#mathematical ratios
howdoesone · 8 months
How does one interpret the use of geometric patterns in Middle Eastern art?
Geometric patterns have long been a hallmark of Middle Eastern art, captivating viewers with their intricate designs and mesmerizing symmetrical arrangements. These patterns are not merely decorative elements; they carry deep cultural, spiritual, and symbolic meanings. In this article, we will explore the methods and approaches one can employ to interpret the use of geometric patterns in Middle…
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kitty-meowskers · 1 month
some avoo & mathematic rat textposts because i love them <3
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myfairkatiecat · 3 months
So I was thinking about the whole elves-being-naturally-prettier-than-humans thing because that was always sort of weird to me when I FINALLY think I figured it out.
Humans used to know about the elves, and there are some things they still remember—hence myths about Atlantis and such. Reality is, humans and elves resembled each other in a lot of ways, but elves put themselves on a pedestal as better than every other species (that’s, like, canon, and better be addressed more fully at some point?) and that’s probably a part of the reasons humans “betrayed” the elves—they got sick of hearing that elves were better.
But it was just sort of implanted in their minds, though they weren’t fans of the idea, and elves didn’t go to great lengths to erase that idea from their minds. So humans remember myths and some things about elves, and Atlantis being the underwater city………and beauty standards.
It’s not that elves are naturally prettier than humans. It’s that human beauty standards are shaped around the natural looks of elves.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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tondajpg · 5 months
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I hope math your favourite class
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hewaje · 5 months
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When you fail at math…
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cheesemenace · 1 month
Has anyone or is anyone taking Calc 2 or Calc B/C? Because.. I am struggling. Please, aro/ace (or not, just targeting my followers) mathematicians 🙏🙏🙏🙏 help a guy out.
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dr-vrat1o · 4 months
Sampo Koski was given a great scammer award that measured 11 in by 14 in. He decided to put matting around it, and put it in a nice frame. The matting was of uniform width and had a visual area of 116 square inches. What was the width of the matting?
Go on, Ratio, solve it. Use inches.
2 inches.
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arataki-neato · 7 months
Oh so that's where the name comes from
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earolinc · 9 months
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haven't posted in a while (apush is kicking my butt) but here's some art i made :D ap calc is so far super fun and i'm excited to be moving on to the next step now that i'm done with algebra
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Phi Caliper
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Today I crafted a tiny phi/golden ratio caliper with PVC foil and 4 rivets.
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sappy-witch · 1 year
Exploring Sacred Geometry: Unlocking the Mysteries of Divine Proportions 🌸🔺🔵◻️
Hello darlings 🥰
Today, let's delve into the fascinating world of sacred geometry and unravel the profound secrets hidden within its intricate patterns. Sacred geometry is a universal language that transcends cultures and time, reflecting the inherent order and harmony of the cosmos. It offers a window into the interconnectedness of all things and provides a profound tool for spiritual growth and understanding. So, let's embark on a journey into the realm of sacred geometry together!
🌸 The Flower of Life: 
At the heart of sacred geometry lies the Flower of Life, a mesmerizing pattern formed by overlapping circles. It is a symbol of creation and the interconnectedness of all living beings. Meditate upon its symmetrical beauty and allow its energy to awaken your connection to the divine.
🔺 The Power of Triangles: 
Triangles hold immense power in sacred geometry. The equilateral triangle represents balance and harmony, while the upward-pointing triangle symbolizes fire, passion, and spiritual ascension. The downward-pointing triangle represents water, intuition, and the divine feminine. Incorporate triangles into your spiritual practice to tap into these energies.
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🔵 The Magic of Circles: 
Circles are ancient symbols of wholeness, unity, and eternity. They represent the cyclical nature of life and the infinite possibilities within the universe. Meditate upon circles, draw mandalas, or use circular objects in your rituals to connect with the energy of completeness and divine unity.
◻️ The Power of Squares: 
Squares symbolize stability, structure, and the material realm. They represent the four elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water—and provide a foundation for manifesting desires. Work with squares in your sacred space or incorporate them into your crystal grids to establish a strong and stable energetic framework.
✨ The Golden Ratio: 
The Golden Ratio, often represented by the number phi (Φ), is a mathematical proportion found abundantly in nature and art. It is a ratio believed to embody perfect harmony and beauty. Explore the Golden Ratio in nature, art, and architecture and contemplate its presence in the world around you.
🌳 Sacred Symbols: 
Discover sacred symbols derived from sacred geometry, such as the Sri Yantra, Metatron's Cube, or the Tree of Life. These symbols are potent energetic tools that can be used for meditation, manifestation, and spiritual alignment. Study their meanings and explore how they resonate with your journey.
🔷 Crystal Grids and Mandalas: 
Combine the power of sacred geometry with the energy of crystals by creating crystal grids or mandalas. Arrange crystals in sacred geometric patterns to amplify their energies and intentions. Draw mandalas inspired by sacred geometry to express your inner connection with the divine.
◻️ Sound and Sacred Geometry: 
Explore the relationship between sound and sacred geometry. Discover the resonant frequencies associated with specific geometric shapes and how sound vibrations can harmonize and heal. Experiment with sound healing modalities, such as chanting, singing bowls, or tuning forks, to enhance your experience with sacred geometry.
✨ Meditation and Contemplation: 
Engage in meditative practices centered around sacred geometry. Visualize geometric patterns, focus on specific shapes, or use sacred geometry artwork as a focal point for your meditation. Allow these visualizations to calm your mind, expand your consciousness, and deepen your spiritual connection.
