#meanwhile yggdrasil was like
kideternity · 4 months
On the last two episodes of Tamers. I think I've come to the conclusion that I think Yggdrasil from Savers is a much more interesting and compelling final villain then the D-Reaper from Tamers is
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The Witch and The Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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(Credits to GIF owner)
A/N 1: Hey guys! This has been in my drafts for so long. Although it's only 2.1k words, there is so much going on in this story, so I basically thinking about making this a serie. But instead of a complete serie, I'm thinking something like a sitcom. Like it's a world that you are the main character but every part will have a different adventure, I hope I'm clear lmao let me know what you think please!!
A/N 2: These events happen between Civil War and Ragnarok. They pretty much happen at the same time but I changed it a little so it could fit what's in my mind! So basically Ragnarok will happen later after this story. Okay? Okay!
A/N 3: Please bare with my grammar mistakes, English is not my first language!
WC: 2.1k+
Warnings: Mention of trigger words, Bucky being depressed, mention of HYDRA, let me know if I missed any!!
Bucky and Steve landed in Wakanda, relieved to be in a safe haven after their harrowing escape from the US government. Steve had told Bucky that he had a friend in Wakanda who could help him get back on his feet, and now it was time to make good on that promise.
Even though, Shuri ensured them they can help him, it was obvious it was going to take a lot of time. Meanwhile he would need to be put in cryo. Steve didn't want that. He didn't want to see Bucky suffer any more longer.
"No other way? Are you sure about that?" Steve asked Shuri.
Shuri knew Steve was worried about his friend. "I'm sorry Captain Rogers, I'm afraid I can't work as fast as I can with a fully functional brain. It needs to be calm so I don't do any mistake."
While Steve considered his options, Bucky was trying to convince himself everything would be okay. It was not HYDRA, he was in Wakanda and after he was put in cryo, he would wake up as a different man.
"I don't trust myself Steve," he said with a broken tone. "If it's the only way, I accept what it requires."
Steve knew that look. He wasn't sure so he didn't just want to accept and then it hit him. "What if I said I know a friend who could actually help us? She is a powerful witch and extremely experienced. I'm sure she would accept to help you," Steve said, hoping he would accept.
"Why would she want to help me?" Bucky asked, sounding even more hopeless.
"You'll understand when you see her."
You, Y/N Odinsdottir Heladottir, were one of the strongest witch in nine realms. You didn't have a father. Your mother Hela, created you from the souls that Asgard lost during battles and Yggdrasil gave you life. You became the goddess of reality. Your powers were raw and unlimited, that's why Hela wanted to train you as fast as possible so you could be a strong warrior among her side for the throne. After Odin banished Hela from Asgard, he took you as his own daughter and Frigga announced you to Thor and Loki as their sister.
Loki adored you immediately. He knew you were special and promised himself, he would do anything to protect this little angel that is his new sister. He could feel your magic. He made a mentally note to train you when you grow up.
"I think, she is the goddess of reality, which I don't know what it means, but she was trained to read and control minds. I don't exactly know the limit of her powers but she is a strong one Buck," Steve said hoping he would calm down a little.
"You said she can read minds, I don't want a stranger to see horrible things I've done. What if she saw them and refuse to help me?" Bucky said panicking. He had a chance to get rid of his past but the thought of being rejected made him anxious more than he already was.
"I tell you she's not like that, don't you trust me?" Steve seemed a little heartbroken.
"Don't get me wrong, I knew we were best friends, brothers actually but I don't exactly remember those days Steve. I don't feel that kind of trust just yet," Bucky admitted and just wanted to slap himself. "Why the hell I said that, what is wrong with you? Now he won't help you," he thought.
"Just say yes and she'll be here in no time I promise. I always keep my promise, Buck."
"Okay. I-I want to meet her."
"Look I'm not an expert on Asgard but we look like bunch of punks, Steve."
For the last 5 minutes, Steve were yelling your name to the sky, hoping you would hear and come. While he was trying, T'Challa approached to them.
"There is a woman in Shuri's lab, asking for you Captain Rogers. She said you called her," the king said, trying to hide his laugh. "She came from the sky, I thought you brought war to us," he joked.
"I would never do that your highness," Steve laughed. "Come on Buck, let's not keep her waiting, she is a little impatient."
"Is that why we have been yelling to the air last couple of minutes?"
"Your technology is impressive comparing to the rest of the world!" you cheered when Shuri showed off her gadgets to you. You both immediately got along well. She spilled the beans about why Steve called you. You suggested to do everything together with Shuri, using your magic and her technology.
"Thank you, thank you princess Y/N. Your magic is quite killer as well," she smiled widely. "Oh, here comes the white boys!" she called.
"I feel like we always meet in extreme circumstances," Steve smiled and hugged you tightly. "How are you, Y/N?"
"I've had better days, unfortunately we lost Loki a while ago, during a war," you said trying to hide your pain.
"We didn't have great memories with him but I know you loved him, I'm sorry for your loss," he patted your back.
You looked behind him and saw a brunette overthinking about everything and a chaos in his mind. You didn't want to just invade his brain but his thoughts were extremely loud so you wanted to help him. "Hi, I'm Y/N," you offered your hand to shake which he gladly took.
"I'm Bucky," he said nervously. He was sure you were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. You blushed lightly and when he realised, he was sure you read his mind. That made him blush too.
There was a thick tension between you, you were sure Shuri and Steve were trying to hide their laughs but you didn't care. "Shuri told me why you needed me, so when do we start?" you cheered, looking at Bucky with big eyes.
"You want to help me?" Bucky said, his eyes filled with hope. "Yes, of course Bucky! I'll do anything I can," you offered him a warm smile. He smiled back, already feeling better.
"You are in pain Bucky, I can feel that," you stopped with magic. Last few months have been hard on Bucky. He had to remember every single thing HYDRA had done to him and getting rid of those memories' chains. You didn't even made him remember what he had done to people but even this part were really painful to him.
"I can take it, please continue," Bucky nearly begged you. You were sure he couldn't take it anymore without going crazy so you wanted to stop a little until he feels better again.
"How about I tell you another story of my life in Asgard while you rest? I promise we'll continue then," you offered him a smile, put your hand on his shoulder to ensure him that you are here.
You've been doing this for a long time, whenever he felt overwhelmed, you stopped what you're doing and helped him relax while you told him stories about Asgard. You told him about the palace, the Valkyrie, your mom and dad, your brothers, Thor and Loki and Heimdall. He loved those stories. Every time you tell him, he learned something about you. You were so close with Loki and your mom, Frigga. Odin favoured Thor, that's why you always felt left out. From the colour you loved the most to the planet you loved to be in, he learned every little thing about you.
"That sounds good," he smiled back and laid down.
"Loki! Look how fast I am!" You shouted at your brother while riding a horse.
"Be careful my love, you might fall." Loki watched you closely. You were his soft spot. You were sure no one would love you more than he does.
"My children, it's almost time for dinner." Frigga called you both from balcony.
"We're coming mot-" he was interrupted by your scream.
"Loki!" His eyes filled with horror when he saw you crying on the ground, holding your knee. He ran to you so fast and leaned over.
"Hey hey, shh. Calm down pumpkin it's okay. I'm here, you're fine. How did you fall?" He smoothed you.
"S-she saw a snake and scared." You hugged him tight.
"I'll pick you up now and we'll see Eir, alright?"
"And then father forbade him to see me again."
"But you didn't listen," Bucky laughed.
"Of course we didn't," you smirked.
"I want to see my brother!" You shouted with your lungs out crying.
"Thor is already here, Y/N."
"I want Loki!" you kept crying as loud as you can. You knew if you did your mother couldn't stand it anymore.
"Enough Y/N! I said you can't see Loki, he's dangerous! He couldn't protect you!" Odin shouted. You were shocked. Tears were flowing from your eyes but no words came out of your mouth.
"That's enough! You scared her enough. I'm taking her to her chambers," Frigga said to Odin, took you in her arms and left.
It didn't matter how much she soothed you, you refused to calm down. She could see you were exhausted but resisting to sleep.
"Oh my little peach, you really want Loki, don't you?"
You nodded your head vigorously, still crying. Frigga gently brushed your hair and wiped away your tears.
"I understand how you feel, my love. You and Loki have a special bond, and it's not fair for Odin to keep you apart. But you must trust me when I say that he's doing it to protect you," she explained softly.
"But why does he think Loki is dangerous?" you asked, sniffling.
"Your father has his reasons, but I believe that Loki is not the monster that Odin sees him as. He's your brother, and he loves you very much. I promise you, we will find a way to make things right."
Frigga held you close until you finally fell asleep. The next day, she called for Thor and told him to bring Loki to her chambers. When he arrived, she sat Loki down and spoke to him.
"My son, I know how much you love each other with your sister, and I can no longer stand to see you separated like this. Y/N is heartbroken without you, and I think it's time that you to understand the gravity of the situation," Frigga said, looking at him sternly.
"Odin believes that you are dangerous, and he's afraid that you might harm Y/N. But I know that you would never hurt your sister. However, you must promise me that you'll never put her in harm's way. Do you understand?"
Loki nodded solemnly, "I would never hurt her, mother. Ever," he felt offended a little. Frigga smiled at him.
"Good. Now go and make up for lost time, and be sure to never let anyone come between your bond as siblings."
You ran towards Loki as soon as he stood up, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. Loki smiled down at you, and you knew that everything was going to be alright.
"No one is strong enough to break our bond, my little princess."
"You really liked Loki then," Bucky asked, feeling a little jealous but covering it with a smile. He knew he shouldn't be jealous, Loki was your brother after all. But he kind of wanted that bond with you, maybe even more. He wanted to keep you on his side, protect you at any cost. Even though he knew, you were perfectly capable of protecting yourself, even more than he can but it didn't matter to him.
"You don't have to be jealous Bucky," you laughed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to read your mind, it's just, you were thinking too loud and I thought there was a chaos going on in your mind," you said blushing.
"It's okay and I-uh," he sighed, trying to collect his words. "I just like to spend time with you, I mean you are so good to me and you know I- I would like to spend more time with you, other than just you helping me with this trigger words. You know, ma-maybe we could go to beach and watch sunset like that," he couldn't believe himself and how he couldn't just shut up. He looked away, he didn't want to see rejection in your eyes.
"I think that would be lovely, maybe you'll tell me your stories in 40's? I shouldn't be the only story teller, should I?" you grinned cheek to cheek. Seeing him relaxed after your answer made you even more happier. "But first, let's get through with this session, shall we?"
"We shall, doll."
A/N: Like and reblogs are appreciated! Let me know if you want more of this series!
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cookies-and-music · 11 days
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Ghost. - part 19: Bare your soul
My suggestion for this chapter is The Driver by Maneskin.
Part 1 here - part 20 here
TAG LIST: @kats72 ; @mischief2sarawr ; @m3ntally-unstable ; @star-maker-rain-dancer
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
Loki was breathing heavily, as if he had been running after her. He was dressed in Asgardian attire and held the helmet he had used in battle in one hand.
But something was off. This Loki should have been shocked to see her. He was the Loki who had believed her dead on Midgard during the Battle of New York a few years prior. Meanwhile, between the two of them, she was the one paling as if she had seen a ghost.
"It's really you, isn't it?" she swallowed.
He approached her slowly.
Perhaps she should have been happy, running to him and embracing him. But that would have been too simple.
"No" one corner of her mouth lifted in a sneer, "a copy."
Loki looked down. "It's the only way I can talk to you."
"And it was you, at the nursing home, wasn't it?"
He nodded.
"Well, it was nice, see you soon," Lydia smiled, reaching out her hand toward the tree, but before she could touch it, she was violently thrown against one of the room's side walls. The impact knocked the air out of her, and she felt like her arms and legs had taken the brunt of the blow more than the rest of her body.
"What the hell?" she spat as she got up. Loki rushed over to her.
"Sorry, I didn't think it would—" she cut him off by punching him in the face, causing him to stagger back several steps.
He scoffed, blowing away the long hair that had fallen over his face.
"Sorry" she raised a sarcastic eyebrow.
They stared at each other. Loki took a step toward her, and Lydia tensed, so he decided to raise his hands and back away until his back touched the room's wall.
She did the same, and in unison, they slid down along the wall until they were sitting on the floor. Face to face. Several meters apart and surrounded by shadows.
"You don't have to do this" he began, "it's risky and it may not even work."
"But you brought me here" Lydia furrowed her brow.
"What do you mean?" Loki tilted his head.
"When Mobius and I went to see Odin, you—you told me I needed to find the right time. Well, isn't this it?" she spread her arms to indicate their surroundings.
Loki shook his head before leaning it back against the wall, laughing bitterly.
"I only talked about the right time. I wanted you to take the right amount of time."
"To do what?"
"To move on."
Lydia's jaw dropped.
"You wanted me to move on?"
"You wanted me to move on" she shook her head, laughing "Should I have let you rot for how long? Centuries? Eons? Move on as if nothing happened while you turned into that in front of my eyes?" she pointed at the tree. "You're crazy."
"Me, crazy?" Loki laughed "You're the one who tried to interfere with Yggdrasil's course without thinking about the possible consequences."
"Possible, not certain" she emphasized "And besides, what other choice did I have?"
"To move on" he insisted.
"That's not an option."
"Lydia," he sighed, getting up and moving toward her "I don't even know what could be the outcome, and if something bad happened to you or the others, then everything I've done would have been in vain" He sat next to her against the wall so their shoulders touched.
"But it's not fair, Loki," Lydia's voice trembled "Why does it have to be you?"
He looked down, taking a deep breath before looking back at her.
"Because it's my burden."
