  ( ☾ )   ||Accepting|| Answering with current status from interactions/my understanding
What are you to me (check all that apply)? [] A stranger. [] A friend. [] A best friend. [] A crush. [x] A girlfriend/boyfriend. [] A fiance/fiancee. [] A husband/wife. [] A family member. 
Where did I meet you? [] A bar. [] A party. [] The movies. [] The internet. [] Work. [] School. [] Church. [x] Other. (Centuries back- but also at the Gumi mansion)
How long have I known you? [x] A year or less. (Technically) [] Two or three years. [] Four or five years. [] Six to ten years. [x] 11+ years. (Also technically)
I think you are (check all that apply): [] Annoying. [x] Kind. [] Rude. [x] Generous. [] Selfish. [] Frugal. [] Fickle. [] Funny. [x] Polite. [x] Daring. [] Cowardly. [x] Sweet. [x] Attractive. [] Ugly. [] Messy. [x] Neat. [] Cool. [] Dorky. [x] Smart. [] Stupid. [] Immature. [x] Mature. [x] Weird. (He finds all humans weird tbh)
If you were caught in an explosion, I would (check all that apply): [x] Get you to a hospital. [x] Check to see how badly you were hurt. [] Tell you things that I was unable to before. [/] Panic. (Closest I got to being worried. He would remain calm so panic isn't quite it) [] Cry. [] Let you be.
If I saw you right now, I would (check all that apply): [x] Hug you. [/] Smile. (Those tiny almost can't be seen ones) [x] Be happy. [x] Kiss you. [] Tackle-hug you. [x] Talk to you. [] Slap you. [] Yell at you. [] Be secretly loathsome of your presence. [] Do nothing.
What are my feelings towards you? (check all that apply) [] I like you. [x] I love you. [x] I’m IN love with you. [x] I enjoy your company. [] I wish we talked more. [] I want to see you. [/] I miss you. (bc he does miss who she was in the past as well in a way. Nostalgia yanno) [] I hate you. [] I wish I’d never met you. [] I enjoy seeing you suffer. [] Who are you?
If you died, I would (check all that apply): [] Not care. [x] Be sad. [/] Cry. (A few tears, but nothing too outlandish) [/] Never recover. [/] Die of heartbreak. (Depends on various factors, but he would be in a bad state, more than likely. It may be a slow process, or not. Maybe he dies figuratively, as a part of his heart died with her. Truly depends on circumstance)
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soulventure91 · 17 days
✈️🐈🍎🤔 for kassi and diric?
oc details! | TWO-FER!
Kassi - ✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?: Kassi actually grew up in a nomadic tribe, so for her home is wherever her tribe is! Kassi loves roaming and traveling, so when she does end up leaving her tribe the travel is less impactful on her than the culture shift (nomadic -> sedentary, first city, the whole shebang). I don't think she'd ever want to settle in one place, since wandering is too ingrained in her. 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?: Oh I think Kassi would love to have a massive social circle, as she loves interacting with new people and learning about them! It's also her primary method of getting information: look sweet and harmless then get all the juicy intel. It sometimes backfires since she's. Yanno. Scrawny-skinny-twitchy necromancer. But Kassi doesn't let that stop her! 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?: Kassi was born in a region of the world called the Cursed Lands; they're called cursed bc many years before, the growing civilization of necromancers ended up in the middle of a civil war where a little planar rip spilled demons out into their main settlements (it also triggered a firestorm in the further-north nations, good times) and reduced them to the roaming tribes of the present day. Aside from the occasional demon strike, Kassi does love her homeland: broad sweeping steppes and rolling plains, horizon from end to end until you reach the (explosive crater!) mountains to the north. If she wasn't sent north, Kassi would absolutely still be in the Cursed Lands. That whole region is big enough, most of her people never leave. 🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms?: Aside from little recognition for personal space/property, Kassi is exceptionally fidgety. Hand her something to crinkle, it'll be crunched within a few minutes; if she doesn't have anything, she could start biting her nails and cuticles or rub at some of her spell/invocation tattoos. If she has to be still, Kassi will have some twitches and flinches just completely instinctively. Her brain runs fast and her body always tries to keep up.
Diric - ✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?: Diric doesn't mind traveling but deep down he wants to Settle Down. Trick is where; he's got no interest in returning to his mother's household (since he was basically locked up in his room until he became legal) so part of traveling is finding where he can set up for himself. He'd like to be settled on the surface near the ocean, close to a city but not in it. 🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?: Few close friends, absolutely. Diric is very charismatic when he wants to be, but his social skills outside of to-the-point soldiering and more relaxed socializing are not very good. (Please don't ask him to go into politics. Never a good sign if he has to make a Big Speech.) But he's most comfortable with a few people he knows he can trust completely so he can be open with his thought processes and any emotional strife he might be going through. This has, of course, gotten him burned so there may be times where he ends up intensely solitary. 🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?: (setting some re-generalizing as the campaign Dir was in has been suspended) Diric was born in a major Drow city where Lolth's influence is limited (yay), though his father was a surfacer and he was forced to grow up in hiding as his mother, Alyrinda Kilvajon, has some rank within the city as an ambassador to some of the surface areas. Diric hates his birth city. Hates it hates it. Hates the politics, hates that he had to be hidden for no reason he's aware of, hates that when he did get the freedom to try and establish his own life he was assigned to the army unit full of society's dregs and was told to go into the Underdark and die. He doesn't live there and has no intention of returning unless there is literally nowhere else that will take him. 🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc’s quirks/mannerisms?: God I've been playing him for nearly five years and this is HARD. Dir's a broody-brooder so 90% of the time if he's just listening to something he's got a brood on (it's very sexy). He also likes to do a combination yoga/sword drill workout in the mornings so he can get his headspace right and wake up his body, which is especially useful when his body got stretched an extra foot thanks to Bahamut deciding he was a good boy.
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internalsealpanic · 2 years
You've given me free reign to ask about your wips so >:)
Feed me scraps please 👀 🤲
And of course 🧠 for my favorite bird boy :)))
*waves furiously* My wips are as scatterbrained as they always are. You are not missing much hahahahah.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip? Because I know you love a good hostage situation and because I am a whore for villain's running their mouths
"See," Stephens begins, hooking his chin on your shoulder, "we forgot to mention that we injected them with something quite unpleasant, something quite explosive, if you catch my meaning," with a finger tapping against your pulse.
Anger flashes through Jason and all rationality flies out the window as he points a gun in the middle of Stephens's face. Four pounds of pressure. That's all Jason needs.
(I just really like this specific set of fics) 👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! I sadly do not have any fascinating, well-thought-out fics lately. I do have have a weird experimental first person pov fic coming up which is more or less a mystery surrounding a cult. I don’t actually know if I’ll release it because I don’t think a lot of people will read it bwahaahahah. Another series of ficlets I was working (because of briefly getting back into Marvel) is a bunch of crossover fics where Jason works for shield and Reader is his handler. I apparently wanted to take a break from writing civilized dialogue. It’s a mutual prickly affection that makes everyone question what the fuck is in the water in New Jersey. Since they’re not civilized, this series is either very funny to me or very angsty. 🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
You said I could do this.
So, I’m a firm believer that Tim is a forever GM unless Bernard joins.
I also think Tim is the kind of GM that will let you make whatever build you think will be broken. Yanno, just to indulge you.
I think he is mean enough not to tell you whether your build is a train wreck. (This is a reference to an old DM for 5E. Love them but also hate them.)
Abuses the hell out of his batboy training to think of strategies to demolish your character.
If you’re observant enough, you’ll notice a lot of parallels between encounters in game and his vigilante encounters.
This is extremely funny if you guys are playing with the other member of the core 4 who one by one notice.
