#lost legends spoilers
boomxyzu · 2 months
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He has to find her. He is gonna find her.
And this time it was not for duty or for the kingdom.
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shellshooked · 1 year
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Its so crazy to me how this game has 4 years worth of fanart and it’s not even out yet
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areyousanta · 9 months
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Kiss my ass Yiga
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hazycorvus · 1 year
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Back in the grasp of fate Lend me a hand Forever out of reach
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feelingtheaster99 · 29 days
Oh my goodness, The Bad Kids trying to keep the party from panicking while also trying to get Jawbone informed was so fucking funny
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communistkenobi · 2 years
not sure if this was intentional or not but nemik saying in his manifesto “Remember this: Try.” is an interesting sentiment given that “do or do not, there is no try” is like one of the more famous lines from the original trilogy
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vethbrenatto · 1 year
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You don’t understand! You don’t need me, I need-
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imaginarylungfish · 3 months
we don't want izuku to be quirkless in the end blah blah blah, yeah i know. same.... but also, it could be cool.
imagine he still becomes a great hero, but quirkless? he's the first quirkless hero? and maybe that message is not one for mha to tackle, but hear me out:
what if his arc is him wanting so badly to have a quirk, getting one, learning that being a hero is inherent to himself and not attached to his quirk/abilities, giving his quirk up, AND still being a great hero? wouldn't that be awesome?!
i think that type of character trajectory is unique and interesting in and of itself. but i also know my personal experiences in life contribute to why i think it's cool. i became sick and chronically ill in my late-teens/early-twenties. i lost my health. over the past 5 years, i've regained a lot of it, but i'm not 100% better (and most likely will never be). i've had to go through the arduous process of accepting my physical limits through many iterations of functionality yet learning when i was actually being held back by mental limits/fears and how to push past those.
i relate to izuku's character on many levels: wanting so badly to have something i don't, trying so hard despite not having that thing, and getting that thing you wished so badly for seemingly out of the blue (for me, it was a medication that drastically improved my health). i also relate to his self-destructiveness in name of a goal and sense of (sometimes unwanted) martyrdom.
but i was always a little disappointed throughout the series in the fact that izuku's big problem at the beginning was just seemingly resolved by him getting his quirk from all might. does he view his quirkless self as worthy as his OFA self? we don't know. (do i view my sick self as worthy as my "healthy" self? i don't know.)
so, i just think, if izuku loses his quirk, there is more room for growth for him. in other words, he becomes more interesting. and i get it, this is a shonen manga, it's ending soon, and it's supposed to have an inspiring message (i assume). so maybe it ending with him being quirkless is not something that belongs in this category of manga/anime. but if any series can break the mold, isn't it mha?
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jenna-louise-jamie · 2 months
hey guys, the ending of alex rider season 3. i will never get over it. yassen is free. he saved alex and in return alex freed him from scorpia. i imagine he's gone off into retirement, back to his home country, just like he planned to.
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gin-juice-tonic · 5 months
they didnt use crampelter much for a guy with the best name ive ever heard
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I just had a thought. A horrible terrible thought that really should have come to me earlier, but seeing The Sunken Tomb in animated form made me realize it and go 'oh. OH.'
Percy's accidental killing of Vex by triggering that trap is what sets up everything that leads to Vax walking away with snowdrops and feathers.
If he hadn't set that trap off, Vex wouldn't have died. If Vex didn't die, Vax doesn't become the Raven Queen's champion. Vax isn't Her champion, he doesn't necessarily become her revenant during Vecna, and doesn't need to leave his family and friends behind to go be a demigod of death, being essentially dead and gone to those who knew and loved him.
In a way, Percy killed both the twins. One of them permanently.
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
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Oh my god oh my fucking god future Vox Machina my loves my lives I’m losing my SHIT rn like! short haired kiki real!! future perc’ahlia! grog poobah de doink of all this and that! older fancy pike and scanlan! vax alive with a mustache! *cries*
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errorwarblesrr · 9 months
Gotta rant about Link's arm again bc, tbh it's what bugged me most about the end. Idc about Link getting to catch Zelda with his old arm. This isn't me saying I don't like the catch sequence bc I do think that part is great and mirrors the opening of the game. I mean, I don't care about it being a justification for healing his arm. To get that second chance to catch her again with his own hands.
Magic healing disability trope is ick to me, and no amount of thematic cohesion will make me like it. It still would have worked with Rauru's arm because catching her still would have been an act of his own and making up for the beginning of the game.
This trope just needs to die.
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birdb1tch · 16 days
is jace prime even alive still? DOES IT MATTER?? are they four separate jaces that are split from one or did one jace create three other jaces?
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hotstreak2k3 · 10 months
Zelda excited about the Imprisoning War in the opening.
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And Zelda having experienced the Imprisoning War.
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jasontoddssuper · 6 months
Fanarts/headcanons of Dabi and Jason being smokers being so popular confuses me.Jason died in an explosion after being brutalized when he was 15 and Dabi straight up nearly burned himself to death with his own powers when he was 13,i really don't think they'd ever willingly smoke,much less have it as a trait,and it feels like yet another example of the fandom being desperate to make them 'hotter' by disregarding their trauma so they can have them be a caricature of alt men due to wanting to date them
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