"Then take me with you, let me stand by your side. At least you wouldn't be alone" her voice was desperate.
"I would never condemn you to such an existence."
"And I should let you condemn yourself?" At that point, her eyes were stinging.
He smiled at her with slight emotion, turning his torso towards her to see her better.
"When I met you again, I promised myself that this time I would protect you. I saw you at the TVA, and to my eyes, you were the purest and brightest being I had ever seen. You were perfect, too perfect. Then you sold me and Sylvie out to Renslayer, and I saw another side of you, ambitious, vengeful, and cruel if necessary. I should have hated you, but that's when I think I fell in love with you. When I saw your darkness so similar to mine. Then I understood that only we could accept and redeem each other."
He stood up and started walking toward the tree.
"I was hurt, but the way you were hurt by your own actions broke my heart. And I realized I would do anything for you," he caressed the form of Yggdrasil with one hand "no matter how dangerous or painful it would be" he turned towards her, "because I care deeply for you, Lydia Princhett."
Lydia sniffled. She gathered her body, which felt like jelly, and stood up, walking towards him.
"I care deeply for you too" she looked at him with teary eyes, her face streaked by a single tear she couldn't hold back.
He gave her one of his sad smiles, one of those that broke her heart. He pulled her towards him, wrapping her in an embrace.
They stood still for a few seconds, Lydia filling her nose with his scent, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath and listening to his heart beat.
"I love you" Loki caressed her hair.
"I know," she took a deep breath "that's why I know you will forgive me."
Loki didn't have time to process her words before Lydia grabbed his clothes with one hand, pulling and tripping him with a leg, making him fall to the floor.
She reached out a hand inside the tree, and Loki yelled at her not to do it, but it was too late.
Lydia had ripped the heart out of Yggdrasil.
The room went dark, and the ceiling collapsed on them.
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stupidrant · 1 month
imagine a sunny day in jotunheim, in angrboda's treehouse. atreus has been on his travels and brings back souvenirs not only for his father, but for angrboda as well. it's been maybe two or three years since ragnarok. atreus has been quite busy finding clues about the giants outside midgard, sometimes it lead to dead ends, sometimes he succeeded, sometimes he's gravely injured while on his journeys and he has to postpone the travels so he can go heal himself. but it's an ongoing process, and still many questions lingering. he doesn't give up!
here's the thing, though... neither atreus and angrboda have confessed to each other yet. but everyone around them are screaming inside that for the love of skadi, JUST SAY IT ALREADY!
one sunny day in jotunheim, atreus appears with new pigments from far off lands that will help angrboda's paintings pop even more. angrboda is overjoyed, because the pigment she's been using doesn't fit the new piece creating. she was so frustrated and annoyed that no matter how she mixed the colors, it never worked or didn't look as appealing. an artist takes their craft seriously! atreus knows this of course.
that's why he's there, because he knew it's the perfect gift for her and also... an excuse to simply see her. be with her. angrboda catches him looking at her for a while. "all good here, champ?" she jokes. "of course, i'm just enjoying the view. i missed you a lot. more than anything."
that made angrboda's heart jump out her chest. she feels the same way, thinking about him when he was gone, wishing he came back. this one time she heard the yggdrasil portal opening and got so excited over the premise that maybe atreus is back, she damn near ran to greet him - but it turned to be just lunda. ('now, why are you so disappointed in seeing me, missy!' no offence lunda, it's. complicated. well not really but you know; UNSAID WORDS & EMOTIONS GALORE.)
"i, uh... missed you too. it's so amazing to see you again, atreus..."
words are failing them hard, how do you even begin with describing just how they're feeling. but maybe they don't need words. they both try to speak, but the tension is thick, the heart rates are going up, palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, mom's spaghetti-
so they get closer. and closer. until they close the gap between. he has his arms around her waist, and hers are draped around his shoulders. their first kiss together, and it was purely magical. it was steady, sweet, wonderful.
until it deepened and they tumbled down. oh it's going for another territory. word to nelly, it's getting hot in HERE.
they stopped. both of them. heavy breathing, their faces completely flushed.
"h-hey, atreus, um... this is very great but i don't feel... ready for this yet." "no, yeah, no, totally! i understand...!" they got up immediately and dusted themselves off.
a small moment of awkward silence. "angrboda... was it- was this okay with you? you don't feel weird about this, do you...?" "no! not at all! i liked it, but um... i, uh. i've never been... you know... with a guy-"
meanwhile, somewhere around yggdrasil, ratatoskr was tending to the tree until he heard a young man scream. it was atreus. yelling while he was running laps around the path. currently at his 56th lap and at this rate he will hit 100.
"young master atreus! what is going on-" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ICANTBELIEVEITICANTBELIEVEITIDIDTHAAAAT!!" "young master atreus, get a hold of yourself!"
back in jotunheim, angrboda is also screaming. but it's muffled by a pillow. and she's rolling around the grass, kicking her feet, laughing and giggling. her wolf and fox friends are looking a little bit concerned. but she doesn't look hurt, and she's clearly happy, so they're not alert. they won't rip the guy she was seen with into pieces, thankfully.
but oh. it's finally happening.
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haloshornsinkstains · 2 years
Demons In My Head
Demiurge [Overlord] x F!Reader
Warnings: canon-typical violence, smut, deviation from canon.
When Yggdrasil shut down Momonga wasn’t the only one left behind, you were trapped there with him, as the world shifted and all the NPCs came to life. Trapped in Nazarick with an NPC you’ve always had a crush on, what will you do with your new life?
Hearing a soft ping I looked up from where I’d been reading on the floor to pass the time, a new message flashed at the corner of my vision. Sighing I opened it, at least whoever it was had been courteous enough to let me know they weren’t coming.
[Momonga] Just logging in now, sorry I’m so late!
I smiled softly and dismissed the message, no point in messaging him back when you could speak in person in a moment. Seeing the familiar glow that signified one of my guild-mates logging in I pushed to my feet, ready to greet Momonga one last time. “Hey Momo.” I smiled up at the litch. “I’m glad you came.” “Hey Rip.” He nodded his head, and you were sure he was smiling back. “Sorry, I got caught up and it took me longer than I thought to get here. Did I miss everyone?” My chest tightened and I shook my head. “You’re the only one so far Momo.” “Oh.” He drummed his bony fingers against his chin. “Maybe they’ve been and gone? How long have you been here?” “Since midday.” My voice was flat, claws picking at the edges of my armour. “I don’t think they’re coming…” “I’m sure they’d have been here if they could. C’mon, we’ve still got a couple of hours, shall we go and say goodbye to everyone?” I blinked at his outstretched arm for a moment, not sure what he meant, until I remembered the NPCs of Nazarick, those lovingly created by the guild.  “That sounds lovely, Lord Momonga.” I answered softly, glad for once that the game limited my expressions. “Indeed, Lady Riptide. Shall we head to the first floor and then work our way back down?” “Makes sense, I’d like to end things in the Throne room. It just feels right.” Momonga nodded, teleporting the both of you to the top floor. I eyed the rickety bridge while Momonga looked around for Shaltear, neatly teleporting to the other side with a huff. “Still not a fan of heights Rip?” “Nope, besides, Shaltear is over this way.” I called, making my way towards the Vampire’s usual spot. “Floor two, numbnuts.”
Saying goodbye to the fourth floor pulled at something painful in my chest. The Underground Lake had been my domain, though the main guardian was Gargantua, there were monsters of my own creation in the lake itself. They weren’t true NPCs in the way the others were, my skills hadn’t quite been up to par for that, but they did a good job of picking off a few of the fools who made their way this far down. Besides, Ulbert had insisted that my aesthetics fit this floor the most. The next few floors were easier, at least until we reached the seventh. “This was always my favourite.” I sighed, running my fingers over the back of the white throne. “Really? I thought it was the lake?” Momonga hummed. “Nah, that was where Ulbert thought I fit best, but I do really like fire. And this place is so beautiful, he used to chase me out of here all the time. Told me Kelpies shouldn’t stay in hot places long, and to stop ogling his creation.” I laughed, gently patting Demiurge on the shoulder. “Do you think he knew Demi was my favourite NPC?” There was a low rumble of laughter from Momo beside me. “No. None of us would ever have guessed that.” Meanwhile Demiurge was practically vibrating with delight. His Lady, one of the Supreme Beings, favoured him above any other? He couldn’t think of a greater honour. And she even deigned to touch him? Him, a lowly servant. But why were the two remaining Supreme Beings speaking as if they were leaving? It couldn’t be.
Finally we made it to the tenth floor once again. I brought up the menu, glancing over the time. “Ten minutes left.” I sighed, glancing to where Momonga was over with Albedo, looking over something in her description. “You two going to need some time alone? Remember, this place has rules against R rated actions!” “Oi!” I laughed, happily settling on the floor to wait for the final countdown. As the last thirty seconds started to tick down I looked up at Momonga once more, surprised to find that he’d settled himself on the throne. Pushing to my feet I went to join him, perching on the arm, glad that I couldn’t feel how uncomfortable it probably was. “Hey Momo, after this… do you… do you think we can still keep in touch?” “Of course we can Rip.” I hoped he could tell how happily I was smiling at him, I’d used the emote but it didn’t seem enough to convey how truly happy and grateful I was to have his friendship in all this. Gently resting one of my own hands over his boney one I watched the last few moments of the clock count down, bracing myself for the unpleasant sensation of rejection from the gear. “5… 4… 3… 2… 1…” I closed my eyes,ready for the last moments of the game… but then nothing happened. No unpleasant zap in my brain to signify I’d been forcibly disconnected, no sudden feeling of nausea as I came back to the real world. Nervously opening my eyes I glanced around, expecting to see the darkness of my headset only to be greeted by the equally startled face of Momonga. “Did we get the time wrong?” I asked, looking around. “No… I don’t think so… wait, Rip, your mouth is moving.” Momo answered, his eyes flashing green at me. “So is yours!” I yelped, “really moving, not the standard animations. Holy shit, Momo, are we in the game? I swear I saw an anime like this, but if you died in the game you died in real life? Do you think that’s what’s happening here? We’ve been Isekai’d into a game. Oh, I hope we still have all our skills…” “Rip, breathe, we can work this out.” Momonga sighed, gently patting my shoulder to try and distract me from my racing mind. “Lord Momonga? Lady Riptide? Has something happened?” I whirled at the sound of Albedo’s voice, blinking up at her. “It is nothing to worry about Albedo. Could you gather the floor guardians? I believe something has changed here. Sebas-” he paused just long enough for the man to appear “-go and scout the exterior of Nazarick, see if you can determine what has changed.”
[Riptide] Holy shit Momo, how are you so cool right now? I’m still kind of freaking out.
[Momonga] I hadn’t noticed. Don’t worry. I’ll work things out for now. Looks like we still have our skills.
[Riptide] Thanks Momo <3
Time passed almost smoothly after that, once my panic died down I managed to settle back into my old role as vice-leader of the guild, though there were pitfalls that came with our new existence. The burning temple, which normally brought me great solace, made my skin dry out too quickly, and for the first time your expressions were truly visible on my face. It had taken weeks for me to stop blushing whenever you saw Demiurge, my skin taking on a deeper blue-grey tinge whenever I remembered what I’d said to him when we thought we were saying goodbye to the tomb, or how he’d spoken about me when Momonga had asked how the Guardians felt about the two of you. But I’d finally got over that, I could face him like a normal person now, even give orders when I needed to. At least I thought I was over it.