Tim, despite Bruce’s repeated protests, will stop in the middle of a fight to note down interesting stuff he can use for his campaign. Some villains are very willing to oblige.
A lot of their games get cancelled because of Tim’s schedule, so going back to point one I think he’d agree to co-GM with Bernard. 
System jumping will be annoying because of this BUT hey, it’s a good bonding/ excuse to just sit quietly while they plan out campaigns. 
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heyheyloki · 3 years
The Thought Of You
Summary: Not remembering the night before, the reader distances himself from Loki.
Loki x M!Reader
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It was always one thing. Perhaps it was Tony and Steve arguing, or maybe Thor bothering Loki, and maybe it was you making fun of the spider boy. Whatever it was, it was exciting for others to watch. However, between all the fighting, Loki and you never did. It was odd to everyone else since they had this deep hatred for the God of Mischief. To you, you didn’t care, you enjoyed Loki’s presence and always knew if you needed a break from the others, you’d go to him. He was always there, even if the two of you started out on a bumpy road since he was hesitant of you when you first came around. 
Loki thought you’d be like everyone else, so it wasn’t totally personal. Though, after your many attempts to get to know him, his wall eventually fell around you and then, the bonding started.  Everyone around the two of you thought it was weird, after all, Loki was the man who wanted to take over Earth and sent an army onto New York City. Even with that fact, it never seemed to bother you.
Tony Stark always thought something would happen between the two of you, and Thor was more than supportive is it came to be. Steve had some issues since he was close to you as well and just wanted the best for you, and, well, he just didn’t think that ‘best’ was Loki. Nat and Clint seemed indifferent, but were happy with anything you decided. Banner, on the other hand, flipped from Tony and Steve’s perspective at times.
You always told them that Loki and you were just friends, but Loki never seemed to comment on it. In the back of your mind, you knew the god had looks but you cherished the relationship between you and him now. You didn’t need to progress it further since you were quite comfortable where it was. Though, perhaps that was about to change.
After a late night of drinking and dancing courtesy of Tony Stark, you were out for the count. By the time your hung over eyes had opened, you noticed it was almost noon. A groggy groan escaped your chest as you sat up from your rather large bed, again, courtesy of Tony Stark. Your body didn’t even take up half of it, and speaking of your body, when you gazed down at it you noticed your fluffy, grey night robe.
You didn’t exactly remember putting it on, but you didn’t care much. At least, you didn’t care then. When your ears started to work once more, you couldn’t help but notice the sound of your shower running. It was connected to your room and when you gazed towards the door that was shut, the light underneath was shining through.
“What did I drink last night?” You mumbled to yourself as you collapsed back into the bed, your body bouncing a bit.
As your mind tried to figure out what had happened the night before, you heard the shower faucet squeeze close and the water stop it’s pattering. You didn’t bother to look, not that you weren’t curious who you probably slept with last night, but you just didn’t care. It wasn’t common for you to have one-night stands but it wasn’t something you didn’t participate in from time to time.
You could hear the person turn the doorknob before it creaked open, their bare feet stepping across your hardwood tile getting louder as they stepped closer.
“Are you up yet, [Name]?” The stranger asked. Though, that voice wasn’t a stranger to your mind.
Your eyes fluttered open to get a look at a man half naked in your room, the towel around his waist poorly done as if he’d never done it before. The long, black hair he had was wet and textured with like curls. His body had little muscle but his thin figure made up for it, the muscle he did have off subtle lines about his body that was beyond a godly sight.
“Uh, Loki?” You mumbled out, his eyes looking at you as if waiting for you to continue moving your lips.
Though, when you didn’t, he answered with a confused, “Uh, that is my name.”
“Right, right.” You uttered, his words snapping you out of your mind. Without even a second thought, you hopped out of your bed. You quickly tied up your night robe since you didn’t seem to be wearing anything underneath except for a pair of boxers. “I’m, uh, gonna go talk to Tony.”
“Stark?” Loki questioned. “Why?”
“Oh, yanno, Avenger stuff.” You chuckled out as you slowly began to inch for the exit.
“I can occupy you, if you wish.”
“No!” You screamed. Your voice startling both you and him. You cleared your throat to quickly say, “I think he wants to do a few tests on me. You know how those are, very private. I’ll see you later, ya? Okay, bye!”
Your hand reached around for the door handle and slipped yourself into the hallway before slamming the door shut behind you. Your back soon going against it as you took in deep breaths. It could have been anyone else, anyone in the damn place and you would have been fine. But, Loki? Why did it have to be him that your drunken self choose?
“I’m so gonna get shit for this,” You uttered as you began to travel down the hallway towards the main area of the building.
“Morning, [Name].” Nat said as she and Clint sat on the couch watching movies.
You nodded in her direction before shuffling into the kitchen. You needed something cold, or hot. No in between for this one. As you were pouring yourself a cup of coffee, you heard footsteps make way towards you.
“What’s up with you?” You heard. Your eyes gazing over at Nat who stared at you with crossed arms.
“What do you mean?”
“Well,” she started out saying. Her body slowly making way towards yours. “Normally, every morning, you say good morning back. You never give a simple nod. So, what’s wrong with you?”
Your eyes blinked rapidly for a moment before letting out a sigh. You knew there was no way for you to get out of this one, but than again you didn’t want her to spill anything to Steve, Banner, or Clint. So, you gave a half lie.
“Just not to happy with who I found in my bed this morning.” You laughed off. “Nothing to worry about.”
Nat stared, her eyes moving up and down before giving a simple, “Okay. Just make sure whoever the mystery man is is out before Tony comes back.”
“He’s not here?”
“Nope. He went out for a bit, but he’ll be back soon.” Nat explained.
You nodded before grabbing your coffee and heading out. You weren’t sure where to go. You wanted to go back in your room, but you didn’t know if Loki was still there. You wanted to go sit in the living room, but you didn’t want questions from the others. So, you choose the next best thing. Wonder about the halls. It wasn’t as bad as you thought, in fact, it was quite therapeutic when gazing out at the birds that flew about. You seriously thought you’d get a break, well, that was until you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
You turned around, the soft smile on your lips dropping, your body grew hot at the God of Mischief that stared back.
“Are you alright?” Loki questioned. “You seem.. off.”
“Wha, um, what?” You asked, your throat going dry as your mind thought about what could have transpired the night before. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”
Loki tilted his head as he eyed you up and down. You noticed every single, tiny detail about him to the point were you noticed the small flicker of his eyes, the tiny redness of the tips of ears. Not to mention the explosive feeling when his hand came to rest on your lower back way too casually.
You quickly grabbed his wrist, your grip tight but not tight enough for Loki to notice a difference. “What are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” He questioned. For he first time since you’ve met him, he sounded completely innocent. “Would you like me to take you back your quarters? You look rather flushed, are you sick?”
“N-No, I’m not sick.” You stuttered out as you pushed his hand off of your body. The lingering effects causing your mind to turn foggy, it was the first time in a while that you felt such an effect from a simple touch of another. “I’ll go to my room by myself.”
“I don’t mind the trouble, really, allow me to occupy you.” Loki stated. His body ready to move right along side yours.
“No, seriously.” You stated as your hand came straight flush against his chest. The moment it hit, your words ceased to exist. It felt odd, to fell his heartbeat. You never thought in your lifetime would you be able to feel it, much less this clearly. Though, something was off with it cause you swore for a single second that you felt it skip a beat.
“I, um,” you hummed out as you placed your hand back at your side. “I’ll go by myself.”
When you turned away from the God of Mischief, it was like your entire body became cold. The feeling of him slowly slipping away from your presence was almost the worst feeling you’ve ever experienced before. It was like moving away towards the perfect, most handsome looking sun you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
When your back fell into the bed, it was like everything you were feeling hit you at once. All the things you kept towards the back of your mind came to the front, center stage. All these questions entered your mind.