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Sacred geometry is a gateway to understanding the divine order that permeates the universe. It invites us to recognize the inherent beauty and interconnectedness of all things. Embrace the language of sacred geometry, and allow it to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
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With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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teddybeartoons · 5 months
I feel like Dr. Ratio is the type to grade everyone's exams entirely wrong regardless of answer because he expects you to argue with him and prove that your answer is right.
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kitty-meowskers · 1 month
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p3achh0ney · 7 months
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Hatsune Mikus for my math finals
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noosphe-re · 1 year
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Cover of "Der Modulor" by Le Corbusier (Ed.5, 1985)
Between 1942 and 1955 the architect Le Corbusier (1887–1965) developed a universal measuring system known as the "Modulor".
The Modulor represented an attempt to give architecture a mathematical order oriented to a human scale. Starting from the golden ratio and the proportions of the human body, Le Corbusier developed his doctrine for the proportions of construction. He started from an assumed standard size of the human body and marked three intervals related to each other in the proportion of the golden ratio.
Le Corbusier managed to combine the imperial measuring system based on the foot with the metric decimal system and at the same time to relate to human body measurements. As a result, he obtained a systematic planning basis for architecture and industrial products that gained worldwide currency and was applied by countless practitioners. —ETH Library, ETH Zurich
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gemkun · 30 days
@luckquartzed said : “Negative b, plus or minus, the square root of b squared… minus 4ac over 2a…” Aventurine flips through the textbook and scoffs. “This is what they teach kids in school? Man, I’m glad I never went. How come there’s nothing in here about voting, opening a credit account, buying a house or first aid? Who thought this belonged in public academics instead of specialized university?” He drops the book in the trash. “What a waste of 500 credits.” “It’s all inductive anyways, can’t really prove anything, watch out for the giant teapot orbiting the sun. Also moons are all made of cheese.” Aven is just being an add at this point and he knows it. “How come no matter what colour the liquid, the froth is always white?”
      ⸻       this   was   to   be   absolutely   expected.   though   ,   it   is   not   the   fault   of   the   avgin   ,   but   rather   the   education   system   and   its   failure   to   indicate   applications   relevant   to   the   livelihoods   of   others.   ❝   it   is   one   aspect   ,   but   there   are   plenty   of   other   topics   that   are   covered   within   prescribed   syllabi.   ❞   he   eyes   the   discarded   purchase   —   identifying   the   precious   publication   being   laid   to   waste.
  still   ,   his   subsequent   reasoning   ,   borders   absurdity.   in   fact   ,   it   is   explicitly   nonsensical.   ❝   what   you   have   a   listed   are   essentials   ,   no   doubt   ,   but   you   severely   underestimate   the   capabilities   of   the   quadratic   formula.   ❞   outstretched   ,   he   is   thankful   that   the   fallen   text   is   not   marred   by   assorted   scraps   ,   and   for   that   ,   his   retrieval   follows.   he   dusts   it   then   ,   to   remedy   its   bruised   state   ,   before   he   passes   it   to   its   respective   owner   ,   both   former   and   returned.
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  ❝   it   is   a   consolidation   that   allows   the   ability   to   solve   the   simplest   type   of   polynomial   equations   that   can   be   used   to   study   complex   systems   within   certain   limits.   they   appear   routinely   in   all   facets   of   mathematics   and   if   you   do   not   appreciate   this   formula   ,   you   will   surely   struggle   as   you   venture   further   into   arithmetic   problems.   ❞   flipping   open   the   educational   tool   ,   he   exposes   the   strategist   to   the   mediocre   explanation   across   glossy   pages.   to   assist   his   elaboration.   ❝   what   you   fail   to   comprehend   ,   is   this   concept   ,   is   applicable   to   countless   conditions   in   everyday   life   ,   including   your   dice   throws.   ❞
  and   perhaps   ,   one   he   employs   when   he   faces   these   roulettes   with   the   stoneheart.   ❝   in   its   most   basic   form   ,   it   determines   the   area   of   figures   —   by   expressing   the   area   with   a   quadratic   equation   ,   we   can   seamlessly   calculate   this   unknown.   if   we   take   this   further   ,   another   example   is   a   projectile   :   the   place   where   it   lands   ,   the   distance   travelled   and   the   time   it   takes   to   reach   its   vertex   can   be   established.   have   you   worked   out   its   use   yet   ?   ❞
  raised   brow   curls   ,   prompting   the   elite   in   a   manner   that   spells   ❛   this   should   be   obvious   ❜.   and   yet   ,   the   questions   persist   ,   coaxing   a   launch   of   spaced   out   sighs   ,   but   the   doctor   answers   nevertheless.   ❝   it   proves   plenty   ,   gambler.   i   should   assign   you   to   not   only   completing   this   section   in   your   book   ,   that   you   must   take   greater   care   of   ,   but   i   should   also   task   you   to   understand   its   application   in   your   daily   conventions.   ❞
  finality   falls   in   his   next   conviction   ,   with   piercing   gaze   to   deter   the   director   from   bothering   any   longer.   since   ,   well   ,   they   both   have   more   pressing   matters   to   attend.   ❝   to   correct   you   ,   not   all   foam   is   white.   however   ,   in   the   case   you   speak   of   ,   the   froth   is   white   due   to   light   refraction.   since   it   is   made   of   bubbles   ,   which   are   pockets   of   air   ,   light   that   enters   must   pass   through   a   number   of   surfaces   ,   which   scatter   it   in   different   directions   that   produces   this   white   colour.   ❞
  certainly   ,   this   must   sate   the   liquidation   specialist.   though   ,   if   not   ,   he   has   no   more   minutes   left   to   spare.
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