I’d been relaxing in the lake when a group of adventurers made their way into the tomb. I don’t know how they got past Shaltear or the Grave, though I had seen Shaltear chasing after Albedo earlier. They weren’t exactly hard to dispose of either, though I guess I had a bit of a home-field advantage in the water. Still, the encounter had left me dirty and a little sore, one of them had tried to ride me, clearly seeing a horse and thinking nothing of it. Shuddering at the memory I sank into my bath, letting the warmth of the water soothe me. At least until someone knocked at my door. “Come in!” I called out, not thinking anything of it. Momonga had been in here enough times while I soaked, he’d gotten over it fast enough, the water was dark and as it happened having a Kelpie as a guildmate meant spending way more time with them in water than either of us had bargained for, at least until we could get hold of an artefact that helped. Except that wasn’t Momonga, instead standing in your room with a pink dusting on his ears was Demiurge. With a startled yelp I sank under the water, only letting the top of my head and my eyes peek out over the surface. Until I remembered the Demiurge shaped plushie on my bed, the one Albedo had so kindly made for me (after only the briefest of disgusted looks). Another burbled yelping noise and I’d practically flown across the room, landing on the bed on top of the plush. “Lady Riptide? Is everything quite alright?” I blinked at Demiurge, noticing the way he refused to look at me, and the red tinge staining his face. Then I looked down. Oh yeah, still naked. Oh shit, still naked. With a squeak I grabbed a pillow, using it to shield as much of my body as I could. “I had heard some insects made their way down to the fourth level my Lady, I wished to express my deepest apologies that something of that kind would happen. And to promise my Lady that Shaltear will be duly punished for abandoning her post.” I sighed, it was irritating to be attacked, but it had been decent practice at least. And it wasn’t bad enough for whatever punishment you thought Demiurge had put together. “It’s alright Demi, it wasn’t that much bother.” I waved a hand tiredly. “They weren’t much more than practice dummies in the end.” “Then allow me to accept punishment for seeing you like this Lady Riptide. Perhaps you should pluck out my eyes?” He was kneeling before the bed now, head bowed and hand over his chest. “No! No, Demi. It’s fine! I should have checked who it was before asking you to come in, and even then, you came in because I told you to. If anything I should be apologising to you for seeing me in this state!”  Demiurge glanced up, his ears wiggling slightly and tail thumping against the floor as he looked at me once more. “Oh no my Lady! You are a most wondrous sight to behold, one the eyes of a mere servant aren’t fit to see.” “I… I wouldn’t say that.” I murmured, clutching the pillow a little tighter to myself. “I, um, I wouldn’t punish you for seeing me…” “I am honoured my Lady. If that is the case, would I be forgiven for asking a question?” He murmured, still not quite able to keep his eyes on me. I nodded nervously, something about him kneeling there fully clothed while I was still sat here naked stirring a fire in my stomach. The effects of which I was almost sure he could smell, if the excitable thrashing of his tail was any indication. “The item I saw on your bed earlier, that wouldn’t be-” “So what if it was?” I gasped, cutting him off. “Then I would be most honoured Lady Riptide, and I would happily offer my Lady my services should she ever be in need.” His ears were bright red, but he was finally looking at me, smirk fixed back on his lips. I dropped the pillow in shock, my heart racing in my chest. “You would?! Do you understand what you’re saying?” “Of course my Lady. Though if you are displeased by the thought…” He stood and turned towards the door, only to freeze when I called out to him. My mind was racing almost as fast as my heart. Was it even ethical to ask this of him? I was technically his superior, but he had offered… And he looked so eager… “Then… then perhaps I might wish to make good on that offer. If you wish.” “Nothing would please me more Lady Riptide. After all, I am your favourite, am I not?” His voice was practically a purr, one that went straight to the fire now building in my stomach. “I… yes.” I breathed, leaning back on the bed as he prowled over me. “If you’re sure…” “My Lady, I do not think I have been more sure of anything since I took over guardianship of the seventh floor.” I sighed out a breath, leaning back slightly as I allowed him to crawl over my body. He paused over me, tail flicking behind him and head cocked as if asking for permission. My knees squeezed against his hips, neck stretching out almost involuntarily. “Please Demi.” Demiurge almost purred, his head dipping to nip at my neck. I let out a breathy gasp, my body arching up into his. I could feel his claws running down my sides, reminding me once more just how naked I was compared to him. His tongue flicked over my gills, sending a strange ripple through my body as I clawed at his suit, trying to pull the offending layers from his body. Chuckling darkly Demiurge pressed himself up on his knees, stripping himself much more quickly than I ever would have been able to. I licked my lips as I watched his skin reveal itself, his body broader and more muscular than I would have imagined under all that material. My eyes widened as he caught me staring, his mouth pulling up into a wicked smirk, finally removing the last of his clothing and settling between my thighs. “Now my lady, allow me to worship you.” I didn’t get a chance to reply, not when his mouth was on me sending fire through my veins. My hips bucked up against his tongue, claws shredding the sheets beneath me as I writhed against his ministrations. I wanted to cant my head back and close my eyes to enjoy the sensation, but something about watching him made me unable to look away. He was watching me so intently, registering every twitch and gasp and repeating the motions that made it happen, I couldn’t not watch him. At least until my orgasm crashed over me, in a flood of electricity and a flutter of ripped cloth and feathers as I tore into the bed. I tried to call his name, wanting nothing more than to let him know how good he’d made me feel, but only gibberish came out, my brain fried by the pleasure coursing through me. 
As I trembled with the aftershocks Demiurge lifted his head, his mouth glistening with the remnants of his feast. “Now now My Lady, I hope you aren’t tired already. We’ve only just begun.” He grinned, crawling up my body to press his lips to mine, letting me taste myself on him - like fresh water and vegetation. I purred against his lips, careful not to let my claws dig into his skin as I ran my hands down the expanse of his back, feeling the muscles tense and flex under my touch. I wrapped my legs around his back, pulling him into me. “It’ll take more than that to tire me out Demi.” I chuckled against his neck, letting my sharp teeth scrape against his skin. “Do your best, hmm?”
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hoesamo · 1 year
Freyr as an exile is interesting to me because he feels almost insignificant in comparison to the other exiles in his story. If my memory serves me correctly, Surtr realizes the struggle of his world (that ragnarok isn’t working for some reason and his children’s constant strife is causing them perpetual agony) after killing him, and isn’t specifically obsessed with him being in the MC like the other World Reps are. Meanwhile, there are exiles like Nüwa, Kinmamon, and Shaytan who all have a lot more significance within their respective worlds. Hell, even Faust has Mephistopheles in pursuit of his ass bc their history is significant. It makes me look twice at why he was chosen to be the exile in housamo’s story (instead of someone like Baldr).
I mean, here we have a guy who was close with his buddy Thor, who loved fighting, and would have friendly competition with him through things like racing and probably sparring (considering how similar he is to Kengo). While Gullinbursti, his Vehicle/Body Double/Meatshield, doesn’t understand why his master left him, but it feels like Freyr sacrificed himself on purpose. While Freyr could have beaten Surtr if he had his actual sword, he didn’t use it, and died instead for whatever unknown reason. What makes someone do that?
If I am to attempt to make an inference, I would say it might have something to do with Yggdrasil’s relationship with war and fighting. Freyr irl is known for being associated with peace, so while he may be perfectly capable of fighting, he might actually dislike the constant strife that war brings. In a place like Yggdrasil, where fighting and war is almost a way of life (especially Valhalla iirc), I could see Freyr not wanting to do that anymore. He himself may have felt out of sync with his world, but at the same time… is that really it? Am I overthinking things here? Freyr is so strange for me because his whole exile feels like it’s missing something important in his entire story. It’s clear that Yggdrasil is suffering, but is Freyr even relevant to that? And how and why is he relevant to his world in terms of housamo’s storytelling?
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digitalgate02 · 2 years
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“That AU setting for Hunters: Rewritten” extra stuff!! Part THREE!
Masaru, the Banchou Savior | Codename: "Fighter"
This one was just small updates instead of a total reinterpretation of the character. Well, because the age for him around 2011 is possibly closer to Savers' epilogue (which, if we think Savers takes place in the same year it aired... Masaru will be a 1992 (or 93) baby. And if he's like, 18-19 in the epilogue, this could mean 2011 right?)
So not many changes! We use the same stuff from it. We will even play with its backstory in this AU setting taking place a few days or weeks after Savers' epilogue!
This brave hero has decided to live in the Digital World as he did not want to get separated from Agumon. But don't worry, he does come home to visit his family and friends. However, Masaru loves the idea of exploring the unknown and learning more about the Digital World. And, since there's so much chaos in the meanwhile (since the DATS' digimon, Falcomon and the Royal Knights having to help keep everything in peace since the fall of Yggdrasil) ... Masaru works as some "link" between humans and digimon. He got some new friends alongside him which keep his clothes mostly fixed to suit his size. He got a cool cape to protect him, at least.
One day, a mysterious area reported appears and Gotsumon immediately reports Masaru and Agumon. Afraid of the possibility it being a gate opened by someone else, Masaru goes with the digimon to check it out. Once they arrive, Agumon points out a human-shaped shadow inside it and when they approach it... Masaru gasps! It's Chika!? What is she doing in the Digital World!? But something seems wrong... Chika's eyes are red and glowing. The moment Masaru realizes it, something pulls him and Agumon into the weird gate. Gaomon, Lalamon, Falcomon and Piyomon are unable to get inside!! What is going on, and what will happen to Masaru and Agumon!?
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valuka-shuna · 1 year
World Tree and Primordial Chaos
We should start with the foundation of the series' multiverse - The Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta. It ties in most of Mihoyo's games under the same rules, but the rules are expressed differently. Some new information from recent chapters have been omitted for the sake of simplicity and spoilers.
AKA why Genshin is in the same universe as Honkai, but you do not need to play Honkai to understand Genshin.
The Imaginary Tree that holds all of the Hoyoverse together is based on the belief of a world tree. The most well-known example is the Yggdrasil of Norse mythology, but it's a motif seen in various cultures around the world. It holds together the heavens, the skies, the worlds, and maybe even the underworld. The Imaginary Tree also embodies the concept of the tree of life in that it binds all forms of creation to its branches.
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The Tree is depicted differently depending on the game and context, but it's always a colossal pale-colored tree with twisting roots. It's an entity that normally isn't visible to human eyes. How can our puny monkey brain even begin to comprehend our existence on the cosmic structure holding our world together? It's literally larger than life itself.
From the trunk of this tree spreads numerous branches and from these branches grow an infinite number of leaves, each of them a different world. For our purposes, we must understand that every Mihoyo game that takes place in this universe is a leaf on this tree: Gun Girls Z, Honkai Impact 3rd, Genshin Impact, and Honkai Star Rail. HI3 and HSR are more similar and may be leaves growing on closer branches than Genshin. Each leaf (game) is governed by the same laws of the Tree's universe, but are otherwise entirely separate and does not affect one another.
Then why not also Tears of Themis and Zenless Zone Zero? Because there are no expy characters like Kiana or Mei. But also because lore reasons. For example, Genshin and HSR are explicitly linked by this monster item drop and a loading screen.
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(Genshin ley lines are directly connected to Irminsul and thus the Imaginary Tree, but that's a story for another time.)
The Sea of Quanta is the other being opposite the Imaginary Tree. The Sea is akin to the concept of primordial chaos or the soup of life. The Sea is an unstable, endless space that doesn't follow conventional logic. Generally accepted understanding of physics, mathematics, and reality do not work here. Above the Sea is where the Tree grows. Leaves of the Tree can wither, drift off their branch, fall into the Sea, and get dissolved out of existence in the chaos.
The world of the now detached leaf is considered a Bubble Universe. They can exist in various degrees of stability depending on whether it can sustain itself. Bubble universes do not necessarily have to be discarded by the Tree. They can also spontaneously spawn out of the Sea of Quanta. The Sea is unstable enough that a bubble universe can be created entirely from human memories. Bubble universes can also be man-made. Essentially they are miscellaneous parallel worlds floating in space.
The Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta has an antagonistic, but codependent rivalry. "The Sea Of Quanta wants to flood the Tree. Meanwhile, the Imaginary Tree wants to absorb the Sea." as described by the HI3rd wiki. It seems like cosmic material gets recycled as it grows on the Tree, decays, falls into the Sea, and eventually reabsorbed back via Tree roots.
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There aren't many depictions of the Sea of Quanta outside HI3. It generally looks like endless blue space with broken block structures swirling as if suspended in liquid. It is possible to physically traverse this space, jumping between bubble universes and fighting monsters born from the quantum chaos.
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(Crude depiction of The Tree and Sea outside space-time.)
All this stuff about the Sea being made up of world tree debris begs the question: Why and how do leaves fall off to begin with? If leaves are whole worlds, wouldn't them withering off the Tree would be an apocalyptic event? Losing one leaf is like losing a timeline, a parallel universe, a whole world of possibilities, and the entire civilization that lived in it. The answer is yes, and that's what the story of Honkai Impact 3rd is about.
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The word Honkai is the English localization of Houkai (崩壊) meaning "collapse", "decay", or "destruction" in Japanese. The same goes for Chinese where the actual name of the game is 崩坏3. The "3rd" is a reference to Evangelion's Third Impact because the Mihoyo founders are Eva fanboys. Honkai Impact 3rd is about humanity fighting against the collapse, decay, and destruction of their world leaf.
Knowing the etymology of the titular Honkai is important because it gives context to its concept. The Imaginary Tree and the Sea of Quanta aren't inherently good or evil. They are neutral forces of nature. The Tree itself must self-regulate so as to not expend its resources maintaining nonviable worlds . Otto Apocalypse says Honkai "breeds, nurtures, tests, and removes civilizations." Decay is natural. The system in which the Tree decides which of its infinite branches to prune off is called the Honkai.
The Imaginary Tree's self-adjustment system works by testing humanity within the leaf's world. The Honkai will manifest as anything that will bring calamity. It can manifest as beasts, natural disasters, robots, zombies, or the mobs you fight in game. When a Honkai invasion is devastating enough, it can cause an apocalyptic event. The in-universe source of The Black Death that destroyed a third of the world's population is an example of the Honkai manifesting as infectious disease.
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Humanity must keep evolving and advancing against the will of the Honkai in order to keep up with the destruction. If it manifests as disease, humanity must find a way to heal. If it manifests as monsters, humanity must fight them. And if it manifests as humans corrupted by Honkai energy with supernatural powers, humanity must find a way to make them fight for our side. (These humans are called Herrschers and are integral to the HI3 plot, but not for the purposes of this post.)
If the civilization within the world of the leaf falls to the Honkai invasion, then it is deemed no longer worthy of keeping. The leaf will be pruned and fall into the Sea of Quanta.
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(Spoilers: Or so we thought for most of the story until recent chapters, but that is again a story for another time. Finality will descend and reset the world to give us another chance to fight the Honkai.)
The degree to how much of this cosmic lore is actually relevant to each game depends.
Gun Girls Z - Relevant in that this is where it all started. Kevin Kaslana first brought up the concept of bubble universes in this series.
Honkai Impact 3rd - Extremely relevant in that the player character routinely interacts with bubble universes. In fact, the canon main story timeline is considered a separate world (leaf) from the Captainverse self-insert timeline used for events.
Honkai Star Rail - The relevancy remains questionable at the moment because the game is not yet released at the time of writing. I would assume it will become relevant due to the existence of the Imaginary and Quantum class typing on top of typical ones like Fire and Lightning. It is also implied the Honkai exists under the name Stellaron "Cancer of All Worlds". The train the characters ride between planets comes directly from the HI3 world. A train called the Cosmic Juggernaut was invented in HI3 to manipulate space-time and travel through the Sea of Quanta. This train somehow ended up damaged in the world of HSR, where HSR Himeko found, repaired, and renamed it as the Astral Express.