What did you say to Loki while drunk?
You know he isn’t effected by Midgardian liquor, so, he was completely sober. If so, did he take advantage of your drunk state?
Sure, he was Loki and tried to take over Earth at one point. But you wouldn’t call him evil, at worse you’d give him the ‘bad boy’ label.
Did you really sleep with him?
“Shit,” you grumbled to yourself as you began to bite down on your bottom lip. You knew you had some kind of feelings for Loki, and yes you shut them down as quick as they came for obvious reasons, but you didn’t want everything to come undone just from some liquor. If anything, you at least wanted to tell him at the right time when you were sober.
Turning on your side, you pressing your knees into your chest. It really was nagging, this unknown feeling. You knew the only way you were going to get answers was from Loki himself. However, the thought of that was too much. It was like you were ripping off a bandage that you had just placed on. You were frightened that when it came undone, the painful ripping would completely tear away at what relationship was already there.
“Sir,” Jarvis called out. This wasn’t uncommon since Tony had made sure to install Jarvis in every aspect of this place. “Dinner is ready. Everyone is waiting on you.”
“Okay, thank you.” You hummed out as you gathered yourself before heading out once more. Was it too much for you to be left alone today?
When you made your appearance at the large set table, everyone finally began to eat. Steve made it top priority that everyone must be present before eating, for some reason unknown to Tony and you.
You were seated next to Tony and Thor, Loki sat across from you with Natasha and Steve on either side of him. The food that was presented to you was a simple meal. Take-out. You knew everyone had kitchen duty at least once a week, so you began to believe it was Tony’s week thanks to this being the third time take out was for dinner. Though, you were impressed how he managed to make simple take out so impressively set out like it was from a five-star restaurant.
“How was everyone’s morning?” Steve asked politely. This was routine.
“Fine, just woke up with a massive hangover.” Tony said with a funny-looking smirk that made most of the people sitting around him laugh in amusement.
“Same.” Natasha said. “Remind me never to drink at your parties.”
“Eh, it was still fun. Even if I don’t remember most of it.” You commented. Your eyes going off on their own for a moment before connecting with Loki. Except, his eyes were already on you. With no expression on his face and this certain look in his eyes while staring, it made you zip your mouth quickly. Your eyes darting back down towards your food.
Loki raised a brow quizzically before his attention was brought back to Natasha when she asked you, “Did you manage to get the mystery man out of your bed?”
“What?” You flinched, your hand even lost hold of the fork. The noise it created as it rang the glass plate caught more attention than Natasha’s comment.
“You okay, [Name]?” Steve asked with a curious look.
“Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” You questioned back. If they didn’t know you, they’d drop it. However, they did know you.
“Is it someone we know?” Tony asked with a sly smirk. The look he gave made something turn uncomfortably in your stomach. “Or, maybe the same guy from last time?”
“No,” You lied. “He was a stranger.”
“That is quite exciting.” Thor chuckled as he tried to learn more about the human customs of ‘one night stands’. Something he, for some reason, doesn’t know.
“It really isn’t, but thanks.” You reassured.
“I would disagree.” Tony commented. “I think they’re rather.. thrilling.”
You rolled your eyes as you began to eat once more. Your eyes desperate for another peak at the man across from you. In the back of your mind, you told yourself no. It wasn’t worth it. Just ignore him. Though, your body denied itself to listen to your brain and gave into the desire. In that moment, everything froze. For some unknown reason, it was like everyone else in the room disappeared. The only ones left where Loki and yourself. That look in his eyes, the way his hand held up his head. Everything told you this was a dangerous game you were playing.
“[Name]?” Thor asked, his voice pulling you out of the void and back to reality. “Are you going to eat that?”
“What?” You mumbled before gazing down at the food that you haven’t eaten yet. You shook your head before pushing the plate towards the God of Thunder.
“You sure? You didn’t eat much.” Steve asked, his eyes growing to big puppy eyes filled with concern.
“Yeah, I’m not that hungry anyway.” You waved off. Your body soon standing up from your chair as you dismissed yourself from the others.
You didn’t bother to wait around for good nights or goodbyes from the others. Your feet aimlessly moved around until you rounded the corner. The quick footsteps that grew closer to you the furthest thing from your mind. So, when you felt your body get pressed into the wall, you couldn’t help but let out a loud gasp. Your mouth quickly getting covered by a rough, large hand.
Your eyes quickly began to analyze everything in front of you. Your mind processing the face and body that belonged to Loki, the hand that pressed against your mouth his. He eyed you down for what felt like a decade, that was until he broke it to gaze down the hall for any incoming Avengers. When he didn’t see anyone, he slowly released his hand from your face but still kept you pinned to the wall.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his question rough and demanding of answers.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“Dont play dumb with me.” He hissed out. “You’ve been avoiding me all day, what is wrong with you?”
“I’m not avoiding you.”
Loki huffed, his patience wearing thin. “Then why did you run away this morning? Or when I saw you earlier, and how do you explain not even capable of holding eye contact with me at supper?”
“That was nothing.” You mumbled out, your head turning to the left and down so you didn’t have to look at him. Though, you suppose that was pointless.
His hand was quick to grab onto your chin to make you face him once more. “Don’t look away from me.”
You could feel your body temperature rise, the feeling brutal to the point were you had to bend your leg a bit and tap your fingers just to calm yourself a bit. Everything in your mind ran so quickly that you began to believe you would have a malfunction up there. Though, instead of a malfunction you ended up just blurting out, “Did we sleep together?”
You watched as nothing but pure confusion twisted in Loki’s face. You weren’t positive yet if that was good or bad, but something deep within your stomach told you not to make any false moves. Not to assume anything until you hear his words.
“Would that really be so bad?” He asked, his voice low.
“I don’t mean it like that.” You corrected. “I’m just asking cause I don’t remember anything from last night and when I wake up you were in my shower.”
Loki sighed, his body taking a step back to allow yours to breathe. “No, we didn’t.”
You wanted to desperately to let out a sign of relief. However, you were smart enough to read the look on his face and know this wasn’t the right time for that.
“Then, why were you there?” You asked.
Loki sighed, his eyes making contact with yours before beginning to explain. “I took you back to your room since you were probably more drunk than Stark. I didn’t mean to upset you if I have, I just thought it would be best to keep an eye on you until you fell asleep. I suppose at some point I did as well.”
“So, you took care of me.” You stated as you took an unconscious step closer.
“I suppose so, yes.” He said. “Was that wrong of me to do?”
“No, no.” You ushered out quickly. “That was fine. I’m glad you it was you.”
“You are?” He asked, his eyes staring into yours.
You nodded. Another step closer taken. Both pair of eyes danced with the other as each of you stared at the other. It was this moment of silence that you appreciated the most, cherished the most. It was an intoxicating feeling to sit in silence with Loki, to allow no sound of voice to flow between the both of you. The way your heart beat so intensity, the thoughts that crawled out that always made a shiver go up your spine, well, it was nothing but pure ecstasy.
“Come to my room.” You blurted out, the afterthought not even in question. You meant what you said, and Loki could see that as well by his silence nod and questionless lips.
As the two of your traveled, Loki following behind you in silence, your heart began to pound faster. The wonder of what would come to pass filling in your veins and by the time you came upon your room, you didn’t waste time to lock your door just in case.
“I want you to know something.” You said as you sat down next to Loki on the edge of your bed.
“What is it?” He questioned, his eyes never leaving yours for a second. After all, that would be too long for him.
“I wasn’t in regret or anything, I just wanted to know the truth.” You stated clearly. “If I ever did that with you, I rather remember the time clearly.”