Genshin Impact - Also relevant, but it becomes easy to miss early on if you are not already familiar with Honkai. Almost everything exists in one way or another, but under a different name. The Irminsul tree is likely Teyvat's biggest connection to the Imaginary Tree. The Cataclysm 500 years ago could have been a Honkai eruption. The Abyss may or may not be within the Sea of Quanta. It's possible the Descenders are visitors from beyond the Teyvat leaf.
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The space underneath the Chasm as shown in Perilous Trail might be a bubble universe, complete with things spawning from memories and monsters that look suspiciously like quantum shadows when Traveler and Xiao try to make their way out.
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The way Yae describes traveling through space-time into Makoto's realm of consciousness sounds like Traveler were traversing through the Sea of Quanta into a bubble universe. How Ei and Traveler are the only ones who remember when the Sacred Sakura Tree was planted because their memories weren't altered while they were in the bubble universe outside of the Irminsul's reach.
There's more of this kind of allusion to Hoyoverse's cosmic lore in Genshin. Enough to write several other posts. The problem is we don't have confirmation about Teyvat's place in the universe. Is it a leaf still attached to the Imaginary Tree? Or is it a big bubble universe floating in the Sea of Quanta? Has the Honkai invaded yet? And if it did, what did it manifest as? Does it have a different name?
We already got some Imaginary Tree connections following the Sumeru archon quest and Wanderer interlude. But there's still no reason to play Honkai just to understand Genshin. At most, Honkai will give context to some unexplained phenomena. Genshin will likely explain their version of the world tree and primordial chaos eventually, at their own pace and in their own terms. A lot of Genshin players hate the idea that Genshin takes place in the Honkai universe as if it were inferior to Mihoyo's favorite child, but I want to reiterate that this isn't the Honkai universe so much as it is the Hoyoverse. Genshin Impact is as much Honkai as Honkai Impact is Genshin.
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deerfests · 2 years
What is your repugnant au?
Title: -- (working title: repugnant AU) Fandom: Control Relationship: None but that might be subject to change. Summary: (working summary, might change) "As Yggdrasil stands, so shall the Oldest House. When Yggdrasil falls, so will the Oldest House… but what will happen to the rest of the world then? The FBC does not intend to find out." Comment: Using Yggdrasil in the summary but for real, that's probably not gonna be what I actually use in the fic so the summary will very well change. Nevertheless, the fic takes place when the foundation cracks, exploring possible effects that would have on the FBC. Also, an excuse to bring back the old management team and to see them clash with the new one! Also, reevaluating relationships and all that high-stakes fun. Provided, I manage to write it out decently so I'd be satisfied with it. I have some plot notes at least. more comments under the cut:
"The general idea is that Trench and the management team due to some weird stutter in time/space or something return to the Oldest House, only to discover the new management team. Tommasi, Marshall, and Salvador are gonna resume their jobs as more assistants to the new people in their positions, which I am sure is gonna make Arish happy... Trench tries to atone for his fuck ups, ends up more of a secretary to Jesse and a part-time-mentor, tries to help with anything and everything-- gets severely injured on multiple occasions due to this. And he ends up with some serious memory gaps from the return. Meanwhile, Darling is helping Emily with fixing the last problems with the Hiss that are occurring in an attempt to free everyone from lockdown. He sort of ends up really pissed off at Trench which by the end leaves the two in some serious animosity, but because I think it's funny it's gonna be fairly one-sided. Darling will keep trying to figure out what happened to Trench and possibly take him out, while Trench is like "hmm I seem to be forgetting something." every so often" - taken from a discussion I had with a friend about this AU. However, a silly way to describe it.
No [Excerpt] on account that I don't have an exciting segment to share so far. Everything I've written so far feels too dry right now... Maybe in the future though.
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aria0fgold · 1 year
oooh d'you have any more random oc facts.. I'm not good with questions but I love hearing about others ocs lol
Ehehehehe I'd love to! I love talking bout my ocs!
Ray is a really really good actor! He's a dramatic boy that loves to use his acting abilities frequently which also includes masking his emotions :D He is not okay in the og universe lmao but he is okay in the Android Omori AU and is just there that loves to cause mischief to Patch.
Also also! Ray was a really really shy kid when he was younger, he tends to hide behind Alec's back and rarely talks! His parents wanted to help with the shyness and saw how he seemed to like movies and signed him up for acting lessons. It was a mess at first but Ray really liked it! Only reason why he's so extroverted now.
Drunk Ray reverts back to his shy self though :o Although, it's hard to get him drunk. Not really a heavy drinker but he can hold his alcohol well! Benefits of going to so many parties.
Meanwhile Alec is an incredible lightweight. Any alcohol, no matter the percentage, just one shot and he's drunk. He rarely drinks to be fair. My guy likes healthy living, he is far from living fully healthily.
Of all my OCs, those two have the biggest problems of Ray thinking he is easily replaceable and Alec putting everyone before him. Honestly if they're put in a fantasy setting, Ray is a self-sacrificial dude and Alec is the same but the difference is that Alec has a strong will to live and aint allowing himself to die so easily.
Seph has problems too, actually I think all of them do whoops...
ouououu wanna talk bout seph past. im gonna talk bout seph past >:o
It isn't that like long and lengthy but like basically! Seph is adopted, first was at an orphanage and one of the caretakers is Water's mom, Angela! Seph got adopted by Sera's parents, billionaire peeps, rich business ppl. Life with them was a-okay for a time, in fact they spoil Seph a lot! But that's exactly the problem, cuz Sera is dead when they adopted Seph, both parents were grieving and the dad just so happens to have the bright idea of adopting a kid to fill that hole.
It went downhill from there when they saw how similar looking Seph was to Sera. (Blonde hair and brown eyes. Though Seph's eyes are lighter.) Except for dresses and skirts, most of the clothes the parents gave Seph are ones they can imagine Sera to also wear. Same with toys and gadgets. None of them also mention having a daughter until Seph found out bout it on his own.
A LOT of stuff happened but basically Seph funded his own company with the help of Water and Angela acting as proxy (company name is Yggdrasil.) So yeah he is also basically not okay. But! That past is different for Kitsunemori AU cuz hey! Sera is alive! Seph is still adopted but that's some trauma skipped :D
Water has problems too... Alec has bigger problems... Honestly Ray is the only one with a normal-ish childhood. Mel (im sorry my guy i keep forgetting you) also has problems.
Patch is saved from problems????? actually not really
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 14
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna
Thorns of Treachery (a Marvel version of the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty) story by @roruna
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Once upon a time, All-Father Odin had one ambition; to rule all nine realms of Yggdrasil. In Midgard, a show of military strength was all it took for them to submit. Other realms, like Jotunheim and Muspelheim resisted even as Odin's armies devastated their lands.
Vanaheim and Nidavellir pledged their loyalty before Odin pointed Gungnir at them. Alfheim resisted until their royal family was wiped out and Odin, decided that to prevent later uprisings, made Freyr Njordson, heir to the throne of Vanaheim, king of Alfheim. Thus cutting him off from loyal subjects that would rally behind him. Freya Njorddottir, Freyr's sister, was crowned queen of Vanaheim.
Meanwhile, Jotunheim was severely weakened but their king still refused to submit. So Odin came up with a plan. It would take time but would achieve the lasting peace and true subjugation of Jotunheim. Odin stole King Laufey's only living son, Loki, and would raise him as his own. The next king of Jotunheim would grow up loyal to Odin and accustomed to Asgardian ways.
At the same time, countless jotnar would fall madly in love with the goddess Freya and go to extreme lengths in the hope of winning her heart or hand. All of them failed. But the jornar’s love for the goddess only seemed to grow and spread through their icy realm.
Then Odin came up with another plan. The frost giants hated everything that reeked of Asgard so they might not accept a king that had been so corrupted by Asgard’s ways. So he would use the frost giants’ obsession with Freya in his favor. He arranged a marriage between his ‘son’, Loki, and Freya’s daughter, Sigyn. However they felt about Asgard, the frost giants would respect a king with a connection to Freya.
The betrothed prince and princess grew up as friends. Queen Frigga would often take Thor and Loki to Vanaheim to visit Freya and Freya would bring Sigyn with her on her trips to Asgard.
When the childhood friends grew up, they became lovers. Everyone was pleased. Queen Frigga was happy that her son had true love. Freya was happy that her family would be connected to Asgard’s royal family. Loki and Sigyn were happy to be together. And of course, Odin was happy that his plans were falling into place.
It was Thor who foiled his father’s plans for conquest. He went to Jotunheim, courting war, and took his closest friends and his younger brother with him. In a skirmish with some frost giants, Loki discovered the truth of his own nature. As punishment for his reckless actions, Odin banished Thor to Midgard to live as a mortal among mortals.
Then Freya found out the truth about her future son-in-law. Outrage at Odin’s deception and hatred for the frost giants prompted her to break off her daughter’s engagement. No matter how Sigyn pleaded, how much she affirmed her love for Loki, her mother refused to budge. Freya hurried to arrange a new marriage for Sigyn when an unassuming warrior named Theoric asked Freya for Sigyn’s hand.
To punish Freya for her defiance and make an example of her, Odin crashed Sigyn’s wedding and cursed her and everyone at the wedding with eternal sleep. His curse could only be broken when Sigyn’s One True Love gave her True Love’s Kiss. What Odin or Freya didn’t know was that Theoric was actually Loki in disguise. Loki and Sigyn had invented ‘Theoric’ so they could still be together. So when Odin cursed everyone at the wedding, he also cursed Loki.
The only person capable of breaking the curse, was another of its victims. Now Sigyn and Loki lay side by side in their eternal rest. Odin’s great ambition to rule Jotunheim was gone.
Vanaheim was left without a queen and Alfheim without a king because why wouldn’t Sigyn’s uncle Freyr attend his dear niece’s wedding.
The power vacuums in Vanaheim and Alfheim require that Odin use up military resources to bring order to the realms and secure the tributes that Asgard had come to depend on.
Jotunheim is emboldened to attack Asgard, rallying behind the desire to avenge their lost prince. Thor remains powerless and banished on Midgard. Odin’s imperial ambitions are lost among the thorns Odin himself grew.
Sigyn The witch of shadows
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The Cherokee grandfather sat silently around the campfire with his granddaughter and thoughtfully watched the flames. The trees around them cast eerie shadows, the fire cracked and flames blazed skyward.
After a certain time, the grandfather said: "Flame light and darkness, like the two wolves that live in our hearts".
His granddaughter looked at him questioningly.
The old Cherokee then began to tell his granddaughter a very old tribal story about a white wolf and a black wolf.
“In each of us lives a white wolf and a black wolf. The white wolf embodies all that is good, the black wolf, all that is bad in us. The white wolf thrives on justice and peace, the black wolf on anger, fear and hatred.
There is an eternal fight between the two wolves, because the black wolf is evil - it stands for the negative in us such as anger, envy, sadness, fear, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride and much more more. The other, the white wolf is good - it is joy, peace, love, hope, kindness, kindness, compassion, generosity, truth and all the light in us.
This battle between the two also takes place in you and in every other person, because we all have these two wolves inside us.”
His granddaughter thought about it for a moment and then asked her grandfather, "And which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee replied, "The one you feed. Just remember, if you only feed the white wolf, the black one will be lurking around every corner, waiting for you and if you're distracted or weak he'll leap at you to get the attention he needs. The less attention he gets, the harder he will fight the white wolf. But if you pay attention to him, he is happy. The white wolf is also happy and both of them win.
This is the great challenge of each of us... to establish inner balance.
Because the black wolf also has many valuable qualities - these include perseverance, courage, fearlessness, willpower and great intuitive sensitivity, aspects that you need in times when the white wolf doesn't know what to do, because he also has his weaknesses.
You see, the white wolf needs the black wolf at its side. Both belong together. If you feed only one, the other will starve and become uncontrollable. If you feed and care for both, they will do well and be a part of something bigger that can grow in harmony. Feed them both and you don't have to focus your attention on the inner struggle. And when there is no inner struggle, one can hear the inner voice of the all-knowing guides, pointing you in the right direction in every situation.
Peace, my daughter, is the Cherokee mission, is life. Everyone who has the black and white wolf at peace within him has everything. A man or woman who is drawn into his inner war has nothing. Your life is determined by how you deal with your opponent's powers. Don't starve one or the other, feed them both and both win.”
Sigyn Queen of Hearts story by @jonquilclegane
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Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess called Sigyn. She was so lovely and so sweet everyone who ever met her could not help but love her. When Queen Frigga asked Queen Freya for one of her daughters, the Queen of Vanaheim was certain the girl she would pick would become Thor’s bride and the future queen of Asgard. So, she chose the kindest and prettiest of her eight daughters, Sigyn. Long blond hair, shining brown eyes filled with softness, and a gentle and courteous demeanor. How could the Golden Prince resist her?
However, to Freya’s surprise, Frigga chose to give her precious daughter to her younger son, Loki. Freya was furious, throwing insults at the Aesir Queen, wasting her perfect daughter on a second-rate groom. Sigyn, though, calmed her mother down, assuring her Loki was far from second-rate or inferior to Thor, quite the opposite. She talked so well of her future husband’s many qualities that not only did her mother agree to the match, but Loki fell even deeper for her. Never had anyone took his defense, no one had ever chosen him over Thor. Before, she had just been some pretty princess he would marry to please his parents. But after that day, after she had proven to him her loyalty and her love, her undying fidelity, how could he not give his heart to his devoted lady?
Loki and Sigyn married, and everyone seemed happy. The new princess of Asgard soon became extremely popular, both with the aristocracy and the commoners. She helped Eir with the sick, was known to be generous and charitable with the poor. Everyone loved her, and the more they loved her, the more they seemed to accept Loki. Soon, people started calling her the “Queen of hearts” and some were beginning to regard her as the next queen, and therefore, Loki as the next king of Asgard.
The AllFather did not like it. This ruined all his plans. Of course, he had adopted Loki and saw him as a son, but a Jotun could not take the throne of Asgard. He would never allow it. Besides, Loki would one day become King of Jotunheim… Could he allow the enemy realm to have such a popular and beloved queen? Wouldn’t the land of Frost giants suddenly become more loved than Asgard with Sigyn by Loki’s side?
Jotunheim had to stay in the Golden realm’s shadow. They could not become more respected or admired than Asgard. They were supposed to be barbarians, savages, monsters to be slain mercilessly for the peace and glory of Asgard. With such a cherished queen, the public opinion would soon change… Odin would not let it happen. So, he tried to ruin Sigyn’s reputation, but nothing worked. He tried to darken and slander even more Loki’s character, but Sigyn would take his side, prove his innocence, and people seemed to love her even more for it.
It was that dreaded Vanir girl’s fault. She was the one ruining his plans. She had to go… but she would not leave Loki. Only one thing could separate them: death.
Odin found the deadliest poison: its effect would be quick, and his sweet daughter-in-law would not suffer too much. When Sigyn took the cup he was handing her, she had no idea. One sip, though, and she looked at the AllFather with surprise, heartbreak, then resignation and tears.
“Loki will kill you for this”, she whispered, before being carried away to Valhalla.
He knew this, of course. But then, Thor would avenge him and become king, while Loki assumed once again the part of the villain, as it should be.
X-Man Sigyn
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Sigyn was born into a Swedish immigrant family. Who emigrated to the USA to found a second mainstay there with their company. She had a sheltered and worry-free life until she hit puberty, which revealed that she was a mutant. When Sigyn's feelings panic, she transforms everyone in the area into ice sculptures.
At the school of Charles Xavier (Professor X) she taught to walk with her powers and for the first time in her life really enjoyed it.
Who succumbs to lies
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She only lied so that the rags flew
Your second word was surely a lie
And if she didn't know anything to tell,
Then she lied all the more to her heart's content.
She lied out of necessity and lied out of pleasure
She lied for the sheer joy of lying
Yes, even her dreams were a web of lies -
The faith of the other was only their gain.
And now, when she finally came to die,
And the lying devil took them:
What wonder if such a woman's man
You can't believe her death either?
Then he met him with a running nose
And in a sobbing voice the goddess Loki -
But he cried out loudly, red with anger:
"She lies, she lies! She's just playing dead!'
And broke at all the things he was beginning to love so much about Loki.
The heart of loss was broken and the eyes closed forever.
The thief and the witch Story by @jonquilclegane
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Vanaheim had fallen, and with it, all the prestige of its royal family. Njord, their king, had become a hostage, a glorified prisoner, who died a lonely death, heartbroken, far away from his family. Odin had left him a few personal things, among them his precious books. However, after the fallen king’s demise, none of those treasures were given back to his family. The AllFather decided to keep some of them, and sell the rest to fill Asgard’s coffers with gold.
Stolen gold, Sigyn thought bitterly. She remembered from her childhood her grandfather’s precious volumes or his art collection. He loved them so much! They ought to be back on Vanaheim, adorning the walls of the palace or the library, where they belonged. The Aesirs had stolen those artefacts, just the way they had stolen the Vanir people, turning them into their obedient little vassals. Her uncle Feyr was now a farmer and her mother, Freya, sang and danced to entertain Odin and his court. Their fate was not their own anymore, they had to do what the Conqueror had decided for them.
When the king ordered she married his son Loki, her mother had been ecstatic. This meant the Vanir line would become royal again, her daughter might become a queen, her grandchildren princes and princesses. Even if Sigyn did not want to, Freya insisted so much that she agreed, wanting nothing more but to scream.
There was a good reason for Sigyn to refuse Loki : she lead a double life. During the day, she was some unnoticeable lady-in-waiting, as there were so many. But during the night, she became a thief, stealing all the artifacts Odin had confiscated for his own gain. She also stole other stuff, so it would not be too obvious what her goal was, and who the mysterious thief was. How did she do it? Well, as many Vanirs, Sigyn had a gifted witch. A thief and a witch! Quite a terrific combination! And so, for centuries, she remained unmasked, Odin and his goons running around Asgard, looking like fools, while she tricked them again and again.
She had become one of the AllFather’s most feared enemies, while never hurting anyone. She was only taking back what was rightfully hers, after all. However, if she was to become Prince Loki’s wife, how could she keep on her nightly activities secret? She had five other sisters, why had Queen Frigga picked her?
It turned out Prince Loki himself had chosen her to become his wife. She had hoped he had only picked her because she was the most insignificant Freyadottir. But in fact, he did want her, as she found out on their wedding night.
From then on, Sigyn’s nights were no longer free to roam Asgard and steal what the AllFather had stolen from her family. She could not complain, as her husband was a skilled and passionate lover, but her duty as a Vanir was calling to her.
It was rather ironical when Loki revealed to her he too had been stolen by Odin. Her beloved husband became her most precious treasure on that day. Together, they stole the Casket of Ancient winters and ran away to Jotunheim, using their magic and witchcraft to create a secret passage to Loki’s real home. The thief brought with her all the treasures she had taken back for the Tyrant – among them the Prince of Jotunheim, her most cherished jewel.
The girl in the mirror Story by @jonquilclegane
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Loki was said to have a heart of stone. Loki was said to be cruel, merciless, pure evil. People believed him unable to love, only obsessed with power and the throne of Asgard.
They regarded his poor wife with pity, as she loved him despite everything else: his insults, his hate, his cheating on her with men and women of all kinds.
So, when Sigyn died, no one asked what had happened to her, not even her husband. Thor saw the name of his gentle sister-in-law on the list of the dead and sighed. Such a sorrowful ending for such a sweet lady whose love for her husband was never truly requited. Loki had said once or twice he loved her, but of course, he was probably lying to get her to help him, wasn’t he?
Yes, yes, he surely had been.
And, as to conform this, Loki did not ever ask what had happened to his unfortunate wife, or where she was. Even when he was reborn, a kinder, well-meaning God of Stories, it seemed his brother had all but forgotten about Sigyn. And since his brother seemed changed, or willing to try, Thor never mentioned her ever again. The Lady at last was at peace, probably in Valhalla. There was no point disturbing the rest of the dead, mostly such a sweet goddess who had suffered more than most at the hand of her beloved.
But Thor was mistaken. Loki had no forgotten Sigyn, nore had she ever left him.
She was there, constantly, looking at him.
Every time he looked in a mirror, he could see her, looking back at him, smiling sweetly, laughing, crying. Loki felt his chest squeeze and longed for her in his arms.
She was dead, her body lost, destroyed by Ragnarok. Her death had not been glorious or meaningful, just another civilian losing their life for Asgard. He had not been there to protect her, too busy trying to carry out his own plans. He had left her asleep in their bed… and it had been the last time he had seen her alive.
He still could see her in mirrors, though.
Even if she had not had a hero’s death, he knew she was in Valhalla. She had to be. Such a kind and generous soul could not have been refused by the Valkyries.
Loki thought of his own death : he had been reborn before he could be judged and sent to Hel.
But next time… The God of Evil realized that he had been given another chance. Sigyn was no longer with him. She was stuck in the afterlife while he and other unworthy characters got to live again. He wanted to tell her how sorry he was, how much he truly loved her, how much he missed her.
He could speak to her ghostly reflection, but this was not enough.
Words were not enough, only actions.
In this life, he would be a hero, he would prove himself worthy of Valhalla, so, at the time of his death, Valkyries would come and get him, and he could be reunited with his beloved wife. He would have eternity to make amends and be happy with her, at last.
The Song of Silence
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It was a song that broke the silence, a little melody sung. that rang through the dark garden. But anyone who tried to track down the singer found no one. The singing always fell silent as quickly as it had come.
Siúil, siúil, siúil a run
Siúil go sochair agus siúil go ciúin
Siúil go doras agus ealaigh liom
I wish I was on yonder hill
′Tis there I'd sit and cry my fill
And every tear would turn a mill
Is go dtí tú mo mhuirnín slán
Siúil, siúil, siúil a run
Siúil go sochair agus siúil go ciúin
Siúil go doras agus ealaigh liom
Is go dtí tú mo mhuirnín slán
I'll sell my rod, I'll sell my reel
I'll sell my only spinning wheel
To buy my love a sword of steel
Is go dtí tú mo mhuirnín slán
Siúil, siúil, siúil a run
Siúil go sochair agus siúil go ciúin
Siúil go doras agus ealaigh liom
Is go dtí tú mo mhuirnín slán
I wish, I wish, I wish in vain
I wish I had my heart again
And vainly think I'd not complain
Is go dtí tú mo mhuirnín slán
Siúil, siúil, siúil a run
Siúil go sochair agus siúil go ciúin
Siúil go doras agus ealaigh liom
Is go dtí tú mo mhuirnín slán
And this song resounded through Asgard's garden night after night.
Sigyn from the Marvel Pride comics!
I'm through with love by @jonquilclegane
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This takes place during the Marvel Pride comics issue 2022. (Spoilers I guess)
When Lorelei asks Sigyn to come and join her little team of Loki's exes to take their revenge on him and kick his ass, Sigyn eventually accepts. But it only reminds her of all the hurt he put her through, breaking her heart all over again...
Ragnarök Sigyn
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When Ragnarok began, she led the warriors into battle. She fought bravely and disappeared without a trace.
Now many are looking for her to win the final battle.
Part 15 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last 4 parts
9 notes · View notes
commentaryvorg · 2 years
Digimon Data Squad Dub Comparison Episode 44 - Human Potential
This is a companion to my commentary on the original Japanese Digimon Savers! Reading my commentary on the original version of this episode (which you can find here) is recommended before reading this dub comparison. 
Original name ~ Dubbed name
Masaru Daimon ~ Marcus Damon
Yoshino Fujieda ~ Yoshino “Yoshi” Fujieda
Tohma H. Norstein ~ Thomas H. Norstein
Ikuto Noguchi ~ Keenan Crier
Yggdrasil ~ King Drasil
Craniummon ~ Craniamon
BanchouLeomon ~ BanchoLeomon
[Since several characters share the same name between the original and the dub, quotes from the dub will always be in italics, while quotes from the original will not, in order to distinguish them.]
  Yoshi does the recap, which is fair. It sounds like she’s talking kind of weirdly fast to get through all the words she needs to in the short space she gets, though.
Agumon:  “I’m sorry, Aniki… Yggdrasil is your…”
Agumon: “Sorry, Boss. I forgot King Drasil was your father.”
Wow, Agumon, “was”? Way to rub it in even more and make it sound like his father’s gone and never coming back.
Masaru’s brief flashback to his dad’s impassive face included his mouth moving, but with no words. The dub is still utterly insistent that if a character’s mouth moves, they must be saying something, even if it’s just in a flashback that was silent originally, so King Drasil’s line from that moment is added in. It’s not an issue, it works fine, I just continue to be boggled at how much effort they bother putting into lip-flap consistency and nothing else.
Agumon:  “Aniki…”
Agumon: “Sure, Boss… Sure…”
Agumon’s response to Marcus’s insistence that he’s eager to take his dad down too sounds not just worried if he’s okay in the dub, but actively unconvinced that he even can.
Craniamon: “This time you will not defeat me.”
He didn’t defeat you last time; all he did was make you drop your spear, and then your backup showed up and you thoroughly defeated him.
Masaru:  “I have to go punch out my dad!”
Marcus:  “I don’t have time for this! I gotta have a sit down with my dad!”
So… just literally talk to him, then? No punching of any kind planned at all? Apparently not.
Craniamon: “That is impossible.”
Marcus:  “Oh yeah?! Why?”
Because of the changed line before it, this bit cannot be interpreted to mean that it’s impossible for Marcus to ever defeat his dad and be stronger than him. I am disappoint.
Craniamon:  “If you renounce your allegiance to this… *human*, and surrender to King Drasil, you will be spared.”
That’s being a bit more openly disdainful of humans there, with his tone of voice when he says the word. (The original line is basically the same but without that contemptuous emphasis on “human”.) It sounds more like disliking humans just because they’re humans is Craniamon’s genuine feelings on this matter, which it is not supposed to be.
Agumon:  “Cut the crap! Like hell I’d submit to you!”
Agumon: “Why don’t ya ask me to cut off my arms and legs too while you’re at it?”
Aww, Agumon’s support is perhaps cuter in the dub, in that he’s comparing renouncing Marcus to cutting off his arms and legs. His boss is like a part of him!
Gotsumon:  “I, too… I, too, don’t believe that they are wrong!”
Gotsumon: “Uh, excuse me, could you go over those choices one more time? I’d just like to know my options.”
Meanwhile, Gotsumon’s stance is completely flipped in the dub. Or, well, he doesn’t necessarily hate humans like he used to in his previous life, but he’s firmly being a coward who’s putting his own self-preservation over any question of who he actually feels is right in this matter, which is a lot less actually-kinda-sweet of him.
The shot following this in which Marcus looks back at Agumon and Gotsumon in surprise therefore definitely doesn’t express him being touched that Gotsumon is on their side like it did in the original, because, well, he’s not really.
Craniummon: “Yggdrasil’s decisions are absolute. You dare to oppose God?”
Masaru:  “Do you really think that?”
Craniummon: “Hm?”
Craniamon: “King Drasil’s decision is final. You shall perish with the human.”
Marcus: “Over my dead body!”