You noticed the adam’s apple in Loki’s throat bob quickly after your words. The way his eyes now going frantic about your body without shame made your hand grip onto your pants. It was a new feeling, but one you enjoyed. Having him look at you felt nothing like anyone else in the past had done, when it was him and only him, you felt like he was looking at the stars.
“Allow me to be frank?” He asked, his question answered with a simple nod.
When Loki leaned in, he stabilized himself by moving one of his hands on top of yours, his fingers snaking in between the spaces in your hand. You felt him grip a bit harder, in a relaxing way before speaking his mind.
“I find myself thinking of you even at the most.. inopportune moments of the day. I feel as if a link exists between your heart and mine and should that link be broken either by distance or by time, my heart would cease to be and I would die.” Loki freely spoke. His voice soft, and low as he spoke so that only you would hear this side of him even if no other soul was nearby to hear. “And you.. you’d soon forget about me.”
You leaned your head, a plethora of emotions washing over you at once. Though, you needed to address this one thing as if life and death hanged in the balance. Your body scooted closer to the God, your hand that connected with his now placed on your lap before saying, “Loki. I’d never forget about you.”
The God let out a dry chuckle. “I acknowledge that. I just suppose that’s my fear speaking.”
“If we’re being so open, I’d like to say something as well.” You said, his eyes looking at you with such patience that you’ve never found before. “You make me feel.. you make me feel vulnerable. Every time your eyes meet mine I can feel you looking at my very soul, and I don’t like it. Do you know?”
“Do I know.. what?”
You smiled softly, your hand squeezing Loki’s as you ask, “Do you know what it’s like around you? It’s like.. It’s like I can’t breathe when you’re around and everything stops. When everything stops, I can only focus on you.”
You’ve never really seen Loki smile, but he had granted you the privilege of seeing a few times. However, you instantly knew this kind of smile, the soft and sweet kind he directed towards you was your favorite yet. Sure, the causally smirk or smile was nice, but this one was for you and you alone.
And you loved it.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
“I won’t be as nice next time.”
Preface -
Hey, first try at something like this, hope you enjoy. I know Bakugou’s character is a little OOC but, oh well.  I listened to NCT’s “7th Sense” (https://youtu.be/3UGMDJ9kZCA) while working on this, gives off that sort of “Is this a bad dream?” dissasociation vibe, plsu like, yanno, “Open your eyes” cause like reader really needs to open their eyes and realize they’re in a real bad situation. Entirely too trusting lol.
Brick :)
Prompt - “I won’t be as nice next time.” (If it’s not obvious lol)
Warnings - Nothing too heavy, a little bit of anxiety, threatening, a teensy bit of kissing but otherwise sfw. Brief mention of blood.
Waking up to arms wrapped around you in a crushing mockery of cuddling had been confusing, your eyes slowly trying to adjust to the bright sunlight filtering in through the curtains of the huge bedroom you were in. It quickly became apparent that you had been kidnapped, limbs tied with sturdy black rope, your confusion quickly turning to terror as whoever held you gripped you tighter as they woke up behind you. A slight grumble from them about the “Fucking bright-ass lights” had you tensing, which inexplicably drew their attention to you and your state of consciousness. You weren’t prepared to feel a nose dive into the crook of your neck, soft blonde hair tickling your cheek as the person deeply inhaled.
“Mhmm, you always smell so fuckin’ good baby. Shoulda done this a long time ago.”
Bakugou Katsuki?  His immistakable rough voice gave him away, even gravelly with sleep. What were you doing in his bedroom, tied up? Had something with a villain happened? Why was he smelling your neck like that? It made your skin crawl. So many questions were bouncing around inside your head right now, there was no way you’d be able to process the implications behind his words. 
“Mr. Bakugou? What’s going on?”
You hated the way your voice sounded so small and scared. You tried shifting your arms, attempting to sit up and escape from his crushing grip, but his arms were rock solid, and all you ended up doing was wiggling fruitlessly.  The man behind you groaned throatily as he ignored your question, before shifting his body slightly so that he pressed more fully against you. Ice filled your veins and you immediately stilled, trying not to cry out in alarm. What was going on?
“Is-is something wrong? Why am I here?”
“Baby, we just fuckin’ woke up. Don’t make me get into this shit right now.”
His words did nothing but add more fear. Why was he calling you baby? You were a front desk secretary at the pro-hero’s agency, and as far as you knew, the man hardly knew of your existence, let alone tolerated your presence. It was no secret that his explosive quirk also translated over into his personality, and it was even less of a secret that Bakugou held blatant disregard and irritation for almost every singe person he came across. Even the media knew better than to ask about a potential S/O or even if he was dating; Bakugou was a rough and brusque man, not exactly a ‘people person’ to put it lightly. Why was he acting like this? 
You hadn’t even registered your breathing beginning to speed up until the man pressed up against you suddenly sat up, gripping your shoulder gently so he could hover over you, puffy blonde hair and blood red eyes coming into view.
“Hey, stop freaking the fuck out, I don’t need your ass passing out on me. Everything’s fine, you’re fucking ok, ‘m not gonna hurt you.”
You definitely didn’t feel okay. You shrank away from his touch, but only succeeded in pressing yourself harder against the bed, trying desperately to reign in your breath.
“Please tell me what’s going on Mr. Bakugou. I’m scared…. Please….”
Bakugou stared at you for a moment, ruby eyes scanning your face while his own was set in a suspicious frown. But suddenly the suspicious look vanished, and something else replaced it. Bakugou took his hand off your shoulder and sat up fully, allowing you to do the same. As you did so, you sighed in relief to notice that you were still in the clothes you had last remembered putting on your body. You had been at work - Bakugou’s agency - attending to the closing duties of making sure everything was locked up and the lights were turned out.  Usually at that time of night, everyone else had gone home for the day, and you were doing the same, about to step out of the double glass doors at the front of the agency. The last thing you remembered was reaching for the handle, then being pulled backwards into a broad, hard chest. Had a cloth been pressed to your mouth? Everything about the situation from then on was blurry, but you were still in your slacks and simple work blouse, which eased your mind greatly.  
“I’ve had my eye on you ever since you got hired.“ Bakugou’s voice snapped your focus back into the present, where your wrists were bound in front of you, and you sat across from your intimidating boss in his (?) bedroom 
“You’re always so fuckin’ nice to everyone, always given out those cute ‘lil greetings to anyone you run into.” The look on his face soured.
“I liked it when you said “Hi” every morning to me, always bringin’ me coffee and shit.” 
That was your literal job? That’s what you were hired to do??
He continued on, “And I know you were just being professional whenever I flirted with you, that’s why you never acknowledged it. But ‘M tired of all that stupid shit, trying to dance around the rules.” He leveled his gaze with you, puffing out his chest ever so slightly in an imitation of a stretch. 
“I’m Bakugou fucking Katsuki, and I get whatever I want.”
You felt dizzy, your throat dry. Flirting? With you?  Looking back, sure, the man spent more time than necessary hanging around  your work station, and he occasionally returned your “Good morning!”  except without matching your cheerfulness.  And yeah, there was that one time when you had been in the elevator together and he had pointed out your new work shoes and how impractical they would be should a villain break into the agency building and an evacuation take place, but that’s?? Not? Flirting?? The direction this was taking was not one you liked, and you squirmed against your bonds, the rope starting to burn the tender skin around your wrists
“Um… what… What do you want, Mr. Bakugou?”
The blonde gave you an incredulous look, his eyes narrowing as he leaned closer to you. This caused you to immediately try and backpedal, both literally and figuratively, scrambling to push yourself back into the pillows of the bed as you spluttered
“If my work hasn’t been satisfactory, I can assure yo-“
A dry chuckle cut you off.
“Unsatisfactory? Nah babe. You’ve been more than-“ He leaned down to give you quick peck on the cheek. “-satisfactory. In fact, you’re my best employee.”