Craniamon: “That’s the idea.”
Decently amusing joke, but I don’t like that it comes in place of something interestingly Masaru-ish and relevant to the point of Craniummon’s arc in this episode – questioning if Craniummon really believes all this stuff he’s spouting about Yggdrasil being absolute.
(Also: oh my god, they used the word “dead”, it’s a miracle. I guess you’re only allowed to do that for jokes, apparently.)
Marcus: “Why you overgrown muffler, do you know what’s happening on Earth right now?!”
Wow, that sure is a thing to call Craniamon. He also called him a “tin can” in an earlier line. I don’t precisely mind these jabs, because Masaru’s opinion of Craniummon was also pretty low at this point due to him not thinking for himself. That is the sort of thing the localisation might translate into this kind of trash talk.
Masaru:  “Loads of people are suffering!”
Marcus: “People’s homes have been destroyed, and families have been separated!”
I enjoy that Marcus specifically makes a point of families being separated. Yes, of course he’d care about that in particular, hee.
Craniummon: “The egoistic behaviour of millions of your species has rubbed against God’s imperial wrath!”
Craniamon: “The egotistical behaviour of your species has angered King Drasil.”
Craniamon does not claim it’s millions of humans who’ve caused this, making him more actually correct and less over-exaggerating to make himself feel better about this than his original counterpart.
Masaru:  “So just because he’s a God, he can get away with anything?! I’ll never accept that!”
Marcus: “Yeah, well, I have news for you: your king *is* a human! So that means he’s the cause of all this, too!”
Uhh. I mean, I guess from Marcus’s perspective, in which he’s convinced his father really is King Drasil, this is a reasonable argument to make, pointing out that it’s silly for Craniamon to be hating on humans when he also answers to one? But it really should then lead to Craniamon actually responding to that argument in some way, like by pointing out that King Drasil isn’t actually a human. Of course they can’t have that, because he didn’t do that in the original, so that’s just kind of awkwardly left hanging.
(And I do miss Masaru’s point in the original, touching on his sense of responsibility and kind of calling back to that “shouldn’t get to call himself a God” speech from a few episodes back – which was intact in the dub! This’d have worked just fine with God changed to King, too.)
[Masaru continues to glare at Craniummon]
Craniummon: (This boy…)
Craniamon: “Rrrrgh…”
[Marcus continues to glare at Craniamon]
Craniamon: (This boy…!)
This moment in the original read very much as Craniummon beginning to find himself somewhat impressed by Masaru’s tenacity. But his added growl and the tone of his thought in the dub makes it distinctly sound like he’s beginning to get angry at Marcus, and isn’t impressed by him at all. Not supposed to be the idea here, since the whole point of this episode is Masaru impressing Craniummon.
Masaru:  “Don’t you have any personal feelings about this?”
Marcus: “What’s the matter? Am I making too much sense?”
Marcus is continuing to insist on his argument about King Drasil being a human and therefore the Royal Knights are hypocrites, which makes it seem a little too much like it might be the actual reason Craniamon’s hesitating here. (It is not, since King Drasil is very much not human and he knows it; he’s just mysteriously not mentioning that for no reason.)
This comes in place of some more Masaru delightfully insisting on trying to get Craniummon to think for himself, which was very relevant, because in the end we learn that he does have personal feelings about this that he’s choosing to ignore.
The response to these lines is the same in both versions – Craniamon repeats his insistence that King Drasil’s word is absolute, and Marcus calls him a puppet – so that point about Craniamon not thinking for himself isn’t entirely lost, but it is somewhat watered down because Masaru’s first line in this exchange was changed.
Craniummon:  “An inferior human like yourself dares to reprove a Royal Knight… It’s laughable how you don’t know your place!”
Craniamon: “You may have taken me by surprise the first time we met, but now I know your capabilities. And I promise you that you will not defeat me again!”
He still… didn’t actually defeat you the previous time??? Where is this coming from. Did the dubbers just not remember how the fight in episode 40 turned out? Even if they didn’t, why on earth would they go out of their way to add in, out of nowhere, these mentions that he was defeated, despite the original never saying so?
Masaru:  “Just so you know, you’re in for a shock if you look down on humans!”
Craniummon:  “Then show me… this human potential you speak of!”
Marcus:  “I know you don’t think much of us humans, but we’ve got a lot more potential than you give us credit for!”
Craniamon: “Then show me… Show me this human potential you speak of!”
Marcus actually uses the word “potential” in his line for Craniamon to pick up on and challenge him to show, which I guess makes that connection a little neater.
Huh, I was wondering what felt weird about the BGM here in the dub, and then I realised – Masaru charging at Craniummon to begin the fight had Provocation Infinity in the original, but it doesn’t have the dub’s usual equivalent of Probably Marcus’s Theme here. Perhaps because we’re going to go to an evolution soon, and that needs to have the evolution BGM as always, and so there’s not enough space for it before then.
Craniummon’s shield Avalon is instead called the Omni Shield in the dub, for no particular reason. (You’d think the Omni Shield would belong to Omnimon, that being the dub name of a different Royal Knight, but apparently not.) Changing the spear’s name makes some sense because it was hard to pronounce, but what’s wrong with this name?
Craniamon:  “I told you I plan on never losing to you again, and now you shall find out for yourselves.”
YOU STILL NEVER LOST TO HIM ONCE. This bit is, again, added in out of nowhere with no original equivalent line. The dub is being so weirdly insistent about this!
Craniummon:  “If you humans truly do have this potential that you claim, use it to evade my strongest spear, and neatly smash through my strongest shield!”
Craniamon:  “If you humans have the kind of potential that you claim to have, then I am laying down the gauntlet right now, and challenging you to defeat me in a battle to the very end!”
Really? A battle to the very end? So even if he breaks your shield, you won’t admit defeat from just that?
Yeah, that’s, uh, not supposed to be the point here. This, and Craniamon’s bewildering insistence on not losing to them again (when he never even did in the first place), makes it so that in the dub he’s still very firmly trying to win, rather than testing them, like Craniummon was in the original.
Though him bringing out the shield may make it seem like he’s trying even harder this time, I noted in the original commentary that Craniummon never uses the super-speed we saw in episode 40, which can be read as him actually going easy on them in some sense, to give them a chance to prove themselves! But it can’t be read that way in the dub; I guess Craniamon just totally forgot he had the super-speed, for no reason.
Gotsumon:  “What made you ever think you could challenge a Royal Knight in battle?!”
Gotsumon: “What made us ever think we could challenge a Royal Knight?!”
Where’s the “us” coming from, Gotsumon? Obviously you didn’t agree to this, since all of your flailing is supposed to be protesting about how much you disagree with their reckless decision to fight him.
Masaru:  “I won’t run away! Not until I’ve punched out my dad!”
Marcus: “I’m not gonna back down until I get to see my father!”
Marcus still just wants to see his dad. Not fight him or punch him or anything involving fists.
Rosemon:  “Are you all right, Yoshino?”
Rosemon: “There, there. I’ve got you.”
This is possibly a little sappy but also kind of cute, as Yoshi freaks out after falling a long way and being caught by Rosemon.
Yoshino:  “No matter how many times we come here, it’s the worst.”
Yoshi: “Maybe next time we come, though, we take the bus.”
Pfft, yes, definitely a valid transportation method to the Digital World.
That God Breath barrier attack is instead… Power of Breath. Without the “god” part in there it sounds a lot more underwhelming. He’s gonna create a barrier by… breathing powerfully.
Craniamon: “That wasn’t enough of an effort to even make me breathe hard.”
What, did you not breathe hard for the Power of Breath attack just now?
Dynasmon:  “It’s because their strength is assured that we can complete our mission in the human world with confidence.”
Dynasmon: “This actually works to our benefit. Since the human and ShineGreymon are out of our way, we can complete our mission here without any further interference.”
(Not that this matters because this entire scene is extremely pointless, but) Dynasmon’s making a slightly different point in the dub. Originally it was that they don’t need to worry about anyone getting near Yggdrasil because Craniummon’s so strong, so they can complete their mission without getting distracted. Here it’s that Marcus having headed to the Digital World gets ShineGreymon out of their way. (Apparently he doesn’t consider MirageGaogamon and the others a threat, somehow, because he doesn’t seem to realise they’ve also headed off to help Marcus and should think they’re still here in the human world.)
ShineGreymon: “That’s the most solid shield I’ve ever seen!”
To be fair, ShineGreymon, it’s not like you’ve seen or fought against that many shields in your time at all.
Gotsumon: “Don’t you realise that going up against a Royal Knight spells certain disaster?!”
Marcus: “It’s a good thing I can’t spell, then, ‘cause this guy’s goin’ down!”
Okay, heh, that is a good dub-style gag, I am amused.
Marcus: “Get up, ShineGreymon! On your feet!”
Marcus’s tone here sounds a little too much like he’s angrily ordering him, rather than simply encouraging his friend to give him the strength to stand again.
I really think both Marcus and ShineGreymon’s voice actors genuinely believe it’s called the Geo GreySword, they are very consistent about using this pronunciation.
ShineGreymon: “I’ll put everything I have into this attack!”
ShineGreymon: “Don’t underestimate our heart!”
A little bit of a cheesy line in the dub, especially given it’s going to fall flat when the GeoGrey Sword promptly shatters against the shield. At least his – admittedly also a little over-dramatic – line in the original kind of explained why the sword shattered, given that the shield’s presumably made of stronger material than it.
Gotsumon:  “Because… Because I’ve gotten involved with these people… What… What’s going to happen to me now?!”
Gotsumon: “Why did I get involved with this people again? What’s Craniamon gonna do to me now that he thinks I’ve betrayed King Drasil…?”
Gotsumon in the dub still sounds like he doesn’t actually want to betray King Drasil and side with the humans, if he’s saying that Craniamon only thinks he has. Really should have taken that offer to denounce them and surrender at the beginning, then, bro, if that’s actually where your loyalties lie! Apparently the dub really is changing this aspect of Gotsumon’s character in this episode. In the original he’s scared but doesn’t actually seem to be changing his mind.
Masaru:  “Ow…”
Marcus:  “I feel like I need a giant ice pack for my whole body…”
Marcus is being more elaborate in expressing his pain, which is fun, but probably less in-character for him to be actually admitting how much he’s hurting out loud.
Craniummon: “They stand up again.”
Craniamon: “How did I know they wouldn’t quit…”
Craniamon mostly just sounds exasperated at their tenacity, rather than impressed. If he did already know they wouldn’t quit, it ought to be a sign that he’s already acknowledging their potential on some level, but with this fed-up tone, it doesn’t come across like he thinks their stubbornness is a good thing.
Masaru:  “Listen up, ShineGreymon. As long as our hearts don’t give in, we haven’t lost! That means… we’ll never lose!”
Marcus: “Listen up, ShineGreymon! As long as we have faith in our hearts, we *can’t* lose! We’re the ultimate team, and no-one can beat us!”
The dub truncates Masaru’s line here in order to add in the “ultimate team” thing, which I guess is appropriate for the dub. I am a little sad, though, that because of that it’s harder to see the actual logic in what Masaru was saying. If you only lose when you give up, and giving up is something you can just choose not to do, then you can ensure that you’ll never lose! That’s presumably still what he’s supposed to mean in the dub, too, but it’s less clear and comes across more as generic shounen platitudes with no actual coherent thought behind it.
Marcus: “That shield goes down first. Seems like he’s pretty proud of that little gift from my dad.”
The bit about it being from his dad (aka King Drasil; Craniamon mentioned this at the beginning) is unique to the dub, and I like the added notion that this fact is on Marcus’s mind.
The best thing about how I enjoy the new Burst Mode version of the evolution music is that there’s few enough instances of it left in the series that I’m probably not going to get bored of it.
Masaru:  “I’m gonna meet my dad… and we’re gonna talk together with our fists!”
Marcus: “I’m here to meet up with my father! And you won’t stop me!”
He still really insistently just wants to meet him, apparently. Every single line in this episode in which Masaru talks about punching out his dad – namely, communicating with fists with him – nah, that’s gone, Marcus just wants to literally talk and nothing else.
Craniamon:  “If the only way to defeat you is to destroy you, then so be it.”
Dude, when you’re putting “destroy” on a different level from “defeat” like this, you clearly mean “kill”, why can’t you just say it
Masaru:  “Not yet! Like hell I’m gonna let that finish me off!”
Marcus: “No…! It can’t! It can’t end like this…!”
ShineGreymon: “Goodbye, Boss…!”
Marcus’s tone of voice, and ShineGreymon’s goodbye (cute though that is!), makes it clear that they both actually believe they’re going to die here (even though Marcus in particular hates to admit it). I much prefer Masaru’s utter stubborn refusal to give in even when he physically can’t move to avoid the attack, it’s so much more appropriate for his sheer unbreakable tenacity in this fight.
Masaru:  “You guys… Why…?”
Marcus: “Thanks, guys… but why…?”
It reads a little weirder that Marcus asks them why when he just thanked them. Surely the thanks means he’s already acknowledged the reason – because he needed it (especially given he’d accepted more than Masaru had that he was a goner without their help).
Masaru:  “What are you doing? Why did you come here?”
Tohma:  “Don’t say that…”
Marcus: “Why are you here? Are my mom and sister all right?”
Thomas: “Relax, they’re fine.”
Cute addition that Marcus asks after his family! He did partly leave his friends back in the human world to protect them after all. It’s a little less appropriate for Thomas to be the one to reassure him of this, when he wasn’t involved in protecting them, but then, lip-flap, he was the one responding to Masaru originally.
Tohma:  “…we came because we were worried about you.”
Masaru:  “I never asked you to.”
Thomas: “And we came because we care.”