It was a struggle to not start hyperventilating again. Bakugou was scaring you now.
“I still don’t understand, what do you want from me then?” You asked timidly, his intense gaze making you drop your gaze to the simple, yet clean bedspread pooled at your waist.
“Ah, C’mon, don’t play dumb, I don’t want anything /from/ you. I only want you.”  He ignored the way your gaze snapped back to meet his, mouth dropping open in shock and confusion. “And of course, I also gotta keep your goddamn self safe from anyone who might want to hurt you, or take advantage of you. You’re so sweet it’s almost sickening, and someone might try to take advantage of that someday.”
Was he being serious? Your boss of four years was admitting to kidnapping you to keep you safe?? If you weren’t so terrified, you’d probably be infuriated. This was ridiculous.
Bakugou leaned down to give you another kiss, this time aiming for your lips. You turned your head away at the last second, his kiss landing on your cheek instead as you trembled underneath him. Your jaw was grasped in an iron grip, calloused fingers squishing your cheeks as Bakugou forced your head to turn and face him, a smirk dancing across his face.
“Uh-uh baby, I won’t be tolerating any of that shit. When I wanna kiss your pretty little lips, you fucking let me, got it?” His grip got tighter as his sentence continued, his voice lower and scowl deeper, until by the end you were almost crying out in pain. It felt like he was going to break your jaw. You nodded desperately, hoping the pressure would relent as tears sprang to your eyes. At that, it did, his grip releasing and his smirk returning before he slowly leaned in to try again. This time you stayed still, willing yourself not to sob as Bakugou hungrily claimed your lips with his own. This didn’t feel right: you felt scared and confused and your head was starting to hurt.  
Bakugou lazily traced his tongue over your lips as you two kissed (Correction; as he kissed you), trying to get you to open your mouth and allow him access. You refused, stubbornly keeping your mouth shut. Thankfully, it didn’t seem to piss him off, and he pulled away with a wet smack that made you shudder in disgust. 
“Eh, we’ll work on that. You’re also gonna start calling me Katsuki from now on, got it?”
Trying to hold his gaze felt like trying to hold fire in your hands. You looked away, the tears that had been lurking beneath the surface ever since you woke up finally deciding now was the time for them to fall. You nodded.
“Good. Now-“ Bakugou straightened, before moving off the bed. It was only now did you realize he was dressed in only a pair of skin-tight briefs, and you felt like crying even harder. This all felt so surreal. You didn’t want to see your boss’s body, no matter how toned or good looking he was. He moved over to a dresser on the far wall, and began pulling on clothes. “-I’m gonna go make you and I some breakfast, I’m fuckin’ starving and you didn’t get dinner last night, so I know you’re hungry as shit too.”
You stayed silent as he finished dressing, still trying to subtly fidget with your bonds. As he finished pulling on a pair of sweatpants, settling them low on his hips, he turned back to you. You quickly stilled your hands, trying to meet his gaze as he placed a hand on his hip and leered at you.
“After I make breakfast, we’re gonna shower and get you dressed in something in something that’s not so goddamn uncomfortable. Stay here until I finish making everything, or me and you are gonna have some fucking problems, got it?”
You nodded meekly, watching as he nodded to himself before exiting the room in a slow saunter.
As soon as he was gone, you doubled your efforts on the rope binding your hands, furiously, desperately trying to get it off. You had a sinking feeling that he wasn’t going to let you shower by yourself, and you had no idea what he’d let you wear after you took off your work clothes, and you were terrified to say the least. You glanced quickly towards the door that Bakugou had exited, just now noticing another door in the room, leading to a bathroom. You took one last glance at the doorway leading to where Bakugou had gone, before you shuffled off the bed and quickly made your way to the bathroom. The man had to have a razor somewhere, or something sharp that you could cut yourself free with.
Ten minutes later found you rubbing your wrists, the razorblade from Bakugou’s now-disassembled razor clutched in your fingers. You were carefully making your way through the house, trying not to get distracted by the modern decor and focusing on finding a door leading to outside. You could faintly hear muffled rap music coming from somewhere, as well as the occasional clatter of pans and noises associated with someone making breakfast. That’s where Bakugou was, and you were trying to stay far away from him. You knew that if he caught sight of you trying to run, the outcome wouldn’t be good. You knew, yet you still had to try anyways. You couldn’t just sit there, tied up on the bed, waiting for Bakugou to come back. 
But as you rounded a corner, it was clear luck was not on your side.  Bakugou was standing facing you behind a large kitchen counter, mixing something together in a bowl. His eyes had zeroed in on you the second you had stepped around the corner, but he hadn’t yet processed the fact that you were standing there, free, disobeying his explicit orders to stay in the room, clutching a razor blade, so his face was blank.
You didn’t stick around to see if his expression would change. 
Immediately, you whirled around, and sprinted down the hallway you had just emerged from. You had no idea where you were going, but away from Bakugou was a good start. You heard the clatter of a spoon being dropped, and the thunder in his voice as he yelled your name. It was hard to keep a decent grip on the razorblade without cutting yourself due to all the sweat dripping down your palms. You rounded another corner, entering what looked to be an insanely large living room. You could hear the slap of Bakugou’s feet getting closer as he chased after you, but you didn’t dare look back. If you did, you’d freeze like a rabbit in headlights, and it would be the calm before the storm. Instead, you sped towards the other side the living room. Maybe down that hallway, the front door would be somewhere?
Unfortunately, you never got to find out.
Muscular arms wrapped around your waist, stopping you dead in your tracks and lifting you up into the air effortlessly. You screamed, kicking you legs and flailing the razorblade behind you in a desperate attempt to cut your assailant.  A sharp inhale and Bakugou yelling, “Fucking SHit!”  surprised you, as did being unceremoniously dropped onto the carpeted floor. The impact caused you to drop the razor blade, and Bakugou swiftly kicked it away before you had a chance to grab at it.  You glanced up at Bakugou only to see fury embodied, a thin cut on the man’s left temple dripping blood down his face. He made no move to wipe it away, instead crouching down to snatch your wrist in a brushing hold as you tried to scramble backwards.
“Anything to say for yourself sweetheart? No? Goddamn, I like when you’re feisty.”
He was smiling, but it was stretched too wide, too tight. Bakugou hardly ever smiled. 
In a futile attempt to get away, acting more on instinct than logic, you viciously kicked at his face, catching him off guard and snapping his head back as your foot connected with his nose. A small crack was heard, but his grip on your wrist never wavered, and you couldn’t be entirely sure that the crack hadn’t been from your own bones protesting at the insane pressure encircling them.  
But as Bakugou brought his face back around, bringing his free hand up to feel at his nose, your stomach dropped. Blood was pouring from his nose, drenching his grey teeshirt and staining it a dark red. His smile could only be described as maniacal as he forced you onto your back, climbing over your body until he was straddling you. Some of his blood dripped onto your blouse.
“Oh baby, I was hoping I wasn’t gonna have to fuckin’ wreck you so soon, but you just had to do exactly what I said fucking not to, huh?”
You let out a strangled sob, trying to wriggle out from under him to no avail. Seeing your distress, he leaned over you, just like in the bedroom, and caged you in with his arms to press a finger to your lips as panicked whines escaped them.
“Shhh, shh….. Baby… It’s okay. ‘M not gonna hurt you, I already told you that. “ Bakugou leaned back, relishing in the way your body uselessly tried to escape from under his weight. He paused, cocking his head to the side.
“I won’t be as nice next time.”
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nightwingvixen23 · 4 years
A little JayRoman fic that i just  now whipped up while bored as fuck lol
"I'm still wonderin' just where in the fuck you got those god damned things from.” Roy's words are knifelike, however at the slice of it’s blow to my gut, out rushed butterflies, contrary to blood.
Fuck him. Pinpointing just what’s not vital at this very moment.
"Always had'em," I insist, housing the twin mamba pistols, gleaming in decadence, back into their holsters at each thigh. . .. . . And yeah; they are in fact new. And no; I didn't buy them. 
Yes, i’m a fuckin' liar, sue me; I’ve been called worse. On the other hand, the actual truth reaches a hand far deeper into my organs then anyone needs to be groping there greedy fingers within, sloppy in movement, scuttling after answers that I'm beyond sure the owner of such a prying hand will come to anguish.
"Nah," Roy presses, slinging himself across a couch here in the drearily lighted safe house that we've together taken up refuge in somewhere North East of Gotham City, " I know all’ov your artillery dude. That shit's new. And looks hella posh. Did I miss yer birthday or somethin' ? " He cracks open a beer, guzzling it down while those jade eyes pierce through me from above the can. God damn him. I carelessly knock into his bow and arrows causing him to sputter his alcohol and run to their salvation, whining about how I could be 'such a fucking bully' however it gets him to shut the fuck up on the former topic under fire; and that was my only intention.
Nobody needs to know about the gifts. 
What started out as a game has me now roped in pretty heavily, but, I’m a damn sucker for fucking with Roman's upper story, what can I say ?? I can be a mother fucking flirt when I wanna be (while not quite as sophisticated in the art as Dick Grayson himself) I've picked up a few logistics on how to score a man's desires...I mean,at least: the murderous type; how to score the desires of a man who wants to lacerate my spine as well as fuck me into the nearest floorboard. And it was all just a game. I swear it was. The thorns in my side enjoyed toying with the temper of a well-bred villain who's tasted blood soaked daggers, and known the Godlike fever of electing a fatal gasp from an parched lung. I liked the twisted smirk of his face from under that obscene leather mask. I liked the tangled intrigue of his body language. I relished how I held him in the palm of my hand; just another man eating whatever slop from the filthy bowl I threw at the floor for him to gobble up. 
That shit made me feel potent, dominant, I ain't gonna lie.
It had been upon entering my apartment one afternoon that I found a giant box on my coffee table, looking out of place amongst overall brown and black furnishings; this bright box done up in all red. With a scoff I checked it for explosives before revealing it’s contents to find a Gold-Inlaid Colt Model 1849 Pocket Revolver. . .this shit sells for 1.1 Million. . .and it was with that knowledge that I’d been keen on knowing just who the sender of such an item had been.
I’d doubled over laughing.
So, it went on this way for a while. The times Roman and I would happen to ‘chance upon one another’ or fall into a breakneck fight beneath dark Gotham skies, I always played up the immodest tart card. Teasing. Leading. And he followed the trail; come a few short days later I'd be rewarded a gift. This became something of a cycle. Something routine. Just, expected, yanno ?
Up until one drunken night I found the presents piling up around me to be annoying as all fuck in their gleaming elegence.
I wasn't a cheap prize to be won, some sodden part of my brain manifested this notion that then exploded into me breaking into Roman's estate and cursing for him to take every damned gift back, because, and I quote " I ain't your god damned slut mother fucker " more or less slurred.
There had been a beat of silence between us then. A beat. Just a beat. Before I was grabbed. Picked up. And I fucking cringe to say that that shit had me near to begging for him. Not many men that I've been with could pick me up, they never had the musculature and we’d always end up in missionary. But there I fucking was...being suddenly ripped piece by piece by Roman himself. Broken open.
 The callous scratch of the wall leaving red reminders trailed into the skin of my back, a surface I’d arched myself into as if to arch away. A part of me wanted that wall to swallow me whole, make me dissipate from here because I was feeling too much all at once. I didn't understand anything past our flirtatious banter. Didn't know the whimpered cries and wet moans coming from deep within my chest, nor the hands holding tight to the broad shoulders of this man who kept me blanketed in a hot rapture that not even Heaven it's self could muster the courage to match, and maybe that’s because this damned brute in a leather mask is the Devil; breathing into me all 7 Deadly Sin's at once, making burn within my esophagus a startling realization that all this time I may have been his fucking puppet whereas I thought it the other way around.....his fucking puppet now his fucking fuck toy.
I honestly can’t say how I made it back to my apartment. Last thing I recalled was being spent, slung over Roman's shoulder, then waking up in my own bed alone. Nevertheless, the scratches and metallic taste of blood were a clear reminder of the night we’d shared.
And upon that night, all that which I’d once known had been laid to rest.
Costly weaponry turned into expensive clothing. Expensive clothes turned into rare jewels. Jewels turned into a sports car, a sports car turned to a motorcycle....and my dumbass accepted it all, while discovering in me some sick, dark sort of amusement with each tiding.
Dick registered right away something was off with me, the depth in his blue eyes said it all as he took in my abrupt departure in fashion choice and of transportation. "I'm just doin' a bit better is all," I'd told him and he arched a brow while saying, "Look, I think I know what's up. But, only because I've been there myself. And let me just tell you that it's not worth it." I had scoffed, watching him walk away. Leave it to Dick to be the OG Sugar Baby of the BatFam. Somethin told me that Bruce was the supplier of his every need and hunger, but I refused to dive any deeper into that and left. In fact, I've stayed clear of Wayne Manor for quite some time. Refusing team ups, partnerships, and or pursuits having anything to do with Batman.
When it comes to Kori, she likes to dote on all that I've been given. On her own she unearthed the jewels I kept hidden away and tried them on for herself, twirling in the mirror and laughing while telling me, "Whomever this mystery man is has quite the taste," with a fancy wink. I'm shocked she didn't mention it at all to Roy--
---which is where we are now, currently in my safe house as I watch Roy check on his bow for scuff marks and pout over at me, grabbing back up his abandoned beer can. "I still say that someone bought you those pistols. It ain't your usual style, there too expensive seeming--"
"You callin me cheap ? Like i don't buy quality? " I ask a bit too defensively. Roy put his hands up . "No ! I'm just sayin...." his eyes squint a bit. “I’m just sayin that somethin's up with you man, an’ I got a bad feelin' about it."
I shrug, going to cleaning the mamba pistols of any blood tracked back from our earlier run in with a Mafia Boss and his little posse; which gets me thinking about Roman; the heated sting of his fingers, the scorch of those gloves everywhere they touched. And they never leave, those gloves. they stay on. Not because he chooses it, but because I demand it. I admit to being a bit of a masochist In the same way that I’m a bit of a liar A bit of a manipulator while also being the manipulated A bit damaged A bit taken for granted And with sense enough to know that Roman and I are destined to crash and burn But I’ve already burned once before, so;
     what's one more go around gonna hurt ?
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bnhavibes · 4 years
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Promiscuous; Part two.
“Spill the Tea”
What previously was a brief occurrence, became an almost every other day event. The angry boy having some snark comment about “too many” guests entering the building(even though you’d only slept with one random and had a few friends over), or maybe your aromatic dinners filling the hallways. Regardless, you were sick of it. A couple weeks away from your annoying pet rat scratching at your front door was sure to do you some good.
You made arrangements with Midoriya, who only laughed heartily when you told him what Bakugou was up to.
“Maybe Kacchan has a crush on you.” He teases over the phone, “But don’t worry, I got some business out of town anyways. So long as you save me a treat or two...”
“You’re so cheeky, Dicku. Maybe if you come back early you could indulge in all the treats you desire.” You flirt back, smiling smugly as he huffed in response.
“Looking forward to it, doll. You know where the key will be.” He said in a low hum, and with a CLICK! the call ended.