Marcus: “What?! I never asked you to do *that*!”
Masaru’s casual dismissive comment could have been read just about equally that either he’s saying he never asked them to worry about him, or just that he never asked them to come and help. Marcus’s wording and angrier tone makes it clear that he’s saying he never asked them to care about him, like he’s frustrated at the idea that they might, making him a lot more tsundere here. (Even though he thanked them for saving him, when Masaru didn’t!)
Thomas’s tone is also sterner, like a part of him’s wondering why he bothers to care about Marcus. Why is everyone more of a dick in the dub. Why can’t Thomas and Marcus just openly be friends as much as they are in the original.
Yoshino:  “Consider this a loan. You can pay me back later.”
Yoshi: “Duh, you didn’t have to! By the way, you’re welcome.”
Yoshi’s line is cute, but I miss Yoshino being opportunistic about Masaru’s stubborn refusal to accept help.
Craniummon: “How can you readily leap into this battle when you have no possibility of winning?”
Tohma:  “Possibility, huh?”
Yoshino:  “Let me tell you something nice. There are things in this world that won’t go simply according to calculation.”
Tohma:  “That goes especially for Masaru. Calculations and common sense never work on him.”
Craniamon: “How can you just head into battle without any chance of winning?”
Thomas: “What? *You* have no chance.”
Yoshi: “Let me tell you something about the human heart and spirit. It gives us the opportunity to rise above the odds, even when nothing is in our favour.”
Thomas: “And Marcus here has more heart and spirit than any human I’ve ever known.”
Okay, that’s kind of sweet of Thomas to say that, I guess. But man, the changes to Thomas and Yoshi’s lines here make it so transparent that they’re deliberately removing any trace of the notion that Masaru doesn’t adhere to Tohma’s logical calculations. They also completely removed that aspect in episode 31 as well. This is a pattern. Why would you get rid of a neat contrast between them like that on purpose, dub. It’s so frustrating.
Masaru:  “Potential is something that’ll come surging out of anywhere… just as long as you don’t give up!”
Marcus: “Human potential is something that never stops flowing from our bodies and minds, as long as we never give up!”
The same sentiment here, but it sure is a weird image to picture potential as something that can flow from someone’s body. It’s not quite that literal, Marcus.
(Also, Marcus is making it specifically about human potential, whereas Masaru was happy to say that anyone – implicitly, human or Digimon – would have the same potential so long as they didn’t give up.)
Oops, the censors were not on the ball this one time and forgot to cut the fanservice shots in Rosemon’s Burst Mode animation. They’ve been pretty good about it most of the time, but of course they had to slip up once, because it’s the dub and they’re careless.
Tohma:  “Let’s go, everyone!”
Everyone else: “Yes!”
Thomas: “Attack Formation!”
Everyone else: “Roger!”
Okay, but how does everyone else know what attack formation they’re supposed to do. “Attack Formation” is incredibly vague as Thomas’s codenamed formations go. (Not that the others would know any of his more specific ones anyway.)
Masaru:  “His shield! Aim for his shield!”
Yoshino:  “I see… You’ve done some thinking, Masaru.”
Tohma:  “I get it. If we destroy his shield first, we’ll lower Craniummon’s defence, then we can attack through his breaches, am I right?”
Marcus: “Okay, listen up. The key is his shield. Everyone aim for it!”
Yoshi: “Looks like you’ve been doing some thinking, Marcus.”
Marcus:  “If we destroy his shield, we lower his defences, and we can attack him full-on!”
Thomas: “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but… good plan, Marcus. I guess there’s a first for everything.”
What? No! Marcus is not supposed to be the one thinking that destroying the shield is a strategy! If all Marcus cares about is being able to attack Craniamon directly, well, congratulations, they can do that now, now that they have four fighters and he can’t point his shield in more than one direction! (as far as they know, Power of Breath omnidirectional barrier aside.)
Granted, it was silly in the original that Yoshino and Tohma thought destroying the shield was a good strategy at all, but it’s even sillier that Marcus of all people is also thinking of things this way.
(Also, within the nonsense narrative where Marcus actually has a good plan here, it’s not a first, Thomas. He has actually used things resembling strategies before.)
Masaru:  “That’s not it! I just want to push him off his high horse!”
Marcus: “Okay, let’s do this! […] I can’t wait to knock Craniamon off his high horse and onto his royal butt.”
They still have the sentiment of wanting to knock him off his high horse, but in the dub’s context, it’s just meaningless trash talk about wanting to win. The point of that comment in the original was that this was why Masaru wanted to go for the shield at all, to hell with the strategy of it (because hey it’s really not the best strategy actually) – just because Craniummon’s been so pompous about how unbreakable it is and he wants to prove that wrong. That was so wonderfully distinctly Masaru of him and it’s completely lost in the dub.
And also, Masaru may have been at least somewhat thinking about how Craniummon directly challenged him to break the shield. Remember how Craniamon in the dub didn’t do that at the beginning of the fight? Hm.
Rosemon’s Kiss of Breath attack is still insistently “Kiss of Breath, mwah!” I guess that’s just part of the name, right.
Another of Ravemon’s elaborate Japanese attack names that means Unmatched Soaring Wing Formation gets localised to Crimson Formation. Which would be a decent enough name if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s… not… crimson. It’s purple.
Craniummon:  “No matter how many times you try, my strongest shield, Avalon, will never fracture!”
Craniamon:  “No matter how many times you try to attack, my shield will not fail me!”
Slightly less fun that Craniamon doesn’t word-for-word describe exactly what the shield does just a second later (it fractures), like he did in the original.
This might be the longest version of any variant of the evolution music I’ve heard. The fight goes on for quite a bit after they all go Burst Mode, and it would lose the hype to switch to a different and less exciting bit of BGM partway through. Props to them for actually recording (or at least splicing together smoothly) something long enough to fit this.
Gotsumon:  “Craniummon’s… Craniummon’s shield…”
Gotsumon: “Marcus did it! He said he would… and then he proved it!”
Yes, gasp, Gotsumon, Marcus doing the thing he said he would do, so remarkable. Something about the stating-the-obvious of this reads as stilted. In the original he is also kind of pointing out the obvious about the shield breaking, granted, but it reads more naturally as him being gobsmacked that such a thing is even possible.
Craniamon:  “My shield… gone! The *human* bested me…!”
Craniamon still sounds more angry than impressed at being bested by this human, which does not sit right with what he’s about to do.
Masaru:  “Well now, that shield you’re so proud of is gone. Now we can…”
Marcus:  “So now that your shield has more pieces than a jigsaw puzzle, let us through!”
Did you really need to phrase it in that silly way in this dramatic moment, Marcus?
Also, uh. Why does Marcus actually think Craniamon’s going to let them through just because they broke his shield? Wasn’t he just strategising about how destroying the shield was only for the purpose of being able to attack him directly? Didn’t Craniamon present this as a fight to the end?
Masaru seemed to be fully expecting to continue the fight, having apparently forgotten that Craniummon (in the original only) had challenged him to break the shield. Or at least, he didn’t realise Craniummon genuinely meant what he’d said at the beginning. But Marcus somehow knows this is over already, for no good reason at all.
Craniummon: “I’ve told you earlier to evade my strongest spear and smash through my strongest shield. You’ve done just that. In other words, I have lost.”
Craniamon: “You have proven me wrong, and I am willing to admit it. You have handled my strongest spear and destroyed my strongest shield. I have lost.”
So, uh. What was that you said at the beginning of the fight, Craniamon? About how you were challenging Marcus to “defeat me in a battle to the very end?” Because this sure isn’t that. Way to flip-flop and go back on your word, giving up more easily than you said you were going to.
I mean, either way, I guess the point is still that Marcus impressed Craniamon by achieving something Craniamon believed was impossible. But it’s more respectably honourable of Craniummon in the original that he’s actually keeping to the exact words he started this battle by, and was always willing to back down if Masaru somehow did manage to do that. Meanwhile Craniamon in the dub just had a sudden complete swerve in attitude out of almost nowhere, especially given how much more angry he’s sounded about humans compared to the original!
Craniummon: “You may go.”
Craniamon: “You may now enter the Server Tree and seek out the destiny that awaits you.”
I still like how it’s explicitly called the Server Tree in the dub. I am a little bewildered that Craniamon cares about Marcus’s destiny, though. It’s not like he has any investment in the part where King Drasil is apparently Marcus’s dad.
Craniamon: “Now hurry and go, before I change my mind.”
Seems more likely that you might in the dub, because apparently you changed it mid-fight instead of sticking to what you’d said at the beginning!
Thomas: “Marcus, what if he’s setting us up for a trap?”
Marcus: “Don’t worry, Nerdstein. He wouldn’t do a thing like that!”
Oh, for god’s sake. Why. Why does Marcus still feel the need to call Thomas this. I mean, yes, it basically comes across as affectionate ribbing in spirit, but it’s still an unnecessarily unkind sentiment. Just don’t. Just don’t make him more of a jerk, is that so much to ask.
Masaru:  “It’s obvious!” [he holds up a fist] “We’ve talked with these!”
Marcus: “Because I know!” [he holds up a fist] “Our fists… they both speak the same language!”
I’m sorry, dub? Suddenly NOW you’re okay with the notion that fists can be used to communicate? Only now, and not literally every other time Masaru has said anything to this effect? Because if you are okay with this concept, why the hell did you remove it the rest of the time.
I mean, geez, I should be glad that they’re at least keeping this bit the same here, but, ARGH. The hypocrisy and lost opportunity for every other bit like this is excruciating. Most likely, whoever’s job it was to rewrite these bits was just sleeping on the job, since this is the only time it’s kept.
Craniummon:  “I shall the two worlds on that infinite potential of yours.”
Craniamon:  “I shall stake the survival of both our worlds on your great human potential.”
I do like that this episode keeps the emphasis on potential – and it’s neat that it’s the dub title, too! – but it’s a little odd to me that it’s always specifically about human potential, in the dub, where it wasn’t in the original. It seems to be suggesting that humans have something magically special about them that Digimon don’t have (literally just DNA Charge, I guess), which seems unfair to Digimon, rather than that humans can have just as much potential as Digimon and are therefore just as deserving of survival.
Craniummon: “God is not absolute. BanchouLeomon, were you aware of that?”
Craniamon: “You have taught me that King Drasil’s word is not absolute. I wonder… if BanchoLeomon learned that very same lesson… before sacrificing himself like he did.”
I mentioned that the subs’ translation of this felt a little off to me and it was probably meant to be a more rhetorical, “you were aware of that, weren’t you?” Because, I mean, obviously BanchouLeomon was aware of that, or he wouldn’t be doing what he’s doing. It reads as especially odd that the dub’s taking the idea of it as a question and running with it even more by having Craniamon ask if BanchoLeomon learned that – which means that, whether BanchoLeomon knows what’s up now or not, he definitely once upon a time did believe King Drasil’s word was absolute. I kinda doubt that, somehow?
Craniamon specifically saying Marcus taught him this also removes any hint that he might have already been thinking this himself, and that maybe that idea was first planted in his head by a certain someone else a long time ago.
Also, the bit about BanchoLeomon sacrificing himself is a bit much, given that he’s not actually dead in there. I wonder if the dubbers don’t realise this.
Marcus: (Dad… I’m coming!)
No wording nitpicks here, just wanna mention that I enjoyed Marcus’s delivery of this, yes good.
Overall differences
On the one hand, this is a big fighty episode, so not much is different in a big way. However, a lot of nuance of the talky bits is lost, because of course it is – this was an episode full of delightful distinctive Masaru-ness, and the dub’s always been terrible at keeping much of that.
Pretty much all of the good Masaru-ish bits are either lost or noticeably watered down: wanting Craniummon to think for himself at the beginning; his reasoning for why they’ll never lose; Masaru not adhering to logical calculations (something the dub keeps removing every time!). Then Marcus somehow actually thinks attacking the shield is a good strategy, and wanting to kick Craniamon off his high horse is separate from that rather than the only reason Masaru was even going for the shield.
A little bit like in episode 41 where they watered this down and made it unclear, here they change all the bits where Masaru talks about punching out his dad into Marcus just wanting to literally talk to his dad, because I guess that future encounter isn’t allowed to involve any punching. (It is absolutely going to involve punching.) They keep insistently removing this delightful aspect of Masaru’s character about communicating with people using his fists… except for one line here regarding Craniamon, in which suddenly Marcus is talking about that, out of nowhere.
Gotsumon’s a little bit different. In the original, he’s willing to voice his support of the humans and doesn’t go back on that even though he’s scared, whereas here, he seems very much not on humanity’s side at all to the point that it’s frankly surprising he doesn’t just side with Craniamon. A reboot has not changed him that much in the dub.
Then there’s Craniamon, who challenges them to “defeat me in a fight to the end”, seeming generally a lot more angry and less impressed at Marcus than Craniummon was in the original – but then he still lets them past as soon as they break his shield, despite this not being what he said he’d do at the beginning. His turnaround came a lot more out of nowhere. (Which is actually, probably unintentionally, in keeping with how he also completely flip-flopped in his stance on humans in episode 39. I guess the dub just doesn’t grasp how to write him subtly.)