You sigh in content, Midoriya isn’t the best for you romantically. But his dick is another story; Never in your life was someone as big as he was, and the praise he gives hits all the boxes you need for a fulfilling orgasm. You salivate a little as you think about past hookups with him, each one of them something out of a romance novel. (or maybe fanfiction)
Pulling your hair back into a soft braid made it easier for you to gather your bags and leave, quickly and quietly attempting to lock your door so that you wouldn’t be caught by your neighbor.
“Going on a trip?” The cheery voice startled you to your core, earning a small yelp from your throat.
“Oh shoot! My bad, I didn’t mean to scare you, (Y/N)!” Kirishima beemed, placing his rough hands on your shoulders in attempt you coax you.
“God, Ejirou, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” You chuckled, watching his muscles twitch and flex as he removed his arms from you. “You’re sneakier than I remember.”
He laughs boisterously, holding his belly as he leaned his head back a bit. “You’re more silly than I remember.”
“Well, if you must know, I prefer the term entertaining or intriguing!” You gush sarcastically, shooting him direct eye contact with that beaming smile of yours. His cheeks flush as he catches his breath, and you use it as an opportunity to escape; “I am going on a minute trip, but I am a bit hungry. You know where I can get a good bite to eat?”
His eyes gloss over as he takes in your body language, licking his lips subconsciously as he nods his head in response. “Th-There’s a great Hibachi place down the road— ?”
You suck your teeth in a feigned disappointment before his sentence finished, “Yeah that place isn’t... fulfilling enough for me. I want something that can get me stuffed, you know?” You say, your hands hovering over the skin of his arms, causing goosebumps to glide over his body.
With no response from Kiri, who was probably stumbling over his thoughts on how to react, you boop him on the nose. “Maybe I should get some ramen! Yeah, ramen is sooo good. Care to join me?” You ask, fluttering your eyelashes up at him.
His breathing becomes shallow, chest rising and falling a bit quicker than usual when you decide that maybe sleeping with Kiri would only make Bakugou rap down your down even more frequently; he is the explosive boy’s best friend afterall, and he protects him like a brother.
“Pfft, as if he’d be caught dead with you.” Another voice echoes through the hall.
You roll your eyes and exhale as you look over the Hard Boi™️’s shoulders and find a pouty Bakugou. “Oh, wow, it’s Lord Exploding Diahrrea. Back to torture my door again?”
“Tch, like I give a damn about your stupid door. What’re you two doing out here?” He sneers, dead-eyeing what you felt was more Kirishima’s frame huddled against you than your own gaze.
“(Y/N) was j-just asking about good food Bakubro! Aheh— so I uh, was giving her recommendations cause she’s about to leave.” The nervous redhead had whipped a 180 as soon as he heard the sparkler’s sharp voice, hands up as if he were being interrogated.
“Leaving?” Bakugou growled, giving you and your bags a once over before continuing, “Tch, what, you won a shitty vacation or something?”
“No, I’m going to be staying with a friend... of sorts... For a couple weeks to catch a break.”
His frowning scowl returns, unbeknownst to you a jealous look. “A break from what? All you do is go to work and play shitty music at stupid hours with your dumb friends.”
“Um... creep alert much?” You say, reflecting your own disgusted look at him. “Besides, I prefer to have a peace of mind at home and no offense or anything but I’m getting annoyed seeing your fucking face barking at my door three times a week.”
Ouch. Kirishima felt Bakugou’s pain, he even winced a little as the words left your lips, and he held his temples in his hand with his eyes shut as he awaited an explosive response.
“I see,” was the blonde’s only reaction. His sparks no longer popped at his hands as he shoved them into his chest, folding his arms in defeat. “Well if it makes you feel any better I’ll just call the fucking landlord next time.”
“You should’ve been doing that from that start, pop rocks.” Your anger was more towards his lack of resistance than him. “So you wanna go get ramen with me or what?”
His eyes avoided your gaze at all costs, silently hoping you’d not notice the pain he was feeling. “Nah, I make ramen better than any shitty dive nearby. Plus, Kirishima and I were headed to the gym anyways. Enjoy your shitty ramen and your break.”
And with that, he walked away. Kirishima stumbled between catching up and telling you goodbye for a few seconds before just chasing after him. Soon after, you realize you might’ve been too mean towards him. You left reluctantly, dragging your suitcase and duffel bag to the other elevator with a huff.
Your vacation was shorter than you had set plans for, by about a week, since Midoriya ended up having too little time to even come back into the hotel and talk let alone fuck. Bittersweet, though you felt it was repercussion for being cold to Bakugou.
“It’s not like I owe him anything, right?” You rhetorically ask Mina, who was the sole bakusquad member who didn’t live with them, as you exited the elevator.
“Nah, but Bakugou has always been a touchy bitch. I call him Bakubitch preeeeetty often.” The alien queen giggled, “I mean you guys never really talked much but what if you, yanno, have like a soul tie or something? It would explain why you feel so bad about being a dick.”
“Or maybe— just hear me out on this— I’m just *too* nice.” You hold back a smirk while you wait for her response.
“HAH! No way, jose. You have to admit you were a bit of an ass.”
“But he’s ALWAYS an ass!” You exclaim, kicking your shoes off as you entered your apartment.
“Yeah but you’re usually flirty and bouncy with him when he’s an ass so for you to say something out of pocket he must’ve took it pretty hard.” She says between munches, probably packing down popcorn since she was supposed to be at the movies with some guy.
“That’s so annoying though, how come he gets to be an ass but can’t handle a clapback?”
“That’s a question for Bakubitch, listen, I gotta go— Hot guy 25 is calling me cos the movie started, don’t be a dick and call me if you need to talk later BAAAAIIIII~” Bleep!
She was gone. You sigh dramatically, tossin your phone onto the couch when you realized how much dust collected on the cushions in just a single week.
“Guess it’s time to clean.” You mumble to yourself, turning the soundbar on a medium volume to avoid any trouble. Cleaning really helped you get your mind right sometimes, and it was pretty satisfying to see the end result. You pondered over your interactions with Bakugou as you did laundry, the white noise created by the washer and dryer focused your thoughts as you began to realize that maybe you had the hots for him.
Just then there was a harsh, but quick, rap on your door. Heat ran up your cheeks, knowing the knock all too well.
“Can I help you?” You manage to squeak from behind the door, peering through the peephole to find a pouty blonde staring at his shoes.
“Open the door.”
Something is off about him and against your better interests, you comply. “I have my volume on medium.”
His eyes crawl up your body to meet yours briefly, before snapping away. “I’m not— Ugh. I didn’t come to bark at you.” He says, grinding his teeth. “I came to.. Apologize.. or whatever. For annoying you.”
“Katsuki.” He says sternly, cheeks and ears a flush pink, his eyes glued to the belt he was “re-adjusting” to avoid facing you.
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“Katsuki,” You repeat, noticing the redness deepen on his face as your voice called out his name. You say it softly, trying to meet his gaze by stepping in his field of vision. God, he’s so fucking hot when he’s obviously feeling inferior. But I should tell him how he’s making me feel.... right?
“I should be the one apologizing, I.. didn’t mean it when I said you barked. And I don’t think you’re annoying.”
“Tch, like some lame insult could get to me.” He says, sparking a smile across your face.
“Of course it wouldn’t, the future number one hero has to be thick skinned right?” You tease flirtatiously, finally earning his gaze with a scoff.
“You’re damn right,” He smirks, a wave of relief (and heat from the look he gave you) flowing over you. “That’s all I came to say so—.”
“Do you wanna come inside?” You ask hastily, unintentionally squeezing your thighs together. Hopefully he can read between the lines. “I have tea on the stove, so...”
He stiffens at the offer, gulping down harshly before nodding a bit. You step aside, pressing your back against the door a bit as he walked in. The smell of vanilla candles filled your apartment, and freshly cleaned floors made it easier for his feelings to feel less.. uncomfortable.
“I don’t really know much about you, so do you mind if we could just... chill and act like normal people for a bit?” You ask as you disappear into the little kitchen to gather your approach.
He was busy removing his shoes and trying to not say anything stupid, but it was more of a rhetorical question anyways. He was internally freaking out, however, not knowing how to approach you or even talk to you about anything. He was worried he would be rude or obnoxious, and that it would scare you off.
“What’s your quirk?” He asks, a little harshly before clearing his throat, “My bad, I, uh, don’t remember from high school.”
“You’re fine, Katsuki, umm. Well honestly it’s not as cool or helpful a quirk as yours. I can use my pupils find the tiniest details in things, kinda like a magnifying glass just— in my head.”
An acknowledging grunt was heard, and you realized he was much quieter than you’d expected. Bringing the tea to your coffee table in the living room, you continued the conversation.
“I didn’t practice using it much since I was just a support student, but now that we’re in college I’ve discovered I can even help people find lost things if I look in their eyes. But it takes a lot of energy out of me.”
“Well that’s not completely useless, how does it work?” He says, taking a seat beside you on the couch as he bore into your eyes.
“Just gotta keep eye c-contact, fuck!” He had you on edge, spilling your cup of tea a bit and burning a finger. You felt his eyes on your backside as you cleaned the table off. “I just cleaned this shit.”
“You good?” He asks, snapping his eyes back to your own as you looked back.
“Yeah, I just, burned a finger.”
“Lemme see,” He says, taking your hand by the wrist and pulling your freshly manicured, and burnt, finger with the other hand up his eyes to inspect.
“Tch, it’s not even a first degree burn.” he snarks, licking the tea off your finger. “Nice nails, clumsy ass.”
You felt your face getting hot, and there was something about the way he kitten licked your finger that made your core heat up as well.
“T-Thanks, I just got them done.”
A long pause stilled the room around you, your heartrate racing as you noticed his eyes clouded over.
“You— You still have my hand.” You speak softly, but you don’t even budge as he pulls your wrist behind his head at the nape of his neck, your body falling onto his lap as he did.
“Tch, so clumsy.” His voice rumbles in his chest, never breaking eye contact with you.
You licked your lips in anticipation, “Good thing I’ve got a hero around.”
Part three.
tagging @lordexplosionsextra uwu reply if u wanna be added to the taglist!
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purplekoop · 11 months
Not a full breakdown yet because this guy's kit needs some work, but the art is actually pretty decent:
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This is Yanno, the explosives user of the cast, who's got a soft spot for fireworks. He likes the extra display of showmanship they bring to the fight.
(also it took me way too long after drawing this old art to realize that I gave him the exact same pose as OW1 Junkrat. Trust me, this isn't my least subtle Overwatch parallel)
Only reason he's not getting a full breakdown right now is because I'm struggling to figure out what to give him besides the fireworks launcher, which is effectively just a rocket launcher but more flashy. Rocket launchers are pretty much "perfect" weapons because of how many niches one basic attack can fill, even taking the role of providing mobility away from what'd otherwise go to another ability slot in a kit system like this. I had an old set of ideas, but they're currently less than what I consider good enough to talk about yet.
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oooocleo · 4 years
OC asks from a while ago...(;
decided to compile them so i dont spam you guys w lots of asks - ive tagged the folks who asked the questions in case theyre curious abt the answers haha
ive put them under a read more since i got more than i expected.. tysm if you end up reading through it all!
🌅 (Shirin) - What is your OCs favourite time of day? Are they a morning person or a night owl? (@norskseven​)
Shirin is definitely a night owl! He works by candlelight, late into the night...thats y he needs glasses...... his favourite time of day is probably midnight/when all is quiet and he can work w.o being disturbed, plus noam’s hair looks nice by moonlight (:
🧸 (Hetty) - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?) (anon)
Hetty would very much resent this but shes gotta be on the softer side of the scale..... maybe a 7? she doesnt usually Behave very softly but shes a bag of tears on the inside - very practiced at Wrenching That Down though
shed place herself where shed want to be, which would be around 4 😂
💡 (Noam) - How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest details, or do the wing it? (anon)
Noam does zero planning, completely wings it, rolls with anything that happens.. he can follow someone else’s plan though if anything deviates it might.....escalate quickly........... because he’ll still want to get to the intended goal 💁‍♀️ 
🩸 (Sura) - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)  (@shurimancurator​)
Sura’s direct relatives aren’t around anymore, but he very much clings onto the importance of family & the feeling of belonging he had when he was still with them - when he finds the people that have his surname its very important to him to foster that familial bond
🩸 (Ezra) (anon)
ezra has a definition of family that is broader than just the people they are directly related to 🤔  they are very very loyal to those they consider family, but that may also be their childhood friend, their sisters’ spouse, etc
🌋 (Hetty) - What’s your OCs temper like? Are they a slow boil, or an instant explosion? (@shurimancurator​)
The Slowest Boil... she is very restrained so she doesnt confront a lot of things that make her angry (at least not @ the source of it)... she just glares when she thinks she can away with it lmao.. when it becomes too much she does reach a breaking point which involves angry tears
🍹 (Sura) - Does your OC drink? If so, what’s their drink of choice? (@shurimancurator​)
Sura’s vice is drinking for sure, he holds his liquor well but its not a good thing lol............. he tends to go for whisky, bourbon, sometimes port or wine
his behaviour doesnt change massively but he shows his mean streak more
✂️ (Ezra) - What kind of thing would have your OC cut someone out of their life? How likely are they to let someone back in? (anon)
i think ezra would distance themselves from people who a hurtful to the ones around them (not necessarily to ezra themselves?), esp if ezra liked those people 🤔 they’d also find betrayal of their family/elves in general very hard to forgive.. they definitely wouldnt Forget it happened even if they give them a second chance in the spirit of fairness
✂️ (Hetty) (anon)
hetty would do anything to avoid this situation... she is So wary of actually letting people close enough to be able to hurt her & would be very frustrated with herself for not.. seeing a betrayal of trust coming i guess?
when Noam turns out to have been keeping A Very Big Secret from her, she doesn’t think she’ll ever forgive him but ofc... he was her best friend...and hes very sad and guilty abt it........and also her annoyance is redirected at Shirin when he forgives Noam first while still having massive scars on his throat
✂️ (Sura) (anon)
sura trusts his instincts a lot when it comes to putting himself in others’ hands - how much of himself he entrusts depends on the person, and the less it is the easier it is for himself to cut folks off when they do things he doesnt like
once he passes a certain threshold though, hes pretty much All In & will understand and forgive until hes blue in the face
🎭 (Ezra) - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people? (anon)
kind of yes! they are generally very professional/capable/someone to look up to and admire & they foster this image because of their duties.. theyll yanno.. cover their mouth when they laugh unless its in front of close friends/family when they emote more freely
📎 (Sura, Hetty) - How organised is your OC? Do they keep on top of responsibilities, or leave things to the last minute? (anon)
Hetty is not particularly organised Or disorganised.. its not a huge priority to her but she gets embarassed if its too messy (reminds her of Shirins pigsty habits)
Sura hasnt had to do a lot of organising in his life but has a lot of.. house-husband qualities so i think hed do just fine
💬 (Sura, Hetty) - Is your OC much of a talker? Do they only speak when spoken to? (Or not even then?) Do they ever talk over others? (anon)
Sura is definitely a talker, he knows very well how to speak to people to get his way & will talk over others if it serves a purpose 💁‍♀️ he also gets into the habit of expressing himself a lot around Hetty, Noam and Shirin bc they can’t read the flower language on his skin that telegraphs his feelings
Hetty only really talks when she feels comfortable.. even then shes not super chatty - Speaking Up about things if a very big thing for her and requires a lot of prep usually lol.. she would feel bad about talking over someone but might still do it
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