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arthrobug · 2 months
Was thinking about Ish's Season 2.5 Civ Event that I was in again (and consequentially having another breakdown for ten minutes because of it), and I realized something:
Living on the absolute shit hole that was Island 2 reminds me of what America is like (constantly afraid for my life, resources, and if someone will randomly start harassing me/cursing me out), and being there was the worst online/gaming/social experience of my life, no joke
Meanwhile, immigrating to Island 1 [Yggdrasil] out of fear for my sanity and blocky life, was the best damn decision I ever made. The place was a goddamn garden of beauty and safety, filled to the brim with genuinely nice people who regularly would say 'hello! :]' to my terrified ass while casually walking past
Motherf-ckers, the VERY FIRST PERSON to be nice to me without any other outside influence, was on Yggdrasil on I'm pretty sure Day 8, and he was a goddamn FIGHTER FOR INFERNUS WHO TOOK FOREVER TO GO DOWN IN THE WAR
Man, 100% genuinely, I despise most of the people on Island 2, and I hope everyone that survived on Yggdrasil and was sweet and a good team player to anyone they came across despite where they came from, I hope you all have a beautiful rest of your year ♥️
And once again fuck you Island 2
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icharchivist · 2 months
Wait, when did I unlock Dark Rapture?
...Not today, Satan
oh yeah :) i think you unlocked the regular Dark Rapture around level 130.
Welcome to hell, you can't escape for ever.
But more seriously if you want more power in your grids it's good to at least poke this raid. (my tip is bring your Light Team and do dmg targetting his wings, better if you do a CA Full Burst, it'll give you at least some honors that can count on getting a good chest)
it's the 30 people raid so people will come and save you and you don't have to worry about his 6people raid nonsense.
Meanwhile he'll drop his blood there (don't worry about it) which you'll be able to trade for his Opus weapons.
the Opus are among the core weapons from any grids once you get into HL (along with Seraphic and Astral weapons -- don't worry about Astrals yet though it's a Bubs/Arcarum problem for later. When you don't have an Astral you can get a Xeno weapon to basically replace it -- and with how much you've been hitting up Sagittarius you may have a lot of mats to work on Xeno Sagittarius' weapons too)
(there's also a weapontype called Draconic you can only unlock from playing Lindwurm and 6 dragons, which functions in similar way to the Opus but on different skillsets -- as a result you can only have one Opus OR one Draconic per grid, you can't have both of them. But usually grids are mostly built around Opus because Draconic still are pretty specific)
The Opus comes into two forms by elements: Renunciation when you have an Omega grid, and Repudiation when you have a primal grid
(in case i have to say it: Omega grid is a grid built with weapons that drop in game and are boosted by the summons from Tiamat/Colossus/Leviathan/Yggdrasil/Luminera/Celeste. Primal grids are prenium grids built from gacha weapons and boosted with summons like Zephyrus/Agni/Varuna/Titan/Zeus/Hades)
So to get stronger you will want the Renunciations weapons:
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you'll find them in Siero's shop, in Treasure Trade > Weapons > High Difficulty. They cost 500 Elemental Quartz (of the element you're trying to get), 255 Weapon stones (of the weapon type the weapon you're trying to get is), and 5 Shadow Substance.
Shadow Substance either drops from Lucilius' main raid, or gets traded in the shop against 5 Dark Residue each, which also drops from Lucilius' main raid with more frequency than the Shadow Substance.
it's honestly actually not too hard, because even just poking the raid can get you guarantee Dark Residue.
The weapon will come at 3* when you get it, and it's going to be uncap that's challenging. 4* is gotten easily with Lucilius' main raid's mats, but 5* will require his HL raid and other HL materials from Gold Brick, Hollow key, and even Co-op's Astaroth.
It also has a newly implanted Transcendence but the mats are all HL nightmare (just the first Transcendence demands 30 of each of the big mats dropped by Lucilius HL, Beelzebub and Belial. We don't touch those).
BUT FOR YOU: getting your Renunciation weapon to 4* shouldn't be too hard and would actually improve your grids greatly.
Also once you get your Opus, you can custom which skills your Opus will get via the Pendulum menu (Shop > Treasure Trade > Power Ups > Skill Items > Pendulums) (it can also be upgraded with Chains, from the same menu, but those are Belial's mats only and we don't do those.) Pendulum will give you customs skills like "boost to skill dmg" or "boost to CA dmg". The first Custom Skills available costs 5 Shadow Substance (Regular Lucilius Raid) and the Second Custom skills costs 5 Tears of the Apocalypse (Lucilius HL raid, so don't worry about it)
just getting A Renunciation weapon to 4* with The First Pendulum would help you a lot.
see it in the way of this is how you can have Seofon do huge dmg.
if anything i explained isn't clear you can check the wiki page about it.
��� congratz on getting there Champion. You'll get even stronger, you'll see.
Take care!
0 notes
atamascolily · 5 months
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Meanwhile, the other Overlords (the corporate ones) at Yggdrasil are not pleased by the ongoing alien invasion, but will likely do shit-all about it because capitalism this show's budget is only so big.
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sonofcoulson · 2 years
Tales of Asgard
Season 1, Episode 6
If He Be Worthy
We see the group escape into Kona Lifandi. A temperate jungle set in the branches of the world tree (Yggdrasil). This is where the Valkyries have made their home.
Thor, Loki and The Warriors Three (Balder edition) are climbing up through the branches to get to the citadel. Balder warns Thor that the Valkyries are strictly a female warriors only society and won't take kindly to them being found there. Volstagg jokes that Balder would be in special trouble as he was the ex boyfriend of many of those female warriors. Thor, in no mood for jokes, only intends to find one. The others vow to remain hidden, though Loki is reluctant to let Thor go alone. Thor makes his way through the jungle and manages to find Sif on her way back to the training camp after bathing (in the cartoon she was in the middle of taking her robe off to bathe which seems like a blatant excuse to have a teen female character semi naked). He approaches her with a request for winged horses. She is angry at first but after Thor explains the trouble he is in she relents but says she can't help and he should go before he is captured. He reveals Elderstahl, but before she can respond he is actually captured.
Meanwhile the Jotun King, Laufey, has led a war party to Asgard. Odin goes to discuss terms for peace, with Laufey then revealing that Thor took the Sword of Surtur and killed two sentries in his escape. Odin is shocked.
He then returns to Algrim to relay the grim news and Laufey's terms for peace. The Jotuns want Elderstahl returned before sundown.
Algrim reasons that our heroes are trying to keep their identity a secret and will not call for Heimdall. They do not realise that it is too late. He knows that they will have to make their way through Svartalfheim to get back to Asgard without acess to a ship or the Bifrost. When he agreed that he would keep Thor's quest secret, he didn't think he would get that far. He reasoned that the Warriors Three (Balder edition) would manage to bring him home. He underestimated the boy. He also had no idea that Loki would get involved. Feeling bad about keeping Thor's secret Algrim offers to go to Svartalfheim, despite the traumatic memories of the previous war between the Frost Giants and the Dark Elves there (he lost most of his people including his family). He will go with Captain Ander and a small band of Einherjar.
Back in Kona Lifandi, Thor wakes up in chains and sees that Kára, leader of the Valkyries, has Elderstahl. Sif is conflicted but, for now, stands with the Valkyries.
Kára says that Asgard should not have sent him, even with such a weapon. Full of bravado as ever, Thor says that he did not come alone. Kára simply points upwards to the Warriors Three suspended from the ceiling by their hands ("you were supposed to stay hidden!").
Balder tries to reason with her (he is not flirty with her like Fandral is in the cartoon) saying that the Valkyries were once Asgard's elite warriors, sworn defenders of the throne. She warns him to be quiet as there are many Valkyries who would enjoy taking his head. She says that spies are executed, princes of Asgard or otherwise. She points to the skeleton of Odin's last spy, riddled with arrows, suspended from a nearby column. Sif is having trouble with the thought of this happening to her friends, especially Thor.
Thor tries to be more reasonable:
Thor: Princes would make terrible spies.
Kára: Clearly...I think Odin sent you to control Sif because she left Asgard.
T (spots Loki hiding behind the column and trying to play it cool): We simply need horses. Please, release us so that we may return before it is too late.
K: You may have angered the Frost Giants, but I believe you mean to return this weapon to Odin, to conquer the nine realms once again and any that stand in his way.
T: I am only trying to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
K: Who are you to judge who is worthy?
T: ...
K (the sword is beginning to have an effect on her): Perhaps it will be my sword.
She realises it is missing and sees Loki holding it in front of Thor. He is threatening to unsheath it unless his friends are released. The blade emits a fiery glow. The Valkyries ready their bows. Kára simply states that if he doesn't stop they will kill Thor. Thor concurs and says the sword should never be used again. Loki concedes and gives Elderstahl to her. She then orders them executed (is it the power of the sword?). This is too much for Sif. Kára says she can join them.
Then the Frost Giants attack! They repaired the crossing (see episode 5) and followed from Jotunheim.
Despite resistance from the Valkyries they move swiftly through the citadel.
Big battle sequence here (for Brunhilde read Kára, for Fandral read Balder, for bear read frost beast):
"Just then Brunhilde notices that her breath is cold. She asks what is going on and Loki realizes that it's the Jotuns.
The wall of the camp freezes and a giant breaks through it. The debris crashes into the camp and slams near the Asgardians. One piece knocks Brunhilde out cold.
A group of giants enter the compound. The leader, who chased the Asgardians before, tells them to kill everyone and get the sword. The Valkyries ready their bows. The giants step through the buildings and begin to smash them.
The Valkyries fire their arrows which stick in the giants but to no effect. The leader brings down his mighty ax among the Valkyries. A group of Valkyries fly in on horses but the giants smack them away. More arrows fly at the intruders.
Thor struggles to break the chains as the fight rages behind him. Sif comes to him but stops when the Warriors Three call out for help. She readies an arrow but a bear storms her. She fires and nicks the rope. She then leaps out of the throne room followed by the bear. She lands on her horse and flies away with the bear in pursuit.
The patrol leader makes his way to the throne room. He pushes the Warriors Three out of his way. The giant's shadow passes over Thor as he looks at the sword and unconscious Brunhilde. He renews his determination and eventually breaks the chains.
The giant approaches the sword as the three continue to swing around.
Thor grabs a spear and runs ahead of the giant. Brunhilde wakes to see the giant's foot coming down on her. Thor runs underneath and readies the spear against the ground. The spear pierces the giant's foot and he staggers back, letting go of his ax, in pain.
The giant stops and tells the murdering Thor that he is going to die. Thor and Brunnhilde look down and see Sif leading the bear back into the chamber. She approaches the giant and dodges at the last moment. The bear slams into the giant forcing him out the chamber and into a building below.
Sif flies around and lands. She gets off the horse and runs to Thor. The Warriors Three continue to swing and the rope finally breaks. The bear looks up and the three slam down on its head knocking it out.
Fandral opens the mouth and asks the others to help him get the fangs...
...Outside, the Valkyries watch as a giant forms a giant snowball. He then throws it at the Asgardians.
Loki steps in front of Sif and Thor and casts a spell. The ball turns to water and splashes them all.
The Warriors Three run up and Volstagg says not to show any mercy. But Brunhilde quickly stops them. They turn and see her holding the sword out to them. Thor asks why not let them help with the giants. Brunhilde says that the men assume they cannot defend themselves.
She gives the sword and tells them to take it. She orders Sif to provide horses and escort them to Asgard. Thor fastens the sword to his belt. Sif agrees and they turn to leave. Brunnhilde stops Sif saying that she should only return when she is truly ready to join them.
High above the now frozen Kona Lifandi, the six Asgardians fly away on Pegasus."
Obviously for the Warriors Three read Warriors Three (Balder edition)! Balder takes the fang as a trophy to impress the women back in Asgard. We will later see him give it to Nanna. He has decided after being embarrassed in Kona Lifandi that he will stop womanising and genuinely likes Nanna anyway. His reputation precedes him so he has some work to do!
Kára changes her mind as the Frost Giant attack has given Thor's story credence and he also saved her life rather than take the sword.
Algrim leads a group of Einherjar into Svartalfheim and details the atrocities against his land and his people. They then come across Thor's group and Algrim warns of the impending war. Realising it is his doing, Thor hands Elderstahl to a hesitant Algrim for safe keeping. It begins to corrupt him immediately, releasing his trauma and anger, which turns him against Odin and Asgard. He kills the Einherjar (including Captain Ander). He makes for Asgard on a Valkyrian pegasus. After picking up Ander's sword, the group pursue.
Thor goes to battle Algrim who has gone to kill Odin for his part in the Dark Elves/Frost Giants war. The others hold the Frost Giants back as the deadline has passed.
Algrim gravely injures Odin in battle. After a brief fight Thor captures him, though Elderstahl is loose in the darkness.
Algrim is then apparently killed by Loki with Elderstahl just as Thor was beginning to talk him around.
Loki's first "kill" is an unarmed man by the way, killed in a fit of rage too.
Thor goes to face his punishment from the Frost Giants and finds Laufey is merciful upon Thor offering up Elderstahl.
NB :-
I feel like the sword should be a corrupting influence which brings out your worst qualities (similar to the Challenge Cup) such as Thor's bravado. That would make Algrim's heel turn more understandable.
No Sif kiss/romance (as happens in the cartoon) as she is doubly conflicted and also grieving for Haldor (see episode 3).
We replace the cartoon's Amora with Sigyn as Sylvie is clearly meant to be the MCU's Enchantress.
Volstagg and Hogun are dismissed from the Einherjar for their disobedience and recklessness despite Balder's pleas. Balder is demoted but not dismissed as he is the King's son (nepotism at work).
Once recovered, Odin has Thor try to lift Mjolnir as he recognises his level of maturity has risen.
Because of realising and facing the consequences of his actions, he is worthy. Loki is quietly like, "Srsly? WTF!", and is mad jealous.
End credits - Algrim has secretly escaped (we can see him desperately trying to wriggle free as Thor monologues and uses the flash of Loki's attack to escape into the darkness) he barely survived but dark elves are even hardier than Asgardians.
He starts his search for Malekith.
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